Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I'm going to do a quick introduction Just the normal stuff I've been saying This lately and maybe it doesn't even Matter I'm going to have to go back to I Think after December or sometime in the Near future you know in the start of the New Year I'm going to have to go have a Conversation with the chat Bots again Because you guys most of you are Probably aware of this but I talk to YouTube chat box CH chat Bots about um I Forget even what the term was but they You know I found out somebody sent me Something where YouTubers were saying They were put on a list where YouTube Was punishing them for doing something Like watching their own videos or some Kind of you know it flagged them and They were not getting um money revenue And these were not truthers they were Just you know normal YouTubers and There's this list you get on because the ALG them sense you're doing something And you're not right um you know my wife Was telling me last night that there are All these kids who are writing their own Term papers and um people are the Professors are putting them through a System that's saying that it's generated By Ai and so AI is falsely saying to These kids that their papers are being Generated by Ai and so the thing doesn't Work right the algorithms and the AI is
Really not it's like not good you know People thought that AI was going to be Smarter it was going to learn to take Over the world but AI does things which Is called um I forget the the term for It hallucinating or something like that Where they make things up that aren't True they they find things they make up Facts to fill in gaps and they do a lot There's a lot of mistakes it's like kind Of a mess my son was actually saying This as well the way I turned out to be Like an incompetent bumbling human being Who does a lot of [ __ ] and takes Shortcuts and lies about [ __ ] and you Know like so but anyways let's go back To my conversation so I had these three Conversations that I you know I Documented them I read them to people um With the AI you know chat bots on YouTube and I said I'm being Shadow band And they said there's no such thing and I said well you don't have a you don't Agree with a term shadowban but you do It like it's a you know something that YouTube does it's a part of how they Treat different types of channels and They clearly do it and we went back and Forth and then all of a sudden I started To get people who hadn't been notified About my videos who had forgot about my Channel altogether and hadn't seen my Channel in years started to get Notifications and all and all of a
Sudden my view count went up I went up From like what it is now cuz it's Regressed again like my views my videos Are down a 3 4,000 and you know went up To 5,000 and More in terms of you know Whatever was going on but now it's Regressed again where I'm getting you Know less than a thousand less all of a Sudden there's been a drop off so I'm Talking about this here so people have To let the chat Bots know that you are Interested and continue to see my Content by you know first liking the Videos because that's the easiest thing To do leaving a comment even if it's Just an emoji and then all the other Things that are available to you there's You know of course the subscribing Resubscribing hitting the notification Button doing anything to let the Algorithms know especially now I'm Putting out more content daily content Almost you know almost uh like every day And a half I'm putting out a video now And you know and that again works Against I mean you think YouTube Definitely wants you to put out more Content but the algorithms don't you Know value it because if people don't Watch the whole video or they don't Click on the video right away or Whatever it is if they're still on the Other video or they're not going to Watch every video or whatever it might
Be YouTube says well the person is no Longer interested in the channel even Though they're watching still watching Content just not as all of it that's Available and so there's all these Things I might go back to putting one Video up a week on the other channel Just uh the apocalyse now channel just To keep that going you know the money Has gotten better than it was but four Years ago in the 2020 Election this was my best two months November and October November and December because all the ad money that Was being spent and I made four times What I'm making now so I don't know if And people are saying they're seeing Lots of ads on my channel so they're Just paying people less for the ads and So you know there's a whole thing I have To deal with in January I me I should be Okay for December then I have to but you Know it's a whole battle I was talk to My son about um you know he was asking Me about the channel and the merch and Things and you know I have merch that's Available and I want to there's a few Things more things I'm going to get back Into that hopefully next year and of Course people can leave a one-time Donation or be a part of the membership Program which I put a regular Journey Series videos and eventually when I have More time I'm going to start putting out
My old videos and making them available To members and so you know there's They're really letting people do more Now they're not yellowing the videos Like they used to YouTube relaxes on all These things like the community Guidelines stuff and demonetization of Videos when they can make more money When they have a lot more ad Revenue Which is in the especially in an Election year and then going into Christmas where there's just a lot of Advertisement and then come the January February they clamp down and so this is Like the whole thing um so we'll see Anyways um like I just want to bring That up and I got a bunch of stuff to Get to today going to be a a kind of Epic video about apocalyptic stuff I've Already I'm halfway through making it But let's get into it Here okay greetings brothers and sisters I got a bunch of things to get To um Britney Spears is making a Comeback I haven't covered her in a While somebody sent me something from Her and just seems like it feels Right to bring Britney back like this is Going to cover the full barrage of the Apocalypse Mar law in North South Korea um just all kinds of things that Are about the collapse of the system and These are just all kind of you know Unrelated but totally related events so
The first thing is that we passed $36 Trillion and they're covering it I saw At least on Fox News and somewhere else So that's happened right we're well Above 36 trillion we're already at 36 Trillion and that would be almost $200 Billion And so um I don't know when we passed it But you know we did it we didn't think We could do it but we did it I've gone Through this before you know all the Stuff and the unfunded liabilities down Here and everything just keeps on Getting redder and redder um the5 Trillion dollar in income and a Quadrillion dollars of debt it just Doesn't the numbers just don't work and So let's go to this um let's go to this Other video Okay so Twitter actually does the best Job of recommending videos for me this One was recommended I don't know who This was it's by this guy George who I Don't follow George with a check mark George Is um the Lord is Good president Trump just dropped Bombshell by nominating Billy long a Former Auctioneer to the the Commissioner of the IRS long famously Made one of the funniest jokes in Congress about the national debt so one Other thing being an Auctioneer in Congress the way our debt is running out
Of control they find it very handy to Have Jeff Duncan and myself here in Washington we are one of the few people That can actually keep up with a National debt a trilon two TR now three 3 TR now four4 trillion five5 trillion 6000 6 trillion 7 7 trilon 88 Tron 99 10 10 10 10 11 11 TR here 12 122 13 you to Buy you out of here 13 trillion 14 14 Trillion out 15 I have sold it 14 Trillion thankfully Mr Speaker we also Could say those numbers backwards so we Get the spending under okay so but you Know what it's double that bro so I Don't know when he did it he's not that Great an Auctioneer I always like Listening to those auctioneers he's he's Okay like you know but there's some Better ones you know they do it at the Um if you go to these places where they Sell cattle and then of course other Other places so it's um you know kind of Funny but it's whenever he did this it's Doubled since then you know when I think It was 9 trillion when I started to look At it back in like 2014 whatever it was you know so it's I Mean it's tripled since that time more Than Tripled almost quadrupled so and we're Talking about trillions of dollars and9 Trillion dollar triping N9 trillion Dollar um then it's you know that's very Substantial anyways um there's this guy
Okay so Biden White House is discussing Preemptive pardons for those in Trump's Crosshairs so it's apparently he's Thinking about pardoning Pardoning um see what it says here the Um fouchy Adam skiff Liz Cheney um Somewhere here Dr fouchy I don't know Dr Fouchy here Dr fouchy you know he's not A Healer but he's a Doctor and a number of these other Places right skifty skift and Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi possibly and so He's saying that Trump's going to go After them and so they should be Pardoned but you know he can only go After them if they committed crimes Right so you know I think it might be a Good thing just to move on from all this Stuff I know people want to see Retribution or whatever it is but that Just never ends well and there's more Important things like the collapse of Civilization but it'd be pretty effed up If he does like it'll be I mean you know We'll see if he does but this is from Political Politico and so um you know we'll See okay so this is starting to look Kind of cheesy and fake 23 P hour just Minutes ago the NYPD released these new Images and I want you to take a look at Him of the suspect wanted in the fatal Shooting of the United Healthcare CEO
Brian Thompson here you can see a lot Clearer his face so up to this point They just had a mask of the guy these Are the two pictures take a look at that This one he's smiling this is so this Guy who you know who dressed up in this Outfit went to multiple places with Cameras wearing the same outfit and here He is like I mean Just it looks kind of bogus right he's Smiling in this thing it doesn't look Like a sass the guy who's just about to Kill somebody or after he killed Somebody with the mask off second Picture you they have all these cameras Everywhere so he would have to leave the Mask on until he where he went to Wherever he went you know someplace Where he he was able to change his Clothes outside of where um you know the Cameras would pick him up And so still the mask off not smiling But you can see a much Clear photo Especially in this one I think that's The better of the two it's starting to Look you know I mean all these things Are kind of suspect but you it looks Kind of fake of uh these new pictures That as we can see the suspect in I I Don't know where the he looks like he's In some kind of Lounge area here I don't Know if this is in like a almost like a College campus I would say or I don't Know what this this is a seat here and
So again this would be the same day like He's wearing the same clothes he did When he allegedly did the shooting Photos are from but of course we'll Bring you uh all the updates as we get Them there is this is a fast moving St It's moving it's fast moving and they Have something about Trump okay so I Grabbed this clip yesterday today's Friday December 6th in the morning it Was the first part first thing I did for This video and and then I found out more Information about this but ultimately I Watched a News segment CNN or MSNBC where they were talking about how Great CCTV type of you know British um you Know there's a whole uh there was a Whole CCTV show on Peacock that was you know kind of Conspiratorial and it showed how they Could deep fake all this CCTV stuff and They were doing it to arrest people and Fake evidence and things like this kind Of interesting show it had two seasons Good show well done and so they're Pushing CCTV because they have this guy Now this is supposed to be a trained Assassin he knew how to follow this guy And stake him out get him you know right In front of the hotel he had a bike Ready to jump on and ride his bike to Safety and he was a silencer you know in The busy no noisy New York City he had
The ability to purchase a gun with a Silencer and he looks like some you know Kid like that um looks like Jake Gyllenhaal or some [ __ ] here right like So but he was riding all over town on His bike they got him everywhere going Everywhere before and after the shooting They got him in this whatever it is Coffee bar wherever he is here smile on His face exposing his face with the mask Off or maybe this is somebody who's just Dressed like him maybe there's guys they Put multiple people all over town to do This but it looks kind of cheesy like They're using this as a a way to push CCTV to get more surveillance in these Cities so that this kind of thing can't Happen I mean it's that's you know like It doesn't it just looks like one of These bogus things because they're Openly talking about it on CNN and MSNBC and so this is whatever it is but It looks like it's you know one of these Agenda driven type of uh Stories so then there's this Parliament After the president declared emergency Martial law president yunsuk Yol Announced a step in a televised brief And saying it was critical for defending The country's constitutional order Yun Has accused his political opponents in Parliament of sympathizing with North Korea saying they've paralyzed the Government with anti-state activities
Now those opposition Parliament Ministers are trying to force a vote to Lift the martial law let's bring in Foreign correspondent Marcus Moore along With ABC News okay so martial law I mean This is stuff that's going to be coming You know you're going to see a breakdown Civilization things that you've never Seen before of course the Aurora Borealis people are seeing that which Means that there's going to be the polls Are going to flip I mean that's at least That was what that was predicted a long Time ago that there' be a pole reversal And when you start seeing the Northern Lights that's when you know what's going To come when you're seeing Northern Lights in like Florida you know like you Know that it's um thums up but you know Martial laws Coming to America at some Point too Trump wait can't wait to bring It in and we'll see you know Trump's Unpredictable but this is the direction That the these things are going also um Let me insert this clip I already got This clip before because it was up on my Toolbar and I grabbed it when I had Chance but this alleged gunman who shut Down that that healthc care CEO guy in New York City he's got pictures of the Guy smiling with his mask off let me go To that because it seems pretty Suspect okay so one of my viewers on Instag sent me this right with somebody
Else sent me the stuff with Britney That's coming up in a little bit so this Guy this Photo yes sir I do Okay the guys this is the guy back here Behind Kamla this is the guy this is um there's Something to do with um Trump's bogus Assassination attempt remembrance of September 11th it was was it in New York It was at Ground Zero Okay who is usually at an event like This close to the president of the United States security wise the sack of the Detail special agent in charge of the Detail were you the special agent in Charge of the detail that Day actually let me address this could You please staff leave that oh no leave That one up with he's getting he's Getting pretty testy circle around me Thank you so this guy had something to Do with the Secret Service this has to Do with Trump Assassination so actually Congressman What you're not seeing is the sack of The detail off out of the picture's View And that is the day where we remember The more than 3,000 people that have Died on 911 this sanctimonia [ __ ] he's pulling Out right I actually responded to Ground Zero he did he he's one of those guys
He's a responder so here's the president So the the person they saying is somehow Behind President Biden right because This is the secret service so they're Saying this is a secret service failure But the guys get testy here you know too Like a bogus you know this bogus thing Here this you know you the whole thing And then the whole bogus thing with Trump's alleged you know his his his WWE Assassination attempt the whole thing's Just like a joke I was there going Through the ashes of the World Trade Center he was he was there that guy he's A patriot here he is right here he's got A big red circle around whenever there's A red circle that's never good I was There at Fresh kills I'm not you I'm Asking you you the were you the special Agent in charge to show respect for a Secret Service died on 911 that you're trying To be do not invoke 911 for political [Laughter] Purposes look at them go look at these Little clowns go I'm not I'm invoking This you are Sir like to ask him a question TR bully Me don't try to bully me I try to bully Him elected member of Congress and I'm Asking you a serious question and you Are a public servant who has served this Nation and you w on our day on our Country's Darkest Day our country's
Darkest Day Don't try to Politicize I'm asking you serious Questions for the American people and They're very simple they're not true Questions were you the special agent in Charge that day no I wasn't I was there Representing Service Mr your affect protective oper There because you wanted to be visible Because you are dising for this was There to pay respect for a fallen member Of this agency youer out of Congress Vice president's life because you are Put you put those agents out of position You have a radio with You I did Sir so um and you are out of Line you are out of line so he's saying That this guy wanted to get in the photo So he took the guy's spot who should Have been there who was the guy who was In charge of the operations of security And now this guy's claiming that um he Put them in Jeopardy by doing that and I Don't know if this guy is um is applying For this job maybe he's one of Trump's Appointing I don't know if they're even Ready to do that I mean this is must be For Biden because Trump's hearings don't Begin till um a month I'm not sure what The context is here but this is doesn't Bode well That was just two little boys yelling at Each
Other okay so I want to go to Britney J Spears here today is Friday December 6th Before she Erases her instago um account now I Haven't covered Britney about six months Little baby given the finger there you Know Innocently and not knowing what it's Doing but Britney's got a lot of flowers She likes The Roses it's uh like her Illuminati Symbol and she seems to be doing all the Stuff she was doing before microchip is That what that Is Um you know posing and not Acting like an adult like a Teenager um there's a video over one of These videos she's dancing I'm going to Go into that but first let's go to this One here This is her Um she's uh this is the one that person Sent to me I'm not really sure why the Paparazzi have me going on a plane Looking like I'm wearing a Jason mask it Doesn't even look like me I don't know Why I have a torch in my hand honestly I Think my friend accidentally gave that To me but anyways um it's my birthday I'm not turning 42 I'm turning five this Year I'm turning 5 years old and um I Have to um go to kindergarten Tomorrow it's baby strawberry a very
Very cute baby baby cake that my um Friend got it's baby Strawberry so this little girl thing is Very disturbing like even if she was Trolling best case scenario she's Trolling and this is just a joke you Know she doesn't have um people don't Have the ability to comment anymore more And she used to read the comments and Interact with the commenters and so She's you know got divorced and like it Was it's been about six to8 months since I've seen anything from Britney I guess I've seen some stories about her but I Haven't really covered her I don't you Know I remember the last time I made a Video that included Britney you know YouTube was demonetizing my videos Because she was dressed too scantily and We'll see if they do that here because They seem to be less uh apt to do that At least now which I talk about sometime Later in the you know whatever you know Why or I talk about in the introduction Why YouTube does it but either way she You know talks in a very childlike voice Which is so Disturbing and people who have been MK Ultra or whatever my you know this is The kind of thing that happens they Regress and they become little children Especially if there's sexual abuse when They're very young and things like this But you know she's 42 years old and I
Mean Jesus [ __ ] Britney you know like Just you know make it stop it's just a I Mean she's just a nightmare out there She's just like this you know this Poster card for like you know beta sex Kitten thing or whatever they have right When I landed in this exotic beautiful Place my phone kept showing the same two Pictures I'm like what is my phone Trying to tell me I'll literally go call Or text it and these two pictures pop up It kept showing me my foot when it was Broken and a picture of a a church so I Was like I've been safe with it because I don't I think I've been in a confident Place in my head so I want to find my Real Body um the one that would never do Something if I didn't want it To the healing starts with the Mind First I know at one point in my life it Literally wasn't even my body just from Everything it was forced to do so many Things I disagreed with well it was Humiliating so now I'm definitely feel a Spiritual transformation I know this Sounds crazy but just owning my feet I Don't want to go to the Gym I want to I want to do is move and Feel alive or just move just a mood and Have moments like where I'm like what The f was I doing because it would it's Been a long time since I've been away to Play I'm dancing and it feels so so good
To let go I guess like a dance studio But I like a small Place okay so this is her she's there She goes touching oh pointing yeah all Right yeah that's my body that my body Look out that's my body that's slapping My butt I'm pointing the finger oh look At this look I'm I'm sassy I'm getting Sassy I'm not I don't have broken feet Anymore I'm going to own my body I'm own My body look at me look at me wiggle my Hips let me take the camera there you go I'm going to pray do my thing oh H my Hands are out hey look I'm opening up up Open up to the world there's my hair hey Wait wait walk away from I'm coming back See I'm sass Sass up and [Music] Down we haven't done a Britney dance in A while there point I'm pointing at you Yeah there you go open it up all right Britney dance we haven't seen this in a While she's wearing her leopard skin She's only 5 years old oh Obama during This comma Harris administ she he it Changed my opinion to that guy I don't Understand how we got so toxic so Divided and so bitter he said he wanted Generals like Adolf Hitler had Donald Trump said that did you have a high Opinion of him before I did I did just As an intelligent person the Statesman He's probably like caught up in the
System it's very difficult to make real Meaningful change you think you're going To do something and then you get into Office and you're like oh God what a Quagmire this place is but watching him Just straight up lie about Trump the Childish nicknames the crazy conspiracy Theories this weird obsession with crowd Sizes the thing that got me was that Very fine people thing with the white Supremacist thing they just kept trying To say that he was a racist when he's Not complaining he's trying to sell you Stuff yeah you're running for pres and You're Hawking merchandise gold sneakers $100,000 watch why are you selling a Watch what are you doing which is this Thing that I think worked in like 2017 I don't think it works anymore I Don't think people believe it anymore We've gotten numb to all this stuff Obama during this so um I want to Comment on this there's another Joe Rogan thing coming up about Joe Rogan With Chris Cuomo some guy lights Chris Cuomo up for the ior meon Stuff but you know him saying that he Respected Obama like what is really Mindboggling about the whole thing is This that Obama didn't want kamla Harris We now know from my last video I mean we Knew this already that they weren't all Psyched about KL Harris nobody was Because he screwed everybody Joe Biden
Effed Everybody by making her vice President she was insurance policy Because she was basically unelectable Right he picked her because he had to Pick someone he had to pick a woman so He um you know Biden boxed himself in a Corner they said you know they're Pressuring him to pick a woman he said He's definitely going to pick a woman For vice president like he just said he Was going to choose the best person and They never do you know the vice President is never like somebody that is Considered going to be a good president They don't pick a star you know they Pick a Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson you Know for you younger people Johnny Carson used to host the Tonight Show you Know the Jimmy Fallon show and Ed McMahon was his sidekick and Ed McMahon Would come out and do some comedy before The show you know before they taped to Warm up the audience and it was never Going to be as good as Johnny Carson's Like if the comedy this wasn't you know The the jokes were going to be subpar You know they'd be funny but not you Know to the audience or whatever but They're never going to be as good as the Main guy right like the people who have Sidekicks like flavor flave you know the Vice president's like a flavored flave Like a wingman somebody who Hypes up a Hype man or somebody who's like Joe like
Joe Biden was that guy like Joe Biden Wasn't ever going to be a bigger star Than Obama Joe Biden was was considered A bumbling fool who made a lot of you Know gaffs and bad decisions you know Dan Quail was the guy right for George H Walker Bush you know Dick Cheney was not A person that could ever win presidency Dick Cheney was unelectable he like cold And nobody liked them right so you look At the vice presidents and they almost Never are going to win presidency you Know Al Gore like almost did but you Think of Vice President you're next in Ly to be president and you're you're Getting experience but usually you're You're used as uh you know they throw You under the bus a lot and you're You're used to deflect you know you're Like a punching bag or a shield for the President you're doing things they're Putting you out there to act the fool so The president can look good so the President doesn't pick they don't pick a A quality person for vice president you Know Sarah Palin for a while she was Like a bigger star than John McCain like She was more liked and more popular than John McCain when she first came on the Scene and that was a problem it's Problematic and then they torpedoed her Like you know they threw her under the Bus I mean of course she torpedoed Herself because she was a [ __ ] but you
Know these are the kind of things that Happen to VP and VP picks Tim Walls is Going to disappear it's probably one of The reasons they didn't pick Josh airo Because he had more star power Than the kamla Harris and maybe he Didn't even want to do it because the Vice presidency you know in kamla Harris's position it was likely Joe Biden wasn't going to make it through His first term and so there was all of That right so that's the you know that's All of the you know that's everything And so they picked kamla Harris and Joe Biden did his insurance policy thrw Under the bus for the when he made her Borders are when the Border was in Crisis and he really didn't like her and That's like coming out now all these Insiders are talking about how they they Never really got along and so then he he Waited too long to withdraw and they and They they waited too long the Democratic Party to get rid of him because they Didn't want to primary him and because Not just because of I mean they want Wanted kamla Harris I his team at least Had some control over kamla Harris the Biden team and so they picked kamla he Picked kamla and they just you know Everybody uh f you know everybody threw Their hats and everybody rallied around Her but they didn't want her and it's Been you know it's been said over and
Over again now that all these people Were were not into KLA Harris and Biden Uh and Obama was one of them Obama Didn't want kamla Harris and nobody Thought she could win but Obama comes Out and puts his credibility online and You know Obama had a big Coalition and The kind of Voters that they needed for KLA Harris the demographics that Supported him he was supposed to Rally Those demographics and he didn't because People don't give a [ __ ] about other People endorsing whether it's uh Beyonce Or any of these other people as Taylor Swift or Obama and it was a big fail for Obama and he went all in on Trump and You know he hemorrhaged a lot of his Credibility and his relevancy by doing That it makes no sense because he didn't Want her in the first place and most of The people in Democratic party were kind Of eyeing 2028 Because they realized this thing was [ __ ] you know so like the whole thing Is very silly like it doesn't make sense Right the way that they played it out Because they all went all in on Trump And Trump is now gone and now they all Like 2028 is going to be a completely Different situation I don't know if JD Vance will have any relevance there but He isn't you know he's we'll see how He's utilized the next four years and we Don't know what's going to come out of
The what's the Republican party is going To [ __ ] out as it candidate and the Democratic party they they're in chaos Right and they're still they're in debt Again and all that [ __ ] that happened Last time and they have now two rigged Uh primaries and a third primary where They didn't even have a primary and they Had a cile president for a while and his Dy you know um knee pads undeserving Candidate and so like they're a mess and Their donors are pissed off and they did Seemed like they did a lot of money Laundering and they just stole like A you know some po large portion of a Billion dollars in donations and Ciphered it amongst themselves right and So you know to say that he had respect For Obama and doesn't now I mean the Whole Democratic party the The Establishment is bad you know the whole Everyone who's in it but the Democratic Party had just as Imploded okay so this guy is Dave Smith I've never heard about him before he has A ptb podcast okay so I'm editing and He's a guest on this other guy's podcast And he's just going to absolutely light Chris Cuomo up Chris Cuomo could have Easily avoided this by not being a Douche it's just he just couldn't do it He just could not turn off his you know I used to have this thing with um they Used to have the handoff or the Handover
Chris CUA was um supposedly friends with Don Lemons who fa fake cried when Chris CUO got fired remember all that stuff um But they would have this Handover you Know where Chris komo's show would end And Don lemon's show would begin and Sometimes it went on for like 10 minutes Into into helon show and they were just Such so douchy and I created this thing Called the douche off and I would do you Know points or whatever and there'd be a Winner but they were both you know Equally douchy in one way or another and So let's get into this here one of my Viewers sent it this to me on instag but I didn't even realize would be okay to Be put on uh YouTube YouTube has relaxed A lot of their medical misinformation Stuff Rogan's show Glenn Greenwald has a Show Tim P has it all these people have Shows and we all disagree about so many Things but the one thing we kind of all Agree about in this area is that we Opposed the co Insanity that was kind of The thing that United all of the shows On the internet that are big and it was A strange f for you to come from CNN Into this world it kind of reminds it's Like Dick Cheney trying to join the Anti-war movement or something like that And the truth is so this is what he's Saying like him and Don Lemons they Shielded for Cen it and they both they Both said that they were saying things
They didn't necessarily believe in you Know they were being handled I mean in Their different ways both of them Admitted this right this what this guy's Saying here and then all of a sudden They were they didn't have a show and They were disgraced I cuos was disgraced By his brother and things that he did With his brother but it was more more Than just that being in in the basement For Co the way that he handled the Basement segments but he was great in The basement that was the best that was Cuos at his best right and then he came Out of the basement he you know they Made a big deal about his his wife Wouldn't hug him remember let me show You that clip that's just great She all right let's do little little Little bit of a we here in terms of what This Georgia reopening means for the Rest of us and okay so Chris Cuomo Pretended he was in the basement for a Month or so when he had covid right and A guy saw him out a guy with fat tire Biker you know those bikes with the fat Tires and Chris kma went on some radio Show was slamming the Fat Tire biker They caught him out in in like um you Know in uh whatever that place is um The the to see the shore where all these Rich people The Hamptons where all these Rich people go from New York right and So but he did escape the basement but in
Terms of his CNN show he did it from the Basement and it was great it was really Entertaining like I I didn't appreciate As much as I should have back then I Didn't watch a lot of it but what I saw Was kind of hilariously bad obviously to The people there and a little bit of me Here as well we had a huge day today in Kazak kuomo take a look at This so he was really back in his Basement but he really wasn't all right Here it is the official re-entry from The basement cleared by CDC a little Sweaty just worked out happens it Happens it happens when I work out this Is what I've been dreaming of literally For weeks my wife yeah right she's like Don't Mount [Laughter] Me now they this was a whole thing right So he's supposed to be in the basement And she's like go back to the Basement go back to the basement troll Like ogre like she was no part of them Right she was cleared by the CDC she Doesn't have fever she doesn't have the Symptoms anymore more than 7 days from Her quarantine we're still a little Scared so I'll just give you one of These just give you one of these just Give you one of these just give you one Of these Bella is of course taking the Video This is the dream just to be back up
Here doing normal things you know they They the kids know he's bullshitting Because he was doing things with them he Was out in public like two weeks ago so It's all Lies let's bring in Dr sanj okay so this Is what this guy's saying that you know It was just not him it was Tucker Carlson who was you he was fired for Being more edgy and more more of kind of A truth or you know whatever I mean none Of these guys are like real truthers They are what they are like I don't you Know you can't categorize people but They're less in terms of carrying the The mainstream narrative right and Cuomo's backed away from this now he's At new Newsmax but he was on his own for A little bit he hasn't own YouTube and This is what this guy's saying that you Were such a you know a piece of [ __ ] uh Shill for the covid agenda and then you Came out and started to say things about It after it's all you know when it's too Late right after the damage has been Done I just realized this I went to Render that little clip let's get after It let's get after It let's get after it they don't get After [ __ ] on CNN let's get after it get After what get after you sucking get After you guys chilling for the Mainstream story get after you guys uh Just doing whatever your handlers and
Your advertisers like fizer and big Pharma And the CIA and the you know the Intelligence community and all these the Government and the Democratic party tell You what to say right what are you Getting after like you [Laughter] Know what can you possibly Beed after That what really was was I think Incredible to me and to many people was That it was kind of amazing to watch you Admit so many of the things that you Admitted on the podcast with Pat but at The same time you laughed off the idea Of an apology you your first thing you Said was apology no way there's no way And then you proceeded to go on to Confirm what all of us had known for so Long but you sir were smearing People Like Us for having this view you were at The time when the covid insanity struck You were the number one show at CNN a Time when the nation that's amazing but That not really amazing cuz CNN sucks so Bad that cuos was the number one show I Mean think about that cuos right like CNN fired him and then of course Don Lemons wasn't doing as well when Cuomo Left and now they got a hole there right But with all the bad [ __ ] that they have On their scos was the number one show Was going through a major crisis and Totalitarianism swept throughout all 50
States actually minus one I think South Dakota never had lockdowns 49 out of the 50 stat went totalitarian they didn't Have lockdowns but they did have a dog Get killed at 13 months I think that's What happened South we got to get the Fact keep something I think Kim Jong-un Was involved I'm not sure about the Details but during this moment you know You we really needed people especially People who had a big platform you were The number one show at CNN which is huge Almost as big as this show And he's taking a big [ __ ] on because I I've never heard of his podcast And it seems to me that you rather than Doing what your job should have been at The time which was to be skeptical of Power and to shine a light against the Propaganda it seems like you ate up Every single piece of propaganda Repeated all of it without any thought To whether it was true or not and then Smeared millions of Americans like Myself uh who were opposed to this stuff So that's where that's where my beef is Chris I understand your Beef um why would I not apologize an Apology is when you say something that You shouldn't have said that was wrong To say that you said for bad reason or You're trying to hurt uh none of those Apply I hear your understanding of so You know I'm not a big apology person
Like I you know and we say things just Because they're what we do culturally But saying thank you to people you know Even those things and you're welcome you Know like somebody saved your life hell Thank you you know like you know it Depends on what degree of whatever They've done and thank you and you know I'll say those things as I have to but You you really it's not like you erase The debt somebody's actually done Something for you and you're thanking Them right you know it's just courteous Or whatever it is but apologies are even Worse Because you know when I worked in Treatment centers with kids and then I Had my own kids it became like do we Force the kid to apologize if it doesn't Come from somewhere inside of them I Mean you're training them to do Something but are they really sorry Right and then people will say they're Sorry when they're really not or maybe They feel sorry in the moment but They're going to go do the same thing Again later right and so so it like not Really about that it's about admitting You're wrong which is what coro's real Crime is admitting you're wrong and Admitting why you were wrong and what You did you know what was the the the You know the handlers at CNN and what it Was expected of him and why you did what
You did because what he did was wrong What all these people did was wrong and Then admitting these other people know More than you because they were right And that's what in the truth Community We've been on the right side of these Things the you know the good truthers I Mean the real ones because it isn't that Hard it's you know it's the constraints Of the mainstream media and the social Conventions and the money and the the Advertisers like fiser and things like This that make it hard to tell the truth For these people but for all of us who Are independent of that it's not hard if We're not coming in with a you know pre Prejudice you know with a we're Prejudging a situation because of our Our political beliefs right if we're Free from all of that it's very easy to Be right about what's going on because It's very obvious like it's not like Doesn't take some Mastermind right but You know for cuos and these people it Does because they had handlers and CNN Has you know they have advertisers and They have a limited bandwidth that they Can talk about so for Chris cuos to keep His show just like you know I covered This with Stephen A Smith Stephen A Smith was really hard on Kyrie Irving it Started off with covid and then it got Personal and then it got personal with His dad but Stephen A Smith admitted he
Had issues with the vax but he you know Disney ABC Disney ESPN he works for ESPN Was um you know he was getting $8 Million a year and now he's got even Bigger contract and he didn't want to Give up his $8 million a year and so There's a woman on who was fired because She didn't want to take it because she Was she was trying to get pregant with Her husband they fired her he didn't Stand up for anybody and he [ __ ] all Over Kyrie Irving because you know all Of these all the stuff that I said about The $8 million same thing with Chris Komas to keep his show he had to do what He did and then he got fired and then All of a sudden now he's into telling The truth right and so you know he's More honest but he's things he wish he Could have said but didn't want to lose His job of the pandemic I don't agree I Lived it closer than you you in many Ways uh closer than any of you probably In many ways you know you didn't like I Had Co three times and you know I had a More realistic I mean I went and did What I had to do to regain my health Co Like wrecked my I was I went into Co With a a suppressed immune system I was Just worn out from you know my travels And you know what happened in India 18 Years of a bad marriage that ended in a Horrific divorce and having reent my Life at 50 I was just wiped out you know
My life had um I was depleted My Life Energy wasn't what it was and so when I Got Co I was just in a weakened State And Co decimated my body in different Ways so I had to rebuild it I had to and I'm not into it like I'm just you know My my my thing is to just you know Exercise and live life of course I eat You know more healthy now I I used to Not but I I avoid going to doctors Especially alpath doctors and all that Stuff unless I really have to you know But of course prevention is a big thing For me just in terms of a spiritual view Of life right uh but you know for him to Come out and say that he had a different Experience what because you were in the Basement with that [ __ ] stuff that You did right like it's the arrogance of The guy like he thinks still thinks he Knows more about Co when he was on the Wrong side of everything and now he Admits he was on the wrong side of Everything but he's still claiming he Knew more and there were absolutely Mistakes made the idea that it was a Totalitarian regime that's hyperbole um My main reason for wanting to discuss This with you guys I do this for three Reas Ratings ratings he's trying to build a Bigger audience this is why like just [ __ ] be honest reasons um a lot of People would say the first is that I'm a
Self- Loa and I like to set myself up in Very bad situations um he a self Lo let's get after it He's a self Lo um maybe maybe not I Think there lo there's a huge mistake Being made in ignoring this conversation Now you say this world of podcasts You're having a very limited definition Of podcasts you Rogan P this is a very Small part of what the podcast world is Right you have a lot of different Ideologies There I just got a phone call let's Continue here the media the power Structures do not understand why I would Be here right now I got the same message I did a lot of prep for tonight because Frankly this was years ago and I had to Go back and understand the context of Time look at what you were saying at the Time and frankly the idea that you were Ahead of understanding is like saying a Broken clock is right twice a day you Didn't like things you were right to not So um You know this is the problem with these [ __ ] guys right we were right on so Many different things like he's saying All the stuff that's on the Internet It's just a section of all the [ __ ] That's on there sure but there is Quality in the truth community and in The podcast community and whatever it is Right that is much better than anything
On the mainstream media and of course There's you know so many different you Know there's millions of YouTube Channels there's millions of podcasts There's millions of these things but They still think that we just get lucky Or we're just you know we oppose the Government every time so when the Government makes a mistake we're right Like we're right all the time right like We're just right because it's not hard To be right like they can't be right Because the powers that be tell them What to say right like it's just that [ __ ] simple they're told what they Have to say because Chris Cuomo's and Don Lemons both said they were being Handled as soon as they got fired they Said all right now I'm going to let my You know I'm going to unleash my true Message and their true message sucks Because they suck but it's a lot more Realistic and all of a sudden now They're saying things that they used to Say the exact opposite and they used to Come in hard on all the the people right Like them I didn't like them but to say You knew things is not accurate in terms Of what I've seen and what you put out They were operating on guesses now that Gets much more powerful when we get into The vaccine but in terms of the pandemic In general the idea that we were doing Things in the United States that were
Just so Crazy is demonstrably false because it Was him saying they're acting on guesses Where they're you know you it's more Than just a guess right like we don't Have the resources to prove things Scientifically nor do I have the ability To read scientific data like I don't Have the ability to collect data and I Don't to do it in a way that would be Honest you know not not influenced by Big farm or something like that and then If I did collect that data I have no way Of interpreting it I'm not trained in That field but in terms of what I do on A spiritual level which is much more Accurate because the spiritual level is Where the ultimate truth is and so if You penetrate to a spiritual level which I call the ethernet and you connect with The Divine Source it cuts through all The [ __ ] and science the truth of Science doesn't compare to that the Truth of science is in you know in is Trying to find truth within an illusion You know the mainstream you know the Third third dimensional reality is Illusionary it's called Maya right I've Talked about this you know like we live In a simulation whatever whatever that Means but it's illusionary our true self Is our soul and our body is now like We're you know our soul is is what we Are are and our body and in the third
Dimensional world and our egos and our Lives are being we're in a video game Right and the soul is you know outside Controlling to some extent the soul is On a different level because it's not Like the same where you're you have Controllers like when you're in a video Game you're sitting there controlling Manually manipulating the character with Your you know the various buttons and You know um whatever else you have on Your you know your your game console but Your soul is creating your body to go in This illusionary world and so trying to Find truth in this illusionary world is Impossible because the world itself is An illusion but if you penetrate to the Spiritual you will find truth so for him To say guessing at least in my case That's not true right because he's Lumping us all in together and you know They they explain their ass kicking that They're getting in the ratings due to That like we're guessing and sometimes We get it right but what what he has to Do he has to do the the hard looking at The Hard Evidence but the guy's going to Play himself right here anyway it's Happening everywhere else in the world So it's not like just the US decided to Go bat [ __ ] crazy and I couldn't wait For the ride that's not that's not the [Laughter] Case yeah you could yeah you couldn't
Like why I'm doing this is here's my big Concern I have no problem with you Laying into me and I think you're funny And I think you're smart and I Understand why he believes in you I do I Cuz I I didn't know who you were now I've listened to 19 hours of what you do Why you want to call yourself as Somebody who ever wants to be in Politics Legion of skank I have no idea Why you want to identify with that word But we'll talk about that after this Tonight exactly let's get into the skank Thing because that that's right up comoo Alley and his brother you know his Brother got nipple nipple barbells or Something remember he got these nipple Rings and like you could see him through His shirt they were like barbells it's Guys nipples pierced and then he got Remember Andrew Kos was going to be they Were going to replace Biden with chomos In the 2020 ticket they were talking About that for a while because Biden was [ __ ] up it was clearly you know was Clearly uh having dementia issues and People were flowing out the idea because Cuos was doing such a great job with Co In New York until he got fired for Taking all these people who are you know Who are and putting him in with the most Vulnerable population of elderly people In ning homes and 9,000 people died that He he covered up instead of firing him
For that which would have cost millions Of billions of dollars in lawsuits they Fired him for sexual harassment and then Chrisos got fired for covering up Remember that's all how that went down Right sure here's what I want okay and Pat knows this Already do we know what the vaccine is Doing in people's bodies right now no do We know what Co is doing in people's Bodies right now no no so then why the [ __ ] would you ever believe in the Mainstream medical community because It's a biological weapon because they Lied about where it came from they Started off talking about how it came From an Open Air Market in Bat remember When it was [ __ ] caused by bats and Then they said it was Pengalin and then They said well maybe it's a lab and then It was like well maybe the US was Involved with that lab Maybe fouy was involved with that lab You know the NIH and maybe we were going For gain of function we were trying to Make a biological weapon and maybe it Leaked but maybe it didn't maybe it was Intentional I mean they never got to That part and that maybe the world Wouldn't have gone along with it if it Hadn't been intentional if they hadn't Known was coming and maybe they want to Reduce the population because that's What [ __ ] really needs to be talked
About because there is a legitimate Population problem and systems are Breaking down and they're having trouble Feeding people and the economic system's Breaking down and maybe that Everything's more desperate than they Let us like to let us believe because There is no too big to fail and maybe All these things were there to you know Serve a a bigger agenda that you guys Weren't either told about or you guys Couldn't figure out on your own maybe All those things quo I talked this week In preparation to be with you guys to Two different people who are at the top Of the research ladder of long Co that Is a very pale distinction they are okay So why are you trusting these people When they they said it was came from Bats that fouchy still won't admit it Came from China or Wuhan and it didn't Come from China because China would be Obliterated okay if it did come from China why isn't the world punishing China for Le Los leaking the the virus And if this did happen where there's Much worse stuff that they have they're Doing biological manipulation on various Diseases that could be like something Where wipe out half the population and Once you have a lab leak of one thing Well couldn't you have a lab leak of Another and so why not destroy all that Bad [ __ ] that you made get rid of all of
It all these Labs get rid of every Biological [ __ ] weapon that you've Made because now you [ __ ] up why isn't That being talked about like isn't that Logical that once you [ __ ] up on that Level like this is a huge screw up where You know upwards of 7 million people Supposedly died economies were wrecked And all the [ __ ] that Co represented and It wasn't even that bad I mean those of Us that had it was weird but it wasn't Really deadly like you know for most of Us it seemed like it was because you Couldn't breathe right or whatever you Know you experienced if you had a you Know severe case of it it was no treat When you had it but it was you know and It and God knows what else it's doing to Us all now I mean maybe you know some of Us have gotten rid of it I don't know if I have any left in me because I've done All these things that are supposedly Supposed to get rid of the spike protein Like I feel much better now than I did Before I had covid like my health and Everything I'm exercising I'm doing well But I still have some once in a while in A regular heartbeat some of these other Things right and so you know I I don't Know if it's ever going to I mean it's Going to be with us for a rest of our Lives because it's maybe it's supposed To do that right it wasn't about killing People it was about maybe you know
Getting rid of people in terms of like Their ability to reproduce or something What you know there's all kinds of Unanswered questions so why would you Trust these [ __ ] that never Gave you the truth and never found out Where it came from and never found out What it's doing like these guys you know And then how it morphed and it changed Into all these different forms I had Three forms of Co like I had three [ __ ] forms of Co right and so you Know why would you trust these [ __ ] They created it they leaked it and they [ __ ] they gave you bad information How to deal with it and now you're going To trust them now Co [ __ ] like paying Very little attention to this there are Millions of people for whom covid is not Over every researcher I talked to said We are understanding now that the reach Of covid you know the flu that we have Now is from 1918 right everybody knows That it's just changed over time they Believe that this is happening with with The covid virus which is in part why It's important to know where it came From and they shouldn't have surrendered That and we can talk tons about it and I Can talk to the dollars if it were Tony But I don't they're covering it up they Know where it [ __ ] came from they're Not telling us they know where it
[ __ ] came from it's silly and the Fact that you would allow people who Failed so epically just like with the Banksters when they ruined the economy With their derivatives and their [ __ ] you know Financial games and These you know Ponzi schemes and then They were they were task with fixing it Like you don't trust the people that Created the problem and then lied to you About the problem and then never told You the truth about the problem and then Didn't tell you what the solution was Why would you ever trust that and They're making money hand over fist Because the problem was created right That's the other thing the medical Community I mean all these companies That made vaccines they were paid money By governments and they were given you Know no scrutiny no ability to be sued I Mean without any liability and they Rolled out these you know these almost You know basically mandatory vaccines That were the taxpayers had to pay for Across the globe and they made billions If not trillions of dollars on that just Like everything else and then all the Health issues that people are now Suffering because of covid because People are having secondary health Issues and now they're going and they They have a covid pill you know they Have all these things and they've doubl
Down tripled down on their economic um You know their economic Boon that was Created by this thing that they caused In the [ __ ] first place right believe That he should be the Boogeyman in this I think China's the Boogeyman and they Can't get at China so they go with Tony But we'll have the conversation they Can't get a China so they go at Tony fouy I want people to recognize and Get behind a common cause that's why I'm Here okay this is not set up to go well No one's going to it's not set up all go Well for me for me that's okay I've been Beaten up by you know uh people I'd Rather be around much less than you guys So this is a step up um there step up The ass kicking I'm about to receive He's just thank you sir I have another Like we now consecrate the bond of Obedience assume the Position thank you sir may I have Another thank you sir may I have Another thank you sir may I have another Okay so I went for a walk I um got a Whole Foods delivery my dogs and I went Out for a walk it's beautiful sunny day Here even though it's like the coldest Day of the year we have a lot of gray Days here in the winter and I like it Okay you know for a month but when it's Four months you like or whatever it is Right you know snow when you have snow It lights up the the um the area because
It reflects light so you go to places That are really cold and they get extra Light because of the snow you go out at Night if there's a moon stars you know Bright night or you just you know you're Street lights or house lights or where Was out there it reflects that light and It's actually kind of bright out there It's kind of like a winter wonderland But when you're in those in between Places that get snow but doesn't stick Or it's it's either rain Frozen freezing Rain it's just a kind of a nightmare Winter right it's not you know it's cold Enough to be cold but not freezing you Know not enough to accumulate like snow Or whatever it is but anyways Um you know so I was out there with my Dogs and You know I was thinking about all this Stuff with Chris Kos because you know This is the us against them kind of Mainstream media versus people doing Their own thing on the internet but with Chris cuos he got fired and for a while He did his own thing on the internet and Then he worked for Newsmax now he works For Newsmax which is again it's trying To be legitimate but it's not legitimate It's kind of in between what we do here And you know it's got a cable show it's He's got a cable show that you you get On like cable news but no one knows Where the [ __ ] that is like I couldn't
Tell you you know it's somewhere between Fox and MSNBC right or something right You know or BBC or whatever it is but There's so many of these different news Shows and he isn't getting you know Anywhere near the ratings that he got Before but for a while he was one of us He was a you know an Unsanctioned unlegit imized person given Is talking his [ __ ] on the internet Right which is what all all of us do Here and but he was doing that still Thinking of himself as a Legitimized part of the establishment And the problem with that is that the Establishment is you know the kind of Lies that all of us tell you know we can Be working to be more truthful people we Can eventually maybe even be complete Truth tellers you know depending on what We um end up you know evolving into but Until we know the truth we can't tell The truth right until you know the truth You can't tell the truth and all of us Are in that situation where we don't Know the truth we might be closer than Other people but we don't know the truth Right we have an experience the full Truth of The Human Experience the Spiritual experience I mean it really Comes from your spiritual evolution Where you understand the material world From a spiritual perspective and most People haven't even sniffed that like
They haven't even taken their first step Onto the spiritual path and so they're Just wandering around lost trying to Figure out the truth in a in a you know A land of lies in a in a world of lies Right in a world of Illusion like it's Like you're in a in you're in some sort Of um psychedelic LSD shrooms type of You know you're having some kind of Hallucina hallucination type experience You're in hallucination and you're Trying to make sense out of everything But your reality has been distorted by Some sort of um you know uh whatever Chemical or whatever it is that's making You see the world in a way that's that's Not accurate and we're all in a Hallucination hallucination for a Certain extent right but for cuos to Sort of keep on trying to to mean what We're doing here by calling it guessing You know for me specifically let's say I'll just talk about what I do here Because my connection to you know Spirituality my connection to um you Know working towards having a connection With the Divinity that's within me Through the Sark practice allows me Affords me a level of intuition and Insight that other people who aren't Doing that don't have right like I might Be a slacker which I am and I might be Whatever I am uh in terms of anything That I do but I have access to a higher
Level a more accurate level of Truth Than the normal person and so that's What makes my show valuable here and an Example of this is after Co hit one of My viewers said you know you predicted This and I said what you know he said You predicted this I mean a comment and I'm like thinking what's he talking About and I found the video it was a Video where Bill Gates was talking his [ __ ] and I said well it's time to boost Our immune systems because it looks like They're going to release something like Just based on what he said and that was Just my intuitional hit I'm not a big Bill Gates person I you know I covered Him a little bit I'm not a big you know Um disease person like I like there's Different types of things that we all Focus on and I never focused on that but I was 100% right on that thing right you Know I was um accurate because of my Spiritual connection And I predicted something other people Predicted it but they were using you Know more of the evidence that was there But I heard Bill Gates say something and The idea came to me that this thing that Later became covid and then I forgot all About it like I had no idea I done it Until this person posted a comment you Know there's people who leave butt hurt By something I say and they come back Years later after they realized I was
Right and so all of that I can attribute To my spiritual practice and my Connection to the sa Mark system like I Can attribute you know all the good Things that I provide here you know in Terms of this show right and my show is You know and again of course I'm biased But you know and you guys are biased too But in terms of my ability to produce Content I mean Chris K only produce Content that most in most cases should Be mocked occasionally has a good Discussion with guests like he has some Maybe valid points you know I don't Watch a show enough to to whatever but When he sold himself out to his to CNN then he you know he has pigeon told Himself as somebody who could be Compromised and his opinion when he when He came out and lemons came out and said Well now we can tell you guys the truth Right now that CNN has fired us and we Don't have our cushy jobs we can now Tell you the truth and every one of These people whether it be Joe Rogan or It be you know Tucker Carlson or any Number of people Alex Jones of course Any of these people you know anytime That they've been compromis where Especially if they never come clean like If they came clean and yeah maybe you Could redeem yourself right of course Trump but you know when they say to you Um that I am suppressing the truth
Because by the job I used to have well You know then you're compromised forever Because it means that you would take Money to lie to people that's what all This stuff means every [ __ ] athlete That tries to sell you something every Celebrity that tries to sell you Something that they don't really use Because they're getting money right you Know when I was um I talk about how I Went to this Ponzi scheme thing a Pyramid scheme I just got back from India my first trip to India and I was Settling in New Mexico and I couldn't Get a job as was in Albuquerque and I Couldn't get a job which was bizarre and So I was going through the One ads you Know I didn't have a computer than I Mean any of these things I was just Going through the the W as this is um 1995 or four or five and I found a job I Like hey if you love sports and you you Know it's like this you know dream Scenario I knew it was a [ __ ] thing But I went anyway and it turned out to Be a pyramid scheme and there's this guy He used the Rhino as his um as his Emblem and he showed you his house and His yacht and his you know his Lamborghini or whatever it is and that Was his Documentation of how he made his wealth And it was a clear pyramid scheme and I You know I've talked about this in other
Videos but at some point he rolled out Ted dancen and Ted dancing is just Vouching for this [ __ ] guy and the Guys clearly this is these are films These shows the place was like a like a Basically a storage unit that had cement Walls that were painted black and a Bunch of like artsy photos on the wall With kind of cool lighting to make it Look like it was fancy but it was a kind Of place that could pack everything up In a truck and get out of there as soon As everyone realized they were running a Pyramid scheme right like it was a whole You know and Ted Danson was willing to Vouch for this guy because he paid him Right and so if you're someone who takes Money and is compromised you know all of Us are limited on YouTube for example You know and I can say but I can say to You that I you know I there's things I Can't say because I I'm censored and There's other things just based on Social conventions and things that I Can't say say as direct as I would want To but I still find a way and I'm still Honest about that and I'm still honest About my own perception right but if you Take money and you are will you you're Saying at some point you're admitting That you weren't able to say what you Actually believe then why the [ __ ] would Anybody listen to you like why would the [ __ ] would anybody listen to Chris cuos
Or any of these other people and I'm not Talking about being wrong because when We're talking about the truth you're Only like I said able to tell the truth You understand and see And so you know as people um for the Most part they don't want the truth they Want the truth that they want to hear And so people can say they're truth Seekers but they're full of [ __ ] right Because they're not looking for the Truth you know if you were a truth Seeker the first thing you would do is Find all the painful truths that would Shatter your world shatter your Worldview shatter your your ego and your Your persona things about yourself Things about your family things about Your religion the things that you don't Want to hear if you're a truth truth Seeker that's what you would do find the Truths that would basically cause you to Have you know like almost like a you Know a um a breakdown or you know not to Go that far but you know something that Would shatter your world viw where it Would take a while for you to to you Know adjust to it to accept it right you Have to go through the five stages of Grief or whatever you know like I talk About gratitude being the the real stage That you have to get to to be grateful For something but you know go through All the pain of realizing things that
You don't want to see or hear and so Nobody wants all that [ __ ] right very Few people want that and so as much as Truth as I tell people here it causes me To lose audience members because Trumpers don't want to hear the the Truth about Trump and you know flat Earthers don't want to hear the truth About their movement and you know Whatever it might be like people come And they you know they come with a um a You know like these caveats you can tell Me the truth just not about this and I I Get comments every day like that and the Comment is basically person saying you Can tell me the truth but don't say [ __ ] About the Bible because I can't hear That truth you don't tell me the truth About the Bible because I can't handle It you know whatever it might be and so These guys will always have a bigger Audience than me because they are Pandering to people's weaknesses and the Lie you know and and basically the lies That they want to believe in right and So there is different levels of accuracy In any kind of field and you know Something like this which is about Presenting whatever is going on and we All have our skills to analyze things And my skills rest Almost 100% in my you Know I you know I'm a dyslexic and I'm Introverted and my spiritual connection And then of course I have a sharp mind
And you know you know I'm able to make Fun fun of things that I can do Jo I Have my own abilities and my own Personality configuration right but I Have the freedom to do that because I'm Not I don't have a faking boss I I'm not Answering to fizer you know my my Partner YouTube is answering a fizer so That makes things difficult right but I'm not answering and so like I have to Deal with the YouTube part but I don't Have to deal with these angry sponsors And angry handlers and an audience you Know I'm not pandering to someone Audience I don't care how small my Audience gets or whatever I mean it gets To the point where I can't support Myself then I go do something else right But you know my show has so much more Value than these other shows because of That certainly anything that Chris Cuomo Is a part of and any of these people That are in the mainstream media because Of the idea that this is coming from a Connection with you know Divinity within Me and you know that to me is what I Value is people who have something going On even if they're not actively pursuing A relationship with God that they are Without their without their knowledge And commitment they have some sort of Connection to God and this information Is coming to them and they have a good Perspective and they're able to speak
Truth through this connection but they Can't dimi diminish or demean the Connection or censor the connection Which is what most people do to be a Review of the entire pandemic a 911 Style commission where you get people Who Yeah but that that commission failed see Like this is like look at this look at This just [ __ ] face right here this Is this confused he's got these crazy Eyes he's always got these crazy eyes Like people whose eyes aren't right you Can see where he loses it he's got a Temper and it gets a little crazy but What he's just this is this is his this Is his inner condition you're seeing What this guy is on the inside this is What he is you this [ __ ] face right Here that's what the guy is on the Inside right that's a good reflection of His inner condition and the reason I'm Able to stop at these places because Often times you see an expression and You know what's going on the inside That's what's going on Chris Cuomo's Insid you hear what he just said he said We need some sort of commission a Governmental commission to find out why The government and the powers that be Failed on Co well that's stupid as [ __ ] Right why would you have the same people Who connected to the same powerful Agencies are connected to Big Pharma and
They have to answer to the you know Their Pals and friends with all these People that they would have to you know Go through it's stupid it would never [ __ ] work right like it's just the Opposite of what would be effective it's Stupid [ __ ] like why are you even saying Something so [ __ ] stupid right we Have to have a governmental commission And find out get to we got to get the Biggest the thing that's lying to people Regularly withholding information and They already know what's going on they Just won't [ __ ] tell us right if they Released a biological weapon or it was Accidentally released then they [ __ ] Know they they have always have access To information that they don't share That's why there's you know this these Um there's the three-letter agencies Right the intelligence Community their Job is to lie to the American people in The world and create disinformation you Have governmental groups that are just There to lie every candidate every Political organization has uh you know Publicists and teams of people Spin Doctors that are there to to change you Know the perspective and lie and try to Convince the American people Gaslight Them of of one issue or another that's All they [ __ ] do let's have a [ __ ] Commission I look at just look at this [ __ ] right here who Pat likes
Who scientists like who the right likes Who the left likes we did the same thing After 9/11 and it worked oh my God are You serious it [ __ ] totally didn't Work like you're so far far for it did The opposite of working none of them Were currently in office all of them Were respect enough they had a diverse Set of opinions they looked at the Situation they came up with a set of Directives and we followed almost none Of them so it can be flawed as well you Have to look at what okay so the thing Sucked but you even just said why you Even say something we filed almost none Of Them this is you have to the the truth About this is the simple truth about Covid and the medical model is that it's For-profit and the profit profit is the Better customer so if you start off with A model for medicine that's for profit It's about profit it's profit driven and So what's the most Profitable aspect of the medical model Like how is it profitable for doctors How is it profitable for the Pharmaceutical companies all the Insurance companies is if people are Chronically ill because if they're Chronically ill then they spend more and More of their money either on higher pre Uh insurance premiums on they'll pay Even more money for drugs drugs that
They need right you can over you can Overprice the [ __ ] out of drugs when People are diabetics and they need Insulin and they you know they you have A you have a uh you know ability to you Have exclusive right to those drugs you Can charge whatever [ __ ] you want when People need life-saving drugs if you're Taking a drug that's keeping your heart Going what are you going to pay for that Drug how much your income you PID for Something that's preventing you from Having a [ __ ] heart attack right and So when you have for-profit medicine It All becomes about having sick people Keeping them sick and making them sicker And taking up more and more of their Resources keeping them you know healthy Enough so they can do their [ __ ] Slave jobs so they can pay money I mean Some people are paying half of their Income to the medical community right And so that's all you need to know about Co we have for-profit medicine that's What the for-profit medicine means that You being sick is good for the is good For business and you can't trust people Who are doing that right cuz they want You to be sick right they they benefit From your suffering you didn't like Early on masks lockdowns understanding Of the case structure what we did in Schools uh what we did uh in communities What we did with businesses then came
Operation warp speed what we did with That then came the implementation of the Vaccine how we did that and why Mandates all of it should be reviewed Because I'm going to tell you something No disrespect okay I study this all the Time oh my God so this is where you're An expert and what you're saying here is Just what [ __ ] [ __ ] say because we All know it's all [ __ ] everything That you said we know was was failed and We know why because of for-profit Medicine again look at this guy look at His expression here he's about to tell Everyone he knows more than they do this Audience of people who are right see This is the thing you know the one thing That I have cuz I don't have a big Audience I don't have anything close to What Joe Rogan has I don't get the kind Of you know pass on the back from people You know again I I I don't value that but I don't have The kind of financial success I don't Have the kind of audience you know all These things just talking about myself In doing this right and the only thing That I have other than you know working For God which is the big thing you know That I'm doing what I'm you know I I Have received so much from the sajar Method of meditation and from you know The Divinity that is all pervading in The universe you know the things that
I've received in this life that are that That are bigger than any sort of Personal egotistical success or anything Like that in fact they're the opposite Of that because it's something that Comes from a Divine place that you know It that just is so much more important Than your egotistical view of real and Success and any of those things right But the one thing that I have is that I've been right like just right on Different levels that people don't even Understand because of the system that I Use you know the div the Divine system And these things there might have been a Little bit of a glitch there in the Microphone but I think you can hear what I I had to say there I'm not going to Redo it is what I'm saying I saw that There was a brief Flash in my microphone But that's what I have that I was right And these guys will never acknowledge That not for me not for you not for the Truth community that we are better at This than they are that I am you know in Every possible way on many levels more Evolved in my way of presenting Information than Chris Cuos and again this isn't me saying this Egotistically it's the fact right and he Can't say that because he's limited to His level and so from his level he can't See what I do or what other people do That you know do similar things to me
You know the people that are so far Above his ability to present information And disseminate information and Interpret information and he thinks We're just guessing like that's his like He thinks we're just you know taking a [ __ ] darts and just throwing it up Against the wall and and coming up with Whatever answer that's there like he Thinks it's guessing like that's what he Said in the beginning of this thing you Guys are just guessing because he's so [ __ ] remedial you know it's like you Know an ant watching a like a an Airplane take off from the you know from The ground right and you know of course Ants have the ability some of them have The ability to fly and other insects you Know naturally but it's watching the Plane take off and saying oh that's just Lucky you know like that just randomly Happened right like no there was some Level of intelligence that went into Understanding how we could fly even Though that we're not gifted with wings And these other things right okay Sometimes I'm taking out of context I'm Not vaccine injured um I had my symptoms But you said that before I got Vaccinated could the vaccine be doing Something to my body maybe I what about Your mind I don't mean to sound Conspiratorial about it but oh my God no It's not
Conspiratorial I Mean they do know that what they didn't Know and I'm sorry if it's two in the Weeds but I I tell you we can't just Talk around this with clever slow Logans And and digs it it's not helping us We're not getting anywhere okay they now Know that what they didn't know at the Time with the vaccine development even Though they used it for AIDS and zika And Ebola they didn't know that when they Put it in my body and they put it in Your body never made it into mine the Rates the I mean look you you can you Can applaud it as a choice but there are Several facts you know but you can't Applaud it because all of us who didn't Get it we we're feeling [ __ ] pretty Good about ourselves Cuos like you have to deal with the fact Again look at the expression here look At this [ __ ] like this is this Is his inner world this is he's confused All this stuff you know he can Articulate things like he's he's got Something to say he's trained whatever Journalistic training he's had whatever Position he's had he's done this for a Number of years and so to you know the The dopes that listen to him it it Sounds like he is coming from a place of Authority you know he can articulate Things you know he's often a bumbling
Idiot but he has some I don't want to Say Charisma some something going on Here that would make people think that He has some reason and some some Something to offer them when like if you If this is true what we believe about The you know the vax if it's true right And like this other guy saying he didn't Get it then the people who didn't get it Made a better decision than the people That did right sub substantially so but Now that CO's gone and then you know all Of us who had it all of us who had Issues with it like kova probably K and My and I based him you know if he really Had it you know whatever he was going Through in the basement we had similar Kind of experience it lasted about the Same length you know it is whatever it Is I mean of course I didn't [ __ ] do [ __ ] up in the basement you know I my Life didn't change at all basically Right I was already social distancing But you know we had s similar experience But in terms of like you know the people Who who do have the vaccine now in their System you know it's something that they Have put in their body whether they felt Forced whether they're they had to do it For their job whether they did it Willingly and then you know the number Of boosters they have you know now it's Not doing anything right Co is morphed And changed and they're saying that you
Need one every you know you need a Booster right like it's not whatever you God isn't doing anything to prevent it In the future but if it is doing damage Like that's you know it's doing damage Right if it is doing things that there Are side effects to it like all these Medications if it only is going to work If you take more and more of it and the Stuff that you already have in it in Your body is hurting you and Co itself Is now morphed into something completely Different then like you know looks like We made the right decision you know And so like you're speaking as a guy who Made the wrong decision like you're a Loser in a room full of winners right Like you're talking about how you're an Expert because he's saying to these People you know I study this I know more Than you I you know like this stuff like He's trying to tell them how he's more Of an expert than they are when Everything you did was wrong everything You did was to just go along with the Powers that be and that turned out to be Wrong and now you know you're saying we Need a commission to figure out why Don't you ask the people that made the Right decision and that's what sucks for All of us in the truth community and It's not sucks because I don't even give A [ __ ] because I don't care what these [ __ ] people think I don't need their
Validation but they never give it up They never say you guys were right and We were wrong you guys you know we Should should have listened to you and Not me he's still saying no you guys I Was wrong but you guys should still Listen to me because I used to work at CNN and now I'm worked at Newsmax and I'm I know I know fouchy had met him Personally I'm a part of the club and Since I'm part of the club I know more Than you guys I just do so you guys Should still listen to me and not those Other guys who are right all the Time not the guys who made the right Decision saw it for what it is and we Need a commission of us guys to tell you Guys what happened even though you guys Already know what happened because You're light years ahead of USS okay that we know one is they didn't Know how much Spike protein my body Would make or for how long mhm versus His okay and that is huge in terms of Deciding what kind of complications you Can have the idea that the vaccine is Poison is demonstrably false how do we Know because of what happened once People started taking the vaccine here And everywhere else in the world the Correct push back to that is no no no it Hurt as many people as it didn't that's [ __ ] the correct push back is not Everybody needed to take it and you made
Everybody take it okay so when you Saying poison Like are you saying that when people got Injected they would instantly die Because yeah that was never the goal Right but poison could be people have Heart attacks three months later where Why are all these kids having heart Attacks is it because of covid is Because of 5G why are these athletes Having uh heart attacks like we don't Know but there's three new things There's the vax there's Co and there's 5G and there's other things I'm sure as Well but all of sudden they're putting Defibulators in schools like deal with That cuos right like this is you know It's just silly you know no one said I Mean the people that said it was poison Well then you know it would not work if You just injected people and they all Started dying like every person who got The VX died well that would be [ __ ] Dumb like who would do that like who Would literally give people poison like They they take you know rattlesnake Venom and start injecting into people Saying it's it's a cure for Co like That's stupid no no one was going to do That like he these straw man arguments That he puts up which he does here this Guy's going to tear him apart here in a Second and you shouldn't have that is a Legitimate grievance I don't know the
Answer to that I believe that with the Later variants we now know that this Vaccine didn't do what it did with the Earlier ones and they should have Changed the messaging and they didn't we Know that I'm here to have the Conversation you tell me what you're Upset about about I'll deal with it We'll talk about why I said what I said I I have no secrets but what I want is Not to slap Dave around in a debate and Not to be clever and not to get Applause And not for you to want to take pictures With me at the end of the night yeah no That's not going to happen like good Because that there zero chance of that Happening I want you to go home and Say sheesh we got to know a lot more About this and no There you go open up Chris and take it Just like cep B sis body is looking that Commission we have one in Congress and Then I'll shut up is a sham okay where Did it come from Tony fouchy we know Where it came from it came from China we Know where it was it was in a lab we Know who was working on it it was China We and also fouy of the NIH which is Involved in gay a function know who Won't let us look in the lab it's China So that's your answer okay so then why Is China still exist because they've Released a biological weapon either Intentionally or
Unintentionally and doesn't matter and Then why is it why why do they not have Epic sanctions right why is everyone Going along with it why isn't China Getting obliterated right now in one Capacity or another for what they've Done to the world why is the world Rejecting Chinese goods and boycotting China and [ __ ] making them suffer for For making you know the all these Countries and people in the country Suffer why isn't there some [ __ ] Payback cuos and why explain that cuos Why is China got such a hold on America And everyone else and why did everyone Embrace it instead of going after China Like wouldn't that be the the smart Thing to blame it on China wouldn't that Be the best thing for America to blame It on China and Dr fouchy at only spe Blame China they're an easy target why Not blame [ __ ] China why are they Covering for China like you just like There's no thought here anyways I want To this other guy to come in because This is the big part here but what about All these other questions they don't Even care about them the trumpi Politicians that I talk to won't touch Any of the things that we are talking About right now that's what I want to Change and I'm happy to have the this is This guy's podcast I don't know who he Is conversation um all right can I can I
Respond okay so this is where this guy Gets into it here okay so the part we Just saw is new to me and I you know It's hard to listen to Chris cuos but it Was sufficient and I think important to Debunk all the [ __ ] he was saying this Is the part I saw that came in an instag Video fun because there was there was a Lot there so I want to try to respond to As much mean z take it one by one we we Can go one by one okay first of all when I describe the lockdowns that swept this Nation in 2020 as totalitarian just to Be clear I'm not being hyperbolic when You're waking up every morning to watch Your TV to find out from your Governor What you're allowed to do today Including am I allowed to go to work am I allowed to have a funeral for my Father am I allowed to see my family am I allowed to step outside without a a Cover on my face there is one word and One word only for that and that is Totalitarianism I'm sorry that's that's Not slightly hyperbolic now you could Argue that this totalitarianism was Justified because of the virus but it's Certainly not hyp and it's not but you Could argue that but it certainly is Totalitarian if we ever looked on paper Any of us at any point preco and said This government is instituting this Policy we would all recognize that as Being totalitarian as totalitarian as
Any society has ever existed if that Word doesn't apply to lockdowns then it Doesn't apply to anything now I got to Say listen in this world and I'll say This is true for our world for the Corporate media for for any time you're Getting in front of a camera with a lot Of people watching and talking about Things that matter the currency that we Trade in is the truth that's the whole Currency now it doesn't mean that you Have to be right about everything but it Has to mean that I really believe what I'm saying and if I'm lying to the Audience then I've betrayed my most Fundamental Duty and I would also put as A subset of lying if I'm pretending I Know something that I don't know at all And I'm taking a very strong opinion and With five minutes of research you could Find out that this is completely false That's another form of lying now sir you Have completely shered all of your Responsibility and now you're pointing The finger at China by the way you were One of the people who demonized Donald Trump for calling it The China virus at The time okay so this is like again this Isn't the part I saw but he's the part I Saw is coming up when he starts talking About Joe Rogan but you know like this Is Cuomo's trying to rewrite history Right I mean all these people who were On one side of one of of one thing or
This case Co and then are coming sort Towards the middle Chris cuos pitched All the things at the mainstream Medical Teams including Sanjay Gupta and all the You know the establishment stuff he was The biggest shill because he had it he Was in his basement pushing this and he Pushed every thing and he demonized Anybody who was going against it you Know like I just saw there's another Video I'm going to put put in my next Video cuz I got enough cuos today but Cuomo is saying all these people Celebrating the death of this CEO in New York City you know which I already Covered a little bit in this video are Horrible people like he's slamming all These people but you know when you've Been such a piece of [ __ ] shill you Don't get to slam anybody because what This guy's saying is true about the Currency that we all work with is the Truth like people tune in to hear the Truth everybody that's here for Information people that run to my Channel for my opinion they're they're You know they're doing that because they Want to hear something that they Wouldn't think of themselves or they Want to hear what I think about Something because they believe that I Will tell them at least the truth about What I believe right that there's some Authenticity and some sincerity here you
Know Trump is authentic but he won't Tell you the truth Trump will listen to What you you know we'll find out what You want to hear and just tell you that Right and there's people who want that There's people who want somebody to Pander to them and lie to them but then There are people who just want to get The [ __ ] truth as best as they can And they find the sources that they Think are the most accurate and so for People who listen to Chris cuos the Sources are not you know I mean it's It's pretty bad right and so these are People that are most vulnerable many of Them are older people and people who are You know have have grown up being Indoctrinated to the idea that people on The news are truth tellers and when you Lie to them and they do things covid Decisions based in your lies and it Hurts them maybe even kills them then You're a piece of [ __ ] right so when it Was convenient for you you had no Problem smearing someone for pointing The finger at China your entire network Also called everyone racist if we Speculated that it came from the lab I Mean literally I did a podcast it was Either in April or May of 2020 when it Already became obvious at that point That the lab was at least a very plaus You know like we found out that three of The people at the lab went to the
Hospital with covid like symptoms and There was a lab where they were doing Gain of function research and it was Like man this sure does look like it I Had to stop talking about it for four Months after that because I would have Lost my entire YouTube channel my entire Like that was it it was very clear if You said anything about that for months You'd be shut down during that time you Guys at CNN were just mocking everybody Who would dare say it was a lab leak and Then um we were unable to defend Ourselves or those who did got their Livelihoods I don't know what was Happening on YouTube I just want to be Clear I was not doing that when When Donald Trump started off he was calling It the uh the China virus no no not Initially initially he said it was going To go away it was a cold I don't fault Him for that he was getting a lot of Mixed information and I know it I don't Blame him for that he will be blamed for It not by me um then it gets bad that's When he started calling at the China Virus I said to him ah in the beginning You said China's been great to us you Can Google it you can have that great Producer you have look it up China's Been great China's been working with us Sh out to China's been great yeah Rob You're amazing then it gets bad for Trump trump then starts calling it The
China virus have always pursued the lab League I have always talked about it I Have always said it mattered you can Check and find out okay let's you can Boo but remember that's about preference Do you not do you not feel any Responsibility for this so here this is The thing here fact that during this Time in the greatest crisis in modern American history that you're up there And we'll get into the vaccine stuff in A second but just sticking with the Lockdown period you are interviewing Your brother the lock down Governor Every day giving him the most softball Interviews I remember at one point when When the scandal with you got a nice big Rant so let me in the middle of Lockdowns rant for rant sure so in the Middle of lockdowns think about this is More a comment on the network CNN than It is on you but you said at one point a Couple years later this isn't the part I Saw he's when he gets into Joe Rogan but Obviously it's all of these things you Know the way that you would do this is Go back and get Chris Ko's all of his All of his comments right and he Demonized people he demonized antivaxers I got you know we have that him and Don Lemons I mean Don Lemon said people Should be locked up and and cuos was Going along with that right that these People should go to jail I mean you know
What all these things that I've shown You there's all these clips and as a Group they were all doing it right and He wasn't pushing back against this but You know he can rearrange it he probably Doesn't even [ __ ] remember CU he Doesn't have a great mind and so he's Just like a this is what I said and this Is what they always do Because they're so blatantly wrong they Have to look at who they are and how They interpret life how they interpret The reality around them and I'm talking About all these people like everybody Who's wrong about things on this Level they can't admit that they were Wrong on this level so they have to Hedge their bets they come in all in and Tell you this this and the other thing And I've been around people like that I Mean my brother's like this to some Extent he's a truther like when people Come in hard and strong on something and Then they turn out to be wrong and then They reversed their position and they Pretend all along that that was their Position they pretend all along they Were on the right side of things because That's how they kind of construct their Reality because they don't want to take A look at how what's going on inside of Them and how they interpret the you know The world around them Right or over a year later when your
Brother had his Scandal by the way I Respect you for always defending your Brother I would always defend my brother I understand that but you said on air on CNN you said listen I haven't been Allowed to cover this at all because it Would be a conflict of interest for me To cover it yet during lockdowns every Single night CNN allowed you to have the Interview of your brother without any Meaningful push back at all listen I Understand this is your family I'm Talking about and I don't mean to make Things personal in that way you kind of Do but I'm open to it well no I mean I Don't but I have no other choice Well you could be accurate which is no I'm being I'm being accurate you're not Because nobody thought was inacurate Nobody thought the interviews I was Doing with Andrew were News interviews Well no one I know thinks anything on CNN is news But Gaboom that's that's fine no when it's On when it's on the Cable News Network The presumption is that this is news Hold how many people in this room Thought that when I was interviewing my Brother it was going to be a hard ball Interview and that's why you were Watching cuz this is what Chris Pomo was Known for yeah but that's the whole Point but that's the point but he was
Other places giving interviews all day Long he was coming on at that time with Me because people were enjoying the Dynamic of getting some sense of Familiarity and comfort in an Uncomfortable time that's what the draw Was he was getting asked questions all Over the place okay so this was a big Ratings boost for cuos and they had Their banter they him and Andrew cuos Went back and forth But like what he's leaving out here is That his brother [ __ ] murdered 9,000 People at least manslaughter by bringing In people who were sick into nursing Homes the most the most um vulnerable Population and so bad that they can't Even they didn't even fire him for that But then he hid the data and so he Pretended that New York had 9,000 less Deaths that were deaths that would Happen because he brought sick people to Be around people who were in a nursing Home they started housing these really Sick covid people with with elderly People horrible [ __ ] decision right I Mean even in terms of the mainstream Knowledge I'm not even talking about Truth or stuff I mean mainstream Knowledge that's a horrible [ __ ] Decision right and because they did that Remember at the time they were talking About Andrew CUA was doing an amazing Job and so they were talking about him
Running for president replacing Joe Biden or running for president the Future he was one of the most popular Politicians and he had all this banter He had his own little private show you Know I'm part Italian I'm Sicilian and Tony Danza said it's everybody's it Every it's everyone's Italian it's every Italian's dream Italian man's dream to Have a tuxedo and a microphone right I'm Only a quarter Italian so it's not my Dream but you could see that like they Were holding court and they were Celebrating Chris Kell had the the Biggest show on CNN right big part of That was demonizing Trump too on top of It he had the biggest show and he was Really successful and his brother was Like they were talking about him as Being a presidential seriously a serious Presidential candidate it all fell apart In New York got rid of the [ __ ] And they did it because they they made Up some maybe [ __ ] or maybe just Exaggerated or maybe things they would Have ignored regularly um sexual Harassment charges against him but the Reason for that is 9,000 wrongful death Suits would bankrupt a a state in which Chris Kos was already talking about you Guys come back to the city because Everyone was now living the one thing That was good about covid with the zoom Calls and people found that they could
Work from home now there's all these People are working from home Now at least partially because of the Way that these Technologies were Implemented and so now people wen't Having to come back to New York City Which is being a By democ Rich Democrats and they're Moving to Redwing rightwing uh you know Moving to Red States right and so all of Those things are truths that Cuomo's not Acknowledging and then when his brother Got fired he was fired for not covering His brother properly the thing this Guy's accusing him of CNN fired him for That he didn't you know he was pushing His brother's agenda and that was then All of a sudden CNN had intent Integrity Right but they got rid of their highest Rated show because this guy and his Brother were part of some [ __ ] you Know infomercial pushing this covid Agenda that was horrific what I said I Couldn't cover wasn't him in Co was him In anything it wasn't going to be a Serious news interview and what I was Talking about specifically was not Andrew and covid it was his allegations Who wants to hear me talk about my Brother's allegations and think I'm Being no it's it's a clear conflict of Interest as was you interviewing him About lock only here's one person in Cable news who did some real journalism
Okay Tucker Carlson had okay so like I Want to hear about Tucker Carlson let me Find the part where he talks about Ivor Mechon okay so here's the part that I Saw Joe Rogan is bigger than every Single show at CNN combined and gets Paid more than every single person at CNN combined and he was 100% right about This thing through the entire time Yes he no he hold on hold on hold on Hold on let me let me get this point out Tell me what he was right about okay how About you know what you just revealed Last month on Pat show about ior mechon Joe Rogan was saying that and you were Smearing him for saying that you Literally said he's taking horse Dormer He should be ashamed of himself you Pleaded with your audience to not take It then you come back around and you go Hey Pat you know what I just found out Turns out this this thing isn't for Animals turns out humans are but Chris a 5 minute Google sear and you would have Known that first of All how do you not apologize to Joe R Listen do you know who disagrees with You you know who disagrees with You the people who make iveron disagree With you who hold on what do they Disagree with me about that the drug Should not be taken as a standalone for Covid-19 I never said it should no That's what Rogan was saying no no no no
No he did not that no listen see this is The thing Chris that see this is the Problem Chris Rogan see the the thing About all these people and lots of them Who are truthers but all the people on Mainstream media they never listen to What other people are saying like when I Started to You Know cover these things And I had an audience I felt like I had A responsibility to my audience and I You know wanted to be fair and so I if I Was going to mock people and I was going To demonize them and sometimes it would Be I want to say exaggeration but you Know it would be over the top where I Would you know exaggerate the you know Not their points but my mocking of them But I would at least know what their Point of view was and I would state it You know in various places you know I Would say this is what these people Believe and I thought that that was fair Like that that needed to be done and People weren't doing that on the Internet and CNN and these you know they Got this from Fox where they were always Misrepresenting people and often they Would do it by taking a small sound bite Which people do on the internet and not Giving it context right that's why I Play longer clips of people so you get The full context of what they're saying If before I mock it like I'm not going To take things out of context because
That's unfair right it's just and it's Not truth it's you know you're creating A person's opinion that isn't their Opinion so that you can demonize it it's Building a straw man which is what cuos And these people do they've turned Donald Trump into something he's not Donald Trump isn't great and he isn't What trumpers think he is but the Creation that they have over at CNN and MSNBC is disingenuous and dishonest Right they're trying to say he's more Racist than Biden and that's not the Case right whatever racism that Trump Has it's the same old guy racism that Joe Biden had because they grew up in The same you know basically you know Time period and this is what they you Know they were that was what the people Believe then right at least the people Like them And so you know Chris cuos is being Caught right here and they're going to Show a clip of it of Miss representing What this guy and Joe Rogan said about Ivor mechon I'm not an ior mechon person I didn't take it I'm not you know close To it I thought that was you know what I Did and you know I have a whole thing That I could tell people but I can't Tell people on YouTube at least not as Far as I know because I would just make A video and show everything that I've Learned about healthcare because of Co
Itself substantial and some of the Things might help people like it's not You know not everything's going to work For every person we have different Physical types different you know we're Different you know whatever it is right We have different energies and Vibrations and all this stuff is Vibrational but I could tell everyone What I did and what I learned and you Know YouTube would censor it and I Haven't got the time to and energy to Put it on some other platform which Eventually I'll do right but the what What the iveron debate CNN and all these People called it horse medicine is a lie That is a lie Jo so you just pretended That I said it's a standalone for Co no No no here's what it always was here's What Joe Rogan said my doctor prescribed It to me along with several other Medications just like your doctor Prescribed it to you that's what he said What I'm saying is that it's not horse Dormer as you and everybody else at CNN Mindlessly repeated what he said no no Let me finish what he said and what I'm Say is that it is aine that's been Prescribed to people millions and I Think billions of times um and and it Was totally demon and you know what this Guy doesn't say at least I don't know I Didn't watch the whole thing but that CNN is being supported by um by fizer
And these other companies and so that's Why that's why because Ivor mechon is in A pharmaceutical drug and that's why YouTube wouldn't let you talk about it Because YouTube also is being supported By fer like I'm not pushing ior mton I Don't know like I didn't take it and I Had some questions about it not because Of the horse de wormer things but I Ended up you know getting better from The things that I did and so but the way That Iver meon was being treated and you Know I and I don't trust these guys I Don't trust Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan And this guy is using them as legitimate Sources so he is whatever he is and so Like the this these guy this guy's more Trustworthy and he in his beliefs and my Beliefs are are more similar than with Chris Cuomo but I don't necessarily Trust any of these guys who have popular Parcast like this because they're also Being supported by the Beast right They're like you know they second level Disinformation and you know they they Shills in a different way they're ones That telling you more truth like Alex Jones Right why you already said why you said It 2 years too late but you already said Why because no one owned it here's why What Pat has on his desk right now you Do not want to take okay it is the Veterinary grade icon people were so
Desperate to get it because they were Told it was a Panacea it was a cur all Okay so what is the difference between Um animal grade and human grade because Often times there is no difference and My wife was saying she knows more about This that there isn't and so cuz I we I Showed her this clip and so what's the Difference well you're making a sound Like it's two different things right my Little knowledge of itin it's itin There's no animal icin or people itin Right you know there's no standards that Are different I mean there certainly Different standards for Animals because You know there's different standards for Animal food pet food and things like This you can put more toxic [ __ ] in them But already people food is already being Poisoned and human medicines are poisons You know in various ways right toxic to The human system and so there's lots of Carcinogens out there in the supermarket And things that cause heart disease you Know McDonald's and the supermarket These other places right and so like his Argument is silly because you know let's Just let them finish Here who told them that it was online Just claimed Joe Rogan said it you Claimed I said it neither of us have Said that hold on so why was there a Rush on ior mechon all of a sudden can I Tell you my honest opinion about that
Okay it's that the uh the medical Establishment and the corporate media so Humiliated themselves that they lost Trust with the entire American people And then yeah there were some charans Online who were saying oh go take this And they trusted us please here's what Happened okay Dave please if you think Joe Rogan said take any you can get and You'll never get I'm not blaming Rogan Here's what happened you should be Apologizing and again Listen Listen here's what happened here's what Happened also let me tell you why I Think apologies in this context are a Stunt okay you got we don't accept Apologies nobody accepts apologies Except as an admission that you Weaponize that's why that's why Trump Never apologizes he's right cuz if you Apologize everybody just beats you over The head with Trump's got a lot to Apologize for and so do you I'm just Saying as a concept and you should too On this and I'll tell you why should I Apologize here's what happened Ivor Mechon it wasn't you should too again Look at the Expressions because the Media said don't take it so everyone Took it the media would have never been Talking about it unless people were Taking it use your head so here no this Is use you should use your head Chris so
What he just said I what Chris qu just Said was that the media was talking About it because everyone was trying to Take it and the media was trying to Protect them there's poisons in Everything like if FY wanted to protect You he would stand on Walmart and tell You what's all or just go out and and do It you know do a a video and tell you All the [ __ ] that you're eating that's Poisonous tell you all the ingredients That are in you know these various foods That are horrible for you you know Starting with poly unsaturated fats and Seed oils and this stuff canola oil and All the rest of it they would tell you What it does to your system and what's What what's going to happen to you if You consistently eat this food and then They would say thing everything about The medicines as well and then they Would tell you how to boost your immune System in a more subtle natural way way There's no immune system boosting Pharmaceutical drugs out there that Naturally boost your immune system Support your immune system not trigger Your immune system like the vax does but Boost it right there's none of that out There and so this idea that there was a Run on ior mechon and that the media was Trying to protect people from it because It was horer warmer is [ __ ] and that People were misusing it and so that was
A bigger threat it's just like when they Say that when there's disinformation on The internet we need to stop that Because it's a threat to people and yet They're poisoning people and they're Droning kids and they're killing [ __ ] Kids and Joe Biden droned seven kids That's real [ __ ] right that's real Consequences that lies and and you know Wrong thinking wrong Behavior does to People right and so you know it's this Idea that somehow they're protecting us Trying to keep us safe which I always Say oh I'm just trying to keep you safe You know that's what they say when You're locked in a menal inst Institution they're drugging you and They're physically manhandling you and They're telling you it's for your own Good your own protection because you've Been you you've been put in there by Some psychiatric hold by some quack Doctor because the establishment is Doing it's like this was in the movie The Penguin and this this gang leader Put his daughter in a a psych ward Because she realized he had killed her His her mom his wife and was murdering These other women he blamed her for it And gaslighted her his own daughter Right that was the a part of the Penguin Series spoiler alert but anyways um this Idea that he's saying is false the other Thing that he would say he just said you
Use your head one another reason is all These corporate media centers were Pushing the pharmaceutical companies [ __ ] and if you started using I Iveron and it worked then you wouldn't Do the kind the pharmaceutical [ __ ] And they wouldn't make the kind of Profits they were paying you to Advertise on your shitty shows for and So that's why you know they do the Bidding of the of the the people that Pay them money which is Big Pharma and So big Pharma was against Iver mechin That's the [ __ ] bottom line right Again I don't even know if Ivermectin Works I don't even know any of it Because I didn't try it I really Research it it is whatever it is but the Reason it was pushed back was CU of big Pharma here's what what happens they're Prescribing it like crazy they actually Stop Physicians from being able to Prescribe it which I think was a mistake They then start giving out Veterinary Grade icon which as the word would Suggest you shouldn't take right because Doctors were describing no people were Desperately trying to get it online they Couldn't find it okay yeah because you Guys the pharmaceutical companies made It impossible for people to buy it and States were Banning it that's why like Something that doctors were prescribing And was working for people they banned
It so say why because it's big Pharma Because you had big pharma's dick in Your mouth Chris Ivor mechon is the most Studied potential treatment for covid of All of them which was a complete waste Of money and it was all done just to Play on the politics of This MC that Made ior mechon put out a statement During this saying we do not advise it To be used for covid-19 yeah cuz MC is Trustworthy because MC was had their own Vaccine which which do you think Mor to Sell cheap Ivermectin or expensive Vaccines like just [ __ ] make the Logical jump here you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Can't find research that is seen as Impressive by the research community That proves that ivrin is effective in Treating covid-19 I will find Rob can Find you a 100 studies right listen You're wrong on this no I'm not and and I'll tell you why I'll tell you why Because they're mad at me too by the way You think you guys are alone why but why Are taking it here's why my doctor I Didn't take it during covid-19 and I Didn't take hydroxy chloroquin when I Was sick with covid-19 even though a lot Of people thought they would be nice by Sending it to me why cuz the research Isn't there that's Why with long you mean the the the Pharmaceuticals paid scientists that are There to tell you to take their [ __ ]
Because they make money off of you being Sick you mean that's what you mean right Co with long Co okay not long vax that's A different thing if it's going to get Recognized as such I don't know they Won't they won't say that yet long Co They're now saying exists there is Research is it dispositive no do the People on the government levels in the Research communities like that I said That I'm taking it no do they think I'm Setting myself up for lawsuits yes but My doctor I believe is in the Vanguard Of people who are figuring out long Co And she has a lot of the same problems By the way way with me and with the Pandemic that you do and she has found Research and she has had her own Experience and using it in a combination With so you're not listening to her About that but you're listening but You're willing to put in your body what She recommends something that you told People not to take okay so I have to Recreate a clip because I forgot to turn On the the record Button um me and my dogs went for a walk And I ate lunch and I had some thoughts During the walk and you know I was um Watching different things during eating Lunch and one of the things was a Dana Bash clip which I'm going to show you Where she says something incredibly Stupid and just weird about she has some
Cast member from Dirty Dancing on her Show the movie Dirty dce weird thing and Then I was watching uh First Take which They were talking about um the Green Bay Packers versus a Detroit Lions game and There was a question posed do you trust Jordan love the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers to win big games like The Super Bowl and who gives a [ __ ] Whether you trust them or not it's a Silly question you know most of the Stuff that they they do there in terms Of these these talk shows is nonsensical Just [ __ ] that has zero value you Know opinions just don't matter most Opinions are just you know they they Have no value because there are things That are already scripted there's a Divine script there's the beings that Can control the universe of course There's the the people I call the Controllers and then there's things you Know most of the things are are already Predetermined most of your choices are Already predetermined by your past life Mistakes some scaras addictions Proclivities things Tendencies I mean People think they're making choices but For the most part it's already you know There are things that are going to Happen no matter what and so there's Very little change I mean people can Change internally the way that you Interpret your experience is the the
Biggest chance for advancement or change Accepting your experience and and rising To the highest level and understanding It on a higher level and being grateful For it and a spiritual level like that's The best you can do but most of this Stuff that people talk about things they Have no control over they're not a part Of and they just want to verbalize their Opinion they're just talking [ __ ] right And Chris Cuomo like why are you trying To save Chris Cuomo Like why are you trying to get his Apology what is his what is his apology Worth right like I wouldn't do any of This stuff and I wouldn't you know these Things are they're just a waste of time I mean if you're going to promote your Your stuff all right I can understand That you want more viewers you want to Expand your audience yeah there's you Know reasons for you to do this but this Interaction this debate you know debates Are worthless I'm glad they did it it's You know there's information I'm I'm Able to present here but I have no idea Whether this guy's going to copyright me The PD de brought podcast right like I'm Using a lot of the content so I might be Doing this for free which is kind of Undesirable like I should get paid for I Mean having to sit through and listen to Qu Chris Como for free is not what I Would do and you know all these people
At CNN and the rest of them they're not You know there's nothing that they have That's valuable unless they're Presenting some kind of you know like They're covering an earthquake or They're showing you real footage or Something everything else everything That they say all their opinions all Experts they're based in the fact that They have sponsors and they have Handlers and you they themselves have Been compromised and they have an agenda And there's no truth here there's no Truth because they're not looking for Truth they're not wanting to tell you The truth they're not seeking the truth Right you got to be able to find the Truth before you can tell the Truth that you but listen you told me I Should apologize you think should You got to be able to know the truth Before you tell the truth right and this Guy is saying is about his apology Apologize and then I'll tell you what I Think you should apologize for I I know What you think I should apologize for Obviously there was so much talk that They don't want you to take ior meon Ivor mton is the way to go take it Joe Rogan got better from Ivor mechon and by The way I don't like what people did to Joe Rogan about Iver mechon I don't like You did it no no no yes you did this is The big moment here Clips dude find the
Clips you shamed Joe You said he's taking horse warmer you And Don Lemon were chuckling at each Other about it I'll go find you just saw Theps I'm not chuckling I'm listen it to Don but no no the clip I'm talking about Wasn't on there and it's absolutely There oh oh here do we have it hold on Let's play the Clip getting Injecting drugs for animals and horse And people telling them to oh my God What person you know you talk about like You know cancel culture and who to shame Iveron a dormer really they are shaming Themselves that's what it is shame They're sh okay so whenever I screw up And I don't hit the the yutton I don't Record something or the mic isn't Working or there's some kind of problem That I have and I said things and I you Know I can't remember what I've said Before what I just covered I run the Risk of saying something again or not Saying something that I wanted to say Right so it's a whole thing but I you Know they were talking about and I I Didn't know how far to go back but they Were debating about ior mechon versus Ior mechum for horses both this guy the Guy John Smith or whatever his name is And and cuos there's no difference ior Meon whatever it is and I you know I Kind of only barely kind of know what it
Is but for example there's no difference Between the vitamin D you give to horses And the vitamin D that you give to People now again I'm not suggesting you Take again this is not recommending Anything what I'm saying is vitamin D is Vitamin D now there might be some Restrictions and more oversight in the Stuff that you give to people but you Know vitamin B is Vitamin B vitamin D is Vitamin D icon is icon isn't like they Have icon for horses and itin for people It's just that the icin for horses maybe Is a little bit looser in terms of their Restrictions and the way that they you Know whatever it is right but there Might not be any difference at all like My wife was saying earlier And so the whole thing is just like Silly like they would react because what They're not saying which the truth is Here is they didn't want you to take ior Mechon because big farmer their big Farmer handlers don't own it and so they Were demonizing ior mechon which we see Over and over again again I hope I'm not Repeating myself but it is you know I Don't want to run the risk of not saying This but big Pharma was their handlers Were saying you know MC or whatever it Was I think I said this already and so You know big Pharma wasn't going to Profit from ryver mechon and they were Going to profit from their other
[ __ ] and these guys are told what to Say by their handlers and big farm is One of those handlers and one of those You know people that sponsored them and So they're that's all you need to know Right and so like there's no reason to Take this guy Seriously so you're taking a DW right Nowr you can't apologize for that you Weren't being clear that it was this and You know that you're being so dishonest Right now you were talking about iveron The drug you were not talking about this Version of iveron come on I was Responding to a situation where okay so Just enough right but there's just no Reason like you know Chris Cuomo is Somebody to mock there's no he's never Going to be somebody like if you're Going to him for information well you're Already [ __ ] I mean this isn't the Only bad decision you're making if Listening to Chris cuos is where you get Your news then you've already made a lot Of other bad decisions and you're going To make them anyway whether you listen To Chris cuos or you listen to Fox or You listen to Alex Jones or any of these People when you can't just different Differentiate between who's telling you The truth and who's not and who's worth Listening to and you're this far you Know in you're this far up the butt of The mainstream narrative right you're
Already [ __ ] no matter what like There's no you know let's you got to own Apology to these people if they didn't Hear from cuos they would would have Heard it from somebody else they would Have done the same thing that they did There's no apologies necessary because Everybody finds the level of their Ability to understand you know in terms Of the levels of the truth that's being Put out there everybody finds their Level and then they make their decisions Their pre you know their preset Decisions based on the stuff they wanted They want to hear right if you really Want to place a bet on the Green Bay Packers or the Detroit Lions and you Really want to bet them and you really Want bet this game you're going to find Somebody who's going to tell you why to Make that bet and you're going to hear People who tell you why not to make that Bet and you're going to dismiss them You're going to say that guy's full of [ __ ] so you've already made your Decision so why are you listening to People just go do what you're going to Do because you're going to do it anyway Right just silly all right let me show You the CNN thing and the other thing Here if that is on TV I do not turn it Off I stop whatever I'm doing I'm late For wherever I'm going uh you played uh Francis's mother so I'm flipping through
The channels right and I come across Dana Bash talking to this woman who's a Dancer and somebody in a lot of those Broadway shows and played the mom on Dirty Dancing and Dana Bash says this Incredibly [ __ ] up thing where she Says when I come across Dirty Dirty Dancing I don't turn it off I watch the Whole thing I'm late for whatever I am And all these things Like there's technology out there where She could own the DVD or own the you Know this on a video format or just rent It she has the money to rent it whatever She wants or I'm sure it's free on some Different streaming service like Netflix Or whatever it is and she can watch it At her convenience but she's going to be Late to [ __ ] because she just happened To turn the TV on and miraculously Dirty Dancing happens to be On and she's just got a sit down and Watch it cuz it's that powerful a [ __ ] movie the other piece of this is Dirty dancing sucks right you know Pat Patrick sesy was probably gay right he Is um he played a a a transvesti in a Movie to Wong Fu but his gayest movie Was Roadhouse like if you watch Road House you're like oh my God this is Really gay and Patrick swayy the way He's trying to fight and you know he's a Big time dancer I think he probably died
Of AIDS and not of cancer I think he had A bearded marriage or whatever it is and So there's he's the sort of the the like The the part of the movie that isn't Obnoxious people from New York City who Are V vacationing from New York City up In the Catskills who are mostly Jewish People which I think is Dana bash's Connection to the movie and it's just a Really bad movie I mean it was very Popular when it was released but there's Lots of things that suck about that are Very mockable and she doesn't have you Know she has this person on this woman Because of whatever her admiration is For this woman who most of us don't even Know and barely would remember or Recognize from the movie I'll show you The clip but this is a person who's Decision making like she doesn't know How to watch Dirty Dancing without being Late to things right she doesn't know How to to tape it or you know she could Have it I mean she has Direct TV she Could tape it and just leave it in her You know her folder or whatever you know Your area where these files are put I Mean there's all kinds of different ways You could watch Dirty Dancing In Her Leisure Hours instead of being late to Things and again the fact that it's such A bad movie and this a person who's Telling Americans what to think right And I can't believe I get to ask you
This there's one line in there that I Want to play for our viewers and ask you About it on the other Side I think she gets it from Me I think she gets that for me that was After you've done A Chorus Line you you Are a okay so she goes on and asks her The question that she's bring to ask her Is that spontaneous or did you add Libbit and clearly she didn't add libbit Because it's a scene in the movie There's not I mean she's sitting there With her husband and they cut away to Her and she clearly didn't have libbit But she's dying to ask her that [ __ ] Question who gives a [ __ ] right and of Course it was scripted like it was Obviously something that that you could Tell from the scene that she's saying You know that she's this is a part of The script and she the woman says oh Yeah people ask me all that that all the Time but I it's scripted I'm of course It's scripted right like this is so sad Like what sad little lies they have you Know this is a person who supposed to Know about world events and politics and You know be a punding and expert in the Political field of course she's not She's just some shill and CNN and this Is the kind of stuff she's into like why Is this woman even on her show like she Has a news show shit's going on like World War II you know Trump stuff you
Know all this stuff is going on she's Got this woman from Dirty Dancing on and She's like in Heaven just so effed up All right so the next piece is a movie I Just saw I'll have to go look up the Title of the movie but what the this Scene the context for this scene is Spoiler alert it's kind of a good movie I enjoyed it but there's a guy who's a Fixer and he's ripped off these people Uh let me see the the title of the movie Here first the thing's called Cop Shop And so there's a guy who was brought in Who punched a a cop because he he was Someone's trying to assassinate him he's Got a bullet hole he's shot and he's in Jail and another guy comes in who Slammed into two states tro Troopers Without any identification and so so Drunk or at least apparently drunk but He ends up assaulting his cellmate Calling for help and then he knocks out The guy in charge of the the precinct The sergeant or whatever it is takes his Gun and tries to kill the other guy so He's trying to assassinate the other guy So they're digging up information on This guy they figure out who he is he's An assassin and he this guy has all of His associates people he's associated With up this cop right and then this guy Walks in with a bunch of Balloons you look just like this [ __ ]
Ass bag down here oh come on now you're Kidding no you got to check this out Look at this you look just like Him the resemblance it's [ __ ] uncanny So this is It's funny this guy's name This the Hitman here is named Anthony Lamb right but he's coming into this Precinct of course the guy behind this The thing he's an actor but doesn't have The benefit of the music and things but Everyone else knows this guy's you know Hitman now his Sergeant is laying up um You know with a concussion and he had His ass kicked and this guy's cellmate Has his trachea broken he's choking to Death and they're waiting for for they Had to do a trach trachy or whatever It's called um trach Stu Whatever I'm not even going to try the Videoos wrap it up here but they had to Do that operation you know just a a Makeship operation to keep the guy alive And so there's the place should be on Lockdown there so crisis mode and a guy Walks in who looks just like one of his Hitman Associates and this guy it does Doesn't ring a bell this is like in Classic sheeple I mean just a great Example obviously it's a movie of the Sheeple mentality the evidence is right There in front of you you have every Reason to be alarmed you have every Reason to doubt anybody coming in There's assassination going attempt
Going on inside the precinct which is a [ __ ] up thing because you know there's Cops all around and yet He he tell he tells this guy he's Talking to this guy who's about to kill Him About the coinc that he this he looks Like somebody that would you know Probably kill him if he was that guy now What are the Odds oh hold on there budy oh study now The boats are Rocking oh I'd love to know what's going Through your Mind okay so let's get back to the title Of this video there a few other things I Was going to cover but the Joe Rog the Um Chris CUO thing went longer than it I Anticipated but let's go back to the Title of this video you can't tell the Truth if you don't know the truth right And so people are telling their truth I Me that's what all the internet is That's what everybody's doing including Me all of us it's our truth it's where We are what level of of U comprehension We are what level we are in terms of Penetrating to deeper levels of Consciousness deeper levels I mean There's you know so many layers to Understand understanding first the Illusion and then the ways of the Divine You know the the ways of divinity and The the ways of God and the you the
Spiritual principles and there's just Layers and levels of it right but the Majority of people are just you know They're broken and they're deprived and Depleted of any life's energy and vital Energy and all these things right they Just don't have it in them and it's sad But it's just the way it is like it just Has to be accepted Because it is that way right it isn't Something that they can even change most People just don't have the ability to Rise up to some higher level this was Just a great scene a great example of it But the Dana Bash thinks you know it Shows you where they're at like she Thinks dirty dancing's a good movie and That this interview is worth doing and That you know people would watch this Interview yeah of course maybe people Who watch her already because they're The same demographic same age group same You know whatever it is right but in Reality it has no I mean it's it's dead Content right it's a movie that sucked Years ago and sucks even more you know There's lots of movies that the longer They you know the when time I mean most Movies and most content sucks over time Like it gets worse over time like things That are classic and avoid the you know They're Timeless like they they fit into Any time period they're very rare books And TV shows movies things that are just
You know they're not contemporary They're not I mean even this video will Suck to whatever extent because a lot of The stuff that's we're talking about Here no one's going to care about and Some of the stuff people don't even care About now right and so that's you know So it's just even this even videos like This that might have some truth or some Higher level energy or Consciousness in Them I mean it's about things that are Times Sensitive and again you know there's Always value that can be derived from Something of a higher nature but there's Very few things that are Timeless and you know these things that Are outdated and CNN is still pushing Them is because people who are watching Dana Bash probably like the movie dty Dancing right and so like you know it's There's no way of them being able to see The truth because that's where they're At they're they're stuck in the past and The future isn't better like the past That they're stuck in is better than Than where we are now because you know There's great things about where we are Now they're starting you know the truth Is leaking through and they're people Gravitating to it but the majority of People are still got their heads in the Sand and those people can't be saved and Shouldn't be saved because those people
Don't deserve to move forward like if There is going to be an evolutionary Movement people are going to rise to a Higher level of Consciousness those People haven't earned their spot on the Ship right if this is a Noah's Arc situ Situation then you have to earn your Spot on the ship right to be part of the Future right pockets of the future That's what this is about you have to Change and evolve in some ways and adapt And accept and and prepare yourself and Adjust yourself to the way things are Going to be in the future and so that You can be a part of the solution Everyone else is just a part of the Problem and needs to go down with the [ __ ] ship because the ship be sinking Only spirituality will save this world It's Pano definitely point for the Apocalypse laughs and the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful