The real nature of Evil + Democrat Official says Kamala Should not do Interviews

The real nature of Evil + Democrat Official says Kamala Should not do Interviews

[Music] Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I Got an audio introduction to come I'm Going to start with this though I have Three Clips I copied off of the News uh this Weekend and they are Humdingers I don't think I've used the Word Humdinger before on uh the term I Guess but let's start here with Howard Deine this is like Stunning and you know the media thinks They're a third player in this and they Are a third player but neither NE none Of them are running for president and I Think K has got to do what she thinks is Right and I support It but don't you think it's key to a Healthy democracy that candidates Running for the highest office in the Land answer some question so that voters Are more informed in their Choice she's answered plenty of Questions uh the argument here is not Who get is not whether she should answer The questions is who gets to ask the Questions and the media has always been The self-appointed referees I find that To be fairly unhealthy she'll get to all Her audience uh by using all the kinds Of ways there are to reach out um so I Understand the insult that the reporters In the media field but they're just Another player who wants to get in on on

The ACT and I think she ought C ought to Follow her own instincts and she people Will know her views without her sitting Down for editorial board uh meeting with Mostly old white guys who decide whether They want to endorse it or Not I want to remind you though that Journalist said is their jump asked Questions and answering questions for The administration and for the president That is part of the job that's why There's the briefing room inside the White House and I will also say that the White House Press core is a little more Diverse than what you just described but Let's move on so I just caught the tail End of this right and so the CNN Reporter finally acknowledges that KLA Hasn't done one interview right one Interview and he says that the media Thinks they're the self-appointed Referees and she doesn't need to answer Their questions because she's answered Plenty of questions she's answered Questions she's someone who she's a Question answerer can you believe what This amfer just said you know I don't Get shocked or stunned by things very Much because you know it's the Apocalypse and stuff that we've seen From the political process I mean Trump And his ridiculous you know catchup gate And these things I mean stuff with Trump Is always you know Trump just doesn't

Play by the rules and now the Democrats Have realized they don't have to play Either which I have a long narrative a Uh audio to get to after I show you all These clips but you know she isn't doing Interviews and there's no excuse because She's not scile like she doesn't have Dementia we know why they hid Joe Biden Away and she doesn't have dementia but For him to say that the media thinks They're the self-anointed Referees that's the job of the media to Do Interviews and she has to do them or she Doesn't like she could win the election Without doing any interviews and we know That the media is not that important Because only old people watch it like CNN and MSNBC but the clips that are you Know the clips of her interview which Any kind of Gaff she has any kind of you Know bad answer I mean any kind of tough Question she can't field will be shown On the internet over and over again and So that's what they don't want they want Everything to be completely controlled And I mean it's stunting that they Wouldn't do one interview with her like She's going to have to I guess maybe she Won't have to answer questions at a like A press conference as President right And she isn't getting hurt by it so They're like well let's keep on going Right like when Federman had that

Disastrous debate where he couldn't like He he uh his opening statement he said Good night everybody you know like when He had that moment where his brain Wasn't functioning at all and he had um You know all the things that happened Happen and they realized he wasn't hurt By this debate performance it was one of The worst debates ever and so the thing With Jojo magu I mean people saw that Coming with him being with dementia you Know they were trying to get rid of the Guy so whatever you know they were um You know they put the guy out there so They could put in kamla I mean that was Obviously part of the plan and so they Realized hey we're not going to be hurt By this K's going after a younger voting Block Demographic they don't need the Mainstream media they don't have to risk Her saying something stupid in the Interview Trump is you know Trump he's Already disliked and so they have this Plan right the plan of like nobody knows Really who she is the the stuff they put Out at the convention was just Completely bogus and Bs and you know was Her life story they're not she's not Answering questions about you know her Role in the cover up of Joe Biden's Senility the Border immigration things Like this right Plus like her answers which they can

Probably figure out anyway the the RNC But they don't know those answers the Things she's going to talk about her Talking points when she gets to the Debate so Trump is going to have to deal With some unknowns you know Trump is Doing interviews every day RFK Jr was Saying he does interviews multiple times A day anytime somebody asks him to do an Interview in fact he said he was Blacklisted which I'll get into by the Mainstream media and the only media uh The only uh news Shale that was willing To interview him was Fox and So you know like they don't even they're Not even acknowledging Kennedy and she Won't do an interview and this woman Just concedes this point like it's Acceptable and him saying that they're The self- pointed referees when CNN and MSNBC had been nothing but great to KLA They've they've you know they're hating On Trump all the time which is you know Like the whole the whole point of it I The whole you you know the media is just There to tell you how bad Trump sucks And the people want to vote for him suck And again I'm not endorsing Trump Because Trump sucks and Trump's a Disaster like I don't you know I don't I Don't even know what I want to see Happen here like it's the only good Thing is one of these two horrible People is going to be bummed out and

Their horrible brain dead supporters are Going to be bummed out you know but that You know that'll be good like it'll be Interesting to watch but everything else It's not you know there's nothing there Right there's no hope here there's no There's nothing good that's going to Happen from this right but she's not Doing interviews and Howard Dean again He's not part of her campaign but he's Saying that's okay and again like you Have she won't even do interviews with Shills like CNN and MC NBC is full with Shills and she won't even do interviews With them right like she could do Interviews with Jen [ __ ] which will get Into a second or any of these people They're not going to ask her any real Tough questions I mean Sarah Palin did Interview right which I think I say in The uh the you know I did the audio Already the introduction but it was Study that they're going to it's like Okay for her not to do interviews and it Shows you what they think they can get Away with and they are getting away with It it's working right so they don't have To do interviews with commin I mean she Should be doing interviews today Monday After the convention and she's not like She'll just go around do her rallies and Everything she's completely handled and For him to for him to say she has to do What she you know her instincts tell her

You know whatever he said there she's Not making a decision KLA isn't the one Saying I don't want to do interviews They're telling her exactly what to do If he's completely handled on every Level they only got a couple months left And right now she has a direct path to The White House like she has all the Momentum and things like this and so They don't want to have anything that Can remind people how unlikable she is But like the media should be you know Going off on this and slamming my God You guys are cutting us out like there's Something wrong with this and they can Say they can talk about how she got There with Willie Brown like that's just Not something that's not part of her Story right she didn't tell that part of Her biography how she got you know a Foot in the door by Sleeping with a guy Who's you know 60 years old twice her Age when she was 29 for 10 years you Know like gave her a Mercedes and things You know all the stuff that happened Right and she's not going to talk about Joe Biden and his senility or not the Economy or not the border and they could Be talking about that every day how bad It is right I mean MSNBC CNN could just Start hammering her until she give an Interview like they could be telling Their you know people the people who are Loyal to her and you know the networks

About all her negatives and there's Plenty of them and do an interview like You know you're not cutting us out right They're not going to do that they're Just going to go carry water for and Talk about how great it is right so That's like stud like she's just not Doing interviews and they're just yeah We don't have to even with shills like They're not even willing to put her out There in front of shills that's how bad She is like they don't trust her enough To let her interview with shills and so That's like a you know a big moment but Then there's these other things that Happen Harrison walls and so many others Talk about how much they love this Country and thought yeah I love my Country too I mean how many Americans Simply saw something reflected in Themselves during that convention my Guess is a whole lot because here's the Thing what we saw this week that is America it is Multicultural diverse Joyful unique United and it was that Majority of VI that was on display in Chicago loving America over slandering It celebrating diversity over rejecting It embracing our neighbors rather than Talking about kicking them out of the Country it's amazing how Jen [ __ ] sucks Worse like she's more and more stiff Their Cadence of her voice more uptight There's no flow to the way she talks and

You think it'd be getting better but It's getting worse but for her to say Like this patriotism like the new Patriotism is like if the freak Show is Good right like weird is good like They're talking about how weird Trump And JD Vance are but then they went on a Weird Aon with all these different People right you know people who are Different it's one thing to be different But it's another thing to be low Functioning right you have low Functioning people That are celebrated now you know people Who can't hold jobs can't you know Contribute to society selfish big ego People you know mentally ill people Right and they're celebrating all that Stuff right they're calling it diversity And it's it's clearly not but her saying That they saw how much KLA Harris and um Whatever his name is wal loved America And they're like hey I see something in Myself and them like that's that's not What happened there Oh they just love America so much like No nobody thought that right they're Trying to say it's patriotism but it's Like they're trying to steal they don't Even have their own platform like their Platform is well at least we're not Trump but then they try to be Republicans now right freedom is one of The big words all these things like that

You know Tom is a protector you know We're the ones on security where the Good ones like they're just making up These things and not that the the Republicans are good or you know are Honest it's not that at all but this is You know they can't they don't even have They're so unoriginal they've been Stealing from the truth Community from Forever and like you know what Delusional person would look at that and Say that there was patriotis patriotism There right like this is the new Patriots we love our neighbors our Neighbors are great you know you not go To Walmart you'll see it's a degradation Right we're going to get into it like The the health epidemic that that RFK Jr's been talking about since he's you Know I guess he's been talking that the Campaign Trail but nobody knows because He's been relatively ignored and then There was this one here will have much Impact at all and most of the early Commentary was just dead wrong there's No reason for him to be able to transfer Much to Trump he was already down really Below 5% one network pole had it at 2% When he withdrew uh and so he's out of The race essentially I don't think Donald Trump is going to to drag him Around the country to his rallies Because with uh RFK Jr you never know What you're going to get he's a lot like

Trump in that sense he'll say anything And he'll give some kooky should I say It weird Answers so RFK Jr um withdraws his Candidacy and endorses Trump and he's Now weird like this is how quickly this Talk they're and it's like a an an Eighth grade talk talking point right This guy works at school uh you know Works in where he used to be a principal And a coach you're so weird oh he's a Weird this so weird like why is this Weird you know it's like the their Eighth grade high school kids you know They like they're talking about like Look how weird they are and and you know You can't say that you love your Neighbors and everyone's great and we're All Inclusive but you you you say these Things about how weird people are right Like saying someone's weird is you know Uh marginalizing them right when you're I mean they're like so weird Like and you know I I saw a lot this Weekend I mean this girl that's Interviewing I've never I've seen her Before she's probably I've seen her but Not noticed her but she was in these two Interviews with this clown and Howard Dean and they rolled out wolf Bliss for A little bit on Saturday night to to Talk about the Israel thing but they Were talking about the convention in

Ways that was you know these again these People are being cut out because they're Not being interviewed they're not being Able to interview kamla the media is Essentially being cut out Howard Dean Saying you guys aren't the referees well Then what's their job right I mean they They're again they're shills for her They're like they shills for her and They won't you know they're being cut Out and they're still carrying the water There and just these ridiculous Statements and um and then you know Let's get into have an audio here but This This reporter I don't think she has a Regular Show she was every time I turned On the the news this weekend whatever This is CNN or MSNBC I think this is CNN She was on and like it's the day after The convention big things have just Happened right they had a convention Free Zakaria wasn't even in right like Some of the regular people on CNN they Had you know they had people coming in And substituting for them and they just Had this huge um you know this Convention and RFK Jr just announced Plus Israel just stroke uh Hezbollah and Like I said they brought W buer in to Cover this breaking news but all these Other people they you know their normal Uh anchors weren't even on and this was A huge week in you know presidential

Politics and they got this you know this Girl who they're not going to show her Clips from her show right like I Couldn't find the Howard deed interview You know the part that I I showed you Guys she had already asked at least one Or two questions about kamla not doing Interviews I want to see the whole thing Um you know for the beginning but you Know CNN didn't put it up so like this Is you know like I I said stunning that They're just going with this route it's Not stunning that they're doing this It's probably most stunning that they're Getting away with it right like you know Like they're not Comm not doing Interviews and they're just making up a Reality that doesn't exist in a much More flagrant way than we seene like the Gas lighting is off the charts here all Right let's get into my uh introduction Audio here okay um before we get into The stuff here let's do the introduction Stuff you know the shadow Banning and What people have to do subscribe Resubscribe if you get unsubscribed all That stuff membership program likes Likes probably the biggest one let YouTube know that you're interested in The content here so you can can get uh Notified occasionally All the rest of it right merch and all This stuff um the Democrats the people Controlling the democratic system and

The electoral system in general I mean The controllers they have been really Incompetent over the last so many years But they've Learned and what they've done here is a Freaking Masterpiece with KLA Harris They've taken somebody who is one of the Most unlikable people in politics right She is at least as unlikable as Hillary Clinton but Hillary Clinton was around For a long time and people at least Thought she was deserving right she paid Her dues when she got married to Bill Clinton you know she survived the Humiliation she stuck in there with the Humiliation of the whole Monica Lewinsky Thing you know all the bill Quinton Cheating all the stuff like that you Know she hung around him she just was Like political herpes and she paid her Dues and she thought it was her turn Right and Obama came in and you know out Of nowhere and took her turn away from Her and she still stuck around and Survived all that stuff and then she was Running against Donald Trump who was you Know didn't even seem like he really Wanted to win in the beginning and in The end in the middle he did for a Little bit but somehow she lost to him Because she was so unlikable and KLA Didn't do any of that [ __ ] right kamla I Mean just this whole idea that she you Know whatever grade she got whatever

Level of uh education whatever kind of Lawyer she was whatever she was she Would have worked her way through Mediocre you know she probably would Have I mean just based on her Personality and you know she's um Ambitious she probably would have had Some level of wealth and Prestige you Know I mean if she could have dated a Guy for like a couple weeks or a year or Something and got something you know got Some but she dated a guy for 10 years a Guy who was 60 years older five years Older than her mom right you know when You're I mean I'm 60 so I'm I'm that Guy's age and you know when you look at People who I mean I just saw a video of Myself at a gathering I was watching one Of these old Sark videos I just did a Long voiceover about it because it's Like surreal cuz I I couldn't even Recognize myself it was a video of a you Know spiritual Gathering and I was at The Gathering and it was some old you Know somebody took some video of off Their phone and I was recognizing people I'm like oh my God it looks so young Like people I knew this is back when the You know Master charge you was the Master of the system all these things Right and I saw myself and it took me a While I'm like I know that person like Oh it's me right and like it wasn't me Like it was surreal I just talk about

This long voice over I'm going to put up On the um my Apocalypse Now Channel and That'll be part of the journey series But it was a weird thing and it been Kind of like I don't want to say uh on My mind for the last couple weeks and I You know started talking about it but I Didn't like identify with myself right It was like I remember being there and I You know but it was so long ago like the Kind of person that I am now the person I am now and the person that I I was Then are completely different right I Think I was 31 at the time 31 and 32 you Know so almost uh 28 years ago and There's a significant difference between Someone in their 30s and someone in Their 60s I mean a whole lifetime right Like at that time I was married I just Become a preceptor and you know I mean I Can't even describe all the different Things I've been through and you know ACC accomplishments and failures I mean I didn't have any kids you know became a Dad became you know got my Master's Degree and then you know the YouTube Channel and traveling and you all these Things right a lot of stuff has happened But even someone 10 years younger than You like you just they don't get the References right my wife and I grew up At the same time we watch the same TV Shows we had you know similar experience In pretty much every way it's because we

Were you know within a few years of each Other right in terms of our uh you know Upbringing we're part of the same Generation and someone 10 years ago just Doesn't have those shared experiences And things like that certainly 20 years Ago but 30 years ago like it's you know That's someone who's your kids's age Right you know I was a dad by the time I Was 32 33 years old right and so um one Of those two and so like it's you know It's um that's a weird thing that Happened so KLA Harris didn't just like Service the guy camel KN pad's Harris Didn't service the guy she dated him for 10 years she was you know 29 and she was Almost 40 when they broke up pretty much Getting rid of any chance of having kids Like she gave not only her youth to this Guy right to get you know that she paid A price for it dating a really old dude Right like a really old dude and for 10 Years where he she gave him whatever she Gave him and he provided her with Mentorship and jobs and connections and Things like that to to where her being President is contingent on that Relationship right like if she didn't do That she wouldn't be who she is and so You could say that's paying dues but It's not the kind of dues that most Women even feminists are a big fan of Right somebody basically prostituting Themselves for political and you know

Career advancement I mean it's the kind Of thing that you know women who have Paid their dues without you doing Something like that are not a fan of Right someone like Hillary Clinton Probably you know went ate [ __ ] for all Those years and you know I mean she had Her own issues with Bill Clinton like he Was you know similar situation where he Was the sort of celebrity star the the Political star or whatever it was right But she you know made some blunders She's kind of a dope you know she's kind Of ditsy in some ways so I'm talking About kamla and then she you know was Gifted this um position in uh you know As a senator and she she wasn't really Very likable she ran from president and She was rejected she got less than 1% of The vote I always talk about this but You know we all know this was a you know The case because it is the case so she You know wasn't really you know even Though they liked her the powers that be Liked her American people didn't Democratic people didn't I mean Republicans certainly but they gave her The vice presidency anyways maybe as an Insurance policy because he's so Unlikable that that they said well They're never going to kick Biden out For being too old if that's the Alternative and maybe she did the job Maybe like her being so unlikable kept

Him from having you know they maybe they Would have got rid of him after a couple Years because he was obviously had you Know some kind of uh I mean they say you Know Parkinson's is what I believe it is Right this that doctor I showed you that Video and so maybe she kept him around Who knows right but during that period Of time she was the Border Zar which was A disaster she has no real signature Accomplishments and by the end of herid Her vice presidency she had pulled at The lowest in terms of approval rating Of any vice president in history so she Was unelectable before and now people Had a negative opinion of her plus she Had a guy who American people had all Realized was dementia and they didn't Get it overnight and that he was a part Of a you know Administration that Covered all that up for a number of Years and the American people like get Rid of this guy and they didn't and they Didn't do it fair Square where they got Rid of him and had a primary they waited Till the last minute and then they Stabbed the guy in the back and they Rolled out this unlikable candidate who Has no signature accomplishments the Last time she ran for something she was A disaster you know the presidency in 20020 and you know she's somebody who Like even in interviews and things was Just goofy and said weird things and you

Know that offputting cackle all that Stuff right she's got all this stuff and Somehow they made it work they made it Work with somebody I mean if they can Make it work with her they can pretty Much get anybody elected right they did It with a scen guy who was obviously Having dementia of course they had a Media that was complicit and you know They run against Trump I mean all you Trumpers you know you got to realize That this guy is a disaster for you Because if you run anybody else and These people are all horrible and Unlikable but Trump has you know pissed So many people off and has created this You know hatred towards him that's a Motivating force and that's you know Without that they can't do this with Kama they can't do any of it right and So you know if you looked at the I mean I watched you know a good portion of the I scanned all of the Democratic National Convention and you know it's just like So hyped up and so dumbed down and so Remedial but that's where America is Right and once these guys know that they Can get away with something they're not Going to just hold path they're not Going to you know they're not going to Check you know they're not going to like Play in poker they're going to push Their chips in the table and go for more Like every time they get away with

Something from the American people I This is the American people problem Right the American people are letting Them get away with putting this person Out there and the trumpers are helping Like you helped by supporting this guy You know it's like you're just being Like selfish pricks I mean I don't think There's many trumpers that watch my Channel anymore but they're being like Selfish pricks because the rest of us Don't want the guy right even though I You know even someone like me who really Enjoyed the first three years of Trump's I mean I really enjoyed his election it Was my favorite political moment even to This day you know I was giddy for a week My kids remembered it just looking at The Rachel madow and all those people And how they had to eat [ __ ] when Trump Won I mean that was great wonderful and Trump's first three years of presidency Were hilarious but the way he got worked On Co and he just you know he stayed too Long and he displayed his himself and he Just was real scumbag and just you know He jumped the shark and you know the Rest of us saw it right all the stuff he Did and it hurt all of us in the truth Community the sensorship and you know Just was the division in the country and Just the negative mood and everything And you keep on pushing this guy out There when the rest of the people say we

Don't want this [ __ ] right I Mean they're telling you over and over Again not just the Democrats and the Liberals who you hate but the rest of us People in the truth Community we're Saying the guy sucks get rid of him Right he's a [ __ ] Albatross he isn't What you think he is He's played you and he's selfish and he You know he's never going to be accepted You he's never going to pass any Legislation he's never going to push Anything through he's going to be you Know it's going to be a contentious if He wins re-election it's going to be America's going to be even worse than it Is now and you keep on backing them Because you bought into some you know Complete illusion with the ketchup gate And these things as well you just you Never wake up you know you're not a Truth Seeker I mean you're embarrassing Yourself right your your embarrassment To humanity just by following this guy You got to realize that the hatred that This guy creates in people on the other Side is always going to be there and It's always you know and it's not on Them it's not Trump derangement syndrome They suck yeah they suck horribly but You suck too and Trump sucks so you know It isn't like your suckiness and their Suckiness like your suckiness is going To win out it's always going to be this

Way right you're better off having Somebody who's a little bit more you Know you don't agree with them and they Don't lie to you like Trump does they Don't they don't Pander you like Trump Does and all this stuff say the things That you know pretend to be a truther When he's not all these things right Because it's not real either way you're Never going to have a truther in there Never going to have anybody that you Know is anything other than just a a Person that doesn't rock the boat so Much that keeps things going without Being too extreme one way or another and That's what the Democrats have learned They don't really run liberals because Of that you know very uh the very fact That you know they're not going to run a Communist and a socialist or somebody Because you know the the level of Animosity plus they'll L this they'll Lose the center but you know that's Parts on you like all the trumpers you You're you're doing what Trump you you Pushing this guy has allowed this thing With Kam Harris to happen right you de Trump degrading the presidency which I Loved I'm not a big fan of it you know Because the presidency does suck has Allowed them to degrade it even more on Their end the whole political process And and just skip the whole voting part Like K Harris has got zero votes and

She's going into this you know election Which I mean it's they're always rigged But who knows what they're going to do Here and the powers that be and you know The Republicans the people that Republican establishment don't like Trump and the media doesn't like him Fox News doesn't like him and so you know There there's he's got no support really From the people that he needs support From and that's what cost him the first Thing with Fox News turning on him right Because you know he pissed them off Right he just he systematically pisses People off throws them under the bus Anybody who criticizes him he's just He's stupid like he's a [ __ ] and you Guys are morons for following him like It's just at some point you got to Realize it but either way it doesn't Matter like it doesn't matter if he wins Or she wins this country is going to [ __ ] either way so like you know go Ahead enjoy your little your Trump party But realize there's no happy ending here But with all that you know they're now Saying she doesn't even have to do Interviews and to oppress that I mean I'm going probably say this over and Over I haven't done I haven't shot the The previous clip yet I'm doing this the Night before CU I didn't want to forget All these things I was going to say you Know these things come to me and then by

The time I some per goes by I don't Remember all the things for batim it's Like it's just you stream of thought Thought comes to me anyway but she Um she's not even doing interviews with The media that's like on her side 100% Like you know they're against Trump and They're for her and she won't even do Videos with shill anymore right which I Showed you that clip originally and so Like they're saying that now like it's Okay that she doesn't even do interviews Like she's going to go to the debate or The election without doing any Significant interview like I mean they Even did s Sarah Palin even did freaking Interviews remember that [ __ ] but they Won't you know they're they're saying She doesn't have to do that and the American people are like sure she Doesn't like we don't care like they Just it was fun the convention was fun And you know they made it into a Complete illusion and the American People have B into this illusion so much So and she's raising gobs of money you Know again didn't get one vote she you Know lied about Biden she knew he was Seile from the debates you could tell She knew in the debates I showed the Clips so many times right and so this Person who is basically Unelectable is now the front runner to Win like she's you know she may or she

May lose to Trump I you know I I don't Know if they're going to do without Trump I don't think they're going to get Rid of trump I don't know what the thing Is but like she has a legitimate chance To be president and she doesn't deserve It at all and like it's you know Somebody who once see she is President And people are going to wake up and go Oh God we hate this [ __ ] right I mean Even the Democrats right isn't going to Take long before she I mean it's like You married somebody and you didn't Realize there's that movie um it's with Ben Stiller called the Heartbreak hit I Just looked it up and he um meets this Girl they fall like in love and she's Like perfect and She turns out to be like an absolute Freaking disaster it's kind of funny Right but that happens to people like They get married and they realize they Didn't know the person at all and the Person is you know within a short period Of time it happens to marry couples After years and years even right where They're like oh like we're totally Incompatible and that's what's going to Happen with KLA Harris if she's I mean She becomes president like all those Annoying Tendencies and you she's going To have to do interviews then right She's going have to have press Conferences and maybe she won't like

Maybe the American people won't even Care the media is so damaged right now And you know I me it would be makees Sense for someone like RFK Jr is getting Unfair treatment from the media just to Go on social media and try to use that Where you know all the viewership is Anyway no one's watching Main Street Media anymore but either way you know That transition from a scile Joe Biden You know guy with with dementia who had Dementia for you know the whole Electoral process like in 2019 he had The whole time And so they had that guy elected him and Kept him there you know the whole using Co to you know keep him in the basement And you know do this where they didn't Have to you know have him campaign and Be out there I mean at least kamla is Doing a little bit more of that but She's not answering these tough Questions she's not you know any of These things right and so um you know Like they've they've did it once and They're doing it again right and Trump Is you know that is what's end right but You know um and they got better at it And they learned what they can get away With and how pacified the American People are and that you know I mean it's It's kind of funny it's you know Interesting like how it shows you a Barometer of where everybody is anyways

Um you know like if you look at it like That it's entertaining as hell right Because they've just pulled off a you Know a massive like practical joke on The American people and when they wake Up and they're married to KLA Harris that's you know that'll be like Funny in itself all right let's get into The other stuff here okay um let's start Here just quickly Dion Sanders Dion Sanders publicly bans reporter from Asking questions not the Deion Sanders His Whole um the whole Athletic program Won't let this reporter ask questions Because he was critical of Deion Sanders Who I like as a coach I thought that was Interesting last year you know he put on Sort of a spectacle and college football Sucks so you know I mean it's I don't Like it you know but you know it's he Made it entertaining right but like this Idea that you won't talk to reporters Anymore and you can ignore them Personally but they've banned the guy From the um the the the college which Just goes with you know KLA not doing Interviews like you just you know pretty Much do anything I you have social media Now right and you know if you're going To be slandered like Kyrie Irving was That's one thing you know the way Kennedy would we'll get into Kennedy Stuff here in a moment but then this guy

Right sending a special birthday shout Out to our favorite pop Scout 61522 Right and then 10 1922 and so in in um June he said that And then in October he says this Couldn't think of a better way to spend A beautiful fall day than at the dog Park I know Scout enjoyed it so this is In 2022 when he's the governor and he's Got two dogs named Scout look at this Dog is a looks like some sort of a Chocolate lab or black lab or something Right I don't know what it is don't tell Me don't care I don't need to know and Then this dog looks like I don't know What that is but they're clearly not the Same dog right and also you know it's Like I'm with my dogs every day my dogs Are sitting with my sitting with me in My bed right they're a part of the show Like they're you know they're here I Don't know buddy is here almost all the Time like as soon as I get up in the Morning buddy comes running and jumps in Bed and he likes to be here for this you Know he just likes to be in here tulsy Comes and goes um she likes to be here In the beginning and then she's always You know she hears a noise and she's Always you know she's more active and Farley the you know I dog before that Was in the bed you know quite a bit

While I did these videos um my you know My wife had a dog named Farley and you Know I was here and Farley was you know Like to be around people and sometimes Wampus the cat was here you know Wampus Is since disappeared but they're a part Of my existence in terms I I go walking With them two three times a day right I Mean we're regularly you Know uh you know they're in the picture With me the whole thing that you know The the picture I have I guess I can put That in here maybe if I remember you Know you guys have seen them I talk About them but they I have actual Relationship with them I gave the Example of my wife were at the my wife And I were at the beach and there was a Young woman who was being filmed like a High school college girl who is filming You know her dad was filming her for Instag or something as she played with Her dog in the ocean and I I said to my Wife I bet she hasn't played with that Dog in six years you know here or Anywhere where else you know or whatever Like she's just doing it for a video to Make herself look good or whatever like This clown right he's using his dog as a Prop to make him look like a an average Guy this is a stage photo you know look I'm a I'm a dog lover right you know You're you know you're a lying piece of [ __ ] are those are your even your own

Kids right you're that's a scumbag like You can't be trusted you know you're Using your dog in a way and you don't You can't get the dog's name right right Like which one is Scout is that Scout or Is this scout or are all your dogs Scout Or is this even like a a CGI dog is That's like not even really a dog they Just put it in there let's see this Again you know Something if you had told us one year Ago that we were going to come in third In Iowa we would have given anything for That and you know something you know Something not only are we going to New Hampshire Tom Harkin we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona And North Dakota and New Mexico we go to California and Texas and New York and we Go to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan and then we're Going to Washington DC to take back the White House yeah yeah so he's so weird Like he's weird like and he's you know He's the guy Howard Dean that was doing The interview and Howard Dean was the First guy to figure out how to use the Internet to get money and support but They you know they reeled him back in so That's 2004 and John krey ended up being boring Ass John KY ended up being the was it John krey who was the who ran that year I think it was John krey who lost to to

To Bush W bush um and you know they Reeled him back in right John krey was a Member of skull and bones and Yale as Was Bush remember all that stuff two Guys who were skill and Bones were Running against each other Um but Howard Dean like figured out the Internet and he was like all of a sudden The front runner and they reeled him in They screwed him just like they screwed Bernie Sanders and they you know was Cheating and stuff and then they ran That boring ass John Carrey who put People to sleep and you know failed Miserably uh but now he's defending KLA Harris not um doing interviews so this Is kind of a good interview with Kennedy There's this girl asked a real question You Fox when Fox News is is the like the Beacon of like free press or like Journalism you know we're screwed right Fox News sucks when they're actually you Know I mean they're talking to Kennedy Because it hurts kamla but she asked These kind of like real questions here Welcome to Fox News Sunday Shannon Thanks for having me okay so let's get This out of the way up front you and President Trump not always fans of each Other he posted on social media earlier This year he's one of the most liberal Lunatics ever to run for office a phony Radical left fool whose poll numbers are Terrible and getting worse the New

Yorker said just a couple of weeks ago This in a recent text exchange Kennedy Told one person that look can this is What Trump's saying here he just Admitted that he was actually okay with The vaccine he's saying that about Kennedy right and you you trumpers you Know love Trump so much he's saying you Know Kennedy just admitted he was Actually okay with the vaccine they Don't she's not going to read that part Just not the highlighted part right but That's saying that you he's being a Hypocrite about what he believes and you Know all of it like it's this is classic Trump well one getting worse the New Yorker said just a couple of weeks ago This in a recent text exchange Kennedy Told one person that Trump was a Terrible human being the worst president Ever and barely human he is probably a Sociopath and I haven't read your text So you can speak to that but how did you Get from that position to Friday night Well you know I I it became clear to me That I did not have a path to Victory Um 16 months of censorship of not being Able to get on any network really except For Fox you know I mean the fact that These guys would interview they can't Get an interview with kamla but they Wouldn't interview Kennedy right and I Said this when Kennedy said he was going To win and this is what good I said

There's no way like and and I don't Think Kennedy's a legitimate you know Truther and you know I mean he wouldn't Have done anything he's handled we saw His position on Israel but just the Stuff he was saying was so outside the Bandwidth the things they'd let you talk About there's no way they'd let him win Right and they have a Rigg system that's Why it's a rigged system right and he Should know like he's just figuring this Out like it's silly this is a rigged System and this is how they rig it right And I I had in Fact when um when Ros perau ran in the 10 months that he ran he had 34 uh appearances on the networks I had Two appearances in 16 months I was Blocked out the networks I was blocked Out from the debate I had but you you Can use social media the networks are Like just nobody watches this kind of News anymore it's very limited and you Know even though there's like there was 28 million people watching the Convention you know but there's hundreds Of millions of people watching political [ __ ] on uh the the the social media Every day and so you all you need a Social media no path to Victory President Trump had been reaching out to Me and I talked to him few hours after The assassination attempt and Jesus and We had a long conversation by phone I

Then had two extensive meetings and There there were issues the broad issues That were most important to me the ones That brought me into The Campaign which Was ending the Ukraine War ending the Censorship and protecting Children's Health we're all reforming our food Supply all the things that we need to do To make our children healthy again those Are all things that President Trump also Wanted to work on and you know I've Never heard Trump say that once you know Trump says stuff you know my my wife Reminded me that Kennedy was going to be A part of his Administration and then um fizer gave Trump a million dollars and he I think Trump likes Kennedy and I I think he Agrees with some of his stuff you know Trump said he was going to do G gun Control remember he had um Diane Feinstein in the white house and they Were having a meeting on gun control and Trump was just like oh yeah we'll do That we'll do this we'll do this and she Was like you know I'm going to have like A a ghoul gasm you Know she was you can see the thing where Um she's meeting with you know Trump on Gun control and I think it was Nancy Pelosi maybe it was Nancy Pelosi I'm Under pressure after Parkland president Trump taking on his own party and the National Rifle Association today and I'm

A fan of the NRA but that doesn't mean We have to agree on everything Mr Trump At a freewheeling hourlong meeting with A group of bipartisan lawmakers trying To get something anything done appeared To embrace nearly everything he heard in The meeting from confiscating guns from Those deemed dangerous a move opposed by Many conservatives take the guns first Go through due process holy [ __ ] did you See what he just said as President right This is him discussing policy this isn't Him on the campaign Trail pandering to Somebody do you hear what he just said I Missed it the first time you know I'm Editing now conservatives take the guns First go through due process second holy [ __ ] right take the guns first and then Do due process second right like that's The that's not only about gun control But that's about the criminal justice System du process is you know everything To do with your uh your rights as a Person to receive a fair trial I mean Hear what he's just said like this guy He just is brutal I mean he just talks And talks and says stupid [ __ ] but you Know you second remenant people Especially now that he's pretending he's Been a victim himself I mean he's you Know who knows what he'll do about the Katchup gate thing he can claim it's to Protect him and the right-wing people Trumpers will go for it or whatever I

Mean who knows like this guy cannot he's A total snake and he just I mean that That's a huge statement he just said Right Take the guns first I mean he's a gun Grabber right and I'm not a big gun Person you know I've talked about this I Think I talk about coming up here you I'm editing right now I I think I said Something about this yesterday but this You you can't have this right you just Can't have it especially Republicans Ring long-held Democratic ideas like Universal background checks and Increasing the minimum age to 21 to buy Some weapons even taking on red State Democrat Joe mansion and Republic Republican Pat Tumi for not including an Age limit increase in their background Check bill we didn't address it as President I think you know why cuz You're afraid of the N no no at times Wheeling and dealing in real time if you Can add domestic Violence uh paragraphs pages into this Bill I'm all for it but can you add what Amy and what Diane have can we add them In and I know you can look how happy she Is right like they think they're going To get this stun now Trump turned it Turned on her Like she's so happy right I have even Pushing back against fellow Republican Steve scales shot and nearly killed

During a baseball practice last summer When scalise suggested adding a measure Involving a concealed weapons permit to A bill aimed at strengthening background Checks you look at the concealed carry Population we're talking about a whole New ball game you'll never get this best If you add concealed carry to this You'll never get it P the President also Reaffirming his commitment to pass an Executive order Banning bump stocks Those devices that turn weapons into Assault style Firearms his message to Lawmakers the time to act is now I see Some folks that don't say nice things About me and that's okay because if you Turn that into this Energy I'll love You okay so um I think it's time it's Time that a president stepped up and we Haven't had him and I'm talking Democrat And Republican presidents they have not Stepped up Mr President the difference Is this there's not a person in West Virginia that believes that you're not Going to defend their second amendment Rights not a person with you taking a Lead on something like this it gives Them the comfort that something Reasonable and this okay so let's go to The Diane Feinstein thing but this is a Problem he just said it the people in West Virginia won't won't uh be all Triggered if you do it because they

Trust you right that's the problem with Trump in a nutshell because if a Democrat said something like this the You know the I mean it's the country Would collapse on itself right Conservatives take the guns first go Through due Process so it starts off here or nothing New I asked for just a list of I mean You look at Coline Colorado Bill Clinton Was present Virginia Tech George Bush Fort Hood Sandy Hook San Bernardino Pulse Nightclub and so many More it's Ridiculous so he comes in hot you know With the stuff Feinstein Here but maybe we could make it much More comprehensive and have one bill Instead of 15 different bills that Nobody knows what's happening if we can Get 60 votes for it Mr President Honestly I think look I really believe This is one of the things where you can Actually get the 60 votes and maybe Easily Diane do you have something well I do um Mr President um you probably Know this but I became mayor of San Francisco as a product of assassination I've been yeah victim of terrorist Groups um the department gave me a Weapon they taught me how to shoot it And we proceeded through the 1970s that Way what I've watched and seen is the

Development of weapons that I never Thought would leave the battlefield that Are out on our streets and the latest And newest Mr chairman is the AR-15 Go um it's got a lot of assets to it and It's it's misused and it tears apart a Human body with the Velocity and I've watched the school Shootings in particular which you um Pointed out and I thought Sandy Hook and I'm delighted that Senator Murphy is Here Today we thought Sandy Hook would be the End and he and I introduced another Assault weapon bill after the first one We didn't succeed with it but the Killings have gone on the number of Incidents have gone up and I put my case In writing which I will give you if I may uh in letter Form good and secondly the assault Weapons legislation this is the number Of incidents Before And it of of um of of of incidents and Of deaths this is when the 10-year Assault weapon ban was in how incidents And deaths dropped when it ended you see It going up okay so Senator Murphy and 26 of us have co-sponsored a new bill I Would be most honored if you would take A look at it I will I will and we will Get it to you and let us know what you What you think of it I will thank you

Thank you very much uh Chris go ahead so You know so he's he was just Greenlighting everything there might Have been something later on with him I Saw see this exchange where she was so Happy like at the end of it maybe at the End maybe it's the end here um let me See Diane you have some very good ideas We all have I think everybody Marco I Know you have a lot fellas if you could All get together if we could put in one Great piece of legislation Chuck I think That you're going to have an amazing Result in the vote the votes are hard to Get in Congress that's what's been Happening you're going to have an Amazing result people are going to be Shocked to see the number it's not going To be 60 it's going to be way above 60 Mean it may be a number that nobody Would even believe people want to see Something happen but they want to see Something good happen too not just Another piece of I mean you didn't pass Anything let alone some good stuff we Want to pass something Great and to me something great has to Be where you stop it from happening and I think there's only one way but again If you feel not to have that you Understand I want a counter I want a Very strong counter punch because if you Have a strong counter punch they're not Going in and you're not going to have

This problem anymore remember the 98% Figure 98% of these attacks gun-free Zones no backlash no death to them death To everybody else but if you four could Get together and do something and maybe Set the foundation add to the foundation Were some of the great things said uh we Would have Um we're going to have a bill Steve it's Very hard to add the one thing that you Want I mean I will tell you I'm a fan Still it's consider let's consider for a Separate bill we'll consider for a Separate bill but again we also want Things that can be approved you have to Look at the age of 21 problem for certain types of weapons I mean some people aren't going to like That but you're going to have to look at That any there's some part in this thing I'm not going to find it but Diana is f Saying so happy because Trump saying Everything she wants to hear from a Republican president and then Trump just Changed his mind right but he could Change his mind again because of the Fake thing that happened to his ear like You never know what this guy right Trump Will you know turn on a dime and just You know because this was the the Popular thing to say and whatever it was And you know Trump really doesn't Understand the NRA whatever and then he Went back and they were like you can't

Do this and then he was like okay and he Just dropped all none of this stuff Happened right but Dian Feinstein was in Heaven for this this meeting thinking it Was going to happen and it didn't right Because that's how Trump is Trump will Say things to you and say oh yeah that Makes sense and he'll be able to Articulate your point and say wow it's a Really good point on your part and then He'll do the exact opposite and that's What's going to happen with Kennedy okay So we're going to get back to the Interview in a second um you know There's a lot of stuff going on I'm Having you know things like big things Happen in my you you know not personally But you know in my extended family you Know and I I could talk about that to Sort end of the video but like things Are just coming up like this is what It's going to be like for the next Period of time but um this person wrote This first person wrote this since Ketchup gate I think I've seen about 60 Different videos from 50 different People that deep dive in every detail About that day and every pointless Ops Ops for Rabbit Hole I'm not going to go look at How to pronounce It and this is maybe the third one total Third one total they even so much as Humored the idea that Trump was involved

It's so hopelessly pathetic and sad Right you know that's what it's like the Truth Community just sucks like that Because they you know so obviously and Then this person wrote like right below That like you know 10 comments below That or before that really this comment Came in first you know you know I read Them from newest to oldest you're brain Dead if you think Trump set up a Shooting to miss by that narrow of a Margin and then there's an emoji and I'm Like yeah you don't get any of it right You know so you think that they Trump Would say yeah let's um shoot shoot at My head just make sure you hit my ear You know I mean like silly um or any of It like that that you know I mean it Just I don't know what to say about it The other piece of this which I to get To because I want to get back to this Interview with Kennedy but I saw James Carell and some other guy old Democratic Guy talking about Kennedy and the other Guy goes um that you know Kennedy is the The worm that was eating Kennedy's brain Died of malnutrition saying that he's Brainless right well Kennedy's a smart Guy and he's you know he's he has truth Or stuff and people you know are talking About there's a comment saying Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk and Kennedy are All the same kind of part of the Beast Yeah they are but also you know at least

They're kind of flirting with the truth Right and you know none of it matters Because we're all part of the Beast and None of us is doing [ __ ] about it like None of us is really I mean I'm doing Things in terms of my spiritual work and Preparing for the inevitable but none of Us are really you know I mean we're Living our lives and enjoying the system Like it's still here and you know very Few people are are doing anything more Than talking that's the issue the System's collapsing and people are just Running their mouths you know including Me and you know it's just not there's Not a lot of productive things happening The system can't be saved so that's part Of it but then you know preparing for it Uh you know people are talking to me About Plan B and I'm going to hopefully Remember to make a voice over talking About having a plan B and what that Means in the next video um but I might Forget all together so who knows uh but If I remember it'll be there but anyways So they were talking about Kennedy and They were having this idea that JD Vance Is sucking right like he you know They're hiding him away because he's so Weird he's just failing and so that Kennedy uh Trump might drop him and he Likes Kennedy and they're talking about What Kennedy might do for him and what a Risk that would be or whatever but the

One guy and they talked about his Conspiracy theories and all these things You know it's just you know it's so Annoying they're they're limited and They're just so limited and so narrow Binded right uh because that's their shs And they're just that's what they're you Know they buy into all this stuff and Just you know they or whether they buy Into it or they just sell it doesn't Matter buying or selling you know the Official story but in terms of what the Guy said that's resonating with Kennedy Is this thing with the chronic diseases Which I'm going to cover coming up that You know people are connecting with that Cuz they see their kids and they see Themselves I mean People's Health is is Deteriorated since Co and the whole the Bloop and all that the bloop and all That stuff right I have a bloop for Swears and a bloop for the bloop um but Anyways let's get back to it here you Know so Kennedy I mean you should know This Kennedy has no leverage right I Mean if he is pulling from two to 5% He's pulling in single digits they froze Him out and he's gotten to the point Where people realize he can't win and They're freaked out about KLA Harris if They're you know truthers or whatever They're freaked out about whatever it Might be right and so they you know They're thinking all right who's my you

Know of the two people who have a chance To win who's the better option for me Right and so you know he's running out Of support and he had a big bump in the Beginning and you know plus his horrific Position on Israel just killed his Candidacy in the truth Community with The far-left people right so you know he Has no leverage so you know he's like Well Trump might do something that I Care about like he he doesn't want to be A spoiler he's just saying that well Here let him say this here need to form A Unity government we agreed that we'd Be able to continue to criticize each Other on issues on which we don't agree But these issues are so important and Their way of unifying our country we Need in this country to reach a point Where we love our children more than we Hate each other it's a good uh unifying Theme that I think a lot of people could Get around it's how we get there that's Always the devil is in the details have You all negotiated over or talked about A c okay so he didn't he he says he Doesn't um they haven't greeted a Cabinet position any of these things Right he talked about how he reached out To KLA Harrison there was nothing there But this is the big thing I want to talk About here this was kind of an Interesting thing first he said this Here St they were they basically is 10

Swing States where my presence in the race Would would have uh helped uh uh vice President Harris and would have harmed Uh president Trump so I'm going to get Off the ballot in those States okay so And I'm not sure that's true or not Maybe just you know whatever um but if That's the case that makes Sense so he says that she didn't want to Listen to anything from him or any the Other third party candidates to listen To anything from the Democrats that they Were going to do something about the war About the Ukraine war about the Censorship about the Child Health crisis This epidemic of of chronic disease that Is now disabled about 60% of our kids And okay so that's a big statement right And I know that the health is bad and You know this stuff is coming up you Know like my wife sent me that thing you I told you guys about that interview With these two healthc care Whistleblowers that are pretty brutal About how corrupt the Health Care system Is you know there's that I mean that Fake smile and you know it's a real Smile but it's like it's like the smile Of death like you know like for you you Know like when she's smiling you're Hurting right so I trust Kennedy's data More than the mainstream you know Media's data on this thing but I

Couldn't find any sort of uh Verification of this but we know the Kids are much weaker and well let me Just say these are some of the things That we can look into here and so um 18% Of all children age 0 to 11 are on Medication of some sort prescription Drugs 27% of adults age 12 27% of Adolesence age 12 to 19 and 46% of Adults age 20 to 59 and 85% of adults Age 60 and over used prescription D Drugs in the last 30 days right and that Was from 2015 to 2016 those statistics so um you know Like that's going to be much worse now Well here it says here prescription Drugs amongst children Adolescence um 19% of adolescence in 2013 AL this is old one this is NIH Stuff right um let me see if there's Anything in the news about This I mean 20% of kids between the Z Ages of Z and 11 and then um the another You know 25% between between whatever That was I said adolescent kids and then Kids between the you know people between 18 and 20 50% and then going up right Where it's towards the end of your life Almost everybody's on a prescription Drug which we know about like so you're Lifelong customer which KY gets into Here in the interview and then there's 11% of kids have ADHD which I think is Much higher than that so you know one

Out of 10 kids is being diagnosed with ADHD and I believe that's higher I think That's another you know game ST Statistics but statistic but they also In terms of like um autism it's like It's like 1 in 24 and so you think about All these issues kids have they're just Not functioning very well and there's Health issues of course depression set In some like 60% of kids were depressed During the covid lockdown I mean so many Things like that right and you know They're not doing well everyone knows it Like it's and it's not being discussed Because Kennedy will never say it Because he doesn't either know or he's You know just being a shill but this is What they want right they want to Depopulate they want to dumb down the You know I mean they want to pacify and Make weaker you know the humanity like This we're in crisis there's economic Crisis there's overpopulation the system Is crumbling and you know their biggest Fear is the masses turning on the Turning on them so you know to pacify The masses and make them more dependent And you know they're trying to get kids To buy into this genda 30 and all these Things and so of course they have to be Sick and weak and stupid and entitled And pathetic and you know dependent and I mean emotionally messed up and like All these things that are happening

They're dousing these kids with all These various chemicals and you know Wi-Fi and all the rest of it that's just You know destroying these kids and you Know weakening the crap out of them and That's not going to stop and no President's going to change anything and No I mean it's like the food it's like All things Kennedy's list listing at one Point you go this is intentional right It's not just neglectful it's Intentional like he's saying well They're they're life he's going to say They're lifelong customers yeah that's True but also they're completely Pacified you know people like that can't Rise up and do anything and that's Necessary for what's you know the the Deal that these kids are going to get is So much worse than the deal we got Because when there's a reduction when You go from having to to not having it's The hardest adjustment right from not Having to having is also hard like from Being poor to rich is it's hard but from Going from being rich to poor is really Hard on people and most people can't Even make that adjustment right they're Just feeling so entitled and they become So accustomed to their lifestyle they Can't do it and so this is the out the Outcome right like all of us we screwed Like whatever you know we're not going To accept the deal that these kids will

And they're going to deal with us Whatever way they deal with us through These catastrophes and wars and you know All the you know breakdown of the system And we'll just have to accept it when The power goes out and you know we we'll Either deal or we won't right but these Kids are being totally groomed for Another type of Lifestyle one that is Like so demonic and so I mean like Inhuman that the all of us who didn't Grow up with it and weren't prepared or Groomed for it we will no way be able to Accept it right but anyways let's get Back to Here he said one more thing here of our Kids and you know when my uncle is President Shannon only 6% of Americans had chronic Disease today over 60% do and you know It's hard to find a kid today that's not Been damaged by it and it's coming from Our food supply from cont from pollution In our environment from toxics in our Environment and mainly from corruption In our government that allows that to Happen you've talked about or there's Been discussion that if you were to join The Trump Administration in some health Related position I think it's he where He says it here wouldn't dismantle them I would change the focus and I would end The corruption I would right now 75% of Fda's budget is coming from

Pharmaceutical companies that is a Perverse incentive in Ni age the if you Scientists and officials in Ni AG who Work on drug development who incubate Drugs for the pharmaceutical company get To collect lifetime royalties from those Products these are Regulators they're Supp I talked about this right so if you Um work on a study and you work on Something that is then used in some Pharmaceutical drug on the NH NIH you Get royalties on this F fuchi and all These people right on your you have you Have like a patent on it and so they you Know they get paid funded by the Pharmaceutical industry and this is a Federal Institution and then you you Know experiment with things if somebody Uses your experiment you could be set For life with royalties right if it's Used in these medications and then of Course the NIH will then push the Medications right let's be looking for Problems in that those products we have These agencies that have become sock Puppets for the industries they're Supposed to regulate so they're not Really interested in public health Everybody the the the most profitable Thing to day in America is a sick child Everybody's making money the hospitals Are making money the pharmaceutical Companies are making money even the Insurance companies make money yeah so

That's what I was you know saying right You know you have a sick kid and you Know like I said that this is for-profit Medicine and that these certainly old Elderly people I saw this with my Parents particularly my dad you know They just keep you alive long enough to To use up all your insurance and all Your money and then they let you die Right and so you know it's for-profit Medicine and every medicine they give You has side effects and you know They're just treating the symptoms and You know they're able to prop you up From you know organ failure this that And the other thing in terms of you know All these issues that you have that Might otherwise kill you but you're not Living a real life you're you're like a Zombie with a you know all of it right And so um you know people just aren't Allowed to die in a a dignified manner Anymore I mean can you can choose out of The system but if you go with the Mainstream medical system this is what Happens but now that they can get these Kids young having chronic illnesses Being dumbed down affects their IQ Affects their you know their strength Their Inner Strength who they are as a Person they became weak and pathetic and Dependent all the things that we see With each generation as each generation Gets weaker right and so this is you

Know a big part of that and it's Purposeful it's the food it's the dry All the things he's talking about which We know to be true right it's like Madness I want to get to some of more of This at the end I got one more thing to Show you here with Kamla I was attorney general I learned That the California Department of Corrections which was a client of mine I Didn't get to choose my clients right a Client of the Attorney General a client Of the Attorney General of the office of Attorney General that they were standing In the way of of of Surgery um for prisoners for prisoners And there was a specific case and when I Learned about the case I worked behind The scenes to not only make sure that That transgender woman got the services She was Deserving so it wasn't only about that Case I made sure that they changed the Policy in the state of California so That every Transgender inmate in the prison system Would have access to the medical care That they desired in need and I believe It was not only I know it was historic In California but I believe actually it May have been one the first if not the First in the country where I pushed for That policy in a Department of Corrections okay so the issue there is

These are prisoners and prisoners cost a Lot of money To um let's get the the whole thing here The whole um both people involved and so Prison prisoners cost people lots of Money and they're criminals right and so It's not something that people are Psyched about pain and there's For-profit prisons it's a whole thing And she was trying to you know get People out of Prisons all the things she Was doing but putting you know people in I mean she was back and forth on all These things right but if you're a Person you know whatever you feel about Transgender and whatever you feel about This this issue right whether you're you Know liberal for it or conservative Against it this is an elective surgery Like this is like getting some sort of Um cosmetic surgery like you know a Facelift or a boob job or whatever it is Right this is you know usually things Your insurance your insurance wouldn't Pay for it but if you're a trans Stander Person in the California prison system the taxpayers Right who you know who who fund the Prison are going to be the ones who have To pay for it and they're they can be From 20,000 to $100,000 plus all the Meds all the hormones that go with it You know all these things right and so If she's talking about um paying for a

Person's transition that's you know the Taxpayers are on the hook for that it's Also an incentive for a transgender Person to commit a crime and do some Time in prison and get this surgery Right again you know you're still going To prison but if you didn't have the Money to do this it would mean that by Going into a prison situation you commit A crime where you get two years even Something small like that and then you Know you you get this surgery for free Right is very expensive surgery that Most people can't Afford so here is a um blade America's LBGTQ news source despite deal few Surgeries granted to tr despite Harris Deal few surgeries granted to trans Inmates in California classic kamla Harris she puts these programs in and They don't work right they end up not Working Senator kamla Harris Presidential campaign said Tuesday Anti-ra trans bias may play a role in The implementation of a policy she help Create Under Pressure to provide Transgender inmates in California with Gender reassignment surgery after Washington blade public records request Found only seven prisoners got the male To female procedure out of 130 who asked Harris a suppor of LBGTQ rights Nonetheless continues to be at to be Asked about her work as California

Attorney general and litigation seeking To deny transgender Deny gender assignment surgery to Transgender inmates in a state prison System and the data indicated that Harris cast the settlement in a Rosier Light then ended up then it ended up Playing out right and so she can't even Do that right like she P passes this she Forces this controversial policy and the Majority of taxpayers aren't going to Want to pay for this right like people Don't want to pay for other people's you Know whatever like with other people's Health care it's a big deal for people Like they're paying exorbitant taxes in California is one of the highest tax States I mean with the you know with the The Biden tax uh the taxing you know for Rich people they're paying like 70% of Their income 65 or 68% of their income Between California tax and uh the Federal tax that Biden was trying to Pass through people making more than $400,000 a year it de incentivize people Being wealthy right or they have to find Some way around the system and so you Know this is is um if she can't do that Right and so the whole thing is just Classic comma right um is an absolute Mess see the thing with kamla and Trump They're the worst kind of posers because They really believe in nothing they have No Dogma they have no moral compass they

Have no you know rules to live by they Don't have anything like that right it's Just pure self-promotion I mean they're They're so similar in this way right and So KLA Harris makes this you know Arbitrary rule without I mean going past Any Legislation and say you know going Through the the California state Legislature and even the governor she Just makes a rule as district attorney That all these prisoners who want to Transition the government should pay for It right but there's no budget for it She can't allocate money for that right The prisons are operating on a fixed Budget and like all those type of Institutions they don't have surpluses They spend every dime they're given Right and so you add another I mean what Was 130 right 130 of these prisoners Applied for this transition right and You know that might even be a I I don't Know what the ratio is or whatever and They only paid for seven of them but if They had paid at $100,000 a clip that's $13 million right you know these prisons Have an extra $13 million laying around So they don't have the money to pay for It like she does this kind of [ __ ] With with full knowledge that they're Not going to be able to do it there's no Budget for it as soon as she's gone There might be a more conservative

Person in her job the legislature must Might come out and veto it whatever it Is right there could be citizens who Rise up against this Rule and you know That has to go through the bean counters Or are budgeting for these prisons say We don't have the money to do this right I mean they're scratching their heads Going how can you do this without giving Us extra money to pay for it so you know It's a whole thing and she just Arbitrarily does it so she can go and Sit down in this interview and say how Wonderful she is to trans people but the Trans people are like well it's not Effective you know they they see her as A poser you just you didn't follow Through and like now she's a national Figure running for president so she's Not going to be able to do anything for This rule in California and you know It's a whole thing and it pisses off the Conservatives but that's how she rolls Another thing that I was just someone Left a comment About this and I'm going to cover it Towards the beginning of my next video And she there was a a bunch of people Who had been abused by priests in San Francisco who had put together a strong Case and the the attorney general or the District attorney before her was um Going to prosecute these priests in the Catholic church and she just failed to

Do it and it makes no sense about it Makes no sense right because she um you Know like she was in a liberal San Francisco that would have no problem With uh doing this to the Catholic Church and it made total sense for her To prosecute these priests and she just Refused to do it who knows why that is Like it's just it's just like flipping a Coin like one day Trump is talking to The NRA talking about you know gun Rights and conservative blah blah blah Blah blah blah next thing he knows he's Saying well let's grab the guns and First and do the due process second like Is just like there's no rhyme and reason With these these complete posers right They have no you know there's nothing Inside of them there's no you know There's no system of consistency or any Kind of like I said moral compass and Ethics and you know rules to live by Where they can navigate through life They just look at every situation as how What what it means to them and their you Know Ambitions and things you know like They're just like the worst type of People to be politicians and of course They are politicians they're both Running for president right okay so There are some follow-up things Here um Don's dreams got a limit First Amendment this was front page Huffington Post and then it was we'll make it

Constitutional will'll make it Constitutional Trump again calls for Jail time for burning American flag they Say Sir this that sir that's Unconstitutional the former president Said we make it constitutional now this Is another time where Trump just like The flag sucks it's stupid flags for the Most part are you know they're archaic Symbols right they've been used for you Know thousands of years and you know Various types of you know governments Even tribal Situations and you know it's just a way To Mark a like a uh you know like claim Territory or whatever it might be um but They're not like The symbols that American the American Flag isn't the symbol that so-called Patriots wanted to be so Trump is saying Something here that hurts him because in Reality see they're saying here that he Wants to limit the First Amendment Zuckerberg says Biden officials were Wrong to pressure met at a censor Co Post I believe the government pressure Was wrong and I regret that we were not More outspoken about it so it wasn't Just Co but it was things that were Critical of Biden and we know that they Did things that were unconstitutional They pressured social media to and you Know it hurt all of us in the truth Community more than anybody else they

Pressured the uh social media to censor Us right and so um you know that was Reality that Biden is the one that was Against for the First Amendment now Trump says stupid loud stuff and like he And this thing with the flag is you know Part of it right but what the Democrats Are trying to do is rearrange reality And paint Trump as the what would you Know make Trump responsible for what Biden did right they're trying to Reclaim all the words all the talking Points and reverse the thing because Trump had all this momentum with Biden Being seen out but now Trump's the old One right and then all these other Things which you know was kind of a Brilliant strategy on their part and They learned that from Carl Rove you Know that's how he got George W bush Elected so it's something that the Republicans kind of invented just like With Fox news they've they've stolen all The things that the Republicans do a lot Of the evil stuff and I want to talk About evil at the end of this video so Chuck Schumer got annoyed with then Senator KLA Harris right look at him Turn the music off see he puts his hand Out he's like just stop you know Whatever the [ __ ] you're doing and look At her expression this expression is Great here She's like a school girl or somebody

Who's being naughty and then making fun Of her her dad or teacher or something Right like he's just totally annoyed Like she's laughing and being loud and You know calm down this is like a real Procedural thing so Um you Know classic like he didn't even like Her like nobody does of course Chuck Schumer is no treat either and then There's this here well what we really Need is a A what a Feminine well what we really need is a Feminine a what chian Whitmer can't get Her like lying she can't do It she's like what is she like 6'4 um these are all these Democratic Governors this annoying stuff there's Another thing I'm that similar to this Here so this is from Steven colar Show this is ncy Pelosi It's just weird right States I think our Country would be different in many ways One we would be willing to embrace the Idea that we actually have a incredible Talent pool in these United States and The talent that we have they're in Detroit they're in Kansas they're in San Francisco they're in inner cities and Rural areas and they are the Youth of Our communities who simply want to be Engaged and need the resources need the Infrastructure and need the uh the

Resources to really be able to learn Those skills that will allow us to Compete in a larger world so at the end Of the the eight years the other thing That would happen is that we would have A population of people who were informed Not only about the great history of our Country but also world history so that We would be able to like we know that She's not a formed of world history she Said some stupid [ __ ] before remember When she was describing Ukraine I see if I find that communicate With and compete in in terms of the Economy with other countries in a way That would allow us to thrive and to be The best that we can be and really be True to the ideals of our country And at the end of the eight years I Believe that we all would decide proudly That we are all As Americans Patriots And I Define by the way Patriotism Jesus like she was he's just always been Annoying if you're watching any level of News even social media you're seeing Everything that's going on right now in The Ukraine break it down a layman's Terms for people who don't understand What's going on and how can this Directly affect the people in the United States so Ukraine is a country in Europe It exists next to another country called Russia Russia is a bigger country Russia

Is a powerful country Russia decided to Inv so you know I mean KL Harris can be Smarter than this right I mean she's Often Dopey she's of in a ding bad as my Wife calls her but she's um can be Smarter than this but this isn't so much About her as it is what she thinks about The American people right so she thinks The people watching this and this seems To be some sort of a like a hip-hop kind Of a urban you know uh like some kind of A you know Quay in the morning type of Thing right one those hip-hop sort of You know radio shows or something right Podcast and so she thinks these people Don't know what Russia is like all right Ukraine is less known like you you can Say the Americans might know Before the Ukrainian War might not know What Ukraine is right um but every American probably knows what like Sarah Pal I can see Russia from my house right Like course most people should know Where Russia is you know so she either Thinks the youth Andor these Urban type Of people don't know what the [ __ ] Russia is right and how can this Directly affect the people of the United States so Ukraine is a country in Europe It exists next to another country called Russia Russia is a bigger country Russia Is a powerful country Russia decided to Invade a smaller country called Ukraine So basically that's wrong M

[Laughter] And again like they used to be one Country right this was the break up of The Soviet Union all these things and You know to say it's a country in Europe Is you know it's it's really part of What would be called Asia right and it Goes against everything that we stand For so um you know do that Happened the morning hustle right and so Um you know like that's what she thinks Of the people while listening to the Morning hustle so finally here um I Designed a 3D printable phone stand that Folds up like a break dancer it works Because I hit a gear mechanism in the Butt and even though it's got some Amazing dance moves I need a hand Judging them so let me know which one Gets a perfect 10 in the comments so Ray Gun isn't going ray gun is you know her Infamy continues a lot of my viewers Have been comparing kamla Harris to the Um that other famous whatever she was The the hakua girl right and so um They're calling her KLA hakua or Something I like knee pads Harris Personally but anyways one more thing Here then I got a long voice over about E Evil and there was this well let me just Show you this is from the the some MSNBC This morning I Think around when Donald Trump and his

Allies falsely accused the voting Companies and election officials of Rigging the election so they're trying To be proactive this year they don't Want to repeat of 2020 and they are Fighting the disinformation headon we've Talked many times about those massive Defamation lawsuits that they've brought Against Fox News and other Trump allies Those could make for a big payday but They're also hoping that there will be Some deterrence there maybe hopefully Discouraging some of these Bad actors And say you know what if you lie this Time around you might have a big price To pay another company that's not as Well known but it's actually a bigger Voting technology company called esns I've learned from several sources there That they actually forced all of their Employees to submit their social media For a background check the company Wanted to scrub to make sure that no one Had any publicly available political Posts that could be weaponized later on Uh if things go go poorly after the Election you know as I've been saying Recently the system is rigged it's not That the Voting is rigged it's the System that's rigged right it's not that The elections are rigged the whole System's rigged you know the trumpers And this whole narrative and it's all Performative and it's part of the show

You know this whole thing that happened You know all of it the election there's No election integrity And there really hasn't ever been and Now with these um computerise voting Machines that would easily be Manipulated and hacked and can disappear Valot but there's always ways to cheat Right both people would cheat I mean When the you know there's one Democratic Official that came out and said yeah we Cheated but we had to because we Couldn't let Trump win again right and Trump would cheat Trump's always cheated Trump is always he's tried to rig the World in his favor using money and Influence and power just like all these Other people they all suck right but for These companies to be censoring their Employees and saying you can't post any Political opinions on social media and They're working for you know these Companies that are supposed to be Preserving democracy and they won't even Let their employees exercise their free Choice of speech and op political Opinions right also Jim this company Actually had a a training session for Its employees last year before Thanksgiving here's what you do when Your friends and family pester you about The 2020 election and pepper you with False claims and conspiracy theor so That's the disinformation front but also

There are real security threats just Yesterday the justice department Announced charges against a man in Colorado who allegedly threatened to Kill election workers in that state These companies and the election Officials that I spoke to said that they Are boosting spending on physical Security not just cyber security but Physical security to make sure that Their employees are safe also uh one Company that I spoke to said that they Are providing Panic buttons wearable Panic buttons like a Life Alert to Election officials in five states so That they can wear them on a lanyard While they're doing their job just in Case anybody tries anything crazy or Freaks out at the polls they press the Button and it calls 911 so we really Descended deep into the hole but a lot Of people Jim are hoping that with these Proactive measures it will be a lot Safer and more straightforward this time Around almost sounds like a a bank Teller you know pushing the button at at The bank if somebody's trying to rob the Bank that is really stunning stuff all Right Marshall CR a very important Report thank you Very okay so I want to talk about Evil um I'm very aware of it like just Being up after watching the Democratic National Convention and then just you

Know I've had this um well there's going To be like two uh complimentary Voiceovers that are going to go up on my Gratefulness meditation Channel and Probably my backup channel that will be Also a part of the journey Series um that's right now just for Members uh because of just you know I'm Putting out too much Content um and other reasons but anyways Um So there's things that are going on in My personal life you know not so much to Do with me and you know my you know Direct situation you know with my wife And my son or whatever but um my wife's Uh got a relative who is got turbo Cancer somebody who was a you know very Liberal Democrat and who you know my Wife tried to talk to about you know These things and that person's got turbo Cancer they had you you know was they Had cancer and remission and then they You know they were very enthusiastically Getting the poop you know and then and The roosters right and God turbo cancer Is dying is dying poorly right like Cancer in the brain cancer in the lungs And lift nodes right just the whole Thing um and you know was going through The death process and just not doing Well at it and I you know I'm not going To talk more about that but you know so That was going on then there we got news

Yesterday You know of something that's kind of Even worse that we're dealing with um Again to do with you know my wife's Family uh and so you know there are Things like that that are like Everybody's going through right there's Just stuff like that because we're Living in a time where things are coming To the surface and you know I've never Watched a convention like I watched a Democratic convention and even Afterwards somehow um I was watching Like one of the news is CNN or MSNBC and Michelle Obama came out and just Absolutely lied about Trump in some Bizarre narrative right and they were Applauding her for giving a good speech I'm like this is a horrible speech and You know she's you know odd I mean she's Got huge long arms and you know I mean You know the masculine features and all Those things and you know it was just Like a like a deach Aon over there like A freak Show over there at the DNC and I Really you know covered it more more Intensely because of the you know the This thing that happened where KLA Harris is getting elected with no votes And the way that the DNC manipulated all These things right and you know I was Thinking about this in terms of like it Just seems like everything's like really Evil you know just like their evil is

Just more Prevalent um it's just really up and you Know I want to talk about this because Most people have a childish and Primitive view of evil because of a System has wanted it that way so the way That most people well all of us get Introduced to the idea of Good and Evil Is that there's a hero and that hero is 100% good and there is a villain and That villain is 100% evil and when you Watch a movie you usually most people Identify with the hero and they frame The Narrative so that you you know You're connecting with the hero and You're rooting for the hero to succeed And you know you can watch a movie where Two historical figures are in an Adversarial you can watch two movies Where two historical figures let's say It was like Edison and Tesla and Tesla There's a movie recently about this um The current War something like that the The current war or something uh and you Know Tesla was was uh you know was cast As the Protagonist and Edison was cast as the Villain which is kind of the narrative That's out there right you know which Electricity AC alternating current or Direct current was going to be used and They went with the the bad one right Like so there's been these wars like Beta versus VHS in terms of the

Videotape something like this but then They could make another movie where Edison is the hero and Tesla is the Villain right you know I saw a video uh Two movies one was done by Germany and the other one was done by America and it was about the rosch's Family one was done by Hollywood which Favored the rosch's family you can watch These movies I really got a lot out of Them the other one is a German movie That the Rothchilds were evil and in the Hollywood version This the big story is how the Rothchilds Came to power they were they were Bank Rolling like there was Rothchild Banks You know they had Brothers these Brothers each had a bank one was in France and one was in Germany and one Was in England and then there were two Other Banks somewhere else I forget Where and the one that was in um England Was bankroll in the English War this guy Who became the you know the the this was The primary rell's bank and the other One was bankroll in the French in the French War they you know they there was A war between the English and the French And and they were both um Napoleon and They were both you know the rochels were Making that you know happen and so the French battled the English and the English won but the news came back to England that France had won right and in

The American version rosals didn't know This was fake And so the British government's stocks Plummeted right their not their stocks Their bonds like government's issue Bonds and their bonds became worthless And rosch being the Patriot he was and Loving England so much he bought up all The bonds right which makes no sense Like it just doesn't you know this is How he became the richest man in the World but in the other version he had Word that England had actually won and Either he sent out disin that France had Won or somehow it came back that France Had won but he knew England had won and He bought up all these bonds for next to Nothing and then he owned the English Government after that because he had Like you know majority stakehold Stockhold just uh majority stake in the You know in the government in terms of These bonds and he became you know of Course a the you know a knight and the Richest man of the world he became the First Billionaire because of that right this Family and and it was two different ways Of looking at one where he was portrayed As a hero and the other where he's Portrayed as a villain and when you Watch movies you get sucked in because Your mind is in the passive Alpha mode And you just get sucked into the

Narrative and they can you know warp any I mean they have serial killers now that Are the protagonists right you know that Show Dexter and these other movies and Things and they have the worst people You know where they made Maleficent a Hero they started to do this with Disney Movies where all of a sudden Melissa Melissa Maleficent who was a a Villain in I guess what is it sleeping Booty or one of those other movies was Now the hero and they made two of these Right and you know there was a story Angeling and joliee came out she had Always wanted to be like in a Disney Kind of movie and she came out as Maleficent with all these little kids Thinking that they were going to like Her because she was the hero in the Movie and when they saw her cuz she's Dressed up like freaking bomet they just Were repelled these kids were naturally Like you know she's evil like you look At her she's evil like that's what an Evil like what evil looks like right you Know and she thought she would be you Know like one of these Disney princesses Or something the kids were you know like Running for the Hills right but that's How they can warp these narratives and I've watched a number of various like Historical shows on Netflix and some of These other networks that are very Graphic in nature you I just watch this

Thing Marco Polo it's very graphic and It's you know and the horrors that these People do to other you know the Historical Horrors you know it's about The the KH you know the the guy who's The ancestor of gingas Khan and he's Horrible person they're all horrible Right and they're all doing evil like Both sides are both evil like you can't Say there's anybody to root for because They're just all like they're disregard For human life and torturing people you Know they're breaking the feet of these Young girls that this Chinese tradition To break the arches so that the the ball Of the foot meets the heel and some kind Of like I mean deforming them I me of Course we know about like genital Mutilation I mean there's just ways that People have of torturing their kids and Torturing people enslaving people and Just like these torture devices you know I've watched the Vikings and you know my Wife and I just watched this you another Version of King Arthur and some of these Other things and it's just the torture That people do you know burning people Alive like you know all these horrible Things right And just um just bad stuff right and you Know like things that are like Abominations and that's gone on forever There's you know there's 28 million like Legitimate slaves people who are owned

In the world right now 28 million like That's a lot of people right and you Know it's there's other forms of slavery That's more now more prevalent of course Wave slavery but just all the de deviant And evil things and people's Predisposition to doing Twisted horrific Things to other people or the Environment be building weapons of mass Destruction and you know there's just an Evil nature that exists in people There's also good but then there's evil And there's never one situation where There's good people and bad people Because that's part of the problem is That people who are themselves evil Think they're good and that they're the Good guys and the people that they're Against are the bad guys and the evil Ones and they deserve to be punished and So they justify their evil because of The other people's evil because the Nature of evil is it's not your body Right so if you think about God and love And and good and you know evil and the Positive qualities and the negative Qualities when your body dies all that Stuff leaves it you know people go I'm Going to go piss on his grave or dance On his grave or whatever but the reality Is you know the part of the person that You're mad at whatever person you know The their life force you know I talked About when I was 10 years old and I saw

My grandfather's corpse you know his With funeral and he wasn't there I was Like that's not him you know they put Lipstick on this guy who was like a you Know old school tough guy fought in a Couple Wars and you know all this stuff But I was like that ain't him he's gone Like that's just a you know that's a Shell like he's shedding his his shell You know his whatever it was and you Know I didn't I couldn't articulate it Cuz I was a 10-year-old kid but you know You're everything that you are goes with You and this is the idea of some scaras Which is by far the best explanation you Know Impressions that you take with you That have energetic you know element It's like storage it's like you know Your your etheric soul has a storage of Your life right and your decisions go With you and your addictions and your Good things and your bad things and you Know the next life that you live that Stuff's coming back with you when you Incarnate back in your physical body the Stuff that you leave with when you die Your impressions you know all the things That you know the things that you're Accountable for you know the debts you Owe the you know the the things that You've done that you need to resolve the You know any issues addictions if you're Diet an addict you'll be born and you'll Have a life that's going to lead you to

Addiction because you didn't master that You didn't overcome that you didn't Process it right like you you know you Have to do something about if you if you Commit suicide then your next life you Have the a prevalence of you know you'll Have a a life that will lead you to W to Commit suicide again right and so these Patterns of behavior are with you and You're taking them with you and so Everything's accounted for and anger and Fear and paranoia and you know love and Hate and you know all these things right Happiness and joy and you know all the Things that you were would experience as A person and the things that you were um You know focused on the things that you Know dominated your personality they're Going to come back with you right and They're going to form something like There's going to be you know your Soul's Going to plan something is going to have Some you know masterful plan on how to Deal with these things and process them And come back to a pure State you know Come back to a state where you know all These things these like it's like you You know think that you take with you With a video game right like you're in a Video game and you die right like your Avatar dies and you and you come back And you have you know you have a new Life in that new life you still have the Knowledge and experience that you've you

That you've gone through your the Various levels of the video game and Whatever things that you've brought with You whatever assets and things that You've you know accumulated and you know Of course deficits as well in terms of Your soul you know these video games Where you have weapons like say that you Bought you earn you you earn these Things and then you die and you still Have these things when you come back Right these potential assets to help you Win the game and so that's like a you Know a remedial version of of real life And how it works and so evil exists Inside people whatever that is right all These things exist and you know evil you Know good evil love hate you know these Things that are there right all the Things that are you know part of your Internal makeup And it isn't your body it's in your Physical body and it relates to Your Ego Obviously and not your soul because you Have your ego and your soul and your ego Is where all these human type of um Emotions and you know the the lower Level emotions like love and compassion And you know empathy and you know Divinity that's there within your soul Are the pure higher things and they're Associated with your heart and the lower Level emotions are associated with your Gut and of course your mind is cunning

And you know your mind is is Strategizing and these things and is you Know it has to be influenced by one or The other so if you are somebody who is Uh focused on the lower level of Tendencies of you know fear and anger And lust and you know all the the Negative like things that people Consider the sinful things your Appetites right pleasure and you know All these things addiction which are Associated with your gut and your Impulsivity right and immaturity that's There and that's why you feel all these Things in your gut level in terms of Your expression on your physical body And then your soul resides in your heart Al also where all this stuff is Accumulated in terms of your actions and Things but anyways you know this stuff All has resides in you etherically you Know and I talked about this in my book I had written a like a Workbook and it was transforming abuse Right a soul-driven Existence and you know cuz I worked with This in terms of being a a counselor a Clinician and treatment center ERS with Sex offenders and you know all these Types of things the assault cycle and You know I came to understand that it's Like a computer virus or a physical Virus evil is injected into people in Trauma right and so like you take

Something like physical abuse or sexual Abuse or emotional abuse or these things Where people mistreat other people and a Person who has been abused themselves And has been injected with some sort of Evil virus then goes does it to somebody Else like a sex offender has been sex Sexually offended and has some sort of Sexual abuse and you know they have this Virus in them and then they offend other People you know their kids whatever it Is right and then those people now have That virus and you know there's a thing Called the um trauma outcome process Right there's a few things that we use To look at this there's one thing called The Assault cycle which was a series of Steps uh a sexual offender would go Through before offending it always Started with victim statement and this Could be applied to any wrongdoing Criminal Behavior where you have a poor Me a victim statement where you feel Like you've been wronged you know Criminals and people do indulge in the Most evil are always victims and they're Abusers because they're victims right Because they have an abuser and a victim Inside of them they've been victimized But now they also have the experience of The abuser you you had an abuser in your Life and you've internalized that person Right and whatever that is it could be Like a tyrant right like a governmental

Tyrant and abuses the people and all Those people internalize that abuse and Then the soldiers the foot soldiers and The and the Minions that do all the evil Bidding for the the abusive person who Who leads the country you know demonic King and the whole country suffers from Abuse and Trauma and things and other Countries are invaded and you know the Horrors of War right you know I'm Talking about these ancient you know Civilizations but happens in you know War there's a movie called um it's a Movie about a tank called Fury and There's like all this evil stuff these Guys American soldiers are doing you Know the the you know sort of raping and Pillaging that happens in these you know In war time right you know the the war Has been described as the absence of God Right evil exists you know my brother Went to Vietnam and he told me all these Stories of things that he experienced And then he became a a counselor for Veterans in the late 90s and he told me These stories that these veterans were Traumatized with they were living with These things that they had seen and you Know some of the things I mean like like They I would say just the story itself Is traumatizing you know that people Would do these kind of behaviors right The Vets themselves or things they Witnessed their fellow soldiers doing

And things that the people there were Doing and and the these countries that Are I mean we haven't experienced being Invaded yet but when we do and you see The kind of depravity that slips in and You know evil Swifts through these Countries right and it's just people the Worst kind of behaviors that exist Inside people come out and they're and They're all inside of you that's the the Thing they're inside they're Internalized things right and so when Somebody gets abused by somebody the Abuser injects this evil virus into them Or whatever it is right not just abuse Any of these things when evil is done to You by somebody it's like it it's Injected into your system and now it's Part of your ego and how do you cope With it this trauma outcome process I Talked about and you can either you can Like hurt yourself like if you've been Abused so you can pay the evil forward And abuse somebody else you can cope With it or you can hurt yourself right Like you can hurt yourself and like and Hurting yourself or hurting somebody Else is like you think well hurting Yourself is somehow better well when That in itself becomes something right You know I lived with this with my ex Who was constantly threatening suicide And you know cutting herself and things Like this and it became you know

Traumatic for all of us you know my kids And me and the family because she wasn't Able to cope with her you know she her Victim Consciousness from her parental Abuse and things that she had suffered Right you know the only healthy solution Is to find a way to get rid of the ab Energetic abuse which I you know dealt With in this workbook which you know I'm Never going to I mean I would have to go Back and rewrite the whole thing but I Knew quite a bit about it and you know It has to do with the Sark method of Meditation the cleaning but how do you Deal with trauma that happens to you When you get evil injected into your System and we all are getting that every Day because it's in our media it's in Our world you know we have our you know The this these everything that's so Demonic and degraded and people want to Look at it like you know the right-wing People want look at like it's just Coming from the left because they're the Good guys and you've been programmed to Believe that you're a Christian and You're a right-wing person and you're a Good guy and the Liberals are the bad Guys but when the Christians dominated This country I the Christians have done A lot of evil the Crusades and all the Other things right they had armies and The armies did bad things and the Religions themselves did bad things

Torturing people sexual abuse all this Stuff like these religions have been bad Because they've corrupted and they've Gone to an egotistical Evil dark Side And the governments that support them And so there's no good guys here right It's how you personally deal with evil And then people collectively because You're going to come across evil in your Life and it's going to be done to you It's going to be injected into your System and it's going to take the form Of hatred and anger and you know fear And whatever it might be and then how do You process that how do you you know not Engage in those behaviors and justify Those those behaviors because the other People are evil right that you have to Die you have to fight fire with fire you Got to fight evil with evil and you got To do evil things to the evil people Right and that becomes you know where You become evil and you don't even Realize it because you're you've kind of Outsourced your your connection to it Like the evil now exists in you what do You do with it like how do you get rid Of it like all this evil now that's Being I mean all the evil things that we Are doing that we don't even know about As a country all the evil things that Have been doing to keep your lifestyle Going by the intelligence community and By the the you know the government and

The you know the the Army the military Industrial complex the corporations and You know all this evil [ __ ] that's being Done to prop up a system that's you know Demonic and ego ego- driven and Disconnected from the Divine Essence That that is manifested the universe Right and so we all are suffering Consequences from the evil system Falling apart and the evil coming to the Surface and it isn't like something Where you're like oh K Harish is the Evil one or the Democrats are the evil One Trump's the hero it's not you know Not only is that not the case but it Doesn't work that way right it's like The whole system it's the Deep State no The whole system is demonic in nature You know I came across this um I was Watching this TV show there was this U Let me find it here Um there was this you know this monk for This one of these um Mongolian cons had Become a monk and he reads this part of Jeremiah 13 now the Jeremiah 13 which Part of the Old Testament which I've Talked about is just a horrible book Because of the way it betrays God right Um but the Jeremiah is his book is Intended as a message to the Jews in Exile in Babylon explain the master of Exile of God's response to Israel's Pagan worship the people says Jeremiah Are like Unfaithful wife and rebellious

Children their infidelity and Rebelliousness made judgment inevitable Although restoration and New Covenant Are Foreshadowed and so this is about God Being petty and jealous what they're Calling God and it isn't God but God Being petty and jealous because these Guys who you know they're exiled because Of Moses you know the Exile that they're Wander around the desert where you know I've heard another explanation of this Is that there were these demons that Were connected to the this tribe in the Desert and they were weaponized by this Demonic energy that they thought was God Right which is a you know a a valid Narrative that makes sense in how things Played out but it says this this is what The Lord said to me go and buy a linen Belt and put it around your waist but do Not let it touch water so I bought the Belt as the Lord directed and I put it Around my waist then the word of God Came to me a second time take the belt You bought and you are wearing around Your waist and go to parth and hide it There in a crevice in the Rocks so I Went and HIIT it at parth at the Lord Told as the Lord told me many days later The Lord said to me go now to parth and Get the belt I told you to hide so I Went to parth and dug up the belt and Took it from the place where I had

Hidden it But now it was ruined and completely Useless then the word of the Lord came To me this is what the Lord said it's The same way I ruined the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem The wicked people who refuse to listen To my words who follow stubbornness of Their hearts and go after other gods to Serve and worship for them were like the Belt completely completely useless for As the belt is around the waste so Bounded all the people of Israel and all The people of Judah to me declares the War the Lord to my people for for for to Be my people for my Renown and praise And honor but they have not listened say To them this is what the Lord the god of Israel says every wines skid should be Filled with wine if they and if if they Say to you don't don't we know that Every win skid should be filled with Wine Then tell them this is what the Lord Says I'm going to fill I am going to Fill with drunkenness all who live in This land including the Kings who sit on David's Throne the priests the prophets And all those living in Jerusalem and This is the the thing the guy wrot wrote Uh read in the in the TV show or he Recited I will smash them once against The one against the other parents and Children alike to declares the Lord I

Will allow no pity or Mercy or Compassion to keep me from destroying Them right so the the god of Israel the God in the Old Testament is a violent Petty Narcissistic whiny little egotistical Prick who is jealous and is constantly Wrathful towards the people who you know Won't worship him and that's not what God is because God is in everything Right the New Testament is a little bit Better but this is the foundation of the Book And this idea that you're evil and bad And you guys just can't rise up to God Is true all of us right that there's Some element some you know darkness in Humanity that we keep on going to the Lowest common de denominator like even Saints there's a long history of saints You know including Jesus Who Rose up to High levels of spirituality and then had Some kind of spiritual fall you know Earth is the planet is so you know Easily um compromises people and takes Them away from their Soul's path people Get lured away in whatever pleasure Based you know power-based whatever it Might be and Saints and spiritual people This happens quite often it's you know Sad and it's part of what we are but we Do have Divinity within us right and It's ultimately God's you know I mean We're God's creations and whatever

Abomination that we've become you know That was a possibility within God's Manifested Universe like this is you Know victim Consciousness and evil and All these things that exist hatred and Things you know they were human Creations but we're all God's creations To start with everybody's a child of God Every soul is you know everything in Creation has some sort of spiritual Essence and energy right and God's System the Divine system has Contingencies to deal with depravity and One thing is to wipe out the Civilization because it has to be like There's there a cancer like our Civilization's a cancer it has to be Wiped out there's no other solution like There's good things here that we enjoy Our lifestyle and things that we like About you know plane travel and car Travel and air conditioned rooms and you Know heated whatever it is hot water and You know cold you what all these things That are available running water I mean There's a lot of great things in our Civilization and things that we would Have trouble living without and so That's like the too big to fail part of You know what I talk about this quite Often we're addicted to a system 100% Addicted to a system that's evil and Taking people in the wrong direction Because it's not based in Divine will

And principles the debt-based economic System and the heathenistic Materialistic Focus right because there No you know there's nothing in your System I mean when have you heard that Divinity is within you you know God is Inside of you it has God has to be by Every definition by every religion if God created you if God created the Universe I mean your own you know Biblical Tales you know God created the Universe in seven days which again is Silly like there was no days until the There only days existed after the Earth Was created but God created the you know The heavens and the you know the Earth And all these things right the first Part of Genesis and if God created Everything then God created you so you There's Divinity within you and if you Have a soul that's you know your Divine Essence the nature of your soul is pure And divine you know your Spiritual Essence and so if you have That in you why you not you're not why Are you're not connecting with it you Know I've been working towards to Connect with the Divinity within me for Over 30 years and it's had Transformational type of uh benefits I Mean I've been transformed as a person Because of that because of the sjar System that helps people connect with That right and so I mean it's a a

Wonderful process and it's there for Everybody to experience but why wouldn't You be told that why wouldn't your Religion tell you that why wouldn't you Be you know aware of this at Birth some Cultures you are in some cultures they Talk about the Divinity within you right You know the Namaste and Indian you know The Indian culture right proms where They you know the Divinity Within Me Bows before the Divinity within you Right recognizing that people have a Soul and a spiritual Essence I mean People think you know think about their Soul or think know that they have a soul But never think about it oh yeah I have A but what have you done connect with it Like you have an ego right your ego is Running wild but your soul is just being Neglected because of the you know the Nature of our you know our religion is Remedial and demonic and you know it's Gone over to the dark side and you know The majority the the major religions Have been compromised they're not Teaching this fundamental principle I Have this book my friend within you know That's for kids about finding Divinity Within you like it's a you know it's a Board book right except I couldn't do it On a board book because I don't have The like you know it's on Amazon but you Know there's this element I talk about All the time vinity within you and you

Know I've had Millions upon millions of Viewers like I think by you know with The deleted videos I've deleted some Videos that had millions or hundreds of Thousands of views I had a video that Had 200 uh two million views and I had Lots of videos that had you know either Million views or 800,000 views right you Know these were more commercialized type Of Illuminati crap where I had a lot More she people coming to my channel Right you know and times have changed of Course with YouTube but I get on a Regular basis and I talk about this I Think somewhere recently you know over 5,000 views a day right in terms of my Channel the amount of views I'm getting Around 5,000 views it doesn't seem like A lot given you know people are watching Millions of people are watching you know Whatever it is like some other channels Or mainstream crap or whatever it is but 5,000 people is a lot of people right And over the course of this channel I've Had like 150 million something views and Then my other channel has another 20 30 Million views on it and then they you Know deleted videos and things and with All of that how many people have Gravitated to this idea of the Divinity Within them and I talk about this more In my you know my um my other channel Which I'm not going to you know discuss Here I'm going to put this narrative in

There anyway so I don't want to get too Redundant but I had this you know I've Often thought about this right you know People will gravitate to my channel when I make Britney videos or celebrity Videos they like to see me mock Britney And you know all these things you know Mock politicians you know if it's the Right one if I'm mocking Kamala that's Great when I'm mocking Trump they get Butt hurt or whatever right you know if I'm mocking uh if I'm mocking cardi B It's good but the ones who identify with Britney get mad at me but you know in General it's the lower nature stuff Right you know the stuff that I I mean I Mean I could get a lot more views if I Just covered the Kardashians or whatever It is right pop culture Hollywood stuff And I made my channel just about that But the primary message that I have to Deliver here about Divinity within you And you know my knowledge of that and All these things the evil battling these Things and the the higher nature is you Know rejected by most people you know Whether it be from me or somebody else Like if they they can't hear it from me They they hear from somebody else who Tell us talks about it in a different Way right like there are better Christian churches there are better Pastors there are pastors who are you Know better at understanding Divinity

And have more of a spiritual aspect you Know the difference between religion and Spirituality is religion said God is Outside of you you're a piece of [ __ ] And God's Great and you you know you Maybe you get it to Heaven if God Blesses you I mean this is this idea in Christianity but these other religions That you know you're worthless piece of [ __ ] and there's nothing inside of you That's Divine and you're you know you're Worthless but you're you know if you if You worship God then you know or you Worship the the god of the religion then They'll give you you know a pass in the Afterlife you know a you know a ticket To Willy Wonka's chocolate factory right But you know that's this idea of God Being in heaven somewhere where Spirituality is God's within you and you Have a better version of yourself than That once you've you know uh minimized Your ego you you've dealt with your ego In some way where your ego Embraces the Divine nature then you can become Something of a higher developed person And raise rise to a higher level of Consciousness and that's that's the Highest right that's of the two things You know there's this great um saying From Master Char you the third Master The system that the lowest P part of the Higher which is Spiritual is higher than the highest

Part of the lower and you can become the Most powerful person you can become an Emperor you can become you know a Scholar the best athlete the best you Know the best actor the best celebrity The biggest celebrity all these things And you're still lower than a person Who's just starting to you know uh take Their initial steps on the spiritual Path which very few people do and that's The problem with Humanity right people Embrace the lower which is where the Evil incubates and the evil prol Proliferates and never become spiritual People where they interact with the Divinity within them and they take Responsibility for all the things in Their lives as being for their good and Coming from God you know even the evil Stuff is coming from God and that when You don't look at yourself as being a Victim but being somebody who is you Know is being handled and being managed And being um you know by your soul and By the a Divine sort of you know Spiritual support team and that Everything is accounted for and there's Nothing that's unfair even though it Appears unfair that these things are for Your benefit and if you take them like As coming from God as opposed to coming From you know just random chance or you Know whatever it is like some kind of Why this happen to me or why would God

Do this to me to get pissed off at God God you suck why did you do this to me Right well you know why why did you do This in a past life why did you you know Why you create this future for yourself Right like right now you're creating Your future by your decisions and your Actions you're you know your your past Has created your present and your Present is creating your future and so Everything that's happening is based in Your thoughts your actions and all these Things they're all you know they're all Affecting your future life and your Future DEC your your current decisions And your attitudes and your you know Your what your thoughts are and your Feelings and your you know your emotion And all these things that you're Indulging in if you're indulging in hate And anger then that's going to be part Of your future you're indulging in fear And paranoia any number of things right All those things are creating your Future right all the all your thoughts All your emotions are manifesting your Future right now I talked about how like You know I was had these hair clippers And I decided not to charge them and I Was setting myself up I was screwing Over you know C you know Tuesday Paul Was screwing over Thursday Paul like I'm doing something Where then I have to clean up my mess

From Tuesday like the the person that You know made decisions on Tuesday is You know affecting me negatively on on Thursday right like you know I'm very Aware of these things like doing Something where I'm just kicking a Problem down the road that a future you Know future version of myself is going To have to deal with my you know future Paul is going to have to deal with the Problems you know current Paul is making For himself right I'm very like Conscious of these things like on a Day-to-day basis so anyways you know This is the nature of Good and Evil and All of it right that evil exists in in Every person and what do you do with it Like how do you deal with it and people Don't know how to deal with it like You've been injected with a virus like a Computer virus and it circulated inside Your system and it wants some form of Expression like the evil that's being um You know being projected out there in Every aspect of our society and the Demonic nature of our society is a part Of your ego you're part of your psyche You're part of your internal makeup and It's looking to express itself and how Do you cope with it how do you deal with It right and there's ways you know I Talk about the gracefulness meditation SAR the the cleaning process and you Know being aware of it and dealing with

It like dealing with it as a you know Being something that you have to deal With and not projecting it out like it's Something outside of you you know your Your hatred I talk about this you know If you feel hatred the object of your Hate is you know Joe Biden or Donald Trump or kamla Harris or your you know Your ex or your your spouse now or you You your one of your relatives or your Parents or whatever right the person That you hate is the object of your hate But the hate is inside of you and that Hate makes you feel bad you have to get Rid of it right like you have this Resentment and hate inside of you and You if you indulge in it and you know You you feel like you're Justified and Hating somebody else then that hate just Be consumes you you know it consumes Your internal world and you see people Like that at the truth Community Justifying their their bad behaviors Their lies their manipulations their you Know evil behaviors because they think That they're the good guys and they're Fighting somebody who's bad and they get To use evil to defeat evil right but Then you become evil you see these Revolutions where people depose the Current leader and the revolution always Gets really bad it gets worse than it Was under the the like I've said this Governments suck governments are

Horrible when you take down a government It gets way worse and you see that in All these countries like Libya like all These countries where there's reg regime Change you take down someone who's an Evil dictator then there's all these Like Junior dictators that your little Little wannabes that rise up gangs and You know the vacuum the the power vacuum Is filled by criminals right and Sociopaths so you take out one sociopath And you give birth to hundreds of them And everything falls apart there's no Rule of law people say all right you Know cops are horrible police are Horrible militaries are horrible yeah But you get rid of those and then Everybody just does whatever the [ __ ] They want and they they express their Evil and then it just you know I mean Everything falls apart and that's going To happen here and it's going to happen Everywhere you know when the system that Evil system falls apart If people don't Embrace their higher Nature like it's this idea when the Deep State goes you'll just that it'll be Kumaya and every won't get along no People will be stealing from each other Killing each other you know the system Breaks down you no longer have food in Your grocery stores people are don't Have any skills they're mentally ill They're you know warped people they you

Know they're already making bad Decisions with an oppressive system that Is you know keeping them in ly but There's no criminal justice system There's no consequences for your actions You know people be murdering and you Know killing and doing all these things Because there's no Authority stopping Them from doing it right there's no There's no uh you know e as as evil as The system is as evil as oppressive as The system is it's helped keeping the Evil nature and individuals down and it Only takes 10% of the people to go south And that's going to create fear and Panic and you know all the evil that That now is incubating in inside of People is now released and manifesting Itself and that's what happens like it's You know it's happened throughout History and it's a sad fact that human Beings tend to go to the lower you know They flirt with their higher nature from Time to time I mean that's all of us we Flirt with our higher nature but then You know the lower nature comes out Right and it dominates and it's just you Know it's been a problem with Humanity It has to stop like it's you know coming To a point where there has to be one way Or another where people have to rise up To higher level collectively or they Have to just wipe Humanity out and try Something else like it's been a you know

Failed experiment I've talked about this In various videos anyways this is Getting long only spiritual value will Save this world it's pado definitely Reporting from the apocalypse and the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be Grateful E for

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About the Author: admin

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