Okay greetings brothers and sisters day Four I kind of want to get these videos Up as soon as possible just because of The timely aspect but it's going to be Flooding my Channel with content and I'll probably not post stuff for a Couple of days um like three days or Something like that and then um we'll See what happens right but this is Today's Friday August 23rd KLA gave her Speech acceptance speech and there's a Lot more to coverage cover But I want to say this because it's kind Of most important thing about this right Now I don't care about this stuff and You know from my coverage of trump you Guys when I was really happy with Trump And you know what he was doing to the Presidency like he was making the Presidency a joke because it is a joke Right I don't have any patriotic Feelings or any you know there's things About America I respect and you know That I appreciate and you know whatever Like once in a while like I get Christmas Spirit I'll get like a Patriotic kind of feeling about the Country but mostly I know you know Whatever we're seeing as the good part Of America there's the evil empire part That you know is present so no matter How good America can be for us in terms Of our lifestyle in terms of you know Our whatever it might be that we enjoy
From America there's how we get it and There's a Darkness there right there's a Criminality there there is a demonic Element to it and so you know it keeps Me from fully indulging in the delusion Right but in terms of the stuff with k Harris and again I don't care about it But you know people do and so there's a Process that you go through and the Democratic party violated that process Intentionally right and so the first the First time they violated the Democratic Process and again these are the guys who Running on saving democracy And so Bernie Sanders was probably going to beat Hillary Clinton and as it was it was a Very divided Convention and the DNC was in debt Debbie wamman Schultz had run the DNC Into the ground they were $12 million in Debt from the previous Obama Campaign And Hillary Clinton said she'd bail them Out Hillary Clinton end up ra using a Billion dollars for a campaign which I Mean think about all that money just Going away based on a losing effort Right like just all the stuff the ads The staff all the you know effort they Put in there but she bailed out the DNC And you know we've talked about this a Lot I've talked about it and you know They ended up firing de watman SCH Schultz because the DNC got hacked and
It was embarrassing podesta got hacked And then Hillary Clinton had her email Issues I mean they didn't really have a Grasp on how to handle technology and Things and when Donna Brazil took over She went went through the paperwork and Found that they had rigged these Primaries and debates to favor Hillary Clinton cuz she said if I'm going to Bail you guys out I'm gonna damn sure be The nominee right and so she even called Bernie Sanders so Donna Brazil takes Debbie wasman schilz job as the Temporary you know person to run the DNC And she had to apologize to Bernie Sanders who said well is she at least Going to win and she said I don't know There's there's um not a lot of Enthusiasm she's doing well in the polls But the there's no enthusiasm at our Rallies and that's something they're Trying to rectify here a lack of Enthusiasm and so then they rigged it Against Bernie Sanders again with Joe Biden I've said this so much I don't Need to go through it again right but You guys remember this story about the Whole thing so they rigged it against Bernie Sanders again with Joe Biden and Then covid was somehow miraculously came Out to hide Joe Biden away because a guy Was showing signs of his condition which Is um According to a doctor who's an expert in
This thing obviously Parkinson's he had Brain deterioration and they had to hide Him away and they had this covid excuse And so they hit him away and you know They changed the way they did El the Election with mail and ballots and you Know whatever it happened there whatever You think it's you know whether that There was you know some rigging there Rigging elsewhere they forced this guy This scile guy on America and then Continue to hide his condition and so This was all pretty you know like not It's not Democratic and they HD away his Son remember his son there was an October surprise of his son's laptop Like his his his screwed up son right His crackhead son and then his Crackheads son's daughter and they Didn't even cover these things you know Right before the election when it was Imperative I mean he had a stripper Daughter he was going through child Support and there was a case going on And they refused to cover these Scandalous things right you know Bill Clinton's um escapades in the white House probably wouldn't even cost him Anything now because it's so degraded And the media just doesn't cover it Right it gets covered on the internet But the official people just don't Acknowledge like maybe everyone in the Internet knows the real story like many
Of us do but they don't acknowledge it The majority of people know they they're Full of you know Boop and all that stuff And they're lying and you know they know About these other stories but they don't You know the majority of people who are Sheeple don't right and they you know They cater to the sheeple and pretend That the sheeple are the majority and Maybe they are to some extent but you Know that this this narrative they have Out there right and so then they had a Problem because they rigged the system So they would elect this guy with his Brain deteriorating a guy who you know We now know is is older than Bill Clinton right who I couldn't believe That you know that whole thing so they You know now have to punt on this guy Joe Biden and Trump is surging and the Economy sucks and Americans are kind of Over Biden and you know the whole thing The Democratic party it's leaning Towards the Republicans again and Trump Is you know they've they've put him Through the ringer but not in a real way Like I said all along when Trump is in Jail call me right like don't tell me This things he's being persecuted until He's actually in jail or dead or Something right like otherwise you know This guy is an asset to the Democrats And the whole and you know maybe they'll Kill him anywhere put him in jail at the
End of this thing but whatever he's an Asset to the to the Beast right to the People running the system the Controllers and so they had to get rid Of Joe Biden and they didn't want to run A primary because they had RFK Jr who Already had 20% of the vote and RFK Jr Had not only you know a good chance of Winning lot of the Democrat Democrats Over but there are Republicans and Independents who didn't like Trump who Are uh or at least Republicans who were Going to could vote in the primary and You know help him win some of these States even maybe win the primary and he Would take the he'd be another Bernie Sanders a guy that they would think is Unelectable you know who is an Antivaxer uh you know um I mean all the Things Kennedy represents uh hyper Liberal and things and so the same They'd have another Bernie Sanders Problem Oh not only with Kennedy but Then all these other candidates right And I don't know if they really just Love kamla and that she is their guy Like she is just their asset that they Really want her to be president we'll See as time goes on we'll see if she's Just you know somebody to put up against Trump and as they give Trump a second Ter because they're going to run their Agenda through Trump or they're going to Run their agenda through K but either
One who whoever's Ed it's completely Their plan and so it's going to be bad Either way because the system's Collapsing like there's no way to fix The system I've said that over and over Again and so they're you know they're Going to use the next person in a way to You know beat the Americans down and are You know I mean just um it's going to be A bad time the you know 2025 and this Other period and things like this you Know there's predictions in The Whispers Of the brighter world messages which I'll read to you guys and the first big Event happens at the end of 2025 Beginning of 2026 right you know a Series of apocalyptic events right we'll See how that all plays out but either Way they didn't want to go through the Democratic process and have a primary Because they could have the American People were clear that they did not want To see Trump and Biden run against each Other again and they felt Joe Biden was Too old to be president now and he was Showing signs of slippage to them for Years and you know they knew that they Had to get rid of him right they they Had no choice he wasn't going to make it And he wasn't going to get elected but They didn't want to go through the Normal processes so they elongated you Know they kept him out of the spotlight And they didn't run a primary and then
They rolled him out at a debate which The debates almost always happen after The convention it's very rare to have an Early convention you know pre-convention Debate especially one that's so far away From their convention I mean think about How long that debate was and that all The things that have happened since that Debate to bring about this convention Where Joe Biden showed up on the first Night and then they disappeared him and They'll probably disappear him for the Rest of the the you know the election Because they don't want to remind people There's a cile guy running the the Country right now right and so they did This and they were the ones the Democrats wanted the early debate and They put him out there maybe they didn't Give him his normal medication or Whatever and they just completely Sabotaged him and he has that disastrous Debate and then all of a sudden the Media that's been protecting him for Years decides to say all right you know He's he's a scile and we got to get rid Of him and then all the people turn on And Pelosi Obama all the people right George Clooney and he's forced out of The race and they don't have any Opposition I mean there's all this talk About you know having a some sort of Quick primary or doing something to have A legitimate election but they say no
We're just going to force KLA on Everybody and then they contrive commas You know every part of her life and who She is and they rewrite it and they you Know try to minimize the cackle and all This stuff that's offputting they hide Her away she's not doing interviews and They have a pretty successful August Even after Trump had a really great Convention for him and his Dopey Followers but it's all inorganic and Fake right you know in a a way that's I Mean even for this these guys who stage Everything it's really inorganic and Fake right it's really bad you know and I love this [ __ ] because I know the System is you know this is this is truth Coming out this is what they do and it's Just an exaggerated form but she didn't Go through a state by state going across The country and you know being in front Of these people state byst state and Winning them over you know interview Tough interview being vetted having you Know answer tough questions and dealing With all the things that come up any Kind of questions about her whatever it Is right I mean she didn't deal with the Scrutiny that Trump is dealing with on a Daily basis not that you know that's Real with Trump but you know Trump's Said the their asset but still you see The difference here and there's a reason You go through things right like she
Missed she went through all the hard Part and she you know she got on her Knees and she serviced some old guy who Was 60 years old and she got prominent Jobs in the state of California and she You know for 10 years she was with this Guy he bought her mercedesbenz and you Know all these things right and got her You know into the position she is now And you know it's well documented I mean It's happened and then she you know got An easy kind of Senate position she Failed as running for president you know She American people rejected her the Democrats rejected her didn't like her She was like one of the candidates that I mean she only couldn't even get a 1% She couldn't get 1% of the people when The guy who's getting 20% is Joe Biden Right Bernie Sanders like she should she Couldn't peel off 1% from these people Bernie Sanders Joe Biden Amy kashar Pete Buddig I mean they all Elizabeth Warren They all had more you know percentage of Voters than she did right she she was Like totally rejected by American people But Biden because he got kind of Pressured into it Picks a woman of color and they pick KLA And maybe they wanted KLA all along I Mean Chris Matthews had talked about KLA And um you know they she was she was a Rising star of the democratic party but She didn't you know get vetted she
Didn't go through anything Joe Biden Gets the election you know they she Didn't really campaign because of covid As vice president she did a debate but It was like not normal you know it's Like like there should be an asteris Next to everything that she's Accomplished right and then they install Her and they you know they uh overe Exaggerate they pump up their crowd Whatever they're doing to get a more Excitement at our rallies and get more Numbers up to make it look like there's A you know Pro comma movement and of Course everyone who hates Trump they're They immediately accept whoever is going Against them right all the things that We've seen and so it's not real like None of it's real like everything's just Fabricated and that's like really Dangerous I mean you know the system's Collapsing anyway way and I don't care You know actually I do like this because It it proves my point you know Everything that I say about this it's Truth coming out right it's how rigged The system is but they're saying they're Saving democracy and they avoided the Democratic process and if they install Her she somehow wins of course it might Be controversial if they slam Trump and There's an October surprise and somehow She wins or there's some kind of you Know rigging going on at some of these
Swing States whatever happens this is Going to be a messy thing especially if She wins she doesn't deserve it like she Didn't do what it takes to deserve this Win deserve this position she didn't get Elected she didn't go through the Process she didn't you know she didn't She didn't face the test of fire and That means something right cuz it's fake Like everyone knows it's fake in a way Where they've just circumvented the Whole process the whole Democratic and Electoral process and so you know like For me it's great cuz I like you know I Dig this kind of stuff because it's what I think is happening but it's what's Real and what's up for me you know it's Something I talk about it validates Everything that I say but in terms of Like if you're an American and patriotic And you believe in democracy and all These things then this is like complete Like Fu to you you know like you know And I mean to the Democratic party and All the rest of it and you know you just Can't circumvent things like this Because it's the test that you know Makes you into I know these people are Good presidents and it's a it's all a Joke but you know it's something you got To go through you know you got to go Through the hard part she doesn't she Didn't achieve this she didn't earn it Right and so um let's get into day four
Here okay so before we get Into day four let's start here wait so Here's what I want to know okay is it Respectful to call I should be calling You Senator Harris right no you should Not that's not on my birth certificate Okay call me yes please okay cuz the Indian and me I feel like my parents my Dad will watch this just don't call me Auntie okay I won just don't call me Auntie okay because that's in India every adult that isn't your um Parents's uncle or Auntie right like This everyone's your family I mean They've got a neat kind of thing going On with the you know I mean they're you Know they're pretty brutal to their Family members At times but you know they call each Other the family the part of the family Right and so calling her auntie would be A traditionally what she would be to Lots of some someone younger like Mindy Keeley so the Dixie Chicks sing the National anthem I thought one of the Dixie Chicks was dead these look like Twins I'm a little confused is this a New Dixie Chick did one of them die of Cancer or something don't tell me don't Care I don't need to know I could go Look it up but they came out sing the National [Music] [Applause]
Anthem yeah it's not an easy song to Sing and so um this actress comes out Character in this story you are all of You you are The Messengers you are the Fixers dare I say it you are the Olivia Popes Woo I guess that must be a character she Played right you are the superheroes Saving this democracy it is you not me Who have the greatest power to convince Your loved ones to vote so yeah you Don't that like have you T have you seen The division in families right over Politics and Trump and these things just Like Michelle Obama told us let's do do Something boom let's do something let's Make a Video Everybody take out your phones Everybody take out your phones we're Going to make a moment can somebody Bring me my Phone I want to capture this historic Moment and share it with the people that We love oh Hi over here Okay what we're going do we're going to Take this video guys we're all going to Take it together we're going to post it To social media text your friends send This message out into the world when I Say when we fight you're going to Say are you ready boom do you got it I Got It okay let's record we're recording you
Ready Tony yep I'm ready okay ready when We fight we win when we fight We Win when we fight we win are you ready For KLA Harris to win we win I didn't You tell me my my line was there the Last time um my dogs are both looking at Me so Tony Goldwin um the Goldwin family from the Goldman entertainment family somebody Left a comment saying they're horrific That family you know they he's a part of That and he's a white Jew Jewish guy and Then they brought out an Hispanic woman You know that woman from The View That Dope From The View and then an Indian Woman and Mindy keing and now I think She's in this show called Scandal I know This girl's name but I forgot it but now She's an African American woman so They're hitting all the demographics With the Host good because when comma wins America Wins we did it we did It thank you post it on social media no You got to Go bye everybody he was I think he was In that show unless she's married to him I don't know exactly what the Relationship is that I don't care okay So Listen it's come to my attention that There are some folks who struggle or
Pretend to struggle with the proper Pronunciation of our future president's Name So like this is you know where she's Going with this so hear me out confusion Is understandable disrespect is not boom Lay it down sister because that's you Know come with some attitude so what I Know about Indian names like I the um in The ma Barata there are the pivas who I used to Call the Pandavas right and I was talking to some Indian guy about the Maat and I was Bringing up the P they they're Heroes Right karavas and pivas and I was saying Pandavas yeah you're the pandavas he's Like who are the pandavas and I'm like Well the marata family he goes oh the Pivas and you know they pronounce their They put the accent on the different Cabel in um India and so Kamala and Kamala are completely understandable and You know I mean nobody really cares at This point because she's just A placeholder they just put her in there Right she could be a freaking mannequin I mean she's like Weekend at Bernie's Part two without the dementia which I Said earlier they just manufactured her As a person and they're just rewriting Everything and turning her into Something that she's clearly not right But she brings out these kids here her
Her uh like her Nieces so tonight we are going to help Everyone get it right here to help me Are some very special guests [Applause] Thank you ladies can you tell us your Names hello everybody my name is Amara And my name is Lea her little sister and What are you here to do to teach you how To say your Auntie's Name just don't call me auntie okay Auntie right and this is their Legitimate she's their aunt but she's Being called Auntie quite often in this In this fourth day right so Auntie They're bringing her out as Auntie right Like she's not a mom like you know she's A stepmom and she but she's also Auntie Right like this is her being somehow Having some maternal you know but she Didn't want this stuff with Mindy keing As long as you don't call me auntie Right but now they've embraced it so we Know that her position was she didn't Want Mindy keing calling her auntie but Now everyone right so like this is her Political team saying oh I think this Works for us Right okay so how do you pronounce it First you say comma like a comma in a Sentence then you say la like la la la La la put it together and it's one 2 Three Comma all right so let's practice let's
Practice everybody on the everybody over Here say Kaa everybody over here say La [Applause] Together for this is like this is how Stupid this Things Become like you Know you're just on day four you're Trying to teach everyone how to Pronounce your name Correctly like this is um this weird Cheerleading you know bringing out the Kids um you know the kids did a great Job there like the they've actually this They've done a great job with this Convention I mean what they're doing is Pulling off a complete scam here and you Know given the fact that the DNC was broke it was $12 million in debt And Debbie wasman Schultz was running That thing into the ground and they got Hacked twice and they had all these Hiccups and you know just one bad thing After another all the fake news stuff That they said they were getting killed By the internet and you know Trump's Rise and all these things right and you Know to operate this get rid of their Old guy get him out of the White House And a guy who didn't want to go a bitter Angry old man now sitting there watching This stuff seething because this was his He got all the votes he this was his
Convention right and he hasn't get you Know he got day one and they celebrated Them and they mentioned them throughout But they didn't he didn't make an Appearance again after day one so like He's he's the past and they you know They got rid of him and they install Kamla an unlikable unelectable person And they couldn't make her look any Better this you know with the fake Audience response and the fake Enthusiasm I mean it's real enthusiasm At this point but it's manufactured like They've just created this Love Fest with Somebody with a cackle and you know Unlikable and the way that she got to The position she's gotten to she didn't Earn anything right all the things all The negatives and they couldn't make her Look any better and so the Democrats Pulled this thing off like they rocked It they're still cheering their Name so that was part One okay so this is um the beginning of Day four before the Prime Time stuff KLA Harris just posts The Prime Time stuff And it's better for me because it's Easier for me to fast forward these long Videos you know they they only fast Forward every 20 seconds so it's hard For me to go back and catch some you Know the whole thing but um she comes Out here I like this is uh right here Right here it
Starts right Here they did a lot of stuff with Veterans this on this day Love let's get going here come on you Guys woo left there it goes so here's a [Applause] [Music] Presentation look at for the American People committed to our values our hopes Our dreams bringing Joy back across our Nation the laugh look at a dance look at Her Go where did this strength and passion Come from in this daughter of middle Class Oakland middle class Oakland again With a lie Right but it started with her Parents her mother a South Asian Scientist and her father a black Economist they took her no Jamaican and He's a Marxist he's a communist not Economist He's a Marxist Economist and so like he's not she's Going to talk about how he wasn't a Present after once she got divorced her Mom their dad disappeared C of civil Rights marches and inspired her to Pursue her Dreams after her parents divorced she And her sister were raised by her mother With the help of friends and neighbors Attending you know it they're saying Like they're showing it all black people
And it wasn't she lived in a you know She lived in a white neighborhood in Berkeley Sunday school at the 23rd Avenue Church we grew up in this Wonderful love again why not talk about Her mom being Hindu and raising her as a Hindu but her also going to church right Like they just made up all this [ __ ] Like it's not it's not true like we know It like there's articles out there about Her like real childhood right loing Supportive Environment my mother was very well Aware that she was raising two black Girls to be two black women her mother Saved up for 10 years to buy their first Home like she was she was aware of that Like she was not Colorblind and shared with comma the Words and wisdom that remain her North Star to this day be a fighter for things That matter and don't be limited by what Has always Been the Protector and then came a moment that Changed KLA Harris's Destiny the that Lit the Fire Within when I was in high school I oh my God you're still rolling this lie out Right it's just like That um Biden ran because of the Charlottesville thing it's not true Right had a best Friend who I Learned was being molested
By her father Stepfather this particular day she was Like you really really are not yourself There's something going On I said to her as soon as she told me This happened in Canada well you have to come stay with Us As you get older you really really Reflect on how pivotal that intervention Was at that crucial point in my Life you know like these stories to Eng Grandis a person right when things are Real and you really do stuff that's real You know you don't need to promote it Because you just feel good about it Right like real saints and real Spiritual people are doing things all The time Real good parents real good everything You know whoever they are you know People who are just really good people Or just you know mediocre people who who Do something good they don't need to Post it on social media they don't need To get you know everyone oh look at this Thing I just did right and she's you Know all these stories that they have Right with wal the coach and all these Things right I mean they're selling These people as something and that's Part of it but these people say it you Know Trump is one of the biggest Braggers they're always talking about
Their accomplishments and I did this and I did that right because they're you Know they're not real if they're real The the the doing the good thing would Be enough right a big part of the reason I wanted to be a prosecutor was to Protect people like her and on her first Day in court she Rose from her chair at The prosecutor's desk and said comma Harris for the people is she hold what Is she holding there she holding the Marata or the Bible As a my BR would be Piger she put violent criminals and Sexual predators in prison leading to The highest conviction rate for serious And violent crime and also parents who Were um you know not getting their kids To school and black people smoking Marijuana in 15 years and created back On track a program for firsttime Low-level drug offenders that became a National model about yeah you did commit A crime accept it own up to it and then Let's talk about what we can do to Change the circumstances going forward Lowering recidivism rates for nonviolent Offenders from 54% to 10% giving people The training being that's not you know That's those numbers are inaccurate There's only about 4 or 500 people that Did this program and half of them quit And withdrew from it and it was never You you can't that's not a a good sample
Size it's something that you do to say You did something but it's not really Going to have an effect you know it's Not going to change your city or Whatever it is right something that you Do so you can write a book and say look What I did right well how many people Was it you know a handful of people they Needed to find a job after that sentence I remember being so struck by having a District attorney who cared both about Justice about safety and accountability But figuring out how to stop that crime From happening again she just was great Preventative as California's attorney General she targeted transnational gangs And drug cartels seized 10,000 kilos of Cocaine and snorted it with her with her 60-year-old Lover and she put on her knee pads 12,000 lb of Methamphetamine went after drug Traffickers and took 12,000 illegal guns Off the Streets the new foreclosure crisis Threatens to freeze up she went after The banks and we saw all this stuff Right thank you for bringing back the Joy Woo The Joy sometimes people will open The door for you and leave it open Sometimes they won't and then you need To kick that door down yeah we are not Going back
[Applause] She's a protector a strong voice for Common Sense a leader for Tomorrow committed to Healing our Country dedicated to doing the hard work To make us stronger she's going to get Done she's just a hero all right so this Is what they're the [ __ ] they're Putting out about her right okay so I Didn't see this but but then the video YouTube recommended it and I know what Happens this dude's rocking the earrings Here they introduce Elizabeth Warren Right she like a freaking Turtle Remember like she claimed that she was Native American and then Trump like kind Of bullied her into getting a a 23 and Me test and she was like 1600th 100 16,000 native Amer she's like see I told you I was and He called her pocah hont and then she Have video and her husband slapped her On the ass remember and then she stole Bernie Sanders platform and completely Screwed him over because he probably Would have been the Democratic nominee If she hadn't done that and well she was Running when KLA Harris was You know she was at like 9 or 10% KLA Harris was less than 1% Elizabeth Warren Got some votes right she was able to Take away from Bernie Sanders because They were both these socialist liberals
And they're rolling out all these Candidates that ran against Kamala Now I mean just not this like going to Walmart in Hell and like she's like they're all Falling apart and weeping and crying And like why do they love her so much Like why does this see [Applause] Happening Got four more Years you know what I love best about KLA Harris kamla Harris can't be bought and She can't be bossed Around okay so like that's just Completely not true right she's the most Bought person like what are you talking About and she was completely bossed Around like she you know she refused During the Democratic primary she Acknowledged and was laughing at Joe Biden's senility and was clearly aware That the guy was not mentally all there You could see it but then she became his Vice president and covered him covered For him for four years and most recently When the rest of America said this guy's Too old the scile we got to get rid of Him she was still covering for him Because that's what she had to do and Was supposed to do not because she Believed it and she was completely Compromised then like you compromised
All your integrity all these things So um now I first met kamla in the Aftermath of the 2008 financial crash The banks had flat out broken laws Cheated people and so she had tons of Bank support like she was supposed to be The person that was tough on banks but It came out that she was you know they Bankrolled her her candidacy just like With kamla right kamla is getting Bank Support as well like they're not big Banks have to sign off on every Candidate right any potential real Candidate for president so this is all Just BS okay so then they um they bring back Walls they're playing his [Music] Song this small town with John Cougar He's waving the kid's really subdued now He's like all right let's get him in There the camera's on me so I'm going to Be nice Jo I'm not going to yanky again Come back in here I'm not going to Yan You let's do a picture together let's do A selfie now that the camera's on us get In here get in here hope stop waving Your freaking flag get in there let's do With this let's do this hey I love my Kids okay it's a camera office get out Of here Like they take the camera office yet Okay let one more I got PL more let's Pretend let's Point around they give the
Kids some sort of meds to keep him more Subdued look at he's not nearly as hyper As he was before okay Dad got mad at me So I got to got to chill out you know he Doesn't want me spazzing out again so You know um so that's the Wales and then they um Place some Bruce Spingsteen and go back to the walles Here so they had some white guy music They were doing a bunch of like R&B There some gu doing some drumming and They go see look look how subwy is Where's the mom anyway and he's just Like you know all right like I'm going To talk to this girl over here And my dad doesn't want me jumping up And down anymore more and there's the Wales hey yeah you know you don't don't Don't hit on that girl it's your [Laughter] Cousin so all right let's take a full Selfie again let's get a Selfie all right so the Wallie look at Him dance look at them go they're just a All American family so I'm not ready to Cover the the um speech yet we're going To see a few more Gretchen Whitmore a Few other things right but what makes Kamla Harris Go from polling under 1% in 200 19 2020 election right where the Democrats so rejected her she didn't Even bother running for a primary it was
Going to be embarrassing and she didn't Have the money or the support to even Put together a team to run in New Hampshire or Iowa American people Completely rejected or said and they you Know she they prompt her up and she was Pulling at 12% and so she got some love she was one Of the people that the establishment was Pushing out there right a sea of Candidates there 20 candidates some of Them established and of the Unestablished candidates the one they Were pushing out there was KLA Harris The same way they pushed Barack Obama Right and American people said no we Don't like her American Democrats said We don't like her and those say Democrats went from not liking her to This please welcome the Democratic Nominee for president vice president of The United States of America kamla Harris okay so kind of something weird Happened where um you know all these People came out to a song right and I Was hyper you know aware that they would Copyright it because you know they Really are bad on copyrighting songs There's a douge fresh and his little Dude [Applause] There so how did this happen right how Did somebody that was completely Rejected be completely remade to where
The Democrats are slobbering all Over so that was part of the original Video but it got copyrighted so I had to Redo this part here they Freedom they Freedom freedom freedom they're playing Freedom right um Beyonce so the one Thing they copyrighted is this crappy Beyonce song who Sucks because you know they're using the Songs right and um this was the last Video and I uploaded it yesterday Today's Saturday August 24th it doesn't Matter I'm just taking the song out here But um it was plain you know this song And for some reason they copyrighted This one thing but anyway let's get back To the original video here I was talking About how this happened right how did She you know pull this Off right something happened right Something happened to change all this so What is it about the Conventions and Americans in general I If you look at the Republican convention You think everybody loves Kid Rock Everybody loves Dana White or Hulk Hogan Right that they all love those guys Right I mean everybody they roll out These conventions get a round of Resounding Applause someone like Lizzy Warren that she's you know know one of The least likable people and certainly Like if you were going to like Lizzie Warren you'd give her a PBS clap right
You know one of those NPR claps nothing Like this Taylor Swift reception she was Getting right and so what is it about America that generates this response That they can roll somebody out like Doug wals and make up a bunch of [ __ ] about the guy call them coach And send them out there and the crowd is Slobbering all over themselves right Well you know what is about American um Indoctrination that you know people feel So strongly about a Democratic party That is consistently changing and Morphing into something you know new and Different every you know four years or Two years when they roll out the Election based on what people are into And based in what The Changing Times Right you know all these people who who Slobbered all over Reagan and Mitt Robney and some of these other Candidates then Trump comes comes in and Says yeah all those guys are rhinos and They're like yeah they're all rhinos and They just agree with Trump and they buy Into his [ __ ] right you know these Aren't real people like they try real Hard to make these people real people And accessible and how you could pal Around with them and they they'd be like Your friend and you know all these Things right like how they're just like You and you could totally have a Relationship with them if they you know
They weren't sitting on some pedestal Somewhere and you're you know living Your mundane life right and they've Lived the same life as you and they grew Up in the same kind of circumstances and Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right It's just the all the same old [ __ ] It's not true and so they create these Brands make these people into something That fills a void in their strategy like Tim wal is the white guy right who makes White guy tacos and does white guy Things and coaches football and things To balance out KLA Harris's Multiculturalism and being a female and All these other things right but it's Just a lie you know you know some sort Of you know it doesn't even matter Because it's not like the vice president The president do anything together or Are a part of anything the vice President pretty much doesn't do Anything unless the president empowers a Vice president you know they're they're There to to fill in for the president if Something happens vote in the S vote for Tai in the Senate and then they get Dumped a lot of things the president Wants doesn't want to deal with you know They're supposed to be like an Ed McMahon from Johnny Carson you know Somebody is a you know not as going to Be as not as funny and you know be a Clown and be you know get be the butt of
The joke and do things that will Distract remember Dan Quail right all These Dopey vice presidents I mean Joe Biden he was a gaff magnet he was always Screwing up it's just old lovable Joe Right you know it's like Kramer or lotka And taxi or J Jimmy matowski and taxi or Any of these you know Mor and mor and Mindy right like Mindy is the the star The the sane one and the you know the They have these characters who are the You know reasonable ones they're the Ones who are trustworthy and get things Done and they have their screw up Friends who add comic relief and you Know become the butt of the joke and Things Screech like you know they're Supposed to be like Screech and Saved by The Bell or whatever it is right and so It's all just contrived right these Different roles that they play just so They can put together something that Appeals to people and they just you know They just slurp it up you know in four Years there'll be somebody else right And if KLA Harris loses they ain't going To be applauding her like this like if She loses to Trump you think Tim Wallace Is going to be something after this Right they'll disappear I'm like oh you Guys are losers I mean Hillary Clinton Barely is getting up on stage only Because she's pushed this she got Cheated and I told you so about Trump
Right you guys didn't listen to me and Now look at what happened but till end The fact she's married to Bill Clinton And she had some you positions before That but they don't love her they never Loved her right and they were real Enthusiastic for her at the convention And they was some mild enthusiasm around The country but in the end when she lost It's like oh we got somebody better okay What about Joe Biden and whoever they Throw out there there's all this Cult-like enthusiasm and it comes from The American system in which they it's a Form of indoctrination where they get You have school spirit which is one of The stupid things ever have you you know Have root for your city you know love Your city love your local area love your Country root forever the American is in The Olympics and you whoever's on our Side is good and they'll create these Narratives to back it up and you just Believe the narratives and you never Think about anything else you never Think about anybody else's point of view It's us against them and USA USA USA This fake patriotic [ __ ] it's all Lies right the whole system's a lie our Country is a Lie the things that we do The crime crimes we Against Humanity we Perpetrate to keep our system going it's All [ __ ] right and the people they Throw out there they don't care about
You and they're scum of the earth and They create these false narratives just Like everyone does on social media and People love The Illusion I mean you talk To a sheeple about any of this stuff and They love The Illusion it's like you're You're taking something great away from Them by telling them the truth you know Put me back in The Matrix [ __ ] Right like I don't want to let me take The blue pill and go back into the Matrix I don't want to you know they Don't want the the harsh reality it Takes to wake up to anything and that's The same for people in the truth Community like how many people in the Truth Community pushed the Trump was Being you know that he was being uh Persecuted and the all the stuff that They were doing and they stole the Election from him but they also pushed All these false flag narratives and when Trump pulled that [ __ ] uh you know Uh catchup gate that was totally fake And staged and they caught between these Two narratives right they had already They had already you know um sold out Their credibility because they supported Trump on these you know whatever was Going on of course he was the hope they Have to have some hope they can't admit That the system's collapsing and so even Though this thing looks fake as F They're not going to say anything about
It because they're they're already you Know their credibility is already on Trump they already went all in on Trump But they have to have some kind of a Conspiracy theory so they go well yeah Yeah it was the Deep state that tried to Take him out they tried to assassinate Him there's the cover up and that's the Lamest thing ever when the guy's so Obviously fake after he pulled that ww I Said this looks like a WWE thing and Like two days later he rolled out Hulk Hogan I didn't even know he did WWE Stuff and like I you know I said it Because that's what exactly what it Looked like and all those other truthers That back the official story only to say No but this is a conspiracy to take him Out because you know they've already put Their like everything their faith and Their credibility into something like Into some narrative that's like these People with the Democratic party it's Too late now to pull it back and say Well I was wrong this whole time I mean If you admit that you've been wrong this Whole time it's a shock you know when The big event happened 2001 I realized The government was I mean I always knew You we all know about some things with The government we don't trust it Whatever but that was on a different Level it took me two weeks to just to Sort of digest all that stuff right I
Mean you find out something shocking About a loved one or something that you Know you've been living a lie and people Been lying to you you've been Manipulated and you know it takes a While just to accept this new reality And most people can't do that when Trump Pulled that [ __ ] so obviously [ __ ] um ketchup gate thing right and You know it was hard for these people to Admit that they were wrong because it Was you know just destroy their whole World view then they have to come up With New Hope and New solution and so That's what you're seeing here that's What this is all about right that's what All this stuff's about it's Indoctrination and people saying all Right anything the Democrats put out There is better than the Republicans and I'm just going to love it I'm going to Love it because I have to choose one Side or the other so I have to love Something so I'm going to love whatever Oh Tim wall oh he's great oh k no she Sucked before now she's great I I just Didn't know how great she was till they Started bullshitting me about her right Until I I read you know I started seeing This Propagandized um retelling of her life That isn't based in anything in reality All right so let's get into the other Stuff here please welcome Michigan
Governor Gretchen Whitmer boom Gretchen Whitmer woo put the heart up put the Heart up [Applause] Gretchen you know like all these people These are the people you're supposed to Like these are the people you're not Supposed to to like you know they get This identification early on in your Life right and you know it's like the They're putting people in these Categories and you're put into a Category and you can switch categories You can go from being a Democrat to the Republican but it's the same thing right You know then people who say this yay oh Now it's boo you know but the other People used to say something you go no Boo oh now it's yay right just whatever Your position is oh I used to be prolife Boo now pro-choice yay right it's just All this stuff and they roll out these People at these convention so if K Harris fails they throw her away she Disappears and they roll out Gretchen Whitmore next time [Applause] Right I'm Governor Gretchen Whitmer Gretchen Whitmer in Lancing they call call me Governor but in Detroit they call me big Wret big wret big wet big Wretch in in Detroit they call me big
Wret Donald Trump called me that woman From Michigan as an Insult yeah that off your Shoulder being a woman from Michigan is A badge of honor badge of honor it is It's like being from Canada but like a Little bit South like women across America we just GSD get stuff done Boom she's just rocket it with her Midwestern ch At 29 I joined the sandwich Generation sandwich between working and Raising my newborn and caring for my mom Who was I felt like every once in a While I wanted to have a sandwich dying From brain Cancer it was hard it was hard out there And know a sandwich at the end but not Extraordinary it's Life those nights reminded me who I I Was fighting for who is it you're Fighting for sandwich girl people just Trying to make it just like that I was I Was out there with I was overwhelmed With my own life but I'm like who am I Fighting for oh people who are just Trying to make it out there in life like Me kamla Harris knows who she's fighting For too does She who is it Gretchen is it is it Me she took care of her mom who also
Battled cancer as president she'll fight To lower the cost of Health Care and Elder care for every Family she's lived a life like ours She's just like me and you like life Like ours she knows us she knows Us Donald Trump doesn't know you doesn't Know you he don't know people like you At All you think he understands that when Your car breaks down you can't get to Work no he doesn't know stuff like that He's got a Helicopter no his first word was Probably Chauffeur you think he's ever had to Take items out of the cart before Checking Out hell you think he's ever been to a Grocery store she does that thing she Puts her hand on her hip and she gets Sassy that's what the chauffeur is For but kamla Harris she gets us she gets us she sees Us she knows us she is us she is Us she's also crazy she got those crazy Eyes okay let's go to the next thing Here okay so they rolled out her little Lawyer sister Here in 1958 a 19-year-old from India left the Only country she'd ever known to CH her Own path in America she came here to Pursue an education but she stayed here
To build a life her name was Dr shamla Gopalan Harris Kaboom their mom what's Interesting about that is she was um Came here in 1958 And she was 19 and she had KLA in 1964 which was six years later she'd be 25 so she was 25 years old when she had Kamla kamla dated that guy Brown the Mayor and King maker of San Francisco California and California the state de Democratic King maker and he was 30 Years older than her so KLA dated a guy Who was 5 years older than her mom Probably your dad's age are are older Than her dad right and that's the guy Who made Kam Hara pop K Harris Pop There's all these other people like Eva Longoria was there for a while she gave A a speech um we have to support each Other's dreams because kamla's success Is our success and she did like a bunch Of really accentuating her accent and Then this was the last guy and then they Came out with kamla's like her um Another one of her biographies here Really pushing her bio biographies stand Up Nevada stand Arizona Arizona stand up Too stand up America and America as well Everyone are we going to stand up yeah We're going to stand up cuz are we going To fight we're going to fight are we Going to vote no [ __ ] that are we going To win uh what are we even talking about
You bet we are let's go get Him see you later white guy thanks for Stopping by white guy give us a way White get off the freaking stage white Guy you're Just she grew up in a tight-knit Neighborhood it was okay that's not what She grew up in she didn't grow up in the Inner city here in Oakland like this is Not where she grew up right like she Grew up in a semi suburb part of Berkeley and then all the other places Were better than that right like she you Know when when she first got divorced She rented a house was in an apartment Wasn't projects it was a house and then Her her life her mom just was making More and more money after that right Kind of place where your neighbor would Look after you in school let out where Your first grade teacher would show up At your law school Graduation it's where kamla Harris Learned what it means to be in the Middle class making every paycheck count Okay again it's all black people they're Featuring here right her mom was Indian And her dad wasn't a part of her life You know like they're just why like what This is not accurate to what just not Accurate to what her life was right she Was raised by a working mom who taught Her about standing up for what's right And protecting the people you love kamla
Carries the lessons of our mother the Fighting Spirit of our mother the Compass passion she was all of 5T tall If you met her you would have thought She was 7 ft tall And our mother if I'd ever come home Complaining about anything she wouldn't Have it the first thing she'd say is Well just stop the complain and just Tell me what you're going to do about it She didn't like your players she was a Young girl kamla Harris has been Fighting for families like the one she Grew up with that is kamla she can't Help herself from standing up for okay So we saw all this stuff Before and then Um she comes [Applause] Out Woo this is her big PR night she's Celebrating like you know if she doesn't Win this is it this this will be like The peak of her life right here this Will be her big moment it's all downhill For here from here if she loses the Presidency right which you know she Doesn't deserve to win neither does Really Trump so you know doesn't really Matter there he is douge fresh dugy Fresh Dogey you you over there you I saw you Up there you Kamala Come
Kamala Kamala Cforia there you are I see you you you You you you too I saw you good evening Everyone good Evening good Evening there you go tackle look at her Cry look those always pring oh my good Look at doggy fres Doggy good evening everyone good Evening good evening thank you look at Douggy wiping away his tears Doug's Crying there's his brother-in-law Sister's Husband somebody else was in our family That was a person of color there there's A there's a real family there they're Jewish and there even new girlfriend who Doesn't have a or ethnicity thank you Thank you wife thank you everyone the Com Mary thank you all right just enough All right you guys thank you I got to go Try to [ __ ] on Trump now come on thank You All USA USA thank you all okay we got to get to Some business we got get some buiness Okay let's got to do some business go to Work okay I got to read this tele thank You thank you thank pretend I believe [ __ ] just to tell you please thank you Please thank you so very much thank you Everyone thank you everyone thank you
Okay let's get to business let's get to Business all Right so let me start by thanking my Most incredible husband Doug For being an incredible partner look at Ella's crying again to me an incredible Father to colon Ella and happy Anniversary douge douge happy Anniversary douge it's got like a little Dinosaur here I know what's going out With these tattoos you so very much I Think you're going to regret this I Don't know like when you turn like 30 or 40 to our President Joe Biden thanks for Being having uh Parkinson's cuz this is The only way I would ever gotten Here when I think about the path that we Have traveled together Joe I am filled With gratitude your record is Extraordinary as history will show and Your character is Inspiring and Doug and I love you and Jill and are forever thankful to you Both except for you know you're not here Here tonight cuz we couldn't have you Here cuz you're like a a dead weight on My s a sinker on my possibility of Putting here but other than that like You know go ahead and shovel some food Into your ear and go to Bed and to coach Tim Walls coach we got To bring up that he's a Coach coach everybody loves a coach you Are going to be an incredible vice
President so maybe someone will pick you Up maybe Trump will drop to the Delegates and everyone who has put your Faith in our campaign your support is Humbling so America the path that led me here in Recent weeks was no doubt unexpected Exactly I didn't I wasn't planning on This at all I had no idea this was a Possibility when I started to run for With Joe Biden after I saw that he was Scile in the debates and he said you Want to be VP it never crossed my mind a Day would come where he couldn't do his Job because his brain had deteriorated Even though I saw it deteriorating even Before he asked me to be vice president And I watched the guy deteriorate over Four years I wasn't licking my lips and Waiting for the day when the media Finally said this guy this Motherfucker's too old and what are we Going to do and they said I don't know I Guess we're stuck with kamla no one saw That coming I didn't know that was going To happen didn't plan on It but I'm no stranger to unlikely Journeys unlike the journeys exactly I Mean I I I shouldn't be here at all if I Dated some guy who was twice my age you Know I put on neads and I did the the Dirty deeds and and now I'm here and you Know like got these jobs and I just Moved my along and and all since luck
Would have it I'm I'm going stand in Front of you without ever receiving a Vote for president So my mother our mother shamala Harris Had one of her own and I miss her every Day and especially right now I miss the Crap out of her and I know she's looking Down Smiling I know that so my mother was 19 When she crossed the world alone Traveling from India to California with An un shakable dream to be the scientist Who would Cure breast cancer and his Luck would have it as luck would have it She died at a very young age of cancer And you know she didn't succeed in that Dream of solving or curing breast cancer So her life was pretty much a failure But she [ __ ] me out and here I am Today when she finished school she was Supposed to return home to a traditional Arranged marriage kab as fate would have It she met my father Donald Harris a Student from Jamaica they this the first time he's Mentioned in the whole debate like I Mean this whole um four days like I've Watched most of it I watched all of it But in all these you know all these Things that they showed they he just Well I guess they mentioned them um Earlier in in this one with uh with Morgan Freeman that piece but they're Not talking about the guy right and this
Is why Here in love and got married and that Act of Self-determination made my sister Maya And Me growing up we moved a lot I will Always remember that big Mayflower truck Packed with all our belongings ready to Go to Illinois To Wisconsin Wisconsin there you are and wherever our Parents' jobs took us my early memories Of our parents together are very you Know these are professional jobs these Aren't like they're they're moving Around being middle class people right They're you know these are these are Well-paying jobs and you know Prestigious jobs that you have to be Educated to get right joyful ones a home Filled with laughter and music Artha cold train cold train and Miles at the park my mother would say Stay close but my father would say as he Smiled run Kamala run Don't Be Afraid Don't let anything stop you if you see Right across moving traffic nothing's Good don't worry about it if you see a Banana peel run as fast as you can and Step on it I mean just run C like Do the world a Favor from my earliest years he taught Me to be Fearless is that what he did But the harmony between my parents did
Not last when I was in elementary school They split up and it was mostly my Mother who raised us she was five right And So she well let was her finish year Before she could find so um she mostly Her mother raised her which means the Dad disappeared did he pay child support Did he have any influence on your life Right and so he's alive right now and in Washington DC and if you know anything about these Conventions and the political people That manage them they can be very Persuasive and so what is going on Between the two of them that that mfer Won't come out here and sit up on stage And clap for his daughter right I mean Think about it like you know for him not To to come out and endorse her in some Way I mean he won't give interviews he Won't do anything he won't even Acknowledge her existence he won't Acknowledges that he spawn this this Creature and so this guy who's um an Immigrant from Jamaica who was a you Know college professor and whatever's Going on between them he isn't going to Show up he's not going to show up to Inauguration his daughter was she might Be President right and he's not going to Have any part of that whatsoever right And you know what other what other thing Bad blood is between them you know stuff
That happened to her mom what is it you Know there's a there's a story here like There's a big story that guy isn't even In there and he isn't a part of her life And he's the black one he's the one that She's she's trying to be a a black Person right like a you know this is her Heritage I mean they showed all these Clips of her being with black people she Was raised by an Indian woman you know She is half Jamaican but that's Different than being African-American That lives in America or an African that Lives in Africa the island people you Know I lived in the Virgin Islands for a While and the people live on islands are Completely different they have that Jamaican accent they have a completely Different culture and all these things Right and so you know ree all that stuff Like that right she like regae music Like what what influence does that guy Have over her in terms of her upbringing Of these things and you know she's Trying to paint this very Rosy picture Although she had it they're trying to Make it that she's had it tougher than Everybody else right but this is you Know um I mean this is totally dishonest Right finally afford to buy a home she Rented a small apartment in the East Bay In the bay okay not in Oakland in the Bay you either live in the Hills
Or the flat lands we lived in the flats A beautiful workingclass neighborhood of Firefighters nurses and construction Workers okay so she moved there when she Was 5 years old okay so this is what the This article says about her right this Is Berkeley Shire it's a paper out of Berkeley California so she says the East Bay just want to say Berkeley cuz that's The connotation is Rich Collegetown Right born in an Oakland Hospital Harris Lived in Berkeley from her first days to Nearly age one before her family moved To the Midwest and lived in three Different college towns right this is Exactly what I said so they were always Going to live in college towns because They worked in universities and college Towns are you know they are completely Different than other places right there Are these havens of of liberalism and You know healthy foods and things and I've lived in college towns and liked it I'm not you know against them but you Know I don't pretend that like that Would give me street cred Right at age five she became she came Back to Berkeley with her mother and Sister when she was 12 her mother moved The family to Canada while her father Lived in pal Palo Alto and her mother in Oakland during her undergraduate years There's no readily available record of Paris living in the Bay area again
Until we returned after college to Attend law school in San Francisco and so um you know all that Stuff right and they were associated With these college towns in Canada which Is a completely different place but she Was five when she moved into this Neighborhood and she claims that she Knows all the professions of the people That lived in the neighborhood and I Lived in various suburbs and I didn't Even know I didn't know you know my I Had friends Across the street right next door we had The cronins an Irish family Mr Cronin Was a drunk you know like I knew [ __ ] Like that right Tommy Cronin was the Youngest he he was like about 10 years Older than me sometimes he'd shoot Baskets with me basketball whatever it Was right we both had you know Basketball hoops in our in our garages Right and sometimes I'd shoot baskets With him and there was the Lions is next Door they had a Golden Retriever named Blondie right and there was a girl there Janet lion she was probably about 10 Years older than me probably maybe a Little bit younger than my sister I Don't know and did know them and I could Go through the whole neighborhood and Tell you the names of the people they That Liv there I could tell you the kind Of families they had whether the kids
Were like wild or not or you know with Kids were like good kids and you know Some of them were older these things There's a guy Mr Wilson across the Street he was like didn't like us Running on his lawn he had a little [ __ ] rat dog named Pepper and one Time I was playing hide-and go seek when I was like six or seven and I'm running Across milster Wilson's lawn and every All my friends are yelling stop stop and I didn't know but pepper was chasing me And so I stopped and pepper bit me in The leg Right little rat dog right and so I Didn't know what any of those people did Right and from the time she was 5 to 12 She probably didn't she said oh there Was firemen and policemen and these you Know she's trying to paint a picture she Lived in these neighbors neighborhoods Why would she know what these people did For a living like why would she know What their work was or any of these Things right she was 5 years old to 12 Years old you don't have those kind of Memories right like she wasn't running For political office then well I better Write I better ask everyone what they Did so I can show everyone I lived in a Middle class neighborhood later when I'm Running for president like you don't Give a [ __ ] about that stuff when you're A kid right it's just silly like the
Whole thing's silly she's a silly Person okay so I just took a Break and um dogs are barking and you Know my wife had texted me a little While ago said Kennedy is going to Withdraw guess he withdrew from 10 Battleground States and is endorsing Trump I'm not sure um what that's going To do but we'll see what happens so Let's go back to this here in the Hills Or the Flatlands We lived in the flats a beautiful Workingclass neighborhood of Firefighters nurses and construction Workers so again why would she know that Right it was like that's just there was All those three prot all those three Professions and my mom was a um a PhD Doctor of biology professor and Scientist right like the rest of them Were all these you Working Class People Just silly Right all who tended their lawns with Pride so you remember that when you were Five did you or when you were 12 you Gave a [ __ ] about your neighbor's Lawns When you were 12 years old right like This just made up stuff right my mother She worked long hours and like many Working parents she leaned on a trusted Circle to help raise us Mrs Shelton who Ran the daycare below us and became a Second mother Uncle Sherman Aunt Mary Uncle Freddy Auntie Chris none of them
Family by Blood and all of them family By love boom they were just family by Love family who taught us how to make Gumbo how to play chess And sometimes even let us Win family who loved Us were they were they were soft on you Then believed in us and told us we could Be anything and do anything so they lied To you right as long as you get your Knee pads out and You Yeah they instilled in us the values They Personified Community faith and the importance of Treating others as you would want to be Treated with Kindness respect and compassion oh geez This is just and she's just slopping it On the reason I keep on bringing up this Relationship with the brown you know the Mayor Brown guy is because it's it's a Very um not normal thing right Where a woman who is half the age of a Man has an affair with a you know a guy Who's going through a separation he buys Her Mercedes and gives her all these Jobs gets her you know influences the System and such a way to hire her for These cushy jobs which leads her Eventually to becoming president right Or at least running for president you Know they want to tell you how normal
She is right and how just like you she Is but how many people do you know where One of them had an affair with like Basically a man twice her age well I Guess you could say a man doing with a Woman but it would be you know lesser of A thing right I mean it even be more Extraordinary where a woman has a you Know boyfriend for 10 years who is very Powerful and is a king maker and then She becomes somebody prominent in a Prominent City like San Francisco she Becomes a person of power in a prominent City like San Francisco and then the Attorney General of California and then The senator and then runs for president You know she she gets catapulted into The national political process through This affair right through this sexual Encounter and she's 29 he's 60 right at The end of the thing he was 70 and she Was you know 40 so you know 10-year Relationship meant that she gave up kind Of the best years of her life in a time Where she would have had kids like from The time she was 29 to 40 that was her Window to have kids and she chose to Have an affair with this guy and become A prosecutor and and then the da and Then the the um you the rest of attorney General and all these things right and So this is not a normal thing you know You she trying to make her normal this Is somebody with a lot of ambition and
Willing to sacrifice a lot to get Something to be on a higher level than Other people right My mother was a brilliant 5 foot tall Brown woman with an Accent woo woo that's all that was all Great stuff woo and as the eldest child Especially the five foot tall part woo As the eldest child I saw how the world The oldest child she has this you know Weird accent herself would sometimes Treat her but my mother never lost her Cool she was tough courageous a Trailblazer in the fight for Women's Health and she taught Maya and me a Lesson that Michelle mentioned the other Night she taught us to never complain About Injustice but do something about It boom do something about Injustice you Know the thing about Injustice is when It's real Injustice you can almost never Do anything about It you know if it's if it's real Injustice it's a corrupt system in which You can't do anything about it right if You could do something about it you you Would like you think the people who are Suffering Injustice and you know I like The idea of not being a victim I mean That's I guess a step in the right Direction because the Democratic part is Filled with victims and victim Consciousness and we were victimized Right all these things but you know
Doing something about it is then it Isn't injust right because that means That there's a way to fight back against Injustice and if if there is then that's Not Injustice right that's a a system of Checks and balances and so true Injustice is where the power is um held In such a way that you can't do [ __ ] About it right do something about It put your fist in the air so like for The banks and these Corporations you know like um whatever That thing was um uh the big Pharmacy Company from produc Pharmacy and that Family whatever their name was the Sackers you know when they put out you Know created the new opium epidemic and Made $10 billion and they got fined for Half of it right when people died and so They walked away with $5 billion right And so yeah that sucks they lost5 Billion I'm sure they're not happy about That but you know it's only half of what They made and they still walked away With $500 million 500 million Right or $5,000 million right it's $1,000 million five times and so like That's a a fortune they walked away with The same thing when she sued the banks And they paid out some hundreds of Millions of dollars but the banks made Billions of dollars right so you know That's not fighting against Injustice Right that's just doing something that
You know they're paying you basically a Bribe to make it look like you did Something and she taught us and she Always she also taught us and she also Taught us and never do anything half Asked and that is a direct Quote a direct quote you pick that up in India like Where I grew up immersed in the ideals Of the Civil Rights Movement my parents Had met at a civil rights Gathering and They made sure that we learned about Civil rights leaders including the Lawyers like they good Marshall and okay Let's move forward to the Trump stuff Here so she says something here coming Up about her life's work to the peaceful Transfer of Power talking about the election of Trump that guy I will be a President Who Unites us around our highest Aspirations a president who leads and Listens who is Realistic Practical and has common Sense and always fights for the American People come On from the courthouse to the White House that has been my life's Work yes it has you just been people Young courtroom prosecutor in Oakland California yeah I stood up for women and Children against predators who abuse Them as Attorney General of California I
Took on the big Banks yeah she got delivered woo look at Them $20 billion for middle class Families who faced foreclosure and Helped pass a homeowner Bill of Rights One of the first of its kind in the Nation I stood up for veterans and students Being scammed by big for-profit Colleges for workers who are being Cheated out of their wages the wages They were Due for seniors facing elder abuse I Fought against the cartels who traffick In guns and drugs and you she took on The cartels and she won human beings and The banks who threaten the security of Our border and the safety of our Communities if any of those things were True she wouldn't be standing there Right and I will tell you these fights Were not easy and neither were the Elections that put me in those Offices we I mean you know I had to get These knee pads on everything were Underestimated at practically every Turn but we never get gave up because The future is always worth fighting For and that's the fight we are in right Now a fight for America's Future fellow Americans this Election is not only the most important Of Our Lives It is one of the most important in the
Life of our nation boom it just all it's Just like every one of those elections Is for some Reason like the last election was Supposed to be That in many ways Donald Trump is an Unserious man boom this is where she Gets into Trump okay continuing on Here in many ways Donald Trump is an Unse serious Man okay so your cackle like she's known For weird laugh and inappropriate laugh Inappropriate you know happiness and Weird conversations laughing with no one Else's right you know everything that She does and they do and again I'm not Endorsing Trump but this is the kind of Election it is where they can't win with The hand that they're dealt so they're Playing Trump's hand right like this guy Um wall wals is weird and we now know That you know the after seeing the this Whole debacle here that there's just a Lot of weirdness in the Democratic party Right and a lot of Oppression and Anti-freedom things and so they're Pushing it as being joyful they made it Into a party and you know that they Pulled that off you can say that Kamala Is legitimately joyful so yeah that was Something she had going for Trump not so Much right Trump's sort of grumpy all The time like you don't see Trump Laughing I when when you see Trump
Laughing right almost never and so you Know they got the joy part but now she's Saying he's not serious the guy's really Serious right I mean you know he's once In a while he make he jokes around but For the most part he's kind of Dow And but the Consequences but the consequences of Putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious yeah exactly He's not serious but his consequences See they they don't have a winning hand So they have to run on like she has to Be the underdog and the not the Incumbent they're running against Trump's record and not Biden's not on Biden's record right like this is the Whole you know knowing that they aren't Supposed to win this election right Based in Biden under performing and Where the country is and what people Want which is change and you know she's A change from Biden but not a good one Like they didn't want her before and so The whole thing's very interesting if They pull this off then they've done an Incredible job like they've been so Incompetent the Democratic party I Thought was going to collapse numerous Times from their Incompetency but of course when you Don't have anybody there's no checks and Balances and you don't have anybody Calling you on this stuff and they've uh
Extinguish the voices even the people's Voices the majority of people's voices We don't know how much rigging there is Going on but if she ends up being President they've pulled off a you know A a big scam like a you know this is Like Oceans 11 kind of St like one of These you know one of these um flimflam Man scams con man game right running Some sort of con game you know pyramid Scheme Consider consider not only the chaos and Calamity when he was in office but all Also the gravity of what has happened Since he lost the last Election Donal okay so this his office His time in office was entertaining but There really wasn't that many much bad [ __ ] happening till Co you know and the Riots that they created like these were Manufactured right and I'm not saying he Was a good president he wasn't and he Got worked at the end of operation warp Speed but you know he wasn't as radical As he wanted to be or his people thought He was he was more of a just you know [ __ ] his his um voters his you know Fans and then um you know do what his Handlers told him to do like you know he Had his different you know particular Things that he was you know whatever he Said he he was going to do what he did But mostly he did what his handlers told Him what to do right he wouldn't do some
Things he wouldn't go along with some of The military-industrial complex Wars and Whatever but for the most part he was Just you know your typical president Just like with Joe Biden like it wasn't You know they they're all going to loot They're all going to scam but the Country itself is moving in a direction And has been for a while where the debt Has made the economy and the country Insolvent and none of these guys got a Sol you they can't solve that problem They can't solve any of these big Problems Social Security any these other Things and so it isn't like he's you Know going to be a Calamity the Calamity Is already going to happen either way You know no matter who gets elected they Can't solve the the thing things that Are you know it's like you're going to a Doctor for your you're going to a Dentist and you got you know cancer of The liver and you got a heart issue Right the dentist isn't going to help You with that like you know so you can Have a a nice smile but you're going to Die you know like that's what's Happening these guys don't have the There's no solution for the terminal Problems that America has right Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes When he failed he sent an armed mob to The United States capital where they Yeah that's just not accurate you know
These these people were dopes like Really stupid I mean you see some of the People the QB Shaman you can't you know Donald Trump has been characterized she Said he's not a serious man but yet he's Also a criminal mastermind that almost Overthrew the government like he's got To be one or the other he can't be Dopey And Brilliant right they assaulted law Enforcement officers When politicians in his own party begged Him to call off the mob and send help he Did the opposite he fanned the Flames and now for an entirely different Set of crimes he was found her her way That sh her Rhythm and her Cadence of What she speaks is very off-putting Right like just listen to the Cadence Like not not even with the words guilty Of fraud by a jury of everyday Americans and Separately and separately found liable For committing sexual Abuse and Consider consider what he intends to do If we give him power again consider his Explicit intent to set free violent Extremist Who assaulted those law enforcement Officers at the capital okay come on These dopes that you're talking about You know they were ushered in I mean Just this silly right like this whole Thing like it's just you know there's
Such a division here and you know the People who um are on Trump's side or you Know truther people know that like that The act the official story is not you Know accurate portrayal of what actually Happened there like and Trump failed There like he either he was you know Playing a part and he was ordered by the So-called deep State you know what People think of the deep State and he Was acting as a shill and he set up his Own people then turned on him you know After getting worked after rolling out Operation warp speed and closing down The economy and getting worked on Co and Giving fouchi an award fuchi an award All the things he did right like he just Failed on every level and he walked Right into that thing but the way They've characterized it is not accurate Like it's just and if you can't see that Then you know of course you're going to Think she's great and these people can't Like and they're unwilling to look at it But you know this is where it's just Become one big deception his Explicit intent to jail journalists Political opponents and anyone he sees As the enemy his explicit intent to Deploy our active duty military against Our own Citizens Consider consider the power he will have Especially after the United States
Supreme Court just ruled that he would Be immune from Criminal Prosecution Who just Imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails Well then you you're going to have the Same situation like what about Comm Harris with no God real you wanted to Lock up parents who weren't putting Their kids into school I mean just like You know and we saw what Tim Walls did When he was you know in charge of Co so Like all these things she's accusing him Of like they're both capable of imposing Martial law Trump and her like Trump has Talked about it and they they basically Did it with Co right and so that's you Know like martial law is a part of your Future one way or another And how he would use the immense powers Of the Presidency of the United States oh just She's so Serious not to improve your life not to Strengthen our national security but to Serve the only client he has ever had Himself no we didn't see that coming I Thought you were going to say the American People like you know that they they plot At these these stage lines look at him Shake his head and we know what a second Trump term would look like it's all laid Out in Project
2025 written by his closest advisor you Know this is we've and I went through That in my last video it is the silliest Possible thing to think that you know They're hiring people and you know you Have to go through these federal Agencies to get hired By a federal job they have Federal Requirements right getting a federal job You have to go through all these hoops And things which they describe in the 2025 you know um videos they made but They're out there looking like they're Recruiting average Trump supporters to Serve in this Administration before he's won the Election in an agenda that can only be Used against him it's the stupidest Thing ever like anybody who believes It's real and you know it's just it's Silly like the whole thing's just silly But the these people are so dumb like Everyone's so dumb and not just the Democrats but the Republicans and they All buy into this stuff right I mean it Looks more like a Ponzi scheme than it Is looks like Trump's actual agenda like They're finding ways to run money Through this scheme and maybe they want You to pay them to get a job in the Trump Administration I don't even know Like we'd have to see it but it looks More like a pyramid scheme than it does Anything real
Right and its sum total is to pull our Country back to the past but America we are not going back we are not Going back you know if this is the Future what we just saw here the Democratic party and on this stage and These people if this is the future and Kind of it looks like it is we're Completely [ __ ] right I mean this is You guys aren't the future like you're You know de evolving right this you know This you know island of the misfit toys And this freakazoid show and these you Know just all these weird people and not Weird in a good way like not you know Weird in eccentric kind of interesting Way but just lower functioning Dumber You know um idiocracy type Situation we are not going back okay so That's I just can't you know let's just Um see what she does here let's go with The balloons and the thing ends up Here let show each other and the world Who we are and what we you know we still Don't know who you are because you lied About your biography and who you are as A person and you still haven't talked About what happened with your dad like You know if you're talking about Overcoming things then you need to be Personal about your tragedies and your You know your personal relationships and These things and they they never do that Right they never talk about these things
That affect them like your dad like Didn't seem to want to be a part of her Life like her dad D was on the other Side of the country and you know it Doesn't seem like you know even when he Lived close to them he had any kind of Visitation or we don't know if he was Contributing financially and we don't Know if they had like weekly Conversations or one like how many times She said she barely saw the guy right What happened there the guy didn't like You or you know what happened what was The situation there right like you Talked about your friend getting abused But what happened with your dad like the Guy isn't willing to show up here he Lives in Washington DC and he's a he's a Professor he doesn't like he's some Lowlife you know unemployed drunk and You're embarrassed of the guy I mean the Guy he was a Marxist a communist but Still you know hyper liberal but he Doesn't respect you and like you enough To show up you know his daughters being Um you know running for president and This is a big deal he's not willing to Show up there we stand for Freedom Opportunity compassion dignity fairness And Endless Possibilities remember possibilities was Joe Biden's big thing so there she's Just you know they this was Joe Biden's Platform remember he said one word
Possibilities like this was the thing he Was you know he like a lot of this stuff Was his Jo Biden stuff but they decided You know they J they jettisoned him and Now she's just taking over from you know His policies and all of his team and the Same people Right we are The Heirs to the greatest Democracy in the history of the world Said the person who's running for President without receiving one vote I Mean this the Epic scam here that they Perpetrated and on behalf of our Children and our grandchildren and all Those who sacrificed so dearly for our Freedom and Liberty we must be worthy of this Moment it is now our turn it's our turn Remember she's waited her turn for a Long time to do what Generations before Us have done Guided by optimism and Faith to fight for this country we love To fight for the ideals we ch cherish And to Uphold the awesome Responsibility that comes with the Greatest privilege on Earth what Privilege the privilege and pride of Being an American oh my god really you're going With that that sounds like Republican [ __ ] there like there there should Be no there it might be a privilege but It isn't something you should be proud
Of let's fight for it let's get out There let's vote for it and together let Us write the next great chapter in the Most extraordinary Story Ever Told thank you God bless you as a Christian you think this is a more Extraordinary story than Jesus's story Like as a Christian or as a Hindu you Think it's more extraordinary than you Know Krishna picking up a a mountain With his spinky or you know the M you All the God bless the United States of America thank you all [Applause] [Applause] Okay we playing that song is that a rly Stone [Applause] Song oh it's Beyonce um here he comes here comes the Guy doggy fresh first to come out they Let him out one at a time give the big Hug happy anniversary there we go do Your cackle douy fresh there they are They're the the award-winning couple Who's going to come out next this guy's Just letting the people out one at a Time right there he is they're going to Allow Tim Walls and his wife probably And they're going to come here remember When Hillary Clinton was like having a Like a dementia moment herself and was Like transfixed on the balloons this Weird whoa look oh look oh oh oh oh oh
Look at this guy look at coach look at Coach look at Coach that was good good boom it's Amazing there you go hug his wife Gwen Her name is Gwen and then bring out the kids all the Kids got to come out like here they go Put the four people out there there you Go raise your hands look at like ncy Pelosi's like she also looks like um That woman Barbara from Shark Tank and so she's like both those people Dan they they all have those crazy eyes Right and like similar movements there We go we're going to be victorious you Got coach I mean now that you have coach And you got douge fresh I mean you got The winning Squad look at him touch your Heart you got joy you got freedom you Got compassion you got your family you Know stuff that you're doing and so you Know it's all going your way dougy fresh Here come the balloons look at they're Dropping the balloons here they come now They can come just drop as many balloons As possible from the Rafters look at them red white and blue Type balloons here they Go like this is just you know the Epitome of like what's wrong with the And there are the kids they all the kids Extended family all the Multicultural Stuff you got going on there and there It is there's the people from all around
The different places Henderson Nevada I Live there right Madison wiscan These are Battleground States they're Piping in here Pittsburgh PA look at it Just knock those balloons around give Emma hug she's crying again let Emma cry Get maybe she give her another tattoo There's her nieces that you know can Legitimately call her Antie and so that's the thing right That's KLA Harris so the thing that just Happened here at both these conventions Right Republicans buying into Trump's [ __ ] that he you know the whole Thing and he was bleed lean from his ear All that stuff right and pumping his Fist and them thinking he's a hero and You know they at some level you always Know somebody's lying to you and the Things are so fake and even lots of People in the truth Community buy it Into that [ __ ] right that you know Obviously fake narrative because of Being programmed to you know I mean There's already a decision that's been Made right there's no like wiggle room Now there's some independent people that You know whatever they're Independents And they are whatever they are and They're probably just per snicky they're Not really truth Seekers and so the Majority of people they're already Penciled in they're going to people who Don't care don't vote they're going to
People who are Democrats people are Republicans and then some people who can Be swayed either way and depending on How good of an illusion there is and What's going on with the country like if They've just had a president in Trump Who had sort of a debacle with covid and Closed the economy down and then lost All these jobs s and all these other Things that happened and you know a few Other things the riots that were Happening which were like a sort of a Threat if Trump is elected again we'll Have these riots all the time and so it Was like a you know it was kind of like A pressure for the the Supreme Court and These other Republican people who Already kind of soured on Trump to say Just get rid of that guy right and so if You put all those things together then They were able to get Trump out of the White House right because of just the You know the the E and flow of things But then Biden sucks for four years and The country is in bad shape and people Are pissed at him Trump starts looking Pretty good to them and then you know Biden withdraws and they throw KLA Harris in there and they create this Narrative and you know the Democrats Just fall for it just like the Republicans do so why should there be Dem democracy anyway like people can't Make the right decisions how many people
Do you know in your life that make good Decisions like everybody that took the Blue Right should they get the right to vote I mean you know there bad decisions that People made people make decisions all The time that are counterproductive and Self-sabotaging and you know democracy Doesn't work because people are kind of Bought and sold and easily manipulated And so it's not a real thing and so what You got to hope for is the people Running the system are scared enough of The people and you know have a have Enough sort of moral compass that they Won't take too much or they won't make Too many bad decisions they won't sell Off too much of the country and they Won't you know I mean do what has been Done here but that that ship is freaking Sailed and so none of it matters right That's why I don't get that upset about It democracy isn't something worth Saving this country isn't something Worth saving I mean our lifestyle is but You know the lifestyle is B is Predicated on us doing bad things to the Planet and other people eating other People's food and resources right and so You know it's I mean it's about time it Goes like it's not a it's not a Godly System a Divine system right but you can See how dumb the people are that they Can be manipulated in this way right and
Republicans can see how bad how dumb the Democrats are and Democrats can see how Dumb the Republicans are but they can't See how dumb they are right and how Manipulated manipulated and controlled They are and so these you know these Events have just shown you all you need To know like this is not not worth Saving the people aren't worth saving You know they're not able to discern and See through lies and once you crack the Code on this once you're able to push These um these narratives on people These you know these audacious lies and You have a compromised press and you Have like what became the truth Community completely owned now and Completely controlled and and demonized And all these things so if you have all Those things together then you know you Can perpetrate these frauds and just Create a a candidate with like con Harris and not even run a election no Nomination real Pro no nomination Process just install this STP pick a Candidate and then their candidate's Owned by you anyway because it isn't a Person that had you know popular appeal And so the she's owned by the the people That own Joe Biden which she already was Owned by them and so like she wasn't Going to become president on her own she Wasn't going to win a primary right so You know the primary process and it's so
Much easier to do it this way where They're just installing people right the People who run the Democratic party are Handpicking somebody and they're trying To manipulate the system just like Trump Is and we're going to see how it plays Out like whoever gets elected it's going To be the decid is going to be decided By the people control the system like They're handpicking one of these two People and you really can't tell now cuz Even race so it isn't until right before The election we'll see like how it goes Down right and what kind of you know if They really want to have another uh Democratic president and they want to Install kamla Harris then there's going To be backlash but if Trump's elected is Going to be even more backlash and I Think that's what they want right I Think they want riots I think they want This thing to fall apart but these you Know there the opposition too that's There the way that people are completely Divided and hate each other the two Groups of people and how they look at The other people as being evil there's No way you can walk that stuff back like This country's you know on the verge of A civil war why World War III is is Brewing and the econom is collapsing Right this is why the apocalypse is Bound to happen like there's nothing Here that you could look at and say
There's Hope like it's just fraudulent You know it's just [ __ ] right it's All just [ __ ] lies and deceptions And things like this and Psychological operations and you know All those things like this doesn't you Know make you think that humanity is Doing great and America's doing great And we can pull this thing out right and So it's just more and more idiocracy Right it's more and more dumbing down The American population and you know the Immorality and everything goes with it Right and so you know it's been over for A while and I've said it it's just you Know we have what was built before it's Hard to take that whole structure down And you know uh get rid of something Without some cataclysms like people just Will go about their daily you know their Daily lives and things like this Meanwhile you know that you have a a Currency that's based in debt and and The debt is you know the all of that the Banks and the and the currency is Insolvent and the you know the country Is insolvent economically and so you Know at some point they're going to just Have to unleash some of these things if They don't happen Organically and then you know people Will be disrupted your lifestyle will be Disrupted the power go off the there Won't be food in your grocery stores and
Then you know things will get real reels Really quickly and then all thing Everything will devolve from there right Because we know that people can't will Freak out when the system goes down like People can't live like two days without The internet or a week imagine if the Power went off for like a week people Would lose their freaking Minds like They can't you know they're so low Functioning and so like that's you know That's going to happen Whatever Whenever That does happen but it's getting closer And closer right because it's you know Things are going south quickly anyways Let me wrap this one up here then I can Take a few days off in terms of I don't Have to rush a video out I have a lot Plenty of content I'll put this up on Saturday night and then you know Everyone can catch up on all these Videos if they're interested I think It's a lot of good stuff here but you Know I mean It's it's not like you know anything Here is going to be life- saving only Spirituality will save this world it's p Definitely important for the Apocalypse In the Ascension everyone have a blessed Day and be Grateful E E e