Okay greetings brothers and sisters this Is kind of uh one of the more epic Videos in this whole series of what I Consider epic videos about this um Historically bad presidential Campaign and KLA Harris has given her First interview with Tim Walls and it's A joke which you knew it was going to be And CNN's coverage of it and all of it Um it's very telling moments in the Thing and I'll cover that First there's um developments to do with The assassination attempt in air quotes Of Donald J Trump that fake piece of Poop uh and that's going to be you know Uh things that I've been waiting to see They they bring out the gun they finally Get a picture of the gun and that's you Know very telling and there's a few more Things to do with that and then there Was these moments of trump retweeting Stuff and and the sanctimonious reaction By the mainstream media particularly uh Anderson Cooper is hilariously bad and Then some other things uh but let's um Just get into the whole algorithm thing Right the the shadow Banning thing and So my channel being Shadow band like any Other channel like all channels that are Truth or channels it needs your help to Survive right at least my Channel at This particular time because of you know This is a job for me and I not making Enough income you know YouTube is
Squeezing me and I'm sure so many other People and has done this in the past by Um you know basically hiding my channel Right and starving it of Revenue and it Hasn't always been the case there was a Time where YouTube regularly recommended My channel to new potentially new Viewers and also ran you know better ads And more ads on the channel and also Notified my subscribers That there was videos you that putting Out content but YouTube really doesn't Do that anymore uh for so many of us and As many of you know I had a conversation Some conversations that I highlighted With uh AI chat Bots from YouTube and You know they said there was no such Thing as Shadow Banning but after I you Know slammed them and said well there Obviously is you might not call it that But there is because it's happened I've Noticed what's happened with my channel Over since you know really it's been Since 2015 16 it's you know there's been a Slow trickle but really happened in 2019 when the election was happening and They were pressured to censor and you Know over Co and these things right Which we all know and so YouTube has Recommended my channel a little bit more Not like it used to be I would say Recommended but notifying some of my old Subscribers and people who have had
Forgotten about my content are showing Back up and things like this and so I've Been saying lately that you have to try Harder to get content like this Especially on YouTube or anywhere else Like if it's not YouTube you have to try Harder just to find it on whatever Platforms you go to right but you know It's just no longer recommended to you There's a time when I was watching a lot Of Truth or content before I was really Making it as much and at that time I Would go to my YouTube you know feed and There would be all these videos that Were recommended they used to recommend Content like this all the time but they Don't and so to keep the channel going There needs to be some level of effort On the viewership part to uh participate In the Channel's you know survival and You know some of that is bookmarking the Channel and realizing you're leaving the Tab open with the channel on it the Video page and you'll see the new Uploads you go to my Channel or any Channel and you hit the video Tab and Then it'll be the newest video is there First and and you can see the content There you don't have to wait for Notifications and I make content every Other day here sometimes daily and That's the best way to make sure that You uh bookmark the channel where the Channel is because sometimes they it
Doesn't show up in the search results Which is bizarre right I mean all these Things Shadow Banning so the other Things are to like the video comment You'll let YouTube algorithms know that You want to see more content from this Channel resubscribe if you get UNS Subscribe these things and then there's Ways to financially support the channel Through the you know you can um join the The uh whatever the membership program Is you can leave uh donations through The you know Super Chat and then there's Merch and then the other thing is to Share videos and tell your friends and Family about the channel which is the Most probably important thing in some Ways because with YouTube's not Recommending my channel to new viewers Then there's no way forward like no One's going to watch every second of Videos for you know 10 15 years right You know people come and go even people Really like the channel they're not Going to consistently watch the channel Um forever right so you need to bring in New people and YouTube has starve the Truth Community by hiding truther videos That's you know been the the number one Way they've gotten rid of truther Channels is they're not connecting you To new people potentially new people but Anyways let's get into the KLA Harris Interview here okay so let's start here
Extraordinary Dana Bash describes Interview moments when kamla when Harris Discussed historic call with Biden um they did not put up the whole Interview on YouTube they put up three Different segments on CNN which you can Watch the video and their crappy uh Video player um that has you know it's Not as good as the YouTube one and for My purposes because the when you hit any Kind of um well let me just show you When you hit any kind of um one of these Buttons when you pause it it goes to a Dark screen right and so these things Come up and it's you know offputting Where YouTube doesn't have all that Stuff right plus they're running ads um And whatever else uh and so CNN decided Not to put up the whole interview now They ran it for an hour it was an Hourong segment on CNN from 9 to 10 And yet the interview itself was under a Half hour right with two people who've Never been interviewed and CNN is now Cherry-picking what they're putting up On YouTube in terms of they're not Putting up a whole half hour interview Like anybody else would which I assume Was part of the um agreement between Them and you know these guys because Wouldn't you want this out there like This is getting your word out it's free Publicity you know T she has never done An interview before
So for CNN it would be good to have the Whole thing up on the interview in the Internet they don't get any kind of Ratings on their regular content people Don't even know how to find their stuff You know so people are looking for it on The uh internet but they don't have it Right they put it up in three segments On this official CNN channel but not Anything to do with that on YouTube but This is a very telling moment about that Right we are back now with more of our Special coverage of CNN 's exclusive Interview with the Democratic Presidential ticket vice president kamla Harris and Governor Tim Walls for the First time we are hearing about how President Biden broke the news to his Own vice president that he was dropping Out of the race Listen I'm just curious staying on President Biden when he called you and Said he was pulling out of the race what Was that like and did he offer to Endorse you right away or did you ask For it it was um it was a Sunday so here I'll I'll give you a little too much Information go for it there's no such That's not like you at all CA um so First of all by having a panel break it Down and describe it to you so instead Of you watching the whole interview and They do it in segments like they have Even when they br broadcast it live they
Break the interview into segments right And these segments are prefaced by Commentary so they're telling you what To think and they have these Democratic Leading experts telling you what to Think right but this moment really here Is Extraordinary thing Adam vice president Um my family was staying with us and um Including my baby Nieces and we had just had pancakes and You know Auntie can I have more bacon Yes I'll make you more bacon and then Okay so she didn't want to be called Auntie four years ago When she was uh did that cooking show With Mindy keing it's a Indian term Where where everybody's an uh you know Everybody who older is either uncle or Auntie right because in the Indian Culture everyone's brothers and sisters But you know they're painting this Picture like she didn't know this was Coming which is silly and I'm going to Get into all that because I'm going to Show you the segment before this which I Thought was the the most telling moment About our country about news media Coverage about all of it right but this Is leading into that And so I want to show you this and I'll Get into a whole voice over describing It but it is you know everything that's Wrong with media coverage and
Politics then we were going to S we were Sitting down to to do a Puzzle and the phone rang and it you Know like it's just she's trying to Paint one of these pictures that they'd Have video cameras there and have the Phone call like when she called Tim Walls and it was all stage and you know She's asking him to be the vice President or when The bomas called to endorse her and she You know had it videoed and she's you Know they're trying to set this picture Of you know allamerican family and Everyone getting along right you know Kids and the whole thing and like you Know none of that I mean it's just a lie Like they just they just make up this Stuff right like all the time I mean Like you come on you weren't doing any Of that like that what didn't happen None of this is true was Joe Biden and Um and he told me what he had decided Decided to do and [Music] Um I asked him are you Sure and he said yes and Um and that's how I learned about it and What about the endorsement did you ask For it and he was very clear that he was Going to support me so when he called to Tell you he said I'm pulling out of the Race and I'm going to support you Well so um like it's just so staged and
Fake and she's not good at delivering She's not a good Storyteller let's put It that way my first thought was not About me to be honest with you my first Thought was about him to be honest so She said that twice to be honest the Segment before this which I'll show you In a moment um she says truly so again You know Biden's always saying that Stuff like you know my word is a Biden And to be honest and you know Politicians in general say this and when You say that you're lying like why do You have to say I'm I'm being honest It's like no to be honest with you you Know and so nobody believes that right Nobody in their right mind would believe Like let's listen to that again I'm Pulling out of the race and I'm going to Support you well my first thought was Not about me to be honest with you my First thought was about him to be Honest who would believe that that her First thought was about him there's Nothing in her character nothing about Her that you would think that that's the Case and she knew this was coming and Was pushing for it and they had arranged A deal behind the behind the scenes you Know this is there was no they were just Winging it which I'll get into like she Knew this was coming and she was she Knew this was coming years ago when she Agreed to be the vice president like
She's been waiting for this moment you Can see it by how the first interview or The first speech that she gave the first Rally she was at remember how she was Beaming that she was now running for President she was glowing with you know Happiness and joy and you know oh my God I'm finally getting it my chance right You know she was just I mean beside Herself with joy she wasn't thinking About Joe Biden right she was thinking About herself which everybody knows Right but then there's you know let's Watch the end of this thing here I'm Pulling out of the race and I'm going to Support you well my first thought was Not about me to be honest with you my First thought was about him to be honest Let's bring in Dana Bash she's in Savannah Georgia where this interview Took place Dana that is very very Interesting and uh for those of us who Uh lived through that weekend in a lot Of different wait lived through that Weekend like it was so traumatic we Lived through that weekend is she found Out that morning and she asked him are You sure that's Extraordinary okay so you believe what She that that BS that you just said you Believe that like you're a reporter you Know these politicians are always lying And staging this is a part of their Political brand the pancake story you
Know we're just you know like an Ordinary folks I was with my nieces you Know we have kids you know so wasn't Like she was with her own kids right you Know she always have they're rolling out Her nieces here A bunch of different Ways the N there's a picture that's Going to come up at the end of the thing And so that's where you're going with This right like you're going to say that You just took that at face value that Total self-serving story about how she Was just thinking about Joe Biden and That she was just sitting there with her Family about to do a puzzle you bought That right It's you know it's just like that's not Your job like and you're sitting there Like oh my God this is amazing moment Right and all these people here are are Just Um it is extraordinary uh first of all I Just want to say that I wasn't sure what She was going to say and what she would Offer if anything about that Conversation which was obviously private But it was also historic which is Clearly come on like you know so for a Brief period of time CNN was telling the Truth about Joe Biden and Dana Bash was A big part of that and so let's move Over to that segment here um but you Know this is like the where the rubber Meets the road with all of this stuff
And it's just like you know I mean it's Pathetic their coverage of this you know That they would say that that's sincere Right okay so they she finally asked Tim Walls a question he pretty much is Sitting there like Dad McMahon like not A part of this thing which is kind of Funny but he's always a frowny he's got To frown all the time such a Droopy Dog Right and he talks about she asks him About all of his lies which we'll come Back to um but then she Segways this is The end of the interview right so this Is the last segment and um the last Seven minutes are about like her Joe Biden stuff and she says this Here vice president Harris you were a Very staunch defender of President Biden's capacity to serve another four Years right after the debate you Insisted that President Biden is Extraordinarily strong given where we Are now do you have any regrets about What you told the American people no not At all not at all I okay so she can't Have any regrets right I mean she cannot Have any Regrets because you know like she can't Say the truth and this is a huge problem For her because the American people know Joe Biden is scile which is you know Everything you you need to know about Her answer because if they know she Knows right and there was a plan in
Place and I'll get to that I'll you know That more detail and she was part of the Plan and the plan was for a long period Of time And so behind the scenes she was you Know she was their plan B the Biden Administration's Plan B right she was The vice president and so she was always The plan B and there was always this Potential right and so anything that she Says About sure her not knowing that Joe Biden was scile is a lie right and the American people know it's a lie and if The American people were not you know Brain dead they would this would be the End of her career like as a Politician right because there was a Cover up of this gu Parkinson's you know His cognitive difficulty breakdown which She knew all the way back in the debate Which I've shown you over and over again In the debate where she's laughing at Him you know multiple times where in the You know the Democratic debates when she Was running against him when you know The Cory burer thing I've showed you This over and over again she knew Because she was she was clearly you know At her wits s to to see that the African-American vote she had you know Was down to like 2 3% by then and she Was up to 12% in the polls and that the American people and African-Americans
Specifically would rather vote for some Old scile white guy than her and Corey Booker they couldn't believe it right That he was winning the African-American Vote over them when he was a disaster And she knew like America knew anybody Looking at him knew that the guy was Starting to break down right I mean I Knew so she knew right everybody knew And the mainstream media refused to Cover it right have um served with President Biden um for almost four years Now and I'll tell you it's one of the Greatest honors of my career truly truly That's the truly he cares so that's the Truly right he cares so deeply um he Cares so deeply he so deeply cares um You know this is all just complete BS Right like this should not be uh Dana Bash should be calling her on this Deeply about the American people he is So smart and um and loyal to the American people and I have spent hours Upon hours with him be it in the Oval Office or The Situation Room he has the Intelligence the commitment and the Judgment um and disposition That I think the American people rightly Deserve in their President by contrast the former President has none of that okay so this Is you know I want to get into her unlik Ability because that's like that's Evident right off the bat in the first
Initial part of the interview so I'll Show you that uh in a bit um you know But let's this is like I said the Telling moment because she's basically Saying that he was okay that she was in The the room with him and he was okay Then why' they get rid of him like There's no you know the Democrats are The one that got rid of him right the Democrats got rid of them it wasn't the Republicans right the Republicans you Know wanted the guy in fact they were Shoing Trump was a shoeing to beat Biden And now you know it's a toss up with Commas Harris having all the momentum And so it was Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the Democratic establishment And everybody that wasn't on Biden's Team That was pushing for this and the American people it was George Clooney And it was CNN it was the mainstream Media that had covered for him forever And he was talking about the mainstream Media targeting him and he was a victim All of a sudden you know he was like Saying that the like he had done K Harrison Joe Biden had done a lot to Censor people like me on the internet Right and he had forced and pressured Like Zuckerberg's talking about it now I Just covered that in my last video you Know pressured and done all these things Get you know uh I mean you know all this
Stuff right all the shadow Banning stuff I talked about the beginning of the Video and you know they had the Mainstream media in their pocket and fox Is only lukewarm in for Trump Fox Doesn't really like Trump right and so Trump's pretty much pissed everybody off To his you know to his own you know That's on him right um but the the Liberal leing media has always been on Their side and all of a sudden it wasn't Right all of a sudden they're not you Know they're not there for him and he's Pissed off at the media he's pissed off At Nancy Pelosi he wasn't pissed off at The Republicans and Trump they weren't The ones that stabbing him in the back Right and so you know he was um he was Taken out by the Democrats and so why is He taking out why isn't he running right Like if he's such an extraordinary guy And leader and all these things Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are with him in Behind closed doors and they were saying The same she's saying now that She's still saying but she can't say the Truth which is he was scile because that Would mean that the American people had A demena ridden candidate that didn't Happen overnight the American people Were finally speaking out about it last September over a year ago the media was Starting to cover it and we all knew About it for years and then by January
70% of the American people said this guy Is unfit for office and he's still unfit And so she has endorsed that and so That's should be the end of her Candidacy the American people should say What why are you still gaslighting us Why are you still telling us the guy was Okay when you guys have taken him out Right so it's just noticing this I Didn't you know I often stop at An Inconvenient time for the people not Purposefully I me once in a while I I I See a face and I try to find that you Know the face the person's making but I Just have this uncanny ability to Unconsciously hit the pause button when When a person's displaying something so Coming up you're going to see that with Frowny face walls but where they're Displaying their inner condition right Like sometimes you see a face you know My brother took a picture of his uh Ex-girlfriend and he left his wife for This woman and she was crazy just nuts And caused so much drama she was just a Nightmare and one day like he just Started doing the SJ Mark system where It talks about your in her condition What you are in the inside and he took a Picture of her and she had this Expression on her face like she was a Scar little girl and that's what KLA has Here like she's some kind of MK Ultra Look at that sad little girl face there
I mean she's an old woman but you know She looks like a deer in headlights Joe Biden often look like this but she looks Like she's petrified right like she Looks like she's you know again like you Know some um I mean just look at it like You can see everything need to know About her inner condition is right there In that picture you know I got some more Questions and comments about communism You know to call a left leaning person a Communist I said this in the video I Don't know why I have to repeat it it's Just a dumbass thing Republicans do you know just like they Call right-wing truthers you know uh Paranoid you know conspiracy theorists Or whatever it's just an easy way out For people who can't think for Themselves and can't use distinction and Can't read people like KLA Harris is not A communist she is a self-serving person She isn't about I mean communist is Communism isn't a winning uh a winning Theory or winning you know it isn't Something you can win with either Politically or in any other way right Communist policies you know she'll push The New World Order agenda which isn't Communism it's control and you know the Agenda that's coming Trump and and kamla Are both facilitating that agenda Consciously and unconsciously and so and And even in that it's not going to work
Out because I mean these people are Losing control and the system's Collapsing but it's just stupid to say She's a communist it's just being a Right-wing dumbass like just it's just Stupid to say stuff like that right if You're a truther you shouldn't even you Know no politician America is really a Communist because they wouldn't get Anywhere know communism is like a you Know a it's a it's a term that you can't Use anymore just like New World Order There's a time they used to say New World Order and now they don't because It's a compromise term it's a negative Term people have a negative opinion About it right and so just stop like It's silly like just it's don't it's Unnecessary to say stupid like that What they're needing to do you know get Rid of your lifestyle is nothing to do With Communism or capitalism or any of These things they're not pushing an ism They have a you know a collapsing Economic system system and they can't Make good on the promises and the Lifestyle that you have and you know all Of it the things collapsing so these are Just you know it's much worse than say Communism or any of these things right Like communism is something that takes Root in countries that are having Economic breakdown communism is what Happens when people are starving and you
Know or whatever it is and they get told That you they get sold this idea poor People the working class it doesn't Exist in America it's it's a it's a Brand that's been destroyed so you know It's just something to get right-wing People riled up because they're still Caught up in the freaking 50s and they Haven't you know I mean you're not Really a truther if you're throwing Around dumbass terms like that right and So um one I I I am so proud to have Served as vice president to Joe Biden And two I am so proud to be running with Tim Walls for president of United States Tim Walls Tim Walls the way she talks Like that right the other piece to this Is and this is also speaking to the Original clip I showed you where they Talked about the phone call with their Family that she was plann B right so When the American people 70% of them Said um Joe Biden is um unfit for office They were the Democrats had to think of A plan and they could have run a primary That was option A get rid of him right Now and he was polling horribly and she Was pulling horribly and so let's get Rid of this whole mess because the Economy is down you know the American People were over Joe Biden in his Administration not just because he was Old and scile but because the economy And immigration and they could get a
Clean slate get somebody else in there Get Whitmer get you know that other guy From uh Nome whatever it is do a primary And let the American people decide the Democratic party decide who they want to Run against Trump and so they could have Done that and that was the right thing To do that was the Democratic thing to Do but they decided not to do that they Decided to wait till the summer when There wasn't a lot of time and that they Were going to roll Joe Biden out in Debate they probably didn't medicate him Properly they didn't prepare him Properly they let they just let American People see what they were seeing on a Daily basis right you know George Clooney and those people had seen him Some of the Obama people had seen him in A fundraiser and they that was then they Said that was the same Joe Biden they Off and that's what George clinty wrote In his letter and so CNN now all of a Sudden was acknowledging this guy was Scile even though they had been covering Him for four years covering up for him For four years right and Dana Bash and Jake Tapper were asking them real Questions and then afterwards the CNN And everyone had turned on him all of a Sudden they were saying things that they Had never said before truthful things And now of course that's done with right Now they're covering for KLA Harris and
So there was extraordinary pressure from Mainstream media Hollywood Celebrities and the Democratic Establishment to force Joe Biden out and So you don't you don't think that they Talk to KLA Harris about this because She was the plan B you know that they Thought it was best not to have a Primary to get rid of Joe Biden and Probably you know Joe Biden's own team Said all right if we're going to get rid Of him give us kamla because if you Bring in other people there's a prime Joe Biden's people like you know it's You know they talk about this like if They're going to cancel a TV show you Know or when the Hollywood went on you Know when Hollywood was there was the Shutdowns there's all the people behind The scenes all these people that work on The set all the people that do all the You know the the technical work the Editing the things like this you know They don't have jobs and they don't have You know they they don't have a stable Income because you know the PE the Democrats winning doesn't mean any of Those people have jobs that the Biden And Harris campaign people the people That have been around Joe Biden you know They wouldn't have a say in anybody else But kamla Harris like KLA Harris would They would just take their established Political team and now run Harris and
That was probably their concession for Allowing Joe Biden to get uh to get Outed for being scile right and so you Think there was no discussion between Kamla Harris and everybody Nancy Pelosi And the Democratic establishment you Know the one thing that they've done Competently because they've been a mess The last eight years or more I mean the Whole thing with Hillary Clinton and Ever since that time you know the end of The Barack Obama presidency the Democratic party has stepped in it one One you know uh one time after another They've just been a disaster completely Incompetent right and so this has been Their Masterpiece them transitioning Joe Biden out and bringing in K Harris An unlikable candidate right somebody That nobody really wants to vote for and Selling her to the American people and Creating this fake enthusiasm around her Candidacy right this has been their Masterpiece and you think they're just Winging it like they just did that like You know without planning this thing They did a debate before the the um the Conventions which almost never happens The the debates are almost always after The con ventions right and so they did An early debate a debate that Joe Biden Was you know completely to bed Which everyone knew he was going to
Everyone was watching for it waiting for It and then from that disastrous Performance you know he fought and tooth And nail to to stick uh to be the Nominee and they were taking him out you Know that the establishment had turned On him and you know this is some deeper Level stuff right but you know it's not That hard to see The change in the media coverage the Change in the Democratic establishment Who had been saying you know this guy's Behind clothed doors this guy is great And so they forced him out so she didn't Find out when she had pancakes you know She didn't was wondering what's going to Happen they already had a plan in place They had to to execute it this Seamlessly the timing of it and Everything was imperative to you not not Enough time for people to get sick of KLA Harris and see her for what she is You know but enough time for her Establish herself as a candidate this is You know this is the the optimal I mean They they they've done this really well This this is the the first sign of Competence from the Democratic party in Years but everything she's saying here Is and the media knows it I Mean more than anybody else like they're Just there watching it right they know This is all political theater and the American people know it to whatever
Extent the American people even the Dumbest people you know over 70% of them And there's really more because it the Republicans start to change their Opinion about it because they wanted After that disastrous debate performance They didn't want Joe Biden gone so when The poll numbers when people were ped Some of those Republican people that Were saying he's unfit for office for Years were now saying no keep the guy Right know he's great you know so it was The majority American people saw this Guy they knew he was too old right and Now KLA Harris is coming out and say no You guys are all wrong I'm still going To Gaslight you I'm still going to Pretend that that was what was why don't You speak out about all the people that Forced them out then why don't you call Them out and say you shouldn't have Forced them out if your first concern Was about Joe Biden and you say that He's still fit to lead and you're still Saying that he could have led for the Next four years which you know was a lie Everyone knows it's a lie and so this Should be the end of her candidacy it Should just be over like she's just Baldface lying and gaslighting the American people and they all know what Happened they all know what they saw but Everyone's so pathetic now and no one Has any standards or
Self-respect that this isn't going to be An issue I mean it should be the media Should be like well you guys you're Still lying to us you're still Gaslighting and calling her on this but Dana bashu you know turned on Joe Biden At the end she's just um you know Getting on her knees and serving cing KLA Harris here and the whole thing is Just disgusting right and it's great for A lot of reasons at least Le for me Because I've been talking about this for Years there is no democracy there's no Nothing there's no you know legitimacy To any of it there's no legitimacy to The media and there's no legitimacy to The political process because she did Not receive any votes this is Unconstitutional she didn't win any Primary which is part of the electoral Process she was installed in a very you Know Meticulously executed plan she was Installed as candidate they had have the Enthusiasm up which is one of the big Problems that Biden and um Hillary Clinton had was an enthusiasm Gap Against Trump and it's completely fake Why are people enthusiastic about her Like y I'll get into the just the unlik Ability that you can see right off the Bat in the interview her Expressions her Mannerisms the tone of her voice she Just doesn't appeal to people she's
Off-putting she's just really unlikable Like someone that you start talking to And you're like oh my God I got away get Away from this person like there are People who are just like that and and Being unlikable is not an asset you know It's it's uh one of the worst things you Can be as a candidate right and so you Know all these things that I'm saying Here make the American media and the American electrical process a complete Joke I mean them doing this seamlessly And executing it you know Bravo to them Because they suck and you know they've Really done a good job here you know They're stuck with a complete dud and They're making that dud electable and of Course Donald Trump is helping in in the Rest of it but if she wins the election This is like everything that I've been Saying like it completely validates Every and you know even if they don't it Still validates because the fact she Isn't have even has a chance she's Running on a horrible record the American people are dissatisfied with The B Administration and they just Perpetrate ated a scam and a con on the American people pretending a guy who has Cognitive issues doesn't and they lied And she's still lying about it right and So with all those negatives she still Has a chance to win and that means that You know the deception and what they're
Doing and the and the you know the Complicit nature of the other piece to This is and this is also speaking to the Original clip I showed you where they Talked about the phone call with her Family that she was Plan B right so when The American people 70% of them said um Joe Biden is um unfit for office they Were the Democrats had to think of a Plan and they could have run a primary That was option A get rid of him right Now and he was polling horribly and she Was polling horribly and so let's get Rid of this whole mess because the Economy is down I'll show you her unlike Ability on a like a subconscious level You know there are people who are just You meet people and your immediate Reaction your intuition your immediate You know uh take of that person is that They're horrible and stay away from them Like they're just immediately you know Your your internal World saying run and Sometimes that's maybe specific to you What this person represents to you in Terms of a past life in terms of a you Know this life in terms of whatever Right but sometimes that's Universal Like that's who the person is that your First initial take your first initial Hit on somebody your first impression is Oh I you know this is a horrible person And everyone's first impression of KLA Harris was that right like she had no
Followers or lovers like people who you Know when she ran for I mean this is for Democrats across the country their first Impression of KLA Harris was ick right Like no stop like let's get her away we Don't want this I don't want this in my Life we don't want this and she was Rejected as a candidate and this was on Full display in the interview she's Repulsive she repels you and I'm not Talking about her physical appearance or Her looks but just everything that her Energy that she exudes you know who she Is as a person and yet the Democratic Establishment the media hasn't been able To sell her and people are enthusiastic About her when you know everything in Their system is screaming No right and I'm not talking about Obviously the Republicans were never Going to acceptor the hardcore Republicans and trumpers but you know There're she's winning over the Democrats now and The Independents you Know you meet people in your life that You have that reaction to uh many of us Have had this experience where we meet Somebody and our intuition you know Everything you know that our reaction to Them is this one of you know repulsion And yet the person's able to win you Over Maybe there's some connection Connection In terms of you know negative connection
Or past connection and the person's able To win you over and you start seeing Them in a different light right you Start seeing them in a way I this Happened to me a few times and when Everything comes out when the person Displays Thems you were like oh my God I should Have listened to my first reaction I Should have you know uh my first um Impression of this person I should have You know like you have this memory of How it was and you're like oh this is What I that's why I felt this way and There are people out there that are able To do this to lots of people would they Have a you know they repelled they repel People and yet they win those people Over and occasionally you have a Reaction to somebody because they have An abrasive personality and later on you Find they're very loving they have a Sweetheart so you know the other thing Could be true too but that isn't the Case with k Harris Kam Harris is just Just like Despicable like all these Politicians are but she just displays it And it's on it's on full display and Even with her doing that they're somehow Able to get the American people I mean Who are just so brain dead to buy into This right I mean it's an amazing you Know example of how degraded the Decision making and the you know just
The natural you know horse sense you Know the farmer sense of people you know The natural sort of like just Um not just intuition but just being Able to see things the way they are People are so messed up that they can be Deceived in this way that they can take Somebody who should never be in a Situation like she shouldn't be a Politician because she's not likable Like you know being likable is one of The main things and you're they're able To deceive people so when I go through The beginning of the video I want to get Back to what I was covering here but When I go to the beginning of the video I'll show you this right right like just Initially like just how she comes across Initially when you're seeing her for the First time or just at least in terms of An interview and everything about her Like it just screams at you this is a Bad person all right let's get back into It here okay so um there's not much more At the end of the interview here this You know we already saw the part where She asked or about the conversation she Had with Joe Biden we'll pick up the Tail end of that here where she says oh I was just thinking about him like Nobody would believe that right it's Fundamentally dishonest I don't think There's anybody in the world that's Conscious you know you're going to have
These Democratic dopes that are just Going to like whoever the Democrats put Out there and the people who hate Trump But everyone else you know they know Like you know they they know politicians Are liars right they don't believe the BS the you know the the disingenuous Type of talk and her saying this Here my my first thought was about him To be honest to be honest Um I think history is going to show a Number of things about Joe Biden's Presidency I think history is going to Show that in so many ways it was Transformative be it on okay so then She's getting into the whole you know Joe Biden's Legacy was a part of the Deal that Joe Biden want to run on what You know what Mega accomplishments Legislatively and all the rest of it That he was able to to get passed Through and she's got it endorse that View because it's also her Legacy right But the American people have a negative Opinion of Joe Biden his presidency and That's the issue so she should be losing Because she's the incumbent at a time When people are wanting change right People are experiencing you know like There's things that happen out there um That affect you right there's watching The political process and hearing you Know the tweets from whoever it is you Know watching truthers watching people
Tell you what a disaster a person is but Then there's your life like your Personal life and your Situation and you know I I don't Remember too many times in my life where The presidency really affected me there Are things that have happened that are Really you know I can think of a few Things where I can see whoever was President and their decision making Affected me right in some way negatively Or positively but for the most part that Isn't the case it's just the fear and The and the anger that the you know the People that you listen to instill in you Like are you better off now than you Were when Trump was president and for Most people the answer is no because of The price of grosser Now was that Joe Biden's fault well not Entirely but just like it wasn't Trump's Fault that they I mean he he got worked And he closed down the economy but Trump Didn't have anything to do with the Covid thing unless he did you know maybe He did you know but in terms of the the Appearance he didn't and people are Pretty happy with Trump in terms of Their lifestyle because he he gave back The the scammers the bank scammers the You know the people the banksters he Deregulated everything and there was a Short boom in the economy but that was That was shortlived right and so
Inflation kicked in and inflation is a Generational problem you know it's it's A multi-generational problem it isn't Something that you can pin on one Politician it's a systemic problem right And so neither Biden or Trump are fully Responsible for the inflation but that Doesn't matter the American people say I'm paying more for all my it's Joe Biden's fault and that's what she has to Live with but she can't really run too Much against his legacy because she Doesn't want to look like you know she Stabbed him in the back which she did Right because they were planning this Thing for you know at least months and Probably some years like this she knew This state was coming we all did when Joe Biden couldn't perform his duties And she would either become president or Become the candidate this's one more Thing I want to show you here been in His life and career including as a President quite selfless and puts the American people first I just have to ask You both that's just silly right like It's that like it's silly right so they Edited things out like and I don't know Exactly Um you know what happened with that Right like we don't know if they're Going to show you other Clips later on Like you know they sat down for maybe More extended period of time um but you
Know they jump around on the you know And I don't I'm not sure if this is the Same that was broadcast this is what They've put up on CNN um and so I don't know if there's Stuff they vetted it out like I didn't Watch the whole thing uh and so like I Watched bits and pieces of it she said So unwatchable and so is he about two Standout moments aside of course from The addresses that you have both gave But standout Moments that were perhaps unexpected During the convention you mentioned one Of them Governor uh a moment that you shared That the world shared with your son Gus You were speaking the camera caught him So incredibly proud of you so emotional Saying that's my Dad yeah I uh I don't know as a father I Could have ever imagined that I grateful For so many reasons to be on this ticket But that moment um to understand what Was really important to to have my son Uh feel a sense of pride in me that I Was yeah then you yanked his arm Remember that yanked his arm like you Were just tired of having a a high you Know a high maintenance kid a kid with Special needs or whatever you a kid who Has psychological and emotional issues And you yanked his arm and like nobody You never really talked about that like
He kind of makes reference to it earlier But not really trying to do the right Thing and uh it was um you know you try And protect your kids you know it brings It brings notoriety in things but it was Just such a uh a visceral emotional Moment that I'm I'm just I'm grateful I Got to experience it and I'm uh I'm so Proud of him I'm proud no you didn't you Didn't experience it at all did you see Him doing that no you're giving a speech Of him I'm proud of hope I'm proud of Gwen she's a wonderful mother and these Are great kids and I think the one thing Is talking about the era we're in is our Politics can be better it can be Different we can we can show some of These things and we can have families Involved in this and I I hope that there Was uh I hope people felt that out there And I hope they hugg their kids a little Tighter because you just never know and Oh Jesus first of all you your whole Signature campaign um line is that the Other side is so weird which is a very Immature High schoolish you know Junior High type of attitude that you're taking Towards and when you guys are like you Know we'll get back into that when I Show you the beginning of the video These guys are just weird people they're All weird they're all like Reptilian but you know that's an attack
On the other side that's not family Oriented Trump's whole family was part Of his Administration like Trump's family was a Big part of his first term Jared and Ivanka and then his two sons his two Older Sons and his whole family's been a Part of this thing like most families Are right the first family and so you Know this is like just stupid life can Be kind of hard and last question Madam Vice president the photograph that has Gone viral you were speaking one of your Grand nieces that you were just talking This said smile Smiles usually make Other people happy you know it's nice to See someone Smiling you know there's a reaction that You have to I'm going to talk about this The beginning of the video we get back To the beginning of this interview but With her it's just scary right about was Watching you accept the nomination you Didn't explicitly talk about gender or Race in your speech but it obviously Means a lot to a lot of people and that Viral picture really says it what does It mean to You you know I listen I am running Because I believe that I am the best Person to do this job at this Moment yeah like no one else believes That right um they just put this in Harris I'm the best person to do this
Job at this moment for all Americans They do this throughout the Interview regardless of race and Ender Um but I did see that photograph see What would make you think you're the Best person like her time as district Attorney is marred with confusion and no Real sense of like like I said a compass Like some sort of Dogma or a compass to A guiding force right and she got into Politics by banging a 60-year old guy Which we're going to get into more the Stuff later on the video which I always Talk about and then she got you know I Mean she was Unelectable as a uh like a Democratic Presidential candidate you know they Installed her as a Congresswoman as you know in the Senate And then um she gets to be vice President God knows why you know because Of Demographics and you know Joe Biden Whing insurance policy or whatever and So what make would make you think that You're the most qualified person all of America to do this job right it's silly Like I don't think I think anybody Believes that like you were just the Person that was the you know the Democratics were stuck with right um for All Americans regardless of race and Gender um but I did see that photo she Did see that photograph she did she saw
It like did you saw it that's Unbelievable and I was deeply touched by It and you're right she's it's the back Of her head her two little braids and um And then I'm there that's a stage Photograph right they put the girl right Here for this Photograph and they had a Photographer right behind her these are Front row seats they had a photogra Photographer right behind her doing this You know this was not I mean this Completely stage the front of the Photograph obviously speaking and Um it's very humbling it's very humbling In many Ways Unlikable all right um let's get back to The beginning here okay so I forgot one Key point or I missed something I went For a walk and you know KLA Harris Saying she's the best person to be President right her saying she she's Running because she thinks she's the Best person that means she thinks she's Better than Joe Biden right so she said Joe Biden's great Joe Biden was great Even now you know lately he's been great In behind closed doors and meetings and She was 100% supporting him as president And was 100% supporting him in terms of His re-election bid but she's saying She's better that her presidency would Somehow be better she'd be a better President Joe Biden so she just undercut
Everything she said about him because if He was mentally healthy then why Wouldn't he still be there why did the Democrats get rid of him right the Democrats said he's the worst guy that Will take any other Democratic person Any legitimate Democratic candidate over Joe Biden in this case was KLA Harris And she just happened to be the vice President so she was you know they Manufactured this but her saying that Undercuts what you're saying about him Because the only reason he wouldn't be Is because of dementia right because He's been broke down mentally and There's only one reason to get rid of Him and then if that's the case and he Shouldn't be president now right so the Deception like all you need to know About her being a a line piece of Is right there because she's saying She's the best but she's saying how Great he was and still is and still Could be like it doesn't you know those Things don't add up right like she's Lying about something you know and she's Really lying about everything right so Let's go to the Tim Walls part here um Tim Walls was uh you know like a he was Kind of ignored like I said but then There were some questions about his Credibility let's get to that here Governor governor wals the uh country is Just starting to get to know you I want
To ask ask uh you a question about how You've described your service in the National Guard you said that you carried Weapons in War but you have never Deployed actually in a war zone a Campaign official said that you misspoke Mr frowny face he misspoke right he Misspoke did you well first of all I'm Incredibly proud I've done 24 years of Wearing uniform of this country equally Proud of my service in a public school Classroom whether it's Congress or uh or The look at look uh look at kamla this Is her adoration look right so he's the Second best person kamla like you're the Best person but he's the second best Person the only reason you picked him Like she has in the same Situation that Joe Biden was in she had To pick a white guy right and you know I Like different like I I don't like to See the same T I like parity I like to See uh diversity like I don't like to See the same teams win you know whatever It is unless like you know it's a team That I really like or something right But I like to see teams that have never Won the Super Bowl or whatever it is Right like I like to see Barack Obama be You know a black guy when the when the Presidency is something different right Like even if they're all shills then It's something different like I would Like to see various types of ethnic you
Know ethnicities and different types of People even like just not in in terms of Their personalities you know somebody Who's more quirky or whatever right like George W Bush was pretty quirky um but You know I I am into change right but She had to nominate a white guy and she Had Josh Shapiro who became genocide Josh so he was a he was a no you know She couldn't use him that was her first Choice there was that other guy I forget Who he was and he had another issue too And with all the issues that she was Having for taking over Joe Biden she Went with the safest possible Choice Which was this guy right this guy is Your you know your your um whatever College they call that thing and you Know when you're applying for colleges Like it's your you know if you don't get Into the colleges you want to get in you Know your safe choice you know your Backup choice and he was like Plan B as She was right this is Plan B right here This whole this is the plan B ticket Record speaks for itself but I think uh People are coming to get to know me I I Speak like they do um I speak candidly I Wear my emotions on my sleeves and uh I Speak especially passionately about uh About our children being shot in schools And around around guns so uh I think People know me they know who I am they Know where uh where my heart is and
Again my record has been out there for Over 40 years to to speak for itself and The the idea that you said that you were In war did you misspeak as the campaign Has said yeah I said we were talking About in this case this was after school Shooting the ideas of carrying these Weapons of war and uh my wife the English to my grammar is not always Correct but again well you mean your Grammar isn't always collect you said That you couldn't believe that these Weapons that you were Carrying in a you know I mean I get the Exact let me find the exact quote here Hope woke up like many of you did five Weeks ago and dad said dad you're the Only person I know who's in elected Office you need to stop what's happening With this I'll take my kick in the butt For the NRA I spent 25 years in the Army And I haunt and I gave the money back And I'll tell you what I have been doing I've been voting for common sense Legislation that protects us Second Amendment but we can do background Checks we can do CDC research we can Make sure we don't have reciprocal carry Among states and we can make sure that Those weapons of war that I carried in War is the only place where those Weapons are At so you carried in war you didn't go To war right that's a complete lie right
That wasn't grammar first of all saying That you know you mess up your grammar And your wife says all these things or Whatever It Is Well Do You Really Want a President like that we already have that In Joe Biden right I misspoke You know yeah like you know you're lying And you're exaggerating your service Right you're saying that you were in war And when you weren't you were never in War right that's the whole debate here It wasn't misspeaking you were lying you Know like it was if you do misspeak in Such a way like you know being a Detailed person and you know getting Your your um your verbiage right it's Kind of important as president and as Vice president right and so that isn't Really a good excuse but it's better Than the the truth which is you were Lying right and uh my wife the English Told my grammar is not always correct But again what do you mean the grammar Is not correct that you would say when I Was in War what what was what was wrong With the grammar the I because you Weren't in war was because you weren't In war war because you weren't was in War right was that the everything in That sentence what do you mean your Grammar wasn't correct when I was in Military Serv service you know the Weapons I carried when I did military Service on some you know uh you know
Base in Ohio or something right or Whatever it is not even that you're your National Guard right your weekend Warrior or whatever they call him right And so you know that isn't correct you Were exaggerating and lying about what Your service was and so that's you know A lie it's not you know Grammatical if it's not this it's an Attack on my children for showing love For me ARS an attack on my dog uh I'm Not going to do that in the one okay it Was an attack on your dog nobody has a Problem with your dog if you actually Have one you showed two different dogs With the same name imagine if he showed A picture so what happened was he showed A picture of one dog on Twitter and then Two months later another dog on Twitter Different species different sizes Imagine if he said one day this is my Son Sam and he was you know Asian and Then um and he was like six years old And then he's like two weeks two months Later this is my daughter Sam and she's Black and she's like 14 years old you Know like you showed a completely Different dog and so it were posing Whatever that was you know he's got a Special needs kid and his special needs Kid acted weird and again you know I I Don't I mean it's people are different Whatever he's got the kids got like a Lot of issues and you know people
Gravitated to that but you you've been Calling people weird and you acted weird Your family acted weird and so like you You brought the weird word out there and So if the if the Republicans attack you And your family and call them weird well You're the one who brought that out Right thing I'll never do is I'll never Demean another member's service in any Way I never have uh and I never will I Just one other question because again This is all new you mean this was not he Many days ago this was not uh either of Your bingo cards Especially Yours um you Had to clarify uh that you had said that You and your Wife used IVF but it turned out you used A different kind of fertility in order To have children and then when you ran For congress in 2006 your campaign Repeatedly made false statements about a 1995 arrest for drunk and reckless Driving what do you say to voters who Aren't sure whether they can take you at Your work Well I've been very public I think they Can see uh my students come out uh Former folks I've served with and and They do they vouch for me I certainly Own my M okay so you're a liar though You lied about two big things there the Ibf which like it's it's probably not a Lie as much as he didn't even know what His wife was doing right because his
Wife was probably going through the Treatments and he called it ibf now that Could be someone who just is paying so Little attention to his family and his Wife or whatever that he doesn't know What the thing is right like if they you He was he was making this this case that You know and he's talking about Reproductive Rights and you know instead Of like having a story about an abortion He has a story where his wife couldn't Get pregnant either he was shooting Blanks or she was you know whatever like One of the two of them was you know the Issue right and he talked about how hard It was and how could have been if you Don't even know what the you were Doing Right and so like you know it's he's Such a strange person and look at her Look look at her look like she's trying To make it look like she's she adores Him and like how great he is she does This look all the time it's completely Performative it's off-putting because it Almost looks like she's ready to eat Them too right like she's got this it's Like a witch-like look Stakes when I Make them the one thing I'll tell you is Of um I wished in this country wouldn't Have to do this I spoke about our Infertility issues cuz it's hell and Families know this and again if it's Hell then why don't you know what
Procedure was the the Cur to it I spoke About the treatments that were available To us that that had those beautiful Children there um that's quite a Contrast in folks that are trying to uh To take those rights away from us and so Uh I uh I think people know who I am They know that record they've seen that I've taught thousands yeah they don't Know who you are that's the whole point They don't know she just said no one Knows who you are you're new to this They don't know who you are like you Know and you're and you're a liar like These she said pointed out five lies That they found already about you right And you're lying about everything like Just the whole democratic convention was A lie right students have been out there And um I I won't apologize for piing Passionately whether it's guns in Schools or protecting of Reproductive Rights uh the contrast could not be Clear between what we're running against The vice president's position on this Has been clear and um I think most Americans get it if you've been through That um I don't think they're cutting Hairs on IVF or IUI I think what they're Cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and The ability to be able to deny families The chance to have a beautiful Child boom look at him he's just a sad Looking Droopy Dog right
Like look at that that's not a happy man Like look at this expression look at it It's like you going to cry bro you I'm Going to cry look at this sad what's What's wrong bro like you're doing an Interview your first one to be president He's always got this frown sad eyes rupy Dog like just a droy dog M andeer right Like you know he's the white guy the Joe Biden that she needs to replace Joe Biden right she needs a white guy in her Ticket and she picked this Droopy Dog Sad Sack em andf look at him look at That em andf that is not and every time They cut away at the DNC he had an Expression like this he had a frown and He just looks like he's just ready to Cry all the time what's wrong bro you Okay bro it's okay it's just an Interview with Dana B All right let's go back to the um Beginning of the Interview okay we'll come back to this In a moment look at these two Sad Sack Mfers here I mean just pathetic like you Know just like really Depressing I want to talk a little bit We'll get back to the the beginning of The interview with kamla Harris you know The stuff that um I just her un Likeability which is a big part of this Whole thing and I got a lot of stuff to Say about that And you know how they've pulled off this
Awesome deception and hoax I me it's Really something for the Democratic you Know congratulations on this because It's a they really duped the crap out a Lot of people but uh I want to talk About gun control but it's really about Believability and who's more likely to Get something done and so um in my last Video about Trump gun grabbing I um Talked about uh maybe the previous video Video I talked about um the uh Diane Feinstein having a ghoul gasm and I Found that clip so I can show you the Moment she had a goul gasm and I got um A couple of Clips I want to show you Let's get go to the Twitter post first Here so I want to talk about hypocrisy Right and you know more it's about what People will convince themselves when the Truth is just slapping them in the face Right and so I posted this on my postive Future Twitter Tweeter and if you guys Want to be part of an Experiment show this to you your uh Share it with your um your Trump loving Friends and ask them to explain this Right because they say Trump is a Hypocrite just like the rest this is From 2018 bipartisan gun legislation Meeting it was in February of 2018 and this is the course my Meme here I've showed you guys a number of times Conservatives take the guns first go Through du process and you know the
Whole meeting is there there's a you can Search those those Search terms 2018 uh bipartisan gun legislation Meeting and Trump is um you know I you Can show him this video in my last one As well this one I'm going to show you a Few more Clips I went back and found the Goul gasm that everyone was um Commenting on I said I'll show you that In a second right but you know Trump was All into grabbing guns and just you know Come back and leave a comment to this Video or my previous video the second Amendment video and say you know what Your trumpers said to dismiss this right It isn't about grabbing guns isn't Really about Trump it's about Trump fans And what they're willing to hear or what They what they're what they'll hear and How they'll React to what they hear Right I mean in terms of you know they Hear something that goes completely Against their beliefs and how they'll Rearrange reality and give you some kind Of you know a train a trump derangement Syndrome in terms of the Trump cult okay So I added this you know I added this Comment down here to this Tweeter post Here is a full meeting this is not taken Out of context d f Stan has a gasm when She thinks Trump's is going to support Her gun grabbing and then there's the um The whole there's the whole video the One of the videos I use for this which
Is over an hour long which captures These interactions right and so you know That's um you I've already had a couple Comments which I'll get to in a moment Here okay so let me explain this Experiment here you know it's like just A light experiment but the what you're Pulling for is what trumpers will say Cuz most trumpers realize many of them Are Second Amendment people many of them Are nraa people and they are scared of Gun grabbing right and what Trump said If it was said by a Democrat like Democrats can't say that right so Like they they talk about getting guns But they have to be very specific about Background checks or the rest of it they Can't you know they'll lose their seat I Mean the NRA and the the you know the Gun lobby is so powerful and I mean they All are afraid to you know say anything This dramatic but Trump just goes out And says it and like I said I put the Whole um the whole um clip there I'm not Sure if I got the clip out of that or a Shorter video but it's it's probably in There somewhere 2019 18 meeting right And so just seeing what they'll say you Know if they first they're going to say It's out of context there's a couple Comments here that people have read Written already Trump is pro to a even More so after the attempt Kama has come Out and said she wanted to ban ARS you
Could fact check this pretty easy dude Just has TDS right um I have TDS because You know like so all that wow TDS runs Rampid here nice clip about out of Context Trump is pro Second Amendment TS Is real folks this video proves it Fact like these really dumb people like They have Trump derangement syndrome in The opposite way but Trump said it and Like you know what are they going to do Inside themselves to ra rationalize this They might say stuff like well though The Democrats are worse than he is so You he was just being performative or You he didn't know whatever you know Excuse they use and you know Trump is More likely to get the guns than anyone Else let me show you the one clip here Then I'll show the the ghoul gasm clip Um this is from the Democratic senator From uh West Virginia so here's the Joe Mansion part like and here's Trump Saying you know his he's talking about Getting things done like Trump wants to Be the guy who gets things done Operation warp speed whatever it is he Doesn't care what it is he just wants to Be the guy who gets it done like he Doesn't have a Dogma he's in the Dogma Saying hey Trump does it better than Anybody else right that's his thing it's Time that a president stepped up and we Haven't had them and I'm talking Democrat and Republican presidents they
Have not stepped up Mr President the Difference is this there's not a person In West Virginia that believes that You're not going to defend their second Amendment rights not a person with you Taking a lead on something like this it Gives them the comfort that something Reasonable this so that was it right so That was the the moment where he's Talking about how That it's easier for Trump to pass Something than somebody who's a Democrat Or somebody else CU they trust Trump so Much much right which is the real scary Part because Trump doesn't care about Second Amendment or them right or any of These things or NRA he cares about Getting things done and he'll change you Know especially now after he has some Victim Consciousness associated with his Event and if he's elected I know they're Going to go use that to to try to get These you know to get the guns right and He's saying he's willing to do that so Let me just rephrase all this stuff here And so if you believe as a truther that They're going after your lifestyle and Whatever your feelings about that you Can say it's some you know plot just to Make me people miserable you know there It's a power grab or for me it's the System's asked out it's bankrupt and They have no choice but to go after your Lifestyle because they can't provide for
It anymore they promis you something They can't deliver on and so to do that They need to take your guns right they Has to disarm the American people Because when the New Deal comes around People are going to freak the F out and So they have to get the guns and you Know maybe that's not true but that's Probably true right like I am 99% you Know I'm 100% but whatever you know We'll have to see it play out because They're trying to get the guns and so You can say the Democrats are are openly Trying to get the guns and they're Talking about it but Trump you know False flag things play a play play a Part in that Trump's catchup gate will Play a part in that as well right and so You know Trump didn't even know what an AR-15 was when he was talking about the Gun that was used in the ketchup gate he Says his sons are the experts on that And he didn't know anything about the NRA he didn't even understand what the Argument is that we don't trust the Government that the Second Amendment is Not about people loving guns or I mean It is now but it used to be about not Having a standing military and not Having the military abuse the people Which almost always happens the military Often you know in history militaries Will come in and just abuse the local People and they'll they'll get you know
They'll start feeling themselves about The power they have right and Trump is In a much better position to take your Guns because you trust him I mean and It's very hard for a Democrat to do it But it's the same thing they did last Trump last time Trump was President they Pushed all this liberal agenda and Trump Was totally willing to go to martial Laws well if some events and we know He'll play an actor with ketchup gate so That it's all set for Trump to grab your Guns so here's a Diane Feinstein ghoul Gasm uh that is more than our we lost The brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan Um and so just doing something on this Background check uh issue and using that As a base and then I would like to add Some of these other things we've talked About I think would make a major Difference you can add that to this bill That would be great if you could add What you have also and I think you can Into the bill Joe are you ready can you Do that Joe that was the ghoul gasm that I spoke of right I found it I was Looking through I was trying to find the Joe Mansion thing which I think is Coming up here but this is the ghoul g And watch it again he says he wants Diane ghoul Stein stuff to go into the Bill and you know remember she died with $10 million worth of assets and all that Stuff um
I think would make a major difference You could add that to this bill that Would be great Dian if you could add What you have also and I think you can Into the bill so Joe are you ready can You do that Joe can you do that Pat can You add some of the things you're not Going to agree with if you help well no I'll help but can you add what Amy and What Diane have can we add them in and I Know you can add what joh yeah I have Another domestic violence that's very Narrow and it's about D so I saw this Ghol gasm here you know so many people Commented I mean Just I come up with some effed up stuff But like I just you know that's how I Remembered it right maybe whatever this Was this is 2018 so I remembered this One of the good things one of the things I have going for me is I have a good Memory and so I remembered this Interaction and I thought it was Completely effed up but I knew that he Didn't pass anything but like he was Pushing for this stuff I didn't cover at The time because you know was you know All the stuff that was going on with These events right meting partners and Number of states have just enacted Republican we're going to get it passed We're going to get it passed if you can Add domestic Violence uh paragraphs pages into this
Bill I'm all for it I think it's Terri They didn't get passed obviously but he You know for him it's more important That he was the guy who got passed and All the other presidents had failed than It was that he cared about any of these Things right and what I'm saying here And you know it's an interesting I mean I posted this stuff on Twitter if you Guys want to share it with your Republican friends and then post their Comments in either this video or the Other video probably this video because You know this is the one we're talking About it right but you know it's just All right because people say Things and they promise things Politicians but they don't believe in Them and we don't even know how sincere They are about doing those things they Know they can't do a lot of the things That they say they just can't like they Don't have the power and they can't be Done most political promises can't be Done but this thing there're you know There's a reason why they want to disarm The American people and again I'm not a Big gun person but you know this is the Reality that we live in and I know it Would be a way worse here if there Wasn't the threat of like militias and People rising up and you know these Things because you know an unarmed Population we've seen what America does
To unarmed populations going all the way Back to Native Americans and the slaves And things like this Europeans and we've See this you know when they went went Into these you know England going to one Country to the other countries you know One country after another and conquering Them with Superior Firepower like that's The kind of low-level low vibrational Level that we have as human beings that Is just based in pure uh physical Dominance right and I know that you know I talked about this with Obama you know Obama was one of the worst hardest People on whistleblowers But the people that were like fighting Amnesty International and these liberal Groups that were pushing back against That kind of abuse and censorship Thought a Democrat would never do that And Obama was one of the worst in terms Of these Wars including the war in Libya And he was the worst in droning kids but They gave him two Noble Peace prizes and So people are like well he's you know He's fine and the Liberals weren't Pushing back against these wars and they Just bought into it saying well if he's Are doing it they must be just you know All these things I mean now of course With with the stuff in Israel that's you Know coming to an end and now there's Some push back but I can say with 100% Certainty if they want to get the guns
They need Trump to do it it'll be almost Impossible for Kell to get them and it's Way easier for Trump to get him and so Trump is totally willing to do that and He showed this before and he flips flops Back and forth and there just has to be Some big event and pressure in him and You know he'll use the thing that Happened to him and he'll push for this Stuff and again we'll see how it goes Right the NRA has fought this stuff off Before not that I love the NRA but you Know to me this is unfortunately the Only thing that's separating us from Like a just a you your power grab in in Terms of all these things anyway so if You're interested in that you know leave Comments or you know that people say These what they'll say the Trump people In denial but you know you can't trust Any of them right they just can't like Why would anybody trust these people who Are like proven Liars all right let's Get back to this last kamla Harris thing Here okay so here's the beginning of This thing here now you're going to see The cursor Here Madam vice president governor WS Thank you so much for sitting down with Me and bringing the bus this curse is Going to be here because I had to tape This off of CNN and you know I try to Get to the bottom of the thing you know This thing here the Apple thing the
Apple player Okay today's Saturday August 31st so I'm Going to edit this rest of this video um Started like two days ago then you Haven't even see the stuff I've started You know pre the interview which is Coming and this morning we'll get to This right away after the CER thing um Corey Feldman said Michael Jack well I'll show You the clip it's Hilarious um but Anyways I forgot to say something about This it was one of my you know first Thoughts about about this interview There was a time where the big event 2001 the government interviewed George W Bush right as a you know like as being Part of the whole you know whatever the Thing was right like he was interviewed By the FBI and Dick Cheney went with him like So this is a criminal interview like a You know investigative Interview about a huge event that Happened and George Bush needed chain to Hold his hand like you don't do that Right and you know it was I mean it was A you know a very I don't know informal I mean it was the the lightest kind of Interview and Dick Cheney was there to Make sure George Bush like he he was his Handler and you know I'm not sure what The point of bringing these two people
Together because they're both not I mean They're both weird and they're both you Know like the way they present you know And the weird word is out there like Once you throw a word out there like It's going to come back on you right Like all these politicians are not Normal people they try to act like Normal people and that's this the They're two you know these two guys are These uh two you know the Democrats are Trying to be just ordinary folks and Donald Trump's the rich guy and they're The you know they're just like so normal And just you know they're just so like Everybody else but even more into Serving other you know all this stuff Right they put out the convention but This is a weird thing like a weird thing Like she hasn't done any Interviews and you know there's I'm Going to show you a clip where she's Talking to a high school band and she's Like oh the country is so inspired by You and I'm like what are you talking About he a high school marching Band nobody cares about them I'm like Wait you know she and She lays it on Really thick and we've seen her just be Socially inappropriate quite a bit where Like she's an Donald Trump is the same Way like Donald Trump you know I I'm This whole thing with the guns I showed You Donald Trump is supposed to be a big
Conservative you know his son are big Game sons are big game hunters and he's Supposed to know about things and he had No idea about the NRA and it's you know Any of it and uh I got some more coming From that because I got a few uh well There's a let me just read that real Quick there's a a comment here on Twitter and so the person wrote um yeah But you've made a living out of trashing Everyone you are bound to be wrong about Someone what do you that's like silly Like you know why not say wow you're Right most of the time or all the Time I'm bound to be wrong about Somebody and that's somebody is Donald Trump right like what a silly comment Right like think about what you just Said like I'm bound to why not be Congratulatory that I'm right every Freaking time right like I I don't even Remember a time I was wrong about in Terms of reading somebody's condition in These situations when have I ever been Wrong and if it is it's like slight Nuances right and usually it's because I Side on the side of that person's better Than I thought they were I mean this Person saying I'm trashing everybody but If I am wrong it's because I you know I'm like the person's worst in fact Every time I am wrong and I'm always a Little bit wrong it's because it's worse Than I actually thought like people are
More depraved and the situation is worse Than I thought like that's you know That's been the case the you know since I've been doing this a full-time job Since 201 like 14 every time I've been wrong about Somebody it's because they you know They're worse it's much worse than I Thought and so um there you know there There's a couple of things there I'm I'm You know I'm mostly right almost every Time you know every time I'm mostly Right And you're thinking that I'm wrong about Trump like it's stupid like it's Trump It's you guys who are just you you're so Desperate for like I'm not the one who's Desperate for somebody to be my savior Right I'm not desperate for someone to Save the system I've accepted you know I've accepted the you know the Overwhelming evidence that the system Not only is collapsing but it should Collapse and it you know hurts me as Much as it hurts you doesn't you know it Doesn't affect me less I mean I'm a Little little bit more prepared than you But I'm older than most like the people You know so you know adjustments are Harder for older people in terms of Lifestyle right and So but this is you know the kind of Stuff I was talking about like that's Your T like it's just bizarre stuff
They'll come up with to justify all These things right and now it's with KLA Harris it's the overwhelming denial and Willing to walk into an illusion and be You know self- deceiving because you Have to self deceive to believe even KLA Harris or Trump to believe that they're Going to save you you have to self Deceive to believe one of them or Anybody in the political system is going To save you these are horrible people And they can't even be interviewed on Their own all right so let's get back to It Here um is it the no Malarkey Bus the bus St is well underway here in Georgia you have less time to make your Case okay so I saw this um you know on My TV like a you know big screen TV high Def whatever it is right and so um and I Was taping some of it so I got close to The TV now she looks like such a ghoul Here Dana Bash than any like she's got This weird Joker smile like her smile is Not natural like and she's just um like You know the the Joker from uh you know Batman like it's some woman he's Mutilated and put on this fake smile Thing but she looks just like like Really ghoulish right and I showed you Before there's another thing I showed You she was so ghoulish in that but Sometimes the high def works against These guys you know she's got the lines
Here they're trying to cover up Candidate in modern American History and so KLA Harris you know she's Got I mean she's my these guys are my Age and I don't have stuff like this yet You know um and I don't you know I just Started putting Castor on you know as a As a health measure but I've never used Skin cream and I'm just not in concerned About it but she has these guzzle lines Down here right knee pads lines and then These things in her face right that are Happening you know that's just age is Age but then you're going to notice when She talks which I had noticed before the Left side of her mouth like I don't Think she's had a stroke or anything but It's not let's just watch here the Voters are really eager to hear what Your plans are if you are elected what Would you do on day one in the white House well there are a number of things I will tell you see like this thing Here right here now you know just the Tone of her voice there's things that on A subconscious level are just the way a Person presents themselves right when When you're go to get a psychological Valuation and the psychologist writes up Or the counselor writes up an intake Assessment you know to talk about how The client presents you know how they Come across like you know are they do They make eye content act you know what
What you know and they'll there's Different terms for it right there's Different personality profiles and KLA Checks all the blocks of all the boxes That are unlikable like it's the tone of Her voice it's her Expressions you know Her condescending you'll see this with It when she talks to high school kids She talks down to people it's Condescending she talks with somebody Who is better and more important of Course you know she's already said this Stuff about thinking she's the best Person for the job like no one should Say that right no one should say I'm the Best person to be president and all the Candidates Joe Biden said it Donald Trump always says it now she's saying it You know there's none of that right There's you know if you want to be Humble like she said I was humbled by it Then you should be humble about you know I hope I can do the job right okay so I'm editing the video Saturday August 31st year and you know I want to add This I forgot this U from yesterday but There's a reason why they didn't want Want her to do interviews right there's A reason why they chose to not have her Do interviews till now like think about It so Joe Biden's they hit Joe Biden Away because he had Parkinson's you know He's a gaff magnet in these things right But she's a young candidate I mean 60 is
Young compared to these other guys right And so she's 20 years younger than these Guys you know different totally Different generation she's generation X They generation you they're they're Before Boomers they're the generation before Boomers Trump and and Biden right and so You know Trump's doing interviews all The time he says things all the time Because he speaks off the cuff that the The media uses against him but they Still he still goes out there and does It you know Kennedy said he did every Interview with anybody who asked he was All over social media I mean all these People and so you know that's what Candace used to do because the good Thing to do interviews because it's free Publicity but they're so controlled and They're controlling her so much and you Know she's okay at sticking to I mean She's not great when she talks she has To improvise and talk off the cuff she's Weird and you'll see this with this uh Thing she did with these kids from the The band thing in in Georgia you know The marching band and we know that she Says weird stuff right and so it's so Bad for them that they don't want her to Do interviews cuz she can read a telep Poter you know pretty good I'm her Reflection she's not a great public Speaker she's not a Great Rally speaker
You know she's you know they've covered It with fake enthusiasm and they've Pumped her up but they know what she's Got and they can't improve it she's Unlikable you know they they've tried to Minimize her cackle you she has a weird Uncomfortable laugh and often times She's laughing when something's not Funny and nobody else is laughing and so Her cack is offputting right like her Husband Doug said he loved her laugh and You know uh God love him for that you Know like whatever but it's very Off-putting and so they know that they Can't make her more likable they know That when they stick her in front of a You know again this is a horrible Interview By Dana Bash I mean totally uh You know a a puff piece and you know She's being hidden here with a guy her You know wals he's got she's got you Know basically somebody there to to help Minimize her unlik ability but he's Unlikable in his own way right he's fake In his like trying to be Joe coach and Joe average white guy and that stuff Right and Dana Bash didn't even ask him About his white guy tacos which turned Out to be fabricated you know they just Trying to make him into a person that You know he's not like completely you Know Fabrication but they know that she's not Likable that that they have a limited uh
Like they can only people can tolerate Her for 3 months they figured you know Now it's less than two months in terms Of her you know the the whole convention Everything with you know Trump all the Stuff that happened with you know Trump Being you know katchup gate and then the Segue from Joe Biden say that he was Done that he was CED over to kamla you Know there's about three months to the Election and they know that there's like An aversion period where people are just Going to have an aversion to her like They're just not going to like her like They just you know they got 3 months of Just try to you know manufacture Whatever they can put together and hide Her enough away so people don't realize Oh I I don't like her at all you know Like that's their whole strategy here Like they they know it there's a reason Like why why isn't she doing interviews Then right if she's you know if she's Good then why isn't she doing interviews It isn't because of the gffs and the Strange things it's all of it right if You get exposed to comma for a long Period of time It only took about two weeks for the Democratic voters to say yeah we don't Like her it was one debate and it was You know some of this other stuff that Happened but was it was the exchange With her and Tulsi gabard and she went
From 12% to less than 1% they pushed They pumped her up to get her 12% and The American people took a look at her And said we don't like her and that was It she was done her Canada City ended in Two we period And so like that's you Know we'll see how it happen happens Here where they're trying to you know Just like with Joe Biden they would roll Him out they give him medication they do Whatever they could give him lots of Sleep or whatever he needed so we could Have these moments these Lucid moments When he was you know doing a impromptu Press conference a quick one like by a Plane or something or you know a short a Campaign event and this is back in 2020 And now they couldn't even manage them Anymore but why are they picking these Candidates that they have to basically Are so high maintenance Right like they're so high Maintenance first and foremost one of my Highest priorities is to do again with The um the tone you know what we can to Support and strengthen the middle class Um when I look at the aspirations the Goals the Ambitions of the American People I think that um people are ready For a new way Forward um in a way that generations of Americans have So when you're listening to her again She she's not going to make the gaffs
That Joe Biden does but she says weird and she's really a weird person and You know you can say she's different Like I'm Different like I'm you know I I Have a you know I'm not a normal person Right like we all have our things that You know and being normal is something That you know I have no interest in Being right because being normal is like What's normal now is like just you know Being a just a a unconscious sheeple Type you know um like just a lost person Right but like she does have a like when She's just speaking the way that she Comes across is off-putting and that's What it was in the debate years ago it's Kind of even gotten a little bit worse And you can't fix that you know you can Give her lines to say she can read for From a script but Joe Biden like Appealed to these blue white guys white People you know Pennsylvania people Midwest people because you know Allegedly he came from there and he Appealed to black people they liked them She doesn't like there's just something Where she's one of those people that you Know the women are going to gossip about And they're just all she's just going to Be one of those people people don't like Right and you can see it like in her Mannerisms like everything she does like Forget about her words they're just anyway right but just as she
Expresses herself her C You know all of it right there's just Like she the energy that she exudes it Has an effect on your system and that Effect isn't a positive one right and They're still able to I mean she might Win and that would be you know awesome In a way that somebody who is this Unlikable who didn't get elected you Know the hypocrisy of them saying They're running on on democracy and Saving democracy when she didn't get one Vote and if they get her to win you know Some of this will be Trump's fault some Of it would be the deception but all of It you know it just show you like how Bad things are it's another nail in the Coffin of our you know ability to I mean It's just it shows you that we're in the Apocalypse fueled by by hope and by Optimism I think sadly in the last Decade um that right here by hope and by Optimism see this look right here it's Like there's just something there like This is just she's just an out andout Ghoul right and the Expressions when She's not smiling she's another Miserable person right like there you Know there's no I mean the lines of just All of it it's like you know when people Are you just what you're born with in Terms of your physical features and so You're attractive whatever it is right You're people think you're good-looking
People think you're ugly but as you get Older it isn't about that at all it's About the heart you have it's about your Connection to God it's about the life You lived and spiritual people start Exuding you know loving energy and you Know as they mature and get older and They become beautiful in a different way Right not in a sexual way not in a you Know in terms of their features because Everyone's old now you got wrinkles but There just this loving energy that you Exude and you see this with a lot of Women who were attractive when they are Younger and as they get older they Become really really ugly and they you Know they do PL plastic surgery and they Put on makeup and they try to hide it But they're just you know who they are As a person it's just written in their Face right and like you know babies and Young people have they haven't you know Whatever they bring in from a past life Isn't evident you know they might be Crying a lot they might be miserable Whatever but a baby itself is innocent Right and it doesn't have any of these Characteristics like you don't look like Look at a baby and say oh that's a demon Baby right but once you start making Mistakes and you turn into like a you Know a bad kid or whatever it is you Know you acting out you're you're kind Of obnoxious you're a brat and your
Behavior starts to you know affect other People like people like I don't like That kid right but it's gets just worse And worse as you get older and then You're this age and you're just a Complete ghoul right like there's no There's no human being left there I Think sadly in the last decade Um we have had in the former president Someone who has really been pushing an Agenda and an environment that is so There's the decade again and she made The mistake of saying a decade because You know Hillary Clinton was a pitbull And she was just as negative As Trump And just as disliked but they forced her On the American people which was Divisive because they took somebody who The Republicans hated worse than anybody Else I mean I still think lots of Republicans hate Hillary worse than any Other Democrat and they try to force That person on the Republicans and the Republicans had an antidote which was Trump and we know how that went right And then the Republicans have been Forcing Trump you know knowing that this Person is so much hated by the Democrats And so both sides have tried to force a Candidate that was divisive and hated And now the Democrats are forcing Somebody who at the end of the day Everyone's going to dislike like when The election's over and Trump's no
Longer a factor like when Trump is if She wins and she's president and Trump Is no longer a factor and the situation Doesn't get any better because it's not It's going to get worse and like every Crisis and every issue they're going to Hate this they're going to hate this right they're just going to hate Her because of everything I'm saying Like just like all her mannerisms you Know there's people in your life that Mannerisms like you just look at them And you're like seething with anger Right you know when I was when I was Younger I used to look at my dad my dad Put his glasses at the end of his nose And the way he chewed his food at the Dinner table like I want to stab that in the head with a fork Right like you know like I'm not like That now you know I because of the Meditation and stuff that I do because I Just I don't get irritated the same way As you can see from these videos like it Doesn't great on me but like when I was Younger like it was just there right and You you know there's things that people Do that just who they are and what they What they how they present themselves is Like just uh infuriating or you know Offputting and she's one of those people Is about diminishing um the character And the strength of who we are as Americans uh really dividing our nation
And I think so watch the watch the Corner of her mouth here when she people Are ready to turn the page on that so What would you do day one day one again Like Jesus Christ I mean what the these Are the people that they're putting out Here it's going to be about one Implementing my plan for what I call an Opportunity economy I've already laid Out a number of um proposals in that Regard which include what we're going to Do to see like just who she is like when She shows up and just be is just kamla It's bad for her election chances like Everything about her is you know and I'm Not talking about her physical features I'm talking about the energy she exudes You know there's ways that they learn How to give like speeches and there's Hand gestures and there's cadences and Like all these things they have to learn How to appeal to the American people and Their psyches and use words that like Safety and you know I mean there's just Words out there that they use like Leader and protector and things that They're trying to sell you you know the Key words that people need to hear and People are wanting to see right now and You know all these things this image This fake image but when she shows up She does things like just listening to Her it's you know just make it stop it's Like an annoying sound like your fire
Alarm went off and you just can't wait To turn it off right because it's Grading on you the you know put the Reason you put your seat Bel on like She's the she's the human equivalent to The seat belt Noise bring down um the cost of everyday Goods what we're going to do to invest In America's small businesses what we're Going to do to invest in families for Example extending the child tax credit To $6,000 for families for the first Year of their child life to help them Buy a car seat to help them buy baby Clothes a crib so these are words that People want to hear bring down the Prices of everyday Goods but she's Admitting there's inflation and later on She's going to talk about how great the Economy is and that the economy is down To 3% inflation and yet people's Goods You know the things they're paying for Continuously continuously increases Because the that's a false number the 3% And you know inflation is um you know Based in what based in what it was Before like what what are your figures Here because inflation is probably like How much more do you think you're paying For groceries like these are that's a Good measure of inflation how much more Are you paying for gas and things like That and they're artificially propping These things up and keeping the prices
Down and so inflation should be worse But are you paying a third more is that 33% inflation are you paying 20% more From what it was before Co you know Because it's it's something where I'm Still noticing it I'm like wow that's How much this stuff costs when I look at The prices you know it's 20 30% more Right and people know about but anyways You know I want to stop here with this Because this is I'm going to come back And cover the rest of the interview I'm Going to watch it um like I I miss parts Of it so um but like just you can see The unlik ability of K Harris and this Hoax that they've perpet traded the KLA Harris deception I got a bunch of more Stuff to get to here so let's get into That um but like if they pulled this off I mean it just shows you how bad off the American people are like that's just the Takeaway from this thing so before we Get into the stuff I I just got this Whole Cory Felman thing I just did and Trump's reaction to the to the thing um This uh interview but you saw Tim Walls I showed you him in his permanent frown And you saw that ghoul Dana Bash who was Way more excited and happy enthusiastic Interviewing kamla and she's a miserable Ghoul looking amfer and the number of Times I stopped on K and she had a face Like this I mean so many of these things Like they're miserable people like K
Laughs a lot and she seems to be a Joyful person and they're trying to push Joy and you know they did on the Convention but when she's talking about This stuff H she's miserable they're all Miserable and have you ever seen Trump Smile and laugh when you ever seen Trump Laugh or smile he goes through hours of Speeches and never laughs and smiles Right you know and they're not happy on The inside like I you know I I don't Look like a happy Person people think I'm like angry and Whatever grumpy whatever it is just on My resting uh face right but you Know I laugh I crack I'm I'm laughing in Lots of times I'm suppressing an outward Laugh because I find something funny Like I find stuff funny all the time you Know things that I mean other people Find stressful and you know if this Apocalyptic stuff I mean I I laugh all The time about it something just it's Just funny to me and you know I feel Good on the inside like happy uh I've Been making more serotonin since 2016 like my serotonin level just went Up from doing the SJ Mark meditation and Cleaning like I had always been sort of Angry angry and grumpy and now I'm just I have this good feeling pretty much all The time like you know I don't remember I don't when I feel unhappy I'm like oh Well this is abnormal right um but you
Know if I was doing this job if I was a Politician I'd be miserable because it's Just you know they they think it's I Mean it's just a deception that you Think there's something there like being A person of power like they they want This uh but it you know they're Miserable people if you go to Hollywood And you go to all the these politicians And all these successful you hang around CEOs and successful people they're all Miserable you know once in a while you Find a happy one and they're that's just Because that person will be happy in any Circumstance but most of these people Are miserable and they don't you know And what's making them miserable they're Addicted to and they can't let it go and Just walk away right enjoy themselves Like so you know they're going to get Paid um like Donald Trump got paid as President they're going to make make Money and KLA Harris is going to be set For the rest of her life you know Whatever she'll she'll be a disgrace if She loses to Trump right I mean they ran That miserable Hillary Clinton I Mean she's the most miserable person She's like an alcoholic you know I have All these pictures of her I'm not going To show you because this video is going To be really long anyway I just need to Get it done here but she's all these Pictures you can you can say you know
Hillary Clinton dranking Hillary Clinton You know taking shots or drinking beers Or whatever she's constantly drunk on The she's always out there with people Getting you know in bars and getting um Getting drunk right she's she was a Bartender on a Saturday light life Sketch and she was miserable and people Disliked her so much and KLA Harris is Talking about 10 years of trump here so Much about these 10 years of trump and How it's been like a dark shadow but it Happened when the Democrats you know Hillary Clinton was so selfish and she Like it's my turn and the Democrat Should have moved on from the clintons And the Obamas and all of it right new Generation and the bidens and then they Chose Biden right and again you know old People who are part of a you know Certain um I mean they're all part of The same demographic same generation and Things Obama's a little bit younger but The rest of them are and you know the Republicans hated Hillary Clinton more Than anybody else but they tried to Force her on them and everyone else and That that gave rise to Trump and and That's why Trump was President because Of Hillary Clinton's unlike ability and The Democrats refused to you know she Had all the money in the power and the DNC was falling apart but they wanted Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders might
Have lost but there would have been way More enthusiasm but they didn't want to Run a socialist and a liberal and so you Know they've just they've broke politics That way when they rigged it against Bernie Sanders he would have beat Hillary Clinton had the DNC not stepped In it was a very close race the DNC just basically handed it you know Rigged it for Hillary and so it's you Know these miserable that you know They should just walk away like you can Have a good life but they can't enjoy Themselves right they can go live in Some Tropical Paradise for the rest of Their lives or just travel or do Whatever it is right they have all this Money you know they have you know they Have I mean they do these speaking Engagements if they want to stay engaged In things they have a good life right Set up for them you know they they have Guarant income and they have all these Things you know in terms of places they Can go and people they can meet and you Know whatever they want to do they can Go be recluses they have you know their Lives are set they can go meditate and Connect to God and live the rest of Their lives you know being spiritual I Mean they have all kinds of different Opportunities and they you know they Won't they won't leave this thing that's Making them miserable it's like the Lord
Of the Rings it's like the ring of power It sucks the life out of you you know It's it turns you you know my precious It's like my precious right and you can See they're all turning into freaking Golems so it's Saturday August 31st this Isn't good side we are getting highspeed Internet today which I'll talk about I Have these three things to add before The original stuff which is kind of Awesome I mean this is actually a big Video in lots of ways um stuff that I You know shot two days ago you know I I Uh you know did the the screen flow Stuff two days ago but I need to add This stuff first so this is Trump Talking about the interview whether you Like it or not we're becoming a drug Infested Nation so we better to get our Act together you know years ago Centuries ago China was taken over Numerous times by smaller Nations much Smaller Nation because they were all Drugged out from the Opium fields and All of that no they didn't get drugged Out so what happened was the um there Was a guy who was called the rth child Of uh India and rth child's family was Actually involved with this as well but They took Indian gold so they went the British took Indian gold in their Colonization again this is all stuff That's you know our we're part of the
British Empire and so there's a lot of Bad that was done that we all have To answer for now even even if we had Nothing to do with it just historically You know the colonization was evil the Slavery was evil like white people like Are you know there's a lot of white People that try to um say things to Minimize what was done right um like There's people that have said to me that The black people wanted to be slaves Like like that you know like I mean Comments that I've gotten on this Channel right but there was the East Indian company or something like that And they took this gold and they when They created opium you know I don't know There's a connection between the Indian Gold and the Opium that was then um they Used to addict the military and China And then um get the Chinese addicted Opium and then they just went and uh you Know they um like they took they took All the resources from China right and Know like one of these colonization type Situations back then and the Chinese are Still pissed about this like they're Still very pissed about this happened Years and years ago but you know was um It was a it was a you know it's the Thing they're still they hold grudges Right like they were still pissed about Japan for what happened in the second World war Japan had to apologize to
China and stuff like this and so even Though America is was a colony in Our our self right even though we were a Colony of Britain there's still like you Know the some of the anger towards that Is for America that had nothing to do With it like America really didn't exist Like it you know certainly wasn't a part Of that whole thing um but historically He doesn't know like you know there's a Whole level of stuff he's not saying Here and then one of their very powerful Look at these helmet leaders look at These all these helmeted guys said no More and they ended it and we're going To have to end it too because we're Really a country that is a we're a Failing nation in a lot of ways what They've done to our country is Incredible what is Camala who's a total Okay so the Opium addiction happened Because of the Afghanistan war and the Sackler family and the pharmaceutical Industry and all the stuff to do with it All the the various agencies that Governmental agencies that should have Protected people from that but there was The Opium fields that were not producing For some reason they really grow opium Well in um Uh Afghanistan you know another place Where they grow opium well is Vietnam And my brother was was with CIA people Guarding opium Fields him and other
Soldiers like it was he wrote a book About Vietnam and that was one of the Like sort of big moments in the thing That they were guarding these opium Fields for the intelligence Community Like there CIA guys there that were in Charge of the op opium production in Vietnam so like you know there's a time Where there's one of the people that Does sjar meditation some guys kind of Went crazy he really hates Trump now but He was on social media and um this is How I knew that the people weren't Logical truthers right and he said if The war in Iraq is about oil why are we Why did we invade Afghanistan and I said well it's Opium and I said you know a gram of Opium is at the time was worth like a Bar of oil and which is easier to ship Like which is easier to to sell like you Know people need gas and oil like we're Addicted to gas and oil but you addict People to Opium it's a whole another Deal and you know what they'll do for it And you know all this stuff and so you Know if you're saying that it's a Commodity that it's opium because the Taliban had shut down the Opium fields And there's real no no real reason to go In Afghanistan because Afghanistan is Where Empires go to die right um but Anyways like he said oh that kind of Makes sense but like now he just I I
Unfriended the guy cuz he just thought Was always Posting um you know he was he was like Some guy who was close to master chargie And he got access to you know like just He wrote a book with about him and all These stuff and the guy just lost his Mind over Trump like he just posts Political stuff all the time about how Trump sucks and I'm like you know these People are these were people who are Spirit Advanced and they can't even understand The most simple logical truth or stuff Right lightweight did you see her on Television last night this is going to Be the President is it going to be the President this is the kind of key part Here where he says this this is going to Be the president this is going to be the President I mean his body his body Posture says he's mocker but like he Said the Words this is going to be the president Of our country I don't think so sitting Propped up in a Desk with this guy this this uh tampon Tim Tampon woo woo T woo that was so clever Woo and that's the first interview she's Done and like nobody's ever seen Anything like it and if you're too weak To do a oneon-one interview with a
Person that was so soft you know I know Dana she's always you know always nasty She was so nice to the de Dana isn't Nasty but she certainly is there's all These there's a video out there showing How she interviews Republicans versus How she interviews Democrats but Dana Bash actually has more Republicans on her show prominent ones Than some of the other reporters like She and um Jake Tapper were the two most Fair and balanced people and they both Sort lean Democratic and hate Trump but They're a little bit more balanced than The rest of CNN like they're their two Best and they're the ones who did the The um and that's why they put that Those two in to do the to do the debate Because they wanted to to take down Joe Biden but the way that CNN was being Towards Joe Biden and the way that They're being towards KLA Harris Jana Bash does not ask any you know good Questions and she doesn't follow up with Kba's ridiculous answers right I mean it Was it was really bad it was a bad Interview you know like I mean it shows You how like you know bad CNN is Democrats it's much easier to be a Democrat but we don't agree in their Policies because their policies will Destroy our nation so we can't do that We can't do that but it was a very weak Interview from the standpoint of CNN I
Think CNN should be ashamed of Themselves If that were me AR there sir I heard you Want the death penalty for drug dealers Why well you know I'd like to end the Drug epidemic if that's okay remember This and I said it every drug dealer on Average kills 500 people that's not Mentioning all of the families that are Destroyed forever they're destroyed Forever and we have to do something About it because we yeah you're not Talking about pharmaceutical companies Though right and the opio epidemic which Happened in the fentol and all these Things that legally did this and the Sackler family like they're not he's a Take on big Pharma and you know he Pushed operation warp speed so what About you are you a drug dealer like you Were the the father of the the theop Right he's a father he said this and you Know I'm not going to show you the meme I mean this guy like remember this Commenter just said um you know you Trash everybody eventually you're be Wrong about somebody it's so it's this Guy this guy the father of the of the Vax right this Cloud that's who's going To that's the guy I'm wrong about right Donald J Trump We are Becoming and we Are a drug infested Nation we have to do Something and if you did that Meaningfully you will in one
Week stop the drug Pro okay so there's That so there's part of the video I'm Editing you know so I was listening to It and Um where Trump says we're a failing Nation he says that quite often and They've tried to use that against him Saying we're not which is like even Worse but we are a failing nature Because the people suck we're going in The wrong directions people are you know The people that populate your system are Reflection of the system we're the Product of the system right the system Is a product of us we're creating the System and the system is creating us Right and if you go down each generation We're getting worse and this is for you Know hundreds of years right people have Lost in terms of vocabulary Words like a you know an average person Used to have like 30,000 vocabulary Words you know in English American you Know person early on in the colonial Days and now it's down to like 3,000 5,000 and I'm sure it's even less now That was like from 10 year 10 years ago Before emojis took over right but it's The people like we saw worse and worse And the system sucks worse and worse and That's not comm's fault or Biden's fault You know these miserable freaking Golems These depressed pieces of right They're just a reflection our leaders
Are a reflection of us our leaders are Getting worse everything's getting worse Right our technology and our lifestyle Is getting better but you know I used to Be able to I mean I still can but when I Move to a new place I would make a Mental map of the area like I would have It you know I would be able to you you Just know where everything is right and You would have these you would save Landmarks and you know uh you would Memorize you know roads and things like This but now once I you know started Having a cell phone and I got a cell Phone late like in 2017 I like bought my first real cell Phone real you know smartphone and then Once you have you know I mean all the Advantage of GPS you lose that ability Right because you don't need it anymore Anymore cuz you just plug it into your You lose the ability to read maps and Things I mean you can call it back up But you don't you know you just it Atrophies because you're not using it Right and that's what's happened like People have just been degraded and so There are a couple more comments um one Of them was um the person said I didn't You know save it but the person said you Know my last video about Trump um saying He wanted to grab guns first and do do Process second and the person said watch This video and you'll know that this and
Think of think for yourself and you know That this is full of Boop right like This video sucks you know me you know my Video and I'm like well everyone else Agrees with me right and you know there Were some really um interesting comments Here that were um worth reading one Person wrote If the Maga cult thinks Trump is pro protecting the God is Protecting Trump why does why does he Need bulletproof glass which is an EXC Point right you know if God's protecting Them you know it's all a contradiction Right and then this person wrote don't They get bored doing the doctor routine LOL and they should but they just do the Same thing over and over again it's so Remedial and then someone wrote thanks So much for the compilation of people Passing out I tried to look for the one You did not what that you did not too Long ago couldn't find it seriously the The next day my mom brings up Trump Leaving his glass box and and how Amazing and caring he was I said LOL mom Pacus was just talking about that she Said don't tell me that's a size s up Too LOL the person wrote Um he's just spreading the Love I'm just out there spreading the Love and family Harmony and so uh but you know the whole Glass thing now he's and the person Wrote uh the other comment was was this
There was two comments here I read the One where don't they get bored of the Doctor routine the other person wrote Fish tank boy now LOL thanks Paul for Your work woo um you know now he's in a Fish tank and so um you know there's Actually lots of funny comments I have To do this more and start reading the Comments that are you know interesting Not just the you know negative ones you Know it's all just there right it's a It's a degradation of the ameran American system or the world system or The human being like the system is Making us worse we're we're becoming Idiocracy right and technology is a big Part of that unfortunately because it Does more for us than you know every Time they invent a new Technology we don't have to do something We used to do for Ourselves and that's you know with Robots and things doing it pretty pretty Soon people won't be living as human Beings and the robots will be like our Our Zoo you know they'll be they'll Treat us like you know zoo animals and They'll be you know taking care of us And we won't do anything for ourselves We'll no longer have the ability to be Human beings of course it'll collapse Long before that but that's you know What Trump's saying it's a failing System he's making it sound like it's
The Democrats that are making it fail Just like the Democrats are saying the Same thing and they're lying to you That's the big part you know they They're lying to you about the cause and The cause is you you know and you're Ain't going to get elected if you say That right so this guy who is you Know in a number of movies that I like Looper being the the best one I think um So you know he well he says this so Donald Trump wants to give me $70,000 in tax cuts per year and by the Way he doesn't want to give that to Everybody uh but I just read That's the Average tax break for the top 1% if Donald Trump is elected president $70,000 and you might say well he's Going to give tax breaks to everybody But not really because of all the tax Cuts of all that money nearly half of it Is going to go to just the top 5% of people now do I need an extra $70,000 honestly no my family and I are Doing fine do I deserve an extra $70,000 I don't think so wait of your Money right so this is the thing of your Money like so you think about it in Terms of percentage of wealth and now You know I'm I'm sure this guy has Accountants and people I mean putting Himself out there like if somebody goes Into his tax history they'll see the way That he and other rich
People make sure that their money isn't Taxed they find ways not to pay tax Right because a California person and They I don't think they ever passed this But Joe Biden was proposing the tax on Rich people and somebody living in New York or California would pay like Remember it was like 60 to 70% of their Money in taxes crazy amounts like only They would only keep 30% of their money Right like you know you think that if You're working if you're paying half of Your money to the government Then and then all the stuff the Government spends money on Afghanistan Israel you can list the things that you Don't want to participate in right and You know it's amount of percentage and So if you're a rich person people like Well they can pay a million dollars in Taxes well why would they right who Wants to do that who wants to pay that Much money in taxes right because you Know rich people are paying way more Money not by per percentage but they're Paying like the the bulk of the taxes Right because you know they have more Money to tax and so who wants to pay a Million dollars a year in taxes I mean Think about paying you know some of These real rich people paying 20 million In taxes giving the government $20 Million every year like what are you Getting for that right you know I mean
The ability to make money sure I guess That's part of it but like it's a Ridiculous amount of money right and so They don't want to pay and they find Ways to get around it they find ways to Hide their money through foundations and Other things and I you know wonder what This guy does to hide his money right But him saying this you know nobody Wants to pay more taxes I have a Meme Here I'll show you in a Second it doesn't feel right to me Especially when he's also talking about It doesn't feel right to you let's watch That whole part again here ,000 honestly no my family and I are Doing fine do I deserve an extra $70,000 I don't think so it doesn't feel Right to me wait you don't deserve it You should go to the government like I Would rather have you have it to the Government right do more military Industrial complex do more whatever like You know like that's just you know who Who wants to give more money to the Government right doesn't feel right I Don't deserve that money you know who Does deserve it the government Right especially when he's is also Talking about cutting programs that help Most people in our country if you want To talk about who's going to really help Most Americans it's kamla Trump's going To help the same people he always tries
To help the wealthy himself he was born A wealthy guy and look I completely Respect needing to vote for the Candidate that's going to make it easier For your family but Donald Trump isn't That candidate he just is it he just Kind Trump's trying to give me 70,000 So Mr Trump thank you but no thanks so Um this is me and one of my friends Posted on Facebook I think yesterday the Biggest scam in life paying taxes on Money you make taxes on money you spend And taxes on things you own then you That you already pay taxes on with money Already taxed and so like you they tax Your income and then there's a sales tax Right for some states and you know that That's another way that you know state Tax federal tax but then you own Something and like they have these Things called like a state tax which Used to be called the death tax and you Would have a house and your kids would Have to pay you know when you died and You turned over your estate that would Be taxed even though you'd already taxed The income that you bought this stuff With right and so you know nobody wants That like a government that is Failing right like a government that is For most of us is failing and taking us In the wrong direction like you know There's that element and you know most People don't want to pay taxes anyway
Right and so it has to be a reasonable Amount of percentage and you have to Figure out what you're getting from it Like national parks okay that's great Right but if you look at the government Waste and the scams and you all the ways People exploit stuff I mean instead of Talking about what a piece of Trump Is what about um Diane Feinstein dying With $110 million in assets there's no Way or Joe Biden and his family like Trump and his family cashed in you know His um ianka and Jared got $2 billion From a Saudi Saud deal two billion right They all cash in they're all Scumbags and So speaking of scumbags and I've got Michael Jackson as a close Friend and I play Michael Jackson my Song what's up with the youth for us is A brand new song what's this song about Uh the song is about it's called what up With youth and it's it's called what's Up with the youth you didn't even get The title [Music] Wrong I can't use more of this because They copyright it Howard Stern sucks um It's from 1982 1992 but Cory felman's epic dance moves And this weird party in this freem Sonic Floor Howard Stern Show and he says Corey that's a number One song that [Laughter]
Song Michael Jackson said that's a Number one song [Laughter] Corey that's a number one song that Song literally can go to number one and If you let me I will walk it into Tommy Mata at CBS records right now and I will Make that song number one and I was like Thank you Michael I really appreciate That but no I'm good why why no well Because one I was a real friend to him And I didn't want him to think that I Was just another leech you're just not Another leech Corey you're not just Another leech you're a special leech You're the Leech and there's a couple ways to go With that joke right I mean you could Also talk about Michael Jackson you know I mean the idea of what leeches do and What Michael Jackson you know the abuse And like I I mean not as fun like just a Little bit darker humor but you know Michael Jackson was a Serial abuser and He didn't abuse Cory Felman which Cory Felman was kind of like at one point Like he didn't find me attractive he was Like in an interview he said stuff like That um you know cuz Cory like had this Bigger reveal about his abuser and Nobody knew who the guy was right and so Um You know was a disappointment for him Because he had to you know he tried to
He tried to monetize it but you know That song's horrible and and there's no Number one I mean we see the song it Didn't even we've heard the song it's a Horrible song sucking off of his teeth To try to that Was okay let's let's watch that whole Little let's watch that whole little Thing here Well because one I was a real friend to Him and I didn't want him to think that I was just another leech sucking off of His teeth to try [Laughter] To just insert your own joke there I Don't need to say anything get something You know that wasn't my intention my Intention was to play him a song and see If he liked it and what he thought and To hear Michael Jackson tell you that The song's a hit and could be number one What else do you need did he want to Sing it no no he wanted to help me go to That place do you regret that you didn't Let him do that sure there's parts of me That go damn it it could have been so Much easier no it couldn't have it Couldn't have F it's just come on you're Corey freaking Feldman okay so today is August 29th I already uploaded a video Today this morning couple of on Journey Series one going up and I have another One for my backup channels Tomorrow and um tonight is the interview
Between KLA Harrison KLA J Harris and Tim J walls and CNN their first Interview they're doing it together Which will be interesting so you've Probably already seen that that'll Probably be the lead to this video um But I'm going to make this you know here For today and then put the video Together tomorrow but this was Interesting I saw this was it last night Yeah I guess last night the former President of the United States who wants To be the next president is now Direct Spreading the slogans of the conspiracy Cult qanon this conspiracy cult so to be A cult it has to have a leader and qan On's leader is an intelligence Community Shill right so the the Q post the Q Drops for those of you who don't know I'm sure most of you do uh come from the Intelligence Community they're Anonymous Q drops the Q the Q movement has hurt The truther community and it's hurt Trump and it's hurt the all of us And you know Trump keeps on buying into It because he's another shill or Whatever he is right but the whole thing Is a a joke and they take it seriously Because you know his he's a guy who Worked for the CIA as well right Anderson Cooper was a CIA Shell um just like Tucker Carlson these Other people they're all involved in the Intelligence Community intelligence
Community is riddled the news media is Riddled with intelligence Community Shills and you know agents and things Like this assets as well as posting a Crude sexist and misogynistic slur Online we going to get to that cuz That's kind of hilarious posting to be Precise which means he didn't come up With it himself but liked it so much That he wanted the rest of the world to See it which is both a gentle Introduction and a warning one posting Of several uses two remember when I Showed you he was wearing lipstick and And S for a 60 Minutes reporting you and On catchphrase is nothing can stop what Is coming which refers to the so-called Mass arrest of so-called deep State Members which in the war you know They're still pushing this BS right like They're just they're still bullshitting This stuff and Trump is buying into it Remember last election he claimed not to Know who Q was and qanan was right like He claimed that he didn't know them but He thought he goes well they love me a Lot right but he's their Messiah and the Whole thing is so silly right and the They're taking it seriously because you Know I mean he posts this stuff as goofy And it you know it hurts him it's just Stupid for him to post this stuff world Kunon is basically anyone who has irked Donald Trump another posting shows
President and Hunter Biden Nancy py Hillary Clinton Anthony fouchy Bill Gates and vice president Harris in Prison in orange jumpsuits Dr fouchy and Bill Gates presumably there for their Advocacy of vaccination yeah why isn't Trump in there cuz he pushed out Operation warp speed And he did all these things that caused I mean Trump's done more harm to the Truth Community than any of these other People in fact you know they've called For censorship but Trump was the Catalyst for Censorship you know Trump has like Completely us right I mean just Him and the QBs and all those people and You know these guys are you know Everyone thinks of them as the enemy but Trump is the enemy that is you know Really hurt us right again this is what The former president of the United States chose to rebroadcast to and Amplify for his many followers he did Not look at this stuff chuckle silently To himself if that's what he would do And move on instead yeah it's stupid for Him to post these things I mean it's Moronic he's just it doesn't help him The people that are going to like these Posts are already voting for him he's Not going to win anybody over right it Just becomes you know fodder for these Like shills and dopes here he wanted to
Give it the stamp of approval of the 45th and perhaps the 47th president of The United States and then there is this A photo of KL Harris and Hillary Clinton The caption which I'm not going to read Out is demeaning of both women and Contains a vulgar reference to oral sex Acts okay so let's let's see what it Says here it's funny how Boop oral sex Acts impacted both of these careers Differently that's a quality Meme you know who else Anderson Cooper knows the answer to the Question who do you have to Boop to get a job at CNN Right and so they all have something in Common here I mean this is just funny And you know like he's going to talk About this in such a sanctimonious way Let's watch him here now remember again This is the Republican candidate for President and the 45th president of the United States talking about two women Who no matter what you think of their Politics are two of the most Accomplished women in American political History yeah but K Harris they've Propped her up for whatever reason I've Showed that you know I was watching Something today I forget who it was but They were talking about um maybe it was Uh um Megan whatever her name is um and They were talking about K Harris dating That dude and she had somebody on who
You know researched it And the guy the the salary or the money That kamla Harris made from those Positions was like over $400,000 which would be 800 almost a Million dollars now and you know Mercedesbenz and these things her dating This guy was twice her age I mean it's a Big deal like it's a big deal this thing And they're literally ignoring this Thing right but he's being so Sanctimonious and holier than thou about Trump and I know they all probably Laughed at that Meme right CU it's Clever and funny and you know it's it's True in various ways right this is what He chose to amplify which as Extreme as It is is not exactly out of character When it comes to him and Women he was by far the nastiest to Joe Biden there was nobody nastier than her She was extraordinarily nasty to kavano She was nasty to a level that was just Uh a horrible thing she was probably Nastier than even Pocahontas Pocahontas if you're Nasty by the racist Attorney General of New York State Leticia peekaboo James How about boom peekaboo loow IQ Maxi Waters Amarosa is obviously the ultimate Villain and the nastiest I think it's She's nasty very nasty question when you Ask a continue in a very hostile nasty Town what a stupid question but I watch
You a lot you ask a lot of stupid Questions just moments ago Harris Campaign spokesman put out a statement Quoting him now Donald Trump is out of His mind out of his mind a family member Posted what Donald Trump is sharing Today Americans would rightly be Concerned but this is what Donald Trump And his project 2025 agenda offer America PR okay so that that you know That's a conspiracy theory Donald Trump Has said he has nothing he's disavowed The 2025 thing in typical Trump way like Doing it scky and failing but you guys Keep on saying like linking it like he's Put it out himself which he didn't which I covered how stupid it was because They're they're running training Training videos for getting federal jobs For people like who are never going to Be hired you know like it's just stupid The whole thing is so silly and stupid Cuting political opponents using Dangerous conspiracy theories to justify Harm dangerous conspiracy theories Dangerous consp iracy theories right Like you know like they're killing People with carcinogens and you know the Food that's you know causing massive um Health issues and all the side effects From all kinds of different Pharmaceutical drugs and the weapons of War that we create and the CIA and the You know intelligence Community just
Deposing leaders and regime change and All the the horrors that these Governments do but the conspiracy Theories are dangerous well IES and Dividing Americans against each other Want to get perspective now from two CN Political commentators on the right and So they're so sanctimonious about this Well let's watch this left respectively David Urban and Ashley Allison also CNN News night anchor Abby Phillip um I mean Abby I I don't know why anybody would be Surprised but it is still I mean the Reason we're leading with this is it This this guy was the 45th president of The United States very well could be the Next president of the United States and The stuff he's putting out I mean the Q On conspiracy stuff I mean this is a Like a this is a dangerous cult which Really dangerous cult dangerous cult There's a bunch of morons that are like You know an asset for the CIA you guys Wouldn't be talking about them if they Weren't helping your case right you know Has infected a lot of people's lives Destroyed a lot of families targeted a Lot of people um and then the you know The the sexual slur against his opponent And you ever seen this guy New Year's Eve and the the depravity here and that Guy Andy Cohen put out or just the Depravity that Andy Cohen does when he Does whatever that show is on Bravo any
The things he does I mean they're Posting this stuff on page six all the Time and just the things I've seen you Know these people are cynical you know Blood drinking you know like you know Vampirish you know like they're I mean The stuff that they're into and the war Stuff like these guys cover Wars and They see like the most horrific things And he posted a little like you know Naughty tweet right Donald Trump did That's funny a naughty Meme and they're Making it sound like oh it's so it's so Offensive to my sensibilities it's so Offensive I I got to cover my ears in my Eyes like I'm so offended you know just Like It's so to go with that there was Another report from CNN and I look for It on the internet I thought I had Copied it on my phone that I you know That I recorded it on my phone but It was um JD Vance posted a meme with That girl who was the you know such as You know that um Miss T America such as Such as you know that she had that Glitch out right and he posted a picture Of her saying the the the unseen footage Of KLA Harris uh interview that KLA Harris was doing a lot of that such as Which you know some you know it was an Okay Meme and the such as girl came up And said she was suicidal and she was Wrecked by cyber bullying and CNN
Brought in some expert and they were Talking about how again sanctimonious Bullying and how the Republicans are so Bad and I was like there's plenty of Liberals and Democrats probably more Liberals and Democrats that were Tormenting the such as girl right so and Nobody's going to get upset about the Such ass girl and it's just like so Pathetic like they're just so pathetic Um it would be worth watching but I Can't find it so let's go to this Donald Trump thing here Okay um so I saw this on MSNBC and I Have a clip from them I'm going to I I May or may not use it if this depending On how much this covers here let's watch This one then I'll take a look at that One and see if it adds anything to this Right but the assassination attempt of Donald Trump now Fox put this up on the Internet and MSNBC didn't they both Covered this breaking story that the FBI Releases new photos photos and Google Searches The FBI has released new photos from the Trump assassination attempt which okay So um show how the shooter was able to Conceal his AR-15 rifle as well as Explosives in the trunk of his car they Also revealed more of the suspect's Internet okay so that appears to Be a laser scope right um this is the Scope he used and so you know if you've
Ever seen or used one of these laser Scopes they are very effective in short Distances you know if you've seen these Like in TV shows or movies where someone Has a DOT on them right like there's a Laser that's coming from this scope and The scope itself doesn't Amplify the target so when you're Looking through this um this little sort Of viewfinder here there are some glass Lenses but they're not amplifying or Magnifying they're not a scope that Makes it clearer to see from a distance Right instead of the four lines that you Look through and normal scope there is a A DOT that you see so that dot becomes Like at that distance the dot would be The size of his head right because the Size of his head would be so small at a Football field and a half a way that the Laser scope would not be effective I've Been waiting for this for a while you Guys you know who I who have uh heard me Cover this because I want to see what Kind of scope he had because at 150 ft a Football field and a half half away this Is not effective because like the head Is so small as you're looking through This thing and also with the laser scope Just like with the regular scope you got To make sure your eye is centered in the Middle of the scope because the Little Dot will be you have to Center the dot And so it's not something that's
Effective in terms of what he was doing Right like it's just it it wouldn't be a You know a head shot like you know might Be able to get like a a better like in Terms of body shot but again if you if You see like if you're at a football Field if you're watching a football game And you're sitting in one end zone and You look at somebody on the other side Of the field you can barely see their Head you C you could certainly can't see Their face you know if you use Binoculars you can see somebody very Clearly and so if there was a some sort Of a magnifying aspect to the scope it'd Be a little bit different it's a lot Different but Trump's head would appear To be so small in the dot you know Wouldn't be I mean you wouldn't be able To he just he wouldn't be able to see it Right and you know you're looking Through this it's not like you're Looking just even with your eyes it's Even harder and they said the guy you Know somebody had was climbing up the Roof and the guy turned the gun on that Guy and then turned it back on Trump Meanwhile the snipers who have a much Better scope I'll show you that in a Moment here um they you know they had This guy dead to rights and they just Didn't choose to fire the guy was they Saw the guy on the roof with a gun and They they chose not to kill the guy
Right which is their job let's go there See their scope here you see this Extensive scope and here they have I Mean the setup they have here the police Snipers but this is a a much better Setup a much better rifle they don't They're not worried about being seen I Mean anybody up on the roof is a target Right and they had this guy to sights I Mean they can see this Sky the whole Time he's on the roof as soon as this Guy got onto the roof he was on the roof For like 10 or 15 minutes and he was Using a viewfinder to a rangefinder to See how far Trump is away and these guys Have a much better setup I mean it's Just there's there's no that's like a Like compared to what he has a little Little laser pointer and these guys can See this this magnifies the Target right And so um you know like it isn't even A it's a completely different type of Situation right the suspect's internet Search is leading up to to the rally Including when is the DNC and RNC how Far was Oswald from Kennedy so he was a 19-year-old 20-year-old kid they said he Was a somewhat experienced shooter shot With the at the range with his dad and Like he Googling how far was Oswald from Kennedy that's just stupid like that's You know um also he he's going to have No other in like no other internet Searches they don't know what this guy's
Reason in was I mean they want the guy To be a vague like you know that he Might have gone after Biden he was also Search he just wanted to shoot somebody Like they're making it sound like that Right which makes it good for gun Control and makes it bad for Trump right Because the fight fight fight thing only Works when Trump is um you know when It's a deep State thing right when it's The powers that be that Democrats are Taking them out which all the trumpers Believe anyway but the official story is N't that at all right but why would the Guy Google about oswal and Kennedy I Mean that just incriminates it's just Stupid like it's just Silly like it's just you know this this Template they're rolling out right you Know this is just an information packet They're putting out there it likees just Goofy where Will trump speak from Butler Farm Show Podium and weather in Butler Jonathan gilam is a former FBI special Agent at Navy SEAL and he joins me now Okay so um I'll show you the other the Other one has some more information Which let's see what this guy has to say First Jonathan what stands out to you From this latest release of information From the FBI well let's start with the fact that They called this a uh a target of Opportunity I don't I think that's the
Wrong verbiage I think that this was a a Target that he chose he clearly did his Research online looking at all the Different individuals that he thought he Might want to attack and he chose this One he did a a uh surveillance he did a Surveillance online okay we just talk About his scope come on I mean it's Obvious the scope is an issue here okay So he talks about the guy flying a drone Around all this stuff that was stupid um And but he doesn't mention the scope and Like you know it's a big Difference like the scope that they're Using the other snipers and the then the Laser pointer that he's using there's a Big difference there right which I Already established so Um the MSNBC one which they didn't put Up on YouTube they have a little bit More information a little bit different Information let's go to that one and Back here at home the FBI has released Additional details about the shooter and The events leading up to the attempted Assassination attempt former president Donald Trump attempted assassination Attempt that was a major bro Attempted assassination attempt right They attempted an attempt did Assassination like that makes it sound Like it was fake all along Right NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent Ryan nobl has the
Latest in the weeks leading up to Donald Trump's rally in Butler Pennsylvania on July 13th the FBI says Thomas Kooks was Scouring the internet for information on Upcoming political events in the 30 days Prior to the attack the subject Conducted more than 60 searches related To President Biden and former president Trump Crooks was searching for Information on both the Republican and Democratic national conventions he also Searched for details on the Trump event Which took place close to where he lived The FBI describes Crook's planning as a Quote sustained detailed effort Initially krook's search history showed Him looking for details around a wide Range of political events before zeroing In on the butler rally which the FBI Believes Crooks viewed as a target of Opportunity they also believe he acted Alone I want to be clear we have not Seen any indication that suggest Crooks Was directed by a foreign entity to Conduct the attack but these discoveries Have not provided much insight into Krook's motive the content on his Accounts displayed a quote mixture of Ideologies the investigators also shared Photos of the collapsible Barrel on the Gun Crooks used as well as the backpack They found on site they also showed the AC unit he used to climb on the roof They believe he a little more than 6
Minutes on the roof before being killed By counter sniper fire so as soon as That guy got on the roof the the counter Snipers had him in their sights right so The guy would have to assemble his gun Like he's not you know he's he wasn't on One side of the roof and then he came on The other side of the roof and started Shooting you know he had to he had a Rangefinder to figure out how far Trump Was away he had to set up the tripod of His gun and all these things right the Bipod you because you just can't Freehand it So he had to get in a sniper position Again they had complete access to him Right um if you've seen the the roof There and they would have seen the guy Like six minutes in and so when they saw The gun and they saw the guy which they Easily would because they have these Like extensive Scopes they would have Asked for permission to shoot the guy For whatever it was right and and at Some point they would just shot him Because they see the guy's got a gun He's gonna shoot Trump that's the only Or the crowd right what is he gonna do If a person comes out with a like a Setup some kind of a you know an AR-15 And gets on a roof at a big event They're going to fire into the crowd or Shoot the guy it's assassination attempt And so that was a complete failure and
Trump keeps on praising these guys and Their shot but you don't wait till the Guy shoots the guy to shoot you're Preventative you're supposed to be preventitive right this whole Thing I mean there's so Many it's just the whole thing's just Fake around the you know all of it Right thead the FBI probe is one of many Investigations into the assassination Attempt earlier this week members of the Bipartisan Congressional task force tour The site in Pennsylvania promising to Get to the bottom of what went wrong I Definitely took note today that there Were a lot of lines of sight that appear To have been unsecured that day that Didn't have eyes on or that weren't Secured and certainly At this point a lot more questions than Answers Congressman Crow there of course A veteran coming up so there's that Comment that someone left that they had Seen 60 videos and only three posed the Possibility that Trump was involved he Was totally involved and you can tell Because Trump is always sharing H stuff And you know deep State stuff and Conspiracy theories and you know Unproven ones or false ones and he's Always sharing Disinformation and he's always Implementing the you know how he's being Targeted in every possible way how they
Are targeting him uh politically and in Terms of the unfair coverage how they're Targeting him in the legal system and All the ways that they're targeting Trump right and how it's so unfair and They're treating him I've never no one's Ever been treated this badly in the History of the world right like he's Constantly talking about being a victim And so he's going along with the Official story and backing this complete Failure by the counter snipers by the You know the police and the you know the Secret Service he keeps on praising the Secret Service that they let him walk Out with his head raised when he didn't Know if there's a second shooter and it Just looked like a WWE event him pumping Pumping his fist and so why would he say This is a foreign government or it's Deep state or why you wouldn't even he He he would imply that it was that right He's never once done that and that's Completely unlike him why would he be Praising people who failed you know Trump you know hates failure he hates Incompetence he's always criticizing it Right and this was completely Incompetent and the narrative works a Lot better for him if it was the Deep State now all of his followers and a lot Of truthers believe it's some sort of Deep State goofy you know Trump uh you Know was that the IAL story is wrong
Because of that but we know Trump at Least at the very least exaggerated the Non-existent wound on his ear with a Giant maxi pad and that you know it took Um no time at all for something that you Know to completely heal it was like Eight days when they pulled the bandage Off or whatever it was right and there Was nothing there I showed you all this Stuff and they put a smaller bandage on And then turned out that it wasn't even You know there was no damage to his ear At all and the blood was dry I mean all The stuff and then his you know his Complete you know um agreeing with the Official story and so the only re the Only reason the story works if they're Trying to kill Trump right the powers That be and if they wanted him dead he'd Be dead if they wanted him in jail he'd Be in jail like they they love Trump Trump is their asset Trump is the Catalyst you know when K Harris was Talking about the 10 years of trump you Know everybody's pushing Trump Everyone's using Trump they talk about Trump all the time the media talks about Trump all the time like there's going to Be a huge vacuum when the the era of Trump ends and either you know I think They're going to elect them here I don't Know but if they don't you know who's Going to watch a trump trial like he's Already had so many of them if they put
Trump in jail he disappears forever but No one's going to watch him um no one's Going to care about Trump being tried or Trump being accused just like nobody Cares about Hunter Biden anymore like Hunter Biden is free to go do whatever He does Because Biden isn't present like this Last five months of Biden and then no One cares about Biden or or or Hunter Biden just like people don't care about Locking Hillary up right because you Know everyone moves on from something Like he's not going to be president She's not going to be president if Trump Loses he's not going to be president Ever again and then people stop caring About what he says or thinks they'll Disappear him because he's never going To have power again and so like all this Stuff goes away and you know then they Have to come up with their own agenda They have to have their own you know Their own policies they can't just be The the uh party that isn't Trump's Party right they can't be the media That's talking about something other Than Trump right they everything is Going to be a huge hole in their lives Right but anyways let's get back to this Other stuff here so KLA Harris and Tim Walls went to a uh um a High School in Georgia and they're talking to some kind Of marching ban or something
[Applause] Yesterday so you know I've been hearing About you incredible young leaders for Quite some time from the players to Those who are bringing joy to everybody In the stands to the music that you guys Are creating and so we wanted to come by Just to let you That our country is counting on you what The country is counting on you to to do Marching band right all of you you Are leaders by the very fact that you All are here in this room doing what you Do at this incredible school doing it as One big team understanding all of the Different parts that fit her her hand Motion and she talks to young people People in such a condescending way Together to create a Team you are join some of the best work Any leader can do and we're so proud of You were counting on your Generation all that you guys stand for Everything you have at stake yeah you Guys are going to go to agenda 20 31 Housing and you're you have no real Future like in terms of like What we consider lifestyle right now That's what your generation is going to Be subjected to and she's just the kind Of person that can that can bring you There is what is going to propel our Country into the next Era of what we can do what we do and I
Want to save you she just says like Gobble de cook stuff right like it's Empty calories like it's it's talk with No nutrition in it that you must always Lead as you have chosen to lead Understanding you don't have to ask Anybody's permission to lead and I think You all fig that out you decided to be They all can't be leaders you're saying Every one of these people in the band is A leader like not everybody's a leader Right you're not a leader like I guess Her campaign is falling apart because She has Joe Biden people and she has Hillary she has Barack Obama people and Nobody knows like there's some be There's some leak from axio axios about Um there's people leaking from inide the Campaign that it's completely Disorganized and nobody knows who's Doing what and who's responsible for What and all these things right multiple People are leaking from our campaign Saying it's a Disaster and in doing that you are also Role Models right welcome to the role model Club and being a role model right right Yes right That they're going to be members of your Family people who live in your Neighborhood your classmates who watch You to see oh that's how it's Done and in that way you are
Showing what hard work can achieve what Discipline can achieve what teamwork can Achieve and that's the stuff of great Le like she's it's you know one of those Really bad motivational Speakers all the And so we wanted to come by to remind You that our nation is counting on you Oh why are they counting on you what What what are we counting on these People who blow trombones at a football Game or whatever it is how how are we Counting on them right proud of you Everything you have achieved and I will Tell you I was in Van when I was your Age so I know a little bit about your Coach knows about the players right and All you all are doing it requires a Whole lot yeah you you know the players Like high school football is not all That important and the players are more Important than the band right people Aren't there to see the band unless Their their families members are in the Band a whole lot of practice long hours Right sometimes you hit the note Sometimes you don't right yeah like if They're actually like good they hit the Note Right maybe the the the band that you Played in in Berkeley you know they Didn't hit the note all the time or you Didn't hit the note all the time but Like if they're like nationally renowned
They should be able to hit the note Right B Practice makes for beautiful music and That is a metaphor that is symbolic for Everything that you all will do in your Lives which is you're going to show what A winning team looks like you're going To show what it means to put yourself Out on the field to put yourself in Front of people have the confidence to Do it sometimes you're going to hit the Step right sometimes you're not Sometimes I wish that that Forbes had Better quality video cuz when she did That confidence and she made that face You're going to win the game sometimes You may Not but you know you never let any Circumstance knock you down or slow you Down you just keep going at it that's Who you are and that's why we are so Confident in everything that you are Doing and continue to for our country so Just keep wait them going down playing Music is not for our country you know It's not really even for your [Laughter] School you know I mean it's not like Anybody cares about the band like it's Just there right and if you know if it's A really good band and they compete Nationally it's still like just a band Right I mean it's just you know I'm not Saying there's anything wrong with it
It's good for them you know if you're Good at something that's great right you Know I'm not saying don't do it but She's laying it on thick like it's you Know it's important and it's so it's Totally not being and all of the Excellence that you're bringing to Everything do okay all right see you Later Okay okay so I had more stuff to get to But I'm just going to end the video here This is almost three hours long I mean It's going to be a pain to upload this You know it's going to take for hour Highs speed internet is coming in today So maybe that'll you know hopefully There was no be no glitches with that But this is the unlik ability Factor Right because she's not only weird but She's inappropriate with people she Doesn't know how to talk to people and Connect with people but she speaks on Leadership and success and you know she Is successful because she's running for President I mean that by that definition She's successful but the way she got There was dating a guy 30 years older Than her she did get a law degree so she Made it through college like she you Know she made through college in law School so you know that's something I Mean her parents were very educated so It's not like that's some huge thing but That's something and she became a lawyer
And then she you know was service that Guy and I got more memes coming in now Even about you know it's just more and More stuff with that and that's like big Part of her story and he got her in the Door and for whatever whatever reason People on the national stage National Democratic and media uh King makers Decided to you know endorse her which We've seen like they they're they're Saying that she's you know they've Pushed her out there she got a lot more Love than any of the other nobody Candidates in the Democratic uh Primary In 2020 and they made her the vice President and that's not about her she's Not about she was some great leader Because she's not a great leader right And so all these things um but uh you Know that's kamla