Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I Umum today is December 26 the day after Christmas And I won't put this video up Till probably the 27th or 28th I already put up a video for today A voice over about Aaron rogers's um Documentary Enigma and Um all that that implies So the um things I want to talk about Just this brief introduction here you Know Netflix did football they had two Football games which were both blowouts You know I eagerly awaited what I was Hoping would be some sort of debacle Some glitch issues they had they had That with um the Jake Paul Mike Tyson Fight and you know they're broadcasting The games worldwide and I wanted to know What they were going to do in terms of You know there's a crew of People that you that they have employed To produce these football games you know There's a lot of money and you know People salaries and equipment and things That go uh into putting out a football Game and so if you only have two for the Entire year and then all those people That are there in terms of uh the Announcers and the people who are you Know on these panel panels of people who Sit there and tell you about the game They had a 2-hour pregame show right
Which is um part for the course you know There's four basketball games and two Football games on Christmas now it's Supposed to be one of the rare times People spend time with their family and So um they hired people from other Networks they hired people who were on ESPN and some of these other networks That are CBS and I'm not sure where else To do the announce so I don't know how That works I I thought those people were Under contract and I don't know where They got their film Crews they did a Pretty good job you know I really didn't Watch the games they were both blowouts And not of much interest to me but the Other thing is they had commercials and They said it right there when you Clicked you went to click on the thing That it was going to be with commercials Now of course you could fast forward Through the commercials which was good You know was um you didn't have to watch Them if you didn't watch it live which I Never do but these other apps like Paramount and um peacock when they show A game you have to watch the commercials And you can't go back and watch it from The beginning you have to watch it like In real time and sit there like Oldfashioned TV which is I don't know How anybody could do that anymore I mean I fast forward through all the time Between plays you I can watch a football
Game in about an hour like and you know Through all the extra points and if I See something happens like on a punt I'll go back and I watch it um but you Know usually it's not but you know this Way that they're doing sports Netflix is Grabbing more and more of the worldwide Content and Amazon Prime now is getting Into it these are multi-billion dollar Companies that are again have a global Uh people could watch these football Games on a global basis because Netflix Was you know goes Everywhere and they have more and more International TV that's watching a I Started watching a movie called Fairy 2 Apparently there was a fairy one f r y It's a Spanish Gangster guy who sells ecstasy He's Overweight he's an old guy and I know a Lot of times in the movie you know they Dubbed in English they kept on saying What do you care what what is it to You I really en really enjoy watching Little bits of these foreign movies Because the way that people Express Themselves and you can see they have a Different Consciousness but you know There more and more of this Global type Of content happening so there's that and I wanted to get to a couple comments Before I get to the other stuff here let Me find the first comment
Here okay so this Person writes um this is about Matt Gates no matter not that it matters so When you're going to write a comment it Starts off with not that it Matters well then why you say why you Was anybody's time with it not that it Matters Gates is a major scumbag but It's a whole entrapment plot the girl Was issued a fake driver's license that Said she was 18 from some guys who tried To to to Sure Gates D to I guess it's It's supposed to be Sue who tried to sue Gates dad for 20 million the whole thing For two years ago Class A dirt bag nonetheless and so what They're saying is that Matt's sleeping With a 17-year-old girl that there's This plot against him and so you know Like why are you even saying that like The person's admitting that he's a Scumbag the guy goes to a college frat Party and pays $400 to sleep with a girl Who's you know maybe lies to her says He's 18 now if you're a 35y old man and You have to ask ask a girl's age to make Sure she's legal like you Should like it's just not you know maybe If you're 19 or you're 20 like that Would make sense you know whatever it is Right you know that basketball player From Australia and the girl was in high School but she lied to him about his her Age you know whatever that was that um
Josh giddy you know something like that Is understandable people who are within A year or two of each other like a Senior in high school but even that like There was a guy in my high school um for Brizio I forget his first name I me I Could remember it but I was a freshman He was a senior and he was dating girls That were freshman and everybody was Talking about what a scumbag he was like In my high school you know I I mean if I Knew about that everybody did because I Didn't know much of the doings that was Going on my high school and years later I was taking my driver's test and the Guy was like a couple towns over like we Lived out this rural area in Connecticut And the mo of the DMV was like two towns Over in some little town so I had to do My driving test and the guy said I I Don't think I was borderline whether ID Pass or not cuz I was not getting a lot Of driving time like I certainly wasn't Ready to Drive and uh I had a couple accidents Right off the bat but um the guy Um he said to me you know the guy from Bree you I go yeah he's a real scumbag He dates because that's all I do about The guy and I've never had a filter and The guy goes yeah yeah he does date Younger girls like and I was like oh he Dated this guy's niece or daughter Something two two tals over and he
Passed me like he would have passed me No matter what just from that answer Right and then some other guy like later Ler on I got stoned with this really one These like a real burnout dude real Skinny burnout that didn't seem violent Or anything and he had bought some Cocaine from this guy Fazio um Fazio was now at like I was a Sophomore in high school like a no I was Like maybe a a junior um it was after The driver's license thing and so forio Was out of school now a couple years but He was dealing Coke to high school kids And again this a real rural low crime Suburb type Place and forio went to slap him around The guy pulled out a knife and stabbed Him like 30 times and so like that Happened in a place that there was just N of that kind of stuff but anyways my Point is that people know that like when Somebody dates somebody severely younger And is like a it's like being a predator Right even in terms of like a senior in High school dating a freshman the Difference between 18 and 14 is Monumental and the difference between an 18 or 17y old girl and a 35y old Congressman is and at a frat party so There's no you know why bother even it Doesn't matter what the story is right They could have been setting him up Anybody could been setting him up he
Didn't have to go along with it what What are you going to a frat party for And paying for sex like it's just you Know you're supposed to be the party of Christians and all this [ __ ] [ __ ] right You're supposed to be like the Conservative party and they're supposed To be the anti- um whatever they are um Somebody just wrote this to me not Everything round is spherical coins and Pizzas pizza pies are round and Flat now I said in this video how nature Doesn't like flat and straight Lines and pizza coins pizza pizzas and And coins aren't that I'm not talking about man-made objects I'm talking about you put anything in Nature and it rounds the corners if you Put a sharp object like you see this With with rocks and all these things and Things just don't have straight lines They just like very seldom do you see That the things aren't straight and flat They get everything gets rounded by the Wind and the water you take a like a Broken glass if you ever seen seal glass You know it's broken into all these Sharp shards you know last breaks it's Like always you got all these like Dangerous little sharp edges but if you Throw like something like that in the Ocean you come back it's a round little Pebble right it's just things wear it Down that my
Point we're talking about pizzas or Coins I hope that person was joking but Never know so somebody wrote this to do With that watching you for years did the Research on Flat Earth for 10 years the Reason there's a reason Pilots and snipers do not Factor curve Or spin Merry Christmas and you know They always come up with this point the Flat earthers and it's just not a flat Earth friendly environment here right Because if you're going to start looking At facts the Flat Earth model there's There's no flat Earth there's no model That works for time zones there's no Explanation for the moon and the sun Rotating you know the firmament is just Some [ __ ] Old Testament Bible [ __ ] You can't you can't call the firmament Anything you know only people who think That the the Bible is without flaw will Buy into any of that [ __ ] right Because it's just it's the Bible like It's just a an old book that's been Edited the Old Testament is horrible and All kinds of different ways it's not a Spiritual book it actually kind of Blasphemes God which I've talked about And so you can't use that as anything Like not for other people you know Amongst yourselves if you believe in the Bible yes talk about fir all you want But if you want to go to a general Audience the Bible and the firmament
Aren't of actual Source right because The Bible's been edited and it's you Know it's dated and it's the firmament It's just like silly [ __ ] right if You're trying to prove that the Bible is Legitimate right then you know you're And you're not willing to when you are Looking into it to see like oh my god There this doesn't support the Bible Like if all you're ever going to do is Is look at whatever's going on on and Say that the it have the Bible is the Truth and everything else has to fold Into it right like you know if there's a Flaw in it you're going to see it and You have to accept it and then you have To figure out what that means if the Bible's wrong about something and so you Know if you're looking for the truth That is if you just want to prove that The Bible's right at all cost and and Warp and twist reality you can't expect Other people to go along with it right And so I don't know about snipers this Is something that Flat Earth their But the spinning of the earth the earth Is so slow that it wouldn't affect the Trajectory of a bullet the bullet like I Just looked it up to go a mile it takes A half a second I mean somewhere around That depending on the speed and the the Muzzle and you all these things but you Know the the average bullet is not going That far a distance and you know a
Second in terms of the Earth's rotation If the Earth is spinning like is in the Theory or whatever want to call that Right the rotation of the earth you know It's imperceivable toss and so it's not Going to affect a bullet right it Doesn't affect you running you know like You don't have to factor it into your Like you know as slow as human beings Are you're not even going to have to Factor that it's not like we're we're on A [ __ ] treadmill and it's spitting so Fast we have to you know like you know What I mean it's like you put a ball on The ground and and the the th spinning Causes the ball to move you know if you Subscribe to this idea of the earth is Spinning then you would have to or if You want to test the theory it's Spinning at a very slow rate given its Size right and the other part to this is The spinning of the earth is where you Get the 24-hour day and the spinning of The earth makes sense not only for you Know time zones and the and the in the 24-hour day and then the spinning around This the sun um the year right it also Makes for seasons and that the sunlight Every day is either diminished or you Know you're either adding sunlight or You're um now we're adding sunlight like The 21st of of December was the the um The solstice and now every day there's Another minute of sunlight or two
Minutes of sunlight whatever it is a Minute and 20 seconds I think so every Day there's an extra minute and 20 Seconds of daylight and so the spinning Of the Earth the axis being tilted this All make sense there's nothing in the Flat Earth model that explains it right You have to look at both things equally Like you have to say all right in one Hand they don't factor in snipers don't Factor in and that's you know I don't Know if that's true or not but I do know That every day it gets a little bit Lighter a little bit darker and now it's Getting a little bit lighter and I know The seasons change and so you have to Explain that right why is the why is it Colder now some of it is explained Through the lack of sunlight but the Other factor is that sun is much higher In the sky during the summer Substantially so and so how is that Possible right and the Flat Earth model Doesn't have an explanation in most of The Flat Earth model is trying to the Flat earth flat earthers are doing is Trying to disprove the round earth right So there's no flat Earth model you might Disprove the round earth you might prove That the round earth model doesn't make Sense you might prove that were in sort Of some Sim simulation at least you can Disprove the round earth but if you Could disprove the round earth again I
Believe this is a simulation so you know There's that but if you do disprove the Round earth that doesn't mean it's flat And so the Bible's always [ __ ] the Bible sucks the Old Testament is Horrible and there's no facts in it You're not going to prove firmament cuz That what the [ __ ] that means right and Fly Me to the Moon the guy brought up The firmament the guy guy in charge of The moon landing at some Christian Senator's house right and so you know Just silly stuff there's no firmament Whatever the [ __ ] they didn't know was They didn't know it was out there and it Wasn't this wasn't coming from God this Wasn't like some divine revelation There's a lot of [ __ ] including Human sacrifices and animal sacrifices And cutting off the force of people as And bring him to a guy to to get his you Know a king saying to David that David Wanted to marry the guy's daughter And the guy said bring me 100 four skins Of the Philistines and David was a real Go-getter so he got he brought 200 so he Killed 200 Philistine men and then cut Off their foreskins and brought them to The King because you know that's what God Does God God approves of that kind of [ __ ] right it's silly Right I mean just all the stuff that's There like it's just there's no Divine
Explanation for that [ __ ] right so you Know if the Earth can be disproved if You could disprove the Earth is round You still have to then prove that the Earth is flat and this the criteria that We see on a regular basis the you know The time zones the 24-hour day the 365 Day year the seasons that are you know Are all I mean basically repetitive like Every year and why is that like what's Happening that there These you know elements and these things That we experience and how can you make A fat Flat Earth model that explains all That and you [ __ ] can't having the Sun and the Moon spin above a flat Earth Does not work and so these comments like Why why why the comet like there's no Reason to I don't you know the Flat Earth thing we're not going to agree on It I'm fine with it right but just you Know if you were going to you admit okay I know there's no flat Earth model that Works no one has an exp explanation of How the Earth could be flat But in terms of the round stuff but once You say that then the sniper comment Becomes irrelevant right like it's a Silly little comment because that Doesn't disprove anything because like I Said the Earth isn't spinning according To the you know the official story the Earth isn't spinning that fast and so Bullets will not be affected by that
Plus the bullet is in the air so the Curvature right if you're you know if You're a sniper and you're sitting Somewhere you're drawing a straight line Between you and your target right so the Curvature of the earth wouldn't matter Like if you're if let's say you're Shooting a bird in a tree whether the Earth is round flat triangular or Square You're drawing a straight line between Your scope you know your the the nuzzle Of your the nuzzle the muzzle of your Gun right and you're you're there's a Straight line from the barrel of your Gun to the Target it's just like you're An arrow like you're shooting an arrow Right there's a straight line you're Shooting at a straight line and so if The spinning of the earth is so slow That that's not going to factor in and The curvature of this this the flatness Of the earth doesn't matter what I'm Saying is if you were like submitting a Thesis you're supposed to understand the Arguments against you and I just giving You a couple like I don't know how much This is true I don't know how snipers Work or don't work but a better example Of this Is that how does NASA shoot their You imaginary Rockets into space like if Let's say NASA Rockets were actually Real and they're you know they are Locking them into the the atmosphere
Right or whatever satellites and things How much do they Factor the the Curvature of the earth and like you know Where could you find that out and I got An NASA thing coming up these freaking Astronauts are um somehow they brought Christmas gear for an 8 day trip which You know somebody sent me that's kind of Funny but let's say you know there's Um they have to factor in the the Rotation of the earth as well as the Curvature of the earth I'm not sure how They would have to do the curvature but At least the rotation of the earth for Splash Downs getting things back right In terms of like all these things the The um you know how they have to factor These things in when they're they're Going where these other planets are Moving right you know the Moon is moving As well the Moon is according to the Official story orbiting around the earth So they have to let's say they're Shooting something up to the Moon again They have to go through the Van Allen Van Allen radiation belt which I don't Know if they've ever done that or or They can so there's those things right But they would have to be able to read The scientific data and I don't know how To do that and you don't probably know How to do that either so a lot of these Things you're always going to be Guessing or taking somebody's else's
Word for and like who gives a [ __ ] at This point especially since the the Flat Earth model I mean there's no Flat Earth Model that works like I said but the Flat earthers themselves and the whole Movement has been negative for all of us It's been a complete drag on the truth Community at some point you have to Realize that this thing is not helping Like if you want to talk to your friends And have a little flat Earth group sure But or you want to do it on your own Channel great I I'm not going to go to Your channel and tell you what you're Wrong I don't give a [ __ ] you know go Ahead do do whatever post whatever you Want in your channel it's like when you Try to bring us all down with it right It's just you know it's a drag on us Like it's you know it's the the behavior Of the Flat Earth Community that's Pissed everybody off and it maybe you're Not one of those people and that's great But like but there's a reason the Movement died and it died a horribly Embarrassing death and just leave it go Let's let let the corpse lie Whereever wherever it you know it died In its own uh its own bad behavior and You know a a lack of object objective Analysis all right let's get to the Other stuff Here okay so I'm not sure when this is From hopefully this year I don't know
Some year this is Melania Trump probably It's old but whatever new to me it may Be new to You what did you ask Santa for Christmas o that's a nice one I asked Santa for Christmas uh Peace On The World Peace on the world [Laughter] Um I've seen this a bunch of times Already you know it's funny for two Reasons I mean piss on the world is Great like it's just you know because The other part to this is she has such a Heavy accent like she's I mean she Doesn't speak English well at All and neither do I that was not a that Was not a like a well- constructed Sentence but she doesn't you know I mean It's in terms of a second language let's Say your first language is English and You're a great speaker of English you're You're great uh at articulating English You know the English sentences and so That would be you're a you know you're Five like as a as a speaker of English As a second language and so you know People would see that you have an accent But at least you have right the right Sentence structure you're not looking For words like cucumber how you say Cucumber like this kind of stuff that You you can you know the the language And you can speak it well and maybe There's a hint of an accent but it you
Know people wouldn't even know where You're from right and so you know it's It's only slight and then there's Somebody you know you you're good at You're good at speaking English but You're a little bit heavier at accent Sometimes you mispronounce words Sometimes you mess up the structure of Their sentences right this sentence Isn't you know proper and then there's Number three where it's like even worse Than that and and so she's around a Three like she's a three or a two in Terms of somebody speaking English and She's she was the first lady you know She's this like mway bride you it looks Like a Dude has very weird tastes and there's a Great moment in the season two of The Apprentice I think it is it's either Season one or season two and they go up To Trump Tower they get it they get the Winning team you know they had these Competitions and they have you know two Teams and they have these um these Projects and whoever wins the project Gets a you know gets a prize and their Priz is they got to go up to Trump Tower And see where Trump lived in his Penthouse apartment and melani comes out To greet them and the um one of the the Women on the cast says to her you're so Lucky and she goes and he's not Lucky I would find it but it's you know
It's somewhere I I don't think I want to Look for it but it's a it's a great Thing and so um well let me see if I can Find it Here we got to meet his girlfriend Melania okay so this was from season 1 With Amarosa um I don't remember it that Way but it was the first episode and the Winning team who won their project Was um given this reward of going up to Trump Tower and they show you all the Gody stuff and Over the Top Gold Everything like just total you know Trump [ __ ] stuff right hi I'm Melania pleas to meet you nice to meet You so at the time she was only Trump's Girlfriend so that was I don't remember That like I thought they were buried and Somebody asked her how do you clean a Place like this and she goes oh you have People to clean it you know and they all Laugh and then here's the moment I think She's doing you're very very lucky oh Thank you and he's not lucky Oh and here's the Stu is coming in right The whole thing's so weird and she Hasn't gotten better at speaking English This whole time maybe even worse her Accent seems to have gotten heavier even Though she's been in America this whole Time plus her Christmas wish was Probably should have been like I hope Donald stops banging porn stars and Hookers and
And G so just a bizarre thing the whole Melania thing is bizarre but you know It's right up by Ally I mean it's great Like she's so not a first lady which Makes it great that guy this Bard owl is No Angel but it's now a star he's like This is the perfect spot in fact the owl Knocked over the star to claim this Perch to top the burgoin family Christmas tree in Arlington Virginia I Mean I didn't even know what to think I Definitely didn't know what to Do the family says the owl flew in Through the chimney soaring okay so you See the chimney here um so you could you Could make a case that the owl could Come up to this part of the chimney but What would make it it's not going to fly Down the flu you know if you see how big The opening of the flu is and I mean I'm Just calling [ __ ] Right now it could so totally set up a Nest in here I'm sure they get lots of Birds in here that that part I believe But for a big ass s like this to fly Down this chimney you it can't really Fly how's it going I mean it's just Going to drop down and so that's you Know 15 20 feet and then it has to go Through the flu area which you probably Have closed otherwise you're going to Have a major draft this is in Virginia So if you're in Arlington Virginia near Washington DC it's cold as [ __ ] in the
Winter and there's going to be air Blowing through there and so you know They don't show the fireplace like let's See the fireplace so they have a screen Over the fireplace so they have just an Open fireplace with an open flu and they Got little kids and Air's coming through There and the [ __ ] ow flew all the Way down the chimney and into their House like there's just no way like it's Just [ __ ] right chimney soaring back And forth from Treetop to kitchen Cabinets Sergeant Spencer Murray with The Animal Welfare League of Arlington Got the call how hard is it then to Catch an owl in a situation this guy Look look at how happy he is this crazy Like this yeah any bird that's uh inside An open area you kind of just have to Let them Tire themselves out a little Bit let them go back and forth it took Or you can open the front door you know I had um let out a number of birds and Bats and things that have flown into my House I've had that happen not through The chimney but you know open windows And such and we had a bird that was in This Meditation building in Massachusetts and it was in the ceiling Like there was an open like sort of Basement area and then there was a Finished basement area and the open Basement area they didn't have those
Ceiling tiles right and so the thing got Up in the ceiling but then it came out And was flying around the basement I Turned off all the lights opened the Door and it flew out through the front Door right we've had that in our barn we Have birds that go there all the time And you just open up a door and the the Light from outside you if it's dark in The barn they'll fly towards the light And then they'll go outside it's not Very hard and so having the Ally outside Is a lot better than trying to catch it In a net where you can damage its wings It's got those big Talons like this is Just silly right took about 10 minutes Before the exhausted owl was low enough To catch then quickly release Out into the night off into the night it Was but that's you know why would you Try to catch it when you just let it out The door you just open some doors and There's probably two doors you have turn Off all the lights it's dark in there Close the you know whatever it is and Then just let it fly out right I mean It's not hard like it wants to leave you Know it doesn't want to be in the house Right there's people there highlight Experience for Christmas season it Conjured up memories of another owl Discovered four years ago in the Rockefeller Center Tree fittingly given The name Rocky as for the rocky
Arlington owl this week the Animal Welfare League brought the family a new Tree topper a fake Owl they say it's a reminder to cap your Chimneys but rest assured tonight Santa Will still find his way in he is that's Not how they would cap that chimney like That is a totally different chimney than The one they had up here you know I just You know it seems like everything's just [ __ ] now like just the story doesn't Add Up you See like it just doesn't add up so this Was the Blake Lively inter interview Where she was being a total botch to This interviewer and I saw the clips of This on um New York Post but I didn't Watch the whole thing and I don't know How much I can use because it's you know It's a Youtube video um but let's use I'm going to try to use as much as Possible so it starts off like this That's on your little bump congrats on Your little bump okay so she doesn't Have a bump so break liary is pregnant So she says congratulation on your Little bump which means she has a baby Bump and so um and then Parker posie Tries to Distract or you know def diffuse the Situation and Blake Lively is not having Any of it she's turns on this woman is Totally offended the woman pointed out
That she has a baby bump which I don't Know why you know it's just maybe that's Not offensive like you know you can make Something offensive but if you're Pregnant and people know you're pregnant It's just you know there's things that People say they're stupid and you could Call them on it but you're there to Promote your movie and so you have to to This is your job you have to tolerate Some stupid questions things that you Might find offensive and this isn't Offensive right the New York Post Covered this people were hammering her For being this much of a of a Batch what about my Bump you've got two nice ones and these They are kind of bumps aren't they okay So like the woman complimented her or Congratulated her on having a baby bump And then she starts talking about her Co-star's breasts Which is far more Inappropriate right like and she's not Offended no not bumps the lovely lady Lumps check it out thank you thank you Okay so then there's that so then she's Already you like the movie are you a Woody Allen fan I love most of his Movies and this one was so like so Woody Allen is a pedo like he married his Daughters his uh his wife's you know They're they're adopted daughter he Married um Mia pharaoh and she had an Adoptive daughter and some other
Children one of the girls accused him of Abusing her and the other one he married And he was she was like nine or 10 when Wood he came into her life and he acted As her father as soon as she turned 18 They were married which is weird but he Also has a movie called Manhattan in Which he Um like he uh dates a girl marily Mariel Hemingway who's 15 in real life and Plays an 18-year-old girl in the movie That's a high school girl he's dating a High school girl it comes out some woman Comes comes out and says when she was 16 Woody Allen dated her when she was in High school so the guy hung out with Jeffrey Epstein he's one of the real Perves that there no undeniable and he Had a kissing scene with a 15-year-old Girl that he wrote and directed and it Was her first kiss she was 15 Mar H way She made out with Woody Allen in the Movie manh hat just really creepy guy Right and this woman asked about a baby Bump and she's offended visually amazing Yeah it's gorgeous did you guys love Wearing those kind of clothes that you Yeah yeah and you know working In so look at her look at her right She's not looking at the interviewer Talk about the clothes but I wonder if They would ask the men about the clothes I would I love Jesse's suit that's what I'm saying so then she just goes and
Talks to Parker posie for the next 2 Minutes and she talks about how men Would never be asked about these outfits And like she's offended by This Woman's Questions like you know she just asked Her she said she made a comment about Her being pregnant and then she's Saiding I wonder if what they had asked Men about that and so anything that she Says about this guy and I'm not Defending this guy or Whatever is suspect because she's Someone who gets offended very easily And and in a way like you know she talks About appearance and things as she goes Through this it gets into appearance and Stuff later on let's move forward a Little Bit relate to with the things they were Saying about Hollywood it's so easy to Get seduced by the fame and the money And oh you see it all the time that was One of my favorite things about the Movie were the subtle so then they they Move on to this now she sucks as an Actress as far as I can tell what I've Seen of her and I think there might be She's uh May she's married to Ryan Reynolds and she might be related to Somebody famous um but either way it's Her looks I think she's gotten plastic Surgery when she was 25 so it's her Looks that made her again that's what my Wife told me I'm not you know I don't
Know for sure any of these things but I Know she's married to Ryan reyolds and I Know she was a model and it's her looks That got her into these movies right and She's you know being a model that's just It's the epitome of wearing you know It's wearing clothes and modeling Clothes and these other things she's She's making a big deal about how she Didn't asks about men wearing clothes They paid they pay attention to women's Clothes and they wear these exotic Dresses and things to these you know Med Gala which I'm sure she's gone to and These other places the Oscars and these Other things award shows like they're All wearing these Versace dresses and You know it's it's a much more uh Focused the fashion industry is much More focused on females and she's a part Of that cuz she's a [ __ ] model and That's the reason she's in any of these Movies and married to Ryan renals and This other stuff right and so like why Are you being offended when this is why You're in there like you're not there Because you're such a great actress and Such a wonderful person right and this Is the the kicker at the end here Though cuz he asked her about the Hollywood stuff so much more about your Personal life than they do your work and If you aren't open with your personal Life then they just make it up for you
And share that's the media for you so I Think the biggest misconception I see Often is people feeling like they know Someone that they don't um because they Know what the media has has created of Someone it's the media but you know they She hates Donald Trump right the media When it's misrepresenting celebrities But this is the killer right here and The disappointing thing is when you meet The people they're always so much more Awesome than than than She's talking about actresses and Herself that when you meet them they're So much awesome more awesome than the Than they're portrayed to be in the Media and just like people like you who Betray people like me you think you know Me and you don't and so the title of This video the Blake the Blake Lively Interview that made me want to quit my Job this woman postes this on on uh YouTube and this is the thing that got Blake Lively in trouble she somehow Reversed it and turned herself into a Victim by these you know these very wild Claims that she has against this guy who Was her co-star and the director of the Movie The that ends with us and so Jesus Christ right okay so this is the woman's Name kajura Fla she um posted the movie the Interview was six years old five or six Years old some old Woody ol movie I
Guess and she um didn't post it uh she Posted cuz she was struggling with it Blaming herself but then after a while She realized somebody just shouldn't Behave like Blake Lively she released it At the same time all this controversy Was happening on the two of us that had To do with Blake Lively right and that The interview on YouTube got six million Views and so here's Blake Lively Bake this is some of her Med Gala Outfits right so she went to the med Galala and this superficial thing Wearing these big bows all that kind of Stuff right um some of her other stuff Here like modeling clothes that's what She's doing like so she's offended by The woman asking her about what it's Like to wear the clothes in that period Piece or whatever it is and so this is Some of her other you know being on Vogue and she's a model right she does These things so how is she offended by This right this her job is to wear these Clothes and try to sell these clothes Through modeling them all these poses And [ __ ] like that right and so like It's just you know just uh these people That are so easily Offended and there was nothing that Woman did or said that was that would Should generate that kind of response And then all the other problems like She's apparently just really [ __ ]
About all these Things so here it is it bake Lively has The subject of speculation regarding Plastic surgery procedure while she is Not publicly confirmed or not had any Surgeries their visual accused they say She might have undergone certain Enhancements well all of them do right So um you know that's I don't know about The the age that she's did it but still She's like you know it's all these Things bake Right okay so this woman I guess is an Independent YouTuber or something I Don't know but she says here this is Another video that popped up on my feed Are protected and and um if I mean I I Did post another video Once where a Celebrity wasn't being on their nicest Behavior and I was told that you should Probably take that down and so I did uh And a lot of people do you know I've Been contacted by probably like six or Seven people now who said that they had Experiences with Blake Lively and that They could never go public with it Because it will you know it will end Their careers still after all this has Come out you know people are scared okay So this is four months ago when Everything was turning on Blake Lively And now she's reversed the narrative by Accusing the director and me toing him Over a bunch of stuff and like all that
Thing so there's That okay so I'll show you this in a Moment the video why a festive photo of Astronauts stranding on the International Space Station is sparking Conspiracy theories so there's five People here or four of them and two of Them have been stranded there apparently And I guess one of them is this woman Here um I'm not sure about the story but Elon mus is supposed to be saving them Right that's a whole thing and they they Left in June and they were only supposed To be up in space for eight days and now They're up there a lot longer and so When the astronauts stranded on the International Space Station was pictured Wearing Santa has next to a tiny Christmas tree this week internet Commenters had questions which willm and Sunny Williams after all after all Launched in June and was supposed to be An 8-day mission to space but they've Been stranded ever since thanks to a Problem with the Boeing Starliner capsule that has meant to be Their ride Home they did they take Santa hats did Did they take Santa hats with them Before they launched when commenters Said or did they knit them while they Were there uh These are Interesting points of view right these
Are the same guys who went up for eight Day mission in June a third comp joke The Gilligans Island tune is plain still Other others think that the presence of The Christmas decorations were a sign of A grand conspiracy and the astronauts Are really stuck in space it's one big Show um well yeah it looks kind of Suspicious right so let's show you the Video here welcome to the International Space Station as we get ready for the Christmas holidays it's a great time of Year up here we get to spend it with all Of our family up on the International Space Station there's seven of us up Here and so we're going to get to enjoy Company together and one of the best Things that I like about Christmas is The preparation and just getting ready And the anticipation everybody getting Together and preparing stuff okay so They have a lot of Christmas decorations Here so there's some issues because when They when they shoot a rocket up to Space they're very concerned about the Amount of extra weight they take on it Right and they have all these things Here that you know I mean this doesn't Make things Christmasy they they're not Wearing these all this is just for a Show you don't think they put these Things on and walk around the space Station right you know I just saw I was Watching a little Fox News thing about
Christmas and it said there's $10 Billion worth of Christmas gifts that Are unwanted gifts and have to be Returned or that Americans spend $10 Billion and they had an average they Spent 2.3 years decorating you know in Their span of their lifetime people Spent 2.3 billion 2.3 years of their Time decorating for Christmas right you Know on average which is crazy Statistics but you know in terms of all This stuff you know where they get all This thing they got Rudolph here And then you know their hat this guy's Hats and just getting ready for the Holiday and a couple little things um we Have here uh with us to just prepare Which will be now if this was Um they're making this be see she just Released these things right but it's More like they're upside down so let me Show you this because this guy's Hat's Moving and the anticipation everybody Getting together this is a floppy hat Right and so if it's a floppy hat you Know um it wouldn't be going straight up Like This especially when they move their Heads right because there's you know Like these floppy hats would be down on The ground if there was gravity but They're they're trying to make it sound Like it would go straight up in the air But that's not the case right if there's
No gravity the thing would move Independently it wouldn't be straight up Like these guys hats are and her hair is Straight up right and so it almost seems Like you know again her hair isn't being Held down by gravity but that doesn't Mean it's going to go what's making it Go up do you understand like it would be Maybe messy but it would move when your Head would move there would be no Gravity to affect its movement but it Wouldn't these things wouldn't go Straight up like that's making it sound Like there's anti-gravity and it's being Pulled upwards and it's not and so this We watch this guy's hat move here Preparing stuff and way for the holiday A couple little things um and so why are These things floating right I mean she There was some momentum in her tossing Them up but the other part is you know These things could be banging into all Kinds of stuff like there's no buttons Or this thing is are going to get into An area they're not supposed to like you Don't release [ __ ] like this you know Just to be Festive we have here uh with us to just Prepare which will be sort of fun in a Couple days You know in Christmas time the holiday Season it's about spending the shit's Just floating around here time with Friends and family and loved ones um you
Know this this year we're going to be in Orbit um away from them uh so we want to Send our heartfelt Merry Christmas um And uh we hope you have a wonderful Holiday uh want to also mention that you Know we're not the only ones uh that are Going to spend time away from our our Our families over the holidays uh There's a huge team on the ground that's Going to support see all right see you See how hat went sideways why is it Going to go controls around the globe uh Over the holidays and I want to thank Them for the sacrifices that they're Making uh together uh we work uh who's This Guy what's this guy's story hand inand With the ground every day and uh over The holidays we keep this Mission going Merry Christmas And Christmas is synonymous it's that Dude I didn't know it was um what's his Name I can't believe I I don't remember His name it's my favorite as it's my Favorite astronaut with food and feasted And boy do we have a fe Don Pettit he's Packaged up here Don Pettit doing it And of course Christmas is Christ Hallelujah a savior is Born you can't believe you don't believe In Jesus and pull this [ __ ] so from All of us to all of You Merry Christmas Don petett and another that's
Don petett what's your didy do D I mean All these things that they have up there You know they don't have like story like Have a little bit of story on this thing But they don't have a ton of space right And so what they have Christmas Decorations they get out for these goofy Good Christmas messages every year or You know this this stuff is um they have All these types of things they have Stored in different places right like It's not that kind of a thing right it's You know space and and weight is Important to all these missions and the Whole thing you know with all the doubt In the space program in the movie um the Um Uh Fly Me to the Moon the guy wants uh Woody harelson wants them to put a Camera on the you know on the Lim and They're saying they're trying to cut Weight and the camera weighs whatever 3 4 lbs or whatever and so like in the guy The Channing Tatum saying there's no way We're ready to do that we're already Overweight right we're trying to cut Weight out now and so you know these Things are I mean that's how these Missions are supposed to be you can't Have it both ways right but anyways it Just you know it's maybe it's true I Don't know like some odd way this is What they do but when people start Looking at your [ __ ] and they're not
Just believing it like that's the Problem when you consider it a liar and It's lots of people there's lots of People think the moonlanding might have Been faked and it's enough of a Conversation where it's mentioned like On practical jokers there was a time Where one of the Jokers asked somebody He just said you what do you think about The moonlanding like people discuss this And the Telemetry the Telemetry data and The stuff to do with the um uh you know The grand the the Van Allen radiation Belt and all that [ __ ] and people Understand that you know there's an Incentive for them to fake it it's now In a couple different mainstream movies There's theories and things about it and So when you have those things and people Don't you know believe it and you know It's I mean NASA's been very Suspect then never a straight answer Right then you do things like this and You got to see how people with doubts Would see it like what are people going To say they're going to say all the Things you heard them say in the New York Post article all the people Trolling this now and then just even Articles in the New York Post like you Guys don't have a publicity team you're You're totally self- unaware that nobody Just thinks you're in space anymore like You can't put this stuff out there and
Pretend that people are just going to Believe it because they don't right and Anything that looks goofy like anything That was um suspect is going to you know Be brought Up okay so I don't know how I ended up Here but this dude is Lauren Sanchez It's um you know um Jeff Bezos's uh wife or fiance who apparently Was a you know sort of a she was up for A a j a job on The View and I didn't Know any of this stuff I don't know how This came up something Happened and I said Um that her face off methed up like That's all I remembered and my wife and I were talking about this so I looked up To see you know what was wrong with I Couldn't remember exactly what it was You know I'd covered her and him a while Back you know her and Kim Kardashian Went on a bidding war for some dress Right And I you know just a weird um uh Looking person and then I saw this on The View and I'm like wow that's a dude Right and one time I actually saw the Clip like just um I know there's a lot Of plastic surgery but I couldn't Believe it um they pulled my hair back They may me dressed a little more Conservative um and after the show Barbara Walters pulled me aside and she Goes what are you doing
And I was like what do you mean she goes If look just the shoulders Here um you're going to go down go down As yourself she goes if you don't go Down as yourself you're going to beat Yourself up twice you're going beat Yourself up twice Bra and it was incredible advice Inc and I don't know if you remember that right There like that like look at you know Man arms Just um so Jeff Bezos is a trillionaire and that's His I was having a tough time it was I Was stressed out and you walked past me And you're like keep your chin up kid it Was like you know well you and I you and I auditioned together during The Hunger Games uh uh round yeah do you remember It was like hey I think you're in my Seat then yeah I I made by the way Hillary Clinton said something recently And I thought it was so beautiful Hillary Clinton princess is beautiful Things said listen there's so many seats At the table and she goes no they're not Just scooch over and make room that's Right and I like that that's you're like That you you're like that you're like That very much about uplifting yeah you Really are Hillary's coming on when is She coming on next week next week th Next Thursday well Lauren on top of your Incredible resume which we will get to
Um you were also engaged to Jeff Bezos You say that when you proposed you kind Of blacked out what was The Proposal Like and what okay so um [Music] Whatever's going on there with Jeff and His dude so um I want to get back to This thing here this is the NORAD Santa Thing here um so now I remember my wife Was telling me about we went for a walk And she said that there was a an image Or an exchange between Jeff Bezos and a employee and they're showing During this time period how much each Person made And the guy was on like 22 cents the guy Jeff beus was talking to and he was on $88,000 already like just in terms of Like this short Exchange um and then I was talking about I don't know how we got talking about His um his wife or his fiance and I said You know she's really like messed up Like she's her plastic surgery is really Bad like I'd seen a little bit of her Before and then when I showed my wife This video I like searched it you know Searched for something to to show I'm Like oh my God we were looking at it Going that's she's uh definitely got Some manly stuff going on there so this Was um you know the whole snor ad Tracker thing and somebody sent me this Thing that it's started years ago where
Kids started to call NORAD or you know Whatever it was back then 50s or Whatever 60s and asked where Santa was And the guy first blew it off but after A bunch of kids called they started to Lie to the kids and then they develop This whatever it is uh this thing they Do and they have all these people Volunteering their time doing this work To you know create this illusion that There's all these places that Santa has Del presence to you know people are Saying well Santa isn't um getting out Of his sled because you know whatever He's just throwing [ __ ] out of his sled Like These Little Gems they're supposed To be presents but the you know the the Length they'll go to these to cultivate And and per you know perpetuate these The goofy lie Right I mean it's more than just some um You know innocent little thing that People do with their kids and say that There's this guy you know that the Santa Claus myth there's there much more to This thing so this is this um this donor Girl who is you know just making the Rounds and she's just um letting it Fly This is about Joe Biden's um mental Decline and we weren't allowed to ask And so it was um very surprising and That family member had actually flown Across the country for this so he kind Of
Felt what when did you first notice when Did you first notice that he was Declining I think I also was just um Hoping for the best and I still to this Day I I love him as a human being I'm Very yeah come on I'm very sorry this is the truth I oh so Before you lie let's just you know uh I'm not being solish that's what Joe Biden would say this my word is a bite You know just like if you have to say It's the truth then that means you're Lying the rest of the time right I knew Something was accelerating I think in 2023 um I think actually to be honest I Think he was pretty much fine in 2020 I I'm trying to be as Fair as possible and I didn't see him he wasn't fine he was 2019 he was there was mental decline I Mean so much so that you know they they Knew that they couldn't campaign with This guy normally he was just gone right He was this it wasn't him just being old You know Trump has got mental Decline And he's sharper than Biden Now it was back in 2019 Trump now is Sharper than Biden you can see Trump is There's a decline there And you know we all have it as we get Older your your body and your mind don't Function the same way and you know People's when you're walking differently When you see people walking differently And their body's stiff and they start
Having issues with internal organs and You don't digest your food the same way You don't exercise the same way and Everything doesn't function the same as Good as it did when you were younger Every part of your body your eyes get Worse your you know All all of it your body is now in Decline right this is happening to me it Happens to everybody as you get older You past 40 and you get into your 50s And 60s and you know I mean it started Happening to me in my 30s you know where I well one time I went to play Basketball and I was like you know I was Maybe 2930 something like that I was Like wow I'm playing as good as I ever Did right and the next day I woke up and Every part of my body was sore like I Had played basketball in a while and I Went out and played and I'm like well I'm just as good even better because I'm Mentally you know better and I hadn't Played in a while so was kind of fun and Then I was so sore the next day and I'm Like oh wow and then I realized it was Harder for me to recover than when I was In my 20s right you see athletes they're Retiring in their 40s and there's a Decline in their 30s even with all the Technology and all the things that they Do and then your 40s these other things Start to decline and you're not as sharp Mentally because if all your rest of
Your body is declining you think your Mind is so your mind starts to decline When you're in your 40s and 50s and you Know you might be and you have wisdom You slowed down and you see things Better and you lived a whole life like I'm functioning better now than I've Ever functioned in my life like I Finally get it like I just you know I've Cracked the code on my particular life And now I'm facing death right that's Just like the the irony of the thing That's why I say it's just not so much Time but when you're in your 70s and 80s There's significant deine And your energy level you don't have as Much you know Jing or Prana you know Life energy creative force and Joe Biden Was showing it and he obviously has Something like some you know which is Parkinson's according to the doctor that I showed you but like he's he was there It was back in 2019 he should they Should have never run him for president I mean they did they they you know Whatever they did there but they all Knew everybody knew that he was in Mental decline back then any signs of Cognitive decline in 2020 and I was on The campaign trail with him I also Raised money for him in 2019 I was in San Francisco with him the day after Kamla Harris attacked him on the debate Stage he was he a he was definitely
Sharp then at least from my point of View it became clear that something was Different in 2023 and then 2024 and and You came forward you said in July what What did you on Fox new Sunday you know What you're saying like what she's Really saying here which I don't know Whether she's aware of it or not but Joe Biden was in mental decline 2019 he Called that guy fat challenging people To P push-up contest he was getting Angry they couldn't campaign with him They had to hide him away they used CO As an excuse to hide him away they knew They couldn't roll this guy on a Campaign Trail he wasn't up for it but She's saying he was sharper than sharp Enough in some of her interactions and Maybe you know he had maybe a lot more Good days than bad days okay sure but he Was he had cognitive cine he had some Kind of cognitive issue and physical Issue which was Parkinson's according to That doctor that I you know that to me Was a uh just an epic report I I did That like uh you know the guy was Interviewed by MSNBC and he said that a First year medical student would be Failed if he couldn't diagnose Biden With Parkinson's just by looking at him Right and so like there's that but what She's saying is that there was a decline From 2020 but he wasn't great in 2020 And I think Obama told him not to run in
2016 Obama endorsed Hillary cuz he Thought Hillary who had passed out Hillary had fainted seven times seven Times that I know of there's seven Recording times of Hillary Clinton Fainting and you know falling downstairs And all these things right she was in India she couldn't walk down the stairs She couldn't walk upstairs like five Stairs with her husband she fell and Knocked herself out she like broke her Her like you know some kind her arm or You know jaw or something like she she Was passed out a number of times like Even before she ran for president and Then she passed out that time they're Trying to get her into the car and she They they scooped her up and put her in The car and she was and I thought that Was cuz she's an alcoholic and maybe you Know whatever but she was considered Better candidate than Biden Biden was a Vice president she was secretary of State right and so this woman saying That he declined from 2020 but I'm I'm Sure he was showing signs in 2016 and he Had retired then right he was done he Didn't run for he he tried to you know He looked into run for president in 2016 uh CNN did a hitpiece on him and There was all everyone saying no don't Do it you're a groper these are the Things we're going to bring up David Letterman did a thing Daily Show did a
Thing about him snoozing and groping CNN Did a thing they said yeah if you run We're going to post all this [ __ ] and You're going to embarrass yourself so he Didn't even run for president Hillary Clinton of course lost to Trump and they Exume this corpse in 2020 with full Knowledge that he had he was having Mental decline right what what did you Say I went on air to save and and how is It received you say you were crucified By who by who that's why yeah sorry no Go ahead but by by who who who where was The backlash where was it coming from The the liberal leftists who are Attacking me now the same people the Same group of people on you know I I've Lost tens of thousands of followers this Week I've been called number of names I Won't repeat here simply for stating the Truth and asking questions about how the Finances of the Harris campaign were Handled it's the same bunch of people Who attacked me in July I went on Fox News Sunday on July 21st I remember that Day because a few hours later President Biden stepped Aside um and I honestly I can't believe I'm sharing this but the day before my Fox News Sunday interview somebody from The White House called me and I don't Know if you people know this but before Fox News Sunday and Meet the Press Interviews they're all um the day before
They're all listed in Politico so the White House found out that I was Speaking to um Shannon bream and they Called me the night before and Said you're one of the president's most Loyal supporters we know you're going to Stay Loyal and as someone who's watches Sopranos and is a huge Godfather fan I Mean it just sounds like Something you know it just sounded like Mob speak almost like you know it's a Nice position you have there it be a Shame if you lost it kind of did you Perceive it as a threat when they said That it was the most um it was the Friendliest threat Possible but okay so you know this girl Is just going on and saying all this Stuff And but whatever her position is Joe Biden had his mental decline began as Early as 2016 when he's vice president I Mean your mental decline is happening All the time for everybody but he had Real cognitive issues and he wasn't Great beforehand he was a plagiarizer a Liar piece of [ __ ] you know he had to Quit his first he when ran for president They caught him plagiarizing in like 1982 or something you know 1980s and Then he ran three more times and nobody Wanted him like nobody wanted the guy Like he was never a serious candidate
For president the year Obama made him Vice president he didn't even run if he Did it was like he dropped out early and So it was weird that he chose Joe Biden Because you know it wasn't weird because The Pres the vice president's always Somebody who's not as good as the President the vice president is supposed To make the president look good right And so you know it's it's not a a Coincidence or that you know Joe Biden Was a disaster as president because he Was you know always a disaster right Like this is how he was beforehand and Then now he's he's got mental decline he Has cognitive issues Trump says he'll Seek the death penalty for rapists Murderers and monsters right um Which this is um three days ago December 24th the day before Christmas merry Christmas right but then this clown Matt Gates I got a great note from president Trump house prob to Matt Gates relies on Witness doj found lacked Credibility Matt very unfair So right after Matt Gates they released The report of Matt Gates you know the Guy dated uh not dated he paid you know I mean I just covered this earlier with This comment in the beginning of the Video but this is a follow-up and so we Know in terms of what they released and These are Republicans and these aren't Rhino Republicans I mean some of them
Aren't trumpers maybe but these are Republicans and Trump nominated this guy To be in charge of the you know the laws The federal laws right the um you know This uh the in charge of the doj Department of Justice and so you know This guy I mean Trump's a nightmare for Saying that like he thinks rapist should Be killed and this guy committed Statutory R rape on a uh a young woman Who he paid 400 or $200 or $400 to I Think it was $400 to be uh sleep with Her at a college party when he was a Congressman and so you know this is the Ethic complaint and this is how degraded Everything is he kept his job like he Was still they did this investigation Found out he went to a college party he Paid a girl who you know lied about her Age but like I said in the comment if You're a grown ass man and you have to Ask a girl how old she is to make sure She's legal then you're a scumbag right Know How are you are you you know if you if You don't know you're wondering the girl Might be in high school or freshman year In college you know if she's 17 uh if she's 17 and 364 days you know old and her next day Is the birthday she's turning she's Turning 18 the next day there's no Difference right legally there is but I Mean she's still the same person she was
A day ago it isn't like when you have a Birthday you're significantly older than You were the day before your birthday Right you're only one day older and so You know she was a high school girl and Her junior or something who was 17 years Old was at a frat party she was on Ecstasy or something people have said That you know this person wrote a Comment saying it was a setup but this Guy's a scumbag and Trump wants to Punish these people he says he does but Then he hires them right like there's Another guy who confus there this um you Know the other guy uh whatever his name Is um The guy for the defense department like He was accused of all this stuff right As well um and so the accusations could Be false but they are these guys are Scumbags anyway there there's other Behaviors that are there and this Accusation Isn't false like they they Found this to be true and they released This report right and so um you know This is where Trump is a lying piece of [ __ ] right because he says he wants to Be hard on these types of people but not People that are like him or frat boys That are in his club right he wasn't Hard on Jeffrey Epstein who was I mean Should Jeffrey Epstein got the death Penalty Well he kind of did right but Trump says he likes him young like this
You know Trump isn't one of you he's not Concerned about this stuff like he says Something like this but he doesn't mean It like he doesn't mean any of this [ __ ] Right he doesn't and so like Trump is You know he can't be trusted because He's he's Donald Trump like he's just You know his lying is what he does right Selling he's just Salesman and so Um Zach Guilford shares shocking photos Of his swollen face um what happened There why did that go away oh here it Went down to the bottom uh this guy is An Actor um and look at his face so that's You know I wonder if that has to do with The bloop I don't know what happened Yesterday but so yesterday was fun so That Happened um Brandy go Glenville reveals Candid emotional details after her de Debilitating face Parasite um I got all kinds of [ __ ] Going on here here's her face like I've Seen I don't kind of know who is I think She was on a a season of the the um you Know my wife and I watch that show uh The um traitors and they had these Celebrity these fake celebrities uh but Her face is like I guess that's a face Parasite but it's also the Plastics There looks just gross okay let's move On
Here okay so um they slow this down like They did this to nany Nancy Pelosi to Make her sound drunk and but she sounded Drunk when she said this this was her First message when she came back after Losing and so she sounded drunk they Made her sound Drunker I just have to remind You don't you ever let anybody take your Power from you this just works Well you have the same Power that you did before November 5th and you have the same purpose that You Did you know voting isn't much of a Power and purpose right so what are you Talking about like what other things That are the people that voted you going To do you know most people they go and They pull a lever they don't vote in Their local elections they don't do Anything else like this is all they do Like they vote every four years for President and you know that's about it They don't vote in the midterms like There's much bigger turnout right it's Like twice the number people vote for in The presidential election that vote in The midterms and then vote in their Local elections and they don't do Anything on a Civic level level and so They just go and do what they do and Then they express their you know their Voting
Opinions every four years and so what The [ __ ] is you talking about right like This is you know most people aren't Nothing's going to change for them maybe They're a little bit more activated when Trump gets elected but I think they're Just they people have just moved on from The whole thing they were disgusted by Joe Biden you know the people who who Voted for Trump this time and voted for Biden last time they didn't like KLA Harrris you know I don't think people Are that psyched about KLA Harris they Don't think Trump is as bad maybe it's Been softened a little bit with these Fake assassination attempts and things You know it's just all of these things Right and you have the Same ability to engage and Inspire so don't ever let anybody or any Circumstance take your power from you Me they did a good job I mean this is You know again they manipulated this but It just the way she was kind of drunk Already I mean she seemed drunk or on Drugs or something and she was Disheveled I this is what she actually Looked like and so and then they just Slowed it down a little bit and this Code named cter Brown she's back y'all um just you know Five star okay my wife has sent me a few Orb things back drone in the air and [ __ ] orbs in the [ __ ]
Distance what the [ __ ] red orbs one two three four five Six seven eight Nine looks like they're [ __ ] coming from whatever the [ __ ] That is I don't know Dude New York City the Bronx okay so those are either drones or Orbs I don't know how close they get Here to the got Orbs and a [ __ ] Drone holy [ __ ] I never thought i' I Never thought I'd see it but I'm [ __ ] Seeing it right here right off my [ __ ] Balcony Bronx New York New York City is the train for Reference but we got orbs in the Distance I don't know it's the Configuration of the lights like this is A cluster of something there you know What what's why would all these things Be here you know drones don't interact With each other at least like you know I Mean they're they're tiny and you know Like I mean I've really flown a drone I Don't know that much about them but it's Not like they're social right it's not Like you put a drone up there and have a Conversation with another drone person Through the Drone right there's you know There's there's no coordination between
Drones unless there is like if you were Military you would have a bunch of drone Operators in the you know let's say that You we had multiple drones in an area And they were all sitting in some room And wiscansin or something and you know There's They're in you know some country in the Middle East and they have these drones In the sky and there's a coordination of It right a coordination of that or Whatever these are I don't know what These are here but um there's a cluster Of them you Know I don't know orbs in a drone drone Still Chilling wow holy [ __ ] quter what are You Saying see something What is That you can't see Like Focus Like okay so there's see things here There's one over There like a like planes or something Going M anyway so um there's those and There's another one over here okay this Is another Orb so Um it's hard to see what that Is um But whatever you Know it doesn't look like it's um Something a human could build right
Based on the whatever rotation that's There and I don't know if they're losing It here Um but it must be high enough where it's You know you can't get it the person's Not getting it good so there's that you Know I don't know how much um I have Been watching the news and also it's Christmas time but the Drone story seems To have died and I was talking about This with my wife I said it here before You know that when they don't give a Story booster shots and they don't have Additional rollouts of something new Like it has to go up in intensity right So you have the initial story you know You saw this with the Luigi mangion Thing you the initial story you the Shock Val you of the you know Assassination attempt thing that Happened whatever it was right whatever You want to believe about that and then You had the Manhunt and then they found Them and then they released his his Manifesto and the information about him And the evidence and then they had him Going into you know the courtroom in New York the extradition and now the story's Kind of dead like they don't have any More you know they don't have anything Any more juice right they don't have any Nothing else to roll out and so this if You Google drones in the news on you uh Google there's nothing here right um in
Terms of the the Drone stuff here news About drones Ukrainian stuff conf Russia um two floorida tourist spot Drones and shows follow a separate Incident boy in hospital after drones Fall from the sky in Orlando um some of these other things North Korea news about UFO drones Former Defense official makes Earth sign UFO Revelation explained so then I searched Orbs and there was this guy I we showed You this guy a little interview that he Did um how to get exalted orbs in The Path of Exile 2 dirty bomb alien Holograms orbs drone Mania unleashes Conspiracy theory that's a week ago two Weeks ago mystery orbs appeared to hover Over Minnesota sky and so the story There's not really anything new here um This guy went on you know ex astronaut Uh encounters mysterious flying orbs ,000 feet in the air I thought this from A while ago I'm not sure but I saw I Showed you a video with him same story Here in India today Amid UFO sightings xasa pilot claims he Collided nearly collided with mysterious Metallic objects they came out of Nowhere I showed you this guy's Interview and so um ex Commander Recounts Eerie near collision with Mysteric metallic orbs while poting Private plane and then this one here Same thing um nasau asterid MIT the
Other same thing so you know the story Just is died because there needs to be Something more like there needs to be Like a big spaceship you know at this Point for UFO something and people would Still not believe it but there needs to Be like a giant spaceship hovering over A city in America where it just sits There and people are like all right this Is not you know their [ __ ] aliens are Here right something like that like That's it needs to move to something to That level and even that could be a Hologram or some [ __ ] thing so and People will see it as that anyways so Just to wrap this up just a few more Things about this Dr Drone orb thing and Then all this stuff in general like I I Get a sense at least that's how I feel And I think other people are feeling the Same way whether they're aware of it or Not like just let's get it over with Right like there's a just let it happen Thing that's one thing but there's Something where you know like you you Know when you're a kid you had to get a Shot at the doctor's office or you know You just like just get it over with Right you know you're going to have to Do something unpleasant you have to Visit somebody you have to spend time at Your in-law's house or something you Have to um there's a kind of a funny Video I'm not going to post it here but
This guy is um he I don't know if he's Hispanic or pretending to be Hispanic And he's crying because he thinks Trump's gonna uh Deport his Mother-in-law and he gives and he gives Her um her address and the description Of where she lives and you know that she Doesn't have any dogs or any impediments To be he's like what would my life be if I if if was deported and he's like Pretending to cry And talking about how she's here Legally it's kind of funny but you know You you got to do something unpleasant There's things you just have to you know It's going to suck and you have to deal With it right and I think that people Are just ready for that thing to happen Like it's just this sense of impending Doom whether it's World War III or you Know I'm going to read these prophecy Things in a bit uh maybe I'll work on That more today I don't know I'm Wrapping this video up and I'm not sure Whether this is going to be up tonight Or tomorrow today is Friday December 27th but my videos are getting nothing For views it's under 3,000 I don't know If that's people are busy during the Holidays or whatnot or you know I don't Know so it's not even like you know I Mean this point it's I mean I'm still Going to make content but I don't need To rush things out and you know I can
Work on my other stuff and um come up With a plan like I said I was after the Election that was my whole thing and I'll talk about that in the beginning of A video but I think people are just over It right they're just you know they Realize that um you know everything's Going to go south and they get a sense Of an apocalypse coming and just all of These things right and you know the Other thing about this to do with the Aliens you know there's been substantial Evidence I mean if you have cave Paintings of astronauts and you know all Around the world and you have these Pyramids that are built all over the Globe you know who is building pyramids In both Peru and Egypt why are there Pyramids in South America and America And Europe and Africa and Egypt you know I mean this AF Egypt and Africa but These other places Russia like there's Pyramids all over the world there's These some of them have turned into Mountains where there's these pyramid Shaped mountains but they realize that This was a building that has now Nature Has claimed and has grown you know trees And things on it and all the rest of it It's now top so and things like that and I'm sure there are things that are Buried you know even more ancient things And you know this technology to build The pyramids we don't have and you know
All the stuff to do with the pyramids But why are they all across the globe When there was no you know people from Egypt were not communicating with people In South America I mean based in this Idea of primitive you know there was no Planes and ships and things like this People were not interacting in these two Places why were their pyramids built you Know in similar time periods all across The globe right and so there's all this Evidence like this and I've showed the EF the UFO video you know my I have a Compilation of all these different Artifacts and there's just reports and There's books about this and Chariots of The Gods or whatever it's called that Documented news articles that were about You know space people right like [ __ ] Like that or weird [ __ ] that happened And so you know but like you have this Evidence in the way that they've covered It up all the evidence that there was Giants here and things like this you Know there's evidence about these things And then they've just covered it up and You know that's kind of well known and So you know how did how did these story Lines move forward like there's a point Where you know this is kind of a Moment Of Truth like we're we're we've entered Into a time where [ __ ] is just not Like people don't accept [ __ ] the Way they used to and the news media
Keeps on lying the government keeps on Lying they haven't changed their Behaviors but people are just not into It and they're they're clearly rebelling Against all that [ __ ] which you know was Inevitable like why would why wouldn't That happen at some point and there's Just a time of change and there's things You know people can feel it like you can Feel something coming right you can feel That there's things coming you might not Know exactly what they are but you're Just waiting for them to come and Whatever those are you know whatever They are when they show up and these Things start happening you'll like yeah That's kind of right that's you know That's what I've been thinking you know I've been feeling something right I've Been feeling that there's going to be Something that that just you know it's Coming around the corner you know and The other thing is that there is a Growing Dissatisfaction with life you know life The way it is like people aren't Realizing it but like you know you can Feel like a a Mala or just you know all This again you know like everything's Become more redundant people are aware Of just I think they're questioning Their um I mean this is partly do with The internet but I think it's a phase That you're going through you know
Things are going to happen because They're going to happen there's nothing You can do about it there's some things That are just destined to happen it's Just a a matter of when not if like That's the things that are when things That are not if things you know when the If things are things you imagine or you Contemplate or maybe a past life memory Or something that you know may or may Not happen again there's some things That you know are potentially going to Happen but you can work your way out of It or you can change things or whatever There's things like that but then there Are the when things that are going to Happen no matter what and like as you Get closer to those things they become More and more a Unavoidable and you know those things Unfold and sometimes they're big things Sometimes they're small things but They're going to happen these are things That you're going to experience in your Life or people are going to experience Collectively and you know This day you know the people are are Like life has become mundane for people I think more and more there isn't you Know so much an explosion of excitement Like what's the next big thing you know Something on the Internet you know like You see that people are less and less on Social media like social media the way
It is now is in Decline and you know no One watches the news anymore like There's just a dissatisfaction with all Of it like people have been too Saturated I think by information Whatever it is whatever people are Feeling just a malays and just you know Well let's just they're waiting for Something to change like it's a you know Like a thing where you're you're in Limbo like we're in we're a place where It's limbo and it's Theon before the Storm you know I've been really tired my Wife and I have been tired the last I Don't know a couple weeks and it's the Winter has been harder on me like I Usually walk around in shorts our house Is around 68 Dees like it's hot in the Bedroom where I do my you it's just Hotter in here where I make the videos And sometimes you know I have the covers On but usually I'm just sitting in the Bed with shorts on and you know once in A while I put on a like a sort of a long Sleeve t-shirt over my t-shirt and you Know I go outside have we have these um My wife had got these um snowsuits so we Go walk on with dogs and you know Sometimes it's it's been really cold 20 Degrees but today is like 50 and it's Raining it's pouring out there it was 50 Yesterday and you know I'm still kind of Like not I mean 50 I could wear shorts Usually especially when I'm used to the
Winter cold and so I you know I don't Know what's going on like maybe it's Just a it's an age thing you know I'm Still taking those cold water bath it's Like maybe I got like kind of a chill Thing happening but I feel like really Lazy and just you know I just need to It's almost like I want to Hibernate and you know I mean I don't Know if it's just preparing for what's Coming I had three good sittings last Night you know yesterday I did the Intensive three sittings in one day it's A a deep clean it's the best one I've Ever done the sittings have become more Intense and there's things going on you Know with that but as I you know as we Move through the New Year I'm going to Read the these prophecies and one of Them is supposed to happen like the end Of 2025 26 you know it's not is a very Vague date but it's in you know 25 years From 2001 February when the message was Given and then you know whatever is Going to unfold between now and then if It's a World War 3 thing which they talk About these nuclear bombs if these Things are going to happen they might Not but if they you know I think they Are and so you know for me I'm going to Express these things here but if these Are the things that going to happen There's going to be you know drastic Events that happen that transform the
You know the planet and you know our Lifestyle and all these things and then You know there needs to be well what do We do from there like how do we rebuild Things better and so these are the big Unknowns like is there going to be sort Of a collapse of our system And is there going to be enough you know Goodwill and you know people of higher Caliber To realize the eror of our ways and Manifest something better like these are The big questions of our time because Clearly what we're doing now is like Complete [ __ ] right I think most people Can agree that we're going in the wrong Direction they might want to blame one Group or another or you know exclude Their group or themselves that is Whatever it is but aside from that Everyone kind of understands we're going The wrong [ __ ] Direction so you know What do we do about that like you know What's going to happen to turn that Around it's over Generations like my Entire life each generation gets worse Than the last I mean just in the sense Of withdrawal from life for these kids Who've grown up on the internet that Alone was enough to condemn their Generation but all the other moral Things that they're doing and you know All the rest of these know the messages That you see and all the stuff they do
With the you know the the way they Characterize these new TV shows and Movies there's all this stuff that's Woke agenda stuff and now like you know It's GNA probably reverse itself because This the stuff you're seeing now was Made a year ago or two years ago or Whatever right when the woke agenda was In its Heyday but now like clearly it's Gone the other direction but either way Young people are really confused like no Matter what you know just the the Difference between you know these points Of view and just all of it at the very Least they're really Confused anyways let me wrap this one up Here I'm starting to just Ramble you know the change is upon us Like that's just it there's going to be Changes and I think people are craving Change whether they know it or or not Right they're just you know it's like Our civilization's kind of jump the Shark and people are over you know They're bored with it and over it one One way or another you know each person Experiencing it and just whing something Different but really not being able to Do anything ourselves I mean Trump being Elected is you know a vote for change Like that's it's not it was a vote for Trump like people just are tired of the Same old status quo and any vote for him Or any of these other candidates like
Trump's a disaster and they still vote For him anyway and he's you know Complete fraud for you know what he is And yet you know people and people know That like there's a people love Trump And you know they've they've hitched Their wagon to him their psychological Wagon and their you know their their Inability to face the truth about a Collapsing civilization people wanting Some you know Hail Mary desperation Thing to happen it's just not going to Happen but you you get to a point where Like oh how many Super Bowls have we had How many World Series are there how many Olympics are there you know how is this Next one going to be different from all The rest you know we want something new Like this is just these old things just Aren't people are like you know kids Aren't into sports and you know of Course they have a different lifestyle And upbringing that we have but you know What's new going not these liberal kind Of you know Hollywood morality [ __ ] that People have you know known about for Years it's been around it just hasn't Been forced on the the average person But these are all self-destructive Things right you know this thing this Attitude towards gender that's been Pushed by the liberal you know movement The anti-trump people and you know this Liberal movement that pushed it this
Pseudo liberal this you know these are Like the neoliberals right the neocons Like the you know the the fake liberals Because they're not liberal at all they Don't follow these same principles you Know they're into you know uh alpath Medicine when true liberals were all About herbal medicine and you know anti- Pharmaceuticals and all these other Things you know health food right I mean Why is it that a republican has to push For healthy food you know like it's Silly Michelle Obama supposedly had a Garden in a or get a garden in the white House but why why is the Democrats the Ones pushing for this you know this food System is stay the way it is right and So like people have had enough and They're just you know like I said it's Like jumped to shark and are craving Change to whatever capacity and that you Know more than anything else is just Adjusting to what's going to happen like Accepting on some level that this is Happening and you know not really Wanting it to happen because of fear of The unknown and a lack of Life Energy a Lack of ability to adapt and change Because most people can't you know Especially to the kind of changes They're going to need to embrace but you Know this is like how people feel before Things go tits up right whether it's Just a small thing like in your own
Personal life you know there's always This sense there's this for boting you Know you're prepared you're warned like Very few things should be shocking to You you know they'll still be sh shock But like you're you knew something was Coming right because you know there's Some things that happen in life that if You weren't if you didn't have some sort Of premonition of about it you couldn't Handle it when it happen it would too be Too much of a shock right and so um Anyways again let me just wrap this one Up here only spirituality will save this World it's B model definely point for The Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone Have a blessed day and be grateful