Prophecies of the Paradigm Shift & a New Humanity starting in 2025

Prophecies of the Paradigm Shift & a New Humanity starting in 2025

Okay greetings brothers and sisters so Um I've been waiting to do this for a While now there are these prophecies From Whispers of the brighter world and There is a section which is a part of it That's called prophecy I'll talk about That later but I'm going to read them But first I want to explain what Whispers of the brighter World messages Are give us sort of a history of it and That is um you know like there's an Hourong video or what whatever it was a Voiceover I did some weeks ago which I'm Going to keep and um you know just in Case I have to talk about this again Somewhere and it's an explanation of Sort of the history of the whisper Messages and I'm going to listen to that Again because I don't know what's in There and just um if there's anything Else I need to add to it I'll add to it And then I'm going to start reading the Prophecies today is Tuesday December 31st so I have um those things to do Here and let's get into the the uh Introduction here okay so unfortunately That Whispers introduction I don't like It it's not good for this particular Video it was part of a journey Series This is going to be also a journey Series video I think It's uh 72nd or 73rd Journey series Video this is 172 and so I'm going to you know make

This a separate Journey series video That I'll be up on the for members but Also this will be as the prophecies so Part for regular viewers the history of The whisper of messages are as follows So in like 2003 or 2004 Master chargie The third Master of the system said he Had a special book that he was Releasing and people wanted it had to Pre-order he didn't say it what it was About some people do CU they had worked On it but I didn't know and he said it Was going to be $250 Now that was extraordinarily Expensive for a sa Mark book they had These really uh nicely printed Beautifully bound books that were called Letters of the master which were two Volumes together and they were you know In like a set and they were 50 bucks and The rest of the books were at most $15 These were hard cover books but often Times they were $10 or less printed in India to be as cheap as possible and People would bring these books back like If you went to India and visited the Mission they would ask you to take a box Of books back on the plane with you Right because shipping is so expensive From India to America and then the you Know you'd give the books to whoever and They would distribute them right so they Tried to keep the cost out they made Very little profit off the books because

There was lots of books that never were You never bought you know they had Inventory right they had to print out so Many books of course there wasn't the Print on demand that Amazon and these Other you know various um well Amazon's The big one that you can use which I use For my books right the two books that I've written but that's more expensive Because they got to print it and ship it In these things whereas if you print a Lot of books out you get a you know Better deal so the idea had always been To keep the cost of the books down so This was a lot of money for a book that Nobody knew what was about but I felt Energy around it initially right I was Like pretty psyched about it and so we Received the book in 2005 and for me Personally there's so many things in There what it was was channeled Messages and you know we started to Learn details about it over the next Couple of books like we knew that there Was a medium and that she was French and Then we started getting details about This woman who was a very private person She referred to herself as a pencil but She was was one of the best Channelers that had um ever existed she In her past life she was this sister Teresa of a villa which she you know Talked about having a connection to and She was also this woman in England

Sister Margaret Noble that had a Different name who worked with and for Swami Vivid Kanda something like sister NAD divida but anyways this particular Person had a long history of being a Median and channeling In previous existences and had past Lives with these beings called The Divine hierarchy the people these Disembodied Souls that are here for the Upliftment of humanity and to do God's Work to make sure that God's work in Vision comes to fruition so her name was Helen perau I don't know how to Pronounce her last name accurately she's A French woman who was born into Wealth and she was riding a horse when She was a kid Fell off the horse hurt her back and a Doctor she would later describe as a Butcher would mess up her back forever And she was in constant pain for the Rest of her life and basically a shut in She couldn't go out and you know be in The world so much she had to be in her Apartment she was somebody who was you Know disabled in some way physically she Was born in 1928 I just looked at It Um and that would make her she was 90 When she died And she was in her 60s late 50s 60s when She started receiving these Messages and she thought she was crazy

She had been doing the meditation Sark Meditation and all of a sudden bobi Started to talk to her I don't believe She knew bobaji in her you know when he Was Alive and I don't know if she had ever Met chargie you know again someone who Couldn't travel and she started to Receive these messages and she was very Doubtful about them and remained Doubtful about them her whole life like She had lacked confidence and you know It's an abstract thing even though she Was a really great medium she these Messages is whisper to Bri World Messages there's like 20,000 of them and Bob G has said the this is the larous Assortment of these types of messages That have ever been given and one day Somebody showed up at her door and she Started receiving messages in the early '90s but they were infrequent and some Wom showed up in the door and said Bobaji sent me to tell you that the Messages are real so some other woman Got a message from bobaji at medium and She went and told this woman yes you Know these are real Messages and so she started to to um Reive these messages and then was told To give them to other French aasis who Then eventually made them available to Chargie translating them to English and Chargie first was not happy with it

Because he was expecting to receive These messages himself from bobaji so When he was around Babaji and he Describes this which I'll uh I read the Introduction already in this other Voiceover and I'll take that out of that One and put it here so I have to do it Again but he wrote this excellent Introduction which he had to basically Sort of sell people on this idea that This French woman was receiving these Messages from Bob And he himself was not psyched about it Because Boba G had channeled all these Various higher developed Souls Particularly ly and was very Adept at it Like Bob G would be sitting there he'd Have his H hookah you he smok this Hookah with jagy tobacco and Charcoal and he you know it was like his One main thing like he didn't really eat That much he had an ulcer and he was Very frail he didn't you know he wasn't OB kind was like he was detached from The world so much he wasn't big on food But he you know smoked this hookah with A great deal of enjoyment and he would Sit around with these people you know The abiosis and he'd read their Condition and he would tell them stories And every once in a while he would just Look off into the distance like he was Listening to something even though no One was talking and there are times he

Was giving sittings and he would be Sitting in a chair and he'd get off he' Get off the chair and flop down on the Ground and then after the sitting he Said ly came and to do the rest of the Sitting his spiritual Master but in his Diary he inter commune with all these Various Saints and souls and Particularly his master Boby and he had all these various Interactions with him and all the things That he did all the all the you know his His actions as a creating a uh like an Organization and writing books making an Emblem naming the thing was all Channeled he was you know told what to Do by these higher souls and he would do It right he was it wasn't of his own Valtion it was stuff that he was order Ed through this process right and so Chari thought that would happen to him Like Babaji had 13 years between the Time that ly his spiritual Master the First Master of the system died and the Time that um he was announced that he Was his representative he was going to Continue ly's work so for 13 years he Had these he interc communed with ly and He was brought through these various Stages and spiritual uh these spiritual Points and things and so at some point Bobaji told chargie he had opened up the Point where chargie would be able to Interc commune like babagi did and when

Babaj G died he was like where are you Like why aren't you talking to me right And so it was a kind of an always a like A and charie went through hell like People tried to kill him and people Turned on him 90% of the people in the Mission rejected him and he just went Through this difficult time lawsuits Bobby's kids tried to steal the Properties that were that belong to this Organization they tried to you know Inherit these properties when they were You know they were properties that were Bought by Collective money like people Donated money and bought these Properties and they weren't Bob's Possessions they were part of an Organization but his kids wanted to take These properties particularly this asham The one loan asham that was built in Shah hanour and so it's an absolute mess And charie felt like he was all alone I You know he later would publish his Diaries and and some of the letters he Wrote to people but he felt kind of like Bobi just left him here with a big mess And just didn't you know was in inter Communion with him so years later when This French woman shows up saying she's Channeling bobaji chargie wasn't psyched But he ended up valuing her and her work As time went on when he saw the validity Of the messages he could hear Bobby's Voice in the messages and there were

Things that just convinced him that this Was the real deal even though the women Are self-doubt like even towards the end Of her life she lived to 2018 so she Lived uh 90 years she was born in 1928 and you know she put out 30 years Of messages like she started receive These messages in her 60s so 25 20 you Know six years of messages and one more Thing about the channeling thing so and Then I want to go to Char's introduction To the book so in the messages Bobby Bobby said that almost everything that's Done is done by chanelly you know um Swami vivik Cananda and Tesla were Friends and Tesla like reported like Basically interc communing with higher Souls or you know technical souls or Whatever and he got his inventions Through that process any great inventor Is getting information from above like Often times thoughts that you have Aren't your own thoughts like sometimes You could pick up other people's Thoughts even though you're not aware of Them you know Souls can come in and give You information or make you feel Something like it's just there's no Boundaries for these these um Disembodied souls and some of them are a Lower nature what people would consider Consider demons some of them are just You know like you and then there's going To be higher developed souls and so it's

Connecting to the higher developed ones That's important but everybody connects With these beings you know with etheric Life Soul life even other people's Souls On the planet when you go to sleep a Loved one you know that's uh maybe you Know miles away but you have some you Interent commune in some way through Your dreams or something or you feel Something like a parent all of a sudden A child comes to their mind and they Call the child and they just had an Accident or they're going through Something right they're in crisis I mean This happens all the time and what baby Had said is pretty much everything That's creative in the human process is Given through this channeling or some Inter communing type of situation There's a great Ted Talk if it still Exists by the woman Elizabeth I don't Know her last name who wrote e pre love And she talks about this very process She talks about how there was this idea Of a genius and a genius was a Disembodied Soul if you had a genius if You connected some disembodied soul that Was of a higher nature it would give you Some of this like information and some Of these things but people who write Great stories and come up with great Stories and you know great uh creative Works and inventions and art they can Feel something like a vision that comes

To them and that that's this inter Community process which I'm very Personally well aware of and we all have Different ways of receiving charie Certainly was communicating with Babaji But he wasn't having these conversations Like Babaji had and so there's certain People who are mediums and it takes a Lot of energy this is all this woman did And if chargie had to do the you know Produce 20,000 messages he couldn't do All the work he's doing because it's Physically draining to inter commune With a higher developed being because You have to resonate on their level and You have a mundane physical body you Know gross physical body and so it's Draining on the physical body to rise up To that level where you can interc Commune with these Souls but it's Something that in the future everyone's Going to be able to do in one way or Another and that's going to make things A lot easier because you'll be able to Talk to Divinity Divine souls to guide You through your life so there'll be This will be transformative in the human Process and so charie knew that there Would be pushed back to this book and so We had to explain to people there's one More thing I want to say about the Channeling and then we'll get to the Chargy thing well let's let's do the Chargie thing and I'll come back to that

And so this is um Char's introduction Because he knew there was going to be Push back here it is okay so this is Called an invitation and charie wrote This at the beginning of the book there Are many different forms of Communication at various levels of Evolution let me make this bigger Here um make it easier for me to read Uh many levels of evolution of of the Average human is yet not aware of the Average humans is yet only aware of a Few the usual modes of communication With all the familiar with all the all Which are all familiar whatever their Level of Education or Evolution our Speech smell sight or vision and touch These employ our sensory apparatus with Which we were born and our gross Physical levels of communication they Are used at all levels of existence in The world of insects animals Birds Humans the sense of smell playing a Large part at the subhuman level the Native tribes of North America used to Smoke use smoke signals in medieval Times beacons of fire were lit on Hilltops to muster the troops or signals Of an emergency Etc the ringing of the Bells in churches to announce times of Prayer marriage death and emergencies Requiring the population to come in for Safety is well known the call to the the Devote for The Devout for prayer in the

Islamic Islamic religion was the muzzy's Loud call heard over long distances Repeated at least five times a day There's and and there is and there's the Not Unfamiliar uh UL Ulation Uli Ulation of of women that's what he Meanss of women Arab countries used to Signify happiness Or sorrow or grief of the whole tribe Speech at a distance even distances Crossing entire countries and Encompassing the globe has been made Possible by technological advancements Giving human beings the the facility of Verbal communicating with other people Across vast distances separating them as For scene the uned human eye can see at Considerable distance but here again Optical instruments that enhance Vision Such as telescope and microscope permit Us to see objects in the macro universe As well as the micro Universe although Within limits human technology makes it Possible to see what is happening Halfway around the globe or even on Distant planets by electronic Transmission images that are received by The viewer on a subtle instruments such As a television consoles and computer Monitors which convert the electronic Patterns into viewable pictures all These involved vibrations of energy

The average individual today is as Familiar with such evolved means of Communication as he is with the Bola Cart the Train the AER plane flying in The sky and the huge seaf fairing Vessels flowing serenely on the oceans Of the world though few are aware of the How massive ship floats on water or huge Plane flies in the sky Modern Life has Taught us how to use marvelous Inventions or Advanced technological age Without the need to understand how they Work we accept them because in one way Or another they make life easier to live Make communication instantly possible And add Comfort to the home a mere Television set brings select events from Anywhere in the world or even the cosmos Right into our home as we watch from the Comfort of our armchairs while munching On a sandwich this is a wonderful Introduction here um I haven't read this In some time the energy used in Electromagnetic energy light is the Supreme form of this energy for it can Speed its way across the universe with a Velocity of 300,000 Kil kilom per Second kilometers kilom miles kilometers Nevertheless it takes time and so when We see a distance star what we see is Only the light that emanated from the Star in some distant past 4.33 years in The in the case of the star nearest to

Our Earth if the star had died before The light had reached us we would have Absolutely no knowledge of its death Until its steine burst of energy reaches Us so what what so what do we see so so So what do we really see and yet we say That we are seeing that seeing is Believing radar was discovered after Studying the way bats communicate whales And other creatures I'm going to make This bigger again here my sight's a Little bit blurry today which sucks um This just happen someday whales and Other Aquatic forms of life communicate Using sound which is transmitted through The water sound needs a physical medium Through which it can be transmitted and Therefore cannot be transmitted through A vacuum its waves travels very slowly When compared to the velocity of light When there is a flash of lightning we See the illumination first it only makes Moment and and only and only and only Many moments later depending on the Distance here the sound that we call Thunder the people of pre- science times Have no knowledge of that light and Sound both reflected the same phenomenon Heat too is a manifestation of the Energy vibrating in a different level Has been used by the armed forces and Guided weapon systems of mass Destruction and be said and and can be Said to be yet another form of of

Communication but with a limited Application we can see how circumscribed Knowledge can be when we depend only on The information available to us through The medium of our five Senses what what we have to appreciate In these manifestations of energy Required naturally developed organs of Perception to receive those vibrations To translate them into what we see here As see as light hear as sound and feel As heat scoph Hower the great German Philosopher has said what what a giant Oak tree crashes down in the forest There will be no sound if there are no Ears to hear it but only vibration In essence therefore we are limited to Receive substantial narrow ranges of Energy for which Nature has given us the Necessary Instrumentation the truly that the truly Vast ranges of energy patterns are sadly Beyond human Perception what of the ability to Transmit by by thought alone Unfortunately human beings are as yet Unwilling to accept that we have that we Can communicate with each other without Mechanical or electronic means being Used has been accepted that thought can Go from its source to its destination Even if it has to travel across the Whole universe instantly the Russian Scientists of the former USSR reported

To have conducted very secret Research Into the possibility of transmitting Orders to the orbital spacecraft as well As to the man space flights by thought And power alone since traditional media Of communication needed time for orders To reach the targeted recipient in Situations involving distances Measurable in parex through Power alone Could ensure immediate response to Orders shows that many that this shows That many including science did believe In the possibility of sending thought Messages across immensities of space What degree of success those scientist Achieve a scientists achieved if any is Sadly not known in the lives of the Evolved Saints however such transmission Of thought thought seems to be of Impossible if not common my revered Master my spiritual guide Ram Chandra G Maharaj Babaji used thought Communication with his master ly I have Seen him suddenly putting on his cap and Attentively listening with his head Bowed nodding his head and making Murmuring noise han han meaning yes yes In Hindi and then if he was inclined Laying us into the content of the Message that he had just received from His master This has happened quite frequently even When he was strolling around the house When he would come to a stun stop and

Receive a message when he wanted to Communicate with his master in general Sat silently in a very relaxed manner But his attention centered somewhere far Beyond our human approach and all of us Knew that such occasions were to be Respected silently with humility until My master reverted to his normal State I Once asked him whether he heard the Grandm as ly was addressed And Bobby said that that there was no Hearing as we understand it involved he Said that it was really the the heart That received the messages from above as He put it but our familiarity with the Sensory inputs could beguile us into Thinking that the message was heard with The ears there's been two or three Occasions where my master gave me a Sitting with a specific purpose and he Appeared to be unable to proceed ly told Him by by the means of communication Send him to me me I shall complete the Work myself during the long years of my Intimate personal association with Master such occasions have been too Numerous for me to disregard this means Of communication which Babaji called Inter commmunication he himself recorded In his personal diary not only personto Person communication with ly marage but Dialogue in which several high of Elevated Souls have participated Including Buddha Swami rivet Vivan Jesus

Christ we must observe some citation When we refer to so-called messages from Spirits we must observe some caution When refer not citation when we refer to So-called messages from the spirits dead Persons Etc which fall generally within The domain of spiritual Spirit spiritism Or occultism and are supposedly received By medians serving as s during seances This is advisably a great deal of sus Suspicion regarding the class of Messages this there is advisably a great Deal of Suspicion regarding the CL these Class of messages one has to be called In all one has to be careful in all Matters without automatically writing Off messages received from the highest Liberated personalities such as La mahaj Babber G Maraj and other Saints of that Caliber referred to as to referred to Above Asian civilization especially Those from Eastern world have all Recorded messages received by Spirituality developed individual Spiritually developed individuals were Able to communicate with so-called Higher entities using forms of vibration Unknown to them and to us is a welcome Phenomenon that in the past decade or so There has been a considerable body of Literature not merely on the possibility Of such communication but recording what Others authors claim to be as actual Communication with God himself

Was thought power used in such Communication the human recipient Generally received it as a thought form As a thought form and wonder of Wonders He has also comprehended the message in His own language though the transmitted Message was not couched in any human Language how did the person or spiritual Entity at the other end send the message Or order it is perhaps impossible to say How the message was sent the depth of The communication depended only on the IND individuals level of spiritual Attainment they were able to receive Messages as visible patterns or as sound And often have been enacted for the Often had been enacted for the Understanding whole scenes pertaining to The Future which such seers later Communicated to the masses by limited Means available to humanity speech and Vision for merely natural for merely Natural human possibilities to Scientific and technological development Means of communication using scientific Techniques to the spiritual Dimension is There an acceptable or perceptible Development in human abilities or is the Subject again to be neglected to the Realms of Doubt suspicion often of fear Generated hatred leading to persecution Thus to thus to what has been a final Regulation of to the limbo of scientific Possibilities developed Souls have

Enjoyed contact with what has been known As higher worlds through the medium of Dreams in the life of spiritual aspirin Dreams tend to be more and more Meaningful as the individual develops as Quite often formed yet another medium of Communication often a one-way Affair but Certainly not limited to that having Said all this which is merely Elementary Sciences which children nowadays learn In school we have to conclude that Deeply entrenched beliefs in what Communication means and even more deeply Held Prejudice account for the inability Of average human being able to accept The fact of communication with other Souls even when they are still when uh Even when they are still with us in Human form as for communication with Disembodied so well that is generally Written off as some sort of aberration And if the concerned person persists in Speaking about it he runs the risk of Being Institutionalized I assure you the Reader that I too have been been Skeptical about the possibility of Communicate communicating with worlds Other than our own but there have been Far too many hidden nuances in the Messages for my master to permit me to Remain skeptic I must confess to an Occasional doubt even Now even now but such doubts are

Fleeting and leave me in peace or leave Me in peace almost very instant they Appear there's no shame and sincere Doubt which my master said should not be Should uh my master should not be called Doubt but as inquiry but to remain a Skeptic and unbeliever even after Receiving ample inner verification and The veracity of these messages that Would indeed be shameful and a tragedy My invitation to the reader is to set Aside all precon Notions and Prejudice And read what follows and then judge With the heart for the heart is the par Excellence and the instrument for Verification of the truth which I have Done and have done personally everybody Has to do this personally somebody wrote Me a comment I haven't um I'll see if I Can find that a medium who is not a Professional has passed on these Messages to me after my master gave Orders that they be available to me she Is a sister Abasi of the Sark system of The spiritual practice I've recorded Messages from four sources all of whom All of them beloved to me and all Beyond Question the first is my mother Janek That's uh that's this is in the first Whispers book so this introduction is The first Whisperers book and these Messages are there from his mom who Passed away in the year 1933 leaving Behind four children three boys of whom

I am the eldest and the fourth child the Girl who follows her mother when she was But 3 years old his sister died when she Was three his mom never recovered from Child birth as I've written elsewhere I Have no knowledge of my mother at all Remembering nothing more than the last Heart rendering scene before her mortal Remains were taken away for cre Cremation nevertheless she has remained With me as a per per pervasive reality Often appearing in my dreams somewhat Vaguely and other occasion thoughts About her adding to my sorrow when I was In a mood of Despair and loneliness the Second entity that has graced me with The messages of the grandmas of the Spiritual system held at sahaj Mar now Spread all over the globe he is a Personality with whom I have no personal Relationship since ly Maraj as Mahatma Ram chandrai of fagar was popularly Known attained mahasa he died preceding My mother into the brighter world when I Was 5 years old I've been blessed with Spiritual experience where wherein he Graced me with his spiritual presence on Several occasions babagi would say l is Going to give you a sitting and charie Would get direct work from ly and a few Occasions I have been blessed with Direct sittings too from Lai Maharaj the Third person to bless with with with Messages is Bobby Bob g m

Maharaj he's doing this in the order of Of their their passing away my spiritual Master was filled my life with the brim With his loving presence his teachings His Divine love starting with me Starting with my very first meeting with Him in Sark way back in 1964 his loving and patient guidance Have followed me throughout the 40 Years Of my sadna under the sa Mark system and Even today that same guidance filled With his love and compassion Is generously made available to me Through these presence these messages L My discovered this rediscovered the System of sjar of spiritual practice When my master spread it all over the World during the years of 1972 to 1982 When I was closely associated with him In his work carried out throughout the Shri Ram Chandra Mission my wife solha Who departed for the brighter World in November 1999 is a fourth Giver of the Messages having secured her place in my Master's heart in his lifetime and now Seated at his Divine feet in the Brighter world I invite the readers of This book to set aside the skepticism Their doubts perhaps even Ager when Confronted by The Whispers from the Sources not located on Earth but Received as messages addressed to me Many to other abiosis of the mission and So many of the general relevance not

Addressed to anyone in particular but to The whole of humanity May these messages Bring hope to the threatened Humanity Threatened with the instant with with Instant extinction by the forces of Hatred willful violence and religious Bigotry pajo palari parar Rari sad that's the asham in the Himalayas ban pimi 13th of February 2005 So this was L's birthday he was in the Himalayan Mountains and he wrote this With this wonderful introduction okay so I'm glad I didn't have to read that Again that'll save my voice a little bit Cuz I have all these whis messages to Read so just a few things to address Here so the first one is you know I like What he said and again I forgot uh I Mean I just recorded this a couple Months ago but what he said about you Know if you look at how your ears work Right and I I don't really know so I me I know there's an eard drum it goes down And there's you pick up vibrations and Things but our ability to interpret Words like when you talk to dogs they You know your inflection of your voice Is everything and they maybe kind of Learn their names but their ears you Know lots of times animals aren't able Most animals aren't capable of Understanding human language and words Um with Apes is a little bit better Right and they can learn sign language

But being able to communicate through Sound and we have all this communication Through sound and you know starting off With the Telegraph and things and all The you television and radio and Telephones and cell phones and now we Beam stuff up into space satellite Communication and all these formats Video things ways that we have of Leaving information right videos are a Form of information of course there a Written word and books and things and we All accept that those things are are Real because they are right but they're All based in Energy and you know what he was saying About light and the speed of light but The speed of thought in the Sark system We all have this our thought forces akin To basically identical to the original Thought which is God that created the Universe you know God being that Original thought what Babaji called the Great KOB this original primary stir That created out of Nothingness the external universe and The internal universe and that thought Process you know all of the ideas that We have and the information that flows Through us and in us and you know our Dreams and things that we have that we Go to different you know levels of Consciousness and different brain Patterns right thought and love you know

Love the energy the love energy the Transmission that's given the Sark System and love that we feel and thought Are things that are beyond the fourth Dimension of time so there's no time and Space to receive them right and so you Know there's thoughts coming to us but We can't hear them like we we hear words It's not as physical it's not as um you Know it's not third Dimensional and people who have been Able to uh go through some sort of Usually a personal trauma like this Woman had this physical trauma but Oftentimes people who are mediums like They lost a child and they sow Desperately or they lost a loved one and They they reach up to the Heavens to to Inter commune with that soul and all of A sudden something opens up for them and Their ability to inter commune and Channel is there but you know if you can Believe in in the like radio waves and If you can believe in Internet you know Information coming through energetic you Know it's beaming around your house the Wi-Fi and coming through you know Whatever portol whatever ways that it's Um making it into your devices and then Making it into your your ears and your Eyes and things as you watch the Videos you why not believe in some of These other things right I know I'm not Trying to convince anything anybody of

Anything but it's there you know Christians have a problem with Channeling but most of the Um New Testament was written in a Channeled form most of the work that's In there some of its stories of Jesus's Life and conversations his disciples had With him most of it's like post his Death Jesus was inter communion with his Disciples and St Paul who never met Jesus in his life that whole part is him Connecting to God right and in the Old Testament you have the burning bush and These other examples of that and so Channeling you wouldn't even have a Religion or a book if there's no Channeling if you're a Christian right And so like it's just there it's a fact In all of our creative material and People are intercommunion with Disembodied souls and connecting to you Know uh different levels of higher Dimensions and things all the time and Are just not aware of it and it's very Subtle And it's not something that you can you Know hang your hat on like a a physical Thing but it's there right and all these People who receive transmission you know My brother he started doing the Sark System and he went to some preceptor House U one of the you know sort of Fear-based people in the system and she Asked him if he was mentally ill and he

Says to me you know I'm thinking I'm Thinking that this woman is telling me That some guy Across the ocean of India has reached Some high level of spiritual attainment And energy is passing through him and Then through this woman and then into His heart and she's asking me if I'm Crazy and so you know the transmission That's given Sark system is very Palpable and people who could feel it You know love it it's amazing it's Divine energy not everybody feels it but People who do it's amazing and some of The people who have heard about through My channel have benefited from the System or at least they experience the Energy coming through me right when I Make these videos because it's we're all Conduits who who do the system for this Higher developed energy this God's love To pass through us and yet they Struggled with this book and many of Them quit and there's a whole thing with It right and so I don't care about that Like I you know but if you believe in The system you have to believe in all of It you know like all of a sudden chargie Got duped or something I mean this is This guy called the dodgy truther that Was the original voiceover that I did in The video it's uh can be heard in the Journey series 67 167 you know Channeling is part of human life and

People who get it get it and people Don't just like with past lives it's to Your benefit like if it's real it's to Your benefit if it's truth then knowing About it is important and it's going to Help you navigate through your existence And so I'm you know again I'm not here To convince anybody and these prophecies You can believe take them or leave them You know believe them or not it's just You know whatever people think or say You know some of these things the third Master System charie has said were Things that could be avoided at one time But then there's a point of no return And to my understanding there's a point Of no return like the nuclear war was Supposed to happen I think in the 1970s Or ' 80s it was originally scheduled and Then it was pushed back for whatever Reason like there's Divine beings who Monitor the Earth and for one reason or Another they can withhold something and Prevent something that is inevitable but Just can be Delayed and you know the so-called Doomsday the end of our civilization but In the context of that I'm going to read This to you and I'm going to read Bob's Chapter by Vision at some point Hopefully I'll remember to do that here As well I might come up with a part two Of this depending on how many how long It takes me to read all these messages

But there's a number of messages that Were published that were called Prophecies in the first edition of Whispers of the brighter world and when This book came out it was just magical It was a it was you know in a box and it Was leather bound and it had all these Like etheric pictures and it was just This really wonderful book and it Started off with messages from Char's Mother who you know I mean he she died When he was 5 years old and was you know Heart-wrenching and then you know his Wife had just recently passed away and So that was something where he was you Know just is getting receiving messages From his wife and his mom and then all The stuff from baby and things like this And so um eventually chargie would die In 2014 and then he would give some Messages uh you know to the to the basis Which are really you know nice to Receive and you could hear his voice Like I didn't know Babaji but I read a Lot of stuff from baby and you can hear Their voice when they're even though They're disembodied Souls the rest in Has a certain way of of Self-expression and so again these Prophecies um were given in a in a Chapter called prophecies but there's Other messages that are even as much or More prophetic there's a probably Another hundred of them and I'll read

Some of those as well uh just to get a Sense of it but you know these are more Than enough they're kind of overwhelming And there's one that I want to start With that um speaks of something Happening in 25 years a quarter of a Century and so that's the reason I'm Reading it now because it you know this Is the beginning of 2026 or or next year At the end of 2025 or sometimes in two It could be you know next week I don't Know because I think when Bob G says a Quarter of a century here and I'll talk About it when I'm reading it that he Means possibly you know like just about Like not 25 years to the day but around 25 years from now so here it is okay so Again I'll read these in order but I Want to start with this one it's sort of Uh it's not in order in terms of the Timeline um so this one got to make this Bigger as well so this is Wednesday February 28th 2001 9:00 a.m. so it would Be in a quarter of a century starts off In a quarter of a century which would Mean you know 25 years to the day would Be 2006 February 2006 Uh but it could be something about 25 Years in a quarter of a century the Earth will experience a major Turbulence that will be the beginning of A cycle which Earth men will find very Difficult to go through fire will Literally beat down in certain parts of

The world whereas Torrens of rain will Pour over others cataclysms will follow One another for many long years keeping Men frightened many will turn toward a Supreme god beseeching his forgiveness Forgiveness for more and more aberant Behaviors as well as for the Maltreatment imposed on their nourishing Mother the Earth the failure to respect The elements will lead to the effects Generating Terror among the population Of the end of the century in future ages The present layout of the continents Will be shattered Maps will need Revising yet the creatures inhabiting This planet will have more than enough To do in order to survive rather than Dealing with those details Adam atom Will turn against mankind who will not Have been able to harness it and its Lightning power will be devastating the Time for punishment for such a conceit Will take place as hard as it can and Man paying for his ancestors glaring Mistakes will suffer without having any Control over their situation the Transformation of this planet must go Through all these cataclysms in order to Be effectively completed Boby and so I Might add here and I think this is Important distinction that this isn't Something bad that's happened or Something that's you know we experience It as being bad but something has to end

For something else to begin if we you Know in the truth Community more than Anybody else acknowledge that what's Going on now sucks and we're going in The wrong Direction almost Everybody can see it we're going in the Wrong direction and so if that's the Case then the end of something that's Bad like an addiction you know our Collective negative Tendencies and our Egotistical Pursuits that are leading us Away from the God within us from our Morality from our ethics from our heart From our family from nature and we're Doing damage and making the world the Worst place and we're going in the wrong Direction then this thing coming to an End would be a blessing even though we Won't perceive it as so because of the Physical discomforts and the fear of Death and things that we have and you Know all of it but it is framed here as Something that work that was being done And that babaj g was ordered to end this Current situation you know through these Divine orders that he was receiving and Then set the the parameters and the and The um I don't want say the catalysts or The the conditions for human beings to Connect to God and evolve spiritually Which is the ultimate goal here and so These messages should be considered you Know as well this thing has to happen For something good has to happen right

Something has to end for some for Something better for where something Better begins before something better Begins all right let's go to the next One here okay so let me pull this one Up um here it is okay got to make this One Bigger this is Saturday August 3rd 2003 I'm not sure um you know I'm just going To read this in the order there they're There this isn't the order they Necessarily were put in the book we have Already made enough predictions about This poor Planet so this is at the most Of the messages were between 2001 and then this one 2003 we have already made enough Predictions about this poor Planet what It has been UND undergoing since a long Time is unprecedent in its history it's Not the only one to undergo Sufferings as humans live in symbiosis With with it as humans live in symbiosis With it they necessarily suffer the Related unpleasant unpleasing Repercussions without being able to Actually identify them humanity is doing Very badly and this evil is growing it Often seems to lose its mind and in the Present State of Affairs we can only Note this dangerous evolution in spite Of that many souls are waking up and Searching their way a bit lost in in Front a bit lost in front of the

Profusion of all that is offered to them Many contradictory currents different Approaches to the same to propotions to The issue among which one has to make a Choice and to adjust himself accordingly To his own aspirations sjar is one of The options it is somewhat different From allthough currently exists this is How our asants feel about it by Practicing with perseverance they Necessarily get confirmation of the Initial feeling there are families of Souls they can be recognized within Families which they belong to when time When when the time when time has come For them to go to the main thing the Researcher is guided to this end he then Understands that the moment has come for Him to engage in a new phase of his Evolution he has no more time to lose Humanity is getting into a new era where Everything is at stake for it it will be Will it be able to be convinced of it And to act accordingly we are all Working to this end May The Period of Enlightenment be established here below Bobbyy again there is always the factor Of human choice and so when you're Talking about an evolutionary Situation then there is you know whether People are going to accept it or not so This is sort of a followup to the the Message um that I read about 25 years in The course of a century but this one

Came first this is Friday December 29th 2008 a.m. nuclear power will ruin the World this badly controlled power is Demonic one day man will be overwhelmed By his power upheavals that will change The world will have their origin in it It has much wider implications than you Could imagine and which contribute to Destabilizing the balance of this planet In this matter in this matter also man Plays with fire without actually being Aware of the detrimental consequences For Humanity a natural energy will Replace all that is currently used and Which is harmful to man human knowledge Does not allow it use for the for the Time being these secrets will be Revealed to Men of Goodwill who will Look forward in an inspired scientific Research that energy will be Non-polluting and not very expensive Those with money power will not be Content with it only the absolute Necessity for the survival of the world Will prevail this time is not going to Happen tomorrow the Earth will go Through great changes before getting Into that these prophecies do not Concern you you undergoing the damaging Effects of this Insidious pollution Which will lead the world to collapsing But you can either stop time nor modify The system in place then protect Yourself as well as as possibly as well

As possible from these harmful effects And pray for the brothers and sis Brothers of the future babagi so that Last part is really important where he Says um that would lead to the Collapsing of the world but you can Neither stop time or modify the system In place which is you know a good way of Putting it right we can't prevent time From moving on and we can't fix the System and so we pray for our brothers And sisters of the future now this idea That there'll be an energy a cheap Energy that will replace what we have Now it'll be non-polluting and it'll be You know a better obviously more Efficient energy that's being would be Blocked by the powers that be because They can't own it and control it so Means that there there's going to be Some civilization left after all these Things happen that there's going to be You know some um you know this isn't Going to be like we're going to the Dark Ages although for some people it'll be That because they won't you know the Civilization won't be a global Civilization and the structure of the Earth is going to change and in all this The idea that people connect to the Divinity within them is the one solution But will people choose that right like That's the big question so I was just Talking about this in my New Year's Eve

You know year of video the year of the Chaos which is you know partially do to These messages but we all see things are Devolving into chaos right and I was Talking about how like I heard this on The news maybe yesterday that the Majority of people within a couple of Months get rid of their um the New Year's resolution and their New Year's Resolution is usually something they Know they should be doing but they like I'll do a New Year's resolution and then They call it um quitting Friday or Whatever it was like I talked about that See if I still have the I might have the Tab open here um it's called Um uh is uh here uh quitters day and 23% Of adults quit their New Year's goals by The end of the first week of January and It's usually a Friday because they want To do something on Friday that they've Been not wanting to you know they've Been they'll smoke cigarettes or go out Drink or do whatever they're trying to Get rid of right and they know they have To change it they know it's good for Them but they don't they don't see it Through people don't like to change People like to see other people change They like to complain about other people But they don't want to change themselves Right and so there's going to have to be Drastic changes here for humans to Survive what's coming and they can go

Low or you can go high you know you can Embrace your ego or you can embrace your Soul and it's going to be one of the two Things and it's going to going to be Significant whatever it might be and if People Embrace their egos then Humanity Will be wiped out and they'll you know The powers that people try something Else here this is going to be a a Turning point it's going to be you know A yes or no for Humanity it's going to Be the ultimate test sink or swim thrown In the middle of the ocean when you're a Toddler you either sink or you swim and That's my understanding of all these Things and the majority of souls are Going to be not a part of it like most Human souls are not going to be a part Of this because there's going to be Drastic population reduction and so if There's you know 8 billion people and Then that goes down to less than 1 Billion that means seven out of eight People won't be a part of this right and So there's a cing or a cutting of the You know the amount of people that are You know there's a you have to make it Into the club just to live in this you Know this toxic almost uninhabitable Post-apocalyptic world so that you can Work to build a better future for Yourself and other people where Spirituality will reign where people's Interconnection with God will be the you

Know major factor guiding them through Their Earthly decisions and all Civilizations all of the um you know the Systems that are used will be built with This idea mind with a connection to the Divinity within you and working with God And God's you working for God and Embracing God's you know laws and Principles and spiritual truths that are So so um prevalently ignored at this you Know particular time in history okay so Let's um I'm take a break here and I'll Come back and start reading some more Okay just went on a walk with my wife we Ate lunch and um it's pouring outside You know we have a a pond in our Pure Which we had Doug um and the guy was Supposed to put a lot of Clay on on the Sides of it but he didn't do such a good Job but it's worked out because there's A part of the pond that always has water And where we live the area is basically A swamp you know there's all these Places that were built on swamps where I Grew up in Conneticut like the whole State a big portion of it's a swamp Right the lowow the Lowlands and when you pour top soil in The place still wants to be a swamp like There's natural water flow there in our Pasture is very much a swamp our house Is you know up probably about 10 ft Above the pasture area but the pasture Has flooding areas and the pond was one

Of those places that flooded every year Sometimes the whole thing's underwat but Now all that water runs down to the pond And if the pond is you know half empty Then it's you know now it's back to Being almost completely full and then There's like an extra full where it's Expands to its maximum capacity which is Kind of interesting you know rain is Very auspicious in the the saimar Meditation when there's a gathering it Represents divine grace so I feel very Optimistic about this year and so the One thing I want to say here is that When you look at public disc discourse Public dick Course um that's where I was going to Say initially uh accidentally there is a General feeling of impending doom you Know kids growing up I mean there's such The s ude that were entering the Apocalypse I never seen this before Where the majority of people felt this Way right you know there's some people Who have I mean people have um Unrealistic hopes right you know Joe Biden the hope of Joe Biden fixing the Trump stuff and Trump fixing the Democrat stuff right all these things These unrealistic hopes that you know One side could get into Power truther Could you know do something or you know The America might wake up and we'll Change where we're going change the

Course of action but most people believe We're on a course to disaster but the Disaster has already happened over a Series of generations I mean over a long Period of time based on our faulty Economic system our religions being uh Completely the opposite of what they're Supposed to do which is block your Connect what they do do is block your Connection to God instead of in Facilitating that connection and then The family and morality have dissolved Because of these things right and so We've gone in the wrong direction and so Most people kind of get it we're going In the wrong direction and that the System is corrupt and there doesn't seem Much hope I think for most people that It could be fixed right going back to That last Whispers of the brigher world Message but the idea of it collapsing Completely is terrifying because we Don't know any other way we don't have a Backup plan we don't have skills we're a Lot weaker and unnatural than we should Be and most of us couldn't withstand That kind of massive change in lifestyle When people can't even sustain a New Year's resolution for more than a week Right so you know that's where we are as A species but I think deep down most People know that the system is bad and It's making us worse and we're going in The wrong direction and it probably

Needs to be stopped even though we don't Want to you know be a we don't want to Experience what that means but when you Look at it that way then these messages Aren't so horrible or anything like that Right um but let's go to the next one Here and so um this is a good one Because of the way it starts off so this Is Friday December 29th 20110 a.m. the City of this the Atlantis Civilization was very Advanced much more Than yours when it was engulfed vast Expanses of land were dislocated to Become continents as you currently know Them this planet underwent very many Upheavals before getting into its Current configuration some more uphe Evils will take place it is Inevitable this is part of the Great Movement which governs the structure of The universe in addition to which as far As the Earth is concerned there is Incredible contempt with which men Having a destructive Instinct treat Elements that make it up they are un They are not unaware of the serious Dangers in which they put Humanity but They continue to move forward in the Race for power primarily their own power Sub subordinated to money power others Devote their intelligence and action to Their brothers and thus the balance of Values tentatively takes place we let we Let you think about this the that issue

In this end of year when the prospects For peace in certain parts of the world Don't look exactly cheerful as for you Cultivate in your hearts this powerful Strength that is love to counterbalance The forces of evil Boby you know some of these Whispers Messages allude to the fact that there's Different levels of this experience Right of any experience there could be The worst version the most unpleasant And then it could be easier just based In you know if you're willing to make The Change internally like if you're going To go through something that's supposed To Humble you if you can humble yourself Without going through something Difficult right you know one time um my Brother brother was helping me start a Landscaping business and I had my friend You know he had his dad was a builder And the guy had all these Cool Tools and All this equipment and I have these Pieces of metal I needed him to bend and Then he drilled holes in them I was very Helpful and I went over his house and You know then I um I put these metal Things on the end of the these you know Big uh um 2×12 boards and I would take Him a lawn on and off the the bed of the Pickup truck I had right and so um it Was this old Ford pickup truck with Three on the tree right you know just

Old style um you know it had this it was A standard had three three of gears on The tree of the you on the steering Wheel the column and I would take the um You know the lawnmower on and off the The truck that way and one time I was Going to put it up on the truck and my Brother said look I was debating whether I should tell you this or not but you See you don't have the boards uh pushed All the way in and he said because if I Didn't tell you and you you know that Lawnmower fell off or whatever you would Never forget you would never do make That mistake again but him telling me That was enough for me never to make That mistake again because you know as Much as I'd be in a rush to you know Sometimes I was cutting 10 15 lawns in a Day I always took my time to make sure The boards were set and that I could Safely to get him on and off the the Truck cuz it could have been a disaster It could be something where I would be Maimed for Life the lawnmower is a heavy Lock lawnmower these old fashion you it Was just heavy and it would have been a A nightmare if the boards broke or fell Off or slipped on top of me or something So you know um but I never forgot that Lesson right because I you know said Well like that could have been a Disaster and I you know I didn't need to Experience it once I just needed to see

That that could have happened right and So you know this is what can happen if You are open to change and you are Subtle and you you're listening to God's Warnings and you can adjust yourself Without going through some Calamity to Um you know to invoke the change that's Going to happen but it seems like Humanity as as Bob said it's going to Take place as hard as it can because It's just going to be some kind of Really brutal experience for Humanity to Wake a up to what we're doing wrong And to go in a different direction so um Let's go to the The next one Sunday February 25th 2001 6 P.m. so this is before the 25 years one He refers to the medium as my daughter My dear daughter we would like now to Start giving you messages having a Totally different content scientists are Very often mistaken in their assertions In a century these assertions will be Outdated man will have taken a step Forward in his understanding of the laws Governing the universe they will then Become obvious to a great number of Minds capable of understanding their Real meaning significant changes will Take place on the Earth globe after Great upheavals have occurred even the Best established structures will be Disrupted and the elements will make Life difficult for human beings who will

Have to face up to things another race Stronger and having a much more Developed sense of exter sensory Perception will set up a world that Would astonish most men living in the Present when the poles are reversed they Will generate great climactic changes Men will need to adjust themselves a Large part of the population its present Proportions will have disappeared the Earth will start a new era best suited To its Evolution we will further Elaborate to some of the mentioned Topics and you'll have to note down Without wondering too much even though You cannot verify the soundness of what You are writing these predictions should Neither worry nor embarrass you they do Not relate to your per present day and a Long time will have passed before all Our assertions come true you will need To trust in us and leave the usual Doubts aside these writings will long Remain in Oblivion before they could be Made public therefore it suits you to Consider them as fiction we have no Objection to that don't worry you are Not under the influence of devious of Any devious spirit we will resume resume The normal course of talks be at peace Be blessed Boba G okay so the median Wasn't digging these prophecies this was One of the first ones and you know she Often times she she had her doubts and

She had her issues with all of these Things but didn't understand a lot of The stuff that was going on she wasn't You know up to date on current events And and she wasn't a truth or conspiracy Theorist or whatever you want to call it So these messages freaked her out Basically um and So um and then Wednesday February 28 201110 a.m. you can call this new Collection prophecies Babaji so this was After the one that said in a quarter of A Century and so um that was related to That message and so here is one let's Make this bigger Sunday March 4th 2001 8: a.m. the Earth is both very ancient And Rich it has some Advanced Civilization extraterrestrials as you Call them came to establish exploration Sites and to build interplanetary Reay Station some of them survived even Though not having their primary Usefulness anymore the P the pyramids Belong to them many things are said and Written about them they still play an Important role energy-wise Revelations On this point point will bring a new Enlightenment to Men of future ages that Time has not yet come could they really Understand all the subtleties of this System they should at least start Admitting that life exists on planets of The solar

System and beyond it will be necessary It will it will really be necessary to Hit hard so they accept this principle a Massive Invasion will occur we have Already mentioned that possibility which Alone will put an end to the wander ing The wanderings of all forms of science The whole picture will need revising Those beings will bring an extraordinary Knowledge that will leave the poor Earthlies stupified with their pompous Ideas on everything most of which are Wrong and or worthless these Billings Would come in order to protect the Universal balance from man's misconduct As well as from the huge risk they're Running with their so-called progress Which is alarming in many respects Boby I don't think that this is going to Happen soon like I think there's going To be a nuclear war which he alluded to Earlier um and some other things will Happen and so um that's whatever it is Sunday March 4th 2001 10 a.m. so this Was all you know in 2001 in the you know Not consecutive days but um you know These kind of things right where where It was um you know in a cluster of Messages my dear dear daughter Concerning these prophecies you must Write what we dictate without having any Qualms you cannot check the soundness of What we are telling you some of our Comments confirm assertions you've read

From other sources which themselves Include some of ours the best inspires Ones being written by mediums having Access to well-informed sources great Upheavals occurred on this planet time And time again they made life evolve in Various forms terrifying species Inhabited this planet that screenwriters Of science fiction movies cannot even Imagine the humanoid kingdom is rather Recent it was not about spontaneous Generation but it was experimentally Generated by Superior beings and has Evolved with time present research Present researchers whose eyes are Reverted to test tubes would be Astounded if they discovered the true Reality of mankind there's no question Here of an upper race as they believe This sub tries to work its way up to the Upper level with God's help there is Every hope of success there's a lot to Do all kinds of committed persons have Devoted themselves to it eeden will not Happen in a hurry but a high level Embryotic Consciousness is germinating And growing in this world so as to reach A possible full blossomy in a rare in a Very distant future bagy and so this is Why I've talked about the genetic Mutation and T Test to babies of course This is supported by various you know People out there theories and the fusing Of the second and third uh chromosomes

And the stuff I talked about with Lloyd Pi and I've talked about these things in Other videos right but this idea of a Subrace you know I've talked about how There was a time that people on Earth Lived thousands of years like so the Mahab barata in at that time 5,000 years Ago these guys were living hundreds if Not thousands of years Boby talked about Some people who lived like yugas they Lived 10,000 year yugas right I might Have had a past life where there was This kind of I was a a Sur King a bad King where I lived hundreds of thousands Of years like this if I was that person In terms of the you know definition so You know there is these types of things Out there right um where we don't have Access to it but I do know that I Realized at some point and it just makes Sense if you you know when you're become An adult you uh complete your education Which is you know that's like you're Done learning that's kind of the American model and you start your career And shortly thereafter you get married Or you know you might start your career And get married at the same time and Then you start having kids almost Immediately so you you get your your Career going and often times both people Are working then also you get married Which is a you know you're learning and Spending time and having uh you know a

Life partner and then you have kids and Each one of these things is a major Thing that could dominate your whole Existence right you know each one of These things could just be enough to Just deal with at once right and then You know this is the time where you Should really begin your spiritual Practice and as an adult you can start Cultivating a relationship with God but Where's the time and energy go to go Into that so you have these four major Aspects to your life career your life's Work your your marital relationship your Raising kids and then your relationship To God and then you know and then if you Want to pursue more knowledge right Gathering more knowledge and then you Know whatever else you're doing let's Say that starts in your your 20s like You turn 22 that's you know 24 let's say And then by the time you're 44 I mean you're more than for most People halfway done with your life when You turn 38 your halfway point of your life right And then as you're in your 40s you start Developing physical issues I mean health Issues which you know for younger people It's happening even sooner and then You're dealing with chronic health Issues as well your kids are you know I Depending how many kids you have you Should be entering your last phase of

Your job in terms of retirement but that Won't happen for another 20 years you Still really haven't engage in a Spiritual practice and your life's Energy is diminished you don't have much Energy and you have all these things all These stressors that still aren't Completely resolved right and then Before you know it you're old and like I Just said in my recent video I finally If like crack the code of my life and I Have all these you know as you grow Older you have these programs usually From past lives if you've had past lives And knowledge kicks in as you become a Parent as you do a career as you enter Into various phases of your life things That you knew what you didn't know you Knew and abilities that you had that you Didn't know you had start kicking in and By the time you know you just have all Yourself like you've Incorporated all These different traits that you had Available to you but it took physical Life experience to pull them out of you Right by the time that happens you're in The death process but imagine if by the Time you were 60 that was like you're a Teenager and imagine if you could spend Your whole you know 60 years as a young person or whatever It is 100 years as a young person where You traveled and you had adventures and You learned about life and you developed

Skills and you became a complete person You earned whatever amount of money that Would last you the rest of your life so You didn't have to deal with those kind Of things right and you established Yourself and then you got married and Then you had kids like you married you Know for 10 15 years you had kids you Know whatever it was and then you could Devote the rest of your time to Spiritual life and you know Pursuits and Hobbies and things that you're Interested in and you know which would Be maybe hundreds of years right and so You could accomplish so much more in so Many different ways but when it's all Crammed together it's because we were Programmed or we were genetically Manipulated to be slaves and short Lifespan if you ever seen the the first Blade Runner movie the Clones only live For four years because they were Superior physically and they would Overtake Humanity they were made Stronger and things like this my wife Just called me she'll listen to my New Year's video where um you know my the New Year's e video where I'm saying um You know the the um the year of this is The year of chaos right 2025 and I started the video what Happened was I pulled up all these Links um I pulled up all my other videos That I had done a year of and I was

Going to take little clips of them and Make them into the the visual portion of The video like you see that there's a a Picture of a a sunset I think in the What you're watching now you know Sometimes I just have one image but I Was going to have these videos going and As I did it I heard all my voices you Know my I was my voice in each video and It was kind of interesting the way it Was playing out and you know it created Almost a chaos in that that sense and Like well this would be a good way to Start the video and so my wife just she Just called me and said that she was Listening to the beginning part and I Kept on going Boop you know and she was Cracking up so there was that but Getting back into it here you know that If you're going to make a slave Population you would have to do things To keep them weakened so they wouldn't Rebel especially you know in this slave Population which I talked about in my Book The Choice it's likely that they Made some people Warriors which they Would increase their figh or flight and Their aggressiveness right if they had People that were in charge of you know Whatever security or something like if You were extraterrestrials and you had These different levels of workers you Would make different groups of people Based in the need of those people right

Which would explain maybe the different Racial groups or whatever it is right And so my understanding is that they Created these you know like a slave Group of slaves and they didn't do a Great job job genetically they kind of Slapped it together to um to harvest Resources and things on this planet and Then they booked they left and left us With this mess you know people who were You know genetically manipulated so we Didn't come from an organic natural Process we had access to higher levels Of technology that we weren't uh mature Enough to um to navigate and we had this Um short lifespans and some people that Were you know had these um Tendencies Towards aggression and so that's why we Have this mess here right and so there's You know there is a chance for us to Evolve to a higher level we still have This what they call junk DNA which I Talked about in various videos you know To evolve to this higher level and yet You know we're predisposed to the lower And so um you know like there's all of Those things right let we pull up the Next one and so a reference that's what The reference is to all those other you Know Prophecies of the one I just read And so this one Tuesday March 6 2001 my Dear daughter let us focus on what is Feasible the current system is working Rather well except for a few delays due

To the congestion of the telephone lines He's talking about the system of Translating these messages we must Appreciate the easiness with the Easiness we have arrived at the working Team is efficient if we can consider the Present capabilities of this information Technological why couldn't we also have Our own means of communication in Centuries to come skepticism on this Point will not exist anymore as the Means will be widely used on Earth he Means this kind of a channeling mankind Will make great progress in knowledge And in the perception of vibratory waves Surrounding this planet it will be less Populated than it is now another race of Individuals will live in these places Beings more advanced and receptive to The reality of the Beyond so this was in 2001 March this would be um the you know The The Next Century this planet will be Used as a relay station among the side Reel and planetary systems a Leading Edge technology not destructive for Mankind will facilitate that service Tele ay and the many resources of the Brain will become very much used for Everyone's good that is something Reassuring which raises hopes for the Descendants of today's man who are Moving forward in this world of darkness And despair bagy and so um you know like A 100 years seems to be when a lot of

These things have all played out and Then good things will be coming in so There's going to be 100 years and it's Going to be like 80 years right if Starting if some event happens in the Next year year and then you have 75 Years you know a lifetime which isn't so Long and then you know other things will Be happening during this time and Eventually everything will settle down And there'll be an evolved human race Hopefully you know this will happen that Humanity will choose this and all these Things Friday March 9th 2001 8 a.m. the Current communication technologically is Still in its emphasis let's make this Bigger here the current communication Technologically technologically is still In its INF INF infancy it has a long way To go to reach the most efficient stage Of being an inter interplanetary Reay Station it must improve its subtly and Put no more restrictive barriers on the Grounds that the only that only the Earth will be inhabited would be Inhabited as we have already said its Level of evolution is at an early stage Men have high opinions of themselves Scientists believe that they are the Only ones to possess the truth whereas They still are at the level of Kindergarten no more no less the planets That have that they assume not to be Inhabited have forms of life far

Different from their own and the few Lights from which they benefit from Came From Beyond from came from a Beyond they Cannot even imagine and so what he's Saying is that these etheric beings that Occupy planets in our solar system that Are you know another form of life are Being affected by human beings and They're are technological and you know Are going into space and doing these Things and some of these higher Developed souls are coming you know that Come into this planet to elevate Humanity you know Saints and spiritual Masters so let's read that again uh men Have a high opinion of themselves Scientists believe that they are the Only ones to possess the truth whereas They are still at a a level of Kindergarten no more no less the planets That they assume not to be inhabited as Forms of life far different from their Own and the few lights from which they Benefit from come from a beyond that Cannot even they cannot even imagine Will it finally be necessary for a large Number of those beings to come to Earth During trying and hopeless times for the Inhabitants and get them out of the Tragic situation so that at the end they They be so in the end they become aware Of their Limitations that will they will have They will they will then have to align

Themselves with Advanced knowledge and To reconsider all the thoughts they have Acquired all they will reconsider all The thoughts that they have acquired They'll have to start all over again on Sound basis enlightened by the highly Developed race which in spite of that Won't easily impose their Views which Des spite of that won't Easily impose their views that they're Not going to force the lower level of People to to to obey them they're going To you know try to to win them over Absolute necessity will have the force Of law men for their survival will have To abide by it Boby okay three more messages to go I um Took a little break here and then I'm Going to wrap this up um you know I Thought I was going to read more of of Them and I'm going to do a part two and I'm going to find um you know more of These ones that are that should be a Part of this you know this whole group There's quite a bit of them and there's Probably some we didn't even see but It's just too much to do I mean it's a Lot to absorb just these amount like Each one could be taken independently And thought about and you know just um You know what are the implications and What does it mean but like I said I'll Look into doing a second maybe even a Third this year like maybe in a month or

So I'll do another one and if I forget People can remind me people who want to Read hear more of these and and whatever It is Saturday March 10th 2001 4m. these Prophecies are to be taken as they stand Hope for the future a stronger race more Advanced and respectful of True Values Will arise that is how the future will Be Shaped though those beings will evolve Differently and their objective won't be Money anymore that is enough to make Some of you dream those who did not Believe that this kind of prospect Could Happen man of future ages will not Resemble today's man neither bodywise Nor mindwise that race the result of Important mutation will start its path Between two worlds a long way at the Service of the great beings who reign Rain over the solar System um orchestrating the planet's Movement and the harmony that must exist In the cosmos the Supreme strength of This vibration governs the worlds the Last deficiency brings about chain Reactions Infinity coming back to it not A shapeless and lifeless Mass without Reference point is beyond your reach and Comprehension it is actually infinite in So far as it is not Measurable that is a truth that is a Truth that doesn't align you and your You at your current stage doesn't

Enlighten you at your current stage but Which in the future might reasonably be Clearer Bagy um so that's interesting Right so he talks about this mutation That's going to take place that human Beings will evolve like this is a Butterfly type situations where we have To be more advanced than we are now and Whatever is going to happen to make that Take place I don't know what physical Things are going to happen What internal Things are going to happen but there'll Be uh human beings with different Tendencies that mentally and physically Will be structured in a different way It's like the crom magnam man coming to Replace the Neanderthal right or was it The opposite I don't know whatever it Was that's anyhow so but that You know you get the idea right it's Like we're becoming the butterfly we're Evolving from the caterpillar and so This is um you know a part of it and That you know I think just thinking About it that way makes these much more Acceptable so um let's move on here Sunday March 11 2001 8: a.m. you must Not be afraid of writing what we dictate To you a a world new and totally Different from what you are presented Living in will exist in future centuries Establish a parallel between what life Was was in the 19th century and what it

Is nowadays would the most advanced People of those days have imagined what Exists now in every field you consider Everything as normal and take it Definitely for granted similarly way to Go within uh similarly the way to go Within the next two centuries will be Even more amazing the way to go within Will be uh the next two centuries will Be even more amazing therefore you must Note down without absolutely any Reservation even if you do not Understand a new world is in the offing You cannot imagine it is beyond your Comprehension your current civilization Is built on a few principles that will Long longer Prevail in the future Electricity oil and all its Byproducts which are used in the present System will be be considered as Antiques And simply forgotten a complete Revolution will have occurred at every Level if a vistage a v if a vis of your Civilization had to remain it might be Studied with Curiosity that is the way it is since The beginning of time everything evolves And is renewed men are end up men end up Going to the most glaring extremes that Must therefore be remedy remedy Everything changes and is transformed it Is the nature of things Boby so again um These are self-explanatory here you know If there was some higher version of

Yourself that wanted to take your place Right you know like this um we watched This show on Apple TV and this guy Invented some um kind of form of Interdimensional Travel and at the end of the T show it Wasn't a great TV show but there were Versions of himself right that that were All competing to be him right like he Would all to be a part who he was in This world and there was hundreds of Them killing each other right they were All versions of himself and they were All wanting to take over his life there Was one guy who was it was his real Timeline and all the other ones were Basically imposters but they were all Vying to you know live with his wife and These things right kind of interesting You know premise the show itself was Kind of Sucked but you know people have their Own selfish I mean they they were Killing each other they were killing Themselves like they were murdering each Other throughout plotting against each Other I it was you know in that sense it Was interesting right even though they Were all the same and they were you know They were identical and so people don't Want to be Replaced by a superior version of Themselves Humanity in general and so That's the sticking point right but when

We incarnate into a higher level being Those of us who are lucky to come back Because the population will be reduced Well that'll be something great because They'll you know a lot of the things That we're struggling with now won't be There the limitations we have and the Things we complain about so here's the Last one Sunday March 11th 2001 10 a.m. So these were all in a row these were All in 2001 these last ones why you keep Dwelling on the opinion of other people Aren't you satisfied with ours you are a Good medium and that is not easy as your Circle may not as easily as your circle May think you put a lot of yourself into This work and it's natural that you Express yourself when you when you so Wish this new collection will puzzle you Many times you'll have to get used to it This new genre whose contents are Unverifiable and adapt yourself at all Costs we give you some time we we give You some time your help us will support You in this new phase full of surprises You finally resign yourself to not to Not doubting anymore and yet we start Again shaking you up we have to progress In our work and you need to trust in us That is all we can tell you about this Do not be afraid you receive us very Well the comments are different but you Are not the cause of it we couldn't uh We we we couldn't eternally go along the

Same lines keep these writings for Yourself if you wish it's up to you but It is good to prepare open-minded people For this potential complete upheaval in Future times some ancient civilizations Have gone to similar events before they Disappeared they they take place over Very long periods of time And do not concern you Boba G and so you Know she struggled and had issues with All of these things um but you know all This stuff is kind of like I said it's All there and it's things I've talked About personally there's other References and people who have similar Ideas about the future of humanity you Know this thing that babaj g did which I Think I'll read his um his uh I don't Want to do that today the reality at Dawn um my vision because I'm just kind Of burnt it's like a lot to do and I Completed another video this morning but Someday I'll do a followup to this I'll Read Bob's reality at dawn and I'll Continue with part two here there's so Many more messages let me look at the Folder so I have those messages and then I have one that says more and there's Probably 30 messages and then um there's Some new ones right and so um you know I'll um like I'll look through those and See which ones are worth reading some of Them are a little bit redundant but you Get the idea but essentially it's this

One that I want to focus on the first One that was given on I believe the 25th Or 28th of February in 2001 and says in A quarter of a century which is now upon Us right and so it just feels like Things big things are a foot and we'll See what happens in this next year and Next the following year and if there's Major changes and we can see that this Process is kicking in if it is then it's You know I mean this idea of focusing on Uh evolving spiritually and all the rest Of the things I talk about here and what Bob g talks about these messages will be Essential only spirituality will save This world it's power M definitely point For the apocalypse and in the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful

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