Things are Falling Apart + Syria + Bunny Ears + Bollywood movie review

Things are Falling Apart + Syria + Bunny Ears + Bollywood movie review

Okay greetings brothers and sisters I Want to start with this picture of Joseph robinet Biden robinet is his real middle name For those of you who are not aware of That one of my viewers sent me this Picture seems like he's doing well he Should have um got reelected look at him He's ready to put in another four years Of Work um I just wanted to start off by Saying my view count is down which it Happened suddenly just dropping like a Thousand Views um like not post election but like Last week I think um going back let me Go scroll through my videos here Um so Uh now my videos are getting like 4,000 Views and the video uh Black Friday Extravaganza got 6,000 Views and I guess one before that was uh Thanksgiving was Thanksgiving Um and So pretty much that's when it dropped Right after Black Friday right after Thanksgiving and so I don't know why That is but I would assume it has Something to do with people not being Notified Again and um you know I I've put out More content so that could be it I'm not Sure

But either way um people should remember The you know idea of the if you're Interested in seeing my content you have To let YouTube know I haven't been Giving the announcements either I Haven't been saying these things about Liking the video commenting I don't know If my comments are down I'll check these Things maybe at some point but uh Commenting and um liking the video and Subscribing resubscribing hitting the Notifications Bell whatever it is uh There is the one-time donations and the Um uh the uh being a member of the the Channel and these things March all these Things um so I just want to say this one Thing it's not really so much to do with The things I'm covering today you know More leftover stuff about like say for p T path I got a little thing on RFK Jr But whenever you have a President the people Who uh the people who are most Vulnerable or the issues that are the Most vulnerable are things that you Don't think that President will do so When Obama was Elected people thought he wasn't going To be a Warhawk they thought he wasn't going to Be somebody who would go after Whistleblowers they thought he was Liberal and Progressive and these things And so those people who were liberal and

Progressive just relaxed right because They thought he would you know he was Somebody who won I think two Nobel Peace Prizes but he was one of the worst he Was drown in kids you know he was uh Promoting these you know the forever Kind of wars and all the rest of these Things that you wouldn't think he would Do and so the same thing is now with Donald Trump the people who think Donald Trump is a right-wing person and thinks He'll protect your guns for example you Know I I showed you these video clips You know up to the you know run up to The election where when he was first Elected he was going to give Diane Feinstein everything that she wanted on Um you I called her having a ghoul gasm Everything that she wanted in terms of The uh you know gun control and then There was another video where he was Going to give the police everything they Wanted on uh asset forfeiture something That he later suffered from and he had No idea why it would be a bad thing cuz They were talking about doing to drug Dealers but once you give away these Rights to people who will abuse power They will abuse that power it's been you Know we all pretty much know that and so Martial law and eroding the Constitutional rights and you know all The things that Trump is capable of now And the people that he's putting in

Place you know I was told U my wife was Telling me yesterday that Elon Musk and I'll see if there's an article for this Elon Musk and and Vivic Ram Swami vivec Are going to go after people who haven't Paid their taxes the first thing they're Going to do is reform the IRS but not They're not going to like reform the the Corruption or whatever you know the Issues with the IRS that is hurting Ordinary People they're going to go After people who haven't been able to Pay their taxes and let me just see if I Find an article here somewhere to to Back that up well you know um Elon Musk Has received billions of dollars from The government and from foreign Governments in terms of his electric Vehicles like the subsidies and he paid Out $270 Million in getting Trump elected right So I mean know quarter of a billion Dollars he was put out put out for Trump's election and he's going to be an Integral par he wants to chip people all Those [ __ ] satellites he's putting up Which further pollutes the sky and and You know for the bo shitty internet that He has right like I wish it was good but It isn't and so it's just not consistent Enough because the satellites just Passed by the satellites are moving Right and so you know all these things That people think Trump isn't going to

Open either start on his own or open the Door for someone to do later in terms of The erosion of your your constitutional Rights are up for grab and Trump will Push these things through and all the Trumpers will say oh it's Donald Trump We trust him because this is what Happens the same thing happened with Like I said Obama and every other President the biggest losses now now Trump you like he supposed to be a Conservative but this whole agenda this Gender stuff that got passed through and Pushed through that was on his watch and He just let it of course he campaigned Against it after he allowed it to happen And so the energy is always on the other Side because when people win the Election they think oh this guy's got it And they just are pacified they stop Watching the news right and the most That they'll look at is oh my God They're attacking Trump again oh my God They're you know this victim Consciousness that they'll have oh why Won't he they give him Pete heg Smith or Why you know all these things why won't They you know why won't they cooperate With Trump he won the election and so That's what they'll focus on and not Trump just slashing their you know Constitutional rights bringing in Martial law all the things that he plans To do and so you know this is what you

Have to be wary of I mean it's you know Like I said the system's coming down one Way or another so you know I mean I just You know just let it happen but with That is your lifestyle you know the the Pacified people they won't go apeshit Until uh you know the mob won't go AP [ __ ] until they start losing things and Then we'll see and then of course Trump Will be on the hook for being blamed and They'll bring in a a Democrat who will Come in and you know further you know uh Seal the coffin of all people's rights And then push that agenda 31 or whatever It might be like I think big things are Coming just because everything is uh you Know we've gone Past critical mass in terms of like the Debt being $36 trillion and there's all These things that are you know just the Death nail to a a civilization they have To do things to eradicate you know these I mean not just the financial Liabilities but all of it the moral Breakdown and all the rest of it anyways Let's get into it here okay um one more Thing to add there's a comment I wanted To get To Um here it is this person wrote about The Dsmo and you know I don't recommend Anything and that's should be clear to Everybody no matter what you know I say

In terms of any of these things the idea Is that people will go and be adults and Do their own research and figure out if Something's right for them and figure Out how to use it or whatever like I Rel Relay things that I that are working for Me the person says I strongly second the Use of hydroxate toothpaste if you make Your own calcium carbonate is similar Ingredient that may give similar effects As it helps reduce my sensitivity thanks For your suggestions Paul um You know again these are things that I'm Just tried and I don't know the Long-term effects some of these things Are new to me the calcium the um Hydroxate with the the toothbrushes seem To give me great results other people Have left comments about it as well but You know it might not work for everybody The person said said this as well also Red DMSO Dr Amanda vulmer is the authority On the subject this is the person my Wife watched a lot of her videos a lot Of them are in Rumble and again this Person is pro DMSO like you always have To think about that way I mean everyone Should realize it like you know um and If the person says I recommend using her Book on the topic for guidance again There's videos about it my wife um Watched a number of the videos we also Have the book um but here let me find

The comment I lost the comment here and So um I think you're never to use dsmo Undiluted well that's I don't you know Again I wouldn't do it like we did do it But the stinging is almost unbearable Like I just put some on I just did my Cold bath and there's a little bit of Stinging I'm diluting it more and more Um it seems to do better with water but Certain kinds of water and again these Are all things people have to research For themselves we also got this gel it's DMSO in um in form of like a like a gel Like you know and it's the the liquid is Difficult because it just wherever you Put it it's going to drip down and go to Other parts of your body and you know Whatever it is like I put oil on too um But the oil the uh the solid form the Gel brutal it's like painful I mean it's Just it's like getting stung by bees or And also itchy and so um you know Anyways just because of that alone Diluting it seem is a bit way to go but You have to have either um reverse Osmosis or you know proper water Depending on the kind of water you have Because um the other part is and you Must use caution when mixing it with Other meds because it can increase their Effects now I don't know if I talked About this um when I first talked about It and I'm not sure if it's true or not But that's what that woman says that

First of all that you know to be really Clean when you use it again everyone has To go do this is why I encourage people To read and and figure this out for Themselves but it it's a very um there Are things that make um it easy For uh substances to pass through your Skin and then go into your system when You absorb things through your skin There's certain substances and dsmo is One of them that makes it very easy for Things to transfer from your skin into Your body and so like if you put Something else on there some kind of Hand cream or something else and you're You know you're using multiple things um And the dsmo makes it go into your skin And into your system and then magnifies It then there'll be a reaction to it Right so like all those things have to Be considered for any of these types of Things right that's why you know doing a Lot of research because you're not going To a doctor and having the person's Prescribe something you're just doing it On your own and so this is why it's Essential for people that's why I always Encourage people whether it's something You hear from me or something you hear On the internet like you just got to you Also have to look for the horror stories Right there's people who really love it Like this doctor loves it she thinks It's like a miracle um you know whatever

It has helped my shoulder and it's all Helped a number of things where I used To be have pain and and issues that I Don't have it anymore and so I feel like It definitely works like I don't think It's like a miracle type situation I Don't know you know other people might Have bigger results but there is the you Know the other aspects of it because if It magnifies like if you're taking Medication and I don't know how it does With internal medication I mean these Are just things people say like I mean If people know a lot about this that's Great but sometimes they don't you know They say things that aren't true or they The information they got isn't correct Or whatever it is right but if it is Something that magnifies medications and You have to be aware of it you know if It's magnifying things even things that You ate inside your body whatever they Might be of course there's so many Different chemicals and things that now People eat and ingest so all those Things have to be taken in consideration I think it's more about things that you Apply to your skin or things that might Be on your hands or something but I'm Not sure about that right and again I Don't even know if any of this is true And so you know with any of these things Of course we all know about the Pharmaceutical drugs that come with all

These side effects lots of times you're Unaware of them your doctor doesn't go Over the side effects with you if you Don't do any research on it and then if You do maybe you start Imagining the Side effects so that's like Counterproductive But the more important piece here is That you know there's going to be issues That you have and these are things that Are highly regulated because the Medications that they are using are Often times synthetic and they're not Natural compounds but anytime you use Anything whether it be something like Colloidal silver or it be some sort of Herbal medication people are allergic to Things or just the wrong body type or People take too much or with supplements Or they take it for too long it builds Up in their system and so there's all These factors that you have because You're just trying to figure out on your Own and it's a real pain in the ass Right because the long-term effects of Taking certain supplements what happens When your body doesn't need them anymore And you keep on taking them I've talked About this before it's a big concern of Mine and how to figure that out when you Have enough and you how to figure that Out without you know medical testing and The rest of these things it's a real Problem when your medical system can't

Be trusted and your doctors aren't Healers but anyways you know these People people are saying I'm getting a Lot of comments of people using these Things and having you know good results But you know often times with these Things that are these alternative Medications and things alternative Healing stuff you know I find it to be Subtle or and sometimes it works but It's hard to say if it works or not Right it isn't like some big experience Where you go from feeling like horribly Until you're feeling better only there's Only a few things I've taken that have That kind of results most of the other Things it's you know it's hard to know If something's helping you or not Especially if you feel pretty good and Then you go off of it you realize your Energy level went down or you don't Sleep as good or there's some other Factors with it but anyways you know These are just things to consider let's Get into the other stuff here how much Of musk's wealth comes from tax dollars And government help this is from November 20th Elon Musk is the world's Richest person partly due to his Company's impressive Innovations but his Wealth is also due to government Contracts and programs that affect his Two main businesses electric cars and Space

Travel and so um there it is um Government crucial to must net worth He's getting all these supplements Especially with the EVs and he wants to Get rid of the EV credits for other Companies now that he's in a more you Know better position so um you know he's Just somebody you can't trust like I Mean in a very big way and another Person who's not trustworthy worth y Robert F Kenny Jr mocked for selling Bottled water with extra levels of Fluoride um after boasting out being Healthy ARF junit was ridicul on social Media after his real that he sold Bottled water with high levels of Fluoride a chemical he was heavily Criticized for being harmful to the American people you know when I was in Saudi Arabia I was going to India to Layover I got bottled water at the Airport it had fluoride in it like it Had water and fluoride were only two Ingredients I have a video maybe Somewhere I don't know it's so many Years ago it's 2000 like 10 years ago um But I was like wow they're putting in Here in Saudi Arabia contradicting his Recent criticisms on Floyd in 1998 he Co-founded keeper Springs bottled water Which used the chemical for their Filtering contradicting his mission to Clean up polluted waterways through his Nonprofit water keeper Alliance the

Irony deepens its keeper Springs product Had nearly doubled the EPA were Recommended about a fluoride while Surpassing levels in tap water and so um You know this is 1999 and I don't know What he was doing then um and you know It like is he sincere about any of these Things that's what people will question And since he's probably not going to be Health secretary we'll never know but if He is you'll see what he pushes right Because you know he was eating McDonald's too you know like Trump [ __ ] him on that and so um you know We'll see but this is just the way it is You can't trust any of these people and If these things that I'm saying if you Think that when Arc Jun is going to be They're um protecting your health rights And not pushing any of these you know Big farm and VES and things like that Like you'd be crazy to think that like Because often times the Persona the Person you know like Al Gore was Supposed to be environmentalist and his Foot his footprint was this 10,000 ft Home and you know private jets and all That [ __ ] like Taylor Swift are these People right they pretend to be about Something but they they're just it's Just uh for show it's not real let's Start here with this I got a couple view Things three view things here maybe I'm Going to cover all of them today I don't

Know this is some of the stuff I wanted To cover in my last video but the the Stuff with um cuos went on so too long But here um let's start here Senator John fedman has built his political Career on calling it like he sees it and We have okay is that how he built his Political Career so like I thought you guys got Fact checked over there he built his Career on the election whatever that was In 2020 and then I don't know what you what What happened that he became Senator I Mean the fact that he ran against Oz I Guess I don't know but the guy is not You know this he's built his career on Telling it like he sees It have a lot to talk to him about right Now so please welcome back Senator John Fedman okay I have he did my thing still My bit just like Brad Pit the woo Stealer first question you have the First question uh Senator President Biden's decision to Pardon his son Hunter is facing bipartisan backlash Even the Democrats are all over it uh But what do you think is this much about Do about nothing is it mutable it's much It is his son after all and uh people do Good question Joy can you give you more Of can we hear more of your Answer can we hear more of your opinion Joy because we don't get enough of your

Opinion you gotta put it on this Sad Sack eminer have sympathy for that but a Lot of people are angry with him about It what do you Say oh well I I I I think I think uh It's undeniable that the the case Against hun Hunter Biden was was really Politically motivated but I also think It's a true that that the the the trial In New York uh for Trump that that was Political as well too now as that and in Both cases I think a a pardon is Appropriate and and I really think Collectively uh wait a mean in both Cases you think Trump should be pardoned Did you just say Trump should be Pardoned and you're admitting that the Thing in New York is a so political like So you know or you committed some crimes That you don't want to get just pardon Everybody let's just do a pardon for the Whole everybody who makes a million Dollars to more a year Like let's just pardon everybody in Washington DC everyone who's in the Senate every let's just like we do that So we don't have to go through all these Lengthy trials and Things you know America's confidence in These kinds of Institutions have been Damaged by these kinds of cases and we Cannot allow these kinds of Institutions To be weaponized against our political Uh opponents and it's very clear both

Tra both trials were politically Motivated and weaponized that on the Other side they'll say that about the j6 People too though right that's what They're going to say on the other side That that is I'm I'm not I'm not Referring to that I'm talking about the The New York trial and now the Democrats On our side were now there were some That were gleeful calling like now he's A convicted felon and those things and And now for our party we were talking About criminal justice and we now Talking about Second Chances and now all Of a sudden now you're like well he's a Convicted felon and all these things and Now clearly on again both of those Trails the hunter Biden one and the the Trial in New York for Trump that was Clearly those politically motivated and Those kinds of charges would have never Uh been brought unless one side could They realize that they could weaponize That yeah you mean but but they both Committed crimes you know both Trump and Sunre Biden committed crime every one of These people is I mean Trump has always Walked the fine line between criminal Behavior like he's somebody who has a Team of lawyers and he wants to know What he can get away with right he's Always flirted the you know the line I Mean it's a blurred line when you have Money and you have plausible

Deniability and Trump has done those Things like over the years he's talked About it got the apprentice and things Like this you know doing things in a way Like doing um getting around and he was Talking about during the campaign Getting around environmental laws and Things like that right and now he has The ability to get rid of those things As president but as a businessman he was Always flirting the you know his he had These um all of his slum he was a slum Lord right you know so he was always Doing things he could get away with and If you bribe the right people you pay Off the right politicians and you can Get away with these things right and of Course the Biden our criminal family as Well and so there you have it right so It's just about whether you enforce laws Or you don't and when you enforce laws For everybody else but not the wealthy Then you have a breakdown in society you Know when these I mean you throw Martha Stor in jail but not like every other Financial criminal and these people walk Away with large amounts of money and pay A little bit of settlements here and There right Senator many of Trump's Cabinet picks are raising eyebrows but Right now all eyeses are on Pete hegseth Who has faced sexual assault and alcohol Abuse allegations he denies any Wrongdoing and says he isn't going

Anywhere but where do you think this is Heading and there are reports that Privately Trump is considering other Names to lead the Pentagon including Governor DeSantis uh these two were Bitter Rivals during the primary so Given their past is can you guys just Ask a [ __ ] question like why do you Have to put all this information in There I just ask him what do you think About Trump's controversial picks like Heith exi like you know the guy plus This guy's [ __ ] he can't understand a Word you're saying like you like you Know you saw the interview with Joe Rogan and the guy had to Joe Rogan had To like see dick run See Spot jump you Know like dick and Jay you like these Freaking you know toddler books right And he had to talk very loudly and very Slowly and you're asking him these Complex questions like he was on your Show with his pad and he couldn't answer Questions then I they got a thing here This something you see happening Well no I mean you know for for me it's Like I would like to remind everybody That are watching this uh that that Trump won and now he's going to have Control of of the house and and and my Chamber and the Senate and now he also Is going to have a supreme court that is Is a strong conservative slant too now He gets to pick all these nominees and

I'm not going to get worked up about a Nominee when the Republicans haven't Even decided that that's who I really Want to have at this point now with the With with heg uh there's some people now Until they they're all doing you Couldn't say heg Seth there it's all About the math what the second they have 50 votes that person's going to the Floor uh and then they're going to be The next person that that's guaranteed Because Vance will be there to to break The the tie on through that so until They can even work it out on their side I'm not going to get worked out or Excuse me worked uh crazy or freak out About worked up you're looking for Worked up it's I know it's a hard thing To remember worked up like worked out And then worked up it's like you anybody Could get those two confused uh you know Every nominee and I'd like to remind That that they get to pick the people And you know we're going to be in the Majority and that's how this works well Senator you mean they're going to be in The majority fedman this week Trump Threatened there would be hell to pay Unless the hostages in Gaza are freed Before inauguration now you've been a Strong supporter of Israel we're Grateful for that and I want to ask do You believe the Biden what does that Hell to pay mean I didn't know he said

That now he is he's him and Trump have Similar views on Israel and Palestine But does that mean destroying PA Palestine what is hell to pay me that Means more dead Palestinian children This is where Trump sucks because Trump Was great at War before Trump when he Came into office the first time I Thought he was going to be worse on war You know Trump campaign pained in 200 And whatever it was 16 on uh on he he'd Be willing to use nuclear weapons and You know he wanted milit North Korea Style military parade on his Inauguration right and so you know he's Talked a lot about using the military He's been sort of gung-ho about things But he didn't do it like they wanted More you know he didn't he canceled all That stuff in Syria he got right of Isis By not ordering ISO telling the Intelligence Community not to order Isis To do anything because it was an asset Like an American asset I mean all these Things and as soon as he was done There's a war in Russia and now all the Stuff that's happening in other places Um but the one place that he's the worst At in terms of uh you know bad policies Towards war is he's so pro-israel and He's so anti- Palestinian and you know All that that implies so that means Getting rid of Palestine all together Like that would be going in and just

Taking Palestinian people and converting Them to is you know to Israeli citizens And then whatever it is like just going Through that whole region and and um Taking every person and questioning them And see who's supposedly a part of the You know a group that is obviously Controlled by Israel you know the Hamas Right and federan totally on board with It as are a number of other people and So Trump's going to do that I mean it's Clearly he's going to do that and Israel Psyched about it and you know Ben Benjamin Netanyahu psyched about it Administration has done enough to free The hostages this past week we learned Of a a long island native who was killed By Hamas and we didn't learn that it had Happened two years ago and just got that Information yeah because those people Are more important than people in Israel Like you know like innocent people dying Are innocent people dying doesn't make It any difference if it's your neighbor Or somebody across the world you know Kids getting droned here or somewhere Else I mean it has the same value you Can't value your people more than other People I mean in terms of being a you Know a citizen of the world and a a Person of God like you can't value your Species more than other species right You get to eat food you know you can be A predator I that's part of like

Whatever you know I mean there's Predators in the natural world if you're Going to consume food sure there's that Element of it you do it with respect to The species and you value the species Right but you don't eat all of those Animals you know if you're a predator You're let's say you're you know I People are eating cows and or people who Are Hunters you don't want to kill all Of the animals because you're it's a Food source right in fact you want to You know help those animals Thrive and That's you know part of what predators Do they take away the weak and the some Of the other elements of the keeping the Herd strong or whatever it might be Right you don't want to eat all the fish You're a fishermen you want to cultivate Whatever kind of environment rental Restrictions so all the fish don't die Off because it's a food source or the The you know the fish aren't Contaminated with you know new Radioactive isotopes and other [ __ ] Right because you're eating those things So like you know it's you learn to Protect the environment you value all Life in the sense of you know in terms Of the bigger Picture yeah well well I mean to to Anyone that visits my office here in DC The the hostages the the the the posters Have been in my office ever since the

Immediately after October 7th in 2023 uh I've always had that front and center For me and as if you pointed out I'm a Really strong strong Unapologetic Supporter of Israel and thre that too And that's really not going to change For me when Trump becomes presidency my Vote and voice is going to follow when He becomes presidency it's not it's not Going to change for him Israel through That and I think if anyone is going to Be Honest oh oh we lost him oh shoot I Wanted to hear what you had to say We lost the satellite oh we lost John Fedman what do we what do we ever to do We'll go to commercial yes we will would You like me to do that now let's do that We're going to go to commercial we are Back with Senator John fedman Alysa was In the midst of her question Senator Fedman sorry about that technical diff Difficulty so I I had mentioned to you Uh this week trb said there would be Hell to pay why is it on your end why Would you assume that technical Difficulty is on your end with all these Trained view staffers that prop you guys Up and produce a show that you know at Least on the technical level is you know Run pretty well or is it this guy right Who do you think is the the technical Problem here you know a network TV show Or federan if there's two if there's two

Sides to the technical um aspects of Something you would think fedman Probably kick something those giant you Know ogre likee feet unless the hostages In Gaza were freed before the Inauguration and I want to ask as a Strong supporter of Israel do you think Biden has done enough to bring the Hostages home and are you willing to Work with the incoming Trump Administration well I and and again I I I do think I do think the president has Been a strong supporter of Israel Although there was times when I Disagreed with some of the choices that He made and regardless who's ever going To be in the White House my vote and my Voice is going to follow Israel through That okay you this is just this is you Know Federman and Trump agree on Something and that's probably a bad Thing almost definitely going to be a Bad thing so this was in the Sidebar um it says Aaron Rogers I lost Family friends friends and family over My Views um and so these brainiacs are Going to tackle that in a new Netflix Documentary series about New York Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers he said he's Heartbroken about friends and family Cutting him off for his controversial Political views and conspiracy theor I And a lot of Americans can relate to

This especially after this last election So do you think it happens Everywhere yes but I I read a tweet or An X over the holidays that was very Illuminating to me and I'm summarizing It very Illuminati I mean Illuminating couldn't find it but it was Basically a dad complaining that his Daughters who voted for kamla Harris Uninvited him from Christmas because he Or Thanksgiving because he voted for Trump and then proceeds to critic them And somebody replied and said maybe it's Not politics maybe it's that you're kind Of a jerk and you're publicly Criticizing your daughters I am Convinced exactly that's what it is it's Your your jerk you're pretty much a jerk Most people can sit down with people who Disagree with them on Politics as long As they're kind people and they're Respectful in how they discuss things my College roommate texted me right after Woo she just nailed it like she just Said the stupidest thing ever because It's a time where people have strong Views You know like I said my beliefs don't Mean anything like I don't care about my Beliefs and I don't need to discuss any Of this stuff like I talk it off here I Don't need to discuss this with other People in fact I don't want to because I Don't really want to hear their opinion

Because I don't even care about my own In a sense that nothing's going to Change right but in terms of relating to Other people you know people who believe In the mainstream story and you know I Talk about how bad truthers suck all the Time I mean not all of us but you know The truth movement has been Contaminated but you know it's it' be a Lot easier for me to have a discussion With people who are truth or S Central Or at least aware that something's not Right something's off like you know People say I don't agree with everything You say which is the stupidest to say Thing to say ever because I don't agree With everything I said last week you Know it's or what I'll say you know two Weeks from now like it's just everyone's Beliefs are attitudes are in a constant State of flux right but if people don't Recognize that there's problems with the Official story like we saw with cuos in My last video when Cuomo saying that you Know that we need a a 911 style Commission for covid because they did Such a great job with that you know it's Just you can't even have a conversation About anything because you don't have a A set of you know the difference between What you think is an authority or not to Me mainstream media and the government Are not an authority on truth they're Authority on gaslighting people they

Authority on Psychological um operations they're the Authority and just flat out lying to you Right they're not trustworthy they don't They either withheld information they Withhold information but even when they Tell you the truth let's say they tell You straight up truth the truth is going To be an agenda driven truth like the Reason they're telling you the truth is Because of an agenda they're pushing They're either withholding withholding Information Or they're just a flat out line or even If they're telling you the truth it's All to the same objective it's to Control you right is to manipulate you And keep you away from uh doing what you Should do on a Soul's level they're Interrupting your spiritual sovereignty And the you know they're manipulating You away from what what's right for you On a soul level on a spiritual level They want to disconnect you from your You know in connection to the Divinity Within you that have happens on in a Religious level you know this is the Problem with people in the truth Community when I said before you have to My last video you can't tell the truth If you're not willing to find the truth Right if you're not you know if you Don't know the truth you can't tell the Truth you can only say what you know

Right you can only say what's inside of You and when you're not willing to Confront things like your religion and I Think I got something to talk about Later I'll show you that we'll uh talk About that more in a bit but all these People who are complete Invested in the mainstream story in the Official story and everything that the Beast tells you is the truth and that's Their Authority you can't really have a Relationship with those people I mean It's they're unbearable I mean you know As much as truther suck and are Difficult to deal with and we have all These you know issues within the truth Community people who buy into the Official story and they don't even Question anything in terms of the you Know they'll Trump they'll question Trump or the Republicans or some part of It but not the whole system you know It's a systemic problem and even you Know the right-wing truthers that are Trumpers that won't question the whole System they just talk about the Deep State right those people are unbearable Plus this bait and switch right this was Supposed to be about Aaron Rogers and They you know it's really about Listening to The View ladies talk about This election and said I know these Weren't the election results you wanted She voted for Trump she's like but I'm

Proud of you and like I'm praying for You going into this year that's how That's how normal people engage I Completely what do you mean normal People engag that's not how normal People engage have you seen the internet Normal people are just filled with Ugliness internal ugliness they want to Dump it on somebody that's how normal People engage they want to do it Anonymously and if they have to do it They'll do it with their families I Agree with you I mean I I know I had a Lot of people at at my home for Thanksgiving I've said many times I have You know people that are very supportive Of of president-elect trump and I don't Talk politics uh with those people and When they try to go me into it and bait Me I say oh I'm really sorry I get paid On The View to talk about Politics I'm off the clock today that's A good she's off the clock it's Thanksgiving off the clock today so I Don't want to talk about it but what I Will say about Aaron Rogers is I think It has a lot less to do with his Politics what I recall about him is when He was asked about the covid-19 pandemic During the height of the pandemic when People had lost loved ones When people's Family members were missing from their Thanksgiving table like my table he said I'm immunized and as it turns out he was

Not okay so that you think everyone Dumped on him for that so his Explanation was this because they're not Going to give you this this is their Factchecking [ __ ] remember they say They get Triple fact checked what he Said was he was immunized because he Took a homeopathic remedy he said that He was not the vaccines didn't work for Him he already had Co so we had natural Antibodies which we all know now are Better even Bill Gates said that and Even fouchy kind of acknowledge that That once you've had it you had natural Immunity because when you get vaccinated All this is doing is triggering your Natural immune system by putting things In that are similar to covid so that You'll have an immune response to Whatever they're giving you you know That's how vaccines work so if you've Had the actual disease you don't need a Vaccine top of it like that was Lie to American people they said that natural Immunity wasn't as good but natural Immunity is the natural immune response Your body's response to covid like when You get covid or any kind of disease Your body builds up a natural immunity To fight it off you have an immune System right this is you know how all These things work and so Aaron Rogers Said he was allergic to peanuts so there Were some of the the vaces said that you

If you're allergic to peanuts you Couldn't take them this is what story And and so he didn't make a thing about It but later on in the season they found Out that he must not have got vaccinated Because he couldn't do something like Something happened where he you know I Forget the exact details of it but it Was clear that meant that he didn't get The vaccine so then people double Checked and questioned him and he Explained it and he had said he was Immunized because he didn't want to Listen to all the [ __ ] from people Right and so then he explained himself But nobody took the explanation just ran With their own [ __ ] story and they Demonized him the way they demonized Kyrie Irving and everybody who jumped on Kyrie Irving and jumped on Aaron Rogers And especially in the media You're a Worthless piece of [ __ ] like you're just A worthless you don't stand for anything Because you know especially you pro life You pro- Choice [ __ ] right like All these Pro Choice [ __ ] who want You won't want you know men ENT going And uh telling them what they can do With their bodies or people telling them What they can do with their bodies and Then this they forced the vaccine all These people right Kyrie Irving had Every right to do what he did and Aaron Rogers did too and so [ __ ] all these

People right I mean if they don't like You because of that then they're Worthless people like they don't they You know they're just they become these Um these uh you know just these toxic Cancerous consciousnesses that have you Know nothing good to offer the world Right uh he had done his own research he Has his Google MD like I do and uh I Think he said he was allergic to Something in the vaccine but he was Heuts had Co and he was in a huddle with His teammates and I think people felt Like wow you don't care you're not your Brother's keeper this could you know This that's not what happened he had Covid and he had to go through the Restrictions that it it had nothing to Do with being in a huddle with his Teammates like he had covid and then he He couldn't that was before the season Happened he got covid and then Afterwards he got the whatever it was And if you know if he had gotten the Vaccine he would have been more likely To have covid and be with his teammates Because there was less restrictions on People who had the vaccine if you had The vaccine you could come back after You have covid uh quicker than if you Didn't right if you had the vaccine you Were given privileges that people who Didn't get the vaccine in terms of you Know you had to social distance longer

Remember all those [ __ ] Rules morality me that this guy went Into a huddle he was not immunized and He said he was and he's been publicly Saying that he was a no he was saying he He said he said he didn't say he was Vaccinated he said I was immunized now If people tell you that during a Pandemic he had Co already so like You're you're saying he went to the Huddle and he wasn't immunized or didn't Have the vaccine so he was somehow so You guys still believe that [ __ ] Right like you know like are you guys Still believe in that stuff that somehow It was better the natural immunity like It wasn't Bill Gates and all these People said it right I mean eventually It was the the morphing of the disease Itself that got rid of Co it wasn't the Vaccine Bill Gates said it I mean it's Just silly like these just silly little People okay so this guy who got um Murdered and you know which looks Completely suspect this guy riding a Bike over something like where wear's [ __ ] Waldo and he took off his mask But they haven't identified the guy and Mr whole thing right this shooting that Happened in New York and we'll get to Cuomo's little [ __ ] thing here but These are the people John fed's a Senator The View ladies are instrumental In terms of their you know being a part

Of the media and opinionated you know Women's views or whatever that [ __ ] is Chris Cuomo was the number one show on CNN and now he's kind of you know Uh ranching reaching out to the truth Community in some way kind of not but in A dickish way but he had you know this Newsmax things he does news Nation and you know these are the people That are out front and center like these Are you know the truth tellers in the Official story these are the people who Are in charge of the official story Right The Gatekeepers to the official Story and Chris Kos is you know somebody That flirts with some of the truth ideas He's taking Ivor Mecha and these other Things right he's changed his opinion a Little bit on covid like all the stuff We saw in my last video but these are The people like these are the best that America has to offer in terms of the Official story like all these news Shills all these people that are up There and then of course the politicians Are even worse and then all just it just C ciples down from there right this is Why America's [ __ ] this is why there's No redeeming America because this is the People that are chosen to convey Information to You still gray but here's one thing's For sure there are a lot of people who Are happy about this yes hiding in the

Nice Anonymous dumpster fire that is Twitter dumpster fire did someone say Dumpster fire some people see a dumpster Fire and do nothing but watch the Spectacle some are too scared to face The danger or they think it will benefit Them if they just let it keep on burning Others shrug and say oh all this talk of A dumpster fire it's just fake dude There is an inferno reging in Washington but here in the Land of 10,000 lakes we know how to put out a Fire I am Richard painer and I approve Of this message but show these tweets Celebrating his death even people who Call themselves Journalists Ken klippenstein and Taylor Loren tweeting about how bad a man he Was the day he Died you know just because you die Doesn't make you're not a bad person I Don't know anything about this guy right And you know I mean people have loved Ones and this things people say all These kind of things but death is there For everybody everyone's going to die Good people die good bad people die Whatever and you know it's whether People are going to miss you or not and Whether you were doing something for the World you're either making the world a Better place or you're making it a worse Place and I would think the majority of People are making it a worse place even

People who are considered good people Just in terms of their habits and their Attitudes I'm talking more about you Know for me it's about your thoughts and Your if you're producing a lot of hate And anger and just vitri all I mean look At the internet right and so this guy's From free Palestine Brian Thompson got a Death he didn't deserve because he died Fast and probably painless and not slow And worried about all the people who Have died because of the shitty Health Care they received or were denied United Healthcare Brian Thompson was not a good Person he had a lot of blood on his Hands well that's not you know if that's Someone's opinion right doesn't matter If the guy's dead or not like you know I Mean there's this whole reverence Towards death it's not like death is Something special right your death is Your death Brian to pomson lined his Pockets while children and their parents Got sick and died being denied care Coverage by his business he got what he Deserves I hope other vendor CEOs are Getting the message CEOs in general are Are not good people like are people who Are you know I mean they are Getting paid very handsomely I guess he Made $10 million a year and my wife had Sent me something was $50 million a year But I couldn't verify that um but Whatever it is right CEOs live a good

Life on the company Dole and they get Overpaid while they you know lower Workers who do all the work get paid far Less and in the case of insurance Companies insurance companies usually Don't do good things right insurance Company insurance business are not you Know positive things right they don't Want to pay because you know they want You to pay them for the premiums but They want to find ways that you they're They're not going to cover you I mean That's just good business people had Similar tweets wishing Trump had been Killed as well all right I guess that's Part for the course these days But I don't these people understand Won't someone in their life if these are Their real names explain to them you are Worse than what you oppose when you Celebrate murder as a justifiable end For disagreement over Policy I mean what the hell is you know You but you think what they're saying is What if these people cost people's lives Right Biden droned seven Kids so he him killing he murdered seven Kids he drone he ordered these drone Strikes in Afghanistan Obama did the Same thing all these presidents right And then you know all the people that The the big Pharma companies that made People suffer and die from their Addiction to opioids and any of these

Other Pharma things that hurt people so That you're you're making money off of Other people's suffering putting out Things with bad side effects that affect People negatively right instead of Giving them true health care that will Naturally support their immune system And so all the [ __ ] that people do To make other people suffer all the Weapons that America manufactures in the Military-industrial complex and chips All over the world right and so Celebrating somebody's death and I I Don't care about it like because I Believe that there's you know there's The Divinity the Divine system is um Everything's recorded that's what I Believe in my Sark belief system that Everything's recorded and that in a Future life you have to pay for Everything you did in this life and so It's not up to me like there's a system Out there like I don't have to Administer Justice and I don't have to Care about it like I just have to do What I'm supposed to do I can't control What you're supposed to do right and you Have to figure that out for yourself Whatever role that you're playing and so You know Sometimes higher developed Souls come Down to depopulate the planet because There's just too many people there's Population overgrowth and there has to

Be a natural adjustment to that and That's coming there's too many people Now in the cities and you know we're Contaminating the world we a problem and So there'll be a natural reaction to That there'll be nature and there'll be Divinity and there'll be massive human Population reduction and if the people That administer that aren't necessarily Evil if they're doing God's work though Many people will suffer and die from it So it's all you know it's it's each it's Up to each person to understand what Their role is in terms of what what Their assignments are and some people Have the assignment of a villain and They're actually higher developed Soul I've talked about this in previous Videos right so I don't have to worry About it like I don't have to concern Myself But you know like people are entitled to These opinions and who no one gives a [ __ ] because their opinions don't matter Right like Chris Kos is saying these People are worse because they tweeted Something yeah they suck you know but Some of these tweets are not horrible Tweets I hope Brian Thompson Burns for The Eternity and every other Healthcare CEO is scared to be in the public for The rest of their miserable lives right Well I can see where that comes from I Don't particularly agree with it or

Disagree with it right because it Doesn't matter like this person's opin Doesn't affect you know what's going on With these things today we mourn the Death of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson gun down wait I'm sorry today We mourn the deaths of 680 Americans who Needlessly die each year so the Insurance company who EXs like Brian Thompson can become millionaires well That's a valid opinion right that's not A horrible opinion like there's people Who are dying because of these insurance Companies you don't think that's real Like that's true that's not not true Right going wrong Here really crazy really crazy stuff How's that crazy like do Assurance Companies Pro provide you know again the Medical system is completely [ __ ] but They're you know something over 250,000 People dying each year from medical Injuries and then there's people who Don't get the health care they need Because their insurance companies cut Them off all these things are true right And so to pretend that this one guy's Death that was caught on tape and Because he's a c CEO Is somehow more important than all the People that die because of his insurance Company if that's happened like I don't Know if that happened I don't know how Many people have suffered because of

United Healthcare but we know CEOs in General are making a lot more money than They deserve off the pain and suffering Of other people that's a fact right People whose names are actually theirs If you follow them and don't like them Up you're not doing your job as a Citizen well you're you're encouraging People to light them up you piece of [ __ ] you know people get to you know Again you're saying that they're worse Than these other people but all they did Was post [ __ ] tweets on Twitter where If this guy managed a company that made People suffer because they didn't cover Their insurance premiums or they didn't Cover their their insurance needs and People suffered and you know children Died because of it he's a worse person Than them they wrote words his actions Cause people to suffer just like you Know this whole thing that happened with Him him on the show like you're you got To light people up what the [ __ ] you Talking about so there are a lot of Questions all right we're going to look At side investigative side he's Encouraging people to go out and cause More drama on the internet you go light These people up you got to go light them Up you got to go tell them how bad they Suck tell them Chris Cuomo sent you Chris Cuomo's the I'm a I'm a good Person like your brother killed [ __ ]

9,000 people in New York because of his Covid policies he put sick people in With elderly people and then hid the Numbers so it didn't New York which was Leading the country in deaths New York State had more covid deaths per capita Than any other place only California Overtook them later on but in the Beginning when Chris Cuomo was in charge Of the decision making I mean as Andrew Dips cuos was in charge of Decision-making he led the the nation in Deaths and people were leaving State Because of their liberal [ __ ] Policies and going to Red States and so He was a disasterous governor and he Covered up for him and he got fired Because of it but he wants you to light Up somebody because they're talking [ __ ] On the internet right because those People are worse than him like [ __ ] this Guy right okay so I meant to put this in My last video because I had a Britney Spears I hadn't covered in a while but This is Khloe Kardashian goes full Playboy Bunny con bra and pearls Um and the reason I'm covering this this Is the girl I call the big one the Kardashian that's like a whole head Taller than the rest of them and she you Know there's the the big one meme let me Just play the meme here so you know I You guys make fun of me for having a Bigger vagina than most but anyways I'm

Covering this because um I have a whole Folder where back when I did picture Videos called bunny years now the Playboy um let's scroll through this and Then maybe I'll put in some of those Other pictures Playboy you he have was a Real creep and there was a woman named Paige something or other and she died Because um she um look at these things The big one the big one going for it and So she died because Um she killed herself with a like Alleged murder there's a pentagram a red Pentagram on the floor and she referred To youu Hefner as the devil which was Some sort of code word for Mk Ultra Handler or something like this but there Had been 12 of these Playmates that died Very suspicious deaths falling off a Balconies things like this at least 10 Of them you know famous deaths suicides Alleged suicides that looked kind of Shady and the Playboy whatever that cult Was was [ __ ] up right there's all this Weird [ __ ] to do with Playboy like I Said have all these images to do with That a lot of Illuminati symbolism all These types of things right and so That's Playboy in itself and you know um Bill Cosby was a part of that he was you Know with this girl Paige whatever name Who who died of course Bill Cosby all The stuff with him creepy stuff with him He was always hanging out with u Hefner

And U Hefner is just a real creep and The institutional Playboy is just you Know in terms of what what feminists Called misogyny IC type of crap out There Playboy was you know the tip of The iceberg right just you know Anti-women and you know destructive and You know it's the it was the beginning Of the whole porn industry that is you Know done whatever it's done the damage That's done to the American people and The kids kids of the world that all grow Up on it right are sexualized by porn so Playboy is like just one of these evil Icons you know it's a demonic devil Worshipping aspect to the and there These you know connection to antton LA And James Manfield who was a play Playmate like Anton La was associated With that so there's a devil worshipping Aspect of Playboy all this Playboy stuff Right and then there was the bunny ear Stuff to do with Ariana Grande and Remember she was a Char in charge of That big event thing that happened and The bunny ears became a symbol of it and You know was had a concert of hers and You know she was involved in all this Weird [ __ ] and and the bunny ear symbol All these things to do with that you Know innocent some sort of of these beta Sex kittens all this stuff and so There's a lot of evil that's associated With the bunny ears and the whole this

All of it the Playboy stuff the bunny Ears and here's Khloe Kardashian trying To get some run and some you know some Whatever she's getting from um this uh This thing right she's trying to pop a Little bit because of it but like it's You know It's Just [ __ ] evil there's something evil With the bunny ears like whatever you See these bunny ears and this thing came Out with it wasn't just that McColly Culin got into it too moli culen had a Podcast called bunny ears and you know He was one of these child stars he's Really weird he wore these bunny ears And he was a part of that thing and so Um they got all these images I don't Know how many of them I can fit here in Terms of the length of this voice over But I'll put his as many as I can and They're just all weird it's a weird Association with bunny ears and all These things you know the Playboy Mansion the Playboy stuff and then all The side stuff all the related stuff to Go with it and they keep on pushing These types of narratives they've done This consistently where you know these Things come up and people have an Association with them and so you have The bunny ears to do with Playboy but Then it became a whole it got a second Life right and you know what they

Represent in terms of you know devil Worshiping signals or Illuminati [ __ ] or Whatever you might call it there's Something there right it's not just you Know there for no reason and it's very Odd and there's a lot of sexual Connotations with it and just all of it Right you know there's the animal Themselves the rabbits which are cute Little animals but rabbits are very Vulnerable like we you know we find Dead Rabbits all the time you know our dog Sometime eat baby rabbits in our you Know pasture and we have regular Interactions with Rabb rabbits my dog's Chasing them the bigger ones but there's Dead Rabbits all the time coyotes are Eating them and they're just food right There are so many of them you know the Parents leave the babies alone for most Of the day and they're just in these Nests and animals come up and they're Just like you know snack on them right But they re reproduce so much like these Other you know rodent type of animals Right that have uh that reproduce every You know 24 days you know they say [ __ ] like rabbits right and so There's all these rabbits running around But they're you know they food basically Like so many animals depend on eating You know hos and feffer I mean the whole Lot Bugs Bunny thing and Bugs Bunny is Another example of this so anyway bunny

Years okay so looking through my folder And I think I have more stuff somewhere Else but you know there was um Carrie Fish who had a weird death you know she Was buried in a Prozac pill and Poppy um You know poppy was this knockoff of Another character who there was like Some kind of controlled aspect to her Weird stuff remember that weird singer Poppy somehow Tristan Thompson who's the Baby father of clo Kardashian's two kids Or one kid or whatever it is a kid named True and then there was a picture of clo Kardashian in my folder where she was Doing the Playboy thing before so it's a Thing that she's I mean this is not new To her and then there was the stuff with Pete Davidson who had an aragana Grande Tattoo of a bunny ears on his on his Neck and then you saw the pictures of Alice in Wonderland which is a MK Ultra Type of mind control program going down The rabbit hole this beta sex kitten Thing and so you know I kind of only Vaguely remember all this stuff I mean It's there you know uh but I talked About this quite extensively and Klo Kardashians doubled down in this thing Chloe the big one and so you know I mean There's just something there the weird Stuff of kie Coke and some of these Other people then there association with Other things right and so you know There's a lot here that I don't remember

But you know it's something it's not Nothing anyways let's move on to the Next thing here okay so remember I said This alleged um shooter looked like Jake Gyllenhaal well somebody else thought This because there's this meme that Popped up on Facebook okay so one of my viewers sent Me this brain rot named Oxford word of The year in 2024 um following public vote in which More than 37,000 people had their say Were pleased to announc that the Oxford Word of the year is brain rot um I don't Know if they gave a variety of Choices this is Um the the way it went Down and so Um it's two words actually so there's That but either way Um that happened okay I don't know you Guys remember this Dude okay so first off uh a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday to you I hope you Had a terrific Thanksgiving um and uh we Are getting back to business here so uh The majority of the trolling has quieted Down Okay the reason this dude got Trolled was because Um she went out to um a liquor store and Was buying Champagne and she recounted a story in Which he interacted with the guy behind The the guy checking her out right and

He was obviously a trump voter and he Asked her what she was celebrating or You whatever the story went and she said To him well you know you're going to Lose right And the guy said well why do you say That and she saidwell I do this as a Living I'm a what she does is she is a Um political analyst she is a professor Of um whatever that is the politics Whatever that you know political science She's a professor of political science At some I know I'm sure liberal University and she said that there was Just no way Trump could win it was a Shoe in that she bought the champagne to Celebrate Harris's Victory and then she Came back disappointed and started to Give all kinds of excuses and reasons But if you went to you know if you went Into this thing with the idea that it Was a slam dunk for Kay Harris and you You do this professionally then you suck At your job right I mean this is like She just um and she said stuff about Women or whatever it was like stupid Things right that women would make sure That kamla won and it wasn't you know Kam lost every major demographic right You lost ground compared to the other Democratic candidates and how unlikable She was so this woman must have got Harassed so bad that she Disappeared from social media because

The people were gloating because of her Story and these other things so I just Did my first Tik Tok live in some weeks And that was really terrific uh so great To see everybody in a live environment Well why would people be watching her Like she's is a reliable source when You're you know these people are wrong All the time these so-called experts and Then you know they come back out and They're Like you know they they come back like They have something to say right when You come in and you say KL Harris is a Shuing I mean you're like you're Guaranteeing something and it goes so Bad then you have nothing to say we're Saying right you you your ability suck Whatever you think you're good at you're Not right if you can't analyze the data And come up with the fact that that KL Harris would was would be lucky if she She won but she lost every single swing State and lost ground and every Demographics out spent Trump I me it was A total ass kicking how could you Pretend that you still have something to Say right um and uh I'm excited to get Started with the videos again I know you Have a thousand questions and so uh I'm Going to open up uh these Tik Tok videos For comments so if you have questions go Ahead and put them in there it was so Bad that her video went around you know

The internet and all these Republican Trump people saw her and harassed her Because she was that arrogant and smug That the video I mean to be that wrong And have a viral video where everybody Knows that you were somebody who Guaranteed a KLA Harris win right and I'll be making videos just like I was Doing prior to the election answering The questions that you had have and Onward and forward uh we have a lot of Work to do and uh I know a lot of people Are interested in running for local Office we're going to be talking about That as uh I had said before the Election that what we would do post Elction season and uh obviously we want To talk about the events of the day We'll talk about the cabinet Appointments um other things that people Are concerned about we'll take a an In-depth look at those things uh to uh Quiet whatever concerns that you may Have kind of look at what's on the Horizon what what looks like uh will Happen in one way or another um we'll Talk about uh the most recent uh efforts By the incoming president To to impose these 25% tariffs on Mexico And Canada and what those Count's Responses have been uh a whole bunch of Things coming up and uh okay so I mean You know otherwise boring like she would Be a nondescript person but when you're

That wrong and you're that bored Right let's see how she wraps this up at The end here um this is clearly not the Place for you so maybe you can find Somewhere else to spend your time okay Here let's go back a little bit that's It so uh super happy to see everybody on The live and looking forward to your Comments um uh on the videos now that That will be opened back up again and to The trolls I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving um this is clearly not not The place for you so maybe you can find Somewhere else to spend your time yeah That always works with trolls uh and in The meantime for the rest of you uh time To get going onward and forward because That you know but I mean just an Absolutely you know devastating Prediction on your part like as a Political Analyst no matter how much you wanted Kamla Harris if you're somebody who says It you can read data and you can Understand what's going on in Elections and again you know things are Rigged whatever whatever goes on but you Should have known KL Harris is Unlikable they should have known there Was reasons why none of the major Candidates none of the major political People in the Democratic party really Wanted her Joe Biden was sticking her on To the I he was like she was like a you

Know grenade that he put in at vice President that he set off by his own Grenade of his Senility and you know bitter and angry And all these things right and you Should have known that it was you know a Hard cell even as unlikable As Trump is To so many people and all the issues That you know that she didn't do as good In the debate as people were saying like You should you should know this you Should know the difference between [ __ ] and spin and all these things And realize it was an uphill battle for Her and just because of being an Incumbent and you know being unlikable And that she wasn't able to communicate Any sort of real personality she just Campaign on talking points that she just Wasn't landing and you know have a sense That it wasn't at least a landslide for Her and so when you're so wrong like You're just embarrassingly wrong right This is then you have to re you know re Reflect and look at your your abilities This is what you do for a [ __ ] job Right Bro anyways and then you know when you Come out you got to realize oh my God I I like I suck at this like I'm not I Don't like know what I'm doing there Should be some soul searchy not because You have trolls and comments I that Should add to it but like you came in

And you were you know mocking some guy And buying champagne and [ __ ] and you Got like an ass kicking like such an ass Kicking but it's that you should know Better like this is your job not you Know to see what you want to see but you Should probably know who's going to win Like the data was there for people If you're looking at you know actual Data but you came out and were like Guaranteeing [ __ ] that just there was no Way she was going to I mean if anything She would have squeaked by with some Cheating right like given all the things Going against her personality and Everything else and the you know bad Four years of Joe Biden and the Trump Momentum and things but my God right This is like how can you come back and Show your face like you have something To offer you don't like you suck at this So I just talked about how South Korea Is is under martial law you know America We're oblivious to what's going on in The world unless we're invading a Country or something's going on that Affects us but there's chaos and poverty And you know upheavals going on already All over the world and you know there Was a time where like I said there was These countries that were taken out by Bush and Obama that were started under Bush and these neocons were still Running their [ __ ] agenda right and

Then Obama took out Libya which was like No reason for that that was just a Madeup thing Gaddafi was a great leader For his people they were saying it was Because the UN ordered America and France and these other countries to go Into Libya and what they did was loot Them and and Great Britain pushed out This you know memo about that right like There's all this stuff to do with Libya But you know what I have like you know Covered that extensively but then on top Of that like they went into Syria and Russia said no you're not doing this Russia War block them in Syria and That's when Russia became the big enemy And Russia was bombing Isis remember and They were pissed off because that was Their asset America and Britain Threatened to shoot down Uh Russian Planes if they were bombing Isis and so They couldn't get rid of Assad and so They you know of course they evaded Iraq That was the first country to go right And then they did you know first well First was Afghanistan so they went in And did you know this stuff with Iraq And then Afghanistan and then there was something You know there's things that they did With Egypt which is on the other side of Israel there were stuff they were doing In Jordan um and these were the Countries that were part of the list and

They were going to go after the Countries of Libya which they end up Doing they did regime change in Libya And they're also going to go off there Somalia and a couple other countries in Northern uh Africa and then they were Went into Syria and the next one was Iran right so they were going to get Syria to collapse and then that was Going to put pressure on Iran right so That's the you know that's what's Happening here and so Obama and them Started talking about Russia Russia Russia then Russia became the problem we Have to destroy Russia because Russia's Blocking us from going into Iran because Iran Russia had a deal with Iran and Also Syria but more with Iran and so They stopped that regime changed Remember it was a total [ __ ] stuff And then all these people were fleeing These countries and going to France Particularly and then France France have This immigration crisis because they Have this open border policy but it's Not working for them because there's too Many Muslims going in there right so This is the whole thing that happened And this is where that Russia Russia Russia stuff have happened and all the Stuff to do with um you know the like These regime changes and you know was Put to a halt but now this stuff's going On with Israel and now they're

Emboldened by Trump giving them a blank Check and Israel's going to take all the Land you know that is what we now call Israel they're going to take the West Bank and they're going to take the Gaza Strip and they're going to go after These other countries like if Syria's in Chaos which they are because now they Have no government and whenever you have No government that's how Iran ended up Doing what they're doing and look at Libya now when you take away a Government it's run by Thugs and gangs And you know I mean Afghanistan's been This way forever there's not really even A you know there's not a national Government there's all these people These you know pashon people that live In the in these very warlike people you Know very you know people that're all Armed and they're all you know and They've been invaded so many times by These different countries so they have American weapons and Russian weapons and [ __ ] they have you know AKs and [ __ ] Um you know AK-47s and you know AR-15s You they got all these different weapons From different countries that have Invaded them and these people just live In villages and they're fully armed you Know there's that movie about the you Know whatever it is it's based on some Book which I you know now somebody told Me it was [ __ ] or whatever it is but

Uh this you know this guy got taken in By these whatever it's called this guy's An American um famous American guy you Know Soldier he's written this book and He goes and gives speeches about it but You know there was this firefight they Had and he rolled down a mountain with His F you know these four guys American Soldiers that were they did an Assassination and then he was taken in By these Afghanistan what uh afghanis It's called The Lone Survivor and starts Mark Wahlberg and these guys this Village fights off the Taliban basically And there's all these because they have This you know Hospitality thing and you Know all this stuff but you know this is It's not a country that has any like National government because of these Regional places you can say that about India like India has like 500 different Languages so I mean they have you know The major eight or nine or whatever it Is and the cultures are quite different I mean they have the cultures are Significantly different in in various States and regions and these different You know cultures dominate a state and The states are much different because They speak different languages you know It's like if you were in America and the South you know there's different Dialects you know how we have Southern Accents but it's all English right but

Imagine if there was eight major Languages and you know there's English That people the third speak but you know All differently and there's Hindi and Then there's Tamil and then there's um The uh telu and this you know each Region has these different languages Right and so it's hard for them to do Commerce and it's more State oriented Than it is a national kind of situation Right and so um you know most of the Soldiers come from a certain region like It's this kind of thing like there's Like each region has their own Specificity cities and so these places You know they don't have like National Governments and then when the national Government which is weak in the first Place collapses it descends into chaos Right and there's no rule of law and Like you look at what's going on in Libya now and these other places Iraq And you know Afghanistan it's so much Worse when you take down even a bad Government even a dictator right even a Totalitarian dictator and so Syria Falling is significant again because it Was a goal that Obama failed at and then All of a sudden out of nowhere it's Happened again and again this this Taking place right in a very crucial Area here and Russia's you know bogged Out in a war with the Ukraine which was Precipitated by Biden's policies and now

You know there's that and then there's You know they want they've always wanted Iran and these neocons are still running The government and Trump is you know He's more Pro Israel than Biden is and So he's got and he has a hard on for Iran right like he just you know wants Iran I mean Iran was wrecked by us by America in Operation Ajax like this is The government they have now was created By our manipulation and taking down um This uh this uh mosad this very you know This guy who's this great leader and Then there's just this chaos now that's Been created by all that stuff right and So you know this is all I mean this is What's happened because of this Manipulation and now Syria's down so These you know these these dominoes are Falling they're all so I was talking to My wife about the Syria thing right and There's some details I left out you know I have these I have a a Libya video Where I put it together a lot of the Pictures I have from the Libya debacle And then I have a folder on Syria and These things and then another one on Isis and so so what Isis was is they had These Elite level Republican guards so When America invaded Iraq Iraq's Army Just disappeared they threw down their Weapons and their and their uniforms and They disappeared into the population of Course Saddam Hussein went to go was

Hiding in a little basement area he was Walking around with like you know a Million dollars in cash or whatever like And they were looking for the guy and America had these cards these playing Cards of all these important leaders you Know these things that these guys Carried around to see if they would see Any of these guys right and so they had This Elite level um military Republican Guard that were in in charge of you know Guarding Saddam Hussein and the elite Level mil military stuff and America at First made these guys enemies but they Realized to settle the you know Hostilities in the country they had to Work with them and so what they did was They gave them an oil field And changed their name to Isis and they Used them as an asset and they used them In Syria to destabilize Syria and they Used them in Libya to destabilize Libya And of course was going on and you know This idea of this group that was fearful Because Al-Qaeda was done so they needed Something to replace it right and al- Qaeda had been an American asset Ben Laden had been trained by the Americans In Afghanistan and so this happens quite Often but they had this oil field in the Middle of ir rock and these guys were um You know there's this uh you know There's this guy named Bob the plumber And he was a Texas oil guy you know I'll

Put these pictures in random order but They'll you know hopefully line up you Know like because I'm I'm doing a long Voice over here and you know he um they Sold these Toyota trucks to these Isis K People Isis not Isis K Isis K was a Thing they they invented you know in Afghanistan right and this guy Bob the Plumber one of his truck was was Purchased by ISIS and this guy these People these Isis guys were driving Around with Isis flags and Bob the Plumber you know logo on the side of Their truck and people in Texas were Calling Bob the plumber up and saying Why' you sell your truck to Isis right He was getting harassed by Americans but It was because the American government Was you know selling these trucks these Used trucks to these Isis guys because They had to drive across the desert to Get to their oil field and it' be the Easiest thing in the world America still Had air Superior ority they still had Fighter jets in the region and they Still you know they were occupying Iraq They still had military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan these areas and They could easily have Bombed the oil field you know where Isis Was getting their money Isis being Funded by the soil field because America Couldn't give them money to run Operations because you know there would

Be on the books but they allowed them to Have this soil field and so they Ed the Soil field and America could have bombed The trucks going across the desert like They're the easiest Targets in the world Or drone them right they can drone these People from halfway across the world and You know they have these drones I mean That's just with all these capabilities And they could have bombed all these Trucks and just stopped Isis from having This oil field but they gave them the Oil field that's the only explanation Right that makes any sense and then they Were using them to run these operations In Syria and these other places and Russia said [ __ ] that we're taking them Out and then Britain and America got Pissy and said they were gonna shoot Down Uh Russian um Russian planes if They stepped kept on bombing Isis and Then Trump came in and he stopped Ordering Isis to do anything and Isis Disappeared until Biden needed Isis K Again in Afghanistan because they make Up these boogey men these groups to Scare people and to Justify whatever kind of military Intervention there is right and so in North and South Korea know was a great Um movie which I've it's a subtitle Movie called um Cast Away on the moon or Something it's a South Korean movie Wonderful movie it's about a guy who who

Doesn't know how to swim he lands in the Middle of this island that's in a river Right by a city and everyone just Ignores him he's just a Castaway there And he's got to learn to fend for Himself like be a survivalist it's a Great movie but a big part of the movie Which you don't understand unless you Read about like I had I went back and Found people who talked about some of The meaning of the movie and it's such a Big deal for how well you speak English Because of the American influence in South Korea but South Korea you know There's a border between North and South Korea and it's just like the border Between um East Germany and West Germany That happened after World War II right East Germany is like a you know uh was The kind of a um a westernized place and West Germany was Communist and part of The Russian thing right and so all these Things happened like that right where There were these you know there's Various um interventions that don't work Like North Korea and South Korea should Be one Korea right it's the same people Speak the same language North Vietnam And South Vietnam it all falls apart Because it's foreign governments and the UN manipulating these countries and now North Korea has 100,000 troops because They have alliance with Russia and South Korea is starting to listen to North

Korea that's why this martial law took Place there right so you understand that There's these Global issues and these Things that are the these constructs That don't work you know Israel is a Construct of the United Nations North And South Korea is a construct of the You know these Global powers that came In you know America and Europe and they Decided all right you guys are going to Be one you're going to be there's going To be a wall between you right the Demilitarise zone between North and South Korea and these wars that were Left open there and now North Korea has Nuclear weapons and there's a lot of [ __ ] going on there South Korea has a Major Army if they come together and They all turn on America like that's a Whole another thing they have this Massive army China has their you know They have all these people they can Throw at you even if you America because America you know can kill more people Like the American Military can suffer Like one loss for every like I mean There Was You Know hundreds of thousands Of Iraqis right there was like 4,000 People died in those Wars those Afghanistan Iraq Wars and millions of uh Iraqis and afghanis died right but even With that they so many people they want To you know they just have like these Populations in these you know North

Korea South Korea and China they just Have so many people they have potential You know tens Mill you know 10 million People of of trained you know soldiers Or whatever they can throw at the you Know American troops and these things And then of course the nuclear weapons And these things that are imploding now This thing with South Korea and of Course Israel going for theirs you know They're trying to get this this thing Done there and so like these are you Know not great signs and they're you Know all these like it's chickens coming Home to ro things like what happened in Iran so many years ago when America [ __ ] over mosad the good leader there With Operation Ajax and all those things That happened right and so like this Just it's all there and so I have these Various pictures I'll try to line them Up as best as possible here um and then You know you can see it but it's you Know the the narration is there anyway And so I these are things that all have Happened I've been covering the for some Time and they are just you know these Are like weak points these are like you Know points vulnerability points right In terms of keeping World War III from Happening these are some of the wounds The past wounds and past mistakes and You know some scaras and whatever you Want to call Karma and these things that

Things come back around and they you Know they're unresolved issues that Unresolved problems that have been Kicked down the road you know to people In the future to deal with And now we're dealing with them like you Know things that were done in the past That now have to be um you know dealt With because of mistakes and issues and A lot of these things were the you know Things that had to do with the neocons Or the people like the neocons Conservative people these weren't Liberal Democrats these were Conservative [ __ ] you know the Right-wing people who Christians many of Them who you know favored Israel and and They they did all these things and you Know manipulated other people these you Know colonization type of things I mean All the colonization stuff from England And America and these things colonizing These places and extracting resources These things are all coming back around They inevitably had to and it's not Going to go well for America and the Western countries like their power is Over the dominance the economic Dominance and these things right and the Things that they did the games that they Ran and the you know these things are All known by these people in these Countries you ask ask the Iranian people They know all about Operation Ajax they

Know that America [ __ ] them and you Know they have this hatred towards them Or even just you know even if it's not Hatred they understand the you know What's been done to them and it's just You know inevitably it's going to happen And you're going to see these things and Like it's we're on the path towards this This ending right and it's just you know It's like one day you you know Everything was fine the next day you Know Co hits and there's no toilet paper In the grocery stores and no canned Goods right like that's how things go And it can just happen that quickly and When it does you know you're either Prepared or not right I mean no one's Going to be fully prepared but you know The people who are just think Everything's fine and America is the Greatest country in the world and it's Always going to be this way you know They're [ __ ] like they're just [ __ ] They're just emotionally and spiritually And psychologically they won't be able To handle what's about to hit and so Like just being aware of that and being Able to adjust yourself because it's Going to be a shock for everybody like It's just you're going to wake up one Day and everything's going to be Different and we're you know it's maybe A year away or whatever maybe there's That Whispers of the brighter world we

I'll read towards the end of like I Think probably will be madebe my New Year's video I already have a little bit Of an introduction there and you know All these things but anyways that that's That let's go to this Indian movie that I do kind of a review of and you know India looks like they would side with Russia we'll see what they do but they Have another billion people there then They can have a possibility I mean there Could be you know hundreds of millions Of soldiers involved in this war right I Mean it's crazy but that's you know the Potential here is there's so many people Out there and there's going to be world Population reduction but anyways let's Get into this uh Indian movie okay so I Watched an Indian movie on Um Netflix and I really can't really Pronounce the name of it it's not a good Movie there's two good Indian mov movies That I know about one is called The Lunchbox which is a masterpiece I think It one Academy Award or something but It's uh it's just uh an amazing movie And then one that's kind of a fun movie I've seen a number of times it actually Has singing which I can't stand but the Songs are actually good and Entertaining uh like I can't stand Bollywood movies and and musicals and Things like that you know the I just Let's let's bust out into into a song so

But it's called um Lagan which is the Word for tax it's a long movie it's like Three hours long it's about cricket and You know all these things I don't care About but it's just um it's it's like Really gives a you know sort of the Essence of the Indian culture you know I Have association with India have past Life Association but you know Association in this life and the Indian Culture is well there's another good Movie which is um the in the a million Dooll arm and there's a great scene Where the guy there's a a scout who goes To India and he seen to all these Cricket players and see if he if he can Convert them into baseball Players and um he's talking to this Woman like you know he's FaceTiming or Something and he says like it smells Horrible or it smells amazing here and You know she said everything here is Extremes and I think that's You know the I mean a good way of Talking about India there's a piece There there's an ancient feeling when You the first time I ever got off the Plane when I went to India it's just Like no it's being in another planet Like it's just it's not even like the Same I mean like whatever we have here In terms of this um Maya this Illusionary world there's places that Are just not like America in any way

Shape or form you know there's a peace There's an ancient feeling there it's It's incredible meditations and and Spiritual experiences you can have it's The spiritual capital of the world and The ashrams that we had the sjar Asam And the you know just the Gatherings and The condition there when you wake up it Has a certain feel to it and there's a Piece to it but there's also chaos There's way too many people it's filthy Like there's this to you know it's Degraded but it has these these two Elements right and there's a level of Corruption there but the people there Are sweet and heart-felt people but They'll you know there's people many of Them will steal from you or treat you And like it's just you know it's got Both of these conditions like the people Are very hospitable and they'll I mean They're just you know there's these two Extremes it's a place of extremes right And there's just a condition there that I really can't describe you know I watch These things sometimes um you know my Wife and I take naps or you know she'll Fall asleep and I'll watch something Else like you know whatever it is right And so um I have these things that I Watch over maybe a couple nights I watch A basketball game or something you know It's what I watch when my wife isn't There and so um or she's sleeping or

Something and you know I started Watching this movie it took me a couple Nights because it's really long and it's Called Sikandar in spoiler alert I'm going to Describe the the whole movie um And there's a diamond Heist and what I Noticed when I watched the um my family And I watch the TV show of the maob Barata and they do a lot of filler Like there's like that quality writing So they do a lot of filler and a lot of Closeups and a lot of emotional like Music and da da da da you know kind of Stuff but in Indian version of that you Know stressful music and you know a lot Of it's just soap opera type of looks Prolonged close-ups and facial Expressions and just um you know there's A scene in this movie where the cop is It has um it's like 15 years later I'll Talk about what happened in the Beginning you know after there's been This sort of uh Heist and the cop is Drinking and he's he's about to get Fired by his boss and he takes this long Walk to to his boss's office it probably Takes five minutes he just Walk he's just walking through the Police station nothing is happening he's Drunk and you know there was a number of These kind of scenes where I'm like no Wonder this movie is like two hours and A half long because they have just all

This filler that has no and there's no Reason for it to be in there but anyways It starts off and there's some fancy Place in in uh Mumbai or uh whatever it Is I think Mumbai is the new uh yeah Mumbai and you know there's a big this Is a place of business a lot of money You know it's a North West part of the You know used to be Bombay and a lot of business people There you know a lot of the Bollywood Movies are made with light skinned People who uh you know have some English Blood in them many of them are like Muslims or whatever the actors it takes Place in that you know there's movies Made everywhere in India but a lot lot Of them are made in the north of India And so there's this business Um conference where they have all this Jewelry and they have all these uh Kiosks or whatever they call them and There's cops that starts off with all These cops and the cops always have Mustaches like in India the cops are Always mustaches they have the same Haircut like it just is this thing and They wear these tan Al khaki colored Outfits and they get a call from a guy Saying there's going to be a robbery and He said that they've smuggled guns in And there's this whole thing and so the Cops are ready for him and there's this

Hilarious shootout where you know when We watch the mar barata going back to The mar barata there was this emphasis On arrows like they had really bad Special effects so this is probably from The 70s or 80s when this TV show was Made and they just have these arrows Flying through space you cuz in the Mahata there's a lot to do with arrows They could charge Arrows with like Nuclear power I mean this is you know What was written like back in the 5,000 Years ago they had the ability to charge These and who this you know this could Be a metaphor for spaceships they had These chariots and things that you know I mean this whole there was I it was Like probably something based in some Other kind of a war where there was Whatever and so these arrows are Constantly flying they focus on the Arrows in this movie they're focusing on The guns like you just see the gun you Just see guns pointed at each other and I'm like oh yeah that's the kind of Stuff that they do and it's a bizarre Shootout with no sense of uh you know Like when you see a a good American Movie where there's you know Gunfire there's like a firefight you Know people Are they have a way of clearing a room Where you have to point your gun through You know like the way that you see cops

Clear a room right like there's a way That I I think most of us could probably Do that on our own just from the amount Of time we've seen that and when there's A tactical outfit there's just a way That you go about it but these guys are Just running upstairs for no reason Getting shot and so the four guys get Killed and the alarm goes off and all These people who are in this big Ballroom of this jewelry are sent to a Big holding pen right why the like the Shootout takes place and their Expressions and their movements where These guys are shooting at each other Like nobody gets on the floor to to Avoid getting a stray bullet they're Just making facial expressions their Hands over their faces it's like really Great and then I mean a Cheesy you know Type of shootout and then they come back And this woman in the sky an older guy And a a younger woman who's obviously Going to be a romantic interest in this Movie come back to their kiosk and There's been five diamonds that are Stolen these five five red diamonds that Are worth $500 Million um and so first of all they Bring in this they bring in this guy Who's the chief detective and he comes Out of the car with sunglasses on and he Strikes several poses and he brought in There and he's a guy who's had 100%

Success rate who has intense you know Incredible intuition and he just doesn't You know he always comes through and he He's one of the lead characters and he Comes in and he separates all these People and there's two people who were At the kiosk and there's another guy who Happened to be walking by there who's Another lead character these are the two Guys who are the two lead characters They're adversarial and this guy is a Computer technician who had set up a lot Of these the software for this big event Right and these diamonds are worth $500 $ million which the guy the police Officer gets really upset about when he Finds out how much they're worth and he Calls the chief up and says what are you Doing to Me this is a very big responsibility Right and so he separates these three People the two people at the kiosk an Older guy uh you know younger single mom Whose husband's left her in a divorce For another woman which is a very Divorce is a big deal in India that's You it's more prevalent now but they Arrange marriages and all these things And he separates these people and this Guy who was just walking through and he Says and the guy says I my intuition is Always right one or two of you are Involved in this theft and we're going To go back to the police office the

Police station and they start crying and Wailing and protesting no sir no sir no Sir and like these things right and the Cops are very abusive right off the bat Like one guy is Um like the cop One Cop asked the Computer Technician about software you know maybe It's to do with a surveillance and he Says you're a software engineer right he Said well there's a difference between Computer software and surveillance Software and the guy goes I didn't ask You about that and he's like you know He's like abusive to him so they bring Him back to the precinct and they bring Him into separate rooms and they just Start torturing him based on this guy's Um his intu Like they take the woman and you see Later on that she's just sitting there In a room and every time she goes to Sleep a woman puts a flashlight in her Eyes and um you know they do complete Body searches of the people they X-ray And see if they swallow the diamonds There's no evidence of that and she Flashes the light in her eyes and and Makes loud noises and wakes her up she Just trying to keep her awake and the Guy they take into another room this Software engineer guy And he um let's call him the you know The the villain you know the guy the

Thief because he ends up you know Spoiler being the guy that stole him and So but they you know they don't let you Know that off the bat and so they bring In a room and they put his arms like a a Pole behind his arms and they're about To beat his chest with like a bamboo Cane again going on almost just no Evidence at all that they just happen to Be there like with you know 500 other People who are running it could be Anybody like somebody smashed the kiosk And they had diamonds there that were Worth $500 Million just sitting there in some Plastic Kos that anybody could break Open with no security on it no like you Know I mean they're just putting this in This public place uh and so um you know A half a billion dollars and and you Know to to put that in perspective the Computer guy will end up getting a job From his friend where he's going to run A glass company he's going to manage a Glass company there's all these glass Blowers and they look like they have About a couple hundred employees and He's running the thing and he gets a House which is a you know like a a Modest house for Americans like an Apartment and uh and he gets um so he Gets you know free house and he gets 15,000 rupees a month which it's $178 so this is a guy who's an educated

Dude that is a computer guy right and His salary Is almost less than $200 a month with You know a house with a place to live And yet the diamonds are worth half a Billion like the wealth in India this is Crazy you know there's like wealthy People that have in you know they'll Have somebody like Justin Bieber perform For like $10 million I mean just Extravagant Wendy weddings and events And just the opulence is crazy the Wealth in India but the poverty there Like when we were there we had a maid That would come in 6 days a week for $70 A month and and we were getting screwed Like she was overcharging us you like And there's just you know people have Bars on their Windows because people Just crawl into your house and steal Your stuff there's so many people there And there's lots of Thieves and you know All of it and there's so much corruption And so they have these five diamonds That worth half a billion dollars just Sitting out there and anybody could have Smashed the glass and grabbed them you Know it's uh whatever the thing is but They've focused on these three guys and He's torturing the guy and so the the Main cop comes in the inspector you know This is the the you know whatever it is And he sees that they're going to beat Him and he's like is that what you're

Going to do to the other cop the abusive Cop but later on you see that this Inspector is beating the guy with on the Ribs in the back in these other areas With um you know whatever it might be And he says something to the cop he Insults him I forget what he says and The cop back comes back and just slaps Him in the face like three Times there's no like you know no American justice system I don't know What the Indian justice system is like I It's probably chaotic and like you know Crazy like all the rest of it uh but This is the way they're treating these These perspective thieves with no like Just circumstantial evidence again they Don't have anything on them that would Indicate that they that they did this Crime right and so the the guy the the Thief the guy who ends up being the Thief goes sir one day you'll realize That you were wrong and I and I want you To look me in the eye and tell me and Apologize for all these things for this You know what's happened you know the These accusations I am no Thief you know This kind of thing and it's these Exchanges are kind of hilarious and So Eventually it so they show a little bit Of this part and then they're going to Come back and show you more later but They jumps into 15 years later and the Cop is now hasn't solved this crime and

He's drinking all the time and his he Goes into the chief's Chief's office After that long walk and the chief fires Him for drinking and drinking is a big Deal in India and then they show him Like on the Rooftop bar where he's drinking and like He goes to a he's divorced by his wife Like his wife and they and like they're In the divorce court and the judge says You guys want to get divorced and the Guy looks at his wife and she nods she Doesn't say a word she nods yes and the Guy then he nods but he's always waiting For his wife to to indicate what she Wants to do first and they get divorced And you know they're kind of talking There like sitting next to each other And he's trying to he's like remember When we did this romantic thing and She's like no you suck like get out of Here in a very subtle way it's kind L Scene and then he's at the top of this Bar drinking and the waiter comes to the Bartender the the manager of the Restaurant says he wants another bottle And he brings a bottle and the guy says Come you know he's cutting she has to Cut the guy off and the cop goes to him Sit down with me and he goes what kind Of person am I you know he goes I don't Want to tell say sir I don't want to say Sir you know this guy thing goes back And forth guy goes no I really want to

Hear about it and he go goes you are the Biggest bastard in the World sir you are a Bastard three of my employees have quit Because of you and you don't know how Much uh losses I've incured because You're a regular customer here and the Guy cop gets pissed off he's like get Out of Here and so um and then the cop calls This guy up who's surveilling he's he's Uh doing surveillance on the you know The the guy who's going to end up being The thief the computer guy and the Computer guy is in like one of those uh Adabi or Dubai or one of those cities I Forget which uh you know these cities That are uh you know uh these Arab Cities that are wealthy with uh with Arabian oil right these you know these Places like that and you know I've been To their airports and they're Extraordinary like there's just so much Wealth there like I've flown through Riad and Saudi Arabia and I've gone to Abu Dhabi and and Dubai and it's amazing These places the wealth that they have Because they have so much oil money and A very slight population they've built These places there right there's a lot Of construction and so the guy has gone There to work there the the the alleged Thief he's had to go overseas and it's Going to come out later why he's like

His life was ruined by these accusations And so so he's calling this guy up and Um he uh he said that the guy is you Know coming back to Mumbai this guy is the prospective thief And the and the guy who's surveilling Goes to the cop well you haven't paid me In three months he goes well I'm not Going to pay you just put it under your Your good Deeds he's been he's been stalking this Guy for like three months but whatever Period time you guy isn't get paid and He goes anyways call me when you know He's ready to leave he wants the guy to Continue he just told the guy he's not Going to pay him cuz he's been fired as A cop and he hasn't been paying and Whatever and it's and like this there's A bullying kind of at attitude here um And you you know India there's this Hierarchy where people call certain People sir and they're you can see the Reverence they have for certain people Like there's just a level of where you Know people are above other people and There's an abusive element to it like There's this really sweet guy he there's This guy who was brother really nice People living in Chicago and the guy Helped my family and stay there when We're flying out and just really not Every time I saw the guy at the ashro he Came up and asked if he got anything to

Young guy you know younger guy and you Know he was um at this we had this this Snack bar at the asham and he was Started to yell at the people behind the Snack bar who were volunteers you know People who you know work jobs and then Come and volunteer at the snack bar Because they are you know some of the People lived at the asham there it was a Little unclear but these are volunteer Positions and nice people the sweetest People and he's just abusing them and I'm like oh [ __ ] you know because it's This cast system and they talk to these People like their dogs and these people Who are really nice and cultured and you Know educated and you know are like you Know an upper level but you see when When they are talking to like this is Why the master culture in India is such A big deal because the way that they you Know this hierarchy of just behaviors Right And so um the guy come gets a phone call The the cop calls the guy the two main Characters and he says I I just got Fired and my wife just divorced me and I'm settling all my accounts and I Wanted to apologize to you and the guy Just bring the thief just breaks down And cries right and he said the thief Goes but you remember our deal right and The cop said what do you mean he goes You know I said that you were going to

Look me in the eye and so he's going to Meet her meet the guy and they're going To meet at this bar this restaurant bar Right where the you know they don't like This guy because he piece of [ __ ] Bastard Right and so um the guy comes back and He goes they they meet he calls his wife So he's married now and you don't tell You who his wife is but you know you Kind of figure it's that woman because It just was going to play out that way And it is the other suspect and so they They meet and the guy's going to Apologize and he he starts to apologize And he said sir you have no idea the Thief goes you have no idea how you Ruined my life you ruined my life in Every way impossible and you know you Don't even know what you've done to me With these accusations false accusations And the guy said well I know a lot of Things you don't know you don't know [Laughter] [ __ ] he says that those exact words he Said you don't know [ __ ] so which is weird because it's just You know these are dubbed and they do a Little swearing but the Indian movies Are very Conservative and so then the guy goes Back in time and he tells his story and There's a scene where there's a nurse Who he bumps into and she knows him

They're in the hospital right where They're going to get X-rayed and you know they go in front of The judge and they're not paying the Lawyer the computer guy even though he's Got all these like multiple jobs that Would be higher paying jobs and he was In charge of doing all these things with The kiosk he comes back and nobody will Pay him and everyone's firing him Because he's been accused of these Crimes and he goes to the lawyer and the Lawyer said you got to pay me right and He goes I don't have the money and the Woman comes up and just pays for him she Has money right which you know leads you To believe that she might have stole the Diamonds she has money and then she Starts they start flirting with each Other and she's a single mom and her Husband left her for another woman and There's these scenes where they're like The romances blossoming and there's like They don't do some they don't do any Singing which is just like a blessing The Bollywood song sometimes it can be Entertaining but like you know it's a Two and a half hour movie as it is but They're walking down the street and all Sudden the wind blows and you know she Has a sar on or whatever [ __ ] you Know they have Punjabi suits the women Wear either Punjabi suits with pants or Saris which are whole thing and I think

She's wearing this Punjabi suit like if You're single you wear that I don't know And she's got a scarf on and the scarf Blows in his face and their hair is Blowing and then it starts to run rain And they start like running with they Both have like things are carrying Folders and they're putting it he's Putting her his folder over her head and She's got her folder over her head and They're running and they find shelter And then there's two guys there and the Guy puts himself between her her and the Other guys and they do these romance Like he brings her cuz he's working Construction for some reason and he gets Access to this crane and the crane goes Up like it's say platform you know those Places where you these bucket you know These bucket loaders what they call this The bucket uh you know it's got a bucket On top and he has her close her eyes Right and he has her hands over her eyes But they're in this bucket right like he Walks her to this bucket they get in the Bucket and she has her hands over eyes And they they she pulls her you know Hands over she looks out and they're up Top this top high thing and they're like Looking over the view of the city right And she's like there's she's like oh my God it's so great but then she's scared And then he's scared but then it's so Great then they're both eating ice cream

They didn't have any just also ice cream Magically appears and they have this Music and this like this whole thing but They don't kiss in Indian movies they Like kissing is like forbidden and so They have all these things where there's Hugging but like there's some sense you Know like they're hooking up but like They just You and so this is also in conjunction With the bar because he's telling the Cop his his story and he's hooked up With this woman now they're together and He just keeps on getting fired and one Bad thing happens after another and so He has a friend who has this rural town Where the guy needs a glass blower a Manager to blow do the glass blowing so He goes and they're living together and She's got two kids and you know they're Struggling because they have these Court Bills and they keep on going into the Court and the courts like s kind of sing That with them because they have no Evidence right they they you know the Judge orders that they're freed when They're getting abused because he like You're violated all kinds of laws and Principles here cuz there like just Straight up like torturing them and Beating them and [ __ ] with zero [ __ ] Evidence right just for this guy's Intuition but his intuition is never Wrong because he closed 100% of his

Cases and so the nurse shows up at his House and she's going to get married to Somebody else she says your son the guy Um the thief's um the computer guy's mom Is there she's sickly and he was trying To leave the the reason that the guy Flagged them was they were asking each Person where they were when the when the Theft took place and they interview one Guy and he goes like he's he's just like An extra and the second guy they Interview is the computer guy and he Gets yelled at you know by one guy and Then he's he bumps into another guy on His way out and then he um is in a rush And the detective notices him and says Stop right there and he's like and then Later on he says you know you were in a Rush and he goes well my mom's sick and I'm trying to get home and [ __ ] this Is stressful you know they the way They're interrogating him is totally Disrespectful and intimidating but like For some reason the cops like well my You know my Spidey Sense went off right And so um he goes and this guy's getting Him a job out to this in this place and They're kind of Happy there but they Don't have like enough Mone who's got to Pay for school for This Woman's kids and They um I don't know if they get married I think they get married but at some Point they show him getting married you Know and this girl who we saw as the

Nurse like had a crush on him but didn't Want to he didn't want anything to do With her according to her and so she Goes out and gets married she's going to Come back in because you just you know She is like they see the there's always These little details that come in and a Number of times his his wife has all of A sudden come up with money so the the Idea is that she's the thief because the The inspector when he's you know Apologizing is almost indicating that he Has some other story and some bombshell Thing he's going to tell this guy and it Appears like it's going to be his wife Because she has come up with this money Right so the guy goes back to court and He has to go back to Mumbai and he goes There and there's a Woman No Nonsense Woman judge and she just says what the Hell is this case there's no evidence at All you've been beaten [ __ ] and Torturing these people forever because They've suffered the reputation Reputation's a big thing in India right So all that stuff and she reprimands the Cops and she wants the cop to be Punished in some way for you know this Is you know before he I mean this is When he's starting to drink and things And so it's basically the case is over So the guy comes home to tell his wife But his wife faints because she's sick And she ends up having pneumonia

And so he brings her to the hospital and He doesn't have any money but he's you Know's he's so money by his boss so he Says um you know I'll get the money Tomorrow to the doctor please admit her To the hospital be the treatment for Pneumonia and he goes home and um from The hospital and his kids his you know His wife's kids are sitting on the stor Step of their house with suitcases Saying that the guy threw out threw him Out of the house right so he goes to his Boss and he says ' what the hell he goes His boss goes you're a Thief he just fired him and evicted his Kids like in one day and the kids are Just sitting there with suitcases so he Brings the kids to he gets and he gets Money from the his boss he gets the like Whatever his back pay is and so he's got This money his pocket he brings these Kids to this shelter where there are um You know like uh you know for for like Some kind of a hostile know like a place Where poor people would go if they were In desperate need which would be overrun With people because there's just so many Poor people in India right it's like you Can't even imagine right but anyways he Goes to this place and he's walking to The hospital to be with his wife and Three guys beat the [ __ ] out of him and Take his money and break his phone and He's like totally wrecked and he goes he

Stands on this bridge so he's got these Kids that he's responsible in the Hosital he's a guy's wife who has Pneumonia who you know might not make it And these kids who are this place by Themselves and he just goes to this Bridge and he's he's trying to kill Himself and he has one foot off of the He has one foot off of the like thing You the bridge and he's about to jump Into the water which may or may not kill Him because probably only about 60 feet And just as he's doing that his eyes are Closed somebody comes by and beeps a Horn and pulls him to his senses I mean The horn would make the guy Startled but you know it pulls him back And he starts walking down the bridge And he goes and he calls his friend who Got him the first job and the guy he Said you got more you know help you can Give me and the guy says well because Later on earlier in the movie when he Came back from um Abu Dhabi or whatever The guy's thanking him for giving him Money like he's giving this guy money But he says well after all the stuff You've done for me and then this is the Stuff he's done so the guy has some kind Of connection in Abu Dhabi or whatever The the place they are you know these um These Muslim cities or whatever and he Goes works construction there and then He becomes like a a foreman and then he

Becomes an executive so he's he becomes This wealthy guy so he goes over there To start working and I guess his wife is Now living back in wherever it was and He goes back and forth to be with her And the kids but spends most of his time In this other place and so the cop says You know um what about the girl like Like he knows about the girl and so There's a a girl there that is younger And you know one of these you attractive Uh kind of effervescent girls that he's Just been hanging out with in in this Place you know without his wife knowing And he's like saying to like there's Conversations where he's like you should Get married she goes well why won't you Marry me she's like or whatever it is Like these jokes and they're going to The movies and they go to the movies Together once a week and they're they're Both Indian and they're in this place Where there you know they're both from The same player to India they're both From Mumbai and this guy um comes up to Her and says hey you know I haven't seen You at work lately and are you living Here now cuz I used to come watch you Dance like it's a Stripper and the guy runs off and says Oh that cop sent you to spy on me right To the woman and she's like she runs After him she's said what are you Talking about she's he's like well you

Know there's a cop and he's harassing me And he's he's ruined my life and you all These things and and she goes no I'm Just a Stripper I don't have anything to do With the cop and he goes calls her a Prostitute A and A Stripper you know and Whatever she goes no I'm just a stripper But I realized one day I was dancing for These creeps like that guy and I Realized this is no way to do it or Whatever stripper whatever the strip you Know whatever I don't know if there's Actually stripping like she says dance Or whatever but I don't know what they Have there in terms of all that um you Know it's a degraded place but it's got All these moralistic things you know so It's it's you know it's like extremes Like I said and so like he goes and he's Telling this cop the story right and the Cop goes looks at him goes nods and goes You're a real Player you're A you're a Player and so the guy then goes is the Woman quit her job because she would Didn't want to see this guy anymore Because you know the guy flipped out When you know the whole stripper thing And he finds her and he goes and says You know how great she is and like how Sorry he is to that he reacted that way And he hands her an envelope and he

Leaves and then he goes back to see this Guy the mum you know the detective you Know for this confrontation then go back To see his wife and so the guy DS Telling his story and he talked about How you know and he was responsible for All these things like he's the guy That told his boss that he was a thief That caused him to get thrown thrown out Of his house and he starts telling him All the ways that he ruin this guy's Life right the guy's trying to walk away And goes no I got to tell you all the Stuff I did to you so you fully can Accept my Apology and you know he sent the guys to Beat him up or whatever like everything That happens to him like steal his you Know everything that he he did was to um You know later on when he when well We'll get to that part later and so he Says um you know but I also kept you Alive too remember that night you were Standing on the bridge and you going to Jump off that was me that honked the Horn and he was driving by and he you See the guy driving by him and he just Honks the horn to pull him back from the You know break of death you know where The guy's going to leave this his sick Wife and his kids you know all this Stuff in poverty in like the worst Circumstances right and there's a lot of Crying and weeping and begging and

Things that are going on that's like Some of the you know that just really You know kind of completely different Ways of Behaving and the begging sir no Sir you know this thing so um and then He says he tells a story you see his you Know how your wife was getting all that Money that you needed and they they Think they're going to you know they're Going to go with there's either either He's the thief and I kind of figured he Was the Heath the thief the whole time Like you know that one of the three People has to be the thief because you Know it's just it's going in that Direction it's either his wife for him And so it shows his wife she goes into a Store to sell a diamond to get money and She's waiting for the guy the guy's Going to get the money it's like some You know lots of rupees but not crazy Amount you know not like a million it's Just some money and um she turns around The cop cting next door like he does This all the time like he comes out of Nowhere appears out of nowhere like how Like you know he's been tracking these People but like you know they it's been Years and so and he says you now work For me and so he says you know he Indicates to the guy that her her Approaching the computer guy was all Based in her working for him right he Said I think she really loves you but

You know at some point she stopped Contacting me I think she really loves You but you know that all started Because of me and the guy starts weeping And he goes and he slaps the Cop he slaps him like three times in the Face you you did this to me you know This whole thing and he goes home and His wife is sitting there and she's Hugging him like she's always misses him And all this stuff and he sits her down At the table and like yeah I know the Cops set me up and all this stuff with You and she's like please no don't leave Me and she's crying I love you so much And he goes I know but you know Our Fate Is it's just not our fate right we're Just not fated to be together and um and So he just leaves his wife and he said I'll give you the house cuz they have Money now or whatever she's working and He has this you know he's some big Executive and he's going to leave her This house there I'll send you money or Whatever but like if you want to get Divorced we'll get divorced but than That like it's just it's not fad for us To be together and so then he um and Then he they show him traveling to this Rural area like he just through buses And planes and you know these all these Buses and train whatever it is like he's He's in the back of a pickup truck Ian and then he goes to this place and

The woman there the the nurse that was His longtime friend is there and she Bring she's got some kind of big Horiculture thing like she's a nurse but Now she's in charge of some like Botanical gardens like place where They're growing [ __ ] and there's a bunch Of bonsai trees and there's one Specifically for there for him and he And they show you like that there's like An x-ray vision and inside the Bon plant There's the five gems so you now know This guy stole of them but like this Whole thing about him commit suicide and All this stuff you know and all all These things and so he's and then they Show him go back on the pickup truck and He's back in the bus and he's got the Bonsai in his lap and you know they're Just in this rural area and all sudden The cops just sitting behind them like Got this bus like the guy didn't notice The cop there like there a bus you know It's not like a like a city bus this is Like some rural bus that's going you Know hundreds of miles and the cop and The cop is sitting behind him the whole Time and so the next thing you know you See them on the cliff this high mountain Range which was not anywhere near there Are and there's a rail there and the Guy's handcuffed to the rail and the cop Is like saying he caught him and he Breaks open the bonsai tree and he um oh

So so first when they're on the so he's On the he's on the bus and it says the End like he's you see the gems are in The Bonsai it's going to end there where The guy got away with it but then it Says oops Right oops and then they and then they Show the cop behind them and so and it's This like you know it was going to end There but then this is secondary ending And so the cop and him are talking about All the you know they're filling in the Details of how they did the thing the Guy explains that the guy who called the Police station you know the computer guy Went to fix this computer for these These thieves and they didn't know how To work computers they saw with them With guns and then he he followed them To the event he saw them at the event Because he was already doing work there And then he followed them and listened Into their plans and he said seeing this Guy every day pick up his girl like his Daughter from school and he um you know He sees that the guy has a routine he Just happened to notice this guy and so He slips a note in his pocket when the Guy isn't looking and he calls the guy Up and says that you got the your Daughter's now in because this they had Questioned this guy earlier and some guy Had called him and said you your Daughter you think you you put your

Daughter in the same car but did you Look at the driver it's a different Driver if you want to ever see her again Call the cops and tell this this place Is being robbed and so this random guy Who's just been sucked into this whole Right because he just this other guy had Noticed this guy's routine and so he Goes through all the ways that he did it He he had handed off the diamonds to This nurse and then you know all this Stuff he's ratted out this woman who Just just because she had a crush on him Had you know been a part of this5 Billion Heist or $500 million Heist and She receives no compensation she said I Just did it because I you know like Because I love you or Whatever and so um and the guy calls his Wife and says I got him his wife's like You know his ex-wife the cop does and She's like yeah I always knew you were Right but Jesus Christ you were obsessed With it right and they talk about the Guy's obsession with the the crook and These things and then the thief said he Realized that you know when he was on The bridge there was the guy that Beeped and he knew that the guy was Responsible for everything that happened He knew that his wife was compromised And so that's why he was you know Hooking up with this other girl and the Envelope that he gave to the girl was

Two tickets to Switzerland cuz she Always dreamed to go there and he was Going to sell the gems and just be with This young your young bottle hot X Stripper Right and the guy's like you're you're Such a player You and so then the cop slaps him three Times he like how do you like It and so they just gone back and forth Slapping each other where they both felt Like they were had the upper hand in Terms of righteousness and the guy begs Him for a diamond and so the cop Pretends to hand him the diamonds and Then pulls it back at the last minute And just like speegs Him and so then the guy goes I have a Proposal for you it is a very great Proposal which you want to to split the Money with the cop and then they just End the movie there and it says oops Again but there's no secondary you you Don't see what happens you don't see What the cop does whether he decides to Keep the money or bring the diamonds Back right and you know the whole thing Is just like this um absolutely Mess I mean there's just things in there The dialogue and you know I can't even Do like justice to like some of the Dialogue and you know it's just so Foreign and so different and just filled I mean the plot holes are just you know

Evident in all these movies you know It's like movies almost like for Children like there's a like a childlike Innocence that they have for their you Know these these the the whole the Culture their their entertainment Anyways let me wrap this up here I have A little of a sore throat today okay I Just had one little thing to add about The ending of the movie which is kind of Important I I don't like the movie S but to get the full grasp of it so the Cop says to him that he was there at Every turn you know when he was wrecking This guy's life and the reason he was Doing it was because again there was the Reveal at this table where we was Talking to the guy and then there was a Reveal when they were on the mountain Toop where they're both adding details And what he was doing was he um was Trying to make sure the guy always was In poverty so that he would cash out the Diamonds like he knew the guy had the Diamonds which of course just by Intuition right and he was intervening In this guy's life even after the guy Was the judge said that the case is Closed he called this guy up and said That this guy has a warrant for his Arrest and he's a criminal to get him to Fire him right like he was manipulating This guy's life in a total abuse of Police Authority right like you have to

Have guidelines and rules and like they Were torturing these people and Manipulating their lives and he was Trying to keep the guy poor and so the Guy would cash out his diamonds but then He realized the guy wouldn't do it until He stopped harassing him so that's why He gave him the apology right which you Know the abuse of police Authority here And I don't know how much this is legal Or this is just what they put in movies I mean the bureaucracy in India the Corruption and again it's all you know Going back to what I was saying about Syria and these other countries you know It's so tribal and it's so um uh you Know Village based and it's so State-based and you know there's Different cultural issues across the Country they can't really have a Cohesive national government like we Have here where there's one language and You can see in America the difference Between the country people and the city People and the difference between each State and the the dialect and the Accents and these things across the Country right it's this is what happens You know it's really hard to keep people United even in a state level never mind A national level and certainly not in a Global level and so that stuff's going On of course the globe right now um but Anyways I just want to add this to this

Here you know the the stuff with the the Ending of the movie because it was Significant to the story right that this Guy was you know manipulating this guy's Life and then you you know all has a a Way just because he had you know an Intuition and intuition is great but you Know there's got to be rules of you just Can't do [ __ ] like that anyways only Spirituality will save this world it's Farano definitely point to the Apocalypse in the Ascension I want have A blessed day and be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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