Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I Just finished editing my video that's Going to be up today on Tuesday December 17th I'm starting my video that'll be up Probably tomorrow or the next day I Don't know whatever it is I'm trying to Put up videos every day because of the Christmas you know whatever's going on But then I'll go back to a little bit Less content maybe every other day or Whatever but anyways um I Got a Notification last night that I a video On my Apocalypse Now Channel about Stephen A Smith demonizing Kyrie Irving And say that he didn't get the BL Because of um his money right because of The money is making ESPN because Stephen A Smith you guys might have seen the Video was criticizing January 6 now Right and you know I got a notification Last night because I made the video Public again and um I Got a notification That you know it had Mis medical Misinformation it was being taken down And so that meant I had used a lot of The video in the video that I just Posted today so I didn't wake up this Morning and you know once I've done with The video I'm done with the video right I don't want to deal with all that stuff And so I looked at the video this Morning and it was like 16 seconds in And I'm like wow that's a and I appealed It and I won the appeal so it's back up
But I had to edit everything this Morning and just as I got done with it They let me know that the appeal was Granted and I was like you thanks cuzz I Just you know I I wasted an hour and a Half redoing the Video but you know there's that and so Yesterday there was a story about Something that happened in a school in Wisconsin which seems very Convenient given all the other things Are going on it seems like you know These things happen um and are always Distractions right given all the things Are going on with the UFO stuff and you Know Trump's picks and you know the Thing with the the CEO shooter you know The the health care stuff is Sticky you know people are now like you Know have been weaponized against it Like the healthc care stuff the you know People are very clear about that you Know now discussing it in a way that I'm Not sure they understood when they Rolled out whatever they rolled out There like I I don't think they maybe Anticipated what was going to happen I Think often times they they just don't Have the pulse of the American people And they roll out some kind of event and You know I mean the Americans people's Opinions and outrage does not matter Because if you're in a situation where You have a grievance and you're in a
Lesser position like one group has the Power and you're trying to get something From that group and the media and the People covering it are never going to be Honest about the group in power they're Not going to talk about how evil the Group in power is so you don't really Have a anybody of substance to back your Claims you know you have the internet Now which is the internet but you can Have 80% of the people be against Something and be outraged about Something then they don't have any Bargaining chips like doesn't matter how Outraged you are you don't have any Leverage over the system you don't have Any way to fix it or pressure them to do Something about it like all these Healthc care insurance companies are Making bank and there there's there's no Outlet there's no way to you know There's no oversight you don't have any Leverage over that system the insurance Companies and the medical system they've Bought paid for everybody and so they'll They'll verbalize and empathize with Your concerns everyone will they'll say Yeah that makes sense like they're doing Now but they won't do anything about it In some situations they can't do Anything about it in other situations They won't and this is a CA case of both Those they can't and they won't you know They they could
But they won't right and they are not You know I mean technically they could But not the way that the economy is Shaped and all these things and so That's where we are as a society that no Matter what you feel about something you Know used to have the power of customer Res always right that you would be Customers and you had your you know you Could whatever you could do in terms of Um other options for healthc care or Something but they're all going to screw You over so it doesn't matter right it's All there isn't like some um Health Care System or uh Insurance group that is Offering better plans right the reason People have United Health is because on Paper they're the best plan for you in Terms of your you know the premiums and Things right and so they just screw you On the other end so um all right let's Get into some of the stuff here but like It's all it should be obvious to you That you don't have anything that you Can do to stop what's happening right And they can't stop what's happening the People control the system because like I Said if somebody grew a Conscience and you know somehow someone In power or a group of people in power Try to change things the system would Collapse like it's predicated on evil Right the system feeds off of evil all Right let's get into the other stuff
Here United Healthcare CEO killing Suspect Luigi Manion and sha Diddy com's Lawyers are Buried you know like I mean wtf right Like how's that even possible that these Two high-profile cases and they've now Replaced the guy Dicky um and so they got rid of uh Karen Freedman a Galino Karen Freedman agnail The high-powered lawyer hired by United Healthc Care murder suspect Lui mangion Is married to none other than Mark Agnello who has been representing the Rapper as he battles sex trafficking Charges and so um there's his new lawyer They replaced uh the the dicky guy with Her which was you know the dicky guy Looked horrible um and this is her Husband I guess um you Know what more do you need to know right Check please like species in Chernobyl Is Mutating to feed on nuclear radi a Fungus at the site of the trob nuclear Disaster is adapted to feed on levels of Radiation that would be leapable to most Forms of life this is the whatever it is The species here is a highly resilient Black fungus that scientists have Observed growing on the walls of number Four reactor which triggered the Explosion and fire that's destroyed the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 1986 Science's study in the fungus found it
Adapted to use radiation as a source of Energy not unlike how P plants derive Energy from the Sun the Chernobyl Disaster was a nuclear meltdown the Beginning we all know that right um so This is the Fungi so that just shows you know that Nature will always went out and that Fungus is probably something to Fear but maybe it's a good thing where They could we could use this fungus to Devour all the radi radiation that Happens after inevitably the nuclear war That's going to um go along with World War II and so you know um but at least There's something that's uh working in a Positive direction for us okay so this Is Donald J Trump here are you are you Entertaining the idea of preemptive Strikes against Iran's nuclear Facilities against who against Iran's Nuclear fa I can't tell you that I would You I mean it's a wonderful question but How can I why is that a wonderful Question why is that a wonderful Question right that you would bomb their Nuclear facilities you know America Destroyed Iran like I mean at least in Terms of the the what was good in Iran Right it did we [ __ ] that country over Which I talked about extensively in in My one of my previous videos maybe the Last one I put up and you know their
Attitude towards Iran and their Pro-israeli nature he's a shill for the You know Israeli government and you know Other other um institutions that support This you know this um Zionist Attitude um but just that's a wonderful Question would you I mean it's a Wonderful question but how can I am I Going to do preemptive strikes why would I say that can you imagine if I said yes Or no you'd say that was strange that he Answered that way am I going to do Preemptive strikes or Iran Is that a serious question how could I Answer a question like That would you be in support of Israeli Strikes on Iran's how could I tell you a Thing like that now it's just so you you Don't talk about that before something You know he says things like this all The time what do you mean he's making it Sound like he's presidential now because He says he talks [ __ ] and says crazy [ __ ] all the time in his species and he You know makes jokes about it right Remember when John McCain said bomb bomb Bom bomb b bomb Iran that song um you Know they're just they're all about it And these neocons but Trump makes veiled Threats or sometimes just overt threats And and things that he's never going to Do he he talks [ __ ] all the time he Makes it sound like he wouldn't say Something like that I mean I'm just so
Reserved you know like think may or may Not happen you know Just I don't want to insult you I just Think it's just not something that I Would ever answer having to do with There or any other place the Drone story Is not going Away thank you good to see you he looks Um his eyes look a little bit Jack Nicholson like you know the some of his Um appointees you know that this kind of Devilish thing he's got going on there Good to see you um can you comment on The drones seems like he's gotten a lot Older flying around New Jersey and ports And it seems like the American people Have a big disc the government the Government knows what is happening um Look our military knows where they took Off from if it's a garage they can go Right into that garage they know where It came from and where it went and for Some reason they don't want to comment And I think they'd be better off saying What it is our military knows and our Our president knows and for some reason They want to keep people in suspense I Can't imagine it's the enemy because it Was the enemy they' blast it out even if They were late they'd blast it uh Something strange is going on for some Reason they don't want to tell the People and they should because the People are really who's the enemy that
You speak of I mean they happen to be Over Bedminster Know they're very they're very close to Bedminster I think maybe I won't spend The weekend in Bedminster have you I Decided to cancel my re have you Received an intelligence briefing on the Drones I don't want to comment on have You been do you have any reason to think They're threat two two two quick Questions okay so Trump is being very Reserved he's like low energy Trump do You have any information about these Drones that are flying over the the United States right now is this uh China Surveillance I don't know but what I do Know is that I think that the um Administration needs to be more Forthcoming with information that they Have if they believe that some of these Lights in the sky are civilian aircraft Then show us secondly I'm getting a Classified so so this is um the Important point about this the drones is Whatever the drones is the government is Withholding information like people are Concerned politicians are concerned Federal politicians people are like Freaking out and the government knows What it is multiple people everyone says The government it's obvious they must Know if they don't know that's even Worse like if they know and they're not
Telling that's you know evil and Deceptive but if they don't know well That's [ __ ] up right like they should Know what's going on here and if they Don't know that would be even more Concerning but the fact that they're Lying and is just a confirmation of what The government does they never tell you The truth like the government should Never be trusted when something like This happens that's concerning to people People are freaked out they want some Resolution you know people are stressed Out and losing sleep over this and They're fearing for their safety or Whatever else if the government doesn't Tell you it shows you that they don't Tell you lots of things that their Position is always to deceive or or Withhold information briefing along with My fellow Republicans and Democrats as To the nature of these drones um and so We need as much information as Possible and New York Senator Chuck Schumer wrote an X I'm pushing for Answers amid these drone sightings I'm Calling for secr secretary mayorcas to Deploy special drone detection Technology across New York and New Jersey and yeah so Chuck Schumer he Doesn't have and he's the senior senator From the Democratic party and he doesn't Know what's going on like he hasn't got Any kind of so they must have some
Classified information so they're not Even telling him right is that what he's Trying to say or he knows and he can't Say like just that's um you know like Just verbalizing something so that you Pacify your people you're part of it Like if this is you know when we when They talk about deep State this is the Whole thing it's everything in the Government all these people are a part Of it and they won't come out and say What it is right why not like why not Somebody say yeah they told me and you Know I'm going to violate the National Security issues or they could just say It they've been told but they've been Classified this which would make the Government on the hook Al you have to Say I've been told what it is but they Can't you know like Trump said he Wouldn't even to say whether he had a Briefing of course they gave him a Briefing he's the uncoming president so Trump has had a briefing so he knows What it is he's confirming that the Government knows what it is and he said It's not the enemy then what is it right I'm working to pass a bill in the Senate To give local law enforcement more tools For drone detection New York Governor Kathy hokel chimed in in response to my Calls traditional resources our federal Partners are sending a drone detection System to New York I am grateful for the
Support but we need more Congress must Pass a law that will give us the power Power to deal directly with these drones Okay so here's the guy here this guy has A thing here Deal John Ferguson have to say that is a Very serious deal and everyone knows That the United States government this Administration is pushing to get into a War with Russia uh we all know that we All feel it we all see it okay so Everybody is a buzz about the Dr Newe which ioke that guy says something Later we'll get into that let's talk More about it now with Mayor Michael Melam uh he is the mayor of Belleville New Jersey so he's uh in one of the Cities where they have been dealing with This quite a bit so uh mayor thank you For being here uh Federal officials say They can't confirm where these drones Are from but then at the same time they Say they do not pose a national security Threat do you and your constituents Believe that Assurance Enough uh we do not and frankly we're Getting tired of being insulted I just Got off a a briefing with the White House intergovernmental Affairs and Again we're being told that there is Absolutely we're seeing nothing here we Are not seeing any any drones we're Seeing basically manned aircraft I mean They're starting to really insult myself
Our constituents and many many mayors Around the state of New Jersey who have Literally had these things hovering a 100 feet over their houses I mean we Literally just got told once again that There's nothing to see here and we're Getting tired of it so you were part the Guy came back back out and said that That some of these things are drones but They're all accounted for that guy Kirby I don't know if I have that here but I Saw that yesterday so they're still Doubling down this story and the big Story here is that they have information You know Trump's confirmed it a lot of People are saying this they know what it Is they're saying it without saying it Right they're saying there's nothing to Worry about and they're just like [ __ ] You to the American people and Mayors And everybody else we're not telling you What it is right we know that you're Upset about but we can't tell you or Won't tell you what it is and just this Is everything you need to know about the Government like all the people who are Sheeple all these things this is how the Government deals with these types of Things they're lying to you all the time Withholding information manipulating you Who knows what this is all about I mean It could be any number of explanations And then any explanation that you come Up with as crazy as it might be it's
Because they won't tell you the truth They're with holding information right And so they can call you crazy they can Call you you know whatever they call you Whatever they call any of us but the Reality is that when you don't tell People the truth it creates a vacuum for People to speculate and come up with Their own Explanations and you then you say oh You're crazy conspiracy theorist well Then stop you know withholding Information all the time stop lying Right this is what I always say if You're going to treat people like this And you know and like I said I Understand because people panic American People are not known for um being able To deal with controversial news and I me See the way they just go apeshit after Their team wins a championship and they Burn cars and you know Riot I mean over Winning a championship like just you Know like we saw what happened with Co And you know all the rest of these Things the American people are not used To dealing with you know other systems Like in India the power went out the Master charge you third Master of the System talked about how there was riots In New York City when the electricity Went out right I'm not when Los Angeles Some years ago remember that they were Had power outages and they was had
Widespread W riots and he said you know The electricity goes out in India every Day right you know and so these other Places around the world they're used to Interruption and services they're used To like some days the internet just Doesn't work some days the electricity Goes out sometimes they have planned Outages you know a place where you need Your air conditioner because it's 110° You know it's and they just lose their Electricity there in other countries Around the world they have these things They're used to not having the kind of Un you know un disrupted Services you Know trains run on time and planes run Like it's a big deal oh my God this Thing's a half hour late you know they Sometimes the planes never even show up In these countries right and so they They're used to having inconsistency Americans aren't and when Americans Can't do what they normally do they flip Out because we just assume that that's What life is that you have you know Everything's there there's always Gasoline there's always electricity There's always you know TV or Internet There's all these things but you know There there is lots of things in life Are not consistent and it's hard to keep Things on consistently coming right and The economy and all these things are Crumbling and causing you know lifestyle
Interruptions Americans will go nuts When their lifestyle are interrupted Part of a meeting last week with more Than 200 mayors that was held by the New Jersey State Police Department you say That you just got off a briefing with The white house I guess the thing I keep Coming back to on this story is it's one Thing for you to tell us there's nothing To worry about it's not a foreign threat Uh there's no sort of National Security Concern here but then at the same time You can't tell us specifically what it Is that we're seeing is that is that the Same frustration that you have no They're telling you you're not seeing Anything you're not seeing anything Those are just man CFT and you guys are You know overreacting there's no problem At all that if it's not a threat why Can't you tell us specifically what it Is that we're seeing it is and uh Frankly you're right you can't have it Both ways you can't say we have no idea What you're saying but there's no known Threat you just I said that they want Right so like when when they repeating What I said when they have the same kind Of take that I have you know things have Gone South this this an official mayor An official guy in MSNBC can't have it Both ways I mean we we were told by our State police that they know for a fact These things are hovering over our
Critical infrastructure we had a mayor Uh in North Jersey who has 808 I'm sorry 80 square miles under her belt and she's Got four critical infrastructures four Sets of reservoirs there she had 60 Drones hovering over them this past Sunday you can't keep telling us that We're imagining this stuff we're not Imagining it our own State Police in our Own briefings is telling us these things Are not emitting a radio frequency our Own Governor has said with the state Police standing next to him that our Pilots witnessed the lights turn off and Saw them disappear I mean we're having Really we're having a lot of issues here Yet yet they keep telling us we're not Going to shoot them down if we think They're a threat we're not going to do a Temporary ban you can't have it so why Do they need Lights and why would the Drone need Lights right you drone you know the I Mean maybe for the person who's flying It to see it depending where that person Is but you know they have people who fly Drones in America that are over the Middle East right like they have these Drones that are being controlled Obviously through satellites and these Other things and they're not necessarily Don't have to be local right that's the Thing about drones you can fly a drone From across the world and so depending
On where they're these you know these Guys are um you if you're looking up at Your drone so you want to see where it Is but mostly you're looking down at the Screen And the Drone is showing you what's Going on right and the light doesn't Reach the ground you know so they're Doing this at night and then they turn The lights off why they have the lights On in the first place other than for People to see them you what's the Benefit of the lights even being on like They just want to freak people out which They're doing every way our residents Are getting concerned and the lack of Transparency is doing nothing but fuel Conspiracy theories on social media yeah And and maybe expand upon that thought About the conspiracy theories because it Does feel as though they're not Conspiracy theories right I mean they Are in that way but people are coming up With speculative ideas because they're Being lied to right this is you know Demonized all this is fueling conspiracy Theories well the conspiracies are been Confirmed because the government isn't Telling you what the [ __ ] they are the Government's lying to the American People that means the government lies to The American people which holds Information all the time this is just One example and every time they do it
You they show you that they're not the Democracy they're not telling the people The truth this is not something where You know there's a elite level people That withholding information from the Populace and they do it all the time or Just flat out lineing or doing Psychological operations that there's Deception from the the powers that be to The other people entered a new phase of This story where there is the sense that People are overreacting that they're Actually seeing regular commercial Airliners uh landing and taking off that They perhaps that they're uh police Helicopters that they're witnessing and I'm sure that's true I'm sure more People are now taking the time to look Up into the skies and and are concerned As to as to what they're seeing but do You feel as though that concern in these New levels of reporting that are Probably just basic things are because Of the void that was filled from Before uh absolutely I hearing okay this Is stuff that I said um but you know This is what's going on right the Government is you know lying to even Mayors and people like this witholding Information then the gaslighting oh yeah Everything's fine and yeah we don't know What it is and fact there's nothing here You guys are imagining it you're seeing Things that are always there these are
Just there's all these drones all the Time flying all over the [ __ ] place Now you guys are just noticing it right They're not drones they're manned Aircraft meaning they're planes or some Other [ __ ] FBI pleads with public Not to shoot down suspected drones he Refused to say if that theory was based On any intelligence briefings but he did Say he wouldn't be staying in Bedminster This weekend because of the nearby Sightings joining us now in our fifth Seat is counter drone expert Joel Anderson Joel Joel he's counter drone Expert um Trump saying he wouldn't stay There like that's one of his Jokes so what is it then if it's not the Enemy um it kind of does sound like Trump feels like there's enough Information that is known about this That he's probably not that worried he Just wants more public drones on the Table information I mean talk to us About how the drones are much bigger Than that this is the easy it is to put Up drones in the sky we have a bunch Here that are kind of smaller but I mean People are talking about bigger drones Too yeah I mean I think um there he's Probably quite credible in the fact that The government does know what's flying And there's a couple different types of Of methods for detection there's Different classes of drones too you've
Seen the rumors of the large drones that Are being spotted in the sky but there's Also medium siiz and small drones like The ones we have on the table here that Are classically much harder to actually Detect um but that said the government Is deploying radio frequency radar and Acoustic detectors there's a very good Chance that um if there were probable Drones they're tracking them and it's It's fair to say I mean yeah at this Point with all the hysteria going On I mean they got to say a little bit More than they're saying I would agree With that and tonight if you were in new You mean the guy with the cowboy hat JY And you thought you see Jones circling New Jersey that was my flat trying to Get here we Circle New Jersey for an Hour my point is the guy with cow going Funny the drones folks are seeing like My M used to are an airplane so we got To relax a little bit I always want to See the government give me more Information especially they're flying Some of these Contraptions by my house But I these Contraptions these Contraptions these whole Contraptions I'm not a counter I wrote this down a Counter drone expert you got the coolest Job I have ever known about I I have a Question can you shoot these things down So is that allow let me answer that a Man who got a gun no but go ahead sorry
Yeah legally no they're treated the same As shooting down an aircraft which would Carry one like this even a small one Even your own interesting Danger Don't Shoot down your own I'm just saying it Wasn't against the law hypothetically Speaking MH would it be dangerous to Shoot one still a terrible idea for a Normal civilian to attempt to shoot down Show us these um these two that are Closest to you because these two have Been through some things what happened To these drones so these drones were Taken out of the sky um the way that we Test that is in special facilities we're Counter drone company we build Auto aing Firearms to actually take them down with Bullets Uh a common method for drones to be Taken out of the sky via law enforcement Agencies is with electromagnetic weapons Like Jammers and spoofers and microwaves But they don't work Against drones that Are hard microwave weapons he's Admitting to microwave weapons right They're shooting microwave weapons that Knock the drones out of the sky and that I think is a really scary undertone to This whole drone mystery is that we lack The kinetic responses necessary with our Law enforcement in federal agencies Although the dod does maintain that you Said drones that are hardened meaning That they are made not be taken out of
The right yeah and it's a very simple Thing to do like microwaves to harden a Drone from microwaves Ry it is a copper T a drone that size could you put a Weapon on that you could put you could Carry a couple pounds a weapon um being Explosives absolutely wow so I mean That's not oh that's scary you guys There could be explosive on those drones Big at all could you hear it coming is It loud oh yeah they're pretty loud but You don't know where it's coming from It's actually a pretty terrifying Experience see that's why that's all These people pretty terrifying these Drones I mean are hearing I mean well Over the weekend um New Jersey senator Andy Kim he was tweeting out that he Went out and saw these drones um he was Very concerned about them then the next Day uh he went out with police to to Observe them and realized that uh with More information many of them really Were aircrafts and so we're we're Hearing you know sightings of dozens of Drones there are probably drones up There but it's not clear if any of them Are illegal or nefarious and many of Them are which is why we need Okay so you know if this story was true That these are mostly aircraft and then Some drones and all those drones are Legal drones and corporate drones then They are drones all over the [ __ ]
Place that people haven't been noticing You know people often don't look up and So now people are seeing drones that Have been there all the time you know And then they're just noticing them like That would be the other explanation They're like no this is how it always is And if they're drones all the time Performing whatever whatever reason These drones are out there right that These drones are you know in the sky Then they're not giving explanation About why they can't stop them they Could just say all right let's take down The drones for a month until people stop Seeing them and then the story will die Down they're not willing to do that so Why are these drones necessary right Administration to come out and be more Clear I mean we we went through this With the Chinese spy balloon right That's that's part of this whole problem Is they let that balloon go across the Entire United States didn't say it was From China and then shot it down after It already gone through and done what it Did so you know now you have this drone Situation the immediate thought is well Are these foreign are these foreign Power drones they are they okay so you Know we know this stuff um but you know Like I said the biggest story here is The government withholding information And they know what it is and won't tell
You and they gaslighting you and say There's nothing here nothing to see here Folks like that's the worst thing and Whatever trust you have in the Government should dissipate almost Immediately because you know if it is a Threat or whatever it is they're not Going to tell you right so you know that Would be their job like it's when you Have a you know chickens have like 20 or So different sounds distinct sounds Might even be more than that and one of Them is for an aerial predator and when A chicken makes this noise every other Chicken realizes there's an aerial Predator and they go do whatever they're Going to do to get out of the Harm's Way You know go hide in a bush or whatever You know get themselves out of the area Where you know a hawk can come down and Grab them and so it just behooves people And other animals to warn each other When there's a threat and if there Whatever this thing is the government is Constantly doing this right putting Poison in Foods or allowing poisons to Be in foods that cause cancer and heart Disease And then not warning you about it right Not saying these things are cancer RK Causing or heart disease and you know All the bad unsaturated fats all this Crap and actually telling you that this Is good food or it's it's it's it's you
Know it's food it's not poison there's Poison that you know hurts a human being Eventually kills a human being and Causes horrific damage to your body you Know they have to warn you on Pharmaceutical drugs about the side Effects but not on food there should be Big warning labels on all the processed Food there should be a big warning La Label on McDonald's and these other Places but they don't protect you they Don't warn you hey this is we know this Is bad for you don't do it but they just Constantly allow poison and you know Slow kill poison on the shelves or in You know American system or whatever it Is aine all these things this is Mysterious this is a funny uh New York Post report here drones buzzing in the Skies over New York and New Jersey have People talking and even podcast King Joe Rogan is concerned no way he's concerned After watching a viral Tik Tok video by John Ferguson a drone expert and CEO of A remote aircraft systems company Rogan Said the clip left him genuinely Concerned look at him he's concerned Ferguson suggested the drones might be Smelling for hazardous materials like Gas leaks or radioactive substances he Clarified this was just a theory saying If you think it's bull that's cool I Don't want to spread misinformation so We saw that report right we saw him say
That and like that was you know early On Rogan however wasn't dismissive Sharing his worry on X formerly Twitter Formerly Twitter he's been skeptical of Government reassurances Calling official Statements about the drones sus it's Sus he Got White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has Insisted the drones pose no Public Safety threat okay so this is some Longus New York Post um remedial Whatever it is for their their dumb down Watchers viewers um like old people who Need this explain to them or something Right um there's a point in any Story where like the same thing with Luigi Mangion where like there's you know Their government says what they're going To say and then there's you know the Things going to resolve itself and so The the thing with Luigi mangion was Like there's some kind of mystery here Like you know the the guy shot the guy And he disappeared for five days and There's a man hunt and all that stuff And then they caught the guy and then They rolled out different bits of Information then they identified a Profile for the guy you know they put a Profile on the guy and they released it To the American people convicting him in The the court of public opinion of
Course most people are on his side or Whatever I I know what the breakdown is And then then you're just like the story Is over but it's not quite really Resolved you know there's all people are Reporting the drones all right there's Drones in the sky and then you just got To accept well there's drones in the sky Because the government's like we're not Going to do anything about it we're not Going to tell you anything so you know And they just people move on to Something else there's a big event that Happened in wiscansin yesterday like Whatever it is so you know there'll be Another thing that comes up right you Know this was the the big story was About you know Trump's picks and then it Was about Biden's pardon and then these Other things come in and then it'll be Something else and so there's that point Where the story you know there's just Nothing really there's nothing more to See because there's no more information They're going to show you and then it's Just how the media covers it because the Media still has to fill their time slots Their you know their their hour and the Story moves from the top of the hour to The bottom of the hour and it used to Get 15 minutes of time and people Analyzing what's going on and now it Gets a couple minutes and then they Bring in characters and you know experts
And things but the reality is there's no Resolution you're never going to find Out what happened I mean the majority of Any of these stories you never find out What's happening right you know that guy With a heg Smith heg Sith you know like Did he are the woman or did he not you Know you'll never find out you know this Is what what does his mom say why did She reverse her opinion you know and Then it's like will he be confirmed or Not and it's just you know that'll Happen or not and then those stories That are about the guy I mean the guy Definitely was not great with women he Was a womanizer and a drunk alcoholic But he's still going to be defense Secretary or he won't and then it's just Resolved people just like all right yeah That's a guy you know um Jimmy Kimmel Got caught doing blackface twice in his Past once he did Oprah Winfrey and then He did um Carl Malone the basketball Player along with all this other Controversial [ __ ] bad comedy did on That that the Dopey man show and now He's all liberal and feminist and things Right but back then he did some things That would get you me toed and he just Went on vacation for three months and Everybody forgot about where Ellen kept On going on her show and now she's done Right like it was a difference of how You deal with it because stories don't
Stick anymore people lose interest they Don't have the capacity to to care about Things you know dropping like flies Remember all the people dropping like Flies and having heart attacks and Things and now it's happening and no One's paying attention to it nobody like I used to post videos on it and the People just lost interest you know like So this is where we're at with all these Stories okay so um I was going to put This at the end of the video I did a Voice over last night when I got back From the dentist I am now Metal free in terms of my fillings which Is a good thing obviously um but then I Did a second voice over this morning and It's these are long things to do with Other stuff I covered in recent videos So I'm going to put that at the end even Though I reference that I'm going to put These videos in afterwards so that just Ignore that so I don't know where that Is and I'm not going to edit it out but It's coming but I'm going to put these Videos in there's four quick video clips And then the The voice over and so this is Trump here I haven't seen this Yet Mr President can I ask a question About the Drones so this is the Drone thing we'll Watch it again here well I guess well Why
Not planning on pulling them when you Get into office or will you well you Know we had 5,000 troops along the Border oh someone asked about the drones But he's now talking about Syria and I Asked a couple of generals so we have an Army of 250,000 in Syria and you had an Army of 400,000 they have many more People than that turkey is a major Force By the way and Eran is somebody I got Along with great but he has a major Military force and his has not been uh Worn out with war it hasn't been worn Out with all of the other I mean he he's Built a very strong powerful Army and so We have 5,000 soldiers in between a 5 Million person Army and a 250,000 person An army and I asked the General what do you think of that Situation he said they'll be just uh They'll be wiped out immediately and I Moved them out because and I took a lot Of heat and you know what happened Nothing nothing I saved a lot of lives Now we have 900 they put some back but 900 if you're talking about too now the One of the sides has been essentially Wiped out but nobody knows who the other Side is but I do you know who it is Turkey it's turkey okay turkey is the One behind it he's a very smart guy They've wanted it for thousands of years And he got it and those people that went In uh are also Israel controlled by
Turkey and that's okay it's another way To fight but no I I that's okay you mean Usurping a government is okay what if Somebody does that I don't know to you What if some military force comes in and And takes over America is that okay Because you know is it okay for the Syrian people I'm sure they're not Psyched about it I don't think that I Want to have our soldiers killed but I Don't think that will happen now anyway Because the one side's been decimated Mr concerned about more unest in that Region or do you think it will H well Nobody knows what the final outcome is Going to be in the region you know Nobody knows knows who really the final I believe it's turkey and I think turkey Is uh very smart he's a very smart guy And he's very tough but Israel turkey did an unfriendly Takeover without a lot of lives being Lost I can say that Assad was a butcher He what he did to he was a butcher Children you remember I attacked him With the 58 missiles Unbelievable missiles coming from ships 700 miles unbelievable missiles these Are the ones that are just not to be Believed I mean they're not even Real way and every one of them hit that Target everyone I like I kick ass I did That that was the red line I did that I'm the one I I made sure that I built
The missiles and I I you know I um Programmed their coordinates and I I I Shot them I I did all of it in the sand Obama drew it and then he refused to Honor what he did he said if anybody Goes across the red line and Assad Killed many more children after that and Obama did nothing but I did I hit him With a lot of missiles in fact president She was sitting here I killed the and I Those missiles killed a lot of children So it was like you know kind of defeats The problem night he was in that dining Room having chocolate cake remember the Famous chocolate cake but that famous Chocolate cake that me and him were Sharing and that's when I explained what We were doing as the missiles were shot And it was it was uh amazing as to Precision because every one of those Missiles hit its Target from a long Distance Away had President Obama drawn the line And where it meant something you Wouldn't have even had Russia there but In the end I never understood why Russia Went there they were not getting very Much out of it but now their time is Taken up with uh Ukraine and we'd like To get them to stop on Ukraine and Ukraine stop Also okay so um There's that part U let's go to the next Thing here he's very highly respected
Okay Coule in which other world leaders have You invited to the Inauguration uh the world leaders are Calling me and Some they're calling me they all want to Come are they really would like to meet No I I mean literally they're they're Calling me and uh I don't call them they Call me that's kind that's how I roll we Seeing something you know the narcissism I mean just if you're a Trumper and it's And you know I like it and it's funny And it's great because the presidency is A joke but this isn't a hero this isn't A guy I he's he's so like I mean it's Just you know narcissism the the need to Brag right always comes from a a place Of insecurity right if you feel good About what you're doing then you don't Need to validate yourself and you don't Need validation from other people you Just feel good about what you're doing Right you feel confident in what you're Doing and you everyone has their moments Of Doubt but the constant bragging the Constant you needing to be better I mean It's embarrassing it's it's childish It's childlike and you know it's funny And I I like I dig it to whatever extent That it's you know humorous and at least It's kind of honest to who he is but He's not a hero he's not going to make The world great again you know he's so
Insecure and so I mean he's just so Narcissistic Of them I think it's rude not to I mean It's hard to say I'm not going to see You and uh I've I've spoken to way over A hundred where they call to Congratulate way over it's it's in the Hundreds on the not only the he's got a Lot of fish boy stuff going on here Election but the the size like right There of the election the extent of the Victory and I keep on missing it and uh They were great I mean I spoke to over a Hundred countries you wouldn't believe How many countries there are how many Are there Trump I wouldn't believe it Like you know I can't Google That I can't ask Siri how many countries There are Hey hey Siri how many countries are There I didn't ask about the United Nations how many countries are there in The World well they Say they say 195 but I think that's just For the United Nations but either way You know like it's not it's totally Believable Trump and uh I'm I'm trying The best I can to get back to everybody But there are a lot of countries and Every one of them literally everyone Called and it was very nice literally Every one of them called there wasn't One country that didn't call so uh yeah
I' I'd see some if some felt it was an Emergency I've seen as you know I've Seen president zalinski he came to France while I was there for the Cathedral open They actually had about 70 uh presidents And prime ministers and in one case a King king was there uh and uh we saw Some great people I also met with William and uh I was very impressed by William very impressed he's impressed of That guy he's impressed his wife you Know says she has cancer or some [ __ ] But he's like you know he's gone bald But he was pretty impressive I think William is terrific I was very impressed By William were you impressed by him as You know I met with him too did you meet With him starting to lose it he's going He's going down Biden thing start repeat Himself did you invite zilinsky to the Inauguration no uh but uh but I you know Invited Putin okay so you know I you can see That he's his the his face doesn't look As good I mean he's gonna you know I Think most of his energy his life energy Went into winning again And now he's going to be left with a [ __ ] mess that he you know partially Created and Biden and just was you know Going in that direction anyway before Biden or Trump became president and so Um I just he just isn't I think he's
Gonna like he going to be low energy Trump so this is in a video Entitled Britney Spears realizing Ryan Cres isn't Gay which is one of the best titles for Any video and here it is I mean guys Don't feel that way and if you did I do You do you put spray cologne on your Girl I spray girls cologne on my pillows To make me think they're girl she said Girl she mail the words Girl watch this she mails the words girl You do you put spray cologne on your Girl I spray girls cologne on my pillows To make me think they're there oh you Suck but do you just do you like your Girl leaves the house and you're like Come here baby oh no no no no I don't do That I just One of the best looks ever right that's Completely Britney right thereor in my Bed and oh there's somebody oh there's No one there it just smells like Someone's there but what were she's Shocked how's he not okay she's saying Not surprise me that many people being Nominated that Donald Trump's Circle Would include uh you know Locker talk People Locker talk that crazy Locker Talk she's probably my least favorite Member of The View and I don't like any Of them you know so But she's kind of annoying and I I don't Know what her I thought she was kind of
Republican but I don't know but um YouTube recommend this and this is Classic people that want to grab you by The privates and help you whether you Like it or not like the grab you by the Privates and help you whether you like It or not they're always grabbing you by The privates those kind of locker room Talk guys those grabbing by the privates Like if everyone have you ever had that Where someone just walked up and grabbed You by the [Laughter] Private I mean Trump said it but I it's Not something that people normally do And experience I mean where someone just Walks up and grabs you it's a very few People have had that experience like Some stranger just walks up like Trump Said he locker room talk that kind of Stuff locker room talk kind of guys the People don't shock me but it is getting Up there you've got gay the now just to Be clear on my language here allegedly Alleged sexual allegedly so well it's Allegedly you know the depravity and I'm Not saying these Republican guys aren't Guilty we know that um Gates is into Weird stuff he's you know he's Gates and The other guy whatever defense secretary Guy Um I can't remember his name but Whatever it is Pete Hegi his mom condemned him for womenizer
He cheated on his wives Trump cheated on His wives these are womanizers right and So you know it is what it is for Republicans but Bill Clinton was a mess And you know Joe Biden Biden with his When he swear those Senators kids SW Senators in as vice president and he was Snoozing and sniffing him I mean just Gross like he was just fondling those Kids it was you know this is not and They they ignored it and Whippy said It's okay he's just he's just being a Little bit over friendly right where These other guys are predators and so They're all like this like there you Know and there's I mean there's just Deviant in the and the these people with Power in their sexual behavior there's a Lot of deviant in a lot of weirdness Whatever you know levels of that and so It's everybody don't pretend it's just Trump this is just what they're going After these guys for like they're all Guilty of this kind of stuff I mean uh Andrew Cuomo got got ousted for Inappropriate sexual behavior it's just Something that they're all engaged in One way or another will misc Conta Misconduct or harassment Gates RFK Jr Pete Heth it'll Elon Musk Donald Trump All well yeah duh this is a Donald Trum Duh duh duh Trump problem to me not a me Too like you you guys laughed it off When he wanted to say when he said he
Dated his daughter like she makes a joke About when he Donald Trump says he would Date he would date his daughter and They're laughing it off like he was that He was okay then when he was cool with Them I'll show you that after we're done With this one problem this is this is What comes with it but one interesting Thing was Caroline Le who's Trump's Picks for White House Press Secretary Said he has chosen brilliant and highly Respected Outsiders to serve in his Administration and he will continue to Stand behind them as they fight against All those who seek to derail the magga Agenda I would encourage them to Separate sexual assault and sexual Offenders from their Maga agenda or You're telling me this is part of your Agenda not surprise me That what are you talking about that's Not they're they're saying that these Things are false allegation that's what You're saying there all right one more Thing here let me show you this thing And I'll go to my voice Over Okay so this took me a while to Find this this is April 1st 201 19 um I hope this is the right one It's either the day before the one I Want or whatever but hopefully this is It and this is how they start off Joe Biden's presidential campaign hasn't Even officially begun and people are
Trying to knock him out of the running Former Nevada politician luy Flores Claims that Biden was out of line when He campaigned for her back in 2014 take A look out of nowhere I feel Joe Biden Put his hands on my shoulders so she was Look at this sad Droopy Dog [ __ ] Right here um he's actually happier now I think I don't know something happened But he's always been that way um she's a Shill like she's a she's a set person Like they needed to get this out right This needed to come out before for you Know this was the summer of 2019 going into the primaries and the Debates and all these things and when Joe Biden was officially going to um say They was going to run there was all this Video of him groping these kids and all This stuff that he did and I covered it Extensively and he said weird things Like he he demanded to take a a photo With this one girl who was like 13 years Old and he said I want to take one by Herself and the parents were like oo Like they were like saying this and the Dad was like well don't get too far like You know basically implying Joe Biden Was getting creepy and Joe Biden said to The girl he's smelling her hair and Being all you know she's she's like kind Of liking the attention not kind of Aware how creepy it is and he said you Know if I was younger I'd switch parties
For you she was like a republican Daughter I mean just and that was just One of many kids he was just all over With totally weird and creepy it was Sexual it was nothing any of these Things and so they rolled this woman out To get this out so Joe Biden could Address it so they could run him and They didn't ever say another [ __ ] Word about it it was so obviously a big Problem for him right and the view Ladies immediately Shilling for him came To his defense get up very close to me From behind lean in smell my hair and Then plant a slow kiss on the top of my Head to have the vice president of the United States do that to me so Unexpectedly and just kind of out of Nowhere it was just shocking the reason Why we're having these conversations About Vice President Joe Biden is Because he's considering running for President so now Biden responded that in All his years on the campaign Trail he Just never believe he's acted Inappropriately so he'll listen Respectfully to Flores but it was never His intention now should she have spoken To him about this before she went on Television about it or I mean is it you Know listen in the old days we would Call Joe some folks of a certain age Would say he's a little overly familiar Yeah okay but most politicians when
They're you know doing so o overly Familiar right that's not you know he Was creepy like his stuff was creepy Smelling hair snoozing giving these Kisses I mean we saw the video I showed You the clips we all seen it so we know This right so look at the difference Between what they're saying about Joe Biden and Trump like it's just you know It's the same behaviors Biden's are more Like obvious in terms of what he's doing Physically to young kids and women over The years like just creepy and then he Gave a weird response to this all that Stuff right doing this with you and you Know they are and Joe is Joe is a Hands-On kind ofar yeah he he's a Hands-On kind of gu no one I've never Heard Anyone and she say she felt violated and I I have to take her at her word but it Would have been this was the height of The me too [ __ ] right if she had turned Him and said you know what Jay I don't Really like this please don't do this It's her fault right blaming the woman Like this is how bad and hypocritical They are right or not you know what Jay Come on Jay vice president I'm not Really comfortable with that something Cuz he's standing right there exactly Like what you know you're victimizing Him by by not you expl like what the [ __ ] you talking about he he knows what
He's doing and like when he was doing it As vice president he's swearing in Senators and all these Senators it's Their big day their family their Grandkids they're coming up to [ __ ] The you know the the White House Capital This is like when you're were a kid when You went to these places and the Families it's a happy day right and so Nobody wants to wreck the day by calling Joe the vice president a sex offender You know there was um that one guy that One Republican guy that swatted Joe Joe Biden's hands away from as kid right Like there was this stuff but nobody Wants to wreck the day and Joe Biden is Master ceremonies in charge of it and he Uses that to just I mean it's all on um You know I've covered it extensively It's so creepy it's so many kids and so Many young girls and all of them saying Inappropriate things doing things and Then all the other videos of him glaming On and groping you know joh Joe um uh John Stewart did a thing called The Audacity Of grope and um you know there Was this CNN hitpiece about it like Everyone knew that he was a groper he's A [ __ ] groper right and so to blame This woman for it I mean it's atrocious It's hard to say to somebody who's Sniffing no it's not somebody touches You inappropriately but it wasn't that's The point I don't that's what she say
What she it's uncomfortable to do that Like everyone has those things where Somebody you know and it's it's Uncomfortable to do that right Especially when you're in a you know a a The power Dynamic this is abusive he's Abusive he knows what the [ __ ] he's Doing and it's putting people in a bad Position she's defending them in the Worst possible way during the height of Me too right you're supposed to be Liberal women I didn't can we just say She does not say it rises to the level Of sexual assault or anything of that Nature she does not claim this is a me Tooo moment so I think we need to be Very clear on that because I think some People are interpreting it that be clear But that's the point remember this was Going to be a problem for him there's Video of him being creepy and there Jokes and the CNN used as a weapon when They wanted to run Hillary Clinton they Were calling him a groper they were Using the term grope um daily Daily Show Used the term grope David Letterman used The term grope they were calling him a Groper everyone knew it he was a [ __ ] Groper right he grabbed that woman the Defense secretaries you know this thing That whole you know I showed you that Video over and over again CNN posted it They're calling him a groper that's the Point is to get people to think about it
Like that it does not rise to any of Those things no it's a long way from Smelling your hair to grabbing your HOA I mean let's tell the C yeah but like he Said he was going to do that he said he Could go up and like no woman said he Came up and did that he said he could go Do that he could just go up and grab a Woman by the hooa right Joy's mad Because it was never Her does anybody grab by Hooa Joy Joy's such a sad person but Anyways right What Trump said was atrocious he Shouldn't have said that but he said it In a confidential you know off camera Tye of uh you know not um what do they Call that off the Record type of Situation and it's behind closed doors He shouldn't have said it and Trump is What he is but he's never been seen Doing it like these are actual behaviors Joe Biden going up to people he doesn't Know especially women and young girls And glaming and groping on them it's Much worse because he's physically Touching them he's physically sexually Assaulting him it's called frage it's a Sexually abusive Behavior where you rub Up against someone with sexual energy And he clearly has it it's creepy as [ __ ] Right but she felt annoyed or Uncomfortable with it and so I we have
To accept that but I don't think it Rises to the to point what we've been Listening to about Javi Weinstein and The rest of these people it just doesn't Look like that and you know we all know Joe Biden he's been here I remember when I oh he's been there and well Trump was Was there you guys were flaing all over Trump even when he said he wanted to Date his daughter and I was going to Show you that video as well and so we'll Get to that but like so oh he's been Here oh he's said yeah [ __ ] you guys Like he's creepy as [ __ ] met him in Florida before he was vice president and He was so friendly he's the close talker He comes right up into your face well Again which is uncomfortable as [ __ ] Right that's uncomfortable that's Pushing people's boundaries he's you Know a close talker he's weird thinking I hope my breath is good you know and I And it's not Joy nothing's good from you More important smells like a [ __ ] Morgan there in your ghoul hole no his Is yeah and and it's not Joy it smells like a rotten T Fishand you know so he talks close he Touches you that's what he's like and I Feel it would be really unfortunate if We got rid of everybody who was just an Affectionate kind of person no that's Not affectionate like affection is Something where you're there's an
Agreement between you and the other Person that there's Touching right and you know people give You hugs sometime and you're like we're We're not on a hug basis these things Joe Biden does it everybody and he does It uncomfortably he's a close talker he Invades your space and boundaries he's An angry person bitter person apparently He is um right now trying to pass a law That politicians can't can't do trading Like Nancy Pelosi did just to [ __ ] her Over because he's pissed about what she Did she's still mad at her so he wants To pass a law before he leaves I he Could have done this his whole time that These politicians can't do Insight can't Do trading of the stock market whether They're in the Congress or the Senate And so you know he's vindictive as [ __ ] He's was vindictive about KL Harris Who's disappeared by the way I'm G to Talk about that in my next video um I Mean she's disappeared like we haven't Seen so you know before like she's God Like she's a ghost well you know those Are nice people too he's also been in Public office for about 50 years of his Life I I do wonder if she could have Sent him a letter well that's right like Sent him a personal note uh to Jesus Christ say hey this happened a few years Ago now blame the blaming of the girl Feel confident and telling you about it
I don't want to make this public I Always wonder when these things come out What is the motive for this person is it Is it simply oh my God and the he of the Me too You're questioning a woman like this was Just not done then right like Questioning a woman's motive to yeah let People know I was uncomfortable which You could have done in private or is it Because you maybe want someone else to Win and you want him to have doubts About actually announcing for presidency I' I've had concerns about the me to Movement from the beginning about Getting to this place where you can't Have normal interactions with each other That is to say like this one was Uncomfortable and that's her place but Are we going to get to a place we can't Shake hands we can't hug each other Because he sniffed her [ __ ] hair and Kissed her on the top of the head she's A stranger and he did it to so many Other people like Jesus Christ this is Bad right that to me was uncomfortable I Don't I worry about that I I worry about I'm such a worrier I you know I uh I I'm Sort of In The Middle on this in the Sense that I I do believe that with this Particular situation there was a power Dynamic I mean you're talking about the Vice president of the United States she Was running I think for lieutenant
Governor so she may not want to want to Have offended him um and and I know a Lot of women get put in that kind of Situation where they're offended they They're uncomfortable but they may not Say anything so that's that's one thing But I I do appreciate his response to The criticism he said I may not recall These moments the same way and I may be Surprised at what I hear but we have Arrived at an important time when women Feel they can and should relate their Experiences and men should pay attention And I will and I think that is the Appropriate respon Yes okay so he had a team full of Publicists which you guys all [ __ ] Know that he has a team of people Because he's old as [ __ ] and you know he Was running on the no Malarkey [ __ ] Tour back then right and he had a team Of people and he could have you know Said something like just off the cough Of what he would say but what you just Read is clearly not in Joe Biden's words And so they sat him down and they gave Him this things to say but he was saying He was just trying to give people Encouragement you can do it man you know And talking about like about his son Dying from cancer and that all these People were coming to him and they were Really miserable and they were you know People who were coming and broken people
Coming up to him and he would encourage Them with his groping you know just like It's just you know these are all you Know this is [ __ ] you know what he Said was a crafted Statement done by his publicist Right response was very appropriate Because perhaps he didn't intend to make Her uncomfortable but she is saying you Did make me uncomfortable and he's Saying I will listen so I don't know That we will see any more smelling of Hair and kisses on the forehead see that Pisses me off I'm telling you because Well I don't want Joe to stop doing that I don't either yeah but the to you but [ __ ] he's not smelling my hair like [ __ ] right and so I mean all the Women out there that don't want him to Smell this hair and grope on on them and These things you know it's it's a matter Of a two-part situation you know in Terms of this whole me too thing Whatever but any kind of physical Contact there has to be some sort of an Agreement right shaking hands you know I Was glad when that [ __ ] was over I I'm Not I you know I don't you know and now It's back but like when they did that With Co when people didn't shake hands Anymore I was pretty psyched about that Cuz I thought shaking hands was whatever You know I'm not you know touching People that are strangers
You know whatever it is right some People are are you know it's it's coming Out of something pure Joe Biden it isn't Anyway so you know I'm just going to say One thing really quick there's a certain Kind of retail politician that loves People I would put Bill Clinton in that Category I would put my father in that Category I would certainly put Joe Biden In that category when he came on the Show he's the only politician other than My father to go into the crowd and Shake Everyone's hand now that do your father You mean song bird means something when You're in Iowa and I'm sorry but I just When I heard this I read her entire Statement I do agree women should be Heard I'm sorry I worked at Fox News During the Roger ALS time there's a very Big difference between things like that And things like this and M brazinski Said this morning Democrats you have to Ask yourselves what exactly is the me Too line you want to draw because you Will live and die by that line Joe Biden Is a good decent man I do a good decent Man not believe he has never made me Feel uncomfortable once I've been around Him a lot so can we conclude that it Will not hurt him I hope not but I think Democrats what I said on Friday okay so This was that right so think about what Was just said by Sarah Hines and the Line they've taken about Joe Biden let's
Go to the let's um the line they've Taken about Donald Trump let's go to the Trump thing where he he said the thing About his daughter Here it would be really disappointing Not really but it would depend on what Was inside the magazine if no if she Posed it would be fine but if they put a Pict okay so this is old school view Here right Meredith Viar um here's Joy right here the end of The couch there's that girl from uh Whatever Survivor remember that girl From Survivor was on there for a while And um there's the she believed the Earth was flat that girl whatever her Name is right yeah but it depends on What goes inside the magazine well That's her G that's this girl's gri People assume there'll be nud nude Photos right you do assume okay but if There weren't you wouldn't have an issue With it then if they were using her to I Don't think Ivanka would do that inside The magazine although she does have a Very nice figure I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd Be dating her you know oh it's so weird Stop you know what you stop it it's so Weird look at Joy stop it it's so weird So weird so weird you guys so Weird Terri foring is it terrible it's sick You're terrible Compares you to Woody
Allen you've got a problem Um raous Mr Trump who you Woody Allen and so that was the big line that Was Joy Bear's great joke because of the Fact that Woody Allen married his 18-year-old stepdaughter this is long Before me too and the rest of this stuff Right Elizabeth Hasselbeck is her name Next to Joy Bayar and so Um you know they loved the guy they Literally love this guy was on the show All the time teased him and it was okay For him to say he dated his daughter you Know little bit naughty that's so sick It's a little weird oh you're so weird Oh you're so weird and then they get Into this stuff about him all being Sexual predators but Joe B is fine he's Such a decent guy and it's the hypocrisy Like they're all scumbags right not just About sex about everything they they Don't care about human life see this is It isn't about sexual behaviors or you Know murderous behaviors it's about all Of it it's when you think other people Are there as your play things and you Can drop drones on them you can sexually Abuse them kids adults whatever it is Like it's a demonic attitude where You're so selfish and so myopic that you Don't have any empathy or you know You're a sociopathic narcissist and you Don't care about anything other than
Yourself and the stuff that you're into Is weird and gets more and more depraved Because you've had money and power this Is what happens to all these people you Know they they think that other people And not just human beings and plant life And you know animals and you know any Number of species that are out there This is why they'll drop the [ __ ] Bomb and run into a bunker and say we Don't give a [ __ ] about the rest of you Over petty little [ __ ] their pride And other stuff there should be nuclear No nuclear weapons there should be no Weapons of mass destruction it's people Who don't give a [ __ ] about anybody but Themselves that willing to do these Things right and that's why you know They're not human beings or something Else they're like the demons like [ __ ] you know heartless demons so [ __ ] all these people right you know all Of them of them because they you know They're not real humans and let's just All the people that support this stuff All these [ __ ] lying about this stuff All these people covering up for them You know it's all of them like there's No conscious there there's no conscious Um there's no empathy there's no heart There's no you know remorse or any of These things no shame any of this stuff That would be the natural things you Would feel for endorsing this kind of
[ __ ] okay so I made these two long Voiceovers today is Wednesday October 18th I had these clips you know starting With Trump talking about whatever he was Today um but then these voiceovers I did One last night and then the other one This morning and this video will be Wrapped up here okay so I was just going To walk with my dogs and you know I've Got the first video up about um it's not Uh public yet today's Tuesday December 17th but probably by the time you see it Will be on my um new channel on uh Rumble and I was going to start the Second part of that you I gave an origin Story of my health issues and I was Going to say you know some people alpath Health Care works and I'll talk about This in that video you know for people Who alpath healthc care works and Pharmaceuticals work then why would you Change right and I would same thing same Thing for Christianity and some of these other you Know things I talk about like I you know They're not right for me but there might Be right for you right so um you know Then I always have that in my my mind Whether it comes across that way and Then I got this comment that I saw when Um you know once in a while it posts on My phone not all the comments are shown In the on my phone you know the the Screen of the The Opening screen of the
Phone you know the the screen that just Um whatever they would call that the Home screen and the person wrote when You were reading that scripture there About 15 minutes in I was talking about Reading I was reading the the Revelations about the blow of the Trumpets I am dying laughing because you Were the way you were reading I started To pay attention as in you're passively Listening to the seeming non sense that You are having a hard time reading with Flo and you said holy Shitty um some scriptures about a holy City and and then you said holy shitty Not City so it was Ze and funny and I Don't remember doing that I don't know If I did on purpose you know when when I Saw the comment and I was thinking about The stuff with the healthc care I Thought about this and I want to add it I have to go to the dentist now so but Before I forget so you know you have This idea that um that in John 3:16 and The related you know Passages that you're going to hell if You don't accept Jesus as your lord and savior like That's what Christians believe that's You know a big part of their belief System like they you know they roll that Out as a you know it's like the sort of A banner they put John 3:16 on you know football game posters
And you see it all over the place right So it's a one of the fundamental Teachings that Christians gravitate to That this is the only way to get to Heaven and that everyone else is going To hell you know I talked about my mom Rejecting that idea as a lifelong Catholic you know when she saw these People in Ottawa these Native American People and said how could they be going To hell right and so if that was true Which is not you know it's something That's been edited in you know again Just something for people to think about Even if you're a Christian my wife and I Watched the movie Conclave and there was you know the Conclave came down to a pope who was a Potential Pope who would be regressive And more liberal popes that would be More inclusive and more respectful of Other belief systems and religions right So this was sort of the you know the Battle in the the movie between Progressive or Regression and you know both will have Their merits and demerits right because Some of the progressive stuff is Obviously wrong and ungodly and then Some of the aggressive stuff is wrong And ungodly so it's you know but it was You know an interesting kind of Situation but having said all that here Is the thing if God made it so that he
Only had one son and he put his one son On Earth for a short period of time and Then religion will exist for maybe in 3,000 years it will be gone Christianity It'll be completely gone you know just Like all these other religions that have Passed out before right 10,000 years 100,000 years right and so there are all These people that in the future will Never get a chance to accept Jesus it Just won't be there and there's all These people in the past who died and They didn't get chances to accept Jesus Right so if you believe you don't Believe in reincarnation and you believe That you're either going to Hell or Heaven because that's what they teach You then all the people who just because They were born too early or too late They have no chance of ever accepting Jesus so they're all going to hell and Then all the people who don't ever Interact with a Christian in their whole Life which is probably or just don't Ever get the opportunity in one way or Another so all those people that's Probably you know whatever billions of People that never even hear about Christianity and even if they do they Just never have the opportunity to Convert or they've been indoctrinated by Their own religion and it's just not an Opportunity there's not chance they live In a country that's you know follows a
Different religion and so there's all Those people innocent people who never Were given a fair chance to convert to This thing right and then there's all The people who've had a bad experience All the kids that were abused by priests And and ministers and people like that All the people who have you know been Betrayed by the church or by people in The church and they just get a bad you Know taste in their mouth towards the Religion through no Faults of their own Because you know people you know Mistreated them or the clergy or Whatever it is right and so they have uh You know they're they don't accept it They reject it they quit whatever and Those people you know many times were Victims you know I don't believe in Victimization like I said before but you Know they're victims of the the system The religion and so you think about all That God would have to be a real dick to Exclude all those people from Heaven Just you know who didn't ever have a Fair shake to to find this you know this One True Religion right and so it's it's A joke it's it's a it's a scam it's not True right and so you can't take it Literally if that's one of the primary Teachings and something you're Gravitating to and again I'm not trying To convince people of that because if It's what you're doing you're doing but
It does cause pain and suffering to These other people because I've said so Many times before that Christians who Believe that everyone else is going to Hell they're doing everything in their Power to save them including conquering Them and taking their stuff and and Indoctrinating them which they've done To so many people which again is you Know by force indoctrination that isn't I mean just that's not God's way and God Gives you multiple chances I mean if God's given you the ability to choose Wrong into so-called sin or whatever you Want to call it which God has given all Of us then you know you all get multiple Chances we all get multiple chances okay So I had to go to the dentist we had a Guy out because we had problem with our Wellwater system thing and so I had to Deal with that and then I didn't get Time to finish so I went to the Dentist and I my now my mouth is now Metal free and so um you know it was a a Situation where like the the Nova can he Gave me one shot and he started taking Out the filling a small filling and it Was got most the filling out but it like Definitely was hurting and I wined a Little bit my tongue kept on moving over To stop the guy and so he gave me Another shot and that still hurt a Little bit but I was like you know what It's so close to being out and I don't
Want to have to wait for hours for the Nova came to wear off and I just want to Get out of here so I just you know it Was within the acceptable limits of Paain you got the filling Out and Um the uh you know they put a new Filling in and I said to the dental Assistant as I was leaving all my all The metals now out of my mouth and she Was like yeah we get most of it a few Flakes go down though and I was like Exsy to hear about that Because now I got some of these you know Whatever it is Um so I ended up being there a little Bit early I went to Whole Foods Beforehand and I was sitting there in The dentist office and I pulled up my Most recent video the video where I do a Long voice over I talk about you know The being blackpilled and this idea of Being blackpilled and the collapse of The system and I get into the I I read The book of Revelation you know which I Already commented on here And when I got back in the car to leave It the video came on and you know I'm Not a big fan of my own stuff like it's Hard for me to listen to my own stuff It's also work cuz I'm editing but you Know I started to play and I was like Well I start you know I had I couldn't Remember what I said even though it was
Just yesterday day before and so I um Was listening to it I rather enjoyed it It had a cming effect on me you know my Phone was in my pocket I didn't want to Get it out and change it to music it's Like a 30 minute drive home and I ended Up listening to the opening uh talk and You know had some more thoughts about That as well as somebody left a comment In which see if I have it here hopefully I got it um I do not I have to find it Here it is here's the comment so some Person wrote one I think it's 1 hour and 54 minutes but uh I'm not sure where it Was in the video was I heard it the part That I was thinking this was a response To which is where I say that God is the only thing without an Opposite because God is in everything And is in everybody right and this Person writes God versus Satan and when You say God versus Satan you're saying That Satan is on the same level as God Right and so it's a silly idea because If God is what you think God is then Satan is no match for God you know Satan Was a fallen angel God created Satan Satan chose to I mean in terms of the Biblical um idea of Satan but I think That Satan is the ego like the demon Some a demon is the ego and so we all Have a potential devil inside of us a Demon inside of us which is our ego and We have the ability to manifest and
Create our own internal universes and so We have that power but the Divinity Within us is a more subtle our ego can Use Force right but our soul can't use Force but God compels us because we have To choose God you know the a demon can Bend a person to their will or bend Their you know whatever environment to Their will and force themselves on their Environment where God just has to wait Patiently be loving and inviting and you Know saying look what we got going on Over here you know just allowing you to Feel the the essence and then eventually You have to choose God unless you become So hpor or so demonic that you have to Be destroyed altogether which is you Know a rare case but most of the time God just Waits and then if there's such A case where somebody has you know gone Across some L line or limit and then Their Divine forces will excise that out I mean certainly people dying is not What I'm talking about here I'm talking About a wayward soul but in either case God can destroy anything with a mere Thought right God you know is um and the Divine beings that run the Universe on God's behalf can terminate and Destroy Anything or anybody with just a thought Including Satan or demons or or whatever It is because they're not in the same Level because God has no opposite Because there's God in everything
Everything has God in it even something That's been corrupted it started off Pure and pristine and divine and then it Became corrupted later on but what I Wanted to add here is you know if a System works for somebody I think it's Great you know keep on doing it right we All have our relationship with things That other people don't like we all like TV shows and sports and movies and you Know going for hikes and our preferences And music things that resonate with us And people right if you talk to let's Say you're in love with somebody your Spouse your significant other and you Talk to their exes and they would tell You what a horrible person that your Spouse is or whatever it is right or the People that don't like your spouse and You get along with them right like any Kind of app or business out there a Restaurant you know if you have a bad Experience there you get sick from the Food or just you know something happens And you just can't stand it but other People love it you know other people It's just great for them and just Something that works for them so we all Have our you know things that we Resonate with things that are Preferences and we have our systems that We use either Healthcare you know I'm Going to get into this I'm going to say Similar things to the you know I get
Into my next phase of the healthc care Videos on the other CH on the rumble Channel and so when I talk about Christianity and the way that I was Talking about it in the Bible and these Things you know if it's working for you Great and you know for some people I Mean there's different kinds of Christians right some of them are really Devout uh you know devotees and people Who connect to God and you can use any System or you can just connect to God on Your own but the value of the system is How much it enhances that connection and Facilitates that connection and some Systems and some teachings and some Philosophies are just better they're More refined they're more advanced just Like anything house right you have Different levels in school you have Different you know some things are are More advanced some things are you know Master Level some things are you know a Beginner level right so you have all These different things and you can Always find some reason not to try Something or not to do it or some reason To criticize it you know with the Sark System of course there's dodgy who's a Piece of [ __ ] and you know all the Things have gone on with this Heartfulness debacle and things and so I Understand why people would hesitate to Do it or try it and I understand that
People try it and don't like it it Doesn't work for them you know I've seen This people who it does work for them And they try it and they they love it They do it for 10 20 15 years they Believe in it and they get into it and They just quit like things like that Happen with everything right but each Person has to find their own path right And the good people who are good Religious people good spiritual people People they'll find way to get connect To God because it's just in them and They'll have you know an elevated Relationship higher than the other People that do the you know the the Other parishioners or the other Practitioners of the religion they'll Just be better at it right because They're you know it's just something That it's um you know they have more Advancement they have more initiative They have more like effort that they put Into it like I said in the video which I Was happy with you know some people Aren't evolved enough or high enough and I said well it's not so much that as Willingness right it's it's a Willingness to engage with uh a system To connect with God and a desire and a Craving to do that if you don't have That then it's just something you're Going to avoid and when people are happy And they're satisfied that's one of the
Things that you know it's a problem with Happiness that you don't want to change Because everything's going just the way That you want it right you know in the Sjar system there are points There Are Spiritual points and places you know Regions that as your soul Journeys Through those Regions they're so Blissful they're so pleasant they're so So pleasurable that people just get Stuck there and don't want to move Forward because why would you want to Leave something like that and so it Takes you know effort to realize you're Not fully done with your journey and you Got to move onwards right and people who Have been on planet Earth for long Enough and had enough lives and uh you Know experiences and some part of them Knows that there's something missing Here that as great as your life on Earth Can be that there's something more that You have to search for and so that's Where things that you know help you Achieve that goal and often times those Are miseries and you know challenges and Things and obstacles you have to Overcome that help you eventually you Know find your spiritual destination so The problem is in all of what I said When religions then interfere with other People's lives because they tell their People [ __ ] like they told you know Christians that everyone else is going
To hell like that becomes a problem for Everyone else right in ter in terms of Dealing with your religion if your Religion says you're the chosen people Or you're the best you know only only The people that do our thing are godly People and everyone else is a sinner or A blasphemer or a Infidel or whatever it Is right that you don't recognize that Other people who have are are journeying Towards God and and because you're Buying into teachings that were there to Manipulate you right and with life on Earth being so alluring and so confusing And and like The Limited opportunities That people have God would never give You one chance at one religion to find You know to find your spiritual path Right it's silly or to go to heaven in The case of Christianity it's just a Silly teaching you know God's not that Much of a prick that's saying hey you Know you guys tough it sucks to be you You know all the people who never even Met a Christian in their life and don't Even know what Jesus is and they kind They've lived or people have lived Before after like I said earlier sucks To be you you're going to hell tough [ __ ] you know like God is isn't like That like divinity isn't like that you Know what's like that is religions who Want you to think that you're going to Go to hell if you don't do the religion
Just wants to scare you you know fear And Temptation in the first book of Reality at dawn the second master baby Went into this like superconscious State And wrote wrote this book which is free Um you know if you search reality at Dawn PDF there's two versions out there And in religion he talks about how um This chapter called religion he says Religions have two Um two tools they use and he wasn't even Referring to Christianity so much I mean It certainly applies but he was talking More about religions in that area but All religions do this where they scare You of one thing with fear right fear of Hell and temptation of heaven right and So they you know they lure you in with Some kind of Promise of something they Can't deliver and they scare you about Something that's not going to happen you Know they say if you don't do our thing You're going to hell right which isn't The case and some people some people Sure or whatever that means right but They leave out the fact that there's Past lives with Jesus referred to and You know some of his um forgotten Teachings some of his lost teachings but Everyone in that area knew that they Were past lives you know that was kind Of common knowledge in future lives and So the idea of a future life people are Like oh [ __ ] it I I'm coming back I
Might as well you enjoy myself right and If that's what you have to do that's What you have to do to reach a level of Maturity where you realize it isn't that Great sometimes you need to become Famous and successful to realize that That isn't what you're here for all These things people have to go through These different stages but at some point You can realize that if there is a Future life why don't I set myself up For better success and anything that you Do to move forward on the spiritual path Will help a person with that right so Even in a [ __ ] up collapsing system a Bad system a demonic world you know World run by demons you can still move Forward spiritually and that's where you Can gather hope because they can't Control your inner world as much as they Want it and the you know work that you Do spiritually is internal and they can You know do all kinds of things to you Externally but they can't control your Internal World anyways my voice is Starting to go here let me wrap this up And I'll continue on finish this video Up tomorrow okay so I um wanted to say a Little bit more about religion and these Things I got some stuff to get to with Trump there's been some new uh Clips I Found that are funny with Trump and a Britney Spears clip that I'm going to Put the end of this video and then maybe
Some more stuff today's Wednesday December 18th I'll get this video up Today um actually I'm going to go make Public the video on the channel for the Uh you know the health the health thing That I'm doing on um on Rumble let me do That and come back here okay that took Me a little bit longer than I expected Took me about 5 minutes to figure out How to make it public it's a little bit Not as good as YouTube the site not just Because I'm used to YouTube it's not as Um user friendly but anyways it's there And so um but first I before I get back To the god stuff I want to there's a Great comment that I you know I was too Tired to deal with and I wasn't sure I Was going to cover but then I was like You know definitely want to cover this They got uh Luigi how long before they Get Mario and so I apparently talked About the World War Z in this because This person um the comment right so the Person writes hey Paul and write Lowercase Letters and then writes in capital Letters Max Brooks wrote World War Z not The UN not the UN Jesus Christ how hard Is it to do basic research you walk out Of your ass and the it says hey Paul and There's five exclamation points Max Brook wrote and then it goes into Capital so the guy's screaming this Guy's really angry right this guy's
Really butt hurt and angry over me Saying something here right Max Brooks Wrote World War Z not the UN five Exclamation quots Jesus Christ how hard Is it to do basic Research three four exclamation points Three um Uh question marks and three exclamation Points you talk out of your ass right so You're really angry and upset because You think I think the UN wrote World War Z so I don't know exactly what I said Right so if I said the UN wrote World War Z let's say I just said that exact Sentence what do you think that means do You think I think that the UN Building wrote World War Z or the whole Un organization wrote World War Z what Do you think I mean by the UN wrote World War Z what do you think I would Mean by that right like this person is Factchecking me and getting butt hurt About it obviously butt hurt about other Stuff right there's these people that Are just they get butt hurt about what I Say or just anybody they're just angry And they're it it just happens to be me And then they're like watching your Videos to get angry like to get you know To look for some little minor flaw or Things that they think is a perceived Flaw in what I'm saying right so they're Blinded by their anger right so this Person is upset that I didn't fact check
And I'm not you know I got I was wrong About something like how dare I be wrong About something right and I'm not but in Their mind like they can't wait to Figure out something I'm wrong about you You made a mistake here I got to point It out I got to use a lot of exclamation Points I got to use cap letters I'm so Angry and butt hurt that you're wrong About something I'm just so upset about It how dare you make a mistake like that And you think about all the things I'm Right about and things that people don't Want to deal with and admit that I'm Right about and like I said you know in A recent video like it doesn't matter Being right is overrated like it's you Know there's that um character in that Trojan Horse story whatever it is um Cassandra is it is she's like Psych KCK And nobody listens to her in the mahab Barata there are two kings and there is Um the first king there's a guy who's Like a saint these guys live you know People are living thousands of years This is back when people lived like real Lives not like these short slave lives That we live now right where people Lived longer lives and there's this Really highly developed soul and he's Been living out in the woods meditating And he's coming in from the woods and He's like filthy and he hasn't bathed in Like years and had like regular whatever
It is right you know he's just been Living and meditating out in the woods For like you know hundreds of years or Something like that comes in and the People are like well the King has been Cursed so he can't Procreate and so they ask this guy to Give him a son like somebody a higher Developed soul to uh give him uh like a You know an air to the throne and you Know the guy is you know disgusting he's Like physically not you know he said Well let me bathe and get ready they're Like no there's no time for that and the Guy's got two wives and they're like Ovulating he's like just go be with them It's okay and the wives are disgusted by Him and one of them like closes her eyes So tight and like you know she doesn't Want to see the guy while he's banging Her and she gives birth to a guy a blind Guy named d rashta The Blind King and The other wife turns white like you know And she's dark skinned she's Indian and She turns white like pale because she's So disgusted by the guy and she gives um Birth to a son who has no pigmentation In his skin right so his name is Panda Right uh pandu and so his kids are the Pivas the five pivas and he ends up Getting cursed too and then he they say Well why don't you bang the maid for Good measure because you know as long as You're impregnating women and so the
Maid is like this guy such a great Saint And she's like totally into it and she's Like open to it so she gives birth to This uh son Vidura and vidura has like Divine Vision Like when there's the mahab bratus going On because it becomes the sons of ditat The son of D rashta he has 100 Sons uh And they're all evil versus the the five Pivas pandu he's dead but did rash still Alive and D rasha's made a mess of Things because he's weak and pathetic He's always whining in the TV show and He has vidora there verduras can see What's going on like he's a TV like he's A human TV but he has Divine Vision he Sees all the things that are going to Happen like way ahead of time and he's Telling people don't do this don't do That but he's just some maid son right And everyone knows he's got Divine Vision and no one will [ __ ] listen to The guy right like they just won't Listen to him and he tells them and it's Always something they don't want to hear Here especially the tasa the Ping King Who you know vdor is with or he's just Saying you can't do that oh my God don't Do this this what's going to happen if You do this and did rash is like I know But I just I can't you know I can't and So like this idea that you can see Things and know things and be right it Doesn't affect anybody like you know if
Whatever truth is coming through me on This channel and I think it's again Being a conduit is the other part of it You know some of it's beyond me or like I don't care about I don't care about Any of it really at this point you know But just a a vessel for information but I have no you know staken being a Perfectionist and putting out perfect Stuff but my track record is like you Know pretty Immaculate right especially On the bigger things and all of it just The general sense of things and seeing Things and this person who is angry at Me right for whatever reason cuz I said Something they didn't like one time and Still watches the videos like I don't Want you here you know you're here for For yourself like you're choosing to be Here like don't be here like I don't Want you here like I'm not you know I Mean I literally don't want you here Like so you know like if you're all Angry and sitting there and looking for Flaws why not say and praise me you know When I'm right and this is not just me This is and this person this is lots of People these are the people that watch Stuff just to hate on it like they just Want somebody to be wrong they waiting For the person to fail and they want to Jump at the person and blast them with All their anger and Hate hatred and Their darkness and evil that's inside of
Them right you know this is a you know These are a condition that's out there That people do that but often times Their emotions blind them because this P Person's position is they think I Believe the UN wrote The World War Z Right use your [ __ ] Noggin use your [ __ ] nogan right You're accusing me of not doing proper Research when you can't use your Critical thinking skills so I don't know The exact way I stated it I might have Said the UN wrote the uh the World War C And what I meant by that which I think Most of you could figure out if you know About the World War C is that it's a Propaganda tool for the UN I didn't say The UN as an organization wrote the word You can't do that there has to be an Author you know I wasn't saying that World that the UN is the author of World War Z because it can't even happen Because the UN un an organization it's Not a person you know you're saying do Your research use your critical thinking Skills you know I talk about a lot of Things here and sometimes it's not the You know there's just something I'm Saying that's not you know it's a little Bit important to the context of the Bigger point and so I don't go into Depth and these long explanations even Though my videos are long I just assume People understand what World War Z is
Right and so World War Z is you know the UN is using the World War Z as product Placement and there's something to do With and I can't remember exactly but The UN was um like they published Something like it was like they were Promoting the World War Z you know World War Z is about there are zombies and There are people and there are rebs and The rebs are kind of like the truthers And they're considered worse than the Zombies like in the book itself the Movie doesn't deal with the rebs I saw The movie but I was familiar with the Little bit of the the book I'm not sure Maybe I watched the video where someone Was reading it or something and the UN Is the heroes the UN is you know it's The saviors they're the only ones who Are fighting off the zombies and Israel Actually has this moment where they're Portrayed as Heroes that they're letting Everybody in but the Muslims are being Loud and they attract the zombies Because you're supposed to be quiet cuz They have thousands of zombies that are Sitting outside of this giant wall and They make a human ladder and they come In and you know the the Israel is trying To accommodate Everybody but the Muslims are loud and They won't and it's a whole thing and The and the and Israel and the UN don't Get along so I'm not sure why that was
Betrayed that way but the UN is the Heroes right it's like product placement And it isn't an accident so you know the Person who wrote this is It's on Beal Behalf of the UN right the UN is clearly Being propped up here so you these so Um what what did Jerry do for the UN in World War Z Jerry's the main character Of the Brad Pit character Jerry was an Investigator from the United Nations Doing cases all over the world he Eventually met and married his wife Karen and the two daughters Rachel and Constant Connie Lane in order to spend More time with his family he retired From his job and settled down in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and then there Was so much of the UN the UN has just Mentioned throughout the movie and you Know in the book even more so and so the UN the UN United Nations District un District a un well uh un District a Consists of Malaysia Bruno and the rest Of boria located in the southeast of Asia like there's all this stuff with The UN you can look up the connection to The UN at World War Z and so that's what I was referencing that this was Propaganda for the United Nations the World War Z book and I don't even know I Can't remember it was a it was a nothing Comment for me right like I just assume Most people know about the connection Between the United Nations and this
Fictitious story of World War Z you know One of these um organizations I think It's the one that YouTube won't let you Criticize they had um some fictitious Zombie apocalypse thing you know like Some kind of uh you guys remember this It was came out like right when Co was Happening and it was really weird and it Was whatever you know when I'm talking About things there's the the general Points themselves the the important Points like the you know whatever it is And then there's the the stories and the Information and the things that are to Support that point right and they're Less important like I have a memory of Something and you know the memory is Whatever it is like the memories are you Know memories get distorted after a While and they get you know um like I You know it's like I don't remember Exactly like I've covered things years And years ago And I'd have to rewatch my own video to Understand the context of it I have to Retrace it because it's there in my Memory somewhere but it's not as um Clear as it was you know when I covered It like a week after right there's Things there like I when you do this There's things that you remember World War Z was released in 2006 so 19 years Ago and the movie 2013 so 11 years ago it says here in uh
IMBD United Nations employee Jerry Lanes Traves the world in a race against the Time to stop the zombie pandemic and you Know so this was totally propaganda and Then in Wikipedia it's Brad Pit Jerry Lane a former United Nations Investigator who travels like the United Nations is in the first line of the Description from both IMBD and Wikipedia Right so uh it's just it was there I Can't believe it got 80 it was a shitty Movie but they you know Brad Pit and uh Um Leonardo capio got into a bidding war But what I know about it it it was with Propaganda for the UN and it was anti- Truther you know cuz the rebs in the Book you know the rebs in the book are Like considered worse than the zombies And those are people who don't you know Want to be a part of the you know world The new new United Nations New World Order stuff but anyway this was a Throwaway comment like something that I You know like it's just there and I I Don't know how I said it or why I said It in terms of what it was supporting in The video but it wasn't important and This person takes this little comment Out of context and doesn't use their Noggin use your [ __ ] Noggin I'm gonna make this video that's Going to be the title of this video and Think about what I'm saying instead they Just go on this you know this little
Rant with a lot of exclamation points And all this little butt hurt and and All this stuff right anger and you know All these things for what right like What's wrong with you Like this is how you interact with other People and accuse me of not doing my Research why didn't you think before you Made the comment why didn't you like Look at your emotional reason whatever Reason you're you're upset at me or Angry at me or hating on me why don't You look inside and figure out why You're you're feeling that way instead Of blasting me and trying to dump your Toxic energy on me I don't want you here Like you know this is I feel like this Is the stuff that I offer here not Because of me but because of the idea of Being a conduit that's hired vibrational Stuff and it's here for you know evolved People not for angry little butt hurt People you know go be somewhere else go Be a QB or these other things it's not You know you're not welcome here like I'm not you know endorsing your behavior Your attitude and things like this like Either be grateful this is you know the Gratefulness meditation and be grateful Is what I say at the end of the video You're not grateful for what you're Getting here while you're here you're Not enjoying it you're not thinking There's any value to it you know saying
Do your research like I you know I was Just talking out of memory like Something that I you know have a memory Of and you know the way I expressed it Is whatever way I expressed it meant Nothing to me I don't care about it I Don't care about world warc I don't care About the United Nations I don't care About any of this stuff doesn't matter To me right so I just you know say just A free flow of information that that I Say here and you could have thought your Way through this use some critical Thinking skills and said what does he Mean by the United Nations wrote The World War C like what does he mean by That because the United Nations can't do That like it's a sentence that that Can't be you know it isn't whatever it Is like the United Nations can't Physically write as an organization as a Collective you know as a member states As the you know what the United Nations Is is all these people sitting around in These different member states in these Countries but then there's the you know The organization the administration of The United Nations and the people that You know make these decisions or Whatever the promotional team and all These people but the the book is an Infomercial and that's what I meant by It and so like if you thought about it Or looked into it or even asked a
Question what do you mean by that of Course I wouldn't have answered it Because I didn't even know what I'm Talking about here I'm like what what do You mean I wouldn't because I didn't Even remember saying it but what I meant By it is clear that in my view the United Nations is using this book as a Product placement when the UN is you Know all over the movie and all over the Book it's un propaganda tool and whoever Wrote it this guy Max whatever this man I don't care you know who gives a [ __ ] It's a shitty book and a shitty movie You know let me read the comment one More time and then want get to the god Stuff but again this is a condition that People get all upset and butt hurt and They just watch you know in this case me It's it's a plague all over the internet Looking for you to make a mistake so They can blast you like I'm not I I Don't claim to be perfect like put your But hurt comments away if I make a Mistake don't care don't tell me don't Need to know you know there's this time This was a definitive moment for me Where I said um it was I think in The Princess Bride I said Michael Mcken uh instead of Christopher Guest Like I got those two actors confused Right and somebody said oh was Christopher Guest and I got so many Comments like so many people but you
Know I was like you know how much I'm Right like how many things I'm right About And there's a small detail about two [ __ ] actors I don't give a [ __ ] about And I got comments for like five years You know and it would be okay if I got One comment you made a mistake here but I can't change it in the video and it Wasn't worth I the video wasn't even Public anymore it's an old you know Full House video right and so you know making A mistake and like these people everyone Trying to call you on it right but they Never say how great you are I mean these People Mo the majority of them can't Tell you how great you are when right About things and how many things I got Right in the video how many things were You know were spot on but I made one Sort of mistake over you know an actor That I misremembered or whatever and it Was in unimportant and they you know so Many people ah you can said this wrong Like it's just this thing right it's Pathetic like this is you know you know Not a big deal and you know when I mock People or say things I'm not doing it to Their face I'm not going to them and Wanting them to he what a piece of [ __ ] They are like I'm not saying to them oh You're a piece of [ __ ] because it's not My job to do that they got to figure That on their own I don't want a
Relationship with them right and so you Know it's this um this need to tell Other people that they suck when you're Doing this person's doing the exact Thing that they're accusing me of Because they didn't use their nogget They didn't use this thing where they Said the UN that I said the UN wrote the Thing that they didn't think well what Does he mean by that you know maybe Because it can't mean what he says so You know I could have expressed it Better but again I'm not a perfectionist There's things that you're going to have To you know sometimes read between the Lines or kind of make sense that I feel Like I do a good job of communicating Here but it's not going to be perfect Hey Paul five exclamation calls Points in caps letters Max Brooks wrote World War Z not the UN five exclamation Boys Jesus Christ how hard is it to do Basic research search four exclanation Points three question marks and three Exclamation points you talk out of your Ass yeah use your [ __ ] nogin you in Your heart if you can have if you you Have contact with it like it's just it Says everything about you and nothing About Me this about you and not about me Because you know like I don't care so Going back to the stuff I was talking About God and you know in terms of
Christianity you know I I would Encourage people or hope that people I Don't say encourage because you know They're not going to listen to me and It's not for me to encourage people to Do one thing or another that people who Can only do religion if that's all they Can do then do it right and again it's It's better to have some sort of Relationship with God as long as the Relationship doesn't get perverted by The religion and the person doesn't lose Faith because of religion they figure Out the religion's kind of screwed them Over right Because faith is a big thing and the Religions really can mess with your Faith because the religions themselves Become so corrupt and so whatever it is Right I mean you know I'm experienced This in the first wave of the corruption Which is when the sjar meditation that I Do went from a pure organization because Of the purity of the Masters of the System to a corrupt organization because Of the fall of the sky dodgy KES Batel The current president and master of the System right and so you know that can Mess with people's Faith Like It Destroys people Faith because they had Faith in a person or an organization and Not faith in God like understanding that People will always let you down you know Will make mistakes I mean not always let
You down but they're going to have those Moments and they're not going to be able To rise up to the higher nature all the Time embrace the Divinity within them They're going to have their human Moments even Saints even higher Developed Souls been spiritual Masters They're going to have their you know Moments of weakness their moments that You know when Jesus say said uh father Why Hal Thou forsaken me why haast Thou Forsaken me why did you forsake me so He's he lost Faith Like Jesus lost faith On the cross because of the people and You know because of his own mistakes you Know Jesus started to put his emphasis On the people and forgot about God right You should always remember you're Working for God and then you don't care What people do like you do your work and Then the results are God's like it's a Beautiful sentiment Master chargie wrote To this to me years and years ago you Know I told you I got this letter from Him and I had two roommates you know That didn't do the meditation and I'm Not the kind of person that you know People would think about being like Spiritual or you know being uh into this Stuff like just you guys I'm kind of an [ __ ] right my I had two housemates That were more you know nicer guys than Me you know and I I go I got a letter From the master right they're like oh go
Ahead read it and it was this letter That said you know it was completely Didn't make sense because what I wrote To him about his response was not um Like it wasn't it didn't make sense it Was like did I get somebody else's Letter and he wrote you know something That I've heard him say and he in talks That you do the work and leave the Results to God right and so this was his Um you know message to me and I'm like And then he says something about when Aasis come and go you don't feel bad About it like there was more to it and It sounded like he was writing this to a Preceptor and I wasn't a preceptor you Know person who does give sittings and Do does the work of the mission because You know you spend your time your free Time as a preceptor and you a person Sits in front of you and you have to go In and clean their heart and sometimes It's not all that Pleasant you know the It's work it's like you know you're You're cleaning something with like your Imagination like that's what it's it's Similar to I mean that's the best Description so imagine sweeping the Floor you know like you don't want to Clean your house you're like all right I Got to sweep the floor and mop the floor Do all this work sitting there and doing That with your mind and going into Somebody's heart and seeing something
That needs to be cleaned and and finding A way to you know you're imagining You're cleaning it right you're using Your will force as well while your eyes Are closed it's you know it's the energy Is there and but it's a little bit Tedious right it's not you know it's not Some kind of uh uh explosive spiritual Experience like you're having some kind Of you know you're tripping out on some Kind of hallucinogen or some you know Wonderful moment of spiritual experience You know but having the sitting done for You is amazing and then you transmit Which feels great the transmission going Through you feels great but it's you Know it's a lot of work and you spend Time and you talk to the people about The system and you know you're giving up Your free time and and the people come And they go and they quit one out of 40 Stays and they get these initial three Sittings maybe they get a few more Sittings maybe they don't feel it maybe They you know they don't appreciate it And so years later when I became a Preceptor I was getting pissed off at These people like I'm like it sucks you Know they're they come they waste my Time and they're not serious about this Or whatever you know I was pretty Frustrated and I was like wait a minute And I pulled out that letter and then Apply exactly to the to the situation I
Now had years later like he wrote a Letter to me that I received in like 1993 or four and then back and then in 1997 or six or seven three two or three Years later or whatever it was it was That was when the letter meant something And that was like this moment of like Holy [ __ ] right like he wrote a letter That I needed in the future like this is Like some kind of like you know mystical Guru [ __ ] right like it was like I you Know and I read it and it like hit me Like I felt it it was like the energy of The thing right I'm like holy [ __ ] like This is a real thing like it's a you Know like a this letter has you know Power that the message does and so you Know that's why I can do this stuff here Where I just do the work and leave the Results to God like I don't get Depressed about the lack of views and You know all these things right you know Because it's I mean it's even Master Chargie when he was older when he on his Deathbed you know he would look at the Numbers and he couldn't see and he Couldn't come out and group give group Medic group meditation you know he was In the sasham in chenai India in the Meditation Hall sat 5,000 people tightly Like there was a nice marble floor then There was two areas on either side of The they were like wings on the outside With no roof cover and you could get
Baked in the sun when it hot and it was Always hot cuz it's [ __ ] India but When the meditation is full like the Ashum the the the uh meditation Hall is Full it was ,000 people and there was 20,000 people who did the meditation in That area in chenai and some some Preceptors would just do it in their House because it took over an hour or so To get to the asham so they would go Occasionally but not every week and Sometimes they would just give Meditation at their house right and so Charger used to give the meditation Every Sunday like this was the big Meditation and it would be the one that Would had the most people and they had These you know they would scan your Badge like you had these little plastic Cards and the code on it and it would Count the the people right it would and Give them a breakdown of demographics And how many foreigners were there and How many local people and this was the Big Hub the big city of 20,000 people in In Southern India where these brahin you Know Brahman people are particularly uh Will be spiritual and be you know Teachers and professors and gurus and These kind of things sometimes Politicians but they're you know they Tend to be spiritual right and they're Usually all vegetarian and you know they Have this whole thing
And you know he was sick and KES was Taking over the sittings on Sunday and The saton went down to 3,000 people and So there was you know almost you know Not almost two-thirds of two- fifths of The people were not coming anymore Because charie wasn't giving the city on Sunday and commas said that chargie was Bummed right about this and again he He's a liar but you know he was he's Disrespected chargie and he's lied about Him since then so I don't you know Nothing you could nothing he says is can Be taken as like truth or whatever but I Believe this happened right so even him Like you know he and he was the person Who was always saying you know do the Work and leave the results to God right And so you know it's something that for Me is a you know it's it's just what you Do and you don't get bummed out then Because you're not you're not worried About what other people are you know how People receive it you just give and People receive whatever they receive Right like your job is to give and then Whatever happens for them or the world Or whatever happens for them whether It's you know information whether it's Truth you you have something to offer You know I've been given something and So it's my duty to pass it on to Somebody else you know the gifts that I've received from the sash Mark system
And the insights I have and the person I've been made into you know it's Something that now I have to just give Generously of my information and my time And my stuff here in these videos or Whatever it is and people receive them What whatever effect it has on other People that has nothing to do with me I Don't you know I don't do it for that Reason like I'm you know I'm serving God I'm not serving you like you know it's That's a not you know that's not like a Negative statement you're just you're Always looking up and not looking down You're always looking you know towards The source and then whatever the you Know wherever this information or energy And things that you're doing and it Could be something like in your marriage Right like you're serving your spouse You're serving your kids you're serving Your family and gratitude and Appreciation would be great but if it Isn't there they don't see it you can't Make them see it right no matter how how Much you tell you tell them they won't See it right like you people don't you Know they won't see it that way and so You can't make them be grateful right You can't make other people great be Grateful gratitude is something that Comes from you know people seeing value In something they appreciating it right And that's you know unfortunately for
The Sark system it's a very subtle thing And even when people are getting huge Gifts on the spiritual plane They're just they can't they can't Figure it out they can't do it they Can't rise up to it they're not Sensitive and aware enough and their ego Doesn't want them to see it they don't Want them to you the egos always try to Contain a person's uh spiritual Tendencies because the ego loses power When you start relying on God and and The soul the ego gets diminished and so That's you know the the problem of the You know the time of egoism which we Live in now is that the egos have their Own agenda gend and they prevent people From seeing and feeling what they what They need to feel on a soul level but Getting back to my original point so When you practice a religion the Religion is you know a middleman between You and God the religion is instrumental They've put themselves in through their Teachings through their you know in the Case of Christianity the manipulation of The Bible to say that if you do this and You do that we're going to give you this And that and it's mostly material stuff Like people who do religions and there's You know there's always layers and Levels you know there's there's you know There's layers and Lev levels to Different types of Christians right
There's the top layer of Christians who Are really spiritual and serve God and Feel God's love and they've become you Know spiritual in their way and they've In sense graduated out of their religion Right you know Jesus himself was born Jewish and he was born in Judaism but he Became a spiritual person he's no longer Jewish he was something else he Graduated his religion you know Swami Vivand said that a religion is a good Thing to be born in and a horrible thing To die in and what it meant what he Meant by that is religions give you a Basic understanding of God and Especially in the mind of a child you're A young person and then at some point You graduate to be a spiritual person And that's having a direct con contact With God the Divinity within you right So um here this I found this comment Just remember this comment when I said That and so this person uh more drones In Luigi Syria and Federman and Jay-Z And beon and the person said the Divinity within you in quotes is their Hermetic Gnostic basis or Med gnostics Run the world not the Jays um you know like you don't even Like your religion this religion the Judo Christian religion is a Materialistic thing right it's mostly About materialism I'm I'm coming back to That as well here um as well
Too quoting the great John fedman but Your thing isn't comprehensive like First of all most of all these religions The the key parts of the religions the Understanding that you have a soul that Comes from ancient India and what used To be the the you know beginnings of uh Hinduism called Santa tan sanatana Dharma which is a you know Hinduism is It's not called Hinduism by the people Who do it that's how people you know They're Hindus so they do Hinduism right That was how it was phrased but it's not The name of their religion but their Religion and the ancient vadas and the Ancient discoveries and these ancient Spiritual Beings and yogis that Discovered this there was a discovery of A soul like between 100 and 200,000 Years ago where they realized that we Had a soul and all the all the religions Have hijacked that teaching without you Know understanding the other parts of The teachings that went with it and so That was a huge movement like the Biggest movement the biggest Understanding in any religion is that You have a soul you have a spiritual Essence but they have corrupted that Teaching right and not only you know Even in Hinduism over 200,000 years that That teaching has been corrupted but There at some point somebody discovered A soul and it wasn't in Judaism and it
Wasn't you know and you know Christianity I mean was Judaism was the Basis of the other three religions Islam And and of uh Christianity so the soul Was discovered in India long before you Know if you look up the ages of Religions they have Hinduism at 5,000 Years but Judaism at 5,000 years but Somehow it's older because they wanted People to believe it's the original Religion but it's not and that place in The the you know the the whing wall Master charge he went there he goes There's no spiritual energy here at all The people doing the whing wall he said There's nothing there like he traveled There he traveled all over the world he Said there was nothing there you know There was no spiritual energy at all and You know the ancient India I mean India Is a pit now materially but spiritually The it's just there's there's it's Second into none it's the The Hub of the Spiritual you know the spirituality and And the way to connect to God or Connecting to God is easier there than Any other place it's the heart of the World right you know I had difficulties There the culture there and the the Massive amount of people and the Corruption and the filth they've turned It I mean this the pollution the people Just dumping [ __ ] on the streets I mean There's lots of things there frustrating
To live there and all this stuff and Then the corruption that's happened with Heartfulness you know I but there's a Point there where I was so like when my Family and I were living there basically For 3 years and I just you know I Couldn't imagine leaving and it was with All of it like it was a tough place to Live and I you know and I was I Breathed breath a sigh of relief getting Back to America like just how hard it Was in India and just all of it but the Spiritual Essence there and the Meditations and the connecting the way To connect to God is just amazing the Ancient you know the ancient bones but Now the place is a pit like it's just Whatever and I doubt I'll return there In my lifetime you know because the only Reason I'd go there is for the sjar Asham and the asons were different and Better but now with the corruption of The system and dodgy and this this whole Thing it's kind of sad but I don't feel Sad about it at least not that I could Feel it maybe you if I thought of it on A deeper level I'd feel the sadness but You know I have no intention of Returning there the trips are hard you Know two days in the plane and all these Things right but getting back to this Comment you're thinking that your Religion is all in everything and that You it's you can explain things through
Your religion and you can't your Religion is very you know it's it's Almost nothing there's a it's a bunch of Books you know Jesus had some spiritual Experiences and he had some spiritual Evolution but he didn't reach the goal He certainly wasn't the only son of God We're all children of God and so you Know most of the teachings are [ __ ] The the Old Testament is horrible not [ __ ] like you know they're just There's more there that it's big it's an Entry Level understanding of God right and This is why saying about religion so When you try to explain everything Through your religion you're going to Fail because your religion is is small In the spiritual history of the world It's like you know it's a little almost Nonevent that's become because it's so Material and so there are people who are Really spiritual Christians like any Religion there's the cream of the crop People who just gravitate and feel God's Love and they go beyond the teachings And they realize the limitations of the Religions and they just stand out and They're sanely people that you know Maybe people don't appreciate but on Some level are drawn to because they're You know this the energy that you exude Attracts other people and then you know As you go through the there's people who
Are you know they're trying to be good Christians and they're trying to you Know they they follow the rules to Whatever extent they they're devoted About going to church and they're into The community and they help people like They're good about doing charity Christians are good at charity work and Things you know they're really they're Concerned about the world and they're Helping people in a positive way so They're like not quite spiritual yet but They're you know their materiality is of A higher nature and they're they're more Selfless and they're you know trying to Be good Christians and represent Jesus Well and and get the word out of Jesus And these things so they're good you Know solid whatever you know then you Get people who use the the well there People who are there only Because uh they're going to pray for Things that in their material life and That's the majority of people they think By going to religion and doing religion You know this is the Oprah Winfrey new Age people are like this as well they Think if they become somewhat spiritual In nature they they connect to God in Some way or connect to God through an Organization that God is going to make Their material lives better that God is There for their material life that their Spiritual life is there to make their
Material life better and their promis Things and this is where the the temp Ation of Heaven and the and the fear of Hell come in right where they're Promised you know they're promised Heaven and they they have a fear of hell Right so they have all these things they Have you know a fear of he hell and they Think they're going to be vanted from Going to hell but that's a material you Know hell is a material construct in the Way people think about it right you know When uh Muslims think that they're going To get you know 70 virgins and a mule When they do these jihadist thing when They're promised stuff right you're Going to go to heaven you'll have 70 Virgins in heaven like what does that Even mean you don't have a body you Don't have a dick in heaven like what Why do you need you know so it's like Silly stuff right and so it's like this Materialistic things and then the Materialism is what dominates religions And then there's the community and Having people in your family and then All the pressure of your Society to be a Part of that religion some of these Places you know they're the religion is The Uh you know is also woven into the Government and the structure the social Structure and so you do the religion Because you know it's like a politician
Saying they're Christians so they can Get votes right it's it's you know it's It's a part of the networking it's a Part of the you know being a part of a Club and you know then you all these Things right there's those aspects and Then at like the lower nature it's People use their religion you know we're Going to heaven and you're going to hell And you're a piece of [ __ ] and you know I'm better than you and there's a lot of People who use their religion as a Weapon and they're not spiritual at all They're not godly people they just use It to feel Superior they're very Narcissistic right you know and then It's like you know there's lower levels Of that where people are just almost Evil about it and they get into the evil Part of Christianity the wrathful part And they're just into it they can't wait For other people to P be punished for Their mises and sins but they're Horrible people and they're always Looking at other people you know they Kind of people looking around in in Church to make sure you're behaving Right and they you know can't wait to Gossip and criticize other people and And bring other people down for not Being as good and not following the Rules and all that kind of [ __ ] right And so that's you know in all religions There's that but you know even the best
People in the religion are are being you Know held back weighted down by the the Organization saying that they're you Know as long as they're connected to the Organization it's going to pull you down And I'm just saying this with every Religion it's at some point you have to Transcend like Jesus you know he was Born a Jew and he became something else He became spiritual it's a step onto a Higher plane of existence and I've told Said this thing so many times from Master chargie right that the lowest Part of the higher is still higher than The the highest part of the lower and so The lowest part of the spiritual World Being a spiritual person is still higher Than the best person in the world that That's a material you know m ially the Richest or you know smartest or you know Uh best looking or you know any of these Most famous you know the best football Player you know any of these things Right the best violinist or you know the Best uh you know scientist whatever it Is right is you know as long as you're In the material world and you haven't Started like you can be a great anything But also be spiritual and you have to be A little bit spiritual to connect to the Higher like to break through to that Higher plane to get to be an artist at Something you have to have some kind of Spiritual connection but people who are
Strictly material and you know are Religious and they Don't Preach out into The etheric world and everyone has some Relationship with the etheric world Everyone's a little bit spiritual Whether they know it or not and it's Just how much they're conscious of it How much they're cultivating that Relationship right but there's that There's a spiritual Essence and that's The higher and that's you know you've Reached a higher plane of existence Where you're connecting to God Internally and you have a living Relationship with a Divinity within you And then there's just so many different Levels of that like it's just you know You're going to go through this journey And there's ups and downs and you're Going to have your moments of doubt you Lost faith you know the you're going to Get sucked into the material world at Times you're going to get pulled away But like I said there's some people who Just aren't ready for that like they They can flirt with it there's some People who just they don't have the Ability for abstract thought they don't Have the you know they just don't have It they're they're dead inside they've Been beat down by life right they just They don't have it and so you know if They're doing religion great and there's Plenty of you know religion is is much
More prevalent you know there's a part Of um the book uh my master by chargy You I should find it and read it at some Point but he talks about how in India That they have the higher they've always Had the higher available you know yoga Which is uh not the ha yoga where you do With the postures but meditative yoga And the Sark system uses a form of it's Called rajer yoga the king of yogas Which is using uh your mind to connect To your heart right so this is a you Know transmission and cleaning these Things to facilitate a deeper Relationship with the Divinity within You and they've always had these Different spiritual paths where people Can become spiritual like you know People know it everybody knows it like They have the regular religion in the Regular religion you find like a guru And you bargain with the guru and the Guru says that they're going to perform These spiritual rituals for you that's Going to give you this or that it's Total [ __ ] and you have to pay so Much money and there's a there's a Bargaining like there always you know India doesn't have set prices so you're Always bargaining there's always this [ __ ] negotiation which is [ __ ] Training it's bad like I just couldn't Do it I mean like just I one of the Things I was happy about America you
Just had a set price you didn't have to Negotiate like a a cab ride or a rideing A Tuk Tuk like those three world you Know those three world the three wield These Auto Rick Shaws you know that you See there and everything has to be Negotiated like it just [ __ ] sucks And it's like you you have to go in and You're basically saying to the other Person you're a piece of [ __ ] you're Going to screw me over right there's a Time where I um you know I we had these Things called Dongles that it was like like a little Insert that you'd plug in it was a USB Little thing and it connected to the Internet and they would put so much data On it that you would you know and I'm I'm making long videos right I mean God Knows I couldn't do it now you know the Way I was doing my videos then where It's different but now you know with the Different types of I just I couldn't you Know like these dongles wouldn't have Enough and so I used to get the maximum Amount which was like 24 bytes of Whatever G's gigs or whatever was on it And I went there and I was getting it You you I was getting it more put on it So I paid the guy the money and I went Home and he only put 12 on but he took The money for 24 and so I got pissed and I have my Computer which was a high-end Asus
Computer it's back before I had apple And I had the computer on my lap and There's this Auto Rick Shaw guy I think That guy was a drinker I think he got Drunk but he knew me right we I you know He had driven me around he was like You're really angry I'm like yeah and I Went in I'm like you [ __ ] right And I you know I got my computer and I Show him and he goes oh sorry sir I made A mistake and I go no you didn't you Tred to screw me over like don't [ __ ] Lie just admit you tried to and so you Know you're basically saying to people All the time you're cheating me like You're cheating me like just give me a Set price give me a fair [ __ ] price Right you know and so it's just um I'm Going a little bit off the vedet here But it's like exhausting and this what People live with there and you know There's things like that because of the The amount of people and the corruption And all of it but anyways chargie was Lamenting In this passage that you have This incredible spiritual wealth in his Country right in India where people can Connect to God directly and have a Direct you know this wonderful Experience a living experience which is Full of evolution and and insight and Just a spiritual journey and the Spiritual journey on the high end you Know it's the ultimate in terms of just
You know exploring the the nature of God And expanding your inner universe and Developing you know uh like a what your Soul wants you to do and all the you Just it feels great when you have these Moments where you you know there's Accomplishments and you're you're moving Along and you're you know you're doing What you're supposed to be doing it's There's just some great moments like I Could say the I can't even you know Express it in words and he's talking About that how that's available to them And the majority of people just want to [ __ ] pay some Guru to lie to them About [ __ ] that they're not getting just So they can check a box right and he's Lamenting that the majority of people Will you know the hire is just there all Over the place in India they don't you Know in in the rest of the world they Kill the Saints right in most places Around the world you know Saints are Punished you know one of the takeaways Of the story of Jesus and not just Jesus But his disciples and not just the Disciples but every Christian Saint look At the amount of Christian saints that Were killed killed by the church killed By one church or one religion like Spiritual people who came in and were Wanting to reform things and the people Who were making bank end up killing them In some ways destroying them often
[ __ ] torturing them so in Europe in The western part of the world you know White people have a tendency to to kill Their Saints oh yeah you're talking About God you're telling me these things Well [ __ ] you we're going to get you you Know shut up [ __ ] and so there's Just those Tendencies there's you know Very few places where sainthood and Being a spiritual person is rewarded and India is the best place for it where They have a you know they're always Looking for new Saints and you know they They Jesus was there in India but even You know in terms of accepting Christians in a on a religious Basis that they don't deny Jesus's Divinity they don't deny Muhammad's Divinity like the Hindus they don't Divi They don't you know any higher developed Soul Buddha or any of these and you know Buddha came from India originally but Any of these higher developed Souls they Don't deny their Divinity and they're Looking for more Saints the problem is People will say they're Saints and Pretend to be Saints and be fake gurus So like that's the downside but the good Side is they're open to any person Becoming a great Soul like you all have The potential to be a saint and they Don't you know they don't kill you for Doing that right they don't and they Don't not not just kill you they don't
Attack you like they support it and so It's one of the rare places in the world I mean it's the best place for this that It rewards for Spiritual Development and You know if you want to build an asham And do these things the government will Will support it financially in other Ways right and some of these government Officials will you know they dabble and This the guy who's second in command Like the Vice President of India he's Not anymore but he was the you know for A while had been a longtime practitioner Of our meditation even though the Meditation was you know not that well Known right out of you know the most it Had was 200,000 people and the in a Country of a billion that has Tendencies Towards spirituality that's not very Many right and so never mind the world And so you the Sark system is only done By really a handful of people and only Really a small percentage of them that Really get it and I had the sad Realization about that a couple years Ago that the majority of people doing it Really don't do it the way it's supposed To be done and they don't appreciate it For what it is but in this this idea That people will always tend to go to The lower and I've seen this over and Over again if I thought about it'd be Depressing right but there is a higher And for people who aspire to that you
Know it's wonderful and it's not just Some words or whatever there has to be Some heart-based feeling about it some Craving and some you know uh inner Compulsion to you know it's more than Just a mental it's certainly not a Mental thing right it's a heart-based Thing but it's there and so there's a Higher and a lower and people should Appreciate that and if you can only do The lower then do the lower but those People who can do the higher you know There's probably a million in America Let's just throw that out there you Above a million 10 million I don't know Like some small percentage of Americans Can do you be a spiritual and a lot of Those people get [ __ ] over in in these New age prac practices or they go to Some different they find the wrong Guru Or you know just whatever it is or They're just they're missing something In their life but they don't know what It is so they're not looking for Something spiritual that was me like I Didn't you know understand that I you Know had the spiritual Tendencies and so Like in fact I thought the opposite like I didn't want anything to do with any of This kind of stuff but then you know I Had an experience that changed all that But luckily for me right you know not Some because of something that I did in This life but something that was like a
Blessing you know carried over from Previous work or whatever it is right But in terms of you know the the amount Of people in America it's over a million People but you know there's probably Less than a hundred that do gratefulness Meditation and I feel like it's the best Thing you know in terms of the Sark System available but you know like what Do I know only spirituality will save This world it's farot definitely point For the Apocalypse in the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day And be grateful