Okay greetings brothers and sisters this The day after Christmas Thursday December 26th um 2024 so uh we had a really good Christmas here which I want to talk About just Briefly and my wife and I watched the Nigma uh Netflix documentary about Aaron Rogers which is interesting I have a few Thoughts about that um maybe there's a Comment I want I get to and then I have A bunch of funny things I think I have a Bunch of funny things already to cover I Don't know what kind of news day it is Going to be today um but in terms of Christmas the reason I'm talking about Here you I'm not a holiday person Anymore like when my kids are you know Kids are grown they're Older and I I just um and I want to talk About this a little bit with the Aaron Rogers thing as well because you know There are things that are in our society That people pretend to care about but It's because they have nothing else Going on in their lives right and when You're lost and you don't have any goals And you're not focused and you're Disconnected you end up focusing on the Things that you know are um not all that Important to you but you make them Important and you you know and there's a Group mentality you know holidays are
What one of those things right the Holidays have lost their meaning but Like when you when you don't have Anything going on you focus on these Things hoping that it'll be something Special happens right because if you're Miserable and your life sucks and you're Walking through life in a Days you have these moments you're Hoping like this thing will be you know Like big deal New Year's Eve coming up And then these other holidays and Whatever they might be because you have You know you're in a depressed state or Whatever it is which is the case for a Lot of people you know there's Some um you know this sort of NPC Mentality almost would be the way to Think about it and I'll get back to that When we get to Aaron Rogers but uh let's Go with the Christmas so my wife and I Have not been doing anything really Christmas have been getting lesser and Less lesser um and last Christmas we Were driving and it was just kind of the Whole thing was a burden doing anything You know my kids just don't no one cares About it anymore for the most part like It's not like little kids who look Forward to Christmas and the whole thing And so Um I don't know why we just started to Feel Christmas more this year like it Happened organically there wasn't a
Intention And um everything just sort of flow it Like a great day like you can have a a Person's days like you have the days Where just are normal days like just There's nothing special nothing great Nothing bad they're just you know Whatever you feel like you're a happy Person and things are going your way and You know you feel good and you're Connected whatever it might be you're Feeling positive about your direction Your life you're not you there's there's Nothing niggling at you nagging at you There's no you know thing that you wish You could be doing or should be doing You feel like you're just doing the Right thing which has not always been The case in my life obviously but like Right now it is but you know whether You're like in a bad state where you're Just at a you know for I was in 18 years Of bad marriage right you know in that Whole period in my life and then there's Other periods I had that were bad Periods and then you know the good Periods or whatever you're feeling happy Or good or you know on a regular basis There's just a lot of days that are like Checking the Box you go through your Routine you do what you're supposed to Do there's nothing significant that Happens and there's some days like the Car breaks down or you get sick or you
Know there's a bad news or a loved one Dies or just you know there's a special Days that they're just like well this is Not a normal day and it's bad right at Least you experience it as being bad Undesirable things happen right on a Spiritual level it's something else but On a material level on an ego level it's A bad disappointment you know lose your Job you know get hurt you know whatever Something happens that like is you know Out of the ordinary and it's not Desirable and it might go on for a while It might be a problem that you're Dealing with for extended period of time Where you're stressed out you know Whatever relationship ending divorce Something you know long period that Where you're going through something and Then there are the good days the days That just everything flows you feel Happy once in a while like you'll be Going through a dark period and you'll Have just a really good day like a happy Day in the middle of that or you you're Having you're you're in a good period Where you feel happy you feel you know Everything's going the way it should be And then you have a couple bad days or a Bad day but those days are like they're Not controllable they just happen you Know things happen good bad and Sometimes they coincide with a holiday Or a birthday like these are supposed to
Be special days you know people have Their holidays they look forward to but It's not guaranteed you're going to feel Happy on that day you're going to feel Good on that day the things are going to Flow right And you know if they're putting a lot of Importance on those days and they end up Being a shitty day then you know you're Just I mean it just sucks right because You're really looking forward to it and Often times those days are just normal Days a holiday and you put so much Effort and emphasis into it it's like You know you put a lot of energy into The Super Bowl people have Super Bowl Parties it's a holiday in itself you Know these things and the game sucks and So so the ads suck right it's a Disappointment it's a let down it's Almost always is because people put too Much you know pressure on it being Better than it you know should be or it Could be or you know it's they put more Into it than it really is able to give Back to you right in terms of your Expectations but anyways my wife and I Are both kind of feeling Christmas a Little bit more this year and you know I Um have really got the SV times down I We bought a couple of Turkey from Whole Foods on Thanksgiving so we had Frozen You know T backup food things and so I Cooked a turkey and I the last one I
Cooked was you know I figured out really Good way of doing it with the SV or so It's a slow Kook in a water bath and It's really been you know I've really Into it like in terms of cooking any Sort of meats or anything like that and I make the mashed potatoes and gravy my Wife most makes a cranberry pie with is Really great and she makes this Um uh this pumpkin with stuffing in it And you know so it's not a lot of work For us like I start cooking the turkey The day before so that's like out of the Way it's in the you know is it's ready To go it's in these SV bags and then I Um you know I my wife was going to do Stuffing like you know no no one likes The stuffing I'm like well I you know How stuffing I really I don't like stuff Stuffing but I made the stuffing years Ago when my family and I had a chestnut Tree and I wanted to find ways to use Chestnuts so I invented this stuffing Recipe and like I know more about Cooking now and so I kind of remembered The basics of the Recipe and I made it and it was freaking Amazing like it was just cuz I added Certain things to it now of course we're Eating we put um that uh Umami and Everything which just seems to make Everything better without really Affecting flavor just like some kind of Thing that makes you know stimulates I
Don't know what it is but it's just Great and so especially anything savory And you know I put these other things in It apples and these other things and it Was freaking amazing my wife and I were Just sitting there eating it cuz I you Know I remembered it being good but I Got these chestnuts from the store and You don't need many of them like it's Just they're kind of a pain to cook and Hard to you got to cut them and there Just you know they're in they're not in A hard shell but they're not great Feeling that you get them out and I Remembered all these things like I'm not A labor intensive per person for all These things but the you know the St These chestnuts were a lot better than The ones we had in our tree they were Like twice the size we had one year we Got these Chestnuts and we started using them for Different things the kids liked them we Roasted some and you know they're an Interesting uh you know Chinese Chestnut The American chestnut got this disease The Dutch Elm Dutch elm disease I think It's called And they you know there's these massive Chestnut trees that were here in America You know they were massive you know kind Of like a huge trees thick trees I mean Were the whole economies were built on These things you know everyone was using
Chestnut Wood but this disease got Brought over and now all those trees are Wiped out all the American chestnuts but They still are alive we saw one at the Blue Ridge Parkway this old massive tree That had sort of rotted out and it would Grow it would it have a tree that would Grow to about 20 feet high and then it Would get sick and die so the roots were Alive but it just kept on dying off and Then putting up another tree and you Know kind of sad thing but they bring in These Chinese Chestnut trees and these Chestnuts were massive compared to the The ones we had in our yard you know These ones we get in the store but we Had these chestnuts the kids used to Gather them and I figured out some Recipes and one of this was the stuffing And then my wife is going to make a bean Cast R green bean Casserole and we didn't have any soup And there's no stores open uses Like a mushroom soup and I said well There's this time I went to a Chinese Restaurant my best friend from high School I moved down to Atlanta and his And his stepdad and and stepmom were Brought us out to Del I had just been There like a week or so and I kind of Just knew them a little bit like I met His mom I think like once you know Somehow I got invited to this thing was Kind of you know odd and they went to
This Chinese restaurant was like the Best Chinese food I ever had except for This place in Amherst there's a guy who Does organic Chinese food in Amherst the Massachusetts and it's like a renowned Like sort of a like a you celebrated Restaurant and things you grows his own Vegetables and it's amazing but this Place was uh you know like the like Really good food this other place in Atlanta and they had these Ginger beans They had like ginger and garlic in them And my wife looked up the recipe and and Made them and they were amazing and like So we had this stuff that everything was Like easy and good and everything turned Out better than like like for Thanksgiving and we had bought a lot of These different lights things like we Had a lot of uh we have this Cube now That glows and you like this stuff and You know this good atmosphere and it was Just like a it was really felt good the Day right um and I was you know I mean I'm always aware now this past year There's been this Nostalgia thing I'm Going to read the prophecies from The Whispers of the brighter world and you Know the there's supposed to be a big Event that happens this coming year like I don't know if it's a part of it but I've been thinking about the past I've Had some dreams about the past I looked A bunch of people up from high school on
Social media and I just don't want to Care about that like I my high school I Was in a days I was in a rahu period I Never think about it like I just it's Not something I'm you know focused on at All like it's it mean it was very it Didn't really mean that much to me but I Talked about this how I one of the like Facebook recommended these this High School person and I thought about these People and I started you know seeing That they had whatever friends and People that I went high school with and I looked up a number of them and um you Know just was this weird thing that Never happens I'm not sentimental and There's nothing there but like I was Seeing how old they are like all these People you know I could kind of see the Person they used to be some of them like You know there wasn't much memory of it Right but like just the sense of uh you Know I know my family I mean everyone's Old now my my nephews and nieces are now Retired their kids are you are grown Right like it's just um you know Everybody's old in my family like the People I you know knew would be people Younger than me people older than me Right they're you know they're my Siblings are you know my my sister has Cancer and my brothers you know they're Just all you know in the death process Right they're my brother's 17 years
Older than me and these things and so a Number of people who are in my high School have already died who were in my You know graduating class so like can Get into this this kind of time in your Life but I just have this nostalgic Feeling I've been watching old sports Sporting things like 30 for 30 at ESPN Some of these things that you know I Remembered and you know they were just Um you know I'm kind of detached from All these things like I just I don't Have as much connection and you know Things like this that people have like Things that my you know what I consider A past life in this life that you know Things that were a different you know Season in my life they're just they're Gone and you know I I don't reminisce About it my family you know things that Meant so much to me especially my my Kids and when they were young and like They were you know having this Intergenerational family farm and it Just you know had to let it all go but Then all a sudden I had this you know Brief period where I felt like my life Was passing before my eyes so maybe Something specific for me but I think Other people have said that they're Going through similar things but we had This really good Christmas like just you Know it was raining and it was nice cuz We went on some walks it was like like
Slow rain and then it was like a heavier Rain but if it hadn't rain it was if it Was colder we would had this snow that Would have been the only thing that made It like a a more sort of traditional Christmas but you know it was it was a Great day it just felt like kind of was Great and my wife and I watched the um Aaron roders um uh Enigma and you know on the downside for Aaron Rogers it's a little bit I don't want to Call it pretentious uh you know I mean I Think he you know he's a sincere person About his spiritual journey there are a Few things in there that I don't you Know NE Necessarily I mean some of it's just a Little bit Self-involved because it's a new age Exploration right but having said that Like to his credit he's a true spiritual Seeker right like he's you know somebody Who I mean his story was this he won a Super Bowl in 2010 and they were like a Wild card team they were you know and he Was like someone who hadn't won any Playoff games right so it was like a you There's this knock against him and they Win the Super Bowl and he's like well Now what right and so you know that's a Sign of a spiritual person because there Is accompl accomplishments that you have And when those accomplishments you work
Really hard for something and you're Like well that's not this this is isn't As good as I thought it was going to be You know you could have the goal and you Can achieve that goal in Epic fashion In your life like you can have these Moments and when you have those moments And you're like well this isn't is this It right it's like the is it is this it Syndrome for Spiritual people that no Matter what you achieve in material life It's never going to be your real true Goal it's not the real thing and if You've had some sort of past life Experiences where you've already done These things right cuz like you need to You know when a soul incarnates it needs A number of lives to find its true Purpose and sometimes it doesn't happen At all because people just the ego Hijacks a person's life right but for a Spiritual person when you're ready to Embark on your spiritual journey and That's like the true starting point Right so it's you know just everything Else is like a preliminary like you just Got to go through all these phases like You incarnate in and you're usually poor And miserable and you look at these rich People and these powerful people and You're like oh if I if I was one of them My life would be better if I was famous If I was you know whatever it is right Um I would be you know happy and then
You become that and you're like well I'm Even more miserable now like you know You don't really know your past life but There was some you incarnate in with This idea that you know that you've that This some Scara this uh something you've Taken from a past life that in the next Life you need to be rich and powerful And something like this right whatever It was that you you know some kind of Thing that you envied The Grass Is Always Greener then you realize you're Not happy and then then it's like well What then like then what's my purpose And so that's the question that you know People have to ask and then they embark On a spiritual journey and sometimes They're like well this isn't great Because it's so hard and you know the Spiritual journey is a lot Longer and you know but it starts off With this idea and Aaron Rogers is Flirting with this idea right and I Don't know if as he gets older it'll Move to something different because he Says that when people say everything Happens for a reason he didn't Understand it and the problem with the New Age movement and the problem with What Aaron Rogers is doing they're doing Spiritual things to benefit their their Material life you know when I talk about Mar meditation you know what what I used To say heartfulness before I knew it was
A cult and all these things right with Thing you know dodgy had wrecked with sa Mar and now we're doing the gratefulness Meditation you know for people who are Coming in and I don't really talk about This but it's there I say well you're Get good night's sleep you do the Cleaning you have these sittings and all Of a sudden you know if you were not Sleeping well you start sleeping well Like that's just you know some of the Things that happen for people and you Know you're you're stress level is going To be better and you're going to do your Job better like you're you know in terms Of if this thing works for you like it's Not working for everybody but these are Ways to evaluate how this thing is Beneficial right like why would somebody Do this meditation well these are some Of the side effects you know you like I Just I'm much better at this job like it Helps me do this job it helps me do Everything like I was a very incompetent Person and I was missing things I just Couldn't you know there's things that I Needed inside of me that I just didn't Have to get through things to be in Relationships to hold jobs you know Whatever like I just was and I didn't Have like motivation and things for you Know that's the other part when you Become someone on the spiritual path Like the things don't mean the same
Thing to you which I'll get more into in A bit and So um it just helped me do the things I Needed to do it helped me be you know a Better person And of course being more loving and Things like that these are the higher End things of of this of the specific sa Mark practice but none of those things Are the reason to do it the reason to do It is because it's a spiritual you you Have a spiritual goal but most people Can't even hear that because they just Want to they want to have something That's going to help them live their Life they want something to enhance Their life make their life more Pleasurable make their life less Stressful right that's how people view The any kind of situation is this going To help my material life and that's a Very new age opral Winfrey type attitude That you do spiritual things to help Yourself with your you know your your Life to live your best life but the Truth of the matter is when you're a Real spiritual person you go through a Lot of difficult things so that you can Enhance your spiritual journey and People just can't hear that and even if You tell them that that sounds good When it starts happening they're like Well this sucks right so once you enter Onto the spiritual path your material
Life is not good it's like you know it's Your happiness is no longer your goal on A daily basis and you should try to be Happy and work to be happy but be happy In every circumstance it's not Predicated on what's going on with your Life whether you're disappointed you you Got bad days good days you don't focus On any of that [ __ ] right like it's not You know the things that or these are The things that would make me happy These are the good things these are the Bad things so I I want to prevent the Bad things which are usually things that Are you know being sick being you know Stressed out you know being lonely you Know being disappointed failure you know All this stuff that people consider bad Things you know there things that oh This is a bad thing I don't like this Thing I don't want this thing right oh These are the good things so I want These things these are the good things That make me feel good these are the the Things that I want these are the things I don't want and our spiritual path it's None of that you God is giving you Whatever you need and you be grateful For it and you find a way that it's good For you that it's important to you right That it's you know it's um that it's Somehow benefiting you right you find a Way that it's helping you done your Spiritual journey and that you're
Suffering things in your material life So you can benefit spiritually right and It's just to what degree you're willing To commit to that attitude because you Know as you can take as much you can eat As much [ __ ] as you're willing to Because it's the more you the more you Suffer you know there's this idea that People sleep on a a bed of nails and They make themselves suffer and that's Not what we're talking about here it's Whatever you're supposed to deal with Like there are things in your samcar Package you know your destiny that are Unpleasant then are painful and are Difficult things to go through and of Course one of them is your inevitable Death right which is you know something Everyone needs to prepare for but nobody Does and so those things are going to Happen one way or another and there are Good things that are going to happen in Your life things that are considered Good and you know they're those things Are going to happen and so it's just all There for you and it's just you know It's already sort of a script and a you Know might not happen now you know could Happen today and or might be pushed back Or it could be accelerated it could Happen earlier than supposed to Or it could happen you know when it's Supposed to or it's going to happen you Can push it back and it and you know
Present prevent yourself from Experiencing it but then it's going to Happen no matter what either way it's Going to you know you're just and the More things you push off the more you're Going to experience it all at once and People experience this in their life Where they've pushed off all the the Pain that they're inevitably going to Have to feel and then all of a sudden They their Bank of pain gets too much And it bursts open and they go through a [ __ ] Avalanche of bad [ __ ] all at Once right towards the end of their life When they're too weak to deal with it so This idea of living your best life and Everything's going to be great it's just It doesn't exist right in fact you know Like I said happiness is predicated on In misery right all these different uh Every every condition has its opposite And you you don't know happiness until You know Misery happiness is the opposite of Misery and so if you feel miserable then Happiness is you know you feel happiness Because you felt the opposite of it Right happiness is like wow I felt so Bad before now I feel so good well That's the difference right the Difference is the the contrast between These two things and so in the Aaron Rogers story he is doing these things to Would help himself be a better
Quarterback and athlete and also you Know live a better life whatever now This stuff that he does with Iasa and he had this Retreat where he Went and he went into a dark room and I Heard people mocking him about this like You know people in the sporting World Mocking him over doing these things the AAS iasa journey and then he goes to This some place in I think South America And there's some place where they have This experience he went with some of his Former teammates and then some other People are there and then he went us to This room where they you go into this Dark room and you live in darkness for Like three or 4 days or whatever and People give you meals and whatever and You you know you have this um you know Meditative State now these things are Not as good as what I do like the Sark System and I'm not saying that as some Competitive thing it's because you're Taking something Material and like if you take drugs for Example to have spiritual Experiences iasa or DMT or peyote or LSD Those things will give you maybe what You might consider spiritual experiences Some alter alternative State of Consciousness but they're not really Spiritual because you're taking Something material it's having effect on Your body and then you're using that to
Have something that you consider a Spiritual experience and you might you Know might be experience it's like it's Definitely an experience but spiritual Is not you know it's not what I consider Spiritual You know the sjar meditation you forget About your body and you dive Inward and You don't need anything you don't need Incense you don't need music you know I Have these people who are I say please Begin meditation you know I do these Sittings I'm gratefulness meditation Then every once in a while somebody Shows up and they haven't watched the Introductory playlist and they haven't Learned what the system is about and They're like well there's no talking for 30 minutes right because you're supposed To be meditating but the people don't Know what they're supposed to do do cuz They haven't they you know they just Randomly showed up on one of my videos Right or you know they they didn't go Through the there's a Channel video that Explains everything but it isn't a Guided meditation I'm not saying Anything you know there's no Mantra There's no even mantras are material Like you're using your mind and your you Know this is you have your material side Your spiritual side and these sittings You go to your spiritual side and you're Trying to you know deal with your you're
Working towards dealing with your Thoughts and your you know any kind of Connection to your physical material World like when you go to sleep like you Know there's a switch that's thrown you Go to sleep and your mind is shut off Right in a way because you're having Dreams so it's not completely it's you Know you're going to a different state And you're not conscious right you're Unaware of your material surroundings And then you have whatever is going on In your sleep whatever dreams there are Whatever happens you know wherever your Consciousness goes wherever your soul You know whatever in terms of you know What happens like I you know I have a Whole thing to do on sleep right but It's a you know it's a withdrawing from The material world right you're one Moment you're sleepy or getting sleepy You feel your eyes getting heavy there's This moment between you cross over from Your material life you shut out the Material world and your body's just Laying there vulnerable right you know Like you you know if you're out doing This in the you know in nature something Come start eating you you know like These things right but you're just you Know you're dead to the world as they Say and So that that other side when you cross Over to that other side like it's you
Know in a way that you when you're Sleepy when you're sleeping it's like You're you're dead like you're in a Death State you're in a you know you're In a passive State like you're no longer An active living you're not living in That moment right you're you're Withdrawn from your life and if you look At death as dying just going to sleep And never waking up like where do you go Like happens where is that other part of You and you know your soul has Experiences and you have experiences While you're dreaming and information's Given to you and you don't remember [ __ ] Like you remember a little part part of Your dream right and you're like well What happened again I want to talk about This more extensively in a separate Video I already started this like two Years ago I have an audio I have to Rel Listen to it maybe you know they don't Know what happens when you go to sleep Right the scientists even you know this Whole thing and you know animals do it We all do it right But this is what I'm talking about in Terms of any of these things and so when You take something material it's a Material experience that supposed to or Material substance that's supposed to Induce a spiritual experience it's not As good it's a crutch and it's you know There's it's an unnecessary element
Right it's an unnecessary part of it but Having said that like you know I did Some new age stuff and I whatever went To counseling and there's a process Between Whatever you do um to like transition From this idea that your life is about One thing which is material happiness Fame and Fortune whatever like you've Been told this is the purpose of your Life and in America the purpose of your Life is material success right so it's Just like the education process the Education process is to give you Knowledge that will benefit you in your Material life life like it's knowledge That has a purpose you go to school to Get a job you don't learn for the sake Of learning like learning is a thing That happens when you're young and so That you can get some sort of job or Something right whatever you're going to Do with your your life whatever it might Be you know in terms of preparing you For your your job your life and being a Cog in the wheel like you're given just Enough knowledge to where you can Participate in society you find your Role in society whatever it is you're Given this knowledge and you have this Bandwidth of knowledge and expression And you who you can be as a person and What you can say and what you can Believe you know there are these
Boundaries these parameters you're not Supposed to cross over those boundaries Right like you see these you know some Sort of Dystopian Um city in the future in some movie Right and they have like an area that The the bad lands and you can't go in There right you can't cross over out of Your area into those areas right you Know it's forbidden and it's the Forbidden lands like plan of the Apes They had that right the original plan of The Apes they had this area that would Show you human cities and so if you Crossed over those lands you'd find all This artifacts that shows that humans Used to rule the world now humans can't Speak and apes can and so if you go in There and you see it you're like oh man Humans used to I mean there's pictures Of you know like a gorilla in a cage and Like you know they're they're they've Crossed into these lands and they don't Want the the other Apes to know about it Right so they've been told these are the Forbidden lands and so for your Education you're supposed to get the Education that prepares you for your Slave job your wage slave job right and Your participation in the system but if You you know keep on getting educated They're like what are you doing like we Told you stop there you've already
Learned all you need to learn and you go Participate in your system go be have be Happy have money have your your life you Have your holidays have your you know Super Bowls have your whatever you have Right this is you know this is all there Is don't leave looking for anything else Don't look at anything any kind of Explanation outside the system we've Explained everything this is your health Care this is what you do you get sick You go to the doctor you prescribe you Some medication you do that but then There is these secondary systems like Some you know uh to allopathic medicine Which is some stuff that Aaron Rogers is Exploring right so to his credit and Everybody's credit who's here listening To this video and all the people that You know stop listening to the official Story And go beyond what you're supposed to go Beyond like they make it very clear to You don't do that right in various ways Which we'll get into and Aaron Rogers is An example of this so even if you don't Get to a you know true spirituality even If you don't get to something you know The most the highest thing the best Thing at least you're in this process of Waking up at least you're looking beyond The limitations of your own system right So our own system is saying you know Make money be famous and Rich that's
Like you know that's the there's higher Levels of this right there's getting a Mundane job and just you know Underachieving and being or just you Know maybe that's the maximum of your Achievement and be a laborer and you Just make enough money to get by and you Do all the other things that everyone Else does right you know we have these Types of behaviors like these things you Eat this kind of foods you go out to Bars you drink alcohol you you know These are you know now they're allowing You to smoke marijuana but they have These things if you're upset you go to a Counselor you get counseling right you Have whatever insurance you have you Have these different options and things And all of it was what what's socially Acceptable the things that we all know To be socially acceptable and there's The higher levels where you make lots of Money and you become rich and famous and Powerful politician or something you Know there's the Pinnacle of achievement But when you realize none of those Things is your true goal here whether It's living a mundane life and just Doing your duty and facilitating the you Know the the pr being a part of the Cog And the wheel or whatever it is or you Achieve something great there's always This emptiness and Aaron Rogers Recognized it Aaron Rogers recognized
That he was a perfectionist which is Always a difficult thing to be and he Said it comes from he was missing Something he was broken in some way you Know he talked about how it came from His family and that you know again That's a that's an explanation in this Life but you know what created his Family and that's when you get into the Spiritual understanding that the the Thing that was missing in this life came From a previous existence like something You know that niggles at you that you Know like that bothers you like that Just you're uh you know like you're it's Something inside of you like there's It's a thirst that can't be quenched There something there something missing You're like there must be something more Right you have this sense of you know Beyond the beastly system and you see This in movies and TV shows all time and These people are celebrated the heroes That push past the parameters of the System but in the system itself that Makes the movies the system you're Living in you're not supposed to do that And so Aaron Rogers realized he wasn't You know that he had himself what he is As a football player and to be fo the Football player you have to be tough and Competitive and things and then he Wanted to experience this other part of Himself like what is the outside of
Football what besides being a Quarterback and being famous and these Things you know being good at football What else is he and what is he going to Be afterwards and you know that's a Valid question to ask is all these Athletes go through it because when this Is all there is right in terms of your You know your life is just football and So you play football then maybe you're Coach or you're an analyst and all you Do is talk sports if that's all you can Become that's you know I guess that's What it is right but there's much more Besides something like that if if all You are is your job then you know what Happens when you can't do your job Anymore what happens when you retire Right because at some point you're not Going to do your job you're you're going To retire from your job your work your Life's work is going to be over and you Watch those people and they're just Nothing there anymore they have no Purpose they're just waiting to die this Happened to my dad who hated his job Lived a shitty life failed you know Scared of life and then he's scared to Death like now he's just there's nothing Like you know he was wasn't going to Play Go like I played golf with my dad Like three or four times or whatever it Was five six seven times I don't know I Can remember like two or three like when
I was a kid I went with him to this bua Vista 9-hole Golf Course in West Harford Connecticut where I grew up a beautiful Little course but small like very small And I remember there's this garden Spider spider giant garden spider there Was a hole that you you you there was a Like you hit it um over the like over a Creek and you had to hit it up like sort Of a hill almost not almost there was a Hill and there was a cool walk down Where you walked over the creek at a Bridge there was no golf carts there was Just you you walk the course and um There was this giant garden spider which Years later I come back so I'm like 10 Years old I play golf with my dad maybe Once or twice and then I remember the The holes and so he came back and I was In college and now I'm like you know 6'1 On you know 180 lbs of like you know I've been playing High Level Sports and I play a little bit of golf and we go Out to golf and my my dad's like go Ahead and hit it like and he didn't want Me to do over the water he didn't do Over the water either because he didn't Want to lose the golf balls because he's All cheap and [ __ ] and like you know Whatever um and um like there's people Up there my dad's like no you're never Going to hit there I'm like you know I'm Not 10-year-old kid anymore like I can Easily hit that
Right like I can totally hit that right And he's like no go hit it I'm like no Like there's people there we're going to Be pissed off the ball's going to hit at One of them right and he's like you know If I hit a good shot it's going to Happen and you know and I wasn't like You know even now once in a while we go To like a driving range and it I hit Maybe you know two out of three in the Beginning and then one out of four at The end good shots you know like I you Know like quality golf shots you're Using a driver or whatever not not Controlling the distance just so I hit It straight right um but I can unload Other things so you know I I go all Right fine I you take the blame for it Right and he goes sure and so I hit it And like it almost hits a guy like you Know I clear the creek and it hits like You know the green or whatever like it And I of course we're going to hit a Good shot cuz it was a big [ __ ] you to My dad right we're having an argument so I'm going to come through with a good Shot like it's just going to happen Because you know he's just that kind of Guy um but then you know later on and Then These Guys these old guys on the Course right they're yelling at us and I Point to my dad Right and I'm laughing because you know And so we go down to the ninth hole and
Those guys are still in front of us he's Like go ahead and hit I'm like dude we Already did this I can totally hit him We do the whole thing again it's like Hey you keep on hitting Us you know just the ball lands next to Him right but like you know just no Whatever but my dad sucked at golf as What I'm saying it was this thing and he Didn't really enjoy it like you know he Was out there but he retired he was Going to play golf every day you know This is what people think you know he Didn't have anything he didn't have Friends he didn't have hobbies he fell Apart right and so when you don't have a Spiritual goal and you're now in the Death process and your life's over You've accomplished what you're going to Accomplish your best days as a person Are over and now you're in the Transition process to your death process And if you've done nothing to uh connect With that Part of Yourself the spiritual Part then you're completely [ __ ] You're scared you're miserable you're You know you're you're terrified of Death you're you know whatever and so Like this is what happens to people and They just diminish right they physically Fall apart their their mind goes so Anyway so this thing with Aaron Rogers Um you know to his credit he was looking Beyond this stuff realizing there's life
After football realizing he had these Two sides the football player and then The person that's Aaron Rogers he Realized he was broken in some ways you Know he considered it to be mostly due To his family right and so it's good in That sense because it is an actual Person who's seeking something more Outside of his you know his Indoctrination and his training and more So than you see with other people and He's you know learning about things Outside of what you're supposed to learn About like he's watching truth or stuff And he has these you know questions About you know the same thing that you Know normal truthers do and you know he Might not be as good as a truth or as You are or whatever it is or you know Whatever people think but it's the Process itself that is to be commended Because you know you have these Parameters you have these boundaries That you're not supposed to cross and Many people in the truth Community don't Really cross them many people who are You know they consider themselves Truthers They Don't Really cross them They just redefine them and they still Are in this gatekeeper mentality but if Aaron Rogers to his credit is doing These other things like you can can see That he's actually on a spiritual Journey now there's problems with it in
Some of his things or not problems like You know maybe he'll realize later on if He continues you know these things but Some of his ideas was that he couldn't Love himself because of his family but Loving yourself is not possible I've Said this before self- Lov is not a real Thing that's just some new age [ __ ] They tell you because you know I guess You can like yourself and that's is Whatever it is but none of those things That's all ego [ __ ] right you you're Loving yourself is an ego thing you know You are love right like love throws Flows through you at your at your basis Your Pristine um you know your soul and your Subtle bodies you know your love energy You're the Divine energy right Godly Energy and so that's there's already Love there like you have love in your System most people have diminished their Love it's like you can't extinguish it But it's for all intents is perfect is It's dead like inside them and there's No rebooting it like there's no spark There's no you know it can be done but The people have no like they're so empty And so bankrupt they don't have the Energy to pull themselves up from that You know they're just don't like they Could but they have to find some you Know some some Drive some energy maybe They get angry maybe something happens
And they're able to you know wake up or Whatever right we all gone through that There's a point where I was really Depressed in India right I just you know You I was going through this divorce and Everything had turned on me and the you Know the mission like all these things Had happened my kids you know my my the Whole intergenerational family farm Thing that I was going to do with my Family it all fell apart and I was just Going through it the cleaning I was just Lying there like just dead like just Beaten and like I Heard a Voice say Fight back and I got fired up about Things like I you know I I made things Competitive like I needed a lower level Kind of motivation to drive my spiritual Journey like sometimes you need that Like I wanted to compete I wanted to Prove everybody wrong you know I was Doing this YouTube channel and all these Things and I needed some competitive Fire and things to you know to um I mean One of the things about being spiritual And there's you know in the Sark system It's called non-attachment attachment And so you're supposed to be Non-attached to things but but perform Like you're attached to them like There's an attachment there but it's not You know something you can easily let go Because you can't live life and not have Attachments and not you know not have
Some preferences and not have you know All the things that you have but you Can't let them dominate your life and Become addictions right you can't you Know let your drive to win or succeed You you need to have some driver you Won't you won't try you won't you won't You have to have your material life too And that's the other option that's the Other problem the people who seek Spiritual lives and go run off and Become monks and run off into the you Know the Wilderness and they do all These you know extraordinary uh you know Uh abstinence types of behaviors where They you know they starve themselves and Fasting and sleeping on a bed and nails Or whatever it might be to negate their Their material life they don't have Families they don't have jobs they don't Participate in society and that's that's Going the wrong direction that way like In the S Mark system the brilliant idea Of you need two wings to fly a material Wing and a spiritual wing and most People are neglecting in the spiritual Wing but then they go the other way and They become these people who are and It's all material it's still material Because they're not doing true Spirituality it's finding balance and It's being able to have these things but Not get so attached to them that they Prevent you from moving forward
Spiritually but not neglecting them Either where you're not fulfilling your Material responsibilities like you're in A body you're part of a system a society You have to contribute to some extent And you have to find the motivation to Do that and in the early stages of your Life and sometimes even later in life You need Petty things sometimes to Motivate you you need to prove yourself You need to be competitive like these Are things that you know drive you you Need some competitive drive like those Are just you know just because you have To have it but then it fades like what The reasons I used to make these videos And the reason I make them now are much The reasons I make them now is much uh Is comes from a much more spiritual Place and and less about anything kind Of egotistic iscal like I'm not getting An egotistical boost for making the Videos like I did when I first started Like I don't need affirmations I don't Need to be you know whatever like it's You know there needs to be something There like I'm just otherwise I'm just Speaking to myself there has to be some Kind of an audience the the videos Themselves have to be resonating with The audience people have to be Benefiting from the you know the the Videos but you know like some of it's Just potential like when I first became
A receptor there were a number of people When I got off the plane from India and I was living in Albuquerque New Mexico There was a guy who already was a he was An Indian guy who was in in in the going To the UNAM University of New Mexico and He was already a practicing Abasi a Person that does the meditation and then He knew people who were interested in Doing it and so he brought three or four People in I put some like posters up and All of a sudden there's like six seven Eight people all wanting to do this Meditation but then he transfers cuz he Wants to be near a better Center and so He goes and then all these other people Quit and so I still was doing the Meditation and just with nobody sitting There every week I do Sunday meditation With the idea that some days there'd be People that were there right like it's You know you're creating the potential For something you're creating the Condition in the field and even though There's no one to receive it physically There are people's Souls out out there That are who can receive it right same Kind of thing that's with the Gratefulness annotation these sittings Are up there that people could Potentially find and and take use of Right but when I'm doing it there's Nobody there right there's nobody here It's just the idea that people are going
To be meditating same thing when I when I do these voiceovers I'm here my dog's Here no one else is listening to this And what happens in reality this is What's happening in physical reality and You know on this Earthly plane of Existence and then this voice over gets Transformed into digital format you know It's a copy of what I'm doing here and They put it in some sort of you know This will have a couple of pictures Maybe of Aaron Rogers and some other Things right like this is going to be a Standalone video I can see already it's Almost an hour long and whatever and Then some people listen to this most Likely right but you know things could Change but somebody will listen to this And maybe benefit from it or not right Get something out of it and so it's just You do it because you're suppos to do it You know what to do when you do it you Don't need motivation you don't need Competitive fire like you know I don't Need those things now but at one point I Did right but anyways this thing about Self-love doesn't exist right you you Don't need to there's no loving yourself Like that's not possible love flows Through you you love is something you Feel for other things and other people You know you give love love passes Through you like a conduit on the Highest level you're a conduit and love
Is constantly flowing through you to Other people and they can benefit from It or not that's their choice it happens In a way that nothing has to be said Right in terms of the you if I mean you Know the people that you like your Spouse and people you tell tell them you Love them that's you know that you know Those words mean something but like it's Beyond that where there's there's actual This love energy that flows through you To other people and so in that Aaron Rogers does these iasa trips which he You know is the same which they call Ancient medicine and they go to these Places it's a tribal thing and I'm not [ __ ] on it because I just know that There's better stuff you know it's it's Something but it isn't you know Everything and using hallucinogenics and Things that are you know change change Your your Consciousness you will have Experiences and I don't know I can't Evaluate those experiences and they Might be you know On The Fringe of being Spiritual but spiritual experiences are Best best experienced and the Experiences themselves mean nothing Experiences keep you going my first Initial sittings to doing the S Mark System were out of this world Transformational but the experiences Themselves I needed or I would have quit So it was like something I needed to get
Me going like it wasn't NE other people Don't have those experiences and they They they feel something but it isn't The kind of experience that I had and so Does it mean that my thing was better no It's what I needed you know I was I mean This was something I needed to be like Shown right off the bat this is it and Then once I had that there was no Question quitting because I knew it cuz I experienced it right and so for me it Was you know a defining moment but in Terms of like I have knowledge like I Have a ton of knowledge about this stuff Right I have Insight I that's why people Watch these videos and you know used to Mean something to me like it used to be Wow like I know this stuff or you know This you know even just stuff that I Knew was coming through me and just you Know from being an incompetent person Before an underachieving person before And then like I was able to do things Better I oper better I'm a better cook Like I I just in the flow of things Right like I just you know I'm I'm a Effective person now and I know it's all Due to the system you know I was missing This connection and then once I had it It just everything made sense and I was Able to sort of crack the code my my my Wife said that about our dinner last Night you just really crack the code on This thing right but there is a point
Where I I needed validation and then There's a point where I no longer needed Validation you know very little Validation from the external world right Like I just I'm supposed to be doing This and I'm doing it and I'm just going To keep on doing it because I'm supposed To do it and when I don't I'm not Supposed to do it I'll stop right so It's just like that kind of thing and so The validation you know it's I mean it's Maybe I like five whatever minimal Validation that needs to be there to Keep me you know motivated to keep on Doing this because it it's affecting People in a positive way and there's Some you know but to think about it like I'm serving people is is the wrong way To go about that I'm serving God and by Serving God other people are benefiting From it right but I have knowledge and It's you know and I'm right about a lot Of things and I've predicted things in a Sense or seen things right and people Are always pointing it out because I Forget about it but it doesn't mean Anything like it's just so what like you Know it used to mean something because It was you know know I could see that I I knew more than like the average person Like that was kind of cool but in terms Of knowing things like it's just Knowledge in in like what people think Is Enlightenment is not a real goal
Because you know knowledge has to be Used for something like it has to have a Purpose like knowledge for knowledge Sake itself is in a way pretentious and It's ego- driven and it's you know Unnecessary trying to be smart and being The smartest person in the room you know What like it's some kind of competition Like knowledge has to have some kind of Use like you have to be able to apply it To your life you know know the Principles that I talk about here you Know some of them I like some of them I Don't but I know them all to be true Some of them I embrace better than Others some of them I'm able to adapt And adopt to adapt to and adopt as you Know my principles and I always work Towards that number one is to be Grateful right be grateful for Everything because everything comes from God and God has a plan and so whatever's Happening is God's plan and that's not Always easy and sometimes it's easier Than other times like the good days it's Always easy but the bad days of course It's harder but you know in all that It's the application of the knowledge That's important how are you able to you Know live the principles and knowledge That you have there's lots of people who Can articulate spiritual points or Religious philosophy but they don't you Know they're horrible people in their
Lives and they're not applying any of it Right it's like they understand it but They don't utilize it so it's the Experience of it it's the application of It it's not the enlightenment part it's The fact that you're actually willing to Embrace those teachings and live those Things even it's even if it's just a Little bit of teaching it's better have A little bit of knowledge that you apply To your life then have all the knowledge And don't apply any of it right and Self- knowledge which is the driving Force between the Behind these new age Things you know and Aaron Rogers is a Little bit embroiled in that in this you Know documentary and I'm not criticizing Him like I said it's a good thing that He's just you know he's opening up to a A bigger you know understanding of his Existence and that's and that there's a Spiritual side and that's you know That's a step in the right direction for Anybody especially in these times Especially somebody famous and Successful because those people are they Have the least chance right there's a Story Master charger used to tell that Um there's these guys waiting to go to You go again to heaven and like St Peter Like you know it's not what we believe He's a he's a Hindu but he went to Catholic or Christian uh schools right But this is you know like a story he
Told you he used stories from various Religious traditions and spiritual Traditions like they were all embroiled Because they're all a part of the same Thing they're all one movement that People have defied it up like every Spiritual person that's lived you have a Connection to and a you know I don't Want to say a debt of gratitude but you Should at least be grateful for what They helped Humanity move towards Because each spiritual person that's Come has uplifted some part of humanity So chrishna isn't At War With Jesus they Were often these Souls work together These souls are around each other right These Souls like either in a physical Form with these higher developed Souls That come down are always working for The betterment of humanity and working For God they're on the same team it's The religions have divided these things Because they're you know they're Materialistic uh Indoctrination gatekeeping organizations Right and so that's why people think That there's you know religious wars Should never exist Because these beings are not at war with Each other there might be some subtle Differences there might be some Differences of opinions difference of Direction little you know little small Things that people have souls have that
Are give them some sovereignty you know Some some egotistical perspective but in A spiritual world where there's no Physical body the truth is the truth and Everybody knows what the truth is like It everyone knows who's higher than who And you know these things like there's No sense of Pride there's no sense of You know uh being mad at the boss right Or whatever you just accept that this This being is beyond you and you take Direction because you're you know all Working for the same cause right and You're you know there's this idea of Like a any sort of hierarchy there is Understood without any sort of like Jealousy and like petty little human [ __ ] that we have right but this you Know New Age movement has this idea of Self- knowledge and self-love and you Need self- knowledge you need to know Yourself in all these things you have to Be mindful and you have to you know Spend all yourself it's very Self-indulgent and it's there's no real Purpose to it like you just have to have A sense of who you are as a person oh Did I tell that story I didn't tell that Story and so um like I got sidetracked And so uh there's this line of Souls and It's you know mostly poor people working People and this rich person shows up and He's brought to heaven in like a lousine He gets out he walks past everybody past
The line past the queue and gets like Special treatment as he comes into Heaven and they're like a party and Celebration and so there's this guy Getting pissed off this Soul that's Getting pissed off who's a you know Hardworking person and you know he was Like and he he had this you know Leftover residual resentment towards These rich people so he gets up to St Peter and goes like what the hell's Going on here you know there's uh I Understand these guys had Privileges and Wealth in the material world but even in Heaven like even in heaven you guys give Them extra treatment and uh St Peter Says you know people like you come here Every day you're a dime a dozen but a Rich person like that's they almost Never come so when somebody's a rich Person they're able to make it here we Celebrate it right because you know the More wealth you have the more success You have it's hard to you know navigate All that and become a spiritual person You have all these distractions I mean It's where your you know your material Life keeps on pulling you away from your Potential spiritual life but people who Are miserable and suffering and you know They just have all these mundane uh Experiences they have to cling to God They need God to just get them through Their their daily their daily life their
Days and so it's easier for them right So you know to his credit Aaron Rogers Has all this success and all this you Know materialism and he's able to still Have a craving to you know this uh drive To become a you know to work on his Spiritual s so having said all that There was a few key things I wanted to Point out now Aaron Rogers goes through Like in the third episode he talks about The whole thing that happened with um Him saying he was immunized and you know He could have done it better like he Admits that he could have chose his Words more carefully so he was asked if He was vaccinated and he you know he Went through this protocol he found a Naturopath right cuz he said his dad was Against vaccines so he grew up in a Family that had some issues his families Were you know they're Christians and and He's had this division with his family Right his family has talked [ __ ] about Him and made their kind of um issues Public and he said like his younger Brother went on The Bachelor your Bachelorette or whatever it was right And he said you know the guy and he said You know he did it just to be famous his Words not mine that his brother said Just to be famous and his brother [ __ ] On him and then there's that you know go Home to meet the parents kind of episode On The Bachelor whatever it is you know
Towards the end and there was two empty Seats there where Aaron was supposed to Be I guess maybe his other brother Something like that and you know and he Said he went on this [ __ ] show just To be famous and then [ __ ] all over Aaron and then caused this you know this Storyline where a Rogers was Aang for His family right it's this whole thing And you know just stupid stuff because It doesn't get better when you invite The media into your whatever you're Going on there but his dad was against Vaccines you know was didn't believe in Him and the flu and whatever he Explained this and and he said he also Was studying these things so he had a Difference of opinion he doesn't believe In the official story he's looked Outside of the mainstream you know Healthc care system has done his own Thing which which many people have done Many new age people and liberal people Did but then when the thing came around It was political and if you're an Antivaxer You Were Somehow a republican If you weren't you were a Democrat and So people just you know they folded into Their their Collective just group Consciousness their they whatever it is Right um which I'll get back to in a Second and so Aaron Rogers went to this Natural path and he took this protocol That this person put together and then
He it with the NFL cuz the NFL was very Witch Hunty about like who got what like If you were vaccinated and you tested Positive for covid if you had a negative Test uh four days later you could go Play you could could be back on the Field but if you tested positive and you Weren't vaccinated then you were going To be away for 10 days mandatory and you Didn't have to go through all these Protocols like you there was all these Limitations and there's no evidence that We now know of any of this stuff like They were just told this it was [ __ ] Which we all know you know the two Different the two different ways of Treating people we all know was like Based in just um not science but things That they just made up and [ __ ] and like So you know but Aaron Rogers was Experiencing that so the third day in They asked him and he had said he had a Plan he talked to his public about it if He got vaccinated he said he was Immunized which you know to the people Who are listening to that Thought it was he was saying he was Vaccinated right and he said if they Gave him a follow-up question he would Have explained his whatever it was now a Lot of these people these Stephen A Smith and you know these other people That have gone after him um you know Stephen A Smith was a little bit less
Because he I think liked Aaron Rogers Maybe more Ryan Clark maybe more so Right who hated Aaron Rogers but their Thing was they didn't have a problem With him not getting vaccinated but they Did have a problem with him lying that Was the story that they all started to Say which they know is [ __ ] deep Down they know is [ __ ] and everyone Should else know we saw the way they Treated Kyrie Irving if Aaron Rogers Came out and he would have been a Target Because of who he was even more so than Other players and so we know that would Have happened but what Aaron Rogers said That I didn't know beforehand was that He had filed a a f he put a 500 page Document in and they classified him as Unvaccinated but he appealed it cuz he Wanted them to take a look at and Possibly say that there was alternative Ways of dealing with Co and that his Thing was just as legitimate and he Shouldn't be punished because of his not Getting the vac and so if he said that He wasn't when the person asked the Question if he said that he wasn't then The NFL would say drop his appeal Because he's admitting that it's not the Same thing like he wanted to put what he Did on the same level to the NFL even Though the NFL wasn't going to agree With him because the NFL is connected to Big Pharma just like the media and
Everybody else which is something no One's willing to talk about so he was Demonized for lying and being a bad Teammate and all these things I mean This is stuff that I showed you Terry Bradshaw said it was with the military And he was at the military academy I Said Aaron Rogers has a lot to learn From these guys about lying and you know They just they all lie they're all lying Pieces of [ __ ] right like they didn't go After Bill bich the same way when he [ __ ] cheated or Tom Brady when he [ __ ] cheated right like they didn't Demonize him the same way that they Demonized Aaron Rogers and there's a Group think to this and I want to come Back to that because there's one more Example of this I want to talk about the Group think to end end this video and so The other part was Aaron Rogers was Contemplating retiring from the Green Bay Packers and they think they wanted To use him as a trade asset to the what Eventually would be the Jets and so or They didn't want him to retire yet but They had drafted a quarterback Jordan Love and part of this was like Aaron Roders and Brett Favre because Brett Favre was kind of a dick to Aaron Rogers Because he was draft to to replace him And Aaron Rogers was talking about how He did a better job even though he was Upset when they drafted Jordan love who
Is now the quarterback for the for the Packers and to the Packers um like their Benefit like they're a very small Market Team Green Bay is a very small City but They have a good system just like the Pitt Steelers do and some of these other Perennial you know new New England Patriots did when Bill bich was there They were constantly putting out a good Product they're constantly you know Winning organization and the way the Packers have done that you know managing Things was that even though when they Had a Hall of Fame quarterback they Drafted a guy to replace him and they Slowly trained this guy to be his Replacement and it worked with Aaron Rogers and now it's working with Jordan Love right the current quarterback back For the Packers but anyways he was he Was figuring out whether he was going to Retire and this stuff was coming out About is iasa and he was sharing these Things he was on the Pat McAfee show and This was like before Co then after Co And then you know the way he was Demonized and he went into this dark Thing that he did this dark room Whatever you know I had a friend who did I think it's called vapas and the yoga And there was a young couple and they Milked our cows when we went on travel And they um didn't drink the milk but They wanted to experience this and now
They live in a normal like I'm friends With the wife of the guy on Facebook but I was better friends with a guy when They used to come over and um they were Just you know a young couple they just Had a baby and they they built a small Tiny house it was amazing they bought Land with their uncle and they were Living completely off the grid and they Had this great spring and great spring Water and they had run a pump up to the House and she the woman was um she had Went to like Georgia Tech she was Homeschooled her parents were some of The first homeschoolers right her Parents had like there's people who and They're mostly Christians who fought the System to make homeschooling legitimate And this is what I'm talking about with Aaron Rogers you know you have your Beastly system and then there's if you Want to bring in something new you have To fight the legislative battle which The let many of these parents had to do Across the country like you there's These websites you can go to and find Out what are the good States for Homeschooling of course after covid so Many people adopted homeschooling so Many kids were homeschooled because of These people had made this thing a thing Right they made it whatever and this This young woman's parents were some of The first pioneers of that right years
Ago I met her parents I think at one Point um but she um she went to Georgia Tech they met at Georgia Tech I mean uh Virginia Tech and they um she was she Studied horiculture and she knew all About plants and they you know they used To forage and they lived up and they you Know they they were doing stuff that was Beyond what me and my family were doing On farm and now they're living very he He went to back to school to get his Degree as like a a psychologist now the Guy is right and so his wife and I are Still friends on Facebook we not we Haven't been in communication for years But I was disheartened to see that she Was putting out like I got vaccinated Thing cuz she you know they were so Non-mainstream living off the grid and Now you know they're living in a Traditional whatever it is like their Kids going to regular school and they Still have these skills though whatever So that might be something they had this Epic Garden like they the garden was Amazing they were doing a good job right So made me a little bit Bumm that they Had you know embraced the I mean it's Hard to do it it's hard to be off the Grid but anyways Um he did this thing called vapas and a Y And he they would sit for 12 hours and Meditate and it was phys like you sit
With your legs crossed and it was Physically painful and eventually the Physical pain was supposed to drive you Inside and you'd have a spiritual Experience and he had done this a number Of times and I told him about the sajar Method and I know the sjar method is Better because the transmission and Cleaning and the fact that you know the Physical pain is just drawing you Outwards I mean I understand the Principle behind what they're doing but There's no real you know there may be Some small benefit to it but it's it Misses the point of forgetting about Your body forgetting about your ego and Going and connecting to your spiritual Side so you know there's just people the Ego wants things to be hard right Because you connect to God and your Spiritual side when you go to sleep like It's just it's easy as going to sleep I Mean but that's not meditation that's Not effort that just happens Automatically Tech Ally and so Connecting to God isn't hard but people Make it hard they want to go through Something and you know you have to go Through things to create a you know a Cleaning of the things that are Obstructing your connection to God and That is whatever it is right you're Going through your life issues your your Difficulties your you know negative
Things that can clean out some of your Egotistical [ __ ] that you need to go You're past some scaras and these Impressions that you have right so these Are all you know but it if you just Focus on that like the part that's a Sark philosophy instead of doing all These um difficult things or whatever it Is that are not a part of it right you Know people have a lot of mental chatter And so sitting in a dark room for three Days like solitary confinement you have To confront yourself because you're Cutting yourself off from distractions But you can still do that without Sitting in a room for 3 Days right like That's extraordinary but whatever that's What Aaron Rogers chose to do I'm not Criticizing the sense that you know you Have these different systems and a lot Of these newag things don't reveal they Don't result in in the results of the System aren't something spiritual right It's it's just more manifestation of the Ego and so like sometimes there they Even cause some kind of damage but Anyways he makes this choice right and He has some sort of spiritual experience And he has some you know like decision To go to New York he has this idea that That would be where to go cuz he has Connections there like he has Connections with the coach um his former Offensive coordinators there and these
Other people he likes the head coach and You know that all these things and he Sees going to New York and he has this Egotistical you Vision you know of like Like a dream of Something sometimes you get lured into Something because you think it's going To go one way and you you have this Vision of something You know it's um you like deceive Yourself to believe that it's going to Go in a way that it doesn't like people Do that all the time you think Something's going to be better than it Is and if you had all the information And knowledge that you have after you Experience it you would never have made That choice but it was a necessary Choice because you had to go through Something unpleasant so God's you know Like your soul is allowing yourself to Be self to deceive yourself allowing Your ego to think something's going to Happen when it's not just so that you Can have the spiritual benefit because I'm sure there's a lot of spiritual Benefit that Aaron Rogers has gotten From the whole New York Jets debacle Right but he makes this decision and all These people are mocking him CU he went Into this dark room and he sat there for Three days and you know I said to my Wife if he had gone to Vegas and gambled And got drunk and went on vacation you
Know did all kinds of you know Hedonistic things that are considered Normal under our traditional system There would be no criticism right but He's doing something and they're making Fun of it in the dark room and they're You know they're piling on past the the Whole thing with the immunization VX Thing that he did and then the you know The iasa stuff right because it's not Part of what this Beast and the people That run the Beast have told people is Okay right you can smoke pot now cuz Everyone does it and it's legal you can Use um pharmaceutical uh drugs that have All kinds of side effects and you know Ones that are there for your you know Whatever it might be you can go to Counseling you can go go to psychiatrist And get on Prozac or something and say That you know that's how you dealt with You know whatever issues that you're Having right whatever unhappiness you're Having and they would celebrate you like You for the most part I mean again you Know you fail on the field and you don't Produce that's that's one thing but They're attacking the guy personally and The hatred and you know they show the Quotes and some of the things like there Was a there was a point where they Showed Aaron Rogers um it was a local News in in in Green Bay and there's a Woman with cancer was waiting for him to
Sign her her cap her hat and Aaron Rogers just walks by her at an airport But he says from the camera view you Don't see that there's 200 people Waiting for all these players and Sometimes they just don't have time to Stop and so they made this story that Aaron Rogers this woman just was this Cancer you know this woman's got she's An older woman with she's bald and she Just wants Aon Rogers to sign her cap And what a pricky is and and those Headlines are brutal right and the People are talking about it and the Woman says I felt so bad about it Because the week ago he signed my Shirt and he um talked to her for five Minutes like he and this time he just You know wasn't paying attention and you Know like they sometimes these guys Can't they can't give it every autograph Right but they just demonized the guy And it was like completely you know [ __ ] cu the woman herself admitted That he had already interacted with her You know so this is like you know the Way that the media treats people and the Way that they construct these narratives But especially when you go outside the Box and so Aaron Rogers sitting in a Dark room is certainly better than going To Vegas and gambling and being with Prostitutes and drinking and doing drugs And then making your decision about
Which team to go to whether you're going To or not right but one of them is Considered socially acceptable and the Same thing with this stuff with the VAC Stuff that the Beast system told you This is what we're going to do and if You don't do it and I've showed you the The Montage of clips of the of people Saying all these things about the antiva Hate right if you're not doing this and Joe Biden said this is a pandemic of the Unvaccinated and so even though though The government government didn't make it Mandatory they shamed everybody into Doing it and you were a problem if you Weren't and you're being selfish and all The people that just do these things Right and going back to what I saying About Christmas that you're told that Christmas is supposed to be a certain Way and that you have these obligations To your family members often times you Have no connection you know the Connection with your family members Phase and there's nothing between you Like that's I mean there's nothing Between me and my family numbers you Know my brother and I do the same Meditation but you know it's there's Just nothing there right like you know We can spend a little time with each Other and of course he's a little bit More aware because he does do the Meditation but now he's he's with dodgy
The scammer you know so then even that's Gone right and then everyone else They're living their lives and I don't Like you wish anything bad on them There's nothing like that but like I'm Not you know spending time with them for What right we don't have anything in Common our our journey you know our part Of our journey is like over and so you Have these people in your life you're Supposed to spend time And they sometimes you know are very U Manipulative in making it happen even Though they don't acknowledge but the Truth is that they don't even want to be With you like you don't have a good time With them you see this all the time with Families getting together it's more Prevalent now with the division over Their Trump and all these things right And families were like disowning people Because they didn't get vaccinated or They voted for Trump and you know all These things right and that's just Reality coming into play that why spend Time with people that you there's Nothing there between you it's just Forced interaction it's but it's you're Told this is what you're supposed to do You're supposed to do this you're Supposed to sit in church you're Supposed to believe this this is you Know all these things and then when you Start questioning these things you've
Been so indoctrinated people have been So indoctrinated that they they push Back against it and they go after people And that's what you see with Aaron Roders so them saying these things about Aaron Rogers and them saying about Kyrie Irving no I didn't experience this much Myself of course there was some of the Stuff that I had to deal with on YouTube With the medical misinformation Guidelines and stuff so you know there's That there's censorship but watching Other people go through that that's Sending a message to all of us yeah just Do what you're told take the shot to to Do this you know get these things you Know do this these these are the things You're supposed to do and everybody who Anybody who doesn't do those things is Supposed to be ostracized and made fun Of by the board Sheeple mentality of this indoctrination Of a system that's completely [ __ ] Right because of the very basis of this System is a bad system it disconnects You from God it disconnects you from Nature it disconnects you from family And you're living a life that's Completely unnatural for human beings And it's you know based in the faulty Premise that an Economy based in debt is Always going to be there for you so You're not going to need your your Traditional tribal skills and things you
Need to survive and that's not you know That's a complete lie because we now see The system imploding and nobody knows What the [ __ ] to do because we don't Know what how to live outside the system Right and even as the system collapses People are still gatekeeping and going After people and Aaron Rogers Documentary is a good example like if You want to see something play out like That because you hear his side of the Story and like I like I said some of It's self- involved some of the the new Age stuff for me and I know it to be Ineffective and and kind of annoying and Pretentious you know some of the things That people engage with you know in Terms of these pseudo spiritual Journeys Like it's hopefully the beginning to Something right you know Awakening Doesn't happen all at once like I said But there there's a stage and then you Have to experience things that to Eventually find a vertical system that Connects you directly to the Divinity Within you and teachings and principles Like that happened in the Sark system That can Elevate someone on their Spiritual journey and there's you know There's a method to help you and there's A philosophy there to understand the Method and you know it's then it's just Up to you and so and that's where the Failure exists because you know people
Some level of it there's always ego push Back your ego doesn't want you to become What you are destined to become and That's you know the problem with Humanity the ego is you know has a life Of its own and if the soul realizes Itself right if a person realizes the The soul within them then the ego is More or less diminished and the egos Just don't want that to happen that's Why there is this you know obsession With the lower you know the the higher Exists for people but people always Choose the lower and all of us even People on the spiritual path even more So people on the spiritual path this Battle rages inside of them so I find All this interesting and especially as The last episode you know when he's Doing things that are outside the you Know mainstream experience and how he's Mocked and there's all this hatred for It and he's demonized in some way but The average football player I mean There's drug use and there's you know There's I mean there's all these Negative behaviors gambling and [ __ ] You know Vegas and you know these Hedonistic behaviors I mean it's a very Violent sport in itself it's War like It's a you know there's a lot of Negative to to be said about football It's so brutal you know it's it's War It's a you know it's a sport that's the
Equivalent to war right it's such a Violent you know land acquisition I mean That's what marching your football down The field right like the def defense is The the the country that's getting Invaded and the offense is the the Invaders in right you have a ground game And a war game I mean you have a ground Game and a an air game right you know Like there's there's there's an aerial Attack and there's a a ground attack and These like you know there's there's Trick plays and you know all this type Of stealing information and you know Spying and you know like all the [ __ ] That happens in war right and then the Military jets flying over all the stuff And so you know football itself has its Um you know it's uh its low vibrational Aspect to it and so you know Aaron Rogers strives it has some something Inside of them that that made him want To you know be more than that and you Know find a a deeper purpose and meaning To his life and they attacked him and You know I said this about Saints and This is what happens it's happened over And over in the Christian tradition that Somebody's killed and crucified and They're like oh yeah that person was a Saint like somebody who reaches a higher Level of spiritual knowledge and it Isn't even that high a level and the Powers that the powers that be in Europe
And America you know this is a this is More of a white people problem I mean Exists in other places as well but you Know India is one of the few places that Doesn't that's why India is like special India celebrates their Saints they also Celebrate their charlatans so you know Their conmen so unfortunately there's Both things and they celebrate their Celebrities but the fact that if Somebody becomes a spiritual person and Starts bringing in you know some level Of criticism and and some you know just Speaking truth to power that it is not Dealt with in a way with they crucify You which is what happened to Jesus of Course and then all these other saints That have followed him in the Christian Tradition and it see it over and over Again that everyone's so willing to Gatekeep and so willing to jump on and You know and speak for the official System even though they're they're just Told something by a system that's hurt Them over and over again like everyone Kind of has a bad experience with Pharmaceuticals far as you know big Pharma people like big Pharma isn't a Positive term and then they've had Issues with doctors and medical you know They've either had a family member who Who suffered or died because of medical Um you know Mal treatment and the the You know the mainstream medical model
Isn't great and everyone knows it and Yet they're like oh just do this and You'll covid right when they're the ones Who created it and released it you know Like but people just went along with it And demonized people so let me just show You that um uh I'll end the video here And and those who are interested in Seeing I'll just put on that whole clip That I have about them demonizing Antivaxers um it's a compilation you Know that's there just as a you know a Way for people to see just some small Part of the way they demonized anybody Who chose not to have the official you Know what was told to them was going to Be the Cure and of course even Bill Gates said that this thing mutated it co Mutated itself out of existence so I'll You know put that in there as well I Think it's part of that actually that's A part of that Montage but anyways let Me wrap this up here but um I'm going to Show you the I'm going to do the you Know the ending of my video and then After that will be the Montage and then There won't be anything I'm not going to Say the ending again okay before I get To that my wife and I went for a walk And I had a few more thoughts um Sometimes I just you know get worned out But I talk for an hour and that's a long Time but just um you know kind of the Most important piece of this and I say
This over an over again but rep Repetition is important because the Indoctrination you're being told the Same lies and the same gatekeeping [ __ ] and all these things every day Like this is how indoctrination works so Repetition is a big part of what people Need to hear and whether you know it Registers at first it may take a hundred Times before it makes sense or before You actually notice it sometimes your Mind will click off and your ego will Will purposely either not hear or Misunderstand something that is a threat To it right so that's one of the defense Me mechanisms that you know you can be Talking to people uh your sheeple Friends and you can see their eyes glass Over and they can't make connections With what you're saying and so they have To make fun of you or they have to get Mad at you or just ignore you or Whatever they do because you're you know What you're saying to them is a threat To their egos and their you know their Ability to do their you know their their Life and their job I mean when you wake Up to whatever extent It's really hard to go back to work or Do the things that you were doing before I've said this before when you start Reading the ingredients your life Becomes a lot more difficult it's so Much easier to be believe in the system
And just do what the system tells you to Do it's phenomenally better and more Easy you're not better in the sense for It's worse for you but it's you know Easier in the sense of your material Life easier is often not better but what I want to say here is when Aaron Rogers Wins the Super Bowl and he Says you know it wasn't that great like It wasn't as good as I thought it was Going to be like whenever you do Something and it's a disappointment you Know it's your wedding day and you think Your wedding is going to be this Incredible fairy tale like event and Things go south or whatever or even if It is great it doesn't make you feel the Way that you thought it was going to Make you feel any number of things are Like that you get the job you get the The money you get this you get that you Know you get something you thought you Always wanted you get the car you've Always dreamed of having you know Something like this right and maybe it's Great for a day or two or there's Something about it but then you realize It's not as good as I had you know I Built it up to be the often times the Anticipation of something is so much Better than the actual experiencing of It and so when Aaron Rogers says that he Wins the Super Bowl and it wasn't that Great like it was well it was you know
What now like you know what do I do now Right like you have a goal you finally Accomplish that goal but when I was Talking about this with my wife as we Were walking it just occurred to me like Think about all the other people that All they do is talk about football you Know all the people that have um they're Lifelong fans and they have you know They're I mean they're just obsessed With their team and they they go to all The games they watch all the games they Do all the research and they belong to You know some sort of chat group and you Know they listen to the the media and Stephen A Smith and these people all These pundits and they you know they They're obsessed with this thing you Know they playing F if they have fantasy Football league and all this other [ __ ] Right they bet on it or all the stuff That football represents to them you Know they have all this gear all the Money they've invested you know like 10% Of their income has gone to their their You know they being a fan of football or Other you know whatever it might be and Then they hear that the players Themselves are like yeah when we won the Super Bowl it wasn't as gray as I Thought it was going to be you know Because it's all [ __ ] right you know Everything in our our planet is Illusionary because we have a soul you
Know if you believe in a soul then your Soul is eternal and so your soul lives As long as the universe exists and it's You know beyond trillions of years it's Beyond you know any concept of time that We could ever have and so your life here Is a blip in that like even if you live Thousands of years which I believe is The case in previous you know yugas and Different types of humans that were here Even if you live thousands of years Years it's still a fraction of your of Your length of your soul even if you Lived a million years it's still nothing It's like a a grain of sand on the Entire time of a you know an ocean a a Beach full of you know sand or a desert You know a small grain of sand Represents this life in the total span Of your soul right your soul is your True self and so when they talk about Maya the word Maya means illusion I've Talked about this in many you know Videos in Sanskrit you know this idea That we're living in a simulation very Much like a video game where your soul Is experiencing third dimensional Reality that seems so real but it's just A fraction of your your your Eternal Existence as a soul and it's not what You are as a being you know as a an Essence your energy you know for lack of A better word you're not physical Substance like you're energetic in some
Way you're you know the essence of love Right you're this you know the the cause Body and you're you have these subtle Bodies which create a mind a field for You know uh thinking you know the field For manness or mind you have these Different subtle bodies your ego you Know your Consciousness chit right your Consciousness and these subtle bodies Create your field for your things that Are in your physical existence but They're part of an energetic system you Know I I use the uh the analogy of the Code behind what you're listening to you Can you can see what the code looks like That's the true language the true Creator of this video that you're Watching right the code is what you're Seeing it's or what you're hearing and It's a you know it's a replica of what I'm saying here and it's changed into Digital code right you know there's Energy behind everything there's Soul Life there's spiritual energy behind Everything in creation there's code Behind everything and so all of this Stuff is illusionary and then there's The illusion within the illusion you Have this you know money-based Um demonic illusion of our system Demonic because it goes against the will Of God that purposely keeps you Distracted which most people in the CH Community say that but do you see it
Like it's all a distraction right and That's the idea of being you know you Can watch things but just don't be Attached to their outcomes like in a Deep way don't allow these things to Create any Impressions you know see them Experience them like as the idea God Wants me to see this God wants me to Experience this you know my soul wants Me to see this or experience it but That's all it is right like that's the Best way to Pro proceed in your life but If you dive into the illusion and you Buy into the [ __ ] and the Distractions then you come up empty and Then when people are living a life where You see that your life is you know a Complete sham and fraud because you're B Into an illusion that's obviously an Illusion then those people become a Threat to you and a threat to the Illusion and so even if they're barely Scratching the surface of spiritual life Anything that's outside of the Parameters and the boundaries that They've created you become a threat to That and that's why they react the way They do and the problem with um Truther and you know the initial stages People go through as spiritual Seekers These are the same thing but also Different things you know as you're Awaken as you awaken to something there Seems to be you know a need in the
Beginning that you have to graduate from It not seems to be there is a need in The beginning where you still want Validation from the Beast and sheeple You want them to recognize and applaud What you're doing and that you want them To see you and they can't see you it Could be your family members it could be Society in general but you want Something from them that they can't give You want some validation that you were Right and they're going to admit to you They were right you know when the truth Comes out but they're never going to do That you know they'll they'll realize You are right and they still won't give It up and say yeah you were right they Can't go there they'll still find a way That it's your fault like it's crazy Like that but even though you told them You know not to get the bloop and all This [ __ ] and they realize oh my God This thing is hurting me they're not Going to come back to you and go you're Right I I mean maybe it's a few rare Occasions I shouldn't have gotten that And you were right and I wish I'd listen To you they'll still blame you like it's [ __ ] up but they'll find some way it's Still your fault because they can't Confront the truth I mean they can't Confront the LIE they can't admit that They're being lie to like okay they lie To me this time but not the rest of the
Time or this is they lie to me a little Bit but not all the time the basically The basic system is good because they Can't deal with the fact that the system That they're 100% dependent on is evil Most people can't you know in the truth Community can't deal with that either Right like what does that mean does that Mean I got to stop doing it because like What do you do then you still have to Participate you still have to use money You still have to pay taxes you still Have to do all the things that you are You know that you now know are [ __ ] Right like you still have to do all the The things that are part of the system You have to obey the laws and the rules And when you know it's [ __ ] it makes It that much hard your shitty job that You have to go to you know it doesn't Serve a purpose and you're just Contributing to the Beast but you still Have to eat right so like it just makes It like I said that much harder that's Why people don't want to wake up it's Like that guy wants to go back in The Matrix the cipher character right he Wants to take the blue pill and go back Because he wants to forget that there's He wants to just be you know blissfully In The Matrix right living a good life And being happy like that's the majority Of people who wake up a little bit Realize how much harder it is to be
Awake and alive and know that the system That you're 100% dependent on is bad for You Like it sucks like there's no two ways About it like that's a hard thing to to Live with it's just going to make your Life harder and harder but it's you know Also you don't have this this feeling Like this niggling feeling this Irritation in your system that they're Missing out on something and there's Something off like there's something Wrong like you know you're waking up and You know because there's a disconnect And part of you wants to know part of You knows he already knows and wants you To be aware and acknowledge what's going On on a subconscious level on a Spiritual level there's a severe price You pay for being in denial right and so You know all of these things that I'm Saying and anybody who's aware of these Things is a threat to society because a System like this can't exist if people Become aware of all these things that's Why I say all the time because you know Only the people who buy into the system Are contributing to it in a a real way Like if you're half you know in and out You're riding the fence and you're You're only doing it because you're Forced to a system can't survive if Everyone's aware that it sucks you have To have True Believers especially a
System like this it's based in lies and Illusion if people don't believe in it It collapses and so when people have Doubts about it it collapses and so you Know they have to keep that number to a Minimum it gets up to a certain amount Of people in the system it can't there No reversing it right people people just See through it and they see through the [ __ ] and so you know that's what This thing's all about what I'm talking About with Aaron Rogers and the rest of It it's somebody who seeks an Alternative explanation and you know They realize that the system itself the Beast is lying to them and then whatever Explanation they get and whatever you Know whether it's [ __ ] or not or Whether it's closer to the truth or Whatever it is that becomes a threat to The system and then when you penetrate To higher levels of consciousness and You realize that there's a whole Different purpose to your life and these Things you have these spiritual Awakenings well then they got to like Kill you right that's you know that's What's happened in the past but now they Know they don't because no matter how Much you talk about it people are never Going to get it and so it's not my job Or anybody's job to wake up the people Who refuse to see what's so obviously There for them to see because everybody
Could and is willfully choosing not to And I've learned that you know it's not My problem really like it's my duty to Say things things but it's you know what They do with those things is up to them Right in terms of how they deal with it How they perceive it and the majority of People just can't go there and you know Even the people that go there are just On the starting path of their you know The starting entry level position in Their spiritual journey and their Spiritual journey is far more vast than Their material one and so you can see The you know how um difficult that Becomes right where there's so Now much harder thing that you have to Embark on and society and everyone else Is telling you you're [ __ ] to the head Right and so um let me play that Meme And then um I'll uh you know show you The the compilation and then you know That's so that'll be it I'm not going to Do the ending again only spirituality Will save this world it's power mod Definitely pointing from the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful I think you're all [ __ ] in the head It's it's science and you shut up and Wear your mask it's it's science and you Shut up and wear your mask it's it's Science and you shut up and wear your Mask you shouldn't cut antia people out
Of your life they could be dead Tomorrow spend time with them call them Get in the will screw your freedom the Latest data confirms that we're still in A pandemic of the Unvaccinated continue to be among the Unvaccinated are among the unvaccinated Are unvaccinated the unvaccinated there Are people who are dying and who will Die who didn't have to if you haven't Gotten vaccinated do it now do it now it Could save your life and it could save The lives of those you Love this is a pandemic of the Unvaccinated the unvaccinated overcrowed Our hospitals or overrunning emergency Rooms and intensive care units leaving No room for someone with a heart attack Or pancreitis or cancer this is not About Freedom or personal choice it's About protecting yourself and those Around you the people you work with the People you care about the people you Love my job as president is to protect All Americans my message to unv ated Americans is this we've been patient but Our patience is wearing Thin and your refusal has cost all of us As I speak to you millions of Americans Are still unvaccinated and Unprotected and because of that their Communities are at risk their friends Are at risk the people that they care About are at risk but if you're
Unvaccinated you're not and you're Putting yourself more importantly maybe From your perspective your family and Your friends at risk or timly those who Are not vaccinated will end up paying The price you are not allowed to infect Anybody just because you think you've Got rights that are delusional of course This delusional evil idea you got to Identify those people and bring them out Into the uh open so you know who they Are if you're willing to walk among us Unvaccinated you are an enemy at this Point staying unvaccinated is like Wearing a Yankees hat to a Red Sox game Game you're probably going to end up in The hospital and it's your own damn Fault I was so worked Up over the Weekend about this [ __ ] Aaron roders Of the NFL I don't even know where to Begin with that story I mean this this [ __ ] guy I don't watch football sorry I'm not a big fan I know the guy's a Real good football player that's why They put up with his [ __ ] if I ran The NFL he's going to be a You came across as a national Embarrassment he's talking to Aaron Rogers you came across as a national Embarrassment there is no other way Around it it was the most Embarrassing performance of Aaron Rogers Career Jeopardy and put and possibly
Putting your teammates in Jeopardy to me Is selfish I I one I give Aaron Rogers Some advice it would have been nice if He' had just come to the Naval Academy And learn how be honest Southern California or as of yesterday we started Giving the vaccine to kids aged five and Up uh Finally our kids will be able to go to Let's See a I'm not vaccinated IDI I I take horse Pills yeah yeah we have to wait for them To be vaccinated because they are Selfishly a danger to other people Including staff people here uh so while We all hopeful and I joined the President and being hopeful uh that we Can reach a place where it is safe for People to be what is this the honor System the honor System as to whether Somebody has been vaccinated do you want Them breathing in your face on the Strength of their Honor so let let's just see um let's Just see and me again we have this is About science and Governance and Science and governance we Have a responsibility to make sure of That the house of the representatives Chamber is not a petri Dish for the because of the selfishness Of some not to be vaccinated teach People common
Sense you need to get v i she doesn't Even know what else to do to get the People of our state to get Smart and listen to the facts and get Vaccinated so people don't die it's like That simple is it not the people who Choose to remain unvaccinated right now Who are causing all of this it is Selfish at this point to not get Vaccinated if you can be vaccinated and You refuse to that's a selfish act You're uh putting other people's lives And health at risk you should get Vaccinated because frankly we know that We can't trust the unvaccinated because Frankly we know that we can't trust the Unvaccinated because frankly we know That we can't trust the unvaccinated the New cases in Co are because of Unvaccinated folks but it's time to Start blaming the unvaccinated folks not The regular folks it's the unvaccinated Folks that are letting us thing the People who are not getting vaccines who Are believing the lies on the internet And instead of science it's time to Start shaming them what else or leave Them Behind be because they are keeping the Majority of Americans Behind I think I just passed a house With um a Halloween yard decoration that Was a bunch of skeletons burning an Antivaxer at the
Stak I'm G to Go and so there it is it says antivaxer Right here took me a while to see this That's why I'm pointing it out and it's Got a bunch of skeletons sitting around A campfire roasting a skeleton Antivaxer this is supposed to be a you Know a fire which is pretty effed up Like it's really effed up right and what My wife pointed out was what did these Guys die From not that Halloween is a contest but Um they won It the platforms like Facebook they're killing People I mean it really they look the Only pandemic we have is among the Unvaccinated and that's and they're Killing people what he's saying there is That posting words on social media is Killing people and they've made this Like the worst thing that you're a bad Person for posting things that aren't Verified by the official story this is a Guy who drone children He ordered the deaths of children in Afghanistan when he ordered a drone Strike on an imaginary enemy to distract From a failed war and a disastrous Withdrawal and so there are horrible Things being done all the time but now They've made posting things on social Media one of the worst ones but it ended Up not being true right he demonized
Antivaxers and people who are posting Things on the internet and ended up Being him who was the liar and the Person that was putting people in Jeopardy effects or or reactions would Be most common from these Vaccines well generally the most common Reaction is what you see with most any Other vaccine a sore arm a little bit Aches you might feel a little bit fatigu And down for 24 hours to 36 hours at the Most a small percentage of the people Might get a fever that would last for 24 Hours you take it Tylenol you can take Care of that without much problem the Safety of severe Adverse Events is Really very good in the 30,000 people in The Mna trial and the 44,000 people in The fisa trial the one we're talking About today there were really no severe Adverse Events they didn't list any side Effects I mean that's you know a sore Arm or you know these things Ian he's Talking about just how you feel after You get the vaccine not 2 months out or 3 years out or 5 years out but now we Know that there are multiple side Effects which I'll get into after um we Go through these things here we know That there is admitted to side effects Things that they're investigating and Things that are related to people dying And one of the ways we know that they Were being deceptive and not saying what
Some of the side effects were because They never showed you commercials that Came from the pharmaceutical companies Themselves it was social influencers or Media personalities or JoJo magu it Wasn't fiser posting commercials because If they had if they did that they would Have had to list all the side effects Which we still don't know what those are Right in terms of what they discovered And it's still being studied right it's Not even like they're fully uh you know It's it's fully been vetted by even the The pharmaceutical companies themselves So this was all lies right again they Lied to people and said that this thing Was safe and safer than getting covid And you know this turned out to be not True right because frankly we know that We can't trust the unvaccinated that About it's to prevent severe disease Which we don't have data for that for Kids but I guess to me the risk benefit Calculation looks like this if the Vaccines are safe and the side effects Are things like fatigue and headache and Um and muscle soreness at the injection Site I would much rather deal with that For a day or not at all I mean some many Most people actually have no side Effects um and so I would much rather Deal with side effects like that but Understanding that we are doing Something we're giving something that is
Safe and that can prevent the Possibility of something horrible from Happening which is every parent's worst Nightmare the question asked by the Presenter was that um because children Really weren't dying from covid why give Them a VX and risk any sort of side Effects and things from the Vex and she Of course said that there was no real Side effects from the vax which we now Know is completely false right and we Know that kids is something like 1500 Kids or less than that was the official Statistics on the CDC died from covid Many of them had severe health issues Going into the disease right so um what She said here is you know that she's Saying well your worst nightmares your Kids's going to die again putting the Fear out there there is a positive Association with the word safe Advertisers and presenters use the word Safe to get people to buy their products Safety is a big thing with people and When they're scared of something like They were of covid and they were offered Something that would keep them and their Family safe and they withheld Information or out out lied or you know Just made false claims with no Scientific basis and saying this would Keep you safe then people went and got The vac and now we know that things are Different and so all these lies and
Deceptions and she had the nerve to say The vacc the unvaccinated can't be Trusted right and so the other piece of This which we now know and both Bill Gates I have the memes here I've saved These things and fouchy have both Admitted that Co wasn't beaten by the Vaccine the idea that the vaccine would Give her immunity and covid would Disappear because everyone would be Vaccinated and they wouldn't get covid Because they had the vaccine and then You know it would just disappear because No one would have it and they couldn't Pass it on to other people this idea of Hurt immunity through vaccination we now Know that covid mutated itself out of Existence or mutated itself into a more Safer more contagious form And that everyone had ended up getting It anyway so the vaccine turned out to Be relatively unnecessary based in what These guys are saying Here in beating Covid-19 well the uh you know sadly the Virus itself particularly the the Variant called Omicron uh is a type of vaccine that is It creates both B cell and T Cell Immunity and it's done a better job of Getting out to the world population uh Than we have with vaccines I think what When referred to what was not Anticipated was the extent of the
Mutations and the amino acid Substitutions in Omicron which is really Unprecedented it kind of came out of Nowhere where you have a virus that has 50 mutations 30 of which are in the Spike protein and 10 or 12 of which are In the receptor binding domain the thing That's important is that it appears to Be able to evade some of the immune Protection of things like monoclonal Antibodies convalescent plasma and the Antibodies that are induced by vaccines That's the sobering news against severe Disease but when you get to Omicron the Protection significantly goes down Keeping the events that are that are Safe and uh and also the events that Have fun for people too we can't be Canceling everything especially if we're Going to be living with with Co for the Foreseeable future I would say that if You choose to go make sure that you're Vaccinated and boosted make sure that You're wearing a um a mask even though It's outdoors if there are lots of People packed around you wearing a three Ply surgical mask don't wear a cloth Mask cloth masks are little more than Facial decorations there's no place for Them in light of Omicron and so wear a High quality mask at least a three ply Surgical mask and if you're going to be Visiting elderly relatives recently when You said here on CNN that cloth masks
Were quote little more than facial Decorations so in light of Omron what Kind of mask should we all be wearing And were you surprised by the push back From your comments well I was surprised Because this is not the first time that I or Professor Oster home or really any Of us Public Health experts have been Saying that cloth masks are not Appropriate for this pandemic it was It's not appropriate for Omicron it was Not appropriate for Delta alpha or any Of the previous variants either because We're dealing with something that's Airborne we're dealing with a virus That's extremely contagious at the the Very beginning of the pandemic we didn't Know about masking and then we didn't Have enough masks enough highquality Masks for healthcare workers and so we Were trying to ration those but then Pretty quickly we recognized that Co is Airborne do you agree with the Move I do there was a and is a time in Place for pandemic restrictions but when They were put in it was always with the Understanding that they would be removed As soon as we can and in this case Circumstances have changed case counts Are declining also the science has Changed but rather that the Responsibility should shift from a Government mandate imposed from the State or the Local District of the
School rather it should shift to an Individual responsibility by the family Who can still decide that that their Child can wear a mask if needed um you Know take New Jersey the case in New Jersey for instance their new case Average is just over 4,000 um is that an acceptable number to Do this or or or are they projecting out To March 7th at this Point I don't think we should be looking At case counts at all at this point Especially when we're dealing with a Milder variant and when so many people Were exposed to Omicron and therefore Have H have at least some level of Protection either through vaccination or Immunity the key number that we should Be looking at is hospitalizations if our Icus and hospitals in that particular Region are not overwhelmed if they're Not overc capacity we can set a number For example 75% or 80% full then we Should be able to relax all restrictions And I actually believe that we should be Starting to with the first restriction Removed should actually be the Restriction on children because while For adults you could say well what's the Harm of adults masking when they go into A grocery store there actually is a harm That we should be discussing of children Continuing to mask that doesn't mean That masking doesn't have its place for
Children when there are very high rates Of hospitalization if we get a new Variant in the future that children are Particularly susceptible to we may want To bring masks back but we should also Be intellectually honest and say that Masking has had a cost especially for The youngest Learners uh people with English as a second language children With learning disabilities there has Been a cost to them so the risk benefit Calculation has really changed uh but She's had the flu for 14 days should she Get a flu shot well no if she got the Flu for 14 days she's as protected as Anybody can be because the best Vaccination is to get infected yourself And so if she if she really has the flu If she really has the flu she definitely Doesn't need a flu vaccine if she really Has the flu she should not get it again No she doesn't need it because the it's The be it's the most potent vaccination Is getting infected yourself the current Vaccines are not infection Blocking uh they're not broad so when New variants come up you lose protection And they have very short duration Particularly in the people who matter Which are old people I knew these Vacines were not going to protect Against infection and I think we Overplayed the vaccines and it made People then worry that it's not going to
Protect against severe disease and Hospitalization it will but let's be Very clear 50% of the people who died From the Amron surge were older Vaccinated was the fiser covid vaccine Tested on stopping the transmission of The virus before it entered the market If not please say it clearly if yes are You willing to share the data with this Committee and I really want a straight Answer yes or no and I'm looking forward To it thank you very much um regarding The question around um did we know about Stopping humanization before um it enter The market no uh these um you know we Had to really move at the speed of Science to really understand what is Taking place in the market