2024 the Last Olympics + Not Hiden Biden + Trump goes full Trump Desperate Kamala

2024 the Last Olympics + Not  Hiden Biden + Trump goes full Trump Desperate Kamala

All right so I'm going to start this Video like I'm going to end it with Corey J Feldman so this video um was Going to be under two hours it was going To feature the you know the bacle the Olympics I already made a video but uh Put in a video but I think most people Didn't see it it was the kamla Harris Video but I already covered the Olympic Opening ceremony in that video but I Think people didn't know cuz I put it at The end of the video and I put the it at The end of the title of the video but I'm revisiting it here as the Olympics And that it's self-explanatory as I go Through this video and I was going to Cover Joe Biden's they're still rolling Him out and that's great there's another Video um clip that came up today they Didn't put in this video but that's Coming and then Trump had this sort of Interesting um you know sort of I don't Call it a meltdown but you know he went Full Trump at um the uh the national uh Gathering of uh black reporters black uh News media people and that's wonderful And and KLA Harris something very Telling this happened with her candidacy So that all happened after I was almost Done with this video so that's why it's Like two videos in one so I'm going to Put this up for like like basically two Or three days uh so people can you know Get the whole I mean it's just a lot of

Good information it's a one of the Better videos I've made in terms of all This stuff a lot of big things in this Video so without further Ado there's a Second uh introduction here here and Then the rest of It okay greetings brothers and sisters So a lot of weird events happened that I Feel like are Connected um and this is clearly the Year of the amateur CU it's Amateur hour Out there for everybody uh but Particularly kamla and uh fish boy Trumps and so Um I um Today is August 1st Thursday August 1st I was going to finish this video Yesterday like I had the you know what Was going to be the Video and um at the end of the video There's a guy Dr Cruz or Dr curse or Something like this I'm not sure had to Pronounce his name somebody sent me a Little uh clip from Him that um was on instag there's also a Little Cory Feldman Thing and you know I had all the stuff Together the video is like you know a I I want my videos to have sort of like a General theme or point right but Something happened where I you know I Listened to this audio was about the Mind Control aspect of blue light and This guy you you'll see the clip in a

Bit and um you know I've been aware of The blue light aspect and you know my Eyes I've switched my glasses recently And I was like having trouble with the Computer and I it's a whole thing I'm Not going to get into that uh but you Know I turn the blue light down on my Computer my phone and our TV because you Know something I'd done before and was Aware of just because of this thing and My wife and I have been talking about Getting some sort of Grounding um like either a you know Grounding like so like uh they have this Stuff that's um uh like it's a faraday Cage you can put around your like this Cloth you can put around your bed to Block the signal when you're sleeping at Night you know all the new Wi-Fi and all That stuff and when I turned the blue Light down I I breathed the Sigh relief Like I felt good about it like I you Know was an immediate usually we do Something like that you don't notice Like sometimes I do something I notice And sometimes I don't but when I did it I was like oh this is a good I felt a Good thing like I knew it was a good Thing and I had ordered this grounding Sheet it was like a hundred bucks now it Goes on the you know underneath just Like a fitted sheet and you plug it into The ground part of the outlet and you Know and I'd heard I'd looked into these

Things before and it just did come up And I was putting it on my bed and you Know I haven't had any back issues like I've had some lower back stuff time you Know once in a while and you know I have These things now that I'm older like I Have a pain somewhere but it just moves Around and my shoulder had gotten better And then my neck felt bad like I had a Shoulder thing that just I woke up one Day and it hurt like I heard it sleeping So like it just you know and we got These pullup bar things from that which Is good they they're like they they rest Up on a door frame and my wife and I Have been stretching my son's been doing Pull-ups on it kind of a neat setup uh We found on Amazon it's really helped me The stretching so like it's the the pain In my shoulder actually led to something That we've all benefited from you know Having the pull Bar and um like just like stretching you Know whatever it is and so um but I made The bed and I twisted and something Popped to my lower back and I couldn't Move and this happened maybe like four Or five times in the past year or so and I have all these stretches I do for my Lower back and I've been doing the Squatting exercise and probably since I Started doing that my leral back has not Had any problems at all like I do this You know thing I've told you guys about

But anyways like so that happened and I'm like well I take some of the Olympics I'm not going to finish editing My video because I couldn't move and I Just sat down and started watching the Olympics but I think I I turned on the News First and Trump had just given this talk Let me see if I can find the the group He was talking to so I'm going to put it All Today um he goes uh black journalist Convention so there's a Convention of Black journalists which I don't know I Don't understand that at all either but You know um you know just in general They have all these conventions of Demographics right and Trump for like no Campaign planning complete Amateur hour Decides to go on this talk talk with These people who are clearly not going To like him You know these are people who think that Trump is a racist right and Trump Decides to go on there you know in their Convention and they don't applaud for Him he comes out and they're clearly Hating on the guy and the woman asks Sort of an aggressive question but a Fair question for you know her belief System that Trump should have known what Coming and he gets pissed off and I then I get a tweet from like a recommended Tweet saying Trump just put this woman

In our place and I'm like you don't Understand like one of the trumpers cuz I I had then had watched the thing right Um and CNN then shows the part where he Talks about Kamala and her um racial and You know ethnic backgrounds in a way to Say she's not black and he does it in Such a bizarre way and then the CNN Person goes well that went South right Um then this is where I was like this Thing already went sou like the first Question right and I'm going to show you All this so but I was talking about Commis ethnic Heritage like I was and I You know remember some things and it was Funny that I was doing that when Trump Brought it up but like I did it in a Smart competent way and Trump did it in An incompetent Amateur hour way but then Kamla's rallies she's doing something Out of rallies which to me indicates she Has no chance of Winning uh and it's complete amate hour Over there and like both of these people Are trying to give the lection Away and so um you're going to see this Evolve throughout the video because in The first two hours of the video I had No idea this was going to happen and I'm Just covering things and it's building Towards an event I had no idea was going To happen so this is going to be great Video in that sense because it's Significant it was a significant day

Yesterday and then I turned on something That happened on MSNBC that was great And hilarious and this kid who was he Was at one of the white kid was at one Of these rallies for kamla and just the Whole thing is going to blend together I Hope into a you know just a masterpiece Of a like just you know whatever um so Yeah I'm looking forward to getting the Rest of this done I have to edit some And then I have to do the the comma Stuff with the you know the the Trump Stuff and the comma stuff but um you Know it's already got a million views on CNN And you know they don't cover they don't Break into their news coverage to show Trump giving a speech at one of his Rallies unless something goes south and So um all these all these outlets now Have this whole uh this whole Conversation between Trump and Um these Journalists CNN has it MSNBC has it uh For I'm getting all these Recommendations I I watched you know I Had one of them up to watch but Fox was Covering it Live Fox had it and it's a Horrible decision by Trump so let's get Into the rest of stuff because it's like Going to progress into this thing but This is clearly Amateur hour this is a Year of the amateur like I said this Early on and I always forget these

Things but this is so bad both campaigns Suck it's a disaster and you know it was Going to start with Joe Biden and it Does start with Joe Biden doing his like Joe B thing um which they not hiding the Guy which is wonderful like and he's Deteriorating faster than I thought he Would so all these things are coming Together you know I mean an apocal aptic Way all right so um let's get into it Here before that one one more thing my Back is fine like I do a stretches and You know it was it locked up for a Little bit and you know it's probably 80% and I just I think it's going to Recover faster because I've been doing That exercise my back is stronger and You know whatever um like whatever I Don't know it doesn't matter but you Don't need to say anything it's just the Point is that this thing happened like Was a part of this whole thing you know Also to do with the you know that They're trying to get us all the time Like through the you know the screens With the blue light which you'll hear The sky which I you know um may or may Not be true but I believe it is and Through the Wi-Fi and through everything Else and you know um and the food and Everything were being P you know it's Just it's a constant battle and you know Of course I'm getting older but anyways You don't need to say anything my is my

Point there's no reason to say you know Hope you feel better like this doesn't You know that's not the why when I bring Something like that up it's just I'm Talking about what's going on with me Which is you know always intertwin with What happening in the Videos um so anyways let's get into it Here Okay greetings brothers and sisters this Is going to be a really fun video for me At least maybe for you um Biden gave an Address last night and it is just a new Revelation new possibility of something Great might be going on and I'll get to That second and then I just want to go Back through the Olympics and talk a Little bit about that whole Debacle and this one you know image of The drag queens at the last last supper And how that's drawing the attention of The Um of all the stuff right you know the Christians and uh but there's so much There more to talk about and first I Just you know I need to say that um you Know the shadow Banning thing and the YouTube um now recommending my videos More and people coming back to my Channel and you know to keep the Momentum going I mean it still needs to Grow more I still need like more views And right now there's you know a lot of People are coming to my channel cuz

What's going on in the world Everything's got intense and so um all Of that stuff right and so the way to do That is subscribe resubscribe hit the Notification but buttons the regular one And the bell and then you know watch the Videos or leave comments and share the Videos whatever you do right join the Membership program do something like the Videos do something to let YouTube know That you want to continue seen my Content because otherwise it'll Disappear again and you know get the Word out best you can I mean whatever Has to happen I think my channel is Built for this specific time um more Than ever and so with that being said Before I get into the Olympics the part Of the thing with Biden I'm going to Talk about this address and I was Thinking about this remember when George Clooney said that Biden was basically Mentally incompetent after a fundraiser He had with him and that the Biden you Saw in the debate was the same Biden They saw in the fundraiser and that he Couldn't wasn't up for the task he Talked about how much he loved him and That was a big story for like three or Four days and so that was on July 10th Today is Tuesday July 30th so that was 20 days ago not even three weeks ago It's not even been three weeks since the George Clooney thing and the debate was

On the 27th of June 33 days ago of Course that's a big number In Freemasonry but 33 days ago that's a Little over a month and I've been Talking about this for the past 2 or 3 Years and it just keeps on getting this Phenomenon where so much is packed in on A daily basis right and so since that Time of the George Clooney um letter Trump had the fake you know thing that Happened with his ear getting shot and All that BS that we've seen and then he Had his convention with the WWF or Whatever I stopped talking about Biden Because now Trump's fake shooting and All the BS um that went with it um so That all happened right and Um then there was Biden withdrawing and The Comm Harris emerging as a candidate And all the things that happened with That and then of course during that time We had this Olympic ceremony which was One of the most Illuminati blood Sacrifice apocalyptic Four Horsemen the Apocalypse pale horse rider people are Also talking about from biblical terms And all these things I mean this is all The things that are packed in there Right and there would be more like this Is just how it is now that things don't Stick stories don't stick and you know I Said this years and years ago when Bill Clinton got caught lying and cheating on His wife with a 21-year-old intern and

And all the icky details came out from It you know and that thing went on for Like two years that was like a two-year Story but Bill Clinton realized you just Don't quit right some people get Embarrassed some people get ashamed I Mean look at the difference between the People who got mude like Louis CK Admitted that he did the things the Women accused him of tossing off in Front of Him and he admitted to it and he got Cancelled where Woody Allen who you know Was associated with Jeffrey Epstein Married his 18-year-old stepdaughter I Whatever creepy you adoptive whatever That was was that stuff and you know Clearly had he had a a film in which his Character um was making out with a 15-year-old Mariel Hemingway she was 15 She played an 18-year-old girl but she Was 15 and it turned out a woman came Forward and said that that really Happened in real life she was a teenage High school girl that dated Woody Allen When he was at his 40s that's just an Example that's just Woody Ellen like all The people who another example is Jimmy Kimmel who was on the you know now he's A feminist and a liberal but he was the Man show was one of the most um Misogynistic shows ever on like Network TV it just they hated women I don't know If it cable maybe was cable but either

Way and he was Despicable to women and Then not funny way but he also did Blackface in a very mocking way he Dred He dressed up as Oprah Winfrey and Carl Malone and you know he sucks as a Comedian and he had all these other Things that he did and he got this stuff Started to come out on him the same time Ellen was getting cancelled right and Ellen stuck around but he went on Vacation for three months came back Everyone forgot about him getting Cancelled right he's a gatekeeper as she Is Ellen's a gatekeeper they both are And so we've seen this with Donald Trump Like Donald Trump just wouldn't admit to Getting caught on things you know Criminal things and that's the new Norm Right if you just wait it out people Move on to something else and now even More So Stories just don't stick right And so K haris should be done because It's now revealed that Joe Biden had Parkinson's at least he has some form of Dementia which everybody can see he's Not mentally up to the job and yet and She you know was telling everybody he Was and still you know like they're not Even that's not even a news story right Because it doesn't even matter nothing Matters right you're not held Accountable even though you are and you Aren't you are for a couple couple of Days and they move on to something else

And so the thing with the Olympics it'll Disappear and there's just so much going On in the rest of the world but it's Very significant in a lot of ways so my Wife and I were watching something and Like she was she ended up taking the Night we both fall asleep at different Times and so I turned on the Olympics And I'm taping the Olympics I haven't Watched the Olympics in a couple of Times like I just can't get into the Stuff but I used to watch it with my Family when I was a kid I went to the Olympics in Montreal with my dad When when then Bruce Jenner when Caitlyn Jenner was Bruce Jenner and he was a Decathlete that was years and years ago Right and so we lived in Connecticut we Drove up to Montreal whatever and so the Olympics was always like a big deal to Me and you know it happened during the Summer you know around my birthday I'm a Summer person and I just um I was into Some of the sports like I wanted to be a High jumper you know of course I played Basketball and when I was a little kid Um I took my mom went on vacation and She went she went to visit my her mom my Grandmother who was sick or something And my dad was left you know as this Sole incompetent parent to me my dad Really couldn't cook so I don't know What we did I maybe went to McDonald's Every night I don't even know but I was

Just a a kid on my own like I I don't Remember that time other than the thing That I remember about it is you know It's like between 7 and 10 years old and I there was an extra bed where my Sisters had moved out and there was a You know a a semi new mattress and bed Spring and I brought it outside put it On our in our backyard you know it was Raining and I mean the thing was wrecked And I set up a high jump thing and I was Practicing high jumping I built a high Jump you know where I would run up and Land on the mattress right and my mom Came home and she was very mad at my Dad and so you know i' I've always had This thing with the Olympics and I Started to you know I taped the Olympics I'm it's just so much I don't want to go Into this you know there's so many Events and things I don't care about Sports I don't care about but I started Watching some of the things and I said To my wife last night you know because I Feel like it's probably the last Olympics and so I'm just you know I just Want to watch it I just want to you know Participate a little bit and it really Hit her because she was like wow that's That's saying quite you something you Know that there won't be another one This will be it right this could be the Last presidential election I mean all These things right I mean that's very

Believable I would never have believed That statement before this time you know Maybe the last Olympics with the co but You know with all the things that have Happened and all the things that are Predicted in The Whispers of the Brighter world and these things you know The Olympics is in the degradation That's just everywhere and so let's Start off with these clips I have a few Clips I'm going to show you here and Then we'll get into the um you know all The rest of it right the you know the Deg the the opening ceremony and the all The Controversy okay so let's start with the Funny one first and then the not so Funny one pass by Shi and that ball Blocked and lo one of the best in the Business I'll be it under siiz we'll get The job done well Sarah was there making A really nice read so watch little bit The Americans against Venezuela here and You can see the guy looks like that Actor I think his name is j Bell Something like that he's a part of that Whole sort of comedic active groups that Are you know Freaks and Geeks nerds but His name is loser Bruno they said it's loair but it's Loser right to the rest of us but then Dwayne Wade was Announcing the um the basketball games Right Dwayne Wade sucks as an announcer

He sucks as a person I mean he's real Annoy And pretentious he's just not good at Doing this job but they hired him at NBC For whatever reason he's married to a Famous actress model and one of their Kids is trans and that's important to Know because of what he's about to say Here one of the sayings in the NBA is I Am him you know it's like saying I am The man like I him I'm the like the Chosen one or whatever it is right a Basketball God and so Dwayne Wade then Makes this a pronoun joke right let me Show you these two clips here and one He's talking about Kevin Durant and when He's talking about LeBron James there was do a play on words you Know all these announcers have this These taglines right you know uh boom Goes to Dynamite like those kind of Things right in Fuego these different Things that they say as uh you know Players play Well and Dwayne Wade did a plan on word Saying his pronouns are he him meaning He him you know that's not proper English but he's saying he him he is him Right he is the goat but he said it both About both LeBron James and Kevin Durant Which is weird but of course we know What pronouns are in this whole thing Right and he's bringing it into this Basketball game and that just you know

It's annoying and it's it just speaks to Who he is and the whole thing another There was another game uh the volleyball Game that I was watching I think it was The same game and there was a volleyball Player and I should have taped it like I Wasn't thinking about at the time but The guy said um the guy was playing well And he says you know he has really good Statistics he's you know he averages six Something six something and six Something he goes so so the announcer Goes you know it's 666 the evil kind um Which I thought was you know bizarre so This is you know I've watched a limited Amount of the Olympics fast forwarding Watching little bits and pieces of Things you know um taping it and these Are one of the things that I'm seeing And hearing right so it isn't just the Opening ceremony so the big Controversy in America is to do with Christians but there are so many things That are offensive you know I'll go Through the whole thing in a second you Know the various imag and explain them As we go through them right um and then I'll talk about this thing as an overall Understanding but to start off with There is these drag queens in the last Supper and I've seen so many people Addressing this on the internet there's A video that came up from Stephen A Smith and all these other people right

And so what the official story is that This is dionis or dionis or something Well I don't even know who that is it's Some Greek god or whatever and the image Depicted here is from him and not from The last supper right the problem with That is that France used to be a Catholic and then Christian country Right there is still Christianity there In all of Europe and America and then You know globally and you know Italy's Right there with the Catholic church and The actual painting isn't that far away From France right this is m Michelangelo's the last supper and so They know it looked like that right they Know that most people are going to think It's the Last Supper no one knows who The the Anis is right and so you Know how many Greek people are there and I bet the Greek people even thought it Was the last supper and so they know What people were going to think about it Right so that's the first problem with Their argument because whatever they say It is just like them saying that the Pale Horse the you know the apocalyptic Rider the um you know the Horsemen of The Apocalypse that they use at the end And then presenting a flag to the um the Flame or whatever it was flag or flame Whatever that I can't remember what it Was right in front of the ball b a a l Statue of the you know the bull you know

Like that's what they were doing and That's what it looked like and that's You know they can say whatever they want Like they can have plausible D Deniability but they don't have that Because they all know how it's going to Seem but then there's the whole rest of It because like I said in the my Original video that there are all these Muslim countries and like countries like India that are still very religiously Based and they aren't all aboard this Idea of the whole gender stuff and all The stuff that they're rolling out in The liberal uh European countries and America and there's kids involved and People's kids are watching and this is Going out globally and there's no Respect for people's beliefs globally Right they're just going to force this On you because there's so much to do With the gay culture I would say about Half of their performance had something To do with gay culture and then the Other half was Illuminati stuff satanic Things right you know they have Marie Antoinette there and well let me just go Through these images and then we'll um You know just to say what they say they Were and just look at the images right Like let's take a look at those things First here Okay so we're come back to this Horseman Of the Apocalypse but that was one of to

Me the biggest people are calling it The Pale ryer from the Bible of course there Was a Glenwood movie called The Pale Rider I think as well um but this was um This original creature that was um these Kids got into the boat with it right and You know it was like the Grim Reaper They brought the Olympic flame and it Was you know the the um The the don't pay the fairy man to you Get to the other side the fairy man that Um takes you across the river sticks Right and then there's Lady Gaga who is You know Lady Gaga and she did a very Flamboyant uh performance she looking Very much like a dude there and so like This is the stuff that they're bringing In you know dark stuff those kids went Through the catacombs there's the figure Again in the beginning they went through The catacombs there a bunch of skull Imagery you know scary place and it Might mean something to France but they Got to realize that this is going out Globally like I said right and so it's All darkness and you know death and Illuminati stuff there's a dude dancing In a dress there's lots of other you Know sort of flamboyant dancers on the Other side of this they're singing uh They some kind of performance from Le Les Misas Les M Miz whatever they right you Know this miserable thing and so yeah

That's Marie Antonette and I guess that Means something to them in their Democracy but they beheaded a person Here they're celebrating the death of This woman and the red the you know all The the symbolism the colors Illuminati Blood sacrifice stuff she's holding her Own head you know kids are watching this Like you know what are they seeing here Right there she is holding her own head And then um they they go from Les Miz To um playing heavy metal music and then They have um you know this guy playing Heavy metal music heavy metal music and They have a variety of bloody you know Fire-based destructive stuff coming with The deck image here was waiting on That and so Um here it is here's the so they this is They have this Marie antoinet and every Um you know window here across this you Know where the ship is passing by they Have an opera singer they have this guy Screaming heavy metal crap it's hard to Listen to It's offensive to people right Even in France but globally like they're Just saying a big you to you and Your beliefs right to all these Conservative places and they have blood And Fire coming out of the windows it's Supposed to represent the French Revolution which you know it isn't like The place is great now I mean I'm not a Fan of royalty

But you know beheading the woman and Celebrating her being beheaded and then All the other things with that right and You know kids don't know what this is Right like you got little kids watching This like Olympics is more for kids than Anybody else and they're just taking a Big giant dump on other people's beliefs And others people's values and the rest Of it right there's a number of you know There's a number of images here and it Goes through this um like blood Streaming from the windows and then the Explosions and just all the rest of it Right and so there's the fire there you Know fire is always associated with this Kind of ritualistic stuff and so you Know it's it's definitely not like Traditional nice you know these are you Know artsy and aggressive and you know Then there's these gay dudes that are in A library and again there's people who You know their culture what they believe Is different than what liberals and People across the uh the you know the Liberal world and America that this you Know the pronoun stuff and all the rest Of it like they don't believe in this Right they're not on board with this Even lots of people in Europe and lots Of people in America and so you're just Saying well we're going to force this on You you know again if they doing it Based in the amount of population and

Then there's these two dudes here that They're just kissing so they feature a Gay kiss and to these other countries It's like you know you're not respecting What we believe right it's very it's not Just rude but it's you know it's myopic It's narcissistic you know you're Pushing something on people that don't Believe it and the reaction isn't going To be positive in fact they had to take The video off the internet I mean at Least on YouTube in America because There was so much push back to the Dionis thing right and so um this is a What looks to be like a transwoman from I forget she was from some French island And she's a singer not a great singer And she's a giant compared to the Dancers she's like a whole head taller Than the other people there and then They feature despicable bee which you Know I showed a bunch of pictures from When they did um this thing I believe is Called the Iron Maiden which um you know Is they have it has an owl you know they Have a big owl in the Bohemian Grove That the head on top of this thing is an Owl and the Despicable Me and Illumination Illumination Productions which is like Another way of saying Illuminati is based in France I didn't Know it it has like pyramids in the First movie and a bunch of symbolism but

The kid goes into this torture device You see the owl head on top of it he's Got a Crocodile and you know they're really Pushing this um the the like these um These minions who have the you know one Eye many of them they're a big part of This thing it was like a five minute Segment and this is part of that movie Where the minions this is the minions Are this guy guw Gru who Gru and he's got a sort of a Russian Accent and his um you know grew is the CIA of the of Russia right and so like This is um like a blood sacrifice that They've just done they didn't show this At the Olympics but I'm showing you what The illumination Studios has done I Didn't know it's based in France cuz You know they can make movies like that And then just dub in English you know American voices and so it sounds like It's you know it feels like it's American-made movie but this is a a French-made m movie and that reveals That it's just a juice box and that she Herself didn't get pierced but you know The whole idea of the thing right and It's just uh very dark very adult Oriented and it just shows they have Real disrespect there's the head of the Owl on top of it and so you know this is Just a big part of the whole you know The the Olympic debacle right and it's

How it affects people who don't agree With your beliefs and there's no light There's no family right that where was The family part I mean not just family Friendly but where were the families you Know like some sort of traditional There's no you know reference to Jesus Or you know it is a Christian country There's no reference to religion and I'm Going to cover the other side of that as Well I'm going to talk about how these People feel about religion but there's Still a lot of uh Christians and Catholics in um in France and they have A lot of Muslims they have a great deal Of a Muslim po population and those People aren't into this you know this Modern-day woke belief system this you Know these things so I mean it's Disrespectful to all those people you're Forcing your beliefs on them and doing It over and over again the whole thing Was gross like the whole you know all of It there was nothing there that was Redeeming or anything that was you know Traditional or any of these other things So there's the president of France and His dude and there's a dude siging some Opera um you know both these things President France and his dude and They're listening to some Opera and the Thing was just weird like it was Um very bizarre thing right um you know All of it so this guy's saying in a very

High falsetto girl-like voice and was Doing weird mimik gestures I mean it's Just like it was just one thing after Another so we talked about the drag Queen stuff in the last supper and like This is again the thing that's being Focused but it's just a small part of it This was a little Sideshow that they had On a bridge like this is stuff was going On in a bridge and they a lot of it was Weird fashioned stuff and I guess there Was a guy who exposed his testicles and Part of like I don't have all of it here I just scan through it and I just p some Of the photos I scan through what I Captured on my phone and then I um you Know there I just fast forward it I it Was so hard to watch so hard to listen To so then you have a dude who comes out With um Hearts as his nipples and he Does a weird dance or song whatever he Was doing right and then this guy comes Back this you know this um Grim Reaper Type character this Horseman of the Apocalypse he does a little Runway dance For these women right and again you know These drag queens and you know there's So much of it that modeling industry is So twisted and you know fashion and all These things I understand that there's This element of France that's um you Know just gone so liberal and so gross There's the Americans saying well you USA USA that was like a part of this

Whole thing as well you know but that France is like one of the most degraded Countries and this ghoul shows up There was just wear sort of flamboyant Dancers here and again you know people Don't like this stuff or dig it right They're not into it and so you know it's Disrespectful like you just they want to Say they respect other people's beliefs And you they want you to respect their Beliefs but then they force this stuff Down your throat and this horse that Rides across the you know there's like a The River whatever it was I forgot the name of the thing right Sin Sin um I don't know whatever um don't Tell me don't care don't need to know But this pale rider this Horseman of the Apocalypse rides through and the whole Thing had this deaf Mo teeth and creepy Stuff and then the creature goes across The river here and they said this was Represented the Olympic spirit and no One would think that right and it's dark And the imagery is dark and it's you Know the thing is just you know over the Top and again like you know they have a Right to represent what they believe but If they're going to host something That's a global event with all these Other countries and you're just going to Shove your your Twisted beliefs that you Know that many people don't agree with

And don't want their kids seeing there's Another image there of the the creature Going under the the bridge sort of a a Mashup image there and you can really See the pale riter there and know it's Like a ghost right it's like the Grim Reaper coming and you know one of the Horseman of the apocalypse and it rides Into this stadium and you can just see Like it's you know this hooded figure I Mean this like this is there there's Nothing good about this guy the Grim Reaper the the um Death Eaters and Harry Potter that suck the soul out of People's mouths and things like this Right this Dementors I guess they were Called or something you know these are What you know that's what brings about This image you can see up there I'm Going to give you you know a Marron I think is up there I think They're in the I don't know where they Are here but they have this giant bull There like the the Golden Bull of ball You know they used to do human Sacrifices in front of ball and this Deathlike creature comes in I think with A flag and later maybe the flame and Then there's this guy here right this is A you know this is the the bigger image Of this you know worshiping these false Idols and things and again for a Christian country and for the people Watching who are you know still a part

Of that religion in France and around The world is and there's um these dudes That do there with the Serita Williams And so you know wearing red you know the Red is very prevalent in this you know As a sacrifice and as a um you know as a Ritual and then you know they have the Lou of course which is you know the Pyramid I mean the they use the pyramid A lot in illumination uh Productions of Course the capso and the pyramid on the Back of the the dollar bill right in the Freemasonic aspect of these things the Great Architects and then they finish up With the ghoul Seline Dion and just um Apparently she got better from her stiff Person syndrome and was able to make an Appearance you know so why wouldn't I Think this is the last Olympics right You know like everything that showed you There we have impending world war three Uh you know the two dopes that are Running for president both lying corrupt Pieces of crap and you know everything Is going on in the world the degradation Of the system and all this you know this Um Hunger Games I Eyes Wide Shut crap That they're pushing out there is a cult Ritual morally degraded crap and then You know just the end of people Believing in God there's no God in that Thing at all there's nothing that Represents God you know it's mocking God But will say this about the Christians

And I mentioned this in my other video That the Christian religion was built on Force and blood and manipulation and all These things you had these missionaries And you had these Christian you know the Catholic church had an army and then These other you know England of course The Church of England had an army and All the things to do with King Charles And them forcing their religion on the Irish and Scottish people and all the You know all these countries that were They had their own beliefs they were More Aboriginal they had their own sort Of Village based um Druid type you know Indian based religious you know Mother Nature herbal things and stuff like this And the Christian relig religion came in And they made deals with people of power And kings and things like this and they Used the power of The Sword and the bow To force their religion on all these European countries and whenever you use Force there's a backl and they changed Jesus's teaching and they didn't use the Examples Jesus set and they were very Manipulative and they went to these Countries all under the guise that these People were going to hell which was a Lie because they weren't Christians Because their beliefs and their Religions are just as good in many cases Better than the Christian religion that Isn't that great and if you grew up

Indoctrinated in it well you know if You're a person seeking truth you have To figure that out this is not saying Anything bad about Jesus this is saying What the people did after Jesus died and Making this into a power group and then Forcing it on people all across the Globe and all these people that suffered Because they were being saved forcefully By these armies and you know the Crusades and all these things so all This blood and all this abuse and all This stuff that was done to the Aboriginal peoples and peoples in all These countries from India to Africa to Australia to Mexico and the you know South America and North America and you Know Canada and all these places right All across the globe Christians went out And tried to force their religion and Succeeded in many cases and there is a Backlash for that and there's a lot of People that are pissed about they're Either pissed at you know the religion And God or God because of the religion And they've become atheists because of That because you your religion is sucked You're Christians you know you got to Own that like you can't lie about That anymore you don't like the way You're being treated and prosecuted Trump is persecuted Trump is saying how All Christians are now being persecuted Well it's what you did to other people

Right and it's what was done to Jesus so You should have known better like you Guys you know forced your belief system On other people and now it's coming back To you and so this is part of that like You just have to own that as a you know As part of your history you can say you Know you you're devote devout Christian And Christianity has done a lot for you Great that's that's great but you can't Negate your past and the force that was Used and whenever there's Force there's A counter force and that's a big part of What's up going on here all right so Let's move on to the Joe Biden thing Okay so I think someone just sent me This um maybe was on Facebook watch Moment Boxer a i man I man khif batters Opponents as two boxers are clear to Fight in Olympics as women despite being Rejected from the World Champ Championships okay so what this is about Is there's two uh athletes that they Thought were transgender Ben in the World championship so they didn't allow Them to fight and now they're fighting The Olympics I'm not sure if they're Fighting each other here or this is a Biological man or possibly biological Man fighting a biological woman so you Can judge yourself that looks like a Dude right that looks like a man I mean Just even the haircut and so um that

Looks like a Man And that looks like a d so Um the Olympics are letting biological Men in and this is what happened during The Fight the the man's just pummeling the Woman here um I don't know if that's a Woman or a or you know I don't know but It looks more like a woman than the Other guy and so um the Olympics are Going full of whatever it is here so That's um remember I said just let it Happen this is that um and so you know This dude wins the fight and that's you Know more to speaking of everything That's going on with the Olympics all The stuff you know that we saw during The opening ceremony so I really want to Get to the Joe Biden speech there's one More thing I want to get to here or two More things to do with the Olympics one Is 666 and other there's been three 666 Sightings that I've seen and I'll uh Show you this the second one or the Third one I forget the the second one Was I told you the first one where the Guy talked about 666 but this to do with The women's gymnastics team the women's Gymnastics team us women's gymnastics Team won the gold medal and Simone biles Remember she had the MC Twisties and you know she got all they Celebrated her for um you know quitting

Basically and not being able to perform What she was able to perform it became a Whole thing that was going on where Athletes were not playing and not doing What they you know doing their sport Because of psychological issues and they Started celebrating all these athletes And calling them Heroes for not you know Soldering through their psychological Difficulties and they talked about them Quitting but then they called this the Redemption tour for the US women because They were going to redeem themselves for How bad they did during the covid Stricken um games and whatever it was Tokyo last time and so how can it be Both like how could it be like oh wow This year's so brave they were calling Simone out B the athlete of the year for Not competing and losing right and she Was like you know supposedly the goat Gymnast um and so there was that so they Redeemed themselves and they won the Gold medal last night and Simone biles Was did a floor routine to seal the deal And this is her score here Oh my God oh My and they know it's official so you See in the corner there it says 14666 Um and you know that speaks for herself So she got a score of 14 6666 um T of a point whatever it is so Um she got the the 666 thing going there

So um the France you know the Olympics Taking place in Paris and the refs Totally rigged the game against the Japanese like it was so obvious and Painful here's I mean fans cry foul Officiated in Fr France went over Japan France got a very questionable call call To avoid whistle to to avoid upset France B France basketball win marred by Two huge controversies so I knew about The outcome of this game right um And like I saw a video YouTube Recommended video saying France nearly Escapes uh Japan and France has um you Know this guy Wana and the stifel tower Whatever his name is Um you know this um two giant 7 foot Over s foot you know 7 foot five guy and A 7 foot2 Guy and um they have a number Of other NBA players and so they're one Of the best teams next to America and Japan has this guy ruy hachimura who Plays for the Lakers another guy plays Um he's a shooter I'm not sure I think He plays for Phoenix now and Japan Actually played great and so I decided To watch the end of the game because I Already knew the outcome and I saw the First thing that looked a little bit Fishy and so ruy hachimura was playing Really well he had 20 something points And this happened earlier I didn't see This one like it was an unsportsmanlike Fight so he gives him a little body

Check there right and they call that an Unsportsmanlike call which is you know All right that's kind of an Unsportsmanlike call you know it's a Technical foul flagrant foul I don't Know what they call it an international Rules Unsportsmanlike foul or unsportsmanlike Play that they you know call this Technical foul if you get two of these You get thrown out of the game so in the NBA you get a unsportsman you get a Flagrant foul one and a two and a two You get immediately ejected and a one You get a technical foul you get two Technical fouls you get thrown out of The game and so this might have been a Flagrant foul one but they play really Physically in these uh you know International basketball FEA whatever It's called so this is questionable but Then um here's that dude there's the Stifled Tower dude um I don't know why I'm not remember his name as early and He foul some here go Rudy goar so Rudy Goar is one Defensive Player of the Year You might remember him for Co when Co Was first coming out he thought it was a Joke and he touched the microphone like They said you weren't supposed to touch Anything and he touched all the Microphones and then he got covid and His team turned on him and then they Canceled everything

Remember so there was like that whole Thing um but anyways he's you know kind Of a big stiff and he's a good defensive Player but not so good on offense and He's gets and he's not a good foul Shooter so it's smart he's going to lay The ball in here he's going to get an Easy basket so making sure he doesn't Get a basket and a foul is a smart play Here so you might do you know you do a Hard foul you either let him score you Foul him and maybe he misses one of the Two free throws right so you you save Yourself a point here right so he grabs His arm and pulls it down Now I saw this part this part of like Sort of fast forwarding towards the end Of the game it's the beginning of the Fourth quarter and I watched a little Bits piece of the game and Japan was Playing really well right Japan's down Two points and he's their best player And so they play the thing over and over Again here and they call this an Intentional foul and throw the guy out Of the Game foul so he grabs them and pulls Them down it's not really like they play Really physical like there's all kinds Of plays Um Japan has this great little point Guard that ended up having 29 Points and He was the star and they deserve to win This game they outplayed France like

Down the stretch and I'll I'll show you That the real controversial play but There is um they play real physical and I want to compare it to another foul That we saw that they didn't call Intentional this is the American game Against um I want to say Serbia but I'm Not sure And the guy just checks them right the Guy there's a better view of it and the Team USA is saying this a flagrant foul That's the unsportsmanlike Play he hit like four five threes and he Hit all his shots and he was getting on A roll and this guy came out and just Purposely body checked him it was like You know it was it was not about way Worse than either of two calls against Rui haimura and I watched this game and I was like well that's kind of effed up Because that should totally be a FL Foul and in the basketball game with Japan and France they had this little Point guard who's like incredible like The they threw out Ru haimura and the Guy took over the end of the game and France was playing sloppy they threw the Ball away a couple of times and this guy This little point guard he got to the Basket a couple times he had a couple Tough threes he was getting all these Rebounds and would get a rebound they'd Foul him and they weren't calling the Foul and they were you know the team was

Bring bringing up the ball and the French were sort of body checking the Guys you know they were being very Physical with them and the they weren't Calling a fouls right and so that was Like well this is pretty suspect right The ruy hachim more throwing him out for That like that's suspect but you know Not as bad as what was going to happen So it ends up being that um the the French uh like play a lot sloppy and the Sky takes over the point guard he scored Like 29 Points he had a bunch of Rebounds Assists I don't know what his statline Was but he had almost 30 points in a you Know this overtime game and the Japanese go up four points and I know The outcome of the game and I'm like how In the world there's like 10 seconds Left or something and the French have The ball and they're down four and I'm Like wow is there going to be a Four-point play like how is it possible That it didn't seem possible France FR France could win this game and here's The play here so the French guard getss The ball here right and there's um I Don't know what the clock says here There should be it doesn't say on the But it's like I don't know minimal time Like four or five seconds left and he he Fakes some guy here and here's a little Guy right the the good you know good

Player for the point guard for the Japanese team and he's playing defense On this guy this guy hits a miracle shot Like a crazy shot right and so there's 10 seconds left Japan's up four and this Guy hits a shot now he gets a foul shot And they're going to tie the game take It into overtime where they're going to Win and you don't make that call because It was a dep desperation shot he's Fading to the right he's moving to the Right it's crazy he made the shot he's I Don't think he's that great a shooter I Didn't see him hit any other threes During the part of the game I watched But he makes a good shot right and the Issue here is here let's he he just Doesn't foul him he doesn't touch him Right and the ref's right here and I Think they thought well he's going to Miss the shot we'll give France a chance Because it's the Home Country Now two of The refs there's American guy and I Don't know what this person is I don't Know just look like a woman here and I Don't know what country she represents I Don't think any of them are from France But look at he had not touching his hand Here right he's got his hand up here he His his left hand sort of was on the Guy's side but he didn't push him and in A desperation shot you just don't make This call right when there's someone Throwing up a heave uh but the guy

Didn't touch him like there's no foul Here e either I mean you didn't have to Here you see it from this side right um So this guy like he puts him now so he Briefly touches him here right which is Not a foul that's not a foul right he Doesn't push him his hands just on him And so he's close to the guy right but He doesn't touch him like he's in good Defense he's in good guarding position Here I'm editing I just want to add this Here see the official's eyes are not on His hand that's touching the guy's waist Right which isn't a foul anyway but She's not even looking at that so she Didn't call that as a foul she's looking Up top she's looking at the release Point she's looking at where he's going To shoot the jumper from his you know Hand in his wrist and the guy doesn't Come anywhere close to either of those Things right and now he goes straight up His arm straight up he's this hand comes Off of him here and the guy gets off a Clean shot there's no foul there right That's just not a foul and they called That again it's a desperation shot you Know it's a hard shot for the guy to Take he's you know he's moving and he's Just throw it's not a shot he would take If the team wasn't down four points like They needed something and so he Chucks Up a three and it just happens to go in Like it's like one of those low

Percentage shots um but uh you know this Guy who's played a great game like He's okay so he's like they call a foul And he can't believe it right he's like What huh like he didn't touch him right And this guy played great you know like The guy you know he was the best player And they got a lucky shot the three Should count right so they should be Down one and France still has a chance If there's 10 seconds left they can foul The Japanese team Japanese team has to Make foul shots and France would have Another shot at a three so you know the Three should count but the foul should Not be there there was no foul there Given how much this guy was harassed and Fouled throughout the game and I'm like Oh this is right like total like this is totally rigged and So the guy hits a foul shot and I Stopped watching because I knew what Happened um but it was like you know it Was Japan deserved to win this game like There was no doubt about it and the home Team is the French and so you know it Always looks bad when the home team gets Calls like this and the crowd was going Nuts and it was you know and obviously The the papers when mainstream media is Cover and how fake it is you know it's Fake okay um so I don't know how far I'm Along with this video obviously there's Some I need to cover the Olympics too

Today but this is what I wanted to lead The video with because something special Might be happening here something Magical so Joe Biden comes out and um he Outlines three Supreme Court reforms he Wants Congress to pass right now and There's no reason for him to do this Right and so let's get into it Here and today I'm calling for three Bold reforms to restore trust and Accountability to the court in our Democracy as a press shout to me as I Got off Air Force One the Republican Speaker of the House said whatever he Proposes is Dead on Arrival well I think his thinking is Dead on Arrival okay so he's really slurring his Speech now he's not doing anything else He's not campaigning he's not hobnob met The guy from Israel but he's not really Out there as President right so they Said he had Co and they've been hiding Him away he withdrew he disappeared for Like a week or two and he's come back And he is not as good as he was right And so some two beautiful things are Happening here one he's deteriorating You I mean you know like he deserves it And you know whatever it is and the Democratic party deserves it KLA Deserves it but also they're not hiding Him away so They should just hide him away every all

The attentions on kamla you know he's Basically showing everybody can't be President he's worse now than he is in The debate you can See's he's farther Gone he's reading here and he's slurring His speech you can't really understand He's mumbling he's got one thing to do In two weeks he's not even active and so He's just so far Gone first and so what he's just said Here is That the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson or whatever the f his name is Has said that any of these Supreme Court Reforms aren't going to pass the uh the Uh this the Congress and so it's dead on A Ral so there's no reason for him even Say this right and he's campaigning for The Democrats and Kamala and this is uh You know again a press conference Another sort of a you know official Presidential event he's not supposed to Do that but Trump isn't complaining Because every time JoJo goes out there He reminds everybody that he's been Scile for a long time Right I'm calling for a constitutional Amendment again he's not he can't Pronounce any of these words because an Amendment is just slurring his speech Called no one is above the law Amendment No one's Above the Law Amendment that's Going to be the name of the Amendment it

Holds I mean to sincerely it holds it no I mean this sincerely that's what one of His sketch phrases which means he's Lying the rest of the you know immunity For crimes former president committed Won office I Share our Founders Belief the president must answer to the Law the president is account this is Technically a good thing there should be No immunity for Trump or any president It's a bad thing to say a president can Do whatever they want and not be charged With crimes I mean that's against Everything America stands for the whole Supreme Court thing is a joke of course He and the Democrats you know went after Trump because the controllers wanted Them to I mean it's part of a plan but Like they don't know that right and all Of it is Giving uh you know dictator like Dictatorship like uh power to the Presidency which eventually is going to Bite America in the ass right but that's Not what I'm talking about here we're Talking about his accountable in the Exercise of the great power of the Presidency We're a nation of laws not Kings and Dictators you he has this thing where He's mumbling low energy and then he Shouts the decision can be boiled down To the title of one case Trump versus

The United States the Court asserted it was making a ruling For the ages that isn't true the court Made a ruling for one a former president No other president our history has asked For this kind of immunity for criminal Actions and no president no former President not me not one not One has in should have been given given Any exception so he's lost it right like He he's he's gone he's farther gone now Again this is in an interview where he's Asked questions this is something where He's reading from a teleprompter and He's had nothing but time to prepare for This event he's been gone like he's only Had like three or four in the past I Don't know three two three weeks since He withdrew he's only had a few uh Public appearances and again he didn't Have Co so they're like he's having Episodes and they just won't hide the Guy away right they're putting him out Here and so there's no reason for him to Be out there they just there's just Nothing there's no reason like commus Camp must be going crazy and it's the Same camp because every time he shows His face it reminds people that we had a Scile president that she somehow is for Now escaping her part in that right She's completely complicit in supporting A guy who couldn't do the job saying how You know masterful and how ler he was

Behind closed doors and we know that Isn't true right and so this is is Horrible for the Democrats and her and Him and they won't hide him away all They do is hide him away right like they Did with Reagan when Reagan had dementia They got nine months and they just tied Him away especially up until the Election but every time they put him out Here it reminds people and he's going to Deteriorate he's going to have an Episode like he's going to have this Thing where he's going to walk around He's going to be confused and lost and It's going to be you know it'll be so Bad that it'll dominate the news cycle It it'll remind everybody of the the Democratic party debacle with this guy And so it's a wonderful thing like I I Thought they're going to hide him away And now I'm like oh we might get to see Him completely deteriorate right it's a Possibility now a strong possibility This guy's going to be drooling on Himself and just completely lost like Clueless you know pooping his pants or Doing something like there'll be Something event that everyone would be Like holy did that just happen Because they won't hide them away They're arrogance Jill and them like They still think this guy's rocking it Right to this with such Immunity the second thing I'm asking for

We've had ter term limit for presidents Of the United States for nearly 75 years After the Truman Administration and I believe we should Have term Li for Supreme Court Justice Of the United States as Well it's just a it's like canned it's Canned Applause but then you have to do Senate and Congress and you have to deal With the fact that Nancy Pelosi and I Mean Democrats and Republicans are Making Bank off of like um you know like He did and you know Diane Feinstein died With $110 million of assets right Nancy Pelosi's husband getting inside Information inside Trader Information in fact the United States is The only major your constitutional Democracy that gives lifetime seats in Their High Court term limits would help Ensure that the court membership changes With some Regularity that would be make timing for The course nomination more predictable Now he can't he get his voice gets horse All the time he coughs he can't talk Through things right this happened During the debate it's happened every Time since like he just can't do it this Is five minutes long right unless Arbitrary reduce the chance that any Single presc imposes undo influence in Generations to come the bipartisan Commission I commen analyzed various

Term limit structures based on their Report I believe the best structure is The 18-year term limit that would help Ensure the country would not have what It has now an extreme Court that's Sur Proud of an attack on the confirmation Process that's when weapon IED are those Seeking to carry out an extreme agenda For decades to come by the way these Guys mean It these guys mean It he's breaking from the thing Here project 2025 is real they mean It third I'm calling for binding code of Conduct for the Supreme Court so that's A political statement right he's not Supposed to be doing that Supreme Court's current ethics code is Weak and even more frightening voluntary Voluntary wait say it again any code of Congress must be Enforceable enforceable under reform I Proposed Justice would be required Closed gifts refrain from public Political activity recuse themselves in Cases in which they have they or their Spouses have a financial or other Conflict of interest Clarence Thomas Most people don't Realize that Congress passed the law Decades ago that says all federal judges Including Supreme Court justices have to Recuse themselves in such cases but the Current justices

Insist on enforcing that requirement Themselves without any public oversight Or compulsion See that's their decision they don't Have to tell us how they made it that Might work the court was actually Enforcing those requirements but they Are Not the court is not self-policing the Court is not dealing with the obvious Conflicts of interest we need a Mandatory code of ethics for the Supreme Court and we need it Now so um you know he um he's Deteriorating and what he's saying here Is true they should totally do that the Supreme Court is like you know the whole Government needs oversight like Everything's just so corrupt and Whatever but that's neither here nor There that's it know whatever like They're not going to fix this mess but Like again they could just disappear the Guy but either he or they or whoever his Handlers are whatever they just won't do It and he's going to be about there and It's going to be something like he's He's deteriorating really fast right um You know he's had this problem let's Let's go to this other so Joe Biden Ripped off um you know Reagan went scile Himself and he deteriorated really fast Right over those last couple years they Did not roll him out like he was just

Nonexistent as president they hit him Completely away his son admitted that he Had Alzheimer's but Reagan was an actor and He nailed this quote Biden does not and Then he gets mad at the um National Guard who he's talking to this is Wonderful I saw the Gaff before but I Didn't know he had stolen it from Reagan My Coast Guard AIDS have been excellent One of them taught me that and I quote The Coast Guard is that hard nucleus About which the Navy forms in time of War I can only assume that you will Enjoy educating your family about how The Coast Guard is quote the hard Nucleus around The Navy forms in times of War see he missed the about wit so it Doesn't make any sense that he B he Butchered the sentence but then he gets Pissed at the Coast Guard you are qu You're a really dull Class come on man is the sun getting to You I would think you'd have an Opportunity when I say that about the Navy to clap but being here together So the issue with this is he butchered The quote plus it's a totally different Time right So I mean this is um how many years ago 1988 so that's um 33 years ago and it's A totally different time Reagan was a Totally different president and you know

The Coast Guard is a group of different People and he like The con the what he said didn't make any Sense at all and who knows how much this Was staged with Reagan but he knew Reagan got Applause because he's Stealing the comet the quote but he Doesn't nail the quote and it's just you Know he's always had this plagiarism Problem and he gets he forces them for Some Applause which was like Goofy and This is in 2021 and he you know he was not making Good decisions then he was showing signs Of dementia in 2019 When he was campaigning probably before That you know Parkinson's and he's Getting stiffer and stiffer and you know He can't walk he can't talk he can't you Know it's just awkward movements and They're rolling him out there they're Just letting this happen and I'm I'm Glad they are like I was I thought They'd guide them away once they got Them out of there but they're not and You know every day you're seeing this Guy sh's unfit for president is a great Day for me You it's a wonderful day so Trump is Pussing out over the debate Um here's more of my interview with Former president Trump they're also attacking you for Other um ridiculous reasons they're

Saying that you said to a crowd to of Christians that they won't have to vote In the future yeah let me say what did I Mean by that I had a tremendous crowd Speaking to Christians or I mean this Was a crowd that liked me a lot I think Which is really important Right he's talking about this more and More he's talking about how much they Love him and like him it's really Strange you know it's not strange he's a Narcissist and this is him but he's Obsessed with this 87% or something and They're treated very badly by this Administration okay Catholics are Treated unbelievably they're like Persecuted and if I might say before I Go into to the other Jewish people if You're Jewish and you vote for Biden or The Democrats or Camala or whoever is Going to run I guess it's going to be Her but if you voted for her or the Democrats you should have your head Examined because have your head examined Jewish people nobody's ever been treated So badly by this this Administration is Destroying Israel etc etc so yeah They're they're speaking up they're the Most meekest Mildest you know limp dick type of way About a genocide that Israel is Perpetrating on Palestine right Trump is That it you know this is how bad he Sucks uh with respect to like a

Statement like I made that statement is Very simple I said vote for me you're Not going to have to do it ever again It's true because we have to get the Vote out Christians are not known as a Big voting group they don't vote he's Talking about like he says St two really Stupid things here explaining that to Him you never vote this time vote I'll Straighten out the country you won't Have to vote anymore I won't need your Vote you can go back to you don't have To vote for you because you have four Years in office look look Christians are Known you know who else doesn't vote gun Owners don't vote what are you talking About so Christians and gun owners are Huge voters right gun owners are always Voting and Christians and they it's a Cross-sectional group and these Christians he's talking about you know The Republicans get get out and vote Right you know remember when they had The first American Idol and Simon cow Wanted some other like some African-American girl like he was Favoring her and and there was a you Know a few other people and kellly Clarkson like w in a Landslide it's because she was Southern From Texas I mean anytime they had a s You you like those shows um what's that Like the voice you know I don't watch These shows but my sense of it is that

They always win they like country Singers always win remember when G books Brooks was out selling everybody in Terms of you know musical sales southern People and you know Christians and Republicans they vote right they vote a Lot more they're into it they're you Know they're more into the Patriotic Aspect liberals and you know people who Um you know maybe talk a big game and They they'll pontificate and they'll They'll talk about stuff at a coffee Shop won't bother voting right so the Christians and the conservatives they Get out most of their vote they're much The Republicans get get out a lot more Of their vote it's just that there's More liberals and there's more people That are potentially Democratic voters And so they're always trying to get out To vote but he's saying that Christians Don't vote it's a stupid thing to say Right and it really doesn't explain him Saying you only have one more time to Vote right because this is going to be An ongoing problem because the pro Population demographics are are are Swaying over to the Democrats and the Democrats could the Republican party has to change Drastically or it's going to be overrun Like they have to find new groups of People because their group of people is Is you know shrinking right a lot of the

Republicans are older they're dying out It's just like the news media right all This you know people watch mainstream Media just to be clear what you're Saying though you're not saying it's Being interpreted as you you are not Surprised to hear by the left as well They're never going to have another Election he's he's he's saying there's Not so can you even just first time I Even heard this you don't watch the news They're not talking to you about this Your panders and people around you Should have talked about this responded I said Christians I started off by saying just So you understand you never vote Christians do not vote well you didn't Say that did I watched the clip you did They vote in very small percentages why I don't know maybe they're disappointed In things that are happening but for a Long time I say you don't vote I'm Saying go out you must vote November 5th Is going to be the most important Election in the history of our country Whether you vote early or not we should Have by the way one day voting we should Have voter ID we should have proof of Citizenship and we should have paper Ballots okay that's what we should but We don't have that but I said to the Christians in the room thousands of them I said typically Christians do not vote

Why it is I don't know you're re and so Yeah it's being shown on the internet But the people that are going to a rally Are going to vote right the people if They're going to a trump rally they're Going to vote right I me even the Protesters are going to vote like what Are you talking about people who are Going to go to a rally will vote it's Not that hard to vote you know like Those people are voting right Bellas Something's going on don't worry about The future vote on you have to vote on November 5th after that you you don't Have to worry about voting anymore I Don't care because we're going to fix The country will be fixed and we won't Even need your vote anymore because Frankly we will have such love if you Don't want to vote anymore that's okay And I think everybody understood it I Didn't know there was any well no Understood it we still now we understand It less you're saying that you're going To do such a wonderful job in the next Four years that you're going to have so Much love but isn't going to be you it's Going to be whoever they put you know in Your place that going to win you're Going to win from there on out the Republicans always win because you did Such a great job like it's silly to say That right look at what happened after The first your first term you didn't fix

right you didn't you know you Weren't getting all that much love what Are you talking about you're going to Have a majority that you're going to You're going to sway the people that Hate you or some percentage of them and Then you're going to pass it over to JD Vance and he's going to it's silly the Whole thing is stupid and it's the Premise is wrong because Christians Totally vote okay so um we know this Here this fact check Trump's wrong gun Owners were likely to vote which we know G is a big voting block right that's why You saw like there's pictures like Bill Clinton with guns and Joe Biden talks About how he owns a shotgun and you know Democrats are always shooting guns Because they want to show that they're Gun owners too right because Democrats I Mean Republicans always do it some book Called the gun Gap it says here that um Analyze two public databases that have Tracked American attitudes for decades To conclude that gun owners are more Likely to vote compared with Non-owners the G and the Gap is widening And the more guns one owns the more Likely person is to vote it's a big Issue people with guns and who want to Keep their guns are worried that their Guns are being taken I mean it's silly For Trump to say that like everybody Knows this right and most White

Americans who regularly attend worship Voted for Trump in 2020 it says here that um it says Um that midterm elections last year a New breakdown of Voters cast show that Evangelicals and white Roman Catholics Overwhelmingly supported the party the Republican party and we know this right George W bush um pretended to be an Evangelical Christian he wasn't like he Wasn't a Christian at all and he totally You know used the language of the Evangelicals now Trump is doing the same Thing because they're a big voting block So here is an abstract here the person Did and he used this analysis here and All this stuff that he did he said you Know how he came about this and he said Based on the results I was able to Reject the null hypothesis that being a Christians had no effect on whether an Individual votes based on my research Christians are much more likely to vote Than non-christians which is a known Thing we know this right southern people And Republicans are more likely to vote It's just that the Democrats have a Bigger pool of potential voters if they Can get the vote out and one of the ways They get the vote out is hatred of trump So fish boy's explanation is stupid it It makes things worse because none of It's is true right there's no real Explanation for what he said I don't

Think he was saying that he was going to Become dictator he's old and he's not Going to last he might start Deteriorating he's already starting to Deteriorate too and he's you know I Don't think he can even make a case for Another term after this his presidency Was be a nightmare it'll be much worse Than the first one and it'll be the the Effects would be devastating and that's What it looks like we're heading to of Course look he's got nothing here no Evidence of any kind of damage to his Ear like we talked about I mean because It's the constant refrain I mean he's After they have done all the things that We've talked about horrible all of the Things things Russia Russia all the Things and dump their guy of 52 years Just dump him to the side so they do all That you seile like you didn't dump Him I mean you guys have been talking About him being scile and now you're Like I can't believe they dumped him why What are you talking about and then they Say well no you can't vote for him Because he's literally never going to Leave office they're actually still Saying that I it's just unbelievable but You will leave office after four years By the way and I did last time I kept Hearing he's he not going to leave he's Not going to leave look they are the Ones that are a threat to democracy

Number one they had an incompetent man As president okay now they have somebody Who's worse she's sort of incompetent She's not very smart but she's very Radical okay so that there was that part Of it but here Um it went down in flames for them last Time but they think this is their They're going to get you and so you've Been kind of a little unclear about Whether you're going to debate or not um Will you commit tonight to debating com I like debating I like debating he likes Debating I've done a lot of debates and I've won the debates I think they say I Won the election because of that I don't Mind uh they were pushing for this early Debate I said why do we want to do an Early debate it didn't make sense to me I turned out I was right but for the Wrong reason so this is a big reveal Well we knew this already but they were Pushing for an early debate they never Debate before the convention you had two Candidates who hadn't been confirmed as The candidate why in the world would you Debate before then because the Democratic party wanted to PE show People what Joe Biden was like and this Is the case that they wanted to get rid Of him but the people inside the Joe Biden people why did they agree to it Like are they so oblivious to how bad he Was cuz like they never have an early

Debate and Trump saying they push for The early one and it was disastrous Right now this part's also kind of a Reveal right um I want to do a debate But I also can say this everybody knows Who I am and now people know who she is She's a radical left lunatic she'll Destroy no that's not you know she's Still undefined a debate would be really Important most people aren't watching The news fish boy our country she wants Open borders why not debate her well Wait but because they already know Everything because they already know Everything so you know but they you guys Already debated you and Biden already Debated right why' you be debate to Biden why you debate de Biden debate de Biden because you knew he was scile and You knew that you would crush him and You weren't like a slam dunk you knew How it would go like it's amazing that They rolled Biden out for that thing Knowing what he was like but of course Maybe they you know like I said they Wanted to get rid of him but what are You saying they know like he's reasoning He's just such a liar like you don't Want to debat her because you got you Guys think that you have a you have this Locked up if you didn't you'd be Debating right because a debate would Show people the annoying people have to Get a good taste of kamla good dose of

Kamla before they get annoyed by her Because they don't really know who she Is because she didn't ran run for office Before and so she's going to have more Money than you and you know who knows How this thing's going to go so you must Really believe that you're going to win Because he didn't debate um uh hickey Naelly right because you know he didn't Debate any of the Republican Challengers Because he knew he was going to win Right she wants to defund our police she Wants no bail she wants no cash no you Just you kill somebody and we're going To release you immediately they call it Cashless cashless uh that's a by the way This has been a horrible thing for our Country this has been what I just said But we know where she is she wants high Taxes well they're going to say you're Afraid of debating her that's what They're going to say well they said that With Biden too you know I was afraid I did great with Biden and I did great In every debate I've had a lot of Debates uh but you're winning all the Issues but you know I'm leading in the Polls by I think a lot I don't know I Hear different numbers but I'm leading In all of the polls I'm leading big in All of the Swing States and I say this The answer is yes I'll probably end up Debating I think actually the debate Should take place before the votes start

Being cast you know when you I had a Very good second debate with Biden I Really beat him badly the problem was 30 40% of of the votes were already cast But I thought that he sheated if you're Going to have a debate you got to do it I think before the votes are cast I Think it's very important that you do That so the answer is yes but I can also Make a case for not doing It also I don't like rewarding fake news I don't like rewarding the people that Have been they're going to make tens of Millions of dollars with this debate I Don't like ABC I think it's a terrible Terrible outfit uh I don't like that ABC Is going to get rich George ladopoulos As I call them I don't like it's such I Mean these are such bad people I don't Like that ABC is going to get rich I Don't like and I will say something that When CNN did the last one they were very Fair they were Jake Tapper okay so was Very fair okay I'm so meditating I'm Getting to a point where I want to do a Voice over and just explain there going To be a huge you know I was pretty much Going to wrap the video up after I Showed you a little Kamera stuff Yesterday then all this stuff happened And I'm still dissecting it but anyways Just to say here the reason Jake tappa Was fair is because they wanted to get Rid of Biden the reason they debated him

Ahead of time is they wanted to get rid Of Biden right like him saying um like That Big R reveal where he says maybe I Haven't gotten there yet but he says That Biden said that um it was Biden's Team that wanted to debate early I guess That just happened well maybe just you And her uh you and U president vice President Harris in a room together with No Moderators I don't mind that I don't Mind anything look I don't mind we can Do any form of a debate you know when They ask me to do the debate they didn't Think I was going to do it because they Were going to offer they offered me the Two uh okay so he he really can't P out Just for I want we want to see a debate Like we want to see it like we want to See the Joe Biden one and that one went Great and we want to see this one KLA Harris you know um let's get into her Here so the momentum in this race is Shifting so you're still Behind and there are signs that Donald Trump is feeling It he has this fake Swagger now this Barack Obama Cadence you know she grew Up in an intellectual household her mom Was a you know college professor as was Her her dad right okay so a lot has Happened I'm in the editing process here Um it's Thursday August 1st and you know Trump went to meet with the um the black

Journalists and had this like sort of They're calling it a meltdown I'm Calling it trumpy and Trump um just a Kind of a disaster on his part but Hilarious and he's going to go after Kamla's Indian Heritage she's going to Say she always talked about being Indian And all of a sudden she wanted to be Black and that didn't happen I get into I you know this is all going to cover This year um and then K's she's got a Whole bunch of stuff where she's trying To um I all her events are going after Black voters which seems odd because if She doesn't have the black vote then Where is she like she's if she's you Know that so I get into all that that's All going to be coming up here but I Just wanted to say this because most People don't understand where I'm coming From right and and you know for me there Are things that I know I do well you Know I'm I was always sort of a chronic Under Underachiever really never understood The American system was very not Motivated didn't see a reason for the Kind of material success that is a part Of the American dream and all of it Right I've talked about this head length In the um Journey series but there are Things that I had growing up initially Coming in to this life that most people Won't understand and it's you know the

Part where I you know have evolved in Some way and no matter how much I Explain it most people won't get it like I understand where they're coming from Because it was in my face my whole life Like I didn't understand it at first as I grew up right but I don't have the Need To you know somehow bolster my whatever You're going to call it self-esteem you Know I got a few comments ments from People saying selflove is a you know There's um I said that you can't love Yourself right I said loving yourself is Impossible so the first one Is um bro I disagree with you bro I Disagree with you on loving yourself Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself How do you not well it's I don't the Bible is you know not anything to me Right how do you know it's not an Authority but how do you know how to Love anyone if you don't love yourself You can absolutely hate yourself so the Reverse must be true too love and hate Are not opposites and so I'll explain That in a second if you can't love Yourself you can't love others another Person says that similar point of view Right and that's not true at all right There are plenty of people who hate Themselves who are capable of loving There's plenty of people think that the Worst pieces of crap and they love you

Know sometimes you love someone who Isn't good for you love isn't a choice You can cultivate love like you can go Into something with the right attitude You like arrange marriages in India Where they go into it Without Really Knowing the person many time they're Children and you know they hang around The person they're with the person Enough and eventually you'll love them Like that that happens right and so this Stupid idea that these people are Throwing out there if you can't love Yourself you can't love anybody else That's not true loving thyself is an ego Like you're doing that as an ego you can Feel love and I feel love all the time Because of the Sark system the Transmission that's given like I Feel Love in the heart all the time right and Like I'll be meditating in the middle of The night sometimes I'm up like you know I can't go to sleep or I you know wake Up middle night and I just feel the Energy coming there's an energy that Comes in the Sark system the Divine Energy this divine grace that falls into Your heart and like you know as much of An as I am like I feel love all The time like it's a blessing I've Always had a loving heart right even my Ex who you know thinks as badly about me As you know anybody right or Worse said To my kids all the time you know he has

A difficult personality but you'll never Find a person with a more loving heart Than him that was her description of me Right and I feel love like and I you Know I mean I'll my wife will be Sleeping I'll give her a hug like I want To express the love I want the love to You know I want heard to have some of it Right or whatever or all of it or Whatever you know the love is passing Through in the Sark system you're a Conduit and love passes through you it's The nature of love love isn't you know You can like somebody like that's a Personal preference you can you know Enjoy something something can make you Laugh you can you know there's different Ways that you could have a positive Feelings about somebody or negative Feelings about some somebody or Something you can have an aversion to Something you can be attracted to things Right but love is just something that Stands alone love is is like none of Those other things a lot of people Haven't really experienced love and they Don't know what I'm talking about you Know they think that their love like When people talk about love being you Know when Trump says the audience loves Him that means it's just giving him Positive energy but love isn't anything To do with stuff that your ego likes Love is a feeling a deep feeling that

That your ego can't understand your ego Doesn't know what love is your ego has No idea of experience experiencing love In fact the you know the the ego is Incapable of that it's your heart and Your brain is incapable of even thinking About love you know love you can Describe it with like words but your Brain's like a you know an unfeeling Computer you have a heart that Experiences love if you have a developed Heart you can experience love right if You've developed your etheric heart and Lots of people have it and so you know Like dogs are very affectionate and you Would say dogs are very loving but they Have in terms of their shock chras their Energy centers they have up to the heart Region you know they have the lower the God the things you have these chakras You know the the lower level spiritual Points but you know people have a fully Developed Heart Center and dogs are like Just you know one of the animals that Just has some of that right dogs and Animals are just you know in the initial Stages of feeling love but it's for them It's more happiness and emotion and you Know wagging the te tail very physical But love is a deep feeling right right That you know you're in a way Slave To Your Love because your love is something That you don't choose you the people in Your life that you love a lot of times

You you don't want to love them or maybe They don't even deserve it or whatever It is right because you don't choose it It's not something that could be chosen It's either there or it's not you know There are cases where people have the Ideal marital partner the person is Maybe you know really good-look or Something or you know just smart or Whatever it is right the things that People want in a person like a great Person people say you should marry that Person and that person may totally love You and you're just not capable of Loving them it's just not there you Right and like on paper they're they're You know intellectually they're the Ideal person for you but you're just the Feeling never is there right there's no Connection and there's people who are Wonderful people that you could see oh Wow that person make a wonderful spouse But if you meet them and talk to them You're like well you know I kind of like This person but I you know there's no There's no love there it's something you Know it's beyond a person's ability to Cultivate and choose right and you know There was an interesting part of this in Terms with the Sark system the second Master of the system bobaji he wanted to Help people love God but he realized That lots of people didn't have the Ability for the idea of an abstract God

Like just in terms of a object of Meditation so he started with the Supposition of Divine Light CU people Couldn't really Think of God like that's why God is Pictured in Heaven by the Christians and You know the Jews is this um you know This sitting on a throne right God is Powerful you know God is an idol God is Molok the bull or you know these not These various other um B theable I mean You know these various um you know Entities right and so you know these you Know these idols and you know whatever It might be or God is the son or God is You know the you know what ever in Nature or God is a human being like Jesus right but people can't conceive of God as some abstract idea the essence of Love right the feeling of love and he Wanted to help people cultivate this Love for God and he came up with this Idea of constant remembrance of Remembering God and thinking about God Being there instead of you when you did Your daily activities and you know the Divine Master as well in your system and And what that would do is it he said That if you remembered something you Would love it and this is the idea of a Spiritual Master being you know people Being able to love a spiritual Master as A you know as a like a thumbnail for God Like as a repres God's representative

But ultimately people have to be able to Love the essence of love that they feel In their hearts right and if you Remember something as you think about You eventually will love it because you Just become more and more you know Focused on something and the essence of It especially if it's something of a you Know higher nature like love or God is Of a higher nature and so the more you Think about God eventually you start Loving God right the more that you Connect and want to associ associate Yourself with God and so these are all Like interesting things in terms of you Know the cultivation of love and you Know in terms of the things that I have Coming in you know I don't need things That other people need you know there Was things that I wanted to success for Myself or things like you know I wanted Externally some positive regard right But like I found that I didn't need it Once I had it like I was like oh that's Not such a good thing like I you know I Don't need people to thumbs up the thing I don't need people tell me how great I Am I don't need to feel good about Myself based in my physical you know Appearance and being being like you know The demographics being a man being white Being you know or whatever it is right Tan you know so um you know and I don't Need like oh I have to feel good about

My culture like being an American saying USA USA that I don't feel part of that Like I you know if somebody is Successful in the Olympics as an American I don't feel like I could root For him sure if I like the person but Just because they're America doesn't Mean I have anything to do with it right Like I don't feel American Amer like you Know I don't you of course I I have the The cultural um you know when I first Went to India and I met Europeans who Clearly look down on Americans and as I acted like an American I could see that they are Prejudice against me and I was pissing Them off right which kind of made me Like you know just because I think that Shit's funny make me be more American Right but like I didn't feel anything Towards their europeanness right and I Saw some stuff because I see stuff I saw Things that made their cultural Upbringing right you know based in their Demographics I see things all the time But I don't you know it's I don't make a Big deal about it do you understand what I'm saying maybe I'm not making this Clear but I you know if somebody who's American is successful I don't feel like Pride or or like I'm a part of that cuz I'm not right also I'm Sicilian Irish German and Albanian And if you talk about any of those

Cultures it does not hurt my feelings Like if someone tried to make fun of me For being Italian cuz I don't feel Italian right I mean I don't even feel American like that's you know you could Say things about me as a person and I'm Like you know it used to hurt my Feelings now less and less I gotten Older but even then it really didn't Hurt my feelings because I knew they Were true right like you know if Somebody said something that was true I Was like yeah that's true you know I Wasn't like all defensive because like I You know I don't have that kind of um Need for identification with something As a person whether it be being American Whether it be you know being Italian or Irish or German or you know living you Know Connecticut or a school spirit or Any of these things like I don't have You know this essence of Pride or this Thing that I you know feel like people Who are like me you know even someone Had all my ethnic if someone else was Had you know was Italian Irish German And Albanian and look like me and had The same name as me or whatever like you Know any number of things and they were Competing I wouldn't like feel some sort Of identification with them right you Know you could make fun of my religion Being Catholic or you know this and that You know my family my parents like I

Didn't you know none of those things Bothered me right like it just didn't Matter to me it doesn't matter to me and It's you know I didn't understand it and I didn't know it was like a good thing Or a bad thing but now I see it's Something that blessed with right it's An evolution of understanding that You're a soul and like I you know when I Was young I couldn't understand I I had This knowledge but it wasn't available To me because I hadn't evolved into it I Didn't have the conceptual ability as a Child although you know when I saw my Grandfather you know my grandfather is Um uh German descent and you know he was A kind of a tough guy he fought in two World Wars one he volunteer when he was 15 and play professional football for $10 a game you know before it was a a Thing and you know he did all these Things right he called the world he C Called a world record I think sergeant Major fish years and years ago of course I'm sure that record's been he was in The Guinness Book of World Records so he Was a fireman and save people's lives And and he used to take me fishing and All these things right and so um I'll Put that as my picture for this whole Thing my picture was my grandfather with Um me and him and you know him um you Know holding f and things like this Right we're in his backyard in Florida

He took this picture and I have that Picture that's like one of I think my Only pictures of him but he dies right And like I see his body and I'm 10 years Old I thought I was actually younger as I remembered it but now I looked at I Think 10 or 11 years old and I'm looking At him and he's they put lipstick on him And my grandfather was not that kind of Guy right like he's not a guy you know He was and they put he had his lips were Blue and they tried to cover it over With lips stick and it's just a corpse And you know my the essence of my Grandfather was godone I'm like this is This kind of weird we're looking at this Corpse this you know this like hunk of Human flesh you know it's like going to The grocery store and looking at Stakes Right it's not a cow anymore right the Essence of what made him my grandfather Was gone and it was the first time I Really you know saw a dead body I mean It was the first funeral we were at this Wake and and like I had no feeling to Him like like my grandfather that's not My grandfather like he's not there it Wasn't like he was sleeping you know his Essence wasn't there the presence wasn't There and I could feel the energy and Like I you know I couldn't articulate it As a 10 11 year old kid but I knew it Like I knew that this was there's a soul That's in people and that's what you

Think of them and when you see a dead Body the soul is gone it's no longer There the essence of what made my Grandfather my grandfather was his His soul and like I understood this at You know very young age and even more so Now right and so there's these um American Legion which later on I would Go to and it was a bar and it made me Understand when I was in college I was Back when I was using drugs and like I Dropped out of my first year of college I worked at Kmart one of my u i I ended Up moving down there in Florida I was in Florida for a bit my parents retired There you know i' go see my grandfather In Florida from Connecticut and there Was these American Legion guys that came In they were veterans they were part of This veterans Club my you know Grandfather used to go there and they Were drunk and one of them like one guy Was really obese and didn't fit into his Uniform anymore and he had his you know His chin strap his helmet didn't fit him And he came by like farted and they're Standing next to my Grandfather's uh Casket and they looked like ridiculous And my dad and I just started cracking Up and and we're my grandfather's Funeral we're sitting in the front Euro My grandmother's getting really upset And I lo you know I always had a problem

Where I and even now well I'm not Supposed to laugh that is really Hilarious to me and I've talked about This in video so I'm cracking up and Laughing and you know it seems like you Know I love my grandfather he's my Favorite person and you know got a lot Of things from him some of his abilities And some of the things I do now as a Farmer his athletic ability some of These things right there things I Inherited from him right and so it might Have seemed like it was disrespectful me And my dad cracking know my Dad it was My mom's you know my mom's my mom was Really upset Too but like I couldn't articulate it to Him but I'm like this is silly why are We sitting there in front of this you Know this this corpse that isn't my Grandfather pretending you know looking At it and you know what I mean people Are touching it and you know you look at The corpse and You Weep it's you know The only thing the corpse does is show You oh yeah he's dead That's him that's his body but he's gone And you know I later learned in this in The you know the spiritual ancient Tradition of India they burn the corpse Because for one the soul might try to Hang around the corpse it might get lost It won't go back it won't go where it Needs to go into another etheric world

Sometimes it'll try even get back into Its body the soul will even though the Body is no longer alive and the other Thing is when you you know grieve for Excessive period of time you know you Have to grieve for some period and it's Right to but you're holding on because The the whole the soul will hang around You and it needs to go where it needs to Go but it'll hang around you because You're craving it and you're pulling it Towards you through your love and grief And things and the soul will you know Still be with you but it needs to go you Know back to its original source and You're holding it there by thinking About it and holding on to it and you Know that's why you you just pray for it To go where it needs to go right you Thank it for it you the soul the soul Your loved one for being with you right And so you know this Soul Consciousness Is so limited in the American point of View people identify with their Demographics who they are as a person They want to be a part of a groups of People and I just never had that it's Something that I have that's more Evolved than than the average person It's and my insights a lot of it come From that you know whatever I've done in A previous existence and so I talk about Somebody like KLA Harris here who tries To pretend to be something she's not

She's an elitist she comes from an elite Family and her demographic makeup like Is going to include a grandfather who Was a very he was he was an Irish slave Owner and he owned black people and That's part of her racial that's part of Her her um genealogy she has his genes In them right that of a slave owner who Was really into slavery and that's only Like like a great-grandfather or Whatever it was right it's only you know A few a few Generations removed and she Has that in her right and she has these Different um you know her genetic makeup But she also has her you know who she Was as a person and she's you know lived In college towns and she has these Various things and she's trying to be Something she's not right she's trying To pretend that she had the African-American experience of you know Poverty and Prejudice and things that You associate some of these negative Things and the Swagger and she never had That right and Trump is talking about That but he can't articulate it like I Am because he's a dope and he misses the Central point of it because he's a fake And a fraud too Trump pretends to be a Republican when he never was right but People want to associate with these Groups associate with you know whatever It might be to Define themselves right Like in some way and I don't need that

Like I you know and I as I've gotten Older I've needed it less and less I Don't have to be an American I don't Have to be any of these things like even A dad or whatever it is like to feel Good about myself as like some sort of Label or titles you know I just have to I mean as a meditator I look at what I Am and I see what I need to improve and I see what I'm doing well and you know I Can accept that about myself like I Don't need these other you know Materialistic physical attributes to you Know build my self-esteem this whole Idea that people talk about self- love Love like I don't need that stuff I feel God's love inside of me and it passes Through me and that's all it can ever be You never you you never going to become In a sense love itself I mean unless you Like merge into the Divine Source but You can you know be a conduit for God's Love and then be a loving person through That energy and that doesn't mean you're Complimenting people all the time or You're really super sweet or nice it Means that the energy that is love flows Through you and other people can feel it And benefit from that as everyone's Craving love right and so it's a Complete different point of view than You see with most people so I'm talking About KET Taylor Harris and all these People it's just ego you know

And Trump as well and you know trying to You be president you know who cares like It doesn't mean anything doesn't mean You're no longer a piece of right Just because you're a president doesn't Mean you're success like yeah you won an Election right did you cheat of course You did because there's always going to Be cheating did you make a deal with the Devil yeah of course you did and so you Can become president and KLA Harris will Beam with pride like just running for President she's beaming and she thinks She's made it you know your knee pad's Harris right you you dated a guy who was Married and he gave you three jobs and You gave him lots of jobs and you know Like and they promoted you and now you You latched on to Biden because he Needed a he said he wanted a woman and An African-American woman and you were The best best choice for him because you Were also somebody that nobody would Think of as being a good replacement for Him so you were insurance policy for him And then he got scile because of course He did he was already scile because he Had Parkinson's and now you find Yourself in this position which is great Right for you great I mean you locked Into it whatever your subs scars but it Doesn't mean you made it just like Trump When Trump was President didn't mean it Was like most of the people who are

Politicians they get these jobs Congress Cong you know Congressman or CEO or you Know whatever you are you win an Oscar And you feel good about yourself it's Like it's not you like I you know none Of those things really matter right it's What you are in inside and whether You're getting better and whether you Feel good about yourself like whether You you know your conscience is Bothering you with any of these things And I've known that for an early age so My perspective here when I talk about People is about that right and all the Stuff that they do is like they're Chasing something that doesn't exist Like they think if they win something or They earn something it's going to make Them into something they're not going to Be the piece of that everyone says They are and it makes them more of a Piece of because they're not trying To be something on the inside they're Trying to get something on the outside To show everyone how successful they are Whether it's money whether it's you know Some title or you know degree or Whatever it might be you know some award Or something oh you're an Oscar winner Yeah well you but also you're a piece of to right so that's where I'm coming From when I say these things you know It's not I don't care like it doesn't Matter to me because like for me I don't

Care about my own upbringing you know When I was in college there was these Italians called gu we used to call them Guidos who you know they would wear a Big gold chain and they rre of cologne And you know and they were just whatever They were right and I'm a sicilian and You know I am have some sort of Connection to them but my friends used To make fun of them and I guess it's Some Prejudice or whatever you know There's a lot of them in the Connecticut New York you know New Jersey area you Know these guys who are specifically Guidos and you know I don't feel Anything about it right you know I watch The Good Fellows or I watch you know Something on the Germans or Italians Like I I don't there's nothing there It's not anything to do with me Personally just because I share some Genetic makeup with like these people That doesn't even my family like you Know my family's success or failure or Whatever you know it's not it's not me It's not anything to do with me right Like I'm not you know I'm I'm a soul Just like you are and how closely I Resemble my soul or I my characteristics Resemble the essence of my you know Spiritual being is what's important to Me and it should be to everybody else But most people don't even understand What the I'm talking about so

Anyways let's get into it here this is Kamala's um Mom shyamala goalen right She was a biomedic Science at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory biomedical Scientist known for progesterone for Progesterone receptor biology and Application to breast cancer right her Husband was Donald Harris so um she had Uh she was went to the University of California Berkeley where she met um her Husband and then had kamla So she was somebody who worked in these Universities in these research labs and She had you know um an Indian woman Right and she was uh you know an Academic right so she's in these she she Had money and her husband Donald J Harris is the father of KL Harris he's a Jamaican American Economist and Professor Atrius at Stanford University Right and So eventually got divorced but She grew up in these elitist California You know San Francisco area uh towns you Know Silicone Valley area and this was You know what they were Stanford and and Berkeley and you know these places right And you know she grew up with money and Parents who were highly educated and so Why is she talking like she comes from Like the streets of Chicago you know You may have Noticed so last week you may have seen He pulled out of the debate in September

He had previously agreed To Who so so so here's the Thing here here's the funny thing about That here's the funny thing about that So he won't Debate but he and his running mate sure Seem to have a lot to say about me woo Yeah by way don't you find some of their Stuff to just be plain Weird well Donald you gave that look look at the Looks you gu Here she's be she's Sassy well Donald Boom you know this is all rehearsed like They've gotten rid of her cackle they Won't let her laugh anymore right this Is you know when Joe Biden would say oh I'm in trouble right you know when he Would say something you know like they Would come and you know whatever um but That's um like she's being totally Coached here to make these smug looks And do this and roll all this stuff out And later on I'm editing now so this is Thursday August 1st and um you know it's We're going to get more into this in a Second here but she um you know this is Totally performative like this is just Trying this is the new Kay Harris Right he's just like one white Guy is this guy a b like a JC peny Vle I do hope you'll consider to meet me

On the debate Stage because as the say goes if you got Something to Say say it to my Face and she they've they've gotten rid Of the cackle they've told her Tamp down The cackle And she's laughing right and so they This is um you know these Um these are um paid crowds right like They're over Enthusiastic Donald Trump on the other Hand has been talking a big game about Securing our border but he does not walk The Walk or as my friend quo would say he Does not walk it like he talks to woo Qua Wo like she's very annoying right and if You are Trump you want people to get a Big dose of this because when people got A big dose of it before the Democrats Got a big dose of it before they Rejected her wholeheartedly now they're Not going to do that this time because Of the hatred of trump and you know all Of it but the more that she talks and The more she has this fake B again she Comes from Academia she comes from two Highly Educated parents and her mom an Indian mom would let her talk all kinds Of slang and these things I mean they're Very um you know big about saving face And all this things her dad's jamaic

Like she's not you she doesn't come from Some you know I mean she went to a an All black college but where she grew up In terms of all these things was with I Mean she probably went to private school Right well she did and I just did found That out yesterday when I was making I'm Editing right here but this is what I Was talking about right with all the Stuff you know you hear me say that I Said that twice because I just um about Her them getting rid of the cackle Because I noticed it yesterday and of Course today again it's really poing I Don't know if you hear the thunder Lightning out there boom there's just a Huge Thunder right on Q I don't know if my Mic's picking it up or not um but this Thing with quo or qu quavo um you say Quo I say quavo and what I didn't know Then is they just had a concert I'm Going to show you this here in a bit so Let me get into that but they just had a Concert so this is why there's so much Enthusiasm in the crowd and like it Shows that her campaign is really Failing because she hasn't yet won over The black votes let's get into that here Let's talk about first her up upbringing And again I I was doing this while I was Talking about her upbringing here In a second and her you know her her Genetic makeup Trump was out there you

Know just sticking his foot in it and The because he met with black Journalists right which we're going to Get into because that's hilarious and That's I mean the whole thing is great So it says this where did KLA Harris go To high school Harris attended a French-speaking primary school in Notra Des I don't know what these words Are here then face school and finally Westmont High School in Westmont Quebec Graduated in 1981 there friend confited to Harris That she had been sexually abused in her Home which was I'm not even sure where That was right and in terms of her College she went to Um After High School she attended veneer College in Montreal so she was in Canada and then She attended Howard University which Seems bizarre since her dad was Jamaican And her mom was Indian I mean she was You know saying that she was a Historically black person well kind of Right the Jamaican side but her dad also Was very light-skinned and so um you Know like the way that she's trying to Be right now of course they're all fake Right you know Trump is really a Democrat I mean this they're all faking Stuff all the time but you know they her With her Swagger and her sassiness Right and her laugh and that's going to

Grade on people and it you know just Doesn't play well in the overall Electorate and so what you want to do is Get everybody to see that like she's Going to have two sides of herself right She's going to speak one way to a to uh You know an African-American crowd a Different way to the conservative sort Of you know uh blue carler white people In Pennsylvania and you know Michigan These you know States like that right And you want to bring all that together I mean if Trump doesn't debate her it'll Be I mean just in terms of the Entertainment value alone okay so Another thing is kamla married a Jewish Man and celebrates Jewish holidays with Her with his kids I don't think she has Any religion herself I don't think she Grew up with a religion I don't think She knows much about Hindu religion I Don't know if her mom was religious or Not we'll get into that in a moment but The way that they're her narrative is is That she's an African-American woman and That she's campaigning with this sort of Um sassy you know whatever it is right And that's not true like that's not Factually accurate so again you know I Mean they're all posers and she's a big Poser she I don't think she believes in Anything right I don't think she has a Like a Dogma not just religious or Anything she believes in kamla and power

And you know same as Trump they're very Similar in that way you know there was Similarities between all these Personality types that seek the Presidency KLA Harris is diving into one Of the stickiest and fraught foreign Policy issues of our time Israel's war Against Hamas it's not sticky it's a Genocide everybody with a heart and a Conscious can say I mean Jewish people Are saying this Israel is committing a Genocide against the Palestinian people I've showed you the image time and time Again this is the Palestine that this is Israel that was promised to the Jewish People not by God because God doesn't Promise anything you know land is it's There for you for a period of time right Land ownership is a fake thing right Territorial you know I mean in the Animal kingdom and human beings for Years have fought over territory and you Have a nice piece of land somebody tries To take it from you you know maybe we Could evolve to a point where there'd be Some shared you know whatever it is Right enough for everybody and everybody Get you know some kind of thing right um But there's no Divine Providence that Promises you a land but in the you know The Bible for Evangelical Christians and In the Jewish tradition the Jewish Bible This is the greater Israel that they Claim that God has promised them and the

Evangelical Christians and Jewish people Believe that this is Promised Israel This is all Israel right part of Egypt Part of Saudi Arabia right Syria and of Course Israel what we now consider Israel that's Palestine and the whole Thing was Palestine 1942 or 3 or Whatever before the Britain and the UN Decided to make it to split it up into Israel and so they want this land and They've been encroaching on Palestinian Land since the time that there was this Partition and they have done all kinds Of you know greasy manipulative and Violent things to the Palestinian people To get them off of what they consider Their land so that's what this is about It has nothing to do with Hamas or the Palestinian people it's a genocide so Israel can take this land and when they Get this land they're going to want all This other land as well they might Realistic realistically decide they Can't do that but if they really believe God promised them this land then every Opportunity they have for getting this Land they're going to take right so There's nothing complex about this it's A genocide and Israel's taking Palestine From the Palestinian people and Trump is 100% supportive of it and kamla and Joe Biden are 90% supportive of it the vice President is sitting down with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu this afternoon just after his Sit down with President Biden the big Question what stance Will kamla Harris Take on Israel on the war against tamas Will she remain in lock step with Joe Biden Joe Biden's policy or something Different CNN's Isaac do has new Reporting on all of this and it's great Report in this morning Isaac how big of A test is this for Harris okay so this Was um that part but let's get to this Is um this is douge fresh here there on That Call let me just make this clear uh vice President Harris has been and will be a Strong supporter of Israel as a secure Democratic and Jewish State and she will Always ensure that Israel can defend Itself period that's who Harris Is that's her husband douge Fresh Um and so you know he's Jewish and he's Saying these things but she is a little Bit less supportive than Trump but They're both supportive they both suck On this Trump is more sucky so you add To this this is Mindy Keang um the actress she's of course Indian and kamla here I don't want to Suffer the consequences of our future President not liking my Indian food can I just tell you something yeah I've Never made Doses this is on commas this is from

Four years ago on kamla's YouTube Channel look at them coming you're Coming to the kitchen already you live Here the this is so nice are you Stressed for making oh my God you do add A taste your oh my you have no idea this Is how my mother kept all first stop This is so funny I told my dad I was Like bringing over the stuff from the Store he's like obviously I put them in Taster's Choice this literally was how My mother kept all of this Stuff what is that do they tell each Other so they have tastous Choice coffee And then they put the Indian spices in The Jars hi guys it's Mindy I'm here in my Kitchen and today we are cooking but we Have a very special guest very special Senator kamla Harris hi guys wait so Here hi she's getting rid of that you're Working on getting rid of that here what I want to know okay is it respectful to Call like I should be calling you Senator Harris right no you should not That's not on my birth certificate okay Call yes please okay cuz the Indian and Me I feel like my parents my dad will Watch this call just don't call me Auntie okay I won't call you Auntie That's what they the Indians call so she Grew up in an Indian household right That's her major her she went to live With her mom when her parents got

Divorced like I you know I kind of I did Research on her years ago about this Stuff um and you know the Indian culture Is Very um you know I love the Indian Culture I come you know I've gone to India numerous times course doing the Meditation but there's things about it That are quite different than American Culture these a lot of these cultures Where there's a meshman right where There's just strong family pressure to Support the family and you know do Things for the family and not bring Shame on the family and just all the Things that go with it and so as an American you don't grow up with that Nearly as much especially now where both Parents are working right and you know She grew up as an Indian person like That would be her strongest influence Right because she lived with her mom and Her mom was Indian right they'll be like How could you call her by her first name She's worked so hard okay so what we're Going to cook today okay is an Indian Recipe yes because you are idiot okay And I don't know that everybody knows That but I find that wherever I go and I See Indian people the supermarket on the Street everyone's like you know K Harris Is Indian right it's like our the thing We're so excited about to have you Running for president yeah so we are

Both Indian but actually we're both South Indian um you look like the entire One half of my family okay so she comes From Tamil right they're both tamilan right Because South Indian's Tamil so that's The part of India that I'm familiar with Of course doses are part of that culture You know I went to chenai where Master Chargie the third Master the system was From and so she was most likely likely Brahman her mom was highly educated so She probably came from a wealthy Brahman Family her mom right um in India so um Cameo should be Brahman which Brahman People have a tendency towards spiritual To be educated to be Teachers and you know some of them I Guess would be politicians but um not Like this right and so she's broken away From those Tendencies you know her dad Was a college professor and a guy who Was you know uh intelligent educated People and she's kind of a dope and you Know um almost like a party girl right Like a drunken family okay thank you you Do I've been telling people already so This is perfect it's basically true uh And so were do you raised eating South Indian food South Indian food lots of Rice and yogurt potato Curry doll lots Of doll idaly yes idaly that's a deep Cut okay so what we're cooking today is Two things one of the South Indian

Staples is Dosa which is kind of like a Sourdough crepe and then we're going to Make a PO Curry which is the traditional Company so I printed out so where so Again like Kam is embracing her Indian Heritage because because she want Indian Votes Indians will vote for an Indian It's just like a thing I mean there's All cultures will do this but Indians Are big on KL Harris you know there some Of the Indians are kind of racist Against black people I mean even this Guy CES who runs the the the you know Defunct heartfulness he'll spin off of SJ Mar that I do um like he's said Things that made me think that he was Kind of racist but you know so it's kind Of a conflict but you know just to have An Indian person as president that you Know someone at least half Indian that' Be a big deal for the Indian population In America and KLA is cultivating this Thing here so again I'm editing here I Want to get a couple of these points in That are really essential and so the First thing is my mom was Irish Catholic You know and my dad talked about his Italian upbringing but not that much and I went to see my grandparents in New Jersey and my grandfather was to and you Know the guy was a barber he was like 90 Years old and you know he had to retire But they would make him cut my make me Get my haircut by him and I'd end up

Bleeding because the guy was like old as right but you know I got some Influence from my dad talking about some Sicilian stuff but not that much we Didn't have that type of food my mom Heavily identified was Irish but you Know it wasn't that much influence but The the Albanian stuff I didn't get any Of that I didn't know any Albanian People not till I waited tables when I Was in my 20s and the chef was Albanian There he had a in the Sue chef of this Restaurant so there was two Albanian People and they were loving that I was Albanian or partly you know they told me About Albania I knew nothing about it Right and the German part not so much I Mean I spent a lot of time with my Grandfather like I said he was like Somebody I really enjoyed as you know my Time with him but you know there wasn't So much he didn't talk about Germany There wasn't like we didn't eat like Wiener schnitzel or whatever you know so What I'm saying here is you can grow up In a multicultural family but only be Influenced by part of that culture an Indian culture is so strong the family Culture and she you know being divorced And being with her mom was her primary Caretaker you know KLA might have gotten Some where she hung out with African-American kids because you know Whatever like I don't know what her

Upbring was like in that way socially But in terms of her parental influence It would have been very he heavy in Terms of the Indian culture like she's Saying stuff here she ate all that Indian food and her mom told her all Those Indian things right and in the Sark system they have a range marriages Right and chargie stopped arranging Marriages for anybody outside of India Because people in Europe and America Would come and say can you find me a Spouse and he would and it almost always Ended up in divorce horse and they just Couldn't do it but like the Indians like Some girl would stand up and say charger Can you find me a husband and he'd Point Like you know that guy right there Right like and if you were an American You'd be like what just happened that's Can't be real and you know you'd have a Lot of doubts but you know he had Problems even with Indian people Marrying in different states because the Cultures are so heavy there and so Prejudice you know different casts and Different States they the parents there Was you know I met a couple of different Couples whose parents had gotten both Sides of the family got guns and it's Hard to do in India and they're coming After the other family and they're very Pissed they didn't do s Mar they didn't Trust chargie and all these things right

And so arranged marriages in India for The most part are always cast related And there's an economic aspect to it and You know they're people who the families Agree upon and charge which arranged Marriages that there wasn't that and he Stopped arranging marriages or even um He he stopped endorsing couples like if A an Indian girl or an Indian guy met Someone from Europe or America he said You know your marriage won't work Because the cultural differences are so So large and he's talked about the Differences in Indian culture and all The other cultures in the world and the Indian culture is very heavy and very You know I mean in terms of the the Pressure there there is to to identify As Indian I it's a very strong culture And family oriented and all these things Right amesh like I said and so it's very Rare in Comm mom and dad got divorced Right and so you know probably that had A lot to do with it a Jamaican guy and An Indian girl your cultures are just so Different and I see this more than ever Now that you know no matter how Open-minded you are your lens that you You know we have an American lens most Of us listening to this or wherever You're from You you have a lens from wherever you're You know wherever you come from it's Hard for you to understand that's why

You know the majority of my viewers are American like people just aren't going To be able to understand me even by the Way you know in terms of the English That I speak like they didn't understand Me in India and so India is a hard Culture to you know um and there's so Much cultural pressure and there there's So many like idiosyncratic things that People don't even understand or know About even aware of in their own culture And you know Americans marrying people From other countries doesn't do well Either because Americans have a totally Different perspective and those things Always happen and come up right and I'm Saying this because kamla is definitely Her biggest influence would be her Indian mom and you know I mean how just How much does she talk about Jamaica Right I've never heard her s met with Somebody from who's Jamaican you know so She's American she has her American Influence and she has her mom which is Indian but now she's trying to be like Some you know StreetWise you know Wise Cracking you know like this is what I'm Getting at of this whole thing and There's other stuff here as I get into It this stuff with her grandfather being An Ardent slave Owner so according to the Los Angeles Times Kamla's mom goalen her last name is

Gopala I know a lot of gopin right was a Tamel Brahman part of a privileged Elite In hindu's ancient cast hierarchy and so The brahin are at the top of the um the You know the in terms of South India the Brahman the best cast and you guys might Have you know I've told this story Before um on my journey Series so as I Was in India my kids had you know Variety of Indian friends and there was A a kid he was about 25 and me and him Had some you know conversations really Funny kid and he and his sister were Cool his dad was an absolute nightmare I Talk about this in the journey series we Went to stay at his dad's house when we Were in the flood his dad was insisting On us coming to his house every time I Saw him he wanted me to bring my family Down there and we ended up down there And so I called him and it was an Absolute nightmare U his dad was a real Prick but the kid was really funny nice Kid and they have some sort of uh you Know reform system like the affirmative Action program and America for the Indian cast system and the kid told me That you know cuz he was a Brahman and To get some sort of position I don't Know whether it was to get into a school Or government he would have to score Like a higher score than was possible on The test because it was so rigged Against brahin now right especially in

That area in South Southern India so he Had to pretend he wasn't a Brahman he Had to pretend he didn't have that cast When he was you know doing whatever he Was doing because it was so rigged Against him um because of the way the Brahman culture had dominated that area But brahin for the most part are gurus Spiritual people or they're doctors or Engineers educated professional academic Sometimes politicians right and in the Rich southern part of India that I'm Familiar with they are you know they're The wealthy people and I saw some who Are extraordinarily wealthy and even in Terms of American understanding of Wealth right and they're you know Influential in the government and these Things right oftentimes they're um you Know scientists I mean they're very Prevalent in the upper echel Lin of Upper echine of Indian society and They're very spiritually oriented and They have you know varieties of Different kinds of religious and Spiritual you know positions and things That they do you know and again I'm Familiar with that area her mom's from Chenai which I went to chenai more than Any other part of India and I was Basically living in the chenai area or You know in chenai for like almost three Years and so I'm well aware you know I Like the culture and there's things I

Love about there's things that I I don't Like about of course all the stuff That's happened since with the Heartfulness debacle and that turning Into a cult and all the things and the CH and the chenai people the brahin are Against this guy Commish because because He was not of that cast right he comes From the guara cast that's known for Criminality you know for being business You know like business tycoons that have Questionable morals that are all about Making money right and are less you know Less respected cast right but have their Own levels of power but anyways you know And of course I'm part Irish so I have Connections with comm's upbringing and Things like this all of it and you know I appreciate I I would like to see Somebody with Indian descent in the in The presidency you know just as a you Know because I have a connection with That culture but they wouldn't be like They wouldn't be the kind of people that I would like right they wouldn't be the Kind of Brahman or Indian person I would Like because they're running for President right like the people are Really saintly and all these things you Know are higher developed Souls don't Run for political office because they Realize it's you know they've probably Done that in a past life and they're Just not into it they realize you can't

Change anything through politics and They realize these are just you know Power positions and I mean all of it you Just don't you don't have any taste for It you don't have any desire for it if You're an evolved soul Who's you know Embarking on a spiritual Quest because It's just you know it's it's like poison To your spiritual well-being to seek Political um you know it's a it's an Earlier stage you do it you know earlier Stage in your Spiritual Development then You realize that it's you know not good For your connection to your soul and It's just all material and corrupt and These things the Indian government is Very corrupt and as as I'm sure the Jamaican government and so her dad came From a rich slave slave owner who had a Town named after him and whatever Jamaican you know ancestry has like Whatever that you know however that Played out um so I guess the guy was Banging his slaves and you know that Kind of thing and so um you know there's That he obviously has some wealth and he Comes from the e Echelon of Jamaican People because he got into Stanford Right you you have this stuff that's Called Master charg you used to refer to The brain drain like all the great Brilliant Minds of India people who are On the top educational you know the top Educational um performance the really

Smart people in India they're really you Know the ones who Excel end up leaving India and many of them come to America And these other Western countries to Make a lot of money and they don't you Know maybe they send some money back to Their families and they put something Back into the Indian culture but they Get educated by the Indian people and They you know they have a lot to offer Instead they go to some other country Where they can make more money and have A better lifestyle and so that's what Happened here with kamla's Mom and Dad They were people who were smarter and You know a a part of the Elite Class of Their sis of their country you know Their their cult cultes right they come To America and meet they're part of the Elite academic people the you know the The Academia people that have their own Level of Eli elitism and they think They're smarter and better than Everybody her his her dad was hyper Liberal a Marxist you know her mom must Have been similar to that right because She married a guy like that and so there You know she lived in a very liberal Area in um you know Berkeley California The you know Silicone Valley area Stanford these places and then she um I Guess lived in Canada for a while which Is hyper liberal and then she you know Went to school in Canada then went to a

Historical black college and then all of A sudden became a black person right and She's not like she's yeah certainly She's a person of color but some of That's from her Indian ancestry and some Of that's from her Jamaican ancestry Which she had you know Irish blood as Well and now she's married to a Jewish Guy and you know I I don't mind multi Culturalism but that's not how they're Presenting her they're mostly pushing Her to get as much African-American vote And be like an Obama you know to be some Sort of female version of Obama and even Obama wasn't that Obama came from uh Hawaii his mom was white his dad you Know he was raised by a guy from he was More raised by his stepdad who was Indonesian but there's a lot of evidence That Obama's family his grandparents you Know his white Grandparents were part of The CIA in Hawaii they have a big you Know CIA has a big you know there's a Lot of intelligence Community stuff in Hawaii we know about that from you know Various things that Edward uh snow and Stuff and there seems to be like he was A CIA operative you know being trained As a even as a young person as a kid and So that is whatever it is right but his Dad was African like really African not African-American and so Obama had you Know was raised in Hawaii by his his Grandmother was like a banker you know

These things right and so they're not The brand or the image that they are Being presented as which you know they Never are so that's like I mean it's Always the case but KLA coming in with Some swag and being sassy and these Things right in the same way Obama was And she's not that person right she's Not you know the person that they're Presented her as and you know she's in a Difficult position because they want her To bring the youth vote in but the youth Are overwhelmingly against the genocide That's happening in Israel and so like It's a mess over there and I don't see Her being able to pull together she's Going to lose some of the Biden voters There's a lot of laborers like Bluecollar workers in these swing States You know these Midwestern swing states That aren't that comfortable voting for A woman and a person of color they Wouldn't vote for Obama and maybe you Know maybe they would but not for a Woman you know these things I wouldn't Vote for Hillary Clinton you know They're more conservative they didn't Like Trump and Biden you know was from Pennsylvania he was you know like that That was that he had a an in with them Right and so you know the whole thing's An absolute mess like Comm you know Whatever this is I hope there's a debate I mean there almost has to be one um you

Know just and they're they're keeping Joe Biden around I mean Trump looked Kind of weasly by the way we was talking About the debate and he must believe They must believe like I said that they They can't lose because you know that Would be something where he did he did Some kind of bad debate performance you Know like Joe Biden did and he said Something offensive or you know it was Rigged against him like it would be Especially if he went to ABC or some of These other places the reason CNN was Fair when he was talking about Jake Tapper being fair I'll probably go back And say that when I edited so I'm not Going to well I'll repeat it here Because the reason it was fair because They were doing a hitpiece on Joe Biden So I'll say that again earlier so I Won't expand on that um but you know That won't happen again against kamla Although I think the powers of be want Trump to win everything's lining up like That you know I mean it's just hard to Say it's just a big mess you know it's Just a like a just a you know a big ass Mess so KLA Harris is a descendant of an Irish slave owner in Jamaica Hamilton Brown Um was paid 11 M I don't know what that Is in terms of money um in compensation By the British government to free slaves After

Ban um Irish roots not the way she was Likely to embrace she's a daughter of Donald Harris who was born in Jamaica And shamala go gopalan shamala gopalan Harris from India gen gen genealogical Research carried out by Northern Irish Historian step McCracken reveals Miss Harris four times parental Great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was Born in Co Atrium in 1776 the year of the US declaration of Independence Brown immigrated to Jamaica Then a British colony and became a Enthusiastic slain owner on the Shar Plantations that were the main stay of The Island's economy he opposed the Abolition of Abol abolition of abolition Abolition of slavery across the British Empire In 1832 and went to Atrium to Replace his slaves with workers from his Naed country he gave his name Browns Town in Jamaica is buried in the he's Got a town named after him interior of St Mark's englan Church which he built With his own money Brown was pro slavery And hated the British evolutionists William Wilbur Force so these things Right Brown receives almost $1 million In modern money in compensation Euros That's even more than dollars from the British government for his slaves According to the records so he got all This money to set his um his uh slaves Free I guess and so um so they spent all

This money he was a major person here And so his her dad came from I would Assume Jamaican wealth he was a Jamaican Wealth wealthy Jamaican person who comes To America and goes to the very Expensive Stanford University so she Came from the elite Brahman Class cast In India and a former slave owner Somebody who was among the economic Elite in J uh Jamaica this is their town Named after her great-grandfather in Jamaica Brown Town um you know close to The ocean here and so you know not a Very big island and so so um she's part Slave owner right she has slave owner Blood in her system right from her Great-grandfather on her dad side and She was an elitist in the Brahman cast It says here her father is a renowned Marxist Economist from Jamaica who Taught at Stanford University so he's Ultra Ultra liberal Right a Marxist you know that's a Communist um a IST so you get the idea Here because she's playing identity Politics as is Trump because Trump has Always wanted to cultivate white voters And he's pretending to be a Republican And pretending to be a Christian even Though he say he's not a Christian he's Using their lingo and he's got the Evangelical behind him right and so all Of this stuff right and it was her Grandfather four times removed so her

Great-grandfather great great great Great Grandfather was the slave owner so you Know she's got stuff she doesn't want You to know right you know um but then There's this let me get into this thing Here okay so then um last night I Was my wife and I were about to eat Dinner and I was watching this I was Waiting for her and this came out it was Absolutely wonderful this guy AR Meer as This young Man knows that we're in it together and We're in it together to win because There's so much at stake you know um no Matter what music you like or what dance Moves you know we all want our kids to Have so that's Parker short young Democrats of Georgia President right so He's he's there at this comma event you Can see that there's a white guy here But this is an event where it's um in Georgia that quavo and Megan the Stallion are there which is important a Better future and uh that's that's why I'm here and I will say before I started Singing uh not like us I was I had the Same energy for Brick House and uh some Ludicrous songs I I was enjoying myself All night the energy was electric Because excited Parker as you may know Ludicrous was all so here he is here in The corner right this one white guy um And Al who organizing the album Word of

Mouth right is how you get the word out Uh with this guy tries to be he he Talked about the the Drake beef with um And Kendrick Lamar and while they're Waiting for KLA they're playing that Song and he was singing it right I think I have a little bit of that at the end We were going through the pictures of You as well as KL out there uh I I did Want to ask you you know you're what They used to call I'm guessing from what I can gather wait don't say it you Homophobic Mfer don't don't say it don't say it Ari Meer a yellow dog Democrat Oh I thought You were going somewhere else with this Right not not someone who goes back and Forth to the Republicans I say that by Introduction of I'm not a Democrat so I Mean I'm so wait you're but aren't you In charge of the young Democrats and You're there with KLA Harris not a Republican in any way right you're not a Republican so this is where I'm going With this Democrat you know what I am I'm somebody who cares about good public Policy there you go here's where I'm Going Parker let me ask you a question Let me ask you a question I was I feel Like if we caught up with you a month Ago you would be loyal and strong for uh President Biden um but I did want to ask You in all honesty even though we know You support Democrats do you see any

Greater enthusiasm um now that it's Harris or is it too early to tell that's That's like the easiest question you've Ever asked me uh this is a great Moment he freezes easy but we may have Frozen let's take another look at uh any Of the videos we have so I'll tell folks We're just talking to Parker short you Know it's tragic sometimes with these Kind of interviews he was saying it's The easiest question I've ever asked I So the guy is look at him go right and Look at this woman look at him like just Sit down white boy like look at him Getting all sassy he's getting all like He's over the top and she's looking at Him and they're rocking and you're like Well look at the enthusiasm at a KLA Harris event yeah because she brought in Two rap stars and so why is she so um Desperate to win over the black vote Like this is why isn't she appealing to Other demographics right the difference Makers are going to be these Midwestern States of Minnesota and um Michigan and Wisconsin and um Pennsylvania and Possibly Ohio right of course Florida But they have these swing States and Trump's going to win Florida so you have These swing states that are you know the People that like Joe Biden the reason They pushed Joe Biden is he had an Republic appeal that no Malarkey you Know growing up in scrin Pennsylvania

These white people you know there's White people that would vote for Joe Biden that aren't going to vote for KLA Harris and when they see her pushing These rap stars and you know someone Like Megan the stallion and these things Which is going to be used against her That she's going to have trouble getting Those people who voted for Joe Biden Older white people who are blue collar People workers and they didn't you know In love with Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton couldn't win the black vote and You know she couldn't get as many blue Collar people like Joe Biden right white People and so that's the demographic They're they're really both targeting Trump and Biden were and so KLA Harris To show she has enthusiasm she has to Bring in rap stars and so you have this Little white Kid and this you know things rocking Here but they're not rocking cuz KLA Harris they they're rocking because they They got basically a free concert like This is the you know this is what's Happening this is what's up right and so She doesn't even have the black vote Like KLA Harris certainly is going to Have struggle with the the you know the The independence and Republicans and you Know Blue Collar Democrats in these States that are swing states that Trump Has you know won in 2016 and you know

Split with Biden in 2020 and going to Win back because of the Biden econ Which is she is a part of and they're Going to have a problem voting for a Woman and a black woman cuz they're you Know white semi- racist people or Whatever they are right and you know Maybe they voted for Obama or maybe they Didn't but they're going to have trouble Voting for kamla but she's not even Going after those people the swing state Her initial tour is you know various Black you know she she's pandering to Black people so she doesn't even have Their vote like she's she's trying to Win them over right like well you know That's not going to win you the election You should have that already I mean Trump is considered a racist and you Know I mean whatever he's a Republican And like you should have the black vote Already you should be going after some Other demographics she's also going After young people here with this stuff You know kenrith Lamar and this other Stuff they're playing but you know this Is where this is what's happening let's Bring out the former president of the United States the Republican nominee for President former president Donald Trump thank You okay so there's no applause right Trump's big thing is he loves to be Loved and he can't handle anybody

Criticizes me you know we know this he Turns on people even if they don't Criticize him but if they do he turns on Him you can't take the slightest bit of Criticism and he's used to these big Crowds that adore him and that's his big Thing I think it's that Adoration at these rallies is as big of A a thing for him as anything else you Know going to rallies and having Thousands of people just lap up whatever He's saying and so that didn't happen Here and his handlers know that if I Know this his he his handlers everyone Around him knows this right and that she Was going to be what Trump calls Nasty Trump trump says you're so nasty Right so this is what she's going to be Here that's how he's going to interpret It and it's going to be a half hour of Trump being like triggered Trump right There's nothing worse than trigger Trump And if he's a shoe in to win the Election you know he's doing this to get Black vote which he's not going to get With KLA Harris like it's a silly thing To be going after right you know Especially here these are you know People who are as they're they're Journalists so they're mainstream media They believe the mainstream stories These aren't you know there's plenty of You know groups black groups out there That are truther groups in one way or

Another like he could go and talk to Them that don't buy into the mainstream Narrative but he didn't right um he Decided to go to people who are as Mainstream as the media because they're Part of the media which is like Silly Mr President we so appreciate you Giving us an hour of your time I want to Start by address it ends up being like 39 minutes the elephant in the room sir A lot of people did not think it was Appropriate for you to be here today you Have pushed false claims about some of Your Rivals from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama saying that they Were not born in the United States which Is not true you have told four Congresswomen women of color See that narrative which is not racist You know the Barack Obama thing wasn't a Racist narrative there was a birth Certificate out there that had been Photoshopped right and he you know TR he Had trouble producing the thing you know Which was you know there was controversy Because he lived in um you and I get Into this you know where he lived in uh Indonesia and his dad was African right And then he grew up in Hawaii where There's a lot of CIA activity it seems Like his grandparents his white Grandparents were CIA you know so There's that well like there's deeper Levels of um understanding of these

Things right and I just don't care about Any of it anymore just whatever like I Can't prove any of it and I don't need To prove it to myself and you know to Know that this is the system is Completely corrupted and and you know Deceptive like I don't need to prove it Anymore cuz I know that they're lying to Me all the time right like you know Everything's a lie and you know material Life in itself is a lie you know Maya um from the Sans sanscrit you know Illusion but like he's coming in and She's coming in hot and like nobody in The Trump campaign knew that she was Going to be like this of course they did Are they sabotaging him because why Would they do this right and they know What he's going to react cuz we know What he's going to react like when you Ask him questions like this who were American citizens to go back to where They came from you have used words like Animal and rabbit to describe black District Attorneys you've attacked black Journalists calling them a loser saying The questions that they ask are quote Stupid and racist you've had dinner with A white supremacist at your Maraga Resort so my question sir now that you Are asking black supporters to vote for You why should black voters trust you After you have used language like that Well first of all I don't think I've

Ever been asked a question so in in such A horrible manner first Question like like nobody saw this Coming Right you know they're playing this over And over again on CNN and MSNBC and you Know and all these places don't even say Hello how are you are you with ABC Because I think they're a fake News Network a terrible Network and I think it's disgraceful That I came here in Good Spirit uh I Love the black population of this Country I've done so much for the black Population of this country uh including Uh employment including uh opportunity Zones with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina which is one of the greatest Programs ever for black workers black Entrepreneurs I done so much and you Know and I say this uh historically Black colleges and universities were out Of money they were Stone C broke and I Saved them and I gave them long-term Financing and nobody else was doing it I Think it's a very rude introduction I Don't know exactly why you would do Something like that and let me go a step Further I was invited here and I was Told my opponent whether it was Biden or Camala uh I was told my opponent was Going to be here it turned out my Opponent isn't here you invited me under False pretense and then you said you

Can't do it with zoom well you know Where's Zoom she's going to do it with Zoom and she's not coming and then you Were half an hour late just so we Understand I have too much respect for You to be late they couldn't get their Equipment working or something Mr I Would who say I think it's a very Nast I have answer the question I have Been the best President for the black population since Abraham Lincoln that's my answer better Than President Johnson sign the Voting Rights Act for you to start off a Question and answer period especially When you're 35 minutes late because you Couldn't get your equipment to work in Such a hostile manner I think it's a a Disgrace I really let me one of these Trumpers tweeted Trump just put her in Her place Which again is a problem for trumpers Because he's not going there for you Like you guys are already voting for Them right he's going there because he Thought he was going to he's making Inroads into the black Community and maybe he'll you know still Have some you know um you know some People who used to be voting for Biden Switching over to voting for him but This isn't going to help him Right followup sir and then we'll move On to other questions here uh some of

Your own supporters including Republicans on Capitol Hill have labeled Vice president kamla Harris who is the First black and Asian-American woman to Serve as vice president and be on a Major party ticket as a Dei hire is that Acceptable language to you and will you Tell those Republicans and those Supporters to stop it how do you how do You define Dei go ahead how do you Define diversity Equity inclusion okay Yeah go ahead so he didn't even know That like Trump didn't even know what She's talking about I didn't either but I knew it was going to be something like That like I just from the context of the Word and so you know these other people Are saying that Trump doesn't even know He's she's talking about here is that What your definition give me that is That that is Give me a definition then Would you give me a definition of that Give me a definition of that sir I'm Asking you a question very Define the Define it for me if you I just defined It sir do you believe that vice President KLA Harris is only on the Ticket because she is a black woman well I can say no I think it's maybe you know Um what are you talking about so like First of all this is a you know a huge Things for Trump to do right like just Stupid um especially you know so so soon After his traumatic imaginary bullet

Missed his ear or hit his ear and you Know left no damage um but Joe Biden Defined her as that Joe Biden came out And said that he was going to have a Woman as a vice president and then all The people of color say hey we're your Main your main Uh support system like he was saved in South Carolina by black people in the You know with the guy um whatever that Senator's name is klyburn and so um you Know he was he lost the New Hampshire And Iowa primaries which is white people Primaries right where there's a low Population of black people and Joe Biden's campaign he was fourth and fifth In Iowa and New Hampshire and he had Been the front run the whole way and Then all of a sudden he was his campaign Was dying he had the noble ly crap that He was pushing out there he went to South Carolina and curn goes I'll save You here you got to get your sh your together you got to you know get Rid of this snow Malarkey crap and you Know actually campaign and so Clyburn Got a you know the high population of Black people in South Carolina to vote For Biden and he carried the state so he Won a primary and then they rigged it For him after that Right because they didn't want Bernie Sanders and so they then now go to him And go well if you want a woman why not

A woman of color so then Biden commits To that he was going to get a woman a Woman of color he did this publicly he Said my vice president will be a woman Of color will be an African-American Woman and so the options were there and He chose kamla and the options weren't You know there wasn't like Stacy Abrams Was somebody that talked about but he Himself said just like he said he was Going to put the first African-American Woman on the Supreme Court and so that is a diversity and Equity higher like that was you know not That these are people who are part of The system you know are are given a Green light right they're you know They've been given a you know they're Part of the beastly system the you know Just like all the other potential Candidates so yeah there's that so they Have Qualifications but he specifically said He was going to run with a black woman a Woman of color and then that's what Happened so like what are you talking About that's the truth of it like he Handpicked he said he was going to pick Somebody of these demographics a woman And a woman of color right so these were The things that were def her defining Characteristics that got her the Position of Vice President a little bit Different so uh I've known her a long

Time indirectly not directly very much And she was always of Indian Heritage And she was only promoting Indian Heritage I didn't know she was black Until a number of years ago when she Happened to turn black and now she wants To be known as black so I don't know is She Indian or is she black she has Always identified as a Black colge I respect either one but she Obviously doesn't because she was Indian All the way she went to Canadian uh high school and Canadian College before going to a historically Black college so she was La you know I Mean she she lived in she's part can Canadian you know other than being Irish And Jaan and being Indian and then Marrying a Jewish guy so like you know I Mean yeah she tries to do that now um But bizarrely she's not popping in the Black community which I'll say talk About in a second here and then all of a Sudden she made a turn and she went she Became a black person just to be clear Sir do you believe I think somebody Should look into that too when you ask a Continue in a very hostile nasty tone It's a direct question nasty the word Nasty was coming out all right so let me Let's go see K's reaction to this you've Already seen what I've covered like Which would be you know a more accurate Assessment of this whole thing like

Trump he butchered it there like it's Just stupid what he said not the way That I said it right because he never Identified as Indian Kama was never an Indian person because she was in San Francisco she wasn't looking for the Indian She never did that that never happened Like as far as I know she never you know Other than in you know small things like With Mindy keing where she's trying to Get you know the small amount Indians Have a small percentage of of the vote It's like one or two% east Indian people Right people from India and I think There's what is it 12% are African-Americans that's the you know That's that demographic right this is What we're talking about with these Demographics the um you know something Like 70% 68% is white and 18% is Hispanic and like let's let's look at The demographics here so this is of 2018 It's actually more than 60% um our white 18% spanic 133% are Black 6% are Asian and green is Multi-racial which is 2% but of kids It's only 50% are white 25% are Hispanic 14% are Black um 5% are Asian and 4% Multi-racial and things so you see the Difference eventually there'll be no White people won't have a majority Anymore and they're already pushing for

That um there's 4.8 million Asian-americans in the US making about At 1.35% of the total population and some Of those people I think that's maybe Citizens so people are on visas work Visas and things maybe let's say it's 2% Right and so you're not going to get Elected on that 2% but that 2% will vote For you like I said CU they're very um Ethnocentric and so she'll get the Support of the Indian people you know And some of them are racist so you know Who knows right but that's not enough to Carry her so she never pushed herself Out as an Indian person she pushed her She always pushed herself out she Labeled herself in terms of being a Political figure as a black person and So Trump is just making up right Like he does which is stupid and like he Went there in a way that isn't you know What I was talking about is that she's Fake that she pretends to be a you know Like a black person from the streets you Know identifying from you know lower Income and she's from the elite class Right she's from the Elite Class of Jamaican former slave owner who was a You know a millionaire in his time right Great-grandfather who was Irish and her Father was Jamaican and her mother was In the the elite Brahman cast and was Obviously came from money and they were

Academic Elites as well right going to Stanford University these elitists California University and being in Canada hyper liberal her dad was a Marxist communist right these you know She's an elite liberal type of person Who isn't going to get elected right Like she's a really more of a Bernie Sanders but she wants to be more of a Joe Biden right Centrist somebody who's Can you know go navigate all these Different things but what's interesting Is she's not even winning the black Population the black vote because that's Who she's going after right off the bat Right so again here here's KLA Harris um She's talking with this Barack Obama Sort of accent right which um you know Sometimes you hear white people do this Right like where they're trying to fit Into you know a black sort of whatever It is right where they're trying to talk What they consider black people talk Like so back when I played basketball There's a guy in my YMCA team this is Back in college you know so he um in Connecticut and he lived in Bridgeport Which is a very tough Town Gang oriented Just um close to New York and you know Just a lot of crime projects there And it's a part of Fairfield County Which is an ultra Rich Fairfield and is Right next to Bridgeport and Fairfield It's one of the highest per capita Gold

Coast kind of rich people from New York That live there and when he was trying To be like like tough so he's a blonde Guy he was from ger from Poland like Polish ancestry and he loved the European bands remember the the new wave European bands that he had spiked hair And You know he was like into that stuff and He did like mail model stuff and when he Wanted to be tough he' tell people I'm From Bridgeport baby right like he talk Like that and then when he was talking To somebody who was you know whatever More business or more establishment he'd Be like I'm from fail fi County right so Like you know negotiating these two Different things we used to make fun of Them because of it right but people do This where they have their different Voices for the different demographics Their you know whatever might be and That's what what she's doing here and It's you know it's just really fake and She's an elite person and here it is it Is so good to be with you this evening And I say that as a proud member of the Divine nine and when I look out at Everyone here I see family and you know We all we share a vision for the future Of our Nation ours is a vision of a future in Which we realize the promise of America and aren't so many of us

Empirical evidence of the promise of America a promise of Freedom opportunity And Justice not for some but for all Since 1922 the members of Sigma gamma row Sorority Incorporated have helped realize that Promise so she's talking to a historic Black sorority and I'm going to show you Where she was at an event With um quavo who she is it quavo I Think quavo who she referenced and Quoted I I earlier in this video a Rapper you know I think it's quavo That's confusing so I'm editing here I I Showed you the thing from quavo already Because I did that yesterday and now we Know a lot more about all this stuff Today which is Thursday August 1st but You know she had that thing with quavo Or Quo and Megan the stallion who um made That video with cardi B that song called Wet ass p word right which is you know So derogatory to women and just you know All of it and just stuff that young Girls shouldn't be listening to and that Was in I Georgia and I'm going to show you a clip From that and so this means that her Campaign is focusing on African-Americans first and foremost Which she should already have because Joe Biden had a high turnout of

African-American vote and maybe lost a Little bit because of his failures and His inflation and things but he had a That was his biggest demographic he Bragged about it right you know there's That clip I've shown you over and over Again well let's let's show that clip of Kamla here let's go to it here I I Wanted to return back to this issue of Of black voters I I have a lifetime of Experience with black voters I've been One since I was 18 Um nobody on the stage should need a Focus group to hear from African-American voters uh black voters Are pissed off and they're worried They're pissed off because the only time Our issues seem to be really paid Attention to by politicians is when People are looking for their vote and They're worried because the Democratic Party we don't want to see people miss This opportunity and lose because we are Nominating someone okay so the reason Why they think the reason this is is Going into this debate the reason why Everyone thinks Hillary Clinton lost at This point um in 200 19 or 20 whenever This debate was 2020 was that she couldn't bring in the Black vote that Barack Obama brought in Again 12% of the Population and you know and and more so Now and Joe Biden was winning the black

Vote which was bizarre because he came Out of the Obama um Coalition which he's Going to talk about here but Corey Booker and kamla Kam is about to Withdraw she popped for a little bit and Then people got a a whiff of her and They didn't like her Democrats and they You know and and he's going to withdraw Neither Cory Booker or commy Harris Received one vote like Cory Booker Didn't make it to the primaries either Right and so they're two black people Who can't believe they're losing the Black vote to this cile Lem fer this um You know uh no Malarkey mfer right they Can't believe it like this old white guy Who said racist stuff in the past and Has these gaffs out there and is clearly Scile is getting more support from the Black community than they are and so This is playing out now right bizarrely Enough one that doesn't isn't trusted Doesn't have authentic connection and so That's what's on the ballot and issues Do matter I I I have a lot of respect Comm said yes they do for for the vice President he is swore me into my office As a hero this week I hear him literally Say that I don't think we should Legalize marijuana I I I I thought you Might have been high when you said it And and let me tell you because because Marijuana marijuana marijuana in our Country is already legal for privileged

People and it's Cory Booker I'm not Going to show you this but it's Hilarious but this video is going to be Like four hours long but he um he had an Imaginary friend named T-Bone and of Course he had an imaginary friend named Corn poop Right both tough you know gang guys Right Black Gang guys that don't exist Right the War on Drugs has been a war on Black and brown people and so let me Just let me just say this with more African-Americans under criminal Supervision in America then all the Slaves since 1850 do not roll up in Communities and not talk directly to Issues that are going to relate to the Liberation of children because there are People in Congress right now that admit To smoking marijuana while there are People our kids are in jail right now For those drug crimes and so these are The kind of issues that mean a lot to Our community and if we don't have Somebody authentically we lost the last Election let me just give you this data Example we lost in Wisconsin because of A massive dimunition a lot of reasons But there was a massive dimunition in The African-American vote so he's Talking about Hillary Clinton that she Didn't appeal to black people so that's A big part of the democratic idea here That we have to bring in the black vote

The way Obama did because it put them Over the top right the enthusiasm as Well right we need to have someone that Can Inspire as comma said to inspire African-Americans to the polls at Rec Thank you Senator Booker Vice President Biden you can respond to that I'll be Very brief number one I think we should Decriminalize marijuana period And I Think everyone anyone who has a record Should be let out of jail their records Expunged it be completely he didn't do That so we know that didn't happen Zeroed out but I KLA Harris was one of The worst she threw in black people for Marijuana crimes like she was really Like almost you know would be considered Almost racist the way that she did that Against black you know uh you know black Pot users do think it makes sense Based On data that we should study what the Long-term effects on for the use of Marijuana that's all it is number one Everybody gets out record expunge Secondly I uh you know I'm I'm part of That that Obama Coalition I come out of The black community in terms of my Support if you notice I have more people Supporting me in the black community That announced for me because they know Me they know who I am three former Chairs of the black caucus the only African-American woman that ever been Elected to the United States Senate a

Whole range of people my point is not True the other one is Here and this is scile Joe Biden right This is the Parkinson's the first the First africanamerican elect first so my Point is my point is one of the reasons I was picked to be vice president was He's doing the Comm of the laugh right That really pisses people off but that Was that right and you know this was Them not believing that Joe Biden had More appeal than the African this old White guy had more appeal in the African-American Community than either Cory Booker or kamla like they were Getting no support which was you know Stunning to them like that's why and He's scile they like this guy scile he's A front runner and nobody could Understand why I mean that's how these Debates went it was like there's this One guy who didn't get get was going on Cuz he was too far gone and he was the Guy who was winning they couldn't Believe it so this is the CNN hit piece Where they're talking about Biden's Scaffs right and this is where Biden Talks with this you know trying to get Street cred I would call it um accent Variety it's raising questions about Appropriate behavior for someone eyeing The White House was the C American Audience about Mitt Romney in 2012 they Going to put you all back in

Chains he's going to put you all back in Chains right where's that accent what's That accent Joe where'd you get that Accent right and that's the accent that KLA Harris is Using right and you know just trying to Get street Cred we'll see how this plays out but The African-American Community which was A little bit more down on Biden this Time like he didn't have the support he Added the first time and they might I Like KLA right you know again person by Person but more so than that you would Think that's why she's got to go to all These um you know these crowds these Areas where she's targeting black people That's what she's doing now like she's Got to win them over and then all these Other people and there's lots of people That aren't going to like her different Demographics so I think this thing's Already over I think Trump already knows This it doesn't explain a stupid Decision here But I think this is you know I think They're making this sound a lot closer Than it actually is what those four Years were like and today we were given Yet another Reminder this Afternoon Donald Trump spoke at the Annual meeting of the National Association of black journalists

And it was the same old Show the Divisiveness and the Disrespect and let me just say see what He said wasn't disrespectful or it is Divisive but that was his goal but it Wasn't Disrespectful because you know some of It was deceptive because she never tried To Define herself as an Indian person in Fact she hid that right her name is Cala Which is an Indian name and she was Raised primarily by her mother which I Talked about earlier who was a Brahman Um Indian woman from Tamil Nadu right From that part of the you know India and So she's in this you know Elite Cast um but she tried to you know she Tried to have Swagger but that's not how She grew up right maybe she had some Influence from the black community but Again her dad's Jamaican right her dad Probably spoke with a he definitely Spoke with a Jamaican accent and so She's you know and she grew up in these Uh these um suburbs like of Berkeley she Wasn't growing up in in poverty in the Inner city where she tries to like you Know have this sort of Street crit right And so Trump alluded to that in a very Like he did it in the worst possible way But it's not you know it's divisive but Not racist because it's true you know Some of it's true like it's at least

He's you know the basis of what he's Saying is true that she's you know Pretending to be something she's not Right the American people deserve better The American people deserve Better the American people deserve a Leader who tells the Truth a leader who does not respond with Hostility and anger when confronted with The facts again there these are Mainstream media facts this is what I've Always said that those of us in the Truth community and it's you know like Let's say it's 50 to 60% of the people Have uh views of alternative ideas that Are out there right like that's why they Try to suppress all the truth or stuff Not that everyone agrees with it but we We have one thing in common is we don't Believe the official Story 60 to 70% of People know the media lies to them and Believe that Congress and politicians Lie to them right so it's an Overwhelming majority of people and we All know that like we all are aware of That right and so you know that we're Being lied to and we might not have the Actual factual um the you know the real Story the reality but we we do know We're being lied to and so the official Story's been debunked over and over Again and we don't believe in it the Majority of American people right like 70% said that Joe Biden is too far gone

He's too old and has some kind of you Know cognitive issues to be president And he's still president and KLA said he Was fine and he's alert he's great in Meetings which is a doubt andout Lie Cover up right and she should be held Accountable for that but she isn't like Because the media is not doing that and So that's you know that's like another Deception here right but she doesn't Have anything to say about what Trump Said because she has a speech he was Given I'm assuming she has some sort of Teleprompter and she doesn't have Anything like she should have some kind Of I mean she's just talking very Vaguely about what Trump said we deserve A leader who Understands that our differences do not Divide Us they are an essential source of our Strength so I say to Sigma gamma R Sor Incorporated ours is a fight for the Future and it is a fight for Freedom across she so she doesn't talk About anything she has she's just like She has she sucks at this right like she Should have been able to slam Trump unsp Specifics but she didn't um and what Trump was basically saying is that she's A fraud which you can say the same thing About Trump because Trump is is Pretending to be a republican just like She's pretending that she came from some

Africanamerican background and she's Like the rest of the black people here Which she's not she's very unique an Irish slave owner from Jamaica with a Jamaican father and an East Indian um uh Mother like that's a very rare Combination of perfect like I don't Think there probably I don't know how Many people in America you think or Worldwide have a Jamaican father and an East Indian mom right like there's not That many Jamaican people first of all Jamaica is a small island right and so There isn't a lot of African and Indian Marriages between African people and Indian people unless you go to like South Africa or something like that There's a high population of Indian People in South Africa and black people You know people of uh you know African People but in terms of Jamaican she's a Jamaican woman you half Jamaican half East Indian and and a third Irish she's Probably maybe the only person like with Those like with that genetic makeup Right and her siblings and so and she's Trying to have street cred and and Elitist right people who are academic People people who are you know Dad's a Marxist very liberal you know California Is you know California person and Canadian she'd spent time in Canada and California right all these things so you Understand the level of Amateur hour

Here there's no way Trump should be here Because this has no political benefit For him and they're still talking about This today on CNN and MSNBC although there's been an Assassination uh of a the so-called Hamas leader in Iran which means that Israel's now done a an active war in Iran um so like that's all happening Right I mean there's like real stuff Happening but this dop shouldn't have Gone in this show but KLA Harris is you Know out there trying to win over a Demographic that she already should have Won over and so what Trump is saying Here although he butchered in and say Poorly is actually a real thing like she May not be as popular and we already Knew that from 2020 that she doesn't get As much of the black vote out as Joe Biden which is Unthinkable right I mean As bad as KLA Harris is Joe Biden was Like straight up old guy racist like Trump right like Joe Biden said racist Things the same way that Trump did like You know just old guy old white guy you Know that just they grew up with a Certain attitude towards black people so The whole thing is Amateur hour question Sir do you believe that vice president Kamla Harris is a Dei hire as some I Really don't know I mean I really don't Know could be could be there are some And there are uh plenty I know this lady

Right over there Harris is a fantastic Person who just interviewed me at length And we had a great look at her she's so Upset interview I think and I heard you Got very good ratings on that well you Told me it was the longest one of your Life so we had a good discussion look I She's from Fox I want to talk about why You're here today I mean it is not lost On us how divided we are as a country And as you were coming today we really Got to see that we were divided along The lines of race along the lines of Gender and there is this question of in This moment where we are Why come here what is your message Today my message is to stop people from Invading our country that are taking Frankly a lot of problems with it but One of the big problems and a lot of the Journalists in this room I know and I Have great respect for a lot of the Journalists in this room are black I Will tell you that coming all all of Them are black And so they're laughing you know like Coming from the border are millions and Millions of people that happen to be Taking black jobs you had the best see Like he has no one's told him that the Black job thing is kind of a derogatory Term um but there is some truth to this Idea that there's a replacement Population because you know there's this

Idea that the Democrats you know the Whole thing with BLM black Liv matter And then and these riots and the George Floyd stuff was you know and some of These boycotts and the stuff like no They posting no hate and end racism on NFL jerseys and stuff with the NBA and All these things that the problem with Police violence and you know police have Targeted black people like I know that Because I've talked to Cops who have Admitted that that they Prof you know Cops profile people not just black People but everybody but some of the Role police is to keep impoverished People not just black people but poor White rednecks and Hispanics and other People you know who are you know po Whatever trailer park people ghetto People right um public housing people Poor people away from rich people right That's you know that's a part of what The police is there for the police is There to divide you know the people who The halves from the halves Nots right to Protect the halves from the Have Nots And There is this idea that finally there's Going to be Justice and you know this Idea of reparations and none of that Stuff's going to happen because the People who run the system know that they Have to Depopulate there has to be a reduction

In population and immigrants come in and They're always hungrier you know my my Family came from immigrants right my my Uh grandfather came over from ger Germany his you know family my Grandmother came over from Ireland she Was you know an orphan I'm not sure Exactly if she her parents came over They died or you know I should know that Story but I don't and my grandfather From uh came over from sicy when he was 16 my dad's dad you know my grandfather And um my grandmother came out from from Albania right and these people coming Into America are usually coming from Horrible places and so they're worth e Their worth ethic and their attitude is A lot better than people who grow up in America that are entitled and so that's The idea of a replacement population you Have hard workers coming in desperate People leaving horrible situations and They're willing to do the work even the Brain drain jobs like the you know Indians that come here the East Indians That come here um you know I talked About these you know academics doctors And Engineers they'll work harder and They'll get calls at 4 in the morning And go in I mean I know these people I Know some of the East Indians that came Over with real cushy jobs they get paid A lot of money but they have Visa they Have a work visa so they have to keep

That job to stay in America they've Bought in property here they're not American citizens yet and there's people Who come over with phds and they have You know they are slaves to the Corporation that they work for and They'll work way higher than the American people that get hired right you Know and they'll do math right you know I was talking to one of my like my Friend I think it was from Korea he was From Korea uh I think it was him this Might be somebody but he an Asian guy And I said you know why are Asians Better at uh you know the Americans in Math and he goes cuz you know Americans Don't want to do math like American kids Don't want to do math right because They're entitled and so this idea of a Replacement population well they're not Going to give the black community what The black community is now thinking they Might get reparations and respect and These things they're using these things To divide people you know the antifa and Black lives matter but they're going to Reduce the population they're going to Get they're taking from everybody They're not they're not in the giving Mood right things aren't going to get Better you're not going to get a better Deal the people I call the controllers They're not going to give you more They're they don't have it to give you

Right they're going to get rid of Social Security and they're going to give you Less of a lifestyle that's the agenda 30 You know there's no all these ideas that You think that there's there's some kind Of division and they're going to give More from the the white Community to the Black community or they're going to Whatever it is they're not going to give To anybody they're taking right now They're they're taking things and They're reducing the population that's All what's going on cuz the the system Is Unsustainable and so they're going to Take everybody's lifestyle poor Rich you Know black white women men you know gay Straight all these things they're taking Every from everybody there's no sense of What we're going to take from this group And give to you that ain't happening There's nothing to give right they're They're asked out they have no money They're broke an immigrant population When an immigrant population comes in That's coming from a worse situation to A better situation they're always going To work harder than the entitled people Of that country especially here in America and so that you know the idea of Replacement population in that sense has Some Merit right what exactly is a black Job sir a black job is anybody that has A job that's what it is anybody that has

A job that's Black and they're taking they're taking The employment away from black people They're coming in and they're coming in They're invading it's an invasion of Millions of people probably 15 16 17 Million people I have a feeling it's Much more than that and and everybody's Been seeing what's happened the first Group of people the black population is Affected most by that and kamla is Allowing it to happen she's the bordar She's the worst Bazar in the history of The world there's ever been a bordar Like this she's never even essentially Been she said she was there once but not The right part of the border so she was A bord she's this is why it came here Like this is his message it makesense to Get this out but they're not going to Play this right see we live in a world Of sound bit CNN and MSNBC and these Other major liberal news outlets don't Cover Trump but they go to all of his Events looking for a few sound bites They can play to fit the narrative and Trump always gives them that right and This is even worse because it's you know These black journalists and he should Know that they're journalists they're Mainstream like I said earlier and so as Soon as he says something That's fits the narrative that's going To be covered the rest of his talking

Points are not right and so even if the Talking points have some legitimacy to Them or they're good talking points Doesn't matter done a horrible job these People are coming into our country and They're taking black jobs and Hispanic Jobs and frankly they're taking union Jobs unions are being very badly Affected by all of the millions of People that are pouring into our country And one thing as we as we discussed many Of these people are coming in from Mental institutions from prisons from Jails they gang members in other Countries other countries are setting Loose their prisoners they're opening up Their prisons and their mental Institutions and they're taking their Their bad people uh drug dealers gang Members and they're bringing them into The United States and by the way their Crime rate is going down and our crime Rate is going to be a disaster Mr President I I want to get into how you You know everybody's concerned about This the immigration like we heard that Guy in my last video that black guy Talking about it you know every Demographic is concerned about this the Immigration problem right and for those Reasons and you know Trump sabotaged Some of the legislation like it isn't Because he knew this would be a good Issue to him or Trump uh him or Biden on

And now Harris you know so it isn't like He's you know he he he's using this Politically right because they could Have passed more aggressive legislation That came from that senate or Oklahoma Was a republican but Trump had the Republican sabotaged that so Biden Wouldn't have a win and so he could Campaign against him right so this is You know he doesn't have a problem with Immigration he's just using it as a Weapon right because he's fake Trump's Fake like they're all fake address some Of the issues with black communities and I say that plural because we live in Communities of color that are different We're not all the same we don't vote the Same we don't think the same it's not Monolithic um so as you come here today I want to talk about something which is A valid point right because that's you Know what I would say about you know KLA Harris like she's trying to be Stereotypically black right like but There's various you know like what People think about black people in terms Of the the media profile but there's Plenty of black people live in suburbs There's plenty of black people with phds And you know whatever it is right just Like with you know any population There's the stereotypes and there's the How they're viewed but there people like Kamla Harris who grew up in you know she

Grew up in private schools and she's an Elitist right kamla Harris comes from an Elite family uh you know family with Money and when you grow up with that Kind of uh family it's different when You grow up in a highly educated family You grow up in a family that's you know Lives in you know the the sort of the Liberal Rich liberal area uh you know Around Berkeley or these schools and Stanford and things in California a College town you grow up in a college Town is supposed to you know with the Inner city it's you're going to be a Different person right that bursts and This is the weight of the inflation on This country right now uh the nonprofit Money Management International recently Released data from its midyear analysis That we have found a 52% rise in people Who are seeking counseling for being in Credit debt they're paying for food that Is Skyhigh on their credit cards and now They can't pay that off the credit Counseling nonprofit MMI as I said is Saying now that they've seen surges that They haven't seen since we were in a Pandemic of people in she she's given She's put this stuff on a te for Trump Because she's a Fox News Pro prot Trump Reporter right she's that woman on that Show the five or whatever it is Financial trouble much of that falls on The the shoulders of single moms single

Black moms when you look statistically How do you turn it around what's your Plan for the black community when it Comes to money so first of all uh it's Very hard to hear you for whatever Reason because of the fact that they Have bad equipment cuz I guess you know This one he just he just can't help Being a Dick he just can't not be a dick right Like he just can't do it was unable to Get the right equipment but it's very Hard for me to hear you but I can hear Every other word uh it's very difficult Actually but so I don't know if they can Fix maybe it's your hearing like you Know now you're the old guy right you Know you know before po Biden was Obviously the old guy but now KL Harris Is substantially younger than him he's The old guy and you know they want him To do old guy things like this interview Or do something with it but I'll do the Best I can with it uh the inflation is Absolutely destroying our middle class Uh our working class virtually every Class inflation is a disaster in our Country inflation is a country Buster it Breaks every country and we had in my Opinion the worst inflation we've had They say it's 58 years but I think it's Much more than that it's been Devastating and if you just take a look At a lot of things they don't include

Like interest rates interest rates went From 2.4% to 10% and you can't get the Money people can't buy houses they no Longer have the American dream young People young black people the reason the Interest rates went that high is they're Trying to drive the high housing market Up and they can't uh down but they can't Do it and so because people aren't Selling their properties people have a Second house third house people aren't Selling their properties because they Don't believe in the dollar anymore they Don't want to they believe in land right Land is always going to have value as Opposed to Money Cash you know currency And people who have investment Properties have Commodities have gold Have you know investment in you know Whatever farmlands and things like this Like that's real like people have real Stuff and they're holding on to real Things because they believe the Inflation is worse because it is right Inflation is they're driving up trying To drive up drive up uh drive down home Prices and they can't do it like even With these high interest rates that's Why they they raise the interest rate And so that means that inflation is Worse than they're saying because They're artificially keeping the price Of gold down they're keeping the price Of real estate down right in Commodities

They don't have the American dream Anymore they can't buy a house they Can't borrow the money this isn't just Joe on Joe Biden this Trump did this too Trump did the bailout Trump closed the Economy down like Trump got played right He got worked because of the cost of the Money they can't buy because of the cost Of housing because of the cost to build It because of inflation inflation is a Disaster and it's destroying our country And it's destroying the black community Probably as much what do you do what's Your plan you know what we have to do we Have to bring down the cost of energy And that's going to bring down the cost Of inflation this was all started with a Bad energy policy by Joe Biden by the Way just if I might I was running Against a man named Biden you probably Saw that and he was losing very badly in The polls and then he had a rather bad Debate I would say it was a bad debate I Would say it was one of the worst worst Debates in history and his poll numbers Crashed and instead of saying you know Let's keep going and maybe something Happens the other way they said oh we're Going to replace him let's just replace Him that's like you're in a fight a Prize fighter is in a fight he's not Doing where you say let's bring in Another fighter so our whole campaign Was steered toward him and now we have

To steer to but ultimately it's the same Because they have bad policy they have Policies of open borders unbelievable Open borders horrible energy policies They want to get rid of uh as you say Gasoline in cars they want to get rid of Oil they want to get rid of efficient Efficient heating environmentally what They're doing is killing her he did a Dismissive point at that woman here Uh environmentally what they're doing is Killing our country they're ABS so I Ended up jumping forward here it was Very entertaining and then my wife and I Listened to the whole thing of the car Went to the chiropractor which was um my Wife has scheduled that right before I Got my back hurt he really didn't help But my back's better now um you know It's like 80% better or Something but anyways I went back and I Found these two parts but I skipped all The parts that weren't the one woman Interacting with them and there were a Couple there's a lot of funny stuff here I'm not going to show you everything Because it's long but here are some Great Moments he a United States Senator so He's a United States Center and and so Harris like I respect you for your Success I respect people for their Success I the reason I asked the Question is because the last time you

And I sat and talked was the day that You were shot we've been together for Much of that day you left uh to go to Butler Pennsylvania and we didn't know What was next and two days after that I Cannot understand your microphone it is Really hard for me I can understand you Perfectly she's closer I can understand You that's classic Trump right um but Here's a ketchup gate intersection so so Trump is like pointing out that this Woman he keeps on blaming her for the Bics and she obviously isn't the Technician but they had problem setting Up the mics and you know him was going At this woman who asked him what he Considered nasty questions but it's part Of her belief system as a reporter a Mainstream reporter right of course she Was going to ask those questions he Likes the middle woman too because he Says she's not as Nasty but here he that but I can't Understand Harris a few more questions Because of the and the mics are really In lousy shape but I cannot understand Are youing question what you're saying So what I wanted to say was the last Time we spoke you said some words that Were prophetic because I asked you who You wanted to choose for vice president Yeah and you said normally it really Wouldn't matter what they would bring You know you choose somebody that you

Think has a future that sort of thing But you said these words 3 and 1 half Hours before an attempted assassination On in your life you told me that bad Things happen Harris and that's why this Decision is important this time bad Things happen you said it twice see Trump can't help himself like he knew There was going to fake some right He knew there's a fake you know the Band-Aid gate and ketchup gate was Coming up and he can't help himself and He said this to her and she's making it Sound like he was being prophetic but he Just brags and like Trump is the worst He can't keep secrets they shouldn't Give this guy classified information he Just can't do it and so he was you know He did what he did There a cognitive test now I'd do it With her too I would do it with her also You know what she failed her log exam She didn't pass her log exam so maybe She wouldn't pass the cognitive test Mr President you saying she wouldn't pass Just to be clear I'm just giving you the Fact to be clear you don't think intend She didn't pass her bar exam and she Didn't think she would pass it and she Didn't think she was going to have to Pass it and I don't know what happened Maybe she passed it I guess there's a Man over here I think must work so then Towards the end here wraps up with this

Stuff Here so Trump's triggered at the woman In the blue here limited time sir I'd Love to move on to different ex you're The one that held me up for 35 minutes Just so you Understand if we can move on now to this St this is great the race or I want to Get back to the campaign I mean it's a It's a horrible decision for him to come Out here because of you know all the Things I've said it's great for me Though Senator JD Vance is your and all Of us because it's funny so then there Funny thing happens here and um JD Vance I'm going to get my JD Vance question in Um to your point and to Rachel's point He you know has a lot of opinions about Childless women like myself or divorce People like yourself do you think Well I mean my point is here I'm I'm Actually glad he went to this thing I Mean personally it's a disaster for him But again this is Hilarious this is great she's asking Good questions here will still be President at 82 which is older than Biden is right Now but not mentally look Mentally here's the question he's shot He shot but most people would you cons Most people I know many many people in Their 80s and their '90s that are in Great shape some of our great leaders

You look at throughout the world world History the greatest leaders some of the Greatest leaders in the world were in Their 80s but here's the question would You consider stepping down if you felt That your health was declining or would You oh absolutely and who would I think Know how would you make that decision I Think I'd know look if I came onto a Stage like this and I got treated so Rudely as this woman treated oh my Goodness fish boy bra And I'm fine with it because she it Doesn't she was very rude sir very rude That was a nasty that wasn't a question She didn't ask me a question she gave a Statement that wasn't a question I Repeated statement actually you you you Said you would you would oh absolutely If I she like she's got to keep trunk Trum Trum trunk on track here that I was Failing in some way I want people to be Shar I'll go a step further I want Anybody running for president to take an Aptitude test to take a cognitive test I Think it's a great idea and I took two Of them and I I aced them I I took two Of them not the good ones they not the Hard ones but let me ask you and he Would pass the probably the hard ones But like the ones that screen for Dementia Parkinson's he might not pass In a year or two I mean I don't know About Parkinson's but dementia more

Openly than I saw on January 6th what's Going to happen to those people what's Going to happen to the people in Portland that destroyed that what's Going to happen my question is on those Riers who assaulted officers would you Pardon what's going to happen oh Absolutely I would if if they're Innocent I would pardon them they've Been convicted and by the way the Supreme Court just Under after the j6 people with a Vengeance j6 and I'll tell you what she Didn't go after him who's who's you look At him he's this is sad fish boy here What about the cops that were and and I'm all for the police as you know but What about the police that are ushering Ushering everybody into the capital go In go in go in what about that look no One nothing is nothing is perfect in Life but you have people from Min anyway So kind of a disaster the sound bites Were early on um Trump you know like Just um not letting it go bad move on His part K is out which we said trying To win the black vote which is makes it It seemed like she has no chance of Winning which I'm not saying is a you Know I I think Trump winning is going to Be more of a Disaster for all the reasons I've said Before that the truth community and the Trumpers will relax and they'll just

Push through so much stuff and Trump Will probably push it through just like He did with the operation warp speed Because the trumpers are delusional There's no winning here it's you know We're heading towards the End like both these things indicate We're heading towards the end so I guess This guy is um Dr Jack Cruz I mentioned Him at the beginning of the video I Watched this clip and you know I had Turned everything on my computers and Stuff to get rid of the blue light and I Had blue light glasses and things um but I you know made an effort to do that I Found a way to do it on my TV they Didn't have a setting for that but um Really important this guy makes some Points here that I think are valid and There's a little bit of a eort after That there's going to be a Cory Feldman Your computer screens are blue lit the Reason none of them are red lit the Reason none of them pay attention to Secan biology is because that original Technology was developed in a government Program that Bobby Kennedy knows about And I happen to know about because I Went to medical school at LSU for those Of you who've never heard about Operation Paperclip you think it's all Conspiracy theory so at two-lane Neurology and two-lane neurosurgery in The 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s the CIA

Started a program there where they would Do all these crazy things to monkeys and The CIA wanted to see how they could Control things utilizing different Things like drugs and things like that Where the neurosurgeons got involved Which is my clade we would drill help The tops of the heads off put wires into The thalamus put electricity in there And kind of see what kind of Behavioral Changes we could have one of the guys That was in that program was a guy named Professor Delgado he got the idea to Take it in a bigger animal when he saw That we could control the behavior with The wired device he said what if we do It wirelessly so he checked it in Monkeys and checked it in Bulls and it Turned out you can do it wirelessly with RFID chips and semiconductors then the CIA took it to the next level they said Well since this is electromagnetic Radiation and they be get done Wirelessly what if we did it through Light through screens and it turns out You can and that's the reason why all Your computer screens have the Frequencies they have so why is this all Important Okay Thank you very Much okay so after seeing that I'm Pretty sure Cory Felman doesn't know how To play guitar at all he knows how to

Make noise at faces um Cory J Felman Someone else sent me something I didn't Get a chance to see it yet on another Cory Feldman so there's some recent Renaissance of Corey J Feldman here um All right so I'm going to wrap this Video up I don't think there's much more To say this video is going to be close To 4 hours probably going to put this up For like 2 and 1 half days before I Release another video it just went this Way and I'll talk about that I'm going a A quick introduction to the video um so That's it for this one only spiritual Value will save this world it's Pomano Definely report to the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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