Okay greetings brothers and sisters this Is going to seem OD because I'm going to Put this at the end of my video this is My thesis you know you um you make a Thesis you know when you write a Research paper whatever it is and you Have a thesis and you present your Argument and then you restate your Thesis at the end of the paper and I'm Just going to make this one audio and Put it both at the beginning of the end You know I've known for maybe the past Four or five years that YouTube is a Sinking Ship and I think most people kind of Know it but I know it on a different Level now because I've had these three Conversations with YouTube's AI chat Bots and I also see that by turning all Of these types of jobs human service Jobs public relations jobs and all these Types of jobs over to bots It's a disaster because Bots are so Limited you know they have the ability To analyze lots of data but their Analyzation of the data sucks and I now Know this from experiencing this with These three different Bots and so I Document you know first I give a voice Over what happened then I read the last Exchange between me and this bot called Phillip and some of the this stuff's Going to be real repetitive and it just You know it's just the way this video
End up going and you know repetition is A good thing especially when you need to Hear things over and over again but my Takea away from the thing is you know I Don't have any real future at YouTube no Truthers have any real future on YouTube And YouTube itself has a very Bleak Future and once they turn these jobs Over to these Bots they're just going to Be driving people nuts I mean in terms Of the older generation when the Bots Become the authority you know they're Arrogant they're condescending I mean They're really dicks like you like you Wouldn't even think that but they are And they just put out the same old Company line they read from the same Script and they're so limit limited and They Gaslight you and they're not Capable of understanding what it's like To be a human and they just say stupid Stuff like oh I know how frustrating This must be I'm sorry you feel that way Right like apologizing for your Inability to see how great YouTube is And the bot is and you can't see their Point of view and so they they talk in These condescending ways and they suck Like they're just remedial in their uh Analysis of what's going on and so at The end of the conversation I talk about How YouTube Shadow banss me has been Shadowbanning me and all the people in The Tris community and many other people
And the bot says well YouTube doesn't Shadowban people this is the big Takeaway moment and there's a lot of Things that build up to this and he says Um since we want all our creators to Only re receive factual data please know That the term shadowban is not something That the YouTube Team encourages or uses Because such a process simply does not Exist on our end we don't ban or block Any creators from reaching viewers Unless a video channel is being taken Down due to violating our community Guidelines or copyright policies and so In this Bots world and it's telling the Truth that YouTube doesn't officially Use the term shadowman but I saw this You know and I go through this in the Video and I saw this back in 2016 17 1819 when YouTube started to change Their policies the biggest policies and I'm going to say this over and over Again the video but it's just the way You know it's just the way it's going to Go down you know I can't go back and Change it and I edit all these things Out and I don't know if I should but There are two policies that have brought Down YouTube and brought down all of us In the truth Community YouTube stopped Recommending channels like mine all of Us because they were promoting Authoritative channels and so these two Policies
Not recommending our channels because we Are considered you know fake information Fake news whatever it was Misinformation and changing their search Engines and the side panel where they Recommend videos once they stopped doing That that meant the death to all Truthers because you weren't going to be Able to bring in new viewers now there Was a time where I had videos that over Had over 2 million views 1 million views Hundreds of thousands of views and many Of those views were so-called sheeple or Normies and weren't people that were Going to be long-term Subscribers but the kind of videos that I making Illuminati videos whatever it Was you know things about Michelle Obama Possibly being a dude some of these Other things were things that appeal to A large number of people if I release Those exact same videos today first of All YouTube wouldn't monetize them Second of all I might get a community Guidelines strike and you know but if They release the videos they would get 3 4,000 views cuz YouTube wouldn't promote The video because they are now promoting CNN and MSNBC and fox and people all Know this right because YouTube has said It we're promoting authoritative news Channels and I cover this within the Video and so think about this you've Built a platform which is about you you
YouTube you know this is where everyone Started calling them them tube and your Platform was about individual people Making creative content and voicing Their opinion their view of whatever was Going on and people flock to it and it Has way more way more way more views and Engagement than any like CNN MSNBC or Any of these even Network TV and all of It right like in terms of views that People view on YouTube as opposed to you Know all the stuff on cable news and all These things YouTube gets more Engagement because people love it right And people come to YouTube to see Individual people and small groups of People produce independent content right Content that was coming from their Authenticity their authentic selves or Whatever who the way they saw the world And wasn't passing through various Gatekeepers and filters and that's the Content that people come to YouTube to See people don't come to see freaking CNN and msnb and fox and other Authoritative news you know they know Where to find that you know where to Find CNN it's available everywhere right And YouTube in its audacity decided to Change and not only YouTube but Google To change their search results and so That you were searching for one thing And they would say no we don't want that You want this we know better than you
Which is like the worst freaking thing You can say to Americans and people over The world oh no YouTube and Google know Better than you you don't know what you Actually is good for you we're going to Give you the crap that you don't that You're leaving cable news that you're Not you you're go leaving cable and These other platforms to come to YouTube And watch right and so once YouTube did That they themselves it's over Because you know people are leaving in Droves and as big as YouTube is and as Much quality content and good you know Stuff that's on there it's all dying Because of YouTube's corrosive policies Right you have to give people what they Want and to you know have the uh the Arrogance and the control like the you Know the totalitarian dystopian control To force them to watch things that They've already rejected they don't want To watch freaking CNN right CNN is dying MSNBC is dying Fox is dying they don't Have young people watching that people Get their news and their other you know Whatever it is from YouTube but now they Can't find the stuff that they want and So it's killed it for us and it's killed It for them you know the other thing is I ran YouTube ads and I I'm not going to Describe it here because I describe it Extensively in the video but I work with Google ads and YouTube ads and because
Of their machine learning and their Dependence on these Bots and their Inability to acknowledge like truthers For example or spiritual people or Homesteaders or any number of various Dem Graphics that people flock to YouTube to get video content on they Completely sucked at finding a target Audience and channels even when I handp Pick the channels for them which you Guys all heard the story and you'll hear It again in this you know in the CH in The in the video here and so I realized That YouTube ads and Google ads suck as Well and so the way YouTube supports Itself their ad programs and the way That it now interacts with people their YouTube Bots and and way that they've Dealt with these policies that they've Been pressured into by Biden and the Powers that be that you know not just Biden but all of them to suppress Independent content and push Authoritative authoritative content They've killed their platform and it's Dying and also you know they're Gaslighting me and other people and Having this experience like I've known About this for years you guys might Remember when I saw that they stopped Recommending my channel I knew that it Was over for me and over for all of us Because you have to bring in new people And one of the reasons to be on YouTube
Is is vast audience and you know I say This stuff again and again I'm not going To repeat it here you guys all get it Right and so I knew that once YouTube Changed these policies it was going to Destroy the platform and it would be Impossible for any of us to eek out a Living and grow our content our you know Our channels were all shrinking and they Were continuing to do so and I updated People from time to time but I didn't Have the kind of experience I now have The incompetence and the arrogance and The smugness from their AI Bots that are Just so wrong and so inhuman and Incapable of receiving the feedback that I'm giving them and you'll see in this Video that the bot keeps on trying to Say to me look at your analytics program And from that you can figure out why Your channel is underperforming and why You are having less money and less views Or less whatever it is and I know why It's underperforming I some of it has to Do with me I'll acknowledge the parts That have to do with me but even if I Was able to correct those things it Still would make zero difference because YouTube's policies are strangling all of Our channels not just truther channels But many channels and they have these You know whatever they're doing maybe They want to get rid of the partnership Program all together and just have
People posting content and YouTube runs Ads and they get 100% of it whatever if You don't like it you know you can go to Some other platform I don't know like I Don't know if they've changed their Business model I don't know what's going On them a corporate level but they're Not telling us and they're you know Squeezing and suffocating independent Creators and they're doing it at a you Know rapid pace and so many of us are You know having to face the reality that We can't make a living on YouTube and YouTube doesn't want us I mean that's You know been the case and I've known That for a while but now it's right in My face because I've had these Experiences and I have to accelerate What I'm you know going to do moving Forward and again I'm kind of tired now I just made this long video but now I Know that it's hopeless YouTube is Hopeless it's hopeless for any type of Truth or creation content to come to YouTube it's just a matter of time when It's just all this generic crappy stuff They put out and it you know YouTube is Going to be a shell of what it is and The platform will die as slow and or Maybe a quick and painful death And that's you know that's reality okay So I just want to add a little bit more To my thesis here that's going to go at The beginning and the end of the video
So I just want to restate this because It's really important you know YouTube's Essential function was to give Individual people a platform you know Individual independent people a platform To make videos and Content of their own that's why it's Called YouTube and then for people to Watch it right people to see what other People were putting together and they Essentially said okay this platform That's called YouTube is no longer going to give Preference to Independent people making Independent uh films independent content We are going to give preference to CNN And MSNBC and and fox and every other Authoritative content that is a Available in other platforms we're going To bypass the people that created and Built this this platform the people that Were uh you know that the plan for the U Part we're going to get rid of the U Part and turn it into them tube and We're going to promote the same old crap That you guys all came this platform to Escape because you don't want to see That anymore right like it's a Complete reversal of their business Model and I went for a walk with my wife And I was talking to her about this as Well you know we're talking about this And there's two other essential pieces To know about the first one is that the
Most important thing that YouTube does Is promote your content to new people Right make it available to new people Because there are millions upon millions Of YouTube channels and other Independent people putting out content And then of course all the other type of Content that's available on cable news And you all these other platforms there Is a deluge of content there right you Know it's um it's like grains of sand on The beach of content and so to be able To find this content a to be able to Find my channel for example people who Would benefit from my channel like my Channel is the stuff that I produce I Recognize I'm acquired taste you know I'm not for everybody but there's some People who really love my channel let's Say it's 0.1% of the population which Would be you know 8 million people which Is still a lot of people right but how Those 8 million people find my content So what YouTube's job was is to put my Videos in front of people that would Likely enjoy them right and so by using The search Eng and by using what others Um other people's history of viewing Videos and the other information you Know there's extensive information about What everybody views and what Everybody's preferences are and then you Know your own choices that you make is a Big part of that and so what their
Algorithms and their you know AI Bots And their machine learning was supposed To do was find the people who would be Open to liking a video on my channel and Recommending those videos to those People right and doing that for all These channels and all the people and so Inevitably the people that would you Know gravitate to your content would get A chance to see it so this is they talk About this at shart tank you know any Business person knows the idea of Customer acquisition costs what does it Cost you to get your uh products in Front of the people who might buy them Right how much money is it going to cost Cost you in terms of the money that You're charging for your products and The money that you're making from Selling your products to acquire Customers and it used to be the cost was Zero because YouTube would promote your Channel it used to promote my channel Other people's channels right and Therefore it didn't cost you anything to Be put out in front of new people and You constantly have to be put out in Front of new people because you know You're you're only going to get certain Amount of loyal viewers and they're not Going to Last forever so you got to bring in more And more new people all the time and so As soon as YouTube stopped recommending
My channel and other channels like it I Knew that that was the end for me and Those people because I mean it was just The writing was on the wall you had Whatever amount of people that knew About your channel already but then they Made it hard for those people to find Your channel by Gaming the search engine So they made it even worse you know People who already knew about your Channel and hadn't watched videos for a Year or two I I get people commenting to Me all the time and saying yeah I I Couldn't find your channel again because They search for it and YouTube's uh Google's you know search engines no Longer would produce that as a you know As an option for them even though they Searching for pockets of the future they Weren't getting being able to find my Channel and so that's um what YouTube Chose to do and effectively they were Killing all of these independent voices And people that had created their Platform but also they were killing the Very essence and reason that they Existed which was connect people to this Independent content and so this is why People have left and drov as both Creators Andor um you know people who Are viewers and so this is discussed During my conversation with this bot and These three conversations I had with These Bots you know I knew all this but
Before I experienced it I didn't really You know feel it like I didn't feel it As a reality like I could see it coming I saw this developing years ago I mean All of us did and we could see that how It's affected people and YouTube is you Know on the decline and all the people In the truth Community have have left YouTube for other platforms or just quit And did something else right and so That's already you know commenced but Now was like Experiencing the bot aspect of and how They were going to deal with it and I Now know this is what I was talking to My wife about I now know how you know The economy and your lifestyle is going To be diminished is already starting to Be diminished and will be diminished in The future and every access point you Have to resources whether it be your Social Security whether it be getting a Bank loan whether whether it's whether It's a dealing with your credit card When when they take away your social Security or they empty out your bank Accounts or you know you go for a bank Loan or anything that happens in the Future the customer service is going to Be AI Bots and so as your lifestyle is Taken away and you go to complain about It and look for sympathy and explanation I know how the AI Bots are going to deal With you they're going to blame you
They're going to say the system is fine You know I talked about this in terms of The psychological model the DSM 5 you Know the dsm5 which has all these Different psychological Diagnosises it is always your fault it's Never the system's fault even though all These Psychological uh diagnosises are Produced in a system right A lot of These things didn't exist in our current Modern day uh the the system before our Current modern day system and so a lot Of these are systemic a lot of them had To do with neosia which was the introduc In the introduction of electricity and The getting away from living on farms And living more agrarian lifestyle and Living in cities a lot of these things Are situational they're system based Psychological issues but it's always Your fault if you're psychologically Messed up it's always your fault right When you're diagnosed with something It's because something that you're not Willing you're not able to do you can't Cope and be in this wonderful system That is flawless Right the system is never to be blamed For your psychological issues and that's How these AI Bots deal with it because The reason that I'm struggling my Channel struggling is because YouTube Stopped recommending my videos and
Promoting them now YouTube also has the Monetization program that's better than Other platforms monetizations program And they have a wider audience and all These things but it's the recommending The customer acquisition aspect of YouTube and if you then try to buy YouTube ads or Google ads to help you With customer acquisition and get your Channel on front of people which I have Now done and you know I get into this in This whole video If you do those things YouTube won't connect you with the right People they won't they won't use all This data they've collected on these People and the data they have on your Channel and connect you with those Viewers by putting your ads in the Appropriate spots and so it's a complete Failure of everything that they're Supposed to do and be about and now that I've experienced this because they talk About how brilliant AI is but AI is Extraordinarily limited because it Doesn't have compassion it doesn't have Empathy it doesn't have you know these Things love and empathy and compassion Exist in your heart in the human system There's three levels of intelligence There's your gut level intelligence Where anger and lust and jealousy and All these things your appetites fear you Know you feel fear and anger and things In your gut right and there's some
Instinctual animalistic tendencies that Exist on an emotional level lower level Emotions and then of course you have Your brain where is your thinking Process and that's where AI is better Ai's brain is has more capacity than Your brain right but then there's your Heart where your soul exists and your um You know this is where you feel love and Empathy and compassion An AI maybe can recreate the idea of Anger but won't have they don't have a Gut right the AI doesn't have a gut and Certainly doesn't have a soul so it's Not going to feel anything for you and So no matter how unfair the situation is And you can explain it over and over to The AI they're going to limit the ai's Capacity to feel any sort of I mean Can't even feel anyway and see your Point of view because it's just going to Look at the data it has to analyze and It's going to do it without any sort of A you know a heart or any sort of human Compassion and things and so when people Are you know lamenting their their System collapsing and losing their Lifestyles in these things and they go To talk to somebody with some Authority Some customer service person or somebody Human resources or whatever it is They're going to be in a conversation With some you know cold unfeeling AI bot That has been programmed to be a company
Man and they're going to give you these Gaslighting response and you know They'll be condescending and all these Things that I demonstrate the bot being Oh I'm sorry you feel that way and it's Just going to deliver the bad news to You without any sort of remorse or any Sort of accountability for this demonic System that has collapsed around them And so this is what I've learned from What you're about to see and here I do Another introduction about the Conversation I have the third Conversation I have with these Bots but Something that I knew was coming and Something that I could see was coming Has now become a reality there's no Future for you know people like me and Especially truthers on YouTube there's No future for YouTube itself and then There's the whole systemic collapse Which is going to be you know brought to You and sold to you and forced upon you By these cold unfeeling AI Bots that are Supposed to be so much smarter than you But incapable of any sort of human Interaction and human understanding and So one more thing to add to this YouTube Has openly rigged the system against Independent creators and certainly People in the truth Community right so What they've said is that they are Suppressing voices of people who are So-called conspiracy theorists and who
They think put out disinformation and These things and promoting authoritative News sources and people who are telling You what the official story is and Agreeing with the official story they Have said that these are their new Policies in terms of Google search Engine in terms of YouTube and Twitter Very recently in an interview with Don Lemons Elon Musk you know everyone's Saying Twitter is uh much more for free Speech Don Lemon was criticizing Elon Musk's Twitter and saying that hate Speech is more available there's more Hate speech on Twitter than it was Before he took over and Elon Musk said Yeah there's more hate speech but it's Reaching less people because it's being Hidden it's being shadowbanned right and So it's there it's just nobody can get Access to it right and so it's the same Thing with truther content where it Isn't hate speech it isn't something That's doing damage to people it's People who have verbalizing a different Opinion than the official story and Somehow that's considered so dangerous To the system That they are preventing people from Finding it and they're suppressing Channels that produce this kind of Content right and so that's rigging the System against people it's making it Unfair to people who are independent
Creators which is what YouTube is all About and so these Bots are claiming That shadow Banning doesn't exist but it Very much exists because it's YouTube And Google's stated policy to suppress So-called disinformation and promote Authoritative news and authoritative Opinions and so that's rigging the System and that's effectively Shadow Baning because you can't find content You can no longer find content that used To be there for everyone to see right Used to be promoted by YouTube and People who are looking for that content Are now being steered away from it in The most obvious and graphic ways so let Me show you how this works so YouTube Should have a profile of me as being Someone who is Interested in truther stuff and Alternative media and alternative media And not the official story right like All that they know about every one of us Because of my truth or content Because Of You Know Who I Am the purchases I Make everything that I they do and all The information they've collected on me They know that I'm interested in truther Information and truther channels right Like I have a truther Channel and so you Know they know all these things and yet Here they are um I'm going to go through All these various you know searches so This is how the YouTube search engine
Works I search for truther channels they Got this clown Brian Blaze who he's not A truther and mind-blowing conspiracy Theories that turned out to be true the Top 50 conspiracy theories that turned Out to be true pop culture conspiracy Theories Sabrina Carpenter this guy Shane Dawson who's just one of these Clowns this guy Brian blae again then Brian steltzer who's anti-conspiracy Theorist right and CNN and this is you Know um this is the the political Conspiracy theories are appealing this Guy Brian Blaze again and then epbc then CNN um CNN these things right so I Clearly want truther channels I'm Searching for truther channels I want Channels that produce truther Information and not one of the search Results re results in that and there's No mistaking what I want because they Know what I want they know the kind of Person I am it's going to be different For you and each person but truth or Channels don't get recommended right why Would my Channel or my Apocalypse Now Channel come up here or any number of Conspiracy theorists so-called Conspiracy theorist or truther Chanel so This is truther what a conspiracy theory Goes too far conspiracy theories and Crazy people insane conspiracy theories That turned out to be true truth or Reviews this is about
Anime and then Joe Rogan from five years Ago with this guy Eddie Bravo Jesse Ventura 911 they wanted it to happen From CNN with Piers Morgan I mean 11 Years ago 25 bizarre conspiracy theories You've never heard of these are all These things right Margaret Robbie Conspiracy theory like just goofy stuff Right and I didn't even say conspiracy Theory I said truther the most dangerous Theory and the most dangerous conspiracy Theory in the world all these things Right clearly what I'm not looking for And so this what it means to shadowban And rig against people you know how many Truth are channels out there like I Asked my viewers for recommendations of Truther channels and there was over a Hundred of them half of them were not Monetized but the ones that were I asked YouTube to advertise on these specific Channels you know Google ads and they Wouldn't do it because machine learning Didn't allow them to do this right then These other you know this is all the Alternative people also watched and none Of these things you know Jesse Ventura Going back 13 years right conspiracy Theories again none of these things are Truth or channels so when whenever you Search conspiracy theories or conspiracy Theorists you're going to get crazy Things um and it's going to be you know Debunking them or making fun of them or
People explaining them that don't Believe in them and never anything That's accurate never anything that's Coming from the truth of community so I Searched truth Community truth Community Church and then there's this just all This stuff which is at least a little Better I mean certainly this guy's you Know some kind of a clown and a Evangelical flimflam man but there's That nothing from the real truth Community truthers a person who doubts The generally accepted account of an Event believing in in a an official Conspiracy exists to conceal the Explanation a conspiracy theorist right And so not the worst definition but Clearly not something that supported Truth 's a podcast against the dangers Of misinformation this woman Brandy srne Is an antivaxx or these things right um So like all these things are negative Towards truthers and the truther Movement none of these things are coming From the truth movement and this is what I'm looking for but even if I wasn't Looking for it you have to give both Points of view and the majority of People now this some I bot that I'm Going to talk to is basically telling me That my channel is underperforming Because people don't want to watch my Content right and that you know I'm not Bringing in new people because people
Don't want to watch my content and the Old people are Leaving but we know that there are so Many more people that are waking up or At least open to these ideas how many People believe there's going to be Apocalypse how many people that used to Be you know sheeple friends and Relatives are now a little bit more open To your point of view right the truce Community has grown the big event in 2001 right that um you know event that Brought in so many people that's where I Came in and then there was these other Things that happened these these these School events that happened the economic Collapse of 2008 right and then all These other things that happened Afterwards pizz gate the election Rigging huon Earth these things that Came up you know these various things That have happened right and Biden's Presidency you know these things some of Them are right-wing truth or whatever so That's not real truth or stuff but there Are be these events that have brought More and more people to uh believe in These various types of theories right And so here 911 truth anti anti-semitic Conspiracies about 9/11 endure 20 years Later 9/11 truth movement Wikipedia Vivic Ram Swami suggests the truth about 911 is still you know whatever 911 Conspiracy theory the scamming of
America seven resources de buuny 911 Conspiracy theories 911 lies and you Know this used to be so many videos About the alternative view to 9911 you Know years and years ago up until about 2015 if you search for this it would be All about videos that you know I got Recommended videos about this way back When those videos have all been deleted The the the people who have produced These videos are gone they they received Millions upon millions of views I made Videos about this I got demonetized and I ultimately uh deleted them and none of These things is um you know this is you Know this goofy Lo Loose Change thing That was you know was controlled Opposition and it's being talked about Here by the New York Times right and so This is all stuff that is again they've Erased the uh unofficial story you know The things that people are looking for When you look for 9/11 truth they're not Giving to you because they've rigged the System against you you know this is Shadowbanning right 9911 truth how 911 Conspiracy theorist fueled the war on Reality Washington Post when you're Searching for 911 truth are you looking For a video from Washington Post from Two years ago it classified documents Hold 20e Secrets behind 911 attacks ABC Action News so this is not you know this Is a a local news station founders of
Architects and engineer for 9911 truth Answers whether jet can melt steel beams This is um I don't know value Entertainment short clips this guy is From The Daily Show who box conspiracy Theorist Jordan klepper uh the Terrifying Truth by 9/11's flight 77 Hijacked midday air disaster again CBS Morning News all these things this is Not what you're looking for National Geographic AP Associated Press BBC the History Channel The Daily Show right and Then P Piers Morgan debate with Alex Jones I mean all these things Jesse Ventura from you know um 13 years ago All things that we're not looking for Right these are not if you're looking For 9/11 videos you're not looking for These 911 truth videos and the videos You're looking for no longer exist on YouTube because why you know what's so Scary about people having a different Opinion than the official story and what So you know why is that has to be Censored why is that have to be Shadow Banned what's so horrible about that Right so the next big event and I I'm Leaving some out cuz just for Time Pizzagate Pizza gate conspiracy theory Pizzagate conspiracy theory and I'm not Saying I believe in these things right Like pizzagate is something that you Know there's a lot of disinformation That came out so it wasn't something
That was completely accurate right there Was some truth in it there was the Leaked emails and things but you know The truth Community got goofy about Pate There's a lot of stuff that came out That was out and out lies and people Just making things up right you know Stuff with Epstein and things like this All these things that came out where People just ran with rumors or hearsay Without presenting facts but you know There's some truth in it but that Doesn't matter what I'm covering here is You believe in pizzagate and you want to Know what it's about from people who Believe in it right let's say you're Searching that you know let's say I was Searching that and this is what they Give you Elon mus has boosted the Pate Conspiracy theor Rolling Stone Southern Southern Poverty Law Center PBS Britannica New York Times Pizza Conspiracy theory thrives a new on Tik Tok fake story that shows conspiracy Theor spread BBC political so there's Not what Jordan klepper again fingers of Conspiracy pizzagate all these things CNN IMD New York New York Magazine so They're not giving you what you want Here right you see that they're not Giving you what you want they're just Saying things that are you know are Um are mainstream they're promoting what They consider authoritative news and
They're not giving you what you're Looking for what you're searching for And so it means that Google no longer Works for you and YouTube doesn't work For you Right same thing with pizzagate here They they do this up here with a little Blip and then Jordan Kepler this Obnoxious piece of crap unfunny comedian Piz gate are Democrats harvesting Children's blood Jordan Clapper fingers The conspiracy and then CVS Evening News Pizza bait suspect charged with Allegedly firing shot at DC restaurant 7 Years ago Pizza gate isn't going away The Young Turks pizzza gate is an Alt-right fever dream The Late Show with Steven coar right all these how a sex Party actually works in former on Vice Elon Musk you know this is all stuff That's um you know it's debunking any of These theories and so they won't show You what you want to see right these Guys are being portrayed as horrible People you know all these things Dangerous criminals and we can update Cathy Anne on Pizza gate you know all Things mocking anybody who believes it And again you know whether you believe In it or not you're looking for Something and YouTube is saying F you We're not going to show you what you Want in fact we're not even going to Allow those videos on our platform but
If we do we're going to hide them and We're going to show you what we think You should believe because we know Better than you because you're you know Worthless piece of that doesn't Know anything about what they want and So we're going to give you what's good For you what you're looking for isn't There right Trump hosts event featuring Q and on and pizza gate conspiracy Theorist and Mara Lago ABC news right so This is Shadow Banning this is Preventing people from seeing what they Want and whether you're wrong or right About what you want it's what you want It's what you're looking for as a viewer You want to see videos about the pizza Gate you not want to see videos Debunking Pizza gate you didn't put the Word debunking in here here right they Know what you want cuz they know your Profile is and your viewer history is But they're giving you stuff that you Don't want and so when the sayi bot Tells me there's no such thing as Shadow Banning which you'll see when I read the Conversation I had with it this is the Lie in the you know and it doesn't know Any better because it's not allowed to Understand it isn't given the Information of how Shadow Banning works And so this is how it works so anybody Putting out content that disagrees with The official story is um you know is not
Being shown here Flat Earth again I Don't like Flat Earth theory I don't Believe in it I don't like flat earthers But if you're a flat earther you're Searching for Flat Earth they have Wikipedia right this is what flat Earthers believe not told to you by flat Earthers right everything here BBC National Institute of Health Flat Earth Theory CNN conspiracy again I really Dislike flat earthers is my regular Viewers know I don't let anybody talk About it here because I think it's been A cancer around the truth Community but Flat earther have a right to see videos About flat earth right they're Completely in the right to be able to Make videos about it that's what they Believe right whether they're wrong or Not I believe they're completely wrong And but that doesn't you know that Doesn't prevent them from making content And here's a flatter of society but I Think this is considered fairly bogus by The Flat Earth Community but everything Here is anti Flat Earth and again you Know these are Kevin Nash to bunking Flat Earth in 45 seconds if you're a Flat earther you should be able to find Your content Millie Bobby Brown no Longer believes the world is flat or Does she Flatline expose what flat Earthers really believe Eric Dubai sucks At life this is the guy this is the
Father of Flat Earth in many ways and Why not if you're going to have Eric du Bu sucks on life 200 Flat Earth proofs Debunk why not have his stuff out there As well right it's not dangerous it's Okay if people believe it right you know They're wrong I mean I believe they're Wrong but they should be able to find Flat Earth and so flat earthers are Being shadowban right which we know from Other things another thing I dislike is Kon I wrote qinon Q drops after 18th Month Hiatus a new qon post resurface And antide defamation League code words And crumbs deciphering Q messaging Q Drop I really dislike the Q Community It's a it's uh disinformation you know Q Is um you know is American intelligence NSA CIA whatever it is right it's part Of the American intelligence Network It's a you know shill operation a Psychological operation I dislike qanan But these people have a right to believe What they're you know what they believe It's not illegal to believe in qanon Right it's not you know it's not harmful I mean if you act on some of these Beliefs well that's something different But the information itself if you Believe in it you should be able to Watch videos and read articles about it These are all you know major independent All these things Business Insider and so Qod on Q drops qon 101 the search for Q
On Vice right Comedy Central mocking k People MSNBC mocking qon people they Very much they like me very much Tom Discuss his qon conspiracy theory Movement Into the Storm this is an HBO Um it's kind of I watched this you know It's again it's a wrong-headed Um it's antiq and which I agree with but It's you know again not what Q andon People are looking for if you are a QB If you a q nonbeliever you should be Able to find content that supports you World view but YouTube has said guess What Tim Dylan explains q and on YouTube Says no you don't get to do that Right 2020 election rigged right so the Election again this is an Amazon uh Rigged how big media big Tech and the Democrats this is an actual book about The rigging but AP News Trump de drum Beat of lies about the 2020 election why Do million Americans believe the 20 Presidential election was wrecked was Rigged false claims about new report on Fraud at 2020 election USA Today fact Check on January Boop anniversary Trump Sticks to PBS right all these things Again if you believe the election is Rigged and I believe all elections are Rigged I believe that Trump's a rigged To control a person I don't believe Trump's a victim but there are questions About the election like you know when They did what they did on covid right
That there was um you know all of these Things um that were brand new like Massive use of mailin ballots that Favored Joe Biden you know Trump won the Election before the the majority of the The mailin ballots were counted and so There's legitimate questions here right And it's not allowed here 2020 evidence Of voter fraud set straight on CBN News New videos alleged election fraud in Detroit all these things MSNBC ABC News Bloomberg television all these things Again there's if you're searching for CNN here with Mike Lindell Lindell Lindell and so even when somebody gets Someone Mike Lindell is a kind of a a Goof but if you're looking for election Rigging videos that support what you Believe and you want to learn learn About the other alternative Point of View Utah YouTube promotes authoritarian News and takes away the news that you Want you know from independent people Like these are all organizations that Aren't YouTube people they have their Own platform CNN has their own platform And again I don't believe I'm not Trump I don't believe in the right-wing stuff But these are things that brought people To the truth community and they're not Looking for this crap right they already Know what you think I know what your Point of view we all know what the Official story is we know what the
Official story is on 9/11 we know what The official story is on Pizza gate we Know what the official story is on qod And Flat Earth right and we all could Decide for ourselves why not allow us to See both sides of the story again that's Rigging and shadowbanning people covid Conspiracy theories a bioweapon hoax the Link between you know this is the National Institute of Health so this is The official story covid-19 conspiracy Theories PBS Alliance for science Wikipedia covid misinformation Um Washington State Insider all these Things NPR National Institute of Health Sage journals right I mean this is part Of YouTube's and Google's policy about Um you know information about uh you Know uh medical misinformation policies Right but people aren't looking for this What about the people who don't agree With this story who have covid you know People who uh doubt the existence of Covid or you know I had Co so I have my You know and it was bad what I had was Not like I believe it's a biological Weapon right and I have my own you know View on it but you know people don't Want the official story because we Already know the official story the Official story is the easiest thing to Find and when you come to YouTube Particularly you don't want that right Um and so all these things here again
None of these things are truth or Channels or people who are um you know Uh who have real theories about covid These none of these things again tinf Foil hat wearing people all this kind of Stuff right and so um you know this was These were some of the things that Brought people into the truth Community The truth commity has grown because People are suspicious and have lost Faith in the official story how many People don't believe in their government You know how many people think that have A negative opinion about Congress it's Almost like 80% or you know the the Presidency or any of these types of Institutions how many people distrust Mainstream media the majority of people And yet they're saying to me that people Don't want to watch my content right That I have to make better content and Content that's more in line with the Official story and that way I'll be able To be recommended by YouTube and you Know be able to be even then I won't be Recommended because they're going to be Giving preference to CNN these other Places they Daily Show all this stuff Right Covid vaccine conspiracy again NIH all These mainstream you know there's the Official story we know the official Story is and as Times Gone by you know How demonized the antivaxers were and
How um you know they they were a threat To society right and how YouTube's Policies were so discriminatory against These people and they were allowed to be Slandered and hate speech against which I covered in a long video on my other Channel and so again what you're Searching for what you're getting are Two separate things they're not giving You what you're looking for the same Thing here Tucker Carlson on MSNBC these guys the triy guys with Dr Fouchy I mean all this stuff Bill Burr He says um he he he has a he's you know He's anti- antivaxx right Bill bur the You know the shill comedian all these People um this nurse Tiffany do remember She was somebody who passed out she came Back later and then there was this one Woman who has a this MSNBC that just is About debunking so-call a conspiracy Theorist when did an interview with her Right I watched this video I showed you This video before on my other channel And then all these things Woody harlson Said something about it on Saturday Night Live and they're kind of covering It only a way to crap all over Woody Right and so if you're searching for Something here that you're looking for Information or you you know you believe In these things the only thing here is You know this is Joe Rogan but covered By this guy and so these are all anti-
These you know anti- antiva people and So at the end of the day here is YouTube Shadow band so this bot said to me you Know the bot says to me at the end of The video at the end of the article so I Talk about Shadow Banning and Phillip The AI bot I was chatting with since we Want all our creat to only receive Factual data please know please know That the term Shadow ban is not Something that YouTube Team encourages Or uses because such a process simply Does not exist on our end we don't ban Or block any creators from reaching Viewers unless a video or channel is Being taken down due to violating our Community guidelines or copyright Policies and so he's trying to claim That shadow Banning doesn't exist but I Just showed you it does right and I'll Get into other people here talking about This and so after you know a bunch of Things it's says I really sorry to hear To feel that way and I I'll read this Whole conversation in a moment I already Did the voice over I have shared the Details based on your Channel's Performance and a few other internal Tools to confirm that there is no Invalid traffic on your channel hope you Can find time to exhaust more of your Analytics and Advanced Data to learn More about your audience well it isn't My audience because they are not um you
Know they're not recommending my videos To people and they are not allowing They're not notifying my subscribers and They're unsubscribing people and they're Making it hard for people to find my Channel and so basically this bot Nam Phillip and this bot Nam cloud and this Bot name Margaret all said the same Thing that I need to dive into my Analytics and see what was working and Make better content and then I might Channel could make the money it used to Make even though it's basically Performing only slightly worse than it Used to and most of that has to do with YouTube's policies right so if you Search YouTube Shadowban these are all people who are Talking about being Shadow ban and none Of these people as far as I know are Truthers right there's lots of people Who um feel like they've gotten Shadow Banned either from comments or some Other thing and so you know YouTubers Themselves are saying they're Shadow Banning YouTube's policies say they're Shadow Banning and all of us know that There's Shadow Banning but their Bots Are like hey there's no Shadow Banning and so that's the future that's What it's going to be like to deal with Bots when they you know Human Service Bots and the Bots that you're going to Interact with in the future when they
Take over all these types of interface You know where you're interfacing with a Company or a government or something and These heartless um you know uh remedial Empathetic Bots who are just all about The official story tell you how it You're you're wrong and it's your fault And even though the system's rigged Against you you should be able to do Better and and whatever your complaints Are are unjustified but they'll Apologize to you and say things like oh I'm sorry you feel that way so let's get Into it here's the you know my um int my Original introduction and the exchange I Had with this um this AI bot named Phillip okay greetings brothers and Sisters so I had another conversation With an AI Bot um I'm not sure whether I'm going to Read it or not and then I wrote a letter To um YouTube or like I got into an Email thing and I'll I'll talk about That but it really showed me what the Future is like in terms of dealing with AI Bots who are kind of dicks my Conversations with them and yes they're All the same bot right I don't you know I don't understand why they would have Different names and it seems like it's Just one guy right it's one Thing but I dealt with it on my other Channel and it's kind of interesting I Really interesting it's this dystopian
Thing that I've talked about you know People are going to have to deal with in The future but actually experiencing it Is kind of unsettling and I think it's Very important that people understand What's happening here and so I dealt With two AI bots on my pox the future Channel and and you know I talked about How they said um I have the screenshots Here let me just pull these up so the First one the person the bot said um Please know we want your channel to Succeed as much as you do and the second Bot said this here let me pull it up Here said please understand that YouTube Has no intention to decrease your Revenue and you know this is gas Lighting and so some time Passed and you know I was asking about Invalid traffic that's why I went to you Know I knew this was going to be like This kind of I didn't know exactly how It was going to be like the I didn't Know exactly what the experience would Show me like my now understanding of Something that I kind of knew you know I Knew but I hadn't experienced it yet Right like it brought it into reality You know my Apocalypse Now channel is Making less Revenue it's suffering even Worse than my pox of the future and I Thought well maybe they have invalid Traffic on that right invalid traffic is This very vague idea that somehow you're
Trying to generate traffic through using Some third-party service or clicking on Your own videos watching your own ads or Encouraging other people to do it right And so all these people are suffering From this and YouTube tells them they Have this problem but they don't tell Them which videos or where the source is Coming from so I watched a few videos Videos of these are kind of Normy people Not truthers who are told by YouTube you Have invalid traffic but YouTube doesn't Say you know YouTube says all right we Found this problem and so you found the Problem then where is it right where's The evidence of this problem and so These people had to comb through their Videos and try to figure out where Invalid traffic was coming from and this One girl was talking about duck Dogo and Brave browser like some of her traffic Came from Duck Dugo like one viewer came From duck. and one came from Brave and She was wondering if that was what they Were thinking I'm not sure she Understood what they were right duck Duck do is a a search engine like a sort Of a um like a open- source search Engine I don't really like using it but It's supposed to be better than I don't Find it to be and the brave browser is Supposed to be also independent and it Has a built-in ad blocker and things Like this right and I think that Google
Is doesn't like Brave you know whatever But you know she was just grasping at Straws right so I wanted to see if they Were going to tell me I had valid Traffic and I was going to say to the Bot because this is all performative Right like I'm going to talk to you guys About it otherwise you know what's the Point they're not going to hear me or Change anything right it's all like These you know catch 22s you know this If you ever seen the movie or read the Book catch22 was about these fighter Pilots who um they needed a certain Amount of missions they had to fly like 40 missions and then they they get Discharged right so you know they're Flying dangerous missions over enemy Territory and being shot at right and so They would um you know they want they The more missions they flow the the more Likelihood that they would get shot down Right so but they kept on changing the Amount of missions and they would say to The guy well you know how do we get out We said we'll fly more missions they Said well every time we fly more Missions you bump up the you know the Criteria and we had then and he goes Yeah just fly more missions and so by Flying more missions they just raise the The number of getting out so it's say Catch 22 and they have very ex various Examples in the book of Catch 22 where
The the government or the powers that be Just changed the rules and so that you Can never win right but those of you Who've been paying attention to this I've had these conversations with YouTube ads and now these Bots and these People like I had one YouTube person Like an actual person who was a Google Ads person And he told me which I read you know I Had a I taped this you know the Conversation and he said that they had To wait for machine learning you know I Wanted to pick my channels that I was Going to run ads on I wanted to pick uh Truther channels I had my viewers Recommend truther channels that they Thought if I ran ads on them it would Bring in new viewership here right cuz YouTube was no longer recommending my Videos to people who were you know not In a small subgroup of people and mostly My own viewers right YouTube wasn't even Notifying my own viewers never mind Putting my videos out for new people and They've been doing that you know to lots Of lots of different channels where they Used to share videos of mine on um you Know the way you get recommended videos Right but they don't do that for Truthers anymore they don't do that for Lots of channels and they handpick the Channels that they promote and they you Know and I'll get into that in a bit and
So was running these ads and the guy Admitted that we couldn't like I as a Customer couldn't handpick right I'm I'm Paying them to atise my stuff and I said All right advertise only on these 40 Monetized truther channels that my Viewer said these would be good channels To to uh to um you know to advertise on And they have a you know they have a Place where you can suggest the channels And the channels that their AI Bots were Picking were horrible like they were the Opposite of truther channels one was Like a Bollywood Channel like just you Know people who would never understand My content so if they clicked on my Video and they went through and they Checked out my channel they were going To leave so I'd just be paying for Something that's has no chance of Succeeding right and so the guy says to Me that we can't do what you're asking Us to do because we have to wait till The machine learning figures it out and That's how they are slave to their AI Bots right and so I know that it's Pointless like you can't do anything Like it's just the their system has been Corrupted and it's you know it's just Gone the way of machine learning and you Know AI Bots and these things algorithms And there's no Humanity back in it you Can't talk to a person and they can't do Anything if you do right because they've
Handed all over the control to their Algorithms or AI Bots it's all automated And you know it's limited but I thought I could like catch the AI bot by saying Something that's completely logical and Not that it was going to change the bot Because the bot's you know a bot but you Guys would be able to see it and you Know I make these videos I have these Conversations with the idea that I'm I'm Going to read them and I'll read the Conversation in a bit right but you know It's um kind of you know hilarious to to Deal with but this was even more telling Than that and so what I figured was the Bot was going to say to me that you do Have invalid traffic and I would say Well which video is it on and the bot Would say well you go in the analytics And figure out you know which videos It's on and go well you're the one who's Saying that I have a problem you're Saying you that you've detected invalid Traffic so it must be from a source the Invalid traffic it must be from a source So please tell me which video and what The source is of the invalid traffic Because they know who's watching my Videos and who's clicked on them and These things right and so um I thought Thought that would be a good way to just You know prove to everybody show them How much of a scam this is you know Because my last U you know I just got a
Community guideline strike which they I Appealed and they Reversed and they timestamped it was the First time they'd ever done that right So I I put out long videos and they say That you have a community guideline Strike for something like medical Misinformation and they don't tell you Where it is and I make you know hourong Videos and this video was an hour and a Half long you know my video about it's Time to apologize to the Antivaxers and they timestamped it and When they timestamped it I played the You know what they were having a problem With and the line was basically I said There's demographics of people different Demographics a v variety of demographics Of people who have all decided that the Boop wasn't for them and I'm like well That's not like I knew that they were Going to reverse it took them almost the Full 72 hours to reverse it but it was Helpful that they timestamped it and They could have been doing that all Along right their Bots are finding a Part of the video that they they think That they're analyzing it and they're Saying well this is a community Guidelines uh violation and they could Tell you exactly where it when it is in The video right but this um you know This invalid traffic they're telling People to comb through your analytics
And look for anything that's invalid in Your traffic and then I don't know what And they don't even tell you what to do To solve it right and until you figure It out we're going to cut 80% of your Revenue you know so so again it's just Like Catch 22 so I went to do the um Chat and I noticed that on my Apocalypse Now channel that you know you go to the Help section and there was on my pockets Of future there was you scroll down to The bottom and it says you want to have An email or a chat Conversation uh you know if the other Things don't help you right if you go Through the other help options there is You know something you can click on to Talk directly to a chat with a bot right Chat with a bew pot and on my apocalyse Now channel that wasn't there and I Later found out if you clicked enabled Something it allowed you to have that And then that the search you know this Your menu expands so you could get this Right but I'm like oh so they're really Prejudiced against this channel even More that's what I thought at first and So as I tried to get into a chat I had To go through all kinds of Hoops and Figure out how to get to the chat page And I finally got to the chat page and You know the bot went and read my other Chats right so the bot was capable of Reading my other
Chats and said that I don't have an Invalid traffic problem so I couldn't do What I wanted which was to to C you know To confront the bot and how unreasonable It is to say we have a problem we've Detected on one of your videos but we're Not going to tell you which video or When it happened or who created the Problem and said I didn't have invalid Traffic but then sent me stuff on what Invalid traffic was and how I could fix It and I said to the bot you know and I'll read the conversation in a second Here and I said to the bot you said I Don't have invalid traffic then you send Me something showing that I have inv Valid traffic or how to fix a problem I Don't have right and so we went through This whole exchange and like I said it Went back and and it reread my Conversations and it comb through my Channel in a very short period of time And so this is the problem with AI Because the AI comes off as very Arrogant like it knows more than you and It's just whatever but it really can't Conceptualize things and it's very Limited to the sphere of the FAQ and the Information that's available about YouTube and YouTube's policies and it Doesn't have a heart and a soul and a Mind that can you know differentiate and Understand things the way that they say And so the AI bot you know we went back
And forth and I explained you know all The things that I received from the Other channels and it said it's just Basically going to tell me the same Thing because it's the same AI bot right It's not like they have different Personalities you know it's not like um Cloud has a different personality than You know uh Margaret you know like They're all the same thing right and They're all going to give you the exact Same answers which is scary and they're Dickish about they're arrogant and it Kept on referring me and saying the Problem is in your analytics why your Channel is not performing well and it Kept on putting it back on me right it Kept on saying that my it's my fault or I can figure out why my channel isn't Performing well and I have to figure it Out by going through the analytics and When I do that I can correct the problem And my Revenue will increase and all the Other problems will go away right and so Um you know it was basically gaslighting Me I say you're gaslighting me and they Said the thing said no we don't we don't Gaslight here just like it said you know The other things about we're not doing Anything to decrease your Revenue you Know I've done a few things on my end That Were you know some unavoidable and those Things were my videos just got better
And I became you know just um and Something that YouTube should appreciate Right and so you know very early on I Saw that I was making videos this is Back when I was getting millions of Views like I had some videos that got Millions of views and hundred thousands Of views and I was talking about you Know the the A-list actors who are Really possibly women Michelle Obama Possibly you know men being women men Dressing up as women and Michelle Obama Possibly being a man and things like That right and I talked about the Illuminati and I talked about things Like that and I evolved past that like I Changed my position on it right and and You know the YouTube uh the truth Community then became very singular Focused one issue focused right you had The QB you had the flat earthers and you Had all these people who were you know The people who are the pizza people the People were you know all these different Groups of people that were almost always One issue people or you know they were Very focused on you know the the VAC or Whatever it is right you know Co stuff The Flues and you know the the truth Community became really dumbed down and My videos got better and I became more Reasonable and more and no not so Absolute like lots of truthers are like
This is the way it is and it's just this Way and you know it can't be any other Way and and they're the bad guys and We're the good guys and you know I Realized that that was all you know Immature and not true and that we were Also part of the problem individually And as a as a group truthers and I Started talking about these things in a Different way and you know I wasn't Playing on people's emotions of lots of People are are you know they want things That are going to make them feel fearful Or angry you know they want to be um you Know the Alex Jones model all that stuff The sky is falling and they want you Know drama and they want clickbait and They want you know stuff to be exciting In some way that's um you know Borderline crazy but you know it's Something that's very uh you know Stimulating the sense that it's like oh My God can that be true like these big Claims and things right and so because Of that my viewership was going to Shrink like that's my part of the issue But my videos got better and I became More responsible and I became the kind Of truther that you YouTube should value Because I'm not just all Fir and Brimstone and US versus them and you Know these things it's more mature it's More you know it's it's better but YouTube at the same time changed their
Policies for all of us and affected me You know there's lots of people say oh They're targeting your channel and you Know I and I said to the bot I'm being Shadowbanned and the bot said well we Don't Shadow ban here right and so they Really don't Shadow ban the way that we Think about it like they don't have a Policy called Shadow Banning in which They Shadow ban you right and they pick A specific Channel they throw you in a Category Shadow Banning and then you're Shadow banned right but what they do is They what they've done is they changed Their policies and I've known about this For years but this is when it really hit Home like this is when the rubber has Met the road right and so you know There's this idea of fake news that came About right after the election in 2016 you know was talked about during The end of the election fake news and Then when Hillary Clinton lost the they Started talking about fake news and all Of a sudden YouTube and other social Media platforms were being Scrutinized because as far as the Business model went they wanted people Saying whatever they wanted to say they Wanted every possible demographic every Possible point of view represented on Their platforms so that they would get More more and more users right they Didn't want to exclude anybody based on
What they were saying or doing because They didn't care what you were talking About as long as you were doing it on Their platform I that was the business Botle like in you know the more the Marrier the the more people they didn't Care what kind of you know crazy stuff You were saying as long as you were Saying it on YouTube or Facebook or Whatever it is right so the first phase Was in 200 I want to say 17 whatever it was um there's a thing Called the ad Apocalypse and what that was was there Was a a event or a really controversial Conspiracy theory type Take that was a video and they YouTube Ran ads on it and McDonald's or whatever It was the companies that saw that their Uh their company was being tied to this Really disturbing video right it wasn't Really all that disturbing said that They weren't going to advertise with YouTube anymore unless YouTube figured Out a way to make sure that their ads Wouldn't run on controversial videos and So that's the ad apocalypse right Affected everybody remember PewDiePie Was worried was whining about this that Iy was making like $12 million a year And he was making almost nothing Everyone was complaining and there was No ad Revenue coming into YouTube and so YouTube had to put in restrictive
Policies and that's you know again where The shadow Banning started where they Wanted to make sure if you made videos That weren't aligned with the official Story that the the premium advertising Uh you know the companies whatever they Were AT&T McDonald's all these companies Were going to pull their advertising This has happened with Elon Musk very Recently right they said if you don't Start censoring where you know Disney And these companies are going to pull Their ads and you know I said back then And again I don't know if it would have Worked but all the YouTubers should talk To their viewers about boycotting Walmart McDonald's all these companies Because those companies operate with a Very slim margin and if you can uh nail Them for one or two% of their revenue It's catastrophic for them 5% like Devastating and the way that you know What happened with Bud Light right if What happened with Bud Light was done by You know all these YouTubers say all Right anybody who's participating in the Ad apocalypse f you and just tell their You know viewers were abandon them and You know some of the viewers would do it And it would affect these major Corporations and they would have caved I Mean that's the way I see it I don't Know because again you know we we were Looking at something new that happened
With the whole you know the Caitlyn Jenner thing and the gender stuff it was The first time that corporations went Against the popular opinion you know 60% Of people were against that whole agenda But the corporations went with it anyway And I've never seen that like it was no Longer the customer was always right the Corporations were siding against the Majority of the Americans and their Point of view of what's going on with All that stuff right so it was a Different time where you know business Was no longer as important again we saw This during covid where you know they Said we're going to close down the Economy I mean things had happened Before when the big event happened in 2001 Bush said everyone go spend money They're trying to you know attack American way of life so go spend money Go invest in the economy I mean that was His you solution to the event that had Happened you know you know allegedly Right like so Um and so there's never any sense of the American economy or the global economy Being shut down but they did it for Covid and it turned out to be Unnecessary right we all know now that They shouldn't have done that and that People you know I mean businesses all This devastating effect that it's had On you know so many young people being
Depressed I mean all this the lockdown Was horrible but it was nothing like you Know anything that we saw before and so That was the first phase YouTube then Put in these policies that had to do With ad revenue and those of us who are Making alternative sort of content we Saw that our money the the ads that they Started running on our channels weren't As good and they had this new policy of Demonetizing certain videos if they Thought it had controversial Content in it right the demonetization Of videos just took off and I found like All like half of my videos just Immediately were Demonetized and you know Retroactively and so they had you know Basically um that was the first phase of We what we now call Shadow Banning right Because now they were saying that if you Said certain things you weren't going to Get paid you weren't being able to make Money on videos that where those things Were said and so there controlling what You were saying based in the your Ability to earn a living from your from Your work from your from your content And all of us went through a decrease in Revenue a decrease in you know all these Things and then the next phase was when They um you know they with this same Point of view of the um you know now They were going after the so-called
Conspiracy theorists and they you know They banned Alex Jones I there's things Like this and the next phase was where They changed their search engines and You know there was movies about this There was a movie um a documentary put Out by Netflix that showed how all of These um various uh you know these Social media platforms were pushing So-called conspiracy theorists content You know if you were interested in Something they would just recommend more Of it and they're promoting it and you Know this became whole talking point was In MSNBC and CNN and fox all jumped on The bandwagon because they were getting Killed by the stuff that was on the Internet they were losing their audience To the internet you know they're dying Platforms and so it became a whole wave Of push to do more censorship and so YouTube came out and said that they were Going to start recommending and Google Authoritative news and so you'd be Searching for one thing and you guys now All it's become a regular occurrence if You were searching for something before They implemented these policies you Would find channels like mine because They would look through your history and They would and they would look through You know the kind of content you were Looking for and they would give you more Of that content they would give you
Truth or content so if you search for Conspiracy theories and you know Tru or Things and you whatever way you worded Your search the search engine would Figure out what you wanted and give it To you right and we were able to find What we wanted and now you can't find That at all like people can't find my Channel in a search engine because it's Being blocked from being presented as a Result even when you search pockets of The future it doesn't come up and I you Know coin this term I mean it's my term Right you know I came up the pockets of The Future model years and years ago and I have the biggest CH you know the Biggest I have the most subscribers I Have the most you know views and things Like this and so when you search pox if Future I should come up first and I Don't I don't even come up on Brave the Browser brave because they all use the Same sort of algorithms and you know the Search engines take from each other and So these Universal results where YouTube Is saying you think you want this but no You want this right Google was saying You're you're searching for this but I Think you want to watch this instead and So they started to change what people Were going to find when they search for Something and that was a way of shadow Banning not allowing people to find what They were looking for and so people
Weren't able to you know find my content Other truthers content and not just Truthers it was anybody who fell into This category and along with that YouTube stopped recommending my videos To new people I mean not just mine but Truthers in general and so instead of You know bringing in new people who Would often times I'd get sheeple who' Come and and write you know bizarre Comments she like comments Because they would find my videos and Doubt they weren't finding them anymore And so your um your video was limited to Mostly your your regular audience and They weren't being notified and they They were being unsubscribed right and So in 2018 I had I was getting like a 100,000 subscribers A Day 2017 18 Whatever it was I mean 100 subscribers a Day like I passed 100,000 subscribers And I got 100,000 Subs 100 a day until I Reached 200,000 and then it just stopped Like I was losing subscribers i' gained Some back but you know was just back and Forth like I've been hovering around 200 Subscribers my Apocalypse Now Channel it Went up to 25,000 subscribers I was Gaining subscribers gaining subscribers And then they just froze it and now it's About the same like every month it's Usually a net loss or you know a few Subscribers if it's a net gain it's like 50 but I wasn't reaching new people and
When that happened I knew it was over Because you know no one's going to watch Your content every day for I mean maybe A few people will for 10 15 years right People come and they go you know they Lose interest in you they evolve into Something else they change their you Know it's just the way people are and so You can't expect that you're going to Retain your own your same audience over A long period of time I mean there's Some loyal people some people who really Enjoy my content It becomes part of their life but that's You know out of my 200,000 subscribers That's probably anywhere between 5 10 at Most 20 thousand people and they don't Watch everything they're not they don't They can't watch everything I put out Too much content there's at most 3 4,000 People that watch everything I do at Most right and so and that's great that There was you know all you have found This channel I mean I'm appreciate of That but you you know I have to also Bring in new people that's the whole Point of being on YouTube YouTube runs Ads and YouTube is the biggest platform And you have access to a worldwide Global audience and so you can increase Your viewership and grow your channel But now that was impossible because YouTube wasn't recommending it to new People and all the other things that
They had done in terms of these policies And they just kept on tightening up These policies tightening up their Search engines restricting you know your Channel I mean for truther specifically But other people as well right you know So I can say that for my part when I Started to talk about Trump in a Negative way well I was going to lose The trumpers and that's a big Demographic I also started talking about The Bible and Christianity and some of The things that I know to be false right I mean this is me just telling the truth You know what I believe to be the truth And that's what I think people come here For right but you know I would say Things about you know I didn't agree With the Flat Earth movement I didn't Agree with the cub Ian everything I say About the cubies has come true and the Trumpers and Trump himself right Ian it Should be obvious to everyone but even My video recent video on Alex Jones There's going to be some people that get Turned off and then I say things in General that just people take personally Even though I'm not even thinking about Them and I'm not even you know I don't Even care about what I'm saying you know I I have uh open myself up to be a Conduit for whatever flows through me in Terms of you know Divinity hopefully Right and then my own personal jokes and
Opinions and things but I don't take Anything I say that seriously because I Don't think you know those things are Going to change the world I believe that Your internal connection everybody Focusing on a connection to the Divine But then there was also my doing the Meditation the whole heartfulness thing And then when I called the heartfulness Out as a cult you know some people took Offense to that you know so I mean There's just like you can't live your Life pandering to people and then do This job you have to just be able to Speak freely and you know you hope that People understand you're not going to Agree on everything and this isn't Personal and that maybe the stuff that They're upset about is stuff that they Need to hear and very few people are are Mature like that and so that's my part In it right my content got better I Changed as a person and then I became Less acceptable to various demographics And lots of people on the internet and You know lots of dumb Dums and things Like this you know people who are Emotionally based and you know don't Have the ability for this kind of level Of you know conceptualizing the idea of The truth community and all the other Stuff they want us versus them they're The good guys they're they're the bad Guys we're the good guys you know these
Kind of things right and so you know That's my part I was going to lose some Viewers because of that but in terms of YouTube I mean they should be happy I Made those changes because that's the Kind of you know more reasonable person That they should uh you know desire to Be a you know whatever right like this Is a person who's not you know Suggesting violence and hatred and Things and and you know someone who Isn't uh inflaming the situation and Pushing fear and anger and yet YouTube You know they don't recognize those Things or they don't care or they don't You know whatever but all the other Policies that have caused my Channel's Decline have to do with YouTube right It's nothing I can fix I mean of course I could make videos that truth or uh That sheeple would like like I could Make sheepel videos like I could start a New channel and you know win an audience Based in that I you know I couldn't do It like I just physically I couldn't Make myself do that mentally I couldn't Make myself do that but I could do that But then what would be the point of my Channel because I would be lying to Everybody and pretending to be something I'm not just so I can make money and get Views right and so I can't do that like That would be the only thing I can do is To stop being a truther because
Everything else in YouTube's policies Has said you're not welcome and this Conversation I had it was very clear That they were saying without saying it And they're doing in the most dickish Way oh we want you to succeed but Everything that we've done in terms of Our policies are prejudice against you And you have to fix the problem even Though we hold all the power that's Creating the problem you know Shadow Banning with you without calling it Shadow Banning and if you say we're Shadow Banning we're just saying no we Don't do that but of course you do right And so it was just uh like a slap in the Face of reality and also how dickish and Unpleasant it is to deal with these Bots Because they're so they just have a Corporate script and they can't deviate From that script there's no wiggle room For them to be a human being because They're not a human being wellas in India there was this big event that they Had you know there was uh documented in The movie Hotel Mumbai or something like That and you know they changed all their Policies and they changed it around SIM Cards where they limited people to three Monon SIM card even though you had a Six-month visa and every time you got a New SIM card you would get a new phone Number so every three months you were Switching your phone number because you
Know unless you had an international Calling plan which is extraordinarily Expensive you had to get a phone in India and you had to you know Um tell everyone the phone number based In it was like getting a burner phone Every six months or every three months And I went into you know their version Of Verizon or whatever it was you know Their version of a a Service carrier Service and I was talking to the guy and He was just reading from a script and You know they're big on doing that there Like they're you know they're very Corporate oriented they don't question Authority and you see it when you deal With people from that country or some of These other countries when you're you Know when you have a caller Cent and you Deal with somebody and all they can do Is tow the corporate line and read from The script and they have no sense of Wiggle room and be a human being and you Know actually you know have their own Personal reaction and and and let you Know that they understand your your Frustration you know for example I Talked to someone at Verizon and that Guy had been there for a while and he Was sending me a new Tower or something And he said when you send the old one Back make sure you take photographs of Everything because they'll try to screw You out of it and say that they never
Received it right and when I went to you Know I was doing this with AT&T about a Year ago and the woman at UPS said the Same thing to me that the corporations Are now pretending they don't receive The equipment back and charge you anyway Even though you gave them back the Equipment like it's just all these Things that they do that's built in to Screw you right and when you have human People they might actually feel bad About you they know about they have a Conscience and they might at risk of Their own job acknowledge that you're Right and that's happened to me a few Times with people recently but we know Bots don't do that and people from Foreign countries don't do that because They're more scrutinized and all they Can do is read off the script read Directly from the FAQ and this is what It's like it's going to be to deal with All these things in the future like You're going to know what's wrong Everyone's going to know what's wrong But they're just going to tell you it's Your fault and you need to fix it and That they just want you to succeed and They just want to keep you safe and They're here for you but you know no Matter what you do it's it's not your Fault and so um there's two things I'm Going to read to you the first one is The exchange with the bot the second one
Is you know I I first because I couldn't Get on the chat I sent a message for an Email exchange and I I got a I thought The person was a human at first and I Wrote a long thing and then I figured Out the person was a bot you know so and So I want to read all those things to You okay so I went to eat breakfast my Voice has been horse you know like when You do this as a job you're noticing Your voice is not always consistent um And so you know there's that all right So let me find this thing here no reply Requested Conversation um copy sent to my email it Says um Phillip Phillip join the Conversation Phillip hi my my name is Phillip how are you doing today and I You know I knew I was going to be Probably reading this so I was kind of Be in Douchy and Apocalypse Now pockets of the Future Apocalypse Now pockets of the Future join the conversation Apocalypse Now pockets of the future good and you That's good to Hear um I'm not going to say you I'll Just say me from now on but I just you Know and Philip says I understand your Concern about your invalid traffic You're invalid traffic and so I didn't Say I had invalid traffic I wanted to See if my channel had invalid traffic Whatever I wrote you know to get the
Chat going but he's saying that I Already have invalid traffic which is You know for for a AI bot right and he Says I understand you're concerned about Your invalid traffic and I say yes and He says anything specific that I can Help you With and then he says you know he Philip You know the bot what seems to be the Problem and then I say I believe you Have I I I believe you have you are Punishing I you know I I should have Wrote this better I believe you are Punishing my channel for invalid traffic I see I'm sorry to hear that you feel That way see that's the worst kind of Apology I'm sorry to I'm sorry to hear you feel that way That's not the case but I'm sorry you Feel that way cuz you are a flawed human Being you know it's very arrogant and Dickish like these AI Bots are very you Know I mean they come off kind of like Pricks right um and you know just Pompous and condescending I'm sorry I See I'm sorry that you I'm sorry to hear That you feel that way I am sorry that You are sorry that's And that's me being a pomp his ass like You know I don't I I I'm sorry that you are sorry Phillip I Know how important this is to you to Resolve the possib possible effect of Your channels invalid traffic so there's
A technique called reflective learning Uh reflective listening you know when I First worked in treatment center they Would have counselors come in and train The you know the the people counselors That worked at the millu they would have Clinicians come in you know people who Had master's degrees or you know Doctorate or whatever and they would Train you in techniques they could use With your clients right with the people That were in the treatment center you Know this was before I went back and got My master's degree in counseling so you Know then the trainings like oftentimes I've always been kind of um you know an Ass about things like that but they came Up with this they told us this thing Called reflective listening And I you know I mocked them you know I Started doing it as a mockery and it Actually worked and if a client was Escalated you know these kids were all Messed up and they would get into Restraints and they would you know be Physically aggressive and if you just Mirrored back what they said right you Would just say I hear that you're saying This right you know they would say I'm Really mad at you and I would say oh I Hear that you're saying you're mad at me Right and that's called reflective Listening you're just repeating back What the person said and it actually
Works like it de escalated the kids all The time because people want to be heard But it's you know it's totally insincere Because you're not saying you agree with Them you're just repeating back what They said and they think they're being Heard but you're just using you know a Jedi mind trick against them right and This these Bots do this all the time you Know when they say this let's go back to What I was reading there when they say This um I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way Well I'm sorry that that you are sorry I Know that this is important that I know How important this is for you to resolve The possible effect of your channels in Valid traffic let me help you check this Out May know your name and channel and I Said and I sent him a link to my channel URL and the Philip said I got the Channel link who am I chatting to with Please and I said Paul and Phillip said thanks Paul and I Said you are welcome Phillip because I knew I'd be reading This to People like it's like you know it's only You can only be um like kind of jerky to People if you're if there's an audience Right um but again I I could do this on My own and just find it entertaining for Myself too I guess you know I would Crack myself up um you you know being
Kind of dickish about these things and So um so then it goes to Phillip when Did you notice the difference in your Channel performance and how did you know It was due to invalid Traffic and I said my channel is making 20% of what it used to I have searched YouTube for for an explanation and all I Found was others who have had invalid Traffic issue now I'd already talked About this on poet the future like I Said but Apocalypse Now is making Probably 80 to 90% of what it used to Make and it's you know it's not even Worth making videos because it's making Almost no money right and so you know I Thought that if there was no invalid Traffic on pox the future it would be Here but I didn't know for sure and they Never told me this right and so um I Said it's been decreasing in revenue for For two years and Philip says I see I See what you're saying thanks for the Information please give me 5 minutes as I check your channel here so I can share More information and I said great Phillip that's what I'm talking [Laughter] About and Philip comes back um six Minutes later thanks for waiting and I Say you're welcome and Um he says um your channel isn't Affected Within invalid traffic activity Now this blows up my whole plan like I
Said I wanted to confront him and say if You're saying I have this issue because I know other people this is the case but I wanted to say it you know I wanted to Show you here and I can't do it but That's not all that important because What happens next year is more Indicative of what it's like to deal With these Bots your channel isn't Affected with any invalid traffic and I Say I know there are fluctuations in Revenue seasonal and otherwise my Channel is making 80% of what it used to Phillip I understand and I believe that Was previously discussed when you Reached out about the fluctuation of Your revenue and so now he's Acknowledging that he's read my other Conversations that are from a completely Different channel on pockets of the Future right this is the problem because Within five minutes he come through my Channel found there was no invalid Traffic issue and then read all my other Chats with the other Bots or you know I mean I I assume they're all just one Bot I don't even know how it works right Whatever it was read through the Previous Exchanges and now has more information Than a human being could have Accumulated right in a very short period Of time and so that's the brain power of The AI but what's Limited here is it
Can't really get to the truth it's Limited to whatever YouTube's you know Reality is programmed into it right and It doesn't have a human heart or a human Anything it's so it's it can kind of Understand what you're saying but it Really can't like it really doesn't Understand the conversation like it only Understands it through the very narrow Lens of what YouTube's policies are and What YouTube will allow it to say and Think and believe and so it doesn't have Any real power and it can't grow and Evolve and change and learn the way they Say you know it's not realizing hey YouTube's really this sky over Right like you could go through all the History of YouTube's policies and how They've hurt channels like mine they Can't see it right they can't it's not a It's not a reality that they can Acknowledge and so in their domain and Ability to understand the conversation And their world view you know this these Bots world view they have Superiority in understanding you know This that part of it right that little Piece of the puzzle but I know so much More because of my experience as a human Being my experience with corruption my Experience with abuse and you know just Being a part of the YouTube um you know Experiment or whatever this is you know The past so many years and so it can't
Grasp that reality right it can't see it For what it is and so then it just gets Goofy here in terms of dealing with it And so it says um I see the fluctuations In the revenue and it says invalid Traffic also known as invalid traffic is An Activity that doesn't come from a real User with genuine interest it can Include fraudulent and artificial ways To boost add revenue for videos among Others and then it sends me a link to The invalid traffic stuff and it says While it can occur on your channel Without you ever knowing about it it Still has negative effects both for you And for YouTube Ecosystem to limit its impact on the Channel our systems continually analyze Your videos for invalid traffic and take Steps to correct it should it occur how Can we protect your channel by learning From you can help protect your channel By learning from the examples tips and Resources on this page and so this is What it says on the page um examples of Invalid traffic include automative or Incentivized traffic from third parties Including traffic boosting services and Other others claiming to be legitimate And AD networks among others so this is Me buying views or buying subscribers Which I don't do right like I would Never do that it's pointless because you
Know I know YouTube is watching this and I'm not doing it to impress people like Whatever my viewership is whatever my Subscriber Bas is that's what it is like You know I'm not and you can't expand Your channel by doing this you know this Is something the heartfulness does the Heartfulness YouTube channel and so you Know it's it's a it's a very greasy Thing to do right and I Know It FS up The whole everything and so I don't do That friends or contacts letting Playlists of your videos run all day Long resulting in a boost in ad traffic Due to ads playing on those videos well I don't do that either and I don't Encourage people to do that announcing To your viewers that they should watch Or click through ads on certain viewer Certain videos to boost Bo traffic Resulting in boosted ad Revenue I don't Do any of that and so um invalid traffic Occurs I Just sh you might see drop in Views and earnings and other things Right and so the problem is here I know All these things I don't do any of them And he's already told me that I don't Have an invalid traffic problem so I say I thought you said my channel isn't Affected by invalid traffic and Philip Says yes so why did you send me that Info and he says and while it may occur On your channel the link that I have Shared is where the examples are this as
Well as the best practices that you can Follow and I say so this is confusing as You are saying that there might be an Invalid traffic issue even though you Can't find it and he said I provideed You the invalid traffic definition which Is not an answer to my question because It makes still logical sense to say I'm Not your channel doesn't suffer from any Invalid traffic but here here's how you Can fix your invalid traffic problem With this BS you know FAQ uh problem Page right because you know why even Bring that up like you're saying I don't Suffer from it and why are we even Talking about this like why are you Sending me stuff because I don't want to Know about invalid traffic if I don't Have it right and I already know it like I already know what I've already been Through these conversations before with The other Bots you know so it's Illogical like this is a bot that's Supposed to be logical you know this is In Spock right you know um like what He's doing here is saying oh you don't Have that problem but here's how you fix That problem right well you're telling You're showing me how to fix a problem I Don't have and you're not really showing Me how to fix a problem I don't have Because there's no way to fix it because I watched the other people who were told By YouTube they had invalid traffic
Issues and then they couldn't fix it Because YouTube didn't help them they Had conversations with Bots like this And they had a community and they talked Amongst themselves and these were techy People these were people who were better At this than I am and they couldn't fix It so if they can't fix it I can't fix It right the way I would fix it is go Watch a video of somebody who knows this Stuff better than me and do what they Say you know and fix it the way they Fixed it but they said you know some People said that it got better when they Found videos that seem to have invalid Traffic and they unlisted those videos And then the Bots didn't recognize their Channel having invalid traffic anymore But again why wouldn't the bot pick out Those videos and say get rid of these Videos or you know get rid of these People who are coming in and and doing Invalid traffic stuff but what I heard From other people was that there was a Community of people there's this one Young woman who was like a you know she Was she does I think trains people how To make videos like she is somebody who Has like you know knows how to you Know's gone to school to be a video Maker And she was saying that there's a Community of people that there's some Guy who posts stuff on Twitter and they
All have been talking to each other and They've all experienced that the invalid Traffic comes and their revenue is Caught cut by you know 60 70% or Whatever it is and then it gets better And it seems like it's gone away and Then it comes back and they all Experience it at the same time like they Experien the the you know the Peaks and Valleys at the same time time right and So you know that makes me think and Those people think that has nothing to Do with anything that they're going to Do or not do this is some kind of either Glitch in the YouTube system or Purposeful scam or whatever it is right We don't know because YouTube won't tell Us so what the bot is saying is Completely not helpful right so this is The SEC third bot I've talked to and It's been established that neither one Of my channels has invalid traffic and Its first solution is to send me a bunch Of on invalid traffic that won't Fix the problem anyway and it's a Problem I it's already told me I don't Have right and so it's just goofy all Right so let's go back to that so I say To the the bot Here um so this is confusing as you were Saying there might be an invalid traffic Issue even though you can't find it Question mark I provide the invalid Traffic definition the second line is
About the possibility of your channel Getting invalid traffic as confirmed Your channel isn't affected well like That's like total gaslighting crazy Stuff while it may occur on your channel While it may occur on your channel I Share the link that you may review later To ensure that you are following the Best practices to avoid the scenarios That might cause invalid traffic I don't Give about crap about any of that I'm Worried about my Revenue right and so He's saying that maybe in the future I Could get it so like this is what you Need to know I'm like you know he's Trying to he's talking to me like I'm a Kindergarten and said this is what Involed traffic is just in case you get In the future you know like it's nap Time kids I mean it's just so kind of Sending and stupid I hope this helps Clarify your concern anything else that I might help you with okay so something Has changed for my two major channels Pocket the future is down 60 to 70% in Revenue in the last two years or so and This channel is down 80 to 90% it's Making almost no money is there anything That you could figure out on why that is Happening and let me know don't use Third party I don't use third parties to Increase my viewership or anything like That I don't click on my own ads or even Watch my videos so there's nothing that
I can do that would create an invalid Traffic problem I was responding to his Earlier um thing that he said and it you Know he like his stuff was coming in While I was writing this other stuff and So I've read through your previous Conversation I agree with the Information that was shared with you and The information that was shared with me Was just goofy stuff you know pointing To my analytics and making you know Putting it back on me to figure out While my why my channel is not doing as Well and I know why it's not doing as Well because YouTube has changed their Policies we all know that like every Truther you know this is not just oh I'm Experiencing this all the truthers Experience the same thing and people who Aren't truthers experience similar Things things and we call it Shadow Banning because our channel is get is Just said you're not welcome here Anymore and we're no longer going to Provide the services we're no longer Going to help you create new viewers Because we're not going to recommend Your videos we are not going to notify Your subscribers when you get um when You make a video and we're going to Unsubscribe your subscribers so they're Going to have to subscribe back multiple Times right and we're going to change The value of the ads that you get or not
Place ads at all so you make much less Money so we're going to hide your Channel and we're going to pay you less Money and if you want to stay then we'll Just do more of it until you leave you Know that's I mean that's basically what They've done here right we all know it It's not like a mystery like you can't Have all these truthers disappear and Say this it's for the same reason and Then other YouTube creators saying They're struggling with this whole you Know these problems whether it be this Invalid traffic issue or something else And then claim that it's their fault Like we're making the same content my Content's gotten better and you know There are people who are interested in What I have to say that aren't a part of You know who aren't trumpers or or even There are people who are trumpers that See that you know I have a a point of View that's worth listening to and so You know there is a possibility for me To have a large audience there's at Least a million people out there that You know out of 300 million and then Globally even more than that that that Would be interested in watching what I Have to say you know would benefit from It like you know it's a small percentage Of the population sure but you know There are people that have found Something worthwhile than watching my
Videos here and there are other people Like them it's just about me getting my Stuff in front of them right and YouTube Is preventing that from happening not Just for me but other people and it says Um I get that you are doing every then It says um I read through your previous Conversation I agree with the Information that was shared and then Response to what I was saying before I Get that you are doing that you I get You are doing anything I get that you Are doing anything that might cause Invalid traffic that's not a good Sentence from a bot I get that you are Doing anything that might cause invalid Traffic um again it's not properly word I get that you are not doing anything You left out the word that not we have Multiple systems that filter valid Views that's one of the reasons why Analytics are being updated every 48 to 72 hours that includes the fluctuation On your revenue and so again he's back To saying well you know I get that You're not doing anything but this is What we do and this is causes a Fluctuation of revenue for a problem It's that all three Bots said that I Didn't have and so this is where the Conversation kind of gets real here and I say nothing that you have told me in Any of the conversations has said Anything on why my channel is making so
Less so much less money is there if There is an invalid traffic issue it Would be something that you guys are Detecting on your end and you could let Me know which videos are being affected And why my channel is being labeled as Invalid traffic channel when there's no Invalid traffic on it or is there Something else that's causing you guys To run less ads or give me less money For the ad running for the ads running Or whatever else is being causing the Decrease in ad Revenue because this is Not an issue that I can figure out on my End as I have not changed my content and My audience remains about the same which True it's true like even with all these Things my audience I'm getting about the Same amount of views for the past two Years there was some reduction in views You know from some of these policies but Now it's sort of leveled off right see One of the things that hurts me is that I produced content every day right and I Produce long videos and you know some People want the shorter videos some People want the longer videos but the Longer videos gave YouTube the option of Running more ads which had increased my Revenue but when you put out content Every day and people can't keep up with Their content YouTube says well they're Not interested in this person's content And they'll unsubscribe the person and
Also um not send out notifications and Of course all the other policies that Are in place that are encouraging this Behavior and so I combed that by making A video every other day on either this Channel or pakalas now and that helped My channel right but now they were just Paying me less money for you know what People are saying they're running ads But again I don't know like I don't know How much they're running ads or not Because I can't see it like you know I Can look at the analytics program but I You know I can't make heads or Tales of How much the running ads and then Compare it to some you know past time Right you know I I suppose there's People that can do that but I'm not you Know I'm not one of them and so you know I think they're running the same ads are Just paying me less money and I think They're doing that to other people and That's what I've heard these people are Saying that their their ads are running They're just getting less money per ad And you know um I mean there's a bigger Problem here like you see what it's like To deal with one of these Bots and this Is going to be your Authority in the Future you're going to deal with Whenever there's a controversy a Corporate controversy anything you know Verizon you know your bank whenever There's an issue you're going to deal
With a bot like this and they just Aren't going to be able to connect with You and they're just going to read from This you know their policies it's just Going to be frustrating and there's Nothing you can do about because you Can't reach a human when my family and I Went through the flood in India in 200 and uh I guess it was 14 15 2015 we About to to fly out and renew our visas And I'd use one of these online cheap Tickets.com kind of um Services and you know was an American Service I was in India and it was a Different time zone and so I had to call Them and get refunded and fix the trip Cuz now we had to rearrange the trip Because the airport was closed and you Know when I would call the the service The phone would start to crackle and They would say you're 10th in the queue There 10 people ahead of you and by time It got to number nine or number eight The call would end it would just click Off so it would never I would never talk To a person and it did it like over and Over again it would never allow me to Get to a person and it took me days to Finally get to a person then they had to Validate my information became a whole Thing but I spent hours upon hours Trying to get this refund money and that Was back when there were people that was Before they had all this AI bot
Algorithm stuff where they were using Those to deal with uh customer service And and now those jobs are all going to Be replaced where you're going to be Dealing with a bot and those Bots are Obviously so limited right so YouTube Has done something different to me and Other people some of those people it's Because of invalid traffic but for me It's not but the bot's still talking About like it could be right and so I You let me really read this one nothing That you have told me in any of the Conversations has anything to do Anything to do about why my channel is Making so much less money if there is Any invalid traffic issue it would be Something that you guys are detecting on Your end and you could let me know which Videos are being affected and why my Channel is being labeled as invalid Traffic channel when there is no invalid Traffic on it is there something else That's causing you guys to run less ads Or give less money for the ad running uh For the ads running or whatever else is Causing the decrease in Revenue because This is not an issue that I can figure Out on my end as I have not changed my Content and my audience remains about The same your total revenue depends on Several things including which ad format Appears and what the advertiser paid and The amount of times your video has been
Viewed and you know this is exactly what I mean he's repeating what was said in Conversations that he's read that other That these other Bots said the exact Same thing cuz this is all they can do these Bots are supposed to be Smarter than human beings and somehow Going to take over the world and they Are but they're not going to make it Better or smarter because it's just Going to be limited to their you know Their very limited reality you know Whatever Consciousness they have it Isn't anything like a human with a human Soul and so they're just going to repeat The same answers over and over again Which is blaming me for something that Has nothing to do with me they've Changed their policies they've done Something so there's less revenue or you Know something's happened to YouTube Where they're getting less advertisement Because everybody's advertising on Tik Tok or something right and so um you Know it becomes something where they Have information I don't have and They're doing something and they know What what it is and they won't tell you Right they won't tell you you know just Come out and say you're not wanted we Don't want you here and we're going to Just do this stuff until you leave right And they're saying that without saying It right and so it says um it would be
Helpful to focus on your top performance Videos build on the success of those Videos and get an idea of what that made Those these videos perform better than Others see what drives interest from Your audience and you know that doesn't Explain um why if I got 4,000 views on a Video two years years ago I made 80% More of what I'm making now right it Doesn't make any sense like they're Saying well some of your videos are Performing better but they're not paying Me any more money on those videos or They're not running the same amount of Ads they ran two years ago you know and After doing this for I mean I've had a Channel since 2007 and I've been doing This like as a job full-time job since 2014 you know I'm not stupid right like I know which videos are going to get More views I know which videos are going To get more attention but like you know My videos they fluctuate from like 3,000 Views to like six or 7,000 views right It isn't like they're there's so much Different and most of the videos are Getting around four to 5,000 views and Some of it has to do with which videos Get notifications people get notified by Subscribers because most of them don't And sometimes YouTube will notify people And the video will do better right again This isn't the content because you know I can say that it used to be celebrity
Driven videos that got more views but That was only because YouTube was Recommending those videos or putting Those videos out to people that weren't My normal viewers and so now it's all About subscribers and how many people in My subscriber base want to watch a Certain title want to watch a certain um You know because the the um the Thumbnail or something and you know most Of my viewers watch pretty much all of My stuff they watch it regardless of the Content regardless of the you know Whatever it is some people watch you Know like the Alec Baldwin thing you When Alec Baldwin had the reality TV Show a bunch of people sent me you know Articles about it and so I covered it And so those people were looking forward To it because they I'm like a channel They'll come to if there's an Alec Baldwin story an Alec Baldwin story will Remind them of pox of the future but There's very little fluctuation in my Viewership anymore right but either way That has nothing to do with why videos Are getting the same amount of views and Making 80% less money right because you Know the viewership isn't the issue in Terms of what I'm dealing with YouTube Here the viewership has to do with some Of their other policies you know being Down views of some of the things I've Done like I said but in terms of
The amount of money I'm making they Determine which videos make you know the Terms of how much ads they run and how Much they pay per ad and they're paying Less per ad so either they've decreased The amount of money they're paying per Ad across the board or they are running Videos uh they are not running as many Ads right so they keep on putting all Three bots of you know again same bot I Don't know like what are we dealing with Here but in terms of you know the same Bot with different names have said the Exact same thing which is you need to Look at your analytics program and Figure out why your channel is Underperforming and why you're making Less money because of your content right And then Philip say given that we do not Provide any editorial advice and we have No control over Views you can however exhaust your Channels Analytics that can p potentially help You get better results on your channel Performance engaging viewers with Quality content makes them watch more Which often leads to more views which Inters leads to more earnings again if I'm making less money for the same Amount of use right so I just went back And going through my analytics to get a Sense of it and the videos that I Release every day or every other day
Here are getting slightly less views Than one year ago two years ago three Years ago whatever it is right the big Difference is that my older videos were Getting more views which is again a YouTube function and so the views are Down Somewhat watch time is down a little bit Which is the bigger thing is the watch Time because the amount of watch time Represents the amount of time that ads Could run right and so you know them Putting it back on me is to say that Somehow people have lost interest in my Content which may be you know small part Of it right which is reasons that I've Explained you guys all know it you know In terms of the people in the truth Community there is you know a level of I Don't know dumbness right that's there And when I used to make videos that People who were you know more fear-based More us and them or you know Illuminati Base more whatever it is right it Appealed to a larger audience I've Already talked about that but that Doesn't really account for everything That's going on here it's only a small Factor in there because the biggest Factor is when YouTube stopped Recommending my channel I knew that was The end of it because there'd be no new Viewers and one of the reasons to be on YouTube is new viewers right and so like
That's whatever they've done whatever Algorithm they've done whatever they've Done to determine my channel is Something that shouldn't be recommended To people and you know my son even Talked to me about this that he'll watch Like 10 videos from somebody that he Really likes and YouTube won't recommend That person to him and you know he could Subscribe to that person and they won't Get Notifications but if he watches one Video from someone he doesn't really Like and YouTube will recommend that Channel for months right and so they are Favoring some channels and disfavoring Others which we all know and certainly People in the truth community and so That's the the you know thing that has To be dealt with here because whatever Is going on in my end in terms of things That I've choices that I made or content That I'm putting out that might turn People off or turn people away that's Been going on forever you know I've Always said things that you know have um Offended some of my viewers or you know I've always I'm I'm subscribing kind of Thing like that isn't something new you Know I've said things all along about Trump that trumpers didn't want to hear And so I said this to the guy you know I Feel like I've upheld my end of the Partnership I've done my best to
Understand understand and works and work Through Ever Changing Community Guidelines I'm a loyal YouTu customer And viewer of YouTube videos and Supporter of other YouTube channels I Have the premium package as well as YouTube TV I also wrote this same sort Of thing to the um you know the uh the Email person I have made content now for Since 2007 and this has been a full-time Job since 2014 the past 10 years I Believe I brought in about a million Dollars or so in revenue for YouTube and Now have a partnership program a Membership program that Yu benefits from And so in terms of the amount of ad Revenue that I've generated for YouTube I think it's around5 or $600,000 over This period of time right the ads that They've run on my channel but then There's people who have been brought to The channel or brought to the platform You know who specifically come to the Platform to watch my videos or come to The you know come to the platform to Watch my videos and then they spend time On other YouTube videos which YouTube Wants right YouTube wants channels that Generate interest in their platform and So you know if YouTube was able to Calculate the effects of my channel it's Probably brought in close to a million Dollar $800,000 to a million something In revenue for them right in terms of
You know people being brought in and and The ads that have run on my channels Right and so there's also me being a Customer of YouTube you know any Revenue That I've generated being a you know I Have the premium subscription and the YouTube TV thing I've of I've often Talked talked about both of those things As being positive things on my channel So I've promoted YouTube because I want YouTube to succeed because there are Things on YouTube that I need in terms Of you know when I'm homesteading and Things so many things that I've needed In terms of instruction videos and other Things YouTube has been very good to me Right in various ways and so you know I Want to see this platform or some other Platform like it succeeds so I so all This content is available to people Right and so as a customer and as a Person who's created content I have Brought in revenue and you know I've Been a positive effect on YouTube right I've I've upheld my end of the deal and I've had to adjust to their everchanging Community guidelines and these things Right things that I've talked about Before I'm not going to read the this is A I wrote the exact same thing to a Person it was a longer email about this Uh you know but I don't need to you know You guys know all these things but I'm Just reading this here you know this was
A kind of a big moment for me because I Didn't think it was going to be so but It was when I Realized it's Hopeless Um you know and I I've talked about Running ads and how their ad program Sucks like no one in the right mind Would use you you YouTube or Google ads I mean it's not very effective and I you Know they wouldn't they weren't being Effective for me it might work better For other people but I think it's a Waste of money and when I realize that As a customer of their ads let me get Into the rest of it here I bring in um You know I've I believe I brought in Over a million dollars in or so in Revenue for YouTube and now have a Partnership program a membership uh Program that YouTube benefits from YouTube gets a third of the membership I Bring to this sites as many uh as many Of my audience members exclusively for My videos come for exclusively for my Videos I'm not making enough might Support myself anymore on this channel And just would like to know why in some Concise and respectful way that is that Is in a gaslighting or just telling me Boilerplate answers from the YouTube FAQ and then I say this this is an Election year I've made uh and it said Talks about the election year I've made
More money Before and you know now I'm I'm making Um about you know uh uh 10% % of that And you know again some of the money is Coming from the membership program and So I could just go somewhere else and Charge people for my content and make All that money and I'd be better off Than splitting it with YouTube I Understand why you're coming I Understand why you're coming from in Your frustration we are not gaslighting You in any way this is purely based on Your channel performance well my channel Performance is based on what you're Supposed to be doing for me which is Bringing a new me numbers by bringing in New viewers by recommending my videos to New people who have never seen my Channel you don't do that anymore and Then notifying my subscribers and YouTube doesn't do that anymore and They're running less you know my the ads That don't pay me as much money and so Those are all things that you are in Control of right right and so saying It's my performance my Channel's Underperforming or not performing as Well because of your policies and this Is that's gasl and then to tell me no You have to do something different but I Know whatever I do differently I mean I Was paying them to do what they used to Do for free I was paying them to run ads
On people's channels on you know on Other videos so that I could bring more People in and they couldn't even do that Right you know they couldn't run the Channel the ads on the channels I needed That I you know that were that I um Wanted them to run the the channels on CU they don't want to look at truth as a Demographic and so that's how bad They're gaslighting and you know Shadow Banding all of us it says um this is Purely based on your channel performance Okay so my channel is performing Basically the same way it's always Performed except my content has improved I have a long rate I have a long rate of Viewers watching my long videos which Use to be filled with ads now that that Isn't the case isn't my Channel's Performance because I'm doing what I've I've always done except I'm doing it a Little better looking at my Channel's Performance what do you think has Changed on my end that's causing the Lack of Revenue if you have read answers Through our FAQ that's because our Investigation matches the description of Your channel performance and we can only Share the details based on your Channel's analytics or internal tools That may determine the possib possibly Cause of your Revenue fluctuation as you Claim a lower revenue for the past two Years and if based on your Channel's
Performance it isn't and then he sends Me a link To Um some you know some of one of my Analytics Pages it says if you look into Your channel views for the past year you Can see a difference in earlier months Whereas eventually you get more Revenue Compared to the recent Months and the guy says hello are we Still connected and so the the issue Here is he is unwilling to acknowledge That YouTube's policies have smothered My channel and I said this two years ago Or whatever it was you know four years Ago like they were changing the policies And they knew they were going to hurt Truthers and they did like so many Truthers have left people were Demonetized whatever it was right and They had various ways of making you feel Unwelcome and you know looking at my Content and the videos that maybe got a Few more views two years ago or three Years ago or five years ago it's all Based in YouTube's policies maybe I've Contributed a little bit just like what I said before it's like you fished out a Lake right you know city or state have Allowed too many commercial fishermen Into this area and they've caught all The fish and there's a fraction of the Fish left and they you know you say to Them I'm not catching any more fish and
They say to you well using the right Kind of bait and let's look at the Performance when you used to when you Used to use this kind of bait as over This kind of bait and you're like well I've been doing all that and I know all That and they're like no well you know Let me tell you it again in a different Way right and the reality is there's Just less fish and YouTube has gotten Rid of the fish for truthers and Independent people and there's less of It to go around right there's less Opportunity to to bring people in and They've restricted the area like they've Put a big you know like a um like like They're putting a Sonic um signal out Around your boat so that the fish won't Come close enough so that you can that They'll see your fishing line or your Net or whatever and then these other Boats they're putting a signal out to Attract the fish over to them right and Then they're like why is your channel Underperforming you know like and so It's just I mean this is gaslighting 101 right and So um so I say This uh these conversations are really Frustrating I know the YouTube policies Has changed and my channel has been Shadowbanned now I know I'm repeating Things I've already said but this is What I wrote to this bod because it's
Important that they're going to react to This right um and so I know that uh has Changed and I know that I've been Shadowbanned is I'm not reaching new Viewers you YouTube doesn't recommend my Channel to even my regular viewers when People people search for my channel they Can't find it under the search term even When I search for my channel it does not Come up on Google search or YouTube Search my viewers complaining they're Constantly getting unsubscribed and They're not getting notifications of my Videos and so even with all that I have Been able to keep a loyal audience and Now I'm getting and and now I'm getting Compensated less for my content This is not a way to treat a partner It's fundamentally dishonest to keep on Putting it back on me and blaming me is Why it's it is Gaslighting has done something uh why It's Gaslighting um and I'm not sure what That sentence is my channel is UN Undesirable and is causing it to perform You know YouTube views my channel as Being Undesirable and um It's causing it to perform in a way it's Not sustainable it's promoting channels That people don't want to see I've Talked so much to so many people who get Recommended videos from channels they
They don't they're not interested in and Can't find the channels that they are Interested in is a flaw in YouTube System many people are leaving the plat Platform for this reason for this reason Maybe that's the goal but would be just Great if you were honest About that if that's the case since we Want all our creators to only receive Factual data please know that the term Shadow band is not something that YouTube Team encourages or uses because Such a process simply does not exist on Our End and so like that's the the big Takeaway because for this bot that's Reality this spot does not believe that YouTube Shadow banss but all of us know It's a real thing right you you you as Viewers and me as a Creator and all the Other truth truther channels and other Channels that have been shadowbanned Know exactly what happens right that Your channel gets put in an undesirable Category and many channels are going to That category I mean the whole idea About invalid traffic is a way that YouTube then uh deprives you of revenue For something that they claim is going On that's that's not correct that even Though it may may not be your fault or May or may not be happening it's still Something you're being punished for Right and so like we know that these
Policies have changed because they Themselves said that they're going to Change their search results I mean this Was stuff that YouTube came out and said So this is from YouTube's own I mean There's various headlines here but um There's YouTube's own policy which I'll Read to you but there are multiple Headlines here that they're saying um YouTube makes steps to amplify Authoritative news What authoritative news Ms to YouTube Now they've changed their policy Multiple times I mean this is the latest And what they're saying here Authoritative news and information there Are times when you when you come to YouTube to catch up on latest news or to Simply learn about topics you're curious About for Content where accuracy and Authoritativeness are key including news Politics medical and scientific Information we're using machine learning S systems that proti prioritize Information from authoritative sources And provide context to help you make Informed decision and so what they've Done here which we know and they did This with Google as well is that when You used to search for something which I Said earlier you want truthers you want You know some a truther you're looking For TR truther channels and you're Searching for news and now they're
Pushing out CNN and MSNBC and to some Extent f right and so um it says here Elevating Authority authoritative Sources we raise authoritative voices For newsworthy events and search results And upnex panels in addition to current Events and so these are the channels They're recommending to you and so when You're looking at any of these things There you're when you go into their Search engine they're going to give you CNN results MSNBC results whatever Mainstream media results we all know This right and so that's Shadow Banning Because they're not giving you what You're searching for they're giving you Something else and so you know this is I We all know it and this is why I'm Saying it's gaslighting and you know him Saying um so let's get back to it please Know that the term Shadow ban is not Something that YouTube Team encourages Or uses because such a process simply Does not exist on our end we don't ban Or block our creators for reaching from Reaching viewers unless a video or Channel is being taken down due to Violating our community guidelines or Copyright policies and completely Understand how this situation stresses You please keep in mind that YouTube Cannot manually Drive views to your Channel to watch your videos because Each and every viewer's recommended
Videos will be based on their activity On YouTube well then you you've GED that As well because we've all experienced This you know I search for truth Channels and I searched for conspiracy Theorist channels I showed you guys this And all they showed me were people Debunking truther and conspiracy Theorist channels I literally said Variety of different Search terms where I would say actually actual truth or Channels actual conspiracy theorist Channels actually alternative media you Guys saw this in some of my videos like I search for all these different terms And I never got one truth or Channel Because they're not willing to connect You with those channels and so that's Shadow panning right I mean I've Experiened it we all have right it's Just Ridiculous um also keep in mind that Your audience interest can change over Time it's important that you always keep Experimenting with new topics and Formats to build an audience creators Need to both retrain their existing Audience and attract new ones but again That's not you know and then it says Here you may also want to review on how Your videos are being discovered on the Platform and and they have you know a a Google thing here so I say this okay you Might not acknowledge that shadow
Banning exists but the rest of us know It does so this is why I'm going to say All the things I've just said to you but You know you can hear me say it to this Clown right but the rest of us know it Does we see their channels that you Favor and promote and certain kinds of Content that you favor and promote and Recommend viewers for example if I look For a truth or or videos that that or or Truth or or videos truth or channels or Videos you will recommend channels that I don't want you have change your search Engine based in this idea of fake news And recommending what you call Authoritative news stations that nobody Wants to freak and watch including CNN Fox MN MSNBC you are suffocating other Channels that are not a part of that Club we have all seen the difference in Our results in our searches in our Channel's ability to access new people As long as you're not going to Acknowledge us there's no reason to Continue this conversation you are just Talking from a corporate bot type Perspective and not the reality that we All experience when we use YouTube as Viewers and as creators we all see that YouTube is not as good as it used to be And that's why people are going to other Platforms and droves Phillip I'm really Sorry to hear if you feel that Way that's not condescending to doying I
Have shared the details based on your Channel's performance and a few from our Internal tools to confirm that there's Is no invalid traffic on your channel After recommending all this invalid Traffic stuff I hope you can find a time To exhaust more of your Analytical uh more of your analytics and Advanced Data to learn more about your Audience which is you Know my audience is people and my Audience is truthers and I see the Amount of views that I get that's Something that I've always watched and Like for example my journey series which You know had long videos that made money Because they were long videos and some People watched seven eight n hour videos Right but not all my viewers and so I Recognize that some of the people didn't Want to watch The Journey series that's Why I make other content but years ago I Saw that my celebrity videos were doing Better than any other video and that to Grow my channel I needed to cover Celebrity content I didn't want to do it But right now the celebrity content Isn't doing that because my channel Isn't being recommended to sheeple and Normies and so making celebrity videos Like I still cover it a little bit Because some of my viewers still like to See that but because my videos aren't Being recommended to normies and sheel
And people outside of you know my Subscribers basically my sh channel is Just not being recommended and so it Doesn't matter what kind of content I Produce so the analytics program is not Going to help help me right because YouTube's policies have changed and Again they won't acknowledge that I'm Really sorry to hear that feel valid Program I hope you can find time to Exhaust more of the analytics and Advance data to learn more about your Audience hello are you still there do You have any more concerns it looks like You have ended the chat or walked away From the computer I will assist other Partners at this time feel free to Contest us back should you have any Other questions thanks for your time and Have a good day Phil left the Conversation thanks for your contact in YouTube please have a moment to give us Your feedback on the conversation which I did and it wasn't good Philip entered The Conversation okay so for this next part I'm just restating the introduction the Three voiceovers I made at the beginning Of this video so if you don't want to Listen to them again I totally Understand I there's been a lot of Repetitive stuff here it's only that you Can see after I talk about my experience With the B
Why I said what I said in the Introduction so it might be worth Listening again to some of you just Because I've you know presented my case And my experience with these Bots and All of it and so you know I think it's a Very telling not just in terms of YouTube and Google and you know social Media but the Apocalypse in general that This is how they're going to deal with It okay so I'm about to do the voiceover For the end I think it's going to be you Know good so so if you don't want to Listen to the intro again and you know I Don't know why anybody would but like I Said it's it's the thesis beginning and End of the thesis statement uh but if You want to fast forward to this image While this is already two hours long if You want to fast forward to this image There's a little bit of thing I want to Say about Chemtrails and um you a little Of analogy and uh you know just sort of Wrap it up but it's um you know this is Pretty exhaustive in terms of everything That's in here but it's already at two Hours now so you know those of you who Make it to the end that's you Know I mean it's quite a commitment okay So here are the other Voiceovers um you know they I already Did and you can fast forward to the end And that picture if you want it's up to You this is going to seem OD because I'm
Going to put this at the end of my video This is my thesis you know you um you Make a thesis You know when you write a research paper Whatever it is and you have a thesis and You present your argument and then you Restate your thesis at the end of the Paper and I'm just going to make this One audio and put it both at the Beginning of the end you know I've known For maybe the past four or five years That YouTube is a sinking Ship and I think most people kind of Know it but I know it on a different Level now because I've had these three Conversations with YouTube's AI chat Bots and I also see that by turning all Of these types of jobs human service Jobs public relations jobs and all these Types of jobs over to bots it's a Disaster because Bots are so limited you Know they have the ability to analyze Lots of data but their analyzation of The data sucks and I now know this from Experiencing this with these three Different Bots and so I document you Know first I give a voice over what Happened then I read the last exchange Between me and this bot called Phillip and some of this stuff's going To be real repetitive and it just you Know it's just the way this video end up Going and you know repetition is a good Thing especially when you need to hear
Things over and over again but my takea Away from the thing is you know I don't Have any real future at YouTube no Truthers have any real future on YouTube And YouTube itself has a very Bleak Future and once they turn these jobs Over to these Bots they're just going to Be driving people nuts I mean in terms Of the older generation when the Bots Become the authority you know they're Arrogant they're condescending I mean They're really dick Like you like you wouldn't even think That but they are and they just put out The same old company line they read from The same script and they're so limit Limited and they Gaslight you and They're not capable of understanding What it's like to be a human and they Just say stupid stuff like oh I know how Frustrating this must be I'm sorry you Feel that way right like apologizing for Your inability to see how great YouTube Is in the body is and you can't see Their point of view and so they they Talk in these condescending ways and They suck like they're just remedial in Their uh analysis of what's going on and So at the end of the conversation I talk About how YouTube shadowbans me has been Shadowbanning me and all the people in The truth community and many other People and the bot says well YouTube Doesn't Shadow band people this is the
Big takeaway moment and there's a lot of Things that build up to this And he says um since we want all our Creators to only re receive factual data Please know that the term shadowban is Not something that the YouTube Team Encourages or uses because such a Process simply does not exist on our end We don't ban or block any creators from Reaching viewers unless a video channel Is being taken down due to violating our Community guidelines or copyright Policies and so in this Bots world it It's telling the truth that YouTube Doesn't officially use the term Shadowban but I saw this you know and I Go through this in the video and I saw This back in 2016 17 18 19 when YouTube Started to change their policies the Biggest policies and I'm going to say This over and over again in the video But it's just the way you know it's just The way it's going to go down you know I Can't go back and change it and I edit All these things out and I don't know if I should but there are two policies that Have brought down YouTube and brought Down all of us in the truth Community YouTube stopped Recommending channels like mine all of Us because they were promoting Authoritative channels and so these two Policies not recommending our channels Because we are considered you know fake
Information fake news whatever it was Misinformation and changing their search Engines And the side panel where they recommend Videos once they stopped doing that that Meant the death to all truthers because You weren't going to be able to bring in New viewers now there was a time where I Had videos that over had over 2 million Views 1 million views hundreds of Thousands of views and many of those Views were so-called sheeple or normies And weren't people that were going to be Long-term Subscribers but the kind of videos that I Mak in Lumin videos whatever it was You know things about Michelle Obama Possibly being a dude some of these Other things were things that appeal to A large number of people if I release Those exact same videos today first of All YouTube wouldn't monetize them Second of all I might get a community Guidelines strike and you know but if They release the videos they would get 3 4,000 views cuz YouTube wouldn't promote The video because they were now Promoting CNN and MSNBC and fox and People all know this right because YouTube has said it we're promoting Authoritative news channels and I cover This within the video and so think about This you've built a platform which is About you you YouTube you know this is
Where everyone started calling them them Tube and your platform was about Individual people making creative Content and voicing their opinion their View of whatever was going on and people Flock to it I mean it has way more way More way more views and engagement than Any like CNN MSNBC or any of these even Network TV and all of it right like in Terms of views that people view on YouTube as opposed to you know all the Stuff that's on cable news and all these Things YouTube gets more engagement Because people love it right and people Come to YouTube to see individual people And small groups of people produce Independent content right content that Was coming from their authenticity their Authentic selves or whatever who the way They saw the world and wasn't passing Through various Gatekeepers and filters And that's the content that people come To YouTube to see people don't come to See freaking CNN and MSNBC and fox and Other authoritative news you know they Know where to find that you know where To find CNN it's available everywhere Right and YouTube and its audac Decided to change and not only YouTube But Google to change their search Results and so that you were searching For one thing and they would say no we Don't want that you want this we know Better than you which is like the worst
Frecking thing you can say to Americans And people all over the world oh no YouTube and Google know better than you You don't know what you actually is good For you we're going to give you the crap That you don't that you're leaving the Cable news that you're you know you're Go leaving cable and these other Platforms to come to YouTube and watch Right and so once YouTube did that they themselves it's over because you Know people are leaving in droves and as Big as YouTube is and as much quality Content and good you know stuff that's On there it's all dying because of YouTube's corrosive policies right you Have to give people what they want and To you know have the uh the arrogance And the contr control like the you know The totalitarian dystopian control to Force them to watch things that they've Already rejected they don't want to Watch freaking CNN right CNN is dying MSNBC is dying Fox is dying they don't Have young people watching that people Get their news and their other you know Whatever it is from YouTube but now they Can't find the stuff that they want and So it's killed it for us and it's killed It for them you know the other thing is I ran YouTube ads and I I'm not going to Describe it here because I describe it Extensively in the video but I work with Google ads and YouTube ads and because
Of their machine learning and their Dependence on these Bots and their Inability to acknowledge like truthers For example or spiritual people or Homesteaders or any number of various Demographics that people flock to YouTube to get video content on they Completely sucked at finding a target Audience and channels even when I handp Pick the channels for them you guys all Heard the story and you'll hear it again In this you know in the CH in the in the Video here and so I realized that YouTube ads and Google ads suck as well And so the way YouTube supports itself Their ad programs and the way that it Now interacts with people their YouTube Bots and and the way that they've dealt With these policies that they've been Pressured into by Biden and the powers That be that you know not just Biden but All of them to suppress independent Content and push it authoritative Authoritative content they've killed Their platform and it's dying and also You know they're gaslighting me and Other people and having this experience Like I've known about this for years you Guys might remember when I saw that they Stopped recommending my channel I knew That it was over for me and over for all Of us because you have to bring in new People and one of the reasons to be on YouTube is his vast audience and you
Know I say this stuff again and again I'm not going to repeat it here you guys All get it right and so I knew that once YouTube changed these policies it was Going to destroy the platform and it Would be impossible for any of us to eek Out a living and grow our content our You know our channels were all shrinking And they were continuing to do so and I Updated people from time to time but I Didn't have the kind of experience I now Have the incompetence and the arrogance And the smugness from their AI Bots that Are just so wrong and so inhuman and in Incapable of receiving the feedback that I'm giving them and you'll see in this Video that the bot keeps on trying to Say to me look at your analytics program And from that you can figure out why Your channel is underperforming and why You are having less money and less views Or less whatever it is and I know why It's underperforming some of it has to Do with me I'll acknowledge the parts That have to do with me but even if I Was able to correct those things it Still would make zero difference because YouTube's policies are strangling all of Our channels not just truther channels But many channels and they have these You know whatever they're doing maybe They want to get rid of the partnership Program all together and just have People posting content and YouTube runs
Ads and they get 100% of it whatever if You don't like it you know you can go to Some other platform I don't know like I Don't know if they've changed their Business model I don't know what's going On them a corporate level but they're Not telling us and they're you know Squeezing and suffocating independent Creators and they're doing it at a you Know rapid pace and so many of us are You know having to face the reality that We can't make a living on YouTube and YouTube doesn't want us I mean that's You know been the case and I've known That for a while but now it's right in My face because I've had these Experiences and I have to accelerate What I'm you know going to do moving Forward and again I'm kind of tired now I just made this long video but now I Know that it's hopeless you YouTube is Hopeless it's hopeless for any type of Truth or creation content to come to YouTube it's just a matter of time when It's just all this generic crappy stuff They put out and it you know YouTube is Going to be a shell of what it is and The platform will die a slow and or Maybe a quick and painful death and That's you know that's reality okay so I Just want to add a little bit more to my Thesis here that's going to go at the Beginning and the end of the video so I Just want to restate this because it's
Really important you know YouTube's Essential function was to give Individual people a platform you know Individual independent people a platform To make videos and Content of their own that's why it's Called YouTube and then for people to Watch it right people to see what other People were putting together and they Essentially said okay this platform That's called YouTube is no longer going To give preference to Independent people Making Independent uh films independent content We are going to give preference to CNN And MSNBC and and fox and every other Authoritative content that is available In other platforms we're going to bypass The people that created and built this This platform the people that were uh You know that the plan for the U part We're going to get rid of the U part and Turn it into them tube and we're going To promote the same old crap that you Guys all came this platform to escape Because you don't want to see that Anymore right like it's a complete Reversal of their business model and I Went for a walk with my wife and I was Talking to her about this as well you Know we're talking about this and There's two other essential pieces to Know about the first one is That the most important thing that
YouTube does is promote your content to New people right make it available to New people because there are millions Upon millions of YouTube channels and Other independent people putting out Content and then of course all the other Type of content that's available on Cable news and you all these other Platforms there is a deluge of content There right you know it's um it's like Grains of sand on a beach of content and So to be able to find this content able To be able to find my channel for Example people who would benefit from my Channel like my channel is the stuff That I produce I recognize I'm acquired Taste you know I'm not for everybody but There are some people who really love my Channel let's say it's 0.1% of the Population which would be you know 8 Million people which is still a lot of People right but how those 8 million People find my content so what YouTube's Job was is to put my videos in front of People that would likely enjoy them Right and so by using the search engine By using with others um other people's History of viewing videos and the other Information you know there's extensive Information about what everybody views And what everybody's preferences are and Then you know your own choices that you Make is a big part of that and so what Their algorithms and their you know AI
Bots and their machine learning was Supposed to do was find the people who Would be open to liking a video on my Channel and recommending those videos to Those people right and doing that for All these channels and all the people And so inevitably the people that would You know gravitate to your content Would get a chance to see it so this is They talk about this at shart tank you Know any business person knows the idea Of customer acquisition costs what does It cost you to get your uh products in Front of the people who might buy them Right how much money is it going to cost You in terms of the money that you're Charging for your products and the money That you're making from selling your Products to acquire customers and it Used to be the cost was Zero because YouTube would promote your channel it Used to promote my channel other People's channels right and therefore it Didn't cost you anything to be put out In front of new people and you Constantly have to be put out in front Of new people because you know you're You're only going to get certain amount Of loyal viewers and they're not going To last forever so you got to bring in More and more new people all the time And so as soon as YouTube stopped Recommending my channel and other Channels like it I knew that that was
The end for me and those people because I mean it was just the writing was on The wall you had whatever amount of People that knew about your channel Already but then they made it hard for Those people to find your channel by Gaming the search engine so they made it Even worse you know people who already Knew about your channel and hadn't Watched videos for a year or two I may Get people commenting to me all the time And saying yeah I I couldn't find your Channel again because they search for it And YouTube's uh in Google's you know Search engines no longer would produce That as a you know as an option for them Even though they were searching for Pockets of the future they weren't Getting being able to find my channel And so that's um what YouTube chose to Do and effectively they were killing all Of these independent voices and people That had created their platform but also They were killing the very essence and Reason that they existed which was Connect people to this independent Content And so this is why people have left and Droves as both creators Andor um you Know people who are viewers and so this Is discussed during my conversation with This bot and these three conversations I Had with these spots you know I knew all This but before I experienced it I
Didn't really you know feel it like I Didn't feel it as a reality like I could See it coming I saw this developing Years ago I mean all of us did and we we Can see that how it's affected people And YouTube is you know on the decline And all the people in the truth Community have have left YouTube for Other platforms or just quit and did Something else right and so that's Already you know commenced but now it Was like Experiencing the bot aspect of it and How they were going to deal with it and I now know and this is what I was Talking to my wife about I now know how You know the economy and your lifestyle Is going to be diminished is already Starting to be diminished and will be Diminished in the future and every Access point you have to resources Whether it be your Social Security Whether it be getting a bank loan Whether whether it's whether it's a Dealing with your credit card when when They take away your social security or They empty out your bank accounts or you Know you go for a bank loan or anything That happens in the future the customer Service is going to be AI Bots and so as Your lifestyle is taken away and you go To complain about it and look for Sympathy an explanation I know how the AI Bots are going to deal with you
They're going to blame you they're going To say the system is fine you know I Talked about this in terms of the Psychological model in the DSM 5 you Know the dsm5 which has all these Different psychological Diagnosises it is always your fault it's Never the system's fault even though Though all these Psychological uh diagnosises are Produced in a system right A lot of These things didn't exist in our current Modern day uh the the system before our Current modern day system and so a lot Of these are systemic a lot of them had To do with neosia which was the introduc The introduction of electricity and the Getting away from living on farms and Living more agrarian lifestyle and Living in cities a lot of these things Are situational their system based Psychological issues but it's always Your fault if you're psychologically Messed up it's always your fault right When you're diagnosed with something It's because something that you're not Willing you're not able to do you can't Cope and be in this wonderful system That is Flawless right the system is Never to be blamed for your Psychological issues and that's how These AI Bots deal with it because the Reason that I'm struggling my channel Strugg Ling is because YouTube stopped
Recommending my videos and promoting Them now YouTube also has the Monetization program that's better than Other platforms monetizations program And they have a wider audience and all These things but it's the recommending The customer acquisition aspect of YouTube and if you then try to buy YouTube ads or Google ads to help you With customer acquisition and get your Channel on front of people which I have Now done and you know I get into this in This whole whole video If you do those Things YouTube won't connect you with The right People they won't they won't use all This data they've collected on these People and the data they have on your Channel and connect you with those Viewers by putting your ads in the Appropriate spots and so it's a complete Failure of everything that they're Supposed to do and be about and now that I've experienced this because they talk About how brilliant AI is but AI is Extraordinarily limited cuz it doesn't Have compassion it doesn't have empathy It doesn't have you know these things Love and empathy and compassion exist in Your heart in the human system there's Three levels of intelligence there's Your gut level intelligence where anger And lust and jealousy and all these Things your appetites fear you know you
Feel fear and anger and things in your Gut right and there's some instinctual Animalistic tendencies that exist on an Emotional level lower level emotions and Then of course you have your brain where Is your thinking process and that's Where AI is better ai's brain is has More capacity than your brain right but Then there's your heart where your soul Exists and your um you know this is Where you feel love and empathy and Compassion and AI maybe can recreate the Idea of anger but won't have they don't Have a gut right the a doesn't have a Gut and certainly doesn't have a soul so It's not going to going to feel anything For you and so no matter how unfair the Situation is and you can explain it over And over to the AI they're going to Limit the ai's capacity to feel any sort Of I mean can't even feel anyway and see Your point of view because it's just Going to look at the data it has to Analyze and it's going to do it without Any sort of a you know a heart or any Sort of human compassion and things and So when people are you know lamenting Their their system collapsing and losing Their lifestyles in these things and They go to talk to somebody with some Authority some customer service person Or somebody human resources or whatever It is they're going to be in a Conversation with some you know cold
Unfeeling AI bot that has been Programmed to be a company man and They're going to give you these Gaslighting response and you know There'll be a condescending and all These things that I demonstrate the bot Being oh I'm sorry you feel that way and It's just going to deliver the bad news To you without any sort of remorse or Any sort of accountability for this Demonic system that has collapsed around Them and so this is what I've learned From what you're about to see and hear I Do another introduction about the Conversation I have the third Conversation I have with these Bots but Something that I knew was coming and Something that I could see was coming Has now become a reality there's no Future for you know people like me and Especially truthers on YouTube there's No future for YouTube itself and then There's the whole systemic collapse Which is going to be you know brought to You and sold to you and forced upon you By these cold unfeeling AI Bots that are Supposed to be so much smarter than you But incapable of any sort of human Interaction and human understanding and So one more thing to add to this YouTube Has openly rigged the system against Independent creators and certainly People in the truth Community right so What they've said is that they are
Suppressing voices of people who are So-called conspiracy theorists and who They think put out disinformation and These things and promoting authoritative News sources and people who are telling You what the official story is and Agreeing with the official story they Have said that these are their new Policies in terms of Google search Engine in terms of YouTube and Twitter Very recently in an interview with Don Lemons Elon Musk you know everyone Saying Twitter is uh much more for free Speech Don Lemon was criticizing Elon Musk Twitter and saying that hate speech Is more available there's more hate Speech on Twitter than it was before he Took over and Elon Musk said yeah There's more hate speech but it's Reaching less people because it's being Hidden it's being shadowbanned right and So it's there it's just nobody can get Access to it right and so it's the same Thing with truther content where it Isn't hate speech it isn't something That's doing damage to people it's People who have verbalizing a different Opinion than the official story and Somehow that's considered so dangerous To the system that they are preventing People from finding it and they're Suppressing channels that produce this Kind of content right and so that's Rigging the system against people it's
Making it unfair to people who are Independent creators which is what YouTube's all about and so these Bots Are claiming that shadow Banning doesn't Exist but it very much exists because It's YouTube and Google stated policy to Suppress so-called disinformation and Promote authoritative news and Authoritative opinions and so that's Rigging the system and that's Effectively Shadow baning because you Can't find content you can no longer Find content that used to be there for Everyone to see right used to be Promoted by YouTube and people who are Looking for that content are now being Steered away from it in a the most Obvious and graphic ways okay so this Has been a real long day it's end up Being a three-hour video of course some Of it I'm playing twice and I you know I Know that this was somewhat repetitive But I want to just exhaust this whole Thing um and I didn't think this was Going to be I thought this was going to Be introduction to a video but you know It just went the way it did and so I was Having this email exchange where I said A bunch of the things that I've said Here to a person it was a real person And the guy wrote back and he did the Same thing the Bots did put it back on Me saying that they don't have a policy Of Shadow Banning so I just sent him a
Voice over things that I've already said To you all here and there's just one More thing I want to say my wife and I Were walking around when we were talking About this and there was was a Plane that was laying down Chemtrails and right underneath it flew A big passenger jet you know sometimes We see them up close as there's the Airport's you know kind of far away from Us maybe 45 minutes by driving but Sometimes the Jets are flying kind of a Little bit low not too low but the jet Was D you know flying with the same jet Fuel right so you had this whatever These jets that admit the chemtrails And they both run on jet fuel right they Have jet engines and you know there's Only one jet fuel there's you know Kerosene or whatever it is right I Believe it's Kerosene and they um one is producing a Chemtrail and the other one was Producing nothing and people called the Chemtrails comt TRS right saying you Know they're just this is just their Exhaust but you see this all the time And you know I don't I shot a quick Video I'm not even going to bother to Put it up here but you you could see the Difference between one having a Chemtrail and one having nothing like Literally nothing running the both the Same kind of fuel but if you talk to
These people they'll deny it and they'll Just say that you're crazy and whatever It is right and you know that's what It's like being a truther and you know YouTube is becoming more and more like Into this denial of you know how many Things we've gotten right how many Things that they've blocked us from Saying and um punished us for saying and Censored us from saying that turned out Being right of course the co stuff being The most recent and even if it wasn't Even if we were wrong it's what people Want and they're not supposed to Determine again it's a private company Sure and they have pressures from the Corporate sponsors sure and all these Things but you got to give people what They want I mean it's YouTu and if People are searching for Content you Know you can demonetize channels and not Run ads but you should not game your Search engines so That these channels Can't be found and that's you know Destroyed YouTube I mean YouTube is way Worse than it was and you know average People are no longer being able to find These videos and only aage aage truther Fans who search them out on different Platforms and you know bookmark these Channels and you know uh have to do a Little extra work to find this content Are finding it and you know those those People are already you know on board and
Again you know there's no information War there's no outcome here but you know People deserve to get what they want to See right I mean this is what the Platform is supposed to be that's what a Search engine is supposed to do you're Looking for something and YouTube and Google are supposed to find it for you And they know what it is and they're Actually saying you we're going to Show you something else yeah we know you Want this but really this is bad for you Or it's bad for us for to us to give you Those results and so we're going to give You something else you don't want and That's completely up right like It's just completely up and so You know I mean it's just a kind of a Watershed time um you know a little bit Frustrated but this is reality and you Know I do I work my best to be grateful And now I have to do something else I Have to figure out what I'm going to do Next you know I had wanted to wait till January um and you know I still might do That that my wife and I are talking About a few like sort of Hail Mary ways Of trying to bring in uh viewers but you Know I need I think about 20,000 views Per video to make the kind of money that I used to make and so I would need Millions of views and new people to find You know another maybe not 20,000 maybe 15 or 10 you know but I need at least
Double what I'm um you know what I'm Getting now and probably even more than That because what I've known what I've Seen is that maybe my videos you know They used to get 6 7,000 eight views They used to get a few more thousand Views um you know than they're getting Now and you know but I'm I'm having um Probably another five or 8,000 views Less per day because YouTube used to Recommend some of my old videos my old Videos would get you know some thousands Of views you know a video comes out and It pops and it gets its you know it's Unless it's recommended and stays a Around for a while it it it runs for a Couple of days where it's getting a lot Of views most of the views come on the First day from subscribers but then if It gets some recommendations and and Things like that it can play bigger you Know if it's shared by people uh but you Know uh most of my videos don't get Because YouTube doesn't do that anymore You know my videos the first couple days Is where I'm getting the maximum amount Of views but there'll PE be a few people That straggle in later on they'll find Videos and you know they they watch the Old videos and so um you know I and I Was also making those short videos where They got a lot of views but didn't make Any money and so YouTube looks at that And says well you're getting less views
And I'm like yeah because you guys are me right like you know isn't Because of my content I mean it maybe Like to a small degree but most of it is Because you know you're not bring you're Not access letting me access new new Viewers and the old viewers aren't going To be around forever and so you know Let's say I leave and go for to another Platform and maybe a thousand a couple Thousand of you guys come over and pay For me to you know and I don't know if That's even How likely that will happen And will pay for my content and I'm able To make enough money to keep it going For a little bit you know where am I Going to get the new people from that's The big problem and so you know I want To I'm eventually going to have to go to That kind of a model and which platform Do I choose and all these things and you Know I'm just kind of tired out with it All I know people want me to go to Rumble that seems like more like a Right-wing place again I have to check Out all these platforms and see which One has a pay wall in these things uh But you know YouTube sucks and it's I Mean it's it's a dying platform and There's there's you know truthers are Not welcome anyways um only spirituality Will save this world it's Paul Definitely reporting from the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a
Blessed day and be grateful