The Time I met Jimmy Carter + Duke Lacrosse revisted & more fun Stuff

The Time I met  Jimmy Carter + Duke Lacrosse revisted & more fun Stuff

Greetings brothers and Sisters um I made this video yesterday And there's just no news like it just Everything sort of dries up they don't They don't make any news during the Holidays which I remember before you Know I have um tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I'm going to put out my um what The year is and then uh today's Monday December 20 December 30th and so Tomorrow's the 31st I'm going to put out You know what my um you know what the Theme of the year for 2025 and then on New Year's Day I'm Going to read the Prophecies the sort of predictions of a Collapse of our civilization that are Available in Whispers of the brighter World I have these audios that I already Started some time ago so I just was Going to see what happened today and I Was going to put it up uh this video and I was going to add to the end of it Instead of putting a voice over in the Beginning but a couple of things Happened uh the first was Jimmy Carter Died and I had a kind of interaction not Kind of I had uh an interaction with Jimmy Carter and I um want to tell that Story it's kind of Interesting and then um years and years Ago and then the other thing was um There was uh I watched the the 30 for30 About the Duke lacrosse

And it was really the most profound 30 For30 that I've seen and it really Speaks to the media right and so um and I want to talk about Mark hin thing and Right before I I do that thing with a Duke uh but I'll let me start off here With Jimmy Carter so Jimmy Carter turned 100 years old in October which was quite Interesting um he was born October 1st 1924 so that would make him over a 100 Years old I wonder if he was the U Oldest president the longest living President and so my mom was a big fed Fan of Jimmy Carter I think he was her Favorite President he had a kind of mild Manner and they really screwed him on The whole Iranian hostage situation this is when The Republicans and the conservatives Sucked and the Democrats were better and That there was uh real Liberalism because is Um you know the Republicans and the Conservatives ran the country and the Democrats and liberals really couldn't Express you know now what they're Expressing is just batet crazy but back Then you know they couldn't Express all Those things you know the just true Liberalism and the military-industrial Complex and the corporations that ran The country and the chemicals that were Being used it was really kind of effed Up the whole thing was just messed up

America was religious in not a good way And also patriotic that patrio Patriot Patriotism that was connected I'm a Little groggy today patriotism that was Connected to uh the religion which is Always a bad thing they should not mixed Your country and your military are not Connected to your religion right if You're defending your country it's one Thing but if you're imposing your will On other countries and so we all know Now and I didn't know that right so when I was a kid there was two things that I Remember you know from my youth two Major Stories and the first one was Watergate And that was when I was a little little Kid you know I was like 8 years old Seven eight years old when that stuff Happened you know over the period of the Watergate cover like a 2-year period And I was entering High School I was like Maybe a freshman High School when the Hostage situation happened the Iranian Embassy fell apart of course it's been Documented in the movie Argo and I Didn't know [ __ ] about any of those Things and didn't care about them you Know very much like they were just on The news I didn't watch the news but Those are the things I remember there Was a gas crisis where we had to wait in Line at the gas pump you know gas was Like a dollar back then and you know I

Mean there was the lines were on the Street like the line for going to the Gas station there's 100 cars on the Street like there's a few things I Remember you know but mostly we had a Blizzard like locally we we had a Blizzard and we our power lines were Down we didn't have power for a week Electricity you know there few things That were like stand out but in terms of News items it was the Watergate you know That was a huge Scandal you know things I would Now cover here and then there Was the hostage crisis which if I knew What I know now then I would have said To people or if I covered that now like The Iranian hostage crisis it would be About how there was um all the things That happened with the CIA taking down The Iranian leader Mosaic you know which I say now about Iran we [ __ ] Iran like It's just the American government the Conservative War Mongering uh wing of the American Government The CIA and all these you know I mean This was when the CIA was run by Conservatives had taken out this Democratically elected and very moderate You know liberal moderate type of leader In Iran because he wanted 50% of the oil Profits and they were only getting 20 of Them from Evil British Petroleum which a Completely [ __ ] up thing because Iran

Should be able to make 50% of from their Own oil if not more and now they're Making 100% so like they but British Petroleum which I don't know why the CIA Would go in there I mean this was a British company and why the CIA would go And destroy a leader and do you know Regime change and I mean they you know They got rid of a leader that was a good Leader you know Iran was a moderate Country then they were open to Western Businesses and people didn't have to Wear the it isn't the religious Nightmare it is now over there you know Where people can't know there's no Freedoms and just all of it and it's Just Oppressive you know was a a moderate Country and you know and all the things That happened after that were because CIA [ __ ] with that country and we Still do that stuff like you learn it's It's bad for the people like it's Horrible unless you're really wanting to Destabilize a country which often times They do it's a horrible thing but then We try to be the heroes we try to claim We're doing heroic work and we're you Know we're stopping bad leaders or Bullies and we destroyed the this guy Mosad egg and stuff called the Sha of Iran who was a bloodthirsty Tyrant and The Iranian people rebelled against this Guy who was a western puppet who was

Living like you know uh I mean like a I Don't even want to say King was you know Was it was so opulent his lifestyle and The people there were s starving and Suffering and he was killing anybody who Was opposed to him and we put this guy In there he was a nightmare horrible Leader and so the Iranian government Fell under the Sha he he left you you Know bonded with whatever money when he Should have been punished for his evil Behaviors and then Iran went into chaos And the American Embassy which was Blamed for their the Americans were Blamed for their their uh their you know Their woes you know their their Hardships which is totally true because America [ __ ] them right our country [ __ ] you know they just destroyed Their country and so you know it was not Done by the Democrats this was done by The conservatives who ran the Military-industrial complex but Jimmy Carter ended up getting screwed over by That right so Jimmy Carter um was blamed For these Americans being hostages and We couldn't just go to war with Iran and It was totally our fault and it wasn't You know it was Americans fault it was a Conservatives fault but Jimmy car was The Fall Guy and they made a big deal About it on the news you know back when The news leaned right and was very Conservative and Jimmy Carter was didn't

Have any way to get the hostages back in Fact they blocked his ability to get the Hostages back and then there was the Whole Iran Contra issue where there was Weapons for you know this whole thing That happened was a scandal but Reagan Was able to get the weapons back and Everyone thought Reagan was such a hero He was an acting piece of [ __ ] you you Know Reagan was just he was he would Seen Island this last uh two years of His presidency like Joe Biden he had all HR which his son has now revealed and The Republicans did the same thing with Reagan although they they didn't run him When he was you know Cena but Reagan was A stiff actor like just insincere but The Americans lapped you know lapped it Up with him right they just you know the Same people kind of like Trump now or Whatever uh he just was able to deliver Those you know those movie lines like You know the Arnold Schwarzenegger would Do later like he kind of you know his um His acting ability but he was just a Puppet right like a real like you know No political Savvy just his wife was More of a politician than he was right But Jimmy Carter was blamed for that and He went out sort of in disgrace but then He um worked on this thing called Habitat for Humanity which actually is a Good thing if you have any of those Stores near you these habit that for you

Manity restores where they take like old Building materials and things and you're Able to um you know it's it's kind of a Good thing uh what he did but my mom Loved it my mom this was his her Favorite President she was very you know Upset about the way he was sort of uh Taken down she was my mom was a Staunched Democrat but none of that Stuff is important so um but here's the Story there's there's my interaction With him so I started doing the sjar Meditation um In 1993 and moved To Um New Mexico in 1995 so I'd only been Doing it like a couple years and I don't Remember what the season was uh But um Master chargie the guy who ran The system whenever he was available Whenever he could spend time with him And you didn't have to even interact With him or have conversations with him But just the Spiritual Gatherings you know we sit in Meditation and this transmission this Energy is given and these gatherings Were just you know there's no way for me To describe it and you know and and even Now when I'm sitting here the memory of It is not the experience of it like I Have memories of this these experiences Spiritual

Experiences they are important when you Experience them and then they have an Effect on you but the memory of it is Just the memory just like anything else Right like when you have a memory of any Kind of you know any kind of pleasurable Or painful event you don't experience The pain and pleasure you have the Memory of it and if there was some kind Of trauma associated with it you might Have an emotional reaction to the memory Of the trauma or you might have a you Know emotional reaction to the memory of You know you think about your wedding Day or something you know the day your Children were born or the day your child Died you know we going do something like This you know big events where you had a Big emotional reaction to it right and You might have that an echo of that Reaction but it's a new emotional Reaction to a memory you know you're Having the emotional reaction in the Present to a memory that you're thinking About you might think about some Memories you might look through a you Know photo album and you'll see photos From the past and you might feel what it Was like at that time like if I look at Photos of my family when I was a kid I Kind of feel like I felt like was a kid And it wasn't great because my family Was you know kind of incompetent and Just the atmosphere in the house and

Things right and so you know memories Are sometimes charged with emotion but They're not you know they're not you Don't re-experience the whole thing Right like people can re-experience Trauma from a remembering a past Traumatic event or let's say they' you Know they they've had a traumatic event And they've buried it and then they go Into therapy you're going to therapy and You st you talk about the traumatic Event but you know you've been in denial About the event you you've sealed it off Without processing it and so it comes Back up and you can be ret traumatized But it isn't being ret traumatized it's Just you have this thing inside you you Never coped with you never dealt with And you sealed it up right it's like you You know something was inserted into Your body like a bullet or something and Instead of taking it out You just this the flesh grows over it But now you're carrying this object in Your body and it's having a you know Effect on your body if it's like metal It's leeching toxins into your body and You know these things right there it's Doing damage to your body and so you get The thing out you know and you have to Cut it open and rip it out and so it's Going to it's like ret traumatizing the Wound but it has to be done like so These things or maybe it doesn't who

Knows like whatever depending on the way That you you know view healing or these Kind of things but there are these Memories that everyone's going to have In their lifetime where you have some Strong emotion whether good bad fear Anger you know any kind of negative Emotion you know then the higher level Feelings like love and compassion or you Know where you had these experiences and You can maybe um Rec Captivate that to Some extent with the memory but the Memory itself is you know just a memory Right you know I went back to where I Grew up and uh West Harford Connecticut And I used to walk to school to a school Called Whiting Lane school and when I Was a kid the school was huge and as an Adult and I hadn't been there so many Years there was really small right like I was like I can't believe how small This is and I remember some of the Things from my childhood like childhood Memories and feelings and things came up We went and got pizza at the you know What I still think is the best pizza Place I've ever been to called parkl Pizza it's my favorite pizza as a kid And there was a park I used to go to Called Elizabeth Park that had a little Island we used to go ice skating and go To the island in this winter they had a Rose garden and you know I I remembered Things about it but not everything you

Know every detail and you know it was Going back it was kind of interesting And you know was it brought me back to That time to some extent right so but What I'm talking about here are things That have emotional charge and you know There was a condition you know the Family's condition and what it was like To be me back then right my condition as A kid and these things right and so That's you know those are memories that Are you know of the material world but The Sark meditation that I do is about a Level of spiritual connection and Feeling God's love and feeling you know The Divine part of yourself like you Know when you go and you dream you're in Your you're in your your body shut off And your your your mind is in a Different State and you're experiencing Your dream life which is completely Different than your material life you Might have you know things that happen That you're reprocessing memories I mean Whatever goes on in your dream life but You're not able to you know you're not In a physical world right your dream Life is happening completely inside of You or into some etheric realm or Whatever you might be going when you Dream you know some sort of outer body Experience or whatever but your body's Not with you you your body you know You're dreaming inside your body yeah

Sure if it's that's on a you know on a Physical level but there's you know a Theoric element to this kind of thing Right and to those of you who've had Flying dreams that I haven't had one of These in years but how light you feel And you're like oh my God I'm really Doing it right like it's this isn't a Dream I think I'm actually flying you Know this kind of thing and how how Light you feel what it makes you feel Like when you're flying in your dreams Or anyin number of these things but when You do the sjar meditation it's not Something that's a drug uced exper Experience like iasa or some sort of Hallucinogenic which is a material thing That affects your your mind or you're Has some kind of often times these are Neurotoxins and things that negatively Affect you and impair you in some way Like when you're drunk or these types of Things this is something where your body Is not really a part of it at all you're There physically but you're not there And when I went to these gatherings and This was early on you know I was just Learning about them I would go through What was cleaning I would get sick I'd Be restless I'd be miserable and just Feel horrible inside like not just the Physical aspect but it'd be going Through some kind of like you know uh Difficult internal feeling of

Restlessness frustration depression Anger any kind of negative emotion and That was the cleaning aspect and then The meditations would kick in and it Would turn into this Blissful experience Of God that I can't really describe Because you know I can't I I can't feel It right now like it's just I I know was There when I experienced it I could Remember it but you can't you know Something like that you have to feel it You have to you know it has to be Something that you're experiencing and It was always kind of a surprise that When I went to these gatherings and I Felt this Bliss like I'm like oh yeah That's what it's like right but when You're when you're not there when it's Not happening it's just you can't Recreate it with your memory you it just Doesn't exist on this kind of level on a Mental level it's not an emotion it's Not something Of your material life you're just Connecting to God on a really deep level You know it's transformative it's you Know trans uh you know the good trans The way the the word trans is used in a Positive way transcendental or any of These types of things right but you know A good example of this is like if you go Diving in the sea and you go down deep Enough you can't go up quickly or you Can get What's called the bends you know

The oxygen in your blood can expand or Whatever it is and it can really it's Like a you know it can really hurt you So you have to go to the surface slowly The deeper you go the the slower you Have to come back up so your body Adjusts just to the the pressure level Right but you know that's a good good Example from a standpoint when you're Snorkeling even when you're in the ocean You're underwater you're in a different Condition it's a different world and When you see like all these like a coral Reef you see all these incredibly Brilliant fish and things you know it's A material experience erence but it's It's different than being say you know Certainly on land and it's different Being at the beach where you're right at The cusp of the water as opposed to Being you know on a mountain somewhere Which has its own condition right you go To these different places and some of Them feel different like you feel Different they're lighter you go to a Heavy place kind of you know a gross Place or whatever it's heavier these Things right and I'll get into that when I go to the Duke lacrosse thing we'll Talk about the strippers and the things Like that that know you know the the bad Side of that story because that's that's All interesting but that's the the low Condition right where there's just you

Know low vibrational things being around People of a lower nature and they Negatively affect you your decision- Making you you do worse things with them Depress people angry people you know There's people that pull you down and People pull you up people who when You're around them you're you're you're A better person maybe you've had Relationships like this you know past Boyfriends girlfriends spouses you know People who are friends some of them Pulled you up and you've always felt Better and you know you're a better Person around them and then people who Were you know of a lower nature who made You feel bad and you know and you would Do bad things and have bad decisions but In these gatherings it's just complete Bliss and it's like experiencing heaven On Earth and you know the Gatherings Like when I leave the Gathering it was Hard to come back out you go to a deep Internal place where you're just like Inter communion with the Divinity within You and feeling God's love and like You're experiencing physical life but You're just like in a days there'd be Times I just would you know just go home And stare at a wall and I didn't want to Do anything in terms of my material life You had to go back to work you had to do These things and it took a while to Readjust because it was like you were in

Heaven like you were coming back from Heaven and you know whatever the Spiritual version of that is you know Real heaven not some you know imaginary Thing that's sold to you where there's Material Pleasures you know something Where you're in a different realm a Different you know the part of you That's your soul goes to an etheric Place and it's you know beyond anything That you would experience in the Material world because it's you know Pure Divinity so I went to Texas like There's all these rich people who do Like these guys who are Indians who come Over and they you know they they're Smart guys who did a higher level Education and they get these jobs as Engineers and these different things and They buy these mcmansion houses you know These cesac areas and decorate it with Like Indian type of stuff you know Because they're you know still uh miss Their you know where they they grew up Their country and you know this uh Master the third Master of the system Charge he was came to Texas like it was Sort of in the winter usually he came to America the summer because you know he Grew up in a place where in chenai India Where when I was there for three years Even the coldest part of the day like The dawn before you know right before The sun comes up where it's reaches its

Lowest temperatures right that's when It's usually the coldest it never got Lower than 74 degrees and pretty much Every day was between 80 and 90 all year Round and humid so it's hot and then the Other parts of India so you know they Are not accustomed to American Winters And things you know even place like Texas and so you know he usually didn't Come to America Um during that time but he had you know Lived in Yugoslavia for a while as a he Did like an internship when he was young He had gone to Europe and there were Some you know there's an Asam in Europe And Denmark and you spent time there and He went to up to the Himalaya Mountains You know numerous times so you know he Was used to the cold a little bit but he Usually didn't come to America during The winter and you know the winter was a Better time for travel maybe in Different places in India when it was Cooler so but he made this impromptu Visit and we were told about a week Ahead of time and I was able to get time Off at work and jump on a plane and get There cuz I really wanted to be a part Of that Gathering and you know I can't Remember the specifics about where Everything took place and you know where I stayed and these things like there was There he did this twice so I'm not sure You know the two trips blend together

Now so many years later but I do Remember when I got on the plane to Leave I was just like gone like I was Just I completely just withdrawn from The the world like I you know I just Wasn't uh I was just staring at the like I went and I got a seat I was just see Sitting in the back of the plane and it Was like a southwestern flight from Dallas to Albuquerque and there was nobody on it Like the flight was basically empty you Know probably a third of the people and There was nobody in the seats in front Of me like three or four rows and nobody Behind me and I had an ilc cuz I always You know I went to India one time and I Was flying from From Dallas airport in Washington DC to Um to uh Paris some City I'm not sure if It was Paris pretty sure it was it it Didn't matter CU I didn't get out of the Airport but I was going to France Somewhere and some obese guy sat next to Me and I could and fell asleep he fell Asleep for the whole time and I was Going to have to climb over the guy to Use the restroom and these things and Just you know so I have tended to get The aisle seats but I was sitting there And I'm like there's nobody here so I Moved over to the window seat And I'm just staring out the window in a Complete like spiritual days you know

With this this um you know just gone Like just wasn't you know wasn't aware Of what's going on around me and you Know I was about to meet Jimmy Carter And I didn't know about and so Um what I would have noticed normally Because I'm observant about these things Like I'm very observant and just you Know people watching and things and you Know what's going on and especially on a Plane where there's all these different Kinds of people there was all these big Guys in suits that were talking into Their sleeves and had air pieces on Right cuz they were Secret Service and I Just didn't notice it at all like I it Was there but after I you know um well So what happened was I I'm just staring Out the window and um somebody says Something to me and I used to have it Written down somewhere but like whatever Because of you I kept the diary but the Person says nice to meet you and I Didn't say anything like like the person Standing like right down the aisle but I'm just looking out the window I'm just Like you know I I'm not like I'm hearing Things and then the person said nice to Meet you and I look up and this guy's Extending his hand to shake my hand and I look up I'm like oh [ __ ] that's Jimmy Carter some reason he was in I think I Was flying out of Austin I'm not sure Dallas or Austin and probably Dallas and

You know I shake his hand like and he's Um he's nice guy like he just had Nice Condition and you know I felt um you Know I looked at him I didn't you know I I felt good feelings about him of course I was in this Blissful experience very Pleasant but he went up all the the Aisle and he shook everybody's Hand and there was an announcement then I look around I'm like Jesus Christ half The half the guys on this plane are Secret Service there's like six or seven Guys at least big guys with you know These air pieces and there's two guys Standing near him when he shook my hand Um but you know like he's seemed like a Very pleasant person of course my mom She just loved the guy for whatever Reason you know I would say he was a Gentle soul as far as politicians go uh And you know this is not the first time Something like this has happened where You were uh you came out of a gathering And met somebody famous because when you Left these gatherings you were radiating Out this energy that you just received It just um you know people that were Around you would benefit from it you're Going back being with your family or Whatever it was people your co-workers You know you just it was it's a like It's a it's a a system where everyone's Supposed to be a conduit that you Receive this energy this unbelievable

Divine energy and then you give it to Other people you it passes through you To other people and so whatever happened You know between me and Jimmy Carter on The plane or whatever the other people That were there there was just something And so my reading of him was he was a Good person you know he kind of uh fell Out of like he just was a almost like a Non-existent president like they would Talk about the presidents and Bill Clinton and you know the bushes and These guys but Jimmy Carter was alive For so many years and just was like you Know the Forgotten president which Probably speaks wealth of him so let's Go to the other thing here um okay so Last night this came on my phone Twitter Recommended this breaking Mark cubin is Currently complaining about mainstream Media like CNN ABC lean right and that's The only reason president Trump won Thoughts and so this Is the um the post here from September 26 M gumman claims the media has a Right-wing bias what do you think about Mark Cuban's Assertion Um so this is all from this is no November 1st but none of these things is Is recent there's nothing recent about This right this guy wrote this you know Whatever 20 hours ago but when Mark Cuban actually said was this I haven't

Complained to the uh comp I have to I Gave a compliment to the right leaning Media you are now uh you are now the MSNBC the biggest TV news shows are on Fox the top 10 podcasts of a bunch of Right leaning shows Sinclair owns more TV stations than anyone Salem all right Leaning ihearts biggest Syndicate shows All conservative the biggest political Influencer accounts on social media are Including you conservative the biggest Influence of all Elon Musk is the Ultimate Trump Maxi he probably has five Times of followers of all the other Political influencers combined Conservative media is now MSN I know That makes it harder to play the victim But that's the reality Mark Cuban is Actually out there claiming mean the Mainstream media leans right and right Wing that is factually FSE according to The Data um so this was that so you know he Didn't say uh MSNBC and um you know Whatever this guy said originally here CNN and ABC because that's not true I Think maybe he knows that I don't know So this is just a clickbait thing but Even in that when Mark cubin you know This is the other so I went to look at This Mark huan's Twitter and this Happened um yesterday Elon most post Posted please post a bit more positive Beautiful informative content on this

Platform and Mark hubans said you First so that's great um you first you Don't like these these childish Billionaires it just shows you that Having a lot of money doesn't make you Smart or wise or good at other things Like you're good at making money maybe Lucky maybe some Scarab based but people Think that you're good at one thing and Then you're good at everything else and Usually that's not the case usually People are good at one thing and really Good at one thing they neglect Everything else so they suck at Everything else you know people who are Really focused and Achieve greatness in One field they sacrifice all their other Like the other other things in their Lives to be great at that one thing Right and so Mark cubin and these guys aren't good at Understanding what's going on around Them you know this is where people give More value to famous people celebrities And what they say and we know that That's proven to be completely wrong Because they you know what they're good At where they put all their life's Energy is being famous or being rich or Being an actor or being an athlete or You know whatever it is and they've Neglected the other parts of themselves And they're not a balanced person and so Their opinions on everything else is

Going to be worse about these things Right but you know there's this idea out There in these people that the media is Somehow right-wing media you know it Used to be always the liberal media but In reality when they used to say it was Liberal media we lived in a conservative Country and now when they say it's Right-wing we live in a liberal country Because we lived in a conservative Country the gender [ __ ] that they just Pulled under Trump redefining gender and All these things and all the feminist Stuff and all the things that you see at Movies and TV shows this new sort of Liberalism neoliberalism or whatever it Is right where it's um like the neocons Of liberalism they're not really Conservatives the neocons aren't Conservatives and the new liberals Aren't liberal but they have power Because the boomer generation now has a Lion share of the money and we know that Trump who is a rich man who you know Rich people would favor because his Policies benefit the rich was only able To raise I think about a billion dollars Where uh KLA Harris was able to raise 2.5 according to that Donor and so over 1.5 in her you know She raised a 1.5 for her election Campaign and another billion dollars for Uh a pack and so we know that the Liberals like for him to say that all

Social media is um trending right-wing And that the bigger shows are right-wing Shows well that's because people are Tired of the [ __ ] really what they Want is truther stuff and the stuff That's that's sort of semi- truther you Know people like Joe Rogan and these Other people that are semi truther you Know he's he's responding to Libs of Tik Tock I mean he Mark Cuban's responding To lives at tiktock you know which is Some woman who does these things right But you know this idea that it's left or Right is a misconception now if it was You know it's a little bit biased to the Left because they would have C they Would have covered Hunter Biden you know But they were obsessed with Trump and The leftwing media's obsession with Trump even though it's negative they're Putting out his stuff and him you know They're promoting him and they're giving Him cover because the media is so much Hated that anybody that they demonize is Going to get Street crit you know so It's just all a mess right but what I Want to talk about now in terms of this Um you know the stuff to do with um the Duke lacrosse was I didn't realize how Bad the media performed right and this Wasn't right-wing or leftwing it was you Know a story I mean when they go after a Celebrity or they go after an athlete You know it can be something generated

Like Kyrie Irving it was based in Fizer's influence on the media say right And so Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rogers Were being somewhat truther and you know Somewhat antivaxers and they were Demonized because the media is sponsored By fizer and other big Pharma companies But this Duke lacrosse thing is a good Example of being it's not about Right-wing or leftwing it's about Feeding the Beast so I've taped all These 30 for 30s because I'm like going Down memory lane of things that happen In the sports world and it brings back Memories of a certain phases and time in My life I've had this nostalgic thing Now for about three or four months which I I'm not nostalgic so I assume this is Like me um just going back through my You know my my my life flashing before My eyes so I wasn't really into the Duke Lacrosse thing whenever that happened I Wasn't watching mainstream media and I Didn't have a TV and I was kind of on The internet but not to the extent that I you know I knew it was going on with It and right before this I watched uh Like a week ago or so I watched this uh 30 for30 about Christian lner who was um The most hated professional athlete like There's t-shirts one of the highest Selling t-shirt is I still hate Christian and Lightner who is a Duke Basketball player and they're people who

Hate Duke University right which is um And they hate the white basketball Players that play at Duke like there's Just this elitism and and what they Define Duke as you know there's North Carolina University that Michael Jordan Went to and there's North Carolina State University that Jim valano coached and They're all in this conference called The ACC and I guess there are a couple Of other Um you know uh universities there that Are on what's called Tobacco Road you Know this was North Carolina was a big Tobacco growing state right and North Carolina is a beautiful state by the Mountain areas like in Nashville and the Ocean areas by the coast and the Barrier Islands right but in the middle it's not Nice it's just not and there's a lot of Poverty in like dingy cities but there Is a ivy league un University basically In Duke where in the beginning of this Um you know this the the um you know the 30 for 30 they were talking about how Elite it is academically that they Reject 75% of the um Valedictorians that apply to the school Right so that's how Elite the the University is that the best students in High schools all across America America The top students can't get in there Right you know it's like an ivy leag

School in the South and it's warmer There nicer beautiful campus and there's A lot of elite rich white people from New York New Jersey you know these Places that go there and a lot of you Know people from the local area aren't In this school and there is tension Between the Durham campus and the Durham Community and the people in Durham don't Like Duke and they think they're elitist People people they're not you know many Of them aren't from the state and There's racial tensions really high Level of racial tension there as well You know a southern community and so the 30 for30 which was well worth watching Is a two-hour show and I watched it over Like a series of days you know when I'm In between things me and my wife are Watching together and so you know the Hatred for Duke I was well aware of and I don't like Duke and don't like these Players you know the JJ reck you know he Came out with a good podcast so he's you I changed my opinion of him to whatever Extent but he was a cocky arrogant Person and these Duke guys especially The white players they were just really Unlikable Christian Christian later was The embod of this and people learned to Hate Duke and say anybody but Duke right And the hatred between them in North Carolina and these other uh they were Just a big rival and the way that they

Had these fans called the Cameron you Know they had this Arena called the Cameron Arena they called him the Cameron crazies and on this campus The lacrosse team was also a perennial Powerhouse that won multiple national Championships and they kind of were the The same level of arrogant white guys You know these Frat Boys you know it's Also important to to realize you know Matt Gates and heg Seth and and Trump And these trumpers people aren't digging These people like Trump likes these kind Of people oh this a good-looking guy Over there that's what Trump would say Right you know Trump likes these you Know these preppy Um Frat Boys right and like people just Don't like them and they have a bad you Know just especially now and for a good Reason because they're arrogant Pricks Many of them grew up with legitimate Privilege right and so there is this Animosity to these guys right and so the Lacrosse team was had this fraternity They had these houses and they um had a Party and they invited two strippers Which is total frat boy kind of uh you Know National Lampoons Animal House kind Of thing you know which those were an Eli as Frat Boys but you know that kind Of bad decision making right it was like 40 guys at a party which is kind of [ __ ] up in the first place where I

Mean why didn't you have you know girls There like they have you know these guys Were popular and they had access to College girls but they decided to have Two skanky strippers go to the party and They're going to be innocent of Everything else but they're guilty of This which is You know and college kids do stupid Things but you know it's a degradation It's a form of human trafficking cuz the One of the strippers is African-American And she's clearly mentally ill right so She had already had been Institutionalized and had mental issues She was somebody with you know when you When you look at her she wore these Contacts with these bizarre blue uh made Her eyes like vibrant blue a blue that Wouldn't exist especially with somebody With a dark complexion but it's a color Of blue that nobody has in their eyes Right it's obviously contact lenses and She looked crazy just in these pictures And she went to this party and she Um the strippers left they they locked Themselves in the bathroom and they left Early and these guys wanted to refund The Duke guys now this frat boy attitude And this is the stuff you got to realize About Matt Gates and these other people Like the Republican people do that there Just is an attitude about arrogant white Guys and you know they've been demonized

And villainized and and many of them you Know deserve it and trumps among them Right and that this is the temperature That's been around for a while and Duke Represented this whenever this happened 2009 or 10 I should look it up but I'm Not you know but this was already Setting it right and you know the Attitude towards Duke and the attitude Towards this type of person personality They couldn't wait for this thing to be Um you know for somebody like this to Slip up right the whole Duke University Thing I'm going to get into how [ __ ] Up this case was and how bad the media Behaved and because of this this Horrible uh district attorney but let's Talk about the bad decision making so You know when I was in my 20s I was Using all kinds of drugs free bacing you Know I had a bad attitude and I was very Punky like just I was at my worst you Know in terms of everyone has higher Levels of you know higher qualities in Them you have a soul and Divinity within You and then you have your ego and this Was when I was just you know at my worst Right as a person I no longer thought About God and I just had a bad attitude You know this is my college days in Early 20s and my friends started to go To strip clubs or would go to strip Clubs and like this they disgusted me Right like I had an aversion to them you

Know and on the surface I would didn't Have any kind of um I wasn't working on My character I wasn't working on my Morality this is just my reaction to Them they made me really uncomfortable And going into them I you know didn't Have an opinion and I was even drunk at The time right so you know it was I was Already desensitized to a certain extent But what I didn't like about this Was that it was creepy like it was Creepy to watch naked women who are just Being paid to take off their clothes and It wasn't sexual at all like only if you Went to a creepy place inside yourself Because you know this idea any kind of Time you're you're with Prostitutes or you're in kind of a Relationship where there's some sort of Where the other person doesn't want to Consent to having sex with you you're in The land of creepiness right and if you Get aroused by forcing somebody to have Sex with you in one way through using Money or whatever it's a business Transaction you know you have some kind Of weird deviant sexual Tendencies right Where somebody whing to have sex with Somebody who doesn't want to have sex With you right where it's not consensual Or the person doesn't want you and this Could be in relationships as well not Just sexual you know when people come to My channel and they're like oh I hate

You but I'm going to stay here and try To comment as much as possible and I'm Going to watch your videos just to hate You I'm like what's wrong with you like Why do you want to feel hatred right why Do you want to despise people like just Not me anybody it feels shitty to hate People right and I don't want you here Like I'm not begging people to watch my Show if it's not good then people Shouldn't watch it right you either get Something out of it but I wouldn't Manipulate people or try to make them Feel sorry for me oh you got to watch my Show you know like it's stupid you know Manipulate people or force people you Know whatever it is like I you know it's Something where there has to be consent You know people said you just wasted two Hours of my time what you wait you Didn't know the video sucked for you Five minutes in like it Was you know like what's like like What's wrong with you right like I mean You know I don't want you here if you're Like that like I don't you know Understand these types of personalities You know people who are emotionally Manipulative and and use force and to Pay somebody to be around you right like I wouldn't want a bunch of people let's Say I was like incredibly rich I Wouldn't want people around me just cuz I was rich or famous or whatever it is

Right you know like those kind of people Are the worst kind of people right and This is the problem rich people have you Know famous people have that they you Know they don't get people who like them For being them I mean Eddie Murphy made A whole like movie about it it was a Whole thing like he was obviously going Through it and you have all these you Know hoes and skanks and you know these Um women who just want to you know land A basketball player rapper I mean this Whole you know real wives of Berry Hills And these Kardashians I mean they're Those kind of people they you know They're Fame Chasers and these things Right just like you know really Beautiful women or successful women as As well but beautiful ones feel like men Are only with them because of their Beauty right and they don't you know Care about what's inside of them you Know and they're just uh like an image Of the kid had when they were you know Growing up and being sexualized to Sports Illustrated swim Edition or you Know lingerie models or you know Whatever it is Playboys you know Whatever Hollywood starlets I mean it's This whole thing you know people want People to see who they are and be loved For what they have inside right And other than that everything else is a Failure you know any relationship that

Isn't based in you liking the person Inside you know what's what a person is On a heart level and a you know what They are as a person internally you know What's inside a person that's like the Only thing that can endure in any kind Of relationship and that contributes to An enhancement and a you know an Evolution of your sexual interactions as You you you know as you love the person Who they are more and more then uh you Know they become more and more beautiful To you just externally and you know Internally because of your shared love And you know this is how relationships Grow and very seldom is there that Element and so anything that's involves Force or business arrangements or any of These things and you know prostitutes And strippers are a part of that and so It's just really creepy and you know to Have two women in a a room with young Men who are Phil you athletes who are Full of testosterone and they're all Liquored up you know it's just a bad Situation so these Duke clowns you know When they're already hated for their Privileged made a bad decision and they Got two uh strippers who are kind of Like hookers the one who was um like Accused them of this we'll get into that In a bit and they're this girl's Mentally ill and so they have a mentally Ill ill girl a mentally ill girl there

Who was on some probably different sorts Of drugs coming to this environment and Stripping for them and they don't get The kind of show that they wanted which I don't know what that would be but the Girls weren't there long enough and they Left and the girl goes home and passes Out like on her doorstep and her dad Comes out and he she's neglecting she Has kids and you know her whole life's a Mess and instead of you know taking Responsibility for being an eated she Tells her dad she got raped at Duke Right like just it was a lie of mentally Ill girl tells because she has you know I mean she's trying to cover for herself And doesn't want to take responsibility For bad decisions and so she's Interviewed by the cops and this District attorney this real scumbag District attorney is running for Reelection and he needs support from the African-American community and he needs A case that's going to make him pop so He can win reelection and so this guy Doesn't care about any of the evidence Never interviews the Defendants and you know there's this Vague story this girl has that she was Sexually abused by a couple of guys in The Bathroom at this frat house but there's 40 players on the team and nobody knows Who she's accusing of the players and

All these people who have hate for Duke And you know the people in the Community and like for example there's a Woman who later comes out she's Interviewed and she ends up writing These guys an apology letter this is a Like a local journalist but she wrote an Opad saying to all the players of the Team you know and we know you know like Who did it and so they want the team to Finger the guys because they think the Team was sitting around and all these Guys at the party you know 25 30 guys or Whatever it is there was you know 40 Guys I guess it was that were at this Party knew that these two guys went and Raped these girls and they're expecting These guys to write each other out but The thing never happened and they had You know there's that Meme of that Liberal girl that's screaming you know That she's got this face as glasses Hopefully I can find it I'm sure I can And I'll put it in these pictures as we Go through it but she's um you know just So hateful and angry and feminist you Know it's just a it's a meme that's used By conservatives and people over and Over again and there's people like this Across the board there's black people Who ha these you know this is the're They're mad at the the abuse and slavery And and the the inequality and Whatever's going on and with the Duke

And they all just convict these guys the Local media and the people in the campus And they're going after the school Itself and it's a nightmare for them but Then it makes it into mainstream media And they convict these guys right and They talk about privilege and it's the Hatred for the Christian leners and the You know the frat boy stuff and this is What's great about this you know it's Obviously not a great story but it shows You what mainstream media really is is That it's so not journalism right and It's so not American because in America You have and you know this the cubes did The same thing so right-wing people have No [ __ ] you know the right-wing Element of the truth Community this Happens in the truth Community all the Time that you judge people based in the The fact that there are people on the Other side And you you know convict them and you Know these people are horrible people But on both sides and to the extent that These [ __ ] cubes you know these these Uh right-wing truthers they're not Truthers they're just right-wing Extremists who you know pretend that They're looking at you know alternative Narratives to the truth but it's just They're pushing this right-wing crazy Agenda that's existed forever and when They wanted to render people like they

Wanted Tom Hanks and these other people To be you know these deep State people To be taken to guantan Bay and these American citizens have their right to do Process violated because they are Already convicted in the truth Community But only the guys the people that were On the other side even though Trump's a Scumbag and he has a horrible attitude Towards women and he has all these guys Who I mean he's guy he has a he's Nominated guys who paid prostitutes and Were alcoholics and mistreated their Women and cheated on their wives you Don't care about that [ __ ] like you Cubies right you don't care about that Those accusations the accusations are go Along with it oh they're innocent Because they're like they're they're Trying to get the Deep State these States going after them you know this is Just the stupidity of humanity where you Convict people on almost no evidence Like in fact the opposite of no evidence There was a ton of evidence that would Exonerate these young men you know and They made a bad decision with the Stripper and their drunk you know Attitudes and these things but the way They were treated was far worse than That because they represented a hated Group and this idea you know privilege And this is before the idea of white Privilege was out there but it was there

Right and all the people jumped in on it And that you know and it really I mean The way that they covered this at 30 for 30 was incredible like because they Showed the national media they showed The local media they showed the protests They showed the signs people were Holding up and they were these guys were All convicted rapists and rapist Sympathizers and so the whole team was Condemned right they ended up firing the Coach who would been a you know a Stellar coach because he stood behind His team and yet there was no charges Because the district attorney had no [ __ ] case he knew this girl was Mentally ill and refused to meet meet With her and he didn't you know get into Her story and he had DNA evidence that Exonerated these guys but his C campaign Manager was part of the people that were Interviewed and she said something to Him about like you can't do this and There's no this is like not a winning Strategy he goes yeah but I'm getting a Million dollars worth of publicity Because he was running for a campaign For district attorney and so he needed This this uh he was going after these Privileged guys and if he backed out now He was going to lose so he already knew The case was [ __ ] he knew these guys Were innocent yet he went on on all These media shows cuz he liked the you

Know he liked to be in the center of Attention and he said he had DNA Evidence he didn't have and said they Sure that something happened and these Guys were uh but again he hadn't charged Any of them like they didn't charge any Of these guys yet and so there's just These 40 guys out there and so this Woman who wrote this this piece for the Local paper at the end of the show she's Going to come out and say you know she Said to the these guys you guys you know You guys know and you know we know you Know right and she said she had been Sexually assaulted in college like each Person had their personal you know Victimization [ __ ] or you know bad Experience with this you know this kind Of Paradigm and so the anger came out Just like you know there's anger in the Truth Community where people sometimes Post [ __ ] stuff or fall for you know Fake conspiracy theories but it's Because the anger that's there the Righteous anger of the people who run The system and do it in a you know There's just so much bad [ __ ] out there Right people are just [ __ ] bad right This is you know so this thing coming Around and the reason I'm covering this Not only cuz I watched it because two Weeks ago I covered this and the girl Who eventually will murder her her um Her boyfriend kills him and goes to jail

For so many years and comes out and she Has you know she's kind of tries to be a Christian but she's crazy and she went On this podcast and said yeah I made it Up but she already confessed In private to these detectives she came Back months later and said yeah I didn't Do you know it didn't happen but they Ignored that right and so what's Interesting about the trial so the the Way the media covered it and so what Happens is the state does DNA Analysis and finds that all and you know These players all submitted their DNA And finds that there's no DNA this woman has none of the players DNA on them after the district attorney Had said he had DNA evidence and so his Campaign manager he wins the primary so He is going to he's running for you know He's going to probably win this district Attorney thing and she quits because she Knows it's he's bullshitting she's with Him she knows he's lying he knows this Is she doesn't have a case and she's Talking about this now in the in the Show but she at the time she quits cuz She doesn't want to be a part of this [ __ ] debacle right so he just took Walk with my dogs took a break and you Know I want to get to the end of this Story Um in a second but you know what's Important about this you know what I saw

And felt like you know and I'm aware of This but it was just right there to be Seen I've already talked about this but I really want to emphasize the point is That people will make up whatever they Got to make up to Demonize people they don't like or People that wronged them and will Maximize things well You know minimize things and maximize Things you know minimize things for People they like like trumpers do for Trump and maximize something for KLA Harris you know do the same thing for Hunter Biden and you know all these Things like all these different people And it's all externalized because Everybody sucks right that's kind of That could be the name of my channel Everybody sucks because you know people Suck right now even the good people the Spiritual people you know there's a Degradation of The Human Condition Everybody's worse than they would be Under a different system in a different Time and the Darkness that's within People the negativity is pulled forward And it's worse for some people than Others and yada yada yada all that kind Of [ __ ] but all of us are Participating in this and experiencing It right and the reason I am free from Emotional reactions and stress to Covering this cess pit is

Because I'm fully aware that I'm not Responsible for you know judgment and Knowing everything about this you know These people because you can never know Everything and you can never know what Happened in past lives you never know Any of these things but Justice is Always there there's no victims I've Said this over and over again because if You believe in God then there's no Victims because if you believe in God You believe that there's a plan and There's order to the universe I say this Over and over again I think people hear It but don't feel it like in you know I Struggle with it but if there's order to The universe then everything makes sense There's no unfair there's no victims Everything happens on a level where There's some sort of reason for it Happening like if everything happens for A reason then there's a God if Everything happens randomly then there's No God right that's the difference if There's a reason that there's you know Everything is accounted for then you Don't have to worry about anything it's A Liberation you don't have to worry About other people then you just realize If you you do a good job if you embrace The Divinity within you then you're free From consequences that are Undesirable and that you will you know You you won't do anything that's going

To have to be uh settled up later right So every lie you tell everything that You do wrong you're going to have to pay For later on and you're not going to get Away with [ __ ] and if everybody knew That and really cared about their future Selves which people don't unfortunately But at some point could then you would Behave in a way where you realize There's Consequences there's Divine consequences And there's no Mulligans there's no Getting away there's no manipulating Your way out of something you can just Prolong whatever is going to happen and So you know this thing that happened With the media and everybody jumping on These guys because they don't like them And you know they should get some kind Of consequences from their attitude and Being you know um frat boy punk athlete Jocks whatever things white guys Duke You know all these things you know There's an attitude there and it seems Like from the comments of the players After they went through this they um you Know they realized some of these things Right so as you know they they grew from The experience which is ultimately what Any good experience is for and as long As they don't think of themselves as Victims then they are you know they you Can grow from something so how the case Fell apart was you you know the district

Attorney knew that he didn't have a case At some point that was going to be Exposed and he brought the girl in and They showed pictures of just the guys at The party like no lineup where you show Random people right because she didn't Probably remember any of them because She was in a uh you know she was messed Up like she was like on drugs and Completely messed up right and she had Been doing Pro well we'll get into that In a moment but you know prostitution Was involved in this and so so she Probably didn't remember any of their Faces or anything from that night it's Been a while and she 100% uh identified Two of these guys and it was illegal What they did because you can't just Show pictures of guys at the party and Not have other people that would be if She fingered those people it would be Clear that she was you know she was just Making it up right because these guys Were if she there was people that Weren't at the party or weren't even at Duke like you have a lineup right and They have one guilty person and five People are weren't and if they pick the Wrong person you know that this person's A bad witness or or just lying or making It up so she picked these two guys and One of them was redhaired and skinny if You remember that the three the three Guys who end up getting charged and one

Of the two guys she picked and when she Described these people originally this Is what the loyers found out that this One guy didn't fit the description at All and and so she said both guys had Dark hair and one guy was short and Stocky and the other guy was you know Big and muscular whatever but the the One guy who was skinny and had red hair Didn't fit her description at all like Was uh not you know it just didn't but The cop who interviewed her who had Multiple cases where he was a gung-ho And aggressive with college students at Duke that he was over the top with them And he obviously didn't like them he Changed his notes to describe the kid That she's now fingered three or 4 Months after because they don't have any You know guys yet they don't have Anybody they're charging and so these Guys are charged and there's all this Evidence you know there's no DNA Evidence and so the district attorney Goes outside the state lab and again He's wasting taxpayer money because he Knows that these guys are innocent and He refuses to talk to the the defendants Lawyers and when they say that we have a Case for innocence he puts his hands Over his ears and says I can't hear this Both of the the numerous lawyers Describe this right these guys who were Lawyers for these kids right and lucky

For these kids they had Parents with Resources and they're hiring these Lawyers because this guy's wasting the State's money and he hires a private DNA Firm that finds uh on a fake fingernail That's in the trash can of these kids' House he finds DNA for one of the kids And so this so this kid is now charged But this guy is kind of articulate and He gives us he comes out gives this Famous speech he's the captain of the Team and the university had told the Kids not to speak to the public and that Hurt the kids you know because they Weren't out defending themselves and People thought that the kids were just Being aloof and being you know white Guys and just not you know dealing with The accusation but this kid gives a kind Of a like an epic speech on the I Remember this happening and then all of A sudden people are like well these are Human beings and maybe this isn't true Right and so this like helped him and so Um they but they do this DNA and they Charge him as well so they have three Defendants and the lawyers ask for the DNA samples and the district attorney Dumps 125 pages of you know scientific Data that no one understands on them and One of their young lawyers who's good at Research spends the next three four days He doesn't leave the office he buys an Amazon book on understanding DNA

Forensic evidence and he studies them Like he learns it figures it out and he Come across these Pages where it says it Does not match and what he finds out is The girl has eight kinds of DNA from Guys in her you know on her you know Whatever right because she's been Prostituting herself and so she's like a Freaking you know she's like a Sperm and you know she's mentally ill And all these things I mean she's not Going to hold up as a witness and she's Already going to recant because it's Been months and now she kind of knows it Just is you know whatever I mean she has Finally come out and done done it at an Interview but none of the DNA matches Any of the guys at the frat house so you Know this should have exonerated him and The guy was going on the show saying he Had DNA evidence like he was out there He's already you know the district Attorney um but then he didn't and now It's clear that that she's had all this Other DNA which is bad like it's Horrible for the case it destroys the Case but on top of it it has these Initials of the guy who did the the Testing and his DNA is in there like the Guy which means the tests are Compromised because he's inserted his Own DNA so there's no DNA evidence it's Admissible and the evidence itself is Not you know it isn't uh you know again

It exonerates the the uh the the the Guys who have been charged with the Crime right so like I kind of knew about I didn't know it was this bad and so They file a motion to have this guy Disclose the DNA stuff and the district Attorney like who's doing anything to Keep his case going brings in his expert And they're not ready for it the defense Isn't and they don't they don't have Time to prepare so they asked this kid Who went in and he went and learned all About this to cross-examine and there's All these reporters and the kid's never Done anything like that he's like Freaking out and the guy says no you got It you're you're a great lawyer you can Do this and so the kid you know nuts up And he goes and Poor choice of words and he rips this Guy to shreds and he said you know the Kids being interview you know he's Commenting commenting on this thing and He says there was a moment where I knew The guy realized I knew what I was Talking about that I had learned his you Know this this abstract science and I Was able to destroy his arguments and so The guy admits all the things that the Kid had found and that they didn't admit This crucial evidence where it said it Was not a match right and so the District Attorney's got his head in his Hands because he didn't think the other

Team was going to be able to Cross-examine his guy and so the kid was Like you know I'm done I can't I don't Have any more in me so one of the Season Lawyers comes up and asks the guy the Pivotal question the expert says did you And the district attorney collude to Exclude evidence and the guy said There's only one answer to that and That's yes and so this guy admits that They withheld Evidence that would exonerate these Defendants so now the case is over and These guys everyone's in the AUD you Know the courtroom it's like oh my God And so then the district attorney is Charged and he's Disbarred and he goes and he is in front Of the you know like a uh you know a Team of lawyers or judges who are you Know about to despar him and they're Grilling him about all these decisions He made and he starts crying saying he Just wants the truth to come out like Just being a victim I mean the guy's a Total piece of [ __ ] so he serves one day In jail and he can't be a lawyer anymore And he's done and the case is taken over And the and the state sees all the Evidence and they come out and say that They're innocent and then this girl Gives a statement you know the vi the So-called victim and she's clearly Mentally ill and she's trying to defend

Herself and you she basically Acknowledges she made the thing up but Without saying that and a short time Later she is kills her uh husband is put In jail her boyfriend father of her baby And you know all these people are now These media people who have been Demonized these kids and you know just Making [ __ ] up with their subjective Hatred or just jumping on the bandwagon They're all kind of backpedaling because They realize they've done a horrible Thing here because you know the bottom Line is you want do process right you Know everyone wants to be considered Innocent till proven guilty and you know What's happened with this Luigi man own Thing and all these other things that They do now this is what the media does It goes violates the principles of due Process right where the media convicts People without even evidence being put In there right and just and now they Come up with this you know evidence of These [ __ ] [ __ ] manifestos and The rest of it right so the cop who Changed his notes he ends up being fired From the force or leaving the force in You know Durham and like five five years Later he commits suicide cuz he's you Know a horrible person you know and this Whole thing and now this girl has Admitted that she made the whole thing Up right and you know she's mentally ill

Like there's no way anybody would taking Her seriously and she was basically a Prostitute right so you know she was Living a she was working for an escort Service and the timeline didn't match up For her accusations like they already Knew the timeline had been uh Obliterated cuz one of the guys left the Party when the the the rape that Occurred you know when the so-called Rape Ur occurred and that guy um he Comes out and gives a statement and says You know it makes you understand that if They could do that to us and we have all These resources and our parents have Money and we have lawyers how many other Cases are like this right like how many Times is happen when people are this Isn't done isn't Duke players it isn't Some national news story because this Guy already there's um like a guy who's In jail for murder because it happens All the time where cops make up Information make up you know whatever it Is and the the district attorney for Political reasons we saw this was KLA Harris but it's all these people they Want to win and they don't care whose R Lives they ruin or how Justice is you Know this is how it is this is how People are right this is Humanity people You know talk [ __ ] about other people And say things and without really Knowing them and you know whatever the

Thing is and convict people you know Just because of their own emotional Issues but very few people are working On themselves which is what I talk about Here over and over again so the three Guys who got Accused by Duke because Duke handled it Duke threw these guys Under the bus and the whole team they Canceled the season and they demonized The program and fired the coach they Settled For What appears to be 20 Million to Peach so each of the kids got $20 million from duke and the whole team Sued Duke and they got un some Undisclosed moneys as well I would Assume it's like a million bucks a piece There was one Duke player who an email Was discovered where he said he was Going to kill the strippers and wear Their clothes as you know something that Was from some movie and like a [ __ ] he Wrote this thing and it was like Something he shared with his team like He was quoting a movie whereever it was American Psycho or something and and Then it came out like in the middle of The case which just added to the whole Thing and so it's a great example like I You know I was talking to my wife about Going we have to watch it together Because it's just you know one of the Just you see how bad it is and how Easily manipulated people are and how They just want to go there you know when

They hate a group they hate a Demographic I mean you see it with Trump You see it with Biden you see it with You know all these different people you Know people want have an object for Their hate and now that people are more Miserable than ever it's even more Prevalent in the way the internet is and People just you know make up anything And just it's just a you know nobody Cares about the truth all right so let's Get into the other things here and then Um I'll um you know do these other two Videos on New Year's Eve and then New Year's Day okay greetings brothers and Sisters today is Sunday November 29th um let's start going with this is Hilarious video one of my viewers sent Me on instag go two funny things to Start off with here Yeah no thanks it's kind of like what my Dogs when it's raining they all go charg It outside and um but you can go back 20 Minutes later and the Ducks will do the Same thing because they don't have any Reference to hey it was snowing out There before Um that's great and then there is this One and so this is um Donald J Trump He's looking for the gays for Trump Which appears to be some sort of group Of people who are gay but also for Trump And then this Happens

Trum you don't look At y don't look Gay and so um those were two hilarious Things are sent to me Yesterday okay so to go with the um my Last video this is some sort of Spaceship before where these guys all Have hats going this Way and this is 2023 and which we just Saw in 2024 where there's um all of a sudden These things are going straight up which Makes no sense right because gra the Lack of gravity doesn't make things go Straight up right like it's not you know And why does it go this way here and This way Here Um you know which I mean NASA has such a Bad reputation now and they have I mean You know these private corporations in Elon Musk have taken over space and so Like it's so bad I mean there's it's Going to be whatever space force thing There is but there's you know they need Lots of money and this these things are Expensive and whatever you know what's Real about NASA and whatever stuff They're doing in terms of rocketry They've just there's so much of this [ __ ] out there and so many people think The mood landing is fake or at least Suspect and that's their one big Achievement and you know um and they got

Don pet It so this is Wonderful all right um So this is from JK Rowling I just read This to Neil and he said something that Made me laugh so hard I nearly coughed Up a Kidney and so um she posted yesterday Married 23 years today this is JK ring And her husband I hope he leaves you for A transwoman so JK Rowling who is a Feminist and you know and all that that Implies has been very critical of the The trans movement how it's affected Biological women and she's been Eviscerated by some of the actors that Profited you know a guy who plays Harry Potter and some of these other people You know these so-called liberal Hollywood you know English whatever the English version of Hollywood is and you Know these people and then all these Liberal people in England and she's Talked about being cancelled and all This stuff right and the reason that It's interesting to me this was Recommended to me by Twitter X is the Best now more and more people are Calling it X so I guess this thing's Worked out um but whatever they're doing There they recommend their Recommendations for me are the best of Anything because it's of any of these Platforms because I might not use all

The stuff that they recommend to me but I click on a lot of it and it's kind of Funny or interesting you know I'll share It with my wife or whatever and so They're really good at figuring out you Know I think they just don't have all These [ __ ] filters you know Google I Mean this happened with Google which I've talked about in the past there was A point where Google was either told by The powers that be you know this inv Involved the Biden Administration but Even before that you know the censorship Police whereas a search engine which YouTube is also a search engine they Started to recommend [ __ ] to us that we Didn't want and they before that they Used to recommend the stuff that they we Did want so we knew they could do it you Know there was a time where anytime I Search something on YouTube I would find The video that I wanted or the genre I Wanted but now they won't even show you Truth stuff truther things I mean no Matter how much truther content you Watch YouTube will recommend it to you When you search for it they'll recommend Some mainstream [ __ ] thing that you Don't want to see and so they had the Audacity and the arrogance to say we Know what you want but we're not going To give it to you we think you should Have this instead and of course Twitter's not doing that and so they're

Um you know they're sending you things At least as my experience it's a lot More you know accurate to what I'm Looking for even if I'm not asking for It this is unsolicited like I open my Phone up and I'm like wow there's a Tweet from JK rolling Right and do they still call them tweets Or ex's like what do they you know how Can it be X and not Twitter and they Still call them tweets cuz tweet goes With Twitter but either way you know I Did this thing called I said this thing Years ago and I had to to you know Delete those videos or make them private And now it seems like it's coming back Around again but it's you know just let It happen and had to do with the Trans Movement particularly and that how the Feminists you know women biological Women were going to have to get pissed Off at some point when they realized That biological men were winning women Of the year right with the first President was a a bio first woman President was actually a biological man You know that women were going to be Usurped by by trans women like in Various ways and these feminists and you Know particularly the L the lesbians Were going to probably be upset about This in sports you know there's a lot of Lesbians in sports and female sports and When they have to compete against

Biological men and feminist women who Are also exist in sports and they're Competing against biological men that They were natural enemies not so much For us in the truth Community we can Just stand back and watch right just let It happen and this is what I'm talking About here JK Rowling is a feminist and She is upset that trans women are Getting more attention and love and more Support than women are and when she Speaks up about it she's condemned but I Know there are a lot of feminist women And lesbian women who agree with her We've seen it we've seen some of these Women speak up for you know lesbian Women in sports and also so um feminist Women and and sometimes they're both Right they're feminist lesbians and so You know they're natural enemies in some Way because they're natural competitors Right trans women are coming in like Whenever you get a new demographic you Now have biological men who are Competing with biological women for all Kinds of different things right that's The you know that's how that works out Like in that sense when a man decides That he's a woman Inside and he starts To you know transition into being a Woman and then is looking for the same Resources that are available to women Like that there's more women now right And there's another demographic or group

That's competing with these other these Demographics and this is you know I mean It doesn't affect me and I can just sit Back and watch especially the feminist Women who are pushing this liberal Agenda and then they wait a minute we're Like we're defeating you know when trans When trans women women start being uh Winning these things start you know Winning being the best players or being The best you know winning women of the Year or being you know getting these Positions and they're like well that Would have been a position that was Given to a biological women and now it's Being given to a biological man wait a Minute we've screwed ourselves over by Pushing this liberal agenda that's Actually it hurts us right and so just Let it happen that was the whole you Know idea behind it okay so um this is From from Australia I rather enjoy the Australian accent you know and I also Enjoy when comedians make fun of Hecklers and YouTube knows it because They recommend quite a few videos about This subject this is from Tim foil hat Tim foil this guy must be named Tim I Believe it's the comedian here in Question full fight scene the most Insane ending of to a Heckle heckling a Heckler ever um there's a guy just won't Shut up And the audience is just done with them

And so somebody punches them or Something happens they don't show you The fight right which you know is um It's still a good video Anyway but what I was interested in the Reason I'm covering it here you know I Talk about how I get shown all the time That there's a plan where there's just Too many coincidences that can't be Coincidences right and so there's a part Of this where this guy's talking talking To him this guy Tim the comedian he's Talking to um the Heckler and he says What does he do for living and the Audience members say he's a scaffolder And apparently this guy has talked Through three or four sets of Comedians And this guy addresses it right off the Bat and you know so it's this guy's been A complete douche not funny and you know These things so this guy when he hears He's a scaffolder he builds scaffolding Scaffolding for buildings he said well Maybe you should wear a hard hat more Often and then while I'm watching this My wife sends me a text that says do you Need a hard hat I mean within minutes of Him saying that right because she was um Looking at something and you know she I Just had taken down some trees with the Chainsaw and things and so um which I Also had a dream last night of a Chainsaw which now I'm remembering which Is a third part of it right but you know

I mean it's just an obscure thing um Where my wife was you know um you know Had this idea about a hard hat and then She thought maybe I would need one at The same time I'm watching this you know Video that has I mean just whatever and So like I have things like that happen Regularly and I'm like well this isn't You know there's some sort of Confirmation not that I need it but it's Just there like why would that happen Like you know I haven't talked about a Hard hat or thought about getting a hard Hat you know my wife might have Mentioned it when I was taking down Trees you know I was there's some trees That fell down and I was you know There's some branches that were above The head level or whatever but like that Was months ago and so you know uh this Happens to me a lot where I will think About something from my past and There'll be you know a 30 for 30 on ESPN Or some memory I have some obscure Memory and then I'll see the movie like Or something that you know I haven't Seen in years and you know I thought About beforehand so you know and I not That I need like any confirmation Because I believe there's a plan right You know you believe in God that people Believe in God believe that there's a Plan there's some order to the universe That's not chaotic and there's

Connectivity and there's things that are You know that are I mean just it's been Proven over and over again Scientifically and certainly spiritually But it happens all the time but Occasionally I point it out here just Because you know it's kind of Interesting let's move on to the next Thing here okay so YouTube keeps on Sending me interviews with this um DNC uh I guess former DNC fundraiser she Now dumps Democrats after being Ostracized you know it's not as good her Speaking out because she's done it so Much she's going back and forth with Between Fox and Newsmax and slamming the Democrats which Is kind of funny but you know the Problem with all that is there's been Numerous times where either the Republican party or the Democratic party Should have folded they should have like Because of the their just um their Mishandling of everything and just all Of it right their their their Finance I Mean what they've done here is launder Money and steal people's ation money and Give it to people who didn't do anything In terms of winning the election right I Mean it was $2 billion of money that They basically split amongst themselves And for nothing right for a horri Horrible attempt at a presidential cand

Candidacy but the thing is when you have A two-party system no matter how bad Either or both of the parties are They've locked it up there's never going To be a third party system the two Parties have locked it up so a third Party could never exist and for that Reason as soon as people are pissed at Trump or the Republicans the Democrats Will get a second you know a a 100th Life right when they should have died Just like the Republicans should have Died after certain mishaps and things That they've done but because of their Only game in town right remember how bad It was for Trump post election with Joe Biden and then the Republican party was In disarray and Trump was being indicted And now everything's back to sighten With the Republicans which will only Last for so long right but let's hear What she has to say here joing me now is Former DNC fundraiser Linda Lindy Lee Lindy thanks for Lindy Lee being here uh You announced your exit from the Democrat Party after coming under attack For criticizing vice president Harris And her campaign you say you were Basically ostracized uh how So Ashley Mary Christmas it's wonderful To be with you Merry Christmas this has Been a long time coming my initial Disillusionment became clear when I Realized that they spent they burnt

Essentially set $2.5 billion do on fire They raised 1.5 billion through the Campaign another billion through the Super PAC Future Ford and there's been No accountability we still haven't Gotten any ANS as why Oprah Oprah a Billionaire got 2.5 you still lying About that right because it's not Million dollars through her production Company why this is the thing about all This stuff like I've been saying Recently everything has a shelf life and Your outrage and your story and nothing Ever happens there's no consequences Like she's still talking about Oprah Right like you know it's over with right They stole your money they stole your Money and they gave some of it to Oprah Could she pay for it she's an oligarch She could have just paid for the Production cost herself and not to Mention the fact that they spent $450,000 putting TLA Harris's face on The sphere now tell me why that would be Helpful tell me how that would help her Win obviously that was utter failure and Then they spent $500,000 essentially Bribing Al Sharpton we've heard about All these things the sphere in Las Vegas And the Al Sharpton thing we all know That they wasted money they all know They ran a shitty campaign moments Before he interviewed her and this is Our hard earned money this is the money

That I work so hard to raise I raised Millions of this and donors are feeling Burn and let me tell you although I Might be the only one coming forward I Haven't met a single donor who disagrees With me boom so what's been the response Lindy since you made your Announcement vitriolic and they say They're not a cult but look at how they Behave when one of their own Okay so We've heard this is just redundant at This point but she's left the Democratic Party but where you going to go right Like you believe in what Trump has to Sell the Republicans like you know I Mean that's the problem with the Two-party system the only real solution Is realizing that they they have a they Have a a joint interest in excluding Third parties and so they might look Like they're enemies but they work Together to make sure there's no third Party it's impossible for a third- Party Candidate to you know win and if a third Party candidate won as president how Would that candidate get anything past With a Democrat and Republican House and Senate and so there's no third party There's no chance of a third party they Have it completely locked up between Them which means that they have a Monopoly and that they are inherently Tied together right they're married That's what it means it's a it's a

Marriage between the Democrats and the Republicans and you know with the Divorce would represent a third party Right but there is no divorce and there Is no chance of a third party as much as Americans are sick of voting for one or Either of these two parties they vote For one because they think they have to Just because they you know they're They're The lesser of two evils and so that's Why this system sucks and so when you Remove yourself from that you realize That your vote doesn't matter because They just pan you these two shitty Candidates every year right that neither One is going to represent you and they Lie to you about what they're going to Do and they can't do it even if they Wanted to do it and so it's just a this Is uh you know frogs stuck in a well Right okay so this happened I'm trying To look for a longer version I don't Think it exists here but here it is you Think the Middle East is in better shape Today than when he took office well I Think he got our hostages home I think That's a big deal I think it's important I'm sorry which hostages he got he's Gotten a number of people home he was Able there's still 100 people over there Well there were more than including Including some Americans look I I think He's gonna so like no one thinks about

That Right I think he's gonna leave office in Disgrace the hunter Biden pardon was Disgraceful he's going to be remembered Largely for inflation and for the Disastrous Afghanistan pullout and I Think as we continue to we're just Getting the first draft of this now but As we continue to learn about the Massive coverup that went on not about His health but about his mental Acuity okay so that happened um you know This was a New York Post thing gra I'm Not going to look for a longer version Because Joe Biden's too old and this you Know I mean he's done like no one cares About him no one cares about KLA Harris Or Biden he's going to leave office now In you know 20 days or so or whatever it Is 25 days and he's pretty much they're Hiding him away for the last couple Weeks hunt uh Trump is already moving in You know Hunter's been P pardoned and Whatever it is and Joe Biden probably be Dead in two years and he'll be you know Dead to the world because he's I mean His he's going to fall apart as soon as He's not in the presidency you know he's Still working but as soon as he retires All that stuff catches up with you right And so you people really fall apart After they retire it's like their their Job and they're having something to do Every day keeps them going but when you

Have something like Parkinson's that he Had all these other things maybe some of These things will come out but no one's Going to give a [ __ ] about it because It's all going to be Trump Drama by then And then the end of the world stuff will Start kicking In and so you know it's kind of funny But not really all that much there's Nothing here this is a another nothing Burger so there's not much [ __ ] going on Right so here's Don Lemon I think he's Off of Twitter he probably fired his Staff because he's you know um or Minimized it he has this lemon drop two Hours ago what do people think about Luigi Bon we'll get into the lemon drop these Are all lemon drops lemon drop Will Marian Wilson be the next DNC chair he Got 8,000 views 22,000 views 8,000 views 4,000 views 16,000 views and so you know To have a staff and have a production I Mean he can't keep this up I don't know Where he's getting any kind of Revenue I Don't know who would advertise with him 4,000 views right I mean he's nobody Likes him he's got no audience you Someone who had that much level of Fame And had access to you know millions of People on CNN I mean I'm sure that you Know his name recognition quite a number Of people and he's fallen into nothing Right he couldn't compete on the

Internet because he absolutely sucks Lemon drop should Biden pardon Trump December 10th 2024 and so um 5,000 views let's watch These two things here okay so here he is In pre- Christmas he's got his Multiracial Santa and then another Santa Here that's I don't know what that thing Is just multiple Santa here Black Santa And Mrs Santa in a in a globe with some Firmament um And so um you know let me interject here You know Jesus is significant right Jesus Is somewhat you know he's Middle Eastern Jesus had dark skin of some kind like if You look at the people who live in that Area who have lived there for the last 2,000 years people who are you know Middle Eastern looking there're some African type people but there's no white European people that were living in that Place like the way Jesus is depicted is Looking like an English you know some Fair fair blue-eyed English guy or Swedish guy or something like that right That doesn't you know that's not how Jesus would look like it's silly like They made a European Jesus but he's from You know part of the you go to that Region you see what people look like of Course there's now white Jewish people There that are from the caucus mountains Right from various places like car car

Kazera wherever it is that you know that Stuff there are people from Russian Jews Or whatever but the mo you know you look At the people who are indigenous to that Area or have been there for you know Thousands of years Jesus isn't you know Doesn't look like he's depicted you know The pictures that we saw of Jesus as Kids you know when they picture this Blue-eyed long- haired hippie looking Jesus that's not what Jesus looked like Right and so you know depicting Jesus as Being black or something like that or You you know that you know that and Jesus was he he accomplished something Santa Claus is just like this Goofy myth About some guy who you know the true Story about Santa Claus is he um it was Some a religious guy who came into some Money and he would help people that were Poor by giving them gifts that they Could sell or leaving money for them and Sneaking into her house and leaving Money because they wouldn't you know Give it back to him out of Pride or Something they would just take it you Because they didn't want to accept Charity or something like that and he Only did it to a handful of people Somewhere in like turkey or something Like that I always thought he was from You know like uh you know one of those Cold countries and so you know the story Of Santa Claus is not even that great

You know and so you know you don't need A black Santa right like clearly if There was a Santa Claus he lives at the North Pole he's going to be white he's Going to be look like he's a he's he's From Finland or those [ __ ] places but Anyways you know if this is what you Want you can get it because it doesn't Matter cuz Santa's the whole thing is Mythical You know this is a lemon drop a couple Weeks ago President Joe Biden made the Controversial decision to Pardon his son Hunter Biden controversial for some not For all and we've talked about it at Nauseum whatever well last week White House AES were reportedly compiling a List of folks who might get preemptive Pardons folks like Liz Cheney and Dr Anthony fouchy and the ladies of the View now this Week just watch that lady look how he Delivered this the ladies of the view of The view VI wait let's go back a little Bit Further folks like Liz Cheney and Dr Anthony fouchy and Ladies Of now this there is another major Pardon story in headlines and that is Will Joe Biden pardon Donald Trump no Really some folks aren't just pondering If that going to happen they're actually Calling for it to happen pardon you know I I told you how Trump is going to

Pardon himself look he's got um Stephen A Smith and his old pal here I if I were He I would pardon Trump you know something honestly Honestly as crazy as this sounds Chris Chris that's exactly what I would do That's exactly what I would do enough's Enough you know what you're the Democrat You lost the you lost the election you Got your butt whipped you couldn't Prevent him from going back to the White House the you know more than a dozen Cases have been dropped against the Cases that have been ruled against him He's going to appeal and he'll probably Get off from having to deal with all of That it's time to move forward you want To get at Trump sit back and judge what He does guess what you got a midterm Election in two years are you going to Be ready if you're the Democratic party You should be you know he's going to be The presidency for four years you're Going to be able to judge every single Act that he does March forward move Forward look I already know what you're Thinking you do what what are you Thinking you think that I'm a total spaz And I shouldn't have even an internet Show because I suck at this and nobody Think nobody nobody has any reme a Memory of me being competent at my job I Know you guys were Thinking 5,000 views he got at this

Thing and come on those guys they're at It again you never know and you you're Probably saying those are just two media Folks out there chatting on talk shows And podcasts that does those guys are at It again how many times Stephen A Smith Go to Cuomo show me you and that used to Be him and Cuomo they used to have this Thing called the Handover or the handoff Or whatever they called it it was the The time between uh CUO show and lemon Show Cuomo show was on an eight and Lemons was on at nine and I used to call It a douche off where they were both Being so douchy and now he's replaced Lemon with Stephen A Smith he doesn't Invite lemon on his show I wonder if he Has it I should go look to see if They're together in any capacity but one Of the two he should invite Cuomo back On this thing I mean he needs something He's dying here he's dying to slow death On the internet I mean he's got kicked Off he kicked himself off of Twitter and He's getting you know in some cases I Mean in like under 2,000 views on some Of his videos like he's got nothing here There's no interest in what he's doing It's not enough to support a team of People or no matter how many people has To work for him and so like and it's Just going to get worse people are just Going to tune out like he has nothing to Say right these lemon

Drops that there's a real conversation Out there about Biden pardoning Trump Right okay and I would say you're right Oh well you would be right you would be Right if there weren't really some major Democrats who are calling for Joe Biden To like he's just so bad at this make That exact same move like this guy Congressman kurn you obviously as you've Just related the story have the President's ear uh that's no secret Dating back to the uh 2020 campaign so Let me ask you this have you Specifically urged President Biden to Pardon preemptively Donald Trump I have not urged the president Directly but I did have that discussion Uh with members of his staff that I Thought he ought to do that I think boom I mean it's crazy this is just I mean Just silly like these nothing Burgers Right this is what they're reduced to Poor Don Lemon is like just I mean the He's a victim of his own incompetence And arrogance right his mental Incompetence and his his egotistical Arrogance and he's just he's dying here Like this is um he's also on Tik Tock he's got an advertise here follow Us on YouTube and Tik Tok yeah you know You got nothing Don like it's nothing Nobody wants to see you there you know I Mean there's no young people out there Like you used to be on CNN and people

Like if they wanted the news they had Limited choices If they wanted if they wanted liberal News they had MSNBC or CNN cable news And so they tuned in some people still T Tuned into to people like cuos let's see The other take he has here Manion which Just came out today and then I'll look For his um anything he might have done With uh with cuos okay so I remember he And Chris Cuomo had a falling out when Chris Koma got fired and he was as sad That he got fired remember he cried he Fake CRI R about it but then there was Some kind of falling out then Don Lemon Of course he went on hard times so They're no longer friends and he's not Been on Cuomo show I don't know if Don Lemon has any friends I mean he's been Back to CNN as a commenter but you know He's he's there's people don't like him Like he's just got no fan base and his Takes are are so ridiculous and remedial Man this guy has really captured the Public uh Luigi Manion has officially Pleaded not he's this guy man he's Captured the public guilty to murder and Terrorism charges okay so we know he Wants to fight this out in court even Though it was on tape again innocent to Proven guilty the alleged it's not tape Some guy you know we don't even know if Anybody died I mean this like the tape You don't see the guy's face and then

They said this is the guy right so but The person that fired the shots you Never get to see his face and so there's No confirmation about that and then they Said this is the guy they showed you Know pictures of a guy could have been Him could have been somebody else and it Might not have been him it might have Been him they showed the pictures but it Wasn't him who did the shooting like None of these things are you know it's Just silly but he did write a a Manifesto Don killer an internet Sensation facing a potential death Penalty internet sensation he's he's More popular than you are Don sentence if he is by many magnitudes Convicted Now there were a host of headlines that Come out of his New York Arraignment hearing from more than 20 Women showing up to support him to the Bizarrely large police 20 women showed Up wow he does have bigger audience than You he's presence during his per walk Per walk but I want to talk about Another star in all of this uh and the Master class that mion's attorney Karen Annif did put on in the courtroom just Watch this second thing I want to make a Record of your honor is I'm very very Concerned about uh my client's right to A fair trial in this case he's being Prejudiced by uh some statements that

Are being made by government officials Uh like every other defendant he is Entitled to a presumption of innocence But unfortunately the way this has been Handled so far he his rights are being Violated and as you know your honor There's a wealth of case law Guaranteeing his right to a fair trial But none of the safeguards have been put In place yet here in fact it's just the Opposite of what's been happening he's a Young man and he is being treated like a Chopped him on the shoulder human Pingpong ball between human ping pong Ball two Waring jurisdictions here these Federal and state prosecutors are Coordinating with one another uh but at The expense of him they have conflicting Theories in their indictments and uh and They are literally uh treating him like He is uh like like some sort of Political fod like some sort of Spectacle now I know Karen I he knows Her that was a master class interviewed Her a number of times I did on my show Remember I used to have a show you guys And CNN back you know but I I got you Know $28 million payout so that was kind Of cool because you I sucked at my Job I don't think I'm being biased to Say that she was spinning fire right There spit fires so spitting facts Because and I also think that man only Is one lucky man because he is

Representing he looks that's what every Says when they see the situation right Now he's one lucky Guy he's one he's so much luckier than The rest of us that aren't facing life In prison or whatever whatever he's Going to get there in New York he's so Much luckier than all of us he has Representing him one of the uh very best In the business Crim delm or it could be He's just rich and Famous if he does somehow manage to beat These charges get lesser charges it'll No doubt be because of in her work but Let's hone in on what she is saying here Because it is important the the fed's Effort to parade man joning around like A trophy um they have utterly I believe Destroyed his chance of a truly Fair Trial and that's what she's going to go For I think okay um Jesus St just disappear you you have no chance He's got says he's on Facebook he's on Twitter he's on all these places he's Got no following he's got no audience He's got no respect he's got no Self-respect and just move on bro you You don't belong here you don't belong On the frecking in social media you are You you didn't you weren't great on CNN But you're you you're not enough of a Like a truth Seeker to be on the Internet and you're not you know some Kind of great reporter who got F got

Fired by CNN because you sucked you know Like you are you were you you were doing Too your your work was too good for CNN You were so remedial you pissed everyone Off you had all these stupid takes and You're embarrassingly clueless right and Just brain death like tone death and Brain dead and so tone tone death and Brain dead and so like there's no place For you there's no one's going to watch You on social media no one's going to Hire you in mainstream media you have Enough money to live out the rest of Your days and comfort and maybe there's Some things you could do but you know You're kind of a joke like he like he Got canceled without knowing like Without any official cancelling right Like he did said some offensive things About women he got fired from CNN he had A blot left on his contract which CNN Had to eat over $20 million you know Which is I'm pathetic like this guy was Worth $20 Million you know so it's everything that We we uh We've we've seen the the Downfall of CNN and how bad it is Anyways that's Don lemon's Lemon Drop Okay so this is Monday December 30th I Did the part you just watched Earlier obviously on the yesterday and Then the story broke about Jimmy Carter And I watched the the end of the Duke Thing and so again tomorrow yes tomorrow

Which will be New Year's Eve the um Announcement of the year Of and the following day the prophecies From The Whispers of the brighter World On the first day of 2025 New Year's Day And then I'll get back to normal video Coverage after that only spiritual value Will save this world it's Parton Definitely pouring for the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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