The More THEY Attempt to Make Our Movement Invisible, The More it GROWS

The More THEY Attempt to Make Our Movement Invisible, The More it GROWS

Dr Shiva everybody's forgetting about What happened during the pandemic Everyone sort of has this Amnesia now What's going on right now is massive Theater to distract people from building A Bottoms Up movement what were they Doing in March of 2020 we ran the fire Fouchy campaign a year and a half later Rand Paul started using that to raise Money foui should have been fired from The very beginning absolutely now you Have this narrative where people are Backing Trump saying well they had to Listen toou they were forced to listen To The Establishment they had no other Choice this is a letter that I wrote to Trump March 23rd of 2020 I know Trump Got this cuz White House called me back But he didn't do anything the problem I Think they have Max in 2020 we got our Message out to close to half a billion People the fact that they make me Invisible is actually backfiring on that All of these people are saying wait a Minute Dr she is the one who did that Why aren't you covering him there's a Lot of young people we have coming in All over the world someone like you can Really be a great leader in it let's go Shatter the Swarm absolutely let's go For

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