Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I Want to talk about two things here in The introduction obviously I have to Always say the stuff about being Shadow Band and all that stuff that um you know You have to work Towards letting YouTube know you still Want to see my Content and there's ways to do that Which is subscribing resubscribing Recommending the video sharing whatever Leaving comments liking the video and of Course the members ship program which is Um also a good way to help keep this Channel going but anyways um let's get Into the other stuff here so I first Want to talk about death um in our Culture death is not only evil something Bad something Undesirable but it also is something to Avoid talking about or thinking about or Pretending it's never going to happen Right it's you know death is in denial We're in denial about death so let's Start off with the part about it being Evil or wrong and you know our whole Culture is based In uh not surrendering in modern day Culture American culture and you know Getting things done and being Successful and no excuses and but then The nons surrender the idea is you never Give up you never surrender there is a Natural part of our system that wants us
To survive right in nature biological Creatures have a will to live you know We have to keep on going it has to be There there has to be that right like if We were um like H all right whatever I'll just die now right if like we just Conceited to death before it's time Right just gave up like you know you see People who just give up right you've Seen people who just give up life but Often times they're like scared of death You know my dad was like this for a Number of years where they're not really Living but they're scared of dying right So you know giving up and just you know Quitting on life you know whatever it is That's undesirable it's not a part of Biological life you're supposed to fight Right you're supposed to keep on going You're supposed to Value the opportunity Of life that you're given and and you Know um and dying and death is to be Avoided right you're supposed to have a Natural fear of it natural you know Aversion to it to some extent and you Know I was just watching this Jimmy Val About three or four months ago I watched This Um 30 for 30 thing on ESPN about the um North Carolina State basketball team That won the National Championship with The ulate Underdogs they shouldn't even have Really made the tournament uh the
College tournament And so the coach they had was Jimmy Valano was this eccentric sort of loud Italian guy and he ended up getting Cancer and the Sports World he was just Um consumed with this story and he Started the Jimmy V Jimmy V you know the V Foundation and you know he was big part Of the ESPN and he said never give up never Surrender then he died of cancer right I've talked about this like people say I Beat cancer and it's like well yeah for Now or you know whatever of course now With tural cancer and you you don't beat Death and you know in our culture the Bad guy dies at the end you know most Movies death is the ultimate you know Sign of losing right the good guy wins And lives happily ever after the bad guy Dies you know villain and death is Something where you know it's a sign of Losing and you know if death was bad Then why do we all face it's one Inevitable thing we all face right like We're not guaranteed anything else but Death like you when you're born you Could die a day later an hour later you Could die you know during child birth Right like you have you know whatever Whatever your lifespan is you're Definitely going to die right and also Things end like that's the other thing
Like things just end and things are you Know whatever it might be you have the Death of things in your life right when You turn you for me it was like I would Just turned 30 and I noticed that there Was physical decline I noticed when I Played Sports I would be sore and I would be You know I couldn't um recover as Quickly as I used to you know things Like that like I was still able to do What I used to do in age 30 but my body Wasn't recovering and even you know Again to my late 20s and then you I Really notic I turned 30 and then after That you know of course 4S and 50s you Notice that there's a physical decline Where you're you know kind of developing And growing and you know becoming Something as a young person you notice That there's physical Decline and as you Get older you know more and more you can See that your body's wearing out and That you know Death Becomes a thing Right all of a sudden you know you see Like you know You're doing what your parents used to Do like what you considered old people Right what old people you know you Remember things like from when you were A kid and looking at your parents and Your grandparents and things like this And you start seeing that now you're That person you're older and your the
Way that you think about life changes You just mature you know just the amount Of time you put in the Years you put in You start wearing down maybe even Emotionally mentally things like that Right you don't have as much um you know Fire in you or whatever so uh Testosterone and you understand you Start seeing that death is you know just Around the corner right it's something That's that's um you you was something You didn't think about at all now you You have to start thinking about it and What are you going to leave behind and How you prepare you know whatever the Younger generation what are you going to You know what's the you know what's the Culmination of your life and then Processing this event that's going to Happen and so in the American culture in Western culture we don't have rights of Passage like there used to be extensive Rights of Passage in tribal and you know Aboriginal type of cultures and various Village-based cultures where there' be a Celebration and a Acknowledgment that you're going from Being a you know a boy or a girl to a Woman or a man right you're you know You're you're going from being a kid to An adult this process of being a Teenager it's one of the reasons Teenagers struggle so much because There's no acknowledgement right like we
Had this thing called Confirmation in the Catholic tradition You know it's uh kind of a thing you Know like not as big as us say Bar Mitzvah some of these things but Culturally there needs to be some Recognition of these milestones and we Just don't really have it and you know In terms of being prepared for marriage And life life there's none of that like You get years and years of schooling to Prepare you for a job like just when you Start an elementary school and you go All the way through to whatever you go Through that's all to prepare you for a Job and then you go to college for People go to college and maybe get a Master's degree or doctorate like There's you know four to eight years of Uh you know of um training for your Future job and then when you go your job There's training right they train you How to do your job and there's none of That for being a husband or a wife like There's almost zero training you can Watch your parents who usually have a Bad marriage and there's not much Training for these big things right our Culture doesn't train people how to be Good human beings and how to be Effective at these things people can go Into self-help things to try to learn From the Psychological uh you know the
Psychological model model or whatever it Is movement but that's not really good Because usually the psychologists have Shitty marriages and they're not like You know they don't have good lives Often they're miserable maybe on Medication themselves right so there's a Lot of medication going on Self-medicating drinking alcohol smoking Pot you high levels of that you know or Being on anti-depressants now and like What's that about like if you think About like being unable to live live a Normal actual life that you need to be Medicated just to you know get through a Day or whatever right so needing Something to to help you sleep right Like you can't do you can't sleep right Like why can't you sleep right people Having all kinds of issues like with Basic things inability to breathe Difficulty breathing with different Types of asthma right all these Different I mean they need medications Just to help them do basic natural Functioning there's like a weakening to The system and then in all of this There's zero training about death right Like there's no there's no um Preparation at all for it it's just Something that you avoid thinking about And you don't like want to have it Happen and then all of a sudden sneaks Up on you and so for something that is
Inevitable our one guarantee is that We're going to die why would that be Right like again there has to be some You know natural fear and natural uh uh You know fighting off the idea of dying Right you have to you know in your Whatever your you know your existence is You have to want to live like there has To be that that has to be there Otherwise you know it would be pointless And people would uh you know just take The you know the easy way out in that Sense um not just in terms of suicide But just highrisk behaviors and you know Life would be cheap and it shouldn't be Right so like I said that's important But death is inevitable and if death was Bad or evil why would it be there like Why would God make death you know a Reality and think about what it would be Like if nothing died well this place Would be overpopulated right there'd be You know I don't know a trillion people Now or whatever there billions of you Know 20 you know 50 billion people here The planet would be unsustainable but All the other life forms right like Let's say you know people think about Being vegans and and and these things But you know it's important that you Know that your body is being eaten by Something like there microbes you know Whatever like your body gets eaten like Your your system you your your flesh and
All these things has to be eaten by Whatever it is there's animals like People dislike vultures and you know we Have an aasum that lives in our bar and We've been watching like we walk in There and it just looks at us right Sleeping during the day you know their Nature's Cleanup Crew they eat these you Know dead animals that are there Whatever and they play a very important Role you know let me just um say this Before we go further with this thing you Know the what we're looking at is the Death of a system right like this stuff That happened I'm get into KLA and her Goofy Vice presidenti she'll pick and There's already crap coming out about That and of course Trump just keeps on Being Trump but these are not great People these are not great leaders and We're going to transition I want to Cover that in a moment too you know Transitioning into that but what we're Looking at is the death of something and These people that are like horrible People that are the leaders or whatever It is are being presented and you know Everything is the lower it's lower and You know weaker and you know signs of a Fracture in our system right and it's You know the decline of the system and So all these things things are there Like the death of a person but also the Death of a country or civilization you
Know these countries are all across the Globe have had different names and have Different cultures and have different Dominant you know people there because Things don't stay things don't live Forever right things don't exist forever And so most people die badly you know I Saw this with my parents particularly my Dad my kids and I went to visit my Parents like we were going to I know Exactly what happened but my ex stayed Home and I drove my kids from Virginia To Baton Florida I stopped at we had an Asham in uh Molina Georgia which my Brother was a caretaker and I stayed Over there and I got kids got really Sick in the car right before we got to The asham and I was sick there that Night which kind of interesting and I Went down and I saw my parents and my Kids were fine with it but my parents Were you know my dad was like a walking Skeleton he had had irritable bow Syndrome and he couldn't see like he so He was kind of like basically blind and His he couldn't digest food he couldn't Eat food he had a nurse that came in and Bathed him like he couldn't do basic Bodily functions and he had wither Withered down he'd always been fat he Called it his labanza my dad was Sicilian and Albanian you know this Labanza was some sort of Italian name For a pot belly and my whole life had
Been kind of overweight you know obese Not obese but you know Potbelly you know Bigger than you know overweight and now He was just like a skeleton and and the Things he like he didn't have lot things He really liked to do but he liked to Eat and he couldn't eat anymore because He had this you know digestive issues he Liked to watch TV and you know my Parents were different separate bedrooms They had separated for a little bit and Um they had their doors open And they were watching baseball my dad Was listening to the baseball game but Like the TVs were completely synced up And I was sitting there with my kids and You know they were my mom had turned the Heat up it was 80 degrees in Florida she Had the heat on it was like 90 degrees Of the house and I was like oh my God This is horrible right like just Watching my dad and you know and he was Just being kept alive and he was Terrified of death like really scared of Death and You know I I mean I know he had some Like sort of panic panic attacks when he Was he went to a dentist I don't know Cuz dentists when he grew up were brutal B painful so he had some kind of thing Like that my sister was a dental Technician at the time and she told me About it and like his you know he went There and had a panic attack couldn't go
Through with the the dental procedure And my sister was put in a bad position Because the dentist got bested and it Was the whole thing like he was supposed To get discount or something I don't Know but you know there was just the Fear of death and I saw that they were Just keeping him alive until he we ran Out of insurance and there's no more Money and that's how the medical system Works but there was doing nothing to Prepare for death I know there's these Hospice places I'm not sure how good They are how they work or whatever but It has to be there done sooner like you You have to have some element of being Prepared for death much earlier right a Little a little bit your whole life like It just has to be this acceptance that This thing's going to happen because it Might happen when you're young like it's Just you know it's not guarantee that You're going to live a long life and you Know there's an element to it on a Spiritual level where there's a release That it's a beautiful thing and if You've developed spiritual capabilities You know you're being free from your Earthly bondage if you reach the state Called MTI or Liberation which is you're No longer bound to planet earth based in Your samsaras which is like you know um You know ancient yogic uh spiritual Teachings that everyone should know
About that there's like a celebration of Your accomplishment your soul is now Free it might come back to planet Earth In a future life but it might not but You don't have to where everyone else Has to come back because they haven't Graduated from this you know Earthly Existence and if you meditate you're Getting in contact with the etheric part Of yourself and so there's some Knowledge or some experience of your Soul and your etheric life and there's Just a release of your physical body you Know and it's just a a natural thing as You get older and you you get more uh You start to you know get more Experience with this etheric side of Yourself and having illnesses and things Like this you know you're you're your Your Consciousness drifts away into your Making contact with the other you know The the element of yourself that is in Your physical body your soul and your Spiritual Essence and that all has to be Done if you're doing that correctly You're preparing for that and you're you Know you're already you know meditating And and connecting with that you know Other you know the other world the you Know the the the brighter world the you Know the the etheric world and so you're Prepared for that transition from dying To you know to your soul leaving and Going back to its original source and
And then doing whatever it does for you Know your next Incarnation or whatever It might be and all of that is you know Is is needs to be dealt with to some Extent I mean I feel really good Personally about my time doing the Meditation because it's a preparation For this and itable thing that's going To happen and making use of this time Here to move your soul forward to to you Know get something out of your life Spiritually which is a a huge part of it Because when you've you know when you're Doing something like that there's you Know there's a success to the whole Thing that your life isn't pointless Like there's you know the your suffering Isn't pointless and all these things Right and suffering can be you know a Kind of a You know it's just Um it's helpful in this like Understanding that you know if you feel Healthy and Invincible all the time and Happy and everything's going well then You know Death Becomes something of a Like a you know a horror show a Nightmare you know why would you want to Die when you're so happy and you're so You know but you look at the miserable People around the world there are people Who just long for death because they're Just in miserable Situations and that's you know that's a
Gift in some ways right like being you Know miserable and being you know Physically unable to function because It's like oh it's a yeah I just don't Want to keep on going with this thing Because it's you know that usually Happens to people it gets dumped on them All at once at the end of their life but If you have little doses of that where You know the death is you know possibly You know a good thing you know somebody Who has a miserable life and just is you Know free from it right like and it's Just the the release of death right and So all these things have to be Contemplated but in terms of a systemic Death the death of our system you know It's there's a time where it becomes Obvious that your system is just Producing bad people and it's a bad System it's taking everyone in the wrong Direction that people are getting worse And just in terms of their you know all Of it their ability to function their You know entitlement their selfish Like all the things we see their Stupidity their Idiocracy and our leaders right now this Is a good indication of that this Presidential race where people are you Know in denial of one side of the aisle They're denying how bad KL is or they're Denying how bad Trump is or how bad you Know the whole party system is and how
Bad people are in general and believe That this thing can be some kind of a Miracle and it can be saved but what do You SA like what is so great about our System that's worth saving like and I'm Not talking about some traditional crap That you did or some happy moments you Had I mean overall the system is taking People in the wrong direction like the Kids are getting worse 60% of kids are Depressed right and these are the Leaders that you have right you know and So me telling people the truth here like I just talked about Christianity and the Bible and the religion how it's failed And these things and you know that There's a higher level and whatever in My is it two videos ago my last video it Was like you know America needs Bankruptcy or whatever it was and I Talked about this extensively and about Um you know the the whole thing um and Spirituality versus religion and Whatever it is but you know I went Through this process myself and so for Years I did the Sark system and there Was a guy named master chargie who was The third Master of the system And he was completely Beyond me he was Somebody who was you know I mean he was Operating on a higher level and and it Was based in service he worked Tirelessly for the system and helped all Of us through that work and the system
Had been built by in America some Boomer Hippies and a lot of these Indian people Who had built asham and had contributed Money to to you know and and not not Only that but they had gone to India Years and years ago and learned the Meditation and brought it back to America and I benefited from that and I Recognized and was grateful for that for Them you know the work they put in right And certainly the work Master chargie Did so that I could get this gift of Doing this meditation you know I just Passed my 31st year of doing it started In 1993 in August and so you know it was A blessing and I was very happy with the People for their contribution and Certainly to the master of the system And so you know and I was I mean it just Came from a place of gratitude I was Grateful for it all the time like I was Constantly aware of how great it was and How it was helping me and help me Transformed you know doing this Meditation there's an energy this Transmission that's given when you sit Meditation this Divine love that's given You know pranoti this energy and so Complete blessing and I went through a Big Transformation in 20145 master chargie passed away and I My you know my marriage of 18 years Which is a nightmare you know my ex was
Somebody who had you know been abused by Her parents sexually and physically and Emotionally and whatever at least that Was her story and she had been Institutionalized you know she had gone To a hospital suicide attempts and Things and like when we'd have arguments I mean when she was young 18 19 whatever Stalked right she had all these like Trauma Traumas and had big psychological issues And you know I talked about this in my Journey series and you know we'd have an Argument and I'd have to hide the knives Because you'd threaten a she'd you know Cut herself or threaten to kill herself And say it was my fault it was like you Know was hell it was like you know this Give paraphrase it I mean I'm you giving You a know cliff notes of this thing and I went through that you know and when That ended I went through this cleaning Process and I just um felt better like The the cleaning the spiritual clean I Got was you know miraculous and I had Been such a low functioning person like A total underachiever didn't understand Life didn't have any like goals and Ambition like just didn't you know I Wasn't going anywhere right like I just You know I my life sucked and I was a I Was a low functioning person the sjar System helped me like I'm you know very Aware of you know how it like filled in
The the the holes and the gaps and the You know the deficiencies that I had Right and just having a goal and a Spiritual goal it was you know Revolutionary and so they transitioned Over this guy charg you left to a master Named Kish who I had a good relationship Before and I thought he was a good Practitioner of the system he had been a Good preceptor for the system right and You know I I thought thought he was Going to be great and I saw him become The master of the system like he went Through the the spiritual process which Is a whole big deal which I won't get Into now but it's a like a spiritual Work that's done and these spiritual Talents and gifts are opened up to the Person so they can serve other people Serve God and and serve other people Through God so their service of God and I thought the guy would be a a great Master and he ended up being a complete Piece of [ __ ] I mean stupid like I had These you know interactions with him While I was walking away going this guy Is like like chargie was like brilliant In ways that I couldn't even understand Like I couldn't understand him as a you Know because it was was beyond my Capacity but dodgy was was this guy Commas changed his name to dodgy gave Him himself a nickname named dodgy d a a Gii but it sound like dodgy the you know
The English term for being you know Seedy and scummy and these things and so I had this exper experience of his Divinity this guy Commish but he was Stupid and made bad decisions and they Started get into scams and criminal Activity and stupid [ __ ] like the Brighter Minds program and I started Talking about this in the journey series And people from the mission came to me And said do you know about this do you Know about that right because there are People like me who were struggling with How bad he was right but the majority of People in the system were in denial and Were pretending he was fine or just Didn't want to deal with it cuz they Were sheeple in their Essence right not Everybody's even though that they had an Element of spiritual truth they weren't Willing to confront the you know reality Of the the system our you know our Demonic system and this thing right the You know the the economic system and the Things that people in the truth Community do but there were two things That sort of put me over the edge with The guy was the brighter mind scin where He was you know was a whole it was a Scam the midbrain activation scam in India that had been fleshed out and been Perpetrated on Indian people where they Would put blindfolds on kids and teach The kids to cheat with the blindfolds
And pretend the kids could smell colors And I mean it was like just really Stupid right some of you guys know about This and he also threw his previous Master under the bus which is Sacrilegious in this kind of tradition And this kind of spiritual organization And he was just being a punk with him And you know erasing him and his great Works from the system which was like Completely ungrateful and just I you Know not really nobody really understood It and I came to see that the guy just Had fallen and he was just a piece of [ __ ] and like the system itself was Collapsing and so I published some of my Journey Series I put them on Facebook where I Had hundreds of you know there's Probably about 5 to 10,000 real Practitioners of sjar system maybe five You know Die Hard people this is their Thing and they love it right you know There's talk about about it being Hundreds of thousands but you know most Of the people in India but people in you Know there are just um you know people Who are like higher developed people That really understand what the system Is and and a lot of them were my friends On Facebook and commas watched my video Where I was just trashing him in the System and a bunch of his cronies Watched it and a bunch of people in
India watched it my journey series Regularly got like 2 to 3,000 views per Video some of these videos like I made a 9-h hour video and they were all Watching it right and um you know these Videos were getting like 10,000 views Like it was like there was 7,000 people In the system watching it and I kind of Regretted it a little bit later for my Own personal self like not like I think I did the right thing it's just the Backlash but there are a bunch of people In India who were prejudice against KES Because of his cast you know he was a Business cast and they were Brahman or Whatever and so those people didn't Really count because they weren't really Truthers and there was a lot of people Who saw what's going on but they Wouldn't speak up about it you know and I they started to tell me people were Coming to me and say they were they were Calling for my Assassination like you know people were Hotheaded and shat rooms and things like That and they were all mad at me and Then there are people who are using me As you know As like sort of a weapon against Commish Making memes and [ __ ] like that but they Weren't willing to come out publicly Themselves right they were you know they Were using my you know whatever I was Willing to do and my having a platform
And the whole thing got icky but I did What I had to do and I told people what They should be able to hear right and That's my point these were people who Meant something to me and you know they Had when I went through the divorce most Of them you know Commish took my ex's Side there's things that made it easy For me and I didn't care about these Mfers really that much anymore like they Were part of my community but you know I Wasn't really close with any of them Even though we shared something great But that thing that was great was no Longer there but you know I'm saying This because I was willing to tell the Truth to these people CU it had to be Done and I knew that there would be Backlash or whatever and I you know Lived with whatever it was I it wasn't Really that bad and you know now I don't Have connection to the organization or The community people and it's a little Bit sad and you know some of these People I was really grateful for some of Them are really saintly really nice Wonderful people but they failed to deal With this or they seem to be failing in Dealing with this thing and you know I've tried to preserve it with this Gratefulness meditation thing I'm doing But so you understand that you know I Said the same thing to these people as I Am saying to Christians or I'm saying to
Trumpers because you know I saw the Truth or whatever you know I saw Something that you know wasn't right was Off and I had to say something because That's my job here and I want people Understand that like it's the death of Something you know these people are not Great you know the system can't be saved But if it was going to be saved there Would be have to be great people and Making Trump great or making Biden great Because you you have to believe that the Person has to be great because the System is you know on the ropes right But there's no great people coming There's no saviors coming because the System is doomed and should have Collapsed years ago it's a bad system It's demonic but even if it was a great System civilizations collapse great ones Right you know things with wonderful you Know that are connected to the Divinity There's just runs of civilization Splattered across this planet right I'm Going to show you the pyramids in a Little bit there's a thing on the Pyramids I'll cover towards the end of This video but anyways so I just wanted To put this out as an introduction we're Going to get into some of the evidence That you know everything I'm showing you Here and other truthers are showing you And just what the mainstream news is Showing you is that the system's
Collapsing because we suck right now Like people are it's the system is Producing bad people and that's what a System is for is to help people be there You know support what's Best in people But this system helps to drag people Down to a lower level and that's what's Happening our religion and our all these Things our or or economic system that's All what they're doing and so um you Know here it is let's let's get into it Here okay so one of the best things About the internet is that um there's Stuff people say and do and it just sits There forever and then they get Nominated for vice president or President or something and then people Find it Right because people will comb through Everything every interview everything That they can find now this is an Interview with Joy Reed um with the guy here Walls and he made this unfortunate Statement this isn't going to bury his Campaign by any means but you know it Kind of defines him as a person I think We need to push back on this there There's no guaranteed to free speech on Misinformation or or hate speech and Especially around our Democracy misinformation is a term that King came from the intelligence Community the way it's used now it was
Originally from the intelligence Community when they would put out Misinformation or other governments Would put out Misinformation and the intelligence Community regularly puts out in Misinformation everyone kind of knows That it's in movies and TV shows you see The intelligence community and CIA or Whatever it is in movies and TV shows Spy movies put out misinformation now There's a whole division within the Intelligence Community that's about Putting out misinformation on the Internet right and the government puts Out misinformation so this clown just Said your freedom of speech is not Protected by not protected if you are Using misinformation so if you're lying You're putting out whatever it is right On the internet then you don't have Freedom of speech which is not how Freedom of speech was designed right and Hate speech is something that they can Say that's hate speech I mean it's the Government defining hate speech it's the Government defining misinformation Government that said killed more people American governments killed more people Than the American citizens have the Governments harmed more people than the American citizens have right they've Done done more destruction to Nature and You know all these other things the
Government's done more bad bad Boop than Um you can't swear ear on the videos the Government's done more bad Boop than um The uh people could ever do and this Clown just said your freedom of speech Isn't um protected if you're saying Things that the government calls Misinformation or hate speech right and So that's the first amendment so there's No Constitution then right and again you Know I don't care about this kind of Stuff but this isn't aged Well because misinformation is something Where you can he said you know our Democracy's at threat we can call it Misinformation and we can censor you and That's just not what that's the opposite Of what's supposed to be there okay so I Um I already May started this video Yesterday on October 7th uh October 7th Wednesday and I I started this part in The beginning of the video and then um You know I made the rest of the video That you're going to see in a bit today On October 8th and then somebody sent me This and so this is really important This is when some people send me stuffff That's really um you know I usually Don't know whe whether I should just Leave a video the way it is and edit it Or add new stuff other than keep the Stuff around till the next time but this Is really pertinent so he's running this Scam I showed you and so here it is look
Freedom is when Freedom oh oh oh oh oh Oh can we get somebody to help Somebody's hot somebody's hot can we Somebody hot somebody to help help there Somebody there to Help you okay is she Okay drink some water folks it is hot Out exactly this guy he's he's taking Control he's running the same old [ __ ] I already showed you I'll show You the compilation it's a scam so he's On his first day of his campaign thing He's running this scam that Obama did And Trump did and all these people I Couldn't find I I searched for kamla but Kamla hasn't had enough events I mean k Has never received a vote other than in The Senate and so she hasn't been on the Presidential Trail yet so I don't know If they're going to have her run this as Well um she'll probably screw it up but Maybe she has it I haven't found it but They've already got this guy doing it Right it's somebody Else thank You look at how concerned he is We get water can you get some water get Some water over [Applause] There [Applause] Weird they're so Weird that's their that's what they're Saying yeah they're so weird so that
We've degraded into like eighth grade Here you're so weird [Music] Thank you all for helping grateful thank You so this is from yesterday thank Youall take care of one another on this This is This Is Why We Gather look it's Hot it is hot I'll come again they've Got folks here we'll we'll make sure We're okay but I I have to tell you all Again I in all seriousness to come and Gather like this to talk about our Freedoms the ability to talk about what Could be good and I have to say this Idea of caring for our neighbor and Kindness and a hand up when somebody Needs it or just the sense of that People go through things and to be able To be there when they need it uh that's Who we are it's not about mocking it's Not name callings and you see it amongst Them it's not about mocking and name Callings that's my job Bro you piece of [ __ ] [Applause] Right yay yay you know this is another One of the Trump shooting like they just Fake all this stuff right it's political Theater and is Despicable thank you all [Applause] They [Music] [Applause]
Do thank you all we're e we're okay he's Going to we have someone down they're Treating him they're getting him some Water and it's good he needs water he's Obviously dehydrated if you just give Some water is fine that's all you got to Do he's going to get up you guys need Some water Too we'll ask them Teddy can you see if They have some more water that'd be Great take care of your Neighbors that's what we do we're Democrats we take care of our neighbors We get it done we take care of them so This is from Wisconsin he was in Wisconsin Yesterday right and now he's in Michigan this is what the one the person Sent me so he did this twice right I Mean he's really going for it like the I Mean he's setting a new record for being A an actor and a fake piece of Crap Woo a a big thank you to Adam I think we Can all agree our Future's pretty bright Thank you Adam yeah we better wear Shades our future is so bright we better Wear shades and hello Michigan you know we we motans you Probably know on this we're we're stoic People people of few words but holy hell Can you throw a party here in Michigan Holy Hell wow wait what's happening I want to
Take a moment to acknowledge a few Friends folks that I've gotten to know And let's be very clear uh this is Someone who I consider my dearest friend And someone who taught all the other Governors how to fix the damn roads Governor Whitmer Governor Whitmer give Shout out wait what's happening is there Somebody what you have got a treasure in Michigan and I'll tell you what we share A lot between us in the Upper Midwest we Share what oh we need some water down we Need some water the [Applause] Water Medic we need a medic right here You got somebody Here got him all right we got a medic on The Way thank you for caring for your Neighbors thank you for showing what Michigan Does look we share a lot of things That's one of them we're neighbors and We're not weird that's for sure boom so Then he had the weird thing this is he Did the other one first he did the one With scans in first where they were Shelling out we're not weird we just so Messed up but anyways he went for it Right and he's gone for it like within a Couple of days within two or three days This is going to be JoJo B stroke of This guy's arm I'll show you that in a Second but first I want to get to the
Compilation now I showed you this Compilation I don't know um when it was But in uh the second or third F video About fakes Trump F Trump's fake Shooting and so it's going to be Around um I don't know let me 5750 if You just saw the compilation you want to Skip through it you go to 57 around 57 750 or um when you see this picture Again so it's about 15 minutes long but When this picture comes back up if You're scrolling through that means the Compilation is over but it's if you Haven't seen it's well worth watching Because they do all this fake [ __ ] all The time this guy just went on a binge He just binged it but anyways here it Is okay so I decided to put together uh Reput together my original compilation Because it'll be better quality I have Better equipment you know like it'll Just be better um but this is a Compilation of this political stun and You can see it's a stun because it's Done over and over again at the end I'll Explain how and why it happened but this Is the compilation let's start here with Obama he did it a lot and he sort of Perfected it I'm sorry what's going on Somebody's not feeling Good all Right why don't we uh why don't we have We got uh we can get we can get our Doctors back there to help
Out somebody want to go to my doctor's Office and just have Them all Right where was I can can some can somebody help out Please and get doc Jackson in Here somebody grabbing our doctor thank You Mr of course In the meantime just give her a little Room you know so there's a command of The room right there's a being Compassionate you guys know the doctor's Office Is just go through the Palm doors it's Right right next to the map Room there he is all right there's doc Jackson he's all right but this is a More famous One there is a young woman Behind him who's pregnant no Less that one Illness there you go you okay right I Got you he saves her no no you're you're Okay this happens when I talk too Long makes a Joke Woo you're such a great guy Woo Woo what a leader good catch by the way Good catch he says want to let you know The woman you heard the Applause she's Okay her name she's okay Obama saved her She's Okay Bill Clinton Bill Clinton started This the banks have $1.8 trillion do in Cash we got plenty of money to put this
Country to work we need a doctor here This lady fainted in the Heat it's diagnosing her taking Control let's give her some water it's Hot out here water this a big thing Water is a big thing they say there a Doctor here all right we got a doctor There's nothing the rest of you can do So pay attention to me you'll just get In the Way Uh she'll be fine I believe me at my age It's she didn't have a cardiac arrest or Just you know anything like that she'll Be fine rarely does a lady faint on me Trump got into the action several times Is there a doctor in the house please Doctor is there a doctor anywhere doctor Doctor Please we have plenty of time Right that's fine take your Time they start singing Amazing Grace at him look at this dor look at This fish boy [Music] Effer fish Boy you don't [Music] Need Mr President you don't need North Carolina The Ninth District you got Someone all Right got someone heated over here give Them some space Doctor a doctor in the house please
Doctor please look at him take control Look at he's such a compassionate take Control Guy doctor in the house thank you is There a doctor doctor in the house get Him some water put hatred in our heart Could we have a doctor Please a Doctor a doctor Please thank you a doctor thank you Thank you Doctor thank [Applause] You it is about 100 De in here folks so So hot it's just hot and people are Passing out left and right Is about it's about rallying when things Go Wrong she's okay it's okay that happens To a lot of people who have to stand up For a long time standing up if you have To stand up for a long time you fade It's just a fact we need one of our Medics here we've got a young girl who Fainted but it happens all the time She's going to be okay sometimes Standing up if anybody is starting to Feel tired standing up bend your knees And eat your Breakfast and Lunch you Okay make sure she make sure she's okay Too right Here right
Here anybody everybody else feeling okay Are you all still far every are you There you go Rick Santorum country Before government decided that it had to Start taking from those Oh sorry we have someone who's I think The heat has got to them so make sure if There's any emergency Personnel that can Get here want to make sure that this Person can get some Help take can Control being compassionate that give Water give a water Bottle you Okay right Here give him a chair get a water ball And a chair they just happen to have a Chair and a water ball there go in the Audience make sure she's Okay this is Uh yeah it's not staged at all this is Just it just happens Woo so compassionate such a good guy I Am struck by how many young people There's somebody somebody fainted did Somebody faint somebody fainted over There over there did somebody faint can We get them some water some help water And some help a doctor Perhaps Okay get somebody over There so let me let me know if you need Any is there somebody here who can help We want to make sure that we take care
Of the lady who [Applause] Fainted I thought it was the talk of Republicans that might have done It good joke so there's always a thing Right there's a joke it's too hot Happens person's going to be okay get Him some water get him a doctor so Here's three more times Obama and so That's a total of five I found right off The bat there's probably many more out There be back in New Hampshire oh Some okay we'll be all right they they Probably were just standing too long Just give them a little space they'll be All right reassuring you and then Telling you what happened they'll Probably just standing too long so they Decide to pass out you know I mean when You're standing forever eventually You're just going to pass out that's What happens you everyone has a certain Level of time especially if it's hot you Stand and then you pass Outan do uh where's our uh EMS Folks get the doctor it'll be okay just Uh give him a little space give him Space that's Space this happen sometimes you guys Been here a while after the [Music] Magging well no you you have to uh you Have to eat ahead of time you got to eat
You got to eat some food keep your keep Your blood sugar up boom keep your blood Sugar up we got somebody over There Jordan Right in the Middle here we go here's our guy boom he Looks a little bit like deer in Headlights like Joe JoJo muu I'm sorry What's going on somebody's not feeling Good do not feel Somebody all Right why we uh why don't we have we got Uh we can get we can get our doctors Back there to help out Somebody want to go to my doctor's Office and just taking control here Somebody might have fainted up here if We got uh uh uh uh some of the EMS some EMS somebody fainted don't Worry about folks do this all the time They do it all the time I I know they Just didn't die they just didn't have Cardiac Arrest they didn't have a heart Attack they didn't have a stroke just it Happens they're going to be fine Meetings I mean I the uh you you always got to eat Before eat you st for a long time that's A little tip but I they'll be okay just Make sure that uh give him a little Room you know clear it out six speed of Space leave him in the middle laying on The floor they'll be Fine all right everybody all right
Everybody all right let's get going Again I don't want to rush things we're In no rush take our time let's make sure Everyone knows how compassionate and Great I am And uh they're the men's Champs folks it's Okay we Getet EXC some water want some water no You're going to throw she's way over Here just throw the water B at Her but then he just sort of loses it Like he's just lost Focus here like he's Just so Clueless and so like maybe he thinks It's a staged event but he's not sure He's not in on it because usually he was Off of water and he you know you're Supposed to take command of the Room and JoJo M just sucks so much worse Than all the rest of of them right just Shows you how incompetent like you can't Even pull this stag this posing these Posers you can't even pull this off so Somebody this happened probably organic At organically at an event and then um They saw it hit it was a big hit it made The person look like they were in Control often times it was when they Were talking about healthc care if you See the full speeches Healthcare was Involved there's probably like I've seen Probably 10 or more of Obama doing it You see Trump's done at least three
Times probably more there's a couple More with Hillary and the first person I Know who did it was Clinton but there's Other politicians I'm forgetting them I Think uh and you know there's just been All these different uh it's a thing they Do and it shows the person being Compassionate it shows them being Competent right and just looking at the Bigger picture humanizing them taking Control right you people applauding the Obama one where the woman fainted right Behind him he turned around to catch her Like that was the crema creme but it's Just political theater and it's just so Bad right it shows you just how fake it Is and you can say well Trump they're They're all they're all fake except for Trumps right and these are you know People who are willing to pose and act These are posers and actors right this Is just posturing and posing and it's Something they do to you know to to fool You the audience member into believing Something about them that isn't true That they care about you and they don't Right it's just a bunch of Posers I wasn't the one who first made One of these compilations or pointed This out you know Obama I don't know who Did I don't know who I you know one of My viewers sent me a video or something But then I went research and I found a Lot more people like I found Trump I
Found Rick Santorum and now of course Biden and these I found Piller and Bill Clinton and so there were some out there As a compilation but I found more of Them but other people know about it Right I'm not the only person who knows About this I'm not the only person who's Made videos about this and then everyone Who's watched my videos have talked About shared it whatever I mean number Of people saw my video some hundreds and Thousands when I first posted this years Ago and since then so this is a known Thing right and it's been discovered and Yet they just did did it twice in a row And so you know they really want to Upset people who know about things like This because they're not trying to hide It from the rest of us and you know it's Like they're trying to provoke us and They just think the other people are Just so dumb or you know of course they Don't watch truther videos but uh you Know it's really egregious it's really Bad so let's get into the JoJo Mago Thing here so I can't play the music but It is a George Michael Song Um I believe the name of the song is Careless Whisper watch Joe Biden grope This dude Here so it's a good meme because they're Playing caress whisper Then his secret Ser service agent there
And he did this when the saus the Hostages were there imagine their Joy Right Now can't imagine their Joy right now They're home tomorrow is a big day the 13th birthday of Mary Mary Mor are you Miriam Miriam is going to be 13 Tomorrow okay you all know we have a Tradition in the Biden family we sing Happy Birthday wait you have a tradition In the Biden family where you sing Happy Birthday what is it tradition how can we Get in on it so the Biden family when It's somebody's birthday they sing the Song Happy Birthday to them it's a Biting [Laughter] Tradition it's an actual biting Tradition he's bringing to the White House on any birthday you ready all of You happy birthday to you happy birthday To you happy birthday Dear Happy Birthday to you remember no Serious guys to your 30 oh my God like he's always got to do Something like that right like he's Always got to make it I mean it's Already creepy and weird God love you She's alu's Daughter now she gets to celebrate with Her mom that's what this is all about That's what it's all about that's what The hok Poke was all about bro Families able to be together again boom
So there is somebody sent me a piece of This interview that KLA Harris did with The view ladies L um back about six Months ago and she's got almost as much Eyeliner as JD Vance she seems very robust he Told so um you know people are uh saying That Biden is too old we hear it Constantly six months ago look at her Smug look look at her smug look now they Just they don't know they don't know I I I've met him many times he seems very Robust he told me he works out every day I he works out he works out every day What do you think is working out at age 70 or 70 well 80 is what do you think is Working out like do you think he bench Presses what do you think I mean is that Mean like he walks we've seen the guy he Has de he has um Parkinson's and he's You know he's getting stiffer and Stiffer he can't even turn his neck Around he can't turn his head around He's got to turn his whole body If you address him he's not working out Bro him on television all right you know I'm the same age so I resent that Remark but besides that the other side Seems daughtering to me he's eating Cheeseburgers he's overweight he's Always in a golf cart I mean why is Biden getting the bad rap and not Trump I don't get it I don't get it you Explain it to me Comm or all no I don't
Get it I don't get it well first of all Let me just address the issue directly I Because I spend a lot of time with our President be it in the Oval Office The Situation Room You Name It We have a President and Joe Biden who is Forward Thinking in a way that we've not seen in A long time I mean this is a president Many people look at him talked about Taking on the issue of the climate Crisis we were talking about young Voters because this president was Relentless and saying we must do Something about it we have now are in The process of investing over a billion Dollar in the climate crisis this is a President who said we need to take on The issue of student loan debt in spite Of many members of Congress who fought Against it this is a president who said You know everybody including the person You were just talking about kept talking About infrastructure week which by the Way okay is he too old or not like the Question was about how old he is not About what he's done like see they're Already this was already their talking Point remember this is what Joe Biden Kept on saying look at what I've done Look at the accomplishments look at what We're doing look at what we're going to Do am I too old look at all stuff I've Done how can I be too old right it never Happened no he did Joe Biden because of
Not only his knowledge but his insistent On seeing insistence on seeing things Through we have passed a bipartisan Infrastructure law such that there are Now 50 active projects throughout the Country infrastructure projects that are About upgrading our roads and bridges And airports is he too old cuz like this Has nothing to do with that that Republicans who voted against it are Taking credit for yeah those Republic They are but you know Joe Biden I've Been in the Oval Office Where Heads of Various countries allies have called Literally to ask Joe Biden for his Advice and you know maybe a handout or To maybe some you know like a guy from Ukraine is always calling Joe Biden uh You know what can you advise me on this And can you give me some more money why Are they doing it Joy cuz they have Nothing to run on thank you have nothing To okay so you never saw this guy poop His pants right like just ridiculous so Right now you're running off try Trump Is running on your bad economy and your Border crisis at least those two things Right I mean they have at least those Two things the economy which is and then Also the people are are done with the Ukrainian War and the is way you guys Hand hand the Israeli situation and so All the other liberal type of things he I mean they have tons of things to talk
About right so much so that Biden had One thing which is abortion that was his Big issue right but you guys are getting Killed on immigration and the economy And so this is about him being scile and Being having dementia which you've seen You're around it but you knew if you Waited long enough what happened was Going to happen and you were going to Get shot at being president even though You have yet to receive one vote in a Primary or an election you haven't Received one vote for president I don't Know if you what your situation is when You won the senate race you probably ran Pretty much unopposed and was were Handpicked run on that's right have no Where's the plan right and so that's What's happening and I think that um it Is sadly there is a push from so many People in that lane to to okay so um These two rocket scientists today Is uh Thursday August 8th so I was Making this video yesterday it seems Like um some might my voice is different At different parts of the day so you'll See a change in my voice here but it Might seem like a seamless transition But I got interrupted and I couldn't get Back to it uh yesterday afternoon so Let's pick up from where we left off With these two rocket scientists where I Left off they have nothing to run on They have nothing to run on that's right
No where's the plan right and so that's What's happening and I think that um it Is sadly there is a push from so many People in that lane to to try to divide Our country and distract from the real Issues yeah okay so you're piece of crap Liar and you know not that Trump isn't Because Trump has this huge lie epic lie They's perpetrated on his Supporters using their patriotism their Fake patriotism and their you know make America great again tough guy WWE Upbringing and come out when you know With a bloody ear and pump his fist when It was just all fake right epic lie on His part just a total piece of [ __ ] move On his part but we now know the American People know that Biden is scile 70% American people some Of those Republicans were changed their Vote because they wanted to keep JoJo Going right so it was probably even Higher than that the majority of American people saw that Joe Biden had Cognitive issues and it started years And years ago like they elected him they They rigged it for him when he had Cognitive issues and these people have Been covering for him because you know It's worse behind closed doors cuz you Know they prop him up as best they can When he goes to into public and you know There's more energy there and so behind Closed doors it's much worse and she
Knew this this was 6 months ago when American people 70% were saying that They think he has cognitive issues and He shouldn't be president now and so she Was caught line because he was withdrawn Since then he didn't quit because he Wanted to he quit because he was forced Out cuz he was too old American people Weren't going to vote for him and they Weren't going to vote for his record Either he had that disastrous debate Performance which he covered for him After that so she's a lying piece of [ __ ] right and you know I turned on the News this morning I eating breakfast and They're talking about the energy around Their rallies which are epically fake Right their rallies are really fake you Can just tell it's like a paid Infomercial based audience I'll show you A moment where it kind of indicates you Know a lot of it's just staged right and And oh that we would have people who Call themselves leaders who are actually Focused on solutions that relate to the Lives of everyday Americans instead of Just Slinging accusations that have no merit Okay so the American people you're Telling them we're all blind and we Can't see what we're seeing there's no Merit to Joe Biden having brain cogni Cognitive brain function issues he's Been demonstrating it since 200 19 when
She laughed at him right issue of of Black voters I I have a lifetime of Experience with black voters I've been One since I was 18 aha good one Corey nobody on the stage should need a Focus group to hear from African-American voters so then he's Going to talk about pot and stuff and He's going to put Biden on the spot Biden's going to has been a war on black And brown people and so let me just let Me just say this with more African-Americans under criminal Supervision in America then all the Slaves you know when and this happened To kamla put black people in jail for Pot right and for truancy which we now Know I didn't know then since 1850 and So then he's going to come back here the Last election let me just give you this Data example we lost in Wisconsin Because of a massive dimunition a lot of Reasons but there was a massive Dimunition in the African-American vote We need to have someone that can Inspire As comma said to inspire African-Americans to the poll Thank you Senator Booker Vice President Biden you can respond to that I'll be Very brief number one I think we should Decriminalize marijuana period And I Think everyone anyone who has a record Should be let out of jail their records Expunged he didn't do that um by the way
Be completely zeroed out but I do think It makes sense Based on data that we Should study what the long-term effects On for the use of marijuana that's Because we have no idea like we don't Know all it is number one everybody gets Out record expunge secondly I uh you Know I'm I'm part of that that Obama Coalition I come out of the black Community in terms of my support if you Notice I have more people supporting me In the black community that announced For me because they know me they know Who I am three former chairs of the Black caucus the only African-American Woman that ever been elected to the United States Senate a whole range of People so this way he's going to get Confused my point is true the other true Boom this is JoJo having a senior moment Like his brain doesn't work right he's Made a Goof I said The you then he says I said the first no You didn't say the first you said the Only you just lied in front of everybody Right because your cognitive functioning Is not there First first and she's laughing at him His senility which happened quite a bit They were all laughing at him he had These various moments she also smiled When he said that he was punching back Against you know so I've shown you this
So many Times my point is my point is one of the Reasons I was picked to be Vice and she Gets this weird like her you know she Doesn't know how to stop laughing um but She's laughing at him she knew he was Scile and they couldn't believe that he Was beating them with the African-American vote more African Americans were wanting to vote for Biden Than two black people and so she was you Know I mean they were stunned at how far Gone this guy was even then and now She's saying there's no Evidence Madam vice president on that um I have to ask about border security so 2023 was the biggest year for illegal Border crossings with resources Resources stretched fenol pouring into The country cities pushed to the brink Do you think this is a crisis and what Is being done to address the root causes Okay so this was her just saying they Have nothing to run with so they have to Make it up that JoJo's too old And then she asked about the Border Crisis a border crisis it's our Immigration problem I think the segue Couldn't be more perfect because I Listen first of all everyone Jo was Seile and that's what knows our Immigration system is broken right Okay the first bill that we dropped the First bill that we offered right after
Inauguration was to fix the immigration System a comprehensive plan okay so like This is that story about that Republicans blocking him um but you know There's that there's some truth to that Trump and got his people to you know Sabotage their border stuff I don't know If it would have worked because it's you Know but this is the part somebody sent Me this piece here then I found the Whole Interview individual rights and we try To unify the country instead of dividing The country well Madam vice president uh Thank you for being here of course the President has made saving democracy the The center of his his campaign and many Of us I think every one of us at this Table understands the damage and this The fear of January 6 and all that Happened but it's been it's a horrible Day I just I just it's one of the worst Days in human in democracy history years Since then and a lot of minds are Already made up attacks on Trump are not Moving the needle in fact 91 indictments Are not moving the needle um voters want To hear about issues affecting their Lives like the economy and the Border Should the campaign be pivoting on its Messaging so there's no doubt that one Of the first issues that anyone will Think of is the issue they think of when They're at their kitchen table trying to
Pay their bills which is how is the Economy treating them so there is no Question whatsoever that see they can Make a they can talk about how the Republicans sabotage them on the border And that's not going to work either Because they sabotaged Trump on the Economy because of covid right they they Baited Trump into close on the economy They pushed Co but they really can't do Anything with the economy right they Can't blame Trump for the economy they Do but they really can't because you Know I mean it's been four years that That is an important issue which we have Been in the process of addressing we Still need to do more I would not Separate that from the issue of what is At stake in terms of hard democracy and Frankly I think most people don't think Of it in the context of democracy as Much as Freedom the freedom of a woman To make decision ision about her own Body um the freedom to love who you love Openly and with pride the freedom to be Able to be free from gun violence um These are fundamental freedoms that are At stake right now the freedom to have Access to the ballot I travel our Country so she tried to Pivot and get Away from talking about the economy she Has nothing to say about the economy or How to fix it she started talking about [ __ ] that you know works for them right
Of course abortion being their big issue Their number one selling point like Think about that because abortion is Murder like I'm not a a roie Wade person I'm not a pro-life person I am a real You know reality based person and life Begins at Conception right that's by every Measurable standard by spiritual by uh You the presence of a soul you need a Soul to create a life and also by Science you know in terms of the the the Egg of the the female and the sperm of The man coming together to create a Third person right as soon as the the Sperm fertilizes the egg that's a new Life that's when life begins obviously This it's obvious everybody should say Yeah that makes sense so then if it's a Human life which it is then that's Murder right you're murdering a you know A fetus you know a fetus is the start of The process right you go through these You know fetus the zygote you know these Various types of you know uh life forms That are are all part of the human Experience and that's when you know Eventually becomes a baby and is born And during that whole process it's a Human being right it's a it's not a Cancer it's a human life and I have been In states that have banned access to Reproductive Freedom okay so that she Didn't ask about those things she didn't
Ask about abortion she asked about the Economy and you gave no answer right Because she's she not doing that okay so Then this happened yesterday as well the The chance that we're familiar from Donald Trump and 2016 the locker up Chance and now it is a lock him up chant Whenever they are talking about Trump's Crimes the fact that he's a convicted Felon but how Harris handled this moment Really stood out to me she's done this Three times now watch This hold on hold on hold on you know What here hold on here's the thing the Courts are going to handle that we going To beat him in November we going to beat Him in November so um that's the Obama Cadence on you know what the courts are Going to handle that part of it what We're going to do is beat him in November hold on hold On this campaign our campaign is not Just a fight against Donald Trump if she Has some serious Old Neck stuff going on Here our campaign this campaign is a Fight for the Future is that how she should be Handling that do you think that's the Right move I'll tell you she just Handles it really well okay so I'm Editing here I want to add this because This the whole point I missed it here What they're doing here is they are Having their shills out in the audience
Chant lock her up lock him up right and She has this pre staged thing like Tim Wals did with the the medical thing hold On now hold on now we going to beat him In November right this is the whole Thing it's a bit right they have a bit And to do it they have to have people Shouting the lock them up so it's just You know she's so staged and Fake okay let's get back to it here so This was they they beat and switched me With the they didn't have this in that CNN clip even though it said that they Did so I was looking for this clip I saw It a bunch of times on my phone Yesterday it was being recommended and Then I looked for it CNN had it in the Title but they didn't show the clip Which is classic CNN but here as we move our nation Forward Donald Trump intends to take our Nation backward just look at his project 2025 agenda project 2025 okay so they got hecklers and I'm Going to show you how the hecklers are Fake right so think about this staged Moment see it's all staged and and just Complete [ __ ] all this stuff like The Trump shooting all these things Right so they're saying you know they're Saying negative things to KLA she's got [Applause] Hecklers and so then her paid crowd Shouts the hecklers down
You know there's people who start the Comma Chan right there's paid people in The AUD professional infomercial [Laughter] [Applause] Audience and please do check out project 2025 cuz I'm telling you it is a plan it Is a plan to weaken America's middle Class project 2020 If he is [Applause] Elected it's all good it's all Good it's not all Good it's all good it's all Good I'm here cuz we believe in Democracy Everyone's voice matters but I am Speaking now I am speaking Now so project 2025 look if he is elected Donald Trump Intends to give tax breaks to Billionaires and big Corporations he intends to cut Social Security and Medicare he intends to surrender our Fight against the climate crisis and he Intends to end the Affordable Care Act You know what if you want Donald Trump To win then say that otherwise I'm Speaking so here's the moment right Because she's talking about 2025 thing Here [Applause] Okay so I had to find the whole speech
Um because they cut it off and this is The most important part so 13 minutes Into the speech they start the Trump People start chanting right the Kama has That big moment right when she's talking About 2025 look at she's got an attitude We will not go back these are all like Stage chants Right and I got Your we're not going back we're not Going back we not going back we're not Going back we not Back and we're not going back because we Know what that would look like and again Understand Donald Trump intends to end The Affordable Care Act and take us back To a time when insurance companies had The so Miraculously the protesters which were Really loud diced out like so they they Waited for 13 minutes before they Attacked her right and then she has her Moment where she's talking about 2025 so That that clip went viral like it was I've seen it numerous times they showed It on mainstream media a bunch of times Right so this clip went viral and she Got to talk about 2025 and people Hearing it and then she put down these Hecklers and all these stuff about how She she schooled these hecklers right It's a staged moment these were prepared Lines you can see by the way she
Delivered them the way that the chance Went like the chants are all there you You know first they say kamla then they They say we won't go back all these Things right this is all stage this is All stage Craft power to deny people with Pre-existing conditions we all remember What that looked like and we're not Going back we're not going right so like You go for it Here basically just told the former President who has been convicted of Fraud where are the where are the Hecklers now do they remove them or were They part of a staged protest it helped Her because she's having these viral Moments and there's all this enthusiasm In her crowds right like I said I turned On MSNBC this morning and they're Talking about how her Crowds Are All Enthusiastic and it's because she Represents America because of all the Various diverse ethnic groups it was a Hispanic woman talking about how kamla Represents all these various diverse Ethnic groups in the Democratic party And that's why there's so much Enthusiasm nobody likes this [ __ ] right Like they just don't like her and so um And that's going to come out as time Goes by right it's just all lies and you Know not that Trump is Trump is as big a Liar or you know he's better at it
Certainly better at it than she is but They're just all liars right so here's This That's um Jeff Shapiro also known as uh Josh Shapiro cean called him Jeff Supero this is genocide Josh and they're In Pennsylvania right and honesty she Has served with dignity and every step Of the way she's broken barriers to Serve all of us so he's copied Obama's Cadence Right and it is so good to be here with Your incredible Governor Josh Shapiro so everyone says that Josh Shapiro's speech was much better than Their speeches right he's getting lots Of love for his speech but more Importantly why would they come to Philadelphia to announce this guy who's From Minnesota why wouldn't she go to Minnesota And they have a rally for him in Minnesota why would Josh Shapiro the guy That was supposed to be she was going to Pick Josh Shapiro when I heard that she Was going to announce in Philadelphia well the obvious choice was Josh superia why would she come to Josh Shapiro's State and disrespect him by Choosing this guy right why would she Announce in Philadelphia when this guy's From Minnesota like makes no sense it's Just completely a fail here she was
Going to pick Josh but it was so Controversial and they have to bring in The young people vote and you know they Call him genocide Josh and they didn't Want to go into the convention with some Divided aspects of it and now they're Talking about her being anti-semitic Like that's what you know Trump people Are saying because that's of course the You know now an attacking point and so You know appeasing all these Anti-semites that have problems with Palestinian children being killed right And so like Josh Ziro is was her pick And he was the better pick the more Exciting pick he's got the Obama Cadence He rocked it at this speech why would he Give a speech when he was supposed to be Here and be this guy right and so like This is there's just epic failure here Left and right and it's just you know an Absolute joke right the whole thing's a Joke so then this guy comes to air force Too he waits at the airport and stalks Kamala who want no part of a conference Ation reporters and has it For Vi here I figured I'd come by and uh War to good up the plane hopefully it's Going to be my plane in a few months but I also thought you guys might get lonely Because the vice president doesn't Answer questions from reporters it's Going to be your plane and has it for 17 Days oh so she hasn't answered questions
From reporters for 17 days and he's Still he tried to confront her at the Airport So like this is where this thing Going this is just fake and staged and Commad not coming out they were there Her and Waltz but they didn't you know Respond or connect with them um so this Is just like going to be a [ __ ] show Which it'll be at least funny so this Came up when I was searching for The View thing right remember her Megan McCain's she gets really hangry and she Asked kamla Harris about defunding the Police a defunding of the police And then KLA Harris says This so Megan I think that a big part of This conversation really is about Reimagining how we do Public Safety in America which I support which is this we Have confused the the idea that to Achieve safety you put more cops on the Street instead of you mean for someone Who wanted to arrest parents for not you Know for Truancy like that takes more police Right like you you're going to you know Like that's you're expanding the role of The police right of understanding to Achieve safe and healthy communities you Put more resources into the public Education system of those communities Into affordable housing into Home Ownership into access to capital for
Small businesses Access to Health Care Regardless of of how much money people Have that's how you achieve safe and Healthy communities and so we really do Need to understand and Reimagine what and how we can actually Make and help make communities safe Because here's the bottom line um if you What's the bottom line KLA tell us about It what's that bottom line contrast you Know many communities which are have a Heavy presence of police to middle and Upper middle class suburbs in America You will not see that presence of police But what you will see you will see Families who have an income that allows Them to get through the end of the month You will see good Public Schools you Will yeah well because there's halves And halves knots and neither one of you Guys is producing a plan that would get Rid of the halves and have not system Because there isn't one right it doesn't Exist and so as long as there's have Knots there has to be some people who Are in poverty there has to be lots of People there have to be a lot more poor People than rich people to have the kind Of economic system we have right so of Course the wealthy people are going to Be less likely to commit crimes and be In a better situation because they pump Drugs into the poor communities and People are living desperate lives you
Know like and so but you can't fix that Like don't pretend that you can Elevate Those people because the only way to Elevate those people is create you know Uh get rid of the wealthiest people you Can't have billionaires when you have Billionaires you're going to have lots Of poor people it's just how a system Works rich people are only Rich based on Comparing them to poor people right You're rich based on you know it's it's Like you're you have more to be rich you Have to have more than other people Right it's about having a lot more money Than other people right you will see People who have access to health care And can afford it you will see people Who have jobs and so this has to be the Conversation which is she's trying to Back out of her saying to fund the as She was for which now like this guy he You know they burned down Minneapolis Which is a beautiful city I went there Years and years ago they were like Scraping gum off the sidewalk like it Was a pristine City and now you know not So much and so you know this thing's Turned into a real mess and [ __ ] show Here okay so Um from MSNBC I'm speaking now Harris responds After Michigan rally interrupted by Pro Palestinian protesters right right so They waited like I said halfway through
It says here about halfway through the Vice president's remarks roughly a dozen Protesters begin the chant Kamala Kamala You Can't Hide we won't vote for your Gen [Laughter] Side um you know Trump is way worse on Palestine then kamla is in Biden but That is whatever Biden was a president Under this thing And so that's how this thing's going but The fact that they waited halfway Through and she was just starting to Talk about 2025 right and when she's Talking about 2025 you know she wants to get that out There and so when people look at this Clip they'll hear 2025 and the way she handled it and it Was like you know I showed you how Staged it was and then miraculously the Protesters disappeared right if they Took him out they took him out whatever I don't know either way like it's look Like she shouted them down and it was Clearly rigged for her to do that right Um you know so there's that cold 45 Kneel down to your to your all savior Kneel down to you all savior I almost Died for your Sins it's a it's a wonderful thing here Right that's classic trumps right right There right that's classic trumps um you Know like the big lie here is this is
The big lie okay so I'm editing here This is probably going to be up on Saturday this is Friday August uh 9th And so the title this video is going to Be tampon Tim versus baxi pad Donald because I got all these comments So I was editing I'm reading through the Comments everyone's calling him tampon Tim and I'm like what the f is that About right so I looked it up and Tim Wals decided to put tampons in not only The girls bathrooms but the boys' Bathrooms and the Republican uh politicians in the state Of great state of Minnesota um try to block it but they Couldn't they tried to stop they try to Stop the [Laughter] Bleeding and they couldn't so um he was Dubbed temp on Tim and then some famous Republican person said I gu oh my God she nominated tampon Tim Which ties him to the liberal stuff that Nobody likes you know this stuff with The the silly things right but then I'm Like well what about maxi pad Donald Because he he strapped a maxi pad on his Ear and there was nothing there right he Didn't have a you know um he didn't have It so here he is being maxi pad Donald And tampon Tim and all of it right so uh This is classic Battle between these two uh the bruisers
So they're still trying to milk this Thing right but all the energy and uh The uh attentions on comma right now Because of VP pick she's going to have The convention which isn't good for Kamla right and it tump doesn't like it But it's good for him but he's still Doing this stuff here artist with a Beautiful painting AR Atlanta where is Art oh oh Wow they're having these weird glitches Here Wow that is beautiful I wasn't going to Bring him up then I saw the painting I Said come on up because maybe he'll give It to me wow come on up that's okay you Can't pay for it you're a Billionaire look it's very Sparkly fight fight Fight is that good Woo fight fight fight fight fight [Applause] Fight thank you very Much wo Trump signing his fake painting Of a his fake shooting and his fight Fight moment Wow so that's you know I don't know why Their their video stuff they're doing on Forbes I mean they're I don't know What's going on there they can't syn up The lips and they're having all these Glitch outs um but like no one's paying The paying attention to Trump but he's Every rally remember he said he wasn't
Going to talk about the shooting after The convention it's just so painful so Painful I don't think I can talk about It anymore he talks about it every time He goes out it's a constant thing it's a Big theme and it's just you know they're Just all liars and Fake Minnesota Governor Tim Walls has Signed the protect uh protect Reproductive options or proact into law Today it establishes reproductive Freedom as a fundamental right for every Minnesotan more than 100 lawmakers Joined the governor as he signed that Bill so to motans know that your access To reproductive health and your right to Make your own health care decisions are Preserved and protected and because of This law that won't change with the Political winds or the makeup of the Supreme Court this is a bill for Minnesotans today and all future Generations the governor said today last November motan spoke loud and Clear they want change with the Political okay so um this is a winning Isue for the Democrats but He was you know could wait to sign in a Law for you know the complete 9month Access to abortion so that's one of the States that has it and again you know It's a winning issue but it's the murder Of fetuses and you know embryos and Children and you know babies and things
Like this right the various stages Because we all know what it is right Like you know they pretend they don't Know what it is it's murder of children Right so regardless of the laws or the Necessity or All The Unwanted aspect of Children and you know these kids growing Up in miserable lives and you know all The things all the arguments for and Against it you know comes down to when Does Life Begin Tim Walls hits JD Vance With ey dropping couch burn you got him With a couch burn and I got to tell you I can't wait to debate the guy the guy I Can't wait to debate the guy I can't Wait to debate the guy that Guy woo Look at him he's like Steve bomber the Owner of the Clippers so this is Steve bomber the Owner of the Clippers Los Angeles Clippers basketball team and former guy Who work with um Bill Gates at Microsoft He's worth 20 billion dollar and he's Very he's basically the same guy right He loves to dance he loves to cheer he Gets wild gets jiggy with it there's Going to be a dunk here this guy's going To have a Dunk look at Steve Clipper he's always Dancing around you see him he was Here he's right Here he's wearing a mask right so he Does that throughout the
Game to tell you I can't wait to debate The Guy woo woo that was incredible would You just said you Debating and we can't Wait that is if if he's willing to get Off the couch and show up So he's a coucher um he showed up at the Airport you guys didn't want part of him See what did There look at them um these are canned You know this is bad and so Um it's a me it's an absolute mess so What they're doing here is K isn't very Likable and she just doesn't have the Mass Appeal she doesn't have the I mean They needed somebody as a vice president Make her pop It's going to be a tough road to get a Woman elected I mean just in general and Specifically someone if it's going to be A person of that's going to set you know Historic achieve something historically You know she's received zero votes for President she was in no primaries she Did nothing right and so um they're Trying to make this guy pop and like He's some kind of you know um Blue Collar you know man of the people served In the military I guess there was Military record is being questioned he Apologize for you know uh exaggerating On his military record is or whatever National Guard service orever he did uh
And so but you know AK like AKA Joe Jo Magu but he's the joej magu for her like She's not likable she's not going to Appeal to this group of white Conservative you know middle of the road Blue collar worker kind of people right But this guy school teacher kind of you Know the Suburban dad right the cons Conservative Suburban dad the problem is He's got lots of liberal stuff going on Right and you know the internet's great Because everything you've done is going To come back up because people are going To comb through everything available on The internet no matter how bad you try To scrub it and he's a last minute Substitute they wanted to go with the More Dynamic Josh Ziro but he got Genocided joshes you got uh genocided Joshed and he um you know so that's just One the way this is playing out and you Know Trump winning is whoever wins it's Going to be a disaster they're going to Handpick the winner here like they Always do but specifically now I can't Imagine they're going to handpick kamla I don't think they ever had kamla I mean She'll you know be just like Joe Biden She'll give them whatever they want but Trump gives them so much more we'll see You know right now it looks like they're They're leaning towards Trump I mean you Never know what they're going to do That's that's why this is interesting
You know not like it's real but like It's a good story it's a good you know They've woven together a good uh Narrative between tampon Tim versus maxi Pad Donald Right okay so um what you mean I can't Have any alcohol okay well I'll tell you Okay the times uh 20 to3 1440 I'm Arresting you on suspension of improper Use of the electronic uh Communications Network and watch 27 communication act Okay so you do not have to say it it may Harm your defense do don't mention one Question something you later on so this Guy's getting arrested in England for Posting something on social Media anything you do say may be given Evidence do you understand that so I'm Actually being arrested you're going to Be arrested okay to the police station You okay this is in relation to some Comments that you've made on a Facebook Page so he made some comments on a Facebook Facebook page and they're Arresting for the comments Tim wals you Know I showed you that right he um show The very beginning of this thing oh oh a Facebook Prime is it okay so we need to Ask you some questions about That all right have you got anything in Your Pocket um go ahead pull out your rubber Gloves I got my keys I got no it's about It I think keys so anyone who's been
Arrested we can search them under Section 32 that's dangerous Item I mean you you said I was going to Be arrested under some what information I'm going to be arrested to posting on Facebook made some comments that are Offensive have seen and people have made A complaints about that and it's can you Can you tell me what this comment was Okay we'll do that only All right and so what am I going to be Locked up for the night or hope Hopefully not hopefully not just get in And out after we anally probe you these Rubber gloves because you know you you Were talking [ __ ] on Facebook the French Court ordered 5G antenna switched off as A farmer was experienced adverse effects With his cows milk production decreased 15 to 20% and 40% of his 40 of his cows Died so um you know there's That um homeless dude outside Tattoo Shop shows off all his prison Tattoos whole freaking arm right I got Tattoo tour bow Positive Vibes secret Message little Heart um this Is I just TR to text that my friend sent Me um this says one day at a time little Rainbow uh we got a little star with Glasses little heart uh this is a little Dude that's overthinking which is me um This Uno reverse I call it what goes
Around comes around but it people tell Me it's just Universe little Muscle uh little Diamond this little Heart I think this little heart right Here is my favorite it's a it's a real Heart that was like not like a like a You know a theory like like a you know a Character of a heart it was like an Actual physical iCal Heart okay um so today is I don't know The the 9th of August on Friday and I'm Editing and I had a good couple of days Of watching the Olympics where I enjoyed Some of the stuff most of it had just Been me kind of covering because it's The last Olympics or whatever I have Some connection to it track and field to Me is the real kind of Olympic stuff Because you know it's track and field It's the original Olympics I think in Greece were mostly track and field type Events which makes sense right and this Guy Noah ly started wearing a mask for No reason like he was walking around Wearing a mask and I'm like Jesus are we Still are we going back to that right And he's an obnoxious person this is him Interviewing after he got the bronze Here's his instago page he's got his own Little cartoon character of himself and He shows him holding up the bronze he Say statue of himself outside the Stadium and so the guy pretty much Pissed everybody off he talked [ __ ] to
His teammates he bragged in a way but He's like a poser like he's a fake kind Of he was trying to like make himself Pop by saying things that were kind of Uh you know being really bragado doit And you know arrogant and all these Things right overthe toop celebrations But it was all acted you know staged to Bring attention to himself you he's Doing a lot of Commercials and he talked about how he Was going to wipe everybody out in the 200 he won the 100 yard dash here um Here he is here showing off and he Thought he' lost like he there was a guy I think from Jamaica and he just like he Won by no time at all like they they had The exact same time but he he he uh you Know in a photo finish after the race Was everyone thought the other guy had Won he thought the other guy had won the Photo finish show he won right and so he Kind of underperformed but he you know Went around and told he said America I Told you I got this this thing he did to The camera um and he was you know pretty Obnoxious right and here he is with this Cartoon And so he had said that the you know Most important Sports were individual Sports in track and field and they're Better than team sports so like all These professional Athletes um you know like dislike the
Guy and he kind of systematically pissed Everybody off and then he got his ass Kicked in the Um in the 200 meter which he promised he Was going to win and he guaranteed it Right And so he um one of them was his Teammate other guy was some guy from Some country in Africa that had like Want a a a medal like a medal in years And then after the race they said there Was rumors that he had covid so he got Down to one knee and he started to um First he hugged this guy when he had Co Right and that's why he was wearing a Mask after the thing and he went down on One knee and he was like he asked for Water and they brought him over and he Made a big deal was completely posed and Acted and fake and you know he was Making a big deal of it and they um Brought and they said that he's been a Lifelong asthmatic and he was having Trouble breathing and they got him some Water and was sitting there and um first I want to thank God for getting me Through the entire Olympics second I Want to congratulate this guy and these Guys who beat him everyone else on the Amazing Olympic 2005 finally want to Thank everyone for supporting my Messages I this will be the end of my 2024 Olympic it's not the Olympic I Dreamed of but it's left me with so much
Joy in my heart hope everyone was Everyone enjoyed the show whether you Were rooting for me or against me you Have to admit you watched me didn't you See you next Time and then they put him in some kind Of wheel weird Wheelchair and they wheeled him out and They were going to put like these straps On him and he wouldn't let at him like He was Like like he was trying to have some Sort of dignity um but apparently he had A mild version of Co and didn't stop him From hugging everybody and competing but They made him wear mask and like or he Chose to or whatever it was just weird Like I'm like don't they you know and When you wear a mask for me like I had These very breathable mask and I wore a Mask I would get an asthmatic response After about 10 minutes it would make my LS like burn and like you know I just Did I was like wow how how people do This all day right so I never understood It um but you know he said he had covid And you know like or that whatever it Was caused him to you know lose the race Or whatever he just it was it was so Icky um and he's like so Obnoxious but you know um so that was Kind of great because the guy Underperformed at the same time the American basketball team had an epic win
In a game which I'll get to in a bit Which you know the one of the things he Criticized was how much attention the Basketball players were getting where he Had a like he underperformed so the Previous night this guy Quincy Hall he Gutted out the 200 a 400 meter Performance where like I you know I was Shocked that he won uh he he was way Behind in the race and he just like um I Mean he just power through at the end And he won the race and then he he did a Snow angel and he had this incredible Gold grill like it was just like an Awesome like moment like he was just you Know he came from behind to win the Thing like just like he dogged it like He just um I mean just whatever and then He um did a snow angel and then he gave Like an epic interview with the guy if You can watch the interview it's Hilarious like he's just the opposite of The other guy um like he just made it Happen there's his gold grill there and Like having a go if you're going to have A grill like having a big gold grill Like if you're going to be a jewelry Person you know which I'm not but it was You know in fact like it was one of the Things where I showed my wife like he he Uh you know the whole interview and the Whole thing right it was just a an Amazing race and I think it was before That they had this 15 minute 15 uh this
Uh 1500 meter race and like they were Showing these two EUR this European guys This guy's from Norway this guy's from England and I could tell they didn't Like each other and I fast forwarded Because you know I just fast forward to This stuff cuz you know I'm just sort of Kind of watching it and seeing if Anything's interesting but I went back And watched this and it was hilarious it Was an introduction to the race and this Guy's having bad blood so I was going to Do was fast forward to the end of the Race and see who it was like that SI I Use but I said all right I'm going to Watch this cuz it looks like it's it's Going to be like you know contentious Right and it Was this guy who had Frosted hair tips When he had won the uh 15 meter 1500 Meter before this guy had these Frosted tips in his uh his hair right And he was from Norway and he's wicked Obnoxious he was bragging and he's Saying now most most people don't have The the balls to to be who you know they Are be have the confidence he he said These words and he was like really cocky Obnoxious he got beat by this guy in Some European thing and from Great Britain and he said well I just had a Bad race and I'm still like the best and He's just the next man up and the two Guys just start talking [ __ ] to each
Other like they you know they had this You know contentious relationship and it Was great like buildup to the race and So this guy from Norway went out and he Was just sprinted like he ran a very Fast pace um thinking he was going to Tire everybody out wear him down like He's just the best runner and he got Caught by this guy who he hates who Passed him and this a little American Hippie looking dude and this dude Here um another American guy um they got Uh he got gold and he got bronze this Guy got silver this guy got Nothing and he was completely humble This guy just beat him at the end and so It was a kind of an epic race given the Fact it was so contentious here was the The finish of the race here right um but I thoroughly enjoyed it because like if I hadn't seen these guys talking [ __ ] to Each other it wouldn't nearly be as Enjoyable but this guy you know was Really obnoxious and he had on you know Before um and he said he was like the Greatest Runner and just really Obnoxious like the other guy and so like When somebody comes out like that and They don't deliver it's hilarious just Like with Noah Lyes and so the other thing was the Men's basketball game yesterday started Watching in the afternoon and I had sort Of a little bit of a headache yesterday
Like from the day before I had one of Those Auras and the Serbian team which is led By This guy who's like the best basketball Player in the world right now Nicole yic But his teammates were just hitting Threes out of their ass I me they were Just like hitting uh three-point baskets After one after another and if the Americans lost you know this was like The second coming of the dream team and You know the rest of the world's Catching up to them right where they're Playing against now NBA players and NBA Stars on these other teams in the Earlier game France versus Germany it Seemed like France got some more calls They played a much better game than they Did against Japan where they stole that Game but they seem like they were like Germany was being like sort of Manhandled a little bit um like they France was able to play more physical Because it's a home game you know for Them but this game was epic and the Americans came back in the fourth Quarter and outscored them to to win the Game and it came down the stretch Steph Curry had a [ __ ] amazing game in Terms of three-point shooting and Scoring and this guy Joel and beid who's I don't know if this picture of him who Sucked the whole Olympics people are
Like why is he even on the team he's Like he just got off an injury he not Playing very well but he um played great Like it was you know um which was like Kind of totally necessary because the The Serbian team just played like the Best G this guy here Joel andb who's From uh and he was booed in France Because he's from Cameroon which is a French colony in Africa and he was Supposed to play for the French team and It's the last man he decided to play for The Americans so he was regularly booed By the the French audience but they Started cheering him because he was just Like he just egged him on and whatever And they just you know he won him over Uh but the you know the American Basketball team played an amazing fourth Quarter where the serbians were like They just hitting every shot like they Hit every three pointer they had like it Was crazy at one point they were up by Like almost 20 Points it was and the Americans were Starting to panic and were playing tight And it was kind of a great uh great game Um so yeah like those were things that I Actually I watched like the whole game From the beginning to the end like I Didn't you know I I was going to go back And do some work and you know I I was Going to edit this video and things but I was like this is like a really great
Basketball game and like if the Americans lost it would have been one of The biggest like epic defeat you I don't Like necessarily root for the Americans Often times I don't because you know They're Americans you know there's like Other small little countries that you Know don't have the resources and Whatever it is right there was a Basketball team that um played from uh Uh South Sudan it's only been a country Since 2011 so it's like you know a 12year old country or whatever 13year Old country and they don't even have an Indoor gym in the whole country and they You know they played the Americans to a Two-point game in a sort of a Preliminary like exhibition thing before The Olympics and so um like they you Know they've had a really good team for Like having no facilities and no budget No anything but anyways you know like I Like I said mostly up until this point I Had really enjoyed the Olympics it was It was more like you know Um I was watching it just to cover it Here and a lot of it was just failure But there are some some moments there Which there always going to be you know There's always going to be some great Sports Moments um but anyhow so there's that so This is the one I really want to get to Again this is Thursday August 8th I'm
Going to be making more of this video or Editing it at least tomorrow and Probably adding things to it but I'm Going to put this at the end and I want To do a voice over has to do with the Beginning when I was talking about death And also talking about the deception and Lies and just the epoxy of everything Let's start here the ageold question how Did the Egyptians build the pyramids Well how do you not know this right how Do they build the pyramids the pyramids Are more technologically advanced than Anything that we could do this is Mainstream IM media admitting it right And so there's only one explanation and That was people who were more Technologically advanced built the Pyramid right not primitive people that We say were there 5,000 years ago there Was Advanced civilizations that were Building things that we have no idea how To build now and could not replicate Them right perplexing historians all the Way back to ancient Greece stumping Napolean Archaeologists and becoming the butt of Jokes today did this start at the top And work down or start at the bottom and Work up although we're fairly sure they Started at the bottom we still don't Know exactly how they did it they don't They don't know they don't they don't Have a clue there there's no you know
There's nothing they have and we with All the Machinery that we have right and You think about these million dooll back Hos and cranes and and bulldozers I mean Some of these incredible uh machines That we have right we could not Replicate these things today we wouldn't Even know how to go about it right we Could never you know uh build anything Cut the Rocks the way they were I mean The whole thing There are all kinds of theories ramps Cranes and yes aliens probably Extraterrestrials now we're getting a New potential answer one a little more Grounded in reality boom grounded in Reality and So it's aliens I mean at least Advanced Civilization and more than likely well Advanced civilization would involve Space travel right let's watch a little Bit more and I'll come back to that Water researchers just published a study Su they build it with watering that Hydraulic Force could have helped build A step pyramid for Pharaoh Jer could Have it could have like why even put This out there it's a possibility than 4,600 years ago it's the oldest of the Seven Monumental pyramids in Egypt and Was at the time the largest structure Coming in at 204 fet that's king or Pharaoh LeBron James stacked head to toe More than 30 times some of those stones
Weighing more than 600 lb the Researchers now say the internal Architecture of the pyramid supports a New Theory a hydraulic lift a nearby Structure might have functioned as a dam Water could have flowed into shafts Inside the pyramid that would have Raised some sort of float carrying the Stones like a water elevator they say The discovery represents a significant Leap in our comprehension of ancient Egyptian engineering okay so this is a Small ass pyramid and they're they have This hypothesis that this could have Been built that way which again they Don't even have a clue on how these Things are built they're just throwing [ __ ] against the wall and hoping that it Comes out right and so let's talk about The aliens so for this piece of [ __ ] to Say um you know that we have theories That are more reality based you know They've made it ridiculous to believe in Aliens which they all believe in the People that run this system know that There was extraterrestrials CU they've Been very Information about and there's a lot of Information out there so I have a folder That has all the Giants in it has all The aliens all these things right which You'll see you know I've made a a video Clip of all the the images that I have And there's plenty of more out there
Like this isn't something that I've Covered extensively but the biggest Evidence is that in cultures all around The world Aboriginal cultures there was Not only cave paintings and artwork and Things that were showing Extraterrestrials but there are stories About space people extensive stories and Stories about Giants as well and so These things exist I mean there's Stories of giants the nephin in the Bible right what do you think they just Made that [ __ ] up right and so there was Used to Be Giants not that long ago and They're still Giants now they're seven Footers you know 8 foot people which is You know when you see somebody that big You're like oh that's like a giant right There's just a different you you know They're they're you know it's some of The the leftover DNA also little people Why you think there's Giants and little People what do you think these these uh Anomalies are based In why where this genetics come from Such extremes where you have 3 feet you Know adult people 3 feet tall and you Have 8 feet tall right and you know you See tall people all the time 65 66 67 Right minut B came to my college he was 7 foot s 7 fo8 and as soon as he walked On the court it was like you know you're Going to the circus or something like it Was like you couldn't believe a person's
That tall like guys I played basketball Against that were 67 68 you know there Was one guy was 67 68 and it was hard For me to get my shot over the guy Because he was so tall you know when I Played against him and I'm watching him Play against this guy Manu who blocked His jump shot from like 10 F feet away And you know there's just people who are Really big and people who are really Small and so that's that giant part but In terms of extraterrestrials there's All this stories these you know So-called myths that have been around For thousands of years in these cultures And then all the paintings and things That go with it and then whatever other Evidence that's out there and then the Evidence they've hidden so there's been Space people here there's been Technologically advanced civiliz ations That are beyond our ability to Comprehend and we're pretty Technologically advanced right and even With our computers like AI Bots can't Figure out how they built the pyramids With all our knowledge on architecture If you put all that knowledge into a Database and then have one of these you Know AI Bots analyze it they can't Figure out how the pyramids were built They're coming up with theories right They're at the theory Point like they Can't even postulate you know there it's
Just a oh maybe it's this maybe it's That kind of thing right right just Think about it like that's you know Amazing and that's just the pyramids and They're pyramids all over the world so You can explain how the pyramids were Built which they can't but how are you Going to explain how different cultures Around the world built pyramids these Pyramidal structures are everywhere on The planet and there's a reason for it Like their interplanetary relay stations According to the Whispers of the Brighter World messages that also talked About Giants and and extraterrestrials In there and there built by these Ancient civilizations right these are These channels messages from this French Woman who did the Sark system who was This the world's greatest Medium as There's like 20,000 of these messages Sunday March 4 2001 8 a.m. the Earth History is both ancient and Rich it had Some Advanced civilizations ex Extraterrestrials as you call them came To establish exploration sites and to Build interplanetary raay stations some Of them survived even though not having Their primary usefulness anymore the Pyramids belong to them many things are Said and written about them they still Play an important role energy-wise Revelations on this point will bring a New Enlightenment of men of the future
Ages this time is not yet come could They really understand all the Subtleties of this System they should at least start Admitting that life exists on the Planets of the solar system meaning and Beyond he means etheric life in the Solar system like there's Soul life There's energetic beings and the various Plants and the moon and things they Should at least admit that life exists On the plants of the solar system and Beyond it will really be necessary to Hit hard so that they can accept this Principle a massive Invasion will occur We already mentioned that possibility Which alone will put an end to the Wanderings of all forms of science so There's going to be a massive invasion Talked about in a few other places Because um human beings are putting a Risk well here the whole picture will Need a revising these beings will bring An extraordinary knowledge that will Leave the port line stupified with their Pompous ideas on everything most of Which are wrong or worthless those Beings will come in order to protect the Universal balance from man's misconduct As well as from the huge risks that are Running this so-called that are running With this so-called Progress which is alarming in many Aspects bobaji who was the second master
Of the Sark system and so you know That's I mean a a good explanation that These pyramids and there's another Whispers that talks about them that they Were you know they mapped out the world And so if you're coming from an extra You know if you're coming from a another Galaxy traveling by space and you stop At this planet it's a Planet how are you Going to navigate around it right like You know I mean whatever their computer Technology would be and so that they had These interplanetary Reay stations and Places at pivotal points around the Planet right and so you know there's Lots of architectural and other things That have been found architecture Architectural there's other you know Architecture and other things have been Found that are Beyond human beings Comprehension but the the people who run The planet the people I call the Controllers have this knowledge and They've they've buried it and hidden it From people for a lot of reasons of Course religion would have a hard time Getting people to you know believe in Them if there is Superior uh beings out there of course Like lots of Christians will say oh it's They're demonic extraterrestrials are Demonic or whatever because that's what They got to believe because it doesn't Fit with the [ __ ] stuff that they've
Been told about Jesus and so forth Because this is the stuff that they did To dumb down people but not knowing your True history and that there was slaves That were made you know out of test Tubes and there was um the fusing of the Genomes and things I've talked about This in past videos all this evidence That shows that the Earth the people That we are today because there are Human beings that used to live thousands Of years here there are people on this Planet that used to live you know 5,000 10,000 years At least hundreds of years right and Then there was slaves that were made and That's what we all are now a product of That genetic experiment that was shorten Their lifespan you know if you remember From the Blade Runner movie the slaves Only lived like four or five years the The uh Clones because they were Superior Physically and and intellectually in Some ways and so they would it would Stop them from rebelling because they Wouldn't live that long long they would Only live a short period of time which Makes sense because you know you're Limited in your ability to you know to Challenge like how can you if if you had People that lived a thousand years Versus people who live less than a Hundred how would the people that live
Less than 100 ever challenge those People that lived a much longer time Right and so um you know all these Things but they know that this stuff is True and for this guy to come out and Say more reality based you know if Something so far technologically Advanced than your civilization is able To produce or even understand then it's Done by higher developed people it's not Done by more primitive people right These more primitive people build Something we could never build well that Makes no sense at all they had to be More technologically advanced than us And Superior in various ways you know Like it makes like complete sense There's no other explanation for it and If there is evidence of extraterrestrial Presence in space travel and so why are They keeping that from you why don't They want you to know what's going on And this information is available and People you know why aren't people Seeking it out right and so if your Whole existence is a lie you know the Origin of your species and the way that You know the history of your planet and The people on it and they've lied to you About all of it and this stuff with Darwin is all [ __ ] and all these Things right that's widely accepted as The Explanation then you know how can you
Possibly even you know where do you go From there with your the origin of your Species being a deception it starts off With you being deceived about your true Nature and then everything else after That is built on these Foundation of Lies so it's all going to be lies right And that's where we are today and that's Why our civilization will ultimately Crumble because like we have no uh no Knowledge of our um true nature right Our you know where we came from and why We're here and things like this which They've carefully kept from everybody Which is just basically evil okay so I Went with a uh I went out a walk with my Dogs and apparently I have to trim Around our telephone poles that run our Power wire so they're going to spray Herbicide but I want to add this you Can't underestimate the origin that is Done to you when people keep the origin Story you know things with in your Family sometimes there's family secrets Right something like you're adopted or Something right and you're going to Sense it there's going to be some Intuition there's going to be some you Know hints of the truth it's going to be There in your you know dream life your Your etheric life and you're going to Sense that something's wrong or Something's off right and so they've Done that collectively to all of us the
Other piece of this if you don't you Understand your true nature and your True Essence and then the spiritual Aspects of your life and the the nature Of your soul and your purpose here on Planet Earth you know having a spiritual Goal having a goal where you recognize That your soul has a purpose for your Life here and finding that purpose not Only in terms of your material work that You do and your family and your you know Your whatever you're going to have in Your life the events but also what is The spiritual side of your of your life Right you know I've talked about this in Past videos that when I became an adult And had kids and I had already been Doing the sjar meditation so I had a you Know spiritual life which helped me deal With the stress but when you're starting A career when you're working on you know Your when you're in your early 20s and You're starting a career or let's say You get married later in life right Whatever it is and you're working your Job your career and you have kids and You have a marital relationship and Those are two separate things right your Your with your spouse and then also your Life with your kids and your family and Then you want to have a spiritual life On top of that you have to pack that all In between like a 20year period and now Of course the the uh extended family's
Been decimated so you know you can pay For heal you can hire a nanny or Something like that if you have a lot of Money but for the most part people who Don't it's just completely overwhelming You're usually going to have financial Difficulties right because you're just Starting off and and you're making less Money than your family needs and so you Know if you have two people working Which most families do you know the Majority of your energy goes into your Job like you wake up and your job gets Your best energy five days a week and Then on your weekend you're just spend And then if you're up all night with Screaming babies you know babies that Won't sleep and you know todders Whatever it is right all the things you Have to deal with and you know you're It's just one thing after another where You you just feel completely over Overwhelmed for long periods of time Right if you have more than two kids I Mean it's we're talking about an Extended like 20 years of your time it Goes into all this stuff it doesn't stop When the kids get older because it isn't Like they're they've been trained how to Function in the world you know they're Going to be kind of like and I'm not Calling them a burden but like a burden You know based in the structure of our Society and then they don't want
Anything to do with you in many cases Right you know like you're not getting Any return on that investment and you've Neglected your marital life you have no Spiritual life at all CU you don't have Time for that [ __ ] right and so it just Doesn't seem like it was designed for That the way that we have it now of Course it was different when we more Aboriginal but having short lifespans Imagine if you live for hundreds of Years and you could go get educated and Explore and your youth lasted for Hundreds of years you were in like your 20s or or whatever it is right and then You can find love and get married and Raise kids after you've had you know a Career and you're in a different state In your life and then also work on you Know the end of your life for hundreds Of years work on your spiritual I mean It' be a completely different type of Life right that would be spread over all This period of time and you would have All these you know these different Things that you can learn and explore Like I was saying this in a video like I Feel like I'm just kind of getting it Now I'm just kind of figuring out the Whole thing the puzzle and I'm you know In my 60s and it's like too late to do Anything about it in terms of all the Other stuff I've done you know I I feel Like I'm ready to do all the stuff I did
Like I'd be you know if I had useful Energy right now I could totally you Know have be a better dad a better Husband you know better husband to my You know my wife now and all these Things you know compared to the previous Situation I was in because you know you It takes a long time just to learn all That stuff and develop the maturity and By the time you do that you're you're on The pathway to die but when you start to Sort of figure out you know there's First that they're lying to you and then You kind of get a sense of what the Truth might be it all starts to make Sense more right that you know this is Why we have so many problems if we are Designed as a slave that comes with a Lot of issues there's genetic Abnormalities because they did a sloppy Job a lot of you know diseases a lot of You know whatever it is there are a lot Of issues there and so you know it just Kind of makes sense that people are the Way they are because of the the Situation that we're in and we're you Know we're not we're like an uninvolved We're not living up to our full Potential because we were never supposed To right you know if people are making a Slave they're not they don't care about What the slaves right like they're not Doing it for you they're not you know I Mean whatever type of people aliens you
Know extraterrestrial human beings like Us or whatever that would make slaves They would have a negative attitude Towards you right like you're there for Their purposes not for anything to do With you and then leaving you behind to Vend for yourselves or whatever after You know they've utilize you to extract Resources or whatever you were used for Right if you were going to come to Another planet and you didn't have much And you didn't have a Workforce and Things and you could create one you know That would be I mean it would be there For that you would serve that purpose And then you there wasn't any thought About what's going to happen next for You they wouldn't have to do the best Job in terms of their genetic Manipulation it would just be slap Together something and you roll it out And get it out there working for us so You know if that's what's happen here And it you know I that's the much more Reasonable explanation given everything That we we know about and then all these Other things about you know the history Of our planet and the history of human Beings on it and then just all the Things have been withheld from us and Our true nature the nature of the soul And the Soul's purpose it's a lot to Withhold from somebody right and so when I was a young kid I I knew something was
Off like you know this what they've sold To you too because then it becomes Another aspect of slavery they sold to You that your purpose is to get rich and Famous and have a good material life and So that's you know the religion has Contributed to that you know bad Religions and then all the economic System and all the propaganda and when I Grew up I knew that wasn't it like I you Know I I kind of know now that I had Past lives of doing that and I in a Sense learned my lesson and I wasn't Interested that at all right and so I Didn't have a purpose like I didn't you Know know I was doing here because the American dream and all the things that Was being sold to me it didn't appeal to Me like on a you know fundamental level I knew there had to be something more And then when I found my purpose it you Know filled in all these gaps and holes Like I said and the system with the Transmission the cleaning you know was a You know very efficient and you know Gift of a system but you know everyone Can't be like me like everyone can't Have these kind of Tendencies you need Layers of people right that's why no Matter what I say and make fun of people Or whatever call people stupid or binary You know or non-abstract thinkers those People are necessary they keep a society Going because you need all different
Levels of people to do the specific work Right so it you know there's a Fundamental um you know balance there That you need to have right the people Who are you know more spiritual in their Orientation and maybe on a you know more Advanced they're more advanced than Their brothers and sisters on the planet It's their job to pull people up and Then the people that are on the lower Levels it's their job to carry society And do the materialistic work and Different levels of that you know the Cast system in India which of course Sucks now I'm not endorsing the cast System was supposed to be more like About that of course you you can't do it Based in Families you know genetics and things Like this because you know people higher Developed Souls can be born in any Different family or different you know Whatever it is right environment and so It's really about the nature of the soul But people need to recognize that which We don't that there are souls that are Here that are more spiritually spiritual And their orientation and they can help To pull other people up and should be Supported by the you know the other Parts of society and then the people who Are on their way up and the various Levels on their way up and there should Be more respect about it everybody
Having value everybody contributing Something on their level on their you Know whatever they're supposed to do Their Soul's purpose and that just Doesn't exist right now we worship the Lower and so you have people who are Like KLA Harrison and um Donald Trump And all these SE other people who are on A lower level they haven't discovered Yet that money and power are the reason For being here and maybe they've had Multiple lives and they're they're Hooked into it whatever their their Personal thing is but they're on a lower Level right they haven't understood that There's a a spiritual purpose to one's Life and that there are consequences for Everything that you do that go against God's Will and they're long from Realizing that may take them multiple Lives you know thousands of years maybe Who knows how long it take them before They realize that that and yet they're Looked up to as the leaders of the the The world the country and that's a huge Problem because they're at a lower level The people who are dominating material Are lower are lower vibration in their Consciousness and many of them are stuck In this you know in this power Dynamic And they're not happy they're not doing What they're supposed to do going Against God's Will and they you know People are looking up to them to be like
Them and to you attain what they attain Right just not the the you know the Political leaders but celebrities and All these other people people and so When your true nature is withheld from You and you don't value what you should Value and you don't know why you're here And you don't know where you came from Well then you get a [ __ ] Society like We have now right that's that's what's Happened here and of course it has and So them perpetrating these lies when They know that there's another story Here and they're keeping you from Accessing that story which is really Effed up if you think about it and so You know that kind of explains Everything okay so I'm going to wrap This one up here I'll put the ending on Because I'll probably put this in my I'll definitely put this in my journey Series