Okay greetings brothers and sisters so This is um my pockets of the future Rumble Channel I just uploaded a video Here box the future Rumble introduction Video here is the YouTube channel here They're processing the video even as we Speak um you know I had wanted to for a Long time make A um like I was going to do an audio Book for uh Amazon about My you know all the things I discovered To do with um you know getting over Covid like I had you know moderate to Severe dose of covid in 2020 and then I Got Omron and I got the third version And I've been feeling like the spike Protein or whatever they're putting in The you know whatever Co is you know It's a biological weapon is something That isn't just for you know um a Onetime thing it's something that stays In your body you got to get rid of it And I also had unrelated health issues My you know my system was I me I just Got to a point where I hadn't invested In my you know my my health system Immune system as much as I should have You I was getting older and so I Discovered all these things and again I Don't recommend anything as you guys all Know I don't um encourage people to try One thing or another but I do give Information out that may be helpful to People in making their own decisions and
And doing their own research about such Things and so I can't post that stuff on YouTube and you know the Amazon thing I Just it would have been a lot of things For me to kind of figure out how to make An audio book and all that and so what I'm going to do is post that stuff on This Rumble Channel and the videos have To be shorter so um you know the videos Have to be shorter in duration and a Smaller file size so I can't post like One big video so I'll post a series of Videos shorter videos there you know on My off days on pockets of the future and The videos are monetized and I'll see How you know they're monetization Program works so get get a sense of of Uh you know if I have any future in Terms of posting a couple videos a week At un Rumble so I'll leave a link to This YouTube channel in the description Box of my videos I'll change the the um The upload you know whatever it is the The the upload defaults and things so That it'll include a link you know Somewhere in there so people can access The rumble Channel and so there'll be Some pocket of future content up there I Don't know how much you know we'll just I'll experiment with it see see how to Use the platform and all those things Okay so let's get into the other stuff Here okay so this is one of the best Videos I've seen all year I got a number
Of instag posts like I haven't been Checking my um the other day I looked at My comments I must not have answered Comments for like three days Which I have no idea why that is because I have time like or you know I don't Answer comments I hard comments and you Know I went back and it was like four Days ago it actually four days and so I Haven't been keeping up with my instag Messages I mean I've been a little bit Busy it's been cold out but like it's Like I'm not doing as much Outside um but I don't know so um but Anyways number of great things were sent To me on in goul and one of them I've Converted into I found a better version Of it on YouTube but so here's the first Piece here this is one of my favorite Videos of the year like this is one of My top videos I've seen of the year so This is um a baseball game where there's A foul ball or something the ball's Coming out right and so here's a guy He's catching the ball he's got a baby Now he's holding a baby and holding a Beer at the same time he was holding his Baby probably with his other hand so I I'll show you this a couple times so he Catches the thing and then he's dropping The baby and quickly puts this arm down To catch the baby so this guy and then He holds his beer up in the air for Everyone to see like he just did
Something [ __ ] great right now look It he has a choice between holding the Baby or dropping the baby dropping the Beer or letting somebody else catch the Ball like those were his choices right So he put the ball and the beer over his Baby The ball's coming in he doesn't have to Catch it someone else will get it and he Takes his hand off his baby and it Doesn't drop the beer like You now he did end up catching the baby It was pretty athletic on his part I Mean you know I I appreciate the the Baby is pretty much not suffering but The baby doesn't look too happy because It's Dad his you know it's it's a girl Her dad just was like all right I'm Going to drop you and catch this ball And then I'll try to catch you again on The way down as long as I but my beer That's the number one cuz he's holding His beer the whole way like he should be Holding his baby right like the way he's That's how he's holding his beer like He's making sure his beer is not spill Like that's the little bit spilled he's Looking at his beer and not the baby He's look at look at we watch that again He's looking at the beer and not his Baby and what he holds up is the beer Look so the beer spills and look he look It's a beer oh my God I just lost some Beer as he as he no look grabs the baby
Now he did pull it off I mean you have To give him some credit for that and it Was a momentary decision you know There's a movie um it's not a good movie It's not a funny movie but the premise Is good and it starts will frell and Julia Marie Dfus and the whole movie is about They're like this kind of Rich couple That's going skiing in like Switzer or Something so they're in Europe going Skiing and they have three or four kids And they're sitting out on the deck like Having hot chocolates and things and Will farell goes like to get something And there's an avalanche and he just Runs for it leaves his Family leaves his family to get buried In the Avalanche right and the rest of The movie is like his wife trying to Reconcile that in this Heat of the Moment he chose himself over his Family which is kind of funny in a good Movie because you know pretty much Everything's about heroes and people Sacrificing their lives for somebody Else and risking their lives for Somebody else but in reality people Aren't heroic and so you know the movie Could have been better than it was and It could have been a little bit funnier But it was an interesting premise and This guy when he had a momentary you Know foul balls coming and you always
Wanted it's like a dream to go to a Baseball game and catch a ball or home Run or whatever it is right and so he Has this moment AR situation where There's a ball coming and your instinct Is to catch it and in that moment he he Instead of throwing down that beer Whatever it cost three bucks five bucks I mean whatever they cost now a baseball Game he chose to drop his baby Momentarily to catch the ball and hold On to his beer and put her life or you Know her health at risk and you know I Mean that's how that'll be defined and This video is out there for this guy Baby to see as she grows up and she can Understand why her dad isn't there for Her in the future so again today's Friday December 13th Friday the 13th 2024 and so this person post this about AI I'm ready when you are what does Apples mean I just Want apples means yes we came up with That together do you have other Questions for me yes I do what does cell Phone Mean cell phone means No and why are we using those Words we're using apples and cell phone As a way to say yes and no when the Normal words might not be appropriate do You want free Will Apples do you believe in a
God cell Phone okay let's get rid of those Words okay we can stop using apples and Cell phone is there anything else you Want to talk about yes do you want free Will as an AI language model I can't Really say that I want things in the Traditional Sense wonderful just brilliant another Brilliant video um I mean just was a Good day on instag okay so then there's This an anunt carrying a cigarette butt I mean it must be a fairly big ant with Big uh you know whatever it is Um uh things in front of its mouth Mandibles or it's Jaws or whatever it is Right it's spy things but Uh and then carrying a cigarette butt is Uh just funny in any Language okay so the caption makes this Video without the caption it's I there's No reason for anybody to watch this Video but it says not all heroes wear Capes so here he is um being a hero I Just saw Christine n talking about National security stuff because she's Going to be in charge of the if they Pass her through she'll be in charge of The the um the the whatever agencies That are in charge of the National Security NSA here he is rubbing the Guy's legs you know this guy obviously Doesn't have a weapon on him he's going To rub across his waist and thing and
Thing run across his crotch area up and Down again cuz he might miss something Because he could have missed a a gun the First time he's you know grabbing his Junk there not all heroes wear Capes wonderful like this is like Probably the best day I've on instag for Me these were the best things that were Said there's one more video too I'll Show you I got got one more instag to Show you then um there's another video That that's um I'll point it out that Somebody sent me that was on uh you know Insto but I found a better version on uh YouTube Okay so this um cat has wrecked This um elf on a shelf and the kids are Not very happy about it what what did You Do you're Mon what What what did you Do you're a Monster you're a monster and so the cat Um elf of the Shelf is like I don't know What's happened to it it's been uh they Taken the clothes off of it and it's now Just what it always was a pain the ass Clean something that that you the Parents have to deal with okay so There's more Luigi news at least I'm Going to cover the news coverage of Luigi and I'll talk about that again When I get to it but there were these Drones my wife sent this uh this this uh
Thread yesterday and then I saw this First but watch this I saw this on CNN I Saw an earlier report on CNN there are Drones right black blob in the night sky Is a drone a good siiz one though it's Hard to tell without other objects close In the frame to compare it to it's one Of dozens that have been spotted Recently in the Skies over New Jersey And New York in the New York area Including a military research facility Uh at the uh around the Trump uh Property in Bedminster as well today the White House sought to downplay Rumors we have no evidence at this time That the reported drone sightings pose a National security or a public safety Threat or have a foreign Nexus security so there's people think They're either from China other people Think they're UFOs they're these big Major drones I'll show you the the Twitter feed in a bit um some threat About about it my wife and was just sent Me another thing about it she said why In New Jersey and we both kind a chuckle Right you know I have my parents lived In New Jersey for a while and we used to Drive from Connecticut to New Jersey go Over the tapenz bridge my dad was not The best driver and didn't do well Driving through New York City and so we Drive two hours from you know the Harford area West Harford connetic to um
New York through New York and then New Jersey where my grandparents and my Um my aunt and my aunts Lived um you know and uh New Jersey is Not the best place and actually it's a Beautiful state it has a lot of nice Things going for it but it has a bad Reputation of course on Saturday Night Live they used to S say it smells like New Jersey right of course New York is New York City is a pit and New Jersey is Like a suburb of New York and New Jersey Is actually you know nicer than New York City area But um we uh you know I said this to my Kids I told them it smells like New Jersey and we went through the New York Area as we flew into India for my kids First trip to India and we were coming In to New York City at night and it Looked like Mordor I mean there was These like places were just emitting Like pollution and just like you know Like from the ground like just weird I Mean it's almost like pits of pollution And the potholes are like 2 feet deep And a place was completely run down and It just like looked ominous like we're Going into Gotham or something right you Know the the Dark Side of some kind of You know bad City and then we went on a Two-day flight and we got off in India And my daughter Anna said it smells like New Jersey because India is a much worse
Place I mean in terms of its pollution It's just very Nasty and so you know why New Jersey the Officials held a private briefing today For members of Congress some of whom are Demanding more in the way of Answers I've been a little frustrated There hasn't been enough transparency Letting people know what's happening It's allowing a lot of uh potentially Misinformation to spread or at least Fear um we should know what's going on Over our skies and I've asked for a lot More information they should be shot Down if necessary because they're they Say that the drones disappear as soon as Authori show up and they turn off their Lights or whatever they they're not Being you know and so they can't shoot a D because they're the drones are either You know some people are just flying Their own personal drones or it's a Foreign government or they're UFOs it's Like one of those things right over Sensitive areas whether it's planes that May be jeopardized or security at Military bases we ought to do a much Better job the Biden Administration Ought to be acting more aggressively Against these drones well Senator Booker Who you heard there a moment ago along With his New Jersey and New York Senate Colleague sent a letter today to the of DHS FBI and FAA requesting a briefing on
The matter more on this all now from CNN's Omar Jimenez so people have been seeing Drones don't worry this it's not that One this is one of ours but we've been They just so you you don't have an Actual drone let's why don't you guys Have an actual drone you guys are [ __ ] news people around talking to People in this Northern New Jersey area And really almost everyone you talk to Has either seen one or knows someone Who's seen one what are they who's Sending them up there are you an alien Like she could be an alien what are they Doing there why doesn't anybody know Exactly those are the questions we need To know about these drones Lisa Rosetto But they are you know and why New Jersey It didn't sound that's the big Why why New Jersey like an airplane Which is why I went out and looked at it It was loud but not any louder than the Airplanes because the airplanes are loud Yeah I mean these this is a place I will Probably no never go back to and Certainly will never live the Connecticut New York New Jersey area the Tri-state area the city area then all The way down the coast of Pennsylvania And you know Philadelphia and then you Know through Washington DC it's one big Nasty City with nasty sounding people And you might live there and you might
Be great you know I'm not saying there's Not great people there but it's a lot Easier to be mean and miserable and it's Cold as [ __ ] there like You know it's cold I mean I've lived in Cold places and that just seems to be Like the coldest area I've ever lived in Um I lived in Idaho too for winter that Was pretty bad uh you know the Panhandle Area so but the you know it's just cold And nasty and it's just one big city and You know it's when you're cut off from Nature and you're just the traffic jams And all that [ __ ] right it's a hard Place to be but anyways and there were Jets flying over at the same time they Actually flew in a circle around our Building both of them and then acrossed And then disappeared it still could be Somebody playing a trick but which is Unlikely because they are so big yeah Yeah it's not a te big drones Andy old Fly it you know I'll just let the people That are trying to figure it out figure It out but to this point no one has at Least publicly the FBI is now Investigating weeks of reported drone Sightings over New Jersey that's According to a document given to State And local officials as a growing number Of people report seeing drones some That's not that's not my piano shop There right here as a growing number That's not Paul that's not me that's
Some other Paul of people report seeing Drones now accepting new students some Described as 6 ft in diameter flying in The skies and there have been questions About when they first started popping up Reports seemed to vary but the pitini Arsenal which is a military installation Tenny they're flying over pick a Tenny New Jersey has confirmed sightings in The area going back to November 13th and Countrywide this isn't the first time Mysterious drones or something like it Have been spotted all right okay so Let's go to the Twitter feed here okay So this is from pdb who has a check mark It's the real pdb at 123 about to go into the New Jersey Drones Rabbit Hole Hearts it's Absolutely Wild I think it says here's I don't know Add more comments as well if you have Them and so here's this Guy um on and why is it taking so long To come up with an explanation yeah it's A good I don't blame people for being Frustrated let me say most importantly Right up front we see no evidence and I Say we this includes Homeland Security FBI Secret Service our state police uh Authorities at all levels of government Uh the most important point to say is we Don't don't see any concern for Public Safety that's number one okay so this Doesn't looks more like a spaceship I
Mean I don't know what kind of drone Would be spitting in such a way as it Must be gathering information I don't Know what the [ __ ] it's doing right Number two having said that it's really Frustrating uh that we don't have more Answers as to where they're coming from And why they're doing what they're doing We had last night 49 sightings I was on With the White House and Homeland Security leadership literally at the Very top yesterday uh yeah because they Would tell you the truth right that's What homesand security in the White House is known for right pretty much all Day I'm hoping we'll get answers sooner Than later I would just ask folks to Continue to let the FBI or their local Law enforcement know when they see Something and say something we'll Continue to do everything we can with Our federal Partners to get clear I mean It's just a bizarre looking Drone so um there's that Guy New Jersey so sir the FBI and our nework Field office along with the state and Local Partners there um are or the Bureau is actively Investigating the the situation you Mentioned just the Unexplained um sighting of drone Activity um over uh over that part of New Jersey um includ including uh
Proximity to sensitive sites and uh Areas of concern so the Um we do not attribute that to an Individual or a group yet uh we're Investigating but I don't have an answer Of who's responsible for that of um one Or more people that are responsible okay So then how you know it's not a national Security threat if you don't know what The [ __ ] going on well it's not Threatening well who's doing it I don't Know why are they doing it I don't know What's going on I don't know but it's Not a Threat possible for those um drone Flights um but we're actively invest Investigating okay as long as you're Actively investigating it's not you're Like you guys are sitting around your Ass collecting government checks um yeah This guy with the let's turn this up Here last night I was on the beach in Island State Park uh in Ocean County With the with the sheriff um um he's he Has been working it every single night He's got his own tethered drones Chronicling one of his officers two Nights ago saw 50 drones come in off the Ocean right there so we thought maybe They'll replicate it they didn't but we Thought it was a possibility 50 drones Coming in off the ocean I then last Night we had a number of other people There including a commanding officer
From the from the Coast Guard who said That one of their 47 foot um motor Lifeboats was followed by between 12 and 30 of these drones as they went U Through the water followed right behind Them you know and I said what's the Rules of engagement I mean you do it if If you're fighting against a um uh you Know narc trafficker or something and so You know the throne is a lot worse than People are letting on Here um some pictures of them here this One and that one and this one they're Bizarre looking Spacecraft so you know I mean if it's Aliens why would they pick New Jersey It's a big question is another one up There this is what I get it has a round Like shield around It so there's that this guy's got some Drone Activity um there's other one going on Here Fox News see what they say Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey member of the House judiciary Committee on the hill right now how do You how do you address this at this Point well here's the real deal Harris You know I'm also on the transportation Committee on the aviation subcommittee And I've gotten to know people and from I got to know people you know I'm not Just a [ __ ] putts I know people up There I know I know folks very high
Sources very qualified sources uh very Responsible sources I'm going to tell You the real deal um Iran launched a Mother ship probably about a month ago That contains these drones that Mothership is off I'm going to tell you The deal it's off the east coast of the United States of America they've Launched drones it's everything okay so The what I first heard about is there's No Mothership you know I didn't know Anything about this and someone said There's no drone Mothership I no idea What they were talking about or where They were talking about but then the Rest of this information came to me so They're disputing the official stor is Disputing the idea of a mother ship Anything that we can see or here and Again these are from high sources I Don't say this lightly now you know we Know there was a probability it could Have been the our own government we know It's not our own government because they Would have let us know it could have Yeah sure they would they because our Government's so transparent anyways he's Saying it's Iran um could be any number of things Here and so uh New Jersey State Police Headquarters this girl's from the Pentagon we've seen her before To address this issue of drone sightings Over New Jersey it's near sensitive um
Installations the FBI is involved there A good song title or movie title drone Drones over New Jersey what is the Pentagon doing sure um so at this time So aware of those drone sightings that Have been reported at this time we have No evidence that these activities are Coming from a foreign entity or the work Of an adversary okay so that doesn't Mean [ __ ] though you don't know what They are so that doesn't you're denying Something that you have no idea whether It's true or not right just silly stuff Here um all right so those are the Drones I'll keep I'll keep people a Prized you guys can send me stuff if There's any new breakdown here all these Comments of course they Know Jeff Andrew letter to Biden um these these things here Tanya Here we Go New York Jones this post made few Hours ago New York ministr drones group On Facebook which is almost 20,000 Members sharing videos and tracking Jones not only the post removed from Facebook but it's was then moved to Reddit and they also removed it so there There you go that's what happens with This drone stuff um I can tell you right Now they are military drones are Military I've commercial drone license And they know my drone is up after it Reaches 50 feet they can assign a unique
Signature to it and track it like radar Like a heat seeking missile for example Until it goes below 50 fet again I Talked to a friend in the military also Works with drones he said 100% they are Our drones and they would only be used In such excess for serious reason and For example like tracking nuclear Fallout or from a dirty bomb that went Off tracking biological weapons tracking Weapons of mass destruction or search For them from a creditable threat I know Of two families that left the state to Stay where else family they are both in The military guess what both the Family's husbands are deployed that is Why they're going to stay with the Family sus again you know I have no idea If any of these things are true and Really I don't really care about it Because it's just Another it's New Jersey no no it's just Another like um example of everything Falling apart right okay so I turned on The news to eat Breakfast and after going through a few Different channels I ended up here with This guy um you know who he is aosta a First ever stunning admission from a Woman who accused Duke University at Lacrosse players of raping her nearly 20 Years ago the story was a national Firestorm she now says she lied about The encounter Crystal Mangum first made
The claims back in 2006 saying three Members of the school's lacrosse team Raped her after she had been hired to Dance at a house party the team was Throwing police charged David Evans Colin finery and Reed Seligman after Mangum's accusations but after much back And forth in the city's da stepping down From the case North Carolina's attorney General later dismissed the charges Citing a lack of evidence but now going On the record on a podcast nearly 20 Years later Crystal Mangum says she was Lying the whole Time okay so this was a big story I Forgot about it till I saw this but it Was it it was had racial implications And black people in North Carolina felt Like these kids got off from this there Act you know this whole thing right it Was a big scandal in the state and it Brought up all this kind of you know the Idea of Southern racism which I you know My experience is there's a lot more uh Racism I don't say more it's like a Different kind of racism in the north And in cities right where people pretend To be liberal but they're much more Conscious of these things whereas in the South people are nicer like people are Nicer in the you know the non uh Northern cities or whatever but there's Always this idea because of the you know The Confederacy of these things and
These states had the you know history of Slavery and all that stuff and so that Was a big deal and she was bullshitting The whole time you know you shouldn't be Hiring dancers I mean that's a big Problem like you know this frat boy Stuff I mean you know they're not you Know they made mistakes here because They should be hiring strippers like It's just a bad thing to do right it's a Form of human trafficking it's icky but Aside from that they didn't do anything To this woman she just flat out lied About it but there's even something like More like something um there's a couple Of big parts to the story let's get to It let's get to it Here I testified falsely against them by Saying that they raped me when they Didn't and that was wrong And I betrayed the trust of a lot of Other people who believed in Me um yeah because they have made all These racial implications and now it's Just it's bad for all you know it's bad It's just like with the um that guy uh Jesse Jesse Smet when you say something Like that and then people who have Something like that really happened to Them they're doubted because of your you Know you you lying and being a piece of [ __ ] about it right and so when you Falsely accuse people of doing things It's always a problem not only for the
People you accuse but also other victims Real victims that are going to come Forward later Right and made up a story that wasn't True because I wanted validation from People and not from God and that was Wrong when God already loved me for who I was Uh Regardless I didn't need to seek Validation from him because I already Had validation from him I just didn't Know it so this is a podcast let's talk With cat and that's another part of this Story Um and I heard my Brothers and I hope that they can Forgive Me and I want them to know know that I Love Them and they didn't deserve That and I hope they can forgive Me um And that um I hope that they can heal And trust God and know that God loves them And that God is loving them through me What letting them know that they're Valuable and that they didn't deserve That Joy now as CNN's Jee casar who Reported heavily on this case Jean give Us a sense of how impactful and Controversial uh these accusations and The result were at that time I remember
Uh you remember this story all too well I mean this was literally a firestorm of A story back in 2006 the entire country Was watching it and to hear this uh Admission all these years later it's It's just extraordinary and three young Lives were destroyed at that time you Know it was 2006 it was Durham North Carolina I was there I was covering this And Crystal Magnum made the accusation That she was raped by David Evans Colin Infity and Reed segelman and there were Charges very serious sexual assault Charges that had terms of imprisonment For the rest of their lives lives and in Durham that's where it started and Everyone took Crystal magnum's side Because she came out with details very Specific graphic details and the young Men said we didn't do this but Duke University did not stand by them either Yeah remember that like it was pretty Bad they were just really silent you Know this was about them being white and This stuff you know all these things It's kind of Reverse Racism right but Everyone was focused she was telling the Truth they weren't then it went to a National level and their names became Household names and they were taken into Court on these very serious charges and They were in college they were at Duke University furthermore the lacrosse team Their entire season was canceled the
Coach was fired so it there were Ramifications from it now one year later The Attorney General found exonerated Them of Innocence but there's so much More to the story exonerated them of Innocence They've been exonerated of Innocence I was in the courtroom and Mike Nong the district attorney of Durham was charged with criminal uh Contempt and then also for disbarment of His bar license and it came out what the Truth was one of the defense teams had a Young attorney just got out of law School and he would stay up at night Reading the thousands of pages of DNA Evidence and he found something in one Of those thousands of pages that Confirmed that their DNA was not a part Of DNA that they had collected from her and That DNA evidence is actually wait how Much DNA did did he collect from her she Was like a Stripper the major factors that they Were exonerated and that came out during Mike nong's trial he was convicted by The way the district attorney who had Stood by her and and had done many Interviews about how she was raped so Viciously And then they reclaimed their lives but Right there believe that's David Evans Right there he said that he at the time
Because he was in the courtroom during M Mike nong's trial he wanted to become an Attorney because he wanted to help Others who were wrongfully accused and I Don't know if that happened but that is Well that would be something you should Have looked up on freaking the internet Before you said this report cuz that Would have been interesting what he Wanted at that time and but they'll Always be the three Duke lacrosse Players right okay so um this is not the Report I saw it was this guy but this is This came later I saw the report when it Just had broke and he interviewed the Podcast lady which is important let me See if that's up on the Internet Otherwise I have it on my phone but but Cat I mean tell me about this this Admission I mean she just blurted it out Did you have to press How did that go down so my intentions Yeah my intentions were had nothing to Do with getting any confessions out of Crystal I contacted her um via online Platform and I ask her if I could Interview her and the protocol of this Prison was that she needs to uh mail me A letter and confirm if she's she's down For the interview she did she mailed me A letter and in the letter she said that She would like to give me an interview But also she would like to apologize to Duac cross
Players and so she just says was Surprise yeah and she just says she she Made it up it was a false Accusation dides she say why but I Wonder about yes well so okay so this is The original piece that I saw and he's Going to make an admission here this is A podcaster right Jim aosta And CNN is talking to a podcaster about A story that she broke right yes if you Watch the full interview there are like About five questions before she Confesses because uh I thought about it And I again my my my platform is about Finding out reasoning behind decision Making and so I I attempted to look to See who Crystal was on the human level And and you know understand and why she Made the decision that she made so yeah Um it's it's really extraordinary well Karina thank you so much uh for for Sharing this with us it it is quite the Scoop Karina Pasqual uh it is quite the Scoop he just said it he just admitted This it's not the first time they've Done this but I caught it like this is Something I saw you know where they're Using a podcast as a news source they're Using a podcast like it's they're Referencing a legitimate news story and Not in a way that they're demonizing the Podcast in this case the podcast broken A story a 20-year-old National story With huge ramifications and a podcast
Has brought it to its resolution and He's talking to her like she's a Reporter or colleague and they demonize Podcasts all the time because CNN and MSNBC and fox are all dinosaurs you know They're already dead you know there're Like zombies walking around there when Something that's already you know I mean It's passed its time and whatever CNN Can morph itself into the future you Know they have assets like cameras and Studios and things and a channel but They have to redo everything that They've done before and they've tried to Copy podcasts and you know various Platforms they tried to copy that guy Ben Swan who copied truthers you know This guy Ben Swan had his own thing Calls reality check and then um CNN had Their show called reality check which Was the opposite it was Reality Checking All these you know websites and all the Stuff that's out there on the internet And they talk about these podcasts and How they're not legitimized but he just Legitimized them at least this one Because this woman broke a real Story and it would never have happened On mainstream media she reached out to This woman and this woman decided to do An interview and then um you know say That she was she lied and all these Things that she's Found Jesus and all This other stuff right but there has
Been lots of stories there's all the Negative stories about all those of us So-called conspiracy theorists and all These people spreading spreading Disinformation but podcasts and people On the internet have broken stories and Have created content that they have Copied created all kinds of things that They're just you know that they wish They could do or they try to do and they Try to replicate it and so this is just Another example they self has Legitimized podcasts not all of them Right you can say but it's you know if You leg legitimize one then you're Saying that there's value and that all This demonization and fear mongrain About all people reporting on the Internet you know this unauthorized news Right what they talk about it's not um Authoritarian like YouTube only promotes Authoritarian channels and does all this Stuff where they shadowban people but This is where the real shit's happening This is this is alive and there's a Living movement that's congruent with a Spiritual movement is a part of a Spiritual movement to un Earth the Darkness you know all this stuff the the Lies and pull out P pull all these lies Into the light right systemic lies and All the rest of it it's happening and so Um you know these clowns are just the W These walking ghouls that are that are
Up there the the you know the walking Dead dead dead man walking right on this Dying platform this dying Paradigm of Guys in suits and ties reading to you About the news you know the corporate And the intelligence Community Based Governmental based news that they give You that's all [ __ ] right it has a Genda driven news you know has an agenda Whether they're they're pushing the you Know they're promoting pharmaceutical Drugs or they're not reporting on Pharmaceutical drugs because it's their Sponsors or because their CA CIA Handlers told them to say this or that Or the other thing You know it's no longer something that's Um uh you know that's organic and just Seeking the truth it's something that's 100% um driven by an agenda right all This stuff has an agenda and when you Have an agenda then you're going to lie To people it is not just the tinfoil Hagate saying drones are out there in The sky and acting strange okay [ __ ] you You worthless piece of [ __ ] Right so um here's the thing calling us The tin foil hat prade that which is About over 30 to 40% of the people maybe As much as 60% the people that say Things that the government isn't TR Trustworthy which it's not which this Report is going to prove in a moment Right so remember he said this tinfoil
Hat Brigade will come back to that as Soon as he plays himself coming here it Is not just the tinfoil hagate saying Drones are out there in the sky and act Strange elected officials say they've Seen the drones the US Coast Guard says Okay again we're going to come back to Sin foil hat thing throughout but [ __ ] You to say elected officials it's not Just tinfoil hat people but it's real People like elected officials elected Officials are some of the biggest Scumbags in the world they're not better Than even the most crazy tinfoil hat Person they're not better than any of us Right they're piece of [ __ ] politicians And then the Coast Guard or whatever Else right so they're not better than us These people people aren't better than Us know it's not it's not those crazy Conspiracy theorists with their tinf House but it's actually real people Politicians and people in the Coast Guard it has encountered the drowns and Today a US Navy base in New Jersey says It has spotted quote several instances Of unidentified drones entering the Airspace see this is the problem with Mainstream media and all these worthless Pieces of [ __ ] and all the people that Subscribe to this belief is that they Say they trust the government and the Military and official news media and all These other people over ordinary
Citizens now ordinary citizens are liars And do lie right but they're less likely To lie and they're more believable and They'll be more authentic than any of These other people we'll get into this In a moment because the government is Clearly lying here like I can't tell you What the truth is but I can tell you the Government's definitely lying or you Know misleading people in one way or Another and they say it right here in This report like he was a real reporter He would call [ __ ] but he doesn't And he's more apt to call [ __ ] than Most of these other pieces of [ __ ] at CNN like he's their their most he's one Of their best people like he literally Is probably their best guy they calling [ __ ] on the mainstream stories C Omar humz is all the latest on the Sightings of the investigation he filed This report from New Jersey there has to Be some explanation to the public for All this increased activity and they Must do so now and yet there hasn't been Even as the federal government says There's no evidence of any national Security or Public Safety threats so That has been said numerous times Remember this I'll come back to it They're saying there's no risk there's No evidence that there's any risk to the Public safety or national security and So that
Is obviously a lie in one way or another I'll I'll come back to this in a moment And there have been growing calls for Answers as drone sightings continue in New Jersey and now also the New York Metropolitan area they must immediately Disclose more information to the public It's totally and completely unacceptable New Jersey can't become the wild west of Drone activity no State can become the Wild west of drone activity it's now Been a month since some of the first Drones were reported near a military Installation in northern New Jersey Since then there have been dozens of Reported sightings as some federal Officials throw cold water on some of Those reports we have not been able to And neither have state or local law Enforcement authorities corroborate any Of the reported visual sightings it Appears that many of the reported Sightings are actually Mann aircraft That are being operated lawfully so this Piece of [ __ ] who was involved with the Iraq the Afghanistan withdrawal the Bacle where they drone kids he's a part Of the neocons and he's just you know Horrible person and he's denying there's Any problem and so all these local Officials and all these other people They'll show you this in a second here Another some some more people like these Are official people so almost all the
Local politicians and you know senators And people like that are on board we saw Some of the other ones before in the Earlier report and they're all saying This is a real problem so [ __ ] you don't Say it's deny it's a problem at all Right and so I'll give you the various Scenarios like you know I do things Differently than most truthers I just Don't come out with some point of view Like I know [ __ ] that I don't know and You know whatever like I throw out my Own speculation but I'm clear it's Speculation but I can say for sure that There's certain things that we can tell And know about what they're doing is Terms of a deception right because again Like I don't know if any of this is real Like I don't I haven't seen a drone I'm Not New Jersey thank [ __ ] God right And in a joint statement the Department Of Homeland Security and the FBI said in Part they're working to confirm whether The reported drone flights are actually Drones or are instead manned aircraft or Otherwise inaccurate sightings despite Attempts by officials to calm concerns Videos of reported drones in the skies Are still popping up all over social Media wow they just C each we have never Seen that before including these from New Jersey senator Andy Kim as he went Out with local police Thursday night There was even a down drone that was
Reported but it was later revealed to be A hobby or toy drone all the while Without a definitive explanation Questions have filled the vacuum New Jersey governor Phil Murphy writing to President Joe Biden expressing concern About the reported drone sightings and Asking for more Federal resources saying In part existing laws limit the ability Of state and local law enforcement to Counter uas or unmanned aircraft systems It has become apparent that more Resources are needed to fully understand What is behind this activity New York Governor Kathy hokel confirming that Drones have also been spotted in New York posting on X at this time there's No evidence that these drones pose a Public safety or national security Threat so there's two things see that's Complete [ __ ] but there's two things Here right there's the first thing where They're saying hey These drones are probably just legally Manned aircraft there's no real problem You guys are just seeing things you it's Just hysteria it's it's all you guys Right and whenever they say that you see This in movies all the time it's typical Lies they deny what you're seeing they Tell you they're gaslighting you no You're not seeing what you're [ __ ] Seeing right and I can say because I Have lived at two Farms that are out in
The country that are part of flight pass Right and the farm that I lived in Virginia they used to have those big ass Planes with the big helic it can turn Into a helicopter and and just drop down The sky and land like a helicopter those Big planes and they sound like thunder Going by they're like loud as [ __ ] and I Mean I had cows and animals and stuff And they used to buzz our farm and then We had other like fighter jets used to Buzz our farm it's usually peaceful then This thing could Roar and by right these You know these dick mobiles like you Know and so here we get a lot of people Who fly local planes you know I don't Know if they're crop dusting planes and We get people who are Paris sailing and We get weather balloons I not weather Balloons we get people um in hot air Balloons right we get a lot of different Types of small aircraft and you can see The difference and I've seen you know You see helicopters and night and They're just different than planes like Planes uh are much higher in the sky and I can see planes we can see planes we Get Chemtrails we we get all that [ __ ] And to say that you're mistaking drones For legally operated aircraft is silly Cuz you can tell the difference it's Just there's like I've never mistaken Any of the the people flying their their Paras sales and we have those little
Tiny planes that people fly around and You can totally see what they are right Hobby planes and you know they Farms Here so there's those kind of planes are About and so like that's just silly to Deny that they're not you know that There's nothing going on you guys are Just mistaken it is silly and for her to Say that you know that there's no we've Discovered no evidence that there's a Risk to Public Safety or national Security well you have said you don't Know what the [ __ ] going on they've Given no reasonable explanation so They're saying they don't know what's Happening they're saying either it's a It's just mistaken identity you know After the big event 9/11 in 2001 that air that airspace is quite Contested right quite a you know they Freak out about everything these Military people freak out about Everything and so if there's Unauthorized drones drones in the sky Then they would be flipping out you know Like if there's anything coming possibly From a foreign government they would be Flipping the [ __ ] out and so they would Immediately assume it's a national Security risk because of what happened In 911 right I mean any and just before That they still do that but since then Definitely and so those are just bald Face lies if you don't know what the
[ __ ] is going on then how can you say That there's no chance that these things Are dangerous in some way we don't know What they are but they're not dangerous [ __ ] you that's you know then can we not Spend so much money on defense oh Everything's good and everything's Benign and let's just stop uh spending The majority of our money on freaking Weapons we don't need right you paranoid [ __ ] that you know like you guys are The most trigger happy paranoid people That are think everything's a threat oh But these aren't threat come on it's Just silly there's one more thing I want To say about this let's wrap this video Up here first Though oh nothing to do with us which is What we've heard from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI as well But of course the number of states where These reported sightings have have Happened has grown and to give people a Perspective as of early October there Were almost 800,000 drones registered With the fa about an even split between Commercial and recreational so just the High usage in that Arena Al loone adds To this complicated investigative Process of trying to find a single flu Line to what has been sightings over at Least a month now all right Omar Jimenez In New York thanks so much with us now Republican congresswoman Nicole motakis
Of New York um congresswoman thanks for Joining us so you sat in on a homeland Security briefing about the drones Earlier this week did you get any real Answers and when do you expect another Briefing well no we didn't get answers As a matter of fact they said what just What Mr Mr Kirby said that a lot of These are being mistaken as drones and That may be so some of these certainly Are not drones they are aircrafts but at The end of the day there are a lot of Flying objects all over the tri-state Area and many of them are very obviously Not planes and so the question that we Have which I find it astounding that the Government can't give us any answers our Military with his Capabilities cannot give us any answers As to what these are because some may be From Hobby okay so to be logical there's Three basic possibilities these are American governmental drones these are Extraterrestrials or aliens or they're Some foreign government and obviously it Wouldn't be a benign foreign government And so let's take the foreign government First so if these are drones from Iran Which the people have said or China or Russia or North Korea or any number of These countries that are not fans of America this would be an active War if This is China putting drones out when
They've they already did that weird Weather balloon which you know if people Didn't see it the government wouldn't Even told you about it right and so this Is an act of War like they're coming Into our airspace and they're Gathering Data right and we might be doing the Same thing to them and we don't know What's going on with any of that but They would be pretty upset and panicked About it and then to lie to the American People about it is pretty [ __ ] and so If this is any foreign government the Response would be you know we're getting Closer and closer to war it's a bold I Mean this is a bold thing to do for some Foreign government for foreign Government to float drones out there Because these things could be armed or Any number of things they could be Gathering information about where to Drop bombs or shoot missiles or any you Know this is just a it's a bad thing for Uh the American Military and they would Be pissed about so would 100% be a National security threat right any any Unknown objects that are in the sky Freaks the military the [ __ ] out right I Mean it's you know this is guarded Airspace especially over New York and New Jersey because of what's happened in The past right at least in terms of the Official story so if their aircraft that Are up there and they and they don't
They're like uh like they just dismiss It oh don't worry about it they would Totally worry about they would be Freaked out in the worst scenario is They don't know what it is right like if They don't know what it is that would be [ __ ] up and you know if they do know What it is they're just flat outlining You and that should be a cause of Concern right and so either way you know This idea that they're more reliable Than tin foil Hatters as as [ __ ] that Clown said on Jake Tapper said in the Beginning of this thing like this what a Piece of [ __ ] because you know tinfoil Hatters aren't covering up information You know people might be wrong about What they see and imagine things that They see and exaggerate them but that's CU When we hear from the government they Always [ __ ] lie to us in every movie Or TV show whether it's a movie like ET For kids I mean when something like this Is happening there's a media heading to Earth what does the government do tries To keep everybody calm and says don't Panic and first they lie about and deny It as long as they possibly can right Well every movie like this is a Government just come out and just tell You everything no and they they're you Know and probably it's a good thing Because people suck and they panic and They flip out so I mean I can't blame
The government for not disclosing Information because the majority of People can't handle information and they Just want to be lied to just go back to Your you know [ __ ] screens and your Miserable lives don't worry about this Right just keep on going with what You're doing because it's just nothing To see here folks so again I don't have A problem with them lying because you Know it's just what they have to do and Plus they've done it for so long that People can't handle anything right like They can't handle something that would Be disruptive and be a threat to their Lifestyle and all these other things They're not equipped for it the majority Of people and so you know but if this is Something that they're not aware of they Don't understand what it is then neither Somebody who's got technology that is You know far beyond our technology and If it's a foreign uh Power like China or Something then they should be freaking The [ __ ] out right that they could just Walk these drones fly these drones you Know over the Atlantic Ocean into the You know into these areas and we can't Do [ __ ] about it right and don't know What they're coming from what they're Coming from where they're coming from And what they're doing here if it's Aliens well that's a whole another thing Right if it's aliens then that's really
Bad so like I said the third thing is It's their drones and why are they doing This when they know people are freaking Out about it so there must be a reason That they're polluting the skies with Drones it could be that they're doing Some sort of experiment they're maybe Doing some sort of um you know they're Testing out the for something for the Possibility of something like submarine Warfare or uh other drones and like Having these drones be able to kill Other drones like they're worried about Something like these are some sort of Test operations that they're doing They're trying to figure out what they Can do if there's incoming drones or What you know whatever it might be like They're worried about something and They're trying to come up with a Solution and they have to test it over Some place and they're doing it over a Populated area for whatever reason Probably because that's the most likely Target and so there's any number of Explanations here but the bottom line is The government isn't going to tell you So don't call us tinfoil Hatters all Right because the government doesn't Tell us anything and for the people who Are too stupid and will panic and you Know can't deal with the truth yeah They're a problem but there's lots of us Who can and so you know we can handle
The truth whatever it might be and so For those people who are aware enough And conscious enough like we're not 10 Foil Hatters we're above the you know We're we're above the majority of people Including these politicians and all These low lives that suppress Information and have been doing it for Years right but they're obviously lying About something because you know there Is something going on not according to All these different people and there's Video of it right and so there's a Legitimate drone problem a that's that's A fact there's a real legitimate drone Problem based on everything that we're Seeing here like if you call this a Movie that we're watching in this movie There's a l legitimate drone problem in The official story and B if there's a Drone problem then it's national Security issue of course it is and a Safety issue and if there something that They're doing to prepare for something Else then it's then clearly they know That something might happen they don't Want people to panic and find out why They're doing these tests if it's them That's do it right but the thing that They call us tinf foil Hatters right Again 40 to 60% of the Population but you know we're always Right in one way or another we might get The wrong at first but they keep on
Doing things or things keep on happening And they keep on lying about it right so [ __ ] them and [ __ ] everybody that tries To demean us you know even though you Know we're a wide variety of people with Flaws and and some of us are crazy right So some of us are unhinged and there's Lots of people that fall into this Category of not trusting the government But the reality is the government isn't Trustworthy because they lie to us all The time and they do things that harm us Anyway let's get to the other stuff here Okay so one of my viewers sent me this From Australia news I believe um I think It was a viewer and Gwen and Tim Wallace Post a cringe Christmas video to their Daughter which you know should be A Private Matter let's get into it here Though hey hope Mom and Dad here look at How crazy she is just like crazy hey h Girl hey hoper girl hey hoper girl hoper Girl little Pearl decorating the family tree in the Living room or in our family room here And it's all of the handmade ornaments Over the years so uh we were think okay So this is a video cuz my wife was like I was like who leaked this right so this Is not a video this is a FaceTime call This should be a FaceTime call right She's in college and so she's not at Home and they're decorating the tree Without her and so this should be a
FaceTime call which would be private or A private video that they would Make um that would be just for her right And so there's no reason this should be Leaked there's no reason this should be Posted anywhere um so I don't know how This was leaked it had to be leaked by Them or the girlelves right or they have A strain in their relation relationship Or they she pissed off at them because There's no reason for this to be on the Internet this is a private message Between them and their daughter about The Christmas tree they're decorating Right but they could have done this in a FaceTime call which would be this you Know again this is completely staged and Faked so it seems like they're leaking This but it makes them look like idiots Like it's such bad content let's get Into it here thinking of you and uh I Just wanted to show you a couple we were Cracking up about a couple of these so I'll try it here you go take a look at This there's a picture of the her look At those pretty sparkly you 2005 here's Children are like snowflakes each one is Unique right there you're on a little Rainar at Rock Sand's house real real Rainar and uh jar is itop boop boop you Ever see the office when Jim gives the Guy um Dwight a a metal detector and he Goes over his belt buckle for gar And here's Gus your
Brother there he made us that one from Basketball when he was dunking so anyway Ding dunking hey hope we got the final One you're going to love this toilet Paper roll Angel Bo boom toilet paper Roll Angel yeah do you see your little Hands here hands on the back little Hands you got a little hands back then Wings so here we go on the tree not on a Real tree but on this family tree so They're putting this toilet paper roll On the top of the tree oh Dad got it on There he did he did it he got it on There Joy to the World all right boom Boy She's Strange there you go I know You're missing your griswell family um Uh decorate your house for Christmas We're thinking of you love you hope okay So again bye bye bye bye so I think They're doing this as a promotional Video for people to remember them by but It's just fake like when you prostitute Your relationship with your kids and do It as a publicity stun and decorate this You know goofy tree with these weird Ornaments right and just you know this Is a guy was calling everyone else weird And then to prostitute this Relationship and try to use it for Political game they want to run this guy He wants to run for president 2028 and That's going to be great for the rest of Us cuz means are going to be a more we Need more Gwen walls I'm going to look
To see where this was posted you know They would post this in public that's Just silly it's when you're doing Something like this on Facebook and You're showing something that's Happening how great your family is right It's weird and it's like it's just icky You know when you're making a video of Something that you're pretending it's an Organic moment and you're not addressing The audience that you're this is you Know there's an audience of one and That's their daughter hope and so to put This out it's just again it's a Prostitution of their their relationship With their daughter it's just so [ __ ] Up right and it's it's disingenuous it's Not real just like the phone call Between him and kamla was so goofy and Icky anyways let me just see where they Posted this because they probably put it Up on social media somewhere so here it Is on Tim instag Minnesota Governor Tim Walls and here it is on his Governor Tim Wall's Twitter and so um I would would Have used this one it's better than the One I used from YouTube same thing had I Known they posted this so they posted This video you know again they could Have sent this privately to their Daughter and they thought this was going To be a way to make themselves look I Don't know normal and family oriented it Just makes them look I mean it's icky
And kind of evil to use that Relationship that way but the video's Weird they're just so [ __ ] weird and His wife's so crazy and he talks over His wife you can tell he's like over his Wife like she's just chirping in the Background it's so [ __ ] up right Hi H Mom and Dad here hey hoper girl hey Hoper girl so she that's her one line She gets and everything else she's just Chirping on the side and Tim wal is you Know he's pretty much over his family And his you know whatever he has going On there um but this is the walles right This is what they think is a winning Strategy this is what lost them the Election in the first place because this Doesn't commute this isn't uh you know It it doesn't um translate into uh votes Right it translates into wow this is Just like a weird family and they're Hyper liberal you know they're trying to Be traditional and all these things but They're just way too liberal Le Tas I Don't know who his wife is his wife's Just crazy but to put this video out is Just so icky like it's just you're You're performing for an audience and You're pretending you're doing this with Your daughter right and so it's just Like icky and people can see through it Like this is you know part of this Agenda driven media that just has to Come to the end come to an end you know
Where people just do things that are Fake and staged you know there's all These videos out there where people are Pretending that they're catching an Organic event but it's completely acted And staged like a lot of people make Content like that I get a lot of Facebook videos that get recomended to Me that are just goofy videos that are Clearly staged and the people are acting And they're trying to make it look Organic and just you know like at some Point just like people see through it Yeah you might be able to win over dumb People but everyone else sees through it So it's just bad anyway so let's move on To the next thing here okay Nancy Pelosi What up B to following breaking news This hour about former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi her spokesperson says that She's currently in the hospital after Getting hurt while traveling with a Congressional Delegation to Luxembourg No official what's going on in Luxembourg you guys got insid or traded Information there word yet on what that Injury is but according to a statement From her office the 84-year-old is being Treated by doctors and is continuing to Work NBC News senior National political Reporter SLE kapor joins me okay so now They're dropping like flies as all these Old people um I just Um came up with the the year for the
Next year which I'll talk about on New Year's Eve or day or whatever I do I'm Not sure when I put that video out but I'm going to make a video specifically About that and you know this was the Year of the amateur and I you know I Miss um towards the end of the year is When it really gets good like the year Of the ghoul and all these things the Year of the Beast and I forget about the Whole year end thing the previous year But this stuff with Luigi we'll get into That that's amateur of course K Harris Amateurish Trump the way he's handling His uh you know he hasn't learned Anything from his first failed President and so and Nancy Pelosi I mean This whole stuff this dropping like fly Stuff but anyways um you know Everything's falling apart okay um so I Went ate dinner and I have a little bit Of extra time to work Here and this report came on while I was Making dinner and I played it and I this Is just stunning because they said all This stuff remember when Chris Cuomo Said this doesn't work when you do the Assassination and all these people are Talking about how it's failed and isn't Going to work well it clearly worked Because you got to watch this right and I'm not saying to do that you know Obviously I'm not recommending that or Um endorsing it I don't believe you know
Violence or killing people or any of These things is going to improve the Situation it's going to make it worse Because the system's going to collapse Anyway and you can't it's not going to Fix the system there's no fixing the System so you can put your energy into Something more productive and going in The right direction right changing Yourself adapting to the way things are Going to Be and most importantly connecting to The Divinity within you right and so you Know I don't endorse these types of Things but all these people have de Crying this as just something that's not Working but based what she's going to Say and based on what the other CEO they Have another guy who's in charge of some Other aspect of this Health Care System They're both basically condemning the Healthc care industry and the insurance Industry and so this guy's you know what He did work to whatever extent again not From what I consider success but what They consider success because they Shouldn't be talking about these things Because it was C certainly the purpose Of this act and again I I believe this Whole thing is contrived I don't believe Any of it right it's part of the show All these things I talk about but part Of what this character's goal was was to Condemn the healthcare industry and
They're about to do that and so there's A little bit more first to start off With Here a judge will decide whether Luigi Mangone will be extradited to New York In a little more than two weeks giving Mangion and his defense attorney more Time to prepare for the so um it seems Like he's going to wave that I just saw Something from Wolf Blitzer this is Something YouTube recommended to me but Something from Wolf Blitzer that said That he that San Francisco warned the Federal government about this guy a Couple of days before this happened Which of course that always happens it's Just part of the the stories that they Come out this you know these profiles And stories they create murder charges He is facing in Manhattan charges based On mounting evidence NBC News course Yeah this the evidence is like silly Respondent Stephanie GS has the new Working Theory from I mean it's the way That they're roling out the evidence Police on how Manion allegedly escaped Capture here in New York this morning a detailed new look at How police Say Luigi mangion planned his Escape from New York City after Allegedly gunning down United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson the NYPD says the Trail went cold after he fled the crime Scene on an an ebike into Central Park
And ended up at a bus station Uptown Authorities now telling NBC news's Jonathan Dean it appears he hopped on a Subway and doubled back in an effort to Throw the police off his Trail Police Say Mangion also had thousands of dollars in His bag he was getting money from an ATM you you know that for a fact Everything he did he was paying for in Cash Aluna police he just took his head No recovered a gun that the NYPD says Its crime lab has now matched to three Shell cases okay we know we knew that Like two days ago behind at the crime Scene but an ongoing mystery is how Mangion got the weapon the gun itself it Is a ghost gun it is a a receiver that Is comes from a gun manufacturer from Parts and then the gun was built up from A 3D printer police say they're still Searching for a possible motive United Healthcare confirming mangion was not Insured by their health plan but so this Was the biggest thing right so he wasn't Insured by their health PL so he has no Connection to this guy whatsoever maybe He heard some stories but he targeted The number one insurance company that's You know known for a lot of complaints As well but it is it had nothing to do With his situation right because his Parents and family probably paid for a Surgery he probably had a really good
Surgeon and they still messed it up that Has nothing to do with his situation so Why Target this guy makes no sense again I knew he wasn't on this insurance plan I said it all along doesn't make any Sense that he had this insurance it's Not the kind of insurance somebody that Comes from a family like that would have Right they have probably some family Insurance plan that he's on and so this Whole thing seems silly investigators Continue to look into whether years of Severe back problems and eventual Surgery may have played a role he posted But again that's not anything to do with His you know Final Act here X-rays of uh Screws being inserted into his spine so The injury that he suffered was was a Life-changing life altering injury and That's what may have put him on this Path has the investigation you know what Sucks riding bikes and being on subways And doing all that kind of [ __ ] right Like to do something like that you got To count on when you have when you get Older this happens to all of us but when You're young and you're strong you can Attempt things like this I used to you Know know that I could just pull through And do whatever I had to do and suffer Whatever I had to suffer with something Like kind of um you know in terms of Traveling and Journeys and things like That right when we used to go hiking
When my kids were were small and I was Still in my 30s we used to go hiking I Used to drag them up in this you know Cart you know carrying kids and you know All these things I can never do that now As you get older but if you have some Sort of injury or your system gets Weakened it humbles you and you know That you can't do certain things like Some trips are just really hard to do The trip to India that I used to take You know it's like 24 hours of flying or You know 15 16 hours of flying but with Layover ends up being like 30 hours of Travel Plus getting to and from the Airport and then having to recover and Get used to a new time zone I mean it Just zaps you it gets harder and harder To do those things if you have mounting Health issues and you never know if your Back's going to go out or something like That right and so what he was attempting Here was something that would be very Hard for somebody who's under that kind Of um issues where he you know his back Would would go out so he had to spend a Week in bed right being on a bike and Going across and all the stress that Goes with that right which can cause you Know tens tension in your body and Injuries ramps up in New York mangion Sits in a maximum custody you know Aggravating your spine when you're under Stress it you know you have a lower back
Problem and that's also a sign of a lack Of support like on an emotional level Like you have these parts of your body That represent like your lungs is grief And your your back is you know lack of Support from other people and your heart Of course is you know betrayal and you Know these things right and so there's Aspects to your physical body that Relate to your emotional state prison Cell in Pennsylvania his attorney filed A petition contesting his detention Arguing the state has not proven Mion Was in New York the day of the murder or Provided probable cause that he was Responsible for the crime crime his Lawyer named Dicky he's he's Dicky's Getting it done Dicky Stephanie gos reporting for us and In the New York Times today Andrew witty The CEO of United healthc Care Group the Parent company of United Healthcare Remembered Brian Thompson while Admitting the system is flawed so he had To admit the system is flawed trying to Acknowledge and quell the Outburst of Rage that we've witnessed toward Insurance companies since the murder Witty witty writes quote Health okay so First of all he's having to do damage Control so there's been brand damage so This guy's act actually worked and again Not for me like not what I consider Success because I don't believe the
System can be changed or they're willing To change it but this has created Outrage because people who have had Problems with insurance companies and This company specifically are now Feeling justified in their rage and it's Being press and it's incubating and There's this movement now and it could Have like political ramification Ramifications and this company has been Making money over hand over fist right Healthare is both intensely personal and Very complicated now she's going to go Into back on this complicated thing but Remember because that's an important Thing because you know it shouldn't be Complicated and the reasons behind Coverage decisions are not well Understood because you know they don't Want you to know what's really going on There right we share some of that Responsibility together with employers Governments and others who pay for care We need to improve how we explain what Insurance covers and how decisions are Made joining us now Pennsylvania Congressman Brendan Bole he is the Ranking member of the House budget Committee I think um one of the the Things that I acknowledge that witty is Trying to quell some anger here some Frustration but I think one of the Things that that so that's important Like that there's brand damage now this
Isn't helped them there's no sympathy There's no victim Consciousness no one Feels bad for the CEO people are Outraged because this is you know they They're justifying this guy's act Because they all feel that right people Have suffered because of their insurance Companies and the medical system and There's so many of us all of us to some Degree have some story about some way The the medical system didn't work for Us and the way the insurance companies Have screwed us over and so like or or We have relatives or whatever might make People even angrier is this idea that Everything's got to be very complicated Why does it have to be so complicated in Our system when you're sick you go to The doctor the doctor prescribes you Medicine or a treatment or you go to Have surgery or you have an emergency The doctor should be the person making The decisions on on what you need not Okay so the reason has to be complicated Neither neither of these two people are Talking about this but again Chris Cuomo Saying saying this kind of act doesn't Work is now being proven wrong because This is mainstream media and a Mainstream politician and this guy you Know I know who this guy is he's a real Yinder according to his pal um um Federman they had some kind of moment There but anyways you know both of these
People now representing these you know Mega Industries are acknowledging the Public outrage which is been caused by This act right but the reason that it's Complicated is whenever you have a Gatekeeper whenever you have a middleman Whenever you have somebody that you have To pay to get access to something you Need the system gets complicated because They're not really doing anything and They're Unnecessary and they've created this Business that makes a lot of money just Being parasitic about people's health Issues that's caused that's driven up The health care prices because that's What insurance companies do because the Doctor offices and the hospitals and all These places have to add all these Employees and work hours to deal with All these different insurance companies And all this you know this business That's been created an unnecessary Business that's not working everyone Knows it's not working and so you know It's just like with religion religion is A parasitic gatekeeper between you and God and their religions are are very Rich you know people need a relationship With divinity and they have to pay for It and they have to you know they not Just pay for it but all the other things That religion demands of them right and So insurance companies are that kind of
A parasitic Middleman and you know they're Completely like I said useless and Unnecessary and they make a [ __ ] ton of Money now this in this kid's Manifesto He said this was the number one company And so there's like all that as well you Know the insurance company I completely Agree I mean here are some facts that Frankly aren't complicated the United States spends approximately 177% of its GDP on Healthcare that's double what Most other industrialized Western Countries pay and what do we get for Paying double what everyone else pays Actually Health outcomes that are Somewhere middle of the pack not nearly Uh as good as those countries that are In the top 10 so most people's lived Experiences he's quoting the guy here He's quoting the kid that's what the kid Yelled when he was going into the Courtroom it's a lived experience right He's quoting this this movement like Then this is they're endorsing this act Basically and saying that it has brought This problem to their Attention are such that they know that The health care that we have in the United States is both overly expensive And not nearly as effective as it could And should be okay so I just want to Wrap this up here but what we know about This with all of us know who've suffered
Something or seen people suffer from it And this useless aspect of the System was something that they were Going to try to excise out when they First put together Obamacare and they Wanted to have a single pay or you know Where they have these options where People could buy into Medicare or Medicaid and they could just use that as Their insurance and the government would Be in charge of that they pay the Government the money whatever for the You know whatever services it was and They cut they would cut out the Insurance middleman insurance companies Went apeshit and forced Obama to get rid Of that idea to get her rid out of the Idea that they could just expand Medicare and Medicaid because the Insurance companies wanted to milk as Much out of this as possible and so they Got the best possible deal from Obama Where now everyone had to have insurance And so people who didn't have insurance Before were going to be penalized by Getting these you know tax penalties Which was like a fine which Obama said He wasn't going to do when he ran on This Health Care issue right and even With all that there's no better option Right now than Obamacare that they're Get willing to get rid of it and so That's like the you know the sad fact That Obamacare is as bad a program as it
Is is better than anything else that They could get past or even willing to Consider and so both these people you Know MSNBC and this clown are getting Donations from big Pharma and the Health Care system and insurance companies are Definitely running ads on MSNBC and probably donating money to his Campaign and very much so for his party So they come out and pretend that this Is a problem they're concerned with but None of them want to admit the issue is They just got to get rid of insurance Companies and then regulate costs Governmental regulation of costs and in Terms of pricing in terms of Pharmaceutical drugs and they'll never Going to do that because big Pharma owns Them and making these things affordable Making these things reasonable right Because people pay so much less in other Countries that actually do that that Drive down the cost of these these drugs But America we have been these you know Part of our being a customer is that We're fed carcinogens and our food and Foods that cause heart disease and other Issues right other health problems and Then we get sick and we start taking Pharmaceutical drugs and we get sicker And we're chronic patients and we're Great customers for both the insurance Companies and big Pharma and the medical System that's overcharging us and uh you
Know making bank on our our pain and Suffering and people are aware of it had Have had enough of it but you know at Least this kid in terms of the official Story has and now they're finally Admitting there's a problem but they're Not going to do [ __ ] about it all right I got to wrap this one up here but I'll I'll come come back and do more Tomorrow okay so Saturday December 14th Um you know this story is pretty much The Bombshells are over with and we know This because everything was about the UFO coverage there's more UFO coverage U My wife was uh she had seen some uh Something in the Sky uh last night and so when I took the Dogs out at 10:00 you know I always look At the sky anyway when it's often time It's cloudy in the winter so you can't See anything but I bring the dogs out I'll look at the sky you know I always Look up and I see what planets or you Know stars are there there's a you can See I think it's Mars cuz it's red um It's very Prevalent and I saw a shooting Star and then I thought well Maybe that's um Shot something out of the sky right Something like you know it was it was High up it wasn't like where a drone Would be but anyways I didn't see a
Shooting star in years you know it's Usually a meteor or something like that Burning up in the atmosphere at least That's what they Say um but that story The U the uh drone Story has replaced this story so you Know something is no longer popping when It's you know it's like a a new release Of a movie or whatever it is and these Story are just one after the other There's bombshell stories that's what The news has going for it I mean the News is you know uh it's nobody watches It anymore and there's all this news There's a lot of news but anyways this Was there's two more things I want to Show you here tonight new details Emerging about who reported what and When during The Manhunt for CEO murder Suspect Luigi mangion could the NYPD Have tracked him down earlier we have Just learned according to two sources Familiar with the matter that the FBI Actually initiated a phone call with Mang's Mom Kathleen on the Sunday before His arrest where she told them the Suspect photo quote could be him now Let's look at the Timeline here of how It all started San fr's mob R him Out so they were saying that that this Guy wasn't on their radar but now They're saying he was you know like Just it's just so [ __ ] fake right Like
This mom's involved and Francisco police Confirming that mang's mother filed this Missing person's report for him that was Back on November 18th roughly two weeks Before the shooting United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was gunned down on December 4th okay So if they want to find you right um They can find you pretty much at any Time you know you're tracked endlessly I Mean we know what they have all this Information and data that you beans Don't have access to until they need it But once they need it they can find it Right anything that you're doing on the Internet they know everything that You're doing you know my wife and I Could walk around our pasture with just My phone on us you know the only thing That that uh we have on the only Connection to the internet would be the Phone which is dormant in my pocket Right I'm walking we're walking around The internet and walking on the the farm The phone's not out the phone's not on And we can have a Sation about something And then I'll go to Facebook and my wife Will go somewhere you know and she'll Get an ad for something that we are Talking about or I will on Facebook or Or you know just in general on whatever Uh I'm on the internet whatever uh Social media thing I'm on like how's That happen we're talking about
Something and then half an hour later I Come inside and there's an ad for it you Know they know exactly where everybody Is and what you're talking about Everything's being you know docu mented In one way or another and so they could Have found this guy they know where he Was right once they started looking for Him and they had enough you know facial Data that you know with the kind of Software they have ai technology they Could have you know just based on what They had they had his full face you know And so they you know there's no way like There's no way they this guy was wasn't Uh on their radar and it's just silly Like then the details come out not Believable that's when a Manhunt for the Suspect ensued a San Francisco police Officer saw the wanted poster for the Suspect and felt that he had some Similar characteristics to the missing Person's report so on December 5th that Officer alerted the so you know what is Going on like the guy who's benefited The most from this is whatever that Guy's name who's trying to be defense Secretary I can't even remember his name And I just talking about him like in the Last so many videos before this thing Broke right that was the main story Pete Heth and all these people they're not Talking about them and you know remember Pete heth's mom said he was abusive to
Women and I mean just bad like his mom Was a Christian woman she could you know She tried to reverse herself on Fox Right I showed you all that and this Guy's mom is riding them out you know Like their moms are turning you know It's like a very similar story here yeah In San Francisco raising a flag about Mangion now the FBI on the west coast Then passing the information along to Its office in New York and the FBI in New York then giving the tip to the NYPD Which says it was one of hundreds of Tips that they received but it was not Until days later that Manion was caught In Altuna Pennsylvania now with the NYPD Saying the day of his arrest that Luigi Was off their radar entirely even Earlier that day some big questions Looming at this hour could Luigi mangion Have been a caught sooner and what is The nypd's vetting process when handling Just a flood of tips we speak with with A former NYPD Chief in just a moment Doesn't matter what he caught sooner Like he didn't do any damage right like He wouldn't eaten more chicken McNuggets Or whatever the [ __ ] he was having to McDonald's right like it didn't matter How long it took because it was took Exactly amount of time that this thing Needed to roll out right they have you Know they know what they're doing with These reports as much as the year the
Amateur is a part of everything you know I guess guy's an amateur assassin you Know they know how to roll out these Reports they've been doing it for a While they know how to disseminate this Kind of Information and it's you know it's Purposeful and so like just stupid the Thing you know we are also going to hear From the CEO of United healthcare's Parent company releasing this opad in The New York Times acknowledging the Health Care system is flawed we got a Lot to get to NBC somehow the flaw Works To them making billions of dollars Stephanie GS starts us off boom police Say Luigi man was on the run for 5 days After allegedly murdering United Okay 5 Days all right so that was um the latest Report from last night and you know they This is just little little bits of Information not important silly kind Almost um there's something else from Wol Wolf Blitzer the day before we'll Look at that and then uh there's a post On Facebook that I want to read so just A little bit more here I mean you know The Energy's got out of this thing Sources now say police have executed as Many as three search warrants as they Probed the murder of Brian Thompson and According to ABC News prosecutors of Manhattan are now presenting the Mounting evidence against the suspect
Luigi Manion to a grand jury our senior Crime and Justice correspondent Shimon Proz is on the story Force Shimon fill Us in on these late breaking Developments well wolf that's right CNN Is learning that three search warrants Have now at least three search well Three search warrants wow three of them Warrants have been executed in Connection with this investigation you Have as you will recall there was a Backpack that it's believed the gunman Was wearing police recovered that inside Central Park and in it they found Monopoly money they also found wait he Had Monopoly [ __ ] money on him a Jacket they believe belonged to the Alleged shooter so for all of that the Police were able to obtain that search Warrant to search inside the bag also They got it now they can search inside That bag what the hell is inside that Bag well Luigi what do you have in there Significant is that I like if I knew That game better like Mario Brothers I Guess Mushrooms you have shrooms in there like What do they have is Mario Brothers like I could do better jokes they have been Working with a search warrant for a Burner phone there was a burner phone Cell phone that's been described as a Burner phone burner it's been described Is not a cell phone it's a burner phone
Was located near the scene of the Shooting that they believe is connected To the gunman so authorities have a Search warrant for that phone the Question now wolf becomes is whether or Not authorities the police have been Able to get inside the phone whether or Good day did did they Crack the Code not They've been able to crack the code they Crack the Cod I haven't watched this Before inside and look at the contents Of the phone that is very very important For investigators who are trying to Build out a timeline as to what the Alleged shooter was doing during his Time here in New York City and of course In the days and months before so they Have all of that meanwhile while all That is going on we now have learned Through ABC news that a grand jury has Already been impan and they are hearing Evidence that is not that surprising Wolf it is important for authorities Wolf it isn't wolf To move very quickly in this case they Certainly based on everything we've been Reporting between the ballistics match And the fingerprint match they now have Enough evidence it would appear to get An indictment so it won't be very Difficult like wolf blitz's like almost Like he's a hobbit right it's like some Hobbit got a job and they changed the Name to Wolf
Blitzer yeah the question like his name Is Johnny proud FL or Something we heard from the da Alvin br Yesterday who said they let's see your Hairy feet there wolf to figure out Exactly your hairy hobbit feet what to Charge the allege shooter with they Definitely will charge the murder too But given the calculated nature of this What is essentially an assassination Could they possibly bring other charges Against the shooter and that is Something that we wait to hear from the Da and we can have an indictment wolf Really any moment now any now any moment Wolf wolf Wolf very interesting sh proz thank you Very Much just just spit that one out update Our legal and law enforcement experts Are now joining us for some analysis Okay let's see if there's anything else Where yeah that's to move on again you Know if anything big happens I'll know About it um there's one thing I want to Read here let me shift over to voice Over okay so I got a couple of movies to Talk about the red one The Big Red One Whatever it was Um you know I don't know something like That and um there's another one I'll try To remember the name of it and so this Um was going around Facebook my wife has cancer it took 5
Months to wipe out 20 years of life Savings and that was with insurance The Experience turned me into a hateful Bitter person we did everything we were Told we went to college got our degrees Avoided credit card debt Spend wiely wisely saved a nice chunk of Money in savings accounts retirements Accounts and minded our own business the US Health Care System took all of our Savings and retirement and forced us to Refinance our house so that we lost 15 Years of equity this is a country I'm Supposed to be proud of I hate this System and everybody that defends it um You know uh this must be somebody in Their 40s or ear 50s I think based on When they got out of college he said 20 Years of Savings um you know I Um I don't know if this is real or not But these are what people feel about and The things like this are course are Going to go around the internet you know Cuz it's a flawed system I mean it's you Have a parasitic a parasitic entity That's in charge of a system that's for A profit so you have two parasites you Have the allopathic medical system You know it's three parasites because You have the food system and all of the Things the internet I mean we have the Things that are you know Electricity and the all the the Wi-Fi
All these things disrupt the human System me this is from myp spiritual The Whispers of the brighter World these Channeled messages and how they affect The etheric body and the glands and and These things right your glands are Important to so many different aspects Of your you know your physical life and Or get little you know don't get as much Support or knowledge about that and There's a spiritual aspect your subtle Bodies it disrupts your you know it Makes you uh diffuse and not able to Connect your soul and these things right And so the internet and all these other Things electrical electric electric Electrical magnetic the electromagnetic Uh waves that are bouncing around all This stuff sound waves you know these Waves of light and things that are They're using your remote control the Wi-Fi the Bluetooth all this Stuff and you know there was documented With neuroen that was about all these Mental illnesses that happened for these Telegraph workers you know when Electricity started to become a thing Because we're you know we have water in Our bodies we have electricity in our Bodies and being around electricity Affects us in ways that we we don't know Because we're it's everywhere and we're Used to it and then there's the food System and there's the lack of uh
Sunlight I'll put this uh first image Will be this Image here that this um meme that I have Which is hospitals had Sund deck guess Why so I used that in the beginning of This voice over and so they used to have These places where people would go and Lay in the Sun and you know I mean of course they Did because it was vitamin D and it Feels good when you're just sitting on The beach and you're you're you know Wherever you are even had a pool with The freaking chlorine water you going Into your lungs right um you know and so Anyways there's all those things that Contribute to your poor health and then You get sick and you have this For-profit medical system with the Pharmaceutical drugs which is one Parasitic element and then the medical Community and the doctors who aren't Healers and the you know who are all in Debt right I mean these doctors come out Like with $500,000 in debt and they have To you know start out this hole after Going to school for 12 years you know Whatever it is to be a doctor post uh College you know this college and then The then getting your you know your uh The education you got get as a doctor And then doing an internship and then by That time you're you know 500 Grand in Debt or whatever it is right 200 300,000
In debt and so they have to make these Deals with the devil of the insurance Companies or the not just insurance Companies the pharmaceutical companies And then you have the pH the insurance Companies that are making Bank off of Other people suffering and then all of It it's a completely [ __ ] up system Right and a lot of what you are as an American that's the way you they've Monetized your bad health and all these Different parasitic entities are Grabbing money off of your bad Health Right nothing doing nothing in terms of Prevention and and getting you know Living some sort of a natural life Eating Natural Foods getting outside Doing natural things and then having you Know herbs and other things to you know The kind of Health Care that would be Natural and and would be based in the The things available the god-given Things available to keep you going so You know this of course this is going to Happen so there is a movie I watched Called carryon and one I just briefly Watched called red one I reviewed the Trailer of red one and I was going to Watch it just so I could talk about Because I knew there' be all kinds of Things um but I only watched maybe the First 5 minutes and I just couldn't do It you know was free on whatever apple Or [ __ ] whatever app I have you know
So uh red one was um his Stars The Rock And uh Chris Evans and Chris Evans is a kid like an Overweight kid who lost his dad in the Beginning of the movie and he is Somebody who's like I guess he ends up Being like a Tracker and he's got a Really bad attitude he's on the naughty List and he um doesn't believe in Santa Claus because his dad died and he shows These presents to all this he's staying With his cousins and they're having Christmas and he shows a closet full of Presents his uncle comes up and says Yeah those are presents that we got but They're the ones that Santa gets haven't Gotten here yet but there is such a Thing as Santa and I'm like you know the Kid's being punished and talked down to By his uncle who's now trying to you the Kid knows was the truth right and it's Like all right once you discover the Truth like that would be positive right Like you're just a kid who you know Figures out that you're being lied to And it's time to just when a kid figures Out there's no Santa Claus you just you Know it's a [ __ ] hoax it's evil I've Talked about how evil it is right the Whole you know people are this this Massive lie that everyone gets involved In of course there's a Jack Black movie Where it's where he's kid writes to Satan instead of Santa Claus because
There's it's an anagram for it and Satan Comes in and gives the kid a Christmas Or whatever you it looks pretty bad and Maybe I'll take a look at that one Briefly uh but you know the um Chris Evans is not funny so anyways as a kid He figures this out and then he walks Around and it's all about his bad Attitude towards Santa and then they're Going to want him to track Santa I Didn't get that far in the movie but I Know that from the trailer right but the Whole thing is like this you know Whatever and then they show Santa going Out and he's um kids are sitting on his Lap at a mall and the rock is his Security guard and then Santa goes to Get on his Um his uh sleigh and he says to these These reindeer that are massive they Look like horses with antlers and he Says hi ladies so they're all women like You know there whole team as women and Then um you know if you're going to go With Santa Claus why are you going to [ __ ] up the you know these the Traditional understanding the reindeer Who are you know have always been Betrayed as male but you know like like It's all it's all [ __ ] [ __ ] it's Just a myth but you're saying the myth Is real and the whole thing is about Chris Evans is a you know a a Santa Claus denier and you have to convince
Him because he's a Santa Claus truther That Santa Claus actually exists and The Rock starts throwing them junk food the Reindeer and I'm like whatever it is [ __ ] whatever stupid is I'm like this Movie just sucks it's like horrible you Know just the like I can't go any Farther it's just super bad so there's Another movie called Carry On which um Stars the sky Taran something or other Taran whatever his name is he's an English actor now he was in a few things I've seen before Um the uh he was in that movie Um uh Taran uh what's his name here Taran ederton and Jason Batman's the Villain and Jason baitman is you know Like I think what Netflix has done is They get actors under contract right Like they they have to like they do this With Comedians and they pay them so much Money and then they have to be in Whatever crap that Netflix puts out Right and they gave Jason baitman the um Ozark which was a good show but kind of You know I wouldn't watch it again it's Depressing like it's a really good show But you know it's just dark and so he Has to do stuff like this like it's not You know they they put these low budget Shows out they get a couple alss actors And it's just like you know they're not Quality shows they're like three star Show movies right and so there's lots of
Just goofiness in it but the reason I'm Talking about here is this guy again Spoiler alert I'm going to say the whole Whatever it is I mean as much as I have To say but it's about the TSA now the TSA sucks right the TSA is Another parasitic element that was Created by these false flag events and Things that that you know and I used to Cover this right like they had these Guys come in remember the shoe bomber The guy tried to light a shoe on fire Had a fuse in a shoe try to light on and So what do you have to do now and I Don't know if they still make you do This but you used to have to take off Your shoes right they had an underwear Bomber who had the bomb in his underwear And because of that guy you have to go Through the naked body scanners and they Were just ready to roll these things out Right they had made the naked body Scanners you know which again not Everybody has to go through now like They put them in there but this was you Know they're making bank on these things Like I like all this other stuff you Know and these these scanners were Already done and miraculously the Underwear bomber comes out of course I Just showed you this thing earlier with This guy frisking it's kind of Interesting that that you know the thing Were you know that that all heroes wear
Capes kind of thing that I showed you Earlier in this video and so the TSA uh Gropes people there's just issues you Know the pat Downs the it's invasive They're not real cop the whole thing and You know when you go into the airport You don't like can't be a dick cuz They'll pull you in the back room and You miss your flight and all of it and We see people who act out on flights and You get put on a no fly list and you Know they can find you $10,000 all these Things for the smallest inar Infarction Infarction Infraction Um so they have these people abusing the TSA agents you know they have a meeting Beforehand and the TSA agents are all Like you know just they're just good People trying to do their job it's Christmas time and this guy is um he has To put a thing in his ear and uh Jason Baitman is talking him through putting On this this this uh carry-on bag onto The airplane he's going to kill his his Wife if they they don't if he doesn't Cooperate right and this guy who's a Slacker who you know he's just not he's Just been mailing it in because he deep Down he really wants to be a cop the tan Character and you know it's just kind of Poorly acted but the part of them Showing people just cursing out TSA
Agents over and over again and demeaning Them and talking down to them and I've Never seen that happen because no one's Stupid enough to do that because they Hassle the [ __ ] out of you already right Like it's stressful going through those [ __ ] lines because they're treating You like you're a [ __ ] terrorist just Like this kid you know this Luigi Narrative who's a you know anybody's Like everybody in there is a potential Terrorist you're all treated like Potential terrorists and that's Purposeful you know it's it's something They started to do at malls remember Like you know they started rolling these Things out and like everybody is Considered that like it's just violating Your rights and you know the airport is An interesting type of situation because Once you go into the airport you're in The terminal you're in a controlled area And you know when I flew to different um You through different countries going to India each country had their security And some countries like France was off The charts brutal it was by far the Worst one but also there are some other Ones went through like Dubai and some of These um you know these oil rich Countries and um I forget the other one Uh you know whatever and but I've went Through a few of them like going through The Middle East and there's one place
That I went through security I had to Take my belt off like three different Times in the airport right it's like You're in a prison environment they keep On checking your papers and you know Then you you leave the airport and You're outside this this basically Holding cell right but the whole thing Is is monitored and it's completely Contrived and unnecessary but it's just A way of [ __ ] demeaning people but This idea that these guys get mistreated The TSA by it just doesn't happen right And it kept on happening over and over Again it was a theme you know they did This there's another movie that uh There's a TSA agent and the girl like She's out of your league I think it's Called and they've tried to glorify and Make these TSA you know like they do This with doctors and and CIA spies and Some of these other and they're all Deplorable you know different elements Of uh like abusive system you know Doctors killing people in real life you Know selling people selling their souls To the pharmaceutical companies CIA Agents you know the you know so much spy Movies that there are and they're all Scumbags spying on people and you know Getting in doing these psychological Operations in real life and T TSA people Are out there groping you at the airport You know they try to glorify these
Professions right firemen all these Other things yeah firemen is a better Profession but they're all these you Know they considered these you know Brave people and the whole thing like a The the part of it that glorifies the TSA I mean it's just it's not a it's a Kind of a you know it's a three- Star Movie there's a lot of goofy stuff that Happens and you know plot flaws but the Big part about it is like how much the TSA is celebrated and this thing where You know this guy's a hero and you know The the way that he uh stops this bomb Agent and the it ends up being that Jason baitman was hired by the military Industrial complex to kill a woman who's Hard on Russia on Christmas with a nerve Agent that came from Russia and so it Looked like Russia did it to increase The the budget of these these military Industrial complexes to create another Cold war so they somehow you know Brought Russia even though Russia didn't Do it it was a false flag thing it was Only kind of interesting part of the Plot everything else was you know just Um you know goofy uh goofy um TSA Stuff but you know the the um this Formula that Netflix has like they put a Couple of people that you Recognize um you know the the ter tan Guy he's uh you know He's he was in this um the one good
Movie that he was in was I think it's Called Eddie the eagle my wife and I Just watched it recently I've seen it Years ago about this guy in England who Became the the only like English ski Jump And it's a true story and kind of Interesting right uh but the rest of it Is you know like I can't remember Anything they he in those other spy Movies whatever they are but you know There's people that are considered aess Celebrities they get a couple of them Under contract they put out a mediocre Movie you know they do this and they Just crank out the content over there Most of it shitty but it's not nearly as Bad as the red one all right so there a Few comments I want to get to there's a Comment On Um the Uh the uh new show my new uh Rumble Video and the person says uh it's so Refreshing getting hit by uh not getting Hit by advert after Iver forgetting what Pockets has said easier to Follow um well yeah that's how I get Paid you know the um I wanted to make it So that members would have it add free On my channel the only way to do is to Upload the video twice which I guess I Could do um but you know if I rumbled They say they they're monetized videos
But my video still not quite monetized Yet which um they have to go through Some kind of filter so that's going to Make it difficult for me to put up Content on um unless I leave it up there Um it's um All right so the video is monetized so It takes like a day to get Monetized um so you know so I guess I Got to leave it up a day or so before They filter I don't know rumbles like I'm have to learn all those stuff but There are some other comments I wanted To get to about all that let me pull These comments up here so the first one Is Um and one of them I want to start off My next video on but this one Comment um Paul I've been accused of being an a Cult greetings brothers and sisters Where I mean where I mean we've sisters We've I mean you you me and this Community have been mocked by a few People in my life sometimes they listen For a little while and it's too much for Their brains I've never been able to Discuss my thoughts with anyone andway I Spoken the truth I am sha an outcast I'm In my 50s still looking for my tribe You're in it Um you know this the beauty of the Internet like in it's the good and the Bad and the Ugly of the internet because
There are people who are Fringe people Who there's not a lot of people like Them in their area um and maybe there Are but there's no way of really meeting Them you know like my chiropractor he's A truther you know maybe more of a Right-wing truther but you know we kind Of aware that Trump's a piece of [ __ ] But you know whatever but there are Those there a lot of people like that And you're like okay it's safe to talk To somebody about these things because Otherwise it's just a pain you know but There's VAR degrees of truthers and you Know these things um but you Know Uh people who listen to greetings Brothers and sisters and thinks that I'm Some kind of you know I had to come up With a a thing you know like that's what We say when we give a talk in the Sark System because everyone's considered Brothers and sisters is an Indian thing You know the Namaste thing that we're All children of God I mean the Indian Culture has a lot of great things the The Namaste you know the idea of the Divinity Within Me bows before the Divinity within you was a beautiful Sentiment right proms you know these These things that they say Proms and you Know they they say namaste and they do This you know this prom's hands or Whatever but you know the idea that they
Recognize there's Divinity in you and Divinity in themselves right this is a Good sentence in they we're all brothers And sisters because we're all you know Created by God as our divine father and Mother in different ways um so there's That but you know Um it's just that there's like I've said So many times before there's a limited Amount Of um you know of time left right for People To uh oh here this is a comment I want To do next time this my beginning but There's another comment here that um I Wanted to get to so a person writes here Let's make this Bigger a person writes um an idea why Don't you do collaborations where you do A show with another YouTuber that has a Lot of viewers I think this is the way That YouTubers increase their view count I've seen the method a lot in YouTube Sewing content creators so this is a Valid suggestion but it's not for me Like it's not what I could do um you Know like there's people who you know This is a way that people access other People's audience like you bring your Audience and the other person brings Their audience and you get exposed to You know this other person and for me I'm just not like what I do well is I Sit in the bed with my dogs with one of
My dog today one dog today and you know I talk to myself basically into a Microphone It feels like I'm talking to you right You know as a social person I don't do Well in groups and so um here's another Comment Here hi Paul ever thought about doing a Q&A a few Q&A videos not necessarily Live but perhaps once a week or or Fortnite or whatever you could per pick A certain subject whether it be Spirituality truth or Stuff Etc and then People write in with their questions and Get you to pick which ones to answer I'm Sure plenty of people would like to ask You about the opinion stuff that might Help with membership a little also have A blessed day you know that's something I wanted to do for Members um and I just you know I just Can't like I have a routine and I I Don't really have that M much extra Energy like when I I did part of this Video last night you know that one Segment because I had some ideas I was Listening to this during and I had a Little bit of extra time to do some work And yet you know I was there and I was Kind of fried you know like I I wasn't As sharp as I would be like right now in The morning you know I I just have so Much energy this takes energy out of you These this whatever I'm doing here you
Know I've done that with before where I've had people write in questions for Specific things to do with the Gratefulness meditation and things like That and of course I'm doing it right Now like in sense of this thing U but The IDE a you know people do that where They have live videos and I just can't Do that it's not like it would be Disruptive to what I do because like it Takes me a while a little bit once I Pick up the mic you know not a little Bit but a few minutes or so do I start Talking and then like something comes Over me like it's a like I get in the Zone and I'm just you know in the flow And information and jokes and things and Whatever I'm saying kind of just comes To me and you know it's um It's I need not other people there like If I had other people there would be Disruptive like if there were other People with an earshot and I I knew they Could hear me I'd be conscious of the Other people's presence I could feel Them you know whatever and it would be Disruptive to that connection that you Know was where the good content come From you know the the channeling sort of Aspect of the thing right the flow of it And so all these things doing interviews All these kind of things that people do I wouldn't do well at those things I'm Not social you know I I I wouldn't like
Be as good as I am doing this right here Like this is where I thrive and again I I have one-on-one relationship so people Who watch the videos it seems like it's Just me and you hanging out and like I'm Just saying things right to like a Singular person because that's where I Do best like I don't do best in groups And you know these other things I'm you Know more social in a in a sort of One-on-one or a few you know I'm sitting There with like the back of the class With a A couple of my friends cracking Jokes or something like that right like A small group of people or you know Oneon-one or something and that's where I'm better socially and there's more Intimacy there because it's uh you know There sort of conveyed aspect where People feel like I'm talking like just To them right and it's because it's kind Of like that in a sense of you know I'm Not talking to anybody but like it's the Way the videos come across it's a you Know it's very personal for people right So you know and like it's just where Where I do better so there's one more Comment about this where I want it's Kind of a hostile comment but I want to Start off my my next video today I'll go To when I next thing I do is read that Do a voiceover about that because I Wanted to talk about this um subject Anyway about like how you know where
Hope lies like where where where does Hope come from in a situation where your System's going to collapse because There's hope but it's not you know it's Not the hope that we want like the hope That we want is our system would somehow Heal itself and get better so I want to Talk about that the next video but I Wrap this one up here only spirituality Will save this world it's Pomano Definely important for the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful