They got Luigi! How long before the get Mario?

They  got Luigi! How long before the get Mario?

Greetings brothers and sisters um today Is Monday December 9th so um I'm not Sure when this video will be released Probably Wednesday maybe even Thursday I Don't know how I'm doing this um I'm Releasing a little bit uh more frequent Videos but as of today and yesterday I Started to have issues with my throat I Woke up and it's really painful to Swallow and now it's I can tell it's my Tonsils my tonsils swell up every once In a while I slept today it's like 10: It's almost 11:00 I slept at 10:30 this Morning which is a rarity I'm usually up Between 7 and you know eight in the Eights um in the winter sometimes Earlier much earlier in the summer Depending on you know what's going on I Woke up and my throat was really hurting Me um you know it was just uh just when I swallowed so it's not like it's it's Not hurting to talk but I have to limit My videos so that'll be why there's less Content coming out um you know whatever It is in terms of the length of the Videos and and all the rest of it might Take me two days to make a video and Just you know give my voice a break but It's not you know like I said it's not My vocal cords I think I might be Fighting off the you know I think the Spike protein is in everybody's system Now and they say Golden Rod which we Have been taking Golden Rod tincture now

For number of uh you know for a while Now probably a year and a half we have a Ton of Golden Rod that grows here every Fall I'll put a picture up of it when I Uh if I have one handy I think I do have A lot of them so U but anyways um and I'm not recommending anything but it's a It's a weed and it said somewhere and I Don't know if this is true that it it's One of the things that works on Spike Protein and so and I don't know you know Again like there's no way to know the Official people aren't telling you and Then everything else is Just gear saying guest work or whatever But I think that it's possible that the Covid whatever it is is still in our System the you know whatever this Manipulated virus is and it just is There and like when you run into where You have maybe you know like you get Into the winter you gain less sunlight Less vitamin D and gets cold out Whatever the time if the flu comes Around it's just there and then if your System's a little bit weak your immune Systems depress a little bit then it Just comes back up I think I that might Be what's happening with me now um like Every year there's like a little thing Like I didn't get any kind of Co since The whatever it was when it started so It started I got covid 2020 in the winter and then I mean in

The in the spring and then I got Omron either that same year 2020 or the Following year and then 2021 or 22 I got The last like it was just as like I I Was really tired it was definitely covid But it was like I was it was almost Nothing compared to the first two times Although I did get very weak and tired And I was having trouble with my blood Sugar like I just um whatever and so Then I haven't had since then since 2022 Or 21 whatever case may be like I don't I could trace my videos back and kind of Figure it out but it doesn't really Matter U but you know I once in a while I feel under the weather in the winter And then this might be that and your Tonsils are something that fights off You know they they're part of your Immune system and then you know whatever Happens right like it's just you don't Have those anymore to uh it's just like These part parts of your body they say Oh you don't need those we'll just take Them out you know like whatever people Have chronic uh SW I've I've had issues With my tonsils over the years but they Just always you know revert to being Less swollen and then everything gets Better so you know that's my situation And it might not be by the time you Listen to this video so you don't need To say anything about it I know people Giving their remedies for tonsilitis

Which is you know all right that's fine If you want to do that um it might I may You know might be something that work it May not I'll give it a a wh perhaps you Know we already have some things I Already do there's a video Um that I couple videos that I do for Acupuncture for my throat and then I got Other things that I'm Doing Um and Uh one of them was taken Down but anyways my view count is down a Little bit so I don't know what that's About and if you remember to do all the Things the shadow Banning things which I Talk about from time to time okay so I Was thinking about Facebook so I woke up Early around 7 and I meditated and I Don't know maybe a half an hour my wife Was getting up early and um I went back To sleep I was actually up probably 6:30 Uh and I had a good meditation and That's when I realized that my you know My throat was feeling better when I woke Up after that went back to sleep and Then I just went back to sleep again so I went back to sleep twice I was like You know as much sleep as I could get to Deal with whatever Physical issues I have I don't feel Other than my trouble swallowing I'm a Little bit feeling slightly under the Weather but mostly pretty good and I was

Thinking about Facebook in my meditation Right that where do people go now Because there was Facebook was a big Deal and everybody was on it you know People in my generation like there's Lots of people and everybody was using It for some period of time and you know There was Myspace before it I was never On MySpace but I you know that like I I Does that even exist it must exist Somewhere and like who's using it right And I think the neat thing about Facebook was everybody was on it like Most people were on it like people had Issues with it of course but most people Were on it lots of people were and so People would check it regularly and it Was a way to keep in touch with people And whatever reason people did it but Then of course they you know for truth Truther it sucked they were just they Wouldn't allow you they're so bad at Censoring people and so everybody who That I would have a reason to go on Facebook because I would get ideas for Videos because people would post stuff Right and so many good memes I used to See Memes there all the time I never see Memes anymore like very seldomly do I See Memes and so truthers left and I I'm Not sure where they went you know there Course now through social people post on Twitter and so there's these things and You know there's all these diverse

Platforms the issue is that people are All over the place and then you have to Go to different platforms to interact With people or whatever so it just Becomes something where too much time is Spent it's just a pain in the ass so I Don't know if people are even doing Social media anymore like they did like It isn't like something's come to take Facebook's Place younger people have Their own you know whatever they do and Of course Tik tok's a big thing with Them but you know it's just sort of like A dying culture and I got more about About this reminiscent stuff Dam Carvey And David Spade made an appearance back On Saturday Night Live and I'll show a Little clip of that and talk about that But there's just so much about Reminiscence you can see it in Commercials like I've seen more stuff on That you know like I said it's like Going down memory lane people are having These experiences I am having it to what Extent and that's never a good thing and When your life is flashing before your Eyes right so I woke up and I looked at Facebook and the first thing I saw is a Person who I believe is a Truther who um posted this it's a a meme So I like it hadn't seen a meme or Somebody else and so it's picture Somebody else posted I'm so disgusted This guy privately set me a photo of

Himself playing with his Balls who does that three question marks I'm posting his profile pick in case in The comments in case anybody knows them And there are a number of people who are Truthers that some of them who I'm Friends with Who um you know who Uh who like the video like I can see Their the thing there um I guess um Maybe she did this herself I'm not sure So I had this thought you know I wonder What people are doing now that they're Not in Facebook CU people just aren't on Facebook like it's sort of a ghost town Where you see like you know if you look Into your friends or whatever they call Friends in you know Facebook and almost Nobody's posed anymore like it's just When I go on Facebook it's mostly Suggested content like my friends their Facebook friends is very few people post But I have this um you you can go and Change the the interface and get just Your friends like nothing else none of These you know suggested posts or none Of these things where it's just your you No news stuff or whatever Facebook's Trying to do right and if if you do that You'll see it's the same people posting Like 10 things a day like there's some People are still into Facebook but all These other people you know I used to Have a lot of people who did the

Meditation but then with their I just Anybody posted anything about dodgy or Heartfulness I unfriended and I had like A you know 500 Abasi this is what we Call people do the meditation I do Friends and now I have almost none and It's just that you know the ones that I Still have I just haven't bothered to Get rid of because we have nothing in Common anymore and like often times they Were Indian and they posted very you Know uh posts that had nothing to do With me had no relevance in terms of Like they just uh whatever it was was You know if it wasn't about SJ Mar Meditation and then heartfulness it was About things I had no idea oftentimes it Was a different language you know Hindi Or some other language and then um you Know my Tru or friends all left but in Terms of that there's like very little Posted right and so I was wondering like What happened to you know where did People go and you know I wasn't thinking So much why people aren't posted on Facebook cuz I know because Facebook is Always kind of sucked and then the whole Kind of metaverse and all the rest but Then to see that post right because it's Like you know everything gets even more Degraded you know was popular for a While I mean it must be hemorr in money And then you know if you looked at People's posts it's like the last post

Was like two years ago or something like That like the majority of people there Was a time where they just said [ __ ] Facebook and it's over you know and that Was it and like this all these people Just left for whatever reason truthers Left for a certain reason the censorship And then everyone else The Meta stuff And it just got old and you know people Got you know bored with it and and once People leave you know the only thing it Had going for it is that that lots of People were using it and there was Energy in it right it's interesting how These you know online platforms cuz Myspace only had a short run itself Right four or five years and YouTube is Still dominant but you know Tik Tok has Taking a big share of that of course now People are going over to to Twitter and Then you know Trump's true social is Worth some billions of dollars so There's people are going over there Right and so now you have these smaller Platforms but all these things will have You know people engage with them but They're not real like they're just not You know like it's just not Satisfying the things that are you know People are missing human relationships Sh like having you know interactions and Things like that anyways um so I want to Start with that we'll go to the Dana Carvey thing in a second here but like I

Said these videos will probably be Shorter and I'm just going to take it Easy I'm like I'm saying a little bit Low energy so it's not I'll just do more Restful things and again people don't Have to say anything because by the time You watch this I might be completely Better and then you know that is Whatever it is anyways let's get into it Here okay so I just ate breakfast and my Throat is definitely getting better my Wife sent me this this is the shooting Guy there's a lookalike Contest um Here I don't know what they're Saying I don't know I don't know we got Ourselves into but uh say hello Everybody I didn't have a [ __ ] green Job come on come on get in there Yeah yeah Okay could you stand like right there Okay so this guy's becoming kind of a Folk hero for young people Um so I turned on the news I just ate Breakfast like I said and like I said my Throat's definitely getting better I had To take my pills and eat and I you know It just didn't hurt as much as swallow And whatever um but you know I still a Little bit under the weather but I feel Pretty good anyway so um I was searching Through the channels I went through the Sports channels and the news channels MSNBC said that Pennsylvania has picked

Up a guy who may have the murder weapon Now it's been like a week right whatever Time it's been and again you know this Is this happened the same time that Hunter Biden was getting uh pardoned and So this is the ongoing story The Hunter B Hunter Biden has been protected Numerous times by various events and Then just them withholding information And again I'm not saying this is you Know whatever it is right but anytime a Story goes on for a while and it's a Focal point and it becomes sort of an Obsession for like a week it's always at Least somewhat fake you know whenever It's become something it's a there's a Agenda driven there's an agenda behind It but anyways Pennsylvania picked this Guy up this is the news today and the Guy on MSNBC had the news to say the State police picked up a guy with the Murder weapon or something that looks Like the murder weapon I'm not sure and They were saying how great the Pennsylvania police were because they Were the ones that did the Jerry syusy Thing and they cracked the case and you Know the Jerry syusy thing if you guys Remember it there was an assistant coach Who was like wide receivers coach and he Came into a open shower locker room Where all the showers were open you Could just look into them there was Behind glass doors like a big shower

Area you know these these high-end um if Penn State's a a big football program You know they have money a lot of Support right lot of donor money and he Looked in there and Jerry sanduski he Heard slapping noise and Jerry s dusy Was you know anally you know I mean he Was you know he was doing with some kid And he walked in the guy was just doing It right wide out in the open like where Everyone could see 10-year-old boy Jerry Dusky I think he had retired since then Or whatever and the guy freaked out and He went to the various people in the University and he ended up being sort of Blackballed and and ostracized as a Whistleblower and they delayed Everything they went to Joe pno and took Forever before this became a thing like It was you know it was easy to break This case because an eyewitness saw Something happen that was horrible like A horrible thing to happen but he was Doing it in such a way that would mean That everybody knew this was happening Right he wasn't hiding it wasn't done You know was done in a locker room where People were coming in and out of right And so this was a ring it wasn't just One guy this was a bunch of people that Were involved in this you we had this Universities with the the guy who was Doing this to the gymnastics GR girls in Michigan State and some of these other

Universities he worked for Michigan State but it was he was he was also for The the gold medal team that doctor who Was abusing all those girls and you know It's it something is covered up by the University and it looks like more people Are involved and then there's one guy It's the Fall Guy and so the sa police Did not do a good job there did Jerry my Wife and I were just talking about Jerry Sanduski about something else that name Came up which was weird and so the the Other piece to was why isn't this guy if This is the actual murder weapon why Isn't this in some water body of water New York is surrounded by water I mean There's a lot of fresh wat big lakes and The ocean and rivers and things you know Why is that like the murder weapon why Is he carrying whosoever's carrying it Around in Pennsylvania he's traveling With the murder weapon why would that Even like that's you know for somebody Who planned this thing out the murder Weapon should be somewhere in the bottom Of a you know the ocean or like off of Some Bridge somewhere where no one would Ever find it right and if they did it Wouldn't be you know significant enough Like there' be no way to trace it back To you if that was you know the murder Weapon is something that always would Get you and if the guy's still carrying It around this is silly like this is so

Remember when the big event happened in 2001 and that you know they found Passports on the street passports of the So-called perpetrators of the crime they Found their passports on the streets Remember like three or four of them and You know some things are just like [ __ ] You you know like when somebody tells You something that's so you know it's Like it's an insult to your intelligence It's just like [ __ ] you you know what no Matter it's like your grandmother says Something to you you're like [ __ ] you Grandma you know Like because it's just so bad it's just So [ __ ] right like are you serious You know um You found passports of all that stuff That happened with those buildings Coming down the passports were just Laying on the street like that's you Know and this guy having the murder Weapon still or somebody having it why Would anybody why would you keep it like It's just silly you know there's I me The guy was driving all over the Freaking City you know I mean just the Whole thing it's just goofy okay I'm in The editing process my throat's feeling A little better and I did a 45 minute Talk at the end of the video about a TV Show I saw on Netflix but I just want to Add this here before I forget about it And I'll edit the rest of this tomorrow

Today still Monday December 9th so they Showed a couple of pictures of this guy In the back of a cab and he's wearing One of these you know covid masks before He had these other you know whatever is Going on and some people recognize the Guy in a diner or something I this is Things that were being said just because They recognize his eyes you know Like like stuff like that and they were Questioning this guy cuz he has a Similar gun and they haven't revealed if This is the guy or you know all the Details because they never do so if You've ever seen the movie JFK the Oliver Stone movie you know he did some Research into how they release these Information packets the intelligence Community and it's done in a good way They've explained in a good way in the Movie Because New Zealand was given Information that he had been shot before He had been shot because they were on a Different time zone right and so the way That they roll out these packages is They give you a certain storyline each Day and then they release details Throughout the day more details come Through and more details come through Every day and there's just a roll out of Information right they don't give you The whole story in one day you know they Call it a developing story right the

Story the developing story here is this Kind of you know and they roll out Another detail and you can kind of tell The ones that are more manufactured by The way that they do it it's very Intentional and it's very um you know It's like they walk it out slowly they Keep everybody's interest peaked the More that you're in suspense you know One of the the things I've talked about Before the show Lost is a good example Of this the Cliffhanger idea lost where They would tell you they would they Would give you some resolution to one Mystery only to reveal three more Mysteries right you know back when I was A kid there was a show Dallas and this Character the villain Jr got shot and There was like who shot Jr it was the Whole summer and there was like Fonzi um Was Jumping the Shark and they ended the Episode with him halfway over the shark And you had to wait like all summer to See if fona made it over the Sharks Right that's where the term Jumping the Shark comes from because the the show Jumped the shark after that um you know That was the the original reference and So now there's the internet and people Speculate and so with you know lost People would start talking and then the Internet was just sort of was just Starting then and it became this you Know what happened here what what does

This mean and all these fan theories Right that's why they give you those Easter eggs and things and Mysteries Because people like resolution and so if You leave people without any resolution You know the borderline personality Disorder they often leave things Unresolved like they can't resolve Stories they can't resolve conflict and So they have this this test this Psychological test called the Thematic Aptitude test the tat and its pictures And if you ask a border someone with a Borderline personality to describe the Pictures there won't be any resolution Right right they leave people hanging This is part of the the reason it's like A torturous personality to deal with if You're married to someone like this they Can never close the deal they can never Leave something resolved and so the Human mind needs to resolve things and So this story will go on until they Eventually resolve it the longer it goes On the more it pequs people's interest And again if you're looking at as a Distraction well there's you know Multiple bad things going on I just got A clip I'm going to show you in my next Video about some of the stuff going on In Syria and then these other countries There are a lot of these countries that Are going through crisises crisis and It's just coming around for us as well

All right so let's um move to the Saturday Night Live thing here okay so Today is Tuesday December 10th and they Got the so-called CEO shooter and I'll Get to his name and the joke it's in the Title and all these things coming up and That happened yesterday I just want to Do an update on my health here first so My voice is my swallowing has got Basically 100% better to where it was You know I've had some issues with Swallowing um and I don't know if it's Prolonged um uh tonsils you know my Voice is a my throat is an issue because I talk so much right and uh you know There's various days I'll I'll strain my Voice and you know I'm doing it every Day you know I'm exercising every day And so I have to I've been drinking Throat Coat tea now for maybe about About 2 months um you know when I'm Talking here especially when I do the Long voiceovers there's some mucus Issues like a little bit of allergies That I have you know I've had since I Was a kid and so um you know there's Just I have to clear my throat a lot When I'm talking and things like this Which you guys don't get the pleasure of Hearing because I usually edit it out And so um you know it's just a thing and So I took a variety of things yesterday I have this spray that's echad Asia Golden seal and I think um something

Else I got a propolis spray that's for You know from bees that make propolis That's has health benefits that I also Use sometimes that tastes better than The other stuff the echad Asia golden Golden seal stuff is like corded tastes Horrible but you know I spray it in my Back of my throat when I'm feeling you Know like I'm getting something so it's A constant issue for me and my tonsils Swell up have swell have swollen up ever Since I was a kid different times and I Just had dental work done on one side Where the tonsil swollen a little bit Bigger so I don't know if there's There's a little infection I was taking Collidal silver and doing other things Again I'm not recommending anything here I'm just saying that you know this is Just part of what I do here and some of It is the physical strain some of it's Clearing my throat a lot that where I Have sometimes issues with swallowing I've had you know this acid reflux type Of situation so I've been taking you Know this whatever this extra usually Acid reflux has to do with a lack of Stomach acid and instead of taking an Acid which increases the digestive Issues you know which is what usually is Prescribed so like it's always asked Backwards um but anyways I have these Things that I do but I was able to sort Of um and I have this like this guy has

This video I do where this it's um Asian Guy and he does this uh to in video to Do things to um stimulate the tonsil Area to get uh blood flow to get rid of The whatever bacterial infection or Something that's there if that's the Case so anyways and I've been taking These eardrops for a while now which Help with my migrain headaches which I Think are related to my ear so you know The the muscles the there's some an acup Punch puncture point right behind a Person's ears also it's a place where if You're there's a lymph node uh a lymph Draining um video out there that it's Called like the big six or something There's these six points where they're You you you know massage these points And tap on them and then jump up and Down to get the lymph nodes drain in Your lymph system and so there's these Areas right there you know people get Knocked out because of this sensitive Area where there's a a lot of nerve Endings and these various um acupuncture Points and then your lymph system They're right behind the jaw and this Stuff so I have all these things right They've been doing now for a while Because I often get migraines Associated Where my jaw will tighten up in that Whole area so that's a whole thing so This is just some of my you know Health Battles as I get older but anyways so

This guy was arrested and I'm going to I Have some videos I had to get off the TV When it came out one was with Anderson Cooper and there was a video of Josh Shapiro at a press conference it wasn't Very good the quality that was on CNN I Watched these both on CNN last night and The story is so bogus it's everything I Told you about you know this how the Intelligence Community Runs Out certain Narratives and how they conduct a Narrative and it comes in steps and Stages and these narratives these Shooter narratives always have certain Elements and this one has all of them Like they always have these narratives Some of they have these elements some of Them they don't have all of them but This one has all of them and so many Things that just don't make sense right So I want to talk about trust first Right so when you're a kid you're very Trusting you're naturally trusting like You have no idea that people suck like You're a baby and a toddler a young kid And not only do you not have any Reference point for people lying and Sucking you aren't looking for that like You don't want it to be true and you Really can't handle it like you can't Process it because your your brain isn't Developed yet because what we're talking About is lying on an adult level right So when you were a kid and your parents

Caught you Lying you were like how they do that Right and but then when you become an Adult and you work with kids or you you Know have kids and you see a kid is Lying and they squirm you know you Clearly see and this is how they're Going to describe the shooter guy you Clearly see that they're lying right Like they just you know now you're like When you're a kid like how do they know Right but when you're adult it's so easy To see because kids you know are not Really good liars and their lies don't Make sense right their lies are you know They're not good at understanding how to Convince an adult that they're telling The truth and so you know kids some Develop the lying ability faster than Others some are able to play out play The victim cry card and cry and and Manipulate situation right you know but Um it's uh you know I remember being Able to fake sick and when I didn't want To go to school and being able to Convince my mom a few things like that Right but you know it's you don't think Anything of it like you're yourself Doing it and if somebody else did that Like there's no it's no big deal but Then you as you get older the lies Actually sting more and sometimes you Get hurt by somebody's lies whatever They might be I remember my parents were

You know they had these prayer meetings At their house and they had nuns and you Know all this stuff my mom was more of a Spiritual person than my dad but either Way you know I asked my parents you know I must have sat in on a Prayer meeting And they we had them at our house and There was about 15 20 people that come To the prayer meeting they discuss Biblical stuff but also their situ ation Like a support group and these parents Were like ratting out their kids and Saying things about their kids and I'm Like well that kid's probably pretty Embarrassed I was like 13 or 14 you know Whatever 12 something like that you know Those those years and I said to my Parents are you saying things about me Like because I wouldn't be cool with That right and my parents both lied to Me and said no they're not right and I Kind of knew that they were but I didn't Have any evidence and then you know These kids would come over our house There were some of them were my age some Were a little bit younger and they would Um you know there's about eight or nine Kids or 10 kids that would come over and You know they were all right you know They were you know I was kind of friends With them and they started talking about Things that were you know I don't know Somewhat private things with me so their Parents had heard my parents telling

Them stuff about me and then they told Their kids and it wasn't like horrible Like over like embarrassing stuff but I Wasn't cool with it because IID asked my Parents if you're talking about me and They lied and it was a big deal to me Like you know I mean they got cuz They're supposed to be spiritual people And they're lying right and so I Confronted them on them and they're like Little children like I was the adult and They were the children was like [ __ ] Weird and it happened a lot where like I Was just above them in some way you know They had lost all confidence because They [ __ ] up my sisters and brothers Right and so you know but I I remember Saying like you know this is a stupid Thing to lie about cuz you're going to Get caught like these they're going to Tell their and this was going to happen You know I asked you a question and like You didn't even think it through and you Know the trust broke down between my Parents not not just that cuz they were Incompetent like they didn't pick me up From soccer practice when I was like Seven I mean these things were like I Couldn't trust them right like the Biggest thing like the first thing I Think was I was like seven or eight Years old and I had some kind of a fever Blister lip sore or something and or you Know whatever was I had a cold and my

Nose was you know from blowing my nose It was rough or whatever and my mom put This Sav On My Face and sent me to School and I walked to school she said Don't you know just leave it there right So like you know and I was like I I Listen to my parents and I did what they Told me to do and I got to school and I Had this wad of Sav directly under my Nose it looked like a booger and that Really went well with My classmates and I realized you know How stupid it was to you know I'm like You can't trust your mom she doesn't Know anything like you just you know in Terms of what you have to deal with with Other kids and just she's clueless and So everything that they told me to do Now I had to question and I had to Figure out like well what are the Implications right because you Know and so um there was the trust is no Longer there and that's the hard thing When you when you break trust then you Never really believe in a person ever Again right like fully believe them and You know people kids come from a place Of innocence and there's people who grow Up in innocence because the people Around them have good characters and you Know whatever in a society that's not Like ours we leave live in a society Where everything's lies and [ __ ] Right from corporate all the corporate

Level stuff and from Santa Claus to all These other things right there's just Manipulation and life and people at the Governmental level and the News level Are telling these lies and these Official story lies and things I talk About this so much in terms of the Conspir you know calling people Conspiracy theorists well stop [ __ ] Lying then right you know if you're gon To if you're going to [ __ ] you know If you want to be trusted then don't lie But the other part of the problem is Human beings like 60% don't have the Ability for abstract thought so there Are people that are just on a lower Level of Consciousness right and there's People who are very emotionally based And they just have a very distorted Understanding of of facts and they can't Process information they they don't have Pattern recognition they don't have These abilities and you know that's just Where they are like you can look down on Them and make fun of them which I Sometimes do but you know that's just Where they are like it's you know They're just not as involved as other People and their Consciousness level Isn't there and they're very easily Manipulated through emotional content Which everybody can be so there's the Problem where They can't really tell those people the

Truth because they don't understand it Complex you know they just like Everything's binary to them like it's Good or bad or you know these things They can't understand the nuances and so The people controlling the system has That problem as well that they have to Withhold information from some of the People and there's always people are Trying to manipulate when you have a Two-party system are always kind go to Manipulate whatever you say and make it Worse so like if you do tell the truth They'll they'll find a way to make you Look like the demon or the evil person Or whatever so that's a real problem They have I'm not saying I have sympathy For them but that's you know if you're It's why I wouldn't want to be a Politician or be in one of these Powerful positions because if I was Going to do it correctly I would be Forced to lie to the dopes out there Because and again you know Underdeveloped people I call them dopes But whatever they're doing the best they Can with what they have right and so Like that's a legitimate problem as well Right so they have to lie and they like Lying and they do lies to manipulate so It's the whole thing is it's a complex Thing right and now we have a system That's predicated and based in lies and So then we have to read the ingredients

Which I talk about so often how Exhausting it is to have to read the Ingredients of everything because you Can't trust the powers that be to feed You foods that aren't poisonous to you Know whatever it might be to whatever They're doing to you and you know trust What they're saying and that's certainly With the the news and that's with Everything else politicians and so when A story breaks and you're one of the People that does have abstract thought And does have patter recognition you Know it's just like watching a movie or TV shows you know a lot of it isn't Meant for you if you're if you have a Higher level Consciousness because There's a lot more dopes out there than There are people with a little bit more Abilities to recognize the truth and I Don't think that we're that great all of Us who have the ability to see through Things because there's a lot more that We could be you know human beings are Only using a fraction of their abilities Right so I'm not saying like we're like The Pinnacle of evolution but we're Certainly higher up than a lot of these Other people you know they just don't Have the ability for abstract thought so They're kind of like you know they're on A totally different lower level right But for those of us who can see through Plot holes and you know whatever we can

Can perceive in terms of the official Story well it takes a little bit more Convincing and we've been we we're aware That they're lying to us and everybody's Kind of a little bit aware of that right And so it's just people's ility to see Or not see what's happening and so when They roll out a story like this they're They need to convince us like it used to Be if Walter kite said it it was [ __ ] True like people you know very few People the majority of people 90% of People believed that these news people Had Integrity they had you know ethics They had you know uh editors and people They fact Checkers and they really would Get the truth out there we all know That's [ __ ] now but everyone Believed in it and there was no Alternatives there was no place for People you know there was this hidden Group that my brother was a part of my Older brother you know he came back from Vietnam and he was into what was the Whatever the truth movement was back Then like he saw [ __ ] in Vietnam like he Was he was guarding poppy fields for the CIA and [ __ ] you know he saw things and A lot of these people came back from the Vietnam of course the hippies they no Longer bought into the official story But they didn't have a place to go Because there was the FCC if you got an AM radio and you started talking [ __ ]

Theyd pull your license you wouldn't be Able to be out there right so like there Was there was no place for you to say Some of these things you just weren't Allowed to say them there's no freedom Of speech and if you got into a news Program or any of these places you'd be Laughed off as a not you know that no One believed you you were a crazy Conspiracy theorist or whatever they Labeled you then and they just didn't Allow these narratives to be out there But then the internet took over and now There's a place for these things and There's you know 90% of it's [ __ ] Now I would say most of the truth or Narratives most of the people out there A lot of them are either just dopes or They can't you know they're just lying Or whatever it might be so like most of The truther channels most of the truther Stuff you know I'm including all the QBs All the woke people all the stuff that's Alternative media and that's you know Takes a you know saying that the Official story is is [ __ ] they can't Really analyze the official story Correctly and then they don't give you a You know reasonable solution or Explanation Because if you it's two things right It's seeing that someone's lying to you Then it's trying to find figure out the

Truth right so if all you got to go on Is the LIE how do you find the truth and We all have our different abilities and Ways of doing that right mine involves God in my relationship with God which is To me the the best possible one because You can find the truth by seeking the Truth you know God's the truth right but Anyways going back to this thing with The what they're now calling the CEO Shooter and so there's a lot of things Here that's there some of them are just Straightup lies and then Josh Shapiro Starts to be manipulative and telling You what to think and what to believe About this thing so I want to cover that Right but we no longer trust them and so They have to do a better job but they're Not trying to win people over who can See the truth they can just marginalize Marginalize us call us crazy conspiracy Theorists and just you know put us all In a box but there's lots of us right And so you know it's getting to the Point where nothing they say is believed Anymore by a lot of people because They've been picked apart on the Internet and they don't know what to do With about this they just keep on doing The same [ __ ] they did before and Pretend that they haven't been exposed And pretend they haven't been fact Checked so I went to copy I I recorded These two shows last night right I was

Watching stuff with my wife and you know The various time CNN came on I had it on In the background and you know like We'll go to an app and then I'll come Back to Direct TV and CN CNN will be There I just happened to see these two Bits it was Josh Shiro's press Conference which I have you know when I Can record something off the TV the Quality is that it's good but CNN's Version of it was horrible it was all it Was like his press conference was Completely garbled but I found a better One on the internet and the other thing Was Anderson Cooper was talking about Some things that wasn't that YouTube Decided not to post I got some other Stuff here as well but there's a there's A CNN person that I turned on the TV and It was on CNN it just went to the Channel and this woman was whining I Think her name is Kate Baldwin Kate not Baldwin Kate something it doesn't matter Who cares uh she is very Upset and this is a good way to start Because it's about RFK Jr and his being An Antivaxer and so like Going into this thing which is about a Healthcare shooter I found it Interesting that this was being Discussed when I turned the TV on so Let's go to that first to deny the data From Decades of how many lives have been

Saved from vaccines that that children Do not suffer from and what it would Mean if that that skepticism and the Questions were suggesting are out there Then start getting getting into the Mindset of millions of Americans once Again led by someone who has not only Been a skeptic of vaccines is a cynic of Vaccines that is not I'm not denying I'm Not personally denying the results of Vaccines I want to be clear on that That's that is Something yeah go ahead no I'm just Saying yes but just you these things These are like apples and oranges like Co questioning covid lockdowns and and And not and and saying but like that's a Good question to have but also maybe Should question vaccines because that's What's being added together all right Clearly we got to go cuz they're about To cut my mic too guys thank you so much So they're about to cut my mic um you Know one of my viewers has sent me some Of these things I suggested it but you Know I'm not going to post them um but You know that there would be a dildo With fiser written on it going into the Mouths of these CNN reporters because if They were going to be honest they would Say that big Pharma is a major sponsor To their programming their programming Right so whatever they say is going to Be Pro big Pharma and you see that

There's very little negative stories and If it is a negative story it's something That you know it doesn't have any teeth To it right they say words that seem to Be negative towards Big Pharma but There's no backlash to it and nothing Ever happens there's no Congressional Hearings I mean there's side effects and Things people suffering and we know post The co stuff there's been suffering That's going I mean I see it you know I've uh I I've I've have that page died Suddenly whatever is on Facebook and It's on um instag I see more of it on Instag and I don't even scroll through My instagr like if I scroll through my Instagr instag Gr it's mored again instag has become Instagr um you know like the the way That you scroll through Facebook like I Get instagr instagr Messages um I don't know if that's going To take or not but it's kind of funny And I don't go through the inst posts But if I do the diet suddenly dominates Like it's there's posts at three four Five a day whatever it is and we've all Stopped paying attention I used to cover This on my other channel apocaps now and People lost interest with it right People who are just dying suddenly of Heart attacks that's just been accepted You know there's all this medical stuff Now in high schools and elementary

Schools where they have defibrillators And things like that cuz kids now have Card arest for no reason right and so All that stuff doesn't exist they Pretend that that doesn't exist because They're big Pharma shills but it makes Them not trustworthy right and the other Part of that is is the insurance Companies that don't pay right insurance Companies it's best if they don't pay What's great for insurance companies This is the ideal business model is you Pay them and they don't pay you when When it's time to pay you right so you Pay your premiums and you get insurance You know my wife and I have United uh Healthcare whatever it is you know and We just have because we don't do Allopathic medicine right but you know If they're not going to pay which they Don't and they'll find ways to make it Difficult to pay and they'll dare you to Hire a lawyer I mean when I was a in College a girl whose dad works for the Insurance company that she had insurance With ran uh ran a red light and hit my Car and it really screwed me over cuz I Was working I had to work and it was my Second to college and I had multiple Jobs and I was driving all over the Place and now I couldn't do that cuz I Didn't have a car right it was totaled And this guy came out he saw I was a College kid saw he didn't have resources

And he offered me like $200 you know like something like that $400 or something where I couldn't Replace it with a new car or even a car Like mine you know was total but he Offered me nothing you my parents were Incompetent so I couldn't you know go to Them and you know I wasn't going to hire A lawyer and he knew that he was just Going around the car and finding ways to Devalue it right and he offered me Nothing and I called the guy cuz the the Father of the girl who hit me showed up You know and I could have pretended I Was hurt you know it like incentivized Me to fake I was hurt if this happened Again because if I had physical issues Then I would have been able to milk more Out of it right like this whole thing Where everyone's got to be a liar and a Cheater because they just don't pay Right I lived in the Harford is the Insurance capital of the world and all These kids I grew up with parents worked In the insurance industry like there's All these big Insurance buildings in Hartford the the big city of Connecticut Where I lived and it's a kind of a weird Place because of that but the best model For insurance is that you pay them and They don't pay you they find a way not To pay you right you know if you're in a Hurricane if you have a property that's In you know like whatever these big

Hurricanes that hit and it's water Damage and flood damage costs a lot more To get flood damage for your house and Most people don't get it especially People like in North Carolina and Georgia that suffered from this Hurricane you know they're they're Living in you know that place where um In the Asheville area where the roads Are still washed out there like their Place is completely [ __ ] there's some Roads that I you know drive on fairly Regularly when my wife and I travel and So there's places there and the I'm very Familiar with that area because I lived There we went camping down the the road Going to the ocean from Ashville from uh The mount Pisa in Pisa mountains in Asheville and there are these roads that Are mountainous roads that have these Mountain passes and they are washed out But also people got flooded out and you Know even if they had hurricane um Insurance which most of them don't the Insurance companies say no that's flood Damage that's water damage that's not That's not hurricane damage so you think You have hurricane damage and everything That the hurricane does because the Hurricane's what's [ __ ] you right but You think you you're insured for it but Then you find out it's flood and flood Is like five times expensive as as uh as Hurricane damage and then still they

Might not pay you know like it's just Getting money out of them is difficult Right and so hiring an attorney and Doing all these things you know they Don't want to pay and the other thing is They want to hold on to your money as Long as possible the money you pay for Premiums and they're able to invest that Money because I had a one of my buddies And college buddies end up working for Credential for a little while and he Said presedential you know the piece of The Rock owned more land than all these Other companies like potential owned all This land because they invested in land They took people's um whatever it was You know their their um their premiums And put it into various uh assets and Land was one of them right thinking that The the land would appreciate more than The you know real estate would Appreciate more than you know other Whatever they were doing but they have This money and they invested in things And then when they go to pay you back They've turned your money into four Times what it's worth or something like That you know whatever they're they're Doing to to make you know your your Money grow you know and grow in terms of Interest and things and value and so you Pay them up front and then by the time You get paid off the life insurance or Something like that you know it's

They've taken your money like let's say They you spend 50 Grand of in life Insurance and you get 50 Grand back at The end they've turned that 50 Grand Into 250 Grand right so it's it's like They get your money and invest it and so Anyways insurance is kind of a scam like All this stuff and so you know in this Idea of fiser and these things so this Is all tied together right and some of Us know about that so let's go to Josh Shapiro Next okay so with everything that I've Just said this is going to be a lot of Red flags and then Anderson Koper is Going to put some new red flags and put All these other ones together and just a Complete [ __ ] because Anderson Cooper was a CIA shill he was working For the CIA or whatever his you know he Had a you know he was one of those People there was all these people who Said they were about to get jobs with The CIA Tucker Carlson there's Connections there that guy Del Coast Marcus Coast whatever is the you know Democratic um liberal shill you know Website whatever that is and these other People who were about to get jobs with CIA and then all of a sudden they popped And they got other other jobs even Though they were interviewing with the CIA and qu Coincidentally those other things

Happened for them right and so like it Seems like they're still working for the CIA from New York I want to begin by Thanking our fellow Pennsylvania Resident who acted as a hero today Pennsylvania resident saw something Early this morning at McDonald's and Said something to our local police okay So I want to get into this guy being at McDonald's I want to get to what he was Wearing I want to get to all these Things we're going to I'm going to point Them out as these facts come out maybe Make a little joke about it but Um let's start with the sea you know the McDonald thing is coming see something Say something remember this piece of [ __ ] campaign so you know ratting out Your civilians spying on your civilians For a government that lies to you and You know other people There's real Criminals and you know I don't like the Idea of being a rat you know the way That you would say it in New York City And you know Gang Related Mafia stuff Don't rat out your friends you know Ratting people out you should just tell The truth no matter what right like it's Just you know there's no there's no like Us than them the truth is just the truth Right but this idea that you're spying On other people is what they want to Push out here there's a narrative here Where they want number one more surve

Surveil And number two more citizens involved in Ratting out people and this kind of Thing right and ratting out somebody in This case you know this is a little bit More questionable the whole thing Because it's just so [ __ ] fake right But let's go to see something say Something thing hi I'm Janet napalitano SEC hi Janet secretary Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security nice to See you again I forgot how [ __ ] weird You Were hi I'm Mark Emer president of the NCAA Homeland Security is a team effort And it starts with individuals and Communities around our country that's Why the NCAA is partnering with DHS to Help keep our communi safe if you see Something suspicious on your way into The arena or at the game say something To local authorities to make it right we All have a role to play report Suspicious activity to local law Enforcement thank you for doing your Part to help keep our community safe and Enjoy the Game okay so this is one of the aspects Of if you see something say something so Joshua pero just talked said this thing Was so totally bogus people rejected This they didn't want to any part of This not just truthers but everyone this Whole idea you're supposed to constant

Be looking for terrorists and other bad Baddies wherever you were and you were Like supposed to be a junior detective This is where they got the cubies right This is what the this is what the cubies Were into uh on a rightwing level the Cubies want to be these Junior Detectives these you know get their Little you know get the serial box and Get their junior detective badge and There the little you know microscope or Whatever and they're supposed to go out There and and work for Q and find out You know all this stuff like people have This in them you know neighborhood watch Things where they take it a little too Seriously right and especially if There's no real crime in the Neighborhood where they just start Making things up So this was the original message they Wanted they were playing this at Walmart And [ __ ] hi I'm Janet Napolitano Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security begins with Hometown Security that's why I'm pleased That Walmart is helping to make our Communities more safe and secure if you See something suspicious in the parking Lot or in the store say something Immediately see something say something So everyone watch out and look out Everyone around you is a potential Criminal or terrorist report suspicious

Activity to your local police or Sheriff If you need help ask a Walmart manager For assistance because you know Walmart Employees are the most helpful people in The World that's where you can get your help As Walmart Employees thank you for doing your part To help keep our hometowns safe you're Welcome Janet I'm a I'm a real see Something say something kind of person You know when I see [ __ ] I point out [ __ ] I see [ __ ] di is uh Janet And I'm saying I'm calling [ __ ] our local police here in Altuna Acted swiftly I want to say a special Thanks to officer Tyler fry of the Altuna Police Department Tyler Fri the [ __ ] balls officer Fri about six Months into his time serving his fellow People here why you freezing up again Joshh in Pennsylvania and he act Ed Swiftly he acted with smarts and he Acted with calm he acted with smarts he Was calm and smart he's just he's a good All good good all guy you know safety Often turns on the strength of the Relationship between the community and Law enforcement we have that strong Relationship here in Aluna and it was Pro it was proven like we know CU one Person at a McDonald's you know again Healthcare McDonald's we're going to get Into all this stuff proven here

Today I want to ask all of our fellow Pennsylvanians to demonstrate the same Type of thoughtfulness and courage and Smarts as the individual at McDonald's Did this Morning smarts I mean you know that's The kind of person that eats MC at McDonald's is making good Decisions and help law enforcement here In Pennsylvania as we continue with our In investigation and when all the people At McDonald's who were eating poison and Sticking carcinogens and heart disease Into their ghoul holes just uh you know Make sure that you make good decisions About reading out your fellow citizens You'll see photos of the suspect who was Here and you should know that this Suspect traveled between Philadelphia And Pittsburgh making stops in between Obviously here in Altuna I want to ask All of our fellow p penans to help us With any tips that they might have by Contacting us at 8004 PA tips PA tips again that number Is 8004 PA Tips the suspect was just arranged Aranged here he was arranged boom some Truth for this [ __ ] he was just Deranged and look let's go back to that What happened there Jos genocide Josh What happened Bro the suspect was just arranged

Arraigned here in the courthouse and They they're laughing back here this is Where it's getting blurry presumably New York will file charges very very soon That process will continue to play out And Justice will be delivered okay so How do you know it will be like why do Why you guaranteeing that what do you Mean Justice will be delivered what's That even mean like will it be like I Don't have faith in that I don't believe That there's Justice here I believe There's just us Right in this case this case has hinged On attention in fact the attention in This case and the killing of Brian Thompson was helpful no doubt in Allowing us to capture this killer in a That's didn't sound right there bro Alerting that individual at McDonald's This morning and then having that Individual contact police but some Attention in this case especially online Has been deeply disturbing okay so this Is the part we's get into right so this Guy might be your next president okay They're grooming this guy he's got this Obama Cadence when he gives speeches so He's got this thing going on he can Deliver Pennsylvania to them possibly We'll see how his governorship goes they Wanted this guy for vice president but He's he on the radar he's going to be Giving speeches he gave a speech at the

DNC you know for uh for kamla right he Was a prominent figure now he's a National figure he's one of the top Democrats Ving for presidential Nomination in 2028 right and so this is one of their Guys maybe their favorite guys but he's Also known as genocide Josh because he Jewish and he supported Israel in ways That pissed off all the Liberals college Kids and so therefore Kamla couldn't pick him as VP and Probably better for him anyway right and Like they weren't going to win I I don't Even know if he could deliver Pennsylvania or whatever like I it's Just you know that's all whatever that Is but he's somebody who is against the Palestinian people in such a way that They you know genocide Josh right and Now he's going to give you a little Mansplaining [ __ ] Here as some have looked to celebrate Instead of condemning This killer Brian Thompson was a father To two he was a husband and he was a Friend to many and yes he was the CEO of A health insurance company in America we do not kill people in Cold Blood to resolve policy differences or Express a Viewpoint I understand people have real Frustration with our Health Care system And I have worked to address that

Throughout my career okay so listen to What he's saying here because the Health Care System the big Pharma has killed Millions of people hundreds of thousands Millions of people died from the the Opioid epidemic but you know 250,000 people a year die just from you Know medical malpractice or something Like that then big Pharma not only Causes people to die but causes people To suffer right and so there's all these Things the medical community does Insurance companies don't pay for things And you know the medical community Making things too expensive and Overcharging you and pharmaceutical Company companies you know using their Patents to charge exorbitant prices for For their drugs and stuff that you can Get overseas for nothing right I mean Markups are incredible and then again This stuff is poisonous the whole thing Is [ __ ] right McDonald's eating at McDonald's is Ser you're poison and so They're slow killing people all the time But not only slow killing them but Making them dumber and suffer because The stuff does that to your toxic system Your liver doesn't work and you get Stupider and you get make bad decisions And your body starts falling apart right And So the more important piece is he's Telling us what we should believe the

Same thing he was telling us that Israel's the hero in Palestine is the Villain and whatever happens to these Palestinian kids is Justified because of This you know this uh Hamas group that Is obviously some sort of um you know Asset for the Israeli movement to the Zionist movement right and so what They're saying here is that we can kill You because we're the authority you know We're the whatever we are the the Medical Authority the governmental Authority you know armies I mean Governments kill more people than Anybody armies and you know whatever They do to their citizens but if you Guys fight back I'm not endorsing this Guy the whole thing to me is bogus right I'm not saying this guy did the right Thing and I don't know anything about The CEO and you know whatever the re for United Health but we get to have our Opinions and it isn't some slam dunk Where you guys are the good guys and We're the Bad Guys right because that Isn't the case like if anything you guys Are the evil people the people running The government and I have again I don't Want to say compassion but I have some Understanding that it sucks to rule over Dopes you know it sucks to have to be a Leader when people are you know Emotional and um you know violent and Crazy and all these things right and not

Just violent but just stupid and you Know easily manipulated and you know These things it's not easy to be a Leader and control the masses because The masses have to be controlled because They can't make their own decisions Right and they're purposely kept dumbed Down and all these things it's a whole Mess our system's a mess and trying to Be a a person A good leader when the system's a mess Is a difficult thing and I understand That right and so I have like more of a Balanced view that people say all the The the lead are all evil yeah well Everybody's evil to whatever extent Everyone's lying everyone's you know Piece of [ __ ] in their own selfish way And egotistical and ego-driven existence Right like I understand all these things But for him to come out and say like and He's even saying that the Health Care System sucks right and not that you know People are necessarily Um you know wanting people to go out and Murder CEOs but when a CEO dies how many People are actually going to be sad About that and when you hear some person Who's making upwards of $10 million There's you know things that they're Saying he was making 50 $10 million a Year and you know his employees are Probably all underpaid and suffering Right and then all the issues that they

Don't pay people when they need to they Don't honor their premiums or their you Know their their their claims or Whatever it is and people are suffering May be dying because of that cuz they're Not getting proper health care and They're not the insurance company isn't Working you know this guy ends up Looking like a Robin Hood not that he is Because the whole thing is fake right But if people want to feel that way They're going to feel that way so Josh Shapiro telling you what to think or Feel you know the internet's spoken and Most people aren't upset about the CEO Dying right they're just not I'm not Upset about it I don't know the guy Right and this he's going to try to make A case for this guy but I have no Tolerance Nor should Anyone for one man using an illegal Ghost gun to murder someone because he Thinks his opinion matters most so again This is where they're pushing this idea That they can do all kinds of [ __ ] to You but if you fight back then you're Like no tolerance this is the whole Thing with Israel and the Palestinian People right like this is where you're Murdering 20,000 kids because you said That they've done something to the Official people the official people that Are you know the governmental people the

Chosen people the whatever it is right And this is what the message is and then Everybody who's you know who's going to Be a rebel or fight back you know in That World War Z the movie The World War Z it was based on a book the UN put out Right and there was the the people who Are the good people I forget what they Were called and then there was the Zombies and then there were the ref And the rebs were living outside of the Cities and they were considered worse Than the zombies like in the book they Were the people who were you know Rebelling against the beastly system and Whatever caused the zombie apocalypse But they were the villains right and That's what they're saying here like Anybody who doesn't buy into the Official story and doesn't listen to What we tell them and doesn't believe What we tell them to believe is you know Somebody acting out because of that and Again I'm not endorsing this because I Think the whole thing's fake and I Wouldn't ever endorse murder or Something like that like that's not a Solution but you understand why people Are backing it because no one's upset When a CEO dies and there's something to Think about right like if they start Whacking CEOs people aren't going to be Upset by that you can try to humanize Them as much as possible Right but this

Is to them it's like something that People are happy about again I think the Whole thing's fake so for me it's There's no emotional reaction CU I'm Just watching a show right in a Society We are all less safe when ideologues Engage in vigilante justice because the Regular justice system is working so Well in some dark Corners this killer is Being hailed as a hero it's not dark ERS I bet it's the majority what I've heard The majority of people the majority of Memes there's I haven't heard anybody That's really like hates this guy I Think the internet is probably 80% like What do you guys so you guys you guys Probably see more than I do but like I Think it's like 80% to 20% right like so Don't call it dark Corners it's at least 30% I would say it's more like I would Say on the internet the people who are Least vocal on the internet they're Saying that they're supporting this guy Or the idea of it right and again I'm Not doing that because the whole thing's Fake to me but you know they get to feel Whatever they feel you can't tell them What to feel and there's a reason for it Because we're tired of you guys lying And Hur H in us right I mean the Government and these you know Medical I mean all these things that Hurt people I mean what people have all Suffered we've all suffered from I've

Suffered from the the medical community Right so allopathic medicine and so like Don't you know and insurance companies So you know like there are two things That people don't aren't fond of Right hear me on this he is no hero Because you say so because you're a hero You're telling us who are heroes and who Are Just an unlikable face right just the Real hero in this story is the person Who called 911 the Rat also known as the rat McDonald's This morning and McDonald's the real Heroes every day in our society are the Women and men who put on uniforms like These wait the the Liberals are what What happened to the defund of police You weren't back in that Shapiro kamla Did like what about that to fund the Police now of a sudden they're the Heroes right it means every cop is good What about the black lives M matter Movement I mean cops do Target black People that's a real thing like I've Heard from cops that they profile black People one of my friend's buddies was a Cop and I was there where he was telling You know that they do profile black People in Connecticut right and so like That's the true thing that actually Happens like people want to say it Doesn't but it does not all cops are bad No like lots of them let's say 80% is

Good right and then you know some of Them just having a bad day but it's not Like they're just necessarily a hero Just because you're a cop right you're Not necessarily a hero just because You're a fireman or a soldier like you Could be heroic you might do heroic Things but it's about your actions and Your attitudes and all these things Right that makes you into a hero and who Gives a [ __ ] like you know it's it more Important than a hero a saint right like Yeah Heroes people save people's lives That's great anybody who saves Somebody's life or does something heroic That's a good thing but somebody who Goes and forms a relationship with God I Mean there's something heroic in that And starts to do work for God and and Brings Divinity to different things it's A higher level thing you know being a Saint is better than being a hero right But there's just so few Saints or maybe None at all in America right so that's And go out in our communities to keep us Safe okay so there's this thing I always Say we're just trying to keep you safe Right like if when I worked in treatment Centers that's a line to use oh we're Just trying to keep you safe whenever You hear that you're [ __ ] whenever the Authority is saying to you oh we're just Trying to keep you safe what they're Saying is they're protecting you from

Yourself oh we're trying to just keep You safe run like a [ __ ] when You hear like CU they Ain that means They're going to manhandle and control You right this killer was not a hero he Should not be hailed okay so but that's Not your choice we get our we can all Have our opinions and just because You're you know again they're involving This clown like the guy has no reason to Be in Philadelphia he he grew up in Maryland and was here some of his life And he's a resident of Hawaii and so This kid has nothing to do with Pennsylvania and why he's in McDonald's with you know all the things That we'll go through as this thing Unfolds Here Mr Thompson I understand was laid To rest earlier today in Minnesota in a Private setting as the conversation Continues about this case let's be Mindful not to Dehumanize him let's dehumanize the [ __ ] Out of this kid who did the shooting all Right so this guy is a real piece of [ __ ] Joshiro and there's a lot here a lot Manipulative but let's go to um oh let's Do the Anderson Cooper thing here first Governor Josh shapir there Pennsylvania Just wrapping up a press conference Where you heard from officials from Pennsylvania State Police local police

In Altuna Pennsylvania as well as the NYPD talking about the arrest of the Suspected CEO killer charged uh in Pennsylvania uh for having the gun which They are reporting uh was a 3D printed Gun that they found in the backpack Talking about the ammunition that they Found that there was still ammunition a Full uh magazine of ammunition of 9mm uh Ammo uh telling that he was very Cooperative he immediately pulled his Face mask down very interesting though As we get to Danny Freeman who has been Covering this all day on the scene from When that customer we just learned at McDonald's first called 911 that police Standing are saying they asked him at First he was cooperative and then they Okay so Aaron Bernett was on this was Was there was covered in the press Conference when it happened And then she handed it over to Anderson Cooper who had a synopsis of all the Info but some of it like he was still Carrying the gun he he didn't get rid of The murder weapon right according to the Official story still had ammo on it There'll be more to come with that like I want to comment on this when Anderson Cooper I'm trying to restrain myself Guys in McDonald's which is something to Talk about still wearing this masks Right so that's some of the information We have thus far his name is Luigi and

We'll get into that because that's the Title of the Video asked the suspect they said uh to Luigi Mion were you recently in New York He didn't directly answer the question But became very physically Disturbed They said physically nervous and started Shaking and they said at that point that Was all they needed to know uh at this Point no statement yet from the suspect Uh so we are waiting saying they do not Yet have any more information on motives Still looking on accomplices we've got New video of by NBC which shows the Suspect arriving in court Danny you Actually saw him you were there and saw Him he started to shake at McDonald's is that subliminal let's see What McDonald's if their Shake sales go Up course is a CNN police update CEO killing suspect Start a shake at McDonald's did he have a shake or did he Just start to shake cuz there's how was He able to drink it with his mask on There's so many unanswered questions and Like I said I'm dying to say things About all these details now but I want To do it in a synopsis we get to the Anderson Cooper Piece in a second here Going in you know what what was he like There I mean you can imagine obviously The cameras and the lights and all of The press and everything there as you

Saw him what was his demeanor like and And where what is the very latest that You know here coming out of this Important press Conference sure thing Erin well yeah I'll say just about an hour ago I was There inside that Courthouse watching Ing as Luigi Manion walked right past Myself and a number of other reporters He was wearing a blue shirt blue jeans He was of course handcuffed and he Looked even in this court appearance Visibly distressed but he kept his brow Furrowed uh through the duration of this Uh wait did he keep keep his brow furled He had a furled brow that's important to Know okay so let's go to the Anderson Cooper Piece here the suspected New York CEO killer was caught in what police Found tying him to the crime also all We're learning about is seemingly Straight Arrow background and why he was For all intents and purposes invisible To authorities until his Capture Plus a Report from inside Syria and what's Being found after the fall of its brutal Dictator in the Hideous chambers of his Most notorious prison good evening Thanks for joining us we left you Friday With a suspect in the New York sidewalk Assassination of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson still at large We Begin Tonight with him in custody and just a Short time ago entering a courthouse in

Rural Pennsylvania for a preliminary Reignment his name is Luigi mangion so They got Luigi when are they going to Get Mario because Mario's got to be Involved cuz [ __ ] Luigi is just I Mean he's not Mario's The Mario's the main guy so I um know Lots of people named Mario and you know I have various Italian Associates to you I'm a sicilian Part of Sicilian relatives I've never Met anybody Italian named Luigi but we Know that there is Luigi in the super Mario game which is you know something And then on top of that mangion there's A guy named Chuck Mangion who's the only other famous Manion who was like he it was almost Like a jazz but it was a pop song it was Like it was a mus it was a musical tune So you they've got these two names that Are Recognizable um if you're going to you Know build a a profile this might be a Real Boy but we'll get back to that he's been Charged with five criminal counts but Not yet with murder he was arrested at McDonald's in Altuna about a 2 hours Drive from Pittsburgh in 5 hours or so By car from Midtown Manhattan where the Killing took place according to the Criminal complaint Altuna police Responded to a worker's tip found him

Sitting with a laptop and wearing a blue Medical mask an officer asked him to Pull that mask down and recognized him As the suspect when he asked if he'd Been to New York recently police say That the man said quote well the Man Became quiet and started to shake in the Words of the police announcing the Arrest earlier today New York police Officials laid out some of the evidence They have speaking both to the means and Motivation to Kill upon okay so the media and the Government are selling me something They're telling me this is the story Right somebody goes to tell you a story If that person's a liar and is lied to You and this has other implications Involved you know to see something say Something and the you know having more Surveillance on the streets the CCTV Which um you know like I said I watched This great show on Peacock let me see if I can figure out The name here it's called the capture Because they were you know capturing These things these um these videos but They were able to manipulate these Videos using you know whatever kind of Deep fake stuff and create evidence that Wasn't there in the show because there's Cameras everywhere at England there They're big on see something say Something right but they're saying this

Guy first of all he's eating at McDonald's so here's a guy they're going To profile him as being this honor Student really smart guy we'll see this In a moment right um but he's he's Making this Choice he at McDonald's yet He's shooting somebody who is um health Insurance guy so there's some kind of Health related things but he's eatting McDonald's which is always a bad choice Because McDonald's is [ __ ] poisonous Right the food is bad for you and Everybody [ __ ] should know it by now But then he's wearing his mask now he he Being his his photo of him wearing a Mask is all over the place right the guy You know they're going to tell him where He's from Maryland and he's now a Resident of Hawaii but somehow he's in Pennsylvania that gives Josh Ziro who They're pushing out as some kind of a You know next presidential candidate They give him some run and play right And why why is in Pennsylvania of all Places eating at McDonald's wearing a Mask everybody knows what he looks like With a mask on there's only those two Two photos of him without the mask right But either way sitting there on a laptop With all the evidence most of the Evidence on him or he still has all the Evidence which we'll get into it's a Completely like how you how am I going To believe this right how am I going to

Believe that this guy made that bad a Decision he's sitting there on a laptop At McDonald's right where he could be in A hotel room somewhere right or whatever It is like whatever he's doing like this Is a bad choice and sounds like a Complete incompetent person more of this Evidence coming here further Investigation officers recovered a Firearm on his person as well as a Suppressor both consistent with the Weapon used in the murder okay so he's Carrying the firearm he didn't get rid Of the thing at any time which I covered Earlier like there's all this bodies of Water and big lakes and these areas of Course the ocean in New York big Rivers You know the East River these places He's riding his bike he can't just Chuck The thing somewhere right you know over The over into the water where they would Never find it right I mean he's carrying It with him the murder weapon wearing a Mask that everyone can recognize him Sitting in McDonald's where all these People are coming through he's this Picture with him and a mask has been Everywhere everyone's seen it he's Wearing a mask with a with a weapon on Him this just like like not believable Right they also recovered clothing Including a mask consistent with those Worn by our wanted individual okay so I Don't think about murdering people right

I don't think about like because of my Meditation whatever it is you know People like to think about things have Their private thoughts not that they Would ever act on it but I don't do that Like I don't I don't care enough about Any of these things to want to murder Somebody like even you know people in Your life or whatever right but murder Is a big part of our Lives you see Murder is probably I I don't know in 80% Of TV shows and movies right murder's Like a huge thing like how many shows Are on right now or movies are out that Involve murder of course there's death That's not considered murder when you're Talking about war but that's murder as Well like it's just legal like they're Le they've legalized murder they're Sending people to their death I mean Droning kids all this stuff like Joe Biden droning kids of course abortion And so murder is a big part I mean it's Like probably one of the number one Things that people think about right and People think about murdering people you Know just not not that they would act on It but it goes across their mind right And So if you are going to murder somebody You have a lot of information because You've watched all these TV shows and Movies and what's the first thing that You would do get rid of the murder

Weapon so when you see these cop shows And they're going after people what do They train you to do because they're Basically training you like how not to Get caught by showing you how people are Going to get caught so you have to get Rid of the murder weapon like that's the First thing that's like everybody knows That and then you get rid of your Clothing you see these shows how many Times you see somebody murder somebody And they're either washing their clothes And bleaching the crap out of them or Burning them right burning all the Evidence and so if you're going to Commit a crime getting rid of all the Evidence that is going to convict you so This kid has the gun on him a loaded gun On him in McDonald's while he's on a Laptop his face is Plas everywhere he's Wearing a mask so everyone can recognize Him because you he looks just like that He does in the in the the many photos And things I've been writing on the news All the time sitting in a public place In McDonald's with the murder weapon on Him and the other evidence that's there He's had a week to get rid of it he Should have got rid of it right off the Bat and you know this guy planned this Thing out right he had a whole Escape Method he's evaded police for over a Week in New York City riding a bike and Taking buses and [ __ ] like that he made

It to Pennsylvania and they had no idea The police were completely clueless had He not been sitting at a McDonald's and A in a in a you know like an innocent Bystander hero eating at McDonald's Making bad choices sees him with a mask On and cops approach him and he's got All the evidence on him very Conveniently like Bra like just think about this like it's So [ __ ] up and so stupid like Everybody knows these are the things you Have to do get rid of the evidence right Get rid of the evidence is like number One additionally officers recovered a Handwritten document that speaks to both His motivation and mindset so this is The manifesto right so if you want me to Believe this story you'd leave out the Manifesto because all of these guys all These amateur murderers and all these You know demestic people who end up Doing these things whatever they are it Could be any number of different events That have happened most of them write Manifestos and why would they write a Manifesto like why would you know the Manifesto is something that CIA writes And the manifesto gives motive it gives All the information you need later on to Convict the person right and so these Manifestos like it's like these guys all Go to the same training school where Writing a Manifesto is a part of what

They're going to do right the guy had The wherewithal to write a Manifesto but Didn't get rid of any of the Evidence didn't get rid of the clothes Didn't get rid of the gun wore a mask at McDonald's in a public place he's not Hiding out until this blows over right And so you know it's silly like you're You're taking us for like complete Chumps right anybody believe in this Stuff because manifestos are always Created by the intelligence Community Like they those are the people who write Manifestos you know all these guys have Very similar characteristics this is a Profile they have and they roll out this Profile it's very familiar to all of us Because we've seen it so many times Before and so like we've been trained All right if this guy is this guy doing This he's going to have a Manifesto Right he's going to have these certain Characteristics he's going to be a loner Like all these things they roll out Right disgruntled person and then he's Got stuff on social media you know a spy Thing whatever they said before like They roll out these these profiles and It's like oh yeah he's he must be guilty He's got a Manifesto he must be crazy And he must be one of these guys these Guys who write manifestos like they all Go to some school if they did go to some School it would be a school conducted by

The CIA right you know because that's Who are into these types of things well Separately but also to the question of a Possible grudge against the health Insurance industry a social media Profile which appears to be his shows a Profile photo what looks like an x-ray Image of a spine with Hardware from an Operation so I got ahead of myself there I thought he already said this cuz I Watched this a few times but yeah like So there's on social media he's he's Pissed up at the health care System he's Rolling out the CIA shill is rolling out The profile here right now you'll Remember police recovered three pieces Of ammunition from the crime scene with The words deny defend and depose written On them words often used to criticize Health insurance practices so again the Guy takes the time to write on bullets Right and write a Manifesto send a Message out there but then doesn't Destroy the evidence and easily gets Caught and now all that stuff that he's Done is [ __ ] him over right like Writing on the bullets you know that's Linked to the his motivation the Manifesto and now the evidence that he's Already screwed like all the stuff they Have on him right like you know all of It they got the guy you know he's just Done like he got they got him in every Possible way and So based in his own

Stupidity and he left a trail of Breadcrumbs and all this evidence so That like it'll be a slam dunk he'll Probably plead guilty and never be heard Of again and he might be just a CIA Operative that's just playing a role Here I mean whatever it is I'm not Buying it like you're trying to sell me Something and I'm saying [ __ ] you you Guys aren't even try it like this is so Bad did they find his passport outside The the the the in Manhattan in 2001 was His passport there just laying on the Ground like it's just stupid [ __ ] right Like there's just no way it would be This easy but you guys couldn't find the Guy other than him being ratted out McDonald's like just they're pushing for The surveillance State more surveillance Stuff and all these other things right Police also say they recovered this Phony New Jersey ID matching one the Suspect used to check into New York Hostel before the killing so which is Harder to do get a fake ID or destroy Evidence or Chuck a gun into to a river What's harder right you're you're on Your bike you get off your bike you're On a bridge you throw your you throw the The murder weapon into the The Water Somewhere I mean any plan would involve That you've had you know weeks since Then like he's out in Pennsylvania you Get rid of that word weapon Pennsylvania

Where absolutely nobody's looking for it Like you passed bodies of water wherever He was going you had the opportunity to Get rid of this thing right I mean any Any number of ways you could have got Rid of it and certainly the clothes Could have been thrown out anywhere Along the you could just stuff him in a A trash can at a rest stop or something Right or any number of places you know All the things that he could have done But you know it's much harder to get an ID a fake ID and plan that out so he Could use it to check into a hostel and All these things that he did right it's A fake it's a fake driver's license so He went and got all that stuff but he Didn't have the wherewithal to destroy Evidence but he you know took time to Write on bullets and do the manifesto as For the real person Luigi Mion New York City chief of detective IV says he Simply did not exist as a possible Suspect was his name on your radar was He someone who who you had been looking Into before his arrest no we did have Not have his name PRI to today so if it Wasn't for that brave civilian in McDonald's who identified this guy they Never would have got him I mean just They need see something say something we Need your help you guys we couldn't have Done this with this massive surveillance State and all the things that we have we

Couldn't figure this guy out like just You know all the stuff that we have ai Technology we had his face we had his Whole [ __ ] face and we couldn't run It through a a facial identifying Identification system and figure out who This person was I me even for just his Eyes and the mask and everything we're Going trace him back to something else Right to the hostel right these other Places where we would have seen a Picture his ID and even though it wasn't His name it was a fake ID we couldn't Have used computer technology to figure Out who this person was like we don't Have any ability we don't have enough we Need more in our surveillance state or We need more people like this guy at McDonald's who finger this seminer in Fact prior to today he was someone Without a criminal record except for a Trespassing citation in Hawaii he Attended a prestigious private school in Baltimore where he was the Valorian so to the class of 2016 a kind of class that only comes Around once every 50 Years it's been an incredible journey And I simply can't imagine the last few Years with any other group of guys Okay so there are these rich places These two counties one of them's in Maryland one of them's in you know there Various places around the country but

One of them's in Maryland where all These wealthy DC people you know there Rich places in Virginia and Maryland Right around DC and this guy went to one Of these prestigious boy schools where He was a valid dick [ __ ] tan right so He was the best student in this Graduating class he's giving a speech Here you know the other there's a Gold Coast by Fairfield County in New York uh In Connecticut by New York right there Are these places where rich people live Like really rich people live and Maryland is one of them Maryland's this Tiny little State you know Baltimore is A pit one of the worst cities in the Country but you know Delaware and Maryland these places you know Delaware Has more corporate corporates register There because they give these tax breaks And so this is the narrative they're Feeding you this is the [ __ ] they're Feeding you this guy so first of all Number one really smart educated well Spoken no criminal record spotless Nobody would think this guy's going to Do anything and these places you know There's places in Connecticut There Are Places there's these hotpots around Virginia Tech you know where these Events take place there are these places Where they have hubbubs for intelligence Community and they groom a lot of these Younger people and train them there

Right and Maryland would be one of those Places Virginia Maryland because right Near of DC after that he got his undergraduate Graduate degrees at the University of Pennsylvania according to the Daily Pennsylvanian he was a member of the Engineering computer science Honor Society at aapu so again think about This so they couldn't identify this guy They had the guy's face he's smiling at That hosel or wherever he was the best St he's flirting with somebody The Smiling picture of him he looks like Jake Gyllenhaal and then these other Pictures he have two pictures with him Without the mask multiple pictures with The mask they got his you know height His body I mean they got all these Sophisticated AI computer program and Surveillance programs but they can't Come up with this guy until somebody Sees him at McDonald's where he makes The the flaw of wearing his mask just Stupid [ __ ] even though he's a really Smart person he did all this other Planning sophisticated planning but he He misses out on things that everyone Else knows get rid of the murder weapon And get rid of all the evidence which he Easily could have done and all these Things right he's sitting there and he's This really smart high high elite elite Level student smart person and they

Start rolling out all this information They got video of him given a valid Dictorian speech he's got him up here Like like they couldn't find anything on The guy couldn't identify him he was a Mystery but then once they have the guy Within minutes they have all this other [ __ ] right these these videos of him and You know School College these things They know his background they know Everything about the guy you know I mean They have this information almost Instantaneously like they were ready to Unroll this package like I talked about Yesterday where they have these packages Of information they they release each Package when it's ready to be released Packets of information and it's all Ready to go so there's a lot we know a Lot yet to learn C sh proz is in New York with the suspect will be brought CNS Bryant Todd is in police suspect CEO Killer arrested had gone fake ID Manifesto right so this is what she's Rolling out there right before Anderson Cooper that Manion had on him when he Was arrested today okay like he just had The press conference and they're already Sending out all this information right Like this is is again they're trying him On on um CNN and so in general if you're the Prosecuting attorney you want to hold as Much as the evidence close to your vest

Right because you know they have to Disclose evidence to the defense Attorney but when you do this like Everybody who's seeing this if you were Going to try this you're going to be a Part of the jury you already think they Have all this evidence cuz CNN you know If you're I mean again multiple people In the jury won't trust the CNN and Won't trust the media and people might Have a grudge against the Healthcare Community but again insurance companies But this is that is whatever that is Right um but like this is you know this Is just not cool they're showing all This stuff and these guys already Convicted Josh Ziro said Justice will be Done the convictions already happened Like if the guy would make it that far Where they pretend he's killed himself Or to kill him or whatever kind of thing Whatever kind of asset this guy is Whatever the story is here whether There's a real trial or not whatever They do with this story you know you Might forget about this story two weeks When World War III has begun you know Like it all is all relative to Whatever's happening but they're rolling Out all this stuff within minutes They're showing you everything that they Have off the guy right this is this is What was found in his backpack so let's Just hold it up here we'll tell you what

You know about it we know that police Say that that gun was made on a 3D Printer that it also had a suppressor uh With it in the backpack with a type of Silencer he did in addition have eluded Glock magazine 69mm full metal jacketed Rounds out front now our security Correspondent Josh Campbell former FBI And Josh the suspect today was arrested With this made on a 3D printer we do she Say six Billeter 9 millimeter full metal Jack 9 Millimeter jacketed rounds out front now Our security correspondent Josh Campbell Former FBI and Josh the suspect today Was arrested with this made on a 3D Printer we do know Um that he had a undergraduate degree as Well as a master's degree uh engineering AI technology that's his background what More can you tell us about the gun well This very gun Aaron has Law Enforcement Concerned across the country the rise in So-called ghost guns these are often It's a ghost gun you're not supposed to Have one there's no it's not nobody Knows where it came from there's no it's Just something he printed out right um And so uh let's see if they have the Anything else here um mostly this is Uh he's been in PA for several days here And still that he used in the shooting In Midtown Manhattan maybe disposed of It I know they've been dredging Waters

In Central Park but that that this would Be separate this that the gun that was Today was a different Gun that's my belief based on what I've Seen of the guns yes the gun that was Recovered on him today doesn't look Anything like a BNT station 6 which is The gun that they said was used in in The murder um I'm curious because people Have been talking about his background Um his so they're saying that he Disposes of the murder weapon but he's Carrying another gun with him on his Backpack why why would he be doing that Right they don't know who he is and so You know if unless he was planning on This whole thing is like he's got an Illegal gun in his backpack so he's There wearing a mask and this is even Stupider Right we technology Engineering um degrees would that make It easier as you see it for someone who At this point we don't know whether he Had shooting range experience or Anything like that although we've heard Nothing about that to this point uh Would it be go ahead throw it out there Like you know it's happened they're Metal so we're just talking about the Plastic frame uh which you know not not A huge consequence as a function of the Gun in total all right well Steve I Appreciate your time and thank you very

Much for explaining some of this thank You Absolutely Aron thank you we've been Reporting that the man being held in Custody for the killing of United Healthcare CEO Bryant Thompson was in Possession of a so-called ghost gun when He was surged by local McDonald okay so They they're going to say something here About Um uh all this stuff so they talk about All this is about the gun I want to hear How long it was in Pennsylvania but you know um and why Would he have a silencer on the ghost Gun so he has the murder weapon they say He gets rid of the murder weapon doesn't Get rid of his clothes though he has Those mask and all the things he had on Before or similar he keeps similar Clothes so he's got replicas of the Things he committed the crime with let's Say he gets rid of the evidence right But he has replicas of all these things That are incriminating like he's got a Silencer was he going to go kill Somebody else was he going to go binging Or here or whatever but why would he be Out in public in a McDonald's wearing a Mask again all these stupid [ __ ] things And he's got all these things that make Him like all right he's already Convicted this is the guy he's got a He's got a ghost gun with a silencer he

Was going to go he's a he's he's a Professional he's in his backpack a 26y Old kid eating McDonald's right so this Is another piece to it unfathomable Unfathomable friend of coo killing Suspect describes him so this is you can Be a really good guy with no criminal Record and you could do this and people Should be looking out for anybody Because it's the people you least Suspect right so that means everybody's A potential person that would be Involved in something like this right We're all potential murderers or Terrorists or whatever it is right like And they'll find something that you've Said online or you posted online and Then they'll write up you know whatever Whatever they can do and just to finger You I mean you have to be somebody who's Complicit in some way right or they just Would kill you but they could roll out Anybody and just pretend you're this Person make up a profile and everyone Else who knew you before didn't really Know you and but this stuff that they're Rolling out all the info and all the Data proves this guy 100% did it but so Public opinion of your people who knew You and loved you or knew you better and Knew you in real life they don't matter Because their their opinions weren't Valid because this the other side of the Person they never knew about and Bren

You have been diving into the suspect's Background what have you learned about Him yeah Aon this was no career criminal As we've been learning from law en for There were no prior arrests of him they Really weren't on he wasn't really on Their radar and what we've learned is That Manion really went to some of the Best schools in this country comes from A prominent family in Maryland uh as far As those schools we know he graduated in 20 2016 from Gilman High School which is An all boys uh school he was valid Victorian of his class where he gave his Speech at his graduation uh then he went On to University of Pennsylvania where He also graduated with a bachelor's and Master's degree computer science S as Well as mathematics extremely smart told His newspaper there that he wanted to Learn how to code because he wanted to Make his own video games extremely he Was just crazy smart smart individual as Far but you know but the way he handled This thing was it was epic until he went To McDonald's like he was brilliant he Did everything right until he went to McDonald's with his mask on and sat There waited for someone to identify him As the family is concerned we know that His grandfather was a Real Estate Mogul In that area in Maryland this guy's a Multi-millionaire kid right so like if This see selling real estate in Maryland

And this is a prominent family he's Going to private schools he's really Smart he's got his whole life in front Of him he's living in [ __ ] Hawaii I Don't know if I showed you that part but He's you know they they asked him where He lived and then he said um I seen it So I don't know where it is here in Terms of these videos but they asked him Where he lived and he said he was there Here or there but he has multiple Addresses and places finally said he Lived in Hawaii which again is one of The biggest CIA uh hubs Hawaii is where They groomed Obama right where Obama was Coming from a CIA family his grandmother Worked at a bank that was used like was A front for the CIA right they have These Banks and things and so like There's all these things out there and Again you know you're not believable to Start with so when you have this such a Convenience Story his family owns a bunch of nursing Homes also own a bunch of nurse uh Rather country clubs so they own [ __ ] Country Club so this is ultra LIF Rich Privileged kid who's went to all these You know the CIA came out of the skull And bones in Yale and Anderson Cooper Went to Yale he was a part of that class You know he he more than likely was in The Skull and Bones the CIA came out of The skull and bones of course that big

Event that happened in Connecticut there Was a connection between you know that The the one person first the kid and Yale the Yale is a big part of this Stuff right you know I grew up in Connecticut so I'm aware of this stuff With Yale and Harvard these Elite level Universities and you know there's all These I have these um pictures and I'm Going to put them here but I've shown You but these in the past that Yale and The CIA have this connection that it's Written in the Yale paper that they're Looking for these guys they call Spooks You know spies they recruit them right Out of Yale and it's a big part of this Whole thing right it's a tradition there Really interesting pieces making up the Framework of who Luigi mangion is we Also have found a good Reeds account uh Where he talks about the unibomber Ted Kazinski and essentially says that he's A political revolutionary and this is All being scrubbed right now as we we Speak his social media accounts as again Investigators are still trying to figure Out a motive in this yeah why scrub his Social media why scrub it what danger is It like it's evidence you're trying to Convict this guy you're scrubbing his Social media accounts you're deleting Everything he's posted why do that like Why why would that be done like Everything the guy's posted would be

Interesting to people it's not going to Hurt you know it's not going to hurt Your case unless it did I mean if he's Got all these things there like if he's Talking about Ted kazinsky like he's a Hero well that would be more more Ammunition to convict the guy right but They always scrub these people social Media as soon as it these things come Out but there some people grab some of It it's always the damaging [ __ ] right Cas Aon all right Bren thank you very Much and out front now RJ Martin the Owner of surf bake H&L Honolulu a Co-working and living space in Hawaii Where Luigi mangion lived around 2022 so RJ I mean you and I are speaking Here in a conversation that hours ago You never in your life would have Thought you would be having is that a Dog tag what is That were you shocked when you learned That your friend was the suspected Killer um Beyond shocked it's Unimaginable you work for a CIA first Whatever you look like you work like for The FBI or CIA no I was roommates with Him friends hiked went to yoga um he's You know did his best to be athletic and Unfathomable knowing the kind you know Person that I saw and knew so when did You meet Him well actually um we have an Interview process um because when you

Throw a bunch of people living together You need to um hopefully make sure they Work well and I interviewed him before He moved in um he works in Tech he has a Guy's very a feminite remote position he Was looking forward to living in Hawaii And being healthy he was excited about Getting new people experiencing new Culture and did he all right so I know This was back in 200 around 2022 so you're coming out of Covid I'm you're coming out ious RJ did You know where he was working remotely Or why he had suddenly decided to DeCamp To Honolulu was there sort of any break In his life or anything that you ever Became aware Of no no no it's very natural our Members um all have remote jobs and Hawaii is one of those places that many People would love to live so we provide Kind of an all-inclusive living Experience okay so there's more people Let's listen to more people that all Their they've already got so this is the Guy Joshua just gave the press Conference and they maybe were informed About what happened and so CNN had the Ability to go and you know make their News program but it's coming Fast and Furious right I mean nothing on this sky For days and then all this stuff comes Pouring out they got people in his life They've traced all his history all these

Things and they have so much evidence no Matter what you hear about this guy from Whatever people knew him is not you know The evidence is overwhelming right all The things he was shaking when he got There all the stuff that happened the Pictures the you know all these all the Evidence they've presented before and After this guy totally did it like There's no doubt in anybody's mind this Guy did it like as far as I know nothing Ever happened like you know like we're Just watching something on TV like we're Watching a movie this could be just a Movie I mean everything could be deep Faked or it can be acted you know There's like I said that the capture TV Show which is you know worth watching About this you know they can fake Everything and you know whatever like There's nothing nothing that you can Consider real anymore because Everything's so [ __ ] illusionary and People are such liars and the people That are supposed to be the people that Tell you the truth are caught over and Over lying to you and manipulating you And doing these psychological Operations okay and say your classmate's Name uh Luigi Mangani um how do you know him what School did you guys go to how long did You know him for um so I knew him I I Came into the school in 8th grade um I

Knew him eighth grade throughout uh High School um but I I obviously knew him we Are a small class small school um only About 400 kids in the high school maybe Like 85 to 100 in my class so everybody Knew everyone really so what were your Interactions like how well did you know Him how how much how many times would You speak to him what do you remember um I would say I spoke to him pretty Frequently he was like a leader in our Class so um I'm not quite sure the exact Clubs cuz it's a while back but he was Like a leader of clubs he was in many Clubs he's a leader of clubs he was in The clubs he he was in the future Assassin assassins of CEO's club like That that was the one that sort of Tipped us off uh he was also like a Soccer player as well he played baseball I believe in middle school but I think He stopped after that but everyone just Knew him as like a quiet reserved nice Kid um and he was obviously really Intelligent and everybody can tell that By his resume of course yeah so he's a Valedictorian and then had a speech at Your mhm yeah so he spoke at our Graduation um every year they have like Somebody who's you know you know so they Present all the evidence and then they Present these stories that say you know You this nobody knew like nobody would Have thought this guy was um capable of

Such a thing this is all purposeful Right if this is contrived which it Totally looks like right again they're Trying to get you to believe something They're selling you something they're Selling you a story and when you watch a Movie you watch TV shows you watch any Kind of a narrative there's things that Just don't make sense right there's Things that you like well that wouldn't Happen in real life and you know Whatever there's flaws I get into it I've already done a voiceover yesterday About a show I watched called madness That that was full of plot holes and Stupid [ __ ] and some of it involves CNN Right and so like there's just Things that you see you're like well That wouldn't happen but you give it a Little benefit of the doubt because you Know you're watching something fictional And sometimes the characters have to Explain things to the audience sometimes To stupid people in the audience I mean Whatever content there is you know but You're you're trying to buy into Illusion they want you to buy into an Illusion and you you do it because You're used to you your brain goes to The the passive Alpha State when you're Watching TV shows and movies and Whatever and so the news is also selling New narratives they're constru Constructing a narrative and the

Narrative is this kid is guilty The Narrative is the surveillance system Works right the narrative is that this Kid would never be somebody you would Conceive of doing such a thing so that Means no matter how nice a person you Are no matter how great you your life is No matter how great everyone thinks you Are and everyone who thinks they know You and no matter where you come from a Prominent family no matter how well you Do in school no matter that you have Never done anything criminal except for Trespass whatever that happened in in You know Hawaii citation one small Little glitch on his history and then They can present all this evidence and You're immediately convicted and this Kid who knew him is like totally Believing he did it right you know this Kid could be an actor it could be Anybody right this could be you know I Mean they want they don't want you to be Able to say things like that they want You to not you know they want to censor People saying things like that but I'm Not presenting any of evidence I'm not Saying I'm going to research this and And show you how this thing's all fake Because I don't care because I believe It is because they haven't convinced me I don't trust them right so right off The bat I don't trust them you know like Right off the bat I think they're going

To lie to me like most of you guys think That and so that's our relationship Where when I turn on the news and the Media I don't expect truth and so no Matter what they say it might have some Truth in it but I have no idea what it Is because they've been proven Liars to Me not just the media but everyone who's Involved in the system the the Government the CEOs the you know the Corporations ordinary people like I Don't trust anybody because like I said Before you have to be able to to know The truth to talk to tell the truth and So even if you're thinking you're Telling the truth like if you ask most People what do you think about this kid Getting arrested oh he's totally guilty If you went and did a survey survey Because I heard it on the news you know What do you think 50% 60% of people I Mean there's so many people who are Truthers and don't trust the news but You would see think the majority of People would just go along with the Official story in some capacity although You know it's upwards of 60 people don't Believe the official story of JFK uh JFK Being killed but now you have another Element where people are like well even If he did it he's a hero they're Thinking this kid's a Robin Hood because That's what's happening right like People are you know they they don't

Think about this thing as being a Tragedy they don't feel anything for the The CEO they don't feel any they think Bad for him or his family you because They're they're just mad at all this Stuff right and so where people are Thinking murder is okay and something Like this which is another kind of Nightmare scenario because it it sounds Good but when people are just okay with Like people going up and assassinating People and then just saying oh this guy Was a piece of [ __ ] right the same way That they're casting this kid and Demonizing this kid now and showing all The evidence and what a bad person he is Right they could easily flip it and do It for the guy who was killed right Because it's like the reality TV shows They can make anybody the hero and Anybody the villain you know how they Script and frame a narrative in a Reality TV show in fact there's a great Video out there where people shot a fake Reality TV show and then they did Different narratives and they take Different clips from what you've said Sometimes they have nothing to do with The subject matter they're presenting Right there'll be something that happens And they'll take a clip of something That you said hours before that thing Happened but it makes look like you're Reacting to something happening right

And so there's a tragedy in the in the House where they're doing the reality TV Show and something bad happens or they Watching the news and you hear something And then they show you laughing and Joking about making a an off-color joke That has nothing do with what's being Said and so they put that clip in there It makes you look insensitive and kind Of like an [ __ ] but it's completely Taken out of context in fact it has Nothing to do with what they're showing They're just manipulating Their audience Right this is what they're capable of Doing but the bottom line for me is you Know these are proven Liars I'll never Believe or take these things that they Say you know as truth like it might be True it might be partially true but I Can't believe them I can't trust them And these things are just the pattern Recognition all these things is off the Charts here my voice is starting to go And I've said enough here you see the it Just I mean come on like you're trying To get us to buy into this story and It's just not Believable it's just not [ __ ] Believable and it's completely manipula Manipulative and there's an agenda here There's certainly an agenda which has to Do with the surveillance State and these Other things right they're pushing an Agenda and the agenda will be more

Framed out as it moves forward and any Of these number of other things right um And so everything that's being presented Here there's a reason that's included in The story because it's pushing a Narrative all right so let me wrap this Up here and um I got more stuff I made Yesterday to come and then I'll come Back and I'm going give my voice a Little bit of rest today but I'll start Working on new video tomorrow on Wednesday you know I'm putting this up On the same day but I have a video that Still I released I think last night or Yesterday yesterday late so this is two Videos in less than a 24-hour period so I'll take you know I won't put anything Up on Wednesday or and you know Something maybe later on Thursday I Don't know we'll see how it all goes but Anyways here's the rest of the stuff Okay um I had this video in the can so To speak it was done rendered ready to Upload I went to take a bath and CNN uh Um YouTube Recommended a news station news report Which totally applies to this And then a a YouTube TV a YouTube movie It's segwayed into that and I'll show You that in a moment and then I went to Eat lunch and there was this clip let me Show you this clip Here January 6 is perhaps uh also a Great example of this people think they

Can't get the result that they're Looking for that they're unheard uh that They are not counted in the broader Society and they can't seem to get their Message through and so as a result they Resort to violence I'm not agreeing or Espousing any particular Viewpoint or Suggesting that they're right and acting Out and that but that is uh that is the Type of trend that we've seen and if we Start to see it now with other figures In society uh then I think that's Something that's got a lot of folks Concerned and they are concerned about That potential so can you believe this [ __ ] right like I just caught The tail end of it that's all I caught But he's talking about the shooter here And it took them not even a day when They fingered this guy to start talking About how this is related to January 6 People taking their law into their own Hands it echoes what Josh um whatever His name was Josh Shapiro had said right and this is How quickly they move to that that There's going to be vigilante justice But if there was going to if this was Real and this is what they're pushing For maybe they're trying to make sure That they have things implemented so They can deal with vigilante justice in The future because they think that's Going to be a real problem as things

Begin to break down of course it will be But instead why don't you just be honest With people and be you know stop Spinning and stop um hurting people and Taking advantage of people and and Making money off of people suffering Like they do in the medical you know Institutions and all these things I mean Just as a a thought if you don't want People getting pissed off at you then Maybe you should do something different Right like if this was a real concern of Yours or even tell people they're right Like stop telling them that they're Wrong and they're gas lit and you know They make the wrong decision and we know More than you and all these things right Which of course in some cases is true so It's and that's how [ __ ] we are Because there's so many different ways Of looking at this and none of them are Are a good result other than the idea That this system collapses and then People become spiritual we connect with The Divinity within us and pull the best Version of ourselves out of out of our You know internal world and throw off Our Egotistical warped uh egotistical Persona but people aren't ready to hear That [ __ ] even never mind do it so There's that so then there's this my Throat's starting to bother me a little Bit I've talked too much today but I

Just I get this video done um you know It's still better than it was the other Day but here it goes Manion came from What many consider to be a good family He was an excellent student a star Athlete but now in is in accused killer Senior National correspondent Brian Inton also live in Pennsylvania Brian Ivy Lee grad charged in CEO killing what Are you learning about man and his life Growing Up yeah Nicole we're live outside the University of Pennsylvania where mangion Uh not only got his bachelor's degree in Engineering but also got a master's Degree in engineering with a focus uh in Artificial intelligence he was smart one Of his friends I spoke so this guy Should have had no trouble getting a job Right his family was connected he was Connected he met people you know when You go to these ivy league universities You meet people and you have a possible Connection to them right I mean you have Like you're networking and he was he had All the credentials and resume to get Any job that he needed right he any job That he wanted in in this field I he was Someone who excelled in in engineering Which is there's always a need for Engineers and then also AI which is such A big thing now and so he had you know All the the resources from his family And his connections and all these things

To be very successful in the world F to said this guy was good at Everything he was a star athlete he was The valid dictorian uh in high school But something went wrong Nicole and That's what everybody is trying to Figure out when this shift happened we Have learned that he was uh reported Missing this is a new piece of Information he was reported missing by His mother on November 18th and she Reportedly made the call to San Francisco police okay so the guy goes Missing right now he's in San Francisco And not Hawaii whatever he's been all Over the place San Francisco is another Hot bed for all these kind of things Right the intelligence community and so All of a sudden he's off the grid his Parent his family can't find him uh that He had gone missing he had family Connections uh to San Francisco um he Was living in Hawaii uh at at some point Uh recently uh he was staying at at sort Of a hosle type dorm situation there uh Where he was surfing and made friends And friends who we spoke to in Hawaii Said he complained a lot of um back pain He had had a back surgery he suffered From back pain uh we're told at one Point he went surfing and and was in so Much pain that he had to stay in bed for A week and some of his friends believe That may have contributed uh to his his

Mental health he had fallen okay this Makes no sense again with everything we Hear and what we're about to hear the Fact that his he had some kind of back Surgery that went wrong and it doesn't Jive with some of the other story let's Listen to the rest of this and I'll show You how this thing is fake as [ __ ] right Had a touch with family members and Close friends on social media there were Friends who were trying to get in touch With him over the last several months Saying where did where did you go we Haven't heard from you uh listen to what One of the friends from Hawaii told Chris quomo last Night not darker and not aggressive that Guy right there he's we seen him not Violent you know um these guys who make The rounds all of a sudden you have These people who are connected to this Event and they make the round you see This this all the time they go to all These news shows CNN MSNBC this thing on News Nation right they make the rounds And all of a sudden they're spokesmen And they're all the ones piecing the Story together like they're part of this You know the show right you know like It's just it's a constant I think that It's obvious to to most people that are Aware that um many of the systems that We live within uh don't benefit us as Well as they could and you know those

Are normal ual conversations and Discussions that we have and he and I Had many of those kinds of intellectual Conversations uh but never anything Remotely towards violence he was never Aggressive um I never even remember him Once being upset okay so they showed the Guy doing the shooting I'm gonna blur That out I'm gonna just do a still frame Because I think YouTube will demonetize The video um but let's get back to it Here so really everyone that we've Talked to Nicole from his childhood from His high school days from when he was Here at Penn uh and also when he was in Hawaii everyone's saying the same thing That this totally comes out of nowhere That he showed no signs of violence uh And that he was all around really just In fact I don't think he did it at all But you know but you guys saying you Have this mountain of evidence so I Guess I'll believe you guys plus they Paid me right just a great guy they say Nicole he's just a great guy so talk More about what mion's family is saying More about this statement uh that they Released last Night yeah so they put out this Statement last night basically saying That they have very little information That everything they're learning is Coming from media reports uh and also Saying that they are um praying for the

United Health CEO uh the Dead one not Saying much beyond that in terms of his Family we know that they're a powerful Very wealthy family uh in Maryland the Family has historically owned country Clubs they own a radio station uh they Own nursing homes throughout the state One of his these are multi-millionaire People they might have 20 million 50 Million 100 million dollars in Collective wealth right they more than Likely paid for his school the way where The Italian families treat their kids And you know they're almost like Smothering in some ways overprotective Let me just finish this up I have a Point to make here is a republican Lawmaker uh in Maryland so they are a Well-connected family in Maryland they Did put out that short statement but Beyond that uh they haven't said much Else all right Brian inton live for us There in Pennsylvania thank you okay so The way they describe the motive here Right the motive as they're saying it Here and his friend said that he was Doing great he was an athlete good at Everything excelling everybody liked him Good personality not violent at all they They're talking about not being Aggressive all these things right and Then he has a back problem and has back Surgery and because something happened It must have involved United Health

Didn't pay for the proper surgery and That is the the surgery went wrong he Was in pain all the time went surfing Got hurt had to spend a week in in bed Right staying in a hosel over in Hawaii Doesn't have any money these thing's not Working whatever the the situation like Somehow this whole thing he was blaming On his botched surgery he was blaming on United Health so there's a lot of Problems with that story so let's Dissect it like that is being the motive The first one is if you've had a back Problem riding a bike is one of the Worst things you can do those bike seats And again you know miles through a city I mean if your Escape Plan involves a Bicycle and you have a back problem and You know there's always stress involved Or something like that I mean whatever's Going on as a shooter or whatever is Happening there and what happens if your Back goes out you're laying on the Street standing sitting there with a Murder weapon in your hand you know Those bike seats are brutal and there's No back support you know so if you're Riding around the city before you you Could get hit by a car like you you're On a bike I mean it's a PO horrible Situation the guy riding all over the Place then riding buses and doing all That stuff with major back problems Whereas back could go out at any time

During this situation on these buses Going back and force travel you know Those those when I travel you know I Haven't had that many back problems Recently you know I've had my back go Out a few times my family my mom and my Brother had sciatic issues and you know Develop these stretches and different Things but often times when I travel it Ends up my back going out right these Are things that you know are there so That's it seems hard to believe that his Plan would involve a bike if he was had These back issues but the more important Thing is here his family is ultra Wealthy and if they cut him off for some Reason like he was estang from them and Then had to get on United Health Care How is he paying for insurance he seems To be bopping around all over the place Not getting a real job which you know Happens to young people but then he Needs back surgery so whatever happened There why wouldn't he blame the surgeon Or why didn't he blame alpath medicine For butchering the surgery why would he Blame United healthc care or his family You know his family probably could have Gotten a proper surgery I mean Definitely they could have got him the Best health care available because They're Multi-millionaires and so with that kind Of family why wasn't he on some kind of

Insurance plann like all these Unanswered questions and so as a 26-year-old kid you could blame the Doctor you could blame your family I Mean how did he even end up associated With the United Healthcare that he Targeted the CEO this one guy like that Was they're saying that he's in severe Pain has back issues and he took it out On this one person like out of all the People he could have blamed the doctor Certainly you know all of it you know His family like he had a wealthy family When you have something as big as Surgery you don't think his family might Have been involved were they aware that He was having back surgery cuz that's a Big deal he wouldn't have told them you Know you're going you're being put in Under Amnesia and so this story doesn't Make sense right like that's the reason He did this shooting he has back Problems because of BU botch surgery or Whatever it is right like it wasn't the You know there wasn't the United healthc Care that caused his back problem in the First place the whole thing seems really Silly Again if he was somebody who was Impoverished and he had no other choice But to get this insurance but then he Could have been on Medicare or Medicaid If he doesn't not make enough money Right and so there's all these you know

If he's not working and so why not Through his employer was that the Insurance that he had I mean there's you Know like if that's this the motive it Seems completely sketch right it's just Like not you know it's not really Believable with all these other factors And the fact that he's riding a bike and Doing all these things that someone with Back problems would hesitate to involve That as a plan because you can't have a You can't have your back go out right After you shot the CEO and so right After that there was this um video like I was in the tub and this video was Playing and then it segwayed into this Other video from YouTube It's a YouTube Movie called citizen 4 okay just to Understand this even though I watch news Clips all the time like I watch CNN MSNBC sometimes foxy now this news Nation thing and I'm clearly searching For these things all the time even Though it's mainstream News YouTube Almost never recommends news to me like In terms of the My Phone app you know Things that I listen to or watching my Phone they love to recommend things that Have to do with basketball and so I'll Click on some of them because you know I'm interested in some of it but not Really your sports stuff but not really All that much they never recommend Anything truth or related and you know

This Newsmax thing just popped in there Cuz I was just searching for the you Know the CEO shooter but I almost never Get recommended things about the news Sports entertainment they YouTube wants Me to watch that trailers you know if I Watch a trailer they'll recommend a lot Of trailer or something like that but Almost no nothing from the news and so They recommended this news piece and Then this was the video that segwayed Into this thing called citizen 4 now They have a block the screen flow has Now got some kind of software on it or They're they're using it that I can't Record movies and TV shows from the Internet no matter what browser I use so It's something to do with screen flow I Don't know how to go get around it I Just really haven't been doing that Anyway I don't do it that much in terms Of what I show here but it starts off And it says this but it it allows the Audio so the audio is there and it's Just a singular picture there's not Anybody talking and I was going to play You the beginning of the movie in 2006 I Was placed on a secret watch list after Making a film about the Iraq war in the Following years I've I've um I was Detained and interrogated at the US Border dozens of times my next film was About Guantanamo and the war on terror So I don't know what this thing is is

This called citizen 4 it's a free movie On YouTube movies and it's interesting They recommended because this is what I Heard like I heard the the clip you just Saw and then some time went by because Is the beginning of the the movie is um There's 20 seconds of just dead air and Then this whatever this you're supposed To read this and I didn't see this Because I you again the my phone was you Know sitting next to the tub so I wasn't Even you know and then all a sudden it Started to play this audio Here Laura at this stage I can offer nothing More than my Word I am a senior government employee In the intelligence Community I hope you understand that Contacting you is extremely high risk And you are willing to agree to the Following precautions before I share More this will not be a waste of your Time the following sounds complex but Should only take minutes to complete for Some untechnical I would like to confirm out of email That the keys we exchanged were not Intercepted and replaced by your Surveillance please confirm that no one Has ever had a copy of your private key And that it uses a strong password Assume your adversary is capable of 1 Trillion guesses per

Second if the device you store the Private key and enter your passphrase on Has been hacked it is Trivial to decrypt Our Communications understand that the above Steps are not bulletproof and are Intended only to give us breathing room In the end if you publish The Source Material I will likely be immediately Implicated this must not deter you from Releasing the information I will Provide thank you and be careful Citizen 4 okay so this was supposed to Be Edward Snowden but it was most Bizarre thing because it's just the Voice start coming out of the blue Right and I'm like sitting there in the Tub going you know how did this I didn't Even know what it was like I'm like is This a movie what what is this you know Such a bizarre thing for YouTube to Recommend all right so there's one more Piece here there was a video that from My last video came up it's about the Manifesto that I need to really wrap This thing up but now we're going to Turn to the profile emerging of the man Charged over the profile emerging that's Exactly what it is they've created a Profile and it's emerging given a series Of steps this is well calculated and They know how to tell a story right you Know everything is a story history is His story right history is a story and

People learn and develop from their Internal worlds through our stories our Stories are are really important myths Fables uh religious and spiritual Parables right sitting by a campfire in A village or a tribe and listening to Stories and help to shape somebody's Internal world and so the stories that You're told shape your belief system Shape what you think about the world About life and they create these Profiles in these stories like up close And personal with the Olympians they Used to do this thing called up close And personal and they develop some sort Of sympathetic backstory that we to get You to root for the American uh athlete That was going to compete in the Olympics right but anything that's an Intelligence Community type of narrative A psychological operation everything That's said is calculated and the seeds Are planted even on a subconscious level Right overnight with murder in the fatal Shooting of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson the suspect 26-year-old Luigi Mangion is an Ivy League gr he said that Like he had to tell you accent graduate A valedictorian at his all boys prep School this guy's great we heard all About it according to charging documents The officers who took mangion into Custody found a fake New Jersey driver's License and a 3D printed gun in silencer

Similar to ones used in the December 4th Shooting there you see the pictures of Both that apparently false driver's License and the weapon multiple law Enforcement officials telling NBC news That Manifesto was found and it Referenced that crazy the manifestos Right healthcare industry and read in Part these parasites had it frankly These parasites coming his arrest comes After a 5-day multi-state Manhunt that Ended when the suspect was spotted atam McDonald's I do apologize for any Strife For traumas but it had to be done um Stated that he act alone that Mario Wasn't involved at all and so you know Three-page Manifesto Okay so I watched this um TV show maybe A couple weeks ago it was something on Peacock and it was a backstory of the Hotel that's featured in the John Wick Multiple movies and it was kind of a Good show and it played a lot of great Old music that you know I've been going Through this whole nostalgic thing you Know this very um the John Wick show Movies are very violent this show was All I was still very violent but it was A a little bit um more plot and Storyline and they were they said it in The 80s and they're playing all this Music and I think they played welcome to The Machine by Pink Floyd um I Heard it Somewhere in a movie I'm pretty sure it

Was or TV show but I really had missed Hearing that song Pink Floyd was my Favorite band I smoked a lot of pot in High school and Pink Floyd was sort of a You know innovators in terms of sound Effects and things and the the song Welcome from the machine is from the Album wish you are here which features Their negative feelings towards the Soulless record industry right and There's a line in the song where they Said what did you dream that's all That's all right we told you what to Dream and then they go through the Various things that they programmed kids To dream in terms of whing to be rock Stars and things like that but you know There's this element in our society Where They are pushing everybody towards a Certain way of thinking about the world And for whatever reason intentionally or Unintentionally the internet and what we Now know as a truth Community is you Know counteracting that to some extent And they've made you know inroads and Measures into compromising the truth Community and using that to get people To become these um you know these Antisocial personality types that are Easily profiled and demonized into the Angry conspiracy theorists that they've Pushed this profile out there right and This can be any number of people

Leftwing right-wing people of any Demographics who are no longer going Along with the [ __ ] that they're Told and they're going to disenfranchise These people they're already in the Process of doing that and marginalizing Them and then making them into these Villains right but of course the Majority of people I think are not Buying into that because there is no Belief now there's no longer any trust Between the government and these other Institutions so the um you know Intelligence Community being the number One and then all the stuff to do with The news media and all the rest of it Right there's a lack of trust here and People are you know they no longer Believe in the government like the Majority of people at least at least 40% Or more probably at least I would say Half of the adults have substantial Trust issues with the powers that be Whether it's one side or the other they Just don't trust it right that's why There's the term the Deep state which is A [ __ ] term which I've said before But you know you see that they're always Trying to get rid of these or demonize These demestic terrorist types that's You know when I was a kid the movies Were mostly about Russian villains like If um if Sylvester Salone or or um uh Arold Schwarz and AER were fighting

Somebody they're usually going to be Russians because Russia was the enemy When I first grew up and then that Switched to Islamic you know Muslim Terrorists right so movie TV shows you You go through the various TV shows Where you know movies and violence and These action movies where the bad guys Were Muslims right this happens with Every war You know when it was world world I time Then the villains were going to be the Germans right they call them the Kuts Right it's a derogatory term and they Always have these derogatory terms they This is the people that you hate these Are the bad people this is the people we Need to destroy right so it's embedded In Americans Consciousness and at some Point they switched it to this idea of Homegrown domestic terrorists people Like U Timothy McVey and some of these Other people but you know people have no Love for anybody with money wealth power The CEO or these other people and so It's a hard cell which we can see now Where Josh abiro has got a chastise Everyone on the internet for making Light of this situation or you know Doing all the things that we saying all The things that were you know anti this Guy the CEO guy and anti- Healthcare and Saying you got it wrong this guy's the Villain and the and the person that

Fingered him in McDonald's and the cops And the establishment those are the good Guys and that's doesn't work because American people they've lost you know They've lost us right the people running The show because no one no barely Anybody of uh the ages that they're Going after the younger people and People you know under their for under 40 Are watching mainstream news anymore They have like almost nobody and of Those people watching the news how many Actually believe what they're hearing or They're watching it either to mock it or You know maybe they're trying to get Some of the details from the news and Then they go to the internet to figure Out what really is happening and so you Know the internet is deeply flawed and The truth Community is deeply flawed It's been compromised and there's a lot Of disinformation everywhere but the Majority of people just don't you know You've lost their trust right the people Don't trust the government they don't Trust the media they don't trust all These institutions and that's where We're at and you can see these these Stories they keep on doing the same Things anyway and they just say well This is what you are going to believe Anyway this is what we're going to say The official story is I don't know if They'll start censoring people again

When people question the official story Because that seems to have gone by the Way side now with Trump winning and all The other aspects of it of course Biden Administration was pushing for Censorship and they're no longer doing That it's better for YouTube to allow as Much content as possible I don't know You know it's hard to say but even when They've been exposed even when we now Know that the co [ __ ] is [ __ ] you Know all this stuff that they said so Much of it turned out not to be true we Know all the stuff to do with big Farmers like you know it's an evil I Mean all the evil to do with big Pharma And all the evil to do with the banks And the financial system and even when Things go all these wars that failed you Know all these [ __ ] Wars that failed These you know these military-industrial Complex Wars that were you know they Didn't turn out to be there's no weapons Of mass destruction and you know all the Reasons that they say that um we should Go do these wars ends up being false False and that that gets discovered and Then the after effects of the wars is Leaving these poor people in these Countries totally like wrecked with no Government and now that's happening Again in Syria all these regime change [ __ ] that you know they got away with it They just did it in Syria now as well

And so with all of those things right Going south the the reasons that they Did it turning out to be false the Experts being wrong The after effects going exactly the Opposite direction everything getting Worse these things are complete failures And they still carry on like they're not Right these guys they they keep on Coming back I mean the you know the Banksters the financial institution People in 2008 caused that epic collapse Because of the derivatives market and They they were tasked to fix it right Then you had the big farma coming out With oxy cotton and these other opioids The opioid crisis fent and all these Things and it's decimated people Destroyed people destroyed their Families and then now they come out to Solve covid right like these people who Fail and fail time and time again and They're never held accountable and There's never any acknowledgement that They suck these pundits and people come Out and they lie and they're wrong about Things and they tell you things that Don't happen predict things that never Happen create fears that don't really Exist in reality and tell you things That that end up being completely false And they're still they're still called Back to these news programs to be called Experts when everything falls apart

Whatever the story is and they put out Some [ __ ] commission to validate the Lies and people pretend that those like Chris cuom was saying the 91 commission Was great you know just all these things They just consistently do all this stuff You know and they're no longer The Authority that most people recognize Because this is always about the Authority who's the authority do we Believe in them do we believe in what They're saying and you know all the rest Of these things so anyways you know it's Just it's just there there's nothing That's going to happen because of it Because they just they never acknowledge You know as long as they fail and There's no acknowledgement of failure Then the failure becomes a success right They just pretend whatever they said was Going to happen actually happened and They just ignore the actual results and They pretend that they're great and they Keep on doing the same things that they Were doing before and people aren't Going to do anything until the system Starts collapsing and then once that Happens it's going to be like a Free-for-all because it'll be chaos and So I mean at some point the system has To go and something better has to take Its place but we don't have to do Anything to make this a system that's Dying die faster because like we're all

Tied to the system and when it sinks we All go down to the bottom of the ocean With it I mean most people because we Don't really have a backup plan And so that's the situation we find Ourselves in anyways let's um wrap this One up here there's more video coming You know the rest of the stuff that I Already made yesterday and I'll continue On I'll start making a video tomorrow I Guess or the next day for uh Thursday or Friday okay so Danny car Dana Carvey Used to be funny on um Saturday Night Live and David Spade had a good funny Thing called the weekend minute or Whatever it is the the um Hollywood Minute I don't know Which was kind of brutal but was funny But you know those things aren't going To be funny now and the church lady was Dana Carvey is one of his least funny Things right and you know it keeps on Bringing up Satan over and over again This thing right um but they did the Cold open with church chat and they Bring David Spade back who is not good At impersonations right he did like moli Cen because he looked like him but he's Not a guy who does voices or whatever You know he's not like super talented Right um but he um is supposed to be Hunter Biden now Hunter Biden's like 6' One they look nothing alike they in fact They haven't had a character for Hunter

Biden on Saturday Night Live that whole Hunter Biden thing went you know Hunter Biden thing is one thing it is it's Funny you know this is a guy who was Smoking crack and he was a vice President's son like he was went in out Of rehab and he did stupid [ __ ] like the Whole laptop thing hilarious dropping His laptop with incriminating Information getting paid he's the most Successful crack addict of all time he Was getting paid by Foreign governments To smoke crack right like his crack Habit was being supported by you know Got his just be nothing to do with him Just because his dad had a job right his Dad influen with his dad and he went to A you know a high-end strip club banged A stripper named Dallas whose real name Was London and she was from Arkansas in New York City and he's a crackhead son right So this is a president's son impregnates Her doesn't even know she's pregnant Doesn't remember the whole interaction Because he's so [ __ ] up right and so Hunter Biden is hilarious like there's So much hilarious about Hunter Biden you Know there's a Kyle dunigan song from His like his show Kyle dunigan was one With few Comedians and he does really Good stuff his sketch ComEd he does Really good Impressions and he did Hunter Biden which wasn't his best

Impression but he has this bit where he Says it's great to be the president's Son he's like like a dead hooker in the Bed and he's like snort and Coke and you Know like and you know it went around For a while and was there and now people Have been sending to to me left and Right right so you know there was a lot There to be funny about and this is the First time they have a hunter Biden um Impression and it's David Spade Jesus Christ right well I've been laying low a Little bit oh I think that's okay at Least you haven't been doing a Podcast okay not funny easy Church woman Oh Hunter it's actually church Lady oh my god oh well pardon Me I mean there's not an impression There and that's like the big joke Pardon you who do you think I am your Daddy okay silly so this is just poorly Written this is supposed to be their big Cold open but you know they're bringing Back all these things like these guys Aren't involved they're not hosting They're they're just showing up you know These why these used to be Saturday live Guys and there was a I watched the Weekend update for whatever reason they Had some jokes about the biker like one Of the jokes was um New York is laying Down the the law with this this um this You know healthc care shooter whatever They're calling him they're they're

Saying hey if you shoot somebody in the Face or you shoot somebody on the Avenue Of you shoot someone in Manhattan I'm Butchering the thing but you shoot Someone in Manhattan you make sure you Get on a bike and then get on numerous Buses and get the hell out of town right Because they're completely you know Inept and being able to deal with this Thing which is a little bit funny but You know the show just sucks and she Goes in on Satan the church lady does Like that's multiple times saying Satan Like you know the whole thing that they Do and it's just you know I'll see if I Can find one of them they're it's Horrible um wear a dress but he played The devil and he his character was Always like the devil you know whatever Um movie he was in he was always very Like just demonic and so there's this Joke Here a like someone who could be some Leonard DiCaprio no it's not Brad p no Again oh I just Tred to knock on my Knockin could it be Satan and they do the Satan thing a Bunch of times right you know but like Just it just doesn't work like it's just Sad you know like it just it's just Pathetic okay so shabui was their guest He's a black country singer and that got 100,000 views again these aren't bad you Know the anything that's under a million

For Saturday Night Live this is Brilliant lawyer got 500,000 views Italian restaurant got 6,000 views 600,000 views the earing got 500,000 Views you know I used to look at all These things the monologue um Paul mcal I don't know who that is I have no idea Literally I've never heard that name or Seen that guy's face before right got um 4,000 400,000 views one of these got I Mean barely any up here I guess up here There are some um there's one that got 6,000 views right Weekend Update with Heidi Gardner and M Marcelo Hernandez Got only 6,000 views right The Weekend Update got two million views but this One with church lady got 1.5 million Views uh the cold open I guess the cold Open will get you know some out but the These videos should all get over a Million views and some of them should Have many more like there's none of These things are even close to being Viral and people probably tune into a Little bit of them and then get rid of It right you know they're like oh that Sucks you know because it does it's Horrible and you know people are stupid And you know there's always an audience For crap I mean that's unfortunate but You can put out really bad cont content If you're famous or you're you have some Brand recognition people just tune in Just to you know because it's somebody

Something famous people whatever it is But you know it's it's Brutal and it's just a like they should Just get rid of it like no matter what Money it's making or you know it's just It's like a corpse it's like watching a Corpse you know it's like weekend at Bernie um you know they're just Strolling this thing around or whatever Anyways let's get into the other stuff Here okay so I often talk about how People have that fake news voice and Nobody talks like that right like in Their normal conversations they put on That fake news Persona you know the the News that's the whole news not fake news But you know the fake and it you know That and it's acting like you're a news Reporter right you news anchor and that They don't have their local dialect and Their local accents it's always the same In tone of voice and it's just you know Go from one Lo local news station to Another than the national news the way They present themselves it's just fake And one of my viewers brought this video Up I had never seen it before and then a Number of people commented on how great It was and this dude's um doing a report Out in the country and he's a city Person and a bug flies in his mouth what Really happened on that Thursday here at A gusta high school that led to Chris Wood's death the [ __ ] is that

I'm dying this [ __ ] country ass [ __ ] up Town this is the kind of thing I'm Talking about right he went from his News Persona [ __ ] flying in my mouth the [ __ ] I can't see p let's get the [ __ ] out This country [ __ ] I Can't see me Okay Um anyways um wasn't live I don't know Maybe it was that's hilarious but you Know people talk in certain ways like When they're just you know how they Naturally talk and and that never is the Case with these news people right um There's a thing let me go into this Other thing right now uh I saw a TV show Let me go over to a voice Over okay so I want to do A Brief Review Or you know spoiler alert thing about uh This show um I'm just going to call These things spoiler Alerts and so I started watching a show On Netflix it was the number three watch Show on Netflix and I had stayed up you know I Taken a nap so I stayed up a little bit Late last night cuz I probably didn't Get as much sleep dur the night that's Something my throat got sore it has a Lot to do with um you know I wake up With a dry mouth because I'm in the Winter I just end up breathing through

My mouth and it's drier because we got You know forced air heat all that stuff There's dust and stuff in it so you know It's a I do better in the you know when It's not cold out you know everybody Does and so um I started watching this Show Called madness And the first episode was pretty good it Was it was engaging or intriguing it had An agenda D it was you know again this Is all spoiler alert because I it was an Agenda type of situation there's a a Black guy and it's important that he you Know he's a black guy because that's you Know it's a thing right it's a that's The that's the one of the major elements To the plot and he's on CNN and I'll get Into that because it's just kind of Bogus right uh but he's interviewing a Woman and she's telling him she's an Activist in the black community and She's telling him that he's now he just Goes on and talks [ __ ] on the Internet Or on the CNN and he doesn't really do Anything he's not working to better the Black community like they go back and Forth and he's going to be offered a Show of his own like he's a he's a doing A guest host gig on CNN and it's about ort of black lives Matter stuff and he's a Personality and they were his lawyer is Telling him that um he has a a black

Lawyer which is also important and Telling him that he Um you know I spec specifying the color Because it's a thing right it's going to Be a thing throughout and so um telling Them they're gonna offer him a job and So he's got an ex-wife he goes to visit His son who's smoking pot or whatever He's getting divorced and he goes up to The Poconos he's in like Philadelphia And you know these beautiful mountains In Pennsylvania and he is walking he's Doing jogging and a guy a white guy in a Truck who seems a little bit sort of Rednecky comes by and says oh uh you're That famous guy from TV now this happens a number of times in The show and I didn't watch the whole Show I fast forward because it got so Bad and so like just ridiculous some of The the scenes of the thing right the Agenda driven aspect of it but like when He was on CNN like I watch CNN all the Time and it's so not realistic like he's On CNN they have the logo and they must Have signed off on it but when his they Show his bits on CNN it's like nothing You ever see on CNN right but the other Thing is the more important Thing and you know this is I mean we all Know about it if you're on CNN you not Famous people are not recognizing you All over the place and he's recognized

Throughout but he does nothing to Disguise himself he doesn't put on a hat He doesn't do anything to you know I Mean it's it's bad like he just walking Around and he's making a spectacle of Himself right often reacting poorly and Just you know calling attention to Himself which is a horrible idea because Of the whole situation he's in so the Guy said Oh I thought we were one of Those City people that were coming here To you know party it up or whatever and He recognized the guy in CNN and the guy Says the white guy says if you need Anything I'm right next door you come You know I'm pretty well stocked Up and he he's driving this big truck he Drives off and so the next thing so the Guy's up in the Poconos and I have no Idea why's he's about to sign on for CNN He's going through a divorce his wife Wants him to sign the divorce papers There's just no reason for him to be Like up there for two weeks by himself Right going on a mountain Retreat like He's not hunting he's not fishing he's Just he's on his computer when he's they Show him like he's going and doing work There you know he is a writer so maybe They're saying he's trying to write a Book or whatever but he has these other Things that need to be dealt with they Didn't really explain why he's up there They just showed in the beginning that

He's asleep in the woods and he wakes up And he's mess and he's like all Disheveled and he's bleeding and he's You know he's obviously been in like a Tussle he goes into a Diner where it's All white people and it's all country White you know white people that are up There these Hicks that are you know that Um that guy had said um you know that uh That political strategist you know James Carville said that there's Pittsburgh in The west and Philadelphia in the East And it's Alabama everywhere in between You know Alabama is a real red State you Know all that stuff and there's all These Hicks out there that's why Pennsylvania is a swing state right all The country people and so the you know The black gu in his and there they just Don't give any kind of indication why He's up there right and the power goes Off and he's got no internet he's got no Cell phone service and so he goes over To the neighbors to see if the guy can Help him out somehow and there's nobody There and his guy's truck is there right And he sees there's like a little sun Room sa room kind of thing and he goes In there and there's a body cut into Pieces like it's it looks like the guy Who was like the guy who was there and Two guys come out with ski masks which Is kind of interesting cuz of what's Going on with this other guy and they

Chase him into the woods and the guy They show him doing Jitsu do Jitsu Earlier on which I don't know I didn't Watch the whole show because I just fast Forward to the end because it sucks so Bad and he does jiujitsu and pulls this Guy into a uh like some you a swamp it Stabs him in the throat then he goes in The woods and falls asleep wakes up and Go sees the cops and the cops give him a Hard time and are basically saying you Might be the suspect you might it might Be you you know we not your story sounds Fishy and his tire has been slashed and A guy comes in to fix the tire and he Found that someone's put a bug in this Wheel well is uh like a an apple tracker But they don't check to see if there's More than one you like silly stuff and He goes back to the city and he meets With the lawyer and his lawyer says well That's this looks really bad and you got To watch yourself right and then he gets Threatened and it turns out this guy he Goes and finds out who the guy was who Was murdered and he was a guy owned a Furniture store but he's also in charge Of a white supremacist group you know These groups and I've said this before These hate groups are pretty much not Very organized right when I lived in Idaho there's a couple of these guys Kind of groups and there one of them They had a

Compound and you know was up in like Corday in the panhandle of Idaho and uh A a mother and her son were driving by And they had a [ __ ] box car and it Backfired like it made a sound like a Gunshot and the guys at the compound Thought they were being shot at cuz They're all paranoid and they chased Down the car and they pistol whipped the Guy in front of his mom and turned out It was just a you know was not a real Incident and the people sued them and Won the compound so they didn't have a Compound anymore And they I saw some guy some cop Interviewed by like the local media he's Like you know these groups come up here And they always fight with each other They always like there there's always You know they always they don't get Along with each other and they get drunk And they they get into fights and we Have to go in and break up the fights And you know Like and they're like you know CU people Who are like into hate are generally low Functioning and you know hate is is Something that is is like one of their Um their Hallmarks of their characters Right and so like it's just who they are As a person so they're going to not get Along with anybody as long as they have Somebody else to hate you know together Sure but these groups are often uh

Subjected to infighting but the other Thing about all these groups you know The government is pretty well structured In terms of understanding what these Groups do and they they know when They've broken the law and they can get Them on anything they can go get them on Weapons charges or any number of things Right any of these groups any of these Militia type groups whatever they are And Tifa BLM stuff and so unless they're Working or created by the working with Or are an unintentional asset of the Intelligence Community if they were a Real threat they'd get rid of them right They were an asset in some way whatever These groups are whatever these militia Groups are all these groups they're Infiltrated and we know that because There's been you know there's a guy who Infiltrated some of these groups and he Married a girl like I think it was in England and he married a woman they were Together like six years and then he Arrested and put her in jail they had Like kids together right like they have These people that get embedded in these Groups and influence them or sometimes They're led by a a you know a an asset Or an agent right like the group's Leader is actually working for the Intelligence community so they're Completely controlled just like these You know terrorist groups any of them

That survive they have to be you know They can wipe them out at any time they Just can with the level of weaponry and Surveillance and things and so if if They exist we know they use them as Assets right and for the most part you Know they're I mean they're been denuded Like it's just not anything but there's Just this fallacy in the left wing and The woke people and the africanamerican Community about these demons right it's One of the like the demons they create The intelligence Community the Government creates to separate people Right you know the BLM stuff and the Antifa stuff and the you know proud boys They're just these groups that they Create to spread division you know at Some point there could be real race Wars And they want that like division is key To their success plan but you know in General you know whatever it's like the Stuff that we see now is all contrived And exaggerated and and you know it's Propped up by the the powers that be and So when you you take a movie and you Base it in the [ __ ] narratives of Mainstream media and these intelligence Community uh scops the thing's going to Suck and so the show quickly went South Right and so they figured out the guy That he killed was actually uh like an Antifa group on Steroids that was killing this this guy

And this black guy just just happen to Be there and they're trying to pin the Murder on him and then he's the the Lawyer that he has his friend who's Black uh is supposed to meet with him But he meets with his boss a white guy Who says they're not going to represent Him as a client anymore you know that They're getting rid of him as a client And then some you know girl white girl Who's uh you know some kind of semi- Truther person tries to contact him and Then she gets a heart attack right and She's trying to get an interview with Him like just these kind of things you Know all these um you know and all the People are just not like the way they Would be like the lawyer can't get rid Of them and fire him you know this guy Doesn't ever go to social media and tell A story which is what you would do like You would get your story out there and So everyone would know what's happening Because they're threatening him and his Family and they're staying hotels and He's the FBI has contacted him and like He's he's a suspect and he's being Framed for this original murder and all These things he's got a piece of Evidence they plant in his car he's just Walking around within his pocket and the Guy has a stupid expression on his face Every time something shocking happens There's a woman who's like a white

Supremacist that's standing by the guy's Car door and she's trying to provoke him And somebody's taping him off to the Side one of these other white Supremacists and she's trying to make Him get physical with her so she can Pull out her gun and shoot him because They think he they he's the one who Killed their their leader right um um It's just silly like it just goes south And gets really silly the conversations But he's always looking around like oh My God I can't believe this is happening To me kind of thing right it's just Really bad but the guy grew up with this His dad was a civil rights guy who ended Up going to jail and this whole thing Right and he has this you know all that Stuff where your parents were you know You're trying to live down their Legacy and so I just said all right I'm Going to fast forward to the end this Thing's just goofy you know it's Unnecessarily like stressful and it's Just going South so I went to the last Episode and there is a woman who's been Hired by um this guy who's a sort of a He's a computer guy who's manipulating These groups and he Hired uh this like antifa like group and This woman to murder the guy who was the White supremacist and then all these Other people because he didn't want These people going against the global

Warming agenda cuz he was mining C ball And he's a Billionaire and so this woman goes and Tries to kill the the main character of The black guy's ex-wife and she kills The woman but the woman shoots her in The neck and she goes into the hospital And pulls through eventually and then The the guy's son is all mad at him this Whole thing like all these things that Happened in other episodes which of Course were going to happen and the Whole thing gets silly and then he goes To meet this guy um he appears on CNN And they give him his own time slot to Just like a whole episode where he just Tells a story and then he fingers this Billionaire who denies everything and Says that it's like basically fake news And this billionaire guy who's not Either you know he's not anything he's Not a pro left or right he's just Somebody who's making money and using All these people and paying off these People and this guy gets a CNN post and He says this is the last time I do Anything like this because you know um It's all manipulative or whatever right And so like CNN fired them or tried to Cut off ties with them but the whole Thing is just goofy right and it's all About like how white people suck like All the white people in this thing Whether they're antifa or they're or

They're U or they white supremacist or They're billionaire Tech guy or they're His lawyer's boss you know all these Things and or they CNN like the white People are just like always you know It's like this idea that they're always Going to go After People based on race Like all of them every liberal person Every conser all the people like every White person just sucks and you know That's how how hard it is to deal with That right which exists right like There's Prejudice that exists all kinds Of different Prejudice exists right People experience prejudices you know Whether you're good-looking or not or Whatever it is right people have their Own experience with people judging them Wrongly or rightly on their appearance Or who they are you know your status I Mean all these things there's all those Things exist everywhere there are Superficial things that people um you Know whatever that all exists right and It certainly exists for black people in America but all the [ __ ] that they they Cont all this contrived [ __ ] that They're doing in the show would never Happen like none of it would like like There's all these scenes I'm like that Would never happen that would never Happen right that would never happen and You know it's just like they're Manipulating the the script to prove

Some point and so the guy leaves his Handgun in a like a a pot in a drawer in His house you know it's not secured I Don't know where he got the gun because I didn't watch the other episodes and His son is now staying with him because His mom's in the hospital and there's Some you know contention there and the Guy comes home he finds a handgun gone And then he knows that the kid's going To go because this guy the son was Watching over his shoulder where he's Watching the news as this billionaire You know says all this [ __ ] about You know how he's innocent and the the Main character size you know he's like Dumbfounded that the guy's you know Getting away with this right and so his Son sees it and he knows this guy's Responsible for putting a hit out in his Mom so the kid takes his gun and goes to This warehouse and the father and the Son have this interaction where we and The son's kicking the fence going you Got to do something you got to do Something right and like murdering the Billionaire is not the play here right And the guy's going to get away with it But he doesn't cuz well it ends up being The white supremacists that murder him So they're kind like the heroes because They murder the bad guy they kill him at The end and so he gets the gun from his Son he goes in and this white this uh

Computer guy this billionaire he's Sitting there and there's all this you Know stuff of surrounding him right he's He it's now known that he he he ordered The hit on a white supremacist leader And these guys are very militant group Right so like there's that's pretty like You know like he's got that and he's He's been outed by this guy in CNN and People know he's responsible for all These things and so he's got all these Groups that want to possibly kill him And he's sitting in a warehouse by Himself he's got these computer screens That are just up on the wall and it Turns out that's his troll Farm which I'm not sure you know again I didn't see The reference point before that but it Doesn't matter and it's just this big Set of like TV screens doing trolling And he's sitting there on a laptop with His back to the guy comes up behind him With a gun and there's no security and They're just in this Warehouse that's Easily accessible it's like he's waiting To be murdered there and he has this Conversation about how you know the Whole thing how the world works you know All this [ __ ] right and it's just Like so pathetically bad right just the Whole thing of it and then the white Supremacists kill him anyway the black Guy decides not to kill him and then you Know his um he's got sort of a strange

Daughter that he had um like she's uh You know he never like his name isn't on Her birth certificate but he's her Father and then her son who she kind of Wins over and they're like having a Barbecue in the park and the mom comes Out of nowhere like you know just she Gets out of the hospital but no one's There to like pick her up and greet her And she's just comes to join the Barbecue you know his ex-wife who was Trying to get back and she's like pissed Off him cuz I don't know cheated out or Something and so like it's just like a Bad show right and anything that's Politically driven or agenda driven you Know that has I mean it's very Prejudicial towards white people and I'm Not talking about that like I'm I was Offended because I'm you know Technically a white person because I Don't give a [ __ ] about any of these Things right like it doesn't like I Don't have any identifi fires you know I Was thinking about this like I you know I often make fun of Italian people with My wife who were watching TV shows like I'll do Italian stuff because you know I Grew up with a little of it and I my Last name is romano I'm Sicilian so I'm Like the worst kind of Italian and I Find it funny because they're you know Very extreme stereotypes we were Watching uh the um Tulsa show with

Sylvester Salon which is it was kind of A funny show the first season but that Guy um you the guy who does Yellowstone Whatever his name is his the quality of His shows have gone way down like he's Doing too much bad content right Sylvester salon's always just a a joke As an actor and his daughter's in it and She's horrible but you know like I'm Part Irish part German part you know Albanian and I you know I just don't Identify with I don't root for I think I Maybe have a little bit of a thing there Just from growing up but I don't root For people from who are Irish or German Or Albanian or Italian or Sicilian over Other PE like I just don't have it like I don't feel like we're connected in Some way like whatever we might have Some you know biological ancestors years And years ago but I just don't care About any of these things because you Know the reality is you know the the Number of past life experiences I've had You know there might have been past life Experiences as a woman like you know I Have I mean you have these different Types of things you your soul incarnates As right as a person and so you're it's Like you're in a video game and you know I try to remember it because easy you Get sucked into the video game like it Just is and I've I've given various Stories about that you know we know

About stockhome syndrome where people in Their lives can get sucked into Something totally outside of their Normal life within a week completely Indoctrinated completely you the thing That happened with Patty Hurst and that Happened with that Stanford experiment And these other things right it's so Easy to get sucked into the illusion Even Saints and higher developed Souls Get sucked into it but when you have Like past life experiences and you look Through that lens you realize that Whatever your demographics are and the Things that are you know that are there Now are temporary like as a you know it Seems so real and so important to you at The moment but it isn't and so when you Start looking at like that but the other Part about that which is more important Is that your soul if you believe in God If you believe in God you believe in a Plan if the plan there is a plan then The plan is Comprehensive it's the plan is Everything and that your soul is picking The exact circumstances your parents you Know when a kid says I didn't ask to be Born well you did if your soul didn't Sign off on this you wouldn't be born And you wouldn't be born to this ex you Know exact situation I talked about Experiencing the soul energy of my kids Before they were born one particular my

Daughter Anna you know the one that Committed suicide and then you know Experiences Soul energy while they were In utero that there was a you know third Person there there's a person there this Is you know another argument against Abortion you know again the whole Abortion thing is a complex political Issue but it is murder because there's a Soul involved like a soul is chosen to Be born but also there's miscarriages Right a soul is there for the Miscarriage and getting in contact like I had you know some experience with The my ex had a couple of Miss Miscarriages you we had four kids and a Couple miscarriages and I experienced The miscarriage it was really kind of Devastating I mean it wasn't like a loss Of a child but it was kind of like that Right I mean it was like the child you Know wasn't somebody I knew but the soul Energy wasn't there and oftentimes women Who go through a miscarriage even uh Hilaria Baldwin did a thing about this She had a miscarriage and the depression That women go through because they have The soul with them like when a woman's Pregnant she has like a companion and if It's a soul that they're familiar with You know there's some resonance there There's always going to be some Resonance but sometimes it's like a you Know there's the people in your life

There's always a connection Soul Connection whatever it is right Sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad And you know past lives whatever but They's somebody significant to you and Sometimes you know it's your parents are They feel like they're strangers so it's Not that big of significance but at Least there has to be something you know For you to be born in that situation There has to be some previous experience With your parents and your family and They might not be like you and you might You know feel like a stranger to your Family but there is something there There's a connection there and you know When the mother has the baby with them Inside of them that soul is very close To them right very you know it's a I Mean pregnant women know this they've Experienced this and so you know all These things right and when you lose the Baby is there's a trauma there because The soul leaves with it right and so if You're if this is the case and there's a Plan and the soul is picking your exact Circumstances then everything that You're Experiencing is for a reason and if There's prejudice against you which Everybody experiences like you know People think these wealthy people have It made and they have all these freedoms Well they can get away with crimes and

They can get away with you know Murder Literally and these other things but Within their group itself have you ever Seen those [ __ ] shows like down ABY Where they have to dress up imagine Every meal that you have has to be one These family [ __ ] you know like a Like a freaking Thanksgiving Day Feast But it's like every [ __ ] time and you Have all these servants and you have to Put on the right outfit and you have to Use the right etiquette and you're Sitting up with the [ __ ] stick up Your ass and you're sitting there I mean Watch those [ __ ] shows right I mean They constantly have to wear the right Clothes and if they just violate any of The social Customs they're they get like You know all this gossip about them and They lose their reputation and they Can't choose who they marry they have to Marry these Bloodlines and all these you These are the wealthiest people the Royal family all those [ __ ] right It's miserable like they live miserable Control lives in front of people they Have their own publicity teams the Members of the royal family to go out There and you know try to make them look Good and every once in a while they they Get served up one of their [ __ ] you Know like Prince Harry or whatever it is Megan markles you know the duck Duchess Of suck sticks you and so the Duke the d

The Duke and Duchess of su suck sticks You know whatever it is right it just Sucks like it's nobody wants to live Like that I mean it's just you're under The microscope constantly and it's just Everything's controlled and you can't Make your own decisions and you know for Some like goofy thing so you can be [ __ ] king or queen where you're You're the most scrutinized some [ __ ] thing and you you got this The Firm behind you and all these wealthy People all these people that exist in These environments they they're not free To speak their minds or you know have a Conscience or do the right thing you Know they're all controlled in some way They they're round people with you know I had a a chapter in my book The Choice It's called like Venoms vipers and and Venomous creatures or something like That right and you know it's these People around the most venomous Creatures so you have to be not only Tough but you have to have venom Yourself right and so like everybody's [ __ ] like the Earth is tough and it's I mean the freedom that we have now to Dress the way we choose and the casual I Mean it's like Casual Friday every day In America like some of these places Like it's just not the case in so many Different you know like this there's the Real know the poor mob people who are

Just trying to get a meal on the table And then all these other levels of People that they the more the higher you Go the more controlled your life is and So like what I'm saying here is that Everything is is signed off everything That you're experien is signed off by Your soul and life on planet Earth is Very seldom great like some people just Live great happy lives they have all the Money that they need but not Extravagance amounts they're not you Know they're not famous they're not Under the microscope they're just you Know they they can live nice happy quiet Lives and find somebody who they're Compatible with and there's love between Them and you know maybe they have some You know whatever it might be and that's Just a rare commodity and it's a brief Period of time like you know there's Always going to be sicknesses and you Know people die And you have you have a very loving Family and you have just a great life And all the people in your life are Great and you can count on them and Trust them they all have good characters And they're all you know spiritual in Some way and they just enjoy your life And you're constantly happy and you have These joyous occasions and when you get Together as a family I mean how many People does this apply to like when you

Go have a family gathering it's fun and Good and happy like how many people Actually have that and if you do have That then people start dying your Parents who you love your grandparents Who you love and it's just one [ __ ] Painful thing after another the third Master of the system Master Chargie he um his mom died when he was Five she she got um they had these Rituals the South Indians had rituals Where they had to get you know they have To bathe after they give birth and she Was just not right she had two two other Son three sons and she had a daughter And she was relatively young and she um She went to did the ritualistic ba bath And she got sick the daughter ends up Dying so the guy he he's 5 years old He's lost his sister and his mom and From that point he had just one tragedy After another and he ended up being the Guy like somebody has to light the P you Know they cremate the the person you he Grew up in the you know the the early 1900s right and he was um he died 1983 And I think he was I mean I think he might have been 80 I Don't know what he was um no he died in Um 2014 and so he I think it was born 1920 And in India they would have to you know The person would be cremated and some Member of the family had to light the

Fire he had to do it like 18 times like Like other people wouldn't show up to The funeral and he just it just fell on Him to like light the fire this de you Know this corpse is sitting there you Know like he had all these tra IES and You know this his family fell apart After his his maternal family fell apart After his his mom died cuz she was like This lock me this you know family you Know like you have these things in your Life you know they everyone has them and So even if you have good loving people And you feel close to them well that Sucks when they die it's the it's just Painful I mean it's like when my parents Died I mean I loved them but [ __ ] that Was it was a relief you know it was There was love there but I didn't feel Any and I was not bummed like you know I Mean I was affected in some way but not Like externally not mentally like it was Whatever it is right you know when you Have these relationships where they're Not that great relationships it isn't so Painful when those relationships end Right like all my relationships my Family and all this stuff you know not That they were horrible people or they Were you know just they wasn't great Like there wasn't great relationships Right you know my brother was like a Second father to me but he has a lot of Issues and see know when I have what I

Have right so you know we haven't talked In a couple years and it's been kind of Great that we haven't I've just been Like one less thing that just like drags Me down like whatever right and so you Can always find something to be grateful For like if you have shitty life with Shitty friends and shitty family at Least you don't have the pain of Watching all these people that you love Die I'm not saying one thing is better Than the other what I'm saying is Everybody Eats [ __ ] like everybody has To eat [ __ ] regardless of your your race Or your cast or your social position or Your sex or your any number of things And each group thinks they have it worse You know when groups start to think that They're victimized in some way and they Have it worse than everybody else they Don't really know how B other people Suck right like you know my experience Is that people have money and my limited Experience with people like that people With power and money and fame are the Most miserable like they are just not Happy people and so that's something to Think about right and so you know if Those people who everyone thinks has got It made are miserable then you know then Who really is happy like how many people Have good lives and you know if you look At the things that are the bad things in Your life as being blessings well then

Everything else is that's different then It's not you know then you can think About in a totally different way right And so any of these shows and TV shows That you know there's these popular Narratives out there being pushed out There woke narratives and you know now White people people are saying that They're victimized and you know all the Angry trumpers who feel like white People are being replaced and you know They're being you know whatever like Everybody has their [ __ ] victim story Right like every demographic thinks that They got it so much worse than everybody Else and it's you know it's a big [ __ ] You to this idea that that there's a God Because if there's a God if you're mad Be mad at God or your soul because you Think your soul is just randomly placed In some body in your family like there's No there's no like thought about it and The way that your life unfolds just Happens naturally without any some scars Any past Impressions and whatever it is Right you think that's just like Happening it's just like random is like Random like no [ __ ] no it can't be that I mean if you believe in God in a soul If you're an atheist that's something Different right then everything's random So why you whining everything's random Everything's chaotic there's no order Then there's no fairness there's no

Accountability you can do whatever [ __ ] You want and it's just like you know Mad Max out there like it's just apocalyptic With no rule of law because there's There's no there's no order to it either There's accountability on a spiritual Level like everything's accounted for or There's not and if it's accounted for Then what are you worried about because Everything's happening because it's Supposed to happen because there's There's Divine Oversight is there Divine oversight or Not and so that's what each person has To figure out is there Divine oversight If there is they stop feeling like a [ __ ] victim right like regardless of How bad you've been treated how unfair Life is because you know the I just want To end with this one story again I don't Want to limit my voice here there's a Guy bishma in the mahabarata and he's Like the best guy in many ways and he um You know his dad wanted to bang this Girl I've told this guy story before and He was going to be king but he his dad Gets obsessed with his you know Beautiful woman young woman you know These guys were living for thousands of Years too so it's like totally it makes It even worse and so the woman said okay I'll be with you but I want your son I Want our kids to be king and by doing That she started the whole maata because

She was a piece of [ __ ] you know and she Manipulated her this guy's Father and so he go and uh so he goes to His son and said look if you renounce Your right claim to the throne I can be with this girl can you do that For me and the the guy's like an Obedience son says sure I'll do that and The woman comes back goes well I don't Want any of our you know any kind of Claims down the road where if he has Some kids and those kids are sort of Have the rightful claim to the throne And and they end up whing the throne and Our grandkids or great- grandkids end up Being ousted so I want him to be selib It for the rest of his life and again This is like he's going to live for Thousands of years right and so the Sky Says he won't get married and he would Be celibate like for you know 2,000 Years or 5,000 years or however long he Lived right these people live Forever and so he was given the name Bishma which means the terrible vow Right and the guy is just taking it on The chin forever and he's always doing What's right he's always doing the the Spiritual thing and he's got this you Know he's a great warrior and he can't Be killed by a man so there's some some Soul incarnates as a a woman woman and Turns into a man and you know and kills Him right but he doesn't die right away

He's he's sitting he's got hundreds of Arrows through him and he won't [ __ ] Die like he's laying on a bed of arrows The points of the arrows are are pierced Through his body and they're all like You know he's like a foot and a half out Of the ground with the arrows being his Bed of arrows he's with just he's being He's sitting there in pain with all These things and Krishna comes up and He's like what the [ __ ] Krishna why won You let me die right Krishna is the you Know the Avatar the higher developed Soul there you know the Incarnation of Vish Vishnu he said you know I I looked Back and he's got this Divine vision and I went back a hundred lives and I see no Reason for me suffering like this and Christian is like Well yeah if you went Back 100 one lives you realize you were Prince in one life you took a snake and You threw it on a bunch of thorns and it Laid there just like you're laying here Now so that's why you have to suffer This you know so like if you think about Things that way that there's things in Your past that you've done that have Created suffering for you in this life You know just in terms of fairness or There's suffering that just happens Because it benefits you well then you Know then everything makes sense right Like if it's something that you just Look at what's you've done in this life

And you're like well I've been a good Person my whole life and there's no Reason I should have this bad thing Happen but maybe this bad thing is Something good for you it's liberating You in one way of something you've done In the past or Some you know thing that's going to make You aspire to be more spiritual or Something and you know evolve whatever It is like you never know but if you Think about things that way then you Know there's no victimization you just You know you're just things are happen At sometime Point you're going to die Like some point you're going to die and It may or not be a quick easy death you Might suffer for long periods of time And just you know how it is anybody Who's been really sick or has gone Through some physical crisis it sucks It's just like you Know I mean I suffer migraines or Whatever it is like when I have a Migraine life sucks like it's just Horrible even if I'm kind of have a Migraine it's just not as good like I'm Just miserable and it's just like There's no serotonin I'm not happy at All like it's just whatever like I can Do my work and whatever it is but it's Just a grind it's a lot a lot of life is A grind right people suffer suffer Horrible things and The Human Experience

But there's a reason for it you know There's suffering just like there's a Reason for pleasure you know there's a Reason for both things there's a reason For happiness and there's a reason for Misery and it's part of The Human Experience right and you can't have one Without the other so anyways this whole Idea of being victims and like somehow Your demographic is worse off and then They make TV shows and movies about this Like how tough women have it have it you Know how tough the LBGTQ people have it How tough black people or Hispanic People have it whatever it is right and Every has it tough and you could say one Demographic has it tougher than others But there's no way to you know to gauge That and each person's an individual you Know there's people in every demographic Who fly through life happy and they Never feel like victims and they just You know they just they don't buy into That [ __ ] right and they you know and They live these lives that you know Unlike the all these other people in Their demographic who are looking for Ways that they're somehow things are Unfair to them and how things are They've been wronged in some way and so That's why these TV shows and movies Suck because they perpetrate the Ultimate fraud that somehow life is fair And good for some people and it isn't

For others and even though the system's Rigged the people who are benificiaries Of the rig system are the most miserable And you can see it they just miserable People and so they have everything you Know that everybody else wants and yet Once they get it or or they've born and Been born into it It makes them not only miserable but They're horrible people they're the kind Of people you don't want to be right They're the worst of the worst and so That's something for everyone to think About

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About the Author: admin

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