Stork You

Stork You

Okay greetings brothers and sisters Today is Black Friday for me and it is The first Sunday after Black Friday for You because that's when this video is Coming out I'm going to do a brief recap Of my Thanksgiving interesting Thanksgiving I'm going to talk about the Country singer jelly roll for a little Bit in the beginning it's kind of funny And um OIC there's a whole bunch of Stuff going on with that and some other Stuff KLA Harris and her pal dougy fresh Doing a holidays Thanksgiving Day Greeting anyways a bunch of stuff to get Into here let's start with Thanksgiving So I'm not going to get to spiritual Stuff there was some sitting stuff I'm Covering in my other um channels my Gratefulness mad chasing Channel there's Some other stuff some announcements Coming with that but I had a good Spiritual experience of course Gratefulness and Thanksgiving go hand Inand and so there's all that you know We don't really do holidays so much We're not into them um you know we do Bare minimum because we're just like you Know whatever whatever they are like I'm Happy every day I don't need these Special days and birthdays and whatever There's too much pressure on those days You know your good days are your good Days and you know it's not really based In I mean of course you put effort into

Creating good days and you can do things To benefit yourself and your situation But in terms of like some days are just Better than other days like it's just That way right and you know holidays Getting more people you don't like Involved in a day that's supposed to be A good day but yesterday was a really Good day day I kind of woke up a little Bit of a headache from the night before Was kind of Weir I went to bed with a Slight headache and it got worse during My sleeping hours and you know it turned Out to be a really good day so um I cook The turkey the mashed Potatoes and make the gravy and the Whipped cream my wife makes a cranberry Pie that's really kind of great I didn't Like it at first but I kind of love it And makes this um stuffing with um Pumpkin she used to make some kind of Green bean thing and some other stuff But we cut back on some of the things Because no matter what like I don't know What it is about Thanksgiving we ate at Three and I didn't feel hungry till like The next morning you know like it's just And I wasn't stuffing myself or whatever I mean it just it just happens that way Right and so um you know I just want to Say this in case people want to take Advantage of this again I don't Recommend anything but we've been so so V so s so s

O Vib E I think so it's a a French Technique for cooking meats and other Things and we went somewhere out in Vegas we were celebrating why we got 100,000 subscribers was before my wife And I were married and my daughter we Went to a restaurant my daughter ordered A soved chicken my wife knew what it was And I never heard of it and so this is 2017 18 something like that and it was Amazing because it's so moist like Chicken is the problem is that it's dry You know like with turkey you're cooking Your chicken breast as long as you're You're cooking your legs your legs need You know the legs of a turkey need like To be cooked longer and the legs are Always more moist and so what usually Happens is you get a dry turkey breast Right and so um I've been so Meats for a while now and what it is is It's a you put the meats in a bag and You have a tank full of water and you Put the bag of meat in the water and it Cooks it see the thing with Meats is They have to be cooked especially Poultry and things like that have to be Cooked so to a certain temperature all The way through right so you know if Something's very thick and you're go and The Heat's coming from the outside in Then you have to um You know you have to overcook the Outside that's why like turkey is very

Dry in the outside and then as you go Through it gets moisture like especially The breast food right and so with a sevv You can cook at the least amount of Temperature like 140° instead of 350 or Something like that like I cooked our The legs for 24 hours in this water and Since since it sits in water it's a very Low temperature it's slow cooked the the You know it's really cooked well but It's the meat just like falls off the Bone it's so moist and it's just really Great and so I cook the the turkey legs Like say 150 and I cook the breast at And I think 45 and it said you only Could do it for three hours but it comes Out pink it's hard to eat it when it's Pink just because of you know like it it Doesn't look like it's done but it's Done again not recommending anybody if You want to do this do your research on It whatever but I found like it's just So much better and and we've put in like I get cheap cuts of steak you know we Processed our cows and some of the Tougher types of steak and cooked it With a sovite and it comes out tender And like I mean almost all comes out Like fan young it's just amazing like Cheap cups of meat are able to be cooked In a way that's um anyway so that's what Happened and so this time I did it a Little differently and I added more Herbs and we've been using um Umami I've

Been using Umami I'm pretty much Everything it just enhances the flavor For whatever reason and I we had some Rosemary in the garden and we had some Garlic and some other things garlic Actually doesn't do well in the sov like Doesn't cook well but like it was just Whole chunks of garlic that were just There for the flavor and it came out it Was the best turkey that we've ever made I've ever made that way the gravy came Out great also with the um uh you know These some I put herbs da provance and Some other herbs on that we hadn't done Before and then um It all just came out really great my Wife's pie was like the best time she's Ever made it was one one of those things And we you know we minimized our effort And it was just wonderful simple great Thanksgiving also when I was in um Costco the last time I walked by and They had some rope lights and I don't Like doing decorations anymore when I Was a kid I used to put up the tree as First you know we had a fake tree and I Build it and put it up and I decorated Because I was you know the youngest one I was the only one who still like cared About Christmas And you know I used to do it like I used To have the Christmas spirit and just Like you know the lights and all that [ __ ] right but as I got older and you

Know going through with my kids and all That stuff and my ex's uh birthday was On Halloween and you know celebrating Halloween and her birthday on the same Day was like a freaking nightmare and You know after years of doing that I Just got all holidayed out and so I Enjoy Christmas lights when other people Put them up right like you know we used To go and my kids used to call them the Sh When they were small we go in our big Van and we drive around and drink hot Chocolate and like look at all the Christmas lights there's always some Neighborhoods that you know outperform Other places but I you know bought a Couple of these rope lights and I put One up in the house and one in front of Our front door and it's they have all These different settings you know it's LED stuff and they work really well and It was like you know a little bit more Festive than normal but in general it Just felt good we had some good you just A a good day in general and and we did Some of the gratefulness man ation stuff I'm not going to talk about that here But that's you know some changes are Coming to that which is good but anyways Um so there was that you know I have a Few comments I want to get to just to Start off with because they're funny and Then I want to get into jelly roll

Um some person said Uh it says hey Paul what do you like What what don't you like about project 2025 I've scanned it it looks pretty Common Sense did the fake new get to you Kitten you no Weasel no weasel it didn't they Didn't and so like there's just dumb Asses that come there right that think That they know more than you or whatever And I you know I mean you get comments Like this all the time where people Think that they are somehow Superior and One of the things like I admit about all This stuff is I don't know how things Are going to play out but the 2025 thing Was joke and and stupid because it Should have hurt Trump more than it did It's just that kamla was unelectable Because you don't start posting what You're going to do that the Democrats Are going to use against you which they Did and where Trump had to disavow it And it had a lot of [ __ ] in it Anyways right but you can't say that to People like this because they they're Limited in their perspective and their Ability to understand what's going on on A larger picture and so um I thought That was funny especially the kitten Part and so this person says it blows me Away when people like yourself think That you are awake yet you believe in The boogeyman named covid FYI it's all

In your head oh thanks bro you know That's I I just imagined I couldn't [ __ ] Breathe Right see the thing About Co is and I used to talk call These people the floes right there were The qes and then there was the flues and The cubes were often later on became Flues but there are a lot of dumb asses Out there and I can understand your Perspective that you think covid was Just the flu and you think it wasn't as Bad as people say like if that was your Experience it didn't have anybody who Had it Severely then yeah you could believe That I you know I have my doubts about It like I have my doubts about Everything I'm not blaming you for Having doubts it's just that you being a [ __ ] prick and you're coming from a Position of complete ignorance and Assholery when you say you were never Sick because my wife and I both had the Freaking thing and it was you know there Are times that I felt completely better During the day and I'm like oh my God It's gone and then the next night I in That night I would struggle wake up in The night gra gasping for breath and Those of us who had it it sucked and we Know more than you do right like what do You think I just one day started having These symptoms and I immediately felt Like I couldn't breathe anymore and

There was other things that went with it I got it three times and I was you know Bumed bumed the third time I was bummed The second time cuz I like I'll never Get that again and the second time was Completely different than the first time I didn't have any trouble breathing the Second time or the third time each time I got it it was worse and it was way Worse than the flu they [ __ ] released Something and those of us who got you Know moderate to severe doses we know More than you and you can try to dismiss Our illness because you're such an Arrogant close-minded prick right but You know we had those things we had Those symptoms It's what wrecks the truth Community When people like this and it could be Over any issue when they think they know Something they don't and then they take A hard line with people or whatever I Don't care if you believe anything I Don't care what you do I mean you don't Have to believe it co but to tell me I Wasn't sick it was all my head like [ __ ] You you like you know that's a Gaslighting you're no better than the Controllers and you're completely 100% Wrong I can say that for sure because I Had it like those of us have had it no More than those of you who don't and I I Would rather be one of those that didn't Have it but since I had it I know it

Sucked and I know that you know I mean There was a time where I was like when It really got bad I was worried I was Going to have to go to the hospital and That's where and when I had it during The time where they were using those Respirators and ventilators and people Are dropping like flies I'm like I'm not Going to the hospital and die if I you Know if it gets you know I was worried It was going to get worse and I was Going to be unable to Breathe entirely or whatever and it Sucked when you're gasping for air it Sucks so [ __ ] you Bro Merry Thanksgiving to You you know the flues are very annoying And then this one was I'm not even sure About this comment but it just came in You said you weren't going to do any Work and then you said you had some Projects to do that doesn't really make Sense projects pretty much is work I Don't know what you Mean well that's when you should have Said I don't think I should write this Comment if you're writing a comment and It's critical and you don't know what You mean then don't write it like Dumbass right because then you're just Firing on on no you you're you're firing A blanks right because you already said I don't know what you mean why don't you Figure out what I meant and if you can't

Figure it out then shut the [ __ ] up Right I'm in a pretty good mood I don't I don't know what you Mean you're though you're though you're Going to stop working on your video here And do things just when I heard it's Kind of funny CU you always criticizing And going through everybody's words and Know what they say you correct whatever And go on exactly what they say so Pointed it out you got uh you you Pointed out to you not everybody is Perfect nobody's perfect like if you're Saying that I think I'm perfect and I Criticize everybody else like again You'll understand but I'm not sure what I said but if I said I'm not going to to Do any Work that would mean that I was going to Do projects outside and things around The house because I don't have you know I'm not going to sit around watch TV all Day or I mean I you know sometimes I'll Read um some of the like the preceptor Stuff and that's I mean there's work Involved no matter what I do when you Live on a farm and you do farming things There's always projects and when I mean I'm not going to do any more work I mean My job which is this and so like if you Kind of understood that then you Wouldn't have left the stupid comment Right it's a silly little comment from a Silly little

Person because if you're comparing me Making a mistake or maybe not Articulating something that you could Understand you know I didn't translate It into dumbass Then I don't know why I'm coming it so Hard to I'm actually pretty good mood But maybe that's why but you know when I Say projects I always mean Farm stuff I don't call any of the work I do here Projects I do a video pretty much every Day and it's just you know boilerplate Kind of things you know a larger project That would take me some time I don't Make videos like that anymore and I Don't call them projects I never called Any of my videos projects because I can Make at least one video a day and then Maybe I start another one right Depending on how much time I have but I Don't even know what I said but either Way like you comparing let's say I made A mistake and I didn't articulate things Correctly Maybe I wasn't understand like you Couldn't understand me maybe my words Were were not perfect right like that Happens because I talk all the time I Don't expect Perfection but if you're Comparing if you're saying that I'm Being hypocritical because I make Mistakes too and that I pick apart People's words there's a big difference Between bombing or droning kids or um

Participating in a genocide or uh Scamming people out of trillions of Dollar that cause suffering or just Lying and gaslighting the American People when you either know that you're Lying or you you know you've been you're A shill or you're too stupid to be in Front of a microphone and you just do Whatever you're told to do by your Handlers and perpetrate this fraud that We see in front of us then me Misspeaking right like me misspeaking And you know I make fun of people Misspeaking and I often say you know When you talk a lot you're going to make Mistakes I say edit out mistakes all the Time I say that when I even when I make Fun of Jojo meu but his mistakes were More based in his Senility and other things right and so You know I'll make fun of fedman and but Guess you know he's brain damag and all That stuff but I say all the time that I Make mistakes anybody who has a Microphone is going to make gaffs but Either way when people make mistakes and Gaffs they um you know we make fun of it Right it's just something you do I mean We laugh at those things people laugh at Them so you know people laugh when People fall or whatever they have They're clumsy but we all have moments Where we're clumsy so I don't know like It's just goofy stuff I mean it's just

The stupidity of the comments sometimes Like a lot of times I don't know what The [ __ ] people are talking about you Know I have dyslexia and I make mistakes In my title and I'm often tired out by The time I do my title and I have to Come up with a title it's a whole thing You know sometimes I'm like I don't know You know have to come up with a name for The title and you know in a 2hour video I can never do the video Justice by the Title so I have to come up with Something catchy and you know I've I Mean I've made thousands upon thousands Of videos right and you know I make Mistakes in the title all the time which I am grateful for people when they Correct it correct me and especially When they show me you know the word that Needs to be there or you know they use The wrong tense or something you know Something like that that's helpful like Some people are dickish about it you Know that is whatever it is right but in Terms of you guys like I make 2 hours of Videos I work like8 hours a day and I You know six to8 hours sometimes more on This stuff right I do my other stuff as Well and if you're writing two sentences How about reading them and and reading Them from a perspective that some other Person that's not you and especially if You kind of realize maybe that you're a Dumbass like you just take

Accountability of that you know being Self-aware and realize that nobody knows What you're talking about your comment Doesn't make any sense especially if you Say something where you're expecting me To know what part of the video you're at And then I'm going to remember Everything that's in a 2-hour video and Somehow I'm going to figure out why You're so butt hurt or why you're so Upset or what you're commenting on right Because I'm not like I don't know what The [ __ ] you're talking about I would Say onethird of the comments and these Comments are NE not necessarily bad I Have no idea what the person's saying And I'm scanning these things I've had Over a million coms comments and so if You're commenting to me you know have a Point make sense be articulate and read It from my perspective or just leave a [ __ ] Emoji or something right I don't Care I Emoji would be helpful I want People to comment because of the Algorithms like I've talked about that You know a lot the you know the shadow Banning people can subscribe resubscribe Right leave comments hit a thumbs up hit Like button do anything to let YouTube Know if you want to see more of my Content and if you do want to see more Of my content then that's also helpful To you right but in terms of like Dumbass comments or like inarticulate

Comments not just for me anywhere on the Internet like you're trying to express Yourself you might as well do it well Like if you want people to hear your Thoughts I mean that's why you're Commenting you want other people to hear Your thoughts right that's why people Make videos you want to have other People hear what you're thinking and so If you're going to do that and you want People to hear what you're thinking you Might as well make it so that they Understand what the [ __ ] you're talking About about right cuz that comment is Like silly like there's no reason for That comment it's poorly written you Know it's from the the land of dumb [ __ ] Aan somebody said that in a comment once Which I've always found humous all right With mind let's get into Jelly Roll All Right so a few things I want to comment About this first now the first thing is That the first two games had country Singers that were Um the there was a black guy from He had a Detroit Lions code on his name Was I don't know what it was but he was A country singer and he had like almost Like Dreadlocks and I'm like wow they're Really going country here right like This is um well then you know the second The second game between the um Cowboys And the Giants I fast forward for the

Games they're all blowouts basically I Mean the the um the Chicago Bears um Game the way it ended the way their Coach like they blew that game was Hilarious I'm not going to get into that Here but most of the games she kind of Knew who was going to win right off the Bat and there was a woman named Lany Wilson and my wife and I were vacation I Turned something on and it must like the Whatever I turn the TV on it was on a Station where there's some country music You know I like southern people I grew Up in Connecticut and we were traveled Down to um Florida through these Southern States And you know I love Florida but I loved Um Virginia North Carolina South Carolina as soon as we got into this Area where it's a little bit warmer and You know we stay at these holiday ins And I'd order Kentucky Fried Chicken and And okra soup like I loved okra like I Make like a kind of a a non-official Gumbo like the people who eat gumbo Would not call what I gumbo but you know I like it I just like it in that part of The country and you Florida is like Florida like just amazing and Florida When I was a kid was much better than Florida now like it's still great but It's it was even better and so I really Enjoyed those trips and I enjoy the Southern people and I prefer pretty much

Every other group of people every other State than Connecticut New York New Jersey Massachusetts there's just a lot Of [ __ ] there you know City life I'm Not into cities you know for Rural People and Country stuff and you know Those kind of accents right but I really Don't like country music a little bit There's some songs maybe are okay Whatever but this woman was singing a Song she's got a heart like a truck I Got a heart like a Truck like what a horrible thing to have My heart it's just like a Truck and she's saying that song in the Beginning I didn't remember her name or Who she was but I um ran out of the Ability to fast for forward and I was Sitting there you know turkey has Tryptophan in it and I was too lazy to Find something else to watch and so she Comes out and sings this song Heart Like A truck I was waiting for my wife my Wife hat cfre music and so um she was I Don't know what she was doing but I was Waiting for her to come we were watching The game together and she went and did Something and I'm just sitting there in A with this tryptophan Gay Days watching This bizarre country song Singer and she brings out jelly roll They roll out Jelly Roll now I knew Jelly roll did something with Eminem I Think I saw video on it I've heard his

Name before I don't really know that Much about him but he has so he's like a Country singer and you know I think People just are going to naturally love Jelly roll I mean the name itself right And the guy's a big you know big giant Fat guy and so you know like a teddy Bear some people going to like jelly Roll I don't dislike jelly roll I don't Know anything about him but I think he's Somebody that people are just going to Find likable because uh you know he's Wearing his hat backwards and he's a Country singer with face tattoos you Know but he comes out and starts singing This song called save me and he has the Balls to sing this line so here's the First part of the Line so first we've got to say who who's They they say my lifestyle [Music] Wait are you [ __ ] me jelly roll did You just say that they say your Lifestyle is bad for your Health who's they Everybody does everybody say your life Your your [ __ ] name is jelly Roll your name is [ __ ] jelly Roll and you look like a guy that Everyone's like oh yeah that guy's Lifestyle is not working for him right When you see jelly roll go back to what He looks like here right the Curious Here is got a mirror shot of him um

Everybody knows your lifestyle is bad For your health [Laughter] Right nobody would question that I mean You like again your name's nickname's Jelly roll like you you wouldn't even Have to see this guy and you say yeah my Friend jelly roll and that would be cool You'd be like oh you got a friend jelly Roll let's go see I want to I want to Meet a guy named Jelly Roll But you You're kind of going to figure off right Off the right off the bat if you're Friends are calling you jelly roll if That's your nickname then your lifestyle Is bad for your health Right there's no people that are like Health experts that are named Jelly Roll Fitness Experts and fitness trainers oh This is my trainer jelly roll no nobody Has ever said that ever and so you know You have the balls to come out and say Some say my lifestyle is they say my Lifestyle is bad for my health like There's a mirror right there in front of You bro bro like you look at the mirror [ __ ] like your lifestyle is not Working for you and I'm not one of those People that think you should you know Eat sawdust I mean personally again I Don't recommend anything I'm not going To eat sawdust and be miserable to live An extra 5 years you know I think there Needs to be a balance between healthy

Food and living your life right but when You eat toxic foods all this you know Fried foods and all this crap which I Used to love as a kid but I know now It's bad for you you know I know why People enjoy bad foods cuz I used to Enjoy some of them right but diabetes And these things isn't Fun you know as Much as it might be pleasurable in the m In a moment you know you're going to Have years of misery when you're when You're misery in terms of organ failure And being you know overweight and these Things right you know everybody should Enjoy their food and be grateful for it I think Americans are you know we Spoiled than privileged and whatever it Is we should enjoy it but you know there Needs to be some balance right you know Something's only enjoyable if it doesn't Cause you problems later on like Something be enjoyable now like crack But then later on it's not so enjoyable Right you know here he is here um there He is with his face stattoos he's got The Teardrop couple of teardrops so that Implies that you kill somebody and he's Got a cross here on his face you know Face tattoos work for Mumble rappers now I guess country artists and maybe tattoo Artists I don't know is there anybody Else that you know other than that like It's a big Fu to a job with benefits

Right like it's just you know I mean if You're a Mumble rapper it's great but as Soon as you your career is over you've Got face tats that you can't get rid of And so you know I don't have any problem With jelly roll I don't care about them Seems like you know happy fun you know He's making the most of it and you know He's doing his jelly roll thing I think This is him and his wife here but you Know I mean you're going to die young Bro like unless you change your Lifestyle like everybody knows it like It's not a mystery right you know it's I Mean it's your lifestyle is bad for your Health Right you don't need to say that because When you walk on out on stage everyone's Like I hope he doesn't drop that ear Right like yo you're like walking Oran Failure My Lifestyle they say my Lifestyle is bad for my Health yeah jelly roll it is bad for Your health Bro okay um so zic which um I got a Little video clip I already did because Huffy didn't post was pushing this and So um the Biden Administration has now Put OIC on Medicare which means that everybody Who's on Medicare can get OIC for free It's a very expensive drug if you guys Have seen those interviews with Cali and Casey means they're like on Tucker

Carlson other places the the the woman Her name's cie I think Casey must be the Brother the woman did stuff on um she Was a doctor who realized the medical System is completely [ __ ] and she quit Being a doctor and now she does this Alternative healthc Care stuff and her Brother was in advertising both really Smart you know ivy league I went to like Stanford these kind of the brother went To um like Harvard like you know these Elitist people grew up in Washington DC Very competitive academically those kind Of people that you know s to be Successful and they were both saying That OIC if it becomes uh goes on Medicare and they prescribe it to you Know Millions upon millions of people It'll cost like3 trillion it'll bankrupt The country right because it's so Expensive and the money's going to some Foreign company that's in like New Zealand that doesn't even allow their Own citizens to use this poisonous [ __ ] Right you know it's a drug for diabetes But there are people using it to lose Weight and it has Dreadful side effects And so Biden has done that he's now put It on Medicare and it's a big boom for This for the Pharmaceuticals like the Big Pharma according to these two two People the U new Zeal not New Zealand uh Is it the Netherlands I don't know not New Zealand New Zealand's over by

Australia but the Netherlands I believe It is one of these countries right these Um European countries and a lot of these European countries won't allow these Drugs to be used because they have Higher standards and they know these Drugs cause drastic side effects they Produce these drugs and they sell them In America and they make a ton of money Like this company is the number one Company in their country according to These people and if they make $3 Trillion they'll be one of the most Successful companies in the world I mean If that's what it ends up costing American taxpayers so that people can Poison themselves and have these side Effects from OIC and again I covered This in earlier videos right and so I've Had this up in my tool bar I couldn't Get to it but this guy well let's watch Him hi this is Charles young with WV News um Governor I wanted to ask your Thoughts on a proposal from the bid Administration this morning um they are Proposing expanding coverage of weight Loss medications like OIC for Medicare And Medicaid patients um I know this is Something that a lot of um State Lawmakers have heard from their Constituents that has been discussed a Potential topic for the next legislative Session um how do you think we should go About expanding access to these drugs

Thank You Charles I don't know how how we go About uh you know expanding access Access you know from the standpoint of The cost you know but we have got to Make it sustainable we've absolutely got To make that part you know a big part of This whole whole puzzle but Charles for All I know about these Drugs they are beneficial in many Different ways oh my go this guy is vis A governor of governor justice of Republican West Virginia he's been Bought off by these companies right so If they're going to make three trillion Then they can give you freaking 20 Million and it won't even affect them Right like if they're going to make Trillions of dollars then they could pay Off all these Politicians and and the net net of the Whole thing at the end of the rainbow It'll save us money it'll save us money But we've got so much that we okay so if What I'm hearing is true about these Drugs and I've looked into their side Effects they wreck your gut like you Just wreck your gut you're never going To have the same digestion afterwards And so if that's true and all these People used to cover this before big Pharma and you know this company bought All these PL these people off right so If all those things are true and

People's guts are wrecked then they're Going to have a lot of other health care Issues they're going to have to be on Other medications they might not be able To work you'll have a lot of seek so Sick uh weak people you know and it a Cost let's say it cost a trillion Dollars even 500 million like or 500 Billion like a half a trillion dollars You know you could feed everybody Organic food in the country for that Right like it's just I mean it's sick Like this think that this thing which is You could prevent all these things by Changing people's diets getting rid of Processed foods not even organic food Just healthy food you know low pesticide Maybe but healthy food you know it's Still better eating you know inorganic Vegetables and things rather than eating These processed foods with these you Know get rid of all these seed oils and All these other [ __ ] things that They know cause heart disease and cancer Like they know that they're putting out Foods that cause heart disease and Cancer because there's so much heart Disease and cancer and these foods cause It right there's foods that have Carcinogens in the foods and they're Still allowed these foods to be put on The grocery shelves or be served at McDonald's or whatever it is right like It's completely [ __ ] and if they

Really care about People's Health they Would Train everybody to eat better they Would get rid of that ridiculous food Pyramid I mean the whole thing's just an Absolute joke right we've got to do to O Overhaul this colossal mess in DC and it's unbelievable that's just all There is to it you know but Charles I Would be a proponent of trying to do Everything we can to be able to expand These drugs that you're talking about to To everybody you know and because at the End of the day it'll save us tremendous Amounts of money you know in fact you Know I am a recipient right now of otic Okay dude you look a lot like jelly roll So he's taking OIC and he's pushing for OIC and you know I like to see how much Money he's received from the company That makes OIC right like jelly roll Here Governor jelly roll and and I'm Trying every way that I can to lose Weight and I've been able to lose 30 or 40 lbs maybe even 50 lbs [ __ ] what are You what were you before that jelly Donut roll Like if this is 50 40 or 50 lbs of zic Weight and again it definitely works to Lose weight it's just a matter of like Whether you're going to be taking it for The rest of your life which would be a Big deal and what kind of side effects It has right and it goes against the General principles of Health where if

You're eating things that are causing You to be obese we have an obesity Epidemic in our country then you have to Change the lifestyle right you know I Think that uh they say that my lifestyle Is bad for my Health oh take o zic right Well that doesn't work or you know get Your your your belly your tach uh your Your stomach stapled or whatever that Operation is or you could just learn and Change your lifestyle which everyone has To do you have to fight for your health In America with all the unhealthy foods Like you have to read the ingredients You got to do things to you especially As you get older like I've had to do That we all had to do that you everyone Has to do that some point in their life Where we have to fight to stay in shape And and keep your good health and Whatever you have to do whatever you Have to figure it out it's it's no treat Because the the system itself isn't Helping you do that they want you to be Sick the pharmaceutical companies want You to be sick and if he's on big farmer Payroll which I believe he must be then You know then that's going to be the the Problem here I mean like these guys are Being paid off to poison the American People but uh but we want to you know it You know you're right it's an expensive Drug and really and truly not everybody You know qualifies and we've got to some

Way figure out how to make it all come Together and and we've got to do that Within the cost structure but uh but There's a real argument that at the end Of the day you that the big farmer gave Me a bunch of money so like I to make it Work Right okay so I'm making this before I Make anything else because this headline Will disappear here this is from hyon Post um this uh whatever this is Black Friday November 29th I got a whole zic Thing I'm going to cover later on and You're going to see it you'll it'll make Sense to you when now that all happens But it says Americans might not get this Popular drug if RFK Jr has his Way and so if you go To the article the bid Administration Made a big decision on OIC but RFK could Tank could tank it now I'm going to be Covering this you know I'll be talking About this earlier about all all what That means and you've already heard that I don't I don't know that yet so I mean I don't haven't done that yet but I want To talk about How when OIC first came out huffing and Post which is very liberal and New York Post which is very conservative had one Horror story after another and we're Talking about the side effects like was I mean it was these people dying and you Know all these things that were were

Happening with those emping and it was Um like there was a label to it like it Was a negative thing right it was Something that wasn't you Know whatever right like all I saw from And I didn't know anything about it this Was just mainstream media and now um H His post is covering like this thing Would be a good thing and it' be a Disaster like I said I don't know about The New York Post but what they've done But clearly there's a lot of money being Poured into this where they've changing Their opinions where they went to when They went for covering this as a Negative thing because there was a lot Of these stories before and then they Disappear like I haven't seen one now in Probably six months and now it's the Opposite right and celebrities coming Out saying they're on it and these Things because there's a [ __ ] ton of Money to be made here like a lot which You know I've already said and so um let Me end this clip here but I'll you know I'll I'll keep on going with the audio With filling in the gaps as we move Forward here okay so I um you know I Found a couple of things about this guy Campaign finances but it was from years Ago like it isn't the most recent one And it was a long list and so I just Didn't want to you know I know the guy's Getting Mone for big Pharma and so a

Monthly supply of OIC and similar drugs Can range from 936 to Uh $1,349 so $1,300 a month you know $1,000 Over around $1,000 a month and so this Guy wrote an opad or this woman somebody Wrote something here that was they Campaigned against him and and lost in a Primary to him and was talking about his You know his proclivity for this kind of Um being influenced by whatever kind of Corporate stuff right he's a he's a Trump guy and here this is when he was Governor I guess he's a senator now it Says here during Monday briefings uh Governor Justice announced that at his Direction West Virginia insurance Commissioner dim Jim dodrill has Approved $40 million in premium credits On all small and large group healthc Care plans of Hallmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in West Virginia West Virginia Has one of the highest obesity rates The credit will help nearly 3,000 small And large West Virginia businesses with The cost of offering group health care Plans in the midst of the ongoing Pandemic so this is all the way back in Um 11 uh this time uh in November of 2020 so four years ago and um it says Here says somewhere they'll um it'll Help people be able to purchase Pharmaceutical drugs and things like This I'm much

And here it says Governor Justice took Time to celebrate the early reports on a Covid-19 vaccine currently being Developed by pharmaceutical companies Fizer indicate that the vaccine may be Forming better than expected and so he Was pushing it here um you know he was One of these people that was a shill for Big Pharma and will continue to be So okay so just to understand this to Put this in Perspective um There was 1.2 billion doses of fiser Madder covid vaccine combined and it Cost the American taxpayers $25 billion Which I don't agree with paying I mean I Didn't want to contribute to that didn't Help me wasn't something I was Interested in right but this thing with O zic let's say it costs $122,000 a year Per person which is actually probably on Average more and 20 million people use It on Medicare paid so that's all Taxpayer money that would cost $240 Billion right and so it could easily get Up into the trillions depending on how Much it costs I mean if it was costs More and more people use it let's say 50 Million people are Medicare Medicaid okay so I underestimated my num So if it's Medicare right um there's 67 Million people on Medicare And 90 million people 93 million on Medicaid so that's like half the country

Is on Medicaid or Medicare and so that's you know that's I Mean what is that 93 million plus 67 Million that's like Um 160 million people so that's about Half the population so so if half of These people were on Medicare Medicaid Would uh try OIC or beond OIC for a Whole year or longer like like every Year it would cost 900 billion it would Cost U 1.8 billion one uh 1.8 Trillion if how all of them did it right So in terms of how many people on Medicaid and Medicare would access this Program it would be you know you Wouldn't be able to do it that would be Um the whole budget for the American Government the whole amount of Revenue And taxes is 5 trillion right and the Military industrial complex costs America 1.7 trillion every day every Year then there's all the other [ __ ] You know we're in debt and you're going To spend another um 1 point you know Whatever trillion dollars maybe2 Trillion dollar or even more I mean Depending on how much it costs for Something that's going to cause damage To people I mean it's completely [ __ ] Right and all these politicians are Bought and paid for so this is where Looting happens right where looting Happens where politicians will hand out American taxpayer or debt or whatever it

Is right whatever this money is going to Come from you know our debt we have to Borrow more money from the Federal Reserve to pay for all these people's OIC and again and then they have to pay For their the side effects from that OIC Right and so this is bad right really Bad you know the government paying Private companies for things for the American people like they do with big Pharma is an atrocity I mean imagine Imagine if you could get your business Well imagine if I could get my t-shirts If I could get my you know my t-shirts To have the government pay for everyone To get one of my t-shirts or something Like that you know whatever it is I mean Everybody wants that and nobody should Get it like the American government Shouldn't be paying for all of these Things especially when over half the People are either on Medicare or Medicaid I mean that's just brutal like So everyone else has to FL the bill for That I mean it's not even like you're Floating the bill because it just means More American debt anyways let's get Into some of this other stuff here okay So this is an amazingly bad report from CNN you know it's Black Friday so less People then already the non-existent Audience is watching them they have all Their like backup people doing the Hosting and then all their people who

Are this might be a cleaning lady for You know like they're just rolling out Anybody cuz everyone else is taking the Day off because nobody's Watching and this started off well let Me just show you the beginning here to Take advantage of the deals in person They feel like you know maybe they can Trust them a little bit more in the mall Things they can pick up and feel and Check out in person um so we spoke to Some Shoppers you know who told us that They had come specifically for deals That they could get here in the mall we Can we can hear from Them tell me about the electronics that You bought um I'm own an Esports team For k University and so my monor broke At home so for me to be able to play I Just need to buy a new one so okay so I'm just starting here cuz the big Reveal is coming this is going to take An unexpected or a totally expected turn Depending on how you see it and so I do A little workout I go outside and I walk Around the pasture and I did this with My dogs and it's free like we have a Cold front that just come in it's Snowing and it's just um the wind is Howling and I take some weights 5B Weight and I walk around the pasture Like one of those goofy people walk with You know I'm one of those people now Except I don't do it where everyone else

Can see me you know I have my snowsuit On and so I get my body temperature up Then I come inside and I do my teeth and Then I um you know I do my whatever I'm Going to do with my teeth flossing and Things and um I then do more exercise And I usually turn on the TV sometimes I Have the TV set to one of these like 4K highdef um fires like you we just Have this fire going and it's amazingly You know I mean even though it's just a TV Fire it's you know it actually makes You feel warmer it's spot but I turned On like ESPN I thought there'd be some Football on and there was nothing so I Went to the news channels and the only One that had wasn't on commercial was CNN right and so I turned this on and I Started exercising and it was a really Goofy fluff piece which was just about How people are still going out on Black Friday and not just shopping on you know Amazon or whatever so it seemed to be Just about that in fact it was just About that but then they had to [ __ ] on Trump because they always do I got the Last one and start Happ one thing that Has been reported is that President Trump has said that he's going to impose Some tariffs on countries where some of These products are manufactured so some Of these Electronics could cost more Next year have you is that something You've heard about at all definitely and

I don't like it I think it's just I Think it's unnecessary I feel like the Terror are just not needed now like I Said I was exercising and I watched About two or three minutes of ahead of This 132 million Americans expected to Shop on Black Friday there is no talk of Tariffs like at least not that I saw There wasn't anything to do with tariffs This was simply about people going out And shopping on Black Friday and why They were choosing to do that instead of Shopping online which is what most People do now right there still is some Black Friday stuff because there's sales And whatever and some people just like Going out because of the crowds they Like you know it's it's the Christmas Spirit whatever you people get but all Of a sudden she shits on Trump and the Terrace to this girl and I don't know What the other people said but I think This girl gave them the best response That they were looking for right so Let's go back to this Um so you know that's one of those Shoppers that told us um that they had Actually come to the store intentionally To buy some of these products before These tariffs do go into Effect and Min not what kind of products Specifically do you think are are on Shoppers Minds when it comes to Preparing for additional cost of

Tariffs um what experts are saying are Traditionally the look out for items That are manufactured overseas holy [ __ ] Did you just say what experts are saying That Traditionally what to look out for There's no traditionally because these Are tariffs are a new thing for my Lifetime right traditionally is to look For products that are manufactured Overseas you mean there's no domestic Tariffs that all the tariffs are to do With other countries and overseas thanks Mina right so where did you get your Journalistic Credibility here let's listen to that Again that's just Awesome um what experts are saying are Traditionally to lookout for items that Are manufactured overseas um in places Like China Mexico Canada countries where We can expect um that if if the costs From tariffs do hit consumers that they Will be potentially upwards of 20% so Things like Electronics um big household Items you know uh fridges washing Machines but you know a lot of Electronics tablets so that was just Horrible reporting I mean just abysmal Like so good that it's so bad that it's Great I mean that Was there's no reason to combine those Two stories right because nobody knows What's going to happen with Trump's

Tariffs and nobody watching this is Going to affect whether Trump puts in These tariffs or not right Trump's Goingon to do this whether you know whe Whether he does it or not it's totally Up to him and sometimes Trump just talks [ __ ] makes things up it doesn't you know He breaks his promises sometimes he just Says things to have something to say is It really doesn't have anything to do That he did better that would be better Than what Joe Biden is doing just like KLA Harris said that they were going to Go after all the people defrauding and Uh the American people with t tax with Uh price hikes in grocery stores because They she didn't want to admit to Inflation right just making up [ __ ] and With Trump he does it all the time and Sometimes Trump thinks he knows Something and thinks it's going to be a Good idea and later on he finds out it Isn't and he just you know doesn't move Forward with it but I don't know how if He does imply employ these things it'll Affect all of us because you know it'll Either Drive prices up and also hurt Relationships with other countries or It'll make more American companies start Manufacturing things here because the Price will be cheaper and then it'll Help create more jobs but again it's Only for four Years and if it isn't something they Su

Sustain and you move your manufacturing To America only you find out the Terorists are gone a few years later and You're screwed right so like it's you Never know how this is going to go like It's just it's just whatever but for Them to be interviewing people that have No control of the situation that know Really nothing about the terrorists Probably less than most people if you're Out on Black Friday you're probably not All that well informed right you know And so you know I mean it was just Incredible like news piece from CNN like It's incompetence and it's Stupidity okay so it's um Saturday November 30th and this came up during Meditation I want to express it Here um about this person's comment I'm Going back to this comment the the QB Comment uh see if I can find it because It's buried under here I think this is It here And so this person said it blows me away When people like yourself think that you Are awake yet behave in a uh you Believe believe yet believe in the Boogeyman named Co FYI it's all in your Head and so you know I covered this Before um when I told people that I had Co and there were a lot of people who Were regular viewers who called me a Shill and I didn't want to tell people I Had Co because I had it early on right I

Had it in March of 2020 like it just had Come out right And it was probably about 3 weeks after I had it my wife was like we know some Stuff that would help people and this is Back before the internet started to the Internet YouTube well the internet but YouTube started to give Community Guidelines to the right first delete Just delete videos and then give people Strikes for giving out any information About what to do medically that wasn't From the official like whatever Governmental medical stuff right the CDC And The Who and all these things YouTube Started to punish people for saying Things that work for them even you know I mean they were saying it's dangerous And whatever it is right and of course We knew what the official story was the Official model broke down but you Couldn't even criticize the official Model any of these things and now of Course looking back at it I mean I don't Know what YouTube thinks about it they Get fiser money right so whatever it is Like that's part of it but this medical Misinformation thing came out but you Know my wife is like you know we do know Things and I was like yeah but you know There was a stigma around having covid And it was called Corona there's a song Called Corona virus this really bad rap Song and it was basically saying stay

Away from me if you got Corona virus Right like there was a fear and you know And a whole stigma that you were Somebody like who had some kind of like A Leper and so um I didn't really want to Talk about it like for that reason but I Had information for people who might get In the future things that we did and Part of that information was I was like I'm not going to the hospital no matter How difficult it is to breathe because When you start having difficulty in Breathing it's very easy to Panic which Exacerbates the situation it's what Happens you know asthma in that time People were going to the hospital They're putting them on ventilators and They were dying like nine out of 10 People and look like some nurses who are Now famous people came out were Whistleblowing on this right and so I End up telling people that I had covid And what we did and I was surprised that There were so many people that attacked Me and called me a shill like just like Viciously you know dumb asses and you Know like I was somehow getting money to Tell if people I had Co right like it Was just stupid you know like I have a Small audience here and you know Whatever but then there were people who Said I didn't know what I had I just had The flu and that was worse like like

There's two different sets of of people You know I don't get offended by stuff But it bums me out that people that that Claim to be truthers like this [ __ ] That let this comment even even now like So many years later it's like there's You know there's a Gilligan islands Episode where there is a Japanese Soldier on this island you know they're On this tiny Island but somehow you know In season five this guy is there's a Japanese soldier that doesn't know the Wars over right this kind of thing like This is you know the co thing has been Pretty much documented now and if you're Still a Floy as I named you for being a Complete dumbass but there's a lot of People in the truth Community who are Rigid arrogant and really stupid and They there no place in the truth Community like this person is um you Know let me go back to their comment Again it blows me a why blows me away That people like yourself that think They are awake yet believe in the Boogeyman named Co FYI it's all in your Head like it's very obnoxious to say That but what happens is you have people Who they get some information and they You know they're not buying into the Official story and they think they're Awake like this person like this person To say that you think you're awake and Yet you believe in Co and it's all in

Your head you know the person's going Along and listening to my video and they Have a thing about Co they got like they Butt hurt about Co whatever they you Know the whole thing you know Co came Around and they made their decision About it like it's fake it's just the Flu you know whatever that's why I call Them the flu be And they make their decision okay this Is what it is like something new is Introduced and we know that we're going To be lied to right so the system lies To you and they're like all right I know What it is I know it's sure I'm 100% Sure in my limited thinking abilities my Little limited criminal critical Thinking skills I know what this thing Is right I know what it is it's it's the Flu it's doesn't exist anybody who Thinks they have it they're imagining it This is the person's take on Co you know That they formed this early on whatever And they think they're truthers and yet Being a truther is you know you're never Think you're awake like you can say I'm Awake to this I'm awake to that but no One's really awake that would mean that You would be see reality as it is and This person's so far away from that Right and so many people in the truth Community are you know I am at least Humble enough and I don't know if humble Is the right word reality based enough

To know that I don't know [ __ ] right Like about all of it like you know I Might know more than you but I don't Know all of it like it's impossible to You can't know God you can experience God but God is so vast and God is you Know the universe so you don't have the Mental capacity to know everything just On planet Earth like even the the Greatest computer the greatest now ai Whatever the Supercomputers can't retain every bit of Information that's avail available on Just planet Earth every species of Animal all these things and then being Able to pull it up you know in your mind And you know understand it like you can Understand the nature of things and you Can have a spiritual connection and you Can be connected to the ethernet and God Can show you what you need to know about Any situation but you have to be open And fluid you know in terms of your your Views your your your beliefs have to be Fluid you have to say that I don't know Like at least have enough you know like This is what I think about this but I Don't you know I don't know for sure and That's the only way to be a real truther Because whatever you thought the truth Was Yesterday it's probably going to be not The same thing that you believe today Like there's going to be even small

Deviations in it and the problem with so Many people in the truth Community they Took this rigid you know belief system And indoctrination they got from the Beast and they said all right this isn't True anymore and then you started Replacing it with hard beliefs you know Like rigid beliefs that that aren't Really close to the truth and they were Like now I got it now I'm a knower and Then they get arrogant like I know it I See it all right and especially like Something that's specific like covid oh I know exactly I know if you're if You're saying you had covid it's all in Your head or your shill or whatever Right they they come out with some way Of of dismissing your experience Like I had [ __ ] Co dumbass like I [ __ ] had it you know I remember when I first got it I was walking like I I Was having a little bit trouble Breathing you know I had to sore throat For a number of days which happens a lot Because I talk all the time right and so You know it's like it's you're it's what It's like anything else it's overuse of My vocal cords and there's Just Energy There and you know so I get those sore Throats you know and I was like all Right I needed to be concerned about it And then I had some other symptoms I'm Like I'm getting sick [ __ ] and then I Was having trouble breathing and I

Freaked out a little bit I'm like you Know why am I having and it was a weird Like you know I couldn't get enough air Into my lungs it was like my lung Capacity had gone down and then I was Like well that sucks I wonder what That's all about and I went outside Started to walk around and I was like You know I'm outside the air fresh and You know I'm walking around and I'm like Holy [ __ ] maybe I have that thing called Maybe have the co thing now I'm not a Person who gets worried about getting Sick and I was always social distancing Like I'm not around people you know I Have people in my life that are around People and so there was a guy who was Building our barn and he came out later And said he had it right around the time That we had it so I could have got from Him his wife had it and he didn't you Know he was out working And then he didn't say anything and he You know he I don't know we weren't even Close we talked for like five minutes he Came out was doing something on the barn And then you know other people in my Life who you know have they're you know They're out in the world or whatever but You know I was very low risk I'm social Distance I stay at home I go to the Store occasionally and so you know I Didn't even anticipate I would get it Was just new it was brand [ __ ] new

Right and all of a sudden I'm I'm Struggle breathing I'm having trouble Breathing and I go look up what covid is And I'm like [ __ ] I got all the [ __ ] Symptoms right and I think I got [ __ ] Covid right and so it went back and Forth and there were some days I was Thought I was completely over it like Almost every day I would feel better and At night I would wake up in the middle Of night sleeping and I couldn't breathe You think I I imagine that you think That somehow I [ __ ] you know this Person it's all in my head it's all in Your head it's on your head it's all in Your head you know just got to be in Your head cuz I know what it is and I You know I'm God and I know everything And I you know I'm I'm really awake You're not awake I'm awake and so since My belief is that covid is the flu then You have to it's all got to be in your Head I'm going to dismiss your reality And your experience because you know you Think you're awake but I'm truly awake I'm the awake one and so it's all your Head right it's all your head and so It's just so arrogant and obnoxious and There's so many people like that in the [ __ ] truth Community who think they Know [ __ ] right that's the whole Floy The cubes you know all these different People the flat earthers you know again Who the flat earthers they don't have a

Working model for Flat Earth like like I Said you know you could be I don't Believe it's round I don't believe it's Rounders I'm rounder deniers and at Least there's you know whatever Information you got whatever you know You're using for that belief is a lot More substantial than believing it's Flat the flat thing is just cuz you're Also believing in the you know you you Believe the Earth you say that you're You're a truther but you're still believ In the [ __ ] old testament which is One of the worst books in the history of The world in terms of its its treatment Of God it's God's a demon their God and That Fook is a [ __ ] narcissistic Sociopathic demon that's ordering his People to do bad [ __ ] like all the time Like just and then punishing them when They don't do it right and you know Telling telling his people to sacrifice Their kids and you know doing all kinds Of [ __ ] right it's that's not what God does that is not a representation of God the Old Testament is a horrible book And it doesn't even really say that the Earth is flat it says God picked up the Earth by four corners and from that Belief they're like all right it's not Round well it's got to be what it says In the Old Testament like you're throwing away Whatever Modern Day science says about

The Earth and you know time zones and You know we've evolved past pass the Flat Earth idea now when you go outside It seems flat especially you live in Like a desert area place without Hills Or mountains you go outside you look Down the Horizon you're like oh it's Flat right like you don't see any Curvature so yeah that would be how you Would perceive it like animals don't if Animals thought about the Earth they Think about it as being flat because you Have your small area but then when you Start having plane travel and you see There's time zones and that there's you Know seasons and that There's you know there's less daylight You know there's we're losing daylight Or gaining daylight right now we're Losing daylight until December 21st and That'll be the the day of the less the Least amount of daylight in a month or So and uh you know a couple weeks 3 Weeks and then after that we're gaining Daylight like there's a whole thing There and your flat Earth model doesn't Work but instead of saying okay we are Now disproving round earth and it could Be any number of explanations the Simulation one is the best cuz we are in A simulation whatever the shape of the Earth is right but in terms of it's not Flat like it's just not like that's you Know so call yourself round earth

Deniers because if you go and watch any Round uh when Flat Earth videos they're All about Disproving the round earth and so and I Don't care about any of those beliefs Like I'm not here to [ __ ] on those Beliefs whatever it is cu like I said we We don't know [ __ ] so what difference Does it make what difference does it Make it I I know a little bit more than You right like what difference does it Make if I knew more than everybody like I know most let's say I know the most of Any person I'm still a dumbass right Like we're still [ __ ] you know Monkeys basically you know like you know We're like hairess apes out here and We're not like that far evolved like We're you know our our limited knowledge Like you know we're I mean just because We're more evolved than an amiba we're Not you know that doesn't make us great Right that we're more involved in the Animals and these other creatures we Have a higher capacity for thinking I Mean people are complete jokes we're Like you know we're with the knowledge That we have we're wrecking the world And we've wrecked each other you know We've wrecked ourselves right I mean It's just you know we we're just not Doing a good job we're a failed species And so you know I I know a little bit More than Bob you know like I know more

Than than Stan you know whatever you Know like it's just just silly and I Think that people don't understand my Perspective about that I'm not thinking Like I'm some great knower right like I Was just listening to my you know Yesterday I was trying to find out the Video I had a dream about where I was Made a preceptor Again by the third Master of the system you know I was Unmade a preceptor and then this thing Happened with dodgy and I and I was Doing a whole thing you know I had this Kind of over Thanksgiving now this whole Kind of thing I'm rereading one of these Preceptor books for the for whatever it Is right and so I want wanted to rehear That that video and I took down all my Journey series you know they copyrighted Me the whole thing with heartfulness cuz They got butt hurt and whatever and they Suck and like the criminal organization A cult you know that used to be this Great spiritual organization that I was A part of and I had to relisten to a Long you know me explain the stream and I was like oh my God you know this guy Won't shut the I was like listen to Myself saying oh my God you know like no Wonder they say I'm rambling like I I Was getting irritated you know because I Was and it was maybe important to me at The time what I was saying but I was Looking for a specific you know whatever

It was and you know I'm not a fan I've Said this before I'm not a fan of my own Stuff right like I'm not I would have Trouble going back and Rel listening to All this stuff even though it documents A lot of um whatever was going on with Me at that particular time and so it Would be important for me to see the Difference in my belief system and how I Am as a person but I was getting Irritated with myself and you know Listening to it so you know like I I Have that like whatever perspective like What I'm doing here is it might be Important to you but really you know I Like when I'm doing it it's important to Me it's important me for me to make These videos but I don't you know I I Don't know what value it has for me or Anybody else but if it has value for you It's great like you know if you're Getting things out of it then wonderful I'm I'm glad you're finding something Worth you know that's that's worth Listening to here right but you know in The the grand scope of things we're just Feeling around in the darkness because Human beings have the ability for lies And deception and the whole system is Maya it's illusion because we're not Third dimensional beings we're something Else we're a soul you know our soul is Uh you know our life is a human being is A fraction of our life in terms of the

Ti You know a a decimal point of the amount Of time that we you know and time itself Is illusionary like we have linear time Right in terms of physical reality but Time in the spiritual world is Nonexistent it's a dimension it's a Fourth dimension that you can go beyond At least in terms of the linear aspect Of it where it starts to some place and It ends somewhere else whereas a person Who's beyond the fourth dimension of Time can go to any point on the timeline Right that across the you know entire History of the the lifespan of the the Universe material and etheric which is More important is the etheric one it's Called the causal body our soul in the Ancient yogis that understood these Things because the causal bar body is What creates this physical vehicle that We live in in this third dimensional uh Video game a simulation that we're in Right whatever it might be whatever you Want to car characterize it as and we Have this life that we're entrapped in This body and you know I was thinking About this this morning you know when I Die and I pretty sure I'm going to have To come back here at least one more time But maybe multiple times and I was Thinking about like where I got to now Like I just kind of understand life you Know like I'm functioning as the as a

Full functioning person like as good as I'm going to be where I still have some Physical strength you know my physical Body is wearing down I'm getting older But I just get it like I just you know Whatever my life is and whoever I am as A person it took me 60 years to you know As you move along in your your in your Life you start finding things inside of You like programs get activated right Whatever it is like your programs for How you do things like cooking food you Know like I started cooking food When I was you know I could make a Peanut butter and jelly when I was Probably like 10 n years old whatever I Could make some eggs I took a home at Class when I was in high school I Learned to cook some things I could make Salads I could make omelets you know I Learned some basic cooking and then I Waited tables and I learned stuff from The cooks and chefs and you know just Learned food stuff waiting tables right And then I you know learned stuff as I Became you know as a single person out There my brother was eating macrobiotic Food I learned how to cook some of those Things right and then you know I learned Kind of just a basic understanding of of How Food Works during that process then My ex got sick a lot so I took over Making all these Foods some of the Things that she used to make you know

And I learned things I picked up things From people over the years you know Things that they made dishes they made And I learned how to you know then the Learned the framework and then you know When I came back from India this is like Five six years ago you know I was able To use the internet and I was able to Start to recreate I'd go to a restaurant And eat something and I'd be able to Recreate it usually healthier and better Than what I what we ate at the Restaurant right like I just talking About sine in the beginning of this Video like you know you learn how Something's done and then you can just Do it yourself and then there's all this Information on the internet recipes and And things or whatever and so like it Took me 6 years to learn how to really Cook food the way you know that's and Then what kind of food's good and you Know getting rid of seed oils and just Over the years like my wife said you Know my wife found out about the seed Oil thing she watched the video whatever It is and we were like oh these are Horrible things you know so even if You're if you're eating organic food but You're eating organic uh canola oil You're ain't eating healthy right so There's a whole thing there and so 60 Years it took me to do that right and You have to go through all this [ __ ]

When you're a little baby where you come Out you don't know [ __ ] like you can't You know you're pooping in a diaper and You can't sit up and you can't crawl and You can't feed yourself and you're just Like this worthless little thing that's Luckily for you you're cute that people Want to keep you alive you know like so You know like that's and then you slowly Start developing skills you learn how Walk and talk and you know you you have Maybe multiple lives maybe you've had You know maybe you've been alive for Thousands upon thousands of years maybe Million years maybe you're Soul has been Doing this over and over again you know There's a guy uh the autog biography of Yoga Nanda I think his name is autobi Autobiography of a yoga Yogi I didn't Read the book but one of my friends who Did uh Saj Mar you know the meditation I Do read the book and he was Aware of like being a baby like when he Was a baby he was a toddler and he knew He was like much more like he knew that All this things existed inside of them But you have to wait till life pulls Them out of you you have to grow up and Be a kid in the shitty world and you Know maybe even a worse world in the Future definitely a worse world in the Future you have to grow up and you know Deal with your stupid parents to you're Often going to be more involved than

Like in you know that this like his case Or whatever and maybe even my case and Certainly this life I was more evolved Than my parents right like I was Farther Along on the the trajectory of Of Spiritual Development you know I've You know whatever it is like I was Certainly more involved than my dad you What and you know my mom too as well in Different ways and so you know you have To deal with these people who you're Even if you're not more involved like You have to deal with your shitty Parents the shitty World whatever it is Maybe you have a great parents still it Doesn't matter you still have to go Through it just to be able to gather all The things that you've did in a past Life cuz the past life isn't you know Available to you all the things that you Were before and you have to go through It just so that like you can get to age 60 and realize you're going to die soon Right and you have to come back and you Have to do it all again and like it's Just like I was aware of that like it's Just you know it's painful to think that I'll have to go through all that stuff Again in a in a world that will be won't Be in inhabitable but it'll be less than You know it'll be not as conducive for Material life it'll be harsh living I Conditions I just before I said this Line here that line I just said my

Microphone went out like I have these I Have a little Bluetooth thing that's Plugged into my laptop and it has a blue Light and which means it's on and and Three green lights which means how Strong the signal is and the three the Four green lights I'm sorry four green Lights that are always on but sometimes It flashes so I keep try to keep an eye On it and I also have when I look at the Microphone it tells me how much battery Life I have left with the battery left Li the battery lasts about 3 weeks Unless sometimes I leave the microphone On and I walk away and I come back hours Later and I'm like [ __ ] you know like And so but sometimes it the batteries go Out and I'm not aware that it's close to It and I'm just talking away and it's Not recorded which is just a metaphor For all these things right and so you Know going back to this person like this Whole thing that I'm saying here you Know there's the the mysteries of life And you know you have rigid people in The truth community that develop you Know rigid beliefs based in their Replacement beliefs right you had Beliefs before that were based in the System and then you start questioning The system which is a good thing because The system is you know lies upon lies Like you have the illusionary world of Of this whole you know physical third

Dimensional reality and then you have The Liars everyone lying people all Liars and then you have people running The system and then the the lies that Built your current system and the lies That uphold the system and the truth is Cryptonite to your system right to the Whole you know the whole official story Because the truth will Brak down your Whole system because we're not like the Great people that we claim to be like We're the an evil empire that's you know Living on credit cards and borrowed debt You know and this you know this scam of Urren and and just all these you know Immoral beliefs and we've forgotten About God and you know all of it our System's a complete Nightmare and an Abomination right and the truth of that Would bring down the system because our System is predicated on our perception And our belief in it right and so you Lose that belief and then you have to Live with the Uncomfortable feeling of not knowing Anything like you can't trust the Official story and you can't run to the System you can't run to the doctor's Office you can't run to the you know the The law enforcement you can't run to any Of these people expect them to be honest And honorable and even if they're trying To be they don't understand what's going On they're Limited in their view of

Reality and so all these so-called Experts you no longer trust them because They don't know [ __ ] right they believe In the official story and they you know They might have expertise in that area And they might do a good job right in That area go to the dentist you go to The doctor right they they you know Maybe it's something that works but Maybe it doesn't work because they're They comeing from a flawed system within A flawed system right they have a flaw Flawed model of you know life and Reality in a flawed system right and so You know you're you're in this state Where you're uncomfortable CU you can't Believe in everything like everything That's there and then you can't replace It because you don't know what the you Know finding the truth when you've been Lied to your whole life is almost Impossible like having a a view of the Way life should be when you've been Trained how to live life in a wrong way How life shouldn't be is almost Impossible because your fundamental Building blocks have all been based in Lies and you know whatever it might be Whether it's history or all these things Right I mean there's truth in math and People like get into numbers then Because they're like oh I can see it Through numbers the numbers don't lie But it math in itself is you know like a

Construct based in physical reality that Doesn't exist on a spiritual level so It's extremely limited and so in all of That you're not going to ever really Know and people aren't comfortable with That so they come up with these beliefs And then when they come across somebody Who violates one of these these core new Fake beliefs that they've they've uh you Know they've adopted for themselves like Co isn't real they got to say Hey you Know it's on your head because they're Just so limited as a person right you Know my experience with Co and I could Go through all three times I had it the Symptoms were things that I knew nothing About like I wasn't researching Omron Because I thought I had covid I thought My body would fight it off and I was Done with it like I had antibodies and I Did but I didn't have antibodies for This new thing called Omron and that was Completely different and I didn't Struggle breathing right but then I Started having heart like a regular Heartbeat things like this and people Were you know dropping like fives and Having Cardiac Arrest now I got to [ __ ] worry about that right because I Was having weird heartbeats and like all Kinds of things the third time I got it I was just really tired like really Tired and one day I slept for 24 hours And then I just couldn't move like I

Lost all like vital life force like I Was just you know wasn't really sick I Wasn't having trouble breathing I didn't Have a lot of congestion I just was like Having trouble digesting food I wasn't Hungry and I was just really weak and Just like I lost like I just didn't care About I was like oh my god I've lost all Vital energy like I'm just completely Like dead like I was dead and it was the The best of the three cids but you know It was bad that one day like I was just Couldn't move I had no motivation I Couldn't just get up I was just so weak And tired and like I was just you know And then I got better like the next day I was like better you know and that was You know but one day sucked you know Just from a standpoint of being like Almost in a coma like I was like I just Couldn't I I didn't want to watch TV Even like I didn't want to like I just Lay in there dead like just you know I Didn't have the energy like to get up to Go to the bathroom or get a drink of Water like I was thirsty and I was like Just laying there like whatever and so U My wife also got sick at the same time And she had different symptoms like Sometimes she some of the times I think She got sick first I got sick first for The first covid but we went through it Together we had these various symptoms And she had like issues with the

Breathing thing when she got emotionally Stressed for a while afterwards like we Both had lingering things from covid and So that was our reality so coming so so When some [ __ ] comes in because it Makes them uncomfortable that I believe Or other people believe in covid like It's okay you don't well you you believe It's the flu fine but you got to tell Everyone else how [ __ ] much better Than you are that that you are than them And how much more involved you are than Them oh it's just in your head it's just In your head dude dude it's just in your Head well if that you know that's what Makes it convenient for you because You're so weak and so pathetic in your Beliefs that it has to be in my head Otherwise you'd have to admit you're [ __ ] wrong right otherwise you might Might have to admit you're a complete Dumbass that can't understand and Disseminate information and figure out What's going on around you and that Makes you uncomfortable like you how Small and how insignificant how bad you Are life you can't admit that so you Have to [ __ ] on somebody else's Experience right dude you didn't have it All your head I just know it because I'm Right I just I I figured it out I Figured Co out you know this is like What exists in the truth Community That's why the Cru Community is a a joke

Because of all the dumb asses they can't You know like all all that everything That I'm saying here I recently made Videos about the origin story like we Don't know where we came from because The origin story is [ __ ] and it's not Even close and all the different origin Stories not just the biblical one or the Scientific one or any of these things They're not telling us accurately like Just some of the bare basic facts about Where we came from they're not even Close right and you know just the History of human beings on this planet And the universe and things and so like It's hard to when you've been lied about You know these things like if you Believe in the stor right imagine if you Still believe that the stor brought you You're an adult and you're like no this The stork brought me there's no such Thing as sex there's no such thing as Getting pregnant like I was brought by The stor and you're walking around Telling everybody that right your wife Is like you know hey Honey no that doesn't we can't do that It's a [ __ ] stor right no but I want To have children yeah but you know it's A stor a stor will bring the kid it's Got to wait just wait like you're Waiting for the great [ __ ] pumpkin You know the whole thing I had that that Bit with uh the cub and the you know

Trump and all that and so you know That's where most people are at they're Believing in the St one way or another All right let's get into the other stuff Here so I just saw a title of this video I was done with this voiceover but I'm Going to call it stor You and now you know why Right and so let's get into the other Stuff so um coincidence on purpose my Wife to send me this this is Mickey you Know for Mickey Mouse This is a Mickey Mouse cup and you see There it says Wicked which of course is Not a Coincidence because we know like there's Just this weird stuff that we've seen With Disney and all their subliminal [ __ ] and all of it you know I was Talking about Disney in my last Video uh and Mickey M uh Walt Disney Let Me switch over to let me find a an Example of that so in Walt Disney's name There is a 666 right there's a six here There's a six here and there's a six Here and so in the Disney film see six Six 66 and you can say well kind of that's Not very specific right um but then There is a place where they highlight it Like right here this is the 666 art Right they have this here art of Disney And they have the three sixes right so CU like this is his signature thing that

He made makes these things like this but They have three sixes right here and why Would they highlight that when it's you Know the the three sixes is the mark of The beast in the Book of Revelation and Whether that's true or not whether you Know whatever that is biblically if You're a Christian you believe in it Sure but whatever like it's it means Something the mark of the beast that There were supposed to be this Antichrist that's going to come down and This is where that's talked about so When people reference 666 you can look It up in terms of the biblical reference Right and these people the Disney people Walt Disney you know they were much more Christian and they were much more you Know they there was more percentage of Christians in terms of um that time Period the 50s whenever he made this his His signature like he made a specific Signature which has these you know these Characters that are sixes that's a six Right here these are sixes right sixes That's a six you know the six these six That are here right that's a six and That's a six and so you know that was His signature and just like with the Sublim subliminal sexual things which I Showed you in my last video where I Talked about Disney if there are things that can be Construed as you know pedo stuff and

Subliminal sexual stuff and you're Putting it in um you know videos you Know like there's that um you know one Where the in The Little Mermaid that the The priest and the little mermaid is Getting a heart on right so here's a Little mermaid here's the guy and There's his boner right or whatever that Is he's got a bump in his pants like why Would they put that in they drew that Like they drew these things right and so If 666 has the you know this is how People know 666 and there's so many People who are Christians that also go To Disney World in F A lot of people who Are that kind of person the kind of People that would be like consider Themselves good Christians also really Like Walt Disney like Walt Disney's like Baseball you know hot dogs baseball Apple pie and Chevrolet you know like These things these American iconic Things the happiest place on Earth it's For kids it's supposed to be the most Kid-friendly kid great thing out there And why would be 666 in his name right Or why would they have these sexual Pictures so there's this one for Mickey Mouse this is supposed to be her dress So this is Minnie Mouse's dress it's a Weird dress right so why would that be That like that that's what it looks like Right near Mickey Mouse's mouth right so Like this blue dress thing that looks

You like a dildo going into his mouth And so why would that be like oh I just Made a mistake when I drew it like we Drew it wrong I don't know it just came Out that way right okay but it happened With Joe Camel you know Joe Camel with The um I think show pictures of that but That is a fou exim on Joe camel's face For Camel cigarettes and so I mean think About like there's so many of these Things there so-called coincidences There's either a pedo symbol or Something else I'll show you a couple More of these so this is a lion king Poster right it looks like a woman in a Bikini in a Thong and so um like this is the actual Picture here and this is his nose right And you you pencil in those lines and What do you have right like you can see Where that looks like that theyve just You know and so there's these pictures Within a picture it's done a lot this is Just I'm just showing you a few of these Things so this is from the movie Tangled And there's an s in this you know this Is her hair and again sexual expression There's a lot of sexual expressions There's a lot of this in um the Disney Characters there's things the way that Scar walks in the light K it's very like His like he's got like a wiggle in his Walk like it's just um there's a lot of That kind of stuff right that have you

Know just uh they've used subliminal Messaging and you know it says there's An S there there's an e there there's an X there and she has this you know sort Of look on her face right this horse Looking on disgusted and so um there's One more I want to show you Here okay so um you can see her hair That there's no reason for a hair to Have this okay let's say they want to Accentuate the end they want to show That this is the end of the hair but This is an S it forms into an S and then You have the E right here and this is a Clear X right and so again I mean it's Just there and you say all right we made A mistake I don't know just like it just Came out that way I don't know why it Keeps on coming out with these these Things that are sexual right like I Don't know we don't know just I don't Know just we draw stuff and like I don't Know like it's you're putting them in There on purpose it's and if you're Doing that you have to own it it happens Time and time again I've SE there so Many different things you know the Different other stuff here let me just Show the two more things here that I Have and then there's other ones for Other kids cartoons and they put things In there and there are themes in there Like you know Snow White getting woken Up by Sleeping Beauty getting woken up

By the princess kiss and there are Things that are you know for three or Four or 5-year-old kids it's just not Appropriate for them to you know the Theme in the movies they're putting Things in there they put adult stuff in And like you know kids don't realize There's adult jokes and things in there But they do on some level it's Subliminal so they're using these things To you know to uh and think about all These Disney kids like Britney Spears And uh Miley Cyrus and some of these Other people Christina Ag gilair and all Those you know Ryan Gosley and all these Kids that end up you know like Miley Cyrus had all those weird things that She had right like she became this Deviant of course Britney Spears all These Disney kids that end up have Mental issues and getting uh these you Know horrible lives and stuff Aaron Carter and these kids or whatever they Were I don't know how many of them were Disney kids a lot of them were but Certainly Hollywood kids and so you know These kids that were in these movies and And part of these you know these TV Shows Disney Channel and all that [ __ ] And they end up [ __ ] up right you know So like it's a lot of evidence that Shows you that this is you know you know Whatever the face of Disney what they Want you to think of Disney it's

Something else this is another um Phallic symbol from The Little Mermaid So you had the Reverend with a bump in His pants then you have this um this Castle this you know this guy's Castle Neptune whereas I didn't see the movie And they have this in the castle oh we Made a mistake again you know all these Things they they keep on drawing dicks Right they love to put dicks in their Cartoons like how many how many times Before it's no longer an accident how Long how how long have it you know just We made a we just accidentally Drew Another dick I don't know why we keep on Drawing accidental dicks like how long Before it's a like oh this is a problem We're doing this intentionally how long Before it's like yeah we're putting dick Shaped objects in in children's Literature and children's TV shows and Movies and things we're putting Subliminal dicks in there for kids to See like that's what we do as Disney you Know we're the happiest place on Earth But also there's the dicks right there's The you know we we like the dicks too we Like you know this this stuff we like Wholesome family entertainment but Occasionally we throw a dick in there Just to to keep it honest so this is a Character called a zephyr it's a like a Lion tiger like creature with a um with Wings and I don't know what show this is

On the Disney Channel and the number of Shows like this on the Disney Channel There's one that is in Disney which is Madagascar that also has the same symbol This is a a well-known pedo symbol right This symbol right here and it's been Documented of course went around the Truth Community all the stuff to do with The pizza thing right and so this isn't Like just and this is comes from the FBI Like discoveries they made within the Pedo communication and Disney decides to Slap it on this creature again with all The history and I'm only showing you a Fraction of stuff that I have that I Know about like and I'm I'm not somebody Who's making a ton of these videos like I probably only have a fraction of What's out there there's things that People haven't picked up or seen right But it's there and there's a lot of Subliminal [ __ ] in cartoons not just Disney ones that is stuff that's Inappropriate for kids to see and so This is the logo for boy lover it's Unclassified this came from the FBI get This stuff you can look up or whatever From the official FBI reports and here It is where symbol to put on a creature Like what creature would have that like A man-made symbol this isn't you know How does that help the animal why would An animal evolve with that symbol it Doesn't add camouflage right it doesn't

Um you know put any of these you know it Doesn't it benefit a you know an Evolutionary type of situation where a Leopard has spots because it Blends in It helps with their camouflage like a Tiger has stripes because it Blends in Right it helps the camouflage you know These various creatures they adapt their You know outward appearance for some Reason why does having a boy lover Symbol on a not some sort of mystical Beast that's a flying tiger or lion or Whatever is that's like the big head Honcho you know the kind of superhero Likee creature I mean again I'm just Going from what I see in the you know The various pictures of this show that This is like a kick-ass character in That show and he has boy lover on he's a Boy lover okay so that why would that be There and it's not just on you know it's On a variety of other creatures that are There so this is a video I made on um The Pop's see the pope has the same Symbol here right the exact same symbol On his Robes and this video is called the Pope Says he misses pizza and apparently he Said it here that he misses Pizza Predicts he won't be Pope for long says He misses pizza and so um this was when The pizza thing was just going around There's various the symbol here right And so you know is it just all a Quin

Kinky dink they just happen to like this Symbol that pedos have embraced as a boy Lover symbol that's documented by the FBI in various places and all these Things is it just a coincidence they Just happen to do this thing and and put It you know on somebody who's got it the History of um an organization of of boy Lovers right and or you know the Disney Stuff and all these things so you know It's just obviously uh um intentional Right and so if it's intentional then What the [ __ ] right like what are these People and what are these organizations That are doing these things Intentionally so here's this guy Shabzi um going back to I this came up On my phone so this is more to do with Symbols too here is CBS half timee show Powered by Verizon Verizon often times It's powered by five And they they do that Illuminati eye Thing there at the end here I mean Throughout but um there it is and then It just flashes there at the end right And so they come out with this guy who Is um a country singer but he's a African-American guy who has kind of Redlocks things going on [Music] There and so you know and I was thinking When did they schedule these two country Performers now it was two different Networks and you know it's going back to

A more Republican traditional theme and This could last for two years it could Last for four years it could last for One year you know they've like put a Halt on the liberal agenda there's push Back that Trump ad that he they showed That K Harris's um you know was want to Pay for have taxpayers pay for the Transitions of prisoners right that was Just uh that was the biggest ad of the Campaign everyone knows that right push Back against this whole woke agenda but How long will it last and when did they Do do this because there are some ads There's a truck ad that had a little bit Of that stuff in it like the liberal Woke stuff in it for Chevrolet and There's a few other ads that still you Know that the ads are still putting you Know having this agenda that's out there Putting this kind of stuff in there the Liberal agenda it's like they didn't get The memo but these networks went with Country singers and there's a you know Connection between football and the South of course college football is a Big southern thing and yet you know I've Never seen two country singers in Backtack you know uh halftime shows and Thanksgiving I can't remember ever Seeing any of them like you know I don't Remember the stuff so maybe it happened Before but it hasn't happened in some Years because they've been pushing

A liberal agenda right the halftime show Of the Super Bowl very seldom is a Country singer even though it's really Big in the South and the in the rural Areas football is it's more a Conservative sport but it seems like They know that there's a swing back Towards this stuff with you know now That Trump is endorsing it and the American people are kind of pissed off By the liberal agenda and so they put a Halt on it for a little bit okay I Probably should have led with this story I was in the front and they just got Moved back by other things but Pam Bondi Says students who Pro protest Israel's Genocide of Palestinian people should be Deported pan Bondies call for deporting Students regardless of their citizenship Status and so these are for Palestinian Students here that would protest because Their families are getting slaughtered St not just in terms of being killed but Also have no water have no electricity Have no internet right live in fear Bombs going off by their houses I mean The ones that are alive are suffering Because Israel wants Gaza this Israeli Government wants Gaza Trump's new a ag Calls Palestinian supporters ignorant Children so anybody who's protesting Israel should be deported because Israel Is more important than America and American rights or anybody who's a

Citizen here is um she said is uh what Was the word here um she wants to crack Down on Pro Palestinian Protester and she says they're ignorant What was it the word that I used There Trump's new AG nominee calls Palestine palestin supporters ignorant Children Pam bodney Trump's new Domine For attorney general following Matt gz's Resignation is a well-known pro-israeli Figure who previously called Israel's Israel Mo America's most important Ally Right now I'm not some anti-israel Jew Hating person as most of you know and There's a lot of people like that in the Truth community that want to blame Israel for everything every you know Every everything that happens Israel's The big not just Israel but Jewish People are controlling the world this Kind of thing right and so that exists Within the truth Community exists within The you know various um uh you know I Guess now in the wo community to some Extent I mean that was never their it Was never a liberal thing before now Because of what's happening in Palestine It is a little bit right and I'm not That guy like I talk about that a lot in Various ways but you can't ignore the Fact that Israel is murder murdering Palestinian people and there's people Who are zionists I mean Joe Biden said He was a Zionist there's all these

People that claim to be Zionist Trump's A Zionist and if you're a Zionist this Is what you believe you believe that Israel was promised to the Jewish people By God and documented in the Old Testament of the Bible which is a piece Of [ __ ] Book Like I said before we'll Get more into that in a bit and this is The greater Israeli area so it's part of Egypt you know most of the top part the Whole top part of Saudi Arabia on the Persian Gulf over here so they would Have they would have borders with Iran It's half of Iraq this is all oil rich Area and then Leb Lebanon and Sy Syria Lebanon here and Syria so they would be Annexing parts of these other countries I mean this is their goal this is what They believe God promised them I mean Not just Jewish people but Christians And Evangelical Christians and Trump is Pushing this idea and he's going to give Them a you know a blank check to do Whatever they have to do here and so This is a [ __ ] thing right this is Really bad this person Pam Bondi she's a Nightmare and they probably wanted her But they threw out Matt gates to the Lions and now they have her instead and Who they really wanted and she'll be Passed right through because Israel has A lot of influence in the lobbying Groups and so the person running your Your legal system is saying that

Americans who are exercising their Freedom of speech and the right to Protest should be deported because They're protesting a foreign country so If you want to know who your handlers Are your Controllers find the people you can't Criticize that's a long that's a Statement that's been made over and over In the truth community and she is Exhibiting that right here so [ __ ] pan Bonde and [ __ ] Trump you know these People are um like horrible people so Let me just add to that stor the you st You p b stalk you Trump and you know This person that early on called me out For saying you know um that my words Were false or whatever that I you know They Mis interpreted all that stuff Right that comment I read the begin of The video and so this is why I'm talking About a difference because we all make Mistakes and none of us are here to Judge other people we do it but we have Our own [ __ ] to judge ourselves for and Redeem ourselves not so much to judge Ourselves but to be better right we all Have to be better and there are people Out there that are hurting everybody and It's intentional like you know Pam bandi And Trump whatever they get from Israel Whatever they get from at this Power Group the banksters you know that power Group whoever's paying their bills that

Is forcing them or is encouraging them To talk this [ __ ] and to allow the Palestinian children palestin Palestinian people be you know erased The genocide that's happening there Right and to lie about it you know we Can't do anything about it I'm not Saving the Palestinians and I don't even Know you know historically what's Supposed to happen I don't know what God's will or what is inevitably going To happen because there's a lot of [ __ ] Wars and a lot of things that Happen that seem bad but maybe they were Meant to be maybe there's reasons for it You can always find a reason for it even The worst things that Mak sense right And maybe Palestine is supposed to be Removed and erased and this thing is Supposed to happen but just the bare Bones of it we can at least say what's Happening there the Israeli people are Now bullying and abusing the Palestinian People and murdering them and torturing Them and starving them out and doing all Kinds of bad [ __ ] and don't pretend like You're heroes or you're doing a good Thing or you're defending yourself Because it's not true just like when America did that [ __ ] in Iraq and Libya And these other Wars right in Vietnam You know when it's you're the aggressor And you beating the [ __ ] out of people Who have inferior military and you're

Taking their stuff and then you want to Claim to be the [ __ ] hero and that's What I'm talking about [ __ ] you to these People you're not the hero your pieces Of [ __ ] and don't pretend otherwise you Want to lie and and pretend that you Know the Palestinian people got it all Wrong and they're naive and you know More than everybody because you got paid Off by Israel or whatever reason you're Doing it don't [ __ ] you know you Don't get to do that and not get called Out on your [ __ ] right especially Because it's going to have real life Implications to people all right let's Get into the other thing Here so um this is I've had this up for A while New York City Comedian does spot on KLA Harris Impersonation after election loss and The internet loves it look at what Popped up Here I double checked this to make sure This was I mean it looks so not real Right but here it is like it just that's Their actual Lion King this is from an Advertisement that was her actual poster And you can see the girl here right Right you can see the girl wearing a Thong and here and all this stuff um you Know and then Segways into the mouth Here and again this is for little kids But they put this poster up here um Because I was looking it up where's the

Thing is it back here yeah so I was Looking it up and they put that right Here this ad right here and so um you Know like this is just how quickly they Turn on this is the person here I wonder If McDonald's is Hiring and be like hi who are you why Don't people like me I got a lot of free Time now I don't even know if I want to Be president should I run again Taylor Swift beyon it she's not actually good At there's another girl who's Indian Who's who's better at it but it's the Worst impression because KLA Harris is Just so annoying and so I was like Wondering what that girl's going to do Now she's on the you know she's like a Comedian and she's been doing these KLA Harris things she was on a couple of These guys shows like you know like Tucker Carlson or somebody and people Have sent me her videos I just don't Show them Because as accurate as her impression is More Comm Harris is never good she like Sucks so bad so it's like you know but What do you do now that K Harris has no Career if you're a k Harris impersonator Right like Elvis impersonators are still Going strong but KLA Harris Impersonators have a short lifespan look It's the harrises greetings everyone and Happy Thanksgiving today we come Together to reflect on what we are

Thankful For dogy fresh you were crying before I Mean this is a huge blow to that or Whatever it is right at least to her She's faking her smile here but why is She giving a Thanksgiving message she's Not going to give one next year right Like this is it this is on her official Campaign Channel and like she has a few More this actually Forbes but I'm sure This is on her YouTube channel but she's Going to disappear like she's no longer A national figure like she's the girl Who she's a candidate that lost to Donald Trump and you know like it's a Debacle and a meltdown and it isn't like Hillary Clinton who at least had other Successes like this is a huge flameout And to share our appreciation for one Another surrounded by family friends and Those we cherish we cook our favorite Recipes We share family stories that's how he Talks we Tak every recipes serve those In need and give thanks for our Blessings that doesn't sound like my Thanksgiving at all does it sound like Your Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving we also Express our gratitude as a nation for Our service members and okay so your Troops that's your number one thing to Be grateful for of all the things you Could be grateful for it's the troops or

Is that just what politicians say that's What you think about when you're feeling Great what do you great grateful for Kamla the troops I just really grateful For the troops yeah what else kamla knee Pads like neads make my job easier like The neads I'm grateful for you know I'm I'm grateful that Joe Biden was scile Like at least I got a shot I was Grateful for that their families who Sacrific so much to protect our nation And our most sacred values we are truly Grateful for their service dougy fresh Got it on the ground ude for the troops So again from our family to yours Happy Thanksgiving everyone Happy Thanksgiving There doggy and kamla you guys are the Best too bad we won't be seeing you Anymore I got a thing from um Gwen W I'm GNA save it for next video because this Video is um kind of wrapping up here I Got a few more things to show you though So Chris cuos has this guy on I think This guy is um a d I don't know who he Is how do you think Biden feels about The result I think I think he's obviously he did Not want to go he did not go gently I Said this early on he did not want to go Gently yeah we all knew that any you Thought there was dignity or did he you Know he didn't want to go he nominated Her Basically Obama did not want her Obama

Did not endorse her for five days Pelosi Did not want her Pelosi told her California delegation there'll be be a Conference there'll be a caucus there'll Be a convention we basically ran on this Deal where democracy democracy de then We didn't have democracy in in in Picking our nominee but why did Biden Pick her you haven't had that for the Last three years you didn't have it with Hillary Clinton you didn't have it with Biden and you didn't have Biden again You didn't run him in a primary you Excluded RFK Jr who had a Following I think it was to say f you to Nancy Pelosi and this is what that donor Girl said let's show her again she's on Did an interview but they're all saying That like he Celebrated you know when she lost and he If he if that's the case that he was he Knew she was going to lose that also is That look at look at this dude that Means that he was an in she was an Insurance policy like many of us said Because she was so bad people knew that If she took over for Biden That she couldn't win against Trump and If that happened she would had to run on Biden's record if she had been president For a year or two because B they took Biden out because he was at Parkinson's Then she would have to run on her and Biden's record and would have got even

More slaughtered right and so if she was A disaster for them she should have Never been picked F VP you know these Two grenades that they had go off at the Same time Biden's mental deteriorated Mental health and KLA harrris being Unelectable and so then there's this This woman here so that guy was a mega Donor right and we all saw it Nancy Pelosi and other people called for a Primary a lot of people wanted to see a Runoff they wanted to see some kind of Short primary there's people out there Saying if they get rid of Joe Biden they Have to do something to have they just Can't nominate somebody else like KLA Harris and that's what they did Joe Biden dragged his feet there wasn't Enough time they thought at least and They put her out there and she sucked so This is the other um the woman the donor Woman PA with her campaign's top donors This afternoon as she faced questions About how the campaign was able to plow Through a billion dollars and still came Up short also faces questions about what She might do next right Lindy Lee Joins Us now senior adviser to the DNC who Served on the Harris National finance Committee so she's the other person the Mega donors are saying it was a big Fu She said the same thing so these are two Different donors people who are money People that are saying this is what

Biden did to them I mean just you know All this kindness and love and you know They're the I they're anti-trump people They turned out to be Trump right they Did Trump that was all Trump [ __ ] right There welcome back Lindy and um so you Were on this call as a you know the uh Donor of the in the Democratic party and Is it over what was it like what can you Tell us thank you so much for having me Yes she actually held two calls one for Her top donors and one for grad Roots um We'd love to see the top donor thing I Was speaking and texting with fellow Attendees of the call and we were Amazed By how self- congratulatory the tone was Remember that was to the other one too And this was even worse these are people Donated or she raised money she got People to donate money so all these People are calling her saying WTF I don't recall the call was about 20 30 minutes I don't recall anyone taking Responsibility really for the fact that We spent about $2 billion across Super PAC in the campaign and came up so Significantly short we lost seven swing States self congratulate and what what Types of things were being Said they praised Harris as a Visionary Leader um I believe at one moment during The call she was talking about her Thanksgiving recipe And that's my favorite part you know I

Should have led with this I mean it's All working out but that's so great she Talked about her Thanksgiving Day recipe You know this is a call where she's She's blown $2 billion do2 billion in Three months right she's just taken Their money I don't say this with any Malice or anything I'm just merely Conveying what happened I think I was Stunned to hear that um given just the Extent and brutality of the loss and the Fact that DNC staffers 2third at least Two-thirds have been fired sarily and a Lot of a lot of them are at a loss as to What to do um I'm just I'm just frankly Stunned that there was no sort of Postmortem or an analysis of how we can Do better what sort of lessons were Learned it was really just patting each Other on the back congratulating each Other On I mean everywhere else they're teing It apart right that they would do that To the donors like if you donated money Like you just blew the money you could Have went to Vegas and put down all your Donation on like a you know a the Roulette wheel and blown it in a single Moment at least had the excitement and Chance to win anything these people are Not going to get anything back because The people they donated to are not in Power in any way shape or form they just Threw this money away they might as well

Just have burned it and they're laughing About it they're celebrating how great Their campaign was on I'm not sure what And saying we'll see you for Christmas Wow so but anything about what she wants To do next is that the point of having Calls like this that she wants donors to Stay on her side you know we talked Earlier about whether she'd run again in 28 or whether she would maybe run for Governor of California in 26 is um What's the thinking in the donor Community about either one of those That's not happening possibilities I Mean she might run for Senate or Whatever to put it bluntly they are not Pleased at the prospect I think this is Definitely her attempt to stay close to Her donors but it's also the dnc's way Of staying close with the donors and It's just something that they it's just Um their attempt at donor management I I Hope you give me credit for being very Honest about this because this is very Raw and very real for me and um yeah a Lot of donors are not happy um a number Course not they could just they could Have burned their money right of them Are blaming people in Obama World um That's who they helicoptered in after Biden stepped out A lot of consultants in Obama world came Over and took over the campaign Apparatus the same people who are

Whispering and leaking to the press that Harris should be replaced at the top of The ticket when Biden was running so you Can imagine just the hypocrisy Underlying a lot of it yeah there was This podcast where some of them talked I Don't know if it was similar uh for I Guess for the first time about what went Wrong and the reflections on it General Mie Dill ran the campaign and others Same people right um here's a clip from General mie Dylan on you talked about at The beginning they run through all this Money which has become something you and Others have been saying hey what's going On here $2 billion is a lot of [ __ ] Money here's what she said on the Podcast about It of course you know you can look at Did we get the best deal here this was Quite costly here it's quite expensive Um at the end of the day though I think The ma you know if you look at the spend We had majority of the money we spent it Was to reach voters we are going to be In a good space across the board across All of our entities without debt that Cares You mean $20 million of debt all right So what would you say about that same Type of thing today and and how would You characterize those types of comments In terms of how connected they are to Reality in your view in my view it's

Extremely detached from reality and of Course they failed to mention that Hundreds of millions of dollars went to Them and their friends right through These um consult um these consulting Firms these consult these Consultants Were the primary beneficiaries of the Harris campaign not the American people Not the donors not so so they have these Consultants right you know they roll These consultants in they're the same Experts that go and talk on Fox and CNN And MSNBC and they're always wrong like They're wrong about the Trump election These are the professional people and You know whatever it is pollsters Consultants people who you know tell you How to win campaigns and very often They're wrong like these are the experts I always talk about these alleged Experts and they come and they're paid Lots of money and you know when you Donate money to a charity they have a Different websites and you know these Places where you can see how much money Actually goes to the people the charity Is intended for the animals or whatever It is right because a charity can be Very you know like a money laundering Scheme where the money goes you know Only 10% goes to feed kids the other 90% Is absorbed by people stealing the money It's like people in churches and and

Things how much it actually goes to the Thing that you're donating for right so If you're donating to win and you you're Donating for ads and things like this You don't want to pay these Consultants That end up being all the Consultants Suck right and so anybody else it was The people who you know go from one Campaign to the next looking for their Next Plum gig and I'm I'm being this is Extremely honest but it's true yeah but I mean just why why you keep saying that Like why wouldn't you say this cuz this Is you you've been raising money for You've known about this for forever you She's an Insider she knows that these People are being paid lots of money like These are you know these are all um They've developed a scam where they Claim to be an expert like it's when you Pay somebody to tell you what the good Picks are to bet like on football but if Like let's say a somebody knows that There's a five-star pick for I don't Know the Tampa Bay bucket years like he Know the person knows that Tampa Bay is Going to win and they're going to bet on That game in Tampa Bay but they're going To tell you about it and when they tell You about it you're going to change the Point like this you're going to you know All the people listening to you let's Say you have millions of listeners and You give this fstar pick and they all

Vote on Tampa Bay and Tampa Bay was Getting uh eight points but now they're Giving away like now it's down to um or They were they were getting you know They there was a they were um they were Minus eight points so they could lose by Eight points but now they're plus three They got to win by three and so no Longer a good bet right and all these People have listened to you are betting On this bet and they're screwed because They don't have the same when you bet You had the eight points right when they Bet they're they're negative3 they have To peoplebody has to win by three and so It changes everything and so people have Inside information don't give it away Right you know this kind of thing you Know so people pay for that [ __ ] right They pay for experts to tell them things And those experts are just as much in The dark maybe they have more analytical Data and things like this but unless They have inside information to Something they know is going to happen You're paying for something that more Than likely they're manipulating you as A as a group like they don't even want You to win like there's people in the Who are experts they' have their own Candidates that want camel Harris to to Lose so that they can run Gavin Newsome Next time like there's people who are Sabotaging her because they want to run

Somebody else in 2028 when it's going to Be right for the pickings when Trump's Disastrous presidency is there and so They're looking ahead four years and so They don't even want KL Harris to win Right and they want to take your her Money on top of it so they get paid a Million dollars to consult and then they Sabotage your campaign and you're just You know these people who donate I mean I don't know why anybody would donate to A politician Um they just they fail upwards and they Don't learn any lessons and they can Just keep going because there's no Accountability so what's next I mean are You done with this in terms of like are You done doing you know raising money For Democrats giving money to Democrats I know you've been very outspoken and Are other people feeling the same way That you know in the donor community That you know gives money I don't know a Single person who doesn't feel the same Way that's the extent of the frustration Thanks so much for okay so she didn't Answer the question because she's still GNA do it right because that's what they She does like it's her job unless she's Going to go to the Republicans and I Don't see that you know whatever and so You know this is really Funny so I want to show you this I want To end with this I want to comment on

This after e that Jesus is the way the Truth to life um and first I just want To say that that Jesus is the way the Truth to life okay so let me just start Off by saying this when you're dealing With anything spiritual when you're Dealing with anything that's on the Etheric level on a soul level on a Divine level there's no [ __ ] right There's no lying there's no faking There's no embellishing your beliefs Don't matter what you believe about it Doesn't matter right there's only truth You know you can [ __ ] your way Through life like everybody does to some Extent you can lie to yourself you can Lie to other people you can tell people Don't tell me the truth cuz I don't want To hear it or don't tell me what you Think cuz I don't want to hear it and Your beliefs actually matter because Your beliefs lead to purchases your Beliefs lead to lifestyle choices right Your beliefs lead to actions and plans And things that become manifest into Something one thing or another and your Beliefs can actually be a part of the Whole narrative about what's going on in The world and a lot of it's just lies And [ __ ] and illusion and all these Things right most of our world is just a Perversion of the Divine reality right Your life and your personality and your Mind and your thoughts and your your

Desires and your addictions and all These things your preferences all that Makes you the person that you you are And you could be a great person even a Saintly person it's still your ego is a Perversion of your soul your ego and Only in the most you know when your ego Gets minimized almost to it to being Non-existent and your ego submits Completely to your soul and God is your Ego a pure reflection of the Divinity Within you right and so as people were Perversions you know this idea that We're made in God's image isn't a Physical body isn't that God has a a Physical body and a you know is shaped Like a man no it's that we're all a Reflection on our most purest Essence The causal body the soul the part of us That's the most pure right the you know The most Divine you know the the closest To God the Divine Essence that manifest Our physical body and our mind and our Egos which become grosser forms of of The Soul right gross grosser forms of Our individual identity which is you Know in its meest most uh subtle way is Just a you know pure pristine version of What we are right and then everything Else is grosser versions of that and With each perversion with each layer of Um grossness we become less and less Divine and more and more demonic right So we're moving towards where at some

Point we be just we become an Abomination that's like an insult to the Divine Essence that originally created Us and on the material world that Abomination becomes a powerful person Can become president can become king Become rich and famous in fact most of Those things make you more into an Abomination and less divide most of Those power positions almost every time Someone gets a power position it Corrupts them I mean in 99.9% of the Time when someone even when they become A saint and they start having spiritual Followers they become perverted right They become more and more gross and they Become less and less Divine so they Started off they were Saint people were Coming to them they were teaching people About spirituality and they start Feeling themselves they start you know Whatever happens even if they they don't Get a big ego because they're being Worshiped by people and you know they're They're in a powerful position they get Corrupted by their own anger and Frustration with the people that that Won't get what they're saying that won't Won't abandon their their lower selves For the higher nature and so they start Getting angry at people they start Getting you know pissed off maybe a God That they're in this situation where They're working with people that just

You know whatever it is right and so ego The ego usually doesn't do well when it Gets a boost of power a boost of Position Fame and Fortune and any of These things right political power Religious power there's just more and More corruption right but at the basis Is our pristine St self and that's what We are truly that's our true self that's What we are in terms of our original Essence so in the spiritual world There's no lying the spiritual world is Truth you can't [ __ ] yourself you Can't [ __ ] other people you can't You know you can say things to people in The material world oh yeah I'm a saint Oh yeah I have spiritual Powers oh yeah If you give me money I can bless you in Some way you can say [ __ ] like that on The material Level on the spiritual Level when you die for example and your Soul goes to whereever it's going you Know all the [ __ ] that you that you Did all the things that you did to twist Reality to your own personal egotistical Benefit is hanging off you and it's Going to keep you from going to a higher Level of whatever you're going to go to A lower level you're going to come back To earth and you have to deal with all That [ __ ] you pulled in your last Life right which makes total sense People can believe that or not But it doesn't matter what religion you

Are or what spiritual practice or you're If you're if you're an atheist your Beliefs don't mean [ __ ] in the spiritual World you can't force your beliefs on The soul energy and the Divine Universe You can't push something that isn't true You can't push something that's false You can't be a lying piece of [ __ ] and You know on a spiritual level and Everything is transparent there's no you Know thoughts that you can have that Aren't detected there's no you know There's no ego to have those thoughts or Mind to have those thoughts right you Just have your baggage from the [ __ ] You pulled when you were in your Physical existence that you have to pay For and you have to work off on a soul Level so you have to come back to earth And deal with all that [ __ ] that you did Right you know in the material world you Can force your truth like the government Is forcing a bunch of Truth YouTube is Forcing truth that isn't truth YouTube Is forcing lies that we can't say the Truth or we get censored or whatever Like the government and the people Around you you know your boss your your Parents your you know your spouse they Can say if you tell me the truth I'm Going to punish you and you know Threaten you in some way and they can Suppress the truth or people can force Other people to accept their truth over

The truth that the other person believes In but my truth or your truth or you Know any of these beliefs isn't real Truth and so just because you believe it Doesn't mean it's so and so if you Believe you're going to heaven that Doesn't mean you're going to heaven Doesn't me even mean there is a heaven Right like it doesn't mean any of those Things if you believe a bunch of [ __ ] That you've been told as a kid and you Know you don't have any other reference Point you don't have any other point of View you haven't thought about any other Reality and you haven't done any Research into like this young man this Basketball player hasn't done any Research into what's in the Bible and I Can tell you that it's not you know John 3:16 is not true Jesus isn't the only Path to heaven heaven heaven doesn't Exist like people say not because my Truth is better than your truth because It's easily disproved right it's easily Disproved by the own teachings you know The Bible says that God's within all of Us Jesus said that God's our father Right Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name right that's the Our Father Prayer and if God's Our Father then Jesus is our brother and Jesus isn't the Only son of God right so even in within Their own teachings they their own

[ __ ] you know they it's Contradictory and you can explain it any Way you want because of your own beliefs But it's simply not true and you can't Make it true just because you believe it Right and the problem with it is on the Material Level Christians went out and Beat the [ __ ] out of people Irish people And Scottish people and you know the European people at first and then people Native native peoples in America and and Black people African people in Africa And you know all these people around the World enforce their belief in the idea That they were doing them a [ __ ] Favor by erasing their own spiritual Beliefs that were in many cases Superior And more realistic these Aboriginal People than the Christian beliefs which Are you know the old testament's a piece Of [ __ ] and the new testament's just Okay it's not great like if you look at Other teachings you look at other you Know systems it's just okay and if it's It's all that you know and it's all you Can do then fine you know I don't I Don't go to Christian people and say hey I don't believe in John 3:16 and this is Why because it's not my job to do that Right I mean if you come here to to my Channel I'm going to talk about it but I Don't go to any other place and talk About this right like I don't go to Christian people and try to talk them

Out of their beliefs or Jewish people or Any these other people right it's not my Job to do it and they are wherever they Are it's you know their relationship to God is their relationship to God and Whatever level they're on you know we're All we're all able to do what we can do You know there's people who do my SJ Mark system and we all do it at Different levels and there's lots of Levels that none of us reach very few People reach those levels and there's a Lower levels right and some people still Are doing some religious [ __ ] and Doing the meditation but everybody you Know has their own limitations or Self-imposed the limitations I mean we Have no limitations when it comes to our Potential but we we have self-imposed Limitations based in our fragile Egos And our you know our rigid personalities And we have things like when I was you When my kids were young I thought one of My kids dying before me I didn't think I Could take it like I think it would just Broke me right especially when the kids Were young and so when my daughter Committed suicide you know a lot of [ __ ] Had happened and I was able to accept it Because you know things just had gone so South with her and it was sad it was a Bummer but You know wouldn't it would have been Much worse if it happened when she was

One two three five seven years old I Wouldn't have been able to take it right It would just I would have been broken I Don't know how I would have pulled Myself out of it but some things are Just knockout blows like things that They're so bad a person can't take it Like a person can't recover and Sometimes it might take some years but They're never the same afterwards we all Have those things right for a lot of People it's when their spouse dies if They have a real loving relationship and They've been with somebody for 50 years And their spouse dies and it's like they Just don't want to live anymore what's The point right and that happens for Lots of people you know there's no Chance of them I mean they're you know They're 70 80 years old they're already Breaking down physically they can't Start over and don't want to right and The one person they miss the most they Love the most is God so you have that Right you have these things that you Just don't recover from we all have Those things we have things that we Don't we can't hear they're just too Hard for us to hear they're too hard for Us to to accept there are truths that we Can't we can't deal with like and it's a Person's ability to deal with truth that Makes them a better truth or a better You know a better truth Seeker your

Ability to deal with truths that are Hard for you to accept things that you Don't want to hear right and for a lot Of people that's about their religion And things like this they just can't Hear it and that's fine if you're one of Those people but if you're here and you Know you're open to the possibility that You've been lied to on every level and If they system the powers that be have Lied to you in the governmental level on The health level on The Food level on The scientific level on the history Level than they've lied to on the Religious level too because religions Are powerful entities and they have lied To in a way that benefits them benefits Their religion right that's what they do And so when that's happens then the Whole thing is more or less corrupted And you can trust bits and pieces of it You can connect directly to Jesus or Buddha or Krishna or something and that Can help be helpful that certainly would Be helpful but you really can't trust The organization anymore I have the same Thing happen with heartfulness like I Don't trust the organization at all Because there's been corruption and you Know for something that's spiritual you Can make mistakes as a spiritual master Or saint but you can't do [ __ ] where You're openly and actively deceiving People for your own personal benefit and

You know what the [ __ ] you're doing and Once you do that the the trust is broken More so than anything else right like You just got to be almost perfect as a Spiritual person at least you have to be Sincere you can't knowingly lie to People in ways that benefit you you Might have to withhold truth because People aren't ready because people just Can't handle it or they won't even hear It if you tell them so it's stupid to Even tell them right like in Bible you Can't throw Pearls Before Swine like That kind of thing but if you're openly Just lying to people and I don't even Believe that I believe should throw Pearls Before Swine because even on a Spiritual level in the SJ Mark system if You hear it and you don't believe it or You can't you can't conceive of it yet There's subliminal aspects to it so even If you're unable to act on it now the Seeds have been planted so that's why You throw Pearls Before Swine because Because they might be pigs in this life But in next life they'll have these Seeds to become people seeds to become You know Saints even right they might Not be able to do it this time but maybe Next time so that's why Pearls Before Swine is actually a you know it's a a Good idea it makes sense but it's it's Not entirely true but getting back to What Jaden Ivy said like I was saying

The Christians have gone out and Stronghold it and strong armed people And force their beliefs on people beat You know kids and force them to adopt Their religious beliefs to get rid of Their own and force Christianity on them Because they believed they were Sav These people and they were lying to Themselves cuz they [ __ ] weren't Right I tell that story of how my mom And I went to Ottawa and there was these Native peoples and they're dressed in Their native um their native uh whatever It was I got my mom one of these like There was a doll there like a young like Native girl like some kind of cute Little doll my mom like that kind of [ __ ] you know but you know um it had Like Furs on it or whatever like this Cool you know uh Canadian cold weather Outfits and my mom said what beautiful People there's no way these people are Going to hell I'm like what are you Talking about why would they be going to Hell cuz I didn't really you know I read The Bible but I didn't understand J 316 Because the idea is that everyone else Is going to hell but Christians and That's [ __ ] and it's damaging it's Damaging to the rest of you it's a big [ __ ] you to everyone else's spiritual Path right and it's not truth and so It's done a lot of damage in the world That one belief where these people

Believe the only way to get to heaven Which is Heavens is an illusion too the Way that they're they sell it to you it Doesn't exist the way they sell it to You and you certainly don't get there by Just accepting the Christian faith like It's not it's a lot harder to get to What people consider Heaven what we call The brighter World in terms of Breaking Free from your you know your um Earthly Bondage your successive lives here your Future lives here it's a lot of work and Most people don't make it um you know Very few Souls make make it even after Multiple lives and so it's not so easy To do and there's still more after that The Liberation from you know freedom From your Earthly bondage where you Don't have to be born again here and you Can go to another higher level of Consciousness on another plane of Existence and none of this is because I Say so for whatever reason whatever I do Here to be a conduit for divine energy And divine knowledge whatever my Contribution to that it's none of this Is based in my opinion because my Opinion doesn't mean [ __ ] you know my Knowledge doesn't mean [ __ ] doesn't mean That if I know this I'm I'm going to be Liberated that I'm going to heaven cuz I Know that doesn't mean anything it's Knowledge but what do you do with that Knowledge how do you act as a person how

Do you incorporate that knowledge into a Spiritual practice because it's just Like anything else you know you need a a Test score right you know years and Years ago I was you know I was not that Tall in high school like I think I was Like 58 5'9 when I graduated as a senior I was 5 feet when I was a freshman but I Was getting better as a basketball Player I was just getting into being a Basketball player I was starting to play At parks and things like that and you Know I wanted to dunk a basketball I Already could jump pretty high for my Height so when I was a junior in high School I was like probably 5'7 5'8 Wherever it was you know I'm 6' one now I grew a few inches after I graduated High school like I was 18 I was probably Like a 510 511 and I grew another you Know 2 and 1 half inches when I Graduated and and I took a tennis ball And I had my basketball hoop it was Probably a little bit low you know not Full 10 ft and I was eventually got to Where I dunked a basketball but I worked On it for hours right like I got better And better at it and then you know I um Eventually was able to go and dunk it You know at parks and dunk a basketball At the school you know sometimes in Games and I could do it in games like Because I you know you need to jump Higher and higher for those things like

To dunk a tennis ball you just need to Get your hand Above the Rim you got to Time your jump right you got to you got To make sure you're at the peak of your Jump this kind of thing you know Eventually I was in dunk contest and I You know all these other things but it Took years and years of practice and Building those muscles and things and Then I could dunk like I could Legitimately dunk like I can't do it now I can't even reach the rim anymore right And so you know it's a it's a shortlived Thing but dunking is dunking right like When I could do it I could do it and Telling people I could do it or doing it On a shorter hoop you know yeah everyone Can dunk on one of those little plastic Kids hoops right like you don't even Have to jump but being able to do it on A legitimate 10 foot hoop and like a Legitimate court with a legitimate Basketball this kind of thing you know That's either you can or you can't right Either you have or you haven't and if You graduate school like if the school Isn't passing you with some [ __ ] you Know Common Core thing or whatever you Have to pass a test right like one of my Problems with the 11 12-step program for Alcoholism and I'm not sure I'm not an Expert if I'm wrong about this I'm wrong But you know they get up and say hello My name's Paul I'm an alcoholic which

I'm not so I'm not you know but you know If I went to a n trip an AA meeting That's what I'd have to say and their Idea is you can never stop believing You're an alcoholic but then you're Still an alcoholic when you die right That means you're going to be an Alcoholic till the day you die and That's not good like you at some point You have to stop believing you're an Alcoholic and not saying I can drink it Also means you got to stop drinking like You can never drink again sure I'll Never take another drink alcohol sure Like I you know I've said that right I Mean I I have not taken a drink for Years there's a little bit of alcohol And some tinctures you know not enough To to do anything you know herbal Tinctures you need to preserve the Tinctures and so you know maybe I've Been in a restaurant and they've cooked With a little wine or something But I can't even be around like a bar or Alcoholic I actually start feeling woozy Just walking through a bar where Everyone's drunk it's kind of weird you Know I used to be at these bars all the Time I was a younger person now I can't Even be in a bar like if in a restaurant I walk through a bar area I feel a Little bit tipsy like and it's part of The sjar teachings and I heard about it And I you know I thought that was kind

Of silly but then I experienced it right When you become more sensitive to these Things like if other people are drunk You've like you feel it you you Experience it a little bit when you're Around people who are angry you feel Anger like it just becomes more Sensitive to these things you're more Permeable because your heart's open in These things but going back to my Essential Point here that everything in The world in terms of success you have To achieve something to be able to call Yourself uh you know you have to win the Election like KLA Harris can't call Herself the president she didn't achieve It Donald Trump can cuz he won you could Say cheated or the system was rigged Sure but he did win the election just Like Jo Biden did whether you say Joe Biden cheated whatever he's still the President because that's it he's got That he has that label and again in the Material world things can be manipulated And they can be dishonest and they can Be rigged and so they're not as Legitimate but in the spiritual world There's no [ __ ] and just because Your religion tells you something that You're going to heaven doesn't mean you Are right and just because it says Jesus Is going to come down and save everybody Doesn't mean that he is because it's Whether it's true or not right whether

You achieve that And like I said there's no [ __ ] like You just can't [ __ ] yourself and say Just because I believe this my whole Life and I can't consider that it isn't True even though there's a mountain of Evidence that these stories and these You know these things that these Teachings in the any religion the Christian religion here but any religion Have been manipulated by other people Right and so there's truth in Christianity there's truth in what Jesus Achieved but there's a lot of [ __ ] Too in all the religions all of them and Now there's [ __ ] in what I do like Before there wasn't like I saw the [ __ ] come in and it was painful and It came in such a stupid way by such a Stupid dope and this guy dodgy who's Just a putts and you know wanabe cult Leader like not even good at it right Just a complete failure just like a do Knots like doofus right like [ __ ] and It was just painful it's still painful For me to see it but it's like Everything else you know anything that's Good people come around and try to ruin It especially if it's spiritual if There's a sane or higher developed soul That comes up and leaves a teaching or Some practice and some techniques for The uplift of the up of the upliftment Of

Humanity there'll be some [ __ ] that Comes in and tries to turn a profit out It and compromise it and bend it to make It work for them and to use it use these You know the inspirational words and Energy and the the good things in the System to force some other [ __ ] Things that make them a God or make them A king or make them whatever they want To be and that they able to use these Words to manipulate people like that Great movie The Book of Eli you know Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the Ending but this guy is looking for the Bible you know this guy who's the Villain he runs a town because he knows He can use the Bible to control his People because he'll use it to bend the You know the words to his will because It's not only the [ __ ] that's in the Bible but it's the way that the Rel Religion and the pastors interpret the [ __ ] and change the rules and tell You you know for a long time Ordinary People couldn't even read a or own a Bible all all the biblical teachings had To be interpreted by the clergy who were Abusive and power hungry and had Military and political power and all That other stuff right and so you have To factor all that in when you say [ __ ] Like Jay Navy saying but he's not Looking into that because he grew up With this teaching and it gives him

Comfort and you know I wouldn't take it Away from him but he's bullshitting Himself right that's just not true what He said there it's because you know Everything in the spiritual world is Truth and when you try to manipulate it With your beliefs and force your beliefs On it when you die you're going to end Up disappointed right not that your soul Gets disappointed but you know but in Most cases people use this or misuse This opportunity and make it harder on Themselves in the future they're Screwing us a future version of themsel Not only in the planet they're leaving Behind for their next Incarnation but All the grossness all the addictions all The bad decisions and things that now That your future version of yourself has To deal with in a in a future life right Like your past mistakes when Tuesday Paul is screwing over Thursday Paul Right you know whatever you're doing Today that you're going to have to pay For later on all the bad foods you're Eating that are going to cause diseases And and you know whatever it is like Jelly roll right like you're making Decisions of things that you enjoy now But they're going to make you pay later Right all the bad decisions all the Things that that are harm for you on a Physical level are even more so that you Have to deal with on a on a Divine level

Bad habits that become more solidified In each life and then become addictions And things that you can't even overcome Before you know what you're just some [ __ ] demon incarnating time and time Again with just complete blockage from Any part of your Divine Essence and so You can't contact the the best part of Yourself your soul and you just keep on Repeating these same patterns of Self-destructive demonic Behavior life In and life out he's a big [ __ ] you to Your future self and so stor You only only spirituality will save This world it's par definitely point From the apocalypse and the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful

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