The pro-life people are only pro-life Until the baby comes out of the womb but After the baby comes out of the womb all These crazy Christian zionists are Absolutely fine with that baby goes and Fights an imperialist War to go butcher Palestinians gets his head blown off They do not care if the baby gets Poisoned with bad water genetic Engineered Foods whether it's a Birthright Lottery cuz a baby that's Born the family of a Kennedy or a trump Has a much better life than the baby That's born in a four household in a Black community so if the pro-lifers Truly cared about pro-life it would be From conception to the great all the way Through let's really care about pro-life Because when you look at this graph the American lifespan has been going down Since 1980 this is because of many non Prolife policies that were implemented By fake PR lifers income inequality Policies Health Care policies Monsanto All of that so all of you Catholics if You truly want to be pro-life then you Better support our campaign cuz we're Pro-life conception all the way through We need to build a Bottoms Up movement Go to Shiva [Music]