Okay greetings brothers and sisters Sunday December 1st the first day of December freezing Outside maybe I'll put a video of I made This um this pond in a like a little Creek in a waterfall in our front yard I've spent years working on and it's all Frozen up kind of cool I've I've got so Many videos of it I just never post Anything about it but uh anyways so um I just want to say this before we get Going I want to start with some Biden Stuff and whatever bunch of like left Over things and stuff to get to uh Rachel Matt crying again um but first I Want to say this you know this idea of Communicating to People through some sense of telepathy Or some other way right um where you Know you'll be thinking about somebody And all of a sudden they'll message you Or you'll run into them or you know Something like this right like you think About somebody and then like a day later They call you you haven't talked to that Person you know relative or somebody old Friend you haven't talked to that person In years something like that which Happens I think quite frequently they've Talked about they did these experiments Where they killed baby rabbits miles Away from the mother rabbit and she Reacted some like you know I don't know Specifics behind that but I believe
Things like that were done right and for Practical use I've had this happen a Number of times where I have to come to A sudden stop like you know where I'm Driving and there'll be a yellow light And it you know really should go through It but you know I and I won't like Sometimes I will but sometimes I won't Where you're kind of in that position Where you you know you're a little bit Late for the yellow light but you're Kind of going uh fast enough that really You you uh um you don't really want to Slam on your brakes and where I live People drive a little bit Crazy like a little bit like um they run They often would go and I always have to Look behind me make sure the person Stops right and I will look in the rear View mirror if there's a car coming Behind me and often times I'll like Mentally project the word Stop at the driver of the car behind me And I'm not sure what the effects of it Are but I think it's helped in a number Of occasions you know people are Distracted now people are on their Phones and you know getting rear ended That's like one of I think the number One accident that happens people run Into other cars because they're Distracted or whatever it might be I've Had it a few times where I've been like I didn't choose to look in the rearview
Mirror and I see a car coming really Fast like the car maybe isn't a aware That I'm stopped and I've done it and The car all of a sudden will slow down And stop maybe it has something to do With that or not I'm saying this as a Way that people could think about it Like just like you're you're you know With the idea that I'm communicating With that person like I'm pulling them Out of their stup or whatever like you Know it's not even that sophisticated a Thought just the idea is there there's No way to validate the effects even if I Could talk to the driver because you Know they would just I mean they would Hear the here stop or some way of you Know becoming alert they would stap out Of whatever they're doing and they Wouldn't attribute it to somebody else Sending them a message mentally you know Also using the transmission that's Available in the in the sjar system you Know this energy that's transmitted in The sittings I've been rereading the Preceptor book about the positive Suggestions in terms of spiritual you Know subtle suggestions that are given You know that Reach people on a Subliminal level and so this kind of Energetic communication right there some Sort of uh you know thought to thought Mind to mind is available to people we Just have it's not sophisticated yet
It's not something we've learned how to Use but you know Um sometimes like if you're leaving your Kids at home and you have to like if you Break mental contact with them they will Just like you know when they're I mean In their teenage years or whatever They'll just like go wild or whatever Just I mean not just like have parties but They'll forget to do whatever you told Them to do and you know these things Right and so you have to keep them in Mental contact you know years and years Ago when I worked as um uh when I got my First job as a counselor I worked with This population that was called sexually Reactive these were boys between the age Of 10 and 14 who for the most part had Been sexually abused or exposed to Sexual bacterial when they were kids and Then they had uh engaged in sexual uh Activity with like fellow classmates or Siblings or something somewhere foster Care or something and they had been you Know term sexually reactive but they Were like little Junior sex offenders And each one of them had been a a victim And an abuser right like a little Pedophile and so it was our job as a Staff to Um keep them in earshot and I it at all Times like they couldn't be out of Airshot and eyesight it was a a one
Staff to three kid ratio so if they were Outside playing we had a playground and You know there's Sports Fields the kids Just couldn't be by themselves talking In a way that you you were there was no Staff there to listen because often Times there they would engage in sexual Behaviors and you know as a place you Were supposed to prevent it by not Allowing them to have that kind of ACC Access to each other right they were Never supposed to be behind like could Close door together in their rooms or Whatever and so you know I had just Started doing the Meditation and I realized I could Project my Consciousness um like and be aware of Things I can't explain it any other way But it's something that you know can be Done you know that I read later on the Preceptor books of some of the things That the master would do like one of the Master's po He had somebody come visit him as at his House you know people used to come visit Him in his house and he would you know They sleep in one of his room he had These rooms and things not you know Wasn't like hotel level standards wasn't You know by Western standards but he Would feed people and you know he was a Very poor guy poor by American Standards Financially but he would feed people
They stay at his house there's a guy There he stay at his house for like a Couple weeks and the guy said can I stay Stay here longer and babaj G said no you Got to go back home when you you didn't Lock your door when you left and I've Been watching over your house but I you Know I I can't have it's taking you know Energy away from me I need to use for Other things right and the guy was like No he locked his door he was like you Didn't know why Bobby G said that Because he locked his door but then India they have these locks that it's Like a deadbolt but there's a metal Frame that goes over the deadbolt like To protect people from trying to Jimmy The door so the the metal frame goes Over the the U there's a metal frame in The deadbolt locks the door you know Locks the locks in the in the the door Frame and the whole battal thing goes Over so you can't see what's happened And he got home and he must have been in A rush he realized he was in a rush and He um closed the you the door he didn't Close the door all the way and so he Locked the dead bolt but it wasn't over The latch and so it was lock even worse Situation cuz it couldn't it couldn't Close all the way even by like wind and The thing was just banging in the thing And somehow Bob G was able to proceive This and mentally guard his house you
Know with an open door which in India Like people crawl through your windows They have bars on their windows and Things because these will is a very Populated place and so these cities and So you see all the houses have bar even Like in nice neighborhoods they have Bars on their window especially maybe in Nice neighborhoods because people Crawl Through the Windows and things and you Know like it's just a a place where you Have to have you know uh secure uh Whatever it is they often have like Glass and like barb wire stuff embedded In the tops of walls so people climb Over the walls and whatever it might be You know it's not like a violent cry but Sneaky kind of Burg burglarly kind of Stuff and then there was another story Where there's a woman who she was one of The sort of saintly people famous in the System older woman and some guys broke Into her house and Boby was aware of it And he told them like mentally to get Out and they apologized to her and left And so like he did some sort of work so There's you know these examples that I Was aware of right and there's ways to Be like just mentally aware and project Your Consciousness like if you're Driving and you know these things to to End up being safe and things and watch Over stuff and um but there's a tech Techque I wanted to give to people just
Because I thought you know this not Again I don't recommend things and Whatever you you choose to believe this Or do it for yourself but you know if You have like a loved one who is like You have kids who are way who are in Trouble or something they let you know That they're in crisis or you know People are in a storm or something or Just you wake up in the middle of the Night and you're kind of aware of Somebody and all of a sudden they come To your mind and you feel fear you feel Some sort of upset the technique is to You know imagine the person and then Feel the love that you have for the Person and then wrap them in like a a Bubble like a like a golden bubble of Love or some sort of you know it doesn't Have to have a color to it but like just This idea of some abstract bubble of Love that's surrounding them that God's Watching over them this idea that God's There with them and the effects have Been I've used this myself a number of Times and feel like there's been Disasters have been averted because of That you can do it for yourself it's not As effective but you know this you could Always pray and you know have God be With you in a situation like it's There's that as well but I'm talking About something that can be long Distance for example you know my
Daughter's suicide you know I don't Think she would have committed suicide If she had lived with me and she had Said that to me once that she wasn't Going to commit suicide cuz she knew That I you know she said it's one thing Keeping her from doing it like they upet Me or whatever it was and she was Manipulative so I don't know you know She's whatever but like I kind of Believe that that was true because I Would have mentally kept her in my you Know sphere of uh mental activity in Fact I did that all time you know there Are some energy that I went I put into Just sort of watching over and like you Can do this as you develop these like You know meditative skills you know Projecting your Consciousness and just Being aware of people and again people Are going to die and but things are Going to you know they can't prevent Death or something it's not like Necessarily something like Miracles but At least they people can feel you know You're bringing God to them in a sense Right this is what's happening you're You're facilitating a connection between People and God When you pray for them You know these things my grandmother my Mother used to do Rosary prayers and It's not the most effective prayer it's A Catholic prayer you have these Rosary Breeds and you say five Hil Mary's one
Our father I used to do it it's so you Know it's a way of praying but any way Of praying Works to whatever extent some Are more effective than others you know Praying directly to God not saying a Prayer like a said prayer like you do in Christianity like that's a that's a way To do things but not the most effective Way people say mantras also again it's a Way of doing things but just connecting To God and you communicating to God and Having thoughts to God you know that are You get into a meditative state to a Deeper State and you know where you're Like more reserved and you're Internalized to whatever extent feeling The presence of God and then there's a Communication there and often times it Doesn't have to be a specific sentence Or words just you know a feeling almost Like a feeling that you're you know Praying for somebody or something again Not saying God telling God what to do But just having God be there with the Person right that there's you know Divinity with the person that's um going Through something right you know there Are etheric beings around us all the Time you know if there are souls that There are sometimes Souls who are Disembodied and your soul when when you Sleep or you could be in a meditative State and your soul can you know go to Other places I mean your soul can be in
You in other places at the same time Your soul is not bound by the laws of Physics and time and space and things Like this and your soul can be with Somebody like if they're going through Something somebody's suffering something Like in a long-distance situation There's a way for people to you to uh You know uh communicate and and you know Interc commune this sense with other People you know these longdistance Sittings some of the people who listen To my videos do the um gratefulness Meditation which is just s mared on you Know in a post you know the corruption Of the dis dodgy the the current uh President of the system you know that Has gone South that he's fallen Spiritually and turned into a real piece Of [ __ ] but he you know the people who have Done gratefulness I've kept that alive And I started doing like preceptor work Again and people are experiencing the Sittings people even experience energy In the videos you know it's coming Through my voice or whatever it is Whatever you know energetic stuff that's Comes in you know this transmission of Pranoti that's available in the Sark System and you know when people talk About Like that's not possible well right now You're listening to something that I am
Saying into a microphone and the Microphone is a Bluetooth microphone and The microphone is converting whatever I'm saying into something you know Digital format and it is transmitting it From my microphone to my computer which Is about 4 feet 3 feet away uh two and a Half three feet away from my microphone And it's going into my computer and into A you know o Adobe Audition app and I I'm watching it I'm Watching the I'm looking at the the app Right now and it's all these various Bars and things like I'll take a Screenshot of it and as I um well you Know what I can do I can actually tape This right now actually I can't tape it Because I can uh the microphone will be Used in the other app so I can't do that While I'm doing this but I'll just take A screenshot of this thing here and That'll be the opening image and so you Know it's recording as I speak and I Guess I could play it and I could show You the thing whatever that's possible But then you know it goes into digital Format and so I will then put images to This in another uh Adobe app Premiere Pro which does my video rendering and I'll you know look through it and replay Myself some of it Whatever It Is this I Wouldn't I just put a picture to this And you know I don't listen to it Anymore like I just assume it's good I
Mean what like it's just done and it Doesn't need to be edited uh to save Time but I used to listen to them and Then I'll put the whole video together And I'll render it it turns it into Another type of uh file it's a video File you know the audio files and other Clips that I take from screen flow and All these things are different different You know files different they have Different uh you know they're different Types of files and they you know like You can't download some of these things Directly I guess you can't now because Uh you know YouTube allows those but YouTube used to be very exclusive in the Kind of file it had to be and then I you Know I render it it puts it into a file That's a video file that's best for YouTube that translates to that app like There's specific settings in Premiere Pro and they have one that's you know Great for you YouTube like it's it's Made for YouTube videos they have ones That are specific to Tik Tok videos Right the type of file the way it it Just uh it'll play better on their app And then I upload the file using you Know internet my house and it goes from My house to whatever service or whatever It is right and then ends up going to The YouTube uh platform and so you you Can understand that this is all Happening I mean we now have the ability
For long since phone calls and now phone Calls from you know wireless phone calls For it first and then phone calls that Could be done with a cell phone things Bouncing off of satellites and all these Other things right whatever the pathway People are using satellite internet from You know uh Elon Musk and and what Whoever it is like these types of Satellite internet and we have these Energetic signals that are bouncing Around our house and information is Being um going to these computers and These other things right but we don't Have that capability inside us right our Ability to communicate and these things You know people can believe in the Technology but human beings have these Same types of apparatuses we can receive Things and we can transmit them and we Do that all the time right we are Putting information out to the world we Come up with plans and then we manifest Those plans and part of that is you know Verbal communication where we have Learned to make sounds that people Interpret as as words that have meaning You know we have these different Languages right so it's only you know You know how it works like it's a you've Been trained to understand English you You are able to receive English to your Ears and like you know to somebody else That sounds like gibberish somebody in
Some other country we make these sounds Right and you know animals make sounds And they communicate things you know Chickens have about 20 to 30 different Sounds that mean different things like They have a a sound they make for an Aerial Predator like a hawk or something If they see a hawk they make that sound And makes all the other chickens look up And be aware that there's a there's a Danger in the sky right like you have This animals have ways of making noises Of course dolphins have this you know Ability to project uh you know sonar Like they have sonar in their system Things that are you know they had a book When I was a kid and it said nature Thought of it first and it has all these Inventions that nature thought of first Right like it's a an amazing book I read When I was a kid that all these things That are human inventions were things That are actually something that nature Had already created and so if you have All these capabilities inside your System and we're only using a fraction Of our our mental capacity in almost None of our spiritual capacity you Imagine what kind of you know abilities That we have that are that are being Suppressed in one way or another a lack Of awareness a lack of you know Evolution a lack you know things that Are there for us to evolve into we
Haven't done it but there's people who Have and there's you know there's levels To this thing and so these things can be Done the Sark meditation is you know Something that helps to create some of These things right they're not you know They can become Distractions so you know the system is About spiritual Evolution but some of These abilities and some of these things That are hidden in people you know Become active in some way or another at Least at least some fundamental level And so being able to connect with people And look over look after them you know There was Um a preceptor that I went to these were Two American guys like a this guy was Now living in uh North Carolina and you know he's married and Had kids but he used to be like a single Guy when he started doing the meditation And you know the the meditation you Become more subtle and you have to give Up things that are like you know it's Hard to watch graphic things it's hard To watch gross things and it happens Kind quite naturally not like some Things are forbidden but your heart like Starts looking at things like you know Like graphic violence and pornography And different things and you feel it or You just feel like you know things that Are icky when people are yelling to each
Other on some show or something like can Affect you like in a way that it Wouldn't have before you become more Sensitive to things right and he had Just started doing the meditation and he Had a Preceptor American guy guy used to watch My videos and we had sort of a falling Out but you he was a good preceptor or Whatever and he was playing video Games and um this the the guy who was Doing the meditation was playing video Games he was telling me this story and He was playing um Grand Theft Auto and He started to feel like not right about It like he had just started the Meditation and he had been a young you Know he was some young guy from California was just you know engaging in Behaviors that he would engage in you Know that that his peers and him would Engage in right like just kids that age Would play Grand Theft Auto like it's Just what they did but now he was doing The meditation he didn't feel good about It and so he stopped playing but then he Got bored and came back and played it Again it was like late at night like in The middle of the night his preceptor Called him the next day and said what Were you doing last night and the guy Said I don't know and he said um well You know I woke up in the middle of the Night you know this guy's an older guy
You're married you know whatever like You know so he's his wife sleeping next To him he said I woke up in the middle Of the night and like I thought about You like you were like present in my Mind and I got up and I went to the Bathroom I threw up and because the guy Was himself feeling nauseous when he was Playing the video game it's like saying Don't do this you know you're gross and You're creating these Impressions and Like you're your like his heart was now Sensitive to The Graphic nature of this Violent video game that he was you know Was pretending To engage in criminal Behavior you know Grand Theft Auto you become a thug I'm Not all that familiar with the game but I know it's like pretty gross and brutal And you are a thug out there stealing Cars and and slapping hoes and you know [ __ ] like that right and so his inner World was not something that he would Was allowed to do right so um I guess I'll put this also in my journey series Um but you know this is um you know kind Of ties into that but as a preceptor This guy was aware you know as a Preceptor you're supposed to look after The people who do the meditation in some Way and there's a connection there and This guy was connected in such a way That he woke up in the middle of the Night and was aware that this guy was
Doing something he shouldn't do and the Guy needed some confirmation cuz he knew The games were wrong but it was Something that he did Habitually and it was having a negative Effect on him and so he um he said yeah You know he he realized that like he had To stop doing that right guess this was Probably 10 50 years after that like you Now he had you know four little kids and You know was married and he was you know Is a preceptor himself this kind of Thing and so you know these are I There's lots of documentation this sort Of thing in and out of the Sark system People have these you know interactions With people like all of a sudden like People wake up or they're aware they're Like my dad just died like they just Know it like you just know things right Or something like that the person's Thousands of miles away and so there's You know something that can be utilized As a a way to sort of look after people And you know certainly prayer and things Like this is a part of that and so again Like I don't recommend anything but this Is something for people to look into Themselves and you know I mean it can't Hurt right it can't hurt just project Good intentions to people you have so Many people that like I'm saying you Know I've said this before you know I Ban people because there's hateful
Energy in comments you know people are Blood hurt and they're miserable and They're projecting you know hateful Energy of course they had this idea of Curses you know if you read the mahab Barata the whole thing wouldn't have Happened if people didn't have the Ability to curse other people like There's major curses that have been done Against people you know there's a Character that I believe I was that Suffered a couple of curses you know I I Believe I might have been in the past Life that's a mob barata figure right And um like there's just all these Curses that happen these Saints go Around getting pissed off at people and Cursing them and without those curses Like the whole thing would have fell Apart there the curses you know like Sometimes A saint gives somebody a curse because They have to um prevent somebody present Prevent something from happening right Or make something happen and so but it's A whole thing right like people have These bad intentions and project NE Negative energy or you know create Something and you know that someone else Has or pull something out of somebody You know I I I guess in the Sark system The first Master of the system said Curses work only if a person has that Some Scara has that you know that that
Future thing that's going to happen in Their future at some point and so um you Know but it can be pulled forward Through a curse and so you know there's All these bad things that people do bad Energy you know leaving comments and Think about how somebody you're arguing With somebody on the internet and you Feel rage or you feel hurt or you feel Something in your belly and you get a Mean you know email from somebody you Get some [ __ ] from some you know Whatever it is and it really like zaps You you get like you know whatever um And like you know that's energetic stuff That's affecting you at an emotional Level you know or another example if Someone leaves you a nice note a loving Note right for saying how much they you Know care about you or whatever and you Feel it in your heart you feel some love Energy in your heart from somebody's Communication people used to get these Letters and you know they read the Letters and people used to write and you Know the handwriting and there it's like Energy in it and they would you know Wait for a letter from people and you Know I mean love letters in some cases But you know letters of affection from Other you know people and and it would Make somebody you know light your heart Up in things you would feel emotion from It and so you know these kind of things
Exist you know how is that like people Are in a distance but you could feel Their feeling you can feel love for them You can feel you know you can think About somebody who's even who has died And you you know the love that you had For them when they were alive and you it Still exists on the soul level people Feel the presence of the soul of a Person you know the soul hangs around For a little bit and you can still feel That presence in the you know they They're you know they're they've left Their bodies but their soul is still Available and you know baby Spirits I Experienced this with my daughter Anna Specifically but there was all of the Kids that there was a baby Spirit there Before the pregnancy happened that this These baby spirits are hanging around The their you know the mother the their Their eventual mother and and waiting For the right opportunity for the mom to Get pregnant right so when that's the Case it's hard to you know even you you Find that women get pregnant even when Birth control is used because there's a Baby Spirit ready to be born right Without a baby Spirit the physical you Know uh physical birth can't happen the Physical uh pregnancy there has to be a A third Soul involved right this is also Speaks to abortion because there's a Third Soul choosing to create a body in
The mother with the you know the sperm Of the man and the Egg of the woman and Coming together at a physical level but There has to be this some spiritual Entity behind everything in the world There's some kind of spiritual you know Just like on a computer there's there's Computer language right that manifests What you're seeing in front of you or What you're hearing right now like if You looked at the code behind this Voiceover that I'm doing That's being create created in a digital Format but it also exists you know in Terms of like you you can hear it like You can hear the you know it creates an Illusionary a you know a copy of what I'm saying right now the the original Here is with my dogs in my room that I'm You know laying here saying these things Saying these words and then it goes out To you and some kind of other format Right that everything on the internet Has some kind of digital code behind it Some computer language behind it and you Can see it like you can see what it Looks like on that level like they used To watch in The Matrix movies you know We watch the code that becomes whatever Manifest in the in the in the Matrix Itself right The Matrix where you're you Perceive yourself as a body but then There's a code and that code in the real World in the you know the physical world
Is a soul and it's spiritual energy That's there's spiritual energy behind The rocks and the plants and the books And the the hous and the trees and Everything that's there right and so you Know when you penetrate to something on A spiritual level on a soul level and it Can bypass these other material Manifestations and limitations and there Can be direct Soul to- Soul contact and That's the the Sark system of Transmission and these other things so Anyways I just thought I would say these Things it's way to you know maybe They'll be helpful to people I don't Know let's get into the more mundane Stuff here okay so um I just finished my Voiceover you know this voiceover this You know more spiritually oriented Talking about inter communing and you Know all these things um higher level Consciousness and so I walk into the Kitchen I'm about to have breakfast my Wife was listening to this video here For Black Friday extravagan and drunk Kamla reemerges Trump shows true colors And you know I was talking about the James broland saying on Joe Rogan that Uh Disney had the biggest porn Collection of anybody right and so I get Into some of my Disney stuff cuz I made Lots of videos about Disney and this happens here there and You know these people were in V evolved
To this stuff but anyways let's go There's some like a breaking news about KLA Harris at least as of Tuesday it's Um breaking news okay so I was doing the Editing on this one today's Wednesday November 27th I did the voiceover Yesterday and I was looking through my Disney images remembering things that I Covered back when I used to make image Videos I have all these folders of Things and you know some of the things That I um neglected to say is they have A thing about orphans like there's all These orphans Peter Pan of course is an Orphan Luke Skywalker Skywalker is an Orphan but if you look at most of these Movies and the you know like Harry Potter he's an orphan I mean that's not Disney but it's a theme where somebody Who doesn't have parents becomes a hero And you know not that I'm want to [ __ ] On orphans cuz I don't obviously but It's So so my wife is cracking up cuz I just Walk into the kitchen and I said the the Lines that you know not like I it's not Like I want to [ __ ] on orphans said Again So um cuz I Don't it's a theme where somebody who Doesn't have parents becomes a hero and You know not that I'm want to [ __ ] on Orphans because I Don't we're joking around about this for
About 10 minutes cracking up like you Know I have my standards and I I I mean Pockets of the future we don't [ __ ] on Orphans [Laughter] Right it's a guarantee there's no or [ __ ] on well you know I'll [ __ ] on You know the president the you know Political system and celebrities and you Know pretty much everyone else but Orphans are off the Table and you know what I was trying to Say there is Um that that when you're in a situation Where you're Orphaned you're not going to have the Best chance of success in life in terms Of being a fully functioning person you Be you might become rich you might be Successful in some capacity but you're Going to be damaged good it's not you Know um in fact we had watched this um Impractical Joker's bit where they were Designing uh perfume lines for the you Know they they make these ridiculous Things for their it's like uh they're Competing right and so the two uh two Two of the guys will will Design Perfume Labels for each other one person dived Designed cro dust you know it smells Like you've been crop dusted those Chemicals they spray on on plants and The other guy designed uh was idea was Orphan it smells like the perfume smell
Like an orphan and then it said every Package is damaged in some way right so You know this idea that orphans have Been I mean it's when you don't have a Loving family and parents there's you Know it's not a I mean it's a not Something to like I said I'm not [ __ ] on them it's something where It's you know that's there right but in These Disney movies they um or just not Disney but all these different you know Big blockbuster movies where there's a Hero often times they don't have a Parent and that's or both parents or one Parent one of the parents is died is a Big theme dead parents right dead Parents is a is a part of their process Of becoming Heroes you know and this Ties to the MK Ultra and whatever but You know the fact that I said this line That not not that I want to [ __ ] on Orphans And I walked in the kitchen my wife was Listening because I had no idea I had no Idea the context until I thought about It and then I had her send me a a Screenshot so I could find the clip here But you know I want to confirm to you at Pox of the future we do not [ __ ] on Orphans here like what whatever else Might happen we have you know there's Lines that we won't CR there's lines I Won't Cross and I thought that was funny given
The context that I just had this very Sort of spiritual introduction to the Video U but let's move on to something Else here so whenever I wake up in the Morning Twitter is sending me Notifications and I would turn them off But I've used a number of them in videos And Greta instru who I didn't even know Has a she used to be on Fox News I don't Know what she does now and I don't Follow her like I don't have you know I Didn't even know she existed but anyways Twitter sent me a tweet or a Notification of a tweet she put out and Then I found the article in the the um The cover this was the cover of the New York Post and so New York Post is very Pro-israel and is Republican oriented as Is Greer van Shushan the final insult after a month Of undermining Israel Biden shows off Book claiming is Jewish State shouldn't Exist and so this is the video the 100 Years War on Palestine um And um this is a written by obviously a Muslim name here and so Biden President Biden sent an incendiary message to Israel and Jewish Americans yesterday Walking out of an anet bookstore holding The 100-year wars on Palestine a book by A radical Columbia University Professor That argues that Israel shouldn't exist
As a product of a colonial war against The Palestinians And and is the product of a colon war Against the Palestinians and so um you Know like it's so [ __ ] the Republicans And everybody who's who denies that There's a genocide going on when you Know the numbers don't lie like whatever They say happened on Janu October 6th Which I I doubt the legitimacy of any of That like I doubt that you know I Believe that Hamas is very likely a you Know an asset of the Israeli government Right let me go to the the article here Itself so anybody who knows about any of This has been willing to be honest about It and knows how this works not just for Israel but any colonizing presence any Country that has a dominant military Force and wants to go and beat the [ __ ] Out of another country and steal their Stuff occupy another country dominate Them colonize them right they will say That they were provoked because no Country wants to look like an [ __ ] no Country looks wants to look like an evil Evil emperor empire right no country Wants to look like the you know the Darth fate or um you know the the Whatever it is the Empire right in Star Wars no country wants to look like some You know evil military bully that just Goes in and beats the [ __ ] out of people And takes their stuff and colonizes them
And the rest of it so they have to have Excuses They have to be provoked they have to be Defending themselves or defending people In the country that's another thing or We're just trying to defend the other People in the the country there're being You know some sort of a genocide like They might use the what's happening in Palestine to invade Israel but they Don't care about the Palestinian people Like that's not going to happen but That' be a you know that would be an Example of that type of scenario or [ __ ] you know political talking Points oh we're just trying to save the Palestinians and then go over and occupy Israel and take their stuff right like That would be the the you know the Excuse to do that because no Little Country just like you know would you Walk up to a lion and punch it in the Face like jump over the you know even a Zoo lion or something like a bear or Freaking you know anything you know Something that can like you know a Hippopotamus or rhinoceros or an Elephant go and start smacking it right The thing would crush you because it's Physically Superior or just some really Big guy or somebody right some mean Looking you know we like a bunch of like A bunch of gang kids hanging out and you Go and start insulting them right there
Was um one of the um the uh the Die Hard Movies with Bruce Willis he was in a Like an African American neighbor in a Inner city neighborhood and he had a Sign that was you know he was forced to Do this by some criminal mastermind and He had just stripped down to his Underwear and wear a sign that he that That he hated the nword right nword People and so like he's there you know In this neighborhood and Samuel J L Jackson comes up to save him and he's Like you know I'm a cop and I'm being Forced to do this or whatever it is Right but you know people don't do Things where they're in physical Jeopardy like you have a sense of safety And every once in a while someone's Suicidal and has a death w And so they you know do something like That they provoke a fight with somebody That they want to get their ass kicked Right sometimes people just feel bad About themselves and they want to you Know they want to get beaten up or They've grown up in abuse and they're Used to it like they've been beat up Their whole life and it makes them feel Comfortable or whatever but in terms of A country they don't do that right like Countries don't you know when they know Another country wants to come in and Steal their stuff and wants to beat them Up right wants to destroy them wants to
Go to war with them they don't give them An excuse to go to war they do Everything they can to avoid war because They know they're going to be out of Power when that happens and they might Even be killed so an invading force is Always an invading force and they make Excuses like the big event 2001 that was An excuse to go and do those Awards over In whatever it is and whether you you Believe the official story of what Happened or not you know it wasn't these Countries that were looking to be Invaded these countries had nothing to Do with it Right the governments themselves because They don't do things that are going to Mean they're going to get their ass Kicked right they're going to be it's Much worse because it's a war wars are Horrible you don't want another country Invading your country and we do anything To avoid it and so the Palestinian People have been getting their ass Kicked by Israel for 40 years or you Know whatever the time period that that They've existed or coex Co coexisted Together and Israel's stated goal has Always been this Okay so let me show you this first you Don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist And I'm a Zionist I got in trouble got Criticized very badly by the southern Part of my state and some of the
Southern parts of the country when uh 35 Years ago I said you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist and I'm a Zionist you don't have to be a Jew to be A Zionist folks were there no Israel There wouldn't be a Jew in the world was Safe Wor down Too I make no bones about I've had my Difference with some Israeli leadership I've known B for Now 51 years he has a Picture on his desk of he and I when he Was a young member of the Israeli uh um Uh service here uh Foreign Service and Uh I was a 32-year-old senator and I Wrote on the top of BB I love you but I Don't agree with the damn thing you had To Say okay so um you know he's a Zionist Right and he has been supporting Israel For a number of years and he signed the The pledge to Israel that all these Politici sign and Joe Biden has been one Of the biggest supporters of Israel and He was in charge of all kinds of you Know as a as a senior senator he had Positions in the you know terms of the Defense department and foreign relations And other things and so he's a Zionist Like they're saying that this guy I mean From the New York Post that this guy's [ __ ] on Israel and he's done Anything but that right he's offered the The least amount of criticism that you
Could offer and it's just words all his Support is behind Israel and there's no Palestinian Lobby there's no you know There's a big Israeli Lobby that makes Every one of these politicians sign a Pledge to defend Israel like they have To sign this pledge I showed you this Before um that that politician that Female politician from Georgia C Cynthia Mckenny I showed you the video where she Talked about she didn't sign the pledge And they dumped a million dollars in the Um you know in a in a in a in a race for A House of Representatives that doesn't Have that kind of money right and she Was in Georgia and they dumped a million Dollars in her opponent's campaign and She lost the seat because she didn't Sign the pledge right so this is the Kind of power the Israeli Lobby has There's no Palestinian Lobby Palestine Is barely a country they don't have an Army they don't have a government they Don't have money they don't have Resources there's some Palestinian People here that maybe have a little bit Of money a little bit of influence you Know like couple you know millionaires Or whatever it is but as far as you know A lobbying group no and the other Arabs Have been lobbied on their behalf like OPEC and Saudi Arabia is more has a Better relationship with Israel than They do with Palestine and so these
Countries haven't come to the Palestinian Aid in terms of the UN and These other places right it's countries Like in Europe that are they're speaking Out for the Palestinian people at the UN Because it's is a [ __ ] genocide and It's an occupation and if you're a Zionist this is what zionists believe so He's claiming to be a Zionist and this Is what zionists believe the promised Land is Central Concept in Zionism the Jewish national movement that Established isra is as a key part of the Jewish national identity the idea that The promised land comes from the Bible Where God promised Abraham and his Ascendants a land to their own a Land to Call their own many je Jews believe that Land known now as Israel is the promised Land and so this is what Christians so These right-wing Christians that made up The the neocons right these you know They weren't really Christians but some Of these Evangelical Christians because They say it's in the Bible and the Bible Is their word of God right it's not it's The old testament's full of [ __ ] right The old testament's uh Blasphemous Towards God and I've explained that Before regardless of your indoctrination Truth is truth right it's not my truth It's not my opinion right like when when Somebody talks about how God is a Narcissist who demands one of his
Followers like Abraham you he said he Promised Abraham this this land but he Also told Abraham to kill his only son Son right his miracle baby after Abraham Had banished his other you know his maid Who he impregnated and her son right Ishmail I believe his name was and God Commanded Abraham to kill Isa to Sacrifice Isaac and they said no don't Kill Isaac I was just [ __ ] with you Here kill the Sheep instead God doesn't Do [ __ ] like that God wouldn't have you Sacrifice anything there's animal Sacrifice and and human sacrifice in the Bible and God never would do that that's Not what God would do God is in the Sheep God is in your son God wouldn't Kill himself right like there's no you Know the the god that's in the Old Testament is a is a demon the one that They're referring to as God is a demon And it's not or a series of demons but It isn't God right it's a a narcissistic Demon right if there's an entity it Would be a demon a demonic entity you Know it's a really bad person a bad Leader he's punishing people left and Right he says destroy this this group Destroy that group right and just you Know uh it's not the way God would be The way God's presented in every aspect Of their description of God in the Old Testament it's not God like it's just a It's the opposite of God it would be
Describing the devil or demon or Something right and so they believe in This promised land and I show you guys This all the time this is the promised Land it's 2/3 of Syria it's half of Iraq It's the top portion of Saudi Arabia all Rich oil rich land here it's um Lebanon And this is the Israel here Lebanon up Here and it's part of Egypt this is what Was called Israel in the Bible so if This is the land that God promised God Doesn't do that that's [ __ ] but all The people who are zionists believe this And the people that are in charge of This war in Israel believe this there's Lots of Jews that don't believe this There's lots of people in Israel that Are upset by the way the Palestine People are treated and they post videos And they support the Palestinian people So it isn't like all Jews believe this But the ones that call themselves Zionists do right and this is their push Towards getting this so they don't want Just Israel which is a small sliver of Land right here right the thing that's Called Israel is just a small sliver of Land they want all of this other [ __ ] You know which is occupied by these Other countries and the neocons that run Joe Biden's um defense program the Secretary of Defense and all the rest of It he's hired neocons they've they've Pushed for this for years they believe
This the Dick Cheney and the people like That then there's a little land here in Turkey as well here so they're they're Going to take land from five different Countries to fulfill God's word like if They believe God promised this then they Believe that they have everything you Know they have the they have to support God's promise and that's what these Zionist [ __ ] believe right and Joe Biden has said he's a Zionist and He's hired Zionist to run his you know This whole thing that's happening with The Ukraine and Russia is a Zionist uh Uh neocon um war that they're pushing Out there right and so Joe Biden is Totally supporting Israel in every Possible way he said a few words that Either was to pacify or to pacify the Liberal kids protesting and things like That about the genocide he he con Harris You know little bit of things that they Said but even that wasn't [ __ ] Tolerated they were slammed for just Saying a few words of of like not even Outrage about the fact that Israel was Killing kids they've killed 20,000 kids Right they're murderers of children and They don't look at these people as People right it says it in the B Bible They're goyam right or whatever it is [ __ ] goyam and that they're like less Than cattle they're like they're not as You know they're not as um they're
They're they're to be subjugated by by The Jewish people all these other people That are in the area you know the Canaanites God God the what they call God in the Old Testament says go kill The Canaanites and these people right That group and whatever group some King David W David the David from the Bible Wanted to marry the King's Daughter and The King said go um get me a hundred Philistine forkins so kill 100 Philistine people or soldiers or Whatever it was and then cut off the Foreskins and bring them back to me and You can have my my daughter and David Was so ambitious he killed 200 Palestinian or Philistines or whatever it is right like And then cut off their foreskins because He's like into that right he's a hero in The Bible but he likes to cut off the Tips of other men's dicks right like and Then put him on a string and bring him To his his father-in-law because that's How David rolls like this is some of the [ __ ] that's in the Bible right the Old Testament and so it's a like all This stuff the these two religions and All the rest of the stuff they're [ __ ] Religions because they don't have an Accurate description of God you know Judaism um Islam and because that these All come from the same people same group Of people they have some of these core
Beliefs with Judaism being the the Initial religion and then two spin-off Religions that make up over half the People 40 4 billion people right over Half the population is christian or Muslim And so these religions are [ __ ] Because the way that they think about God as being some you know mean [ __ ] sitting on a throne who's Wrathful and Petty and butt hurt and Jealous and all these things and gets Pissed off all the time and orders People destruction because he's a Sociopathic demon or devil or whatever And so let's go back to the article Here okay so here it is Biden picks up Anti-israeli book during Black Friday Shopping for four years too late says Author now this [ __ ] isn't going To read a book right like he's just not There's Hunter there and they're kid This isn't the stripper baby there's Jill and so this guy can barely walk Into the bookstore he's like his Cognitive ability I doubt his eyes work Well enough for him to even read and you Know this is complex matter and they Have him like why isn't in a bag why is He carrying his own book like this is Sending a message right this is sending A message to you know everybody about Like this whatever it is the author of The book says it's four years too late
He should have he should have read it Before he allowed Israel to go in and do What he they were doing to the Palestinian people and Joe Biden's Resistance is probably a way for Trump To come in and do you know give Israel a Blank Check retiring President Biden hit the Shops on Black Friday and surprised Onlookers by picking up a copy of a book Describing the establishment of Israel As colonialism which it is that's been Met with Palestinian resistance and Acquisition and acquisition its author Bone it's four years too late and they Got his name here 100 Years War this Thing by this Colombia University Professor the book argues that the Modern history of Palestine can best be Understood in terms of as a colonial war Weighs against the indigenous population By variety of parties to force them to Relinquish their Homeland to other People against their will that's exactly What it [ __ ] is what are you talking About like the Palestinian people there Was a comedian that joked that you know Because the Palestinians don't have a Military they don't have an Air Force I Showed you this in the beginning of this Thing like in one of my early videos I Documented all this stuff the what Israel has in terms of an Air Force in Terms of a Navy in terms of ground
Forces in terms of an army Palestine Doesn't even have a government like they They're not even it's too divided There's the West Bank and there's a Gaza Strip and there's a big chunk of Israel In between them Israel has all the prime Land and there's many more Palestinians Living there than Jews when the first When the UN divided this into a country And they gave Israel all the good parts And then Israel started to grab onto More land they've been taking Palestinian land Building settlements in Palestine and they want to push the Palestinian people out and they're using This excuse of these so-called terrorist Groups which is a thing that they [ __ ] do and you know America does we All you know see this stuff playing out The evil Empires do right but they're Trying to take that land right that's They want to get rid of Palestine and Have it all be called Israel and Trump Is going to let them do it and I don't Know if anybody's going to stand up for The palestin Palestinian people but you Know the Palestinian people throw rocks And somebody sent me a video a long time Ago of a kid that the Israeli military Takes and starts bullying they grab the Kid they they're manhandling him and They want him to rat out the people who Are throwing rocks and they have machine Guns and tanks and [ __ ] airplanes
That have you know missiles on them and Helicopters and [ __ ] like that the American government's given them and the Palestinian people are throwing rocks so Much so there's a comedian that said why Aren't there more Palestinian Major League Baseball pitchers which is a Funny joke because they're throwing Rocks that's they're throwing rocks Against [ __ ] tanks and [ __ ] right and There's all these videos of people who Are there that are documenting the abuse Of the Palestinian people it's an open Air prison it's a parthe it's a Holocaust it's like the it's like these Concentration camps it's all the things It's the reservations for the Indians It's ethnic cleansing it's the genocide And they're beating the [ __ ] out of These people and stealing their homes There's a video out there where a Jewish Guy just moves into a Palestinian People's homes and their video him in Him and say you just can't take our home He said yeah I can if isn't going to be Me it's going to be another Jew so just You know we could just do that they can Just go in and take some Palestinians Home and live there and so this is what It's going on there right and you know That's just truth it's not like I'm a I Hate Jews or you know this is I mean in Terms of this story that's what's Happening it's an age-old story right
And so these zionists believe that God Promised them the land so they can Justify these actions Because they say it's God's Will and When any [ __ ] tells you that They're doing abusive things because God Wills it that's a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] Blasphemous devil worshipping liar and Not somebody that's telling you the Truth because God doesn't tell you to do Bad [ __ ] right like sometimes Wars and Things are necessary but there's no God God doesn't pick sides sometimes you Know people have to population has to be Reduced and the evil and the hatred and The and the you know bad behaviors of People and their bad thoughts and their Bad attitudes manifest into Self-destructive Wars and that's People's doing it isn't God's doing wars Are result of whatever you know God has Created and the occupation of people and The and all the things the you know Colonization of people it's not God's Picking your side because you're the Winner oh it must be God's will because We we were able to beat the [ __ ] out of The other side there's none of that Right you just happen to be better Prepared and better uh better armed and You know you have a superior military But you're going to suffer just as like Everybody else does you'll suffer your Actions and your your your Mal treatment
Of your your fellow human beings khib Who is a Palestinian Lebanese descent Refers to president-elect Donald Trump's First Administration as a mouthpiece for Israel and accuses president prime Minister Benjamin nanahu of the most Extreme government in his country's History you know it goes on from here we All know it right but for them to Categorize this as Biden supporting or Undermining Israel I mean the my God Right like he said a few words about a Genocide and he didn't call it a Genocide and he's a piece of [ __ ] and This is a photo op and they're deal know They he's doing this purposefully not Him his handlers because he's just look At him he's clueless he does know what The [ __ ] going on they stuck a book in His hand they told him to to to Waddle To his car before he shits his Pen's Diaper and then like this story comes Out right right it's completely being Handled and Israel is a part of this This imagery because they want to squash You know u i just covered this in Trump's new attorney general thinks that All these protesters should be thrown Out of the country because Israel is More important than America herself so [ __ ] all these [ __ ] Right I may not have brought you into This world but I brought you into this House and you are going to let me love
You What the [ __ ] right you're going to let Me love you right I'm going to love you You're going to let me love you that's You know that's R in that's you know That's just a form of R right where You're forcing Your Love you're going to Let me love you right what if somebody Came up to said you're going to let me Love you right like it the turtle either Digs it or it's not now it says Turtle Spa now sometimes you have to treat Animals and they don't dig it right like My dogs get ticks on them and they don't Like when you take them off or Spurs or Whatever it is a thistle you know these Kind of things you know my dog buddy Like if he gets one of those little um Sometimes we you know they get those Little grasses that have the little Barbs on it he'll walk up if he gets one Of his foot and he'll put his foot out To get it taken out like he's at least Conscious of it and he knows that we can Take care of it right but you know in Terms of forcing your love on an animal Like you know if the animal's not Digging it right then you should stop Doing it unless you're doing something For their benefit that they don't Understand like I said it's just weird You know people are just [ __ ] weird Like that's it's just so [ __ ] Weird Okay so once in a while this dude
Rachel mat Cries um and it's always about Trump at Least the ones I've seen maybe there's Other times that aren't as popular Because it's not about Trump but let's See what this one's about the AP has Just broken some new news um this has Just come out from the Associated Press This is incredible Trump Administration Officials have been sending babies and Other young children oh hold On to at least Three she she do it you know what she Wasn't crying though was when Joe Biden Droned seven kids in Afghanistan because those kids they're Not worth any tears they're not you know When he just out and out killed seven Kids as opposed from separating kids From their parents because of you know Some kind of law violation in terms of Their coming into the country illegally She cries for these kids these kids were Separated from their parents but dead Kids you know they're dead and they're In Afghanistan so really they're not Worth any tears she didn't shed tears For Them can we put up the graphic of This thank you do we you have it no Three tender Aid shelters in South Texas Lawyers and medical providers Just you can't do it you can't do it Just can't do it think I'm gonna have to
Hand this off yeah like I can't do it Joe Biden just drone seven kids oh yeah Okay that's okay Israel has just killed 20,000 kids in Palestine no that's okay But Trump you know Trump separated kids I'm gonna I mean it's just too much for Me to bear Okay that was from six years ago and Rachel M didn't Cry um this time when Trump was elected Knowing that he's going to at least he Promised to do Mass Deportation which would involve kids but Anyways um Gwen walls I want to have one Last Gwen walls moment here I didn't Cover this before it's a 45 49 Minute Podcast interview something with Um Katie kurick there's Katie kurick There she used to have you know Something else going on now she's got a Podcast and you got a big ass Gwen walls Crazy ass closeup of her face this Should be excellent all right I guess We're ready to go yeah absolutely thanks For having me oh my gosh first of all it Is so nice this is just does crazy no One does crazy like Gwen to meet you I'm Assuming it's okay if I call you Gwen Please call me Gwen yes please do the Crazy [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] I don't Know anything please well thank thank You for talking to us on this Saturday Morning absolutely and I imagine the Last few months for you Gwen have
Brought new meaning to the word Whirlwind how would you describe what It's exactly this what why are you not On some other you know doing something That's not a podcast I mean the podcast Is actually better but why are you not Part of the mainstream media with that Kind of a it brings new meaning to the World to the word Whirlwind you've been Going through well let let me say again Thank you for having me and maybe the Last few months um can be kind of Crystallized in this moment because um I Never imagined I would be on um a a Podcast or an interview or any sort of Thing with Katie kurick I mean I just It's a dream come true so that's kind of What it's like Um that's what it's like like one day You know I'm baking cookies and um like Uh I'm pulling the the the legs off of Insects and you know um beheading mice And things like that and then they put Them in pies and then next thing I know I'm talking to Katie kurick on a podcast No it was it was a fast process and uh You know we were we were busy uh with Our lives being governor and first lady In Minnesota and our kids and you know I Would have been um door knocking and I'm A big door knocker everyone says that Gwen walls I'm Gwen door knocker walls I Mean look at that look at that crazy This is she just brings the crazy like
Just uh calling and working on elections In Minnesota and also Governor's races And so when we got this call um we say It was a it was a different call but I Wasn't even home and so so I was I was So cheating with the mailman but don't Don't tell any don't don't tell anybody Katie speaking to all the Superintendents in Minnesota getting Ready for the start of school and you Know cuz cuz um my husband like he Doesn't he doesn't deliver the goods cuz He's like into he's into Guys we said you know my mom has the S When you have to do the work that's in Front of you and so when that became the Work in front of us we shifted into gear But I you know I'm telling you the truth On this um you I've been lying to rest Of all the other [ __ ] I've been Saying about you know Turn the Page like That's all [ __ ] turn the P Turn the Page that's all [ __ ] but I'm going To tell you the truth right now Katie it Is it is a new experience and I'm not Lying about that Katie it when when we Got called when my when my my gay Husband got called and was going to be The vice president for eventually losing Candidate to she this is be this is pre The loss this is Um weeks before kamla lost but now you Know when my husband gets called and He's he's going to be the Vice
Presidential nominee it was a new Experience from the previe experience That I had and we Had fantastic in so many ways like that I'm in uh Michigan right now and I mean There's nothing better than going from Minnesota to Michigan it's like such a Difference I mean it's I I can't even Tell you you know I was I was I was Begging the guy to I was I was pleading With the American people to make Hawaii A swing State so I can get the [ __ ] out of this Cold weather but no I'm stuck here in Michigan getting to see these amazing Places and meet people across the Country speaking about speaking of Michigan so today's um Sunday December 1st whatever is December 1st and Michigan Ohio State play and you know It's the biggest rivalry I I don't favor Any team I mean I'm not a college Football person and I certainly don't Have anything to do with Michigan or Ohio State the states or the colleges But they have a heated rivalry so I you Know I often will watch the game or or Look at the game and I I saw that Michigan had a six and five record and Ohio State is was going to the you know This what championship tournament they Have and but their biggest you know Whoever wins this game is like it's the Biggest game of their whole whether they
Winning the national championship isn't As big as winning the Michigan Ohio State game in the past three years you Know harbar couldn't beat Ohio State for Years and they had a you know good coach Over there better program but the last Three years he had beaten them but now He's gone and he's doing well in the NFL And you know they've lost they had a Walk-on quarterback who apparently had Gotten cancer and chemotherapy or Something like a year ago and so they W They weren't you know they weren't doing That well in terms of the recruiting Class it's an off year for Michigan and They're playing Ohio State so I was like Oh this will be a blowout but Michigan Just was freaking playing physical and They tagged the the quarterback for Ohio State I thought the guy was concussed Because he went out of the game and I Think they might have put him back in With a [ __ ] concussion and the Ohio State looked pretty good in their first Drive and so I fast forward it and I'm Like holy [ __ ] this is actually a game And Michigan ends up winning a lot of Doofy plays and whatever it was funny Things the Michigan quarterback threw a An interception on the goal line and it Looked like how state was going to come Back and win but Michigan wins and they Go to the center of the of the Ohio State um like logo and Ohio State comes
Out and there's a [ __ ] Brawl I mean it was bad if you haven't Seen it it's worth Watching so here let's get back to Gwen Country which is all very exciting and Learning and listening learning and Listening from people from Michigan There are challenges that come with it Too like some people say not very nice Things or things that aren't true and Exactly like some people just mock me on The internet and they call me crazy and They make fun of my turn the page thing And I mean they just I I don't know What's wrong with those people I'm Traveling a lot more and it's you know c A senior year so I have to balance like The homecoming stuff with the political Stuff and it's just like such a busy Schedule I gotta make sure my crazy son Is like he's going to he's got to go to Homecoming and you know now with his Performance at the DNC sort of a Celebrity in the School um figuring that out is what Every mom in America right is doing um It's just maybe on a bit of a different Scale but I also have a great staff and Great friends and a I make one [ __ ] Hell of a Ginger Snap too fastic family Have three sisters and they are all Super Helpful I'm sure your schedule Gwen has Been absolutely Bonkers I mean Bonkers
Gwen it's [ __ ] Bonkers look at this All the candidates are in full gear as We are in the home stretch of this Election what kinds of things are you Hearing out on the campaign Trail Because I know you've been going to Blue Areas and to Red areas remember in PAC In the future we 100% are against [ __ ] on orphans Just but you know crazy women from Minnesota are are fair game or wherever Virginia wherever Katie kurri's from are You noticing a big difference in People's concerns in those two different This is sort of like the Sarah Palin Interview but like you know the Opposite uh parts of the Country well I I think you know I'm a Teacher um I'm a teacher you guys didn't Know that about me I teach I like to Teach at school Administrator and director and So the the power of listening the power Of listening exactly Gwen is survival in In those in those environments and it is To um out on the trail and it's a Privilege for people to tell you a Privilege to have random people come up From Michigan and tell me their life Stories I just love that you know it's Just so great to hear them sometimes They like they're talking like saliva Will come out of their mouth and land in Your mouth it's like you know it's a
Just it's a it's like a little bonus you Get from having to talk to random crazy People on the internet on the campaign Trail but you know you got to do what You got to do stories and tell you their Concerns and Interestingly um we we all have very Similar concerns and there are people Who might approach those concerns Differently um but where Tim and I Taught and lived for 22 years in Mano um In the first congressional district that Was a district that was really more Republican than Democrat and we just we Knew those people and we were Democrats You remember um and Tim won that race Six times I say we won that race six Times um that was a part of it you know Like I was there I was making my crazy Eyes at people and you're talking about Turning the page and [ __ ] we're we're used to working with And being around people who might might Not see every single issue exactly the Way that you see it but finding a way Forward is important so okay so I think That'll be it for Gwen walls on this Program I mean it's a little bit sad day She's you know a little less crazy here I mean get the up close to the face Though like they just there's just the The whole the Expressions I saw that First I'm like oh there's there's some Insanity there of course Katie
Kirk okay um Rogan mocks democrats for Searching for their host so this is a Discussion um in the middle it says Joe Rogan said they had me I was on their Side and so let's join this discussion Midway into it whenever it is it's um This is what this is what YouTube put They put up on YouTube Patrick let's Start with that idea when people if There are such people who say that they Need a liberal Joe Rogan what do you Think they act if there are such people What do you mean if there are such People what are you talking about like Why are you having a hypothetical Discussion there is who are the people That have actually say we need our Joe Rogan of course they do but they won't Have one because Joe Rogan is like Basically from that liberal Hollywood Mentality and he hobnob with all those People and he was more on the liberal Side and so you know like Joe Rogan is Your liberal Joey Rogan like in terms of Anybody who does a podcast type of you Know this kind of interview where you Have to be a real person the Democrats Are never going to do well on that thing Because they're really inauthentic the Republicans were were used to be the Party of Inauthenticity but the Democrats are now Inauthentic because they can't say what They're like there's so many constraints
So much cancel culture so much political Correctness so much contrived um Contrived morality so much uh Of this like you know censorship and and All of this stuff that they do you can't Be a real person you can't express who You really are you got to be a fake Person politics politicians are fake in Themselves like just it's uh like all of Them are are fake in the in the sense of It's a a requirement to to not be Yourself and to be inauthentic but Somehow Trump's been able to do it Because of the time and the and his Group and his people are so desperate For somebody like him and there's enough People to support him like he's close Like he's you know he's just um he's Straddling that line between you know 49 To 51% of possible voters right but 49% Are never going to vote for him it used To be 52 you know and so I mean they'd have to Run somebody horrible which they did and So um this idea that there's a Hypothetical Joe Rogan out there for Democrats it doesn't exist because that Program cuz there's lots of Joe Rogan There's lots of the podcast some you Know better some worse I mean Tucker Carlson's thing and the Democrats just Can't do it because you know the stuff They talk about is so fake and so Contrived and it's not you know based in
Reality like Trump sucks but they have To make it worse than it is and Exaggerate it and they don't get into Just the essence of trump sucking right I've covered this you know quite a bit Actually mean when they say that well I Think the short answer is they do need a New Joe Rogan the question is what is That look like and former professional Tennis player mat Patrick back Andro what he doing he's not even the Good back and row the John back and row He's his brother like anybody barely Anybody knows about him I don't know if It's you can actually create it you know There apparently a lot of Republicans Were creating some of these podcasters And and so on so now the mainstream Media has changed quite a bit and I Don't know if it's you mean nobody Watches it and it sucks even worse than It did before much about who the person Is or if there is a person it's where They're getting their message he's got a Podcast called holding court and he's an ESPN commentator too and how they're Getting it out there because obviously As Joe Rogan and El said everybody's Getting their information from their Phone so where are you going to get that Now you can go on X like I do all the Time and you get it from all sides there But I think for the Democrats they need To find a way to get their message out
To the their message doesn't translate To the internet that's the problem Because You know there's the official Factchecking they do on these mainstream Media channels and the shows like the View and all these you know this [ __ ] um that's based in the official Story and the official you know Gatekeepers that rule over that story Right and nobody wants to hear that [ __ ] Everyone knows that's fake and so you're Going to have to dismiss the official Story you can no longer go back to the Official story and sayum TR is a Convicted criminal like that is somehow You know not true about Joe Biden well He's not a convicted criminal but he's a Criminal they all are like there's some Kind of difference between Joe Biden and Trump right like Trump just says the Things that these other people think and And say behind closed doors right and so It doesn't translate like they can't do It because they've you know they've use This authority of mainstream media and The authority the the mainstream media's Authority is based in These corrupt organizations that are Ruled by lobbyists like big Pharma and Israel and these you know countries and Corporations and they tell these people What they can say and what they can't Say and this becomes the truth because
It's the official story because it comes From the government but these Politicians have been bought and sold And these courts are you know the the Courts and the court system is Completely um handled and maintained and Unfair right so it's all it's just Layers of [ __ ] that they call Facts right not that there isn't plenty Of [ __ ] on the internet it is it's Like full of [ __ ] it's just a mass Disinformation campaign across the American platforms or World platforms It's you know people just spreading lies But you know the lies that are on the Internet are at least at least closer to The truth in some cases and way more Entertaining right like it's just much More entertaining and just better Content people that they didn't get it Out I see ready to jump here I agree With that I think it it's more a an Understanding of the new ecosystem um Where people are getting their media Messages from we know that a lot of it Is digital it's social media people Aren't picking up the newspaper anymore Right they like Tik Tok their way Through the coconut summer and yeah Nobody cared about the Coconuts um I Think that it was a misreading of the Electorate but also a misreading of Where people are getting their Information but in addition to that no
But it's you know they're all on these Platforms they're all Joe Rogan was Joe Biden was had his own Tik Tok page it Was all videos about how Trump sucks but It's the same crap you have to get People to watch it see the thing is you Have to compete for your audience here Every one of us has to compete for the Audience with you know so many other People doing whatever it is similar Things different things you have so many More options to watch on the internet Like there's so many channels right like I have a channel I would never get a Channel in mainstream Media or cable or Any of these things right like I don't Have any you know I would never get a Channel in some of these you know old School media but we can all have Channels everyone has a channel on YouTube right you guys all have channels You guys watching me like every one of Us has a channel you might not make Content but you could like any any of us Could make content it's just a matter of Getting people to watch it nobody's Going to watch this [ __ ] that K Harris And the Democratic party is putting out CNN's all over I'm watching CNN right Now watching CNN's YouTube channel to Mock it right but it's not getting you Know no one's going to watch this [ __ ] Like it's everywhere it's in the airport People don't watch it what's in front of
Them they're forced to watch it in the Airport they find ways to ignore it they Put on their headphones or do something Else so they have to listen to this crap Right see the problem is isn't the Platform it's you like the people that Are producing content it's the things That you say and the things you believe And just the the rhetoric that you push It's not one person I think that you Know Joe Rogan has had more lives than Cats when it comes to changing it up I Grew up seeing Joe Rogan you know have People eat um testicles of animals and Crawl through the darkness when he was Doing Fear Factor then he did you know And I really like like that content I Mean I really tuned in to watch testicle Eating I was like man this guy's got it Going on he's got testicle eating and And and Donkey Seaman Right man now he's doing this the man he Shape shifts a lot that that's not Shapeshifting like that was him to being What you guys were like he was getting Paid to be on a show that was completely [ __ ] up Fear Factor and like he did With other things he was on some you Know Hollywood shows right now he Switched it up and he has opinions about Things some of them we agree with in Truth Community some of them we don't But they're like legitimate opinions That are outside the bandwidth narrow
Bandwidth of mainstream media and so to Call him a shape shifter he's evolved Like his his content is just better than Yours because they have like real Conversations with people instead of the [ __ ] and the you know all these These various things that you can't say On CNN and these other places and just The fakeness the way that people act so Fake and they put on their fake persona And their their news voice and their Their news cloes right and they you know They act like ways that normal people Don't act they completely inauthentic This is all about authenticity that's Not necessarily what is the thing that's Bringing people in what Democrats have To do is figure out ways in which they Can get to the podcast that their people Are listening to that means your younger Voters your people of color voters They're getting a lot of information From things that are not unfortunately Shows like ours right now okay just like I'm just I got to move on this is just Sucky it's just this sucks the energy Right out of you but the problem was That KLA Harris was only allowed because Her personality sucks that was the Problem she had because if she was Authentic people would definitely not Vote for her the authentic KLA Harris Does not identify with very many people She's unlikable and that's the Democrats
If a Democrat she she was the worst Candidate out of 20 candidates the Democratic voters rejected her and she Got she pulled under 1% right and so Like if she is herself people don't like Her so she has to they just allowed her To talk in bumper stickers which I said Over and over again and make that Expression when Trump was that [ __ ] Expression when Trump was talking at the Debate which is completely off-putting Then you guys all came out and said she Won and she's winning she's so much Better than Trump and all she does is Talking in bumper stickers and talking Points she wasn't allowed to be herself So she couldn't have done the Joe Rogan Interview because if she went on she Would have been just the way she is Everywhere else where she's only allowed To say certain things she was so handled And I don't know how well she would do Anyway because she's a fake person you Know the only thing she has is that Laugh and nobody likes that [ __ ] so That's her real one authentic thing and They wouldn't let her do that so I mean That's why she lost it's about Authenticity Trump sucks but at least He's authentic and is Sucking okay so I haven't seen this yet Um let's look at it Here distinguished guests please welcome The 2024 NBA champion Boston
[Music] Celtics let's going out with this music Oh they're playing Irish music cuz it's Celtics all right they come out they're Standing here they're waiting here comes Joe Jo M go when does he show up here he Comes coming in [Music] Here they should play Irish music for [Music] Him he's got that Parkinson's walk he Can't this whole thing where he so can't Turn his he's got to turn his whole body You Woo well welcome to the White House woo I didn't know know any of These guys behind me but they just Showed up I don't know where the hell They came From why don't you make some racial 2024 NBA champions the ball the Boston You're Celtics right the Boston Celtics You don't even know one but you had to Ask like they just told you you walked In there they're going you're going to Meet the Celtics you're like that's how Bad your memory is but the winning his Franchise in league history and now with A record 18 Titles please have a seat if you have One you don't have to keep standing you May stand to stay warm But let me just say all of you like this Is Joe Biden his way out like he's only
Got a couple more months of this [ __ ] Not know this but my secret service name Is Celtic for real for reals I don't joke About [ __ ] like that because I'm Irish everybody behind me is Irish in Their heart I feel a special Pride what They're Irish in their heart because They play for the Celtics what are you Talking about Look that dude didn't get the the Boop These two guys Jason uh this Jason Tatum Um Jaylen Brown and um and uh Horford Didn't get their V right and so Um at least that's they they weren they Didn't go play in uh they couldn't go Across the border into play the Toronto Raptors so they weren't public like Kyrie Irving was but those two guys Didn't but Al Horford is looking at um Joj magu like what do this dude this Trophy for this old Irish Celtic to all You Celtics Congratulations Congratulations you Dr on yourselfself Bro for the team ownership players Coaches staff and family members along With Die Hard fans like the governor gov Stand where are you gov where are you Gov get up here gov where's the governor They the govern's not there that's it There you go gov gov come on gov The gov the mayor the go the go the May Where are you where are you all right
And members of Congress stand up all the Members of Congress from not just Massachus but all all right Massachusetts like he barely talk Anymore you got half the damn Congress Here you all know what the great red Arback said is that Celtics aren't just A basketball team they're a way of life They're a way of life passion Loyalty first team Mentally full of heart guts team first He met first team he metant team first And so you know he's just gone mentally Let's a little bit more then we'll move To the next thing here and faith we see It from you the ownership group the Executives the coaches especially Coach Joe I used to like Joe Joe moua he doesn't know his last Name Joe's the youngest head coach to Win a title since the great Bill [Music] Russell I told him I used to be the Youngest now I'm the oldest I like being The youngest Better together together you guys built One of the deepest teams of all time Incredible players led by Jason and Jaylen and Derek and Drew Big Al Big Al I know it wasn't easy well you not Say Kristoff's Big Al doesn't start Kristoff's does but Kristoff's from Poland you came close
More than once but you put in the work You clocked one of the greatest seasons Ever 64 wins the best record in the League last year Woo okay so he's able to still read his Telep poter kind Of more points per possession than 18 Team in NBA History roll the playoffs Beating the heat in five the Cavs in Five the Pacers in Four then you dominated Dallas on both Ends of the Floor and now that 18th Championship Banner hangs in the Raptors okay um That's it for you know we're saying Goodbye to these people like it's just Limited more times to Jojo Mago I don't Know if we'll ever see Gwen walls again Here on the show I mean it's just a lot Of oh the thing I was talking about the Um the games on Thanksgiving so there Was um also flashback things they did That kid when I grew up there's a kid Who sang the Oscar Meyer baloney song They played that and they kept on Bringing up John Madden over and over Again on all three networks and his Truckin and his turkey you know they had They had a a turkey with the duck Stuffed in it right John badden was you Know obese and he was he was kind of Interesting he was a good announcer but He was passionate about what he did but
You know whatever but they kept on Bringing up not just you know the Commercial but other things that were From the past like there's a lot of Nostalgia now and there's a Nostalgia Like with Trump coming back in you know In terms of putting a halt on this woke Liberal [ __ ] but there's Nostalgia Because you know this like many of us Are experiencing like our lives are Flashing before our eyes things from our Past are coming back up because you know It's the end of an era and this guy Joe Biden like his I mean his time is is his Days are numbered and he'll disappear we Won't see him again KL is gone I mean She wasn't really much of a anything Until the last three months but all These people are starting to disappear Okay so there's a Sharon Stone sighting This is the place that um has the best Uh video of it Americans who don't Travel Who 80% don't have a passport who Are uneducated Are in their extraordinary Navity he she was talking about those Are the people that voted for Donald Trump right and so Um the Torino Festival in is Italy now She has had brain damage like she's got To be taken at a you really can't take Her seriously or be too hard on her cuz She should have died she had like a Brain anism and she's
I think she was smart beforehand like She had a high IQ you know back when she Was making those those soft porn she's a Horrible actress she's stiff and all These things but I think she was Relatively smart but you know she's um Single I she's not I don't think she has Any significant people in her life and She gets really [ __ ] I covered her on Her um instal account before I knew that She had brain damage because you know There's something off about her like you Know Gwen walls and and you know she had A sister who had lupus and her sister She was all going totally in on the co The co [ __ ] right and so her sister Lived in Montana and she called the Governor of Montana and she was Complaining that the governor didn't Return her call like you're calling a Governor in the middle of a a crisis and You're just some celebrity bimbo and Getting pissed about on insto how he Governor like the entitlement there but She has brain damage so you know like There's a lot wrong with her beforehand I'm sure but you know brain damage is Brain Damage and so you know youve got to be Taken with a with a little bit of a of H Grain of salt but you know these Hollywood people and all these people That's how they feel about the voters You know I feel about that about
Humanity because there's just we're all Going down and some people are lower Than others and there's a lot of people Without the ability for abstract thought And that's why democracies don't work Not cuz Trump won but because the people Who voted for kamla I mean I can Understand why people voted for Trump Even though Trump sucks and there's Enough evidence to con that they should Be able to convince them he's a lying Piece of [ __ ] that he's using you and He's not going to deliver on his Promises and if he did it would be a Disaster there's more than enough Evidence out there but those people you Know or if you're a trump voter can't You know see it or can't believe it or Can't you know accept it but at least Trump is represents people in what they Believe K was 100% fake and contrived and she Didn't win the election it wasn't out of You know some democratic process I mean Trump has a fan base and kamla doesn't And so people voting for KLA just Because she's not Trump or whatever the [ __ ] the reason they Have then there's this this morning Florida Surgeon General speaking out Against the use of fluoride in the States Water Systems claiming there are Safety concerns he believes are linked To systemic exposure with the
Information that we have now to continue Adding fluoride to water systems in Florida it is public health malpractice Dr Joseph yeah but they're still going To bleach the water like they're still Bleaching I mean the process whatever it Is depending on the state you know like Wellwater there's an oom from the you Know there used to be an Asom in Molina Georgia that had well Water and um for what I do you know the Meditation I do and my brother my older Brother was a caretaker there and he had To be trained and you know be certified And he went back and forth so he kept on Having to go back and be certified he'd Leave for a while then come back he did The job probably on five separate times And there was something else he did in Between right where he lived other Places and you have to take this um test And you have to you know swear that You're going to uphold these standards And they can come out and test the water And he was adding bleach and to the Water well water based in a rural city In in Georgia was making them do it cuz It was a a public facility and so you Know like this is but even um when we Went to sell our house in Virginia we Had to bleach the well we had to shock The well you had to throw throw bleach At it and it took forever it was Disgusting like it was I put too much in
Like I put like two bottles I should Have put one and it just was impossible To it took like a week to rinse it out Like you couldn't drink the WIA [ __ ] up But anyways you know like fluide it's at Least this is a positive step right you Know it's not going to change anything It's not going to prevent the apocalypse But at least it's a positive step here Okay um CNN panel breaks down Trump's FBI Trump's FBI pick whoow to root out The Deep State the guy cash Patel Trump Picked this guy cash Patel who is um Said he's going to root out the Deep State which is just a joke you you know Trump when Trump um pushed the the Operation warp speed in the vax and he Closed down the you know the economy and The country and got worked by all those Things and then he did the fake shooting You know the fake assassination attempt I mean There Was You Know Trump's always Been a player and a part of what we call The Deep State because the Deep state is The whole government there's not like a Separate group that's in there that's Just some Republican [ __ ] thing I'll Get into that in a moment moment Trump Picks anti-de State Crusader cash Patel he's going after the Deep he Pursue the conspirators in the Government Biden White House adviser Dodges whether he's concerned Trump FBI Pick labeled him a deep State
Conspirator because he is at least According to this guy Kash Patel um Ram proam Mader an anti-de State Warrior picked by um Trump to lead FBI so this is an Indian Paper a Rader I'm not sure who this is Let's look this guy up can we oh jeez I Got to spell it while I'll do it a Second um bestelling author Yan Martell The best-selling author of Life of Pi Once observed that just as the Bible and Homer ilad and the AI from the cultural Bedwar of the western civil Western Civilization the mahab barata and the Ramayana and serve as foundational epics Of the indix Civilization um so I don't understand What that's all about but they have These various people here they're Talking about these Indian politicians Here um here cashel's plans for the FBI a museum of the deep State and so this is um what that guy Does right he's going to get rid of the Deep State again the Deep State here is Re speaking of his intentions for the FBI cash Patel told us what he wants to Do on day one let's Listen I'd shut down the FBI Hoover Building on day one and reopening the Next day as a museum of the deep State And I take the 7,000 employees that work In that building and send them Across America to Chase down criminals go Be
Cops we're going to come after the People in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden Presidential elections we're going to Come after you whether it's criminally Or civil we'll figure that out but yeah We're putting you all on notice okay so That's not good for you know anybody Because the Deep State's a fake the Deep State is all the government the whole Government's a deep State America is Like a deep state right there's no good Guys there's no bad guys we're just an Evil empire eating other people's food Kicking other people's asses with our Military and our economy bullying other People and shoving our americ American Culture and this face USA USA at the Olympics and [ __ ] where people around The world are just like they you know We're not they're not fond of us they Like the American dollar they'll kiss Your ass when you're a tourist but They'll be like so [ __ ] Americans Like You and so this guy should know that but You know he's bought into the American [ __ ] and you know coming from a Country that was oppressed by the British government you know these people Who sell out their own historical Culture and things like this right so a Few more little bits here cash Patel Someone who's openly discussed using the
Federal government to go after Trump's Political opponents to be the next Director of the FBI now Patel has Promoted conspiracy theories about a So-called deep State he's even embraced Qanon in December of 2023 he's a q he's QB adjacent he told Steve Brandon's Podcast this about Trump's political Foes saying quote we will go out and Find the cons spors not just in Government but in the media and quote We're going to come after you whether It's criminally or Civ now Trump has Made it clear he PL so um the thing Is this sounds great to some people but The government used like this is the [ __ ] that Trump was saying was done to Him right like there he's going to you Know turn around and do the same thing That he's accusing Biden of doing to him Using the government to go after his Political Enemies and like I always say about this Stuff you might agree with the people They're going after now so you Relinquish everybody's rights because We're all Americans and we all have the Same rights and you know under the first You know the Amendments and the various Constitutional rights and things like That right and you relinquish your Rights like you know when QB said it was Okay to do Renditions and do secret Military tribunals and guantan Mo Bay
With people like Tom Hanks and Stephen Spielberg because they were pedos you Know because Isaac Cappy told them you Know like stupid [ __ ] like that right And they're willing to give up all of Their rights to a you know the man Miranda rights and the and the you know All the rights to due process and a Trial by your peers and all that stuff And that people just wouldn't be Political prisoners like that they'd be Willing to give it up if you were going To go after the people they were told by Some bonehead or a bunch of pH heads on The internet were you know pedos or Whatever they were right they're part of The deep State and so you know martial Law which I've talked about before and Then this kind of behavior you think It's about going after your enemies Until they use it and turn it on you and They will and you'll be like oh [ __ ] no Because you're a dumb [ __ ] and you agree To get rid of something because they Duped you you believe that Trump was Something that he's not and then they You know there's this huge power grab And then they start doing the same same Thing to American people and so first They turn it on the Deep State and then They turn it on the so-called truthers Or conspiracy theorists on the Internet Or whoever it is the Republicans or Whoever you are right because this is
What happens it always happens this way You've been [ __ ] duped and you don't Even know it right okay so we have a Ghoul alert one of my friends on Facebook posted this this is Ariana Grande I guess from The Whiz I've seen Is it the whiz or the wicked wicked um The you know they release some Adaptation or some spin-off or counter Story about the the Wizard of Oz where The Wicked Witch of the East is really The good guy I don't know I don't know What it is don't care but there's Singing so it's got to be great D any Movie with song where people are singing And dancing it's Like because that just makes movies so Much better but we have a ghoul alert Here you know um we saw this with um With Selene Dion when I call she was the Original ghoul with Pete Davidson and She has a tie to Pete Davidson's but Like she she's going full ghoul here Like look you know just um she must be Like 60 or something right like said She's just um they've been using I don't Know stuff to make her look younger but Anyway she's gone full ghoul this is What's left of my flower area here it's Got all kinds of flowers some weeds this Is our pond there's fish in here we had Frogs over the years we've had lots of Tadpoles in here this year we didn't Have it cuz I redid the pond but we've
Had different types of frogs six or Seven species of frogs and some other Things in here um we've had some Dragonfly nymphs and other things now It's frozen this is the comes up here There's a stream here leading to the Waterfall And I've got all kinds of videos I just Never I put them on one video that ended Up being just for members the waterfalls Looking cool it's you know this ice is Forming we had really cold weather and It was was out in choice just a couple Weeks Ago and then it was still not that bad Hope the hose i f the p with is Frozen In Here just Um you know it's need eventually this Will freeze so that the water won't be Able to come out it'll freeze entirely This is where the water flows up from The Pump and Um Yeah that's happening it's where the Chickens drink their water it's the Number one place where they get their Water there This is what's okay so I'm going to wrap The video up there my dog tulsy um she CAU a mouse in the house the other night Like big Commotion so I don't know how many mice
We have at our house you know so I Worked on this Pond for like seven years And I have like more videos of this than Anything um any kind of project I've Done and I'm always working on it always Needs something and I recently redid it You know I made the rock waterfall and They changed the for you know the Different things and I posted a video You know that showed it with the flowers Showed it you know some of the more Recent uh probably six months ago or Something like that whatever it was in June and you know the video never made It to my main channel in terms of being Public it's there for members you know This is the the things a part of that so I just never got around to to doing it But you know it's something I um You I'll show more of it when the Flowers bloom next year and some of These other things there'll be more Changes coming but Um this um do the stream and all that And so I'm happy with I get a lot of you Know uh I spent a lot of time out there Looking at the fish and whatever frogs And whatever things are in there and Chickens use it to it's their primary Water source cuz they like the the water The dogs um drink out of it there's some There's some like um carpet weed some Like you know algae stuff but that I Don't think negatively affects the water
And so um yeah so this is the the Waterfall only spirituality will save This world it's parano definitely B for The apocalypse and the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful But