Dr.SHIVA™ – Systems Science is a Framework for Raising Your Consciousness, not a Destination

Dr.SHIVA™ - Systems Science is a Framework for Raising Your Consciousness, not a Destination

Henry Kissinger knows system science George Soros is a leader in it he wrote The book on reflexivity Theory the Elites no system science there's no way We're going to beat them if we don't Understand these principles George Soros Knows it Henry Kissinger knows it Exception of Brzezinski knows it and About 10 000 people on the planet knows It that's how they're manipulating 8 Billion people now imagine 100 000 People in the world understanding this Now it would be Fascism and this is What's happened with previous Revolutionary movements people imposing Oh I have this Vision that the world is Going to be like this my job as a Catalyst is to make sure that Clinton Russell can go through this and get it Now how Clint decides to use that Knowledge you may use it in a way that I Haven't even thought about Clint okay Someone else it's a framework not a Destination it's a framework and it's Not the end to justify the means what's Happened with many political movements Is people have always felt the end Should justify the means and what do you Get you get fascism our goal is to raise Consciousness of people understanding These Concepts because when people Understand these Concepts you can't fool Them anymore man truthfreedomhealth.com Yeshiva for president.com

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