Okay greetings brothers and sisters so Um this democratic convention is epic I'm in the process of editing day two And last night was day three today's Thursday 20 the 2 20 the 22nd the 20 202nd the the 22nd day of uh August and um tonight's the big night Where K's Giver giv speech and I was Just finding out the last bit I was Doing on the video yesterday is nobody The internet doesn't know what religion Comm is like they don't know what effing Religion she is right Um like how do you not know how like Your candidate like they're kind of Saying that she's Christian but they Don't like specify what church she goes To she never talks about God right and Like that's a big deal like that's you Know it's almost impossible To be elected without having a religion And certainly you know it's hard being a Catholic even right and Joe Biden was You know I I think Kennedy was the first Catholic President that's not that long Ago you know I mean it's the 60s but That was a big deal they were going to Have a Catholic President because the Majority of people were Protestant and So you know but you know having the idea Of somebody not having a religion and Being an elected president right like They all say they do at least You know they all go to a church they
All have a pastor like that's just a Thing you have to have right you have to Be some connected Christianity in some Way and you know the Obama is not so Much right but they had their Pastor Remember their Pastor got in trouble Because he was saying things I think They were like racially you know Whatever he had a a past Pastor like he Got a new one cuz the other guy was too Radical you know like they just switched Him but they had somebody and KLA Doesn't have anybody I mean they might Roll somebody out right like her husband Is you know we know Jewish from his his Intro like he's big into being Jewish Like he you know he's a you know he it's A thing like I have I have a friend who My old basketball buddy who was Jewish But like I don't think he ever went to Synagogue right like there's people like That right the people you know they say You all what religion are you well you Know I don't really practice right but Uh buy fresh is you know into being Jewish and he does Jewish stuff he's Done all the things right Barb Mitzvah You know they go to Temple or whatever But kamla like does the internet the Internet doesn't know what religion she Is right like he mentioned something Which I you know I talked about in the Last video and so like that's a big deal Because it doesn't matter now you don't
Have to be religious you don't have to Believe in God even you'll have to you Know make it a big deal especially if You're a Democrat if you're Republican Certainly because Trump really isn't Religious at all you know they're Treating him like the second coming of Jesus some of these evangelicals and the Evangelicals are hot on his you know and He Embraces their support but he doesn't Like he can't even tell him what his Favorite Bible verse is he publish his Own Bible right but he's like you know Clearly doesn't believe and if you saw The apprentice and any you know he's Just not somebody who you know if Somebody's religious they mention it to You somebody's into it like pretty soon When you know pretty early on like you Know they're into it and so you have Basically two I don't know if you call Them atheists or what they are but Non-practicing people who don't believe In a higher authority or higher power And she's not a big science person Either like she's not like you know the Religion of science you don't hear KLA Talking that much about science either Right and so they're you know they're Just they think they're you know the Authority ends with them so let's put it That way but what I want to say here is The lies that they're perpetrating the Overall fraud to say that they're the
Party that's saving democracy and again This is not an endorsement of trump like Trump pulled his stuff like with his Fake ear thing right like a big false Flag kind of thing right you know uh Whatever that thing was you know his ear Thing and the whole ketchup gate and Then him pumping his fist and that was a Big moment like it was a you know it Would be an epic moment but I think People just know it's not real like they And it isn't real so it's like that even If they believe in it it's like there's Something there right some kind of level People know like when something's a Deception and people have lost I mean There's no momentum for it and you know He um he had this big moment of Deception right before the convention JoJo magu retiring because he is scile Right he's got Parkinson's well was like An epic moment right and then them Putting KLA in there who's you know if She went through the process there'd be No Enthusiasm she's not a good Speaker she's you know she's not good at It she's like really not good at very Much in terms of any of these things Like the cackle is offputting you know There a lot of negatives but they're Just you know this manufactured Enthusiasm that the Democrats have been Able to create in this party-like
Atmosphere and the first night was the Second night was was Joy you know they They set up what they're defining Everything is the first night was Joy The second night was Freedom they rolled Out Oprah Winfrey I mean I'm sorry third Night was Freedom it was all about Freedom you know these these catch words And KLA isn't about any of these things Right you want to lock people up for not Putting their kids into school like for Being truid that's not a freedom person Right Joe Biden was you know censoring People on the internet in a way that was Uh you know it was a violation of the First Amendment that's not Freedom you Know Freedom's a deception so when I Cover this today it's about freedom but What I want to talk about here is the Reason that they're able to pull off These deceptions is because the media is Complicit in ways that I mean they've Gotten worse like in their inability to Call BS on all this stuff you're not Going to call BS on obvious lies you Know K was just making up her history And she you know said that she's like a Somewhere in there I'll show you she Said that she's a a girl from Oakland and she never lived in Oakland She was maybe she was born in an Oakland Hospital but she moved she like she's Talking about Tim Kane uh she's talking About walls Tim Kane was the last
Nightmare she's talking about walls Being from Nebraska but you know he was Mostly grew up in Minnesota but still Same kind of thing right and you know Like the this his bio and the way that They're talking about these people like They're saintly people that just care so Much about other people and they're just In politics to do good things for people And they just come out and they lie and They're you his family's weeping they're Weird I'll get into that like it's a Just a uh it's really bad like this Whole thing is like twisted and weird The whole thing you know like I mean They're like calling the other guys Weird and their families are so freaking Weird and douge Fresh's kid which I Showed you both of them and like the Whole thing right and like the only Reason they can get away with this is Because the media is completely Complicit and you know the Internet is Just filled with calling BS on Everything but in a way that's not you Know people aren't good at it like you Know they're not good at like I am right They're not you know balanced you know They're they have a you know they're Either you know Pro Trump or Pro you Know whatever it is right like people Aren't really good at like seeing Through all the BS and so it's just a Lot of stuff on the internet where you
Know there's too much you know different Opinions about the lies and people are You know they get obsessed with like so Many people are you know talking about Trump's um you know fake assassination Thing as um like a uh you know some kind Of conspiracy like most truthers have Gone down that road oh they tried to get Trump and silly like you just no didn't Like they haven't ever tried to get him I mean they call there's fact Checkers For Trump you know in the mainstream Media and they've gone after him kind of Like in appearances why is the guy still Alive and why does he have uh why isn't He in jail right like they couldn't put Him in jail of course they could they Couldn't kill him of course they could Right there US Government they can throw People in jail all the time without you Know them being guilty there's political Prisoners here in America and they could Have killed him like that's the other Thing like over and over again they love The guy they the people who control the System he's like their biggest asset He's been a dominant figure for the past You know uh you know eight years but the Fact that they roll kamla out as an Unlikable person with so much Enthusiasm and so much you know the Celebrities are coming out and all these People and she sucks like she's horrible And they're just making up her you know
Her backstory like Joe bid 's Plagiarizing years ago and that's what I Want to reference you know Joe Biden Copied other people's speeches and they Didn't have the internet back then but They still figured it out right because You know it's a lot easier to figure This stuff when you have the internet And the Internet it's so easy to call [ __ ] on things right because you can Easily find this stuff but the problem Is everyone's calling BS on on Everything so like it's just you can Expose the lies but then you know people Are just like it's it's just normal Behavior now Joe Biden plagiarizing Somebody would not be a big deal though It'd be nothing it would be wouldn't Even be a story you know douge fresh got Up and was presented to the American People the guy banged his Nanny and Impregnated her like you know this was Like Bill Clinton who gave a speech at The the you know third night which we'll Get to you know he had sex with this Woman in the Oval Office and this that Went on for like 3 years and you know Course he was president but you know was A big Scandal these scandals now Trump Bang banged a porn star and then paid Her off and got caught and then you know They tried to try him on it but it was Barely a story right like you know he Was accused of aring some woman Trump
Was you know and so you know and Whatever legitimacy the there is to These stories or not you know there is Stories that Trump trump cheated over And over again on his wives I mean he Cheated on all three of them he had Three wives right you know no religion And three wives and it doesn't even Matter he's he's backed by religious People he's backed by all these churches And Priests and you know uh you know all These um pastors I mean he's just you Know he's considered The Godly candidate And he's you know been a Serial cheater And a bad businessman and he screwed People over you know workingclass people For years and it's just you know there's No I mean even when they tell the people That they don't believe it right so like You you you're living in a time where There is no media one number one and People just make up and believe whatever They want they find the narrative that Suits their their comfort level of you Know I well I got to believe that There's someone out there to save me so I'll just believe this narrative I'll Believe the one that's most convenient For me so you know and people don't go To the media anymore either so even if The media was good people don't watch That [ __ ] right the average age of these You know these media channels is in the 70s they're old people's it's for old
People people don't even understand the News like they used to and so there's no Journalism but even if there was people Get their information from the internet And it isn't good information because They just you know pick the one that They want oh there's there's all these Aable narratives of reality I'll just Pick this one right I'll just pick the One that's uh most convenient I don't Want to vote for Trump and I want to be A Democrat and okay I'll pick the one About how comml is great does that that Laugh annoy yet well I guess it would I Didn't notice it but now you point it Out but still uh she's great you see how Great a person is and that guy wals he's Like a saint you know like you know they Just they pick these you just choose to Believe whatever you know is is goes Along with your what you want to be like You know whatever you want the truth to Be right and so the internet which is You know have been a like a deluge of Information and you know the possibility Of getting to the bottom of the things Is so much easier but people don't like It's just their you know people want to Self deceive and that you know and That's why when you tell them the hard Truth which is like Hey we're [ __ ] Right the system is going to collapse And you try to tell them the whole truth You know was it truth or like as someone
Who knows like there's no Way to pay off this debt and the moral Breakdown and all the stuff when you Tell these people that or you talk to Them about it even if you're trying to Hint at it they just can't they just Shut down because people just can't Handle it I mean people in the truth Community you know people in the truth Community want to believe that there's a Hope there's a way that this system Could be saved and that you know it Should be saved like that's the other Thing because they don't want to look at The you know all the bad stuff that America does to keep our system going in The world you know the way people are Suffering their nature is suffering and You know so many ungodly and demonic Things that are being done keeping this You know pleasure-based system going and Nobody can even conceive of giving up Their lifestyle and it's too big to fail Kind of thing and so let me just believe The reality that you know suits the the Find a way that we can pretend that this Can be saved right and so um with that Let's get into to day three here okay so Um we need to get into a little bit of Stuff here um before we get into the Content of day three right just some um Framework for the lying and the Deception so um wal you know said this To Jen [ __ ] to's IVF day thank God from
IVF my wife and I have two beautiful Children okay so that isn't true wal has Conflated IVF with IUI when discussing His family what's the Difference Tim wall has described his Family IVF experience but they used a Different procedure there's his crazy Wife which she'll see her because she Does the presentation and so what that's About is when he was giving a speech on Abortion he decided to talk about his IVF experience because somehow those Things relate right which they're kind Of the opposite so is really goofy and Kind of you know stupid I mean for a guy Who's calling other people weird right And he also had some problems in Minnesota with his to like they're Calling Trump a dictator and again Trump Sucks I'm not defending Trump here I'm Just exposing them as Liars he did this In his um he used executive orders to Find small businesses that didn't Padlock their doors he charged dozens of People who broke his Co rules while he Let the riers burn downtown And he started a CO hotline for people To call and snitch on their neighbors Listen hello you have reached the Department of Public Safety stay-at home Hotline the information you leave is Considered public information at the Tone please leave the following Information your name your call back
Number how the stay-at-home order is Being violated and where the Stay-at-home order was violated you Could also write in your tips and we got Our hands on a few thanks to foyer Request by Nate Hansen one person wrote A house in their neighborhood quote as Many people coming and going from it all Day and night I just saw a lady and a Child I've never seen before come to That house and hug someone outside There's a lot of that type of thing at This address and it's concerning there Was so you know he he created this Stitch Hotline right so this guy is a complete Nightmare not that it's going to make a Difference because he's going to do Whatever his handlers tell him to but The way that they're you know they're Freedom is what's on the dock for night Three So and you know this is not Freedom Right and we all know what happened with Co I mean this is a huge swing in a Miss By him and an overreach just like with Kamla in her overreach where she was Jailing people for their kids being Trent Tim WS was a CID Tyrant the Minnesota Government actually defend the State's disastrous nursing home policies So he has all these various things going On um you know in terms of his covid Policies Tim W accused of massive
Overreach as VP picks Co record Slam by Critics completed utter failure wall Freedom message clashes with a record on Covid school closures indoor mask Bandites okay so remember this we heard Um Tim Walls talk about his his uh white Guy tacos [Music] Detroit Michigan like I have white guy Tacos and what does that like mayonnaise And tuna what are you doing pretty much Ground beef and cheese that's okay do You put any flavor in it uh no um here's The deal no they said to be careful and Let her know this that black pepper is The top of the spice level in Minnesota You know I'm the first okay so like That's just stupid like everybody knows That there's like basil and you know Various oregano and various types of Seasoning almost everybody has in their Kitchen you know a um a kit of seasoning If not you know I mean I have my own we Grow our own stuff we have basil and Oregano grow it right now and other Things but I think you know I mean it's Silly to think he would not the he the Most seasoned he would know is black Pepper but it turns out that he won some Sort of a contest so this is even a a Worse slide than you think they Interviewed each other that was pretty Cute Brian actually they had a little Interview that was that was cool you
Know white guy tacos I guess that's the Thing except that Tim Walls even lied About that because he won Al franken's Cookoff for tacos actually making good Ones with green chilies the point of it All is that we have to be okay so that Isn't entirely correct either because They're all liars this guy is some sort Of Republican these flavors called to us W Takes home third title and annual Congressional hotos hot hot dish Off tater tots turkey valvita a homage To an homage to Prince made out of Crushed tortilla Chips so um they've had this three times Um six iteration of the delegation hsh Making competition first organized by Al Franken as a way to build Bipartisanship Tim WS took home a prived For the best hot dish his turkey taco t Hot dish with turkey bell peppers green Chilies taco sauce Tater tits and cheese And top honors actually it is true I Didn't read this paragraph and so that Guy was accurate and so the guy knows a Lot more than he's letting on about Cooking and so he's a liar right just to Make up this white guy stuff and all you Know just to make some negative Stereotypes some self- denigration just For political points and so he's a liar You know we already know that he does That um you know I've showed you that
I'm not going to do it here because I Just showed you KLA Harris doing Apparently Trump just did it again where Somebody they have a shill in the Audience that faints and then they Attend to him and he did it twice Already on this campaign he's only been The vice president for like a couple Weeks he's already done it twice and so You know they're all liers and deceivers As we go into this night three here day Three of the convention is about about Freedom and how Trump is the oppressor Right the dictator and so YouTube Recommend this video which really helps Me out right and so I don't know how They figured out this would be important But it is because again the Democrats Are talking all about Freedom right they Get a little bit into Trump you know They're obsessed with Trump they get Into the big event in January like those Things it's part of that right is you Know part of the whole defending freedom But then this Happened hey everybody I'm at the state Courthouse in Harrisburg Pennsylvania this morning I'm supposed To be at in a uh meeting with Community Leaders on the south side of Chicago Today talking about Criminal Justice Reform but I had to come here because The Democratic Party is suing me in Pennsylvania and by
The way tomorrow I'm going to minola Long Island because they're suing me There too they're suing me all over the Country They try to keep me off the Ballot um unfortunately in some of these States we're running into judges who are Highly politicized and yeah of course You are so this is the freedom they talk About right the freedom where they you Know lie about their tacos and you lie About being a white guy and all these Things lie about their knowledge of Spices just to create some bizarre weird Political narrative lock people up for Their kids being truin and lock people Up for Going outside during Co which ended up Being a complete sham and a lie and you All these things come out later that the Policies that they implemented weren't Based in science at all and Tim balls Went over the top right and so this you Know going into day three I just want to You know set the tone here so before we Get into walls and Oprah Winfrey and all These other people some of the things I've seen Bill Clinton that has to be Watched must See there was a guy who uh there's Parents came out and gave a speech and It was about these are well let's just Listen here atlases Globes maps and National Geographic
Magazines on October 7th hers and his Best friend honor went to a music Festival in the south of Israel it was Advertised as celebrating peace love and Unity yeah how do you celebrate that if You are oppressing people because There's an aparte state in Palestine has Been for a while and I know this in part Because there are Jewish people who talk About it just like that people who are In Israel and there's like these Facebook groups um you know it's like uh Israelis for Palestine peace for Palestine stuff like that I forget what It is right but it's you know been Documented by by video and storytelling And you know recounts from people and so If you're going to have a you know a Celebration a music festival for Celebration of Peace then there needs to Be some you know acknowledgement of what Your country is doing to this other Country Right they also went to celebrate hsh's 23rd Birthday HS is their son as Rockets Began to fall HS on a and 27 other young Festival goers took Festival goers Refuge in a 5 foot by 8ot bomb Shelter terrorists began to throw Grenades into the shelter anire stood in The doorway and repelled she's really Sad This Woman's sad seven of those Grenades before the eighth one killed
Him all together at the Nova Music Festival 367 Young music lovers were killed this Was just one of the many attacks on Neighborhoods okay so a Jewish reporter I forget the guy's name used to be on The morning show John Burman talked About what an epic talk and moving talk This was this how I know about it before We moved into prime time he was given uh You know a lot of um Uh you know praise to these parents and And this speech right but when I pulled It up you know what I thought and what Many people on YouTube thought where the Palestinian people right where the Palestinian reporters where the Palestinian parents because you know There's some dead people terms of the Official story there's some dead people And some hostages on the Israeli side Which I believe is well under 2,000 Right you can say the same thing about The Iraq war that there was about four To five between four and 5,000 people Soldiers that died in the Iraq war on The American side and the Iraqis lost Over a million people right and so you Got to start equating you you have to I Mean it's it becomes a numbers game Right our you know our 2,000 dead Israelis equal To 20,000 dead children and the Palestinian side and 40,000 dead pales
Ians Al together right the numbers are Just you know I mean they don't lie Right so who's the aggressor who's you Know who's gaining from this who's going To Annex more property who's going to Expand their empire expand their country Right and it's going to be the you know The Israelis and so there's no Palestinian people here the other piece To this is that the um the young Democrats Democratic voters college kids That they're looking to bring in to vote For them who are very upset and are Calling out genocide they're going to See this right they probably already Have and this is for some young people This is their signature political issue And they're really disappointed with the Way the Democrats have dealt with it and The Democrats need their votes like KLA Isn't going to get the old white guy Vote that Biden got the old white guy or White family vote that he got like some People who knew him for a long time There's people who who were Republicans And independents maybe didn't really Like Trump and they had a good opinion Of Joe Biden and they voted for him Because they you know they weren't going To vote for Trump but those same people Aren't going to vote for KLA so she's Got to bring in young people and they're You know they're rolling out rap and Various young people type themes here
She's much younger than Biden and Trump So they're trying to cultivate that into Her getting you know young people vote But it isn't going to work if they take This attack on Palestine it's almost Like they're giving away the election Here by rolling out these parents for You know this emotional story but you Better bring in some Palestinian people As well right if they don't do that Maybe they will then you're giving a you Know not a I mean you're you're Celebrating the oppressors the people Committing the Genocide okay so this is let's get into Day three here this is our the host for The festivities the freedom night right Mindy keing the comedian and the comic Actress from the office she shares um Indian Heritage with KLA from she's from Tamil Nadu you know chenai India and They did a cooking show together when Kama was running for president four Years ago remember um the first night She had a Jewish act actor and the Second night he she had a Hispanic Actress who's just trying to get all the Various demographics represented here Everyone Hello hello and Welcome welcome to the third night of The Democratic National Convention my name is Mindy Ging thank you CU you didn't know and
They're going to applaud that for some Reason for those of you who don't know Me I am an incredibly famous jenzy Actress who you might recognize from the Office thank you the mindi Project or as the woman who courageously Outed kamla Harris as Indian in an Instagram cooking Video yes you're Welcome I am so proud to be here Supporting my friend But the real reason I am here is that Deep down I truly believe that as a Woman of color and as a single mother of Three it is incredibly Important that I be appointed ambassador To Italy that's how this okay so she's Going for you know the comic reaction Here here we go North Carolina they're In North Carolina right there's a a baby Crib you know KLA didn't have any kids And there's some stuff here toys they Call Them let's go outside Ruby is 2 years Old I'm starting to think will she be an Air worker like her Dad I hate to break to you but I'm not a [Music] Billionaire Donald Trump talked a big Game about bringing jobs back to America But it was all talk it was all talk Fox Con this is the eth wonder of the world Foxcon by most estimates has not even
Come close to meeting expectations this Whole project was a scam he is not Looking out for the residents he's Looking out for himself boom Donald Trump being exposed as a scammer by Union Workers you know what Trump Delivered $2 trillion doll in tax cuts Focused on his billionaire buddies and Big corporations that's what he did this Guy knows these knows his stuff he's not Only a welder but he knows about Trump's Scams as hell it makes me angry Billionaires don't pay their share of The load even is putting it up here he's Going to weld this thing he his Blow and melt this thing I don't think This is approved uh OSHA Usef and he Wants to do that again Trump talked a Massive game about infrastructure what a Joke we call it infrastructure boy this Guy sounds more like a politician than a Welder infrastructure is kind of like a Shill easiest of all we're going to get This Infrastructure going Trump was too Incompetent to get it done who's he Looking out for not us not my family you Know who got it done boom these two guys And Harris boom this guy knows listen to This this Welder okay so I missed something there This is why I first started watching Last night I watched a little bit of
This and this guy is Senator Chris Murphy a Democrat from Connecticut Earlier on you see that they had these People these couple that have their son Who's a captive of um amas right I Talked about that already Cory Booker he Got um some a little bit of a time slot There and she looks like Selena Gomez was um you know singing and so This guy um they did this hit piece About Donald Trump and how he and the Trumpers you know his cronies Sabotaged this uh bipartisan bill that This guy co-sponsored with an Oklahoma Senator and it would have strengthened The border and Trump did this so he Could run against the Border you know The the Border debacle with Joe Biden That this bill would have addressed that And would have hurt Trump politically And there's at least some truth to this You know Trump benefited more than Biden Did obviously that this bill did get Passed right so that part is true and That looks bad for Trump and then this Guy does something where it's classic Hipocrisy Trump killed that bill and he Did it because he knew that if we fixed The Border he'd lose his ability to Divide us his ability to Fan the Flames Of fear about people who come from Different places right you guys know This right hate And
Division that's Trump's Oxygen okay so he's making a case that These guys get their political nutrition From dividing you know the American People right so that's his point of view But then he drops this little Bomb right people people like Trump and JD Vance they need it to survive in Politics people are saying that they're Weird that they're creepy and they are Weird they are creepy So so he's just trying to make the case That they're the ones that are hateful And then he's name calling right calling Trump weird and creepy all these Things but even Worse they're Weak woo they're weak woo and so this Guy's saying that they use hate and then He uses hate right this is Classic so then they brought out a few People That were um Republicans who have turned On Trump because you know in the Republican party this Guy these days our party acts more like A cult a cult worshipping a felon Thug he's really Stiff look you don't have to agree with Every policy position of KLA Harris I Don't but you do have what are her Policy positions I don't even really Know them because she hasn't you know Done any interviews and hasn't released
Them in a way that's I mean I've been Covering this you know more than the Average person I know more than the Average person because I do this as a Job and like I you know you don't really Know where she stands right she's all Over the place you have to recognize her Prosecutor mindset that understands Right from wrong good from Evil she's a Steady hand so a prosecutor you're Saying that a lawyer understands right From wrong Good from Evil just because he's a Lawyer and a prosecutor like it's just Silly like you guys are just silly right So then they show video footage from January [Applause] 5th look like we're going to have an ad Hoc March stepping off here there's a Crowd search heading east Mike Pence I Hope you're going to stand up for the Good of our Constitution and for the Good of our country and if you're not I'm going to be very disappointed in you I will tell you right now and so they do A little hitpiece on Donald Trump for The big event in January and they have a Number of speakers then come talk about It right and this goes on for you know The first I say two hours were pretty Much just about Trump right like they Talk about Trump whining and Trump being A baby and you know Clinton's going to
Say the same thing Obama said but They're obsess they're obsessed with And it's like I've I've said before I Mean at some point Trump's going to have To go away he either gets elected this Time and in four years or something Happens to him during these four years But he is you know going going to go Away after that he's got four years left Right if he um if he loses the election And you know whatever they might be some Sort of dispute or whatever and that'll Go on for whatever period of time but After that he's going to go away like There's going there's a a shelf life to Trump but up until that point they're Going to milk everything they can out of This guy I don't know what they get out Of a KLA Harris presidency and we'll see We'll see how they play this thing out Right but it looks like Trump's going to Probably win because they I don't know What they do without him right it's just They're obsessed with them and much more They don't love Trump but then they have These various people right they came up And started talking about that then they Brought up Stevie Wonder we're going to Skip Stevie Wonder go right to Bill Clinton Here so they play co plays fix you it's His theme song right there's a bunch of Stuff to get to here with Bill Clinton Um I was going to play it through I
Can't remember it because I've already Edited one video today and started this Video so um um you know it's a little Bit all jumbled together Thank you there's a lot of old people Here but a lot of you know if you're I Think 40 or younger you you don't know Anything about Bill Clinton right like 40 30 something I don't Know [Music] Whoa me ask he's just he's kind of um he Hasn't aged great [Applause] After the last two Days aren't you proud to be a Democrat yeah what movie are you guys Watching I mean it's been a disaster I Know you cult followers are you know but It's been a disaster like in truth it's A Disaster and I am very grateful to the Republican and independents that have Joined us have been up here on the Stage and I hope they feel better about It Now Because I've seen all these things That even I have to be reminded of from Time to time when I get my spirits down You know when he's depressed he does This thing where he bites his lip and Now I mean it was always weird but it's Now it's even more
Creepy I love seeing the Obamas here I Love seeing President Biden And I thought Hillary gave a great Speech too and Uh IO again what what Universe are you Guys in Hillary that's a that's Something that has never been said ever Hillary has never delivered a she's a Horrible speaker she's one of the worst Public speakers she's just bad at it She's not she doesn't have a likable Personality she doesn't really connect With the audience and so other than this Kind kind of a setting where the Audience is you know is so amped up that They whatever you spit out they cheer Right I mean with the trumpers as well Right when you're in this kind of an Atmosphere where the people are just Wanting to cheer at anything yeah sure It sounds like a great speech from that Standpoint like all these things because These people are unlikable they're all Strange I mean this is forever this Isn't something new the politicians are Not like Hollywood celebrities or Comedians or people who are actually Entertainers and good at this right you Know it's like Amateur hour and most of Them suck pretty bad at it when you know Some of them are actors like Trump was An actor Trump is a reality TV star but None of them have the kind of command of A crowd that some of these other people
Could have right if they hired like real Actors or AI you know but these guys Will cheer for anything But I I love seeing all these young Leaders bunch of them are coming up After Me they look better they sound better And they'll be Exciting I do want to say one word about President Biden remember he's fenile and he he was Horrible He had an Improbable Turn that made him President and we were in the middle of a Pandemic and an economic Crash so this is where it gets Really Icky he healed our sick and he healed Our Sick what the [ __ ] are you talking About bro he healed our sick are you Serious is pandemic was a disaster even Bill Maher had Democratic Democratic uh Pun in on saying you know the Democrats Have to own this like people are are Aware that they forc the economy to Close be closed down they know it wasn't Trump like Bill Maher and this other Woman were talking about both Democrats And that they went over the top and they Pushed for things that later on became Unnecessary and you know many people are Aware of this they don't talk about the
News media but I'm sure even you know Some of your sheeple friends are Alluding to this right and so he's Talking about Biden Healing The Sick That is not accurate at all right I mean Most Americans feel like Biden tank the Economy I mean that's you know it's the Biden economics that they're you know Comm having to run away from That he strengthen our alliances for Peace and security he stood up for Ukraine trying desperately to get a Ceasefire in the Middle East okay so you Guys might think that's great but Majority of Americans are bummed about Ukraine they're bummed about paying Money for Europe and Israel they're Bummed about NATO especially when They're struggling with their you know Grocery bills and things his voice is Very weak Now and then he did something that's Really hard for politician to do he Voluntarily gave up political power yeah You saw his debate before himself so Right bro right bro And right bro George Washington knew That and he did It and he set the standard for us Serving two terms before it was Mandatory it helped his legacy And it will enhance Joe Biden's Legacy Joe Biden had to be pulled out it was a Disgrace and the people around him I was
Really not Joe Biden because he's been Having Park forever and you know they're They're lying about it and this guy Right um but he's actually a better Speaker still than Joe Biden and we'll Get into that his age because that's Kind of hilarious and you And it's a stark Contrast to what goes on in the other Party so I want to thank Him for his courage Compassion come on bro you knew it Forever his class his class that's what We say about the biding are really Classy Joe Biden thank you [Applause] Thank you Joe thank you Joe like it's just the Silliest stuff that goes out of these Things Right thank you Joe thank you Joe you Were pooping in your diaper he kept the Faith and he's infected a lot of the Rest of us now let's cut to the Chase I am too old to Gill the Lily two days ago I turned 78 the oldest Man in my family of four generations Woo so this blue be away he's going to Well let's listen to him Here and the only personal vanity I want To assert is I'm still younger than Donald Trump but Trump is younger than Biden
And you know Biden had to step down Because you guys ran him after he Already had Parkinson's so this is Really bad on a lot of levels right Because this mfer is younger than Joe Biden and I like was oh my God like I Thought he was probably 10 years older I Couldn't believe it now he's had open Heart surgery and he was married to Hillary that freaking like nightmare Forever and he's still younger and more Spry than Joe Biden like he could you Know do I mean he's doing a pretty good Job in the speech you know he moves kind Of slow um he's probably a little bit Worse than Trump but better than Biden Right and you know for him to be that Old to be younger than Joe Biden shows You what a nightmare Joe Jo Biden should Have run for president when um you know When when Barack Obama was stepped out Like he shouldn't have run in 2016 Because of his age like they probably Told him you're too old and you're too Scile and you know probably had Parkinson they knew it and they didn't Run him in 2016 but then they felt like he was the Best guy or the only guy in 2020 and then they had to cover for for So long but for him to make this joke About Trump Biden's uh Trump is 2 years Younger than Biden right and Biden is Older than Trump like you know he's
Probably seven or eight years 10 years Older than Trump right in terms of how Much he's deteriorated and so this kind Of blew me away I mean I had no idea Bill Clint was old is younger than Biden yeah like you guys are laughing But it's like like shows you you almost Had a guy who was older than Trump that Was scile right and like he almost Didn't step down and you guys had to rig It against him I mean the whole thing is So Greasy last Night last night look at that geriatric What I thought was a very Moving series of episodes we Nominated common Harris and Tim Waltz And just think about That two Leaders with allamerican but still Improbable life Stories It could only happen here their Careers after all started in community Courtrooms and classrooms you know like He's talking about like maybe he knows KLA Harris a little bit you didn't know Who Tim wals was till two weeks ago like The rest of it Right you know they just just say Whatever they're told to say they have Scripts they have you people this is What the points you want to make and you Know they're supposed to get good at Just making it sound like these making
These things sound personal like he's he Was always a good public speaker he's Making it sound like he's lifelong Friends with Tim Walls and K Harris and He don't barely knows him you know and I Mean he's pretty much out of the Political Loop right because I try to Apply this in every election will this President take us backward or Forward will this President give our kids a brighter Future no no what no just Depends will this President bring us together or tear us Apart will the president increase the Peace security and stability and free Freedom freedom see they're hitting Freedom tonight variety of the talks Already talked about Freedom that we Enjoy and extend it to others as we can You know they Biden uh it was um really Bad on sensorship which many of you know All this censorship for social media Came from the Biden Administration Threatening the social media Giants and Of course they're just uh like suing Kennedy which we saw earlier right and So they're the opposite of Freedom right Like they you know it's and I'm not Saying the Republicans are better Because they're not like Trump is a Disaster in a different way but they Have a planned agenda and they are Selling everything they're doing as what
Trump is doing right the stuff that They're going to do they're saying Trump Is going to Do we the People we have to make a decision about These kind of questions And every four years it's a little Different Because the people come up the Candidates come at the candidates and They say as they're saying now here are Our problems solve Them here are our Opportunities seize Them here are our Fears ease Them what you doing Bro like that's not at all what people Are so Dopey that's not how they think Or approach the candidates they're like Oh my God I just paid double for my Groceries F Joe Biden you know like that I mean that's the the way they are right Oh man Trump just closed down the Economy you know F Trump you know this Is it's like almost Neanderthal level Thinking out There here are our Dreams help them come True woo Look at them she she's crying Again a president can answer that Call by Saying I'll do my part but you have to
Help me we have to work Together Or you can dodge what needs to be done By dividing distracting and diverting us So in 2024 we got a pretty clear choice It seems to me yeah we do it's very Clear which one's Which kamla Harris for the Peopleo and look at look at she yes yes She's digging it man this this guy oh Man he just he just gets it Right the other guy who's proved even More than the first go Around that he's about me myself and I I know which one I like better for our Country comma Harris will work to solve Our problems seize our opportunities Ease our fears and make sure every Single American America however they Vote has a chance to chase their dreams Boom like that's he just knows it Because she was I mean she did such a Good job as vice president and and she Did such a great job when she was knee Pads he appreciates good knee pads Right you Know when she was young she worked at McDonald So did her husband wow that's they have A lot in common and she greeted every Person with that thousand watt smile and Said how can I help You now she's at the Pinnacle of power
And she's still asking how can I help You okay come on bro I this just like This thick right wow what's going on Here it's worry I'll be so so Happy when she Actually enters the White House as President because she will break my Record as the president who spent the Most time at McDonald's you guys realize it's poison Right I mean Democrats more than anybody Should realize that McDonald's is like Kill you right like like everyone kind Of knows it You guys like think that's funny look at Them they're lapping this [ __ ] up man Now but we got an election to Win and remember we've got a guy that's Pretty good at what he does Donald Trump Has been a paragon of Consistency he's still dividing he's Still blaming he's still belittling Other people he creates chaos and then Any sort of cure writes It okay so he's talking about problem Reaction solution right um and this is You know what they all do like it's just The Democrats have been they're the ones That are managing everything they're They're using Donald Trump as a tool not Just the Democrats but the people who Run the whole show right and you know to Make it sound like he's some Mastermind Criminal but they also talk about what
It do he is right as if it were precious Art let me Say not a single day goes By even though I've been gone for well Over 23 years from the White House not a Day goes by that I don't thank the Lord For the chance I had to serve and what It to serve is that what you is that What you're calling it Man is that how you remember It one of the reasons I mean just said How rare it is for a president to give Up power a bunch of these people talked About it that's amazing that Joe Biden Gave up power you know there's one um Pundit that said you can't even get Interns out of the White House never Mind a president right and that they Don't want to leave and none of them Want to leave and yet they're really Into serving people that's why they Don't want to leave because they just Want to do more service you know this Idea that these guys are service Oriented and they're not selfish is like One of the biggest lies like oh he's Joe Bid did 50 y of service it's not service Right they line their pockets they you Know they have like the best health care They have you know whatever it is Private jets and you know they have all The the perks of the lobbyist and all The stuff that they get right Kickbacks They make a lot of money and they have
All this power and influence and people Are always winding and dining them and Trying to you know get their bills Across and I mean all the stuff that They do right they're corrupt and They're selfish and they're not serving To anybody but themselves Right thank You wait wait wait Wait one of the Reasons one of the reasons I love the Job so much Is that in the toughest Times even on the darkest days if you Tried hard enough there was always Something good you could do for somebody Else oh my gosh right bro just stop it Just freaking stop it so he talks about KLA Harris for a bit and he you know all Her great qualities and then he hits the He hits all the the big ones are trying To push here the joy part done I mean look what does your opponent do With his voice he mostly talks about Himself Right so the next time You hear him don't count the Lies count the Eyes County ey and so there's says Something that like and they're they're Off here the video isn't correct it's a Little bit slow it's a little bit um you Know the the lips don't syn up with the Voice but like this is something I don't
Want to say they stole it from me but This is something I say all the time Right his vendettas his Vengeance his complaints his Conspiracies so that's the part he said Like Obama then he's going to say Something here that I say all the time Right Um you know this um this Vendetta this The complaints the conspiracy these were Right out of Obama's speech they're Trying to make Trump into this person Then why do you guys talk about him Constantly so at least a third of this Day three is about Trump right and They're going to do um that guy Keenan From Saturday Night Live is going to do The 2025 we'll cover that because that's Interesting as well right U but you know It's like it's clear that they're Obsessed with Trump because you know That Trump is more important than kamla They talk about Trump more than they Talk about Kamla he's like one of those Teners opening Up before he walks out on stage like I Did trying to get his lungs open by Saying me me me me me Me you know I always say how they they Trump is me me me me me me me right like But they I say that about all these People me me me me me me I I I like They're all braggers they all telling
You what they've accomplished and I say About Biden you know they're always Giving you their resery constantly and To say that Trump is the only one this Guy is you know he's doing it now to Some extent and he's you know he's here To promote the other people and Celebrate Joe Biden a little Bit but they're always talking about What they did and how they accomplished It and you know how he he served the the Country for eight years and you know When Cela Harris is President every day Will begin with you you you you yeah That's exactly because kamla that's how She you know she did it when she was When she kamla KN pad har it was always About somebody else not about promoting Herself Right every decision she made as a Prosecutor and and as a politician was To get her to this place right they're Going to do a little thing on her taking Down the banks later I'll show you that As well you know it's and you can't do That and and win and become a politician You have to grease the right Palms right Or you Know something else in herc case right Drink the right Slurpees she standing stand Up so We got to ask ourselves the questions if We're going to hire a president Do you
Want to build a strong economy from the Bottom up in the middle out or do you Want to spend the next four years Talking About crowd Size again trying to hit this Thing again this is a a reference to his His Johnson they love talking about his Johnson right you're going to have a Hard time believing this but so help me I triple checked It since the end of the Cold War in 1989 America has created about 51 Million new Jobs Woooo I swear I check this three times Even I couldn't believe it what's the Score Democrats 50 Republicans One woo the Democrats are so bad good at Creating jobs Woo wow look at us they just you know How do you even know that's true Right all right let's move forward to What he's talking about his wife here Okay so let's skip that and um Nancy J Pelosi um she uh she um says Something funny here in the beginning or You know just um a classic Nancy I Forget what it [Music] Is like you you're going to call the Other side weird when this is your been Your this was your big person for years Like she was the leader of the House for
So many years and there was years that Like Trump was President she was the Most powerful Democrat Right are you serious like this yes like You guys think she's great look at this Hello California hello Maryland hello Democrats she's so Yeah on January 20th 2021 with the inauguration of Joe Biden And kamla Harris we established one of The most successful presidencies of Modern times remember when you pushed Him out like you you stopped him and Like you wouldn't let him run again Remember that like he hated and he hates You now Remember and we quickly Pro proved that Democrats Deliver millions of jobs stronger Infrastructure and Rural Broadband a CH a Biden child tax credit Rescuing human pensions honoring our Veterans bold climate action lowering The cost of prescription drugs all Thanks to she said I don't it must have Been about Trump I don't know if I Started watching this from the beginning But you said something about Trump let Me see if I can find it here so she Talked about um KLA Harris and Joe Biden Thank you Joe thank you Joe thank you Joe and then she sets in on Trump here
This is a part I think so brazenly Assaulted the Bedrock of our democracy So gleefully embraced political violence So willfully betrayed his oath of office Let us not forget who assaulted Democracy on January 6th he did He Did let's see if I get that again Here um I can totally get it Again tray his oath of office let us not Forget who assaulted democracy on January 6th he Did so that's that's Nancy So KLA Harris's brother-in-law who Married his her Sister um which that's how that would Work gave a speech and a few other People another woman who was a colleague Of her talked about what a kick-ass Prosecutor she was and how that victims Of you know Predators would line up uh Their families would line up and only Speak to KLA because she was the only Person to get the job done right like They I mean they're pitching this stuff And then they roll out this thing about Big Banks Here there he is There for the people a crime against any One of us is a crime against all of us Boom she just has those cliches like That right you can always you always can
Guess the second Line the work that she did as Attorney General Was taking on Issues to help people who were trying to Make a life for themselves and their Families that's what she did she liked To help those people she didn't like the Wealthy and Rich and Powerful like when She dated a six-year-old man it wasn't The guy who was the most powerful King Maker or queen maker in California pilot Politics she dated a homeless guy right A 60-year-old homeless guy she got knads Pulled out her KNE pads for a 60-year-old homeless guy not a a Powerful guy who could help her move her Career forward when KLA Harris came into Office in 2011 the most urgent economic Crisis facing communities throughout California was the Foreclosure crisis For too many Californians hopes for Lasting home ownership have been dashed Victims have fallen prey to a series of Mortgage scams fraud and unfair business Practices okay so we all know about San Francisco like onethird of these places These commercial real estate places are Left vacant I mean because of her Policies and closing down the economy And Joe Biden stuff and it's a ghost Town all these stores like they have um You know like Fifth Avenue in New York They have a street like that that's you
Know basically a ghost town right and People are leaving the state and so the Banks have gutted this place and they've Bought up all the real estate Valuable San Francisco real estate these Other cities and things and like this You know for them to come out and Pretend that things went well with her Right I this isn't that long ago that She was a part of this and then of Course she's been the vice president While these banks have looted her state Right she was a senator for California And attorney general and and uh district Attorney for San Francisco and so she's Lived California for most of her life And you know she has a connection there In every possible way and the banks have Just like ared that whole state and she Could have done something about as vice President right in order to get Meaningful relief we had to sue the Banks and see through a lengthy Litigation process when kamla was Sitting at the table Negotiating it wasn't just about the Money it was about real people look at Look at that look at her posing you know Two things here if she went up against The banks then she wouldn't be in the Position is now the banks are a powerful Lobbying group and you don't make it in Politics by going after the banks when She sued the banks because this is I
Assume legitimate lawsuits because There's news articles about it the banks Will pay you a fraction of what they Make it's a slap on the wrist we all Know how it works right and so she might Have sued the banks it makes her look Like she did something but they might Have made you know $50 billion and They're going to pay 500 million in in Uh you know in um fines or something Right no one's going to go to jail There's not going to be any real I mean Punishment for this thing and then she Can do a commercial saying she sued the Banks meanwhile the banks are fundra you Know they funding and bankrolling her Candidacy I vividly remember her Thinking about Mommy who could finally Afford to buy her first home and how Proud mommy was so kamla knew what was At stake for families and even whole Communities we are she did she saw it With her own Mom very proud to announce A tremendous victory for California she truly believes that every Settlement right now I could look into This but we know what it's going to be And so um look 8 849 million will be uh Re financing 25,000 underwater California homes right So these Banks were gonna like nothing Right they made billions like you Know and so you know they're paying out Billions and they made billions every
Single person every American is worthy Of the promise and the prosperity of This country and every time kamla has Run for a bigger office it's cuz she Believes that she can have a bigger Impact yeah it's not cuz she just has a Big ego and wants to make it to the top Because she you know she celebrating Look at how happy she is is she smiling Because she can help people or she Smiling because man she might be President right she's cackling and Smiling and glowing and you know like She just won the lotto we are making a Commitment tonight with this celebration Of this Senate race to bring our country Together in the Senate to get a position On the intelligence committee is is very Coveted because it is about protecting Our nation's security and come I hit the Ground look at this look at her look Here right I mean like just like you Know a like a like some kind of high-end Escort like Hooker and she got a a job on the Intelligence Community Committee because They were prepping her like she's been An asset like they've pushed her out There they've been wanting her to move Through the ranks she did not deserve to Be vice president and yet she was right She was like shouldn't have ever been Chosen to be vice president there was Nothing that she did she she didn't earn
That by Merit Sur really didn't earn Anything by Merit otherwi you know the Nead stuff I mean that's hard work right But that's not by Merit she would not Let a witness off easily did you have Any Communications with Russian Officials uh for any reason during the Campaign that have not been disclosed uh I don't recall it I need to be correct As best I can be hon I'm not able to uh Be rushed this fast it makes me nervous Re question questioning of Attorney General Session like she's looking her Getting it done was was historic and she Earned the respect of colleagues this Got a nice haircut there both sides of The aisle kamla as a senator was a truth Teller she was [Laughter] There to EXP What some of these guys were and what They intended to do can you think of any Laws that give government the power to Make decisions about uh the male Body uh you think that's a good question Yeah um is it when does Life Begin Kamla I'm not a I'm not a thinking of Any right now senator they didn't know What hit them And in those moments so many people saw Her for the first time she didn't think Of that question it's you know it's not A good question because the obvious um You know what abortion is but she still
Didn't think of it like it plays well For these guys right these Democratic Ghouls but it's not a you know good Question but for them it is right but She didn't think of that like she's got A team of people that are propping her Up with these one liners and these Zingers that she tries to deliver and She sucks at it and saw how tough she Was you accept them recommending a Charging decision to you if they had not Reviewed the evidence well that's a Question for Bob meller he's the US Attorney think made it clear sir so she Was a freshman Senator and they put her On this High-profile committee and then she had These you know these um on liners that They delivered for and now they're using All this like she was something great Right like she ran unopposed I mean you Know she she did some kind of a work as A district attorney and you know as These various positions attorney general But the way she got those positions was By getting into positions herself right And dating a guy 60 years older than her So she did some work whatever but it was Mostly kind of work you do so you can Build the resume so you can put out Videos like this and pretend you Accomplish things right when anybody Looks into it of course the media won't They'll find out she really didn't
Accomplish much of anything right Because it's all just smoking mirrors It's all you know posing in things like You know this is the New Politics I mean It's the it's like using social media to Create an artificial persona it's what Everybody does now it's it's just you Know you're not a real person you know You've created this image of yourself This brand this profile if you have a Team of people and whatever she did to Win the you know having these High-powered benefactors and the you Know the shadow government that's Pushing her out there you know that That's something that happen behind Closed doors there's a reason they're Pushing her and you know and they're Putting in her into the White House Possibly if she wins Without Really Ever Facing any sort of test I'll talk about That tomorrow looked at the evidence and We can move on when she's on a mission She is determined and Relentless when Our fundamental values are being Attacked do we Retreat or do we fight I Say we fight you do I say we Retreat Like I think the majority of people say Retreat you know what are you talking About like it's just like simplistic you Know dummy talk right if you want to go Forward in this country not go backward Then there is only one Choice her sister's the better of the
Two like she's she seems more more like Refined and like a you know more of a Real person although she's lying through Her Teeth please welcome Nevada senator Katherine Cortez Masto bringing a lot of the VIN in so um I didn't see Josh Shapiro I knew he Spoke let's take a gander we're not Going to cover there's a bunch of stuff To get to Oprah and Tim Walls is a big You know it's a long thing his thing he Cloaks himself in the blanket of Freedom What he's offering isn't Freedom at all What is it is it not Freedom because hear me on this it's Hear me on this he's got the Obama sort Of swagger it's not freedom to tell our Children what books they're allowed to Read no it's not no it's not it's not Freedom and it's not freedom to tell Women what they can do with their bodies Yep exactly if they want to kill fetuses Let them kill fetuses come on it's not Freedom you I've talked about freedom is Just an illusion freedom is the ability To choose the wrong thing right freedom Is like what the devil pushes out there Like in in reality if you're a Godly Person there's your choices are limited You have one right choice it's a very Narrow path you know walking the razor's Edge and most of the time your ego is Like I don't want to do that I want to
Do something else I want to indulge one Of the infinite amount of wrong choices Right I've talked about this a lot so Freedom is just an illusion it's not a Real thing right it's what they the Devil sells to you as oh yeah you have Freedom of choice and you have the Freedom to do the wrong thing and people Don't want to give that Up both sides you know Trump is pitching The same devilish you know Freedom pitch And hear me on this it sure as hell is In Freedom to say you can go vote but he Gets to pick the winner that's not Freedom okay he's just so fake and he's He's really worked on these you know These skills and he kind of sucks at it Um he's annoying he's not going away he Might be your next president or you know He might be the top Democratic candidate Next time around right Pennsylvania is a Big state they need Pennsylvania they Want him to be vice presid president This time And he's you know got this energy Enthusiasm behind him they're really Pushing this guy out there he was you Know they wanted him to be vice President but you know genocide Josh Just Wasn't that just wasn't in the cards but Um you know the whole thing's a you know Just an absolute joke and we'll see what Happens in you know four years if there
Even is an election right so someone Came up I just want to add one thing Here someone came up with this idea or Someone came up with this nickname of Side Josh right which is platinum Nickname like when I heard it I'm like That's awesome right like you know I I Have good nicknames I come up with Nicknames I could not have come up with A better nickname than genocide Josh Like and it's brutal and that nickname Cost this MF or the vice presidency it's Such a brutal nickname this guy was the Top pick and he was the guy who was Supposed to deliver Pennsylvania to K Harris might be the difference in the Election or something like that right he Was a rising star he had that Obama Cadence and you know all this stuff and Talk of her and the party being Anti-semitic it would secure the you Know Israeli support all the things Right you know Trump has a lot of love From Israel and and then yahu and so it Was like a winning Pick for them but Some person on the internet said hey Genocide Josh and of course it's stuck Because it's awesome and now this guy is You know doing this speech here and Tim Walls is being celebrated at the end of The night you know he got like totally [ __ ] by this Nickname all right so this girl comes Out um she is the youngest presidential
Play and I don't have a problem with her Like whatever I mean she's not a Politician but I was watching this and I'm like well you can see it for Yourself here We Gather at this hollowed place because We believe in the American Dream you know it's the opposite of what I believe right because the American Dream is materialism and it's Anti-spiritual And it's a lie because it's based in a Debt-based economic system and a promise That was made to our ancestors that the System would always remain strong and Always be around for us Right we Face a race that tests if this Country we cherish Shall Perish from the Earth and if our Earth Shall Perish from This Country What it falls to us to ensure that we do Not fall for a people that cannot stand Together cannot stand at all boom they Can't stand if you can't stand together Which is not factually true because you Can stand alone but whatever we are one Family regardless of religion class or Color for what defines a patriot is not Just our love of Liberty but our love For one Another well that's not really being a Patriot like a patriot would be love you Know and I've talked about not liking
Patriots right but I was watching this a Little bit I don't want to watch that More much more of it here but and I Realized I really dislike poetry right Especially this kind of poetry because It's not really rap like these poetry Slams and things and it's like just very Pretentious right like it's just again I Don't have a problem with her she's not Like all these other political ghouls up Here like she has a real job and she's You know got a fan base and she's you Know I mean she's a presidential poet or Whatever the hell that means right but It's just you know very off-putting to Me like it's just you know the Pretentiousness of Ito this is loud in our country's call Because while we all love freedom it is Love that frees us All woo W Woo empathy CU there's so much Love emancipates making us greater than Hate or vanity that is the American Promise powerful and pure divided we Cannot endure but united we can Endeavor To humanize our democracy and endear Democracy to humanity Okay so that was like a word salad you Know America is in itself competitive And warlike right and it's not just the History of being colonizers as the woke Say and you know all those things and The wars and the weapons it's an
Attitude it's football it's you know It's a physical aggressive of Competition and crushing your opponent And all these things right and that's What makes America um like on The Cutting Edge of Things and what brings Innovation and Being a disruptor and being a killer Killer in the corporate room and all These things right and you know it's This aggressiveness and you know I can Do it and I did this and big Egos and Whatever right and you can succeed and Make a lot of money but it's not a a Loving place it's not an empathetic Place right it's pull yourself by up by Your brute straps and you know do Whatever you need to do to succeed and Doesn't matter as long as the The end Justifies the means and all these things Right okay so um they ran another ad I Haven't seen this Yet the word is called Freedom let's start off by saying There's a word and the word is called Freedom a film about Freedom can you tell me what it Means interesting let me think about That for a Second you know it is a freedom to Choose the wrong thing And that is the ultimate definition of The word Freedom it's the freedom to do What you're not supposed to do the
Infinite amount of wrong choices that Are present in any situation there's one Divine Choice one that's backed by your Soul and God and that's often the the Choice your ego doesn't want to make Right you know what that choice is you Just don't want to hear it you don't Want to see it you don't want to make it And you want to do something else and Having the freedom to choose the wrong Wrong thing is what America's all about Both the Republicans and the Democrats Push this demonic Choice the spirit of Freedom for for Me oh Yeah freedom to me means Choice the Ability it means Choice okay Choice Exactly what I said right to laugh with Friends Be who you want to Be go where you want to go living your Life day to day having new chapters in That life I you know this is a very dark Uh like depressing video for I believe In having your own words and being able To do what you want to the freedom to Raise our family in Healthy Communities The idea that I can turn to my partner My husband And say I love you with every being of My soul being able to start a family When I want to um being able to you know Dude dude you're rocking it bro um the
Thing about this is is what about Somebody who just really wants to murder Other people they're just you know That's what freedom is to them they want To be able to do that right so you know There is always going to be constraints To your your free choice your free will Right there are things you can't do and The governments you know based in what's Important to the people you know whether It's elected group of people or whether It's you know some sort of sovereign King or queen or Emperor or something Like that right or religious um you know Some sort of religious based uh Government they're going to force these Views on other people there's always Oppressive views there's always things Being forced if the Democrats win They're going to force their views They're going to say it's okay to murder Fetuses and the Republicans win they're Going to say it's not right for example And so there's always going to be some Oppression or some you know forcing upon Other people like you doing something That affects other people like there's Things you do every day that doesn't Affect other people aside from what I Said before about the this um you know About uh you're choosing the wrong thing Going against God's will right and so All these things are silly like the Democrats saying or the Republicans they
Want to own these words like freedom is A a word that means a lot to Americans It's a stupid word and it's a stupid Idea right because you know you you're Not free to hold your breath right I Mean you can I guess you know and I Don't think anybody can really do that Without you know trying to just hold Your breath you know in the sjar Tradition there's talk of saints who who Came down to do spiritual work and just Held their breath and died right but Aside from that like you can't do it Right you can't live without water or Food and there is ways that like on a Spiritual level you could do that but That's not for everybody right like when You're on planet Earth you have gravity You have your biological needs you have All these things right and so your body Isn't free like you're not free to swim To the bottom of the ocean without an Oxygen mask or you're going to drown Right like there's you have your Physical constraints and there's you Can't fly you know you can't fly like a Bird at least right you can't run like a Cheetah like you have limited you're Limited in whatever capacity you have These physical limitations the laws of Physics right which prevents you from Doing all the things you want to do you Know support the missions that I want to To go to the church that I want to not
Everyone has the same Opportunities but the United States is a Very anywhere I've ever been it's the One place where you can accomplish more The big fantastic thing about America is That it is the land of opportunity I Know it sounds TR but it's the truth This was probably a lot to do with Joe Biden remember he was pushing that word The opportunity okay so this is again Another pretentious artsy fartsy type Thing here this thing was a long film it Ends up with a baby and red white and Blue a flag diaper and we believe in This country my name is Karen and I She's a Karen Believe In Justice my name Is Nancy my name is too my name is Jennings my name is Dana my name is Todd And we believe in Freedom my name is Gina and I believe in Freedom my name is Pat and I believe in the freedom to work Together yeah Pat good job [Music] Pat look at him they all believe in Freedom Woo okay people aren't digging this cuz There's like smattering of Applause look At this peace and the American flag Things that don't go together without Without the the war machine you don't Have the lifestyle that you have Winfree without the evil empire stuff Comes Oprah look at Oprah coming out look at
Oprah bringing it look at Oprah she's Coming to Chicago where she's you know Made it big they're going to give her a Round of applause here Look at him look at him go look at Oprah Look at that lady she knows about Oprah She knows look at that look how how She's happy she's filming hey opris V Cindy Lou and here we Go look at that look at these dyed Fans who says you can't go home Again after watching the Obama's last Night that was some epic fire wasn't it Some epic fire it was Fire we're now so fired up we can't wait To leave here and do something exactly We're going to do It and what we're going to do is elect KLA Harris as the next president of the United States Is that what we're going to Do is that what's going to happen if all These people are already going to vote For C I don't think die I am so honored To have been asked to speak on tonight's Theme about what matters most to me to You and all of us Americans freedom Freedom exactly look at Freedom there are people who want you to See our country as a nation of us Against them people who want to scare You who want to rule you people who'd Have you believe that books are Dangerous yeah what about antivaxer
Sopra how's that like you know people Who didn't want to put that in their Bodies who were demonized I might show You the memes of you know I have a whole Compilation you guys have probably seen It but you know I show it all the time So you'll see it at some point when you Watch my my videos but all the people That said horrible thing about antiva And most of these people were liberal of Course Joe Biden saying antivaxers were Creating the pandemic people say that You know they should die in horrible Things right what about that like what About the freedom to not put that in Your body right like all these people All these freaking pro-lifers I mean These pro-choicers and Things and assault rifles are Safe that there's a right way to worship And a wrong way to love boom people who Seek first to divide look she's just Getting it she's just touched and then To conquer boom but here's the thing What's the thing Oprah when we stand Together it is impossible to conquer us You know this idea of divide and Conquer is not something the Democrats Can you know pretend that they own you Know that would be the Left Right Paradigm right because this idea of US Versus them in terms of being Democrats Versus Republican or but all the other Demographics that are you know being
Divided regularly and these conventions Are evidence of that right it would be This idea that all the people would come Together and dispose of the people who Control the system but when you get rid Of those people you get rid of your Lifestyle you know you get rid of your Multi-millionaires and all these people Like Oprah Winfrey right and so what She's saying there that when you stand Together they can't conquer you well Trump won in 2016 is that because Hillary was so divisive is that because The Democrats failed to fight right no Like there is half the people believe in What Trump is right or at least you know Good majority of the people good you Know good third of the people believe in Trump a good third of the people believe In you know very uh hyper liberalism Right and then there's the people in the Middle the moderates and then there's People who are truthers and you know This is quite a different it's it we all Believe that we have um different views Of the fabric of reality right and so It's just stupid like it's just silly Okay so I want to go to this um I Thought this was later around when opr Winfrey spoke but I guess it was Earlier but um I'm going to show you how Ridiculous the project 25 2025 thing is All right all right all right So you know Saturday night life sucks
This guy is kind of naturally funny but I mean the show is just tank the last I Mean it's it was never really great as We remember it but there used to be some Funny sketches right and especially for The time you know maybe they didn't age Well but they were funny at the time Right but the last 10 years it's just Not funny it's not you know they've gone Totally political in a goofy way right Uh but this is What's up DNC all right y'all remember this big Old book from Before when Colorado governor Jared Polus ripped a page out of it this is Project 2025 the Republican blueprint for a Second Trump term it is a yeah yeah Boo it is a real document that you can Read for yourself At kah harris.com Pro22 why would they have it like why You know why would they put it out there Um in such a goofy way and I'll get into That because it's kind of hilarious Right you ever seen a document that Could kill a small animal and democracy At the same Time Bo here it is R is setting it like joke Raiders with Them you know how when download an app And there are hundreds of pages there
That you don't read it's just the terms And conditions and you just click agree Right well these are just he just he Just gets it right terms and conditions Of a second Trump presidency you vote For him you vote for all of this let's Take okay so that's a conspiracy theory Right they're pushing a conspiracy Theory because 2025 has zero to do with Trump now you could say that it's Something that he has agreed with or Puts out he has connections with people Who wrote it but it doesn't benefit him At all right only a [ __ ] would put Something like this out that they're Going to use against you like it's Something they're using to scare people Right and it's just like really stupid To put it out you know the RW right it's Just like really stupid which I talked About and so it's a conspiracy theory Because they don't have any legitimate Proof that Trump is connected to it like They make fun of people have conspiracy Theory but this is exct same thing where They're claiming they know that Trump is You know endorsing this thing and it's Trump's even though Trump says he's Denied it himself and there's nothing no Direct evidence linking him to this Thing right and so they you know mock People for having conspiracy theories But this is a conspiracy theory right But they're like oh we know about
This Look all right but we got Matt here with Us tonight is Matt here hey there he is Matt how are you Sir all right Matt look at Matt Now Matt I understand that you work as an AV Tech In Nevada and you make a decent hourly Rage is that Right that's you know obviously his Technology his technical abilities Aren't working right Now oh I don't know if we can hear Matt Can we hear Matt so who's going to fix it Keep speaking Matt till we can hear You uhhuh okay that's good I guess we're Going to move on from [Applause] Matt this is Awesome like you guys are trying to Destroy Dr up with a 2025 you can't even Do a simple Zoom call or you know video Link and this is Becky Becky can we hear You hi Kenan it's great to be here Thank you all right Good now Becky you're married correct I Am me and my wife have been together for About eight years oh boom her and her Wife just they've been together eight Years they're doing Well that's amazing very very cute Thanks but I have got some bad news for You I hate that on page 584 Project 2025 calls for the elimination
Of protections for lgbtq plus Americans so why would they write that On paper like before the election when They would put this out this is our Agenda like it's the kind of thing that Trump would lie about being a part of Right like these are things that you're Not going to say in your political Platform it's stupid like it's just it's It's bogus there's no way that they Would write this thing unless they Wanted Trump not to get elected right O so yeah right back to the Stone Age I'm afraid so right back to the Stone Age that's terrible yeah it is thank you Becky for being here and making that Wonderful Point all right next Up we have Nirvana Nirvana are you with Us Nirvana and your people are with us As well all Right now Nirvana I understand that you Are on insulin to manage your diabetes Yes yes and thanks to President Biden And vice president Harris I only pay $35 A month for my insul boom some tells me That you're not going to be able to get That kind of deal with 2025 Look that is Great that is great But on page 46 65 project 2025 calls for millions of People like yourself to pay more for Prescription drugs like
Insulin Why why well I guess maybe to help big Farmer make more money than they can Donate to Republican politicians I Assume but you guys didn't have any Problem with big pharmer when you're Making the vaccines mandatory right and You were demonizing Antivaxers all a sudden you're now Against big farmer Okay so we get the idea here right let's See let wrap this thing up Here yeah there there a there's a bunch Of stuff in here but that's all we have Time for at the moment just remember Everything that we just talked about is Very real it is in this book you can Read it online at kamah harris.com Pro202 and most importantly you can stop It from ever happening by electing comma Harris but who's to say you know like There's no connection between Trump and This thing right not that I'm saying Trump wouldn't do all these things but I Hope he's not stupid enough to put it Out before the election and losing him The election right because this is Definitely something that's not working In his favor but to make this thing like Even more silly prua and the documented And and documented obtained videos from The heritage foundation's project 2025 That are intended to train political Appointees for the next conservative
Administration so part of the reason They're putting out this 2025 is so that they can hire people Like this is some of this stuff is so That you can apply for jobs now if you Know anything about the DC jobs federals Jobs you know my brother and I used to Joke my friends about state jobs one of My friends the Jewish guy who was like a Fireman which is very rare for Jewish People but he was one of my you know Basketball buddies and he got a job as a Fireman and a bunch of my friends were Applying for those types of jobs because You know they're they're cushy jobs Right state jobs like one time my Brother and I were my brother did a State job and he was going to work to Pick up something and I was with him and There's some guy standing around it was Like kind of early in the morning and he Yelled out the window lean on each other Till the shovels get here Right I mean loud enough so they could Hear because there's all these things Right in the state jobs um there's you Know they're just known as things that You can you get good benefits and they Can't fire you and just all these Governmental jobs right and so there are Lots of people who are professional you Know government type Employees that would find their way into The Trump Administration they'd have no
Trouble finding people to do you know These jobs like it isn't like they need Random cubies and crazy trumpers to come And apply for these jobs it's stupid Like they don't need to publish 2025 and then say do you want to be a Part of this right they don't need to Make anything public so they've put out A variety of training vi vi videos this Is Project 2025 private training video Time management for appointees they're Putting on training videos out on the Internet so liberal um YouTube channels And KLA Harris can get these things and Use them to go use them as Weapons Against Trump this is how stupid this Thing is right like it's the stupidest Thing ever why would they ever do that It makes zero sense and the federal Government implementing the president's Agenda requires significant multitasking Talents again why would he put this out Like if he was putting something out Like this that's going to hurt has a Chance to get elected he would be the Stupidest guy ever right like he just Isn't that stupid and she's talking About the president's agenda they're Talking about this is his agenda and he Said no it's not but like no one's going To believe him because like you know It's the kind of stuff that he kind of Believes in it's coming from this Republican Think Tank that's obviously
Run by some sort of intelligence Community shows right and he can't Really deny this stuff because people Who believe this stuff will be offended By his denial of it and so they've boxed Him in and really screwed them like they [ __ ] the guy right like why would they Do that like unless their intelligence Community shills You were chosen in part because you are Up to the task there are like you've Already hiring people you're not hiring People yet like you wouldn't put this Out the election isn't even happened you You know there's a time period between When the election's over where you could Put something like this out and even Then making it public would raise the Alarm of all these you know it would Just be stupid thing to do you don't put Out controversial things like this and Say things that are going to get people Like um freaked out like and if Trump Wins people are going to be going after This stuff they're going to be freaked Out by this stuff even more and they're Going to be talking about 2025 project 2025 the day after Trump wins like if Trump wins the election what looks like It's kind of possible they're going to Just be talking about this for the next Four years right and they're going to Use it to raise money they're going to Use it to you know create movement and
Create outrage and all these things and Division five areas of time management This training will cover your first Month effective Communication external meetings internal Meetings like it's just stupid right to Your calendar will put meetings on your Calendar who you're talking to like People on YouTube that we're going to Work for Trump like what the [ __ ] Right if you are hired for a federal job You have to go through the background Investigation process this starts when When an agency decides to hire you and Makes you a job offer when you accept That job offer they commence the Investigation background checks that Starts when the United States government Looks at employees whether or not they Meet the suitability and fitness Requirements for that position this Applies to anybody whether you're a Contractor an employe military so again This is all there's there's like a lot Of these there's at least four or five That I saw these are just two of them They've put out these training videos For jobs that don't exist for an Administration that hasn't won yet with All this controversial material that's Probably going to prevent him if there's A if he loses the election this will be Part of the reason why right it's just Stupid it wouldn't it's just not real
This thing didn't happen for the reasons They're saying right this is something That gives the the Democrats all kinds Of Firepower and all kinds of you know Motivational tools to get their their You know their followers tackles up and Even if like I said Trump wins it's even Going to be worse then you'll be Fighting for you'll be fighting this for The next four years just stupid like It's just stupid right guy looks like Some CIA shill so did the woman look Like some kind of intelligence Community Thing right like some psychological Operation just like Stupid okay um so wrapping up day three Today's um I think the 23rd let check my Phone here of uh Friday August 23rd and you know I um watched a little Bit of K Harris's Speech uh you know it's just a well I Got a whole message I'm going to say at The beginning of the the next Video and the whole thing's just Hilariously contrived and manipulated And you know stage crafted Um so here was Pete bodig He you know they have all these Celebrities here and they have this um Seeing Governor walls going to Congress And then becoming Governor I see the guy That was a first sergeant I see a guy That's full of energy always busy and Like he says you get enough time to
Sleep when you're dead I first met Governor walls and Congressman walls you Know the way that they try to build These people up is like say are Heroes um then uh this guy comes [Music] Out there Rhythm there with That she pick up the phone D it on the Floor all I heard [Music] So it really makes you appreciate Prince Right because you think that John Levan Is at least has a good singing voice but It this performance was nowhere near as Good as Princess version right um they Exhumed Sheila E for the thing and uh Here they exhumed Her and so I was going to do a whole Thing about the yow elevator but you Know these videos are so long but you Know elevators um don't let the elevator Take you down you know Prince died in Elevator and there's elevators take you To hell and staircases take you to Heaven then they Um [Applause] [Music] Here ncy Globar it's a Nancy okay He that was a warmup Act on behalf [Laughter]
Ofk you know um there is A documentary on HBO called uh killchain It was about rigging the election but it Was a democratic uh very heavily Democratic Leaning uh you know uh documentary and In killchain they talked about how It was so easy they had a bunch of Hackers in Las Vegas come together and Hack the um whatever that name of that Company is don't care don't tell me Don't need to know that um was accused Of you know by Trump and they sued they Tucker Carlson all those people it was Very easy to hack their um their Hardware and their Software and so you know the electronic Voting machines of course the big thing Was the mail and ballots but they were Were talking about rigging the election Because Trump was going to do it and it Was right before the 2020 election they Put out this documentary and it showed How easy it was to hack the election and Then she was on it like she was talking About how they were concerned that Trump Was going to hack the election how easy It was to do it if you ever get this Chance to see it it's kind of Interesting because they changed their Tune completely after Trump lost right The great state of Minnesota Minnesota where purple Reigns Amy Globar I stand before you in support of
Our next vice president Tim Walls okay so um she ran for president The same year that KLA Harris did They're all showing up people what get Did some other guys so then they bring Out his football team here [Music] Look at these world class athletes no Wonder they won the state [Music] Championship and then they had this Documentary about him here oh this guy Tells a story this is what I want to Show You we want the people in charge to be Genuine Compassionate and Trustworthy the thing is there are People in our neighborhoods who fit this To Description the kind of people who Display quiet leadership by helping kids Pay for their Lunches okay so this was um this [Music] Guy Tim Walls is the kind of guy you can Count on to push you out of a snow bank Boom that's the kind of guy like you get In a snow bank Tim wall is there for you He's done it he's done he's pushed People out of snow Banks before he has Actually done that I know this because Tim walls has pushed me out of a Snowbank
Boom I grew up next door uh to the Walles in Mano Mr walls was also my Geography teacher woo man Rock woo and My coach not for high school football But for seventh grade basketball and Track so what was a high school football Coach doing coaching seventh grade Basketball and trap Well there was a kid in the high school Who couldn't afford to pay for lunch and He ran up a lot of debt he ran up a lot Of debt this you know somehow I heard This because I don't know why I watched This guy right but this kid ran up a lot Of debt and so you know apparently they Can't refuse a kid Lunch but they will saddle your family Not the kid with thatb right um which is A completely effed up thing they they Said well you can you know eat on credit Right run up a tab at school Lunches and Tim and Gwen decided they'd Help pay it Off they started calling around the District to see if there were any Positions they could fill now first of All this is pretty Embarrassing for the kid because he Can't afford school lunches and the Parents we don't know what the story is But this guy's telling everybody right Like this is this everybody knows right Like if you're going to do something Like this and again the kid isn't
Running up de the family is right the Kid doesn't you know at least as far as I know doesn't leave High School owing And five grand in school lunches and I Don't know you know I I'm not going to Look up horror stories about this right But you know it's embarrassing and you Know the walls is made a big deal about Everybody knowing about what they're Doing here right cuz this guy's telling Everybody in the nation about this kid His parents couldn't afford to pay for His lunches Right to make a little extra money and That's how he wound up coaching us Seventh Graders that's right that's right he did That he paid off lunches yeah that's Right that's the kind of guy he is and So then they go into the story Here there's a team up there good job Skippy out here in the wide open spaces We are reminded of the values we share a Commitment to community country and Standing up for what's right Tim Walls Grew up you know that's like not how People think about and talk about every Day right like it's just we know how the Guy dealt with covid people we know how Antivaxers was treated by these guys Right they're not about Freedom or any Of this you know I mean up in a small Town in Nebraska where he spent Summers Working the Family Farm there were just
24 students in his graduating class his Dad served during the Korean War like She's crazy right she's got those crazy Eyes and that meant a lot to Tim so he Enlisted right after his 17th birthday And served 24 years in the National Guard rising to command Sergeant major Tim went to college on The GI Bill and became a social studies Teacher that's where Tim and I met we Shared a classroom with a divider right Down the middle his classroom shared a Classroom was a lot louder there she is Gwen walls than mine but I could hear How engaged his students were Tim taught For over 15 years and he coached Football helping lead the team he coach Football to a state championship after Zero wins just a few years before Tim Taught them how to believe in themselves And that we're that's what he does he Teaches people how to believe in Themselves all in this together and They're all in that's like his signature Moves believe in yourself we're all in This together when one of our students Started the school's gay straight Alliance Tim agreed to serve as faculty Adviser because he knew how impactful it Would be to have a football coach Involved boom Tim getting it done with G Straight the Liances he inspired his students and he Changed Liv
He is just so joyful in everything that He does but I think also standing up for You know what he believes to be right Stands up to bullies what what bullies Did he what bullies were bullying him at Uh in this the neighborhood here or in School what bullies did you guys have What kind of bullies what bullies did he Stand up to Tim's students inspired him To run for Congress in southern Minnesota Tim spent a lot of time Working with Republicans fighting to Help farmers and expanding veterans Benefits whether it was in Congress or As Governor his Focus has always been Helping working people like those he Grew up with that's why he fought for The largest tax cut in Minnesota State History but Tim Walls was there for Small businesses like our business is Small business he got it done with the Urging of Governor walls we were able to Pass the Alex Smith insulin Affordability act and it has saved lives In Minnesota he saved lives with Tim's Governor Minnesota is one of the best Places to raise a family and one of the Best states for business Tim's a Lifelong Hunter and G he's a hunter he's He likes Guns boom he likes killing Birds but after the Sandy Hook school Shooting he knew that we had to do Something so he's fought for background
Checks and red flag laws but of all the Things he's done Tim Loves being a dad he's a good dad we Struggled to have kids they struggled Had kids remember you guys you said IVF But you didn't have it like you didn't Even know what procedure you had because He's so in tune with you and you're you Know there was such a big moment when You guys actually had kids because you Couldn't have him that he doesn't even Know what the pro procedure you use Right and fertility treatments made it Possible there's a reason our daughter Is named hope hope and Gus mean the World to us Governor walls making good On a promise to his son and family Yesterday by getting them a puppy then We're going to go get some food corn dog I'm vegetarian turkey then and turkey's Meat not in Minnesota turkey Specialy no you're special Tim he's as At home looks like your son's kind of Special too on a farm a fishing boat a Football field or a factory floor as he Is on the floor of Congress Tim's Commitment to service all comes back to The the values we grew up with love your Country help your neighbor and fight for What's right because that's what America Is all look at all these kids huging Them two middle class kids one a Daughter of Oakland California not Oakland not Oakland honey don't don't be
Pretended you're from Oakland the other A son of the Nebraska Plains only in America is it possible For them together to make it all the way To the White House only America is is it Possible for someone from these she you Know Joe Biden said the same thing like Oh my God what a what a incredible story Like a kid from Delaware and and Pennsylvania could come and a kid with Stutters become president like it's just Yeah like you couldn't be president of Some you're not going to be president of Bulgaria when you're from Nebraska Right USA Woo please welcome the Democratic Nominee for vice president governor Tim [Applause] Walls he was born in a small Town boom do your bow here you go P Point wave big old gaping ghoul hole Open your ghoul hole Tim open your ghoul Hole homean there you go there you go Open that cool hole oh yeah just touch Your heart he was born in a small Town and he lives in a small town there He goes open that freaking ghoul [Applause] Holek small Are you from a small town Tim thank You thank You well they're really loving Tim Walls I just found out about him two weeks ago
But he's just one of those genuine People you just immediately fall in love Withow walls walls walls thank You thank you first of all to vice President Harris thanks for putting your trust in Me and for inviting me to be part of This incredible Campaign wo Tim Walls also we'll get Back to the speech in a second um I had To go to CNN because they didn't show The kids that's what I want to show you Um the mom and the kids they just fell Apart right CNN showed it but KLA Harris Didn't it was weird because it's you Know I assume this was the same feed But anyways Governor Tim Walls pushes Motans to get vaccinated so this Afternoon the governor will be talking About your shot to Summer that's the Campaign your shot to Summer you can go Out and have a summer if you get the Shot offering incentives for you to roll Up your sleeve to get the shot right now There are nine freebies including Tickets to the Minnesota State Fair boom Or annual passes to our state parks the Goal is to get 70% of motans vaccinated By July 1st and at the same time Fe a Gift card of 25 bucks the White House Aims to get 70% of the country Vaccinated with at least one dose by July 4th and it's offering incentives Like free child care Sports tickets even
Free Beer let's go into the summer Freer and Safer let's celebrate a truly historic Independence Day I think we're we're on Our way out and the more people that get Vaccinated make us move faster boom then We can get back outside again and Tim Balls and get the neighbors not to spy On each other anymore you w't have to be Able to rat on you can't rat on your Neighbors anymore Tim Walls also was Good with the kids he wanted the kids to Stay safe stay safe stay safe the school This week covid cases among America's Children are surging to alltime highs About 252,000 kids tested positive for Covid-19 and in the last week that's the Highest ever in a 7-Day stretch the American Academy of Pediatrics says Children accounted for more than 26% of All covid cases in the United States That week Caroline Cummings is live in Rockchester where the governor just Welcomed kids in elementary school back To the classroom and hopes minnesotans Will continue to get the vaccine right Caroline hi there Shayla so kids under 12 are not yet eligible for the vaccines That includes many of the kids here at Jefferson Elementary School and here Though those kids and the staff are Going to have to wear masks but that's Not the case in schools across the state That's because it's a district byd
District decision on whether to Implement mask requirements or require Vaccine remember how they like they came Out and said yeah the Mas really didn't Do anything right or routine testing for Staff St Paul schools the second largest District voted for shots or weekly Testing for all employees and it was one Of the first districts to do so Governor Wall says he's concerned about a Patchwork approach to schools but he Says he has no plans to trigger another State of emergency which would give him The powers that allowed for the mask Mandate it wouldn't hold I would lose That Authority it would hold for 29 days And then the legislature has shown that They will not do that um My Hope Is that There's enough pressure so you went over The top is that what happened and we all Know like this is bogus so you really Were you were one of those guys right You were one of those guys Tim one of Those guys who went like you know I'm a Guy who's in the National Guard and get Like a volunteer fireman and like you Know he went full Bo went full boore and You know let's let roll up everything Right pressure from parents there's Enough pressure from science there's Enough pressure from Folks is asking lawmakers to put new Covid vaccine and masking rules into Effect but it's not going over well with
Republicans good evening everyone thank You for joining us I'm Kelsey Carlson And I'm Amy hogard political reporter Theo Keith joins us now so Theo you ask The governor if his latest request so This is Governor walls meets with Legislature leaders to discuss vaccine Mandates are an ultimatum what did he Tell You well that is the real question and He said no they are not an ultimatum and That he has no plans to call a state of Emergency over covid if he doesn't get What he wants from the legislature let Me set this up today the governor and His health commissioner Jan Malcolm got Their flu shots at a community clinic in St Paul both of them warned about the Impact of bad flu season could have on An already strained Health Care System Earlier the governor met with the four Legislative leaders for the first time In weeks in addition to long-standing Requests on pandemic bonus pay for Frontline workers and farm drought Relief walls today added two new ones Vaccine and testing requirements for School staff and long-term care workers So you know the guy went over the top Right which we all know was you know Unjustified and Unnecessary okay so I this is the one I Didn't I had to go find this on CNN so Tim Wallace comes
In look at his freaking kids his mom his Wife is like nuts his son's got this Weird haircut and he's like look at them They're like balling thank you Coach coach coach coach you calling him Coach wow well thank You thank you first of all to vice President Harris thanks for putting your trust in Me and for inviting me to be part of This incredible Campaign and a thank you to President Joe Biden for four years of strong Historic leadership and then go scile so It opened up a slot for me formerly Filled by comma and later On his son like Weeping we're all it's falling Apart okay so at this point I'm editing Here um but at this point you know I Didn't know exactly what his issues are They're going to talk about his issues Like this kid has issues obviously right You can see him and you know I'm not I Mean I'm going to I have a voice over Talk about this and you know I like People who are different so like you Know this isn't like I I like him more Than his other people he's my favorite Walls right this kid but Tim's obviously Frustrated with him because he Yanks his Arm you know all these things sort of Came out this morning I saw this a Little bit um you know there's so much
I'm covering here But the mom's weird she has those crazy Eyes he's been featuring his daughter She's putting out posts in social media Sort of you know making fun of her dad And they go back and forth a little bit Uh but the son they've hit away and they Really didn't talk about the son that Much during that piece they talked about These kids and the all the kids he coach And all these things but for a guy who Is calling the other side weird and That's what I'm going to focus on here You know he's um hiding away this kid Like he's ashamed of him or something Right for one beautiful simple reason we Love this Country give it to him Coach give it to Give it to those antivaxers and all Those People so thank you to all of you here In Chicago and all of you watching at Home tonight thank you for your passion Thank you for your determination and Most of all thank you for bringing the Joy to this Fight all right so I'm not going to get Through this spe I don't know if there's Any more stuff with his family um but You know Tim Walls okay so I already shot this stuff About Tim Wall's son Gus and then my Wife told me about this and I went and Found it uh Tim Wall's Under Fire after
Viral video captures him aggressively Pulling Sun Gus onto DNC stage shows his True colors this is the times of India Right which would be supporting KLA Harris because she is you know got Indian descent right but here's the Video um from uh Twitter and so I already talked about His son when know you know what you're Going to see after this I'm you know Going back in time here but his son has Issues multiple issues Behavioral um you know psychological Issues right and so he's Yanks is like Just gets frustrated Yanks his son this Is the guy they're calling Coach how Compassionate he is right And you know he's just over it like he's Struggled with his kid look at it that Face expression pulling his hands right And so you know he's just he's not he's Not loving life um with his kid right And so um you know let me switch over to A voice over here I'm going to cover This all in a moment okay before I do The voiceover I already done this Voiceover you know this is about you Know people being not normal and things And you know my own relationship to that But you you've had these moments with Your kids like people do this all the Time I saw maybe a movie or sitcom where You know this is a family that didn't Get along but the mom made them do one
Of those um maybe it was that show Raising Hope I think maybe I'm not sure But would do one of those portrait Photos every year where they would you Know get a professional photographer and You have those family photos of course Now you have people putting up all kinds Of fake [ __ ] on instag that's completely Staged and contrived and they smile and They pretend how happy they are you know Deep down you know later and they're Having fights and you know then there's The real story right and Tim Walls is Obviously frustrated with this kid and They're trying to portray him as a coach And this you know loving guy who's just Positive and happy and fun and nice to Everybody but then you saw you know how He treats his son here right he's just Like pissed and over it like just get Over here right like like the you know The Scorpion in uh um Mortal Kombat get Over here right like he's just you know Over the whole thing and you know the Kid was cheering well let me just show You this let me do the voice over here And then I'll show you the other clip so I never considered myself normal right Like I you know the word normal I don't Associate with right because you know I Have a different learning style I'm Dyslexic and introverted and you know There's probably more that doesn't Really suffice and say what I am right
In terms of the Myers Briggs I am an INTP INTP which is 4% of the population it's One of the rarer personality types right And I just always you know kind of Understood I had a different learning Style or whatever I mean I guess as I Got older I did he as a kid I didn't Care but in terms of fitting in like I Just never felt like I fit in right and You know I'm always kind of an Outsider and in the truth Community I'm Rare like you know there's not so many People like me in the truth Community Truth Community people are considered You know a fringe group and people who Do sa Mar meditation are Fringe group And I was a fringe person an outsider in Both of those groups right so like I Don't you know value being normal or Whatever right you know I never really Cared about fitting in and you know People are all everyone has their Idiosyncratic behaviors and their Whatever it might be things that you Know make them different or you know Whatever you want to call it special or Whatever and so like I don't care about That stuff uh but uh Tim Wallace busted Out the weird word and you know this DNC Which I'm going to say over and over Again here was like a weird Aon like it Was a freak Show right just in terms of The normal behavior what people consider
Normal behavior like I don't know if I Met these people in real life like Emma Whatever it is M off or some of these People you know if I had to work with Them you you don't know whether you're Going to get along with somebody you're Going to like him or dislike him or Whatever like I don't know what I don't My personal feelings to them and Tim's Wall's kid here Gus who they you know Hit away right like KLA Harris mentioned Her dad is going to mention her dad in The in the final speech briefly but her Dad isn't a part of her life and he's a You know he's a Marxist e Economist from Jamaica And she barely talks about that side of Her family she finally kind of embraced The Indian part of her family you know a Little bit in the in this whole thing You know um because you know she's been Trying to uh prove her you know street Cred Blackness thing for the last so Many years you know but it's all made up And contrived but there's obviously some [ __ ] went down with her dad and she's Not referring to it right and you know Tim Walls is you know the want to make Him this coach and this great guy and Everybody loves him and he's so like Caring and concerned about other people But you know he's got an eccentric kid Here kid with some issues and that's Frustrating like the kids probably
Frustrates the crap out of them you know He's a high maintenance kid high need Kid right and then Tim W is going to Call other people weird right like I Don't care like you know people who are Different I usually identify with like I You know like people who stand out so I'm you know I'm like rooting for his Kid in you know different ways right and Especially if he's going to do [ __ ] That's going to make Tim Walls pissed Off but you know Tim Walls are trying to Make him an average normal American guy Who just likes people farming you know Old Coach white guy who's out there he's Just loving everybody accepting Everybody but he's yanking his kid's arm Here right and so let's get into what His you know his kids issues are here But again Tim Walls is the one who Brought out the word weird and if you Think JD Vance is weird well what about your Own kid like what do you think about him Like do you think he's weird is that Your issue like you wish he's more Normal like you is that you know because I you know they're trying to make Tim Walls a normal guy but the guy's a liar You know he lied about a bunch of weird Stuff now I understand why he lied about His military service exaggerated it but Why did he lie about IVF right why' he Lie about white guy tacos and you know
These things like you know why' he lie About that stuff I mean it doesn't make Sense right he you know he he's um you Know he's trying to be Joe normal but He's making up stories and he's you know Exaggerating things that don't have any Value to be exaggerated right and then The weird thing like his biggest thing Is being known for calling JD Vance and Trump weird well if they're weird then What about what we just saw at the DNC If you're going to say everybody who Acts abnormally or is you know abnormal In some way doesn't you know fit in what Most people consider the normal range There's a lot of weirdness at the DNC a Lot of eccentric kind of stuff right and You guys want to say oh this is all Great we embrace all that stuff but Those guys over there are weird right Well like it doesn't work that way like You know either you're accepting of Everybody or you're you know or you're Judging people and you're judging people So here's a clip where they feature the Sun Here so there's been numerous videos and They showed a clip during that Presentation of Tim Walls and his Daughter and you know his weird wife is Featured she's got those crazy eyes but She's acceptable but they've hit this Guy away right he's got this sort of you Know he's got that haircut from Tropic
Thunder you know that character Simple Jack right he's got a a weird haircut Gus wall sat front row for the biggest Moment of his father's life and his Pride exploded out of him hope Gus and Gwen you are my entire world and I love You but I thought you were like just Helping everybody else and being Governor and you know like you don't do Those kind of jobs when you're family Centered right family focused I mean he Worked a full-time job as a teacher and Then he spent a lot of time coaching and Helping other kids right so you know he Wasn't probably all that present for his Own kids because you know he's uh I mean Doing all these extra things and then of Course being governor and now this right That's my dad the 17-year-old could be Seen saying he stood with tears Streaming down his face pointing to his Father Minnesota Governor Tim Walls as He accepted the Democratic nomination For vice president so you know he's um Acting in a way that is not what you Would normally see a kid that age a high School kid acting right G wept through Much of his father's speech and when it Was over he climbed on stage and wrapped His dad in a tight bear hug his parents Recently disclosed that the high school Senior has a non-verbal learning Disorder an anxiety disorder and ADHD But they you know which is kind of not
All that abnormal now for kids because This generation of kids have all these Issues right so he's got you know he's Probably on all kinds of Medications and you know all these other Things right um but they haven't Celebrated this kid like they're trying To do now like you know nobody even knew That much about him he wasn't featured And all of a sudden he spazzes out at This thing here and they're you know They called his condition his secret Power and said you mean like Kanye so You're Kanye fan he's brilliant and Poised for Success Gus is getting his Own turn in the spotlight after his Older sister 23-year-old hope walls Delighted Americans with playful social Media videos she filmed with their dad Gus's exuberance captured Hearts Becoming perhaps the defining image of His father's address and further Humanizing a running mate picked by vice President KLA Harris in no small part For his Everyman appeal yeah well know He's yanking his kid's arm right because You know kids like this with these Issues they're high Maintenance when you have I Kanye's high Maintenance right Kanye's mental issues Yeah there you know I did a you know When I went to get my Master's Degree in Counseling we had to cover like core um You know these various type of
Psychological models right and you went Through these various um there's like Four different um core uh you know Classes that were were part of each Semester and the first one the first Assignment was creativity and Madness That you have people who are you know Artists and you know who are uh you know Famous people that broke barriers but Often times they're flirting with or They're just out now crazy and one of my Friends at the time told me why don't You do Bobby fiser one of my uh someone Who does the meditation that I do this Guy's a chess player and he said you got To do Bobby Fisher and you know if You've seen the movie Pawn sacrifice it Doesn't even you know it's a good movie But it doesn't really even shine a light It doesn't it doesn't you know uh give You the full story of how crazy Bobby Fischer was right extraordinar uh Eccentric but all these other people in My class did these stories about people Who are famous and then they had these Mental issues right right and Kanye is One of those people often times people Who are you know uh really good at you Know one thing or specialized at one Thing or they you know they're uh I mean They they break ground in some area and Then whether it's music or something you Know entertainment or even politics and Things they have they're they're crazy
As well right they have these issues and So you know there's this element of Creativity and Madness this idea that This is my superpower but those people Are difficult to deal with right those People are you know um people who aren't Socially normal like everybody else like You know uh fall within the normal range Are difficult right or high maintenance And this kid's got to be high Maintenance his dad by yanking his arm Showed you he's just over it and they Kind of HIIT him away you know they They're they're rolling him out there Because they can't you know not put him Out there but for a guy who called other People weird right there was a very Weird Um the whole thing was weird the the the DNC was you know a lot of eccentric Weird people people that you wouldn't Consider normal uh Ella Ella um uh you Know douge Fresh's daughter and her Tattoos and you know the way she dresses And you know these are you know I mean If you're going to call other people Weird then you got to say Hey you know We're not normal either right we got our Own stuff I mean Tim Wallace is trying To be the normal guy next door the guy Who can count on to push you out of the Snowbank and all these things but you Know he's got some stuff here he's got The answer for like the way he was
Yanking his kid's arm and you know this Just they're trying to put on this show But it's not reality it's not how he Really is or who he really is right I Got one more thing to do about this you Know his um pushing the vaccine here Governor walls launches kids deserve a Shot vaccine incentive program for Minnesotans ages 5 to 11 a $200 Visa Gift card to Minnesota families who get Their kids 5 to 11 fully vaccinated in January and February these things right um so They're really pushing this stuff this Is back when they had Omron right and as Omron surges across our nation we're Continuing to use every resource we have To keep our family safe and healthy There's a healthy transmittable virus There's a highly transmittable virus Circula in our communities but getting Our children 5 to 11 years old vaccin Gives them critical protection against Severe illness and hospitalization from Covid right so this is um getting covid Vaccine saves thousands of Minnesota Lives and thanks to Wilson image barbar Silus and black nurses rock you can get Yours while running your errands until August 21st right so he was really Pushing this thing government Wells Couldn't impose a vaccine mandate for Minnesotans even if he still has Emergency Powers so he was he wanted to
Do mandates but he couldn't You know let me just show you this They're trying to present an image of Like Freedom of Choice you know Pro-choice stuff and acceptance and Everyone's okay freedom is a big part of It right but they were anything but free The way they treated people who Rightfully and you know we've been Proven right over a period of time you Know were not wanting to um embrace the Medical scientific agenda they are Forcing on us that turned out you know As we now To be potentially even life-threatening And just you know wrong on every level And how they demonize people who are Antivaxers so let me show you the Compilation here cuz this is you know Part of this whole thing right it's it's Science and you shut up and wear your Mask it's it's science and you shut up And wear your mask it's it's science and You shut up and wear your mask you Shouldn't cut antiva people out of your Life they could be dead tomorrow Spend time with them call them get in The will screw your freedom the latest Dat of the confirms that we're still in A pandemic of the Unvaccinated continue to be among the Unvaccinated are among the unvaccinated Are unvaccinated the unvaccinated there Are people who are dying and who will
Die who didn't have to if you haven't Gotten vaccinated do it now do it now You could save your your life and it can Save the lives of those you Love this is a pandemic of the Unvaccinated the unvaccinated overcrowd Our hospitals or overrunning emergency Rooms and intensive care units leaving No room for someone with a heart attack Or pancreitis or cancer this is not About Freedom or personal choice it's About protecting yourself and those Around you the people you work with The people you care about the people you Love my job as president is to protect All Americans my message to unvaccinated Americans is this we've been patient but Our patience is wearing Thin and your refusal has cost all of us As I speak to you millions of Americans Are still unvaccinated and Unprotected and because of that their Communities are at risk their friends Are at risk the people that they care About are at risk but if you're Unvaccinated you're not and you're Putting yourself more importantly maybe From your perspective your family and Your friends at risk ultimately those Who are not vaccinated will end up Paying the price you are not allowed to Infect anybody just because you think You've got rights that are delusional of Course this
Delusional evil idea you got to identify Those people and bring them out into the Uh open so you you know who they are if You're willing to walk among us Unvaccinated you are an enemy at this Point staying unvaccinated is like Wearing a Yankees hat to a Red Sox game You're probably going to end up in the Hospital and it's your own damn Fault I was so worked Up over the Weekend about this [ __ ] Aaron Rogers Of the NFL I don't even know where to Begin with that story I mean this this [ __ ] guy I don't watch football sorry I'm not a big fan I know the guy's a Real good football player that's why They put up with his [ __ ] if I ran The NFL he's going to be A you came across as a national Embarrassment he's talking to Aaron Rogers you came across as a national Embarrassment there is no other way Around it it was the most Embarrassing performance of Aaron Rogers Career Jey put possibly putting your Teammates in Jeopardy to me is selfish I I would I give Aaron Rogers some advice It would have been nice if he' have just Come to the Naval Academy and learn how To be honest Southern California where As of yesterday we started giving the Vaccine to kids aged five and up uh Finally our kids will be able to go to
Let's [Music] See woo a I'm not Vacinated I take horse Pills yeah yeah we have to wait for them To be vaccinated because they are Selfishly a danger to other people Including staff people here uh so while We all hopeful and I joined the President in being hopeful uh that we Can reach a place where it is safe for People to be what is this the honor System the honor System as to whether Somebody's been vaccinated do you want Them breathing in your face on the Strength of their Honor so let let's just see um let's Just see and me again we have this is About science and Governance and Science and governance we Have a responsibility to make sure of That the house of the representatives Chamber is not a petri Dish for the because of the selfishness Of some not to be vaccinated teach People common Sense you need to get I she doesn't even Know what else to do to get the people Of her state to get Smart and listen to the facts and get Vaccinated so people don't die it's like That simple is it not the people who Choose to remain unvaccinated right now Who are causing all of this it is
Selfish at at this point to not get Vaccinated if you can be vaccinated and You refuse to that's a selfish act You're uh putting other people's lives And health at risk you should get Vaccinated because frankly we know that We can't trust the unvaccinated because Frankly we know that we can't trust the Unvaccinated because frankly we know That we can't trust the unvaccinated the New cases in Co are because of Unvaccinated folks but it's time to Start blaming unvaccinated folks not the Regular folks it's the unvaccinated Folks that are letting us name the People who are not getting vaccines who Are believing the lies on the internet Instead of science it's time to start Shaming them what else or leave them Behind because they are keeping the Majority of Americans Behind I think I just passed a house With um a Halloween yard decoration that Was a bunch of skeletons burning an Antivaxer at the Stak And so there it is it says antivaxer Right here took me a while to see this That's why I'm pointing it out and it's Got a bunch of skeletons sitting around A campfire roasting a skeleton Antivaxer this is supposed to be a you Know a fire which is pretty effed up Like it's really effed up right and what My wife pointed out was what do these
Guys die from [Applause] Not that Halloween is a contest but um They want It to platforms like Facebook they're killing People I mean it really they look the Only pandemic we have is among the Unvaccinated and that and they're Killing people what he's saying there is That posting words on social media is is Killing people and they've made this Like the worst thing that you're a bad Person for posting things that aren't Verified by the official story this is a Guy who drone children he ordered the Deaths of children in Afghanistan when He ordered a drone strike on an Imaginary enemy to distract from a Failed war and a disastrous Withdrawal and so there are horrible Things being done all the time but now They've made posting things on social Media one of the worst ones but it ended Up not being true right he demonized Antivaxers and people who were posting Things on the internet and ended up Being him who was the liar and the Person that was putting people in Jeopardy effects or reactions would be Most common from these Vaccines well generally the most common Reaction is what you see with most any Other vaccine a sore arm a little bit
Aches you might feel a little bit fatigu And down for 24 hours to 36 hours at the Most a small percentage of the people Might get a fever that would lasts for 24 hours you take a Tylenol you can take Care of that without much problem the Safety of severe Adverse Events is Really very good in the 30,000 people in The Mna trial and the 44,000 people in The fisa trial the one we're talking About today there were really no Adverse Events they didn't list any side Effects I mean that's you know a sore Arm or you know these things I mean he's Talking about just how you feel after You get the vaccine not two months out Or three years out or five years out but Now we know that there are multiple side Effects which I'll get into after um we Go through these things here we know That there is admitted to side effects Things that they're investigating and Things that are related to people dying And one of the ways we know that they Were being deceptive and not saying what Some of the side effects were because They never showed you commercials that Came from the pharmaceutical companies Themselves it was social influencers or Media personalities or JoJo magu it Wasn't fiser posting commercials because If they had if they did that they would Have had to list all the side effects Which we still don't know what those are
Right in terms of what they discovered And it's still being studied right it's Not even like they're fully uh you know It's it's fully been vetted by even the The pharmaceutical companies themselves So this was all lies right again they Lied to people and said that this thing Was safe and safer than getting covid And you know this turned out to be not True right because frankly we know that We can't trust the unvaccinated that About it's to prevent severe disease Which we don't have data for that for Kids but I guess to me the risk benefit Calculation looks like this if the Vaccines are safe and the side effects Are things like fatigue and headache and Um and muscle soreness at the injection Site I would much rather deal with that For a day or not at all I mean some many Most people actually have no side Effects um and so I would much rather Deal with side effects like that but Understanding that we're doing something We're giving something that is safe And that can prevent the possibility of Something horrible from happening which Is every parent's worst nightmare the Question asked by the presenter was that Um because children really weren't dying From covid why give them a VX and risk Any sort of side effects and things from The VX and she of course said that there Was no real side effects from the vax
Which we now know is completely false Right and we know that kids there Something like 1500 kids or less than That that was the official statistics on The CDC died from Co many of them had Severe health issues going into the Disease right so uh what she said here Is you know that she's saying well your Worst nightmares your kids's going to Die again putting the fear out there There is a positive association with the Word safe advertisers and presenters use The word safe to get people to buy their Product safety is a big thing with People and when they're scared of Something like they were of covid and They were offered something that would Keep them and their family safe and they Withheld information or outout lied or You know just made false claims with no Scientific basis and saying this would Keep you safe then people went and got The vac and now we know that things are Different and so all these lies and Deceptions and she had the nerve to say The vacc the unvaccinated can't be Trusted right and so the other piece of This which we now know and both Bill Gates I have the memes here I've saved These things and fouchy have both Admitted that covid wasn't beaten by the Vaccine the idea that the vaccine would Give her immunity and Co would disappear Because everyone would be vaccinated and
They wouldn't get covid because they had The vaccine and then you know it would Just disappear because no one would have It and they couldn't pass it on to other People this idea of her immunity through Vaccination we now know that Co mutated Itself out of existence or mutated Itself into a more safer more contagious Form and that everyone had ended up Getting it anyway so the vaccine turned Out to be relatively unnecessary based In what these guys are saying Here in beating Covid-19 well the uh you know sadly the Virus itself particularly the the Variant called Omron uh is a type of vaccine that is it Creates both B cell and T Cell immunity And it's done a better job of getting Out to the world population uh than we Have with vaccines I think what when Referred to what was not anticipated was The extent of the mutations and the Amino acid substitutions in Omicron Which is really unprecedented it kind of Came out of nowhere Where you have a virus that has 50 Mutations 30 of which are in the spike Protein and 10 or 12 of which are in the Receptor binding domain the thing that's Important is that it appears to be able To evade some of the immune protection Of things like monoclonal antibodies Convalescent plasma and the antibodies
That are induced by vaccines that's the Sobering news against severe disease but When you get to Omicron the protection Significantly goes down keeping the Events that are that are safe and uh and Also the events that have fun for people Too we can't be canceling everything Especially if we're going to be living With covid for the foreseeable future I Would say that if you choose to go make Sure that you're vaccinated and boosted Make sure that you're wearing a um a Mask even though it's outdoors but there Are lots of people packed around you Wearing a three ply surgical mask don't Wear a cloth mask cloth masks are little More than facial decorations there's no Place for them in light of Omicron and So where a high quality mask at least a Three ply surgical mask and if you're Going to be visiting elderly relatives Recently when you said here on CNN that Cloth masks were quote little more than Facial Decorations so in light of Omicron what Kind of masks should we all be wearing And were you surprised by the push back From your comments well I was surprised Because this is not the first time that I or Professor Oster home or really any Of us Public Health experts have been Saying that cloth masks are not Appropriate for this pandemic it was It's not appropriate for Omicron it was
Not appropriate for Delta alpha or any Of the previous variants either because We're dealing with something that's Airborne we're dealing with a virus That's extremely contagious at the the Very beginning of the pandemic we didn't Know about masking and then we didn't Have enough masks enough high quality Masks for healthcare workers and so we Were trying to ration those but then Pretty quickly we recognized that Co is Airborne do you agree with the Move I do there was a and is a time in Place for pandemic restrictions but when They were put in it was always with the Understanding that they would be removed As soon as we can and in this case Circumstances have changed case counts Are declining also the science has Changed but rather that the Responsibility should shift from a Government mandate imposed from the State or the Local District of the School rather it should shift to an Individual responsibility by the family Who can still decide that their child Can wear mask if needed um you know take New Jersey the case in New Jersey for Instance their new case average is just Over 4,000 um is that an acceptable number to Do this or or or are they projecting out To March 7th at this Point I don't think we should be looking
At case counts at all at this point Especially when we're dealing with a Milder variant and when so many people Were exposed to Omicron and therefore Have H have at least some level of Protection either through vaccination or Immunity the key number that we should Be looking at is hospitalizations if our Icus and hospitals in that particular Region are not overwhelmed if they're Not overcapacity we can set a number for Example 75% or 80% full then we should Be able to relax all restrictions and I Actually believe that we should be Starting to with the first restriction Removed should actually be the Restriction on children because while For adults you could say well what's the Harm of adults masking when they go into A grocery store there actually is a harm That we should be discussing of children Continuing to mask that doesn't mean That masking doesn't have its place for Children when there are very high rates Of hospitalization if we get a new Variant in the future that children are Particularly susceptible to we may want To bring masks back but we should also Be intellectually honest and say that Masking has had a cost especially for The youngest Learners uh people with English as a second language children With learning disabilities there has Been a cost to them so the risk benefit
Calculation has really changed uh but She said the flu for 14 days should she Get a flu shot well no if she got the Flu for 14 days she's as protected as Anybody can be cuz the best vaccination Is to get infected yourself and if she If she really has the flu if she really Has the flu she definitely doesn't need A flu vaccine if she really has the flu She should not get it again no she Doesn't need it because the it's the be It's the most potent vaccination is Getting infected yourself the current Vaccines are not infection blocking Uh they're not broad so when new Variants come up you lose protection and They have very short duration Particularly in the people who matter Which are old people I knew these Vaccines were not going to protect Against infection and I think we Overplayed the vaccines and it made People then worry that it's not going to Protect against severe disease and Hospitalization it will but let's be Very clear 50% of the people who died From the Amicon surge were older Vaccinated Plus the fiser covid vaccine Tested on stopping the transmission of The virus before it entered the Market if not please say it clearly if Yes are you willing to share the data With this committee and I really want a Straight answer yes or no and I'm
Looking forward to it thank you very Much um regarding the question around um Did we know about stopping humanization Before um it entry the market No uh these um you know we had to really Move at the speed of science to really Understand what is taking place in the Market so anyways um let's just wrap This up here but they're fraudulent you Know which we all knew I mean I don't Have to prove that you don't you kind of Know it but you know they're trying to Be one way and say that they're one way But they're actually something different Right they're trying to pretend to be One thing but they're actually not that Thing right and so um Tim Walls is a Fraud like the guy that they're Presenting here isn't the real guy just Like with KLA Harris it's all Manufactured and I'll get into that in The last video and this you know finally I'll be able to complete this thing I Don't know when this one will be up Today's Friday probably I'll put the Next I want to put the thing up Saturday And just maybe take some some time off Um from posting videos let everyone Catch up with all the stuff if they you Know see how that all works out but Anyways only spirituality will save this World it's parano defin born for the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone Have a blessed day and be grateful