Don Lemons slams Magas & botched Hypocrisy line hilariously

Don Lemons slams Magas & botched Hypocrisy line hilariously

Greetings brothers and sisters so this Is um Friday January 3rd so yesterday I Got some kind of disturbing news which I Can't talk about the specifics about it It was kind of a shock to my system Things that I've been through before Nothing health related or anything like That but just um you know drama related You know freaking unnecessary drama or Necessary drama I've talked about this Stuff more signic l in the journey Series so this will be a part of the Journey series as well uh but I just Want to say you know people can pray That'd be great for me you know whatever But you know I digested this thing a lot Quicker and moved to a place of you have To work to be grateful for things that Suck and there was a Whispers of the Brighter world that I read this morning That goes along with that so I want to Share it you know it's a good message For 2025 And so let me uh go ahead and read that Here so I hadn't you know this is from About eight days ago sometimes I just Don't uh keep up with these these Whispers messages get emailed out every Day and I open them up and I put them on A tab and you know I I just don't have Time to read them or just forget to read Them and then I have to read a bunch at Once which isn't desirable and you know I ever since that they've been

Manipulating they were putting them out In order like from the beginning which I Was kind of excited about but now They're jumping around and you know with Anything dodgy it's um it's dodgy you Know instead of putting them out in Order which I was looking for they've Never done that you know all the Messages from the beginning to the end There's always been some sort of theme Or something but anyways Saturday October 6 20018 a.m. a new day is Dawning for you your life will take a Different direction a new page of your Life is before you on which one day the Word will end the word end will be Written each page of the book of life is Important added together they form a Whole summarizing each of your own Stories it the story as seldom as human Beings would like it to be they would Like it they would like it to make Choices they would like to make choices And selects what suits them what would Be at stake in such a What would be at Stake in such a process it is in the Face of difficulties that humans are Revealed to themselves they are pawns on A large chessboard constituted by karmic Fabric that regulates human life no one Can escape it the stories are added one After the other and they prepare and and They prepare eternity it is a long Process where time does not count other

Rules govern it decreed by Divine laws The humans cannot interpret they often Want wonder and cannot understand the Wise and wherefores their view their Views are restricted to this life which Is only a link to in in immense chain Connecting them to a significant Universe they are who they are who they Who are as so small infinitely small in This large swirl of energy that sweeps Them away as if they were whisp of of Straw may all may may you all become Aware of the extreme smallness in this Boundless greatness of creation bajy so Just a a wonderful message again this is The one I read this morning I wanted to Catch up on these things and I thought There might be one you know oftentimes In the readings of Sark system you'd go To group meditation and the preceptor Would choose a reading and there's Always two or three people that the Reading they felt like it was Specifically for them things that they Were going through and they just you Know the reading and the whatever ever Was in the you know the teaching Whatever the the ideas were apply to Their situation this completely applies To my Situation right now and so um you know I Always find that fascinating but you Know and it was great to hear it but Like it was a system now that I use you

Know when you get something that's just Undesirable and it's like a shock to Your system you know something where you You get nauseous you lose your appetite Or you're just you know you're dumb fou Especially something bad and it it Appears to be something completely Unfair or whatever there's the react When you get bad news whatever it is Right you know things that happen to People they lose their job somebody dies You know some kind of trauma some kind Of whatever def you've had a really bad Day and it's just a shock to your system It's like comes out of the blue and it Just affects you like you know it's uh Sets off like anger or Panic or you know Negativity hatred or you know any number Of bad emotions and you know you're Destabilized and it happens to everybody When you get some kind of news like that Like it's just you know whatever it is You go see a doctor and they say you Have cancer you you go to you know any Number of things that this is not what Happened here that's just you know Whatever like I said drama and you react To it but then the next day it isn't as Bad you know maybe you think about it For a couple days maybe you make it Worse by dwelling on it you know these Things but what I've learned with Sark System Is say this is this was inevitably going

To happen this is a part of my life's Plan and I just have to deal with it Like it's just there I have to accept it And the sooner I accept it the you know Like this is all right this is just a Part of it you know if you go into the Stages of grief with denial and Bargaining and anger and these things or You know whatever it is or if you go Into this you know victim Consciousness Why me poor me God why are you doing This these things and try to you know Figure some way out to feel like this is Like you know this is unjust or whatever It is then it just delays the inevitable Like this is meant to happen for Whatever reason like well the reasons Are you you're usually not going to be Known but what I've learned to Experience as being doing the S Mark System you know we call this a cleaning Is that when I dive into the practice And you know I get more sittings and I Do more I'm focus on more of my Meditation and focus on you know working Towards gratitude and taking miseries as Divine blessings you know that all takes Work cuz it's not you know being Grateful for something that sucks and You feel like is unfair or whatever is Difficult but whenever I you know kick That in and start doing that and then The whatever happens just passes through Like everything does like everything has

A beginning and end I'm much better off Spiritually like I take a major jump Spiritually and I went through a bunch Of things like this to do with my Divorce and my kids you know trip to India and then all the the hardships and The crazy stuff that was going on all The difficulties and then the family Breaking up and know the end of the Dream of an intergenerational Family Farm And just accepting failure Accepting disappointment you know all of It as being for the best and then being Able to move on and it just you know it Things got better I got better it was You know things got cleaned out I got Closer to God and which is you know the Goal of the system and so so that's why These things are Divine blessings if They remove in obstructions in you you Know sometimes when you get sick Sometimes when you go through some kind Of you know personal Difficulties I mean all all the time There's something that gets cleaned off Inside of you like their spiritual Grossness or whatever this is the way The Sark system works some Scaris uh These Impressions that people take from Life to life and when these things get Removed the burden is you know you've Been carrying around is noticeable in Its absence right so anyways you know Prayers are always helpful and welcome

And you know specifically now and you Know it just seems like my 2025 is Getting off to a chaotic start and you Know whatever um but you know like I Said there'll be benefit and I just you Know I've been through enough of these Things that I'm much better at just Doing the work like just um realizing I've had success doing it in the past And and I've seen the benefit of such Things that I can you know focus on the Poss the possible you know the Inevitable positive outcome and the Spiritual benefit of things and you know Which is a good thing it's just I mean All things that suck suck right things That suck are you know I mean if you Didn't feel that they suck there would Be no cleaning benefit there would be no You know there has to be these issues to Uh you know pull out like whatever Whatever's being cleaned out or whatever Has to be removed there has has to be Some you know negativity they have to Experience it like to whatever degree But you don't have to wallow in it right You don't have to exacerbate it you Don't have to turn it into something Worse you know by your own thoughts and Your own victim Consciousness and your Own poor me and all all the stuff you Know and the anger and hatred and you Know negativity and fear and all the Things that's the opposite of the you

Know the ignoring it as best as possible Looking at something that you just have To go through and when you go through it You know there's a beginning a middle And an end to everything and when you're Going through a difficult phase a Difficult whatever it is there's a Beginning of it there's a middle of it And then there's the end of it and so um You know the the less push back that you The less negativity you bring to the Situation the sooner the thing will be Able to be mo you know end and be Released and moved on having said that There's going to be some time I think in The next couple weeks I want to do some Special uh Meditations uh this was something I've Already was planning so it's a time for Me like I think to just focus Spiritually and it'll be good for me Just because of the the timing of it but I was like planning this already so I I Want to redo some of the meditations and Sittings on the gratefulness meditation Channel for those of you guys who are Doing it I want to redo the introductory Sittings and I want to um do some Special things I think I'm going to do Those first that will enhance people's Spiritual experiences Some special like technique sitting Things um so there's I think two of Those so um those will be probably

Coming up maybe this weekend or next Week on the gratefulness meditation Channel again today's Friday January 3rd By the time this video comes out as a Journey series video it'll be you know Those things will probably be up or Being close to being put up there all Right so let's move on to the other Stuff here okay so I was reading through The other Whispers so I want to do this One first Um you know I posted these things about The predictions and for those of you who Don't believe in what I do or you know Whatever like you're this isn't your Thing you don't know much about it I'm Not trying to convert people like this Is not you know this is you know it's Like a Christian reading you the Bible And you you look at it whe if you're not Christian or whatever and you look at Like it Whatever It Is Right you might Take something from it you might not but These are predictions so I did these Predictions the other day These Prophecies and this one showed up just You know there's this a whisper a day Where one of these messages comes in and There aren't that many that have to do With prophal type of things but there a Lot of talk about electromagnetic Poisoning and money power and some of These other things right but this one's

Significant and it goes with what I read The other day and I'm going to do a part Two and I hopefully remember to include This one if you know you know I I do it In a timely fashion I will but I'm going To read it here either way they're Either true or they're not you know they Are whatever they are I'll clude this in The journey series but if they're true Then there's things people should know About so here it is this is Sunday November 29th 1998 10 uh 20 A.m the hypothesis formulated by these Authors some kind of book that she was The medium the person taking out these Messages was reading the hypothesis Formulated by these authors is right They were cosmonauts and not Gods Not Gods who came in ancient times and Manifested themselves to Abraham and Then to Moses to help earthlings and Make them advance but progress happened Slowly on Earth some extraterrestrial Civilizations are developed to a point Such as you cannot even Imagine 20,000 years ago and More Humans Who saw such highly evolved beings could Only think of them as gods in the coming Century they will return in great Numbers to calm down the fury of human Beings who are capable of blowing up the Planet with means they control so badly It will be necessary to calm things down And admit that a superior people will

Have to take the lead to restore over Time peace on Earth then Harmony will Prevail among humans and Foster their Spiritual Evolution they will finally Understand that religious that religions Were lures to lures they accepted for Want of anything better as the Revolution did not allow them to Distinguish truth from falsehood Everything in everything in its own time Great upheavals are necessary to make Things more forward move forward there Will be many tragedies one will have to Be strong to survive but God will Enlighten people of Goodwill the golden Age will not come overnight it is the Law of evolution that deals rigorously On Earth as elsewhere don't worry pursue Your path as well as possible in purity Of heart such as the true wealth we must Be will be pray unite yourselves in love And Brotherhood meditate on this well Baby and so my understanding of the Framework here and it's it's got some Specifics in it but not so much in terms Of a time period that there is going to Be some sort of uh nuclear War type Situation and sometime after that There's going to be extraterrestrials Coming back to Earth the ones that were Documented here by so many cultures and They're going to you know be whatever Rejected or demonized by the powers that

Be and then there's going to have to be Whatever however that works out right uh But to take control of the way we human Population and so um I'm not sure what The time frame but he said that you know During the C century and so um you know So that's going to be what it is in the Coming Century so that would be this is It was in 1998 so it would be in the 2000s and so sometime before now in the End of this this Century there'll be Extraterrestrial contact in a way that Would be you know undeniable and it Human beings will deal with it whatever Way they deal with it all right so There's that um and there's going to be Some you know civilization left I mean There's going to be something to build On and so it's not a complete Destruction and so this is the Predictions you can believe it or not You know prophecies you know it's um Interesting if that you know at least in Terms of a a fictional narrative if you Don't believe that it's actually going To happen but the way things are lining Up you know it gives some level of I Don't know array of Hope because if it's Just us having nuclear war and Up the planet without some higher source Coming in and bringing peace and you Know bringing some stability to the Chaos then you know there would be um no You know that would be bad so at least

This is imp positive in that way anyways Let's move on to the other Stuff okay um so this let's get going Here this is Dandy Don Lemons who Um his this is a video called hot takes Don Lemons response to hatis he do he Responds to okay so make sure guys hit Record call your reporter or whatever And tell them to watch if you want to Put this on your Fox News or on your Hill or on your Newsmax or on your uh Daily mails or post go for it I don't Give a you know what okay you don't give A you know what Don don't give it a you Know what if you want to put it on your Your different Things I don't give a you know what Because the hypocrisy is astound ing Wait a minute astounding what are you Talking about you it's supposed to be Off the charts it relates to the Especially the Maga folks right now and The right-wing media wait a minute Hypocrisy is astounding what are you Talking about Don astounding astounding Come on Don astounding it's off the Charts Don the hypocrisy is off the charts and It is sickening it's off the charts and It's sickening Don that's what hypocrisy Is you had a good thing going and you Just don't don't uh freelance Don right Don't improvise you had a lie deliver The lied as it relates to the especially

The Maga folks right now and the Rightwing media it is Astounding the hypocrisy it's just Astounding the hypocrisy is astounding From right-wing media Maga folks now let Me just say this I said Something uh in reference to I was Responding to the Maga folks who were Being racist in relation in regards to The gentleman that Donald Trump Nominated to be the head of AI they were On the Internet look it up yourself being very Racist look it up look it up there Maga Folks that were racist towards the AA The AI guy very vitriolic about Donald Trump appointing this person and Vic Ramaswami got involved and then he Insulted according to them the Maga People okay so as always everybody gets All butt hurt I'm not referring to all Of trump supporters I'm talking to the Magga brain people who will say and do Anything to make excuses for any Behavior that Donald Trump does any and What this how's they what are they Talking about Donald Trump where's the Trump part of this thing bad behavior That the Maga movement does so okay but What you're saying here is the opposite Of that you know you're saying it's the Magga movement but before you said was About Donald Trump so you say is Donald Trump appointed a guy who was I guess a

Black guy I'm not I'm not aware of Donald Trump's AI post uh whoever he Posted in charge of the AI stuff but it Was KL Harris before him remember and so Um she was in charge of AI for a while And she didn't really know what it was Remember but because of that some of the Racist Maga people went after the guy And Vivic Ram Swami another Trump Appointee said something to those people And they got offended and so these People are slamming Trump for his Appointment and you know whatever small Group of what you're calling Maga people Who are supposed to be just loving Trump No matter what he does you found some The small group of these racist ones or Whatever and the hypocrisy is off the Charts apparently I mean it's astounding Yes I stand by my words he does he does His words are next to him and he's Standing by them and if you don't like What I said then too e bad too bad if You don't like what I said here and let Me just let me point the hypocrisy out To you because you guys always say so How many magot people watch your show Don I mean he's trying to troll like He's realized he can't generate an Audience on his own right you know the Maga people are the Maga people I talk About up here we all you know there's The the really um the you know the Obnoxious QB magga right-wing crazy

Trumpers that are you know just a a Cancer on the internet right amongst Other groups I mean there's lots of Groups that are difficult on the Internet but Don realizes that he can't Gener an audience generate an audience Of people who are into him and CNN Like-minded people because he's can't Articulate anything he doesn't have any Grasp of anything he doesn't say Anything interesting but what he is good At is being mocked like he calls these People haters but they're really mockers Right we mock Don Lemon because he's a Bozo not because he's you know saying Things that are that are I mean whatever Triggering to people maybe to some of Them but he has a lot of people that Comment on his channel that are not fans Of his and you know you could call him Haters or mockers I mean whatever you Know various categories there are but It's because he's such a tool right and He realizes there's a there's some kind Of audience there for him I mean people Still are going to get ads and they're Still going to you know count as views Right and this one got 990,000 Views so when he goes and speaks to the Maga people he's going to get more views If he speaks to his audience he's going To get 4,000 but if he talks about Something the Maga people are going to Mock him for he gets 90,000 so he's got

A hater Channel we are not electing we Are not voting for what a pastor and Chief I sometimes I have an issue with Some of the things that he says it's True I don't like how he says it but It's true so you have to have the Same standards For other people that you have for your Guy some of you the cult leader okay you Guys okay so you're saying that if People are in a cult and they have a Cult leader they should have the same Standard for all other people well That's not being in a cult anymore if They're in a culton they're going to Have a high they're going to have a Lower standard for the cult leader and a Higher standard for people who in fact You know no standard at all for people Who are outside of the cult right it's Why how a cult Works to have a higher This is this is how messed up you are How messed up you know how messed up you Are he's got to hit himself in the head You have a higher expectation of me an Independent journalist a former there he Goes I some of you the cult leader okay You guys have a higher this is this is How messed up you are tap that head D Have a higher expectation of me an Independent journalist a former Cable News host than you do for the person who Sits in the Oval Office because he his mouth is worse

Than Mine his mouth is worse than mine look At my mouth look at my teeth I don't Have a cavity look at his I don't think He has Dentures like What his mouth is worse than M you guys have a higher standard for For Donald Trump than you have for me no They have a higher standard for liberals And left people And they hate them right and so no Matter what you say it's the same thing With you and right-wing people and the Liberals you guys have a complete higher Standard for Donald Trump than you did For Joe Biden let's be serious here or Any of your people any of the people That are on your side and so like that's How it works Don the hypocrisy isn't off The charts it's just what people do they Hate one group of people and they Dismiss the same behaviors from their Group of people When Donald Trump does Something they dismiss his behaviors Because he's Donald Trump but when you Do something they call you on it the Same way you guys did that for for Trump And you know all these other people that Are right-wing PE people and you didn't Do it for Biden right like the way you Guys were saying that Trump was scile When you had a guy who was like he had Parkinson's he was in his Diaper and his Depend and and

Whatnot like it's that's you know that's What you guys were doing and you're not Calling yourself on that he calls Everybody dumb he calls black women dumb He's called me dumb he calls wait did he Call you dumb I mean where would he get That like where would he come up with That one people stupid he's called kamla Harris stupid he's called her names Names like stupid used profanity against Athletes he called them sons of bees he Called No sons of bees but what about Were they stupid too or just sons of Bees people out of their names all the Time you can say you're on YouTube you don't have to say Sons of bees you can you can say Love It but when someone says the truth about You you get all butt hurt and you get All in your feelings you know he's Stealing what I say but in a totally Lame way because he sucks at talking About it because he doesn't really get It and he doesn't do it himself right You know I've said this time before this Is what I say that if you're against a Behavior you're against it in all forms And my example has always been when I Was mocking Britney Spears they were Telling me how mean I was that she was An abused person and I said well you Weren't mad at me when I was doing the Same behavior towards I don't know uh

Lady Gaga or cardi b or any of these Other celebrities who were sexually Abused or abused and they you know They're leftwing PE they're leftwing People and I said if you're against the Behavior then complain about the Behavior but otherwise say it's because You like Britney Spears and you don't Like cardi B and so you're not against The behavior don't complain about it if If you enjoy me mocking other people but Then when I mock the person that you Like or you identify with or whatever it Is right and so that's what I would say To Don Lemons and all these other people If you're going to exhibit a behavior Then do it for everybody if if you're Saying Trump is losing it and he's seile You can't ignore what's happening with Joe Biden I mean this is what where the Problem we have with the media but he's All right filed up because he thinks you Guys are holding his feet to the fire When when your guy Trump is so much Worse than him like that's like his Point of view here like it's it's lame And he's he's sitting on a powder cake Of hypocrisy because the way that he and So many other people dismissed Joe Biden And all of his issues and pretending he Was a great Leader so what's good for the goose is Good for the gander no way is it what's Good for the Donald is good for the dawn

He's the Dawn so my new energy going into 2025 is This boom what is it when Donald Trump Tones down his rhetoric he stops calling People's people names he stops being Racist he stops using profanity then I Will now I used to why does he got to do It first I was in Legacy Media I would Always say you know went if you know if I something didn't just tumble out of my Mouth because I always for sometimes Forgot that I was on television you know Because I do like that sometimes I I forget I'm in the elevator and I just Start urinating on the wall I mean you Know I like you know I think I might Have a little C cility problem as well I Always say my thing would be what would Oprah do right because Oprah was a Mentor what would Oprah Do Wwo D ww o d right what would Bryant do What would Bri Briant Gumble do he's Bryant Gumble would be a kind of Obnoxious what would those mentors do Because they that was a different time Traditional media and what would Michelle Obama do right because Michelle Obama said when they go low we go high She she really meant that too like that Was not just a bumper sticker but she Was really mean in that I love you Michelle Obama I can't we can't do that in this

Environment and I saw no way you got to Go low on I think you like it on the Download on that's another Oprah Show at the Democratic Convention this Year when you and your husband the Former president went off I loved that Energy when you went off it was crazy it Was funny when when he kept on Referencing Donald Trump's penis Remember when Barack Obama held his hand Up referencing his penis and saying that It was something to do with crowd size Because they're obsessed with Donald Donald Trump's penis you know that thing Don remember that that was that was Crazy fun So sometimes for the folks who are in Traditional media and you know you Certain way and you operate on on light And joy and you know not offending People Oprah I love you but sometimes Gail love you guys sometimes you need a Proxy proxy he is that proxy this is the Guy that's going to bring the hammer Down he's now Unleashed on he's from CNN He's on YouTube and he's just bringing The hammer down with his Cutting Edge Insights to how the Maga people people Are the hypocrisy is not only off the Charts but it is what was the word he Used whatever I forgot I am your proxy I Am your astounding angry your anger Translator he's the anger translator Like Barack Obama's anger translator he

Tells you how angry bar Barack Obama is And he's going to speak for him he's He's the the um manifestation of Barack Obama's anger on YouTube okay well get To that in just a Moment but let's talk about what Happened so you can put the video up so I I did this video um at and because are Like someone said oh he's doing the the Show out of his living room out of his House I'm doing it out of my house Because it's the holidays I have a Studio so don't you know don't even yeah But you shouldn't have one because your Show gets no views the what I do it out Of your house because I mean the type of Views you're getting and that amount of Money you're Heming and whatever Producer whatever staff you have to pay It's way too much for the amount of Views you're getting so do it out of Your house you know but just don't turn Your TV on with you on It whatever whatever to that but let me Just show you the hypocrisy in all of This you got upset because you thought I Was talking to all magga folks I'm not Talking to all magga folks I'm not Calling all Donald Trump supporters Racist I'm not you call them the magga People see when you say Maga that means All the people who are make America Great again when you say like like that You know you have have to say something

Like I do like I say all the time I'm Not talking about all Christians I'm not Talking about all QB I'm not talking About all flat earthers because there's Plenty of them that are you know polite Reasonable people that watch my videos And don't you know pull their That I say about the other people right Like I make a distinction because you Have to do that when you say Maga people You're saying all Maga people I'm not Calling all Donald Trump supporters Stupid I have Donald Trump just how many Of them what percentage are stupid In my own family and you know what they Said to me thank you for saying what you Said because he betrayed a campaign Promise he told us that he was going to Cut down on immigration and it so They're not real Maga people wasn't just Going to be certain people and the Reason I talked about it was because as I said the racist magga people online Being racist against Indian Americans oh so the guy's Indian that Does the AI is what he's Saying Donald Trump and the M well the Maga people have now figured out that They need immigrants in order for this Economy to survive in order for our Country to Survive in order for our country to Survive Farmers have said that farmers Said that to my friend

Over at CNN when When She interviewed Him he said we need migrants we need uh Immigrants otherwise we would be in Business for about two days and we Wouldn't be able to keep our Farms up This is no way just crazy Don I where do You get all this knowledge From they milk a Dairy Farmer who said That and so now all of a sudden folks Are realizing that they need immigrants And now the tech Bros are telling you we Need immigrants we need these H1B Visa Folks and okay but that Donald Trump was Never against those because he knew it And Elon knew it and ramaswami knew it And all these corporations knew it and You know there's a value for people who Have skills I mean people always want Skill people people poach skill people From other countries if somebody has a Skill and they're you know they're they Have something that you know high level Of Education they're brilliant of course Those people are always going to be in Demand right they're always going to Poach people like that from each other's Companies and from other countries it's Not the skilled people that are talking About and the people are going to do the Hard work of of um you know gardening or Doing harvesting and things in farms you Know the um whatever they call the that That group of immigrants right um the People who do the the picking of

Vegetables and fruits and things and Work in in the agricultural industry Yeah those people are needed too because Americans won't do that right and So there are jobs that are being filled By people but what they're talking about Is a lot of immigrants coming that There's no jobs for or they're going to Take jobs for people who are Americans That's the concern and so that's what We're talking about here and that's what People are concerned about and like Everyone knows that there's immigrants That are valued that you know they pay Them less than you know minimum wage to Pick uh you know I pick tobacco for 247 An hour when I was a kid in my suburb Right you know there were some tobacco Plants and it was brutal like and there Was people there from Pennsylvania who Picked four times as much as us like Spoiled Suburban night right and there Was Puerto Rican people in the barn who Were who would crawl up on these climb Up on these lats these um very thin 2x4s They were like like one by4 1x4s or Something I don't even remember how thin They were and they would shake and they Would hand up these lats of tobacco Leaves for drying and I'm like oh my God How do not somebody die and I looked I Went into the barn and I'm like you know I was worried for these people these Guys were standing up there six stories

Up on these boards and the boards are Like shaking these guys are small you Know 110 lb and people are handing these Things up and they would go to the top Down and they would hang up these Tobacco leaves that they were drying for Cigars right and so I understand like The level of Migrant labor that's used For these kind of things because they're Not willing to pay Americans I mean I Don't know how much they would have to Pay an American to go stand up an American citizen to go stand up on these Boards if they're still doing that Like I hope they have machines by now Right but these things were just you Know I mean like risking your life for like Three bucks an hour is that kind of Stuff and so that's what we're talking About D we all know about these things Like you're making it sound like there's You're cracking the code here order to Get our business done so now all of a Sudden they like immigrants and then the Racist faction of the magga movement Lost their minds not all Trump Supporters many of them were Obset because they betrayed but they Weren't racist about it is not betrayed This was you know I covered this with my Last video with Steve Bannon and these Other guys and you know this is silly You can't get rid of positions that

Won't be filled by Americans I mean There's jobs that Americans won't do Kids Americans won't uh do math right in Schools and they don't aspire to have These types of skills and things that's Why there's jobs and plus the way that They treat these people working a 100 Hours on call all the time because have These visas that they can't lose or Their ship back to their their country They don't want to go back to right and So I mean the whole thing like it's just Silly done like of course there's going To be some people who speak up they Might even be trolls or disinformation Agents that are trying to undermine Trump and the trumpers like it's just What are you talking about like it's not You're making it sound like you've Discovered something like you've made Some Breakthrough they weren't saying toxic Online you said be and you're you've Said before son of a son of Bees but you're saying stuff like Come on Don I mean that anger control Your anger bro and so for everyone like All of the people who is there's some Idiot over at uh the hill this little Lemon went on a racist rant I don't know Some little dude with glasses was his Name Bobby or something are you Prejudice against little people they're

Called like little people you don't like Little people do and then there's the Other one that uh who always go was off The DOR guy whatever his name Is someone who's he's upset because we Canceled him on the show well thank Goodness we did I had no idea we were Even booking him exactly I wasn't going To book him I found out about him and His ways Jimmy dor or whatever his name Is Jimmy Dor Dor so let me just show you the Hypocrisy because you're upset because I Said a few words that you oh my God you Had Jimmy D on your show I think he has A lot more views than you I can't Believe Don Lemon said a curse word but You don't have the same energy When Donald Trump says it here's Donald Trump Please play the one where Donald Trump Is using all of the profanity that one But this is just a little bit of what he Does but just let's play some of you Don't get upset with this watch you Don't get said with this don't care who The hell they are I fired his ass so Fast it's Okay bull this is the worst damn stage I've ever seen you bring your whole damn Family whoever the hell you are I love You they make the crap right there get That son of a off the field right now Son of a b he said he's a we'll beat the

Out of them let them beat the out of Isis also he gets the nomination they're Going to sue his ass off whoever the Hell bought this mic system don't be the Son of a put it in you shouldn't pay the Best there I would bomb the out of him You bet your ass I'd approve it you bet Your ass I don't give a damn you can Tell Them to go themselves it's no way look At Don look at him go what's the Hypocrisy D it's astounding Political country is going to hell going To hell I mean I can't believe the Hypocrisy died [Laughter] I can't believe Donald Trump said some Bad Words is Donald Trump I can't believe Donald said a bad Word that was great Don wonderful you You're delivering now Don you got you Got your audience go for it like you got Get mockers get these people who are Going to mock you I mean it's wonderful You're providing us content you're Getting promoted it's just it'll keep You afloat on you don't you don't have Any future with people who are Like-minded because they you know they Look at you as some kind of dope that's I mean remember when you were accused of Of of um being an anti-woman and and Your you said those things on your show

In CNN they fired you Trump and a cringy Rant did he Donald Trump lose his mind When he said those words Was he being offensive when he said this About the vice president here it Is so you have to tell Camala Harris That you've had enough that you just Can't take it anymore we can't stand you You're a vice President no way don don the hypocrisy The wor astounding done you're the worst Vice president Cala you fire get the Hell out of here fired you're fired Kalala get out of here get the hell out Of here oh wo there you go was were you Offended by that did you run to the Internet was Fox News or oan or Newsmax Or the hill or whoever it else uh The Daily Mail the post were you doing Stories about how unhinged can you show The you know can you show the clip of The people playing your clip and saying What you're unhinged cuz I don't think They probably reacted like that Don I Think they just mock you and laugh at You because you're a tool I don't know Because I don't watch those shows I Don't know I don't know I don't care I Know how I view you right like you're You're good I mean you're Clips are the Best like they're just so much to to Pull from I mean you're worse than Chris Chomos and that's like I mean you guys Together were I used to have these

Things called douche offs Right it's you're so Clueless the ability to self- perceive And what you think is like brilliant is Not you think you're like cutting sound Some you're like you you're you're Cutting to the core of something and You're not like it's just goofy stuff Like it's not even just superficial it's Not true like you're horrible at this Job you were horrible at CNN but now You're in a different standard cuz You're on the internet where people are Much better like you could be bad on CNN Cuz everyone's sucks there you can be Bad on Fox you can be bad on MSNBC Because this is what's expected of you It's expected that you're just going to Be a mainstream but you're against Real people sincere people authentic People you know people who are much Smarter than you and are able to talk About things you're not able to talk About in CNN and you can't compete with That because you don't even know what The going on you're so locked Into it like you didn't even understand Why Elon Musk decide to cancel your Contract the contract You' never signed That you want $8 million a year in a one Of his goofy cyber Trucks and he was like my God you're Just going to bring CNN to here you You're not getting the fact that you're

On the internet you're competing against You know real sincere people real Authentic people that are much you know Smarter and more brilliant and can talk About a wide variety of subjects that You should have access to but apparently You were like locked in a closet at CNN And you didn't understand what's going On in the world beyond the very narrow Bandwidth that you were allowed to talk About it like you don't have a curious Mind and so like you're competing Against a much higher level of content Right but you can do this and get mocked Because you got a you're famous so it's Like you still represent CNN like you're Still embarrassing CNN out here this is A good this is a good move for you like Just come out act like a clown say Stupid believe the out of it Think that you're rocking it and then Attack people on the internet who are Doing a much better job with their shows And you're providing them content it's a Good thing d and then you'll get your Thing out there you know they'll promote You people come on to laugh at you and Watch your show you'll make more money You'll you'll your thing will keep Afloat it's just like this you know it's It's like the symbiotic type of cycle of Life thing you remember the Lion King Done Donald Trump was to be saying stuff Like that about the vice

President were you saying he was Unhinged when he called NBA players sons Of were you you know who was Saying he was unhinged Morning Joe and then CNN and all you Other reporters of these shitty Shows this is the thing they call him Unhinged you know how many times I heard Donald Trump's crazy and unhinged he's Going on a rant I mean we hear it all The time right and so that's their job The bag of people it's it's their job to Find people on the left the Liberals and Talk about how they're ranting like You're taking people at their worst who Are enemies of yours and that's how the Binary system works Don there's plenty Of people out there including all of Mainstream media and your old stopping Ground CNN and especially MSNBC that are Calling Donald Trump unhinged you know How many times I've heard that it's a Daily basis Trump's unhinged again Trump's crazy again this is how they say It and his people and his supporters or Marjorie Taylor green she's going on Iran or whatever it is that's what that You guys do it's silly done like what Are you talking about you don't think There's balance in the media you know Did you get all bent out of shape did You rush to the Internet did you send angry racist Homophobic emails did you get racist

Homophobic emails Done because some tells me you did his Family members like for my family Members wait your family members got Them did you do that or did you just sit By and go yeah that's great he's owning The lips Now remember all of you have said I wish He wouldn't say those things but it's I Wish he wouldn't say it the way he says It but it's true I like that he says it Wish he would just you know is that a Maga reporter IM impression is that a Maga person impression maybe do it a Little bit differently but he's right And Remember you aren't voting For a pastor and Chief you aren watching me or voting for Me are counting on me to be what a Pastor and Chief like he says these things like man I'm nailing it nailed It you're counting on me to be a truth Teller oh my God no one's counting on You for that Todd I mean the people who Watch you are not looking for truth you Know like the people who look at you Like oh my God this guy's got some Things going on he's like like people Are listening to your thoughts right You're in the game now of people Listening to your thoughts you're not There so much to report you're here

Because you have interesting takes and Understanding of things this is the World you're competing in it's all the People on the Internet it's what I do All these other people people you Mention their shows it's our thoughts Our interpretation our jokes our you Know whatever our personalities can Display here that's the stuff that You're doing and nobody who's listening To you thinking that you're brilliant is Looking for truth right The remedial people watching a guy with A remedial mind who you know got fired From CNN who's I think you're like uh Employing a little bit in terms of your Cognitive abilities I think your Cognitive abilities are diminished I Think you were better before but Whatever's happened to you or not you're Not cutting edge you're not making it Here but again you have this nice nice Niche going on where you can be like This guy who people Mock and tune into Your show to mock And you do this thing where you attack Them it's great it's good it's a it's Like this wonderful sort of Circle of Life thing like I Said to show the anger or the Frustration in to voice the anger or the Frustration in this country and Sometimes you have to use salty language Who's salty D look it he's got a comment

Beth card gifted Don Lemon $5 give Ed five Don Lemon memberships oh She's what she gave five do lemon Memberships to people just this Wonderful Beth ker she's one of your Biggest supporters Tod in order to do It I don't like doing It but sometimes you have to do it tell Them Don kathern W this is this remember You know she said tell um Jerry fwell Jr The hypocrisy is wild no it's it's uh Off the chart bro you Know one of your spiritual leaders on The Maga side remember super sticker When he said this about people who said That Donald Trump had a potty mouth and That he was all of these things remember When he said This high road closed for 2025 Violet Ray you have to look Past you can't be we're not electing a Pastorin chief we're electing a Commanderin-chief and we we can't expect Our our commanderin-chief to have the Same qualities as our pastors and I Think most of the rank and file Evangelicals have figured that out on Their Own H permission structure for evangelicals To vote for Donald Trump e okay so why Don't you when you're talking about Hypocrisy Don why don't you realize you Just show a clip for Anderson Cooper is

Bringing up Donald Trump talking with Salty language that you're bro Anderson Cooper who still has a job over there He's their big star said to this guy Showed clips of Donald Trump saying Using salty language as you called it And so Donald Trump is getting Criticized just not by the people like You didn't say anything when Joe Biden Said all those different like when you Swore when he was vice president with Barack Obama and I mean it's it's the Big thing was his cility we all knew the Guy had cognitive decline and you guys Didn't cover it till it was obvious and People were rebelling against it and you Were told that they were going to get Rid of him and put command and then Finally you talked about it so I mean That's the hypocrisy there Don there is People who cover Donald Trump and his Being unhinged like it's there like Don Bro I mean keep on going Don you're Doing great been with all of the stuff That he does or says that you make Excuses for you have a higher St Standard for me than you have for your Commander and chief boom look at how Smug he is like he just thinks he's got It what is your what what's your problem What's your problem Bro really Really you're mad because I said Somebody was dumb how Donald Trump has

Called me dumb a million times go look It [Laughter] Up you know else like I I want to see The meme for Joe Biden let's go do the Joe Biden Meme here yeah lws dummy you Big cold blooded dummy you big dummy and I'll do dumb things again ladies and Gentlemen I've been dumm dummy dummy Dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy Dummy dummy dummy dummy dummy Dummy go look at how often he calls Black women dumb or women in general Dumb bird brain Nikki Haley Birra he's really a upset by this like It's a big deal you know like I said Earlier like I do this all the time and What I talk about is you have to be Aware of what you're criticizing are you Criticizing a behavior like are you okay With Donald Trump doing it but not Don Lemon that's what he's saying here that This Behavior you you criticize it in All forms the problem with Don's Position here is he's not looking how The liberal media covers the liberal People like he justifies their Demonization of trump and Trump people But how they let Joe Biden and all these Other people get away Hunter Biden and The rest of it which is something I Don't do right I call the all this stuff Out the the way I see it you know I mean

It's there's bias for each person but in Even in that like there's levels of it Right we all have bias that we're maybe Not aware of we all have prejudices Whatever it is right but all these Liberal people who you know all the Democrats all the left people including Don Lemon and his whole network and all The people he Associates with ignored And lied to and gaset the American People about a guy who clearly had Dementia right we had a president who Had dementia he had it when he was run In 2019 he had it for four years as President and he has it even more now And he's still focused on this other Stuff right you have to if you're going To say hypocrisy then you have to Understand what the word means like That's hypocrisy dot you're you're like A walking hypocrisy and you're all upset Because you called Trump a dummy and a Few people on the internet and some Other people mocked you for it or said Whatever they said and you're all but Hurt about and you think you're you're You got some sort of Cutting Edge uh Like it's just like look at his eye Like how how often does he do That do you get upset with him do you do All kinds of specials oh my God Don uh Donald Trump was unhinged there's a Cringe moment no because you're Hypocrites they're Hypocrites tell them

Don and it's off the charts and it's Disgusting they're Hypocrites that's Why everybody uses language like that You may not hear it and I think that It's not I don't think it's quite Appropriate for the commander-in-chief To do it but if you want to do it that's Your business I don't really like doing It but sometimes you have to to get your Point across you have to use the word Dumb I mean some days you just have to Use the word dumb or you just you you're Never people aren't going to get it you They're just not if you don't use the Word dumb it just it's not enough I will Be your proxy traditional Media because the folks are tired Of Legacy Media Mainstreaming and Normalizing this BS you they're they're Tired of your like you know Fox Is whatever fox is like fox has been Fox For longer than you guys at CNN and MC MSNBC decided to copy Fox's model just Using it for liberals and Democrats bias But before that fox was just whatever They were they stayed the basically the Same but in terms of people's up upset With the media all the major networks They're left they're leaning left ABC NBC msnb uh ABC ABC CBS and NBC and then Of course MSNBC and CNN so the major Cable networks that aren fox and all the Other networks are all leaning left and

Then there's some of these smaller Right-wing and then there's all the People on the internet who maybe lean More right or are truthers or whatever It is but the upset with the media is You at CNN and MSNBC even more so and Then the other networks and they're Upset with the you know the New York Times we don't trust it anymore I don't Believe in it your old guy told you an African American guy told you about it Right when you were asking about is Elon Musk the real Vice president when you Were making up about him and that Goofy thing I covered and all your stuff Is Goofy and some guy told you we don't Trust the media anymore and you said you Know what people say that to me all the Time they don't trust mainstream media But they trust Don Don Lemons and those people are dumbed On making false Equivalency all the Time by allowing Maga supporters to come On the air and spread and spew all kinds Of falsities and lies so where where is That happening where do they allow magga Supporters not in CNN not in MSNBC I mean like people aren't upset at That they're upset about the the fact That we had a a president who was scile For four years that's why they voted for Trump and you guys covered it up and Then his his son and who was just

Pardoned this crackhead criminal right Just all that stuff that's what people Are upset about yeah sure they don't Like Trump either And Trump represents at least for them Somebody who isn't connected at least in Their minds to the Beast like like he's Somehow independent even though he's Dependent even though he's a part of it They think that he's some kind of an Outsider that's why they elect an Outsider Don because they're tired of All of it right the right-wing the left Wing the Rhino Republicans and the the Don Lemons and the Chris kromos and the Anderson Coopers and just and to insult people You invite them on you pay them to be Contributors who are the maggot people That are paid contributors you mean I'm Fox like that's what you're watching Don See everybody watches what they hate Everybody watches the stuff that pisses Them Off because we need to hear from Them I love when Don Lemon is lemon Juicy Deborah Yeet well you also need to Hear from the people Robson call a spade A spade Don who are not going to give Oxygen to Liars election deniers Election deniers exactly all these People the hypocrisy is off the charts The big lie Don and people who think That insurrections are okay it was a

Walk in the park D that's not where the Outrage is coming from like even uh Stephen A Smith was talking about how The FBI was now wrecked that by 23 People showing up and 20 of them weren Were doing it on their own and they Weren't even set there and they in Infiltrated into theou group and help Provoke them to do things and all these Things are going to be dismissed now Because of it I mean even that's being Covered by a sports Guy so let me be your proxy for those of You who want to go high I'm going I'm Meeting you where you are who the mag People you're meeting them at meet them Don go low Don now remember Barack Obama who you All say oh Barack Obama is so you know Loof and whatever Barack Obama Told Jerry Seinfeld This when it comes To using salty language this is what he Said it help with your stress level I'm Going to say help this son of a This rat bastard comes in here getting The clips done like he gets the idea of What the internet's about but he's got a Clip from Comedians and Cars Getting Coffee from 2015 to show that Barack Obama Curses so like I I don't even know where You're going with this you're all over The magas and now you're going over the People that say Barack Obama doesn't

Curse you're trying to prove he does and You dug this up from Seinfeld Like you get the general idea how this Works you just suck at it really bad Really be BL St right yeah bad stuff or Stupid stuff is happening constantly Right every day so you have to be able To just make fun of while while that Yeah of course that was was even dumber And more annoying than usual that that's When uh he got this from um Ari Meer the Beat he was showing this thing on MSNBC Uh cursing is really valuable H Sometimes cursing is really valuable Thank you Barack Obama boom you got it Don I'm have to cut some of that out Because they're they're bad at um uh Copyrighted Comedians and Cars Getting Coffee he thinks he's look how he thinks He nailed it he thinks he just delivered You know what you've done is you've Gotten a lot of views of people who Don't like your show and don't like you And who are are leaning to the right or Maga people who want to mock you which Is good for you do that's that's your Wheelhouse and this is what I feel like When I say I'm going to be your proxy I'm going to be America America America America I'm going to be your anger Translator much like this one you think America you're their anger translated That you think the anger that's coming From America is about Donald Trump

Swearing and the hypocrisy of the magga People like that's not the case do he Wouldn't have won presidency you if You're saying that the elections are Real that Donald Trump won and kind of a Landslide and it wasn't anger at Donald Trump that won the election it was anger At Joe Biden and KLA Harrison the lean Media and it was not just in terms of Trump it was all the people that got Voted in it was a clean sweet Right I mean in a way of with all the Media and all the money she had twice as Much money she had establishment behind Her the whole Democratic party and their Ground game and stuff that Trump hasn't Built up she spent twice as much money Three times as much money that she did With the packs and all that stuff you Think people are mad about this Hypocrisy you're saying and Trump swearing and all those things it's Silly and you think you're nailing it Like you're you think like oh my God I'm Doing it I'm going to represent this I'm The anger I'm finding my Niche no you're Bch is acting like a fool and having People mock you who don't agree with You like it's a clown you got a clown Thing going on here D for the former President Barack Obama and my Friend Keyth because despite our differences we Count on the press to shed light on the

Most important issues of the day and we Can count on Fox News to terrify old White people with some Nonsense look at him laugh look at him Look at him go look at how funny it is So funny funny D Shia law coming to Cleveland Run for the damn Hills y' was ridiculous so this is he Saw this and he he thinks he's going to Be this you know this guy's got Brilliant sketches this isn't funny but He's got brilliant sketches some of the Key and Peele stuff is like amazing like It's just like you know Sublime it's What Saturday live should be you know Like Kyle dunigan and some of these Other um you know some of these other Like you know internet like people that Do these kind of comedy sketches right Saturday Night Live sucking it's like The vacuum from Saturday live live Becoming shills for the Democratic party But Don L lemon remembered this and he Thinks he can do this for for Barack Obama who's like irrelevant right he's Going to be Barack Obama and America's Anger like that's how clueless this guy Is we won't always see ey oh and see Thank you so much for the wall toall Ebola coverage for two whole weeks we Were one step away from the Walking Dead and then you all got up and just Moved on to the next Day that was awesome oh and by the way

Just if you haven't noticed you don't Have Ebola sometimes you got to be angry Exactly you you nailed it to what an Episode so look I am truly I'm an Emancipated person I don't have to worry About it so let me just say this from CNN like he's emancipated you're not Done you you're doing your CNN show here It's your same sucky things maybe you're Using a few words that you don't have to And you don't have some people coming in From HR telling you to stop saying Stupid right but the stupid You're saying isn't internet Worthy you're not on that level you're Still in the bandwidth of CNN you you Haven't explored beyond the mainstream Narratives that guy told you like this Guy was walking the dog I showed you in Like two videos ago or whatever it was Three videos ago where the guy said that You know we don't trust the mainstream Media they're not Authority anymore and You're just a part of that thing you're The but you're like Fired Guy you're not You're not an organic guy who rose up And won an audience on his own you have Name recognition and you had money and Resources and YouTube is loving your Show and they're Pro promoting it and it Sucks right like you suck you you suck Just as bad even worse than you were on CNN you're not emancipated you're still

Coming from the same C you wish you were On CNN like you still if they offered You a job you'd go back in a second if MSNBC or even some of these lower level Networks did if you you get a real job At these places because you're not built For this thing right like you don't know How to do it like you think you do Because you've watched other videos but You do it with a CNN mindset for all of You Hypocrites out there okay for all of You people who are upset about my salty Language for all of you people who not Understanding the context of what I was Talking about I'm talking about the racist people who Are online talking giving racist Language and being bigoted about Indian Americans no way Don that's there's no Way you're covering something that Intense all Trump supporters but the Folks with the magga brains I mean how Are you not canceled why aren't the Algorithms working against you when You're coming in with such hot hot hot Takes and Hot Topics do anything to make Excuses for their bigotry and for Whatever Donald Trump wants to do so in The words of your dear Leader if you do not like what I said And you do not understand what I said You can go yourself boom but say it D Just say it you're saying you're going To be anger sometimes you got to get

Angry sometimes you got use his language You can say the FW say it do you could Have said it bro the name of this video Again is hot takes Don Lemon response to The haters this is what he considers a Hot take okay thank you very much Welcome DD it was wonderful keep it up Bro you're doing Great all right so let's read through The comments here um these are the top Comments And you can tell they must have deleted All the negative comments because I Showed you another video where the three Of the first 10 comments were negative And that's with him you know with them Possibly deleting some of them and he's Putting this out there so that Right-wing people and people in the Truth Community I mean he's addressing Them personally so you know a lot of People watched it because he's got 90,000 views right this has 100,000 Views so it had got another 10,000 views And it isn't because of the people who Agree with him because he does when he Posts videos for those people he gets 8,000 views right this is attacking Trump and inviting these other people in To watch him it's obviously picked up Some steam because of that right when You start treating people like they Treat you it rubs them the wrong way and So see if any of these replies are

Um well whatever they are uh this is um Oh my God how refreshing to hear this Finally you can speak for me anytime jab Jab right left give it to him they think He rocked it like these are people who Are so low vibrational so low Consciousness they think he rocked this Thing they think he delivered uh like a Blow to the Maga people without even Thinking about their candidate Joe Biden Be cile and them covering it up right And all the hypocrisy and their you know Obsession with Trump the inability to Self- Perceive Don please keep in keep Bringing this side I'm so tired of the Hypocrisy not being called out this is Your calling tell me Don don't ever CH Tell him Don don't ever change brother I Always respect you for calling it like It is please stop explaining yourself to These Hypocrites say you said what you Said call it out Don keep bringing the The love and then all these things so These are he has some low Consciousness Fans who listen to this guy as a truth Teller and somebody who gets it right But where are all the negative comments That would inevitably be there this is One of the this is the sort of Journalism needs it to counter Maga Madness this was fantastic thank you for Bringing our proxy I need you to be my Voice you know when you hear Don Lemon

Talk you should recognize like he's not Smart and if you don't recognize that Then you're dumb Like you know this whole idea of dub Dubs and all this stuff Dubbies and so wonderful like I hope he Keeps on doing this stuff I hope it's Brought to my attention because it's you Know for me it's great content but there Are people who think Don Lemons is you Know a truth teller and he gets it and He has insight and when he says things They're like oh my God like you just you Just cracked the code okay so today Saturday June 4th I'm going to put this Video up tomorrow um that had a crisis Getting cold we're going to have a big Blizzard coming through here or some You um and when I have this you know This Pond I think I showed a video of it And we have fish in there and I run the There's a stream I've created in a Waterfall and it freezes when it gets Really cold and I have to add water to The pond to keep it going and I want the Water to flow and the place the chickens Like to drink out of the most um but It's obviously too cold to you know to Keep a hose attached to you know we have These Farm uh spets outside that are you Know they're the water is below ground So it stays you it doesn't freeze which Are great things to have on a necessary

Things to have in a farm but our regular Faucet that I use to fill the pond is Close to the house and that freezes up And so it doesn't it's not you you can't Use it in the in the winter so I had to Hook up this whole thing and was you Know they have to drain the hose of all The water so it doesn't freeze in the Hose so I can use it again I mean it's Going to be so cold it's going to be We're going have a couple of degrees uh Days where it's going to be in the Single digits as a high coming up and We're going to get a big lizard or Whatever so I was dealing with that this Morning the issue that I talked about it Was kind of a you know a uh seemed like Sort of a crisis two days ago it's Resolved itself this morning and I had These wonderful meditations and sittings Which um you know I'll talk about on my Journey series like my meditations were Incredible I gave my wife some sittings You know what we do with a meditation And it was just a really Powerful spiritual beneficial thing Which I've experienced now time and time Again when something bad happens or even When I get sick or some you know my wife Gets the things are you know there's Some issues the spiritual benefit is Just off the charge it's it's Astounding so I definitely don't need Prayers because of things done with and

Whatever I mean at least you know Prayers are always good but the thing Resolved itself and there was spiritual Benefit and you know it was just um like I felt like it was just one of these Things that happened that's part of a Plan it just like it's obviously part of A plan and just you know which makes it Easier easier to accept and then once I Accept it and work towards being Grateful for it it resolves itself and Then there's spiritual benefit but I had This you know uh just a wonderful Meditations yesterday and you know was Just um like I haven't had those kind of Experiences in years so it was like Really beneficial I mean it wasn't Something I would want to go through Through but you know like I said it was Over in a couple of days and then it was One bad day and then just the spiritual Benefit was there and then you know the Material confirmation that the thing had Been basically resolved was there it was An extended family thing you know and I've I've had to deal with great Disappointment in my extended family you Know especially to do with my kids and Things and you know it's just Um I was hoping for and was believing in Like so much better a family and of Course with my ex if you've heard my Stories about her you know mental Illness stuff and her victim

Consciousness stuff and then all that I Went through with that and then just you Know this idea of an intergenerational Family Farm And you know all the stuff The collapse of the family all the Issues that were there health related Issues mental health stuff um my ex's Extended family have a history of mental Health and you know my family has you Know they're just there's depression and Panic attacks and there's things in my You like it's just there's things in Both families genetically and socially And the kids are growing up in so F so up times with the addiction to The internet and just the whole thing is A nightmare um you know I think So many people are suffering with this Their kids are so much different than They are it's hard to relate to them Because they have a completely different Experience on top of everything else and Then all this agenda that's being pushed On these kids and the physical issues They have and the mental issues they Have and just all of it You know saying this to my wife you know I Endure it a lot and like I am not this Kind I'm not this kind of person that Would be suited for this role the person That's just got to be the strength of The family right like has to be you know Stable and has to be I was good for me To be in this role but I'm not really

Suited for it like the person that just Holds everything together and just you Know absorbs a lot and does all the the Grunt work and you know not the I mean There's no I just this work behind the Scenes and the things that nobody Appreciates right you know luckily I Don't have to do as much of that work Now with my you know my my second Marriage with my wife doing a lot of Those things but things I'm not good at Detailed things things I struggle with Because I'm dyslexic and I'm you know Just the kind of person I am and just All the things that you do to maintain The family unit right you know there are Things like this that are just um you Know like you do I just meals I mean you Know I changed diapers for like 10 years right like all these things That you do to keep the family going Things you have to do with your kids go You know how how many times I have to Pick up toys you know like we had these These um like bins of toys for my kids When they were little and you know we Had four kids in five years my ex and And my you know and and she had two kids Before that and so uh like having a lot Of young kids at one time Toddlers and Just constantly have to pick up you know And then they you pick something up and Then they dump it you know like they Young one one two 3 years old before you

You know train them to pick up after Themselves and then getting them to pick Up and just all the things like just Things you deal with I mean how many Meals I made how many things I did you Know ranging for birthdays that kids Would have happy birthdays and outings Like we did things we walked we went Hiking we you know brought them to parks And you know all the things that go in Like just getting your freaking kids in The car right and you know just getting All the kids in their car seats and like All these things that you do all the Life's energy you put into that right And dealing with that with my ex who was You know who claimed to be a severe Abuse Survivor and had you know been Locked up in an institution when she was 19 that you know these are her her Stories was stalked by some guy with Inappropriate relationship with him Mental patient that she was doing an Internship with and stalked her I mean Just all these stories she had Hysterical blindness she went blind she Cut herself she was suicidal and these Things all came out in the marriage Where we'd have arguments and I'd have To hide the knives and you know anybody Who's been through this won't understand This and so many kids caught and then my Daughter started to copy these behaviors My daughter Anna who eventually

Committed suicide she got on drugs and Later I found out she was on LSD one of Her friends had given her a gun which Like she was just not a person that Should have a gun like if anybody should Have not have a gun it was her she was One of the most impulsive people ever And so you know like that all stuff that I I dealt with and you know when I was Was in this like horrible marriage and You know I was thinking about it and I I Couldn't escape I couldn't leave I Couldn't leave the kids alone with my ex I couldn't you know there was no option To to get out I mean selfishly I would Want to but I couldn't and I endured so Much this isn't like who I am as a Person like I'm just not that guy but I Had to do it because there's no choice And you know I always thought there'd be Some credit of course I got credit on a Spiritual level but like just some Credit like you know people would be Like oh my God you endured all that you Know this kind of thing people who would Be famili familiar with this situation The master of the system but when we Split up my ex did a great job of Demonizing me and creating these Narratives and I am just not somebody That people look at and would have Sympathy for like my friends used to Talk about how intimidating I was like When I played basketball and just you

Know like there's and I mean I I Recognize it cuz I see it in my brother But like people just you know don't like To approach me you know there was a time Where I had a counseling business and I Had a booth and when I was in the booth People would walk to the booth next to Me then purposely walk around me and not Talk to me and then go to the next booth And I saw like when my ex was in the Booth everyone talked to her she was More social she was more approachable And so I knew that I had no chance of Like I mean I'm not social I don't win People over I'm not a networker and just The way that people perceive me like it Was like all right I there's no chance Of me convincing people of my side of The story and just I didn't even try Like it was just I was like I don't give A like there's so many difficult Things that were going on and you know We were basically in in in in India in Complete crisis and having to return to America with you know my ex completely Failing on um the homeo schooling two of The kids were really far behind the Other two kids need to graduate and I Had to figure all that out and I'm Not a homeschooling person I had to like You know navigate this uh you know pick Up all the pieces and nobody appreciates It my kids don't see it they you know They don't appreciate even if I told

Them they wouldn't appreciate it they Wouldn't you know though you just what You're supposed to do or whatever is Like they would rationalize it and so You know I invested a good portion of my Life energy into this family and I'm Going to get nothing out of it there's Going to be no return in my investment Like like as far as I can tell there's Going to be zero you know and I mean It's just going to be like all right you Know I mean of course on a spiritual Level I know I've benefited so much so That's not you know from the marriage Itself and all these things I mean so Much cleaning happened I mean it's not Even a like a you know I'm grateful for All of it in that sense but you know It's just like on a material level on an Egotistical level like they just nobody Appreciates what I did and you you know And it was hard for me to do cuz I'm not Like I've said built for it I I'm not I'm not a person that would you know be That be in that situation out of my own Choice right I just was trapped in a Situation I made the best of it so you Know I guess that's part of it as well Uh but so many people now are fighting This with their kids they're just Different like these kids are just Different than we were and it doesn't Seem to be better like they're not it'd Be great if they were Indigo kids and

They were you know this Indigo or Crystal children these spiritual develop Kids and maybe there is some of that it Just hasn't come out yet but right now It doesn't look like it's there it looks Like they're just regressing our Civilization regressing but you know Through these different crisises and Really difficult days and really Difficult weeks and months and years you Know I've Experienced the benefit by doing the Sjar meditation and looking at it as a Spiritual cleaning that when it was over There would be spiritual benefit and I Would be a better person and that's held Up time and time again it has happened Over and over again and that's why I Really you know I have faith in the System because it's worked for me the Way it says it works it's not a Desirable thing nobody wants to hear Miseries as Divine blessings they want To be promised no miseries and that's What religions do religion say no you Can live a happy life you whatever you Just do what you do and we'll take care Of you you'll live a blessed life but a Blessed life is one that gets you closer To God and unfortunately happiness and You know being free from problems and Stress and issues isn't isn't that and You know inevitable death that's there And all the pain and suffering you go

Through physically but those Difficulties are the things that uh make You advance the most make you you know Pull out The you know Inner Strength inner Resources inner abilities that are you Know beneficial and they provide Contrast for you um in terms of Enjoyment in terms of the good days days Like it's like oh my God the you know You really enjoy the good days more when You have something that contrast it to Right you know if you ever had those Experience where you almost get into an Accident and you're like oh my God you Just appreciate life you're taking life For granted at any time you could be you Know my wife and I were driving um to This park very close to our house and It's a very safe road and it's about 15 Minutes away it's like a you know a a Hiking park with a big river and you Know lots of acreage and lots of trails And there these Country Farm roads and There was a a street that was on the Right side you know on the passenger Side my wife was driving and I see this Car I look over and this car is coming Down a hill like I I know the street and It has a like sort of a turn and then You're coming down a hill going Relatively fast and then there's a stop Sign at the bottom of the hill and it's Not a four-way stop the road we were on

Is the main road and we didn't have to Stop and some kidss it looked like some Kids cuz of some ratty old you know kids Car like high school kids who look like Maybe they were I didn't see the who the Passengers but whoever it was was Bombing down this hill didn't know there Was a stop sign and their Road ends and They were flying and I looked over and They were coming straight for us and we Just got out of the way and I turned Around to look at them and they had to Make a a 90° turn probably going 30 40 m Hour and I was surprised they didn't Flip their car car and on the other side Is a hill with a river and they missed Us and there was a car coming behind us And they just happened to miss like by Luck of the draw one second different I Would have been dead like there's no Question if they had hit me I was dead And probably my wife as well are two Dogs and that would have been you know I Mean that's how close we were to death Right and I was like man like it was Like you know I mean just the the shock Of it and it makes you appreciate like That's you know I mean these things are Just there right like anytime you get Into the car any day you can get a you Know like something that bothers you When you go to the doctor and they're Like oh you got six months to live or Whatever you know there's things that

Happen and you know we don't appreciate The the days that aren't that day right Because that day is coming your death Day right and the things leading up to It but you know you don't appreciate Those good days and all the healthy days You have because you take them for Granted until you don't right till There's some tragedy some negative thing And then you realize oh man I'm lucky to Have those days so you know these are The things that the sjar doesn't try to Sell you a blissful life and a happy Life and a life without strife and pain And difficulties it says use use those Miseries as a way to benefit yourself Spiritually and also help your material Life and your attitude and you're Creating this ability to feel gratitude Even when you know everything's coming From God and being grateful for for for God and to God for everything that Happens even the bad things and when you Do that it's just it changes everything It just makes your life that much easier To go through and just you know you're Just flowing through life and you can Navigate these obstacles and things in a Much uh better fashion anyway my voice Is going here a little bit so I'm going To wrap this up only spirituality will Save this world it's Paro death point For the Apocalypse in the Ascension Everyone have a blessed day and be


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About the Author: admin

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