Okay greetings brothers and sisters this Is Um uh Christmas Eve Tuesday December 24th Christmas Eve So I Um you know I'm going to make a short Video today I got a Christmas message Thing I made yesterday talking more About uh well this is the pain of Love but I wanted to talk a little bit About a couple of things here and I got A few things to cover Matt Gates which Is a little bit of an interesting Development few other things um terms of The show or the Beast two different Names for the same thing the show and The Beast and then um yeah it's going to Be Christmas uh the first thing I want To talk about is Christmas spirit now The Christmas spirit is defined here by Um an AI review Christmas spirit is a Feeling of Joy generosity and good will That people experien during the Christmas season and I don't think it's That like that's just some you know way That people talk about but Christmas Spirit is a real thing and it's a Feeling which I agree with Christmas Spirit is a feeling and I usually get it Like one day a year at Christmas like I Just like usually I'm driving around and It's like maybe snowing a little bit or There's Christmas lights out and I just Get this feeling passes through me it's
Like like a spiritual condition you know I've experienced various spiritual Conditions during the meditation over The years there's you when you're on Your spiritual journey there's different Conditions at different parts and Regions and I'm going to talk about one Tomorrow about the feeling of the pain Of separation from God the longing what Has in their heart to reunite with their Creator but there are these spiritual Conditions you have like there's a Condition around a wedding and you know A yeah like just the feelings that People get like at a good one like like Something there like there's just when a Baby's born there's just there was a Feeling associated with it like a you Know a feeling is something you can't Control a feeling is something that Passes through you that just is there And you experience the experience it you I was talking about conditions at places That have spiritual conditions but Christmas just has this you know this Spiritual condition that I've had Associated with Christmas you know I've Experienced it you know every Christmas Probably since I was a kid and you know Like I said it's an organic feeling it's A thing it's it exists on the etheric World and I almost never feel it on Christmas Day itself right of course Christmas day is the solstice has
Nothing to do with Jesus which I get Into in my talk or whatever but in terms Of uh we're talking about here the Christmas spirit And I've had it a few times this has Been a time where I really felt the Christmas spirit maybe because this is The last Christmas or the last kind of Christmas like we've had you know Whatever is going to be happening this Next coming year or whatever it is right Um you know like Christmas may never be The same in terms of the materialism you Know Christmas is a is not really about Jesus's birth certainly not anymore it's A materialistic death And last year my wife and I were Traveling and we were like kind of done With Christmas you know I'm not a Holiday person the holidays for me are For kids the only one that I think is a Good holiday is Thanksgiving because of the idea of Gratitude and you know Christmas is you Know a materialistic event but there's Just something about it the winter the Snow you know we've had a little bit of Snow this year and it's been colder Outside and I've kind of enjoyed the Cold I like the winter in the beginning You know some of the days some of the Days just Sucks uh it's like there was wind but When I go out and walk with my wife and
We go my walk with my dogs and my wife Isn't here and you know we seen some Bunny rabbits and stuff and you know There's been a little bit of a like just I've had this feeling the Christmas Spirit and it's passed through me a Number of days we put up some lights I Got these rope lights at Costco like an Impulse bu always like rope lights and I Put some rope lights up like we don't Usually decorate or whatever it is we Got got a little tree at Home Depot that Was a half price yesterday two days ago That had a a funny character of a a Santa maybe I'll take a picture of that To put that here um the lights and the The other thing um just the Santa maybe Because it's kind of funny uh it's got No eyes and my wife thought was cute we Like got it cuz a little tree but we Usually don't have a tree or anything Like that you know there's no limited Christmas limited pressure but we you Know did more I mean I bought more Christmas presents for my wife this year Than usual like this we're actually Having like kind of a Christmas I got a Turkey that's thawing like we're making A a Christmas dinner and stuff like that Which we didn't do uh you know whatever So um you know but I was just talking About this Christmas spirit thing it's Just a thing like there's things that You have the spiritual conditions of
Something you know I was thinking about It this morning you know if I was going To rank the holidays now Fourth of July Is near my birthday I always like like Summer is probably my favorite season uh I like summer a lot and I you know I Grew up loving Florida it's like my Favorite place to go you my parents Would go there my grandparents live There and so like it's perpetual summer There and just whatever but I don't love The smell of fireworks the gunpowder and All that and you know just that whatever That is so I'm not really I don't even Consider that like a holiday you know I Was thinking about Halloween my least Favorite holiday and that was rough for For me when I was married and my kids Were small because my ex had a birthday On Halloween and then I had to deal with Most of the Halloween stuff for the kids And then over the years we decide not to Have them eat candy you know H Halloween Is like you know especially you know I Don't know now well I think even more so Now you're told not to talk to strangers And not to take candy for strangers and Then you walk around at night where People all dressed up like demons and Devils Wearing a costume and you go to Stranger's house and get candy right you Go and sometimes there's like a Stranger's house where the person's like
Mean and nobody likes him you know some Kind of you know nefarious house and Like person's dressed up like a like the Devil you know and you go get a stickers Bar from them or whatever like go take Candy from strangers on this one night Halloween is the the night where people Express their you know often times they Dress up like something like a monster Devil or demon or whatever right it's Just like they're it's just something There it's like Devil's Night is another Hell's night the night before Halloween Or whatever just the whole this Sam ha You all that stuff associated with Halloween right it's the night you get To express your inner demon and you know People who want to dress up and be a Certain way just all of it when as a kid I liked it you know and then when I Guess an adult I'm like well this solity Sucks plus you know now we have epidemic Of obesity and childhood obesity and you Know go get a big bag of candy right Like you know which kids are going to Eat and you know with teeth teeth Problems and you all kinds of um dietary Issues that you know whatever the food That's out there and so you know there's Um Easter I guess the Easter egg hun ISS Find that that part of it but like it's Just again almost not really much of a Holiday so you know I mean Christmas is The big one and I can say I really felt
It this year like I felt this spirit and Again it's not you know Jesus's birth is Something else and should be Celebrated on its own merits it'd be Great if they could figure out the day Yeah I talk about this in the other uh Voice over for tomorrow and so the other Thing I want to talk about is my wife And I started watching the Aaron Rogers Documentary Enigma we watched the and we Had been watching the Um uh Fly Me to the Moon show on Apple TV which show and I'll get to that so I Want to talk about that um I didn't get Done with the Aaron Rogers it was start Off but it was very interesting you know It covered that time with the whole vax Thing and um you know my wife and I Often fall asleep or watching TV she's Been sleeping more lately so I used to Have a backup usually I've like there's Some football on last night and um a Basketball game I wanted to watch but Like she fell asleep early we started Watching TV a little bit early so I Watched this um 30 for30 on F slam of Jama and F slam of Jama was you know Kind of a kind of a gay name now but Back then it was you know it's a sign of The time right so there was um a group Of basketball players at the University Of Houston and Keem elijuan and Clyde Drexler became you know these great Iconic top 75 of alltime basketball
Players right AE Alan was arguably the The greatest Center the you know most Athletic center he won a couple of NBA Titles C Clyde Drexler was an all kind Great player but they were loaded the Whole team was loaded and it was a time Where I you know I covered the North Carolina State wolf pack that was a Miracle team that beat them in the game In albaquerque and it was when I was Really at the height of being a sort of Basketball player and a fan where I was Just like coming into my own as a Basketball player you know as just a Park player you I I'm not a a person That is uh does things legitimately like I wasn't you know I had the talent and The ability to play at the college level But that didn't Materialize and you know when I was into Basketball the most and so this was Interesting they did a 30 for30 on the North Carol Ina State wolf pack and F Slamma Jama was like one of the greatest Basketball teames of all time on a cleic Level that didn't win a Title and there was a lot of interesting Aspects to it the story and they Centered around this guy Benny Anders Who was as good an athlete as um Clyde Drexler like he was I thought was going To take Clyde Drexler Place who was Older than him because he was you know They were very similar players and he
You know looked like he was a guy who Play in the NBA these guys were crazy Good athletes and they used to dunk all The time and was when you know Duncan Was illegal for a while you know when I Was a little little kid you know back in The 60s but when they you know became a big Thing they made this like a it's like What Steph Curry did for three-point Shooting they did for Dunking and you know something like I Was later you know I was dunking at that Time right in my Basketball life you know I'd go to the Parks and play basketball and I'd be Dunking in games and stuff and so it was Like a thing but this guy Benny Anders You know two of the guys left you know The Clyde Drexler left the next year and Then Benny Anders um quit the team for a While like I thought he would be like Some kind of a star and then he Apparently and I kind of remember this He was playing a pickup game at the Campus and he pulled a gun on somebody Right so he um and he had which I didn't Know he was related to this allheim New York Nick basketball player called Willis Reed and and um uh this is going For somewhere for people are in you know For basketball people and Um somebody else uh Orlando wolid they All came out of this small town in
Louisiana they were his uncles like his You know his he was related to these Guys and everyone expected him to be Like a you know an all-time NBA player But he played he blew out his knee at Houston and then played overseas a Little bit and disappeared for years and Nobody knew where he was including his Family like nobody had heard of him and So two of the players from the team are Going to search for this guy as they go Through The Narrative of the game right this you Know the the team and I remember Watching these games like this is a time Where I you know a bigger basketball fan And it was this iconic matchup between This F slam Jama Houston team and the Wolf pack of the uh North Carolina State Wolf pack which coached by that guy Jim Valano who became an iconic figure and Would die of cancer and now they have The Jimmy ve Cancer Foundation which I've talked about the whole things you Know you can't beat cancer and all that Weird [ __ ] that came out with that right But this was like an iconic time you Know I've been going down memory lane Things have been like you know I've just All these things have come up about Things that I you have association with Right and I was rooting for both teams Because I really like the the way that Houston Cougars played right the F slam
Jama team played but North Carolina State was this epic um you know Underdog and there was a game between Houston and Louisville in Louisville They were named some kind of the doctors Of dunk I mean this is total 80s [ __ ] Right sounds kind of weird today kind of Like lame I slam a jam and doctors a Dunk but that you know it just kind of Dates the the period in the 80s you know People are less cool back Then but but they um Louisville had Crazy athletes and they were winning at Halftime and the coach for Houston threw A tow at somebody on Louisville and then The Houston Cougars just took off and Benny Anders had like crazy dunk and uh Clyde Drexler had crazy like these you Know really athletic plays and it came Alive this whole stuff so they're Telling the story about the team right And Jim Nance who's a football announcer And he does announcing for the Olympics And and college basketball he's one of The more famous Announcers he was the he was a college Student at the time and he was working At the University and he had a little TV Show that he would interview the coach Guy Lewis who was a product of the Houston system he had played there and You know coach there grew up in Houston And then he was one of the first coaches To integrate black players into a you
Know racially tough area and then he Went on to you know create this um this Highflying offense he was getting Criticized for because they would run And play you the way I like to play back When I was you know they played Park Ball right and the other interesting Thing so Jim Nance came out of that Thing like I didn't even know that I had No idea about that is that came Elan who Was from uh Nigeria and nobody had known him like They heard of him he's like some coach Was saying we got this guy out here 7 Foot and he's crazy athlete he was a Soccer player and he had other skills so They translated it to playing basketball And so he was telling this story that he Came to um New York and he was going to Interview or be tried out for the St John's team like they were recruiting This guy to play basketball where get It's just some you you know kid from Some foreign country in Africa right n Nigeria and he shows up at Air at the Airport in the winter in New York and He's never experienced cold like he's From Africa and he's like you holy [ __ ] He goes outside he can't believe how Cold it is and they don't show to Interview him so he's got three tickets To see um like one's like Providence and One's uh some other place and there's Houston he has three plane tickets to go
See these various schools right and he's Just coming from some from his foreign Country you know 19-year-old kid and he Sees a guy sees a guy from his country From Nigeria like a guy who's like a Baggage handler or something and he asks The guy he goes you know where is it Where's the warmest of these three Places the guy said oh what's where's The one that has the the climate most Like Nigeria and he says so Houston so He changes his his plans and he goes to Houston and then they show these two Guys who are now looking for Benny Anders and they're you know they have These different people in the that they Um interview right and he um they say um You know they're going to pick him up Like they're the captains of the team And they have to pick the guy up and They're like you know if he's if they're Lying about his height you know like if He's not 7 foot if he's like six seven You know just don't bother bringing like Just give him give him a ticket and send Him out his way right because you know Sometimes they would lie about these Guys sometimes they lie about their age Like man bu was like 30 and they said he Was like 19 you know he played college Basketball and so you know these guys From these countries but the guy they See him and they're like wow he is 7 Feet but he's not very she's very skinny
But he comes out and he's like a Dominant college basketball player he's Crazy good and then he becomes one of The best alltime centers and you know Just CU his his footwork and his Athletic ability and just his natural He's just a naturally good basketball Player so there's so much more to the Story right and I had wondered myself What happened to this guy Benny the Anders like when I was watching the North Carolina State game because I Remember this whole thing these two Iconic teams and so they beat Louisville Which was another athletic team and Everyone thought whoever won that game Was easily going to beat the you North Carolina State team North Carolina State You know to make the NCA tournament you Can either have a really good record and Beat some quality teams or you have to Win you're you're in a they're in these Conferences and you have to win the Conference tournament and North Carolina State had like a losing record going Into the conference tournament and they Had no chance of going to the NCA Tournament but they had like a good team They just had suffered some you know bad Losses but they end up beating North Carolina twice they beat him in the NCA Tournament and then North Carolina was One of the better teams right this was The era um the you know post Jordan era
Era in North Carolina like Jordan had Just graduated from there the previous Year and he they us Houston lost to them In the year before um the uh Vice lamama Jamama team and so you know this is like Kind of iconic basketball stuff but There's there's a life lesson here too Like kind of interesting life thing and It was before I think Sports was Manipulative like you could say this Kind of this story this Underdog Story Was you know whatever it was but there Would have to be a lot more Manipulation because of the way that They do the NCA tournament with Different Crews of referees That were you know it was before that There was all the money in it you know Was just becoming a thing like the the March Madness and so Um the North Carolina State Wolf Pack Won their conference tournament they Have a tough conference ACC they have Duke in North Carolina you know these Iconic uh franch uh teams and they had To beat all these teams to win their Tournament right and they did and they Were like an underdog and they just Slowly won a lot of close games they Were called the cardiac kids or Something like that I don't know what Their nickname they won all these close Games like by one point that was what They were like known for and they made
It into the championship game which Nobody figured but they thought Houston Would just blow him out well they're Playing in Albuquerque which I would Later have association with like I would Travel and live in Albuquerque and then In Santa Fe for a while later on in my Life when I turn 30 not that you know Some years later about 10 years from There and they played in this stadium Called the pit you know it's at 5,000 ft And Houston was a little bit gassed and Then they got a little bit tight in the Game and you could see that you know When I was watching it like everyone Thought Houston would blow them out and They started to play better in the Second half but AE Al Jaan needed oxygen And Clyde Drexler had these fouls and There's just the iconic stuff and I'd Just watched this 303 30 with these Players from that Team all talking about And Jimmy Valvano was this Italian coach Who was you know very uh like uh Outgoing and then he would L later get This cancer and there was this whole Thing he'd give this epic cancer speech Which I you know don't like and there's The Jimmy V found Foundation it's a Whole thing associated with sports and YouTube Right Sports and ESPN and um After I'm done with this you know audio Here I'm going to I'll play you the the Shot there's a last shot of the game and
It was interesting that the Houston Cougars lost on a dunk but what happened Was they had this great shooter named Derek Wittenberg and Benny Anders almost Made a steal and I'll show you this clip In you know after I'm done here and Benny Anders would have stolen the ball And then dribbled it down and dunked it And they would have won the game and They had set up this defense to get Steals they were they got a lot of Steals and a lot of dunks off of steals Right but he gets his hand on the ball And he just isn't able to grab it and This small you know they were talking About this because somebody had asked Him what he thought was going to happen At the place that I was going to he goes I I thought I was going to get get the Ball dunk it and I'd be a hero and They're talking how this guy's life Would have changed right so they find Him In Like Flint Michigan right like Some [ __ ] shitty place like that um And he's you know he's out of basketball And he's completely you know he doesn't Even want to talk about it like he does A like a brief interview but he had such A you know a disappointing career like He could have been an NBA star and he Ended up having this different life Whereas the North Carolina State wolf Pack and Jimmy valano they became this Iconic Underdog team right and it was a
Difference of this you know one moment In the in the game which I'll show you Let me go show you that and also they Had a f slaming jamas song I'll show you That because that's kind of Funny okay so they don't have the F Slama Jam song but it shows you the bad 80s WP you see the the very short Basketball shorts that have were soon Replaced by The Fab Five of Michigan um which was better for Everybody and so this is the last play Of the game and uh North Carolina State Almost turned the ball over Houston Almost made like two steals or three Steals during this last time where They're holding for the last shot right And here's the um it's a tie game it's Down to S seconds you can see the time Wittenberg oh it's a long way okay so That was it and there's this famous Moment here where Jimmy Valvano um they W it there he he's running around crazy This is a iconic moment right him Running around like that but here's the Play right here this is um Benny Anders Right here right and he is Going to make the steal like he's got The ball he hits the ball here and the Ball doesn't go with him it stops there He knocks it out of Derek whur's hands He goes this way you know had he I mean Just a a moment in time right where Changes the destiny of these various
People where Jim Valvano who wins one National championship this is it for him In some kind of a miracle situation gets Cancer gives this epic speech at the EPS At the esps in uh in uh you know the um ESPN's awards for sports you know their Award show he gives this epic speech he Becomes friends with uh Mike sheski who They are formerly enemies Mike Chey Didn't like him but he's the coach for Duke and they become close friends and They go through this dying process with Vilano and this whole cancer antibe Cancer thing which you know is can't Beat cancer like it's silly can't beat Death um but this moment here right and Benny Anders Disappears and he doesn't have an NBA Career and his you know he's becomes an Underachiever and this play you know This moment um the other thing they Talked about how North Carolina how Houston got cocky like they they thought They would already won the championship And they didn't they're playing this Underdog team and so there's so many Iconic moments in both of these story Lines and this sort of David versus Goliath type of a thing anyway so that's Um it's if I slam of Ja Benny Anders Jones is on Ta so the last thing I want to talk About here is Fly Me to the Moon and We'll get to Mad Kates and I'll wrap
This thing up try to make this a a Shorter video and so I had seen the Trailer and I mocked the trailer you Guys probably remember that and it's s Um Channing Tatum and Scarlet Joe Manson there's something just I've Always felt a little bit manly about Scarlet Joe um but anyways she plays a con Artist uh advertising executive from New York she goes down to Florida cape kaval And she's got to sell the Moonlanding and they have Woody harelson And channy Tatum is the guy in charge of He's the guy who because of a heart Issue doesn't become an astronaut but he Runs the the uh the flight the you know Where they launch the the program they Launch the astronuts right and you know NASA is hemorrhaging money and there's All these things so um but the Interesting thing about this is Woody Harelson who plays this sort of CIA you Know dark government deep State kind of Guy tells her To create a fake news uh fake moon Landing so that's what makes this Interesting because it's a bad romantic Comedy with a lot of you know NASA [ __ ] right um but there was kind of Some interesting storylines in there Because they're creating this fake Moonlanding and she ends up being Somebody who has a criminal past she's a
Conwoman it changed her name multiple Times and is lying all the time and she Saves the NASA Pro by her you know Marketing it right and she brings in Actors to play astronauts and then she Merges up the Moonlanding including um you know Watches and the beverage Tang my wife And I were talking about it you know This stuff um Tang was um a like a drink And when I was a kid I thought Tang was Um it was is uh you know some kind of Great you know healthy thing cuz the Astronauts were uh were like um using it Right but it says here it has different It was like its number one ingredient Was Sugar and um contains uh water acid Sodium citrate sucrose Gum arabic Natural and artificial flavors sucrose Aster you know all these uh Dy number Five yellow number five and yellow Number six sodium beiti potassium Sorbate and rosemary s extract right That was the original flavor and when I Tried it Tang I must have got my mom to Buy it or something my mom was a little Bit health conscious I'm like this is Worse than [ __ ] Kool-Aid like I knew Kool-Aid was bad for you like I knew There were cereals like when I was a kid Like I was sensitive to sugar and I knew There was stuff I just like this is not This is like poison like I just knew as
You know as much as a little kid could Know and I was like you know baffled That the astronauts were drinking this [ __ ] right but as the movie showed you There was a you know there was just a Con they weren't even you know they were They were just marketing this thing Because they couldn't get enough money For these um you know uh they had these Endorsement deals and they they didn't Have enough money to make it to the moon Right and you know all the stuff that we Know about the moon landing and you know Tatum it just plays this grumpy he has Resistance to this uh they had a moment In a diner where he said she's the most Beautiful woman he ever saw but then He's like resisting the relationship and He's pissed that she's there but she Keeps on saving you know getting funding For everything and you know conning Senators and and politicians into buy Into the program you know this was a Time where the Russians um were you know Trying to you know were there's a Competition for space right And there was these inter ballist Intercontinental ballistic missiles Carrying payloads of nuclear weapons That was at stake in the height of the Cold War right so and uh America had a 50% rocket success rate where the Rockets would just not would would Crash And Burn before they left the ground and
They had um a number of astronauts that Had died and this guy was supposed to be In charge of that group right so one of The the first Apollo And then there was the religious aspects About it where there was you know Christian people who didn't um want to Go to space so they they go on a little Trip uh Charlotte Scarlet man Hansen What Joe Manson um what I say and uh Channing Tatum and they go to this congressman's House senator's house who's in charge of You one of the people in charge of the Money and he's like Christian and he Says you know we shouldn't go there Right like and then uh Channing Tatum Gives him this speech about how there's Nothing more Christian than going to Space and God gave us dominion over the Earth and which is one of the things I Always push back against which you know God doesn't give you dominion over [ __ ] Right if you become a higher developed Being then you're supposed to be a Steward of God's world you're supposed To respect God's world even more not Just use it like the way you know we I Mean it's the blasphemy right that idea That you know Manifest Destiny so they CM this guy into giving him money right And um so then they get into the the Fake flight and so you know that's Towards the end of it and they have a
Sound stage and she has a gay director But they mention there's a director Who's very Flamboyant and she represents him as This advertising it she like his AG in In some way getting him you know gigs And things and he calls they start Talking about Stanley cubrick right the Whole idea of Stanley Stanley cubrick Directed this and there's another movie That was a an English movie about this About Stanley cubrick directing the a Fake Moonlanding and they you know they this Director is like competitive with them The one that she represents and she Brings him in and he becomes very you Know um uh demanding and she says I wish I went with Stanley cubrick so they're Like they know the narratives right and Like it gets really goofy so there's a Point where they put this camera on that Was a top secret camera that they put it On the the um because she wants to Broadcast it like this is like this Supposedly her idea right this this Conoman this Criminal Who was doesn't Have a fake name and Woody Harrelson's Holding her past over her and making her Do the fake moon landing but not tell Telling Channing Tatum who pitches a Hessy fit when he finds out about it cuz She comes clean and he's threatening her To you know to expose her and know to uh
Her criminal record but he'll wipe her Criminal record uh clean Woody harelson Will you he plays this uh greasy deep State kind of CIA guy you know Government guy and then he says to her We're using the footage we use the audio From the the the uh flight but we're We'll disconnect the video of the Camera on the on the you know on the L The lamb they call it you know the the The vehicle that lands on the moon and We're going to use our footage right and There's a black cat involved like Throughout the movie like channy T was Kind of get trying to get rid of it Because it's bad luck and Charlotte go Johansson uh Joe Manson adopts the thing Right and so the black cats they're Filming the thing and she gets the Getting Tatum to turn the video back on But they're not sure which feed is Coming through cuz they have it Synchronized they have these guys acting Out the moon landing in this Warehouse It's wide the [ __ ] open that anybody Could walk in but it's supposed to be Top secret right like it's just this Goofy thing it really didn't have to be There on the base in like reality they Could do it from anywhere CU it's just Broadcasting right so but um no one's Sure which one is the issue and so the Black cat scared is a secret service guy And he falls down he almost Falls and
He's hanging from a rope and then they Chase the cat around and the cat then Shows up and is rubbing Neil Armstrong's Leg like cats do you know all the cats Do and they realize that they have the Real footage but the guy says to her Woody harson the Deep States guy says to Her we want to use our footage because This will change everything that we'll Be able to fake things from here on end Right so you know this this weird plot That they're trying to say that the Government wanted to fake it right like You know but the real thing happened and This the the people who were on the side Of Truth put out the organic one that The truthers were the ones that you know Pushed back against the government and Were able to broadcast the true Landing Despite the government waning to use the Fake one so they could control these Media events in the future they wanted To set a precedent that everything would Be fake and so you know this bizarre Twist where like they say we're on the Side of truth because at the end of it She's talking to chanon Tatum uh sh Scarlet Joe Manson and she's now a hero Even though she went against the Government's wishes because the thing You know the the black cat would have Wrecked the you know would have said um All these things like channy Tatum says I'll go to the Press at one point uh
When he's you know talking to Woody Harelson about this and what harelson Has threaten him he said go ahead go to The Press NASA will never get another Die when they realize that there was a Fake moon landing that you guys were Have to pull off and no one will ever Believe you trust anything that you do Right which is you know kind of what's Happened now for the like lots of people And so they're talking at the end of the Movie Scarlet Joe Manson and and um Channing Tatum and she she says uh he Says well the Russians are saying we Faked it and it was on a St Sound Stage And she goes well you know people are Going to some going to believe it's fake Some are going to believe it's real but We know it's real because you know the Truth is the truth and the lies are the Lies I'm like holy [ __ ] right and so Like they totally tried to reverse the Whole Trend here and make like the Truther to be on the side of showing the Organic ofet but in reality you know Again I believe that the the moon Landing was fake possibly it could be Real like but you know I just I don't See that as a real Possibility but when you are going to Fake something and I say this all the Time here if you are the government and You are the people who are what I call The controllers who are controlling A
System that should have collapsed years Ago because it's a debt-based economic System so they have to throw lie after Lie and keep people engaged with the Beastly system and go against their Their higher nature and and push them Towards M you know materialism and Deception right and you know to keep the System going it has to just throw lie After lie at it and you know if you are Running that kind of a game that kind of A scam you need to control everything And I say this all the time any major News story you have to control all of it Like if you can control there's Sometimes and there's an organic event And then they have to spin it but that's Way worse than controlling the event Altogether and so if they could have Faked the moon landing they would have Done it like they wouldn't even gone to The Moon why even bother going to the Moon it costs too much money you know There's the Van Allen radiation belt all The things that we've talked about the Loss of the T the Telemetry data all the Data surrounding the moonland and the The loss of the original tape and Landing like all that [ __ ] all the the Post [ __ ] right but you wouldn't need That if you could fake it and so there's One more Scene I forgot to say something About and then I want to move on to the Other stuff and so he's blasting her for
Lying about everything right like she's Lied and scammed and done all these Things if she didn't do them they Wouldn't have gotten the funding to to Put up the you know to to do the moon Landing so she's marketed use her her Con man marketing skills and she talked About how being a conwoman she grew up Her mother taught her how to be a Conoman and her mother went to jail for Shooting somebody and she's been running Ever since right this whole you know Narrative they're putting out there And she says that she can fix the whole Thing with the moon landing right if um And he says well can we do without lying And she goes no not even a chance so She's got to lie and deceive Woody Harelson and he's in the room while They're filming the fake moonlanding While they're you know they've Reconnected the camera to show the real Footage right and so there's a moment Where um they're they're going to abort The mission because he has to hand over They they they're in charge of the Launch and then they hand over the Flight to Houston you know they're in uh Cape kaval in a you know the area in Florida where they do all the launches And um he hands it over to Houston and Houston's going to abort the mission Because they're a little bit low on fuel It's under what what they figure they
Can do it right so these these missions Are supposed to be completely um you Know when you're when you're running Science and and numbers you can't [ __ ] Around if you you know these guys lives Are at stake right and he says to them He comes in it says to Houston you Should do the landing don't worry about It we ran Simulations and with that amount of fuel Or whatever and it still works and so They go ahead with the landing anyway Right and again this is a you know this Fictional story but like this is the way They went with it right and so his Co-workers say we didn't run any Simulations and he said yeah you know But I learned about lying from my friend So he's going against science right and Putting these guys' lives at risk and The whole there's a whole thing about Him feeling guilty and he goes to this Memorial of this Apollo 1 or whatever The [ __ ] it was that all the astronauts Died and he blames himself for that and Then he goes against science and he Bullshits and lies even though he's the Person that's talking about why didn't You stop lying this Scarlett Johansson But he says her line has rubbed off on Him it's like so [ __ ] goofy right and So um you know Fly Me to the Moon all Right let's get to the other stuff Here okay so let's get to the Matt Gates
Thing Here breaking right now the house Ethics Committee has just released its report On Matt Gates let's get to Chad perriam On Capitol Hill hey Chad Julie good Morning it's a 37 page report and the Committee claims that there is quote Substantial evidence that Gates violated House rules the committee says Gates was Involved in prostitution statutory rape And the use of illicit drugs now it so The prostitution and the statutory rape Apparently went together where he paid For sex with a minor um which still Doesn't really matter right uh but to Keep in mind this was a republican Committee the Matt Gates pissed off his Fellow Republicans right because they Could probably do this for lots of People and not probably they could do Ethics complaints for pretty much every Uh person in Congress and Senate because They all cross the line right um you Know I looked at his [ __ ] face right When I first saw this guy and I'm like Oh this guy looks like the Devil he's Got that Jack Nicholson those those kind Of creepy eyes uh the other guy just Pete heith Pete he Seth to a certain Degree has that as well right but he has That smug frat boy obnoxious and then I Heard the guy talk and I saw the beefs He was getting into and how he's Provoking people people on his own party
And you know I knew he was a piece of [ __ ] like you just I mean I initially Knew it and then I was convinced all Along so the problem here is this is Kind of a Christmas present for all us People have been saying this about Trump And trumpers this cements all the bad [ __ ] that Trump himself Has been a part of trump has a you know Very abusive position relationship with Women cheating on his wives you know Womanizing and you know this cavaliere Attitude of this frat boy kind of [ __ ] That Trump's into right the thing he Said about grab him by the Boop and all That [ __ ] and so you know you all get Everyone gets lumped together everybody Lumps their group the group they're in Opposition with the truth Community it's We lump everybody in as sheeple and Shills and you know whatever groups that We categorize people negatively I saw Something I on MSNBC I'm not going to Show you it but they were talking about How this was a Maga low because this Guy's a Maga guy and Trump wanted this Guy who was using drugs while in his job As a a congressman you know preaching Holier than thou you know these whole Kind of things the Republicans do and he Was with you know he was having sex with Minors a real Jeffrey Epstein piece of [ __ ] you know he was with prostitutes Paying for sex prostitution that's human
Trafficking and a number of other things Right and so this is a Republican um run investigation and they Leaked it which [ __ ] Trump you know Whatever reason they're doing that but Also you know it's I mean you can't Blame this on the Democrats not some Madeup [ __ ] it's not some deep State Stuff right it's just right there and When I refer to trumpers as dopes you Know we all do stupid things we do more Stupid things when we're young hopefully And then as we get older we start to Wise up right you know example like Something for me we have an old Farmhouse and the previous owner redid a Lot of it and my wife redid like a Bathroom but uh one of the bathrooms is Still in its original form right and Somebody tried to paint over a tub that Was eroding And the tub is you know it's just it's Rough there's just it's falling apart Paint is chipping off of it it's gross Right and the bathroom floor is wooden And they put the toilet up on a platform Like a you know like a a piece of Plywood which is a horrible idea it's Like you know 3/4 of an inch above the Maybe an inch above the rest of the Floor so that's a nightmare cuz there Might be some leakage in the seat of the Toilet where the toilet connects to the To the drain pipe so it's just been a
Nightmare and I tried to use Polyurethane so that there would be you Know at least waterproof on the Waterproofing on the floor and I used Load or some sort of you more natural Version of polyurethane and it cracked And there was issues and I went back and Forth and I was always trying to do it You know and I I work next to the Bathroom you know it's a it's like a Master bathroom and you know I finally Just thought I'm just going to put some Cement down which is been the best it's Which has worked and you know eventually We're going to get the bathroom redone So it's just a quick fix a thin layer of Cement to keep it waterproofed around There just like whatever you know I'm Capable of doing and you know I saw the Cement cement work great but it was very Rough in terms of cleaning around that Area you know it's just like it needs to Be smoothed out so I you know I know That you could polish cement and I have Um a grinder wheel for you know Something uh you the one of these tools And there was a you know there's a wheel You can get to polish cement and I got It and you know I was aware when I was Um researching it that cement powder is Toxic you know the powder that comes off Of it and my wife was concerned about That and then we went to the hardware Store and the guy warned me about that
As well which I was aware of you know And I had a mask and so I went I started To grind it and the whole bathroom got Like I couldn't see like it was bad and It got got everywhere the got in the Bedroom I had to wash all the the bed You know the comforter in the sheets I Had to just I it was a nightmare like it Didn't really work like you know just I Mean it was you know I just did a little Bit and it wasn't just a complete mess And not something that can be done Indoors and it was just me being stupid You know I've wised up to the extent That I let it go and I'm just going to Try to put another thin layer and use a TR and make it as smooth as possible and Just live with it until we can get the Whole B we done at some point right or We sell the house or whatever it is but I'm saying that we all do stupid things Right and sometimes we you know we just You know we get a sense we're doing We're down the wrong path but we lock Into something and we just don't want to Admit you know the information that's Coming back to us and we have to make Our mistakes and experience it so we can You know learn for from our mistakes and Then we might wise up or we might not Right the people who vote for Trump you Guys have been warned and Trump has Shown you who he is the entire time he Ran for president both times his last
Term as president especially at the end The way he got worked or he was you know He just played his part on covid closing Down the economy operation warped speed He called himself the father of the VAC He um then he you know he had that Nightmare election stuff that he did January 6 and then three years of whing About how the system was rigged against Him and then everything that he done Since he's shown you that he's a piece Of [ __ ] his fake assassination attempt And as a Tru or you should know better At some point you should know better Like it's been [ __ ] eight years right Like you know so when I say dope yeah We're all dopes we all make mistakes but Jesus Christ right and this Matt Gates Thing is just another nail in Trump's Coffin because it's the kind of person You guys hate trumpers and QBs right This is a Jeffrey Epstein and Trump Appointed this clown a guy who uses Illegal drugs has sex with minors Statutory rapist and they didn't Char Why not put criminal charges against Them right I mean this is an Ethics Committee but why is in Florida pressing Charges you know against what he did to These you know the these young women Using drugs statutory rape and Prostitution all of those are crimes and He was going to Be attorney general Trump nominated this
Guy for attorney general a criminal a Guy who was engaged in all these Criminal behaviors has huge ethic Pro Ethics problems was investigated for Ethics and Trump said he was going to Vet people better you know Trump said That the problem with his first term in His Joe Rogan interview was that he Didn't know what he was doing he didn't Um have people like he didn't have Trump People in the Senate he didn't have Allies so he had to go with old school You know the establishment uh Politicians and he said that when you Try to nominate somebody for a post who Is um You know just an outsider coming in They've never been vetted but these guys Have all been vetted and this guy had These ethics complaints against him and All of it and he's just an [ __ ] right And then Pete hegs Smith his mom wrote a Letter saying he womanized women and she Was ashamed of him his Christian mom and He was an alcoholic drinking at his job Right I mean he's just you know what He's Found Jesus now sure maybe that's True but did could Jeffrey Epstein say I Found Jesus and you forgive him again It's not for you to give forgive or me To forgive but you know when some Somebody comes out and they say they Found Jesus if it's a a Democrat right If Joe Biden said he found Jesus and he
Apologizes or Hunter Biden would you Accept that no of course you wouldn't I Mean you trumpers like it's just you Know just it's not you're not being uh Uh living by your beliefs right it's You're changing your beliefs based on The party which is what everybody does And so Trump has shown you he's a piece Of [ __ ] by nominating this piece of [ __ ] Right like this is all you need to know Because it's a you know it's a clown Show and God knows what this is going to Play out as because Trump doesn't give a [ __ ] right like he doesn't care like he Knew this was coming he knows what's Coming with Kennedy and you he'll get Some of these guys he won't get others You know whatever game he's playing here But it's not for your benefit like he Wouldn't be nominating this piece of [ __ ] if it was for your benefit this Doesn't help you Right it says that Gates had sex with Multiple women at a party in Florida in 2017 and paid them as prostitutes the Committee says that Gates also had sex With a then 17-year-old girl the report Says that victim received $400 from Gates the committee says she did not Tell Gates how old she was she had just Completed her junior year in high school Now Gates is suing he had a sex with a Junior in high school he's at a frat Party right like he's in this he's a
Freaking you know he's a national Politician He's going to a frat party and he paid a 17-year-old girl $400 to block the release of the report His effort for an injunction says Information in the report is quote false It adds that the reputation of gates Quote would be immediate severe and Irreversible some gates allies Criticized the Ethics Committee yeah of Course this is Fox News and it gives the Opposition fuel right April I'm Wondering what your takeaway is from This report it's obviously been long Anticipated is it about what we had Expected is it worse is it better and And what does this mean for Gates's Potential political future if he even Has One it's worse because it's real uh when You think it versus when you know it That's the whole piece now we know it um For those who support transparency in Government this is a win for them but It's definitely not a win for Matt Gates Who Donald Trump did not vet for the Office of uh to be in a cabinet position So these ethics reports were from an Ethics complaint from him like two years Ago and so there was an Ethics violation And they had a report which had been Sealed and so these were things that They had found out before and kept them
And Trump could have talked to any Number of people on the ethics commit Committee and they could have said even If they couldn't disclose what's in it Which they could because Trump's the Incoming president I think but let's say They couldn't they say don't nominate Him it's just a nightmare this thing Cuts out is going to make a fool of you And Trump doesn't give a [ __ ] right he Doesn't care like Trump Trump's like the Honey badger like he just goes in there I can do whatever I want like he's you Know he isn't now he knows that he's not Running for president again and he's got This rule from the Supreme Court ruling That says he can get away with anything And so he ain't going to do things for You he ain't about you he ain't never Been about you like Trump he's not that Guy right he's not some savior he's a Selfish narcissistic competitive prick And he's all about Trump and and grandis Himself enriching himself and all these Other things and so whatever he does I Mean nobody really knows including Himself but it isn't based in what you Need or what's good for you or what's Good for the future of America like That's never been Trump and so when you Believe that that that's the case you Know what can you do like when you have 40% of the the population of the voting Population believe that Trump is that
Guy or at least 30% you know some people just voted for Trump because they thought he was better Than Biden but you know the people who Are hardcore trumpers they believe like He's a second coming to Jesus you know You think Jesus would be associated with This guy Right he's a republican Jeffrey Epstein So one of the big problems is this guy Gets to Glow this piece of [ __ ] right The hammer guy Lawrence O'Donald and all The people like him all the people on Mory Joe I me I'm not going to show you All the clips because you know we know What they're going to say because this Is them lump everybody in together just Like they do with conspiracy theorists And truthers and they do with everybody And this sucks for Trump because he's Got an issue with these kind of Complaints and you've been sued and you Know these things charged with these Various things some of those things are Less um you know less believable like That woman in you know whatever her name Is to him New York but still Trump has These issues he said some things he's Behaved in a way cheated on his wife the Other guy heg Sith he's cheated on his Wife again these are supposed to be Christians they're supposed to be the Moral right all these things right uh Alcoholism and abuse and drug use and
All this stuff and it just you know it Lumps everybody in together it's like a Bad you know making impulsive decisions And not knowing what the [ __ ] you're Doing right and this guy gets to gloat Now well the house Ethics Committee Today released a report unlike any in The history of the house Ethics Committee the Ethics Committee Unanimously believes that former Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gates raped A 17-year-old girl in Florida the Committee quote found substantial Evidence substantial evidence and I want To say this idea that she um didn't tell Him how old she was you know he's on Drugs but how old can a 17-year-old look At a fret party like how old do you Think these girls are right 19 maybe 20 You know if you're lucky I mean this is You know you're 36y old Senator and You're at a frat party using drugs and Partying or whatever these places he Went to right and so you know whatever These circumstances are he's you know This is a hunter Biden person right Making very impulsive bad decisions Thinking you get away with these things And there was a it was a a committee run By Republicans that all voted for him it Was also some Democrats obviously but The chair of the committee was Republican and is now and then all the Things that he did to piss off McCarthy
Who was a republican these other things Right of that Rate that victim is named in the Ethics Committee report as victim a as reported Previously on this program by an Attorney for a teenager who was paid to Have sex with Matt Gates that teenager Witnessed Matt Gates having sex with the 17-year-old minutes after Matt Gates Entered a party and immediately upon Meeting the 17-year-old the committee report says The committee received testimony that Victim a and representative Gates had Sex twice during the party including at Least once in the presence of other Party attendees victim a recalled Receiving $400 in cash from Representative Gates that evening which She understood to be payment for sex at It's pretty generous that Gates you know like just I mean that's Human trafficking right the time she had Just completed her junior year of high School victim Acknowledged that she was under the Influence of ecstasy during her sexual Encounters with representative gates at The July 15th 2017 party and recalled Seeing representative Gates use cocaine At that Party last month Elon Musk was part of a Group on Donald Trump's plane all right So this guy gets to gloat right and you
Know this is where everyone gets Demonized all the the the bag of people Because this is hypocritical right these Are the people that were supposed to go After the child abusers these were People supposed to drain the swamp these Were the people that were supposed to be Christian right these are the people That supposed to have the moral High Ground and Trump just threw that all the Way by nominating a guy he should have Never been attorney general despite These charges you know this is a Position where you're supposed to be Enforcing the rule of law Trump put Somebody in that would totally subvert The the rule of law to to rule on Trump's behalf right to go after people That Trump told him to go after this guy Would have been a nightmare right this Is the kind of person Trump wants in There a completely partisan Trump backer That is was owned himself right a Criminal and so like just a mess I Weever you know Trump Percy have no High Ground now you have nothing to say I Mean you've never had anything to say The last four years show you that Trump's a piece of [ __ ] and you kind of Knew it when you know January 6 happened And the whole thing that he got worked All those ways that he he hurt the truce Community hurt all of us the cubies even Started to bail on him but then you know
After four years of Biden people came Back around to Trump and then he had That fake [ __ ] assassination attempt All that [ __ ] right and now this Thing right it's just going to be more Of this stuff Trump's a piece of [ __ ] And everyone should know it and whatever He does or doesn't do it isn't for your Isn't for your benefit okay so this Attention [ __ ] Tim Walls is cooking Something remember said he did white guy Tacos and he said he didn't know how to Use SE seasoning and and then it turned Out he won a taco contest at work or Nacho contest or something and he was he Had spicy you know like he said he Didn't know how to use chili powder just Stupid stuff um you know he's and he's Trying to run for president in the Future he's got that crazy wife but then There's this little um you know they had These figurines and it's got a name that I can't say this is that um Africana Whatever they call it kind of U You know old um African-American black Uh you know these types of things that They have and it looks pretty racist the Thing's eat the guy's eating a Watermelon right I mean it's totally Racist I mean just the it's a character He's got this on his freaking counter I Mean he's got a black person eating Watermelon with you know just um Exaggerated features and just I mean
What a nightmare this guy is right he's Smiling there himself clueless like he Doesn't have a a team of people saying Yeah you should take that thing and Throw it the [ __ ] away why is it got That why would anybody have this I mean Certainly a white person why would they Have something like this in your kitchen Right you know I have not enough space In my kitchen my family you know when I'm cooking I do like the majority of Cooking and you know we don't have Enough counter space like I I don't know Anybody has enough counter space for all The things that you know I have a SV Thing that's big and you know and now Have an air fryer and like just all These things and you know there's just Not enough space I mean people have have A huge kitchen to have all the counter Space you need and I don't have room for Chachka chachkas and decorations and [ __ ] like that right but apparently Tim wals wants to have this racist thing In his kitchen that he looks at every Day and then he claims to be a liberal This week Luigi mangion accused of Fatally shooting the CEO of Ed Healthcare Brian Thompson was charged With four Federal Criminal counts Including one for murder this isn't About Luigi could carry the death Penalty these charges came days after The Manhattan DA's office filed 11 State
Charges including first-degree murder in Furtherance of terrorism boom all right Let's get into this thing here though About the healthare industry and who Exactly it serves joining me now is Dr Suchin Jane the CEO of scan group and Scan Health Plan at California your Headquartered Medicare Advantage plan With more than 300,000 members Dr Jane Thank you so much for joining the show I Want to let our viewers know you have a Very unique point of view here you're a Practicing physician you were a senior Adviser to the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at the Department of Health and Human Services and now you're the CEO of A not for-profit Health Plan according To the feds Manon had a notebook on him When he was arrested inside it he wrote Quote the target is insurance Federal Prosecutors alleged that mangone did This in an attempt to spark a it's good Thing he did that like he he's got to Have this this incriminating notes Because he was a really stupid kid that Was a valid dictorian of his school and You know everyone consider him really Intelligent but he had all the Incriminated evidence including a Manifesto and everything else on him to Spark a debate over insurance industry Practices do you think insurers are now Listening I think everyone's listening I
Think we're in a moment of Reckoning Right now Katie where there's a greater Realization that people are um unhappy They're frustrated uh they're angry with The state of us Healthcare and so you Needed this fake Luigi manang own [ __ ] thing to tell you this right It's not just this it's everything There's something else I'm not sure it Was this there was something on the news Maybe how angry people are at the media You know the Trump election you know Trump represents the outsiders even Though he's not an outsider and and you Know him being elected the people who Disliked him people who are never Trumpers they end up voting for him it's Cuz people are just sick of the the [ __ ] people aren't watching Mainstream media don't trust it they Don't trust you know the establishment And certainly the medical community and The big Pharma and all this other stuff Right and they know it like how do they Not know that like how do you [ __ ] Not know that I think all of us uh who Work in healthcare are starting to be Begin look Inward and you're starting to Be Look the question like shouldn't be be That something shouldn't that be be Something you do all the time like when You do a job like I had a job where I Was in treatment centers right I worked
At a treatment center and the CEO of my Place so you know I had um I I had there Was these Cottages so I was half of Cottage 4 unit four when I worked at the The you know the the one um school that Was for kids this was before I had my Master's Degree and then there was Another unit I forget the name of that Unit I think that was four as well um But I was a then I had my master's Degree in counseling and I was a Clinician and I had 12 kids that I was Responsible for and then there was a Case worker that also helped that again And these positions were always being Unfilled like we we went months without Having a casew worker but the casew Worker worked with the you know with Whoever was the the people in charge of Um whether it was like Social Services Some of these guys were convicted felons They were adults they were convicted as Adults even though they were minors and So this caseworker had 24 kids there's 12 there's 24 kids in the cottage in the Unit and then um I had half of them and Another cl cl had the other half of them Right and you know I was in charge of Saying that when the kid got to leave The Establishment right that leave the Leave the school and you know I um would Interact with their these people that Were in charge of these kids' lives Sometimes as a parole officer sometimes
As a social worker and we would have Conversations and try to set them up for Success and could they could they go Home or not was the victim in the home Could they you know were they R and Matriculate into society and it was very Stressful because these kids were all Good at faking and you know they would Some of them Would go through the program but you Knew that they were going to go out and Offend somebody but they had done what They were supposed to do and you know You had a sense that they weren't it was The kid wasn't safe right and so it was A prison sentence though it was like you Know these kids were locked up for over Two years it was an 18-month program but Usually took 23 months and the place was Making money off of him the pace was Turning a $9 million profit but it was a For it was a nonprofit organization And these you know governments would pay Whatever it was state governments would Pay $120,000 a year per kid for them to Be at this school and they were not Getting that kind of level of care like It was a place that was run in a a such A slip shot way right I mean they were Stealing money from the taxpayers and There was a time you know most of the Times there was a waiting list and so They always had somebody ready to come In and so there's some pressure to get
Kids through the system to keep you know The idea that these kids that were Potential customers you know keep them Rolling in right but there was a time Where we weren't on a waiting list and We had this guy who was in charge of the The school he was like the you know the Overseer the principal the manager you Know this school had a school it had Residential and it had a counseling Program so he was charged it was more Than a school right and this guy was Russian 6 fo five with a beard and he Was he had some kind of degree in in um Psychology but it wasn't like cool Psychology it was like the kind of Psychology they use to you know Manipulate people or you know mind Control [ __ ] or whatever the guy was Like an [ __ ] and he wrote uh like a Email to us in the counseling program Saying that our there's no waiting lists So don't let any kid go until we have Someone to fill his bed and so they Wanted me to violate this person's Constitution tional rights you know After they had graduated the program and Find some excuse and lie about it and Keep the kid from leaving right number Of things number of times they wanted me To lie you know and I just didn't want To do it right especially for something Like this this [ __ ] up place that was A nightmare to work for dysfunctional
Place I mean it makes even you know I Didn't believe in the place and they Want me to you know I mean commit Freaking you know career what could be Career suicide by tell telling lies and Doing things that were you know against My ethics and my belief system and so You know I would struggle with that I Struggle with the whole thing right Because you know you would worry about All these things worry about releasing a Kid and the kid going and hurting Somebody else of offending somebody else Or these kids who pass through the Program and they were being prejudiced Against because you know people in the In the school had a grudge against this One kid and didn't want to sign off on Him leaving because they you know he There was personal thing I was all this [ __ ] I had to navigate my boss was Having migraine so bad she was on Morphine she was in charge of the Counseling department and the place was A mess right and if you don't work in Health care and have these moments you Know like that those nurses that came Out and doctors that came out against These ventilators and things when Happened with Co you see [ __ ] in your Industry whatever it is that you don't Feel is ethical right and you have to Like go through your own process I Worked at a restaurant with this guy
I've talked about this guy before he was This foreign guy who he was from Sweden But I think he was Hungarian and one time his wife who was Kind of chubby and you know kind of Looked like a brute walked by she was I Liked her she was you know she was she Worked in the restaurant she was fine But you know she walked by us and he Goes I used to date beautiful woman now I have hard worker like I think his wife Heard him he was like that kind of guy And he had two vegetarian dishes this Was before I was a vegetarian when I Started meditating and of course say I'm Not now but for 18 years I was but I was In the liberal area near Smith college And the five college area in Massachusetts there's lots of people are Vegetarians and one of the vegetarian Dishes was made with beef stock you know The essence of beef and people would ask Me which of the two vegetarian dishes Are better and I would say to them the One without beef stock cuz for them that Was like I mean to feed a vegetarian Beef stock secretly is a [ __ ] up thing Right and people we told them you can't Do that right but he didn't he didn't Listen And so there's things that you Find out about your job in your industry And everybody in the healthcare industry My my sister works in the you know some Kind of hospital and they took her
Pension like it was a total nightmare Like I'm not totally aware of it my Nephew Works in a pharmaceutical He's like an executive now or whatever I Don't know you know but you have these Ethical moments right where you see some [ __ ] up [ __ ] at your job and you you Know you question the industry and so This guy's saying for this guy to say This stuff here people are um unhappy They're frustrated uh they're angry with The state of us Healthcare and I think All of us uh who work in healthcare are Starting to be begin to look Inward and Starting to begin starting to begin Well how do you start to begin what the [ __ ] you talking about right you you Have to know it's a mess and if you Don't like you're brain de the everyone Knows the insurance industry is a Complete disaster Pharmaceuticals are a Nightmare and the healthc care itself is For-profit and the way people are Treated and you know the veterans Hospital I mean so many [ __ ] things Right marry Christmas bro okay so one of My viewers sent this to me and it's It was a it's on um Twitter and the Caption was people are pissed because Kardashians are mocking Jesus with their Demonic Christmas whatever the [ __ ] this Thing's going to Be okay so they're going to play Santa Baby here that annoy Marilyn Monroe song
And they would probably copyright it so I'm just going to redo this part I Realized halfway through the thing this Thing is demonic that glitching is them It's just they're doing that to make it I don't know whatever it's like a horror Show I was telling my wife about it she Goes oh somebody said something about it And read it that you can't unsee it but She's doing the Babylonian hoe thing Here and you know she sucks at acting She's so stiff and the whole thing is Her walking through this demonic House Of hers and she had that Illuminati There this freaking freaks over there um That Illuminati Christmas card a couple Years ago my wife was saying you know They're witches and I'm like yeah they Have a a covenant of five dopes right Dopey witches and then the mom right so The coven of coven of Babylonian ho Witches and so like these they are doing Ho stripper they're like they're doing Ho uh not stripper a Twister he and then this um I think That's is that the big one I don't know They got a donkey but it's just I think It's mostly Kim in this thing you know She's always the star and You know they're trying to bring Jesus Into it but it's just a [ __ ] mess Right and it's got a kind of a surprise Ending and you know kids watch this Stuff right they have kids a lot of
Their most of their fans I assume are Younger because they're so stopy and They're so Remedial and you know it's just I mean It's not artsy fartsy it's like not you Know they're trying to be something here But it's just degraded and gross and a Mess and she just sucks at it and her Trying to walk sexy or whatever whatever The [ __ ] she's doing there it's just an Absolute free show in this thing and um All these glitches is what they did I Think I started fast forwarding it here And then Um look at that demonic look at these Freaks I Got okay there's that let's turn the Freaking song off um I have to go Through that there's a couple guys there I guess that's the the um one of the Daughters there Maybe not I don't know think that's one Of the Kardashians I don't know who the He that is somebody walking around it's Just these guys here doing what they do Somebody swimming There um Train train to Hell there she is doing more just skims A star this thing and there's these Guys obese kid getting his head shake Saed this guy here is that an Owl I believe that to be an owl maybe Not it was a pandanda [ __ ] it's a
Rain supposed to be a reindeer looks Like an Owl um they're Petty in the thing look At these two paty pedophiles here I mean Just like so Icky there's more this her you know this Babylonian hoe there's a dead hooker Over here some muscle bound guy over There um just so freaking gross these Are some little people who I guess are Elves are robbing the place there's a Lot of money they're mopping up There And this Guy you know I mean it's just this Freaking Halloween uh masked person just A horror Show I don't even know where this came From it's on Twitter but it's some kind Of Christmas message they're giving and You know they have a lot of young fans And I it's just so degraded it's not Even like Arsy and then she's about to service Santa Apparently um and he's filming Her so uh and it's Freaking holy [ __ ] right and this thing Um and he's always been a strange Dude okay um so you know I don't like Musicals and I don't like Broadway stuff Plays and any of that [ __ ] right just Dislike it I can there's a couple of There's one Bollywood movie I like it
But I you know dislike those Bollywood Things you only has a goof I could watch It but whenever there's going to be a Song when people are singing you know Just stop it especially the crappy songs They sing right uh but one of my viewers Sent this to me saying I know you don't Like this I know know you don't cover it But this is hilarious and so Ariana Grande is going to say she's in this Movie called wicked the based on a play And she's saying she doesn't understand A song and the other woman's going to Say oh that's so Powerful and here's the song Here El Alaba who I guess is the other Other witch the evil witch or the one That's well usually considered evil this Is another one where they're turning the The bad the the evil witch into you know The the villain into the hero why Couldn't you have stayed calm for once Instead there flying off the handle of Course it's a witch I hope you're happy I hope you're happy now hope you're Happy now you've hurt your cause forever I hope you think you're clever I hope You're happy I hope you're happy too I Hope you pound I hope you're proud how You wouldn't gravel into submission to Feed your own ambition I hope you're Proud how you would gravel into Submission to feed your own ambition so Though I can't imagine how I hope you're
Happy now Elfie listen to me just say You're sorry you can still be with the Wizard what what you've worked what You've worked and waited for you can Have it all you ever wanted I know but I Don't want to no I can't I know I can't Want it anymore something has to change Within me so okay so you get the idea so This is what they say about this here I Didn't know what any part of it meant That's PR powerful I didn't understand The first sentence sentence I've seen um This week people are taking the lyrics Of Defying Gravity and really holding Space with that and feeling power in That okay so she isn't confused about The song ariiana Grande she's confused About that woman the interviewer saying That right so they're talking about this Interview they did with this woman this Strange Woman new age woman you know This is Holly would speak all of it like But this one woman's way worse than ARA An a Grande and her co-star and so um She said that thing you know what you Just heard and then they're reacting to That and then I definitely didn't Understand what was happening I how you Responded I was like oh what did she say And what did you hear and I just wanted To be there cuz I knew something big was Happening and I didn't know how to be There I didn't know that was Happening I but then after a while I
Didn't know how to be there yeah that's Why I wanted mhm Yeah she said something that meant Something to her you it meant something Totally different to you and then she Tried to kind of get somewhere else yeah And the craziest thing was I remember in The moment asking myself am I okay did I Not hear something and I I was like am I I was like cuz she looks like she's About to cry again and I'm going to grab This cuz I think you might need Something and I don't know what the Tapping was about tension tension that Happened yeah that happened I was like Oh [ __ ] something's happening she had Said that she was seeing it because she Was in queer media you know I am in Queer media and I was Like I honestly didn't know what that Meant and am I also in que media maybe We are great work I would venture to Guess that you guys are definitely in Queer media but who's to say so that That's Hollywood speak there right so I Got this thing on a border col I want to Show you one of my viewers sent it in Hopefully I can use I'm not using the Whole song but some of it here I'm ready To work I'm ready to work I'm go I'm Ready to work let's go so the person who Sent this is my dog Lucy my mostly Border colleag dog Lucy right Um so I'll just going to tell the story
Of Lucy and you know um this person must Have known that I said in a previous Video you know I had a a mostly border Collie you know Lucy was a mut but you Can see she looks most like she was big For a border colli longer legs but she Was you know definitely a border collie And IID said you know bora's always Looking in looking at you like put me in Coach put me in coach put me in coach Right I mean they just really want to Work and I have videos you know videos That are privatized now of Lucy hurting A Broody mom and her chicks you know Just watching them I got her to herd the Cows and I got her to be okay at it but You know I just I wasn't a good I don't Know anything about border colleagues And trading them and you know she needed To work and so um when I was doing shy Counseling that was the first phase one Before phase two which was pockets of The future and I was going to these Seminars you know these places where They'd have um you know sort of I don't Want to say just new age stuff but Health stuff and wellness stuff and Things like that and you know I put up I Had this banner and I had a booth and You know we um my family was there my Kids and my ex and it was in this park And they brought in all these rescue Dogs and my kids went and found this dog
And I went up and I looked at her I was Like oh we got to get that dog we Weren't in the market for a dog but There was just something special about Her her name was Blair she was 1 years Old that's the name they gave her at the Resue the rescue center we called her Lucy and she you know picked up on the Name and I brought her home she Immediately connected with me as her Like primary owner and master and Trainer and I didn't know anything think About border Coles and we didn't have Any animals at first and she would not Urinate in the yard border Coles would Only go in the woods like she would we Had these we had a small we had a big Yard it was about three acres we turned Some of it into pasture eventually and We had a little bit of woods in the back And I used to have to walk her one a Leash into the woods for for her to go To the bathroom she wouldn't go Otherwise and you know like we'd let her Out roam around the yard and she just Wouldn't right and she was um you know Needed to work and we had the cows and You know the beginning she jump at the Cows and we'd be you we had like a leash At we had this you know we put a the Cows had a halter and we drag the the Cows down from the the fenced area to a Barn where we'd milk them and then we Bring them back right and Lucy was you
Know she was a very nice dog eventually She loosened up a little bit right um But she you know she just was a working Dog like they don't they don't act like Other dogs I would never get another Border col even though they're great It's almost like they're they're more Evolved than they're like a next step in Dogs in terms of their ability to work And their focus and you know it's innate To them and you just have to be able to You pick up on some of the training I Watched some videos I tried to figure it Out that was our first Homestead we she Didn't um you know we didn't I didn't Need her to to hurt and I really wasn't Possible to do it but she used to run Around behind the dog the cow and we Brought the cow in she was mostly Helpful you know sometimes she wasn't But it like really wasn't her fault and Then we moved into a more rural place That had an was an actual farm and we Used to rent our neighbor's pasture so We had it was another 3 acres it wasn't You know big enough for our cows and our Our neighbor had a pasture that he had He had horses and he'd cut hay and then It would grow out in the fall and there Was stuff in in there for um to eat for Some cows but he didn't have any you Know he didn't he didn't graze his Horses so he rented the pure to me in October you know especially if he didn't
Hay and the cows would go there all Winter and then we had to bring them Back to milk and it was you know the Gate between my pasture and his pasture Was quite a ways away it was in the you Know was like uh in the middle of the You know like a 300t long it it was 100t 50 ft away from the entrance way into The pasture and so it was a long way to Bring the cows and he had like four or Five acres and so the cows could be all The way at the other side and you know They usually respond when you called Them but not always and so I kind of Trained Lucy and it worked for a while It worked for a few months um so once in A while it backfired She chased them the Wrong way but for the most part she Would bring him back and up until the Past year and I was happy cuz I you know I knew that I needed to get her to work I thought her how to catch a frisbee you Know I was trying to teach her things so She would feel you know they need Purpose like working dogs need purpose Like people get huskys and then go live In Florida you know like you got a dog That's meant to pull a sled and Iberian Husky or something like that and they're Not meant for hot weather and they s Some condo you know you got these Working dogs that are meant to run and You know you got to pick the right dog For your situation right and so if you
Get a working dog or you know our dogs Are great I don't like little dogs but I Love papon Is probably my favorite breed you know Buddies sleeping on my bed right now as I do this but my wife and I sometimes Walk as much as 10 miles a day sometimes You know three or four miles at a Stretch and the dogs if they're able to Let them loose depending on where we are They'll run twice as much of that or Three times as much we go to the beach We I throw golf balls and they um I Throw Tulsa a golf ball and Buddy a a Super Bowl and they run and get it and Bring it back I mean they're running all Over the place but then they go home and Chill you know they're not hyper so They're good athletes and you know They're just great dogs but Lucy was you Know a working dog also tons of energy And needed to be worked and needed you Know more than I was able to give her You know and So eventually we stopped Renting our neighbors pasture and like I You know the the training fell off and I Was in such a difficult situation with My family and the marriage and and all Of it I just didn't have time for Lucy Like I would like but she used to look At me all the time like put me in coach You know put me to work and just looking At me waiting for me to say something Like hanging out my every gesture and
Every word waiting for me to give her a Command and I just kind of felt bad About it and one moment one time I Looked at her and I thought you know She's a much Better devotee you know a religious Person or like I was her master I was Her Lord and Master right and like she Deserved a better One like I felt she deserved somebody Who knew more about B her colleagues I Mean it could be worse like she could be In some apartment or something you know At least I was she had you she was given Some level of Freedom you know she could Walk around she was on a farm at least Oh there's a time where um my kids Brought home this there was a kind of a Stray beagle and it was fat it was kind Of you know would roll on its belly and Pee on itself a little bit it was kind Of scared and it was obviously beaten And it was hanging out at her house and You know it was I wasn't psyched about It And my kids had a friend he was kind of A you know not great kid you know he Looked like I'm me young kid probably Nine or 10 my kids were young maybe a a Little bit younger than that my kids Were probably six or seven I don't know What this kid was but he was a little Bit older than them and he was claiming It was his dog which I was grateful for
Cuz I didn't want it there but the dog Was coming and going and then one day it Just jumped up it was like a lazy kind Of scared dog and it went as fast as I Could you know faster than I would have Predicted this dog could run And it charged at the chickens one of Our chickens was going to kill it and Lucy came out out of nowhere like a Streak of lightning and slammed it like Hit it with her chest and set the thing Like spit In you know I mean she was like I could Tell she just had all this potential in Her right and so I looked at her and I Was saying that she um you know she was A better devotional like I was I wish I Was was a good disciple for God or you Know a spiritual Master whatever in the Practice that I do as she was for me Right and so um like there was this uh Workbook and like a children's book my Ex and I wrote and there was a workbook To go with it and I was taking all the Letters you know was for young kids and Doing activities and it had like things Like you know animals and things that Were associated with the letter and the Letter D it was dogs and of course There's devotion and discipline and and You know dogs are God spelled backwards And you know dogs are the epitome of Devotion and you know the the loyalty And the love that they have and the
Enthusiasm and all these things well you Know wonderful creatures dogs are Wonderful you know the the mahab barata The five Pandavas the um five Heroes you know the The eldest son is named udisa and he's The King and as you know when they're dying They all go walking to this mountain to Heaven you know the equivalent to heaven In the maata and all of his brothers Fall off all of his family they're not Able to you know make it to the mountain But he has a dog that's with him and the Dog turns into Dharma you know the the God of Duty and um at the end when he Finally makes it to heaven so you know There's this we all know how great dogs Are most most of us do there were a time My family and I we we had a neighbor on The other side and there was a cool Stream and we could walk you know on the Side of our property that was fenced and Our neighbors didn't have a any animals They had you know some pasture they Weren't using we Lo walk along our fence Line and down to the stream and one time We brought Lucy outside and she was in The barn and the barn had a a window Where I throw the hay out and there were Some troughs and stuff for the cows and Lucy was um in the barn on a leash you Know I wanted her to get to be outside But I couldn't bring her with us to the
I'm walking she so desperately wanted to Be with us she jumped out of the window Was hanging by her Neck um and you know I had to go running Back and grab her I thought she was Going to choke to death right but she Just you know like she just couldn't be Contained in that way like she and this Happened again so as we you know our House was like it was a murder house and It was like there was people it was kind Of like haunted as a farm where the Previous owner had either killed herself Or was murdered there's a whole story Behind it this Farmhouse and there was So much drama and our family just fell Apart there some of it had to do with The house but it was you know the house Wasn't you know only partially to blame And we ended up selling the farm and you Know we kind of cleaned it out I mean The energetically or whatever it was Better but you know we were staying um At this uh one of our friends house and We were about to go camping for extended Camping trip and the person had a small Cabin up in North Carolina and we paid You know whatever bills or whatever it Was like it was um like we kind of sort Of rented it but was cheap and there was A nice deck there that overlooked it was On top of a mountain and Lucy was Outside and she was on the deck and she Was chained up and my ex went for a walk
Down the street and Lucy saw her and Jumped off the deck and she was hanging There again and my ex had to come Runing Back and she was overweight like it was Just a whole thing and I was like you Know we got we we're going we're Planning to go to India and I'm like we Got to find a better home for her it Really made me sad cuz lucd was great But I just felt like we need to find Something better we put an ad in Craigslist we found this guy as a Principal of school he had a 9 Acre Farm And he was looking for a border col and You know like it a kind of a dream but You know it was really sad to part with Her it's one of the you know a lot of Disappointments and you know my life From that period of time I've talked About this extensively in the journey Series is pretty much gone like I have Some information and skills that I got From that part of my life but like Everything that was there my family you Know I don't have any contact at all With my ex thanks God thank God right And my kids you know I mean My daughter Committed suicide and I don't talk to Two of my kids I mean we haven't seen Each other in some years now and you Know the the farm itself and then all The the stuff to do with sjar and the Doy debacle and the trips to India like That part of my life is just it's just
Like all gone and you know I mean There's a lot of uh disappointment a lot Of failure a lot of you know learn Experience spiritual cleaning or Whatever it is you know the Lucy thing Always kind of bugs me a little bit cuz Like she was a great dog but I just Couldn't I just didn't have enough Energy and and ability to to be the kind Of owner that she deserved or whatever It was um you know in the situation Because like she needed a you know those Dogs are specifically working dogs and They have to work they have you have to Put them to work or they you know they Just I mean she did okay like she was Happy enough but you know I wish it Could have been more anyways only Spirituality will save this world this Power B death point for the Apocalypse In the Ascension everyone have a blessed Day and be grateful