The WHO Demand answers from China + What Don Lemon & MSN don’t get

The WHO Demand answers from China + What Don Lemon & MSN don't get

Okay greetings brothers and S sisters Today is Wednesday January 1st so we're Vented into the time of YouTube Censorship and um whatever else they do Demonetization of Videos because there's Less ad Revenue um so remember to like and Comment to do all the things and Membership and all the other things um I Got a message from YouTube on my Analytics great news more ads were Displayed with your videos helping your Channel earn more Revenue than usual if They are being honest four years ago was My best year ever financially on YouTube When the 2020 election hit and I Made four times the amount I made this Month right um so whatever they're doing Differently people are saying there's Plenty of ads so it must they're paying Less for ads like substantially so and I Don't know how it's working I've looked Into it I've tried to figure it out and You know I don't know but um this isn't Just for my channel seems like they're They're not as down on my channel as They' been before you know there's Various levels your channel can be in And I you know in terms of algorithms in Terms of the kind of ads they run and There's some privilege channels and they All suck and we're going to going to get Into that in a moment right the Privileged channels are the kind of

Channels that people do not come to YouTube to see I'm going to show you Don Lemons I think I'll start off with that And the media stuff but there's also Breaking news about the wh so I want to Get to all those things uh but you know Don Lemons and the people that they Favor are not what people go to YouTube For people who you can see them on Mainstream media and you don't want to See them right and so they have a very Small audience here comparatively to What they had like Don Lemon at CNN and Yet YouTube favors them whereas people That you want to see they hide you away Right which is you know you come to YouTube for your specific type of genre Videos you're looking for and your Specific people sometimes you found People and they still don't recommend Those people to you or whatever that's What the shadow baning is which is Bizarre business model and you know it's Just arrogant like I said before they You you search for something and they Say well we know what you want but we're Going to show you something else instead They game the search results to show you Different things and then what they Recommend to you and he wasn't like that Remember when YouTube worked and Google And the other search engines worked and Facebook all these social media Platforms when they worked you would get

What you were looking for they would Recommend to you things that they knew You wanted I mean if they're going to Spy on you they might as well they know What you want they have extensive data On you but they still try to push you in The other direction right which is you Know for a lot of reasons bizarre and All these things but we'll um come back To That uh so let's um let me show you this Um news clip first because this is very Indicative of what's happening this is Uh yesterday so it's the I think on New Year's Eve that this was or the day Before I don't know but either way it's On MSNBC and let's get into it here I do Promise you is that I will lead our Fight and I will enforce fairness in our Struggle and I will ensure Honesty and above all I will Act that was President Jimmy Carter Reaffirming his pledge to the American People of honesty no matter what it is a Long long way from where the country was When he took office to you mean right After nion got impeached Like right after Nixon got impeached Right you're saying that Honesty was There and then now it isn't like come on It's just there's differences yes and Every the evolution of media cable news And all these things and the lying is Much worse and there's much more access

To politicians you you barely saw Politicians right you had to turn on the Evening news and they would present Whatever news that was relevant to the Political campaign and that was about it Like there was no cable news when I was First first when I was a kid back then And stuff with Reagan and Jimmy Carter So there's three news networks three Channels and cable was I think was just I don't know when that even started but It was after that right we didn't have Cable TV till I was in high school and I You know maybe some cities and places That was earlier but either way it was Not something that um was around with Jimmy Carter but the previous president Was called tricky dick Right back then when honesty like people Say that [ __ ] all the time Joe Biden was Just saying the same stuff now I think Jimm Jimmy card was more sincere there Was a comment that somebody left where They're talking about all the things That you know the gas lines and the Various things and that everyone um like Jimmy Carter was the Joe Biden that led To the popularity of Reagan I don't know If I saved that comment doesn't matter But I think you know Joe Biden's much More sleazy than Jimmy Carter and you Know I don't know how sincere Jimmy Carter was and how you know less it was Controlled back then because it was

Still controlled but either way just Because Jimmy Carter got crapped on by The Establishment with the Iranian you Know the Iranian thing was not his fault At all and that was his downfall and the Economy probably wasn't his fault either But either way you know they always you Know they manipulate things the way they Manipulate things but that's not what We're talking about here we're talking About here here is what they're going to Say next today's culture of rampant Lineing with one party's leader total Dependence on ignoring the truth in a New book called beyond the big lie the Founder of the factchecking website Politic fact Bill Adair examines he Calls the epidemic of political lying Why Republicans do it more and how it Could burn down our democracy okay so This is going to segue in I one more Piece here before we get to Don Lemons So it's going to segue into there so I Want to cover that more but you know This idea that the Republicans do it More okay so but it's okay with the Democrats do right see it's not that the Republicans do it more it's just the Official story they both lie about the Same amount I mean their lies are Different and their origin of the lies But the Democrats have the official Story on their side but the official Story for the most part is just [ __ ]

Right it's not you know it's maybe There's some truth in there but it's not The truth and so this is what we Disagree with and I'll get into this When we show you Don Lemon because Dom Lemon gets rolled by one guy on the Street and then there's some more stuff I mean he just so horrible at his his Man on the street thing it's it's like It's great it's it's hilarious but this Guy is PolitiFact and it's based in Checking it on this on the story that's Written by known Liars the intelligence Community and the government and the Corporations right they're known Liars They lie all the time we're going to get Into this with CO as well and like their Job in the CIA is to lie to you the Intelligence communities MI5 MI6 Massad like all these various um Intelligence communities that are across The globe and every country has them is To lie to their people and lie to the Foreign governments and lie to the news And change reality just to fit the Agenda and everybody knows it right so We're not buying into it that's the Whole thing and this narrative I'll show You the big lie compilation before we go To Don Lemon because it's you know it's A talking point like she's involved in That this Marsha Tom whatever his name Is Mara Wallace and so you know let's Get into this thing here first badir

Writes this quote lying matters because It destabilizes our social fabric lying Matters because it threatens our Democracy lying matters because it Endangers our health lying matters Because it cripples our discourse with Such an imbalance of falsehoods our Political parties and elected officials Are unable to have adult conversations About the critical issues of our time so A massive joke was played on the Liberals and it's this when I grew up When Jimmy Carter was President the Conservatives America was so Conservative El lean so conservative and So religious that they own the narrative Right the conservatives own the The Narrative they own the official story And the Liberals were the conspiracy Theorists the young hippies and these People they were pushing what was Considered conspiracy theories I don't Know how much they use that term because I didn't watch the news but I knew this Right everyone knew that the uh Conservative mentality was sort of the Backbone of America and it started with A you know a religion that was Manipulated and you know was war-based Right because that's I mean Jesus wasn't War-based but the religion was and so You know you had this right it's a way The left owns the media now the official Story the right used to own the official

Story but the media started become more And more liberal and then these Boomer Hippies started to inherit positions or Work for positions and Corporations and where they had liberal Points of view now were running these Big businesses which wasn't the case Before and it became evident 2015 when They rolled out this agenda you know Remember it was uh whether biological Males would be able to um would be able To use the bathroom of females and 60% Americans said [ __ ] you we're not into That 60% of them because you know I mean It was to them batshit crazy and the Mainstream media in North Carolina Passed a bill that said only biological ICal males and could use the men's room And biological females can use the the Ladies room and North Carolina lost the NBA All-Star game amongst other things And corporations were putting pressure On like they had all these banks that Were you know set up in North Carolina It's like a banking capital of freaking America or something and these Corporations which now were liberal Agenda was pushing this right and so it Was clear now just like I said there was A moment where they said that you Couldn't go to church when you had when During the lockdown and covid science Was telling religion you can't have People in your church so science was the

New religion right so science became the New religion and the Liberals started to Push their agenda in 20156 and then Throughout because now they own the Official story they were in charge of What people thought of as the mainstream Media story and you know this this new Neol liberals and not true liberals but Whatever right people on the left but Unfortunately for them whether they Planned it or not or just happened with The onset of the internet they no longer People no longer subscribe to the Official story and there was better Explanations out there now there's a lot Of disinformation too but better Explanations and so the Liberals now own The official story but nobody watch [ __ ] news Anymore which is what this guy's talking About right and so the the right-wing People who are now sort of in the Minority in terms of the power blocks There's still a lot of conservatives but The right-wing people and older people Who grew up with a different you know Morality a different you know uh and Again it wasn't a better morality Because it was based in lies and Conservative [ __ ] but it's still you Know better than what we have now in Terms of no morality right and they Weren't they're not digging it and then Other people aren't digging it and so

People young people particularly too They get their internet their news from The internet so they don't believe the Official story and so this guy's saying That this is you know this is what the Cons conservatives used to say to the Liberals what this clown is trying to Say here they can't agree on facts Because one side denies the truth Bill Adair joins us now bill I don't know That there's a more legitimate claim to Mustre ahead of the inauguration than This but I'm so glad that you wrote it And I'm so glad that you're here I I Want to ask you this one thing that is Clear since election day is that Trump's Supporters don't believe him but Trump's Critics do on the issue of weaponization Of the government against political Enemies it's a mustre so what I'm going To show you with Don Lemon is somebody Calling you know saying the same thing I'm saying here there's a couple things That are happening the thing with the Wuhan lab and The Who and uh this thing with Don Lemon Where people are saying things I've been Saying for years and eventually people Catch up to to things right if you're You're ahead of the curve people Eventually start the mainstream Narrative starts including these things You know including the truth community And things I'm saying about spirituality

And things I've been saying for years Because it's not hard to figure out Where we're going it's not figure hard To figure out what the problem is it's Not hard to figure out how you find the Truth and and what we need to do people Just don't want the answer right people Don't want the answer I mean that's in Most people in the truth Community don't Want the answer people don't want to Hear they have to change right now the Evidence is overwhelming every one of us Has to change drastically and we don't Want to right like that's you know so There's a resistance to the truth Because when the truth is you have to Change and you don't want to hear that [ __ ] then you'll try you'll go to Somebody that tells you oh no you don't Have to change right that's this Trump Thing and all this other stuff and Everybody has to change and particularly The people with power and the people who Are the least capable of changing and so The people who are most set in their Ways and who have to do the most Changing but if you're talking about That this is the big lie right the big Lie was a talking point and it was a Reasonable anytime you say the there's Cheating and lying you're going to be Right like there's always cheating and Lying and so it isn't like the big lie Was like oh my God we have these

Impeccable Rel elections especially Since this was a the mail and ballots Centered election because they closed The economy because of Co and again I'm Not taking Trump's side here because Trump sucks and he's a part of it but For him and his people to come out and Say yeah there was problems with the Election yeah there always is there's Always cheating they're always trying to Gain an edge it's a scummy business Right but these people came out let me Show you the compilation you probably Seen it before but it's very important To this particular context and then We'll go to Don Lemons talking points And when the media and the politicians Use the same talking points it's a Nightmare like that's you know that's Where you have fascism where media and Corporations and the celebrity culture All are saying the same things you know Your civilization's in trouble right so You have you know CNN that counted Trump's lies in gumballs which was Great which always gives me a chuckle But this is the big lie it's the Gigantic lie the lie that's out of Control it's the big lie and so let's Get to it here is a lie but this lie his Big lie the big lie his own big lie the Big lie I I doubt any of them are stupid Enough to believe the big lie of the big Lie by the big lie deranged by the big

Lie they continue to perpetuate the big Lie that big lie and the big lie because The big lie the big lie is the big lie Is uh the big lie this whole big lie Election there is a new big lie making The round and big lies a big lie these Big Liars is the big lie the big lie is Just that a big lie president Trump told A big lie one of the biggest ever told This big lie is perpetrate an act upon The big lie that that Donald Trump Perpetrated the big lie the face of Provable lies lies that right now are Continuing big lie Trump's lies Conspiracy theorists would rather travel Across the country in service of the big Li Extraordinarily Dangerous to spread the big lie oppe the Big lie standing against the big lie Yeah I said it we know that the big lie Was cooked up you got the the big lie About the the function of the big lie Have been banned from sites like Facebook and Twitter but his interviews With right-wing media where he continues To repeat the big lie they're part of The big lie goal's in a great lie you Keep repeating the LIE repeating the LIE Big lie people will know it's one thing For one man one woman to repeat the LIE Over and over and over again so YouTube Recommended this for me uh for me from Joe Rogan and then I saw other people

Had covered it but I couldn't find it on Don lemon's Channel and so I'm not sure What happened to it like I'm not sure Where it went I don't know if Don Lemon Did this live and somebody caught it I Couldn't find it anywhere but um It might be in his short videos that you Know man on the street thing but hard to Say so he's got Don Lemon DL Download he's got the thing that on the Down lad um and he asked this guy uh About whether it's president musk and President Trump and I have a whole Second thing to show you like a whole Don Lemon segment to show you right but Here who is the real president elect do You think Donald Trump one by leave Democratic lawmakers in Washington are Calling Elon Musk president musk now and They're saying Donald Trump is the vice President or the head of communications What's what's what's what's wait a Second no no one said that really have You not watched paid attention to Absolutely not I'm paying attention to What I'm doing during my day so I can Try and get a better life and get ahead Okay do you have your phone with you I Do why don't you Google right now yes Tell me president musk and see what Comes up no but that's already a loaded Question you realize tell me give me the Sources axos Business Insider we don't Trust any of these the Common Man trust

Any of this ABC News Wasington po New York Times the Atlantic I don't trust Any of these oh oh oh I don't trust any Of them okay I don't trust any of these We're the common man we don't trust any Of these no one trusts the government no One trusts the common news we don't Trust any of that anymore Independent News we are the ones that own the news Now people trust me they don't trust MSNBC because I care and I'm actually One of them can't disagree with You I get a lot of people coming to me Saying I only watch I don't watch Corporate media anymore but you asked This guy to Google all these corporate Media Giants it's a great moment too Where I I have another short if um I Think it's in the the long video I'm Going to show you of him when he Interviews this woman about the same Subject right but he's got a hard on for Elon Musk because the whole Elon Musk Thing and so he covers it in multiple Videos on his channel but one very Specifically and I'm going to show you The whole bit of it because it's great But like he gets rolled by the guy cuz This guy says what I've been saying for Years now that we don't believe in the Mainstream narrative anymore it's the Same thing with the big live book by This you know PolitiFact guy and what Marsha Wallace was saying we do not

Subscribe to the mainstream story Anymore and so this is where the Liberals got [ __ ] because now they Control the mainstream story but now There's an alternative which comes from Liberals like mostly liberals who built The Internet tech people and these things You know educated people the people who Were mostly you know California liberals And now they've built something where America is verbalizing their own um Research and things and it's much better Than mainstream media and so we don't You know when you say the authority says This we're like well we don't subscribe To that Authority right and this guy Just said it and Don lemon's like I Can't disagree with you because he got Fired by CNN but there's this great clip Where you know he's not really doing Anything different that's where the Whole thing with Elon Musk realized that Don Levan was just going to do a CNN Stick on X and so Lon mus said I'm not Paying you to do your CNN stick it's Going to suck no one's going to watch it Right like Elon Musk was smart enough to See Don Lemon wasn't capable of becoming Alternative media but he says you know I Get people all the time saying I don't Watch mainstream news just you and Don Lemon thinks he's he's part of our group Now but he's not like he he goes back

And forth because he he's just Completely mainstream but he just sucks At it and now he doesn't have a platform Because nobody wants to hire him he's Just out there floundering and getting Rolled by people on the street like he's All boom P ba boom yeah axios yeah like All these you know the GU like yeah but We don't believe any of that [ __ ] That what it does we don't we don't look At that as being uh and the guy Don Lemon has to agree with him Don Lemon Lost that [ __ ] debate cuz he knows What everyone else knows well kind of Knows but we all know it that the Mainstream media sucks and we don't Believe in it and we don't have to Because we have an Alternative um we have alternative you Know sources for for information the Ones that CNN tried to call of reliable Sources non-reliable sources conspiracy Theories okay so I want to get to this Longer clip we'll get back to it a Second this is brief this shows how bad Don Lemon sucks Yo Don Lemon what's up what's up what's Up what are you listening to right now Right now Viking saw Baby look at how cool Don Lemon is he's Listening to Viking saw baby and then They play the music like this is some he Thinks that this is people can't see Through this that's a guy he's paying

It's not some man on the street this is A staged thing which you all know Because anybody can see it right he's Trying to look cool let's watch it again Right yo Don Lemon what's up what's up What's up what are you listening to Right now right now Viking saw baby boom Boom boom yeah look at how cool I am and Like people I recognized me on the Street and they're coming up to me and Saying this stuff maybe something like That actually happened you know people Still recognize the guy but they don't Recognize the guy with like oh my God we Missed Don Lemon wow Don Lemon was so Great like no one says that ever right Anybody saying that is like brain Dead and so when you stage things like This you're fake you like he's he's like The fake Internet people the people who Are in the internet who still subscribe To the main story and this is who YouTube's favoring YouTube is giving him The best possible um algorithms and the Best possible you know ad revenue or Whatever if he runs ads or whatever he Does I don't know what he does whatever Don Lemon wants YouTube's going to give It to him and people don't come to YouTube to watch this unless they want To make fun of Don Lemon the only reason To watch Don Lemon is to mock Don Lemon Right there's no reason to watch him in Terms of his content his content is

Particularly bad his interview SK skills Are horrible his man on the street Things are laughable right when you come On to to the man on the street thing With an agenda you don't lose when some Guy rolls you on your [ __ ] which Just happened we saw with this other guy Don Lemon came with an agenda to say It's Elon Musk who's President and not And not Trump and the guy just totally Made Don so I can't argue with you You're right like you know like you Don't lose debates like that you're Supposed to be controlling your own Narrative because you have an agenda You're supposed to make your your Narrative go in the direction to push Your agenda he you know he hates Elon Musk and he wants to say that Elon Musk Is a president not Trump but no one Believes that because Trump's such a Narcissist so let's get into it Here okay so this is Don Lemon at 5 live At lemon live at 5 and so he got 8,000 Views now his CNN show had hundreds of Thousands of views and he has whatever Sub lot lot of subscribers and people Who have I mean at least in terms of the Numbers maybe they're some of them are You know he paid for that but he has Insto followers and Twitter followers And he can only generate 8,000 views for A live show that has some you know he's Got to pay people right you can't make

Enough money to pay people on 8,000 Views and I don't think he's running ads Here I don't even know how he gets his Revenue he got $20 million from CNN so He's probably just hemorrhaging money I Would say it's that much but he's you Know he's got to pay a staff in a show That's never going to make money because He sucks right unless he makes a big Flub or Gaff he no one's going to watch His [ __ ] like he's never going to get Big um you know views Okay so just going to play just go Through it producer let's go through Some Democrats in Washington producer You got probably like two people that Are working for you right you need about One or two people and he's saying Producer he doesn't know the guy's name You only got one employee died who've Been positing in this and these are not This is just a few examples there have Been tons of them see there's Don Lemon In the background he has his TV on to Himself but it's different timed up so They have a TV clip of him behind him And then the fireplace he's in his Living room trying to be a news Banker Saying this and I don't think that They're going to stop saying it here it Is well first welcome to the Elon Musk Presidency a one where Donald Trump has Been relegated to be the vice president Clearly what Elon Musk wants Elon Musk

Is going to get there we go okay and There this just just an example just to Show you that I'm not making this up Here goes I'm not making it up news People are actually saying this the Democrats are actually saying why would The Democrats say this because they want To drive a wedge between Donald Trump And Elon Musk Donald Trump has Incredibly thin skin and he's cut off People before like Steve Bannon and Other people when he thought they were Getting more attention than he was and When he disagrees with Elon Musk on Something you know he'll either toss Elon must to the side or get into some Kind of thing with him whatever it is They're already competing because Trump Is taking True social public which is Going to be a billion dollar company and Tru social and Twitter X are Inc Competition and so the Democrats want to Drive a wedge between them because they Know how thin-skinned Trump is that's The only reason they would say this and They want to undermine Trump's Presidency but no one's believing it Like I watch CNN and MSNBC and I haven't Heard this so this is an abstract thing That's happened maybe a few people have Said it but it is it's only place I've Heard it is here it's obvious something That they would say but it's not like Some major talking point it's not like

The big lie right another one know Republicans just seem to be going nuts And so we'll see what it is that they Decide to do to the country um but I my Main question is just if Elon Musk is Kind of cosplaying co-president here I Don't know why Trump doesn't just hand Him the Oval Office or speaker Johnson Should maybe just hand Elon mus the gav If they just want that who is this guy Like you you're scraping the bottom of The barrel when you don't recognize the Person to run the country it's on cpan That's on [ __ ] C-SPAN this is how how Deep he had to go down to find something This narrative right like this is a Talking point the Democrats want to push Because they don't really have anything Else right now I they have lots of other Things but you know most of the stuff The stories have already you know the Stuff with thf K Jr the vote's going to Be there it's not and then the other People heg Smith Matt Gates is gone and Now stories are are behind us right like It's just they were there and now people Have moved on something else but they're Always going to be pushing something Like this right ah so there you go so Again now you guys can tell me if you Agree or disagree so this is look behind Him they're running this Feed it's it's behind what he's doing Now because it's going into the TV so

He's running his own feed behind him Like he's so unprofessional [Music] Like he's unprofessional for YouTube there it was oh there we read on A bill they signed It and you know she's a Appropriations Committee ranking member Democrat Conneticut oh what they got Scared because who's who's this schou President Musk told them president Musk said don't Do it see they've been saying that Donald Trump is a narcissist for years Which he is Donald Trump has a monstrous Ego and Donald Trump is all about Appearances like we know from his Financial dealings that he wasn't a good Businessman but he's good at selling Himself and you see this over and over Again through the apprentice and all These things and all the stories around Him he made bad businesses decisions but He was always able to get people to give Him money and give him jobs like this The Apprentice and even convince the American people some of them to vote for Him because he's good at selling himself And he really cares about what people Think about him and he's very Performative and so they're saying this Only because of that not because Trump Would ever allow someone else to be President right Trump doesn't listen to

Other people and so whatever Relationship he has with Elon Musk They're saying this As a way to get at Donald Trump because They know like they've been saying for Years he's he's the he's the most Conceited arrogant narcissist so why Would they say that he would allow Somebody like M just like when they say That Putin's running the country right They're trying to undermine people's Confidence in him but mostly you're Trying to get under his Skin okay so this is my question so if Republicans were calling him president Musk or president that probably would be Like President Soros right that I think That's that would be their what they Would be saying so even if if Republicans were doing that I see look This is behind like by a couple like 20 Seconds is legitimate to ask what do you Think is a legitimate president but Nobody takes that Republicans seriously That say Republican president Soros I Mean there's the the people like if You're thinking about the people and the The the power behind the throne it goes Soros is just what people say in the Republican party is the most superficial Easy answer right Soros is something That people on Fox News know about and You know remedial like people who think They're truthers but they're not right

So there's a much more sophisticated Story but nobody takes a Sor stuff Seriously like nobody's taking the President must stuff seriously but Don Lemons thinks that this is you know like Some sort of alternative media that he's Doing like he's he's using mainstream Stories but obscure mainstream stories And his dislike for Elon Musk cuz Elon Musk fired him cuz Elon Musk saw that This guy was just going to do his crappy Seon end show on the internet and it was Going to fail epically because it has Right like his Elon his Elon Musk Interview was his you know that was how He entered into social media and he got Lots of views and he did so poorly no One came back to watch because of him Like you know you might have a viral Video like I had videos years ago that Went you know I had videos that got 2 Million views right and you know I had To cater to dummies to do that and was Where my content was anyway I wasn't Doing it on purpose but you know my Content is better now like I'm better at Seeing the truth and you know what the Truth Community was 10 years ago is you Know where I was 10 years ago a lot of People are still there and then a lot of People are right-wing truthers who are Not even there yet right so that's crazy But you know there's a lot of dummies Out there that you can cater to and Don

Lemons can't even cater to dummies like His stuff is there for dummies and There's lots of dummies there's lots of Dummies who don't like mainstream media But they're Democrats and they might Like something Don Lemon puts on but He's so incoherent and he can't frame a Narrative and he can't you know he can't Stagecraft he puts his own picture Behind him his own like he doesn't this Producer say you know why I mean why is He doing it here why have a TV there Right Like [ __ ] it'd be okay with the Fireplace you want to make this like Kind of cozy but you don't put a show That you're on your show running a Couple minutes slower behind you right Like you're you're talking about you Know narcissism you Biden or is it blah Blah blah so when people like sort of Question that they show I think blah Blah blah was underrated or biased just To show You some other evidence of getting this President riled up and that folks are Doing it again it's not there are Dem The Democratic lawmakers in Washington To do it are doing it but people are Having their fun on social media as well And it's not just the Democrats let's Play It here's um look at some of these Memes um breaking reports are growing

That Trump is atate over people this is Trump lies commentary this is a Democrat This is just don't say this is not just Democrats seeing Elon Musk as a President obviously this is an AI image This is a do image is it Elon Musk Doesn't have a throne and Trump isn't Kneeling before it but these images are Showing up all over social media all Over like haven't you seen 10 of them Like have you seen any of them before This have you ever heard of this before This idea any of you guys they're all Over social media look at these memes Look at this [ __ ] meme digit all over The Internet it's not just social media Um yeah look at the this o o boy but This one Cuts Like Cuts right to the Center of this truth here again showing Up on social media obviously doctored Images but again who did this uh again All over boom and I you know I kind of Have never seen this especially as it Relates to Donald Trump I haven't seen that Elon in the Middle and there's there you go o wow o Wow that's he's a butler Donald Trump's A butler in this one my God the the the Brainiacs out there making these Internet Memes so as I said oh this one is is so Cute he think boom ah oh he steering Like a little kid in the back Seat o this one is has a o oof French

Maid now that one is not imagine that oh Boom he's a Jester Boom Jester okay so anyway these are Brutal these are brutal dogs happening And this is again legitimate questions Because brutal dog brutal he's got the Memes behind him here people are Actually wondering who is in charge Exactly I believe I believe they're Wondering how much influence Does Elon Is Elon Musk going to have I think That's it the the real question here Play with the lawmaker that you said is Okay so the reason they put Joe Biden in Because Joe Biden and Trump were very Similar in character and you know the Their age and their personality types Very similar you know one was in Business and this you know a a fraud in Business the other one was a fraud in Politics but they were very you know They're within a couple of years of each Other they grew up in similar like kind Of circumstances to time period and they Had similar personality types but the Difference is that Joe Biden was Completely handled and I think part of That was also his his mental decline but He has always been handled because he's Been a politician for years he's part of The establishment and Joe Biden was Telling you know like remember how Joe Biden always said I'm going to get in Trouble I should stop I'm going to get

In trouble like who was going to get you In trouble who's like who's going to Lock you in the closet or put you in Timeout Joe like because he had all These handlers and Trump is less handled He certainly is handled but the people He's handled by are the business people That he's had to bow down for to bow Down to for years and you know there's Those you know that that element but Trump is more of a rogue person and so Like if you're going to talk about Someone being a puppet it's Joe Biden And you know that's neither good nor bad Because neither one of these clowns Should be making decisions Trump Shouldn't be making decisions because He's horrible at it he's run one Business you know all his business is Into the ground he's a failure and a Loser and Joe Biden's people who handle Him they're evil so like either way like You can pick your poison right but like There's like there's no insight to any Of that from Don Lemon because he's Clueless Because he's showing himself on a TV Screen running on a delay right it's Just a republican lawmaker right who's Saying basically I think the Republican Lawmaker saying he may not be the President but he's certainly akin to um What did he say it was a head of state Partisan deals negotiated and led by the

Speaker of the house at what role Exactly where's he going wa where Where's Don going he just got up in the Middle of his show is he playing here It's kind of interesting we have a President we what going what's he doing Over here Vice President we have a Speaker it feels like as if Elon Musk is Our tending to his fire Minister and and I' I spoke with Elon a couple times this Week I think many of us unelected well Unelected but I mean he has a voice and He has a voice that's yeah we all know That that's not but hidden what' you get Up and do there Don there you go so even That guy is saying he's like there's an Some unusual power from some who's not Elected as Margaret Brennan said they All have advisors right they all have Their people that are there and their You know I mean just silly you mean There's no other handlers they're all Handled it's silly like just this is a Silly Nonevent this is what it caused Donald Trump to do this weekend as he was Speaking at uh T Tpusa Tpusa create the new Department of Government efficiency headed by Eli Musk and no he's not taking the Presidency I like having smart people You know the they're on a new kick Russia Russia Russia Ukraine Ukraine

Ukraine all the different hoaxes and the New one is President Trump has seeded The presidency to Elon Musk no No that's not Happening look at Don Lemon is so happy Of course he's going to say that because Trump has the thinnest skin ever like Even the most obscure thing if Trump Hears about it he has to talk about it Because you don't could never just be Like oh they're trying to bait me Trump Is the easiest person to work and They're working him in a very like Obscure way because no one's really Saying that right elon's done an amazing Job isn't it nice to have smart people That we rely on don't we want that not a Great job he's not going to be president That I can tell You and I'm safe you know why he can't Be he wasn't born in this Country start of joking it off there but Come on come on come on come on look At enough to Respond H really thing have more views It's such cutting edged material do I Can't believe that they don't see you With all the great algorithms the way That YouTube recommends you and pushes You out there and and all the love that You've gotten and the the way that you Came on to your internet show by having An epic interview with Elon Musk in Which he fired you like on the [ __ ]

Spot because you did such a bad job and Then the way that you went and did Interviews and CNN and other places and Then your show is like dying a painful Death I mean he gets you know slightly More views than I get right with all the Algorithms and all the issues and all The ways truthers are you know um Discriminated against the fact that I Have an abrasive personality and I'm Always pissing off people even people Like my show and and like he's getting My kind of numbers and he has a staff And all these other things right it's Silly like it's you're horrible at this Thing like you're you're just not good Nobody wants to listen to what you have To say you don't have like a a good mind And a good grasp of reality right where You get rolled by people on the street You come up with these remedial stories Like you're making some Cutting Edge Declaration this thing's just a goof It's goofy it's memes and [ __ ] it's Goofy [ __ ] right Really really enough to respond I think It really got to him and you know what Really got to him I'm pretty pretty sure All of those memes and everything got to Him but I think this is the what do they Call the piece of resist you think he Watched every one of those memes St this Is the big one that I think really got To him roll the Lincoln

Project project salutes vice president Donald Trump as vice president Trump Will finally have the ton to do the Things that make him happiest talk about Old movies playing on his phone admiring The assets of other men meanwhile President musk can get down to the Business of running the country we at The Lincoln project are confident that Donald Trump understands his position Elon is smarter wealthier more Charismatic has a far superior and more Successful social media platforming Company is more successful with women Donald Trump's thing's worth $2 Billion and he's going to make Bank on That you know I told him you know I tell Him I said he should have done that Years ago and he would have had a place To speak remember they totally Deplatformed Trump after he lost the Election and the January event thing Happened but Lincoln project sucks I Mean this is just bad content right like They're just horrible not because They're liars and you know not because Trump's good it's just they're so Remedial I don't know how they keep Afloat like anything I've seen from them Is so subpar but of course Don Lemon Thinks it's Brilliant and a better dancer as President musk and his assistant JD Vance select appointees and write

Policies we feel certain Trump will play His part because he's a good boy who's a Good boy Trump's a good Boy boom lincol Project wow that's brutal what did you Guys think of that brutal it's so [ __ ] brutal Don brutal I mean they Just cut to the the heart of the matter Do you think that got to him I think That it did look remember um I don't Know if it's look I I'm not say I'm not Saying this so don't blame me and don't Say that I'm stirring up mess with Trying to start mess I you're not you're Not starting mess you are a mess D this Show is a mess you're I'm not saying it I'm just covering other people are Saying it go ahead and say it like like This is some hard take I'm not willing To come out and say that musk is really The president I just don't want to make That I'm not saying other people are Saying it not Me just reporting the News and maybe the folks who are they Don't want to hear it they going to Pretend that they don't hear the news And they don't know what's going on but Y'all know what's up we know what's up Because we're watching Don Lemon we're The brainiacs I mean we're the We're The Cutting Edge of of of human Consciousness and you know Donald Trump Is not going to like Trump is thin

Skinned so I know that he's pissed him Off Winky Campbell bring in winky like He got a Comment so and and and think and if It if It if he does not like It right this cat just ran [Laughter] Through look at look at this cat's like Right here sleeping it's going to get up And run through if It if he does not like it his dog Right then dog can't even stand like my Dogs are both sitting here they look at Me every once in a while but it's they Like to be in here with me dog wants to No be part of Don he's going to respond To it if he doesn't care about it he's Not going to respond to it okay so There's let's get at it So you understood that's I'm you Understand what's going on here again Hilarious says Linda ferker I agree with It Linda ferker is the best we need more Ferker more fker Don she says [ __ ] like Hilarious I mean need fker we we don't Have enough Fker and I think that he does care let's Go to the folks on the street go Lincoln Project uh because I went to the street And I asked people about it some of them Didn't know about it some others Pretended that they didn't know okay I Didn't know till I saw this thing right

I had no idea like and I watched the News regularly till [ __ ] on It like you know I I watch the news when I eat lunch and I watch MSM and CNN and It gets recommended to me by YouTube and I didn't hear any of it like the only One I saw some they sent me a clip from Joe Rogan covering that clip because Joe Rogan was was loving that guy rolling Don Don Lemons then I looked for the Clip this is the only person I've seen Talk about this right and the people he Showed were all abstract and the thing From a Lincoln project you know they're All going to say that right of course They're going to say that I mean it's an Obvious like it's so remedial it's an Obvious link to Make But here we go let's roll it man on the Street this is from our social media Let's roll it presidents do we have Right now we have two who are they Biden And Trump I thought you were going to Say musk and Trump no musk is the vice President he is yeah he's the real vice President yeah even though he wasn't Elected even though JD V where's he been Yeah but you know Democrats in Washington are calling uh Elon Musk President musk and saying that Donald Trump is a vice president yeah I've Heard that I think that's um that's Going to happen Trump is he's gone he's

Lost musk is even worse because he's Cheerleading this guy on like Politically mean we over what's over Life in America is over what so Don's so Lazy he's got to bring his dogs for a Walk when he's interviewing these people Right his dogs just got to sit here Listen to his Driil just watch what they do H just Watch what they do Boom the man on the Street Cutting Edge done getting it from The man on the street my little Santa Hat on now listen we edit I had that Sand hat on just great like it was it Was Christmas time to social media but We don't edit to change anything there's Nothing that changes we may shorten them We may talk make them a little bit Faster um so we speed them up we edit Things out but we don't change Anything he just said that [ __ ] but we Don't change this this is what those Folks say we don't don't edit it like This guy didn't say the opposite of that We he didn't say that no that's wrong And the clip that that that said that IIT hit away right because you don't Have the one guy who confronts him right This is a show he's putting on so the Guy who confronts him which I can't find That clip it might be on Facebook or Something but I can't find that anywhere So somebody caught it but it's not there You know easily it's not easy to access

I looked all through Don lemon's [ __ ] Which is a freaking nightmare and I Couldn't find it I know that some people Say oh this is very heavily edited it's Not heavily edited it's just so we kind Of fancy them up a little bit the clip I Used was somebody else who had saved it Was the best version I found a few of Them but he that guy had the best one Okay here's one More who's a real president elect what Do you mean okay so you didn't hear what She Said right he cut off what she said There and what she said was hi CNN Because I saw the short clip I'm going To go show you the short clip here okay So here it is right here the whole clip I'll show you that in a second this is The guy we just heard these are other People we're going to see United Healthcare are you concerned about drone Sightings these are just his things this Is Don story time at the lemon household They're eating the dogs they're eating The cats they're eating the pets of the People that live there this is kind of Narcissist he is he's reading his own Book to his dogs and they got this music Playing behind this you the scene They've set up in their multi-million Dollar home that he's paid for with CNN Money that they had to give him right Which is a whole thing but this guy is

An absolute ass clown and he's like not Funny and he's not good at he doesn't Understand how bad he is he's totally Like toned death to his own suckiness But this is the guy you saw and this is The other clip and she's going to come In and say he CNN who's the real President she says hi CNN because she Doesn't know Don Lemon has been fired Right she doesn't know that Don Lemon is Like an absolute freaking ass clown that They fired and CNN was hemorrhaging Money and so they were getting rid of Him because he was a nightmare and they Put him on the morning show because he Had this contract he couldn't get rid of And then he they fired him they tried to Fire him for cause for being abusive and Sexist to women his co-anchors and other Flubs he made but the he want the Settlement and he got like $24 million Of CNN is already like just hemorrhaging Money they're failing epically and he You know he suck CNN sucks and he Couldn't even do CNN he had no audience His you know his not his late his late Night show got canceled his 9:00 show Got cancelled and they put him on the Morning show he failed epically there They fired him and they had to pay him $24 Million and this woman doesn't know cuz They don't no one watches mainstream Media anymore right president-elect what

Do you mean they're calling Elon Musk President musk now oh well I mean that's Just internet chatter no it's lawmakers And no it's not well what the reason you Don't tell them no you know you're You're not there to tell people like This is not we'll go we'll watch this We'll go back to his Regular Show here In a second but you're there to get Their opinions they're there to validate Your [ __ ] and when she said that's just Internet chatter that's just internet [ __ ] Don all of us know it it's Silly no one really believes that it's Not a real story no it's the real people Are saying it I I mean I really you're Not there to convince people of [ __ ] you Keep on getting rolled like you suck at This his dogs don't want any part of him They're over here like pissing and [ __ ] behind him he's oblivious to it Doing this thing on the street he's got Some person on their phone like a he's Got probably one staffer now that does All this stuff right some like you know Some kid who's like too lazy to get a Real job you he's working for Don LeMans And like his probably is his dog walker Who's like you know internet Savy so let's get back to the show here They're calling Elon Musk president musk Now oh well I mean that's just internet Chatter now he's put some music behind It like to make it you know even more

Annoying it's lawmakers in Washington All the Democratic lawmakers are going On television saying president all of Them all the law makers in Washington Every one of them are going on Television you showed us two people we Don't even know who the [ __ ] they are You didn't show us Chuck Schumer saying It you didn't show us Nancy Pelosi Saying it people that we know who their Names are you showed people we didn't Even know who they are you just said all Of those people like this is you're Supposed to be a journalist right well I Mean that's just internet chatter no It's lawmakers in Washington all the Democratic lawmakers are going on Television saying president musk wanted To get rid of the co are oh I think Elon Musk wasn't in the last election so how Could he they didn't say that like what Are you talking about silly be president Election she has to explain this she Doesn't like even though Don Lemons is [ __ ] off CNN and she still has to Explain it to him do you think it's Going to take Donald Trump off if people Keep calling Elon Musk president musk I Don't know I don't Know no one what why do you think that Clip to completely destroys your point Of view dot none of the people heard it You showed another guy who didn't hear It he kind of agreed with you in a

Joking way these other people had want No part of you they still think you work At CNN you had to argue with them and Make up [ __ ] about all the law all The lawmakers Democratic lawmakers were Were saying it and they weren't and they Didn't give you anything there that was Not worth showing that was showing your Failure I wanted to answer that right so Uh anyway a lot of folks have not heard About it I bet they have now that Donald Trump is responsible here's another one You said in the beginning most of the People are heard about or they're Pretending they Didn't like nobody heard about it look At him do we have Co-presidents uh have you seen that is Democrats are on say again is his name Elon Musk that's what Democrats are on Television call well she figured it out Don Elon Musk president musk and that Donald Trump is the vice president or The head of communications for a President mus J V sure isn't a vice President wow do you think do you Believe that wow wow he said it wow this Is amazing content well listen to him Donald Trump is the vice president or The head of communications for president Must J vire is a vice president do you Think do you believe that wow wow she Said it wow wow this woman in a red hat On the

Street uh well not in an election style But I think he's obviously Influencing the government how much Longer do you think Donald Trump is Going to put up with someone calling Elon Musk president musk forever you Think he will she's smart he's putting Money out there she's smart see she's Smart This Woman's smart I should let Her have her own show she's pretty smart That's smart she just she she just gets It he money thank yeah she's a smart one She's a smart one by the way she was From uh Nashville this one this one you Can tell by her her non-existent in Southern accent Memphis Nashville she uh It just gotten engaged the day before And she asked me to um be the officient Of her wedding we'll see if she comes Through with it if she really wants me To then I'll do it I'll fly down Okay And she said do I have to fly you first Class I said of course you Do okay [ __ ] so he's gonna have to fly her he's GNA she's gonna have to fly him first Class down to Nashville to officiate her Wedding like you just met her on the Street like what's happening Don okay uh I I believe we have one more here we go So if I had talked to somebody Ian this Isn't even a fan of his show just Someone he randomly said on the street Someone said I want you to officiate my

Wedding and I'll be like no thanks I Mean I can't do it Anyway no I I'm gonna fly down to Nashville I have time for that right I Have co-presidents right now you think Co-presidents the Democrats are calling Elon Musk president musk now and Donald Trump vice president m not the Democrats Like an obscure amount of people and Some goofy thing done by the linking Project you show no evidence that this Is a widespread phenomenon vice President Trump or head of Communications what do you think of Democrats calling in president musk I Haven't seen that personally I think That's odd that he's in that position of Power and for people to call him that I Don't know if he's the best person to be Representing us in our government H so Smart folks okay smart folks boom so Here's the thing um when you ask folks These questions they believe that that's Sometimes people think at least they try To pretend that that is something that That I think H do I think that Elon Musk Is the president of the United States Elect no of course not so what the [ __ ] Was This if you don't even think it nobody Thinks it do so what what is this right Why did you do This I'm not stupid I'm not stupid Then why why did you present it like

That right I'm not stupid then that was Just a total was this is great I didn't Even see this I you know I only watched A little bit of this but do I think that There is a uh that Democrats have an Agenda to call him That yes yeah so what like so it's a lie So the Democrats are lying about calling This to provoke Trump and so like it's Silly like what is this what is this Thing you just did like this Non-existent story and you suck at it Like it's not like you know you just did It Seamlessly it's a horrible story a Non-existent story that you flubbed from Beginning to end I think it's worth Asking yes do I think is it uh will it Work on him is that work worth asking Absolutely is he gonna lose his mind Over it I think that's worth Asking what's happening behind you Don Because Donald Trump see look at he's He's back when he this is like a 30- Second delay you know Donald Trump likes The spotlight there's only so much Room uh and for the spotlight and the CLE lights can only be on him twirling Kga gave Don five bucks look they had They 50 bucks Don this is off topic but I generally concerned about what the Major negative event may happen under Trump in 8 years of George W bush we had 911 the Iraq and Afghanistan war and

Trump's last term major mismanagement of Co among other things okay and then You're going to give Don 50 bucks for That so you can get your comment on here Like that this is Don this is like him You know this is what what it takes to Get like on Don Lemon show you have to Give him money to post these comments CLE lights can only be on Him so that is a legitimate question to Ask do you think an everyone has been Asking this everyone how long is this Going to last even Republicans have been Asking this that someone is sharing Donald Trump has to share the spotlight With someone especially when the person Sharing that Spotlight is is out shining Them okay so who gives a [ __ ] like who Gives a [ __ ] I mean it would probably be Better for all of us if Elon Musk was Gone doesn't matter none this stuff Matters it's silly and so this is a non Story let's go back to this one clip Here okay so go to back to the beginning Of his show here right this was his Premise this is was his setup okay so Just going to play just go through it Producer let's go through some Democrats In Washington who have been positing in This and these are not this is just a Few examples there have been tons of Them saying this and I don't think that They're going to stop saying it here it Is well first welcome to the Elon Musk

Presidency uh one where Donald Trump has Been relegated to be the vice president Clearly what Elon Musk wants Elon Musk Is going to get there we go okay and There this just just an example just to Show you that I'm not making this up Here go Because I make [ __ ] up all the time Because I'm not a real journalist and I'm now on the internet so no I don't Have an edit or anything and nobody's Telling me what's good content or not so Just so you know yeah you are just Making it up because you know there's a Few examples that was some obscure Democratic representative from California and people talk [ __ ] all the Time and what you're what you've Reported on is the Democrats are a bunch Of liars who want to provoke the current President who is thin into narcissistic And try to divide him and drive a wedge Between him and Elon Musk by claiming That he's just second fiddle like that's All you said Democrats are they produce Talking points and [ __ ] when they Should be trying to solve the AO imp Pending apocalypse and that they're Supposed to be the sane ones in your Worldview and they're the ones who are Doing these little petty things to Provoke Trump instead of trying to Figure out how to stop America from Collapsing right but here's the real

Piece that I want to get to here so Let's revisit this this is Linda ferker Remember ferker ferker Ferker um this is when he gets these Comments here but he just rolled the Lincoln project clip right and you know I was making fun of other stuff here but This is where like he admits that this Is just [ __ ] right like this is a Nothing Burger I think that I did look Remember um I don't know if it's look I I'm not say I'm not saying this I'm not Saying it remember so don't blame me and Don't say that I'm stirring up mess with Trying to you're totally are because no But you're not stirring up Ness cuz Nobody watches you you know we'll go to His comments in a in a bit here maybe His real comments I don't know if he's Deleting them we'll go see and look at It but you know I think probably a good Portion of his audience are people who Want to make fun of him right um because He gets made fun of a lot and like even You know Joe Rogan has a much bigger Audience is making fun of him like People still are bitter about how shitty He was over at CNN but you know I mean this is really Sad here like he doesn't understand that This is not something that you cover Like it's not a real story it's only a Real story from the sense that I'm Showing you this is how mainstream media

Works and this is how YouTube works that YouTube is promoting [ __ ] like this Right and mainstream media is this is Their me mentality Where they cover things that are just Like they're nonsensical there's nothing Here the Democrats are trying to provoke Trump and Trump's will get whatever Provoked he will but his relationship With Elon Musk will end because of Trump's you know turns on everybody Eventually and so that'll go whatever Course it'll run its course but it'll Have nothing to do with the Democrats And this goofy talking point start mess I am just reporting the news it's not News Don and maybe the folks who are they Don't want to hear it they going to Pretend that they don't hear the news And they don't know what's going on but Y'all know what's up see this is where He gets into where he gets diffuse like He gets lost in his own show Right and you know Donald Trump is not Going to like it so and it and thing and If It if It if he does not like It right right yeah done Right then what he's going to respond to It okay that's that yeah okay brilliant [ __ ] what analysis doesn't care about It he's not going to respond to it okay

Good analysis if he does care about it He will if he doesn't care he won't you Heard it right from This brilliant C Code Cracker So you understood you understand what's Going I know D you explain again cuz I I Just thought that quick that I could Understand something this complex again Hilarious says Linda ferker I agree with Ferker and I think that he does care Let's go to the folks on the street okay Uh because I went to the street and I Asked people about it some of them Didn't know about it some others Pretended that they didn't know so this Is his take like he has three people That are on the street that should be Thrown away right if you're presenting Something as an argument for coverage of A story that doesn't exist you don't Present three people who have no idea What you're talking about or four people Whatever it is it's four people I showed You the guy before that he didn't put up There so every person he had to explain It to not one person knew about this Ahead of time so this isn't a news story That's going around the internet because No one knew about it he got he went 0 For four he said some people pre Pretended not to know about it nobody Knew about Don because it's a Non-existent internet [ __ ] like that

Woman said right and not one person Supported the first guy said yeah in a Joking way just to go along with Whatever you were saying but no one Really supported it because you don't Even support it you don't even want to Put your hand get your hands dirty on This one saying I'm not saying it the Mainstream media is saying it right this Is his [ __ ] Content and it's a reflection of this is The kind of person that was he had held The prime time spot in CNN this is the Brilliant news mind and Journalistic integrity of a guy who Pretends that some guy asks him what He's listening to on the street and he Thinks people don't see through it and He thinks it's going to go viral it's Bad content it's like silly he's like a Silly little man right he's a silly Little man fromont of his fireplace in a TV show showing a delayed um uh a Delayed feed of his program that he Doesn't even uh like nobody watches And he doesn't even believe In so these are the comments right Democrats before losing Trump is um Hitler and a dictator Democrats after Losing Trump is elon's puppet emojis Back to the drawing boards where's the Current president VP desperate Don satad It's a clown show Trump hates to share The spotlight unless they have money

Trump needs this is there like you know Most of these comments the first ones um Sort By top comments these are the top Comments right the first two are people Who don't like Don Lemon I don't know What the clown show means if she means Don Lemon or Trump probably Trump um but You know the majority of these Comments the memes are very creative Trump is phoning in and musk is the Answering the call So um this is their like comment section Here right some of these are supportive Some of them are Dopey but a lot of These Don Lemon is a clown you know this Kind of stuff here happy holidays Don um and I'm sure they delete a lot of These comments I don't know if he pays Somebody to do it I don't think he reads These comments when he's not on the live Feed and so um this person 7,000 views In 14 hour yikes right so like there's Lots of people that are coming here so Out of these 7,000 views there's um now 8,000 views you know I would say 2,000 Of them are people who are mocking them Right coming him to mock him and so um Jesus Christ Di like at what point do you realize It's just your pathetic like you're you Know he has every Advantage I he has all Kinds of mainstream media privilege and YouTube privilege and he has money

Behind him and he can't produce Something that he can't get like you Know regular audience of people who want To hear what he has to say I mean this Is about people not whing his analysis Because it sucks right and I you got to Be really stupid to watch them like you Have to be like the lowest of the low in Terms of your ability to comprehend Reality so I have um something to say About Don Lemon and something to add About Don Lemons and then you know make A greater point about all this type of Media and my channel here and and the Rest of it right the in the big spectrum Of things right Don Lemons is really [ __ ] clueless and I don't know how Clueless he was in the beginning of his Time of CNN he was probably sharper in The beginning maybe he's had some Cognitive issues since then but right Now he has no idea what he's doing he Has no idea what's going on in world Around him very much like Joe B And to Donald Trump to to some extent But Donald Trump is at least it better At this one thing you know it's his one Really great quality for him it's not Great for the rest of us but it's great For Donald Trump and that is he knows What his audience wants to hear he knows What's interesting to people he knows How to tell a story he knows how to Captivate a crowd and he knows how to

Captivate Captivate this specific crowd A crowd he really doesn't identify with Or believe in and doesn't really share Much with the the trumpers and Trump are Very different right he's an elitist Silver Spoon millionaire son who grew up In New York and a part of the Beast and A part of the the whole establishment And these people are anti-establishment You know he's he is the Deep State like He is the the poster child for a Corporate person who's a part of the Deep State don't doing deep State [ __ ] And then he comes in and convinces these People that he's going to take down the Deep state that he is like like a a Lover of and has been empowered by and Has been uh blessed by the Deep state Right so it's very interesting Dynamic And he's able to convince these trumpers No matter what the evidence shows that He's one of them and he clearly isn't And he knows what they want to hear and He says it and so Don Lemons sees this Story and he knows it's not true because He says it he says it twice he says it You know what with the two clips I the Clips I just showed you in the beginning And at the end of it he doesn't believe That Elon Musk is a legitimate president And that's a conspiracy theory right This idea of having handlers and people But Elon Musk was never Donald Trump's Handler Elon Musk was somebody that

Donald Trump brought on board because Elon must endorsed him he became a a Donald Trump fan and so Donald Trump Loves fans and so especially somebody Who's rich and smart and these things Right and however long that lasts or not Last he's not the legitimate president And who would want to be that like Elon Musk isn't going to run for president Right I mean even if he could it's much Better you know in the Sark tradition The teachings it's better to be friend Friends of the king than the king Himself you know be the the king's Bestie right and you're in a position Where you can make changes or do things Or enjoy the the wealth and privileges Of the king and not be responsible for The results right you're just there with The King you know and like when the the People will turn on the king you're like I didn't know that guy he wasn't really My friend I was a you know like whatever And so being friends with the king is Better than being the king itself which You know makes total sense if you think About it in every possible way you know People want the power they want the Position but it's better to sit on the Sidelines and affect change and you know Be have a seat at the table and not deal With the consequences thereof right I Mean all these positions that you're the Head of this department head of that

Department Elon musk is just this Advisor person who no matter what Happens probably won't get blamed for it Maybe will you know by the media just Because he's Elon Musk but if he was Somebody less known he could just skate Through and nobody even know he's doing It and it' be better to be completely Anonymous on top of it right but Elon Musk can change things for his benefit His company's benefit and his you know All these things that he's I he's Already benefited quite a bit from the Democratic policies on electric vehicles He's got billions of dollars of Government money to do his corporations And all these other things that he does Either way everyone knows this is a Ridiculous story and as much as Don Lemons and CNN push back against Truthers they know conspiracy theories And things that pop that are out outside The the lam stream you know media boring Narratives and the bandwidth the narrow Bandwith that they're they allowed to to Operate in he knows that you have to say Things that are you know edgy so he Thinks this is kind of edgy but it's not Like he found some memes he saw a few People talking about it and he made it Bigger than it was and his people are Like this is nothing like it's not Interesting and he doesn't understand Why it's not interesting because it's

Not like interesting right with all the Things that you have accused Donald Trump of the criminal Behavior with all The things are going on with like Pete Heth and you know these other guys Matt Gates and other these people you know Him you know being triggered by people Saying that that Elon Musk is the real President isn't a you know it's just not Even something worth talking about and He's putting it in the title like it's Clickbait and he's putting it out there Like you know this is something that's Going to grab people's attention and It's not because he doesn't understand People like they're so far beyond Something as silly as this and all these People said the same thing most of them Said the same thing you know three out Of four were basically saying to him Yeah this is just a way to provoke Trump And it's not real and the media isn't Trustworthy and you know he doesn't even Understand that his content doesn't Support his own content right his own Premise because he's clueless right Because you have to understand what's Interesting to people and why they might Watch you right so for me it isn't Because I'm social like the things that People suggest that I do do live streams Where I you know call people's names out And hey you know that [ __ ] I'm horrible At that why would I ever do that when

I'm horrible at it you know it's what People want they want to be acknowledged They want you know interaction but I'm Not going to you know I'm not I'm not Good at that I'm not a social person Right and so you know what's good about What I present if I'm not going to be Social you know when I waited tables Years ago you know I wasn't a social Waiter but I was technically good at Delivering the food you know I have a Pattern recognition mind I figure out How the restaurant worked I figured out How to get in the good graces of the the Cooks and the people cooking the food You know we go out and buy them a beer Or something you know whatever it is Right we'd hang out a little bit you Know socially connected to the the Kitchen because you know there was Female waitresses that the cooks were Interested in romantically or whatever Were flirting with right and so you know You had to do something to be like Pals With them right I was always Pals with The kitchen and so if there was an issue Which it almost never was and that was The other thing Like I didn't [ __ ] up a lot my orders or Anything like that CU I was organized Even though I'm dyslexic and I have you Know issues with that kind of stuff I'm Not I'm kind of a sloppy person I was Able to manage my tables not get

Stressed out even if I was in the weeds And figure out and communicate with the People at the table you know do you want Your food bang bang bang are you in a Hurry is this more of a relaxing type of Situation you know or be able to read People and so you know I was able to Operate where they didn't even notice The waiter at all right where they just Oh I had a good experience like the Waiter wasn't a part of it now if I was More social sometimes people want to be Entertained sometimes they want to Interact you know and I wasn't good at That right so you know but I was good at The technical stuff and being organized And and these things and so I recognized Where my strengths were and it was able To you know do a good job and you know I Had very few mistakes so the kitchen Wasn't mad at me the managers weren't Mad at me you know were they you know Some kind of nightmare where you you re You order the wrong thing or you forget Something or you do something you know That causes a problem and I also would Go up and you know kind of figure out Where my tables were in terms of the you Know without bugging this the kitchen You know just have enough information so I knew what to do and tell the the table Or whatever if the food was coming out Late or slowly and I could tell them Ahead of time you know so it wasn't like

They were sitting there waiting you know Sometimes you just acknowledge people Yeah I understand you're waiting there Just seems to be a backlog there a Problem with the kitchen you know it Doesn't happen much but it's just Something that happens and people are Understanding if you acknowledge that They're restless and they're they're Waiting for their food right being aware And these things right and what I'm good At here is that in terms of why people Want to listen to me speak why why would Why do you want to listen to Don Lemon Speak why do you want to listen to any Of these people you know what do they Have to offer you want to hear their Thoughts right cuz that's what when You're analyzing these types of things What makes people tune into to you Rather than somebody else what do you Have That's Unique now certainly the Jokes and the funny part that's good Because that makes you know people laugh And you know people want to lighten Their day right so there's you know Things like that but interesting things That they wouldn't think of themselves Points of view you know bringing it back To the spiritual and it's stuff that People don't want to hear right you know I have to almost create a market for the Genre of videos I'm making because People are unfamiliar with many of the

Ideas that I present here And I could just repeat the same things That other truthers do and do the same Kind of content same kind of structure So why is somebody going to watch me Instead of somebody else right because It's just the same thing then you have To be better at something you have to be Better at editing you have to have some Reason you know something that people Are like oh I'm interested in hearing This guy's point of view or this Person's point of view right there has To be something there and you know like I said I'm not the you know like people Are attracted to superficial things like I'm not going to be the pretty one like The the fun one you know I'm not going To be the you know the people that People generally gravitate to I'm not Going to be the per person that's really Caring and interesting about you you Know like you know these types of things Like I recognize this as a counselor Right so you know what are my assets Like I'm not the you know I'm not going To be the one that people naturally Gravitate to you know I don't have Leadership qualities I'm not social I'm Not networking right and you know my Mind works really fast even though People think I talk really slowly that's Intentional but you know I waited tables And did things I was able to figure

Things out quickly you can see when I Watch something for the first time and I'm able to come up with jokes quickly Right there's just you know my mind Works fast and like I have this you know Ability to you know analyze these things In a different way but I have a Completely different point of view based On being dxic based on my SAR teaching And my psychological you know counselor Training and and just my life experience And the kind of person I am right but You know the likability people like me Or whatever it is but despite my Personality despite my you know Treatment of them or whatever it is just Like my you know not being a a social Person not you know being the kind of Person that can win people over and There's lots of people on the internet Are good at these other things and They're you good at networking they're Good at making you feel you know a lot Of people want to express their opinion And want to be validated and Acknowledged and I you know I'm not Going to do that cuz I'm I'm not good at It like it'd be weird and awkward so if I tried to do it it would be a failure So you know for me I have to almost Convince people that what I have to say Is something that is in their best Interest because they don't want to hear It right like the other piece to this is

You know I just looked at some of the Comments um today's you know Wednesday January 1st and you yesterday was New Year's Eve and I put out my video this Morning that was the Whispers prophecies Which talk about the you know cataclysms And bringing down this Civilization and whether you believe it Or not you know it's not cheery news but I looked at all the comments and people Are like happy New Year happy New Year and then you know they haven't Watched the video yet but it's not that Kind of video right and so you know part Of what I'm doing here is preparing People for what's to come which I can See you know I see things and I'm able To see things in a different way and People get it until I say something that Disturbs them or goes against a core Belief of theirs and you know and but They still come back because they see That there's value in things that are Different about what I do here than what Other people do you know with all these Sort of you know liabilities towards U Being a social person and being somebody Who could win over an audience based in Their their personality but people are Interested in the way I see things and The way I articulate them right you know But part of this thing is Dealing with what's ahead of us and That's you know people don't want to

Deal that with that they just want to be In denial till it happens right you know If you're building a development let's Say like somewhere in Florida where There's a swamp area there's water Around there and so you got to go in There with you know you got clear the Brush and the all this stuff and you're You're killing animals you're destroying Habitat and you're dumping top soil in There and then you're laying the Foundations and all these things and There's going to going to be some Animals that come back lizards and Things that going to be you know things That are going to uh find it a conducive Area for them to live around people but There's lots of animals and things that Are displaced right and humans do that [ __ ] all the time where Mass amounts of Creatures are either killed or displaced And you know pushed out of their Environment habitat because human beings Invade it right and you know there's Like I said sometimes a mass die off of These creatures and we do this we we do This Behavior and you know even when I'm Using the like I use have a bush hog Which is a big uh like lawn mower that Goes on the back of a tractor and I bush Hog areas I try to keep the areas as Natural as possible but every time I do It there'll be bunnies running out of

There and there could be some Baby Buddies in there that get killed or Displaced you know I kind of keep the Bush hog at a certain level like six or Seven inches off the ground but rodents Are running here and there and there's Creatur frogs and there's some things That aren't going to Insects things Aren't going to make it right even Though we leave this area as as you know Once in a while I have to bushog it just To keep from the thing becoming a forest Right I want to maintain it as a pasture And I have as much natural flowers and Things but occasionally I have to cut Some of it down and I'm displacing Creatures you know and it's it's just The way it has to work and so the same Thing can happen to us right like Superior creatures Superior intelligent Beings who come in and do the same thing They you know that they're on the higher Element of evolution or just things can Happen to the world calamities you know Upheavals where human beings are you Know our civilization is destroyed and We're left I mean it happens throughout History but we have this idea no we're We're above that now and you know as Change has to come in we all see that The civilization sucks and change has to Come in well Destruction has to happen First it's obvious like we're not going To change on our own we're not going to

Volunteer that [ __ ] and so you know These are things I have to offer here And it's the stuff people don't want to Hear like if inevitably people find Something that upsets them or disturbs Them or goes against what they believe And that's you know unfortunate like They they run away from it and that's Just how people are and there's nothing I can do about it you know so that's the Difference between you know Don Lemon And I and you can see with both of these Things you know I've been saying these Things for years and now they're being Said by lots of people like I've been Head ahead of the curve and that's Another thing I offer here right and It's unfortunate like I have to tell People this they can't see it for Themselves right but it's there for Anybody who wants to see and speaking of It let's get to the who thing here okay So I was going through the news I've Been watching Fox News more over the Past couple of months because of how Good a job they're doing of mocking the Democrats implosion after the KLA Harris Loss and Fox News is weirder you know It's weird in its own different way than CNN and MSNBC but they published this and I I'm Not going to I have another clip that I Copied off of my TV as well um but it's The wh demands covid-19 answers from

China and this is um the other this One w n and then that's it the the last The next thing is from three years ago So there's two videos here and maybe There some news articles I don't know And this is what YouTube does Wikipedia Chron virus 2019 is a contagious disease Caused by the corona srz disease spread Through worldwide resoling the Covid-19 the symptoms and all these Things and so you know they're not but They don't tell you where it came from Because it's still not fact right they Haven't figured that out which I've been Talking about since the very beginning I Called [ __ ] on that for the reason I'm going to tell you as we go through This which you probably already know but They're finally dealing with this the Who is finally dealing with this where They're pressing China for some [ __ ] Answers Right the World Health Organization Still demanding answers from China on The origins of covid five year so this Is from yesterday right New Year 20258 um minutes and 8 hours and 39 Seconds left after the virus put much of The world on lockdown quote we continue To call on China to share data and Access so we can understand the origins Of Covid-19 this is a moral and scientific Imperative without transparency sharing

And cooperation among countries the World cannot adequately prevent and Prepare for future epidemics and Pandemics okay so let's go back to this Part here we continue to call on China So this is a continuing process like They're trying to make this a new news Story they've released a statement on Monday um but it's a limp deck statement Because this is a part of the UN and the UN really doesn't have much of anything There's peacekeepers that come in you Know that are whatever they are you know But there's there's no real um they Don't have any binding authority over These countries like there's sanctions That can happen there's things the UN Can do as a group to vote you know to Punish a group or to you know oppose Sanctions but nobody's suggesting that With China and so China which has always Been secretive isn't going to say what Happen and it's not really their thing Because it isn't just a Chinese uh Caused Problem based in everything that I can See here which I'll give my analysis in A bit right and so them saying this Doesn't mean China's going to listen to Them and why would China listen to them If it's something that's going to turn The world against China right so let's Get into the other stuff here and Prepare for future epidemics and

Pandemics a spokesperson from the Chinese foreign Ministry says they have Shared the most data and research Results possible so they they've said we Have we don't have to we've already done This Right Dr Robert Redfield former CDC Director is here but first to senior Foreign Affairs correspondent Greg Palott who's live from London hello Greg Hi Jonathan yeah it's remarkable all These years later and officials are Still demanding to know how covid-19 Began remember that led to over 7 Million deaths worldwide the first Cluster of cases of viral pneumonia soon To be known as covid was reported on This very day in Wuhan China okay so I Had people who came forward and said They got it in um October right there This was uh at first the thinking was it Transferred from infected animals to Humans at a market there but a growing Number of experts and officials pointed To a laboratory at wuan and asserted the Disease was created and escaped from There okay so let me go to the other Clip that I have so later on or later on In this clip he's going to talk to this Guy Redfield right and they don't show It on YouTube and I'm going to show you That clip coming up right but with if You remember this the first cases were In

2020 my family and I were traveling Through India at that time and we were Just hearing about what was called Corona virus and people from that Country there's a people from Taiwan Were put in a separate little holding Area when we were in the airport in India and we had to go from that airport To another airport um so we're you know We're we're getting uh coming into the Country hadn't going through immigration To go on a a changing flight or whatever It was like but these people were put in A um maybe that was our final flight and We were going through immigration but These people were put in a quarantine Area where they put those ropes around Them and they were just all standing There and there was like a big fat 6'4 Older Englishman who was some successful Businessman a person with a atip Personality and he was loudly Complaining and then he just walked out He just didn't even obey the the Quarantine and you know my someone was Saying my kids or someone saying though There's this thing called Corona virus Going around and so that was January 2020 and it was just hitting China but Then I had people said earlier that fall In October and November they had it or Someone else had it like this thing was Already going around and then there was All these unreported or unverified cases

Of people having it in different places Across the globe so it wasn't just China They were blaming China whatever China Got out of the deals that they were Being blamed but this was something that Was released worldwide that's like the First piece right based in you know if These people are telling the truth that They they had it or they knew somebody Who had it beforehand right before the Initial uh acknowledgement of it being Released Greg palott in London thank you Very much let's bring in Dr Robert Redfield former CDC director now uh Doctor wonderful to have you here we Thank for joining us this New Year's Eve Would you agree that China has been less Than fully Transparent yes I think uh that's true Um I also think though we should Acknowledge that probably our own Intelligence Community has been less Than Transparent of course they have because They know they [ __ ] know of course They know you don't think they don't Know right they know they're just not Telling you what caused it why it was Done and so then you have to speculate Why they why why don't they want you to Know right and I'm coming back to that Because I've talked about this before But I want to talk about it at L here so In what way when you say the

Intelligence Community what do you think They are keeping from the American People I don't think they've uh released All the information that they have I Mean clearly the FBI and the energy Department have looked at this Critically with their own scientists and They came to the conclusion like I have That the origin of this virus was a Laboratory leak through gain of function Research but the CIA and some of the Other intelligence uh groups have uh not Really been transparent about their own Assessment I think John Radcliffe who's Coming in as the new CIA director uh is A big advocate of full transparency of The classified data that we have uh Congress has voted unanimously that it Be released Biden CH has chosen not to Release it hopefully when it's all Released uh there'll be greater Clarity In terms of what the true ideology of This I have no doubt I have 100% Confidence that the uh origin of this Virus was gain of function research from The Chinese lab yeah and Dr foui uh who Obviously was so well known throughout The uh pandemic uh came in for a lot of Criticism but even he back in June and I Just want to play uh some sound from Dr Fouchi acknowledged that it was the lab Leak theory was a possibility let's Listen here to Dr fie Is it possible that covid-19 was the

Result of a laboratory related accident Oh absolutely and I keep like I Mentioned multiple times I keep an open Mind I feel based on the data that I Have seen that the more likely not Definitive but the more likely Explanation is a natural spillover from An animal Reservoir and as we look back at Dr fi Who obviously has been a controversial Figure uh Dr Redfield how do do you see His role throughout the pandemic in Retrospect well I I know Tony quite well I think uh uh first and foremost um when It comes to the origin of the virus I Think he really waited the scales Towards natural spillover I I've been One to say there's really actually no Evidence for natural spillover there's a Lot of opinions uh and there is quite a Lot of evidence for laboratory origin uh Tony obviously would weighed in very Heavy on uh natural origin being the uh Being the cause and brought the Scientific Community together to do what I call the wedding announcement in Lancet and then the proximal origin Paper these are opinion pieces these are Not scientific uh articles uh and it's Unfortunate because I had asked Tony to Have a very rigorous open transparent Debate among uh the scientists who felt Okay so there's a lot there I decided to Let it play but you know you saw you

Heard what he said right now he said That there was no scientific evidence That it was animal related and most People have dismissed this for whatever Re reason fui keeps on pushing it but Remember fushi said all along we're Giving you what the science we're Telling you what the sciences and when When new data comes in and we have Better science and we'll tell you that Right so that was an excuse we we did Our best with the science that was Available at the time but we know that That's all horseshit because it's For-profit medicine and the NIH has been Proven to be colluding with big Pharma Like big Pharma supports and is tied to The hip with fouchy and NIH so big Pharma made a lot of money on this thing Because we have for-profit medicine so Whatever he was saying there's that Issue but even with big Pharma being For-profit medicine after the fact you Could say what happened And if China was to blame then China Would be responsible for $7 million 7 Million deaths Worldwide and you know all the [ __ ] that They did withholding data and all the Ways that they could have made things Better the world would hate China if China was solely uh responsible for this Now there's lots of evidence that the NIH was involved with NIH uh gain of

Function research in Wuhan but all that Stuff to me is is just a smokees screen Because here's a simple fact Whenever There is a legitimate organic problem And again this is where I'm a practical Person and I said this years ago and It's even more true now right because of The way this is played out it's even Obvious that it's more true now now I'm Not going to be able to do scientific Research and I can't read scientific Data and I'm not going to you know Analyze the the you know all the stuff That so-called experts do but I am an Expert on human lying and pattern Recognition and this is the way it Always works if there's an organic Problem we demand as Americans that we Know who is responsible because we're a Blame people we like to blame football Players and athletes and coaches and Politicians and media personalities look At all the cancel culture who's to blame Who's the bad guy who's who deserves to Be canceled who can we vent our our our Anger and our malice at who can we blame For any number of things we want to know Why this happened and whose [ __ ] Fault it is right like that's America And that's the world to C to a certain Extent is even maybe even worse in England but everyone wants to know who's Responsible and someone's got to be Responsible and if they don't tell you

Who's responsible it's them Right you know they might have a Scapegoat they might have you know a Fall Guy but it's them right and if no One's held accountable for something Then it's something that they've done Right it's the powers that be and on a Global basis there would be a legitimate Reason for them releasing a biological Weapon that as it as far as I can tell Aside from the deaths and the the other Healthare issues it seems like it's Something that doesn't go away like I Feel like there's still some Co in my System and I'm taking things you know I Talking about this on my other videos That I'm doing on Rumble and I'll Eventually you know complete those it's Not profitable it sucks for me but it's Something I you know once I'm done I'll Be I can just put it behind me and it's A place where I can talk more freely About these things but I have done Things that I believe are natural Remedies and things that work for the Spike spike protein and even then you Know it's something that lingers my wife And I both feel that lots of people feel That Co is still in their system it's Not like we're getting reexposed to it But it just like is there like you have These viruses you have like whatever it Might be sometimes you have something It's in your body and your body is just

Battling it all out you know it's Battling with it all the time there's Things that you're just going to have in Your body for the rest of your life and Your immune immune system is keeping at Bay but as soon as your immune system Becomes weakened then the virus or Whatever it is expresses itself and you Get sick again right But the other thing that I'm interested In that the side effects to the virus Itself to Boop and 5G I think 5G plays a Role in this that because there's a Heart related issues and Vascular Related issues and hormone related Issues and the nervous system related Issues that there's going to be Reproductive issues which we already see Happening that there's going to be um Issues with younger people being able to Reproduce and there's going to be a mass Like pandemic of a lack of of like a a Significant drop in a birth rate in the Future because of certain things that Are being done right now including covid Including the bloop including 5G Including other things and just life in General and these kids not exercising These kids living vicariously living Lives in the internet and not having in Real world lives and the depression and The mental illness and the all the Things that go with it and The Chronic Issues that they're having healthwise

That these kids aren't going to be able To reproduce and we're going to see this In 5 10 years a significant drop in the Birth rate and these kids who are Children small children when Co was Around they're going to be hit the worst Right which would indicate that they are Doing this in part like a reason that They would be doing this is Depopulation that there is Overpopulation and that they are doing This to Depopulate humanity right that this is That would be a valid reason like you Know again not it's nothing that I could Prove but you know come on like just Practical SE common sense if they were Going to release a biological weapon one Part of it would have to be population Reduction because we do have a Population problem and what we're doing Now is not sustainable and so one way to Get rid of them the UN has been working On you know they have a population award For who ever is able to reduce the Amount the most amount of people Bill uh Bill Gates won this remember Bill Gates Said that thing is he showed an equation About CO2 emissions and energy use and And people was part of the equation he Said we're going to have to reduce these Numbers on this side to reduce the Amount of CO2 input you know I have a Compilation that image will be in here

Somewhere you know he has this equation The equation here it is I have it on I'm Going to use this image is CO2 equals People time Services per person time Energy per service time Co per unit of Energy and so he said that you'd have to Reduce all the things on the right side Of the equation to reduce the amount of CO2 on the left side of the equation and Some of these things would have to be Getting close pretty close down to zero Which would mean people right and so There's been an acknowledgement that There's a people problem right that There's you know issues with the Population and so that all makes sense That there would be things that they Would do to reduce the population Because again so much of our lifestyle Is not sustainable there's moral Breakdown that people are just weaker And worse off than they were before Whenever there's Overpopulation there is um you know There's a push back from nature you know You see this when there's overpopulation Of rats and and mice and they behave in Self-destruct destructive ways any Creature that is overpopulated is on the Cusp or on the verge of being at its Lowest population right because nature Comes in and reduces that group's uh you Know its population drastically the Group itself becomes like suicidal in

The sense of risky behaviors and becomes Weak and mentally ill and becomes sickly And you know all these things and They're they're ripe for massive Population reduction and the you know Diseases are more rampant and because They're like feces and they're they're You know whatever they're producing is All over is they know they're just Living in their own feces and you know There's like this just Madness that Ensues you know the filth of the the Creature and human beings pollute you Know human beings have more garbage and More of a footprint than any other Creature and we're leaving behind toxins And and all this you know material and It's in our cities where all these People are there right and so there is a Natural way that population is reduced And there is just something that creates A you know a catalyst for this to happen That there's overpopulation and then Nature kicks it in and the human race it Often uh Overpopulation is you know there's Wars And there's diseases and things that Ensue to reduce the population it's Happened before in small areas of Overpopulated areas and small countries And cities where population becomes uh Drastically reduced right and they're Concerned about this because the food System isn't sustainable the energy

System isn't sustainable the pollution And all the other things that go with it Are you know negative and they realize It the people that control the system But they can't say we're overpopulated Because once they start saying it Everyone's like well who they're going To start killing right so they have to Kind of not say it so much and they Don't but we know it's a real issue for Them It's a real issue for all of us and so In that they have to come out with they Have to develop ways to reduce the Population and wouldn't a virus be one Of those ways and the best way to reduce Reduce population is stop babies being Born right so the ratio right now I mean It was let me look it up right now Because I think it's dropped but it used To be like 52 million people died every Year and 144 million people were being Born every year let me look at it what It is now so as of 2023 61 million people died and 73 Million people um there's 134 million Births and so um the population Increased by 73 million people and so That's a vast Reduction of and let me go through these Other Years okay so here it is per year so There was uh 90 million increase in 2014 888 in 2015 88 in

2014 uh 2016 I'm sorry 87 in 2017 so It's dropping by a couple million each Year 2018 84 million 2019 80 million 2020 75 million 2021 67 million and then Reach low in 2022 of 66 million then it went back up To 7,300 th000 in 2023 and then went Down by another 100,000 so there has Been significant decrease since 2014 Right in terms of the millions we're Talking about um 20 million less people In the past so many years since covid Right and so there is a decrease in Population and you're going to see the Birth rate is dropping significantly and Is going to continue to do so and There's just going to be people who Aren't having kids right so it would Make sense that there would be something Going on that's making that happen when We know that powers of the Beast think That there's overpopulation and so a Good way to do that was to release a Biological virus that would reduce the Population immediately and get rid of Some of the older people because those Are the ones who are the least Productive and then on the other end Prevent younger people from getting Pregnant from getting from having kids So those would be the two ways right and It seems like Co and the bloop and the 5G and all the things that have been Introduced in these past years are doing

That and we won't know for a number of Years and when these younger kids you Know these kids who are you know 12 and And younger when they grow up and They're in the childbearing Years we're Going to see that they're going to have Issues reproducing to where there will Going to be less babies being born than People dying the death rate will go up Because it's going up right now the Trend is the death rate is going up and The and the birth rate is going down and So at some point it'll be where there's More deaths than births and then There'll be true population reduction And also you know these older people are Dying out at a more rapid rate and these Things could be achieved by releasing a Global virus and then undermining the Economy with a global shutdown which is All happened right and then what are the Other things well War because if you Have a World War on top of that you have Mass destruction and then starvation and A lack of resources a lack of food right Then you have all these other things and So Wars are one of the ways that humans Reduce population overpopulation leads To war it's a there's a relationship Between population density in war you Find the places where they have high Level of population density and they Tend to be warlike or they become Subject to Invasion either way they

Become weak and entitled overpopulated And they can't sustain their their Lifestyle so they go out and they try to Conquer other people and steal their Resources because they can't they can't Do it for themselves anymore and so they Or they get pathetic and they get weak And they they're invaded but either way Overpopulation breeds breeds uh you know Creates Wars so as I was saying before This is what I said initially you know I Said this right off the bat when they Were talking about Pengalin and bats and All that [ __ ] and I said this seems Like as a biological weapon because That's how I experienced it it was the Weirdest sickness I ever had there would Be periods of time where I felt Completely better like I didn't have any Symptoms and then my body would like Glitch out and I couldn't breathe and All these things right and then I had Three versions of it and all of them Were weird like each one of them was you Know whatever they was in it it seems Like it was more of a like something Like food poisoning or or some like Toxicity or like some kind of you know Glitching out of the body than an actual Virus right actual Illness but either Way I said this in the beginning that Whenever there's an issue like this Especially if it's disease related you Always want to find the root cause so

You so you'll alleviate the situation From happening ever again and if it's a Country who [ __ ] leaked this virus Then you would say like the people would Say and everyone would say and if it was Gain of function virus stop [ __ ] Around with these viruses because what If it was something worse that you Accidentally leaked so if it was done Either intentionally or accidentally in A lab shouldn't the world be saying hey [ __ ] you guys stop messing around stop [ __ ] around with this stuff right Because we know what just happened and So it could be worse if you guys can't Contain this right of course they're Going to come in I'll play the another One thing the end of this thing but They're already talking about another One there's all this stuff going on Around around the bird flu you know it's Very hard for diseases to cross over From animals to people I mean that's at Least what they tell us and yet they're Always concerned about these animal Diseases but you understand the basic Principle The Common Sense here this is Something I don't know if other people Talked about as early as I did or what Other people think about it but why Didn't they find out where it came from And why didn't they squash that thing so It never happen again right when you Have a major [ __ ] you always want to

Find out what caused it and how can I Prevent it from ever happening again but With the banking crisis and with so many Of these other things the the opioid Crisis they never had a Fall Guy I mean They kind of had a Fall Guy for the Opioid crisis they kind of had a fall by For the banking crisis but they're act To they're they're back to their same [ __ ] right certainly with the Banking their banking is doing the Derivatives markets again and they're Doing the same [ __ ] that caused the Economic collapse in 2008 right and so If there is a fundamental issue that's Causing a major problem than a blaming Society a you know a a society it's like A just to it Society expects Perfection Or at least it expects competence and so The world would have turned on China if They were solely responsible but the CIA And the countries and all these people Know that this was released by everybody In agreement or or you know that's the Most logical explanation and so they're Not you know they have China to kind of Blame they can kind of blame China but If China just killed 7 million people Over you know was it a couple of million People in America I mean America got hit Harder than like many other places you Think we wouldn't be taking it out on China in some way right you know but if We were involved in that like everybody

Else was then we would you know our Government our media would not really Talk about it and so of course they're Not going to get any answer out of Wuhan Because everybody [ __ ] knows what Really happened and they're not doing Anything about it right and so um you Know it's just obvious let me play the The another one Meme here and then we'll Move on to something else there's going To be another pandemic sure that we're Ready uh because there will be another Pandemic another one another one another One for the next pandemic which will Happen Okay so I found this site here very Adhey site here you can see where at 7,000 um increase in population got down To 2021 was a low of 600 uh 67 million people 600 67 million People right last year 2024 was at 70 Million slightly less 100,000 less than The previous year And it was down to 66 Here um and if you scroll down here you Can see it goes it was um it's been Coming down for a while it was up to 90 Million in 2012 and so that was sort of the peak of You know the population increase in 2012 and then before that stayed kind of Relatively the same and here in the like The 80s I it's either been going up or

Down And you go back here to Um like you have to go a long way back Here in the 80s it was up getting up to 90 here right 90 million more people a Year more births in in in terms of more Births to Deaths population increase and You have to go all the way back to 1963 where jumped 10 million people here From 62 to 63 so this is the baby boomer Area era right and so it was in the 40s Here 50s so you have to go back a number Of years right into 1960s so we're Talking about what is that 60 years Um so you got to go back you know in the 60 years to get to this number of 66 uh million people Increase and so Um you know of course the Baby Boomers Was American thing not a global thing But you know it was below the 50s here And so there started the population Started a climb here in 1963 and it's been above the 19 above 60 uh 9 million people above 69 people Since then and then it dropped here in 2021 2022 and continued it increased a little Bit in 20 23 2024 but you see that there is Substantial population reduction now you Know again when you have more and more People the tendency is going to be have More and more births right more people

Have more babies so it's the apopulation Increases unless there's some sort of Big die off it just keeps on increasing Because more people have more babies and As science has Medical Science has Advanced people live a little bit longer And so that's why you've had this Population increase and then all of a Sudden now you see that it is trending Downwards right so was all the way up to You know 90 million people here and That's um 24 million people less here so You know the population had been rising For a long time globally and the Connectivity globally and the like life Expectancy rising in many countries and All the other things right that I've Said earlier and so to get the Population to Decrease you usually need like a big die Off of it or something where it gets Really hard to um have children like It's just like you're in a a tumultuous Situation where unstable you know like a Post-war situation or you know where You're just um where there's widespread Famine you know these are the kind of Things that can reduce population where There's not enough food to nurture the The child and to give people enough Strength to to have children like for The woman to get pregnant for the man to Impregnate her and so you know this kind Of

Um worldwide Calamity or something That's uh reduces the population I'm I'm Talking about any species but Particularly human beings obviously here But it takes something like that to sort Of shock the population and you have Some period of time where people are Dying at a rapid rate and then they're Not able to reproduce either so to have Already a big chunk of our population to Be trending in a different direction you Know when it's uh 20 million people less The last few years right because this is A cumulative cumulative Situation where from 19 uh 2019 it went down significantly 10 Million people and then from 2014 it Went down quite a bit right so where it Was up from 90 million people a year now It's down to 66 or 70 and so this is all Right 10 million people this year less 20 million people last year you know 20 Million 20 million 20 million and so the Population isn't growing at a Significant rate it's still Growing but it it's growing at a much Significant lower rate And if this trend continues let's say The majority of the people in in the on The planet have been given some sort of Nefarious um Compound which prohibits or makes it Difficult for reproduction to happen and Is going to kill people at a a younger

Rate because the life expectancy rate Has gone down by a couple of years now Too and so it's at almost 80 and I think It's down to 76 now I think it's gone Back up in 2024 but if there's been an Increase of that we'll see how this all Plays out right but I do know that they Believe that the world's overpopulated And it is there's issues it's not Sustainable and so how do you how do you Deal with that do you let it run its Course because if it runs its course There could be no people left in a short Period of time you know when like I said When there's population density there Was a weakening in the population Especially when the majority of people Are having lots and lots of babies are Really poor and those kids are Malnourished and they're underdeveloped And the conditions that we live in now The toxic world and things that people Live in in these cities and and things Like this the foods they're eating There's been a real weakening of the Human genetics and we have a lot of People that are you know that in a Strong um in a strong species wouldn't Exist right that there are babies that Are kept Alive Now by modern science and Then there's kids who suffer from Poverty and toxicity and all the rest of These things of course now all the the Medical [ __ ] that's out there and the

Food and the contaminants and all all This toxicity in the environment and so Human beings are not doing well mental Illness and weaknesses and all these Things that we now know is is getting Worse and so that's also a a factor you Know this is also a symptom of Overpopulation so you know I guess we'll See how some of this stuff plays out but If there's some big events that happen You have a couple of years where there's Just massive die off and next thing you Know there's just not enough people and If some of those people are like skilled You know we're we're trained to be Specialized where there's just so many People that can do certain levels of Jobs jobs that might take years of Training and if you have a massive die Off and there are people who you know There's some things that the world needs That are only produced or mined in a Certain location certain minerals and Things certain um you know certain uh Mechanical things that are only Manufactured in one country or another And if those places have massive Population reduction their plants are Destroyed as before you know it there Are these critical pieces that are Missing sometimes it'll be people that Are you know some kind of job there Won't be people who to do those jobs not Enough of them to do them or whatever it

Might be right and so you know I mean Things are going South so I want to get to the year of Chaos I had a few things I was going to Add here just a few things that have Happened recently that um show that We're in a sort of chaotic period even Going into 2025 and there's a few more things I Already received from people or things I Didn't get to cover here to go along With what I've said about the media so This this will continue in the next Video I'm going to wrap this one up here Though only spiritual valy will save This world it's part def reporting to The apocalypse and the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful

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About the Author: admin

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