Your own Personal Jesus + Aaron Rodgers Stephan a Smith Ryan Clark Beef

Your own Personal Jesus + Aaron Rodgers Stephan a Smith Ryan Clark Beef

Okay greetings brothers and sisters um For me to look at my view count I have My um YouTube page set On 110 in terms of its size 110% and so I have to look I have to Scroll over look The View count and then Even farther which I never do look at The thumbs up and things like that Because you know that stuff isn't really All that important I mean in terms of You know it's important to the Algorithms and all those things but to Me it's just you know I mean I don't Doesn't register an emotional response But the views are important of course The money is more important in terms of How much money I'm making per video in Terms of this being a Job or in terms of it being a job or Just a hobby and so Um uh the last video that I released or Not the last one the one of two days ago Got is at 550 5,584 video uh Views and more drones is at 6,000 and The other ones are pretty close to 5,000 Which was kind of what I was you know Like an average I think uh but you know Per day because there's more than few Videos that people are viewing you know Wherever that average is out per day Which I I'm not going to do right now so

Um what I'm kind of saying is my view Count went back up a little bit I'm not Sure what's up when one person said They're not getting the notifications Anymore they were and they now they're Not you know it's an ongoing thing it's Fluid but I wanted to start off today um You I've been talking About Jesus uh not Jesus the Bible There's a difference between Jesus and The Bible and I'm going to get into that Uh and religion in general and the Difference between religion and Spirituality and I read the book of Revelations and so there was a person Who Commented uh and said this um so this Was a book this was a a thing where I Said you don't want to uh you don't want To hear hear this but it needs to be Said so that's a video of a couple days Ago and it's where I read the book of Revelation and I talk about it more Extensively in the last video which is Entitled use your Noggin It's responding To a comment there but in General and Um there was Uh the comment to this so person was Speaking about here is the Book of Revelations and what they said was This I'm going to read the whole comment And then you should have kept reading Cuz I stopped reading because it just

Was kind of getting goofy and I you Know you should you should have kept Reading the happy ending is the new Earth and the new heaven that the people Of God inherit not that all good people Go to heaven the Bible doesn't even say That anyone will be in heaven except Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father but even he rules a thousand Years before the last judgment the Wicked won't repent and wo comes to wo Here comes the Seals and And not all will die you should keep Reading you should have kept Reading and you know that this this Is I don't want to call it like a you Know it's like a childish comment Because it lacks understanding of what Other people's point of view is right Because the only reason that you think It's the Book of Revelations is good is Because you believe in the Bible as A um source of truth right as an Authority it's just like what we deal With with sheeple sheepel think that Mainstream media is truth right is you Know the authority on Truth or is the You know reliable sources as they say in CNN right it's all about who's a Reliable source and that's what the Whole debate is right the whole debate Is who is you know know the where you're

Going to get your truth from I mean That's you know that's the like the the Question of our time now because of the Age of the internet where are you going To get your truth who is speaking truth Who is a a trusted Source who is a Reliable source who is the authority Right because most of the stuff that you Hear is just opinion or it's somebody's Subjective Experience because people have a lens in Which they see the world and that lens Is distorted by Prejudice and Ignorance and Emotion and desire and all these things Right your lens is distorted by what you Want to have happen and your your Prejudices about whatever you know is Going on in terms of that time it could Be racial prejudices but now it's more Belief prejudices people talk about Racism and things like that but we've Entered in a time where it's about what People believe you're more prejudiced You prejudge People based on what they Believe based on what group that they Fall into more more than even the color Of people's skin or the you know the Country that they live in it's more like People I mean when you're a truther you Want people like you who share their Their disdain and their lack of trust of The mainstream story in the governments Right when this person says that I

Should have kept on reading because it Has a happy ending I don't believe in this what's being Said there right so the Book of Revelations there Is somebody named John so I looked this Up fairly recently because it interested Me when I as a kid I was interested in The apocalypse because I'm an Apocalyptic kind of person right like I Was interested in not in some gloom and Doom type of way it's kind of Interesting thing you know whatever and The Bible was the Bible like I grew up The Bible was the Bible You know to me you know like it was a Source of a was a it was God's word or Whatever like I was a kid you know Whatever I felt about it and you know I Believed in it like it was something That I didn't question just like I Didn't question you know when you're a Kid you don't question things like this Right your parents are your parents and You think your parents are great Until You realize they're not I mean this Happens to you know PE people when they You you wake up to your parents's flaws Like when you're a little kid your Parents are like gods and you know you Might see some flaws and stuff in them But they don't really register till You're like a teenager you know you're 10 8 n 10 as you get older and you

Realize some my parents like I can't you Know trust them to the point where like To me they were less than me like at Some point like I was like I think I'm Better than my parents are right maybe I'll start off this video with a picture Of there's a picture of me and my mom And my dad at a gathering or maybe it Was at the Grand Canyon I was either There was a gathering in in Molina Georgia there's two pictures I think I'll put both of them up here and I'll Go back and forth between them or Whatever else or I don't know what I'll Do but my parents were like flawed like When I was in eighth grade my parents I Caught my parents lying in a bad lie and It just it was about me and I was just Like well that's messed up and they were Like children like I was talking to them Like they were the children and I was The adult which was also effed up right Cuz I'm like this shouldn't be the casee And I you know there's a variety of Times in my life my parents let me know That they were incompetent and I Couldn't trust them like I was talking To my wife the other day about I take Tests well like I was always good at Taking tests you know some people are Good at as some people aren't and one of The reasons was I was never stressed out By a test because I had you know school Was just something I had to be at like I

Didn't even know why I was at school and I took the SATs and I always you know This is something that bothers me now Too like I have this thing where there's Something that gets irritated in my Throat and like tears will well up in my Eyes and now that I get sore throats From talking too much and you know doing Whatever I do here whatever the reason Is it's kind of more of a problem now Like it's just there's something there And you know I cough and I you know I Can't function I can't like I just got To you drink some water and you you know As a kid whatever but in the SATs you Just had to sit there you know I don't Think they let you bring water bottles In or Whatever at least I didn't have any we We didn't do [ __ ] like that back then You had a water fountain when you you Know again kids didn't carry around Water bottles with them and so I'm Sitting there in the SATs and I have This experience where this thing's Irritating my throat and my tears well Up in my eyes and like the last 20% of The test or whatever I just went down And filled it out without even reading The questions right And so like I could have done a lot Better in the SAT so my wife was like Well why didn't you take it again I was Like well I had no idea what it was for

Like I was you know pretty clueless I Smok a lot of pot back then you know I Had the head injury but I just was you Know in this days you know this days Period this rahu period but my dad was a [ __ ] guidance counselor right Rita And Ralph Romano are my parents and so My dad was a freaking guidance counselor Right my D my dad my best friend from High school my dad wrote a letter of Recommendation for him and I was like Not involved in that at all right my dad Never once talked to me about like what I was going to do Post we didn't have One conversation in like I don't know my Entire High School like there was no he didn't do Any guidance counselor thing for any of My my family members my siblings met People people who my dad got into Colleges and they said oh he was a Really great guidance counselor but he Did nothing for his kids in terms of Helping them plan their lives and doing The things that like you know his one Skill he had and he was good at it at Work he didn't use at home and he was Pretty much incompetent about anything Everything else right like parents were Just like almost criminally incompetent And you know like my thing was my thing Too I whatever it was like and I didn't Respect my parents and you know it was Whatever it was like I don't know how

Much I would have listened to that but There was no sense of that right I just Like at some point I realized that they Were not an authority anymore like I you Know I had to figure I knew more than Them about life like I was I was already Better at life than they were and I Wasn't good at It like I wasn't like killing it like I You know I was I was underachieving and I was still more conscious it was really About being conscious like I was more Aware and awake and alive and you know More conscious than they were right like If I had a problem and I went to them They had they had no way of dealing with It like it it wouldn't even be you know It was just a silly idea and so it's but Before that when I was a kid I thought My parents were you know whatever they Were right they were the authority and I Trusted in them and like you just do That and so at some point you you know That is your government that is your Religion that is your every aspect of Your life you end up questioning it and If it sucks it does it doesn't you know Doesn't stand the the scrutiny and and The Bible doesn't stand the scrutiny Again if you're a Christian I'm not Trying to you know like there is plenty Of Christian channels out there there's Plenty of Christian Truthers and people who believe in the

Bible and so this is a place where That's not the case right and so when This person says to me you should have Kept reading because if you kept on Reading you would have believed in what You're reading I don't look at the Bible As a reliable source because it's not The Bible is constructed by not Jesus Jesus doesn't have one thing that he Wrote in there these are other people's Interpretations and opinions of Jesus And they were at whatever level they Were at but they weren't higher than Jesus was right they weren't better and More involved in Jesus they writing About Jesus and that's in the old and That's in the New Testament the old Testament's horrible it's a Bad Religion It's a bad approach to God because each Religion it's about nature of the of Divinity and an understanding of God and The old testament's like about a demon It's not about God at all it's not even Like a you know the way that God is a Narcissist in these things right and Then the Bible was translated into Multiple languages and it was edited and Stories were edited out and they started To shape in the Council of NAA amongst Other events the Bible was reshaped by People and the and the reason they Reshaped it was to create a character Named Jesus it was no longer an actual Portrayal of Jesus's life they scrubbed

The things that they didn't think would Would be good for them right they didn't You know the things that weren't good For them and they put in stories Especially the you know where they Emphasize stories especially the one of John 3:16 and the other ones that made Jesus the only son of God which is not The case because Jesus himself calls God Our Father and there's a prayer called Our father Our Father Who Art in Heaven How can it be our Father and Jesus is Different what are we [ __ ] Stepchildren right no we're all children Of God just like animals are and if you Believe that it would be different it's A religion that [ __ ] you because if you Believe that you're a children child of God your life would be completely Different if you believe that you know You're also God's child then Jesus isn't Special cuz he's not nobody is all of us Have God in us right all of us are our Soul is you know the same the soul for Each person is the same it's different Because it's you know a soul is Individual but the soul itself is the Same the soul energy your position in The world your position in the spiritual Universe the etheric universe is what Makes you more evolved or not evolved is How far you've returned back to your Journey back to the source and so your Soul is making that Journey your etheric

Bodies and so you have you know these Etheric bodies that associated with your Soul that are spiritual in nature and Those things are different and more Evolved and more you know based on your Experiences based in the tests you've Passed based in your Consciousness and So the consciousness of a person is Different than the consciousness of a Dog the consciousness of a dog is Different than a consciousness of say I Don't know a a mouse you know like There's it's expanded like you're more Sophisticated you know dogs are more Sophisticated than a Mouse a mouse is More sophisticated than a worm right and So it goes on like that a worm is more Sophisticated than a rock like these Things have you know different Vibrations different levels and they you Know they the capacity for you know Human being has a lot more capacity for So many different experiences and we can Get into a [ __ ] plane and fly the Other you know part of the world I guess An animal could do that but an animal Can't build the plane or you know Understand what is happening right and So like you know our dogs we go Traveling our dogs are in the car and They get out they're go look we're here Like you know we're at the beach or you Know whatever it is right they have no Re you know they get in the car and

They're not you know sure what's Happening they go to sleep they wake up And they're somewhere else right they Don't know because they're limited and And they're still more sophisticated Than lots of other creatures and you Know uh insects and and other mammals And things like that but anyways the Bible was reshaped and it was reshaped To make it the religion cuz they were Competing and they couldn't get these [ __ ] pagans to give up their beliefs You know there's a series I think it's Called the Vikings of Valhalla is it something like that on Netflix kind of interesting show and you Know it's a battle between the Vikings Who believe in their old religion and The Christians right there was a time That Christianity was spreading to all These European countries And the idea was to make it the only way To get to heaven and you're going to Hell if you in and to force those Teachings because that's back when the Catholic church had an army and these You know different um offshoots of Christianity they were pushing Forcefully pushing Christianity on the Irish and the Scottish and all these European countries and of course the Aboriginal people in America and black People in Africa and you know the Aboriginal people in Australia and these

Other countries India right they're Forcefully pushing this religion and It's a dog [ __ ] religion it's not it's Not very sophisticated it's very Materialistic and the teaching of the Bible is remedial like the best teaching Of Jesus is the Kingdom of Heaven is Within which is completely different Than John 3:16 because in John 3:16 the idea is That there is a throne and Jesus is Sitting next to God on the throne and And God's a king and I've talked about This to the people back then you know Trumpets and Kings just sitting on Thrones I mean the King was the ultimate Right and so that's how this is phrased In terms of the story but it's it was to Reach out to simple people who lived at That time and they didn't have the Capacity to understand God as an Abstract being God is a a Mindless you Know Force like the Divine Essence of Love they can't understand God as that You know God is an energy as a opposed To God as a king God has to be a Powerful Kick-Ass King sitting on a Throne who wrath who's wrathful because People will you know do all the things Will break the Ten Commandments Otherwise right and so Jesus most Sophisticated teaching his best teaching Is the god Kingdom of Heaven is within That the Divinity is within you and

That's the starting point for spiritual Life like in terms of the teachings or The thing that I do the start starting Point is that you find Divinity within You like that's what you begin at and so Jesus's most sophisticated teaching is The beginning point to spiritual life And so that has been downplayed and so They put out this remedial stuff and you Know if you've been told your whole life This is an authority then you're going To believe whatever [ __ ] they're Saying right when they you know the Book Of Revelation but the Book of Revelation Is just a part of a flawed book that has Been manipulated to control people into Believing that this religion has an is The sole authority to your afterlife and So you waste all this time where you Could be connecting to God right now and Being on your spiritual journey right Now and experiencing the Divinity within You as the heaven within the condition Of your your soul and the etheric world And rising up to higher and higher Levels and getting closer and closer to God as you move forward with your Spiritual journey and you are actively Not worshiping or not obeying but Becoming you're becoming what God wants You to become God has a you know has a Plan for you and your soul has a plan For you in this life and in future lives There's a long-term plan and there is a

Short-term plan it's you know there's Whatever you're doing on a day-to-day Basis and then there's your overall Soul Plan to return to the source and there's A journey and you're not taking that Journey like you you've been your Journey has been hijacked by this [ __ ] you know deal that you think You've gotten where if you just accept Jesus as your lord and savior and and no One even knows what the [ __ ] that really Means right because it's just you know What does that even mean you say the Words you know people say words all the Time right do you pinky swear on that Like you do you do a little pinky swear You do a little Blood Oath like like you Know I mean people break their promises And and renounce people and you know That's I mean like three people of Jesus Is 12 renounced him or Judas betrayed him Peter uh denied him and Thomas doubted Him like in their moments or whatever And Jesus himself when he was being Crucified said father why H have Thou Forsaken me and that means why are you [ __ ] me over God like why are you Doing this to me why why have you like Turn your back on me God what did I do To you like why is this happening to me It's a moment of faith of course he's Being tortured right so you can Understand why he said that because he

Was doing God's work and he was Connecting to people that with God and The people turned on them and killed Them and tortured them and spit on them And humiliated them because people [ __ ] suck right some of these people Were sitting there drinking the water And eating the fish and when he turned That whatever it was the the food Whatever that you know that story is They're hanging around Jesus and they're Digging Jesus's energy and then they're Like they were like oh my God Jesus Sucks and let's turn on him right like This happens all the time people turn on Saints I you imagine like somebody's a Higher developed soul and people know it And they experience it and still they Turn on him I mean why would Jesus need To be crucified like what what was his Crime his crime was he was telling People that the religion that's based in The Old Testament is full of [ __ ] that You know that he had expanded and Evolved past his religion that the old Old Testament and the Pharisees and the People running it it was corrupted it's Just the same thing I'm telling you Right now right it's the same thing that The religion was corrupted the Christian Religion was corrupted as much as the Jewish religion was corrupted when Jesus Was alive even more so and so you know This is for people who want more and

Realize that there's something else There that there is you know they want To be live a spiritual life this is the Channel in terms of when I talk about Things like this there's plenty of Religious channels that just preach the Same [ __ ] everyone else is saying You know about corrupted books and you Know and the the overall message is Supporting the Deep state of religion Right whatever the Deep status of people Who have manipulated Jesus's teaching The same way people have manipulated the American Constitution or the government And the people who run the system Because they are controlling you with The your patriotism they're controlling You with your Religion you know your belief in your Religion your faith they're controlling You with your faith in the in the Constitution the faith in the your you Know patriotic faith in the American System and so when somebody comes along And says I this is what they why do you Think they're demonizing the truthers All we're saying is these parasites These [ __ ] people that are running The system are you know not faithful to The system they've been manipulated the System the constitution of the Government and they've manipulated the Religion the Bible and the and the Teachings to war Lord over you in a way

Where they claim their Authority and They're not they're horrible people They're using this system the power to Control you and when you confront that When you you speak truth to that you Know in the in the worst case in the in The times of you know Jesus and then Throughout Christian history every Christian saint that came came out and Called [ __ ] on the and the Catholic Church or the Christian religion was [ __ ] crucified and killed because of These people you think God wants that Why would God want that you think God Wanted Jesus to be killed it wasn't part Of some story that he's dying for your Sins that's some [ __ ] thing right The fact is that Jesus rose up to a Higher level of spirituality and he was Imparting his teaching partly because he Went to India and he was trained in one Of the for ter of yoga a lot of his Teachings come from are very similar to One of the yoga uh movements in India so He went and he traveled that's where Jesus went he was 18 and his his lost Years were spent in India they don't Want you to know that he went to India Which is a place where Saints and people Go and they you know they're they evolve Spiritually and he came back with some Of these teachings because he was no Longer a Jewish person he had evolved Into a spiritual person he was no longer

A person that followed the religion he Came back and he started teaching people About some of these higher teachings you Know the the Kingdom of Heaven is within And he was radiating this energy and This you know his spiritual condition And he was helping people and they [ __ ] turned on him betrayed them and Killed them because you know people are Like that that's what people do people Don't want the hire because people don't Want to change people want to stay in Their whatever their egos you know their Egotistical you know whatever it is and That's just reality I see it all the Time right you know let's say Jesus has Reincarnated because reincarnation is a Real thing but like if you don't believe It just you know what if it's true your Soul has multiple Lives why why would be That be something that's hard to believe Right your soul if your soul has this Life if you have a soul why wouldn't it Have more lives especially when most Lives are failures right you would agree With that most people live failed lives Like they don't if there is a school if There's a a criteria for Graduation the majority of people don't Graduate right the majority people don't You know have don't reach the whatever The goal is of human life if there's a Spiritual goal the majority of people Are just not getting there and you can

See it they're not you know like if you Look around you're like oh [ __ ] these People are not even close they're not Even on the path like most people aren't On a spiritual path there's a there's a Point to life if there's a point where You're going to You know you're going to I mean when People talk about going to heaven you Know there's a there's a criteria and The criteria is you accept L Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and you Know that's not a definable criteria Right like let's say you went to college And you didn't take any Classes and you had to accept the dean Of the college or the the founder of the College as your you know Lord and Savior Whatever that meant on an academic level And they handed you a diploma and you Hadn't taken any cours work you didn't Learn anything right like why would you Why would that be a criteria for Graduation like it's something more than That like accepting somebody else as Your lord and savior why is that Something that is going to get you into Heaven or this place or that place or Something on a spiritual level like you Have to do something to to earn it right You have to earn heaven like there There's something that you would have to Do to earn Heaven you to earn whatever The goal of human life is first you have

To figure out what it is you have to Understand you have a soul you have to Understand that you have you things to You have to overcome in your life Obstacles and challenges and things that You have to go through in terms to in Terms of having a successful life and Move forward on your spiritual path Right like it's very easy to understand Because it exists everywhere else like This is the one thing where you don't Have the the mo the biggest goal like Your goal would be the most important Thing would be able to to make it into Heaven right if like that was the you Know a real thing right wouldn't that be The most important thing and it's like Something is easy as just saying even on Your deathbed I accept Jesus as my Lord And Savior you could live a horrible Life and be a mass murderer and then Right before you die you repent and you Say uh you know Jesus you know like I Accept you and all you've done is be a Piece of [ __ ] prick to other people and You know hurt them and and control them And keep them from evolving in every Possible way keeping people down dumbing Them down all the horrible evil [ __ ] That's being done by people right it's All it's all accounted for you don't get Away with anything so there's some kind Of consequences for your actions and you Don't you don't get a like Jesus can't

Die for your sins because someone else Can't die for your sins I can't die for Your sins you can't die for mine right We're all accountable for our own Actions so that's all [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] deal that you know you've been Told as a young kid and you just believe Belied it you never questioned it and so If Jesus came back and lived multiple Lives let's say Jesus was on the planet Right now how would you know how would You find out like Jesus doesn't look Like the Jesus doesn't look you know the Picture of Jesus as a European white guy That's impossible the pictures of Jesus That you see and they're different Pictures right because they don't Remember what he looks like you know you Look at the PE people uh I mean I don't Think they allow pictures of Muhammad but uh um in the sjar tradition They had put a big statue up of Babaji which was kind of weird because Like they don't have that sort of I you Know becomes idol worship which is not Definitely a part of the Sark system you Know you're supposed to find the Divinity within you but the current Master of the system who's kind of a Piece of [ __ ] so you know everything he Does and says is taken with a grain of Sal I talk to my brother my biological Brother about this and he said that this Guy said that Krishna was an ugly person

Like Unattractive you know krishna's is Pictured at this big blue him and Rama Like Rama and Krishna are both Incarnations of Vishnu the the you know The god or the you know the um the Cosmic functionary of preservation right And that you know they're pictured as These blue you know exalted people and If you watch movies about um like you Know Indian movies about Rama or Krishna They're good-look you know actors big Muscular you know whatever but he said That Christian was unattractive person Like he was ugly like just whatever um And small short or something and so you Know that's not the way he's pictured Now right because we don't know what People look like they don't have videos Or photographs of people and you know Whether they have that technology at one Time or another it's not available now And over time all those things get Distorted and so when they picture Somebody they're going to make him look Like somebody that you would gravitate To so if Jesus had dark skin which he Certainly did like Jesus wasn't a blond Haired blue-eyed guy like he didn't have Blue eyes right like this silly but Religion is for white people Christian Religion is targeted for white people in Europe and so when they were trying to Bring in the Celtics you know the

Celtics or whatever the the true Pronouncation is right the the you know The the druidic you know people that did Druidism and you know that did uh you Know paganism and these you know they Were these type of people they this is Their you know whatever their religion Was they weren't going to sell them a Middle eastern looking Jesus right like Jesus could have had you know lighter Tan skin but he didn't have blue eyes Long hair like this picture of him but That's he looks like a European and That's who they were trying to sell this To the Christian religion took off in Europe first and then European countries Forced it on all these other Aboriginal Country people and and countries around The other parts of the globe right Christianity took root in in Europe in Europe and then became a global you know Global situation because Europe then Colonized the rest of these countries so It wasn't that Jesus is word spread it Was that by force the colonization of These countries forced a religion on Them I mean for [ __ ] forced it like [ __ ] forced it right beating kids Like you know I mean this was kids were Tortured if they reverted to their old Ways and beliefs like physically Indoctrinating them through force in These Christian schools and killing kids At times you know these grave sites

There's you know part of it one of those Um one of those uh Yellowstone spin-off Series it features these native kids These native kids being indoctrinated by These uh by these nuns right and these Girls being tortured and freaking beaten When they revert to their old language And they revert to their old Customs Because they were being forced to be Christians right by you know by the Threat of death and these things I mean It was forced you can't use Force God Doesn't use Force I mean there's Earthquakes and things like that but That's just you know like there's Rainstorms you know there's energy and Power in those rainstorms but they're Not being forced right you know there You you being compelled get inside it's Freaking rainy out get inside the sun's Too hot right get some shade you know You're being compelled by these things But God doesn't force you to do anything You have the freedom of choice that's You know that's the the problem and the But also the potential the potential That you might choose to do the right Thing and going back to what I was Saying before for so if Jesus was black Or middle eastern if he looked like a Typical person you know look at people In that region right look at the people In Israel the you know a lot of them are European Jews people from Russia but

Like the the people who would be Considered the Aboriginal people there Some of the Jews come from the caucus Mountains in Russia and that area right Who are Caucasian but the people who Were living in the Middle East and what They look like and if Jesus looked like That how many European people would Accept him as their lord and savior Because appearance means stuff because a Lot of this stuff is superficial and Physical and it's not the quality of the Soul and so regardless of what Jesus Looked like when he was alive let's say Jesus incarnated right now and you know He couldn't come out and say hey I'm Jesus right like if Jesus was a person On the internet say right or whatever Celebrity or you know whoever Jesus was In terms of a person and he had still Some spiritual teachings to impart to People he couldn't come out and say hey I'm Jesus because nobody would [ __ ] Believe him some people might you know And he might win them over by his you Know spiritual Essence but most people Would look at him go no you're not Jesus Because like I said before they have Created their own personal Jesus and so Even though he has Jesus's soul and Let's say Jesus was more Evolved like he was better than this Life he was even more evolved in than a Past life he would start saying things

To you that you don't want to hear and You would get pissed at him and you'd Probably kill him again right like in One way or another you'd crucify him in The modern way like he'd be cancelled or Whatever because that's what people [ __ ] do and so the majority of Christians would turn on this person That they claim to love they claim to Love Jesus and accept him as our Lord And savior but if he incarnated again And he has or will you know he's he Wasn't done and so he'll be back if he Hasn't been back already or if he's here Already like there's lots of higher Developed Souls that are here for this Particular time in this transformation Or transition possible transition of Higher level Consciousness on this Planet right and so if a person is Surrendering to Jesus as their lord and Savior it's Jesus Jesus is soul like the Essence it's not what you think Jesus is It's not the Bible you're not surrending To the Bible it's just a [ __ ] book Right like the you know books are great And they can be you know wonderful and And they can create an Essence in you Right but you know it's a the Bible is a Fictional book like there's things that Are made up in there a fictional Recreation the the New Testament is a Fictional Recreation of Jesus in his Life and his teachings it's been edited

And has been which is it's document like It's been translated and edited it's Been changed it's not the the pure Message that Jesus gave to his disciples It's not his his direct teachings and a Direct account of his life and it's Different it's seen through different Lenses it's seen through like there's a Book in the sa Mark System um one of the books called tears And laughter and it's all these people Who are aasis which is what we call Ourselves do right means spiritual Aspirant in Sanskrit I think and these Aasis all wrote you know people I know Of their account of their time with Babaji they these the stories about Babaji and his teachings right and it's Kind of like the it's the worst book It's not a bad book but it's not nearly As good as the books where it's directly The masters of the system writing or Giving speeches or talking or you know Their stuff is of a higher level because They're on a higher level and so and Each chapter in the book is different Based on the evolution and the intimacy And the kind of relationship that people Had to this sky bagy right if Jesus Wrote a book it would be better than the Bible like it would just be a higher Level book it would be his direct Teachings not other people talking about Jesus and his teachings right it's so

It's a you know it's it's there's a loss Right there a loss of quality a loss of You know authenticity a loss of just From the standpoint that the disciples Weren't on the same level as Jesus so They didn't have access to the Information and maybe misunderstood Things or you know whatever Misinterpreted things and so there's a Falloff and then all the people who Didn't know Jesus coming in and editing And saying all right this is what I Think Jesus was like yeah but did you Know him well no I know him through the Book I know him through the religion Yeah but it's been distorted it has been You know it's not the same you know There's this thing what would Jesus do Which I really like that's a good thing It's something think people should Christians should think about right what Would Jesus do what would God do what Would be you know a spiritual person do What would a saint do whatever certainly For Christians it would be what would Jesus do but how the [ __ ] would you know What Jesus would do like how would you Know like how would you [ __ ] know What Jesus would do you didn't know them Right it's not with the Bible with what The you know your interpretation of the Bible Because each person interprets the Bible Differently each person and again you

Know going back to the original comment It's not an authority to me so my Interpret interpretation of the Bible is You know there's some good stuff in There but you have to figure out like What was said back when Jesus was alive What did Jesus really mean what did they Edit out what did they edit in what did They put in right what did you know what Are the changes to manipulate you to buy Into your religion right and these are Just facts like I'm not you know making [ __ ] up like this has happened the Bible's been edited and Jesus died 2,000 Years ago and so the G you know there's Stories in the Bible so in the mahab Barata there was a woman so there there Was these two um Brothers which I talked About in my last talk one was named Pondu who was white as a sheet right he Had no pigmentation cuz his mom was you Know Bang by the saint who was Impregnated by the saint and she turned Pale when he was you Know when Panda was being conceived and The other wife who was um closed her Eyes because the guy was disgusting Right he was you know came out of the You know after like a hundred years in The the jungle and he wasn't like you Know I mean hygienic or whatever right And she closed her eyes because she Didn't want to see the guy and her son Was blind and so pandu um the pivas were

Pandu's Sons they ended up being the Heroes and DTA had the kavas which were And again I'm not pronouncing these Things right because it's just a you Know it's a completely different the Language is the accent the wrong Salable and so uh you know they um are You know a different cabable their Accents are different so the words when You read them they're they're you know The way they would say the word is Different even though it's written in English because it's the language the Indian languages are are quite different Than the uh you know the English Languages uh the you know the the Languages that are um associated with English there's a whole different way of Speaking right so anyways so the the guy The P Pandu he's out in the woods and he's Hunting Deer and you know it's funny cuz their Religion is very um Vegetarian oriented but they were all Meaters the the mahabarata characters And Krishna and these people and so Pandu is out hunting a deer and there Was a deer and they're Reproducing and he shoots the Deer like he shoots the female deer and The male deer turns into a human being And it's a Saint and I forget that whatever his cop

You know he turn turned into a deer to Something like this right was a human Being are transformed into a a deer and He said hey what the [ __ ] did you just Shoot my you know my female deer For I'm cursing you and so if you like Ejaculate you're going to die at that Moment so you you can never have kids You can never have sex right um a lot of Curses in the marata and you know like To you Christians or other people this Sounds goofy just like when I read the Book of Revelation it's goofy to me Right you know it's goofy like it sounds Like you know to somebody who's not Brought up in the religion but anyways Pandu marries this woman named CTI and CTI when she was 16 years old she Developed the ability to get impregnated By these Divine beings these deities and She contacted the first one was she Contacted the soul and she's 16 years Old right and she contacted The soul of the sun and the soul of the Sun came down and impregnated her like This is the Immaculate Conception story And she um gave birth to this character Who would later be called Cara who I Believe I was in a past life I have some Association with this character this Character gets kind of screwed over Throughout the the story and he ends up Having to fight his brothers because he Ends up on the the other side of the the

The war right And he's kind of the better Warrior but He's you know he's being he's being Undermined by the powers that be and she You know she's a 16-year-old girl who's Not married so she can't have a baby so She disguises her you know she hides out She has the baby and she puts the baby In a basket and sends it down the river And this is part of the story of Moses Right like this was long Before these stories were taken in the The Christian religion the Immaculate Conception of the five pandavas and the Story of Cara being put in a basket and Going down the river like Moses was put In a basket right so the story Originated in India and so these stories That are now associated with Christian Teachings and um you know there's other Stories like people talk about how Isis Has very the Isis story has a lot of Similarities with um Jesus is it Isis I'm pretty sure it's Isis but there's This Egyptian you know story of a Divine Being who has all these you know Similarities to what was later the Christian story because they took a Bunch of this stuff and folded it into The story of Jesus in the in the Bible They took from various places they took The idea of the soul from India and they Took some of these other spiritual Stories and myths and things and they

Put them into the Bible that happened Like it is going be documented it's not Isis Isis was a woman I don't know what I'm talking about it's Horus Horus was Isis's son okay so story written down 5,000 years ago of Horus versus story Written down about Jesus and so it says Here um let me make this a little bit Bigger because I can't see it um it Says um born of the Virgin Mary born of The Virgin Isis so Isis was a virgin Birth was celebrated on 25th December Birthday celebrated on the 25th December I don't know if this is true this is a Meme that went around Northern Star LED Wise men to him when he was born Eastern Star LED three wise men to him when he Was born Horus taken to Egypt to escape The wrath of Herod taken to Egypt to Escape the wrath of tyen taught in the Temple as a child taught in the temple As a child baptized by John the Baptist Bapti ized by Anup the baptizer at age 30 both of them were age 30 had 12 Disciples had 12 disciples performed Miracles and walked on water performed Miracles and walked on water raised Lazarus from the dead raised L Cara from The dead he was transfigured he was Transfigured uh on a mount was Transfigured on the mount and so Um the the included the way to T titles Or um I'm not sure what that word says So let me make it bigger again

Um says here at the end Here titles included the way the truth And the light the messiah's God Son of Man all these things right the so these Um crucified and buried in a tomb and Resurrected both of them and so you know And I don't know the story of Horus this Is just some meme that went around but These stories were clearly folded into Some of these you know these other Stories the idea of a soul the Atman That came from India years and years ago Wasn't discovered in Judaism it was Something that was plagiarized right and Not giving credit to where you found That out somebody discovered some person Figured out that we had a soul there's a Point where human beings didn't know we Had a soul and then we did like animals Don't know they have a soul So just to wrap up the Piva story so This woman married pandu CTI and she Gave pandu three sons of different Deities because he couldn't have sex and Then um he married a second wife and she Wanted to have kids so CTI taught her How to do that she had two sons and Those were the five pandavas and then Pandu um and his wife she was like just You know she needed his second wife his Younger wife needed to be you know she Was um feeling sexual or whatever horny Or whatever it is And and he um submitted to her and he

Died like that's how he died like he was Cursed that way and he died a lot of Curses in the marah barata but you Understand this that these stories and All these things that you have to be all Be taken with a grain of salt because They're they're thousands of years old Right and and they were going to be Distorted over time and the Distortion Is always going to be to magnify and Glorify the religious figure they're Going to take out the humanity the human Part of the person you know what makes Them human and they're going to put in Things that make them more Divine and Less like you you know less like what Kind of person you are and so if you Were around somebody like this and you Saw the Divinity in them you also had to Balance that out with their human Characteristics and their human flaws And that's a real problem and was a Problem in the Sark system and so in the Sark system and this is an Indian Tradition it really was supposed to be This way in the Catholic Church the idea Of the Pope we just watched that um Movie The Conclave and you know it's about Choosing a pope of course it's all Political now and it's just all icky and All the stuff with the the abuse of kids I mean just it's you know the Cardinals And the Bishops and the cover up and all

The [ __ ] of this religion but the Idea was that Peter like had Jesus's you Know he was Jesus's successor and he had This condition of the Christ you know That was the ideal but the sjar Tradition the transmission that's given Like we sit and you know you sit in Front of somebody you know the you're Facing somebody a preceptor or you're The preceptor and a Transmissions given In a cleaning of the heart and these are These sins that connect you to Divinity And you meditate on the Divine Essence Of Love in Your Heart Right Divine Light In your heart while you're meditating This work is being done and then Collectively we sit in in group Meditation where preceptor the master of The system transmits and the Transmission of this Divine energy from The place where the master of the system Is you know the what called the central Region which is a like a new discovery And new achievement that is a part of This system and you know again this Sounds like gobbly G to all you guys Like I don't give a [ __ ] if you believe It or not because it's an unproven Belief right just like you know I read Whispers of the brighter World Prophecies and to me they mean something Because I trust the book and I trust the System because I've tested the system And it's worked out for me right but for

You it doesn't mean [ __ ] and I totally Accept that like I'm not you know I I Just put it out there because I have Information to share you might trust me But you don't trust the book right you Might think that I'm a a person that has Makes good decisions and that I'm a Person worth listening to and I have you Know some influence over you you're like You believe in me but you don't believe In the book and you haven't tried the System you would ever met the Masters so You're like yeah I might be good because I trust Paul and you know whatever to Whatever extent you trust me I mean you Shouldn't trust anybody but you Shouldn't not trust anybody either it's Just this idea that you know people will Screw you over but sometimes people will Will do you right it's like you know we All experience that like it's just you Know it's it's both things right but Anyways in the Sark tradition there was This master named ly and then he he um I Don't know what the word is I I know What the word is I just can't remember It well he died and 13 years later he Was intercommunion with this his Successor they both had the same name Ron Chandra and the guy's called Babaji His second master Iny merged with him like his soul then Was just with bobi all the time like There was a like his Essence was merged

Into Babaji like Babaji had his own Individual soul but lai's achievements And his spiritual Essence merged into His disciple which is a big thing in the Indian tradition but he did it through This transmission not through you know Just the idea at happened and the Catholic Church Wishes the pope still Retained Jesus's Essence right but That's long since uh you know that Doesn't exist here in the religion Itself Jesus has you know left the Building in a sense right and then Babaji had this disciple master chargie Chargie was his you know the guy who was Running the organization for him and Charie was the guy I knew and they were Traveling together in Copenhagen and the Airport in Denmark and Bob G gave him a One 1 minute and 40 second sitting which Is short they're usually like a half Hour And his Essence merged into to to uh to Charie and 90% of the people said that Didn't [ __ ] happen right because they Didn't like charie or they they like Charie but they didn't think of him as Being as evolved as bobaji and they Didn't accept him and so you know either Bag's Essence was there or it wasn't do You understand like either bobi was a Divine you know person who elevated to a High level Spirituality and these people

Experienced it and they love baj G and They loved his transmission they loved All of it like they thought Babaji was Great and Chargie traveled around with Babaji and Babaji said you know he was his like They would travel to Europe and these Other places and in in uh the you know All these uh countries all these Different places in India and Babaji was Saying you know uh he wrote this thing On this piece of paper saying that um The charge you was his successor but Bob's kids wanted the property so they Said [ __ ] you we don't believe that Right and they tried to kill him and Poison him and there was lawsuits and [ __ ] that went on for years and you know This was the people knew chargie and They chargie was running everything Chargie was running the Organization and he was Bob's like sort Of he was like a bouncer he would Protect bajy when people would be you Know create boundaries and things and he Was just there and people you know like Didn't accept him and even though the Essence was the same clearly he you know The essence was the same and so then Charie died and he left this guy Kish Patel and there was no talk about his Sitting and kames Patel almost Immediately started talking [ __ ] about Charie which is like not heard of in

India like just dissing your Guru he Tried to cancel his birthday celebration For years he's under my charge he saying He wasn't a master he off he left left Him off a list of people who are you Know part of this so-called Divine Hierarchy of the system and everyone Wanted to accept AI Commish because they Didn't want to do Commish like people Had done charie and chargie said you Guys have to do a good job Su accepting My successor but his successor turned Out to be a piece of [ __ ] right and Clearly isn't you know isn't connected To chargie and really you know the rest Of the mission he scrubbed all the other Literature And you know these books and things and Then he's writing his own shitty little Books and he sucks like he just sucks And so the essence is not there like the Essence everyone wanted the essence to Be there the essence of the previous Masters right and so you know this idea That the essence of Jesus is in the pope No One Believes that [ __ ] that isn't a Catholic right like the essence of Jesus Could be within you if you connect to it Right if you connect to you know there Would be a higher level of of um Commitment to your your connection with Jesus but you know only the True Believers of Jesus would be able to see Him in any form and let's say he

Incarnated and he wasn't a Christian he Was you know he was more evolved and he Was doing something else you wouldn't Accept him you would you he wouldn't Look like the Jesus that you you he Wouldn't look the way Jesus you think Jesus is and this why I was saying to People way back when right you know go Ahead and connect to Jesus connect to The higher Souls you know it's love Jesus for Jesus but the inter mediate The the the creation of the the Bible And these things and again this is for Spiritual people if you're doing the Religion then you have to buy into all The [ __ ] but the bullshit's going to Kill you in the end it's going to Suffocate your ability to evolve Spiritually because it's not true like The system the Bible is filled with with Inaccuracies and plagiarized stories and You know people's interpretations of Things it's been manipulated translated And and changed by people who are not Spiritual who are power hungry people And you know it's created this religion That's a powerful uh organization on the Material world but it's a middleman Between you and preventing you from Connecting to the Divinity within you All these religions are right that's why You know Swami vivaan said religion is a Great thing to be B born into but a Horrible thing a horrible thing to die

In because when you're a kid a Rel relig Is good it teaches the basic ethics and Things gives you a sense of God but then As you get older you have the ability to Connect to God directly and have a Spiritual path and that's a higher level Movement and that's what I offer here in Terms of my understanding of things Right that there is something that's That's better than religion it's higher Than religion and those people who can Only do religion there's plenty of [ __ ] For you out there right that's why I say You know this is for people who Aspire For something more like something you Know is missing in their life and Religion doesn't doesn't uh satisfy that Need and there's the sa Mark meditation That helps people now we do the Gracefulness meditation it's there's Links in the description box all my Videos and you can experience the Transmission the cleaning and you know It's not as good as it used to be Because the organization is [ __ ] now And you know whatever but the Essence Still lives on but when the essence Isn't here the transmission won't flow And that'll be a sad day for me and the People who love the system but you know It's just another thing that people Another opportunity that people didn't Gravitate to because people always want The lower people always gravitate to the

Lower I mean not always but 99% of the Time and the few people that gravitate To the higher they often get pulled down Back down to the lower because you know Whatever's gone wrong with the human uh Beings we have a predisposition to go to The lower end of things and it's sad and It's you know it could be the ruin of Our species and we'll see what happens Anyways I'm starting to fade out here Let's get into the other stuff okay so I Want to add something to um I'm in the Middle of where the I'm talking about Ryan Clark and Aaron Rogers I'm about to Wrap that part up but I went on a walk With my dogs and I thought this was an Important thing to add to what I was Saying earlier you know there's Experiences I've had of people I know That I knew from a past life And you know there's people who are very Conscious of it and there are people That yeah that makes sense and you know Master Char had said you can't have a Conversation of more than three minutes With somebody if you haven't had a past Life with them which I thought was Interesting again that's not like that's Something that's you know that he said That other people reported he said but That you know kind of I feel like There's that element there's people you Just can't connect with and then there's People that you have some kind of

Connection with and I assume the people Who listen to my channel here we've had Some sort of past association with and It might not be here on planet Earth it Could be somewhere else and that's the Other thing but then there are people Who are really significant to your life Right and when my wife and I got Together it was like we known each other Forever and you know we were together Like a short period of time and it Seemed like we had been married for a Long period of time like it just you Know fit together in these things right And so like she's probably one of the Premier examples but then everybody to Do with Sark system and so I've had These experiences where like I recognize Somebody and I don't know who they were To me and what our relationship was in The past but there's something there Right you know there's a group of people Saints higher developed Souls that all Have risen to a higher level and then There's people who associated with Jesus Directly in past lives and you know Those people who claim to love Jesus you Would love Jesus's soul and you would be Able to find him in this life if he was You know if he existed which I believe That he either has or will be in the Near future and he's existed since you Know 2,000 years and he wasn't done like He wasn't done in heaven like this whole

Thing that's all just [ __ ] that they They made up which I talked about Earlier right the the religious people The the bean counters and The Gatekeepers made that [ __ ] up so that They could profit from the religion and So you know Jesus and people who are Like Jesus who are on this higher Develop plain paths and you know most Christians can't recognize those people Some of them can and I don't mean just Christians I don't mean to single out Christians it's not just religious People it's also spiritual people who Couldn't adjust from babaj G to charie And my thing and they were people in a Spiritual PR practice and you know Bob G Said this is my successor and they were Like no [ __ ] that I don't like that guy And then you know the whole debacle with DOI and so you know like it's just um It's sad in a way that people can't Gravitate towards the higher nature and The connection they have with with Somebody on a soul level on a material Level doesn't manifest onto a soul level Right and so the problem that most Christians have or most Muslims or Hindus or any religion is that they have An idea that's been constructed by other People and then they put their own Personal spin on it you know this own Their own personal Jesus and it's not What Jesus really is you're not

Connecting to the real Jesus which I Would encourage and you know if you're a Christian then the highest level of Christianity is directly connect to Jesus bypass the the structure and the Religion and then connect with them and See you know ask honest questions like You could have dialogues and you'll find A way to communicate you know if you're Able to really connect with Jesus you Might be somebody else some other you Know that's a problem with that kind of Communication but you know pray to God To connect you to Jesus you know pray in A way that's you know innocent wholesome And with confidence and faith and then Ask him questions and then ask what you Should do and you know have be guided From that perspective right like I don't Recommend things but to me that's the Highest level of Christianity if you're Going to love Jesus love Jesus as a soul At best the Bible would be a you know Sort of a uh you know an un um an Incomplete uh copy of Jesus's thoughts And who he was and the memories and who He was through the memories of other People It's not who Jesus was as a soul you Know Jo Jesus's Soul isn't uh Encapsulated in the Bible it's his Essence isn't there and so his Essence Is somewhere and we have access to it on Etheric level and so whatever one does

That's the way to to Really interc Commune or be with people that's the Term Satson in the you know in the Sanskrit Word which means to be with the you know With to be with the higher developed Soul and meditate together in a you know Place where you're going on to the Divine level of things right to the Higher level and people paying attention To their higher nature and you know for That I think is just essential to Everybody and you know it's what I was Talking about here because people you Know think that they're connected to Something but when it comes down to it They're connected to something that Exists inside themselves like you have An internalized idea of Jesus and God And it's on an ego level it's like it's A mental level but then there's Something you can feel on a soul level When you you know the love that you feel For other people the difference between Like listing the things that you like The qualities and characteristics and The ideas and you know the good things That are um you know that are there in In your significant other people and the People things you don't like about them But then also there's going deeper to What their soul is and being around Their soul and that is you know to Penetrate to a deeper level of things

And when there's true love there Whatever the love the capacity of that Love you know love of your family love Of your spouse love of God love of art You know whatever your profession if you Really dive deep into that there's you Know that's the truth of you know the The love exposes the truth and the Essence of the other people of who they Are on a you know a soul level anyways Let let's get into the other stuff Here okay so I have a bunch of to get to Today I want to start off with this it's A continuation of what I covered with Stephen A Smith and Aaron Rogers on the Pat McAfee Show and he said this I I know I got to Say this multiple times for people Because they don't listen but say Whatever the [ __ ] you want about me I Don't care but just before you do it Whether you state your name your Accolades pronouns whatever it is just State your vac status so that anything You say afterwards gets put in the right Light to just get it out there because Then when you say things about me people Can at least be like oh you are captured By the Multi-billion propaganda die off and You're still upset about okay this will Help things yeah this is good this will Settle it all down I appreciate that and Uh hey you know what I mean just put

That in the just so everybody knows Where you're coming from everybody knows Okay cool you're twice vax madna with Three booster shots and then boom bo Boom say what you want to say whatever I Don't care you know this is similar to What I said about all the media Personnel should have a big you know Like some animated Dildo right near their mouth with fizer Or big farmer written on it right Because you know and that's just graphic That's Unnecessary but you know it's just the Fact that these people all work for These companies anybody working for ESPN Disney for example Stephen A Smith first Take it's what I said about Kyrie Irving That they have a financial relationship With fiser madna and these other Companies right YouTube you know they Where anybody that fiser runs as on They're going to try to they're going to Cater to the people that are paying them And that's what big Pharma does that's What so many businesses do right it's Good business that you don't want the Media talking [ __ ] about you so you Advertise with them like everyone knows That's a thing right that if you Advertise with a com with a you know With the you support a Personality that person should you know Maybe a less graphic idea would be that

People wear their like instead of Wearing suits or if they have suits they Should put patches on their suits with The corporations that sponsor them or Sponsor their networks kind of like they Do with NASCAR where on the car you've Got all these different companies Advertising right on your lapel right on Your I right on the car right on your Shirt or whatever it is right see the Rest of us on social media all of us on Social media the majority of us don't Have sponsors the bigger the channel the Bigger the the platform they're Sponsorship right and when you have Sponsors and if your sponsors were big Pharma for example you would know that That person was not going to you know They had been paid for bought and sold To whatever extent to not criticize big Farma you know if somebody wanted to Advertise with me and again you know That's not likely and I'm not going to Do it but you know if somebody wanted to They would um be paying me money and I Would be telling you how good their [ __ ] Is right so I'd have to believe in what They're doing And you know I don't like to do that Anyway like I've talked about that so Much I'm not a person who likes to you Know I say what works for me like Anything that I say works for me I have No Financial relationship with at all

It's just stuff that has worked for me But I don't know if it's going to work For you and I always say that right Because people are have different Constitutions different you know Spiritual paths all these things and so Even to the extent of the sjar Meditation which I think is the greatest Thing ever it's not for everybody at Least in terms of of you know people Will benefit from it but probably won't Enjoy it or won't know that they're Benefiting from it right so why would They do it right if it's not something That they can perceive having some Benefit for them why would they ever do It right so you know it's for each Person to experience and have their own Choices their own research their own Path but in all that when somebody does Have a sponsor you know they're Sponsored because a person has to sell You their stuff themselves or they're You know running commercials that They're running right and usually it's The person who's the you know the Podcaster the person telling you what They you know advertising reading the Advertising reading the promotion you See this a lot with sports gambling you See these athletes who have podcasts now Often have sports gambling as their Sponsor right but in terms of the people Work at ESPN and CNN you know they're

Not selling you things directly In terms of they're not Shilling for big Pharma or any of these um companies that Run ads on CNN and yet they have Influence over them RFK Jr said that he Had a piece that was going to run on Fox And Roger Al said his boss has said that If he ran it he'd be fired because big Pharma would pull their ads right and we Know that because what happened with YouTube in the ad apocalypse there was Some controversial video that was made In Europe England a shitty little video Kind of a truther video and McDonald's Or somebody ran an ad on it and people Complain to McDonald's why are you Supporting this person's point of view And so all these companies said that They were all these companies pulled Their advertisement from YouTube until They sted until they started to oversee What was being said on their platform That was the begin of the beginning of The the end of YouTube as a a place Where you could just go say whatever you Wanted to say right and then they came In with all these [ __ ] rules it was All stag It was called the ad apocalypse it it Factored in more than just truthers it Was everybody but either way they Exerted their influence over these Platforms the advertisers we know that People pulled Disney and these other

People were pulling their ads from um Elon Musk run Twitter you know now X Because of his fup and these things Putting Financial pressure using Financial weapons as a way to silence People and say you know say to you know Not say things that go against the Powers that be right there's a whole RFK Junr thing I want to cover in a bit Because that's become the new focal Point and so what Aaron Rogers is saying That people should put their vac status I think more importantly they should put Who pays their bills like they should Have some you know sense of when there's A topic like this is this is what's Called conflict of interest where you're Looking for someone to tell you the Truth but they're Shilling for company And Aaron Rogers is saying this based in The fact that he didn't come out and say He didn't get he you know he said he got Immunized by using some homeopathic Remedies and also the fact that he had Covid it came out you know that he was People thought he was lying about not Getting V and they just tried to destroy Him in the media right like almost as Bad as what they did to Kyrie Irving but If these people were honest about where Their opinions were coming from you know Their bosses would say this is what we Need you to say and so once your bosses Are handling you then you're a piece of

[ __ ] because your your views are no Longer yours you're doing your views are Influenced by you know you you can't Speak truth if the truth is being told To you you you can't even speak your Truth because your truth is you want to Make more money at ESPN so Aaron Rogers Is calling [ __ ] and it started Before that so Aaron Rogers said things About people in the media and I'll show You that clip in a bit and then um this Guy came this guy here so Aaron Rogers Came on and said that these guys who Were criticizing him were players who Weren't as good or players who still Want to be relative and and you know What Espen used to be about highlights And you know sports stuff is now about These pundits and how they're the stars And they want to be Stars they want to Be relevant they want to have attention And so they have to have these hot tapes Right which I talked about with qes you Know this is what happened with the Truth Community when the qes came on and They would just make up the most you Know um [ __ ] like stories they could And they wouldn't fact check anything And they just roll them out and pretend It was true and the cubes would you know Go to it because they're already being Lied to by the the government that was Creating this psychological operation Called Kon right and so you had all

These dopes coming in and they were just Post posting a watching videos that were You know just clearly not true they Based in any kind of a factual type Situation because hot takes are Everything and people just want to be Distracted and and so they don't care if It's true or not they just want to the Energy that comes from something Controversial plus these guys were Highly critical of players and they These are former players who are saying Things not because they necessarily mean Them or believe them but because a they Their hot takes that are going to get Clicks you know they're going to get People to watch it and B their sponsors Are you know influencing and ABC Disney Is influencing what they say right and So like so Ryan Clark says well you're Doing the same thing by going on Pat McAfee but um Aaron Rogers isn't because He isn't throwing anybody under the bus Like he talks [ __ ] about people who Would criticized Tim mostly about the Immunization thing right and so like the Whole thing is completely different Because what he does on Pat McAfee is Express his you know views on Football and these things and then when He went through that controversy he Talked about that but he didn't throw Any of these people under the bus so he Criticized these people who are you know

Basically shills for ESPN Disney and They're under these contracts and they Also have the pressure of having to say Things that are going to go viral they Have to have hot takes right and so both Of those things are true and so these SE Guys didn't like that because they know That they they're you know they're They're not giving their true opinions And so he instead of owning up to that He calls Aaron Rogers a Fraud are people not supposed to be able To do their jobs and do their jobs in an Unbiased way and be honest about who you Are you're not unbiased see you're not Unbiased because number one you're Pressured to come up with something Controversial even if it's like just Goofy and a lot of things are just Imagination like they're not real You know trade scenarios and [ __ ] that Are never going to happen you know they Just talk [ __ ] all the time that are Just you know imaginative and then some Of the things are hurtful you know in Terms of them slamming people like I Don't care about that words are words Right they don't mean anything and these Opinions don't mean anything but it's Like slanderous and you know questioning People's integrity and character or Whatever it might be which they did with Aaron Rogers and Kyrie Irving and um you Know this guy's particularly bad at it

Cuz he goes after people in a way that You know he's doing it for his contract Right to to make money in ESPN and then There's the Shilling for the espan Sponsors you know uh being told what you Can say about certain subjects and you Know the stuff to do with big Pharma is A part of that so he gets into he says That he's getting paid to do exact same Thing on the Pat McAfee show which it Isn't like if you watch Aaron Rogers on Pat McAfee and you watch these guys on First take it's enti irely different Right he isn't you know slandering People he isn't talking about people's Character of other players and things Like this he isn't going in and saying Oh this guy sucks and he's for failure And you know the stuff that they do on a Regular basis if you win you're like the Greatest person you know Giannis an an Tupo said this I'll show you his clip in A second which speaks to W this right It's whatever happened you know you win And you lose like nobody's undefeated Right like you know sometimes you have That with occasionally with boxers or Something like that limited type of um You know whatever professional career But they've gotten their ass kicked Before right like it's not you know They've I mean they you know whatever They become later on but you grow up and You there's a defeats that happen right

And everybody has their moments of Failure everyone comes up small at some Point and it's just you know whatever The losers are demonized and the the Winners are you know pat on the back Briefly and and that's what they do on These shows right which is you know Another add of distraction and you know The whole thing now with gambling and The rest of that stuff and so he's what He does here is completely different What Aaron Rogers does on Pat McAfee and It's dishonest and it's disingenuous to Imply it's the same thing this dude is Once again toned deaf this dude is once Again unaware this dude is once again Arrogant to a point that's almost Sickening because he's making Von Rogers Was making fun of this thing right here He says these things and he talks tough And he behaves in this way but he ain't But he ain't he ain't tough right he has All of this cache because he's a good Player look at Cam Newton laughing but They ain't people around here that come Around and talk about what type of Leader you are they ain't people that Come around here and talk about wanting To follow you because of the type of man You have been well that's quite Different because actually He stood up and was authentic and he Wasn't paid for by fizer which is a a Higher level thing right this dude is a

Fraud so that's the thing he calls him a Fraud right but what Aaron Rogers said About you was completely true and what You're saying about him isn't like You're comparing what you do here to What he does in Pat mcae that's not Accurate and you're saying that um he um You know that that he's a fraud because He's doing the same thing that that You're doing And he's a poor leader and these things He's not saying anything about you he Didn't say anything about any of you Guys he didn't call you poor leaders he Said that you guys come in you you want To be celebrities and you were mediocre Players a lot of them right you know Good to mediocre but either way your Time is done your career's over and you Want to have the spotlight you want to Make a lot of money and to do that you Got to make up you know salacious [ __ ] And you got to shield for the the Sponsors that are you know whatever it Is right and so um you know what he said Was true and what you're saying Isn't and that's because you can't say What's true because you're being Sponsored by fizer or whatever it is Right and you're you know the the Pressure that that's there to put Something out that people are going to Want to click on which is a big part of Like the whole problem with the internet

Where people will make things worse and Bigger and you know the whole thing Right I mean people would say all right That would say to me your title is Clickbait you know which is I mean I Have to make up a title I don't do Clickbait stuff but people would accuse Me of that I'm like well you clicked on It right because it's your fault like It's the viewer's fault that you know It's a viewer fault that people are Watching Stephen A Smith and Ryan Clark Because they want [ __ ] right people Want [ __ ] they want just things that Aren't true that entertain them they Want things that are explosive they want You know takes that are you know Whatever they are you know opinionated That are are you know fantas fan you Know they want something that's not Based in reality that's what that's why The QB thing took off right if I made a Video on Tom Hanks that was you know Thoughtful and factual and you know Whatever it was was more reality based And the qbi would make a video on Tom Hanks about some crazy [ __ ] that isn't True and him being locked up in guantan Bay WR some [ __ ] stuff like that Then you know people are going to watch The the the QB one because it's more Salacious it's more you know it has but It's fake there's nothing in it it's It's fraudulent right and so your whole

Thing is your your model your the model Of this these talk shows is fraudulent Because most of the stuff they say isn't True or isn't going to happen and it's Just whatever you know controversial Thing they can cook up that day and it's Based in you know their sponsors and now Gambling's a part of it right where Gambling is a big part of it it also Influences people's decision on who to Bet on and these other things right so That's you know so it's it's I mean it Was things that used to be illegal and Certain or immoral have crept in and Made Sports even like Greaser than it Was before so Ryan Clark then responded Because Aaron Rogers the thing I showed You first came after Ryan Clark called Him a fraud so um Uh uh Aaron Rogers said the stuff about How Um Aaron Rogers said the stuff he said About these New Media hosts and then These guys went in on him because that's What they do right because it's you know Again this is to drive ratings and it's Good for business like it's good for People to be interested in they love Beefs you know beefs these raap beefs Are fake whatever right and so um then Aaron Rogers said the thing about the VAC status and so this was his response To that wanted to make sure all your People knew it was me here is why I

Called Aaron Rogers or why I called you A hypocrite because you're actually on ESPN talking about my fellow colleagues And the people I work with saying that Now because they are former players and One as greatest players of you as you Were you feel like or they feel like They're the stars and that's not it TV Has changed it's more about opinion and The informed opinion of people who have Played the game what's hypocritical About no what he was ascribing was your Motivation right So people like attention like this is You know there's some people want to be In front of the camera right and that's All the people who are in this kind of Media you know all these guys have Podcasts now and they want to verbalize What they have to say and there's so Many sports podcasts and then there's The stuff that happens that's officially Sponsored on ESPN and these other places And you know it's a good way to make a Living and so some of It's monetary based you know it's in Terms of your whatever you're doing Right why with the you know why people Want to be uh in the media this kind of Media one of it is to make money giving Your thoughts right being able to Express your thoughts which people like To do and being seen and heard by other People right but in the case of someone

Like this it's being a Star um I don't know if they cut off the Beginning we'll see if it's I'm going to Let it run and I'll go back and show you The beginning but he starts off by Talking about his successes what you Said is you said it while on TV with Pat McAfee who has done an amazing job with This platform and even though he was an All pro punter he's now extremely famous And more well known for what he does in His post career even more hypocritical Of you is that you're sitting across From three people who have never played The game and they are also entitled to Talk about football in a very informed Way because see what he was talking About wasn't whether people were talking About football or not what he was Talking about was you guys going in and Basically calling people losers or Frauds or Hypocrites and you know Challenging their characters because of Views and clicks and being opinionated About the kind of people people are Based on their decisions and it started With him because of him again he didn't Ask for it he said to people they asked Him what's your step status and he Didn't want to take you know any he Didn't want the Heat and the distraction Of telling people that he was he took Homeopathics instead of the VAC right And so which makes sense like why

Wouldn't he do that I mean it's better To come out and say these things but Kyrie Irving was an example of this I Don't know what Kye uh Ryan Clark said About kyri Irving I'm not sure he Doesn't cover basketball but Stephen A Smith and these other guys you know were Destroying Kyrie Irving as a person and Kyrie Irving was a hero for what he was Doing even more so than Aaron Rogers Because Aaron Rogers didn't you know Wasn't willing to take on the fight he Just wanted to play football and just You know not have to get the VX but it Came out cuz he couldn't play in the Game it was clear that he didn't have The VX and so they descended on him they Started criticizing him you go we all Saw that everyone saw that and so that's What he's referring to like in if you Guys are criticizing And you guys are working for for Walt Disney you know ESPN Disney and everyone Who worked there had to mandatorily get It and you know there was like that part Of it and has to shill for fizer you Guys can't criticize fizer if you did You'd be fired if you said what Aaron Rogers said or Kyrie Irving you'd be Fired and so your opinion is based in You wantan to keep your job it's that Simple Stephen A Smith said he didn't Want to give up his $8 million I cover This on a earlier video and so what he

Said was 100% accurate was that you guys Have to say these salacious things about People one because you're sponsored by Fizer and two because you're you're You're needing these clicks and Views And things and you want to be a star Like why do you want to do it you know Why you want the you it's one thing to Have a platform but for you to pop you Have to say things that you know are Outside the normal boring [ __ ] that People might say right asz if we've Learned anything from Mina KS you don't Actually have to step on the field to be Excellent at the job of analyzing Football but you're not analyzing Football it's one thing to talk about The plays and mistakes and failures you Know why why you know the losers why They're losers and the winner why is They're winners but then they get into People's characters and who they are as Human beings and you guys [ __ ] on people All the time he's one of the worst People that do that you know saying Horrible things about for you know Current players and they don't it like They they're not into it because you Know they look at you as being part of a Fraternity and you're you're violating That so you can be famous that's what Roger said and he's not doing the same Thing because his his fame or interests Come from his standing up for things

That he believes in right or you know Having controversial you know things That he's into like IAS or whatever Those things are right like his you know Something different like he's got a Netflix special because he's a different Type of person and I spoke to that Hypocrisy because you were getting paid To do that which Pat said you deserve to And that is why you received the money That you did at least initially because Of what you brought to his platform now Let me be clear because I know you want Us to list these things my name is Ryan Clark so this is the part right played 13 years in the NFL been the two Super Bowls I have as many rings as you do I Was the captain of two separate football Teams I'm also an Emy winner I'm also The co-host owner and partner of an Emy Nominated podcast called he also has his Initials at his close the Pivot now I know something else you were Very interested in was my vaccination Status that was the only thing he didn't Care about your credentials right like That's you know it's the vaccination Status for the very reason like he Didn't ask for your credentials this is You saying all the things that you're You're good at but like you know you Were part of a uh you played for the Pist Steelers and they won a Super Bowl While he was on the team he was a

Starting safety or you know uh Cornerback right and so you know he was A good player you know was he had a good Career but that's not important it's About you demonizing other players now That's what he was saying like you You're you're not getting what his Points were and then the stuff about Where this comes from you guys descended In on him and Kyrie Irving Because ESPN is a shell for Pharma big Pharma it's that Simple you can't deny it because ESPN Made it mandatory that everyone had to Be vaccinated and yes I'm VX because I Have no spleen I have no gallbladder Okay so that sucks right because he lost Those things played football but those Aren't you know that's not what the VX Doesn't support those things I mean your Gallbladder is I mean that's important To your health and your splain is your Extra blood supply So he's missing internal organs for Playing football but you know that's I Mean that's not somebody you you're You're VX because you wouldn't be able To work at ESPN if you weren't Regardless if you didn't want to take it And you did research and what if that Actually hurt those areas what if it you Know what if there's side effects or Something like you don't know like did You do any sort of research like that's

Almost like victim conscious look I I'm You know I'm I'm hurt because I I played Football missing these internal organs So I had to get it Well those things aren't you know Necessarily true like is there any um Studies that you looked at and there's Any research you saw that having uh a Gallbladder in a spleen was you you need To get this thing right put in your body It's probably you know maybe it could Have made it worse what the side effects Right but either way you didn't have a Choice because you want to be on ESPN so That's what Aaron Rogers was saying if You're on ESPN you can't criticize it or You can't look into it what if you Looked into it and you had the same Opinion Aon or what someone that you Know got hurt or was injured or what About you know the the Buffalo Bills Player that you know had Cardiac Arrest Right uh Hamlin Demar Hamlin and so what About all those things because of Playing in Denver and being willing to Go back honestly and play again because I've been in those locker rooms and I've Talked to people that have been in the Locker rooms with You I have the stories I have all the Things that they said that informed my Opinion of who you are and as far as Your vaccination status so you can stop Trying to trick people into thinking

That we want to talk about that above The stink of your film I've never heard It one more time after your incident and The only reason we spoke about it then Was because based on your vaccination Status it was going to determine how Long you were out and also that's not What you did you guys demonize the crap At him like you're lying about it are You saying that it was because he was Out because he missed a game that or Whatever it was because they wouldn't Allow him to play and then he was Demonized regularly by everybody Including this guy and Stephen A Smith And they all set in on him and the the Media did in general we all know what Happened there that's why he was on Pac Macafee and this Pat mcfey show blew up Cuz everyone wanted to hear what Aaron Rogers had to say about it and and Aaron Rogers gave thoughtful responses which You guys didn't respond to and now you Know he's been put into this category of The Kyrie Irving category and no one Ever says these guys were right all Along because you know in in reality Even Bill Gates has said That in beating Covid-19 well the uh you know sadly the Virus itself particularly the the Variant called Omron Uh is a type of vaccine that is it Creates both B cell and T Cell immunity

And it's done a better job of getting Out to the world population uh than we Have with vaccines so what Bill Gates Said there and this was said by other People is that natural immunity went out That the virus mutated and got out to Everybody and eventually that led to H Immunity through you know natural Immunity right so what Aaron Rogers did Ended up being the solution remember I'm Saying that because they said that Everyone who didn't get vaccinated was a Threat I mean let's get into it let me Show you that Meme here let me show the The demonization of the people who of The antivaxers because like this is just Partial we know what was said like Anybody who didn't get vaccin vaccinated Was considered a bad Citizen and like a Typhoid Mary carrying this virus and Dangerous to everybody and that was Incentivized by these people all being Being a part of a Beast um you know uh you know the the Beastly system that's supported by big Farmers advertising everywhere and also On Fox Sports where um Terry Bradshaw Basically calls Aaron Rogers a lying Piece of [ __ ] right it's it's science And you shut up and wear your mask it's It's science and you shut up and wear Your mask it's it's science and you shut Up and wear your mask you shouldn't cut Antiva people out of your life they

Could be dead Tomorrow spend time with them call them Get in the will screw your freedom the Latest data confirms that we're still in A pandemic of the Unvaccinated continue to be among the Unvaccinated are among the unvaccinated Are unvaccinated the unvaccinated there Are people who are dying and who will Die who didn't have to if you haven't Gotten vaccinated do it now do it now it Could save your life and it could save The lives of those you Love this is a pandemic of the Unvaccinated the unvaccinated overcrowd Our hospitals or overrunning emergency Rooms and intensive care units leaving No room for someone with a heart attack Or pancreitis or cancer this is not About Freedom or personal choice It's about protecting yourself and those Around you the people you work with the People you care about the people you Love my job as president is to protect All Americans my message to unvaccinated Americans is this we've been patient but Our patience is wearing Thin and your refusal has cost all of us As I speak to you millions of Americans Are still unvaccinated and unprotected And because of that their communities Are at risk their friends are at risk The people that they care about are at Risk but if you're unvaccinated you're

Not and you're putting yourself more Importantly maybe from your perspective Your family and your friends at risk Ultimately those who are not vaccinated Will end up paying the price you are not Allowed to infect anybody just because You think you've got rights that are Delusional of course this delusional Evil idea you got to identify those People and bring them out into the uh Open so you know who they are if you're Willing to walk among us unvaccinated You are an enemy at this point staying Unvaccinated is like wearing a Yankees Hat to a Red Sox game you're probably Going to end up in the hospital and it's Your own damn Fault I was so worked Up over the Weekend about this [ __ ] Aaron Rogers Of the NFL I don't even know where to Begin with that story I mean this this [ __ ] guy I don't watch football sorry I'm not a big fan I know the guy's a Real good football player that's why They put up with his [ __ ] if I run The NFL he's going to be A you came across as a national Embarrassment he's talking to Aaron Rogers you came across as a national Embarrassment there is no other way Around it it was the most Embarrassing performance of Aaron Rogers Career Jeopardy and put and possibly

Putting your teammates in Jeopardy to me Is selfish I I one I give Aaron Rogers Some advice it would have been nice if He' had just come to the Naval Academy And learn how to be H Southern California or as of yesterday we started Giving the vaccine to kids aged five and Up uh Finally our kids will be able to go to Let's see W woo a I'm not vaccinated ID Oh I take horse Pills yeah yeah we have to wait for them To be vaccinated because they are Selfishly a danger to other people Including staff people here uh so while We all hopeful and I joined the President and being hopeful uh that we Can reach a place where It is safe for people to be what is this The honor System the honor System as to whether Somebody's been vaccinated do you want Them breathing in your face on the Strength of their Honor so let let's just see um let's Just see and me again we have this is About science and Governance and Science and governance we Have a responsibility to make sure of That the house of the representatives Chamber is not a petri Dish for the because of the selfishness Of some not to be vacinated teach people

Common Sense you need to get v i she doesn't Even know what else to do to get the People of her state to get Smart and listen to the facts and get Vaccinated so people don't die it's like That simple is it not the people who Choose to remain Unvaccinated right now who are causing All of this it is selfish at this point To not get vaccinated if you can be Vaccinated and you refuse to that's a Selfish act you're uh putting other People's lives and health at risk you Should get vaccinated because frankly we Know that we can't trust the Unvaccinated because frankly we know That we can't trust the unvaccinated Because frankly we know that we can't Trust the unvaccinated the new cases in Co Because of unvaccinated folks but it's Time to start blaming the unvaccinated Folks not the regular folks it's the Unvaccinated folks that are letting us Name the people who are not getting Vaccines who are believing the lies on The internet instead of science it's Time to start shaming them what else or Leave them Behind be because they are keeping the Majority of Americans Behind I think I just passed a house With um a Halloween yard decoration that

Was a bunch of skeletons burning an Antivaxer at the Steak I'm going to Go and so there it is it says antivaxer Right here took me a while to see this That's why I'm pointing it out and it's Got a bunch of skeletons sitting around A campfire roasting a skeleton Antivaxer this is supposed to be a you Know a fire which is pretty effed up Like it's really effed up right And what my wife pointed out was what do These guys die From not that Halloween is a contest but Um they won It the platforms like Facebook they're killing People I mean it really they look the Only pandemic we have is among the Unvaccinated and that's and they're Killing people what what he's saying There is that posting words on social Media is killing people and they've made This like the worst thing that you're a Bad person for posting things that Aren't verified by the official story This is a guy who Dron children he Ordered the deaths of children in Afghanistan when he ordered a drone Strike on an imaginary enemy to distract From a failed war and a disastrous Withdrawal and so there are horrible Things being done all the time but now They've made posting things on social

Media one of the worst ones but it ended Up not being true right he demonized Antivaxers and people who are posting Things on the internet and ended up Being him who was the liar and the Person that was putting people in Jeopardy effects or or reactions would Be most common from these Vaccines well generally the most common Reaction is what you see with most any Other vaccine a sore arm a little bit Aches you might feel a little bit fatigu And down for 24 hours to 36 hours at the Most a small percentage of the people Might get a fever that would last for 24 Hours you take a Tylenol you can take Care of that without much problem the Safety of severe Adverse Events is Really very good and the 30,000 people In the Mna trial and the 44,000 people People in the fisa trial the one we're Talking about today there were really no Severe Adverse Events they didn't list Any side effects I mean that's you know A sore arm or you know these things I Mean he's talking about just how you Feel after you get the vaccine not two Months out or three years out or 5 years Out but now we know that there are Multiple side effects which I'll get Into after um we go through these things Here we know that there was admitted to Side effects things that they're Investigating and things that are

Related to people dying and one of the Ways we know that they were being Deceptive and not saying what some of The side effects were because they never Showed you commercials that came from The pharmaceutical companies themselves It was social influencers or media Personalities or JoJo Magoo it wasn't Fizer posting commercials because if They had if they did that they would Have had to list all the side effects Which we still don't know what those are Right in terms of what they discovered And it's still being studied right it's Not even like they're fully uh you know It's it's fully been vetted by even the The pharmaceutical companies themselves So this was all lies right again they Lied to people and said that this thing Was safe and safer than getting covid And you know this turned out to be not True right because frankly we know that We can't trust the unvaccinated that About it's to prevent severe disease Which we don't have data for that for Kids but I guess to me the risk benefit Calculation looks like this if the Vaccines are safe and the side effects Are things like fatigue and headache and Um and muscle soreness at the injection Site I would much rather deal with that For a day or not at all I mean some many Most people actually have no side Effects um and so I would much rather

Deal with side effects like that but Understanding that we are doing Something we're giving something that is Safe and that can prevent the Possibility of something horrible from Happening which is every parent's worst Nightmare the question asked by the Presenter was that um because children Really weren't dying from covid why give Them a VX and risk any sort of side Effects and things from the VX and she Of course said that there was no real Side effects from the fact which we now Know is completely false right and we Know that kids is something like 1500 Kids or less than that was the official Statistics on the CDC died from covid Many of them had severe health issues Going into the disease right so U what She said here is you know that she's Saying well your worst nightmares your Kids's going to die again putting the Fear out there there is a positive Association with the word safe Advertisers and presenters use the the Word safe to get people to buy their Products safety is a big thing with People and when they're scared of Something like they were of covid and They were offered something that would Keep them and their family safe and they Withheld information or out out lied or You know just made false claims with no Scientific basis and saying this would

Keep you safe then people went and got The vac and now we know that things are Different and so all these lies and Deceptions and she had the ner to say The vacc the unvaccinated can't be Trusted right and so the other piece of This which we now know and both Bill Gates I have the memes here I've saved These things and fouchy have both Admitted that covid wasn't beaten by the Vaccine the idea that the vaccine would Give her immunity and covid would Disappear because everyone would be Vaccinated and they wouldn't get covid Because they had the vaccine and then You know we just disappear because no One would have it and they couldn't pass It on to other people this idea of hert Immunity through vaccination we now know That covid mutated itself out of Existence or mutated itself into a more Safer more contagious form and that Everyone had ended up getting it anyway So the vaccine turned out to be Relatively unnecessary based in what These guys are saying Here in beating covid-19 Well the uh you know sadly the virus Itself particularly the the variant Called Omron uh is a type of vaccine that is it Creates both B cell and T Cell immunity And it's done a better job of getting Out to the world population uh than we

Have with vaccines I think what one Referred to what was not anticipated was The extent of the mutations than the Amino acid substitutions in Omicron Which is really unprecedented it kind of Came out of nowhere where you have a Virus that has 50 mutations 30 of which Are in the spike protein and 10 or 12 of Which are in the receptor binding domain The thing that's important is that it Appears to be able to evade some of the Immune protection of things like Monoclonal antibodies convalescent Plasma and the antibodies that are Induced by vaccines that's the so in News against severe disease but when you Get to Omicron the protection Significantly goes down keeping the Events that are that are safe and uh and Also the events that have fun for people Too we can't be canceling everything Especially if we're going to be living With covid for the foreseeable future I Would say that if you choose to go make Sure that you're vaccinated and boosted Make sure that you're wearing a um a Mask even though it's outdoors if there Are lots of people packed around you Wearing a three ply surgical mask don't Wear a cloth mask cloth masks are little More than facial decorations there's no Place for them in light of Omicron and So wear a highquality mask at least a Three ply surgical mask and if you're

Going to be visiting elderly relatives Recently when you said here on CNN that Cloth masks were quote little more than Facial Decorations so in light of Omron what Kind of mask should we all be wearing And were you surprised by the push back From your comments well I was surprised Because this is not the first time that I or Professor Oster home really any of Us Public Health experts have been Saying that cloth masks are not Appropriate for this pandemic it was It's not appropriate for Omicron it was Not appropriate for Delta alpha or any Of the previous variants either because We're dealing with something that's Airborne we're dealing with a virus That's extremely contagious at the very Beginning of the pandemic we didn't know About masking and then we didn't have Enough masks enough high quality masks For healthcare workers and so we were Trying to ration those but then pretty Quickly we recognized that Co is Born do you agree with the Move I do there was a and is a time in Place for pandemic restrictions but when They were put in it was always with the Understanding that they would be removed As soon as we can and in this case Circumstances have changed case counts Are declining also the science has Changed but rather that the

Responsibility should shift from a Government mandate imposed from the State or the Local District of the School rather is should shift to an Individual responsibility by the family Who can still decide that their child Can wear a mask if needed um you know Take New Jersey the case of New Jersey For instance their new case average is Just over 4,000 um is that an acceptable number to Do this or or or are they projecting out To March 7th at this Point I don't think we should be looking At case counts at all at this point Especially when we're dealing with a Milder variant and when so many people Were Exposed on Omicron and therefore Have H have at least some level of Protection either through vaccination or Immunity the key number that we should Be looking at is hospitalizations if our Icus and hospitals in that particular Region are not overwhelmed if they're Not overc capacity we can set a number For example 75% or 80% full then we Should be able to relax all restrictions And I actually believe that we should be Starting to with the first restriction Removed should actually be the Restriction on children because while For adults you could say what's the harm Of adults masking when they go into a Grocery store there actually is a harm

That we should be discussing of children Continuing to mask that doesn't mean That masking doesn't have its place for Children when there are very high rates Of hospitalization if we get a new Variant in the future that children are Particularly susceptible to we may want To bring masks back but we should also Be intellectually honest and say that Masking has had a cost especially for The youngest Learners uh people with English as a second language children With learning disabil There has been a cost to them so the Risk benefit calculation has really Changed uh but she's had the flu for 14 Days should she get a flu shot well no If she got the flu for 14 days she's as Protected as anybody can be because the Best vaccination is to get infected Yourself and if she if she really has The flu if she really has the flu she Definitely doesn't need a flu vaccine if She really has the flu she should not Get it again no she doesn't need it Because the it's the it's the most Potent vac V ination is getting infected Yourself the current vaccines are not Infection Blocking uh they're not broad so a new Variants come up you lose protection and They have very short duration Particularly in the people who matter Which are old people I knew these

Vaccines were not going to protect Against infection and I think we Overplayed the vaccines and it made People then worry that it's not going to Protect against severe disease and Hospitalization it will but let's be Very clear 50% of the people who died From the Amron surge were older Vaccinated was the fiser covid vaccine Tested on stopping the transmission of The virus before it entered the Market if not please say it clearly if Yes are you willing to share the data With this committee and I really want a Straight answer yes or no and I'm Looking forward to it thank you very Much um regarding the question around um Did we know about stopping humanization Before um it entered the market no uh These um you know we had to really move At the speed of science to really Understand what is taking place in the Market for those of us who weren't Vaccinated right those of us who were we Weren't allowed to talk about it and we Were regularly told we were pieces of [ __ ] so [ __ ] you guys any of you guys [ __ ] you guys like we're not over this Like in a sense you know I don't hold Grudges I don't give a [ __ ] I'm not Everyone's you know I'm responsible for Myself but like I'm not you know angry Or hateful but you know it's just all The things about being a truther all the

Things that we go through it's you know This is one of the defining moments in Our relationships with other people and Like you know you're dead to me like You're just you know you're not my Concern anybody you know I've gone Through this with my spiritual Organization I've gone through this with You know all the things over the years Doing this and it's not about about a Matter of difference of opinion it's About you people trying to force you Know the establishment people trying to Force their will on us and make us Capitulate to their worldview like it Isn't just like we can have our own Opinions because we can't even say our Opinions censorship is regularly Happened and we're being told all the Time we're worthless piece of [ __ ] or Whatever so that's why I go in hard all The time on these people like anybody's An establishment person you guys drew First blood you guys did these things And you know allowing me to say whatever You know whatever it might be I you know There's no there's nothing that I won't Say that's truthful about you again some Of its opinions and some of it you know Whatever it just has to do with this Part of you right you know people have Different parts of them like let me get Into that here in a second we go back to This thing you know but um the way that

You treated us and I'm not like I said I I don't look at myself as a victim it's A defining moment in our relationship Where I'm seeking you know my path and My spiritual path and my you know Whatever truth whatever my truth is and Whatever is good for me and you guys Were like no you're piece of [ __ ] you Can't do that I that's what you guys Were saying to us in every possible way With your shitty president and you guys Were wrong about everything and you know To do with this and everything else Right you're consistently wrong you guys Keep on pushing for the Beast for the Man you know for the The Establishment And the establishment we know is Corrupted and so people who have the Courage to stand up are demonized like I Was saying in the beginning we kill our Saints people speak truth to power are Destroyed and this is what happened to Kyrie Irving I mean you guys you know Went after him in the modern way of Destruction you this is the modern way Of Crucifixion and again this just m mild Truth like it's just not even to get Into the real spiritual truth and then Stuff with Aaron Rogers you know so like You can't say anything but Aon but he Said two things I want to show you let's Go back to these two different clips Here so he said this um this is Ryan

Clark saying this here on Twitter Because I've been in those locker rooms And I've talked to people that have been In the locker rooms with you I have the Stories I have all the things that they Said that informed my opinion of who you Are so Ryan Clark has been saying all Year Aaron Rogers isn't a good leader He's not a good teammate he's not these Things he's saying he talked to some Disgruntled people that in formed his Opinion doesn't know him they probably Have met very few times they played Against each other but he doesn't like Aaron roders well now first of all let's Go I'm going to show you one more thing That he says now and then I'm going to Go back and show you something he said About Kurt Cousins not supposed to be Able to do their job and do their jobs In an unbiased way and be honest about Who you are so um you know it's your Opinion of Aaron Rogers that it's Limited because you can't conceive of Him because you're an ESPN shill like None of you guys can conceive of what we Do here all of us who are on social Media that speak some sort of real truth To power thoughtful truth you know Informed truth and spiritual truth like You're just somebody Shilling for big Pharma and going into locker rooms and Getting a an opinion again you know when You call somebody a bad leader and you

Get into these types of things right and If they were winning the Jets were Winning that would never be happening so This is just the you know the Jets fell Apart this year and Aaron roders was Whatever he was and so a bunch of people Said things about Aaron Rogers that's What you're saying and again you're not Saying who those people are people who Weren't going to come forward and put Their name to it you're saying that you Talk to these people like can't validate Or verify you're say you're doing that And how many people it was and they're Saying Aaron Rogers is a piece of [ __ ] And isn't a good leader a bad teammate And then that you say these things and Like that's not you know and then you're Saying my what the truth about who you Are you don't know who somebody is right Like I know you're a piece of [ __ ] for Pushing all these agendas I know like The stuff like there's things about Ryan Clark I just don't like his personality But my opinion of him was formed by this If I can find it what he says about Kirk Cousins who didn't get the vaccine or Whatever it was Kirk Cousins um was Saying that he would just get the virus And this guy went in on him and I Remembered it and it was one of the Early V things that you know was a part Of the Sports World so this is from 2020 um September I think 2020 September

13th 2020 and KK cousin said that if he dies He dies k h and I'm potentially testing Positive for Corona virus I'm going to Write it out and so I guess he was Somebody who was maybe anti the vaac but He said if I die I'm GNA die right so Ryan Clark said this I know tough people I know a ton of tough people I play with Tough people uh many of those tough People that I play with consider me a Tough Person he's big about being a tough guy Uh as someone here who has dealt with Something that happened on the field That almost cost him his life I agree With Dan we are people who like to face Adversity who like to overcome obstacles Who have to prove day in and day out That we are Different um Kurt Cousins ain't tough Y'all he ain't tough Y'all this is not about toughness Kurt Cousins ain't no tough dude he ain't no Tough dude play with kurk Kirk's a good Football player Kurt's a football player That will stand in and do things that Quarterback has to do if I had people to Take with me and say I want to take the Nine other toughest people that played On my team Kurt Cousins wouldn't be in That in that group he's not a tough guy See this is what Aaron Roger was talking About in terms of slandering people Kirk

Cousins take some brutal hits if you saw That show Netflix Quarterback um and Kirk Cousins was on There I don't like Kirk Cousins either But he um he took some brutal hits and Both him and Aaron Rogers work their way Back from Mill's injuries which is tough Right which is like they're all you know In a way I mean in terms of being able To endure the physical pain of football They're all tough guys to whatever Extent right whatever that means but This isn't what KK cousin was saying About it I think when you make Statements like this and you pound your Chest like this um it doesn't show Empathy for the people that have lost Their lives to covid-19 it doesn't show Empathy for the people that have that's Not what he was saying Kur cousins is a Christian and he was saying that you Know sometime in life like's it's the Same thing with football this guy lost His spleen and his gallbladder to Football right which to me it's just Stupid that isn't being a tough guy That's being stupid there's nothing Worth there's nothing worth out there You leing losing parts of your organs For a sport there's no Sport worth that Right like there's you know it's not Worth it for you to to suffer that to Play a sport right and you're going to Get injured in these things but you know

Football is particular bad right but him Saying that this is about being a tough Guy K cousins wasn't saying about being A tough guy like they're going out every Week and risking their lives at least Their physical health and with football It breaks you these guys are all mangled After football the longer to play the The more you're mangled it's a brutal Violent sport right and that wasn't what Kurt Cousins was referring to he's Talking about faith and also is having Faith in whatever um medical model that You use right right and so he got this Completely wrong he made it about being A tough guy I don't know the [ __ ] he's Talking about comparing himself like He's a big ego person you know this Person he's always bragging and you know He's he's just big I mean they're all Big ego person he's particularly big and This was what Aaron Rogers was referring To right lost family members and also When you think about protecting yourself And saying that you don't believe in Certain things if you have compassion if You care about other people you're going To to do at least what is being mandated By of You by the NFL what's being Mandated it's about the vaccine right of You by your team and listen to some of The things that are going on with the Reports of what covid-19 can do to Certain people who are predisposed to uh

Having this disease take their lives or Having this disease put them in the Hospital and at least try to protect Them and so for me for me um you know he Can do whatever he wants to do but I Hope that the league continues to take This seriously I hope that the players Continue to take this seriously this is Not a time to judge Kurt Cousins Opinions well what the [ __ ] you think You just did right you were slamming him And saying he wasn't a tough guy and you Got his opinion wrong first of all you Didn't understand his opinion and you Know this is something I always say that When I start to go after people and you Know I started to do what I do here mock People I first wanted to verbalize you Know in the video or at least know Myself Both things what their opinion was what Their point of view was because you Really need to know somebody's point of View before you criticize it or mock it Or whatever it is right and his point of View is you know what Aaron Rogers was Saying you have to understand where that Point of view comes from and so this guy You know he bought into the official System model and because he bought into The official System model he was and Because ESPN was Shilling for this thing Like so many other people were you know It was like a gang of people out there

Who were trying to stomp out and Destroy Anybody who would verbalize anything Against big Pharma and big Pharma and You know doctors kill 250,000 people a Year right like you can look that up That's like a fact right it's uh medical Re medical errors medical related deaths And then all the side effects and [ __ ] that happens from farticles and Then the things that go unreported and All these things that were covered up About people being injured from the Bloop right and so I mean did you look Into Demar Hamlin and and look at why he Had a cardiac arrest and why they're Putting defibrillators in schools Ryan Clark did you look at any of that [ __ ] Right and so you just bought into the Official story and you're Shilling for The corporations the big farma Corporations that are paying your salary And so you know that's what the whole Thing's about you're doing it here with Kurt Cousins and you're lying about Judging his opinions you're totally Doing that in a wrong way CU you don't Even understand what he was saying or Where he was coming from but it is time To talk about what the ramifications of This type of thought process could be But you did zero research on this right The guy did zero research like he just Took whatever the opinion was of the Establishment and went with it like so

Many other people and again you could do That I don't care take 10 of them take a Hundred of them get one every day like I Said this before I don't care in fact I Want you guys to do it dive into it Right but you know don't tell us what to Do and that's what happened people were Forced to get the bloop and all that Stuff because of these you know opinions And all of it and we paid for it and We're going to pay for it in terms of Any health you know the the side effects And things like that like we're paying For it now and we're going to be paying For it in the future and we were Demonized for it so [ __ ] you guys right That's the attitude if you guys don't Understand that like it's you know Anybody in the establishment realize That you Took so other people's position I'm not Going to get into anything else but this Today because it's you know this is Already you got a little bit more to say About this and I'm already over two Hours but uh I'll get into RFK Jr in the Next video because they're going after Him now again like they turn on the news And they just keep on saying stuff about That because they're you know making up Things about his position you know That's the other thing when they lie About your position and then demonize it And that's what these guys all do and in

The Sports World and this other places So that's the jumping off point I want To get to the end of his statement here But Stephen A Smith the reason I found This out what Stephen A Smith was Commenting on that and I wanted to hear What he had to say because he was you Know amongst those people I mean he said He was a disgrace you know you're Calling people a disgrace and you're Telling them to be ashamed of themselves [ __ ] you like this is what they do right They say [ __ ] like that you're an Embarrassment yeah [ __ ] you right you're An embarrassment you're a shill and You're [ __ ] you're bought and sold Right and so like this is you know where That's coming from but uh first Stephen A Smith said about Ryan Clark's take Here that you know he knew he was going To respond because when Stephen A Smith's words he was a proud black band Let me show you that so Stephen A Smith Says these things here right he quotes One thing I showed you of Aaron Rogers And then he gets into R Ryan clock over Here but he says this yeah that's just Not how he rose If you know anything about my man Ryan Clark he ain't G to take stuff like that Sitting down that's just not how he Rolls to Anybody um especially I mean he's a Proud black man so you're a white dude

Coming at him he going he's going to Raise his antennas even more I'm just Telling you who I know see the thing is You know you want to make this racial But you guys have gone after Aaron Rogers Ryan Clark doesn't like him cuz He was couple weeks ago I saw him Talking about about right uh Aaron Rogers um being uh like a bad leader and You're calling him a fraud and these Things right but that was you know Before you guys all went after him and As a group and as Individuals and so recognize that people Get to respond like that's just what Happens people are going to say whatever They're going to say and everyone has to Realize that that's you know you're Giving your opinions you're being harsh About things that people are going to be Upset about like I get it like that's Why I don't get pissed off when people Write me you know butt hurt comments Even though I'm not going after them Personally or whatever they just you Know people you voice your opinions and People are going to say [ __ ] and it's Just words it means nothing right but For Aaron Rogers it you know and Kyrie Irving it affected their amount of money They make and their brand and all these Things Nike dropped Kyrie Irving I mean This segue into the other thing you know Everything that Kyrie Irving did he the

Reaction he didn't deserve of it at Least in terms of you know uh maybe a Past life thing or whatever it was but You guys all demonized him because your Shs for ESPN right and so to say this is About how a white guy went after him he Went after Aaron Rogers first and said He verbalized his opinion about not Being a good leader and Aaron Rogers Said what he thought about you guys and Then you got into it right and so let's Go back to the other Ryan Clark thing We'll come back to this thing with Stephen A Smith if he said says anything About the VAC otherwise I don't care What he says here also people didn't Care that you weren't vaccinated they Cared that you were slimy about it the He wasn't slimy like you're slimy right Because you're not representing Yourself like that's again you're Calling him slimy because you know what He did if first of all you were upset at Kirk cousin for verbalizing something That you thought was dangerous to other People and was insensitive to the people That they lost to co that you were like My God she should be ashamed of yourself For having that opinion but then when Aaron Rogers tried to hide what he did Because he didn't want it to be a thing He didn't want to be a distraction he Wasn't looking to make a statement he Wasn't looking to be controversial they

Found out because he had to sit out a Game and we had to sit out a game and Realize that he wasn't vaxed and that he Had said early earlier he was immunized By homeopathic remedies which they don't Take seriously they know this is some of His you know his new age [ __ ] right That's what they all said and again That's not slimy you you can't have it Both ways you can't demonize her cousins For coming out and saying what he said And then slam him for you know Representing bad information like all You guys did and then when Aaron Rogers Tries to you know keep it on the down Low you know he didn't lie because he in His mind he thought he was immunized he Thought he took something you know and He had already had it and so he's Already you know like so many other Basketball players and people they had It and they already had natural immunity But they were forced to take it anyway So do you slimy you know you're calling Him [ __ ] slimy right like you don't Get it like you're operating on a lower Level of Consciousness in this thing You're not able to see that there's you Only you're Shilling for an evil Corporation that's Corporation big Pharmers big Pharma that has done all Kinds of damage to people in the medical Community a for-profit medicine right Cared that you were deceitful about it

And again he wasn't deceitful they asked Him a question and he didn't want to Become a thing you accuse him of being a Bad leader and he said he wasn't then it Would have started off just then like You would treated him any differently no You wouldn't of you would been slamming Them the whole time it would have been Controversial it would have caused Damage to the team it would have been a Distraction and so you can't [ __ ] Make [ __ ] up right like that's not true You're not speaking truth right we all Know how it was handled back then we saw What happened to Kyrie Irving [ __ ] you Right [ __ ] you and they care that you Had this air of arrogance when answering The questions about it and you've kind Of only been the only person that's Talked about it Since but let me be very are you serious This has been a constant he is Considered a certain type of person and So like just you're making [ __ ] up like He's you know you don't know what it's Like to be on the other side and this is If you want to talk about being a Disenfranchised group being a group That's prejudiced against right and this Whole thing with Tuskegee and black People being experimented on right so if You're going to Stephen A Smith making This racial but you're on the you're on The side of the [ __ ] the the people

That are demonizing people and dividing People and doing bad [ __ ] again there Was no risk to other people I mean what We were everything you were told about This was wrong right and the way they Demonized anybody who didn't want to get The VAC was horrible which I showed you The clips you guys all know you were There and so all of us who are on the The other side of this you know come on Like you're not being honest about it You're not being truthful about this Very Clear my job is to analyze you you've Decided to analyze me and in analyzing You what I know is you're but you're Saying you guys have the same job you're Saying what he's doing on Pat McAfee is the same thing as you're doing Again you can't have it both ways you're Talking about being hypo hypocritical You don't get to have it both ways ubr Is 21st Also know that you're the quarterback of A 4- 10 team who has to win the last Three games of the season to even be Equal to what last year's team was Without you okay see that you know the The play is one thing but you guys Criticized him as a person as a leader And these other things right and so and Again he gets to criticize you back like You can't you're saying that it's your Job to analyze him it's your job to say

Sensational things and then shill for Your corporate handlers and the the People that tell you what to do at ESPN Your handlers at ESPN that's what your Job is right to create Buzz create Controversy and usually that's means Saying something negative and being Hostile and things saying things like That if people want to come back at you They have the total right to do it right And you're demonizing all of us Antivaxers or all people who didn't get The vax you guys are all doing that and So we're not cool with that right we're Not cool with any of it because you Never understood our position and you Should have fought for people's right to Express themselves if you feel like you Can express your opinions of Aon Rogers Then we can express your our opinions of You and and the vac and everything else But we're suppressed and censored and You know all this stuff about Marginalized people and [ __ ] the people In the truth Community all of us who Based on our opinions and not buying Into a system that lies to us all the Time and that's all factual you know Like that's everyone knows the system Lies and so you know in a medical Community that's for a profit right and So like this is just it's silly like It's a little silly freaking opinions That don't take into consideration

Anything else but your narcissistic Opinion on Things no I get it you get on the show And you talk about my bro and you curse And all this tough talk I just need you To know don't none of that scare me I'mma do my job the way I'm supposed to Do it what do you mean scare you like What there was no threats there I feel No way about not being able to talk About what the film says because of what My career Was and if you continue to be arrogant Or smug or hypocritical and it pertains To my job I'm GNA do It and I want to remind you again I'm Ryan Clark who are you 13 years Amy wait wait What your what's your credentials Ryan Winner Host of an Emy nominated podcast so this Is the external validation for [ __ ] Right like this is needing external Validation this is the whole thing you Know I me Aaron Rogers is whatever he is Right like these guys are all that's Part of the external validation as part Of this thing you know wanting Championships I mean that's why these Guys are sacrificing their bodies you Know when you look at former players of Sports you know all of us athletes and Kids who played Sports dreamt of playing Professional sports you know and I had

Some athletic ability and some dreams About it but I just really didn't have The drive for it and you know whatever It wasn't my thing my soul wasn't Endorsing it and I'm glad now because Like I have some minor injuries that are There you know things from wear and tear On my body from playing sports if I Played it on that kind of level you're Going to be in pain and suffer for the Rest of your life your body's broken and You put up so much of your life's energy Into the sport right especially now with The I mean it's you know their their Whole Focus where you have to be the Level of play has gone up to the extent You know people are spending all this Money on you know all this time and Money uh like LeBron James SP spends Like $1.5 million on his body every year Just to keep him going and you know to To perform on a high level and so you Know that's your life's energy goes into That and then you don't have anything Left for when you get older that's why a Lot of these athletes you look at them They're like zombies and they're you Know they're physically broken this Guy's missing two internal organs right And the price isn't worth it and you Know it is what it is but you know they Needed external validation and that's Whatever it is right but when you get Into character and you get into people's

You know difference of opinions and the War that's existing between I don't want To call it a war because we have no Weapons like we have just the limited You know capacity as truthers to to sort Of figure out where to where and when And how to to put out our opinions that Are being suppressed and being demonized Because the establishment of the Beast Can't handle dissension because it's a System that is predicated on illusion And perception right so we are all Dealing with that which these guys none Of them know because they're all shills For the official story but if this guy Didn't sign a contract with ESPN and he Goes off on his own then his opinions Will be different like he goes off in His own podcast where he doesn't have to Worry about losing his job at ESPN you Notice that like these people who start Going into our Arena they all of a Sudden start saying things that they Wouldn't say on ESPN right and so what Aaron Rogers was saying who are you Shilling for and it's big farmer Speaking of that jealousy and guess Stuff The Rock Kevin Hart Mike Tomlin Devonte Adams Joe burrow Shaq Just to name a few no Money just Relationships conversations and respect It's what I tried to give you and we'll Keep it that way as long as you want it

Like that appreciate you okay so um what He said at the end Ryan Clark I just Want to clarify this I assume those were All people sha and Joe burrow or whoever He else he said Devonte Adams came on His show and were interviewed and they Didn't ask for money for the interview And so he's taking a shot Aaron Rogers For being paid by Pat McAfee but if you Saw the Pat McAfee show Pat McAfee it Came out that Aaron Rogers was being Paid and people went off on that and There's a whole thing about it right and Then Pat mcky came out and said that Aaron Rogers didn't receive a dime from Him but then he got a $500 million deal From ESPN half a billion deal from ESPN Pat mcfey did because his show was so Successful right and so he said to Aaron Rogers I want to give you some money Because a big part of my success is that You came on every Tuesday during the Controversy with the vax and his ratings Like skyrocketed and he gave Pat McAfee Relevance and Aaron Rogers didn't want To take the money at first but you know Pat McAfee pressure and said like this Is just you know you deserve it and Pat McAfee said that he rewarded all the People on the show they're all like he's Paid them well all the people that have Helped him you know he's got all these Staff people like he says that I you Know share this stuff is to stop me

Getting $500 million and that you know All the people that help me get rewarded And so like that's not you know Criticize Aaron Rogers for being paid You know he was just going on being Interviewed and then the whole thing Happened with packback fee all the Things I said and so it's disingenuous To say that right but Stephen A Smith Says this mistake number two you brought Up the VAC Status because evidently Amar Rogers Feels that anybody who took the vaccine Their opinions are to be dismissed Because there's so much that we've Learned about the whole covid vaccine And everything that transpired during That time so you saw my if you saw my Video the other day Stephen A Smith Going at Kyrie Irving and then getting Personal with him and continue to get Into him and going after him because he Was getting his Kyrie Zing's dad and him Got into it right which was you know he Was using his platform to basically Bully Kyrie Irving and disparage him Because of a personal beef and he had to Come out and apologize for that but you Know he's not getting this thing right And what anybody who you know knows what We went through as antivaxers and I Didn't go through anything I mean being Not being honest like it didn't affect Me at all because people's opinions I

Don't respect and don't care about it Didn't affect my personal life right but I know how we're treated in general well I was censored though I got I got Community guidelines strikes I just got One you know Ally fortunately YouTube Repealed it on that old video I put up Of this where I said that I wasn't in The beginning of the video I say I'm not Commenting on the vaccine or any of These things I'm just commenting on the Way people were treating antivaxers Right I made that clear in that video a Long time ago but I still because YouTube was the bot sock and all these Things I got rid of all that stuff but I Made it public and within 3 or 4 hours It was already got a community guideline Um it didn't give me a strike it just Removed the content but I fought it and They looked at it and they repealed it Right so that's on my other channel but That's how we were treated where we Couldn't talk about our point of view And there was only one official point of View which turned out which he's even Kind of acknowledging now was wrong but What more important is your company was Making money off of these big farm and That you know that's guides your opinion You had an establishment opinion and so Aaron Rogers was was demonized he went From being someone who did a few weird Things but he was a great player and was

Mostly celebrated and Stephen A Smith Always celebrated him right he always Said good things about Aaron roggers Then Aaron Rodgers said this thing with The immunization and he ended up being Kyrie Irving which was wrong like that Was wrong what you guys did there was Just [ __ ] wrong and you guys should Man up and say every one of you guys Should man up and say what we did was Wrong right that the way that you Treated Kyrie Irving and then Aaron Rogers because it pertained to your you Know the establishment you know this is The the evil [ __ ] big Pharma this is The villains you know if you don't Believe that this one thing was bad There's plenty other side effects and You know big farm is known for Overcharging people and putting out [ __ ] [ __ ] that that's bad for people Over 200 medications cause suicidal Ideation Andor depression or both Andor Depression I don't need to say you're both and so It's not a mistake what he said we all Understand it like you don't get it you And Ryan Clark don't get it that's the Problem if you got it you wouldn't be Saying this [ __ ] right You' realize Where this is coming from especially Coming from a person that's feels like They're Disenfranchised because of race right

Like when you feel like you're being um The powers that be are prejudiced Against you and your your your group Group of people you're demographic none Of you guys stood up for the antivaxers None of you cared about the way we were Being treated wrongly [ __ ] treated Right that was your chance to make a Stand for if you if you're against a Behavior which is where the Establishment demonizes a group of People then you have you're against it In all forms and otherwise then shut up About it because you only care about What's being happening to you or your Group right like all these people Couldn't wait to pile on the antivaxers And you know all the stuff that was Being Said that conspiracy theorists at the Time the Amon Rogers the Kyrie Irving And others ended up Looking a lot better later on and In Fairness a lot better than the rest of Us myself good good you're saying that Because that's what's truth and but That's not enough because like you guys [ __ ] it Right Included here's the flip side there's no Flip side that's it no [ __ ] flip side Bro zero zero flip side you guys [ __ ] Treated antivaxers and these guys Particularly like [ __ ] and you were

[ __ ] wrong and you demonized them and You don't realize the damage that was Done and the kind of energy that was There and like have never made amends Right so [ __ ] that like there's no There's no flip Side Ryan Clark pointed out it wasn't That you took the vaccine or that you Didn't take the vaccine Is that he used the word Slimy I'm saying you were lying you Didn't lie you said you were immunized Yeah but he he said he was immunized Which for him he was he wasn't lying Right and if he didn't lie the way you Treated Kyrie Irving would totally Excuse it like you don't [ __ ] lie or The politicians don't lie or everyone Doesn't lie right [ __ ] like you know And it wasn't a lie to hurt people Especially when you guys would have said Him coming out and saying I don't Believe in the vaccine would have been Like Horrible right it would have been like You know he's killing people like all The fans of Aaron Rogers that believe in Him he's killing people all these people Will die because Aaron Rogers said that Like if he came out and said that [ __ ] You would have said he was a [ __ ] Murderer right like he was going to kill People because of that and that was the Words that were being said so you can't

[ __ ] erase the the circumstances but You're also dismissing um non-allopathic Medicine because Aaron Rogers said he Took a homeopathic and again these other Things that were being taken that now Have been validated as working right and So you know for me I didn't take any of It and I got it and I survived it and I'm healthier now because of it right And I don't have the whatever side Effects that were there from the Whatever it is we all were betting on What we believed in at least some of us Some of us just marched in and did what We were told without thinking about it And so don't pretend that Aaron Rogers Was being slimy or being lying or being A piece of [ __ ] it's totally reasonable What he said and from his point of view He wasn't lying because he thought he Was immunized he thought he believed in What he took right it's like you saying You were immunized and then you getting Co were you immunized no you got it you Took the vac and then you got covid Right those of those people who did that And so Aaron Rogers never got it after That I don't believe he got it right he Took the I think he had it he took the The homeopath iic and then he didn't get It since then and so maybe he was Immunized right at least he didn't get Co or if he did it was a mild version Like I didn't hear about him getting

Covid I can lur that up it doesn't Really matter but that's you know Reality and so that isn't you know you Guys it wasn't just about him lying you Made that about that but if he had told The if he told what you guys consider The truth and he came out and said it You guys would have set in on him any [ __ ] way and so that was the [ __ ] You know hypocrisy of what you're saying Now all you guys and you were wrong you Were [ __ ] all wrong like admit you Were wrong put your tail between your Legs and take it like a [ __ ] man like You were wrong and you said [ __ ] and you Were [ __ ] a total dick to Kyrie Irving about this stuff you gave the Impression that you were vaccinated and You didn't man up and state no I didn't Take the vaccine and it wasn't Manning Up it was the the whole thing would have Been a distraction it would have been a Negative thing on their season they had Super Bowl aspirations right and you Know the reason for doing I've already Said this over and over again don't need To say it again guess what as an NFL Player Aaron Rogers didn't have to take The vaccine you would have still been Allowed to play so there was no reason To give the impression that you were Vaccinated there was total reason to do It there was a total do not see what Kyrie Irving experienced like you guys

Made an example of Kyrie Irving and you Were chilling for big Pharma doing that And you were you know people were saying My God I don't want to experience what Kyrie Irving did so be honest about it Don't [ __ ] lie like that's just a [ __ ] lie in fact you weren't and you Being okay so again this is um I don't Even know if I can use all this because They coperate the [ __ ] out you in ESPN Um but you know like this is just their Like again you just admitted you were Wrong but you don't admit to the gravity Of the damage you caus to people people Lost their jobs people have been injured And you're not looking into it now right Because Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rogers Look better because you were wrong and You pushed for something in a way Because you were Shilling for ESPN which Is a [ __ ] corporate owned piece of [ __ ] organization that gets money from Other corporate owned piece of [ __ ] Organizations like fiser and other big Pharma Institutions and so like that's the Reality of the situation you know like Just you man up right man up and say More about like how you got personal With Kyrie Irving and his dad when you Started off wrong in the first [ __ ] Place right I mean the way they treated Kyrie Irving was horrible and it was Every [ __ ] day and then it segwayed

Into the whole thing where he shared Something on social media and they Called him anti-semitic even though he Didn't say anything a video that's still Up on Amazon if it was so bad why didn't Amazon take it down they didn't go after Amazon which is a corporation they get An Amazon to take the video down they Went after Kyrie Irving and he lost you Know again the whole ordeal he probably Lost somewhere around $70 million or Something right he lost 17 to $20 Million from the the fines for not Playing because he couldn't play home Games he lost another $5 million in Fines for posting something on social Media and he was suspended by for five Games by the Brooklyn [ __ ] Nets who Sucked and you were horrible on this Whole thing and the the way he was Treated was bad and you guys were all in The wrong and you guys should do nothing But celebrate not even just apologize to Him but also celebrate him being a [ __ ] hero because he stood up for Something he believed and he ended up Being right on top of it like it was a Personal cost to him and so you know These Guys you guys all know how it was like Don't pretend it wasn't that way like we All know how it was and don't pretend it Wasn't that way right you guys it was a [ __ ] Witch Hunt and call it what it

Was like a you know a belief system System Witch Hunt where we ended up Being right and the way you guys treated All of us was wrong and it's not just About apologizing admitting you're wrong It's about questioning everything and The authority and not falling for you Guys do the same thing again because you Keep on doing it one way or another you Can't wait till somebody like some has Somebody has a makes a mistake or you Perceive they're making a mistake and You guys just devour them because you Want you know ratings right and so That's you know that's I mean it's a Horrible way to be it's uh you know it's A it's a low thing okay so this has been A weird video I was going to end it There but I have a few more things to Say about it the first of all this Position that Stephen A Smith is saying And Ryan Clark was saying that Aaron Roders was lying you know they decide to Attack him for lying and dismissing and Forgetting all the other things that Went along with that right and you know I don't believe Aaron Rogers is lying Here but you know this is first of all They're lying about their Misrepresenting the conditions and the Climate they're forgetting and not Seeing all the criticism and all the Hatred that was put on anybody who was Antivaxx at the time particularly

Anybody famous and all the other things That went with it they're lying when They said we didn't care whether you got Vaxxed or not but we just cared that you Lie that's [ __ ] right that's like It's all [ __ ] but then there's the Institutional Ling and that's what I Want to cover here CU I don't think I've Talked about that before right and so What we were told by the powers that be Now fouchy came out and later said this Was Fouch excuse that this science at The time the data at the time and again It's not science until it's proven so But he was saying the data at the time Was telling us this and so when we said The things that were available according To the data and we ended up being wrong Is cuz we didn't have enough data and we Didn't have the ability to analyze the Data correctly or whatever was right but That's [ __ ] because what they said Was this and you saw my clip from that Woman from fizer who was you know in the Clip I showed you that compilation that That guy that foreign guy the government Or whatever it was for the U the EU it Was from Poland or something and he Asked the woman from fiser was English If they ever had tested to see if it Prevented covid the VAC if it prevented Co and they said no she said no it was The first time that was admitted Publicly and so this is the lies we were

Told based in that they first said that If you took the VX you wouldn't get Co And so everybody who took the vax with This idea that they wouldn't get Co at All that was huge that was a big deal And then they said well you'll get it But it won't be as bad and you won't get Really sick and then they said well you Get it it might be bad but you won't go To the hospital and then they said well If you take it you go to the hospital But you're not going to die and then They said we're going to die but you're Probably less likely to die and then There was no proving any of that [ __ ] Right and they hadn't tested for any of Those things so all these claims they Made in the beginning and saying that if You didn't take it you are going to be More likely to contribute to somebody Else dying or more more likely to die Yourself these things and everybody who Repeated that [ __ ] is lying right Because just because you're not aware And you're trusting a particular Source When you repeat something that somebody Else says is a lie then you're lying and We all do that we all you know we think That we know something or we believe Somebody else or we've all done that We've all repeated things that aren't True either we didn't have the capacity To do the research we we didn't have the Time or effort or even if we did the

Research we couldn't come up with the Answer anything to do with science I Don't have the ability to read Scientific data or collect scientific Data so I have to I have to assess other People's Reliability and I they have none of it Because scientists can lie just like Everybody else and Li for them is either Fudging their research giving faulty Research or uh misre representing it the Research and not telling the truth or Not reading it correctly and then they Can just make up any kind of [ __ ] Excuse right but all these people that Were told by ESPN and their their Handlers over there to go out and say These things and it was the position of Their company and they had to do that Well they were making a choice based in Their job right like people were Threatened they could they would be Fired if they didn't get the VAC these Things and they all capitulated they all Went along with it and you know that's Fine they can do that that's your choice But then they went after those of us who Didn't and Aaron Rogers and Kyrie Irving Right and you know these are the types Of Lies where you're you know you don't Know anything about something but you're Just repeating somebody else's [ __ ] Or your corporation's [ __ ] and you Think that you're somehow free from it

Like you're punch us piloting it like You're washing your hands of the lies Well I don't know this what is told by My authority and you're still Responsible for the [ __ ] that you Say right and everybody does it like We've all been indoctrinated with things You know all the people that say all the Christians who say you're going to hell If you're not if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior again This isn't something provable but I know That not to be true you know my mom I Talked about this in recent videos we Were in uh Canada in I think it was and There was these native peoples there There you know we're at some kind of Area where there was these native Peoples doing a dance and my mom was Like oh there're so beautiful people I Can't believe that they would be going To hell like she was questioning the Chrisan Catholic upbringing in the Bible Because she saw these people and she's Like these people aren't going to hell Like I don't believe that like she Wouldn't you know she didn't believe Some part of her you know the Fundamental teachings and so for her she Was willing to face the truth BAS Bas on Her evidence she was able to see that These people weren't going to hell right She could see that they were spiritual People even though they weren't doing

The Christian religion and you know she Had seen this before obviously this was Something she was battling with because She wanted to believe in her faith and Her teachings and her Bible but she also Was seeing evidence that there was People who were also spiritual which is What the Catholic church was confronting In that you know in that fictional Catholic church and these people these Um these Cardinals these fake Cardinals In this movie The conclave Right the Church rep representing recognizing These other paths are also a way to Connect to God and so God is in Everybody and recognizing that like even People that we think are evil Divinity They can't exist without Divinity and Sometimes people are you know I've said This before if destruction is happening If World War III is supposed to happen And destruction is necessary for this You know this abomination of a system That we have that needs to be taken down And souls higher developed Souls come in Saintly souls and incarnate as world Leaders and people that are end up going To facilitate this destruction then They're doing God's work and they have Nothing to be ashamed of they'll be Remembered as villains and in history And things but sometimes these villains Are highly developed Souls that are Doing work that has to be done you know

A destructive work and so so you know we Might criticize them and call them bad People but in reality they're they're Congruent with what their soul sent them Down here to do right and that's that's Why I said everyone's you know I I take Everything with a grain of salt in terms Of all this stuff because everyone has To find their own personal way and their Own whatever it is right but in all that Going back to my initial point there are Things that we Repeat that our lies and we don't even Know their lies or we just trust some Other authority and even you know Sometimes just a attitude towards our Language is a lie right you know I've Been watching these movies where um They're foreign movies and they dub in Voices of people they usually have a Little accent I watched this Norwegian Movie from Norway was it something um That was called laama it's a really bad Movie it's a it's an island in Spain That's about to have a tsunami and it's These people and you can see their Political agenda you know the greter Thumberg thing that because of climate Change there's more rainfall and the Rainfall is eroding the mountain and Which is going to cause the tsunami Right like they had to bring in global Warming right and there's a family there And the daughter's 17 years old and

She's spoiler alert these are all it's It's not worth watching and she's um you Know grasping with her being a lesbian And telling her parents like guess this Whole kind of you know all the liberal Things you associate with European but It's also happening with American telev That kind of stuff but like there's so Many plot Falls flaws flaws but it's the Conversations that I'm interested in the Way they express themselves some of the Things that seem childish and obvious Like there's you know America is an Immature country but in some ways our Dialogue and our you know our level of Um there's just a a level of I don't Know if we call it maturity or or maybe Even sinicism but you know some of these Things are just so like what of the Audiences are like little children Almost like some of the things that they You watch these foreign movies and you See the the dialogue and some so Simplistic and you know I'm wondering What the Consciousness is like of the People like here's an example of this so There's a a young woman who's there's Two story lines there's the family and Then there's this young woman who is um Become a geologist and she's specifi She's specialized in getting her Master's degree and whatever doctorate In uh she's doing an internship at this Place that reads the um you know the

Seismic activity and she figures out Because of global warming that there's a Crack in the island and it looks like There's going to be a volcano and it's Going to fall off and global warming has Caused it right and the reason she got Into it was her and her brother were in A tsunami and their parents put them up On a roof of something and then like the Titanic got washed away so her and her Little brother were saved and her Brother's a real [ __ ] up and he's kind Of mooching off of her and like he's not Getting his life together and they're Both traumatized by losing their parents And her brother goes out and you know He's takes some of her money and rents a Boat where he's supposed to be getting Vegetables and he goes out and he's Swimming with the turtles and he goes The turtles are all disappearing so like There's that and so as the story line Goes Forward um like she comes out and Realizes that the place is going to have A tsunami and she goes to talk to her Brother instead of saying look I want You to leave cuz there's going to be a Tsunami she goes I just can't worry About you and you're mooching off of me She just lets into him and tells him she Wants him out of her Life like instead of being honest and Then he gets all pissed off at her he's

Walking away and she goes well you know You got to leave cuz there's a tsunami And he goes wait you're willing to lie About that our childhood trauma just to Get me out of your life and so like he Storms off like it's just the some of The conversations and lack of You know I mean it's just bad like it's Just bad storywriting and you know not How people would act and then um but Again this is these foreign you know This foreign stuff and so then her she Sees her brother and she's trying to get Off the island because now it's really Going south like the she's been ordered By her boss to get off the island Because it's you know the tsunami is Coming the earthquake is definitely Coming and she she goes sees her brother He's coming out of a bar and he's being Arrested by cops and she tries to Intervene and she accidentally HS a cop In the face and they go off her brother And let him go even though they're about To arrest him and they arrest her and Take her off like it like makes no sense Right and then she's stuck in jail and There's a warning and there's sirens and There's the volcano active is exploding And the woman let won't let her out of Jail until um one of her colleagues Comes in and the their brother's frantic Trying to get her out of jail and one of Her colleagues says oh we got a boat we

Got to get out of here so she leaves the Keys and so he um unlocks her jail cell And she comes out and there's another Guy looks kind of um you know like a Real criminal and they let him out he Grabs the keys and he says [ __ ] off and He goes and gets some guns and stuff and They run and find the father of the Other family that's kind of the main Story people and they make it down to a Boat where the guy was going out to get The turtles and they're about to leave The island and the guy shows up they let Out of jail there's a few times where There's it just wouldn't have happened That quickly and then you know all the Conversations they're having when they Have 10 minutes before the suami hits And they're in conversations about what They should do and then they're Expressing emotions like you know There's a time where like you can see That death is right there and they're Delaying you know like this you know This happens in lots of movies but it Was particularly bad in this one and so Her brother ends up fighting the guy and Gets shot and he's laying there on the Bed he's laying there on the Ground dying and his sister comes up and And she and he says to her the turtles Were right all along and he Dies and you know so like the way people Perceive reality is is skewed by their

Their culture like and then the end of The movie she um after the tsunami she Goes and scuba dies she goes snorkel With the turtles and she can hear her Brother talking and he's like you know The turtles are ancient more ancient Than we are they've been here longer Than we are and they knew what we didn't Know and we got to start listening to Nature and like this whole you know There's all that greter thong BG type of Stuff in there all that stuff right There are you know liberal positions in These European countries but you know We're fed lies our whole life we're Indoctrinated by lies the whole Santa Claus fraud I mean that's a big you know Massive lie that is perpetrated against Kids and all these things right and you Know people know about we all know about It's there for all of us to see right It's you know it's a part of our Existence and so you know when you call Somebody out to being a liar like these Guys are Ron r and again like it's you Know we're all liars but that thing Didn't even seem like a real lie because In his belief system he believed he was Immunized like he knew that they what What they thought like in the sense it Was deceptive was he said what he Believed yeah I'm in the immunized and They asked somebody asked him if he got Vaccin right and if he had said no we

All know what had happened and they They're being dishonest about that right But it's true to the extent that he knew That they thought something else like he Was saying something something which is You know a little bit crafty but it's Smart like I you know I I don't have a Problem with him doing it I would have Liked him to do what Kyrie Irving did But you know he didn't like he would Have been more heroic if he had done What Kyrie Irving did and just come out And say it but we all saw what happened To him right but you know it isn't a big [ __ ] deal and you don't get to Destroy somebody just because of you Know whatever like whatever happened There when you whole I mean everything That Disney and ESPN do and all Poli Corporations and what America is it's All lies it's just you know political Lies and all the lies that people say And you know these guys spin things all The time where they create a story or Controversy you know where there's they Used to do this on American Idol like They would script fights between the Judges and they do that on all of um Simon C's shows where the judges banter Back and forth and criticize each other And they've they've carried that on to These other shows like the voice and all The shows you know I don't watch those Shows but it's like you know that goes

On because it's a part of what they do Because they know it drives ratings and They do the same thing where you know if What they were saying is truth then they Would all agree on it right you know Whether they predict one team's going to Win or one team's going to lose or they They have a take about what happened in The game or some player they go after Each other on the show which means that It isn't truth it's just you know people Bullshitting about their own you know It's just [ __ ] it's just them their Opinions and talking just to talk it has No no bearing on the outcome of the Sporting events and you know it's just Entertainment of people creating drama And arguing and having conflict and Mocking each other and making fun of Each other that's what these shows res Revolve around and it just is what it is And people you know you make a lot of Money for it and you know it's a living But like you can't be considered a a Person who's a vector of Truth or Anything like that right because you're Creating you know illusionary narratives And and [ __ ] stuff that are only Based in a desire for ratings and and Interest and attention right so like These behaviors make you you know as a Profession like just a lying piece of [ __ ] right like this is what the Mainstream media does the mainstream

Media reports things that aren't true They take things out of context they They report things that the government This the intelligence Community tells Them and then they give these [ __ ] Opinions about it and back backed by you Know the corporate handlers and the Network and the limited amount of Bandwidth that they're willing to tell You right and anybody who breaches that Bandwidth is considered you know piece Of [ __ ] conspiracy theorist and you know Regardless of what they believe Personally and what they're willing to Say and you know that what they're Willing to deceive their their public About which is the exact same thing They're accusing Aaron Rogers of doing But Aaron Rogers wasn't doing it as a Job somebody asked him a question he was Put in a bad position because he knew if He said what you know what his vaccine Status was actually he knew the Consequences and so he chose you know a Sort of a tactful you know slightly Deceptive but you know like maybe truth To him but not truth to these people This reporters but you know their whole Life is a lie right this is stuff they Do all the time and they're criticizing Him but they live in deception because Often times when these guys actually Leave their jobs just like with Chris Cuomo and Don Lemons they're saying yeah

I was censored you know I wasn't able to Speak my truth and so if all these People feel that way and you don't hear About till they lose their jobs then They're actively deceiving you based in This corporate deception that's Happening there which means that you Know like they're worthless and they Need to go down with a Titanic you're Making a choice between being one of Them or being one of us right one of Them is Trump is one of them right like People think he's not but he is they're All you know the fox is one of them and Msmc like all these networks and all the All the people that work there and you Know if you want to be one of us then You have to face the Wrath that the the Corporate Beast you know the beastly System will give to you when you when You denounce it and you know none of These people are willing to do that Because they're they want their you know High paying jobs and these things and so You know don't pretend like like your Truth tellers right and the whole thing Is and don't pretend you're not trying To force the corporate agenda on other People and shill for it because that's Exactly what you're doing only Spirituality will save this world it's Parado def important for the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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