Okay greetings brothers and sisters Today Thursday December 19th I got a Video coming out tomorrow that features The beef between Ryan Clark and you know His uh what turns out to be an obsession With Aaron Rogers which I'll talk about In a second so um I usually don't make Content this late at night but I had a Couple things I wanted to talk about why They're fresh in my mind so I do a 9:00 Prayer 9:00 p.m. prayer for the Gratefulness meditation that everybody In the world come to spirituality and Usually I'm able to focus on the prayer I don't have much thoughts or things Like that but you know once in a while There's something else maybe that it Just becomes to my awareness while I'm Doing the prayer or doing the Meditation you know when I'm doing the Meditation if there's something I missed In a video or something I have to do or Whatever it is or some kind of like Epiphany and it just when I settle down And quiet down to pray or meditate or Something it's just there and so I Received a notification from Apple you Know I have a Apple computer with 4 Terabytes you know because of the amount Of video content I Make and it would probably be impossible For me to do my job without unless I was Just always in the process of um putting Stuff on a hard drive and you know just
I mean it would take a lot of my time if I had to to deal with that kind of um You know memory storage issues and Things and you know I'm pretty good About my computers and my phone I have Never cracked my my iPhone or any of my Cell phones and my computer's less I Mean I don't like drop my computer or Don't do any kind of damage to it if There's an issue with my computer it's Because of the you know the amount of Heat that's generated from rendering Videos so I'm making a two to 4our video Uh you know every every day or whatever It is sometimes like five six hours in Terms of the The um Journey series and you know that That's hard on the graphics card right And so you know whatever but I had a Small crack in my computer and I don't Know because I was traveling or what Happened and it was kind of a pain and I Brought it to Apple and they had to Replace the entire um you know the Entire screen it would have cost me like Something like $1,100 or something and Luckily it was still under Warranty and so I um Kind of thought I would get apple care And they said my Apple Care is just run Out so I have so many days to renew it Right and given the fact that this Happened to me and you know it would Have been so expensive to fix it anyways
It was something that like I just got The email and then I started doing the 900m prayer and I just had this thought Like a random thought about Hunter Biden Right and so you know apple is known as One of the better companies that guard Your privacy and you know when Hunter Biden I mean he had an apple when I had An apple and everything's backed up on The cloud and so if you have private Shed and you're a famous person and you Know he was dropping these um alleged You know computers in the tub left and Right like he brought three of them into This random computer shop to retrieve The the um hard drive the memory from it But it would all be backed up on the Cloud right you can just reboot your Computer from the cloud and it would be Much better and safer especially as a Famous person whose dad's running for [ __ ] president to bring your laptop Filled with illegal [ __ ] and [ __ ] about Your you know your your uh your dealings Writing out your not only your drug Dealings and your prostitutes and your Pictures of you with a crack pipe in Your mouth and you know all kinds of [ __ ] that's you running around naked all The things that's on his laptop like I've only seen a fraction of it but Everybody says it's gross and you know What Trump called the laptop from hell Right and so you know he was a crackhead
And made bad decisions but what he ended Up doing was dropping a couple of Different laptops off at a store like a Random store where we had no Relationship with a person with Incriminating inform with incriminating Information and embarrassing information On it to some random person who was Going to have access to all that data When he could have just thrown those Computers away or bring them brought Them to Apple bought a new computer and Just downloaded everything off the cloud Right and you know anybody with Apple Computers knows that it's better to go To some you know the official store Especially when you have money and it's Sensitive data because if app if Apple Had a data leak from Hunter Biden like If somebody one of the employees which You know they're more Democrat and Liberal there I would assume most of Them anyways but if one of the the Employees lifted the data and and gave It to the FBI or did whatever they did And you know they would have reached out And he would have known where he left it Instead of going to some random place of Course you know you can say he was under The influence of drugs but even then he Had done this before and you know he was A computer savvy guy and so the whole Thing's [ __ ] like and I always the Guy who he he dropped the computer off
With was always suspect he looks kind of Like a Freemason the guy's Scottish and Just there's just something about the Guy that seemed very crisis actory you Know he just seemed you know not like a A organic person the guy who took the Laptop and brought it to the FBI he Seemed like he was you know and just his Multiple interviews and things you know All these people that they pull in an Interview often times they just don't Seem organic right they seem part of a a Show you know like somebody that you Would pick for casting from a casting uh Directory to play this part like they're Just too perfect Suited for the part they're too Articulate and they just you you see it Time and time again when I'm watching The news I very rarely see somebody Who's being interviewed someone on the Street anybody that was you know that I Would say was organic you know the guy Kyle Rittenhouse there was all those riots Wherever that was in U in Minnesota Whever the shooting took place with the Guy right but before that took place the Guy was interviewed and it was like this Doughboy looking kid who was talking About how he he was you know he had his AR-15 on him and he had some first aid Stuff he was talking about how like he Was just going to be there and give give
First aid if anybody needed and keep the Peace and they interviewed the guy Before the shooting and I I never been Able to find the interview but I saw it Like I was like you know I remembered The kid because it seemed odd like an 18-year-old kid's walking around with an AR-15 and this you know these riots and Stuff and it just when he later on I saw The kid at shot some people I'm like I Saw that guy right that's just fake like They they put the guy out there he was Already contacted by the media and he Was interviewed by MSNBC or CNN whoever I was watching and it was just too fake Right just you know it's not organic It's not legitimate so going back to Hunter Biden you know they did extensive Um I mean they went out of their way to Take a scile candidate and install him As president a guy who had a groping Problem and he had a nightmare son like These guys all have have their nightmare Relatives right Bill Clinton had his Brother Robbie Clinton or whatever it is Like you know whatever his name is they All have their you know their screw-ups Their relatives or wives or you know Somebody that's a nightmare they you Know they have to be contained somebody Who was kind of a loose can and every Family has somebody like that in it and For Biden it was Hunter Biden and they Knew the guy he had been in and out of
Rehab and they knew the guy had been Taking money selling access for Biden And it was you know a criminal uh and Maybe even treasonous type situation Right selling access to his vice President stad and using it to buy crack And it was a nightmare story and the guy Was I mean he was you know he was Banging his his dead brother's wife and Like she was stealing his handgun and Throwing away and there was a Investigation from the Secret Service I Mean the guy was a nightmare you know These guys raised over a billion dollars To get Joe Biden elected and they went To all this extraordinary effort to rig The election for him in a variety of Different ways including all the things That had to do with the covid shutdown And all the ways that they hid Joe Biden Away and as much as they were handling And monor Joe Biden they couldn't spare Like one person to follow Hunter Biden Around and keep him from [ __ ] up Right and so it doesn't make any sense That they this would happen like they Meticulously handled the whole um you Know the whole candidacy of a scile you Know guy with Parkinson's and they Didn't you know do anything to stop this Loose Cannon from dropping off laptops And [ __ ] like that it's just fake like The whole thing's fake you know I I Often think that there's some real
Organic things that are happening Certainly there are in terms of you know What some like I don't know weather or You know things that are out of the Control of the so-called controllers but In terms of politics and all these other Things every event is staged and fake I Mean I it's hard for me to see anything Being not staged in fake like they have To control everything every narrative And so I'm calling complete [ __ ] on The hunter Biden thing like it's the the Whole thing is just a show like it's Hard for me to imagine any of these Things happen organically like every Little detail every little news event Has some sort of plan in front of it Because everything's falling apart and So you know all these things with the Elections and the narratives and Trump You know his trials and there's none of These things are legitimate like none of The you Hunter Biden being pardoned it's All the same [ __ ] right there's like To me is there's zero credibility to This story any of these stories and the Hunter Biden if you thought there was One thing that was organic it was the Hunter Biden thing but you if you look At it it just looks too fake and too Staged and too you know it just doesn't Make sense doesn't add up the choice is Like again not to put a guy on him to Make sure he doesn't drop his laptops
Off at a a [ __ ] random place and then Have like people follow him around clean Up his [ __ ] messes right like if Anybody needed a fixer it's Biden and Then you know Trump's fixer Michael Cohen him turning on Trump and then you Know going on all these shows and going To jail all these things after after um Serving him for so many years like That's another [ __ ] thing like all These things there's nothing real in This like the Liz Cheney turning on them Every little detail all these things are All just stag it's all a [ __ ] show It's all political I theater okay so I Just want to add something here before I Get into the other story Um and the other stuff here uh this is Um Friday December 20th and so I looked Up I looked and did a little more Research about this just you know Because of my what I could remember and You know just the dates and timeline of The thing right and so Hunter Biden six Years ago he um was banging his Brother's widow which you know I mean There's a lot of weird [ __ ] in the Biden Family his dad was Joe Biden which many Of you guys know showered with his Daughter and that was documented that Isn't just like hearsay it was part of Her diary she was teenage daughter and She was showering with her father right So there's you know weird [ __ ] in their
Family and so Hunter Biden you know he Had his brother his um you according to That woman uh Miranda dine who was one Of the instrumental people who broke the Story of the New York Post she knows More about the Biden and Hunter Biden Than anybody she's done like all this Research into their family and Hunter Biden was supposed to support Financially his dad and his brother he Was the screw up but the business guy And he was supposed to keep his dad and His brother clean while he went out made The money to support whatever the [ __ ] They were doing right politically and so And Hunter Biden was resentful resentful About this he paid for his brother's College his older brother's college and So like this kind of thing like he he Had to go and earn the money to pay for His brother's college and he was doing Things that was flirting with the law And they you know they do this vetting Process let's just say this first Extensive vetting process and he was Vetted for vice president and he behaved In a away as vice president that they All knew this [ __ ] right they all knew About barisma his son working there and Selling Access that Joe Biden was threatening to Withhold a billion dollars of Aid to the Ukraine and they had the whole Ukraine Thing going for them uh you know the
Ukrainian ties that Joe Bren had they Had this scam Brewing they saw the way That trumps had monetized the White House they knew America's going tits up Right and they you know they saw the way That uh that Trump had gotten a$2 Billion deal two billion right we're Talking about billions here you know These guys who make [ __ ] for money you Know in terms of their I mean they make You know $300,000 a year or whatever That's a lot but not like billions not Multi-millions and so they're rich but Not like crazy Rich right and they get Crazy Rich by having you know selling Access and things like this as as Politicians and they saw that the you Know Trump was going crazy was making Billion dollars with deals with the Saudi Arabians and these things right Trump's son-in-law Jared and Ivan made These made this steal and so that's what They were thinking that they had this Thing with the Ukraine that they could Do you the war and all this stuff L Their money through it I mean all the Stuff that they were capable of doing so He has a team of people scumbags like Just how they laundered all that money Through the the the the campaign Donation scam that they did with um with Uh Kamala where you know they didn't Spend $2 billion on that piece of [ __ ] Campaign right they you know they I mean
It was like a big party and they just They just laundered money through it you Know people's money like they just took People's donations and turned it into I Mean not just necessarily laundry money Just stealing it out and out and giving It to all these advisers and you know But Comm got you know lot of I mean Millions of dollars or whatever out of That right you know I wanted to mention It's so interesting that she just Disappeared the way she did like she's Just gone like she's a memory we'll Probably never see her again like it's Just you know she got a oneof and I'm Sure that they they made Bank on that You know that debacle and so you know They had this thing that was golden like They know you know to put it in that Guy's um Bovich bovich remember that guy from uh The governor of Illinois who had the Obama seat when Obama went president he Had a you know he could appoint somebody To the Senate and he said this thing's Golden we're not giving it away for Nothing and his you know it was a the Thing they played over and over again to You know he's got a kind of a good story About it like his story makes sense but Whatever you know that's that's just the Way that they talk about or think about These things and so they knew they had This you know opportunity and whatever
Reason whatever way it was going to be Rigged whatever you know the stuff that They were using Trump's character Arc That Trump was going to be president Again like this whole thing that's Happened now like I think it's all Meticulously kind of planned out you Know maybe not meticulously but it Doesn't have to be because American People will eat as much [ __ ] as possible Without calling [ __ ] or or doing Anything about it and so um they had This thing and all they had to do was Keep Hunter Biden under wraps and they Knew all these things about they vet the [ __ ] out of people and they knew this For a long time the guy was in rehab Eight different times according to the Official story like he didn't even know How many times he was in retab and in Out of rehab he had a crack problem and He wrote a book where when he was on Jimmy Kimmel he was sleeping in these Seedy Hotels and like in West Hollywood he had These you know like scumbag people Hookers and you know all those type of People coming in and out right and like You know there someday there's going to Be a dead overdosed hooker laying next To the guy you know if you've seen the The Kyle dunigan the comedian Kyle Dunigan he does this song it's great to Be the president's son and he's like
Snorting Co Coke and [ __ ] like people Keep on sending to me I seen it years Ago like I you know I saw his stuff Years ago like I watch his stuff fairly Regularly but when uh Hunter Biden got Uh he got um pardoned people like four Or five people sent it to me and like There's a it's on insto but he has his Own YouTube channel but he's got this Dead hooker and he's like taking her Pulse to see she's awake because you Know he would have these people using Drugs you know the kind of drugs you OD From and maybe he's ODed himself you Know according to the official story Like this is the character they've Created he might not be a crackhead at All like he could be just that could be All [ __ ] right like he might not Smoke crack at all he might not have any Of these things right but they knew he Was a nightmare like they you know there Was No they knew all the things and and more That we don't know and so they've Probably covered up things if this is if He's a true crackhead and he is the guy That they say he is then all these Things were there right either that or It's a complete fake or fraud of the Story and the guy doesn't like have a Problem at all but during this period he Had his um he's banging his his um his Brother's widow his hero brother's widow
And she's really concerned the guy's Going to commit suicide so she takes his Handgun and throws in a trash a loaded Handgun and it's like 2018 right so um And he and it's right across from high School and some homeless guy takes it It's like a [ __ ] you know just one of Many stories that came out on the laptop Some these are things and the Secret Service are involved there's this Handgun floating around from the vice President what some kid picked it up Killed another kid or something at the High school I mean just nightmare Scenarios like the guy is a walking Nightmare right and they already have a Guy who's scile who has Parkinson's that They're trying to somehow force on the American people for whatever reason like They can't pick any of the other dopes That they're running for president they Pick Joe Biden who was not really was Never electable as president before to Beat Trump who was you know having a Good presidency up to co at least Appeared that way right and he had a Good economy and good jobs and like you Know he was looking like he might win Again and he was kind of going to win Again and they didn't have a good field To candidates and the American people Really didn't want Joe Biden he lost the First two primaries and they rigged it And saved him in South Carolina they had
To rig it just for him to beat Bernie [ __ ] Sanders right like he was going To lose to Bernie Sanders you know if They didn't rig it for him and so he Also has this total liability in his son I I mean according to the official story Right and so you would think they would Put a team of people they have a billion Dollar campaign and they have all these Staffers and all the people right and They have fixers and they have people That you know just make sure like you Know they can't count on a crackhead to Not [ __ ] up right like just babysit this Guy just monitor everything the guy's Doing like he's on [ __ ] house arrest Put an ankle [ __ ] monitor on him and Walk around just make sure we have six Months and Hunter Biden would see the Benefit to himself in allowing his dad To be president cuz he already he made Bank when his dad was vice president Imagine what he could do if his dad was President so all you have to do is make Sure he doesn't do something [ __ ] Stupid like bang a stripper an Impregnator and you know stripper named Dallas from Texas his real name is London right and he's a crackhead his Vice I this was a story of president's Uh future presidents and vice President's son was in a strip club and He banged a stripper named Dallas from Arkansas who then gets impregnated he
Doesn't even remember it he doesn't even Know she is like he's like totally Oblivious to these things right According to the official story and then She sues him for child support in the Middle of the election and he doesn't Want to disclose his financial records Because it'll look bad on his dad so He's trying to you know fight that off And they you know somehow buried that [ __ ] story right like all these these Things that like you know I mean he's He's a walking liability like all the Things that he did and all the stuff That's on the laptops all these things Right and so why wouldn't they just put People on him at all times make sure he Doesn't do anything like [ __ ] St that Stupid you can't count on somebody who's Using drugs like this I mean clean up The dead hookers and the you know all The things that he's going to leave in His [ __ ] wake right according to who You know this character they've created That's the kind of person that he is He's involved with you you know the Underworld of the belly of the Beast of You know addicts and drug dealers and Slimy ass people I mean he got went on Jimmy Kimel he did an interview about How degraded his life was and you can't Have that kind of a [ __ ] like the one That you know the laptop thing happened And so the other part to this is I
Looked it up to confirm it right that This guy um have it was a MacBook Pro Which I confirmed I knew it was a MacBook Pro he had a few of them there He had a few things that were he dropped Off at this well the the thing here was Um um let me see that it says here Rudy Gulani pried the materials to the New York Post after they were allegedly Found on a water damaged Mac Brook Pro Left at the Mac shop at Wilmington Delaware computer repair business owner Owned by John Paul Mack Isaac and that's A weird thing is Scottish right the guy Came in and he couldn't see he had these Really bad eyes but yet he works on Computers and the guy looked like he was Just a you know one of these Freemasons I it's a Scottish right Freemasons this Whole thing right this guy just seemed Very uh like I was like I don't believe This to be some organic guy but he had He owned a business called the the Mac Uh the um the Mac shop but it was named After him his name I don't know if he Changed his name to Mac so he could do That because you know we can't say that He's official person for the the Apple Store right for the Apple company but The thing to know is he had done this Before he had he liked to be in the tub When he was on his computer so he had Multiple computers that he dropped in Tubs over the years and I know this for
A fact we you know cuz I had a Mac at The same time he did I have a MacBook Pro and the MacBook Pro backs everything Up to the iCloud in fact it saves it to The iCloud first and then downloads it To your computer computer and you can Only get 2 terabyt of data I don't know If it's more now I don't know what I've Got now but you know back then you could Only get two terabytes of data on the ICloud and I've always had four Terabytes of data on my computer you Know I have all the software and all the Other things that I have to have Downloaded on my computer so it's you Know you need more on your computer but I had more memory on my computer Available on my computer than I did on The iCloud and I wanted to have things Saved directly to my computer but it Saves it to the iCloud first and then Downloads it to the computer right and So if you if you're off the internet you Still have your stuff on there but you Know some of the stuff might not be Completely downloaded and I had issues Where the MacBook was choosing to forget Things like just not have them on my Computer like older videos and stuff and I'd call them up and I had slow internet So it take a while for some of these 2hour videos to download back onto my Computer I needed them for some other Future videos take making right so these
Things so I talked to these people and Tried to get that Switched Off where I Would just download on my computer and Would regularly back up on the iCloud or Whatever but they said you couldn't do That like I couldn't do that it just the ICloud and the your computer always Linked there's no choice in that you Know I think it's the same with the Cloud for um the uh you know the PCS the Different kind of computer the the uh Microsoft but you have more options in Terms of backing it up to the cloud and So I you know I don't know about that But it doesn't matter he had Macs and so The beauty of it is when I get a new Mac I can either take um some sort of fire Wire you know some Thunder wire whatever They have there whatever the [ __ ] they Call Thunderbolt thing and I can plug The two computers together same thing With an iPhone and I can you know sit There and let them download between each Other like that's the fastest possible Situation when you have slow internet or I can just let it download over a series Of days while I'm using it and it'll Download all the files you know once you Sign into your account with a new Computer it download everything into Your computer through the internet right And so those are your two options when You get a new computer so if your old Computer is damaged you don't need the
Hard drive you don't need any because It's all on the cloud I mean that's the Beauty of the cloud I think most people Understand this and so Hunter Biden Didn't didn't need the information on There and the thing about downloading From the cloud is you're not involving Other people and he had done this before So he would know all he needs to do is Buy a new Macbook Pro and he could [ __ ] beat the other one you know make Sure it's broken want throw it away or Whatever right but he just didn't need To bring it to some random person and Have that person have access to his data Because official story this guy M Mac Isaac guy right it's Mac space Isaac it's not Mac Isaac right It's Mac Isaac that Mac is like a you Know separate Mac part of his name which Seem OD and he has a the Mac shop right This guy and the guy starts looking at What's on the computer he's he's he's You know water water damaged computer And he's trying to salvage the Information that's on the hard drive and So he brings it to the FBI because he Sees it's you know this person he can't Contact him and so you know that's where Right before the election so this was a Bombshell thing that was this massive Cover up right and I don't believe any Of it doesn't make sense like he's as Brain dead and as addicted and as bad
Decision making Hunter Biden is even if He brought it to the official Apple Store he'd be much better off and then At least he'd like oh how many Apple Stores are there near you right so you Know but the what the story was he was He brought it to the people and he was You know so [ __ ] up he didn't know What he was doing so if he was that much Of a menace and a liability and Everybody knew it and he had all this [ __ ] you know not only just in terms Of Joe Biden but to have a vice President's son getting paid by the Foreign government and having that that Vice president effect policy in terms of You know withholding a billion dollars Of a to the ukrainians why were we Giving them a billion dollars when this Is when Obama was President right like They knew all of this stuff they knew This guy's a [ __ ] nightmare they Would never let this happen because him Having all this information on the Laptop right just even that and him Already dropping things in the tub and Doing stupid [ __ ] like they're just they Need to control all those things there's So many things they needed to control Because they're running a guy with [ __ ] Parkinson's you know like a guy who's Clearly breaking down mentally there Another story the New York Post is
Saying they were already doing you know Damage control on day one but we saw it Back when he was running I knew the guy Was fried mentally he was already Showing SIDS of dementia it was clear Anybody with any kind of observational Skills he was fighting people arguing Calling people names flipping out like He couldn't control himself he was Obviously having you know deter mental Cognitive difficulties deterioration and So there's just no way it's just a [ __ ] story like there's no way this They would allow this to happen right Maybe two years before the like when Joe Biden wasn't running for president this Happened while he was running for President like all the laptop all the Stuff that happened happened like while He was running for president and they Had nobody you know that was there to Just keep punter by in out trouble they Totally would have done that like the Guy couldn't you know the character Could not control himself and I don't You know I don't think the guy even Smokes crack I think it's just a the Whole thing is just a a [ __ ] thing And I think they're you know I think They're getting creative CU they know They can get away without anything in Terms of these narratives You know like all of the things I mean They've proven that with Trump and no
Matter what Trump does his supporters Won't they can with any [ __ ] thing Like that fake [ __ ] shooting you know That fake assassination attempt the Whole thing it's just an absolute joke All right let's get to the other stuff Here okay so that was a voice over the Last I don't know so many minutes was a Voice over from today and then yeah last Night I what I started this video with Was something I started last night And part of what I was talking about Then seged way into this thing with um Aaron Rogers and Ro uh and Ryan Clark Let's go to that part now and so I also Had a thought about this guy Ryan Clark Who um right after like I came in here To do the the video and YouTube Recommended a video from Jason Whitlock Who found a clip from 2020 where Ryan Clark tells a story about how he wanted To fight Aaron roders after the Super Bowl that he lost Ken Rogers and I'll Show you the clip right but I had these Thoughts right before I F right before I Found that or YouTube showed it to me so There's some sort of you know in terms Of the the flow of information that I Often am lucky enough to be a part of That makes my job a lot easier and so The ideas that came to me were this Right so Ryan Clark if you saw my Earlier video you know he went after Aaron Rogers and part of what he said
Was that the information that he got on Aaron Rogers when he said he was a bad Leader and he slammed the guy right was Coming from inside Aaron Rogers locker Room and that these people talk to him Right and you know these are these old School football players if you watch These shows in the sanctity of the Locker room and the sanctity of the Brotherhood that some an anonymous Snitches you know when a team that's Like struggling would um undermine their Hall of Fame quarterback and not give Their name to it right like the these Guys are all look you in the eye and you Know be a man and you know all this hard Guy stuff right and and this is a thing That this guy Ryan Clark's is supposed To be all about a team guy you know he Slammed his his teammate Antonio Brown Who he obviously had a head injury right He had some issues before that but he Took this um massive hit from the Bengals linebacker BF or something Whatever his name is burkit Burkett um And it's a brutal hit and he was never The same was clearly because brain Damage right that's some of the stuff You know that guy was videotaping Throwing bags of gummy dicks at Cops like he's done all this stuff like He he blew out a couple teams and Ryan Clark just went on and slammed him what A piece of [ __ ] he is and the guy
Obviously has some sort of mental issues Right um but you know Ryan Clark's Saying you know when he slammed him for Being a bad teammate and turning on the Team and being selfish and all these Things right and so for Ryan Clark to Say he had Anonymous sources that tell Him that Aaron Rogers is a bad leader And then later on you know after I Realized this I find out that the guy Wanted to fight Aaron Rogers for Aaron Rogers you know um talking [ __ ] to him In the game right and so um which I'll Get you again I'll show you that clip And then I thought about it and I you Know he's saying Aaron Rogers is a is You know kind of like a piece of [ __ ] And a bad leader and you know selfish You know his quarterback his Super Bowl Quarterback was was Ben R rapistberger Right Ben uh Rothberger he was accused of sexually Assaulting these F five women so much so His coach and this guy was a great Quarterback another Hall of Fame Quarterback that his coach was talking About cutting him and the one story I Heard this girl who was interviewed she Said that she was in a bar with him She's a college girl and she was pretty Drunk and this security guard one of Ben Rothberger security guard brought her Into the bathroom like the men's room And the guy closed the door and you know
This guy's like a 300 400 pound Bodyguard and leaned against the door so No one could come come in and Ben uh Rothberger raped her and so that was Some of the allegations against him he Had to settle lawsuits I there's money I Mean I you I can't remember all the Details but that's your [ __ ] guy Right that's your quarterback and you're Going after Aaron Rogers who has you Know because when they asked him whether He was vaxed or not he said he was Immunized and that was a homeopathic Remedy and they were saying what a lying Piece of [ __ ] he is right you're going After him for that and you have a grudge Against them you lying sack of [ __ ] Right so let me show you there's a clip From Jeremy Piven if I can find that and Then I'll show you the other clip and I'll I'll You Know cover this more uh Tomorrow okay so before we get to um the Uh the stuff with um briyan Clark going Off and Aaron Rogers for this thing that Happened in the Super Bowl which is very Telling this is the actor Jeremy Piven Right so this is the Super Bowl in Question it's the Green Bay Packers Versus the Um uh Pittsburgh Steelers so um and he Is he wanted to be the Jets versus the Bears so I guess these were the teams That lost in the championship games the AFC and the NFC championship games that
Could have made a Super Bowl and he says This Here so he's somebody videoed him and Then he turns around goes wait did you Get that and so he said it could have Been the Jets and the bears but instead It's the it's rap rap lisberger Ben Rothberger versus the cheese heads right Which is the Green Bay Packers and he Was hoping for the Jets embarass cuz He's probably a a Chicago or somebody You know like he's a New York Chicago Guy or whatever right um but that was The whole thing with Ben rothberger he Was you know almost cut from the team And being a good player for his Unbelievably bad decisions and these Four or five different lawsuits he had To settle and it was bad like it was I Can't remember all the details but it Was bad right and that's pretty much Been forgotten but he's far worse piece Of [ __ ] than Aaron roders right I mean Him abusing women in this way and it was A scandal like an NFL scandal and all These things bad it was a little bit Before the me too movement but still was You know I mean it was like this they Were describing these women were Describing rapes that he you know this Was bad right and this guy Ryan Clark Didn't have a problem or at least he Didn't go after his own Quarterback the way that he's going
After for somebody who he has a beef With which we'll get into here so this Guy Jason Whitlock he has some kind of Beef with ESPN and Stephen A Smith I Think he might be more of a Republican Based guy I'm not sure he's um a you Know Sports commenter you know Sports Journalist and he found this clip from August 2020 and this is Ryan Clark and I'm not Sure what show this is this guy's on This show get up now these are all Football guys is a former player and This is a a guy who's you know knows About organizational [ __ ] right and so Ryan Clark starts telling this story About the Super Bowl between the Packers And the Steelers that he played against Aaron roders and he had promised his Kids they were going to Disney World They were going to win the Super Bowl Like he thought they were shuin to win And Aaron roders threw a pass that he Just barely missed like Aaron wer Squeezed this perfectly thrown ball into A you know receiver that was a touchdown Right and then Aaron Rogers he described The story and it sounds like a story These guys were talking about it these These Commenters um Jason Whitlock and the Other guy were talking about sound like This a normal story that he was telling And then he gets into like how much he
Hates Aaron Rogers here right because Aaron Rogers totally disrespects Him hey 25 first off Aaron you know my Freaking name you've been studying for This game for 2 weeks don't call me 25 My friends call me that you ain't my Friend and so so he um he saw his number Was 25 and so instead of calling him his Name he calls him his his number right And so he's already pissed at him then He gonna tell me and it wasn't that so He so Aaron Rogers made that the made of The thing you know his that's that um Hand gester saying I squeezed it in Didn't like that much you know just you Just missed it by that much you just Missed the ball by that much and so he Was you know talking [ __ ] to this guy Mocking him right and then he goes off On how much he hates the guy that it was Just this much out of my reach is that He had the gumption the G the audacity In my lowest of times to stick salt in The wound and so listen do I love the Player so um you know this is regular Kind of stuff that happens right and you Know he just gave up a touchdown pass Which ended up being I think the Deciding points in the game yes do I Want to fist fight the person yes so he Says he wants to fist fight him this is 20120 and I ain't scared I don't care Green Bay Wisconsin not going to jump on Me no more cuz he going to be gone we
Going to see about that one day Aaron We're going to see about that one day Right and so this sounds like a humorous Story but he's OB obviously has a grudge Against him CU he Aaron Rogers made a Great play and he mocked him a little Bit and he's kept this Grudge going now For just so many years whatever this Super Bowl was 2010 so this was 10 years Ago when he's giving this rant and then He had the opportunity to [ __ ] all over Aaron Rogers when he had a bad season For the Jets and so he went and talked To people or said he went to talk to People that said he was a bad leader and A bad character of course this was um on The heels of the way Aaron Rogers was Treated because of the the VAC stuff Right the you know that whole thing Which I covered in my other video Extensively right and so you know this Petty little person has some power right In terms of a platform and he was Waiting for Aaron Rogers to have a Shitty here or shitty whatever and he Made up a bunch of [ __ ] but then try To take the high road saying he gets to Cover people and tell the truth but it's Truth is that he has a grudge against Him right if you guys saw my previous Coverage of this at the end of my last Video he was talking about he had this Whole rant about oh you got to you know We're just trying to tell the truth and
You won't allow me to tell the truth Because not allow me but you're you're Whining about you do the same job that I Do over at Pat McAfee I said all this Kind of [ __ ] right and I'm just you know I I got the information from inside your Locker room which again if people are Ratting out their quarterback like he Didn't do this [ __ ] with Ben Ro bger Right like people who anonymously are Criticizing to the press and leaking There's a sanctity in the locker room a Trust that has to be there right and Guys who violate that trust will have a Like just be known as a piece of [ __ ] in The whole league like nobody will trust Them you don't because the media is the Enemy right the media is trying to Demonize you and you don't sell each Other out you know even if you hate the Guys and you hate the other guys in your Locker room you just don't do that Because it's you know it it's uh like a You know it's like a war room right it's It's like leaking classified information You know you're doing damage you're Going into war against I football's War Right it's a a warlike sport more than Any other Sport and you don't you know It's a violent [ __ ] you know whatever It is and you can't undermine the team That way regardless of how shitty you Feel about or whatever it is I mean he Just been slamming this one guy who
Wouldn't go into the game for San Francisco you know cuz he had been Benched or whatever and he just quit on His team and that's like you know Sacrilege I mean the way these guys Think about the locker room and the Sanctity of the sport which I you know To me it's all [ __ ] I don't care Right I mean it's a very violent sport Like it's just off the charts violent But in all that right he's not being Honest by the fact that he really hates Aaron Rogers like you clearly he hates The Guy I'm telling you okay so Aaron Rogers Went back and forth and he talked about Called out the these guys who were Former players that were talking [ __ ] About people in a way that was Disrespectful so they could get clout And you know get big contracts as Commenters by big big uh you know making These big claims these you know these Clickbait de things and so he said to These guys at least just say your vac Status before you criticize me just so We know where it's coming from but also This guy has an agenda like this guy Hates Aaron Rogers for interaction they Had on the in the Super Bowl and like He's not being honest about that like Not full disclosure right all your People knew it was me here is why I Called Aaron roders or why I called you
A hypocrite because you hate the guy Because he talked [ __ ] to you talked [ __ ] to you in your lowest moment in Your career and mocked you and then Called you 25 instead of by your name And you wanted to fight him right like That was just four years ago After 10 years you were still holding a Grudge you got the opportunity so you Made up a bunch of [ __ ] because you Have a platform to spew it right and now You're not owning up to that thing right You're not being honest and play again CU I've been in those locker rooms and I've talked to people that have been in The locker rooms with You I have the stories I have all the Things that they said that informed my Opinion of who you are so he went in Pretty hard in Aaron Rogers saying he Wasn't a leader he's a you know Basically a bad person and kind of a Cancer to the organization you know Aaron Rogers thrived in Green Bay they Had all winning seasons they won a Super Bowl he won MVP a number of times right And he had a lot of players that he Elevated receivers and the play on the Field right he was considered one of the Greatest quarterbacks of all time but Then he went to the New York Jets got Ailles injury he's old and the thing's Fallen you the wheels have falling off There and he's saying he went into to
Talk to these people in the locker room Unnamed sources and they told him what He wanted to hear cuz he hates Aaron Rogers right because he already said it Like he came out this is a problem you Know with film and the way that Everything goes you know with um video Right he's going to talk about film here In a second but with video clips we Already know you hate the guy because he Talks [ __ ] to you at your lowest moment And you've been carrying a grudge cuz You're obviously a vindictive [ __ ] Person right and so you went with a Prejudice against Aaron Rogers and you Couldn't wait till he had a moment where He you know the wheels were falling off And you went and you said all this [ __ ] About him which turned out not to be True at all because you're not being Honest about not only in terms of your Vac status but more importantly that you Hate the Guy you hate the guy right and you've Been caught hating on him and so instead Of admitting it like I hate the guy and I was looking for any reason to [ __ ] all Over him which you know like just be Honest that's the thing you want to be On this kind of uh uh you want to do This kind of you know um media then be Honest about your feelings like you know Just full disclosure Aaron Rogers is Someone I hate like just say that right
And then say whatever you're going to Say and as far as your vaccination Status so you can stop trying to trick People into thinking that we want to Talk about that above the stink of your Film I've never heard did one more time After your incident and that's an Absolute lie too because you know it was A defining moment right it was a Defining moment of what Aaron roders was Seen as a person just like Kyrie Irving They were you know they were given like A black mark like a Scarlet Letter right The way that they were treating the Antiac and this guy was a big guy you You know I showed you that what he said About Kurt Cousins so he was all in on The you know antiac stuff but it's Really a personal thing this is really Just personal for him and he's not being Honest like you know he's pretending to Be honest like he says this stuff here So people didn't care that you weren't Vaccinated they cared that you were Slimy about it okay and I want to show This part because when I made the video Yesterday I missed an important point Because they did care this is all lies But I covered that in my last video That's not true like they they did care Whether the way Kyrie Irving was treated You know like he was demonized for like Four or five months and then you know This stigma that he had right so that's
All [ __ ] but the more important part Is this the people who did like I didn't Care what you did and you know I don't Care what people do in general as long As it doesn't affect other people but When you started to demonize people go After them I talked about this a little Bit but I want to make this point clear Like if you were going to get it and Talk about how you got it and why you Got it that's fine I'm not you know Again if you had to do it because you Worked at dspan Disney whatever reason But it's when you demonized other people And some people like Stephen A Smith Said he had his own Reservations but then he decided to get It because of his money I covered that In a video a couple of videos ago and You know way back when when this was Happening and so it was you demonizing People who didn't get it when you guys Weren't think it was a slam dunk and Then being wrong about it like Stephen A Smith admitted When he was covering this um beef that I Covered yesterday in my video right and So it was about going after people and Demonizing them and you were doing that Here with Aaron Rogers partly because of the your Corporate sponsors and you know the Relationship between Disney and big Pharma but you're also doing it because
You have a personal beef with them which Is clear let's go to this next part here But here was were the two clips that Were the most important to this new Revelation here not supposed to be able To do their jobs and do their jobs in an Unbiased way and be honest about who you Are cuz I've been in those locker rooms And I've talked to people that have been In the locker rooms with You I have the stories I have all the Things that they said that informed my Opinion of who you are so this unbiased Way and who Aaron Rogers is you don't Like the guy right which is fine like Whatever you can hate the guy you can go On and say you hate the guy but say you Hate the guy cuz you did earlier And then when this stuff came up you Made up a bunch of [ __ ] and he Called on you on it and you spazzed out Right and how unfair it was and how you Were a victim of the whole thing how Wrong he was and what hypocrite he was Right you don't like the guy right and Then him mocking your he wears this Little this um brooch there with his Initials right which is [ __ ] up Aaron Rogers mocked him you know it's just the [ __ ] of people on mainstream media And then you have this platform that's Controlled by all these various sources So you don't get to tell the truth you Go on mainstream media and they pay pay
You to shill for the people that are Their handlers like the mainstream media Has handlers and then you have handlers And that's all [ __ ] and then you Have your own personal agenda that you Run through these things and so there's All that all right speaking of which Let's go to Joy bayar here first I got a Bunch of stuff to get to I want to get Back to the drones in a second maybe uh Not this video the next video I have Some Luigi updates you know just this is All about how everything's so staged and Fake and contrived and all you know all These things right it's just a show and So Joy bear which she's a disaster but This is even like bad I mean for her This is even a new Low do you actually believe anything he Says tell the truth I mean they Overturned roie Wade he said he wasn't Going to put anybody in who uh back to Project 2025 a lot of people that he's Put into this new no but every you know 2025 was um and I don't know what Trump Had to do with it that thing was stupid And a scop and whatever it was just an Idiotic thing to do because it's all the Things that you know would was didn't Help Trump at all and they released it But all those people who are you know in All of Trump's people would believe in 2025 like it did State a lot of things He believed so of course there was going
To be people who were considered 202 25 People that Trump is going to point Right um in terms of abortion 60% of Americans are for it but it is murdering Fetuses right which are babies which are Humans you know the humans in a Different stage right and so you know It's not like that's a slam duck and That wasn't even Trump those were just The Supreme Court Justices but these Aren't things that most of us agree with It's just how toned death they are right But here are the other stuff Administration believ that stuff he said That grocery prices would magically come Down he already admitted that they can't You mean a politician lied before an Election and said they were going to do Something didn't didn't oh my God stop The preses you know Like it's just silly [ __ ] look at this Demon right very easily come down um he Remember when during covid he said no Masks you don't need masks that was also BS wait a minute there's all these People that came out later and said CL Baths don't work including some of the Biggest shill for the co Stuff um and so like you know I wonder Who she's talking to like who would be Listening to this and thinking this is Good like what she saying would agree With this without any you know thoughts I mean and then I'm not talking about
Trump socks he's a part of it he's you Know all this stuff to think about Hunter Biden thing being completely fake Well you know because Trump faked a Whole shooting you know whole Assassination attempt and they all went Along with it right and if everything is Fake then they're putting Trump in not To be a hero if they've installed Trump For a second term which they have then They're putting him in because they want Somebody to be a fall guy for what's About to take place next whatever deal Trump has got out of it he's got out of It but he's going to be the person they Blame for what's going to happen next Which is not going to be good um he Attacked Dr fouchy oh my God that saint That saint Dr foui trying to help Everybody he was just fouchi was trying To help everybody he Wasn't he Dr Fuji he was he wasn't about You know promoting big Pharma that owned Them no he was about helping everybody Yeah he pushed deworming medication for Horses on us um you mean iveron or is That what is she talking about and and The worst the piester resistance as they Say is he sent covid tests to Putin yeah Yeah no that was that was the worst that Really ticked me off it ticked me off Them here but when we needed them here So ladies and gentlemen of the jury do You actually believe this man no no we
Don't like you don't you guys we're Rocket scientists over here and I don't Know if they actually believe I think They're this stupid I think they're just You know puppets and they're stupid um Whippy might be a little bit smarter I Don't know but they're all you know I Think they believe this [ __ ] right it's Just silly it's like so silly You know I question um why all this Stuff comes out when it does it comes Out in a very fake way White House AIDS Hid Biden's apparent mental decline from Day one of his presidency explosive Reports revealed White House AIDS Covered up President Biden's apparent Mental health decline from day one as His presidency shielding the Aging Commander-in-chief from the public and Even um narrating uh rearranging his Schedule after scatterbrain performances This is from The Wall Street Journal now When Joe Biden was running in 2019 where They first ran him out there and he had A lot of baggage and CNN had done a Hitpiece on him in 2015 they decided not To run him against Trump originally he Was clearly having cognitive issues he Was wandering around stage he he called That guy fat as his name he and he Called him jack and he called him he Challenged him to a push-up contest and He got very angry and then a woman from PBS asked him about it and he went off
On her and she was one of those Softspoken PBS women I showed you all These clips over and over again and he Had mental breakdowns in the debate and He just look like a a deer in headlights He clearly had cognitive issues you know Then there was this guy came out Recently who was um interviewed on I Think CNN and it's he said that a first Year med student could diagnos Joe Biden With Parkinson's so this is from MSNBC Quadruple board certified neurologist he Sees patients with uh Parkinson's all The time he diagnoses it I I want to be Completely transparent here you've never Examined President Biden from from my Knowledge you've never even spoke you Spoken yet to President Biden and and We're just going to use what we have so Far which is what we've seen the President's interviews and the Information coming out of the white House so my first question to you is as Somebody who's a neurologist what you've Seen from the president over the last Two years what you saw at the debate the The last few interviews the way he Speaks the way maybe he he walks have You noticed anything that that gives you A red flag as a doctor oh yeah I see him 20 times a day in clinic I mean it's Ironic because he has just such classic Features of neurod degeneration I mean He seems that he sees people with
Parkinson's all the time that act Exactly like Joe Biden or function like Him that's what he meant by that right Word finding difficulties and that's not Oh I couldn't find the word that's from Degeneration of the word Ral area he's Also overcome stuttering though could Could that could that be part of that Too no this is not a palatal issue or a Speech discrepancy which is very Different from a lemono dysfunction Actual word retrieval where you pick a Similar question or talk around the Issue plus the rigidity um monotone Voice wait go back to that the rigidity What do you mean rigidity loss of arm Swing standing up lordotic you notice When he turns it's kind of like they're Just showing it right here right now you Know I have a master's degree in Counseling and I was really really good At doing diagnostic um interviews and Things like this it was something I I Naturally just am good at like I'm good At reading people like some of the Things that I'm good at here that people Can see from my time pointing out things I'm a very observant of these things you Know both on a spiritual level being a Preceptor and reading spiritual Conditions and also doing these um you Know these intake uh psychological Diagnosis diagnostic type of uh reports Used to do and it's a lot harder to do
That than physical stuff right because Physical diseases and you know again I'm Not an alpath person and I'm not I know The flaws in the alpath model and the Psychological model but there are good Things about these models in terms of Diagn diagnosing a problem and when People work in it like this guy does he Can just see a guy and go well that Guy's got Parkinson's right and like you Know I don't have that kind of expertise In Parkinson's but I knew he had Cognitive decline back in 2019 it was Obvious right I mean there's just things Why is grandpa putting his his sneakers In the refrigerator right there's this Stuff that happens and everybody around The person knows they know oh my God my My dad's dropping off like you know you Know when your your family members Getting Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or Something initially they all look the Same but you know right off the bat that There's things happening and the person Themselves notices right They they realize that you know there's Slippage like there just is as you get Older and specifically for something Like this n block turning it's not a Quick turn um so we know that when he Turns he does that weird that's one of The Hallmarks of parkinsonism is Rigidity and brainia slow movement and He has that Hallmark especially with the
Uh low voice that was a cold Hypophonia a small monotone voice like This over time is a Hallmark of Parkinsonism I could have diagnosed him From across the mall here here are some Of the see from across the mall if he Sees somebody exhibiting the way that he Walks the way that he turns if he saw Joe Biden didn't know he was he could Look at him and just say this guy's got Parkinson's because that's what happens When you work in a field and you work With these people and you see the same Things over and over again and so it's Clear that what from what he's saying And he you the ver you know the verbiage He's using like these these you know These are these terms that only people That work with this know those terms Right and so it's just obvious the Symptoms from from Parkinson we just had Him up there on the screen if we can put Him back um what about the movement some People have have have pointed out the Way he walks sometimes it's not very Fast small steps is that something that That is common in people who who are Battling a disease like Parkinson it's a Hallmark shuffling gate we call that so Little steps U loss of arm swing from The rigidity when we walk we have a nice Cadence you notice he doesn't really Swing his arms an end block turning Meaning he kind of P pivots around his
Foot if you said hey President Biden he Wouldn't go like this yeah but I also Know I also know tell me if I'm wrong Here it's very hard to diagnose Parkinson's isn't it it's it's not it's Not simple I mean I've heard that it can Be one of the one of the easier movement Disorders to diagnose actually it's so Clinic there's there's very little other And I'm you know I'm a Democrat I always Say F about this right it's just like This guy is not a hard case but I've had I've had relatives who have gone this Guy right through issues neurological Issues and I've heard that sometimes Parkinson's is not very easy to nail you Have to take a lot of tests there's like I mean uh early on if you're just Present with like hallucinations that Could be a variety of things or just the Cognitive problems that could be Alzheimer's vers uh parkinsonism and That becomes a little nebulous but once You start manifesting the Hallmark motor Symptoms right slow movement rigidity Mass faes hypophonia I mean if a med Student did not pick Parkinson's on the Test they'd be remediated let me ask you If you had so if they didn't if they saw Joe Biden P Parkinson's they would be Kicked out of med school so he's talking About a first year medical student being Able to diagnose Joe Biden so these lots Of people know that he has Parkinson's
Lots of people have experienced it if They had family members right because When you have a family member you start Noticing these things I mean you see it You live it right and the the people who Are experts in the field and all the People around Joe B knew he had Parkinson's right they knew before he Ran for president because it's obvious I Was pointing it out then I showed you The various debates I'm not going to go Back and do that because I've s it Showed you so much it's in about 50 of My videos even recent ones and all the Ones this summer when he he had that Debacle at the debate and it's with These things there's never oh my god he Has so many good days only a few bad Days because the bad days just get more And more it's not like he's going to get Better like this isn't like oh he just Has a bad day no this is cognitive Decline in a disease that's uh eats you Away over time right and so I knew about This stuff because I can say it you know Because I you know we're we're more free Here I mean sometimes you get censored By YouTube but in terms of all these Other people they wouldn't say it they All knew it but wouldn't say it because It's easy to see this guy was too [ __ ] old and he was declining right You know it's not a matter of age I mean But age is important because you know
Everybody declines over time but he had Some kind of real cognitive issue which Turned out to be Parkinson's and so then Now after all this stuff all the you Know [ __ ] stuff that happened in the Summer and and people realizing the American people realizing over a year Ago that this guy was you know was Declining now it comes out this you know This U uh Wall Street Journal article Incredible Peter duy joins us from Washington hey Peter and when I got to The White House four years ago with President Biden he was walled off Because of covid they didn't want him to Get sick but before before the election They did that they hit him away cuz he Couldn't campaign in 2020 so how was he Going to govern as President right and So they allowed this [ __ ] to happen even At Fox News you know they reported on a Little bit people mocked him the guy was [ __ ] uncapable of doing his job Incapable of doing his job in 2019 it was only going to get worse Right and he stayed walled off and now The Wall Street Journal has this item With the headline how the White House Functioned with a diminished Biden in Charge and it comes now think about that With the Wall Street Journal that you Had a guy who's got one of the tougher Jobs all the presidents age like twice As much like they all go gray especially
After eight years and it's like 16 years Of age Aging in eight years it's a high Stress high maintenance job and you know It's I mean the presidency is kind of a Joke which you know they're handled and It's not what people think is but it's Still a high pressure job right and it's Performative and it's a confidence you You need to have confidence in your President and that's a a big part of it Right especially at in times like this And they pick this guy with a son who Was a nightmare right and they Completely handled this guy and you know Kept it from people you know this was Ronald Reagan who had Alzheimer's in the Last two years of his presidency and They hit him away and they just ran out The clock they they got they got this Guy and elected him over uh you know a Nightmare candidate for them and Trump Allegedly you know they really actually Love Trump but they are billing him as Like we can't have a second term of Trump right and they ran this guy of all People and they ran his white house uh You know there was a like I said whoever Won that um that that election was going To be in charge of looting the rest of American Wealth and now it's Trump who's Going to you know put the finishing Touches on it but America's going to go Down econ ically we're no no longer Going to be the number one economy every
You know all of it and they're looting As much as they can and they had a guy Who was basically brain dead and they Managed him so why wouldn't they be able To manage his son at the same time they Had a couple of liabilities there right And they just you know deceived the American people and got away with it and He's still [ __ ] president right now Right you know this is the Wall Street Journal coming out with this and we all Know it we knew it in 2019 looked at the Guy you're like this guy's [ __ ] There's no way he can be president but They pulled it off they successfully did It and the American people other than Grumbling other than complaining other Than saying this is [ __ ] could do Nothing about it com with this quote if The president was having an off day Meetings could be scrapped Al together On one such occasion in the spring of 2021 a national security official Explained to another Aid why a meeting Needed to be rescheduled quote he has Good days and bad days and today was a Bad day so we're going to address this Tomorrow the former Aid recalled the Official saying the president showed Natural signs of aging but key allies Always stuck their necks out to say no Big Deal right after the debate you insisted That President Biden is extraordinarily
Strong who's this what happened to her Given where we are now do you have any Regrets about what you told the American People no not at all not at all I talk To President Biden you know regularly Usually several times in a week okay so You know we get it but like why now like This is the thing about all this stuff It's all like it's timed like these Stories these stories that come back Around and develop and and all these Things let's get to the Luigi thing Because that's a part of this thing so This is the Luigi mangion thing here um It's so fake and so stag they come in Helicopters is coming in and here he Comes let me turn this off here and um They get him out of the helicopter Coming here he comes in walking him in Where is he there they go get him here He comes right now they've had people Out here who are his supporters but it's Just to keep the story alive right so He's now uh waved his extradition uh to New York City where he's going to be Tried and all these things he's coming In and you know people said that he's he Looks shorter when he was in high school Which is you know he seemed like he was Like 58 510 maybe 5'9 now he looks like He's closer to 5'11 or something that Might be something but you know probably Same kid why why would they substitute Him out right like whatever there's no
Reason for it but like this you know This was all when I this was going on CNN MSNBC and fox were all covering him Being walked through this area like do You have enough cops there this you Know like look at these guys I mean all Their you know automatic weapons and Like they have their Tactical Team out They got helicopter support like what do You think's going to happen right and Just a big show of it and just to walk This guy in and they broke in like this Was news cuz it's all [ __ ] staged It's all like a part of the story roll Out and they have these various things Right the 24 news cycle is is loaded With stuff like they you know there are Still there are stories that are people Still have interest in and they move on To something else right I want to get Back to the Drone stuff again uh to my Next video but it's just so [ __ ] and So fake and just the whole thing it's Just silly right it's just freaking Silly okay so this is from four years Ago um 2020 this is when Ryan Clark was Talking about this [ __ ] on ESPN and Aron just is being interviewed Before we let you go earlier in the show Ryan Clark told a story about you Throwing a slant to Greg Jennings I Believe whenever he was lined up at Three in the Super Bowl and he talks About and I'm sure you've heard it cuz
He said he talks about on a regular Occasion he studied for two weeks and it Was 100er anytime that you guys were in This particular look Greg Jennings was Getting the Rock and in the Super Bowl As soon as the ball was snapped he just Started sprinting directly to the place Where the ball was going and you threw It over his hands just by a little bit In front of Troy I guess and it was a Touchdown and he says that you looked at Him and you said hey two five instead of Calling him by name which he thought was Pretty disrespectful you said hey 2 five Which might be a thing that you do I'm Not sure and then you went like this to Him about how close he was and it is it Is still buried in his soul to this day There is a lot of hate so this is you Know obviously his problem right in his Heart because of that is it true this Video just got recommended to me I Thought I added here from your side of The story this interception every time Greg Jenners is at number three in two Safety defenses they ran a scene hey Hold on hold on slow down down number Three please for the people listening That don't know what that means right so So if you count from outside to in the First wide receiver would be number one The guy close to the sideline usually The slot guy is number two and the next Receiver over is number three so it's
This guy here this would be Greg Jennings this is normally where you Would see tight ends at least especially Back in the days that I played it's uh Where your guest yesterday Chase P was I Think I had Chase Claypool think you had Him on yesterday was lined up for his Last touchdown that exact spot got it And so every time they did this they Threw the ball to Greg Jennings bro so Here's the play right so this is Ryan Clark he just missed the ball they threw A scene so I had told my kids we was Going to Disney World CU I was going to Pick this ball off and I was gonna score A touchdown MVP right I was gonna be the MVP they never wanted to give it to Ben Anyway so I was gonna be the MVP you Feel me y right Ben never got it so I Was like okay I see the play so backside IES covering jich I'm supposed to be in The half so I lock Ike and I know Aaron's never going to look at me bro I Know I was like it's it this is it so Boom play starts dog I take off Pat ah Ah ah and I'm looking at I was like he Gonna throw this Mickey ficky it's a rap So he throws it bro and I know he didn't See me he throws it this far over my Finger bro oh right in front of Troy Right I died for it Miss it right in Front of Troy touchdown so all is well All is good you know cuz I'm like it's Aaron Rogers I ain't really tripping
Like we were literally cheering for Jay Cutler and the Chicago Bears two weeks Before this because we didn't want to Play them anyway this is before our game So we Wen tripping yeah so there's Ryan Clark right here two5 I don't know if You hear the wind is howling out there It's freezing 25 he's coming in next so Look look at where his head is like he Just missed the ball here series we Doing kind of well somebody you know They call a timeout bro looks at me and Goes hey 25 first off you've been Studying for this game for two weeks Okay and I've been in the league at this Point for 10 years you know my freaking Name you ain't got to call me by my Number right he goes bro so so then he Goes he goes 25 and I was so mad true from your side Of the story he's obviously recycling The same story over and over because I Did see that he had said that and that He wanted to punch me in the face at Some point after he throws that ball Over my hand for a touchdown he's Walking off the sideline on the next Offensive series and somebody called a Time out whether it was us or them I Don't remember and he's like Two5 you know and I hate him like I Wanted to break both his fingers um but You know like um I think that's a little You know harsh uh for sure I can't say
I'm a you know I'm a pacifist so I Wouldn't welcome That I wouldn't necessarily be searching That out and and maybe we can have a Conversation before that before it gets To you know some sort of violence I just Don't believe in the use of violence Without you know previous Conversation smart but I will say that They were you know they were playing Cover four I don't think he sprinted at The snap we ran you know all go special And he you know kind of you know slowly Made his way over from the back safety Clueing on number three who was going Vertical um you know kind of snuck it in There it was a really good Coverage um I wasn't trying to be a dick About Close but I don't know I thought it was Like a little competitive bter I didn't Realize that you know that's stuck with Him this a grudge from This Is 2020 this Kind of hilarious right 20 you know February 6 2011 is Still say to Ryan hey buddy you know Like Let It Go H we got to let you go Ladies and gentlemen so that was great Right um so this is hilarious the whole Thing and Ryan Clark is still holding on To this stuff and you know He and not willing to admit it because He's he was run around telling this Story everywhere once he was part of the
Media like this new he got this position He went on different interviews he went On this Regular Show on ESPN he sold the Thing like three or four times each time Saying he's hating the guy he's obsessed With it right and you know I mean it's Not a big deal like all the [ __ ] that People talk all the mean [ __ ] that People say and he's still hanging on to That right like he's really vindictive And I mean he's he needs to like he Needs some serious work on himself right Okay so I got a bunch more things to go To and I want to wrap this up I got a Few more things to say about this and You know all the stuff I've been saying About religion all these things all the Ways that people are manipulated and Played and pushed in a certain direction Intentional foul Charlotte Hornets Apologize after taking back place to Station five gift to teen fan during Game and so a Charlotte for Hornets fan Thought he was receiving a Christmas Wish when he was gifted a CO a coveted PlayStation 5 in front of a rockus crowd During Monday night's game but he was Crushed when the team took the video Console away from him backstage moments Later AEL Phillips told uh that they Took his his 13-year-old nephew to the Hornet game against 76ers At the start of the game a member of the Hornet staff approached them and asked
He wanted to go on Court and with the Team's mascot Yugo someone from their Fan team kind of reached out to us and Said hey do you guys want to be on the Court with Hugo and a video posted on Social media shows Phillips and his Nephew standing on the court next to Yugo dressed in Santa costume announcer Then reads that what appears to be a Christmas letter and you know letter That they had that he wanted this game And um One of the dancers came out and gave it To him and Um the according to the holiday cheer Ended the moment that walk backstage and Hor of Stafford came quickly and took The PS5 Away it got pretty awkward because the Staffer had to make it clear he wasn't Joking and so um Jesus Christ Donald Trump awake just a few Hours ago posting about one of his Perceived political enemies Liz Cheney It comes as House Republicans are Calling for the former congresswoman to Be investigated for her work on the January 6th committee and no way no way M tell me it isn't so and Jonathan omir Republicans in the house are going to Have a one vote majority MH they are Living in a Bubble they're going to have to work With Democrats we're seeing that we're
Going to be talking L James a republican To Hakeem Jeff today and they're going To be able to pass Mike Johnson's Bill Only if Democrats allow that to happen And you have these subcommittees coming Out talking about arresting political Opponents like recommending Investigations into that I mean the Margins are so bare in the house what Trump said was Liz could be in a lot of Trouble you know what I said you guys You guys who've been watching me past The past year the past three years so as Soon as the big thing happened in January of 2020 and they started going After Trump suing him for this that and The other thing criminal proceedings you Know all the felony charges against them And what did I say over and over again Call me when they lock them up I'll Believe it when I see him behind bars or In prison and other than that it's all Bull [ __ ] and I could say the very Same thing about Hunter Biden and did And I'll say the same thing about Liz Cheney that any of these players whether It be Nancy Pelosi any of these people These are just veiled threats and drama When you put someone in jail and throw You know when you lock them up in They're in prison I mean Trump was even Convicted and somehow he's still able to Run as president as a convicted felon And now he's going to be president again
Which I said was you know I thought was The plan the whole time cuz I could Couldn't imagine they'd get rid of trump As an asset they're going to milk Trump As much as they can because Trump is Great for them all the trumpers should You know realize this at some point or Another that Trump is great for them Because he is he's one of their assets And what does KLA Harris do for them I Mean she does nothing she doesn't move The bar she's hated but not loved Trump Has you know the trumpers where he can Push stuff through with the trumpy the Trumper people and the TR are Enthusiasts plus the hate that Trump Generates they can push all push their All their um agenda through and so you Know all of these things are just a Freaking you know it's just dressing on What they're about to do it's drama you Know they have these new Cycles to fill And it's such a tumultuous time they Have you know story after Story this Thing's dead already I meant to cover This two days ago I didn't have time and Now the story's already dead like Nobody's even talking about this anymore And with LZ Cheney we'll see what Happens but when I see LZ Cheney in jail Then you can talk about this being real And then is it real because is she Really in jail right so I mean all this Stuff is just a it's it's all just a
Show it's all just uh stagecraft you Know political theater house and in the Senate these people are acting like they Won by 20 25 percentage points and I Will say even inside the people close to Donald Trump they have been saying for Weeks now no retribution he's not going To do retribution we don't have time for Retribution I mean th this sort of talk Early on it's bad for everybody it's Just bad for everybody but the fact is That now came out this report that Stephen A Smith a Democrat acknowledged That the FBI had these agent Provocators that were on their own they Weren't even supposed to be there they Volunteered and they end to going do a Unch of legal [ __ ] and EG on the other People right which is you know [ __ ] The system all those people can sue them The government I mean that could be a Real mess but it's all just a fcking Performative it's all just a joke Right coupling Luigi hat among dozen of Twisted fans showing up outside the Courthouse for accused Healthcare killer Luigi Manome I don't know what this person is Saying Here the type of Engagement with the the Talent to to be able to stay focused on This very very ambitious important Mission it's an ad I don't know what I'm Talking all right an Indiana couple wear
In Luigi hats were among dozens of Warped fans who shut up for the accused United Healthcare killer Luigi mangion Thursday saying they'd rather have a Murderer on the loose than have a Healthcare insurance executive well Again it depends on what this guy has People wrote to me saying that he was Being investigated for insider trading I Don't know you know what's up with any Of that stuff right and there was just a Story now you know it's um 5:00 at 4:00 On Friday December 20th I was doing my You know cold bath I turned on the news Somewhere in the 4S you know 4:30 or so And some person plowed through a crowd In an open market in Germany and they're Talking about how they need stronger International domestic terrorist laws to Rent such things right and so um you Know this is what's happening here and These people have the hats on Luigi Right these people are all pro Luigi and They have a you know right for this Opinion and the opinions that the Healthc care insurance companies cost More lives than this guy did that he was You know he didn't really prevent Anything because he'll just get another Evil [ __ ] in there right but you Know they have a Legitimate um complain or you know they Have a legitimate uh reason for their Behavior this is Trump's granddaughter
And I don't have a problem with these You know the kids are the kids right but She's very stiff this some video was put Up by the New York Post let me show you A little bit here okay from Elon Question on X will generate interesting Responses this is a PVP game what's that Mean what's a PVP I don't know what that Means do you guys know what that means I Don't know what it means um you know Just a an innocent kid here but like Maybe a little bit on the Spectrum right Um there's a reason I'm covering this And we'll get to in a second here but They're very odd family genetically like How they present you know her dad is uh Donald Trump Jr who's really weird weird Guy the whole family and she seems a Little bit maybe on the spect or Something there Right welcome back to the channel today We're answering a few questions from Instagram and X also we're on the road To a million subscribers so make sure You guys go down subscribe down below so We can hit our goal so the first okay so That's the main reason I want to cover This we watch a little bit more of this Thing so she's just like oh I got a Million subscribers right you know these People um at the same time they said Rachel matto was taking a pay cut from 30 million to 25 million they're paying Rachel mat $25 million you know I don't
Look at what I do here as I need Validation based in numbers whether Subscribers or money but Jesus Christ Right you know this is just some Dopey Kid and you know again famous all right Famous people and there's a lot of dopes Out there all right I get it a lot of Trump fans or whatever but she has I Don't know how long she's had a YouTube Channel she's already up to a million Subscribers right and you know I mean It's crappy substance and then Rachel Madow is a Disaster and I don't even know why she Has any sort of a fan base but you know All right she does But is she worth $30 million they paid Her $30 million last year like how much Money is are she making for them the Ratings it's less than they don't even Get like a million viewers per whatever It is right I mean it's like Unbelievable and it's depressing right Because you know I understand that I've Been shadowbanned and whatever but you Know having a million subscribers I was Up to 200,000 and growing so I might Have a million subscribers now and be Making substantial more money when YouTube [ __ ] me and so many other People but you know oh my God right Anyways question's actually kind of Funny it actually relates to my last Video that I just posted and someone
Asked did chiaa cold of his end and take You to the mall yes he did I got a new Phone and he did not drive my Tesla so Yes your Tesla what will you major how Many cars do you have in college I will Major in business I think that's perfect For me I wanted to be a doctor for the Longest time I saw blood one day day and I just realized I can't do it like I Have a weak stomach and it's just I Can't I can't do the needles I can't Like some kind of Louis Vuitton box the Blood maybe in my next life or whatever I'll be a doctor but for this one I'm Going to do business and see where golf Takes me my dad asks how awesome is your Dad love Dad um he's all right I mean I Don't know he's okay no I love you a lot Dad so well that was that was very Playful all right someone ask who's Better at golf you or your grandpa so I Can't really answer that one just Because you know I have respect for my Grandpa but I'd say we're pretty 50/50 I Mean depend on the day is there a match Coming up anytime soon I mean I don't Know do you guys want a match I mean I Think I think we should do match Straight up stroke play I'll challenge Him on his home turf my most Embarrassing moment with my grandpa is I Brought one of my guy friends to play Golf and he goes oh my god look how like Handsome your boyfriend is and all that
And I got so embarrassed because like he Is a girlfriend like that was just Awkward that was my most embarrassing it Was pretty awkward Moment ever and then when he like met a Guy I was talking to like that was also Kind of embarrassing sounds like a Joe Biden move your grandpa who Donald J Trump sounds a lot like Joe Biden we Don't have to talk about that who's my Celebrity crush so this thing was up Here with golf Elon question on X will Generate interesting responses this There's a thing here on golf I want To someone asks what are some things Your grandfather has taught you or what Um it's about why what she's going to do With golf here so here it is here Um this is the two golf things I who Commented on this it's you she said uh Who's your favorite scramble partner Travis you're the best you're my Favorite scramble partner all right Someone asked me how did I get Introduced um into golf and because my Family owns golf courses it was because My family owns [ __ ] golf Courses you know cuz my family owns golf So it seemed like we didn't have any Baskets so I couldn't shoot baskets you Know we didn't have anything like that But we did have a couple golf courses so Just seems like I should probably get Into it and start playing CU you know
They're just sitting there where you Know we have these golf courses Everywhere and I'm like well I might as Well take advantage of so if you're Thinking Trump is like you think that he Owns [ __ ] golf courses right like This guy owns golf courses I mean so Does Luigi's family but you know Trump In a different way he owes these country Clubs and you know they're just not like You the kind of people that live you Know go to these things and her and her Friends and Country Club people if You're a country country club person Sure but if you're not he's not like you He doesn't know what like his life is Like for you and he doesn't give a [ __ ] About you right and it's just you know My grandfather he my family owns Country Club so you know I might as well play Golf okay so my next guest here is hi my Name is is Virgie toar and I'm the Author of you have the right to remain Fat the right you have the right to Remain fat you have the right like who Said you know Like majority Americans are overweight Right like What so there's this as well as a few Other books on fat positivity and body Acceptance fat positivity when I think About what people might be surprised by Or what you wouldn't think of when you Think of eating disorders I immediately
Think of being a kid I was a kid in a Larger body a teen in a larger body and Also I'm an adult in a larger body and The message I always got from my doctor Was shrink your body by any means Necessary and it really felt like there Was a sense of a don't ask don't tell so Um because I truly truly truly believed Right and this is where I think the Surprise comes in I really believed that This was about my health I really Believe that my doctor was right because Why would I believe anything well Because you know there is statistics About people being obesity and lifestyle And health being important like your Your um your weight level and obesity And what it contributes to your everyday Life and then also shortening your Lifespan right it's totally about your Health but she is leading the charge Against RFK junor here here she is Talking about cake C RFI if you're like many women you've Been to a birthday party or a small Office Gathering an event that's meant To bring people Together there's swinging Tunes some Adult beverages swinging tunes and adult Beverages alcohol and good convo good Convo and then it comes time to cut the Cake and someone decides to ruin Everything oh my God that slice is huge That slice is bigger Beyonce's paycheck
Can you cut me half of half of that a Cake related fat phobic incident or SE Cake related fat phobic incident or crfi C RFI boom is that moment when it's time To eat delicious cake and it's Interrupted by a moralizing impulse Inevitably there's always someone at the Party who has to declare publicly that Their slice is too large and that the Person person who's cutting the cake Almost invariably a woman must do some Disproportionate amount of Labor in Order to accom okay so this is the one Of the people that leaving the charge Against RFK Jr amongst other people here as a Physician I've been very proud of what We've been able to do with vaccination In this country and the fact that we how Much your money like could you just Disclose how much money you've received From Big Farber Dr Scott r rat van rat's in you Know All These Guys these doers that Come on if they could just say this is How much money I've gotten from big farm Just you know FYI been so successful With polio and measles vaccination we've Not seen the diseases that uh worry People so right now we have a very Difficult situation when we have Politicians going against what's settled Science and settled science look at this Guy he's got a weird face you got a
Weird [ __ ] face there buddy what's Wrong with your [ __ ] face we really Have to think about what is the way that We could why you tilting your head like That bro have quality communication that People understand what vaccines are good For sit up straight [ __ ] put Your head up straight it's annoying and Why they should take them we have to Figure out a way that get the science Out in front of the people not Necessarily the politics in front of the People boom exactly Kaboom this is Really dangerous it's pretty dangerous I Mean I don't understand um why there Isn't more outcry over this on Capitol Hill but I will read this from uh Senator Mitch McConnell uh who is the The Senate leader and he is a survivor Of polio he says anyone seeking the Senate consent Senate's consent to serve In the incoming Administration would do Well to steer clear of even the Appearance of association with such Efforts efforts to get rid of the polio Vaccine um I am actually more curious About why that is not a statement that Says anyone who tries to suggest falsely That vaccines are do you guys know the Other argument against this like if you Can just if you could just say what People believe like I do all the time Like I know what you guys believe you Guys don't know what we believe and
Whether we're wrong or not just be able To State what the opposition is here Right uh should be eliminated Essentially for children in this country Shouldn't serve in a health Post in the Government I'm I'm not sure why it Didn't go that next step well I think RFK Jr needs to immediately dis vow any Move towards getting rid of the polio Vaccine number one number disavow own Comments but number two Donald Trump has Not said that he wants to get rid of the Polio vaccine in fact he has said the Opposite he said it would be a very Difficult so this is a republican guy so This is the kind of stuff I've been Hearing on the news it's tapered off a Little bit I think AF RFK Jr was doing Hearings I'd be shocked if he gets Passed through but if he does we'll see What he does um but you know it's like a Multi-step process him being in that Position and then being able to do Things in that position and then him Being sincere you there's a lot of Variables and all these types of things So this is from the Associated Press We're counting down some of the most Talked about positions of RFK Jr as he Seeks to become the nation's next top Health official number four Kennedy Believes Americans are too reliant on Pharmaceutical drugs for example he's Opposed to popular and costly weight
Loss drugs boom number one number three Kennedy also wants to take a look at the Food we eat a proposal that's getting Traction among Republicans and Democrats Alike he's concerned about processed Foods and the way they contribute to Chronic diseases like obesity number two One of Kennedy's most stunning proposals Has been a call to remove fluoride from Drinking water even though low levels of Fluoride have been proven to reduce Cavities in children have they have they Now finally number one Kennedy has Repeatedly raised questions about the Safety of childhood vaccines even though Research shows that they have safely Saved the lives of millions of people Why do you why does he want to get rid Of something that's saving lives he says He discourages parents from vaccinating Their children boom why is he freaking Try what don't they does it don't you Know that those things save lives RFK Jr So when I don't know what to think about Something I go to these brilliant women At the View to tell me what's up tell me what's Up Sunny clear that he is a vaccine Skeptic he is a vaccine skeptic are you Talking about RFK Jr what we have to Remember is it's not going to be a Narrow position if you are the head of Of the Department of Health and Human Services that's a very big big broad uh
You know speaking of broads where's Joy Beay position not a narrow position They're not going to just put him in Charge of food they're going to put him In charge of everything and what he just Refused to answer in ter terms of some Questions for CNN is he refused to qu Answer about whether he stands by his Previous comments tying vaccines to Autism that's does he do that does he is He going to do that all you need to know About him that's all you need to know About him refus to answer the questions And the other thing he said was he plans To question the entire science of Vaccines we know that vaccines work we Know that vaccines what do you mean you Know like how do you know like what do You know which one of you guys is a Scientist which one of you guys can read The data and knows about all the history Of these things in terms of the the Scientific discoveries and you know why Is there a vaccine Court where you can't Sue the pharmaceutical companies you're A lawyer why is there a separate court For them where they can't be sued why Are we paying for these things um Whether we want them or not right like These are the kind of things that need To be asked Sunny like like where are You getting your information from other Than somebody telling you what the Official story is Right save lives we
Know that our children one thing Sunny Because I understand what you're saying About Western medicine but there are Eastern Traditions that are thousands of Years old I have a Chinese Western Trained Doctor Who has pointed out she's Bringing it like this you know the most Unlikable one where the Western medicine Gets it wrong we live in a country where We are crap is put in our food that Makes us sick and then Pharmaceuticals Come in and throw pills at it so we're Living in a Cy and they make sick too go Where it feeds the corporate greed to Keep us not well I'm not against I'm not Against Eastern medicine but I've been Married to a western medicine doctor for 26 years and I trust him but even you Trust him I trust my man over anybody Else over anybody else you like you [ __ ] telling me that what's making People have certain ailments or you what About the side effects sunny sunny right There Sunny put that put that big uh Fizer uh dildo right there you know Because um or if I need a knee Replacement I should just put maybe some Kind of like herbal patch on it no one Said anything about operations they're Talking about Pharmaceuticals and also food that's What she mentioned she didn't say about Need replacement no one said to put an Herbal patch on your knee s I'm sorry
I'm not going to put an herbal patch on My kneecap that has just been removed Come up against the state-of-the-art Best doctors in America many of them are Careers at HHS that's somewhere that Dr Fou has a real going get pushed back a Real medical degree not like these [ __ ] charlatans who get um Chinese Medicine stick needles in you or Herbalists and the naturopaths and Things like that there's a real medical Degree listen to Sunny this this idea That he's going to come in with no Medical degree and just take vaccines Off the shelves there are experts there Who are going to challenge so in a Related story man's penis turns to Bone Docs wanted to use shock waves to break It down I know one thing for certain it Didn't happen happened while he was Watching The View the condition you the view doesn't Create that condition it was a different Kind of bone her a man's routine visit To doctor turned into a nightmare after Physical physician discovered that his Penis was turning to Bone um the guy in his 60s reported that The doctor's office a trauma of the knee Per the study during the visit he also Alerted Medicus of pain in his penis Um I don't know do you need to relias Phallic phallic Agony I know x-ray Pelvic fractures according to life
Science um Something's Happened so you Know so that's happening to that dude Certainly isn't get getting it from The View I knew I had this here so I knew I Could go to It after the View um I'm going to say one more thing And I'll wrap this video up here so the Thing I wanted to say about all this Stuff there's something with pig P Seth I was going to cover I do that next time But you know there is a move they're Trying to move people in a certain Direction either for you to be a Consumer or a voter or your opinions Here and everybody's pulling you this Way or that way and they're selling you Things or they're trying to infuse you With their point of view and you know Any of these things that you see on the News any of these stories any you know The Drone thing or the you know the Luigi thing or the thing about Biden or Thing about Trump or any things that are Out there are they're trying to you know Influence you in some way manipulate you Manipulating other people and directing Them in a certain direction you can use Force you can use coercion you can use Lies and illusion you can use any number Of things you can distort people's Mental abilities by drugging them and You know putting things in the water or You know putting things in their food
And water to make them weak or just Allowing them access to uh not only you Know pharmaceutical and Uh things like alcohol you know drugs And alcohol but also legal drugs and Then you things to distort their reality Any number of things right and so There's very few people out there that Are going to give you the unvarnished Truth without having some sort of an Agenda everything is agenda driven and This is why it's talking about the Bible And Christianity and all religions and You know all these things that are out There if there is a person like when Jesus was alive or Saint or soul with That is connected to the Divine and they Have something to share that would help You do the same thing they're doing and It starts off like that but then people Realize that the words and the messages Will convince people and will feel right But then they'll put an agenda in there With it right and so when they know that There's a message out there that people Will resonate to like Trump telling all These people that he's one of them and You know he believes in what they Believe and he [ __ ] does it right and So this is how all of this stuff works This is why I've been covering this Specifically about religion because it Just came up organically but it's about Every one of these
Organizations and part of reading the Ingredients is figuring out what the Agenda is right so if there's poisons in Their food in your food but they don't Kill you right away what does it do well It makes you a customer for life for the Allopathic medical health care right Like that's something uh it does right What's other things it does well you Know think about if you track all the Things that you're going to spend money On whether it be having to throw away Your clothes and get new ones because You're getting fatter and fatter right Like that's something so that you're Having to spend all your money on things Like that and then the issues you're Going to have back issues and you know The you know you have to special pillows Or you know all the things that you need Down knee braces you know like these Things all the things that are related To you feeling like a piece of [ __ ] Because you're being poisoned by your Foods and then all the things to do with Heart problems and then you know cancer Or whatever it is and if you looked at All the money you spend on all the Things that are related to you being Poisoned by foods like it costs you Maybe $200,000 to millions of dollars You know depending on the person and how Much money they have to deal with you Being poisoned or whatever it cost the
Government Health Care you know whatever It might be and so understanding this That you understand that there's an Agenda like you look at when everybody's Talking to you what's their agenda like What are they trying to get out of it Right and sometimes their agenda is not Related to what they're telling you like Trump will tell you what you want to Hear but he's not going to do any of Those things he'll make some artificial Attempt at one thing or another to make It look like he's keeping his promises He didn't do it the first term and so His agenda is to get rich his agenda is To win the White House by any means Right and so often times the agenda Doesn't line up necessarily with what They're telling you but sometimes it Does you know I've been talking I'm Talking about this in that other my Other channel I've made a another video There with about the whole thing uh to Do with the healthc care um on my uh you Know on Rumble and it's not going very Well but you know it is what it is I'll Cover that there's you know there's I Got 100 views on it so I I've made like 40 cents and so you know it's not um It's probably not going to be a place For me but I'll get this Healthcare done It'll be over there but you know in Terms of reading the ingredients and Dealing with anything that's going on in
The world this is what I'm talking about Right like you it's so laborous to Figure out the truth in a Sea full of Lies and all the [ __ ] that's Presented to you anyways let me wrap This one up here and I'll continue on Tomorrow only spirituality will save This world it's p mod will definitely Point for the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone have a blessed day And be grateful