Okay greetings brothers and sisters Going to get into the orbs today we're Going to get Joe Biden's explanation of The drones because he's just gone like I Think they've just given up in his Medication and they're just letting them Go um we so that Joy bear faking an Orgasm weird it's going to be a weird Day something with Blake Lively um who I don't think I've ever Covered before I've talked about how Annoying R Ryan Reynolds is but um I Wanted to start off with some comments And there's something else I had to say Which I can't remember what it is like Right now oh anyway okay I have this Thing where I have a bunch of tabs open With folders on them and I exed out of It which sucks I got to I got to go redo That and I'll get back to this thing Here you know it only took me about 30 Seconds to reopen a few tabs but it Seems like a big Deal um it's small things Luigi you Silly goose you don't bring You you don't bring Crime Tod do the List to Mickey D's that's actually kind Of funny title all right so um Apparently in this video I talked about How age difference and cultural Differences are really difficult in a Marriage you know and I see that more Than more now that I'm watching stuff on Netflix from foreign countries you can
See just the mannerisms and the way that Their content you know stories make up Um well let me read this person's Comment and then I'll talk about that Boy you're not wrong my partner and I Have generated have a generation gap we Come from different cultures continents And upbringings the first 12 years were Absolutely brutal we were constantly Misunderstanding each other and doing Things that were incredibly rude in the Other's culture really need to love each Other like mt to overcome the Differences we need to break up many Times we tried to break up many times But fate always seem to intervene when The universe really wants you to be with Someone you Will um yeah Whatever good luck with that um well let Me complete my thought I I wanted to say Something else but let me complete my Thought about what I saying about um Well let me T tackle the cultures you Know I'm saying about different cultures You know people have a complete Different lens that you see the world From you know when I went to India the First time there are a lot of European People there and there were some Comments about my Americanism you know about America and Just there was you could tell there's an Attitude there about America not So Much
From the European not not So Much from The the Russians and the you know in the Sjar system there's people who do the Meditation from all over the world so I Met people from like all kinds of Different places right countries I've Never heard of I met people from and I Mean probably you know 50 people right I Remember I first brought my son there we Went brought my family there and my Youngest uh child was like the first Time we went there he was like the star Of the asham we went there there a American gathering in chenai India but There was all these other people there From different countries and I saw him Like like it was like two of them like I Would see him all over the asham hanging Out with these different people he had Like Russian friends you know adult People that come up to me go oh he's he Has a lot of good interesting comments And points he was talking to me one day He's like yeah my Chinese friends you Know like stuff like that the people Literally from China like they were There you know so um but there's this Multicultural uh aspect to it and when You meet people from these different Cultures or you go to other countries or You see you know movies and TV shows you Know our stories make up our internal World and our stories now are movies and TV shows
You know it's what how you uh create an Internal uh you know understanding the Map of the the world like a historical Map and a social map and like it's just These movies people are just different The foreign movies the way that they Think about life the way they you know I Talked about how you know in India there Was a uh there's a board game called Head of the Class where kids were all Try to be Head of the Class they all try To be the best student and they were all You know like a you know for younger Kids they they have such an attitude Towards school there because so Competitive academically that like American kids are just like oh I got to Go to freaking school you know this Thing right it's completely different There and so the way that you Perceive um well like there's things That that offend people like we were Told not to point our feet at people Like in uh in India you don't put the Bottom of your souls at people Because that's offensive because like You know you're saying that the person's Dirt to walk on or something but I I Notice like lots of times Indians if They are pointing to something we use The middle finger you know to point Something right like you know like a Like kind a like if there's a a Slideshow or something they'd Point like
With their middle finger said their Index finger and so like there's just These things that people don't know are Offensive in other cultures like this Person said in the in the comment but You know I had people in India and say To me oh you're so American like you Know just the they could see my attitude Was different and whatever it was pompus Or you know and SM was just me being Arrogant or you know what I do or Whatever you know who I am and the way I Express myself especially back then Which was I was less you know sensitive To such things and so it's hard to form A relationship when you don't perceive Events the same way you don't interpret Events the same way and just you know Anything that's about these different Cultures but you can say same thing About America like it's also regionally When you go outside your region you know Whatever state you grew up of course now You think about the political Differences people have you know even Their own even in their own families but You know when you go to to some you Marry somebody from the opposite side of The country and people are quite Different there the dialect is different And there cultures and you know there There's just a difference there in terms Of everything like you grow up in the South as oppos to growing up in a you
Know the rural South you know someone Growing up in a on a farm versus a city And so you know these things are uh These differences are quite you know Significant and so all these things and Then the age gra Gap and the the age Scrap the age Gap and the generational Issues is huge you know but to start off With the thing that's hardest to Understand is that you your soul has Only a you know probably a small number Of People that are potential spouses like There's times people marry somebody and They're not in your soul group like Souls come from different parts of the Universe I mean it's like you know I Can't this is not something that's I Mean as concrete as you know ethnic Things and you know things that you can See in the material world difference in Cultures but there is differences in Your soul group there's a very small Number of people you can connect with And have lifelong relationships with in Terms of your soul group like you might Have some connection to your family but They're not really part of your soul Group and that happens quite often like You have some area where you grow up With your family but they're not really Important people into your life and you Know as you get older they just they're Just no longer there they're not there's
No real connection even though you share You know these the intimacy of your Childhood and the you know experiences Of your childhood with these people Even if they're good you know Experiences the people aren't that Significant and there's people that come Into your life and you you wish you Could have more of a relationship with Them and they just fade away but there Are people Sometimes good sometimes bad You know in terms of your relationships That stick with you and you know your Past experience either here on Earth or Even more importantly somewhere else Like where you are etherically where Your soul is when you're not in a body And there's different soul groups here That's why there's like a different you Know there's And I've covered this kind of in my book The choice and I know like a lot more About now and I still don't know really Anything about it because it's hard to Know because it's a you know it's just Ideas of an etheric universe that you Can't really experience right you can Only experience it when you leave your Body so it's not something you could Have concrete information but I Understand it from just you know there's Just people in your life that resonate With you and so that's a small number of People and then you have to deal with
All your life experiences and the Differences and your you know whatever It might be age and these things right And so um you know like it's it's a hard Thing like that's why relationships are Hard especially now when there's such a Diversity within the world and you know People are I mean there's just all these Different types of like in America we Have a like a Melting Pot of different Ethnicities and things like that and Then people marry people from other Cultures but the sjar tradition the sjar Organization Um you know you could see all the Relationships that Failed because of either um I mostly it Was about you know cultural differences The people that uh you know marry Somebody from a different culture Because they meet these people at Gatherings and there' be some past life Association like I met people from Different countries that it was clear That I had a past life with I had a Strong connection with but you know it Was not something where there was Significant difference is in our you Know our perception of the world you Know and there's just something to be Said my wife and I talk about watching Gilligan's Island and like you know we Had a very just in terms of our you know Our our growing up life we have a lot of
Similarities and a lot of interest like We both like animals and you know my my Wife would be on the bus coming home From camp with a toad in her pocket and The guy would make her get it make her Get it you know if the bus driver found Out he'd make her go let it like these Things and we just have these Similarities of things that we like to Do and like our experiences and that's Like really important because you know It's just really hard anyway right we Don't have um you know in the modern day Culture we don't have extended family Like we don't have and you know there Was when people all live in the same Village and they marry someone from the Village the whole village was be a be a Part of that Relationship extended family and there'd Be a lot of support and support system There and so it was people who you know Grew up and this is going to be your Life but in in the modern day life There's so many different choices so Many different careers you can go live Anywhere you can move out of the country You have so many different choices Whereas like you know when you have Limited choices it's a lot easier to Have a successful marriage when you know What your life is going to be like You're going to grow up and and do what Your family did you're going to be a
Farmer or you're going to be a part of a Tribe in a village and that you're going To be in this region you're going to Live in this area the rest of your life You know wherever you're born and you're Going to be a part of this group it's a Lot different than when you have all These choices right and then all the Other you know stuff here that people um Get into like in terms of belief systems I mean everybody who wakes up and their Spouse doesn't it's a freaking nightmare No matter how you know all the other Things are there you're you have past Life life connection you have similar Ages and similar cultures but then you Change your your belief system radically And you leave behind you know these Shared beliefs you had with this person This happening all the time now that's Why it's like these relationships are Really hard and you know when you bring In the idea of divorce I mean in Cultures where the divorce is really not A a thing that you do like you know India is now there's a lot more divorce In India but when there wasn't when There was no option you would make it Work right when divorce isn't an option You can make it work So all these things right but the Spiritual stuff is like the most Important and it's really hard to figure That out like you know I mean just you
Just kind of feel it when you've had Some kind of long association with People they just feel like you've known Them for a long time when you just meet Them and that's like there's indications Of that you know in the material world But it's something you can't really you Can't see it for what it is because it Happens on the spiritual world you know And one of the things that worked in the The arranged marriages that I saw in India where the people had Faith Like Master chargie would arrange these Marriages and when that happened the People had faith in it like I talked to A number of couples who came from Completely different states these Different and the states in India means Totally different languages and totally Different customs and often a prejudiced Against other states like like there's a Prejudice there and Cass and the other Cast stuff right because there was no You know there's these intercast Marriages that chargie uh that chargie You know arranged and so and sometimes The families would be totally against it Like there's one there's these two this Is one couple and they both of the Families in India you know G guns are Not as prevalent as in America but both Families wanted to get guns and they had Guns and they were going to go after the Other family it was like a whole Feud
And the woman was a doctor and the guy Was a military guy and she would have These stories about the guy and what a Crazy man he was but you know chargie Had arranged their marriage and they There's just no consideration that There'd be a divorce they just had total Faith in it I talked to another couple That was not as you know the differences Weren't as uh dramatic but they were From quite different places and they Looked different they had different like Skin tones like one was light skinned The other was dark skinned and they just Said you know there were some issues had To work out but they made it work Because their faith in the the master of The system and God right if you believe That the person's you know this is your Spouse and really knowing because people Have doubts in America and you Europe in These places because you have a lot of Failed relationships like the dating Process where you date people you're Never going to marry you date people That their the relationship's doomed to Failure and you know people have ideas Of of appearance like what someone's Going to look like you know that's the The worst thing people have these Preconceived ideas you know these sort Of um I mean women who who plan their Marriage at a young age girls who plan Their marriage at a young age and have
This this romantic scenario and you know From watching movies and you know guys Who want a woman who looks a certain way And they everyone thinks they have a Type that's like a like a physical you Know appearance type like that you know Thwarts the process right because you Know it's the person's soul that's Important like I was saying before you Know someone who has a soul that is you Know resonates with with yours and you Have past life Association and when you Have you know prejudices against you Know way people look or whatever it Might be you know all kinds of different You know body types and you don't be Able you're not able to see to to on a Soul level and so these preconceived Ideas and past failures and hurt and you Know abandonment [ __ ] or uh trust issues That people get and the fact that like There's no help from other people to Help point you to the like Elders who Can kind of put you the way to the right Person that people are out there just Randomly in these relationships and and Most of them are doomed to failure and So they have you have doubts and then When there's issues the doubts just Expand and are there you know and then When you've been burned in the past you Have these you know these fears of Things going the same way or whatever And often times they do because there's
Some scars that you have and they're you Know if you have trust issues they'll be There at every relationship right if They're some scar based trust issues From previous previous Liv and previous Life you're your significant other or You're going to imagine them even if They're not there right you're going to You'll be suspicious and paranoid and so You know this is like the mess that our Modern day relationships are and the Idea that you can get divorced makes it So much easier for you to to start Thinking that way like that you know There could be uh like every time it's a Bad situation you can say I I can get Out it thing right and so um and that's Why there's so many failed marriages Because you know all of those factors Like people pick the wrong people to Begin with they don't have any support From the elders in the community Marriages are doomed to fail there's Hyper you know emphasis on sexualization And our media and there's just all these You know uh other factors divorce and You know other things that go along with It as being a you know always an option And so that's why you have the that we Have and the division in the family now And you look the cultural differences And then the stress of you know both People working now because you know Having one person at home and keeping
The you know because the home life is Just is a full-time job right and so you Know when you got two people working the Kids are out you know the family's Always diffuse and then all the effort It is to divide the family anyway by the Beast so you know that's why marriages Fail it's only it's almost a miracle When there's like a good solid marriage Marriage and you know people are Changing so much now too which is you Know like it's you might be right for Somebody in one area but not so much Later so then this was a couple funny Comments here Paul curses a 100 times in The first 25 minutes of this video There's no way it's a 100 times like It's just no way right sits in his Tower Smugly talking down to everyone like a Fourth grader trying to impress his Older or protest the older trying to Impress the older kids no Grace no Humble no gratitude just a spiteful Know-it-all this channel has devolved to The vibrational level of the hawk to a Podcast um you know there's you're Exaggerating right like there's not a 100 curses the thing that I was was Humorous to me about this Paul curses Over 100 times in the first 25 minutes Of this video you watched 25 minutes and Felt this way like this is the issue Right now this um Video was entitled Your Personal Jesus
Your own personal Jesus Aaron Rogers Stephen A Smith and Ryan Clark beef so The own personal Jesus this person is More than likely a Christian right and Is believes in the Bible which is okay Like there's plenty of places for you to Get that but this is the only place Where someone's going to say what I say About it like it's just it's a you know It's a very unique perspective I don't Know how many people have this kind of Perspective and can articulate it Because of their you know might doing a Spiritual practice for over 30 years and The hakua girl is really kind of stupid And low Consciousness low vibrational But me coming in and regardless of the Swearing that D was my wife just texted Me that she loves Me um regardless of the swearing this is Sophisticated understanding of spiritual Principles and teachings right now if You're a Christian and you believe in The Bible it would be maybe offensive to You that somebody would believe those Things and say those things but some of Them are just straight out fact the Bible has been changed and manipulated And you know talking about the cultural Differences and I wasn't going to that Comment just came in so I wasn't Planning this these other comments are Are from yesterday the comment I read You about the marriage was from this
Morning but this cultural differences You know there's different is in Language like in the Persian language There are so many different ways to say The word love you know where there's one In uh English but there's all these Different words for it and you know Nuances to it like so you have you know These various um the language Differences are significant so just the Translation twice of the Bible because It was started off in uh Aramaic I Believe some of it's in Hebrew some of It's in Aramaic and and then it was Translated into Latin and then of course Various other cultures and various other Languages in English and then you know This was oldtime English right Thou Art You know hath thou you know these words That we don't even [ __ ] use anymore Right and so there's all these words in It and expression that are you know that They're dated by age like you know this Understanding of the culture of that Time was have to have to be there to Understand why things are said a certain Way and you know any sort of U metaphor Is going to be based in like people Living without electricity and living Without PL you know plane flight and you Know living without knowledge of other Cultures and time zones and you know all This stuff to do with God picking up the Earth by the Four Corners like that's
Because they were limited in their Understanding of what the world was like CU they were just walking around in a Small area you know they they didn't Have the ability to travel to these Other you know cont and cultures and Things like that and the teachings and The the writing was done for people of That time in that area and that's all Fact right and so you know there's Things in there that don't make any Sense at all and the amount of Sacrifices and blood sacrifices and Sacrificing animals and sacrificing kids And you know the war stuff and cutting Off the for skins I mean all stuff in The Old Testament you know where David Was he wanted to marry the King's Daughter and the guy said bring me 100 Uh foreskins of the Phoenicians or one Of those you know one of those other Groups right their enemy and he said I You know David went out and got 200 Because he was a a Go-getter so you know a lot of stuff in There is just [ __ ] up right because It's and some of the stuff is just you Know Word of Mouth translation and then Them editing they've edited out like That's fact that they edited the Bible They changed the Bible and based in Their desire For religious dominance they wanted to Make Jesus the only
Represent so that they could have the The official exclusive right to Heaven They wanted to trademark heaven and God Which you can't do that's just [ __ ] That's never something you can do you Don't get exclusive rights to God and Then doing that is such a dick move and It's caused so many problems globally War war wise and abuse wise and this Idea that this is the only way you can Get to heaven it's [ __ ] it's just Wrong and you know whatever you want to Say about it that's like it's just there For you to see anybody can if you read The Bible itself like I said people were Quoting me as saying you know Jesus is God's only son but um there's a prayer Called Our Father and Jesus used to uh Refer to God as our father like all of Our fathers so there why is he the only Son right what the rest of us Stepchildren that's what I said in the Previous video but again going back to This guy comment here where he says um Paul curses over 100 times in the first 25 minutes this video sits in his Tower Smugly taking down every this fourth Grader Trying um this channel has devolved into Vibrational level of hwu a podcast now My videos are more refined like I've Gotten better I've I've evolved Personally right but how long have you Watched my videos and not had a problem
With the way I present things I'm not Like more arrogant and if anything I'm Less arrogant cuz I'm you know before When I made videos I thought I knew Things that I don't think I know now in Terms of like truth or stuff like I'm I'm much more believing that like you You'll never know any of this stuff What's fake what's real and how to Interpret it and what's you know God's Intention and just all of it like I'm I'm less um convinced about the reality Of any of this stuff like it all becomes More and more illusionary in one way or Another The illusion of of life right but I see Things clearer so it's just a Combination of those things but either Way like how long did you watch these Videos and listen to me before you Became offended and butt hurt and Compared me to the HW Tua Girl right because you know you just Admit like what what you're upset about Like I was talking about Ryan Clark Right and how he had a he hated Aaron Rogers and told stories about he hates The guy but but doesn't disclose that When he's going after him that he has a Grudge right and these things and so if You're upset about a thing just admit it Like admit why you're hurt or why you're Upset because I believe something Different than you and I've expressed
What I believe and it's not what you Believe and so you're mad at me right Just Express that part be honest this Isn't about the swearing it isn't about Any of those things it's about I said Something that offended you and it's More than likely because the content was About your own personal Jesus and Rearranging your you know each person Having their own idea Le this goes goes With the relationship thing too you know Each person would describe Jesus Differently and they have their own you Know version of Jesus all Christians and Non-christians and so you know all these Things are you know if you're not Flexible and not can't see that you're You've been indoctrinated and there's a Lot of [ __ ] into in the in your Religion and that the religion itself is [ __ ] because of the they um you know They're usurping God's position they're Become middleman where there there's a They put a god tax on your relationship With God and they don't present God in a Real way and so they actually are Blocking your connection to the Divinity Within you and that there's a higher Level and so yeah that sucks to hear for Some people but it's true you can go to These other channels that will tell you The will repeat your indoctrination and And bolster your Indoctrination but you know that's not
Truth you're not a truth Seeker like you Deep down you know you're being lied to But you know if you think you got a Ticket to heaven and then someone says Yeah that's [ __ ] you know that sucks For people like that's really hard for Them to to wow you know maybe you're Right maybe I I'm not going to heaven Like maybe this is but [ __ ] maybe I Have to do more than I you know it's Never that easy right the spiritual life Is spiritual journey is the hardest Thing that you'll ever do it includes All this [ __ ] that you have to go Through in the material world but it's Also your internal world you have to Change your attitudes changing is what People don't want to do people don't Want to change I mean that's the bottom Line and so then there was a another Comment where the person writes um Uh I farted to show support for this Channel that was for use your effing n Um but it was the the direct comment After that one and so you know that's Nice of You but then there was this comment more Drones than Luigi spins fedman and Jay-Z Beyon Paul why do you have such a potty Mouth Um and I you know I I don't know if I Ban the person or not and I'm going to Answer this question Seriously but because potty mouth is
Funny like I say potty mouth all the Time and so if there was an explanation For my potty mouth it was that my dad Encouraged me to swear my dad was Allowing me to say [ __ ] when I was five Or six or seven years old he took me to Blazing Saddles which was an R-rated Movie which is totally inappropriate on His part and a bad movie it's like Crappy Mel Gibson Mel Mel Brooks movie But I remember a conversation I told This to my wife the other Day that I went to School and I don't know how I don't I Don't think I believed in the historic I Don't think I understood where babies Come from right but I understood what [ __ ] was right like as a kid like That we were talk about that like as you Know my peers in my school were using The word [ __ ] you know we're you know Six seven years old and one of my Friends said the only way that you can Have babies is to [ __ ] right and so this Upset me so much so that I was in our Family's Ford Maverick which was a you Know a KN of of high class Vehicle and my sister ended up Inheriting the Ford Maverick and she Would turn it off turn off the ignition Take the key out get out of the car and It would still Buck for it would still Be bucking and running for another Minute like but I'm in the back of the
Car car and my mom's driving and I'm Upset about this thing and I'm like Mom Some kid at school said the only way That you can have my mom's a a small Irish Catholic woman who was very upset At me swearing but like she could do Nothing about it she was always kind of A worrier and you know whatever because My dad was he was you know my my mom Would say oh Ralph you Know like Ralph and Rita Romano right so Oh Ralph and so you know she'd be upset At my dad she's often times upset at my Dad um there was differences my mom was An old child and they there was cultural Differences there and my dad was a Narcissistic piece of [ __ ] and just you Know not not very lovable I'm sitting There with my mom and this is exactly What I said there's a kid at school that Said that the only way that you have That you can have babies just a [ __ ] you And Dad didn't do that right And my mom said well I wouldn't put it Quite that [Laughter] Way I was appalled that my parents would Do such a thing right like I was how um I don't want to say prudish I was when I Was a little kid and how like that just Seemed like I you know it blew my mind That that was something my parents would Engage in [ __ ] As I understood it as A seven-year-old kid I grew up and my
Dad swore and you know all of that stuff So I you know there's a period of time Where I tried not to swear when I had Kids young kids and it's not a a valued Thing in SJ Mark it's not something that You know s Mar is refined the spiritual Organization um and there was a time Where I I was in a bathtub or my uh yeah You know my um stepson said I can't you Know get this [ __ ] thing on right Which clearly came from me and like the Whole house went silent right um I knew Like I was you know my ex was you know Trying to get me to swear less and so I Worked on that for a period of time and Then of course YouTube started to punish People for swearing and now that's why I Don't swear in the beginning part of the Video but you know it's just kind of how I express myself or whatever it is right It's because it came up twice here you Know and I had a a woman who um wrote a Letter like wrote a comment like this is Like five six seven years ago some older Woman and she wrote this comment saying You know I was about to sit down and Watch one of your good videos on a Friday night and then I heard you swear And I said you know what I'm going to do Something else right and I read the Comment it was one of the first comments I get know back when I was just starting To do the comment that's parts of the Video and people are like I love it when
You swear right that's the how it is Like there's going to there's people Going to love it and hate it but it's You know more authentic to who I am Right and you know it is what it is Sometimes you'll swear more but if You're get offended about it like it's Just like with everything else I was Talking about the beginning you know we Have different cultures different Upbringings and you know my upbringing Was you know I was in a family that Swore and I was around people that swore And then you know my college Years and You know all my friends I mean it was Something that was there and so if you Didn't have that you didn't have that With some of us it's just common like we Are a lot meaner you know I grew up in Connecticut in the Northeast where People are just a lot harsher and you Know we used to make fun of each other a Lot more you know the cultures in the East is a lot more aggressive in Boston At New York and New Jersey in those Areas Connecticut New England area People are you know City Life and people Are a lot you know more aggressive and You know they're just we're different Type of people and that's where I grew Up and my family was brutal you we used To make fun of each other and all these Things so it's just you know what it is So if you understand that like that's
How I was taught and that's what I you Know was a part of and I'm not you know I mean I'm not like invested in in that But it's just familiar to me right it's How I express myself and so I can you Know work out not swearing but sometimes The swears are funny and they're no good They're timely and you can always find Reasons to pick something apart and you Know especially if you're offended by Something else right like like is it the Swearing or is it that I criticize the And is in a criticism most of the stuff I said is factual and the rest of the Stuff is true you know it's not it's not Something I could prove factually but You know the Bible was edited right and They purposefully the Council of NAA you Know the one of the goals was to make God Jesus the only God and their Religion the only path to heaven and That way they could get people recruited From the other religions that you know It's like You know they had to deal with what I You know again like I'm not recruiting People like I don't give a [ __ ] if you Do SJ Mark meditation I would like People to do it but only if it works for Them like I don't want people to do it You know I had some woman who wrote me And she had been a longtime Viewer and she wrote me this you know She wrote a comment where she you know I
Was criticizing Flat Earth stuff and she Wrote this very critical comment like Just a you know like something that I Would obviously ban her for and I banned Her and then she wrote me a long letter Saying you know she had done Heartfulness back when you know Heartfulness was you know I didn't know Dodgy had [ __ ] to bed and so she said I I did it for you and I'm like why would You do it for me like it's weird of Course I wouldn't want that and like she Was you know she had all this victim Consciousness and reasons why I Shouldn't ban her for something that I Say this is what you get banned for and She said a bunch of other weird [ __ ] Like just just you know she had trust Issues like all these you know but she Obviously said the comment cuz she Wanted to get banned right like she Didn't and she wasn't even kind of aware Of it like whatever reason like she was Having doubts or whatever but like I you Know I don't want people to do sjar Because of me you know even my family Members like if it's something that they Have to like to do it's you know it's Their spiritual you know if they they're Invested in something you can't do it Because somebody else says it's good That's why I always say I don't Recommend things because I don't like I Don't want people doing stuff because I
Said it right that's like I don't want That kind of power and control in People's lives and it's wrong like it's You know it's your decisions to make Right but in that like I understand that The SAR method in my you know my Understanding is the solution to this Current crisis it helps people connect To God in in a way that other systems Don't offer because of the lack of Transmission and cleaning there's lots Of great spiritual philos opies and There's different spir any any Organization religious or Spiritual spiritual is you know Something that connects you to God or Helps facilitate a connection to God in Religion you can become spiritual Through your religion you can graduate To a like a everything has like some Like levels of mysticism in it being a Mystic being someone who is connected to God internally right there's always the Higher available available to people but The Sark system facilitates this Connection differently because the Transmission helps you experience Divinity on a much higher level than You're you have able to have access to Oh I know what I'm going want to talk About it just came back to me let me Finish this and I'll say this stuff it's About spiritual conditions I'll talk About that next and then wrap this thing
Up but Sark has this cleaning also that Helps get rid of all the things that Block your you know connection to God And it's Unique for this particular time And it's not an or like it's a natural System but it's you know it's a gift It's like something where you get things You don't really deserve which is always A problem like it's you know offering Spiritual Evolution that you haven't Worked for and know and it's a shortcut And there's problems because of that Because people haven't earned something And you know it's they're not it's a big Jump it's like taking an amoeba to a Person right you let's say an amoeba has To then become uh like a like a insect And the insect like your soul like if a Path of your soul like the you know your Soul you incarnate as an amoeba and then You become something more complex like Another type of small microscopic life Form that's more complex than amoeba and Then you become like an insect and then Become like a you know a mouse and then You become like you know you go through These various stages right you become a Lizard then a mouse or whatever it is This it's called transmigration of the Soul and then eventually you become a Dog or a cow or something a domesticated Animal that serves humans and as around Humans you know animals that are around Humans have a you know chance to move up
In terms of their you know spiritual Evolution to become a human in their Next life right your dogs your pets they Have this opportunity and you could go Backwards you can go from a human back Like that's a you know whatever it is But on a spiritual level in terms of What's offered SAR it's like you go from A amoeba to a human and you bypass all These other stages and so there's Reasons why you go slow and you go Through these stages slowly mastering a Higher level of Consciousness until you Migrate into something more you know More advanced and that's you know how it Has to be so the sjar system it's it's Natural it's called the natural path but It's also a shortcut and there's Problems and people suffer from it right They don't they're not ready for that Kind of Evolution and it's the reason it's being Done is because it's like a freaking Hail Mary because the human race is not Evolves on our own like we we've Degraded into materialistic human uh you Know material focused beings and we're Not focused on our soul and our Soul's Path we're lost we're a lost species and The Sark system has been given as like One last chance for people to get Elevated so that's what I believe about The system but in terms of you know Converting people I'm just not into that
Right and there's a time where Christianity was you know people weren't Going to do it and they had to convert People right they had to sell people you Were Pagan you were something else and All these different religious beliefs in Europe and then these countries that They colonized and indoctrinated right The different African uh countries the Different African people the different Native people in Australia and America You know in South America there's these Natives these different types of Natives And they all had their own belief system And they were told you have to do Christianity well what was the reason Well because it's the only path to God And they they came up with that because They were struggling to convert people And so it was a selling point and they Used Force they did it at the tip of a Sword right you you convert or else Right or kill your family or whatever And these missionaries that came in Often you know taking advantage sexually Of these people they were they're trying To indoctrinate into their religion and So the Christian religion has a lot of Blood on their hands a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] they did to force people to become Christian and to throw away their old Belief system and the religion just Isn't that great and it's very remedial In the Old Testament and the good
Teachings in the New Testament are like The Kingdom of Heaven is within and God Is a Divine Father which isn't as Sophisticated the kingdom with go God is The the Kingdom of Heaven is within is The best teaching as far as I know in The Bible the New Testament and that's Just not thought about they don't Emphasize that because they don't want You to understand that you can connect To God internally and so it's just not That great a religion it just isn't it It's you know it's okay to be born in But there's so much more that you could Experience once you leave the Christian Religion but you know that's for each Person to figure out and if that's Offensive to you well so be it but That's not my you know problem right This is what I believe wholeheartedly It's my reality and you might not like It but it's what I believe the other Thing I was going to talk about and I Was going to lead with this um it's Called spiritual condition and it's a Part of the SAR uh teaching and it's Helpful to understand this that even if You don't do the meditation you know you Have a spiritual condition and places Have a spiritual condition you can feel The difference like there's PE places You go that just feel bad like bars or Whatever you go I talked about strip Clubs maybe in my last video you know
Anything with alcohol and drugs anything Where there's like you know if you saw Like uh you came across a a dog fighting Ring where dogs were killing each other And people were rooting for dogs killing Each other right [ __ ] like that [ __ ] Fighting you know there's a degradation You see these places in there you know Plus the animal aspect of it you know And the the violent aspect of it you Know any kind of horror movie you know These things have you know things that Are depicting horrific events you know Their fear is very prevalent so there's Conditions like if there's a house where There's violence and there's a lot of Anger of the people you know there's People in the house that are really Angry and fearful you go in there it's Really heavy there's an energy there Right my mom went to some cave or Something in Europe where all these People died you know they were hiding Out I don't know from some I don't know What it was World War II thing or Something even even older than that and She said the place just felt creepy Right we my family and I drove through a Reservation like it was a Navajo Reservation and there had been you know Such oppression there there's just this Feeling of depression we also drove Through a place in West Virginia where It was nice like it was a nice um
Physical you know in terms of the Environment the nature part beautiful Area but it just felt depressed you know Just the there's places you go cities You go where there's such negativity and Darkness and energy there like it's just The condition it's a spiritual Condition It's very heavy it's hard to connect to God it's hard to meditate there it's Hard to even breathe the second master Of the system Boby went to London and he Said he couldn't even breathe because The atmosphere was so heavy there and London was always you know it's I I Experienced that when my family and I Had a layover and we went to one of Those castles and there's just a lot of Dense energy there in London it's you Know the economic capital of the world And all the you know when Britain they Used to say there the Sun never sets on The British Empire and it's just heavy And gross there you know this idea of Gross and more subtle and there's higher Developed places I went to a be pagota Long before I did this meditation that Had good energy there you know I've been To Natural areas the Grand Canyon that Has amazing energy there for whatever Reason like there's just places that Places have amazing energy the Grand Canyon has better energy on the North Side where there's less people like the South face gets like 20,000 people a day
But if you go to the northern F side the Northern face or whatever they call it There's a lot less people there and the Energy is better and it's just because There's you know people contaminate Things right you know your thoughts if You have a lot of anger and negativity And you know the condition of the world Is really bad right now cuz so many People are distressed and they're Worried and they're angry and they're so Much hatred in America you can feel the Division you can feel the the you know There's just people are ready to go all The time there's always aggression in America that's been heightened in the Last eight years with the division That's been pushed out there in all this Way so like conditions is important to Understand like everything has a Condition and you become more sensitive And people have a condition and people Affect you they resonate energy there's Vibrations there's particles coming off You know we're energ we're made out of Energy you know our bodies seem hard in Our body seem you know like uh but there Based in you know these these molecules And atoms and these you know energetic Aspects that form what we are as our Physical body you know it's illusionary Because there's there's it's made up of Pieces it's made up of small energy you Know like energetic uh aspect to our
Physical being that creates a living Machine that is our body right and so Like our bodies are the energy we have In our bodies and our spiritual energy And the thoughts that we have and the Attitudes we have and the you know the Love that we feel like people who don't Feel love and aren't capable of loving And are blocked from Love and their Hearts are shut down they radiate Hostility you meet people like that They're just hostile and angry you feel Angry like just being around them Because they're you know it's affecting Your condition right their condition is Affecting you because it's all you know Energy and it all like you know it Intermingles and things it's like they Have this Aura of bad energy and Ignorance and you know you know just but Bad whatever and you know people who Benefit from my videos and feel like the The higher nature of my you know doing The spiritual practice for years and the Transmission the energies that's there It's because I've been associated with Higher level people you know for so many Years now and then meditating and doing This practice right as you you know Gravitate to higher level Consciousness It affects you and it pulls you up right Some people are going to pull you down And other people are going to pull you Up right and it's you know it's a it's
It's a kind of a you know as you're Pulled up by people you have to make Yourself available in whatever way to Pull other people up because you've You've experienced it right you've Benefited from that process you know Being around people that are higher Developed is essential you know and it's This it's spiritual approach is the Other thing and that's where somebody is On their spiritual journey but you can Be in a higher spiritual approach and And go through something difficult and Your spiritual condition can be gross Like it can be you're still at a higher Level but you're experiencing a dark Period right so they're two different Things spiritual condition is whatever You're feeling or whatever the place is It's the energy that's there at that Time and it can be changed it can be Cleaned it can be made worse right you Know it's like all of a sudden like a Nuclear bomb goes off and then you know The condition of all the people you know You can feel all this fear in everywhere You are like when 9/11 happened you Could feel the fear that was all across America and then the globe right and Probably places where they're like oh Man we're [ __ ] now like places that Knew that they were going to be targeted After that right like the anxiety that You
Feel affects the condition around you And then there's just fear like when Something happens and everybody's scared Or everybody's angry you know all the Feelings that are there right and that You know that creates a condition Wherever you are so events can affect People And that you know your condition and That affects the environment and the Atmosphere it's something to be aware of Because it's like if you walk into a Situation where all of a sudden I feel Angry and you didn't feel before it's You know being sensitive and conscious Of such things because you know there's Energy that people are exuding and Places have energy right you know there Might be a restaurant but there's so Much anger and you look around couples Are arguing and you know like there's Just you know there's angry people are Yelling in the kitchen and just the has A bad energy and there's some places That just have you know there's these Sigh lines that there's that exacerbate Energies like there's these energetic Spots these energetic hubs and the Energy is Sometimes good sometimes the Energy is just it's power and power man Power exaggerates your condition so if There's a place that has power and the Power is neutral but whatever you feel When you go on that spot that has a lot
Of power in it you know there's Energetic spots like knots and things in The Earth where there's different energy And there's people there's energy where People live of course water is a a part Of that like water people live near Water and there's energy and water and These things but Power can exacerbate Whatever you're feeling whatever your Condition so if you're worried the power Will make you even more you know it'll Enhance that experience and'll you know It'll drive it further and so all these Things to be aware of because it's you Know you're affected by that people are Unaware of how much environment affects Them right you know you could be uh just Picking up on other people's you know Like people's thoughts and things you Know people could be having thoughts and All of a sudden you you're having them You could be in Costco or something or Walmart and you know be picking up on The environment the energy and so it's Just there's places that you go where I Go where I realize I have to get out of There as soon as possible like it's Affected me negatively and I'm like all Right I'm in like Walmart and I got this Place sucks and I got to get in and out Get what I need and get out of here Because it's just you know whatever Anyways just some thoughts here let's Get into the other stuff okay so there's
Not great audio on this I'm going to get Into the orbs I want to talk about the Orbs in a bit but um you know as opposed To the drones drones and Orbs but this is our commanderin-chief All those Dron Over behind all of That nothing nefarious apparently Nothing nefarious apparently you know Um when um uh not Rosie odonald when um Roseanne became a truther in the Beginning and she started talking about Illuminati and blood Sacrifice everybody thought she was Talking about it from experience from Her Hollywood experience right but you Know in Reality they she was watching videos on YouTube she was watching truth or videos On YouTube and just saying what they Were saying which is often the case when These celebrities or people who are in The mainstream media come to the um Truth Community they become truther to Whatever extent they aren't really Talking about their personal experiences And and with whatever's going on in Hollywood like a lot of these Celebrities they might see the each Other at reward at award shows or if They work with each other in a certain Context but they don't really hang out Like they're not you know it's this Illusion that all these people know each
Other like even in professional sports And things you know there's um lots of Players that really don't know other Players that they've played against for Years or whatever it might be and so and Even the players on their own team like They don't hang out right it's just like People at work you have people at work That you know well and people that work You barely know you you know you kind of Know their name you've been working with Them for 20 years here so when Joe Biden Talks about things like this you know You can hear what he says apparently Somebody's told him an answer like he Doesn't have any inside information here Cuz they're telling him what they're Telling everybody else right nothing Nefarious apparently if they're checking It all out I think it's just One there's a lot of drones authorized Up there I think one started and they All got everybody wanted to get in the Deal one started and everybody wanted to Get getting the deal classic JoJo Maguo often I'll get to use it like it's Cuz it was like a cursive word or Something that's like love what is she Wearing you know she's like the most Annoying the buet are like just off the Charts annoying she seems to be one of The worst but this was a article in New York uh page six Joy bear 82 fakes Orgasm on The View
[Laughter] And so of course I had to cover it Cursive word or something that's like Love all the way around and I was like Oh look at it it's like almost we all Have to wear something a sleeve like It's it's really nothing it's not that Hard you it's like faking an Orgasm you know like they crack up over The silliest like worst jokes not silly Silly would imply funny but well let's Go back to where she said that an Orgasm piece of cake it's a piece of Cake it's a piece of cake all the guys I'm with [Laughter] Though I did this whole thing for that Joke how many guys have you been with That have faked orgasms why You they have to fake they fake their Erections Too wow oh God I love it oh my god look Look at her oh my God look at she's so She's going to explode look at she's Going to claw out her eyes and she's Exploding she's like some kind of demon Has been aroused inside of her listening To Joy Bear say this stuff right look at Her face like what's happening here she Make it Stop it's nothing we're all very practic At that we're all very practic at that Right you're also practiced on boner Shrinkers right you're you're very
You're very practice on shrinking boners As well okay um whenever I am scrolling Through my YouTube feed on my Phone you know in terms of uh I'm on the YouTube app and it has all these Recommended videos all things that YouTube recommends to me and I know They're never going to rec recommend me Anything from truthers there's certain Things they just won't but there are Certain things you know if you click on It you'll be seeing videos like that for Months And the other day I clicked on Joey bear Saying something it's a you know it was In a video a couple days ago I forget What it was and now I'm getting all These view videos you know it's always The worst ones like some of the worst Clips and it's a bad show like you can Take any part of the show and mock it But this is Anna Navaro people are always saying you all In the media are chasing the shiny Objects but the okay who are the people Saying that in what context are they Saying saying it why are they saying it You guys are all taking the shiny OBS What who's saying it and why right Because you know is it a lot of people Or what you know is it everybody like Problem is how do you not report on the Stupid things he says and so when you so It's Donald Trump well you just don't
Talk about it you know you just say all Right I'm not no longer talking about This you guys whole business model is Predicated on talking about Donald Trump And what he says It's what you guys do more than anything Else like the past so many years Trump Has been your number one topic and every Time he does something you cover it you Don't have to do that right you're just Promoting what he's saying it's not like Imperative that you do say something you Wouldn't have content if you didn't That's what you should admit right that This is it drives the needle like when People criticize your Trump content and Say you're promoting her his ideas which Is she's saying here it's true you're Doing that and say you're doing it for Ratings right like you have to talk About it no one said you have to talk About it who said that report on the Stupid things he says you end up Discussing discussing things like is Kam La Harris black not because we think it But because he said it I mean we've Talked about it on this table at least a Couple of times not because any of us Think we all know she's half black wait A minute see you know the view they were Talking about how they fact check Everything and they have people fact Check and everything Donald Trump did Not say she wasn't black right or the
Narrative that that was there he was Talking about her that he always thought That she was just Indian I don't know What else he said about it but that one Quote was he said I always thought she Was Indian because of whatever reason And that's how what she was marketing Herself at is in the beginning but you Know the black is not a definitive term Right because if you're talking about Black as a color of your skin well There's Indians there's Indian you know East Indians and there are Middle Eastern people who are not African right They're not from Africa and there's Aboriginals from Australia who are Different they're not the same race Right there's a different race Completely and they're different from Each other those are three different Races where people have dark skin right You know my skin in the summer is brown You know and a little bit now less or so But I've never white right like but People would consider me white and That's you know whatever Caucasian and So there's like you know there's the Color of your skin so when you say black It's not really you know what people Mean is African-American and she's not African-American she's Jamaican and There's a big difference between being Jamaican and being an African and being
An African-American right growing up in Africa is different than growing up in Jamaica as opposed to Growing Up In America AF as an African-American it's They're different they're different Cultures and being from the islands is Different from being from these other Places right and in her Jamaican part Which she she's saying she's half black Some of that was a slave owner from Ireland so she's somewhat Irish I don't Know what percentage is Jamaican and What percentage is Irish but she has That in her system she has you know on Her father side Jamaican Irish and her Mother's side she's she's from Tamil India which is different than other Places in India right so it's more Sophisticated than than she or Trump or Any of these people are saying but the Reason they're saying is because she Went to a p primordial uh historically Black college and she did some other Things that were about like that kind of You know uh those cultural issues she Had a nanny who was African-American but the most part she Grew up in a college town right you know All these things we used to talk about When people cared about KLA but in Reality it's more sophisticated than Anybody's saying but what they're saying Is culturally she doesn't come from an American African-American family that
Grew up with that were that were slaves In America right her dad or her Ancestors were slaves in Jamaica or Perhaps or whatever that was right I Mean her her gra she's got an ancestors A slaves owner and so you know it's Complex and you know Trump and them Saying that was that she was faking her African americanness which she is to Some extent right because she didn't Grow up she grew up with an Indian Mother more than anything else sir the Indian side of her family influenced her She grew up with a mother who just left First generation immigrant from India And she raised you know with that kind Of culture and so like that's you know What she grew up as and then she lived In Canada and place like that right she Was in these college towns and so that What she was portraying herself as was Not accurate But because he says stupid things we've Got to then go and discuss stupid things And I absolutely you don't have to like You want to or you're told to but mostly You want to right that's the thing don't Say you have to no one making you do This isn't mandatory it's part of your Business model think that Donald Trump Is held to a different standard than Frankly any normal human being right What are you talking about the fact that You guys are obsessed with them right
Anything that he says has to be Dissected over and over again and you Don't talk about everything he says you Don't talk about the good things he says You know you don't talk about the things That he says that are positive or things That you agree with you only talk about Things that are sound bites that are Either said to trigger you or to support You get support from his base but that's What you talk about right like it's just Like this silly stuff they the worst uh I mean it's by far the worst show out There that's considered news or whatever Opinionated Journalism Okay so this is from page six You know I used to look at page six page Six in New York Post every day and Sometimes I don't get to the news um Because I already have so much to cover And sometimes you know I look at it less Than I you used to you know but I Usually scroll through it I it's where I Any kind of celebrity stuff you know I Don't cover celebrity stuff as much so But still I look at it and there was This movie calls it ends with us and I Saw the trailer a little bit I could Barely sit through it and it's um Blake Lively who's married to um whatever his Name is Ryan Reynolds and you know Ryan Reynolds I Used to think was funny and then I Realized he's just annoying but his wife
Seems to be much worse and they covered This movie which was about uh domestic Violence where her lover her boyfriend Or whatever is beating her and it Something she grew up with right and She's a model like you know not a good Actress I don't have much experience you In terms of her movies but what I've Seen like she doesn't you know whatever She's not great um but it talked about Like so many scandals that were the set Of the movie was a disaster and she's High maintenance in a nightmare and she Was [ __ ] to this woman in an interview You know I looked at some of these Things and decid not to cover them cuz I Really hadn't covered her before and it Really wasn't you know I mean the Election was going on but I saw this Stuff you know some some of the Headlines I clicked on some of them I Didn't but the New York Post and Page Six were slamming her for her Performance and you know being Disingenuous you know this topic and the Movie apparently bombed and it's a Shitty movie and so that went on for Months like you know I just saw things For months about it and then this came Up Blake Livy accuses it ends with us Co-star Justin bald Donnie of sexual Harassment attempting to destroy her Reputation And so
Um Blake Lively has accused her ex Co-star Justin baldini of sexually Harassing her wife filming ends of us Months after rumors of onset conflict Plagued the romantic drama release um There was just so many things that were There uh Blake Lively and Justin baldini It ends with us Feud everything we know I'm not going to get into that but you Know it's a lot the actress 37 alleges In a complaint obtained by Page Six There been an all hands meeting the lead Actor and director's bad behavior lead Actor and director's bad behavior in Which he was warned I guess he directed The movie was warned to no longer show Lively uh nude videos or images of women And to stop mentioning his past porn Addiction and sexual Conquest Lively's Husband Ryan Reynolds was reported Pleasant for the discussion now that Might not be pleasant but that doesn't Sound sound like sexual harassment right Baldini 40 was told no longer make any Mentions of the cast and crew genitalia Well that's inappropriate right that's a You know but it's not like newsworthy Right like this is you know a trip to to Um HR inquire about the age of adeline's Star's weight or her dead father as well As request to not add more sex scenes Oral sex or climaxing on camera outside The scope of the preapproved screen R For the complaint so you know these
Things don't sound all that bad I mean For a degraded place like Hollywood and Some of the things that we've heard the Casting couch the the Harvey Weinstein Stuff right this doesn't seem like Sexual harassment and so but there's one Great one coming up here and so there They are together um it says the former Co-stars however worked with intimacy Coordinators on set which Bal Dei once Said was so important to have so they Could all feel safe and ensure that the Scenes were elevated there's no elevated It's like physical abuse and you know Softcore sexual whatever interactions I Mean this is like a chick flick one of These kind of chick flicks that you Know his and Wayfair studi attorney Brian fredman tells page six in response To the complaint which is a precursor to A lawsuit it's shameful that Miss Lively And her Representatives would act make Such serious and categorically false Accusations these claims are completely False outrageous and intentionally Celicious elicious with the intent to Publicly hurt and rehash a narrative to The media fredman where is it where is It that happened reash here we go it Popped there with an ad Freeman claims His client previously hired a crisis Manager due to the multiple demands and Threats Lively allegedly made including Threaten to not show up to set threat
Not to promote the film ultimately lead To its demise during the release if her Demands were not met and so there they Are there's the dude there in August Multiple sources told page six that Baldini had allegedly made Lively feel Uncomfortable while filming the hit Movie based on the top selling Colleen Hoover novel by the same name she also Reported she also reportedly felt Jane The Virgin Alum fat shamed her by asking An onset trainer how much she weighed Since previously suffering a back injury And had to lift her up in one of the Scenes now you know that is not fat Shaming right like that's not fat Shaming you know in terms of if you had A back injury unless he was doing it to Be a dick but even then it's not fat Shaming because your weight is your Weight right like he didn't say oh my God he didn't pick her up and say oh my God you threw my back out you fat [ __ ] Like that would be more to it but you Know either way it could be true like They in fact his back could be be thrown Out but it was before you know if you're If you have a bad back you kind of have To think about what you're lifting up or Who right I mean maybe you should have Thought about that before including that In the scene but saying to his trainer How much does she weigh you know in that Context is a legitimate question right
But either way that's not fat shaming Going up to a woman and say how much you Weigh is not fat shaming right you know You wouldn't do it like it's crazy you Know Why would you do it right past Interviews have of of hers resurfaced Online for instance showing her making a Snide remark about an interviewer Stomach bump and using a transgender Slur remember this was all stuff I saw Before but none of that stuff sounds all That bad and maybe if you were there you Would think it was worse but like Blake Lively sounds like a real nightmare Right and the movie sucks it's just one Of these sucky movies some chick flick It's about domestic violence and it just Shows you like the primadana nature of Hollywood and this particular Person one of my viewers sent me this It's because This Woman's on it there's Jenai Angar is that Jordan Peterson this Is some right-wing guy that's on uh YouTube and Pierce Morgan uncensored the Democrats have got to move on quickly Haven't they yeah I couldn't agree more She's indulging delusions are running For governor in California in 2026 and Perhaps you running for president in 20208 and I just want to Echo what a lot Of you guys already said this past week Has been harrowing for me this just this Saturday I went on Fox and Friends and I
Said that Democrats have a stench of Loser hanging over them yeah as soon as I said that there were boycott campaigns Against me unblock unfollow campaigns I Lost 40,000 followers really in four Days people have it's just so sad called Me the W word I don't know what we're Allowed to say but you can f in the Blank Say say it say what the word was am I Allowed to yeah I I'm a I'm apparently I'm a well they called me ohore they Called me this Oh I thought it was going To be Witch seword they asked for me to be Deported and you can just you can just Search for my Democrats asked you to be Deported name in those terms on X and You'll see a bunch of them so you know All these so-called Democrats the party Of inclusion the party of diversity Masks off and it's even worse because They pretend to occupy the moral High Ground they pretend to be you know so Loving and caring and embracing of Diversity but all of a sudden when I Dare to is to utter any criticisms of The Goddess kamla Harris I get Ostracized me I think they've all moved They've had to move on from no one loved KLA Harris she never had a fan base After having raised tens of millions of Dollars for the party my donors are Pissed they raised 2 .5 billion across
Superpac in the campaign it's my Responsibility it's my duty of care to Ask what the hell happened with that Money why did we spend it why did we Spend millions of dollars on five star Hotels for campaign staffers why did we Spend $500,000 essentially bribing Al Sharpton moments before he interviewed Kamla this these are legitimate Questions but no in the cult you can't Ask questions yeah boom leaving the Democratic Party you're even questioning The Democratic party it's like leaving a Cult it's it's Terrifying Pierce I don't want that I Don't want to be a part of this tent I Don't want to be a part of this Craziness anymore they're accelerating My right word shift I don't want this Not or you know or you could just not do Either nonsense it's just crazy and Honestly they're shrinking their tent They're basically telling me like They're pushing me to bring my tens of Millions of dollars that I raised and Can continue to raise to to a different Team that treats me better that treats Me with just common decency that doesn't Call me call me a communist spy by the Way the Communist Regime in China killed My great-grandfather they don't know my Family's history this is the first time I'm really saying it on air they are Calling me a spy for the regime that
Killed my Great-grandfather let just soak in let That soak in just for a second that's How disgraceful they are and these are The people people who call themselves The Social Justice Warriors they are Dabbling they are going head first into Racism anytime someone dares to disagree With them I don't want to be a part of This nonsense anymore I want to be a Part okay so Republicans aren't any Better you have spoiler Alert but you know the Democratic party Folded like a card house you know I Think it was just a money laundering Scheme I don't think they were seriously Running kamla and you know I feel like They Trump was going to win like Trump Was scripted to win Trump is was Supposed to be president this is what The the handlers the controllers said to Whatever the pow it be it was going to Happen it looked like it was going to Happen no matter what and so they just Took all this money and just divided it Amongst themselves and you know that's Where you should be focused on because They just stole your money with no Chance of really winning and then Whatever happens in the next election You know it's going to be whoever gets Chosen or whatever but the the world Will be a much different place okay so I Want to show you a few videos about orbs
My wife was telling me about people Seeing orbs and the orbs are you know That part isn't being discussed in Mainstream media as much it's drones not Orbs but there's orb sightings and so I Want to go through that a little bit but Let me start off by saying you know I've Covered orbs before and it's to do with The Queen of England you know the the Roy the Royal you know when they're Being the coronation of the of the you Know the whatever it is the The Sovereign leader or what they call it The queen or the king they carry an orb And scepter and the orb and scepter Represent that the queen when you know Queen Elizabeth and I you know Charles Or whatever is God's representative on Earth because they're in charge of a the Church of England right which is a big Religious organization that's the Official Church of England Eng land that Is a Christian Church where the queen or King is the pope like basically the Highest ranking you know not only just a Royal the king or queen but also in Charge of religion and that that person Is God's representative on Earth God's Representative on [ __ ] earth right That's a a messed up thing and you know I start to see that there's all these Orbs I forgot there was an orb in that Um Cartoon heavy metal that came out when I
Was a kid there was a sort of very Graphic Cartoon you know uh I mean graphic in Terms of the the violence and sex it was The rated R that I saw when I was in High school and there was an orb that Was Associated there was a variety of Stories that were woven together this Orb was a part of the whole thing but Then there's an orb in in Justin Bieber's video which is a weird video There's an orb that Trump is um standing Over with some Saudi Arabian leaders Right and the orb keeps on reappearing There's one in a JLo video and so I you Know had a a video clip of it somewhere Hopefully I'll find that video clip and That'll go with this voice over but this Orb has been a part you know circular Objects are much more natural you know Uh nature doesn't like lines straight Lines and it erod such things it like it Rounds things right the wind and the Ocean you throw something sharp into the Ocean and you pull it out a couple years Later and it's been rounded right Whatever it is nature rounds things and So you don't see as many Jagged edges And and angles and straight lines and Things in nature you know the idea of The Flat Earth is you know that's one of The reasons why it's you know things are Circular things end up being circular And you know this idea of an orb having
Spiritual connotation and then you know These drones there are a lot of them That look circular that are orbs and We'll go through some of that and um you Know people are reporting seeing them And it's not being reported like it's Not being covered as much of the news The round ones because the round ones Would imp would imply some sort of Technology that normal people don't have Those are not owned by corporations or Or average people like that would mean That some kind of sophisticated you know How does an orb fly right like these Drones have Propellers and you know they're I mean They're propeller drones they're not Jets right and so how does an orb fly Without propellers or whatever it is Right if something's circular like it's Not doesn't have wings so it's not you Know these drones have wings and have Propellers like they're you know they're Built to fly with like the using air you Know the fees you know these propellers And then the the you know catching air Underneath the wings of the plane but a Orb doesn't have that so how the [ __ ] Are the things up there I mean that Implies some kind of futuristic Technology that either we have and we're Not sharing that we have or the Government has is not telling us they Have or it's something else right all
Right so let's get into it here okay um So here's the orb news NASA veterans saw Metallic spher spherical orbs fly by his Plane over Texas that's from one day ago Um but his sighting happened years ago We'll show you his video video appears To show strange golden orb over New Jersey um some of these Other uh you know articles and you know Reports here dirty bombs aliens uh Holograms and orbs drone Mania drone Mania unleashes conspiracy theories a Mysterious orb coted video zooming over New York City it's just latest Big Apple UFO here are some famous cases that's From a month ago here is the news week Article video appears to show strange Golden orb over New Jersey this person Matthew Nelson has a Check mark so I don't know who he is UAP Sitting in South New Jersey a couple Hours ago Fighter Squadron down the road From my house approximately 15 minutes Outside of Atlantic City scrambled four F16 fighter jets my buddy and I were Talking in the front yard a few minutes Later we noticed extremely bright Glowing orb in the sky it was moving Moving slowly towards my house and after About 10 minutes it started moving the Opposite direction was probably Somewhere around 25,000 fet Invisible for about an hour and a half Before we lost sight of it I used to
Work on airplanes in the Air Force and Also know a lot about drones I confident Say this glowing object was neither what The hell is going on New Jersey below a Couple unidentified picks and videos I Took from my Samsung phone so there's The orb there Yeah Yeah that's clearly no not a drone or a Plane And I mean It's possibly a weather balloon but you Don't see Any strings there It yeah I mean it doesn't look like a Weather balloon and there doesn't seem To be anything there looks different I Saw that weather Balloon um which you could clearly see Was like a balloon it flew over my house I had the video of that and that doesn't Appear to be That and again if it's going two Different directions like the wind would Be only blowing in One Direction right As you get up to the upper level of the Atmosphere if that's what he say it's True then it's There's a Ste there's a still frame Image there and then another one um it's The glowing part that is concerning Because I mean you can say maybe the Sun's hitting a balloon but I you know Why is it shaped like that and it just
Doesn't seem to be the same as the Weather balloon which was was easily you You could see it was a balloon like you Just it was a giant balloon it was odd You know I showed a video of it Um but it moved kind of like a balloon It was you know this looks like Something Different b as you are actually you're Mystified but you also had an incident Yourself right what happened what you What do you think it was right and that Was uh in August I was flying back from Colorado and I just refueled in the Panhandle of of Texas in my small Airplane and I was flying back to Houston on an inter on a uh in Instrument flight plan and you were in Clear air and I was about 9,000 ft and Suddenly out of nowhere these two big Metallic spherical orbs uh you know one On top of the other about 3 fet in Diameter each went zipping by uh the Left side of my airplane right Underneath about 20 ft away and I got a Good look at them only for a second and Uh you know it happened so quick there Wasn't even a chance to to get scared But it could have been a bad result if They had actually hit me so do think it That was mysterious it wasn't on radar Air Traffic Control certainly didn't Alert me it wasn't on my uh display that Shows other airplanes that are
Participating with the uh FAA required Transponders uh so I don't know what it Was my first guess is it's some kind of A a military program a drone of some Kind but um you know it's it's it's hard To say right do do do you think they Knew that they were messing around with Someone who used to be up on the International Space Station Uh you know frankly I think uh whoever Was operating the Drone wasn't aware That I was there right so okay so um it Was Military they would know about flight Passs right because somebody hitting a Drone and dying you know like I mean it Would be a bad thing like it you know Whatever um but there were this you know Either he believes that these military You know secret programs involve some Kind of spherical drones that aren't Using propellers to fly right which is a Whole another you know they're using Some sort of magnetic field or what What's you know what's what's their Ability to propel and they seem to be Able to go fairly fast right and there Have been a number of these sightings Now um in this past you know whatever it Might be this is orbs in the Sky on YouTube drones planes UFOs drones SS New Jersey these ORS in America could be Morphe in New Jersey or deep dive so the The difference between um you know this
Guy is a Christian prepared for December 25th um prophetic world today God's Message mysterious orbs from a strange Formation New Jersey night sky Interesting like if this was a truther They wouldn't have that they have this You know these are all um like Independent channels right there's not Anything from the official news channels About the orbs cuz you know I said orbs In the Sky so these are um live drones shut Down military base battle with orbs this Is when you search for orbs in videos But not on specifically YouTube but there's you know all these Sightings of orbs that are there and People have been talking about this but It's all seems to be um you know not the Main M stream media which is you know What happens the things about all these Kind of things let me just uh the images Of orbs the thing about all these um you Know types of events that involve Something like this is that you don't Get any deeper you know when I talked About um the let me switch over to a Voiceover here so I was covering the Luigi mang own thing they had this way Of keeping people in Engaged the whole shooting thing broke Into mainstream news and you surfed Pretty much everything else was going on The assassination of the
CEO and then there was you know little Bits of information and some pictures of The guy all over the place but they Weren't all released at once right they Were handed out like you're watching a Episode of lost and there was more of The mystery revealed and it it's a way Of keeping you engaged and then the Conversations happen and the and the Theories happen and all the stuff Happens people speculate and then you Know he's finally caught at McDonald's And then they release his Manifesto and These things and then the story dies out But it's been going on for a week or so And the way they release Information to get you engaged and keep You engaged and you know provide Something to make like talk about at the Water cooler at work or you know Whatever that used to be right the the Internet version of that And this is how they do it when they Have a you know a like a a plot or Storyline that they're going to release Over series series of Days and with these UFO type of things People see Things and they're not very Definitive and you know to the people That are involved and that this involves Politicians and then there's videos of People talking about what they saw and The videos are could be get redundant
And the you know with the government the Official story is nothing to see here Folks in some form or another and then The story just disappears and you know Either they're still there and people Are watching them some people are still Into it like the UFO type people you Know people who are this is their thing People in the local area get into it They start looking at the sky and then They just stop looking at the sky right Then there's just some you know Holdovers and no one else really cares Anymore they're like you're still Talking about that right and so these Are the differences in the way these Stories go and you know this thing with The orbs is important because there's Number of people that have seen orbs and That's been reported and you know that Would be a level of technology that Isn't explained or isn't explainable Based in what we have as a government And what individual drone operators have Is drones CU those aren't drones if They're Circular without propellers right and so You know they'll say this stuff it's a Weather balloon it's this that and the Other thing it doesn't matter because if You don't get any kind of an answers There's no way to you don't have the Ability to uh to go any further with it Right because you see these things you
Know anybody's who's seen UFOs you know There's this older couple in my first Homestead in Virginia and my family went Over they were like really good at like You know homesteading stuff I mean They're Advanced and they told us a story where They were they looked up the sky they Heard this like monstrous like machine In the sky like and they looked up and There was a huge spaceship like huge you Know like football fields like it was Just this giant thing that passed over Their house and it was making this sound And they all they had like people were For dinner there was like four other People so there was like six of them Something like that eight six you know Something they're all watching this Thing and they're like the whole Condition changed it's like they were in A dream like all of them and then thing Just disappeared it like just Disappeared you know like went over Their house very slowly and something That everyone in the that was outside Should have known maybe it was later in The night right um but then it became Like invisible and they were all like d We just see what we saw like it was just Like they were even like in doubt but They all saw it right and so so there's Things like this that people see but There's nowhere to go with it and then
It becomes just a like you know the Memories get diffuse and you you start Doubting your own memories when Something like this or whatever it might Be but there's been interactions between What people call you know aliens Extraterrestrials and human beings for Thousands of years there's all this Artwork and things and there's the Pyramids and all this stuff you know There's stuff The Whispers of the Brighter World messages about this and You know there's been civilizations far More advanced than ours here on Earth And there are time where people here Used to live thousands of years and it's Hard to even conceive any of that those Things right there were giants and Different species and of course now There's some giant DNA left where every Once in a while in the human genome Where all of a sudden we'll kick out a GI giant or you know a little person but They're completely different right They're not you know they're some other You know DNA I was thinking about how Why do we have different blood types Right like why are there so many Different blood types and there's so Many things here and planet Earth that Aren't explained the guy um Lloyd piie There's still videos up on with him on YouTube and you know I don't know his Authenticity or anything any of these
Things but he's a guy that you know Talked about these fused chromosones In um the second and third genome where It's fused it wouldn't happen naturally Like a chromosome is fused together to Make one chromosome and it the Explanation is that you you have to Match up these pairs they have to be in Pairs and so um you know I forget all The explanation of it but the um you Couldn't have like 43 like a you know You couldn't fuse together a Chimpanzee with 43 chromosomes or Whatever they have and a an alien that Had 42 or you know whatever 24 or Something so they had to fuse these Together there's some sort of genetic Explanation and he was saying that um There's things like spinabifida in the You know our genetic line right and People with spinabifida and this is you Know many of these different uh you know So-called anomalies or Disorders you can't reproduce when you Have it so if person was SP bifid isn't Going to have any children and there's Other other kind of you know genetic Anomalies that are there you know and we Seem to be allergic to things on this Planet like there's things on you that Human beings you know it's like we're Not you know from here like to some Extent like there's some aspects to it Like that as well you know and so you
Know why would we have these things in Our in our genome our human genome our Human genetics if there was no way for It to Reproduce you know like you have these Traits that are pasted on so you have All these types of disorders that people Have but people can reproduce with those Disorders so you have these things that Are passed on and they're genetic Anomalies right and he or someone else I Was watching about this I think was this Guy was talking about if you were going To make a slave it would be sloppy right If you didn't really care about the Genome or the being that you were making You would put together a slave for Temporary use to harvest things for you You know do slave work and then you Would leave the planet and leave these Slaves behind and you weren't you know Doing masterful genetic work you were Just trying to make some sort of hybrid Slave that would be able to do the work He needed to be done like that would be One explanation and that there wouldd be All these anomalies in the Gen in the Genetic makeup of the people like all These idiosyn IC things mental illness And you know these genetic disorders and They just be there because there was Sloppy work that was done you know quick Quick you know creation of a slave with Some like you know if you couldn't
Breathe the atmosphere for example if You if you were like extraterrestrials Who didn't do well with Earth atmosphere And or you needed physical laborers or Something and you take a creature like a Chimpanzee and you put some of your DNA There to make make a kind of a hybrid Where it would be you know more evolved Than than chimpanzee but still wouldn't Be like on your level but could also do The work on the planet because it would Be it would have some local life forms You know that were there and so you Understand these kind of uh you know These issues that are there there's all These unanswered questions and people Don't ask them like you see it on these Like History Channel ancient alien shows Or whatever it is and there people just Think those are goofy or you know some YouTube videos and there's a lot of People out there that you know really Love this stuff and are into it but There's no real answers it's all you Know minimal information and a lot of Speculation right but you know like I Said in a recent video there is an Origin story to the human race and there Might be different Origins stories to Different races like different groups of People there might be a variety of Stories but the one that we have is you Know this goofy one by Darwin that just Doesn't hold up right and so when they
Lie to you about where you came from you Start off completely [ __ ] right like You should know where your species came From especially with all the information And Technology we have and it's known It's just withheld at least you know it Was known at some time you know there Might be some distorted version of it But if you don't know where your species Came from and there's issues like let's Say we were genetically manipulated and There are anomalies in our DNA that need To be compensated for that we need to be Aware of that would help us right like I Remember you know I took these tests When I was a kid I had trouble with my P's and q's and my B's and D's and I had Some other issues in school so my mom Who was kind of hyp condriac and always Worried about me took me for some Testing at Yale University that [ __ ] Place right and so I remember the the Doctor that was doing psychologist he Had a ponytail like and I was like wow That's weird like I mean it stands out In my mind because it was a weird thing For a doctor to have right you know There's a time where my dad you know I Was talking about swearing I think in This video maybe yeah this the beginning Of this video and my dad was behind a Two-way mirror and I knew he was there But he was there with a room for of People he was always embarrassing me
Because I was shy as a kid you know I'm Introverted and my dad was loud and you Know didn't have a lot of natural Embarrassment you know he wouldn't get Embarrassed but I'm giving him the Finger and he's in a room full of people It was pissed at me but I'm like you Know well good I've embarrassed you but Anyway I took these tests and some of it Revealed like I had a high IQ and some Of these other things right but there Was some kind of unknown learning Disability or something you know Whatever it might be And um and that's all I knew and so I I'm in my 30s and my ex is home schooling our kids And there are some issues there like you Know whatever it was like learning Issues or whatever it might be and she Looked into dyslexia and she's like I Don't know if they have it but you Definitely have it and she sent me these Things that were like you know it was Talking about me and I call my mom up And I'm like you know Mom I'm dyslexic And she goes yeah I know you know those Tests that you had when you're kid I'm Like why didn't you ever [ __ ] tell me Like I've going around my whole life Being dyslexic and I have no idea of Anything about you Know and so you know this is the kind of Thing I'm talking about like that
Happened you know in a human level but If there are real issues that knowing Where we came from would you know and Again people wouldn't believe it now Because it's just government [ __ ] Right and that's the problem with it No One Believes anything or trust anybody But their stories of our origin story Would be important you know but they Just won't give it right they don't they You know they they win by they control Things by withholding Information anyways there's a comment I Want to get to Here okay so I just have one comment to Get to here and then I will Um you know wrap this up today is Monday December 23rd I think this video is Going out tonight and then um I don't Know what I'll do tomorrow tomorrow Tomorrow's Christmas Eve I got a voice Over I want to do for Christmas day like I don't know maybe I'll make a short Video tomorrow I don't know we'll see What happens but anyways this person Writes this is my okay time uh okay time To it should be call BS on the whole Hunter Biden Narrative and much more too I made one And it got copyrighted so I had to put Two on the second one when you see a two That's what's happening something like That um you know I upload it and there's Some kind of copyright issue I have to
Take out to get monetized or whatever it Is but you know I've been talking about Christianity and Jesus and things and Just interesting it like it happened Around Christmas I didn't intend that to Happen but the person says This come to Jesus not meditation but Prayer to Jesus I pray your HV dreams in Encounters with him so you can let Heavenly dreams I pray you I pray you Have have dreams I guess they I pray you Have dreams and encounters with him so You can let others know the truth you Deceived with this mindful you're Deceived with this mindfulness now like Let's just cover that you're deceived With the Mindfulness heartfulness meditation Which is what has become of the sjar System sjar means natural path and so The the sjar system was named through a Divine process it's a it means natural Path in Sanskrit like the oldest living Language at least according to this Belief system that I have right so Mar Is the method the kind of the Organization and the the organization in Terms of its official name is the Shri Ramchandra Mission the first two masters Of the system both had the name Ramchandra Shri is like mister and so You'll see Shri in front of like the Mister and these things so it existed in As an official form since
1945 and the entire time that I did it It was called Saj Mar and these things Right you know the other things fre Ramchandra Mission and then the fourth Master of the system the and I I don't Want to call him a master but the you Know guy who was in charge of the Mission comish Batel Dody decided to Make a sub category called Heartfulness that this was the same Thing but he made it a separate Organization so he could move the shared Ashrams you know that were part of the Organization into private ownership for Himself I mean that's something I've Been told I haven't I don't have any you Know data or information that can I can Validate that that's the case right but It's um probably the case right and his Excuse for creating this thing called Heartfulness was to make it more user Friendly for people who weren't Indian It was a lot easier to do something Called heartfulness than it was to do Something called sa Mar right sa Mar Would the name would you know people Would be like H that sounds weird right That's you know two foreign words and You know with all the scar you know the The fear of being in a cult or something You know something that's not a part of Your culture and so the heartfulness Thing was soul to everybody as that but Then he went about doing stupid [ __ ]
That would make it so foreigners like American and Europeans wouldn't want to Do this thing anyway so that was like Why change the name if you're going to He catered and tailored it to Indian People and he doesn't travel like he's Gone to America like once in in whatever 10 years or whatever twice in 10 years You know charge used to come here every Year this the previous Master but either Way you guys who know this the story That of what I went through and they you Know started to work with the UN and do This stupid [ __ ] and the quality of the Services the transmission the cleaning Dissipated he just did one dumb thing After another and so I realized this Thing was [ __ ] and I just went back to Doing the old thing and separated myself From this debacle that this clown has Created right which speaks to my Abilties as as a truther or to even as Painful as something like that is and as Great as the old system is or the system Is still that I had to break from the Organization because it it had gone False and I had saw it Go Go false right Um but in that let me just get to the Mindfulness stuff here because I'll come Back to that part when a second and so Heartfulness the high size Mark system Is about forgetting about your physical Body so you sit in a comfortable you Know whatever is comfortable for you you
Know laying down isn't great but you Know something comfortable you know you Can sit in a chair you can sit on the Floor like most people can't sit Cross-legged and and it used to be a lot More people would sit cross-legged and Now it's more people sitting in chairs It's very few people sit on the floor Cross-legged even in India where they They're more you know they have the Better ability to do that but you sit in A way that your body doesn't Interfere and there's not supposed to be Any distractions like incense or music You know mantras any of these kind of Things you're you're supposed to forget About your body and you meditate on your Heart your etheric heart on the abstract Idea of Divine Light God's love it feels Like God's love right the feeling is God's love the image the you know the The thought is Divine Light in the heart And the subtle essence of God in the Heart and you're supposed to forget About everything else and there's Cleaning and transmission that's done Cleaning the things that are obstacles To your connecting with the Divinity Within you and the transmission is this Divine energy that's coming from a Higher level so you can experience Divinity on a higher level of approach Than you could based on where you are in Your spiritual journey and it's an
Amazing process right but what I want to Emphasize is forget about your physical Body and your thoughts your material Life you're not thinking about your you Know what you're going to do next or you Know your worries or you know your Stressors you're connecting with the Divinity within you you're forgetting About everything else where mindfulness Is you Painfully think about everything Including your physical body and all Your thoughts and you're supposed to be Mindful where you're whenever you're Doing anything you just don't drift away Like if you're washing the dishes you do It with intention and you're Concentrating you're not just listening To music and thinking about other things And you know you're driving and you're Daydreaming like that's true meditation When you get into a meditative State Like you just sort of drift away from Reality and you go into a meditative State right but in the mindfulness it's Not that it's the exact opposite Ofar which you know the now the defunct Heartfulness organization so Heartfulness and mindfulness are nothing Alike right but you know heartfulness [ __ ] the bed so I went back to doing Saar and I can't call it that because That's an official name of the Organization like heartfulness still
Owns that name right you know so I Called it gratefulness because being Grateful is much better than being Heartful because heartfulness is just Some madeup [ __ ] thing but Gratefulness is a real thing and Gratitude is you know I talk about Gratitude quite a bit but it's just Basically doing the old Sark system away From the organization that no longer Serves its people the way it used to no Longer does what it was designed to do Right but a person who calls my thing Mindfulness doesn't have a [ __ ] clue On what I do right like you have no idea What I do gratefulness is so far removed From mindfulness they're not the same Thing and never have been connected it Anyway and so you hear mindfulness Meditation cuz that's very popular and You think what I do is that and it's not That and I would never do mindfulness It's excruciating like it's the opposite Of what I would do right I don't believe It's effective and it's you know it's Instead of forgetting yourself and Remembering God you just are painfully Remembering and concentrating on your Thoughts and your you know where you Everything you're being mindful about Everything you're aware of everything Material your physical body and it's a Very mental approach right it you know For me it's the opposite what I get out
Of meditation I would never do that so You know that's where the the jumping Off point is you don't even know what I'm talking about like you have no [ __ ] clue like you kind of hear the Word meditation you don't know what that Is you don't understand that everybody Meditates all the time because it's a It's a it's a natural mental state that You get into medit meditation is there Whether you choose to do it or not your Mind enters into a meditative State all The time and so that's you know there's Even if you're you can meditate on Jesus Right and so you know Jesus and these Jesus and all these other Spiritual Beings meditated that's the way you Connect to God meditating is receiving Prayer is begging and so like but There's no you know this is a remedial Mind here this is somebody who doesn't Have the ability for abstract thought And would never understand what I'm Saying right so here's the other thing Um let me go back and read the comment Again so uh here it is come to Jesus in Capital letters with four exclamation Points not capitalized meditation but Prayer to Jesus I pray you HV dreams and Encounters have dreams with him so so You can let others know the truth you're Deceived with this mindfulness right I Did have a dream with Jesus and in this Dream and in the Sark system if you
Dream of a spiritual master who I would Think that Jesus qualifies in this I Know Jesus had more to go in terms of Our understanding of them right but it Was when I returned to America and there Was a time where the second master of The system documented his inner Communion with Jesus and he said to Jesus all these christians mean people From Europe and America and other places Where they were Christians are coming to Do the Meditation you know do I have your Permission to train them cuz Babaji was Very humble and he would talk to these Spiritual Masters and other Saints and And people even if he was beyond them he Had gone farther than they did he would Talk to them in a way like that right Somebody who was an elder and Jesus said To him and I you know I wish I could Find the exact quote I kind of remember Where it is I don't have access to that Um these talks I think it was on a Videotape where he was talking to Danish People and it was a transcript of the Video and I don't even know where it is Or how to get access to it but I you Know I I read it a couple times no That's actually something else that he Said about Jesus was involved with Mary Magdalene he asked Jesus these questions For these Danish people this came from His diary his unedit version of his
Diary and I don't have either the edited Or the unedited uh but it might be in The um The Whispers of the brighter world the Four volumes if anybody's read that I've Only read the first one that it's bajy Um you know talking to uh uh various Souls like bab interc commune with People so he interc communes with Jesus And he says to him in fact I think I Looked through those to see if I could Find this but I I couldn't but he says To him um you know uh there's all these Christians coming to the my meditation Do I have your permission to train him And Jesus said to him yes you know I I I Really want that it's I'm blessing you Know your organization and I want you to Take over Christianity and I don't know What that means you know I don't you Know on a theic level because he was Unhappy with the organizations that now Exist that are misusing his whatever you Know his teachings and his Essence for Their own materialistic gains like he's Really done with the whole organization You know these organ organized Christian Religion that's you know again you can Take that for what it's worth right but Anyway so I returned to America and I Have this very Vivid dream and I walk up To Jesus and I say because this must be In my subconscious right because I'm Dreaming and I don't and I say to them
You know all these Christians are coming To my YouTube channel and I want to talk About Christianity but I don't know if that's You know there's a so first of all This the first Master of the system ly Was born in Northern India like where There isn't a lot of gurus and you know Spiritual Masters and bobi was born in The next Village over and Lai was born Into wealth his dad was a really wealthy Man but the British Raj these Indian Kings that were supported by were were You know were shills and collaborators With the British government sued his dad And just took all their money like the Whole everything and L's mom died and She was already dead and he was like a You know teenager and his dad like just Died like of a he just couldn't deal With it and so he was married at a young Age like they were married at like 14 You know he had a wife you know where They're where they're still kids and They're not even you know they don't Engage in sexual activity they just are Married like little kids growing up Together right and him and his wife Lived in this one room and had nothing He had he was Ed educated because his Dad was rich so he ends up getting a job In the court but he's in complete Poverty and he you know has these Various Sufi spiritual Masters and he
Has other people that train him and he Has you know he interc commmun with God And he's you know a deeply spiritual Person but he doesn't have an Organization and he doesn't have a Method yet like the method that we use Now in sjar and people just come to his House and he would train them and Transmit to them and you know do these Other things right and so he doesn't Have and then when he died he had all These like writings he had and his Family just took him and wouldn't give Him to bajy and bajy covered for them And said you know that they these a maid Threw them out you know threw out all These papers right because ly ended up Not being rich but you know eventually Becoming uh middle class right like he Went from like poverty where he was Eating one chapati a day like a tortilla Right like I mean just um you know Really incredible poverty he lived in One room with nothing you know like they Had a mat on the floor cement floor to Sleep on and you know just and it gets Cold there in Northern India but anyways The guy has most of his writings have Now been turned over the mission but They're very abstract you know they're Not really user friendly they had this One thing that was a book and I Understood about 20% of it I would Probably understand more because I'm
More familiar with some of the yogic Terminology but it's like real advanced Old school yogic stuff right yoga not Half the yoga with the the postures but The you know the other things and so one Of his teachings is you don't criticize People's religion other people's Religion because that's maybe all they Can do even if the religion sucks it's Where they are Evolutionary on their evolutionary path And I've always you know valued that but What I do he I don't believe it's Criticism it's just telling the truth That people want to hear that come to my Channel right it's this channel isn't For you know Christians who are doing Christianity and want to hear about Christian things this is for people who In many cases left Christianity or Aren't doing anything or you know are Spiritually oriented and they need to Understand the distinction between Religion and spirituality and some of These other things right and so like I Felt like I had to talk about it but I Wasn't all that comfortable doing that Right and so this interaction I have With Jesus open the door for that Because I I wasn't talking about this is Like 2016 or 17 and so I say to Jesus You know all these Christians are coming Here and I want to talk about Christianity and you know just all the
Things I said right you know it's with Imp that's all implied in what I'm Saying you know in terms of you know I Didn't say those words to him but it's Just a dream and you know the the Meaning being that the whole thing with Ly and he looks at me and says yeah That's why I'm sending them to you and I Wake up and so it's my one interaction With Jesus is that he was saying to me He's sending Christians to my YouTube Channel to hear the truth about his Message the true Jesus right like Whatever I know about I'm not an expert In it but I'm much more of an expert in All the people that believe in the Bible And are taking the indoctrinated changed Edited Bibles word for Jesus's life Because Jesus was much more than he's Presented in the Bible you know much Less in terms of you know this the sale That he's the only son of God but much More in terms of his spiritual Achievements that are negated by editing And by they don't want you to to do what Jesus did so they don't tell you of his Accomplishments right and his higher Level teachings and to whatever I know About them and whatever I know about This in general and whatever I Understand about what's been done here Jesus said to me in a stream I'm sending People so you so you can talk to that You know you can say these things and so
That's why I talk freely about it cuz I Don't you know again I'm aware of ly's Teaching about relig religious criticism But there are people that need to hear What I have to say that Jesus wants them To hear that that's what I Wholeheartedly believe right you know I'll include this with my Christ Christmas message you know somebody just Um sent me a bunch of quotes from Chargie about Jesus hopefully I'll Remember to read those as well right but There's like the true Jesus and even the Sent in the the extent that Christmas is Almost nothing to do with Jesus he was Not borned on December 25th and the Birthday is important you're celebrating The birth of a a spiritual person I mean We celebrate people's birth because We're like I'm so glad you were born That's why you celebrate somebody's Birthday you are an addition to my life And I'm you're a blessing in my life you Know if it's a piece of [ __ ] person that Sucks and is making the world worst Place and you hate them you're not Really celebrating their birthday like You're doing it out of family obligation Or whatever but the people in your life That you love and have helped you and Touched you in some way and have been You know helped you be a better person Made your life better you celebrate Their birthdays and more so than anybody
Else are these Spiritual Beings that Came down and sacrificed whatever they Sacrificed to impart to people spiritual Training you honor them on their Birthday and their birthday is special It's a special day it's the day they Were born it was the actual day they Were born but the Christian religion Changed Jesus's birthday because they Suck right and I don't know exactly when It was but they were trying to recruit Pagans you know people who were who were Into the solstice so they put it on the Solstice right Easter is on the is on The Spring Equinox and it's about the Goddess estora it's a it was a holiday That the pagans celebrate it isn't Jesus's death which again is important The birth and the death of Jesus's Actual birthday and death day which we Don't [ __ ] know now because they [ __ ] that thing up right they Disrespected him and his you know to Bring more people in and so that's the Kind of [ __ ] they're willing to pull That's the religion right the religion Is [ __ ] it like they've they've messed The whole thing up right and you know if You go to Christian channels they're Celebrating Jesus's birthday and they're Not saying what I'm saying that's a Disrespect it's an act of disrespect and So what do we really celebrate on Christmas materialism it's the biggest
You know it's when these retail stores Of course now they're all struggling With the internet but you know in terms Of the retail Market it's the month Where they're in the black you know They're making money and there's a lot Of these uh used to be these retail Giants or these retail stores they were In the red all year long and they would Make so much money during Christmas it Would carry them financially through the Rest of the year right they were losing Money the rest of the year and they or Just breaking even but they would you Know they would have windfall profits in Christmas season because it was a Materialistic big economy day and then This you know this red Creepy uh Santa Claus that's an anagram For Satan sneaks into your house and you Lie to your kids about it and you give Them gifts and you don't really honor Jesus right I mean for the most part Like had a little nativity scene with You know we put baby Jesus in the in the Manger you know that manger had Capon Fine Porcelain my brother you we used to make Fun of this like on this uh cap Porcelain figurines on the like shopping Network we used to watch that and joke About it but you know these glass you Know these sort of um you know these Figurines and had you know a cow and a
Sheep and the wise men and you know Mother Mary and all these things and Manger and we put it out there and put The baby Jesus in the last day right and So yeah he was like thought about a Little bit but really was about Materialism right you know presence You're getting as a kid and it's just All those things and so Jesus's birth Isn't like he's not he's disrespected The core teachings are disrespected his Beliefs have been changed his story About what he you know what he was as a Person they've just [ __ ] it all up That's why he's not happy with it of Course he's not happy with it right even On a soul level they've you know gone in The opposite direction he was you know a Poor person most of his life he was he Was woman who lived in poverty like he Didn't he wasn't a wealthy person he Wasn't about materialism and you know You have these mega churches and these Things these you know these Gody Churches with Trump like you know golden Altars and all this stuff right it's the Opposite of what Jesus was about and so Don't you think Jesus would send people To me like if you're like conscious a Little bit like who who's talking about These things and not that I'm an expert In it cuz I'm not but I know more than Other people because I've done my own Spiritual practice and I understand it
From a completely different perspective The third Master the system master Chargie was St Paul in a past life you Can believe that or not but he talked About it and he and close to his death Bet he acknowledged it he had talked About in private I there was a talk About it was a wonderful talk that they Uh Dody have rased from the the mission He's talking about that Sark shouldn't Become a religion and Dody immediately Try to turn into a religion because Religions are for-profit religions are Dumb down teachings religions are Indoctrination religions are unspiritual They're a gatekeeper between you and God And so for those people who can aspire To be spiritual people this is what my Channel is for right now there's Dopey People and I don't have any relationship With the people who do SAR there are Some wonderful saintly people you know I Wasn't really friends with them you know I'm not a social person but there's a Lot of dopes in that do my thing as well But you know I get these comments all The time let me read the comment one More time here you know I get these Comments all the time from people who Are here I somehow lost it here it is um Come to Jesus meditation but prayer uh Not not meditation but prayer Pray uh I Pray you have dreams and encounters with Him so you can come so you can uh let
Others know the truth you're deceived With the mindfulness well I did have a Dream with Jesus I had one dream with Them and he told me to say these things To Christians who come to me because He's sending them to me that's you know That's what I believe because I believe I believe the dreams are significant and In my belief system if you have a dream About the master it's the master and I Would put Jesus in that because he's a Part of the Divine hierarchy he's a part Of the Sark system he does work he's in Charge of point two there's 13 Meditative points and he's in charge of One of them and that's the teachings of The system and you can believe that or Not I don't care it's not you know it's Whatever it is but some of these things Are known facts there was the Council of NAA that edited the Bible and the Bible Was edited and translated and it was Like there there was a all right let's Make Jesus the only son of God let's Make it so the only way you get to Heaven is Jesus like that was talked About that was a human you know there Was human decisions that didn't come From a Divine Place let's change his Birth day and his death day to coincide With pagan holidays that [ __ ] Happened you can look that up that Happened look up the goddess isora right Easter like there's all these things and
There's the the whole Santa thing and All that stuff you know just all of it Like Santa has nothing to do with Jesus [ __ ] zero right the real Santa Claus Was some guy who you know you can read About he one time he gave gifts to Somebody it was some kind of thing I Don't know was a like a one-time thing And you know the guy was a sane and he Had I guess he had inherited a lot of Money and he would give people gifts That um he would sneak in and give them Gifts cuz he didn't want them rejecting It people who were impoverished you know So it was a nice guy you know St Nicholas but it was a small time and he Wasn't really you know that's not much Of a saint right it's somebody who does Charity like I don't know what his other Spiritual qualities was you know a Generous person but he wanted to help People but he didn't want to make them Be embarrassed or stuff so he'd sneak in Their house and and give them [ __ ] which Still is kind of a little bit weird but But either way he's not Jesus and has Has nothing to do with Jesus and his Birth right it's usurped the holiday and These things are all true right Everything I said happened factually and There's reasons for it and people should Think about it because your religion's Been contaminated and I did the same Thing with my you know when dodgy turned
My thing into a a religious cult I was Able to confront it and face it even Though it was painful and it was a big Deal it's not like you know I'm Suffering because of it things aren't as Good in my spiritual life as it were Before but I've had to accept it because There was it just was and there was Nothing I could do about about but I did Something about it I I created a Gracefulness channel also because of Dream I had been a preceptor than I was The permission to be a preceptor was Removed and I was made a preceptor in 1995 and then 200 and two or three I was removed from Being a preceptor and then had a dream In charge you made me a preceptor again And again so my dreams I you know I take Them Seriously I mean they're just dreams but You know they're significant to me and So like that's why I did the Gracefulness meditation to do my best to Preserve the sa Mark system as best I Could um you know and that's all I could Do right but like the truth is the truth And that's what you're going to get here I might be wrong about the truth but I'm Not going to you know manipulate it Right and so anyways you know religions Are I mean if you look at the the bad History of Christianity the Crusades and The the forced Indo ination and the you
Know the abuse of of children and and uh You know brown people and you know Indoctrinating these people and all this Forcing the religion on people and all This stuff the missionaries all the Stuff that's happening right Jesus isn't Down with that like he didn't instruct People to do that this whole idea that Uh you know my wife and I watching that Fly Me to the Moon movie it's um I'm Going to cover that I guess uh in my Next video I'll talk up a little bit About that but the guy was trying to win Over a a Christian uh Senator to give Them more NASA more money and he said You know God gave us dominion over the Earth and that's not true the whole Manifest Destiny that's not true and so These lies have caused problems when People make [ __ ] up and say that we Speak for God you know God speaks to you Like you listen to God you don't tell What God what to do right God isn't Interested in your opinion he allows to Have one but you know you don't go to God go hey God you know I think I know More than you you know who did that Satan and so you know hey God I think I I if I was God I'd do a better job than You like that's you know that's the Arrogance there and the Christian Rel Religion is loaded with it where there's Things they're making bold claims and Things that are untrue about the
Position of the religion the position of Jesus and and their you know whatever it Might be and it's just there and the the Pain and suffering not just Christianity All these religions you know you serve God God doesn't serve you you don't pray To God to change his plan God please Change your plan because I don't like it That's what most prayers are hey God Life sucks right now it's your fault do Something better do better God Right and so that's you know that's the Attitude where the attitude should beig You know God help me do better help me Understand help me you know evolve to Where I can appreciate and be grateful For what you have given to me right The Good the Bad the Ugly anyways um you Know that's just my thoughts only Spirituality will save this world it's Parado definitely point for the Apocalypse in the Ascension I would have A blessed day and be grateful