Okay greetings brothers and sisters I Just realized I forgot some stuff to do With the the uh CEO killer which I just Say to my wife it's like not a you know They have these dark superheroes like The you know the Superman and these Other ones but you know now in the Modern day like superhero killer I mean A CEO Killer isn't really a villainous name Right given that people hate CEOs and The term killer isn't necessarily bad Right it's a you could be a corporate Killer and you know you hey killer you Know like this but anyways um I had this Stuff that I didn't put in my last video And I'm just stting to make this other One I'm not going to redo the video Because it's already uploading and I'll Just start from there um in a bit a Scene from John Q which somebody sent me Which ties into this whole thing you Know terms of uh predictive programming Perhaps or just you know a uh like a Share understanding of the negative Aspects of the Health Care System but I Had this comment you know I wanted to Start off from where I left off in my Last video people responding to the Shadowbanning aspect of what me and so Many other people are going through and I first want to talk about Hope and Bring this comment in because the Comment is pertains to this subject
Right and so hope in our circumstance You know where do you find hope when You're Sy system is bad first of all and Can't be reversed it can't be made into Something that's uh the natural system Or Divine system right it's it's Impossible to make this system into Something that aligns with the Divine Will with God's will right and just in General there are times when even the Good systems collapse even the righteous Systems collapse right even the good People die you know even the I mean all These things where where something good Is is ending you you have civilizations That were were great civilizations many Of them we don't even know about on Planet Earth in different times right You know Yuga end and so there are these Good yugas or better yugas each one Better than the next and time period the Golden age right these various yugas These time periods that there think There's four of them and then there's The kuga which sucks right and so you go Going from a time where it's a glorious Time into a dark period just like you Have your dark periods in your life you Have you know your happy periods you Have your your content periods you have Your you know boring periods and then You have your dark periods right things That are difficult to go through you Have your times that of challenge in
Your life right and so these things are All cyclical but there are times in Human history where everything you know Your system collapses and when that Happens it's you know this inevitably Happens where do you find Hope in Something like that right because you Know people get mad at me or don't watch Me or whatever because they're looking For hope they're looking for opium in One capacity or another and the Democrats think well if the Democrats Win there'll be hope and the Republicans Think well if Trump wins there'll be Hope you know he can make America great Again it's just silly like it's silly Because show me something in our system Right now that's hopeful I mean other Than some delusionary idea that you have Of like Trump or something if you look At everything the way it is now and First of all you got to start off with The people because one thing that's Advancing is our Technology and you know having farmed a Little bit right having lived in Homesteads and created homesteads and You know milk cows and uh harvested food You know I can tell you that you know There's a lot to appreciate in terms of The gift that is a Supermarket and so let's just talk about Grain okay so we have you know you make Bread out of wheat or spelt or any
Number of these gra grains cornbread you Know you have to have something you know These are um things that keep you full That are easy to grow and are cheap and To grow and and process right so people Have these staples in their diet and It's usually usually some sort of grain Wheat and corn and these other things Right Millet you know all these Different types of grains and you know There's amaranth which grows wild around Um my my my various Farms amorth just Grows wild in the field and my youngest Son he wanted to get to see we eating Amarth as a breakfast grade it's okay Like I usually eat uh Kasha buckwheat Every morning but I like Billet as well And I have it with with a couple Eggs Three eggs and that's my breakfast and You know he was um trying to get the Seeds out of millet which are incredibly Tiny and he tried different ways to do It and it was just it would take you Forever to get enough to make a meal There's these little tiny seeds but they Have these harvesting machines you know You have a tractor a big these big giant Tractors and then they have these Attachments you put on them and the the Attachment will harvest and process Different foods and these things cost Hundreds of thousands of dollars these Machines and you're not going to get You're not going to grow multiple things
Because you can't buy the equipment to Process and harvest so so first you Plant something it's easy to get things To grow but then it's competing with Weed so what do you do with the weeds Pulling them out if we're talking about Grain a whole field of grain then you Have all these weeds in there and then When you go to harvest it the weeds are A part of it you often times the weeds Have more nutritional value value than The than the food that you're harvesting But you have to do something with it That's why they have Roundup Ready crops That they can spray this [ __ ] on it to Kill the weeds because the weeds Interfere with the later with the Growing process they compete for Nutrients and they also um will [ __ ] up The harvesting process and then you have You know drought and enough rain and Animals and all these things and you Know animals are going to eat some of it You're going to have all these issues And then whatever you know you've had in Terms of the temperature and the climate And the the lack of rain or too much Rain these things you end up having a Crop at the end of it like you know when You go through all kinds of [ __ ] you Know watching the stuff and you know I Hope it rains I hope it stops raining You know all these kind of things and Then you know whatever happens I hope it
Doesn't get too cold you know late Frost Whatever and so you have some food there Right you know even like in terms of Fruit and you go to harvest it and if You do it by hand it's like it's Impossible that's why they pay you know These people they have immigrant labor To come in I mean you can't get Americans to harvest food you know I Picked tobacco when I was 14 years old And there are people from there were Immigrants and really poor people from Pennsylvania I live in Connecticut that Got bust in to do the bulk of the work And the like little like Rich spoiled Suburban kids you know where I grew up In Simsbury Connecticut you know we did Almost nothing but we were getting paid $2 47 an hour I was 14 years old so I Couldn't get a you know a real job I Wasn't you had to be 16 to get a job so You could do this kind of work and you Know and you were young and you had Energy I couldn't do the work now was Hard work and we barely did anything Right because we just you know I mean we Produced something but it was barely Anything right and so compared to the Other people and so that's why people Who are desperate come to this country And are employed in harvesting industry Because it's really difficult work and a Lot of it's machine oriented you take Away the machines and it's really hard
To do and so just to get a crop of wheat So you have enough flour to make all the Baked goods that you need to get through The winter and then do it again the next Year there's a lot of things you go Through and what if you have a failed Crop and so you know all these things I'm saying it's extraordinarily Difficult I mean even in terms of um Like let's say you have olives you want To make olive oil so you get an olive Press and you have to harvest all these Olives by hand get them off the tree and Then you press them and you get one Bottle of olive oil you know that's Going to last you all year right like It's just like how many olives I mean my Family and I have a cider press that can Also double as a cheese press and we Have a bunch of like not great apples That are cider apples and we picked a Bunch of them it's hard to get them off The tree and you know there's you're Fighting hornets and [ __ ] that we get These hornets nests because the the Fruit that is on the ground is great Hornet food and all these types of you Know yellow jackets and [ __ ] are there You're dealing with that um like you're Competing with them for the apples you Pick we picked all these apples and we Got you know a couple we have these big Plastic sort of bags you know it's half A basket it's like half basket half bag
And we filled them up and they're huge And it's heavy it's hard to carry all The apples in and we did it and we got Like one jar of apple juice apple cider Like we put it in this bag and this you Know and then everything has to be Cleaned and sterilized and you know you Got to get to make sure you get all the Stuff out of it cuz it's just going to Sit there till next time you use it and Like I like apple cider but it wasn't Worth the work I mean the amount of Calories that we burned in terms of Doing all that right and so people don't Appreciate the abundance of and the Variety of foods you have just sitting There in your grocery store like it's an Amazing thing and you know the people Who used to do the farming I mean they Probably like the farming so it was kind Of a bummer for them to stop doing it But the abundance and you know the the Stuff that's just so convenient and People have no idea like I have a little Bit more of an idea than you do like I Can see what it takes to produce all This kind of food right and I'm aware of It and just all the things that we Consume that are grown globally Including supplements and things like This you have food that's coming in from Other countries and things like you know In the offseason in the winter you have You know from these hot places just to
Make sure that you have enough produce And things that just wouldn't exist Without you know modern technology I Mean even green houses and things like That are are tough to use in the winter Unless you're heating them and in the Other things like this maybe providing Extra light you know the the darker days And so you know we have all this stuff That we don't appreciate and it allows Us to have free of time that we misuse Right and so people are getting more and More entitled weaker and less healthy Because of this food system I people Suck right now you see how people are Just you know have nothing better to do Than slam each other in the internet and Just everyone hating each other and just Being frustrated and all the abuse of Power and all like the health care thing Now and the you know that's that's up For everybody but that's always a thing And you know the way that Co was handled And just the division and you know Things just start getting worse even Though things are getting better you Know things are getting easier our Technolog is getting better but Everything's getting worse because People are getting worse and so people Are weak and pathetic and it's not Working the system it's not making us Evolve and we're not going to a higher Level we're not smarter we're stupider
And we're certainly not spiritually Evolved we're selfish and more entitled And so the system itself is bringing us In the wrong direction each each Generation gets worse than the Generation before so there's two you Know questions where's the Hope where's The Hope in there that like you're Hoping to save a system that's making us Worse you're desperately you know trying To figure out a way that the system Could you know uh be made so that it Would be you know uh not insolvent in All these ways that it would be a good System like the things that we like in The system but get rid of all the other [ __ ] that goes with it but the [ __ ] that goes with it is a real System because the system itself is a Debt-based economic system which is you Know demonic it's I mean it's negative It's taking something negative and Calling it wealth calling it you know an IOU a debt you know something that Somebody owes something somebody is Being traded as wealth right and that's Completely [ __ ] and the whole wage Slave I mean just the monetary existence The materialistic existence have no no Real purpose the destruction of the Family and all these things and living Unnatural lives all go with it so you Know where's the Hope in that like You're hoping to save something that we
All know is bad for us and we all see it Like there's so much of it is bad and Wrong and the corruption and the evil And the you know what people do from for So-called wealth now and what they're Willing to do to the environment and Fellow human beings and then the the Anger and the wars and the hatred and The loneliness because people are Disconnected from God and they don't Have love and family in their life they Don't have God's love or love from other People they're selfish and then just the Psychological issues people getting Weaker and weaker unable to function and So this is our system so if you look at The people there's no hope because we're Going in the wrong direction and so the Hope would be liberate us from this System that's taking us in the wrong Direction that's where the hope would Lie right that there's some sort of Divine process that would get rid of This system that we're 100% dependent on So that's terrifying because what are You going to do when the system goes and So like this idea of false hope that A System that is you know it's it's built On a foundation of lies and illusion and You know goes against God's Will and Breaks up all the good things of family And the the tribal aspect and the Natural systems that are there to Support a human life and somehow that
System can be saved and made good and Made into a good system is a Lie the System is doing what exactly what it's Designed to do take people away from What they were designed to do like what We are functioning as a as an animal as A creature As a you know part of the ecosystem has Been you know warped into these these Ungodly and unnatural cities and all These other aspects of the the so So-called civilized world so you know When hope is predicated on your limited Ability to accept reality and that's the Problem that I have as a as a content Creator is at some point I realized this System is completely [ __ ] and and People just absolutely are going in the Wrong direction and are attached to it They're everyone's attached to the you Know certain addictions in the system And the and the way that our lives are That you know they don't want to Confront the truth of things they have To give up and things that are bad for Them and just whatever it is whether it Be Foods or you know self-medication or You know whatever medications and and Addictions and hobbies and you know Entertainment and all these things that We have people just don't want to give Them up all the Comforts and all the Privileges that we have in our in our You our lives and stuff like that people
Are not going to give those up to make a Better world people aren't going to Change people have difficulty changing Don't want to many of them are so locked Up and so deprived of any sort of Prana Any Creative Energy life force that They're just dead inside and so change Isn't an option people aren't Self-reflective they can't confront the Issues in themselves they can see all The [ __ ] around them they can see All the ways that other people suck but Can't look at themselves and and strive To be better and try to Evolve as a person and so like the System is you know just got to go as Painful it is like ripping off a Band-Aid much worse than that right but You know but like that idea of something Like that something painful that has to Happen for things to get better and so That's where the hope lies and the real Hope is connecting to the Divinity Within you which I talk about constantly And very few people can hear that and Are interested in it right but there's Real hope in that because it goes beyond This life you know when you're connected To Divinity within you then you're Connected to the source of your Existence your personal Soul the source Of your your many exist existences as a Human being and you know this life Becomes well just let's not do any more
Damage and get out of here and and come Back when there's you know more Conducive to a spiritual path and our True goal of our our human life right And so there's real hope in that there's Beauty to it right but people can't feel That because no one can really you know There's a big hump to get over where you Like can't imagine living without our Current system and most of us can't like Most of us would fold like a card house Because we just physically can't make The changes we would we don't have the Life Energy you know especially as we Get older to adapt to a new way of being You know most people just don't have the Ability to do that the wherewithal to do All that and so it feels like it's Hopeless because you're limiting your to This life and not being able to come Back in a better situation that isn't You know so demonic and taking you away From your your true path and your true Goal so in that let me go to this Comment because this is what I was Referring to in my end of my last video And so this person writes um you know Shadow band and all that and all that That implies an empty calorie content And this person writes when you Mock and Alienate a good portion of your your Audience for Simply Having a different Difference of opinion what did you Expect take a take a closer look at the
Me and the mirror Paul it's not just YouTube and so you know I can be an [ __ ] right like whatever um that's a Part of my personality and I say kind of Harsh things right and that's you know Well first of all let's come back to That let's go to this person first so This person says I Val ated half the Audience which I assume is trumpers like The person didn't say what half you know Because I'm going to say something at Some point that's going to make you feel But hurt or bother you that you're not Going to agree with and it might be Harsh about it and you might feel like I'm talking directly to you but I'm not Like only in these comments and this is An anonymous person I don't know if this Person's I think this person's a man Just based on the comment but I don't You know male or female I assume they're A Trumper because they gave limited Information right And so they're taking it personally then Why are you still watching if you're so Alienated by what I say then why are you Still watching because you know there's Value in what I say right because I'm Right about so many things pretty much Like I don't remember something that a Major thing that I've ever been wrong About here including Trump and you know Trump showed himself and displayed Himself when he got worked on operation
Warp speed and then what he did in the You know January 6 stuff and all the way He you know the stuff he did with Co and Then how he handled the election and Then all the whining he did for the next Four years but people are like oh Biden Sucks so bad we'll give Trump another Chance whatever it was or the powers That be you know elected him so he could Further go to destroy the the fabric of The nation or whatever you know they ran Out all the stuff when he was president The gender stuff and all these things Which I've talked about but Trump's a Selfish prick and he always has been He's very narcissistic he's very week he Doesn't have true Leadership capabilities but he's good Salesman he's an excellent salesman Particularly selling himself Trump is Great at selling himself which I've Always found ENT entertaining and Humerous but that's not a person that's A good leader right and so me saying That and then all the trumpers you know Getting butt hurt and saying no that was A real assasination at them but if it Happened to Biden you'd be calling it Fake so that you don't have no Credibility as a person You know within yourself and you know You'd be fine I don't care what you Believe but you're constantly trying to Dump your beliefs on me and and
Confronting me and these things and so That's why the comments are you know This is the effect of your comments and Things like this right and so you know I'm telling you the truth which you Can't handle that's basically it whether I do it in a nice way or whether you Feel insulted and that's you know I mean It's kind of like an [ __ ] tax right Like this is the way that I deal with This kind of stuff the internet's tough And it's a brutal place and this is how I deal with it right and it's definitely A liability I could be nicer you know I Could do comment videos where people you Know would do live videos where i' Acknowledge you and you know but I'm not I'm not a social person right and this Idea this this last comment I read in my Last video I just you know I just Finished up that video where the person Talked about how you know people hear my Content that they know you know he plays My content for people in his life and They hear the brothers and sisters and Think this is some sort of a cult right And like you know it's just limitations On people's ability to perceive what Something is and who that person is but I'm not I don't have the potential to be A cult leader because I don't want all These people you know hanging on my Every word and like all that icky stuff You know the the stuff with the masters
Of the Sark system you know the three Legitimate Masters especially the third One and now the fourth one dod you is Trying to create a cult you know people Used to follow charie around all the Time it was like just it was Uncomfortable I mean it's uncomfortable For me like the way people would just You know he had this energy that he Exuded but I just couldn't deal with That like I couldn't you know I I I Couldn't have people like I wouldn't be A good celebrity like I wouldn't want People you know prying into my personal Life and doting all over me and like you Know just having to smile at everybody I Just I don't have that in me right and I You know it's just a like a Co Codependent relationship you know like What I stress is personal responsibility And the great thing about the sjar Meditation you know the gratefulness Meditation that we do is that you can Connect to God through the process of The system which helps and you know Cultivates that relationship but it's up To you to to make that relationship work To put effort into making a relationship With your soul and internally connecting To the Divinity within you it has to be You like it has to be each person each Individual it only works that way like It can't be one person doing it for you Somebody can't die for your sins and you
Know all these things that religion sell To you your responsibility is your Responsible to go inside and connect to The Divinity within you and most people Don't want to hear that or even try to Do it or don't want to hear it never Mind try to do it like they don't want To even make an effort but they can't Even hear those words because it just Represents something that they their Egos don't want right your ego doesn't Want to connect to Divinity within you Because your ego starts to get Diminished once that happens your ego no Longer is control we leave in a very we Live in a very egocentric time and Period right and so you know this person Writing this comment at some point I've Said something that offended this person Right they took it personally and They're claim the person's claiming that That is what killing my audience which I Agree with but if I fake like I was a Christian or I fake like I was a Trumper Then my content would suck and I would Suck right and so you know I could be Less harsh or whatever less mocking but It's kind of what I do you know it's Like you know the the part of me that Just you know has to exist on the Internet it's like a defense mechanism It's you know it's kind of funny it's Funny until it's about you right or Something that you believe in like
People love it until it's something that Hey wait a minute that you've you've Gone too far like it's you know but you Still have Val you find Value you liked It before beforehand right you know There are people who are really nice Friendly people that are great with People great socially and I'm none of Those things like that's not going to be What I ever was good at right you know When I weighed tables I you know I Interacted with the people sometimes I'd Crack a joke or whatever you know if the People so it's usually it depended on The customers and if I was able to sort Of feel comfortable or you know they Involved me in some way but mostly I was A good technical waiter I made sure I Got food there on time I made sure that You know I understood the flow of the Table like you know they where they were There to have a long you know uh like Gathering or they you know whether they Were on in a rush or whatever it was Right and I'd ask them and communicate Like you want this you know you want This food to come out fast you you know You know whatever it is are you guys in A rush or you know whatever it might be Or I just assess it and so the social Aspect was not something I'm good at I'm Not somebody who would be you know know Like a greeter somebody that would a Concierge or these kind of things
Somebody who's good at um you know Connecting with people and networking And things I suck at it in fact I'm That's one of the things I'm worse at Right you know what I deliver is good Quality in-depth you know internalized Content that has you know lots of um you Know I mean that's what I think this is If it isn't that then there's nothing You know like it isn't because I'm such A great person and fun to be around like I mean guess I am fun to be around for You know The certain people that you know I mean Like my wife and certain other people Many of you who you know get me but it's Not the majority of people so that's you Know I'm aware of that but even within That there's lots of [ __ ] out there That have an audience right like you Know I'm not the only one like I'm the One you know like there's lots of people Who in fact being an [ __ ] is Something that lots of people like There's people who you know they standup Comedians are they're all a little bit They all have a little bit of an [ __ ] Inside of them you know all these things Since so you know in that stuff there's Value to what I do which is I tell People the truth regardless I'm not Pandering to your beliefs and this Person wants me to Pander to the beliefs Of these people and I'd be lying to you
I'd be lying to you if I told you that Trump is going to make America great Again and that you haven't been duped by This guy based in your your hopium Because that's what you know that's the Truth of the thing right that the real Hope is connecting to the Divinity Within you and and almost you know very Small percentage of the people can even Hear that and even less can even do Anything about it and you know that Doesn't bode well for America or the World and we'll see what happens if that Changes because if that's the solution Right now people are not willing to Accept it all right let's get into the Other things Here okay um so let's get going here With the rest of the video so um I Um I forgot something yesterday I was Talking about that um Duke lacrosse Thing and that woman who claimed she got Raped by the four lacrosse players now Saying that didn't happen so I had more Information like I watched another video And I was just going to talk about it And I got busy doing things and I Couldn't remember what it is I was Supposed to talk about but of course I Remember today this was a follow-up to My video of you know yesterday two days Ago today Saturday December 14th the day I released that video so whatever this Video is going up Sunday or Monday M but
Anyways she's in jail now so she's found God she's a Christian but she got Arrested multiple times she has mental Problems like she's mentally ill the guy Who was in charge of the case the District attorney the prosecuting Attorney was disbarred because he Blocked evidence saying that you know I Guess she had like lots of DNA and none Of it was the guys which I think I Covered in the other video but you know She was somebody with mental issues Obvious mental issues Made up this extravagant story and was Very graphic and this guy went on every Talk show this prosecuting attorney I Mean just like a a complete horrible Person I mean her situation is the Mental illness right like she's and now She's in jail like she had multiple Runnings with the law after this and she Was a stripper SL probably prostitute And so you know an absolute mess right Um but now you know those kids sued the The university I mean that whole thing That happened there and like just an Absolute like debacle of a a situation The other thing is I just telling my Wife this the last three days one of our Hens she has a she's making a sound that Sounds very much like my name Paul and I Couldn't figure out what it was coming From like so I was like who's calling my Name no one was home I was like the only
Person home I was outside and it's like You know someone's calling my Name and so I'll try to get that on tape If I get it opportunity but let's get Into the UFO stuff here it is I wrote a Post on this yesterday but it's time for The New Jersey drones red with some of The evidence I've been collecting from Afar if you want to know what's going on Start here so there's one of the drones That looks very um almost like a face on That thing you know uh it's a it looks Like one of those military ones that Have missiles and [ __ ] on it and so um There's this some pictures here some Images of these things And Um let's see that's when MSNBC news so These are some of the original videos Here yeah that's the clest one we've Gotten so far that's not an airplane the Trees blocking oh bro oh my gosh look at That they're four they're fourway Rectangular oh oh it's got blurry damn It you can tell that's not an airplane Like it's a silly that's what some of Those guys were saying this another one Very similar to it right and so You know someone on Fox News I turned That on this morning there's this one Here that's what this one looks like Um it's not very doesn't get to be Better Bigger um you know they were saying on
Fox news that this is probably some Military exercise like I said and They're doing this and then they'll stop Doing it and they'll just disappear and And the story will just go away which is Kind of [ __ ] to right cuz they're you Know like it's just the lack of Transparency which I've talked about Before there other videos here you know Part of my job now is how long it takes A story to go viral and what's the Staying power of the story is it worth Me bothering to learn about and cover For a couple of days only to have it Just be something people have forgotten About a week later right which is almost Everything as pixel 11 cameras captured Two drones buzzing past the verzano Bridge the Biden Administration aiming To calm the growing hysteria surrounding The Tri-State mystery we uh believe that There are cases of mistaken identity Where drones are actually small aircraft And people are misidentifying them stop [ __ ] lying just like it's just silly We know that's not the the whole case Right they're very well maybe drones in The sky of course but those are Commercially available Governor Phil Murphy demanding more Federal resources Amid few answers an estimate ated 3,000 Sightings over the last month mostly Concentrated in New Jersey some spotters Believe the unidentified aircraft are
The size of cars that had lights all Around it almost like the classic UFO That you would see online however the Homeland security secretary believes People's eyes are deceiving them Reiterating there's no foreign or National security threat but that taking Action is complicated it's not as though Anyone can just take down a drone in the Sky that in and of itself would be Dangerous Uh you have the authority to shoot down Our authorities are very limited the Nighttime phenomenon mostly happening in Suburban areas though pitini Arsenal and A Navy weapon station in Colt Neck New Jersey confirmed drones had entered Their airspace Glen naio is a retired Special Forces pilot all right so yeah We know the story here um but for them To keep on lying about this [ __ ] Right so this is from The Today Show This morning I believe we want to turn Out of that growing mystery in the skies Near nightly sightings of mysterious Drones and they appear to be spreading First spotted in New Jersey now in New York Delaware Maryland and elsewhere NBC Sam Brock is in mendum New Jersey this Morning with more Sam good morning Morning Sam so you know if it was just Um mistaken identity it wouldn't be be Covered in the news just silly right Like this is where you know at some
Point you're just a piece of [ __ ] like It's just it's not a valid lie you come Up with a better story than That yeah Peter good morning some of the Words that we're hearing frequently from Lawmakers right now outrageous Unacceptable at the status quo at the Moment of basically wait and see as Peter the state of New Jersey just saw About 80 reported suspected drone Sightings in a single night now about Half of the you know the thing about it Is that if you trusted your government And you trusted people you would just Say all right we trust our government They're taking care of this they you Know they we don't need to have any more Information so but when public officials Other politicians and now to some extent Even the media are saying this is [ __ ] and we need you need to tell us What this going on that tells you Everything you know you need to know About the system nobody trusts the [ __ ] government or the system or any Of these other things counties in this State there are 21 total so at least 10 Have reported dozens of drone sightings You look at that heat map right there Just from Monmouth County New Jersey as You mentioned this has been expanding All across the Northeast the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have Waited and said they've reviewed imagery
Peter and from that imagery have Determined quote that many of the Reported sightings are manned aircrafts Now the FBI has said to the public there Is no National Security risk here so What does that mean manned aircrafts What are you talking about what do you Mean by manned aircraft like as there's People in these things like so that that Makes it better you know like that these What you think these are private little Planes and [ __ ] just flying around like You know like it's just not that at all But we can't exactly explain what is Going on and the mayor of bellw New Jersey Belleville New Jersey excuse me Said that explanation is Lacking when you have our governor you Know going out on social media saying we Don't know what it is uh but we don't Think it's a credible threat you can't Have it both ways they are looking for Something I want to know what they're Looking For all right you know so this is Again in a week then we'll be talking About this or whatever unless some Something interesting happens like if It's just this this can only last Another day or so there has to be Something bigger something more you know Nefarious I mean now people are seeing Them all over the place right you can Also see if there's an uptick in
Military presence like I've noticed this You know when my wife had been traveling And I have been traveling we saw a lot Of like um Humvees on the back of uh you Know trucks like multiple trucks one Time had military vehicles being shipped Around we saw that there was these big Cement it looked like almost like bomb Shelters they looked like they were the Walls were four in thick and we saw a Number of them on flatbed trucks and I Was like well what are they doing with Those right they look like almost like Temporary shelter but you know it's Temporary with 4 inch thick walls one of Them was a big building that was like a Singular building with doors on the back Of it I mean these things were just Going down the highway and trucks and Things like that but if you see if like There's a lot of um military equipment Being moved around you see that on the Highway you know more activity at these Military bases and airports I mean There's you know they're preparing for Something which would be you know World War II so my last video when I covered This Luigi thing it's now becoming more About the coverage of the news medium And like there's just you know has his Mom ratted him out right so I told you In the last video that his mom um was s Reported a missing person's report and Then she um was contacted by the FBI and
They said showed a picture of him you Know I guess with the mask on and she Said oh that could be him which means he That he could have been the shooter Which what kind of mom would say that Especially like an Italian mom you know Like they they should they're all Trained to like say um you know oh my Son was that's not I but anyways um lots of like just weird Stuff going on now I'm going to show you A couple things so first of all this is Um from the Today's Show and that what That's what may have put him on this Path the why of this horrific Ambush Fueling a larger conversation around a Flawed Health Care System Senator Elizabeth Warren making headlines with These remarks on Wednesday violence is Never the answer but you can is never The answer push people so far okay so She's saying you can only push people so Far but violence is never the answer What the [ __ ] are you talking about [ __ ] Right so that $2 trillion dollar we Spend on defense department and all the The military industrial complex that's All violence that's that's things that Are going to create violence all the Economic manipulation all the video Games that you guys allow to be played Out there with violent uh intentions all The the violence people see um not just
On video games but TV and movies the Violence that's in sports you know Violence I mean they're talking about in Sports in football they're talking about How the more physical team always wins Right the team has to be physical we Have to be you we have to fight harder You know the the MMA and and and boxing You know wrestling and all these things Are violent Sports I mean there's so Much violence in our culture right And violence is often time the answer And if it isn't then stop spending money On weapons let's let's spend our money On other things that would prevent Violence like better diet and you know Just like overall better living Conditions and whatever it is for so Many people instead of dumping $2 Trillion dollar of of taxpayer money Into into the army the military and Military-industrial complex every year Right and all the wars that we've Engaged in was violence the answer when We destroyed Gaddafi and we did the wars In Iraq and these other Wars and the Rest of these things well did you vote For the Ukrainian war was that the Answer then when you gave the Ukrainian People money and weapons so they could Fight the Russians right was that was Violence the answer then right so what Are you talking about right [ __ ] are you Talking about we are one of the most
Violent uh cultures and the the history Of humanity and then they start to take Matters into her own Thompson's boss the CEO of United I mean she's trying to Throw that out there and then she says Yeah violence is the answer because you Know the fact is this is what happened Health Group also speaking out Acknowledging in an op-ed the health System does not work as well as it Should and so you know we we already saw This yesterday I covered this but Violence caused him to say this and in The outrage you know the people are Thinking this guy's a hero right he's a CEO killer they thought that was like a Derogatory term term but it turns out That people dig that term he's like some Sort of superhero so this is when They're scraping Rock Bottom they roll Out Gupta this morning back pain is no Justification for murder but it it just Is it I mean if you're going to murder People back pain is in a legitimate Reason you're not going to get off with Back pain it's not like you know you're Going to you're going to be U declared Insane or something I mean it's only Back pain you know it's not I mean maybe You could slap somebody because of back Pain but not murder One piece of information swirling around The background of Luigi mangion The Man Behind Bars accused of killing
Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson mangion Claimed in handwritten notes he was Suffering from a back injury cn's chief Medical correspondent Dr sanj Gupta has Some of the details in what of course he Does talking About so the condition that we're Talking about here is something known as Spondo Le thesis big are we really doing This are we really doing this scop Word basically means that two of the Bones in the spine are sort of slipping Uh a little bit one on top of the other Let me show you on this model of the Spine I don't know how well you can see That but this is the neck area up here The thoracic spine over here that's Behind your chest and then this is the Lower back or lumbar spine there's five Bones here and this is the fifth bone in The lumbar spine okay your whatever they Call this Banner thing at the bottom is Blocking the view Gupta you guys got to Get your [ __ ] together over there and See it then because it's pointless the Point of something we can't see and this Is your tailbone and it's in this Tailbone connected to the leg bone area That we're sort of talking about where The bone appears to have slipped forward A little bit so instead of being nicely Curved in this area this bone is sort of Slipped forward and that's Spondylothesis that can cause back pain
That can even cause leg pain if some of The nerves in the area are pinched so That that is a sort of condition that We're talking about back pain in and of Itself is pretty common I mean you know A lot of us have back pain it just back Pain 60 million people or so have Episodes of back pain in the United States alone there's billions of dollars In costs associated with back pain both In terms of the treatment operations but Also all the DAT money that insurance Companies are ping off people days off Of work that are lost as a result of Back pain sometimes an operation can be Helpful so take a look at this X-ray and Again the caveat I just want to be Really clear on this we're still Reporting still G Gathering details uh But this may be the the X-ray uh that We're talking about couple of things Here those screws don't look like They're put in appropriately like if That was a house you would say that Somebody messed up the job and you can See in the area that I was just pointing Out all these screws you see two screws That are in that L5 bone and you see two Screws that are in the sacrum see this Screw look like it's coming through the Bone and that's coming into fleshy Tissue maybe nerves even like it's too Long like the other ones look like They're still within the bone area that
Looks like it's come through the bone The one on the bottom these other ones Are you know the one on the bottom is Coming through the bone that could be Hidden Nerve those are the ones that are lower Down so again get that x-ray in your Mind now again look at the spine model There's screws that are going into this Bone here and screws that are going into This bone here Um we don't know much more than that we Don't know how effective the operation Was we're only having that one lateral That one side projection of the spine so We can't even tell how well those screws Have really been placed although there's Some some concern about that but that is As much as we can tell right now spond Athesis associated with back pain equals Murder way to break it gupa that was Just Extraordinary okay so this is A u movie called John Q which I saw and One of my viewers sent me this on Instagam found a better clip on YouTube I'm not going to show you the whole clip Because of copywriting issues but the Title of this clip is John q410 movie Clip hypocritical oath 2002 and there's various other names um For this video this video clip's been Put up over and over again people are Saying this is predictive programming or
Whatever it is like I said I saw the Movie I kind of remember it whatever it Is Denzel Washington's son is sick or Has died and he's gone into this Hospital with weapons and he's holding These people hostage until his son Either gets treatment or whatever is Happening there and so um like kind of Like I said I saw the movie I don't Remember very much about it but this Exchange happened you know what I don't Understand is why they never found at The doctors my son has had clean Checkups every year since the day he was Born Look you got an HMO right yeah well There's your is it is it United Health I Mean hmos pay their doctors not to test That's their way of keeping cost down All right let's say Mike did need Additional testing and insurance says They won't cover them the doctor keeps His mouth shut and come Christmas the HMO sends the doctor a fat ass bonus Check so you know this is um again it's A for-profit system now if you want to Bring awareness and attention and create Outrage age which again is to me not a Goal because it's not going to change Anything but that's happened this guy by You know whatever the story is fake real Whatever you know stage whatever it is Organic whatever you want to you know Whatever people think that the actual
Story is we know that the effects has Caused outrage towards the medical System insurance company the CEO had to The other CEO the the one that was in The holding company had to do damage Control right we saw all these things my Last couple of videos It's because this Is for-profit medicine and you can't Change it no matter what you do they're Not going to change their they're not Going to become uh you know some sort of Altruistic organization they want to Make a profit you know and they're Unnecessary they're burdened on the Health Care System they're a parasite a Gatekeeper on the Health Care system Like I said in the beginning and so They're not going to give up the money They're not going to change that so you Know the whole thing is like it just It's it's like a you just a non-starter It's not going to happen right but here It is the clip there's the rest of the Clip there's more to it you know they're Getting into it but it's basically Everything that we know about the Insurance companies and the system Because it's been going on for quite Some time and they got a good scam it's A legal scam and they got the you know Trillions or billions of customers in America alone right worldwide and so When you have over you know a billion Customers um
Than uh you know whatever the amount 300 Million in America billions are Worldwide wherever so when you have that Many customers potential customers and You know people will pay anything to if They're dying or they're you know Suffering and so it's a good racket for Them and they're not giving that racket Up Okay remember this doctor guy I forget His name don't care don't tell me don't Need to know Um he got into it kind of with RFK Jr And he went on The Joe Rogan show about Vaccines right and so let's listen to This first part here here's the reason Why we need to care about this stuff Nicole is that we have some big picture Stuff coming down the pikes starting on January 21st uh Mr Bloomberg mentioned H5n1 that I'm really worried about it's All over uh wild uh Birds uh on the Western part of the it's all over the Wild birds the wild birds is th it's It's all over them they got H115 W all Over the like you pick up a wild bird And you can just like peel all the peel It off the bird it's like all over them United States and going up in the north It's getting into the poultry it's Getting into the poultry I mean next Thing you know it's into the bats and Then we got a problem Sporadic human cases no human to human
Transmission yet but that could happen It's in the cattle it's in the milk and That's just the beginning we have Another major Corona virus likely Brewing uh in Asia we've had another one Another One another one there's going to be Another pandemic sure that we're ready Uh because there will be another Pandemic another one another one another One for the next pandemic which will Happen at SARS in 2002 SARS 2 covid-19 In 2019 and we know these viruses are Jumping from bats to people thousand Bats to people it's again the Pengalin What about the pangalan of times a year But that's there's still more they we Know uh that we have a big problem with Mosquito transmitted viruses all along The Gulf Coast where I am here in Texas We're expecting Deni and uh Pro possibly Zika virus coming back or a pucha okay So Danga virus my son had one version There's four got it in India lots of People who do the not lots of people but A few people that do the meditation went To India and got dang fever my son had It and sucked I mean he was one point he Was flopping around and having a seizure Because the problem with d viruses most Of these things your body gets up to a Certain temperature and it kills it Right your your temperature increases And then the virus can't live at certain
Temperatures and dang virus survives up To like 105 106 where you're when you Get that hot you know your blood Platelets are an issue and you know they Don't have really anything to to to get Rid of it like there there's no cure for It and usually you survive the first one But there's four different ones and you Can get the other ones and it's through Mosquito transmission it's one of those Ones that you know rare animal Transmission virus you eat um like the What he was doing was eating The papaya leaf leaves that tasted Horrible um and then just you know and Then you just you just T it until you Don't have it anymore if you get like Again it's you're more susceptible so That's a an issue right but there's no Cure for it so it has nothing to do with The medical system you know you just um Like you get it and your body gets hot And your body kills it and you know if You and this there's issues with your Blood platelets but nothing that the you Know the pharmaceutical companies are Going to deal with because they already It's been around forever right it's not Going to be affected by RFK Jr um like That's something he's just throwing out There to be scared of right like he's He's counting on the ignorance of the People virus maybe even yellow fever and There's more than we have all this sharp
Rise in vaccine preventable diseases Going up because of in part the Antivaccine activism that's so prominent Right now we have a five-fold rise in Protestas cases whooping cough over the Last year 15 measles oper this year We've got polio that's been in the Wastewater in in New York state all That's going to come crashing down on January 21st on on the Trump Administration we need a really really Good team to be able to handle this okay So um this guy's a shill h his name last Name begins with H or something and so What happened was this was RFK Jr's Story and since this guy ran away and Hid we don't know what his story was About it he said he didn't want to Debate RFK Jr because because RFK Jr was A lawyer but RFK Jr said he had all the Scientific data and could cite these Various studies for his positions on These things right and so he said he was Willing to debate fouchy and both these Guys have connections to Big Pharma this Guy Peter Hoffs Peter whatever his name Is and fouchy and fouchy said well he's Not the debater this guy is so he Referred RFK Jr to this guy and this guy Refused to debate him so Joe Rogan and I Think Elon Musk and other people kicked In money and say they give him like a Million dollars to debate or something You know the money kept on growing to
Debate RFK Jr on this stuff and he Wouldn't do it right and RFK Jr said Nobody would debate him because he Talked to these guys in conversations And he cited these studies and they had Nothing to say about and these guys Wouldn't talk about it like they would Just you know use fear and this kind of Stuff like just sight a bunch of you Know fear Type of uh potential disastrous diseases And [ __ ] and so again like there's Always alternatives to alpath medicine And and not that RFK Jr is pitching any Of those things but there are and people Can make their own decisions and choices About those things but RFK Jr said he Isn't antix he's just wants the studying To be you know more in depth and the Studies that would were uh you know that That weren't done on whatever operation Warp speed thing which is a trump thing And you know ironically but anyways you Know this guy with his bow tie like he's Coming in here just hitting the panic Button but the thing about this with Trump anything that happens you know if Ark Jr gets passed through which would Be you know very high very sus it would It would be cause of a lot of Suspicion Because why would they pass him through If big farma let him through right it Would be only because they want to blame Him for something I mean that I would
Assume that that would be the you know What would end up happening and this is They're giving Trump everything he wants It looks like like a lot of these people Are going to pass through who are Controversial picks because all these Other things are going on all these Other distractions and we'll see how it All ends up right but if they give Trump Everything that he wants and he's got a Republican Senate and he's got um a Republican house and he got a supreme Court that backs him and he can do Whatever Trump [ __ ] he can do for the Next you know four years I would assume They're doing that so they could totally Blame the collapse on them right because These things are coming like World War II is brewing they were talking about Releasing another biological weapon here I mean they're insinuating that could Happen and if there is one like it's Definitely a depopulation i there's Going to be a depopulation event some Point in the future and and somebody's Going to be blamed for it and it's Probably going to be Trump and his People Anyways John fedman has become the first Democratic US senator to join truth Social that's president- elect Trump's Social media site in his first post Fedman calls for a pardon for Trump Writing quote weaponizing the Judiciary
For blatant partisan gain diminishes the Collective faith in our institutions and SWS further division last week okay so He didn't write that Because you could never hear a sentence Like that ever ever come out of Federer's mouth but this is what happens When you have this kind of you know Damage to somebody's um whatever Happened for him with his stroke he's Erratic like and you know he's him and Trump completely agreed on Israel and a Few other things he's far right on Israel and now the Democrats they got a Nightmare here because he's a Democratic Senator and he's likely to vote with the Republicans some of these things the Fact that he joined through social he's Calling for Trump to be pardoned we'll Go to there we go to the actual video of That with Federman like you know who was Mocked by Republicans now they're going To start loving him and then he's seems To be open to voting for Trump's picks Which the Democrats are you know not Wanting to have happen then they got Another two years of this guy so this is Kind of hilarious because you know he's Um he's backfiring right The Federman Backfire here he's being interviewed by This guy it's kind of kind of a a comedy Uh gold here what about some of the Other controversial Trump picks like
Cash Patel or RFK Jr do do any of those Give you pause at this point he's Looking at his phone like he's gotta This guy's talking to him but he's got To look at his phone to figure out what The guy's Saying all I am saying is that Democrats Or other people can freak out over Anyone that was nominated and I am not That guy and he's not that guy he's not The guy who freaks out open to have a Conversation for whoever um that's I Mean especially really important ones Like yesterday I met with uh you know Some of them are just like piece of [ __ ] Positions but some of them are really Important representative stepanick and I Was going to vote for her and Rubio Another people you know there are people That we may agree on a lot things or Disagree on other things but if these People are going to hold these kinds of Offices and we are in the business of Working and getting along with people That disagree with some of the things we Have and we try to find the things that We can possibly agree on uh for the best Possible outcomes they're I'm going to Do that this just a kind of that's a Kind of Senator I am I represent Pennsylvania and to point out Donald Trump carry Pennsylvania and he's going To going to be the next president so It's all part of the conversation it's
All part of it he he won Pennsylvania And I'm from Pennsylvania I think I Voted for I'm not sure that's why I have Decided to engage with people that are Going to be incredibly important parts Of the new Administration and just very Quickly uh some folks on the left may Say that by doing that you're giving Them a veneer of bipartisanship and you Guys should be drawing better sharper Contrasts with Trump what do you say to That what do you say to that what do you Say to that fedman Again I they're entitled to their Opinions uh but to me I don't know why It's it's uh controversial to have a Dialogue with the people that are going To part of the next Administration Senator John but but yeah and those Individuals can can you know vent or Rant on on on Twitter uh but I'm here to Have but I'm not listening to I'm a true Social now like I've and I think I'm just doing my job And you're doing it so [ __ ] well so This is where I really originally heard Of this this is uh the Nightly News News Night with Abby Phillips on CNN John and I competed against each other in 2018 And we've been friends for Federman Joins true social calls for pardon of Trump guess what almost seven years now Uh I think it really boils down to Common Sense and moral Clarity since
October 7th he's been a voice of moral Clarity on supporting the US Israel Relationship and combating anti-Semitism It's just common sense not only he Represents the biggest swing state in The nation Donald Trump just carried That state John knows Pennsylvania Really really well John John knows he's A he's a he's a binser Viner whatever It's called Piner I've already forgot I just Mentioned it Yesterday I competed against him job He's a yenser um he knows the state he Knows the voters and I think I would Disagree with him hard by the way that The Eagles are going to win this week Not the Steelers but I think uh he's Showing what the it's a battle of Pennsylvania and you know we we have our Disagreements about like football and [ __ ] like that to be uh and Scott knows This very well from your time working With Mitch McConnell like before Harry Reid blew up the filibuster the Senate Was designed to be a place these two Guys are Republicans where people came Together and solve big problems and Maybe not sure that was the beginning of The sen problems I think I no I I I Think hey first of all he's one of the Greatest Senate leaders we' ever had but I great Republicans agree we'll take it Uh but but what one of the things will
Say is that he's part of the he's part Of the democratic Coalition and one of The things that drives me nuts is when You have these purists uh who want to be Democrats and simply say that this Person is canceled because of X Y and Z See they've had two Republicans here and They're giving Federman a pass which Means that they are you know I saw this Other thing I don't know if it's on CNN Or MSNBC where they were grading Trump's Transition and they were giving him like A minus and B+ I mean liberal people And they said he he's done so much Better this time than the first time Because he's now more of a seasoned Politician and so if they're green Lighting Trump and they're passing these Guys through and there's Little Resistance and there's all these other Distractions going on in the Media well at some point they're going To turn on him right so they're giving Him enough rope to hang himself and then Things are going to go south I mean We'll see how it plays out but things Are like falling apart and Trump's Coming in and doing his whatever and There's things that even if he had the Potential to save things and he was Actually had good ideas which he doesn't The things that he was trying to save Can't be saved or fixed right and so
When they go south Trump's going to own All of this stuff right he's going to Own the collap you know everything that Americans are going to be freaking out About in 3 months or six months or a Year from now and you know all the Things that are unfolding they're all on Trump right they're 100% on Trump and They Republicans wish more Democrats had the Fight of John because at least he Understands media he understands Platforms and we're not going to agree On everything yeah he's just a brilliant Guy he's a master like he's a master CH Player John fed but that's that's really Not what it should be right but but the Purity test that we have in the Democratic party former Democratic South Carolina state representative right Barakai sers these just a a state Politician you know CNN now is using him As an expert John fedman is the Antithesis to that and I think that I Think that he actually is helping the Brand out and I don't mind him no I mean Look I don't think he should vote for Pete esketh but I don't mind him meeting I mean that's that's a part of advice And consent and before you get to that Point before you get to an answer you Should actually I'm opining from my seat Here in New York he's a member of the United States Senate he should meet with
Him and so I don't have any issues with That he also had um some a note to his Colleagues which is to say don't freak Out about everything that Donald Trump Does and that also might be good advice Yeah yeah it's kind of great advice cuz You guys have been freaking out for for Like you know eight years now I I think It's important to have priorities and to Care about the freak out is what makes It entertaining though like you're not Giving me what I need you're not you're Not your freak out is the whole the best Part of the Trump presidency is you're Freaking out right and like you know how Am I going to I mean what am I getting Out of you guys being calm you know what Policy decisions Trump is making or Trump Trump's appoint she's an she's an Economist commentator these are these You know these experts economics Commentator she comments on economics Well don't we all like who doesn't Comment on economics eventual appointees Are making that have actual impacts on People and not to get all bent out of Sorts about every truth social post or Or what you mean Bart I've admired him very I didn't Expect much out of him honestly uh but His stance particularly on Israel he Withstands he Israel these guys's in Israel he sucks on Israel he's the worst A lot of pressure on that and he has
Been absolutely a rock and full of moral Clarity on why definitely Iraq is what You would describe his intellectual Capacity stand with Israel I've admired It very much the way the Republicans Slather all over Israel it's just like Icky it's embarrassing but either way That you know see CN and MSNBC are Giving Trump the green light here okay So this has been sitting up on my Toolbar for about a week I haven't Gotten to it most you guys have heard About this this is the Jay-Z py thing All right did you hear about this rapper In music mobile Jay-Z what rapper what What are you talking about who is this Person this is Fox news's audience like Fox news's audience they have to say This is there's this guy named Jay-Z Like people that's all old and Like Jay-Z is like a you know should be In his retirement years as a rapper I Mean he is in his retirement years and So like he's um you know but these People at Fox News are even older than That is now being accused of raping a 13-year-old girl with Shawn Diddy comes During an MTV sha Diddy comes VMA Afterparty in the year 2000 the rapper Issued a blistering statement in Response and directed his comments at Attorney Tony Busby who filed it's on a It's on X on Rock Nation suit saying Quote you've made a terrible error in
Judgment thinking that all celebrities Are the same I'm not from your world I'm A young man who made it out of the Project of Brooklyn we don't play these Types of games the problem was this this We don't play the type of games he is One of the biggest person that put out These Illuminati type symbols of course He had this diamond he used to put in Front of his eye you know these things And things that these lyrics about Freemasons and things that he said and All these other things that he did over The years and then the stuff with Beyonce was like probably even worse you All this symbolism they purposely put in Their videos and you Know he's the new Jeffrey Epstein um ped Comes is and so anybody associated with Him is Guilty By Association to the you Know the majority of people and they had A you know firm relationship so he was U Like you know whatever their their Relationship has gone now back then they They were you they were you know part of The same crew or whatever it is and so You know there's no way to know and this Thing looks like it's not going to have Any teeth this case we have very strict Codes and honor we protect children you Seem to exploit people for personal gain I look forward to showing you just how Different I ammin you know the the stuff With Jay-Z I have a bunch of pictures we
Should put those up and U go through Them I have stuff with him and Beyonce All the kind of weird stuff that they Did and you know they don't protect Children because of the lyrics and the You know the whole I mean whatever was Going on with the rap music back then And now and whatever this stuff is not Good for kids it's not pointing them in The right direction and so this is a Very strong denial and it doesn't look Like this I mean let's go watch's the Rest of this here fense attorney Lexi Rigden joins me now Lexi good morning to You what a development here so another Thing J uh said in his statement is that This was a civil suit filed against him And he said these allegations are so Hatus in nature that I implore you to File a criminal complaint not a civil One essentially saying if I really did These things treat me the way I should Be treated so how should we be thinking About all of this what do you Think well that's that's some denial From him and you know sometimes Celebrities have pretty muted denials Like you know I'm not going to comment Now or I direct all questions to my Lawyers I actually admire the strength Of the denial exactly when celebrities Come out with a strong denial it's so Much better than when they do a [ __ ] Lawyer based denial like this something
He wrote himself or you know it didn't Go through a publicist or the attorney The things that he was saying but it Means nothing because there's no real Evidence this is like a like an ancient Case um you know I think that there is No at this point there's no objective Indicaa of reliability to this complaint Now obviously things are going to play Out and we're going to end up learning More but if you look at it on on its Face it's a 24 year-old complaint very Significantly he was not named in the First in the lawsuit in the first Instance when it was filed the girl was Allegedly 13 at the time it happened and In the complaint it says that she had Been given something and she was quote Unquote woozy and so yeah so there's no Like she's this he said she said kind of Thing it's so old and there's no Evidence that you know this thing's Going to die um but you know in terms of Guilt by association you know he's he Was Pals with JayZ he was hanging with The guy he was influenced I don't know What their relationship was Business-wise but there was you know They were the New York rers right the There was like the the California the LA Rappers and the New York rappers right East Coast West Coast beef okay so this Was the old Tyra Bank show and let me Start off here I want to go through some
Of the Jay-Z uh Beyonce Illuminati stuff Right Um and then in your new song too what is Like he's like me and my boo but he Doesn't say boo and you do that is that A sign for your name or something what Is that that's that's the Rockefeller Sign oh look at me I'm so it's okay oh My God I'm like so not hip right now Like what's that Be I'm sorry I JayZ I'm sorry yo what's Up Jay he's gonna be happy to you know So usually they would put that through You know there would be you would see The eye through that right let me show You a couple of pictures of that okay so There's you know there clearly a pyramid With the Illuminati eye coming through Through it right the capsu on the Pyramid which represents money right the Dollar bill and um you know he said it Was a diamond which okay but at some Point everyone was calling it Illuminati Like it was just there and they kept on Doing weird [ __ ] they kept on flashing This symbol it became a big thing all These celebrities doing it right um Beyonce was doing it and you know it Became something where everyone was Saying it was Illuminati and he had to Address that and really didn't you know And so and they kept on doing lots of [ __ ] like this right and I'll show you More pictures with Beyonce because I
Covered her more and so there's a Purpose to this like they have branding And they have you know everything that They do is Um you know goes through publicists and There's a you do this in a way that You're stimulating your your audience And there's uh there him with Warren Buffett here's Warren Buffett doing it Right um and so you're you're doing this For a reason like you when you create Symbols you create these Illuminati Stuff here um there's the ey there and In this weird video they put out there's A bunch of weird videos this is a video They did together and this had a lot of Creepy stuff demonic stuff satanic stuff And so that is you know intentional like You just don't do that accidentally Right it's something that's there for You to you know that you're that you've You've figured out a a plan like a Business plan that involves this symbol Like this is the symbol for your your Business your Rockefeller business of Course Rockefeller the Rockefeller Family the 30 Rock You Know Rockefeller Pla all these things there's a Association with all that Rockefeller Created the UN I mean all these um all That aspect of these things right and so Um let me go to this other thing here You know there's long been an Association between rock music and now
Rap music and devil worship right and The your demonic stuff and these types Of things you see there's a sort of Pseudo freemasonic floor here and Beyonce and J come out and they bathe The stage in red which is you know often Happens right the color red represents So many different things Symbolically of course blood sacrifice And the rest of those things right and So she comes out this kind of the famous Moments coming up here and um this is a This is a song called Holy Grail and Jay-Z comes out and wraps and she comes Up here and gets all vampirish with them Right where he pushes her her away and She's like watch his face here he's like What are you doing and then he's like Are okay like he's looking at her like She's going full demon and then she Starts swearing her head around like a Demon here and going Nuts and Um so there was that and there was you Know the time that Kanye said I know you Got Killers bro don't send to B my head Remember I'm not going to show you that And so let me show you all the different Beyonce Pictures okay so um we'll get into this As we go through it so Beyonce who came Out at this god goddess I forget her Name I think it was just there in that Last one there's an African goddess she
Came out as but it also was a time where Isis was coming to big things she was Pregnant and you know when you do this Type of interpretive dance and there's Themes and um you know Isis was a big Thing and the Goddess Isis and you know That has everything to do with um a lot Of the you know sort of the Egyptian Aspect of the the you know the pyramid And the you know Capstone and all those Symbols that have a connection to Egypt And Freemason free Freemasonry in our in Our like you know our governmental Buildings and our currencies and all These things right and she did this Performance at the grammy like I you Know I kind of just remember a little Bit about this and the Statue of Liberty Is connected to the as Isis and she's She's inverted here she's falling Backwards and there's like here she goes Inverted and this was all um you know Part of a staged plan like there's they Just don't Wing things and say are dress Up like this goddis um and then there's Of course I don't have as much Jay-Z Stuff here because it's mostly Beyonce You're about to be Illuminated and this is um her lemonade Album it was loaded with this type of Stuff right Crown of Thorns there and so You know you're embracing this occultism The you know Egyptian stuff and then Lying about it right and so if the
Rockefeller thing was really a diamond Then there wouldn't be all this other Illuminati stuff and all this occult Stuff and all this crap you know it's Been going on for years in rock music And stuff with badana and these other All these women were embracing this Right and so um you know when things go South and there's reports of like Demonic like Behavior then there's like Less credibility to your denials there's Almost no credibility because you've Embraced this other stuff and whatever Reason you're doing it let's say you're Just playing and you're just want to Create interest and you know the Illuminati stuff was big and music Videos and things and you know I'm sure It still is to whatever extent demonic Stuff was big you know in the 90s and The 2000s I mean the early 2000s when All this stuff was coming out the 20 all The way through 20105 and you know they push this stuff Out there right um me myself and I you Know there's these you know they're just The and she's really not like smart Beyonce like if you hear her talk she's Not she can't really Conceptualize in an abstract way so She's being handled in some kind of way And she was the number one saw artist at This time and all the things that she Did and it was a lot of stuff was to
Degrade women to degrade you know same Stuff like we saw with cardi B and push Out these kind of um you know this kind Of uh degradation and Illuminati Fascination was a big part of that and So you know when you hear something with Jay-Z there she is doing the the double Sixes we hear this stuff with Jay-Z and The you know the accusations well it's More believable because of this because You've embraced the the dark side right You've gone you know to the Demonic side Of things and then of course there's a Religion she had and like people were Worshiping her remember how mad people Got when when Britney called herself Queen bee right and then she had this um Of course the Rockefeller sign thing There um she had this um there's one of The Rockefellers looking like a Sith Lord and so so you know these are just Some of the stuff I had I made so many Videos about this like I barely remember It it seems like Inconsequential but there's just no Credibility there because once you've Gone to the dark side because you're Willing to embrace the dark Side when you're you know just for Profit and for whatever reason like Let's say it's the best possible Explanation is you're just playing and You're doing it as a show to bring People in and to you know create mystery
Like the Beatles did all that stuff you Know to sell more albums well you're Willing to like turn yourself over to The dark side for minimal amount of Profits remember she dressed up in this Dollhous thing her and her kid and Jay-Z They were these you know dolls it's Whole weird [ __ ] she did anyways let's Move on to the next thing I got Something on Kanye here listen there's Such uh a significant uh amount of Capital that's needed to buy a rocket And the number of people that that Really understand rocket tree in the World is a very small number well I Really started taking it seriously like In the seventh grade well it's it's a Huge huge difference um it's it's just It's a very difficult technical Challenge No anything in life that you put your Mind to you can do right that's that's Probably my core skill well success for Me for Tesla is that we've accelerated The Advent of electric cars by at least 5 years um so that that should deal just To get by Stack your money till it gets Ha we wern't supposed to make it past 25 Jokes on you we still alive throw your Hands up in the sky and say we don't Care what people say right you know yeah Exactly um I wrote that just now Sure this is kind of great this is why Kanye is one of my favorite celebrities
You know Kanye Um they both have mental issues and Kanye you know has to be like the star I Mean it would be he'd be difficult to be Around but watching him is great like You know the stuff that he says and does He's clearly triggered here and Elon Musk is just a weird guy they both have Mental you know yeah I did this um in my When I took my when I was in my masters In counseling we had these core classes You know that would study different Models of Psych ology it was a good Model you know it was a good um a good Uh it was a good school for counseling Because of the you know the stuff that They stressed it was like a new age College in in Santa Fe New Mexico and the first semester we did This thing called creativity and Madness And how oftentimes people who are Excel And our creative Geniuses are also crazy and there's a High you know ratio of that we all had To pick somebody I picked Bobby fiser Because one of my buddies was a test Chess guy and he said just get this book By this about Bobby fiser and it will Write itself and people loved my report Because Bobby fiser was such an Excellent subject right just kind of Fell into my lap but you know all these People did different celebrities and Things that I didn't even know about
Famous people who were just creative Geniuses who were like just insane and So you see this a lot lot that people Have issues maybe abuse issues and you Know and they're not well functioning in Other parts of their life but they're Good at these other things they're bad In their families they're bad in their You know people with Visionary Personalities and they put so much Emphasis on their work they focus on Their work more than anything else and You know everything else suffers and you Know their nightmares to be around but People consider them Geniuses and you Could say that about both of these guys To whatever extent but with them Interacting is great like that whole This whole thing is like amazing because They're you know they have big Egos and There's a competition there and then all These things and the way Kanye gets Triggered and when Kanye gets triggered It's always hilarious groundbreaking Research suggests Oregon transplant Patients are inheriting donors memories And Personalities people receiv receiving Organ transplants have reported strange Changes in their emotions tastes and Memories you know I've said this before I think this is why somebody sent this To me You're putting somebody else's body that
Was created by their soul into your body And then what about like some kind of Like animal organs right pig heart or Baboon heart or whatever and so there's There's spiritual Code that is involved in all these Things and your your body is a you know Is a a separate organs but it's also a Complete functioning system and it's all Connected you everything that you EXP Experience and you all of it is in your System this phenomenon is most common in Heart recipients where this all this Data is stored in your theoric heart you Know there's a field around there's an Energetic field around your brain where Your mind is where your heart is and Where your gut is I mean your whole body But these these sort of intelligence Centers where your you know your Intellectual intelligence your mind is In your brain and your heart your your Compassion your soul int intelligence Your spiritual intelligence is in your Heart and then also the grossness is Stored there you accumulated some scaras And then in your gut it's your emotional Level you know your heart it's feelings Which is more you know compassion and Love and your gut it's your animal based Urges and anger and hatred and things Your instincts your animal instincts and There's fields of energy around these Areas and you know different parts of
Your body has these kind of conditions That keep you going going like when your Soul withdraws all these fields of Energy go as well the phenomenon is most Called most common heart recipient Recipients but those who receive kidneys Lungs and even faces have also noticed Changes in their food preferences music Choices and even sexual orientation for Some patients the new hobbies and Preferences mirror those of the donors Which is Led experts to question if the Recipients are also receiving the Donor's memories you know in conscious It's like there's some part of your the Soul energy that was in the part of the Body your soul is creating your body and Now it's in somebody else's body that's Why you know this is just a bad science I mean sometimes you just got to let it Go right like your heart's wearing out You know an artificial heart all these Things you know it's I mean it's just Time you know like you're prolonging Something that you're your inevitable Death and then you're you know making Um you know you're putting things in Your body that don't belong there okay Winter weather wax us snow ice and Francisco's first ever tornado Warning um this winter was going very Was very mild like I saw football games Like in Green Bay and some of these Places buffalo in November where it was
You know still warm out people wearing Like short sleeve shirts and stuff and Then um I mean you know even these Really cold places and then all of a Sudden this cold front descended on half The country and we got hit by it and Then it's just been Miserable um well depending on how you Feel about it but you know some people Like it you know whatever as you get Older it's tougher but these are the Kind of extremes you have you know we're Now in a time where Um there is um it's just not going to be Like as Um as mild as it's been like there's Times on planet Earth where things are Very conducive towards Abundance and you know ice ages for one One example where things are extreme and There's limited places that are Basically inhabitable where you can grow Food you know good portion of the land Masses are covered in ice and then There's like emerging areas the the land Bridge between like Florida and South America becomes a solid piece of land as The water begins to dissipate and turn Into Polar Ice right and so um you know And that leads to eventual floods and Areas where people then inhabit tropical Areas that are warmer and then this is The cycle right there are times where There's a lot of tonic plate action and
Other things like this and so Um you know it's Um when there's this kind of period Where everything is you know abundant There's always periods of abundance on Planet Earth and then there's periods of Deprivation I've talked about this in my Older videos and we're entering into a Period of deprivation where it's just Tougher to live you know it might be More spiritual there's a you know There's a way that things can get Cleansed in that way that's the other Positive way to look at it things are Getting cleansed and so you know um We'll see what happens but it just seems Like everything's going in a direction Where it's becoming more and more Unstable weather and patterns are more Extreme it's like raining more intensely In places and drought in others and just All these things and we'll see if this Continues and I think it will and There'll be added you know wartime Nuclear fallout and things to it and Next thing you know it's just you're Scraping by just to survive depression Economic collapse and all these things That go with it and so um you know like I said we'll see how it all goes we're Learning troubling new details about a Notorious prison in Syria following the Collapse of the Assad regime officials Now tell CNN some of the people detained
At the so-called slaughterhouse prison Had forgotten their own names or where They were from okay I just copied this Off of my TV this is from about three or Four days ago even more maybe and I Wanted to get into the demonization of Syria and Assad and and you know how this is just A false narrative and so this may or may Not be a legitimate story I think it Probably is but you know just because we Just don't trust the media and they Always exaggerate things right but They've tried to do this before with Gaddafi who was loved by his people and So they have no credibility the Government the UN and the media because Over 70% of Gaddafi's people loved him As a leader he had 70% approval and no American politician has that and so he Transformed that country and he was a Good leader for them he got rid of his Weapons of mass destruction he was on His way to achieving the Millennium Development goals I talk about this a Lot and the British government came out And said that the lies lies were told to Get Gaddafi out of there and do regime Change and it was financially or uh Motivated because americ France made Bank and luded Gaddafi in in Libya and Then you have Financial um benefit from this un order To get rid of the guy so if you look at
That as being an example of demon Demonizing a leader and then it being Wrong and a lies and then what happens Afterwards so let's come back to that Let's watch the rest of this thing here Despite hopes that a large number of Missing people would be found inside the Prison Rescuers now say only a few Thousand were actually there but before That confirmation thousands of people Rushed to the prison in a desperate Search for loved ones condemned to Assad's dungeons CNN's cleris award was There for their frantic Search the stream of families never Stops climbing towards Syria's most Notorious sedah prison pushed on by Reports that thousands of people Imprisoned by the regime of Bashar Alassad are still trapped alive in a Section Underground The red section of the prison they've Been trying for days to reach it La Tells Us there's no Oxygen because the Ventilation went out and so they all may Die for the sake of Allah help them is Someone from your family in the Prison my three brothers and my Son-in-law she says So I've been watching this now and I've Traced this back all the way to Iran and The 1960s with Operation Ajax and then What happened of course in Vietnam and
These other places right and when America has gone in you know there's a Guy out there I forget the guy's name But his name was John Perkins I'll just Put my whole CIA folder they have up That has this and other things in it and He wrote a book called economic Hitman And he talked about how when and he was Somebody who did it finan financially And so he would go in there and they Would put Financial pressure on a Country to get rid of a guy or to Compromise a guy to buy a guy you know The leader if they couldn't buy the Leader then they would put economic Pressure into the country to get rid of The guy and they would stir up descent This is what they did in Iran years ago Stir up like opposition pay people to Cause Havoc create chaos bring foreign Uh you know people in like Isis into Syria this kind of thing to destabilize The country and if that didn't work they Would hire what was called The Jackal to H Hit Men to kill the guy if that didn't Work there'd be some kind of military Intervention and they would do these Regime change where they get rid of a Leader or a regime and they've done this In various countries around the world Like hundreds of countries and the Country itself never gets better because You're looting the country so the very The very premises is to destabilize the
Country and loot the country but without A government and I talk about this so Much your government can suck it can be The worst government it can be a Dictator but removing that guy and doing It from the outside where it it wasn't Generated from within but even if it's Generated from within you see this in The French Revolution these other other Places you can get angry and you can go In get rid of to Trump or Biden or any Of these leaders but then what do you do You could destroy the whole government But like there's issues there right you Have to put something else in place it's A lot easier to destroy something than Build something and so these countries Always suffer and they keep on doing it They keep on destroying these countries Leadership and destabilizing them Because it's good for America and it's Good for these other countries European Countries and the UN and the the Countries that dominate the UN and so They keep on weakening these countries And robbing them of their resources Right but this thing with Syria you know May be completely true and Assad could Be a monster but it isn't going to get Better there and so pretending like You've done something great and you're a Hero that's not why you did it they Don't give a [ __ ] about these people They don't give about people in America
Who are suffering think they care about These Syrian people and their families No they care about whatever strategic um Uh position that c Syria Uh represents in terms of Syrian oil and Syria's relationship to Iran and getting Rid of Iran and doing regime change There after [ __ ] Iran over years and Years ago an operation warp speed and so You know it's just um it's really evil And the way they've been demonizing Assad just like they demonize anybody You know it's just it's just like I said It's evil it's icky when you're a Horrible people you know the people who Run the media the people who are in Charge of the military and the Government and these corporations They're just horrible people they make Bad decisions demonic decisions all the Time you know because it benefits them Them and the company to do that at least On a material Level and the hyper Materialism and just everything that's Wrong with our society and these people Can't judge anybody like we all might Suck but they just suck on a different Level where they are making bad Decisions and horrible decisions for Other people that hurts other people and The environment and all of it animals And you know whatever is out there like Just in terms of the damage that they do And then they come in and like try to
Claim people are bad guys right well yes Assad might be a bad guy but the people Running the world and the people running America are worse the damage they do is You know this is part of where these These dictators spring up from and often Times it's anger against the west or Their puppets of the west or whatever But you know these people are not nearly As bad as the people running the system Anyways okay so I got a couple comments To get to when I wrap this one up um Where am I here we Are um PS I told you before you know Zero about New Jersey especially if you're all if all You're familiar with is the few counties That New York City's little bishes North Jersey doesn't represent New Jersey Anymore than La represents nor Northern California totally different Universes um you know I make funny [ __ ] I don't like [ __ ] mean any like new Jerseyy is a beautiful state in various Ways so is Connecticut I can't stand the The area like the people who are most Like are from that area the people who Are most like my personality but I don't Like those PE you know I can understand Why people don't like me because of that It's just um whatever it is but I don't Care about it smells like New Jersey is Just a thing right like it's just it's Funny but I don't care if people make
Fun of any state I live in or America or Any of these things right you know North Korea did a great truther video I don't Think is available anymore if people Find it you can post it you know a Comment with it but North Korea did a Like a Illuminati New World Order video about America and it was like it nailed a lot Of the American stuff I mean it was Excellent propaganda for them it was Stuff that truthers believe I mean a lot Of it resonated it's probably dated now Was like 10 years old but you know it's The truth is the truth right in New Jersey is New Jersey it's the whole State you know I think one of my Favorite states which is Florida is I mean it's a beautiful physical state But you know everything else there is Kind of sucky like the people and the You know all of it and there's two Different cultures there there's the People have retired the snowbirds from New York and there's other areas that That are down south in Miami and boaton And Fort Lauderdale and West Pond Beach And all the way down and then the keys Is I guess something different which I Haven't been to the Keys and then the Northern part of the state and the Panhandle are completely different and There are mostly southern people and Rednecky and this kind of thing you know
Like I just I don't take any of this Seriously but somebody's a fan in New Jersey well you don't know New Jersey at All you I I've told you before you know Zero about New Jersey yeah well you're not proving Anybody Wrong and so um that's great so then There was this one Paul you're still one Of the most miserable Leon effer is Alive I'm not miserable at all I feel Pretty this is the happiest part of my Life like I make it way more serotonin Than I did before and you know I I wake Up in generally a good mood and I have Things to do and projects to accomplish And you know whatever time left I have You know people attribute me saying that The system is bad for us and it should Collapse but we're 100% dependent on it So um you know it's we don't like that We want to have hope but there is no Hope because the system sucks I mean It's it's great for people who you know Have so-called privileges countries and Things but it's bad for everybody else And it's bad for the future and we're Using up too much resources and people Are miserable and the technology keeps On getting better and at least it it Looks like it's getting better you know I had I had an issue with one of the Apps on the TV and know TV was so much More simple when it was just Network TV
And you had three channels of course it Sucked I mean it was bad content but Then cable came along it got better but Now it's just you know your TV is a Computer and they're spying on you and They want to do updates and you know There's all this [ __ ] that they're doing Like it's there's software involved and It's much more complex and you spend a Lot more time going from app to app or Whatever you're you're doing but anyways That's just you know that's just the way Technology seems like it's getting Better but it's not but overall Technolog is getting better but people Are getting worse and they're miserable If you're miserable and you're using up All these resources then your system Should collapse right and if it's making People worse and we're you know making The world worse then the system could Should collapse or cancer on this planet But anyways you know people take that as Being negative that's just being honest And when you see it you see it but if You jump over to Odyssey and Rumble Right now you'll blow up huge again over There especially Odyssey is a better Platform than Rumble still not as Popular way more potential better tech Oh by the way I told you to to do this [ __ ] about two or three years ago Already so you're already so far behind The curve but you just wanted to
Complain and act like a little Baby you know what my initial looking at Rumble um it doesn't really suit my kn Like I have to make money on my videos It's a job and so I have to be able to Translate this into making enough money To make to justify the time I spent on The videos right and Rumble as a Platform and I haven't figured it all Out yet but it doesn't look like all my Comments are in one place so that means I have to go video to video and answer Comments and deal with all that kind of Stuff and it doesn't monetize the videos Right away and I don't know how much Money I'll be making per video and how Many subscribers I'll leave and how much Views I'll get and you know the other Part about this is It's a smaller Platform and because of my spiritual Messages and the fact that you know Reaching as many people as possible Because that's part of like my Responsibility for what I do here and so There's reasons why YouTube is best for Me and changing and switching up and all These things I mean it's you know Rebuilding something you know I don't Want to start from scratch right right And so there's like legitimate reasons Behind me not wanting to go to rumble or Any of these other places I just looked At the the channel and I have S I made 17 cents right on the video so you know
Again it's a short video it's an Introductory video but if i k it isn't Financially you know if it's Substantially worse than YouTube and you YouTube isn't meeting my knees and how's Rumble going to be better and it's like I said there's things about that seem to Not work as well and so these are Legitimate things right and switching Over going back and forth between two Platforms is an ideal and so I I wanted To do these videos and I'm going to do Them because they need to be done the Health care stuff and you know if people Maybe will compensate through a donation Make them worth my wild whatever but at Least I I've done something that I feel Like I need to do and then I'll see how Rumble works for me and probably it's Not I just initially I can see I mean The money's not going to be as good Which you know that's probably the whole Reason for leaving YouTube is the money Right and you know it's um I mean the Censorship sure but YouTube isn't Censoring right now like it used to There isn't so many things that I can't Talk about the way that I would like to Talk about them certainly Co was like That and that you know YouTube seems to Have loosened up on that but that sort Of jumped the shark anyway people aren't Interested in hearing about Co anymore Because they've moved on to other things
And so like I said I'll give it a shot But just because it works for you like It's you would prefer that my content Was on Rumble it's better for you Doesn't mean it's better for me or the Channel right and you know you get these Hostile comments from people but they're Still watching the videos like I just Said about that other comment the other Day like I can understand that you you Don't like me and you're angry towards Me or whatever it is your butt hurt I Said something hurt your feelings Whatever but why are you still listening Right you know like make a decision like Just you know go one way or the other I Mean if you feel like I'm wrong about These things then why are you listening Like what what do you get out of it like With there's so much like hate and stuff Like when you listen to somebody you Hate like I can't do that like I you Know I'm not capable of doing that I Mean I don't hate people but if I don't Like something that annoys me you know I Mock it here on on the you know YouTube Channel if I'm watching The View but if I was sitting there i' had to watch The View right like as entertainment I Couldn't sit through it I mean it's a Total waste of my time right if I'm Mocking it and it's proving a point it's Part of my video you know whatever it's Uh covering the media covering something
Demonizing the media and showing you how The media sucks well that's one thing But watching it just to watch it that's A total waste of time like just to watch Something and get angry and like hate You know be hateful towards people right Like it's just what are you doing with Your life like you know what's going on Your life that you have time to do that You know like time is ticking you you're Getting older the world's collapsing and You're spending watching stuff where It's just aggravating you're making you Angry so you can Ven and like you know Leave these little [ __ ] comments but Anyways you know I'll put the videos up On Rumble I I might do something today Sunday December 15th I'll put this video Up tonight or tomorrow and um you know I'm kind of putting stuff up daily and Then I'd like to have some breaks some Days where people can catch up on the Content here And then post more content somewhere Else but even having two channels on YouTube and having two different Toolbars for that and dealing with all That that's no fun like that's you know It's it just becomes more complex and if There isn't some initial Financial Benefit like if I can make more money on Rumble then I'll have to deal with that But that would mean you know what are They paying per ad how's the ads work it
Looks like the ads don't come out right Away like the video has to to pass Through some long process it seems to Take like a day I can't make longer Videos my videos are going to have to be Shorter which is okay I can adjust back To doing it the way I used to do but you Know there's all those factors and then You know what's the long-term plan with It all these things right and so you Know like I said I'll try it out just Because I have the time to do it and I Have these videos that I want to put up Somewhere and I feel the need to do them This stuff on Healthcare and so um you Know after that we'll see what happens But I doubt that there's any future for Me on Rumble in terms of you know any Long-term future because it just doesn't Work for me you know I would have to Have many more subscribers over there And whatever rumble's monetization Policies are we'll see like we'll just See I'll try it and we'll see if it's Good I'll you know I'll I'll put more Content up there and I'll you know focus More on that than YouTube If I make more Money there if I have more you know Viewers whatever you know I don't think It's the case because I think the people In Rumble are more trumpers Trump Oriented you know and again many the People on Rumble Rumble are also on YouTube but whatever you know I'll see
How it goes like it's just it can't hurt To to do it and it'll be a big relief For me to finally put up this video uh You know what I'm going to spend more Time on it and do it better than I was When I in the audio book it was just Going to be an audio but now I'm going To show pictures of things and you know Just where people can um sometimes I Would pronounce things in a way that or I would mispronounce them and then People would have trouble finding it Which doesn't help them so I can show Pictures of the stuff and you know again I'll take my time and do a better job With it anyways that's all that's it for This video only spirituality will save This world it's power B definitely point From the apocalypse and the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be Grateful