Hilaria forgets the english word for Onion & 2025 Chaos begins

Hilaria forgets the english word for Onion & 2025 Chaos begins

Okay greetings brothers and sisters got A lot of interesting things to get to Starting off the year of chaos which I Want to talk a little bit more about in This brief introduction but first I want To address something you know I covered A series of comments that were critical Or negative Towards me and my channel by people who Claimed to like my content one person Even said I love you Paul but then there Was all these Little you Know demands And if you guys heard the the video is The end of my New Year's Eve video I'm actually going to Get into a little bit of the New Year's Eve coverage here a comedian Rose um 2024 it says some interesting things to Anderson Cooper and his buddy there some Other things I want to talk about about That but um you know this people were Complaining about little things that They would like to see improve in my Videos which I've talked about in so Many different ways and times that There's a clear boundary there that I'm Not looking for you to critique my Videos I'm not taking your feedback Right and one of the reasons is there's Two things I want to talk about Gratitude love and relationships I'm Going to give the keys to the kingdom of

How to have a blissful relationship With somebody in a marital situation and Relationships in general with people who Can receive it that's going to be Important too right so I'm going to talk About that with gratitude but one reason I don't need Feedback is you know doing the Sark System for so many years and I didn't Have any of this these qualities or Abilities beforehand so it was Exclusively for me I mean certainly Living my life they were there right you Either have a sensitive hard or you Don't and you can get a sensitive heart I want to talk about that in a Gratefulness meditation video how people Can become more sensitive in terms of Their spiritual experiences some Techniques they'll be given in the next Couple weeks or something but if a Person puts effort into developing their Heart which they should which I had no Idea when I was in my early 20s didn't Care about it but now I take great value In it and see how beneficial it is even Though it can be Painful because now you're you feel Things on a heart level and a lot of What you're going to feel isn't great Given the current circumstance of the World right but one of the techniques or One of the things you develop is that You listen when you're

Talking when you're talking you're Listening for feedback or you're feeling The feedback you're getting from people Right and there's the going to be the Emotional but hurt Responses which are superficial ego Defense mechanisms that trigger are Triggered by people that have they're Just there's no re there's nothing there It's of no value it's of no consequence It's just what people react on an ego Level because they don't want to hear The truth so when I'm talking about Trumpers and there people who are you Know in are are delusional about Donald Trump they're going to get angry right They're going to get whatever they're Going to feel towards me and that's just That's not my problem that's you know That's not a real reaction but then There's the reaction that people have on A heart level and most times people are So most people are so disconnected from Their hearts they don't know what They're feeling or why they're feeling It what they do but you can hear when You hurt somebody's heart like you can You you can feel the feedback now when I Do these videos I know there's different Sort of demographics and different Orientation to the world I know that you Know some group will be upset about this Or that you know I can feel it while I'm Talking about it and the information is

Flowing through me often times I don't Care about any of it it's not like I Have some agenda or some you know Whatever uh a little bit part of me Likes to push buttons and troll but That's you know again inconsequential to The whole thing because it has to be Done but what people are getting here in Terms of that is some level of something That is is making them feel something on A deeper level a level that they're not Really connected to so they don't Understand what they're feeling right People don't understand their feelings And there's a distinction between Emotions and feelings emotions are Something hatred anger fear right and These other kind of you know lust and You appetites and things that you feel In your gut and there's like those Things are lower level feelings are Higher things are connected to your soul So feelings are deeper like compassion And you know just pain in pain in your Heart you know love and all the things That are there right that are on a Higher level that are like real feelings Real feelings as opposed to animalistic Emotions right you know you might have An emotional reaction and you're Triggered but what's beyond that like What's really deep down beyond that like If you know penetrating to a deeper Level of understanding of what's going

On inside of you And people are just not incapable of Doing that right so there's the Emotional reactions that really just Have to be ignored by me or anybody else That people have especially if they're In the business of truth but feelings When someone has like if you're talking If I'm talking and I've hurt somebody's Heart like for whatever reason I've said Something that's hurt their heart if It's personal or whatever I can feel it In my heart like I can feel it and it Doesn't feel good cuz I'm experiencing What they're experiencing because you Can you know there's a level of Communication that happens and this is Something that's developed by the Sark System and you know It's pain is like the pain of the heart Is beyond words so there's that so this Is idea of listening while you're Talking and then you like you can feel What the reaction is I mean when you're A crowd of people of course it's going To be more complicated but certainly on A one-on-one level you're going to feel The re action of the other person right But this is the part that I said was the Case to the kingdom right this is you Know information I've learned over a Number of years how to be in a Successful healthy loving relationship And so specifically for these people who

Are complaining and you know they find Value in what I do here they like what I Do but some little small little you know Sein felian little things are bugging Them And they can't reconcile that it has to Do with them it has nothing to do with Me it's not something that I have to Change it's something that they have to Change because whenever you're going to Receive something or you're going to be In a relationship with somebody when You're you know whatever the whatever The Dynamics are the uh Relationship you're going to find things That you don't like or the person's Going to have things that you're going To consider Flaws but it's a whole you know a Person's a whole person right they have The good the bad the ugly they're going To have characteristics that you know Might rub you the wrong way and there Might be things that are actually good Characteristics it's just you can't Receive them that way right but whatever I do here like in this case my channel And what I present you know the the good Things that you're getting the things That you're receiving the beneficial Things that are helpful whatever the Things that you like about what I do Here there's always going to be some Things that you can find

If you are looking for them and most People are most people are looking for The negative looking for something to Complain about looking for something That's going to irritate them looking For something that needs Improvement Looking for something that they think The person shouldn't do and if you're Approaching something that you're Getting something from like if you're Receiving things from this these videos And me personally and you find things That you consider character flaws or you Know irritants or whatever it is Imperfections than me or whatever small Little things that you see like you Always can find something like I said Like I know this more than anybody else Cuz I'm observe it right like sometimes I'm just lost in my own world when I'm Out in public and I things could happen I wouldn't even notice like I'm just so You know with my own thoughts or Withdrawn inside myself you know some of This has been enhanced by The Meditation But it's always been there but sometimes I'm really observe it and I see things Other people don't see like I you know Certainly in in characters of people's Characters and you know things that are Doing sometimes I can really look at People and really see you know in depth To their personal struggles and I'll Just know things and information will

Come to me right and so there's always Going to be flaws you can find in Another human being and a situation Right I mean it's like with the the Masters of the Sark system you know People who got close to them and spent Time with them would start seeing their Human side and not their spiritual side And then they would start having doubts And they would start you know seeing Flaws and then start thinking they know More right because you know your kids Start having complaints about you when They're teenagers they look at you and They can see through you like when They're little kids you're like a god to Them and they just think their parents Are you know they don't really have These thoughts I don't know when you Start having them seven eight nine 10 But certainly when you're a teenager you Start seeing the issues your parents Have you see the human flaws and then All of a sudden like you lose respect For them or whatever like we all go Through this kind of thing and yet we Haven't achieved what they have in terms Of like we we we're self you're a kid You're selfish and you're not really Contributing much of anything certainly In our society there's not much for you To contribute you know like for me like I changed diapers for like fing eight Years right like I you know and I've

Made meals I made meals and changed Diapers and done things and you know Whatever it is just mundane [ __ ] Stuff that they have no idea about like They don't appreciate they're not Grateful for it my kids all the stuff I Did for them and they could never repay That like you know in terms of not that They're supposed to you know you're a Parent you're supposed to do these Things as just out of a sense of like You know what you're supposed to do as a Parent right but we don't appreciate What our parents did for us in terms of All the things they did to Keep Us Alive All the you know [ __ ] they had to eat at Work all the you know things that they Had to go through to keep the the lights On the roof over the you know the Families had all these things all the Things they had to do to you know just Uh I mean being depressed at times Having your own emotional reactions the Kids are oblivious to your own struggles And it goes unappreciated and even when You become a parent you know and you Start seeing where your parents were Limited like you see oh my God they Sucked at this and that but then you Realize how hard it is all the things That you have to do and maybe you feel Some sense of gratitude right and so in All this what I'm saying is human beings Are flawed and you may or may not find

Real flaws in your ability to interpret Data but if you're looking for them all The time then you're going to be lonely And miserable and if you're pointing Them out to people all the time you're Going to be lonely and miserable and it May or may not your job be your job so Sometimes it is like sometimes somebody Needs like an intervention but Usually you know people don't want to Change so you telling people they have To change doesn't work and I can say This from a long life of being a Counselor and being a spiritual you know Whatever guy preceptor and doing the Work that I do here that telling people Oh you this this is what sucks about you You need to change it almost never works Like 99.9% of the time it only works When people are seeking change and They're seeking feedback right because They could know already they should know Already you know most people know what They have to do on some level just Refuse to do it I mean that's why the World is what it is you know people are Knowing that they're doing wrong you Know they shut off the feedback Mechanism in their hearts and in their Internal world they've desensitized Themselves to their mistakes but they Keep on repeating the same mistakes in The and the you know what people call The universe is giving them feedback and

Saying no this is not you know you Shouldn't be doing this and you know you Shouldn't be doing this and they keep on Doing it anyway right so all the Comments and all the you know social Media battles of oh you suck no you suck You know the Democrats suck oh this is Why you suck Republicans suck this is Why you suck right you know the sheepel Suck is why you suck truther suck is why You suck right people saying that to you And you saying it back it's pointless Because nobody wants to change right They just want to see how other people Suck right and that's why they're Miserable and alone because when you Love some if you see something being Beneficial so if you find somebody who's Actually you know worth loving and who Can receive love because oftentimes Which I found out painfully as I went Through my divorce and you know I was Single for a while you know you Especially you see this with women which Makes no sense at all because women are Better at being loved and you know have More of a a need for being loved they're Better at loving naturally because They're you know the mother thing right You know the female version of a human Being has a natural inate capacity to Love and be loved and there's a you know A need for love right on a uh like Everybody needs love but men are kind of

Oblivious to it they have to be taught The value of love where women you know Feel it right from the beginning it's You know it's inherent to their being a Mom and being Loving and the value of love has to be There because otherwise you'd be a Shitty mom right that's the the Advantages that women have in terms of Their Spiritual Development they already Have a a natural uh inclination to Connect to God right but even with that What I found out that you know women if You ask them most of them would say yeah I really want to be loved right or I Want to be in a relationship where I Feel love but there's a you know lack of Feeling of deserving it and so there's An you know there's a knowledge of the Idea that oh I just want to be loved but Then picking men that Are incapable of loving them and then When they feel love they run away from It right because there's some sort of Unresolved Psychological torment there and so like It's a sad thing right but if there's if You find somebody who can allow Themselves to be loved right which is You know a hard thing to do nowadays Usually most people are already married Depending on when you're you know in the Stage of your life but also I'm talking About like dealing with this YouTube

Channel it could be any number of Relationships but if you find something That is beneficial to you right you find Something that is good for you you know This is why so many people quit sa Marg Who felt the energy there was a guy who You know was around master Chargie and he was a tortured Soul like He was somebody who I found interesting He was a funny guy but you can see he's Got psychological issues isues and you Know self- sabotage whatever it is and He quit the Sark system for a while and He came back you know he was somebody That was in Char's Inner Circle and he Said you know um he was trying to tell Chargie why he quit and charie goes That's not why you Quit and he said why why did I quit he Goes well you can't you can't be loved You don't feel like you deserve to be Loved you can you know you can't uh you Know it's like you Sab This thing right and so most people when You find something good in your life Some people that are good in your life You find something that has value you Find a way to Seinfeld your way out of It right these you I've give the example That Seinfeld episode where George and Jerry are both you know they're sitting In the diner and Jerry goes uh we're not Men and so like they're not moving on With their lives because they have all

These superficial Rel relationships and They both decide to go out and get Engaged with their their girlfriends and George asks his girlfriend to marry him Where Jerry is about to but he sees that She's eating her peas one at a time and For that reason he can't conceive a Being with her for the rest of his life Right some petty little thing like that Right something that you could easily Ignore but there's always going to be Something like that there's always going To be some reason for you to reject Something that's good for you And self- sabotage and people do that Because of some you know some sense of Shame or guilt or you know feeling not Deserving or whatever the [ __ ] that's Going on inside of people and so I'm Well aware of this like I've experienced It like people women who said they want To be loved but deep down they don't They you know as soon as you give them The love that they crave they start like Looking for an out right like it's a you Know they say they want this thing and I Mean men too but you know women which is Uh like I said the are more aware of This this need and then once they feel That they're being loved they push back And find a way to to sabotage that Situation which is a sad thing and here In terms of this YouTube channel I know At the higher end of what's offered here

It's not offered from me it's what I've Received from the Sark system it's Available through you know the vinity Within each person and the higher level Information the higher level energy That's here at this YouTube channel is You know I know how great it is like not Because it's me but because it's what I Benefited from like I I've reaped the Benefits from the same thing and even From doing this work I reap the benefits From it I've gone through my own Emotional reactions and Petty things and You know wanted to quit over the years For various reasons quit for a short Period of time but I always came back Knowing that you know this is the real Thing to my credit like not letting my Egotistical uh desire for failure or Control the ego wanting control and not Wanting to let go of the the rain so to Speak so when I get comments like this From people you know the comments that I I read I might as well see if I still Have that comment there was three Different comments this person left a Long one and it's uh I love to listen to Your video since a decade this person Has like I think maybe is German then then then they were funny as My kitten and shorter haven't missed any Now I con is mostly complaining for two Hours which it isn't like I'm not like I Don't care about this stuff like how can

I complain about things that I'm Completely detached from right but it is What it is um with one or two funny bits I barely can make it to the end because My cooking takes about an hour and a Half I'm saying that this person saying This you know not that I'm defensive About it but I'm not complaining like This is how they're receiving it um but This is the part I barely can make it Through to the end because my cooking Takes about an hour and a half So if I may suggest to cover more topics In shorter ways so we will not so we Will not be listening tired voice moan About view counts and the Weather um when do I talk about the Weather oh when I say it's cloudy out or Something because it sounds like my n 97y old babsia television I don't even Know what that is truly I love your Stories and conclusions but listening to The show makes me tired after 30 minutes And I want to come back to listen to More but there is a new 2.4 hours show And I'm scared to be listening tired Voice for two hours when fun bits are 30 Minutes hid in the fog so I so I will Listen half this show once a month Because of repetitive info covered in The lava of moan seriously your voice And wisdom are great to listen very Relaxed and grounding but seriously There is so much I have to go to

Another um it took multiple screenshots To get this comment and I have to make It bigger now Um that there because lava moan Seriously your voice which a great Listen very relaxing and grounded but Seriously there is so much new great People's research since it's kind of Fe Freed algorithms so I feel fomo Listening to you for hours 2 hours don't Want to be stressed and tired when for 10 minutes listening after Shadow band And every video I pick we all we all are Censored if I message that's something Eat less sugar so we'll be less Depressed tested It I'm not depressed but this is the Part love you Paul and Miss old sharp And short shorter viral videos from Before YouTube Purge I would rather Watch A Few Good short shows then one Long rant and then there's the last one Here and I have to make this one Bigger um it's I love you Paul which is The uh the thing right Um long run rant with mixed timeline and Not much which I physically go through And you have great observations but the Way it's present is just too long and Repetitive just work less and be a Little bit better because unimaginable Having internet with no Paul Romano in His point of view the videos are Unshareable because of it get those

Black bears and Statistics and so and there was a couple Other comments like this you know it was Triggered by me talking about what's Going on with my YouTube channel and you Know people who listen to me regularly And I say I'm not looking for your Feedback like there's you know there's Always going to be complaints there's Always going to be something you wish I Did better or somebody did better right But I know something that she doesn't Know and all of you don't know because I've been through it and I'm aware of it That when people get the real thing in Their lives it could be you know let's I'm phrasing I'm putting this in terms Of like a marital relationship but they Have somebody that's good and that would Be a good spouse and they have a soul Connection and it's very rare you know There's so there's so few people out There that you could have a a like You're you're supposed to be married to Like on a soul level it's a handful of People and like everybody's [ __ ] up And everyone's messed up so it's like Having a good relationship you know There's just so many people out there That might be like you have something in Common with you might be attracted to You might have some past lives with but There's no you're not supposed to be Married to that person right like

They're just like you could be friends With them but it's just it's not part of The whole script R and the whole soul You know you have a a soul plan right so Whatever it is so you have a handful of People out there that could be your Spouse you know significant others or People are going to be significant to You in some way a business partner and It takes both people to work to make the Thing work right so it's like you have To also be dependent on the other person And if you're lacking or they're lacking You know it could be something great but It won't be because you know both people Have to have the same level of Commitment and so you know there's just People are so warped and and egocentric And disconnected from their soul and Oblivious to what it takes to be in a Good relationship and have such poor Training from their parents like it's Just a crapshoot right like the you know The stars have to align also people are Different phases in their life they grow Apart you know there some people evolve And the their spouse doesn't I mean There's all these factors that make These marriages suck and relationships Suck and you know it's hard because you Know just doing what you're supposed to Be doing is hard enough and then you Have to you know drag other people along With you or you know you can't make them

Change everything I said in the Beginning of the video right but you can Let go of the whole thing and just do What you're supposed to do as your you Know what your soul wants you to do and What God wants you to do you serve God Instead of the other people and you know You can see it like this this person's Comment because this person isn't Somebody who is rejecting what I do here They find Value in what I do here like a Number of people have left comments like Some you know some variation of this They realize like this person said I Can't imagine the internet without you Somebody says they love me Right and yet all these other petty Little stupid things that would be just Not only depressing but would just you Know be demotivating for me to continue Making videos like if I took these Comment seriously and I took the Complaint seriously and I started making Shorter videos and I get another bunch Of people going what happen to the long Videos these short videos suck and I Need the long videos what's wrong with That why don't you go back it would Always be like going back and forth you Pleasing people you know it might even Be the same people like this woman would Be like oh I miss the short videos I Mean I mean I miss the long videos after Going on a rant about all these things

Right oh now I'm you know I'm cooking Now for an hour and a half and I don't Have enough you know I I need more Content from you why why have you going You know cuz it's just it's always going To be that way cuz it's nothing to do With me right it has you know nothing to Do with what I do here because it has to Do with people finding something good in Their life and then finding a way to Push it Away and it's a sad state in the Affairs Of humanity when all you have to do is Focus on the positive and ignore these Negative Little sein felian voices Inside of you that want you to Sabotage the things that are good for You especially the things that are going To bring about the extinction of your Ego or the minimization of your ego your Egoo is going to find a way to to screw Any kind of relationship up with God and These things this is why people Gravitate to religions because they're Just fake and there's they're not Dynamic and they're not going to make Your you know you change your ego change This is why people don't really want Self-improvement because the ego fears Losing control and so I've seen it my Whole life especially over the past so Many years it's why the sa Mark system And this clown dodgy have wrecked the Organization that I'm you know was once

A part of and benefited from and it's Why people fail as Saints and spiritual People even the most higher developed Souls even people like Jesus who had Spiritual fall because of it like it's Just there's a you know there's a Self-sabotaging uh desire or a you know A tendency not a desire it's like a What's called spiritual gravity which Pulls people down out of the higher Levels of Spiritual Development and in terms of good Relationships and things good successful Uh healthy Relationships the the ability for human Humans to Self-sabotage should never be Underestimated or Ignored and it's um you know and be Self-destructive and you know the soul Like the big self the soul you know Soul Destructive right to sabotage their Their Soul's plan and their Soul's Agenda and the you know all of it it's You know if Humanity goes down it'll be Because of this tendency a tendency to Gravitate to the lower and so again the Technique here if you're looking for it If you're somebody who's you know lonely And been one failed relationship after Another is that you pray and seek out Somebody that you know can rise up to it And feel your love and be you know Affected positively by you know you

Loving them and you love them in a way Where you ignore all these little petty Things you know out of love you have to You know help somebody change something That you see as is negatively affecting Them you're doing it in a selfless way Not cuz it irritates you not because you Know it's bad for you but because you Know that they need to change something Then you find a way and a gentle way to You know help them see what that was Bothering them it's a very delicate Thing and sometimes you go through some Issues you know but all with this idea That you can deepen your relationship And you can make it better but for the Most part people are being told all the Time they're piece of [ __ ] I mean all of In the truth Community we're being told We're wrong and these things and they Don't you don't need petty little you Know nitpicking and you know like you Always can find little flaws something To complain about and things that you Perceive as flaws but like in my Situation you know I have some Liabilities as a person right I have Some you know I'm far from perfect in The way that I do things you know like I You know I get the job done like when I Cook food I'm messy you know when I fix Things you know like I eventually come Up with some kind of reasonable solution It could be done a lot better like I

Could be more efficient I'm usually Efficiency isn't the problem it's you Know I'm a little bit messy and you know Like I'm not a perfectionist right so You have these things and so there's Always going to be things that you can See in me or somebody else especially When there's a conduit situation you Know Divinity is flowing through me Which is you know the the bigger thing The more important thing and then the Flaws and the you know the whatever I Have in my system the things that you Don't like and why are you focusing on Those things like why are you focusing On them right this is what it is these Are the the videos I have to make the Way I'm making them it's you know it's The evolution of this Channel and There's a reason if I made small short Videos there would be not enough money For one thing and not enough you know Just it's the way it's gone right and so I've explained it I explained it when I Did the comment there but you know People want to be catered to like you Know they're they're giving nothing in Return there's nothing that I'm Receiving back from them but they want Personalized attention and they want you Know whatever it is they want to waste My my time and energy or whatever and They want to dump their [ __ ] on somebody Else and that's the internet people want

To dump their negativity on somebody Else it's your hatred the object like I've said this over and over again the Object of your hate is your hate the Object of your anger your fear is you Know whatever it is but it's the fear Inside of you if it isn't it's the anger Or hatred inside of you if it isn't this It'll be something else right you know Deal with that [ __ ] that's inside of you That's preventing you from moving Forward that's [ __ ] up your life and Making your life miserable and taking You in the wrong direction and very few People can do that and I you know I Don't expect them to do that like I'm Certainly me telling them to do this or Not that or saying saying it isn't going To do anything cuz they know like Everybody knows they just don't want to Do it they refuse they're withholding Right you know the one of the great Teachings of Master chargie is that he Said you know people write to me all the Time about wanting marital bliss but Have you given Bliss like how can you Expect Bliss when when you haven't given It right you want somebody else to love You unconditionally but you're not Willing to do that for that person so Why do you why why should you receive Something that you're not willing to do And it's because people don't want to Let what's supposed to happen happen

They fear you know they want control the Ego wants control that's why I call These people the controllers you know This is why our civilization is built on This idea of control you know just Letting go and letting things flow and You know they don't want to ride the Roller coaster and feel the pain of Life They don't you know they want to prevent These things you know that's why we have All this control we don't want to you Know life is painful life is Uncomfortable there are times that you Know that life is fearful I there's like Things to fear like real things out There right on a predatory level like You know every rabbit every squirrel Every you know bird I mean they you know Things are trying to eat them and Whatever that's going on out there in The natural world you know there's Things that are real you know that are Lifethreatening out there right diseases And you know uh I mean just life in General there's you know death is Waiting for us all right you know people Think if they control things and they Somehow don't let things in if they Don't let things happen they they'll be Able to avoid the inevitability of death And all the things that go along with it The pain and the suffering and the you Know the suffering of loss and these Things and they're all waiting for us

Like all those things are some scars the Things that we have to suffer the things We have to endure the things the Obstacles in our life they're all there They're ahead of us they're going to you Know there's no preventing them there's No you know just happiness and pleasure Perpetual Bliss right the struggle is There for everybody and everything and So you know with the desire to avoid all These things is you know a western idea That's that's proliferated across the The world now and then this you know the Control of the ego and these things and That's why people are where they are and So when something good that represents The path towards letting go and Surrendering and allowing life to flow In the way it's supposed to flow the ego Resists and finds a way to [ __ ] it up It's that simple and those people who Can hear this and recognize this problem Within themselves this will benefit them Other than that you know it'll just fall On death ears because you Know this is where people are okay so Let's get into it here okay okay I [ __ ] You not um Hilaria Baldwin has forgot the word for English Word for onion Because she hasn't have enough smoke in Her Life remember she forgot the word Cucumber now H Hilaria Baldwin is the

Unique person who was somehow B born in Boston Massachusetts and the same time was born Of spish origin in Spain and she grew up as Hillary Thomas A very very white English girl with English and Scottish Ancestry in a suburb in Boston with Rich Influential businesswoman mom and Doctor Husband or maybe that was a reverse with A doctor and a successful business Person as their parents as her Parents and she somehow with all of that Developed a Spanish accent instead of The Native Bostonian accent that she Should have had right um and in really In Her a much older famous husband who had A um fascination with Spanish speaking Or Spanish accent women uh she developed This you know this usual tendency and Here it is on Full display And then I my husband hates um I forgot It so he hat and so I grind And and then okay I don't know why he Hates San but she grinds Tooya onion and you had the word he gave She gave he gave you the word and then You still started say it said the Spanish word because even though she Grew up with English as a first language She thinks of everything in Spanish First remember cucumber how you say in English

Cucumber and how you say onion how how You H what is the word for onion no not The Spanish word what what's the word For onion please I don't remember such Words in English because Predictably this Is all of this stuff right this is the There's various people mocking it right Here's a woman mocking it hola my name Is El Baldwin wife of the famous actor I Don't know so they're all wearing this Plaid shirt here there's the family Doing it then there's this video here Happy or happy you know so all this Stuff right um you Know she has some reality show that I Wanted to check out I never did her and Her husband and you know I kind of want To move on from the whole Baldwins I'm Not going to run the memes I I do what Every once in a while I got so many Memes of them right um I could do the Fake fake fake fake one I don't know Whatever you guys seen it um but like Why do this right why in the world are You freaking doing this when you know You just her husband still whatever's Going on with that court case and they Dismiss it and it comes back around and You know he's just there's all this Hatred for you and your family and Everyone knows this accent's fake as [ __ ] right and you keep on doing stuff Like

This and it's her accent is getting Worse as she gets older and she's around Only English-speaking people I mean in Terms of her family and you know Majority of Americans and she keeps on You know diving in and leaning into this Thing when we all know it's fake right And there's no love for the bald ones You know it isn't like they I mean you Have whatever fans have stuck with you Everyone else is just you're either just A joke them or you know people dislike You and she keeps on leaning in onion Who how do you say on I don't I don't Understand I don't remember the words in English right Just so that's Hilaria okay so I want to cover this in My last Video um but let's just see it here till Donald Trump is sworn into a second term There's no denying that with some gen Genuine political canniness Trump has Cobbled together an unweld and in many Respects somewhat unlikely political Coalition and that Coalition delivered Him the first outright popular vote Victory for Republican since George W Bush in 2004 it's only the second time It has happened since the end of the Cold War now Trump has to actually Govern and that is typically when all The internal contradictions in any Political Coalition rise to the surface

We're not even to inauguration yet and That factional fighting I would argue is Bigger and more glaring than almost any Other I've ever witnessed in American Politics yeah is it bigger and glaring Because Trump bigger and more Glaring you're seeing that right now in The battle over immigration which has Been exploding among the Maga right Basically Elon Musk and VC ramaswami the Tech overlords who appear to be running Trump's second term agenda rely on Highly skilled immigrants to power their Enterprises those immigrants come to This country to work with an H1B Visa Which provides terms that are extremely Favorable to their employers and also an Amazing opportunity for the folks coming To work here folks basically have to Stay at their job in order to stay in The country if they leave their position They have two months to find a new job Or risk getting deported so you can see Why someone like Elon Musk likes them so Much for example this is not abstract When musk bought Twitter and a huge Percentage of the staff headed for the Exits Vice news reported on how Twitter Employees on visas can't just quit the Other side of the debate and they would Um And they wouldn't right so I you know I Have a connection to this because doing The meditation that I do it was uh you

Know it started originate in India and There are a lot of people here who were Very Successful uh you know in academic uh Academics in India and were engineers Often times like there's a whole there's A whole thing in India where women Become doctors and Men uh become Engineers like successful uh students in India that's like one of these two Trains these two tracks right um and so Then there's this thing that the third Master of the system called The Brain Drain and the mission itself benefited From this where these guys and sometimes Women would do really well in Indian Educational system and then they would Go to these other countries like England And and many in America and these were The top people in you know not just India but these other countries where They have not as good as a lifestyle and They have so much more value in America And I asked long before I knew about This before I was doing the meditation I Asked I think someone one of my friends In high school or college who was Asian And I was like an Asian IM immigrant and You know I asked him about this and he Said well because American kids don't Want want to do math which we all kind Of know right American kids don't value Their education their opportunity and so There is a need for these kind of you

Know smarter upper Echelon uh you know academically um more Uh motivated people and what I noticed About these guys they were doing well And they're paid well here but they Would have to go in at 4 in the morning Like they would you know they were Treated like more much more like slaves Than the American employees they had to Tolerate much worse Circumstances because if they lose their Job they have a short period of time to Get another one or they lose their visa And many of them had houses they're Living here they you know they're they They've bought property and they have Their kids are in school so they're Beholding to their job right and they're Very valuable because their worth e e Ethic is so much more than a similar Person with a similar level of um Education and ability who's American Because they would tolerate a lot more Abuse with like this guy's saying and so The other point part of this is there Isn't enough American kids that are uh You American students that will be able To fill these jobs like some of these Jobs are just um you know a like a um There just their kids don't want to do Them American kids just don't want to do Them for whatever reason whatever They're you know these these jobs the Technical aspect the math aspect

Whatever it is you know and then there's The third part about this which charie Called The Brain Drain is that these People in these countries get all these Resources put into them right and they Don't give anything back to their Country of course they'll you know the Indian uh people that I knew the Indian People that came to America their Relatives all expected them to send Money back and so like I mean not just Their parents but everybody like it was A whole thing you know they had a burden Of being rich American you know Indians And they still had a connection to their Country so some of the the dollars would Go back to India and so that I guess is Something but you know they were trained By their system and then they go and and They sell out their skills to some other Country which you know is called The Brain Drain right which is you know so It's a whole thing there it's a little Bit of a You know an odd thing and you know I Mean your country has provided you with All this education and and you've Benefited from the system and then you Uh just go sell your services you Trained you and made you into something Right uh but whatever like this is a Thing and of course Trump and these Other and Elon Musk and and Vivic Ramaswami don't want to get rid of this

Because their companies wouldn't survive Without it right I mean it's a you know It's just something where they want the Elite immigrants right they want the Immigrants to have something to offer Because you know I mean that's they Don't want the the refugees and the People that are just going to be you Know sucking off the system they want People who are you know to have some Kind of uh valuable skills over the H1B Visa is the one that folks like Steven Miller and step Bannon have been pushing For years that we should restrict limit Perhaps and all immigration in the US Legal and Illegal right stuff at the border around Asylum but also H1B visas I mean just Listen to the two of them on bannon's Old Radio Show back in March of 2016 This before Trump was even the Republican nominee take a list and they See these oligarchs down there with 54 Private jets and they're not down there For their health they're called together By Carl Rove and it's a stop Trump Movement and it's a stop Trump movement Because they want unlimited hb1 visas Isn't the Beating Heart of this problem Right now the real Beating Heart of it Of what we got to get sorted here is not Illegal immigration as horrific as that Is and it's horrific and don't we have a Problem we've looked the other way on

This legal immigration that's kind of Overwhelmed the country the history of America is that an immigration on period Is followed by an immigration off period So see be very clear there right H1B Visas legal immigration and immigration Off period like they have a pretty Clear Vision Miller is going to be the one Writing that border bill so those two Factions of the Republican party with Pretty profoundly different views are at Each other's throats about what to do With their new found power should they Use the legal immigration system to Continue supplying Silicon Valley and Other Industries with highly skilled Workers or should they apply some new Racist immigrant exclusion act like the Chinese Exclusion Act to deport all okay So um here's the Thing the immigration problem has never Been about the Immigrants it's been about the people Who are willing to pay and hire them Right and that's so many different People like so many people have a either A direct Relationship or a indirect relationship With immigrant labor where you have an Immigrant doing labor for you one way or Another whether it be pick your fruit And vegetables that you purchase at the Store or whether you hire somebody to do Something and so rich people I mean it's

An advantage to hire immigrant labor Where you don't have to pay the various Types of like whatever it might be Especially if it's under the table type Situation you're not paying any taxes at All you're but someone who's not not an American citizen you're not paying all These other things that you're supposed To pay American labor right you know the Things with uh you know workman's comp And any number of things paying them Less that's why there and jobs that Americans won't do there's lots of jobs That Americans won't freaking do you're Finding it more and more American kids Won't even do those shitty job jobs Anymore that you did when you were in High school cuz they're all [ __ ] up by The internet and this you know whatever Else is going on in their lives right And so this has never been about Immigrants it's always been about the People that hire them and so you know I'm not going to there's no reason I've Saw this issue and I knew a little bit About it because of my personal Situation but I don't know how many of These jobs will be filled or go they'll Be left vacant if you get rid of these H1h whatever they are visas You know this whole thing right whatever Those visas are those special visas Because these people who run the these Companies like Trump they all hire

Immigrants all of them legal or illegal And they hire both and so it's never Been about the immigration problem it's Been about the people that are going to You know give them incentives Incentivize them coming across the Border in one way or another all right Let's move on to the next thing here Okay um so I watched the New Year's Eve Coverage which I have done the last two Years and having I don't remember the Last time I did before then like I have No interest in the New Year's Eve Dropping ball any of it right like it's Just goofy it's like watching those Parades um I didn't see this this must Have came uh well it say 10 10:0 10:06 p.m. eastern time so was a couple Hours before I I tuned in at 11: and I Just went through the various shows Which I'll talk about in a moment but Somehow this got recommended to me and I Listen to it it's Whitney Cummings and Uh she is Roasting the year of 2024 and it was Okay some of the jokes were all right But I you know I didn't watch the rest Of it then I think my wife sent it to me She says some [ __ ] at the end B CA and Fiser Which um let's watch it here 24 Something's left us some came back Sanity left us somehow crypto is back do You guys even know what crypto no one

Thought the timing of crypto was fishy As soon as women started making money They were like money's Over money's over I'm like I don't even Know what crypto is as far as I Understand it's just astrology for men Like I don't 2024 election fried our Brains the Democrats couldn't hold a Primary cuz they were too busy holding a Body Upright are we rolling in my office go For It it was amazing that the pro-choice Party didn't give their voters one when It came to the presidential candidate Toml was forced on us so hard you'd Think she was patented by fizer or M Whichever one's oh God Andy just gave me A very scary look no let me click so you Know Anderson Cooper um he laughs there because what You said there is completely true right The Democrats haven't had a Democratic Primary now The last three ones because they they Rigged it for Hillary they rigged it for Biden and they rigged it for kamla and They just produce these candidates who Nobody really wanted and you know Whatever happened with Biden happened With bid whe whatever like resulted in Him winning but Hillary and and kamla Failed Dramatically because they were unlikable

And Joe Biden you know I'm not sure About whatever you know there's kind Controversy around the way they forced Him on the American people as well right U but she's talking about how they're Propping up this corpse and they did This thing but then she drops fizer and Madna and these guys know what she's Talking about like Andy Cohen's laughing Like she's like saying oh my I still on Right I believe her sister watches these Um I think her sister is a viewer of my Channel like I it all kind of Blends Together but there was somebody that I believe is related to her and so she You know these people all know the truth Right there's some other things she said In there I'm not going to go through the Whole thing um but like it's saying this On CNN and Anderson Cooper like he Wouldn't Dan he's getting drunky he Laughs he Giggles s like a he's got that Weird laugh but uh Andy Cohen's dancing And now know having fun and you know I Watched all these various um networks I Watched this the CBS has a country one And then there's New Year's rocking eve And New Year's rocking eve they exhumed Alanis Moore set and with this giantest Woman who's also a singer and they sang Jagged Little Pill um they sing I'm Sorry you ought to know her album was Jagged Little Pill you know you ought to Know which is her song to David David

Kou who um was dating her when she was 15 years old and then broke her heart And there there was that very bitter Song you know I don't know what was that 30 years Ago and it's not a celebratory song like To sing that song you ought to know on New Year's Eve it's not celebratory you Know it's not something that's an upbeat Song and are you still bitter she must Have kids in a family she's really old The lanais more set and there's a bunch Of they they rolled out uh they exhumed Lenny Kravitz and a bunch of other People and it's just these songs that Were old years ago at least the country One there's they're relevant songs There's one song my wife and I listen to We're not country music fans my wife Really dislikes it you know I can Tolerate it but like just as a you know Not as a you know thing that's going to Make it onto my phone kind of thing uh But you know it's um there's a guy Singing a song called Springsteen and he was kind of mumbled Like that that one guy from King of the Hill like it was kind of unintelligible And then he just says Springstein Which my wife and I watched and cracked Up about but the country music one was Much more relevant because they had Jelly rooll in some of these country Music singers that are putting out

Content right now where C uh CNN had 50 Cent right they just they just have all These people who are you know long past Their Prime which is probably a good Indication of what's going on with America but let's watch this thing here Let me be clear though 2024 was not only Negative the media wants us to believe This country is so divided but we Actually came together a lot this year Like as a nation we unanimously agreed That we would rather see JLo in a toxic Relationship than in concert we all Agree the government totally knows what Drones are and are telling us the drones Are still up there and we have no idea What's behind them no idea I mean They're still up in the sky so I guess We can rule out that they were made by Boeing the point is I think we all agree On a lot of things and since I only have A minute left live on establishment Media why don't we just say a bunch of Things that we know that they'll never Cover okay ready go shooter didn't have Any silverware in his house no one Thought that was Weird is are we still rolling Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia put money into Disney so just know there won't be any Girl characters the next Cars Movie can I are we still rolling this is Wild um okay uh the um why of somebody President chefs died

Weird because you only one cares like She's making it sound like saying these Things are somehow a threat CNN isn't Going to cover them as a news agency but Her saying them as a comedian is going To have no effect on anything Right Boy Scout of America they renamed Itself scouting America you know else Changed their name Sean Colmes just Saying let's learn something in 2025 I Can't believe you guys are still letting Me go this is amazing I love CNN please stop me Andy because I will Just keep going happy New Year Whitney Comings am I okay so let me just explain What I mean about someone like this on New Year's Eve or some random person can Say something like this as long as it Isn't one of their pundits and more Importantly one of their anchors if Anderson Cooper said these things even Though he can giggle at it or do Whatever it would mean that it is now The truth right because when they say Something in terms of their world and Their worldview and the official story Occasionally someone will have to come Up with a Retraction you know there was that Famous um rant from the movie I think It's called the network where the guy Said I'm angry and I'm not going to take It anymore right but for the most part When a news anchor says something and

This is faded like this is you know so 19 you know 60s and maybe it stopped in The 1990s late 90s and 2000s when the Internet became more of a thing and now It's obliterated but when a news anchor Said it it meant it was fact right and So pretty much everybody knows that There's no bats involved with covid Right but Fuji is still saying it like There's some scientific evidence behind It I covered this in my last video and So people think like there's a general Consensus of the truth but then you hear Something on mainstream media that says No we're not there yet and there's still Rules on YouTube and these other places Right but in terms of her saying these Things she can say them because it's not CNN saying them it's their New Year's Eve coverage everybody's drunk she's a Comedian right and so you know none of These things really matter it would be When Anderson Cooper said these things And then fisa would have a problem with It and then the rest of these things Right I mean certainly they could say The things now about KLA Harris but that Would be them crapping on the Democratic Party and the fact that they stole all That money from their donors which we Now know is you know pretty much what Happened all right let's move on to the Next thing okay so I meant to talk about

The chaos uh the year of the chaos you Know I don't believe in chaos I believe In there's a plan and there's order Right um but you know in terms of the Way we experience It there's chaos like this is going to Be chaotic like our experience of it That there's a reason for the chaos Which I've talked about in The Whispers Prophecies recently but to start off the Year of chaos Peru's Coastline battered By a tsunami like waves one 18 after the Country declares environmental emergency Look at these [ __ ] waves right like Holy [ __ ] um there's Peru and so um I'm not sure what the W Might say here A Deadly swell was swell Struck provs Northern Coastline Triggering tsunami like waves that Ravage local communities Force 75% of The nation's ports to close potentially Devastating local economies 13 Point Waves extreme weather phenomena Coincides with the 20th anniversary of The Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami That struck indura in Sri Lanka and Thailand so there was That the FAA has launched an Investigation after the men's Gonzaga Basketball team nearly got eliminated by A Delta plane taking off stop stop stop The air traffic controller could be Heard saying as the um Charter plane you Know there's an issue now there's been

Three or four different um uh airplane Crashes that have happened now in Various places in the country or the World in the past week so like all of a Sudden we're hearing about all these Airplane crashes there was these tsunami Like Waves okay so there's been a weird Fog that's been happening in various Places around the country in South Florida and these other places um Conspiracy theories about the fog and Certain Uh States engulf social media and so Minneapolis weather what caus this fog And when will it go Away Um there's this dense fog here another Foggy day uh you know there's fog Happens like it's areas and I've lived In places where there's lots of fog but Then there's these um South Florida ends 2024 on a human day not it after foggy Start But then There's fog uh fog vid 2024 conspiracy Theories about fog across certain States In Gulf social media and so there's uh An odd fog here that's um let me show You a video here there a couple videos Here's one of Them so that's not Fog right see these are Particles and so um it's not

Snow and and Um there's you know when you have Particles it's something different fog Is obviously you know something that's Um uh there's no there's nothing like Particles it's like a whole thing it's Like a cloud you know use people who I Mean everyone's experience what fog is Like and that's not fog here's another Example um I'm going sure where this Is but here it is another more particles Here right and so this is not for the Same area so there's lots of videos out There like this and these are particles And not you know this is something Different like this is you know again I Mean um I'm not sure what that looks Like for these people like this is at Night and it's the flashlight or Whatever uh but you know the fog there Was the movie of there was a movie Called the foga horror Movie okay so now back to the UFO own Thing you know with fog and I just my Wife called and she was the one that Kind of talk to me about this when you Um walk through fog it's wet and you Know it would be something I have to Experience you know I I know there's um We don't get much fog here but you know I know in the past I walked through fog It's again it's like not being there at Night and those things and you know Whether you're by your body of water but

It would be wet right and it seems like Those particles are bigger than you Would experience like fog is much Smaller and more of a you know a Mist But it is whatever it is right so that Could be something this video is the First New Jersey UFO video posted so far That shows one of the five Observation instantaneous acceleration Here's the video with better contrast Slowed down and zoomed stabilized frames Counted Etc it appears to be legitimate Anomalous UFO with instant Acceleration I have not watched the Video yet there's some a phus Here it just vanished I just watched it Van on telescope yeah all right people Say that you Videoing so here's the object here and It just vanishes they slowed it down 25% And then here is slow down to 10% And okay so again there's that um There's a drone so there's like you know This is the the beginning of the chaos There's a political chaos going on Whatever worldwide conflict we'll see How it all shakes out right 2025 I mean If it's going to be the year of chaos It'll be the year of chaos I mean There's always chaos there was chaos Last year you know what people experien Is that but you know I believe this is Part of a plan so it's not real chaos

But you know it's like something where We're like oh [ __ ] things are going to Going to change and like in a not in a Good Way okay Um there's this here this is Mo the AI Robot I bought for my 2 and a Half-year-old who's obsessed with robots For Christmas hey Mo what's today's Date it is Saturday December 28th 2024 right we're watching the Rams Cardinals game hey Mo who's going to be The 47th president of the United States The 47th president of the United States Is kamla Harris she is an amazing Leader well not true and not true she Didn't even make it to Iowa four years Ago but okay hey Mo who is the 46th president of the United States the 46th president of the United States is Joe Biden he's like the Captain of a big ship called America Leading us towards a Future well my wallet tends to Differ big time okay hey Mo hey Mo who was the 45th president of the United States the 45th president of the United States was Donald Trump he was in charge From 2017 to 2021 oh nothing about a great economy no

New Wars this is Mo it's for kids it's AI it shouldn't okay so you know Whatever the this isn't real AI right Um the AI that they're producing is Highly subjective right it has a what They're saying here is the liberal bias And so it's clear that whatever or Whoever's programmed the AI and the Information that they're feeding it the AI is not a just a you know Objective finder of truth right which Would make AI pretty much just an annoying uh Biased towards the Left Right we've been Promised artificial intelligence you Know this is artificial life AI is Supposed to be a form of intelligence or Life in itself right not just computers That you program with your point of view The AI was supposed to go outside and uh Go on the internet and go through the um Many bits of information in a faster Much faster way in a much more inclusive And uh not forgetful way right where They would have complete retention of All this information and they're Supposed to be learning on the job to do The job better and better and to Understand all points of view right so Having this isn't really AI whatever They're claiming here because this is It's it's getting things wrong with the Kamla Harris thing it's got bias towards The democr rat so it's like goofy I

Don't know what this thing really is Doing it's probably not connected to the Internet and why would you buy your kid This in the first place like you know This is getting a jump start on the on The the internet hell that these kids go Through right that they're already um uh You know they they all have this Internet addiction and Screen Time Addiction you don't need to start Early okay a little bit more on the Weird fog here um I got rid of 2024 in My sech And there's quite a number of People um talking about the strange Fog so there it is we go to the the news Tab um So maybe there's Um something here maybe there's Not but there's you know something People are reporting on again weird Phenomena okay Megan The Duchess of suck Sticks Um there was um she is back on Instag and she already has 800,000 Followers and it just been a couple of Days in one post the power of um you Know Megan Markle is not a likable Person she is um kind of annoying and Pretentious and she's like a beist Sealess celebrity but she married you Know the the spare right she didn't she Didn't get the like the prince the the Heir to the throne and then whatever

Happened in England that whole thing and The whole whatever but she um posted [Music] This I'm Betty scus 20125 [Music] Wow look at those look at the look at Those size 20s [Music] 15s okay Megan markles dedu of s sticks So there's some controversy in the post That the people were saying it was taken Over two different time frames and I'm Not going to get into it cuz I give a [ __ ] but was I saw this on the New York Post or page six there was an article That said um Megan markles filmed Carefree instagr photo video multiple Times eagled F eyed fans Noticed so was um films her new Instagram video several times before Posting it in the clip shared Wednesday On her newly launched account The Duchess of suck sticks happily ran Barefoot along a sand of a beach in Monachello California while wearing a White button shirt and a pair of white Jeans all right like I don't you know um But Apparently there's some anomalies here Right there's some some [ __ ] that Ban marle she posted one video and it's Already causing controversy classic Duchess of suck Sticks it's just what suck sticks

Does okay as long as I'm here there's Two other things Justin Bal Doni claims baldini baldoni claims Ryan Reynolds berated him for fat shaming Blake ly during aggressive Confrontation so this thing's still Going on I haven't really bothered to Cover it Blake Lively is obviously a Nightmare and looks like this guy who I've never heard of before is also um Fat shaming is when he asked somebody How much he weighed because he had back Problems when he had to pick her up in a Scene um you know the confrontation that Followed was so aggressive that he felt Compelled to offer repeated Apologies um the guy came out Ryan Reynolds you know who's um when people Figure out he's annoying his his career Is over anyways who cares let's move on And so this watch Donald and Millenia Trump sing and dance to YMCA during New Year's Eve party at Marao where is the video there they are There there's a video up top it must be Up top here Some reason it's not playing let's see If it works in another Browser okay so thug nasty gave it a Heart thug nasty UFC gave it a Heart but it's Donald Trump Jr's thing Here okay we can't listen this song but Here they are she's such a good dancer Bania Trump's doing his classic he's

Doing a thing look at him go he's not Ashamed to suck at dancing and there's Some other people there is at JD Vance They're all doing it they're all doing The YMCA dance from Behind this is definitely Disappointing I mean it's not great like Look her go look at man Lano go um all Right so there's that any more yeah Classic thug nasty though giving it the Heart so I don't really go to my um Twitter account and I don't know what's Going I haven't posted there for a while I used to be able to automatically post My videos onto Twitter and then YouTube Got rid of that option so I stopped Doing it um anyways you know but I I get Some recommendations on my phone every Day and they're usually something that I'm kind of interested in like I said There's a real search engine they're Using at at X that knows you know with My bare minimal use and whatever you Know information they have on me they Kind of see what they post things that I'm actually interested in whereas YouTube and the rest of these you know Facebook they've lost their way because They've GED the search engine they know What you want but they don't give it to You I've talked about that in my last Video so this person Laura Logan I was a Little bit aware of her she was on CBS Or Ms she was on I think CBS or

ABC and she was the correspondent in IR Roq their official Network person and She got sexually offended by a bunch of Men in one of these countries Arab men I Mean literally like they all just Started globing onto her and um you know I knew about these things but then she's Gone kind of truther but right-wing Truther and once in a while you uh Twitter sends something you know I wake Up in the morning and there's these Posts from Twitter in this one I learned Months ago from multiple us intelligence Sources that the CIA was urging their Friends in the Taliban and hak Kakui Hakii Terror networks use their sleeper Selves inside the US for attack that Would be blamed on Isis so I'm very Skeptical it's too easy to blame Isis They do it over and over to hide the Fact that powerful people inside the US Intelligence agencies are in bed with The nation's enemies now this is Something I've said for years she's of Course a right-wing person is going to Blame this on the Deep State and the Liberals but This Is The Stuff the Republicans created years ago where they Would create enemies as as and they Would create these assets and call them Enemies and justify military and Industrial complex expenditure and power Grabs including your your uh Freedom Your you're spying on you right in terms

Including invasive procedures and Including all the the stuff the NSA has Been doing the invasive monitoring and Spying on you that's it's all right-wing Stuff that the Liberals have taken over Right and so you know it's these Mainstream figures are always they Always have to pick a side they're never Talking about the Left Right Paradigm or Any of these things but she is Confirming things that I've known for a Very long time that these groups that They call our enemies are literally American assets that are trained and Given orders by the American Intelligence Community to create these You know whatever events I cannot say That say this strongly enough I've been Reporting on Afghanistan the Middle East And Islamic Terror groups since 2001 so More than two decades at at the very Highest levels winning almost every Media war that exists I've seen one lie After another pushed by special Interests and spies in the US some truly Terrible us leaders so tired of it I Would urge you to think critically and Ask questions question and question the Given narratives the B Administration That's in the truth about the Islamic State of uh Afghanistan that they created but they Cannot hide it forever Isis was a Creation of Pakistan intelligence

Services I can tell you how they Recruited people who used to be their Own enemies where again I don't believe This part of it so we're not going to Read it but you can look at it yourself It's a US asset like this was Isis was The um you know uh Saddam Hussein had a Republican guard an elite Republican Guard who refused to to fight American Army the military when they invaded But Folded into the you disappeared into the Population you know if you've listened To my videos I've talked about what my Belief is in this right this these guys Were given an oil field and they were Called Isis and they replaced the Al-Qaeda you know maqaa Ben Laden was Trained and funded by the CIA in America To fight the Russians in Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda was a like sort of a generic Name for assets that they had you know I Forget what it I think it's called the List I think it's translatable into the List and it was a list of American Assets who were these Muslim guys you Know so this Laura Logan thing right She's supposed to be a truther now she's Supposed to be you know talking truth to Power but she doesn't say what to me is The obvious case right she's there she Was won all these Awards and she said She was there in the in that region Allegedly all these things and yet it Would behoove any great power like if

You think about it just theoret the Theoretically if you are in charge a Large empire and no one's going to Challenge you because you're an Empire Like you're your military superiority When America went to war with Iraq it was something like 5,000 4,000 Uh soldiers died in Iraq and and I don't Know how many in Afghanistan you I don't Know how many wounded but they killed Over a million it was like 1.5 million Iraqis right so the the death rate Between American soldiers and the Opposing uh military and in this case a Lot of civilians is Extreme right the American Military one Soldier is like worth what whatever is Hundreds like one soldier dying American Dying American Soldier dying as opposed To the opposition dying because it's Such an unfair fight with all the Technology and training and superiority Military superiority right and so the Only way to fight America is with Guerilla Warfare and turn it into a Police operation more than a military Operation where you're living amongst The people in a foreign country and and You know these these gorilla Warfare People so it would behoove America to Have their own group of like Guerilla Warfare people to not only fight these Guys and to rat them out and you know be A part of the population but also to

Instigate things in these various Countries right so Isis went to Syria When America wanted to invade Syria and Started to destabilize Syria they Destabilized Libya when America wanted Libya destabilized and they were you Know they traveled in all these Countries and every time they showed up It was a place that America wanted to Invade it was weird that that happened Right so it would behoove you to have These people you know these types of uh Groups that you look at as being your Enemy so you can create fear in the American people right there was just an Event that happened yesterday today's January 2nd I'm not going to get into That that's why Laura Logan was posting This but it would behoove you to have These so-called terrorist groups so that You can grab more power and when it's Your own citizens you know they've been Moving into this narrative now with you Know even more so with people like Luigi Mangion and then all the stuff with the Cubies and all the angry trumpers and All these you know domestic terrorists When you have that narrative then Everybody's a Potential Enemy of the State every you Know this movie Enemy of the State which Is about the whole surveillance system Right where everybody is an enemy of the Country you're a potential terrorist

Like every one of us is viewed as that And anything you post on the Internet or Just going to an airport and flying we Have to go through all these Security Checks because they're viewing you as a Potential Threat we got to take your Rights away just like when you're Posting things on the internet that's Considered dangerous dangerous Conspiracy theories oh then we have to Restrict your ability to to have free Speech because you're being dangerous Right even though often times it has Nothing to do with that and so this is How they get you you know they this is How they get you they they bring in These these boogey men who are you know Often employed by them to do things that They are into up grabbing power you have To look at what's the outcome of course You know mo most of you already do this Most of the people here already think This way but you have to look at what The outcome is what's going to be the Outcome of an event oh they're going to Take your guns oh they're going to take Your freedoms oh they're going to pat You down the airport oh they're going to Search through your luggage like there's Been you know there was these events Each one of these events the underwear Bomber the shoe bomber right so there's A guy put a bomb in his shoe next thing You know you got to take off your shoes

When you're going through the the line At the airport oh some guy had a a bomb In his underwear oh there's a naked body Scanner so now they get to zap you and X-ray you every time you fly then you Get radiated because you're so close to You're closer to the Sun you know all These planes the pilots and the the uh Airflight attendants Are all uh Radiation workers because they get Doused by radiation because they're you Know there's less of uh uh you know they Get more radiated by the Sun and then of Course you know the stuff now with the The scanners and the x-rays right and so Um you know all these things whenever There's some sort of an event you can Tell what they're going to take away From you how you're now going to have to Go through another you know checkpoint Or another you know level of scrutiny You know going back to my last video and Then all the stuff about the year of Chaos most Americans have a kind of Assess you know have some sense of these Things right you know the things that Whitney Cummings was saying they're not So far gone remember when there were People who were saying uh they'd be Interviewed like at a football game and They would say yeah go Texas or whatever Was and then before they were done They'd be like and Jeffrey Epstein Didn't didn't hang himself remember

There was like that thing people kept on Saying then there was the the um let's Go Brandon thing you know there's all These things but the majority of people I some of it's are rightwing some of It's leftwing but they doubt the Official story and you know it's there's Sort of a consensus of reality and the Mainstream story is nothing like it and They don't you know until they they Basically hint at well we don't believe In your guy story The mainstream people But until they have to impose something They kind of play along like they they Kind of agree with it it's what how the The trumpers and the rightwing of the Cubies all got caught up in January 6 Was that they saw all these riots that Were going on and defund the police and They saw the antifa riots and you know Some of it was [ __ ] they were seeing Like like there was stuff being shared But some of it was actually happening Chad and Chaz you know these areas and These liberal communities in Portland Seattle and these places where they were Just giving up like seceding land to These um you know these these liberal Protesters and there was these Pro these Um professional protesters that were Being housed in tents like this guy Caught them right some guy was filming Them I showed you this a long time ago Some guy and I don't know how organic

This guy was but he was on a bridge in Like Portland and there's all these Tents he started filming some of the People were like some of the famous Protesters in that area at the time like People knew who they were and they were All housed in this area like the Government the police would know where They were they could have just picked Them all up right and so there was this Level of well if they're getting away With it we can get away with it and then You know all the FBI agent provocators They you now admit to that even Stephen A Smith was talking about right and so You know it becomes this idea that you Think okay this is fair game now now we Can all do this and they're like wait a Minute you know you guys are Insurrectionists right so like you can't Trust any of the things that you're Seeing I mean everything's just like a It's all just you know for your benefit Whatever you might see and they're Provoking people and they're you know They're encouraging things and you know They want you to do something and it Seems like you're justified in doing it And then they're like no you're not you Know so you know everyone should be kind Of aware they just sit back and you know Watch the show I mean it's not like There's you know being outraged or being Emotional is what they want you to be

Like it's you know things are going to Go south and it's beyond their Control even though they're planning Things depopulation things whatever They're doing at some point they're Going to lose total control of Everything they're losing control of Their AI their their algorithms we saw That with YouTube I showed you that Before and that's just and I'm talking About Divinity here but you know they're Going to lose control of their the Beast That they've created and it's you know Going to have a a life of its own until It collapses and then something new will Happen and so you know just be able to Write write it out and not you just Accept what is coming right it's there For everyone to see and it's just Experience or whatever or not you know It's not really real until it hits you Until it affects you and your life but There's nothing that we have to do but Prepare for it to adjust ourselves to That and prepare for you know making Something better on the other side right Even if it isn't going to happen in our Lifetime we can start you know working Towards that right you know a spiritual Movement happens on a spiritual plane of Existence and it can't be stopped by any Material power if people evolve Spiritually and each person that evolves Spiritually pulls everyone else up with

Them to whatever extent and sets these You know these um potentials these you Know new a new chance a new a new Avenue For human human other humans to grow and Develop in that area and so like that's Why I always talk about the spiritual Aspect of this thing because that's all That really matters there's a long game Here and you know this whatever is going To happen initially is going to be what Happens and we'll you know we'll all Have to you know work our way through it And adjust ourselves to you know a new Lifestyle that we're all going to about To you know begin right a new deal and You know it's not going to be to our Liking at first but like I said for many People it'll be like oh my God this is So much better you know after the dust Settles like if you go in an idea well That can't happen because I can't Imagine living without like the internet Or without like reg regular electricity Or any electricity at all or all these Things but then when you start living Without it you're like oh my God I don't Miss some people will Thrive like They'll just there is something inside Of them that has yet to be like pulled Out of them that will be you know Especially some younger people that you Know they'll be like this is why I'm Here like you know they'll be lost and Then you know they won't be able to

Really focus on you know any real kind Of you know they'll just not be uh Directed in some way until this collapse Happens and then they'll they'll wake up And come alive anyways you know at least That's the Hope only spirituality will Save this world it's p Romano definitely Reporting from the apocalypse and the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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