Okay greetings brothers and sisters Today is Monday December 2nd uh got a Really weird dream bunch of actually Weird dreams last night um think I've Been having more dreams Lately but this one I was some sort of a Reporter that was friendly with Trump and um I Um Trump was telling me about like some Great business deal I should be a part Of he was trying to convince me of Something like that and then I started Getting all this Spam about this bwood theme park that The spam wanted me invest in you know I Don't have any money to invest you know Like it's not like I'm a big donor right They were trying to raise $2 Billion for some Bollywood theme park so Then I saw Trump and I said is is this You are you involved with this is the Big business deal you were talking about And he sort of kind of brushed it off at First and he like went into the bathroom But I waited for him he came out and I Was like yeah this you know I was asking About the Bollywood theme park and he Said you know if this thing goes the way It's supposed to it'll be bigger than Dollywood and and in Disney World and I'm like well it's not many Bollywood Fans in America I don't think most people know a Bollywood movie right
I don't think people will go to the Bollywood there's only like 1% of the Population that's East Indian and you Know it's not enough to carry a big2 Billion theme park so I I don't know What the meaning of that dream is I mean I just the guy from the FBI is is uh is From Indian descent and he's got that Guy who you know for president where his Name is uh Vivic ramaswami um you know I Don't know Uh but the Bollywood thing was kind of Weird I don't know okay so Biden pardons Um his son Hunter maybe I should go add that to my Video I'm going to put out today it's Already uploaded um doesn't matter I'll Just it's you know it's not like real News it's just silly news right so I'll Keep it in this one let's go to that Here I could you know I haven't released The video I'm going to put up today just In terms of being more Timely but you know I mean and plus I'll Get all these comments from people like It's some it's not a big thing but let's Get into it here I'll just keep it in This Video so here it is CNN has learned President Biden will pardon his son Hunter Biden uh CNN Chief National Affairs correspondent Jeff zelony I Believe is with us Jeff can you hear Me and Jessica yes okay uh what are you
Learning Look we are just getting a statement From uh President Joe Biden he's saying That today he signed a pardon for my son Hunter and he goes through the reasoning Why of course Hunter is facing a Sentencing uh later this month but uh This is uh a really a Monumental moment For President Biden he said several Months ago in June uh when he was still Seeking a re-election that he would not Pardon Hunter Biden but now we there he Is we're learning he is and let's just Read through this statement quickly Together he said today I signed a pardon For my son hunter from the day I took Office I said I would not interfere with The Justice Department's decision-making And I kept my word even as I watch my Son being selectively and unfairly Prosecuted okay so um here's the thing About people are going to go nuts about This I got a little Fox news clip here I'll show you in a moment but of course He'd pardon his son like who wouldn't Pardon their son right and the only news Here and it shouldn't be news to us is That he's a lying POS right that Joe Biden is it's early in the video so I'm Ping it instead of saying it and that He's no different than Donald Trump Right because they're saying that Donald Trump was righteously Prosecuted that he was not targeted
Because of his political opposition his Fan base that they went after Donald Trump in a way they didn't go after Other criminal presidents they're all Criminals they're all you know if They're if they haven't committed crimes They've committed crimes against God Right they're you know they're immoral They do bad things you know Joe Biden Droned seven kids is it a crime no well I guess it could be Internationally but in America it's not He's a commander-in-chief he ordered These things and again they would if There was going to be a crime they would They would blame the droner or the Person that told them that you know the The you know it would be somebody else Not Biden not the president but you know There's all these illegal Wars and Things that have done that have killed Millions of people around the world Backing of pharmaceutical drugs and Things that are not crimes that have Caused you side effects and things that I mean all the things that they've done Just recently and then Historically it's bad things they do They do things that hurt people Sometimes it's criminal sometimes it's Not but either way it's just as evil Right and they tried to pretend that Trump is so much worse than everybody Else not that Trump is better the only
Thing that Trump's better at is he's More um you know he's more authentic but These the way they pretend that they're Good people and they're not right They're this is who they are his son was Engaged in money laundering like the Trumps were you know the trumps got paid Off you know monetizing the presidency The uh you know his um daughter ianka And Jared Kushner got a $2 billion deal With Saudi Arabia like this is you know What they do like this is how they Monetize the presidency Hunter Biden got Paid to get access to his dad's vice President and then as president and he Made money um based in uh you know for His crack addiction and for the family And Joe Biden received Kickbacks you Know got a percentage of the criminal Behavior that Trump trump uh that not Trump that was that Hunter was doing and So that was just the way it is and so of Course he's going to Pardon his son it's Just that all the all the things that he Says all the BS that he says is now Truly BS right like anything that he Said about you know about it not being Political them going after Trump but his Son was unfairly Prosecuted because he was what his son The the guy had gun charges he did Something that was completely Illegal the gun charges and then all the Other things that he could have been
Charged with and there are lots of them He was engaged in criminal Behavior but For him to come out and say he's what Innocent and they went after him no that He that everyone else commits these Crimes but they targeted my son that's What he's saying yeah everyone does this but you know they targeted my Son that's what he's saying that's the Only thing that you can you know that Because he's my son they went after him Whereas now they won't and it's true Like Hunter Biden won't be persecuted or Prosecuted under Trump now like it's Done with because Joe Biden's going to Be dead and there's the Biden family is No longer a family of political Dynasty Hunter is not going to be running for Anything right Hunter won't be your Candidate the Democrats would never Tolerate that the guy's a crackhead and You know I mean who God knows but he Just given their other candidates but I You know the Biden family is is out of Politics you know he's got a lot of Granddaughters and other people but you Know the Biden family will disappear From the media Joe Biden will die and You won't hear about a Biden again and No one will care about him and the Republicans won't care about him and Trump won't care about him so they're Not going to go after Hunter Biden now That Joe Biden has pardoned them or Joe
Biden like all the people who want you Know Trump to go after Joe Biden Trump already said he only goes after People who are relevant politically Right he's not going to go after kamla Kamla is dead politically right and you Know they're not a threat to to uh Trump Either way because Trump isn't going to Run again and so Hunter is going to get Away with all this stuff because this is What happens it's not news like of Course this was going to happen this Isn't some shocking bombshell right so This is a fairly long statement about a Four or five par paragraphs from President Biden but really going through Uh why he is making this decision he Also goes on to say this he said no Reasonable person who looks at the facts Of Hunter's cases can reach any other Conclusion then Hunter was singled out Because he is my son and that is Wrong and so again you know the you had To say something and in one level it's True but he did commit the crimes and That's the thing like Trump was singled Out and they all commit these crimes and Trump was singled out right and so um You know all of those things goes on to Say there's been an effort to break Hunter who has been five and a half Years sober even in the face of Unrelenting attacks and selected Prosecution so of course Jessica let's
Take a step back you know the um the Laptop and so he wouldn't have been Elected if they didn't suppress the Laptop he got the benefit the doubt and Then his um banging his his dead Brother's wife his dead brother's widow For two years and she said it was a low Point of her life she got into drugs and She took one of Hunter's Handguns and because she thought he was Going to commit suicide and threw it in A trash can across the street from a School where like kids from high school Could have came and pick up the handgun Out of the trash can was like a loaded Handgun and some homeless guy found it The Secret Service had to get involved I Mean there's like real that Happened and all that laptop stuff right And so you know Hunter was the most Successful crackhead you can't be a Crack addict and do your job like Everybody knows that and so you know It's like all this stuff is true they're All criminals right this just confirms Everything I've been saying because what Joe Biden is saying is yeah we all do This stuff there all this all criminal Behavior in politics we just don't go After each other but they was unfairly Targeted the way they unfairly targeted Trump right Trump wasn't part of their Club like he was part of their Club Until he wasn't and then you know they
Went after him and then the Republicans went after Hunter not in a Way that was I mean for all the things That would have been really bad that Would have caused people lose faith in The political system but the Democrats Would never admit it because they hate Trump so much right that hardcore Democrats and the hardcore Republicans Will never believe that Trump is or the Hardcore trumpers will never believe That Trump is guilty you know it's just The way everyone rearranges Reality spoiler alert it's all a deep State and they're all criminal Behaviors they all engage in criminal Behaviors and whether again it's Criminal or it's immoral it's a you know It's bad it's you know it's the worst Stuff right like it's just um they all Engage in evil they all have a Relationship with evil as does everyone Else but theirs is on a much larger Scale and they get money and power and People when they get money and power for The most part do deviant things right They get you know they lose their sense Of humanity and humility and things like This and they engage in deviant and Decadent behaviors and second generation You know the kids that grow up in wealth And power Are the worst you know if their if their Parents started off poor and started off
With humble beginnings and then they Work their way up you know they get into Some stuff like they start indulging a Little bit but the kids that are born Into it those first generation kids Particularly like Hunter Biden they're The worst because they grow up with this Entitlement and their parents you know Haven't dealt with this like Generational wealth or something like That and so you see this kids of famous People are always nightmares famous Politicians whatever and they can't Exceed they can't beat what their Parents did like they can't exceed what Their success there like Hunter Biden Could succeed his dad's success right Certainly him he was always screwed up He was the sort of the black sheep of The family but you know like this is Just what happens like it's not shocking Like I knew this was going to happen It's just a matter of when Right uh you obiously covered the Biden Campaign along with me and this is Something that uh Hunter Biden has been Dealing with this was a a tax case a gun Case he went through his trial in Delaware uh there was another case in Los Angeles but this is really the Culmination of again these are felony Federal felony charges And um the Democrats are in charge of The federal government they were when
This all came out right the Republicans Had the house and they pulled the stuff Out were going after Biden's finances And things but that didn't come to Anything right like he has you know he Owns things and has money that he Shouldn't have based on his salary like All the Monies that he's made from being A congressman a vice president and a President it isn't that much money Compared to these other people these you Know these politicians make a lot less Money than the lobbyist and the Corporations and the people they deal With right and after they retire then They go into the private sector and they Could make they can make a lot of money Right so but you know in terms of the Money that they have like if they have Two homes or three homes or whatever Biden has and the homes are just you Know Extravagant and you know expensive Neighborhoods and they're worth millions Upon millions of dollars and they Purchased them with money they don't Have right and they have all this you Know accumulated wealth Diane Feinstein Died with $10 million of assets Including a private jet that there's no Way a senator would have right and so You know you know about like all these People and they you know insider trading And they you know whatever it is um like
Happened with Nancy Pelosi and her Husband all that stuff they're all Engaged in it right but there's this Like secret code that we don't go after Anybody but they went after Trump in a Way that because Trump wasn't a part of The political part you know the Political establishment and he said and Did things that they just you know he Was kind of violating their rules and he Was you know doing things that they Didn't like because it's a club and Trump was a member of the club but then He got kicked out of the club when he Became president and started acting the Way he did in the intelligence Community He went after all these people remember He came in immediately criticized the Intelligence Community which is a big Mistake and Chuck Schumer I've shown you That Meme over and over again where he Said you know that six ways from Sunday Of getting back at you and so um let me Show you that Meme here you take on the Intelligence Community they have six Ways from Sunday at getting back at you Back at you back at you back at You so yeah Um so that you know it's just the way it Works right it's just that this is all There and it's not what they pretend it Is like there's a big lie of how pure And how honest and how you know like Elevated and you know know that this is
On another level in the government There's reverence for the government These buildings and you know the Procedure and this is you know something Great is happening here in the the halls Of Congress and in the presidential Office and you go there these you know These like these big important statues And buildings in Washington DC and all These things you know that it's some Sort of you know is it some sort of Elevated like almost like you know Divine or religious or you know Something that's not a higher level and These people these courts and these Judges and people and they're they've All risen to a higher level and they're They're the some of the best that Humanity has to um produce right exalted It's like exalted exalted one right These the exalted ones these chosen ones That are special people that rise up to The power and these offices and they're They're just above the the the they know The average person in their honesty and Their integrity and their commitment to American and they're such patriotics and They love the country so much and you Know all these things that they say at These conventions and you know they just Want to make America a better place and You know make America great again for Trump or whatever it is but for the rest Of them and they're just into it and
Trump is forgoing his money and his Salary and he could make millions of Dollars as a businessman but he's Forgoing all that and he's just doing it For you because he cares about other People so much and he cares About America and he's just that guy Even though he's been a selfish prick That screwed people over and sted Vendors Common People his whole life he Screwed vendors over and people who had Less money and he he wouldn't pay them And he would you know bully them and He's a absolute like you know womanizer And he you know treats people like Garbage but all of a sudden now he's Some sort of a saint that just wants to Make America great again and you know All this that they say right You know these like the conventions and The things that they put on and the you Know and it's none of it's true like They're the worst people it's just you Know there's a level of corruption that Makes America work and that corruption Is at the center of it and it just keeps On going and that if there was honest People you take the whole system down if You put honest people if you replaced All the people that are in in power in The government with honest effective Competent people that knew what to do And knew how to confront uh you know People with Integrity it would fall
Apart because corruption keeps the thing Going and so like it's a corrupt system With corrupt people and Washington DC is The Hub of it where you know it's Fascism in sense the lobbying groups and Foreign powers like Israel and other Countries South Korea I mean some of These countries that Lobby the American Politicians and buy them and pay them And get favorable treatment and they all Loot the you know the American Wealth Like you're you know you're not just Your taxpayer dollars but the debt That's created it's all looted and stuff And you know these military industrial Complex companies and all the rest of it Right they loot the collective wealth Right this is what happens in kingdoms And governments where everyone's paying Some money you're all paying taxes but It's more than just your taxes because They're creating debt right that's what The national debts about and now they're Just you know making America eventually Bankrupt because of the debt and they're Taking all that debt and turning it into Lands and you know businesses and and Things for themselves and then America Craps out they do it for some other Country right and so it's like a you Know it's like a company that they break Up you know with these these people who Would buy like Gordon Gecko and the Wall Street that would buy corporations and
Uh that you know a pretty woman is it With uh Julia of whatever her name is Roberts and um whatever that guy's name Is um I can see his face but I don't Whatever doesn't matter you know the Movies right where these guys buy Operations and they break it up and so Um you know like this is what happens Don't tell me don't care I don't need to Know I could go look it up but I don't Care about it uh President Biden uh Really making the decision tonight to Sign a pardon for a sun Hunter not just A commutation of a possible sentence but A pardon which certainly will be part of President Biden's Legacy going forward Yeah there's no doubt about it and as I'm reading this uh along with you Jeff I I think one part at the very end is Particularly striking which is where he Says say uh I have followed a simple Principle just tell the American people The truth they'll be fair-minded and Here's the truth I believe in the Justice system but as I have wrestled With this I also believe raw politics Has infected this process and it led to A miscarriage of justice and once I made This decision this weekend there was no Sense in delaying it again he did the Thing he did the crimes right he did the Crimes there was tax crimes which you Know are whatever they are and then There's gun charges and he did both of
These things and he was irresponsible With his firearms because his his dead Brother's wife who was banging and also He got her using drugs like she said This was the low point of her life I Mean there was just the all the stuff That was on the tape this guy was Engaged in criminal Behavior he was Selling access right everybody knows it And he was giving Biden money and so Biden doesn't care because Biden's going To be dead soon and whatever it is right And like you know I mean the guy scile The guy has Parkinson's and everyone Knows he has mental cognitive Difficulties you that debate was just You know one of many incidences that we Saw that shows that he wasn't up to it Mentally but you know it's just um Further I hope Americans will understand Why a father and a president would come To this decision um it is interesting uh To also hear him saying essentially that The justice system was politicized which Is something we've heard from Republicans and Donald Trump as well Yeah cuz this is in this case but other Than that it's just all corrupt right Like usually it is something that they Just don't do but once they did it with Trump and then it was done with Biden we certainly have and uh important To note that President Biden spent Really the weekend with his son Hunter
And the rest of the family in Nantucket Where they always do for Thanksgiving And this is a striking really ending to This uh Thanksgiving holiday and with a Statement from the White House we're Seeing tonight uh it is a official Document calling for a full and Unconditional pardon for all crimes and Punishments facing Robert Hunter Biden So um I think that means anything in the Future you know it's like they've Cleared him for all things you know Again all crimes like he says it's the Justice system has been politicized but He's he's he's partying him for all the Crimes he's committed right because you Know they all commit crimes the only Thing like here is that they went after People they usually they went after each Other which they don't do because once They do that it goes back and forth and Then everyone's like well I did too So you know like everybody then is you Know um on the clock because every one Of them's done something you know every One of them has a scandal in their They're all owned they all have their Things and they start exposing each Other and the whole system topples right Just goes back and forth and you know Everyone starts worrying well they're Going to go after me now too right so That's what you know there's just when You know this is what you have a den of
Thieves right this is a den of Thieves Jessica the sentence that you read is so Uh poignant I hope Americans will Understand why a father and a president Would come to this decision we will see Of course in the coming weeks and months And years if Americans do understand That but there is no doubt that this is Part of the legacy of president presid Biden's one one term in office certainly He's a one termer thing he did not want He hoped to run for reelection he Obviously uh stepped away from that Months ago but clearly there was Pressure inside the family we were told Really in recent weeks that uh Dr Jill Biden first lady Jill Biden was very Supportive of the president doing Something like this the president was Not sure but we clearly have seen now he Has come to this decision to uh pardon His son Hunter yeah uh and Jee of course We we don't have to remind people how Close-knit this family is um and that Hunter is his only uh surviving son that They are of of course very very close And we've heard many stories about um The last several years how they talk Daily and many times a day um stick with Us Jeff I want to go to our senior Justice correspondent Evan Perez who is Back with us okay so um you know let's Go to the Fox News thing Here we begin with a Fox News Alert
President Biden pardoning his son Hunter To despite previously saying he would Not use the okay there's a story let's Move to the um this person here there Biden's Rationel um Biden this is statement from Joe Biden this thing right here showing He's a hypocrite commute his sentence The White House at times getting Frustrated when asked multiple times About the Possibility is there any possibility That the president would end up Pardoning his son no well I just said no I just answered go ahead Go ahead no so but you know Biden's stun And that woman's stun like she's not Going to I mean I don't know what her Career is but she's going to have some Kind of role in a Democratic party she's Not going to pay for that you know for Lying for him or you know repeating his Lies or whatever she's a good soldier For them they're not going to bury her And so you know this thing is silly Because there's no Repercussions Joe Biden if he was Running for re-election he might not do This right um I got some more from Morning Joe and they tell some truth at Least one guy does but morning and Joe Buried the story and I'll go through all That because that's great I just was Watching uh you know like I went to
Morning jokes I want to see how they're Going to deal with this they were on for About an hour almost an hour before they Even talked about it so um there's more Stuff that they get into and we'll get Into that But somewhere here they say the this is Here reaction from Democrats have been Mixed Colorado's Governor Jared PO is Saying I am disappointed that he put his Family ahead of the country this is a Bad precedent that could be abused by Later presidents Arizona Congressman Greg Stanton saying I respect President Biden but I think he got this one wrong This was not a political this Fox News Right Fox News is going to say this Stuff but you know it's the hypocrisy That has been exposed on both sides and You know people love it when the other Side is you know people who are Democrats or Republicans when they do Something that shows their lying pieces Of right but they both do it all The time and so the joke's really on you Because you keep on buying in you know To those people you keep on buying into This idea that these people are you know Good or where one side's better than the Other and they're clearly not you know One side has been a little bit worse and In terms of the Democrats because They've had more power but the Republicans were bad for years I mean
They were worse for years when they Owned the power the Republicans used to Dominate the American you know the Conservatives dominated the American Politics every the years I grew up and They were you know strong arming and and Uh keeping the truth from coming out and You know the truth Community a lot of it Was about exposing Republican lies and And the institutions that the Republicans had these Institutions where they want you to die For their for their wealth right they Want the American you know Republican uh Youth to come in and fight their wars in The military-industrial complex and and Abuse all these people around the world Based on the needs of the American Empire right and so um you know it's It's all deep state which I'll get into This is there's no separate deep state Right because we're going to go back to This guy that um Trump has nominated Richard Gear is the guy's name it just Popped in my mind from earlier Regardless but now he does have a Talking point MSNBC contributor Charlie Syes Charlie thank you as always we'll Talk to you again soon and thanks to all Of you for getting up way too early with Us on this Monday morning morning Joe Starts right Now it doesn't surprise me that he will Pick people that he believes are very
Loyal to himself and uh that's been a Part of the process every president Wants people that are loyal to Themselves so this is Morning Joe and I'm not mad that they did this this way Because it just shows how bad they suck Um I wanted to see how they were going To deal with it because they were you Know all in on Hunter being great and Joe Biden I mean they were the worst to The worst but now Joe Biden has imploded And destroyed his legacy to whatever Extent and the number one story is Hunter Biden being pardon these other Things are real stories but they lead With two other stories that are negative Towards Trump you know this is the story today Right that Hunter Biden is pardon that's The story that's what everyone's talking About everyone else is leading with that Right because it's you know it's the Story and there's a lot there in that Story and you know all of it because all The stuff with Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Had a a big story arc and this is the End of it right and so they say some Negative things about him but they wait Almost 50 minutes 50 minutes of their Program is spent on Trump before they Even get to the hunter Biden story I'm Going to go through all of it a little Bit not the whole 50 minutes but you Know bits and pieces but I'll also share
With you the Chris Ray uh you know who The president nominated the first time Around and I think the president picked A very good man to be the uh the Director of the FBI when he did that in His first term uh when we meet with him Behind closed doors uh I've had no Objections to the way that he's handled Himself and uh so I don't have any Complaints about the way that he's done His job right Now Republican senator Mike RS of South Dakota expressing his support for Current FBI director Christopher Ray After Donald Trump announced over the Weekend he will nominate loyalist cash Patel to that p position one which uh Shouldn't normally even be open for a Nomination so this story broke on the Weekend right and so Trump has nominated A lot of controversial people and it's All loyalists so there's no new news Here Trump was going to do all of these Things because he said it during his When he was running for president of Course sometimes he says things he Doesn't do but he's been doing it and so This was a story that was already out There for a couple of days on this Weekend and this past weekend I covered It right I covered it already I think it Broke on Saturday or Friday but it's It's already a dead story it's a story That they'll keep on talking about
But it's not breaking right the Joe Biden thing is breaking it's a Monday Morning breaking story and everyone else Is talking about it and Morning Joe Leads with this so I'm like all right so They'll get into it next but they don't They go from this to Pete hegs Smith Have the latest about that controversial Selection from the president elect also Ahead we'll dig into newly surfaced Allegations against Trump's pick for Defense secretary Pete hegf as reports Of whistleblowers have surfaced Detailing The Whistleblower is his mom Right now this story has been on for a While his mom shits out pretty bad and It isn't something she did publicly We'll get into that I'll show you that Because it's kind of interesting but Again they didn't lead with this story Because this is breaking news but it's Not as big as Hunter Biden being P Pardoned and it's not as big as cash Patel according to them so the hunter B Story is obviously something they're Trying to you know minimize right Because they've had these other two Stories these are real stories but not They're not the lead story they're not The lead years of troubling behavior and Will'll go through President Biden's Pardon of his son Hunter who was set to Be sentenced later this month on federal Tax evasion and gun charges okay so this
Picture here they showed making Joe Biden look confused and scile and maybe That's they're going to be their excuse But they went all in defending Joe Biden And Hunter Biden like they you know it's All of it and so they on Joe Biden A little bit but they take 50 minutes to Do it I didn't I didn't stick around for When they gave their personal opinions Because they're they're Outsourcing it To experts usually when they have a Story Joe or ma or both comment and say What they think and then they bring in The experts but they didn't do that with This because you know they don't want to I mean it's their hypocrisy because they Were so embarrassingly Pro Biden and they were minimizing Hunter Biden the whole time and now this Is the full story arc is a criminal one Right but let's get into the other stuff First because they this is how they do It they go through this other stuff First and then they get to the Real Lead Story on substat and we we've got a lot Of great guests straight ahead to talk About the two big stories this morning One uh of course cash Batel to the Breaking news overnight uh regarding Pete hagith more are you should Be those are the two big stories right The pig he they say it the pig Pete hgx Thing is breaking but the cash Patell is The bigger story because they haven't
Been able to talk about it even though It's been around for a couple of days Now I wanted to see how they're going to Deal with the Joe Biden pardoning Because they've lied about it the Biden Administration they said he wouldn't do It and now he's saying the same That Trump did and they were the worst Of the worst these were the biggest Carriers of water for Joe Biden the Biggest shills out there and I was Wondering how they were going to have to Deal with this right like I'm like oh I Got to go to Morning Joe that's when I Was covering this I'm like oh I wonder What they're going to how they're going To try to spin this and they spun it by Pretending there were two bigger Stories and I didn't see that coming but Of course they did because you know they They didn't they buried the lead I mean That's that's how bad they are this is Great but let's get into the other stuff Here Uh information we'll also get to the Hunter Biden pardon uh later but I I Want to just at at first Jonathan this is so I'm going to show You some of the Pete TG Smith and cash Patel stuff but so what happened is they Covered cash Pattel for about 15 20 Minutes then they went to Pete heg Smith And then they went to commercial they're Like 40 minutes in and they say we'll
Get to Hunter Biden next right coming You know coming as Hunter Biden right Before they went to break they come back To break they go into Peaks heith some More and then they go into Cash Patel Some more and then they finally get to The hunter Biden and now they're like Close to an hour it's almost like the Top of the hour but it's not the top of The hour because sometimes people tune In at the top of the hour so they waited To like the last portion of their show To start talking about the hunter Biden Thing and that's just a greous that it's Great like I love it because it shows You how sucky they are right they have No they just you know there's no Legitimacy here at all because Legitimate people would have taken on The thing that they need to take on Because people are tuning in to see how They're going to deal with this Right because they were the biggest Shills and now they have egg on their Face and so this isn't just about Joe Biden which is the big story but it's Also about them and you know when Joe Biden had the uh episode and the debate I tuned right into them because they Were saying for years that they were up Until the last moment they were saying He wasn't didn't have cognitive issues And they were saying Trump had cognitive Issues and Joe Biden didn't like that's
How bad they were on that right like They're the worst and so this is great So there's some stuff here let's go to The other stuff here first we will go Out and find the conspirators not just In government but in the media yes we're Going to come after the people in the Media who lied about American citizens Who helped Joe Biden rake presidential Elections we're going to come after you Whether it's criminally or civil we'll Figure that out but yeah we're putting You all on notice you know you know I I'd love to also U Place one more time For all those Wall Street billionaires Who said oh come on come on this is just All about Tax okay so I showed you that clip of Cash Patel before and the reason I'm Showing you it now because you know These are the guys that he would come After like if he was going to do that Which I'd like to see which is Completely like it's not right Because you know it destabilizes the Whole corrupt system but I when I was Tuning in to CNN and they had already Covered the Joe Biden thing it was Already you know Midway through their Program they started talking about the Cash metel thing and they had him Talking about deep State this and deep State that and I was going to copy the Clip but I ended up not doing it it's
Not important because they're covering It here but cash Patel you know the Deep State is a term for Dum Dums it's a term That they know isn't true these guys Know isn't true but the dumb Dums who You know people who are in the truth Community who use the term deep State Anybody using the term deep state is you Know any truther that's using the term Deep state is treating Their audience Badly they're lying to you you know Alex Jones of course he's not a real truther But all the people like that all the Right-wing truther anybody that you guys Watch that says deep State either They're completely dumb and you know Confused and they don't they're not able To see the truth and so they shouldn't Be washed or they're they're just um Saying that because they're you know Pandering to a and they're not only Pandering but they're betraying Their Audience because the whole governmental System and the whole corporate system All of it is corrupt there's corruption On every level and there's evil in it Right there's lying and I mean it's all An illusion the monetary systems Illusion and they're all a part of it There's no Outsiders Trump's not an Outsider he was a part of the State when They faked his assassination attempt Right and if you can't see that they Faked it it's so
WWE it was just it's so staged and it Was worse than any of the other things We've seen the Democrats fake it was so Poorly done because it would you know he Knew that his audience would eat that up his dumb down audience who likes WWE he knew they would eat it up and the Rest of the Americans went along with it Whatever it was people who said it was Badass but anytime they're using the Term deep state they're lying to you Because there is a deep State it's Everything like there's no good guys Right there's no good guys in the Government there's no good guys in Politics there's you know people who are Complicit and maybe they're not Necessarily bad people they're just weak And they can't stand up to the whatever They don't want to give up their Position so they they're complicit you Know they're collaborators and they're Not necessarily evil but they allow the Evil to be perpetrated and at this point If you got rid of the corruption the the Whole system would collapse so if you Got rid of the illusion the lies the System would go along with it so you Either accept that the system's corrupt And you just say this is what I'm born Into and it's always going to be this Way like until people get better like as Long as people are the way they are now This is what's going to happen in any
Government any religion in any power Structure people are going to do the Wrong thing because that's what people Do they have a tendency to go that Direction Okay so U my wife just was out she came Back and we were talking just as I Finished that and she got some kind of a Message you know she's subscribed to Something I don't know maybe it's Something from Reddit and people were Saying that you know these were Republican people that Trump was doing The transition Team without governmental Funds and and that this would cut the Deep State out of it was like a game Changer he was cutting the Deep State You know these Dopey trumpers I don't Think there's that many of the Dopey Trum trumpers here anymore occasionally They show up you know which my wife said Well that's silly because you know They're cutting out any chance of Oversight right the governmental Oversight to whatever Trump's doing and That's part of Trump's thing you know He's he's got just basically a blank Check he's going to give a blank check To Israel he's got a blank check from The you know from the Supreme Court Saying that the you can't prosecute what A president done does so he doesn't have To worry about criminal um ramification Neither does his staff he's appointing
All Loyalists and he's a deep State Piece of right because again like The Deep state is responsible for Keeping America on top America being an Evil empire like when you have an evil Empire and that's what we have America Is an evil empire we beat the out Of other people and take their stuff and Then we rig the system against them and We are eating other people's resources You know and when I say eating I mean Consuming other people's resources in Other countries right we're using 20% of The world's resources I don't even know That's an old figure might even be more Less whatever doesn't matter we get we Have Aon share you know we have not only Our own resources but other people's Resources right the world system is Rigged in America's favor for now and When it no longer is and you experience It you'll like oh that sucks is that how Those other people felt but most people Won't even think about other people Because they'll be you know in their own But hurted this and their own you know Wherever it is right but when these Clowns say deep State you know my wife Was saying it's like the you know the Fox saying oh you got to protect the the Chickens um from the foxes from the Other foxes why don't you let lock me in The chicken coop and I'll protect them For you right so it's like a fox
Convincing you to get into the chicken Coup and because there's other foxes out There like it's a con man saying that You got to be protected from other Conmen and so so it's great for a conmen When the other conmen slip and do Something bad and they can say look I I Was right about him being a conmen you Can trust me and then they slip and then The other side says the same thing the Deep state is you know we have an evil Empire and to keep the evil empire going There's layers of evil that have to be In you know have to be activated to Actively keep the America on top Economically and militarily and the rest Of it you know it's an IM Criminal criminal system our religions Our governments our corporations all of It you know it's just people Behaving Badly selfishly doing things that they Know are wrong and then all of us Benefiting from those things right we Get to share the loot it might not be The biggest share but we're still Benefiting with the system that's there Like ease of Life quality of life the Things that we enjoy in terms of energy And and our you know the the Energy System gasoline electricity in terms of Our food system in terms of our water System in terms of our transportation Flights you know air transportation and And car transportation and all these
Things and all the things that we enjoy Think about all the things you enjoy I Mean we have uninterrupted water supply We have Uninterrupted uh electricity and heat And Co you know when you don't have it Let's say the power goes out like it's a Rarity and the power goes out and you Don't have it you're like what the This is sucks I can't believe this is Happening because we're just used to Having this all the time there's nothing In nature that's a constant the fact That we have quality water of course the Water that we have as fluoride and Bleach and the things like that tap Water but we have water just flowing Into our houses like that's so huge you Know that's a big problem water is you Know fresh water around the world is Like the number one thing that people Have to do they spend their whole day Getting firewood and water like some People in the tribe or whatever just Being gathering firewood and water Dealing with water because water is a Constant need right there's a constant Need for so many things that's why People live near water they live near Lakes and streams and you know whatever It might be and water is a you know a Necessity that people have to have fresh Water and it is you know we have it just Pumped into our houses right all these
Things and all the things that have to Be done to keep that going right just That and then having your internet you Know just having constant constant Internet constant heat or air Conditioning constant whatever it is Right food like whatever you have it's Just going to the grocery store that's Just always filled with food and then That one time it isn't like when during Covid and you're like holy like This sucks because you're just used to It you feel like you're entitled to it And there's a lot of evil that has to Happen to keep those things going in That direction because nature does not Like constants like you're supposed to Have es and flows because it makes you Appreciate things right and when you Have too much fat and sugar I've talked About this you know fat and sugar are Binge items you ever seen that there's a Great Ted Talk and I think it's Disappeared called the great porn Experiment where the guy gets into this Gary Wilson or something his name is and He's um you know I think it's deleted Off of YouTube but he talked about how All these kids are addicted to porn and That there's this you know this um Impulse binge like binge mechanisms Within mamals right and in the the world Of like you know the the Maman model There isn't a lot of fat and there isn't
A lot of sugar available in nature you Know sugar is energy you know Fat's Important for so many different things And so when animals find fat or sugar They binge on it it's just natural and That's what's happened to human beings Cheap fat and cheap sugar that are Carcinogenic or they're you know they Cause heart disease and people just Binge on it so you have obesity because You don't have any sort of like Interruptions in your fat and your sugar Supply you go into anything there's Sugar and fat you know corn corn syrup Or whatever it is like cheap foods that Are available to people and that's why There's obesity because that's what Happens to people when they're they have These binge mechanisms that their binge Mechanism has like has Unlimited Supply And un uninterrupted Unlimited Supply And that's you know so that's all the Deep state right so let's get back into It here hexa told her son he should Quote get some help and accused him of Abusing multiple women in a newly Unearthed email from her back in 2018 The email was obtained by the New York Times from another person with ties to The family in it Penelope wrote in part You are an abuser of women that is the Ugly truth and I have no respect for any Man that belittles lies cheats sleeps Around and uses women for his own power
And ego so that's pretty br that's what His mom says about him right this guy's Going to lead the defense department and You know Trump's vetting process because This was Available um well let's get into the Other part here so let's keep on going NBC News has not independently obtained The email the message was sent in the Midst of an acrimonious divorce from heg Seth's second wife Samantha their Marriage ended after Trump's choice to Lead the Department of Defense Impregnant a fox I hit stop but I should Have recorded the rest of us or you know I can just tell you he impregnated a a Fox coworker so he was married to some Woman and he's married another woman now And you know in between or during the Second marriage the woman he's married Now I think he was married to her when This woman alleged he abused her in a Hotel right so was chah his wife there But his his first wife or whatever wife Released this message was married and His mom sent him this message and she Was aware of it like this email she got Access to it and she put it in court Filings for the divorce right and so Like this guy's a mess and this is a Real legitimate story not as big as the Hunter Biden story because this guy There's already this guy's already Proven to be a scumbag it shows that
Trump has no vetting process you know if This guy is the Sol this guy's the Solution to the Deep State like you Me like this guy's going to get rid of The deep State this is what his mom said About him that's his own mother thought Those things and you know sometimes you Have a bad mom or you know like things Like that happen but he impregnated a a Coworker at Fox and so his wife divorced Him and she put this in the divorce Filing so this was something that was Available to people in the Trump Administration but Trump just had a Conversation like the guy probably Thought he was good-looking you know Whatever Trump's criteria is and he Picks this guy he's a nightmare Like he's there's no way this guy's Going to get confirmed or should get Confirmed and it makes Trump look bad And stupid and it undermines his whole Thing right there's more here this is From Yahoo I'm reading uh the recording The reporting of it and so the New York Times p p Penelope H Smith sent the Email which recounts his treatment of Women on uh April 30th 2018 while he was in the midst of a Divorce from his second wife Samantha Heg Smith right so Penelope head heith Is his mom and and there's more of it Here um she wrote this to him I guess This is part of the letter according to
The time Samantha filed for divorce After her husband impregnated a coworker In the uh at Fox so this is bad Decision-making so he has a job at Fox Which eventually led to his being Nominated by um Trump and during this Time he impregnates a coworker and fox Is okay with it and God knows how that All played out right so that's something That's I guess new news or whatever it Might be he impregnated a coworker and a Woman accused him of abuse and he sells With her because he doesn't want to lose His job and from this job and this Position fox has given him somehow he Impresses Trump and now Trump is this Nightmare so it says here Penelope wrote His mom wrote Sam is a good mother and a Good person under the circumstances that You created and I know deep down you Know that for you for you to try to Labor her as unstable for your own Advantage is Despicable and abusive is There any sense of decency left in you She did not ask or deserve any of what Has come to her by your hand she had Referring to hegs Smith's first wife Neither did Meredith and so he you know Is gaslighting this woman and his mom I Mean it's pretty brutal like there's More to it here and so this you know Just is a sociopathic person his own mom Is call calling out and there's just a Bad choice right like you know you don't
Want I mean he's going to have to step Down it's another embarrassing thing He's going to he's getting Matt Gat like How bad is this is this intentional to Undermine Trump is Trump is doing this You know because his Handler said so I Mean these are bad choices on his part And it makes him look like incredibly You know like a Horrible decision maker and picker of People you know this guy who treats his Wife like that how do you think he's Going to treat other countries as Defense department secretary he's in Charge of the defense department and Then all the abuse that happens in the Military like how can this guy be a I Mean he's just a bad dude and maybe They're you know this is like in your Face bad and like some of these people Who get nominated are more Insidious in There they're better at covering it up But this is just like just a nightmare And so this is a legitimately big story But still it's not even close to the Under One I mean like think about all the Hunter B stuff and the the the end of This thing and what that represents We'll get into that more as we go Through this and so these are Big Stories but the one that's people are Most concerned about Hunter Biden we Already knew this guy was a piece of
heg Smith and this is just more Stuff that's breaking and conveniently It's breaking at the same time right Like them having other stories that are You know pulling away from the hunter Biden story so let's get back to it here Potentially three or four Republicans Who would take that vote to tank one of Trump's nominations well and and and it Is notable and it reminds me of what we Were hearing after Matt Gates was Selected as attorney general that that Of course ended up with Pam Bondi uh as A selection all right so let's move on Because President Biden has issued have The click the clip here the click I Stopped the clip here so I was going to Try to show you the time but somehow it Didn't come out here but it was 51 Minutes in They talk for a total of seven minutes Around seven minutes about Joe Biden Then they go back to cash Patel I'll Show you all that in a second and again This was the last thing they covered Before they had went to commercial Before they they started over for the Next hour right so the lead story again For the next hour is going to be Pash Patel or cash Patel Whatever Cash pass who's who's um who's Uh keeping score A full and unconditional pardon for his Son Hunter Biden announced the
Controversial decision last night after Previously saying he would not use his Presidential powers to do so in a Statement Biden argues Hunter has been Selectively and unfairly prosecuted and He wrote in part this there's been an Effort to break Hunter who has been 5 And a half years sober even in the face Of unrelenting attacks and selective Prosecution oh he's been he's been Silver for five years oh he's like he Makes it sound like this is he should Get a badge of honor because He's been in rehab eight or nine times And he's you know done all kinds of Illegal activity using crack cocaine and Supporting drug dealers and he did all This um you know his um selling access To the White House which is you know Close to Treason uh with his dad and in the Ukraine and it's the prosecutor his dad Went have to fire the utor that was Going after his son's company so he Could support his crack habit right he's He's been sober for 5 years who gives a right you know like I I've never Been addicted to crack right most Americans have it do we get a do we get A pardon because we never were he's been Sober for five years you guys he should Get away with some crimes right I mean He's been he's trying come on guys he's Trying you know all these people who
Suffer from real life circumstances and They grew up in abusive situations with No chance and they're in jail right now You know people who have real you know Victim stories real tough circumstances And you know Hunter Biden was born with A silver spoon in his mouth and has has Access to wealth and power and he made a Mess of his life and like he should get A second chance because he's been sober For five years in trying to break Hunter They've tried to break me and there's no Reason to believe it will stop here Enough is enough Hunter Biden would have Faced sentencing on December 12th for His conviction on federal gun charges And a separate sentencing on December 16th for federal tax evasion charges Which he pled guilty to in September With us now let's bring in former US Attorney and MSNBC legal analyst Joyce Vance she is co-host of the sisters in Law podcast Joyce we will get to you About this extraordinarily important News plus your reaction to the iron bow On Saturday night the iron ball I think Is Alabama versus Auburn you know they play every you know Year they're Rivals of course there was Ohio State Michigan debacle and this is Nowhere near should be in the Conversation with Biden pardon right and She's gonna sh she's going to go the Opposite direction and excuse what Joe
Biden did and so this is the one piece Here before she comes up where they Actually tell a little bit of truth About the thing first let's go to Ken Delanian uh at the justice department Ken U curious uh what is the reaction in And around the justice department on This decision by Joe Biden to Pardon Hunter uh sadness Joe and and some Disqui not so much about the pardon but About the rationale that President Biden Gave if he had just stopped at saying You know Hunter Biden's my son and any Father would do this that would have Been one thing but he he asserted that The prosecution of Hunter Biden had been Political had been selective and doj Officials current former really balk at That because there's no evidence that That's true and and we should remember That David Weiss the special counsel in This case he was the US attorney in Delaware under Donald Trump and Joe Biden and the Biden White House made the Decision to keep him on to continue the Hunter Biden investigation long before Merck Garland was ever named to be the Attorney general and confirmed as Attorney general so that was a Biden White House decision David Weiss was the prosecutor they Investigated the case and the reason That Hunter Biden is facing prison time By some accounts he was looking at three
Years in prison based on the two on the Tax and the gun convictions is because He and his lawyers walked away from a no Jail time plea deal and they didn't like It because it didn't give them immunity Uh from different kinds of conduct uh And they were concerned that he could Still be prosecuted under a trump Administration and so so that's the one Little bit of Truth tell here because It's the pardon is unconditional in the Sense that it pardons Hunter Biden for Everything he's done up to this point so Any of the things that he's done I this Is the pardon that Joe Biden gave him so They can't come back and convict him of Any of the other things which protects Joe Biden right Joe Biden was involved In these criminal Pursuits of Hunter Biden and if they went after Hunter Biden and they did this extensive Investigation they would find out that Joe Biden was complicit and so his at The very least his whole Legacy would be Ruined because it's clear that that's The case right there's that woman um Amanda Divine or whatever her name is Something Divine at New York Post and She knows more about this than anybody Because she's been covering it and she's Got letters from she's gone back you Know 50 years to some of the the Biden Clan stuff right it's all wasted Information because Biden's going to
Disappear and no one's going to give a but this is the one bit of truth They're telling because he could have Had a plea deal and it would have um Ended that story but if Joe Biden won Again they would go after him again if Like the the Republican house like this Is what they they didn't know at the Time that Joe Biden was going to win or They didn't know if they were going to Get rid of Joe Biden and what KLA Harris Would do right and they might go after Hunter Biden again if KLA Harris was President or whatever Trump was President whatever it might be and so They said all right let's just don't Take the plea deal but he pleaded guilty Anyway and now because he was convicted Joe Biden could pardon him for Everything he's done all criminal Behavior this guy's never going to be Prosecuted for all his criminal Behavior Just like all the rest of these right they're all guilty They're all criminals they're all part Of this thing and so this was the one Like two-minute segment in an hour where This is the biggest story that everyone Else is covering and they they they do This one little blip of Truth right and Then everything else let's watch the Rest this year he went to trial he lost And he played guilty and he was in a Serious predicament um which is probably
One of the reasons that Joe Biden felt Compelled to Pardon him to spare him From prison but um people are very Concerned that what this does is it Normalizes uh Donald Trump's worldview That the doj is not on the level that It's politicized that that it's it's not Nonpartisan and and that's the big Concern that I'm hearing from my sources Yeah NBC's kend Delan and thank you very Much for your reporting so Joyce Van so They told a little bit of Truth and then They go back into defending Joe Biden It's great here watch this and thank you Very much for your reporting so Joyce Vance your thoughts on Hunter B Hunter Biden being pardoned by his Father so I hate to disagree with my Friend kend delanian but look the Reality here is if this was anyone other Than Joe Biden's son no one would object To a pardon on these facts the pardon Process is meant to do Mercy yeah but Joe Biden wouldn't pardon anybody else That did this unless them they were Somebody he was you know owed money to Or somebody you know with influence you Wouldn't pardon a normal person who went Through this right it's just because It's his son so that's what yeah it's His son it's meant to do justice it's Often used for people most frequently Used for people who are guilty of the Crimes that they've committed where they
Are extenuating factors at work and and As I say if this was not Joe Biden's son No one would object but we are clearly Here because this is Joe Biden's son While judges may not have seen fit to Dismiss the cases under high legal Standards for Selective and vindictive Prosecution there's a clear feeling here That these cases would not have been Indicted if anyone other than Joe Biden's son was involved in the conduct And on that basis you can understand how These this pardon makes sense under the Circumstances so that's great And Ma and Joe aren't going to say Anything this a like like I said it's About an 8 minute 7even minute segment And they they can't wait to move on from It because they don't want to carry Water for Joe Biden anymore and like He's actually them right because Anybody that stood up for him and Praised him and shilled for him the way They did it'd be okay to say you know He's corrupt but just not as corrupt As Trump like that would be okay like it's Not true but at least it would be you Know you gives yourself some sense of Cover like you you know you're going to I mean that's you know like that's the Best that you could do right oh that uh He's bad but not as bad as Trump you Know this these guys at least have some Limits to their corruption and they're
You know there's there's a there's a System in place and they guys are Working within the system and Trump's Saying a big you to the system Right they could say that but they went All in and said this guy was a saint the Best president ever his record he wasn't Scile Trump was a scile one and they Defended Hunter Biden and all these Things and what she just said what this Woman just said was selective Prosecution right let me play that again Right here while judges may not have Seen fit to dismiss the cases under high Legal standards for Selective and Vindictive prosecution selective and Vindictive Prosecution and that means that you're You as a prosecutor and you as a judge Should let people get away with crimes That's what she's saying right There selective and vindictive Prosecution you should let them get away With crimes you should you know There's people that just they get away With crimes that's what they do they you Know they're in a club and you know they Just you just don't don't be simp you Don't be vindictive but then when Trump Says it no you know we should select a Prute Trump even though you know the Other side did the same crimes they're All criminals right that's the Thing but the judges and the prosecutors
Are not Prosecuting certain people they Don't prosecute everybody and often Times almost always it's rich people They choose not to prosecute and so if You have a system of laws and again I'm Not a black and white person I'm not a You know a perfectionistic person I'm Not OCD I'm not oh my God you you know This is I'm going to get into this a Little bit I want to talk about this on A spiritual level when we're done with All this this here you know What I believe and what people should Hold themselves accountable to but if You're going to allow people because Either a president's son or they're part Of a club or these are rich people you Know they just do like this right And if the laws are just which often They aren't you know often the laws are Stupid and they you they shouldn't be re Rewritten and so like you can't lock up Every that kind of thing and so she's Saying they selectively prosecute people Which is the Trump's argument right that They decided that Trump wasn't a part of The club anymore and they were going to Go after him but not in a real way Because they never got a conviction it Was all for show and so the whole the Whole system now has been um shown to be Corrupt by that little comment that she Just said on Morning Joe because they're The opposition and they're the ones are
Pushing for all of Trump's you know his Legal problem he's a convicted felon and All that and Joe Biden and the rest Of the other side are angels but she Admitted Hunter Ryden committed these Crimes and we know that he committed Other ones because he he didn't take the Deal because he figured they were going To go after him for the other things That he did he would have taken a deal And then this wouldn't be an issue but He couldn't take that deal because he Ran the risk of them Prosecuting him for Something else and so there it Is selective and um vindictive Prosecution and I ever been reporting For better part of a year now about the The weight the personal toll this took On President Biden the concern he had About his son and the guilt that he felt He would tell some of his closest allies That he feels like Hunter Biden wouldn't Have faced these charges or he could Have gotten that plea deal were he not President and Republicans tried to use Hunter Biden against him as a political Uh weapon here and oh poor baby right Joe Biden sold access and he so you know This is what that woman Amanda Bine uh Amanda deine said not Amanda Bine Amanda Deine she reported she was one of the People that broke the story for New York Post and she did all this like deep dive Research into the Biden family Hunter
Biden was always the screw up in the Family he was the hyperactive kid Jill Didn't like him he didn't deal with his Mom's death very well but Bo Biden was The chosen one he was older by a year You know Irish twins and he was the one That was going to replace Biden but he Unfortunately for Joe died of cancer and Hunter Biden was the one was supposed to Go out and get the money and do it by Devious means but leave Bo Biden and Joe Biden out of it so that they Joe Joe Biden could have his political career And get the money that that Hunter was Getting through devious means but they Were supposed to get plausible Deniability like Joe Biden would meet The people and hand give them a Handshake and Hunter Biden would say see Like this is his way saying yeah we got We're doing business and then Joe Biden Would never have conversations about you Know selling access or money or any of These things you know he had plausible Deniability and so Joe Biden you know All the things that he's I mean there Are links because he did get the money Also Joe Biden's brother was involved in This business deals with China and Foreign governments the Ukraine and These other companies right foreign Companies and the rest of it and so you Know this is criminality right this is The abuse of power and these
all know it because the Laptop and all these things said it you Know and Trump the same thing all of Them it's you know it's a it's a Cess Pit right like this is a den of Thieves I think some of that the outcry is Because President Biden himself and the White House repeatedly said over and Over they would not do this and that That I think is fuing some of the anger Though many feel like well a father of Course would do this for for his son Let's talk about the Trump reaction Though uh including and I think we Should be clear he probably was going to Do pardons anyway but he's already Seized upon this as a talking point that He could do the same particularly for January 6 convicts yeah that's the sort Of so they did a total of three minutes Of telling the truth about what this Means the hypocrisy the deal the fact That he was guilty and he could have Taken a deal the fact that this you know There was lying and deception all across The board all these things and then they Immediately go into their right And so the woman comes out that woman The Attorney General whatever she was Comes out and says a bunch of About they should have never prosecuted Him because you're supposed to let these Things go right and they just it wasn't That there was vindictive and selective
Prosecution it's that they finally did Things that they should have done years Ago for this corrupt family but All the other people are getting away With the same so it's just you Ignore it and so they didn't ignore it With Trump and Trump and the Republicans Says all right you we'll go after Your family too and you know we'll go After you and so that's this is the Outcome of that but only four minutes of Truth after you know burying this lead Story and then this happens at the end Charles Kushner made him the ambassador To France um and so this is this pattern It seems of this corruption in Washington that Americans are so Frustrated with yeah and to that point Let's remember Jared kushner's Father Charles Krishner was convicted of a Crime pardoned by Donald Trump in 2020 And over the weekend Joe named Ambassador of France and we should be Clear this is far from the first time That a president has used the pardon Power uh for a family member for a close Ally um but this is one with Hunter Biden of course has been such a flasho For Republicans for years now uh and we Should note Congressional investigations Into Hunter Biden about wrongdoing of Father and Son went nowhere but it's no Surprise they're going to grab on this Now
Of course okay so you see Joe and mik She was nodding along with what he was Saying and Joe Joe says of course but They don't want to be on record now Giving they're very opinionated but They're not giving an opinion about this Because they know it's going to come Back to haunt them because people like Me are going to eviscerate them for Carrying water for this and Being the worst shills for him and the Rest of it I'll get back to that in a Moment on that whole thing but let me Show you this right here uh Joyce before We let go I do want to ask you about Your concern about cash pel possibly Being the FBI Director so that's it they just that's Over it's over right that is it they They're just done and then they begin The next hour with cash Patel and so um Think about that like that's how bad They buried the story and it's great I Love it because it shows the hypocrisy Here because here's the thing about it There's all the lies that they tell There's all the right there's All the the things that people say but I'm the only one who does this I know That I know of maybe there's other People that are out there but I say Openly I don't give a what happens I don't care if these people go to jail Or don't go to jail you know I'm of
Course rooting for it to cover it and Laugh at it and mock it but deep down I Don't care I don't care about anybody Else's punishment I even people in my Own life even someone like like KES Patel who's ruined hard you know the SJ Mark system of meditation you know People like my ex whatever it is you Know people who I you know like I know Did bad things and that I know Personally that have affected me or my Family are these things right of course I would be happy about it to whatever Extent but I I'm not one of those people Who gets upset that it doesn't right Like people get frustrated and why won't These people go to jail and you know I Don't get obsessed with Justice to other People like in terms of Mercy or Justice Or not Justice because I believe in the Divine System I believe everything's accounted For and that everybody has to suffer What they suffer right and so these People they're not going to lose their Jobs most likely over their lying about Joe Biden and their obsession with Trump The same thing with Trump all these People but the morning Joe they've just Been outed as like the way that they Handled this report without admitting You know they're not going to admit and Apologize that it's never going to Happen but by burying the report and
Then by minimizing it and not giving Anything that people could go and say Look at them being Hypocrites or look at Them you know turning on Joe Biden Because the liberals or the Joe Biden People would go after them like when They went and visited Trump so if they Criticize Joe Biden now which they've You know really haven't done even after This Terrific de debate performance it was Mild criticism you know if they did it Now it's like oh now they're in Trump's Pocket these things they already got Accused by people on The View they're in A horrible situation because you know They did wrong right they they they bore False witness and they it's not just Lies but it's I mean brutal lies just Ridiculous lies but you know people get Obsessed with other people admitting That they lied or being punished for They lying or punishment punished for Their whatever they do but they know What they did like you know they're They're not going to sleep well or Whatever they're you know there's issues That you have when you behave like this In terms of stress in terms of you know When you're doing things in a you're Living a duplicitous life right you know This is for people who you know have two Marriages like a guy who has two Separate families and nobody knows about
It and people say you know well the guy Doesn't ever get caught he doesn't get Punished well having two separate Families is punishment in itself you Know having to switch back and forth Between two different spouses and and Different kids and and leaving this life And you know you don't sleep well and it Eats you I mean even if a person's a Sociopath there's spiritual consequences For this right and so like I don't get Into it like I don't feel like I you Know if somebody gets away with Something like oh my God I feel so hor About I don't give a because I know That nobody gets away with anything on a Spiritual level I have complete faith in It you know at least 95% faith I mean Whatever but it's it might as well be 100% because I just don't get into the Other things like it sounds like I'm Judgmental towards people but I don't Give a you know I just say what I See and you know there's information you Know whatever God shows me whatever God Communicates with me in terms of the the Sort of channeling process that happens You know all good all good content has God involved in it whether people are Aware of it some people don't you know AR they don't believe in God but they Have a relationship with God they don't They're not even aware of or Soul energy Higher development Spiritual Beings or
Lower ones like channeling is a part of A lot of the great content that's out There either on even on a lower level Like demonic because people aren't As creative as they think and then we Have you know I talked about this Extensively in my previous video about You know the um the stuff to do with um ESP and mental communication and then Channeling and these other things right But I believe that the system if there Is a Divine system there's a plan then There's accountability if there is a God Then there's accountability because Everything is then accounted for and so There's going to be consequences in the Future and we see it happen all the Times all the time in our own lives even Small consequences you know doing Something that's lazy and you know doing Things doing things a way that you know Is um is just below par and then having To clean up your mess later on right Like not paying attention to detail I Suffer from these things my whole life Things like that right where you if you Don't do quality work to start off with And then you have to repair something You have to to deal with it a month from Now you you push the you you punish Yourself down the line for not doing Quality work or not dealing with a Problem that you don't feel like dealing With it at the time right we all see
This even for small things I see it in My own life I see it with other people Everything comes back around if it Doesn't come back around now it'll come Back in a future life and when you Believe in past lives and future lives Then this is all accounted for and I Believe in it so I don't get into it I Don't feel stressed about it because I Believe that there's a system of divine Justice even though the system of Material human Justice fails and you Know sometimes you don't see I mean bad People seem to get away with bad things But the fact of the matter is good People the Justice comes swifter because It gives you a chance to redeem yourself Even quicker when you're a good person a Spiritual person and you've done Something wrong then it doesn't linger Right it's something that you Immediately have to deal with because You are somebody who has some you know Desire and motivation to be a good Person and so people who are will Willfully doing wrong their Bank of Things that they need to get punished For is already full and so it's just a Matter of which thing happens when right It could take the form of cancer it Could could take the form of any number Of things you know ultimately death and Then they got to come back and do it Again because they have this Bank of
that they didn't they didn't settle But when you're a spiritual person you Got to get it out of the way right away So you can move forward on your Spiritual path so good people always get Punished in ways that bad people don't And that's a good thing it's because They they have clean you know they're Able to clean themselves of the the Consequences for their actions right and So you know I I don't know I've talked About this stuff to do with um John 3:16 At the end of my last video and there Might be some comments sometimes there Are and sometimes there aren't right but The problem with Christians who believe In John 3:16 if you truly believe that The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ and so anybody who says Anything different like I do or anybody Who believes anything different then you Don't need to feel anything but pity or Empathy for them because if you fully Believe they're going to hell then why Do you got to on them on top of it Why do you got to tell them just wait You're just wait till you die you're Going to hell well you don't really Believe that then Because it isn't bad enough if you truly Believe a person's going to hell you Would just feel empathy for them because What hell is and how it's described Isn't that more than enough like if you
Know for sure that somebody who hasn't Accepted Jesus Christ as their savior is Going to hell then you then you don't Need to say right I mean you could Say that you're trying to save them and All that that you believe but You know the the consequence is already There and so you got to be you got to be A dick to them too right it's cuz you Don't really believe in your own right like the people who Believe believe you know it's not true I've talked about this before but if you Really believe then you have no worries Because you know you're going to heaven And the other people are going to suffer So you shouldn't ever say anything about A miscarriage of Justice because you Don't believe in the justice system when These people are going to hell what's Worse going to jail or going to hell you So you should not be worried about those Those hidden indictments all you cubes That claim to be Christians that you Want to see all these people go to jail And go to guantan guantan Bay and be Rendered and and go through these secret Military tribunals and then also go to Hell for eternity like you know they Have to do 20 years at Guantanamo and Then go to hell because you wanted to See them double punished because you Want to see it happen because you want To see Justice in the American system
But you have Divine Justice which is Hell right and so everyone that you Think is going to hell you should feel Nothing but compassion because yeah go Ahead enjoy the out of rest of your 20 years here cuz you're going to spend Eternity the rest of time in hell so you Know enjoy yourself I mean they even They give a a guy who's going to be Killed a last meal you know you know Last meal before being executed and so You know all these people who are going To hell shouldn't they live it up like Shouldn't you be happy that they're Living it up yeah enjoy yourselves now Because you're for eternity and So you don't really believe you you say You believe but you don't because you Know if you truly believe you'd feel Nothing but oh my God these people are All going to hell you would feel really Bad for them but I'm going to heaven so You know but they're going to hell you'd Feel really bad for them but you don't Really believe in that because you want Double punishment you want Double Jeopardy you want to see them get in the the prison here and you Want to see them go get in hell Too because that's how vindictive and And non-believer you are because you Know if you truly believe then it would Be just all right these guys are All going to hell I don't have to worry
About it like I don't have to be Concerned about Justice because there's Divine Justice coming and that's how I Legitimately feel and so you know Whatever happens to these people and They're you know who's to say they're They're not suffering now they're all Suffering you look at these people They're all suffering okay so I'm going to end this one here I had a Bunch of other stuff to get to but this Is you know I'm just going to make this Comprehensive about about the you know Hunter Bing stuff here I'm going to get This up sooner than later today's Monday I'll I'll put this up on Tuesday so I Have three videos up on three Consecutive days and you know couple of Them are under two hours and so people Can catch up I'll take Wednesday off I'll put up a video on Thursday then and So um yeah that'll be good you know let Me just say this sometimes you're the Consequence sometimes you have to say Say something to somebody sometimes Something done that's wronged you or It's affecting you or whatever it is and You're the consequence or you're a jurer Or you're a you know you're a cop or You're a whatever it is like you're part Of the system you're a judge and then You you know then it's it has to do with You right like there has to be you know There's whatever happens in the material
World that's part of the Divine system You know the Divine system is working to Not punish people but CLE them and get Them to realize they're going in the Wrong direction and so there's things That happen as a warning sign you know Consequences to your behaviors and Actions and get you to realize that when You do things you make the wrong choices Then there's things to go with those Choices every choice has consequences And in the material system exists and Whatever those consequences are you know It's it behooves everybody to allow Those consequences to happen And be set with them because you don't Know even when things look completely Unfair those consequences are there for Reason right for your benefit to cleanse Away wrongdoing that you've you know Things that are blocking you for being The best version of yourself the Divine Version of yourself right like this is What's the idea of some scar is in the Sark system and the idea of spiritual Cleaning and how many times have you Gone through something where you feeling Guilty about something and then you Receive consequences for it and you feel Better like you're like oh my God you Know that was hanging over my head and You sleep better because you know you Feel like all right I did something Wrong and I suffered for it and now you
Feel like you can make the right Decision and you've learned your lesson And you feel like you know the guilt is Gone the shame is gone because you Suffered you suffered for something that Was weighing on you that you felt bad or Guilty for right and that suffering Whether even if it's a you get disease Or something happens like it's a way to Alleviate alleviate and get rid of any Guilt and shame and these negative Things that you should naturally feel From doing something wrong and you can Redeem yourself and now there's a chance Of redemption you know often times People get away with crimes like they Just suffer for years and years because They have a guilty conscience and even Sociopaths suffer on ways they're not Even aware of and people will Self-sabotage and and do things to hurt Themselves or you know sabotage their Lives cuz they feel like they're a piece Of right there are people just feel So bad about themselves they're Constantly sabotaging any chance of Having a good life and they haven't even Done anything that wrong they've just Carrying over guilt and stuff from Previous existences and so the reason to Do the right thing is it's the right Thing to do like that you should just do The right thing you should do you know The right thing is what God wants you to
Do not some moralistic that you Connect with your soul and you just take Orders you you get you know advice you Get gu Guided by your heart and your Soul and the Divinity that's within you And you pray to God for guidance and When that guidance comes about you Accept it and you do whatever you're Supposed to do even if it looks like a Bad thing or a wrong thing because Sometimes God wants you to do something That other people don't think is right But you know within your Divine system You know that God is I mean if you're Clear on this again you have to be you Have to be have an unpolluted mind and You have to work on this relationship And cultivate relationship with a Divinity within you and you know it Takes time before you have a clear Relationship and you know and still it Has to be worked on because you know Sometimes we we hear things and our ego Is saying to us and we're like oh that's God right oh that's that's not my ego That's God and it's always going to be You know there has to be some sense of Um oversight like some sense of you know It's not like a slam dunk it's a subtle Type of situation but if you do get Information from from God and you're Connected to God and you have advice and You have guidance and you you just know What the right thing to do is and when
You understand what the right thing to Do is then there's no sense of guilt or Shame you're just doing what your soul Wants you your soul is intended for you To do and even if you play a villain Because there sometimes your soul comes Down to play a villain in the Divine Drama and you're congruent with what the God wants you to do because that's what Needs to happen right I'm not saying you Know we should use that as an excuse but In some cases that's what's happened Like that's what you're supposed to do And there's no consequences because You're doing what God your you're signed You know what your soul was supposed to Do your your human manifestation of your Soul was supposed to do in terms of the Divine plan right and then everyone has To figure that out for themselves that's Why other people can't you know sense Judge people or you know understand I You can see the difference between right And wrong but sometimes you know these Villains who are you know hated are Really higher developed Souls that are Playing some role out that God wants Them to play right and so when you get Into that level of things you don't have To worry about it you just have to see You know create the ability to decide to Do the right thing yourself and do it And then you're just free from guilt and Shame and all these things because
You're always making the right decision At least on the big things you know Smaller things it's a little bit tougher But even then you can start doing that Where you're living the life that your Soul wanted you to live and then there's No consequences there's no extra baggage There's no unresolved things you're just Doing the right thing you're making the Right decision and you know the people Who aren't they're suffering and you Know just let allow them to suffer you Don't have to add to it by being Obsessed with that and you know wanting To see them suffer even more because Internally and in their lives they're Not happy they're not living a good life They are suffering whether you can see It or not only spirituality will save This world it's par defin point for the Apocalypse in the Ascension everyone Have a blessed day and be grateful