Okay greetings brothers and sisters Um my view count is down I I wanted to Make just a an audio video I'm going to Describe To t a TV show on Apple called Disclaimer and a TV show on Netflix Which is the second season of squid Games and how there is this woke Manipulative Agenda that is just um you know I would Call it abusive to the audience right You know everybody who puts content out You have an audience and your audience Is your customer I don't want to say Your boss but you know your you know They're in charge of whether you still Are going to make content or not right They're your critics and they're your You know benefactors or whatever it is Right like there's all these different Things that an audience is and in terms Of a Creator you're telling your Audience a story in one way or another This is a story right this is Information that you're presenting Whether you're doing it on the news You're telling the story of what's Happening in you know current events or You're making you know just a comedian Right there's a premise you're Developing you're telling stories and That becomes a part of the person's Internal world the person receiving your Story right and so it could be like
You're at the water cooler at work like If such a thing exists anymore and You're talking with your fellow Employees and you're talking about the Boss or the boss's husband or somebody Else at work and you tell a story that Makes people change their opinion of That person let's say your boss you see They do something that's um illegal or You know they chewed you out or they did Something was unfair and you're telling The story and you know after the people Hear the story they don't like the boss As much you know it changes their Opinion the boss or some other fellow Employee right you know these stories That you tell are going to affect People's view on any number of things Right when somebody tells a story about Donald Trump someone like Chris Christie Chris chrisy comes out and says that Donald Trump had a meeting with him and Some other people and Chris Christie Ends up getting Co because of it and he Later finds out that Trump was the Person who had covid going into the Meeting and so Trump calls him and says Can I can will you you know tell people That you didn't you didn't get the CO From me like don't tell the media that You get the CO from me and then you find Out Donald Trump's been telling Everybody that he got Co from you and That you gave everybody Co at the
Meeting and so you know if that actually Happened then it's good information Because you know that Donald Trump's a Piece of [ __ ] and he's he threw his Loyal friend under the bus this is why Chris Christie turned turned on him Right and if you believe it you know It's like well you just like Donald Trump you don't believe it you know you Come up with some reason Chris Christie Is a piece of crap or whatever but the Doubt is still there the seeds are there It's inside of you this idea of trump And you know it's it may never come to That where you see Trump in a different Way but it's possible like the seeds of Doubt are there right and so when you're Telling stories and you're manipulating People in some way or another Purposefully or just in general because The story isn't true or it's so um it's So manipulated in one way or another to Uh evoke certain emotions right so there Are people that are good at telling Stories and they are doing a disservice To Their audience they're moving Their Audience in a direction and the two Shows that I'm talking about I'm going To talk about those things one's the Feminist Direction the other is the the LBGTQ woke agenda kind of direction Right specifically to do with Transgender people and so I want to get Into that in a moment but I've noticed
Over the past three or four Videos that my view count is down here And I'm just so tired of like trying to Deal with that so um the orbs are coming Was put out in December 23rd and that Had 5,000 Views um couple videos before that had Almost 4,000 ,000 three four videos and Then you used your effing Noggin had Almost 5,000 and you don't want to you don't Want to be here you you don't want to Hear this but you need to whatever it is Had 6,000 in the video before that more Drones and Luigi 6,000 so you know kind Of an average of about 5,000 and then The video since then they've had um the Video that's put out on that Christmas Eve had 2,800 00 the video about Santa Claus and NORAD had 1,900 U Christmas me two videos were put Out on that day so that second one would Have it wouldn't get as many Notifications and then the next couple Of videos at 2900 2800 um day after Christmas Aaron Rogers Thing and then there one I just released Today I don't know so there are a couple Things here I just want to talk about These briefly but um there's going to be A change in my content till the view Count comes back back up because I'm Going to work on other things and you Know um I'm just still kind of tired and
You know I have a few things to get to New Year's message the you know the the Year of thing and some of these other Things I'm going to do these Prophecies Of The Whispers of the brighter world That are you know to me as as important Video as I'll ever make here in terms of Talking about those things if they're True prophecies you know if the things Are going to happen then you know this Would be of great value to people but it Isn't Great Value to the people do Sark like people in the system which I'll get into I was talking about today A little bit in my U most recent Journey Series video but anyways there is some Fallof around Christmas because people Are doing holiday stuff right and they Don't have time to watch videos they're With family whatever it might be Traveling whatever it is I mean General Holidays are are bad days for Videos and that's one thing but the Other thing is like I've said over and Over again the best month of the year is December you know November the end of November to the beginning of December up Until Christmas and then the ad Revenue That YouTube receiv receives the Adbis disappears and you know these Businesses have a budget and a fiscal Year and the fiscal year ends in Something like January 15th and then They have to reapply their budget and
Usually they don't spend as much money On ads in January February March and Then a little bit more in April and May And then more a little bit more in the Summer and then it's back into the Christmas season and if it's a political You know if it's a presidential election Year or uh the you know every two years Or when they have the election for um The you know the midterms there's a Little bit more because there's a lot More political ads of course there was Over a billion dollars of AD Revenue That was available this summer I mean There was like3 billion dollar like Trump had close to a billion and KLA had Two billion and you know packs and all These things so that was a tremendous Amount of AD Revenue injected into the Social media platforms and I don't know If YouTube's getting less money because They're putting it in other platforms I Don't you know if YouTube's paying me Less money or running less ads but I Made four or five times the money Um I made in 2020 I made in 2020 I made Four or five times as much money as I Made in 2024 right so that's it's dim Prospects and so like I recognize now It's going to get sucky for me Economically and if they're now Withholding My Views because they don't Need me anymore right they need Everybody because they have more ads
Than they have videos to put them up on Right so they want content YouTube wants As much content as possible in December And they relax on the rules all of a Sudden they're not you know yellowing Videos they're not um you know they're Not forcing Community guidelines issues They they loosen up on all these things And then January comes along and all of A sudden they're big on censorship and They're you know all these things Because they don't need you anymore I Mean it's a you know just a slimy Business but in all that so I don't know What's going on right right now there's Less views I don't know if the people Aren't getting notified or they're just Busy whatever the reason and so it is What it is but I'm just going to make a Voiceover video today like I'm just Taking some time off I've been kind of Tired just you know not necessarily SI Sick maybe slightly under the weather But more you know it's just the winter And you know this is the the shitty part Of the winter the good part is like Leading up to Christmas and you know It's it's new and it's you know it's Nice to see snow and things and but here It's just Gray from here on until like March almost every day is overcast and It's either like close to snowing but Not snowing like a lot of rain or not Even raining but just complete cloud
Cover and just uh you know windy and Just crappy outside so anyways um so That's where I'm at right so but I want To do these voiceover videos that are Easier for me to make on some of these Days especially days that um you know There's going to be less views plus There's no news you know when there's a Holiday especially Christmas the bigger Holiday the bigger holidays and Christmas you know very seldom there's There any real news all the the main News anchors and people go on you know Vacation or whatever they have these Standin and nobody's watching the news Because they're busy doing family stuff I mean viewership goes down across the Board and miraculously there's no big News and nobody gives a [ __ ] about the News during the holiday season season And then it picks back up or whatever in The you know in January and so let me Get into these stories just to put this Out there but of course you know again Being Shadow band liking the videos Commenting subscribing resubscribing the Notification button being a member or Onetime donations or whatever people do These are things that are keep going to Keep my channel float and keep it Relevant like I'm just kind of worn out On the whole thing and like I said last Year I was is going to take some time in January and rethink what I'm doing right
And you know just in terms of um the Whole thing with um Rumble is a complete Bust like it's just nobody's viewing my Videos over there I don't think people Are cared you know maybe it's late in The game in terms of making videos to do With recovering from covid and you know I don't know how Rumble works and how Long it would take me to build an Audience but the ad Revenue I mean let Me I can look at it real quick here um But I'll you know talk about that more I Still want to complete those videos but There's no Financial incentive I made 51 Cents on three Videos um total like not you know that's The total amount of money that I've made On Rumble and so you know it's just I Mean it's it's not sustainable over There and it's it's harder to use like I Don't love the the format and all of it Right um it seems like it's you know Republican based like I'm looking in the Side panel here like all the videos that Are there and it's all Republican stuff So you know I'm not a rightwing person And you know I'm not a Trumper and you know all of it um but The latest video got two Comments and has um 211 Views Um and so you know all these things Anyways um so there's that I have 106 Followers and so you know it's just not
A solution and you know people want to Give me advice and things about it but I've been through everything like I can Look into you know but there's issues With the platforms they're paying less Money and they're preventing uh further Further growth I mean it's a I've said For a long time it's a losing battle you Know I'm going to make content but it's Just going to be different like how I'm Going to change the way I do it if it's You know whatever it is we'll see how it Goes and so there's all that but let's Get into the stuff here so the first Thing is this uh TV show called Disclaimer and it stars Kate Blanchett And Kevin Klein and this the um the show starts Off with there's three story lines and So there's a young couple they're having Sex in a Train and um they're traveling their English and they're traveling to Italy They you find out they're they're going To Italy and then it shows Kate Blanchett she's married to Sasha Baron Cohen who plays her it's like kind of Serious Dopey husband and it's really Weird he's weird like just weird you Know and that's kind of a weird choice And Kevin Klein who's an Old Professor who's about to get Fired uh for like uh being uh like There's a mom in the principal
Office and he's um he's just over it Like you can hear his internal dialogue Right and he's talking about how these Kids he just can't stand them anymore These entitled prep school kids and the Mom's very upset about the critique he Did on the kids writing and he refuses To apologize and so he's about to get Fired and you know that these stories Are Interwoven and so the story in Italy They do a specific wipe they do this Circle wipe like you see in Italian Movies um often used in those I you know I haven't seen that many Italian movies But I know they use that wipe and the Rest of them are set in you know England It's a little bit uh you know it's Almost like a different camera style and Things like this and so the movie is Told from three points of view which is Hard to understand right so sometimes Kevin Klein is narrating right sometimes K Blanchett is narrating and then There's sometimes just the the scenes But there's a lot of voice over and so It's hard to understand where the point Of view is coming from right which is Purposefully done and it's kind of Interesting in the beginning but the Ending is so bad and so manipulative it Wrecks All the quality acting it's a High you know it's a high value these Apple shows have high production values
But often times they come with such a [ __ ] agenda it's just really bad and So you know there's a point of view when You learn about and again this is going Back to the story right the story is There for the audience and your you know Your internal world is built on stories You know your personal stories your Experiences and the stories that we have Now it used to be campfires and fables And and these types of things you know That are that are told Parables or Whatever they are you know religious Stories and stories that are passed down To you know fairy tales and things like This word of mouth story storytelling Tradition in Native American culture and Other tribal cultures and it's how you Understand the world around you it's Your stories and you you know you think In story form you know people think About their life as a story and then you Because you tell stories like on social Media right you know there's a good bit Done by um The Comedian Chris Porter There's in it like he's got this great Kind of uh I've quoted from this thing Before he's got a great uh um comedy set That was on Netflix for a while now it's On YouTube and he said he was on social Media and he's one of his friends was Talking about describing how he's Cleaning out his refrigerator right and He's like it's a story about nothing you
Know but it's you know it's still a Story and the joke was if somebody asks You what did you do this weekend and the Answer is I cleaned out my Refrigerator the real answer is nothing Right the answer that you give to the Person is nothing because it's not worth Saying right there's another comedic bit Done by um uh Brian Reed In a recent um like is a gray his Grayhair special it's like maybe one or Two specials ago and he's describes Going to this party and this guy Describes you know he's he's sitting in A circle of people talking and one of These guys describes in a Boston accent Buying five different lottery Tickets and you know the and like it I Mean the whole thing's kind of hilarious But the guy goes into detail about Buying five uh lottery tickets and then The punchline of the joke is you know so It comes to the end and the guy he Doesn't win and Brian Regan says um this Was amazing you took a story about Nothing and then you made it Less and so you know I mean if you're Telling a story about buying lottery Tickets there should be like winning Something right or some kind of thing That happens a story gets robbed or Something right you know but you know Stories that there still sto stories Right it's all story form everything you
See on social media when you interact With people you know how was your day And they tell you about the story and so You know you you communicate in story Form and and story form is how people Build their internal worlds and how they View other people in other things and so It's manipulative you know if you tell a Deceptive story to move people in a Political or social agenda which is so Prevalent now with this woke [ __ ] Culture thing the Hollywood morality Right so the story Begins for for um uh Kate Blanchett she gets a copy of a book And it's clearly about her and she flips Out because it paints her in a bad light She says to her husband what a bad Person she is and she's starting to Freak out that this story is told and The book said it's dedicated to somebody And it's you know the the boy who's in This relationship in Italy it says a Stories of this uh these characters are Fictional but where it usually would say In any Um anything that uh relates to real life Events is completely unintentional right Like as a disclaimer but in this one it Says it's intentional like so it's Clearly about her and they you know Wants her to know that it's about her Right and she's a she just she's won an Award because she's a Documentarian and about somebody who has
All this credit she's very rich her Husband's um her husband works as a Lawyer Who is in charge of rich people's money Putting it in foundations to basically Money launder it and keep from paying Taxes on it so he's a like scumbag Lawyer and she is a Documentarian and she has a good Reputation like she's won awards and Things and the story is something she Hasn't thought about in years but Doesn't want to know about and so the Story as you figure out how it relates To each other it's the it's their kid Who's on vacation Kevin Klein his wife's Kid his wife is dead uh but Kevin Klein's son who was on vacation he's Going to die and This Woman's a part of It right as you like as the story Evolves and so Kevin Klein's wife when Her son died he um he goes and this is Totally spoiler alert I'm telling you Everything here but you know whatever I Should have said that earlier I'll put Spoiler alert in the title and so um Kevin Klein's uh Wife flipped out after her son died and She got cancer and died herself she quit Her job and she went to live in her Son's room like she just withdrew and She wouldn't leave her son's room and She just withdrew into this you know Situation and Kevin Klein wouldn't go
Into the room with her she was dying of Cancer and like the room smelled and Like you know just as he as the story Evolves and he's you know narrating this Again you know when you think about About you know first person you know When there's a when somebody's telling a Story as a point of view like when you Took classes about this in in high School or college or whatever you know I Am ishmail you know is the first line is It the first line something like that From moobi dick and you know you're You're listening to ishmael's story About the you know he's a sole survivor Of the time Moby Dick uh takes down the Pead right he destroys the the boat the Great white whale right so but you're Listening to ishmael's story you know First person so you have these different Things and you know you have these walls And like the fourth wall like in Deadpool where they break the fourth Wall and talk directly to the audience Acknowledging this is just a story in a Film or whatever and even that you know It's all these things are a point of View so Kevin Klein is talking about his His story and his story is that his wife Died and never recovered from her son's Death and so he goes into his wife's Room home and he's giving away his Wife's clothes so she has just recently Died and he's you know people are coming
In to take all of her belongings or Clothes and things and he keeps one Sweater of hers which he wears from time To time and the rest of it like he goes Into a room he discovers a pocket knife It's it's his son's room right his dead Son's room and he discovers a Pocketknife and um there's pictures of Kylie manogue all over the place like Posters you know this this uh Australian Singer and he's discovers his son pocket Knife and behind it is a manuscript Which you see is the book that Kate Blanchett now has right and Kate bed Finds out that her son is readit and she Has you know an obviously a difficult Relationship with his her son her son Looks like like a real loser and she's Grilling him is getting irritated he Liked the book and he says because the Woman was bad and she dies in the end That she gets punished because she sucks As a person right and so the character That's based in her he reads about and When he reads it he wishes she was dead And Kate Blanchet is like hysterical Going and her husband's trying to calm Her down and all these things and his Husband says the book isn't about you But the book was a package that was Delivered to her and her son got a book He works at a like some sort of a like a Blockbuster retail store he sells vacuum Cleaners and some customer left him a
Book there with his name on he went home And he read it even though he's an Internet person somehow he read the book And he hasn't read read books in years And now he has this story of his his mom Right and Kevin Klein is you know Narrating his you know discovering the Manuscript and he self-publishes it and He enacts this plan he's now retired and He's just his wife is dead and you his Son is dead and he blames this woman for It and he's going to destroy your life And so he goes through these various you Know aspects of the plan right and he Also discovers these pictures which is Of a younger version of Kate Blanchett And she's doing sexual things like she's Posing like she's in you know Penthouse Or Playboy or something and she's you Know posing seductively and Sexually and these pictures were taken By his son CU his son was given a Highquality camera and you already saw His son taking pictures and selfies of Him and his girlfriend you know in Italy So you know that the pictures come from His son so so they published his son's Photos and he obviously had an affair With Kate Blanchett and when she was Younger she was just 20 years ago when His son died so the stories are going Back in time over you know the time Period right and it's hard to understand Where the point of view of each story is
Coming from because you know Kate Blanched story is coming from her she's Narrating her story and and she's a Storyteller because she's does Documentarian stuff and her H and uh Kevin Klein is a you know like an English teacher you know so he's his Wife has written this book and his story And her story of this thing and they Keep on going back to this time in Italy And his son's girlfriend has to go back Because her mother has died right her um Her mother's sister her aunt has died And she leaves him and he says she says Basically go ahead and be with other Women I'm going to Shag somebody back in England and so like their relationship Is kind of over he's left alone and so Then he sees cap Blanchet on the beach And there's a silhouette you know she's Sort of silhouetted with a like a See-through dress in a bikini and she's Playing with her son and he's taking Pictures of her without her permission And she flirts with him and she's her Husband has gone back to England right So it shows Kevin Klein buying a vacuum And manipulating this kid and talking About how this kid is so easily a pawn In what his his game of destroying his M Mom's life right um because he wants Revenge for his son's death right and Then he sends the naked pictures to uh K Blanchett's husband um Sasha bear and
Cohen and he flips out Because she's so sexual in the pictures In a way that she was never with him and He recognizes the hotel room he knows What's happened that some guy took Pictures of her you know naked pictures Sexual pictures of her and you know it's Very graphic the stuff's you know the Whole like part of the storyline is very Graphic right unnecessarily so like it's Just um when you gets to the end of the Thing and he starts realizing that you Know she was sexual with this person More than with him and they weren't you Know they weren't having sex when when He was there in Italy like they were you Know they were sexual life wasn't great And that she is um he doesn't recognize Her expressions in this part right and So it flips out makes him insecure and Then he just you know realizes this was All going on with his son there in the Hotel room you know in the hotel they Have a sweet cuz they're rich but the Son's a part of this that there's an Affair going on and her four-year-old Son is a part of it right and that her And the kid is a complete mess the kid Ends ends up being like a you know he's He's he does heroin he's completely lost He and Kate Blanchett has just kicked Him out of the house he's 25 years old He was four years old when the affair Took place and Sasha bear and Cohen
Didn't want the kid to get kicked out of The house but he he agreed with it and But now he's like pissed that she's done This because she's been a horrible Mother neglectful to her son like he's Aware of this and he keeps on Apologizing for her or excusing her Behavior when she she keeps on saying She's a [ __ ] Mom right all these things And so the kid's just a mess and so Kevin Klein goes in and thinks you know He's going to manipulate this kid he Goes to his work and he keeps on Pretending he's throwing grenades after He like they show him dropping off the Book you know they go back in time and Show him drop it off the book to cap Blanchett's kid right and so Kevin Klein Then everyone in this movie is a piece Of [ __ ] like they're just unlikable Self-centered there's no redeeming Qualities or good people there's no one That you there's no protagonist you're Kind of rooting for Kate Blanchett to Get punished because you know she Deserves it but Kevin Klein's just a Horrible person manipulative and just Evil and then he um goes to her place of Work and she had just yelled at her Assistant well one of the things well We'll go back to that later and her Assistant knows because she's looked up Kevin Klein which um the K Blanchett had Figured out that this husband was still
Alive and she had met with the mom one Time like in a diner and the mom had no Hair she was you know she's losing all Her hair because of cancer and the mom Lets in sets in on uh on um cap blanched Says she wants to see her son because it Turns out that her son saved his son's Life and drowned in the process right And that's story is going to develop Later on but like you're getting hints Of these things as they they go through This sort of mystery and you know all These things and it's good story Construction but then they just [ __ ] because of this new well Feminist agenda they just blow it up at The end right so Kate Blanchett figures Out that the mom who she met um and said Her husband was dead but he was alive That the husband's alive and he's the One that's doing this to her right and And like she goes into a bookstore her Favorite bookstore she sees the book and The woman pushes the book and she knows The woman like it's one of these kind of Fancy Bookstores uh you know English Bookstores and the woman says to her you Got to read this book it's got the the Woman the villain and the woman woman It's a horrible person right which is Okay planette and she's coming apart and Her husband confronts her with the naked Pictures and and he leaves her and you
Know he's clearly not believing her Story he's is going to read the book now And he's reading the book finding out About what happened right and like he's You know he's he's flipping out and so She doesn't go to work and Kevin Klein Goes to her job and meets her assistant And when um she starts researching the Assistant starts researching Kevin Klein And says that he worked with kids Kate Blanchett writes down pedophile as a way To smear this guy to destroy him before He destroys her so she's you know Manipulative and you know a liar and Just she's willing to smear this guy Who's lost his son and that she is since Some way responsible for and so they're Painting her as this manipulative Horrible person and so when Kevin Klein Meets with the assistant who's been Yelled at because she asked um cap Blanchett if she's going to she got all This more information about the guy and Cap lanet to just drop it and so and he Say she says it and she snaps at her so The girl's pissed at her and she Obviously doesn't like working for Kate Blanchett because she's kind of [ __ ] And so that Kevin Klein says that he's Being harassed by Kate Blanchet which Really isn't happening and that she's Threatening him because he's written This book and he hands that book to um The girl and he brings a bag full of
Books so all the co-workers can read Them and these all people are truth Seeking Documentarians and they all read the Book and then Kate Blanchette comes into Work and they're all looking at her like She's the devil and then she flips out She slaps a guy who that she was um sort Of um is her like her her uh Contemporary in this business whatever It is right it's a very new age and Whatever and so um she you know this guy She was mocking before she she was Treating him like she was um trying to Make him jealous she was pretending one Of her document their documentary uh her Documentaries was going to be turned Into an American film and her assistant Said was it and she goes no I was just I Was just provoking him right but now He's confronting her cuz they're like Partners and he grabs her arm and she's Walking out she slaps them and every These kids all these people that work There are recording it and it's Immediately up on Twitter and she's on a Bus you know some of the things are Stupid because her husband and her are Both taking public transportation and They clearly can afford cabs and we're Going through these kind of crisises you Know there's a woman sleeping on her and They're on these you know these buses And you you know with people they
Usually don't interact with and they're Going through these crisises which is Just you know totally unnecessary Wouldn't happen like so there's you Start seeing flaws in the way that They're constructing the narrative to You know sometimes when they're building A premise for something later on like a A comedian is building a premise for a Joke you know the premise has to hold up And then the story starts falling apart Because where you're going with it you Have to do things that wouldn't happen In reality right and Kevin Klein when he You know drops this information at Kade Plett's work he walks out of the Building and he acts like a real feeble Old man but then he'll stand up and he Pretends he threw just another grenade Like it's his thing he does right he Pulls the pen and he throws a grenade And all these things are blowing up her Life and her reputation and now she's All over social media slapping it you Know her coworker and she gets this Message and it's from Human Services you Know and her B you know just kind a Funny thing right and so then it goes Back to the um back in time when Kevin Klein and his wife are Barbecuing and the cops show up and say That her son is dead and that he's um They need to go claim the body in Italy This is like the third episode and so
His wife's losing it so they go to Italy To identify the body and she loses it And she goes on this Investigative you know um she's trying To find out every detail she can which Is going to turn into this book book Which she's going to use later on her Husband's going to use to ruin uh Kate Blanchett's um life and then they show This younger version of Kate Blanchett seducing this kit and it's Like there's a grooming scene he ends up He ends up taking pictures of her on the Beach you know in an earlier episode and Then in this one she leaves her son in Uh Her son's four years old and she leaves Him in this hotel room by himself she Goes down to a bar and she you know's Having drinks with him right this guy And she asks him about if he'd ever Cheat on his girlfriend and like what Celebrity crush he has and he says Kylie Manogue you know he has these paint Pictures you'll see later on the wall of His of his bedroom like this that they Develop later on and she says well what Do you like about Kylie and then she Goes through this very graphic Uh grooming phase where she's this kid's Like 18 19 20 you know something like That right um probably 19 or 20 and you Know he's all nervous and stuttering and She's making him describe what he would
Do sexually to Kylie monog and he's Getting all aroused and then she leaves Her key there with him and like we had To fast forward it was so Uncomfortable like it was going on Forever this description right very Graphic description which is in the book Which we'll get into in a bit and um and Then uh he comes up to her hotel room And then they have this long very you Know where she's in control of this Whole like sex scene and we had to fast Forward through that all thing's very Greasy and and unnecessarily long but Between those phases between those these Episodes uh you know there's it's told In part and it keeps on flashing over to The story of the mom finding out about Her son's death and she finds the pocket Knife and she finds the role of film you All these things that are going to play Later and the Kevin Klein sees the Pocketknife and he points out that she Didn't want him to give him she didn't Want her son to have a pocket knife and Again he's traveling across Europe in 2000s which would be you know the 2000s Right and you know he doesn't have a Cell phone or anything like this you Know he send in postcards it seems like It's earlier period but it's clearly 2000s because you know they're in 2024 So it's like 2004 right this her son is Now 24 or 25 so it's been 21 years K
Plett's son is now 25 and you know they They point out the pocket knife it's Brought to attention right so there's This element and so the story moan where He goes and he he catfishes the sun he He makes a Kevin Klein makes a get Someone to help him make an instag page Of his son and he ends up catfishing Keep PL Chet's son they're instag Friends and cap blanchett's son's such a Loser and he's so grumpy and just like Irritating and his parents are Overachievers and he's such a he's Living in gross apartment he's got a Shitty job and he's like totally low Energy and just you know just like Pathetic I mean everyone's unlikable and They show how um her son drowns and when What happens is K planchet and this kid Go have sex in one of the changing Bathroom kind of things on the beach Right one of the bathrooms on the beach And she leaves her son alone comes back And takes a nap and she bought her son a Inflatable boat which the kid brings out Into the ocean and she wakes up and he's In the middle of the ocean and her lover The boy who K Kevin Klein son runs out And swims out there and he um he he Pulls the kid back far enough to where Life cards and come out and other people Can save the kid but then he's out there And he drowns and the mom can't believe It because he was such a strong swimmer
Can't believe he drowned plus there's Like an ex like a it's a cut on his arm You know when they see his dead body and There's an ex there right and they she Doesn't think he drowned and you know Like there's some suspicion there and This weird cut that he has on his arm Right and so Kevin cl's catfishing this This kid who's you know been using Heroin now and he's and his dad has Kicked K Blanchett out of the Sasha bar And Cohen Kick K planchette out of their House and the kids moved back in and the Kid hates his dad too but he likes his Dad more than he likes his mom the kid You know there's some thoughts that Kate Blanchett is verbalizing for the kid About the dad right and you know he Really hates his mom but he you know Like he he doesn't really like his dad But he can use him or whatever And um this Kevin Klein uh posing as his Dead son his catfish and the kid and he References the book because they both Read the book and he sends the photos The naked photos of his mom and said That your mom made a choice between you Know her lover and you know almost let You drown and this kid you know drowned Saving you and like he says this is this Is a fake Facebook you know inle page And this is the kid that saved your life And your mom didn't love you enough to Swim out there herself right she was
Watching she went in wa way Steep and When she saw her son in the middle of The ocean but she didn't dive in to swim Out try to save him right and that she's Selfish and you know this is all in the Book where all these people are reading Now her co-workers and you know her Husband and her son and and her son Realizes this books about her and he Flips out and he goes to you know um do Some heroin and he ends up having a Stroke and Kevin Klein um meets with Sasha bar and Cohen and Sasha Baron Cohen is you know thanking him for Sending him the pictures like he doesn't Know his son has gotten the pictures From the guy as well and his son's Flipping out and so she goes to the Hospital and Sasha Baron Cohen calls Kevin Klein up and says his son's in the Hospital and Kevin kleinon said to him His wife just wanted to meet the boy That um her son had died for right to Save him like she just wanted to meet Him and and uh K planette wouldn't let It happen so Kevin Klein goes to look at This kid who is um you know that Sasha Baron Cohen said you can you can see him In the hospital he's kind of he's hooked Up the tubes and he's been sedated he's Had a stroke and Kevin Coline takes some Like drainer some draino is going to Inject it into the kid's you know his um His body to kill the kid so
Mom will suffer the same loss that he Did but she's a [ __ ] mom that doesn't Really care about her kid and it comes Out over and over again how she Neglected him and the kid talks about it With Kevin Klein about you know and and When he's catfishing him they're talking About how their mom suck and he said his Mom used to um you know abandon him like When he was a kid and go do jobs and Then come back and spend time with them But it was just fake and not real and Not you know whatever but Kate Blanchett Catch catches Kevin client in the Hospital with her son and she pushes him Down the floor and the nurses all come To his Aid and they escort her out she's Hysterical so Kevin Klein's sleeping and Like he's all you know happy with how Everything's gone and how everything's Falling apart for her and he was given Some drugs some sedatives to help him Sleep for the you know which made no Sense but he asked for him and then he Wakes up and she you know he hears his Window his his door has been broken like He has a glass door and it's and he Comes out the glass has been shattered And somebody's broken into his house and He goes in the kitchen with a cricket Bat and K blanchett's in the back yard Holding a knife and he you know sees her She says this is where you were when you Found out about your son
Dying and then she comes in and she's Like ordering them around and he says Well let me make some tea first and There's always like tea like when the Cops come to tell the woman her son's Die she's like I'm going to go make some Tea and there she the cops in you know Kevin Klein in his wife's kitchen and She just makes some tea like tea is like Their solution for everything let's have A cup of tea like whatever it is so Kevin Klein makes some tea and he's Crushing up these sedatives and K Blanchett doesn't notice it and then she Starts telling her side of the story Right and there had been a reference Where you know like that her his they Went back to a conversation that Kevin Klein's wife's had with the mother of His girlfriend and Kevin Klein said not Not all of the story is true and my wife Had said to me you know is this story That we're seeing a part of this book And I'm like well that doesn't make Sense cuz what Mom would write such Graphic sexual explicit grooming scene And sexual explicit behaviors you know That was so gross we had to fast forward Through it was so uncomfortable and the Mom is writing this about her son and K Planett so I'm say I'm like well no this Is must must be what really happened cuz Mom would write that like it's silly you Know Mom would make a a book that is
Filled with very sexual behavior that Her son is engaged in right where she Wouldn't really have knowledge of any of That she would have knowledge of some of The other things you know how he died And you know the knowledge he got from The police when she she went to Italy But not the knowledge from all these Other you know events right and she's Talking to the the mom and they the Story that she manipulated that the girl Who you know who was who was dating her Son and she said that in the story The Book she said that the uh girls on had Died but in reality they had a bad fight And it sounds like he did something Really bad to her over the phone because The mother's arguing with the other Mother right and then later on she calls Up the mother when she gets back from Italy and says her son's dead and the Woman's like so what like you know so And she slams down the phone cuz like It's this thing and Kevin Klein had said When he found out that his boy had SW Swam out to save the kid his kid was Selfish and he had never done anything For anybody else so those are the only References that he has and his wife's a Nightmare right she she says I'm moving Into my son's room and he goes can we Talk about this and she says no and she Won't let him come into the room he's Just bringing her food and she's leaving
Plates out there for him to clean and She's quit her job and she's dying of Cancer and she's just you know all these Things she just falls apart and Kevin And she's kind of selfish and and really You know she's one of these stiff English you know these these women who Are you know just kind of um spinster And so the idea that she would write These graphic um Imaginative sexual encounters that her Son had with this woman is just it just Wouldn't happen it's weird like you know What Mom would write that right so That's all weird right so that you know Now the story's kind of falling apart And so Kate Blanchett tells her story And she says your wife got some things Right I did fall asleep on the Beach because I had such a bad night the Night before and when I woke up my son Was in the middle of the ocean and I Couldn't swim out to save him and when She when your son was drowning and I saw Him drowned I didn't tell anybody Because I wanted him to die right so she Admits to Um neglecting her her child and then not Willing to risk her own life to save him And what a [ __ ] mom she was she goes Like that's all true which makes her a Horrible person right and you know the Fact that she and the fact she she does Admit that she went down to a bar she
Said she had a wonderful day with her Kid and she saw this kid taking pictures Of her and um she liked it you know but She wasn't she didn't have consensual Sex with them so her story is the kid Comes up and she left the keys in the Door she was in the bar and the kid was In the bar flirting with her but they Didn't interact he follow her upstairs She left the keys in the door he comes And rapes her at knife point and it's Very graphic what she's saying and he You know the kid wakes up the little her Kid wakes up and he goes in there and Threatens the kid with a knife the kid Doesn't know it but the you know he's He's willing to kill the kid he's saying To her if she doesn't oby him and he Forces her to take all these seductive Pictures but some of the seductive Pictures were on the Beach and she says That her son threw sand on her and she Was taking the sand out like of her of Her top and her you know whatever her Bottom instead she wasn't doing sexual Things and the kid was taking pictures Without her knowledge and it just Doesn't it's not like it's goofy right Like they're now just manipul they've Manipulated the audience to paint K Blanchet as a piece of [ __ ] and a Horrible person and all the evidence is Supporting this but now they're turning This around and making this kid a rape
IST with very flimsy story points right Like some kind of surprise ending and Kate blanchett's all you know emotional She's telling the story about how the Kid like graphically raped her all night Right and the kid's in complete control Like he's done this before and that he's You know he's a 19-year-old kid you know I mean he's it's just it's silly like The you know everything that you know About this doesn't make sense the way That they've painted this story and she Hates her son like it's clear that she Wants her son like she doesn't like him Doesn't respect him wants to get rid of Him and when the when she was um talking To the kid's mom and the mom said my son Died saving your son and she said I wish He hadn't so she's basically saying she Wish she hadn't saved her son and her Son's on drugs and falling apart and Just has no life no friends he's a Complete loser and she wants nothing to Do with him kicks him out of the house And then all of a sudden she's all about Her son right you this is how like this Thing's ending and she and she tells a Story about how she her son had her his They have a suite you know the hotel Room suite and her son has his own room And he's okay sleeping by himself as Long as the door is open now this a Four-year-old kid right and she leaves Him in the hotel room in a foreign
Country and she goes down to this bar And starts drinking till late in the Night and she's just sitting there by Herself drinking in talking about how Happy she is and how this is like the Best day of her life and yet she had to Leave her son alone and then she comes Um back up to the apartment you know Where the guy comes in with a knife and Starts you know manhandling or making Her pose and her story and again this is Graphic and hard to watch and but it's Intertwined with her telling the story To Kevin Clin so it's like one of these Things and she's telling the story where She says that you know she was Pretending to like what was going on and The kid wanted her like the kid's going Back and forth between getting off on Forcing her to do stuff to where that She's that he's also getting off on her Liking it like it just these things Don't make sense right because rape is An act of violence and all these things Against women there's no reference point Like he had a good relationship with his Mom there's nothing here in this kid's Storyline that makes sense like maybe The kid's a piece of [ __ ] he's not you Know he's selfish But for a kid to just come in and do all These things and then Kevin Klein says I Don't believe your story and she goes What you want forensic evidence well I
Took his DNA and I stored it in my face Cream and I also took pictures of my Bruises and things right um and that you Know but I didn't want to go to the cops I didn't want to involve my son I didn't Want my husband to find out I just you Know I just wanted the whole thing to go Away so she goes to sleep for a brief Period of time the kid's you know he's Raping her all night then she wakes up Her son's waking her up and he's bugging Her to go to the beach she goes well you Know I knew I was tired but I didn't Know what to do so she goes to the beach Where her rapist is also sitting on the Beach the day after like this is the Story they're they're trying to the the Manipulative filmmakers are trying to Sell you after taking you in the Complete other direction the whole time Where you dislike Kate Blanchett but you Know even if the story was true she's Still a horrible mom who buys her kid an Inflatable boat then goes to sleep and She could have hired somebody to you Know watch she's got money to hire Somebody to watch the kid right you know While she's sleeping but she brings him Out of the beach and the kid goes out in The middle of an ocean and she watch her Rapist who now all a sudden is a hero Who goes and swims out in this wavy you Know storm and she wakes up because the Wind is hitting her with the sand you
Know how it gets them by the beach when The wind storms come up and the waves Get really you know choppy this kids out You know a couple hundred feet from Shore and and her rapist goes out and Swims and saves him for no apparent Reason right and she watches him drown Wishing he was drowned because of what He did to her but she took time to save All the DNA and and these took pictures Of herself um with you know she doesn't Have a camera right like but she took Pictures of herself and the bruises and These things which aren't evident Because she's wearing a bikini and you Can't see them right like and so the Story is completely unbelievable but That becomes the real story you know her Story and the one that his mom made up With this great graphic sex that no Mom Would ever write and I me this is the Worst constructed movie ever right Because it was well done at first and They were convincing you of a certain Narrative and so then Kevin Klein the The sleeping pills kick in and Kevin Klein says you're going to go to sleep And I'm gonna go kill your son and he Goes off he's got his you know the he's Going to inject him with this this Dro He's going to put it into these tubes The kid's on a respirator but he gets to The hospital and the kid's woken up a Couple times and the kid says mom Mom
And he reaches out and when his when he Woke up before his dad was in the Hospital his dad grabbed his hand he Doesn't want anything to do with his dad Even though this kid just found out that His mom had abandoned him and almost let Him drowned and that some kid gave his Life for him and his you know all the Other things he read about his mom in The book All of a sudden he's calling out for his Mom and you know he holds Kevin Klein's Hand and Kevin Klein realizes that his Son is the rapist and this woman is Telling the truth and he turns around She shows up or or um Sasha Baron show Cohen shows up and he tells Sasha Baron Cohen you know you don't see it but he Tells them the story and he says you Know the stuff about how he made a Mistake right and then um the the wife Shows up and the kid Is all loving with his mom and she's Loving with his you know with her kid All of a sudden like this miraculous Exchange even though she's been selfish And she's been a workaholic and she Doesn't like her kid or respect him and Sasha and Kone comes up to the guy again Who's going in the elevator Kevin Klein Said you know why didn't you question Your wife beforehand right why did you Believe the story because he goes my kid Was just evil like I realized my kid was
Evil and I was I bought it to my wife's Illusion and he said why didn't you Question it and now all these Prov V Ative pictures are explained away Through this story that makes no sense Right because he took provocative Pictures of her without her permission On the beach but also by by knife point And that she went along with these Things but Kevin kle but Sasha Baron Cohen had seen a different side of her Right and all these things and she had Never told him this stuff so Sasha Baron Cohen says that why didn't you question Your wife he goes why didn't you Question the story that was your wife You lived with so many years why didn't You question and this is the moment Where it's like men and white men are Pieces of [ __ ] and women are all victims And and rape you know their the woman is Always right and you know she she's the Victim and these men are horrible and They've misjudged her and ruined her Life so Sasha Baron Cohen apologized to His wife but she Still fell asleep on the beach she went Out drinking and left her son alone in The hotel room and then she didn't swim Out to save him she didn't risk her own Life to save her kid and she put him in All kinds of danger and made bad Decisions that didn't add up like I said The whole thing's silly like she you
Know she was able to get her get her um Uh ducks in a road to make sure she got All the the evidence in case she went to The police because she was raped by this Kid right but then she didn't you know Make a better decision about going to a Beach when she's exhausted from a night Where she's been abused all night and Falls asleep on the a beach where her Kid you can't leave a four-year-old kid Alone unsupervised on a [ __ ] beach I Mean anybody would know that or in a Hotel room right and Kevin and Sasha Baron Cohen is apologizing to her but She [ __ ] put her kid in and she was Flirting with this guy too at the bar And despite her story she said that she Was flirting with him and she was out Drinking and then you know all these Things being a horrible mom and then she Didn't tell him for 20 years and he Finds out about this book and he gets These pictures and he had every right to Believe the story that was told because Say reason the audience did but the you Know the filmmaker saying to the Audience oh you guys are all horrible Piece of shits because you believe this Slanderous story we told about a woman But when obviously women are always Victims and men are always in the wrong Because I said to my wife like halfway Through the the TV show I was like this Thing could be called [ __ ] be crazy
Right because the the two women who were Focused were crazy you know and they Were both bad moms and both bad wives But anyway Sasha bear and Cohen says can You forgive me and she goes no I Can't because it's better for you that I Was raped like you you're happy with me Now than it was that I had an affair and So I could never forgive that and she You know they have a divorce and she now Lives in the house with her son and She's just trying to be super mom and Her son and her now have a healed Relationship when he like she totally Allowed would have allowed him to die And said to this woman I wish that kid Had say he would have rather had her son Die than have the rapist save her and Why would the a rapist this kid who his Father said never did anything for Anybody else go risk his life for the Kid right you know like just silly like He goes from being you torturing her one Night and her sitting on the beach you Know when a woman's been abused she Doesn't want to see her abuser like She's I mean especially when the guy Threatened her kid and he was Threatening her kid he threatened to Kill her kid the night before and then He saves the kid life and dies in Process right like the whole thing is Just so manipulative to push this [ __ ] feminist agenda that all men are
Bad and all women are victims you know Like and they suck you into like they're Sucking you into you know illusion they Purposely create and then they're trying To make the audience feel bad for Judging this woman when she had been you Know a victim even though she was still A horrible person who was willing to Accuse this old man who's lost his son Of being a pedophile Because he's you know published this Book based on you know his wife's Perception she doesn't know it was Written by his wife at the time and that She's a manipulative person as a Documentarian who treats her co-workers And you know undermines her her partner And makes him feel bad about himself and How much better she's doing than him and She abuses these people at work and all The rest of it like she's a horrible Person and yet you know she was Victimized and so she gets to get away With all this stuff it's just so Like so manipulative right which brings Us to the um squid Game season 2 okay so I I want to add one more thing here Before I go to squid games and so when The editor and the director and the Writer and then you know the rest of the Crew the actors and the rest of the crew When they produce a film or TV show Everything that you know about the Characters unless it's some sort of a
Book or some you know it's a repetitive Character from other you know genres Like some Indiana Jones or you know some Star Wars where the whole universe Marvel comic books things like this Right but in terms of this movie you Know it it played like a book with two Different narrators narrators in point Of view three different narrators in Point of view and everything that you Know about the characters and they might Remind you about of someone in your life You might see them differently than Somebody else would see them right all These types of things but just to the Objective truth of what these two Characters that were involved in this Conflict the boy and the um you know the The boy who died saving the kid and the Kate Blanchett characters everything you Knew is there in the you know what they Showed you and if you were going to Believe one of two scenarios based on What you saw of the characters because The way the boy character was introduced The whole three or four four First Episodes four three four five episodes He was a naive normal kid and what you Were watching was his mom's Interpretation of his trip where she Only had postcards and then the details She got from the police about his death And seeing the environment and all the Things that were there for her to see
And the pictures she received from from The kid's camera and interpreting all These events based in that right but They don't tell you that they don't tell You that this is from her book Like you get this story like there's Whatever is going on in the book but They're not reading the book to you They're just showing you the events as They unfolded and so you don't know if It's coming from the book it's not Stated any way that you're getting the Mom's version of what happened right and So you're not introduced to Kate Blanchett's um side of the story till The last episode you know so episode Number seven right and so other than his Dad saying briefly you know the kid Didn't care about anybody else which is You know very typical for teenage you Know young people he didn't do anything For anybody else so you know and him Having you know maybe a a little bit of A difficult relationship with his dad And maybe he's a little bit closer to His mom that doesn't really anything and That he was possibly accused of Something by his former girlfriend and You aren't sure what that is the mom Knows but she doesn't tell the dad and So it's possible that something bad Happened physically or it could have Been an argument about something else They're not clear on that but everything
You've seen about this kid is he's a Normal kid he doesn't look like he's a Sexual predat or a rapist or anything Like this there's no evidence of any of That other than these few details that Slip in sort of um you know very um uh Subtly into this story whereas Kate uh Blanchett is shown over and over again You hear her thoughts you hear her Thoughts about her husband that you Would totally believe that she would Have an affair You know much more so than you believe The kidss a rapist right they haven't Built the premise they haven't built the Profile of the kid and they've built her Profile to show that she's a liar Deceptive she's a horrible mom Neglectful very self-centered she's a Bad wife she's a bad boss and she's you Know I mean dishonest and and somebody Who you know talks about her husband in A way that he's you know clearly not um She was a few years older than him and She you know they get into these details About her husband and how her husband Feels cocked by this guy because you Know he not only um was his wife was a Different way sexually based on the Pictures and his understanding of the Story and was said in the book that he Read because again she never provided Him with a different um a different Narrative of story she withheld the
Story and kept it secret from him which Immediately would make you think it's an Affair right and she withheld this Detail that she fell asleep on the beach With a four-year-old kid I mean first She went out left the kid sleeping alone In a hotel with a balcony right you know Like if a four-year-old kid is not you Know I mean you can't leave them alone You just can't it's not like that not by An ocean you can't just let your kids Swim out in the ocean by themselves or You just can't do that so you know it's Much more believable that she had an Affair and they don't care about that They don't care about what they've shown You how what kind of case they've made For the two different interpretations Which one you're going to believe they Just say her side is is the right one She's now the victim and everybody who Wronged her is an issue and a problem And because she got raped she can pull The victim card out and everybody's Supposed to believe her right it's just Everything that was bad about the me too Movement everything that was wrong about It and then all the rest of it not that You know there isn't real abuse and Things weren't you know in some cases Were there and true or whatever but we Don't know like we just if we hear two Sides of the story there's a he should She said we're going to make our own
Decisions about it right and as movie Goers or TV show Watchers you know That's what we would do but they just Announce reality and they imply you're a Bad person for believing anything else Even though this other op you know there Was never anything on the table that you Would even consider other than the fact That there was a warning in the Beginning of the movie about sexual Violence and there wasn't any up to the Point where they showed you the rape Scenes right whatever it was the the Abuse scenes and so you know was Completely not there so unless you you Know the warning was the only thing that Was the clue that something bad was Going to happen there was another movie It was about the French Knights it Starred Matt Damon and and a guy Ben Solo whatever his name is and a you know Female actress so I don't know who she Was and there are three sides of the Story and the Ben Solo character he Believed that he had consensual sex with Matt Damon's wife and Matt Damon's wife Wife you know they showed her side of The story and she she you know thought She was you know raped I mean she she Categorized as a rape and you know they Showed the two scenes the different Perspectives and then Matt Damons who Wasn't there but he was eventually Challenged this guy to a duel and
Whoever won was the true story like Whoever won the duel like he was you Know he was dueling on behalf of his Wife you know but it was done in a much Better way it wasn't a great movie but At least gave different perspective Perspectives of what the different People thought had happened from their Point of view but this piece of [ __ ] Apple show disclaimer they just um Announce to you what reality is without You know any way that you would believe Them right it's not believable like you Haven't make a believable case for what You just showed just because you you Know you took all these shortcuts and Jumped around and used tricks of Manipulation and this you know sort of Um feminist Consciousness to force an Ending that you didn't make a case for Right and you know that's just Disrespectful to the audience all right Let's move on to the um squid games so I Saw squid Game season 1 like it was kind Of interesting I like the cultural Differences it's really weird kind of a Twisted thing right uh an odd you know Whatever it's kind of like um The Purge Type of you know it's on the level of The Purge most of you guys know about it Already and so they have squid Games Season 2 mostly not spoiler alert I'm Just going to focus us on one thing that There's a transgender character right so
The main character gets sucked back into A second round of even though he has all This money and he's trying to destroy The squid games and he's got a team of People but he gets sucked back in for Whatever reason and it's not important And he goes there and they're Introducing the new cast of characters Remember all the people died but him in The first squid games and so um they Introduced the characters and there is a Transgender character right and they Point out that there's this transgender Character they talk about now in Korea And South Korea this is very taboo right They're not you know they don't have the This isn't Europe which is you know more Pushing this agenda you know the stuff With the lbdq woke woke stuff the Hollywood morality stuff you know that's Been around for a long time in the elite Levels of people the modeling industry And the f you know Hollywood and and in England and these places you know where These wealthy people have this you know The the morality that's now being forced On people you know globally right and The transgender stuff has a lot to do With it right we've seen this you know Whatever the men playing with um women's Sports all these types of things right And so they put this in movies like the Feminist agenda but anyways they Introduce his character and you know
It's contrived it's not natural Netflix Said okay cuz this is a huge show for Netflix very popular and so there's Going to be season 2 and Netflix is Sponsoring it they're the producers so They said to the South Korean director You're going to have a transgender Character and this is how the story line Is going to go for this character right You can see it's completely manipulative It's not anything to do with the story Itself other than pushing this on the South Korean people and the people of The world that you know get this stuff All the time right right but we now know That you know these TV shows were made In 2023 22 you know years ago like it's Last year whatever it was right and now That Trump has won you see that morality Is swinging back and people are aware of It like the people are not you know this Was one of the big points the commercial That was played over and over again that Uh KLA Harris was um paying for Prisoners uh gender reassignment surg With taxpayer dollars and that whole Commercial that played really poorly for Her and everybody's aware of it like That American people are just have said Enough and so we'll see what Hollywood Does with this but we know like when There's a movement and they think they Got a movement going on they capitalize It and get manipulative about especially
When Hollywood's behind it when they're Behind the the social movement and you Know for years it was about white Christians and you know these things Like it's very pro-white very pro- man You know this is the Rebellion that's Happened with the other demographics Speaking up and you know the liberal Movement where white men are now Demonized right these things so here's What it says about Um transgender people in South Korea Face discrimination Prejudice and Barriers of social inclusion here are Some of the recent developments it talks About how they're Pushing um some of the this agenda there Now because South Korea is very Dependent on America okay South Korea The South the the Korean War and South Korea North Korea and the you know the The border between the two countries and Just all of it right and South Korea There's a great movie called castaway on The moon it's a guy who ends up being on An island in the middle of a river next To a city and everyone's ignoring it's Good it's a really good um movie I don't Want to talk about it too much because It's um I I would like to see it again at some Point um but I don't know where it's Streaming but Um there's a part of it because I wanted
To find out more about the movie and Some of the things that were in it and They speak English a little bit in the Movie and speaking English is a huge Thing in South Korea of course there's K-pop you know and um that rapper Whatever that guy's name was don't care Don't tell me don't need to know you Know that big Korean rapper but there This you know movement to be very much Like America and it's a status symbol to Speak English and and have a strong Grasp on the American culture and so This whole Netflix show and the Netflix Money is pushing this agenda right um And so uh you know there's um there's All of that and so the storyline of the Transgender character it's a you know a Tall guy who used to be in the military Who's in the process of transition Right and um initially the character is Introduced and then there's the first They redo the first um game which is red Light green light and you know these People who move are shot right this is How they they play these games where People are killed and all these people Owe money and they're like the drgs of Society right um all these people have You know they're willing to play this Game because they're in Desperate Circumstances and there is a person one Of the contestants is shot in the leg And they're running out of time and the
Main character the guy who won the game Before you know he's compassionate he's Always trying to save people and he Already knows everyone's [ __ ] Doom so Whatever but he's got a bigger agenda Which is close down the games but he Throws that aside you know it's it's how They paint a character to make it look Good right this is manipulating a story So the main character goes out to lift This guy up and um the gu shot in the Leg so he's off balance and it turns Green light so he picks the guy up but It immediately turns to Red Light There's only about 10 seconds left to Get over to the get over the the finish Line and they're about 10 feet away and The transgender character gives a Sacrifices himself for you know puts Himself at risk by by helping this guy Right um by getting on the other side of This wounded guy and making sure he Doesn't move because they move move They're All Dead like the guy will be Shot and so the three of them walk Across the line and now the transgender Character is shown as being heroic right And this is scripted as a way to promote This in a country that's struggling with This in Korea South Korea and also you Know this American agenda but it's Completely contrived because you can Make someone look like a hero you can Make somebody look like a villain like
They did it both ways in the movie I the Tvi show I just talked about in Disclaimer with the character who is a Horrible person like all the characters In in most of these TV shows are are bad People like there's very few Heroes Anymore there are protagonists but They're not you know you root for them But they're they're deeply flawed in Disclaimer cap blanched is a horrible Person horrible mom manipulative Self-centered you know Ju Just all these Things not trustworthy and then she Becomes a victim at the end and you're Supposed to feel bad for judging her Because of the you know the information That was distorted even though the Person who made the movie purposefully Took you in that direction and then Tried to Mite Shamel on you at the end Of the thing right because that's how They construct narratives and to Manipulate your audience this way Especially with a social agenda so the Next big storyline is the second game is They have to get into groups of five People and they all have to play a kids Game and they're all their legs are tied Together and the transgender character Becomes a Leader and um helps the other people who Are struggling he slaps one um Contestant who's emotional who's Crazy Who's like a religious ftic because
She's getting hysterical and she's not Doing what she was supposed to do and The transgender character is saying all These things right um to you know is Being a leader and then um does a great Job at the end to get them through right And so now is shown as a person who will Sacrifice himself for you know the the People that are there the you know the Other contestants and also be a leader Because they want this person to be Shown in a positive light and off and Also is being ostracized by all the Villains like there's good people in This group and then there's the selfish People that are the bad people which who Are being mean to the transgender Character but the good people are Accepting and inquisitive and supportive And there's a there's a mother and a son And the mother is wanting the Transgender character come over to Dinner after they get out of there and You know um asking questions and they Asked questions about the transgender Character when they when uh when he had To do the the task asked everyone to Turn around he said well my body isn't Finished I haven't had all the surgery And explains you know the whole process You know uh a sympathetic uh view of What this person went through right Because they're pushing this agenda They're pushing you know this um
Narrative on the Korean people and it's Because Netflix is you know liberal and A part of this Hollywood agenda and They've been pushing all these things as Well and it doesn't you know fit with The rest of the storyline it's clearly It's like an infomercial it's like They're selling you an infomercial right That you know they're pushing this kind Of you know they're trying to sympathize With this kind of character where in the Past they might have demonized a Character like this or made fun of them You know these typ of things which would Have been you know possibly part of a Storyline that made sense and you know It might be mean it might be malicious It might be bullying but it was how People actually treat each other and Treat these types of people right and it Wouldn't be pushing an agenda or it Would be because it would be a little Bit you know if they're trying to bring Sympathy to a character but the Important thing to remember with all These stories and you know what happens In the news and everything else most of It's made up and like I was saying Earlier Why are there no big stories around Christmas right you know why are there There no never we'll never forget about That thing that happened remember on Christmas you know these days even
Though there's lots of things that you Know could or should happen on the Winter solstice and the equinoxes are Big days but the holidays themselves They're not big news days so like it you Know they be buried because no one's Watching the news right and they want The economic boom from Christmas and These other holidays so you know most of The news is let's take a break from the You know bad news and the horrible Things that happening globally right This is kind of the way it goes you know You know all of a sudden nothing bad's Going to happen because it's Christmas And you know there's only be n of these Events but then we'll get back into it All of a sudden there's no drones you Know there's you know there's no Whatever is going on you know Luigi man You know manio this the story takes a Break you know whatever's going on Because a lot of it's just made up and Contrived and you know forced and you Know as as part of a show but then the Fictitional movies and TV shows those Are completely Scripted and they are manipulating their Audiences they're pushing an agenda Again you know whether you believe in Something or not or you're sympathetic To something you're sympathetic to women Who have been abused or you're Sympathetic to transgender people or
Whatever it is right or you whatever You're feeling about these subjects it's Clear that they're pushing these agendas Because it's all it's in every one of These shows right men are bad and stupid And abusive and all these things they're No longer the heroes they're weak They're pathetic you know this is the Way they're being betrayed more and more In there and women are great but if it's You know a woman of color it's even Better and there's all these now LBGTQ characters that are in these shows Where they wouldn't probably be in in You know a realistic narrative in terms Of the the people that are they're in The story right they just insert these Story lines in there it's like the Producers in Hollywood say if you don't Insert these stories even though like They take a script and they just add a Character that is you know whatever is Was going on in 2023 but now with the swing back to Conservatism you'll see in two years if There's content if the world's still Here it'll shift right all these things That they're now pushing will disappear Or whatever more than likely because It's just contrived and it's you know Manipulating your audience right you're Not telling your audience the truth and So for somebody who does stuff like I do And I talk about this with truthers when
Truthers put music in that's Manipulative because music has an effect On people all these ways of manipulating People's emotions and these other things That they do right you know it's not Cool right it's not good to do that it's You know it's abusive you know you know In the way that I was talking about the Beginning of this video you know this Stuff is all abusive because it's not You know it's affecting people's Internal worlds through manipulation and Un you know untrue storylines right Things that are pushed in a way that Portraying people as victims certain Demographics as victims and also as Heroes and they're the good people and These other people are the bad people You know it's all the stuff that these Groups talked about how they were Demonized before you know when I grew up White men there's a you know a horrible Movie with John Wayne and he's just Killing Indians which I didn't like cuz I identified with the Indians for Whatever you know whatever it was like In the Cowboys and Indians I like the Indians it was I think something to do With past life stuff and you know maybe My just being sort of a contrarian in my Terms of my personality but there's this Movie in which John Wayne they've killed These these Indian these Native American People and um John Wayne says he goes
Down he starts shooting out their Eyes and you know have the quote Somewhere like this whole thing let me Let me find if I can read it here okay So I had this video ready to go um but I Watched the final episode of this Whatever it is I guess there's probably Another six episodes they they had seven Episodes um they released they must be Splitting in half like they do they pull That [ __ ] with karate kid or Whatever the Cobra Kai show as well and So in the seventh episode they bum Rush The guards and they take some of the Guns and they go and try to take over The you know Central Command of the Squid Games and the transgender character who Is ex-military trains and advises them On how to use their weapons is like a Super Soldier was you know the hero of the of The whole thing and is um you know is The you know probably the best Soldier Or the best uh person with the gun and So um you know really painting this Character as a Hero again it's a country where they Don't um they're not big on this kind of Thing and um you know they're pushing For this agenda through Netflix and it's just right there for Everyone to see and so um yeah I just Want to add that here and then I'll you
Know I guess in whatever three or four Months when they release the other part Of it we'll see what happens to all These characters especially that one all Right let me go to this last ending part Here yeah let me pull this picture up Here in the movie The Searcher John Wayne's racist Indian hating character Ethan Edwards finds a dead commanche Indian and he shoots out the Indian's Eyes Wayne explains to his companions That according to the kamanchi belief System a commanche Without Eyes must Wander in the spirit world without peace Or rest forever so it's not you know bad Enough that you're taking these people's Land right you know the whole hatred Towards Indians that was put out there Like Indians were portrayed as the bad Guys then clearly any white person being Honest would say yeah the white people Came in and not you know because I don't Identify with the people that did this You know you you're demographic doesn't Make you good bad or whatever there's Good people there's bad people there's Spiritual people there's devil Worshippers in every demographic Whatever it is whatever you so-called Identify as right whatever group that You're put into you know it's what kind Of person you are even your family like There's great people in a family and Horrible people in a family right like
There's all these different you know Elements of that thing right and so you Know the demographics you belong to Don't Define you as a person there are Some stereotypes sure there's things Like that right there's differences in Behaviors that are you know based in Ethn ethnicity and your culture and your You know maybe your race and these Things whatever but you know being a Good person or bad person is up to you Right and so what happened was the white People wanted America because America Was [ __ ] awesome right America the Native peoples had treated America they Were very natural and they had issues They had Wars with each other they took Slaves they were far from great um like In terms of you know they had their own Issues right no no groups of people are Just Blissful pure and innocent like it Just there's always [ __ ] there's always Horrible people in every demographic in Every time period there's just stuff Like that and it's just whether the Horrible people are running it or not Like that's the difference like often Times the horrible people are Marginalized and you know the system has A way of keeping them from Gaining power But once those horrible people gain Power You have what we have today and the Horrible people that were in Europe were
Very exploitative were very you know Ambitious and and evil and they thought They had this thing called Manifest Destiny where they were God's chosen People and whatever they did was a God's Will and that God willed them to take America by force and kill all these Native peoples and they killed like a 100 million of them so it's pretty [ __ ] right and took their land and Still somehow wanted to be the victims And this was portrayed you know in these Stereotypes and Disney cartoons and the Indians that were you know when I grew Up there's all these cowboy movies Especially like you know in the 50s and 60s John Wayne character and Indians Were just completely uh you know Demonized in a way that wasn't fair or Accurate right and now they've switched This where you know these demographics Are being supported and they're Demonizing the white people and white Men particularly right but it's the same Behavior and same attitude it wasn't That you got the demographics wrong Right it wasn't like no it's white People have been bad the whole time it's That you know people are [ __ ] up and They're you know they're good people Better people we all struggle with this Right you know and things are supposed To happen historically and you know but That doesn't mean that you have to be a
Complete dick about it like Master Chargie the third Master of the system Um was asked about what happened with The Native American people he had Remembered past lives of a Native American when he came to America he was An Indian uh you know an East Indian he Also was St Paul in the past life and Somebody else I don't know Spartacus or Some person a slave and in ancient Rome And he had memories of being here in America as an Indian a Native American And he um said that you know this thing Was supposed to happen that white people Were supposed to go around the world and Bring the world together into this you Know whatever's happened now where There's connectivity between the Continents and between cultures and you Know plane travel all these things like That was going to happen it needed to Happen there was some stagnation and Lack of Spiritual Development and some Of these Aboriginal cultures and there Needed to be a blending of what was Supposed to happen but the abuse that Happened wasn't part of it like that was Choice right like they didn't have to be Dicks about it like they could have been Inclusive in some way and not killed all The native peoples and moved them off Their lands which is what the British And these other European countries did Because they were [ __ ] right then
They didn't need to do the things that They you know they did but he also said About America he said America could be Great you have cultures from all around The world and you could take what's best From each culture you all the great Things that each culture has to offer Because each culture has something and Each you know group of people Dem Graphic has something beautiful to offer Right but he said it's been the opposite You've taken the worst like the gang Level Street Thug you know the worst Superstitions the worst elements of each Culture and then blend it together Instead of taking what's best which is You know a problem with humanity and you See this happening again with this Manipulative movies and these things Where they just you know they don't say Hey it's wrong to demonize all Demographics in story form and label Them as bad whether you know be men or Women or or gay people or any people on The LBGTQ you know alphabet people or Races or these things to demonize whole Groups of people you know there's a Place for everybody and just you know be Honest about it like speak truth Especially a time where truth is Happening whether people like it or not You can't stop the truth from happening It's not just an internet issue it's a Spiritual movement and you know this is
Why people are just not accepting this [ __ ] anymore but anyways let me wrap This one up here only spirituality will Save this world it's paano defin Reporting for the apocalyps in the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful