America needs to declare Bankruptcy + Old Kamala Vids + What is JoJo Magoo doing?

America needs to declare Bankruptcy + Old Kamala Vids + What is JoJo Magoo doing?

[Music] Okay greetings brothers and sisters so This is going to be a little bit of a Different type of introduction to the Video I'll explain a moment so this is What MSNBC opened the day with here Right Um there is U well here's American Recession Here UK KPM convenes emergency security Meeting as far right Riot spread so this Is what they're talking about the crappy Olympics we'll get into this I got some Um stuff to get into about the Olympics Later um and how unbelievably crappy This Olympics Is but that's how MSNBC opened their um Their thing here this is uh Huffington Post comma Camp said sites on Republicans for Harris silver stunner Harris pulls ahead and so that's how They decide to open this up right um Olympic boxer calls for end to and after Backlash over gender Misconceptions so that's the liberal Media here's New York Post Which is far More of a farri nightmare underground Two fale tourists shoved onto New York City Subway and Wall Street braces for Bloodbath and St Aztec Futures plunges Following Japan meltdown stoking us Fears so that's the third story on New York

Post um but they're missing out on a lot Of stuff here Right baring it all Afric junor says he Dumped a dead bear in Central Park after Ding PL to skin it in a bizarre video With Roseanne Bar so there's That but this is what the story should Have been the Asian economy stocks Routed in Asia tumble as Europe markets Fear us recession in Wake of weaker than Expected jobs report US Stock future Slump Asia stock stocks routed amid Recession Fears uh Asian St stock eyed losses as a US economy fears deepen market wrap and So Japanese stocks crash and biggest one Day drop ever AS Global Market routes so In Japan and in Europe and England the Stock market plunged there um and this Is what happened remember before the 2008 collapse this is what happened it Had to do with Derivatives and so the derivatives Market which Trump D regulated Everything there' be there' be a time When this would happen as soon as Trump Deregulated everything because he's a Shill for the banksters this was Inevitable like this is you know a trump Issue of course Biden did all these Things with bailouts and um I mean Inflation and you know Global inflation And course inflation in America and

There's no way to print money print Their way out of this thing uh and so There's a tweet last night that just Popped up on my phone and somebody Tweeted it we'll wake up tomorrow to a Us um stock market Collapse and that's going to be Happening in the next couple of days Right um but then there's what's going On in England and so it says here UK Says must Civil War inevitable post is Unjustified so you uh you mused Civil War in England was um Unjustified why Civil War is unlikely Downing Street condemns must for claim Civil Wars inevitable in the UK make Farri riots and attacks right so there These are the headlines if you search For civil war in the UK um but there's Civil War in the UK Right who are the fire right groups Behind the UK riots farri rers attack Asylum Seeker hotels in UK rotham Travelers warn as UK descends into Chaos English police struggle to hold Back far-right riers from hotel Asylum Dozens arrested and violent clashes Across the country as the government Warrants Rioter um so this is what's happening Right this is what's going on in various Parts of the world why the Olympic sucks And commad Harris K Harris and Trump are You know fake um lightweight

Non-existent politicians that can't Solve anything right so this is Monday August 5th this video will be up Tomorrow I'm just going to do a brief uh Introduction uh voice over then I'll get Into all this stuff I got a lot more Things to get into the political Nightmare and some JoJo Wu sighting Which we're going to have a lot of them Right and when the American Stock Market Collapses it's just a matter of time Because of all these things and of Course it's going to assure a trump Presidency because an economic collapse With JoJo m is at the helm and KLA Harris having to answer tough questions As the media turns on her even although They don't want to and then all the Other things that go with it right and So this is exactly the way everything Played out in 2008 because this is what the derivative Market derivatives Market does and I'll Get into that whole econ IC thing in a Bit so yesterday I did four talks about Religion two of which will be at the end Of this video and then two that will be Following this Introduction and you know it's the Religious failure religion failure that Leads to the kind of morality we have Now it's always the failure of the Religion it's not people who leave the Religion or evil people that create

Immoral uh failure in Morality it's when The religion doesn't do what it it's Supposed to do which is help people Connect to God when a religion does the Opposite of that and that's what our Religion Christianity has done you know The Western religion and all the other Religions at this point have failed and Because religions always fail because They are money-making power Organizations we're we're in a Materialistic time and religions have Become materialistic instead of Spiritual right and that's what happens And I'll get into that these talks and You know whatever coming up but in terms Of what you're seeing out there like This is the beginning of the inevitable Collapse that'll happen and there'll be Phases and remissions and up and down And all these things but it's we've Entered into that phase and it's you Know we're at the prequel to The Phase The the introduction to the phase right And our lifestyle is You know taking a hit to whatever extent Right due to inflation and people are Scared but it's not like registered yet But I just want to say this there are a Lot of truthers out there and again I Don't listen to them but I know from the Comments and just in general and of Course the truth Community has been Cleansed of I don't want to say cleansed

Because you know there are a lot of good Truthers that are you know have been Forced out or just gave up because of The whole everything that happened with The censorship and all these things Right but the people out there that are Truthers that are either lying to you or Lying to your themselves or both and I've been telling you that there's a way To fix this thing and save our system That shouldn't be saved right you have Truthers that every day and I'm talking About you know the whole spectrum of of Truthers people who don't buy into the The official system the official story They don't believe the official story The BS story that's being told to them Right that's what I'm calling the truth Here so it's a wide variety of people That includes the Cubbies that includes The woke people right includes the you Know all the people who are disgruntled And don't believe in that they they're Being told the truth believe that They're being lied to right so all those People like that's what I'm you know a Big tent of what I'm calling truthers Here and all those people who report on The bad thing things that are happening In our system right the things that are Going wrong with our system and you know It's extensive and then you have people Who are Tru or truthers more Tru or Truthers and they report about all of it

Right and the collapse of the the moral Situation is the biggest part the Collapse of the human beings where human Beings are you know weak and pathetic Right human beings are selfish and Entitled disconnected from God the break Down of the family make poor moral Decisions are filled with just gross Things that they do right in terms of Their Habits video games and porn and You know all the things that they Indulge in in terms of drugs and you Know all the things right where it Becomes a decadent Society of just Self-indulgence and stimulation and Nothing to do with character formation And connecting to God and you know hard Work and you know being in tune with Nature or whatever it is right when you Human beings collapse and civilization Collapses in our system and the human Beings are going in the same direction And that is towards the Demonic side of Things right towards the Egoistic potential demon that exists in Each person away from the potential Saint the soul that exists in each Person right so that's where we are and People report on this all the time Across the board and both sides are Saying that we're fighting for the soul Of America fighting for the soul of you Know fighting for democracy whatever Like it's that bad there's complete

Division which is another thing right I Mean this is like a big divorce that's Going on globally where the Conservatives and the the Liberals are At war with each other each other soes Blaming everything on the other party of The other people and that's what's being Reported by people in the so-called Alternative media on a daily basis and Yet they all pretend that the system can Be saved by freaking Donald Trump or KLA Harris like what are you talking about Like you think either one of those two Dopes is going to save you like are you Like insane right like you think those Two people and those two parties that Have been just growing more and more Sucky I mean the suck is just you know Palpable it's like you can cut it with a Knife and Humanity just sucks right now People are just getting worse like People and then the Poli ERS and Everything like it's just we're diving Into the abyss and you think the system Can be saved you think it should be Saved right like why would you even Think it should be saved I know why I Want it to be saved and why you want it To be saved because we're dependent on It I say this all the time we're 100% on The a system that's that should collapse Because it's immoral and it's taking Everybody in the wrong direction and People are going in the wrong direction

So we need something different and we Don't have a backup plan we don't have a Plan B we don't have a system that can You know there's no tweaks to the system We're all going in the wrong freaking Direction right you're going in the Wrong direction we all are and so any Truth throughout there is telling you That the system should and can be saved Is a shill and a liar and self deceiving Most people are you know it's just Wishful thinking on their part but it's You know they're just wasting your time Right because you you know you're you're Waiting for some hail Mary thing that's Not going to happen and so like it's not Happening there's no saving this thing And you know we're heading into it and The more you head into it the more you Realize you better start coming up with A plan B and I don't Advocate that People go and live in the woods and you Know like you know stupid stuff like Overreaction right but at least you know Start preparing yourself for the Inevitable and connecting to God Internally is Paramount throwing off the Shackles of your remedial religion and Your Indoctrination and finding a way to Connect to God directly you know there's A gracefulness meditation Channel that I Have that helps people do that it's free There's no you know just has a bunch of

Videos and how you do it and so the old Sa Mark method which for me has always Been the solution connecting to God Internally and there's a system and Method to help people do that but other Than that you know people can prepare in Whatever possible way right You know putting away you know whatever It is like you can figure out prepping Whatever you you know each person has to Come up with their own plan I'm not Advocating you know I'm not recommending Anything I'm saying like the writing's On the freaking wall you saw what Happened when Co hit and it can happen That quickly and there'll be a day where You'll be like oh my God it's chaos and People res revert to fear an immediate Survival like instead of thinking about The bigger picture politically and you Know economically or whatever it's just Just like how am I going to get through Today how am I going to get through this Week right and you know we've entered Into this phase my wife and I watched The movie Civil War last night and it's Really an Epic movie it's well done and You know graphically depicts what's Going to happen to America you know one View of it as it descends into Civil War It it takes place in you know I guess in Right now as some period where there's Um is the Civil War has already started There's you know uh there's

Military um you know where groups of the Military have have turned on the American system and government some Coming out of California some coming out Of Texas and they're coming across to The country to Washington DC and these Photojournalists are um capturing the You know all of it and just the imagery And just seeing what's happening and you Know the violent aspect of it and how as America descends into this you know Chaos um and it's you know it's there Like it's there for people to see you Know just this idea of what could happen To America and what will happen in Inevitably because America is going to Descend into Civil War because the other Countries are uh being affected by America's inflation and that's tumbling The global economy and then this you Know things are going to happen right And as people don't have the same level Of services and don't have the same Level of Lifestyle that's going to Happen right and so that's where we are Like that's you know the inevitable of This stuff that's going to happen and We're you know we're coming up to it Right and so um you know like there's Great images of the capital being Bombarded the capital building and you Know these things in this movie and you Know all these things Are you know things that you don't see

Like where there's there's no happy Ending right there's no positive ending There's no feel-good ending in the movie Because you know we're heading into that Time there's no rescue there's no you Know something being redeemed it's just The end of something right and we're Facing the end of something we're coming To an end the end of something our way Of life you know the Paradigm Shift the The country itself the economy all these Things we're coming to ends of you know The whole thing like everything you know The last Olympics which I covered in my Last video okay so let me get into the Spiritual stuff here because it's really Important and then I will come back with A JoJo magu update and some of these Other things and I'll I'll end with uh You know more talk about the economy and Then more spiritual Stuff okay greetings brothers and Sisters um I gave what I consider an Epic voiceover this morning to do with Some you know things about Christianity And The Voice is coming over truth or Stuff about Christianity and the nature Of religion and God and these things Which I talked about in the past but I This is you know different than other Things that I've said but there's one Caveat here and I'm not totally sure What caveat Me but I believe I'm using it in the

Right way here but there's one thing I Want to say sort of a you know a um Disclaimer In the sjar tradition there's four Masters of the system right in the first Guyology there was no Organization there was no method like we Have now that we do the people who do The system and the guy lived in this Place called Fagar uh in Northern India very rural Poor you know not great place right the Worst place you know India is not as Nice as America in terms of the you know Everything material I mean spiritually It's great but there's some beautiful Material things there but you know most Of it's just dirty and overpopulated and You know beautiful country it has its Own you know every country has its Natural beauty and it has its spiritual Beauty these ashs and spiritual places And the essence of IND the the condition The feeling there is superior to America And much more mature and you know it's Easier to connect a god there but on a Material Level it's a a pit right and The third Master of the system Master Chargie said you know I I went to shaj Jahanpour where he met Babaji the second Master he said I didn't think there was A worse place than shahanur and then I Went to fagar right and so it was a not Nice place right full of criminals and

You know just Rural and and you know Whatever and you know Northern India Isn't known for its um higher level Consciousness and Spirituality but this guy ology was There and he didn't have like what we Consider any sort of Organization and you know he was just There people would come to his house and He would impart spiritual teachings to Them and he wrote all these different Essays he didn't write any like real Books or anything and eventually had a Successor named Babaji that created the Whole like um you know the the method That we now use and the then the Organization made it an organized thing Registered in countries right and his Family didn't turn over his Writings they they stole them and hid Them away and didn't share them with Everybody else which is you know kind of A dickish thing to do but it happened Right and so there wasn't very much in Terms of what he said in his teachings But one thing he said is never criticize Anybody's religion and the reason he Said that is because there's lots of People the religion that they're doing Is the most they could do that's the Best they could do they don't have the Ability to jump to the next level and so If you criticize what they're doing and They see the criticism as being

Legitimate they move might lose Faith or Heart in it or whatever so you have to Be careful when talking about something That's better to something that's Inferior because the inferior thing is All that people can do right and so for Some years I didn't talk about the stuff I knew about Christianity and I have Somebody who's transcended my own Christian upbring to do something higher And better and I'll explain that in a Moment here right um in terms of what Jesus did that's what Jesus example I Talk about that in this upcoming voice Over Jesus transcended Judaism he was Born a Jew and then he became a Spiritual person connected to God Directly right and that's what I'm Referring to here and so there's a Higher and a lower and to understand the Higher and the lower think about like Going to get your car fixed right so you Go in and you have money you've made Money whatever you know you have your Job or whatever it is you go and drop Off the car and they fix the car right Now the mechanic has the higher and you Have the lower you're dependent on the Mechanic right and so this is the Difference in giving a man a fish or Teaching how him how to fish right and That's what I'm doing here in these this Upcoming voice over that's what I'm Addressing here because on the spiritual

Level on the religious level religious People have out Source their connection To God you have a responsibility and It's supposed to be every person's Supposed to do this where you have an Internal connection to the Divinity Within you now people don't have the Ability to do that you know on people Have varied abilities to do that in Terms of their maturity in terms of Their ability for abstract thought in Terms of their Consciousness right but Everybody has the you know the natural Inclination to connect the Divinity Within them it's what separates from Animal life and you know and it Separates people from other people like It's a it's a it's a like there's an Evolved group of people that have the Ability to do that or are exercising That ability to do that who are working On this who have embraced this part of Their Soul's Journey because connecting To God directly is the difference Between teaching a man to fish or giving Him a fish so when you go to your Religion and you sit there in the you Know the what we used to call the pews In the Catholic religion or you you know Whatever you call it in you know your Religion whatever your you know Synagogue or you know the Christian Religions or you know any of these Things that the temples or whatever

Where you're sitting there listening to Some guy pontificate and tell you what's Up and interpret your connection to God Through some book like they do in Christianity as opposed to connecting to God directly the person who's connecting To God directly it's like being able to You know uh prepare food as going to a Restaurant and having somebody prepare Food for you and you cooking your food Yourself when you're cooking the food Yourself you're more I don't want to say Empowered because I don't like that word But empowered and you're more Knowledgeable right the person who's Cooking the food knows more than the Person who's just sitting there Receiving it right anything that you do Where you go to somebody and they give You a service and you don't know how to Do it right you get your computer fixed Like you you know you ask your children To help you figure out a bug on your Computer or help you set up your phone Right it's the person who knows how to Do that is on a higher level in that Arena or that area right like going back To fixing a car right doesn't mean You're mechanic is more evolved in you But in terms of fixing a car they know More about fixing a car than you do Right they know more about that than you Do so when you go and you sit there and You listen to Somebody pontificate and

To explain to you what God is all about Through talking to about the Bible and You know the case of Christianity you're Sitting there in an inferior position Right because they are connecting to the Bible directly and you're listening to Their interpretation you know say same Thing about coming here and listening to What I have to say but then there's Critical thinking skills and you know You're developing your own ability to Decipher and determine what's going on Right so you go to a teacher you go to Somebody to help you learn how to do Something that they they know how to do Right and in the best case scenario you Exceed them you go farther than they Went right in the world of spirituality You're connecting to God directly Instead of having the middleman of your Religion and the book you know like the Bible in this case that defines your Understanding of the Divinity within you And the Divinity everywhere understand Understanding of God right and so you Connecting directly to God and maybe you Need the books at first and maybe you Need the pastor at first of course you Do you need somebody but you reach a Level where you're like all right I'm I'm going to connect to God directly and That's what the Sark system helps people Do through meditation and cleaning Cleaning out everything that blocks your

Connection to God and then receiving This Divine energy which is transmission The essence of God that you receive in Your heart and you can feel God's love And you can have an actual experience of God and then you work towards having a Relationship with God so that's a Superior thing it's a higher thing a Religion and I know it to be so like I Because I've experienced like I've had This experience and if you're still Doing a religion you hav't and I've been Doing it now for 31 years right and so I've had that Knowledge and I didn't know what to do With it right like I talked about in the First I didn't really you know I talked About in very vague terms when I first Had this YouTube channel of course I was Not as good as I am now I'm not I was I Wasn't you know I mean I'm better now Than than I was then right and so you Know with this idea I don't want to have Anybody who can't do it you know lose And I'm not trying to criticize your Religion because I'm not I'm saying There's something higher and better Which is a spiritual life and that those Who can do it need to do it right and Many of you can do it you just don't Want to or you're scared to or whatever And so that is what it is but it's my Duty to at least put that information Out there because you're being told

[ __ ] lies from people over and over Again you know indoctrinated by this System that is Warped and been you know The religious system and our you know Everything else right same thing I do With everything else see through the [ __ ] and explain it you know how They're doing it how the games that They're running and there's reasons I Have the ability to do that because of My past lives as being one of these guys Like one of these bad kings I had a life Like this so I I see their scams cuz I I I pulled the same [ __ ] in a previous Existence right and have since rejected It in my you know spiritual journey you Know my path that I've gone through and So there's ways that I can see it from Both sides from the higher side of doing A spiritual journey and from the Lower Side of being engaged in the crap in the Controlled system that's now being run On all these people right and so that's One of the you know from past Experiences I have Insight because of That you know being dyslexic and these Other things right but you know Inevitably people being able to do it For themselves is always the goal and Especially with your connection to God And the Sark system of meditation or Gratefulness meditation we do Facilitates that connection and so I'm Going to say things that you know I mean

It's people are always telling me you're Doing it wrong and you don't see it and I'm like no I'm in a I'm at a higher I'm Doing something that's higher than what You're doing not that I'm bragging or Trying to be superior there's a higher And a lower right I said this great Quote by the third master of Sark system The lowest of the higher is still higher Than the still higher than the highest Of the lower right so the highest level Of the material world or the religious World the highest you can attain from Being in a religion or being which is a Materialistic thing or being rich and Famous and Powerful is still lower than The person who's just stepping onto the Spiritual field and just becoming a Spiritual person and forming a direct Contact with spirit with the Divinity Within them and having a inter Interpersonal relationship that's always The higher right because now you are Connected to God directly and you start To know God you start to commune with God you start to have a relationship With God and that's Superior to somebody Sitting in some religious you know place Of worship being told about God and you Know on an intellectual level and told What to do and what not to do and you Know all these things where you start Knowing it directly and so that's what I'm providing here but it's the best

Thing of Jesus example and it's Extraordinarily valuable it's more Valuable than any other [ __ ] that You hear anywhere else or any even on my Channel in terms of being able to Understand that you can connect to God Directly and connecting to God directly And finding God within yourself is the Biggest gift that I've been given in my Life like it's far superior to anything Else right like it's just you know it's Transformational it's what Jesus did Like Jesus went from being a religious Person to being a spiritual person and That's the example that Jesus set for People not all this [ __ ] about you Know him being the only son of God and All this stuff dying for your sins and Things that I get into here and so if You don't want to hear it if you're too Fragile and again I'm not saying I'm not Trying to force this on you I'm not Forcing it on you right I'm just Explaining the knowledge or explaining This concept that you've never heard Before cuz they're certainly not going To tell you in your religion and they're Not going to tell you in your government Because they don't want people to Connect to God directly because once you Connect to God directly all of these Systems lose power over you I mean they Still have you know some level of Material power but in terms of they

Can't control you and can't control your Thoughts and you're going to see through Their [ __ ] because you're connected To God directly and you've you've risen To a higher level higher than they on You know you're ability to understand Reality and you conceptualize things is Higher than these people who are running This material corrupt system right and Most people even religious people are a Higher level of Consciousness than they Are right even lower level of religious People and so I'm saying all this I'm Going to put one image here probably of A path you know I have these pictures of Of paths I'll find one of the path and Um you know if you want to skip through This then just skip through the path Right if you're a Christian person who Can't hear this but in terms of like Hearing a different interpretation of Reality is what truism is about but Being a truth or is understanding a Different narrative and I have a Different narrative you might not agree With it but it shouldn't threaten you Because you know if it's if you're so You know if you're doing the right thing It's not threatening but if you're Following some [ __ ] thing right and You don't understand the you know what's Really going on and then you you know You you but you're so indoctrinated that You it's just like waking up to anything

Right and so for those Christians who Have the ability to do what Jesus did And go beyond transcend his religion and Become a spiritual person which is the Higher then that's what I provide here And it's a it's an unusual gift that's Underappreciated because people don't Even know what that is you know the a Man's gift it is to jump from one level Of Consciousness to another and in terms Of the spiritual connecting to God Directly because think about what it's Like to be a truther and it's harder me You know reading the ingredients all the Things I talk about yeah sure it's Harder it's more difficult and I get Into that in this voice over but it's a Profound uh like evolutionary step when You no longer believe the [ __ ] You're being presented by the powers That be and then you're able to use your Critical thinking skills and your you Know whatever your honed Consciousness To interpret reality for yourself Instead of listening to some CNN person Tell you what's up and this is what's Happening and you know all these things I mean you see that you're on a higher Level than a sheeple while a spiritual Person is on a much higher level than a Religious person you know the religious Person is the sheeple you know times a Thousand in terms of someone who Connects to God directly and that's the

Kind of gift that that is to understand In the the SAR gratefulness meditation System is in helping people to form that Direct connection to the Divinity within Them it's revolutionary it's the next Evolutionary step of the human race and I can't unell it right I can't you know I I mean there's I I can't oversell it You know I can't express you know I I Can't put into words how big of a a Movement this is and how much of a gift It is an opportunity is for people and I'm not selling it because it's not mine To sell right and it's not you know but I'm saying I can't I can't overstate it I can't you know say it more than it Actually is and it's for people to Experience right it's not like taking my Word for it when you experience the Transformation of finding the Divinity Within you as opposed to doing sitting There you know just being told what God Is by some [ __ ] religion it's a Profound it's it's like it's like the The greatest sleep that you could ever Possibly make in your evolutionary uh Movement and your you know becoming Something so that's what this is about So I just wanted to preface this talk That I'm about to give with that I'm Going to put this in my journey series 154 as well and so um without further Ado here it is okay greetings brothers And sisters so this comes under the

Category I doubt you'll hear this Anywhere else so I'm going to open with This in terms of the Trump connection to Being a false prophet and Christians Thinking he's the second coming of Jesus And you know thinking he's saintly and Him using this Divine Providence for a Fake event that is so easily uh you know Uh Exposed and there is um I covered these Comments briefly in the end of my last Video but I have something more profound To say about it here so let's get to the First comment And um this is to Trump takes off his Bandaid a surprise Trump in Israel and And he's you know he's touching the Willing wall and commis hilarious Something or other it got cut off the Title you reject the true Jesus oh man So much truth but most important part You reject the spirit is in the blood And only Jesus has the perfect sinless Spirit that's why his blood is the only Way our spirit is made perfect through Him only one way God bless Um I don't reject the true Jesus you Reject the true Jesus because you're not Following the true Jesus right the Jesus That you have been given in your Religion starting with what began and Became the Catholic church and all the Stories about Jesus and all the claims About him were manufactured by evil

People which is what happens to every Religion like every religion people Realize that power of the religion and What if they usurp Jesus if they create Jesus in a sense their image of what They want Jesus to be or what they think You need Jesus to be so they can use That to control you right and so the Bible has been distorted and then the Teachings of the Bible and the way that The religions have gone have been Distorted I mean think about this right There are people in West Virginia that Worshiped Jesus by holding Rattlesnakes and holding copperheads and Poisonous snakes and dancing around and There are some liberal journalists some Like up liberal journalists that went to Cover these people right like he's Totally liberal doesn't really even Believe in Jesus he might even been like Jewish or something or an atheist I Think he was and before you know it he Was dancing around with Rattlesnakes like the guy got sucked in Right and so that has you know there's No rattlesnakes where Jesus was and you Know that that religion that part of That religion is you know and that's Just one example of it right and you Have Mormonism that claim Mormonism you Know the Mormon religion that claims That they found secret Scrolls from Jesus in the middle of the desert right

And so people make up [ __ ] all the time And when they do it to benefit Themselves and to enslave the Parishioners the people then they've Created a false you know narrative and You don't know the real Jesus because You're getting Jesus from scammers like People like Trump who take advantage of Your you know desire to connect to God You're you know everyone has an internal Compulsion to connect to God there's Some sort of craving within yourself That wants you to connect to God right And so you don't know the truth Jesus Because you're worshiping a religious Book and a a set of teachings and a Bunch of distorted um either madeup Teachings or teachings that have been Erased and you know they Jesus believed In Reincarnation clearly talked about it Talked about his past lives it's there In the Um the uh what's it called the the nasic Gospel I think it's called these texts That were found and other bunch of Teachings that may or may not be real But they were found out in the somewhere That come from a a different strain of The Disciples of Jesus right the whole Bible was written by his disciples so His disciples were not pure vessels for Jesus's message that's why the books of The Bible are all um different right

They have different accounts because They're written by different people Right the The Gospel according to Matthew the Gospel According to Paul Paul didn't even know Paul never met Jesus but some of teachings are the best Ones in the book right like his um you Know he had an inter Comm inter commune With God directly but either way the Teachings have been distorted so you Don't know the real Jesus you haven't Connected with the real essence of Jesus And don't know his true teachings and Don't know who he was as a person Because it's all Now lies and deceptions And they've edited out things and they They focused on some things other than Other and than more than others because Look at the deal that they they've Gotten and it specifically surrounds the Idea of um John 3:16 that Jesus is the Only path to heaven and so they're Saying that any religious practice Before Jesus you know any anything even Judaism and things like this all these Religions you can't find God or connect To God and you're doomed to die and go To hell I mean you're going to die and You're doomed to go to hell everybody Before Jesus J was here like Jesus came To save everybody and after Jesus There's never going to be another person So this is this one opportunity and only Through this religion now you have to

Pay money to them you have to support Them listen to them when they tell you Who to vote for you know all these Things where the religion comes and Manages Your Existence and that you have To adhere to this religion but you don't Have to really do anything yourself you Don't have to connect to God in fact Don't connect to God can't connect to God directly because you're you know You're You're a worthless piece of [ __ ] Sinner right so don't even try to do That directly because you can't you're Not like Jesus who's the only person That connect to God and that you accept Jesus surrender to Jesus and you know These things and you're going to heaven That's all you have to do and like you Know not even be a good person you can Do it on your deathbed and just you know There's no nothing you really have to do I mean that's what they're telling you But as long as you pay money and you you Know you're an obedient Christian and Things and so they've created created This you know this idea that this is the Only path to heaven and everyone else is Going to hell which means anything you Do to these people other people outside Of the religion is okay right so let's Come back to that you can go and you Know conquer them and force them into Your religion it's okay to do that and That's complete BS like it's just wrong

And evil in every possible way and so They've constructed this narrative That's your religion right that's these You know the Christian religions and That's how they've used this weapon Against other people other religions and Everyone else is going to hell so if if You go and do anything you do to them to Save them as long as you force them to Convert to Christianity they're going to Be saved even if it's forced and they Don't want to do it even if it's at Sword point you know in violence it's Okay and so that's there's a bloody History here so then the person you know The person says um the spirit is in the Blood and only Jesus has this perfect Sinless Spirit that's why his blood is The only way our spirit is made perfect Through him only one way God bless okay So Um I was talking about how there's so Much blood in Christianity you know it Had to do with Trump's ear and then WWF and WWE or whatever and you know This um process what's called Stigmata And blood is such a big part in various Places the blood of Christ Christ you're Supposed to drink his blood when you're Having Wine uh at you know the Catholic Ceremonies they would have and Cath Catholicism is the original Christian Religion right so all the Christian

Religions that you guys practice whether It be Baptist or Lutheran right the Kim J the King James version of the Bible That most of you guys Christians read Are offshoots of the original religion They are saying all right the Rel The original religion got distorted or Is wrong and so we're creating a subset Of that religion we're creating our own Group that is somehow better than or Purifying the the old religion when You're admitting that there's a failure There's been a fall the Catholic church Has fallen so we have to have our own Religion now right we have to have an Offshoot of that religion so which one's The right one right like that's what you Have to determine some are better than Others some versions of the Bible are Better than others I don't know which Ones right I'm not an expert in that Right but there's got to be one that's The closest to Jesus's teaching but none Of them are like none of them are you Know first there was a council of NAA That decided all let's just edit out [ __ ] of the Bible let's just take things Out let's just say we're not going to Talk about the past life things we're Not going to talk about some of these Other aspects of the Bible some of Jesus's story and we're going to make Jesus into what you now know in John 3 16 the only son of God except that

Teaching doesn't hold up when Jesus Himself calls God our Father right People pray Our Father Our Father who Are in heaven so how can he be just Jesus's father and our father as well Like God is in everything and everybody So if God is a father then he's all our Fathers we're all children of God so There's not one child of God we all have That potential why would God put himself Inside of you if you didn't have the Potential to realiz that part of Yourself right even every animal every Plant every stone has Divinity within Them it has Divinity as its Center and So I mean doesn't that sound like right Right that God has to be in everything And everybody either God's in nothing or God's in everything right God isn't Selective God is the medium in which Everything is created so you start off With God you know medium like an artist Uses oil painting or sculpture or Whatever God is the material that Everything in the universe is Created From and you just have grosser forms you Know of that Pur Essence right so God is Spirit right so God is the essence of You know some the essence of love which Is an energy God is not a person and That's the other problem the difference Between this idea of monotheism versus Po Polytheism which is monothetic which is

One God right mono meaning one and poly Meaning many so there's only one God and God is love but God is an energy and not Some dude sitting on some Throne Somewhere in Heaven God doesn't have an Eagle that's one of the brilliant uh Teachings of the sjar system of Meditation that I do one of the Breakthrough teachings that God can't Have an ego God can't even have a mind God can't choose to do the wrong thing When you have a mind mind you make Choices when you have an ego you make Choices so every one of us has the Ability to do something God can and that Is to do the wrong thing because we have Freedom of choice every day we make Choices and there's a plethora there's Infinite amount of wrong choices out There and there's one right choice and Finding that right choice is what we're Supposed to be doing but we're we're Instead most of us indulging in all the Wrong choices and then when we make so Many wrong choices we become so gross And so distorted and our you know become An Abomination our ego become an Abomination we can't even figure out we Can't even sniff the right choice and You see that happen to people all the Time where they get so lost they can't Even you know there's nothing in them That can go back and find the real you Know there's something in them but it's

Buried so deep that they can't access it To make the right choices again right to Find the right choice and actually work Towards finding the Divine choice There's always one Divine choice right But this idea that God is sitting is a As a man see the problem with a Christian religion it comes from Judaism Which is not a very you know every Religion presents God as something right What is God God is nature God is Powerful God is you know a man sitting On a throne you know God is the Sun God Is the the moon God is you know the Mother nature you know different ways of Looking at God right as presenting Divinity and the way that the Christian The judish Jewish religion presents God Is some egotistical prick sitting on the Throne who's judgmental and narcissistic And Petty I mean think about the way the Old Testament is years and years ago um When my ex we were homeschooling our Kids and she read the Old Testament to My kids and I sat in at it and I Listened to it right and my kids were Shocked at the way God was being such a Jerk because that's not how God is and So that's the problem with that religion You can see the issues that that Religion has Caused with its own people and then with Dealing with other people because they Perceive God as a real a-hole who was

Narcissistic and Petty and jealous and You know think about the way the God's Treated you he wants um Abraham to Sacrifice his only son I mean just Playing mind games with people and again Sitting on the throne separate from Everybody else else and so God can't Have a mind God can't be I am you are I Am God you are not I am this you are you Know you are something else right the in Fact the first fall of a human being When a human being's ego Falls away from God is when the human being says I am I Am I do and so I am I do separate from God like it's not we are we do like you Know not in the you know sense of a Person is is more than one person but me And God is a we right me and my soul and God are a we so the ego the soul and God Are a we and we do together right my Soul my you know Divinity Within Me me God and me together are making decisions We're creating things right but when It's I it's the ego I am I do [ __ ] God It's me I'm not I'm the doer I'm the Doer right as soon as you start thinking You're a doer you're disconnected from God and all the you know all the Resources and all the energy and the and You know your soul and all these things That go with it your ego is acting on Its own I want to do this I want to do That I'm the doer I'm the you know I'm I'm the only one God there's no God I'm

The doer I'm the Creator right and so That's the first fall and God can't have That fall because God doesn't have a Mind to say I am God doesn't have an ego To say I do and so God is you know which Is a brilliant teaching so God is not Some dude sitting on a throne making Decisions because if you have to make Decisions you're going to make the wrong Decision if you're given Freedom of Choice eventually you're going to make Some choices that aren't the right Choices right even the most Divine Person the most saintly person is going To experience making wrong choices and So only a surrendered person who Surrenders completely to God makes the Right choices every time and there's you Know process to go through that right And there's the big choices and the Little choices but God doesn't have the Freedom to make the wrong choice God Can't make the wrong choice God has to Be automatic there can't be any thought There can't be any you know there can't Be any hand ringing for God God can't Sit there and Ponder the various choices God just has to make the right choice Automatically every time so God has to Be automatic so can't have a mind or an Ego so this stupid idea that God's Sitting on the throne separate from Everything and everybody judging people You know and saying all right you know

This person bring this person before me There's no distance between you and God God is inside your heart all the time God's with you it's all around you God's All around you everywhere and everything And the center of everything is is Divinity or Divine and so this teaching That God's sitting there so there's you Know a monoth theistic view of God but It's as a person because in the Jewish Bible it says God created man in him his Image and so people think God is a um Well that's really about test tubes That's about higher developed Souls that Created Now High higher developed human You know human form of human life that Created you know test tube uh part A Part human well whatever it is that we Are here now so that you know I'm just Throwing that out there but that's That's what where that comes from what They viewed as God was these alien Beings but in terms of this idea that God created You In His Image it's your Soul not you as a person God's Soul your Soul is a is the essence of God in its Purest abstract form but most people Can't understand that they can't worship God or connect to God in an eoric form And so they need a man or they need a Idol they need a stone they need Something because they're they're too Gross and too underdeveloped to Understand we're all have we're all

Struggle with abstract the abstract idea Of God God is the essence of love but That's the you know that's the real God And so all these religions are you know They've come down to people's level and Try to teach them at their level Eventually hoping that people rise up to Higher understanding deeper Understanding of the essence and nature Of God so it's the essence of spirit That's important not blood the [ __ ] you Talking about blood right blood is a Physical thing blood is not a you know There's no manifestation of blood yeah Sure a Divine person's blood a person That's realized Soul that's reached the Pinnacle of their spiritual Evolution or Even just a saint a lower developed Soul That's just you know starting Spirituality their blood is going to be Affected by there you your whole all the Atoms of your body your physical body Are going to be divinized by becoming a Saintly person so the more you practice Spirituality you become Divine but it's Still your physical form is grosser Right you have a gross physical body Made up of you know physical atoms and Things and it can become divinized but It's still you know it's your spirit That's divine right you're embracing the Spiritual aspect of yourself so this Idea of blood being holy in Jesus's Blood blood blood blood blood blood

Blood blood right is wrong it's not There's nothing to do with blood you Know there's the Divine energy The Prana Which would be the blood of the you know The Divine energy that's that um you Know the energy the pranoti that's given In the transmission the SAR system that We have you know that could be Considered the energetic blood of your Soul and your you know the what that Animates your soul and things but that's You know something different it's in Your physical body as well but you know It's etheric it's subtle like God is Subtle and the Christian religion is not Freaking subtle it's over the top with All of its blood and it's you know all The things that they say right and it's Cuz it's a distortion of Jesus's real Teaching and so this person saying um That's why the spirit is blood only way The spirit is made perfect through him Only way God blessed and so then there Is this other one here I think this is It here it's the person said it's called A miracle Miracles are hard to believe God is perfection so when he rves it Looks like perfect like a miracle well God is subtle he prevents things like Only when you see things happen like There was a car crash that we almost Have my wife and I talk about this a lot So my wife and I were going to this park To walk with our dogs and it's just 10

Minutes away from our house and it's a Very safe drive down a country road but There was a road leading into that road And some kids were Joy riding or Somebody like a bad driver and driving Driving like some kind of shitbox car And it's the road is there's a stop sign At the end of the road but the person's Coming around a curve and then going Down a hill and these kids were D joy Riding and they obviously weren't good Drivers or person driving was a good Driver and the car like just missed Us like the car they ran the stop sign And they were heading and there was no Road there was it was a it was a like a T and not an X you know not a four-way Intersection and so there was a river on The other side and a bunch of trees and So they had to turn and make a left turn I don't know how they made it like they They just missed us right a second Earlier a second later I would have been Dead they were slammed right into me I Was in the passenger seat my wife was Driving and so I'm like well there's a Way that I we were just saved right like You know that wasn't a I don't to call That a miracle but it shows you all the Things that you're prevented right like You find out one of your friends or Someone you grw up with has cancer You're like wow like all my a bunch of Them get cancer or whatever or something

Like that right and so God can Pro we Should be grateful all the time and We're going to die anyway so that's not Even you know but all the things that Are are there can always be made worse Your life can always be made worse right And sometimes you have these miseries That remind you of that tragedies and Things you know they they're like slaps In the face and wakeup calls right you Know when you have a near-death Experience and so yeah sometimes it Doesn't have to be subtle or it needs Not to be subtle just to wake you up but In Trump's case without the bloody ear This thing is nothing and it's now Nothing anyway people have moved on Trump is the only one talking about you Know think maybe some trumpers or Whatever but people calling it a miracle It's silly you know there's all kinds of Ways they could have stopped this thing Ahead of time and the fact that he's Bleeding you know the blood and and Christianity and this thing and the Miracle and all this stuff the ketchup Gate I mean that's what makes it real Like if they just fired some shots and Trump got down they said oh they tried To kill himself they try to kill him That would have been like okay but with Him getting up with a bloody ear and Pumping his fist that was the whole Story that was the meat of the thing

Without him being bloody and without him Pumping his fist and saying fight fight Fight and all these other people who Hate Trump calling it a badass moment And he acted with courage and then him Calling it Divine and calling it Providence because it resembles all These other sort of over-the-top [ __ ] things of the Christian Religion and so this is what I'm talking About right blood is not divine right And this idea of bleeding and you know There's so much darkness in Christianity With Jesus being crucified you know the Cross I mean Jesus Suffered let's say the crucifixion is Real which I believe it is and then all His disciples suffered because people Suck that they had a guy who was you Know spiritually more evolved than other People Jesus wasn't you know he didn't Reach the goal like he was you know in The early stages of spirituality and I Can demonstrate this through his Teachings and you wouldn't listen to me Anyway but there's you know immaturity There like spiritual immaturity but he's Far higher up than the average person You know people living there too there's So many people people without the Ability for abstract thought so Jesus And I'm not insulting Jesus I'm just Saying you know the truth about him Right and so you know he evolved

Spiritually which to his credit is a Hard thing to do and he started teaching Things that were you know he evolved and Transcended his religion which is Something that everyone should be like Oh wow that's a you know that's Something that we should do like Transcending your religion where you go From you know the religious worship Where the religion as a middleman Between you and God into where you Become a spiritual person and not Everyone can do it like just they don't Have the capacity or the desire or the You know their ego stupid whatever it is But you know everybody can do it like It's something that everyone can do like It's what we're supposed to do Eventually right maybe you're not ready Yet your Soul's you know not had enough Lives and you know you haven't had Enough you know they're just you're not Ready but you can do it you can anybody Can do it right this moment so and even When you do it things just get harder And worse and like it's not so great Thing right like you know you start Having an uh you know internal Relationship with God it becomes a a Struggle like you know it's a your life Becomes more difficult and you you see Things you don't want to see I mean it's Just you know it's like going back into The matrix it's you know this idea of

Taking the blue pill and going back into The Matrix like the first you know Cipher character of The Matrix movie Like you know once you take the red pill It's not like you guys know this as Truthers your life doesn't get easier When you have higher levels of Consciousness it's much easier to be to Be a sheeple and be a religious person But it doesn't make it better you know It's like all right now you have higher Levels of consciousness and you have More responsibility and you know you Have it's more difficult to navigate and So what Jesus did is said all right I'm Not I'm not going to worship this [ __ ] religion anymore I'm going to Connect to God directly the Kingdom of Heaven is within and he found God inside And that's a big thing and so he was a Saint that came there and he's teaching People he's helping people to understand This but they don't get it because you Know they don't want to get it and They're limited and that's what people Are like and it sucks and so the powers That be the Jewish religion the Pharisees the guys who ran the religion And the Roman you know government things Well like this guy's going to you know He's teaching people that's going to Usurp our power if people listen to him We won't have any power over these People because he's saying that you know

The God is within you and once you Realize that governments and you know These things it's hard to control you And so they go all right let's let's uh Make an example of this guy and so they Crucified him right there's nothing Divine in it there's nothing good about It and it's just evil people doing bad Things to a guy who's a saint and a Spiritual person and that's one of the Problems with that part of the world and America and Europe is we kill saintly People If somebody becomes a saint immediately The system and the people turn on him And and go after him right and so like That's you know I mean that that's one Of the great things about India they Celebrate spiritual people you know they Have a lot of fake gurus who fake being Spiritual and they celebrate them too so There's you know issues with it but at Least if you're a saint there you don't Have to worry about being crucified Right that's one of the reasons that a Lot of spiritual highly developed Souls Have been bored in India because of Their ability to embrace Saintly people they want Saints they Want Saints there they're looking for Them right they believe that they're There that's one of the good things About the Hindu religion because they Embrace a new person a new Saint and

They say that people can you know Reach This level and they're always looking Out for the next higher developed soul Of course that breeds all these fake Gurus and there's you know there's Always ways that people will [ __ ] things Up right but that's you know but that's A positive thing but in America and Europe and the Middle East They kill sat Le's people and so they Crucified Jesus and you know humiliated Him and his people turned on him his Three three of his disciples one Betrayed him one denied him one doubted Him and they killed him there's nothing Divine about it I don't know about the Resurrection you know because you don't Rise physically but I guess people maybe Saw him in a theoric form I'm not sure What was happening maybe he didn't die And he he went to a deep yogic State and Came out of it and so he lived after he Was crucified there's different things Like I'm not sure which story is true But in terms of the the whole thing the Cross is like how he was tormented but This idea that he died for your sins and A person can't die for someone else's Sins so that's all [ __ ] and so this Whole thing with the cross it's like It's just bringing it back the the most Painful time in Jesus's life right when All the people turned on him he felt God Why H Thou forsaken me right that's what

You know Jesus said to God he had a Moment of lack of faith you know when he Was being tortured and things and it's a Painful moment in his life why would you Want to bring that back up and the the Cross being a symbol it shouldn't be a Symbol like the whole Christian religion Using blood and sacrifice and these Things that has being tormented so it's His teachings that are being lost right Like his good teachings the kingdom of Heaven with his within his example of Throwing off the shackles of his Religion and connecting to God directly And evolving from that those are the Things that should be you know um Focused on but they those things won't Control you that you'll loose they'll Lose control over you the religion so They created a false Jesus they created This Jesus that they is you know that Fits in their narrative so that they can Control you and that's just you know Like that's truth or 101 if you don't Get that then you're not really a Truther you're not becoming a truther And so um then this person said this Here I'm unsubscribing after hearing Your Antichrist statements near the end Pray you turn to the truth yosua did die For our sins and whomsoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have eternal Life please dig deeper on this and I Will be sincerely praying for you see

The thing is that you know it's Impossible to die for somebody's sins And why would we live a life if somebody Else could die for your sins and why Could somebody die for your sins before You even created them right it's it's Silly like it's just ridiculous like Think about it you throw off your Indoctrination and your years of sitting There in the you know the whatever you Know the the pews you like the in the Catholic church we had pews whatever the You know sitting there as parishioners And hearing this drummed into your head That this is what Jesus died for you It's a good deal that's why they're Selling it to you oh you mean I don't Have to pay for my own sins I don't have To take personal responsibility and Spiritual responsibility for what I do Jesus dies for him oh my God that's such A good deal I'll take that deal I mean I Like that deal right if it was true I Would love that deal you know that you Could go out and do what the ever the [ __ ] you want and somebody else had to Pay for it right where do that exist in Life right where you can do whatever you Want and somebody else has to pay for it It doesn't exist in the spirit world Everything's accounted for everything That you do you're responsible for and So them telling you this makes you Believe that you can get away with

Something right I mean what do you Think's going to happen people look at This as a loophole and they'll go out And they'll behave in the worst possible Way thinking that they can just turn to Jesus in their deathbed and you know It's silly it's like a it's just a Stupid idea no one should believe it Right it's like they're selling you know Just like Trump's ear you shouldn't Believe it it's silly right and so the Other piece to this like with that is That what I said before when they had These um missionaries and Crusades and Things so you know when you hear the Word pagan people think they're all Devil worshippers if they hear the any Other religion they're devil worshippers That's what Christians hear oh you're Going to hell because you're worshiping False gods you're not you're not Worshiping the one true God some prick Sitting on a Divine you know Throne Where he's judging everybody and you all These things that's you know your Wrathful God that's not a real God That's your fake God right that's your Ball that's your you know that's your Molok you know Jesus is happy with what I'm saying right now I mean think about It like I'm telling you the truth of What you how you've been deceived like Well you think Jesus isn't happy with me Doing this right I said I had that dream

Where you know I had one dream where Jesus was in it and I said is it okay if I you know talk to Christians about this Stuff and Jesus said yeah why do you Think I'm sending them to you I mean That was my confirmation for this and You can say it's a [ __ ] dream all Right whatever but it's truth right the Jesus and the god that you worship is Your molok and your you know these fake False gods right it's a you know I mean I guess there's some Divinity in it it's Higher than maybe doing nothing Initially but it's distorted it isn't a Real thing and so this idea that the Pagans were evil so you know I watched a Few shows recently in that time period One of the one was called the Vikings or Something else I can't remember my wife And I were watching this thing called The winter King but there was a time Period where paganism was being um Overthrown by Christianity and the Christians did it in the worst possible Way the first the Catholic Church of Course all the the Crusades later on all Those types of things but this idea that All these people are going to hell and You were saving them and so whatever Violent [ __ ] forceful thing and Manipulative thing you could do to Destroy their belief system and force Them to do Christianity you were doing a Good thing and that's just [ __ ] all

That blood all that pain that you caused The Christian religion people in the Christian faith the leaders of the Christian religion the missionaries Themselves all the abuse that you heaped On these people that was all your sins And you have to pay for those things had Nothing to do with Jesus and had nothing To do with saving those people you were Forcing some [ __ ] you know mediocre Uh like low-level religion on people who Probably were doing something that was More Superior to what you're forcing on Them you know their paganism their Polytheism was at least you know there Is divine beings and levels of what People might consider Gods right there's Higher developed etheric Souls that do God's work so there is this you know There's only one God but there are you Know a higher developed Souls that People can think of as Gods right like People you know and it's not they're not Gods but that's what people perceive Them as because they're higher developed Than them that that's what people think About Jesus right and so you say you're Doing polytheism but it's like accept The sun why not accept God directly why Do I have to go you know the God is Better than the sun no but you can just Accept the son well why the Sun because you know well we control the Sun that's our guy okay because God is

In everything and everybody and so this [ __ ] idea that Christians think that Their thing is superior when it's really Not that great of a religion and again This is not a knock on Jesus I would say Connect with the real Jesus find the Real Jesus right find the essence of Jesus like connect directly with the Essence of Jesus beyond your religion Right I mean there's better things than That but like that's still Superior to What you're doing now right and again Like you know it comes from this bad IDE Idea that God is some evil prick sitting On some throne in heaven and it's Judging everybody and wrathful and Vengeful and you know jealous and Petty I mean it's just the narcissistic Sociopath right and so that's how he's Presented in the Old Testament and so That's the basis of the religion and all The sin original sin and the blood and The you know the pain and the suffering And the you know all the things that They do like to you know the S the Crucifixion and there's just blood and Torture and [ __ ] all over the place in This thing right and so it's it's not Refined you know the sjar meditation That I do no forces to be used that's Why you you don't hear me forcing or Trying to force or coorse people and say Something like you're going to hell if You don't do my thing or whatever that

People have to come to it you present The transmission the cleaning as an Option for people to try and people come And try it and most of them quit most of Them go away and there's no sense of oh My God you you're going to hell now or Whatever and you know the the Opportunity is incredible those of us Who've done the system of course now What's happened to Christianity is Happening to my sa Mar with this [ __ ] heartfulness cult that's Created by this prick dodgy right like I'm watching my thing turn into your Thing like right before my eyes and so And I think I've been around in past Lives and I've seen this happen before Right whereas something good is turned Into to something bad and so but no Force is used the forceless force which Is a transmission no coercion because Doing evil things to make people do your Religion using Force doing it where People are forced by gunpoint or by by Sword or Spear and you know tortured and I mean the way that they Christians Treated the Irish and the Scottish and Then all the people of Europe to force Them to to get rid of their their Pagan Beliefs and Force Christianity and lie About the holidays because Jesus wasn't Born on the solstice the winter solstice And he didn't die on the the Spring Equinox those were pagan holidays that

They hijacked all the [ __ ] all the Manipulation all the lies don't produce A positive thing and that's the same Thing with Trump right you can say oh my God Trump is our guy it's okay for him To lie because he's Divine and he's and He's not even a Christian Jesus Christ You know like this is the same falling For the same [ __ ] over and over again Like what Trump does isn't okay right Like him doing bad things and faking an Injury and you know pouring fake blood On them and you know proclaiming some Sort of miracle that you guys buy into And even if you see through it but You're saying it's still okay I'm going To vote for him anyway well you know Good things don't come from bad things Bad intentions can't well like the end Doesn't justify the means right and so This is my point of view you you have to Your behavior and your actions and the Way you achieve something and the way You get the word out and the fact of the Matter is people suck and you can have The best spiritual system in the world And they'll turn it into crap and that's What we are as human beings like accept That right that's where we are as human Beings that it isn't that God doesn't Send person after person higher Developed Soul after higher developed Soul and movement after movement to Humanity it's just that Humanity won't

Accept the good and Humanity seeks the Evil seeks the lower Humanity rejects The higher in themselves and then you Know outside themselves and some places They even torture and kill the higher And so as soon as you embrace the higher Nature of God they turn on you and kill You in many places including America and Europe and you know these Middle Eastern Countries and so that's the problem the Problem isn't God isn't trying it's that People won't Take these opportunities and the Opportunities being given to you here And over and over again throughout Existence and people won't take it right And so Humanity's future is based in That but humanity is always embracing The lower nature [ __ ] like Trump and [ __ ] like kamla and you know whatever it Is right all this crap that's out there Humanity keeps on doing it over and over Again they embrace the lower and reject The higher that's the problem And until people come to terms with that And I'm not saying I'm some expert in it In terms of embracing the higher but at Least I'm aware of my problem right at Least I'm aware of this problem that Humanity has that we have a lower nature Which is our ego which embrace our ego And our desires and our you know not wh Our our our ability to choose the wrong Thing we don't want to give up that's

Why people talk about Freedom all this [ __ ] Freedom stuff oh we have Freedom no you don't have freedom You can only make one right choice every Time and that's the Divine Choice Everything else is a wrong choice yeah You have the freedom to make the wrong Choice congrad you [ __ ] relations right You have the freedom to make the wrong Choice and that's what you're fighting For don't take away our freedom we have To fight for the right to party right The [ __ ] Beasty Boys that's what that Bullshit's all about right is that you Have the the freedom to make the wrong Choice that's what America's all about Like you you know you're just thumbing Your nose at the Divinity that's within You and the Soul that's within you and Embracing your ego and calling that your Freedom yeah okay great that's your Freedom your freedom to do wrong Congratulations you fought for it and You got it right for a short period of Time before your bad choices cause you Cancer or cause you heart disease or Cause you whatever and then you leave This world and your soul goes what the [ __ ] did you do that for and you come Back and incarnate again to just do it All over again that's the problem with With Humanity right at least I'm aware Of it like I'm aware of it in myself I Don't care about like you know you

You're you're on your own right but I'm Aware of that battle that I have between My ego and my soul and I'm working Towards embracing the Divinity within me And my soul and have you know done it For long enough and I'm old enough now Where I can understand the Divine choice And see it and make it right and it's so Step like I'm you know I've taken a step In the right direction it's not you know The whole journey but it's something That everyone can do where you realize All right this is a battle between my Ego and my soul and find a system you Know the Sark system to help you clarify That clear out the the the abomination Of your ego and the effects of your Desires and your your choices that you Make and purify yourself and you know Purify the the spiritual Essence in a Subtle way and then find the Divinity Within you Embrace that if feel that Love and God's love and you know Cultivate a relationship with that and So you know that's a superior thing to Do what you're doing is you know a joke Like it's not even a real you know You're not really Experiencing God You're just using it to boost your ego And think that you're Superior to other People because you have some [ __ ] Book and you have a bunch of people that All believe the same cult like you know [ __ ] about stuff that doesn't even

Make sense to anybody who thinks about It but you've been indoctrinated within You're not willing to do what Jesus did And transcend your [ __ ] and connect To God directly and that's something we All have to do eventually and so you're Just delaying the inevitable all right Let's get into the Trump [ __ ] here Now this is August Monday August uh 5th 2024 so this video will be out Tuesday Most likely again imine I'll put it up Before then there are a lot of things to Get to a bunch of things with kamla you We're going to go through kamla stuff um I just saw Morning Joe was defending Josh Shapiro so they're really pushing for That guy for being the VP I want to get into some Olympic stuff And then of course the economy and so to Start off with JoJo Mago starts Wandering off here goes back up the Plane um and I don't know if this is the Plane he came in on I'm not sure if this Is Air Force One I don't think it is but He's not supposed to be doing this right He's supposed to be meeting with the Press talking about The hostages right being Released so he just disappears into the Plane and all the media and all the People that are there you know they do These sort of press conferences around Helicopters and at airports where the

Audio isn't very good you know they Don't they don't you the media for Whatever reason doesn't use noise Cancelling Microphones and so they come out and It's hard to hear them it's a way to Cover up for you know like Trump used to Do this as well but Joe Biden it's like Whatever it is right this person this is Like watching an S SNL skit now I'm Assuming that he might be going to the Bathroom or having this diaper change or Something like that right but I don't Think this is Air Force One it might be It might be the plane he came in and I Don't know um but he just goes and he Walks up to the plane and all these People are left hanging staring up Waiting for the president to come back Out and again maybe he's going to the Bathroom or whatever but everything he Does is suspect because of the way he Looks and you know this is you know and With the economy the world economy Collapsing and you know the Civil War I Mean all these things I was talking About earlier unfolding and this mfer [Laughter] Just just does this right Um which is you know wonderful and KLA Is just sitting here staring at him now She's tied to this Semeer and I mean she's you know they're Going to be to be blamed for any kind of

Economic meltdown that we're going to Have so they just start wandering out Here Right and he wastes everybody like he's Just getting off the plane like they're All there he's waves to them And then he comes over here like he just Got off the plane and he's going to Answer the then they're going to talk to The reporters about this epic day when They got a they had of a prisoner Exchange with Russia and so he's waving everybody Right and so um you Know that's not supposed to happen and So before we get into the other commis Stuff um Here's this one treasonist Kyle Rittenhouse so Kyle Rittenhouse you know That kid from the the shooting who's He's always been like a shell anyway but That's not important um but he's been a Hero of the right and he went after Trump for he said he wasn't going to Vote for Trump because Trump's weak on The Second Amendment and so the Rightwing turned on him treesus Kyle Rittenhouse has apologized for his Blasphemous statements about our Glorious magga movement Let our forgiveness be a warning though Our patience with the next dissident Will not be as gracious Kyle Rittenhouse Apologized and came back to Maga we can

Stop attacking them now um like and they Just apparently they went off on him Like the right-wing does and so um Kyle Supporting Trump for Kyle rhal stopped Supporting Trump for 12 hours and they They they immediately trans investigated Him which you know it's classic Right symbolism will be their Downfall infiltration instead of Invasion and they have Kyle Rittenhouse Here and then they have him doing this Freemasonic gesture which of course you Know that could be whatever but he's Always been an inside guy and then here He's a shei Isaac Happy's Army it's all A scop he's a Shei um this is what these remedial Cubies do right these cubies and these You know these hardcore trumpers and They can't identify you know they can't Look at Trump and see what a piece of Crap he is you know he's a total piece Of [ __ ] but they're you know they can't See that but as soon as you turn on Trump this guy turns into a biological Female this is a female Kyo female Skeletal markers and then he comes back To Trump says he's sorry apologizes and They immediately say okay you're you're D Again you know like This Is How They Roll right conservatives we don't judge Our or cancel anyone like the left does Kyle Rittenhouse all politicians should

Be held accountable conservatives and Then um Kyle wouse is a eff in you know And so um you know they're horrible People the right-wing people the cubies Are just horrible people like they talk About the left and of course the left These extreme left people are horrible As well but they're just you know just Idiots they're all idiots right they're All low vibrational people making the World a worst place with every breath And every stupid thing they post on the Internet so right before the shooting You know I didn't really cover this Thing I didn't cover the riot so much And these things for you know variety of Reasons but I was watching the news is Either CNN and or MSNBC and there was these guys coming in Who had AR-15s who were going to help The police right and they interviewed Kyle rhouse and I just searched for it Again but I never could find the the Interview but they interviewed him and He was showing off his first aid kit and Saying all the things he's going to help With the police with and you know these There was like these 20 guys that came In from I don't know where they came in From was it wiscansin to was he from Wisconsin wherever he was from or you Know um Minnesota or something wherever He came came from and they were going to Wherever that you know they were going

To Minnesota he came from another state Where they were having those riots in Minnesota right is that the story Whatever it was like I you know I have a Vague memory of it I almost forgot this Thing but I see this kid being Interviewed it's before the the shooting Happened with him right like it was like A day before even maybe or it was it was Early on that day or a day before and Then it comes out he was in the shooting I'm like I when I S first saw him me and Interviewed and he had his you know AR-15 I'm like this is going to be a Shill thing right he's like he looked Like a total PSY and like you know what I I didn't know that was going to happen But I didn't believe it to be like a Real I didn't believe him to be Authentic right and then the whole thing Happened with all of it right um you Know it's all F you just all of it Staged and whatever and so this guy Becomes whatever he becomes and the Rightwing loves him even though he's he Was easy to see through in the beginning And then all the things that happened Afterwards in terms of his trial and all This stuff and then he became a hero and Now he says something against Trump and They turn on him and you know they're Just the inability to see what's going On is like so epic Right a funny story for you guys so for

My 27th birthday I got Botox like no 27th year no no 27th birthday is Complete unless you get an injection of A neurotoxin into your face right so you Can kill some of the nerve Uh you do nerve damage to your face Right you know I showed you this other Video someone sent me with it it was Like at a plastic Surgery um like a plastic surgery Whatever it was like a a bunch of nurses And doctors female doctors talking about Getting in some case over a hundred Injections of Botox right um and some of Them were like in their early 20s just It's sad and sick right baby Botox just Right here in like my T-Zone Got to take care of your T-Zone and I did not like it so I Haven't got it again so she's playing Music in the background which means They're going to copyright this thing so But she says that her eyebrow would go Up uh Independently and her sister would Somebody would point it out and it Wouldn't go down on its own for about 20 Seconds so she didn't like the botox but It just speaks to her and all these Things you know all these people these Famous people and they'll do anything to I mean she's only 27 uh but Anyways I was going to do a voice over

Here I have a voiceover already done but Then I found this here this article then We'll get to the voiceover okay so I Just about to edit this video I was Talking about the Olympics in the video Obviously and this came up and I thought This was about cheating watch Jordan Charles react to winning Olympic bronze After Shock score chain so I'm like oh This is about cheating but ended up not Being about cheating it was about this The Team USA gymnast had ranked fifth on The scoreboard after her routine the Last of the competition received a 13.66% 766 so there's another 666 sighting here I've talked about this so much in the Olympics how much 666 stuff there is and This is just another indication Especially with the gymnastics okay so Weird stuff keeps on getting recommended To me I'm trying to make um edit this Video but um I was just finishing up Editing the gymnastics part and this Came in this is um the uh Rebecca Andre From Brazil and Simone Biles And Jordan uh Jordan Charles are bowing Before her right um and so it's weird as F right just weird I don't you know like Is this something to do with Brazil like Is Brazil going to somehow be a part of The you know I mean it's America Bing Before Brazil is another way to look at

It um but just a bizarre image right It's good to have respect in you know um For your competition Simone biles is Considered the greatest gymnast in ever Right the greatest gymnast and has more Decorated one more events than this girl Here who's younger than her um you know Just Bizarre so the Olympics have been a Total disaster um you know there was the Epic or the I don't know what you want To call it sacrilegious whatever that Was the opening ceremon which was the Worst of these ritualistic Opening Ceremonies we've seen over the years it Was by far the worst and it was you know I mean just um you all know what it was Right so it was really bad and then just All of the coverage and all the woke Stuff the 666 stuff I've covered just The things I've seen right but the Coverage of the Olympics by n NBC So they now have all these cable Networks which I have right I have it on Direct TV and I have uh YouTube TV right And yet they couldn't play the full Event like for basketball games they Would come in in the middle of the game Right and they have all these channels Covering like this you know stuff no One's going to freaking watch and it Wouldn't be labeled correctly they would Say well this is you know whatever it is Volleyball or you know kaying or

Whatever it might be right and bicycling You know some kind of you know and then You' turn it on and it would be Something else and they couldn't get That right you know and so I save stuff So I could fast forward the I don't Watch things you know sporting events I Can't watch it with commercials and from I have to fast forward through all the Dead time you know just get to the end Of the thing right and so um there was So much that was just like wrong with Their cover coverage sloppy coverage and You know with all this technological Advancement they still had like epic Failures missing out on things and it Just wasn't coordinated across like six Or seven different NBC Networks and you know it just is Icky Right and of course these this boxer who Tested as being a dude and now is and Two boxers who are dudes fighting at the End of that thing and just you know all These things are intentional but just Not a good Olympics apparently they made Everybody pay for the Olympics with a You know they wouldn't they didn't Accept cash and they you know made Everybody wear like an armband it was Very um you know sort of authoritarian And people left after the opening Ceremony the restaurants were empty like It was an epic fail for for Paris like People were just not digging it and you

Know the thing was um just a like a like A complete failure across the board the Thing with some own biles in the last Olympic she got the MC twisties remember She they got something they call the Twisties where you get sort of uh you Know you lose the ability to do these Flips and things because you get shook It's like getting um vertigo or Something which makes total sense Because you know it's scary the way they Flip around those that balancing beam And all that [ __ ] you know like it's you Know it just doesn't seem like a smart Thing to do right you're inevitably Going to fall and hit that thing um the Rest of it but she got the MC twisties And she couldn't compete she had to quit And it was psychological issues and it Was when they were making such a big Deal about uh athletes being depressed And they were supporting him that that Tennis girl that girl from American Tennis girl and they were supporting Athletes quitting because of mental Issues and mental health and applauding Them and saying they were the real Champions for having mental issues and Not being able to compete right How Brave they were and you know um this Simone Bas is the greatest female Gymnast of all time was given an athlete Of the year for quitting and having a Psychological breakdown remember that

Like how big a deal they made about it But then they called this the Redemption Tour and now she's winning again and They're talking about how great it is to Win you know and dominate but before it Was you know when they which has always Been the case and both things can't be True right you you can't be applauded For acknowledging your psychological Breakdowns and then at the same time be Uh applauded for pushing through your Issues and redeeming yourself and Getting medals right the whole thing Just falls apart like it's just like Everything else it's devolved into suck Right so these clips are coming out now Right this is the hammer guy and KLA J Harris I have been fortunate and blessed To during the course of being vice President have many situations where it Becomes clear to me that there are you Know people of every Age and and gender By the way who seees something about Being the first that lets them know they Don't need to be um limited by other People's limited um understanding of who Can do what do you understand the words That are coming out of my mouth and so This came up as well so I decided I was Going to start Prosecuting parents for Truancy well this was a little Controversial in San [Laughter]

Francisco I mean the cackle right and Frankly my staff went bananas they were Very concerned because we didn't know at The time whether I was going to have an Opponent in my re-election Race okay so I'm going to go through This again let's just watch this because I'm going to go through this again with A a bigger YouTube video but I said look I'm done this this is a serious issue And I've got a little political capital And I'm going to spend some of it and This is what we did we I think it's Rough cuz I asked the attendance officer You know could she help me or give me Some um make up some hours or whatever I Can do and she um she told me that she Didn't care and hung up on me these Districts that get federal funds are Required to not only uh accommodate These parents so that their Childs can Be in a traditional education but to Make uh reasonable adjustments in their Policy which can include tendons now the School district superintendent says this Is an extreme case an action simply Needed to be taken worst case scenario For Andrea black she could go to jail And her son could be put in foster care She says she is desperately hoping okay So we're going to come back to that Original video Let's watch this one First missing school may not only affect Your child's education it can also be a

Crime in the city of San Francisco Joining us to explain how Tru Andy Impacts the entire family San Francisco District Attorney kamla Harris it is Great to have you with us just this is Um you knowon to be here wonderful to be Here thank you thank you now may I call You come absolutely you must you must Miss Da Miss Da let's define treny I it it must be More than just missing a few days from School absolutely right we are not Talking about hookie and playing hookie And frankly we all did okay exactly we All played hooker no that's just you We all played Hooker what we're talking about is Chronic School absenteeism and the focus For me really has been the elementary And middle school students um we're Talking about children very young Children who have missed up to 50 60 Days of 180 day school year a very very Real issue and something much more than Um just the occasional laps and we're Talking by the way about unexcused Absences right right do their parents Even know that they're missing so much School well when you're talking about a Seven and 8-year-old I would think yes My gosh now if you're talking about that So think about this all right so they Have kids in San Francisco these are

Almost all black kids right these are You either you know they're they're Black or they're just economically these Are you know kids in who are in a Difficult econ parents in a difficult Economic situation many of them single Parents so these would be moms single Moms who you know are not being Supported by the system right you know Having a difficult time living in Poverty and not being able to keep their Kids get keep their kids going to school Right and Comm it's a real problem and So kamla's reaction is let's lock these Mfers up and throw them foster care like That's her reaction like as a district Attorney like she has oh I have some Political Capital so we'll get into that In a moment this is her solution like And she's giggy giddy about it many days Being missed from school how many kids Are we talking about here what Percentage of the total School Population I'm glad you asked so of uh Last year in the San Francisco Public School System we had over 5500 students Who are designated as habitually and Chronically trillent and of that number 2400 are Elementary School students oh My gosh so how is it so they're going to Put 5,000 parents or 5,000 in you know sets Of parents or single parents in jail and Put those kids in the Foster system as a

Solution and because they're not the Foster parents aren't going to get those Kids to go to school right like this is A horrible solution it's breaking up a Family it's having difficult Circumstances right somebody who Systematically you know who um people Who are in poverty who she believes as a Liberal who have been put there by a System right ancestors are slaves in Many cases people people who are poor People who are you know disadvantaged in Different ways and the liberal view is That they're it's a systemic problem Which I agree with to some extent right And so it's a a systemic problem and She's punishing these people so she's Not a real liberal I mean what a Horrible person this is right even the Worst conservative person wouldn't be Locking up these parents right like I Mean she's a horrible human being as a Liberal locking up black parents are People of you know color or at least Economically disadvantaged people mostly Black people and then just I mean think About it right like horrible human Being would not be standing here were it Not for the education I received and I Know many of many of us will say the Same thing and I believe a child going Without an education is tant amount to a Crime okay so that's not the case right Now I don't love the educational system

And we know that the school system's Broken down right um but you know Definitely being out in the streets and Not being in school for these kids you Know these kids are at risk kids and may Might lead to I mean statistically she's Saying that these kids are going to end Up as criminals which would make sense Right so I can understand that so There's a real problem here CU these Kids are better off in school than in Some other situation not in school right I mean if they're being homeschooled That's one thing but still it's the Difficult the difficult place where they Live you know where being in in the Criminal becoming a criminal is a part Of it right so it's a real problem but Her solution is Horrible okay so let me just add this I'm editing here you know there's a Period of time where my family and I Lived in poverty and my kids were young And my ex and I we had had uh four kids In five years they were like called Irish twins right two of them were born On consecutive Mother's Day and you know It was like having a Daycare and we were homesteading we were Learning how to Homestead there's a Whole bunch of things going on but Anyways and you know my ex had mental Issues the whole thing I've talked about This past and I was underprepared to be

A dad you know like most of us are Parent these things and so But most people who have young Kids go through this where you're just Completely overwhelmed all the time Right and you have these parents who are Living in Desperate situations often Living in abject poverty in highrisk High-risk areas and they can you know They can just it's all they can do to Make it through a day I mean so many Parents are like this many of you have Experienced a time in your life where You're you know you're just making it And maybe your your Relationship either you're a single Parent or you have a relationship that's Falling apart there's so much drama and You know God knows what else is going on And you're completely overwhelmed and Some of these parents are young parents Teenage parents things like this and It's enough that they can just make it Through a day and they're struggling With their kids right they're in ass Risk Situations and so KLA is going to bury Them by arresting them maybe cusing them To lose their job who knows what giving Them a a criminal record now a felony And you know having to tell people yeah My kids were trueing from school and I Was arrested for that like that's just Makes it sound like a bad person a bad

Parent right and this person who was Born into wealth and privilege she had Two parents who were in the upper class Of their respective societies of Indian Society of Brahman and a guy who in Jamaica they were academic people top of Their class in terms of their academic Um I mean they're coming from foreign Countries and they got into Stanford Where they met and she grew up with you Know money they they had you know Professor salaries or her mom was a some Kind of a you know a scientist and Worked at this these Labs she had money She grew up in privilege and money she Went to private schools in in Canada Right these things she was somebody who You know who had all the advantages that Most people don't and for her to throw These single parents and these poor People in jail again you know yeah their Kids should be in school but that's not A solution you know she's burying these People like she's taking a bad situation These people are in and putting them in A worse situation right and it's not you Know it's not effective and she's so a Clueless to all this stuff she's so Oblivious because she's an elitist right She has no idea so I decided I was going To start Prosecuting parents for Truancy well this was a little Controversial in San Francisco I mean like that witch laugh

It's it's controversial anywhere it's a Horrible decision why would anybody make This decision not just politically but Just in terms of being a human being Let's lock the parents up because the Kids aren't going to school right maybe Find out what the situation Is and frankly my staff went bananas They were very concerned because we Didn't know at the time whether I was Going to have an opponent in my Reelection race She's so like nasty and she's such like A witch like character here she doesn't Even realize what she's saying because She's saying this is a big thing like These kids you know that a a kid not Getting education is tat himount to Being a Christ Tatam ta whatever she Said to being a you know like committing A crime it's criminal for a kid not to Get an education and but then we were Like well is this going to hurt my Reelection campaign and I'm I'm writing On a pose but you know this they might Turn on me if I do this right and so Like a horrible human being like you Know just saying these things out loud Like no filter like this is bad she's Clearly not scile like Joe Biden so that She doesn't have that excuse and this is When she's younger right this is when She's you know she was banging that guy Brown and you know he's married you know

Whatever situation you know this is her Her knee pads days right she wents from Knee pads to locking up parents for the Kid but I said look I'm done this is a Serious issue and I've got I'm done I'm Done little political capital and I'm Going to spend some of it and this is What we did we Recognized that in that initiative as a Prosecutor and law enforcement I have a Huge stick the school district yeah you Do she's got a huge stick Michelle Obama Knows about having a huge Stick got a carrot the school has a Carrot schools they always pushing those Crappy carrots at school let's work in Tandem around our Collective objective And goal which is to get those kids in School so to that end on my letterhead Now let me tell you something about my Letterhead when you're let let's listen To our about our letterhead da of a Major city in this country usually the Job comes with a Badge and there is often an artistic Rendering of said badge on your station Are right so I sent a letter out on my Letterhead to every parent in the school District outlining the connection that Was statistically Proven between Elementary School truancy High School dropouts who will become a Victim of crime and who will become a Perpetrator of crime we sent it out to

Everyone a friend of mine actually Called me and he said KLA my wife got The letter she freaked out she brought All the kids into the living room held Up the letter said if you don't go to School kamla's going to put you and me In Jail look at how happy she is look at How happy she is right like KL is going To put Y in jail not that this is a Crime you know these Things yes we achieved intend intended Effect just horrible human being this is Only 14 years ago right this is her knee Pad stays and she was you know Skyrocketed through her own Like her just scumbaggery like I said Trump does it everybody does it but she Did it knee pads it you know gets some These positions she doesn't deserve and Is on her way and this is the kind of Person she is the kind of power that she Exerts right so let's listen to this Part Again yes we achieved intend intended Effect intended effect right here's a Picture of Jimmy Savl that I um have in a folder called Human sacrif that I used to make videos About which is really funny and this is The guy who captured kids in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang he was the Truancy officer and this is what kamla Wants to be right the desired effect was

Her parents are talking about Kamala as Like a Boogeyman oh Kamala is going to lock us Up Kamala is going to put us in jail if You don't go to school Kamala you know Krampus the boogeyman the monster under Your bed it's going to get you look out For kamla she's going to get us she's Going to throw us in jail right that's The desired effect that she's giggling About that's how she feels about power That she gets off on people saying oh my God I'm scared of kamla the mom sits Down reads this letter with her badge on It and all this [ __ ] she doesn't deserve So because she was servicing some guy 30 Years older than her I mean just I mean Again this doesn't mean Trump is better Not saying that right I want to make Sure all these videos when I'm insulting Trump I'm not saying KLA is better you Binary [ __ ] right like this is not any Of those things this is me just saying This is how bad things have gotten these Are the two people and they've always Been despicable people running for President in my lifetime right some may Be a little bit better than others but These are the bottom of the barrel and They're just horrible in every level and The thing is even when people know these Things about them they'll still vote for KLA they'll still vote for Trump because That's how like the the what people are

Willing to accept as a legitimate leader As their legitimate leader they're Willing to accept these bottom of the Barrel people right so here are these Guys right inly problematic in San Francisco not all but many and so it's An early warning it's an intervention Strategy to get serious about that Correlation and engage youth before they Engage in inappropriate activity we are Looking at a situation where in the last Couple of years 94% of the victims of Homicide were high school Dropouts we are looking at a fact that People who are not and Gavin Nome and KLA Harris coming together here um Literally and Figuratively and so you know just a Mess but anyways here's This they don't want to talk policy they Just want to use propaganda to steal Your vote the left is trying to tell This woman as a savior for the black Community but all she's done has hurt The black community since she came into The [Applause] Game see the first step in destroying The black community is to dismantle the Black family so aside from her record as A Prosecutor why don't we ask Mrs Willie Brown if Camala Harris cares about black Families

Okay so that happened right so I said This as well remember I don't know if I Said it here I definitely said to my Wife photojournalist Zack Roberts I Really thought people were joking about This but then I photographed him last Week Vance 100% does wear eyeliner and I Said that right I was saying that did I Say this in a video you guys may or may Not remember I don't remember but I Definitely was telling my wife this Guy's wearing eyeliner I think I said a Video when we were doing the whatever it Was um and so there's lots of dudes wear An eyeliner it's lots of guys like Athletes and you see it all the time It's bizarre right you know the the just The like women have been sucked into This where you have to spend hours Distorting your appearance right that You're you don't look good enough so you Have to you know do all these things With makeup and eyeliner plastic surgery Botox course things like that and now They're trying to rope men in Machine Gun Kelly selling fingernail paint and Like how much time does he spend every Day putting that [ __ ] out his face right You're driving along suddenly your eyes Are confronted with this what what is Your Reaction so this person is driving along Here and look at this MF in House this is the there's the payoffs

Coming in a second so there's the giant Trump sign you know all the stuff the Trump the windows all the stuff American Flag And then kab Kaboom right Kaboom there he is and so um just um Trump save America never stop Fighting to save America again all this fake stuff and The people buying into this crap right Like the staged event it's just silly Like the trumpers are like you're They're worse because Trump think They're truthers I mean some liberal People think they're woke truthers but The trumpers think they're truthers and You're not like you're pathetically Falling for this Flim Flam man and There's nothing he can do to everything He's he's trying to tell you what a Piece of [ __ ] he is he he's telling you What a piece of [ __ ] he is and he's Doing all these things and you keep on Buying into it Right I nicked my upper ear carage over A month ago with an electric trimmer Clippers while trimming my hair Here's The the the thing here and there's the Um cut that's still there so I Remembered what it was and I think I Read it in a previous video and all Stuff Blends together and I just deleted All my old like comments and I mean I

Got so many files of videos and video Clips and things I have to delete them Every once in a while you know I've made I think over 20 to 30 terabytes of Videos over the years probably over 30 and you know I have to move the stuff Over to a the stuff I'm going to save Over to a um you know an external hard Drive and then all these other things uh Because even with a 4 terabyte capacity I I can't keep all my video content and Then there's backup files and double Video files all these things right but I Save these screenshots of comments and It goes to my desktop and every once in A while I have to delete that whole Folder because it has all these other Videos in it but anyways there was a Comment that I think I had I think it Was a comment form where the person said That their kid had their ear and they Had to tape their ear back together and They had these thin strips so the ear Could breathe I'm pretty sure I read This in a my last video you guys will Remember that and you know within a Month the thing had completely healed I Mean it was severe ear damage and lots Of blood in T6 and so Trump having no Evidence of a cut I mean as soon as the Band-Aid came off then everyone should Know was [ __ ] right as much as you Know I want to say I was 100% on it Which I was that was irrefutable

Evidence because he didn't need that big Ass bandage when he went on to the Convention so you know there was he was Milking the thing right like even if it Happened of course it didn't he's Milking it so that means that there's Deception he's deceiving all the people Everyone knows when somebody's Overplaying an injury this thing had no Scar there's no visible damage and so The guy wasn't hit in the air I mean the Guy could have at least had them take a Chunk out of his ear it wouldn't have Hurt that bad people get pierced ears All the time and for this kind of Deception but he's such a puss he Wouldn't do that and they're talking About him being a badass and a hero and The whole thing's hilarious because it's Obvious now that he had no damage to his Ear and the blood was fake and we always Knew the blood was fake CU it stopped it It dried by the time he stood up like How does blood dry that quickly and how Does some some part of your body that's Bleeding that much just stop bleeding And so he's him claiming there's blood All over the place on his hands and we All saw the videos and there was none of That there's no video there's no blood On anywhere but his ear in his face and That was dry and so it was blood it was Ketchup or whatever they use for fake Blood you know ketchup gate and so it's

So obvious right now like nobody should Be I mean it's DED down like all the you Know how people were talking about him Being a badass and you know all the Investigations it's a dead event right It's no longer being talked about There's you know whatever there's no Going to be no consequences for it and There's just these people who are dieh Hard trumpers wearing the t-shirts and Trump who keeps on bragging about and Talking about even though everyone's Looking at his [ __ ] ear and seeing That there's no damage and it's just Ridiculous like that anybody would buy Into this thing because Trump himself Has already you like I said he's already Faked you guys by pretending that the Cut was worse than it was he needed no Stitches and there was you know like There was no he didn't need anything Like he went to the hospital for that You know you know like come on like this Is anyways so KL Harris was such a Non-existent fights President right she Would show up and be part of a meme and They you know they sold her out I mean Joe B put her in a horrible position When he made her the Zar of the Border When the Border was collapsing and that Was just another way to make her an Insurance policy right what I mean by That she was making her unelectable Because she was going to be in charge of

The most disastrous part of the Biden Administration is the the immigration Issues right and he stuck that on her And so he was making it so people Weren't going to say hey let's get rid Of Biden cuz they were like we can't Have Harris and now now she's the Candidate like he's he screwed her by Doing that and now she's stuck with that Bor desar term which they're trying to You know scrub um but she you know was Most vice presidents are you know They're just not covered they're just Not there right they're not part of the News cycle and so I didn't know how she Her stance on the the vax was right um Well I figured it would just be what Joe Biden's was but here's Her okay Let's do it all [Applause] Right ready done Ready double [Applause] Mask that was easy I mean she's got the Double mask like she has the like Medical mask and then she has one that Goes with her Outfit they laugh Away thank you there's I barely felt It I barely felt it A we All okay [Applause]

Awesome thank you Nur thank You Well um I want to thank United Medical Center for the work that you do in Southeast DC okay so there's that right but before That in a debate with Mike Pence in 2020 um for life to get back to normal Dr Anthony fouchy and other experts say That most of the people who can be Vaccinated need to be vaccinated but Half of Americans now say they would Take a vaccine if it was released Now if the Trump Administration approves A vaccine before or after the election Should Americans take it and would you Take it if the public health Professionals if Dr fouchy if the Doctors tell us that we should take it I'll be the first in line to take it Absolutely but if Donald Trump tells us I should that we should take it I'm not Taking it boom it's the same vaccine Right it's the same vaccine right what Do you talking about like it doesn't Matter and they were both saying it you Know because Trump was the father of That vaccine of course she ended up Getting Trump's vaccine you just saw it Like his operation warp speed and so This became a big controversy at the Time I didn't hear this I to watch this Debate remember this freaking dead Corpse

[Laughter] Ever like he's just not even Alive Trump has said that we can't Expect a covid-19 vaccine before the end Of the year or quote sometime during the The month of October but vice Presidential candidate KLA Harris not so Sure when it comes to trusting what President Trump says Harris says for her To take the vaccine the information About its safety will have to come from Credible Sources I will not take his word for it He wants us to inject bleach I no I will Not take his word hereis also so there's That right um of course she got it and JoJo MCU made it mandatory the whole Thing right shamed all the Antivaxers I mean so again this they Both suck right this is an indication of Both Trump and comma sucking so here's Margerie Taylor green she's speaking in Atlant and she does that giggle [Applause] Thing oh Georgia She does that thing she makes those in Sounds like a beus or Butthead laugh or Whatever this is home sweet home this is Home I love you I love every single one Of you you do Personally I tell you what this feels Like a room full of friends and family Every single one of you every single one Of

[Applause] You and Georgia I really want to talk to You about the serious mission that all Of us are on together this has nothing To do with our skin color our gender our Politics it has nothing to do with any Of that this is about our mission with Our home state because let me tell you All well tell us tell us sister the road To the White House goes directly through The state of Georgia W so at some point She goes nuclear on K Harris that's the title of the video and Then it all changed and we watched the Democrats shut this country down and Destroy our freedoms over a virus that Came from China [Applause] Bo what are we supposed to do boo we Watch the Democrats Camala Harris Herself support riots in city streets Across America burning looting and Taking away the rights from Americans thumbs down thumbs down every THB down shared a bail bond link the men Soda Freedom fund to put criminal riers Back on the streets that murdered and Looted and caused chaos Boo boo so um like the reason that they Have dopes like this is because a lot of People are Dumb and they need dopes like this to uh Infuriate the the dumb people on the Other side and also bring in the dumb

People on their side right so that's why She exists okay I'm going to show you a Guy talking about our national debt Which I so my wife said that video I Think yesterday somebody did um I think She did uh and that was um like two days Ago and so since then all this other Stuff has happened I've already made the Clips you're about to see and so there Are a few more things I want to cover Here first thing is the stock market This all came just um you know after Lunch okay so it's already started here Nightmare on Wall Street Stock Market Blood blasty sty NASDAQ plumet has Renewed recession fears trigger Global Selloff this is going to kill kamla Harris and the Joe Biden stuff like they Have to answer for this so it's a Nightmare right so that happened and Then Doug em off's ex-wife responds After he admits to a affair with Nanny During their Marriage um Doug and I have decided to End our marriage for a variety of Reasons one he banged A our Nanny too he pregnated her many Years ago um he's a far he's a he is a Great father to our kids continues to be A great friend to me and I'm really Proud of the warm and support of blended Family Doug KLA have built together so That's Christina emof I thought that was The nanny but there's the nanny there um

So that happened potential Harris VP Picked Josh Shapiro on defense over is Israel Over Israel Over Israel after Decades old college essay sir Surfes um well we talked about this Already and it seems like he's going to Be her VP it sounds like she's he's Gonna um she's going to pick the VP this Week so I actually have an update so She's picking him tomorrow today's Monday she's going to Pennsylvania Philadelphia his State and so I think he She's picking him she's announcing it Before tomorrow's rally unless something Goes south and I saw Morning Joe Defending this guy And they had that guy on Rosen blat Whatever his name is who's in charge of The Anti-Defamation League and they were talking about how Everybody hates the guy because the guy Has said he Netanyahu is the worst uh Prime minister in isra Israeli history But those are just words right and They're saying that he's being unfairly Prejudiced against because he's Jewish But the guy said some you know horrible Things about the Palestinians he worked With the I mean I think part of the Reason K picking her picking this guy is That they're weak on Israel or and Joe Biden or at least that's what is being Said right um but I don't see how this Guy helps her right we'll get into that

More tomorrow but they need the useful Vote and Trump is going to get some of The Jewish vote because Trump was so Great for Israel and so I don't Understand the pick here and you know They're whining about this thing about Being you know that everyone just hates Jewish people but this isn't about that I mean to some extent maybe it is but For most people I have a problem with it If they calling him genocide Josh Because the guy really supported Israel And said horrible things about the Palestinians in that essay that surfaced Where he said the Palestinians were Incapable of ruling themselves and a two Part A two-state solution was not Possible because the Palestinians suck Right and he was over the top in his Support of Israel and it's a genocide And the fact that people can't see that Or you know these people who are just Shs for Israel that there's a lot of Young people really upset about this and Those people were that who voted for Joe Biden I mean a lot of those people would Vote for him or did vote for him they're Not voting for kamla because of this Issue right um so like I don't see how This guy helps him but any or helps her Whatever the case may be all right let's Get into the economy here Mr Speaker and To my friend from Missouri Um thank you actually sometimes I come

Behind These microphones and often what I want to share what I need to share It's my therapy is a bit Dow um and it's Sometimes fun to listen to someone that Actually has happy and joyous all right Now that the uplifting portion of this Program is over let's get to the facts Um Mr Speaker are now Madam speaker Protm um you see the number 35 trillion Guess when we hit It we should be very very excited and Proud of ourselves we did something that So many Economist said we would never Get to this quick my math says this Coming Friday 300 p.m. the United States Gross debt will cross over 35 trillion We did It now understand that's not the way Europeans calculate our debt which they Calculate our debt dramatically higher Because of our obligated unfunded Liabilities okay let me show you that What he's talking about so we passed it Now we're at 100 we're at 35 trillion 132 billion Already um so that was July 25th that he was saying it so that was Um I guess two Fridays ago was that it Is um but now you know it's here and so We're at 35 trillion it's already we're Already one nth of away to 36 trillion Since he said that but here are the Unfunded liabilities right these are all The things to do with um things that we

Have to pay out and we're at 217 Trillion that we have to pay these out And we have no way of paying them They're not a part of the budget there's No money for them so security being one Of the big ones in Medicare right Between those two that's um at uh you Know over around $70 Trillion and then there's just all these Other things that are there these are Things that you know some of this a Military industrial complex because this Is our our our income this is the tax Revenue which is way up it it hadn't Crossed four before and now it's close To F five Um but you know uh there's all these Other things here like the US total debt Is is $100 Trillion and then we have the Derivatives Market here which is at $629 trillion of course that's just all You know that's credit default swaps and All these types of things that your Financial um crimes Financial scams to Bet against debt right debts already bad But now you're betting against people's Ability to pay things and so that's the Credit to fall swaps all those things Right which now we know the economy is Collapsing in Japan which it happened Last time the credit default swaps got Involved in these things but this is not Sustainable whether you're comma Harris

Fan or you're Trump fan or you're Independent or you're a Kennedy voter Whatever you think you're doing here Nobody can fix this we don't have $35 Trillion the gross domestic national Product I think is it globally or just For America is like2 trillion so the Global GDP is over 120 trillion over Hundred trillion dollar right in 2022 it Goes up a little bit every year and so Um that is you know gross domestic Product that's not net profit that's Just the gross right without taking out Expenses America's GDP in 2023 was 27 TR milon do so even the Gross domestic product and again this is All money's this isn't tax money this is What tax what the money that's taxed is Right the taxes on this money and that's Still not as much as this number Certainly not as much as this number and Nothing as much as this number here the The derivatives market right so these Unfounded liabilities 200217 trillion total us said $101 Trillion $35 trillion soon to be 36 and This is the amount of income and all This money is accounted for all this Money all the every tax dollar you pay That's why there's debt right so all the Tax money that is paid isn't enough to Cover our budget and then there's the Unfunded liabilities and the interest on The debt and so there's no way to

Reverse this right the only way to Reverse this is to totally devalue the Dollar and so that you're getting paid a Trillion dollars an hour and then There'll be enough money to pay off this Debt because the you know the debt Becomes watered down because there's Inflation right that's the only way is To devalue the dollar so the trillion Dollars isn't that much money if you're Paying a million dollars for a loaf of Bed bread then we could pay down the Debt of course the economy would Collapse by then and so there's no you Know there's nothing here but you're Going to watch the treasury Friday about 300 p.m. post up a number $35 trillion we did it Congratulations and how many people have You heard come find the microphone today Or this week understanding wanting to Talk about that what we've gotten is People coming behind the microphone and Not telling the truth we all want to Protect Social Security the way you Protect Social Security is you know know The math and how it actually works There's no math there's no math like There's no math for this this is you Know an issue where the math like if You're if you're an individual person Who has a Budget and this is your debt and this is Your income and this is your real debt

Here of um 101 trillion but really this Is also your debt and this is the debt That you're not even thinking about Which which is the derivatives market Right I mean the unfunded liabilities You can't pay social security is gone That money's gone it's it's broke it's It's defunct right they know it you Can't save it can't be saved and Medicare as well they can't pay for your Insurance and they just want those People to die anyway right they can't You know the all these promises they Made for you the promise of America the Promise of your lifestyle the promise of These things is gone I'll cover this a Little bit let me go to this last thing Here and I'll come back with a voice Over and I got two more spiritual Segments Here this is insane look at there's even More now so um there was a hundreds of These big giant dragonflies in our field Yesterday but dragonflies have been sort Of my well let me just whoops play this Here Holy crap look at [Music] This oh my God look at the Swarm over Here Holy I've never seen anything like this In my Life oh my so that's crazy right um my God

So one of my viewers sent me this I Think on instag and what was interesting For me was that we've had a ton of Butterflies uh dragonflies this year so Last year I noticed there was some Dragonfly nymphs in our small little Pond that I built we have this little Sort of pond that you know I have a Video that's on my members Channel I'm Waiting to put up here I just have such A backlog of videos and it's like like 2 Months old now but it has shows a little Bit of the pond but I have you know all These interesting interactions with Wildlife you know we had Orioles that Were bathing in the pond all these Different birds and then frogs and we Have turtles in the bigger Pond you know We have all the stuff out here and I Built this little you know waterfall Pond area and last year there was these Nymphs and I was studied them like they Fascinated me that they are really you Know aggressive Predators which I'd seen Before I'd seen some on some nature show And you know we have these little Minnows we have little fish in there and They're really aggressive Predators then My wife said she was reading like this Was probably about six months later that The um Dragonfly is the second best Predator in Terms of its kill rate it has like a 99% Kill rate if it targets a creature

Either on water or in the air it gets That creature 99% of the time they're You know very vicious predators and the Only creature to beat it are those sea Turtles that eat Jellyfish like it's hard to miss on a Jellyfish and so um I thought that was Really interesting so I just looked it Up Dragonflies I have a 97% success rate Like I don't think any I don't know if Anybody's been bitten by one I haven't But they're just scary looking right They're just I mean they're you know They kill like wasps and all kind of Bugs now I don't know if this has to do With the cicas but I've never seen so Many dragonflies this year and on my Birthday area when I was working on the Farm you I wanted to do one of our Projects that was just sort of lingering And also my wife had just read something About like putting bamboo steaks we have These orange steaks that we put up so I Don't run stuff Over um but you know they dragonflies Land on them and they're great for Eating uh bugs in your garden and Certainly mosquitoes and other flying Insects so uh they're you know they're Kind of a neat thing but they were as I Was cutting the through the like I was Bushhoging and doing things in the the Pasture and as I was doing it these

Dragon flies were just flying like with Me there's one time I came up on a tree And I thought I hit a was nest because Of like a couple hundred dragonflies Came pouring out of this tree while I Was driving you know this little sort of Shrub I was bush hogging and they were Flying like with me they like almost Keeping me company you know I believe in This idea of spirit animals you know Kind of as a goof as a fun thing but you Know this stuff with Druids and the Native Americans had these uh you know These um these animals that would be Their spirit guide and I really felt These dragonflies were around for a Reason like I had so many around me and Then just the other night I was walking Around the pasture my wife was coming Home late and I took a video and I sent It to her and there was just all these Dragon flies flying around the it was Like dusk and there's hundreds of these Really big ones you know there's various Variations of them but anyways you know It must mean Something this is a dragonfly summer so There's not really much more to say About the economy I've covered this in So many videos over the years and you Know people should know the numbers just Don't add up right because if you're Adding $3 million of debt every minute And you have 35 5 trillion in debt you

Know that's each trillion dollar is ,000 Billion dollar right 1 trillion is a Th000 billion dollar right so like it's An astronomical amount of money a Billion a a thousand million dollar and Our budget is so crazy that our $4 Trillion doll5 trillion doll amount of Tax revenue is already spoken for and Then there's all these other outstanding Debts right so that's once you look at The numbers once I realized the the Numbers the system is insolvent it's Just that we're all dependent on it and No one wants to admit what's going on Here but the numbers are just you know So whack like it's it's impossible for America to get out of debt right like America should declare Bankruptcy that's how this should go Right America should declare bankruptcy I mean many times over and but who would Absorb all that that loss right so that Debt that you know that 35 trillion Dollars worth of debt is being traded Back and forth and you know whatever the Way debt is um you know who is this Ed To right like who is the $35 trillion Ed To who does America owe $35 trillion too Right and if you default on that debt The whole economy spins out globally so You know it's we're on borrow time and It's you know it should have collapsed Years ago once people realize how [ __ ] We are and like if somebody like me

Knows and all the people who are you Know economists and people who look into This realize oh yeah this is this is Completely effed up right this can't be Right it just can't be the Silver Lining Here is when the once the system Collapses then all the evil goes with it In terms of the control of the system And all the ickiness of the system and People have to start from scratch and Whatever that means it's like it's going To suck but at least you know the Nightmare of the system will be done the Other like I don't want to call it a Silver lining but the other possible Good thing is it should have collapsed Years ago but they've kept it going so Who know long who knows how long how Much longer they can keep it going but It isn't forever right it isn't you know Something they can sustain forever but For now they can so I got this great Comment and and let me just pull it up Here I have one more spiritual thing to Say here About religion but here we go um the Person Writes this is to My Embrace The Chosen One Part uh And Band-Aid gate something whatever you Screwed up the whole presentation and Mistakenly asserting that Ben Carson is A religious figure or a Pastor and you know someone's saying you

Screwed up like if it's just like you Know you're a piece of Boop because Mistakes are going to be made right are You congratulating me for the many times That I'm right like the many times I say Things that are you know have value or Profound which is you know I mean the Videos most of my stuff is accurate Right you know with whatever you know I Don't some things are factual but in Terms of my assertions and you know all These things so any PE person like this Is worthless piece of crap right because They're looking for some flaw and like I Don't care about this so and neither Does most of my viewers but this isn't About me it's about the person because When you write something like you Screwed up like some person wrote hey [ __ ] you know like but those are Hostile people this is a person who Likes my videos you screwed up the whole Presentation by mistakenly asserting That Ben Carson is a religious figure or Pastor Pastor well he is a religious Figure maybe not a pastor Pastor he's a Doctor and then the person WR he is a Famous neurosurgeon in capital letters Where have you been I am not a pop Culture person in fact you are more into Pop culture than me but not knowing who Carson is really hurts your awareness of Those Geo geopolitical Arena Ben Carson Is one of the main Republican

Presidential candies in 2016 Ben cars is basically another Rod Paul figure so if I was to send this Video to my family and friend who buy This staged event they would turn it off When you mis misidentify Carson as a Religious figure they would think who Hell is this Paul guy if he does not Have a clue who Ben Carson is then he Must really have his head up his ass um I don't give a [ __ ] about you or your [ __ ] family right and your Dopey Family who are Republicans and can't Figure this out for themselves right I'm Not making videos so you can wake up Your family I don't give a [ __ ] about You or your family and so saying Something like this is again I have Policies about this that this is not a Complaint department I obviously made a Mistake and I remember now that he's a Neurosurgeon but I cover so many of These Dopey people that I don't care About I don't care about pop culture or Politics I don't care about any of this Stuff as I say quite significantly in The spiritual parts of this particular Video people are completely um wire to Look for negative drama dramatic they Like drama they like the negative they Like lower vibrational crap they don't Like the higher they don't Embrace their Higher nature and they don't want to Hear about spiritual principles and they

Don't want to hear that they have to Change and these are all things I have To offer people and so offer this idea That God is inside of you which people Don't give a [ __ ] about don't want to Hear about I have to make videos about Things people care about I've talked About this extensively and you know I've Come to enjoy mocking it at least but I Don't care about it like I wouldn't tune Into this stuff if I didn't make videos I wouldn't watch any of it I mean for Entertainment sure if I was going to Make fun of it my me and my wife were Watching something we're joking about it I might I would have watched the Biden Trump debate but I don't care about any Of these people Ben Carson doesn't mean Anything he's stupid and you know he is I remember the debates with Trump years And years ago 2016 and I knew his he was Dr Ben Carson it just slipped my mind I For whatever reason thought he was a CU He's so always talking about Christian Stuff I thought for some reason he was a Preacher and now I remember he's kind of A Preacher I mean when you hear him Talking he talks a lot more about God And Christianity than he does about his Work as a doctor but either way I made a Mistake with you know because I miss you I didn't remember something wasn't Really a mistake you know I covered all These people all the time it's amazing

That I can remember all that I do right I mean I have a very good memory And me as I gotten older I'm sure it's Not as good as it used to be but it's One of my assets here but I don't care About like it's a meaningless mistake Like it doesn't matter to me whether It's a preacher or a doctor you know Whatever and if your Dopey family can't Get over the fact and realize that I'm Telling them something beyond their Consciousness level and if you can't get Over the fact then like you're not Welcome here I don't care I'm not do you You're not doing me a favor you're not Helping me out I don't care if you you Know you wake up your Dopey family right I'm not here to wake wake up dopes right I make content for people on a higher Level of Consciousness and it isn't that High but at least people who can Understand things on a different level I Don't make content for QB dopes and Dopes like you and dopes like your Republican family I'm this is not my Thing I'm not here to wake up dopes Right I made this perfectly clear you Know if you guys come here and you're You know you're stretching your Abilities and you're trying to you know Reach up to a higher level of Understanding of things great you know Welcome but realiz is there's a higher Thing here there's so much content out

There for dumb asses right the majority Of content I mean TV shows and movies And things it's just for remedial people With remedial Consciousness and double Digit IQs and you know they have all That [ __ ] right there's plenty of [ __ ] About Republican stuff and pro-religious Pro-christian stuff you know and I don't Go to those people and insult them and You know tell them they made a mistake Here or there or whatever I don't care Like they have their thing right that's Their thing and it's great that people Have their thing right I mean I'm not Even trying to categorize this like as Smarter people being better than than Dumber people but there's just so much Stuff out there for dumb people and so The little stuff that's there and I Don't even mean dumb I mean people who Are on a lower evolutionary path and are You know binary thinkers and you know Who aren't just able to reach up to Higher levels of consciousness right and So there's very little out there for Gifted people or people who could aspire To be spiritual and aspire to you know Get out of the rut of the you know the Mundane masses right the masses of People who are you know emotionally Based and you aren't looking to pull Themselves up to a higher level they're Not looking to connect to God Divinity Within them and all these other things

And so those people know it doesn't Matter whether I thought Ben Carson was A doctor or a preacher because like what You said what this guy said in his Comment let's let me pull this thing Back up here let me see where this says Here I think it's here he says so if I Send this video to my family and a Friend who buy this staged event they Would turn it off when you misidentify Carson as a religious figure um like the Dopes that buy this as that event you're Sending them to this they're sending my Video to them because it's great right Other than this one mistake that you're Bitching About you know the thing is good right The video is good and my points are Valid and so you know uh again they're Dumb asses they bought into the event Right like I said this over and over Again there's going to be a high level Of population Reduction there's going to be you know 78 of the population or more you know One out seven out of eight people or Maybe even a higher rate right one out Of 10 are going to die and there's only Going to be so many available spots for People to reincarnate into this planet Those of us who don't escape with a you Know to a higher level of uh you know Don't free ourselves from our Earthly Bondage this is something I

Wholeheartedly believe and so only the People who are if there's going to be a Redemptive movement and there's some Sort of spiritual plan which I believe There is to you know bring human beings Up to a higher level of Consciousness The dumb asses aren't going to be Allowed back in evil people and dumb Asses and the rest of this right they're Not going to be allowed to be brought Back in so you know if people can't I Mean I'm I'm obliged to give people the Information that I have to give to you And I do it willingly right and it's up To you to rise up to it right and your Dopey family is not my concern they Would say if I send this to my family And friend who buy the stage event they Would turn it off when you misidentify Carson as a religious figure they would Think who the hell is this Paul guy if He does not have a clue what Ben Carson Is then he must really have his head up His ass well you know um don't get on Noah's dark you dumb asses I don't care Right like good like you know I I hope They fail like I mean like I'm I'm Obligated to give this information and Pass it forward it's my god-given duty But it's up this is you this is a you Problem you and your Dopey family and You and your inability to get over the Fact that I you know couldn't remember He was a neurosurgeon because that means

Nothing to the context of what I'm Saying say right I would have liked to Get it right but I know I'm not going to Get everything right I talk all the time And there's all these people I can't Remember everything about them sometimes I take the time to look it up but I make These long videos there's going to be Some mistakes if you can't get over the Mistakes you there going to be a problem For you then you can Seinfeld your way Out of here you know like when Seinfeld Was breaking up with a girl cuz she only She ate pe's one at a time right you can Always find some little flaw some you Know seemingly seeming mistake to Dismiss something you can always dismiss Something you if you're looking to Dismiss something you will and so I was Right about the thing your family isn't And you know sucks to be that Right anyways let's get let's get into The spiritual the end of the spiritual Stuff that I was saying here so I want To add something here um you know about What I was talking about in the Introduction to the video about Christianity and people's approach to God and spirituality as a evolutionary Step from Religion and when people take personal Responsibility spiritual responsibility For their actions and have to answer to Their soul and God when you do something

Before you do it you know like not after You do it you know where there's a Redemption but before you you have to Bow before God and ask permission to do Something I mean think about doing that For everything that you do you know Praying to God asking God sincerely with You no sense of subject activity and and Looking toward the signs that are going To may allow you to do what you know is To is wrong for you to do right looking For things to confirm for you oh yeah God wants me to do this even though it Certainly doesn't like you know it's Wrong and you're just looking for Confirmation to validate your choice of Doing the wrong thing so when you say That Jesus is died for your sins and you Don't have to take personal Responsibility to connect to God and ask God's permission to do anything and then You can just just rearranged the the U Dogma to validate like these things Where Manifest Destiny and things like That where you say we're Gods you know The Queen of England King of England Having a wearing a scepter wearing a you Know carrying a scepter and having a an Orb that represents that they're God's Representative on Earth and they can do What the [ __ ] ever the [ __ ] they want Because whatever they do is divine right That's just some [ __ ] thing to do People believe in their religion is the

Only real religion and therefore Anything religion does is you know uh Divinely manifested and there's no Religion there's no one religion there's No right religion there's God and you Getting right with God internally each Person individually it happens on an Individual basis right and so when you Take responsibility for Yourself connecting to God and that you Have to include God in your soul and Decision makings when your ego submits To that process proc you inevitably Become better and better at making Decisions you know like some Pastor that You know cheats on his wife and has to Come before them and does all kinds of You know gets involved in scambling or You know has you know gay lovers or Whatever it is some Pastor that comes in Front of their you know one of these TV Evangelists and has to beg for Forgiveness crying Lord I'm a sinner I'm Always a sinner I I my nature is to be Weak you know all those are just excuses Right as it's all [ __ ] right you Have to like hold yourself accountable As an ego right that your ego is Potentially going to want to do the Wrong things is inevitably going to want To do the wrong things and you can check That out by connecting to God and making Thoughtful decisions and heart-based Decisions including your soul and God

And when you do that you're always going To make the right decision because the Right decision is easy to figure out It's just not what you want to do right You want to do what you want to do right That's always been the problem of Humanity And if you had such people again just One or two generations of this you know You having a couple of lives engaging in This process and you'd be a society of Jesuses right everyone on Jesus's level Or beyond that or Beyond his level right You know a society full of saints and Higher developed souls and there' be no Question of all these Egotistical and selfish decisions Egotistical selfish decisions entitled Decisions these things because you would Would have those qualities or Characteristics and you would include God in all that you do everything that You do and therefore you would do the Right thing you would be on that Divine Path right it's not that hard to do if You want to do it it just takes effort And I'm speaking for myself and everyone Else who's engaged in this process right I mean failure comes from an Unwillingness right as long as you're Willing then you'll do the right thing Right it's the unwillingness your ego Not willing to submit to this process Right and so all of these problems that

You see all the [ __ ] I cover here all These low lives you know who are again Who are embracing the egotistical path And all these failed religions because People aren't connecting to God the Religions are here to to elevate you to A higher level and they're not doing That because they're here for their own Uh selfish evil profit and things or Whatever and so the religion is more Than anything else the failure of these Religions doing the exact opposite Disconnecting people from God is the Problem like you remove that you remove The failure of religions you remove the Selfishness of people you have people Who have a real internal relationship With God and with that you know it's Evolving like generations of people Doing that and it gets better and better People get more and more refined in Their levels of consciousness and their Decision making and all this [ __ ] Disappears all the low life [ __ ] all the You know the all the addictions all the You know deviant Behavior all the Selfish stuff all the murders all these Things right all that stuff disappears Right you have like not maybe a Utopia But you have I there still be problems And things but not problems of human Creation humans are all working towards Doing the right thing maybe you know Everyone's going to make mistakes but

Not the mistakes that we're making now Right and so all that you know all the You know the scams all the you know the Debt-based economic system all the you Know ways that people have of you know Hurting each other hurting themselves Hurting the planet and doing things that Instead of doing what's best for Everybody you know like if they can Replace gasoline with water they don't You know the the oil industry and the Car industry doesn't destroy and kill The people inventing these inventions Things like that right you know things That will make the world better will Actually be embraced and doing the right Thing will be encouraged or be just what Everybody does right and so that's what I'm talking about here and that's what Has to happen And this religion suck I mean the Religions are keeping people down you Can trace back to these religious ideas That I've said this idea that you're a Sinner this idea that you know I me just In terms of Christianity but all of them You can trace back their faulty beliefs And the corruption of the religion to The down you know the people Disconnected from God and becoming more Selfish and being more egotistical like These this is a parallel this is a you Know this is where it all starts right With the failure of religion to help

People to find the Divinity within them And so the future of humanity is based In this is why I say only spiritual Value will save this world is based in These principles and that's not my quote That comes from the second master of the Sark system and it's true because only Elevated Souls you you have to change The problem which is the people being Selfish and sucky right people suck Right now we all see it we all can see It you know yeah there's some good Things we all have good qualities and There's good things about people but Overall people suck and it's you know We're going in the wrong direction and Uh an internal connection with God is a Solution to that and so that's why I'm Saying all these things and it's you Know fundamentally uh you know Fundamental principle and fundamental Part of our whole Evolution so I'm going To include this in my 154th Edition my Journey series you know these three Talks we'll start off the you'll start It off but this is you know this is the Need of the time right as our system Collapses and you know having these False prophets and you know there needs To be a cleansing of the the you know The lack of willingness of the people Who are who are unwilling to rise to a Higher level like this is what has to Happen everybody individually and

Collectively has to go to a higher level And if we're not willing to do that then You know there it's the end to humanity So there has to be some sort of Intervention and change here and so These religions are going to go by the Wayside anyway cuz they're the the Biggest part of the problem if the Solution is everyone connecting to God And their soul internally then the Religions are the biggest part of the Problem because they're preventing that From happening and discouraging it and Not even allowing you to understand that You can do that right and so you know This is just I mean this is just the Need of the day okay so one more thing I Want to add here so any religion any Spiritual organization anybody who Teaches about God the idea that God's Inscied you that God has to be inside of You that God created you God's your Creator right you were created by God And you have a soul that has manifested Your body anybody who believes in a soul The soul is what animates your life it Creates your physical form and without Your soul you no longer exist I talked About seeing my grandfather's dead body And his soul was gone and he you know Was just he wasn't there my grandfather Wasn't there anymore when you see a dead Person the soul is no longer in the Person and so they're just a dead body

It's not like they're sleeping their Soul is gone their Essence is gone so When you understand that principle that Means that God's inside of you why would God want to punish himself why would God Punish something that that's inside of You know the part of the HM that's Inside of you right the other part of That is then everything you do is being Recorded by your soul like your soul in A sense is ratting you out ratting your Ego out but that's you know a bad way to Look at it because your ego is the one That's doing the wrong thing right and So your Soul's there accounting for Everything that your ego chooses to do And so there's no sense of getting away With anything because God's inside of You watching you all the time there's Divinity there's a Divine system so that Means the idea that you have to punish Other people or you have to you know Wish that something bad happens to them Because they suck that no longer should Be a thing because you know that God's Already on it right because God's inside Of them and there's a system Accountability system and it might not Be in something that you're going to see In this life but it's there right the Soul knows that everything that your ego Does is going to have to pay for you Know you gave the example of Tuesday Paul screwing over Thursday Paul right

How we all do things in the past or We're doing things now in the present That we'll have to pay for later on Right we're screwing ourselves over and We're doing things now that can benefit This later on right doing different Things now making better choices in Terms of what we eat and what we Exercise and our lifestyle and the People we hang out with and you know Everything that we do can either hurt us Later on or help us later on right based On our intentions and our decisions and So that's happening all the time where You're making choices as an ego that You're going to have to pay for later on Right your you know some future version Of yourself is going to have to pay for So why would God violate that system and Say oh my son died for your sins it's Silly it's just goofy it's like I said It's a great deal but you can't get that Kind of deal that deal doesn't ex deal Doesn't freaking exist right and so this Is like all you need to know about the Divine system is that God's inside of You and monitoring you and is aware of Everything that you're doing and you Know the good bad the ugly and there's a System where you'll there's consequences For your decisions and the ones that you Make in terms of you know these IDE have Some scars I've talked about in my Spiritual videos Impressions you form

You know it could be like an addiction It could be a talent it could be any Number of things right but these Impressions are what make you have to Live a future life and if you're free of These Impressions you can move on to the Next stage you're liberated from the Captivity the you know being U Earthbound you know being trapped on Earth right in a series of a never Ending series of incarnations but when You do things with the idea that God Doing them and you're doing them as a Joint Enterprise where you and God are Working together and you're following Your Soul's path and God's lead on Everything that you do and decide then You don't create these some scars right You're free from any spiritual burden or Consequences because you're doing God's Bidding and so you know mature people Hearing that I mean even myself included People who know about this and believe In it still will make the you know the Bad choice ches right and it just shows You like the problem with people right Because even when you know it's you you Know this stuff to be true that there's Consequences for your actions and the Best way to negate that is to just Figure out what God wants you to do and Do it people still won't do that right And that's the human problem the problem With the Human Condition right now so

That's going to have to change in the Future there will be no people because It's gotten to the extent that we're now A threat to the planet and we're going In the wrong direction and you know There needs to be some sort of Intervention so that's what all this Stuff is happening it's coming to a head And we have a chance for Redemption here And the Redemption is like what I said Before connecting with God and doing What what God wants you to do right Anyways I just want to add this little This little caveat no this is this Little bit of a whatever this is

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About the Author: admin

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