Okay Monday January 6 some great thing I'm going to show you today um KL Harris Reading the Votes like when I just heard about that I'll show you that in a bit it's one of My favorite things ever so I just want To do a little bit of introduction this Video won't go up till probably Wednesday sometime Wednesday um maybe afternoon Wednesday I Don't know and what it is is that I just Want to talk a little bit more about the Channel you know the shadow Banning and All the things with it you know when I Think about any kind of venture Especially this one the channel Specifically there are three components Right in terms of God me and an Audience and I guess also a platform so Four components right so there has to be A platform because I might want to have My own show I might want to have some You know some venue for this but you Have to find a platform for your Expression right if you want to express Your views to the world you either have To to write books you know back in the You know I grew up you either had to get On some TV show maybe you could do some Local radio something or other right but You wouldn't have a national audience And you would have to you know write Books you'd have to get a publisher you Know in some ways you'd have to engage
With the beast but with modern-day Technology and the internet and then Social media people now can express Themselves in various forms which we all Know right and so the second you know The element would be having an audience So if you're going to express yourself In some capacity there has to be an Audience for you to express yourself too Right if you're you know when I'm Talking to myself here uh the only thing That makes this not crazy is an Audience other than it would just be the Ramblings of a crazy person right and For me you know I believe for everybody But definitely consciously for me it's Always whether my soul or God or Whatever you want to consider Divinity Wants me to do this is that supported by Is it supported by God in some way is The work I'm supposed to do is it Congruent with my soul's path and these Things so that's important and then There's me like am I willing to do it do I have the ability to do it and can I Make a living doing it you know all the Things that is it a hobby you know these Things the things that have to do with Me and my needs and whatever I have to Do to to continue to do the channel Right and so you know years ago when my Channel was just beginning in 2007 I Started documenting my family's um my Family's uh doing homesteading like my
Original videos were all homesteading Videos and sometimes I'd give some Philosophy of the Sark system in terms Of what we were doing as a as a family And things like that and you know Sometimes I'd make videos I mean there Was a time where I made a lot of videos Like I was doing videos on um like Milking the cows or you know any number Of projects building Barns and and Things like that and so building an Earth of and there was like 30 short Videos about that right little steps to Building the Earth Oven and so I think I Had about th000 subscribers and I made $100 a month like on average $100 a Month if I made content so even if I Made a lot of videos there was almost no Money in it in the beginning there was No money at all there was no Monetization uh program for YouTube so It was something I was doing just to Enhance some of the other things that I Was doing in terms of writing books and Some of these things to document what we Were doing and so something Significantly ha something significant To the channel happened in the end of 2014 the beginning of 2015 it was the time when Master chargie The third Master of the system had just Passed away and my family and I were Traveling when that we heard the news And I made this video there was a so I
Made a video about Michelle Obama being A dude and I thought it was a kind of a Joke but I watched it anyway and you Know they said that they um there was a Husband and wife team they're Christian The husband used to work in the police Department um some sort of forensics job So like you know in terms of that and That was a claim I don't know if that Was true it gave them some credibility So I looked into a variety of the claims Right and some of them had some Merit Like it wasn't as much of a slam dunk as They were saying it was and I you know So I said 95% chance Michelle Obama is a Man and I looked at Serena Williams and There was this thing with Jennifer Aniston Jennifer manist right and the Video got like two million views it took Off and it was taken off it getting Hundreds of thousands of views like in a Short period of time just as I was like There was a transition happening in the Saj Mark Mission this guy Master chargie Had sort of controlled everything Micromanaged it for ver for obvious Reasons because we've seen what's Happened since then with the debacle That is dodgy U but you know it opened Up the ability to talk about this system On social media so it was like a thing That was meant to happen the timing of It and from there my channel just took Off right I got all these um you know
Had a couple followup video this that Got hundreds of thousands of views and I Started to do this as a full-time job And you know there's a monetization Program and there was um you know all These things and my subscriber rate was Growing and there was you know movement On my channel now I you know wanted to Do the the videos I wasn't so psyched About doing celebrity videos so much you Know I didn't mind doing them Occasionally but I realized I had to do Them quite a bit there's things I didn't Necessarily love about it but I knew it Was something I was supposed to do it Was clear that this was like on top of Me needing you know a job when I was in India this is a way to you know we were In India so was a way to make money in a Foreign country and so you know I made The videos that catered to people to Some extent by the you know what was the Money-making videos and doing the Celebrity stuff which is harder and Harder for me to do over the over the Time because it's just the videos are Redundant they don't go anywhere and There's you know there's just no Movement in them you know I can make Some things that are funny and and you Know mocking celebrities from time to Time but you know the Illuminati stuff Whatever that is you know I was into That in the beginning and you know now I
Don't think about it almost at all and Any kind of secret you know secret Society stuff that's there or not there At this point just doesn't mean anything Like a lot of things I cared about or Was interested in have faded and these Were things that made my channel popular Among dummies you know people who are Maybe not dummies but you know people Who aren't maybe they're younger or They're you know they don't have the Ability for abstract thought and you Know they're more into the pop culture Stuff so you know I have a fairly Regular audience every once in a while a New person shows up that gets it and you Know sees some value in what I do here And you know in terms of the changes That I've that have like happened to me And my view of this Channel and what I Do here it's a lot more important to me Or I think it's more important than the Channel is more important than I used to Think it is because before there were so Many truther channels there were so many Of these different things you know I had I have differences which of course the Thing I think is the most important Thing is the sjar meditation and talking About connecting to Divinity within you Which I believe to be the solution and The only solution to the the debacle That's the human race and our current Beast the you know the system I call the
Beast and so you know I think that's Imperative that I stay available to People but on top of that with the Heartfulness system collapsing and There's now you know some hundred over 100 people or so who regularly do Gratefulness meditation I'm sure there's Like 200 people or so that you know may Practice it from time to time or may Want to come back to it or you know are Dabbling in it or whatever right maybe Over a thousand people have tried it Through this Channel and you know Gratefulness meditation it's just the Old Sark system that I do and keeping That alive and keeping that you know Present and you know making it available To people I think is a a huge thing like Something that you know really there's a Need for it and I'm fulfilling that need And it wasn't such a big deal I mean you Know there's unique audience that I have Of people who are potentially spiritual Sinker Seekers sinkers spiritual Seekers Who are also truthers and they wouldn't Be able to find out about this through Anyone else and at least you know and it Would be difficult for them to hear About it from somebody else at least They identify with me you know they feel Some connection with me so you know There's that element of it right but Then there's all the other unique things That you know that have gone in my life
The farming and some of the stuff the Abuse stuff I mean I don't talk about That so much but I you know worked with Abuse and I wrote a workbook about abuse And I know a lot of things about that And you know these things that make my Channel Unique like I covered a lot of That in the beginning you know with Full House and these other things sexual Abuse and the TV show Full House and Some of these other things right and so There are things about what I present Here that have some you know I have some Unique skill set but the most important Thing is that I believe that God wants Me to do this right and so you know I'm Kind of scraping the bottom of the Barrel I'm just on the the lower end of The economic aspect of it but other than That the FL the Channel's flourishing Because you know I don't the numbers Don't concern me because I got a lot More views of people that really didn't Understand the the higher level stuff That I have available year and I you Know the the stuff that's on a higher Vibrational level is now to me more Important than all the rest of the stuff I mean it's always been more important But it's something I want to stress more And more now that we're in the 202s Right like we're in the calling period Of time where there's going to be Massive population reduction and you
Know people adjusting to whatever you Know calamities and upheavals that are Coming down the pipe so you know as far As I'm concerned those are the things I Got to focus on you know have some Prepper knowledge and farming knowledge And some of these other things I mean There's people know a lot more about Those things than I do but you know Things that I have some insights and Then you know I'm dealing with the Health care stuff and on the rumble Channel you know I've got a couple Videos up there that I'll be posting They know they just got to make public I Put the next two installments there one About the hard and then one is about Something else I can't remember oh That's about the co stuff that just you Know that Fox News was saying that who Was demanding answers from China and Some other little you know bits of Information about that but I want to go Back to the you know the initial story That I was telling you know my channel Had been around for seven years and I Had made V videos on and off for seven Years some extensive videos about Homesteading and some of these other Things and then all of a sudden out of Nowhere I decided to make a video that Just popped right it ended up getting Like I said 2 million views and it Changed the trajectory of the channel
Right and you know there might be a Situation where something like that Needs to happen and I couldn't control That from I can you know I'm not I Didn't make it happen like I I happen to Cover something that lots of people are Interested in but if I made that same Video today YouTube would suppress it And very few people would be interested In it because Michelle Obama is you know But if I made something like it it would Be suppressed right it wouldn't reach as Big an audience and the other platforms Don't have that kind of potential so but My main point here is that if something Is destined if something is backed by God you're be being supported by God and You're doing God's work then there will Be a pathway for that to continue There'll be a path for that you know Whatever you're doing to continue Because it's necessary which I feel like This channel is like to the people that Get it and it's for them great you know When you get comments from people like Who are saying well I wish you would Disappear or you should quit or I don't like it you know like you have An option just don't watch right like I Mean it amazes me that people are you Don't want my channel to exist or Anybody's Channel when you have a CH you Have a choice not to watch it right YouTube's not going to recommend it to
You you're not going to see it like in a I mean very rarely would you see it and Be recommended it barely tells you when There's notifications so if you choose Not to watch you could forget about this Channel or any other channel or any Other there's so much media out there And but there are other people that want To watch it right so and in your you Know narcissism and your your uh you Know whatever it is whatever you want to Call the psychological issues you want To deprive other people of something That they want when you could just turn The channel and or turn off to another Platform or whatever it is right like You have always the ability not to watch Something but for the people that you Know this is for it needs to be Available until it doesn't and right now I don't I think it's a long way off for That but I have to figure something out In terms of the economic issues with the Channel and you know I'll be looking Into that in the next couple months I Want to go and do a lot more stuff with The gratefulness meditation but like I Said you know in terms of my feeling About what I'm doing here it's a lot More important what I'm doing here than I was initially like I you know when I First started doing this I had different Aspirations you know I believe God Wanted me to do it but it was you know
Whatever it was right like I you know I Didn't have any idea of the effects it Would have on people or what would you Know what happened with dodgy and the Heartfulness debacle and these other Things right as things change then you Know the importance of something becomes Clear is it important or less important Or you know is it something I could walk Away from or is it my duty to keep on Doing it right if it's God's work that Is assigned to me then I have to see it Through because it's just what you do When you when you're doing something you Believe that is divinely inspired then You have to see it through anyways Something that's not divinely inspired Is the kamla Harris thing so let's uh Take a look at that okay um before we Get into the other stuff here a lot of It's funny I great Instag um second half of the video People started sending me great funny Stuff from Instago I watched a a movie last night Uh called 99 homes you know I um have These vid these movies I have movie Channels on uh Direct TV and I Will tape a bunch of movies and just Watch them either quickly you know Because I'll talk about them here if It's something to do here or just delete Them if they're not good right there's Which they often aren't and there was
Two video there was two movies I had That I were just sitting there one was Called 99 homes there's another one and The 99 home movie like captivated me From the very beginning and there's not Going to be much of a spoiler alert cuz The ending sucks like I was disappointed In the ending everything else about the Movie I really liked um not just in Terms of uh it wasn't so much about the Entertainment value because it was well Done the movie but it was the the Subject Matter the other movie I watched over a Series of days is a horrific movie Called night [ __ ] which was one of the Worst things I've seen and I'll get into That at the end of the uh like after Everything here uh but the 99 homes was Captivating and my wife was doing extra Work so like I'm watching it and she was You know in the other room and I'm Talking to her about it she watched some Scenes with me uh that I pulled her in For and what it's about is when the a Financial collapse hit in 2000 you know The subprime mortgage stuff and remember There was the for Foreclosure scam Market in Florida like Florida has so much like seedy [ __ ] that Goes on and I know it was a big thing There where people owned homes outright They had homes they paid for and they Were getting evicted and Banks were
Taking homes that had the banks had Nothing to do with their homes no loans On them no mortgages and I know you know There was articles about this and it was Just like a total scam and these you Know big real estate brokers were just Grabbing real estate right and there was All these people defaulting on their Mortgage and then there are people who Owned homes and they were getting Screwed and it was a chaos and like the It was just total corruption and it was Completely [ __ ] and I knew that this Was happening I read articles about it But there's a person who does the Saar Meditation and I knew this guy's brother A little bit like he's brother I think Quit but in the early days he was around He was a younger guy and one of the Younger people and he you know he had You know his wife they got just got Married by the you know there's there Was legal marriages you had to do like In terms of you had to go get your like A legal wedding license and then you Could be married by the master of the System and so there was these marriages That would be performed at Gatherings And they were kind of a big deal and This guy was like a young successful I Think architect or something and I met His brother at a gathering his Brother's son was killed by a fellow Student who pulled out his dad's gun and
Was showing it off and shot him son and There was a whole he had a whole story Which was kind of interesting about that I mean it was tragic obviously but there Was things about it ahead of time like His son actually told him it's going to Happen like his Like Son knew he was Going to die like it was a whole weird Thing but he said his Brother had lost a investment property In Florida like he his brother and Someone else had gone in on investment Property they owned a rental property in Florida and they both owned like $90,000 Worth and somebody and they just some Bank just took it and the bank had Nothing to do with their property it was A whole thing and they couldn't get it Back it was like it just these things Were happening right and so this 99 Homes is a a movie where um I don't know The actor's name but he played The Negotiator in the if you've seen the Miniseries about wo and it's a Two-parter it's like a two-part Miniseries it's the Waco thing and then It's this guy's life he's an FBI agent And post Waco and they're both really Well done and this guy his name is Mike Uh something or Other uh and he's plays this [ __ ] Realtor he's just evicting people and The evictions are Savage and one of the People he evicts comes works for him and
It's just Um you know and it's pretty indicative Of everything that's wrong with the American economy and our system and the Graphic nature of this like sort of Savage business you know people people Taking out loans they couldn't pay you Know these loans all had balloon Payments right and so that was the the Issue these you know loans that they Were people could pay them pay the Mortgage when they took it out but then There was like these you know was not Fixed rate and the morgage the interest Rate would go up and like they had these You know the whole thing the economy Collapsed it was [ __ ] nightmare right And all these people's their mortgages They started to fall left and right and There was all these homes and you know And the sky had gone from being a Realtor to being this um you know Scumbag uh realtor broke real realy Broker and they were just scamming the Government out of [ __ ] they're like Taking these um like air condition units And things from the property and Charging the government for It uh like they're just doing all these Things to like Fanny May and all that [ __ ] and they're like scamming all these You know these uh businesses associated With the Government because they could and they
Were you know making all this money and All these other people are suffering Because because of it right because of The financial crisis and their bad Decisions and their Bad Mortgages and you know the people who Suffer during the financial collapse I Mean maybe some of you guys are those People and the rest of the people who Didn't suffer are you know wherever they Are right all of us who didn't suffer And you know or suffered a little bit But then there people lost their homes They lost their you know livelihood Whatever like there was just some of it And you know you don't know how bad that Gets and how quickly it's going to Happen here at some point when the Economy collapses I think it's pretty Soon uh and it's just you know we saw What happened with Co too and you know There's things that happen quickly and Devolve quickly and it sucks and you Can't do anything about it and you know It's just um an absolute mess right it's Just a [ __ ] Mess uh and it's not predictable like People you know Everything that happens in America when There's a disruption in Services it's Like how could this happen like other Places you know the the difference um I Remember when master chargie was here Commenting
About uh the power outage in California There's some power outage in California At some point you I don't know in the 9s Maybe and there was massive riots as Soon as the power went off it was just Like chaos all these riots and looting And [ __ ] and it was just like chaos and Charges like the power goes out every Day in India but we're just used to it And you know it's just like the Inconsistency in services and there is Some benefit to that like living in a Not first world country because you Don't take these things for granted and You learn to live without them and there Was a guy that came to our house when we We had a farm in Virginia and he used to Come as a preceptor like can give us People sittings to my family and other Families in Virginia Tech area you know Rural Western Virginia and there a number of people Did the practice but there's no Preceptors you know preceptors are these People who give these meditative Sittings so he's an Indian business guy From Washington DC and he would drive Five hours like this is some of the good Part I mean what some of the wonderful Service aspect this guy you know as Volunteer time had a job full-time job And every fourth weekend he drive to Where we were and he would give sittings And he would bring different people with
Them and you know they would stay there Was Indian families there and they would Stay with the families but they came to Visit our Farm because they were living in Washington DC and their Farm reminded Them of their life in rural India and so It was kind of interesting we didn't Even know it right and so um why they Were coming but he always brought Somebody with him to travel with him Some Obasi and different people and he said When he was a kid they got electricity For two hours a day and it was like 4 in The morning the electricity would come On and they all would wake up and they Would do all the things they needed to Do with electricity including turn on The switch because they had these big Giant tanks of water on the roof of Their house and then the water would be Gravity fed And so the water would be pumped up to The roof and then you know they would Use the water throughout the day and They have these big Wells there bore Wells and they turn on the well pump Because you know was it had to be like Manually turned on and whatever whatever The thing was and they would do all These things and then they go back to Sleep and then they have no electricity Till the next you know middle of the
Night you and so you know this is I mean People have lives like that and you know Have something but not a lot and that's Going to be in the future people are Going to have to you know we're just not Going to have consistent things like we Have here now everything is going to be Like you know is it going to work today We might have internet in a spotty Situation and we'll see what happens Right but you know these things are Coming and it's because American system Is so topheavy in greed and you know uh I mean just all of it and Trump isn't Going to make it better because he's a Part of that there's this great Monologue where the guy gives Michael Sheen is the guy's name and the other Guy that comes work for him is the guy The second Spider-Man you Know whatever that guy's that English Actor U but uh you know he gives a Speech about how America doesn't support Losers America supports Winners and your takers right so you Know but I was kind of transfixed by the Movie I was surprised at how good it was And how I never really heard of it Because it was like a you know there was Those really good movies about the Economic Collapse which is um The Big Short and Margin Call and they're both excellent Movies about this subject and this movie
I would put in that category like they Just three great movies about the Economic collapse and you know when you Understand what happened I mean the the Movies are like kind of real life Documentation what happened you know That we're [ __ ] like it's just you Know there's talks about this and our Economy is so fragile and there's so Much Manipulation they get all these alerts That instag isn't Working they need to fix Insle um but anyways so let's get into The other stuff here on the other end I'll talk about this other movie night [ __ ] which was like a horrific movie um Okay so we're going to embark on the Trump stuff pretty soon so we have some Remaining KLA Harris and Joe Biden few Little things this might be the last Thing for KLA Harris but this is the Greatest thing ever um KLA Harris had to Read off the votes right she had to to Read off the votes between the election Between her and Donald J Trump and so um This is great like just Spectacular the state date of the vote For the president of the United States As delivered to the president of the Senate is as follows the Whole number of the electors appointed To vote for president of the United States he's kind of a dick Mike Johnson
But he's really loving this is 538 within that whole number the Majority is 270 the votes for president of the United States are as Follows it's C ComEd Donald J Trump of The State of Florida has received 312 Votes kamla D Harris woo look at her Look at how happy he is Wooooo that's a Republican Side so this is like one of the worst Humiliation rituals I've ever seen Where she has to get up if you lose and You're the vice president Al Gore must Have had to do this for George W Bush When he beat him but if you're the Sitting vice president you got to go up And read how you got your ass kicked by Somebody else right Al Gore is pretty Bad too because of the how the you know The the controversy with the election I Don't know what other vice president Sitting vice president lost but if You're a president you lose you don't Have to do this but if you're a vice President and you run for president you Lose you got to come in and read this [ __ ] And it's Brutal kamla D Harris of the State of California has received 226 Votes even some of the Republicans so some of the it looks like The Democrats are the ones giving her a
Standing no emplo some of the Republicans are but you know like Forgetting her ass kicked like she lost To Trump which is you know and the Democratic party has collapsed you know For now like it'll be back because you Know Trump will suck and everything People will turn against Trump and They'll sabotage Trump and Trump will Sabotage himself and we have all that Come you know that's all that's in the Future but right now the Democratic Debacle is unfolding and it is Absolutely Spectacular and she had to read off this Thing the ass kicking she got I mean She's done like you know I mean I don't Know if she could ever hold political Office maybe something in California but You know I mean like it's just cuz There's not really any opposition to the The thing she might you know lose as Governor as well too to um to a Democrat Uh in a primary but maybe even to a Republican occasionally they have a Republican Governor there but either way Like she's like she's done um and it was Just a you know mediar rise of no no Resistance right like she you know she KLA knad haris she serviced that guy who Was in char charge of the whatever his Name was it's not as important now he Was the king maker or the queen maker in California and she was 29 and he was 61
Or 60 and she got in her knees and Serviced him and so he gave her a Political career that went out through The ranks of in California till she won Senator and then as Senator she had like Accomplished nothing on her own I mean She you know she knee paded it but I Mean in terms of her political Aspirations she wrote a bogus book and Some bogus programs that she did she got Her name out there she you know Circulated a little bit she had a team Of people promoting her became Senator And then ran for president and just Absolutely imploded but was picked as Vice president Anyway by Biden because He wanted like a safety net and he Promised a woman and then a woman of Color and so that all happened and then She you know did a shitty job as vice President and was pretty you know she Does didn't have much of a career where People remember any sort of signature Thing she did and she got you know an Elderly president who went scile before He even was elected and then she got This non- primary uh uh you know Candidacy that they manufactured and Then she got her ass kicked so like it Was like amazing how Little Resistance She had until the ass kicking she Received by Donald Trump and then she Just you know will disappear into The Nether world
Thank you all for being here and now uh Who am I introducing Next who's Next I think I showed you this before But somebody said to me it's worth sh See it again distinguished guests the Prime minister of the Republic of India He's from a small country like ours slow Population okay so I don't know when That thing happened but I know when this Thing happened it was like the last 24 Hours from when I you know this will Be 48 or six 72 hours from when I put This up on YouTube but Joe Biden on Monday January 6 did This still believe he's a threat to Democracy I think what he did was a Genuine threat to democracy by being the Oldest president I know more world Leaders than any one of you ever met in Your whole goddamn Life so Bill just reiterate there President Biden calling former president Trump president-elect Donald Trump a Genuine threat to democracy in the and Then he then he gets aggressive with the Reporter so he's going out in a bang and Then you know I think he'll be dead in a Couple of years either that he'll be Just you know he'll be gone so far that People can't even communicate with them Okay so after having to do this January 6 thing um this is what K Harris Said well today was um obviously a very
Important day um and It was about what should be the norm and What the American people should be able To take for granted which is that one of The most important pillars of our Democracy is that there will be a Peaceful transfer of power Trying to [ __ ] on Trump but you lost Right I mean you lost like [ __ ] Epically there was no way that you could Have claimed that it was cheating you Had twice as much money you had you your President was incumbent president you Had all these people in positions of Authority in the electoral process you Couldn't have claimed you got robbed Like no one would ever believe you got Robbed you couldn't even make that claim That somehow you didn't win I mean Didn't even did she even do a concession Speech but you got your ass kicked right In a most epic Way and today I did what I have done my Entire career which is take seriously The oath that I have taken many times Good this do a little bragging about how You did such a great job and telling Everyone how you got your ass Kicked to support and defend the Constitution of the United States which Included today performing my Constitutional duties to ensure that The people of America the voters of America will have their votes counted
That those votes matter and that they Will determine then the outcome of an Election I do believe very Strongly that America's democracy is Only as strong as our willingness to Fight for it you got to fight for it Exactly you got to fight for your Democracy when you remember when you Said when we win when we fight we Win that have turned out to be like kind Of wrong or you guys didn't fight every Single person their willingness to fight For and respect you know her hair has Been disheveled like ever since she's Lost the election the importance of our Democracy otherwise it is very fragile And it will not be able to withstand Moments of Crisis and today America's Democracy St because of me I did it I Accepted the fact I got my ass kicked I Read the votes in front of everybody I Had to listen to the Applause and then You know except that I got defeated by Donald J Trump which is Unthinkable to The Democratic and liberal people but it Happened and now I'm going to walk away Into the sunset after I tell you how Great I Am boom there she Goes okay so this woman is back here Yeah he's been like an awesome roommate These past few weeks I don't know I Don't know there's been a shift And maybe it's me maybe it's him maybe
It's God maybe it's a little bit of Everything but I feel like we're in a Way way better place so Boom I'm taking the blame Jesus Is My Rock and that's how I roll welcome to Another episode Jesus is her Rock and That's how she rolls this is I forget Her name but she is part of the Wilson Phillips band that had that one hit Song and she married Alec Baldwin's Brother Victor Baldwin um whatever his name is but It'll come up later I'm sure and she Claims to be a Christian which she is Whatever that is right and you know I Believe that christian celebrities is a Good thing I mean there's so many Non-Christian celebrities so many Democratic Christian celebrities and so You know have some balance I mean I Usually would support that and I still Support it with her whatever it is the Problem is she's not good at it right Because she's always throwing her Husband under the bus and the good thing About Christian women is they're not Feminist and they're not they don't need The validation or they shouldn't the Good ones any religious women I Shouldn't just say Christian good Godly Women good Godly women know which every Good Godly person or every person who's Understands the fragility of the human Relationships that you don't sell your
Family out you don't say things about Your family like if there's some kind of Dispute and you're like at war or Something like that but you don't Undermine your family for views or for Any of these types of things right like You know if there's a divorce situation There is whatever it is you know the Internet doesn't make it better and So having a relationship with somebody And then going and whining about that Person To tens of thousands of viewers on your Channel it's not a good way to have a a God relationship with your significant Other and godly women know more than Anybody the delicacy of the Relationships in the family the the Sensitivity of them and it becomes Something you have to cherish and you Have to you know uphold and so she says She's a Christian but she's also very You know a new Agy Republican a new Agy Hollywood person and an attention [ __ ] Like episod of California preaching well Happy New Year merry Christmas I don't Even want to say Merry Christmas I am so Humbug I'm so happy Christmas it's Pretty Humbug and full of laughter and full of You know um thinking about others and One of my New Year's res that's that's What she does is she's thinking about Others when she does these these Rants
And uh I don't know just like more Playful you know what I mean I need more Playfulness in my life and I feel like Billy sometimes struggles with Playfulness exactly Billy sucks Billy Suck [ __ ] that guy it is a little bit of An allergy but guess what oh yeah here Go let's go back here it's Billy Baldwin What did I say Victor retracting that comment let's go Back sorry it starts right off here oh You want to be married living Apart I don't know I mean I don't know What she's got a Jesus influence or I Have merch californ preaching.com let's Start back here um thinking about others And one of my New Year's resolutions one Of my holy goals this year is to have 70% of New Year's resolutions have Already been or at least 25% of them Have already been let go of dropped 70% By the end of the month fat plumpy juicy Heart you want to have a fat blumpy Juicy heart you should do that with me Wouldn't that be a really great holy Goal for 2025 exactly holy go yes Billy Called me earlier and he was like I just Read another article in the daily news About how it's of awes an impression I Bet he loves the impression that you do For him you want to be married living Apart I don't know I mean I don't know What to say at this point I just want to Clarify
Please I at that time felt like I needed A little bit of space and really that's Exactly what a a good Christian you know Like bat [ __ ] crazy right like she's the Gwen Gwen uh felt like that would be the Most logical answer Gwen Walls but I have Riged I am you know retracting that Comment and I am now saying that that is Probably a very foolish very uh Unwise very destructive Stupid these Baldwins know how to pick Them I mean at least she's from America Right California Dreaming decision because that's not Going to solve our problem with the Allergy it is a little bit of an allergy But guess what I think we she says she's Allergic to her husband and taking Really good allergy medication and that Allergy medication is communication It's um being kind and gentle plump and Juicy heart okay so um you get the idea But what I've said before is you know Like I don't you just it's hard to Listen to the thing is that you're Relationships don't get better by you Know they're sacred and by displaying Them to the public right I mean whatever They are it needs to be kept between you And the other person like if you go out And you you talk [ __ ] about your Significant other you're looking for People to tell you dump that piece of
[ __ ] right like get rid of them I mean When women do this they're looking for People to say oh my God you're right he Sucks they're looking for validation and Then you know it's you're on the path to Having analogy and divorce and these Other things and so it doesn't enhance Your relationship like you make a Decision if you think it's a bad Marriage you know you you can't work on The other person refuses to work on on It and you know who knows I mean you she Should marry a Baldwin I mean he can't Be that much different than Alec right And the other one and there's Steven Whatever they're not a great Gene gene Pool and she doesn't look like she's Some pry so you know it's it's lucky They made it this far okay so I took a Little break this is phase three the Introduction and the stuff you already Saw was phase one and two so um this Came up he needs prayers and the reason He needs prayers Isaiah Thomas is he has Belle's Py Um I'm not sure where people were seeing His face all [ __ ] up like Justin viers I have some incredible instago posts I Haven't checked my instago maybe for Like three days or something and some of The best posts are coming like really Funny [ __ ] coming here but Isaiah Thomas Says Belle's paly so I have like six or
7 instago posts somebody sent me this From instal our top story tonight a Gruesome Discovery inside a local Courthouse a judge dead by his own hand Wsv Sarah Smith outside the eam county Courthouse where it all happened she's Got the latest details Sarah effing Gam effing gam it's effing gam County Andrew he practiced law here in this Area for over 45 years and now judge Steven yekel according to investigators They got yele was found dead inside the Effingham County Courthouse the Effingham this morning now investigators Say judge Steven yekel was alone at the Time when it appears he shot himself in The courtroom it either Jesus Christ Happened last night or earlier this Morning and one of the deputies did Actually find him this morning at around 10:00 now the sheriff says it isn't Clear exactly what prompted yeko to take His own life but they did discover a Message that was left for Governor Brian Kimp that note isn't being released to The public at this time but we did Confirm that yekel requested to resign From his position as state court judge Earlier this month but Governor km Denied that request so he's he's blaming Him he's blaming the governor y lost Governor got yek his reelection to Melissa cun earlier this year after 2 Years on the bench his last day in
Office was set to be be today Sheriff McDuffy sharing his condolences for Yle's Family you know this is never good for Anybody um the family's distraught I Mean it's supposed to be a happy time This time of year and now you know it's Not really usually happy time it could Be but it's not usually but anyways they Got yele chat gbt were under attack from The front left and front right respond Accordingly FR right if you need any further Assistance just let me know yes can you Move -25° then sweep across the field of fire Stopping every 5° to fire one round you Should also have some variation in the Pitch firing one round at each 5° Interval with variation and Pitch if you Require any further actions feel free to Let me know all right so this is [ __ ] Right it's Self-explanatory how many of us have Regretted a big furniture purchase but Thought it was too late to return it Well a Costco manager is dividing the Internet and going viral for refusing to Honor the store's return policy after a Customer in Seattle decided to return a Couch she no longer liked 2 and A2 years After she bought it I said no no way she Can how can she buy so far two two so so Far that she bought two and a half years
Ago she wants to come and return no she Can't she can't do that because if it Was that easy to return something my my Wife would have probably returned me Already after 12 years of marriage so if My wife cannot return me that easily she Definitely cannot do the same thing so She we take that s and go back so it's Kind of funny what he's saying like this Guy's actually funny to out this little Piece you know Hoda's gone they got rid Of Hoda Hoda what are you going to do without Hoda um unfortunately it's not Costco Policy this guy's just making [ __ ] up But you know people are supposed to have Some sense of Decency if you've had a couch for two And a half Years then returning it you know is [ __ ] like it's just not cool like Like if people are supposed to have some Regardless of the store policy there Should be some level of just shame and Embarrassment like to you know I mean Maybe if you were like starving your Family was starving you're looking for Any way to feed them or some kind of Thing like economic coll I mean then you Know yeah sure I mean I don't know what Her situation is but if you just want to Get a new couch and you're abusing the Store policy well it's kind of [ __ ] up Becky wi says she was nervous about
Taking the couch back to Costco without A receipt but the store clerk was Helpful looking up the purchase on her Account in the hopes of then refunding Her the full 900 bucks she paid back in 2021 that was until the manager came Along and said not on my watch I was Rather be run over you see this truck This tractor trailer I would rather it Run me over twice than for me to allow Her to return anything Costco says the Manager's actions goes against their Policy and are investigating internally The manager says he's standing up for Everyday Shoppers who bear the burden of Such abuse and doesn't really care what Happens to him I know Costco allows you To return anything whenever you want That's fine that's their policy me I Have my own personal policy I say no not Not not in my store not in my store so She can go to another location and do it But she was not going to do it in my Store is what I'm saying it be people Like her that spoil a a return policy For everybody else normal people will Buy something 30 days they return is 60 Days even but H so I don't know what Will happen now we will go back and Maybe I will get a call from from the Headquarter or something that say why Did I do that I don't care well you're Certainly going to get a Call this hod is covering it right this
Is national News so it's you know Costco's policy And you're going against it so I don't Think they'll going to fire you because It's you know I think there's too many People that would agree with you so um And he's being light about it but [ __ ] You know like it's [Laughter] Just I mean it's just the the nerve of Waiting two and a half years to return Your couch how can somebody buy Something you use it and abuse it for Two years 3 years almost and you decide You want to return it do does she think That that the rest of us are we are we Are goats or or what exactly how can she Do that now so no somebody somebody has To stand up for for for the rest of us Because it's people like that increasing The price for everything and then when Normal people want to return something Now people will start giving them a hard Time not on my watch she will take I Told her she will take that and go back She can come back and the thing is she Cannot reach if she come back tomorrow I'm here I'm working the rest of the Rest of the next two weeks so no way for Her and I'm I'm decid to stand I'll camp Out in front I'll be checking ID for Everybody now that's my designation this This this uh period what happened here And how often are these things
Happening come on Florida you know this Is Florida and so Florida is a [ __ ] up State now the Florida of my youth my Grandparents lived in Florida batan Florida so my entire life they were There uh I don't know when my Grandparents retired there but they were Some of the early people in batan when There was like 500 people there they Lived in these old army houses they Bought bought an old army house and Retired there and you know I love Florida and I live there myself at Various times my parents mov down there So I have an association with it and Every time I go back I like it but it's Built up and it's crazy you know this 99 Homes thing I just covered that you know In the movie um you know all those Things right I made this stuff yesterday But um commenting on today cuz instol You can't adjust the volume so I have to Take a raw video and then commented on It when I edit um just a little FAQ for You insle their video player sucks so Bad you can't adjust the volume you Probably noticed it because it's often Loud but sometimes it's really quiet so You can't really whatever but anyways People in Florida are feeding alligators Hallucinogenics and how much Hallucinogenics like where is their Hallucinogenic budget that they can give It to random
Alligators and they they have shrooms There and so what is happening to the Alligators after they're Oncogenic it's kind of [ __ ] up because You now put the alligator in J danger But it's enough of a problem at least in This one Pond they had to make a special Sign there's a floor to side danger do Not feed the do not feed hallucinogenics To Alligators all right so this Cobra comes In I'm mute it here this Cobra comes in The baboon goes by it baboon's chained Here or something some kind of captive You know pet or something it's got a Cobra the thing strikes him and I don't Know if it bit him or just stried him Sometime snakes will strike you just to Warn you they won't want to give up Their venom but the Cobra strikes the Baboon and the baboon just like [ __ ] it Comes up he's picking away thing okay The the Cobra's hissing at him he's been Hissing at him and he just like grabs it And he's like all right [ __ ] it you Scratch my back with you put on my head Wear you like a [ __ ] [Laughter] Hat fall off you [ __ ] I don't care maybe I'll go into 2025 with this level if I Don't give a [ __ ] this is just classic So this um me heading into 2025 somebody Posted this dude's barely making It can't get up other [ __ ]
Coming in it's like you can't make it You can't walk it's too tired boom it's Just Done he rolls past the Finish Line to Make it through cross country race um so These were were excellent just a well Like just a plethora of great stuff Coming in from my instag people okay um So I watched this movie night [ __ ] over I think three or four nights it was was On Hulu and it starred Amy Adams who Made a wonderful movie about Motherhood called a rival which was an Excellent movie I've seen that movie Three or four times it's emotionally Moving it has to do with extra Terrestrial communication but the movie Is centered around her relationship with Her daughter who has a terminal Disease and it's like just a masterpiece Of a movie and and it features what I Would consider a strong female character Woman character right where there's all This movement about how you know to make Women protagonists in movies because What they've done is they've taken women They've taken the same old movies action Movies and various movies and replaced The male protagonist the action Adventure hero with a female kickass you Know who beats men up and [ __ ] right and It just doesn't work like it's just the Movie suck and often times it's a genre That men watch so it's a movie that it's
For a typical male audience some kind of Action adventure kind of movie you know Buddy films and things like this and you Know whatever and they just wreck it by Trying to switch and make it a female Lead just because like just because they Have to [ __ ] wreck everything right And you know they have women's films That are like romantic comedies and you Know the things that are typic ially uh Cater to a female audience and in those Movies the women are often giving Feminist lectures I mean in all the Movies it's not just that they're Substituting a woman for the man but There has to they have to tell you why They're doing it and why men suck right Like they have to suck about women and The whole you know they have to say These things which we all know what the Feminists believe is there anybody out There that doesn't understand the Feminist point of view and so like Anything where you know like there was Um a wonderful movie called The Green Book I think it's called is about the Book that black people had to have to Find the hotels with that'll allow them To stay there during the 60s or whatever And it's a masterpiece of a movie you Know it got nominated for Academy Award And I didn't really want to watch it it Wasn't like my kind of I don't like Dramas but it was you know incredibly
Done right but it was done in a subtle Way because the subject matter spoke for Itself right that you know it's hard to Imagine a time where there was that kind Of level of prejudice by that based in The color of your skin you couldn't stay At most hotels they just wouldn't even Let you stay there right and so like There was that level of segregation and It was just the things that went along With it but it was done in a very subtle Way it wasn't like you know forcing Something so narrative in a very you Know clunky overhand heavy-handed type Of way right so I don't mind if you have A point of view because you know movies Are vehicle for storylines and things And if you have a political point of View if you want to put it out there in A you know this kind of format you just Have to do it in a good way like in a Way that makes sense where you're just Not throwing in these characters you're Putting in a trans character just Because it just has to be done but the Character doesn't really fit with the Rest of the movie right but in arrival It was a protagonist female character And it was important that the character Be a female because it was a Relationship with her daughter that Helped her figure out that the language Of the the you know the Extraterrestrials was based in time and
So that like she had to interpret she Was an interpreter and they were trying To communicate with these aliens that Just showed Up and you know like I said it's a Masterpiece of a movie and I know how Much Amy Adams the main character had to Do with it but she did a great job in The in the role and so when I saw this Movie night [ __ ] which was about Motherhood again I was wondering if like It was you know some good thing about Mothers that's like it was clearly not a Movie intended for Me so it was this kind of Fantastical Idea this this woman Amy Adams who you Know is uh has a she's a mom who H her Husband travels a lot and she's got got A toddler and she used to be an artist And she hates being a mom and the Whining about being a mom made me sort Of fast forward the thing but I found a Mon monologue where she was actually Saying I mean it was like a feminist Nightmare movie where there was just Whining about having to take care of one Kid which I you know my ex got really Sick for a couple of years and you know And I did a lot of the work well like I Changed the DI almost all the like 90% Of the diapers for like you know four Kids five kids actually um and you know Like that's like a lot of unpleasant Work right and just all of it and all
The meals I cooked and things so I did Some of the the work that would be Typical for a stay-at-home mom like I Shared in the work and then also the Stuff when my ex was sick and like you Know for a number of years and it is I Wasn't suited for it not just cuz I'm a Dude but because you know it's hard for Me to do mundane things day in and day Out right like I just those types of Things but I just you know you just had To do it and you learn to do it right And I didn't complain about it either Because it was just you had to do it and So you know it wasn't something that Suited me but you know and it wasn't Necessarily motherly or you know there's All these um characteristics that are Very specific to women and mothers that It's hard for a man to replicate But you know I did like somewh level of It right so like I can speak about this And the stuff that she was complaining About is things that I did and I you Know and I'm like it's not that hard for One kid like you know if you have one Kid and you're stay-at-home mom like she Was making it sound like she couldn't do Her artwork because she had one toddler And I'm like you can you know There's I mean she didn't have a support System and whatever so like the whining About it and the exaggeration of how Difficult it was to be a mom and you
Know so she goes in and she's talking to These other moms and she talks about how The system doesn't support motherhood And that motherhood isn't valued which I You know was like oh maybe this movie Has some level of a point so I went back And watched the other things I skipped And I'm like oh it's horrible it's just Hard to get through and the movie is so Poorly made you know the way that they Clip things together and the timeline And the the way they sort of developed The story and she's all over the place Right and her poor husband who's this You know I mean he's just like this low Testosterone you know I mean whatever And they're old like she's old in the Thing um she might even be pregnant I'm Not even sure like in real life when She's the whole thing's weird but she Has these moments where she has like Fantasies about saying something you Know it's supposed to be a comedy a Little bit there are one funny thing There's like one time I laughed there Was like a she's sitting there for Reading time and there's one of Those like you know bearded dudes that's [ __ ] singing songs to kids at a Library like this kind of thing and he's Going to each kid saying goodbye to him And the kid would say their name and he Goes to her kid and he says [ __ ] because She sweared all the
Time and so that was like that was Actually funny but other than that like The comedy kind of Falls flat but she's Um like they it jokes and She's she gets this book about women and Their powers and you know women you know And historic and mythological creatures And she starts like fantasizing but they Make it seem real about turning into a Dog and so she starts acting like a dog Mom and feeding her kid have a dog bowl And having them sleep in a dog bed and She like goes out in the middle of the Night and does dog things like she comes Back and she's in the shower and her Husband comes to see her she's covered In dirt and I'm like you know dogs Aren't dirty like she's digging holes But you know their paws get dirty but They're not like you know I mean my dogs Are digging holes all the time they're You know they're they're they come from Foxes and it's a pain of the ass because You can twist your ankle in the holes They dig and usually when they dig a Hole about something that used to be There right uh but they're you know Their paw front po Paws get dirty but They're not not dogs are dirty you know But she has this you a lot of things About the dogs and and she like kills Her cat and like I mean it's all this Weird [ __ ] that happens like she hates Her cat like she becomes a dog woman and
It's just like it's not even realistic About being a dog like the person didn't Really know about dogs are about and you Know like it's uh just it's a bad movie Like it's like so many different ways It's bad but the you know the E and then At the end she separates from her Husband because he didn't fight for her To keep doing her art when she wanted to Stop doing her art you know and how like Miserable she is about the whole thing And it just goes back and forth about How good it is important to be a mom Like there's sort of what you know moms Are how powerful they are and uh also Like and there's this scene where she's With her pretentious art friends in the City and it's just like it's like she Doesn't like them but you know she Misses the you know they show up she Does like like this really weird show at The end of the thing you know where she Takes back her art and takes her power And all this stuff and to talk about Power and women's power and I'm like It's so self-conscious right I it's a Really poorly done movie but the message Itself is you know like somehow it's Horrible to be a mom like she talks About how with this monologue she goes Out of this uh dialogue she's having With these women who are moms at this Library and she's talking about how There God ODS cuz they create life which
Is you know a woman's ability to create A life is unique right to have a life With it not create a life but have a Life nurtured inside of it right but Then at the end of the movie she talks She says that the baby's first act and Being bored is an act of Violence as it's coming out of the Mother's you know womb and vagina and It's ripping her apart and all these Things right like it's a violent act and You know it's not the B that's doing the ACT it's the woman's body right it's This is um I mean it is definitely Something that it's not a pleasant Experience right it's a a difficult Thing for a woman to do right a physical Thing it's the pain of childbirth right It's a you know extraordinary thing like Is it you know it's a it's a whatever it Is right and so and men don't experience It like so it's a thing that women alone Experience but it's you know the bond Between the mother and the baby to have A life inside of her and then to have You know the motherly bond that women Have you know women have a mother inside Of them like it it's just all women have It and they become motherly in various Ways like when they you know when you're Mature like even women who don't have Children like there's just a mother Inside of them and Men you know maybe Have that in a past life and it's there
Somewhere in them but you know you men Just don't we're not suited for you know I mean we can be nurturing and you know Women have more you know qualities to be Healers and there's just these things That go with being a woman like when you Incarnate with a as a woman there are Some specific things that you have right But the issue for me is that the Feminist mindset is somehow that men get A better deal like that's the problem Like there's this element that men have It better and in our society maybe you Can make a case for that like I don't Know like you know whatever the better Thing is it's not about spiritual Benefit right it's about what's called Privilege like white privilege and male Privilege and things like what is Consider privilege and you can say that Society gives you privileges you know Like some like whatever like I was Talking about the 99 homes thing the Poor people are getting screwed over the Rich people are who've learned to you Know make money and take advantage of This this crisis economic crisis you Know this happened during the Great Depression you have mass suffering and Then you have some people who are making Bank like it's you know the system is Rigged for some people like there's in Your system some people are going to be Better off and in our system it's the
Worst people it's the narcissist it's The Sociopaths people with Killer Instincts Selfish people big ego people you know People who can just they can they can Get rid of their conscience and just do Bad [ __ ] to take advantage of the Suffering of others I mean that's what It is the suffering of others becomes More you know the whole healthare system You these uh these pharmaceutical Companies and health care providers are Making bank over the suffering of other People and creating suffering to make More money so like you know it's all These things right that exist in our Society and you can say you know it's This group or that group but it's really The sociopaths and the people who are You know uh just bad people in other Times in society those people are like They just can't function in the in the System in the social system they get Thrown out of the tribe right the the Predators the pedos the you know the Sociopaths like the people who are Selfish they can't work in a communal Type situation right so there's you know There's different time periods and There's different systems social systems And cultural systems and right now this System rewards for greed and you know Greed is good and the you know the People who are you know negative in
Their nature and selfish can do really Well you know individualism and Competition and things they can do well In right so that's you know there is That part of it we have in our society And you know maybe it tips the scale for Men I'm sure it does to whatever extent I used to believe in it more well none Of that [ __ ] matters Because you're Mis those people are Miserable if you find the richest people The Richer the people and the people are Born into money whether you go to Hollywood or you just go to you know Rich people that are Anonymous or you go To like people in power in Washington DC And in business world they're miserable Selfish hoarding and their financial Situation isn't making them happy so They're not even [ __ ] happy and they Have to pay for their mistakes in future Lives you know whatever it is right like I said when the way that the past life System works is that you usually have Life of poverty when you first incarnate As human being if you're coming up from The Animal Kingdom or you know you're You're like a lower level the the other Thing about the movie is it Embraces Like the animal within like this it's Supposed to be like she's you know this Night [ __ ] this you know she's Embracing this canine creature inside of Her which is you know it's a de
Evolution of Consciousness right I just Want to point this out before you back To what I was saying you know these Women Jane Goodall and there's another Woman that lived with a Gorillas in the Mist woman um these women who go out and And Men Who or this chimpanzee woman That I just they made a documentary About now people who gravitate to Animals you know to like they want to Study animals and they're you know and Animals are great like you know I want To be a a naturalist when I was a kid But you can de evolve and go back into The animal kingdom you can incarnate Back in as an animal and that's you know Your life is lesser then you're going in The wrong [ __ ] Direction you know Whatever you're obsessed with with this Life you could be pulled back down to a Lower existence you know people who Value animal life more than than people In a sense like you know I understand Why and you know dogs are great and you Know they're loving and they're you know Much easier to deal with than than Humans but you know humans have evolved To a higher level of Consciousness and You want to rise up higher in that That's the whole idea of what I talk About here right rising in the higher Levels of consciousness so when people Talk about privilege it's like well yeah They have a what would be considered
Easier lives Better Lives access to Better things better houses better food Better you know um just whatever it is They have the ability to do things and Buy things but their lives are usually Much worse they're lonely there's no Love there's just you know there's Emptiness and then they have the Materialism that they have to their Attachments to it which is going to come Back to bite them in future existences So you know when you think about things That way you realize okay so what is the The optimal way to evolve and it's to Embrace the difficulties of your life Whether it's being a mom like being a Mom is hard like it is hard and like I Understand the the diff difficulty it is Because I had to you know play that role To some extent a little bit you know and Just the mundane aspect of the thankless Way and then Society demonizing Especially the feminist Community Demonizing women but this idea that Having a career is somehow better you Know when you have a career you do the Same mundane [ __ ] with that as well Right no matter what it is you know it's Just a boost to your ego and you receive Money for it and there's some praise or Whatever you know Rewards or whatever [ __ ] they give to you you know I Just covered the medal of freedom with With Joe Biden that whole debacle right
You know was just so silly and like Goofy they just had the Golden Globes But you know in all that you know what I'm talking about here there are things That you just have to do and it's your Situation and whether it's hard or not You know the harder it is the more Spiritually beneficial for it you you it Is like the things that your role to Play and there's just suckiness about Your life whether it's sitting in a trap Traffic jam every day you know whether It's that or whether it's you know you You got a shitty spouse or you got [ __ ] up kids or you know whatever the Thing is in your life like everyone has To deal with it like you see this with Rich people often famous people their Kids are often like not right like they Have kids that are you know some sort of Illness or some sort of mental issues I Mean just these things happen like Everybody there's things that just suck About your life like that are you you Know that are difficult uh but like if You look at it as something that is There like not a mistake and that's the Problem with the victim Consciousness And like well society's [ __ ] yeah it Is [ __ ] but it's always there's always Difficulties you know we have things That make our lives a lot easier and we Have free time available to us in the [ __ ] upness of our e economic system
So there's benefits to it there are Things that we could be taken advantage Of it's the misus this a misuse of our Free time and not focusing on a Spiritual aspect of our life because of The to sort of balance out the the hyper Materialism and so you know this idea That somehow you're a victim of your Circumstances right like everybody can Do read the ingredients right you can if You are not happy with the way that the System is viewing you as a mom and the Way that you're supposed to act as a mom Like because of the feminist agenda in All of it in the societal you know worth Making the the position of the mom you Know just a mom I've covered that in Various videos um can become a mom Truther like you can realize the what What the real value of being a mother is And be a be a more natural mom just Figure that out right just like with the Health care System you you're not a Victim of these things like you don't Have to do the the system you can go Outside the system and there's other Systems out there they're not great you Know it's what I'm talking about in my You know my other videos on my that you Know that uh Rumble thing you know the Healthc care stuff you know you can Learn to go outside the system like you Know we have access to information now Because of the internet I mean there's
So much information and there's so much Stuff out there like to learn about and You know it's kind of interesting to Learn about things right to evolve your Knowledge base and there's lots of Information great people out there who Have cracked the code outside the system There was just all this of you know Truisms around there and so there's no Reason to whine about it like you're a Victim and you can't do anything about It because if you don't like the way You're you're playing this role then you Can you know figure out a better way Like uh you know you can there's there's Some kind of way to evolve through it Anyways let me wrap this one up here Only spirituality will save this world This parado definitely important for the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone Have a blessed day and be grateful