Greetings brothers and sisters Wednesday January 8th this is a video that will be Up on Friday just completing a video it's Rendering right now to go up tomorrow And I have a video that's already up There that I'm going to release in a Moment but in terms of this Um this is I have to talk about this Right away I don't know how much of my Video I'm going to make today but I was Doing going through the the comment Section right Um And YouTube has long Been giving me suggestions of how to Answer my comments right and so somebody Wrote a comment thank you brother Paul Exclamation Co Point you're welcome but Don't forget to share it with your Friends Who uh who may need this right and the Other one was I appreciate the love but Just don't call me brother just Paul is Fine this was they they've like upgraded Their there were AI response to my Comments see if there's any more of them Here and um it's great like it's just Wonderful uh this one here um I share All your videos to my Facebook and I Know a friend sharing your membership Videos today yay to new Members and so um The person says the the response to this
Was I appreciate that you share my Videos with others we we have to get the Word out as much as Possible things I would never say right Um see what else ones it's not all of Them it's just some of them have the I'm Going through these things and uh Um these these things here let me see if I find anymore oh here great intro gave Me good insight to a perfect prediction For 2025 year of chaos perfect for Things that are starting out definitely A [ __ ] show in the media this was from a Video of 20 2025 the year of I'm glad you enjoyed The intro and agree with the year of Chaos prediction this very specific like What's up Um I hope you check back with me in a Few years so we can laugh about how Right we Were this is wonderful we got to keep on Going let's see what else they got to Offer I mean they're they're definitely More sophisticated they're still so Mechanical and I would never say any of These things ever in my life that's the Great thing dear Paul I feel the message Of late uh have been directed to me have Been very encouraging thank you for what You do you and your Channel and the per and the the bot Writes it's been a rough year for lots Of us even the elite have even the elite
Have had their share of problems holy [ __ ] that's what the the bot said and This person didn't say anything about The elite and it put Elite in like this Person this this bot knows see this is The thing this is the thing about their Um their uh search engines like this is How [ __ ] up this thing is Right that their search engines have Been gamed to not give us what we want But this bot new to call the of course I'm not an elite this person doesn't the Bot doesn't get my channel but you know I I don't talk about the elite I call The controllers and I just finished a Voiceover on the end of my last video Where I talk about blaming the elite is Just such a a lame and a dishonest thing To do like the elite aren't responsible For everybody's problems all these Things Elite suck there's no doubt they Suck and I think you know I think I know More about how they suck than other People but they're not you know it's Easy to blame everyone else for your Miserable life right and I get into this You either heard it or you didn't and The second comment I try to keep it Light and humorous the messages will Always find you when you are Ready again just bizarre [ __ ] that's Going on here U let's see if there's any More here here's another one what a Beautiful place you have glad to hear
Things have resolved themselves it seems People are drawn to what they was on the Surface I guess that's why we get duped Easily not any way but for the people of But most people enjoy the Dom lemon bit Just so people know not all the pictures I use are things that I take at my place Like we travel and things like that but Yeah you know so I'm not sure what Picture she's responding to but anyways I so glad you enjoyed the Don Lemon bit It was nice to get back to the original Video it was nice to get back to the Original video I'm not sure what that Was in reference to okay let's do one More if there's any more here um but I'm Going to you know I can do these more Often if you guys find them Interesting um like there doesn't seem To these that was a new thing like they Just did that that was the last of them Then I'm getting to comments I already Uh carded and there's no other ones um But just spectacular right their Bots Are you know they got a whole new thing They're doing it is better but it's not Good it still sucks right and if they Know this kind of um sophistic way of Responding to people you know these AI Bots but they you know are watching my Video and they can't do it in my voice Like they can't they don't know me or Get me or know how I would respond like It would be scary if they did things
That I would say yeah I would totally [ __ ] say that like imagine if these Were things that I totally would Say like that would be so creepy like That would be like I would no longer Need to exist because the bot could just Create these things for me like if they Could actually say the thing that you Were going to say of course you know I'm So socially inept I don't think the Bots Could ever figure out what I would say Or what I would do but if they could That would be [ __ ] right anyways um I'll um continue on this is just a you Know brief introduction okay so a lot Has happened I want to cover more of These comments in my next video than the Introduction you know the AI generated Comments um it's Friday January 10th Almost 8:00 at night and so I started This on Wednesday did a little bit more Yesterday and then you know I've been Busy with some stuff this video is not Going to be out I think till Saturday Morning and it's you know I get into the Wildfires and I come back and do an Update and stuff with sunny hoiston and Then a whole bunch of stuff here with Biden and Trump I mean the things is a Mess there's so too much for me to cover I got this big Don L and B Don LEM and Bombshell next Video okay so I was going to start with The Trump uh talking about Palestinian
People and Israel and all these things We'll get to that bunch of other stuff Is broken these various Stories Um Biden told us say today Biden ad Miss He might have been too old to serve to Have serve to have served a a second Term another term B told the USA Today Who the hell knows so far so good but Who knows what I'm going to be like when I'm 86 years old old when asked if he Could have been healthy enough to serve Another four Years he Said he he had stayed in the race and Beat president-elect Donald Trump Jesus Just get with the quotes here guys are Dragging this thing out uh the president Insisted Howard that he could have beat Trump and is unclear what the polls he Was referring to as a major national Surveys consistently showed Trump Leading in the wake of Biden's Asis June To Performance um anyways so he's you know He's got Al he's got Parkinson's and He's you Know he's going to exit from our lives Pretty soon and never to be seen Again okay so in no particular order Let's start here with this Senator John Baraso a republican from Wyoming I'm Mr President the majority Whip majority whip is recognized thank
You Mr President Mr President two months Ago the American people gave Republicans A clear mandate it's a mandate to get America back on track Senate Republicans Won make America great again 53 Seats the House of Representatives Republicans in the majority and President Trump won a historic Victory He won historic it was it was historic All seven of the Battleground States and He won the popular vote so when I was a Kid Nixon beat McGovern in every state But one I forget what that one state was And beat him in his home State it was a complete Robbing the victory was Decisive starting this week Republicans Are going to begin to deliver on the Mandate just heard the minority leader In the Senate talking about what are Republicans going to do to help the American People I want to talk about that because I want to contrast it to what the Outgoing president is doing right now And using his final days in office what Is it John Baraso the Democrat president who is Leaving is trying to put in place Leftwing dangerous policies policies That have been rejected by the American Voters and policies that are going to Make it more expensive for American Voters to live their
Lives no way what's he doing bro these Policies will make America less safe Less prosperous and more vulnerable What are these policies you speak of These aren't policies that the American People voted for if they didn't vote for Those kind of policies seems that the Lame duck president is working overtime To undermine the American values and the Demands and the wishes of the American People the outgoing he ain't working Overtime has actually had his Administration sign contracts with Government unions so government workers Have the right to stay home from work Maybe pretending that they're working While still getting paid that sounds Like [ __ ] to me bro baraso for a job That they're supposed to be Doing to make matters worse this past Monday Joe Biden banned American energy Production on okay so he's accused in Biden of Melissa sabotage nobody gives a [ __ ] so this is um Hakeem jeffri the um Minority leader with Nancy Pelosi's old Position Democrat New York Jeff thank you what kind of dialogue Have you had with the incoming Administration the incoming president Especially given that he'll be on the Hill later Today uh it's not my expectation to have Any conversation at any point Today uh but we are looking forward to
The dialogue to come uh in the next few Weeks and thereafter to find the common Ground Necessary in order to get things done For the American people house Democrats Believe that we are not sent to Washington to invade Greenland rename the Gulf of Mexico or seize the Panama Canal by Force we were sent to Washington Boom you're not agreeing with with uh Trump trying to acquire Greenland I Didn't know he's trying to rename the The Gulf of Mexico it's going to be the Gulf of Texas what do he want to rename It don't tell me I could look it up it Doesn't matter to lower the high cost of Living in the United States okay so That's so that Happened okay so there's major wildfires Which you guys probably all know about Today Is um Wednesday January 8th this video Won't be up till uh Friday and so um you know I don't know What'll be happening with the fires by Then I'm not going to cover this very Much so they're dropping that [ __ ] Out of that helicopter water whatever it Is fire suppressant see the issue is That you know I lived in uh New Mexico and in um Utah and in uh Nevada And and Idaho you know brief periods of Time not very long total of like five
Years like living out in the west Interesting place didn't really feel Like it was home but you know magical Place magical you know very Interesting and I would like to go back There and go went to the California went To the Redwoods you know that part of California Spectacular California is a magical State as well if you get rid of the you Know the city ities and all the [ __ ] There but America's a wonderful country Just spectacularly beautiful so many Great things I've been to so many Different places in America going oh my God this place is incredible just the M You know the and just around the world In general and we have a beautiful world Here and so you know natural world but In the west they have Forest fir so I Was living near the North Face of the Grand Canyon so most people go to the South face I gone to the South face That's where like there's 20,000 people A day and it's crazy and crowded The North Face is a little bit higher and Way less populated I love it out there That's that's my favorite part of the Grand Canyon and when my family and I Were driving there this is back when my Wife and I were just getting together Was living in Utah we were driving by a Place where there were these forest Fires and you see these Ponderosa Pines
And these various pine trees and they're Just like match sticks that have been Burnt sticking up in the ground some of Them are on the ground some of them are Still upright and the whole place is Just burned to the ground right and this Is caused by them stopping forest fire Sometimes they do these things called Intentional Burns you know I talked to This guy who knew a lot about this stuff And you know as far as I know he was you Know right about these things but you Know every once in a while there would Be these forest fires but the forest Fires would block other forest fires Right and it was sad because you know One of the guys I used to work with he Was a ex- football player that loved Hiking this is why I lived in New Mexico Up in the hez by um Los Alamos right uh By Santa Fe you know Los Alamos where The National Lab is and they got this Place called the HZ and you know it's a Reservation area and uh National Park And wonderful place to hike and he went Up there like after the wild fires and He said this place I've been hiking for Years everything's burnt out now it's Just like a desert right and you know The burning of these trees it unleashes New growth and you have fields for a While and the elk and the things come in And wild turkeys and and then the trees Start to sprout and the quick growing
Trees and the shrubs and you know There's a cycle there but if you prevent The the fires from happening see when You have a forest fire a for another Forest fire will will land on where it's Already been burned and it won't be able To go through it because there's no There's no fuel for it so the forest Fire dies out but when you suppress These forest fires and you move the Water around to civilian areas I mean There's you know to cities and things There's water that's that's being taken Out of the rivers and the you know the Aquifers there and so there it's even Drier in these natural Forest areas and So this is what's going to happen There's going to be some massive for Forest fire that just could burn through Homes and cities and you know at some Point the whole place could burn down Right and another thing was when I was Living in New Mexico there was a forest Fire in like a Houston area and we were Getting smoked from it like lots of Smoke and so these things you know the Air quality can just totally go south if You have a major fire and this happened With the with the Dust Bowl as well you Know so these are not you know again This the chaos thing right and we've Already seen a lot of [ __ ] already There's been a couple more plane crashes Since the last time I talked about it I
Got another UFO thing to show you I mean Things are like already you know things Are already cooking you know Trump is Not looking great like he's definitely Gotten old he's not you know Joe Biden Esque yet I he's still you know Relatively coherent but he's starting to Slip up and make mistakes and I was Covering how he may some answers I agree With you know my last video you know I'll I'll when someone does something That I think is a good thing going in The right direction but one of his Biggest problems is his attitude towards Israel because he's owned by Israel and His allowing it genocide to happen right He's been really good on the wars in his Previous administration like he stopped All those Wars and um you know he he Didn't start more Wars I hean talked a Big game but he didn't really wasn't Mur Murdering innocent people around the World but his position on Israel and Palestine is atrocious order are you Planning to do on Executive Order when It comes to immigration and how much do You want Congress to tackle this issue And also on day one I had the B in the History of our country the safest [ __ ] border it's just so safe in the History of the country the border is Never safer than when Trump was President or you remember the famous Chart that I brought down I love that
Chart very much for yeah the chart saved His life remember you guys when he Didn't get shot in the ear by the Imaginary Bullet but I have the safest border by Far by far in the history of our country And when I took it over it was a mess Nothing like it is now this is 10 times Worse what I got elected because of the Border the first time and I think I got Elected largely because of the border The third time and the second time I did Equally well well not as Well this is that's the kind of stuff That Trump like really I like when he Does [ __ ] like that like I knew he was GNA have to say something about the Second time I'm waiting for it right you Just know he can't let it go was the Last time but I did very well and I will Say this was too big to rig you know you Know the expression too big to rig they Couldn't do it they tried but they could That expression it's the first time I've Ever heard it I think you just made that Up because it had to do with you do it Uh I didn't get very much from Congress At all I just said that we're being Invaded and I took the money out of the Military much of the wall I built 500 Over 500 miles a wall much of that wall Was built through money that I put into The military we took it out because we Couldn't get things from Congress in
Those days and we took it so I just you Know I just laundered money through the Military to build my wall cuz cuz I Could get Mexico to pay for it like I Promised this is the kind of stuff that Makes me crack up about Trump the next Part is it though out and that wall was Built largely with money coming from the Military so very simple I went to the Military said our country is being Invaded by very similar nothing they're Eating the dogs they're eating the Cats like what's invading our country Now they weren't releasing prisons into Our country they weren't releasing Mental institutions in but some some Bad Dudes were coming in Bad Dudes corn Pap Was a bad Dude and I said our country is being Invaded and I took that money largely From the military I was sued nine times By the Democrats in Congress and I won All those suits and we built five we Ended up building 571 miles of w once That wall was built they start going Around it so we're going to add this or They dug tunnels under it you know the Wallet fact was just absolutely not even An obstruction at all because you know The tunnels and the going around thing And you know the fact that they already Had tunnels before you put the wall up Another 200 that would have been up in Three weeks and then we had a very
Unfortunate election result and they Said we don't want to put it up we'll Sell it and they started selling it for 5 cents on the dollar what what Aina so will do this again I just want To thank what do you mean the selling That how they sell your wall they sold His wall they sold your [ __ ] wall bro Thank everybody very much you even lift Bro I'm just telling you this will be The Golden Age of America this is the Golden Age Of America it's coming right Now the Golden Age you know like the Fact you have a golden toilet is it like Great country again we're a country Right now Under Siege we have so many Different problems and nobody respects Us overseas but now they do the Italian Prime Minister as you know came here the Other night just flew in and flew out She wanted to she wanted to see me and Uh great respect is being shown when I Went to the cathedral in France great Respect was shown by the Prime Minister The president by everybody France was And by the way I have to say they did a Great job in the cathedral the wonderful Cathedral those French man in their [ __ ] Cathedrals but great respect is Being shown to our country again and uh We have a great country but we have to Run it properly it's going to be run Properly uh we want to get back those Hostages for Israel and for us you know
We do have people that are hostages Being held and I'll just say it again if This deal is not done with the people Representing our nation by the time I Get to office all hell is going to break Out thank you very much okay so it said Here Trump promises apocalyptic Consequences if Hamas a is not released I feel Che Ed by the title CU all he Said was all hell was going to break Loose um but you know like it isn't About Hamas we already know this you Know they're an asset of Israel more Than likely and to whatever capacity Israel wants all of Palestine and Trump's going to give it to him because He sucks like that but again Forbes um They put up this video and they cheated On the title okay so um Twitter Recommended this to me it was a 7 Seconds V video and caption of the the Tweet was what did what on Earth did Fox Just capture on video and I was lucky I Remembered that because you know they They post these tweets the Tweet they Play the video and then they go to Something else and it disappears and There's no way to get it back like There's no history I don't you know Unless there is on Twitter I I don't Know how to use Twitter maybe that's it But if it isn't then you know it sucks But I was luckily I remember the title I Was able to find it and let me just turn
This down here and so you see here um This is the forest fire you see this Thing coming out of here and and it's Like looks like a missile see this we'll Let let it go again um it's going to Come out of here and it's like well you Know I don't think that that's anything Coming off the forest fire I don't think It's an extraterrestrial either I don't Know what it is um but you they got Something there There it Is guy who guy who said Facebook was not Suppressing Free Speech announces Facebook will not stop will will stop Suppressing free speech um this is from The internet you know I don't think That's really fair to Mark Zuckerberg Marky Marky Mark um because the reality Is he never wanted to suppress it Because it was bad for his business First first and foremost and then Whatever else Facebook stood for and None of these guys want to give up Control of their platform but they were Threatened right they were they're going To pull that section whatever it was 231 Or whatever Biden threatened to pull That which would bankrupt his business And all these other businesses and so They forced them to censor and then they Had people in terms of the ad buys the The big um corporations that weren't Going to buy ads on their platforms and
So they were pressured he had to go Testify in front of the the Congress and The Senate and so you know just in terms Of his own business and wanting to do Things his way he didn't want to censor None of these guys did maybe Google a Little bit little bit more did you know I don't know that woman who ran YouTube I mean it's um it's something where no Matter what they say they all know it's Bad for business you know when they game The search engines so you can't like Facebook sucks sucked way worse when Things things were censored but the Search engines were even worse than that When they recommend things to you you Don't want to see and there was a um Netflix um documentary about this Talking about how you know they were Trying to uh find this documentary was Pushing for censorship and saying the Social media Giants were trying to keep People on their platforms as long as Possible because that's how they make Their money and so they would cater These people's needs and recommend stuff To them that wanted that was you know to These people making the documentary was Crazy conspiracy theories and things Like that but those are the things that Really made Facebook and YouTube Pop Right it really helped to build those Platforms because you couldn't get that Kind of information anywhere else and so
Now that they suppressed that they're Not doing very well right people have Left in droves and they may or may not Get those people back because they've Gone to other platforms and people you Know are are happy at those other Platforms and so they you know they got [ __ ] by this whole thing and of course They didn't stand up for free speech or Push back but it's unfair to say that The guy you know I mean of course he was Going to lie and say he wasn't Suppressing Free Speech because he had No choice because he was being forced Like all the rest of these clowns Anyways The View co-host Sunny hoiston Surgeon husband Emmanuel hoiston I guess Accused of insurance fraud and bombshell Lawsuit um one of my viewers sent me This of course I really like to mock the Ladies on The View and sunny hoon is one Of the worst she's one of the worst at Pushing the mainstream narrative and our Husband I mean let's just assume he's Guilty because it's fun Too um you know he seemed to be some Successful surgeon and um he's committed Insurance fraud possibly I don't know if Sunny let me just go check see if There's any if she's talked on The View About this today this is from yesterday So I don't know if she's Commenting on Today okay so it appears that Sunny
Hoiston has not commented on her Husband's um stuff here but she um Mentioned it here uh some guy named the Black Conservative found this and posted It hold on let get in here um I mean I Agree with mostly everything that's been Said I mean we know that you know only About 31% of Americans trust our health Care System we have a terrible Health Care system and okay so remember when um They're talking about RFK Jr and the Other the blonde one said bunch of [ __ ] About people not trusting the healthcare System and the healthare system being Flawed and sunny got really pissed off At that remember that when she did that [ __ ] Sunny like she was saying that the Healthcare system was great and had Saved lives and all this [ __ ] right but Now she has have to say it's broken cuz Her husband's been double Dipping you know doctors suffer because Of big corporations as well doctors that Want to do good um like my husband um You know operates on someone even though They don't have insurance and then has To sue Health uh health insurance Companies to get paid for for the work That he's been trained to okay so what's Happened honey Sunny what's up S his Whole life to do so what happen Sunny so She's alluding to this um so she's Saying his her husband who is probably
One of these prominent surge insurgents Is just doing free operations in hopes That some insurance company will pay him And he's got to sue them right because That's not how surgery surgery works Because it's you know surgery is very Expensive the operating room of the Staff all of it right you know about Surgery surgery is one of the more Expensive things and insurance companies Right if they don't pay then you don't Get operated on it and you know he's not Some altruistic doctor I mean I don't Know anything about it but we'd know Been charged with fraud now so she's now Reversed herself saying that the System's broken so there are a lot of Problems with it but the notion that we Are in a violent country this country Was built on violence okay yeah so all Of them were I mean in terms of maybe Bhutan you know Bhutan has a their um Their gross national product is Happiness and there's you know Aboriginal cultures that were maybe Passive but people have been pretty Shitty for thousands of years and There's been passive people but they Always get absorbed by [ __ ] so you Know that's just how it is with people And you know whatever but your husband's Going to jail bro so you know they were Really hard on Trump and calling him a Criminal and now Sunny it always comes
Back around the view co-host Sunny Host's husband Emanuel hustin has been Accused of federal insurance fraud According to a new lawsuit obtained by I Bet it's cuz his M his wife is running His mouth you know Trump and the Trumpers are very vindictive so I bet That's what this is about because now Trump's coming in all of a sudden all These people are going to get served up Six the orthopedic surgeon was one of 200 defendants named in one of the Biggest racketeer influenced and corrupt Organization cases ever filed in New York Emanuel was accused of federal oh It's New York [ __ ] it's not even Federal Insurance fraud and quote getting Kickbacks by performing surgery and Building a company that insured taxi Companies and Uber and lift drivers According to the documents he knowingly Provided fraudulent medical and other Health care services including Arthoscopic surgeries the insurance firm American uh oh Sunny Transit was then Built in exchange for Kickbacks and Other compensation which were disguised As dividends or other cash distributions Okay so if Sunny ends up commenting on This um in the future and you guys hear About it please let me know because this Will be great like if the view ladies Start getting Theirs picking them off one by one it's
A federal insurance scam that happened In New York so I'm not sure if it's They're being federally indicted if they Are and this Trump going after people And so um you know welcome to the the Trump America of 2025 so when I was looking for that I Saw this not this um this Facebook Instagram and factchecking part one it's A two-parter I don't know if we'll do Two parts but let's look at part one Information and hate speech online Misinformation and hate speech continue To plague social media no they don't They don't plag social media they don't They plague you guys who nobody wants to Watch they plag the mainstream media Because you guys suck and nobody wants To watch you and you're losing Viewership and the people who watch you Are old audience who's dying out Boomers And such and such Folk and so they're dying out and you Guys socking are butt hurt about it Because you're L into the internets it Doesn't plague people like it people Like the [ __ ] that's on the internet the Disinformation you guys put out there Just like Sunny slamming the anybody who Criticized the medical community until We found out her husband who's operating On people's feet and defrauding the Cover it and then all of a sudden it's Not so funny and Facebook CEO Mark
Zuckerberg says he's following the Footsteps of ex-owner Elon Musk by Getting rid of thirdparty fact checking On the site now wow you guys are really Upset by this J buy buppy here's what he Said yesterday we've reached a point Where it's just too many mistakes saw This with mainstream discourse we used To have Phil Boy oh boy oh boy they're allowing People to express themselves on the Internet again oh boy I'm just curious Because human rights activists warn that This is a major step back that'll have Misinformation conspiracy theories amb Bigotry running wild on the site it's Just going to it's going to be the Dark Ages again I mean it's going to be Horrible when just allowing people to Just talk [ __ ] on Facebook that bothered Nobody because you know bothered people But just in the sense of they would go At it or whatever not that it affected Anything right it's just mostly words I Mean hate speech is hate speech whatever You want to say about that so if that Arouses violence or incites violence That's something that was already banned On all these platforms and all the Criminal activity but people just Expressing their their point of view you Know you're against that I guess you are Because you guys suck on The View and You guys have very limited bandwidth
Right question is when did factchecking Become a bad thing see since Donald Trump became president yes oh yeah you Guys have figured it out I figured it Out if you listen to what he said the Factchecking was biased towards the left And it wasn't real factchecking and People are bummed about it right you're You're out you're out voted here ladies Ladies boy she's just so quick I mean The the audience just loves her quick Wit absolutely I have to say from the GC That the worst thing that he has done is Caused this misinformation and lying Going on alternative facts it's exactly Because alternative facts because people Didn't lie before Trump and politicians Have always been Hest alternative facts that kellyanne Conway she said alternative facts you Know this guy Zuckerberg when he I saw The movie wasn't it social network okay So you're you're trusting that movie to Be accurate a fictional movie I saw the Movie I know all about him I saw that Movie that he disputes like 90% of it He says there are a lot of things that Aren't true in it but you just I saw the Movie and that's not disinformation That's really it was it's a movie after All he says basically I'm creating Facebook so people have a community so That people can talk to each other all Of a sudden it's become this big thing
About and a big lying machine that's Going on there's a big lie machine over There on Facebook it's just lie after Lie after lie you know when you guys get Plastic surgery that's dishonest right Your face is [ __ ] your [ __ ] face Your reptilian [ __ ] face is dishonest Dishonest eyes here dishonest here Dishonest here there's a little bit Honesty here but up here not so much Honesty here up here not so much very Little honesty up here in the Noggin and You know the wokeness is is what at the Bottom of this yeah I just want to say What do you mean the wokeness is the Bottom of this I'm sorry if being woke Is a bad thing that means that the fact That I care about you regardless of what You say or who you are I want to make Sure your family is as well off as mine Is that's too woke it's too woke for me To say to you Hey listen if your kid That's do you guys actually know what Woke Is it's too woke it's just too woke woke Wokeness is just about caring about Other people's families you don't want Your kids reading this maybe the best Thing to do is let's go to the library Together and I'll tell the librarian What I don't mind my kid reading and Then you can tell the librarian what you Don't want your kids to read that's too Woke well the new rules on what what are
You talking About um the internet is not the library Right you understand that and what You're talking about is book burning Which I thought the woke people were Against out of Facebook um they're They're imperfect I will say this I Think it's a balance between content Moderation free speech and factchecking And what I think you know it's not into Those things you guys impose that [ __ ] Now it's over with for at least for now It's a form of censorship you know when The right-wing censored you know when The rightwing was the control of the So-called facts and that you know uh um Religion was more important than science And the hippies went nuts and complained About all these things rightfully so and They pushed back against the Conservative uh hierarchy and they got Shut down and you guys were all bummed About that all liberals were bummed About that right and so now the tables Have turned and now you're and they've Turned again right it's funny how those Tables are always turning and now you Guys are on the outs again but either Way your show sucks and it's you know It's a dinosaur I mean I can't imagine How how do people watch this [ __ ] right And watch it and be like oh wow These Guys these these gals I mean it's the Same thing with Don Lemons like I can
Understand maybe you know agreeing with Some of the points but thinking that This is Bob shell um you know content Like this is Cutting Edge content right Facebook has gotten wrong for some time Is they've had third party fact Checkers But then Facebook meta would ultimately Make a decision on can this content be On often times fact Checkers can't or These staffers at Facebook can't have Biases I actually think listen they do And they are you know it started with Snopes the guy was married to his Partner his business partner and then he Cheed on her with with some [ __ ] I mean A little little prostitute which he Ended up marrying or stripper or Something in Vegas they had to split up Snopes and it was completely compromised And he was just making [ __ ] up and it Had all kinds of liberal bias Remember like you know the whole I Wonder what happened to that whole thing I mean has become a hell hole for a lot Of reasons dump think Community dumpster Did you say dumpster file is it a Dumpster file like your husband's a Dumpster File some people see a dumpster fire and Do nothing but watch the spectacle some Are too scared to face the danger or They think it will benefit them if they Just let it keep on Burning others shrug and say oh all this
Talk of a dumpster fire it's just fake News there is an inferno raging in Washington but here in the land at 10,000 lakes We know how to put out a fire I am Richard painer and I approve of this Message lot of reasons dumpster fire Think that Community look at how bums f Is it's a dumpster fire you know sunny I Found out from mainstream media your Husband's being Indicted and there a dumpster fire over There she's just over it look at how bum She is right I mean they must be going Through it they they know they're Screwed trying to cut a deal and what Happens he's going to look like a piece Of [ __ ] notes actually work you have to Understand let me interrupt you what is It what is Free Speech have to do with Fact checking because it's because it's Imperfect it's not as simple as the sky Is blue the grass is green we know the Facts on that sometimes it comes into Opinions or viewpoints this is still a Town Square I tend to be a free speech Absolutist as long as it's not harming Someone else what is the difference Between an opinion and a fact we do a Lot of this can be do you really do you When you were told things by the Government those aren't facts when You're told things by the people at ABC Or your so-called fact Checkers most of
Those things are not fact and even if They are facts they're not necessarily Real facts right like they're just I Mean she's really stupid and she's Getting old um and so it doesn't you Know things don't get better stupid Doesn't get better as you get older I Mean dumb it being dumb does when you're Young and then it like you know stupid Though stupid gets worthless age Viewpoints where somebody could say well This is my viewpoint on it and they were Moderating things around language you Used around certain issues but to the Point I was saying Community notes Actually work they have to be cited to Sources my issue is the algorithms these Tech companies are run by you know Community not notes don't work when People just ignore them the people who Read things on the Internet or watch Things on the internet that are So-called conspiracy theories to you Guys and Disinformation those Community notes Mean nothing because they're coming from A an authority we don't agree upon I Mean there's such a huge gap between Like I don't know how much they know or How much it's just [ __ ] or they Believe in what they're saying and I Don't know how stupid they actually are Or it's just you know an act they have To put on but you know Jesus
Billionaires they're completely Unaccountable Congress hasn't regulated Tech in over 30 years and they can push What you're seeing more of more of they Can hold back what you're not seeing and That's that's you mean like what YouTube Did when they game their search engines You of [ __ ] right do you not realize how That's affected me and so many other People in terms of our what we wanted to View and in terms of our channels and Things because YouTube is like no we Know what you're looking for but we Weren't going to give you this instead Right is the biggest issue but we can Complain about it all we want we need to Tell Congress that they need to also get Invol oh yeah you guys exactly tell Congress because they'll be all about This now that they're moving towards the Right tell them tell them how upset you Are Congress is will listen to you Absolutely do the Misinformation the world economic Forum Listed misinformation the world economic Forum misinformation is the most severe Shortterm threat globally boom that's What they did World econ like do you Guys talk to your audience who the world Economic forum is they're just an Authority right this has always been About what you trust as an authority it Always has been always will be but when You say the world economic forum holy
[ __ ] the world economic forum and said That the World economic Foreman you Know cuz you guys are not for Men so by removing these fact Checkers I Understand the concern was and joy this Might answer your question there were Some conservative viewpoints that were Being taken down so this these Factchecking industries look at Joy She's just like like a puppet now Started right in 2016 when President Trump was elected the first time like a [ __ ] Muppet it would be something Like when when there were debates on M Or shutdowns they were taking these Things off of the site which as a as Someone who could have debated that These people were saying you're taking Our content off of this site but there's A difference between Alex is that Allegedly or allegedly is that factual She's just depressed and bomb look at Her their conversation yeah there Reports there things they took off um But the bigger Point here is there's a Difference between Alex Alex Jones Jones Spewing hate disgusting false and having A difference of opinion but either way I'd rather have them get it wrong Occasionally with a screen door between Free speech and say anything you want so I'm FR what do you mean by screen door That they did this because social media Is already on the downgrade and he
Pretty much admitted he it's on the Downgrade look out for social media it's On the downgrade folks this because of President Trump you know I I'm going to Just reject the fact that we don't know What a fact is really I reject you know What facts are you it's fact that your Husband's and indicted I saw that in the Mainstream media it outright there is a Difference between opinion and fact and There is uh you know journalists under Investigation I should say uh like People that are you know work for the New York Times They know how to fact Check yeah they do they know how to get To the facts they know how to go to the Government and the world in the world Economic forum and ask them to tell them What the the truth is what the facts are And then they tell you guys those very Same facts and you guys you guys don't Accept those facts because there's Something wrong in your Noggin journalism students are taught You fact check three different sources Journal found things wrong though this But this this notion that you know these Gu the two other ladies now I think are A little bit Republican and now they're Getting on Sunny's nerve reason that They're doing this is because uh you Know they can't fact check doesn't but Free speech gives you a right to be Wrong I have a right to post something
That's okay look they're getting into it I have a right to say the grass is BL Are different be down simply because It's fact disinformation and facts are Different things they're not the same Facts and disinformation are not the Same thing information is different and So I think what you're finding is this Company is also getting rid of content Restrictions on topics like gender Identity and immigration calling women By the way household object is now Permitted on Facebook no way [ __ ] you They're going to let you do that they're Call household objects you think it Shouldn't be users are now allowed to For example you know but calling your Wife a household object on Facebook is Not permitted in your House like there's you know there's Other social constraints here because You have Facebook friends who are going To be like the what the [ __ ] bro like if You go on Facebook and call women Household objects and see how that goes Right like see how that works out for You um Sunny okay so this is part two I didn't Think I was going to go to part two but Sun's so bummed like he's so depressed I Just wanted to put a button on what I Was saying you know there's a difference Between free speech and hate speech and We know that free okay but hate speech
Is it's the fact that you guys are the Authority def finding it you're not Happy that Trump and his people are Defining these things now that's the Difference it's subjective it's based in The powers that be cuz hate speech in Itself you know when you guys were Demonized and antivaxers was that hate Speech sounded like hate speech to us or When you guys demonize so-called Conspiracy theorists or people don't Believe the official story it's the most Dangerous thing right now according to The world economic Forum like it's just [ __ ] right I mean it's just silly They're just shills for the for the Dopes out there speech I welcome I think Everyone welcomes it's your con Constitutional right when you start Delving into hate speech which what is Happening all over social media there's A problem with that when you start Delving into misinformation and Disinformation there's a problem with That meta's new hate speech guidelines Permit users to call people in the lgbtq Plus Community mentally ill that is Harmful that is harm okay so um you know Uh let let's just move On it's just the The View that you can Only watch so much but just like start Sucking your energy but Sunny's buming And you know in reality your husband [ __ ] did criminal [ __ ] if that's what
If if these allegations are true right And you can't walk that [ __ ] back you Know like I want to talk about like you Know um I got to check so my alarm went Off here Um you know I Um okay so I want to say this um A followup to the long voiceover I did On my last video which I did this Morning and one thing that I left out Was it's bad spiritually to wish bad Things on people right now there's a Part of me that will get happiness and Joy of Sunny's whatever happened to Sunny hoon's husband and you know her Suffering and you know all the [ __ ] You know and there if he's if he did Criminal behavior and stuff comes of it In public humili a I'll cover it here I'll make jokes about it but I don't put Any energy into wishing bad things on Other people right like I'm I'm not Going to be sad you know if honey if if Uh Sunny hoiston gets um you know Whatever she deserves or these other People but if they don't you know when Alec Baldwin was potentially going to Jail you know I felt like the case was a Little bit bogus I mean Alex certainly Was somewhat accountable because he was The producer and you know who knows how Real any of these things are and he gave That disastrous interview and him and His wife just kept on running their
Mouths and making it worse which Provided great content and it became Very celebrity oriented and politicized In Santa Fe New Mexico where they seemed Like they were charging him just because He was a celebrity and there was all This attention so you know and the all Those things right I don't know whether He deserve to go to jail just because He's a piece of [ __ ] and he doesn't Agree with um you know he was just a Nightmare in terms of his political Views like I wasn't bummed he wasn't he Wasn't indicted I mean I kind of feel Like he probably didn't deserve to go to Jail although I don't know like there Might be some you know who the [ __ ] Knows about any of these things right Like I I covered this like it's a show And so I don't get invested in it but Even you know people in my personal life That have wronged me you know even Someone like dodgy who's really done a Horrible Thing if I believe in God like I said All say all the time I believe that God Has a plan and everything's accounted For like that's one of the teachings of Sjar system and if there is a God There's Consciousness and that means That everything you know every Everything that's ever done you know Like um Santa Claus checking the naughty Or nice list and seeing all your your
Deeds and your actions and things you're Actually recording these things on a Spiritual level and they're with you as You go back to the spiritual world and You have to pay for your your mistakes And your transgressions there's Consequences not in some sort of Criminal Justice System but just in some Divine accountability and like I said in That video the last one one of the great Teachings of Sark system and this is you Know other systems believe in this as Well that you created your your present Was created by you and your past and so Whatever you've done in your past has Created your circumstances now and what You're doing now will create your future I've talked about you know Tuesday Paul Screwing over Thursday Paul like you Know often times we're we're uh screwing Over a first future version of ourselves With our bad choices right and so if God Is on it if God is handling things if There's a a system of Accountability then why the [ __ ] do I Have to worry about it right and this is The whole thing about cursing people and Judging people and thinking you have to Impose your will right if God gives you Instructions and you're supposed to Administer something I mean if it's Legitimate instruction it's not Something you just make up imaginary Interaction with God but if there's a
Role you're supposed to fulfill then you Do it without you know dispassionate way I that's the best way to do anything but If you get into wishing bad things on People and your happiness is based in Somebody else's suffering and you know You just like this is how it is on the Internet people are just like that People who claim to believe in God or Claim to believe any of these things and They're miserable like you you suffer Yourself and everything you wish on Somebody else you're like Wishing on Yourself Every curse you give you you Know then you can yourself be cursed Right every negative thing every you Know horrible thing that you inflict on Somebody else comes back around to to You and then you have to pay for that as Well right I mean so it's better to just You know work on getting over the [ __ ] That's done to you which inevitably Happens people are going to do bad [ __ ] To you and it's going to be unfair or Seemingly unfair but if you created it In your past existence then it isn't Unfair right there's a reason you're Experiencing something anyways um just Want to add that let's get back to the I Have a few more things here orcas start Wearing dead salmon hats again after Ditching the trend for 37 years you know Uh A good a good fashion trend always comes
Back Around that's wonderful I kind of heard About this and now um you know orcas are A real trip and so um they seem to be The most intelligent you know their apex Predators and all that you they eat Great white sharks and [ __ ] attack boats And so um if we should be worried about Any animal animal it's the it's the Orkers if they decide to turn on us they Could just you know people be dropping Like Flies uh excuse me Buck hey hi can you stop eating my Holiday Arrangement you back off Buddy okay Merry Christmas ho ho Ho no no Stop No you know kind of humorous but in Reality that's this this dude's food You're just using his food as a Decoration like and people have this Thing about their own property but in Reality like um this is like you know His his is uh you know he's there's not Much available in the Wintertime and you guys have this [ __ ] Up in decorations it's going to go bad And be a fire Hazard okay so I have a lot of videos on My pond I've built this little fish frog Pond and uh it iced over you know a Bunch of times this year and I just
Wanted to do a little bit of an update Here we got a bunch of other stuff to Cover I don't know to throwing this in Here filling up the pond here and I put Some of the Snow things into the creek so this will Melt and this Creek will be free from uh Snow so the chickens are now out about I'm going to have to make way for some Of it CU starting to go over the banks Here um plus he's drinking out of it Sopr this A see these birds tracks Eating all these seeds here and then There's this comes up into a waterfall It's all Frozen my Shadows getting way here makes These interesting Shapes up Top and it um it's going to get pretty Cold for the next 10 days like not above Freezing today is melty a little bit cuz The sun's out but it's still below Freezing Anyways kind of cool just added Water you can see the fish in Here they go back and forth from Freezing there's some frogs in here I Don't think the frogs will be more Active there the biggest fish we have in There Puppers now I moved all that snow in There eventually melted so we have a Free flow of Water chickens can get access to it they
Don't love walking on the snow but we Have other places for them to get water We have some in their Coupe so I just want to um say something Here a little bit the morning the Thursday January 9th um this thing you know there's Wildfire news 100,000 people people Being evacuated and they're talking About it everywhere and I just want to Say with all of our ability to control Things with all of our incredible Machinery I mean you think about these Machines if you've seen any of these Massive back hos bull bulldozers these Different types of Earth moving machines And all the you know building machines And cranes we have all these things and Then all the you know ways we have of um Moving water and the you know the you Know all of it our our Infrastructure we can't do [ __ ] to stop These fires and you know when Nature um When Nature goes off you know like Whatever it is a hurricane or Tsunami uh these wildfires you know just Drought and there's nothing anybody can Do about it like with all the the Equipment and the you know the Helicopters and the planes and the you Know all the stuff they have they're Disposal to fight these fires in a place Like La where there's all this money and All this you know all of it and uh just
Across the whole western part of the United States they have developed Systems to deal with wildfires it's been A problem for a while and they can't Stop it they can't you know people are Leaving their houses or you see the Stuff around them and the these houses These neighborhoods and things and you Know when push comes a shove nature Always wins nature can move you out and Destroy your you know I mean that the Things can sink into the ocean or you Know the Earth can open up and lava can You know envelop your I it's all all These different ways that you don't have Anything you feel like you're you're in These you these structures these sound Structures and they all can be tore down Or washed away or whatever it is no Matter how much you you know develop and How much control you have over the Elements in terms of you know even like Weather modification and things like This nature all always win like it's Always you know just in terms of the Fact that death is inevitable there's no Stopping any of these things like no Matter how much you develop your your Technology the power of nature the power Of uh you know the natural world will Always uh be more like there's nothing You can do to to stop these inevitable Things right there are civilizations Greater than ours more sophistic that
Ours that no longer exist with and There's no traces of them and if there Were you would not be able to uh you Know see the level of Technology they Have it would be like some small thing Right but even within you know 10,000 Years plastic like you it's gone like There's things that are considered you Know uh that that don't biodegrade I Mean 5 10,000 years everything's gone From a civilization no traces of it you Know they they dig up civil a all the Time that are just buried by you know The accumulation of soil and things and You they used to be on the top of the Earth and now they're you know 30 ft Below you know whatever it is underwater Under the ocean all these things anyways Um just a few thoughts about the Wildfires this might have been a bad Idea but Elon posted some super Israel Zionist propaganda and I responded for Being so smart you're exceptionally bad At understanding this one issue it's Kind of weird um and I got a lot of Likes on that post and he responded like What am I missing and so naturally I Wrote a freaking essay about it and it Took 40 minutes to get 11k to 2K ratio On that so here's some of my concerns And right at the start let's just be Clear I'm not saying that all Jews are In on some Jewish evil conspiracy to run The world okay that would be a strawman
Argument and that's not what I'm Claiming we're talking about Israel here And these are just some of the most Obvious ones first off that APAC has Purchased the seats of like 90% of our Congress so the guy says that right he Talks about this guy's name Aon Carol Talks about how he that he doesn't Believe that Israel and Jewish people Are you know conspiring to control the World and then he goes through all this Evidence showing exactly that right he Mentions Ryan Dawson who I've watched Some of his videos years ago and some Other people and he gets into you know The big event 2001 he gets into you know The War I mean just so many different Things there something my wife sent me I Don't even have it some Congressman Talking about how everyone's came in to Vote for Benjamin n Netanyahu um to not face um criminal Prosecution from these you know these Courts these International Courts um but the guy says just the Opposite I can't even show you it it Shows you that cuz I saw this on instag Instag just isn't Banning [ __ ] anymore Because Zucker what Zuckerberg just said I don't know if this guy's stuff would Be be banned on YouTube I think it still Would I don't know if YouTube's loosened Up this much so I'm not going to show You the whole clip but his name's Ian
Carol and most of the stuff I already Knew um but some of it's you know a Little bit more detailed than things I Knew before uh kind of interesting but You know it's just one of those things And you know of course Elon Musk isn't Going to well here I I say that here Here so here um do you really think Elon Doesn't know already and dude how are You still alive well you know him saying That in the beginning was to get more Views because it made it sound like he Was having an interaction with Elon Musk Um which is again a good strategy I'm Not faulting him for that but that's why That happened I'm sure Elon isn't going To respond and if he did there's nothing He could do because Trump and the Trumpers are owned by Israel right so That's already over um so you know it is What it is another person writes dude How are you still alive well because it Doesn't matter like there's no stopping This there's no breaking of this Relationship between America and Israel And so there's going to be you know push Back censorship and things but whatever It's not you know little video ain't Going to stop this thing right it's Never gonna we already know that the Truth Community is is basically Worthless in terms of changing any of These Dynamics in the world or any real Change Pastor by found the passport of
One of the hijackers evidence This Disaster scene is also a crime scene it Was some distance from Ground Zero that A civilian found a pass lying Street Belonging to one of the suspected Hijackers okay so this is the 911 Commission Here um this is a public hearing And this is what it says Mrs Susan Ginsburg I'm not sure who how she's Related to this beginning with the Passports for the hijackers passports Have survived in whole or in part two Are covered from the crash site of the United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania these are the passports of Zahed jahir and SED Al Gandhi one Belonging to a hijacker American Islands Flight 11 this is the passport of s Satam Al squ a passer by picked it up And gave it to the New York Police Department of shortly before the world Train Center Towers collapse a fourth Passport was recovered from luggage that Did not make it from the Portland flight To Boston on a connecting flight the American Airlines flight 11 this is the Passport of Al do aiz Omari okay so Let's say there's lots of debris from The Pennsylvania one right they could Say that's a possibility like there was You know the Pennsylvania flight that Crashed in the was shot down and crashed In the field somewhere there was going
To be some debris so all right maybe There's some passports that made it Through there um but the other two the First one the guy who it was found on The streets in New York right so what They're saying happened is a plane Crashed into the the the building and Then you know a passport isn't just Sitting on somebody's Lap right it's in your pocket or in a Backpack or you know it's in some secur Fanny pack whatever it is right it's in Something like passport isn't just Sitting there in the open that this Passport flew out of the plane fell out Of the plane when it hit this building Remember all the Fireball and all the Explosion because they're saying that This massive you know explosions that Was the kerosene the Airplane Fuel that burns at 1500 de right Remember that you know the whole thing With that that that the fire that Eviscerated everything on the plane Somehow the passport flew out of this Guy's pocket or out of his you know Let's say if we put it in a carry-on bag Like if I was traveling internationally My passport would be in my Backpack in a secured location you know In a sense it's not open to falling out And then would be stored in a you know The above part of the plane where they Put all the carry-on luggage Andor I've
Had it on a fanny pack or something like That right and so very you know your Pocket right but you're not sitting There holding it especially if these Guys are engaged in things right they're Engaged in a Hijacking and so you know their Passports would be wherever they are Right somewhere secure they're not just Laying there on the he didn't like have His passport sitting on his seat while He went and did his hijacking stuff Right and so it flew out of the plane That was burning up in a fireball if you See the the video evidence of the what They're saying has happened the videos They showed us right and so come on like You know when I first heard that I this Was a big part of the you know if you Guys are new to this cuz I just told my Wife she didn't know about you know People who came in with the Pizza thing Or some other came in later to the truth Community don't know all the the stuff Because all these stuff all these um Videos were erased right all these There's so many of them like there was More 911 truth videos than anything else On any other subject matter for years Like it was just over everyone's making Them there was documentaries made there Was like you know less professional some Very professional there's all these Different theories and all these things
Like a lot of them disinformation but This thing right so so you know the Passport found found in New York City Which we'll get back to the other one That was found in the luggage so what I Believe this is saying is that never Made it onto the plane but you know you Don't when you check bags these guys why Would they be checking bags So like how did his luggage not make it With him onto the plane right um Whatever he had the passport in and so That is highly suspicious you need the Passport to get through security which Was still they still had security before That big event of course it got worse Afterwards but there was airport Security and so these two these two Things for the first ones you know I Don't believe them but it could be there Maybe there's other people's passports Other people's documents that made it Through the thing in Pennsylvania now Pennsylvania there's lots of debris and So yeah whatever that's whatever that is Right I can't say you know I I don't Know anything about that one I mean I Can't you know debunk that it's not like Impossible the the passport flying out Of the plane that's Impossible and the one being discovered In in a luggage that didn't make it on The plane is you know what's the story Behind that like create a narrative
Where that you know chain of events like Some you know guy has a piece of luggage That he's bringing on a plane that he's That he's never walking away from that Plane right that kind of thing and so um You know just very unlikely and maybe There's some more to that story I don't Know and the biggest one is the one that About the being on the street and this Was before the truth community so they Were a little bit more sloppy like this Created the truth Community the way it Is now that event created the truth Community so you know maybe they're a Little less sloppy but they don't need To be you know going back to what this Other guy was saying because what I Realized you know when I heard this Piece is that most people aren't going To find out about this the passport or They're going to hear it and not think About it because they're they're in Shock about the whole event and you know The people who aren't aren't willing to Say this could be an inside job or this Could be done by the government the Majority of people can't even go there And so couldn't go there at that time And maybe a little bit more now after Years and you know people have been won Over by various things but there are Some people who will never go this far To blame the government say government's Doing [ __ ] like this and there's Mass
Conspiracy behind this the media's in on Everybody's complicit you know they just Can't believe that's possible and you Know it would make them like flip the [ __ ] out right so they can't they just Can't deal with it so there's all those People and they're going to believe Whatever you tell them they're going to Rearrange their you know understanding Of of the laws of physics and you know Scientists and people are like you know They're not going to call [ __ ] on Any of this stuff so there's those People the people we call the the sheepo You know they'll say the government can Do this or that but you know they they Have their lines that they won't cross And then they have the people who will Believe it and they have been Den nutted You know we've been Den nutted in in one Way or another because we don't have any Way to change anything it's going back To the guy talking to Elon Musk about Israel you know there's you know I've Known this for a while there's nothing There like you know you can post stuff On the internet that's all you can do And there's no system of justice there's No system of Investigation there's no uh Checks and balances anymore there's no Any of these things that the Government's supposed to have and so Like this became very clear to me over The years it took me a while to
Understand this that this isn't about Changing what's what is because that's Not going to happen and if you did Change what is like you you can make Some people accountable for some smaller Level things right whatever but you Can't change the overall system because If you brought truth to this system all Of it would collapse it's you know our System is fed off of Illusion and lies And deception it's what keeps the system Going A system that should have Collapsed long ago it's a system that Goes against God when you bring truth to It it falls apart right the whole Illusion like you know all the things That we enjoy are part of the illusion I Mean life on planet Earth is an illusion Even though it's three 3D you know third Dimensional reality it's physical we can Feel we have our senses so it feels real But our soul is something else right our Soul is you know our true Essence and Our bodies and our lives and our Personas and our egos and these things That are creation for physical life you Know this this um very sophisticated Video game that we're in is an illusion But beyond that there's Illusions in the Illusion and when you go against the Divine will and you create these these Things that are not aligned with the Divine process then as soon as those the Truth comes out about it it can't exist
Anymore and then all of it disappears Right like you know there's at any point Our wealth can all disappear you know Because it's it's agreed upon wealth It's not real wealth right I mean gold Is gold but does it have any value when Everybody's starving right no one gives A [ __ ] about gold like it's It's shiny right food has value to a Starving person to a thirsty person I Mean you can you know it's not hard to Create a water a a market for water in The desert right it's very easy to Create a you know the market already Exists but in terms of our debt-based Economy and all of that so you know all These things can just collapse in a in a You know moment's notice but you know Seeing this video like it's just an old Video somebody said me about the Passport you know there's my realizing This back in 2000 six five whatever it Was 2005 uh six you know my kind of Awakening to this and um you know and I Was aware of some things and I was Someone who was willing to go there Because I didn't you know hold the the System in high regard and so and people So I could believe all these things Right but now we've seen how they've Dealt with it right like the whole Disinformation campaign the whole Censorship right and all the things that Have happened you know the the fact
Checkers and what they'll deal with on Social media and then just saturating The biggest thing they've done is Saturating the so-called truth Community With disinformation and bogus stuff and Divisive stuff and in infusing it with All these dummies who aren't really Critical thinkers I mean the the truth Community has been so diluted in terms Of it's the quality of the minds and the Consciousness of people that are part of It and they just believe anything they Just may they may [ __ ] up and they and Then there's the you know whatever the The whole QB the Q thing the qinon thing And all that stuff was just purposely Just to discredit the whole thing right Alex Jones and all that stuff his Emotional outburst and his you know his Shill stuff that he does and so all These things are you know part of that Right like that's you know the degration And the dealling and the profiling of The truth Community to make it you know Not something that's going to affect the System you know the information's there It's also away from them collect data on The people who are going to be problems Later on but when the system collapses In terms of food in terms of any of These other things that's when like the Rubber will meet the road that's when You'll see you know the possibility of Some kind of Uprising but that Uprising
Will just take down the system it won't Create a better system you know the System's going down one way or another That's inevitable like all systems all Empires collapse especially the ones That are based in lies but you know if It's a good system based in God Everything has its time right everything Has its time in its place things change The earth is there self changes there There'll be a point where the Earth is In Uninhabitable you know there's this Period of time where there could be this Physical life and then all this goes Into that right but there'll be a time Where there isn't you know the ability For for biological creatures on this Planet there other planets all Throughout the the universe there's lots Of them and and they you know there's Lots of suns and not all of them can Support physical life so you know these Things all change right ups and downs Abs and flows and so collapse is Inevitable and certainly this system is On the verge of collapsing and then you Know everything that goes along with it Right but this is a binary system that Is either on and it's you know being uh Embraced to whatever capacity even on a Forced level by everybody we're all Participating or it's off and then we're [ __ ] in terms of you know there's it's
Not like it can be partial you know There'll be some remains of the system But that's not the system right so There's the system as it functions now And then it's off and it doesn't Function anymore and then everyone has To deal and that's you know pockets of The future right that's people dealing With that reality that inevitability Anyways let's move on to the other stuff Here okay so it's Friday night 7:30 p.m. Um I'm not going to get this video done Till tomorrow tomorrow morning pretty Tired I just want to cover these last Things I got a bunch of stuff I didn't Get to bizarre Brook Shield Story um more on sunny hoiston and her Husband and this great video about Don Lemon [ __ ] on the morning Joe kind Of trying to but failing it's it's Wonderful but there's all these Celebrities who lost their Homes all the celebrities impacted by The Los Angeles fires Paris Hilton Miles Teller and more and this shows you Eugene Levy John Goodman Leon maester And Adam Brody John Goodman Billy Crystal Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Steven Spielberg's Ben Affleck Diana Keaton Michael Katon Jam Lee Curtis's Paris Hilton Mark Hamill and Miley Cyrus um they have these various SL
Celebrities here now this is just as of Thursday this came out Thursday morning Here are some other celebrities a little Few uh videos here so this is JJ reck The coach of the Los Angeles Lakers he Used to have a podcast old man of the Three that I listen to from time to time He was one of the Duke players that I Really didn't like um nobody liked those Duke players except the Duke Fans but he had a pretty good podcast You know he's a a really somebody who Was into basketball and his kids are um Like I saw a podcast where he had some Of the New York Knicks and his son doing A Three-Point Contest his son looked Like he was you know 10 years old maybe And I think he was his oldest son so He's got young kids they had to evacuate And their home burned down just tell you Guys I Uh my wife got out really early she um She was actually on the other side uh Close to like Mid City and came out Outside and saw the fire and she was With some people and that were headed to The airport and she's just like I I got To go and you know she went home um Grabbed our Nanny this was all going on Pregame you know Tuesday and I was Scrambling to find a hotel that had room For him and so she got out of there got The kids from school they're safe it's All that mattered um didn't
Spend uh any time on Twitter for a long Time Tuesday and Tuesday night you know Just to get updates I was on there a lot And kind of following along with Everything that was happening we got Home because of some maintenance Issues around 2:30 and went to the hotel Woke up at 7:00 and uh still had my Coach's uniform on and headed up headed Up to the Palisades I just kind of had To see it for myself and I was not prepared I was not prepared For what I saw it is um it's it's Complete Devastation and Destruction I Uh you know had to go kind of a Different way to the house but I went Through most of the village and it's all Gone and uh I don't think you can ever Prepare yourself for something like that Okay so he lost his house this other guy Milo for Venta m gy back and for many Homeowners in and around La their piece Of the American dream is really more of A nightmare tonight there are homes up And down the coastline here for miles And miles burned down to their Foundations and this being the home of Hollywood of course it's everyday Californians but they are not only look Got these before and after photos Everyday Californians that are the Victims along a fire scarred stretch of Malibu we met up with Milo vent Amilia a
47-year-old father to be oh no and today One of the first residents here to get a Look at the damage wow man toast home After home destroyed and Milo's house Wasn't one of the lucky ones I know you Were aware the house was gone what's it Like to then stand here heavy you know You start thinking about man hits you so Quick you start so anyways um You know it's not just the homes you can Rebuild homes I mean some people can't Like the rich people can you know and Then this I mean this land is then you Know like there's all kinds of issues Right I this is um my wife was talking To me about all these people who lost Their houses to flood in the hurricane In places that should never flood Mountain areas in North Carolina Georgia These places right and now they have to Rebuild their houses and get flooding Like it's a thing now like it's Mandatory and they don't have any money To rebuild their house CU their Insurance doesn't cover it cuz nobody Thought that they were ever going to get Flood damaged when they live in the top Of a mountain that got wiped out during The Epic rains and the Hurricane and you know people are Talking about these things being Man-made you know by the controllers Which I'll address maybe at the end of This thing and you know that is whatever
That is right but either way these Things are happening and you know all This land is becoming available and the Trees and the you know the the natural Areas I mean that takes years to replant Any kind of Infrastructure I mean these things that Happen here in these U you know these Various places in America you these uh These cities and even rural areas and to Rebuild all that stuff it takes years And so much money and if things keep on Just piling up like this like it looks Like it's going to whether it's Happening purpose purposefully or not America's going to be broken like we're Already broke you know they had that Whole infrastructure bill which mostly Is about looting money and you know Double dealing and kickbacks and things Like that and so that's where America Is Right is is at right Now California's on fire once again only Now instead of burning up the red Counties and the forested areas to the North it's devastating portions of Los Angeles everybody's seeing it on the News Every year we know the Santa Ana winds Are going to blow every year we know the Santanaa winds are the worst there's Going to be risk so what is our Government what is our governor doing to Help stop the risk i' bet it's nothing
Virtually nothing virtually nothing I Knew it was going I was pretty sure it Was going to be like very little or Nothing shwing up her press conferences And waving his arms around and having Long practiced monologues about oh it's Someone else's fault this or that so you Blame Biden at what Point it's time for the governor either Bear down or get out of the way because California keeps suffering my Count's up North carire campire okay so Camp what Oh I thought you said something Else all right so like this is um Getting ugly G new this might kill his Candidacy because he's been a disaster And I think maybe this is the kind of Thing that buries him but who knows and The guy's so slippery So this is Justine baitman who has aged Really Poorly I'm not sure how old she is but Her brother has not aged uh Jason Baitman I believe it's a little bit Couple years younger than her I don't Know if he's had plastic surgery and I Always say kudos to those I mean plastic Surgery is not you know unless you have Some kind of real you know something bad Happens cleft lips those things you know Things you're born with but in terms of Like just trying to prevent yourself From aging it doesn't work and you know You're internally as old as you are
Right uh but you know her eyes are Messed up like she's kind of just looks Like a kind of a mess right joins me Now how are you feeling right now Justine Hi uh I'm pretty pissed and I think a Lot of people in Los Angeles are pissed Um you know if you were going to run a City or run a state you have to take Care of the basics and that's make sure That your fire and your Police Department are well funded make sure That you have not only you have plans if There are emergencies in your area youve Rehearsed them but also you have plans To mitigate the problems that you know Are going to happen in that area and for Us it's fire earthquake rain and Consequent mudslides so California La is Freaking a Death Pit right what about The right a tarpet and if you're not Doing everything you can to take care of Those problems if they arise then get Out you are useless to us all those Other things all the other programs like Head Start and all of that that's great For the community that's after well That's debatable if you can't cover the Basics get out of our city you are Useless to us you are a liability and You have destroyed people's lives Because you didn't do your job you Didn't do what you were hired for you Didn't do what we pay you for and you
Should resign out of Shame and Responsibility for the people whose Lives you've destroyed right now this is Michael J Fox's brother of that show my Sister um she's giving it to him they Won't resign at all they they don't have The dignity or the honor to do that why Do you think that they don't do the Basics did they just not this is where You get into People Believing that this is done Intentionally by the so-called Controllers right because you know we Know this happened in Hawaii there was Massive land grab I mean look at the Places that got devastated Hawaii got Devastated what was that was that fire Earthquake I even remember and then um I Could look it up later but then of Course the the flood and the hurricanes And you know is this massive Incompetence or is it intentional to Move people to cities through the agenda 21 thing thing I mean you know we don't Know like how much is nature how much is Destiny how much is planned by the the Powers that be um people say they know People like oh no it's definitely them Or whatever it's not you know Whatever and you know there's things That look very Suspicious like what they're saying here Is that there's so graphic incompetence
And they've been having these fires Every year And if there was lack of preparation a Lack of you know some things are just Beyond people's control and Flor uh California is broke I mean people are Leaving in in droves and I mean it's a Beautiful state like other than La I Mean I went to the San Francisco area Area area amaz amazing of course the wet Redwood forest I mean the we went to Seoa force and then we drove through all The Farmland the part of California Where the red State people live the Republ Republicans and Farmers amazing Beautiful state and just a massive Economy there and people are leaving in Droves and all the things that they've Done wrong and is that intentional and You know what's going on with that why Are people leaving the the blue States And then you know this massive land grab Is going to be bought up by China or Some other foreign powers you know these Things so um but either way you know There is an agenda here and whether These things are intentional or not or They're just allowing these things to Happen or they're contributing to making Them happen it fits the plan of getting People live in agenda 31 housing and Give up on ownership of things and you Know there's all this um the one issue That we have with our economy is that
It's um there are promises like Social Security and Medicare and just your Lifestyle that they can't give you Anymore things that you think you're Promised things that they've said They've promised to you they can't do it Like they've promised these things they Can't deliver on they spent all the Money they're looting the rest of the Money they know the economy is [ __ ] And so they got to give you a new deal And one of the way to gives give you a New deal is have these things happen and Then just you know take people's stuff Away and move them take their homes take Their you know their livelihoods take Their lifestyle away from them and People are like well you know and they They give you this option of do you want To like die or do you want to live in a Some sort of small apartment building Right you used to own three houses you Used to own a you know lots of acreage You used to own you know your own car You know these things and and now you're Going to be stuck in these little Colony Like developments where you can't drive Anywhere you're stuck in a 15 minute City or something like this and like how Are they going to get you to buy into That remember the the wef said that People will own nothing and be happy With that deal well something's got to Happen for them to accept a deal like
That and there are a lot of things Happening so you know I mean I I lean to Them contributing or making these things Happen but I know some of these things Are just going to happen if they're Going to happen globally because we've Entered into a tumultuous time and this Is just the beginning this is the year Of chaos right and this is just the Beginning of these things where you know Everything goes to [ __ ] because the you In reality the system can't it can't Deliver on its promises it's it's Renigging on its promises right so we'll See a little bit more Justin baits do Their job are they distracted with other Things are they incompetent what do you Think it Is I think when you're this incompetent You don't understand you're incompetent Yeah so good it's true it's no it's you Know like incompetence is an excuse and That makes it sound like you know you're Some you know like some [ __ ] like you Know some some sitcom or some comedy and You're Just you know like you're just stupid And like people can get mad at you but Like well you're just too stupid to you Know but if it's intentional it's way Worse right if it's part of some sort of Plan but people can't do anything about It people have lost their ability to Fight back lost their ability other than
Whining on the internet that's all there Is right where it's a truth Community Where it's light left people right write People if any of these various Demographics it's ju it's just that People can whine and maybe at some point Get mangry enough to Riot but there's Going to be massive population die off And you know there's turbo cancer and All these things kicking in all those You know related um chronic illnesses That are kicking in I mean it's just all Going to hit at once and it's you know Boom boom boom boom boom right I mean There's just the the floods from the Hurricane were just couple months ago Now you got this massive Wildfire stuff That happened to Hawaii was what a year Before that and there's probably some Other things I'm forgetting about that's After the whole pandemic and the whole Thing you know whatever the other things Had happen so you know I mean whatever This thing is man-made it's all man-made Whether it's intentional or not and then You know the people are just like [ __ ] It the the leaders are just giving up And you know we can't you know maintain This anymore I mean people have lost Their way everyone's trying to grabb Their little piece of whatever before The you know everything crashes so you Know um that's what's up anyways I'm Going to wrap this one up here um
There'll probably be more to cover on This and you know I got these other Things I'm going to cover tomorrow in The next video only spirituality will Save this world it's Paul Romano Definitely point for the apocalypse and The Ascension I want have a blessed day And be grateful