Okay like all these videos greetings Brothers and sisters like all these Videos there was a weird turn I was Going to make this mostly about the Olympics and the tie back to the 1984 Los Angeles alien and all these things Where you see these guys pictured here And I get to that the end of the video And I had all this other stuff Interesting things about the political Whatever you know all these I mean every Day it's interesting but then Elon Musk And Trump had an interview there's some Other stuff here so I cover it all here Today um You know I think it's all kind of Important a little bit wiped out uh but Here's the Video okay um greetings brothers and Sisters so my wife and I just Watched the movie The Jones Plantation Kind of interesting movie to watch it's A kind of lowbudget truther movie we Watched on Amazon uh but it's well done It's It seems like it's about slavery but It's just about the current system and Moving from regular slavy slavery to Debt-based slavery right I found it Interesting and you know there's this Attitude that I want to talk about here I mean they did a good job with the Movie but there's a problem with this Truther mentality right and so the
Majority of the people who are truthers And this is probably I mean there's you Know very levels there's whatever you Want to call a truther people who There's one level of being a truther It's everyone who doesn't believe in the Official story I mean most people don't Trust the media completely or the Government completely right but there's A certain level where you're like yeah They're just lying all the time and you You you're kind of done with the the Government the media for the most part You know it's something like over 60% of People believe the uh we're not getting The truthful story behind the uh JFK Assassination so that makes 60% of People you know one level of being a Truther right the faith in the official Story is fading fast but you know for For my purposes here what I'm talking About being a truther is and what the Majority of truther believe is that There are a group of people behind the Throne people behind the throne who are Controlling the politicians the Presidents the people we see in the you Know what I call the show and they are Keeping everybody down now the belief by Most of these truthers is if you remove These people who are uh enslaving Everybody that everybody else is good And we'll figure out a system on our own And everything will be you know the
System will stay the same like you'll Still have the American economy you'll Still have the you know all the things That go with it all the potential all The perks all the lifestyle and that's Just not the case right so the problem With that view is that the good things That we have in the system are tied to The economic Disparity and the you know the wage Slavery and all the rest of it right and So the people who are running the system Who everyone thinks oh we can just get Rid of them and nothing's going to Change the system would collapse along With them unless you want to fill in and Take their position right because the Whole system is corrupt the whole idea Of extraordinary wealth where people can Be multi-millionaires and billionaires While other people can be homeless and Without you know any employment or any You know I mean just living in a the Depths of poverty or there's just so Much levels of poverty like most people Are poor and then you have some people Who are really really rich and then you Have some people in the middle upper and Middle class right but the majority of People in the world are poor right so % Of people survive on $2 a day or less And onethird of the population survives On $1 a day or less they make $365 a year the equivalent to that and
So you understand the level of poverty When you see the massive poverty in Other countries and on a global basis You can see the system doesn't work it's Just that we happen to be benefiting From the system because we're in lower Middle class or upper middle class or Even American poor for the most part is Better than what other people are living In in other countries right so Gaddafi Who did a brilliant job in his country And when he took over it was the poorest Country in Africa from this guy King King aiz that was a puppet King from From Italy and when he took over it was The poorest country in Africa and he was Passing through all the Millennium Development goals and he made it the Richest country in Africa per capita Income right income per person the Average income per person and he brought It up to $10,000 a year and that's 2011 or whatever before he was you know They got rid of the guy or whatever it Was and so um think about it right think About that right so the guy took the Country from the poorest country in Africa and when it was the richest Country in Africa the average income was $10,000 a year which was a lot of money For that country but you know it's Nothing compared to America you can't Live on $10,000 a year in America right So you understand that the system
Doesn't work that the system can't be a System where we have the lifestyle we Have we have the economy we have the Technology that we had and it is a System that's based in Divinity and fair Play and you know and people sharing and I mean this the Aboriginal tribes we had Before in the small villages where there Was no banksters there was no you know Any of these things but you live you Know very primitively right the reason We have the technology we have is Because of the debt-based economic System and I've explained this before Multiple times that by loaning money Beforehand you you um you you have this Chance of Entrepreneurship where people can Innovate and create you know companies And create technolog technological Advancement and things like this because They have the the money before they've Done the work and so being able to Borrow money to do these you know Business ventures is why our economy is The way it is but of course it's a Debt-based economic system which is Making debt as wealth you know a Negative as wealth which is demonic Right it's inverted and so it's a Demonic system but you can grow the Economy really quickly and you can grow The technological advancements really Quickly and that's why we have the
Lifestyle that we have we wouldn't have Gotten that if we didn't have the debt Based economic system because the Advancement would be relatively slow and It wouldn't be Global there wouldn't be Global Travel I mean all these things That we have now comes from the Debt-based economic system so it's a It's wrong to think that if we just got Rid of the the banksters and the Controllers and these people that we Consider evil that our lifestyle would Stay the same and that they were somehow Keeping us all down because we have a Part to play in it because you can Become a rich person with just some Initiative and effort if that's your Complaint is that you're being held down Well it's because you're being a victim And you're not seeing the opportunities That are there because people can become Rich especially in America people have That opportunity to at least become you Know part of the middle class and it's Just a matter of effort intelligence and Things but most people just don't have The initiative and many people just want To be a victim right and so that's their Part in this diabolical system right but What I want to get to here is something Completely different and so my point of View is quite different than the average Truth because you know it's this is all Based in the materialism all these ideas
That the people who run the system are Somehow keeping other people down and Controlling them and you know which they Are doing and the system itself is doing That right and that you know it's the Goal here is to be free to be Economically you know whatever it is Equal whatever people want to think About some utopian society it's all Based in material materiality in your Lifestyle which comes down to the Pursuit of happiness and the lack of Pain right and you know most of our you Know culture is about pain killing and Not having pain and you know having Pleasure constant stimulation pleasure And that's what people view success as Right the pursuit of happiness but That's an illusion because your soul Didn't put you on this Earth to be happy When people think of a Utopia they think About everybody being happy right like This is where all could be happy we Could all be living good lives we could All live in peace we could all live in Harmony it could all be just bliss all The time that's not what this planet is About and that's not why your soul Incarnates it's the pain and the Suffering that makes the pleasure and The happiness better and happiness is Defined by its opposite everything's Defined by its opposite right so if you Want to say misery is the opposite of
Happiness or sadness is the opposite of Happiness all these things that you know Are um you know there's these like Different distinctions but you have to Have difficulties to appreciate the good Times you have to go through things to Feel sense of accomplishment and that's Just on the material Level but there's Something bigger at play here which is We have a soul and we have a spiritual Purpose here and so if you take that Into consideration then everything that Happens to you if God like I said before If you believe in God you believe that There's a plan that's the difference Between being a Godly person and a a Doubter someone who doesn't believe in God who believes in chaos right and so If you believe in God there's a plan and That everything that's happening you Know there's an accountability system And everything that's happening to you Is happening for some sort of a reason And so if that's the case then your Circumstance of birth the color of your Skin your place in society your Intelligence level your athletic ability Your sex your you know your the way that You look whether you're you're handsome Or pretty or you're ugly or you're you Know mediocre or whatever it is right Compared to you know what people think Of you as they see you right the way That people look at you and they see you
You know people look at you and see Something right like for the most part I Remember that people looked at me and Were [Laughter] Scared you know I tell this story about You know I was I had this kind of uh This spiritual experience where I Started a uh counseling service and I Went to these sort of new age um expose You know Wellness Expos and things like This and I had this poster an image and Whatever it is and I would watch people Walk to the booth next to me they would Walk away from my booth like in the Opposite direction then they'd walk to Take a turn right or left and then walk Across in front of my booth but now they Were 10550 feet away then they'd walk Back towards my booth after they'd walk By it and they'd go to the next Booth Right so they were literally bypassing My booth and me you know and then my ex Who is a much worse person but is when You know you look at her you would be Less scared of her people were coming up And talking to her when I wasn't there Right and so I realized you know I mean These were just different times I Realized that people look at me and They're whatever they are Right you know they're not um Intimidated I don't know what it is and I'm not you know I'm not aggressive I'm
Not going to hurt anybody you know I Mean I could say some mean things but Not to strangers you know I mean I don't You know but whatever it is that when They see me that's how they react right And so that's a part of you you your Perception of who you are and sometimes You don't even know the way people think About you you know I kind of thought it Was funny but you know wasn't good for Me to build a business right and so um You know people are going to react to You as certain way right and just you Know the energy you exude the way you Look or you know people are going to Look at you and they're going to say oh You're this or you're that this is how They're going to categorize you this Person is safe this person isn't this Person's appealing this person's you Know I'm attracted to them maybe not Like I'm not even talking about being Sexually attractive but you know people Are attracted to some people right they Just have that kind of energy and so all These things are part of what your Subaric package is when you come into This world whatever you've done in the Past life you have these Impressions and Things and you're you create yourself as A person as a soul and then your life Unfolds in front of you and everything That's happening is happening for a Reason and you know to blame everything
On the controllers and say that they're Keeping me down or you know all these Things that make it all about your Material success is not you know Appropriate because you have the Opportunities that are given to you are For your spiritual well-being and Benefit but almost nobody recognizes That and so you can throw out all these Victim statements that truthers have and You know the Deep State and this that The the the elite and these people and That people right because you're given The exact opportunity that your soul has Provided for you and if we had a healthy Society the number one aspect of that Society was that everybody has a purpose And a Soul's plan and helping people Identify what their Soul's plan is And be able to you know make the right Decisions and and know what they're Supposed to do and do it so they get Maximum spiritual benefit here that Would be the ideal society and it Wouldn't be joyful it wouldn't be Utopia But it would be productive and people Would feel congruent and helping people Connect with their soul connected with The Divinity within them so they would Have you know theyd be able to make an Informed decision on what spiritually They should do when their material lives You know what are what's the right Spiritual decision what's The Godly
Decision and once people learned how to Do that that it would transform the Planet and the system would unfold to be A system that supports all of that right The system we have now doesn't support That and so that's much more important Than any of these things of you know Wealth and equity and you know fairness And all these things that people think Racism and sexism and you know all these Different isms and all these different You know homophobia and all these things That people talk about all these ways to Feel like a victim and who's who's the Haves and who's the have not and who has Privilege and who doesn't and you know You're you're born in the circumstances That best fit you or suit you to your Maximum you your soul has created this You know this life so that you can Benefit and if you think about it that Way and you you you experience in that Way and you take things in that way then The people controlling the system have No real power over you and they're not Affecting you right and you know most Truther just can't even understand that Or if they do it's not something they Can Implement into their lives but it Easily can be done because there's a Natural path for this kind of a system Right there's a natural inclination on a Spiritual level for everyone to find why They're here what's your purpose here
Not on a material Level not your career Not who you're going to marry I mean That's all a part of it but why are you Here what's your purpose why is your Soul created this opportunity for you What's the you know what what are the Circumstances of your life and the Things that are going to happen that are Going to unfold that are your spiritual Obstacles and challenges that you have To overcome to make something out of Your life right to get something out of Your life and move forward on your Spiritual journey so this is a different Way to look at things that I talk about Here that you know that most truther Don't most TR truthers is just about Material fairness and unfairness and These things right which is just you Know just goofy like it's just a you Know if you're conscious of the unfair Aspect of the the world and you think That there are these people these Controllers that are keeping you down And you can't do anything about it then You lose any chance of really uh putting Any self-effort because you feel like You're screwed and that's just not the Case right and so along with those lines I should say this as well um you know The shadow Banning thing I talk about I Just got another comment from somebody That said hey YouTube actually put this In my watch list without me having to
Ask you know it's um it's happening a Little bit better but my view counts Down now maybe because of the Christian Videos and the stuff that I did with um Uh you the you know the Trump stuff who Knows or just you know whatever reason I Mean it's not down like it was it's Still above 3 4,000 videos are now Getting six 7,000 they're getting 10,000 You know so there's YouTube was Recommending my stuff more and I think They're recommending a little bit less But again if you leave a comment you Just leave an emoji you don't you can Leave any kind of emoji doesn't matter To me like I'm not offended by emojis I Can't really even see them that well you Know I mean depending on you know and You know just any kind of comments not a Big deal you like the video um there's Something I might read later on there's An exchange between people cuz one Person did didn't like want to like my Video because of well you'll hear the Comment I'll probably read that at the End of the video and so you know the Membership program and that's a way to Financially support this the uh you know The channel people donate two bucks a Month it's you know 100 people do that That's $200 you know this kind of thing Right it's um you know if I get enough People to do it then the ads aren't such A big thing and you know whatever um you
Know subscribe resubscribe get notified And just all these things uh share the Videos on Facebook and these other Places and just do anything to promote The channel to keep it going so anyways That's the introduction let's get into The other stuff Here okay so my wife was telling me I Don't know who she heard it from maybe It's Um I'll think of the person's name later But um Katherine Austin Fitz was saying You she's has connections to the Government she's one of the more you Know established sort of truthers And that the Russians went to Iran and Said don't retaliate against Israel We'll we'll uh you know do this on your Behalf basically preventing World War I Uh Putin did so you know I don't know if That's true or not but you know it's Believable right and so this scile Parkinson's having mfer is still being Rolled out there like the arrogance of These people because you know this guy Should not be president right he quit um His campaign for a reason he do he's not Fit for president 70% Americans probably More than that because again there was Republicans who realized they didn't Want him to step down so they changed Their opinion in polls so but there's 70% of Americans said he's unfit to Serve and there's a Republicans who like
I said changed their opinion of it once They saw the debate right so they Thought it would be better for them if He was running like that's how bad it is Right where your opponents are keeping You in there just so they can beat you Or mock you in my case right so he's Asked by this guy what happened why did You withdraw and I can only use a little Bit this unfortunately this on CBS and CBS sucks at copyrighting cuz CBS sucks But let's watch a little bit here tell Me the story tell me the story tell me The story Joe like look at him like look Like he's be able to tell you a Story look um the flls we had showed That it was the neck and neck race would Have been down on the Wire the polls he had right so nobody Told you that 70% Americans said you're Unfit to serve like nobody told you that Nobody in your inner circle said hey the American people think that you're gone And you shouldn't be president now never Mind run for president 70% an Overwhelming majority were saying that Again the numbers were not accurate it's Even worse than that pretty much Everybody who watched him knew that he Was gone right like you'd have to be Like really really stupid to not see That I mean if you if you can't see that This guy's too old he didn't have like Fans he had you know people who don't
Like Trump right you didn't have you Know Biden lovers there was no Enthusiasm behind his candidacy it was Just that people didn't want Trump right So if he whatever legitimate votes he Got they were not legitimate ven Biden Votes they were anti-trump votes right And so he was Senile and you Know he he thinks that he was in a neck And neck race but what happened was uh a Number of my Democratic colleagues in The House and Senate thought that I was Going to hurt them in the races And I was concerned if there was Paul Data that supported this right so like He's so far out of the loop he has no Idea what was going on like I know more Than what he does right like he still Doesn't know and maybe he's been told And he doesn't know maybe they didn't Tell him both of those are disturbing Like if he doesn't know because they Told him and he just can't comprehend it And he's you his cognitive breakdown so Bad he has no idea aidea right or they Are thinking oh we can't even talk to Him about this cuz he's too far gone and Like even after he's withdrawn they Still haven't really told him both of Those are really disturbing right which Means he's either so far gone that he Can't remember even the the most recent Events and he has no grasp of reality
And he's president or the people that Are handling him don't have enough Confidence in him to tell him the truth That he should have known like should Have heard and so this is an insult to America that he's still President right Like the arrogance of these people to be Rolling him still out still when 70% and That's a huge majority 70% is you don't Get 70% of Americans to agree on Anything right and 70% of Americans Agree that this guy is unfit to serve Right and he's doing interviews still Like like they're putting it they're Shoving it right in your face this guy Is you know we have a scile president They're telling you there is no President that the president see is a Joke that it doesn't matter who's President because this guy can't do the Job if his perception of reality is that It was an even race but some Democrats uh thought he was going to Pull their you know some of the House And Senate members like the high ranking Ones thought he was going to pull them Down that's not at all what happened Like he in have any grasp of the problem The problem was that he had maybe one of The most embarrassing worst debates in The history of presidential debates and He was clearly had cognitive issues and Before that he went to a Fundraiser where these these big
Democratic um donors were like Holy holy [ __ ] they were like and George CL Clooney wrote a you know an opad Saying this guy is was just so far gone We saw this guy it wasn't a bad night Cuz we saw this guy at the fundraiser he Was clueless he was he was gone he Couldn't comprehend you know basically Like he said we love the guy but you Know he can't he can't do it and so There was an outcry from media and you Know the Democratic establishment the Democratic donors pulled back their Money and there was just there no way This guy was going to run they couldn't Run him right and if they did get if he Did get elected he couldn't run the Country I mean and think about the Circumstances that Americans would vote For this guy like if he did get elected I mean that would just be like a putting A Target on our back right saying you Know we're incompetent mentally and we Got this guy this is the best that we Can do and so the you know the arrogance Of this thing right that they're still Putting this guy out there when he's This Clueless I stayed in the race that would Be the topic You' be interviewing me About why did Nancy bloi he say why did So and uh and I thought it' be a real Dist he she's pissed at Pelosi he named Her by name action number one number two
Because Nancy Pelosi was going to come Out and say he's unfit when I ran the First time I thought of myself as being A transition president okay so now he's Talking about all this stuff right I'm Going to skip this part because then He's going to ask him about B so here's Hunter right he's getting a hug from Hunter this sceni look at this scen gone Guy and a guy who's been in at a rehab 9 10 times a crackhead and a wonderful Painter by the way he just you know a Million dollar Sales paint millions of Dollars in sales and Paintings Jilly Jill over Here did you say to them that's what They said to me what did they say to You uh they said my grandchildren call Me pop what they call them pop so then He asked about his son Bo Biden is he Thinking of B Too look I can honestly say that uh I Think of them all the time whenever I Think of them all the Time I can honestly say I think about my Dead said all the time you can honestly Say that wow that's you know I'm glad You said you can honestly say that cuz If you said that you thought thought About your dead son all the time we Wouldn't believe you right like what the He is he talking about took him forever To answer the question he said when you Were you know saying this thing at the
End but this is where it gets weird I Have a decision that's really hard to Make I literally ask myself what a b do What would Bo do I asked myself what Would Bo do you know not Jesus Bo you Know like the same thing he was he Should be sitting here being interviewed Not me so Bo was the guy Bo was the next Great Biden so he thought he could have Been president Bo but because he they Were you know grooming him but they went Had brain cancer he was a really a fine Man you know Bo bo was committed to my staying Committed he was his he was committed to His staying committed so Bo's Disappointing you you you quitter did Bo Get you know he was like hey I got brain Cancer and I was still out there trying To be a good Biden and you're out there Quitting stop quitting quitter Bo thinks You're a quitter why does Bo think You're a quitter quitter we uh we had a Conversation um toward the end when he Was we everybody we Knew he wasn't going to live and he said Dad I know we know what going to happen He said I'm going to be okay Dad I'm Going to be okay dad even though I'm Going to be dead I'm all right I'm not Afraid I'm not afraid of dying but Dad You got to make me a promise I said' What's that b he said I know when it Happens you're going to want to quit
You're not going to yeah you're going to Want to quit don't quit don't be a quit Or quitter so why' you quit stay engaged My dad look at me look at me dad look at Me dad these are these these these Things these these things that what Whatever they're called here these these Things that you see things with you're Going to want to quit you're not going To stay engaged he my dad look at me Look at me dad give me your word as a Biden when I go you'll stay engaged give Me your Word give me your word as a Biden what The [ __ ] are you talking about bro give Me your word as a Biden he said those Words give me your word as a Biden Biden Have no word like Biden aren like people Don't think of Biden as being honest you Biden's make up take other people's uh Life stories and use them when they're Running for president and get busted for Plagiarism and come out and and say They've been dumb right and I've done Some dumb things and I'll do dumb things Again ladies and gentlemen I've been Dumb and so uh this is like what a weird Thing look at him he's just gone give me Your word is a Biden but then it gets Even Weirder when I go you'll stay engaged Give me your word give me your Word and I did And then I
Did that's why I had not planned on Running after he died and then Charlotte So Happened in 2017 well but if you gave Him was your word right you gave him Your word remember These Guys these Preppy guys that came out right they Look like all work for the FBI and their Tiki torches they're got tiki torches Like they're going to go to some uh you Know tropical barbecue right you know Looks like they're going to go to a luow White supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville Virginia turned deadly When on August 12th Heather hire a civil Rights activist was murdered in what the Justice department called a hate Inspired Act of domestic Terrorism Biden has long traced his Decision to run in 2020 to that moment Okay so Snopes it wasn't enough that That that uh bo Biden came out and said You give me your word as a Biden that You'll stay engaged and run and Biden Said yeah I did give him my word but Then I quit on my word and I wasn't Going to run so he just you know said That he broke his vow to his Dead's Dying son meanwhile his son Hunter Started banging the guy's wife and then She freaked out cuz he was you know Smoking crack and she got involved she Was doing crack so then Hunter came and You know got his his ex-wife his uh
Brother brother's widow hooked on crack And you know a bad lifestyle she say It's the worst part of the worst time in Her life and then she thought Hunter was Going to kill himself so she took a Handgun and threw it in the trash a Loaded handgun and it was right across From a high school and the Secret Service had to get involved because it Was so [ __ ] up right and so they found A homeless guy got it so homeless guy Was walking around with a Biden gun Right and so then Biden uh then Hunter You know years few years later drops his Laptop into the bathtub and brings it to A computer repair shop and the guy Freaks out when he see what's on the Hard drive he gives it to the FBI and The government and the media choose not To tell American people about this right Before the election and so that's all What happened right And and he's like you know they're They're still perpetrating this lie About Charlottesville that even Snopes That the goofy Snopes which is Completely leftist and liberal say isn't True that he he didn't charlotteville Had no bar and he just used an excuse he Made it up one day just like everything Else he makes things up and he makes it Emotional like this big moment when I Saw these horrible hateful people it Really is the beginning of your journey
To the Presidency like how are you even saying This right who is this like lightweight Piece of crap that he's perpetrating This thing that's been debunked over and Over again we know that Charlesville had Nothing to do with him running and we Know that you know he wasn't a Transitional pre President seven years Later how do you see It When I spoke to the mom who lost her Daughter as a consequence of those Neo-nazis and r white supremacist come Out of the fields with in America with Torches you mean tiki [Laughter] Torches and so he's losing his breath He's out of breath right he's had some Serious physical issues you can hear He's like struggling to breathe and it's Just an absolute mess I mean it's really Embarrassing okay so this is a you know I probably use more I'm going to have Copyright issues already it's just like Great that he keeps on appearing i' Watch I show you this whole thing If uh CBS if it was anywhere but CBS but The fact that they're rolling this guy Out with the same old [ __ ] the same Old Lies when the American people have Said 70% overwhelming majority and it's A lot more that this guy's too old to
Run and now that kist you know doing Whatever the Democrats have moved on From him they're rolling him out showing You that the presidency is a joke it's a Freaking joke so there's an interview With Dana B and JD Vance very feminine Ey lining wearing JD Vance weird guy Like definitely weird is a good Description for him but all of them Because the other guys weirder wal KLA Is weird right they're all weird you Know like bringing the weird word out is You know all these politicians are weird Like very seldom you see a politician That is authentic and genuine and Represents the American people but he Says this here especially when we Consider the fact that as we've all Learned over the last few months Joe Biden clearly isn't capable of doing the Job and so I think that drives home yeah But he is doing the job like why aren't You pushing for his and it' be smart for You guys to make him the issue to say This guy has been Scile I mean six months ago seven now Right it was 6 months when this story First broke but it was in January and And that was You know when the the debate happened When in July it was January then right I mean Back in January when a poll was taken And 70% of Americans back then said Joe
Biden was unfit to to run the country And all the Republicans were on board With that in that poll right and then The poll switched with some of the Republicans only like U like 16% of the Republicans said Joe Biden was unfit and The majority was Independents and Democrats so really was 100% of the People were saying Joe Biden was unfit After the debate but before the debate Seven months ago the American people Spoke and said hey this guy should not Be president now and he shouldn't run For president for the next you know four Years and the Americans people's opinion Is not being regarded because they got Rid of him as a candidate but he's going To be a president till next January so and they're going to roll him Out every day and show you how scile he Is and that everyone's moved on from That like oh it's okay we can have a Scile president we have a guy with Parkinson's who has cognitive Difficulties cognitive you know Breakdown it's cognitive functioning is Impaired his brain is Deteriorating we can still have a President who you know it's okay they as Long as he's not for the next four years We can you know five months is fine we Can have him for five months right like He should step down now and that the Republicans should be pushing for it
Like if they really cared about having a Cnile president I mean both the Democrats should be pushing for it it Should be the right it's the right thing To do you don't have a guy who's scile Running your country but if it doesn't Matter if the guy isn't making any Decisions he's being completely handled Then it doesn't really matter right but It does matter because the rest of the World sees it and American people see it It means democracy is a joke democracy Has been killed Because the American people have spoken And and they're saying we see this guy Is too old and too scile to do the job He's got Parkinson's right he's got some Kind of cognitive mental Deterioration and we need to get rid of Him because we want to restore faith in The political system which that ship is Sailed years and years ago and so like He just said it like the guy's unfit to Be president he's still president and Yeah they'll say it in speeches but They're not doing anything they can Invoke the 26th amendment or whatever it Is 25th amendment and the Republicans Could do that in the house why not do That right and you know why not make That more of a your reason to campaign Against kamla Harris because she was Telling everyone how great the guy was Six months ago and every day since until
He withdrew and she still hasn't come Out and said oh yeah he's kind of gone Mentally because the only reason she's Running is the guy can't do it he's Mentally incompetent nobody wanted kamla Harris none the Democrats did and Certainly the Republicans don't but She's there and she's you know loving Life right now because the guy that she Was you know serving under had a mental Breakdown which allowed her to to to uh Get the nomination on a post right you Know I mean she can't she can't service The American people Right she can't you know knee pads the The American people like she's uh one at A time she's she she has no way of Getting you know a job that way like you Know so the only way that she knows how To get a job but then he says something Even Stupider especially when we consider the Fact that as we've all learned over the Last few months Joe Biden clearly isn't Capable of doing the job and so I think That drives home that K Harris really Has been the one calling the shots I Mean how could she not I think okay so That's just silly like how dumb do you Think the American people are do you Think that KLA Harris was calling the Shots cuz he was mentally broken down Come on it's stupid do you think anybody In America thinks KLA Harris was calling
The shots like just it's silly you're a Silly little man with eye shadow with Eyeliner there's just something I'm Editing here there's just something Unnatural about his freaking Face like just look at it like when you Look at his face there's just I first Saw him it's like a woman wear like a You know when they dress men up as women In some old movie you know like that um That uh movie with um Amanda bines that You dress up as a boy to play a soccer Player like it's just something like That like his face doesn't look real It's like he's got some sort of makeup When you know the Saturday Night Live Sketch where they put white face on Eddie Murphy and he got on the bus and Pretended to be a white guy remember That something like that like he's his Face just not right like they're using Prosthetics you when they make an actor Are old you know an actress old and they Put on Prosthetics there's just Something like off about his face like There's just something like it's not you Know it's not a real person like this is This is not who he is right um there's Just something like look at his face More so than the the other candidates You wouldn't say this about Trump or KLA Or the other guy the other vice President candidate I forgot his name Already um but you know there's just
Something weird about him like just Not you know there there's just not Normal there's like a deception here Joe Biden doesn't really know where he is Kamla Harris has been calling the shots As who well I think she has to have been Right because if she's not calling the Shots this I mean nobody she has to have Been no like he has handlers right she's Not the vice president doesn't call the Shots stand than who is and I do think It drives home something that's Fundamentally yeah who is the people Like just like why lie about it like He's has handlers and KLA Harris is Nothing she's they're both puppets the KLA Harris was a figurehead based on her Demographics because Joe Biden promised A woman president of color right a African-American woman pres vice President he said that's who he's going To nominate and they chose KLA because They just love her for whatever reason But isn't because she's some great Politician or she's some brilliant mind And she was like secretly calling the Shots She's not Dick Cheney no one was saying that about Kamla right like kamla was non-existent She was just like oh my God this is our SEC this is when people talked about Joe Biden being mentally unfit they were Like ah [ __ ] we got Kamala right that
Was you know just silly right dishonest About the way that vice president Harris And also a lot of senior Democrats have Approached this if you remember for for Months even years the argument was that Joe Biden was sharp he could clearly do The job And the minute that he performed poorly In that debate and he became political Dead weight you have KL Harris and Everybody else trying to throw him Overboard but I think the more troubling Question is why did so many senior Democrats including the vice president Cover for him and if Joe Biden wasn't Capable of doing the job as even a lot Of Democrats say now was KL Harris in Charge or was somebody else in charge And that's a real real issue there's Yeah you just said she was calling the Shots and so like it's just you know he Has a point because this is winning Point for them like you can't talk about This in a way I mean he kind of screwed It up which is unimaginable that he Could screw this point up but that's the Whole point that they covered up right That we all saw that he was breaking I Saw in 2019 and he would already had I Mean we all should have seen like he was Just there to see and he was too old and He was like you know not functioning Very well mentally and he had all the Different you know they had to hide him
Away they couldn't even run him out in a Campa pain they admitted it they had to Hide him away with the whole Co thing I Mean just nobody you know nobody thought This guy was like sharp right and so and They you know that was back in 2019 and For four years we've had this President Doing around and getting older and this You know and the remember I showed you That video that guy describing all the Things that he did in terms of symptoms Of having Parkinson's and that was very Easy you know in the beginning yeah it Can look like other forms of Dementia but the as it break as a person Breaks down you the their gate in which Biden walks and these things were all Signs of dementia right I mean signs of Parkinson that is a differential Diagnosis between Parkinson and and Other forms of dementia see you know Senility and Alzheimer's and things like This no evidence that Kam haris threw Him overboard but I just I want to move On to uh something that Governor walls Yeah she just waited like Knew that either he was going to get Possibly elected and she would then Become president because he couldn't do It or this happened what happened so she Just had to wait con Harris just had to Wait and talk about how great he was Which was you know to his to her own Detriment but nobody's holding her
Accountable for that because she was Like I was in meetings with him and the Guy is just so sharp and he's so great You know which she said on The View six Months eight seven months ago now you Know the polls were out there American People she's telling you guys are wrong That when we see him behind closed doors He's like you know he's not like this at All it's just when he gets in front of The microphone he's looks like he has Parkinson's but what he's he's like a 20-year-old kid when he's not he's be Behind closed doors he's he's vibrant And sharp and everyone's like oh my God Look at this this wonderful brain this Mind this man has okay so I'm editing And what happened there what you just Saw there and I didn't notice it I Noticed some of it which I just Commented on but he said you know that KLA Harris and the Democrats couldn't Wait to Chuck this guy out of there cuz That's part of their narrative that's Their BS narrative you know um they're Just trying to say they're disloyal but She just said there's no evidence that KLA Harris threw him under the bus but Like kamla either is the stupidest Person in the world right like she's you Know she's an educated person with a law Degree and a she passed the bar exam I Mean she's not like brilliant but she's Not stupid right and she's certainly
Conniving you know there's a certain Personality type and kamla and Trump Both have that personality type you know Who can strategize and be manipulative Like she saw what it would do if she had An affair with Willie Brown or whatever His name is right the mayor former mayor Of San Francisco the Democratic Kingmaker she knew at 29 what bang and That guy would do for her career like She's not stupid right like there's People who are conniving and you know Whatever and she's one of them and so When Joe Biden asked her to be vice President she knew that there was a path To he to her being president where she Might not even have to get one single Vote someone who's not likable not Electable and you know if he craps out While he's in the white house which Could have easily happened I mean Everybody knows that everyone knows that You you know first of all you're only a Heartbeat away from every vice president Knows that you're vice president your Big thing is you're only heartbeat away From being president like that it's it's Not a great job and not very many vice Presidents have become presidents right I me either because the guy you know Like Gerald Ford when Nixon got Impeached or Lyndon spaines Johnson when Kennedy was assassinated you know the Assassinations or something like that
But it's still a possibility like you Have a lot better chance of being President most people right as vice President and so this was her big chance And she knew the older he got the more Scen Al he got she was licking her Freaking lips and anybody who pretends Otherwise right like this Dana Bash Pretending KLA didn't know what was up Right has called you and Donald Trump And that is weird sure and it is taken Off the New York Times reports that when Donald Trump was asked about it he said Not me they're talking about JD well C certainly they've levied that Charge against me more than anybody else But I think that it drives home how They're trying to distract from their Own policy failures I mean look this is Fundamentally schoolyard bully stuff They can accuse me of whatever they want To accuse me of uh schoolyard bully Accuse you of being weird like that's Weird like he's just they're just so They're all so weird right like you Brought the word out but I mean the Other guy Vance wal is like you know I Mean that guy's weird and Kam is Probably the weirdest of them all and Trump's just you know Trump like none of Them are normal right they're not normal People because they don't run normal People right as Harry EST Truman once Said if you can't take the heat stay out
Of the kitchen and I'm doing this Because I think that me being vice President will help improve people's Lives so I I I I I accept their attacks But I think that it is a little bit of Projection Dana if you think about uh You know he's um so a femin Ju Just take a couple of days ago Tim Waltz gives this big speech he's been Announced as the VP nominee and I Remember when I had just been announced As the VP nominee I gave my big speech And I saw my wife and I gave her a big Hug and a kiss because I love my wife And I think that's what a normal person Does uh Tim Waltz gave his wife a nice Firm Midwestern handshake and then tried To sort of awkwardly correct for it so I Think that what it is is two people Kam Harris and Tim Walts who oh I got to see That Uh is that on the internet because I Want to see that okay so here it comes Douy fresh this is great how did I not Know about this dougy fresh comes in big Hug for dougy fresh right he comes in Dougy fresh big Hug and then look look this is why they Need in Virtual F fertilization look at Doggy fresh this is Wonderful okay yeah there we go Look he's he gives her the let's not Touch touch uh let's not touch crotches Hug look he's like he backs away leans
In he leans In now now her hand is Here look at these guys these guys Haven't seen each other she's so psyched To he's just you know found this story That just broke that he banged his Nanny And impregnated her and we don't even Know what happened to the baby like he Impregnated his Nanny and like he's got A little he's got a little Hunter Biden Kid running around out there possibly or She had an abortion we don't even know What happened right but he banged his Danny so much that she got pregnant or At least you know we know once and then You know his wife divorced him and now That story broke and she's real psyched To see Him look look at her look at you did so Good Honey so that was strange I mean you Know like like it's one of these things When he says oh wow those guys are weird Yeah you guys are all freaking weird Like you know you guys are all nonhuman Like it's not that they're weird they're Like alien right you're not human look At the inverted side here look at This when we fight we win when we fight We win after that they're trying to take Away the fight fight fight thing from Trump with his fake weird thing with a Big bandage on his ear with a Non-existent wound like this is how like
This is your these are the best of the Best at his rally in Boseman Montana Last night Donald Trump lost no time in Disparaging vice president kamla Harris The only way he knows how through racist Sexist Insults I'll tell you right now and She's worse than he is she's worse he's Smarter than she is but the Democrats Didn't have the courage to force her off They didn't have it they didn't want to Do it it was Politically Incorrect CA Sometimes you referred to as kamla you She got about nine different ways of Pronouncing the name I don't care if I Get it right actually I couldn't care Less oh okay so where was the racist Feminist uh sexist comments there none Of those were racist or Sexist this guy is the most transparent Politician I've ever had to cover that's Why it's no surprise that the more Fearful Trump Becomes of facing vice President Harris the more insults he'll Fling her way but the vice president Isn't taking Trump's bait here's how she Described her campaign's Approach at the Rally in Arizona last night wait so that Was the racist sexist comments like you Have no regard for your audience ability To for critical thinking and they're I Guess they're all you know the average Age of the person watching this is 70 Years old Jonathan capart I don't know
What his show is but msnbc's average Audience age 70 no one's watching in Jonathan Kart he's you know on on the Weekends but like that's not racist or Sexist it's you know just trumpy and Trump part of why we are going to win is Because we [Music] Remember and we are Smart and we know what's happening this So your way of saying that we're that We're smart Is to tell American people that Joe Biden is sharp and the way she's talking To them like they're in kindergarten Like look how slow she's talking to him Like she's talking to somebody she's Used to talking to Joe Biden so she's This how she talks to the American People part of why we are going to win Is because we remember we remember right Right Joe we remember Joe with your head Shaking forward yes Joe we remember Right Joe the spoon goes in your mouth And not your ear right remember Joe and we are smart we're smart Joe Right that's right you put this you put The spoon in the food and then you put It in your mouth not in your ear Remember we're smart Joe we're you Remember and we know what's happening we Know what's happening Joe you know What's happening the polls and the you Election and you know the the diaper
You're wearing we know what's happening Joe and we're not falling for the gas Like Li in and we're not falling we're Not falling for the gaslighting you you People remember when I told you guys That your president was sharp and you Guys didn't you know question me even Though a lot of you actually did but now We're pretending that didn't happen Right we're not gas we're not Gaslighting you they are right for the Oky do we're not falling for the oky do The oy do yeah she ain't studing him Joining me now Ashley you that's your The your highlights I mean you just saw Two deplorable people Trump being Trump Like we've we the whole Trump game we Were used to it you know Trump being Just you know insulting and you know Just being the way Trump is being Degraded not being a good person and Then KLA Harris talking to the audience Like their kindergarteners and you don't Fall for the old oy do I mean just like What are we doing here like are you like You just going for the the the most Asleep most sheepish people in the Country which seems to be must the Majority of people and pretending like What happen what's happening is Happening right so there's more on Trump Being hacked here okay so then this Happened for president Donald Trump's Campaign says it's been hacked it's
Suggesting Iran is involved what that's Right Jennifer rondella but to be clear The Trump campaign has so far not Provided specific evidence showing that It was Iran that sto of course they Hav't all those internal campaign Documents But they did point to a new report out From Microsoft that details a number of You know longstanding uh efforts to Interfere with the election from foreign Adversaries that okay so um you know I I Don't think it's Iran but Whatever but that's you know where Trump's going criminals out of karacus And out of all the cities he took all of Them out and dumped them into the United States He emptied his prisons into the United States of America why are we Taking this why do we take this why why I don't understand why why do we take These prisoners don't take my word for It listen kamla Harris's agenda straight From her own mouth would anybody like to See her let's do it for a couple of Seconds go Ahead yeah I am radical we need to get Radical about what we are doing and take It seriously as president of the United States I am prepared to get rid of the Filibuster to pass a green New Deal Pass a green New Deal no question I'm in Favor of banning Fracking Banning fracking which you know
You should ban fracking that's like I Mean for these Republican dopes Fracking's a nightmare you shouldn't be Doing it it's freaking it's horrible for The planet it's just a bad thing um but You know to these Republican dopes we Poison our ground you like poys in our Groundwater we have to have a buyback Program and I support a mandatory Buyback Program gun Confiscation I believe it will totally Eliminate private insurance let's Eliminate all of this socialist Healthcare but would you support Changing the dietary guidelines you know The food Pam what people yes reduce red Meat specifically yes I would reduce Meat Consumption raise your hand if govern if Your government plan would provide Coverage for undocumented immigrants [Music] Where do you stand on she's got her hand She's got her hand up she's going to Give health care for illegal aliens Stand on defund the police this whole Movement is about rightly saying we need To take a look at these Budgets defund the police it's asserted That Isis perceived as the modernday K Klux Clan are you aware that there's a Perception know are you aware that There's a per ice in the same category
As the KKK is that what you're asking me I see no I see none compared ice to the KKK yeah I am Ral we need to get radical About what we are Doing failed weak dangerously Liberal Boo Boo and that's just a small part of It that's just a small part that's what We have though that's what that's where They're going we're going remember I Said we will not become a socialist Country country and I meant it except I Was wrong we didn't become a social We're going Beyond socialism we're Becoming if they get in a communist Full-blown communist full-blown Communist she's a full-blown card Carrying communist she is I mean listen To you dopes look at him listen when he Gives you the 666 Sign Here country this Is America we're not a communist country We're not going to let that happen no We're not we're not going to elect the Communists woo And kamla is not [Applause] Just she's not just dangerously extreme And she is Extreme much more so than Biden because Biden didn't know he was Alive let's face it okay are you a Socialist what does that mean what does It Mean communist Joe I don't Know
So okay so that was that um just went Right into Morning Joe here for some Reason let's see what this is hello [Applause] Arizona wow Wow [Applause] Hey Joe Joe Joe Joe Wow Well you might have seen a a few people Showed up in Philadelphia the other Night oh we saw this right they're Talking about like all of a sudden Rallies mean something to him the bear Just a little bit during his rally with Vice president kamla Harris on Friday We've seen thousands of supporters show All a sudden now you're talking about Crowd size right um a lot of people are Saying this is AI whatever possibly Doesn't matter um you know it's doesn't Matter like who wins doesn't matter like This is none of these things Matter you know it's I mean there's Whoever they pick they pick like Whoever's president is the person They're picking And they're not picking the person to Make America great again or to save the Country or save democracy right because They can't do that it's not on the table So it's going to be the collapse of Civilization that they're in charge of
Right the onset of that which is what JoJo M was in charge of looting what's Left of American Wealth and things like This so some weird things happen post Olympics and then I'm going to get into The closing ceremony like I said the Alien connection to La all these things Um and so uh this is Stephan Curry's mom And this is his crying wife and she had A Baby baby is sitting right there right She has a baby right here and apparently A Cop pushed her and hit her baby in the Head and the mom was not having it Draymond Green came over And was So they're talking in French Here can you stop So even after him hitting the baby in The head there's still nothing y'all can Do to get them out of here so he said Even after him hitting the baby in the Head there's nothing you can do to get Him out of here apparently Steph Curry Came out kind of pissed about this this Is after he hit those epic four shots at The end of the game with France and you Know this epic uh basketball game right Um French are rude is the you stereotype And you know I went to France once let Me uh turn this off and tell that Story before that this is Shannon sharp And
Chad ooo react to Aisha cry incident Involving Paris Police there's all these People talking about this is like a National news story in the Sports World And there's a lot of these things Happening lately where and I showed you These models that were there were Getting manhandled by Security in France And you know a lot of these celebrities Are being you know disrespected it's Always you know kind of interesting Against it but you know you go to France And they um the police and the they Might manhandle you there there's a Couple things about this let me just Turn this off and go to the voice over Okay so before I do that today's Tuesday August 13th I got to do that Tuesday Sitting here I do a Tuesday sitting Every day for the gratefulness Meditation but um you I do it first Thing but anyways so a lot of things Have happened I was going to segue right Into the Olympics Um and the the closing ceremony which I'll show you after I get into the Trump Thing with the Trump and Elon Musk and Trump saying about the AI generate Audience and all these things so there's Some big stuff that's going to happen But I want to talk about France like Extensively here you know not that I Mean every every culture has its you Know it's the type of culture it is and
The type of people it produce and there Has been an update though so the reason The road was closed was the president of France and his dude were leaving the the Basketball game so they closed the road And the curry family needed to get to Their car on the other side of that road Right and so maybe there's some Privilege there some celebrity stuff but And you know a language barrier which Always happens when you're in a foreign Country and so they were trying to get To the other side you know you would Think that the cops they would put out There would be multilingual you I mean They're France and England are right Next to you other the English Channel And so lots of people in France speak English but they don't you know they Want you to speak French it's a whole Thing right there's an arrogance there But anyways in the Process if them trying to be celebrities And thinking they had you know doing Whatever they doing a language barrier The cop hit uh Aisha Curry and the baby In the head so you know there's probably A little bit of on both sides of Arrogance and whatever it was U but you Know uh there was also this thing that Happened where I was listening to this Guy Brian Wier horse talk about his time At the Olympics and he said that in France and my wife agreed with this cuz
She had spent some time there they don't Have their dogs on leashes they don't Believe in it and they were doing a live Podcast and someone had a black lab and It ran into the equipment and almost Broke all the equipment in the middle of A live podcast and the guy said you know The dude didn't Say he didn't say sorry or anything like That he goes then this co-host said will He say pardon W and he said no he didn't Say anything he just you know like his Dog knocked over their equipment and he Didn't care took no responsibility and You know this is what I'm getting into Here so let's get into the the stuff so Years ago Um I um took my second trip to India so I went there in 1995 I started doing the Sjar system of meditation 1993 and I went there and had a you know A um kind of an epic trip I got really Sick got like food poisoning like really Bad um kind of my own you know fault but It was you know um a whole thing I went Through a whole thing it was an epic Trip it seemed like I was there for like 10 years and it was like five weeks and You know I came back to America I got Married got my master's degree in Counseling and all these things happened And then 2005 I mean we moved from you Know when I uh came back from India I Moved from Connecticut to New Mexico and
Got married then moved to Idaho for a Little bit and then back to Massachusetts and then to Virginia right So was all over the place moving around And you know in the 10year period and You know I had um four kids by that time Right and so in 2005 right before all These things happened right all this Stuff happened The Whispers of the Brighter world would be uh released of Course the big event 2001 and then there Was just all these things it was like a Kind of an epic time and I went from uh Virginia to the Washington DC uh Dallas Airport and if you know anything about Washington DC they have the thing called The Beltway Which you can't get I I've been there at Like 4:00 in the morning like 3 like 5: In the morning um and then late at night And you still get caught in traffic like Like 8:00 at night there's no not Getting caught in traffic like I you Know I had all these we had gone to DC And I lik going there they had the you Know the zoo and the museums and things The mall there um it wasn't you know was About a 5 hour three-hour drive for us Then right um but there was no at that Time I don't know if they've improved it I don't know how they could because There's no available land right so There's a basically a city if you start
At Washington DC and you go all the way Up to Boston there's just one big giant City like the city's blend into each Other as you go through these various States and there's just urban sprawl From DC all the way up to you know Through New York and up through Boston Right up the coast and you know it's Just um the the traffic's abysmal and I You know I don't know how bad it is now Probably worse but back then it was Horrible and so no matter how early I Left there was still like you might not Make your flight like you never knew how Long you're going to be stuck in traffic Right and so this is 2005 so it's right a you know was um September 2005 four years after the big Event 2001 and the wars were Raging in Afghanistan and Iraq And you know it was the airports were Still very I mean there's this paranoia And this whole fear related of course I'm going through DC which was one of The ground zeros right of the whole Thing the Pentagon remember that and so I was like well this is going to be a Nightmare getting through security so I Got there kind of late um a little bit Late right you know just whatever Because of the traffic I mean I left Really early but it just couldn't Calculate for that and I was surprised At how laxed the security was like it
Was just a normal airport security it Wasn't like it was you know as as Panicked as I thought they would Be and there was the second time that That something like that happened cuz my Family and I had this big old um white Cargo van you know it was um there was Six kids at the time my ex had you know Two kids from previous you know Situation marriage and we had six kids In this big van and and we went up to Washington DC and we were what turned Out to be right next to the White House Like I didn't understand where we were At first and we were you know down one Of those Pennsylvania Avenues or Something and the car just breaks down Like in the middle of six Lanes of Traffic and nobody's like helping the Cars just sitting there everyone's Beeping right got all these kids in the Car and these tourists who ended up Being German endend up pushing us Somewhere like they pushing us like it Took foreign people because America just Suck right and they got out and we Pushed the car the van over to a side Street and we were right across from the Washington Monument so right there like At the central place and this is again Only three or four years after the the Big event you know and I have I'm you Know I'm I mean I don't look Arab or Anything but I don't look white you know
Tan brown skin you know whatever it is Short haircut and we had tinted windows On the van like it was you know Suspicious looking van a little bit beat Up right and it just stood there and Nobody came to like no cops cops were Driving by us we were trying to get help We didn't have a cell phone you know so We were trying to get like you know some Kind of service right and Um it was bizarre because this big van Could have had anything in it and it sat There for like 8 hours we ended up Getting some help Eventually um I think we went ended up Going doing some things and coming back And the van just parked there and Illegally parked right across from the Washington Monument and nobody paid any Attention to it at all like it was just You know I'm like yeah this thing's fake As F because they're not like concerned About this van which is a total red flag Right a big van with tinted just sitting There unoccupied in front of a in a Crowded area in front of a National Monument close to the White House right They're just whatever like just business As usual and even when we were trying to Flat cops down or whatever they just you Know they didn't pay any attention to us And so um so I already had some kind of Experience where I'm like yeah they say It this is some fear-based you know
Whatever it is but they're not really All that freaked out about it and so I Got on the plane And Um I got a window seat and I was sitting Towards the back of the plane and a guy That weighed at least 400 lbs maybe more Sat next to me and fell asleep and he Slept through the whole 5 hour flight I Had to pee like two hours into it and it Was just an uncomfortable like flight And we get off in Paris and I'm like all Right so I'll go I got like a 2 and 1 Half hour layover in Paris so I'm fine We get off at the tarm and we walk into This building and I'm like I'll get some French pastries and have a chai or Something like that right um you know I Felt good about like fench french food Is like you know well known I had ever Been like in Europe and I'm like well You know I'm only at the airport but I'll have a little French Experience and I get off the we get into This Building and it's dark and there are Babies crying and there's all these like Foreign people like obviously like Muslim people and you know I had no idea And it wouldn't take it would take me Years to understand that all these People that were being displaced by These wars were being streamlined right To France like if you look at the map
You know I I drove I I had a some arrows I put on a map somewhere I'll find those Images right but all these people were Being um like just funneled into France And they have like limited border Security they have you know they have This sort of open policy and they are Being flooded by these Muslim people Abandoning these countries because of The war and all these things and I had No idea about that but uh again like Some years later I when I was doing Research and all the stuff that was Happening in Syria and these things and I realized that this is you know why There's so much Anti-muslim hate in France and all the Rest of these things right but at the Time you know I just been like well There was no real Security uptick in in Dallas airport in Washington DC which Seems strange to me but there was this Room full of crowded people and guys in Full m military gear with you know Bullet bulletproof breast and machine Guns and they were just yelling at these People and it was I don't know what Languages they were being people were Yelling there's all this yelling and I'm Like you know I have to pee and [ __ ] I'm hungry and you know like I'm just Sitting there going oh my God am I gonna Miss my flight like this is bad and There's I have no idea what's going on
Like I'm completely clueless and I'm out Of it like the flight took off at like 10 p.m. so you know it was the middle of The night for me or whatever so it was Like in the morning in France or Something we got there I don't know what It was you know because of the time Difference but whatever it was like it Was bad and it we went through the Security check right at the the gate you Know right when when they let us in and I had no idea like I'm just clueless There's no English being spoken there's No like all the signs are in French and Like I just you know I have no idea how Am I even going to find my flight and The people are just really rude and Unfriendly the people who are the um you Know we had to go through all these Different you know metal detectors and Things and there crying babies and it's Just like it's like some kind of you Know I'm like wow this is an airport Experience you know this is like Something you experience in some like Riot or something right and I get Through that and it's just we go through A series of hallways and then we have to Go through immigration it wasn't Immigration cuz I wasn't going into the Country but it was like you know there's Multiple Checkpoints and by the time we get Through all that I'm like running to the
Airport right I have to run to get on The plane like there's no time for any Of the things I wanted to do I'm L Literally OJ Simpson it through the Airport to get to my plane which is Already been boarded like the plane That's already boarded and I get on the Plane there's nobody on it it's a third EMP it's a third full it's 2/3 empty and I'm like oh my god there I can lay down Like I could literally lay down across These seats and take a like you know get A real sleep because I'm going to get Into India at 10 p.m. at night which is No matter when you go to India you get In there in the middle of the night like It just all the flights just land you Know like every time I've gone to India I've gotten in there 10 10 p.m. is there Like earliest but usually it's like 2 2: In the morning 4 in the morning and so And I've been there before and it's Quite a culture shock and so there's all These empty seats I'm towards the front Of the plane there's rows of empty seats Next to me and behind me and in front of Me and I'm sitting in the window seat Again because I was like going to sit in The aisle but I'm like you know there's Nobody here and this guy come sits right Next to me like not on the like there's A seat in between us and like you [ __ ] me right and you know a little Time goes by and I had a picture I have
A one of the Sark books there and the Guy says oh you going to see charie the You know Master of the system and I said What like he goes yeah I'm an Abasi this Guy was from France but he was living in England teaching French and he hated France and he just went on about how bad France was like like for like the whole Flight it was just this you know kind of Bizarre moment and then when I was Coming back I flew through France and I Had you know a better experience in the Airport in terms of more time but I Bought some pastries and you know Whatever it was and the pastry sucked And the people were really rude and they Ended up with Euros change I mean it was Just it was a nightmare really you know Really exp expensive I mean more Expensive you know it's airport food and Then on top of it you know the currency Exchange and like the people were just Rude there throughout the process Everyone there and I'm like yeah I'm Never coming back here again you like It's I I just you know everything that I Heard about it everything that I Experienced of course there was issues Over the years with the French aasis Guys people who practice the system There's this tough looking french guy Who was a gym teacher but he's really Nice and we were traveling we went to Some you know spiritual gathering in
Rural India and there was a bunch of I Was traveling with all these Europeans And there was all this drama and you Know like don't remember like I they put Me in the front like there was a we were In a bus and they put me in the front I Don't think they liked me Whatever and I was like you know on my Best behavior you know there's I was Tall which you know whatever I'm sitting Next to the driver and but there was all This drama back there and the people Were being miserable like I wouldn't Bought the driver some sodas and kind of Was apologizing for how badly these People behaved but then we stopped at a Restaurant and chargie was eating like Upstairs and all the European people and Like me were eating downstairs and and I Was sitting at the table with this gym Teacher guy and there was this guy he Was you know like a couple inches taller Than me and he's a real dick and he was The guy who was in charge of Saar in France somebody I'd heard his name Before and he's just yelling at the Waiters you know it's India right and There's poor service and you know people Are hungry but you know the about um you Know 80 people just descended into this Restaurant it was a nice restaurant like A you know nice like a four or five star Restaurant for India And he's just being a total like whiny
Little baby like I'm just like getting Irritated you're supposed to be a Spiritual person and you go through Cleaning this guy's been doing it for 20 Or 30 years like it is probably his Sixth seventh eighth trip to India you Know I mean it's just not um he's just a Total dick like a baby Wier and he our Table gets served food and he goes up to The guy who's this you know this gym Teacher an old guy and he takes his Plate of food and said you know I Ordered this this is mine he takes the Guy's food right in front and I'm like Going to slap the guy like you know and I I mean it takes a lot for me to like Want to react physically but I just Really want to slap this guy like I'm Like I'm like thinking about like how Could I slap this guy and get away with You like I think if I slap this guy it's Going to be bad I'm in a foreign country No one will understand right and you Know but he totally deserves it right You know when you do this spiritual Practice emotions come up because you Need things need to be cleaned out and Every once in a while somebody has a you Know bad day you know bad whatever it is But this guy's been doing it forever and I can tell this is just how he is and He's a like and it wasn't just him it Was everybody I'm like oh my God these People are horrible you know they're
Here like if these are the spiritual People like what are the rest of them Like right I'm talking about like all These European people there was a whole Like you know there was drama from Beginning to end and I you know most of It took place with a foreign language But I just see people yelling at each Other I mean there's Italian people There French and you know German I me There's all these different you know People some of them are obviously you Know better than others but the French People stood out as being you know a lot Of just drama and these things right and So I get back to the Asam and there was A french guy you know I went to my first Trip in India there was a french guy and He was charges like secretary like he Just was there for extended period of Time in charge he gave him this job and He just pissed everybody off Systematically like I saw a couple of Different Indian guys threatened Violence you know there a very passive They're not you know intimidating people Indians I mean they get mad and stuff But they're not physically intimidating And there and these are like educated People and he just pissed people off so Much he you know they were threatening Violence but I had some interactions With the guy the guy got me inoc c Chargy he was kind of cool to me but
Everyone like hated the guy right and he Looked like Steve Nash the basketball Player and so I kind of remembered it Was 10 years later and he had longer Hair and he was trying to get into see Master chargie in his Cottage you know They had these Gates and you had to I Mean everyone wants to go see him and Spend time with them right there's a Whole you know the whole thing and this Guy was one of those people that could Just go in and see him as was this you Know this guy who was in charge of France and they're not letting him in For whatever reason charie said don't Let anybody in or whatever and he starts Pushing on the gate and trying to force His way in and they're having like a you Know like a reverse tug of war at the Gate I'm like you believe this [ __ ] like Just these are grown people they're Supposed to be like spiritual and um Then this big guy the the guy who's in Charge of France comes up and he starts Yelling to people calling him Racist CU like you know they weren't Letting these people in and I'm like They're not letting anybody in like We're all sitting outside and they're Not letting any of us in right and I had To go see them cuz I had these books and Things I had to present to charge you Had like a legitimate reason to see him But they just want to go and sit there
And hang out and you know and so I mean All of that and then I I go get on the Plane go back to you know through Paris Or whatever so I'm not a fan of the Country like you know the stereotypes in Terms of my experience are true like I You know and I met people that I liked Who are French you know there's friends I have who are French there's some guy Named G was really saintly person I mean There's you know like anything but you Know the the stereotypes are there and There was always issues right the Organization just there was all this Drama and issues and people accusing Chargie of stuff when he took over and There was a guy who was in the like Highest reason of spirituality and he Was not letting this one guy in from Madagascar um which I later heard about This you know this whole story there but You know there's a French colony in Africa and this guy showed up because he Was doing the Sark meditation and they Wouldn't let him meditate with him CU he Was black right and chargie and Babaji You know the two masters of the you Charie was Bob's disciple they were like They couldn't believe it right like so You know they there was just a lot of Bad things that happened in the French You know group of meditators and these Are spiritual people like what are the Ones that aren't you know like so um so
Yeah I'm not a big Fan you know based in my experience Right which brings us to these weird um You know these alien things that were Going on okay so I was going to segue Into the Olympics and the closing Ceremony and that's ties to Los Angeles And the the um alien stuff and the Alien Invasion but let's cover the breaking News with the Trump stuff here and then I'll get into that after the the Trump Stuff okay and I should have mentioned You know the racial implications of the Cop smacking Aisha curry in the face and The baby right you know so whatever's Going on there the issue in in Europe is The birth rate right the birth rate of Europeans is Abysmal and they have Muslim people Coming in who have a high birth rate and They're coming in in droves because They're being pushed out of their Countries because of the you know the Wars that have been created there and so That France is under a crisis with all That and the tension there now and the You know hostility and the whatever the Racial tension division all this stuff Right it's like you know the the Hellscape that Trump Imagines the southern border here in America is with the IM migration issue It's like what you know it's much Smaller country with a a higher rate of
Immigrants coming in and they're Freaking out let's get to this other Thing Here okay um there's been some major Developments not this video but this Video is interesting with the Trump Elon Musk interview I'll show you a little Bit about that um I already got most of The Olympic stuff done I have to edit it Uh today is um Uh Tuesday August 13th and so last night a bunch of stuff Happened and so I'm uh you know um going To put some of that stuff in before I Get to the Olympics here some big stuff With Trump but first let's start here Buddy Tim Walls here well not a normal Week uh which is a good thing uh started Out missing a call from the vice President pretty important one uh and Then got that call and and honored to Join the ticket with and then there was A call that you showed everybody which Was stage R to take us in a great Direction uh after that it has been a Whirlwind we got on a plane and we flew To Philly and they told me that in an Hour I'd be giving a speech and there'd Be a teleprompter something I had never Used in my life so uh all right so um They gave you uh a speech right so he Just admitted they had written a speech For him he had zero input into the
Speech right like that's as big of a Mission that you'll ever hear that he Was told he was going to be vice President he was floating to Philadelphia and they had already Probably had a a speech for Josh Shapiro Who was going to be their original pick But then he became too controversial his Home state he was going to be giving a Speech and Tim Wallace was going to get Up and they were going to have a speech Ready for him he was going to read it Off a teleprompter Like he's you know he's vice president And now he's given his opinions like his What he believes his beliefs have just Been given to him by a bunch of handlers Right like did you say well what do do I Have any input into the speech no you Don't just get up there and read off the Telepop or mfer I'm certainly terrified Um but was lifted up by the folks in Philly my goodness there is you were Terrified so Like This Moment's Terrifying Terrified energy there is so much Positivity and then to watch vice President Harris just deliver this this Joyous message this one that was written For her the same way because neither one Of us has any input into our opinions And beliefs everybody's included that The democracy is strong when everybody Gets to participate took exactly when
They when you're told what to say that To Western Wisconsin you didn't even get To participate in your own speech [ __ ] Like you didn't even get to participate Your own opin Ops this is your roll out As a national candidate and they're Telling you who you are and what to say And what you believe that bu a little Closer to home with a whole bunch of Folks a joy there went to Detroit uh Talked about mtown a bit and then uh and Then saw 15,000 folks 15,000 folks it's All these folks everywhere folks Everywhere they want to take this Country in a direction that everybody Does matter um in a New Direction Because right now the Democrats control The presidency out here in uh in Phoenix And Las Vas Vegas same thing record Crowds of people uh Gathering and and They're joining us for one simple reason They they love the democracy and they Love this country and as vice president Harris says they believe in the promise Of America so we're just getting this Thing started you're just getting it Started is off and running so uh follow Along get involved uh make an effort to Talk to somebody about a positive vision Of this country that we all know is There and uh we'll see you out on the Trail on the trail this guy Um so this is Tim Walls and I guess they
Approved this message right Tim they Allowed you to say these things as long As they approved everything you say you Reading off a teleprompter now did you Make up any of these words yourself or Do you read them all because you know That's the life you're living now Bro so I wouldn't have included anything Else in the video you're going to see a Few more things I got from yesterday and Then the big stuff on the Olympics and The Alien Invasion and all the things Right um the link to France and and the Rest of it and so um to start off with Though this came up last night so I have To put this in somewhere before the the Olympics stuff and um you know this is Well let's just get into it here Donald Trump is off the campaign Trail but he's All over the map as he tries a variety Of new attack lines and tactics against Kamla Harris the Republican nominee Seeming to grow more rattled by his Democratic opponent's momentum right now As she heads into her party's convention One week from today in Chicago CNN's Elena TR is covering the Trump campaign For us Elena is Trump struggling right Now to sharpen his message against kamla Harris I would say the answer is going To be yes Wol as well as his allies that they are Still trying to figure out which lines Of attack work best against Harris and
Yes I think you it's fair to okay so That's just silly because there are all These lines of attack to use against Harris first of all she has to answer For the senility of Joe Biden and going Along with that but they're not pushing That enough right uh the Trump campaign Certainly the media I don't know what They're doing on Fox and these other Media Outlets doesn't matter the media Doesn't matter because nobody watches it Right the average age is over 70 so that Tells you everything you need to know About the Main Street Media but in terms Of what Trump's doing his campaign she Has to answer for everything that Joe Biden did in his administration she Saddled with the bad economy and the Immigration issues and then her hyper Liberalism and all of her old weird Stuff that she put out there her laugh And all these things she's un she's very Unlikable and so you just got to get People to see kamla you got to give them A big big dose of kamla and make sure That they see kamla over and over again Because she's repulsive like she repels You and so it's not hard at all like Running against kamla would be easy if You didn't have Trump as your candidate Who had you know Trump was capped off Where 52% of Americans said they would Never vote for him so they're looking For any alternative to Trump right I
Mean that's most Americans going into This election are never Trumpers and so that's the issue they Have it's not that KL is great or commas You know can win people over commas They're voting for kamla they're voting Against Trump right 52% of the people Potentially will vote against Trump what You trying to do is get them to just be Depressed and not vote at all like you Want to suppress the vote so that 52% Doesn't matter because 48% of the the Vote is enough right to say that they Are struggling with exactly how to Define her now I do want to point your Attention to what we saw over the Weekend because I think they're Struggling had defer shows that any Hopes that his allies and his advisers Had that he would focus on policy and Going after Harris's record uh were Dashed when he shared and pushed this False conspiracy Theory false conspiracy theory claiming That the crowd at one of her rallies in Detroit uh was manipulated by artificial Intelligence I okay so that's false Because they have been pushing the Policy they've been pushing this idea of Liberal comma all these things right um But the stuff that CNN's going to show You is stuff like this because Trump Keeps on shooting himself in the foot Because the guy gets obsessed right the
Guy is obsessive we know that he gets Triggered and he's triggered right now He's triggered because commis crowd size You he's been talking about constantly And it's it's it's killing him in it's The campaign because they're they're Using it here the reason hearing on CNN Is because it doesn't help Trump at all Talking about crowd size right I also Think that you know perhaps even more Ominously he had pushed uh this idea That only Democrats can win elections by Cheating and of course we know that it's Reminiscent of what he had said back in The aftermath as anyone knows that comma Cheated at the airport there was nobody At the plane and she aied it and showed A massive crowd of so-called followers But they don't Exist and so this is what he's upset About that she is like again there's a Guy who pretended to get shot in the Year which we now know is completely Fake I mean everyone should know that Like it's just it was fake when it first Happened and I called it fake and it's Been fake ever since right and like it's Just disappeared like it's a you know Because it's fake Trump keep on talking About it but now he's more obsessed with This now his number one thing is a crowd Out size and I'm going to show you why That is I know exactly why this is I Didn't know two months ago but Trump
Revealed something after the shooting She was turned in by maintenance worker At the airport when he noticed the fake Crowd picture but there was nobody there Later confirmed by the reflection of the Mirror like finished on the vice Presidential plane she's a cheater she Had nobody waiting at the crowd looked At like 10,000 people same thing is Happening with their fake crowds at Their speeches this is the way the Democrats win elections by cheated and They've even worse at The Ballot Box you Should be disqualified because the Creation of fake image of election Interference uh fake image is election Interference anyone who does that that Will cheat at anything well a guy who Pretends to get shot in the ear like That's not cheating it's not not worse Than faking a crowd so like trumpers Have nothing to complain about but they Always complain because they're trumpers But you know this is um this is his Obsession right now math of 2020 but I'm Going to read for you what he wrote he Wrote quote uh she aied it and showed a Massive crowd of so-call so-called Followers but they didn't exist this is The way the Democrats win elections by Cheating and they're even worse at the Ballot bcks now let's just be very clear Of course Democrats do not only win okay So that's not true because there's more
Potential Democratic vote out there they Have a bigger tent than the Republicans Republicans vote Democrats may or may Not vote and they they don't have the Kind of support in the passion that the Republicans have especially for Trump Now right but the issue here is why Trump is obsessed with this because it's Not something that wins for him you know There's certain issues that when you Talk about them they're good for you and There's issues that are bad for you and Trump constantly talk about being Screwed and being victimized remember Here he had this bandage on we realiz we Later found out no stitches nothing There like they didn't even cut him like You know like a Aki Rocky like allaha Rocky in the Rocky movie you know that They didn't even bother to make it like Where he was actually had a wound here He took off the bandage I mean this is a Small area up here that his doctor who I'm sure exaggerated it said was uh less Than 2 cm so less than an inch but not Even no real blood we saw the fake Ketchup this thing's so fake and they Showed up with this bandage and he Reveals to you what his motivation is Here I realized because I looked Everybody was stunned you know we had Thousands and thousands of people uh a Good group in the back but they were Great you know it was just like a
Backdrop and nobody stampeded nobody R You know usually when they hear a shot If you go to any We people that do this for a living it's Called crowds it's called crowds and They said when a bullet goes off Everybody starts running for the exits Nobody ran including the thousands I Mean tens of thousands of people were in Front MH and nobody why why was it Donald ran and nobody ran in back the Back was like a sample of it and you had One man the man dressed in black I mean They were all becoming famous people With a black hat and he He's looking like is he's standing up Where are they and he starts pointing This man had no fear and none of them Did and the women were incredible some Went down they you know for a little Cover but nobody ran and everyone that Went down came up yeah and they thought I was in trouble they and they were Right but they thought I was in trouble Cuz they s so this is their reason they Put themselves In Harm's Way because of Their love for Trump ready saw the blood Immediately because it was over here and Sir these the media always Slanders These crowds as you know maggot Extremists and of course they slander The president too and it really is I a Testament to the movement how calmly People responded to it that's definitely
The thing I took away most from it yeah That it was amazing but it was love too It just absolutely they didn't it was Love that these people really take a Bullet because they love Donald Trump so Much and his is he's he talked about This Constantly in his speeches this was his Big takeaway from the event how much They loved him oh they love me so much They love me so much they just love me They were willing to sit there In Harm's Way some of these guys didn't even get Down when bullets were flying because They loved me and they were willing to Get shot just because of their love they They didn't care about themselves this Is like a cult leader right this Jim Jones stuff that these people they love For me that they were willing to stand There and you with hell of bullets and And just you know be concerned about me And and forget about themselves because I'm so you know I'm a Divine like being And they're worshiping me right this is His motivation like he was obsessed with This this is why Trump is so obsessed With crowd sizes right this is why Trump Is um you know this is Trump being Trump Right because it's very hard to when Somebody's a pathological liar and Everybody's lying it's just you know People lie because they don't want to Face who they are so they start believe
In their own lies and when once that Happens you're really [ __ ] like once You really buy into your own [ __ ] You're really screwed over your life is Toast because you start making things up About yourself and then believing it and So like it's bad enough to lie to other People but it's much worse to lie to Yourself because then you just go down This slippery slope of mental illness And you create your own false reality And you know this all the time you deal With people all the time you can see They're lying to themselves and when you Tell them the truth about themselves Like when you see the truth that they Don't see I mean this is you know I Worked as a counselor certainly as a a Preceptor in the sash Mark system of Reading people and sometimes I do it in The comment section right I you know Answer I say comments I point out things That people don't want to know about Themselves I mean have you ever had that In your life where you've told somebody Something that's so obviously true to You and probably to lots of other people Maybe everybody and that person is Oblivious to it and they Freak the freak Out right and so um like that happens All the time you know that people are Oblivious to how they really are and They do things that are bad and evil and They rearrange it like they're the
Victim and they're the hero right and so It's very hard to figure out someone's True motivation because there's a sea of Lies and deception but Trump's Motivation now as a person like is a Trump as a as a um as a reality TV star And a kind of successful businessman who Was going bankrupt all the time was About Trump Love what do we know about Trump in in Terms of he loves the people that love Him Like how how do you manipulate Trump you Butter him up when you give him praise All the foreign leaders all the people Have learned to praise Trump right and You know also that you're willing to Throw yourself under the bus for him and So that's the two things or the Trump Will throw you under the bus any time But you're supposed to give him Unconditional love if you give Trump the Slightest bit of criticism he goes off And turns on you gets triggered and he Goes on these TI raides anybody who Calls into question Trump's greatness is Immediately you know a target of his ey Right his wrath and so that's the first Part but what he really loves is people Loving him and people adoring him and Treating him like some cult-like figure And the fact that these people you know In this fake stage event wouldn't run And they' be they just concerned about
Trump they saw the blood and they just Loved him so much and they couldn't you Know he talked about I he was obsessed With this thing it's what he talked About most in all of his speeches how Great his audience was how the size of His audience and how much their Adoration they had for him even though It's all fake he's lying to him he's not Really he's not a he's not a a Trumper The beliefs that he's putting out there Are not his beliefs he's pandering to His audience and they're lapping it up And there is a lot of enthusiasm and he Has a lot of you know energy and his big Claim to fame is that he has the biggest Audience and he has the best supporters And his supporters they can do no wrong And he can lie to him and cheat on and Change his opinion and say that he Protected Hillary and all the things That I covered in my last video he can Do everything to them right abuse them In every possible way change the rules Change the goalpost do all the things That he does and they'll still follow Him and there's he can do no wrong you Can shoot somebody in the face in Fifth Avenue and that's what he loves about he Loves that they love him right and so The the idea that kamla would be able to Generate enthusiasm and crowds because Joe Biden couldn't do it they hid Joe Biden away and KLA sucks as a speaker
And you know all these things but this Is what Trump's obsessed about right you Know a few people sent me this AI stuff And I'm like you know who cares like Trump faked a you know faked a uh you Know a shot to the ear and the AI stuff Is not going to be covered by the Mainstream media because they would Already know right they would already Know that the crowd sizes are like they Would know if a green screen was being Used the mainstream media because They're there at the events they have People at the events themselves right And unless you go to a comma event Yourself and see a big crowd you don't Know like you know you you'd see the Enthusiasm right I know in the beginning She had rap artists and and uh you know Famous people coming to her events to Draw in the C crowds but now maybe they Have their own crowd who knows I don't Know you know KLA herself isn't an Inspirational figure and she isn't Charismatic like Trump but she might Have big crowds now and even if she Doesn't you know Trump is always I mean He just faked two things he faked the The shot of the ear and he faked the oh Somebody need a doctor thing and I Showed you just these things Trump's a Liar and a Flim Flam man and he's lying To his people and he's just better at it And he's be able to and Trump he'll go
Full you he'll say things that he'll go Full crazy you know in terms of Right-wing crazy QB crazy and say things That trigger the mainstream media right Like for example calling out the AI when He himself is faking a shooting which You know they're they must be aware at Least some people the media that the Shooting's fake and KLA is fake you know The whole thing's fake right but they're Not supposed to call out the other Person for Stuff they're doing Themselves right and this is why Trump Gets himself in trouble and so there's a Comment here that somebody left this is A classic uh Trump comment right and the Person here I got to make it a little Bit bigger this is to my Kaboom Trump Admits he protected Hillary and he does The doctor you know whatever it is you Are right about the system but wrong About Trump in the person writing Capital letters he Tried to work with the Democrats and Both sides showed him who they really Are are and now he wants them gone Trump Did not try at all Trump came in guns Blazing he criticized everybody remember The Chuck Schumer thing and I'm not Going to show you the I have that Meme Where Chuck Schumer says well let me Just I'll stop here and I'll put the Chuck Schumer meme in you take on the Intelligence Community they have six
Ways from Sunday at getting back at you Back at you back at you back at you so What happened was Trump came in and he Criticized the intelligence community And they immediately went after him and Eventually he had to cave and he had to Stop doing that like when he realized How you know how how brutal they were And a lot of this stuff came from him Pissing off the intelligence Community He systematically pissed everybody off By going after them when he himself Sucks right and that's part of the Reason the media hates him and everyone Hates him you know like you say all Right Trump derangement syndrome well it Isn't because Trump is the good guy and He's the hero and they're attacking him That he's the Savior he's the Jesus and He's being persecuted for for saving America and making America great again That's not you know it's just not there Right and so these Dopey trumpers buy Into this ridiculous you know they Should see they can't see him for who he Is he tried to work with the Democrats And both sides showed him who they Really are and now he wants them godone I watched it all unfold and I know Exactly what's going on yeah you're like Um really stupid like you don't you you Watch the most like on the most remedial Level with no critical thinking skills And the issue here is for all these
Trumpers Is what would you do if Trump was fake What would happen if you couldn't Believe in Trump anymore what would you Know what would that do to you as a Person it would devastate you like all These trumpers have tied you know the Hope and future of America to this guy And you know even after got exposed with The operation warp speed and on Co and All these things that happened and the Election and he just completely folded And was worked and I mean just showed You who he was and all their [ __ ] Things of you know like how can you have I mean remember when the QB were talking About thousands of sealed indictments And all and like then Trump comes out And says that he could have put Hillary In jail but didn't he chose not to Because she's a part of the club and his The people still don't get it I showed You this I showed this do this stuff in The video I showed him you was saying This thing about doctor right and he Says the person says the system is a uni Party they are all buddies both sides Hate Trump with the exception of a few People on the right they could kill him Or put him in jail anytime they want Okay so there are people on a lower Level that hate Trump in the media and Politicians but people running the show The people I call the controllers they
Love Trump why do they love him why is Trump he's been the center of the Political Universe now for eight years They usually get called sexual deviants Or female dingbats their people are for Real but they don't pull any weight ever The leadership of GOP play the other Side but still Mak certain The Establishment gets their way because They are the establishment but if you Think Trump isn't going to go in and Clean house you don't understand how They change him I Do yeah like you you understand the most Remedial like you're you're you're Watching a puppet and you believe in it And this is what Trump wants he wants Really Dopey people like this that are Just so desperate and that's the thing About trumpers they're like the most Desperate people right they're the most Desperate of all people and the Democrats are desperate in their way but Their you know their movement is being Pushed forward the Republicans are you Know people who are losing their power White people who are losing their you Know their hold over America losing Their lifestyle losing their money Losing their you know the culture losing Everything that they grew up with you Know older people or people who have you Accustomed to these type of you know America being a certain way right
They're taking your privileges right They said it you you have you shouldn't Have privileges we're taking them away They're not rights they're privileges And now we're taking them away from you And they think somebody can save that And they can't in fact Trump is helping Them take the stuff away from you and You don't even see it right and so like This was it like this is why he cares About commis you know crowd siiz because He wants Dopey people like this dyed People who just lap up what he says and You lap up his all this fake [ __ ] that He does but he wants to call BS on the Other side when it's all fake because Neither one of these people have any Power And they're all deplorable like they're The word they're not even good actors The characters that they've created here Aren't even good characters and with the Internet and the exposure of every Little detail and you know people Getting to access you know it's not you Only get the the information that they Filter through the mainstream media that Doesn't exist anymore when I grew up it Was like a the mainstream media was a Filter and you only got to see what they Showed you and now at the internet you Get to see all of it but people can't Comprehend what they're seen like that's The sad part like you get all of it but
It's too much for people like now you're Just you got to pick out the the needle Of Truth in the in the hay bale of uh The hay bale of know falsities and lies And Disinformation and so this is Trump um Let's get to this other thing with Elon Musk here okay so Donald Trump J Trump Donald J Trump returned to Twitter our Economy has shattered our bord has been Erased or a nation in Decline make the American dream affordable again make America safe again make America great Again so um that was well I guess there Was an earlier one here so this was his Last tweet here from 2021 then this was from 2023 with his mug shot and then um he Posted this video and this tweet right And then you know it showed Elon Musk And him coming do all these things just Look at him going there Elon Musk Looking Elon Trump looking pointing and Covering his ear where there's no wound And then um they got a little comma ad Here San Francisco radical kamla Harris KLA Harris my pronouns are she and her You're considered the most liberal United States Senator I well actually that nonpartisan Gov track has raided you as the most [Laughter] Liberal the freaking goober Rightor do you have any plans to visit
The Border we are going to The Border We've been to the Border you haven't Been to the Border I and I haven't been To Europe I am in Favor do we have is there an immigration Problem in Europe of say that we're not Going to treat people who are Undocumented across the border as Criminals that's correct that is correct A lot of the signs that the rally you Just held with people standing there Saying abolish ice yeah is that a Position that you agree with we need to Probably think about starting from Scratch so you support giving universal Healthcare Medicare for all to people Who are in this country illegally I am Opposed to any policy that would it okay So you get the idea here here we go as We go up the top here is walking down The stairs Trump in vance so he posted a Lot of things and there was this that Happened all right hello everyone um so U hello Elon my apologies for the late Start uh we unfortunately had a massive Uh distributed denial of service attack Against uh our servers and so they were Hacked here it is Here well Trump is back on Twitter the Former president posting this quote are You better off now than you were make The americ we saw that here inous mug Shot so why post on X now well maybe it Has something to do with his big
Conversation with Elon Musk tonight Which was supposed to start at the top Of this hour but there were major Tech Issues with users reporting that they Could not get into the X spaces page Okay So eventually they got it figured Out but with AI now they can just hack Anything there's so many hacks going on Trump's been hacked now Twitter's been Hacked the software for car dealership Was hacked at the same time right after They they had hacked um the uh AT&T and Then just all these things because AI Makes it very easy for them to break the Encryption codes is my understanding so It's a lot easier for hacking to go on Which is the end of everything because Everything's dependent on these sites And hackers are able to now infiltrate Into critical I we had that thing that Happened a couple years ago with the uh Oil refineries and so hacking is going To be a a weapon of war and I don't Think America's up for it right it's a War that America hasn't prepared for and Then there's just not just governments But there's hacking you know there's Groups of hackers out there foreign Hackers that're able to extort money so That happened so I'll show you a little Bit of the interview I haven't watched Any of it yet but it's for next time I'll show you some here and I'll cover More of it later but this is from Elon
Musk you watch The Hunger Games and side With the resistance you watch Star Wars And side with the resistance you watch The Matrix side with the resistance Divergent V for Vendetta when it's Fiction you understand yet you refuse to See it when it's the real reality you're Living in Wild well no because Trump Isn't the resistance and you're not the Resistance you are the richest man in The world for a while how are you the Resistance both of you are you know Assets right and so to call you guys the Resistance and I talk about this all the Time I've said this myself but these Guys aren't the resistance right we're The you know there is no resistance Because we're all trying to save the Same Empire we're all a part of the evil Empire see that's the issue that nobody Understands the Empire is evil and it's Evil by every definable measure the Biggest part of it being evil Disconnects you from the Divinity within You and turns you into a much worse Person and then all the other things That the Empire engages in murder and Abuse and you know the destruction of The planet and you know all just ungodly Un un Divine things right egotist you Know promoting the ego egoism and just All of it this is an evil empire and we All want to save it like everyone to Some extent wants the Empire to keep on
Going because of our lifestyle and so There's no resistance because there's Nobody out there that really wants to Collapse the system if this was a Resistance you take the system down Completely but we don't have to even do That because it's destroying itself Right and so this whole thing is silly You're not the resistance you're just You know a couple of dudes couple of Douches up there pretending like you Care about people right uh we Unfortunately had a massive uh Distributed denial of service attack Against our servers and uh sex Creed all Of our all of our uh data lines like Basically hundreds of gigabits of so They reduced Twitter and Elon Musk to Radio like Elon Musk you know the Tesla Company is more of a computer company Than it is a car company right it's more Of a software company right the Extensive software it takes to run these Electronic vehicles and Elon Musk has Been you know one of the uh the Innovators of this industry and Everything that Elon Musk has done has Tied to some sort of Technological breakthrough or whatever Right and he couldn't prevent the Hacking of the most important interview He's going to do and that they got you Know they have to you have to listen to It on radio of data was saturated um
We've uh we think we've overcome most of That and uh so it's now time to proceed But um as as this uh this mass of attack Illustrates uh there's a lot of Opposition to people just hearing um What president Trump has to say and um Yeah that you you have no evidence to Support that we don't know what this is Going on right where's the where's the Video Eli where's the freaking video bro So but I'm honored to have this Conversation I'd want to emphasize it's A it's a conversation um and it's really Intended to just get get a feel for what Donald Trump is just like in a Conversation um it's hard to catch a Vibe about someone if you just don't Hear them talking a normal way and when We I catch his Vibe you know when there When there's an adversarial interview Like no one's themselves in adversarial Interview um so for and this is really Aimed at uh kind of open-minded Independent voters who um you I just Trying to make up their mind uh and uh So you can understand like what what is A you know what is it just like to have A conversation so um Uh okay get to it bro honor to Donald Great great to uh to speak um we had a a Great conversation yesterday as you Mentioned yesterday if we could just Record that conversation and post it it Would have been excellent and I hope we
Can have something like that Today well I think we will I'm pretty Sure we will and congratulations because I see you broke every record in the book With uh so many millions of people and That's an honor we view that as an honor And then uh you do want silencing of Certain voices usually those are voices That have something to say that are Constructive often times constructive And yeah you know like Trump is the the Most positive guy out there so we have To consider it an honor but Congratulations on breaking every record In the book tonight you broke all the Records tonight on this interview you're This this is record-breaking so we got 400,000 views I can refresh this but I'm Not not going to um as of this morning And on Twitter it has Um 177 million Views this is the one on the Trump's Thing I don't know if there's another One on Elon musk's uh page Here he's saying here combined views of Conversation with the real Donald Trump And subsequent discussion on other Accounts is now at 1 billion and so That's can't be accurate right because That's one sixth of the people in the World decide to tune into this that's Just not what 7th I mean that's Ridiculous right there's only 300 Million Americans and I know half of
Them didn't listen to this thing I mean Wouldn't even listen to it right and so That's um you Know there's no you know there's no Billion like that's talk about inflating An audience there's no way the a billion People listen to this right a billion People like if you understand the Majority of people don't have the Comprehension to to even conceive of Something like this if you go out into The world you see the way people are Living in poverty malnourished you know When I was in India right when you go to These countries where there's this you Know this I mean Soul crushing Poverty again you know ego crushing Poverty is maybe a better way to put it But these people have they don't even Have the the ability to to comprehend What's being said I mean you know There's this is um an estimated 1.46 Billion people speak English around the World that's 18% of the global Population right almost 20% Which is you Know quite astounding that means that of All those People 2third of them listen to the Trump interview with Elon Musk it's Silly it's not a billion people you say That people have repetitive views like They came back to the interview all Right sure that's a maybe a possibility But you know it's silly like it's silly
Come On that's great well thank you um well Maybe uh we could start off with um I Mean the assassination attempt uh which Uh was an incredible thing and I have to Say it's incredible thing the assination Jump was so incredible that's uh you Know your actions After that that assassination attempt Were inspiring um you know after that What did he Say maybe uh we could start off with um I mean the assassination attempt uh Which uh was an incredible thing and I Have to say that uh you know your Actions after that Nest that that Nest that Nest that that that assess Attempt were inspiring um whatever that Was weird um you know you instead of Shying away from things instead of Ducking down um you were popping your Fist in the air and saying fight fight Fight and I think that's I mean okay so That's the stupidest ass [ __ ] I've ever Heard so this is Trump from WWE and this Is Trump from bumping his fists in the Air and saying fight fight fight okay so Trump gets down right there's shooting He touches his ear he gets on the ground He's on all fours and then they pile on Six guys six big strong guys pile on Trump they um you know Trump made a big Deal about this and so he gets up and Then he's put pumping his fist in the
Air and saying fight fight fight Exposing his head and Elon Musk says That's a good thing it's not a good Thing right if you're if there are Bullets flying in the air there's no Reason for your head to be in the air You know my brother said when they were In Vietnam they'd be in the fox holes And they just put their gun above the Foxhole and shoot in the direction of The Viet Kong but you know they weren't Putting their heads above the Foxhole Because you get you know that's why they Started to do these tunnels and you know Digging out trenches and things in World War I because you were below any chance Of bullet fire of course then there was Mustard gas and you know artillery and Things but when bullets are flying you Get down low and you stay there cuz just A smart thing to do like you're not you Know defying I mean it's not courageous To go and stick your head up when Bullets are flying by you it's stupid And he's you know guy who's supposed to Be so important to the movement there Should be some self-preservation there And so for Elon mus to say that this was Awesome let's listen that again I missed It the first time I'm editing now but You know it's silly like this is just Silly it's one of the stupidest things He's ever said Elon Musk and he said a Bunch of stupid [ __ ] right like you keep
Your head down because it's just what You're supposed to do and the Secret Service have a job and you're putting Their lives in J Jer and you're you know By delaying the process and pausing There and and saying fight fight fight You know that was just performative Right and Trump is a self-preservation Guy he would never stick his head in the Air if there are bullets flying around If there was a legitimate chance of him Getting shot he told Trump does not want To die he doesn't want to die for you or This this movement he knew this you know This was fake he knew it was fake that's Why the Secret Service allowed him to do That cuz they they can't even be real Secret Service I don't even know who These guys were right the whole thing Was WWE the whole way and Elon Musk Buying into this thing you know you Instead of shying away from things Instead of ducking down um you were Pumping your fist in the air and saying Fight fight fight and I think that's I Mean you know the the the president of The United States represents America and I think that is is oh my God like it was So fake it was so freaking fake this Guy's supposed to be smart I mean it's Obviously a liar CIA operative um shill Or whatever but come on like it was so Fake so freaking fake that is America That that is strength Under Fire and um
So that's uh you know a big you know Part of the reason why I was uh excited To endorse you as The president United States we're going To revisit this I'm just going to end I'm gonna listen to Trump's answer and I'm going to end this thing for having Another term here is uh that was that Was just incredibly inspiring but but I Mean what was it like for You not pleasant I have to be H Pleasant I said it was blood I had more blood I Didn't know I I didn't know I had that Much blood blood there was so much blood So much blood you have any blood we know What the the pictures are oh okay so This was the total amount of blood there Was no blood on his suit no blood on his Collar this was the blood this was you Know the katchup that he had no wound Here no visible wound and there's blood That rolled down his face CU they Squirted it over here where he was Cowering on his knees to a fake shooting Where other people were standing up CU You know maybe they didn't hear bullet F Whatever it was that happened there whe C AI stuff or CGI or whatever was Happening the crowd you know I mean the Reaction but there was this is the total Amount of blood very little blood and it Was dry because it's not leaking down His ear it's not dripping here on his Collar and his shirt there's his ear
Right no no damage here no nothing right Just I mean there's nothing here there's No evidence that there was any kind of Damage to his ear no reason for a trip To the hospital no reason for that giant Tampon they put on them no reason for Any of it right the giant maxi pad the Whole thing was a joke a lie of fraud You know a psychological operation later Told me that the ear is a place that is Uh a very bloody place if you're going To get hit he didn't eat stitches Right but uh it's a very bloody place There's gallons of blood storing the Year case it was probably the best Alternative you could even think about Because it went at the right angle and Uh you Know I showed you that that was Impossible from where they're they're Saying the shooter was like the whole Things a lie there was no Miracle shot There was no Miracle head movement it Was just didn't happen hard hit it was Very I guess you would say surreal but It wasn't surreal you know I was telling Somebody you have instances like this or Like a lot less than this where you feel It's a surreal situation and I never Felt that way I knew Immediately that it was a bullet I knew Immediately that it was at the ear yeah And because you know it's part of the Script they told me this was going to
Happen so pretend that you to grab your Ear and pull your hand down and pretend There was blood on it when there's not And then hit the floor and then we'll Squirt some real blood on you and you Can do this fist pumping thing right you Got it okay it's very simple okay grab The ear get down your knees get up pump Your fist and say fight fight fight but Don't say the words just mou them so That like you know everyone can see You're saying fight but like 's going to Hear say fight and remember don't say Anything about your shoes like don't say Something stupid like put my shoes on or Can I get my shoes on because that's Like well you know go ahead and do that Because whenever we fake something There's got to be something with shoes So go ahead do the shoe thing day Because it you know it hit very hard but Hit the Ear and I also heard people okay so zero Sign of any of that right shout bullets Bullets you know get down get down Because I you know I move down pretty Nicely pretty quickly and we had bullets Flying right over my head after I went Down so I'm glad I went down the the Bigger miracle was that I was looking in The exact direction of the shooter and So it hit it hit me no you weren't Because the shooter was off to your left And he shot you on the right ear which
Is impossible angle that was uh far less Because where you were looking there was A giant chart that you were push that There was up there plus the crowd was There the shoe didn't have any angle on You because the if he was behind he Would been behind the the billboard and The chart and so the shart destructive Than any other angle so that was the Miracle that was for those people don't Believe in God I think we got to all Start thinking about that you have to You got start thinking about it like Don't go too overboard don't pray to God Or surrender to God or do anything you Know find God in yourself and you know Connect with the Divinity within you Don't do anything like that just you Know start believing because the miracle Shot that almost hit the year just you Know now you got to say hey maybe God Does exist cuz Trump's miracle Year uh you know I'm I'm a Believer now I'm more of a Believer I think and a lot Of people have said that to me a lot of Great people have said that to me Actually okay so I want to go over this Again we'll play this back this whole Thing because it's just so fake and I'll Have more to say about it then um but You know like this is not a conversation We were seeing the you get a billion People listening to this crap come on It's silly and like they couldn't even
Get video right I mean this is like you've been hacked Bro like you did someone ate your lunch Is that what you're saying or you just Do this on purpose so the whole thing But I want to get to the Olympics and uh Got maybe a few more things to get to Here okay Tuesday August 13th here I'll Release this video probably the 14th or Wednesday and I shot this stuff Yesterday here's this guy called The V Voyager they dropped from the sky um This has implications to the next Olympics and the previous Olympics in Los Angeles but also Tom Cruz they had Some blue and red houses he was up there Um on the rooftop and this was at the End I didn't know so I'm going to come Back to this later you see that if he's Bathed in blue and red here but he's Going to be he's going to drop down he's Going to do a whole Hollywood thing so I Didn't understand this was at the end of The thing but uh let's get into the Whole voyagers thing because it's you Know it's very telling here okay so this Is the the whole thing here this is what She's about to say here think about what She's about to say but this is the world Map and they're going to drop this guy They're calling the Voyager and what They're attributing here is that some French guy years and years ago was one Of the guys who was a key to
Resurrecting the old Greek Olympics and Making into a global thing that is today So the French are claiming that and They're using this Voyager to kind of Retell the story but in a dystopian Future so listen to what this Boop says Here so what we're about to see guys is A reimagining of that story in a Dystopian future where there is no Olympic games but ultimately there is a Golden Voyager who rediscovers and Brings back the Olympic Games so I don't Have to show you anymore but I will like The Olympics is big on copyright and I'm Going to show you what I can it's a Whole thing but just think about what The [ __ ] just said right like and she's Just told what to say right they they've Been given a script this is their Official story now they tried to say That the Olympics wasn't about the you Know the original Olympics but we were Told that the the horsemen for the Apocalyptic Horsemen there's two of them Apparently there's one that was the sort Of guy who was a torch Bearer and They're going to show back up and they Look like two Horsemen of the Apocalypse This is the horse this a guy who was the Torch Bearer the other guy was the Apocalyptic Horsemen that presented the Olympic flag to the you know Ball um you know the god ball the bull Right and so um all these things right
And so it was completely Apocalyptic but now they're talking About a dystopian world where the golden Voyager is going to come down from outer Space like these extraterrestrials that Are coming down to an earth that the Human being have Destroyed as we go through these images These Eyes Wide Shut images right all The moral depravity and all the rest of It and so the human beings have Destroyed planet Earth and the aliens Like well let's bring back the Olympics Like you know the Olympics is predicated On the kind of world the kind of people That we are now and so in a spiritually Based World there would be no Olympics Because Olympics is supposed to be sort Of like a substitute for war and people People coming together to compete but There's lots of rivalries and hatred and You know it's I mean it's aggression you Know like this is competitive aggression And so this whole thing is silly right For them to come out and say yeah this Thing wasn't dystopian and this wasn't Apocalyptic and they gave explanations For all these things and then they end The Olympics by saying oh yeah that the World has been destroyed and we're in The dystopian World an alien comes down A golden alien and his First Act is to Go to re the Olympics but you can't do That unless you have countries right and
You have all the things that there isn't Going to be here when everything Collapses and the the collaps is here Right they're talking about it quite Openly but now they're like oh in the Future somebody's going to come back and Do this thing right now I don't think There's going to be Olympics in 2028 I Think this was the last one but there Might be we'll see what you know I might Be saying the same thing in 2028 as we see this thing unfolding but Things don't look good right and so Let's go through this golden Voyager Thing and then we'll revisit the 1984 Olympics where they had a spaceship and All that stuff and what you know all the Things that were the whole Hollywood Aspect to this and you know all of it Right um but this is bad like this is You know the whole everything that this Indicates is not good news and the Depravity and the degradation here is You know is epic so this is when the Golden Voyager enters like listen to These noises right It's very alien-esque Like you hear all this stuff this is Like an alien coming into The Arriv okay so you can see all the lights And you know this is a light show and Here's when the Voyager coming into the Stadium dropping down from the ceiling
Looks very much like the Predator right The Predator movie some sort of golden God whatever it is doesn't look benign Right it doesn't look like it's friendly So it descends to Earth here right it's Descending to the the dude eventually Lands interesting position he's coming Down on it looks like a freemasonic Position and he lands in Africa right so There's the whole World um in very oddly shaped right and Very very uh very Jagged very uh linear Not curved the way the Earth is very you Know it's it's all lines and it looks Very kind of sharp and Jagged yeah or Olympic Games and Spark a Rebirth you know they think it's going To be like dystopia with snacks right Like dystopia with benefits like no it's Going to be dystopia right it's going to Be a post-apocalyptic post-apocalyptic World and when it happens you're not Going to give a [ __ ] about the Olympics again very much looking like The predator and so the other thing I Should say is there is a great video out There I think was by an Indian scientist Called nature of hores metal and the Only metals that don't break down are Gold or rust or corrode or eventually Break down are stainless steel which Still has some issues right Aluminum and gold and copper and so you Al those you know copper gets this film
On it right but nature is always trying To get rid of metals you know the age of Iron right this is the the um this the Caluga and so so when aliens came down Here they took gold like there's Whatever various space you know cosmina Type of um spaceship riding aliens came Down gold was valued and that's why gold Became so valuable it was used by these Extraterrestrials right and so um you Know Anyways so the Horsemen of the Apocalypse the pale rider shows up Carrying the Greek flag the Greek flag Being the flag of the original Olympics You know this this just a choir going This takes forever the pill Riders is Marching from one end and the other guy Here the um this guy the flag bearer is Marching from the other end and so this Guy puts his pole down and the other guy Puts his flag on at the Greek Flag just really pretentious and Unnecessarily long and you the Olympics Is fun whatever it is right bad good Whatever you think about it but it's not This right it's not you know there's no There should be no reverence for it There's there's nothing spiritual about It right there's nothing that's um holy Or exalted and you know all this Pretentious [ __ ] they do and these Ceremonies right it's not you know it's Okay right it's it's okay it's good it's
Fun sports sports you know nothing Nothing more nothing Less Sports is a lot like politics right Sports is especially big-time Sports There's so much corruption and Competition and you know just um Cheating and just all of it right the Good bad the ugly and then these creepy Guys to send down and they help the Golden Voyager they all they represent All the different events and they help Them golden Voyer ReDiscover the Olympics after the we've completely [ __ ] the Earth Over okay So eventually the guy from France presents the flag to the mayor of LA and Simone biles is there and Tom Cruz had been all over the Olympics I Was wondering why he was doing there and He ends up playing a big part here I got To like a whole Tom Cruz story I'll tell I guess um we can do that in a second um So he um takes a flag through the crowd He's being really Tom cruy about it like Over the top you know and he gets on a He rides a motorcycle real fast he gets On a plane like it's Mission Impossible And then he goes to Hollywood he puts up The the the flag there with the Hollywood so like you know there I guess That's I don't know if that's the sign Of Hollywood Now and there a bunch of like demonic Performances and then at the end of the
Olympics the woman sings uh I did it we Did it my way I did it my way the Frank Sinatra song You Know the Way That France was like you know said a big Fu Big [ __ ] you to Everybody with their opening ceremony The closing ceremony and then um they Have Billy eyh and Snoop Dog and the Red Hot Chili Peppers for some reason they Exhumed all these acts perform in you Know for this this hand over to the LA Group I want to get to the Olympics Here's um Snoop Dog you can see here he Um he's got these these Egyptian dogs With the Snoop Dog braids and I talked About him being a nubis but he was all Over the whole thing um the whole Olympics he was just everywhere and Really annoying just totally Snoop Dogging it right you know they're Neglecting the fact that Snoop Dogg held A gun out to A clown you know some Trump impersonator With a clown mascot and hit bang you Know now that of course you know all That fake stuff with Trump and so I'll Get to the Tom Cruz um story because it Ties into France and my trip to India But let's go to the LA Olympics in 19 1984 this is from London in 2012 Remember everyone thought the world Might end in 2012 but then people are Like well maybe the Mayan calendar said 2024 and you know remember this weird
Baby thing they had and they celebrated All the the villains this is vort it was A weird thing to do there's a guy I Forget his name young kid he ended up Dying unrelated to this story but he Kind of broke the story he went through All the the roads around the Olympic um You know venue there in London and they Had all these weird names all this Illuminati and uh you know apocalyptic Stuff and so here's the Illuminati eye For these two boxers these two dudes Here and then the Illuminati for um the Basketball team there is that American So I don't know France maybe the Illuminati eye on the synchronized Swimmers but in 1984 at the I think it was the close of The Olympic closing ceremonies I don't Remember seeing this I was in high School at the time and it's kind of Effed up looking how um well the whole Thing is so so Foreign so Oldfashioned so they have this spaceship There there's the moon an alien comes Out Al Himself that is no one on stilt that is A man 7' 8 in Tall so it looks like the Predator right So at the end of the Olympics and this Is the last time there was Olympics in La there was an alien that came out of a Spaceship everyone was like what the
[ __ ] like it was just Weird in the Limitless possibilities of Human achievement for almost 100 years You have celebrated the best that Humanity has to offer it's talking to The audience you call it the Olympic Games and for that and for the cities Which have kept the Olympic ideal alive I salute [Music] You so they dropped a they dropped a spe They have all these movies and you know All these science fiction movies and Things and theories and stuff out there Of course I talked about this with the Pyramids the P pyramids were obviously Built by a higher level of intelligence And Technology than we possess today and There's you know all this evidence that There was varying uh degrees of higher Developed people people that were Considered gods people with the ability For space travel and things like this That have been on planet Earth that was Docu documented in the history of the World right through the Aboriginal cave Art paintings I've talked about this in The past right and here and if you Believe that there's a plan now if you Believe everything's random you might be Able to you know sell yourself this idea That the Earth is the only planet with Inhabitable life but if you understand That there's a soul which is you know a
Highly ideal highly evolved concept the Idea that there is an aetheric aspect to Our life and it's beyond just our Physical Joys and pleasures and pains And suffering and experiences and our Senses that there's something animating Our bodies and when we die that Essence Goes some where else so that so that Essence is a different form of life your Soul is a form of life you know and There's life forms everywhere Across the Universe right in varying forms if you Believe in a soul then you believe that There's extraterrestrial life life that Doesn't uh the physical laws don't apply To is your soul not alive is your soul Not a you know uh an animate uh Independent creation right so there's Life if you believe in any of this stuff Somewhere else physical life there's Going to be other planets where there's Physical life and you know there's all This evidence to support that but they Try to make people who believe in aliens And Extraterrestrials crazy and yet they Keep on bringing it up and throwing it In our faces and bring it in the Olympics here you know I read a Whispers Of the brighter World message where There's saying there's going to be a Need for an invasion at some point Because human beings have gone off the Rails right so there's all those things
And this isn't an accident like they had This very apocalyptic ceremony for France and just the way the world's Going and the you know everything that's Happening the you know the degradation Of the human consciousness and how Stupid and idiocracy is setting in and Uh the immorality and the dec the Deviant sexual behaviors and all this Stuff that they demonstrated here all These things that are going on and you Know the degradation of humanity Continues and then the politicians and All the anger and hatred anger and Hatred that's coming up and all the Apocalyptic movies and all these things It just feels like the apocalypse is Upon us right the connection to Egypt The Illuminati stuff all these things The pyramids and so like it's happening Right like this is you know it it's like The end of something the end of our Civilization and whenever the Civilization is always congratulating Itself on it's all its achievements That's when it's about to Collapse you know just feels like it's It's ending now right there's something Like it's it's over I think people see Sense that more and more the polit the Politicians are saying we're trying to Save democracy and save the soul of America and you know if this guy gets Elected it's the end and you know World
War III and just all of it the rhetoric And all the things what's happening in Israel and just all the rest of it and Just everything we saw in the Olympics And we see on a a daily basis on our you Know our movies and TV shows the Degradation of the you know Consciousness and you know these kids Growing up depressed and being very low Functioning and you know all the ways That we're going in the wrong direction And so the Olympics signifies all this You know I don't think there's going to Be another Olympics but if there is Things are going to be completely Different four Years like you know just think about What it's you know this the idea of 2028 2030 I mean all the predictions From the world economic Forum about People won't own anything and they'll Like it and you know population Reduction and another one in terms of The you know pandemic and all these Things that they predicted and you know Things look pretty bleak and they're Moving in that direction rapidly and you Know we'll see but uh this Olympics and The election they're tied hand inand the Whole thing all these things are it's Part of what I call the show and so There was a story here I want to tell About Tom Cruz I was going to tell it Earlier and so as on that plane going to
France and that french guy who sat next To me and said you know is that um You're going to see chargie because he Saw the picture of chargie on the book That I put there cuz I was going to read The book while while it was you know It's a 9-h hour flight and he was Telling me how Tom Cruz saves the Sark System of course many of you guys know The SAR system is now called the Heartfulness you know heartfulness Whatever it is it's you know it's a it's A cult and it's you know it's degraded It's what's happened to all these Religions is now happening to the this Wonderful spiritual system I did for Years but back when you know I was doing It then it was a wonderful system it was A blessing in all ways but what happened Was there was this french guy and there Was he was married to a preceptor who Did you know his wife did the Sark System and he started this thing it's Called Foron and he started ragging on Saar and Chargie and he he was given access to All this information he was like Obsessed with Now the people in the sjar system think I'm like the the modern day Foron you know they and everyone Listened like looked at this guy foron Because he had information other people Didn't have but he was very critical of
Sark system because his wife left him And I know why his wife left him because He was like you could tell what kind of Guy he was from his post but he blamed His divorce on the sa Mark system and he Got the Tark system put on you know uh France was very um because of the Immigration issues had a cult list and We're putting things on Cults and so the Guy's telling me the story right this Guy who's he's a french guy living in England and Tom Cruz was really loved in France like beloved like Jerry Lewis was Beloved and he went to France you know With his um whatever the Scientology Thing he does and he said to them you Know you guys got to lighten up and and He convinced the government to get rid Of their ult List you know SAR had been a cult on a Cult list and all these people quit Because it was on this list um so you Know there's that so there's a tie into This I didn't expect that tie in I Didn't when I started talking about that Stuff in India um Tom Cruz wasn't a part Of my wasn't going to be a part of this Video but then I saw that he showed up At the you know I started doing looking Into it here but anyways you know this Is just a big giant mess The Olympics and the polit political World the show is you know it's getting Interesting but also it's showing sides
Of the foundation is cracking right and Whatever way these narratives play out Whe whoever they select as president Whoever this plays out with World War 3 And you know the I mean they have to Reduce your lifestyle they can't the Scam is over the money is just the debt Is out of hand and you know it's Everything's breaking down you know I Have more to say here but I'm I'm Wearing down here so let's just move for Only spirituality will save this world It's par definitely born for the Apocalypse in the Ascension Ione have a Blessed day and be grateful