Okay greetings brothers and sisters so It's the holiday season I'm going to be Releasing this on Christmas day so I Want to make sure I wish everybody a Merry [Laughter] [Music] Festivus happy Festivus to you all um And all the rest of the holidays Quanza And the rest of them um and know I guess Christmas and Hanukkah as well just to Throw some you know minor league Holidays in there so this occurred to me Last night meditation and I want to talk About this I you know have all these Voiceovers I just did one uh I was Answering somebody's comment not Question I was responding to somebody's Comment about Jesus and that's going to Be in my last video at the end of it and Then I'll put these things in the Journey series as well and so I want to Talk about the pain of love and i' you Know I've talked about this before but I Want to talk about it more in depth Right because like I've said before God Has no opposite God is Not binary there Isn't a an evil force God encompasses Everything The Good the Bad the Ugly the Evil the darkness and the light God is All things right people want to think About God being just the good things but God is everything the desirable things The things that you perceive as good but
God is all of those things so God can Have an opposite because God is the you Know the foundation the the medium for All creation and love is God so there's No opposite to love but what love does Come with is the pain of love right People associate love with pleasure People associate love with happiness you Know romantic love sexual love these Types of things different forms of love Love of art love of your you know career Or work that you do love of your family Love of um Nature you know any number of things Right Love of Animals you know these Types of things there's us people have Different levels of love and there's Different kinds of love love in the Purest form is love of God love of Love Itself right where you feel love for the Essence of love which is the hardest Form of love to achieve because there's No it's abstract you know love is an Energy love is a condition love is an Essence of something and so God is you Know the love of God it's the hardest to Achieve right so this is the need for Real spiritual Masters you know the love Of Jesus the love of you know these Various chrishna Buddha all these Various you know the masters of the Sark System because it's a more recent thing And you know there's a different Spiritual achievement that's there and
When you love a spiritual person when You love somebody not as a you know as a Relative not as a as a romantic partner But someone you love because they're uh They represent God in some way to you Like the spiritual Essence their soul And it's you know an easier way to love God you love God through a divinely you Know someone who's achieved high levels Of divinity because we're in a physical Body and we perceive things based on our Upbringing and our level of Comprehension we perceive things and our Level of our heart development it's much Easier to love somebody than love the Essence of God but ultimately that you Know that spiritual being somebody who's Achieved high levels of spirituality is Just a placeholder For the Love of Divinity itself the love of God itself Over the years there's been this you Know people attribute conditions and Qualities to God and forms to God like The way that they think about God God is A king God is you know nature God as any Number of things God is a man God is a Woman God is a father God is a mother These things right But ultimately God is All of these things and in some ways None of them right and so those people Like I was saying about people's own Personal Jesus if you never met Jesus You would have trouble falling in love With him or loving him falling in love
Love is a master chargie once said We Rise in love we don't fall in love which Is a great way to look at it falling in Love connotates something of a you know Descent into love that it's something Lower that you're falling into right as Opposed to rising up to it But if you've never met somebody it's Hard to love them and it's just the Unfortunate nature of things so all of These dead Spiritual Beings and Masters It's really hard to connect with them on A soul level without previous contact With them people have done it there are People who have channeled Jesus there Are people who have connected with Jesus In the Christian tradition and then These other Souls higher developed Souls But it's a difficult thing very few People have the ability to do it and to Really get to the essence of somebody a Saintly person so that's why there is a Lot of slippage and they redefine Jesus Because people aren't able to connect With them and see you know for Themselves what Jesus was all about so They have the religions that manifest a You know a new profile and a redefined Spiritual being like Jesus some Saint or Whatever it is they just redefine them And then people just make up their own because they want to you know they Can't because there's no there's no Connection to dispute the things that
You think and say about Jesus as your Definition of him right and so these are All kind of the important things about Spirituality but what I want to talk About is the pain of love the separation From love right and so the majority of People don't have good marriages and Good families or don't come from a good Family and maybe don't have any true Love in your life right right you know You love your family but you might not Like them and you might not like their Company you know love is um something That just grows like that's the the idea Behind arranged marriage you know Especially when they did it with very Young children that if you're around Somebody for a long time there's love There even though it's you know it's not There's you might not like the person I Mean you just you become comfortable With people you you're around them for a Long time and they have their flaw and That's why people stay in bad marriages CU it's like their Destiny they realize This is the person they're supposed to Be married to and the person's a piece Of they're an addict they're you Know they cheat on them they lie to him Whatever and they stay with the person Because they're just feel like they Supposed to and there's love there but They don't like to respect the person You know this at my parents um my dad
Was very narcissistic and a very close Person and really highly unlikable he Only had a few friends and you know he Did as much as he could to piss them off And when he retired he had nothing and Nobody you know none none of us kids Liked him or wanted to be around him and He didn't have anything to offer like he Hadn't lived a good life where you could Go ask him a question and he lived on so Such a superficial level you know he Didn't dive deep into anything right he Was just a a remedial person that had Really nothing to offer and very you Know uh unremarkable able life and so I Went to school in Florida for a failed Year and then I uh my parents my dad Retired and moved down after I graduated High school to Florida and I spent a Year there you know that after I I Dropped out after the first semester and Then I um or the second semester and I Spent a little bit of time there and Then I moved back to Connecticut lived With my brother for a bit and started my Own life independently you know my Parents parents had long stayed together Because of the kids right my mom was a Devout Catholic my dad wasn't really Anything and you know when I was living There yeah I twisted my ankles F my Ankle hurt right where I like I um I Strained a ligament or whatever it is The the term for I was in a cast for 6
Weeks playing basketball I rolled my Ankle in basketball you'll step on Somebody's foot and then your ankle like The your ankle will turn sideways and You know you have these ligament damage As severe sprained ankles and I was in a Cast for 6 weeks and you know was a Whole thing and you know was a dark time In my life I was using drugs I worked as A nighttime security guard you know just My I was depressed and my parents were You know just I mean I never really Liked them and didn't really you know There was just nothing there and my Parents um you know there's the boka in Boan there's these boka Vista boka Dell Whatever um little communities of Culdesac Like Houses you know these Little retirement condos and things like This condominium community and little Houses my parents bought a house Somewhere in one of these places and uh My grandmother had a house there and she Was you know she was going to turn like 98 and die within the next couple years I don't know she was living living with My parents and there was a woman who Moved in that like a couple houses away At The Cue saac and I know noticed her Because she was somebody who wanted to Be noticed right like she was just you She was attractive woman probably in her 30s and she was you know just like you Could tell she was like a I don't think
I ever talked to her but she was out and About a lot and I think she was very Like flirtatious and whatever and you Know then I moved back to Connecticut And I pretty much forgot about the whole Thing and at some point my mom and dad Separated I was back in Connecticut And I talked to them about it my mom Told me everything went on and he had Given this woman money this woman Flirted with them you know my brother Was a Serial cheater and so I described The story to my brother and so what Happened was the woman flirted with my Dad and he gave her money and then wrote Her a love letter kind of thing and my Mom found it and you know he never was With this woman my dad was you know 70 Years old or whatever she was like Probably maybe she was 40 like I can't Remember specifically but she was you Know older than me but much younger than Them right you know much older than me And much younger than them right so you Know whatever it was she was in her like Mid-30s or whatever and she got money Out of my dad so my brother said oh That's classic Ralph he didn't get laid Gave money and got caught And so that was my brother's perspective On and my dad talked to me and you know My mom ended up buying a separate house My grandmother sold her house and they Moved in together and my mom was taking
Care of her and it was very clear she Was just sick of my dad and once there Was no more kids it was like pointless And my dad kept on calling me and like Paul we got to get rid of these two Houses it's crazy I don't know why you Have two houses and I said well you know I asked my dad I said um How have you changed you know your mom Wants you to change as a person you know Like I explained to him a little bit of You know how he sucked you know or Whatever and I said you know she's sick Of you you know you need to change what Have you changed that that things are Different and my dad goes lots of things And that was his complete answer even Though I pressed him for more CU he was Like a child right he hadn't changed at All my mom said he was watching TV and Swearing and getting angry and you know He had worked with I mean his two Friends that he went to school with were Jewish like he had longtime Jewish Friends and he worked with a lot of uh African-American and Puerto Rican kids In his you know inner city uh High School in Harford that he worked as a Guidance counselor and all of a sudden Now he became really racist like he was Saying racist and we go on racist Rants anti-emetic stuff like all this Stuff like he became a a Jewish a Jew Hater and like a and you know my parents
My my mom and my grandmother were scared Of him you know my brother talked to him And he said my dad was not a tough guy You know he was very I mean he was you Know kind of lame and my my brother said You know to my dad you know mom mama is Going to call the cops on you for like You're getting like you know abusive or Whatever and um and and my dad's like I Like I'd like to see them try to take me Out of the here he was like 70 years old He was like losing it right but anyways Um you know it must have been like 23 24 At the time you know this all this Happened and I had seen my parents for Years like they they'd come up to um Connecticut a bunch of times but at some Point they split up you know after you Know whatever time and you know my mom Said all the hurtful things that he did Like he gave money to this woman and Maybe some other women and he never Really cheated but he gave money and got Got caught like it was pathetic right Like sad and pathetic and he Um you know never bought my mom any Jewelry like she was upset like she had You know been with him and you know had Had suffered him for so many years and He's given money away to these skanks Who just you know bat their eyes at him And just silly stuff you know I think he Was sexually frustrated my mom was a Small person I you know I don't really
Want think about any of that right You know but whatever it was you know There was there was a it was a shitty Marriage they were incompetent people And it was hard to be around them and I Talked to my mom I said you know why Don't you make some criteria of the Things you want him to work on like you Know I don't I mean just you know some Ways that you want him to be different And change and you know and I'm advising Her it was just a weird thing I'm a kid You know like 20s you know I mean my Whole life with them was kind of stuff Like that where I had to you know I I Was coming from a point where I was Somehow more mature and more like I was More developed than they were which was Weird even as a young kid in some ways And so it's inappropriate for a kid to Try to advise their parents it just you Know it's not supposed to work that way It doesn't work but anyways at some Point my mom took him back and she was Just miserable and like every time I Talked to her and you know then his his Health crapped out and she had to deal With all that right and you know I Was down there and I'm like you know I'll come back when he's dead like to my Mom you know basic I didn't say it like That but like he was scared of dying and He was just Clinging On to life and he Was just a shell of himself and it was
Awful like you know horrible thing to See and my dad died and my mom died like A year later even though she had her Freedom finally right she had the Ability and she had lots of friends she Had church friends and she belonged to Groups and she had like things she'd do And you know whatever she had a Community and yet she um you know the Grand cuns you know my siblings would Visit her and grandkids my brother was Moved down there but was like my Brother's like said yeah he's I'm taking Care of Mom and I talk to my mom she's Like yeah sometimes it's worse to have Him here like he was cuz my brother can Be pretty um you know a a lot to take Right so you know big personality and You you know whatever you know but she As much as she really didn't like my dad There was love there the love was there But mostly she suffered him right my Dad Loved her but my dad was so superficial You know my dad um the only time I saw Some depth to my dad I saw him really Concerned my mom was away and I fell off A zipline which I've talked about in Other videos and I got knocked down I Was in the hospital for 12 hours like You know almost died I hit my head in a Rock like bad right I fell off a Like a 30 foot zipline and hit my head And you know just you know I mean that Kind of stuff which explains a
L which probably explain a lot now but Um you know my dad was in the hospital And I like he was in almost almost tears And he was like freaked out and I felt Like oh wow my dad loves me the only Time I felt my dad loving like being Having like the condition of love right My dad there was times he was like you Know whatever positive or uh Complimentary or whatever not really That much but like in terms of some you Know affection my dad there's some Little bits of affection but my dad was He struggled with all that stuff cuz you Know people who are you know they're Sealed we from the depth of their Personality they live in a very Fear-based you know just on the surface Of things but almost you know me dying And me him going out to the woods cuz my Friend went and got my dad and my dad Came out saw me laying there thought I Was dead and he flipped out right you Know my nephew had a he got married and The girl he married was pregnant she had A miscarriage and he took it really Poorly and my dad you know there's a Miscarriage before me and after me and I Think the one after me developed like Digest gestational gestational diabetes I think it's called and had a monster Head and they had to like break the head To get the miscarriage out I me some Kind of awful thing and my dad saw the
Baby and he was like not he was like Wrecked you know there few times he had Real emotional Reactions where he felt Something deeper than his you know his kind of self right I that Happened to me too there's something in Our genetic lying you know I dated this Girl I was waiting tables with her and She was just a horrible person and you Know I don't want to talk about so much About that but just a bad person um like She talked about having power over Hurting people like she got off on Hurting people and she ended up dating a Guy you know we broke up but like it was You know wasn't a clean breakup like she Didn't tell me she wanted to date some Other guy and it was kind of the end of Our relationship and so it was kind of a Dickish move on her part but at some Point I figured out she had Abortion and it could have been my baby Or this guy other guy's baby and she Just did it on her own and it really Felt it like it really felt bad even Though I want to know part of her and You know I mean being married to her Would have been I mean probably well at Least as bad as my first marriage and so It would have been a disaster CU she was Like horrible person and like I dodged a Bullet you know on a surface level it Felt like you know that was probably the Best thing like an abortion but on a
Soul level I just was I was really Affected by it and I wasn't even a part Of it like I found out like a month Later that she did it like I just Figured it out like uh you know the guy She was dating had his friend or brother Come visit him and we were kind we had Been kind of friends before and it was Kind of awkward he was a bartender so I Had to you know get drinks for him and I Came walking up to him and he was um Talking to his brother his friend Whoever was visiting him and he in Atlanta I think he was from St Louis or Something you know whatever it was and His friend was talking about something Serious and he told the guy to shush When I came Over and I was like it just I was like Oh my God she had an abortion like it Just occurred to me like I had almost no Information but I just picked it up and I walked over and I said did you have an Abortion she looked at me like how the did you know that you know did Somebody tell you I was like you know I Just figured it out and like whatever Like I felt it and it really affected me In some way and it you know this Miscarriages we had some of them my ex Had a few miscarriages and all of those Really affected me especially the one Where we heard the heartbeat of the baby So there's just something there this you
Know like a you know that's why my Position on abortion is based in that Like it's there's a grieving process and You know you just have to be sensitive Enough or connected enough to it and for Women it's much more if that was it like For me than a sensitive woman you know Women are generally more sensitive to Men and when they can feel the soul the Baby and so the you know the grieving Process even Hilaria Baldwin talked About the pain that she went through the Emotional pain she went through from a a Couple of miscarriages of course there's Some you know there's some suspicion Around the you know the legitimacy of Her pregnancies but anyway so there was Those things where my dad had some level Of emotion but my parents were around Each other enough that they you know They there was love there as much my mom I mean I think she hated the guy at some Point you know just really just despised Them and was sick of them and Overbearing and just tough to be around Like you know she she had the freedom to Live she was in her 90s and then she Died just shortly after my dad she was Her health plummeted and you know it was Like once she didn't have to take care Of him anymore she just you know she Just allowed herself to go it's weird How that kind of works out with love Right so this is what I'm talking about
When you love people but you don't like Them you know I felt something when my Parents died but you know I didn't Really like them or respect them they Were both incompetent my mom of course I Thought more highly of her and we didn't Have you know much of a relationship and I was in India at the time when my mom Died and you know my dad the last time I Saw him I was like my God just go Already Jesus Christ like you're walking Around like a ghoul like it just It was bad and so you know but I felt Something there's always love there even You know you don't like your siblings or Even you know sometimes your spouse or Other people when your people in your Life but you know there's some kind of Love there that you feel and you know That's there's some pain of Love there And so often times people that's their Love you know their love relationships There's you know it's not pure it's like There's love there but it's also um you Know it's stifled to whatever extent Because you don't like the people so Much or the people cause you so much Pain and suffering or you know people Don't penetrate to you know Relationships just sort of die often Times it isn't so much you don't like People you just take each other for Granted and you know the love Fades and Your life takes over and you know you
Don't feel the love as much and you know It's there whatever you know when Separation is there which I'll get into Longer you feel maybe a little bit more And so you know maybe the person dies And all you you feel like oh wow I Forgot how much I love the person you Know there's that but it isn't like an In-depth you know fullon love Relationship with your heart's wide open And you're feeling that love right and So some people grow up in great families Loving families that are supportive with Great people that have a lot to offer And when their parents die they're miserable they're wrecked right And so that's the problem with that kind Of love you know it's what most people Desire most people are lonely they don't Feel understood they feel like they have You know these half you know these these Love relationships that are very Complicated the love is there but it's It's you know it's mostly um not love Right And so when those people die and you're Separated from them you feel a little Bit you miss them a little bit but you Know it's not so bad but if you have one Person your family or whole family that Just there's all this love and then they Start dying and it's like holy this Is so painful you know when there's true Love there's true affection there's true
Dedication there's a healthy Relationship you know a positive Relationship a non um you know a non- Dysfunctional relationship and so that's The issue like what what people want Right people want you know love the the You know the dream the Romantic dream of Love and the you know the the dream of a Good family a loving family everybody Wants that on some level right or even Like a village where there's a community Where there's people you love like There's so many people sharing love like A good church where there's lots of Great parishioners and a a really great Pastor and these things and there's a Lot of love a lot of love for God and Community so even that where people who Are you know great people that touch People's lives and they uplift the People like Saints are the ultimate Example of this and then we have Grandparents like that and parents and You know people you just really love the Pain of separation and when they die is You know just horrific it's hard it's Traumatic right it's hard to overcome Right this is the downside of love Because love is pain the separation from The the the Beloved right there's the Lover and there there's the Beloved and As you go through the various levels Like if you you know there's a Separation when you work something you
Love your work you dedicate yourself to Your work and you know the passion you Have for your work all these things Right people have this you know whatever It is this this uh ability and obsession With their work and then they just can't Do their work anymore and you know they They often suffer and they fade you see People diminish right remember the Lord Of the Rings and like I think was Gad Gadel whatever name is one of the Ring Bearers that was an l And she was like I'm going to diminish And go to the the west or east or Wherever they they go on these boats and They sail out of the Middle Earth right And they give up their power and these Things right you get diminished you're Not as much as you used to be like your Life work is over and now you're in the Death process right so you know people Have a love of a lot of different things And then those things are lost to them The object of your love the object of Your affection and in the you know idea Of the love with divinity you know You're the lover and God is the Beloved Right God is the object of your love and You know it's not so much a downside Because there's truth and reality in it But there's nothing more painful than Being separated from your loved ones and Losing the loved one you know I thought About this with my kids a lot when they
Were young and I just didn't think I Could handle them dying like one of my Kids of course my daughter would later Commit suicide but I was well prepared For you know it wasn't just the suicide But I I might not have ever saw my Daughter again right we corresponded a Little bit and you know but there had Been a falling out with her and the Family and just you know all of it and I Just you know worried about what kind of Person she was going to be what kind of Life she was going to lead for a number Of years and so I was prepared for it But if she had died when she was three Or four like it probably would have Broke me in some way which I I I don't Know what it would have done right People lose their children When the Children Are Young and they're you know When the kids are innocent and they're You know they're not form their Personalities and you know these things Where they you know become you know not So great but when they're young they Have all this potential and things but You know for me I guess I don't want to Say luckily because it's not a desirable Situation but I wanted an Intergenerational Family Farm And I Wanted to you know have my kids around With me in whatever capacity and that's Just isn't going to be the case even my Son who lives with me we're not really
Close and so you know it's um it was a Painful process of course the Relationship I had with my ex was so Dysfunctional you know it's mental Illness there and just so much Difficulty and so the only good thing About that is it made it easier you know It all made it like not as hard to go Through not that the overall situation Is good but there The Good The Silver Lining is that you know I didn't suffer As much as I usually you know that I Would have but I would rather have the Other I would rather have the pain of Love I would rather have good loving Relationships with my kids and my family And suffer the pain of it but it's Painful right it's pretty devastating And then you're you know you're in a Good marriage and you have real you know Real love with your spouse you know one Of you is going to have to die I mean Maybe you die together that could you Know there's always that possibility Some car crash or something like that That but in most cases someone has to go First and you know if that person's like So mean so much to you as often you know The spouses do that they become your you Know I mean 80% of your life is you all Of your life has to do with your spouse And 85% is focused in or some large Percentage and that there's so much you Know love between you and then when they
Die it's like you're you know you're Completely alone right there's just it's Just your you know It's not something that you can replace Especially as you get older there's no Sense of you know anything being as good As that relationship and then you're Just kind of waiting to die and just the The pain of Love is just there right but Even more so with this idea of the love Of God and inside of everybody there is This pain from being separated from God Because when you come down and live in a Physical life you can feel God's love And you can feel God's presence and you Can connect with God but not nearly like It is when in your etheric body when You're not in a physical third Dimensional body and world and you know This planet we live on you know I'd Heard about this condition in the SJ Mark system of the pain of love where You really get in touch with that pain That your soul feels everybody's souls Feel it but very few people end up Experiencing it when they're in their Physical body and I experienced it for Like three months you know a month or Three months I can't remember what which My family and I had just boughten a farm And we were building a farm which I was Into I was building a business you know Which later became this you know this um Started off as a counseling business you
Know I had the spiritual you know the Shroy the spiritual uh download like This you know this program was Downloaded pockets of the future was Phase two and so these things were Happening my kids were young and we were Learning about farming and it was a kind Of a good time you know before the kids Got older we moved to this other house That we we bought we bought a you know We move we sold that farm and we moved To a more rural area and the woman who Owned that house had killed herself and Or was and or was murdered there's you Know some debate and we didn't know that Going in they didn't disclose that and The energy in the house was weird and my Family fell apart for that and other Reasons like it was a whole thing uh but The good time you know that first farm And you know I had a lot of things going On I was writing books and you know I Was like I I had a lot of work to do and It was like I said a more positive time In my family and I all of a sudden Experienced this pain of being separated From God and I couldn't do anything like I lost all motivation it was just Overwhelming it was like I didn't want To not have it it was like a real Feeling like I didn't want to get rid of The feeling but the feeling itself made Life almost impossible like I just had No motivation to do anything like
Materially I just was like you know just Feeling this condition and so you know I Know that it exists cuz I experienced it Right the pain of Love on a soul level The pain your soul feels from being Separated from its creator from the Divine Essence right and so that's the Spiritual aspect of it but you know There's lots of people like my dad was Somebody who was really scared of life You know people are scared of death but Also scared of life my mom also very Worried centered you know my mom I asked Her why she married Mar my dad she was Like well I felt sorry for him and I'm Like Right you pied him you pied the fool Like it's one of the worst things ever Right and so um you know there's lots of People who just never live they never go For it right you know there's things That they wanted there's things that They you know they dreamed of doing and They just settle and you know it's a Fear of uh you know it's plain it's Sayfe and but they never really experien You know love in that this way that I'm Talking about they never experience you Know they they kind of just die inside They go they get zombified and goufi and These things you know they just they Just become these mindless Drones because they they never really Tried right they never tried in any
Capacity they never went for it right And going for it doesn't mean something Great but it also means not just Settling and let letting life happen to You and they don't have good examples of It they don't have a support system and There's just a lot of times they've been Drained by their families and their Parents or their pronic energy you know There's this woman I dated she was a Nurse I've talked about her a little bit In the past you know she was a mostly a Good person but you know very fear-based And her Um you know her mom was like really Morbidly obese when I met her but she Said you know her mom was really Beautiful when she was young and she was In love with this guy they were really In love And the guy went to Vietnam so her mom Hooked up with this really you know bad Guy like her biological Dad and he impregnated her twice with a Couple of kids and then left her and This girl I was dating she eventually She was like in her 20s probably like 26 She found the guy and the guy's like her Dad her biological dad she's never seen Him before you know he when he was She he was around when she was a little Baby right and she later figured out she Was sexually abused by a babysitter you Know negle there's some neglect there
And her mom was like really unconscious Right just not you know a conscious Person and her mom um you know the dad The dad leaves and she finds the dad Years later and the guy's like why don't You why don't you come around sooner you Know like he's paid no child supports But no effort into it but then she Married a guy who was even kind of worse Say her step you know this this girl's Stepfather and had a couple more kids And it was the most depressed sad place They ever been I've talked about you Know the condition before I'm not going To go into too much of it but I couldn't Even be in their house for like an hour It was just so bad like you couldn't Breathe you were suffocating on the just The the low vibrational the low Consciousness and she she had told me Once that her mom said don't fall in Love cuz you only get your heartbroken It's too painful and so just settle for Somebody I mean she just had all this Bad advice right and she was living this Miserable life and I guess they kind of Split up her and her her husband I mean They their life even got worse one of The kids went to jail for reckless Driving and um one of the he crashed his Car in one of his high school he was in High school he went to adult prison at Like 16 because the mom of the boy that Died just went ballistic and she
Pressured the the da to punish the kid As much as he could get punished right Even though he wasn't drinking or Anything just you know really bad energy Family bad you know just tragic family But the mom had this idea that you know Don't fall in love don't marry somebody That you you know don't seek Love Don't Seek some you know some soulmate just Settle for the first piece of that Wants to marry you and just Endor you Know like this whole thing you'll just Play it safe you'll never get hurt right And there's lots of people that live This way you know that don't want to Risk it and don't want to experience the Pain of it but then you know they're so Scared of dying like my dad then Death Becomes you know and there's all this Regret and you know whatever it is right Like I I don't believe that you know you Can do anything that you set your mind To this stupid that people say you Know you can you can be anything you Want I you none of that stuff you know I Know that's not to be that's not true And not everyone's meant to be a Superstar not everyone's meant to be a Great person you know some people are You know doing jobs like there Somebody's got to do the jobs but In some capacity in your life there Needs to be some passion and some you Know going for something great like you
Know could be just having a great family Or just you know something right great Dog even you know I don't know you know Just some some kind of thing in your Life right you know where there's some Um you know there's there's something You know that's just not mundane and Just checking the box and dreary and you Know all these things with the full Knowledge that you know it's painful Like when you you lose everything when You die and you know when someone else People around you die and it's painful There's pain in life right and the pain Of Love is the the worst kind of pain But it's the best kind of pain because It's there for a reason there's a Longing there and it's the longing and Craving to pull you back to the source Because you long to be United with your Creator on a heart level when you Penetrate to the you know the the bare Basic condition and most most people Never even do that cuz they don't Meditate they don't look at it that There's this craving to be one with your Divine Creator your your Godly father Right to go back to the source and you Know you know the you know how strong Sexual urges are and sexual you know uh Proclivity you know the desire to Reproduce is in mammals and we know how Strong your you know uh your hunger you Know your your your desire to satisfy
Your hunger how much your body will Crave water and like if you if you're Like somehow can't breathe for even a a Minute you go desperate right if you're Stuck under water like the you know the Need to breathe right but there's even More a stronger pull on a more subtle Level to be one with the Divine you know The div Divinity within you and to be You know merged back into the source and That most people can ignore and find a Way not to realize that that's there but It is right and it changes everything Everything and it's the pain of love Right it's the pain of separation from The object of your love and it's painful And like it's supposed to be painful Because there's you know this element You know there's women who particularly Women sometimes it's men but mostly Women you know mothers and and sometimes Fathers but mothers that they lose a Child and it like rattles them so much And they you know they feel they need to Connect with their child they become Psychic right they're able to penetrate To a soul level because the drive to you Know the pain of Separation the pain of Love that's there I mean the number of Women who gain some psychic abilities Because of a loss of a child and Oftentimes great psychics needed to go Through something like that some kind of Major loss in their life where they can
Feel the pain of love and they you know It opens up psychic abilities and all These other things Conn act to higher Levels often times when someone loves You die someone loves somebody that you Love die eyes somebody that you have Deep love for it just opens up your Connection to them on a spiritual level And then all these other abilities go Along with it right you're more attuned To this world of the spirit you know so These are all things I'm talking about Here and you know when people say like They love Jesus or whatever well there Would be a real connection there there Would be a real pain of Separation then It's really hard to do something like That because they never met them and so They just they're loving the idea of Jesus that was presented to them but not Connecting on a soul level which is hard For people to do like it it can be done Of course it's something that can be Done but can people do it have they Developed enough to do it right if they Had it would the world would be Transformed because if you had you know Uh knowledge of the etheric world and Some sense of a a grander purpose here And that you're not here dominating the World but you're here at the you know The pleasure of the president you know The pleasure of God who decides you know When you come when you go and and what
Your goals are and what you should Achieve and your soul you know that's a Part of that and then being able to Surrender to that to some extent and see The bigger picture but you know Unfortunately people the mor PE majority Of people are just dead inside and they Have this like Veil or shroud of you Know they're like in a days like you Can't make contact with them and it's Because of all the reasons that I've Said here well anyways um there was Another talk I want to add to this which Was about Jesus so I'll add that one um At the end of this thing and um yeah so There's that you know I I gave that talk In you know another voiceover my last Video but I want to add it here because Of it being Christmas at all so here's The um my previous talk and so I just Want to add one little one little one More little thing here um you know the Capacity to love should grow and develop And so the pain is going to be more Because the capacity to love is greater And the Heart opens up more you know People are scared of opening up their Heart like people are are really scared Of what the good things that are inside Of them like everyone fears the demon Within everyone's a little bit scared of The demon but people are much more Likely to embrace the demon than the Saint right the ego and the the fear
What happens when you embrace the Divinity within you and you let Everything go like it's just you let go Of all control and you surrender to the Divinity within you that's why the word Surrender has such a a negative term in Our society like you you're supposed to Keep everything with a tight Fist and be Very controlling you know people with OCD and not just let go and and you know Let let everything flow and and seek its Natural course to preventing things from Reaching their natural goal like Stopping the flow of things right that's A big part of our problem collectively And as you grow in your ability to love And your capacity to love and when you Love the higher you love when you love God which is the you know the highest Capacity the highest the most subtle Version of of love right the most um you Know pristine version of love and so the Pain of that is so much greater and the Capacity For expressing your love and feeling Your love is you know grows as you you Know love a higher and higher levels Right and everything flows naturally and You you know you give up on your control Over life and all these things you just Flow with it you know your your mind no Longer is dominant your heart is Dominant and people have a hard time of First having their hearts purified so
They can actually feel love and grow Love and you know have a experience of Their soul and the Divinity within them You know people are terrified of that And don't develop it and some people Just don't have the capacity and then When you do that like fully surrendering That and let it that guide you in your Way and not being able tool control Things and stop things from happening And you know the the inevitable pains That you're going to suffer the pain of Loss is so much greater when your Capacity to love is increased in this Way so just want to add that little part To the end here and here's the the talk I gave about Jesus in my last Video okay so I just have one comment to Get to here and then I will Um you know wrap this up today is Monday December 23rd I think this video Is going out tonight and then um I don't Know what I'll do tomorrow tomorrow's Christmas Eve I got a voice over I want To do for Christmas day like I don't Know maybe I'll make a short video Tomorrow I don't know we'll see what Happens but anyways this person writes This is my okay time uh okay time to it Should be call BS on the whole Hunter Biden Narrative and much more two I made one And it got copyrighted so I had to put Two on the second one when you see a two
That's what's happened something like That um you know I upload it and there's Some kind of copyright issue I have to Take out to get monetized or whatever it Is but you know I've been talking about Christianity and Jesus and things and Just interesting it like it happened Around Christmas I didn't intend that to Happen but the person says This come to Jesus not meditation but Prayer to Jesus I I pray your HV dreams In encounters with him so you can let Heavenly dreams I pray you I pray you Have have dreams I guess they I pray you Have dreams and encounters with him so You can let others know the truth you Deceived with this mindful you're Deceived with this mindfulness now like Let's just cover that you're deceived With the Mindfulness heartfulness meditation Which is what has become of the sjar System sjar means natural path and so The sjar system was named through a Divine process it's a it means natural Path in Sanskrit like the oldest living Language at least according to this Belief system that I have right so Mar Is the method the kind of the Organization and the the organization in Terms of its official name is the Shri Ramchandra Mission the the first two Masters of the system both had the name Ram Chandra Shri is like mister and so
You'll see Shri in front of like the Mister and these things so it existed in As an official form since 1945 and the entire time that I did it It was called Saj Mar and these things Right you know the other things sh Ramchandra Mission and then the fourth Master of the system the and I I don't Want to call him a master but the you Know guy who was in charge of the Mission comish batal Dody decided to Make a sub category called Heartfulness that this was the same Thing but he made it a separate Organization so he could move the shared Ashrams you know that were part of the Organization into private ownership for Himself I mean that's something I've Been told I haven't I don't have any you Know data or information that can I can Validate that that's the case right but It's um probably the case right And his excuse for creating this thing Called heartfulness was to make it more User friendly for people who weren't Indian it was a lot easier to do Something called heartfulness than it Was to do something called sa Mar right Sa Mar would the name would you know People would be like ah that sounds Weird right that's you know two foreign Words and you know with all the scar you Know the the fear of being in a cult or Something you know something that's not
A part of your culture and so the Heartfulness was sold to everybody as That but then he went about doing stupid that would make it so foreigners Like Americans and Europeans wouldn't Want to do this thing anyway so that was Like why change the name if you're going To he catered and tailored it to Indian People and he doesn't travel like he's Gone to America like once in in whatever 10 years or whatever twice in 10 years You know charge used to come here every Year this the previous Master but either Way you guys who know this the story That what I went through and they you Know started to work with the UN and do This stupid and the quality of the Services the transmission the cleaning Dissipated he just did one dumb thing After another and so I realized this Thing was and I just went back to Doing the old thing and separating Myself from this debacle that this clown Has created right which speaks to my Ability as a truther or to even as Painful as something like that is and as Great as the old system is or the system Is still that I had to break from the Organization CU it it had gone false and I had saw it Go Go false right um but in That let me just get to the mindfulness Stuff here because I'll come back to That part when a second and so Heartfulness the high size Mark system
Is about forgetting about your physical Body so you sit in a comfortable you Know whatever is comfortable for you you Know laying down isn't great but you Know something comfortable you know you Can sit in a chair you can sit on the Floor like most people can't sit Cross-legged And used to be a lot more people would Sit cross-legged and now it's more People sitting in chairs it's very few People sit on the floor cross-legged Even in India where they they're more You know they have the better ability to Do that but you sit in a way that your Body doesn't Interfere and there's not supposed to be Any distractions like incense or music You know mantras any of these kind of Things you're you're supposed to forget About your body and you meditate on your Heart your etheric heart on the abstract Idea of Divine Light God's love it feels Like God's love right the feeling is God's love the image the you know the The thought is Divine Light in the heart And the subtle essence of God in the Heart and you're supposed to forget About everything else and there's Cleaning and transmission that's done Cleaning the things that are obstacles To your connecting with the divinity Within you and the transmission is this Divine energy that's coming from a
Higher level so you can experience Divinity on a higher level of approach Than you could based on where you are in Your spiritual journey and it's an Amazing process right but what I want to Emphasize is forget about your physical Body and your thoughts your material Life you're not thinking about your you Know what you're going to do next or you Know your worries or you know your Stressors you're connecting with the Divinity within you you're forgetting About everything else where mindfulness Is you Painfully think about everything Including your physical body and all Your thoughts and you're supposed to be Mindful where you're whenever you're Doing anything you just don't drift away Like if you're washing the dishes you do It with intention and you're Concentrating you're not just listening To music and thinking about other things And you know you're driving and you're Daydreaming like that's true meditation When you get into a meditative State Like you just sort of Drift Away away From reality and you go into a Meditative state right but in the Mindfulness it's not that it's the exact Opposite of Saar which you know the now The defunct heartfulness organization so Heartfulness and mindfulness are nothing Alike right but you know heartfulness
the bed so I went back to doing Sark and I can't call it that because That's an official name of the Organization like heartfulness still Owns that name right you know so I Called it gratefulness because being Grateful is much better than being Heartful cuz heartfulness is just some Madeup thing but gratefulness Is a real thing and gratitude is you Know I talk about gratitude quite a bit But it's just basically doing the old Sark system away from the organization That no longer serves its people the way It used to no longer does what it was Designed to do right but a person who Calls my thing mindfulness doesn't have A clue on what I do right like You have no idea what I do gratefulness Is so far removed from mindfulness They're not the same thing and never Have been connected at anyway and so you Hear mindfulness meditation because That's very popular and you think what I Do is that and it's not that and I would Never do mindfulness it's excruciating Like it's the opposite of what I would Do right I don't believe it's effective And it's you know it's instead of Forgetting yourself and remembering God You just are painfully remembering and Concentrating on your thoughts and your You know where you everything you're Being mindful about everything you're
Aware of everything material your Physical body and it's a very mental Approach right it you know for me it's The opposite what I get out of Meditation I would never do that so you Know that's where the the jumping off Point is you don't even know what I'm Talking about like you have no Clue like you kind of hear the word Meditation you don't know what that is You don't understand that everybody Meditates all the time because it's a It's a it's a natural mental state that You get into meditation is there whether You choose to do it or not your mind Enters into a meditative State all the Time and so that's you know there's even If you're you can meditate on Jesus Right and so you know Jesus and these Jesus and all these other Spiritual Beings meditated that's the way you Connect to God meditating is receiving Prayer is begging and so like but There's no you know this is a remedial Mind here this is somebody who doesn't Have the ability for abstract thought And would never understand what I'm Saying right so here's the other thing Um let me go back and read the comment Again so uh here it is come to Jesus in Capital letters with four exclamation Points not capitalized meditation but Prayer to Jesus I pray you HV dreams and Encounters have dreams with him so so
You can can let others know the truth You're deceived with this mindfulness Right I did have a dream with Jesus and In this dream and in the Sark system if You dream of a spiritual master who I Would think that Jesus qualifies in this I know Jesus had more to go in terms of Our understanding of him right but it Was when I returned to America and there Was a time where the second master of The system documented his inner Communion with Jesus And he said to Jesus all these Christians mean people from Europe and America and other places where there Were Christians are coming to do the Meditation you know do I have your Permission to train them cuz Babaji was Very humble and he would talk to these Spiritual Masters and other Saints and And people even if he was beyond them he Had gone farther than they did he would Talk to them in a way like that right Somebody who was an elder and Jesus said To him and I you know I wish I could Find the exact quote I kind of remember Where it is I don't have access to that Um these talks I think it was on a Videotape where he was talking to Danish People and there was a transcript of the Video and I don't even know where it is Or how to get access to it but I you Know I I read it a couple times no That's actually something else that he
Said about Jesus was involved with Mary Magdalene he asked Jesus these questions For these Danish people this came from His diary his unedit version of his Diary and I don't have either the edited Or the unedited uh but it might be in The um The Whispers of the brighter World the four volumes if anybody's read That I've only read the first one that It's bajy um you know talking to uh uh Various Souls like Bob interc commune With people so he interc communes with Jesus and he says to him in fact I think I looked through those to see if I could Find this but I I couldn't but he says To him Um you know uh there's all these Christians coming to the my meditation Do I have your permission to train them And Jesus said to him yes you know I I I Really want that it's I'm blessing you Know your organization and I want you to Take over Christianity and I don't know What that means you know I don't you Know on etheric level because he was Unhappy with the organizations that now Exist that are misusing his whatever you Know his teachings and his Essence for Their own materialistic gains like he's Really done with the whole organization Of you know these organ organized Christian religion that's you know again You can take that for what it's worth Right but anyway so I returned to
America and I have this very Vivid dream And I walk up to Jesus and I say because This must be in my subconscious right Because I'm dreaming and I don't and I Say to them you know all these Christians are coming to my YouTube Channel and I want to talk about Christianity but I don't know if that's You know there's a well first of all This the first Master of the system ly Was born in Northern India like where There isn't a lot of gurus and you know Spiritual Masters and bobi was born in The next Village over and Lai was born Into wealth his dad was a really wealthy Man but the British Raj these Indian Kings that were supported by or were you Know were chills and collaborators with The British government sued his dad and Just took all their money like the whole Everything and L's mom died and she was Already dead and he was like a you know Teenager and his dad like just died like Of a he just couldn't deal with it and So he was married at a young age like They were married at like 14 you know he Had a wife you know where they're where They're still kids and they're not even You know they don't engage in sexual Activity they just are married like Little kids growing up together right And him and his wife lived in this one Room and had nothing he had he was
Educated because his dad was rich so he Ends up getting a job in the court but He's in complete Poverty and he you know has these Various Sufi spiritual Masters and he Has other people that train him and he Has you know he interc commmun with God And he's you know a deeply spiritual Person but he doesn't have an Organization and he doesn't have a Method yet like the method that we use Now in SAR and people just come to his House and he would train them and Transmit to them and you know do these Other things right and so he doesn't Have and then when he died he had all These like writings he had and his Family just took him and wouldn't give Him to Boby and Bob G covered for them And said you know that they these a maid Threw them out you know threw out all These papers right because VY ended up Not being rich but you know eventually Becoming uh middle class right like he Went from like poverty where he was Eating one chapati a day like a tortilla Right like I mean just um you know Really incredible poverty he lived in One room with nothing you know like they Had a mat on the floor a cement floor to Sleep on and you know just and it gets Cold there in Northern India but anyways The guy has most of his writings have Now been turned over the mission but
They're very abstract you know they're Not really user friendly they had this One thing that was a book and I Understood about 20% of it I would Probably understand more because I'm More familiar with some of the yogic Terminology but it's like real Advanced Old school yogic stuff right yoga not ha The yoga with the the postures but the You know the other things and so one of His teachings is you don't criticize People's religion other people's Religion because that's maybe all they Can do even if the religion sucks it's Where they are Evolutionary on their evolutionary path And I've always you know valued that but What I do here I don't believe it's Criticism it's just telling the truth That people want to hear that come to my Channel right it's this channel isn't For you know Christians who are doing Christianity and want to hear about Christian things this is for people who In many cases left Christianity or Aren't doing anything or you know are Spiritually oriented and they need to Understand the distinction between Religion and spirituality and some of These other things right and so like I Felt like I had to talk about it but I Wasn't all that comfortable doing that Right and so this interaction I have With Jesus open the door for that
Because I I wasn't talking about this is Like 2016 or 17 and so I say to Jesus You know all these Christians are coming Here and I want to talk about Christianity and you know just all the Things I said right you know it's with Imp that's all implied in what I'm Saying you know in terms of you know I Didn't say those words to him but it's Is a dream and you know the the meaning Being that the whole thing with ly and He looks at me and says yeah that's why I'm sending them to you and I wake up And so it's my one interaction with Jesus is that he was saying to me he's Sending Christians to my YouTube channel To hear the truth about his message the True Jesus right like whatever I know About I'm not an expert in it but I'm Much more of an expert in all the people That believe in the Bible and are taking The indoctrinated changed edited Bible's Word for Jesus's life because Jesus was Much more than he's presented in the Bible you know much less in terms of you Know this the sale that he's the only Son of God but much more in terms of his Spiritual achievements that are negated By editing and by they don't want you to To do what Jesus did so they don't tell You of his accomplishments right and his Higher level teachings and to what I Know about them and whatever I know About this in general and whatever I
Understand about what's been done here Jesus said to me in a dream I'm sending People so you so you can talk to that You know you can say these things and so That's why I talk freely about it Because I don't you know again I'm aware Of L's teaching about relig religious Criticism but there are people that need To hear what I have to say that Jesus Wants them to hear that that's what I Wholeheartedly believe right you know I'll include this with my Christ Christmas message You know somebody just um sent me a Bunch of quotes from Chargie about Jesus hopefully I'll Remember to read those as well right but There's like the true Jesus even the Sense in the the extent that Christmas Is almost nothing to do with Jesus he Was not born on December 25th and the Birthday is important you're celebrating The birth of a a spiritual person I mean We celebrate people's birth because We're like I'm so glad you were born That's why you celebrate somebody's Birthday you are an addition to my life And I'm you're a blessing in my life you Know if it's a piece of person that Sucks and is making the world worst Place and you hate them you're not Really celebrating their birthday like You're doing it out of family obligation Or whatever but the people in your life
That you love and have helped you and Touched you in some way and have been You know helped you be a better person Made your life better you celebrate Their birthdays and more so than anybody Else are these spiritual beings that Came down and sacrificed whatever they Sacrificed to impart to people spiritual Training you honor them on their Birthday and their birthday is special It's a special day it's the day they Were born it was the actual day they Were born but the Christian religion Changed Jesus's birthday because they Suck right and I don't know exactly when It was but they were trying to recruit Pagans you know people who were who were Into the solstice so they put it on the Solstice right in Easter is on the is on The Spring Equinox and it's about the Goddess estor it's a it was a holiday That the pagans celebrated it isn't Jesus's death which again is important The birth and the death of Jesus's Actual birth day and death day which we Don't know now because they that thing up right they Disrespected him and his you know to Bring more people in and so that's the Kind of they're willing to pull That's the religion right the religion Is it like they've they've messed The whole thing up right and you know if You go to Christian channels they're
Celebrating Jesus's birthday and they're Not saying what I'm saying that's a Disrespect it's an act of disrespect and So what do we really celebrate on Christmas Materialism it's the biggest you know It's when these retail stores of course Now they're all struggling with the Internet but you know in terms of the Retail Market it's the month where They're in the black you know they're Making money and there's a lot of these Uh used to be these retail Giants or These retail stores they were in the red All year long and they would make so Much money during Christmas it would Carry them financially through the rest Of the year right they were losing money The rest of the year and they or just Breaking even but they would you know They would have windfall profits in Christmas season because it was a Materialistic big economy day and then This you know this red creepy uh Santa Claus that's an anagram for Satan sneaks Into your house and you lie to your kids About it and you give them gifts and you Don't really honor Jesus right I mean For the most part like we had a little Nativity scene with you know we put baby Jesus in the in the manger you know that Manger had capam find Porcelain my brother you know we used to Make fun of this like this uh Capon
Porcelain figurines on the like shopping Network we used to watch that and joke About it but you know these glass you Know these sort of um You know these figurines and had you Know a cow and a sheep and the wise men And you know mother Mary and all these Things and a manger and we put it out There and put the baby Jesus in the last Day right and so yeah he was like Thought about a little bit but really Was about materialism right you know Presence you're getting as a kid and It's just all those things and so Jesus's birth isn't like he's not he's Disrespected the core teachings are Disrespected his beliefs have been Changed his story about what he you know What he was as a person they've just it all up that's why he's not Happy with it of course he's not happy With it right even on a soul level They've you know gone in the opposite Direction he was you know a poor person Most of his life he was he was woman who Lived in poverty like he didn't he Wasn't a wealthy person he wasn't about Materialism and you know you have these Mega churches and these things these you Know these Gody churches with Trump like You know golden altars and all this Stuff right it's the opposite of what Jesus was about and so don't you think Jesus would send people to me like if
You're like conscious a little bit like Who who's talking about these things and Not that I'm an expert in it because I'm Not but I know more than other people Because I've done my own spiritual Practice and I understand it from a Completely different perspective the Third Master the system master chargie Was St Paul in a past life you can Believe that or not but he talked about It and he and close to his deathbed he Acknowledged it he had talked about in Private I there was a talk about it was A wonderful talk that they dodgy had Eras from the the mission he's talking About that sash Mark shouldn't become a Religion and DOI immediately try to turn Into a religion because religions are For-profit religions are dumb down Teachings religions are indoctrination Religions are unspiritual they're a Gatekeeper between you and God and so For those people who can aspire to be Spiritual people this is what my Channel's for right now there's Dopey People and I don't have any relationship With the people who do SJ Mark there are Some wonderful saintly people you know I Wasn't really friends with them you know I'm not a social person but there's a Lot of dopes in that do my thing as well But you know I get these comments all The time let me read the comment one More time here you know I get these
Comments all the time from people who Are here somehow lost it here it is um Come to Jesus meditation but prayer uh Not meditation but prayer Pray uh I pray You have dreams and encounters with him So you can come so you can uh let others Know the truth you're deceived with the Mindfulness well I did have a dream with Jesus I had one dream with him and he Told me to say these things to Christians who come to me because he's Sending them to me that's you know That's what I believe because I believe I believe the dreams are significant and In my belief system if you have a dream About the master it's the master and I Would put Jesus in that because he's a Part of the Divine hierarchy he's a part Of the Sark system he does work he's in Charge of point two there's 13 Meditative points and he's in charge of One of them and that's the teachings of The system and you can believe that or Not I don't care it's not you know it's Whatever it is but some of these things Are known facts there was the Council of NAA that edited the Bible and the Bible Was edited and translated and it was Like there was a all right let's make Jesus the only son of God let's make it So the only way you get to heaven is Jesus like that was talked about that Was a human you know there was human Decisions that didn't come from a Divine
Place let's change his birth day and his Death day to coincide with pagan Holidays that happened you can Look that up that happened look up the Goddess of stor right Easter like There's all these things and there's the The whole Santa thing and all that stuff You know just all of it like Santa has Nothing to do with Jesus zero Right the real Santa Claus was some guy Who you know you can read about he one Time he gave gifts to somebody and was Some kind of thing I don't know was a Like a one-time thing and you know the Guy was a sane and he had I guess he had Inherited a lot of money and he would Give people gifts that Um he would sneak in and give them gifts Because he didn't want them rejecting it People who were impoverished you know so It was a nice guy you know St Nicholas But it was small time and he wasn't Really you know that's not much of a Saint right it's somebody who does Charity like I don't know what his other Spiritual qualities was you know a Generous person but he wanted to help People but he didn't want to make them Be embarrassed or stuff so he'd sneak in Their house and and give him which Still is kind of a little bit weird but But either way he's not Jesus and that That has nothing to do with Jesus and His birth right it's usurped the holiday
And these things are all true right Everything that I've said happened Factually and there's reasons for it and People should think about it because Your religion's been contaminated and I Did the same thing with my you know when Dodgy turned my thing into a a religious Cult I was able to confront and inface It even though it was painful and it was A big deal it's not like you know I'm Suffering because of it things already As good in my spiritual life as it were Before but I've had to accept it because There was it just was and there was Nothing I could do about it but I did Something about it I I created a Gratefulness Channel also because of Dream I had been a preceptor then I was The permission to be a preceptor was Removed and I was made a preceptor in 1995 and then 200000 and two or three I was removed From being a preceptor and then had had A dream in charge you made me a Preceptor again and again so my dreams I You know I take them Seriously I mean they're just dreams but You know they're significant to me and So like that's why I did the Gracefulness meditation to do my best to Preserve the Sark system as best I could Um you know and that's all I could do Right but like the truth is the truth And that's what you're going to get here
I might be wrong about the truth but I'm Not going to you know manipulate it Right and so anyways you know religions Are I mean if you look at the the bad History of Christianity the Crusades and The the forced indoctrination and the You know the abuse of of children and And uh you know brown people and you Know indoctrinating these people and all This forcing the religion on people and All this stuff the missionaries all the Stuff that's happened right Jesus isn't Down with that like he didn't instruct People to do that this whole idea that Uh you know my wife and I watching that Fly me to the Moon movie it's um I'm Going to cover that I guess uh in my Next video I'll talk a little bit about That but the guy was trying to win over A a Christian uh Senator to give them More NASA more money and he said you Know God gave us dominion over the Earth And that's not true the whole Manifest Destiny that's not true and so these Lies have cause problems when people Make up and say that we speak for God you know God speaks to you like you Listen to God you don't tell what God What to do right God isn't interested in Your opinion he allows you to have one But you know you don't go to God go hey God you know I think I know more than You you know who did that Satan and so you know hey God I think I
I if I was God I'd do a better job than You like that's you know that's the Arrogance there and the Christian Rel Religion is loaded with it where there's Things they're making bold claims and Things that are are untrue about the Position of the religion the position of Jesus and and their you know whatever it Might be and it's just there and the the Pain and suffering not just Christianity All these religions you know you serve God God doesn't serve you you don't pray To God to change his plan God please Change your plan because I don't like it That's what most prayers are hey God Life sucks right now it's your fault do Something better do better God Right and so that's you know that's the Attitude where the attitude should be You know God help me do better help me Understand help me you know evolve to Where I can appreciate and be grateful For what you have given to me right The Good the Bad the Ugly anyways um you Know that's just my thoughts okay so That's it for this um video only Spirituality will save this world it's Paul Rano definitely app for the Apocalypse and and the Ascension there Would have a blessed day and be grateful