Okay greetings brothers and sisters um Just a few things to get to before we Get into the other stuff I want to cover A little bit more of the Luigi thing but I don't want to make the whole video About that I don't know if there's any New news just some reaction stuff I want To get to the view stuff here but I have A bunch of other things that I didn't Get to the last two days because of the Whole Luigi Thing okay so I got a comment from Somebody Um here and this person writes let me Make this Bigger this is to my Luigi you silly Goose don't bring your crime to-do list To Mickey D's and the person writes hi Paul regarding your view count you can Ponder breaking up your 2.5h hour videos To three parts I think you get more Views for shorter videos targeted Content named in the title so people can Manage their watch time more Easily and if you keep your long for Videos remind us that we could set a Sleeper in the YouTube Settings sleeper timer I Ed this setting A million times for to speed up but Du du I don't know what that means it's A acronym I have never noticed a sleeper Timer until a Creator taught me useful The tip last week well I'm not sure About the sleeper timer um um the issue
With that is YouTube is a lot of ways Ass backwards and it's Um uh the way that it uh it wants you to Produce as much content as possible all These platforms want you to be on there As long as possible Right There used to There was a video out I forget the name About it well maybe I could look it up Real quick here it's called The Social Dilemma it's about social media and a Big part of it about people watching Conspiracy Theory videos and how Google And Facebook and these other companies YouTube they want you to stay on their Site as long as possible so they Recommend things in such a way you know They get to know you and they recommend Things in such a way that they can keep You there as long as possible and that Changed for truthers which we know and Now even for everybody else to some Extent I'll get into that in a moment But you understand that having more Content available to People is a good thing and now of course YouTube runs ads on longer long form Videos a lot more ads and so that's Another way that it's better for them But in the stupidity that is YouTube They have pun they punish people for Putting out more content content and so If I broke my videos up YouTube would Only notify one of the videos the first One or whatever it did the notifications
Or it would whatever it might not um Notify people at all and then you put Out a second video they don't give out Any Notifications and you know not as many Ads are being run on a shorter video so It' be um like it's just more work for Me for Less results because if I put out Four videos in a day if I broke up my Videos to 25 minutes say or whatever you Know shorter segments I would get Overall more views but it would be the Same people basically watching um four Different videos and it would still be Less overall views and YouTube would say Well most of these people aren't Interested in this channel because I'm Putting out too much content because They punish you by when people don't Watch your content when people can't Keep up with it they stop notifying Those people and then they as you're Channel being one that people are not Interested in because they're not Watching the videos they're not clicking On the links when they get sent it they Can't keep up with the content there's Too many videos and so it hurts the the Channel I don't care about views it's Not the view count that matters to me I Mean I would like more views and I I Don't you know i' like more subscribers But none of those things are the Important number the important number is
How much money the videos are generating Because I'm not making enough money now You know I said before that my you know I work every day so if I make $100 a day Which is the bare minimum I was making More than that for a long period of time And then about two years ago it dropped Below that it's been above that for the Last three months because of the Election and now Christmas and then next Year it'll be probably pretty abysmal And so there's been a couple of issues Right because people are looking at this From their perspective people are saying Well you know when people try to advise Me it's not from being successful YouTubers I don't have people who are uh Have more you know views or making more Money than me leaving tips and things About how they did it because pretty Much everybody in YouTube is suffering The same thing which is this so my Channel was consistently Growing in 2016 17 18 you know I decided To do this as a full-time job and my Family and I were stuck in India Not stuck there because it was you know There was good things that are going on There but I had to come back to America And we had sold our Homestead and my ex Went back to America even though there's A whole story there I've talked to the Journey series extensively but our Marriage was fundamentally over and I
Was with my kids in India they wanted to Stay there for you know maybe another Year or two and I needed to be able to Make money and the only way was to you Know my YouTube channel Pop I had some Viral videos a video that got 2 million Views and I had the YouTube channel Around for a while and all of a sudden Something made it just exploded with Views right where I was getting a th000 Views per video even less less than Thousand per video I was making about $100 a month and I was making videos one Or two a month and sometimes I would go Months without making them come back it Was not a job it was not it was a hobby Right that made some money it was some Promotional you know promoting my books And other things that I was doing but in Terms of the videos you know the Michelle Obama I 5% chance 's a man Video that went got two that ended up Getting two million views and then I Followed it up with all these aist Actors who were forced to put on a dress So this is back in 2014 15 before all the stuff happened With Caitlin Jenner and all that stuff Right all the gender stuff this was like Stuff that I was already sort of Exposing and you know the the audience That was coming to me for the most part Weren't going to be people who would Graduate to like the videos I'm making
Now because I was going to change and Evolve and get into more of the the Things that I have to offer specifically The spiritual stuff and some of the you Know the Left Right Paradigm stuff Because you know there's a lot of people Who are Trump fans or the right-wing Fans you know if I was a QB or Christian Or you know any number of these big Demographics or it's just somebody like Who could Pander to sheeple you know I Made a lot of videos with Illuminati and The title and they got hundreds of Thousands of views right but those People didn't understand a lot of those People that would come to those videos Didn't understand my other videos right So you know as I involved as a video Maker my videos the audience would Shrink the potential audience was going To shrink which is part of it right this Is all like you know how things work if You don't evolve it gets monotonous and Talking about the same things over and Over again and then people lose interest Like I don't think people care about Illuminati things anymore for example You know people don't care about pizza Stuff they don't care about the big Event in 2001 you know people move on From things and there are some people Who get stuck and just make the same Videos over and over again and they Retain some level of audience but you
Know there's there's just ways that Things have to change and evolve just For your own sanity and just you have to Become better at something or you're not You know if you're not becoming better At what you do it's time to do something Else right but when I first started to Do take this as a job when I was in India I looked at my videos and I Realized that all the videos that were Making money and bringing people in were Hollywood based and I had only made like 10 videos nine or 10 of those and the Top 10 videos YouTube listed the top 10 Videos and I looked at I'm like oh my God cuz I I didn't want to make Hollywood videos I don't care about Hollywood you know all these things like I just had to do it as a job that's why This is a job you know now I've learned To enjoy that but YouTube Changed and started censoring and Demonetizing like a lot of the videos I Did about um celebrity sacrifice blood Sacrifice Illuminati sacrifice things Like this all of my Prince videos for Example got you I put out about 10 or 12 Of The Prince videos they're interesting You know videos this is when my family And I were transitioning back to America So this is 2016 we're coming back to America and All of a sudden YouTube had a problem With these videos and started to
Demonetize them and they all had over 100,000 views most of them had like 200,000 views and then YouTube was Starting to censor this was back in 2016 they had the ad apocalypse where They they themselves were you know Advertisers said they weren't going to Advertise until they started censoring Basically truth or content and things That were you know not sanctioned and They started to look at the videos that Were being produced and be more much More restrictive about where which Videos they would run ads on and the Truth are suffered more than anybody Else but then YouTube stopped they Changed their Algorithms so that you know I I got up To to 200,000 subscribers and my channel Was growing by 100 subscribers a day and So I would have been up to a million Subscribers in a short period of time a Couple years and my channel would have Been you know bigger and more relevant Right and and I would have had probably 20 30 50,000 core viewers my videos Would be getting 10 20,000 50,000 views Per per day right so that would be more Than enough if that was the case now I'd Be fine but YouTube sto Recommending videos like the videos that I produced not just truther videos but Lots of people suffered from this right And they started putting out crap what
They called authoritative videos from CNN and all these kind of sources and There are certain channels that they Prod that they still kept done Recommending and my channel was never Going to be one of those channels right And so this is and it happens to people Just not truthers so all the videos that I produced years and years ago they got Hundreds of thousands of views I I three Or four videos that had over a million Views maybe more maybe like 10 videos And then I had a bunch of other videos That had uh you know 200,000 whatever it Was right and so hundreds of thousands Sometimes 500 you know like lots of lots Of views my videos will never do that Again like the way YouTube has Restructured their algorithms my videos Are not going to get out to people in You not going to be recommended like They used to not just because the truth Are stuff cuz YouTube's their whole System's [ __ ] and you know they don't Have the the same uh you know with Tik Tok and the growing you know these other Alternative platforms and people don't Like YouTube as much you know it's not The only game in town and then YouTube Just being restrictive and changing the Way that they recommend videos it's just Not possible so the way it used to work I would put out a video and YouTube Would some videos it would choose to
Just basically endorse cuz the videos Were very similar you know and the ones That I had Illuminati in the title at The time when people really were Interested in that kind of thing and Symbolism and all the rest of it right Celebrities's name and the title and YouTube would pick up the video and Start recommending it to all kinds of People it would find itself in the Sidebar of recommended videos on People's phones and other places and so It would go like viral or whatever they Call it like something that's not quite Viral but close to viral it would these Videos would just take off and I would Get all these new people finding out About my channel and a small number of The those new people would find you know Would really like this channel because Of the you know the sophistication the Sophisticated more the more Sophisticated videos about spirituality And these other things right people who Weren't like trumpers you know these Kind of things right people who weren't Right-wing people who are left right Paradigm people people who could Understand that the system is you know It's more comprehensive than what people Were most truther people say and things Like this right and so those of you who Really like this channel you know the More I don't know intellectual more
Intelligent videos the better videos That are more I don't know I say Highbrow but more more Sublime more Subtle videos right that aren't just the Be mocking celebrities or whatever it Might be and so you know the people who Really find that this channnel has Something different to offer is a small Percentage if I would get 100,000 views There might be 200 people that would Really be into the channel so it's not You know it's a small retention rate but You know you need to get in front of new People and so YouTube stopped doing that And then sure shortly after that YouTube Was pressured by the Biden Administration and you know the powers That be you know this is 2018 so going From 2018 19 and then 20 you know all These restrictions came in and YouTube Was pressured to change their search Engine which was completely [ __ ] so The first part that killed lots of Channels and destroyed our ability to uh Bring in new people because people get Tired or just you know get bored or they Get busy and you know they have less Time whatever it might be they they end Up not you know they're not going to Watch every video I make for so many Years like some people people will come And go right I mean they still like the Content but they you know they have Other things to do or they get
Interested in other things or they you Know whatever happens right people go Through phases in their life where they Have more time and then you know they Don't or they change their interest or Whatever and so you have to constantly Bring in new people and the only way to Do that is if YouTube recommends the Videos to new people and they weren't Doing that anymore so that's you know That suffocates all of us and uh that YouTube is doing that too and it's not Just truthers like I said this has been A big problem right like I looked at a Number of videos of people who YouTube Put in a category and I forget the name Of it you guys if maybe watch my video About it but YouTube has a category Where it thinks that people are Inflating their own view count watching Their own videos or doing things with I Don't know Bots or whatever and there Were people these weren't truthers that Were put in this category and all of a Sudden their videos shrank they were Making uh YouTube wasn't running ads or Was taking the ad money for it was more Like a scam that YouTube was running to Take people's ad money and people who Are making a living and also you know Some there's one um young woman who was A content creator like she knew how she Was you know trained in how to make Videos and so she was putting out a lot
Of content how to make videos and and She did stuff she wasn't like a truther But some you know level of um you know Talking about things that were were Maybe a little bit controversial and she Was saying that her video count had Shrunk and it go through phases like she Would contact YouTube and you know they Would um they would they would like uh Take off the restriction for a short Period of time and then few months would Go by and was back again right and so This some unauthorized views or Something it was called right uh Whatever it was so but YouTube was Starting to get shitty right like that Was the bottom line and you know they Weren't recommending videos to new People and then they changed their Search engine results so you could Actually search the title of some video And they would recommend some [ __ ] You know the kind of content they were Putting out there and it was shitty Content it wasn't just CNN and you know It was like people like that guy who he Made Conspiracy Theory videos Shane and He's a piece of [ __ ] guy who's not you Know just a a normal YouTuber you know One of these popular YouTubers that isn't really conspiracy Theorist but he put out these videos That were you know conspiracy theory Light and just you know
Sucky and people would get recommended Those videos right like even to the Point when I you know I asked my viewers To um I was running that so I was Actually paying paying YouTube like this Is some of the things I've gone through I was paying YouTube to run ads right Which would lead people to my channel Like I had to pay YouTube for something They used to do for free and they even [ __ ] that up right and so this is the Beginning of when I realized that there Was no hope because I um I found the Channels they were running my ads on and There were the worst channels like People who watched the videos that my my Ads were running on would never become My audience were lame ass channels that Had nothing to do with what my content Was and they have all these Sophisticated algorithms and you know AI Bots and all these things right and um My wife said well maybe there's a way You could suggest channels to them and I Was in I was in contact with a human Like I had a person that was in charge Because they were you know when you run Ads they actually you know cater to you A little bit or they try to they pretend To and I said to the guy is there a way That I could run my ads on specific Channels right and he said yeah there's A place where you can put in all these Channels so I asked all of you if you
Guys remember this I asked everybody if They could um recommend channels that They watch that were similar to what I You know that they thought they thought Would be you know a shared audience Right and some of the people I'd heard Of and some of them I hadn't and I some Of them were like didn't run ads at all So so I couldn't use them but I ended up Having like 48 of like or so channels And I put all these channels in it was You know it's kind of um laborous right Because you know it took time to do all This and I said to the guy you know I Just want to run ads on these channels And it's plus it was supporting other You you know truther so it was what I Would want anyway and it was channels That were most likely um would get People to come over to my channel right Like it's a it was an audience that Might really like my videos because you Want to find the right targeted audience Obviously if you're spending money on These ads and so the guy said well we Can't do that we can we can take your Suggestions and I'm like what the [ __ ] You talking about I'm a customer I'm Telling you I want to run ads on these [ __ ] channels right and he said well The machine learning has to catch up They'll take that into consideration Because the machine know knew better on You know so I you know I had my audience
People who really like my videos say These are the channels we also like Right so those would be the the premium Channels plus those channels are are Going to be in the same shape that I am And you know channels get less money per Ad based on what category YouTube puts You in and so these are not these cream Of the crop channels they're truther Channels that are all struggling and so The ads would be cheaper for me so I Could run more ads on these channels so Was better for me on every way right so What he was proposing to me is that I Pay for a bunch of ads on channels where The people watching the videos would Never be my audience so it was waste Thrown away money until their algorithms And their machine learning could get Around to figuring out the channels they Were going to run ads on but they're Never going to run ads on those channels Anyway because they don't like those Channels those channels are you know Whatever Shadow band or whatever the [ __ ] they do to them right and so even If I was paying YouTube to do what they Used to do for free they still were Going to do it in a shitty way and I Wasn't going to get more people I wasn't Getting new subscribers you know they Call this customer acquisition costs and YouTube sucks their ad program sucks Right and I also started at Google which
Was even worse and I got into an Argument with this young woman from like One of Thailand or one of those islands Who wanted me to run my my ads on uh Google ads I'm like no I want to run Them on YouTube right and she was like No And then she she ran my my ad not as A like I made a short little 15 minute 15sec ad that people that they could run Before a video right and she ran it Where they were putting it in the Sidebar and recommending a video when it Just didn't make sense amongst the other Things that people were watching because They had a list of these Categories and you know these different Things you could put in and none of them Were about truth none of them were about God none of them about conspiracy Theories none of them are about any of These things like you put out these Lists of the kind of videos you make and The categories were so generic but none Of them were had anything to do with the Kind of content I make I mean there was Just there was in terms of me giving Them input of the kind of Channel I was You know there was no there was no Options that would describe my channel Even remotely and so it was a complete Mess their their vad PR program sucks You is a [ __ ] joke Google's a joke And there you know there's these the Massive amount of people who are into
Truther videos I mean it's like onethird Of the population I mean remember when When they didn't do this it was one of The biggest sections of videos so many People were making this kind of content Even people would you know they would Take your videos there's people in other Countries would take your whole video And put it up I had videos where I had The video I put out was uh I was a guy Got like 250,000 views Like a Beyonce Illuminati video and some Guy lifted my whole video and put it up And monetized it you know I I gave him a Copyright strike he was guy was just Stealing content and he was in a foreign Country and he he got 500,000 views Because his title was better because I Had to watch the what title I put Because they would demonetize it at that Point they were starting to do that Right and so that was the kind of you Know there was just all these people who Are interested in this kind kind of Content and then YouTube basically hid That content away they stop recommending The content and even when you search for It they game the search engine and they Said you know was completely arrogant on Their part Google and YouTube because Basically what they are is search Engines and you would search for Something and they knew what you were Searching for based on your view history
And and what you were you all the all The information they knew about you plus The the words that you would type in Should generate like you know people Would search search for pox to the Future and my channel would come up last And I you know I had a bigger Channel And a bigger audience and I was the First person to use the term pockets of The future it was like my term right so You would type something in and YouTube Knew what you wanted and they say [ __ ] You you should watch this instead you Should watch this lame content that you Can see any you can watch this CNN video That you could watch you know in so many Different places CNN doesn't even belong On YouTube right from the standpoint That they're not you know they they have Their own platform you know the Mainstream Media Fox and MSNBC and all These you know these news outlets they Have channels they have legitimate TV Station channels and cable news channels And things you know they're available in All these different formats and so People can find them anywhere but when People would you would search for Specific content the same content that Build YouTube into the platform it is Today YouTube would be like [ __ ] you We're not we're not showing you that Content we're not even giving you the Option to opt out we're going to tell
You what what what you should watch and Was the ultimate and arrogance like a Search engine that says [ __ ] you we know More that about what you want than you Do or what you should have we're telling You this is bad for you where it's like You go to order food and you order Whatever it is something unhealthy and They replace it with a salad and they Say [ __ ] you you fat [ __ ] you know like You know we we're looking at you and you Should eat this instead and that's Actually something that would be healthy What they're recommending is crap it's Content that is completely dead the Three big mainstream channels Fox CNN And MSNBC are dying Their audience is Dying there's no future for them there's No place in the future for them they Can't compete and and YouTube keeps on REM recommending crap like that you know Superficial [ __ ] if it is a truther it's A controlled truther it's somebody that They endorse right and so when people Want to recommend something to me if you Have a valid way of increasing my access To new audience people a way where I can Um get my channel in front of new people Because that's what I need it's 100% What I need and the people that watch my Videos you know some of them recommend Most of you guys don't talk about my Channel recommend it which is fine it's You know your choice but the people that
Do they're they're pretty much ignored By their friends anyway or whatever it Is you know so um you know I'm I'm Capped I'm like hard capped right like I Can't bring a new viewers and the Viewers I already have are are maxed out Right so I get a third of my income from The membership program and um you know It's not enough right so I would need to Triple the membership program double it At least in terms of that the number of Members and for all that I need new People and I need people who you know I Need lots of new people so the ones who You know it's a very small group of People because my my videos have evolved And again when I make videos for dumb People like I used to you know for the Masses and they were specifically about Hollywood stuff and you whatever it is Right I mean you know it's like Play Freebird you know it's this thing where That if you're a band and you got to Play the same songs over and over again You know from 20 years ago and you've to Changed and grown in there Sophistication in your music but it no Longer appeals to people you see this All the time with musical artists and And whoever it is as you be as you get Better and the your audience dwindles Because you most people don't evolve and Change and they can't you know move Conceptually to some higher level of
Consciousness and so when you Embrace Some sort of uh you know like your own Personal Evolution and then your Evolution as an artist as a Creator you You know you end up like no longer being Able to make theit crappy you know the Blockbuster type of movies and things That are you know that are more for you Know to have a much bigger potential Audience you know my audience is my Potential audience is shrinking right And so there's a lot of issues that I Have here and it used to be supported Not only by um you know the the the way That YouTube used to run used to also be Supported by Divinity right I had a YouTube channel for 10 years and then All of a sudden one day it popped and it Exploded and there was all this energy Behind it and the growth of the channel Was you know self-evident and I don't Know if some of that's just to protect Me because staying under the radar is Just better for me I don't know in the Long run I don't know I don't like it's None of these things but I've done Everything that I know what that I can The few other ideas that I have that I Haven't been able to implement and that Would be going like old school you know Taking out like a billboard or you know Doing something like that You know trying to get people to find Out about my channel through some kind
Of old school media marketing or Something now I'm not you know I don't Know anything about that I'm not a Business person and so you know my wife And I have talked about these different Ideas and things but formulating them And making them into a reality you know I'm willing to pay for customer Acquisition if it leads to you know I Have to be a it has to be profitable Like I have to you know if you're paying For advertising then you have to it has To turn into Money right it has to you know turn into Some sort of form of more membership People doing more members more you know Ad revenue and so you know for YouTube I Think I could have paid I I thought and I don't know for sure like I don't have A way of calculating this but I thought A dollar per Subscriber would would be at least my Audience would grow and it wouldn't cost Me any money in the long run like I Wouldn't lose any money if it was a Dollar subscriber but YouTube sucks so Bad I was paying like $5 per subscriber I Wasn't even getting subscribers so it Was almost like you know I don't think Any my ads generated any new subscribers If if you heard if you heard about my Channel through my ads and you're still Here leave a comment like just and
Everyone who who does that leave a Comment right and and so we could figure Out how many people are still here from My ads you know whatever amount of money I paid was probably like $500 I don't Know maybe a little bit more so it was Just me throwing away money for YouTube To suck at you know what they're Supposed to be good at like they this They have a business of running ads and Delivering customers to people and if They suck so bad that they and you and You hand pick your audience and say look Just run it on these channels I if they Had done that I would still probably be Running ads right because it would be Running on the channels that would most Likely lead to people coming to you know My channel but that would be limited as Well cuz those people had Li limited Audiences and a lot of those people Already know about my channel because They have already watched truth or Content right and so either way you know I'm I'm hard capped and on top of all of That YouTube is just paying less money Per ad they've just [ __ ] everybody Like not just truthers and so YouTube is Like become a ghost town in that sense And so someone recommended Rumble and I've looked at Rumble before and it Doesn't look like an alternative but I Just opened up a rum account and I went To upload one of my videos and it said
They have to be smaller and so all the Videos that I've made I can't upload Them right now and I'd have to make Smaller videos for a place that I'm not Monetized yet so I have to learn all About Rumble and all these things and You know short videos that get more Views don't generate more ad Revenue Than my longer videos like that's the Best format and I have to make content Every day because the you know the Videos that they come out the first day They get the most views right and I used To have videos that would get picked up And then they would start getting like Lots of views and I had a few videos That did that but not like they used to You know they got up to 15,000 20,000 Views and they would grow like over a Weekl long period and they would Generate lots of you know views and and Income not like like I said not in the Days when I used to get 100,000 million Views but for the most part a video Makes money the first first day and then Every day after that it's less unless You know some people find some video and It gets like a second run which just Doesn't happen anymore so if I make a Video every other day I make almost as Like I make almost as much as I need to On that one day but the next May Day I Don't make you know I make a fourth of That and so any day that I don't have a
Video a new video up is a day that you Know and then it there just becomes too Much content for people to keep up with And then [ __ ] the algorithm so you know It's I'm kind of boxed in and hemmed in And this is going to be something I have To deal with like I said coming up in January after Christmas the ad revenue Plummets and YouTube starts getting more Restrictive because they don't need all These channels out there right because YouTube is paying for all these large Video files I mean it's got billions of Videos out there that nobody watches That are just housed on YouTube's Servers and that cost YouTube money like They have all this you know terabytes of I mean millions of terabytes of of data That they have all these Dead videos That nobody watches and all these Channels where people put up videos for Like five family members to watch and You know they just you know so many Videos like that that nobody ever Watched ever and YouTube has to pay for It's the downfall of YouTube it's their Big expense it costs you know Electricity and money to to you know Keep this um the these videos that are Worthless videos up right and so they've Kind of realized that the model is never Going to be it's never going to work and So housing all these videos that people I mean for the most part all these
Videos that are um I got all these Videos that are privatized because YouTube's policies changed and I had to Privatize all my old videos right and These videos just sitting there taking Up space and YouTube realizes that you Know so it it doesn't want you know it Wants these long format videos to get r A lot of ads on them But then a day after the video's up it Becomes useless to YouTube because People have moved on to something else And so there's lots of problems here Like it's it's Unsustainable and my situation Personally is unsustainable here and so Unless there's some you know idea out There how I can um get draw people to my Channel I'm not very self-promotional I'm not a networker you know I've done What I can do like what I you know what I'm capable of doing and so like other Than that I don't know how to get my Videos out in front of new people and Bring in more uh long-term audience Members and it's just like I said Everything that I've tried has been Blocked to one extent or another and so My audience is basically shrinking over Time and not growing and it's right now It's to the point where I'm not making Enough money to continue what I'm doing Here right like I just you know um so All these things have to be taken into
Consideration as I move forward I just I Want to talk about my health but I'm I'm Better now like I have a little bit one Of the tsils I is swollen but I have That kind of regularly but you know I Don't feel sick at all and I you know so That went by the wayside I had some more Things to say about that but I just want To move on let's get into the to the Other things here okay so this is what I Was talking about here so today's um Thursday December 12th I just put a Video up last night with all this Information that was revealed about Luigi mangion and um this uh search is Specifically for stuff that's been put Up in the last 24 hours and so I turned On the news this morning when I Breakfast there was no reference to this Anymore like what used to be the lead Story to the news yesterday is now Buried and you know there's no more Information to divulge right so they've Kind of rolled out everything that They're going to roll out so these are The most recent videos 11 most shocking Details from Luigi manon's Manifesto Luigi uh Luigi manon's Conditions in Jail what's cooking in prison breakfast Fruit grits bread lunch porcupine Meatballs potatoes bread fruit dinner Mac and cheese pasta um or something Pasta I guess uh bean casserole tomatoes
And broccoli so that's all of his um These are what they're saying now was The Luigi mangion frame social media Circulates theories despite New York PD Evidence inside the co killing suspects Wealthy family history we showed that Yesterday so this is where it sort of Dried up right because there was the Event that everybody saw right there was Now they have this murder suspect Luigi Amand he's a new lawyer and so they um They're starting to make fun of it Classmates of shooting suspect Luigi man Calls his time on the robotics team Right and so this is where interest is Faded so they rolled out this dramatic Event where a guy shoots another guy in New York City and then they show the Shooter with a Mas on riding his bike And you know traversing the the areas of New York City various photos various Things right we all just this was the You know we got to catch this guy phase There's a guy out there we're going to Catch him right and that wasn't going to Last forever and so they rolled out more And more pictures and more and more Interest and then there was the people On the internet who were thinking this Guy was some sort of modern-day Robin Hood right here's more of the stuff here And then um they catch him in McDonald's And so they have the footage of him Being arrested they being um brought
Into court there where he he acts out His lawyer emerges and then they start Releasing all the evidence If he has a gun on him that wasn't the Gun that they originally said he used But then it became the gun he used and That was the ultimate the gun where the The gun that he was on him matched the Forensic um evidence match the bullets Right and then he had a to-do list and Then they rolled out a um a Manifesto he Had the clothing from the you know Wherever he was right and he had a Procedure where the healthcare is isues Were you know something to do with the Spinal cord Damage and then all the other things That went with it a rich family and then They rolled out his background whatever Stuff he had social Media they showed him giving his valid Dictorian speech and then it's done Right they have enough evidence they've Convicted him in the court of a public Opinion there's some resolution to the Story the guy certainly did it from Everything that they showing you you Know all the evidence that they're Presenting to you so the story is Basically over and people move on to Something else maybe there'll be a trial And some you know breaking news coming Up he'll be extra died to New York They'll do another day of whatever that
Is you know these little bits and pieces But people don't care about it anymore Right it's this stuff that happens um It's the needing to be stimulated you Know the flashy object the squirrel Where people consume information it's You know there's very um what do they Call it uh low value value calories Empty calories it's empty calories and Nothing ever happens to change it people Just bounce around from the next story It happens here in the truth Community It happens with all the media stories Where there's something that people are Interested in you know there might be People who get obsessed with it they get Into it they can't get enough of this Guy in his story there are people Suffering Health Care issues he's a hero To them whatever but the majority of People move on but there's no Evolution There's no personal growth people Bouncing around with whatever flashy Shiny object that's put in front of them Whatever you know story of interest There is trending story and nothing ever Is happens because of it the be people Themselves are pacified you know there It's the video game internet um you know Information era where a lot of Information's out there it's all Basically useless information because in This case it looks completely faked and Contrived and staged
And so what good is it to see it like You're not going to change any of that It's not going to be exposed you you Like oh now we got to we got to you know Tell everybody the truth and we know That doesn't work right we got to tell Everyone what's really going on here Well that doesn't you know it's just That that ship has sailed long ago and So it's just the next story and so for Me making videos about something you Know I'm I make videos I give my Opinions about people are whatever and Whatever helps them or not but there you Know the bigger things that I present Here are the spiritual truths and the You know the overall understanding of a System that's you know a delinquent System that needs to collapse and you Know what do we do after that happens Like what do we do as people to prepare For the material effects of a collapsed System and more importantly building Something better in the future right Pockets of the future and so few things Here we'll get to like this is just the His lawyer time and uh obviously you are Dealing with this your other cases as Well in court today the nypb wait let She say his name here Dicky he is the Defense attorney Dicky what's his name Dicky he is the defense attorney for Luigi Manon and Thomas I I appreciate Your time and uh obviously this [ __ ]
Guy like they have hundreds of millions Of dollars in assets and this is their Guy you are dealing with this your other Cases as well in court today the nypb Commissioner tonight is announcing that The gun that your client had on him when He was arrested in Pennsylvania at that McDonald's they are saying that specific Gun matches the three shell casings at The scene of the murder in New York What's your response to that from the New York uh NYPD commissioner Tonight uh yes Aaron um thank you for Having me first of all um you know eron I still haven't seen that evidence Lawyers need to see evidence um those Saying you have something and get Getting that admitted in the court are Two different things um the and in fact So what we're talking about is Fingerprint evidence and some ballistics Uh those two Sciences in of themselves Have come under some criticism in the Past um relative to their credibility Their truthfulness their accuracy However you want to do it so that's why As lawyers we need to see it uh we need To see how do they collect it how much Of it matches you know like I don't want To get too so it's really whether the Kid says he's innocent like he didn't Shoot the guy because that's the first Part because if he's going to say that It doesn't matter right you know this is
Why they want dead people because they Just present these circumstantial Evidence that doesn't have to go to Trial right so in the past this is why They have to control everything and Everybody about these stories because You know if the story is [ __ ] or It's just made up or didn't really Happen or you know any number of Possibilities that we believe here in The truth Community like any number of Different narratives in the one that They're giving you as long as the guy's Dead they can say whatever they want and People can confront it and prove you Know say this isn't factual and show you You know how their story is [ __ ] it Doesn't matter because the story will go Down in history as the story they're Presenting and everyone thinks this guy Did it right based on what's Happening You know in terms of the narrative in Terms of the show you're watching a Movie you have something fictitional They present enough evidence that this Guy did it right but there could always Be some sort of twist in a movie or TV Show and they could say well that was Def fak or whatever you know they're Getting into those kind of plot lines And story lines but the bottom line is None of this really [ __ ] matters Right and you got a lawyer that that's Thomas Dicky who's very unimpressive
Right technical but fingerprints they go By ridges different things like that um And then we would what last what what Ethnicity is dicki Have our experts we would have experts Take a look at that and then we would Challenge its admissibility and Challenge the uh accuracy of those Results so you know when you mention It's the ballistics but also the Fingerprints when you're talking about Fingerprints and the ridges on the Fingerprints you just mentioned Specifically the NYPD does say those Fingerprints match the fingerprints uh Your client's fingerprints match the Fingerprints on the water why don't you Ask him if you're a real journalist ask Them why the [ __ ] your client dropped a Water bottle and a a burner phone at the Scene of the crime why did he have a To-do list about the criminal stuff that He was going to do right why did he put A Manifesto out there why'd he do all These things because you know it doesn't Make sense like I can understand the Manifesto because that's you know this Is what the CIA does that's a profile They release if the guy wanted to make a Point but why would the guy run if he's Going to incriminate himself why would The guy go on a you know have a Escape Plan that involved leaving evidence that They were going to catch him on at the
Scene of the crime bottle and that kind Bar uh near the murder scene so he he Dropped the wrapper of a Kind bar with Fingerprints on it he had a kind bar He's hungry after shooting the guy he W He he he had a big bike ride ahead of Him so he wol out a kind bar instead of Putting in his pocket and disposing of It somewhere else he left it right next To the the the dead Body so is what you're saying that You're not sure that the methodology That they're using or the company that They're or however that they're matching Those fingerprints you're not confident In That well I have I'd have to see it I Mean anybody can I they're going to use It of course they're going to say that Um but you have to see things and that's Why you know people see something say Something to keep an open mind and uh You know we would get our day in court And we would get that evidence we can Examine that evidence and challenge it You all the way at this point are you Has your he's very Sharp Cent said anything to you or I Mean are you disputing that he was in New York City uh yeah I'm not going to get in any Communications between my client uh um And I um that's not proper and again you Know if and when formal charges are
Filed uh it no question that my client Would indicate a plea of not guilty no Question that he so you're sure it'll be A not- guilty plea uh do you does he Saying he's guilty do you know when You're going to get the government it's The I'm sorry I'm Sor no no go ahead Finish your Thought yeah the burden of proof is Always on the government okay so uh you Know again people forget that he and any Other person charged with a crime is Presumed Innocent that means we start Off square one with a presumption of Innocent of him being innocent and the Rest then follows and and then we Challenge the evidence and contest it And battle it out in court where it Belongs right well it okay so um they Didn't get a star here for the for the Amount of money the family has this guy Looks like the kind of guy they got off Like a bumper sticker or something right You know like um the lawyer from uh uh Saul the the better call saw lawyer from Uh you know the the show and the Um you know the uh Breaking Bad in the In his spin-off series but he saw was a Lot sharper you know like more energy And all these things so again we'll see How this story disappears it'll come Back up and there'll be some other Resolution they'll convict him or not or He'll die in jail or whatever happens
Right and you know the rest of this will Just disappear like so many of these Other stories because they're Meaningless they have no there's no Bearing on anything and unless they take Away some of your rights take away it's The the what happens afterwards like the The stuff that's done afterwards in Terms of your ability to print a 3D gun Or something like that disappears or Whatever it might be you know they'll Get rid of things or they won't they'll Try to or you know it'll be successful Or not but other than that it has these Things have no bearing speaking of no Bearing let's go to the ladies of the View details are emerging about Luigi Mangion the man charged in the Assassination of United healthc Care CEO Brian Thompson the suspect came from a Wealthy family was a high it looks like You know like a like some kind of a Stock photo here from a wealthy family Was a High School Valedictorian Ivy leag College student who yeah we know all About that stuff let's get into the Opinions of these wonderful view Brilliant Minds here you know this is What I was making reference to in the Beginning of this video because I'll Spend so many hours You know making the videos I've made two Videos I mentioned this guy in an Earlier video I wasn't really covering
It then they busted him and I made two Videos that were mostly focused on this Right and so the videos are four hours Long you know total two videos of two Two plus hours you almost five hours in Content and I've made these videos and They have his name in the title and People are interested to whatever extent And that interest is fading fast right And then it'll just be like oh remember That guy you know the video will be Basically a dead video and that's what Happens when you cover news stories or Any of these these topical events people Lose interest in them in a very short Period of time and then there's other Stuff in there of value that I've put in There philosophical things you know Spiritual stuff whatever it might be but It's not going to be seen because the Topic the main topic is is basically Jump to shark right and just all these You know empty calories And this Squawk Box right this is the Epitome The View ladies right who who Just verbalize their opinions every day Their opinions suck they're meaningless And dumb people who are low Consciousness watch this show and many Shows like it and it's just you know People this is all the zomb Zombification of the American public Right who no longer do anything they Just stare at [ __ ] right people just
Stare at [ __ ] bump into things right Remer that criminals or people who do Harm don't fit into any one box I think We're so quick to stereotype people you Expect a certain socioeconomic level or A certain education background um the Thing I'll say is this is listen anybody Can be a criminal now anybody could be a Terrorist that's what one of the that's One of the takeaways so that's something That's out there like as a you know this Is setting a precedent for people who Are successful no criminal background Appear to be have no real reason to be Doing the crimes that they're doing but Do them anyway and first and foremost The tragedy is that this man who a Husband a father a son was killed it's Also a tragedy that an incredibly Promising 26-year-old man went so astray That he committed this heinous crime and Again you don't know if he committed it They're talking about this like he's Already been convicted like Dicky was Saying you guys didn't L listen to Dicky You guys don't pay enough T pay enough Attention to Dicky you guys you guys more need more Dicky in your Life what Dicky was saying was was his Lawyer was saying is that he hasn't even Seen the evidence and people could just Say they have the evidence right like That's everything that you hear on the
Internet and on TV is other people Saying they have something that they Could show you a picture of what they Have right but everything could be faked Like you have no idea you know Everything can be staged we live in a World that's already illusionary and Then we've have our own illusionary subw Worlds of the internet and Cinema and TV Shows and things that seem very real but Are aren't right and so this guy hasn't Been convicted but they've presented all The information that they say they have And that would lead you to think that This is a slam dunk right because they Say so and they're the authority and so For people believe in that sure but Everyone else is like [ __ ] you you know We don't trust you or believe in what You're saying well regardless of how Much proof that you say that you have You're not Trustworthy um listen I'm going to defer To the author authorities but they sort Of alluded to you know he might be this Anti- um big healthc care Crusader of Some sort that may be the case he did Seem to have a Manifesto but this he did Seem to have a Manifesto someone who was a high Functioning High performing person who People only really had good things to Say about until about 6 months ago it Sounds like he basically disappeared his
Family wasn't in touch with him to me it Symbolizes more likely there was some Kind of a mental health break and that He may have acted so now she's she's They've convicted him already and this [ __ ] dope who was like a a former Republican um I don't know what she is She does like um she's a she's a pol She's a political you know she works in The the world of politics right and this Dope who has no credentials is now Diagnosing him with a mental illness so First he's a convicted murderer even Though they just caught him two days ago The thing only happened two weeks ago You know wherever he was before there no One would say that about this guy and Now this person that we just found out About two days ago she knows that he's a Convicted murderer because the people Have told her all the evidence and on Top of that she's clearly seeing that He's mentally ill you know like she's Just said this guy's crazy murderer and With information she's never met the guy It has no credentials to say either Either of those things an extreme way Because he wasn't treating something That came on suddenly that's my Speculation but that's what I sort of Suspect from the fact of course Ted Cruz Has to politicize it and say that it's a Left-wing thing I mean the the Ted Cruz Jesus Christ was the second attempted
Assassination on Trump like the the the Gest elf of all she's the the most Ghoulish elf of all time TR was a kid Who was a registered Republican who also Voted for Biden and had a lot of Left-wing stuff on his uh social media But I don't think that this as you say It's not a political issue and why does Ted Cruz insist on div Ted Cruz let's Let's get let's throw Ted Cruz into here For some no apparent reason getting Americans even further is my question to Him another Point these ghost guns are Up for discussion at the Supreme Court Right now so let us hope that they do It's crazy that they're they're up at For discussion at the Supreme Court at The very time when becomes there's a Prominent story about them the right Things Because uh let me see they do not have Serial numbers no they're ghost guns They they're ghost guns let's get rid of Them let's get rid of these [ __ ] ghost guns we just found Out about 10 days ago or two days ago And now it's like hey let's get rid of Them hey the Supreme Court it's Conveniently right up there for that Thing we don't want people printing Their own guns unregistered un you know Known guns like this because you know CEO killers and [ __ ] they are sold Online as do it-yourself
Kits what type of country are we living In that some nutcase can get a gun that Has no serial number that he can make The same way that he can text me come on Yeah well I I think that come on that's So [ __ ] crazy come on the Supreme Court is about to do it uh to to rule on This because Biden has a whole thing Going on to to control this follow let Me it's amazing The Coincidence of these Two things happening at the same time It's crazy you might think this could be A possible conspiracy if you weren't Brain dead Dopes but I'm hoping that Roberts and Barrett will go with the um the other um The other Supreme Court Justices katangi Uh Jackson and uh Elena Kagan Andor that they will all vote against This type of thing to save this country Come on you got to save the country from Ghost guns I mean ghost guns we just Found out about but I know that they're Going to bring out this country people Be running around with ghost guns doing Kind of things bicycles and leaving Kindar rappers at the scene of crime and Going into McDonald's with all the Evidence on him with it wearing a mask That everyone would recognize him and You know this kind of thing they're like It's going to take down America these Ghost guns we got to get rid of the Ghost guns I I was going to bring up the
Ghost guns because um you know I think It's all speculation now as to why Someone so young so promising um would Do something like this um there's some Indication that he was also suff Suffering from chronic back pain like Exactly we heard about it just yesterday That see he had back pain I mean back Pain just chronic back game can make you Print out a ghost gun and go kill a CEO I mean just what happens even though Your life is going a certain direction You're a certain kind of person Everybody says you're just great person And then just one day you your back Hurts and you're killing CEOs with ghost Guns and [ __ ] severe chronic back pain And hasn't everyone has who has who Hasn't that's that's no excuse I I have Three back pains right now back pain Yeah so we're we're not we're not sure We're not we're not sure what why this Happened but we do know the Instrument mentality that was used and It was a ghost gun that can it was a Ghost gun I mean it it wasn't a regular Gun it was a ghost gun and like it Disappeared right it was Casper the Friendly Ghost Gun printed on your Computer and I think what is so Frustrating to me PR print it on your Computer that's how ghost guns work Is that um you know you have all these Lobbyists lobbying and saying that this
Is not a firearm it obviously is a Firearm because a man was killed us you Use it exactly now it's clearly a Firearm before it was just a ghost gun But now it's now it's like it's it has Real life consequences one of them and It is going to be in front of the Supreme Court um but in recent years um Their their use these gun these ghost Guns um proliferate ated I would say There are they are linked to nearly 700 Homicides since between 2016 and 2021 I Mean that is that is crazy that's a Tenfold increase tfold increase this is Crazy the ghost guns are I mean 700 People out of of 300 million it's just Crazy amount I mean before you know it There'll be no people left there'll just Be a bunch of ghost guns laying around And all the people be wiped out from the World death by ghost gun the Supreme Court is looking at whether or not it is Considered a firearm of course it is of Course it is I I agree with you I I Think you know when you have when you Have something that someone can make in Their home and you have the lobbyist Saying but no and the M gun Manufacturers saying these are just Hobby guns and so you know why would They say that well how are they making Money I mean the the people are selling The guns hobby guns what does that mean They shouldn't be regulated it says a
Lot about our says a lot about we got to Regulate everything we got to [ __ ] Make we got to make rules Come on all The rules I mean you get guys running Around with back pain and [ __ ] CEOs Killing CEOs with ghost guns and kind Rappers and then Manifesto so come on I I think that there is a shock in finding Out who it is just because the this this Man could have changed things in this World he had every privilege that could Be given to someone ever he came from a Wealthy family he had all the Privileges This guy could have been a he was he was Full of white privilege Highly Educated Valid Victor of his class all the things Were there well those aren't privileges That's like takes work and [ __ ] like That those things aren't privileges yeah Going to the school and having a rich Family that's a privilege but becoming Valid dictorian that's something that You earn you didn't it wasn't a Privilege a very smart person and yet This is the option he chose rather than Going into a system and truly changing The ills and problems okay you can't Change his [ __ ] system why hasn't you Mean there's no you're saying that A person with money and privilege and Intelligence and abilities could change The system then why isn't the just System been changed why does the system Just keep getting worse and people
Getting worse like just admit Everything's going to [ __ ] right people Are much worse and the system is much Worse and the attitude and the emotions And the mental illness the only thing That's getting better is our stuff in Terms of technological advancement the Stuff is getting better but everybody is Getting worse the system's degraded the Hatred the anger the economy all these Things the debt you think that this guy Could have changed that why hasn't Anybody else changed it you think that Everybody's making bad choices and That's the reason why the system hasn't Changed you can't change this [ __ ] System doesn't matter how privileged you Are how gifted you are the system is Corrupted like just to [ __ ] admit it Right this guy could have changed the World but instead he bought a ghost gun He printed out a ghost gun he got on a Bike with a kind bar and a water bottle And a burnner phone he shot the guy Dropped his evidence there he ran away Rode his bike away even though he has Severe back pain and his white privilege And his freaking rich family they went On multiple buses ended up in Pennsylvania and one day went to McDonald's wearing a mask so people Could recognize him with all the Evidence on his in his backpack and Dropped a Manifesto I the guy could the
World but he did this Instead I think there are so many Massive problems with the insurance Companies that is clear and we all know It it is almost like a criminal racket This is it is a criminal racket okay It's just not illegal so it's criminal It's immoral it's obscene and it's Unnecessary it's a parasite on an Already parasitic moneymaking Health Care System that's like the worst kind Of Health Care system and so you got bad Health care and the insurance companies That make money off of the bad health Care and prevent you from getting the Health care from the bad system right It's completely [ __ ] and so don't Pretend that this kid could have changed That in any capacity never the answer to That and I'm actually more surprised by People's continual response to this from Ticktockers to ticktockers the [ __ ] Ticktockers love the ghost guns and People shoot CEOs in the face professors Podcasters you can can have all the rage In your heart at a system and still know That to pinpoint and put a Target on the Back of a human that is so far removed From fixing the problem he may be a Millionaire you may hate people with Money all the things you have to reflect On yourself if you at any point she just Dropping this wisdom here look at her Drop the wisdom look at the big fiser
Dick right here dildo and so just silly [ __ ] right like this is what I'm talking About empty calories the story is self Is is just fake as [ __ ] or doesn't make Any sense contrived whatever it is part Of the show like it just doesn't make Sense all these plot Falls all these Things that don't make sense they only Make sense because when you write a a Fictional story and you see this more And that more with TV shows and movies I Have a couple things I want to talk About at the end of this video I saw a Few little disturbing things on Netflix Hopefully I'll remember if not I'll do It in my next video and so um when you Um like have these um you know whatever It is these you have an agenda your Agenda is feminism or some kind of wo Crap or some kind of Republican stuff or Whatever you have an agenda-driven story And you're going to write the story or The the screenplay or whatever it is the Content around the fact that you're Pitching the agenda and so the agenda is Going to shape the way the story is told And if you're gend G is [ __ ] if your Agenda is getting rid of ghost guns Right well then there has to be some Kind of element like if you if your Agenda is to push for more surveillance Cameras and to get rid of ghost guns Then you have to make the narrative fit Into that
Scenario and so the guy has to escape on A bike and go through the city and Escape somehow and he has to use a ghost Gun which they're going to have to find On him find on him later on and then They're going to have to be able to pin The crime on him so he's got to leave DNA evidence and a Manifesto and some Other things that are necessary to make This story work right and so this is Just bad Storytelling they saying stories are the The you know the the foundational Building block of a person's moral Fabric and their personalities you know Our stories are everything you know we We think in story form right everything That we look at we you know it's like a TV show now but it used to be you know Before that story for your life is a Story and your day is a story you tell Stories about your trip to this thing Going out shopping and somebody cut you Off in traffic and what's going on today And people put their stories on social Media story this story that right and The stories that they're putting out There is like horrible they're hogwash They're stupid because they're 100% Agenda driven and the media nobody calls [ __ ] on it so they get away with it But it's just you know they they're [ __ ] stories we're gleeful about This because it is so disturbing it's so
Disturbing because what like you know What's disturbing these five freaking This little coven of of dopes still have A show with their symbolism with the V And the whole the residual effect of how Many people applauded this person as if This is how we live in this country You're just so outraged so I'm so Outraged we're in this world and it's Unacceptable okay but you said is a Criminal organization so which is worse The healthcare insurance Racket and the Healthcare industry the pharmaceutical Industry that kills 250 the the medical System that kills 250 people 250,000 people a year or whatever it is Right but 250,000 I think and you know All the people that suffer from our Medical system and then all the people That get defrauded by the insurance Company or one guy getting shot like Which is Worse by a ghost gun which is worse the System itself that causes pain and Suffering and and misguides people Misleads them and helps the uh you know Pushes them in the wrong direction makes Them weak and dependent and and you know Unhealthy and unable to to live a you Know a valid life often makes them Mentally ill the side effects of the Drugs I mean how many people have died From side effects of pharmaceutical Medications or committed suicide from
Side suicidal ideation is one of the the The um the side effects right what's Worse that whole big system systemic Problem or one crazy kid who you know Used to be a valedictorian and then went South gets a ghost gun and shoots a CEO Like which is more outrageous the Health Care system or the people who are Plotting this guy for you know doing Something that has no real value I'm Killing this guy's going to do nothing United Health is still going to screw People over right this is not going to Change anything but in terms of what People see other people see they see a They see the the you know this corporate Evil Corporation and this evil systemic Health Care issues and the insurance Being part of it the the Pharmaceuticals Being another and doctors being another The government being another the finance Financial institutions being another and These evil Organizations and then somebody doing Something like a small little gesture of A [ __ ] you to these organizations and That's what you're outraged about that This this ghost gun carrying Valedictorian people who are going to Make changes that are needed to our System are not the ones who do it this Way and do it violently it's the ones Who are doing the hard work of activism Of lobbying members of Congress okay so
The lobbying you need more money now you Know what let's talk about lobbying what Do you need you need money and ordinary People who are you know broke because of The they're not getting paid enough Money and because of inflation and Because even if they had money it Wouldn't be billions of dollars that These corporations and these insurance Companies make and so lobbying Politicians is that what you're saying Would have worked why isn't it worked Yet it hasn't worked once in the history Of any kind of of these lobbying Movements they did um they did um some Kind of sort of uh you know scientific Polling and uh or not polling but they They found they did Research into this And what I'm going to say like I could Go find the research but I don't need to Because it's going to make total sense And that is that every time that there Is a political issue you know some kind Of Bill being passed or law being passed The side with the money on it wins the More money the side that's richer Whatever the dispute is wins every [ __ ] time a bill is passed a law is Passed the people that has special Interest lobbying groups money wins Every time and that makes total sense I Don't even need to say it you could just Assume that to be true you don't need to Do a study on that and so Ordinary
People don't have money you know who has Money insurance companies pharmaceutical Companies so to say that this kid could Have done something by lobbying and Doing the hard work like this freaking Dopes in there you know and the big old Big Pharma dildo sit there you know talk About the people that pay your bills the Insurance companies I'm sure insurance Companies run plenty of of because this Is watched by old people right these News programs and so what what do old People uh what are the um sponsors of Shows that are for old people well it's Big Pharma it's insurance companies it's Medicare and these things right talking To their state and local officials and It just I feel like it detracts from Actual work that's that's never happened Well why is the insurance companies Getting worse why are they making more Money why is Big Pharma making more Money I mean if if you're going to say It's hopeless which I would agree with You can't change it say we can't change [ __ ] and then say well then you're going To re occasionally you're going to have Someone who gets so frustrated they act Out like this right I mean whatever Truth there is to this story but just Admit you can't change [ __ ] like you Just got to eat [ __ ] and you got to just You know take all this stuff thank you Sir may have another right like that's
All you can do thank you sir may have Another we now consecrate the bond of Obedience assume the Position thank you sir may I have Another Thank you sir may I have Another thank you sir may I have another You know show me one example of any Corporation you know anything that's Politically legislated you know any kind Of evil Corporation scam that's going on There that was able to be changed that Was able to be uh you know uh that Normal people average people were able To win like David versus Goliath type of Situation show me example I'm not Talking about some lawsuit where they Have to throw sprinkle a few of their Crumbs and pay people off which Occasionally happens almost never but Where something was actually changed Where something evil and some evil Corporative Corporation or governmental Uh agency or war or whatever it is Whatever bad thing is happening by Powerful groups has been changed by Average people it doesn't happen right It never [ __ ] happens when there's a Revolution like what do you think's Going on in Syria the Syrian people with Help from other powerful agencies like Israel and America and these other Groups and lots of money have overturned And got rid of assat again it wouldn't
Have happened without external Intervention but what's happening to That Country Now is it going to be Better no it's going to be worse it's Going to be worse for 50 60 years like It was already bad there but then They're talking about how bad that guy Is but it's going to get worse we've Seen it when there's regime change no Matter how bad the [ __ ] dictator was Whatever comes next is always worse it's Thug rule disorganization and chaos and People suffer they don't have the same Level of Lifestyle there's no Organization to keep the system going so If you took down the American government And the American system collapse the Economy what do you think would happen To the electrical system and the food System and all of it what would happen People would go cha Go full apeshit and Go go into their grocery stores and buy Toilet paper like they did on you know In canned goods and before you know it There'd be no food people starving they Start eating each other like it happens Like really quickly we might see it we Probably will see it right where people Will be turning into cannibals within a Week or two after a systemic collapse And that's how quick it could happen Right and so other than something like That that's going to make things worse There's no you know power group that
Gets taken down and replaced by a better Pristine system it's never happened so Stop talking about like you can work the System and affect change it's never Happened it's not happened one [ __ ] Time things just keep on getting worse In terms of the corruption and the evil And you know there used to be some Lawsuits and things and you know there Was stuff that was there was some power Within the citizenship and you know Protests made a little bit of a Difference you know back in the 60s but They closed that [ __ ] up right it was Effective for a small po po period of Time that guy Ralph nater they started Suing companies and things legislating Politicians and what happened just like With the internet the powerful people Just figured a way to block that [ __ ] Right so you can have a little bit of Small success until they stomp you out Work that's been done to try to change Our healthare system and make better try To change but not change it of the Healthare system and how they really Will deny more anesthesia that you but One thing also I do feel like the Politization that we jump into so I Actually weirdly I'm not feeling great I Went on a deep dive in read this Gentleman's Twitter feed it was Eventually taken down and he was by who Who took it down why did they take his
Twitter feed this is from like two days Ago this was from when they first caught The guy right so you know yesterday or The day before this came out so I I'm Getting to the Slate they had already Taken down who took down his Twitter Feed and because he's not a criminal yet You know he's a suspected criminal so Why take down his Twitter feed Immediately upon his arrest he no longer Has a voice in a place again this is Elon mus Twitter he was supposed to be The guy that was for free speech who Took down did the government did the did You federal government take it down There was a was it Elon Musk took it Down who did as soon as the guy is Accused not convicted of doing something He says he's innocent we haven't heard Him confess to anything if you do he Still hasn't been convicted he doesn't Have a voice he's been Deplatformed by the very Act of somebody You a bunch of [ __ ] being said about Him that may or may not be true right And so all of these things somebody he Actually didn't fit into a political box I think blocks the FBI called him kind Of a Marxist because of his Manifesto But he was listening to Andrew huberman He was a Joe Rogan fan and then also Liked the unibomber I think we're so Quick to these are the what what we know About the guy he liked Joe Rogan he
Liked the uni bomber he was kind of a Marxist he put out a Manifesto for Christ's sakes and you know he had a a Ghost gun well who is this guy who who Is this mystery man that we're speaking Of with all these random facts we know About him why we don't even have a Profile on this guy yet all we know is He like these different things and he we We can't put him in a box and he has Ghost guns he can be he's a ghost gun Guy to say You must fit into this box And be all this or you fit into this box And you're all that and it's like in all Likelihood this is a gentleman who was Struggling with something at some point Went astray his family wasn't in his Life and it is a tragedy because he Could have been part of the Man he could have been part of the Solution there's no solution stop Pretending there's a [ __ ] solution And that's everybody like everybody in The truth Community you're [ __ ] the System's [ __ ] it's going in the wrong Direction each generation gets worse the Better our technology the weaker and More pathetic that we become it's Idiocracy people are stupider they're They don't know how to live in the real World anymore I mean you know think About how bad people were I think about How bad people were you know I grew up I Was born in the' 60s I grew up in the
70s you know I was born in 1964 so I was 7 years old when the 70s rolled in and So that's my childhood was you know a Little bit in the 60s but I was Completely unaware you know when you're 2 three four 5 years old I didn't know About the hippie movement my brother was In Vietnam my sister was a hippie but I Grew up in the 70s the post hippie the Post Vietnam War the Vietnam War was Basically over the you know the hippie Movement is was you know crushed and Then there was just the 70s and then Things just got worse in the 80s and you Know my understanding of people and then You saw degradation coming in right Bill Clinton banging uh you know an intern in His office getting caught and getting Caught lying and keeping his job and the Moral degradation just kept on setting In you know there's multiple genders now Has that made things better is that just Made things more confusing and if you Look at the performance You know how hard a kid is able to work Now how they're able to deal with losing For example every kid getting a trophy You know all the things that have Happened over time in terms of Weakening and um uh and you know you the Whole thing with the internet having you Know more of a cyber life and not real Life and being more unnatural and the Breakdown of the family the breakdown of
Morality people no longer having uh the Rel relationship with God religion is Getting more more contaminated more and More uh despicable deplorable with their Behaviors and the be behaviors of the Clergy and just being more and more part Of the problem and lying and and Deceitful and getting away from the the Primary teachings that made the religion Into something you know when Jesus was Alive for example right you know how was How Christianity was when Jesus was Alive and where it is now it's just like Everything else so it's going in the Wrong direction people are not evolving They're getting worse right you know Maybe in small Pockets you have people Evolving but it's not because of the System it's because they're able to Exclude the system from their life and And push back against the system in some Way and carve out some spiritual Sovereignty and move forward personally Right and so this idea that the system Can be saved and it can be fixed and That people can evolve in some ways Within the system and change things is Silly we're going in One Direction and That's downward we're going in a Direction where everything is getting Degraded and so the system itself should Have collapsed years ago because the the Debt are we getting into more debt or Less debt right are we going in a
Positive direction or negative direction Is social security going to be here in Two years or four years or five years How are they going to pay for Medicaid What wars are going to be there we going To be in World War II or you know what's Going to happen in terms of something Positive you know show show me like a a POS a path to you know other than some Imaginary idea of things getting better A positive way when which people can Evolve and change and the system can go In the right direction instead of the Wrong direction like show me any kind of A plan and how that plan could be Executed and it wouldn't be crushed by The evil powers that are pushing Us in The wrong direction and how like even if We paid off our debt the system would Collapse because that's our wealth right We have over a quadrillion dollars in Debt in America that we trade back and Forth and pretend that it's worth Something that it's money if you paid That off you'd have no Capital you'd Have no you know buying power spending Power because that's what's being spent Is debt by the way sorry the man he Killed which he did not know he just Knew he was a CEO of a company he was Like not a face not a name to him that Man had been quoted from employees Within the company saying this was one Of the guys that wanted to change things
So that's what you get what do you mean You you seriously like Jesus Christ a CEO of the biggest Healthcare company That's known for not being a good Company doing evil [ __ ] and that's how You grow you know there's you're Rewarded for being a piece of [ __ ] Narcissistic sociopath that's the other Problem if you're a sociopath and Narcissist and you're selfish and you're Egotistical and you'll do well in this System and if you're a company that has Those policies then you'll do even Better right and so companies that that Uh you know Break The Rules you know at Least rattle the rules or change the Rules themselves just Lobby Congress to Change the rules or politicians but Either way when you do bad [ __ ] and you Go about things and you do shortcuts and You don't care about how you make the Money just that you're making the money And you're willing to hurt people and You're willing to do Despicable things You'll do really well in the system it's A known fact and this idea that this guy Was CEO he was going to Chang things he Was I swear to God he was right he was a Hero and this guy just took him out and Now that he's dead well of course Healthcare is going to be Bad he was trying to change things he Was going to change things they would Fire him he change things right it's
Their low-level practices their immoral In ethical practices that pay you know Pay dividends everybody knows that right These people are just silly little Freaking ignorant people that just go Out there and and and say things to even Stupider people like just admit our System's [ __ ] and there's nothing you Can do about it if you want to act out This way you're just going to make more Of a problem and more of a mess because Every time you act out in a way where There's a victim they get to take away More of your rights now ghost guns will Be gone I mean we just found out about Them and now they're gone already ghost Guns are going to be gone and there'll Be more surveillance cameras because That's what they do they take victim Consciousness they take the victim you Know this potential victim this danger Thing that now we have to worry about And they take it away from you because What they're trying to do is control Every aspect of your life so you don't Act out because there's only two things That can happen they run the system into The ground or while they Runing the System into the ground people revolt and Take care of them and get rid of them Right like that's all that could happen That's not going to fix anything but in History that's why these revolutions the Revolutions don't make things better but
They go and they kill a bunch of people That run the system and they people run The system are trying to prevent that From happening that's all this is about They know that people people be pissed Off at them and if this thing is real or Not you know whatever realness there is To this thing it's a potential thing They don't want to have happen because They know the majority of people don't Like them or don't care about them and Think that blame them for everything They're the so-called Elite the elite Have gotten a bad name and they you know Have always had uh people always had you Know animosity towards the so-call elite But now more than ever and so you know This is all people can do they can't Change the system so all they can do is Break the system or punish the people Who are running the system you know a Few of them like that's all that's ever Going to happen I'm not endorsing Anything because I know that this is Just going to run its course and what I Want to put emphasis on is what are we Going to do after this system collapses How can we make it better and it starts With having an internal relationship With God and barely anybody you know I Was talking about this in the beginning Of the introduction I looked at my Latest sitting that is on my Gratefulness meditation Channel and the
Sittings are gotten better and I just Had this breakthrough because of the Preceptor work and there's 13 likes to The video and 70 views and so more than Likely you know it's under 20 people There doing the Greatful meditation now Right and so like it's everything is Like for me it's it's just a it's a Losing battle like on every level you Know I keep on chugging it along because I have no choice but to do that because There's you don't know what the effects Of something positive are but something Truly positive is outside the system Altogether and it stems with your Internal relationship to the Divinity Within you when you take this kind of Action is you take out someone who Literally want recognized there was a Problem that it's disgusting oh it's Disgusting so is that is that your summ He recognized there was a problem he was Going to do something about it you just Took this guy out this guy was a hero I Mean he hadn't done anything yet he' Been a piece of [ __ ] he was just making The the company worse but he recognized There was a problem he was going to do He was a good guy he was gonna he was Gonna make sure that the company that he Was running wasn't going to make more Profits off of denying people coverage And he was going to lose money instead Of gaining money and and the people that
Were in charge of his position the the Board of directors would have been Totally okay with that because he would Have he was a good guy and they they're All good people and they they care about People more than they care about money That's why they're you know have Hundreds of millions of dollars and they Care more about you know how happy you Are and what's going on with you that's Why they don't give you their money and Put their money into helping people they Just hoard their [ __ ] money that's You know and these guys that make you Know tens and 20 millions of dollars of Hurting people and taking advantage of People and make money off other people Suffering every once in a while they Have a moment where they become real People and then they can affect change You remember that story that where that Happened no you don't remember it Because it never [ __ ] happened that's Why Because if this guy did have a moment Where he felt you know bad about it he Would have been fired immediately [ __ ] just what a silly little Person correct his Twitter wasn't taken Down I wanted to just say two things his Twitter wasn't taken down one you know We're all trying to figure this out but These are allegations still there hasn't Been a conviction and I think we need to
Make that clear every yeah but you you Not well then why did you say anything About all this all this stuff that you Just said was predicated on that this Guy was guilty and that everything you Had been told was true even though you Fact Chuck none of it like this is where They said that they fact check Everything well you're given information By the mainstream media that says it's An authority and it's not by a Government and you know political system That lies to you and intelligence Community that lies to you so this is Completely [ __ ] and you just admitted You just said a bunch of [ __ ] that would Only be valid if it was true right well Like let's just throw this cave on it This guy hasn't been convicted and none Of this stuff is really true yet and Even if it was true he had been Convicted you can't believe any of it Because it's a [ __ ] system and you guys Are a bunch of dopes covering a [ __ ] System and being Gatekeepers and shill Shills for its you know the evil to Continue okay so I have opened a rumble Account and it seems like it's already Prem Monetized and um I'll be talking about This in the beginning of my next video By the time you see this video I might Already have a video up on the rumble Account it's called pockets of the
Future I'll start putting a link in my Um you know my description box of my Videos uh but you know I'll see how it Works and if it's okay I will um end up Doing that healthc care you know my Things I found out postco all there Stuff I wanted to share about that I'll Do a series of short videos there Probably every every every other day Every or maybe twice a week or something And see you know how that that goes just To add a different place it might solve Some of the problems I'll explain that More in my next video so one of my Viewers sent me this this is one of These new age women she's talking about This stuff here the Council of Earth is A body of 12 beings who represent our Planet plus beings that represent the Part of Earth that has already ascended Called pil so then at the end not sure Why the person sent it but this those Representing Earth are are guiding Humans who've not yet awoken they are Paul the Venetian Enoch Gandhi Peter the Great and th Thor those who represent The ascended aspect P are actively Working for the Ascension of the planet And they are Baba lady por so this same Babaj G you know there's a babaj g that Does what I do but they're not the same Person right there are a lot of these Newag people who are you know I don't Think this woman's like evil or
Manipulative I just think she's I Wouldn't say she's crazy but you know This is a lot of it's just Imaginary a lot of the stuff coming out Of the new age Community are things that Were put out there by either charlatans Or you know crazy people or just people Who thought they felt or heard something Uh you know whatever it might be some Sort of um you know not truth and then It becomes something that other people Repeat and then all these other people In the New Age Community believe the Same things you know I was in this Crystal shop in Um the north North Carolina town Asheville which has these like these It's got like four crystal shops I know Of these big like with big giant Amethysts that are taller than me They're like 7 foot tall you know the G Roads I mean they're worth thousands and Thousands of dollars and they have all These cool places and it's a Hubb for New AG people and there's an old guy Sitting on a couch with you know there's Like some plush chairs there like some Comfortable chairs and he was sitting With a young guy and he was explaining All about aliens and New Age stuff and I Knew most of it was just [ __ ] like Stuff that I was hearing and the young Kid thanked him for it but it was [ __ ] that I've heard before
And so they just repeat each other's [ __ ] but it's not real spirituality It's not really connecting internally to God it's n of the things I talk about You know a lot of your spiritual path if You embrace your spiritual path It's a Grind often times it's boring or it's Restless or there's you know difficult [ __ ] you got to go through it's like Anything else if you want to it's even More so like that if you want to be Successful you have to like just go Through a lot of [ __ ] that's unpleasant And it's not like these Um you know these sort of spiritual Experiences you have on drugs or Something like that there some beautiful You know whatever it is a lot of it's Just confronting the things inside you That are blocking your spiritual path And getting those removed and that's Unpleasant often times this is how Unicorns help you towards your you know Like like this is just like this you Know it's nice to hear for people and It's you know gives them something to Like hope for and it's like some magic I World there's no magic in spirituality It's really tough work and the more of a Saint you are the you know the more [ __ ] you have to eat and the more Difficulty you have to go through and The more you know humble you have to be And all that [ __ ] right and so these
People who claim to be you know etheric People and they live in this magical World and just sounds so wonderful and They can say everything can be just Great and Blissful and there's no you Know there's no difficulties it's They're just lying to you Spiritual advancement comes through pain And suffering I mean and obstacles and Things like this and confronting your Own [ __ ] which is something these People can't do and they just repeat Goofy [ __ ] they heard from other people So here she's talking about this guy Babaji the guy that that um that I talk About has an ey here so it's Bob igy but Here she is Babaji the 12-dimensional Master always raises my frequency when I Think of some of the Great illumined Ones illumined ones and today we're Going to focus on Bashi now he was a 12th dimensional Master oh wait wait I Think he's just 11th he's a 12th dimensional Master Utterly totally beyond our comprehension See the thing about all of this stuff is Whether it's true or not right is this Actually true is this something here's The guy she's referring to here M Mahar Oh she's goingon to say he's a real um He was known as a mahavatar a great Avatar so an avatar is somebody you know The Avatar that's used in video games is A different U understanding of the word
It's it used in ancient Indian Spirituality an avatar is somebody who's Born in a high level of spiritual Attainment but they're not going to grow They're not going to advance they're not Here for Spiritual advancement they're Here because they need to there whatever Level that they're on is to do a certain Amount of work and then they leave it's They're just here to perform some sort Of um you know uh singular task whatever That is like when um Krishna came down Was the maata it was to bring in the the The cug it was the end of these other Spiritual periods it was the end of Dharma Duty and these things and so Krishna came in at a certain level and He was the Incarnation of vishu right And so you know this is what they mean By avatars and it's just not understood By people who live in these fantasy World but any of this stuff it just Matters whether it's true or not like This guy was a 12-dimensional master and There is such a thing as 12-dimensional Masters well sure it'd be good what She's saying but anything that's [ __ ] is problematic it's really it's Not just problematic it's it's like Borders on evil because you can make Anything up in spirituality But spirituality is without lies it's Without hype it's without [ __ ] it's Without uh any kind of self-
Aggrandisement you are wherever you are In your spiritual path and whatever is Is the truth is the truth right in the Material world we can man manipulate the Truth and and change things you know to Based on people's beliefs and I mean we Can do all those things but we shouldn't Mess around with the spiritual world That way and people who are you know Like lightweights and just they live in This Fantastical world you know this uh Imaginary world and they make up these Different terms and these different Aspects of these people and all these Kind of thing like that you know it's if It's not true then it's really bad Because people start believing in it and That causes damage to their spiritual Side which is much worse than any any Damage or any blockage that's put in Your spiritual path is something you're Going to have to deal with over Lifetimes and it's going to cause you You know not only pain and suffering but It's going to divert you from your true Path right so anything that's to do with Religion or any of these other things um I gu see Bob igy Here okay so um this is the fraud Dody Right this piece of [ __ ] here um for Those of you guys who know what I'm Talking about for my other videos but Babi is with a u I said I I don't know Why I said I but I spelled it I'm like
That's not Right but babji is this person here and Babaji was a simple um you know he was a Baboo or a clerk in a courtroom and so He did like you know whatever work that A clerk would do they have a lot of Paperwork in India and because of his Being a Baboo they added G A ji that's Why his his name is Ram Chandra and so His his nickname comes from his job um So he worked as a clerk for many years And then they added G to these people Who are you know um G is a term of Respect right ly Babaji Chari and so Chari is parasar Roger gopala charari And his nickname was char g charie and They added G when he became the master So he was his family called him charie You know his his friends and whatever And then his um you know when he became The master of the system they added the G right and ly was I'm not sure where That came from but he was also named Ram Chandra but these were like serious People who had jobs and they weren't Being a guru wasn't their job you know Babaj didn't ask anybody take you know He didn't take money from anybody people Donated to the mission but all that Money went to building asham he lived a Very simple life you can see had simple Clothing he lived in Northern India he Had a his his um father was a lawyer and He was fairly wealthy and there's
Chargie there his successor and he was Gifted a house you know he inherited a House with a courtyard and people came From all the world to um to you know to Meet him and he would have these people Come to his house and he would feed them Didn't charge them any money and he Would impart spiritual um you know Spiritual here he is he smoked a hooker With tobacco jagy and Charcoal and he really didn't eat that Much he was somebody who was um you know Very U simple and just uh you know People loved him because he emanated Needed like love and concern and Compassion for people and he transmitted This energy and cleaned their hearts and It was a service and there's no talk About how great he was or what he was or These things I mean that stuff's there But that's you know superficial stuff It's really about your experience of the Person and how they can help you so Anyways you know this is when people say Like these different you know new age Type of things it has nothing to do with What I do these people are goofy and Like I have no respect for You know for what they're saying is the Truth that's great but usually they're Not and you know that's really up to Them to figure Out so I want to talk about two shows Here you know I've been doing reviews
And people seem to like it and want me To do more of them and so when I have The energy to do it I will so there was A Netflix show called tomorrow and I now Netflix and some of these other Streaming services are starting to Stream uh foreign countries content and My wife and I watched a German series And I watched that um that one from Korea the whole squid game thing and you Know I've watched numerous other things And just bits and pieces of them I Watched an Indian movie which I talked About I think very recently here yeah I Like last week and so you know I like Watching other cultures because Especially when they dub it and if they Dub it correctly and just their facial Expressions and things People are not like Americans like we're Not you know people think differently They they have a different orientation To life and they express themselves in Ways that we would never do and they do It differently from each other right It's like there each culture has these Specific ways of interacting with Reality and it's quite interesting to me You know I've noticed this with foreign Films you know years ago when I took my First trip to India there was this French guy and he was um he was acting As a secretary he was on some sort of Extended Stay I've seen him since he's
Married now and has kids his kid had Hung out with his daughter had hung out With with my daughters but years and Years ago he's kind of an obnoxious guy That people didn't like but he got me Into see the master of the system and he Was friendly to me we had got along and One time I was sitting there and he Asked me to come in and and they're Playing a game called Carum with Master's grandson Master Char's grandson who grew up to be like a Good seemed like a really nice young man But he was kind of obnoxious as a kid You know there's a game that's called Skittles or something like that that had A little top and it used to knock down Bowling pins we had was like a little it Was like a board game like a it was made Out of wood and you pull a string and This top would spin through these these Sort of Maze and you try to knock down These pins for points right and there's Another game that we had that um it had Like it was like a pool table Kind of thing and it had like it was Like pool with little Rings um like you hit the Rings like There's one white ring and red and black Rings I can't remember this you know I Played it when I was a little kid but They had a game called carum that was Similar to that where you were knocking Things into these Corner Pockets you
Know these side pockets and the reason I'm telling this story is the kid pulled Out this um it was like a catalog of Board games and they had board games Called Head of the Class and he said I Want to be the head of the class and I It was the first time I realized that Indian kids took education so much more Seriously than American Kids this is why There's so many jobs that people from Foreign countries that do math you know American kids don't like to do math and Things like this because there's a lot Of emphasis put on education in these Other countries where American Kids take It for granted and it's something like Oh my God I got to go to school and all That [ __ ] right but these other Countries because of the population and You know there's just limited spots and They they were told it's emphasized by Their parents I me these kids are Suicidal if they fail tests you know I've talked about this in in other Videos and so that shapes you in a Different way you have a completely Different attitude towards uh you know Your your education and money and all These things right because of the Population the fact is if you mess up as A kid you're like [ __ ] for life it's Like that bad right and so I've talked About this and so I was watching this Show and at first I thought it was
Chinese and it was called the F future Tomorrow and I and it was like a five or Four-part Show that was you know about these Things that were happening in the future You know like sort of like a Black Mirror kind of thing and the first show It started with this woman this uh you Know this this woman who was in um like Outer space and she was attempting to Make a artificial heart in zero gravity And her husband comes on and they're Having this Call and um it's like a he's a hologram And the call takes so long it's so sappy And it's so much how much they love each Other and the way they express it's it's So you know not what I'm used to and Like there's no way I'm going to get Through this show but I just you know so I fast forward a little bit you know Just getting the gist of it And she went away for three years like There's a moment where he's got like a Bulldog and he puts it on his lap and She's petting it even though it's a Hologram he goes you know you can't pet It right you know you know they've been Doing this for three years like I mean It's implied and like you know and they Keep on going back and forth and saying These things um and the dialogue is just Painful because of you know how Simplistic and like childish it is and
So she so the guy is waiting for her to Come back she's coming back in 10 days The next scene scene they show is the The rocket ship she's coming back and Exploding and she's dead but they saved Her body and they put her body in they Frozen her body in cryogenics and it Goes through all these memories and how They met and how much they loved each Other and the guy's just really sad he's Pretty devastated and so he goes to his Friend he says he wants to clone her Which you see this was coming the whole Away when they froze her body and she Says it's fine even though it's illegal She'll do it this doctor says that She'll do it but she's you know she's Got to get the brain of the person you Know the woman uh his you know his wife And they've got to copy the brain so it Has all the same thoughts and memories And things and so she can't do that Unless the parents sign off on it so he Goes and the parents are very Conservative and very religious I guess They're Buddhist and they're just like Let It Go and they're very UPS said at Him and they don't want him trying to Clone her and there's actually a reason Which I'll say in a moment so you know I Fast forward to the thing and then they Arrest him because he breaks in and Steals the body and start going back and Forth in time periods so he has to serve
Three years in jail or something but he Goes and gets the cloning done anyway so They go back into the past and then he's Getting the cloning done and the woman's Scanning his her the woman's brain and He says oh she's reading about gender re Reassignment Surgery and I'm like oh [ __ ] they're Going they're taking this in this Direction and so the guy's going there's No way right and so this guy who's Heartbroken and he can't imagine living Without his wife and the woman reveals The doctor says there's all these Memories here it shows the memories of The girl telling her parents that she Was actually a boy in a girl's body and Her parents telling her no she she had To suppress that and her parents making Her you know all these things right this Is why the parents didn't want to do the You know have this go through this Again and so um the doctor is telling The guy the guy's devastated there's Some memories of her basically saying That you know she's marrying this guy Because he's he's not as bad as other Ones but she doesn't you know and so He's like his whole Life's a lie and Then um and then the woman gives him a You know the opp you know the option of Her and incarnating as coming back as Being cloned as a a female or B a Transgender male
Right as you giving her giving her a Male body you know changing a chromosome So that she could be the person that she Felt like she was on the inside like This whole agenda they're pushing right And the guy's like devastated he's going To jail and now his wife's coming back As a Dude and so you know I fast forward to The end and he's getting out of prison And his wife is now you know a male and The Clone his cloned wife and like he's You know risked everything and like now His life is kind of ruined and like he's Not even going to be with this new clone That he's risked everything for and then The Clone goes to the moon and is you Know saying something romantic about you Know his the clone's former husband in a Past and I was sitting there going you Know they just it's everywhere this Agenda that they're pushing right and You know the show was um there's three Other shows I just I couldn't even Attempt them see the other show that I Watched was Um Prison Break prison escape from Dan For there was a true story that I was Aware of it was a well done show that I Wouldn't really recommend watching it's A known story where these two dudes um Prisoners are having you know banging Some woman who works as a civilian woman Who works in the you know where they
Have they they do sewing right they have These jobs in the prison and these Prisoners are sewing uniforms and things And one of the guys is having sex with Her and then they break that up so she's Having sex with his friend and they get Her to give him give him pack saws and Other tools that they use to break out Of prison right spoiler alert but you Know that coming in because the woman's Being interviewed like the first scene In the show is she being she's being Interview interviewed about her Relationship with these guys and they It's known that they broke out of prison And so the reason the things that I Wanted to point out here is that it's Just becomes like something where you Root for people who are the protagonists In movies and TV shows I've talked about That with serial killers right you know That serial killers and villains like Now with Disney they've made Maleficent Uh you know a hero that used to be a Villain and The Descendants were Grandkids of former Disney villains Right where they're blurring the lines Between good and bad and they're saying That these villains are now Heroes it's Been a big you know the serial killers In multiple shows and TV and movies and And things like that are are heroes and So you're kind of rooting for the guys To get out like you just you you're kind
Of get invested in these guys Escaping and you know this woman is Going to go along with them and she's Supposed to pick them up and there's a Whole you know stuff to do with that Whether she'll show up or not but she's Cheating on her husband she's treating Her husband like [ __ ] and she's begging These two guys and when he asks her Confronts her she she berates him and She like hates him and her husband's so Trying to do his best her husband is Clearly mentally impaired I looked at The interviews of these people in real Life and they're they're like as stupid As they they're they're portrayed in the In the movie right like the guy is like Pretty much mentally not he's barely Functioning mentally the husband and She's cheating on him and she's you know Not bright either like they're both Really degraded low-level people and you Know so they show the guy breaking out In like the fifth episode and then like The sixth episodes like Eight Episodes They start off the episode with this cop And you don't know who this guy is and He's going to the store and getting Condiments for his um family and he goes Back home he wakes his wife up and he Wakes out with her for a little bit and Talks about how we can't wait to get Home and you know have the party with You know they're having a party and
People over and he gets back in his P Patrol car and he had heard a call for That there was a a Breakin at a Convenience store or something liquor Store and there are three a armed Caucasian Caucasian men and one of them Is the guy the younger guy who's Involved in the prison break and the cop Comes up on him and the younger guy Starts shooting him and he shoots him Like multiple times and drives over him With a car and the guy's still alive and One of his criminal friends comes up and Shoots a guy in his head and the young Guy is like saying I'm sorry but it's a Brutal murder right and then they show The other guys who who an older Hispanic Guy he's kind of a famous actor I forget His name all these people are you know A-list actors it's a you know it's a High budget show and he um goes to this Guy's house who employs excon and he was An excon himself he's some kind of like Jeweler or something right and he says He want to apologize to the guy guy said Well can't wait he's an old guy the guy Said no I want to do it by still of Courage and so he opens the door and he And the hispanic guy punches the old guy In the face and then drops him down the Flight of stairs and then locks him in His trunk and is beating on him and Trying to get um information about where This guy has money he works for the guy
And he thinks this guy has tens of Thousands of dollars stored away Somewhere and the guy either won't give Up the money or doesn't have any and so The guy gets pissed at him he's with his Buddy and they're you know they're using Drugs and he's got stripper girlfriend He shows he shows the guy in the trunk And these two girls are like just [ __ ] Up and then he gets mad at the guy and He wraps the guy's face in in duct tape And he comes back and later on and he's Like oh he's dead like yeah you couldn't Breathe you completely covered like all Of his his mouth so it's horrible thing And they he hacks the guy up with a hot Hacksaw and his nickname is Hacksaw Right and so it was good that they did This because you know you're rooting for These people but they're horrible people And they're in prison for a reason you Know they're both Murderers and you know they have to put A lot of effort into the prison break is Kind of interesting but you know there's You root for people to get out of prison Because they're you know when they're The protagonist of a TV show or movie But really you don't want that because They're murderers right it cost the State probably hundreds of thousands of Dollars to track them down because it Took them a long time to find these guys Right and so then they show the woman um
Back when she was much younger and she Was married to a different guy and she's At some like some sweat shop where she's Sewing and her husband works there and Then and her her her husband who she's Cheating on later her their husband that You know about is also there and they go Out in the woods and and they're having Sex and they're like just I mean they're Like mentally impaired people and her Husband her old husband catches them and Confronts her and she's like a total Piece of [ __ ] to him and he says he's Going to take their kid who she was you Know the kid was going in daycare and he Was like you know why don't you just Stay at home and be a stay-at-home mom Because what for what we pay for daycare It's almost a wash she's like no I got To do what I have to do and you know all These things right and so she um she Talks to the new guy the guy she's Cheating on her her then husband with And she says look you know he's trying To try to take my kid and so he has Violent tendencies and he goes well does He beat you up and she goes no but he Could and so she gets the guy to go in There and just look at the guy and smile At the bathroom at work you know and This guy's banging his wife so the guy Reacts and punches him in the face twice And so the next scene you see her and She's going to this guy's hotel room her
Then husband and she's forcing him to Sign a document and uh where she gets Full custody and he's screwed because Otherwise the guy's going to press Assault charges and he's going to go to Prison and so she's completely Manipulated this situation and so after That she goes to her kid who's like four Or five years old and she goes your dad Doesn't want to be your dad Anymore because like just horrible like [ __ ] just a horrible person right Kids like what she goes your your dad He's just tired of being your dad and He's not going to be your dad anymore But this guy's going to be your dad the Kid's like well I don't want to call him Dad then the guy's like you know it's Okay if he doesn't call me dad he's like No you took a punch for me he's going to Call you Dad I've never going to forget You took a punch for me of course she Did and so at the end of the movie he Confronts her and she was going to go Along with these guys and she ends up Backing out right and she's talking to Um the guy you know her her her husband Her you know her her latest husband and He's like you know I know you cheated on Me and everyone's telling him he's Cheating on her he won't believe it like Everyone's telling her like telling him Through the whole the whole you know Movie because everybody knows in the
Prison right like there's another guard In there with her she keeps on taking These guys in the back room and and Banging them and so like everyone knows And she's saying how sorry she is was But part of the plan was she called him Her glitch and part of the plan was that She was supposed to drug them when they Went out for Chinese food and put some Um sleeping pills in his drink and then She was going to go pick up the Prisoners and go back to her house and One of the guys was going to kill him And she was going along with that she Was part of the plan she backed out the Last minute but she was literally going To kill this guy for doing nothing but Loving her and tolerating what like cuz It's a horrible [ __ ] person right and The show's pretty gross it's well done But it's gross and you know anything That involves prisoners and this kind of Stuff but you know this idea that I Talked about this with reality TV shows They can cast anybody as a hero or a Villain and I'm glad they made the Episode of what these people did to get In prison because you see what horrible People are and it's really impossible to Root for them because they're out Society and they're going to do that Again right I mean they're murderous People and horrible human beings there's One other good scene where the older guy
The hispanic guy is talking to the young Guy about the um about the you know Breaking out of prison and he said you Know I thought it and I'm making it Happen you know I thought it and I you Know I and I'm putting it in my heart And then I'm going to manifest it like He's saying it like not in a new age way But it's you know what we believe in Sark happens right although you can't Make things happen that aren't supposed To happen right like there was a destiny There but their you know the their Ending of the movie isn't good for them They all they you know the whole thing Anyways all right so I just want to talk About those two things briefly here I'm Going to wrap this one up and like I Said I'm going to make a video tomorrow And put it up on the rumble account and I'll talk more about that in my next Video here only spiritual valy will save This world this farano definitely Reporting from the apocalypse and the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful