EPIC Biden Harris Rally we will Miss you Joe and all of you’re Gaffs

EPIC Biden Harris Rally we will Miss you Joe and all of you're Gaffs

Okay greetings brothers and sisters Tuesday September 3rd here so I want to Start off by saying this like I don't Care what other people believe like I For the most part I mean whatever you You have to you know some part of you is Concerned right like you know our Beliefs affect each other and our Collective beliefs manifest the world The way it is now so what other people Believe matters and it matters to me and It matters to the you know everything so I I don't want to say I don't care Completely like you know I think the More approp appropriate way of saying it Is I know I can't control it and that's An an issue that most people you know It's a a realization that most people That most people can't deal with right Because most people struggle with the Inability to control other people's Beliefs and actions right now sometimes You have to control other people's Actions especially if it has to do with Something with you if somebody's like Physically threatening you or or Whatever it is right somebody's Murderous somebody's you going to Pollute the you know poison PE you know Whatever it is right there's behaviors That as individuals and a society we Can't allow it to happen because it Threatens the whole right there's you Know beliefs out there that lead to

These behaviors and so that's also Something you have to be wary about but For the majority of stuff like I call These people the controllers that can Try to control everything there is an Extraordinary amount of time effort Money and lies you know deceptions that Go into controlling and Managing everybody right like it's Trying to control other people's beliefs And influencing them and lying to them And to manipulating them and people do It in their own lives trying to force Their beliefs using leverage and you Know power they have over other people To force beliefs on them even if the Person doesn't believe believe what you Believe just getting them to knuckle Under and and forcing them to agree with Pretend that you know that they agree With you right like there was a a video I watched some time ago and there was a You know there was a uh a rebellion of The um people in Alabama who like there Was many like white people who had Servants um who were black right I'm not Sure if it was slaves or just servants And there was some kind of a an uprising In Demonstrations and the white people were Hurt because they thought the black People like they were part of their Family the servants and couldn't believe That they they held resentment against

Them right you know and I mean there's Stuff like that all the time where you Know somebody lurs over another person And they get the person to agree with Them right but they don't really agree With them but the person doesn't give That other person any space to express That disagreement right And so you know I've accepted that like I've accepted that you know this I mean Even my personal life and my kids and You know people in the this the Meditation that I do who believe things About me that aren't true like bad Things and you know um mischaracterize Me whatever people do that here and I'm Okay with it like I just people are Going to you know you can't control it You can't convince people and so you Just have to you know accept it and and You know some way embrace it just be Grateful for it or whatever it is like It's just something there you know Critics is one of the the things that Help someone be spiritual so you know There's ill it kill it and Zill it a Little uh poor a little poor health a Little less money than you need and Critics and those all help to mold you Into a spiritual person right in the Sark meditation so you know just Embracing miseries as divine blessing And things you know it's something That's not desirable but you know you

Can't control it and so it can just make You miserable if you if you push back And try to right and so you know there Was a I was um I have a master's degree In counseling I've told this story quite A bit and we had like free counseling For people to come in you know in the When we're close to graduating right we Had to do a year of Internship and we were learning to be Counselors and they offered free Counseling to people who came into the College And I had a couple and I could tell the Wife was I mean the wife was the one who Brought it was a young couple they were In their 20s 25 and she was just Miserable you could tell right and the Husband comes in immediately starts Saying there's not any real problems and We kind of really don't even need Therapy you know just we need a little Tweaking you know like whatever and I Could see the wife did not agree with That at All and so at some point like he was Doing most of the talking and I said all Right like in terms of the quality of Your Marriage what's what is it on a scale of One to 10 and he goes it's an eight and She says it's a two and he freaks the F Out like he's just a two what do you Mean a two how could it be a two and

He's just like you know a moment of Reality because he didn't even know how Bad it was for her and me saying you Know me doing that saying that was just You know it was kind of a a I want to Say brilliant thing on my part but it Brought into reality how badly she felt About it right and you know they only Had a couple sessions with me I don't Know what came out of it but like she Clearly was over him and the whole thing Whatever was going on there and he was Oblivious to it right because he had Walled it off he wouldn't allow you know Her reality in her you know there was no Space for her to express her position You know and maybe she's depr I mean who Who knows what's going you know like I Can't attribute blame but he was way Happier with the marriage than she was And so you know this is the kind of Thing I'm talking about where people Don't allow the beliefs of other people To be uh expressed to them because they Can't handle it right and the actions of Course is you know even worse the Actions of other people and so in America it's about trying to control the Other Side by winning the presidency or Something or the government and then Imposing your beliefs on the other side Because the beliefs are so different Right between the Democrats and the Republicans but none of it matters like

None of it freaking matters like you've Gotten all worked up and most of your Beliefs are horse crap they're just you Know based in the illusion that you're Being presented and you know and I'm Aware of that with people and so I know That the people who watch my videos you Know many of you you know you think Trump is better than k or something like That and you don't you know you're not Hearing what I'm saying here and that's Fine like I don't care that's you know It's it's not for me to control how you Receive what I'm saying or how you Believe in it and I think the majority Of you believe that there's still some Hope for America to turn it around and You know that's also whatever that's up To you right you know and I hope you're Right you know for my sake and everybody Else's sake in terms of our material Lives but like in terms of our spiritual Lives I hope you're wrong because and The future of our children because look At the way we're going I mean if you see The way the kids are today and they're So they're not having anything like our Experience of you know of Life American Life I mean globally the kids that are Growing up now have a completely Different experience and it's not Better and they are much worse they're Weaker and each generation gets worse And so why do we want this system to

Continue like it's obviously making us Worse it's like you know we're smoking Crack right like generational you know Crack and we're going farther and Farther into the addiction and the Dependence on this on the system and It's making us worse like we're all you Know turning into Golems you know we're All you know my precious we're all you Know we're turning into some abomination Of what we could be or what we would Would have been years ago and all these Things the system is making us worse and Then we're making the system worse and It's just going down that road and so How much longer you want this thing to Go on right like it isn't going to turn Around because Trump gets elected like What are you serious like how was he Going to turn that around like how could Anybody you already saw Trump presidency He didn't do anything Trump didn't do right Trump didn't change anything He didn't make America great again it's Impossible and America wasn't great for All people we live in a a system that's You know it's a an evil empire which I've already done some of this video I Talk about coming up in the do with some Of this other stuff right with the you American patriotism we're not being Honest about you know how our country Treats other countries and other people And so our country is not a good country

For the rest of the world right you know The rest of the world suffers because of Our country our Empire right there you Know we have an Empire and so you know Like I said if people can't deal with That like that you know that painful Realization that we have an evil empire It's not good And it's getting worse and it's hurting Other people and the environment and all These things you know that's on them Right I can't you know but when you look At the two candidates right and you know There's this idea that one candidate's So much better than the other you know For trumpers it's Trump and for you know People hate Trump it's kamla and they're Clearly low functioning people they're Very narcissistic very remedial in their Thought process neither one is a genius No neither one of us impressive like They're just there's nothing going on There and they just keep on getting Worse and the vice presidential Candidates and you see all these Politicians and like some of them like You know I me get into like fedman and Some of these other people like they're They're not even competent like they're Drooling on themselves they can't even You know I mean they can't even do any They could they could couldn't bag Groceries right and you expect them to You know be a part of the the federal

Government and it's you know the dumbing Down and the degradation of the human System and you see see people you're Like how is this person even surviving Like how is this person able to hold a Job you know with so many emotional Psychological issues so much incompetent People so oblivious their Consciousness I mean these young kids they can't even Hold a you know a job at Wendy's for Four hours a day right or whatever it is Right like they can't even do like the Most remedial jobs and you know and it's Getting worse and the kids after that What's going to be like in the next Generation and so like how is this going To be out like how do you think I mean It's the people that are going to solve The problem and the people are Completely degraded right in our Generation My Generation I'm Generation X on the cusp but of course the Boomers And the generation before that that Trump and Biden are part of and you know There it's just been a downward spiral In terms of people's work ethic people's Um you know commitment to family Commitment to you connecting to God and You know I mean religions always suck so It's like you know religions always been Like kind of a negative in terms of you Know uh withholding the the true essence Of your spiritual life which is you know Finding the Divinity within you but it's

You know better than what is happening Now like people going to church when I Grew up is better than whatever the going on now with this generation Right and their belief of in God and the Family you know is completely I mean how Do you fix all this stuff because some Of it's just you know social and these Kids have been you know all this stuff The the gender stuff the the you know BS You know the liberal um the liberal crap That they're getting like all the stuff That's happened the degradation of the Just you know what life's about and you Know the addiction to the internet all These kids are addicted to the internet And they're getting programmed by the Internet right and so how do you turn Any of that around like how do you you Know there's a quadrillion dollars of Debt like what's the economic plan you Know neither one of them talks about the National debt and they can't because There's no way you know if they brought It up and people saw the numbers and They talked about people like that isn't Going to work like you know if they told You the solution there is no solution so Anything they told you would sound Stupid like how are you going to come up With you know 30 you know by by the time Like $40 trillion in national debt and $100 million in hundred trillion dollar In you know everybody's Collective debt

And then the unfunded liability Of Social Security which is like at 25 Trillion and Medicaid that's like 35 Trillion unfunded liabilities these are Things that America has to pay for and We don't have a clue how to do That like there's no plan to pay for it The Social Security money you're paying In is going to the boomer generation Which is you know I mean a large the Baby Boomers there's a large amount of Them and you know that's going to kill Social Security because all the money Will be gone you know any money that's In the you know the fund is gone like There's there's no investment there's Nothing you can do to save any of that Right and so we're completely Like there's no you know there's I mean Any any way you look at it you know Morally and spiritually oh we're Uh you know in terms of people's Personalities and their you know their Psychological makeup and their you know Their ability to function oh we're right in terms of our food you Know all this poison in our food all the Chemicals the toxins the you know the Way that we do agriculture now you know The water you know everything that's Everything that we're consuming the air Oh we're right in terms of Politics and you know I mean like you Just go down the line right I mean it's

Just on every level where like there's No solution to the problem and we're not Even admitting to the problem and so how Are we going to solve a problem that We're not even we're not even saying you Know we're like that husband saying oh It's an aid well you know I the internet Prett happy it's you know food at the Grocery store things yeah but you know There's like these catastrophic problems You know our government our our economic Situation is our government's insolvent Like A bank's insolvent but all the Banks are insolvent and and all the you Know and our government is insolvent you Know Trump's big on on going chapter 11 Or chapter 7 going bankrupt he's done it Six times you think he's going to be Able to solve this problem like Trump Bales and he doesn't pay people what he Owes them he screws people over most of Those much poorer people than him that's Been his personal solution you think He's got a solution for this you know Monstrous debt that we have no no one Does so like you know no matter how you Look at it we're effed and you can deal With it or not like you know I don't Care like you know I mean most of us Aren't going to survive what's going to Happen there's going to be population Reduction when things change and you Know most people aren't going to want to Deal anyway so being in denial just

Makes it like that much easier just to You know curl up in the fetal position As the you know Chinese are invading or Whatever it's going to happen you know The nuclear bombs are hidden and just You know uh it's like your video game You know Avatar just gives up and then You you know hopefully get you get a Chance to re reincarnate in most people Won't and I don't know what's going to Happen to your soul or your you know Your future your future existence but it Probably will be put on hold because There's going to be massive popultion Reduction but you know like why bother Caring about that if you're not going to Even try to be a part of the solution Right and that's you know I mean finding The Divinity within you is the beginning Which I talk about extensively so Anyways they got a bunch of mishmash Stuff of just how bad the politicians Suck you know all of them how weird they Are and how there's no solution here Because like you look at these people You think these people are going to Solve your problem you honestly think Trump could solve your problem like he's A he's a putts he's a like he's And he's getting older too like he's you Think he's you know he's going to be the Oldest president in history and it's you Know and he's he wasn't that great when He was I mean he was never going to be a

Great president he was a great president Because he made a a mockery of the Presidency and that's you know but he's Not even running things he's got Handlers and he can't do it the President has limited in their power To do anything that would bring about Real change they're not going to hand Over real change to some guy who's there For eight years or woman in this case Right you think they're going to hand The possibility of real change over to These no of course not you know they fly By night eight years like these people Have been working on these plans these You know CIA and the you know the Intelligence communities and all these You know the foreign policy people the CFO all these organizations all these Handlers they're working on us you know A plan a sustained plan that can't be Interrupted by the president you know The president doesn't even get access to Classify data in these plans because They're not even going to be there that Long right they're not going to allow Some person come in for four years and And everything up for them and so You know I mean there it is okay so Let's get into the you know the support Of what I'm saying here this is how bad These candidates and people are okay Tuesday September 3rd U Tim wals might Be

[Music] Gay so they put this I'm G to you know They'll copyright the song so I'm going To mute this but I believe one of my Viewers sent this to me right so um we Have the JD Vance might be a trans man And trans I you know I don't know like I'm not saying yes or no but there are Some things here and the way he has These Mannerisms Um like just the way he acts here Tim Wal you know it just Um the way he waves there all this Stuff he just there's a possibility this Guy might be Gay um look at him wow and this is great Picture here almost like a little bit Flamb and um you know they're both Trying to Be typical white guys right like Heterosexual you know um run-of-the-mill They're they're appealing to white I Mean the Republican party in general is You know pushing this idea of white guys And Tim Wallace is supposed to be the White guy on the him the KLA Harris Ticket because you know white people Still make up the majority of people 60% of Americans right so they have to Get the white vote the white vote has to Be some percentage of white people Voting for them and they want these you Know so-called normal people right the

You know the more conservative type of You know traditional white people and You know Trump isn't a normal white guy He's comes from wealth you know he was I Mean he's uh he was born into wealth and He was like maybe a billionaire right And so um with kamla Harris that she has To have especially in these Midwestern States which this guy apparently is Hurting here and even his home state Which is bizarre of Minnesota but this Guy you know grew up in Nebraska and he You know Minnesota these Sky of States Like that right he was you know Supposedly in the National gu National Guard and he's a hunter right all the he Checks all the boxes but he's you know a Little bit flamboyant right and when I Saw that he reminded me of this guy supy Sale so when I grew up there was Rock Hudson that came out as gay as a Hollywood movie star and it wasn't so Easy to tell with Rock Hudson I mean I Didn't you know I didn't watch many of His Movies and he came out gay later in life You know when I was a probably in my 20s But there are these old timey comedians One guy was Paul Lynn who was off who Was the center Square on the Hollywood um the ticktock Toe game Hollywood Squares they played This like ticktock toe game and they Redid it with OP with um uh whippy

Goldberg as a Center Square when they You know redid the show but you you were Playing tic tac toe and you would ask Celebrities they would ask celebrities Questions and you would either agree With the celebrities answer or not and The celebrities had these you know jokes Ahead of time like they had the question And they often had these jokes not often They they had like jokes ahead of time So they wouldn't look like morons and They had this guy Paul Lyn who was very Gay but like back then everyone was Closeted right there was no openly gay People and like as a kid I didn't know Right like I didn't know you know cuz Nobody knew it wasn't like you like the Idea of gay people was there but you Didn't know anybody who was like openly Gay cuz it just wasn't you know back in The 70s so here's Paul Lind here see you Know when you play tic taac toe the Center square is kind of important so he Was the featured person right whoopy Goldberg became the big star when they Redid the show and they would have a set Question for like the the host wouldn't Peter Marshall also hosted I think the Dating game or one of those things but He would um He would have a set question for each of These celebrities right each of these Celebrities would have a joke written For them and he'd ask the question and

They deliver the joke and um you know Paul Lyn was he must have been a Producer he must have had some influence In Hollywood po or false there is now a Travel agency that specializes in nude Cruises to Europe I'm better how they pick the Captain so he would eventually answer it It's true or false and the contestant Either agreed with him or not so his the Job of the celebrity in this show was Really they were purposeless cuz they Could have just ask the question to the Contestant Right and the tiktock toe was kind of ir Irrelevant as well a little bit more Important than the than the celebrity But this guy was always you know this Was his thing the new bra on the market That squeaks in various musical Tones the hill are Alive so that's Paul Lynn but there's This other guy supy sales who reminds me Of walls and this guy supy Sals who you Know as I got older I went oh these guys Were gay right subie sales was married But that was you know like a be a beard Marriage with a lion and so they sit Down at the table and the waiter comes Over and says okay what are you guys Having and the rabbit says bring me a Half aead of lettuce no dressing and he Says well what's he going to have and The rabbit says he ain't eating and the

Waiter says what's the matter ain't he Hungry and the rabbit says if he was Hungry would I be Here so this guy you know I and then There's other one Here see like you this reminds me of Tim Walls and you KN that I love you give me A kiss care What is it what what Happen so watch him run from a naked Woman Here do not touch um and so then he Comes back he but I guess he had two Wives which I assume were bared wives But very effeminate right very you know And he just like the way talks and his Expressions remind me of tib walls and Of course I covered um JD Vance you know Possibly I mean whatever is going on With him he's just got weird you know That eyeliner and just it's just so you Know like these politicians are just Manufactured they're trying to Manufacture a brand a you know a type of Persona and who they really are like you Never you you'll never see it I mean you Maybe see glimpses of it But you know they're you know they're Not what they pretend to be right so you Know this is I'm in the editing process But this is about lying right this is About being pretending to be something You're not these politicians are all Doing that so that's a given they all

Pretend to be something and you know They're going after a demographic with Tim Walls right the All-American dad the Football coach right coach they're Calling him Coach he coach he's coach And the guy is a high school teacher and You know comes from the You know the Midwest the suburbs and He's in a swing state you know he's one Of those guys right they were picking a White guy to run with her they purposely Picked a white guy to run with her like Biden picked a woman of color to run With him because demographics were you Know needing to be addressed right and So they've manufactured this guy as a Family guy as a you know All-American Dad guy but some of the stuff that they Ran out during his his sort of profile At the DNC You know now I'm questioning you know Why why was he well let's go look at it Here I Google Tim wal's Gay Tim Wallace Was a staunched LBT LBGTQ Ally long before it was I would Assume it's going to say popular for it Was common right so why would that be I Mean so there are straight people that Support gay rights right there are Straight people who are you know Advocates for I mean there's white People that are advocates for black People you there's various demographics Of people that stand up for other

Demographics right you know they're Marketing him as a football Soldier and A military guy and All-American gun Owner kind of you know all around dad And this kind of guy right but long Before he was a politician he was Standing up for gay people's rights and Maybe he was a heterosexual guy who felt Some compassion for gay people but you Know else stands up for gay people Rights gay people like like maybe he you Know you know back in 1999 he was a part of the gay straight Alliance right this kid was being Bullied he came out as gay and Tim wal Had his back which you know I'm not Criticizing that I don't think that's a Bad thing but what's Tim Wall's Motivation for this right Tim Walls once Advised high school student Tim Walls Advised the gay straight Alliance it Helped Tim Wall's wife went took in a Gay student to an Indigo Girls concert in the 1990s right And so this was a passion of his he was A football coach but he also was very Supportive of gay students long before Maybe he haded his eyes on being a Politician but you know he wasn't yet Right he wasn't he hadn't run for office Yet he was just a coach and a you know a High school stud a high school teacher So this is weird how many parents would Let their kids go to a

Concert with a teacher how many teachers Would take their some kid a student to a Rock concert right like it's just There's boundaries there right so the You know Indigo Girls were lesbians and So I'm not sure what this is here and Why they're doing it but you know the The the sort of um Montage they put Together for this guy he's all over the Place he's coaching football there's Some kid that didn't have enough money For school lunches so he took a second Job to pay for the kids lunches and he's Stopping straight kids from bullying gay Kids and coaching football and coaching Doing this and that running all over the Place and getting involved in politics He's got a a high maintenance High needs Kid at home you know who's got emotional Issues and learning disabilities and Things you know I mean who has time to Take other kids kids to a concert like Most parents don't even want to go to a Concert with their own kids right and You know as a parent like if a teacher Said can I take your kid to an IND go Like did the parents not support the kid Being gay and they took this girl to Concert I mean how much you what was the The whole story there right so you know I didn't care about any of this like I Didn't mention it you know I saw the the Promo for him I thought you know some Was weird and some of it did make sense

And it all looked pretty performative And contrived right and he yanked his Kid by the arm showing frustration with His kid and you know he's got a Permanent frown he looks like such a Gloomy person the lines on his face I he Doesn't look like he looks depressed He's high energy and he pumps up the Crowd he runs around you know like Steve Bomber and supy sales and you know he's Got all these kind of you know weird Middle-aged white guy moves and things And you know he lied about the taco Thing remember that you know he made White guy tacos and you know this whole Thing that they're it's you know this Fraud they're perpetrating on the American people but after seeing this Video where you know people put together A compilation of them acting sort of Flame flamboyant and then there's this Um you know kind of odd thing he did as A football coach right you know there's So many things you can do there's so Many battles you can fight right like if You're you know out there and you have To I mean being a football coach is like A full-time job you're also a teacher And you know they're eventually going to Be a politician and you got your own Kids and his kids were young at the time And so you you know you get spread too Thin everyone knows it's hard enough to To do a full-time job and stay involved

In your kids' lives and and then Especially one of the kids's High needs And you know your relationship with your Wife and have some sort of you know I Mean if he's going to church and having Some sort of you know those types of Things right which I don't say very much About um but you know maybe he was Looking at being a politician he was Building a resume you know who knows What his thing plus he would go away on Weekends and be a National Guard guy Like they they're Weekend Warriors it's Like one weekend a month they have have To go away and do like National Guard Stuff so you know like if you spread Yourself too thin you neglect your Family your wife your you I mean it's Just all these things taking kids to Indigo to Girls concerts it's just it's An odd thing to do and then there's this Stuff like the way he his mannerisms so Ben Stiller you know Ben Stiller Tropic Thunder is a great movie and Ben Stiller's made some funny stuff and I Believe him to be smart right but like Here what you like about Harris platform Just very excited about moving forward And she so you know you don't have Anything to say about her platform she Doesn't have one all the uh energy and Excitement that's around uh this Movement right now yes there's no why Why is there energy excitement around

Her like why like she's a part of the Current Administration and nobody wanted Her like if you say all right she's Better than Joe Biden well then why Didn't she beat Joe Biden why wasn't Their enthusiasm behind her when she ran Against Joe Biden why wasn't their Enthusiasm when she was vice president When she was polling as the lowest ever In terms of approval rating of any vice President like it's just manufactured And fake right and there are Consequences to electing a flim planam Man like Donald Trump who's an obvious Narcissist and a Serial liar and Somebody who doesn't you know even Register as a real candidate like KLA Harris I mean it's all fake right and They're all Controlled but when you're getting down To this level of depravity in terms of Like just people without any real uh Redeeming qualities and substance that That's why I'm here because uh it's you Know time for change and it seems like It's happening time for change from what Joe Biden what do you mean time for Change what the are you talking What what the f are you talking about Bro time for change change from an old White guy to a a a you know Indian Jamaican woman is that the change like Is that a significant change like Demographics like Joe Biden and K Harris

Are basically the same Policies she'll be able to sustain the Momentum post convention for sure you Think the race is going to be close it's Going to be close but you know Everybody's motivated to work okay so They're try to get him out but um just Weird like just like nothing of Substance cuz she's not a real you know Like there's no what do you like about KLA Harris oh it's just I like the Enthusiasm I want to say this um well There's actually a comment let me read The comment here and it goes with all This so somebody just wrote I'm you know Listen I was just listening to that Segment of the video and somebody wrote Your opinion let me make this bigger Here why people can't accept the truth I Love your content you speak truth when Others are scared care more about Approval than the obvious facts looking Them in the face I Feel You Are Spiritual aware of the situation that's Unfolding you you are disappointed but It's but it was meant to but it was Meant to be the people are easily Corrupted and distracted as stated by my Belief in the Bible your belief somehow Can can uh off runs parallel with mine To some point we know the end of the System is closed maybe not before I pass This plan to another I live in a shelter Right now listening to you you on the

Kind of an old Amazon tablet enjoying Your refreshing hardcore truth don't Change thank you for your oest pieace You know what this person's talking About really you know which is it's a Real problem in truth Community it's Truth by committee or Truth by Popularity right a Truth by you know Majority and it's not what the major of People that's the truth the truth is the Truth like if you're seeking the truth And you know the number one thing you Have to do inside Yourself is confront your personal bias Right so there's there's truth that's Going to be easy to accept you know if You're a right-wing person it's easy to See and accept what a piece of KLA Is and you know all the Democrats are in The liberal agenda but is it easy for You to see Trump no Because that's your personal bias so When you have a personal bias like for Me you know the Sark system when the you Know the current Master of the system When complete like you know incompetent Cult leader you know was hard for me to Accept also the for the fact that I saw Him as a spiritual person beforehand Before he fell right so you know I had Experience of him as as somebody who was Good and you know a devoted member of The system but then he to bed right And so

You know it was harder for me to accept That but that was my personal bias and You know eventually I just had to as Painful as it was right you know about Loved ones your kids you know your and There's people in your life that are Going to disappoint you your your Parents whatever it might be right and You have your personal bias and then Your own you your own limitations and so To be a real truther you have to Confront your own stuff right the things That are hard for you to see you have to Eradicate those things and front those Things within yourself right and so when People are making a case for Trump or Kamala you know as I said earlier There's enough data as kamla you know She's running on Joe Biden she has Joe Biden's people like her presidency isn't Going to look much much different than Joe Biden she's G she doesn't have Anything of her own anyway they're going To tell her what her platform is and Trump it's the same way we know what Trump was four years ago and Trump you Know was potentially could have got a Lot more done then You know now he's viewed as a criminal He's been so jaded and you know it's Going to be full out opposition you know The Democrats are going to sabotage any Success he could have and they are you Know I mean whatever happens in terms of

Legislation things like that and then He'll be a lame dock after two years the Republicans can't wait to get rid of This guy and he's older now and so you Know he's jumped a shark and like his Failure on the operation warp speed and Covid and all these things I he's he's Not you know I mean he was a lot better Off his first term like he's going to be Limping into this thing if he's President and they're going to be Totally working him and using him and You know he's there's going to be no you Know none of his agenda is going to be Passed but when you think about either Of these people and any and politicians In general they say a bunch of Things just to Pander to you right Because they are Truth by committee and They you know their truth is whatever Truth it needs to be whatever whatever Will get them support Financial or you Know people voting for him or whatever It might be right and the powers that be Like they have to show that they'll Chameleon themselves but every Politician makes promises they have no Intention of keeping promises that they Think they can make happen but they Can't right and you never know how those Things are going to go right so when Trump first got elected I thought he was Going to be you know he wanted to have a Mil a war guy right he wanted to have a

Military style North Korean military Style parade with the missiles and Going down Pennsylvania Avenue when he Was born in as president and he talked About being totally willing and able to Use nuclear bombs and he was talking to the foreign leaders and saying He and it sound like he was going to be Like a I mean people were totally Worried about him and being like a a war President and he turned out to be the Exact opposite that was the one thing I Could say Trump did and it's a big thing Right but now he's going to give a a Blank check to Israel who eventually is Going to go after Iran when that's World War II so Trump presidency will probably Lead to World War III relatively quickly I mean you know the Ukraine thing is Sort of petering out so you know it's More likely that if there's World War III on the horizon in the next four Years it's going to come from Trump and Maybe Kama as well and Israel you know Both of them have a pathway to World War II but what I'm saying here and the very Limited things that the president Controls the very limited things that They're going to do you know small Mundane things and then the general Policies of their handlers you know Never know who's going to be worse or Which one's going to affect you worse or Who's going to expedite the collapse or

Whatever it is right you can't tell just Because they're a democrat or republican Or based on their personalities and the People who control the system don't even Know right some of it just the way Things the way the ball bounces and so You know there's you know all of that Kind of stuff the platforms and all the Things that they say they believe and That's all just anyway and so You're basically voting for the person And it's more like just a popularity Contest cuz it's not not a real person It's just some you know some character They've configured I mean Trump may be a Little bit more real but he's also like Way worse because he's not faking it you Know he's the person that he is is way Worse because you know he's a bad person Like what the way he acts you know he Isn't a person of character right like He's more real but he's also worse in Terms of the character he puts out there Because he's not putting out a character Right I mean KLA is a bad person from Her actions and she's fake but she Doesn't say the kind of like things that Trump says like Trump says just horrible Things all the time and the trumpers Love it because they don't care as long As it's about Democrats or whatever Right or somebody else but Trump is you Know a very obnoxious narcissistic Braggadocious person and his fans love

It but he's not you know he's not a good Person right so anyways but the main Point here with Ben Stiller this other Stuff I'm going to show you you know There's this epic rally with kamla and Jojo magu and JoJo magu says one part is Just hilarious like it's just Platinum Like I'm going to miss that guy's so bad I'm like oh my God where are you going You just great but anyways the main Point is that it's just your it's a Crapshoot like voting you know neither One's Gonna is going to save America but In terms of the small things they're Going to do it's hard to say which one's Going to affect you better or which One's going to you know delay the I I Mean it's very hard to say because Nobody can till it happens but anybody Who comes out enthusiastically for Either of these candidates you know that You got to question their their grasp on Reality right I mean it's it's bad or They're just out andout shills or L Liars so I want to get back to kamla Harris um you know her her interview There's one segment I didn't show you And I haven't seen it yet either but This is Trump again um couple things With Trump trump went to Pennsylvania we're joining forces to Defeat government corruption restore Free speech and make America healthy Again we're going to make America

Healthy again you Know we're a nation That is not doing well in a lot of ways And we're not doing so well with health But we're going to solve a lot of those Problems I think over the next short Period of time a lot of it's common a Lot of that's common sense too it's all Common sense when you get right down to It but we're going to get toxic Chemicals out of our environment and We're going to get them out of our food Supply we're going to get them out of Our bodies so this is RFK Jr's stuff Which he's now Incorporating his message like they've Told him to do that I don't believe he Even understands what this means right You know but um you know because they're All in bed with big Pharma and then of Course the you know toxic food stuff Right uh but like he's now having to Include this message to appeal to RFK People which I guess is was one of his Key things that were people were into Because you know people know they're Being poisoned right they know there's Poison in their food we'll get them out Of our body right Right with Victory this fall we will Enact this pro- family agenda and we Will bring back the American dream Bigger better and stronger than ever Before they never talk about the

American dream they never mention it They don't talk about the American Flag By the way the American flag we got some Of the greatest Congressman Warriors Here that you have anywhere and Congressmen go to Congress soon like Immediately but soon we should give a Oneyear sentence in jail to Anybody that burns the American flag you Know it's just stupid and if you bow to That flag right like we all had to when We were kids pledge allegiance to a flag You know like the flag was in the Classroom and you know pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and like why would you do that Like you know as a kid you're not given A choice and you're not able to think Your way through it I regret doing that Because you know United States isn't God Right you can't you can't you know a Country is a country and you should have Whatever feeling about your country you Know it's it's a group of people that Are working together and there's things I love about America and things that I Don't but you know in terms of pledging Your allegiance to it like and putting Your hand on your heart and all that BS That they made you do it's just a flag It's a symbol and you know flags are Used as I me in terms of you know war Cries I mean flag is a is a a symbol of War really especially with

America and you know who cares it's just A you know it's just a symbol but he Wants to give people a year in jail and That's against your first amendment Rights and I I don't think burning the Flag is a good idea I'm not about flag Burning or FL anything to do with the Flag just flag's unimportant it's just a Symbol but you can't do this like it Can't be done like you can't get put People in jail for burning It fight fight fight fight fight Fight Right do it US US USA you know if you don't understand how Moronic this is the USA chant and you Know you know we do bad stuff all over The World um you know we're an evil empire And we our our lifestyle is predicated On other people suffering around the World it just you know I mean there's There's you know all of it the way the Country was built right you know the Native Americans were I mean in a very Non cool way wiped out for the most part And relegated to you know these Reservations we just took the country From which happens like you know I'm not I mean I don't think that's a good thing But it is what it is right it's what People do so I'm not you know crying About that or saying whatever it's just

You know it happens people get conquered And sometimes it's done in a dickish way And it was done in a dickish way but Then we also had slave labor that you Know helped create this country right You know free labor and free land and The most pristine land cuz the Native Americans you know had respect for Nature and all that stuff like they you Know we we inherited a you know a Healthy abundant country well you know Continent right that was brought into The European Civilization and it was not done in a Cool way you know not by the English not By the French not by any Spanish Like the way that people were treated That were here and the slave labor and All of it and you know that's what we Did like that's not I say we because our Ancestors like I wasn't you know Genetically part of it but that's you Know as Americans that's our Collective History right and we're all a part of That if you're an American citizen well No matter your color race you know your Your demographics or your beliefs well That's our country that's our history And we've continuously you know we're We're we manufacture these weapons of War our military-industrial complex we Import we export war and you know we we We mess around with other countries and Their sovereignty and we exploit people

And we take their resources and you know We're eating consuming like 20% of the World's resources more 5% of the Population that used to be the case I Don't know what it is now you know but It is you know we're consumers and we And that's how you know it's an abusive Situation right and that's what Empires Do and we all benefit from that right And so you know the cheering of the USA On top of it is just a dick move you Know like you're taking other people's Stuff and you have all this abundance Where these countries are starving you Go to the Olympics and you you have These athletes and we dominate the Competition you know Russia was left out Because of you know like somehow they're When they do something they're holding Held accountable like why wasn't America Kicked out of the Olympics for those Illegal wars in Afghanistan and you know These other places in Iraq and what we Did to Libya that was just like a Complete dick move and abusive and evil But we get away with it Russia of course They you know they're provoked into a War with Ukraine by the Biden Administration and they're kicked out of The Olympics and then we go Sher USA USA Right like it's just a dick move That looks so bad at the Democrat National I always call Democrat you know They want it to be called Democratic I

Said then change your name they don't Change their name sounds worse so I use It but at the democ see that's what he Does right and know we'll get into that I gu show it's just Twitter he you know He just he makes stuff up that isn't you Know brat National Convention I watch Those American flags burning all over The place I think it's a disgrace and They said it's Unconstitutional to stop it like hell it Is okay I K that's Trump okay sir he is right Here this is Tim Wal um this is Actually uh not a I don't think this is A negative one on him but it is negative Like this is in posted by a trump fan This is posted by I think a Tim Walls Fan and that shows you how clueless they Are cuz the guy's just so Goofy um but uh this is we'll go back to Trump in a moment then we'll get to KLA Harris's um not only she has a speech With Joe Biden too we'll watch a little Bit of Jojo M here today but we'll uh Let's start here look at this guy right Look at this mfer undecided relatives so They know so let's start from the Beginning This is the part clip and save it and Send it to your undecided relative like His eyes here like he's just just not a

You know normal Persones so they Know if you're middle class family or a Family trying to get into the middle Class KLA Harris is going to cut your Taxes yeah he sure he Is yeah there you go Tim open it wide if You're getting squeezed by prescription Drug prices KLA Harris is going to take On big Pharma well yes she is except When it comes to making the the vax Mandatory and how much of a dick you Were about that in your state of Minnesota we had neighbors ratting out Neighbors right like you know you you Guys are against big farmer except for The co VX that was rushed out by Trump Right if you're hoping to buy a home KLA Harris is going to help make it more Affordable Well she's doing all those things and no Matter who you are KLA Harris is going To stand up and fight for your freedom To live the life that you want to lead This is the part clip okay so there's a Thing I got to go copy from the TV I'm Going to see if it's available here but That guy um Ari Mbla mbla is Um is uh I got this thing to do about Israel I did that in my last video but Um he interviews some rock star and She's just Goofy and she's like completely freaked

Out about Trump she was freaked out About covid and she's freaked out about Abortion being banned right and they're Talking about that being a freedom you Know it's life begins a conception by Every you know I mean there's it is like That's just a fact right it's not Because I say it it's because it is like If if there you believe in a soul then a Soul a third Soul like if you're if you If you have a soul and your spouse has a Soul and you you know you engage in a Active Reproduction and there is a you know a An embryo then that embryo has to be Created by a third Soul right if you Have a soul and your wife has a soul if You know your you have a soul your Husband has a soul the baby also has to Have its own personal Soul right it Doesn't have the mom's Soul until it's Born Right it's a separate Soul so if you Believe in Souls then it's conception And if you believe in science when the Sperm of the man impregnate uh uh Fertilizes the Egg of the woman right It's now you have a third person it's Not the man it's not the woman It's a Combination of the two it's in the Woman's body sure but that's a third Person and so that's when life begins And so any that disrupts that life is a Murder any

Intentional um act to to kill that life To stop that life is murder that's what We call it you know that's what we call You know so we'll get into that I I Haven't even showed you that I'll see Let me see if that's available here I'm Preaching to the choir you know so it's It's nice to know that that a Message um is getting to somebody that Disagrees with me I guess do you think Younger people out there are in touch With how endanger these rights are and The legal footing for Roy Wade yeah I Think people are terrified okay so they Covered the Biden um kamla Harris um Event thing that happened it's wonderful I going to put this at the end of my This video it is spectacular just Hilarious I mean total JoJo magu he goes Off on a tangent and tells a completely Inappropriate story and it's just and It's there's so much more than that uh So they just cut off this interview Because they were covering that live Event and they came back to it Midway Into her like she was in mid-sentence But she says that the youth who she Represents she says she's 27 is Terrified that they're going to lose the Constitutional right to have an abortion Which is you think about it it's such a Weird thing to put in the constitution In the first place place Right you know I'm not a pro-life

Movement I'm a pro truth movement person In terms of like there was a guy who was A prolifer I drove by and he had a Picture of a fetus like a mutilate fetus Outside a grocery store you know he you Know whatever it was right just the Other day and you know it's Counterproductive that doesn't help your Case you don't know how to move people Or change people's minds like people Agree with you agree with you so how do You get the people who disagree with you To agree with you right how do you get Them to see your point of view and the Way that you don't do that is tell them That they're evil pieces of right Like like that never works you know you Have to go about it some other way if You want to win people over there to Your point of view my big thing is just Don't lie about it it's murder and you Know accept that it's murder right call It what it is which is murder and the Rest will fall into place I mean I mean For the Liberals you know if answer the Question when does Life Begin because When you hear that part point of view When you think about that as a a person You know what is it that you're killing Inside the woman's belly it's not cancer It's not a malignant growth it's a baby Right and you're saying that's okay like That's the government can somehow give You the right to do that as I said

Earlier but I understand why abortion Exists and why you know it's the the ACT Is put on too much um is put on the Expecting mother right too much pressure Too much disinformation too much anxiety Too much you know there's not familiar Support you know there's not uh I mean There's just such degradation and and Sexual activity you know younger kids Getting you know the the sexual active Um being sexually active is getting Younger and younger Generations girls Are menstrating earlier right so there's A lot there there's a lot that goes into The whole issue it's not you know as as Black and white as either side wishes it Was right in society it depends on you Know um abortion because if there were That many unwanted kids it would be a You know I mean America would be a lot More impoverished state if there was no Abortion right so there's you know and I'm not saying justifying you know Abortion because of that I'm just saying It's more complex than people would like It to be but she says it's terrifying All is this new ruling is with the Supreme Court it's making the states Decide and the people get to vote on it Right and ultimately whether it's legal Or legal or illegal you could still find A way to abort your baby like there just You know I mean of course it's much Better for you know it's much safer when

It's um you know when it's uh done done With legally obviously but you know it's Something that you're not going to stop People from women from doing it just Because you make it illegal and so There's other other things that need to Be looked at and a lot of this is our Social structure and you know the the Depravity the overall depravity and Abortion is just a symptom of that right Let's get back to her her Point here um But there like we have a dollar of each Ticket going to the Mariposa fund which Is an abortion fund uh based in Santa Fe And there's like all kinds of things we Can do but it just I hate that the Responsibility is has been thrown on These like Grassroots organizations Instead of the government like I think I've just been raised my whole life Thinking everything's moving up and like It it can only get better you know this Idea that the government can make things Permissible I want to add that you know It was like I was meant to see this Thing like I um I don't have ESPN Anymore on Direct TV so that's a thing And you know when I eat breakfast lunch You know sometimes I turn the the news On depending on what's going on right um And you know Sports sometimes like ESPN And I I eat quickly but I turn this on And the the talk between you know the Event with JoJo MCU and KLA Harris had

Just ended and she was in like Mid-sentence and I didn't even know that That happened and I was like well this Is effed up but she said from Santa Fe And I lived in Santa Fe for a while this Is a very Santa Fe type person and They're so convinced that that the Progressive Movement and this liberal Agenda is progress and it's not right And you know the conservatives are so Convinced that the old way when Christian when Christian conservatives Run ran the country that was that was Good and it wasn't there's flaws in that Right I mean G the Christian religion Itself is corrupted and the power Structure there and it wasn't like human Beings were progressing you know the Christianity was preventing people from Connecting from the Divinity within them Which is a huge step but a small step Right I it be a huge step for Humanity To realize that there's Divinity within Them and cultiva relationship you become Spiritual people which I talk about all The time and the religion was blocking That and so that's why you know there Was the hippie movement but also the Hippie movement went too far into you Know the the UN you know the ungodly Right to the you know sexual drugs and Rock and roll and so like neither side Gets that their side is flawed and not Evolution not a part of an evolutionary

Movement that both sides are are Tragically flawed do you think also Younger people today are perhaps Understandably surprised that this might Be the this is a a right that's taken Away rarely does the Supreme Court Retract human rights totally I mean I Think as a 27y old that's how it feels To me but I I definitely talk to like 20-year-old people who are like what do You mean it's been a trash fire since I Was watching watching the news with my Parents bummer this guy tries so hard to Be cool I'm not going to let the trash Fire thing go but it's going to continue Here so we'll come back to that but this Idea that the government gives you Rights right it's silly like oh the Government just took away my rights or The go you know it's the government Can't give you the right to kill an un An unborn baby the government can't Suffer the spiritual consequences for an Abortion right the government can't you Know give the government isn't God right You can't in God even can't give you Permission to do something that's wrong Like there's no Mulligans you There just you know there's right and There's wrong and you got to figure out What that is and you know what I mean There's a there's Divinity within you And you can figure out the what the Right path is what the right choices and

When you make the wrong choice there's Consequences right it's that simple it's Not you know complex But the government can't absolve you of Your sins neither can a priest a priest And neither can Jesus your sins are your Sins nobody can absolve you you oh yeah You get a pass on that no whatever you Do you do and you take your the Consequences that go with it right huge Bummer trashfire it's a reminder how Events do Define generations and cohorts Just like Vietnam and Silver Rights Shaped our past Generations Bridgers is Connecting with some young people who See as she put it this nation not only In Decline facing trumpism and the Uncertainty of living today but with Even younger fans younger than her who Say you see where it says murder there Like address that just address the idea That could be murder like just take the Other side's point of view and say Explain why it's not murder again I Understand the argument a woman gets the Right to choose what it what she can do With her own body of course you guys Didn't like that argument was made for V Antivaxers that only applied to women Who didn't want to want to kill their Fetuses right but you know what about This argument like when does Life Begin If it's mder just you know say something About that pretend like you you know can

See both sides of the point of view here This is all they know this political Trash fire it's called the dumpster fire She calls it a trash fire and he's you Know trying to be cool or whatever he is You know remember he tried to talk about The the um the beef between uh Drake and Kendrick Lamar right he's but he's Trying to bring these musicians in he's Trying to be cool he's so not cool and He's trying to be hip and you know all These things I say see after Trump Pandemic and fall of r v way some young People see us in Decline and you know that's you know They're dummies they're just young Dummies but you don't call it a trash Fire it's a dumpster fire even This guy this guy knows about dumpster Fires some people see a dumpster fire And do nothing but watch the spectacle Some are too scared to face the danger Or they think it will benefit them if They just let it keep on Burning others shrug and say oh all this Talk of a dumpster fire it's just fake News there is an inferno raging in Washington but here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes we know how to put out a fire I am Richard painter and I approve of this Message that's right dick painter knows About Dumpster fire dumpster fire he knows

About dumpster fire and you guys are Calling it a trash Fire come On this is all they know this political Trash fire now whatever the premise Briders has been connecting with this Generation composing much of her current Album before the pandemic yet with a Style that also has really met the Moment and drawn on some of her Idols That so many music fans love like David Bowie which we also discussed while some Music writers have dubbed her the voice Of the pandemic take a listen who did That who called her the voice of the Pandemic who did I like I've never heard Her name before I actually have but I Didn't know I heard her name which I'll Get to at the very end of the segment I Went and up looked up some of her music And some of these things right music FL Fans flock to artist channeling pandemic Energy she was channeling pandemic Energy she was this girl right here she Just she just got it with her trash Fire it was very interesting to put out Music when nobody could leave their House and it was very interesting to not Leave my house it was very interesting To not leave your house like what are You talking about it's very interesting To be in my house and then not be able To go out of the house when I wanted Because the government said I couldn't You have songs although they may have

Also been written during this pandemic That are kind of about being alone or Ending up feeling lonely or being in no Totally yeah I I mean I the last tour I Got home From before Co I like didn't leave my House at all for like 10 days um and and It was scary oh my God this generation So low functioning this is the voice of The this is the voice of the pandemic Gener it was so scary I couldn't leave My house and when I did it was scary cuz I thought I was going to get covid and Die it was scared all time It was like a a dumpsta vibing a trash Fire Uh and um I don't know you like I can Scare myself sometimes when when my job Is being in front of people and then When I'm left to my own devices I can Really really isolate in in a dark way So Jesus Christ how do you make it Through a freaking day I mean it's so Pretentious and so self-involved and and It's just so scary and in dark way and I You know if I'm I you know if I'm I'm Isolating in my home it's like I mean I I can isolate in a very dark way you Know I did kind of shine a light on that David Bowie talks About being scared or unsafe Artistically as a place that you know You're going to do good work um we were Thinking of you with that so let's take

A look at That if you feel safe in the area that You're working in you're not working in The right area always go a little Further into the water than you feel You're capable of being and go a little Bit out of your depth and when you don't Feel that your feet are quite touching The bottom you're just about in the Right place to do something exciting Yeah that's awesome I love that David Boy was okay right you know but there's There's no genius here Like you know I looked at her music it's Depressing it's like you know I'll get Into that a bit it's some like Billy ey Eyelish but like lightweight Billy Eyelish and she has an obsession with Death as a whole thing Weird stuff right you know and I mean For a generation that's this depressed And obsessed with death you know Abortion should be something where There's like an understanding of you Know the the murder part of it right you Know is there an example that you can Think of in your work um you know my First Album uh my producers and I Tony ber and Ethan grusa we really buted heads like The entire time I wanted to make a folk Album and Tony was like speed it up Speed it up speed it up speed it up we Need a rock song and I was just like I

Don't know I was like I'm selling out Like I hate this um and it was So fun the final product is my favorite Thing to play Live I'm so glad that I Was pushed in that direction so then the Second record it was just like we're Experimenting everything is scary every Is everything scary though is it all Scary you know maybe it's just you and Your generation because doesn't sound That scary like you're trying something New musically it sounds like it's you Know something you just try and you Don't like it you know you can go back To your old right everything is Different everything is the opposite of How I wrote it um and I'm so grateful For that so so I'm like a lot used to Being more used to being scared Now Richard's talking to us here for our New ack series and there's a rock Tradition that I bet you know about it Dates back over 50 years which she Engaged in Bridger smashing her guitar Last year while performing on SNL we're Showing you Hendrick's doing it there Too it's a standard move in rock but it Suddenly Drew all kinds of criticism When a woman rocker did It there's one more question we have to Ask and it's obviously very serious and That is if men Who play music can smash guitars for Decades can women or is it is that not

Okay for women that's my favorite thing Ever um no I think women should stay Away from it because they're women yeah Yeah I don't know we didn't little arms Can't like really get in there so we Didn't want to go in depth okay so this Is her SNL performance Right you had to Go I know I know I know So you know I don't hate it um you know It's kind of a little bit depressing and Melancholy but it's not really rock and I'm not a big rock fan I'm not a big you Know whatever I mean I was when I was in High school like but I don't you know Oldtime rock music but then at the end Of it she Um she does a guitar solo and it you Know goes somehow turns into rock Here and then she lets out a primal [Applause] Scream um and they have all these guys You know with guys have trumpets here And freaking they're all dressed in Skeletons it's like you know some sort Of death cult kind of stuff and the Stage is bathed in red light I mean it Just has a you know demonic feel right Devil worshipping feel she doesn't Really bad job of Smashing guitar she's Like you know I mean it's pathetic like She's not good at it she's not strong Enough or big enough and she's hitting That's not

Working it's like a total Fail why do that when you suck so bad at It right the thing about is you know I'm Going to show you more more of her music Here but she's not like overly angry Like she's scared her biggest thing was Fear she talked about being scared a lot You know terrified even and then all the Things that like life is too scary and She's depressed and she's got depressing Music and you know there's not that like Male testosterone anger Angry Young Man Kind of thing that went along with Smashing guitar and you know it's mostly Pretentious now and you know was Performative but it suits like a a man Or at least an angry woman like you Would have a big strong angry woman I Don't know like you know like some big Physical you know rocker who wearing Spikes and some biker chick and you know Going out there and beating the crap out Of a guitar but this girl she does it And she's like being careful and she's You know there's no like just you know Some ra it's like it's it's a a lack of Understanding what the Smashing guitar Thing is all About so this is her song She's drowning In this tub right and it's called I know The end so it's a a death song right and She has a lot of her stuff has to do With skeletons I here's this the song Itself where she's

Singing like a wave that crashed and Melted on Theore it's you know it's like Billy ish But like lightweight Billy ish right It's like depressed music for a Depressed generation and again you know I've talked about death very recently And that we have to you know I mean Death is something like they pretend you Can avoid and you know all of it like It's not something we focus on or Prepare for but it's inevitable for all Of us and something we can't control but It doesn't have to be dark and and Negative and she has all this she has This she likes the skull the skeleton Outfit it's not in just this video she Wears this like Halloween costume like All the time and like a couple of her Videos right and then on the Saturday Night Live sketch thing but then um let Me go back to the tub here so this is a A tank a watering tank like a trough for Big animals like horses and cows like if You go to Tractor Supply like they Probably didn't have a you know they Couldn't get a tub and this is they Wanted to stick something in the hallway For the effects but you know and it can Be you know you can use it as a bathtub But you know she's trying to use this as Some kind of dark thing like she's Drowning but you're it's like when it's A when it's a trough

It loses that effect and the music's all Like this you Know it's just you know depressed but Like lightweight depressed and then um At the end of it she's going to do this Um she's going to come up to this old Lady and I don't know if the old lady Represents her mom or a future version Of herself and they do This they scream into each other's Mouths Here here it is And then at the end of it they are going To make out here making out here right And you know um you know I'm looking for A word to describe this I'm not sure a Term or something that would describe This video and her music dumpster fire Dumpster fire see this one of these Music artists and I don't like them I Don't like their beliefs I'll go check Out their music and you know it doesn't Matter what they are as a person if I Like their music I'll say it you know Taylor Swift is probably one of the People I dislike most in the music Industry certainly she's the most Present and her victim Consciousness Crap and everything she stands for Everything she does but there are a Couple of songs of her I like right you Know someone said oh you're a Swifty I'm Like I'm not a Swifty like if you like music you like

It right doesn't matter how much of a Piece of the person is is like Music is something where you hear it and It it resonates with you on a Vibrational level that song she does With Bon I Bon IA or whatever his name Is you know the that guy called Exile It's just a masterpiece of a song right My wife and I we know it's on this Playlist that when we travel I you know I have this playlist and you know so Like if this one if this woman make Music and I liked her music I would say It but it's like Billy ish you know Depressed music it's gonna make you feel Depressed you know it's just um she's Got she's Fe fearful of everything and She's Progressive and twisted and you Know Sean Ari Meer and it's just a whole Package right and it's you know this is Not healthy and it's not you know I Don't know how popular she is her her Videos don't have that many views so I Assume she's kind of a fringe person but You know it's um it just sucks right it Just it's just it's everything's Degrading it's everything I'm talking About you know the point of this video I'm I'm in the editing process and you Know are things getting better well no And are people getting better certainly Not you know are there some things Getting better certainly technology and Things like that yeah that you know it's

Doing more for you is it necessarily Better overall for us no it's making us Weaker more in more dependent we're We're hemorrhaging skills and abilities Right we're becoming more and more Pathetic more and more worthless more And more you know dependent on on Something external to do things we can Do for ourselves right and maybe should Do for ourselves but I realized that I Had one of this these this girl's songs On my phone it made onto our playlist For a little bit she does a cover of Metallica Metallica's so uh nothing else Matters and it's kind of interesting I Liked it a little bit my wife did but it Was just depressing and was on the Playlist for like a trip or two and I'm Like this is just you know I mean part Of it is my wife does most of the Driving cuz she gets car sick if she's In the passenger seat and so you know It's She Likes music that's going to Keep her going you know I mean alert and And and non-pressing music I can listen To Melancholy music but it has an effect On you you know everybody gives off a Vibration and an Energy and you know sometimes it's Different sometimes the energy that's Someone brings is going to be different Than other times everyone has a Spiritual condition you know there's Layers to this kind of thing there's

Sort of the essence of the person's you Know ego the essence of their soul and Then the spiritual approach where they Are spiritually and then their spiritual Condition and that comes through in Music and these other ways of expression Through ART and you know something like Picasso I can't even call that art right It's so disturbing when you look at it You feel the energy you know the guy was Twisted he had survived terrific abuse And he was mentally twisted and you know Uh chaotic energy and so people say he's A great artist well you know maybe you Know I I guess you could view it that Way but it's ugly what he's putting out There is ugly it's ugly uh in terms of The art itself and the energy that's Behind it right and most of this stuff That's coming out with these young People you know they're just lost and Pathetic and you know they think what's Going on this progress you know like This girl seems to be connected to Santa Fe and that new age Community there and All that stuff and what they think is Progress is really taking them in the Wrong direction what they think is Spiritual is really demonic right in Terms of their egos it's not really Connecting to the soul it's connecting To a you know a messed up psychological Makeup and you know perverted um you Know egotistical Consciousness anyways

You know this goes with the whole theme Of like it's just sucks out there right It's just bad like things are getting Worse you know everything's imploding And it starts with human beings like Human beings Are de evolving both both conservative And uh liberal people everybody is going In the wrong Direction so let's get back to this Piece of the guy with no damage to His ear because this is important here Life liberty and Levan But uh no I think you think Like if you believed in God you believe In God more and somebody said like what Does that mean you believe in God more Like you either believe in God or you Don't right like you Know if you're you know like he's an Agnostic because if you believe in God More that means you don't really believe In God well I I believed in God before But now I really believe in God right You know you can be more impressed with God Like You Can you know I had this With the sjar system I went through the What's called the cleaning and the Sark System and like I was transformed as a Person like I went through a really dark Time you know my divorce was a big part Of it you know I was in India I felt Miserable inside I was just kind of Wrecked not because I was bummed about

The divorce it's just everything was you Know like it was the external things That were going on in my life but what I Felt internally and I went through this Cleaning and when I was all cleaned out I was like oh my God this is you know Even better than I thought it was but I've never doubted the system because The systems worked I've since the Beginning that you know doing it and I've never doubted God because I've had Experiences of God even when I was a kid Right I had experience with my you know Grandfather's Soul when he died you know All these things my belief in God has Not changed My faith in God has gotten maybe deeper As I've had more experience with that But you know him saying you believe God Even more it's it's silly right this is Life in Liberty and Levan like why and and I'd like to think That God thinks that I'm going to straighten Out our country our country is so sick And it's so broken our country is just Broken and maybe that was the reason I Don't know Yeah you don't know but you know first Of all it's fake so for him to attribute Divinity to a fake thing and play on all These religious people that makes him Satanic right like that's blasphemous Because this is fake as it's

Nothing happened here you didn't get Shot in the air and all you guys Believing in it because you have no deal You're desperate in it that's you know That's your inability to deal with that You know the truth of the thing but what He's doing and using these evangelicals Beliefs against them is wrong but what He said there about you know I got to Believe that God wants me to save the Country why in the world would God want You to save America I mean be honest Look at what's happening to America why Would God want you to save it I mean you Know God doesn't have a mind and it's an Immature way to think that God's just a So King in heaven somewhere looking at I Mean it's just a remedial understanding Of God but you know the Divine process Or divine plan when something's an Abomination it's a cancer you know America and a all the governments of the World and all the these constructs and Our social systems are unnatural and They're demonic which means they go Against the will of God all of them Right we're going in the wrong direction And so why would God want you to save That it's silly like you know it's I Mean wouldn't God rather just say all Right let's get rid of this and start With something fresh right I that's the best way to do something Like this is not try to fix a demonic

System but wipe the system out and then Start off with something new right let's Start from scratch we're so far gone and So why would God and why would God like Pick this Guy I don't know I think maybe God wants Me to save America I don't know why Don't you vote for me and find out I Don't know I don't know you know when That imaginary bullet almost hit my ear I'm like God just saved my life with This imaginary F thing that we did and I'm like maybe God wants me to save America I don't know I'm starting to Believe it myself I I I don't know maybe I mean I believe in God okay so I'm Editing it's Wednesday September 4th and There's two other things to this right The first one is Trump Knows he isn't going to save America Like he knows he's not like he already Was president and he knows his Limitations he said it you know this is What way is this to run a country you Know that epic tweet that I keep on Showing you quoting when he was you know The whole election fraud thing was going On and he was like what kind of way is This to run a country well you're the President right so he showed that he was Completely helpless like he knows Because he's experienced it you're Limited on what you can do and saving The country is not on the table right

And what this was was performative right Like for him to come out and Say this thing that Happened was so God wanted me to save The country because let's say they did Their job Secret Service did their job Anywhere along the line but in the Beginning and they got the guy on the Roof before he even took one shot or They got him before he even got on the Roof or any of the number of ways they Could have done their job properly and So no shots were fired this would be a Non-story oh there was an assassination Attempt on Trump but this guy wasn't a You know a liberal with an agenda I mean The guy that they've the py wasn't the Backstory they've created for the py Wasn't some you know story that was like Some angry Biden supporter and or some Deep State operative they could say oh The Deep State just tried to kill Trump But that would just resonate around the Trumper world right but to do it right Before the convention and have Trump's Ear bleeding right cuz that's what the Big story was and then Trump pumping his Fist and saying fight fight fight fight That was the big moment it wasn't about Them not the guy you know not killing Him I think God saved my life cuz he Wants me to fix the country no it was The blood it was the ketchup you know it Was the fake blood and it was you

Pumping your fist that was the story and It was right before the convention and Then you've been running on that ever Since it's been a part of your your Campaign right and even now in this Interview and so it's the performative Aspect of it it's the drama it's the Fake blood it's the all of it that make This event have an effect on the Election right because this event is I Mean so many people are like oh Trump is Going to win for sure now like that's How people viewed it it was such a you Know a big moment for him and so it Isn't about them s God saving your life Because God could prevent anything God Does things in subtle ways God could had This kid caught you know if the um Secret service could have done their job The police could have done their job you Know all the ways that this could have Went differently you know KLA Harris and Joe Biden are performing without glass In front of them you know they're not at Risk only Trump is at risk of Assassination right you know Trump has This he's now fish boy in a fish tank as My viewers have pointed out right he's In a you know he's in this behind this Glass why is he the only one behind the Glass because this kid apparently was Looking into Joe Biden events as well Right and so this kid didn't have a Political agenda he wanted just a I mean

That's their their backstory that's the Story they've created for this py right And so this thing is silly like the Whole thing is silly way he just said About divine intervention because it's Never been about the the event the Attempt it's always been about Trump's Moment where he got up with fake blood Streaming down his face and has pumped His fist in the air with the American Flag behind him that was the big moment That was you know did God create that Moment no you guys did did God Manufacture that moment so you could Look like you did a hero and a tough guy And badass as even some of your you know Biggest uh detractors were commenting on You being badass and this being badass Moment right and as a fake Christian Then why didn't God save Jesus you know Why did God make Jesus suffer why did God make all of Jesus's disciples suffer Why didn't he you know make them have The same kind of why why didn't he take Care of him them the way he taking care Of view right like a silly argument I me He's supposably a Christian and he's Saying that he got better treatment and He's God saved his life because he wants God to save America but he let them tack Up his only son which is what Christians Believe jesuses on a cross and then the Disciples look up the way the disciples Died like some of the things I've never

Heard of the torture and the the abuse They the way they killed these guys it Was horrible like just for you know Their beliefs right I mean they weren't Doing anything it was barely a religion Then it wasn't something that was Sweeping across the the you know the Globe and the nation uh you know Rome or Whatever and they were just tortured and Killed all of them and so you know Anyways let's get back to it here so This was something that showed up I Thought this came from Trump because It's got a check mark and it's Donald J Trump News Real Trump news X But it says here it has no affiliations With the real Donald Trump but you know Using his same profile picture they use In his Twitter it looks like his account Right this is Donald Trump's real Account we'll get into this in a moment And so it looks like his real account But it isn't and they say Things like this Tom Hanks announced he Will leave the United States if Donald Trump is elected president in 2024 And this is being shared all over the Place right and T and he didn't say that He didn't say that right it has 4.1 Million views and Tom Hanks didn't say None of these guys are saying they're Going to leave the country if Trump is Elected not what it's say they say it All the time right they pick this guy

Because of the you know you know the Stuff that he represents to the cubies But like it's just you know you're not Helping Trump by doing this you're Making it look look like this came from Trump And this will be used as a weapon Against him and it's just stupid like You're being stupid like are you really A Trumper are you are you there to Sabotage him with this account Right but not that Trump needs any help Because here I was thrilled to be back In the beautiful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with thousands of proud Hardworking American Patriots 67 days Now we are going to win Pennsylvania We're going to deat defeat comrade kamla Harris now I've said this before she's Not a freaking communist she's an Opportunist opportunist like Donald Trump she'll be whatever you know all This stuff's about her now and you know It's there's enough there without having To lie about like just be honest she Doesn't care what she she is right these Are all the these are the veterans that Came in that uh had to do with the you Know the the thing that happened in Afghanistan you know he's he's pushing This go Star family thing right um But it's not you know you don't need to Lie right he's going into Pennsylvania With this piece of John Hannity

Like you know all this kind of stuff Right we grieve the senseless death of Israeli hostages what about the Palestinian children they you don't Grieve them you know the one thing I Liked about Trump is he didn't drone People he didn't drone kids and he Didn't do any of these illegal Wars but he's pushing this one in Israel Cuz he's completely owned by by Israel Right horrifically including a wonderful American citizen H go Goldberg Polland Murdered by Hamas due to complete lack Of American strength and Leadership make No mistake about this this happen Because comrade Harris comrade Harris and her crooked Joe Biden are poor leaders you know it's Just it's dishonest to be saying that to Your people because again Colin Harris Sucks she's a piece of and so is Joe Biden they're not Communists right Like that's just something that you know Like you're you guys know what a Communist is or it's it's just old School Republican right okay so Um this is part two I don't think I Showed you anything from this I don't Think I watched this so much um like I Fast forward it when I was on the TV so I got a little taste of everything but There's um you know depressed comma okay Um another issue big one is immigration M as vice president you were tasked with

Addressing the root causes of migration Uh uh in southern countries and northern Part of Central America the northern Part of of of of Central America that Deals with that affects the southern Border of the US during the Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers Of illegal border crossings why did the Biden Harris Administration wait three And a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh The root causes work that I did as vice President that I was asked to do by the President has actually resulted in a Number of benefits including Historically she helped out you know Somehow she did good work it's crazy Doesn't seem like it but somehow the that she did was good somehow like Even though it's a horrible issue for Them and you know Trump did sabotage Their bill so it's a little bit on Trump Too for being a the same way that they Screwed Trump with the you know getting Him to close down the economy during Co And then they ran against that right and They're they're constantly screwing each Other over so that's part of it right But you know her handling of it was a Disaster and then she never went there And she said i' never been to Europe Either Investments by American Businesses in that region um the number Of uh immigrants coming from that region

Has actually reduced um since we began That work but I will say this that Joe Biden and I in our Administration worked With members of the United States Congress on an immigration this where She blames Trump and you know it is Partially Trump's fault it's not like This is not true but you know issue that Is very significant to the American People and to our security which is the Border and through bipartisan work Including some of the most conservative Members of the United States Congress a Bill was crafted which we supported Which I Support and Donald Trump got word of This bill he did he got word of it how Did he like how was this bill secret how Did Donald Trump find out about was were You guys doing this you know on the on The download would have it contributed To securing our border and because he Believes that it would not have helped Him Politically he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward he killed The bill he's a bill killer a border Security bill that would have put 1,500 More agents on the border and let me Tell say something the border patrol Endorsed the bill and I'm sure and I'm Sure in large part because they knew They were working around the clock and 1,500 more agents would help them that

Wait do you think more people would help That Situation so I'm editing right today's The September 4th I'm editing this thing And um this is uh what Joe Biden was Supposed to say during the debate so Dana Bash was there for the Joe Biden Debate and she's now interviewing kamla Harris with this really fluff piece you Know this puff piece type of interview And she knows the talking points because All these pundits said when Joe Biden Was asked about immigration he was Supposed to say this but what Joe Biden Said in the debate well let's show you a Little clip of that here okay so look at This is the debate remember the debate Like that was so epic it seems like ages Ago but it was so transformative it was A it was such it was great great TV but This was he was asked about abortion First which is an issue that he was Winning on because 60% of Americans want Abortion and Trump is trying to Backpedal on it right now because it's Significant right it's a significant Issue and people are freaking you know We've already covered this and so he Instead of is St uh leaning into this Strength this is what he did instead President Biden it's been a terrible Thing what you've done The fact is that the vast majority of Constitutional Scholars supported row

When it was decided supported row and That was that's this idea that they're All against it it's just ridiculous and This is the guy who says the state Should be able to have it we're in a State where in six weeks you don't even Know whether you're pregnant or not but You cannot see a doctor have your and Have him decide so first he babbles like He babbles incoherently on what your Circumstances are whether you need help The idea that states are able to do this Is a little like saying we're going to Turn civil rights back to the States Let Each state have a different rule look There's so many young women who have Been including a young woman who just Was murdered and so he didn't complete That thought right he was going to say That so many young women have been hard But he didn't complete the thought and Then he destroys his own argument and Turns it into something that was his Strength into Trump's strength and he he Went to the funeral uh the idea that That she was murdered by a by by an Immigrant coming in they talk about that But here's the deal There's right like that's horrible like He's trying to to dispute his talking Point but he completely failed he turned This into an immigration issue which is His weakness and like everyone's like What the are you doing

Bro this is a moment where you can see Trump's mic is um he's so confused and Lost he's speaking when he isn't Supposed to and his mic is still you his Mic's been turned off you see that in a Second but this was about immigration And this is his fail here the issue of Immigration and border security President Biden a record number of Migrants have illegally crossed the Southern border on your watch Overwhelming border states and Overburdening cities such as New York And Chicago and in some cases causing Real Safety and Security concerns given That why should voters trust you to Solve this crisis because we worked very Hard get a bipartisan agreement that not Only changed all of that made sure that We were in a situation where you had no Circumstance where they could come Across the border with the number of Border Police there are now we Significantly increase the number of Asylum officers significant see he was Supposed to say but Trump killed that Like he was supposed to say what commas Said and everybody knew it because they Were talking about it I had heard of it I had never heard of it cuz I wasn't Even watching the you know before But I all these pundits were saying this That he was supposed to say Trump killed It they had prepared him that was his

Talking point right and everybody knew It including Dana Bash and Droopy Dog Jake tappers like they knew what they're Giving the the you know the doing debate Questions and they knew what he was Supposed to say right but he couldn't Deliver his talking point there and so Kamla is delivering it so this is why They got kamla over him because she's at Least coherent enough to remember her Talking points and the things that she's Supposed to say in rebuttal and Joe Biden failed but Dana Bash knew that When she's doing the interview with Kamla right like as a a journalist you Know what their answer is going to be Because you can see their stump speeches And they're they're putting out their Disinformation right their their talking points and if this was Trump she would have a followup to you Know she would know what the person's Gonna say like they're in some sort of CT of Law and she would have some Follow-up question that would dispute What KLA saying here right not just for This you know issue but everything else That's how you know this is a puff piece Because she's letting her walk into her Answers right she's putting these Questions up on a te and then when the Answer comes out an answer that everyone Knows is going to come out oh yeah Trump Killed this bill she doesn't have

Anything else to say about it right she Just lets that be the truth truth like She asks the question and KLA gives the Answer and when K's answer is the truth And she doesn't dispute that if this was A Republican and certainly Trump you'd Have a rebuttal question you know a Question about his um his stock Answer would have allowed us to increase Seizures of fenel ask any community in America that has been devastated by Fentol what passing that bill would have Done to address their concern and a pain That they So you would push that legislation again I just want only push it I will make Sure that it comes to my desk and I Would sign it just one no she would sign It she'd actually sign that bill unlike Donald Trump who would well now Donald Trump would sign it because that's the Kind of you know border security person She is question about uh something that You said in 2019 when you first ran There was a debate you raised your hand When asked whether or not uh the Border Should be decriminalized Do you still believe that I believe There should be consequence we have laws That have laws you know and I'm a laws Person you I'm a lawyer like a lawyer Laws it's in the word lawyer laws I know About laws because you know I used to Make them with a swap swipe in my pen be

Followed and enforced that address and Deal with people who cross our border Illegally and there should be Consequence and let's be clear in this Race I'm the only Person look at me here has these are the Kind of faces that is the kind of what She's doing right here is why people Don't like Hered transnational criminal Organizations who no way she did it Transnational are you anti-trans is that What you're saying tring guns drugs and Human beings I'm the only person in this Race who actually served a border state As attorney general to enforce our laws And I would enforce our laws as President going forward I recognize the Problem generally speaking how should Voters look at some of the changes that You've made uh that You' explained some Of here uh in your policy is it because You have more experience now and you've Learned more about the go ahead give her The answer you know give her some give Her a multiple give her a multiple Choice you know just don't ask the Question let her kind of wing it give Her a couple of different options that She can choose from information is it Because you were running for president In a Democratic primary and should they Feel comfortable and no she never ran For president in Democratic primary I

Mean she's talking about back then she Did yeah but she didn't do it now Confident that what you're saying now is Going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important And most significant aspect of my policy Perspective and decisions is my values Have not changed what values I didn't Have them before I don't have them now You mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I have worked On it that the climate crisis is real It's real it's not some thing We made to make money it's real thing That's happening that it is an urgent Matter it's urgent and because it's real It's got to be urgent to which we should Apply metrics that include holding Ourselves to deadlines around time down Time because you know we don't want Deadlines that don't have a fixed time We don't have a deadline like when's the Deadline I don't know sometime in the Future we want have fixed time deadlines That's what I'm going to bring in when I Say I have a deadline I'm going to set a Specific time for that deadline to be Reached you know it'll be like a Deadline you know we have a deadline It's going to be like an actual Deadline we did that with the inflation Reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by Extension the globe around when we

Should meet certain standards for Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as An example there one example of a Deadline value has not changed vales Have not changed still don't have any Value around what we need to do to Secure our border that value has not Changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal Organizations yeah we heard that already You know what you know who else did that Not Trump my values have not changed so That is the reality of it in four years Of being vice president I'll tell you One of the the the aspects to your point Is traveling the country extensively I Mean I'm here in Georgia I think Somebody told me 17 times since I've Been vice president in Georgia alone She's been there a lot in Georgia she Goes there all time I believe it is Important to build consensus and it is Important to to to find a common place Of understanding of where we can Actually solve problems on that note you Had a lot of Republican speakers at the Convention will you appoint a republican To your cabinet yes I would anyone in Mind I would no one no one in particular Donald Trump I think I make Donald Trump Vice president I'm gonna get rid of this Bag of over here and I'm gonna put Trump in as vice president never mind I

Got it we got 68 days to go with this Election so I'm not putting the carart Before the horse but I would yeah you Are you're already picking people I Think I think it's really important I I Have spent my career Inviting diversity of opinion I think It's important to have people at the Table when some of the most important Decisions are being made that have Different views different experiences And I think um it would be to the Benefit of the American public to have a Member of my cabinet who was a Republican I do I think that's a good Idea I want to ask you about your Opponent Donald Trump um I was a little Bit surprised people might be surprised To hear that you have never interacted With him met him face to face that's Going to change soon but what I want to Ask you about is what he said last month He suggested that you happened to turn Black recently for political purpose Purposes look at her face questioning a Core part of your identity Yeah any same old tired Playbook next question please that's it That's it okay um let's talk about some Foreign policy uh issues that would be On your plate if you become Commander-in-chief uh President Biden Has tried Unsuccessfully uh to end the war between

Israel and Hamas in Gaza it's not gonna Happen Biden say he's giving a giv an Ultimatum It's not going to happen Israeli people Are protesting because there's no Ceasefire they're blaming Netanyahu and you know he wants a land Grab and I don't think it's going to Happen for him at this point I mean I Don't know how they're going to get it Done right like how are they going to Annex that part of Palestine and then The West Bank as well and this is it for Them like I don't think they're going to Get another chance he's been doing it For months and months along with you Would you do anything differently for Example would you what do you mean along With you along with you you were there Like I bet you I bet you sat in the back Of the the you know the the room and Once in a while you just raise your hand And say something because you just want To be on record that you're there Withhold some Us weapons shipments to Israel that's what a lot of people on The Progressive left want you to Do let me be very clear I am une Supporting Israel are you unequivocally Supporting Israel's uh right to defend Itself by by invading a country with no Army that And kill murdering you know 40,000 People 20,000 of them kids equivocal and

And unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to Defend itself and that's not going to Change but let's take a step back October 7,200 people are massacred okay so those 1200 people they have how many Palestines have to Die before that's equaled out Al P these Palestinians and again none of these Palestinians I mean especially the kids Had anything to do with this event right I mean you know they didn't like Obviously they're innocent Civilians many young people who were Simply attending a music festival no way Women were horri so innocent right so is Israel has you know bullied the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank and they they're in a you know open Air prison which you Know most people have been there Understand this right anybody with some Objectivity so these people have been Completely bullied and you know abused By the Israeli government and if they Did anything let's say this thing's real Which I don't believe it is right I Believe that the Hamas is an Israeli Asset um you know let's say they acted Out in some way well you what you have Is proportional response right which is You know if they killed 1400 people then You'd kill 1400 people right but that

Would be if you look at the beginning You know since the beginning of this Conflict it's like something like a Million 300 300,000 Palestinians have died and it's Like under 50,000 Israelis and so you Know there's no proportional response It's like when America went to Iraq and America killed over a million Iraqis and 5 th000 troops died right so like it's Just it's not proportional right it's Not you know one person's the bully Right one one one country is the bully Horribly Raped as I said then I say today Israel Had a right has a right to defend itself We would and how it does so Matters far too many innocent Palestinians have been Killed and we've got to get a deal done We we were in Doha we have to get a deal Done this war must end and we must get a Deal that is about getting the hostages Out I've met with the families of the American hostages let's get the hostages Out let's get the ceasefire done but no Change in policy in terms of arms and And so forth no I we have to get a deal Done D Dana we have to get a deal done Just a deal we have to make a deal you You look At the significance of this to the Families to the people who are living in That region

Um it a deal is not only the right thing To do to end this war but will unlock so Much of what must happen next I remained Committed since I've been on October 8th I oober 8th I said let's get a deal to What we must do to work toward a Two-state solution yeah that's not Happen there's no two-state solution and Like just come out say it Israel does Not want anything called Palestine to Exist and really doesn't acknowledge Palestine as a country and so it's an Open air prison and they are just Expanding there they've been grabbing Land since they got the you know Original um brokered state by the UN and Just you know stop lying about it just Like whatever okay so that's the end of Their interview so this is some sort of Union thing these people have Labor she Has Union here more scrubs in less suits What is she talking about um I don't Know who this person is maybe a union Person and you remember that comma Harris cast those deciding votes in the Senate to save millions of workers Pensions no way she did that that's Crazy and so then um JoJo McGill is Going to come up here here he goes look At him go here we go look at him come Out here let's go back a little bit more Keith Overman the kitchen Table yeah yeah I know

Yeah brothers and sisters please join me To welcome our true friends the President and Vice President of the United States Joe Biden and KLA Harris You've been drinking [Applause] Bro look at them look at them come out Look look at him come out look at this here look at him Go look at him Go look him Wadd on out [Applause] There look at him go there's about 15 People there it's not very [Music] [Applause] Loud what are you doing get to get away From that kid you groping me [Applause] [Music] Effort run Up show Thor Chu hello hello Hello hello Pittsburgh [Applause] Pittsburgh let's get move forward here Let's see first one Today represent the union has been with Me since the beginning of my Career they not that old but They since I was a 29y old kid I want to Thank Liz Schuler the AFL CIO CIO or CEO Whenever let's move forward here job in American

Politics everybody knows where you live And they think you can solve all the Problems you don't have enough money but I tell you one thing I'm the first President ever I used to be a county Official when I was 26 years old and Always bothered me that count the state The federal government would send money To the state to be distributed to the County what the hell the state going to Send to the county for all the state Reps need the money right but guess what Under my Administration it goes straight To this County that's what lean in buddy One of my best friends my name is Joe Biden I'm from Scranton [Applause] Pennsylvania did you say that randomly Like now it's just he's lost [Applause] It Bobby casy has been a great friend His dad was a great friend as well and By the way we grew up three blocks from One another three blocks and uh they Still worry about us by showing up Guess what I was on North Washington Avenue he was an Adams guess what they Renamed North Washington Avenue down Where I live Biden Way boom he just got a name Biden way Does it lead to the Dump worth the Effort

Bobby Bible make sure we get get Reelected again and while we couldn't be Here I want to thank his partner in the Senate John fedman but woo fet's the Best Woo if you're in a foxhole you want Fetman in there with you yes you could Use him as a Shield just in case a grenade comes on You can sh you can put Federman on it And his his massive Federman smash body Can um block the the shrap Mill from Hitting You he couldn't be here today but guess What he sent the best part of the family Jelle she's Here yeah she's the witch she got a Spell on You Guys let me just say it means so much to Be with a true friend a true friend the Vice president and the next great President of the United States of America he's just babling he's not you Know he's he's said not making as many Gaffs yet I don't know I'm not going to Watch this whole thing we'll go through A little bit more he he knows he's done Right like he's reconciled that he's not Going to be president again he knows This is it for him he's got till January But the election will determine I mean You know there might be world events That happen where he'll be pushed to the Forefront but like when you retire you

See this you just fall apart you see People fall apart all the time like if You're retiring you better have like Something that you are passionate about Doing like you need some kind of work Like you know my dad was like oh he's Just going to watch TV and play golf Right and he fell apart physically Mentally he lost his mind he hated his Job he's a guidance counselor couldn't Wait to retire but he didn't have Anything to replace it with right as Much as he hated his job when he you Know when he retired he you had no Purpose and like he really didn't have Much of a purpose before I guess he was Pretty good at his job to some extent But he didn't have a relationship with His kids he didn't really like golf he Sucked at it and you know you just get Worse at it and so like there's just Nothing to do he didn't have any friends Wasn't social was kind of obnoxious kind Of an a-hole like no you know was uh my Mom and him split up for a little bit Like he just fell apart he was losing it He like lost his mind and you know Physically fell apart and you see this All the time because you need work you Need some purpose and old people don't Have it right we don't you know old People are you have your job you try From your job and nobody wants to hear From you you once in a while you're you

Have a good relationship with your kids Which is very seldom they come and visit You a couple times a year you see the Grandkids but you're not really doing Anything you don't have anything really And you're just you know you don't have Any reason to get out of bed you don't Have any goals you're not really Prepared to die you're not prepared to Die and he's already kind of in that State and he was already falling apart It's going to accelerate it's going to Accelerate now because of the you know This whole thing And they just want him to go away that's The other thing like he's not he Wouldn't have won the election he's a Reminder that the Democratic uh the Democrats scammed the American people And pretended the scile guy was okay and He wasn't like he's had dementia you Know Parkinson's for the least the past Four years and with him deteriorating is Just going to remind people that they've Been lied to and he he burnens down KLA Harris now you know Pennsylvania likes Because you know this whole scr thing he Does so they're rolling him out here but That's going to be it they're not going To show up together very much in Different states different Battleground States and he's not going to have a Purpose no one's going to pay attention To this guy like he's forgotten

Already okay where am I what did they Just say look Folks I come from two neighborhoods Where it's not hard to say the word Union but you know what fact of the Matter is is an awful lot of politicians Have a trouble saying Union like up Working people that's guess what I'm not One of them neither chicken but so he Says guess what all the time we know the Simple truth Wall Street did not build America who did who built it the middle Class buil America middle class unions Built the middle class and unions the Union that's a fact that's a Fact by the way That is not a slogan that's a fact I Asked the treasury Department to do a Study and it shows that when unions do Well all workers in America do better That's a fact that's a fact that's a Fact it's a fact it's a fact guess What it's the biggest reason why our Economy is the strongest economy in the World today without question because of Unions it's unions unions do that you Know okay unions didn't do that because I mean unions are corrupt I don't even Know I don't know what unions are right Now like compared to when I grew up Unions were more powerful and you know Big thing but in terms of like what Unions did back whenever was they helped People get a reasonable living wage but

Now it's the Union they do all kinds of Things that make it impossible for American companies to employ union Workers because it's so much cheaper to Go overseas right the the unions are Creating Outsourcing which defeats the whole Purpose you know the all of it right and Unions you know they take money from the The union Dues and you know it's they're they're Kind of screwing the workers to some Extent because of you know pushing up Labor cost so much that their jobs Disappear and then they take their cut Right and so again you know I don't have A I don't have a real opinion about Unions like I know at some point they've Been helpful for when they uh you know When people are making you know Basically um I mean not living wages Right and so they've been helpful but Now it's like this you know this that Ship has Sailed my dad like many of his Generation going into World War II would Able to go to go to college my dad was a Really well- read guy and he was always Engaged and he come home from work Before he'd go back close up the shop And uh for dinner and the dinner is a Place where we had discussions and Incidentally eight you know my dad Taught me my dad would say this all the

Time remember Joey Joey don't do that to Your Sister and I giving my word to this a Jobs he's he's giv his word to this like This is not the the normal Plagiarizing lying de I do I'm actually This is true about a lot more than a Paycheck it's about your dignity it's About the community it's about your Place in the community you know you're You're making it sound like you said Something you have I've heard him say That probably 10 times you've probably Heard me make comments about him saying That like over 10 videos where he says That a job is more than a paycheck it's About dignity and all these other things He says it all the time like we've all Heard you look at it like it's something Brand new it's about being able to look Your kidney eye and say honey it's going To be okay and mean it you call your Kids honey that's Why so you go up to your kids and call Your boys Honey or your daughter like was that Before or after you you shower with Her that's right Tom are so Proud so proud of the greatest job Creation record of any president in a Single term in American [Applause] History okay yeah that was after they Closed down the

Economy 16 million new jobs so far no Way okay Joe let's move forward here Real it affects people's Lives we going to let that son of a gun Do that again who's that son of a gun You speak of No we're not made a lot of progress and K and I are going to build on that Progress and she's going to build on it I'll be on the sidelines but I'll do Everything I can to help you know I'll Be like you know a creepy neighbor Peeking through the fence and seeing What's going on it was a while pop by And you know TR I'll sit in K's Chair I'll call her VP and you know I'll Pretend that I like like or I won't Pretend I I'll believe that I'm the President cuz my brain will be gone and They'll have to Usher me out you know It'll be like That but look I'm not joking what I say this is not a Joke when I said this when I was R in This is going to be serious don't don't Laugh at this you guys because it's Going to be serious F A lot of people Didn't believe me you did but not didn't Believe me it's all at risk Because this is not a joke when I said This when I was going in 2020 a lot of People didn't believe me you did but you Not didn't believe believe me believe Me all at risk because of Donald Trump

Literally literally with the stroke of The Pand he can get rid of a lot of this And do you think this guy gives a damn About your pensions no I'm serious do You think he no we thought you're joking No no no say say it again so we can say No this time we'll respond like we Believe that you're saying that's Serious and not a joke and an instant of Sleep over it you think he cares about All the work you do every day and how Hard it is is yes I mean no he cares About good paying jobs for hardworking People who built this Economy no No he regards picket lines he'd rather Cross one than walk one yeah that's So but I have no problem he's a scab Walking the pricket line he likes he Likes to lock the pricket line he's been Known to walk the pricket line quite a Bit this is so great But I have no problem walking the Pricket line he has no problem walking The pricket line you to mind walking the Pricket line with you Guys never had made nor does Comma kamla is the best at walking the Pricket line that's why they call her Knee pads like there's no one better on The pricket line than KLA Harris like She can service the prickets one at a Time two at a time whatever it takes She'll walk them she'll she'll get on

Her knees she'll do whatever it takes Right she's the best at the pricket Line we'll always walkside alongside you Oh Rollers built this country and again That's not hyperbole that's a fact it's Again it's fact it's fact that's a joke These are these are facts facts campaign Slogans it's not slogans it's not Talking points this 5 years ago I began My my campaign for President right here In Pittsburgh I said one of the reasons I Was running was to rebuild the backbone And spine of America yeah exactly and Save the soul and also because of what Happened in Charlottesville all those Reasons the middle class working class Folks not a joke think about it not a Joke how many times are you going to say Not a joke think about it well five Years later we've done just that yeah we Did It you the thing is that most people Think America's tank America you know because of the prices And inflation and they' tried to Artificially push back at inflation you Know whatever power they have to make it Look good I mean there's still you know Some debate over who's going to be Chosen here right at least you know Neither one of them's been told yet yeah We're choosing the other guy or whatever

Is happening um but he's running like he Had a great presidency and KLA can't run On that right she's got to run on She's going to change a lot of his Won't be as bad as when he was president And like so this is counterproductive For [Applause] Her I'm back in Pittsburgh on Labor Day Again with a simple message as you look At this Election I spelled my SP my whole career Believing in Unions I'm not joking when I say that He's not jok that's a real thing it's Not joking again all these things they Sound like jokes but they're not so he Has to clar terfy these are absolutely Not jokes when I say them even though They sound like jokes cuz like I you Know I'm not very believable I'm a lying Piece of so I got to distinguish Between things that you guys might find Laughable and say they're not Jokes I'm honored to be considered the Most Pro Union president Ever y this guy right here said it he he Delivered it Yo well that was just one job by the way Remember all the talk Biden got elected He's going to do a planned economy we're Going to collapse and there's going to Be all this caving In interest rates are going to go

Through the ceiling come on Man come on man come On I'm here to tell you it's about Increasing the strength of your unions Is is all about if you care about Hardworking people just give them a fair Shot everyone in America deserves a fair Shot no gu a fair shot no guaranteed Fair shot You know it's a fair shot to lose like You know there's going to be no future For your kids and the economy is going To collapse and inflation's going to get Worse and we're going to put you guys in A 20 agenda 31 housing all that kind of Stuff but guess what you'll get a fair Shot and before we you do all that No joke I'm telling you it's it's not Funny it's it's a real Thing if you care about the Dignity of Work you care about the Dignity of work And I mean it matters the Dignity of Work the way you're treated the decency I remember when my great-grandfather was One of the only the second Catholic Elected Statewide to the state senate Here in Pennsylvania and I remember they Talked about when he when they're Running against him in 1906 they said guess what youen B they Said he's a Molly Maguire you know what A Molly Maguire was nope explain to us What tell us what Mo Malarkey is too Because like it happened so long ago we

Don't know you're talking about You you're so old talking about your Grandfather is like talking about stuff That happened in the freaking Dark Ages Like like what are you talking about the 1900s right we're talking about what Over a hundred years ago you know There's been all this development since Then in computers people don't even know Like who Nixon is like what the you Doing here bro those of you don't all Back in the in the old days we Irish and The Catholic came and then the polls and Others that were catholic when they came To the United States of America Beginning the 1840s and late 1840s they Made their way down into Pennsylvania a Lot of them and there there's a tear in This in the coal mines those guys who Got their last ended up being the last People in the coal mines but a lot of The English own the coal mines and what They did was they'd really beat the hell Out of the the mostly Catholic Population that was in the mines not not A joke not a joke but there was a group You know it sounds pretty racist to call The mly magu and the Mal Maguire if they Find out the foreman who was taking Advantage of an individual and they what Do you mean Tak advantage of an Individual they kill Him not a joke and they bring him body Up not a joke it actually kill people at

The body on the doorstep of his Family who so like is that a good thing Kind of Crude but I got to admit they accus my Great grandfather being a m where he Wasn't but we were so damn Disappointed you he wasn't a murderer Murdered some Foreman a Coline and Dragged him up and dropped him off at His doorstep like that was so up It's not a joke guess what I called him But before let's go back to the original Thing you said about Molly Maguire Here I remember when my Great-grandfather was one of the only The second Catholic elected Statewide to The state senate here in Pennsylvania And I remember they talked about when he When they're running against him in 1906 they said guess what they said Chicken but he's a Molly Maguire you Know what a Molly Maguire Was is it somebody that that would the Catholics were getting their asses Kicked by the the Protestants that Were're in the coal mines getting Black Lung and dying from that Horrible job and they were getting their Asses kicked and when a foreman would Take advantage of a a worker which I Don't know what that means buggering or Something um they would these guys would Kill him and drop him on the doorstep is That what your grandfather used to

Do kind of Crude but I got to admit they accused my Great-grandfather being a mod he wasn't But we were so damn disappointed No that's a joke that wasn't a joke I wish I had played that all the way Through the first time that was we're so Disappointed but I got to admit they Accused my great-grandfather being a m He wasn't but we were so damn Disappointed no that's a Joke that's a joke no it wasn't a joke You're confused why' you throw that weird ass story in there nobody Needs to hear that right it Happened so many years ago like what are You to him right you think people are Going to walk away from this they're Like what the was that guy talking About that all require like what Was that right and then he you know he Faded off in the end and said we were so Disappointed what what are you talking About that he didn't kill people and you Know the PO mine you know like no that's A joke how is that a joke like They're laughing at you like you [Laughter] Know it's about the Dignity of work It's about how you're Treated and when I met with the ibw I Started off this last campaign first I Said there's two things that asking of Me and I said two things I'm asking of

You one you got to open up your unions To more [Applause] Women not a joke not a joke I said that right like the other thing about my Dad my grandfather being a Molly McGuire That was a joke I don't know I I don't Even know what that would thing was but This thing Isn't and Two the more minorities you've done both That why you why aren't you applauding For that guess what chicken Butt instead of having supported 30% of The American people now we're 65% of American support the American union Movement K's like somebody get The hook out here and get this off the stage Okay I just want to go back to this Thing where he said guess what and then Said Molly Maguire thing right because He said guess what six or seven times That I saw like I only watched about 20% Of his speech here and he said guess What all the time it's you know it's a Verbal you know thing that he's doing But when you say guess what there should Be at least an outside chance that the Person knows you know has a chance of Guessing what you're talking about right And at least they should be familiar With the subject better like you know These are union people so maybe a few of

Them the older ones have heard about Molly Maguire but this is a a national Talk and it's a political talk and you Know it's an event and you know this Molly Maguire thing the majority of Americans and most of the people there Didn't hear about it so he says guess What no one's going oh Molly McGuire You're going to tell M that a weird Story about your your grandfather Molly Maguire and and them accusing him of Being a murderer right like he just it's Just so freaking weird right it's Because he's broken down mentally you Know he has one event like as far as I Know this is going to be his only event Like he's got a connection in Pennsylvania because he grew up there You know he does well in Pennsylvania And so they had to roll him out for Something they couldn't just disappear The guy all together but you know they Have a couple months to go he might show Up a few more events right but this is One of his only events he's not doing Anything else just sitting around the White House you know and it's depend Diaper you know whatever it is right Whatever brand he Uses and they roll him out here and They're like you know where you going With this like why did you bring this Story up Right anyways let's get back to it okay

So she's going to bring her up here Picked me as vice president because knew I could be president I know she'll be a Good President I know point point point where Your pointing there bro where your Pointing there I've watched them when all the experts Foreign and domestic policy would give Us advice then we sit alone in a room Grab that hand grab that hand with that Cold clammy claw [Laughter] That and she has a backbone like a ram Rod like a ram Rod no Way he's going to We're going to miss you Joe like what am I going to do without you bro she has The moral compass of a saint this woman Knows what she's doing moral compass of A saint I mean you know she knows her Her way around knee pads like she knows What she's doing I'm telling you you Go I promise you if you elect KL Harris As president will be the best is in you Will have ever made yeah that's it like You know you're you're not your spouse Not your you know your choice of Spiritual worship not you know the home You build bought no K Harris being the Presid that'll be your best decision you Ever make in your entire life it's all Downhill You' never make another great

Decision like [Applause] That pleas as I do the unions are the Spine of this economy and she's got one Like a a ramrod she'll be historic Pro Union president yeah so folks we got one More job to do together let me ask you Are you ready to fight wait you got one More job and after that we can all just Go like we got elect her and it's over We can just relax and then all retire From Life yeah are ready to win yeah are you Ready to let KL Harris our next President United States of America No oh he's going to kiss on the for he's Going to be like clammy ass Freaking ghoul lips Why doesn't he have a piece of plastic Why is there no plastic here And in the process are you ready to make Donald Trump a loser Again i' never more optimistic about America we have to remember who we are We're the United States of America There's nothing nothing I mean this from The bottom of my heart there's nothing Beyond our capacity nothing when we do It together and that means elect my Friend our great vice president of P United States kamla Harris there you [Music] Go there you go give him a standing out

That he rocked it that that Molly Maguire that was awesome said what Does it say there at the girl's shirt Look at she's did a selfie she was kind Of having weird faces the whole whole Time um right [Applause] Here look at this guy this the guy that Yelled the thing before this dude wants A high five he's not gonna get It he's not oh no she's got one if you Got one what about the Other he just look at he did look at his High five is see he does this thing Where he grabs the hand here like it's The worst high five Ever like he's doing like a he's doing Like a lambo leap here right so this Woman he's gonna give her high five Instead G high five he's G grab her hand He's snoozing people there boom then he Grabs her hand holds her hand and then Look boom he gos her hand that's Freaking weird gu miss that kid sh said He didn't get one give this kid he's all Bumped out I didn't get one I didn't get To touch that clamy ass freaking creep Ass claws his clammy cold freaking Dead Hand his Wo thank you [Applause] Joe you Jo thank you Joe she's Molly Maguire thank you Jo thank [Applause]

[Music] [Applause] You people are coming in on their day Off for this this is Monday they Get an extra day off and here they are Watching this Crap it is good to be in the house of Labor yeah it is you know I never was in Labor myself I mean I never worked in Labor I I did work at McDonald's for a Little bit then that came to proved to Be false but I never had a baby because I was in labor you know but you know but I I like Labor when you guys do it and it is good To be back at ibw Local 5 and can we Please give it up again for our President Joe Biden yeah boom Again now I don't have to tell the Brothers and sisters of Labor that you Really get to know somebody when you're In the middle of a fight that's right That's right that's right when times are Hard when times are it's right when the Forces are Mighty when people don't Believe something can get done and they Have a thousand excuses for why it can't Get done and I have spent more time with This extraordinary human being this guy When he was you know was changing his Diapers and all that that I had to Go through when the cameras were not in The room when the stakes were High when The heat was intense and Joe Biden has

Always stood with the workers of America And labor unions of America always Always he just always does let's move Forward Here not going back not going back and Not going back you know you realize that She's part of the current Administration Right you know she's running like a Challenger not an Incumbent one of the ways we're going to Guarantee we don't go back is that we Remember right it is important to Remember what that was and what it is And what it will be remember as President Donald Trump blocked overtime Benefits for millions of Workers okay I see how they wrap this Thing up here do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise Of America and are we ready to fight for It and when we fight we win God bless You God Bless America why they butcher That look at them going woo All right there she is with Joe okay so I'm going to wrap this video up here I'm Already starting the next video and There's a part where Peter Ducey is Asking the press Secretary about KLA Harris getting a Southern accent in the middle of the Speech and it's pretty bad so I'll I'll Lead off the next video with that some Other little highlights from her she's

Just a poor public speaker I mean she Doesn't have dementia so I guess that's Something it's an upgrade right you it's Defin definitely an upgrade but anyways Let's wrap this one up here and I'll Continue on with the next video only Spirituality will save this world it's Partono definitely pour for the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone Have a blessed day and be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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