Okay greetings brothers and Sisters I'm going to do a community Service announcement in a moment I have To do the I'm going to you talk about The the beginning of this video at least Is going to feature the Trump and Elon Musk hilariously disastrous interview on So many levels right but first obviously The you know the stuff to keep my Channel going there's um a membership Program which you know is probably the Biggest way to help keep the channel Going because at some point I'm going to Have to go to a paid service because YouTube ads are just not cutting it Anymore and this is not just me it's Many people subscribing Resubscribing liking the video Commenting you can just leave an emoji Like all you have to do is hit an emoji Right anyone doesn't matter which one Right and so any kind of way of letting Uh YouTube know that you're still Interested in the videos recommending The videos to family and friends all These things right so that's how you can You know if you are benefiting from this Channel and you like to keep it going Then that's what you have to do Bookmarking it in case they stop Recommending it to your notifying you or Whatever double notified and you'll Click the Bell whatever it is um but you Know I've talked about this before the
Whole Shadow Bay and the whole thing and Every video now so the community service Announcement is this see I have a Freedom Here you know a way that I can be of Service like this is doing service to You all like if you're a Trumper you're You're a comis hereis supporter you're Voter you know uh just a voter in General and you know depending on your Level of passion and you know how much Your Psychological I don't your hope I don't Know how to put it how much of your your Energy goes into believing Trump's going To make the you know make America great Again or whatever it might be you know That somehow these people are going to Save you like how much of your energy Goes into doing that well you're a Complete dumbass and I can say that Because I'm not saying it to you Personally like I don't know you Personally like it's harder to say Something to a friend or family member You know I mean it might come out when You get angry and that's no good you Know when you're frustrated you're Trying to convince But I can say it completely Dispassionately that you're a complete Dumbass and not you know again I don't Know you personally I'm not talking to You personally but you can receive it
That way and instead of getting mad at Me which is the weakest most you know Immature most you know pathetic way to Go about it because it's how you process Truth like you can hear a truth from Me as a dispassionate you know not Knowing you not talking to you Personally but like you can hear it um That way you know the the second master Of the sa Mark system is Sky Boby lived In pretty much what we would consider Object poverty he was a Baboo or a clerk And people would come to see him and Stay at his house and he'd feed him and Like whatever with you know meager Amount like very very W you know this Doll if you have Indian doll which is a Len Watery doll with a you know chapati Which is like A like a tortilla and you know just it Wasn't very much but it was all that Like he had to offer people like he' Stay at his house and he would you know And he would hold cord he would smoke His hookah he had like a tobacco pipe That had jaggery which is a form of Indian sugar and like you know charcoal And Tobacco and like he barely ate himself Like sometimes he have like one meal a Day He had an ulcer and he would sit there Smoke the hookah and he would be you
Know these people would have this these Blissful experiences just by being in His presence and there were times he Would see something in somebody and he Would you know he wouldn't say all right Look you piece of Boop you know he Wouldn't confront him directly and say Hey you need to change this this is a Character flaw like you know you're not Going to progress spiritually if you you Know but these people are coming to him For you know that type of thing right I Mean there's spiritual cleaning but they Also have to have some self-awareness to Advance spiritually you have to be aware Of your flaws and fix them right but he You know knew that it wouldn't work if You know he confronted people directly Like we all know that right you guys all Experienced that that someone in your Life is being a dumbass and you go and You you you're try to talk to them about It and you know for sure they're doing To make mistake it turns out you're Right at the end and they make the Mistake anyway you we've had that in our Life you know people we have someone now My my wife and I who's who has turboc Cancer right because of more than likely Getting multiple you know roosters you Know all those things rooster rooster Rooster getting the you know getting the Bloop and all that right but you know Not being able to talk to people or
Talking to them then not listening to You and you're just trying to help them And they just don't want to be helped And they get pissed off at you and You're working as a I have a masters in Counseling and working as a counselor And you know all these things I'm I'm Well aware of this you you just can't Tell people this is your problem even if They come to you asking hey can you tell Me what my problem is and you go yeah This is your problem they just can't Hear it right so what babaj G would do Was he would look at somebody else and Talk to them about something that Someone that the they talk about that Problem to somebody else like there'd be A circle of people and he would talk to Person B about a problem that person a Had you know he wouldn't look at person A directly because you know he was Hoping that they would hear it and They'd realize hey that's me I got to Change it right and so like that's the Way you have to deal with people you Can't directly confront them on their Dumb assery right and so this is a Community service for you you guys you Know when I do a comment video it's not Going to help the commenter because the Commenter is pretty much an arrogant you Know I mean I I I doubt there's been any Comment or have benefited from me Explaining how they suck right but it
Helps the rest of you like if you Realize oh yeah I do that too and you're Not being directly you know called on it But you realize right and so you know This is that kind of community service And so the first part of this is Do you think that people in power people Who wield power would ever give any of That power to kamla Harris or Donald Trump do you think any they would do That like do you think that would happen I mean just be honest do you think that Anybody in their right mind would give Power to that dingbat kamla Harris or That completely arrogant bonehead Donald Trump Donald Trump is stupid like he is Stupid right you think anybody in the Right mind would give give them power You know Donald Trump acknowledged this In a tweet so this is a tweet from December 9th 2020 one of my favorite Things Donald Trump did and so he wrote If someone cheated an election which Democrats did why would the election be Immediately overturned how can a country Be run like this and so if you're a Trumper Donald Trump admitted that they Didn't give him any power at all like he Said how can a country be run like this This is the president of United States And so that as a president he could do Nothing to stop the Democrats from Stealing the election and whether they Cheated on the votes or not which you
Know is Debatable because you know they don't Really have to um they rigged it by Number one Donald Trump could do nothing To well he was looking at an easy kind Of sh in reelection right like going Into the summer he was facing a guy who Was already seen is then who couldn't Campaign they already knew that the guy Had Parkinson's and they nominated any In him anyway and so going into the Summer Donald Trump had a good economy a Records low jobs number and it was a False economy and I explained this Before he D regulated everything it Wasn't you know the economy can't be Good but it was you know it looked like It was good and everything was going Great for him to get reelected right and A lot of the fears that people had of a Trump Presidency being some sort of Epic Disaster were over because he had been President for four years and the country Was not any better or worse off than Before and so you know there was and it Was like an uptick in the economy and These things right but they rolled out Co and he had nothing he could have said Things about it but he couldn't stop it Right they rolled out Co and he got Worked completely on it do you guys Remember the time when when Trump was he Wouldn't wear a mask and they made him
Wear a mask and then of course he did Operation warp speed which was a Disaster and they got him to close down The economy which completely screwed him Later on right because they ran against This bad economy that was created by Co And they blamed Trump for the economy Then they forced him into closing Everything down right Trump didn't want To close everything down and no one in The right mind would but he did it and It was unnecessary and people kind of Knew it was the Democrats but still they Blamed it on Trump because that's what a President is they are a Fall Guy you Know they are a shield for the people Who really run the system there so much For you to blame that's what politicians Are for someone for you to to to say you Know to think that they're the ones Making the decision and that you have Some power over that person with your Vote that's how the system works they Don't give these people any real power If somebody cheated in the election Which the Democrats did why wouldn't This election be immediately overturned How can a country be run like this right So he can't help you he can't save you He couldn't save himself right and then The way he acted after that and the way He got he brought all those people up to DC and then the whole big event in January and then all the criminal cases
They could have thrown him in jail Anytime they could have sentenced him And prosecuted him I said he's their Asset they're not going to throw their Asset in jail right they're not going to Throw their primary asset in jail and so He has no real power he's admitted it in So many different ways when he whines to You about how he's being mistreated and Being prosecuted and oh I didn't go After Hillary because you know she's Part of the club and we just don't do That but when it came to me they went After me right he's not even in on it Like that's the thing I mean was Certainly in on the the fake shooting Thing but other than that you know how I Don't think he's in he he's aware of the Stuff that's going on I think he's just Being played and used in things and they Got complete control over the guy right You know even if he had power even if he Had Presidential Power we have checks And balances in this system which is a Great idea and you know there's money Power and there's religious power and There's you know all these agencies of Power and you know Kings had to deal With that Kings had to deal with the People around them the other you know The other so-called royalty the people That the Dukes and the you know like if It'sing the Kings of England and things Like this and sometimes things just
Happen like there's a famine and the People go nuts right the people go you Know full mob or you know things happen Even to Kings and Emperors right they're Powerless they get cancer they get sick They get heart disease they you know Loved ones die you know there's a There's a plague I mean it's just they You don't have control over things the Illusion of power yes and the more power You get the more helpless you become Like it's a it's a like an invert tendo Thing the more the more power you have Alleged power you have the more that you Become helpless to that power and you Know wielding it and things like this And so there's nothing there that can be Done And this idea that they could do Something is a joke nobody would give Trump or KLA Harris power and so you're A complete dope if you believe that They're going to change things and this Has some sort of effect I mean after all The stuff that you've seen as a truther And you believe in some kind of thing Like the Deep state or some you know Whatever it is right like there was a Little clip I saw yesterday from The Daily Show not funny talking about the Elon Musk Trump interview and they Showed Laura Trump saying that the Deep State created the interview right I mean Created the glitches in the interview
But Elon Musk one of the richest men in The world he bought Twitter and his Wealth he became not the richest man in The world they went after him right like Even with all his alleged power and they You know even though he's doing what They want him to do because he's a you Know he's an asset he's like a CIA asset Or something and he you know a fake Truth or a fake you know whatever Republican now but the guy couldn't put On a show where he's talking to another Guy I mean everyone has who has ability For a zoom call or any of these things Right you know my wife was saying that Nobody was watching so they glitched it Out because they weren't getting enough Views but they had all these fake views Because they're they're claiming a Billion views which is silly like we'll Get into that I already talked about That in my last video and so You know he's incapable right they can't Control anything you could be the you Know you have wealth and you have the Ability having some power and things That you can buy people with your money You can make people do things based on Paying them off right that's money power And you have that influence on people But even with that influence it's not Enough right is it going to stop you From getting cancer is it going to stop You from dying is it going to stop the
Things that are going to happen that Make you feel powerless just like every Freaking body else right and so there's No you know with all the things that Weather control and climate control in Your home and cars and planes and you Know all these things monster machines That we have and you know if nature Wants you know if the Divine uh the Divine plan wants to destroy America America's toast and if we want to Destroy America America's toast you know People have a uh like a soul level on a Subconscious level a desire to destroy This country and you know it's your soul Has had enough of it right you're going In the wrong direction and so you can't Stop what's going to happen and Believing in these you know the Political Process is just a waste of time and I Don't care like I'm just you know this Is what I get paid to do right this is My interpretation of my job is to say The things that you know people aren't Going to be able to hear from their Relatives and all these things if you're A Maga person you know you're destroying Relationships with your family over some Guy who's just a complete bonehead and Clearly a flimflam man and he's telling You in every possible way and you still Believe right because of your Desperation and your you know not being
Able to face the you know the truth of Our our circumstances that there's no Saving this system whatever's going to Happen whatever your lifestyle is going To look like like whatever the you know Whatever the structure is going to look Like in 5 years or 10 years or 20 years Is completely out of your control and Everybody else's nobody can stop what's About to happen right and no one's going To you know everyone if anybody had any Real power like that then people would Live forever right you know if you had Any real control over anything you Wouldn't die like the first thing you Would do is you say I'm not going to die Ever right you know I people would get Suicidal after a while they would you Know want to die they would want to Leave I mean they have this thing if you Ever saw those what they called The Outlander it was it called The Outlander These guys who just live forever and They would get married and they would Marry you know a young woman and before You know what she'd be old and they' Have kids that they were outliving right All the time you know if you had if you Were if you didn't have the ability to Die but everyone else did was dying it'd Be completely lonely you'd have like This trust abandonment kind of you know What I mean it would just be horrible All the time people that you loved would
Be we D and all around you right you Just and you'd be doing the same thing Over and over again like you would just At some point you'd want to you want to Get out of the planet you like you enjoy Everything you indulge in everything These rich people are miserable they're Indulging they're going to the best Places and doing the best things you Know and they're still miserable like it Just doesn't stimulate anymore pleasure Is not in itself a goal happiness is not A goal that has anything to do with why You're here it's not your true goal or Purpose to be you for pleasure and Happiness yeah you seek it you you know You desire pleasure and you you want to Push away pain that's natural but it's Not why you're here but in all that you Know you're going to die and there's no Stopping it like if people had power They would stop that right they prolong It yeah sure they freeze their heads and Your bodies and cryogenics thinking that They could you know be revived but their Soul isn't coming back you don't even Have power over your Soul's decision Right your soul isn't going to Reincarnate in some frozen freaking body It left years ago you know you're not Going to you know once you die you die And like your soul goes somewhere and it Doesn't you know it's not slave to Your Ego anymore for that period of time
Where it's not here on planet Earth and So it's not going to go back to Something that you know was already left Behind years ago and so this idea of Control I call these controllers is not Even a real thing and so you're fool to Believe in the system because it's Obviously a very pivotal time in our Existence and you can be doing something And I'm not you know here to tell you What you should do but you could figure It out like you can connect with your Soul you're going to connect with the Divinity within you and you can figure Out why you're here and what you need to Do like each person has the ability to Do that right you know the Grateful Meditation that I do is helpful in People doing that right but in itself it Isn't you know the end all because I Mean I've talked about all the people Who do heartfulness that are following a Cult leader they're they have the Inability after years of being spiritual People to make the right decision it's Painful for you to watch but so even if You have a relationship with the Divinity within you you still have to You know build your character and hone Skills and and learn how to make good Decisions right like we all go through Dumb periods like there was a time where I just made bad decisions you know when I was younger and I mean just one bad
Decision after another and it was it was My whole life was a dumb decision like You know how it was living and who I was As a person and so you know we all go Through that like there's times where You're being a dummy and if you're lucky You have somebody like me that comes Along tells you it Or lets you know in some Capacity and you're able to get out of Or maybe not even a person it's just Your Circumstances you know you run into Enough walls and you you realize all Right I got to stop walking into walls I Got to stop being such a dummy right I Got to open my eyes and wake up and you Know stop sleep walking through life or Whatever and so you know if you're a Trumper that's what you're doing right Now I mean there's very few people who Are Comm supporters that watch my Channel but if you're you know engaging With the system with any sense that you Know this can be saved and you're Putting your energy into something your Money your time your energy where you Know wasting time is like your biggest Like sin right you have time here in Planet Earth and you're wasting it doing What right what are you doing following This freaking Mo that that you Know obviously is well get into the Interview here well you know like you're
You're the opposite of an A A woke Person if you think Trump is a savior or Even a potential savior or even has any Power or has your your best interest at Heart or any of things even the Slightest you know H tint of any of that Stuff you're wasting your time and You're being a complete dumbass all Right so let's get into the interview Here okay so let's pick it up here in The beginning of the I played some of This for you this is where um Elon Musk Is gushing Praise on Trump for faking a Shot to the ear and we know that at the Very least I mean we know it's fake like Most of us know it's fake the whole Thing but Um but one thing that nobody really can Deny I they will deny it but they can't Is that he put a bigger bandage on than He needed he had a bandage that covered His whole ear when he came out because He couldn't acknowledge the the the Smallness of the cut his doctor said it Was 2 cm which is smaller than an inch But we know there's nothing there at all And his doctor said that there was no Need for any stitches right and so all These things that we know that it's just Completely fake and exaggerated like if It was real it was exaggerated and it Wasn't real and so Trump is going to Confront like he's he's going to give Two different stories like this is what
Happens when Trump gets in front of a Mike he just he can't help himself and He just wanders around blathering about Things where he confronts himself he can He can contradicts I'm not confronts Himself he contradicts his own story and So let's get into it here maybe uh we Could start off with um I mean the Assassination attempt uh which uh was an Incredible thing and I have to say that Uh you know your actions after that that Assassination attempt were inspiring um You know you instead of shying away from Things instead of ducking down um you Were pumping your fist in the air and Saying fight fight fight and I think That's I mean know stupid that would be Stupid right it's not brave it's stupid Right and you're supposed to do Something like you know remember when You were a kid and they trained you in Your school for fire drills and you know When I grew up I really didn't get much Of this but people had to train them the Kids were trained in case of a nuclear Bomb went off right because of the cold War with Russia and that kind of was you Know that was dying out when I was a kid But you go through training and it's What's best for Everybody and certainly the Secret Service and you know Trump keeping his Head down would have been what's best For everyone right with him pumping his
Fist in the WW F you know this fake WWE Stupid thing um you know was just Classic I it was a classically fake Event also Trump being trump it wasn't Real but it wasn't the right thing to do It wasn't courageous it wasn't being a Badass it wasn't any of these things Right because it wasn't you know it it's Not what's best for everyone right if He's a guy who supposed to save the World and make America great again and Prevent all these things then him taking The son necessary risk is stupid Especially at his age right you don't Take these kind of risks because of you Know Rado or anything things but it was Fake and Trump isn't that guy like Trump Is definitely protective of his of his Life and his physicality he's not one of Those Risk Takers it's just something That you know was so staged that was Obvious but Elon Musk would admit it the The the president of the United States Represents America and I think that is That is America that that is strength Under Fire and Um it's so bad so that's uh you know a Big you know part of the reason why I Was uh excited to endorse you as uh the The president of the United States for Having another term here is uh that was That was just incredibly inspiring but But I mean what was it like for You not pleasant I have to be hon
I said it was blood I had more blood I Didn't know I I didn't know I had that Much blood you I mean they sprayed Ketchup all over my ear you know this Was Band-Aid gate and ketchup gate um 101 and it gets bad the whole thing like This is uh I mean let's just glow into It here doctors later told me that the Ear is a place that is uh a very bloody Place if you're going to get hit but uh In this case it was probably the best Alternative if you could even think About because it went at the right angle And uh you know it was H it was a hard Hit it was Very I guess you would say surreal but It wasn't surreal you know you know a Hard hit I Mean getting shot is something that very Few people can experience Right um but getting shot where a body Where a bullet enters into your body Somewhere and either exits out of the Other side is not the same is getting Grazed right so he got grazed right like So and he didn't get grazed but that the Official story is that he got Grazed and so much that he didn't need Stitches and that's the big part the Fact that he didn't need stitches and There's no evidence that he isn't his Ears even damaged at all there's no scar There's no anything right there's Nothing there that they can even show
You you can see the pictures and so What is he talking about Like you got grazed bro right you got Grazed and so like he's saying it's a Hard hit what does that even mean like You didn't take a direct shot anywhere The the most that you could say is you Got grazed your official story your Official Doctor Who's obviously lying on Your behalf or maximizing you know Exaggerating your injuries he said that There's a non-existent cut there right You know I was telling somebody you have Instances like this or like a lot less Than this where you feel it's a surreal Situation and I never felt that way I Knew Immediately that it was a bullet I knew Immediately that it was at the ear yeah And because it you know it hit very hard But hit the ear and I also heard people Shout bullets bullets you know get down Get down because I You know bullets you heard you heard People shouting bullets that's what People are are are shouting bullets hey There bullets everybody bullets Everybody look out for the bullets like You know it's you're what are you Talking about like no one says that Nobody said bullets right You it's bullets you guys there are Bullets out there hitting ears there's Bullets grazing ears everywhere out here
You guys moved down pretty nicely pretty Quickly and we had bullets flying right Over my head after I went down so I'm Glad I went down the the bigger miracle Was that I was looking in the exact Direction of the shooter and so it hit It hit me at an angle that was uh far Less destructive than any other angle so He's going to get into the whole angle Which I have explained um well I'll show You the pictures because I pulled up This you know I have a video where I Went into this in depth but the shooter Had to be In a direct straight line and a perfect Perpendicular line to Trump like I you Know told you like if you can do an Experiment if you put a string ear level Up against uh you know between two walls To opposing walls it's a straight line If you turn your head slightly either Way it's going to either hit the back of Your skull or it's going to go through The front of your skull before hitting Your ear right so the person has to be Perpendic particular with Trump which Wasn't possible because Trump was you Know you can see he's pointing to this Chart you know this um this chart of Immigration which he's going to talk About for quite a bit he's going to get Into immigration too with this thing and There was no way for the shooter to be In that direction right and so you know
He is going to blow this whole story up Too he's going to talk about this being A miracle and all these things with you Know divine intervention and you know God he's going to bring God into it Which we talk about so much and Divine Providence but it was something that's Not physically possible it violates the Laws of physics based in where the Shooter was because the shooter was in Front of trump on his right side in Front of trump and you know it it wasn't Possible for the guy to curve the bullet Around Trump's monster head in his face And hit his ear The bullet would had to to curve to do That right and we know that there's no Damage to his ear so the whole thing's You know so there's no Miracle shot here There's nothing there but Trump goes on About this for you know quite some time Here so that was the miracle that was For those people that don't believe in God I think we got to all start thinking About that you have to uh you know I'm I'm a Believer now I'm more of a Believer I think and a lot of people Have said that to me a lot of great People have said that to me actually But it was uh it was amazing that I Happened to be turned just at that Perfect angle and uh all because I put Down a chart on immigration that showed That the numbers were so great I I love
That chart even more maybe it's a sign Maybe that's a sign you know it's an Immigration sign you you highlighted a a Serious issue and at that Moment the bullet Mr your you know hit Your ear but but but you know M Mr your Your head so elon's implying that Trump Um was talking about Immigration and so because of that the Guy missed him right um it's just like Silly like God cares about immigration Now now Trump's going to go on for a While like I said he's later going to Blow up this whole story he's going to Go off on a tangent about how the guy Rushed his shot that's why he missed him Like he's going to literally say this After he goes into this and talks about Divine Providence and miracles and he's Talking about here um let's go a little Bit further here the amazing thing is That uh the sign I said bring down that Sign on immigration and it was literally About an eighth of a second where it Would be good and and after that it was Going to be a disaster no matter which Which way you were facing but it just Had that that perfect angle which was Exactly at this shooter very sad Situation such a sad situation as you Know we lost somebody that was great Corey who a firefighter a a great Gentleman a great a great Trumper he was A a just a fantastic family and a
Fantastic man so if you're claiming God And Divine Providence here then why Wouldn't God protect everybody right Like why was your life so much more Valuable and why would this be you know I mean all these things and then a Friend of mine came up Elon said I'd Like to give the family some kind of uh Help and I said that's great he said do You mind I said I don't mind at all and He wrote out a check for a million Dollars gave gave it to the wife and you Know uh she said this is really nice but I'd rather have my husband back which is A nice thing for somebody to say to be Honest she's she's great what to be Honest that's a nice thing for somebody To say what are you talking about the Family is great and we raised a lot of Money for them and for uh two other Gentlemen were are unbelievable people Also they were hit really badly they Thought they were not going to make it And they did the doctors in the Butler Area I tell you they were incredible They saved the two and uh they were Really hit tough both of them equally uh And we thought we my first question was Cuz I heard bullets flying over me and I Said how many people were killed cuz we Had a massive he heard him he heard them Flying over him he heard the bullets Flying over him you can't hear them Right you hear the gunfire it's quite
Loud but like you don't hear the bullets You hear them whizzing over his head out There a tremendous yeah thousands and Thousands of people and there was no Land I mean it was just it was all People so I said how many people have Been killed because I knew there were Other shots being fired sure and they Said uh we don't know yet but some People have been badly hurt and uh I Have to give the Secret Service Sniper they call him or Sharpshooter but Sniper because he didn't know there was A problem he's been he's okay so the Story we heard and you know if you Understand what happens with these Events that they come out with stories Like there's news stories and if Something's a psychological operation Run by the intelligence Community they Have information packets they release to The media and the media just goes with It but there'll be people speaking up About it that are there and you know There'll be organic event coverage and Things that doesn't add up with the Package right and so they'll release the Package of data and each day it's Something different right they'll Release the name of the guy and they'll Find the guy's motivation a Manifesto And it's just what they do right there's This like stuff that they do if it's Controlled and you know even if it's an
Organic event they do the same thing Like they tell the media you know uh They have a story and they put the Information out right but one of the Things that they said was that the guy Had a rangefinder which is it would Measure the distance you know you know They're saying that like people are Saying oh this is an easy shot and I saw A guy who was a an ex sniper and he was Like this is an easy shot but he'd like To see the kind of Optics the guy had Which we'll get into well let me just Say this here so I watched this video Yesterday because they talk about the Guy's rifle but they haven't shown any Pictures and they haven't released Information of what kind of scope he has You know you can have a laser pointer Which has a you know there's a DOT that You see and the the bullet if the you Know because you have to you have to Adjust your scope like when you get a Gun you have to adjust the sights in the Scope to see if um you know it's going Where the sites are saying that it's Going or your scope right so like it Might be off so you have to adjust There's ways to adjust the scope and the Sights and also you have to calculate For wind and this guy said that the Bullet would go faster in the summer This guy is you know an x uh Navy sealed You know sniper or something and that
The temperature for this particular Weapon has an effect on the bullet right And so he said that's my my might be why He missed but you know the then they're Saying he well he didn't miss so this is All going to be talked about here with Trump and Elon as well right but there's No you know uh evidence that the guy had A scope he had he was using the gun Sight so it's quite a long shot and so He had this Rangefinder to see how far Trump was from the from his location and He was walking around with it and they Identified him hours before if Somebody's walking around An event like this with a political Figure with a rangefinder you'd Immediately stop the guy for questioning But they didn't do that and then they Lost track of him but the sniper picked Him up later using the Rangefinder and trying to you know set His sights for is the shot against Trump But then Trump's going to talk about This guy distracting him later which We'll get into then when he does that You know somebody coming up on the roof And the guy pointing his gun at At um the uh you know the the uh the cop That crawled up on the roof which means He no longer had Trump locked into his Sights which we'll get into it a bit Right but the snipers knew about this Guy for at least 10 minutes before the
Shot he was up on the roof and they saw Him and they put him in his sights they Could have taken him out any time before That and Trump even acknowledge that in Interviews right and so this isn't Something that you praise the guy for An extraordinary shot obviously and he Didn't know there was a problem and he Was able to pick it all out within 5 Seconds and he used one bullet from very Far away I guess probably about 400 Yards the shooter was 130 but he was on The he was on the opposite side of the Field and the podium okay so there's Varying way like he's saying that this Was some incredible shot by the counter Sniper if you see them this guy has an Extensive scope right like he has a Powerful scope and they have rifles Sniper rifles that are designed for you Know accuracies for long distance and He's like praising this guy for taking The guy out in one shot but here's the Problem with all this stuff because Trump's going to praise the rest of the Secret Service here that the majority of Trumpers and Elon Musk you know he's Claiming that the hacking that they Experienced like he there's no they're Going to have glitches throughout They're going to there's going to be Times where you're not going to be able To hear what they're saying which is Completely up when you know this
Is supposed to be a technological genius That's making these you know high-priced Electric vehicles and he's running Twitter and they can't even have a video Feed like they have they they've taken This back to radio and they can't even Get that done right and he's claiming That they're being hacked by Foreign Entities that want to stop this from Happening or something or other right But there 's a belief amongst trumpers That this was some sort of Conspiracy that was a deep State type of Situation right deep state Conspiracy and Trump isn't acknowledging That at all he just praises the Secret Service who failed to Mo they failed to Clear the roof they failed to take the Guy out ahead of time this all could Have been prevented if they were doing Their job the sniper failed the the Police field failed they failed to you Know I mean the sniper had one location To look at in terms of like people in The crowd right but you know that is Whatever it is and there's two Snipers and um the that rooftop the only The only access they had to the stage in Terms of shooting Trump was from the Rooftop and they saw a guy up there and They didn't do anything about it and so There was multiple failures there but The failures afterwards where Trump's Big head was exposed when they didn't
Know if there was more than one sniper Which there if it was a conspiracy there Would have been right more than likely And so all these people believe this is Some deep state conspiracy and Trump who Has a big giant mouth and can't you know I mean he's always putting out Conspiracy theories that are bogus right He he says things all the time he hasn't Said that once right and so like him Saying fight fight fight what against Some crazy kid like you like you're this Isn't about you being taken down by the Media or being taken down by Establishment there some crazy kid who Was a registered Republican and they've Disappeared the kid from the story like They're not ever finding his Manifesto Which you know would usually be some CIA Created thing I mean this is a py and They're not even going into the guy's Motivation you know what's his Motivation what's his motivation Political or why why did he do it right And so the whole thing is silly right Like the whole idea that Trump is was There's some deep stay conspiracy and Trump isn't calling it that oh they Tried to take me out like you he didn't Say that at all he has nothing but Praise for Secret Service which had an Epic fail and then all the other things Here and he saw the the smoke and the Flame from the gun immediately
Recognized it and immediately took a Shot and it was one he had him in his Sights the whole time like he's just That's already been acknowledged that The guy he's what he he didn't see a guy On the roof you he's got a scope you can See him with your eyes without people Were pointing him out and whatever he Didn't see the guy of course he did the Guy was up there with a rangefinder and The guy had him in his Scopes and he Decided not take a shot you even said That and so like he saw the guy with a Gun like you could see you don't think You could see a the guy was 130 M away And the guy um You know had a gun and he saw him Through the scope right and so this your Story doesn't add up this story is like Complete right perfect shot From very far away and if he if he Didn't do that Elon he would have I mean If he would have a lot of people a lot More people have been could have been Badly hurt and killed so I I have to Take my hat off to him because that's Also a surreal you know he's been with Them for 23 years and there's he's never Had anything like this and all of a Sudden he has to act and it's a very Tough thing to act and to be shooting Somebody but he saw the uh you mean he's Never killed anybody they got snipers up There that don't have experience with
Killing somebody like they've they've Been doing this forever but they haven't Taken a shot like that's not good you Don't want this guy getting you know I Mean getting cold Fe getting deer fever Whatever like He saw the gun saw the smoke saw the Flame from the gun very far away I Obviously has very good eyes he's got Very good Vision which I assume you have To have in that particular he's he's got A spotter this guy there's a twers team Which you can see from the for multiple Pictures so there's four people up there He's got a spotter you know they're Calculating for the wind you know they Have I mean this is a a team of Professional Snipers and they have Scopes and they Can see the guy and they both would have Seen the guy cuz it's they're facing the Roof the only place where somebody could Take a shot like this a clean shot like The rooftop was their only you know Their only worry and they should have Cleared it which it you know again it's Bogus and he had the guy in his sights Like he didn't he didn't just you know Put the guy in his sight after the guy Started firing oh that guy in the wait That guy with a gun on the roof he did End up firing shots at Trump we never You figured he was just hunting pigeons But now we know work but he uh he took
Aim very quickly and it was they say it Was approximately 5 seconds from long Range one bullet if that didn't happen Because the shooter had a lot of bullets He had a lot of he had lots of bullets They were flying everywhere okay so let Me just take a break here and um not Take a break but let's um talk about What we're seeing here and I'm going to Show you some of the images I have from This previous videos that I made about This um the shooting but in my thesis to This video in my thesis statement in the Beginning of this video the introduction Where I talk about how these people are Powerless right billionaires are Powerless kings are powerless right so These are supposed to be two powerful Men two billionaires telling you what's Up right they're supposed to be the Resistance these are two guys who are Extraordinarily successful with the Beastly system and they both have risen To wealth and power and influence right And here they are disseminating Information trying to save America for You guys and going rogue and talking Truth the power and they're the like I Said the Resistance and one of the guys was the Former president who I read his tweet About how he was powerless to stop all These things who was now saying that he Needed God to save him
From a 20-year-old kid a disgruntled 20-year-old kid with questionable Marksmanship skills who was able to get A clean head shot at a sitting president While the Secret Service sniper and all These people watch this kid walk around The grounds with a you know with a with Um a rangefinder only to crawl up on a Roof that was the only place that the Two sniper teams had to really worry About a shot being fired at the former President And they had the guy in the sights and Chose not to shoot him and the guy got Off a number of shots in a 7sec Period and grazed the former president's Ear and without God's help in terms of Getting Trump to choose to do the chart At a different time because he he Usually did it at the end of the Presentation the end of the the rally at The end of the speech and he turned at That exact moment and all the things That went into that that Trump said all These things that were anomalies that Usually wouldn't have happened that That's what needed to happen for Trump To be able to avoid this this 20-year-old kid's bullet right that's The official story that Trump is Endorsing and so I've pointed out a Bunch of mistakes that Trump has made in The story that don't jive with facts of Course all the stuff with the year all
These things right and we'll we'll keep On doing that and each time I do that Remember that this is a guy who's Supposed to have access to more Information than we have right he's Supposed to be I mean as a as the President and former president now as a Former president and when he was President as a billionaire he's supposed To have access to data and a world viw And people where he will know things That you don't have access to that you And I AR able to get we're not privy to That information Elon Musk as well right I mean it's why you guys listen to me Right because You know I do this full-time as a job And I look into these things I don't Have access to the kind of information They have but I have a spiritual Connection that they don't have you know I have a you know a a connection with Divinity which I cultivate through Meditation and you know dyslexia and Pattern recognition and certain things Of my personality type that make me good At this right and how many times have I Been right because of the you know Configuration of my world view and the The way that I disate information I Receive information and process it right But that's why you guys come listen here I mean most of you because of you know You're doing a full-time job or you're
Younger and you're not in the uh you Don't have the kind of you know life Experience I've had or whatever it might Be and you know the abilities that I Have right that's why you listen to People who you you listen to pundit and Experts and things to formulate your own Opinion and you know to get information From them and so you're listening to These two guys as supposed to be you Know powerful insiders that are supposed To be smart and successful men right who Are going to tell you what's up but they Get all this stuff wrong and it's they Start off with the shooting but Elon Musk can't even get a video feed here You know video interview with Trump like People are doing this every day like People independent people you know People like me are having um Zoom calls And you know things like that right and They can't get that done here like they Can't Like they can't get this thing done Milan mus can't with all his Technological advancement and all these Things with his cards and all this he Was the richest man in the world at some Point and they can't put on a quality Glitch-free show here starts 40 minutes Too late all these things and then they Go into this completely bogus story in Which you know Trump is like I said Going to contradict his own beliefs in
This thing right and as he develops it We'll get more more into it but let me You know go over to some of these images Here that I had and let's go through This so this is my video entitled if You're not willing to consider that Ketchup gate might be fake you're not a Truth or you're a sheeple which you know Um it speaks for itself oh you know the Other thing is that Trump has gone Bankrupt six times right um he's Somebody who uses the bankruptcy court And you know it's not a great thing to Do you're not taking responsibility for You're defaulting on your debts right And you're taking chances borrowing Money risk money um where here we go Some of these images here so here's the The lack of blood right no blood on his Collar no blood on his these things here Let's just go through these images um But you're not you're not um again no Blood anywhere here so um you're not um Taking responsibility for your actions And then you can borrow money and take Risks knowing that if things go badly For you you can just default on your Obligations now for an individual person Who gets themselves into credit card Debt and you know has issues again it's Not a great thing to do spiritually Karmically whatever you want to call it You know in terms of sub scaras which I Talk about quite often but also just you
Know being a like a standup person and Taking responsibility ility for your Choices but if you're somebody who's an Indep you know an individual person who Makes some bad decisions and you know Whatever it is it's a lot more Understandable than when you're a Billionaire because when you default on Your credit card debt to Goldman Sachs And some of these country companies like This it's not great but those companies Suck and are evil and they're screwing People over and you know it's not as bad As when you're a billionaire and some of The things you're defaulting on is Payments to small businesses and vendors And things like that right and so Trump Is you know the taxpayers when you Default on these things there are people That suffer right people lose their jobs People lose their businesses and Trump Has done this six times and he wasn't Able to you know and I'm sure he doesn't Want to do that he wants to all these Bets to be successful but they're not Right so this is that guy you he's he's That guy right he's the kind of guy who Does things like that right he'll lie to You and he you know will screw people Over and there's his big giant Maxi Pat He put on which we know is a lie because There's nothing there right there was Nothing there to cover up so here he is Pointing so you can see from this angle
He's pointing a little bit behind him The chart is just behind him which would Mean a straight shot because when I Showed you this in the video that he's About you know this is when the the Bullet's about to be be fired here um Got these two dueling giant cursors here And he's um you know he's the the gun's About to go off and he's pointing behind Him so the the shooter would have to be Slightly behind him to get a straight Angle on this shot here right and so the Other thing is that from where the Shooter is even after Trump gets down The guy could still could be shooting at Trump's massive body And and once he lays down if he's Getting more shots off like he could I Mean the shots would be going into here Not whizzing over his head right they he Would even if there's people on top of Him he could be firing into the pile Knowing where Trump's body was was at Like hit him somewhere and so there's That but here's this incredible Miracle Shot that Trump called it and it's going In a way where it could only be you know It's very singular in terms of its um Being being able to Nick his ear right So the shooter here's where Trump is Pointing up here right Trump's pointing Up here let me stop that other cursor we Have three different cursors three big Giant cursors this is where they're
Saying the shooter was right and So behind him is where he's pointing so The shooter couldn't be over here Because there's no building there's no Place access point so that doesn't exist That Miracle shot doesn't exist right Like Trump would have to be at a an Angle straight towards the shooter for Him to be able to miss his his M giant Dome and only Nick is here but he's not There Right so here you see the stage where Trump is at and here's the shooter and There's no way that the shooter could be Over here where Trump would be um uh you Know and would have access the snipers Are looking right here there's a sniper Team right here that has full access to The shooter right and so um like that's All uh they have a shorter shot to the Shooter than he has to Trump and they Have a team and they have a you know a Better scope like here's another example Of this right so you have the two Snipers here's the stage Trump keeps on Saying that the snipers had a long shot And it's longer but it's shorter so the Snipers these this is the sniper team That hits They're looking right at this this is The only area around there where the guy Would have um somebody would have a shot At Trump right and so this is this Building over here is blocked by trees
It's farther away and so again like the Guy there's no acknowledgement of having A scope or sight and the the um Navy SEAL Sniper who has killed people that's Talking about the shot and why Potentially there are some issues with It wants to know what type of scope he Has right what kind of Optics he's using Because you know that's everything when You're talking About30 yards away right that's Significant distance you can't see that With your naked eye so you'd have to Have a good scope and we haven't seen That the guy didn't have a SC scope Right it seemed like what everyone's Saying or the pictures of the gun there Was um just the sights that came with it Which would make the shot pretty much Impossible but there so many factors Here so many changing stories As Trump Goes through this it seems like it was An impossible shot from the Get-go so here's the cut let's go back To the cut here now there's the blood is Dry this is him getting up and he's just Getting up again his head is exposed Here if somebody is taking these photos That means somebody could take a shot if They were at the the right angle for This thing but they allowed him to do This which means they failed in their Job and Trump is Failing at cooperating with the Secret
Service but there's no indication of Anything here there's no active bleeding I mean there was you know there's no Drips of blood here no blood on his coat Or any of these things it's like they Poured something on his face and it Dried by the time he got up and that was It like because you know they didn't do Anything to address the wound right and So when you have something that's an Open cut I was talking about how you Know shortly after this I was out uh Doing some farm work and I was um Putting in um I was doing irrigation for Some fruit trees that we had and my hand Slipped and you know I was trying to Push the irrigation tube on uh like some Kind of a valve a Val a Valve and my hand slipped and it hit the Valve and it cut open my finger and I Wanted to keep on working cuz I was you Know a little bit far away from the the House and I didn't have access to any Band-Aids my wife had just talked about How there's forever chemicals and Band-Aids so we were thinking about well What are we going to do how are we going To you know deal with small cuts and Things like this but the blood was just Gushing out right and it wasn't a bad Cut it was you know small cut but the Blood kept on coming and it wouldn't Stop on its own so I had to go up and Wrap it in a paper towel and then go
Back and put I put some tape on it and Eventually it stopped bleeding but it Bled for five to six minutes you know Whatever it was till I you know did all That cuz I had to do something to stop It from bleeding right and they didn't Do anything they didn't address his Wound at all and yet it's no longer Bleeding and so then he's going to show Up here with this thing on like that's a Deception because he didn't need to go To the hospital he didn't need stitches They didn't need to do anything it Already stopped bleeding so all they had To do was clean up the clean out the Wound or whatever it was and make sure It doesn't get infected but it was a you Know again it was a barely a like a Scratch there's no scar tissue or Anything we know from this image here Like this is after he's taking the Bandage off there was no reason for a Bandage right there was nothing like you Know like at most he was grazed by the Thing and and so I mean there was there Was no blot it's just it's silly the Whole thing's just an absolute hoax and Joke I mean soon as he showed up with This you're like what the the Right and so it's it's over like it's He's been exposed so now he's going to Go through this interview with Elon Musk And they're making a big deal about this Thing Elon Musk they talk about it for a
Good like 30 20 five minutes or so and They keep on going back to it and Trump Contradicts his story over and over Again I mean I mean that that that That's clearly you know um you know he Was he was very confident in taking that Shot To stop the the assass the attempt at Assassination um again you know calling An assassination would imply that it's a Foreign government or a power behind it You know this is a random person right This is some guy who's disgruntled or Whatever mentally ill again with minimal Marksmanship ability he's an amateur He's not a professional assassin Nobody's paying for this and there's no One else involved right and so the Offical official story is that that There is a lone Gman a kid who we don't Even know his motivation he donated to Democrats but he's a registered Republican there was no online posting About this no Manifesto nothing Indicating the guy's intentions there's Nothing about it right his rifle when They found him on the roof again there's All this information that comes out and Then there's conflicting stories was Like five or six feet away from him he Didn't throw his gun after being shot Right and so like this guy is the Ultimate py nother neither one of these Guys are claiming that right and the
Reason why Trump has to keep on praising The Secret Service which he's going to Do again here he's praising Secret Service over and over again is he knows It's all right and so he can't Criticize them for something that you Know at some point they would just come Out and say this is fake right I mean There's always that option there's Always that possibility and so Trump Can't come out and say this is some deep State attack on him and these things Which would be in his best interest to Rally the base to say that Joe Biden These people did this on purpose and There was some sort of conspiracy behind It and Trump isn't shy to do such things Like he talks about that pretty much Every time he goes out there's some sort Of conspiracy to lock him up to put him In jail to cheat him out of his election All these things he's big on conspiracy Theories often the ones that are are Bogus right but he's not afraid to find Something on the Internet and then talk About it but he hasn't done that once With the shooting all he's done is Praise the Secret Service we're going to Get into it here but but I mean there Does seem to be I mean some pretty Significant failings um elsewhere in the System like there's just no way that Like how on Earth does a shooter get on A roof 130 yards away um that seems
Crazy um I think most people like people Are wondering how that on Earth could Such a thing happen well you know I view It as two ways there should have been Nobody in the roof uh there were people Because there were so many tens of Thousands of people there there were People that were seeing him and there Was one woman with a red shirt and uh Trump all over it and she's Screaming that guy's got a gun you know You saw it probably yeah a I mean it's Like I'm just I'm just I guess I mean For my part I think probably many Members of the public are wondering how The heck are you know basically people Wondering why pointing out there's a guy On the roof with a gun yeah um they're Seeing it but uh somehow that's okay if Trump was killed and of course according To the official story there's one guy Dead and two guys were shot so there Should be almost like criminal charges Manslaughter against the failure here I This is epic failure like if this was You know if you do something on a Corporate level where there's this kind Of Casualties and this kind of incompetence You can be charged with manslaughter and The job of the Secret Service is to Prevent this sort of thing the police Right and I know the secret service Director fell on her sword but there
Isn't enough blame to go around here you Know even mourning Joe who are they no One hates Trump more than Morning Joe And I showed you this clip in one of my Videos Joe scarbo was saying that Trump's head being exposed for you know Basically a you know minute and a half Or so while he's walking to his car and Pumping his fist and doing all that He was doing there's no way they should Allow that to happen like there's Massive incompetence across the board They didn't clear a roof there's one Roof that they had to clear but even if They didn't clear it they had snipers There and they would all they had to do Was look at this the roof and say all Right we can hit this guy here right and So um you know They didn't do that right and the guy Was up there for a while and so there Was multiple ways to prevent this thing And they didn't do it and it's I mean This is as incompetent like a like a Sort of a keystone cop these you know These black and white freaking silent Movies where these guys would run around You know like three stooges like level Of behavior I mean this is like Criminally incompetent right and Trump Won't say anything about it not being Addressed um that that do seem crazy Well they're going to learn from this The communication between the local
Police you if you know anything about Trump he hates incompetence and he talks About this constantly how much better He's doing the job than Kamala did or Trump or Biden did or you know the People before him I mean these Obama you Know how much you know these people Can't do it and they can't negotiate a Deal he's always talking about other People's incompetence and how he can do It so much better and for him to say yo They're going to learn from this you Know the guy shot you in the ear and They're saying this traumatic event and People died you know trumpers died and You're you're going to come out and say All these things like you know Supporting the the people that did this And he's not going to go full Trump on The Secret Service and the people there And not even speculate and say you know Hey um maybe this is a you know a Conspiracy a deep state conspiracy That's more than just one person right Who sort of had an idea and then Ultimately a man lifted himself up to The roof could barely do it because you Know he was pulling himself up and yeah He saw the man with the gun the man with The gun pointed the gun at him he Thought he was probably going to get Shot but you know he was like pulling Himself up and because of that he Couldn't get to his gun and he fell down
Actually very badly hurt his uh leg his Ankle I hear very badly but but he fell Down and he did you know from what I Understand he did say there's a guy up There with a gun and the the shooting Started very quickly after that I think It I think it forced the shooter to go Maybe quicker you know he was supposed To be a very good shot yeah he was Supposed to be a very good shot he's 20-year-old kid you know like he's not Some expert Marksman never shot anybody Before in his life right his first Attempt at killing somebody Assassination of trump I this is Official story right but listen how Trump is killing his other story my sons Uh Don and Eric they they can't believe What happened but they said from 130 Yards a bad shot would hit that Target Almost every time they said it's like in Golf sinking a two foot putt yeah it's Not a hard it's not a tough shot it's Not a it's not a long shot with a Scope with some sort of scope right the Uh Secret Service person had the long Shot he had a you know triple the Distance actually triple the distance no I just showed you guys right it was a Shorter shot but it wouldn't be triple Right I mean it wouldn't be triple it Wouldn't even be double it would be like You know 30 you know 30 more yards right Okay so I'm editing today's Thursday
August 15th and I did most of this video Yesterday um but him saying it's triple The distance so 100 and 30 yards tripled Would be 390 yards so that's four Football fields it's silly like you know It's not triple the distance it's Actually shorter like I said but like Trump just makes things up you know You'd think that something where his Life was threatened he would be more Factual you know like he has victim Consciousness on his side that's what This is about right he has been Victimized and A culmination of the lefts attacking him You know people are blaming the media at The very least for demonizing him and Provoking this kid to do it you know he Doesn't even mention the kid by name Right say his name Trump like he just You know and so he's buying into the Official story and he's not pushing back At all like Trump usually does and he's Praising all these people that failed Him like he you know bullets were wizard By his head I mean he isn't traumatized By the thing at all like he wasn't like He hadn't changed at all like something Like that that would change you a Near-death experience I mean it's just Because it didn't happen it's a totally Fake thing so he's just making stuff up And he's saying they they made a Incredible shot from three times the
Distance they were right behind him in The stage and the buildings were right Behind him so if it was if it was a Longer distance which it isn't it'd be An extra 10 yards or 15 yards not double Or triple But Trump's always doing things like That right like it's always got to be Bigger and you know why would you be That way about something like this why Would you have to embellish it and the Story is constantly changing it's just I Mean it's it's really Bad but it's he didn't have a longer Shot and so like you're supposed to be Get he's supposed to have I mean Somebody just tried to kill him and he Doesn't have accurate information right Just he's going seei himself I mean he's Certainly getting older and slowing down And having memory issues but I mean Where's this information coming from This guy should have better information Than I do like uh you know it was a a Terrible thing look uh it it's hard I Have to say this about the Secret Service when I went Down and you know I went down based on I Think they're screaming uh but other People also cuz people saw this happen You know you had so many people one of Them but you know so let's let's Goles was that nobody ran I mean It the shooting started very quickly
After that I think it I think it forced The shooter to go maybe quicker you know He supposed to be a very good shot yeah So he's saying that he's going to go Quicker here and then he's going to talk About this a little bit more but this Dispels his whole Theory that this was cuz if the guyy Shooting at his head and he would have Hit his head had Trump not moved then The guy got off a quality shot and so What Trump is saying here is so the Story that Trump is now telling Completely contradicts all that stuff About divine intervention and all these Things because what he's saying is that This guy this cop crawled up on the roof And he was boosted up by another cop cuz Some people were like there's a guy up There with a gun and so the official Story is some cop looks up he gets up There crawls up and puts his head up on The roof and the shooter Then turns his gun towards the cop and Realizing okay they see me now I have to Take start taking my shot Trump is now Saying he's rushing right and so if you Know anything about setting your rifle Because if you're holding a gun and You're trying to hold it steady I you Can just do this like with a broom or Something like you know you're you're Looking down your Scopes when you pull The trigger you're going to pull your
You know it's going to move the gun a Little bit and it's it's hard to hold Something completely steady so he's Going to use a bipod or a tripod or some Sort of you know shooting stand or Something to hold the gun steady right So he's just holding the trigger right He's the gun's resting on something and The gun is stable like he's not moving It and you know if you're anything That's going to use a scope and the guy You we don't even know if the guy has a Scope right but it takes a while to get Something in your scope go look at Something with Binoculars like it's hard to you know It's the scope is a very um narrow uh Like it's not like you're you're getting Full view that your eyes view I mean You're looking at something through a Telescope or or binoculars it's a small Area where you get to see it's a focused Area right and so you have to be able to You know uh move the gun around until it Comes into your sights until it comes Into the scope right where you can see In this case Trump's head so on one hand Trump is saying that the guy took a Miracle shot that you know was going to Hit his head but at the last second Trump turned his head but I showed you In the earlier videos that Trump's head Was turned to the side for most of that Minute and a half before the guy the
First shot you grazed his ear if feel He's saying grazed his ear like if you See the the video and I show this so Many times that Trump kept on turning His head to the side been pointing to The Chart so the guy would have already Been aware of that and so Trump is Saying that the guy took a shot that was Going to hit him in the head and kill Him but Trump turned his head at the Last second and that didn't happen That's inaccurate Trump also said that There was blood gushing out he touched The ear with he touched his ear with his Hand and he had blood on his hand There's no blood on his hand ever you Never see any blood on Trump's hand the Only blood is on his face his ear in his Face right and so I mean like these are Is in inaccurate information so now he's Saying that the guy rushed the shot and That's maybe why he missed it wasn't Divine intervention it wasn't all these Things he's literally contradicting his Whole the premise of his story that he Is somehow divinely protected and God is Using him and Elon Musk is saying oh You're talking about immigration God Must really care about immigration in America right stupid God doesn't give a about Immigration in America like he doesn't You know there's no God isn't person God Isn't have political views like none of
These things right God is calling you Back to himself right anything that is Going to bring you back to God and Usually those things are miseries when People are happy they don't go to God You know they don't they don't express Their gratitude to God they think about Themselves being responsible for their Accomplishments and their happiness when People are miserable that's when they Turn to God and so God doesn't care About you know like any of these things God doesn't have a mind to care about These things right and so there's no Divine intervention like Trump being Protected it's silly because this whole Thing is stag and Trump is saying that The guy you know was seen by this U cop And then he turned the gun around Immediately got Trump in his sights and You know Rush the the shot and that's Why he missed but like it's Contradicting the whole thing it just Doesn't you know why are you saying These different things right when he Never says anything about well maybe They there was more than one person Maybe this was a you know an operation Involing involving the Secret Service And this was a deep stay conspiracy Right like all pretty much all every Trumper believes this is a deep stay Conspiracy but their guy their cult Leader won't say it why won't he say it
Right well because he knows it's fake And if he knows if he says things like That they might rat him out or whatever Right so he's not going to blame anybody For something that's staged and fake how Can he blame somebody that could easily Say hey we weren't even there the Secret Service this was a bunch of actors up There we weren like I mean it's it's Completely plausible that they might rat Him out right so Trump is going with the Official story not casting blame not Saying like you know the victim Consciousness he used for the election And he uses for every time they Persecute him or they sue him or you Know they go after him right he's then The media the way they cover him and how The media is allowing kamla to to have Fake crowds and have you know use AI Generated crowds and his crowds are so Much bigger he cares about that but when He was shot in the year and someone Tried to kill him he's got nothing but Praise for any of these people right he Said from 130 yards a bad shot would hit That Target almost every time they said It's like in golf sinking a two- foot Putt yeah it's not a hard it's not a Tough shot it's not a it's not a long Shot the uh Secret Service person had The long shot he had a you know triple The distance actually so uh you know but Again you know if he has a bipod or a
Tripod or the gun's resting and he's got The trump in his sights and it's locked In and when he pulls the trigger the Gun's not going to move and his sight is Set correctly he would still need a Scope or something or laser point or Something like that you know to have it Locked in you know then it would be as a Somewhat you know reasonable shot but Like the wind would be a factor in these Other things right but even with all of That He has to have some sort of a scope and He has to have this thing locked in if He was holding the the gun without any Support it would be moving and this Guy's an amateur he's a 20-year-old kid Right and so you Know to think that he'd get a head shot On the president with all these things Going on and people coming up behind him And he's rushed you know he's sped up And he's he's triggered you know it's Silly like the whole official story Doesn't make sense cuz this kid isn't You know to have some people come up and Confront him where he turns the gun at Those people then turns the gun back on Trump able to get Trump in his sights And fire off a clean head shot that Trump was averted by turning to the side Even though he would been facing the Side for over a minute and a half and The guy is in a completely different
Angle see it's all wrong like so if These facts are not facts and these Things can be easily debunked then what Really happened well there was no you Know you know there's no like his Trump's ear didn't get hit right there's No there was no grazing of his ear it Was a a terrible thing look uh it it's Hard I have to say this about the Secret Service when I went Down and you know I went down based on I Think they're screaming uh but other People also because people saw this Happen you know you had so many people One of the Miracles was that nobody ran I mean if if a gun goes off the crowd Control people showed showed us this When guns go off and it does happen in Stadiums at a soccer match or some kind Of a match everybody flees they call it A stampede like cattle but everybody and A lot of people get killed with those Stampedes we had more people than you'd Have at you know some of these matches Or or these games and uh nobody left you Know you had a small group behind us in The grand stand and that was full and You look at it as it was taking place And normally be running they didn't Leave they saw that I was hurt they saw A lot of blood and they saw that I went Down and it's almost like they wanted to Be with me well out front they wanted to Be with me so this is cult this is
Trump's Cult Love because when the Bullets are flying you know you have Your own families and your own life but Somehow Trump is more exalted and more Important than you that you are going to Keep your head up and allow yourself to Catch a as stray I mean he like he Praises all these people and the guys Behind him in the crowd for their love And they're wanting to drink the Kool-Aid and go down with them and They're not doing what you would do Which is normal self-preservation type Of movements right and so like this is Completely screwed up but this is you Know I talked about this in my last Video that this is why Trump is upset About the audience size because Trump Wants to show everyone that he's more Loved and more passionate loved by his Dopes but these are dopes because he Knows they're dopes cuz he's lying to Them that he you know that he does these Like this is the kind of relationships That Trump has where he lies and Manipulates to people lies and Manipulates people and pretends to think And be like them and tell them what they Want to hear and when they give him love Back he thinks it's pure and it's good And it's right but it isn't because it's Coming out of a deception on his part But he believes his lies so much now and Because he's not contradicted by the
People around him and anybody who Criticized him has Trump's derangement Syndrome and you know these things I Mean that's what his Believers believe And he believes as well that you know he Anybody who confronts him with his own and so he's able to come out With these these contradictory theories Here right you had thousands tens of Thousands of people you as far as the Eye could see you had people in Butler As far as the eye could see and And uh and a lot of press too it was you Know many okay so it wasn't 100 it Wasn't a football field length of people Like it wasn't like these people were They were sitting out here you can see Past the football field you can see Multiple football fields right it wasn't As far as the eye could see you like There was no one over where the shooter Was like it was 130 you know cameras on Watching this it's what made makes it so Different because normally things happen Aren't good but you never have a picture Of it here we have all these cameras Shooting it so uh you know sort of Amazing but one of the interesting Things was that you didn't have anybody Flee you didn't have anybody Stampede Nobody and there was some people behind Me they stood up and they're looking Like you know I mean I tell you you want To have you want to have them in a fox
Hall with you I want to meet some of Those people because it's so different From what you heard but so so I was down But the Secret Service guys there were Bullets flying right over my head you Could hear him go whizzing and yeah and These guys came jumping on top of me you Know and a young lady Kate uh Kate was There would jump they they moved so fast And let me tell you that took tremendous Courage now tremendous courage like That's their job but it's Courage the Lack of Coordination uh there was you know Obviously everybody understands that Somebody that that building should have Been covered and yeah I mean I mean I Mean looking at the the AAL views that Building would be like the number one Spot for a sniper I it's like it's like The the only spot the only spot not the Number one spot the only spot where they Were going to get a clear shot at him Other than that when somebody would be In the crowd but with the in the crowd You're not going to be able to get it Set up on a tripod and get an actual you Know like have something to supporting The gun where you're going to have no Movement you're going to have some guy With a handgun or somebody with a Machine gun just you know unloading as Many bullets as possible but without any Like you know guarantee I mean somebody
Bumping them or somebody grabbing them People pulling the guy down next to them Right so you know your best your best um Shot was up on the roof your only shot Right that's the only thing they had to Do and like Trump's not calling them out If you were to pick like what is the Favorite if you so the goal is to Assassinate what's your favorite spot That building that building would be Number one that would have been the it's Like you could the only spot ask for a Better location it's like one that would Have been the spot you know what people Think is when the uh local policeman who By the way you know he really uh he did What he was supposed to do he couldn't Hold on any longer and then when he got His head just peeking above this guy Standing there with a gun at his head so This is where he really can like he Doubles down he had the opportunity to Realize like he he just can't can't stop Like he can't he can't self-perceive and Realize that he's contradicting his Miracle story here and when he fell down Again hurt his ankle very badly but he Was making the calls but what happened Is the firing took place very soon so What they think is that this guy ran to His site which he had all planned out With a gun uh he ran to the site and he Started shooting fast and maybe that's Why he uh well he would have missed I
Mean you know he he got me but it could Have been it could have been U could Have been a much bigger problem but he Totally would have hit if if you hadn't Turned your head so like you know there Was a it it was a very near thing he was Miracle if I hadn't turned my head yeah What do you mean so you were saying the Guy was so now your story is he turned Around and he saw the guy pointed the Gun at the guy in the on the who Climbing up the roof who couldn't hold On any longer fell heard his ankle and Then he runs over puts the gun down and Quickly starts to Fire gets you in his Sights and that's why he missed but he Did Miss because you turn your head so He has two different stories here and Elon mus just called him on his Like why are you saying that story like So you don't know anything that happened Right like you when something didn't Happen you just make up when it's a Lie then you're going to make things up And you have to make other lies that Contradict your your previous lies and He just did that right like it's just Silly like it's just freaking silly and He and he had a chance to stop talking About it like he changed the subject but He came back around to it and like You're looking at this guy to Disseminate information and explain Things to you that's why you're going to
Them as a Trumper and Elon Musk and They're like just I mean it's silly what They're saying like these are grown ass Men who are are talking about something In silly terms as something that's Basically impossible some 20-year-old Kid got a clean head shot at the President but the president turned his Head a minute earlier and so and so it Missed it it only grazed his ear and the Blood was gushing and then you know They're going to get into the thing with Him pumping it pumping his fist now We'll get into that because that's Hilarious I would not be talking to you Right now as much as I like you exactly I would not I would not be talking Talking to me from another realm perh Yeah right we'd be talking from a Different place but uh it was a it was Okay so again so Trump said that the guy Was rushed and that's why he missed then Eli missed said say but you we were just Talking about how it's a miracle and you Turn your head he's like yeah so let's Go he said that I'd be talking to you From a different realm I'd be dead you Know so the idea of it hitting his ear And I said this over and over again was So important because it made it like Well they just missed his head he could Have been killed right no blood no ear This isn't the event is already Forgotten about right and so the ear was
Essential to this fake event like Hitting him in the ear like if you hit Him in the shoulder Trump had a bullet You know these things right um but again You know that's him getting shot So so like him grazing his ear then Coming up with ketchup on his ear and Raising his hand saying you know uh Fight fight fight this is where they get Into that this was what made this event Right this was what made this event pop And this is what really worked for Trump Right you know it was a very terrible Experience the the Butler Hospital they Did such a great job uh the doctors were So good everybody okay so you didn't get Any stitches like you had a boo boo Right like how many people would go to a Hospital if there was dry blood in a cut That was less than a centimeter that Clearly didn't need stitches how many People go to the hospital like this is a Booa this happens on a daily basis if You have kids and things like this right People getting if you're working doing Physical work or you're doing playing a Sport these kind of little cuts and Things you get non-existent Cuts if you Don't need stitches you don't go to the Doctor I mean most people don't you know And they got and they had doctors on the Site he has a team of people and so they Looked at his ear and they were like Okay it's all set and said since there
Was nothing in his ear anyway I mean it Was just fake blood but you know if There was like a little small cut they Wouldn't he went to the freaking Hospital he was so good there was there Was a mistake if if if somebody knew cuz People were hearing that you know there Was just a bad feeling that there was Somebody was around you know that story Now it's Been and if somebody could have said Because they've often times said you Know like there'd be a lightning storm Or something because I've done I think Over 300 I think I did a lot more than That but we did a lot and often times Say Sir could you wait 10 minutes please Sir could you wait 20 minutes there a Storm overhead or lightning or something Right and that happens often and so one Thing I haven't talked about is Intuition right sometimes you have a Feeling but there was a guy walking Around and there was enough people that Were aware of it and they're saying There's a complete breakdown of Communication they would have Immediately if there they saw a guy on The roof they would have got Trump off The stage they saw the guy in the roof Right the snipers did there's enough People to see the guy on the roof never Mind shoot the guy but get Trump off the Stage you take away the Target and the
Guy's just out there on his own right And so there was you know the first Thing they do is I mean they just remove The the potential crime the potential Target and this is such an epic failure And also having the intuition that like If something doesn't feel right these Things and people have that like you Know normal people and people who do This job people who are concentrating on Something And their one job is to prevent Something like this and for them to Allow so many mistakes and so many signs And so many opportunities to prevent This thing and then it to be as fake as It is right and Trump to be lying to his People like this as supporters when Clearly there's you know this is not I Mean it didn't happen right and this Would have been a perfect time for that To have happened but it it didn't it Didn't get coordinated that was the Problem Well uh it was uh your I think uh your Your um actions in the in the heat of a Fire in you know like what I I find Admirable there was that you you can't Fake bravery under such circumstances The courage is instinctual or it is not It's not you can't fake bravery under Some such circumstances you know that Trump popped up after cowering and Losing his shoes and I'm saying cowering
Is a joke but like it's the right thing To do people are shooting you the ground You shouldn't get shot right I mean it's Not it's not brave to get shot for no Reason right I mean it's you know one Thing if you you st a stand based on Your principles but if there's just Random gunfire I mean it's like you know If you don't want to get stung by a bee And you run away from the bees you're Not being a coward right I'm not those Bees can't make me run you know yeah Well could get stung right and so I mean Getting shot not not just terms of being Killed but you could be paralyzed or you Know you're going through mon months of Rehabilitation I mean it's horrible Stuff right no reason for if you can Avoid it you avoid it but him popping up Like this and then Elon must saying you Know this is a moment of Bravery a Rehearsed action and so I just want to Say that uh not a rehearsed action let's Listen to that Again and but it it didn't it didn't get Coordinated that was the Problem well Uh it was uh your I think uh your your Um actions in the in the heat of fire in You know like what I I find admirable There was that you you can't fake Bravery under such circumstances the Courage is instinctual or it is not it's Not a rehearsed action and so I just
Want to say that uh I think a lot of People admire your your your courage Under Fire there and courage Under Fire Not a rehearsed action clearly rehearsed Because it was fake as right It's not admirable because you know Again he's not acting the way he should Have he's he's not sticking to protocol Like he's making a political you know Iconic moments of the posters and the Shots of him with his fist raised and The fight fight fight and all these Things right like he's he's creating a Historical moment of false bravery This Is Stolen Valor they're talking about Stolen and Valor from um from White wels Whatever his name Is the vice president cidy don't tell me Don't care don't need to know um they're Saying he has stolen V for lying about His military service but Trump faking This to everybody and getting up and Performing this WWE event and I think People kind of know it's fake but They're going along with it I mean it's Just so freaking fake so just um let me Say this I was going to say this in the Introduction I forgot it's kind of the Most important part and so when you have A customer base right you have people Who are supporting your work supporting Your business or this case Trump's Candidacy or for me here in my YouTube Channel how you treat your customers how
You treat these people that are Benefiting you in one way or another is Really important in defining you as a Person right because these people are in A sense not in a sense but are sent by God they're part of the Divine system Right if you eat an animal well you have To thank the animal's Soul you have to Be grateful to God at least for Providing you with that animal or that Vegetable or fruit or whatever it is you Know being in gratitude for your food is Something we take for granted because It's so abundant right how many people Are really grateful you might say some Sort of Grace if you're a Christian or You're a religious person but how many People are actually grateful and think About all the things that we have That are in abundance that are Supporting our existence and you know Benefiting Us in some way or another Right being grateful to the things that Benefit you and the people that benefit You and if you are somebody who are has Like a vision or you have some life's Work that you're trying to accomplish in This case a politician then your voters You have to be grateful for right you Have to be grateful to them or at least To God for providing them in some way or Another it's always best to be grateful To God and instead of you you could be Thanking everything you know this is a
Teaching from the third Master the Sark System you know thank you air thank you Apple thank you water right you could be Thanking everything constantly like Every time you take a breath you could Be thanking the oxygen and the the earth I mean you could be thaning the Earth All the time in the atmosphere and the Planet and and all these things right And if you just have this blanket Gratitude to God for everything that You're receiving not only on the the uh Physical level but also on the spiritual Because you have something to accomplish And to accomplish something you need Help from other people and sometimes Those that help can come in the form of Miseries right so how you treat these People that are supporting you in Donald CA Donald Trump's case they're not only Voting for them but they're passionately Supporting him defending him they're Sending him money they're showing up in Large you know crowds and things like This how do you thank those people and Donald Trump thanks them by lying to Them constantly by manipulating them and Playing on their emotions and telling Them what they want to hear even though He doesn't believe in himself right and So he's a real piece of because you Know he's doing that all the time and he You know he's takes it for granted Because he can tell them a lie get
Caught in the lie and they don't even Care so he doesn't even worry about how It appears even when something is so WWF Remember when I said WWE you know Remember when I said this looked like Some WWE World Wrestling Um entertainment event and then people Sent me uh you said that he had appeared With Hulk Hogan on a you know old or he Had appeared in with Vince McMahon in Some old WWE and I found it and he had Done a number of events where he became A participant in those events right Where he beat up Vince McMahon and you know this completely Fake and then he rolled out Hulk Hogan And Dana White I mean Hulk Hogan Specifically you know Kid Rock and these People at his inauguration and I mean it Was just so blatant and you know with The these Secret Service agents looks Like these WWE security guards are like you know They look like fake actors I me the Whole thing was just so WWE and it's my Initial impression of it and then he Just confirmed it right but even with it With that being so obvious Trump Supporters aren't willing to even take a Look at it even if they kind of know He's lying and faking they go along with It which is you know part of their own Cult behavior and dependency right so I'm grateful that I have viewers I like
Doing this job it's an easy job for me To do in terms of my personality type You know I have things to offer I feel Like you know I have a things ideas and You know Visionary stuff and whatever I Have to offer certainly things that to Do with the spiritual insights and my Experience and stuff so I feel like you Know I have something that can benefit Other people and this is a great Platform for me I'm grateful to you know I mean God for everything but YouTube And the people that that come to my Channel and so you know how do I respond To people like what do I do for you all That is a a sign of my gratitude and my You know my feeling for you know Whatever it is grateful you know the Gratefulness I feel for uh people who Come to this channel right and people Support the Channel people give money People you know support him one way or Another leave positive comments whatever It might be you know well first of all I Don't manipulate you or deceive you I'm Not trying to manipulate people I'm not Trying to force an agenda on you I'm not Trying to force you in one way or Another I'm not playing on your emotions I'm not you know telling you what you Want to hear you know I don't stroke People's egos I don't you do things Where I give people individual attention Or do things to make people feel like I
Don't cultivate that sort of you know Fan uh fan you know star kind of Relationship that is so present on these Social media platforms forms like I Don't like to look at it that way right Like I'm somehow you know a like a Celebrity or something like I don't Think of myself as that I'm just talking To myself right like this is me talking To myself and some of you choose to Listen to it and you know I feel like There's value in what I'm saying but That doesn't set me apart as being some Sort of you know egotistical celebrity Or something and I don't you know Cultivate that by um like people who Look up to me or have some sort of Positive regard for me like I don't I Don't encourage that through my behavior And you know giving you individual Attention or whatever it might be that You your ego requests but what I do do Is tell you the truth to the best of my Ability and help you you know perhaps Prepare for what's about to happen based In the knowledge that I have and not Even just the Calamity that's going to Be the apocalypse but really more Importantly you know connecting to God Right now and re-evaluating you know why And you why you do things and how you do Them and you know who you are as a Person and character development things Like this right things you don't hear
From other people and so example of this Is I had years of doing the Sark system And it's transformed my life right like Anything I have to offer here is tied to My doing the Sark system as I said said Earlier I had my time of being a dummy a Young dope you know Punky and you know Arrogant and a lot of bad qualities Angry you know not really I mean just Just non contributing person Non-contributing mfer right I had my you Know period my dark period of all that Stuff really not having a goal not Having anything to focus on not you know Doing anything to benefit anybody else And just sort of stuck in a rut and you Know lost and then having my you know The blessing of Sark system which you Know had that not happened I you know Wouldn't have really anything to offer Now and so I'm well aware of this Spiritual blessing that I was given that You know I in a way I didn't deserve at The time like maybe I'd done something In the past or what potential or was Going to do something in the future but At the time I wasn't deserving of it Right but it you know it was something That transformed me as a person and gave Me direction and focused and helped me You know I was always an underachiever And you know helped me hone some of These abilities to where I've been you Know much more successful person in all
Fields right and I believe the SAR Meditation with the transmission and Cleaning is the solution to all the Problems we have now and everything That's going to happen in the future Like I firmly believe that based on my Experience and you know seeing it work For other people as well you know not Everybody digs it or can do it or Whatever but the people who do I've seen You know Transformations and and just You know elevating people's Consciousness and all these things right And so it's something that I was glad to Share with people my experience but not In a sense where you know you have to it Has to resonate with you and whatever Like I I can't you know have the Experience for you but let people know That this is something that's been great For me and so there was a a handoff a Transition between the third Master of The system master chargie who was great And this guy klish Patel who you know I Had good experiences with and I saw that He had all the spiritual work done on Him to do the to fulfill his Responsibilities and do this job that he Was given which is a hard job to do Being the president and master of the System and in the beginning it looked Like he was going to do a great job when He was first nominated and I had some Positive experiences with him and you
Know I had seen him transform through The work that was being done on him to Prepare him for this job like I was in India when all those things happened and Then he started to do some up and it was not consistent with the Teachings it was a huge drop off from The stuff that Master chargie had done And I was put in a kind of awkward Position because I had personal issues With them like he had done like Up things in regards to me he he took my Ex's side in the divorce which was Bizarre but there was like I got you Know he was throwing people out of a Gathering which was you know like just One failure after another and some of The things were my personal experience And I couldn't say that you know maybe They were my Subs scaras you know these Things I had to go through or they were An indication that the guy had you know the bed like he just he he was a Fail the Failure to Launch right and I Was telling people about the system and You know I felt kind of responsible for Two things right if I tell them like how Bad you know some of the things he's Done are and I was just getting an Inkling of it that would spoil the System for them because they hadn't had Experience with the previous guy and if They heard you know the things that I Knew about Commish right I mean this is
Why I'm talking to my wife about it Right my wife you know who you know I Should have to tell her my story and I'm Going to Prejudice her against this guy And really the system in general like so It's a big deal like I'm not waning to Do that right you know my brother he was Very negative a lot of the times and he Was the caretaker of the asham he used To call me and complain about people all The time and he married a woman who you Know who wasn't doing the system and I Asked her I asked him do you think She'll start and he said well no cuz you Know all the things I've told her right And so like he's done her a disservice Because there's this system that he does And he loves and yet his complaining and His you know gossiping about other People had prejudiced someone in his Life that he you know would hope would Benefit from the same system against the System so I was very wary of that right Because if I said the things about Commes and you didn't have the other Experiences I had with him you know in Terms of him taking an interest in me as A preceptor and you know some of the Other things I'd see him do and some of The you know the good things he he had Been a part of you know he'd be an Effective preceptor and a a volunteer And contributor to the system but now he Was having some missteps and they were
Headshaking things and so there was that But then as I saw that this was like Really bad and he was doing scams and he Was taking advantage of people you know It's my duty to warn my viewers who were Doing the system about it right and so It was a difficult thing for me because A sark system to me is the solution and When I slam the system and you know at Least in terms of uh you know this guy Dodgy Kish Patel it was going to affect People's desire or you know their trust In the system and yet you know I Couldn't have this information withholds It to from people and it was stressful For me right it was a stressful thing For me to go through but people are Coming to me for the truth and this is The truth right and I can disseminate it As best I can but I can never really Clearly articulate how great the Sark System is and how much of a Shitthead this guy is comish like you Know I mean it's just both things are Are you know like there's no way to Balance those things out but I did my Best you know and like I said it was one Of the more stressful things I had to Deal with right but the truth is what I Present here and this is the truth is as I see it you know I'm not a pure vector Or lens of the truth but I do my best to Be objective and and see things the way That they're you know they are at least
On the level that I'm capable of seeing Them and then present the information Here and you know I I can see it that Trump does the exact opposite Elon Musk Here right these are people who are Using information to get a response from A desired response from the people that Are supporting them right and they're Lying and manipulating people to get That response and that's the worst kind Of person out there who's you know Looked up to as a a vector of Information as somebody that is a Reliable source and isn't right and so You know of course commin and the other Side is the same way they lie to the People that are supporting them and the People that are you know helping them Achieve their goals and that's really up like if they'll treat you like That then they're going to treat their Enemies right when they're treating Their supporters like that the people That love them well how are they going To treat the people that hate them right So these are you know horrible people You know when I think about trumpers or Just people in general you know I have Good dogs papion are kind of pre-trained In different way they kind of heal Naturally and they they're just quality Dogs right um they're a good breed of Dogs and they want to please their Owners they want to please you know my
Wife and I and they're you know they're Just positive dogs and they want to be Obedient but you know sometimes their Nature takes over right you know so we Were walking in our pasture I've made These paths in our pasture and we walk Around sometimes you know my wife's not Here I'll take the dogs out and then we Walk together my wife and I walking Around with the dogs and We Came Upon A You know a place where an animal was Killed by what look like a coyote and The coyote left what looked like some Sort of a kidney and some sort of Intestines And my dogs are sniffing it and you know We don't know if the it was a bigger Animal we don't know if it was a small Deer or raccoon or something uh but it Had you know the organs were fairly big And we didn't want our dogs eating them Right like it's not organ meat is good For dogs but we don't know if they're Worms or whatever you know and our dogs Will sometimes wait to eat something After it's gone it's gets pretty ripe You I had a bordic colleague named Lucy Who you know I would bury chickens we Had uh chickens that were dying our Chickens got some signs of disease and When he turned about two years old they Would start to die and so I had chickens Buried I had like you know we had lots Of chickens and they were dying at a a
Rapid rate and I was burying them in the Yard like I had probably 30 40 chickens Buried and after they were buried in the Ground for a period of time and they Started to ferment Lucy would smell them And dig them up and eat them and like if I just handed her the chicken the dead Chicken and she wouldn't eat it like if It freshly died but after it had Fermented she you know she sought them Out right which is kind of weird but Like it's something there and you know She didn't seem to have any problems With it but my dogs now they'll eat Things like there was a time my wife and I were driving around and we were at This park you know this sort of um you Know Nature Park and we smelled a dead Animal and we were like oh my God it Smells so bad we opened up the windows It was horrible it smelled like horrible And it kept on getting worse we were Driving you know like we're like we're Not even where it's at because it's this Thing's smelling up you know many acres Of land I mean it was it's like hundreds Of acres in this park we're driving Around like probably half mile away and We're like it's smelling even worse now I turned around my saw my dog had just Puked up a dead mouse that was like it Must have been I mean horrible it was One of the worst things i' ever smelled And she had eaten it right sometimes my
Dogs eat chicken poop like they're just You know I mean it's gross and like it's One of the grossest things and they want To lick you in the face and these things Right but what I'm saying here you know They they tried to go back and eat those The organs later on like three days Later and I think one of them ate some Of the organs and then threw up right And so you know I mean it's not good Behavior and they're being disobedient But you know it's hard to communicate That to a dog and you know they're dogs Right I mean they're you know it's part Of their nature and you again you can You know you can train them and and U Try to curtail some of these behaviors But sometimes dogs are going to do what Dogs do just like stupid people are Going to do what stupid people do and Some people just don't have the ability And the potential to see beyond their Circumstances and their you know their Tragic lives and they're just going to Go down doing the same stupid over And over again you know people like this In your life you can't help them you can Talk to them you can you know tell them What to do or suggest what to do or you Know you can do your best to to help Them break the cycle but they just can't Do it and all of us struggle with that On some level or another right we all Struggle with our Tendencies and there
Are some Scaris and you know things and You know bad decisions and making the Same mistakes over and over again and so You know you can be compassionate to it But you also have to leave people behind Especially in in you know if people are Going to go down that path you know you Have to live let them live with their Mistakes right whether it's your kids or Your loved ones or especially nowadays With you know the stuff with the the the You know the bloop and the and the Rooster and you know all these things Rooster Roost people getting the rooster And all these things that they're doing Um you know and then if they get you Know cancer or something happens to them Because of their choice you know you let Them live with their choice and you Don't have to take responsibility you Did your best to warn people but you Know people don't want to listen they're Going to do their own thing you doesn't Need to be hatred they're just just Needs to be you know a a letting go and Letting you know just let it happen type Attitude and that's you know I mean for Trumpers and this whole thing and Everything that's happened in the world You know I mean it's people are going to Fail and they're going to fail badly and There's going to be consequences for Their failure and you know you can't let Them dra you can love them but you can't
Let them drag you down with them all Right let's get back into it Here a fire in you know like what I I Find admirable there was that you you Can't fake bravery under such Circumstances the courage is instinctual Or it is not it's not a rehearsed action And so I just want to say that uh I Think a lot of people admire your your Your courage Under Fire there and um Yeah so thank you very much I I Appreciate it I didn't I don't think I Didn't think of it I just wanted to get Up and I wanted to stand up I wanted to Let people know you know I felt I was Good when when they were uh on top of me Covering me actually very much covering Me and and very bravely but uh I wanted To get up I said squirty and catchup on My here I want to get up and uh they Wanted you know they had they have Everything there they have they wanted Stretcher I didn't like the stretcher And I knew I was there was no stretcher There right in the a but I knew I wasn't Hit anywhere else they felt I was hit Someplace else because it was such a lot Of blood and they were sure that I was Hit some okay so we saw no evidence of a Lot of blood place else and they were Saying sir you you you were hitting more Than the air I said nope I was hit in The air I want to get up let me get up And so we I got up and the crowd didn't
Know what to think I mean this was so so Many people and they did you could see They were confused they didn't know what To think and I wanted to let them know I Was okay it was very important for me to Let them know that and they went wild You you've seen the after they didn't go Wild when I got up because they didn't Know was I alive you really couldn't Tell when I stood up before the hand Before the you know the fist in the air Uh you know the the people I mean the Whole Thing they didn't know if I was alive Nobody did and uh when I put the fist up They were they were just relieved and Happy and thrilled and the place they Just love me so much and crazy it was Pretty amazing it was a it was a Terrible thing but it was incredbly Moving yeah um well and and I mean Speaking of the the the the sort of Slide that got you to turn that saved Your life really uh it saved your life Was the but again you know he was Looking at the slide on and off I mean His head was moving a little bit but he Was looking at the slide for over a Minute before the guy shot and I showed People the the exact timing of it in the Previous video and so it wasn't like Trump was turned facing the crowd and Then at the moment he turned to show Look at the slide the bullet went by him
That's the story they're telling but Clearly that's not what happened right So here it starts at zero this this Video is 2 minutes and 9 seconds and That comes right from the Govern Services so he's pointing to the Chart right see he's move his head back And forth is the so he's pointing there Right 10 seconds In 12 seconds in 15 seconds in Right and then the worst in the history Of our country and his head is occupying The same space right it's turning a Little bit so they're it's minimizing The target but if the guy had a proper Head shot it would have hit him no Matter what because the guy is now he's Got him in his sights right like he You'd have to have him in his sights to Be able to take a quality shot here see This is where Trump is there's multiple Simulations and you know I looked at the The grounds and pictures and um in Various videos like these images of the The the place where the guy had to be to Shoot Trump and this is the guy where The guy had his only available angle Because of the the band stands where the Crowds where they're at and there's also Like a crane there in the pictures and So the Trump's head would be having turn Towards the guy for the guy to have even A visual of Trump's ear right
Otherwise it has to go through the left Side of Trump's head or the front of Trump's head to hit him in the year and Trump's never doing that right and their Story is that just when the guy shot Trump decided to look at the chart but That didn't happen like the gu's Trump Was you know if the guy's getting Trump In his sights he would see Trump's head Is facing this direction and his head Still occupying the same space which I I Think I talk about more coming up here But like the story just doesn't add up Like we've established this in past Videos I'm just reminding people because Trump keeps on saying these things that Are can't be like they violate the laws Of physics right and geometry you and so Over and look what happened to our Country probably 20 million people see This head keeps on going back and forth It's it's 30 seconds in a couple old and If you want to really see something that Said take a look what Happened see he you know so him saying They turned his head this is when Happened 40 seconds in and he was Already looking at the chart beforehand Right this is when they picked it up so The the long video of the the the Coverage of it it's probably longer he's He's talking about the chart for a Couple of of minutes right and so the Guy would have calculated that in the
Shot right where he's he's going right Here right and so look this is where his Head Is and then you know he did this right He looks at his hand there's no blood And he gets Down and these people all like what What's going on um and we don't know if They even heard gunshots we don't know What they heard and we don't know if These people are you know they paid Shells or act you know what are these People right and so I mean it's it's Inaccurate what he and Elon Musk are Saying Here illegal immigration slide maybe This maybe this it's worth talking about About that it was it was that slide that Slide Say illegal immigration saved my life You're right but had to be at the exact Angle I mean that's I thought it was God Um or maybe the guy was just rushed you Know because when you're making stuff up Then you're just making it up right and And so you know they made a big deal About the chart they made a big deal About turning his head you know I Demonstrated in the other video how and I talked a little bit about here that His head was in basically the same Proximity maybe there's a little bit of The head you know maybe a little bit Disappeared um he's got a big ass head
Right like you know his ears his ear is Much smaller than his head And you know he's turning his head but His head isn't really moving in terms of Where it is like there's a there's a Square you know foot of area where his Head was in terms of like a Target so I Say that you know a number of times here And I don't know if it's I can say it in A better way but if you're were going to Fire a bullet you're firing it into a Window like a window of space right and Trump head is pretty much in that same Window give or take a little bit here or There as he's turning it because he's Got a big head and there's a window and The guy's a me at like the center of the Window wh he is in terms of Trump's head Right um you know it's even though he's Turning the his head back and forth It's Still that bullet's going to hit that Area right like let's say you know You're firing a gun and the bullet's Going to hit this um area of space like For example there's a deer there and the Bullet's going to go in the straight Line and hit this area and the deer Moves and it misses him or it hits him Somewhere else or something like that Right and so Trump's head is pretty much In the same area and again like there's Nothing happening here it's all fake but I'm saying that the story doesn't add up Like Trump is making a big deal about
This you know the movement of the head But clearly what he's saying just like With the blood and all the rest of it When you look at the video you're like Well that's not what happened right so Like if he's again and he didn't watch The video multiple times and he didn't Say all right you know there's no blood There so I shouldn't say I saw blood on My hands cuz there wasn't any blood till He gets up and that blood's already Dried by the time he's walking to the to The SUV and so the story is like BS like It's not true what he's saying and he Knows it because he's watched the videos Or he should have and the people around Him the handlers should know it but it Doesn't really matter because nobody's Going to call on this like even The Democrats even kamla because they Don't like they're not going to say all Right this doesn't add up because you Know they can't expose this level of a Hoax because look at the various people That are involved in this hoax including The Secret Service and all these other People and so that like that would Destroy credibility in the whole system That they they would participate in this Hoax because Trump isn't able to do this Without the blessing of the so-called Controllers like Trump is you know he's He's uh he can't get away with this it's Some some something he put out you know
Put out himself he has to make sure that They're all going to go along with it They're never going to confront Something like this because this would Destabilize the belief in the whole Government right and so but it's you Know the story doesn't add up and he's The worst person to do something like This because he just embellishes and he Makes things up like he just starts Talking and he's like he's always just Creating his own story his own Back Stories on facts I mean this is how he Is and so he's the worst person to do Something like this because you know the Contradictions are just There that's a great one sa saved by Illegal immig you know the the Incredible thing though when you talk About the odds you had to be exactly at That angle but but the incredible thing Is that the chart I use at less than 20% Of the time it was just a moment it's Always on my left never my right and It's always at the end of the speech so We have so now he's again going back to The many different um details and things That had to line up right for the story To take place which we know wasn't the Case because when the guy was taking aim And getting him in his sights he was Tilted towards the chart and so you know The whole thing is like well the guy was Rushed you know maybe that's why he
Missed but he really didn't miss and it Was the look you know all these things Right because this is how Trump is he's Not based in something that really Actually happened and when you're making Stuff up when it's a lie you have to Create everything right a lie exists in Its you know you have to create a Backstory for the lie you have to create A universe the LIE becomes its own Universe because it's it's different Different from reality right so every Deception I mean this is the problem With human beings and you know the Deception the level of deceptions that We engage in they all have to come with You know contingencies and details and You know all these uh like a like a some Sort of a motivation and you know it has To come with things that don't exist you Have to make up the whole everything That surrounds the LIE every component Every little tangent everything that you Know the that needs to support the LIE Right because you're creating your own Reality you're diverging from reality Right so I want to add to this I you Know this thing about deception I think I covered Extensively in the book my book the Choice but somewhere the truth is you Just have to remember the truth right Now your memories fade over time your Memories get
Distorted but you know when you talk About something that comes from an Actual event you just have to remember The actual event in describe it and Again there's some level of distortion There but you know that's just it's not You're not doing that purposefully it's Just that you know the memories change Over time a little bit right but in Terms of something that's truthful you Just say what happens and so when you're Telling the truth all you have to do is Recount and say what happens of course You can be nervous you can have your own Psychological issues you know people are Like feel uh you know sense of guilt and Shame and so you know there's they start To doubt the truth and that's the other Part of this thing right people start to Doubt what they saw what they remembered Especially if a person comes in all Confident and says no this is what Really happened but you know in in General the truth is simple because it's What happened right like there's Something that happened in an event and You just recall what happened when you Make up something that didn't happen Everything has to be created by you Everything has to be generated by your Imagination and your ability is to you Know make things up right you see this Like where people will say there was you Know a guy and they go what was the
Guy's name and the person will look up Like you see this in a comedy or movie Or TV show and say you know uh doers Like they'll be looking at like the They'll be at a bar and they'll look up And they'll see doer scotch or you know They'll say something like that right or They'll say you know something that's You know like pinball machine M Mr Pinball like you know they just look up And they're they're searching for a name And they see something in the room and They just say it right because now you Have to come up with all these things That you have to create everything you Creating this universe right I think I Say this somewhere else in the video and So you know that Trump as he makes these Things up they're going to contradict Each other because some of these things Are opposing lies where he's saying that The chart was on his left as you right All these things about the chart and how There was this Divine moment to make him Turn his head at the exact moment which We see didn't really happen right he Didn't turn his head just at that moment He had he was talking about the charge For at least 40 seconds and that was Just a video clip I showed you there was A a part where he acknowledges the chart And turns towards the chart and that Happened like minutes before if I found The original videos it's not really
Important because you know all you need To see is a little bit of that period of Time to see that he just he you know he Didn't just turn his head right when the Guy shot right that didn't happen and he Didn't to turn his head towards the Direction they're saying the shooter was At and more importantly there's zero Evidence to show that his ear was Actually hit right and so that whole Thing's a lie so he's talking about this Miracle that made him you know the shot Was going to hit go for his head like it Was going to hit his head but something Divine intervention made him turn his Head at the last moment and miss his Head but hit his ear to give him street Cred because he has blood and then he Have this big moment of pumping his fist And saying fight fight fight right and So to create that moment though you have To make a story where the bullet just Grazes his ear and then you have to you Know um Overlook the fact that there's No scarring and there he wore this big Giant bandage and the reality you know He went to the hospital and needed no Stitches that he really wasn't hit at All right so you know all these things Are you know whatever they are they're You know BS but then he tells a story About how the guy was rushed and maybe That's why he missed but your whole Story your whole other story was
Predicated on the guy making an Incredible shot at your head and you Just happen to turn and so these things Can contradict each other these separate Lies these separate stories he's telling Because Trump just bullshits he just he Just you know he just Wings it and he Makes things up he sounds convincing to His dopes but but you know these things Don't add up and he just has to lie more About it and he just tells these lies And things that we were all watching the Video we're all seeing that this didn't Happen right we're all watching the you Know we looking at his ear and we're Like well your ear isn't hurt at all Like it's just there's there's no Evidence supporting any of these things Happen right and that it's just you know It looks so fake anyway with the WWE Style entertainment that was involved so He's actually kind of the worst person To try to pull this off because when You're doing something like this you Just want to talk less and less about it You don't want to embellish you don't Want to you just want You know keep to the the minimal aspect Of the story and not add more and more Lies to it right like that's what he's Doing he's adding more and more lies Like and it's just that makes it Worse but it's on the right not the left It's at the beginning not the end and
Even the people that put it up they were Unprepared and they did a great job they Got it up immediately fortunately but I Looked to the right and and the bullet And the bullet came whizzing by hitting My ear Uh so it was amazing but when you think Of the odds of that and you know that That normally you wouldn't use it Normally I wouldn't have the thing and Then you know it would have been a very Different story it's it's very much I I Say an act of God it's a miracle that it Happened it's a miracle again a miracle Is a big you know what a miracle is is Something that happens outside the Fabric of reality right changing Material Existence right changing the the um you Know when they talk about Jesus's Miracles and miracles aren't a big a Good thing unless you have God's Permission right because you're changing Something that was going to happen a Certain way it's a script that has been Laid out by Divinity and only if there's Something that needs to change based in God's will or the you know the script Needs to be edited for some reason right But you have a plan and the plan is Going you know to to um work in in Coordination with human choices and the Rest of these things and so the thing That this idea of a miracle you know
With Trump it's always got to be bigger Than it actually is right so he didn't Just go for like a fake shooting he went For the whole enchilada he went for the Big kahun he went for the the bullet Hitting his ear which which was a bloody You know fake catchup for blood and then He went for the pumping of the Fist and This idea that if he didn't turn his Head you know this whole story like they Went for it all right they went they Brought God into it they brought you Know patriotism into it they got him you Know pumping his fist the whole you know Fight fight fight into it right and you Know I mean it's fake you know like he Didn't he always goes over the top right And and I'm honored by it I'm honored by It well By God wasting a miracle on Him what what what we what were you About to say about illegal immigration Before you were rudely interrupted well I was going to say how good the numbers Were by the way we're going back to Butler and we're going to go back in October we're all set up and we're the People are fantastic in Butler it's a Big it's a great area great these are Incredible people uh like the three that In the case of Cory killed and the other Two the the families are I get to know a Little bit and the but we're going back To Butler and uh I think I'll probably
Start by saying uh as I was Saying PRI to being so horribly so you Just you just stepped on your whole Introductory line Right he's going to step on the Interruptive line he's going back in October right before the election to Remind everybody of the event you know It's a whole thing because the guy's Shameless like he you know he went for Something here and he's going for all You might as well go for all of it if You're going to deceive your followers You're going to you know lie to Everybody you might as well go for the Whole enchilada right but he went there Interrupted but yeah so rudely Interrupted by anation attempt no but The chart some people have have no Elon The chart was just a chart that in my Last week we had the best uh illegal uh Immigration numbers meaning stopping uh It was at the lowest you've SE the chart It's become quite so they really agree That immigration is the end of the Country Elon Musk is a big Anti-immigration illegal immigration Person although he's a legal immigrant And they go into this thing for a good I Don't know 15 or 20 minutes just talking About Immigration and Elon Musk then brings it Back to he starts to talk about Putin in The W I'm going to get into that in a
Moment let me just um I got this one Voice over to do here okay so it's going To a full circle and Eli m going to Bring this back up and talk about how Intimidating Trump is we'll get to that In a second I one more quick farming Story here to do with my dogs and so Um we have a posum like a medium siiz of Posum that's sleeping in our bar you Know pums are the cleanup crew they eat Dead animals right and um it' been there For I don't know a week or two we're Keeping our dogs away from it cuz our Dogs would Chase it at night and I bring Our dogs out to pee at night and you Know if they sometimes Chase frogs Around the PT as least Tulsi does our The bigger of our two dogs Tulsi is a Stone cold killer I always talk about How she's a stone cold killer and she's Kills lots of different animals and eats Them baby rabbits mice you know these Things she had this epic Chase with this Duck um some time ago and Um my wife and I were watching it in the Pond and the we thought the duck would Out swim it swimmer but she was caning On it like it was crazy and then the Duck finally flew away but um you know She will go after things and they're Small dogs and so there was a posum Outside a big one my wife had seen she Brought her out because I had hurt my Back and I couldn't move um brought the
Dogs out and they were running over There they were like amped up when I'd Open the door and they were like Charging out there right but anyways we Found this posum in the in the barn you Know i' found one one time we opened up The um the chicken house we have these Doors where that you have the nest boxes Where the chickens lay their eggs and I Open up the nest box and there's a Poss I almost thought it was a chicken cuz Sometimes the chickens will be Broody And I'll reach under them or pick their Chicken up and take it out and then get The eggs that are underneath the chicken Right Broody means that they're going to Hatch or brood and a certain type of Behavior and they just sit on the the Eggs and the um it was aasum right big One and so anyways we had this aasum in The barn and we noticed it and then the Dog Lucy smelled it and then she was all Amped up like she was really fired up And she ended up harassing one of our Chickens who when I picked her up really Smelled bad and Lucy went and got her Twice like she went after her and lost Some feathers I didn't know if Lucy Had Injured her or she was just dying and Lucy smelled it the infection and Something triggered her cuz she was Already amped up over the the posum and This was a chicken called the Buckeye Which is like a version of a Rhode
Island red but some kind of uh breed That comes from Um uh Ohio I've talked about this Chicken before we we got it about five Six years ago it's an older chicken and She's definitely not in good shape and Then she limped around for a couple days And she Disappeared and my wife saw her out of Our back window and she was kind of like I mean we look out this window all the Time we have a little small um area Where we have a like a sun pump that Drains into a little Pond I put out There with those little plastic ponds You get at Lowe's and we have all kinds Of animals that will get water squirrels And various birds that will get water Out of that pond and there's just a lot Of activity there's a hummingbirds Feeder there we had a little Ren there You know I put up a fence around our air Conditioning unit so the cows would Knock it over and they'll sit on the Fence and so you know this it's quite a Viewing like it's a lot of it's like Almost like watching TV and somehow I Looked out of this window for the last Couple days but I hadn't noticed the Chicken because it was just sort of Laying there as a lump it was hard to See and I went to pick it up and it had Like maggots on it and it sunk I'm even Getting close to it it been dead like 2
Three days and so you know and I want to Talk about this in terms of like it was A job I knew I had to do right like my Wife it would be hard for her to do that Job and I've been willing to do jobs Like that you know jobs that people Consider dirty right you I put on some Rubber gloves and I you know picked the Thing up with a bag and I double bagged It so it wouldn't you would sit in our Dumpster for a couple days I mean it's Going to be um you know it's going to be Four days next Monday so today's Wednesday August 14th so Monday In uh what is that five days from now And it's got to sit there it already Stinks so I you know double bagged it Right but things that people consider Dirty Work you know I used to think Farming was dirty work and you know Labor that you do with your hands was Somehow you know it's just got a bad WAP Like people talk about white collar jobs Being the cleaner jobs right like this Is Dirty Work right people consider it Dirty work and work for stupid people But I found it to be quite the opposite Right you know I picked tobacco when I Was 14 was my first job and it's a gross Job because tobacco has a resin to it You know the Tara nicotine the tar is uh It comes through the leaves and you have To sit down and take off the suckers and Push dirt up on the side of the plant
Like that's what you do first and then And then your like butt hurts at the end Of the day you're just like you your Back and you like even as a a young kid It's it's not um you're just you're Shuffling down the the tobacco rows and Then um you get on your knees and your Knees like you you're picking the lowest Level leaves and that hurts right for You know just you're you're walking down The the rows on your knees and then when The leaves get bigger they're full of This resin and it just gets in your hair And you have to wear a hat like it's Just on your it's hard to scrub off it's Tar right you're getting like this tar On your hands and you know it's Unpleasant work right I I made $2 and 47 Cents an hour it was like my first job You know then I did some other jobs I Worked at a a c door department store And I worked at a a pie plate as a Dishwasher and eventually I would work As a janitor when I was in college my Brother got me this job used to open up The town building I talked about that in The past and scrubbing toilets and doing like that's not you know it's like Dirty work and then eventally as a a Farmer I was um you know I worked with Cow doong scooping cow dog up you Working with manure I use manure Cung to To make an Earth Oven you know the outer Layer of the Earth oven and things you
Know in this case doing like you know Things with these dead animals right Like having to bury dead animals and all These things like chickens like I said Before we had a goat that died it got a Stomach like blew up it bad it like they Can get this is it called cic I'm not Sure but sometimes these pasture animals Their stomachs will blow up from and you Try to get baking soda there a way so You can deal with it but just was a Little tiny goat cute goat right and so You know there's these things you deal With that are unpleasant and dirty you Know whatever you know my wife does Things clerical work and arranging Things that like I suck at and work that I've done before for the family but you Know I me I mean I really stress out About detail oriented work you know Things that are are bad for my dyslexia My personality type and things and so I Much rather do these types of things That people consider Dirty Work but then I worked as a counselor with sex Offenders which you know the drgs of Society in in a treatment center full of You know the treatment center was run Immorally and the people that work there That you know were manage it were Horrible people you know so I've had These jobs that are you know that are Just unpleasant but it's good to do that Kind of work because you have to be
Willing to do the dirty work and then as A preceptor doing the clean spiritual Cleaning on people's hearts you know the Heart is considered in the Sark system It is the seed of divinity so it's where Your soul resides you know your soul is In a certain point your etheric soul is In your etheric heart in the heart Region but it's also where you Accumulate all your grossness all your Impressions right so there's a lot of Like spiritual grossness in people's Hearts and that's a very you know mild Way of putting it and I started working As a preceptor you know I was I was made A preceptor for the sjar system years Ago And there was this uh Canadian guy who's Kind of a charismatic guy he was a he's A nurse but also he's a chiropractor Like he he was a natural healer he had a Big personality and he talked to me About doing the work and he said you Know the first time he gave a sitting he Transmitted to the person and read their Condition and he saw a door and so he Opened the door you know this is like You know like a like a I don't want to Call it imaginary but something like you See in there you know like a you know Like almost like a dream in your Pictures in your mind and he opens up The door and like sewage Spilled Out on Him like he saw this image of sewage
Just spilling out for the next half hour Or so and he went to talk to the master And told him what he experienced and the Master said what did the person look Like afterwards he said well the person Had this lightness and glow to them Right and so there's a element of this You know spiritual grossness right that I you know experiened doing these kind Of jobs like things that you know are Unpleasant jobs the dirty work or you Know things that you're dealing with Refuse in one way or another and Whatever you focus on you get a taste of You get like a you experience when you Think about something or somebody you Watch something on TV you get in contact With it right like it affects you like You're you you get an essence you get The experience of the essence of the Thing and probably the dirtiest work That I do was here at this YouTube Channel because I cover the depravity The world depravity all the time and you Know thankfully I'm kind of um detached From it and because of the spiritual Work I do and I just don't really care About it it doesn't form Lasting Impressions but you know these are the Most despicable people they're lying and Their deceptions and you know Trump and Elon Musk here but you know all the by Kamla I mean all of them all the Hollywood people you know the worst or
The worst and people think they're Successful big Egos and things like this But you know these people are very Spiritually gross and and they're just You know not just the deception of the Lies but their intentions and their Their self-obsession their you know Narcissism and their you know their egos And all of it you know like I said Earlier I don't get stressed out where People are limited and are unable to Make the right decisions because we we Have this a lot of bad decision making Going on worldwide people not being able To make the right decision or even Figure out what the right decision is Like they're clueless they can't even Comprehend the right decision and what They're doing has you know I mean Sometimes it affects me but in this case These guys are lying to all of us right You know these politicians and people And it has effects on our lives right Because they are presenting themselves As people who are worthy to listen to Because of the way they're going to Disseminate this Information and people are you know Eating up what they say one way or Another the Trump fans the Elon mus fans And it's affecting their decision making And their Reality and they're being manipulated by These people who you know they have
Enough money and power these are Billionaires but it's still not enough Right these greedy they Want every you know they want to squeeze Every last drop out of you that they can As they can they're not opposed to lying To you about it so they talk about Immigration and I'd show you that cuz It's kind of worth listening to about This thing so long but at the end of That the immigration thing Elon mus Drops this yto Jem here at they just Said he was bad but that's okay that's The way I get treated and I don't mind That at all what I can tell you is this We cannot have a Democrat we cannot have Her she's incompetent she's as bad as Biden in a different look she hasn't Done an interview since this whole uh Scam started and and say what you want This was a coup this was a coup of a President of the United States he didn't Want to leave and they said we can do it The nice way or we can do it the hard Way yeah I'm okay so you talked about Him being mentally incompetent right Like this is the problem where you know There's different levels of lying but This is just blatant he said that this Guy was mentally incompetent he say he's The worst president in history he said The guy didn't know what he was doing And so they should have got rid of him Right the thing about about immigration
Going back cuz they talked a lot a lot About immigration they're talking about How horrible it is now it's destroying The country you know there's a chance For the Republicans to work with the Democrats and Trump got them not to do That right which Joe Biden should have Brought up at the debate and KLA Probably will because Trump and his People blocked immigration reform Because they wanted to use it as a Weapon to against Biden in the election Now KLA and you know if it it was that Bad then a real man like a real quality Person you know person of substance a Standup guy right would have wanted to Push immigration reform through under Biden even if it hurt him politically But the Republican Party didn't want to Do that right and that shows you what a Scumbag Trump is and so Trump has been Talking about Biden being mentally Incompetent and getting rid of him was Something that Republicans should have Been pushing for but they wanted to run Against him right but now he's saying It's a coup well yeah but you wanted him To go because you can't have somebody Like that running the country or the Presidency is a joke which it is because Biden isn't mentally capable of doing That job so he's not doing it like he's Not really acting as president because He can't like it's not possible they
Just took him out back behind the shed And basically shot him oh what they did With this guy and I'm no fan of his and He was a horrible president the worst President in history and one of the Reasons he was so bad first of all the Israeli attack would have never happened Russia would never have attacked Ukraine And we'd have no inflation and we Wouldn't have had the Afghanistan mess If you think of okay so you would have Had inflation for sure because Trump was Already doing bailouts and when he Closed down the economy the inflation Was inevitable they did1 trillion worth A bailout so inflation was going to Happen no matter what like we don't have Enough money and anybody who knows Anything about the economy inflation Should be way worse than it is and it Should have happened years and years ago Because of the you know the national Debt and all the debt right that our Country is in solvent right now our Econom is in solvent a b and we wouldn't Have had Afghanistan but we think of it We you take a few of those events away And we have a different world we would Also have no inflation was caused by Oil yeah no no you I think you're Mak an Excellent point here which is that um When other countries can you know that That are you know are thinking about Invading or doing bad things uh when
They're thinking about that they're Thinking about okay what's the American President going to do and see this is The part do they fear the American President or is it someone they they do Not respect or and do not fear and I Think they they do they do they would They rightfully be I mean you know look At that the footage of the assassination They're like okay you Know president Trump is it's like don't Mess with me I mean that's like whereas I think people are fight fight fight so He's he's getting this like tough Trump Being a tough guy Trump is not a Physical tough guy he's a big guy but He's not physically tough I don't know If the guy's been in a fight in his life And I'm not saying that's a good thing You or a bad thing or whatever but he's Not a real tough guy right he I don't You know he plays golf I don't know like Any kind of sports or whatever he has an Aversion I showed you that clip of the Last time he they rushed the stage and He panicked right like he just was at I Mean he's somebody who is worried about His physical safety and he's not one of Those you know crazy fighting M and fers And one of the things that I think Trump Did well which was very positive for me Was he stopped all those illegal Wars And he wasn't bombing kids he didn't Drone kids like Obama and Biden you know
Biden bombed and droned um 11 civilians And eight of them were kids in Afghanistan just to save face and Created that bogus Isis k thing remember And so Trump didn't do any of that and So like I don't like you know Trump came In talking a big game but I don't see Him as a big tough guy right like They're they're making him he's making It sound like he's intimidating because They had this fake event that Trump Acted with the WWE Was completely staged and like this guy Say don't mess with me don't with Me I'm I'm crazy right are are not going To be and they obviously have not been At all intimidated by by Biden and they Certainly will not be intimidated by by Kam and you have to really think about In the context of Global Security um That's that's that if the if the American president is someone someone That like you know evil dictators are Scared of that makes a huge difference To the security of the world so I had a Good relationship with Putin despite the Russia Russia Russia hoax that lasted For over two years just a hoax created By Hillary Clinton and uh Adam Shifty Shift some just bad people skifty skift You know just sick people frankly I mean Shiff shiff is a sick person he's going To end up probably being a senator it's Hard to believe the whole thing is hard
To believe but uh you know they put our Country in danger with that stuff too They actually when they make up stories And you have to fight your way out of it For for a long time but I know Putin Very well I got along with him very well He respected me and it's just one of Those things and he saw me as a real Tough guy he would we would talk a lot About Ukraine it was the apple of his Eye but I said don't ever do it don't Ever do it you know I shut down Nordstream to that was the Big Oil Pipeline the biggest I think the biggest Pipeline in the world going all over Europe I shut it down Biden came and Then they say I I you know I was I loved Russia I was a friend of Putin and I Loved Russia no he actually said to me One time he said if you're my friend I'd Hate to see you as an enemy I shut down His pipeline the biggest pipeline they Were looking at that to fund and this This pathetic president gets in there And the first thing he did one of the Early things he did is he shut down he He shut down Keystone XL pipeline which Is our pipeline okay so Um I'm go back to the intimidation part Let's go a little bit further here that Would have employed 48,000 people pipeline workers shuts it Down that was you know a massive job That Obama refused to allow I allowed it
In my first week because it was jobs and It moved oil and by the way in a much More environmentally friendly way it's Underground it's not a truck that Catches on fire or a train that catches On fire but think of it he shut down the Uh that's they're having glitches on Their end or whatever XL Pipeline a Keystone XL pip pipeline he shuts that Down and he approves the Russian Pipeline yeah it doesn't make any sense It's like it's inconsistent um certainly The but I mean I think it's just worth Emphasizing you know to listeners the That the the the IM immense importance Of of whether the United States President is intimidating or not Intimidating um and how much that Matters to Global Security um because uh There's some real tough characters out There and they don't think the American President is tough they will do what They want to do I know every one of and That puts that put that it puts the Whole world in danger El I know every One of them and I know him well I know Putin I know president XI I know Kim Jong-un of North Korea I know every one Of them and let me tell you they're Scared of trump people say oh this is Terrible he said I'm not saying anything Good or bad they're at the top of their Game they're tough they're smart they're Vicious and they're going to protect
Their country whether they love their Country they probably it's just a Different form of love but they're going To protect their country but these are Tough people at the top of their game And when they see a Camala or when they See uh Biden sleepy Joe they can't even Believe it they can't believe this Happened the all the stuff that you're Seeing now all the horror that you look At Israel they're all waiting for an Attack from Iran Iran would not be Attacking believe me you know when I was There and I say it with respect because I think we would have been good again I mean the well with Iran I don't want To do anything bad to Iran but they knew Not to mess around Iran was broke Because I told China if you buy from Iran oil it's all about the oil that's Where the money is but if you buy oil From Iran you're not going to do any Business with the United States and I Meant it and they said we'll pass they Didn't buy oil other countries likewise You want to buy you're not doing Business with the United States and they They were at a point where they were They had no money for Hamas they had no Money for Hezbollah they had no money For any of these instruments of you know What you're doing is he's what he's Talking about here is economic sanctions And getting them to St you when there's
Economic sanctions kids starve right When Clinton put in economic sanctions On Iraq 500,000 kids starved right half A million and remember um his um Secretary of State whatever that woman's Name was I showed you this clip many a Time and she um talked about how it was You know the right thing to do it was a Tough choice but it was the right thing To do right and then later had to Apologize and correct herself but you Know Ma M meline Albright and so this is Um what happens when you do things like That when you create a a situation with Iran which again America Iran Over years ago the CIA did in Operation Ajax which has been well documented the CIA has Le admitted to it they got rid Of a moderate leader a progressive Leader in most of the day because they He wanted to you know they and CIA was Defending British Petroleum which is a British company not even an American Company and they were getting 80% of the Profits of Iranian oil he said no I want To split it 50/50 and because of that They got rid of them put in the shaw of Iran who was a nightmare and now they Have the situation with Iran that that Exists now America caused that and Iranian are aware of it that America Manipulated and evil empired their Country and so we owe them a debt like We screwed them over collectively like
We did collectively As Americans and Those people you know they're individual People some of those people I know from They do the meditation and sweet people Lovely people right and they're not Bitter or whatever like they could paid All Americans because of that right Because their country has been wrecked And they they live under fear and things Like this right I mean they can't even Like let they have to meditate in secret Like that's the kind of they live With because what America did to them Right and what Trump's talking about Here is economic sanctions right like What he's doing is economic sanctions by Not allowing people to buy Iranian oil Because he's a puppet of Israel you know Israel owns him and so do the banks and So do the you know Wall Street that's His owners and handlers Israel said like He's been the best president ever for Israel because he went after Iran for no Reason like they didn't do anything We've done things to them we've ruined Their country and Israel's mistreating The people there obviously the Palestinian people is he's going to get Into more here this idea of being Intimidated or being intimidating Trump Isn't intimidating Elon Musk is a goof And this thing's a you know just a a lie And you know the whole thing's just Goofy but what Elon mus is talking about
Is like there's different kinds of Intimidating right So there is a positive intimidating Where somebody is going to tell you the Truth you're scared of somebody because They might tell you the truth about Yourself right you're scared of somebody Because they have reached a level of um Evolution and Consciousness that they're Intimidating right they're intimidating Because when you're in their presence You realize what a piece of you are Like you know like I'm talking about Like a saintly person or someone of a Character a higher developed character That makes you like think about your own Self and your own failure and your own Weaknesses and things right and so There's that level intimidation and then There's people who are just physically Stronger have like too much testosterone And are you know violent and have a Quick trigger finger whatever it is Right vindictive and harsh and crazy in That way where they might lash out at You crazy is another way of being Intimidated where someone's you can't Count on them being uh consistent Because they're mentally ill and they're Emotional and they may at any moment Like you're walking on eggshells because You never know when they're going to Snap and that's none of those things you Know the the last one is about you the I
Mean the first one I about someone being Like a Sint or spiritually evolved and They're intimidating because you're you Know your lies are exposed when you're In their presence that's on you but These other people are it's undesirable To be that way you know people who are You know irrational emotional unstable Violent and that's what Elon Musk is Describing Trump as right and that these Other people aren't intimidating because The American Military and the American History of evil empire is Intimidating to these countries they're All intimidated by America because America is unstable and we have been you Know saturated with violence and our Movies and our video games and violence Is a big part of American culture Military industrial complex and the Weapons that we have and the fact that We're willing to go to war over nothing You know or provoke Wars when there Should be none right and we're the most Warlike people on the planet and they're All intimidated by the fact that you Know we have nuclear weapons and in the Wrong hands they could be used and you Know whatever it is right I mean even in The right hands they could be used and So like there's an intimidation of America based in you know or the Economic sanctions that that Trump just Applied but the thing with the Ukraine
Had nothing to do with intimidation the Thing with Ukraine was that Biden said Okay we're gonna let Ukraine join NATO And Putin couldn't let that happen Because if Ukraine joined NATO then Ukraine could ukrainians could attack Him at any time if he retaliated it Would be World War III with America and That's the sole reason I mean that's the Number one reason that there is a war Now with Ukraine and um you know the and Uh Russia and Trump wouldn't have Allowed that because he would have he Doesn't like NATO right Trump was Threatening to withdraw from NATO Himself right and so like that wouldn't Have happened with him but Trump is Giving Israel a blank slate here which Is like equally as up of Terror And it was amazing in fact there were Articles when I was leaving which is Hard to believe actually especially when You look at what's happened to our Country our country is so bad right now It's such a different place we were Respected think of it four years ago we Were so respected to a point where when I said don't buy oil they didn't buy oil But they had no money and Israel would Have never been attacked zero chance and Again I said to Vladimir Putin I say Don't do you know Israel was responsible For their I this is false flag stuff you Know Israel controls Hamas and it's
Obvious and you know these things Israel Wanted this to happen Israel wanted to Go I mean Israel has has forever wanted To get rid of the what's called Palestine and beyond that like what I've Showed you the greater Israel I talk About this all the time this war Benefits Israel in every possible way in terms of Their goals and their agenda and B Benefits Palestinians not at all right The attack opened the door for Israel to Do what it's doing and anyone with half A brain would know that right do it you Can't do it Vladimir you do it it's Going to be a bad day you cannot do it And I told him things that what I do and He said no way and I said way and you Know it's the last time we ever had the Conversation this is the moment I want And I said no no way and he he said no Way and I said way Like it's like a child right this is a Child talking about a conversation he Had when he was a child to Vladimir Putin I said don't do it you can't do it Vladimir you do it it's going to be a Bad day you cannot do it and I told him Things that what I do and he said no way And I said way and you know it's the Last time we ever had the conversation He would he would never have done I got Along well with him I hope to get along Well with them again you know getting
Along well with them is a good thing not A bad thing I got along well with K Jong-un when I met with President Obama Just before entering you know it's a Sort of a ritual and I sat it's a ritual Down with him and we talked it was Supposed to be for a very short period Of time it turned out to be a long Period of time I said what's the biggest Problem he said North Korea I had that Problem worked out very quickly it was Nasty at the beginning with rocket man And you know all the different things But all of a sudden I got some those Were some epic tweets by the way no they Were epic everything he said he said That he has a red button on his desk I Said I have a red button on my desk but My red button is much bigger and my red Button works and then I called him Little Rocket Man if Little Rocket Man Anyway here's the bottom line those are Epic tweets but um it's called X now bro And all of a sudden I got a call from Him and they said they want to meet they Want to meet me and we met yeah as you Remember we met in Singapore we met also In Vietnam and uh I got along with them Great we were in no danger but President Obama President Obama going to end up in A war a nuclear war with him and let me Tell you he's got a lot of nuclear stuff Too he's got plenty of nuclear he's got Plenty of nuclear the guy's got nuclear
All this guy's a child right like no Person in the right mind would hand this Guy any real power the people Controlling the system the so-called Deep State why in the world would you Give this guy power right he's a Freaking like he's he's emotional And Petty and you know big ego Unstable you know like it just Everything's about him he doesn't you Know it's everything shortsighted and You know what benefits him he's criminal And you know a liar and a Flim Flam man No one in the right mind would give this Guy power right or any of these Presidents like no one would give them Power allow them to just do whatever They thought just the The Limited power Of the presidency they wouldn't give Them like that's you you got to Understand it the people running the the World have you know that these things Are negotiated and not that they're good People or smart people people but you Know they're not there's a collective And it's just not some random who's Like delusional and you know Narcissistic they're never going to hand Kamla the keys to the kingdom right so Whoever they elect it's stupid to vote Because these guys are just no one's Going To can do plenty of damage so yes I mean It's because you know I mean people like
Like Kim Kim you know K talking on they Respond to strength not weakness Had a good relationship remember I Remember I met him and and we walked Onto his land nobody ever walked onto His land before I walked on I wouldn't Say let's bring up secret service again I wouldn't say they were thrilled when I Did that I walked onto his land and uh It was it was an amazing period but we Were not in danger with him because of Me you know I always say people was Protecting you guys from North Korea and We see immediately when Trump left North Korea has been B you know like what are You talking about that we have enemies On the outside and we have enemies on The inside we have some really bad People in our government and people that Are and controlling of the people I mean I mentioned names but I I don't I really Don't want to give them the credit but We have some really bad and I say They're more dangerous than Russia and China if if you have a a smart president A president that gets it we are not in Danger from those countries because they Need us and they need our help I mean we Force Obama if you think about it Obama And Biden and Bush to a certain extent In all fairness forced Russia and China Together and if you're a history student The first thing you learn is you cannot Let Russia and China align but then they
Also got if you take a look Iran and They have North Korea that's you know They call the Access of Evil in the old Days you had the Access of Evil here we Have a modern day Access of Evil these All right so let's let me finish up here Are powerful countries very heavy Nuclear which is the biggest threat you Know the biggest threat is not global Warming where the ocean's going to rise One 1/8 of an inch over the next 400 Years the big and you'll have more You'll have more ocean front property Right the biggest Threat yeah that's not that mean you Mean less land is not that the biggest Threat is nuclear warming because we Have five countries now that have Significant nuclear power and we have to Not allow anything to happen with stupid People like Biden you know Biden uh did Something with Russia uh there was no Chance of him ever going in and when I Left and then then all right so you got This idea here I want to wrap this up um So Elon Musk stroking Trump's ego and Supporting him you know Elon Musk didn't Like Trump at first just like JD Vance And just like Tucker Carlson but they've All come together and this weird sort of You know patriotic you know fake Patriotic circle jerk but he said one of The biggest reason he was supporting Trump was his badass moment when he was
Pumping his fist you know they all these Guys said that right and it's fake like It's totally fake like it is I mean it's Not badass when the guy isn't really Hurt and then when you see the wound That he had the non-existent wound and The bandage he put on it and how a big Deal they made about it and how much They're still using it as a a weapon Against his voters and people to inspire Them that Trump is some sort of a badass And they you know this the whole badass Thing comes from this thing that Trump's Doing right in terms of his you know Trump has some negotiation skills in Screwing other people out of deals and Things he has the you know book he wrote The Art of the deal that's a big thing I Used to talk about in terms of The Apprentice but he's a like anybody Who praises Trump whether it be Putin or Uh Bey from Israel Or any of these leaders Trump will do Anything for him right like he's I mean He'll give them whatever because he just Wants people to love Him he's weird de in a way that's Totally unhealthy I mean that's what all This is about like Trump love Right and so I mean this whole thing is Just ridiculous and there's no way like I said that any of these dopes could Ever really be president we're so Degraded in terms of our political
System there isn't a candidate out there That they're going to hand the keys to The kingdom it's so owned and so Controlled now and there's so many Handlers and players involved and There's negotiations that happen on These you know power Brokers level Whether it be religious power money Power you know the global power and These decisions that are made in the you Know intelligence community and all These players getting again these Negotiations and the people that handle The president tell them what to do or They just force him through the media Like they did with Co they put so much Pressure on him through the media and Everywhere else that Trump put on a mask He closed down the economy and he rolled Out operation warp speed and they Totally him by doing that then They've used that all against him and he Whed like a little right you know And he said that you know that thing About um that like pull that Tweet back Up here and he said this thing about um Here's the tweet here if somebody Cheated in the election which the Democrats did why wouldn't the election Be immediately overturned how can a Country be run like this right and That's what that sums Trump up and so if You think that guy's going to save you When he couldn't save himself and you
Know any time they could have convicted Him right but they seem to want him Again and if he loses then what are they Going to do like who are they going to Focus on Trump is their biggest asset Right now but either way in 4 years if They elect him then he's going to be Gone and then what are they going to do What's their what's the next act after Trump they don't really have one and so They need him to run the country into The ground you know he's a py just like That guy up on the roof right Trump is Their py and you know he Talking like whole thing that they're Running here and trying to make him Sound like he's some big tough guy and He's like competent leader and he Clearly isn't okay so it's Thursday August 15th this is the end of the video Um I'm going to post this voice over Again some other time because it's you Know essential point that I probably Forget to Say uh you know as as frequently as I Should right uh but you know after Watching these two clowns and when you Think about the model of success that we Have in this climate This Global Climate Where you're an exalted figure where You're a celebrity you're a you know Spiritual leader you're a um you know a Politician or a professional athlete or Multi-billionaire or something like this
Right where you're a real successful Person business-wise celebrity and both These guys are successful business People and that's what Trump and Elon Musk are and they're crossover Successful business people you know There's business people who are Successful businessmen who are Anonymous Right and then there's the Mark Cubans And the Donald Trumps and the Jeff Bezos's and you know the Bill Gates of The world right who are successful Business people but then become social Media figures or you know famous people Or whatever it is right and you have These people who are successful and then Of course people like the royal family Which is another example of this right But what this model is predicated on is That these people are giv Privileges of course they have wealth And things like this and treatment that Is better than what everyone else gets Right and so they get privileged Treatment all the people who have Privileged treatment in this world right There's you know a number of people who Have privileged treatment but the Majority of people don't right and the Majority of people suffer dead end jobs You know slave jobs whatever wage slave Jobs poverty and depression and Hopelessness and all these you know Things that they suffer from I mean
That's the majority of people like most People think the majority of people are Like your neighbors you know you live in A suburb somewhere you live in a you Know nice area in a city or whatever and You think about people being you know Middle class upper middle class lower Middle class you know people that you Know right but the majority of people in The world are ego crushingly poor you Know I don't like say soul crushing but Ego crushingly poor right they're just Depressed and you know they're Malnourished their brains don't develop From lack of protein at a young age and They're you know just um living what Most of us would consider hellish Existences people who are privileged all Of us who are you know living in some Sort of uh you know modern-day situation Even if we're not you even if we can't Pay our bills even if we're struggling Financially we're so much better off Than these other people on at least on a Material Level right and so it's the Suffering of many for the pleasures of The few and that's this model of of our Existence here that people are suffering So that you can have a better lifestyle And not just people animals and Environments that are being you know uh AR right of being you know destroyed and Just harvested in ways that is unnatural And uh you know just unethical and and
Really a crime against God right and so The harvesting of resources so you know People who are miserable entitled wiers Can indulge in a lifestyle that they Don't even enjoy and so that's the model Of our existence right and in that Existence America is the evil empire you Know America as a country we all are we Were you know living good life Styles Because of the suffering of the world Right the suffering of other countries That you know we're eating their food And we're using their resources you look At the products we get and you're Getting things cheaply from China and Indonesia and you know any number of Countries right you look at the back of Your you look at the label of where your Clothes are made or where your products Are made and these people who are Suffering immense poverty working 16-hour days and they are keep purposely Keeping their economy their their dollar Like China's dollar is being devalued so That they can pay their labors next to Nothing compared to what Americans get Paid and so that they can have a Thriving export business right and so Understanding that like all of this that you're hearing from these Political candidates and all the you hear about America and you Know the whole USA USA and all the you hear about all of it is
That we're indulging and you know we're Living you know people talking about White privilege this privilege that Privilege what that means is that we're All living better material lives better Material existence because of the Suffering of other people and trees and Plants environment and all these things Right and so this is based in the Royal Model of course people who are exalted Ones Saints and you know religious Leaders also get this kind of treatment Uh but they're propped up and put on a Pedestal these people these robber barar And kings and Empire and Emperors and they are you know people Are bowing before them kissing their Ring why because they were born with Some you know bloodline and these things And they're they're considered better Than other people and all these people Are you know funneling money into these Not just money and resources but also Service and filty and you know all these Ways of um you know bowing before these Demonic people right and America is the Evil empire like right now we're the Strongest military we have the best Economy and we have the most power in This way and everything that we do is to Prop up our dying economy for a bunch of Miserable who are not enjoying Their lives right like you the Richer The people are the less you know the
More whining they are the more Complaining the more entitled they are And this is you know all the people in America to some extent don't appreciate What we have don't appreciate the Lifestyle we have and don't really care About the suffering that's causing other People right you hear that your iPhone's Made in these sweat shops you're like oh That's too bad you know but I don't Really want to switch my phone come on It's like kind of used to this phone you Know and you buy a Galaxy and it's the Same thing so you know it's this is our Country and so there's no moral High Ground there's no like we're the good Guys we're saving people and you know All we're the heroes like all this That people believe right about our Military or about all you know Everything that we do is to keep Ourselves in the you know in the Position we are in the lifestyle that we Have and that's you know we have people Doing evil on our behalf so CIA and All these you know various people out There are doing bad things to keep the American system and the world economy Going it's the halves indulging on on The resources of the hav knots right and You know keeping the halves in their Lifestyle is what this is all about the Problem is it is like in a sense too big To fail you know we've pushed all our
Chips in the table on this world global Economy not just the halves but the have Nas everybody and we're all tied Together and if the have stop having the Have knot who are you know barely Surviving starve to death and it's like Kind of a sick game where you can't even Put an end to this whole thing and make It you know Equitable or something like This because of the way the economy Structured and the way the global Economy structured that as soon as it Breaks down the poorest of the poor Suffer even more right and so we can do Nothing about it but wait till it Collapses and then deal we all have to Deal then right we all have to figure it Out when the system collapses and I Don't know what that'll look like a Total collapse or what it is but we Don't have a backup plan and we've lost All skills that don't relate to the System and so we're all dependent on the System for one one thing or another Right and we don't even know it be like To be without electricity or the Internet you know forever like it just Stopped working and what would we do Without money without stores or grocery Stores without any of these things what Would people do and panic is you know Panic was the first thing but you'd go Through like the stages of grief and Very few people would get to a place of
Acceptance or gratitude and you know I've explained this in so many different Videos but when you understand it from That perspective then all this This Trump thing and the you know K Harris thing and you know the voting and The whole media and the sports and all The dist distraction and all the takes And all the divisions that people have And their point of view you guys are the Bad ones no we're the good ones you're The bad ones no we're the bad ones we're The good ones you're the bad ones right All this stuff like it's just the way People the pettiness of it no the left Is is the good ones no the right is the Good ones or whatever you know all this Stuff none of it really matters because They're not going to tell you the truth Is that you know we're all bad in a Sense that we're all supporting a system And living lives that goes against the Divine order of things goes against our Souls plan goes against the will of God And it's unnatural to whatever extent Yeah and there some people are worse Than others but that doesn't make any Difference right because we're all Contributing to the problem and there's No solution like you know there is a There is one solution where you take Everything that you get from God like You stop thinking about coming from the System you stop thinking about you
Deserving it or not you stop thinking About you know any of these you know Psychological rationalizations you have For justifying your place in the world Right and you just say this is what my Soul needs to move forward and you know My path and whatever I have whatever I Don't have whatever you know is there For me in material life whatever's you Know the good bad the ugly the the good Things the joys the miseries they're all Here coming from God it's not coming From the Beast or the system and that Whatever God gives me is what I need and I'll just accept it whatever that may be And it's a hard thing to do when things Go you go south right but at least for Now like you can do that with the Positive things and stop thinking about Them coming from the system or coming From some sense of deserving or whatever You're just you know you just have your You know your lifestyle you have your Place in the world and you're doing what You're supposed to be doing I mean you Find that you know you connect to your Soul and you f figure out what you're Supposed to be doing and then you from That place I talk about the gracefulness Meditation doing the Sark system it Helps people do that you know you have To connect with your soul and God and Have a relationship with the Divinity Within you and then you can start making
Decisions that are based in your Soul's Path and what you're supposed to be Doing here because we all we all have a Purpose we all have a role to play and If you figure out with that role is with This idea on being a servant to God then You've you know you've pretty much Solved your personal problem and the Whole system is the whole system that'll Take care of itself but you solve your Personal problem right you do get what God wants you to do what your soul wants You to do because it always comes down To service because these selfish Narcissistic sociopathic Like KLA Harris and Donald Trump and Elon Musk and you know all these people On the media who are self-promoting and About their position and trying to get More for themselves and you know they Are again sponging off the have knots And somehow getting the have knots to Hand over their money like you have have People who are you know struggling Financially and emotionally and Psychologically and spiritually and They're desperate and they ending their Money over this alleged billionaire Donald Trump and you know thinking that He's going to somehow stop their Miserable existence for being miserable And make it you know so that they are Feeling you know that they're not in This position they're in but they're
Just all taking they're people are Taking or have not and they have no you Know like you if you if you want to Become a have you have to cross cross The line and do whatever you have to do To become a have no one's going to make You into a have right you know so and You know and you're probably happier Being a have not because the halves in General even though they have the better Lifestyle are miserable selfish people Right but all these people are takers And they don't serve anything they don't Really believe in God they certainly Don't serve God you know Master charg You third Master Sark system said rich People don't Pray because you know he's talking about The ultra wealthy people because if they Start praying god' be like well you can Help people right you could distribute Your wealth in a way and prop up your Brothers and sisters and so if they you Know let their guard down connect to God And they feel you know their conscience And their you know they're they're Knowing that they're hoarding wealth That they're not even enjoying and they Could make the world a better place by Sharing some of it right by doing good Things not in this you know being a Philan philanthropist that they you know Bill Gates or somebody like that fake Stuff where they still use it as way to
Make money but you know what I'm saying Here is all these people who are Sociopathic and self-centered and Egotistical people and they're held up And they're talking oh you know Joe Biden has been serving Americans for 50 Years right whatever their crap that They sell you right they're not serving Americans they see serve themselves Right but real saints real spirit people They don't do it publicly you know they Are not serving people good people who Are you know going out and doing good Things for other people right maybe they Don't even believe in God but they they Want to you know they have something to Offer and they're trying to help other People up and lift other people up right And that's the future and when you can Do that you know when you can be of Service to God whatever your capacity And you just have to say to God you know What can I do to serve you you know what Can you know again I mean having a clear Channel and not being crazy as a you Know because lots of people hear voices That are just their egos or you know Their distorted personalities I mean First you have to become somebody who's Balanced and you're not like heavily Medicated and self-medicating and you Know you're you're you have a distorted Version view of reality that's the Cleaning process in the sjar
Gratefulness meditation that we do you Know having some sort of a a clean Consciousness so that you can connect With with God and the Divinity within You having a clean heart and being able To connect to your heart and feel the Love in your heart and God's love and Use that as a a like sort of Beacon to Guide you through your life right and so That's you know there's the solution I Mean in terms of you know there's no Solution to the system but there's a Solution to your personal problem and These people who are egotistical Monsters and they just want more more I Talked about Madonna you know why more And more you feed me feed me right and They're just sucking off the the energy Of the crowd and the mob and Donald Trump you know look how much they love Me you know these things because they're Bankrupt inside and these people are the The worst example but they're held up as Exalted ones and you know people are Buying into this stuff when it's you Know they themselves that have to start Becoming better people and being Somebody who's contributing like there's Very few people who are taking the world In the right direction making the world A better place if you can make the world A better place then you're place is this Is set because you're a contributor Right you know you're not going to be
Thrown away you're somebody who can help Make this place better I mean liter Legitimately better right and if you can Do that then you know you you don't have To worry about like you can just say all Right whatever happens to the system the Economy everything you know collapses There's still a place for me because I'm You know I have the I have the ability To to give and give back and and help You know take something bad and make it Better And you know with that Spirit I'll I'll Wrap this one up here but I'll I'll play This audio again at the beginning of Some video in the future hopefully I'll Remember to do that only spirituality Will save this MF in world it's parano Definitely point for the Apocalypse in The Ascension I would have a blessed day And be grateful