Okay greetings brothers and sisters Um I it's going to be an interesting Video like I went through a whole thing It's been a kind of a Tumultuous but a very rewarding new year To start the new year I had a you know Kind of a I don't want to call crisis But an issue resolved itself quickly and I received a lot of spiritual benefit And I talk about that in this you know a Couple of different voiceovers I get to Joe Biden's um giving out the medal of Freedom like that's a whole interesting Thing the people Hillary Clinton Soros RFK RFK Senior uh Magic Johnson some of these Other people right very interesting kind Of thing uh Joe Biden just gone and I Talk about the kind of movement of rap And youth and uh talk about this rapper Ren in a bit a little bit at some point Uh you know a bunch of things and at the End of the video I get into a couple of Comments like almost conflicting Comments about me and the Channel and you know I um let me just Start here CU I just received this one Comment so a person Writes um and I want to do this at the Beginning of the video could we have a Time and day when we all try to meditate Like Saturday or Sunday not physically Of course just a thought so we already Do that um the gratefulness meditation
That I have created this gratefulness Meditation channel is the old Mar method Of meditation that I've done for years And it has all the Services various sittings you know this Transmission and cleaning given in these Sittings I'm going to redo them because I've kind of had like a spiritual Breakthrough I've been using the Sittings Myself and um you know the meditative Sittings and then every Sunday in the Morning people can meditate using this Method but it you know the method is a Very specific method this is not just Meditation it's not something you can do Transcendental Meditation or your own Form of meditation you know meditation Is a state of mind it's a state of Consciousness and it is like Concentration is something and like Sleep is something and like you know the Beta waves and the alpha you know these Uh these different states your brain Goes into different states of Consciousness right hypnosis there's all These things and meditation is one of Those things it's it's a natural state Everybody meditates so in terms of the Meditation that I do the gratefulness Med ation the channel which is linked in All my videos has all these playlists And all these explanations and a channel Explanation for how you do the method if
You're interested in receiving the Transmission and the the cleaning aspect Of it and see if it works for you it's Not ideal because face-to-face Interaction with preceptors the way I Started years ago was in many ways Better but it's more accessible now and You can do it in the comfort of your own Home but in terms of the group gr that We have here which is 100 or so people Maybe here I'll pull up the um the the Channel here I'm looking at the channel And so every Tuesday I do an individual Sitting that people can receive the last One had 174 views and 13 comments so I Don't know how many of those people did The meditation but it's you know it's Around a 100 or so in the hundreds you Know give or take I don't know I don't Everyone a while I sort of ask people Who are doing the sitting to like the Video and then people meditate on Sunday At your con at your convenience and I do A like a a you know transmission and Cleaning group meditation sitting and Saturday night usually like Sunday Morning like at a like 1:00 in the Morning and then it's received whenever You decide to meditate there's no time And space in this specific meditation But if you're interested you go to the Gratefulness meditation Channel and all The various explanations of how to do The system are there for people to
Participate and you can do it at the Convenience of your own um you know your Own home and then you know I I talk a Lot about the philosophy of course in The journey series which is mostly for Members now I don't know when I'll make That stuff public but I talk about a lot Of the things here as well in the normal Videos and I do it today in in these Various videos and so to jump off to This thing of the introduction to this Thing you know I answered these two Comments today is Monday January 6th I Started this video yesterday on Sunday And I was developing a headache you know Even though I had had this sort of Breakthrough um and then we got a ton of Snow like for here 6 Ines 8 Ines I don't Know 5 Ines I mean it's there's a lot of Snow out there it's still snowing now And so that's always a good sign in Terms of the system of meditation I do In terms of it's considered uh like a Rain and snow and things like this are Considered a you know like Grace falling From the sky in a physical form to go With like spiritual Grace and these Things so I get into some comments here One kind of a positive comment one not a Positive comment but I wanted to say This at the beginning of the video Because there are people who are Constantly dropping negative comments Who like I think they have you know
People I might have banned before and They create a new channel so they can Tell me I suck right like is thing and It's you know beyond me and here like I Don't care you know it just doesn't Matter um and I get into a whole bunch Of stuff with that but if you're a Person who's perpetually doing that Either to me or somebody else you know Trolling people you have this need to Tell people they suck like to tell People they're horrible people and it Could be you know you you justify it any Way you can you know you want to drop Your negativity on somebody else and That's how I perceive these comments That's why I ban people because I can Feel the energy behind it it has nothing To do with me which I say you I talk About this in the you know when I you Address the comments at the end it's It's never anything to do with me it's All to do with you like I'm just the Object of [ __ ] that you have to deal With inside yourself you know because of I'm saying things whatever way that I'm Being that's pissing you off and it's Not just me it's anybody on the internet That you get mad at you hate you you you Feel you know negatively towards it's About what you have inside of you and You want to project that [ __ ] on Somebody else and dump it on somebody Else you're [ __ ] like you're you
Know you're whatever is negative or Hateful or whatever inside of you I mean That's what that is that this behavior That I end up calling out a lot in the Different comments it's because of that Reason you're fundamentally dishonest With yourself about what's going on with Yourself now you can have an opinion About my opinions or me as a person Which we all do we have opinions about Other people and it could be positive or Negative and you could talk to other People or make videos about it or do Whatever you know post things on social Media I dislike bakas of the future Whatever it is and that is a complete Different thing that I'm talking about Like when I mocked on lean and and you Know I don't you know his followers is What people that you know all these Things it's completely different than Waning to tell somebody that whing to Tell somebody they're a piece of [ __ ] Right like whing you know with anger and Venom and your system like you have You're triggered in some way and you Want to tell those people they suck Right and I'm not interested in it like I've said this over and over again you Know and I get into this longer Explanation of it which I'm not going to Say here but I know this is a plague on The internet like people are dishonest With themselves and figuring out why
They're you know when you have an Emotional reaction like my things are When I talk about things it's about you Know the system collapsing and how [ __ ] up humanity is But I don't care about it like I don't Have an outcome in mind like I did in The beginning you know guys who've been Around here for a while I had an agenda My own what agenda was and you know Whatever limited agenda that I have you Know but it wasn't manipulative like I Was upfront about it I don't have some Hidden agenda and now I have no agenda At all right like when I first started To do this as my job I was going through A divorce and at some point my ex was Like slamming me and blaming me for Everything and I knew it wasn't my fault But I wanted validation for it right Like you know I wanted to win the Divorce like it was not an overwhelming Thing but also all these people who were Turning on me people in the who do the Sjar meditation who were you know like Just the the general um attitude towards Me and they were thinking about me in a Way that I wasn't you know I had been You know whatever demonized and you know Whatever cancelling that would have been Going on there I there's no cancelling In that sense but I was put into a Certain category that you know in terms Of who I am
Now wasn't appropriate right and you Know there was some things there you Know why approve myself some of the Other you know whatever was going on When I had the channel initially like There were some kind of things where I Was receiving some validation from My Success whatever success there was that I was having on YouTube channel but now That doesn't mean anything right like I Do this because it's just what I'm Supposed to do and in terms of an Outcome you know the the system Collapsing is what's best for everybody But it isn't Desirable especially you know as you get Older so it's a thing that we don't want But we know is good for us like if you Study the system enough and you see the Direction people aren't getting better This isn't system isn't helping us Evolve it's we're de evolving In every possible way the system is bad And it's making people worse and the Evidence is something I present here all The time and you can't fix the system Like the system is I mean it's not Fixable from the standpoint of its very Foundational existence is in illusion Based in a debt-based economy and then All the other systems the subsystems the Religious system the economic system the Energy System the orientation the cities You know the material ISM just all of it
The way that we're oriented in our System is wrong it's the opposite of Divine it is demonic so there's no Fixing demonic right there's just no Fixing demonic you can't divinize Something that's demonic a demon could Find God right a demon is your ego and Some an ego run a muck you know that's Gone to the dark side but the devil or a Demon or you know a person uh you know An entity a single entity could admit They're wrong and turn back to God it Happ all the time you know wayward soul Can come back to God but not a whole System like you know the system has to Be destroyed and then a one based in Divinity has to be built in its place Right you know but in terms of where I Am as a person in all of this stuff like I cover the mainstream media then the Things that are specific to me and Events in my life and you know whatever Feedback I get whatever is happening is Coming from God right like I take Everything as coming from God so you Know I read a Whispers messages message You know these these Channel messages Where the second master of the systems Boby says you know we're all just pawns And I understand you know to some extent Some of the meaning of that beyond what People would say what does that mean You're just Pawns in terms of the Divine Structure that if you need something to
Happen in your life whatever it might be Some kind of good thing or bad thing or Supposed to happen it's part of your Script it's part of your story it's Going to happen and there'll be people To fulfill the role whether they seem Like enemies to you or they seem like Friends or they seem like you know Whatever it is they you know if there's Something that you have to endure Somebody will show up and do God's work And they might be thinking that they're Making their own choices and decisions But you know you're not even controlling Your own thoughts like there's you know All aetheric beings have access to your Mind and your heart like you are you're Connected to you know in the beings that Don't have physical bodies but even on a Physical level you know there's the Ability for extra sensory perception and Communication through the mind and Through the fact that when you're around Certain people you'll notice that you'll Either be worse or better or the same Depending on the people but you'll have People that pull you up and when you're Around them you're a better version of Yourself and then you have people who Pull you down you know there's a movie Called The Natural with Robert Redford And there is a I think the two actresses Are Glenn Close and Kim Basinger and Kim Basinger is like this murderous like
Shevil and she takes the guy down and Then his childhood love his girlfriend Glen Close pulls him back up right if You SE this movie but you'll see this Where there are people who pull the best Out of you and people that pull the the Worst out of you because we influence Each other and what you connect to and In terms of music and you know the People you connect to victim Consciousness or you know Divinity or Whatever it is affects you as a person And so you know our thoughts and our Decisions are of often influenced by Forces beyond our control and often Times we do things without even knowing Why we do them you know that's the sense Of being Pawns in a a scripted game That's you know that some kind of divine Drama that has already been you know Established and things are going to Happen whether we like them or not Beyond our ability to control them but Our way about going about those things And accepting them and being grateful For them is where we get our Evolution From it's how we interpret our life and How we experience it and the more we Resist things the harder they are to Overcome right and I've experienced this Over and over again and so there's part Of the truth Community that's wants to Punish you know I going to George Soros Gets a medal of freedom like or Hillary
Clinton or they want to see people Punish for their with the The Narrative That you perceive about these people and The system itself right you want Individuals to pay Joe Biden some people Would be Trump you know other people in The world Israel you know or whatever it Is Palestine for some people like Whatever you think is the the evil do Are the bad guys you've been convinced That some people are the bad guys the Deep State you know the problems and you Want to see them brought to Justice you Want to see you know because of your Limited perception of what's going on Here far away from from the Divine you Know the Divine elements of the system And you want the truth to come out right You want the truth like you think the Truth has to come out like the you know Your truth whatever you think the truth Is and the truth that the way you see it And that other people have to gravitate It your sheeple relatives and the people Around you and you all these things like You have the truth and they're not Accepting it and there's all these Things right and I'm like so far beyond That like I don't care about any of that Stuff anymore I cared about it at one Time And less ever since like when I started Doing these videos I started you know So-called waking up there was the
Beginning of it and then now there's Just you know I share what I have to Offer my perspective and you know people Will you know like it or dislike it or Embrace it or benefit or you know Whatever it is right but the sad fact of The matter is that the majority of People don't want to change like they Don't think the change is part of their Existence they think they're they're Complete you know uh they don't maybe View themselves as being perfect but They don't think there's any thing they Have to personal change like they they Don't have to grow and evolve as a Person right and you know that means You're dead like your life is over You're you're just now you're doing Damage in terms of your next Incarnation Or wherever you're going next you're Just going backwards because you're Creating all these Impressions and Having all these experience es that are There to help you change and grow and Evolve and you're not willing to change And grow and evolve you know if you wake Up and you you orientation is that you Got to tell someone else that they suck You know you want them to hear it you Want them to feel you like feel your you Know your butt hurtness and your Whatever well you're you're going in the Wrong direction right you're putting Extraordinary effort like you know I'm
Give you the example of here where People open multiple accounts to tell me I suck and you know I don't even know Who they are like I'm like is this the Same person it's just you know I'm Barely aware of the person like as an Essence I don't know what they look like I don't know what they are I don't know What they're you know they're even being Honest if they're just trolling you Whatever it is and I don't read the Comments and I don't think about it like I move on almost immediately right Unless I do a comment video then I you Know make fun of the person do whatever Uh and then I move on right like I Forget about the next day but you know I Know that the energy behind is they want Me to feel like they feel they want me To feel bad like it's some kind of thing They want you know it's not enough that They suck but they want to you know they Feel bad inside they want me to feel the Same way and this internet is saturated By that right because none of these People are taking any personal Responsibility for having to change and That they're part of the problem and That's why humanity is kind of [ __ ] Right now and whatever happens to Humanity it will the only success is When people realize that they're Responsible to change and grow and you Have to be honest with yourself right
Not manipul ipating reality to stay the Way that you are which is what most People are doing right most people are Manipulating the world around them Distorting the world around them and Willfully denying the feedback they're Getting about what they need to do to Change and grow as a person right and so An example of this is you know I've Grown more and more uh faith in the Divine system I mean the older I've Gotten and there's a point where I Passed it long ago where I just Surrendered to the fact that Everything's accounted for that everyone Gets what they deserve that the system Is there's a plan and there's Divinity And there's you know it's a Divine System and it's perfect and it's Application and nobody Escapes their the consequences for their Actions and so in that knowing that then The way that we all behave the thoughts We have the actions we take the Attitudes we have they are repercussions For them so being disciplined and not Lying to oneself and even in moments of Weakness not indulging in negative Thoughts and you know whatever they Might be so when I start having thoughts That I know are manipulative thoughts or You know thoughts of wanting to you know It's basically saying to God [ __ ] you God I know more than you I don't like
What you're doing here I think I need to Take control of it right I think I have To you know intervene and and make up For your mistakes cuz you're clearly Getting it wrong like everybody who's a Victim everybody who has a you know a Bone to pick with what's going on in the World thinking that somehow it's God's Fault you know thinking that something's Out of order well then you've lost faith In God right that What's Happening Here Is a mess of our own creation and They're Divine forces that are trying to Or working not trying to working towards Divinizing a system that you know Because of our freedom of choices and Our freedom of choices have more to do With our attitude towards things that Happen like our willfully distorting the Events that unfold in front of us right Willfully pretending that there's Something happening that they're not not Accepting the truth of the matter and Your problem with other people not doing That is a part of that like you know When you see other people distorting Reality and people in power who are Willfully um distorting the truth which Is what I cover here it's the Distortion Of the truth it's people's individual Distortions of the truth and if you're Above that then you have to be Extraordinarily disciplined in your own Thought process like sometimes I just
Get angry for no reason like you know Just it's a thing that happens like There's so much less anger and there's You know I don't feel like there's any Hatred left in me you know things that Have been cleaned out because of the Spiritual practice I do but sometimes I Have these feelings right you know Whatever they might be and I wake up or I'm like sometimes a lot of times it Happens at night might be related to Something I eat and I can get mad at Some of the people of my life you know Dodgy who wrecked the Sark system and Turned it into the heartfulness cult Like I could easily hate him and get mad At him and so when I start feeling that And you know thinking about it right you Start thinking about you know wishing Bad things happen to people and you know These things where you get in these Moments of like you know really anger Towards people you realize how bad they Suck or whatever and you know I work Towards Stopping that like having some sense of You know pulling myself out of that State because it's again it's not about Dodgy or anybody else it's about me and You know my feeling that God isn't doing This job I mean that's what this all Comes down to all the complaints that People have every time you have a Complaint about things whether you know
They appear to be unfair you're saying That there is no plan there is no order To things and I'm getting screwed over And it's easy to feel that way at times Because sometimes it just Everything Feels that like it just when you know Bad things happen to good people and Things happen to you that you you know That are Unjustified but if you trace back past Lives or you know what you're you're Benefiting from in the situation there's A reason that you're going through it And the sooner you accept it and are Grateful for it the easier it is and you Know all these other deviant like Thoughts you might have are just keeping You away from accepting the nature of Your reality right which means that You're going to experience the thing That you're disliking more and more Until you figure out the right way to go About it you know this is what the idea Of you know past lives is but it's also In this life like you see the same [ __ ] things happening over and over To people and to yourself and just Making the same mistakes over and over Again so at some point you realize oh Like I'm caught in a loop and what do I Got to do to get out of this Loop you Know that movie The groundh day with Bill muray how do I get out of this Loop And if you're not working on that then
You're going to be in these Loops the Rest of your life and for eternity I Mean until you crack the code and so you Know that's why I say I don't care about Any of this stuff because you know none Of it has anything to do with me and None of it I can change none of it any Of us can change the things that are Happening now are unfolding in our Society are going to happen so how do we Deal with them like how do you deal with Them to navigate them successfully it Always comes down to being grateful and So that's why you know when people show Up and they want to and blame me from Their miserable existence I want no part Of it right and even people come up and You know want to thank me and say that I've changed their lives in some way you Know it's all the Divinity that flows Through somebody right it's you know if You're changing it's you like you you've Made the choice to embrace change and Become a better person and accept the Circumstances of your existence and that You have everything to do with you know What's happening to you right now what's Going to happen to you in the future and So when you're doing the right thing It's going to lead to you know better Outcomes in the future when you're on Your your spiritual path when you've Connected to your soul and you figured Out what you're why you're here and what
You're doing here what you you know Where the direction you're going and you Start working towards uh you know in a In in in a conjunction with your you Know in symbiosis with the Divinity Within you your soul and the divine plan For you when you start cooperating Everything Changes right everything Changes for you because you're now You're not fighting against your ego Isn't fighting against what your soul Wants for you and the majority of people Are running away from their Soul's path And they're fighting you know their egos Are I mean sometimes they're just you Know they're playing a role they're a Higher developed Soul that's supposed to Be a villain or whatever they're Supposed to play out of roll that's you Know whatever but everybody else is Rejecting the divine plan for themselves What their soul wants for them and so That's why the world is the way it is Until that changes it's going to stay This way and so whatever happens the Collapse of the system whatever the Things that are happening to produce a Different outcome because we can't keep On going in the same direction I think That's obvious so anyways just a little Introduction here let's get into the Other stuff you know I think um I just Want to say 2025 is going to be Completely different in terms of the
Content I produce here you know life Shifted and the things the world shifted And so I'm going to you know change up What I'm doing because you know it's Just time for you know there's Everything's changed even though it's Just you know one day you know one day It's 2024 next it's 2025 there's been a shift and you know There's been lots of changes in the last So many years and there's just all these Things right but anyways let's get into The other stuff okay greetings brothers And sisters I got two voices over two Voiceovers to do one for this video and One for my Journeys V series Video 33 373 that's weird I said 33 um I'm always Groggy in the morning so um they all Blend together too so I've had like kind Of a big Spiritual I don't know Um movement in my past week starting With a difficult Situation that um came completely out of The blue and I want to do two voiceovers This morning is Sunday January 5th to Kind of describe that process a little Bit some the spiritual stuff I'll cover My journey series one and then just a Brief introduction I got some things to Get to uh here but it's about to snow uh Like a lot like uh you know this will be
One of the biggest snow Falls we've had In this area we get more freezing rain Or snow that doesn't stick but I think They're saying 8 to 10 Ines let me just Check that it's going to begin to a day And then go into tomorrow yeah just look At the forecast it's they saying snow For sure which you know I don't know What that is um but it's going to be Snowing in the afternoon and then all The way through the night and into the Morning so whatever that is I would say Probably it'll be four to five Ines Which will be good and I'm just saying That as a in the sjar system of Meditation there is um A a connection between times you feel The transmission as like divine grace And rain or and I guess this case snow Some sort of like weather event which is Interesting uh so there's a lot of rain In India at these gatherings these Spiritual Gatherings which I experienced When I was there and so um let's get Into the thing I want to talk about here So there's been a couple of Instances Recently Where my wife and I gave advice to I Want say advice but our Position was something was very clear in Terms of the you know the the co Boop And the you know getting the co thing And um psychological medications right
One is for a member of her family and Another my member of my family where we Were you know we're you we're in a TI I've talked about this before that um We're in a time where you're betting on Your beliefs and your ability to Navigate the world of lies right most People understand that there's lots of Lies and deception within the system and You have to make choices now when Co Rolled around you were given a choice on How to deal with it and some people I Don't know what the percentage of I Think it was close to 70% of the people Got Vaccinated right and then the rest of us Were in the minority and you know when You have emotional issues and things Like this which many people had because Of the you know related to the Co Lockdown and just the times and all These things that you have different Avenues and my way of dealing with it is The Spiritual system which is the Sark System in terms of like you know how to Make sense of your issues everyone goes Through times of emotional crisises and Things like this right you have your ups And your downs and people are not Functioning very well Psychologically and when you go through Through Difficulties and all the rest of these
Things how do you deal with those things Right some people just self-medicate Some people don't do anything some People whatever but people have to Figure out how to cope some people go Into counseling and you know I have a a Master's degree in counseling and I Worked with various you know Treatment Center level I worked with people I Worked without patients I have Experience with diagnosis psychological Diagnosis and of course reading people As a preceptor on a spiritual level Reading you know uh I mean they're They're two different things but they're Also they can work together to Understand what a person is like Understand you know beyond what a person Even thinks of themselves what makes Them function spiritually and I've Always had a good sense of that just Naturally like it's one of my qualities I'm introverted I'm interested in what Makes people tick I was always Interested in these various kind of not Just psychological spiritual models but Other ways of thinking about why people Do what they do right and you know how Do you cope with that and I know Psychological medications are a [ __ ] Nightmare because I saw how they Affected people when I worked in Treatment centers with kids they would Turn them into zombies right you know I
Was just telling my wife this Story I worked um when I was in college My buddy um who I just told my wife Another story about him was just weird But he was Uh uh he his dad owned a a Building Company like a he uh you know he was a Like a construction worker he ended up Dropping out of college and just taking Over his dad's business and the last Time I saw him him and his brother were Driving Down um a highway where I had gotten a Flat tire and I could see they were in Their trucks and they had all their Building stuff and my ex-girlfriend who Was an ex-girlfriend of my former Roommate who I always got along with was Driving behind them cuz she lived right So it was a weird I was on a highway Where probably I would know almost no People and this is in Connecticut and There's like a five Lane Highway a Four-lane highway like a busy road that Eventually goes down to the Beast the Beach the Beast goes down to the beach And there's a a restaurant called Harbor Park that was on the river was kind of a Seafood restaurant it did really well in The summer and it was like you would be Driving down to the beach and it was Almost close to the shore and a lot of People would bring their boats and There's a place to eat out in the dock
Kind of a big bar and then this like Seafood restaurant like one of these Kind of Ocean View restaurants even Though was on it was on the Connecticut River right where the K Connecticut River was starting to expand to go down To the ocean and this woman who became My Girlfriend was you know a nurse who was Quitting her job and moving to the Virgin Islands and I wanted you know so I wanted to get out of Connecticut and I Had this idea that I would moved to Hawaii because I was waiting tables and If you're going to wait tables you might As well do it in a tropical Paradise you Know it's people want to live where Other everyone goes to vacation and one Of the best jobs to have there is Waiting tables because people spend Money you know they're and they go out To eat and you know it's just this thing So we end up hooking up there going to The Virgin Island but it was an odd Thing where my friends who just happened To be going by me and saw Me and then this woman and they both Passed within a minute of each other you Know like it just had to be like here I Am with a you know broken down car in The side of the road it wasn't a I don't Think it was a flat tire I'm not sure What it was the car broke down and I'm On the side of the road going what am I
Going to do cars are flying by me and Then these these friends of mine start To stop right so uh you know we're not Thing and they were in the far left lane Like they were flying you know going to Some job down by the you know they did a Lot of work they had a place in the Ocean their family did right they owned Land and a kind of a you know a place You could walk to the beach from um I Don't know if it was necessarily ocean Front but it was like a you know an area Where people you know it was a nice area That they had the dad was successful Builder and they were trying to pull Over to help me and then this um this Girlfriend who was probably going over To the right lane cuz she was going to Take the next exit she came over and Picked me up and we I waved my friends Off and they they were like to go moving Over their way up the road they saw that I was getting help it was like kind of This amazing thing like you know was Within moments of me breaking down like You know when she dropped me off at work And I dealt with the car whatever um but We had a conversation which led me to go With to the Virgin Islands with her cuz That was what was happening she had a Plan all her friends were going to a lot Of friends were going to do it she had Friends a guy who had bartender there Before but he quit like he didn't all
These people backed out the last minute Which was kind of funny but uh like There was four of us that ended up going And we me and this girl got together and We came back and she got into counseling And the counselor that She uh she Chose eventually was the person that I Would hear about Saj mark from so what End ended up being the pathway to me to Do my meditation and like just this Event was not accidental but anyways This guy when we were in college Together he was working at some hospital And he had some friends there and he They were all like people like we all Getting hired from like you know like People who knew each other and it was Like cleaning big giant pots and working In the kitchen of the cafeteria of this Hospital like some big Hospital and He end up I ended up getting a job there And there was a job where it was called Special 7even where you had to like take These two dumpsters like these dumpsters On Wheels you know these plastic Dumpsters on Wheels they were you know Somewhat big and you had to take them Down to a big dumpster and dump them and There was like seven jobs and they Called it special seven but none of the Jobs were good right and there was a guy Who was who was like had mental problem
Or something who I didn't know at the Time was on heavy doses of Medication and you know I'm always Interested in people who are like Mentally impaired crazy people like Really crazy people you know I'm always Having conversations with them because You know it's just how I am I've always Been that way like you know people with Mental issues and people with Down Syndrome like I've always been Interested in people who are you know Somewhat see the world differently like Especially people are really like crazy Or whatever So I you know my tendency was always to Be you know um like observant of people Who like had issues you know it's a more Of a you know for me like kind of oh wow These people are different because I'm Different like I have dyslexia and Whatever like I'm interested in people See the world different but I'm also you Know can be rude and be an [ __ ] and You know make fun of you know that's Just how I am too you know so Combination of those things so the guy Says he takes uh the the boss or whoever Was the manager says you know you need To do this Job and the special 7even job and me and This this guy who's I later found out What's on medication right and so you Heavy doses of psychological
Medication and um the boss says you know One of you two guys has to do special Seven and I go well he can't even spell Special seven cuz you know classic Roman Like like I said to my wife classic R he Can't spell shest of seven so I have to Do it right um and so you know and I I Don't know if I had ever kind of made Fun of the guy but the guy was just dead Like brain dead like he was walk he'd Walk slow he had what I would later call You know that that uh ex-girlfriend who Was a nurse she worked in Psychological psych hospitals and they Called it the thorine shuffle when Someone's on these medications and they Walked we and so you know I worked there For a period of time it was during Whatever year the Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl CU I remember being at work When that Super Bowl was going on and People saying yeah it's a blowout which So many of those Super Bowls the between The NFC who dominated the AFC but the Famous Chicago Bears team that you know Had those big you know whatever it was Um and you know great defense and all That stuff but so time went by and that Guy got off his Medication And I I was told by my friend about this Guy but I didn't no one told me who it Was right and I didn't know I was Working with him and so this
Guy had I don't know if he was using Drugs or something but he had a mental Breakdown and he went into a church with A pair of numchucks and he wrapped the Numchucks you know numchucks are those The thing you see with Bruce Lee Fighting in those movies where there's Two pieces of wood with a chain in Between them right and Bruce Lee could Do all these fancy like sort of baton Like things with him and he' WRA the Numchucks around the priest's neck and Started to choke him and said show me God and he was arrested and committed to Some psych institution and then he was Put into this job right and they took Him off of his meds and he was like Crazy and then I realized it was a sky And you know I had made fun of him a Little bit and he was like some kind of Potential Cal killer I was like why did You guys tell me you know this guy was Crazy right like just you know was uh Hannibal lecor you know like on meds Right one of my co-workers said that he Was just so crazy when he got off the Meds that he was with the guy in the Elevator and the guy said yo you see That girl over there I wish I could F Her until I kill her like that was his You know like he was saying it like yeah Like you know like crazy man and he was Scaring everybody at work because you Know I mean his medication he was barely
He had no pulse he was just walking Around it like a zombie but when they Let off of his medication he was like Freaking uh violently crazy and then of Course I worked in these treatment Centers with kids and I saw how these Kids would be put on these meds and I Mean they were just not like in a way Conscious anymore and the meds had all Kinds of side effects and physical side Effects and you know emotional side Effects and you know it could control Their behavior because you were Basically tranquilizing them uh there Was stuff they would take to go to sleep Because they had nightmares you know They would they couldn't go to sleep and They were always crazy at night because If they were in abusive situation their Family which they almost always were the Abuse usually usually happened at night So their nights were horrible and there Was this stuff I think it was called Trazadone a couple of these things Trazadone and there was some another Trazza something that you would watch This thing was like an elephant Tranquilizer there's one kid who came in And he used to try to get into Restraints with the staff to get they The kids would say to get their energy Out like they were so restless and had So much energy and this kid was getting To a restraint and he was like you know
Talking to me going I'm just waiting for My Med to kick in and then when his Med Kicked in he just was out like he just Couldn't even walk to his room like it Would hit it was like elant I mean this He was on trazo and this stuff and Whatever it was and so you know I I knew These meds were bad news right because Of my experience with them and I knew That they were like bad news would be Bad news for my family members you know My um biological family my you know Whatever my brothers and sisters and my Mom you know very sensitive I mean I had To go on oxycoton for an operation I had Uh hemorrhoid like surgery and Freaking uh when I got back from India And it was I mean it was a month of like I I could only go on for like a week and I had all these weird side effects and I Felt horrible I was disconnected Spiritually and I was like I'd rather Just have the pain like I ended up Having to go on volume because it was Really painful the postsurgery stuff I Mean the pain was excruciating but like I just went on volume and you know and Then just got off that as soon as I Could and just you know and once I could Tolerate what you know the levels of Pain that were there But I was like this is you know I mean I It's just horrible and you know the more You develop spiritually the more
Sensitive you are and like I've always Said about alpath medicine it's like a Hammer in some cases it's like a nuclear Bomb it's always forceful it's always Unnatural I mean most Al apathic the Medical model especially the Pharmaceutical stuff it always comes With you know powerful side effects and And issues right and my ex is brother Like they came from a a [ __ ] up family And my ex's brother you know they were Really smart but they had some issues And he contacted my ex uh you like this Is according to her I was in a part of The conversation and she said that he Was on Simala and that she should go on it Because he was just in heaven like he Was like you know there's whatever is Wrong with our family kind of stuff or Whatever's wrong with our particular you Know brain makeup or whatever it is Zalta was filling in the gaps it was Like you know was it was just he was Able to function on a level and he was Feeling great about it and he was Telling her she should go on it like It's just like she like he knew it was Like a it was probably something good For the whole family and then like 3 Months later it stopped working and it Was actually causing him great suffering Like now he's having all these you know Like not great things and he was having
To with go through withdrawal to get off Of it and it was miserable you know so I Knew that like that was you know I mean These SSR eyes and some of these I don't Know if that's that but all these Different you know drugs that that are Given and all you know there's 200 Different like uh side effects of either There's 200 drugs that the side effects Are either depression or suicidal Ideation or both you know I this you Know this long list I've shown you from One of the like some like Vox or one of Those you news or organizations but you Know these drugs they have a lot of bad Side effects and a lot of the drugs that People take for anti-depressants can Cause you to be suicidal and make things Worse you know and I don't recommend Things to people but you know I don't Believe in Al apathic medicine if it Works for you I don't know like I can't Tell people what to do but I know like For me what my path is right and you Know there was a cancer thing um so one Of my you know wife's significant people In her life is has gotten turbo cancer After getting many roosters and then you Know some of in my life our life also Has went on psychological medications And turned on the family and has you Know had multiple Issues uh which I figured out it was Medication that it was confirmed for me
You know and these things where you are Betting on your ability to interpret What's going on around you you know Making decisions based in that Uh navigating the the tumultuous time of The you know all these decisions have to Be made you know where our nation our World is collapsing in various ways Imploding on itself people are doing Really poorly and know I've had to bet On my Spiritual you know my spiritual uh Meditation system and using the heart as An instrument For uh how to interpret you know events Connecting to divin within me and then Also of course the truther stuff right And the various truther narratives and It's very clear it's easy for us to make Decisions because of the way that we Feel about it as truthers but sometimes People when they're faced with a crisis They start doubting themselves and they Run back to the institutions they run Back to the the people who are supposed To be in authority and the authoritative System because they don't want to Venture out of that system and they just Want to trust the the Beast especially In America where we have a very you know Wealthy successful system and you know Even though we believe certain things That when the the sort of the the rubber Meets the road we decide hey I'm I'm not
I'm not I don't have faith in my ability To make decisions I'm going to run back To the so-called experts so there's all Those things which has happened I've Seen a number of times where people are On the cusp or on the doubt you know They're on the fence they're not sure They're you know they're leaning more to The truth or thing and then they run and Go get the boo you know the the bloop And all those things right which happen With a lot of people pressure being put On them by the family members and these Things and so they cave they don't Really have faith in their their you Know their truth or ISM so they the Truth or n or whatever you know but I Have long had these ways of making Decisions and you know I this what I did With Co I'm like I'm not going to the Hospital you know even if I I'm going to Die I'm going to die in my bed you know Like just you know death is there for All of us and this is it for me you know And it was not really that bad but it Could have been like it just you know I Was having to like it was bad enough to Where I had to think about you know what Happens if I can't breathe at all you Know what happens if I have you know What if I get worse like I had to you Know I was like I had my you know the First Co I was really having trouble Breathing at times and like what happens
If it's gets worse right um you know What am I going to do I'm not going to Go like there's times I would go to the Hospital and there's times that the AL Apathetic medicine has worked for me and I've had good doctors and you know Whatever there's times I would still go For certain things you if I broke my leg Or something I mean there'd be how you Know I'm not going to like set it myself Right you have to go you know like it's You know I would trust the alpath Medical system for that right um so you Know it's not like it's all going to be Like whatever but you know based in These things it's anything to with Pharmaceutical drugs I'm not going on Them like it just you know they don't Work and you know I took um I forget What the uh um it was a migraine Medication and I like for the life of me I can't you know I mean I maybe I'll Remember it later but if I do I'll just Say the name randomly in some other part Of this video and it worked um amazingly And it was a it made like a Serotonin but not a real serotonin like It was artificial serotonin and Migraines have you know connection to a Lack of Serotonin and you know the kind Of migraines that I would get would Start in the gut where the serotonin's Made and things you know my migraines Have gone you know they're much
Different now they're a lot less a lot Less debilitating because my serotonin Levels have gone up through my spiritual Practice which is you know interesting But I took this stuff um iMatrix that's What it was called and it worked Like amazingly at one time I felt so Good like it like the serotonin or fake Serotonin I was like oh my God I wonder If I would feel like this all the time Which now I do feel like that like all The time because my serotonin levels Were low than you know in my 30s and now They're much higher because of the Spiritual cleaning I've gone through and Things so it's kind of worked out on a More organic holistic way but then I Took it and it would just be like like a Diuretic on stair oids where I would Have to urinate and I would go let's say I was doing something I and I go walk Back to what I was doing and then I have To go urinate again like it was it was Just like I I can't even describe it it Was making me nauseous and and I still Got the migraine anyway and it made me Feel weird and so I was like I'm not Going to take this ever again right it Was just you know I'll just I'll have The migraine like it was better just Have the migraine then feel weird and be Affected and then also have uh you know And and have the migraine with other Making it worse right and what I
Realized then and I I've seen this with Other people like this stuff I was was Talking about you know the where the Meds work for a little bit where this Prescription drugs work and they work in The beginning especially these Psychological drugs but they're not good For you they're not stuff your body Wants in you they're often synthetically Made they often are nonnatural chemical Base they're not food they're not you Know herbs they're not natural and so And even something like that if your Body has never had it before I mean you Can eat a food you go to go with some Foreign country and you're you're eating Foods and you're taking you know Herbal Remedies or something that your body's Never had before and your body has to Figure out how to deal with it right and If you're taking something that's not Natural And synthetic and really powerful and Often times these things are you know Like the stuff that it's preventing some Part of your body from functioning like These these it called beta blockers you Know things like you know um ibuprofen And aspirin or things like this that are Preventing the paid impulses from Reaching your brain like you're still in Pain it's just stopping it's cutting off The pain that's you don't feel it but Your body's still in pain pain you just
Don't feel it like taking those it's you Know it's like alcohol it's making some Of your brain not function like it's a Toxin like it's things that stop you Stop parts of your your body from Working properly and so you're relieved From the pain because the pain impulses Aren't going through your nervous system And getting to your brain to let you Know you're in pain or whatever but You're still in pain you just don't feel It right and so you know it's it's a [ __ ] up thing it's in it's inhibiting You from from your body from functioning So in your body is like [ __ ] that I'm Going to stop that from happening like So a lot of these different drugs stop Working because your body you know Recognizes as like a poison as a toxin And then does something with it and it Cause side effects and it stops working Because your body's trying to deal with This thing it doesn't want inside of it Right and a lot of alpath medicine is That's stuff that shouldn't be in your Body and you're injecting it in there so Like this is you know I mean in some Cases like you're in so much pain you Just you know you can't even function It's like you know Debilitating you know pain management And so like they've had to deal with the With all these things that are like just Bad like morphine and opian and these
Things are bad for you in some Situations like you know you need Something because the Pain's that bad Right but whatever it is right there's Just you know there's all these things But in terms of you know it's great to Be right it's great to feel like wow I'm Doing a better job at at making Decisions especially when we've gotten So much you know [ __ ] from the beastly System and then sometimes significant Other people in our lives right like if You were having an argument with with People and you're you know there's a Disagreement with what you think is the Proper Path to take you know loved ones family Members or whatever it's great to be Right but it's not that great when they End up suffering right and they end up Like turning on you on top of it like They don't acknowledge that you're right And they don't learn their lesson and They just keep on making the same Decisions and choosing their you know The wrong path that they've chosen it's Always sucky when you have loved ones And family members and you know this has Become something that's quite painful For people because it's happened on a You know this large scale level you know There's people are like well you know Biden sucked and so you know trumpers Feel like they're right and you know
Trump will suck and Democrats will feel Like they're right like there's times Where both choices are wrong but then There are times where there's clearly a Right Choice and you know based in your world View based on the way that you see the World is a truther and you know if You're a real truther not these fake Right-wing ones whatever or a spiritual Person or both and you're getting Guidance and you know you have a good System to make the proper decision it's Painful to watch the people that you Know I mean it's like it's not so bad For watching like Don Lemon suffer or You know um like I just saw that Aubrey Plaza's husband died he's 47 like out of The blue I don't know if he was sick Beforehand you know the Actress Aubrey Audrey oo is a like Almost like a you know the the the Biggest witch in Hollywood or whatever She is like she's just the dark like you Know whatever um she did that little Thing for the you know the one of these Obscure War shows she did that ritual They sacrificed one of the kids from um One of the young boys from that um Stranger thing show remember I you know There's that video I showed you various Times on my channel and it's you Sharon Stone's there and all these Hollywood You know skanky witches are there
Sacrificing this kid you know it's just The kind of stuff that like Hollywood You know perpetuates but you know her Husband died and like you know might Have to do with a bloop or whatever I Don't know like it's just you know we Know it died suddenly these things um But you know it's not great because it's Like you know what why didn't they Listen you know it's just this thing Right why didn't they listen um and so You know like there's that part is Painful when it's personal to you when You see these people suffering for their Bad decisions and they're being arrogant Till they die you know they they won't Like ever realize that the the path that They were on the way that they you know The it's their decision- making Apparatus and their way to interpretate What's going interpret what's going on In the world especially the people who Are hostile to the people who are Getting it right which is so many people Which we've experienced here in the Truth community and so you know that's Affected me on my personal life All right um I'm going to talk more About this for the journey series but Let's get into the other stuff here I Want to talk about Joe Biden's award Ceremony which was bizarre and you know These awards that he gave and the people He was given this award to and then um
Got more some more stuff that I want to Present here okay so I got a whole big Thing to get to I've already shot the Video clips but I wanted to do this is I A headache yesterday and it's just um Kind of gotten better so I want to be in A more up beat mood to deal with it Today is Monday January 6th big Important day today or tomorrow or today I don't know years ago it was today what Six I don't know if it's the day that They make everything final for Trump um So one of my Viewers had recommended a song they saw That I had a Chris Webby clip for one of These year ends someone had told me About Chris Webby my son had recommended Chris Webby but he did a great song for Um you know whatever that guy remember There was that country song Richmond From Richmond whatever it was and he did A good like rap version using the you Know the sort of chorus as a hook for The you a bunch of rappers did this and It was very truther this guy Chris Webby Is a one of the better truther rappers There's a number of truther rappers and I got a few of his songs on my um phone Chris Webby you know I kind of like rap I mean I went to a Run DMC concert when I was young in college so that's when Was rap the beginning of rap right and The Beasty Boys were like you young they Were there you know they were part of it
I no one even knew who they were and I've kind of been a rap fan you know Based in playing basketball over the Years and there's an evolution of rap Where it was just kind of goofy like the Original hip-hop rap which seems silly Now He like just you know stuff like that And then there was some like talking About being impoverished and growing up In the inner city ghetto stuff but then There was gangster rap which was mostly Fraudulent because most of the rappers Weren't gangster members many of them Were Actors and they were you know they were Trained uh artists that ended up Pretending to be gangsters and that was Promoted to degrade the African-American Community into being criminals you know I I'm part Sicilian my rato my my Grandfather came over from Sicily and Sicily is renowned for having criminal Organizations and you know the mafia and My grandfather was a barber my dad was a Guidance counselor right like people Would look at me and my brother and you Know we have sort of a a presence and Think that we're part of some like you Know whatever it is and I'm like no my Dad's a guidance counselor like you know And so there was um like a kind of a Badge of honor and they've glorified Sicilians and Italians in the mafia
Right but majority of Italian people you Know they are whatever they are like you Know it's a diverse group but there are Certain cultures that they have pushed Out to be gang members gangsters and Like you know the idea of a gangster is Being this positive thing but then you Know it's a it's a criminal like you're Embracing criminality and that's what The you know the gangster rap did it it Made it they Glorified you know it made people Aspire Especially in the African-American Community and the inner city but also Into the suburbs to be gangsters right It promoted this idea of being a Criminal and criminal Behavior to Aspire To and then like you know instead of Promoting education and you know Spirituality and these things as you Know a way to something to look up to Right and so like it say it was a Something pushed out it's a genocidal Act right to to push something like this Like an agenda to get people to I mean You see this now with the serial killers Where villains are now Heroes like Maleficent and Dexter like serial Killers are now you know Hannibal Lector Like people look up to serial killers And they're protagonists in movies and Where're criminals have often been Protagonists in crimes like it's a Big Heist and you're rooting for the
Criminals to rip people off and you know Steal money and you know people's Pensions and [ __ ] right where criminal Behavior is considered uh you know soop Rewarding sociopathic behavior and so That's all a part of it and then there's Been kind of a new genre of rap where They talk a lot about psychological Issues like this new generation of young You know Generation Z that are so self- Involved with psychological issues and This guy Ren I'm going to talk about him In a moment is um like a part of that Which I'm not a big fan of but at least It's honest because these kids are all [ __ ] up right NF who I like is a Rapper but he does a lot of that [ __ ] Which just too much like he has a an Album I think all therapy and so you Have that movement but then you also Have people who are truthers and this Guy Ren like Chris Webby is is that as Well and so I I listen to the song it's Called baggage it's about uh like Alcoholism and drug drug addiction right And you know I was not in the mood for It but I left it up on my toolbar and Then I just went through something and I Listened to it again and I kind of liked It and I was interested in this guy's You know he does a like a uh you know Like he does a verse this guy red and I'm like is this guy Scottish or English You know so he I think he's English um
But you know it's I'm interested in rap In different countries because now it's Something that's worldwide I was Watching this um documentary on this guy Boo Boo Honey Singh I think his name Is something like that and he's a Indian Rapper and I knew about him when I was In India and he you know talked about The Illuminati but like just the goofy Way like that became a thing in India Where some famous actor called his Production company Illuminati which you Know it had nothing to do with Indian Stuff right but this guy um I liked his Like his uh his verse Here and so um you know I was like you Know this guy is some kind of English Guy so I found a bunch of his other Stuff and I was in a kind of a good mood For it and some of the stuff I really Liked some of it's truth oriented I want To talk about here so as I've gotten Older I you know I it's tough for me to Listen to some sort of rock or rap like Things that are more um I don't know Aggressive music there's I have to be in The right mood for it like your ears get More sensitive you're just uh you know It's uh it's kind of music for young People but I'm still kind of interested And there's some days that I'm I like it And this was a day I liked it he did This thing for Bittersweet sympathy Bittersweet sympy
Symphony was kind of interesting crying A funeral 9 to Crucible this Ro is not Commutable you know was it like just Interesting to see this um being done in You know An English you know the English take on Rap and you know as far as I can tell With this guy his two big genres of or What he covers in subject matter is Money like money and money power in a Truther way and also pills and addiction Which was kind of up for me especially Pharmaceutical drugs and I'll show you Another clip of a song about that um Which I really like I don't love this Song it's called money game part two but He has this guy playing a guitar with a Bag on his head and he has other videos With this he has a couple of videos About money this was on some sort of Award show in the second verse of this Song he talks about the debt-based Economic system by using the metaphor of Selling Seashells fres blood on hand five why Just shells why limit yourself she sell Shell all your well s the song I like The most is chalk outlines this is a Live version the studio version is Better um but it's about pill Addiction and Yours Aile so um this song is you know again About piction and you know and you can
See that this group of people young you Know Young Generation is is you know They're [ __ ] up like like they know They're [ __ ] up they know they have no Future and they're gravitating to truth In different ways like the message is Getting out in various ways like they Know that it's um and like I've talked About these indigo children but you know Right now they're low functioning you Know whining about whatever the you know Whatever it is I mean at least that's What I see but you know at some point They're realizing their Situation and you know hopefully that Can evolve into something of a higher Calling like with the idea of connecting To the Divinity within you and then you Know building something better right a Rejection of the you know the system That's Collapsing uh there's one more thing he Does here so he likes to dress up in um You know Hospital attire Institutionalized attire um this is a Video called hyen where he has a you Know he is debating another side of Himself like we've seen this before this Video got 42 million views his videos Get some millions of views and so There's a you know a level of like Understanding here for young people like I said that they're [ __ ] uh I don't Really love this song it's interesting
Like I didn't dislike it I you know Couldn't listen to the whole thing it's N9 minutes Long uh the instrumental part is kind of Interesting in the beginning of the Video and then you it goes back and Forth with different sides of himself But this is the you know the Schism and The you know the issues that these kids Are growing up with right like you you See there's differences in the in the Youth specifically because of the Internet and video games and you know All the things that they've been exposed To and their lives are completely Different their their childhoods are Completely different from what you know People like that grew up in the 7s and ' 80s and '90s and then 2000s the internet Was introduced and everything changed Right like significantly in terms of the Socialization of the youth talk man cuz When you're with me it never seems to Help you think that you can amputate me I am you so he gets into it um again I Think I said it might be Scottish I Don't know I didn't look it up but I Found this interesting I went a whole Thing I was in a good mood and you know I went through a whole whatever it was I've talked about a little bit in my Voiceovers and I um you know was kind of Happy to see this because of the the Awareness of you know the medication
Issue and the the money power and that There is no future for them in terms of The current system there is you know This element that's out there in the RAP Community like I said there's various Rappers that are like Tru or rappers and You know this it's an evolution that's You know kind of desperately Needed okay so this guy Joseph robinet Biden Um Wonderful Name Robinette like it' be Great if that was his first name cuz he Wouldn't be president he was handing out A lot of medals he gave a citizen ship Metal to Liz Cheney which I'm not going To show you and then he gives a medal of Valor here and then he gave out medals Which I'm going to show you that's Various people who um you know were Going to piss people off and people you Don't think deserve medals because Medals are Stupid but you know um Like the metal of Valor like men who are Fighting and whatever it is right doing Heroic Things you know um a metal doesn't quite Do if there is something like metal Worthy if somebody does something great Heroic like a real thing like how is a Metal like you know like statues and Trophies and metals are silly things Right it's just silly like you know it's Just um you know on a spiritual level
Like it's it's just you did what you did And you're successful and you get Whatever benefit there is medals and Things and any kind of awards and those Silly like you know Oscars and the Golden Gloves I guess for last night Which I'm not going to probably cover Here unless I get a million you know Different uh not it would never be a Million but I get 20 or 30 different Messages on instal about something you Know that Fantastical that Happened um but uh These Um guys did something heroic but it's The afterwards part here that is kind of Worth when he moves to the question Areas here it's the that part that gets Uh Interesting have done things that are Changing not only their lives the lives Of families that were able to celebrate Christmas were able I me what they did They saved children they saved people in Serious distress that jumped into Freezing water they jumped into freezing Water like they needed metal they got There was water it's freezing they did It all and I think it's I think it's Very important that the public see them And know who they are I know you have All their backgrounds but what they did They allowed people to continue their Lives in ways that they never would have
Been able to there's a lot fewer you Mean they would have Died chairs around the kitchen table and Din table to go there would have been Less chairs if these guys didn't do Their thing there'd be some kitchen Table somewhere with less chairs these Guys did and what they did is is is Amazing they literally put their lives At risk some of them at the point that You wonder how they could have had the Nerve to do it in addition to that I Want to thank their families because if You're the spouse of a firefighter or a Police officer you always worry about That phone call that one phone call You're going to get when the know the Alarm went off look at this fist the Fist a fury and uh and so I want to Thank them because I confident they Wouldn't be able to do what they're Doing without this support of their Spouses and our families so thank you Guys I really mean it we the best he Really means it like yeah he's just not [ __ ] yeah Amer has to offer so damn Proud to stand with you and I know you Have a lot of questions for me and I'm Not going to answer unless they relate To this I'm going to be talking later Today so anybody have any questions About these guys holl right thank you Thank you Mr President have you spoken To any of the families of the victims in
New Orleans yes I have what have they Told you what have the [Music] Reflections they're they're rering them Out like as soon as um he got a question He wasn't ready for he got confused and The I mean he can just barely he's just Barely there like he's just a whiff of a Person right he's like He's fading right before your eyes so I Turned the TV on and Joe Biden was Giving out medals um just I don't know When it was uh last Friday or Thursday Or something like that and we'll show The Hillary Clinton one we'll go to the Beginning too um but he's got the [ __ ] Keeper mullet here it's kind of his last Big thing you know we're getting into um Well it's today the big day today is uh Monday January Six big day for uh Trump and Biden and I Had a number of reactions to this thing Let's um I saw that she was at the time She had already gotten her medal Hillary Clinton and you know how goofy medals Are let's show you the Hillary Clinton Thing we'll start with that and then We'll get into what he says in the Beginning Here you know it's just silly when I When I tuned in it was Magic Johnson Getting the medal metal of Freedom it's The silliest metal any I've talked about Freedom before Freedom doesn't exist
Because you are a you're dependent on so Many things oxygen water food there's no Such thing as Freedom Earth is bondage If you are in a physical body your life Is surrounded by bondage and attachments And then your you know all the things That you have families and you know These things are all like you know traps In a way like you you know things that You have kids and you have to you know There's all the responsibilities to go With it right you have these things of Responsibilities you have animals pets You all these things you know they they Relationships and there you know there's Responsibility that you have for these People there's just all these things of You know jobs and you know food and you Know and all the things you have to to Do to um to live as a a human being or Creature on this planet is filled with Bondage you know we're trapped here and Our our souls are trapped here limited Into the physical third dimensional Reality and so the idea of freedom is Never there because there's no such Thing like freedom is you know and when You're dealing with the Divine Universe You can only do what God wants you to do Everything else is mistake that you have To pay for later on any choice Egotistical choice that goes against Your soul and God's will is you know is The opposite of freedom because then
You're you have consequences you have to Deal with anything you do on your own Any addiction you acquire any mistakes You make you're going to have to pay for Them in one way or another this Everything comes with consequences and So your choices come with consequences So freedom is just some silly idea to Make you feel like you know in these Other countries where there was royal Families and there was a different kind Of a structure you know there there was The I mean even less freedom than you Have as an American but you don't have Freedom in America like as as an American is like you think you do right There is less structure in terms of some Of the things but I we have law Enforcement we have laws we have rules We have all these things and just the The fact that your body needs stuff to Keep on going like you can't you're not Free from your your need for oxygen for Example or food or [Applause] Water you can't even do any groping Anymore he's too he's too stiff to do Any good sniffling and NE this gu right Here it's funny they're all wearing red They're wearing Republican colors Here Joe Joe and Jill were Redwin wo Standing Ovation for her Standing o for
Hillary he's gonna oh there there was a Little sniff Woo Woo Wo you did it Hillary presal of freed is awarded to Hillary Rod Clinton Hillary Roden Clinton is Guided by the Methodist Creed Do all the good you can in all the ways You can do all the good you can by all The ways you can because that's what she Was known for as a lawyer she defend Ed The rights of children as first lady she Fought for Universal healthare and Declared women's rights are human rights Women rights they're not just women They're actually women are actually Human Hillary broke that news she was One of the first people to women to say Hey we're actually humans we're not Women we're humans as Senator she helped New York rebuild after September 11th 2001 as Secretary of State she Championed democracy worldwide and her Nomination for president broke barriers And inspired Generations through it all Her career has been dedicated to an Eternal truth Eternal truth she's about Eternal truth she is not about Suppressing truth she's actually about Eternal truth America's ideals are sac And we must always defend and live VI [Applause] This is Ralph Lauren which we later
Going to find out he's Coming okay so that was Hillary let's go To the beginning here we did some Speeches um 1865 President Lincoln had just Delivered his inaugural address of the Capital see he can't he slur in his Speech he can't even he's just done he's Completely cooked they returned to the White House for reception here in the East Room there were many Wellwishers but he spotted someone whose Opinion he greatly Valued President Lincoln asked him what He thought of the speech he had just Delivered to the nation by divided Civil War the man replied it was a sacred Effort it was a sacred effort that man Was Frederick Douglas here we are nearly 160 years Later in the room where Abraham Lincoln And Frederick Douglas stood to unify the Nation no way that Happened passion to strengthen our Resolve as one nation under God Indivisible liberty and justice for all Okay wrap him up here Woo all right so we'll go through the Various people here as he gives the stel Washington's getting Word they're all good like everyone's oh There's um that woman uh whatever her Name is
Anna but there's one specific thing I Saw that I want to talk about the other Ones we'll get through oh Bill NY so there's a lot of ones I want to Show you um but then there was uh one Specific one that was very Interesting okay um let's get to this One First it's Bono this is Bono not Sunny Bono Sunny Bono's dead I'm pretty sure Sunny Bono is dead he's just Bono and They're going to tell you what Bono is Going to award for the presidential Medal of freedom is awarded to Bano as a Lead singer of Bono YouTube one of the Most successful rock bands in history Bano changes the world through his art And ISM in an Irish tradition of poetry And protest boom look at Him because he's Irish he did the thing Watch him do the fist here that's Excellent watch the world through his Art and activism in an Irish tradition Of poetry protest rebellion and Rejoicing he has composed anthems to Peace and civil rights as a humanitarian He lifts up causes from ending poverty And disease to calling for debt relief For developing nations the common Okay so Bono is there's a character that Bono does called Mesto and I showed you this he did this Thing this red brand on Jimmy Kimmel Where he dresses up like the devil and
It's his alter ego and you know the Stuff that he does that people think is PH Philanthropy I always struggle with that Word but I nailed it um he um he's going Point to Joe Biden here he's always on The wrong side of things and it's always You know you know the he pretends to be Like a to like a speak truth to power Guy but he's clearly not like you guys All know about Bono right and so um you Know these are the kind of people that They're rolling out here life's work is The power of Freedom a tie that also Binds Ireland and America as beloved Friends Bono get it done Bono Wo no standing no standing o for a Bono Like Hillary gets a standing o cuz she Was like she believed an eternal truth And she has whatever alcoholism which Probably Bono does as Well so he so he does this thing with Hillary here and then um not Hilaria That's not a real name like it's not uh Just tillary [Applause] He did a little snoozle there remember He gave her that uncomfortable hug but This is interesting because well let Show you Michael J Fox so Um the thing is here is we you know I Showed you that Doctor Who said Joe Biden has
Parkinson's and it was very clear if That guy was you know I mean it was like A no-brain or the way he said it was Like a slam dunk and I don't have access To that kind of knowledge and diagnosis You know medical uh mainstream medical Information about diagnosing someone With Parkinson's but the way he made it Sound and the way that he showed and Demonstrated with the things that Symptoms that Joe Biden has and I Believe Michael J fox is Parkinson's Right that's what he has so like it's he Has early on said or whatever it is um But this is what Joe Biden there's two Guys here with Parkinson's Right it's kind of hard to Watch the presidential medal of freedom Is awarded to Michael J fox Michael J Fox is one of the most beloved actors of Our time withk did the fist again wit And charm he introduced iconic Characters to the center of American Culture from Alex beon to Marty McFly And more with Undan and optimism he also warms hearts And captivates audiences as a Fearless Advocate for those with Parkinson's Disease channeling his endearing Personality so you know if this doctor Was right and I can't imagine he's not Joe Biden has you know he's got I mean He's he doesn't have early stage Parkinson he is you know Midway through
And he's you know this is his future Right like Michael J J fox got at a Younger age whatever it is I'm not sure How even it works right but this is the Same kind of issues that Joe Biden's Starting to have right just like this Bizarre moment here to advance Treatments move us closer to a cure and Remind us of the power of American [Music] Possibilities so there's that you know Parkinson's on Parkinson's thing here so He gives it to Magic Johnson this is why He turn tuned into the thing and it's The next one that's kind of the big one For me um but Here the presidential medal of freedom Is awarded to uran Magic Johnson now Again you know this is just like Whatever this thing is right I mean it's Arbitrary because it's very political Like it's based in you know whoever's President gives whatever it is right um But Magic Johnson got aged and it's CU He was SLE cheating on his wife right And he might have um you know been Bisexual there's all that kind of stuff Rumors or whatever either way he was Cheating on his wife and that was kind Of his you know I mean he's a great Basketball player but that was his sort Of Hallmark thing and they're going to Say things I'm sure about his Relationship to the a community but you
Know it's not like it's a badge of honor Right what unmatched vision and Versatility Urban Magic Johnson drove The showtime era for the Los Angeles Lakers five time NBA champion three time MVP 12 time Allstar Olympic gold Medalist and the A Smith Hall of Famer Under the same Bright Lights his honesty About his HIV status shattered stigma And saved Lives it's not a it's not a a metal word You know it's not something you should Get a a medal for right you got HIV Right because of his um whatever ways uh So you know there's magic but here's a Weird moment here I forgot about this Retired athlete to build a true business Empire he Champions underserved Communities with a legendary will and Smile Magic Johnson Rose from the Playground in Lancing Michigan to become One of the most beloved athletes of our Time now look at him is what is he Presenting here like look at look at Look at Joe Biden looking is that that Is an Opening like he's looking here um this Is just a great moment like what What's Happening Here Joe look at his face here Be gentle Joe like just what has happened and like What is just going on here um you know I Had this on like I didn't see this to Just this moment but like I had the TV
On and was in the background and I was Doing things and and it was the next one That made me think I was going to Include this in a video cuz I've you Know these Awards come all the time look It she's laughing here she got her hand Over her face just Whatever look it like holy [Laughter] Crap look at bill diey look look at this Guy he's into [Laughter] It take it easy there Joe [Applause] He thumbs up give it the thumbs Up accepting on behalf of Robert Francis Kennedy is Carrie Kennedy So this is RFK senior and this is where I noticed this I'm like oh wow this has Got to be talked about because here's Mitt robney and we'll get into that in a Moment mitt robney is coming um she uh Was a a staunch Joe Biden supporter and A number of the kennedies worked for the Democratic party and Joe Biden so they Turned on their on their brother who you Know for what he stood for and what he Was saying and you know the fact this Guy was scile which we all know now he Got booted and that they stabbed their Brother in the back and all that stuff But he's the eldest you know he's Robert Kennedy uh he's RFK Jr right he's Robert Kennedy Jr so he's the eldest and he's
This his father is his namesake and he Was a champion of Environmental liberal policies and was Very popular in the liberal and Democratic Party RFK Jr until he did whatever he did he Ran was running against Joe Biden Joe Biden at first would not allow him to Primary him even though he was scile and They were going to kick him out they Wouldn't let him primary they wouldn't Put a primary up where RFK JR could be Their nominee and then he wouldn't give Him Secret Service protection even Though there was some you know death Threats and things like this right and So now RFK Jr might be Health secretary He's a much more prominent person you Know she's whatever she is and why Wouldn't he be the one getting the award I mean it's it's he shares the name he's Junior right he he's the eldest and so You know this isn't partisan because Mitt Romney's right [ __ ] here I it's Not supposed to be partisan but this is Like like creepy and just wrong on every Level the presidental medal of freedom Is awarded to Robert Francis Kennedy Born into a revered family of service Robert F Kennedy forged the path toward Freedom that endures today Guided by the Constitution as his conscience he was a Key strategist to his brother's success I mean the whole stuff with RFK Jr a big
Part of that is they're link to Big Fara The the whole political establishment Like whatever RFK Jr is or isn't in Terms of you know being a shill or not Or being whatever controlled opposition It's still like this is like [ __ ] up That he's not there right because you Know this is like Joe Biden's personal Stuff and then big Pharma and like he I Don't even know if he's in the audience But he's he's there in DC like he's like He's Trump's Health secretary nomination Nominee and he'd be a long-standing Democrat right and he has a relationship With Joe Biden all these people until he Decided to primary him and run against Them and now he's the whole Democratic Party turned on him so here's the end of That There they are everyone for Bobby Bobby's St There anyone not a Kennedy stand Up Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren Woo the presidential medal of freedom is Awarded to Ralph Lauren the son of Polish immigrants and a US Army veteran Ralph Lauren transformed a small neai Business into one of America's most Iconic Brands okay so this is like Getting goofy did he say a son of American Soldier and immigrant Immigrants like what's happening with
Ralph lawen um but I want to get to Mitt Romney here you know it's a creepy thing Here having someone wrap their arms Around your neck and you know come up From Behind especially JoJo Jo Joseph Robin At Biden they strangle you with this Medal woo [Applause] There it is there's your seat take a Seat Ralph all right good you got it Buddy William Sanford N Bill n look at double fist he gave him The double fist B he double fisted Him the presidential medal of freedom is Awarded to William Sanford N A Washington DC native Bill n began his Career as a Cutting Edge mechanical Engineer in Seattle boom he did it The Cutting Edge mechanical The reason Bill NY sucks you know he he Did a reboot of his show on Netflix and It was more for adults who used to watch His Show when he was a kid but I'm sure Kids watched it and it was right at the Time when this whole thing was happening With the gender stuff right and he did a Whole episode with this idea that there Was a difference between gender and uh Sexuality you know your sex was one Thing and your gender was something else Right so there was this idea and he came Out and said scientists are now Finding that there's a difference and he
Gave scientific validation to something There's no scientific evidence and There's no way there would be ever any Scientific evidence that there is a Difference between gender and sexuality Like this was just some madeup [ __ ] that They were doing and Saying so what happened was uh at at This DSM 5 the psychiatrist that Make the um the diagnostic manual for The psychiatric and psychological world With all the different uh mental Illnesses all the pathologies and things They Changed uh what used to be called gender Identity disorder order to gender Dysphoria so they took something that They said used to be a disorder which Was that you believed that you were a a Person who you know like a you were the Opposite sex and so they used to call That a disorder but in 2015 I think it was 16 whatever it was When that thing was rolled out the dsm5 Said well this is just dysphoria and It's just made up stuff right like Whatever their diagnosis is they're they Were influenced by the Hollywood Morality and these things but there was No scientific data that showed that There's a difference between gender and Sexuality when you you're talking about Something that's Psychological you know they come up with
This these constructs and some things Are considered disorder some things are Considered genetic and you know brain Issues and you know whatever it is and Then other things are considered Personality issues some of it's based in Your you know your like uh like Depression runs in your family it's Considered you know genetic but also Social you know these various types of Uh mental illnesses but they discount Environment Al things like electricity Which neuroen you know I've talked about This so much neuroen was a a Russian Doctor discovered this when they started To use Telegraph and the telegraph Operators started to develop a lot of The things that are now considered Modern day psychological issues like Depression and you know things like ADHD And things like this you know that were Not there before and all of a sudden Started to come out with electricity Being just you know these were just Telegraph out operators never mind Everyone who then had electricity in Their homes and affected people Electricity affects people just like now All these different you know Wi-Fi and All that stuff that's beaming around People's houses and so now 5G 4G before It it affects the body affects the mind It's you know this affects the Equilibrium but also living in cities
You know people were designed like every Animal to live you know in a in an Environment you know they had a certain Environment that you you would live in And people living in cities wasn't part Of that these you know these con you Know these constructs of cities where People do really badly Psychologically and physically and so You know in all that there's just a lot Of [ __ ] up things going on that have Messed people up and they won't tell you What those things are like the what some Of these factors are right and then all The other issues that people have like Some some things are genetic right but Bill NY came out and said said that There was a difference between like he Gave it scientific Validation and when you're studying Psychological you know science it's Based in you know they don't even know What happens when you go to sleep like They don't understand exactly what Happens like what happens that you like That moment between where you're awake And then you're asleep like that you Don't understand that you know I was Going to do a whole video about this and So there was no evidence saying that There's a difference between you know Just people saying this right people Believing this in themselves but that's Not you know that would usually be
Considered something that used to be Considered a psychological disorder and He put his scientific stamp of approval Because he's not a real scientist Because you can't say something Scientific you know this is the whole Thing where they you know I'm a Scientist so I know more than you kind Of thing that they did with fouy this Was the religion of Science and so this Guy's a real piece of [ __ ] is what I'm Saying because he's not true to science Either something's a scientific fact or It's not and then you should be very Clear about it is well we because he Said you know we're now discovering Making it like well you know it's the Truth that we haven't yet proven yet Right but you'll never prove it because It's not something that's provable Because it's not real becoming a beloved Science educator for the nation earning 19 Emy awards for his energetic Experiments on television as em so he Got other Awards so Bill and I so this Is where this thing's [ __ ] up because Mitt robney ran against Joe Biden and Barack Obama so they political Adversaries but he turned on Trump so he Became kind of a Joe Biden guy but even Though they were political opponents and He's receiving an award for his dead Father just the way that RFK Jr should Have received the award for his dead
Father and even more so because he's a Junior like he's literally a you know The El eldest son but he's not giving it Tarf K Jr he doesn't have him there Which is just you know like this little Petty little protocols because you know This guy was a Republican or is a Republican and they you know they're Part of the same club and RFK Jr when he Did whatever he did to violate that club Because he had a relationship with Joe Biden RFK Jr did he knew him for years And they were part of this whole thing If RFK Jr didn't run for president he'd Be receiving this award for his dad you Know they got this like this Democratic Shill but the Democratic party is Nothing like what the Kennedy RFK and JFK stood for you know when it was when They were around the Democrat Party has Fallen into you know censorship and this Guy censored RFK Jr on social media Pressure to social media companies to C You know censor RFK Jr these other Things that happen right it's just so an Effed up thing and like you know Mitt Romney I'm sure he has siblings but he Shows him to receive the award or Whatever the family did and I don't know How they decided to do the RFK Jr the Way they did him but this is why these Things are just goofy they're not real Right there's no real protocol or Etiquette or anything like this and you
Know I think RFK Jr must have received Other Awards I'll go look that up but Like he's been around he's been dead for A while and there was Carter and there Was Clinton and what other democratic Presidents were there there any between When he died whatever it was right so There's Nixon Carter and Clinton so you Know I'm sure he I mean they do this [ __ ] every year I'm sure Africa Jr Had already received some of these Awards and Obama right so there's four Chance three chances for him to receive Award so he might this might this might Be his second RFK Jr second award so They never gave RFK Jr a or RFK a medal For Freedom before this which is bizarre I'm sure his dad got it and you know why They waited this long and why they Waited till I think he does this every Year right they don't do this just at The end of his presidency I don't know I Don't care like who cares but this is The big one everyone's upset about [Applause] Coming accepting on behalf of George Soros is Alex Soros so George Soros now in the Rightwing branch of the truth Community George Soros is the devil and when any Shill like Alex Jones and the other Shills and all the you you know the fake Truthers and when they're when they Demonize a certain person and then the
Rest of the people pile on and then you Know whoever that guy was um Glenn Beck And these people you know they had to Have a villain and George Soros was that Villain you know I'm George Soros I'm Sure wasn't a good guy he's a democratic Shill and he does all these things but He became like this you know I mean There's the rosiles and The Rock fellas And these perennial you know families And George soos was not a amongst them Right he was on a lower level but he Became the sort of uh lightning rod for This whole thing you know oh it's Soros Right but now he's dead because his Son's his son's you know I don't know When he died but his son's collecting it Here but there's that um so then there's Denzel Washington you know I've talked About the Oscars like Hollywood is the Biggest Industry for congratulating itself and Honoring itself right we have all these Various types of specific Awards and Then overall Awards Golden Globes and Things that you know cover a variety of Different genres of entertainment you Know but it's always patting itself on The back but they also get awards for From political figures right and so RFK Jr was passed up for years you know I Mean RFK senior was passed up for years You know he was a real political hero For whatever reason at least to the
Democrats three presidents passed on the Guy he didn't have one of these things So it's kind of shocking to me Carter Clinton and Obama and Biden's waiting Till he's out to give him an award but They've given all these actors people Like Ellen degenerous got an award from Obama like [ __ ] like that Right big hug We did It woo Woo woo we did it woo Michael J Fox Likes that so Uh Adam Wior now this fashion go so he's given Two Awards to people who were in The the Demonic ghoulish fashion industry she's A real ghoul I mean just like silly [ __ ] Right I think that might be it I'll look Through the rest of them so Anna W tour Was the last one and Joe bayen does his You know his typical [ __ ] Hereo he does a little we're trying to Get like his little run there not a bad Group Huh yeah oh you nailed it woo Okay so you know Jesus Christ I got um some voiceovers here to Do a comment video a comment thing to Get to which is kind of couple comments Couple it's kind of an epic thing I did Yesterday I did a c three voices over Yesterday I'm going to do a introductory
One today uh but this is just you know I Mean what are we doing here like it's Just a mess our our country and our Culture is a mess right okay so Monday January 6 um yesterday I did this last Voice over there's one more thing I want To add to my introduction the first Introduction this video you know we now Live in a time where people's in a Reality can be viewed as reality right So you guys might remember the Common Core math where Um they said If the child got the answer Wrong but they kind of show that they Were going in the right direction they Would get credit and you know math is Math right the number like it's there's Right answers and wrong answers remember Will Smith said that you know two and Two can equal five if I say it's going To equal five right two and two can be Whatever I want it to be and so people's Distorted realities have been validated And this spread into the truth Community Into to the right wing that you have Adopted these policies so this is all The people that think their Opinions have some basis in reality like Your subjective view is Reality and it's now been validated by The system where they're saying that you Know you make something up and that can Be viewed as truth right whatever it Might be about your your orientation
Your sexual orientation your you know Whatever's going on in terms of the Gender thing but then all throughout our Society you know there's a saying um About the borderline personality Disorder changing the facts to fit your Feelings right which is you know Something that's done by everybody now The borderline personality disorder is Like one of the worst uh psychological Conditions to deal with amongst Psychological professionals there's These access to personality disorders Narcissistic personality disorder and Then there's the borderline personality Disorder and then antisocial personality Disorder which is the new name for Sociopath and those personality Disorders are usually for people who are Highly intelligent but just nightmare People and distorting reality is what They do really well and it affects other People they're able to distort other People's reality based on what they feel Like their emotions and so their Emotions tell them to feel a certain way They have a certain way of like viewing Something and then they rearrange their Facts so that their emotions are Justified right even when they're Completely in the wrong even when They're you know anybody who saw the Whole story would say oh you're an awful Person they find a way to be the victim
Or find a way to to you know whatever Distort reality to justify their Emotional state which is a a plague that You can see all over the internet right So that's when I talk about these Comments like people's Distortion of Real ity you know their their view of me Or the channel or whatever their Personal you know experience of it like I don't need to know about and don't Want to know about it right anything That you're distorting the situation to Make me the villain or even you know uh A hero in a sense are making me more Than I am right like that's your Distorted reality like there's the truth Of the matter and then there's Everybody's opinion but opinions now Because of the age of the internet like Everyone thinks they opinions and They're B are so important at the same Time thinking everyone else's opinions And beliefs are are [ __ ] and need to be Called out right and so this is where we Liveing and none of it matters none of It is going to affect it's going to Affect each person personally and we can Affect each other to some extent but We're not going to change what's going To happen and what is happening globally And even our personal lives you know our Opinions have no bearing they can make Things worse for us but they don't make They don't solve the problem your
Opinion or your belief about something Doesn't change the thing you're going Through it usually just makes it worse Right and so we live in a time where People think that their individual view Of reality is important and it's not Right it's just I mean it's it's Certainly bad in terms of being Important in a bad way but it has Nothing to do with the situation itself It can be funny or entertaining right Can there can be value in it but we live In the time of distorting reality a Distorted reality there's what's Happening you know in our material world And there's what's going on Beyond it Spiritually which is the real truth and Then there's everyone else's you know All of our opinions and and feelings About you know emotions and feelings and Things about what's happening you know When they ask you how do you feel about That right like when a therapy you know The teacher or you know the modern day People how do you feel about that right How how does that make you feel [ __ ] Doesn't matter at all like it's just the Question that shouldn't exist right it Makes me feel scared well let's explore That for a little bit you know like it's Just um you know I I have a masters in Counseling I know how this [ __ ] goes I Know the the way this is you know like These things don't matter like you have
To deal with [ __ ] right well how do you Feel about I don't know I feel I feel I Feel Frozen inside well let's let's talk About that for 10 more sessions well you Know you got to deal with your [ __ ] Right like you know you can't afford to Feel Frozen inside you know it's a part Of being detached from reality you know From our primary needs like all our Primary things like food and you know Heat and all these things that we enjoy Are done for us so we're not you know Like when you're starving you don't give A [ __ ] about how you feel about [ __ ] Like you I mean if you're desperate for Water and physical things you're under Life-threatening circumstances you have To act right you have to you know you Just can't like fall apart and like you Know people are being are given Permission to just fall apart oh that's Just too much for you it's overwhelming It's too much for you take this Medication right and then the medication Distorts your reality which is the whole Thing right the whole psychological Medication or self-medicating then People are you know numbing themselves To the pain that they're experiencing Right the reason and that numbs Themselves to reality because the pain Is reality right pain is there wouldn't Be pain if there wasn't a purpose for it Like pain exists for a reason the pain
Of of birth like the whole birthing proc Process is very painful right things are Pleasurable for a reason so you do them Right so you'll continue to live you'll Eat and you'll drink and you'll Reproduce these are all pleasurable Things because otherwise you would die It was a prol proliferation of life but Pain is also there it has a purpose Right and so this distorted reality has Been validated the validation of the Distorted reality is what we see now and Everybody's reality now everyone has Their own little little spaces for their Reality on social media and to the Comment section and like everyone thinks Their opinions are important and they're Not like your opinion is if you want to Express it sure if it's important you to Express it you know it's good to Verbalize things inside of you but also Understanding why that is like what what What's the benefit of this expressing How you feel about things like when You're you're waking up to the truth Community stuff some of there has to be Some self-expression of this your Experience now of realizing system You're 100% dependent on is not what you Thought it was it's it's an illusion and So when you have these experiences like They have to get them out and you have To talk with them talk to people with Them right and you know and then you're
Trying to understand things but it's a You know ultimately it's about you know Helping you adapt and change to Something that you you know you were Living a lie before and now you're You're trying to cope with like how That's affected you but what are you Going to do moving forward you know Reading the ingredients and things all These things But you know distorted reality becoming You know like a like all these little Versions of of reality that are out There it's not helpful to the overall Collective where people will see a movie Or they'll see an event and everyone Will have a complete different Description experience of it you know I Talked about this with the Duke lacrosse Team and all these people turned on These guys and you know there's a reason People hate Duke and hate these guys and The frat boy and you know they did do Wrong by inviting the these local Strippers and you know there's [ __ ] About it that was very unsavory but There's a woman who wrote a very you Know she was a local journalist in the Durham area and she later later Apologized to the to them wrote a you Know apology letter that was published Because she convicted them when they Weren't guilty and then she came out and Said in the documentary the HBO the 30
For30 thing that she had been sexually Assaulted in college and so she looked At these St CL crossplayers as her Abuser and so immediately convicted them Because she saw her abuser in them right And this is what people are doing all The time they have whatever their Experiences are and they just look at People and say yeah you're that person For me right and then they have these Feelings for somebody they don't even Know because of unresolved [ __ ] and Their own system and their own distorted You know experiences and the Distortion Of reality and like you know victim Consciousness is a big part of that and So rearranging the the actual events That happen and remembering them in a Way that wasn't accurate and that's also Kind of [ __ ] up the world all right Let's get into the the comments here Okay so I got some really great comments To get to I kind of got a headach at 1:00 I don't know if it's a barometric Pressure I get a little bit of these Minor sort of Migraines sometimes for rainstorms and Other things we'll see what what happens Um but like I'm just kind of low energy But I kind of got a great comment um you Know that in a you know bad comment That's great that I want to address and I um then got a follow-up comment where Someone was saying the exact opposite
Like a positive comment I want to read That and it's kind of just interesting In terms of what people think and Whatever it is so let me read the first Comment and there's different layers to This now I'm not going to read the whole Thing cuz it was like Really long you know like I was like uh You know good the guy's I mean I was Going to mock it like I knew I wanted to You know make fun of the comment but I'm Like I can't read this right so har Hilaria forgets English word for onion In 20125 and Chaos begins and so this Person says looks like one of your Devout cult members got offended already So I have to repost this in its Entirety and so he's calling you guys Who are my um viewers cult members which Would be I mean it's the worst cult Ever Because well like this person's going to Contradict themselves um in the com Which I'll say right let me go through Some of the initial points here because It's like Multifaceted Paul I'm going to cut to The Chase and make it simple for you Because your ego is too weak and my time Is too Short you're losing losing viewership Because you sucks plain and simple there I said it the the true test is whether
Or not you can accept it now the arance Of this person that they think their Opinion is the opinion of everybody and You know their soul like saying that I Suck and that it's the true test is Whether I can accept I suck or not right Because I already do accept that I suck Right I'm not you know there's no ego in Me thinking that like my videos are and Who I am as a person is a completed I've Made it and I'm just like you know I'm a Finished product because it's clearly Not what I say in my you know the Sark System I've talked about this before you Know I've told that story over and over Where the guy goes to the guru and he Says bring me the worst thing in the World I don't want to repeat the story But you know there's my understanding of That but just in terms of my videos like In terms of my video production when I Go back and listen to some of my old Videos I'm like oh I would have done This better now or you know I can see Where an older version of me I'm like oh This sucks like I'm like you know in Terms of my interpretation of it to some People would be great because of Whatever level they're on but with the Level I'm on now the older version of my Videos I don't like as much right like I've evolved my Consciousness has Evolved and I can see things I would Change things I I would do differently
Things that I maybe believe then I don't Believe now so there's an evolution Right And comparatively like Master chargie is An example of this but there's other People in the Saar system who are in Terms of the spiritual content that I Produce would be better at doing this Job for some audiences like higher Developed audience higher Consciousness People right and you know I always talk About when I was young and like I looked At myself now I look at myself as you Know a dummy you my old version of Myself right you know there's a great Movie called Looper where uh Bruce Willis plays an older version Of that kid you know he's in a lot of Good movies he's um he played the kid on Third Rock from his son a show I didn't Watch but now he's in a you know Whatever that guy's name is Gordon levit Or something like that I think so don't Tell me don't care I don't need to know And they're having a conversation in a Bar or in a diner and Bruce lewiis was Like you're dumb and you suck and you You know like you don't even know what You don't know like this stuff right and So like there's just that like there's You know and I don't I don't pretend to Be a finished product even in terms of My videos right and so saying I suck Like that's just not anything like it's
Not you know you have to look at a Person's goal right this person wrote a Very long comment they say they don't Have a lot of Time and um let me go back to the Comment here like where they said in the Beginning here Um that's where is it Uh where okay Um I'm going to cut to the Chase and Make it simple because your ego is too Weak and my time is too short the person Put a ton of time into this and if you Say that I suck you know this comment Sucks for VAR reasons which I'll get Into but why are you listening like this Person's put a lot of effort there were Categories like I saw just like there Was multiple sections of where this Person was dissecting why I suck for Certain things and I'll talk about two Of the things cuz I only saw two of them You know was long I'm like I kept on Scrolling I'm like SC goes on forever The people I least respect that come to My channel and on the internet are People who just listen to things to hate On them or really secretly like them and Can't admit why and maybe the person Said what they like about my Channel or What they like about what I do here I Don't know because I couldn't read the Whole comment because this person has Too much time and posted an unsolicited
Comment that they know I'm not Interested in right and so here's the First part to that you know I'm not Asking for customer feedback or viewer Feedback as a way to better my video Making qualities right let me just say This thing so I saw two categories this Guy posted on and he said that one of Them was viewer engagement and I think That's the way it was said and the other One was production qualities the quality Of my video making right and so like That's silly that the person would even Post that because as much as they've Watched my videos so to be able to say I Suck they have to watch a certain amount Of my videos right they have to you know They haven't watched two videos they Haven't watched one video they've been Watching me over a number of years right And so knowing what I do and what I Think is my role here you know I think You know I have something to perform Here I I believe that you know God wants Me to do this and so the premise of this Guy's thing where he started off by Saying um looks like your devote cult Members got offended already so you're Saying I have cult members but I don't Have good engagement with my Audience like this W these people are Just walking [ __ ] contradictions Right and you know like just think about What you're saying because you're trying
To make an argument of me sucking and You're saying part of it is that my um My engagement with my audience sucks Which of course it does cuz I'm not Social and I've said this over and over I'm sitting in my bed talking to myself With my two dogs right this is there's No people here I'm not engaging with my Audience because there is no audience And so in terms of the comment section I Do have some engagement which is there's People like this I make comment videos About and there's other things that People write that are maybe affect me in Some way or there's information they Share that's going to happen that's Happened already because I'm going to Cover somebody recommending a song Hopefully I'll have already done that You've already watched that I haven't Done it yet because of the headache and I you know I'm a little bit low energy I Want to be more upbeat for that cuz it's Kind of a positive thing I want to talk About this you know this music this Kindy ran you've probably already heard That right but there's some level of Engagement but I don't have Relationships with any of these people So I can't be a cult leader with no Relationships right some people donate Money which is great and generous which I appreciate and they're showing that They believe that there's some value in
What I do here and then there's comments That people leave messages that people Send me where people provide me with Information that's helpful for me where They do research for me they see Something that I might cover they see Our news story and they bring my Attention to it which I'm very grateful For because that's like you know helps Me save some time and effort in doing These things and that's about the size Of it then people benefit or don't from Like you know they come and they go and They there's no interaction so calling This a cult would be silly because there Is no engagement and saying that as a Reason that I suck I already know that I Suck as a like I'm not I'm one of the Least social people I'm very introverted I have like social issues right like There was a woman my wife and I met at a Farmers market and I don't know she's Still watching these videos but she Recognized me because I'm walking my two Dogs buddy and Tulsi and we were Traveling too so it's interesting and She um you know we started to talk and I Kind of you know was get my wife to be More this my my wife's very social my Wife's very good social skills and so I Was like you know and she was like you Always say you have social issues and I Never see it because when I hear you I Feel like you're very well socially
Developed because it feels like a Conversation I'm having with you or Something right it seems personal which It kind of is because where I am social Is on oneon-one small groups you know Making fun of the bigger group kind of Thing sitting in the you know back of The class you know looking at other Making jokes about you know the teacher Whatever that's where I was good like Have a few friends you know whatever and Like being on the outskirts but really Not a part of the group and not Socializing you know being maybe ironic And making fun of the party or the you Know thing that were at you know not Just I don't engage with groups and These things but This Woman's like oh Now I see it right because like I didn't Know how to you know interact with her You know because I don't like I'm not Good at it right I'm socially awkward And you you I don't know how to make Small talk and I don't know how to Relate to people you know some ways I Mean I'm not really from here like you Like I'm in a human body but I'm not you Know this is not like uh congruent with Me but for a person to call this a cult And then say you don't engage so Socially in terms of the the viewer Engagement well that's not what my Channel's about and the other thing was Production values and quality of my
Video and whatever it was editing these Types of things and again I'm not going To go to video school see I'm not here To make movies so the sole benefit of me Making videos the reason I do this job Is what I have inside of me the work That's been done spiritually on me and The work that I've done spiritually the Stories I have the evolution that I've Had you know past life stuff whatever I Am whatever level of Consciousness I've Reached my interpretation of things my Jokes my you know what's inside of me That I could express that might be Interesting to people and some people Found it interesting and so I started Making more videos that was never the Goal like I didn't think about this it Wasn't a goal like oh I have all these Things to say you know I had information To share I had like an experiment like My family was doing which was going from Being regular sub uh Suburban people to Learning Farm skills and all the things That we were learning and the things I Knew about sa Mar so I had information To share it was like you know I had Information that other people might be Interested my experiences of working as A counselor in treatment centers and my Understanding of abuse and the culture Of abuse and you know the abusive nature Of things and my insights to things you Know I had all those things but I had no
Idea people would be interested I Thought i' put it out there and there Was an audience of people who are Interested in what I have to say about Things my interpretation of reality Whether it be joking about whether it be Mocking celebrities whether it be Talking about the spiritual stuff you Know what I have inside people are Interested in hearing what it is about Four to five ,000 people a day with the Idea that it's being blocked by the you Know it's being uh I'm in you know the [ __ ] list of YouTube right like you know I would be more people like it'd be more People to access to this but I recognize That especially with my Evolution that It's less and less people that can kind Of rise up to whatever it is not that I'm on the highest level but I'm a Higher level than the normal per normal Person in terms of my you know con ious Level on things you know not any Egotistical way CU I don't look at it Like I'm grading you know that I'm being Graded on a curve you know whatever Amount of time I've spent on Earth and I Think I've been here a while maybe Trapped here I don't know but in terms Of my you know spiritual journey and Like I you know so I mean there's There's no way of evaluating like how Much I've progressed given the amount of Time I've been here right or whatever it
Is like it's not this isn't like an ego Thing in terms of any of that stuff you Know I mock people or whatever it is but You know the the things that I have to Offer are either worth people viewing And they want to hear them or they're Not and it isn't going to be me just oh My God I really want to make videos or Movies because I don't like maybe at Some time I like parts of that right but I'm not going to go to film School Editing school and learn to get my Production values up and concentrate on That stuff because you know I do a Pretty good job with what my skill level Is with the amount of effort and energy I have to put into that but the central Value of this channel is my ideas my in Internal world and my experience and the Things that I've been right about so Many of them being to you know pattern Recognition being dyslexic seeing things Differently those are the things that Have value here either they don't have Enough value for me to keep doing it That my audience you know there is no Audience there but you know in terms of Most content out there that gets more Views and people who get more views are More mainstream and they're on a much Lower level of Consciousness like I Could dumb down my message right and you Know get more viewers I could be a Christian or be a you know say I'm a
Christian or say I'm a Trumper or any Number of things say I'm a Taylor Swifty And I can always figure out what people Want to hear and I could pretend to be One of you guys like I could I can't Because it's not in my character but I Could like I you know if I get over it If I really just want to get lots of Views and I want to catfish people which I don't like it's not again and and it Wouldn't like I wouldn't feel good about Doing that it would be hard for me to Show up and do that to make really dumb Content for really dumb people and There's a lot of dumb people in the Truth Community right-wing people and Whatever it is and you know there's Still an audience here despite my being Kind of an [ __ ] you know sometimes Being blunt saying things I mean saying Things to the Trump trumpers and the Flat earthers there's still trumpers That come here there's still flat Earthers who come here right even though I don't agree with whatever they're Doing or a number of things that I say That hurt butt hurt people like this Commenter and they still come back and Watch because they know there Something's here worth watching right And it isn't the production values and It isn't the quality of my social skills Because those things suck right it's the Quality of what I have inside to share
With people and you know you have to be Honest with yourself why are you still Here because I don't want you here I Tell [ __ ] people all the time I don't Want you here if you got complaints go Somewhere else I'm not here for your to Dump your [ __ ] on me because again like I am evolving and changing and uh Through the spiritual process that I Have and so getting advice from you guys Like saying getting feedback from you Guys what could I do more to get you Guys to like me or want to watch me is Never something you're going to hear Coming out of my mouth because I'm not Doing it for that right right like I'm Not doing it to cater to your needs and Demands and things because I'm not Looking at like you guys are weak-minded People that just want me to to you know Say good things about your egos to make You feel good egotistically the people That value this channel are need to Change and grow and be pushed and need To you know be able to look up to Something you know not a like a you know Like looking up to me but looking up to The principles that I say like you know I I struggle living up to the S Mark Principle principles and the character Development things like it's a struggle Like a struggle for me I'm not you know Like there's things I say that I believe That I not NE I can't necessarily do I
Can't rise up to right but you know I Would like to but I just you know I Can't like I you know right now I can't Or whatever you know I can only do what I can do right but there are these Things that are they're fundamental Spiritual truths and I know what they Are whether I can fully embrace them or I can fully do them myself or whatever And so these are things to strive to you Know not in terms of like pandering to a Bunch of people so that they'll watch me And you know like my videos and share Them and and tell people how great I am Like I'm not you know having social Interaction so I'm not here to feed your Ego like I'm not here to to make you Feel good about your you know your Whatever is going on with you like there If there's anything here it's like you Know to help people rise up to a higher Level it's help people change you know People come here if they're going to Stay change is probably going to be Necessary Because if they're already above me in Some way then why would you watch and so Like if you're if you're needing Something like you need some you know Some inspiration of something like a Higher level of Consciousness and to Aspire to do that even if you're just a Young person who's you know needs to Understand like this like the struggles
That I've gone through because I'm in a An elder you know I'm old I'm old like I'm 60 you know that the things that I've been able to you know work my way Through right and so the value was in That and even despite all the Limitations I have as a a human being in Terms of social skills and you know Production value skills and whatever Other things this this person you know Listed as why I suck none of those Things is what I do here and that's why I don't ask for your feedback because You guys will say different things so to To get to that here's the other comment This person uh let me start here it's a Three-parter and um Again uh and that's not the first One I'm not sure which where's the first Here here's the one right here okay um No that's the wrong one that's the last One Here uh okay here it is fine I kept on Clicking on ones it seems like it was Open different ones I don't know what's Going on um so this person wrote to the Same video I've been listening to you and became Very close to Paul from my perspective After a near fatal car accident 2018 Trying to conceive a baby with my wife During this time then 2020 came together With 12-hour night shifts of Killing Time listening to a lot of Paul I felt
Really in tune spiritually or mentally Maybe even delusionally to Paul until I Had a kid in 2021 my life happened personally chaos Happened and I lost connection with Paul And as usual Paul hit it on the head by Talking about criticizing him which I Did a couple weeks ago I was not in a Good place my soul was I guess a little Bit tormented with all the kinds of 43 Year old issues becoming a father living In a country that I was not raised in Just such a mess my less than three Years three years life such a mess my Less less three years of life last the Person meant last my last three years of Life have been that thinking about it Right now just took a little out of Me okay switch over to another part of The comment here Um uh this keeps on pulling up the wrong Comment I don't know why Um okay there's that One there's that One which is like it keeps on pulling up The other wrong comment here so I click On one comment it pulls up the other one So but here's the one I found it the Second part of this I did delete my not Very coherent comment I made it with my Mind was constructive criticism on new Ideas for Paul to change up his content Because the truth Community if there Ever was one does not exist anymore it's
Mainstream now to not trust your Government and even YouTube content Creator is trying to cash in on it my Point is Paul you're right I knew you're Thoughts on other people's opinions or Unwanted content ideas but I was like I Said you said you were having my Personal issues it was like I said and You said having my own personal issues I'm sorry for writing so much but that's Not because it means a lot it means a Lot to me your opinion Paul and Obviously not important for you but uh My peace of mind so I can get on the Same wave that I was in in 2021 a good a Good place spiritually I need to get This off my chest especially listening To you talk about this I live a very Silent life I barely even speak English My first language in my situation so When I uh need to talk I go off on rants That's like that's like this like this But that's uh but that's me just happy You still here Paul holding it down as The um Uh let me just find it's a new comment Here um holding it down as the here as [ __ ] holding it down as the kids say Trying to get my sanity a little more uh More non-insane LOL God bless Paul thank You sorry for the grammar I I write a Lot and I speak and straight from my Mind and heart you know what annoys me Um just in terms of feedback I don't
Like it when people say I'm sorry for Such a long comment I'm sorry for this I'm sorry you know like [ __ ] you know Or just like don't get into that that's Just adds like extra lines you know Either I'm going to read the comment or Not like I can choose to read your Comment like I probably wouldn't have Read this comment other than the fact That I read the other comment and they Came together like they're they're like Part of a you know whatever it was you Don't have to comment about your comment About the length or about your your Skill I me you can apolog for the Grammar or not but I can choose to read The comment or not like it's just you Know I'm I'm not forced to read any of You guys' comments so like apologizing About the length I'm not going to read Long comments so by reading a long Comment you're probably I'm not going to Read all of it I might read some of it Even if it's positive comment but I've Have millions of comments and I'm not You know so just so people understand Like you don't have to say anything About it like there's no like apologies For that well it's like then you're Saying you shouldn't have wrote the Comment in the first [ __ ] place You're saying I made a mistake so but I'm read the I'm doing the comment Anyway like just accept that you're and
I'm just I'm not talking just to this Person right you're writing the comment For yourself and that's how I look at All these comments if you are sending me A link to something you know it's still Somewhat for yourself like even if You're saying no Paul did you hear about This or that you know sharing something Is usually you know you want other People to see it right like there's a Thing there but it's some of it's for Yourself too but if you're writing Something about whether it's negative Towards me or positive towards me it's Something that like you feel you need to Express right and whether I read the Comment whether I understand the comment Whether I my reaction to the comment is Really not important at all you know It's it's again it's something that you Feel you need to express even this Person said it I feel like I need to Express this then just [ __ ] express It like don't worry about the length or The whatever it is even if it's like Three pages long because my reading it Has no you know people think me reading It is something important to you when It's not because like the way I would Read it is you know if I'm in the Beginning scrolling through the comments I'm going to put a lot more effort into Reading a comment than down at the Bottom if I haven't read comments in a
Day or two which seems to be the case Now lately you know and what what Difference you know who cares whether I Read it or not like what is you who am I Right you know like I'm not you know I'm Not the comment validator or you know Validator of your you know issues or Things like you're expressing something You just need to express whatever it is Right the negative ones I'm just going To ban you because you're trying to dump [ __ ] on me that I'm not willing to Accept and so if it's something where You're saying you're grateful well That's gratitude is something that I Value so if you're saying Paul I'm Grateful for what you have here then Those comments are valuable because Gratefulness is a you know part of my You know everything there's a Gratefulness meditation it's what I say At the end of the video it's what I work And strive for personally so yeah being Grateful is is not only valued but it's You know part of the goal of this Channel this idea of being grateful for Whatever it is right but for the most Part I don't look at these comments as Having anything to do with me like Sometimes the positive things that You're expressing are coming you know You're saying them to me like I'm the Person responsible but I act as a Conduit for the Divinity within me and
You're you're having a positive Experience with that and so it's not You're you're not addressing in me or Addressing God that's coming through me Has nothing to do with me personally It's like the whole problem with being The master of Sark system a true Master Is just a conduit for Divinity and then There's the person the ego the human Being that has to open up and allow the Divinity to flow through them on a Higher level and have to commit and and Give up their spiritual sovereignty and Then you know people come to them call Them master or whatever it is but they Can't think of themselves as Master as Soon as you start thinking yourself as Master you're you're s you're you're Sering the position of God right so a True spiritual uh you know higher Developed soul is only a higher Developed Soul as long as they realize That it's something that's coming Through them and not them themselves It's not when people are responding to Them it's because they're allowing the Divinity to flow through them and that's The key to you know not falling Spiritually but again I just want to Wrap this up I got you know go and go Eat lunch it's leftover pizza On Sunday it's usually leftover pizza That we had Saturday night um and I Watch a little football it's like one
Something here but anyways that's Irrelevant and so um you know in all That like this person saying I suck well That's not you know there's still an Audience here that wants to see and hear What I have to say and there would be More people if YouTube was acting Differently but I don't know if that Would be better or worse it would Certainly not be either one it would be It would be better in some ways and Worse in some ways right like just like Everything else but again I suck Socially I suck in terms of the I don't Know to say I suck but like you know There's people who are really good at Making you know they've gone to school And they're young people know how to use Computers much better than I do and they Could make very uh you know much more uh Uh in terms of production values and They have money and a budget and these Things so you know the production values And the you know this is just two things This guy said I don't know what else This person said right but the other Thing I suck at is being a businessman I'm not business oriented and I haven't Found ways I can make you know I found More ways to monetize my content but the Bottom line is the ideas that I have Have value to people to some people and You know and even if they didn't I I Feel that they're you know having gone
Through what I've gone through over the These years and you know seeing the Evolution of my product that I put out Here that they do have value because the Energy in there and I've had Confirmation of this despite what Anybody says even the Grateful comments Here I feel like what I have to say has Value because of the test of time the Things I've been right about the way the World's going and all the things that I've said and so you know that's all That is here right and people either Value it or or they don't they rise up To it or they don't because most people Are coming from a lower evolutionary at Least spiritually Position than what I have you know been Able to I don't want to say achieve I Want to say more gifted because it was To me a gift the Sark system and I put Effort into it so it's not like I didn't Do anything but you know I know what I Am without Sark and I wasn't somebody Worth listening to you know without my Connection to the Divinity within me I Wouldn't be putting out content because I wouldn't think it would have value Because I was a very you know I was a Low functioning person I was an Underachiever in 29 was was 29 1993 when I was blessed with the transmission and Cleaning process in the Sark system and Because of that I've evolved into
Something and part of that you know Evolution is the content I create here And I you know it has value because I See it has value it has value for me I See the benefits like you know I've seen How much better I am because of that System and the spiritual process and When you have a relationship ship with The Divinity within you especially when You have a system that cultivates and And helps uh enhance that you know Whatever it is and so you know that's Why this is this channel exists because I've been doing this now 30 some odd Years 1993 32 I believe this at least in August 32 or 33 and whatevers long Period of time and you know it's there's Been changes and there's still changes Ahead of there's like benefits good Changes right and there's growth in Things and there's Evolution so you know That's why I make videos because I feel Like it's my duty to pass on this Information and I've become what I Consider good at it and better at it and You know comparatively to other people I Mean that they can't even do this Because they haven't they don't have These experiences that I've had right They haven't have the blessings that I've had but you know there's lots of Good content out there there's lots of People are good at pod Or they're interesting they're good at
Interviews I mean there's lots of great Content on YouTube but this stuff that I Do here is unique to this channel in so Many different ways and those who see it See it and the rest of the people you Know I don't you good go somewhere else Like I you know it's not you know I mean I it's I don't care like if you don't Like it go like if you don't see it you Don't feel it you're not benefiting from It why the [ __ ] would you watch it right I'm not looking for a mercy you know View you know I'm not looking for Charity views right like you know the Only reason for people to watch this if Is it has some value to you and you Think what I'm saying is is worth Listening to if you don't then please Leave I mean just you know if if you are You staying here to hate a hate a Whatever or you're upset because I said Something and you're just like fixate in Some negative way like why why why are You here if this person who wrote this Comment if you're still listening why Would you write a comment about how bad I suck put all that energy in and come Back and listen you know to any other Videos like you put like a like a Four-page thing about how bad I suck and Categorized it like you should move on Like why are you still here like you got To like like figure that out like look At yourself and say yeah that's kind of
[ __ ] up that I like why are you that Obsessed I would never write a comment That long it's a hateful comment like Why why why you know just are you Looking to to hurt my feelings to Undermine my confidence or undermine the Confidence of my viewers like figure out Why you wrote the comment it's not for Me I don't want it it's not benefiting Me other then I could use it here but Any number these comments these negative Comments if they disappeared all Together then I couldn't make comment Video parts and that you know that would Be a little bit sucky because I kind of Like doing that but other than that they Have no benefit right other than me you Know picking them apart and saying Things about it but you should think About why you're doing it like why would You write negative comments not just to Me to anybody are you doing it because You have negativity inside you and you Just want to make someone else feel like [ __ ] like that's like a part of of it Like some part of it is you have like a Lot of negative things inside of you and You want to put that on somebody else You want to someone else to feel like You feel you want to bring somebody down Because you feel like [ __ ] you want Other people to feel like [ __ ] like all The negative comments on the internet That's at least part of it and that's
[ __ ] right that's like [ __ ] up you Know and just think about what kind of Person you are then like you're just Contributing [ __ ] to other people like You suck as a person because you're you Know you're saying these things to bring Other people down and to demean them in Some way you want them to feel bad like You feel or feel worse or whatever like You want other people to you're like Putting a whammy on them you're like you Know I can feel the energy behind comets Whether they're directed towards me or Somebody else you can feel you know the The energy that the person wrote the Comment with whether it's like there's Anger or hatred just the energy it's Like they're trying to it's like a Weapon right they're trying to you know They're trying to say something they Want you to feel bad anytime you go and You [ __ ] on somebody on the internet Like I mock people here but I don't do It to them I don't want them to see it Because I'm not doing it for their Benefit they're not my audience right if Don Lemon and came watch his Don Lemon You know his his Dopey you know Followers well that it's on them because You know like I said if I choose to read A comment I choose to read a comment if I choose to watch a video I choose to Watch a video I can turn it off if I Don't like it I can turn it off you know
When people say you wasted 45 minutes of My time at what point did you think this Video was going to [ __ ] deliver Something to you that that you had to Wait 45 minutes to realize it wasn't Right like you know like why is that my Fault that you couldn't figure out this Video and my Channel or the way I was Talking wasn't going in a direction that You know you wanted it to go right like I'm not promising some surprise Endy I'm Not ight Shyamalan in you right like It's pretty much upfront what what I Think about things and where things are Going you there's patterns in my video You should easily be able to see like How many videos of mind you have to Watch to realize this is it right There's no like you know I mean once in A while I come up with some like Brilliant spiritual thing that I'm Channeling kind of you know conduiting Kind of thing you know so there's these Different levels to the channel but it's Still this is all there is there's no You know there's no like you Know Easter eggs or some [ __ ] in here so Anyways um let me wrap this up here only Spiritual Valu will save this world is Par definitely point for the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful