Kamala Hilariously picks an old biden like white Guy for VP + Much more

Kamala Hilariously picks an old biden like white Guy for VP + Much more

Okay greetings brothers and sisters um I'm going to start with the Olympics I Thought it was done kind of covering it But there's stuff that happened that was Just so effed up and it's a indication Of the whole I mean it's a barometer of The fall of Civilization and well let's start off Here um somebody wrote this comment wow I forgot you existed you've been Shadow Banned for years re Resubbed and so again there's this Window of opportunity where where YouTube is not Shadow baned me as much For whatever reason um it comes and goes Of course um you I had these Conversations with these chat Bots who Denied that YouTube does it and then They stopped doing it for a little bit At least you know not as bad as before And so people can bookmark my channel Because I'll be making content for this Foreseeable future and we'll see what Happens like at least for the end this Year election year January I thought I Would you know revisit what needs to be Done here but right now we're on the Upswing um subscribe resubscribe comment Uh like videos do whatever you need to Do to let YouTube know that you still Want to see content for my channel Whatever it is there's a membership Program these things right um so to Start off with let me show you this one

Clip this happened last night so I was Watching volleyball you know the men's Uh American volleyball team and I was Telling my wife this story you know I Played basketball but sometimes I play Volleyball like on the beach or the Backyard with my friends and volleyball Is a fun game and similar to basketball The guy who invented volleyball there's Um a sort of a some controversy that the Guy Nate Smith who vot invented Basketball was actually somebody else Who invented volleyball as well but you Know I played volleyball recre ation Al Not as much as basketball but I've Watched volleyball in the Olympics you Know on and off for so many years and I Tell my wife that I worked um years ago I was in college I used to open up a Building and I worked as a janitor there I would open up a town hall in Connecticut and as a brother my brother Got me this job I get up at like 5 in The morning you know I was oftentimes I Was drinking and partying the night Before so It was kind of a you know a difficult um Not always that easy and I get up at 5: In the morning and I'd go to this town Building and I had the keys to the whole Building and I'd open up all the doors Make sure the doors were open then I'd Go to the parks and recck department and I do some minor cleaning there because

You know it was I mean it wasn't used That much I would do the the gym floor Every once in a while like you know use The whatever it was right vacuum the Hallways and you know my brother had a Relationship with the parks and wreck Department people there was one guy I Played basketball with and he was you Know one of the people worked in the Parks and record department of this the City and he said I need you to um uh Referee volleyball and I'm like well I Don't know how to do that right and he Said well like there's I have nobody Else so there's not very many people Know how to do it and if you you know Was $45 like every Wednesday I would go and open up this Gym and you sit on this chair that's Like it's wider at the bottom and it Narrows to the top you had to climb up And you were above the net you had to Put two fingers or put your hand on the Net to feel if anybody hit the net Because you had to feel that that you Know whether someone hit the net or not And you were watching for numerous Things including carries you know them Carrying the ball when they set the ball You can't prolong a touch you can't Catch the ball right and and other Things right and I couldn't do it like It was impossible like I I'm not good at That I you know one time I did a I um

Was a ref at some summer camp and I was Horrible at refereeing basketball and I Knew the rules like a carry is very hard Is a quick thing to to judge and you Know I would stop watching the game I Forget I was refering and there was a Team that was polish like they were they Mostly were you know Polish people they Were like screaming at me in Polish and Everyone was mad at me all the time These volleyball people and so I set you Know I put the brought the teams in I Said look I don't know how to referee Freaking volleyball if I don't come here And open up the gym for you you guys Don't have a league like I this is how You know there's no they don't have a Ref nobody knows how to referee Volleyball and they can't find anybody And so like I don't need to do this and I you know I can quit and you guys won't Have a league so you guys better figure This out because I'm you know I'm not Capable of doing it I don't know how to Do it I'm not you know um I'll open the The door for you guys and you guys you You guys are going to have to be like do An honor System and you know call the Game yourself otherwise you don't have a League and that was that so that's what Happened but anyways um so I was Watching volleyball last night and you Know they've had these up close and Personal moments with

Athletes and they do a backstory to give You cuz you don't know about these People or care about them for four every Four until every four years but they've Been do a lot of bit of these Backstories on foreign people of course They've done a lot on Ukrainian athletes For obvious reason focusing on the the War and promoting that but there's been A lot of foreign athletes they've been Doing like these you know backstory on Which seemed weird because a lot of them Are you know not um even going to win The medal right and It's like they're trying to be more International I don't know and they Brought out brought out Snoop Dog and Snoop Dog's everywhere and Snoop Dog's Just a piece of crap he's a like the Biggest sellout of all time and just you Know he's just everywhere right but then They have this moment where they start Talking about this volleyball players Tattoo and let me let me show you the Clip here most meaningful tattoo is the One on his hand which reads existing is Enough which was a sentence that Taylor Uttered the first time allowed himself To let go and cry in a therapy session Are you serious Right and so this Guy went to therapy and he cries right And he says existing is Enough and he decides to memorialize

This profound moment he finally let Himself go and was able to cry in Therapy now he's a tattoo that Commemorates this event that everyone Will look at and say hey what does this Mean and he can tell everybody well I Just want to remember that moment where I finally broke down and allowed myself To cry in therapy Right and so he's got this tattoo which Is eff up in itself right but then they Decide to make it national news I mean So many people watching the Olympics Right and NBC feels that this guy being Able to let go and cry in therapy be Vulnerable able and just break down and Cry then get a tattoo of it right is Somehow Newsworthy and like nobody's embarrassed By This you know our enemies are watching Us right the weakness in our our system Plus this guy went to a tattoo poar and Had someone tattoo this on his hand and The tattoo artist probably said oh what Does this mean he said well you know it It's the first sentence I uttered when I Finally had the courage to to let myself Go and cry at There and so this is the 2024 Olympics But let's revisit this change in score With the 666 I covered in my last video Because it was much worse when we see it Live right um in terms of the

Presentation that's to get 1 so Jordan Charles got her score of 13666 I've talked about how many times 666 is been brought up in the Olympics And she earned fifth place not a medal She was in fifth of course the number Five is the amount of gymnast they have And also it's the amount of it's for a Coven of a you know pentagram the coven Of a a group of witches called the Coven America challenged the score you Know they have these routines and the Routines have value in terms of the Degree of difficulty and the amount of You know limits the your your routine Limits the amount of points you can get In a score the harder routine the higher You could possibly score right and they Felt like the they had um underestimated Her routine that's the official story And they went complaining to the Olympics and they gave her an extra Point which put her in third place which Knocked out this girl And the other end into the Spectrum who Proceeded to walk off the stage crying Right Um So cuz she she had won the bronze and Then the Americans complained and I Don't know she's from some country That's probably like it looks like one Of these Eastern European countries that Probably hates America already you but

The whole thing the way it played out in The 666 and just all of it I mean the Olympics was from the very get-go weird And like inappropriate and demonic and Twisted and just you know forcing all This liberal agenda on it and then just Throughout the all of them all the Events it's just something off about the Whole thing right and you know like I Said the last Olympics because you know things are Going south quickly and so let's get Into the stuff with the election KLA Harris just picked an old white guy Which We which we'll get into a moment uh the Governor min inota she decided not to go With uh genocide Josh but I want Everyone to think about this right let's Say there was a meteor that was going to Hit the United or going to hit dead Center in America and bring about global Catastrophe and there is no way that we Could do anything to prevent it like we Had don't have the technology to stop The thing right and it was coming we all Knew it was coming and there was an Election and it didn't matter which Candidate you voted for because neither One was going to stop it but they were Both claiming they could right they were Both claiming not only they could stop It they could you make America somehow You know into a better place right and

That if the other person um was elected The media was definitely going to hit But both of them are lying the media is Going to hit one way or another right And so it's meaningless who you vote for Because the person who's your voting for I guess the only thing that you could Judge it on who's better to nav Navigate The country in a post medeor type of Situation and both people are showing no Evidence that they have any ability to Deal with something like that right and So it doesn't really matter the election Doesn't matter because that's what's Happening either one isn't going to Prevent the collapse and whatever's Going to happen is going to happen Regardless of who's President and really You're picking something it's a person That's presiding over this Disaster and they're going to be Probably blamed for it or what you know Like whatever happens and so neither It's just a bad situation for everyone Involved like there's absolutely zero Reason to vote because aside from these Two candidates being low lives it Doesn't you know the outcome of the Election isn't going to change a thing Right because the meter is going to hit And when it hits you know everything's Going to change and who president and Any of these things is no longer going To matter to anybody so I got a bunch of

Stuff to get to I want to get to that RFK thing with the the bear Cub but let's start here first here with Donald J Trump's so this is an interview With Donald J Trump and a guy named Aiden Ross um I'm not sure who he is he seems To be a YouTuber or Something wow shout out to Musk that's beautiful so Elon Musk Gifted either Trump or this kid a custom Cyber truck that is beautiful am I going To this kid has a doal j Trump shirt Here close the uh the door really quick Just I want to show him the Rap check out this rap and let me know Your honest thoughts I I think it's Incredible so they Commemorated this fake thing again right Um and then Trump says this I think it's Incredible it's incredible you know what They did hey uh what Google did is they Took or they let it happen see the Secret Service Agency they're angry in There they they're angry they're angry At this thing they're mad they're mad With smiles on their face right you Heard about that yeah no no that's just Terrible yeah I know but that's how easy Is manipul a little bit scary yeah it is It's very scary it's so scary that they They would be deceptive like that then They put the smiles on their faces when They weren't really smiling just like

They put blood on your ear when you Didn't really get shot right like it's Just so fake I mean this is when Trump Jumped the shark and the trumpers you Know Trump has done endless things to Let the trumpers know he's a piece of [ __ ] right he's a liar and he's Deceiving them and he can't deliver we Already know what a trump presidency Looks like cuz we had a trump Presidency but their inability to see Reality when it's just slapping them in The face right especially all these Pseudo truthers that if this happened in Joe Biden there would be questions of The legitimacy they' be talking about How fake it is and and when Trump does It and and you know he comes out with no Nothing on his ear and the bandage and All this stuff and the exaggeration and They're still pushing this [ __ ] out There right we need we need like a a System where we can quickly fact check Things and see if it's real and Authentic yeah that's what we do we need That and right now they don't have that No yeah exactly like fact check this Right here ask him about the ear and Maybe did in the interview that's a Horrible picture of trump like he looks Like a monkey There but look fact check this right Here there's nothing here there no he Did not get shot in the air it's just

Obvious should be obvious to everybody This you know the band dat gate the Ketchup gate they don't problem so um I Know we're not going to drive anywhere But I I was wondering if you wanted to Like listen to like a song here go let's Go all right cool this how you open it Up it is incred it's incredible yeah it Is I I'll get on the other Side he's got on either side right I Don't know if you can get one of these Yourself but it's this you say custom is Is it one of the kind okay Aiden so so Then um YouTube recommended this after I Watched I look for that Video check out this ra and let me know Your honest thoughts I I think it Trump's big day with Aiden Ross I'll get On the other side Oh should I show that to yeah they can See it you got a Watch got a cyber truck and a watch big Day for Trump I didn't know this now I Know it's now I know it's worth It there it Is doing the Trump dance they pulling The string The that was it the Trump dance was the Reason I show you That that's your guy that's your Guy it's Wonderful I was taking a group of people Falcony and up in K New York up in Hudson Valley and I was supposed to meet

Them there at like maybe 8 or 9 I was Driving up maybe you know really early Like s and that woman in a van in front Of me hit a bear and killed it okay so Um here he is with rosean bar who's a Nightmare right both two fake truthers That are pro-israel now I like that he's A falconer like he trains Falcons and He's you know into nature and that's one Of the things that for the brief time That I was you know looking at possibly Voting for him and supporting him he was He has some cool stuff so he does Outdoor stuff which you know some of the Stuff I do or some of the stuff that I Think are that he does is good he's a He's an Environmentalist and he's really into Nature and he's got old school skills They can train Falcons to do you know Some of these things like you I I would Never do that like I don't you know like That's rich guy whatever but he does Other things Right a young bear so I pulled over and I picked up the bear and put him in the Back of my van because I was going to Skin the bear and it was again another Good thing right cuz you know skinning Animals my daughter was trying to do This for a while she was trying to learn How to do this um and you know it's a Skill right and animals die and Sometimes you hunt animals whatever it

Is and being able to retrieve their Pelts is a good thing they're just um You know and it's allowing it's not Allowing this thing go to waste so I Don't have a problem with any of this Stuff right I think it's a good Thing was very good condition and I was Going To and put the meat my refrigerator and You can do that in New York state you Can get a bear tag for a roadkill bear And at the end I'm not sure eating bear Is the best thing and eating roadkill Now you know my brother had a story he Was in Upper state New York and the Great barington you know right close to Massachusetts and he um was you know It's really country out there and he Said there was a animal flopping around The ground and some guy stopped he was Going the other direction and my brother Stopped and the guy jumped out of the Car he hit it with a club and then threw It in his trunk and he drove by my Brother said you can get the next One you know roadkill I mean again if It's something that's freshly killed you Know and again not letting to go to I'm Not down on this but you know this Doesn't play well when you're talking About eating roadkill right like to the Dopey people the the you know sanitized Humanity Americans and so you know like I'm I'm happy this guy does this and

It's one of his you know better Qualities I mean his you know his bad Thing is his position on Israel and then His philandering and his neediness right But this story is now going south the Dinner it went late and I realized I Couldn't go home I had to go to the Airport and the bear was in my car and I Didn't want to leave the bear in the Car um cuz that would have been bad I Said let's go put the Bear in Central Park and we'll make it look like he got To by Bik Fun which is kind of funny but like this Whole story could have been kept secret Right cuz you know it's not what the Mainstream media is going to Feast on Something like this you know like road Kill bear they're going to they're going To eat this up like roadkill Bear and so he does something stupid Which is I'm pretty sure putting the Carcass in uh Central Park is not such a Good idea and he could have just thrown It I mean it could have been thrown away Cuz it's going to you know you only have A limited time to skin the bear it has To be done I think within 24 hours or Something like that and certainly you Know the meat's going bad and so um Throw thr it away put you can put in a Hefty bag and it just would be taken Care of people so everybody thought

That's a great idea so we went and did That and we thought it would be amusing For whoever found it or something um the New Yorkers somehow found out about it And They they're going to do a big article On me and that's one of the Articles so They asked me the fact Triers you know it's going to be a bad Story yeah it is Great and so it is going to be a bad Story and this guy just can't help Himself so everyone's forgotten about This guy mainstream media isn't talking About this guy at all but now they're Talking about Him so then YouTube recommended this From Jen [ __ ] okay I mean I've worked Most of my adult life in political Communications I definitely understand The strategy of getting ahead of a story Sometimes you just got to get she just Hasn't loosen up like she just hasn't Like she's not good at this I don't know How she did the press secretary I think The other girl's better at it than she Is but she's just so stiff news out but Yesterday RFK Jr proved that sometimes Maybe just keep your mouth shut I mean We already know this is a guy who has Found himself in the middle he's put Himself in the middle by the way of some Unusual controversies to put it Diplomatically like say the strange

Allegation that he once ate a dog which He says was really a goat it's a goat so You definitely can tell as a goat or Even more bizarre the claim he made that A worm ate part of his brain but Incredibly RFK Jr has now found a way to One up himself in all of those stories In a video that was apparently intended To blunt the impact of a negative news Story that had not yet come out Kennedy Casually recounts to Roseanne Bar of all People I can't explain it a wildly Bizarre incident that took place 10 Years ago The story goes like this so one day While driving to Goan New York for a fun Day of falcony with his friends guess so See they're mocking this but these are Actually good things right this is part Of the degradation you know having Skills like having skills and being able To interact with nature right like they Look at oh you you're a falcon or you're A weirdo like you supported a guy who Has Parkinson which you knew he had Parkinson's and he was the president and You covered up for him for years which Is a much worst thing right but you know Guess that's fun as one does he came Across the carcass of a black bear CB Which he says was hit by a minivan ahead Of him which he says was what do you Think he you think he killed it like you Think this is a conspiracy you

Conspiracy Theorist so what did he decide to do Well I'm going to let him take it from Here for a Moment so I pulled over and I picked up The bear and put him in the back of my And because I was going to skin the bear And it was very good condition and I was Going To and put the meat in my refrigerat and You can do that in New York City you can Get a bear tag for a roadkill Bear he was going to skin the bear okay Anyway the Dead bear carcass so I mean Again I mean these people who are just Walking zombies waiting when the pop Said they have no skills right they have Nothing and they have no ability I ities To survive these City dwelling liberal People I mean some of the liberal people Have skills but not these City dwellers Most of them and you know I mean Somebody who's a liberal would say well That's not wasting something right You're not wasting something you're not Killing a cow you know saving the I mean The amount of um you know these things That they care about right this is in His trunk so he goes on to enjoy a day With the dead par bear carcass in his Trunk he goes on to for the day of Falcony with his friends obviously and It was glorious I'm sure but he like Trying to mock this thing um but you

Know this is like just the weirdness That surrounds the kennedies then According to Kennedy he realizes he's Late for a dinner at Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn so rather than go Home he drives and you can see the map There about an hour and a half with a Dead baby bear in his trunk to Brooklyn For dinner at one of the most famous Steak houses in the country of course The dinner Goes was late as dinners often do and Kennedy says he suddenly realized that He would need to go straight to the Airport to catch a flight so for anyone Who's ever stashed a dead bear in the Trunk of their car while having dinner But needed to hop on a plane the next Steps may sound like she's trying to Mock this and you know I mean it's it's Funny that the story is not a great Story because of what how degraded People are right now if this was years Ago you know 60 years ago I don't know 100 years ago this would not be an Unusual story right people would Regularly eat roadkill and you know what You'll be eating roadkill soon every Mfers roadkill's on the Menu you'll be happy to get road kill Right you'll be fighting rats or you Know eating rats and stuff obvious Somebody asked me to get rid of it I Said let's go put the Bear in Central

Park and we'll make it look like a got By fun funny for people so everybody Thought that's a great idea so we went Did that and we thought it would be Amusic for whoever found it or Something everybody thought that's a Great idea really okay you know again You had a guy you ran a guy who had Parkinson's who was obviously enile and You did everything you could you rigged At least the Democratic party nomination Process to put this guy in there and so Putting a dead bear in Central Park is Not nearly as egregious of what you guys Have done and now you got kamla Harris Who you nominated based in um identity Politics based in her Demographics and she's a nightmare Candidate and you're going to have Trump Again haha but you know like laugh it up About about his St you know I mean who Might have questioned the decision Making on The Dumping of a bear [ __ ] Carcus after a day of falconry and find Dining at a steakhouse but of course it Turned out it wasn't such a great idea No kidding the mysterious Dead bear in Central Park ended up being a huge National news story after all wild bears Haven't been spotted in Manhattan in Centuries and here's the thing the story Kennedy was trying to get ahead of by Posting this strange video where I just Want to not one more time Rosanne bar

Randomly appears that story came out This morning and it didn't include Nearly the level of granular detail that Kennedy himself provided the bear Incident actually takes up a total of Two paragraphs in the story but they did Have a picture and if you're wondering Out there what the photo of RFK Jr and The Dead bear looks like it ex looks Exactly like what you're imagining I Think this is It's to me this is great I Don't you know I I mean The thing is that this guy just can't he Just steps in it all the time um I don't Know this might even help him because at Least they're talking about him instead Of ignoring them I mean like that so the New Yorker had this picture somehow Somebody Within These somebody who was There at the event and had access to This picture ratted him out like if one Of his friends his family because what They're so Pro commer right I mean That's a sad part why not report on how Kennedy on uh Biden wouldn't give Kennedy Secret Service protection I mean There's all these catchup based fake Shootings going on so that's that's a Big deal and also why why not talk about How they avoided Kennedy being a part of The democratic nomination the primary Process as they ran Joe Biden on opposed Only to have to put the guy out the Pasture and get stuck with kamla so I

Mean you know This is weird story and especially for These times but it's not that weird for What's coming right this has been a Weird presidential cycle with lots of Weirdness but RFK Jr has managed to Stand out and there are some not really Stand out you had a sceni guy with Parkinson at his debate and he Completely [ __ ] on Right so laugh it up [ __ ] okay so she Pi a really old white Guy um and you know I think for obvious Reasons a working class politician from A rural background Minnesota's Tim Walls Is known for not pulling punches this is Not about the Second Amendment this is About the safety of our children in our Community boom he doesn't pull punches a Self he takes guns he takes described White dude for kamla Harris the white Dude for kamla Harris he's a white dude Who likes kamla Harris governor will now Run alongside the nation's first woman Of color a top of major Pary ticket Walls grew up in smalltown Nebraska and Joined the National Guard as a teenager Boom he'd serve in the National Guard For more than two decades eventually Becoming a school teacher after moving To Minnesota he volunteered for John K's Presidential campaign and in an upset he Was elected to congress in 2006 boom This is what happened in between where

He was a school teacher then all of a Sudden he was considered a a Congressional candidate walls served in Washington for the next 12 years Establishing himself as a moderate Democrat then he ran for governor in 2018 winning in a landslide the process Of how we as a state and how we as a Nation respond to these things is really Important 2020 would bring defining Moments the covid pandemic and the Killing of George Floyd which triggered Riots and criticism from Republicans Over why it took walls 3 days to call in The National Guard decisions were made In a situation that is they're going to Feast on this so they're going to make Him a you know a defund the police guy Right is what it is and uh I'm I simply Believe that we try to do the best we Can Wall's critics also point to a state Audit report that found major failures By Minnesota's education department During the pandemic allowing rampant Misuse of a federal program meant to Feed children if you commit fraud in Minnesota you are going to be caught and You are going to go to prison still Walls has long had strong union support The president of the United Auto Workers Says he was among his top choices for so They're trying to replace this is this Is a Joe Biden like they're this guy's Similar to Joe Biden coming you know

Poor background no Malarkey type of guy Looks like he's in his 70s I mean he's Old as F it's an old white guy right Like they they say they want change in Young people and they want people of Color but they're picking an old white Guy right I mean it's just you know like it's they Talk some they say some things but they Don't really mean them it's just some Old white guy that they're getting in There and they had a chance to pick a Jewish guy and they picked an old white Guy was between a Jewish guy and an old White guy they picked the old white Guy CNN top of the hour and the breaking News breaking news is big in this it's Big news they picked an old white guy Unprecedented campaign this season the Likes of which we have never seen before We have one more major development vice President K Harris the picks an old White guy presumptive Democratic nominee Now for president of the United States Has selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walls boom be her running mate Kaboom It's stunning did anybody like check Your pulses like does anybody have a Heart attack CU this is stunning week And a half ago two weeks ago maybe seen As a dark horse now he has emerged as The choice not a dark horse an old white Guy not dark course old white guy are MJ Lee Jeff zelan John King Jamie gangel

All reporting on this MJ just saying Maybe walls a Vibes pick seen as a Midwestern happy warrior John King is Here with us in New York watching this Unfold before our it's unfolding John King eyes let's just start reset at the Top of the hour what Tim Waltz means for This ticket now it means number one the Democrats have their ticket they're About to go into their convention ition And after KLA Harris clinched the Nomination with the most unorthodox Nominating process of no votes she Received zero votes and clinch the Nomination yeah that was very unorthodox And very Undemocratic lifetime the president of United States steps aside after winning The primaries she wins a virtual voting Among the delegates and then she wants To make this decision she wants all this Cleaned up before they get to Chicago For the convention so that can all be About Prosecuting the case against Donald Trump and JD Vance and against The Republicans she was a prosecutor and She's going to prosecute that case So a very truncated process a lot of Pressure on the vice president so if the Voters out there who else is here a Clinic it's the first time a sitting Vice president has visited such a clinic And I'm told that she uh walked away Impressed by uh his demeanor how he

Carried himself and she liked him but Did not know much about him and of Course at the time he's a white guy what Else do you need to know this would have Been Unthinkable just 16 days ago uh she Was the running mate she was not looking For her own running mate so that what It's crazy now it's it's just reversed Itself is Remarkable about this but really in the Last totally remarkable it's completely Remarkable really the really remarkable And remarkable it's it's remarkable Orinary Ser I just I I just randomly Went here I didn't even plan this of Events that led us to this moment it was 16 days ago that President Joe Biden Dropped out exactly and now it's Remarkable of the 2024 race and as You've been talking about vice president Harris was able to lock up this Nomination so quickly it's incredible It's remarkable I I there's no other Word for it so much so that there was Not even at any mo any point any mo There was no any mo a blip of a real Conversation within the Democratic party About whether they should consider Anybody else other than Kamala Harris And now we have not only kamla Harris at The top of the ticket but within a Matter of days she has deliberated on And chosen the running mate of her Choice and it is now going to be she

Said that she was going to pick an an Old guy and they said what about an old White guy and she said yeah I'll do that Just like Joe Biden did and now they Have the same old ticket with Joe Biden Guy at the vice president where he Belongs and KLA Harris at the top of the Ticket where she doesn't belong it's all Just working out it's Remarkable the Harris walls ticket Running against the Trump Vance ticket Exactly those are the tickets A ticket to Hell a ticket out a bus Going straight to Hell we always end this these Conversations with the reality check That vice presidential picks rarely Alter the outcome how exactly you view This would you view this in a in a Different Prism no I this is a Do no harm pick uh You know it is interesting to me that Over the weekend Lester there was a few Progressive groups that had sort of Different campaigns against different Cand Cate she was considering there were Some Labor uh groups not happy with Mark Kelly of Arizona there were some other Groups not happy with Josh Shapiro Including John fedman the senator from Pennsylvania yeah Josh Shapiro is a um Genocide Josh you know that guy um it's Notable to me that that that perhaps may Have mattered totally matters because

That's she's so superficial look at this Dude right here look at this white old White dude here he's the guy he's just He's he's good at being an old white Dude he's 60 years old so we were both Joint boy in 1964 I look 20 years younger this Guy you know because I'm an old white Dude too I'm 10an and I don't look like This mfer so um you know um so there's That like I can't believe this guy is 60 It's just um he's a couple months older Than me we probably graduate high school The same year and he looks like he 70 so I got that going for me there was a Bunch of stuff I was about to get to I Already got to in the video you know Clip I already made but then all this Stuff came in about kamla she made this Goofy statement about being woke and I Found this old interview the whole Interview and it's great so it's Self-explanatory so I'm going to push That stuff ahead here I covered the VP a Little bit more um information is just Dropping about them and I'll cover more Of that in my next video too we got more Of that coming here the whole things Just a cluster [ __ ] it it's great um Classic Kamla so in 2017 US senator KLA Harris Said this and you know we have to stay Woke like everybody needs to be Woke and you can talk about if you're

The wokest or woker but just a more w Then less Woke and and know that your and and we All have to know our voice matters and So okay so I got this whole thing this Is a very liberal panel very feminist Panel um and kamla is at the centerpiece This is right before she'd run for President and eventually become vice President and it's classic KLA this Gaff Is going around multiple people have Sent this to me but I went and found the Whole conference and I want to show you The whole conference cuz she says a lot Of stuff here um and you know she's Trying to run away from the liberal Moniker but she can't right but more Importantly she can't run away from the Fact that she's just not likable I mean People are not predisposed to like her By the way that she behaves not just by Her things that she's done or the words That she says or her beliefs just by the Person she presents right she's one of Those those people that's just not very Likable she's offputting so I went to Check the polls you know and this is What they're saying Harris finally broke Trump he's flaing glitching running scar Running Scared Trump fans Furious over His coward decision on KLA debate that's Not true Harris says Trump's Running Scared he floats debate with new rules Moderators Harris claim Trump is Running

Scared to Fox News after backing out of ABC debate all these things right Um RNC cheris is Donald Trump afraid of Kamla Harris and that's just one of These many you know various um Storylines they're all saying that Trump Is Running Scared and they're saying This because KL Harris is going to lose Right um let's get into the vice President thing here and I'll explain More in a second we're not afraid of Weird People we we're a little bit creeped out But we're not afraid it's not about her Or her opponent really it's no matter What kind of weird stuff they keep Saying Donald Trump has been resorting To some wild lies about my record and Some of what he and his running matate Are saying well it's just plain Weird the new talking point we it's a New talking point right KLA Harris is Weird Donald Trump is also weird in Different ways but they're both weird I Mean all these politicians are weird Like they're just all weird right They're not like normal people KLA Harris is eccentric she's very you know She's she has a lot of gesture she has a Lot of body movement lot of hand Movement facial expressions the weird Cackle laugh right but they're trying to Make this guy into some Superstar let's Get into it here let's start off with

These clowns Tim Waltz he is the chair Of the Democratic governor Association And the co-chair of the DNC rules Committee which tomorrow okay so this Does not look like 60 to me this looks Like 70 right he's looks like a 70-year Old dude and he looks kind of like Joe Biden right balding I he's bald Joe Biden was covering up his Bald but like she's replaced Joe Biden With this guy who's a Joe Biden wannabe Tomorrow will set the dates for the Nominating process thanks so much for Being with us Donnie deuts is with us on Set in New York and has the first Question Donnie Governor nice to chat With you Minnesota which for decades of Course has gone uh very blue uh all the Sudden uh the Republicans think that it Could be in play that it could be a Toss-up State obviously the Democrats in Tremendous transition over left okay so I looked at the polls and kamla is Losing in all the swing States but Minnesota and either Wisconsin I don't Think it's not Wisconsin I think it's um Michigan but the rest of swing state She's getting killed in Georgia Florida Is no longer even a a swing state Trump's winning by 10 in Florida she's Losing big in Pennsylvania and losing Big in in either Wisconsin or Michigan And she's losing big in Ohio like some Of these states that used to be swing St

She's losing North Carolina I think is Even or maybe Trump's lead Trump's Leading a little bit North Carolina According to 538 which does the best Polling data out there at least it used To and so aside from that she was doing Better a week ago and so she's starting To the honeymoon is wearing off and She's being defined but the reason I say That I know she's going to lose is that It doesn't benefit them to constantly Talk about how she's gaining on Trump And she's going to pass Trump and Trump's Running Scared and they're Talking her up all the time on these you Know lame stream media shows and why Would you do that right if you're R Running for president or as a politician You don't want to give your voters the Idea that you have it in the bag you Don't want to get cocky you don't want To get arrogant you don't want your Constituents and your voters to think oh I don't even have to bother to vote he's Going to be a shuin or she's going to be A Shuan right I mean that happened with Hillary Clinton now part of it is maybe You want to dispirit and you know Depress your opponents voters so they're Like oh he's going to lose anyway I'm Not going to vote for him but the Trump Voters are going to vote like they're Voting and they don't believe in the Polls and they don't believe in the

Media so it doesn't help you to Constantly be saying how great you're Doing and so the only reason that They're saying that she's doing great Is they don't want to admit that she's Going to lose like they want to make it Sound like she's going to win like they Did with Hillary Clinton and pretend She's going to win so that the people Will go out and vote I don't know what It is right I I have no idea what the Strategy is here because like she's I Think when someone's going to be Landsliding and going to lose big they Just talk desperately like oh my God She's going to win or you know we're Really hopeful they try to stay positive In the face of reality right and not That I'm saying I want Trump because I Don't they're handpicking Trump and you Trumper should be scared as [ __ ] about That because they're handpicking him for A reason I mean as of right now unless There's some October surprise I don't Think they get much out of a KLA Harris Presidency but they get a lot out of Trump's and they they're not handpicking Trump so he's going to make America Great again because he can't they we're At we're dead ass broke there's only one Solution Depopulation and collapse the economy And redefine your life and your Privileges and they're going to be doing

That under Trump and he's going to be The Fall Guy the py for them like he was Before with Co and if you don't see it You don't see it's not my problem all Right back to the breaking news you're Looking at some Live pictur tech Supporters K Harris Tim is a battle Tested leader with Incredible track Record right now at Minnesota Governor Tim walls' home there uh in Minnesota Apparently it is a a house used by the University of Minnesota and uh the Governor has been staying there while The governor's mansion we're told has Been under Renovations and so that's not A good sign uh you're looking at some Pictures Rats do you have rats in the government Manion right now of that of that house And we're waiting to see you can see all Those SUVs that's usually a pretty good Sign uh that something is a foot and We're waiting to see if uh the Minnesota Governor and the Vice Presidential Nominee uh if we can call them that at This point uh comes out at any moment so We keeping an eye on all of that but After weeks of speculation KLA Harris Has picked her running mate she texted Her supporters we should note in just The last several minutes that she has Picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walls Let's bring in CNN senior political Commentator van Jones uh van what do you

Think Hey listen man uh this guy comes Out of nowhere to comes out of nowhere Ago nobody even knew his name and he he Lit up the Grassroots he lit up the Internet he he yeah I never heard of him Like this is like today is the first day I've hear him I heard of about Josh Shapiro I saw Josh Shiro a lot they Wanted Josh Shapiro but when your Nickname is genocide Josh that guy just Screws you over right the first person To come out and Define Donald Trump as Weird boom that was crazy remember that That was funny he said Donald he's weird Suddenly people had a way to talk about Him we oh he's he's a fascist he's a Dictator we were actually giving him More power this guy punctured the Donald Trump balloon and and and comes out Nowhere the ultimate punctured is Balloon Dark Horse candidate so he's not A Darkhorse candidate he's an old white Guy it ex from Minnesota the honeymoon uh a lot of People are excited but it's not all one Way you do have the other side of this Thing which is first of all what worries Me is you see a lot of relief from the Conservatives they were scared of Josh Shapira the concer they were scared of a Mark Kelly they thought yeah okay scared In the sense that they think their shoin For a big landside and they don't want To have something [ __ ] it up right like

Right now they're sitting pretty and Whenever you're sitting pretty as a Politician you start to worry right you Know they they're always worried they're Control freaks that would help Define KLA more to the to the middle you see a Lot of rejoicing on the right that's not Good also you've got some dis quiet in The Jewish Community some people had Their hopes up maybe you're going to get Another shot at a Jewish vice president We haven't had that for two decades yeah You've lost a Jewish vote anyway because They love Trump and Trump's going to Give them everything Israel everything They want and you know there Wall Street Is big on I mean there's a lot of things That Trump has going for him you've lost A Jewish vote and now that gets pulled Away is it just because he's a moderate Or is there some anti-jewish bias here So the party is still digesting this I Think if you're a young a Muslim or Young Arab or someone who's concerned About Gaza it gives you a reason to stay Excited excited about KLA because that Was they're not excited about KLA they They might think that KLA is slightly Better than Trump going to be hard for The party to digest so you've got a Party now trying to figure out is this Good is this bad what does it mean for Uh the young people they stay excited But the most important thing I can say

Is only in America can somebody who Nobody literally heard of two weeks ago Be on his way to being possibly the vice President of the United States it's the Craziest thing I ever heard Sarah pelen This is she he's Sarah Palin remember Nobody heard of Sarah pelen and there Was unbelievable excitement about Sarah Pen and then she scrapped the bed so There was Sarah pelen plus she's he's an Old white guy like he was this excited About an old white guy right a moderate Old white guy from Minnesota you're You're that excited like he's a safe Pick like I showed you before but more Importantly like she's just not Electable and he's not going to changed That right the thing about KLA Harris is What we'll go through this whole thing Here I'll show you a big segment of this Thing it's called Recode recodes this is a part of Vox and Covers and explains how our digital World is Changing um Lauren pal who is um Lauren Pal jobs is Steve Jobs Widow she's here With KLA she's here with KLA Harris We'll see them in a moment um but KLA Harris is just off-putting you know if You're going to be somebody who's going To break a barrier like Brock Obama had Charisma and he had a likability factor Now as Republicans or whatever you want Might be you're like no we hate him well

He was likable to moderates and to Democrats right commin Harris never was The Democrats took a look at her and Rejected her right she was up pulling at 12% they were pushing her then the Democrats got a good look at her and and Only 1% of them were willing to vote for Her in the primary she had to quit Because she's not somebody they looked At as being a possible president now Because of their hatred towards Trump or Whatever they're rearranging reality They might vote for her now just because Like they're Democrats and they have This is their only choice but you know But that doesn't make her electable Right because she's just annoying like She's just and I'm not talking about her Policies or her what she believes fact She's a Democrat or liberal I'm talking About just who she is as a person right Is it like being there right now how do You feel yeah um you know one of the Things that captures it is Um so my husband and I we have a seven No she just turned 18 this weekend 18-year-old graduating high school and Um she asked you don't have that you she You're a co-parent like that's obnoxious Right like you didn't raise that girl You you know like she had just been um She'd only been married to the guy for a Little bit of time so she got married About this time in 2014 right so this

Was May 31st 2017 so a little bit less than three Years you a little bit over the two Years she'd been married she didn't Raise that girl the girl was 15 when KLA Came into her life right or 16 or Whatever it was and so like that's Obnoxious to pretend like her saying That that her and her husband listen to That again Right is Um so my husband and I we have a seven No she just turned 18 this weekend 18-year-old graduating high school and Um she asked me to come and speak to her Class and I did and one of these smart Seniors um asked me what are we going to Do about a divided America Mhm and I looked at her and I thought For a moment and I and I said um I Actually reject the premise I don't Believe we are a divided America now what she's saying is [ __ ] Up but like her just the ways that she Comes across like if you were talking to This person at a party or somewhere and You know she'd be over there in the Corner and like I don't go to parties But you just whatever like she'd be over In the corner being loud and laughing She probably I think she's uh I think She likes to drink or something I maybe She's on some sort of pain medic a like Something's off with her where she

Doesn't have the ability to Self-perceive but if you talk to this Person you can say this about pretty Much every politician but she's one of The worst you'd be looking for a way to Get out of the conversation and walk Away from them she has like an energy That she gives off that repels you right Like there's just something disquieting About her something unlikable something Like ick you know something that makes You feel like bad when you listen to Her Like She's she whatever's going on Internally this is what I talk about in Terms of the meditation that I do you Know that people have an energy that They exude and you're around people some People you're around them you feel calm You feel good some people make you laugh Some people make you feel happy you know There's positive people and then there's People that just are repulsive Energetically like despite what they're Saying and the words they're saying they Might totally agree with you you just Don't want to be around you you breathe As soon as the person walks out of the Room you sigh like you're like oh my God It's like something has been lifted from You like something you know bad like a Splinter has just been taken out or Something right like she's just like Icky in that way and the longer that she Runs for president the more people are

Going to realize this and so they're not Going to vote for her they're not going To want her to win and Donald Trump is As sucky as he is he's more likable than She is to lots of people and it's Unfortunate because you know not that She would make a good president but They're using Donald Trump to You know to take down the rest what's Left of the country and that'll become Self-evident when he's when they put him In the office I mean that's what it Appears to be right Now and I'll tell you why when the vast Majority of people wake up at 3:00 in The morning with that thought that is Rattling us with that thing that is Worrying us when we wake up at a cold Sweat worrying about that thing at 3:00 In the morning we are wait do you do That a Lot never think about that thing through The lenss of being a Democrat or a Republican and for the vast majority of People when we are okay so this 2017 so you're not worried about Donald Trump like that because you know Michelle Obama said she woke up in the Middle of the night wor that people Aren't going to vote and Donald Trump Would be reelected thinking that thought At 3:00 in the morning usually has to do With one of just a very few things our Personal health the health of our

Children the health of our parents can We get it job can we keep a job can we Pay the bills by the end of the month Can we retire with dignity the for the Vast majority of people yeah also House Of Cards how upsetting it is but go Ahead but but you know and and that if You House of Cards this is before Kevin spy got um me Tooed have the time to watch car and you Can actually afford cable okay fine Right no really okay I know you're she's So she's so compassionate to the poor People so so the point is that the vast Majority of people have so much more in Common than what separates us and you Know so let's just think of it in the Context of universal values and Universal truths and I think that what Has happened in Washington DC over the See this is her intellectual these are The kind of way people talk these are Her people here you know these are People consider themselves intellectuals Consider themselves academics right People who work with smart people Educated people and there's just a lot Of Pretentiousness and a lot of like you Know sitting in a coffee shop and Pontificating about stuff that has no Real practical value right the years is We have accepted this premise that is a False premise that we are a divided

Country yeah how'd that play out she's a Real noad Doist and the only way that I think We're going to come out of this is to Acknowledge that there are these Universal truths and to acknowledge that The vast majority of us have so much More in common than what separates us Well the majority of people don't like You that could be something right so Many Bond people together right like 1% Of Democrats like you and we can just go Back to one of the first questions you Asked the the parents of those dreamers Have the same dreams for those children Those kids that any other parent has and We've got to get away from seeing so Many issues that are core issues that Are fundamental issues um through the Lens of of party affiliation or ideology So think about what she saying now that You're fighting for the soul of the the Nation and the Donald Trump voters and The magga Republicans are ruining the The you know the nation all these things Right this is what she's talking about The Insurrection all the things that you Know the so-called Insurrection I mean This is what she's her campaigning on Joe Biden campaign on fighting for the Soul of the nation because you can't let The other side get a hold of it so what You're saying here is a completely Flip-flop from her other position right

When in fact there are just some issues That are not even bipartisan they're Nonpartisan the problem with Washington I think is that some people have been You know we we have as a country perhaps Accepted a false premise which is that There are partisan issues and there are Democrats priorities and Republicans Priorities instead of Cor priorities and I will tell you in my yeah that's so so This is this is the old comma right You're a completely different person in Your beliefs about these things but it's Just the tone of her voice everything Else it's not what you're saying you Know and what you're saying is effed up Because it's not like you know act it's Not what was I mean this was 2017 right after the Donald Trump Hillary Clinton election and people were Like not accepting Donald Trump as their President president celebrities were Threatening to move out of the country [ __ ] like that was going on and you know It just got more and more divisive I Relationships and interactions and I'm Making a very very serious and I think Productive effort to work across the Aisle on just that point when I'm Sitting down with someone who is you Lindsay Graham no way look at her look At her Look he's a funny guy he's a great guy Great you know ostensibly what would I

Have in common with him what would he Have in common with me we get on are you Both Indian or are you both like men are You both are men like so well and agree On so many points and so I'm optimistic I'm not I mean I'm a realist but I'm Optimistic that the you know the cliche About Washington DC is actually Something that we can get Beyond but It's going to take a lot of work it's Going to take some work I get your Emails and they're pretty mad I get Comm Herit emails all the time and they're Like we got to win back the house we got To win this back and Clinton the sen SEC Yeah well we do when you have a House of Representatives that is trying to kill The Affordable Care Act which is going To result in no way what's happening Let's move forward here a little Bit leave Grandma's medical marijuana Alone that she later got rolled by Tulsi Gabard for lacking up black people for Using Pot so so what are you going to do about That else is laughing right she's giving You a mercy smile how are you going to What did the Democrats do I think one Thing is we just have to speak truth we Have to be you got speak truth she's so Good she's a just a truthsayer if you Know some people say to me a lot of People ask me KLA what can I do what can We do does it matter and it does matter

The reason the Affordable Care Act the First time they tried to get it out of The house it failed was because people Were speaking up and saying don't play Politics with public health MH same on In terms of what what's happening around You know what we're doing around Immigration what we're doing you know People speaking imigration like that's Like these are all things that later was It's like going back in a time machine And she's talking about things that are Later going to bite her in the ass right Up and so even though they've not Committed to keeping DACA in place They've not done away with it yet we Have to stay active and you know we have To stay woke like every everybody needs To be Woke and you can talk about if you're The wokest or woker but just a more woke Than less woke whatever and she's often Laughing like neither of these two People are laughing right like she's Laughing the audience isn't laughing Right she's the only one laughing and It's not good to be the only one Laughing right unless you like laughing At everybody else and you know and You're not like you can do it in a way That they're not going to try to kill You Yeah but like she's saying this stuff And it's not funny and she has that

Cackle and this is weird right this is What you know they call it Trump weird But she just has this unlikable Characteristic and you can't do anything With that right I mean there has to be Some likability factor or just be Neutral like you could be a neutral Person where Joe Biden was maybe more of A neutral person of course he was like You know a Walking Corpse but you can be Neutral but you can't be really Unlikable like it just doesn't work and Know that your and and we all have to Know our voice matters and so you know It's not just whistling in the wind it Does matter and maybe the one of the Many Silver Linings whatever you believe Whoever you support it's good for our Democracy when people feel engaged and They feel passionate however you feel Again whoever you vote for yeah that's Not what she saying now right completely Changed her tune but it's the unlikable Thing it's just something there and I Known this about it because I watched The Democratic primary she was the most Unlikable candidate there and it became Very obvious when they pushed her up to 12 points and there she was on the rise And she had the backing of the Establishment and she cratered because The Democratic voters said we don't like Her we can't stand her and they just got A good dose of her that's happening now

Already the more you hear her voice the More you see her the more she presents Herself the more the people just like She's just off-putting you know in a Different way than Hillary Clinton but The same factor and that means people Aren't going to embracer when they Already where they already left Joe Biden behind and then getting Joe Biden You know they wouldn't have to go after An old white guy if they were doing well Right they wouldn't put an old white guy In as their vice president cidy if they If they were doing well they could you Know this whole message of Multiculturalism and these things that They're pushing was resonating with the American voters they wouldn't have to go To an old white guy for support right Okay so this is comedy gold here we'll Wrap this video up here um Kamala Looking very confident very look at that Right I mean uh I think she's younger Than me I mean it's just um like there's Some stuff going on there but anyways You know her political career could be 3 Months for being over because you know I Don't know if you go back to being a Senator after this right you've been a Vice president and you know if you lose To Donald Trump you're done like there's No you don't get a second chance you Don't get a doover you don't probably Even be a I don't know what you would

You know your career is going in South After this I mean maybe you get some Corporate job I don't know if people you Know she's not really likeed she doesn't Have a fan base I mean she's not going To be homeless but you know she's going To be I mean she's going to be done After this right they disappear like What's happened to Sarah Palin right you Know like is she on the national stage Anymore I mean is she you know she had To quit being Governor I don't even know What's going on with her right reality TV I mean what's left for you like and So she's pretty close to being um not That I'm you know I'm I'm glad for that But I know it's going to happen when Trump gets elected again and it's not Good but anyways we can enjoy this part At Least hi hey who the half is this Calling me at 3 o'clock in the afternoon This is completely unexpected I just Have to be sitting here with my phone by The window I'm not ready for this at all I don't know what's going to happen here I have no idea what's happening hi this Is Tim this is Tim hey this is Tim That's how I answer the phone I don't Have any kind of uh indication on this Phone of who this could be like it Didn't say you know KLA Harris is Calling like it does for rest of I don't Have call caller ID or anything I don't

Have your number my phone so I don't Know it's a random number calling out of Washington DC I wonder who this could be And I wonder what this is about it's Cona Harris good morning Governor good Morning Madam vice President a big smile listen I want you To do this with me wait wait a minute K I'm a married man what are you talking About we all know about kin Kneads Harris let's let's do this together Would you be my running mate and let's Get this thing on the road Rudolph with Your nose so bright will you help me Guide my sleigh Tonight this is like the goofiest thing Ever you know I would be honored Madam Vice president uh the joy that as long As I'm the president you're the vice President you're bringing back to the Country the enthusiasm that's out there Uh it'll be a privilege to take this With you across the country the only Problem is I've just been diagnosed with Parkinson You know I'm not a big person who I I'm Very casual I you know I'm right now Basically working at my pajamas and it's Like 4:00 in the afternoon and so I I Don't own a suit and I don't like ties And think they're stupid and so I don't You know when fedman was being Criticized for not I don't care about That right but here's this guy he knows

A Call's coming right and he's wearing a Camo hat because he's trying to be I Don't me middle of the road or wherever He is um you know like you could have Done better here well let me tell you I Have just the utmost respect for you I Have really enjoyed our work together Okay what do you guys done together you Understand our country he totally does He gets he gets it you have dedicated Yourself you know this whole video is a Minute and six seconds we're we're only 39 seconds in a little bit more than Halfway and I'm like my God when is this Thing going to End and I'm enjoying the comedy aspect Of it I mean a minute and six seconds is A long time to listen to Cava to our Country in in so many different in Beautiful ways and we're going to do This we're going to win and okay you Know um don't don't get too hopeful There CA we're going to unify our Country and remind everyone that we are Fighting for the future for everyone Okay yeah you to tell them so let's get Out there and get this done okay let's Do it do the work in front of us let's Win this thing let's win this thing That's right all right that's right Buddy I'll see you soon take care okay Pal thank you okay yeah bye bye-bye Harris walls Harris Walls I mean um he's got a small little

Name There looks weird um but how the Republicans respond here so remember van Jones was saying that the Republicans Breathe a sigh of relief Because they were worried that they were Going to pick more of a Centrist in Middle of the road person ker cave Trump And his alleys cast The Walls pick as a Liberal Overload um it was more of a safe pick Right and you know this is not going to Be about any of that because uh Obviously uh the big news of the day is That Tim Waltz has been nomin why you Wearing eyeliner bro why the [ __ ] are You wearing eyeliner so this is a guy You know who's supposed to be Ex-military tough guy pulled himself up By Bor into difficult circumstances Wrote some book about it and ended up Being a republican you know icon or Whatever it is right didn't like Trump At first but now was won over by the Maga people and the Maga people are not People who are you know these supposed To be these tough Republican Men's men Whatever it is and aren't in favor of Men wear an eyeliner right and yet he's Doing it and nobody's calling it out Because it's really effed up it's weird As F nominated as the VP or is is now The presumptive you going to Rocky hor Picture show after this thing what

What's this all about Nomine I should Say for KLA Harris my view on it is it Just highlights how radical Kay Harris Is this is a person who listened to the Hamas wi of her own party and selecting A nominee this is a guy who's proposed Shipping more manufacturing yeah but Dude you're you're putting on eyeliner Like like and I always am amazed that Eyeliner cuz you know nobody likes Something near their eye right and it's A weird thing that happens I mean even The fake eyelashes and all that stuff With the eyeliner just weird he go does This every day jobs to China who wants To make the American people more reliant On you know I said that he how he look Sort of like a woman to man like he was Born a woman in transition like he's He's there's some something of f Feminine about him I said that right off The bat when I first saw him and just You can see it here and like they're Just completely duping the Republicans Garbage energy instead of good American Energy and has proposed defunding the Police just as comma Harris does uh I Think it's interesting actually they They make an interesting tag team Because yeah you got the eyeliner and Trump has an imaginary bullet wounded Zer between the two of you guys of Course Tim Waltz allowed riers to burn Down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020

And then the few who got caught kamla Harris helped bail them out of jail so Boom it is more instructive for what it Says about kamla Harris that she doesn't Care about the Border she doesn't care About crime she doesn't care about American Energy and most importantly she Doesn't care about the Americans who Have been made to suffer under those Policies so you're not a fan is that What you're saying you're not a fan Eyeliner boy and so um this is a really Messed up you know race okay so it's Wednesday August 7th I'm going to get This video up today I'm not sure I'm Going to make it public till today or Tomorrow but I have some comments from The you know stuff about religion and Christianity and things Of course I would you know so I want to Cover some of those comments but this Was a part uh the part you just saw came After this part here when I was Recording the Segments um but I you know it's I got Sent the the clip of kamla and her her Woke Gaff and then I you know found all This stuff and then the these other Things came out but let's get back to This part with Trumps she's a radical left person who Destroyed San Francisco and she'll Destroy the country just like she did California and San Franc they just um

They're not getting his they're not Sinking up F Forbes is just not doing a Good job here Frisco she was the leader Of that pack that destroyed San Francisco it's not only Gavin nusum Gavin nusum K boom Gavin Nkum he's another Beauty oh we're doing Great like I I don't know if Trump Actually just pick it his own um that's A pretty good nickname Gavin nusum I'm Sure he's getting some support with his Nickname game but you know um like this Is the candidate like it used to be Funny what used to do this is a little Bit funny now but this used to be great About Trump when he did stuff like this Because it was so Unpresidential but now you know like After this fake thing he did with his Ear and operation warp speed this the Last four years he's just been a Freaking disgrace Slovakian Olympic Slimmer collapses after women's 200 Meter individual medley you know I've Been this is what I would have covered On my other channel I have a video up There that's unlisted I'm just waiting For the opportunity to to um you know to Get it uh to put it up because I just in Terms of just too much content right and Fighting against my own channel my other Channel here um Bulgarian fighter Strokes controversy with jester after Loss to Olympian who failed gender test

So that Happened um Google loses antitrust case Over Google Search judge has just ruled against Google in a massive antitrust lawsuit That suit involves its Core Business Online searches NBC News business and Data correspondent Brian Chung is here To help unpack all of this Brian this is A big win for Regulators right because They have been Brian Chung trying to to Argue that there was a monopoly here at Google yeah and by the way we're still Pouring over this 286 page document from The uh District don't be evil of Columbia uh really this is a massive Anti-Trust ruling that the judge in this Case is turning onto the Sherman Act This is basically an Anti-Trust law uh That we've heard in the context of a big Landmark case against Microsoft in 2001 Now being used against Google here and This judge found that there were Basically two areas where Google uh was Basically this is um we'll see engaging In antitrust search and text advertising That they basically control the Monopoly They set it for the search engine they Were basically coercing companies into Making Google the default search engine And not giving them much choice to go Elsewhere simply because of the massive Scale that they have on advertising Dollars and on text advertising they

Pointed to a pretty jarring stat that in 2020 its market share in that market was 88% so you have uh meta the judge saying Quote Google is a monopolis and is acted As one to maintain its Monopoly this is A huge win for the 38 States and Territories that were on this suit what Happens next we don't know could there Be in so you know this is going to hurt There I mean they've gamed the search Engines which I've talked about you know When you used to search for something Truth or related and anything you know But truth or related particularly and in The sidebar where they would recommend Videos I used to get truther stuff all The time back when I watched truther Stuff so this is going back 10 years ago And they promoted truther stuff but more Importantly When you search for something they give You what you searched for right and you Know I've talked about this extensively So now when you search for something They say F you you don't want that you Want this and they recommend something You don't want so you search for truth Or and I showed everybody when I made These original videos when I had these Talks with the Bots and I said these Things to the Bots as well that when you Search for something it reveals Google Says no what you want because they spy On you and they everyone you know they

All know what you're looking for but They don't give you what you're looking For which is the opposite of how search Engine supposed to work and the other Search engines actually aren't much Better because they're getting a lot of Their whatever they're getting from De From from Google and so you're not able To find things anymore which means Google search and YouTube which is also Just a big search engine looking for Videos and content is you know doing the Same thing and they recommend crap like CNN and MSNBC when you want truther Stuff or an if you search truther or Conspiracy theory it's stuff debunking It you can't find it anymore right you Guys understand this because you've Experienced it Junctions could there be Criminal fines potentially we'll have to See but the stock is down uh almost 4 And a half% on a day that's already been Pretty bad we're talking at the top of The hour about how bad this day is Already on this in the stock market um So essentially this means the judge is Saying Google went to other companies Like other phone companies and and made Deals that they were going to use the Google search yeah well I mean you know When you think about uh on all the Devices that we have if you're on a Mac If you're on a browser if you're I mean It's it's the software as well in many

Cases Google is the default browser They're you know this is exactly what Microsoft did with their browser right That the way that they made themselves a Default browser through some of these Deals and agreements uh is antitrust and Has Google said anything to this point Google has not responded we did reach Out to a request for comment they Haven't said anything so yeah because They' been caughty and evil doing the Same sh Microsoft did far but we'll have To see and we'll be uh keeping our ear To is it too soon to ask if this changes How we I mean we use Google as a verb Brian is going to change how we search Well I mean you know you would imagine That Google's defense to this would be Well maybe our market share is so large Because we're just the best search Engine and we offer the best text ads That are out and they have argued that But your search engine sucks Google you Suck like your search engine sucks I try To use other search engines and they're The result are very similar because Google is you know the the other search Engines are basing their [ __ ] off off of Google and so they've you know they've They've done the opposite of what a Search engine supposed to do and not Help you find what you're looking for And these you know these bots in these Things are you know even worse right and

So when you search for something truth Related and you know so many people want Truth or videos at least onethird of the Population wants some form of Alternative media and Google's saying [ __ ] you you can't have that We know what you're looking for we're Not giving it to you because we know What's better for better for you than You do like you're not my dad Google That's what I said in the video you're Not my father you're not my freaking Parents you're not my you know God or Whatever it is you're not my Elder You're not my teacher you're a [ __ ] Search engine I'm looking for something I want to find what I'm looking for not What you think I'm looking for what you Wish I was looking for right like it's Arrogant and it's you know you suck and It's evil right but again this judge Didn't seem to agree with that the real Big question here Kate is what can be Done about this right Google is already A massive company among other Tech Giants what can be done here we don't Know we'll have to yeah they'll give him A you know a m you know like a a nominal Fine and they'll keep on doing this Stuff just like everybody else after I Liberate the Jewish people I will go to Africa to help Liberate the black people What did he say Video footage of Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu talking about Israel's goals for Africa in a press Conference in Uganda has many on the Continent speculating what those plans And goals are yeah he's going to they're Going to try to monetize Africa like you Know like he ain't going to help you Just like he's liberating the Palestinian people very very strange Tom Foolery like uh do you know about this New Co yes I do what new Co there's a New Co um someone that works for me just Had and they were kept in hospital in a Plastic [ __ ] room with the Z zipped Up door and the director of the hospital Came in And and said yes you have this new Strain of covid we don't understand it Yet and it's giving people strep it's Got like strep attached to it and Strep throat so it and so she had okay So somebody um you know somebody in my Life um got Co and you know my wife's Family and I mean got strep throat and I Was saying the streps throat seems like It has covid like it just wouldn't go Away it lasted for like three weeks There's about a month or so ago and so Hopefully my wife and I have antibi Immunity to it now Um maybe from you know whatever like my I've been taking all these supplements And I'm in better physical shape but I Was saying this doesn't seem like normal

Strep throat right and it turns out now Like I'm like is maybe this they have Some kind of new CO as you know part of This Co debacle that has strep related To it and you know it will probably kill A lot of older people because it's uh You know it's uh I mean it's uh a nasty Version of strep throat right and um We'll see what happens but again I don't Know this is the Osborne's but you know I know this to be true to some extent Because I had these very thoughts when I Was like you know when someone gets Strepped thr for like three weeks it Just really kicks their ass you're like Well that seems a little bit extensive a Little bit you Know especially with all the co like CO's just it's it's a whole thing of It's a biological weapon that seems to Be you know mutating a very fast rate And I think their goal is to wipe out as Many old people as possible you know That didn't work with the First Co but Now we'll see Um so then there's this this is a girl I Believe in Thailand and the monkeys are So bad she's armed herself so she could Get her lunch she they W take her lunch Right like this this kind of stuff I Used to cover you know animals I Realized people are bonus holes this Girl's not being a bonus hole here she's Showing up with a you know she's got

This thing um I don't believe this is a Real I think it's a airsoft so it's some Kind of pellet gun or something but Either way monkeys Bew okay um let's get into the comments Here so um I made a video entitled American e to declare bankruptcy old KLA Vids why Jojo M what is JoJo magu up to Jojo magu sightings and I talked about Christianity and religion and things in Ways probably most of you haven't heard Before at least some of it right and I Got a number of comments not that many Because you know you know this doesn't Help my channel like saying things that Um challenge people's religious beliefs And going against Donald Trump and those People I mean there's a a massive Christian and right-wing Donald Trump Contingent out there right where I could Tap into them if I just told them what They wanted to hear but that's not what I do here right so people should at Least appreciate that but this person Says sorry but all you did was take Jesus's teachings and then try to change Something and claim it as your own you All bite from Jesus's apple and prosper From his sacrifice yet you try to claim All his glory now that's not anything Resem I like what are you listening to You know like it's all kind of you know The stuff that I say here that's my own Whatever it is is you know is original

To what I say but a lot of it is based In the sa Mark teachings and system a Lot of my spiritual stuff certainly all My spiritual stuff has its roots in that And my training and understanding and The teachings and and anything that I Get it from the etheric aspect of Meditation and that's like flowing Through is a part of that so so that's Where my stuff is sourced right which I Give credit to but in terms of him Saying this you know Jesus went to India There's an overwhelming amount of Evidence and you know they there's just You know that that just happened right So there's this thing called um the Unknown Jesus years his called The Silent years or Lost Years or Missing Years generally refers to the period of Jesus's life between his childhood and The begin of his mystery Ministry I'm Sorry a period not described in the New Testament so in the Bible there is a Segment of Jesus's life they talk about His childhood and there's stories from His childhood and then at some point he Disappeared you know he he went Somewhere because he was he went on a Journey I mean why would they not have a Consistent story of his life did Jesus Not talk about his years from his Childhood this is from his being 12 to 29 so this is a significant time period Right 29 is when I started the S Mar

Meditation which is kind of interesting But he you know which is a big thing When you turn 28 it's a whole different Phase in your life it's your you know Every seven years your body renews Itself it's also the return of Saturn You know the planet Saturn goes around Is uh the orbit of whatever that is is Every seven years um and So uh but anyways you know why would They leave that out you think Jesus Didn't talk to his disciples about what Happened between the time he was 12 and 29 he was receiving spiritual training From somewhere Jesus had spiritual Training he just didn't get it through His inner communion with God everybody Has spiritual training every saint every Spiritual person you know you're a young Person and you're a young dope like Everyone's a young dope at some point You know you're just Dopey when you're Young and you need training and some of That training has to come through a Person like some sort of uh spiritual You know Guru and these people some you Know spiritual Saint or something right You need a coach you you need spiritual Training like Spirituality uh the internal world the Internal universe and navigating your Internal Universe it's the most vast you Know again it happens on an etheric Level

And it's filled with all kinds of Different um things that you can get Caught up in it there's pleasure centers There's you know centers that make you Feel good your spiritual points in your System that when you it's easy to get Stuck there right because you just feel Happy you feel good you feel content It's easy to get stuck in a spiritual You know sort of uh you know like a a Mirage or an oasis in your internal System and then there's other things to Navigate through that you don't have the The really uh I mean your brain is part Of it but your mind is part of it but Your senses and other things and the Material reality is easy to navigate Through like you know going on a trip Right you got to get from one point to Another but going in your internal world Is much more difficult to Navigate because it's a you know it's Etheric right it's energetic and so you Need a external teaching you need a External guide gurus and Jesus had that Like Jesus learned some form of yoga When he was in India and he came back And taught it to people and I'm sure That Jesus gave credit to where credit Was due but what would what would the Christian religion look like if Jesus Said that he went to India for training That he got spiritual training from India would it look like you know and

What would it do to the story of him Being the only son of God and the only Way to get to heaven was through him And so he they edited that out Jesus you Know was open about it you know they did A lot of editing to Jesus's life they Edited out 12 year uh uh 17 years of his Life right you know they took out 17 Years of his life just disappeared Jesus Went somewhere and did something so from The time he was 12 to the time he was 29 Something happened where he became a Spiritual guide and Guru and a saint and He came back to these people and area Like he disappeared or wherever it was And it was India like it just was and so They're not that far apart at least it's A doable Journey it said the three wise Men who came to Jesus when it was a baby Were from India and that he went there To you know whatever there was some Connection there right so whatever it is But India is just a great place for Spiritual people I've said this before You know I have my issues with India I Didn't really like it at first when I First went there you you know it's kind Of a pit materially I mean I can't say I Disliked it but it was uncomfortable uh But as you know that one time I spent Three years there the last time the Second to last time I went there I just Really loved India like I just loved it And I saw the benefit of it but mostly

Because I was there at the ashro areas To do a S Mar where the meditations are Great and the energy is great but it's Just a place with the longest history of Relationship to Divinity and and it's um You know there's no place like it and Again it's a material pit and there's Lots of problems with India and the Corruption and the culture I mean There's you know it's a mess right now But it's like bones it's the fabric of Its you know its Essence is really Conducive to peace and you know people Have just gone there and had spiritual Experiences that they haven't had other Places and so a lot of saints in fact All spiritual people have some Connection with that part of the world And Jesus was one of them so he was Trained by people but they edited that Out because they didn't want you doing Yoga right what Jesus teaches is a form Of yoga that exists in you know ancient India and so it isn't original to him And he I'm sure he didn't claim it was Original to him but the people who Wanted to make him God's only son and Make that path the only path changed it It edited so um this person's comment is Like completely wrong and kind of silly Uh the next person says Simone B biles Is a biological dude like Mike fits Right in the Olympics well she's like 5'2 you know my channel originally

Popped I'm going to go back to the Jesus Comments in a moment but my channel Originally popped uh because of um the Uh the video I did about Michelle Obama Possibly being a dude I watched a video Of people presenting you know the Evidence that I thought thought it was Kind of goofy so I decided to look into Myself and I'm like you know I wasn't Making those kind of videos then but After after I did my own research on it I'm like well I have enough information Here to make a video so I made a video And the thing got 2 million views like It went viral and that's how my channel Took off originally right and so I was One of the first people that and then I Had the second follow of video where I Showed that A-list actors all had to put On dresses like all of them like pretty Much every mlist actor because Dave Chapella said that was just black actors But it was really all these A-list Actors had to put on the dress they got John Wayne like like it was amazing how Many of these guys had to do that right It was like a right of passage and so I Did a whole bunch of stuff that's now Called the the tea investigation stuff You know it's a dude but at some point The QB's got a hold of it and it went South and now it's just a mess and There's you know possibly truth in it And I make jokes about it I keep it

Light and of course there's this Movement but the QB's and the right-wing Truthers wrecked it and you know now It's just like everybody's a dude and You just like with no evidence there's a Guy who made con content he'd go it's a Man it's a dude it's a man like that's What he would do like his whole videos No show no evidence right the whole Isaac Cappy thing he was another one you Know these are poor quality videos that Hurt the truth Community you got to Realize when people are hurting your Case or or you know making a case right And it's or whether something's going to Be used against you as a community or as An Individual and that stuff is just it's Jumped a shark you like you wrecked it You know you wrecked it with your Stupidity and it happens all the time Where there's legitimate questions being Asked in good Quality uh videos either investigative Journalistic type things are you know Just insightful people but people who Are subtle and you have some humility And realize that it's not black and White it's impossible to prove a lot of These things and so when you just Announce shimone biles as a man you know It's possible but very unlikely cuz She's like 52 and you know I mean she could be

Genetically modified I talked about that Like Michael Phelps was built as the Perfect swimmer almost like he had been Genetically modified his body is he's Got a weird body type You know long torso short legs giant Feet and hands and then his um like his Body produces half the lactic acid so He's he can go farther when he swims Without having that reaction of his you Know when you have a lactic acid build Up I mean he gets he has half of that Like why how's that even possible with His other attributes right and so yeah Maybe he's a genetically modified person We don't know like you know who's to say You know like the evidence is there it's Possibility because it's just you know He's an Anomaly and that technology exists and So yeah was it is it a slam dunk no like Don't announce it like it's reality just Because you think so and that's always Hurt people that's people in the truth Community here's another one that's just Like that this is a a wonderful comment Um I got to make it bigger here so uh a Um bankruptcy America sugar bankruptcy Old commo vs what is JoJo MCU up to and So this person writes this all the green Screen evidence all the times people are Filming biting up close it looks like a Rubber mask and they can add in all the Videos with weird after effects and

Shadows that look off then add in the Videos that where he waits till the World media is pointing a camera at him And he starts sniffing everyone around Him then you adding the fact that it's Going on for years and you still think Biden's a real dude haha I did videos About him wearing a mask years ago I'm Banned off this site but I could still Use YouTube but I choose not to damn What's the name of that video I did I Can't think of it right now but it's on Bito real Joe Biden has probably dead Years FF last time I see him was like 6'2 the dude is Growing um you know that's possible it Could be wearing a mask but why would They do that like The thing is why would they make him Scile and have of uh Parkinson's like Why would they do that why would they Have it be this way like why would they Get him to leave this way like they're Getting something out of a person right The person is an asset Trump is an asset KLA is an asset Biden's an asset so They're getting something out of it and It's all a show for you know people like For the mostly the sheeple what I call The show right and so they have these Characters they can replace the Character any time like one thing that We know that nobody's indispensable Trump is kind of

Indispensable but he's going to be Replaced at some point but they've put So much into Trump and building the Universe you know the the world America Universe around like the Marvel Universe They've built the political Universe Around Trump and pop culture universe And everything else right Trump is kind Of essential right now to the their Worldview and all these things right but At some point they have to replace Trump And it might be soon like if Trump loses He's done he'll leave the you know maybe They'll find a way to keep him going but You know he's old and you know whatever But if he wins presidency there'll be Whatever amount of time that they run His character Arc and then that's it Like after that he he'll be you know He'll be gone and whatever the movement Is whatever's happening I think there'll Be significant damage to everything by Then that people W even be concerned About him as as much right but in terms Of Joe Biden they didn't need to have The guy in the beginning the guy is they Don't need a guy in a mask because Joe Biden gives them everything that they Could possibly want Joe Biden didn't Deny them anything Joe Biden would do Anything to be president and he would Give the powers that be you know he Would say and do anything they told him To say and do he's completely

Compromised with his son and his you Know his Shady business dealings and Everything they own Joe Biden that's one Of the reasons that you know they pushed Him out there he was like a complete Muppet like he was a complete you know Owned Weekend at Bernie's type of Situation he was old and you know Whatever and so if he died why would They have him have Parkinson's and age Them out like it's silly it's like a Stupid you know like it doesn't fit with The with what the way they're using him Why would they age him out and go with Kamla and why would they give Trump the Shooting thing you know why would they Promote Trump like Trump is almost a Shoin at this point like right now he's A shoin unless they change the narrative At the end but I don't see them wanting KLA because KLA doesn't give them what They want right kamla would just provoke The right you know a little bit more and Then they just do whatever um you know I Mean she's so incompetent she's so Unlikable that maybe I don't know There's some value to her being we'll See what happens like we'll see what They're you know maybe this is a it's Still in flux but it seems like right Now after so-called Prosecuting Trump Persecuting Trump for prosecuting and Persecuting him for the last four years He's got a clean bill of health like

He's he's now got immunity and he's got This story of being attacked and he's Got all these things right he's got the Bogus you know the bad economy and he's Got immigration to run on the commad you Is still a the whole part of the Administration and so you know they Don't need to kill people off and Replace them with a double they don't Need to do that like maybe for a short Period of time sure like it isn't like They wouldn't do that but why would they Do that when they don't have to they can Just replace it with another shill like You don't think there's just an endless Row of shills they can use and assets And crisis act you know whatever you Want to call them they don't have an Endless supply of people who are willing To you know play a part in this thing of Course they do like they don't need to You know what uh slit put a mask on some Guy and say well you better act like you Got Parkinson's because Joe Biden did Like it's just stupid right like it's Silly and you know it's not a slam dunk The way you're saying it is like he's Like all this go you don't know he's It's not the real Biden well why would they be doing them Like this right why would they have that Be his character Arc they don't want People in the in the country to lose Faith in the American system where they

Had a scile guy that's why they not Covering the fact that he had Parkinson's and he had brain uh Cognitive issues for the past four years Like you think they having him having Cognitive issues is something that they Want like they could you know they they That's some kind of a there it's a scop To have them have cognitive issues that Just has people lose faith in the American political system and they start Realizing voting is a joke because you Know they can have any because the Presidency is a joke if you're going to Have a scile guy be president for the Last four years then you know then you Don't need to vote because the president Isn't real right so this is a wonderful Comment here um the person Says so Paul which God are you Connecting to and this is the main Comment I wanted to get to because the Idea of God you know I'm watching this Show my wife and watching this show Called the winter King which is just Another adaptation of King Arthur you Know and they they just have changed the Story around a little bit same Characters but uh it's about the know The Excalibur and the King Arthur's Story and all these things right and I Had watched this show called the Vikings And both are deal with the pagans and I Talked about how the pagans weren't evil

Like they had their own You know that's the Native Americans There is this Druidic um you know nature kind of Worship uh you know it's based in the Woman type of worship right like you Know this type of uh understanding of Divinity and the pagans and the you know These Druids they worshiped uh multiple Gods or whatever they had these Different gods right we've seen that in Various Traditions you know Polytheism and Christianity which had Monotheism which was the idea of Jesus Is God really it's doesn't it's not even Really Monotheism because they have the the Father son the Holy Ghost and those are Three different gods and people pray to The different Saints in Christianity Like there's a saint that's in charge of Like sister uh St Christopher is in Charge of like you know travel or Whatever it is like you know I think it Is like there's a prayer to St Christopher be with be be with me on my Way all the way some you know these Various saints that were responsible for You know various things right there's Associated with various things so it's Really not uh monotheism right but in These two shows and maybe there's Something else I saw they cover this Time period where there was the pagans

And there were the Christians and the Christians were overwhelming the pagans That the Christianity was coming in and A lot of it had to do with the kingdoms And the Kings seeing that they could Control the people better with Christianity and they started to believe That Jesus was more powerful than the Pagan gods that they were praying to Because mostly they're praying to these Gods for victory and these types of Things you know it's not true spiritual Worship right but there's a scene from The Winter King it's kind of a weird Show I like it didn't like you it's an Interesting take on you know they keep On remaking these things right the story Of King Arthur keeps on being remade Right these you know stories I mean like How many Holocaust movies or movies About Nazis are there there's like two Or three a year They keep on retelling these things like There was this there's a time where There was like 20 Vietnam movies coming Out every year every year for a period Of time right where they go through a Historical period and they cover these Things over and over again and you know I mean the bottom line is that the evil The English kings were robber barons and English England has had a horrible History of abuse and colonization that Comes from these Kings and the Queen and

All the demonic stuff that goes with it Right and they try to make make these People Heroes and all these things but Anyways there's a scene from the the Movie where um the people were mostly Pagan were talking about a priest who Had just been killed and they said you Know his God they don't do anything with The body like you know the pagans would Do things with the body but they they Would this guy would just go to heaven Because that's what he believed right And I found that storyline interesting Because that's what people think like if You worship something that that's your God and you get whatever is promised you In your religion and that's just stupid Right like if you if you have these you Know multiple gods and you have a you Know what happens to you in the Afterlife that's what's going to happen To you in the afterlife right and that The Christians are all going to heaven And the other religions are all going to Do what they think they're going to do And that's non-binding the [ __ ] that You were sold here on planet Earth has No bearing about what happens after you Die your soul has a you know is in a a Region in the etheric world your soul That you have now in your body exists Somewhere in the etheric world if you Make strides on your spiritual journey It will go to a higher Place it'll go to

A a more refined place and you'll get Closer and closer to God and your Understanding of God will be at a higher Level and really the difference between People is their understanding of God and Reality like there's people who are Crazy people there are people who are Very remedial and you know people might Look the same like you might look you Know similar to other people but what's Going on in the inside in terms of your Connection to Divinity and your Understanding of divinity and not Through your mind as much as your heart Like you you'll never know God mentally God is beyond our mental comprehension When people try to explain God mentally And verbally it's just always going to Fall short God is so vast you know There's um I mean think about all the Information that's available on planet Earth like certainly now with the Computers and a human being couldn't Hold all that information in their Memory a human being couldn't know Everything there is to know about planet Earth they couldn't even know everything There is to know about the the region They live in every animal every insect Every tree every you know everything Like just in a five mile radius your Mind couldn't memorize every blade of Grass every you know like it's just so Vast every grain grain of sand on the

Beach and so a human's capacity to know Something that's so vast I mean in terms Of the internal Universe being bigger Than the external Universe in terms of Knowledge and experience and you know Just and the Divinity that's within all Of it right and so you'll never know God But you can feel God's love through your Heart and that's you know your Understanding of God God grows and so This idea that there's these various Gods and you know the god of rign and There's Spirit you know there's a spirit Behind everything you know is there a Thor well there's you know the God of Thunder well there is a you know a saint Usually a soul that uh either a theoric Or somebody in a living you know human Form that is in charge of the weather Like some person out there is in charge Of the weather globally or whatever it Is right like just that their soul is Monitoring that you know there's a Soul And Spirit for everything and and so Yeah this these um you know the the uh Pono the polytheism there's some case to Be made but people's understanding of it Is limited and they always sell you a Bunch of [ __ ] so they can control You but is there a god sitting up in Heaven somewhere no that doesn't exist Like a person sitting on a throne as a King because that's the way they were Putting it because a king was the

Greatest thing that people knew right Kings were the greatest people they were The bigger than celebri and all these Things right and that was before Jesus Came in and you know but what what did They sell those people what did those People think up think as being great Well a king king is the most powerful Person a king was a Godlike person and So when they sold people the god of that Time in in ancient Israel and then in Europe being a king was the like that That was it like that was the [ __ ] right And so God is like a king God's in Sitting in heaven like a king on a Throne because that's what people knew That was what those dumb asses knew as Being evolved and Powerful oh what is God like God's like the greatest King oh My God he he's bigger than our King yeah He's even bigger than your king you know So that that was what they sold people As God that some judgmental narcissistic Prick like a king was sitting on a Throne and judging people that's why God Is presented in such a remedial way in The Old Testament the you know Jewish Bible and people who worship God in that Way are are scared of the king cuz the King's a prick the kings were always Pricks the kings were often you know Moody and you know narcissistic and I Mean they had these qualities that the God that they worship has as being some

Person that could turn on you any second And punish you and was wrathful and you Know was always you know creating war And always wanting more and always you Know having a big ego you had to kiss His ring and stroke his ego and these Things and that's how the god that you Worship so you're so far away from Understanding understand in what God Really is because God is without a mind Without an ego and so this person is Trying to mock me let me see if let's Find this comment again this person Trying to mock me right Paul which God Are you connecting to because of their Limited dumbass view of God right they Think they're getting me like you you're A dumbass who isn't willing to expand Your understanding of the Divinity That's all around you and within you Right and so you know we're always Learning about God like when we're in Our material bodies or as a soul you Know the ways of God and you're not Moving forward and you're understanding And expanding your Consciousness and You're just buying into some you know Religious [ __ ] that You' been sold To to you to control you well you're not Doing what you're supposed to do here on Plannet Earth you're you're having a Failed life and you're using you know Like this person's like which God are You worshiping Paul you know my

Understanding and relationship with God Is always growing and so it isn't which God it's the god like you're not Worshiping the god you're worshiping Something that religious people have Told you was God you your religion has Told you was God and it you know that's I mean that's something that's horrible You know it's good maybe when you're a Kid because you're simple and you're you You're just learning about the world but At some point you have to do what Jesus Did and transcend your religion and go Beyond your religious Concepts and have An internal relationship with God and Those are the only success stories in Material Life people can be the most successful Material people have all kinds of Success and accomplishments and wealth And if they don't make that jump from Their limited God of their religion and The you know the Divinity that sits Within them and start having a Relationship with God and moving towards A better understanding of God both in Terms of your intellectual understanding But really be between your uh your heart And you know your ability to feel God's Love and feel the energy that's God and Allow God to flow through you and all These things if you're not doing that You failed like you failed your life Sucks you can be the greatest person in

The world it's still a failure because You know just getting on the spiritual Path is the beginning of what you're Supposed to be doing in the first place Right and then you know having your soul Uh continuously find that Essence that Desire that that craving within you to To learn more about God and Life After Life because people have great spiritual Lives and they reincarnate and they Don't yeah they don't get back to it Right that's one of the problems is that You know Soul isn't it's not guaranteed That you're going to have this Opportunity again and like I said the World's full of dumb asses and I don't Mean like just intellectually stupid I Mean people who you know the Cravings There and the you know everyone has it In them but they just don't see it or They don't cultivate it and you know it Could have been me like I could have Missed out on I mean it was just this You know great moment that I have Starting the Sark system where I had These amazing first three introductory Sittings and I started doing this Meditation it was a life transforming You know I it's like I hit the the lotto Of Spirituality um but you know what if I Didn't what if it wasn't like it didn't I didn't have those experiences and I Didn't do you know so I mean it's I I'm

Very appreciative of that and realizing That you know every it can go any type Of way for you right but I think maybe I Did enough in a previous existence to Justify whatever you know gifts that I've gotten whatever it might be and so How do you move that forward how do how Do you keep that going and it's been a Struggle for me because of the Sark System becoming the heartfulness cult And you know all the things I've talked About but you know it's it's just made Me appreciate it more that's why we say Be grateful and so for those people who Can become a spiritual person you know We do the gratefulness meditation There's people who are you actually Going to do another Voice or so I want Wrap this one up here but some um I want To talk about in a video I'm going to Put up on the gratefulness meditation Channel to be part of my journey series About um you know people one person Talks about sleeping and meditation and I want to address that another person Talks about uh celebrating commish's Birthday even though it's not his you Know not to celebrate him and I want to Talk about that in a separate video but There are people who are benefiting from This smaller number but it's still you Know it's still something right because It's you know the system works and People can connect to God within them

But once you start doing that you're Just in the beginning of your journey Like you haven't made it like people Always think they've made it like you Know I get it like I you know no now I Understand no it's just a constant Journey like you you got to humble Yourself and realize that you're never Going to be a knower in some way where You know there's in some way that you There's something more to learn or some You know different higher level than You're on now like it's always a Constant Journey Back To The Source the Ways of God are infinite and you your Understanding and your experience of it Are you know limited and but it's just As long as you're moving forward and You're deepening your understanding You're doing what's right and very few People are doing that and so like this Person who's mocking me like doesn't Realize that like like they're the fool Right like you've bought into some [ __ ] thing and you're you're Clinging on to it like you know charl Hon was clinging onto his his gun was His gun with his cold dead hands right And you know for what like just so you Could feel secure or something but Anyways only spiritual value will save This world it's Pano definitely point For the apocalpse in the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be


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