We are all resposibly for our own Personal $uck + Zuckerburg’s Reversal & Aubry’s Husaband

We are all resposibly for our own Personal $uck + Zuckerburg's Reversal & Aubry's Husaband

Okay greetings brothers and Sisters um this is not another edition Of Hollywood celebrities dropping like Flies I just about to say that for some Weird reason that's videos I used to Make on my other channel which I have to Attend to at some point so I want to Talk about some of the Differences when you get Old and for people who are my age or Getting to be my age or older than me You'll appreciate this because you know You've experienced it and if you're Younger it's something to think about Because I didn't think about when I was Younger and it sneaks up on you like it Doesn't happen like one day you're young And one day you're old like it's just Like anything else you know when you're Growing up as a kid I mean you have grow Spurts and you know your brain the way It functions changes your body changes And you have significant changes and Milestones and you have all these Significant Milestones the first 20 Years of your life and really the first You know 16 17 for most people like I Had a grow spt when I was 18 19 and I Probably didn't stop growing till I was Like 2021 but for most people uh you know in Most your initial first five years is When you go through the most Transformation the first seven years

Certainly and then it's you know puberty And then adulthood and those are like Two things and you know those things can Be stretched out a bit right and you Have these developmental Milestones and so then for the next 60 Years of your life if you live to 80 there's just this gradual decline Right you you know Peak maybe in your 20s I mean your early 20s whatever it is And then your body as you get into your 30s it's no longer functioning as well As it it had before like if you're an Athlete your experience and your messal Memory and your your mental Understanding of the sport is much Better but you can see your body Declining in terms of your recovery Period in terms of like what you could Used what used to be able to do easily Now is more of a struggle you see that You're not as fast you can't jump as High you know there's these aspects to Your physical body it doesn't work the Same way and you need to put more effort Into stretching and these things right And then at some point you stop Exercising like that and now just Walking you get your 40s 50s 60s you Know just walking and like that's Considered exercise right like these Things right now you know I'm trying to Regain some of this stuff and I talked About this in my video on my uh the

Other channel about the heart right Because I'm trying to you know you can Make your heart young again according to This one video I Watched which may or may not be true Through some sort of you know slow Levels of of um you know raising your Your your pulse rate and these things Through you know exercise but not like You know I used to do when I used to Play sports right and so here's an Indicator of this something that comes Back around right so I grew up in Connecticut which was really cold and I Had one of those you know they had these Jackets back then where they had like Fur on the collars and it was like nylon And had padding in it and all the kids Wore it and you could make your hood Really tight and you saw through this Little hole like an Eskimo kind of an Eskimo jacket I'm not sure if esimo is The appropriate term Inuit is that the Thing I don't know and The um you pull this hole you know and You just see through this hole you had To turn your whole head like Joe Biden Does when you're talking to somebody and We used to all walk to school with these Jackets on and like a little viewing Port hole for you know whatever in the Middle of the winter and you know I had A blizzard where our power lines were Down and I was walking down this road

There's these live wires and [ __ ] you Know like I was a little kid and stuff Just laying on the ground I missed School for like a week cuz there's no Electricity um but you know there's These winter moments it was probably the Worst place I I lived for winter I you I've been in other places but probably The coldest place I lived was New England it was cold all the time shitty People are kind of miserable and grumpy And you know kind of hostile uh it's one Of the worst places in America to live There's like old money and tradition all That [ __ ] up there right and you know I Always ran hot like I was someone who You know I could go outside with shorts When it was 50° even 40° you know I the Cold didn't bother me when I was playing Sports and things cuz I my body Temperature was was up there and I Wasn't bothered by heat either I was a Summer person I could play sports in Pretty you know High degree weather you Know I have some Italian blood Sicilian Blood in me some you know I have some of That you know genetic makeup where I'm Not boother I wasn't bothered by the Extreme cold or the extreme heat like I Was pretty well regulated and body Temperature wasn't a thing right and you Know as the years have gone by the Winters just get hard and harder for me The light deprivation it's hard to go

Out in the cold you I take my dogs out I Just went out with my dogs now you know I got on the tractor we have a tractor And I we have a you know a driveway they Had to plow and get some of the snow off Of it and we have these paths that I've Created and they're not cemented they're Not paved and so I had to you know keep The P plow at a certain angle you know I've learned to use the the um you know This the bucket the scoop in the plow It's not meant for snow but we don't had You know we had four or five Ines I got It done it was light and I did that Yesterday and just going up and down on The driveway with the with the tractor Tire pretty much would uh condense the Snow enough but then of course if it Gets cold like it gets warm and then it Gets cold again it freezes up and that's A whole another issue right uh but Anyways I did that and you know we have These um we have a pond that I have to Refill the fish were running out of Water there's a I showed a you know Waterfall in the thing right a video of The the we have a waterfall it has like A stream that the chickens drink out of And then we have the chicken water Inside the chicken house cuz the Chickens just didn't want to come out we Have older chickens now and they want no Part of the snow right and so what I Learned years ago you know we have um

These types of farm uh uh pumps you know Where there's a handle on it and if you Live in a place where there's you know There's um some levels of the ground Freezing you know there's this Frost Zone I forget what it is is Right You Dig Down Below where your ground freezes Depending on where you live right it's 6 In where it's like Southern place or Zero and some of these you know these um The higher numbers like Zone 7even zone Eight zone 9 these things and then it's You got to dig down farther because the Ground Freezes um more deeply of course if you Ever watch the show like that show Gold Rush or these places where they're up in The Yukon and they have permafrost and All these things right it never it never Thaws a certain level right so anyways It got really cold here in November then Warmed up I mean significantly was up to Like almost 55 60 and then it was warm For a while and then it got cold again Like it's getting really cold now after The snow and then we have the snow on The ground doesn't look like it's going To melt anytime soon right and my dogs Like I had to clear these paths my dog Buddy is got you know thinner hair you Know thinner fur and he gets cold and so It's like a whole thing but anyways um I've had to get more Bic clavas so I've Got two B of clavas I wear like a very

Thin nylon one and then like a like a Knit hat like a cart heart hat um and I You know these I need the two hats right And then I have a snowsuit and I have a Dicky like turtleneck thing I don't like Turtlenecks so other than when I go Outside in the cold I don't like them Like it just and it's you know whatever And so you know I got all this stuff That I put on and now I got these big Farm boots and whatever and I'm going Out there and you know I was showing my Son how to do the pond in case you know I needed him to do it and um you know He's got this thing where he's you know He's in his 20s and he's trying to Condition his body so he's not wearing Any coat and [ __ ] in the winter he's Trying to get used to the cold he's done These kind of things before you know Like a young person thing and I'm Sitting there talking to him with my Double hats and my dad I remember my dad When he got you know in his 50s going Outside with these two hats on they're Much they look much worse than what I Got but still and I remember thinking Like what a loser You and you know so um and here I am Like these things always come back Around right but when people think about Getting old the first thing they think About is like wrinkles which when you Get old it's like to me the least of

Your problems it's your internal organs Don't function as well and your body is A lot Stiffer and you know you don't sleep as Well your body's not making as much much Melatonin whatever it is you're not Getting as good exercise you don't Digest your food as well and there's Just you know you're going to have Chronic illnesses and aches and pains And these things and what people don't Think about is that you don't deal with Tempure as well that's why all these old People retire down to Florida and these Places because it's just too freaking Cold right I mean it's just like the Winns are just they just take a lot out Of you your body can't generate the heat It used to and it doesn't take the shock Of these things you know noises sound Louder and just it's harder to like That's why older people are like they Don't like you know the new kids music And all that stuff everything's just Harder like life is it's more difficult Like life is just harder because you're You just can't function as well you Don't see as well you don't hear as well You don't like all these things right And it's just across the board and it You know it happens over a period of Time and that's why they say the youth Is wasted on the young because you don't Appreciate apprciate it you don't

Appreciate what you have going for you And like you're just too young and Stupid to realize it and you just don't Have the experience and so by the time You get the experience your body's Crapping out and so that's kind one of The jokes that's why I've often said you Know I totally believe that people were Designed to live much longer lives it Feels like there's just not enough time And I've experienced that even as a Younger person you know your time just Flies by and there's often times you Don't have enough time to to fully appr Appreciate a stage in your life or People in your life and these other Things anyways got a lot of things to Get to things are turning Mark Zuckerberg is uh getting rid of all this A lot of the censorship [ __ ] which You'll get into here at Trump press Conference and some of these other Things you know things are loosening up For the time being I mean it can switch Back in any time everyone should be Aware of that uh but let's get into the Mark Zuckerberg thing Here okay um greetings brothers and Sisters I'm not sure if I'm going to do An inter uction to this video today is Tuesday January 7th going to get to a press conference With Trumps um some other stuff here but

Let's start with Mary Mary Z um it's happened like they've reversed All their policies for now I want to Talk about something important today Because it's time to get back because Usually I just said I talk about [ __ ] unimportant [ __ ] pday is Important to our Roots around fre Expression on Facebook and Instagram I Started building social media to give People a voice I gave a speech at Georgetown 5 years ago about the Importance of protecting free expression And I still believe this today but a lot Has happened over the last several years There's been widespread debate about Potential harms from online content Governments and Legacy Media have pushed To censor more and more a lot of this is Clearly political okay So we know what happened here Joe Biden And his [ __ ] team like if you want to Say anything about Joe Biden and kamla Harris and how it's affected us like how This has affected me personally like What I do here as a job I don't know how About how many policies around Immigration and some of the other Policies that have affected me maybe you More it depends on you know each Person's situation right but this is Something where it was a big [ __ ] you to All of us who are the truth Community Because they

Censored social media specifically Around truther stuff right Joe Biden Threaten to poll title whatever the [ __ ] It was it's a there's a title something Or other so there's this thing called Section 230 in which Joe Biden uh the section 230 means that social media platforms Can't be sued for what their users post Right and they have you know some case Billions of users multi-million millions Of users are posting things that could Be considered you know something that Would be worthy of a lawsuit and so These companies can't exist without that And Biden threatened to pull it from Them if they didn't censor things the RFK the um thing with Hunter Biden the Articles with New York Post that was Censored by Facebook and Twitter and Then these other various other uh Elements stuff with RFK Jr and so it's Completely [ __ ] it was First Amendment Violation and it prevented us for all From you know they rearranged their Algorithms and their search engines I Hope YouTube follows suit because it's Completely [ __ ] and it hurt them on a Business level and it hurt us all in Terms of being able to express ourselves And share information and we know this Could come around again but it's less Than likely because the American people Supporting Trump and this was part of it

Right and like he's aware of this and You know this shows you how how messed Up Biden Administration was in terms of First Amendment Rights but there's also a lot of Legitimately bad stuff out there drugs Terrorism child exploitation these are Things that we take very seriously and I Want to make sure that we handle Responsibly so we built a lot of complex Systems to moderate content but the Problem with complex systems is they Make mistakes even if they accidentally Censor just 1% of posts that's millions Of people and we've reached a point Where it's just too many mistakes and Too much Censorship the recent elections also Feel like a cultural Tipping Point Towards once again prioritizing speech So we're going to get back to our roots And focus on reducing mistakes Simplifying our policies and restoring Free expression on our platforms more Specifically here's what we're going to Do first we're going to get rid of fact Checkers and replace them with Community Notes similar to X starting in the US So the community notes are worthless Right but you know they're just like a Way to cover their ass the community Notes are usually silly but you know They are what they are because most People who are on on social media aren't

Looking for experts or the official Story or mainstream [ __ ] right but That is you know definitely an Improvement after Trump first got Elected in 2016 the Legacy Media wrote Nonstop about how misinformation was a Threat to democracy we tried in good Faith to address those concerns without Becoming the Arbiters of truth but the Fact Checkers have just been too Politically biased and have destroyed More trust than they've created Especially in the US boom Zuckerberg Bringing it to the fact Checkers so over The next couple of months we're going to Phase in a more comprehensive Community Notes system second we're going to Simplify our content policies and get Rid of a bunch of restrictions on topics Like immigration and gender that are Just just out of touch with mainstream Discourse what started as a movement to Be more inclusive has increasingly been Used to shut down opinions and shut out People with different ideas wait you Mean it didn't work it didn't make it More inclusive wait a minute it's crazy That that happened right and it's gone Too far so I want to make sure that People can share their beliefs and Experiences on our Platforms third we're changing how we Enforce our policies to reduce the Mistakes that account for the vast

Majority of censorship on our platforms We used to have filters that scanned for Any policy violation now we're going to Focus those filters on tackling illegal And high severity violations and for Lower severity violations we're going to Rely on someone reporting an issue Before we take action okay see there's a Point where I had a lot of truther Friends who were like this was something They did on a regular basis post [ __ ] on Facebook like I had I think five or six People who had a lot of Subscribers who you know made friends With me because they watched my videos Or they knew of me or whatever and they Used to post eight to 10 things that Were truth related every day and some of The things were helpful for me to create Content so I used to go on Facebook and Then one of them said I just got out of Jail I was like [ __ ] what happened you Know I I had ask him because I didn't Really know him and then another one Said I just got out of a jail and then Another person said I just got out of Jail and I'm like wait a minute this Isn't real Jail you know I you know I go through Facebook and I was like oh it's Facebook Jail what they were calling Facebook Jail where they would get 30-day bands And they just couldn't post anything Anymore you know I had a lot of

Heartfulness um you know sa Mar related Friends and they were people I didn't Know many of them posted their post in Their native language if they were Indian and when the heartfulness debacle Happened I got rid of most of those People and so then the truthers Disappeared and I'm like Facebook Facebook is basically worthless because You know it's just everything every the People groups that I knew were like just Either wrecked or they couldn't post you Know truth or stuff and Facebook was Tanking right I mean this is like a Business move on his part because stuff With the truther stuff there's so much Censorship that became Facebook became Even Lamer than it was before and then The whole meta [ __ ] right the Problem is that the filters make Mistakes and they take down a lot of Content that they shouldn't so by Dialing them back we're going to Dramatically reduce the amount of Censorship on our Platforms we're also going to tune our Content filters to require much higher Confidence before taking down content The reality is that this is a tradeoff It means we're going to catch less bad Stuff but we'll also reduce the number Of innocent people's posts and accounts That we accidentally take down fourth We're bringing back Civic content for a

While the community asked to see less Politics because it was making people Stressed so we stopped recommending These posts but it feels like we're in a New era now and we're starting to get Feedback that people want to see this Content again so we're going to start Phasing this back into Facebook Instagram and threads while working to Keep the community's friend and positive Fifth we're going to move our trust and Safety and content moderation teams out Of California and our us-based content Review is going to be based in Texas I haven't watched this [Laughter] Yet they're moving to Texas [ __ ] California we're moving it to Texas Probably Austin but Still as we work to promote free Expression I think that will help us Build trust to do this work in places Where there is less concern about the Bias of our Teams finally we're going to work with President Trump to push back on Governments around the world that're Going after American companies and Pushing to censor more the US has the Strongest constitutional protections for Free expression in the world Europe has An ever increasing number of laws Institutionalizing censorship and making It difficult to build anything

Innovative there Latin American Countries have secret Cor that so their Liberal biased in Europe is off the Charts and silly can order companies to Quietly take things down China has Censored our apps from even working in The country the only way that we can Push back on this Global trend is with The support of the US government and That's why it's been so difficult over The past four years when even the US Government has pushed for censorship by Going after Us and other American Companies it has emboldened other Governments to go even even further but Now we have the opportunity to restore Free expression and I am excited to take It he looks Excited it'll take time to get this Right and these are complex systems They're never going to be perfect There's also a lot of illegal stuff that We still need to work very hard to Remove but the bottom line is that after Years of having our content moderation Work Focus primarily on removing content It is time to focus on reducing mistakes Simplifying our systems and getting back To Our Roots about giving people a voice Boom okay so like things have changed For the better temporarily I'm looking Forward to this next chapter stay good Out there and more to come soon see Hopefully YouTube starts um you know

Things can change we see it now it's Happened with Twitter actually he knows It's working there and you know the kind Of people that you want I mean people Say that they don't want certain types Of groups of people older people and you Know the demographics are always they Want the you young people but also People like having smart people you know Maybe they cater you know certain things To dumb people dumb people are may may Maybe better customers in some ways but Smart people are always valued and when You start pulling all this [ __ ] Because like I've been saying lately About my videos and my channel and then And then all of this across the board You don't have to watch there's a Plethora of content And you can turn all of it off but you Can certainly choose what you watch and So they should recommend Things based in That right and if if companies say they Don't want to sponsor certain things Well [ __ ] those companies right I mean They should out those companies and say These companies are pushing for Censorship and they're saying that they Want us to alter the algorithms I mean What happened with YouTube which I said Was completely [ __ ] is you would they Know what you want but they would give You something else and then tell you What you what you want is wrong like the

Arrogance of the [ __ ] right like Google and and YouTube to say what you Want is wrong we know what you want but What you want is wrong and so hopefully All this stuff opens back up at least For some period of time you know while We're watching the collapse and all These things and then YouTube just Started getting goofy about saying you Know like I couldn't cover things like War and get it monetized Oh it's too graphic for some people so We can't put post ads on that because It's so it's so uh it's disturbing you Know like people are so weak they can't Even watch it on on the [ __ ] YouTube Right like some you're not there right You're not watching people get blown to Bits like there are people there at the War zone there are people whose family Members are getting you know blown to Bits and like all these things and and People can't even like watch it or Understand and not even watch the Graphic nature of it right not even the Graphic nature And so you know but I can see YouTube's Already loosening up on some of these Things maybe they're not making an Announcements like like Zuckerberg but Bring the algorithm back to the way they Were where when you are looking for Something they know what you're looking For and they give it to you especially

When it's truth or content because that Would change a lot for me and other People and all of you who when you Search for something and you and they Don't get they give you something from [ __ ] CNN and these mainstream media You know Legacy Media he calls it who Are pushing for this more than anybody Else cuz they can't compete cuz they Suck right so I noticed this comment Right off the bat here as soon as you Mention Trump to help you administer Your new ideas to fix your business I am Contemplating ending my account I have Since 2007 as a soul woman PR Prator I don't know Pro proprietary Proprietor in the US I don't know why I Can't prod that today in the US for over 40 years um I'm appalled that you are Depending on the new corrupt president To repair your business practices Disappointed um you know again you Probably have all liberal Friends like most people have you know If if you can't handle people's opinions That are conservative or truth or Opinions then you probably don't have Friends like that and if you do what [ __ ] difference does it make you know What they say or whatever they're going To say or whatever like people should be Able to say anything that's not Dangerous and just Express their

Opinions about everything right and you Know that's what the liberalism used to Be about like Freedom Liberal Liberal Liberalism when you you guys didn't have The power when teenagers in the 60s and 70s were pushing for more free speech I Mean it was all free speech and pushing Back back against the man and Christian Right-wing conservative censorship and Now you guys have turned into what you Hate so [ __ ] you guys right I mean I can Understand you guys you know whining Your freedom of expression but like the Way that you guys treated antivaxers the Way you guys treated I mean when they Are saying we don't want to put we want To control our own bodies and you like No that only counts for abortion what Like the hypocrisy was off the charts as One great man once said okay so um There's one more thing here because I Saw this at first with the Huffington Post this morning it says mag's uh ma Meta's gift to Maga and it says um dumps uh dumps Factchecking and they have a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and so what I want to Say about this is um you know this Factchecking thing was a joke and it was Because there was fundamental Dishonesty that the government is an Authority about things that can never be Really facts right and so all the things That are observations by people all the

Things that you see right like all the You know criminal activity all the Crimes that are committed all the juries That rule all the judges all the you Know [ __ ] all that kind of stuff all The things that people talk about in Terms of historical events firsthand Account right stories about other people You you your side of the story and then Somebody else is St story he said she Said all these things right it's never The fact the truth it's never the full Truth and so an example of this is let's Say you have somebody who is like as far As everybody can tell without having P Firsthand experience like Jeffrey Epstein was a pedo right again this is a Show so there's still levels of you know It might be he might not have even Existed he could be some you know AI Creation for all we know right but in Terms of like somebody being uh a Criminal like a rapist or a pedophile or Something like that an abuser the Evidence is overwhelming that they did This they they were convicted of these Things or even a murderer or something Like that you know somebody hardcore Criminal and you know that is like kind Of a fact right but there's still more To the story and so we used to have These meetings when I first worked at my First treatment center with a therapist Like a counselor who worked in the with

Our unit and they would go over the Different kids and their issues and what They were working on in therapy you know This is before I I went back and got my Master's degree in counseling because at Some point I was going to do this job That someone else was doing and we had This woman she was really good and she Was trying to you know get the staff to Understand cuz these kids were miserable Rotten pieces of [ __ ] right they were Horrible people I mean the kids some of Them were better than others but they Were really unlikable and they had Horrible behaviors and the treatment Center didn't make that better and they Came from horrible Families and their parents you would Read about and like your parents their Parents you would like look down on and Even despise even more than the kids CU They created the circumstance right but There was a time where she came in and She read what a mom did to her kid and She asked everyone how do you feel about The mom people like well we hate her you Know whatever she's a horrible person Things but then she read what the mom Went through and it was even worse than What the kid went through what the mom's Parents did to her and then she read you Know a report of the parents' life Before that like it went back three Generations and so there's always more

To the story right there's always more To you know what's happened like you Look at a person who's committed a crime And you know the person's done a Horrific thing and you're like yeah that Person's a horrible piece of [ __ ] but You know there's always more to the Story right and then you bring in past Lives and these other things and you Know there's all kinds of ways of Looking at right so you know there's Things that you could say are fact that Are you know 2 plus 2 is four that's a Fact and things maybe some of the Scientific stuff can be proven factually But there's always you know things Beyond it there's spiritual truth There's the the Divinity and so you know Most things are subject to debate and People think their opinions are so Important but your opinion is never a Fact right and you know that's one of The problems that we have now I'm going To talk about critical thinking And you know haters and things like this At the end of the video and you know I Say things here like I you know like I Think I talk more like an authority like I come across more more of authority Like I think I'm more of an authority Than you you guys think I'm I think I'm More of an authority than I actually Think right because like it's I know That there's deeper levels to all this

Stuff right and so what they've tried to Do on the left is what happened to them When they were hippies and I think I Talk about that either last video or in This video well you know when this Boomer generation was hippies they Didn't have the power and they were Looking for freedom of speech you I Talked about this with Mark Zuckerberg Earlier in this video and if there's Something we can demonize the Boomers For it's they've become what they hate Right because now they're saying that They're the Authority and that's what was told to Them when it was the right-wing Conservative people Christians that they Felt felt they were being suppressed by And they were they were being censored And that's the other thing like how long Before the right-wing starts censoring The left wing again like this is the Problem when people have such strong Beliefs about their side and just Because the majority of people are on Your side right now doesn't mean you're Right like it didn't mean it when Joe Biden was you know the hate Trump haters And these people it doesn't mean it now Right so you know the truth is whatever It is and it's our job to seek it it's Our job to understand the truth in Deeper levels as we get older and most People never even tried that they're not

Even even attempting that even people in The truth Community even sometimes Particularly in the truth Community Because there's sort of this arrogance That we're the we're the real knowers or Whatever right but in terms of what I'm Talking about here in the factchecking Whenever you suppress people and you try To say you know we're the The Authority We have the authoritative voice it Always ends up backfiring It just creates a Counterforce and you know no we we all Didn't agree with you understand this When you say the authority is science But scientists are corrupt and they're Run by big corporations and they're They're willing to lie about the science And they're willing to fudge data well It's not an accurate Source when you say It's the Bible and it says well you know The Bible has been changed and Manipulated by people for the same Things that for for for financial gain And power the same way that science has Been manipulated you know their truth Right you know the true science they Manipulated the data to game it in a way That's for their you know self-interest Selfish interest the government's this You know the Arbiters of truth right the Court system what you know whatever you Think it is right historians right it's None of those things like no one you

Know was going to buy into that like You're these are all flawed institutions Run by flawed people and so this idea That you can censor people is always Comes out of weakness when you want to Shut people down right it comes out of a Sense of weakness because people being Able to express themselves it's better That they do that than they lie and they Have to change what they believe because The system makes it so they're Suppressing their their true intentions Or true you know inner beliefs and that Always is bad for society as a whole It's bad for everybody when people are Telling the truth that's even if it's a Shitty Truth at least it's a step in the Right direction that's why all this Stuff has to come out because of you Know hundreds of years of suppressed Truth of the people who can't speak About what they truly believe anyways Let's move on to the next thing here Okay so it says Audrey Aubrey Aubrey Plaza breaks her silence on her Husband's s sudden death this is an Unimaginable tragedy now I don't know How much of what she does is a bit but There's a lot of darkness in her she's In a lot of dark things here um it turns Out her husband committed suicide which Given how she is I mean she's a death Person you know a very somber I mean Some of its dry humor and I'm currently

Watching a movie with her and Um Jason STM which I'll talk about when I complete the movie tomorrow there they Are there but she's very dark in her Roles and you know her interviews and Things I'll show you something from that He died by Suicide but it's not Unimaginable like if you said oh Aubrey Problem Aubrey Aubrey Plaza's husband um Committed suicide I didn't even know she Was married you were like well yeah I Mean that's like that's a possibility You know I'm not saying it's necessarily Likely but it do come as a big Surprise so this is her she um Audrey Plaza's incantation open 20 9 film Independent Spirits Awards sisters I gather you here today On the unholiest of afternoons having Accepted the invitation to conjure the Spirit the film independ dependant Spirit award Spirits okay so um you know This is done in a joking way but it is Going to be a human sacrifice of a boy Right you know the whole feminism thing Was in full bloom you know Hollywood um Pats itself on the back has more to Award ceremonies and different types of Awards than any other business in the World I think right I mean they just Love to Pat themselves on the back these Major And they're often a ritualistic type of Events they're often rituals right there

Was um so many weird [ __ ] that's gone Down in these award shows and they Celebrate independent thought and Independent expression and artistic Expression and yet they're big into Censorship right like all these liberal Pieces of [ __ ] so you know but this was Her thing Here Spirit through this ancient ritual We shall reject commercial Cinema and Pledge our souls to the pursuit of Dangerous art m M lord of the Arts ghost of barbar Loden speak to me Altman Ashby antonioni Maya Daren Maya Daren bring me the pain of Alexander Pain speak to me what the [ __ ] Aubrey What me you said there was going to be a Party not some [ __ ] up white girl [ __ ] Well I'm sorry that you showed up early Okay I'm doing my black magic ceremony To banish shitty sequels and lazy Reboots well you know that me and you Just did a Chucky movie together so Silence begin the sacrifice we re this Is it here deck the Hollywood mainstream Our future is with our sisters in a bond Sealed with Blood that's cute ladies but this ain't No book club God damn REI does not play around Jesus Bring me the Virgin Sacrifice here he is Sister B wolfard The bastard child that bursts from the

Loins of the Netflix algorithm prepare To Die I told him I was giving him a ride To GameStop all The Usual Suspects this Dude Right Mara the dagger Please forged from the gold of my Oscar that's not real Gold we twist the blade of mainstream Success against itself that we may reap Our promised Bounty more limited theatrical releases And modest success No no no wait I'm not a virgin women Love me like all women I'm like a four Quadrant cutie I can get another Virgin of course you can ladies I love All your work by the way a thanks that Means a lot to me you know it's a real Honor to meet you guys I've been Watching you since I was a little kid so Kill Him Spirit come to me make me your host Now she could have gone in any direction She's hosting this show right this is Before she gained popularity because of That um White Lotus show or whatever I Mean more popularity but like her Stuff's always dark and twisted right And you know I mean her Husband um I'm going to go CU I'm going To get blamed for this [ __ ] can I just Say it's so great to see you outside of

Work you know we're all Busy there was Satan There say or Calibus I guess [Applause] Look upon me for I am Your let the film Independence all right so um you know You get the idea Um and So she kind of sucks like she's very uh Dark and all these things and a one Trick prony like it's all you know sort Of um It's difficult to be somebody who is Always saying things that are uh Antisocial or of a horrific nature and Trying to play it as a comedy bit it Sucks in this movie that I'm watching so I want to talk about that I'm going to Wait till the movie's over but the stuff Just doesn't work in many cases and you Know it's just like with um that guy uh Ryan Reynolds I had to look up Deadpool As soon as I typed in Deadpool the name Comes to me like I could see his face But whatever and you know he seemed kind Of funny at first and then it was like Oh it's just annoying like the longer it Goes the bit goes it's like well yeah Can you got anything else like that you Know tongue and cheek [ __ ] isn't Working right and just you know I'm Ed I'm editing here and um just going Through this how weird is [ __ ]

Hollywood like you like just how [ __ ] Weird is Hollywood I mean all of it the Whole thing all of Pol politics and Sport oh this just so [ __ ] weird so This is what I'm talking about here they Recommended this to me in the corner of The other one apparently she was hosting This again in 2020 get ready for the Judgment Day and and what do we have to be happy About huh what do we have look at all The disasters we have to deal with Pollution in the air trash in the ocean Cats Theaters but that doesn't Jesus horrible Right mean we can have some fun tonight Right some of you came all the way from Other neighborhoods in Los Angeles for This thank you so Much so funny yeah Greatness so they have is here actually He's been here all week he was napping In the tent uh we we just built it Around him will de he's cracking up Shia Remember had that thing you will not Divide us Remember he started that thing where There's a camera and people are supposed To go up to and say you will not divide Us and fights broke out it was when Trump was first elected 2016 oh my God willing defo I love you And I just want to say I'm so glad that After years of looking like a 19th

Century Lighthouse Keeper you finally Got to play one dreams do come true will I'm Oh my God hit It Shin get [Music] Happy see this is a you know a lowbudget Show that I didn't even reward ceremony That it's not tell I don't know where This is televised and I've never heard Of it before her thing I mean her her Other thing made this thing at least in People in the truth community and Christians who saw a human sacrifice Being performed in Hollywood it made it Pop a little bit right it brought it to People's attention who didn't know it Was existed but when you talk about Independent Films they're always shitty because they Have low budgets like occasionally Somebody makes a great film uh you know An independent film with not much money But usually it's not the case and you Know they have a few celebrities they Showed Laura Dar and uh Shila buck and That William defo but that was probably Their like all the big names and those Aren't big names right and you know it's Low budget right but she's just like her Her whole vibe you know things jump the Shark like you're funny for a little bit It works for a little bit but then You're like you're like a onetick pony

And it's just you know negativity and And darkness and Gloom and [ __ ] like That once in a while a part like in Something like that White Lotus show That was really horrific on the second Season on HBO comes along but uh let's Move forward Here my God Jennifer Lopez is here Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez is here you guys You just performed at the Super Bowl Last weekend Amazing what did you do last weekend Mary Kay Place nothing you lazy sack of [ __ ] just kidding you're wow National Treasure Nicholas Cage you're a National Treasure too I'm sorry I said that wrong You were in National Treasure 2 [Music] Herman oh my God it's Horrible um don't quit your day job Anyways her husband's dead and you know And she says it's a shock okay so I had Finished this um section of the video Yesterday afternoon but I wanted to I Watched the end of this show I want to Talk about here uh and I just did a Voiceover which I'll play in a second Today is Wednesday January 8th and so Let's get into this thing I did here Okay so um I just did the long voice Over at the end of this I'm going to add Something to it in a

Second uh and put it There but here I wanted to talk about This movie Operation Fortune ruse the Gear um I don't not ruse is you know Whatever ruse is it stars a um the uhh Jason Stam as Johnny fortune or Orson fortune Or whatever [ __ ] his name was Orson and Audrey Plaza is it in it so it's a guy Richie film and I just watched a recent Guy Richie film I kind of liked his film Before he's put out some you know kind Of funny humorous action movies he was Married to madada and I'm not going to Hold that against him um but he uh I Think they had some children together I'm not sure but he makes these action Films then they're kind of tongue and Chic and there's always some you know Humorous banter and these you know Cavalier characters and these [ __ ] People right I had just watched this Other movie that was from 2024 called the ministry of Ungentlemanly warfare and these guys Have gone Rogue they don't play by the [ __ ] rules anymore right you know They're very Formulaic and you know there's always Banter there's always you know kind of Jokes and these guys they're you know Whatever by you know it is like these Action movies and Guy Richie's films

Have gotten stale and like he's just a One-trick pony like it's just they've uh The ungentlemanly Warfare movie Was better than this other thing but They're both they just don't um it just Doesn't work anymore at least for me and Aubrey Plaza is really uncomfortable in This movie and Jason STM like I only get Like two out of every three words or one Out or two out of every three sentences I mean he's just he has this way of Mumbling and you almost like need Subtitles he's got this you know accent He has he's he's a soft talk And there's numerous stars in this Thing um that all are annoying in their Own Way you grant and the guy who played um You know the the hero and Princess Bride And just all these other people and um But the worst part is Aubrey prazza she Does banter with Jason T Stam and they Have no chemistry and and I don't know If they were supposed to be a couple or Not but it's like really bad and you Could see where you know her thing works If she's if in limited in limited type Of movies you know her darkness and her Her comedy and you know the way that she Presents herself there's certain movies At works and interviews but it's just Not like a you know it's a gimmick right You know all these celebrities have Their gimmicks all these people all

These Channels all the you know content Providers people have a gimmick they Create a Persona and a character Alex Jones you know was and you know it works For whatever period of time and then it Doesn't like it's not something that you Know it's a lifelong relationship you Can have with somebody basically Puppeting themselves right creating a Character of character of themselves Right the fs or jig Jim owski or you Know these uh Latka and the taxi and you Know these These um breakout you know comedy Characters and it just you know some Character on Saturday Night Live you Know it works for a little bit and then It just ceases to be funny and then it's Just weird like it's annoying and and You're like why are you still doing that Right like Steven coar being a character On his TV show but being himself like Being called Steven coar but pretending To be a right-wing you know mocking Right-wing host by pretending to be one You know there's some human in the Beginning but then it's like why are you Still doing this right and he would do These interviews in character and it's Weird right you you got to let it go you Create a character it might be funny for A little bit and then it's time for H to Hang it up like it's a maybe for some

Period of time and but it doesn't age Well right it's going to retroactively Suck and so you know this is what Aubrey Paaza like her whole thing and you know I I happen to see this movie and I'm Like oh my God this is so awkward and The same day I found out her husand Killed herself I'm like wow this is Really awkward if you see the movie There there's like so little uh Connection between these two characters And her banter is not funny she doesn't Deliver the jokes and she's clearly like Uncomfortable in this role as some kind Of super Spy anyways let's move on to the next Thing Here okay so today is Tuesday January 7th I just put up a video for tomorrow And this video will be going up to days From now on Thursday it will be public On Thursday at some point and this is Going to go towards the end of the video But I wanted to Um you know I turned the TV on it was on Fox News and Trump says some things About Afghanistan which is my belief as Well right so you know he's he's working On the fish boy thing here you know People have a hard time understanding Like everyone wants to have just like Two two categories for people like good Guy or bad guy or you know non-existent Unimportant to you right especially with

Politicians in this world of Left Right Paradigm and things it's never black and White like that sometimes people are Right sometimes they're wrong sometimes You don't know what they are because You're not sure about yourself at least In terms of what you know or don't know Right what you think you know or what You think you don't know but sometimes Politicians should say things that I Agree with and when they do that I'm not Going to even though I slam Trump and Trump is quite a bit for you know all of It right all the trumpi and stuff you Know I also find that Trump has doesn't Mean he'll act out the appropriate way So I don't know how I'm going to cover The rest of this press conference this Is the only part I saw and then right After this he starts talking about how He wants to make Canada the next uh you Know part of America there's also rumors That he's trying to buy Greenland some [ __ ] so here he goes a trillion dollars Maybe more than that probably the most Expensive they say it was the most Expensive structure if we call it a Structure which I guess you can ever Built and giving that away was a Horrible thing and I believe that's why Jimmy Carter lost the election even more So than the hostages those two things Because that was Panama Ukraine and and Panama Canal and Iran the two

Negotiations you'll be heading into um On Ukraine you said just before it's a Lot more complicated now much more Complicated do you believe because it Would have never started right but it Has started it's you you've got well not Only started the cities are largely Knocked down you got what you've got at This point would to hold on The Leverage In dealing with uh President Putin would You make a commitment to the ukrainians That you will keep supporting them During the negotiation well I wouldn't Tell you if that were the case you make A commitment to provide a security Guarant guarantee if they do enter into A Armistice or a ceasefire along the Lines that the the French and the Germans so uh you know a big part of the Problem was Russia for many many years Long before Putin said you could never Have NATO uh involved with Ukraine now They've said that that's been like Written in stone and somewhere along the Line Biden said no they should be able To join NATO well then Russia has Somebody right on their doorstep and I Could understand their feeling about That but there were a lot of mistakes Made in that negotiation so you know This is the truth of Ukraine right um You know I don't know what the policy Makers see what's happened with Trump is

They didn't like the idea of trump they Didn't like the idea of an outsider even Though Trump wasn't an outsider he was One of them but he was a business one of Them right so he's somebody jumped from The celebrity world you know so-called Businessman he wasn't really a great Businessman he was a failure kind of his Business businessman but he was a Reality TV star celebrity and had made Money you know despite his bad decisions And his you know failings as a Businessman he's just a you know a Flimflam man which is what a politicians Are right it's people who with Charisma And a lot of them don't even have that Much Charisma and they are they're able To sell you various things right and so You know Trump came in and they didn't Like him because one he was an outsider Two he didn't pay is dued politically And three he just didn't follow their Rules and didn't even know their rules And didn't care about their rules and he Didn't act presidential he didn't have The same kind of um decorum and and These things so that was their big Problem with Trump media and these um You know lifetime politicians but now They've just basically feel like he's Gone through the ringer and although you Know the Democrats still hate him and The media is still negative about him The wind's gone out their sales they're

Just like defeated they still talk about Them and they'll still cover them Because it's good for their ratings but The American people American people are Just over it unless there's some major Failure or some crisis that they can Blame on Trump and they can revive their Hatred for him you know this is just Going to be like a a low energy Presidency until things start happening Right but what Trump says that's right And I don't know if he's ignoring his um You know there's people that advise him What he can and can't say about National Security and National Defense and the Narratives that the media and the Government are trying to create that Russia and Putin are bad but what Russia What Russia and Putin said all along was That if the ukrainians had NATO that Would put them in a very vulnerable Position with the NATO uh organizations You know the NATO organization being Primarily there to defend Europe against Russia and so if they have the Ukraine Just sitting there with with nuclear Missiles from America on their doorstep They would be in a really bad position The same thing we did when Castro was They were trying to give uh Castro Nuclear missiles to put off the coast of America I mean that was like America's Said no you're not doing that like That's you know we're we're not allowing

You we'll go to war right now rather Than be that vulnerable so Putin had Every reason to not want that especially Since the Democrats have such a hard on For Russia since he blocked them and Syria now they finally tumbled Syria but He you know stopped them using you know Isis which was an American asset from Destroying Assad in Syria ever since That the Obamas and the Democrats and The Hillary clintons they've had a hard On for Russia they if they want war Conflict with Russia they want to revive The war and con conflict with Russia and The neocons even more so the neocons are Running Joe Biden's Administration so Trump is 100% right here at least in Terms of the show I mean that's the dispute here the Reason the Russians went to war is the NATO thing they take away the NATO thing And the war wouldn't never happen so Joe Biden pushed for war because of course He did because he's a Ukrainian guy his Son was in there he's had dealings with Ukraine he was in charge of the Ukraine Was vice president he was involved with The Ukraine as a senator and that was Where they made their bank because they Laundered money through that that's how They always do right they take American Taxpayer And give it to these countries and then They launder money through these

Countries right and so um yeah and when I heard the way that Biden was Negotiating I said you're going to end Up in a war and it turned out to be a Very bad war and it could escalate that War could escalate see what he's missing Here is the New York Times wanted a war They thought they could destroy Russia In the Ukraine like Russia got destroyed When they went after Afghanistan if they Just gave the ukrainians enough you Ukraine is a big country with a big Military if they gave enough support They could bankrupt Russia without ever Having to fight a war with Russia turned Out the opposite happened like America's Depleted now our resources and we're Already on the ropes you know the people Who are not a part of the NATO and and Pro-american know that this was a dick Move by the Americans and they know that You know China is looking to pick America off anyway economically at least And so this was it backfired this is Like a disaster They don't want to me it but it's a [ __ ] disaster to be much worse than It is right now it was always understood In fact I believe that they had a deal And then Biden broke it uh they had a Deal which would have been a Satisfactory deal to Ukraine and Everybody else but that Biden said no You have to be able to join NATO and

That's always been and nobody knows more About NATO than I you know years ago When I first started this I didn't know Too much about NATO but now I'm the Foremost expert on it I knew zero about It he got it right anyway he got it Right anyway so that's like him Admitting like he was just guessing at [ __ ] and you know he in his business Life he guessed wrong quite a bit he Made a lot of bad decisions and really Poored business decisions went bankrupt Seven six times he didn't pay people I Mean aside from that he was just a Shitty businessman a lot of it was just Smoking mirrors and an illusion he was Great at talking himself up he was great At getting people to believe that he was Better than he was and he was successful But not because he was like someone who Had a good business mind it was more Charisma the same thing that's making Him successful as a candidate he gets People to believe in him and he get People to give him money like he's you Know the two things that he's successful At and so you know he came in and knew Nothing about these various things and He was just guessing at them and he Didn't care what other people did in Fact he just assumed he was smarter and Better than what they were and sometimes He was right sometimes he is wrong and He didn't take in you know historical uh

Factors he just looked at it like the Bottom line type of things and that's Hurt in terms of public relations and Just doing the right thing like his Policies towards Iran are not taking Into consideration what America did to Iran Before um but anyways I'll um I'll cover The beginning of this so you know I'll Go back and cover the beginning of this After you know tomorrow or something uh But it's interesting that he's You know like his position which we knew All along was that Biden [ __ ] it up Right and that's an easy position to Take but it's not always the truth but On this in this case it is so this is Why he's getting this thing Right okay so let's go back to the Beginning here um this is Donald J Trump I'm just going to cover some of this uh And to Trump's credit which shouldn't Get any credit at all for this it shows You how bad Joe Biden was like Trump Does I don't know on over an hour Uh press conference here you know it's January 7th he's just been confirmed as President they'll swear him in pretty Soon Biden and KLA Harris are Disappearing like I showed you in my Last video I put up here and you know The whole stuff with her which is Hilarious but in terms of uh Trump like He's doing a press conference for over

An hour which Joe bid don't think did His entire time as president I don't Know if KLA Harris did anything like That and you know not that I'm comparing Because they all suck but you know it's In that sense it's a step in the right Direction not that press conferences Really Matter you know his this house is gudy Here this Mar Lago thing thank you very Much it's an honor to be with you many Things are happening that are exciting Very exciting for our Country and we're honored to welcome one Of the let's move forward here can't Even talk about aspects of the case that Are the most vital aspects I'm going do You know that I'm the president elect of The United States of America I'm a Former very successful President we have The greatest economy in the history of Okay that's we know that [ __ ] Department I mean Jack Smith had cases all over the Place people so they start off with the Cases better they look much better 60% Of homes and departments have gas Heaters he wants them all removed Quickly these people are crazy there Something wrong with them there's Something wrong with those people other Countries they laugh at us because they Think we're stupid but we're not stupid Anymore we're not stupid anymore we were When Biden was president but now we're

Smart our country just like our IQ went Up since Biden got booted so the Panama Canal is under discussion with them Right now they violated okay so like the Questions here this has been pretty Openly reported by the news there's Never been anything like what's happened In the list since we won the election Couple of months since we won the Election the whole perception of the Whole world is different so it's totally Different it's just different because he Says so do you have concerns about HTS Taking control by the way I have the Envoy here uh is that in the back it is Standing with my son Eric is Steve Whit So it seems like he took questions for About a half hour here and uh so who's This [ __ ] guy by riers on January 6th Will you pardon anyone who attacked a Police officer well you know the only One that was killed was a beautiful Young Lady named Ashley babbit babbit they got Babbit she was killed and there was Actually somebody else that was killed Also a uh magga person but people don't Give it 100% credibility I'm going to Find out about it and we're going to Find out but you don't know he's going To find out about he's going to find out That Maga person was killed or not but Ashley babbett was killed she was Shot she have never been shot she was

Shot see Trump is riding a wave of he Hasn't done anything yet like the stuff That the people are upset about him in Terms of his old Presidency you know that's four years Ago so he hasn't done Anything yet and you know all of these Things right um You know uh So there's a period of time where he has A grace period but things are going to Happen like the economy is completely [ __ ] like it's just been [ __ ] for a Long time and that's going to collapse And there's whatever things are going to Happen World War War III whatever issues Are going to have he's really fish boy In it here and so you know this is what The presidency is it's people are Feeling one way about their lives and They're scared or they're not they're Feeling good they're optimistic you know Things go up stock stock market goes up Because Trump's going to deregulate more Things and you know there's probably Close to being an economic crash at the End of Trump's first presidency because He just deregulated everything and the Banks did the same [ __ ] that caused A collapse in 20072 2008 right the banks In Wall Street are some of his handlers And so in all that you know the guy um He is um You know a he's a Sitting Duck Right but

He has this time of Glory where he won And you know it's like a Redemption time Beat you know what was left of the Biden Administration no reason whatsoever in Fact they say that she was trying to Hold back the crowd she was she was Doing a good job actually just is fair And strong but fair again okay so um That's not so unusual yes Please I wanted I wanted to ask you About uh Ukraine and Putin we saw this Already $6 trillion too we're going to Start knocking it out pretty fast so uh If I get it right The the fake Witch Hunt started by the Doj the fake witch well it wasn't a fake Witch Hunt right unless you're a fake Witch what you're saying is the and I I'm just hearing that that they're not Allowed to issue the report so if They're not allowed to issue the report That's the way it should be because he Was thrown off the case in in disgrace He was disgraced that [ __ ] into our country I believe That's the reason we got such a large Vote all right maybe one or two more Questions yeah please go ahead go ahead Can we you go can can you uh President Carter is laying in state today in Washington okay that's that's who gives A [ __ ] about that it's only a stupid Person would answer it look it's a Military strategy and I'm not answering

Your questions on Military strategy all Right one more Brian go ahead Could you give us a preview of what you Might be talking to leaders of Congress Who are expected to come here uh the Next couple of days and you've got a Very uh supportive Congress behind you They're great so we have a wonderful Republican Congress we have uh a leader You know so Fox News is going to do Whatever they do but the mainstream Media is just looking for a sound bite They're looking for something that they Can Savage the guy on right like he Should kind of be aware of it this is Why Biden probably didn't do press Conferences also cuz he was you know He's always on the verge of showing his Senility but you know Trump loves to Talk and he loves to just kind of go off The cuff and he's always going to say Something that they can gravitate to and You know if you T tune in to warning Joe Tomorrow and some of these other MSNBC Shows well CNN but more so MSNBC they'll Pull little you know bumper sticker Things that he said here little comments Here and there and they'll go in on it Right the word tonight with Lawrence O'Donald you know you'll see these Things and they'll come up and they'll Be whatever they are and you know the Mainstream media has so few viewers and People are just kind of over the whole

Democratic party they know they got [ __ ] by KL Harris's you know whatever It is I mean it's just low morale there On the left and so Trump has this grace Period we'll see what happens like Whatever but I think most of the stuff Is out of his control there was one Thing he said about green uh Greenland Let's see if I can find that comment Here back back your position is clear But have you directed your staff to take Specific actions to draw plans and can You elaborate again you didn't rule out Military coercion uh well we need Greenland for national security purposes I've been told that for a long time long Before I even ran I mean people have Been talking about it for a long time You have a pro they've been talking About all the time Greenland I've heard So much about it so um there was a tweet That showed up on my phone yesterday the Twitter recommended X Recommended that um you know if it was Called X originally it' be fine but then What would they be X's like there Wouldn't be tweets right it's like There's still tweets and yet you know They're things called X but anyways they Recommend things and some guy who I've Never seen before must be a republican Say Trump is in negotiation to buy Greenand and so And this is what is reference it here

Approximately 45,000 people there people really don't Even know if Denmark has any legal right To it but if they do they should give it Up because we needed for National Security that's for the Free World I'm Talking they should give it up right It's got a lot of resources there and It's you know well let me show you that On a map in a second let he's saying he Doesn't think Demar has a right of Course they do the Danish colonized it I Mean Then you know all the white people come From British uh descent don't have a Right to America I mean it's you know There's any country you could say they Should give it up they should just give It to America right about protecting the Free World you look at you don't even Need binoculars you look outside you Have China ships all over the place you Have Russian ships all over the place We're not letting that happen we're not Letting it happen and if Denmark wants To uh get to a conclusion but nobody Knows if they even have any right title Or interest the people well they Probably do they I think a lot of people Do know because there's a history there It never was talked about greeland inire Of America the people who live there are You know they speak Danish right this is From the Viking days when the Vikings

Were kicking ass all over the place and They were sort of centralized in in Denmark let me show you a map here so When I was a kid I was into the Vikings there my first foot football Team that I liked was the Minnesota Vikings and some reason I was into Vikings I don't know why and I had to do A report and I did a report on Iceland Now Iceland is a northern uh Island but It's still you know farther south in Finland and some of these places here Right and it is got these glaciers I Mean these Geyers you know this steam Coming up you know these hot springs and Things It's supposed to be a lovely place and Interesting people Greenland they speak Greenlandic but also Danish so Denmark Is here and you know there was all these Pirates these uh Vikings that came from Denmark and they kicked ass they took Over I mean there's a Danish person that Was King of England for a while and they Took over France you know they had this Period where the Vikings were just Everywhere kicking everyone's ass they Had the best Navy and they're like big Tough guys they're taller and you know Better War Warriors and now you know I Know a lot of Danish people from doing The meditation and they're kind of Pussycats really sweetheart people you Know nice people but at one time they

Were you know fairly you know big and Violent and so Greenland is just Basically all snow and Frozen you know They have um you know Icelandic sheep You can get and Icelandic horses that Have learned To survive on very scarce food and so When you get these um they're really Good breeds and they're tough and Hearty Right because you know Iceland is is a Difficult place to live long Winters and They have you know warm geysers warm Water coming up these Hot Springs Greenland is just a place that has Almost no summer no growing season the People there are real tough and you know You can see where it's proximity it's It's more should be Canadian than American right I mean it's you know off The coast of here a little bit um you Know down here is Maine but mostly it's Close to Canada and this is all Frozen Area right this is all just Frozen stuff And so I can see where they could still Have some military bases there something NATO bases I don't know what Trump's Issue is but they do have natural Resources there that Denmark probably Doesn't want to give up right but Trump's like you know I don't know this Is what Trump's kind of hilarious when He just says [ __ ] like I don't even know If Denver Mark has a legitimate CL well You know they kind of do um but you know

Whatever so I want to talk a little bit More about what I was talking in the Beginning then I want to get into Critical thinking skills and some of These other things here and so um here's The pictures of The the Farm um you know this thing about Cycles My son used to watch Me uh do this in the winter cuz I talked About he remembered um he remembered uh You know doing that like he remembered He saw me doing he was probably like Four five or six four or five and so I Have a bonus video let me put the video Up here so um just really poor quality Video here this is one of my original Videos you know we had a video camera That shot in high def or whatever Digital but it didn't convert to Something you could put up on YouTube It's like a Sony camera so I had to get Some sort of program to convert it and It just blurred the video I mean subpar This is our Cal Phoebe our Cal Fiona our Cal Pez and our donkey bow this was an Invention of mine um kind of a knockoff On the straw bail housing you people Build houses out of straw bales and what I do is we either Harvest posts from the Property or I bought posts this one I Think was bought post there's a second Barn I did like this third barn and two At the other property we had another

Homestead we developed and sold And we would put the post in and put Chicken wire on either side stuff it With straw for insulation and then put Uh cement mortar on the outside of it Relatively cheap to do put some plywood Up here for Windows that'll be take down The summer for ventilation they set up An area right here where the cows would Um eat without wrecking the hay because They just they stand in the hay and they Poop in it they waste all kinds of hay So I put individual areas and made these Uh so they would sometimes they want to Go sideways and and sort of box out the Other cow so they can't get to the food It's a whole thing uh but that was that Thing there later there was our gate we Let them out here and they walk over to The Barn it Changes um there's our chicken house it Was built the same way so here you know The the nights get about in the 20s down To the 20s every night and we deal with This was a place where the cows could Get minerals there's a little bucket There they would feed out Of frozen Water and cows don't uh you don't make As much milk so here so this is what I Was talking about earlier in the video And I just thought I'd show you this so Our you know our trophy of water it hold

Like I don't know 80 gallons of water And four animals probably took three Four days for them to drink it all Depending on the season but often in the Winter I'd come out you know i' go to Milk it'd be 20° out in the morning Quite often in the winters and there was An inch of ice there or sometimes even Two inches I take a like a this thing You like scrape ice on a sidewalk with As a like a heavy duty sort of ice Chopper also had um these big bars that Were like a um the uh whatever the thing Called some you know some kind of like Uh um it was a like a leverage bar it's Like 5 six feet long it's made of heavy Steel and digging bar and I would Sometime have to crack the crack the ice Without then I take out the chunks and There was all these chunks are sitting There like they were all kind of almost Formed a sculpture by the end of the Winter and then they would get access to The water it would wouldn't start Freezing up usually towards the end of The day and then when I had to fill it I Would take the hose and I would you know Connect it you know we had these spets That um that are below the frost line And it's something good to know about Because like every farm that is a area Where it's you know freezing you have to Have that cuz like you can't get access To water and you need it unless you have

Like a running stream that never freezes Or something because you have to water Your animals and my son had watched me Do this and so like he had a memory of It and we were talking about it because It'd come like full circle doing it so Many years later the video was from 17 Years Ago 2007 I believe or8 um it had 685 Views and no comments because I made the Video private Um I don't know if I made it unlisted or Something it would show the comments um But either way you know who cares but From years and years ago again the Quality of videos just I mean it's one Of the bummers that it they're not Better quality because I would be able To use them as like you know some sort Of memory thing if I ever got nostalgic Go back and watch him but there just he From subpar but anyways let's get into The critical thinking skills here so the First thing I want to say is one of the Messages I have is about personal change And personal growth and I don't talk About my internal Journey all that much Of course in the journey series I talk About a little bit more but that's often Goes along with stories but it really Can't talk about your inner workings and You're you're you know developing your Character and changing and and seeing Things inside yourself you have to

Change cuz kind of pretentious new age To kind of talk about it right it's like Bragging and it's something very Personal but I can give you an example From this channel like one of the Initial things and I've had these things Over the years this was one of the Bigger ones right so when I first Started making truther Videos I um like if I made videos about Uh Hollywood celebrities possibly like Female hobby celebrities possibly being Male you know my original some of my Original videos these things right the That whole thing that became a whole Genre that I kind of started which I'm Not proud of right but either way when I Was making videos like about something Like that I would pick the pictures that Made the women look the most masculine And ignore the ones that made them look More feminine cuz some of the pictures They look more like a woman sometimes They look more like a man and so I'd Only pick the ones that support Ed my Case the argument I was trying to make The video I was trying to make and so I Kind of realized that was [ __ ] up like I realized that if you know this is Supposed to be a truth Channel and this The whole thing whatever the genre of of Uh videos and things and so I adjusted Myself like I changed that that you know The way I did that because it was just

Wrong to do it that way right and then I Started to realize well you know I'm Talking about things like they're facts Just because I have some level of you Know belief that they're facts or I you Know I'm convinced myself but I you know Really am I'm Speculating and I started to talk about Things where I would first of all I Would say what the official story was or What you know most people believed and I Would explain why I didn't agree with That right so that's part of my you know Mocking the whatever people's beliefs And things but it came from this idea That I should at least State what they Believe so I you know first had to know What the official story was and where it Came from and why people believed what They believed and then I would explain Why I believe what I believed and I made A distinction between fact and Speculation and it was kind of a you Know huge growth for me because you know I was responsible for to my audience Because my audience was looking at me as Possibly you know a truth teller or Whatever my audience believed about me Right and to myself and then just to the Subject itself right and be you know More aware of the the various elements Of it you know and so you know of course You know I can make mistakes from time To time but I changed the way I went

About it and it was you know a moment of Growth for me right in terms of what I Was doing now as a job and I've changed This over and over again over the years Like I've um you know just grown as a as A like a spiritual in my spiritual Journey and that has shown in the videos Themselves and sometimes there's you Know I first doing this I started to Listen back to my videos and I was like If I didn't know who I was and it wasn't My thoughts I was just a new person Coming and listening to this person I Wouldn't understand what they were Talking about what I was talking about And so I um slowed down because I talked Too quickly you can see this earlier in The videos and you know I wasn't good at Articulating things and there was just So many issues with the way I spoke that I had to work on right I had to change And grow to to make this you know the Video is worth watching so there's you Know all these things that I've had to Do just in terms of this profession and Then in my spiritual journey my you know Personal life and things over the years And I've given some examples of these in My journey series but it's something I'm Very aware of right and I'm also aware Of like it's not my responsibility to Change other people having worked as a Counselor and a therapist and you know Been a parent and an uncle and you know

All these things a child you know all These you know living a full life and Expressing you know my desire to get Other people to change or seeing things They needed to change and trying to Either help them with them even some Cases getting paid to do that you know Working in treatment centers where the Kid was you know my client was um court Ordered or mandated by the state to Change right like they were had to Change or they're going to jail like it Was forced there you know they had to Come to a a therapeutic um they had to Go through through their therapeutic Program or else they would you know be Uh criminals be you know they would they Were given a chance to change or go to Jail right but in all that I'm very Aware of my need to change because That's what spirituality is it doesn't Matter what other people are doing and My influence on them uh is you know Minimal at Best in terms of like you Know I'm not responsible for them Changing and if I set a good example or If I say something that inspires them or I I guide them to like the Sark system Which helps them change or whatever you Know it's a role that I play but the Change is theirs you know people have to Change on their own right and I'm very Clear on that like I'm not you know I Don't get bummed out if people suck and

They continue to suck because that's you Know their prerogative and you know Whatever my experience with them is I Mean even people who I'm you know close To I know in my life it's you know I've Given up on that and it just you know It's a lot better to to realize that you Can't force other people to change and You can't allow your emotional state and Your you know your own spiritual path to Be affected by whether other people Change or not I really want to address Um people's need to tell other people They suck on the internet because it's Something I've talked about it's why I Make one of the reasons why I make the Comment videos right so first let's deal With the Free Speech part and then I'll Deal with the critical thinking part and Then I'll deal with you know the the Need people have the Psychological deprivation you know psych Ological issues people have who have This Perpetual need to tell other people They suck right so the first part is Freedom of speech now Americans really Don't understand what the idea behind The Constitution was so freedom of Speech and the Constitution not that the Constitution is some sacred document to Me but it's a you know good document for What it represents and certainly the Freedom of speech part was that you Weren't allowed to say certain things

Based in your you know your cast level Your level in society whether you were Lord or somebody you'd have more freedom Of speech but then you have social Pressures but like somebody criticized The king a news you know in a newspaper Article and they throw the guy in jail Or kill him right because he you know Broke the law you know there's laws About being able to criticize the king Or the government and there are very Strict laws about what you could do the Right to assemble and protest things Right they had these very strict laws That were specifically about the Government in one's relationship to the Power structure in a common man's Ability to speak their truth right but Even in the document itself the guys who Wrote it had slaves and this didn't Count slaves and it didn't count women Either like women didn't have the Freedom of speech and they have the Right to vote and slaves certainly Didn't indented indentured servants all These people but it was a step in the Right direction right but it still Didn't represent what people think it is Today because aside from your legal Ability to speak your your mind or Whatever it might be there are social Pressures there's lots of things you Can't say just based in your social Situation right freedom of speech

Doesn't mean you can't get fired for you Know saying something or you know any Number of consequences you get from Saying things and we all have said Things that were're like I wish it say That right and the reaction that we got From saying it was far worse Than what we originally said right so Freedom of speech is like not a real Thing it doesn't really exist in you Know the the larger parameters of things Because there's always going to be some Level of restrictions to what you can And can't say so the critical thinking Part is this you know I like that people G get a place now social media where They can express their feelings either In their own posts or in comments and Things like this that's critical Thinking they're learning the basics of Critical thinking you know when you go Through a school and it's varies country To Country and place to place but they Don't really teach you to for critical Thinking you're supposed to repeat Things just saying in the pledge Allegiance and mindlessly go along with What you're told there's right and wrong Answers and they're not really that Concerned about you developing your own Opinion and being able to support your Opinion and research your opinion and These things like it's just not taught You know people would give their

Opinions to friends and families and Things like this and there were people Who were able to give their opinions Like educated people who are you know Trained journalists and you know Editorialized and people who wrote Papers and books and you know wrote news Articles and were pundit on TV but it Was a limited amount of people people on The radio talk radio and so there's a Limited amount of people who who were Trained and were allowed to do critical Thinking but it was um you know a club It was restricted by various agencies in Terms of The U is the FCC that's in charge of the The broadcasting of whatever TV and Radio show radio shows and if you said Things that were offensive including Swearing you could lose your license Your radio you you know your radio show Could be T your radio station could be Taken away and TV stations so it very Limited of what you could put out there In the airwaves and printed material and These other things right so there was Limitations to your freedom of speech And lots of people didn't develop Critical thinking skills so when I went To a couple of alternative schools my Third attempt at College the they wanted People to be critical thinkers it was For more adults people who had life and Work experience people in their 20s and

30s and things people coming back to School to get their degree in human Services and then I went to kind of a New age school to get my Master's Degree And you know both these both of these Schools had like long weekend classes And things and you know the idea of Expressing yourself and was very Supported in both these schools is Something that I was already kind of Good at but it's never something that You are you you stop developing you have To work on it your whole life it's the Way you think about things the way you You know generate your your your lens in Which you view the world and most people Don't do any kind of change and Development and people are on the Internet they just you know they're Making the same mistakes over and over Again they're not developing they're not Growing they're making the same kind of Content they're not evolving as a person And they're not looking to change and Evolve it's not part of what they're Doing and so their opinions are kind of Worthless right they're not educated in The first place they're not trained to Do this and oftentimes they're either Reactionary or they're just Regurgitating other things that other People believe and they don't know how To think for themselves right the Majority of people don't know how to

Think for themselves and so in that is This need that people have to slam other People and tell other people they suck And I think that makes up a good Percentage of the comment base in you Know in terms of social media I think Most things in social media people are Looking to pick a fight they're looking To argue with somebody they're looking To dump their their ickiness that's Inside of them the ugliness that's Inside of them on somebody else right And for that reason that's why I Bann People and I occasionally call people Out because I you know it's as big a Part of the problem of human behavior This constant need to tell other people They suck you know you want other people To feel your anger your hatred for them Your disdain for them and you want to Dump it on them right and it's one of The things I respect least about people In the internet and I don't care who You're doing it to if you're doing to Alec Baldwin or or Joe Biden or any Piece of [ __ ] out there that you know You think is horrible and we all agree Is horrible because it's not going to Make things better you know the other Person is never going to go you're right I am a piece of [ __ ] I'm going to change Like when has that ever happened right There's that Meme I have of of um the Comedian Brian Regan who said something

Spectacular happened something new and Spectacular happened on the internet Today somebody gave a strong political Opinion and somebody who dis to somebody They disagreed with and the person they Disagreed with said you know you're Right you know it just doesn't happen You know all these arguments all this [ __ ] all this hostility it just is Negative energy you're creating Something that is you know it's palpable You have something negative inside of You and you're just looking to dump it On somebody else and the issue isn't the Other person like I said it's the object Of the negativity and the toxicity That's inside of you right it's Something that's there and you just want To dump it on somebody else and you want Them to feel it they want you to feel Your disease inside of you you want to Put your you know your your whatever it Is your pathology on that other person And it just makes everything worse right And there are people who leave Informative thoughtful comments Intelligent people people have you know Good ability to express themselves good Ability of reasoning but the fact that They're going to get Harassed by any number of pieces of out There who you know just want to dump Their crap on somebody else who doesn't Agree with them people end up not

Posting those kind of comments uh you Know posting those things because they Just don't want the the [ __ ] they're Going to get from other people which is A sad State of Affairs right and so what You have is the toxic people the the Negative people the people who just want To dump their internal uh grossness Their ugliness their their evil on Somebody else you know kind of wreck the Whole social aspect of social media and So this is one of the many reasons I ban People and I don't you know I I once in A while rip into somebody it's because This behavior is just a real like a Bummer and real like blemish on on human Beings as a whole you know I talk about The Sark philosophy that if you hate Somebody the hate is yours they're the Object of your hate and if you hate this Person today it'll be somebody else Tomorrow it's the hate you have to deal With inside of you and so you know People getting rewarded by other people And people gangstalking people and keep People slamming people and you know Doing this and patting each other on the Back like they're doing something you Know it's just um it's despicable and There's lots of pieces of [ __ ] people We're all we're all we all suck to some Degree or another right we all suck like I've talked about this quite a bit I'm Going to stop talking here because my

Voices going I'll finish this up Tomorrow people can find and you can Find it in yourself Something that sucks about you right There we all suck right we all suck I Suck you suck we all suck okay so I'm Glad I waited to complete this uh video This audio here um today is Wednesday January 88th you know there's um my core Responsibilities here what I believe to Me my mission this is my mission Statement the people who understand it Right and the people who are my audience This is a distin here just because you Listen to my videos doesn't mean you're My audience right so I had a really good Meditation this morning and just a Really good morning overall and just um You know clarity about what I want to Say and you know when I am talking at The end of the day like sometimes I do Really good voiceovers at the end of the Day but like I'm you know I'm tired and I'm not as crisp my vo is and off as Good you know whatever and so you know It's just you're there's more M there's More energy in the beginning of the day In general so um I'm glad I waited so Before I get back to what I was saying You know this is my core message here so In terms of the truth Community there's Lots of people who understand the nature Of the problem the nature of our modern Day system right people understand the

The issues here I mean in the truth Community but even beyond the truth Community most people can tell you some Truth some you know they have it they Have it right about some aspects of the Beastly system they you know they Understand some of the problem because To find the problem is easy most people Only can focus on part of the problem Because the whole problem is Overwhelming right and that is the Nature of our entire system the Orientation of our entire system and Everybody everybody who's in it because We're all part of the system and so the Overwhelming truth truth is we have Devised a system Collectively that goes against our Spiritual Evolution our personal Evolution and is degrading us right the Idea of Idiocracy the movie Idiocracy is a good Example of what's happening to human Beings right they're being degraded We're being degraded and we're becoming Less and less than we were before and What we were before wasn't great like What we were before we weren't you know We weren't like a Complete product we You know even tracing back thousands of Years the human beings have had issues And there's lots of low vibrational low Consciousness anabolistic Tendencies You

Know the lower we have an ego problem That keeps us from becoming what we're Supposed to Become And that is something that most people Can't deal with because when the whole System's a problem then there is no Solution within the system syst itself Right the only solution is to remove the System as I always say we're 100% Dependent on the system in one way or Another like some people have some Skills but you know they're not I mean They're still dependent on the system And I say this over and over again in Our weakened state in our de evolved State and our dumb down idiocracy State And our low vibrational State we don't Have the capacity to go back to what we Were Before three generations ago we don't Have the pacity to go back and be Villagers and tribal people and to live Without electricity and live without Heat you know there's unique things that I've said like in terms of the Homesteading things that there was a Deal that was made to move people off of Their homesteads off their Villages off Their out of their tribes and into this System with this false promise that all The skills that they about to shed and All the abilities and all the strength That they had all the ancestral

Generational Wealth of knowledge that they were going To lose wasn't going to be necessary Anymore and of course it is because they Were [ __ ] lying right so you know and There was a I mean there was a reason Why it had to happen beyond what I call The controllers right that there's a Plan here but defining the problem which I believe I do in some ways better than I don't know I don't I can't compare Myself to other people I don't listen to Right but I feel like I do a good job of That but that's not I'm here that's not My message because you can listen to so Many different people tell you what the Problem is in different Capacities some specific problems or the Overall problem and all the rest of it And so the problem is available to you But what isn't is the solution so my Core belief personally and then what I Say here you know in terms of what I do Here pox of the future and these the Related YouTube channels and anything Else that I do the core belief is that That there was a solution to this Problem a singular solution which is the Sjar method of meditation and the Transmission and cleaning and the Related services are help are there to Help people rise up to a completely Different level of creature like a Genetically modified on a material Level

But much more importantly a spiritually Evolved human being who is far beyond Their petty little you know our petty Little materialistic Tendencies and our Desires and addictions and urges and Egos and all that [ __ ] right all the [ __ ] that is Wrecking the planet Right now and so in this solution there Is work that's been done to get rid of The problem to destroy the problem to Get rid of the system as it is now to Get rid of all the things that are Blocking people from evolving and rising Up to a higher level so that's part of The solution the the work the Destructive work you know something has To end for something else to begin right And there is going to have to be massive Die off for all the people that aren't Ready for this kind of transformation so When I'm talking about Transformation of this nature when you Think about a caterpillar to a butterfly Right you know something in the Caterpillar is compelled to become a Butterfly but the caterpillar is Completely unaware of butterflies and Flying and what it would like to be a Butterfly and just like the that tadpole Is unaware of what it's like to be a Frog any kind of Transformation there's various you know There's these wonderful red bellied NES In California they're quite toxic a sort

Of related creature but in the eastern Part of America there's these uh red Spotted NES Um that are a part of a three-chain Generation it's some sort of a little Nymph like creature and then it becomes A n and it just marches in the forest And there might be Bunches of them You'll see them I've only seen one at a Time I used to see them a lot at our Other far our other Homestead and they Just come marching through our yard at Some point in the you know the year and They're really significant right and They have these red spots and I think Creatures think they're craziness and Then they go back into the water and Become a salamander right they have Three-part three-stage Evolution they Start off as some like tadpole like Creature small you know undeveloped Creature they leave the water and they Go back to the water and they become an Amphibian and they live in the water Again you know so you have this kind of Evolution and it's natural and they're Compelled by some biological Tendencies And need but evolution in human beings Is by choice being in the third Dimensional reality the third Master Side Mark system gave this wonderful Talk in a book called the role of the Master in human evolution that's you Know there's copies of it available on

EBay and he talked about how before you Become a human being your your process Up to being a human being whatever that Process is is automatic and it takes a Long time right from whatever you start Off as until you're you know a higher Level Consciousness uh being and then You have spiritual Evolution which is Completely by choice there's no forcing It there's no automatic Evolution Nothing happens uh nothing's guaranteed You can go as far as the you can reach The the ultimate goal or you can not Evolve at all it's up to you it's your Choice but once you graduate from The Human Condition even on a lower level Because there's different levels of Graduation but you're free from you know This idea of Liberation which is a Lowlevel achievement that very few People ever achieve the idea of Heaven Is Liberation and most people don't get There I don't know how many people have How many human beings over the history Of humanity have reached Liberation Which is again an easy low-level Accomplishment it's been very few like It's not Millions it's not even hundreds Of thousands it's maybe tens of Thousands I don't know like I don't have Any way to verify that but I know it's a Very small amount but once you reach Liberation and you no longer are bound To planet Earth then your evolution is

Again automatic you're a spiritual being And on Earth you can go to much higher Levels but wherever you you leave Earth Everything becomes automatic and it's a Process and a system and there's no you Know choice in it your soul just evolves And it doesn't resist it because there's No ego there's no physical body There's No Illusion there's no you know Maya There's no Distortion you're just in a Spirit world and you evolve and you do Your work and you contribute and you are A part of the greater good and you just Do it automatically there's no option For failure there's no choice on your Part and so spiritual Evolution here is 100% by choice and the system the Sark System of meditation the transmission The cleaning are like a shortcut right And there's other systems Quality Systems of spiritual Evolution that have Different um you know they're positive And they help you connect to God and you Know whatever even religions if you do It the right way you know not what the Religion tells you to do but if you do What Jesus did or any number of these Saints and you follow their example and You do it you know self-effort you'll go Somewhere and you'll be in the positive Direction you Embrace that you have a Soul and your soul has a purpose and you Have a reason for your existence and you Embrace that reason and you're on your

Spiritual path and you know it's there's There's good in that right whatever that Is right that's you're not taking a Shortcut you're not taking the you know The the path of uh the most uh you know The the most vertical path but you're on Some sort of a path right but to go back To what I'm saying my simple message Here is that right that the system that We have is taking every everyone in the Wrong direction which you know that's The problem statement and then the Solution is connecting to the Divinity Within you and that there is a system Here to expedite the process and to Bring Whoever is willing to go there up to a Higher level after they shed their lower Tendencies their lower vibrational Tendencies Embrace this path this Divinity within them right and that's it That's my simple message and you know of Course I have more to do with the Solution the graceless meditation and You know information about that and you Know whatever else I can talk about here But that's it and the small amount of People that can Embrace that in one Capacity or another even just accept it Without doing anything about it right They can you know or at least flirt with The idea those are the people who are my Audience nobody else right it's not you Know the many people the millions of

People that have watched my videos and Watch me mock Brit Britney's mental Breakdown or mock Don Lemon or you know Talk about Trump or talk about politics Or talk about you know any of these Things I mean even to some extent the Homesteading and the other things I have One core message One Core Responsibility it's to get that message Out that there's a solution and it isn't My [ __ ] solution it isn't the Solution that I created it isn't my baby It isn't my thing it's something I was Lucky enough to be privileged to have a Chance to participate in and so that's You know my responsibility I was gifted This wonderful system and I Wholeheartedly believe that it is the Answer and the sole answer to the Problem that we all see in front of us Right if you can't Embrace that you're Not my audience like I'm here as a Messenger that's all like this message And whatever else I do here stuff I have To do to keep the channel afloat you Know the celebrity [ __ ] the you know the Other stuff like I you know that stuff Is not like stuff I would do I mean I Might sit there with my wife and make Fun of stuff and joke about things and You know yeah like there's things or you I used to do that with my friends you Know and part of the message is a Compare and contrast like you've been

Sold something that Fame and Fortune and Material success is why you're here and That's [ __ ] right the American dream It's [ __ ] which you know people can Gravitate to or not your material life You're here to pursue happiness The Pursuit of Happiness that's [ __ ] There's no pursuit of happiness Happiness comes and goes you're going to Be happy some people are happier the Whole life but they have moments of Sadness some people are sad and Miserable their whole life but they have Moments of happiness doesn't really Matter happiness and and misery and These things have no bearing on the Overall responsibilities of your Soul's Journey and your Soul's path I mean They're part of it but they're not the Goal happiness is not a goal so there's That right and anything that I do or say You know my personality anything I do Would have to cope with the degraded Aspect of humanity because I'm here in The middle of the [ __ ] [ __ ] right you Know I had to work with sex offenders I Had to work with the drags of society Right like I've had to do low work like You know in various capacities and There's you know this job I do here I'm Staring into the abyss every day you Know the degradation and the more I Evolve personally the more I see it the More I can feel it like the vibration of

It right and then just all the Negativity the comments the you know the Interactions I have with people you know Whatever I mean they're not interactions But people displaying themselves you Know I have to look at the problem over And over again you know people failing Humanity failing right and you know I Have to cope with that some way capacity Right but you know all the other stuff That I do the jokes the you know the Things you know they're part of a a Construct I don't know what to call it Construct I guess is whatever it is They're part of whatever I have to do Because of where people are because most People you know you know even ones who Are you know had excellent past lives as Spiritual people are not aware and I Wasn't Aware of the things that I'm saying like The you know the spiritual aspects right Growing up in America growing up in a Very remedial religion and growing up With the American dream and American Consciousness I had no idea what the True purpose of my life was a true goal And the true path of my soul and I you Know I would have never guessed it like It just happened I stumbled in to the Saar system I had some wonderful Experiences I was exposed to the Teachings and literature and the system Has proven itself to me time and time

Again right but just to be clear about This you know the other things and why People come and some people want me to Mock Britney you know there's people who Like it that's great you know I don't You know and then on the subconscious Level they're getting the other things And whatever but it's only the people Who are open to receiving this message That You know my channel exists for it's the Purpose of pox the future it's a purpose Of this you know whatever it is this Movement the other stuff's like window Dressing it is you know it is whatever It is right and you know me coping with The internet and you know the degraded Nature of the internet I'm on this you Know the you know the I mean I mean like You know I don't want to call it filth But it's filth like the the system is Filth and you know people are you know Whatever they are right just uh people People embracing the darkness and you Know wallowing in it like pigs wallowing In the you know the negativity and the The hellscape that we've created here Right that's so far away from our higher Nature so I'm either write about the Saar system being the solution either The teachings you know there some of This is the teachings right some of it's The the story behind the the backstory This guy Boby was receiving messages

From his spiritual master and then these Other various Souls Jesus Krishna Swami Vivanda Buddha you know and then a lot Of higher developed Souls that people Don't you know they don't have some um Like material manifestation that people Would know but they're higher developed Souls and they are working on behalf of The Divine system to bring Humanity to a Higher level of being and bab was God's Instrument to facilitate this work what He said there's this special Personality that's working to create This and he didn't say it was himself Because he can't say it's himself like It's not his ego it's not him as a Physical person it's his essence of his Soul that's been given these you know Powers and these abilities to bring About this transformation and creating The system to help people to evolve if They choose to do so right this Mission If you choose to accept it right so this Is you know whatever this thing is um And I believe in it but it could be Wrong it could be you know could be lies It could be distortions it could be you Know any number of things right just Like every other religion every other Thing you know there's always the chance That it's [ __ ] right not 100% [ __ ] but you know enough so that It's a failure like my life's a failure I' I've bet on something that's you know

It's just a um it's something that's Better than everything else but not you Know not the real thing like it's just a Whatever it is or isn't it isn't like if It's not what I think it is then this is A failure and my channel really doesn't Have much value I mean in terms of you Know it has some value because there's At least this idea of connecting to Divinity within you is correct right There's you know there's something to That like I know that for a fact the Sjar system is incredible at helping People to do that if they embrace it you Know they they do what they need to do Right but in that you know that's the The message completely you know that's What I have to offer people I'm not a Guru I'm not a your master I'm not you Know anything right I'm not your guide And any of these other things like you Know it's delivering this message that This thing is available and of course You know I'll remain a conduit for those People who Embrace this message in terms Of you know whatever things come through Me to benefit people you know that People need something from for me and I Randomly you know without any intention On my part just the fact that I'm Willing to do it that's the only thing My willingness but I'm not trying to do It I'm not you know whing to do it I'm Not here to be your you know whatever

Your conduit personally any of these Things like I'm not doing it for you you Know these things I'm doing it because You know was done for me and I owe that Right I owe the you know whatever debt I Owe for the good things that were done For me I have to pay it forward so you Know it's who I owe you know the masters Of the Sark system God you know whatever My soul whatever it is you know I owe Them for what I've my own spiritual Evolution my own you know gifts that I've been given through the system I'm Paying it back by serving them or Serving the you know God and you happen To be the benefactors of it right but You know there's things that and you're Participating in this experiment or this Solution or whatever you want to call it Then you know I'll be a conduit like it Just you know amongst many others do you Understand that but this small subset of Viewers who embrac this you know who Have were are willing to do the system The meditation or whatever else it is They're my audience the receivers of the Message and everyone else is just you Know people coming like this is a you Know like a restaurant or a rest stop You stop by and you use the facilities And you leave right you know it is Whatever it is for you like that's it's Not you're not my off audience the Audience is you know again it's it's a

Self- selected group of people that are Willing to embrace all of these things That I said right you know I have reason To believe that I've had many lives like There might have been a life that I had I you know I believe there's a life I Had that spent maybe millions of years On planet Earth which is kind of crazy To Believe and that I had you know I was Part of the mahab barata I possibly was Around Jesus maybe one of his disciples I don't think I was Jesus but you know Whatever doesn't really matter right but I have been a part of spiritual Movements before and you know when I Mock people like you know I mean Don Lemon comes to mind because he just Somebody whatever it is any number of People Trump any of these people right You know there's no sense of me thinking Well let me put it this way I know that I'm on a higher Consciousness level than Some of these people CU you just know When you are right um and there is that But in reality these people maybe that's Their first Life Second Life Third life Right the majority of people 60% of the People on planet planet Earth or more Like I don't have a percentage this is Their first life right whatever the Population was right because there has Never been like a billion people on Planet Earth a bill billion so whatever

Amount of human beings there were there You know now there's six or seven times It's like one out of every like uh seven You know one out of seven or eight People even maybe more have had a past Life as a human being like one or more Past lives because some people have had More past lives right and in rare cases There are some higher developed Souls Who come from a higher spiritual reason Far beyond a human being's Evolution and incarnate on planet Earth That's the Saints and these you know Spiritual Beings or ones that have Achieved something in past existence and Something like that right but I'm Talking about souls that have never Lived as a human being before and so Amongst human beings there are some Higher developed Souls but the rest of The first timers they're coming up from An animal kingdom or some lower level And now they're on this higher level of Consciousness which is a human being and For those people they they can't Gravitate to this idea they're not a Part of the solution they can't be right Because there has to be some Choice like I said human beings choose to Spiritually evolve and we see it like There's a choice here and the people who Make that choice often fall they make The initial Choice including Jesus and Some of these higher developed Souls

They have a spiritual fall because it's Really hard being a spiritual being on Planet Earth you know that's why there's Some level of um I don't want to call it Grace or you know forgiveness you know Understanding because it's hard as [ __ ] To not only commit to being spiritual It's so you know alluring right it's so Um you know it's so uh seductive the Planet and our sensory stimulation the Human beings lose their way plus you Know we're degraded like you know There's higher developed people you know People human or human beings that lived That for you know thousands of years That lived on planet Earth before and Some of us were incarnated in those you Know bodies and now we're in these lower Vibrational bodies even though we have a Memory of being something more right Where we were in a better you know of Bodies that were less animalistic and More spiritual and more refined and so Like there's that and there's you know Higher developed soul that you know were I mean are coming from a high region Like a close closer proximity to God and Then they descend into these bodies and You know there's a degradation there That we all have to deal with degraded Tendencies right in terms of animalistic Types of things that our modern day Human beings have uh have these you know We see it all around us right all the

Low-level [ __ ] that we all you know Have to you know we're mired in in one Way or another and we have the genetic Predisposition for low-level behaviors Right that we all Express in one you Know way or another some people have Lower level things and all these things But if I'm right about my past lives Then you know I can't look at people who Are in their first life if I've had Millions of years on this [ __ ] planet And I'm still at the first point which Is 0.1 in the heart region in the Spiritual Evolution like Jesus Christ And so I'm not you know like it sounds Like I'm being judgmental and you know Superior or arrogant to people but like I'm I'm painfully aware that I've been Here a while and this is my first life Where I fully embraced at least as far As I know because there could have been A spiritual fall at somewh level right But I think I've been around like a long [ __ ] time and this is the first time I've really embraced the spiritual you Know element of my life right so you Know or there's been times that just There wasn't a system available to take Me to the next level so whatever it is Doesn't matter right but in the sjar Teaching even this guy Babaji who was pontang in a past life And he had spiritual lives and was Always sort of a you know higher

Consciousness person he said he had a Life as a beggar and things as well some Of these other things as an experience Because he was a beggar you know in Terms of his you know he had a a chapter In a book which is called the be a Section in a book called The Beggars Bowl that you were all beggars before The Divine Lord you know before God and We have a you know like they have these Bowls I guess in India right but in Terms of all that you know I it's just The people who have the capacity or Don't and it's not up to me more Oftentimes the people I like or I'm Friends with will not embrace you know This kind of thing like I you know very Few people I know I mean my family you Know my brother's doing the meditation But even him you know my brother and I You like the thing first of all let me Say this those of us who have Experienced saaj Mar the way it you know Is or could be or all these things right Those of us who have been blessed with This we know it's a [ __ ] blessing Like my brother I told him about this Thing and he didn't have the experiences I did he was not sensitive to the Transmission but he would thank me Almost every time we talked you know I'm Just really glad you told me about this Like you know there Competitive things and jealousies and

You know he was much older than me but There was some my mom said he was always Jealous of me like whatever I don't even Know like so whatever those things are But he thanked me for telling him and You know he's now in bise or something And he's still with dodgy and we had you Know exchange of messages I said you Know I don't want to talk to anybody Who's still with dodgy you know I love You you're my brother but you know I Believe he's a piece of [ __ ] cult that's Degraded this thing right it's sad in a Way you know I mean I don't think about It like that but you know my brother was Like a father figure and a mentor to me When I was young and then I you know Sort of you know passed them by or Whatever happened the with me and this Thing and then SJ Marg and telling him About it and then him finding a role in The mission and being somebody who's Like a little bit of a celebrity in the Organization you know the guy who was a Caretaker of the asham had a position And things and of all the people I knew He was the one person that that was in My life beforehand that continued you Know and did the Sark system and now That relationship's you know gone and You know he's whatever it is the whole Thing but for those of you who are lucky Enough to be able to do this thing that Can get out of your way enough to do it

And embrace these things right then There should be nothing but gratitude You know in terms of what I do here and Everyone else can [ __ ] off they're not You know not and I'm not saying that Some bad way but you're not my audience There's plenty of other content out There for you right if you like me you Like this stuff you like this stuff some Of you benefit from something whatever I You know it's it's between you and your Whatever but there should be nothing but Gratitude despite my abrasive Personality and my whatever I do that You don't like whatever you don't like About me right because you don't know What I have to go through to keep this Thing going right or what I had to go Through to be able to be this person for You right you know the mocking and the You know the whatever it is like the Assholeness you know me being an [ __ ] Things is necessary for me to do this Job believe me it is like it just has to Be the internet sucks the world sucks You know it's a degraded low-level low Conscious vibration and I have to dive Into the abyss you know if I just came In and just said every day the spiritual Things if I didn't deal with the [ __ ] the [ __ ] all that stuff There' be no viewers here like I have to Go down meet people where they are and You know I hope there's a reward for me

But I've already been rewarded like I You know you know I don't I don't want To say it like that like you know I'm Owed something because that's an ego Statement right I mean I've already been Blessed Beyond any I'm filled with Gratitude and I'm not I'm not a Gratitude person like I just but I I Like it's just there like I feel Grateful all the time for you know the Blessings I've received from the sark System and what I was before and I know I was like such a worthless Underachieving piece of [ __ ] before who Could barely function so even on just a Material Level just so I could live a Life like I couldn't live a life because I you know was so like [ __ ] up and so You know like I had no purpose and no Goal and no anything and just the Cleaning and the transmission enabled me To live a life you know a life that you Know has been I mean for the most part a Good life right but that's not you know Good life bad life does doesn't matter It's the spiritual benefit that's Important and you know with so many People so painfully unaware of their Spiritual potential and their true Purpose here and I was one of them you Know someone willing to dive down and Meet them where they are and create a Place where they can receive this Message and that's what I do like in you

Know whatever's uh can be you know Applauded in what I do again like I Don't want to medal in a war like you Know these [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] right Right like it's you know me paying off What I've have gotten like I recognize There's a debt here and you know and I Enjoy the work I enjoy doing it it's not Like this is some you know I mean I'm Diving into the abyss but I've become You know I'm able to do it right I've Like developed defense mechanisms I Developed whatever I have right but in Terms of like the stuff that I do here Without the spiritual message I wouldn't Do it I wouldn't talk about politics I Wouldn't talk about I certainly wouldn't Talk about celebrities Hollywood culture Any of the things I've done over the Years all these subjects I cover I have Almost zero interest in them you know a Little bit like curiosity a little you Know but it's minor for the amount of Time I [ __ ] have to spend on them Right and so like I do that to keep this Thing going and you know again there Should be gratitude for that for those People who get it for those people who Benefit from you know the message right And once you get the message you have to Go on your own like I you know there's I Provided Services here and you can and It sucks there's no sjar organization Like I had and there's no preceptors

Like I had and these other things but You know there's a gratefulness Meditation Channel and then there's the Books that are out there that you can Buy and some of them are free on you Know published on the you know that all The on the Grateful meditation I have All the the stuff there right people who Embrace it and and do it or not but You're on your own right and I know this For a fact if you embrace your true Purpose your Soul's purpose whatever it Is you know you whatever your purpose is Like like you know probably Trump is Embraced his his Soul's purpose but his Soul's purpose isn't to connect to the Divinity within him he's not on that Level yet he's just a material being and Maybe all these other people in some way These you know people who look at you Look at and they're successful they're Embracing their Soul's purpose for this Life but it's you know they're missing The mark they're below you they're not Ready yet right but if you know you are Bracing your Soul's purpose there's a Path for success for you there is the The things you need to complete this Path there is you know the you know the The Divine forces are going to pave a Path for you to success whatever it is And if you're if you're you know if You're on the level where you can Embrace the Divinity within you and

Again small percentage of people that Can do that right then there's a path For you you you know there's a a pathway For your success even though most people Won't succeed at least you know in this Life it takes multiple chances it takes Multiple lives like a video game you you Need you know multiple you know once you Get on the path you find your true goal And your true purpose then you're just In the beginning right but in terms of What's going to happen next everyone Else is like an NPC the people who can Embrace this Solution well they can't be here they Can't be a part of the cuz they're just Going to be dragging everyone [ __ ] Down like they are now right I mean Different levels of that and not you Know some of them don't have that they They're not ready yet that's fine They're and wherever they go they can't Be here because if you're going to have Have almost like a 100% not almost You're going to have to have a 100% Buyin like to transform this planet and For people to go from being worms to Butterflies you know on a spiritual Level because you know the worm are Attached to being a worm and they're Scared of being a butterfly you know not Not in real life not caterpillars cuz They just do it automatically but what I'm talking about here is everybody's

Ego is scared of blossoming and becoming The best version of what you could be Like every person's scared of becoming a Saint and every ego is scared of losing Control it's why we don't [ __ ] do it It's why there's plenty of people who Flirt with the idea of being devotees to God but they never [ __ ] do it because It's so hard to give up control of The Reigns of your existence and surrender It to a higher power higher source and That's why religions teach a lot a bunch Of [ __ ] so you can satisfy your need To be with God and still not give up on Your material egotistical control over Your lives and so you have these Religious bullshits that this religious [ __ ] that's out there that you know You have a uh something inside of you That's compelled to be a spiritual Person but you're scared to go and and You know dive into the ocean of Eternal Bliss and give up your egotistical uh You know stronghold on your material Life and you don't want to leave this Planet even though the planet's [ __ ] Hated here in some ways and you're Depressed and miserable or whatever you Are people don't want to leave the Planet they don't want to evolve they Don't want to be liberated from their Bondage they want to stay in jail like It's just there's all these tendencies That suck and people have them and so

You know only the people who are Willing again needs to be 100% Buy in Are going to be allowed that's why there Has to be mass depopulation and the People who are you know I mean there's The majority of the other content that's On YouTube I mean 99.9% is for those Lower level Consciousness people or the People who have the ability to rise up But are still you know uh entrapped in The mundane lowlife elements of planet Earth right but anyways you know all That other content all that other stuff It's just for NPCs it's for people who Just they can't it's not you know they It's not that they won't they can't and Then there's the people who won't they Can but they won't right and so all Those people [ __ ] off like that's what's Going to happen like you know the way That the British say it right [ __ ] off You know like you know why don't you go [ __ ] off whatever they say right because That's what's going to happen they have To be they have to be removed from the Equation and all of us have to be aware Of that so it's the lucky privileged few That get to be a part of this Transformation and all the higher Developed Souls Divine beings that have Been here before are either going to be Incarnated here or incarnated now or be Around here in spirit form and there's a Spiritual Focus right now to pull

Humanity out of its drags and its Low-level you know [ __ ] and there's Going to be whatever and so like I said Either this is true or it's not right But in terms of this primary message you Know even my loved ones I mean Particularly my kids cuz that's the one That really [ __ ] stings or used to Sting but I had to accept it right so I Raised my kids with this idea that Somehow they would surpass me and my ex And the people of that time because There was some element of that happening And there was some you know talk about That and some teachings about about that That these Souls were being incarnated And born into these families these Sark Families it turned out that the kids Either crapped out or it wasn't you know Whatever I don't know it was part of a Plan you know but my kids had all the Benefits that I didn't have like I Randomly after living uh you know a life Of failure and Underachieving was gifted with the you Know blessing of incredible three Individual sittings and being introduced The Sark system that were Transformational and starred me on this Path which I am like you know eternally Grateful for and my kids were grew up at It and they had exposure to this energy And teachings and you know and the idea Was that they would somehow graduate

Into this thing you know by their choice And they took their initial sittings and They were psyched to do it and I could See them benefiting right off the bat my Three older kids And then my younger son but when they my Three older kids they did it when you Know my son was too young to start we Were India and I saw for a month or two When they were doing the practice They're meditating they're participating In it they were all doing better like I Could see wow this is great and I was Like happy like it was like you know Relieved that they now were on this path Right but they all rejected in one [ __ ] way or another and you know some Of them hate me like most most of Them I mean you know like [ __ ] you Know I did my best to provide for them This opportunity and other things and You know whatever kind of dad I was and I mean there's a lot of it's Unjustified but they literally hate me Or dislike me or you know you know Whatever you know so when people leave Shitty comments or people don't like me Or they don't you know I have real life People who [ __ ] hate me like my kids And you know people I used to the Meditation or dis like me and they think Things about me that aren't true or they You know they've manifested whatever and Bl would blame me but you know I mean

The [ __ ] part still there right I Mean some of it's Justified like some of The you know I have these negative Qualities you know I I'm a human being With flaws you know I'm not claiming to Be perfect right so uh there's no sense Of like having to tell me I suck like There just nothing there you know there Sometimes people are mad at God and they Feel whatever they feel here and they Feel like like I'm some kind of whatever Like they want to vent their anger at God at me or whatever it might be you Know whatever little butt hurt thing They have whatever it is right but you Know like in terms of people who comment And this is like the thing I was Alluding to earlier you know with my yet Last night the people who comment and You know want to tell other people they Piece of [ __ ] you know you have a Problem like it's that's a it's a Massive problem and It's something that's keeping you from I Don't want to say keeping you from Because it's like the opposite of taking Full responsibility for your existence Right that you have to change and grow You know there's people who leave a Comment and in the beginning there are People who I used to have you know Message back and forth a few people I Had phone conversations with a few People have seen me in real life right

But you know as time's gone on I have Less personal contact some of the people I'm friends with on Facebook or instag And you know I have a sense of some People like I recognize them I you know They have a profile picture or whatever I've seen their their social media Things or whatever you know whatever it Is right people who I interacted with Early on But as time has gone on you Know I just don't have time for any of Those things right I have less and less Knowledge and contact with people who Watch my videos right some people write Me very personal messages Which I'm able to you know or comments Or something and I'm able to kind of Read them and sometimes I remember them And you know I mean it's you know I've Had probably I mean five 10 million Comments right whatever it is like they Don't YouTube doesn't keep track of that But think about that million comments so The majority of people come in and they Have nondescript usernames no profile Picture and like I can't keep people Straight right I can't remember all them I've you know I've banned 20,000 people Or something like it's crazy amount of People like if I scrolled through it and Showed you all the people and I don't Remember any of them like I if I looked At every banned person I I wouldn't know Why I banned them who they are what they

Said or you know whatever it is right Because it's all just a blur and it's Like a Saving Grace is the more people That you know you comment the more Things that you deal with the less the Less comments affect you and if these People who were leaving negative coms Comments were honest I mean the you know It sucks to do that it's a bad behavior But if you you know take a dump on Somebody with your comment and then you Know you tell them they suck and you Don't like your their content you know If you were an honest person you would Just go like you would be done like that Would be it right but then there's People who will open up another account Go through all the the problems open up Another account and then leave other Comments right and I don't know who you Are like I I don't like even though You've left other comments because I get People who who have been banned and they Come back and they leave comments that I Know that there's someone like based in The comment I know it's someone who's Been banned and like then you have to Think about the fundamental dishonesty I Mean you do not me because it's you and Not me right of your existence because What the [ __ ] are you doing right that You're opening up other accounts just to Tell me I'm a piece of [ __ ] when I'm not Even you know like it's not like we're

Having a conversation right you want to Have some kind of contact with me and it Could be somebody else like I'm just Saying this Behavior overall on the Internet right and I'm saying you know I Have clear boundaries here right you Know I make it clear to people that I'm Not here to be your toilet bull to be Here for you to dump your evil [ __ ] your Anger your hostility regardless of Whether I've said something hurt your Feelings because again it's not personal I'm more delicate and more uh diplomatic And just subtler than I was before right I was more of an [ __ ] before so you Know and I'm not saying I'm not an [ __ ] like that's like I say you know So I understand where I say things in a Way that is you know sometimes brutal And sometimes will create this and I'm Not you know defending my imperfections But like I said I need certain level of Whatever it is right you know one of the Teachings in the Sark system Is Um there's a Snake a cobra that becomes a uh like a Disciple of a guru in India and the Snake you know just getting spiritual Training for the guru and like 10 years Go by and the guru comes upon the snake And the kids are torturing it and Teasing it and beating the [ __ ] out of It people are throwing rocks at it and

It's just you know it's beat to [ __ ] and It's like a mess right and it's the guru Goes aren't you my Disciple and the snake said yeah I am he Goes well what the [ __ ] going on why Are you like this what's why are you Getting abused like this and the snake Says well you Tau me about AA which is Nonviolence it's one of the the limbs of The pontones eight limbs of Roger aanga Yoga right it's one of the the Principles behind it's not one of the Limbs it's one of the you know Nonviolence and the guru says yeah I Told you not to bite anybody but you I Didn't tell you not to hiss right so It's one of the stories that charie told Over and over again right and you know Boby talked about how like he gave this Technique on how you could like kill Somebody by hitting them in a certain Place and having a certain thought a Spiritual thought if somebody was you Know uh crazy person was coming to you But baby was this little 5 foot2 guy who Would be walking through the streets With these big Danish men and women who Were like 6'2 6'3 you know these you Know Western European people and Bob you Would carry a stick in case you have to Beat off a like a thief or or a monkey Right so you know like he this isn't a Passive movement it's not an aggressive Movement it's not a warlike movement

It's not first strike movement but you Can defend yourself and you can you can Have an edge or whatever you need to Have to survive in the environment that You placed in and this is a a brutal Environment that I'm in here and so Anything that I have to survive here to Cope here is what I need they're not Things I'm attached to because there's Things that I've worked on you know Mocking people some of these other Things I recognize that you know I grew Up in a you know tough family where we Used to make fun of each other and I was Good at that and with my friends and you Know we us to you know rag on each other And you know these things and insult Battles and whatever make fun of each Other you know just kind of bus in each Other's you know balls or whatever they Call it right you see that show in Practical jokers you know this kind of Environment this kind of time period you Know that kind of stuff you know not Exactly like that show but you know Growing up in that region that area in The Northeast and you Italian you know Mixed family Italian you know Irish you Know these people my family is kind of Tough and you know and we uh we said Like mean things to each other and you Know that whole area Boston New York and Those areas up there people are pretty Brutal you know very rude less you know

I mean when I move to the South and These other places you know I don't fit In there you know the places I've lived Since then I don't fit in I mean I never Really fit in anywhere but you know I Recognized that this stuff wasn't great Like it was you know mean-spirited in Some sense and you know I was good at Enjoyed it to whatever extent it was but Like it's not you know it's not highly Some spiritual quality you know it's Something where maybe there's some value In it just in terms of you know help Keeping people humble or whatever but It's not a great thing and I you know And I don't love it but it's just part Of me like it's my background my Upbringing and it served me here in the Internet like you know every day I go And read the comments someone's telling Me I'm a piece of [ __ ] right like it's Just you know and it all Blends together It's just random people and so you know There's boundaries here like if I say to People You know this is not welcome and I don't Not be your toilet bowl right I'm not Here for your you know whatever ugliness That's inside of you that you want to Dump on somebody else which is you know A plague on the internet and that you're Going to get banned and I might talk About you because you've you've done Something aggressive there's a boundary

I mean even if you didn't know that That's my policy you know better than That like you know like telling people They're a piece of [ __ ] is a hostile Act Like you've lived a life and so when you Say something to people you criticize Them they might react right and they're Going to react and you're you know have A right to have a reaction it's just What you do with that reaction and I Make it clear to people if I say Something that you don't like it hurts Your feelings I have a belief you don't Like I say something about a group that You identify with right you know your Reaction isn't welcome just go just Leave you you don't like me you don't Like what I said you're offended Whatever just go like it's you're free To leave but people leave comments Anyway because they Want conflict they want to debate people They want to M down they want an Argument they want this is the way that They interact with other people this is Their intimacy right and they go from One place to another starting fights Picking fights and getting involved with These struggles right like these you Know these Perpetual struggles where Both people hate each other and they Wallow in the the negativity and the bad Feeling that they create right so this Is you know plague on the internet they

Just want to wallow in conflict and Drama that they create and there's People all over the world that are doing This and they just bring everybody [ __ ] down because it's a low thing It's a you know it's a low thing if you Take multiple if you're creating Multiple accounts just to you know can Send you some sort of imaginary debate Or conflict you're having with me or Somebody else like I don't even know Like I don't know it's the same person Right like some person's probably left There's people have left 10 10 15 20 Shitty comments and I barely read the Comments sometimes I respond to it and Sometimes I just ban the person but They've you know they might come back in Two months or something they think about Me and they're like pissed off and they Come back and leave a comment and like You don't even exist for me like I don't Even know like it's just you know I mean You're not like you know I mean I've Like I said I have loved ones who hate Hate me like I have people in my life Who are telling me I'm a piece of [ __ ] Right there's people who you know Whatever and so there's all those things And you know like if you're doing this So you're like stalking people and You're creating some imaginary villain In your mind and some kind of you know Imaginary relationship that doesn't

Exist and you want a reaction or some Kind of contact contact with me and I'm Clearly putting boundaries of no right Like it's again you're not my audience Like the audience here is people want Spiritually evolved and are grateful for Whatever you know message that they Received from me in terms of all the Things that I've said earlier that's you Know that's all that's my sole Responsibility is to deliver this Message and people can do with it what They want and what they can because That's completely out of my control even To the extent of my kids who I did as Much as possible to create favorable Circumstances so that they would Um evolve and develop and they you know And become better obos practitioners of The seis Mark system and they didn't and They don't like me and so that sucks Like it's a a real bummer I mean so much Of my life's energy went into that and You know those things personal people With you know just disappointing results And whatever it is and so I can't think About those things you know I've learned That it's just all you know a jumbled Mess and none of the stuff matters and Certainly my feelings don't matter my You know that's why I don't have them Like I don't have disappointment I don't Attend to it if I thought about every Day I couldn't function I don't think

About it like it just I've accepted it And I'm grateful for whatever it is and Believing that there's a greater plan Here right and the choices of other People are beyond my control so I you Know stick to whatever you know but I Can't condemn this kind of behavior of Dumping on other people because you're Just adding to the the the negative Energy right it's just being you know When I talk about people here I'm just Passionate about it because I don't care I don't care if Don Lemon sucks and I Don't you know I wouldn't watch any of This stuff if I didn't have to produce Content of the opposite side if I didn't Have to produce problem-based Content again if I could just talk about The solution then I would just talk About the solution maybe I would you Know do it a little bit less you know Whatever it is especially now that I'm In the habit of doing it you know I've Accepted it it is what it is it's just What I have to do it's part of the job Like you have a job it's part of the job Right but in that you know all these Comments and the majority of commenters You know I I've had millions of comments So I can't even read them like the more You have the less that they are you know They make an impression on you there's a Lot of wonderful comments people Expressing their gratitude and but the

Length of the comment I just can't read Them I know people want me to read them And they you know me reading the comment Isn't really all that important It's that you're able to express Yourself and like I said about critical Thinking especially if it's something Positive you know people are it's much Easier for them to express something Negative than something positive it's Easier to tear people down then open Themselves up and and say something nice To somebody to make themselves Vulnerable and say you know positive Things I mean you have somebody like Trump and flimflam men and people who Are you know buttering people up with False compliments but I mean when you Actually Express something to the heart From your heart and you open up and you Express love and affection admiration For people and gratitude you know it's Um it's a risky thing and people just Don't want to do it but in all that just To wrap this up it's like I'm getting Tired like I was up early this morning Got to go eat breakfast but in all that You know if you are expressing things You know dumping your hostility you're Failing yourself right you're failing Everybody else but mostly yourself like In You know that you're just creating this Negative energy everywhere you go and

You have the ability to figure out What's wrong with you like if you're Like you're opening up multiple accounts Just to tell somebody they suck and the Person doesn't even know it's like a Continuation they have no like I have no Idea that if you've left multiple Comments unless you say I've left Multiple comments but I'm not even Reading it right and I forgot about it Like seconds after I've read it because I've moved on to the next common and the Things don't stick with me if you're Trying to make me feel bad like you're You're stalking you have to stalking Behaviors and like total lack of Responsibility of who you are as a Person right like you're obsessed with Something a relationship that doesn't Exist right you know like like you for Me I you know we all have personal lives We all have people that are in our lives And even in that right like your exes And your people that have done you wrong And your parents who [ __ ] you up or You know your mad at them or whatever You know clinging to these feelings and The negativity it just is Counterproductive you're the one who's Suffering you make other people suffer Because you're not a positive person You're not you know you're Just shedding you know putting out bad Energy everywhere and one final thing I

Want to say about this you know if I'm Right about Trump which I am and you're A Trumper for example and you have all These people telling you how great Trump Is all these [ __ ] truthers all these Fake truthers all these mer medial Truthers and they're all bought into Trump and they're saying he's the lesser Of two evils and they're telling you you Know things that agree with your you Know your your your whatever it is about Trump right and I tell you the truth About Trump like I'm right and they're Wrong and you get mad at me because I'm Telling you this guy is a scumbag and a Flimflam man and you know I said some Positive things about Trump in this Video but I see that he's um coming down Hard on the you know the Palestinians Again because he's a piece of [ __ ] and You know that Israel think a big deal And I'm going to cover that in my next Video but if I say what I'm saying about Trump and I've said about Trump is true And he is taking advantage of you and You you know you're you're going down a Path when you could be doing something To prepare for what's coming right You're wasting time and energy believing In you know some great pumpkin Santa Claus like Trump when you could be Changing yourself and adapting to what's Next right and so I'm doing you a Service even though you're mad at me or

You're you know you're rejecting what I Have to say right and so you know Whatever the truth is you know criticism Is you know whatever it is right it's Only you know it's only a bad thing if It's if it's not true and it always can Be seen as a good thing it has value in The Sark system right so if I criticize Trumpers or flat earthers and I'm right And you're you know believing something That's some kind of [ __ ] delusional Thing right then you know the truth as As much as it stings and you know as Disrespectful as I could be in the Presentation of it you know you're Getting something here that and maybe You come back and five years ago you Were right about that that was such a But hurt little piece of [ __ ] about it Sorry but you know like I'm not going to Remember you or your comment it's Between you and your you know and the Divinity within you right you everyone's Answerable to the to God at some point In their life for their behavior And so taking some responsibility you Know be aware of what you're doing Naming what you're doing like I am aware That I mock people and it's not a Spiritual you know a spiritual quality And so how do I justify it well like the Internet sucks and it's what I have to Do to to you know do this job that I'm Doing like I'm not justifying the

Behavior I'm not saying the behavior is Good but is there a reason why I'm doing It can I you know justify doing it in Terms of like just you know the Condition of the internet right not Rationalizing it but seeing that I need Certain defense mechanisms and I you Know just in terms of getting through All this [ __ ] content and the Negativity that I have to deal with Right that I have to dive into every day That's unnecessary for me because I'm Over the whole [ __ ] thing you know I've accepted the as much best as I can That the you know the only the only way To success here for us as a species is That the system ends the system that's Taking us in the wrong direction anyways You know just a few things to add here I Got to wrap this up okay so I ate Breakfast and I just did the auy Plaza uh operation whatever the Fortune review that you heard earlier in The video and I just want to add Something you know I started to fade out Whenever I talk for an hour I woke up a Little early today so I'm a little bit Tired so when I ever talk for a while I Always you know fade at the end and I Want to have a better ending than that I You know presented there and so in my Worldview everything that you do Everything that happens in your life is There for your benefit right it's coming

From God everything that you get Whatever and there's no victims which I Said before there's no one to blame but Yourself you've created whatever your Present is your present situation is is Created by your past so whatever you did In your past including past lives Whatever mistakes you made whatever good Things you did whatever you know Whatever you you were as a person Created what you are re receiving now The consequences of your actions your Thoughts and all these things you know This desire to blame people and that's One of the things I moved away from Early on and more and more so over time Is this idea to blame the so-called Controllers you know people who are the Worst or the lowest you know maybe it's Their second life third life you know They're just learning about power in the World and you or maybe they've lived Many lives when they've you know Fallen Higher developed Souls that have fallen And can't you know um retrieve their Divine Purpose they've gone full demon or Whatever whatever it is right you know Yeah they are contributing towards the Shitty world they're a big part of it But they're you know they need willing Accomplishes which we all are right and You can't be blaming them because They're not to blame and when their time

Comes they'll be erased their system Will be taken down and they will be Removed from the equation unless they're Doing God's work and then you know then They're fine right then that's between Them and God but this idea to blame Other people whether it's your parents Or Society or some racial group or some Guy in the internet right some person on You know celebrity for your Miser able Existence if you're miserable it's Because you're miserable and it's mostly Because you know the the biggest misery And loneliness comes from living your Life and going in the wrong direction And if you are going in the wrong Direction you're miserable then you're Lucky you're miserable because some People just embrace it and they shut Down and they you know they create walls To the pain of their uh you know they Ignore the warnings and they ignore the The many opportunities they have to get Back on track and then they're just gone And that includes the people in the the Top of the system the people in the the Top of the pyramid you know the So-called Elite and then all the other People and so if you are feeling Miserable with yourself instead of Blaming other people figure out what you Need to do to change right figure out How you can evolve and what you could Become and you know the internet's

Filled with people who are projecting Their inner [ __ ] on other people because They can't take responsibility for their Lives because they've been told that It's someone else is to believe blame And there's plenty of you know finger Point and blame you know going on you Know everywhere in the you know in the World of the media and internet and all These things blaming Trump blaming Biden Blaming the people control them blaming This group of people blaming immigrants Blaming that group of people but the Situation that we've created for Ourselves individually and collectively And the consequences that we're Undergoing are from are misguided and You know bad decisions and our are Mostly are lying to ourselves CU it's Not just our our choices and our actions It's not seeing the truth for you know What it is right you know all the things That I was saying and you know for People who are here that's like one of The principles you have to just accept That you're responsible you're Responsible for your own life and so Don't try to pin your [ __ ] on me right I Got my own stuff like I got my own stuff To deal with I have my own changes you Know don't try to blame it on me right It's not you know I mean it's it's not Going to end well because it's always Going to come back to you it's just

Going to you know exacerbate the Situation it's going to be magnified and And accelerated by you know by engaging With like this you know whatever that's Going on here in this Channel and with Me and the the system is that you know Exposes these things that you know when You meditate and you you look within you You know you find like you're to blame Right and I realized this right before I Started the Meditation and I was in this um liberal Undergraduate school coming out of the Hippie movement about social change and You know it Inc it encouraged critical Thinking the core of the program was They weren't going to give you the right Answers that you would to come up with The right answers yourself and you know I realized that I couldn't change other People like we had to do these programs These you know Outreach programs Community you know some kind of Community awareness programs we had to Develop our own we developed one about Getting the truth out about Columbus cuz The power zin's book of people's history Of uh you know the people's history of America which is about telling the History from the the point of view of The oppressed right and Christopher Columbus was a real piece of [ __ ] and You know I realized that when I was Frustrated with the people that I was

Working with on the project because they Weren't taking it seriously and then Just people in general I talk to and you Know I start to exhibit some of the same Characteristics as Christopher kumus Like I realized you know I am in I say That I hate this guy or dislike this guy And I'm trying to raise awareness about Him and I'm behaving like he is right I Just like some of the things I didn't Like about him I saw that were in myself And I realized tell this isn't about Changing other people or raising People's awareness about Columbus it's About changing me And like a couple weeks later I started SJ Mark and I came back to this school With it and I said you know I found a You know or this whatever it was and I Couldn't wait to talk about it and all Of a sudden my grades went from it's my Last semester and they went from A's to B's and apparently there was wrong Answers right when they were trying to Teach critical thinking and the people There are the professors that liked me And you know I was I was good at Whatever you know expressing myself and These things And they liked my answers they liked my Papers you know I was doing well in the School but then when I found a spiritual Solution all of a sudden like you know I Had the wrong answer

Right but you know this is how life Works and so when you realize it's You're the problem which is very you Know I mean it's taught over and over in The Sark system that all you're really All you can do is change yourself all You can control is what you're producing What you're putting out to the world so That's why I tolerate all this [ __ ] Blaming of people and you know dumping On people and all these things that's Why I bring it up on like you know not Just in terms of the comment section but You know in terms of attitudes that are There like the trumpers blaming the Liberals and the Democrats and you know It's yeah they suck I'm not denying Their suckiness I talk about their Suckiness but they're not to blame for Your sucky life or my failures and my You know my flaws like we're all Responsible for our own our own personal Suck anyways only spirituality will save This world it's barano definitely Pointing from the apocalypse and the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful

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About the Author: admin

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