Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I'm going to cover hopefully at least I'm definitely going to cover uh the DNC Night to which is hilarious we'll get Into that in a Moment um I'm going talk a little bit About that but it's a real freak Show Over there right I mean as bad as you Know and as stupid as Trump's was with The dumbing down of the Hulk Hogan stuff This um DNC for the Democrats is just I Mean with the Bandit gate and ketchup Gate which was epic like that was you Know a huge deception but the the stuff That they're pulling over at the the DNC Thing is you know I mean I can't compare Them because they're they're not you Know they're two different things but Well anyways let me just say the Introduction part so um like I always Now I have to talk about the Whole um you know uh Shadow Banning Stuff that YouTube's doing and the Algorithms and um the amount of content I put out as well which is just you know YouTube's stupid because they punish you The algorithms punish you for putting Out more content but they want you to Put out more content and so I'm putting Out a lot of content now I put out a 4 Hour video that I just made public today Today is Wednesday August 21st I don't Know and this one's going to be up maybe Friday I don't know possibly Thursday um
But either way um you know all the Things you you know the subscribing uh Resubscribing if they unsubscribe you Clicking the notification button leaving Comments even if it's an emoji and Liking the videos I think is maybe the Most important thing I don't know uh but Some way that you're showing YouTube uh That you're into the videos of the Channel the membership program also very Important you know to support the Channel and there's Merch and so you know I started watching The DNC thing last night and they were Doing the state-by-state certification Of the delegates for kamla Harris now I Don't know if what they're doing is Illegal because it's not uh you you vote For delegates to vote for your candidate Right and the delegates can change like If the candidate had a huge Scandal or Something and won't back down and won't Withraw they on their own the delegates Can change so I think this is you know Poss possibly I mean they've had these Ones where there was these um Conventions where it was a divided Convention because one of the candidates Didn't get all the delegates Required and the M the candidate with The majority of like let's say there's Three candidates and they're splitting The delegates three you know relevant Candidates and it doesn't mean the one
With the most is going to win like They're going to broker a deal and so You know the I don't know how much this Is legal what they're doing but KLA Didn't receive one freaking vote which We all know and so they came in with These delegates who are all voting for Kamla like this you know the state by State and they're all going for kamla And they made it really entertaining and I was like this seems a little over the Top I don't even remember you know Usually they just say if I'm the great State of mouri you know does whatever Right gives their delegates to the next President the United States KLA Harris Like that's usually how they do it you Know it's kind of boring and nobody Really watched it but they were like Stupid stuff they were doing right um And then I saw David Axelrod and if I Find it I find it but he talked about How they jazzed it up on purpose and I'm Like why call attention to something That she didn't earn right um and then She gave a weird speech she wasn't there And they you know they videoed her in a Speech um her husband gave a epic funny Speech and I watched a little bit of Michelle Obama thing and you know um Dude she's looking buffed there and you Know um and we'll get into that stuff um And then Barack Obama apparently gave a Speech as well and there were some other
Goofy speeches and you know we'll cover Some of those um that one lady from The View who really stupid so I I didn't Watch that but that's going to be kind Of Interesting but you know the whole thing With the delegates like she didn't earn Anything right like she was and they you Know like I said they rigged this for Her I think they started thinking about Doing this I mean it probably talked About every year they were they had to Be talking about all right how when do We get rid of Joe Biden like when do we Acknowledge that the guy has you know Diens or has you know whatever he has Parkinson's I mean the Parkinson's thing You know if you guys one of my earlier Videos you can find the the video it's On MSNBC but they interviewed a doctor who Specialized in Parkinson's and he said a First year med student should be able to Diagnose Joe Biden just from his walk And his mannerisms and just looking at a Video of him right like that's how bad It is like any first year med student Shoot be able just say oh that guy's got Parkinson that's how obvious it is and He described the walk and the you know All the things that he does like the Turning sideways when he looks at Somebody like he doesn't turn his head Like a normal person is he turns his
Whole body you know like it's just all The motor functioning the the Gate of His walk you know word retrieval he has Issues with word retrieval and things And like in the beginning you don't know The difference between all Alzheimer's Or Parkinson's or some of these other uh You know brain deterioration uh Conditions but um with Joe Biden like After a while it these you know there's This thing called differential diagnosis You know and so um they have that you Know like uh in any kind of um medical Or in the psychological Community that's Called differential diagnosis where you Have two conditions that are very Similar the personality ERS bar Borderline and narcissistic and Antisocial personality disorders like All these things are similar but then There's going to be things that emerge As the condition gets worse and you can You can uh sort of you can diagnose them From these these outstanding symptoms And Joe Biden is so far along in his Parkinson's that should be obvious for People that he has it right and so they Knew all this right if we know it like If the American people 70% of the American people could see the guys you Know to completely breaking down then You know WTF right like like what's Happening and so um you know they they Knew this was going to happen and they
Had Kamala and they had the other Candidates and like with Kamala she was Already a part of the Biden team so this Was you know each person's going to have Their specific people they're going to Put in charge of the election election And put in charge of the transition into Being president and put in charge of all These you know they have these teams That they have to put together to pull Off all the different things they have To have a team for the ground game they Have to have a team for the advertising You know the the internet you know team And the you know going to put together Their their advertising and their you Know then you have to have a team who Has a strategy and then you have to have The team who going to connect with all The you know the the the election Officials in state-by-state situation Like they have all these it's a complex Network right and Trump didn't have much Of a network because he was like kind of An outsider and you know all all the Ways that they deal with it you know Joe Biden made a deal with the neocons who Were Republican and that's why this Foreign policy is so proar and you know These things like that was part of the Reason they could screw Trump because he Had the rightwing of the Republican Party neocons you know the the you know George W Bush People the chenies and the
Rumsfeld you know the the holdovers from That you know who didn't like Trump Right and you know Trump wasn't Cooperating with them and so you know There's all these pieces that go into You know building a a candidate you have To have a like a group of people that Are handlers that sign off on you and so Kamla was an approved candidate who Already had the Biden team so instead of Just creating her own team she would Just have the Biden team and she would Be completely handled like him the one Thing they had with Biden is like he Wasn't able to make decisions so he Wasn't making decisions right you know There's a saying in um the sa Mark System like a real spiritual person is Like a dead man in the hands of the Dresser like the you know uh you know in The Indian connotation you know the Person who dresses the dead right and It's just there like a mannequin and Just allowing you know that's somebody Who submits to God in such a way that They just surrender to God and you know This thing like that's a positive way to Look at it but in terms of the politics Here like Joe Biden was weakened at Bernie's and he was saying all the time Oh I'm going to get in trouble for this Well the who like you're the freaking President so you know I got in trouble For that you know like because they were
Just you know roll him out there and Other than his gaffs and his things his Decisions they would just tell him what His policies were and KLA Harris doesn't Care like they want to pain ker say a Hyper liberal the Republicans which She's an opportunist and person who just Wants to be famous and she's you know Basking the glow of her homecoin Queen Coronation of this selection that she's Just loving right and they're trying to Make it about joy that she's she's a Joyful person because of her laugh and Her smile and how happy she is but it's Like a witch like Joy it's like a Selfish Joy you know a joy of you know Someone who just got away with something Right it's not a joy of of oh my God I'm Going to do a good job and everyone's Going to be joyful like she's going to Be joyful but America's going to Freaking suffer right and so you know This idea and I was talking about this Maybe at the end of the video yesterday You know I get these comments where People say the election's rigged no the System's rigged the elections are part Of the system and it's way worse than if The system's rigged right because they Have you know a strategy and they are You know cultivating these candidates And these movements years in advance you Know they don't leave anything to chance Because when you're running a criminal
Operation that's based in a confidence Game a flimflam game it's a scam you Can't leave things to chance right like When they get up there and say this is The most El important election of Our Generation they've said that every Election like this election's pivotal And if they had an election where you're Fighting for what Biden would call the Soul of the nation you know that World War III is on the table or the Destruction of the system like they've All said that right that's where we are If that was the case why would you let The American people decide like if the Election was that important you know There was one Democratic strategist that Came out and said you know that this Election is so pivotal we can't leave The voters uh you know we can't leave it Up to the voters and so they rigged it For for Biden whatever way and whether It was the you know the mail in ballots Or just the you know the co stuff uh but Now they're not doing that like they've Allowed Trump to you know have uh Basically immunity from his criminal Behavior and they gave him this great Narrative of being shot in the ear like Having this WWE Hero and the fist Pumping and the fight fight fight thing And so he's right now ahead and it looks Like he has a good chance of winning and He should win because Kamala is pretty
Horrible and you can see it like just I Don't think people can connect with her Right I don't think she connects with People and like the people that she Needs to connect with to win the swing States is the whatever it is and whoever They pick they pick like it's you know There's going to be a reason for it but Picking kamla means getting rid of trump And blaming Trump for everything like They're trying to blame Trump for the Economy you know like or everything that This they're trying to blame Trump for Immigration like they're trying to you Know be the opposite of what they you Know they are which is the incumbents And you know the whole thing but you Know the people who are in power and the Democrats are trying to paint Trump as Being in the club with the rich guys and They're there for the middle class Working Class People in kamla's working Class and they did another one of these Narratives for kamla and one for douggy Fresh and I covered the deception behind The first one they did of KL and she was Was you know in my last video and so There's that right so go get into all That today but they're just so weird They're they're doing these narrations And trying to you know frame it in a way But they're like giving you hints of the Truth of the kind of person and the kind Of views they have and so we'll get into
That as well but you know what you Should be able to decipher is that that These two bozos couldn't save anything Right they not going to save you know The country like they're posos like Trump and kamla are not great people Great leaders great whatever you they're Just not I mean people want to think About Trump that way but you know like It's just your Desperation and your you know your hope Like the people who are accepting KLA Like all these delegates they're just Putting anybody in front of them like They're really getting closer and closer To just having AI candidates that they Roll out there and people just accept The one that they're well I identify With this group I identify as a Democrat I identify a Republican and whoever they Put up there you're going to cheer Mindlessly because KLA was never Celebrated KLA was never like you know The next one like she wasn't guaranteed The next president you know the next Democratic Superstar she was never a Superstar she was you know again she Didn't receive one vote cuz you had to Withdraw withdraw because she was Getting under 1% of the democratic you Know uh voters and none of the Independents and none of the Republicans And Biden made her vice president but Being vice president doesn't mean you're
A superstar it often means the opposite And then she was just there as vice President she didn't do anything to Distinguish herself they're trying to Make it like oh Joe and kamla did it Together and then she's like well no you Did that on your own bro like you know You've seen LM andf her like the whole Thing and so like you should realize That you know they put these people out There and then they expect that you'll Just get into them because you have no Other choice because you feel like you Have to vote and it's like silly you Know if things were that desperate they' Never leave it up to you like why would You like go into Walmart and look at People you know just look around and see Like would you leave the the soul of the Nation like you know the nation doesn't Have a soul but that's still Biden's Thing would you leave the future of America up to the the citizens like they You know they can't even make good Choices about what they're putting in Their grocery basket right they can't Even make good choices about their you Know just mundane little things in their Life they can't even manage their Families and their you know uh to make Good decisions about what their kids do And you know their choices are bad Choices like you have a country of People making bad choices and you're
Like hey you know we're on the brink of Destruction you guys better pick the the Right one you know like they're not Going to give you a choice why would They right they're not going to let you Participate they're just going to make It seem like you are and the whole thing Is to make you buy into it right and so You know why would they buy into KLA Harris this they'll be this excited About her I mean she's just unlikable She's horrible and you know why would People buy into Trump being a possible Leader because they're desperate and Everyone kind of knows we're [ __ ] Right and so with that in mind let's get It oh okay so first things first here There's some leftover stuff from my last Video and so the last hour of the video I had to rush the edit job the last you Know hour and a half and I listened to It there didn't seem to be any you know Things that just were blatantly need to Be edited out but um I listened to it Today but there were some pieces that I Somehow missed and I don't know what Happened there I didn't get the video Done till like 7:30 at night I was Wasing to get it done so I could upload It it's 4our video I uploaded it's till 2: in the morning last night on uh Tuesday and then put it up today on Wednesday August 21st and so one of the things there's a
Little joke I wanted to do but um he's Talking about why he ran for president Here and somehow it missed out on this Thing I Realized had to listen to the admonition Of my dead son I could not stay in the s Guidelines I love my dead gay Son so there's that Meme there right so I Ran and maybe it was in there I could Not find it so I don't know um what Happened if you guys saw it then you Could leave a comment saying it wasn't There but I you know I thought that was A funny joke and you know him saying That you know he had to run even though He had Park son you know like they they Make it about like they're the only guy Can do the job like he he was the only Guy who could f up America like like he You know like Trump is the same way they Make it sound like they're the only guy Right and they're not like these aren't Great Men these aren't this Comm isn't a Great woman there's plenty of people who Could screw up the you know the whole I Mean act and fake it and uh you know Posture and pose and do all the stuff That they do there there's a you know Millions of people who could pull this Thing off right people with these kind Of um needy personalities that need a Lot of validation from the outside world It's not a real job and nobody no
President's going to save the world the Country or the world from you know What's about to happen right but anyway So I just want to add those things There's some more things that I missed Out on you know it's a long speech and Um it's going to be a long convention so Let's get into the other stuff here and Then Vice president Harris in the coming days Tonight and tomorrow what do you think They have to do in order to bring this Home well I think walls is still Introducing himself to the country uh Which political junkies can forget There's been a lot of Buzz there's been More means than usual but he is still a Very new figure and so I do think you're Going to get sort of the vibe in the bio Which will be more familiar to us us Who've been watching the rallies you Know Harris is an enigma as well people Don't know who she is cuz she isn't Anything right I was just looking up her Religion cuzz uh her Douge fresh is going to talk about her Religion and it's like he says he goes To church with her but there doesn't Seem to be any like they don't know the Internet doesn't know what commus Harris's religion is there's no Definitive idea she doesn't talk about It may or may not believe in God she Goes to his Jewish U you know
Celebrations he says he goes to church Her with with her and Easter but she Doesn't have any like beliefs or Characteristics I mean people don't know Her like like people don't know what she Is like the Republicans want to paint Her as a a liberal and a communist or Whatever but that's not who he is who She is because she doesn't believe in Anything she's not passionate about any Movement she's not a Visionary she Believes in kamla right and so she her Personality is undefined as well people Don't know who kamla is right uh I think Harris is really got to build on this Embrace um sometimes we get politicians Out here and and there's no better Booking than the top of the democratic Party on war Joe and Chuck he's on Message right he's saying what you'd Expect him to say the difference is uh Best we can tell it's true that they are Unified we've seen last Cycles we've Seen the conventions where the leftovers From the primaries or the Sanders team Or any number of disputes um are are Visible they're visible up and by and by The way none other than Carl Ro keeps Saying that he says Republicans usually Fall in line Democrats fall in love this Is the first time in his lifetime he's The Democratic party fall in line while They're falling in love I like that Exactly Joe and that's that's something
Wow who is this Kyle Rove he sounds like A really great guy Right that can only be stage managed so Much um I've been to about four Conventions and you see them those signs When you look up and they have the we Love Joe sign at this time and then they Have the well that's coming from the Party distributed we get it but in yeah And they're just supposed to sit there And perform like monkeys you know they Know oh This must be the time I hold up this Sign maybe they want me to hold up this Sign you know everyone else is holding Up this sign I they you know I mean it's It's so performative political theater And it's not cool right it delegitimizes Anything you know like it's manipulative And it's cult-like right 16 you had a Lot of Sanders folks and delegates in Anger over that primary you had to Remember the Democratic chair stepped Down during the convention over leaked Emails from a foreign power we can we Can relive all the nightmares This isn't that um last night you had uh Bernie Sanders building on AOC the first Night you had pritsker mentioning he's a Billionaire you had an executive from American Express who's close to kamla Harris you were stitching together the The economic diversity of the party as Well and finding ways to not pretend
They agree on everything but as Schumer Said to show they're unified and so so This idea of falling in line while Falling in love right like they're Falling in love with their candidate and That they're quoting kyl Ro and saying How great that is KL Ro who was you know Turd blossom for George W Bush George W Bush called him turd blossom cuz he came Out of some you know uh redneck type of Backwards town in Texas somewhere and so You know the Republicans have fallen in Love with Trump which is bizarre and you Know all the things and the Democrats Have a candidate who is more or less an Unknown right so what are they trying to Say with KLA well she was a prosecutor So that was one of her big things and You know people have criticized her Record and she's tried to brag about her Record but her record is not Distinguishable between left and right Like she just seems to be doing things Arbitrarily that there doesn't seem to Be like a a liberal point of view for All of her decisions or a conservative Point of view like she's all over the Map And she's all over the place in terms of Her personality and the way people view Her she's over campaigning pretending to Be African-American in one circumstance Or Indian with uh with um Mindy keing And another right you know she's
Embracing her her ethnic Heritage Depending on where she is and what Audience she's she's um she's with right They're not really wanting to push her Too much as a woman of color because she Has to win over White voters in these Swing States and she doesn't have any Signature Accomplishments like there's things that She says are signature accomplishments But they're very small and they're not Really you know distinguishing her and Her personality is all over the place Right like people don't know what she Believes or because she doesn't believe In anything she's not passionate about One thing or another she's not a liberal She's not a a moderate you know she'll Do whatever they tell her to do like She's a mannequin And so these are the things they're Trying to push you know in terms of the Convention that she's joyful because of Her laugh now her laugh is offputting And often times she's the only one Laughing which is disturbing and weird Right and so and it's this cackle that Stands out like it's enough to where you Know Trump is mentioning it so she Laughs and she's very joyful but over The top Joy right where she's laughing Harder than everybody else at the table In the the room and it's not that funny Like but she's not laughing at something
That's hilarious but she's laughing you Know from a deep place and so she's just Psyched that she's in front of the Camera the whole thing's funny like She's you know has a lot of um dopamine For you know her her getting what she's Gotten right she also was willing to Prostitute herself right use her Sexuality to advance her career and That's I mean is that being a feminist or is That being an oldfashioned I mean what Is that like is that liberal is that Conservative like a liberal woman you Know do they approve of that uh Conservative women certainly not but you Know it's old-fashioned you know a woman Marrying for money or something but do Feminists think it's okay to advance Your career by using your sexuality I Think they do and they don't right and So and women are very prickly about that Kind of thing like with other women you Know women who work really hard and to Achieve something and then some woman Sleeps around and gets the position and Doesn't do anything doesn't deserve it Like just you know prostitutes herself So that's her signature accomplishment Like her biggest you know going from Being a average you know lawyer to being A Statewide celebrity politician you Know a prosecutor happened because she Dated a guy twice her age who was like a
Political King maker and she was was Willing to do that right so you know her Husband like he's a weird Jewish lawyer And what does that say about her when She's you know her ethnic bring Upbringing right so like people don't Know who she is and what she believes as Vice president and you know I've been Covering her since 2019 like I've known about her and you Know I don't watch politics all that Much but they're not really able to find Her so they're saying she's a protector Because of her job right as a prosecutor So she's a prosecutor they're putting Her out there because that's a job she Had and they're trying to Define her by That being joyful freedom is the word They're using right because you know They're just looking at what Americans Really want to hear right now and Freedom is playing well so they've taken These words and they're trying to you Know morph them into her life story and In her life story they're changing where She they're not acknowledging where she Grew up right I showed you that in my Last video they wouldn't admit she was In you know a lakefront property in Wisconsin doesn't don't even talk about Her communist father right like they're Leaving out even though he's the one you Know they're trying to betray her as a Black person a black woman and he's the
Black guy I mean her mom is also the Color black but she's Indian right and So this is very consistent with the Indian Population and so you know we have these In the sjar tradition that we have these Preceptors right that are trainers you Know they're not a like a clergy they're Not a like a priest class they all have Jobs you know I did this for a while I Was a preceptor now I'm doing it for the Gratefulness meditation just sort of Like on my own because of you know the Need of the time but you know you do Your job and then people would come over Your house and you'd give them these Sittings right the guy who I started With was a you know a Jewish hippie you He he was a Jewish guy who now did saaj Mar you he wasn't doing his religion Anymore and he was a hippie like there's A lot of these Boomer hippies and he was My preceptor and he was a little bit Weird and you know he made some bad Decisions and he was people didn't you Know some people liked him some people Didn't you know whatever but he was Great for me he did a great job for me You know I I feel a great deal of Gratitude for him right and he had went To S India in the 197 7s right um to Meet this guy Babaji and shahanur which Is a rural a very rural rural city in North India where there isn't a lot of
Spiritual you know asham and Organizations right and a lot of gurus Don't come from this area but people Would find him there all these Boomer Hippies went up there and found him Right and Boby would sit there and smoke A hook he was very simple and people Would ask him like he sort of hold Court He'd sit in this you know he had this Like Courtyard you know was kind of a uh Like a almost like a little you know Kind of farming sort of house and he Would sit there he had a chair you know Without any cushions and he would smoke His hook on people would ask him Questions and he would work on them Spiritually and this guy once said to Him you know I really dislike my job you This guy told me the story right when I Started you know and he said Bob G said Well does it pay a good wage and the guy Said yeah I said well when you find a Job that pays a better wage quit that One and do the new job right and you Know the guy was disatisfied with this Answer because you know he's an American Well then Boba G went on to say this Cleaning will be over soon and he you Know what he he meant by that was a Cleaning was well for the guy said you Know the guy said five years that the Cleaning of this job you know whatever He had to go through to burn off what we Call some scaras you know Impressions to
Move forward and also learn things right To devel your career was 5 years for him Right for this particular cleaning you Know looking at as a spiritual cleaning You know is is part of the system and so What I understood from this and it was Part of the philosophy and also the Culture there that a job is for work you Don't have your dream jobs especially in That country where just getting a job Right get getting a good job getting in A spot in a university getting in a spot In a good high school right getting Academically you know in a situation Where you can eventually get one of These jobs is imperative you know Because of the competition level and you Know 1.3 billion people there and just The culture right the people there don't Have the same issues with authority as We do in America it's in fact it's the Exact opposite you know there was uh a French woman who gave me she was a Preceptors preceptor and she was near me Like the next flat over the next Apartment complex over and she was um Going to these corporations they started To roll this like heartfulness debacle Stuff out before anybody knew how like Bad it was um at these corporations Where they'd start like 300 people all At once and introduce them to the Meditation right and they did interviews With the people there A lot of them they
Were young people right and she would Ask them like what do you guys you know Want to get out of life what are your Goals and a lot of times they'd answer I Just want to make my parents proud like And as a French woman you know certainly As American man like that was foreign to Us right like how many people would say Oh I just want to make my parents proud In America that just doesn't exist and The influence that your family has the Ames there in that country and a lot of These countries but India's you know one Of the ones that's uh you know the most Is most prolific And they have this influence over you And you know getting a good job and and Being submissive to your boss and Authority you know a boss is looked upon As some higher elevated Soul M Mahatma Right Mahatma Gandhi means that somebody Who's a higher Soul like a saint like Person we would go there to like the Movies there was a malls like they had Malls that were very American and me and My kids would go out you know usually go Out to dinner and go see a movie and Sometimes the movie we'd see in the Afternoon then we'd eat afterwards right And they had very modern like American Type movie theaters but they would have Ads before and during the middle of the Um the movie and oftentimes the ads were Political and the politician would come
On and the people would cheer and they Applaud like the politicians were like Celebrities and there was a woman there Who got caught being completely corrupt She had the equivalent of $10 million You she was an old Bollywood actress who Was a big politician she was like the Mayor of chenai a big city and she was Very popular because she gave a lot of Free [ __ ] out to the the people right And she when I was there in India she Had been arrested and this guy wrote up This corruption charges that was like as Thick as a phone book right like a big Thick binder full of corruption and most Of it was because she had assets I think Was up to maybe 30 million dollars which In India is like you know I mean it's One R it's one it's over 60 Rupees at The time to $1 so we're talking about You know Millions hundreds of millions Of rupees that she had that she had no Way to in her bank account that she had No way to justify it like these Politicians here like Diane Feinstein Having you know a salary of $300,000 and She dies with $110 million of assets Like where did it all come from right And so this woman was you know put up on Corruption charges and there were riots Because the she was so popular with a Lot of the different peoples right and So like they looked up to her and like They were I mean we weren't allowed to
Go out of the ashro because it was Dangerous people were foreigners right Because of the riots and then later on My family had a Visa crisis so we had to Go into the center of chenai and they Were doing her trial and a corrupt judge Dismissed the charges and he wrote up Everything about the dismissal on one Piece of paper there was a phone book Worth of evidence but he dismissed all Of it in one piece of paper right Because there's corruption but they have These you know these people are Celebrities there like if you're in Charge of the water you know you're you Got a a government job where you're in Charge of the water for the whole city You have like like fans like a fan base And gurus like you're like like a little Guru there right because they have a Whole different attitude towards Authority I talked to some people some Young people that were you know Questioning the the government some Things I said I want to set up like a a Truther Network and they became very Concerned and they said Oh They'll kill You right because the you know they they Worship Authority there in ways that we Don't even understand in America right Like they have these arranged marriages And the way it would work is like you Know your maybe your your Guru whoever Your you your uh your U like kind of
Priest would be or your minister there Whatever that equivalent is to that and Your more often your parents and their Financial Advisor and parents of the same cast Would get together and look at a Suitable marriage based in you know the Economic interests and suitability to Your belief system right because you Weren't going to go against your belief System and your parents you know your You know whatever they are right and These women like women are kind of Mistreated there especially when they're Younger and they're you know they it's Unsafe for them in various ways but then When they get into their 40s and 50s They just like run things right they Have this position the Loy of the family And they're just like they're given These privileged positions and we'd see At the asham like in the lam in Georgia It would be like 2: in the morning there Would be these shared rooms like people Would just come in after their flight And sometimes they' be getting get in Late you know from a flight and these Women would come in at 2:00 in the Morning and turn the lights on you know Like would be sleeping and they theyd Loudly put away their stuff and you know They just felt entitled like they were In these positions um we were watching a Movie one time and like a group of
Corporate people came in right like These young corporate people and they Were kind of loud and the movie was 10 Minutes in like going in like it might Have been like a mission Impossible and all of a sudden we hear This old Indian woman go what is wrong With you right loud like really loud so You sit right behind me you me and my Son I sit on the end my son and I look At each other like this is going to be Great and she called them the r word Like what are you Ard you know Like what's wrong with you do do you not Have a mother like she saying these Things like it went on for like five Minutes like and they're just sitting There taking it Like This Woman's just Cussing them out and they're just taking It because you just don't you know talk Back to Authority right and so these Indians would be hired in America and They they latch onto a company and they Just bought into the company [ __ ] Right you know they have those company Orientations and you're sitting there Going oh my [ __ ] God I just got to Get through that they were taking notes You know that's why they do well in the Spelling beads because they just submit To Authority you see these Indians who Become Christians and they're the most Devout Christians you know they people Like Bobby gindel and some of these you
Know Indian Republicans they buy into The rhetoric and they actually believe It like they don't you know question the Authori they just they're Company Men Because that's their culture right like I got into it with a guy you know they Because of some bogus like fake uh you Know event that happened there you see This movie Hotel Mumbai you know they Had their own kind of you know big event There and because of that the you know The the Perpetrators uh used cell phones um they Made it so that you could only buy a SIM Card that would last 3 months and it was A stupid Rule and I and but the Visas Went for 6 months so you know every time I you know we I would get we had the Cell phones I would have to get a SIM Card like halfway through our stay there Before we had to change the Visas and All those things and then I'd have to Change all the numbers because it come With a new number and I was arguing with The guy you know and he was just reading Off of a script and I'm saying you know You just realized you're reading off a Script it doesn't really even apply and Just I want you to just admit that this Is screwed up like I just was saying to The guy and the guy just couldn't do it Like he just read from the script he was A company man right and so these Indians Come to America and they'll get up at 3:
In the morning you know plus they have Green cards so they're employed their Stay here in America is based in their Employment and they'll work 60 hours When American would only work 40 and They'll you know they'll just do Everything you know that much harder and They they just believe whatever the Company says because they link Themselves to these authority figures Right they don't have critical thinking Skills they don't question things at Least in public and they just you know Put out whatever is being told to them And that's commis upbringing you know Her mother is a little bit more radical Maybe she was wearing western clothing And she seemed to be a little bit more Liberal and things and she married a guy Who's a a communist although there's Some communist element in India as well So that's not completely foreign but her Mom might have been a little bit you Know more open-minded and a little bit More Americanized but that's how they you Know they roll they don't question Authority and they just believe in it You know they have these arranged Marriages and I saw it you know and like There was um a time where master chargie Was just standing you know was giving a Uh you know sitting there with with a Bunch of people there's probably 50
People and the young woman got up and Said you know Master can you find me a Husband like you know arranged a Marriage and he he said hey that you Over there and he pointed some guy Sitting there and they got married like You know like and like these marriages Sometimes like he actually went outside The normal arranged marriages where he'd Arranged marriages between regions and Casts and there was a couple uh you know I was talking to and the guy was Military and the woman was like a doctor And they got this arranged marriage and The woman was like really funny Storyteller and this guy was really Aggressive and kind of like you know we Hung out a little bit the guy she goes He's like a madman she's talking about Her husband like she said you know she Was there was a pilot and he was and This guy drove a motorcycle he goes the Pilot was riding on the back of his Motorcycle and he came to me and said I'll never do that again cuz the guy Drove like a maniac right and one time The guy drove it was flooded and he Drove his motorcycle into a you know Into um a creek and he's holding on to The motorcycle and holding on to a route For over a half hour and you know They're all used to warm temperatures There and the water was cold and it's And his kidney got inverted and This
Woman's a doctor right and the guy Wouldn't get treatment his kidneys Turned sideways because he's in this Cold water finally he let go of the Motorcycle and so she goes you got to go See master so he goes into the ashro Room and he goes in the security guard Stops him and he slaps the security Guard and she goes in and she's like She's with him she goes Master this Guy's an animal I don't know how you Arranged a marriage with him you know He's an anal he's just doesn't he's Slapping people And she's telling these stories right And her family didn't want her to marry Him and S his family didn't want to Marry them they're different parts of The country and she was very you know Soft sophisticated educated woman this Guy is some brute military guy he was Very funny too like he would he would Just sit here and she'd be telling the Stories and both families got guns and They were going to have some kind of Like you know Feud with you know and and Guns aren't like easily to come come by There they're not you know they don't Have second am Amendment over there and So um you know and but these marriages Would work because they just believed it Was fate like your boss your mean boss Was your fate and you know this is what God gave you and they have just this
Attitude there's some passivity there Right and you know so they don't have Opinions like they don't have critical Thinking skills so you know it's not Taught and their in fact their education System we were told this by a principle There that the testing is so you know Strenuous and so important and the Competition is so um you know I talked About this before in my last video that That they um they just give them the the Questions they get them to memorize the Questions and then they get them to Memorize the answers but they don't know What they're saying so they they know What the test is and they they have it's All about memorization right and so it's Like like a horrible education system Because it's really based in how good You can memorize things and how will how Hard you're willing to work it it's kind Of you know memor izing 400 questions And answers or whatever it is right but They really stress success and to be Successful you have to just you know buy Into the system and buy into the Corporate [ __ ] and buy into whatever It is right and success is pressured and I know kamla has that you can see it in Her right like she defines herself by Her success so it isn't by what she Believes or what she cares about or what De demographic she identifies with it's Just that she's got these positions and
He's she's rising up in a higher Higher level right and doing anything She can to maximize her you know her Accomplishments and like how she's Smiling and and like giddy you know like She's like this is her wedding day or Some like she's a prom queen and she's Being celebrated but no one knows what The [ __ ] she believes because she Doesn't believe at anything she doesn't Have any defining characteristics she Just has these you know she believes in You know getting the next job and doing Whatever she's got to do to do that job Like with no moral compass or any of These other things so he's like kind of The worst you know because at least in The Indian people they believe in God And they have some you know it's based In their religious beliefs and they all Have a you know it's a very uh Spiritually based country and part of it Is you know knowing that God's inside of You and God is everything that's Happening in your life is coming from God and that's the good part of their Culture that's why makes them very um Susceptible to spiritual you know uh Spiritual life and you know Spirituality and she doesn't have that Part so she just has the other part the Being a company woman and submitting to Any sort of authority as long as she's Taken care of without any you know any
God in that and so that she's like kind Of a dangerous person in that way right Like her dad was a communist you know a Marxist and you know she's she doesn't Embrace the spiritual element and the Religious aspect like like she doesn't Even have a religion right she doesn't She didn't grow up as a Christian Christian her mom wasn't Christian she She's not a Christian right she's not a Hindu never talks about that like never Talks about you know I don't think her Mom was necessarily religious her mom Was a scientist so you know probably not And probably became more Americanized Her husband's Jewish she celebrates some Jewish holidays with him but she Certainly hasn't converted to that like She doesn't believe in God like she's Not a Godly person like she has I don't Never heard her mention God but if she Does like it's not true it's just she's Doing it as a performative thing right And so she doesn't have any connection To Divinity she's not a liberal she's Not a conservative she's not any she's Not a capitalist she's not a communist She's whatever she has to be to retain The position she has and she'll submit To whatever authority figures and Handlers and do whatever they tell her Just so she can keep going and like She's a almost like a Manchurian Candidate in that way right okay so like
I said one of the big things they're Pushing is joy and I would say on night Two this was their main thing more than Anything else so they had this rapper Common There so they're putting um they're Bringing in rap and like I don't think KLA is into rap this is a cowboy for Kamla and again they didn't know this Person so they're out there dancing Right this is their joyful celebration They're trying to make this into Something Jo joyful they don't know who KLA is let's see what this person says Told I was not eligible for any Treatment at that point the do's Decision was official and abortion was Banned in 2021 so then they're like all Right the tragedy of the banned Abortions they go from Joy to boy is it A bummer we can't kill our Fetuses it's pretty joyful till then but I want to get to this some here's this Dude I don't know who he is 2019 but I he's a retired Teamster this guy um I don't know who he Is with these projects we're ushering in A brighter future a future in which Everyone has clean air to breathe clean Air breathe you know those environmental Stuff there um but then they bring and I Want to get to this part where the Here's this Guy Alaska how do you cast your vote
This guy's hilarious Alaska's motto is North to the fut future and that's Exactly where kamla Harris and Tim Walls Are going to take us a future full of Opportunity for Everyone as a teacher a union member and A proud black woman boom and an Alaskan It is so they go through the thing there Um this guy is just Hilarious your Vote Mr secretary The great state of California is going To Defer passes at they pass it this time They're Passing Um Hard haris to the White House she'll Fight for our freedom to vote our Reproductive you'll fight for freedom of Vote a reproductive Freedom there they Are the the Candidates and our freedom to thrive This is Georgia and this okay um I think That's Georgia the great state the great state Of Illinois the Prairie State home of four Presidents including President Barack Obama Woo the first place of skyscrapers and The so they made a big feel about their Announcements were you know some of them Stood out I have to find them I want to
Go back to Georgia I'm not sure which state this is I think it's the first female governor Of our beautiful island Guam Guam the home of the indigenous chamor People yeah woo chamor people woo and Where America's day begins woo and we Cast our 12 votes to the next first Female president of the United St the Next first female president of America Via viva Viva kamla or this guy right Here this is the thing I just want to Show you president of the United States Of America kamla haris Connecticut I miss the next One 100,000 Americans where Millions had Watched woo here's this guy right here This guy comes Out Harris Oh look at the delegates just piling up Again she received no votes right the Whole thing's a Farce okay this is at the Georgia Thing Georg is on the Clock Georgia how do you cast your votes Georgia how do you cast your votes it's Me Skippy Who this guy's coming out right there They're trying to make this pop here What ladies and gentlemen we are here Tonight to Officially Harris for
President another round sh D turn out For What turn out for what Like this whole place like us goes crazy Right that annoying ass song I don't Know if that's the guy who actually Sings it or just probably is probably He's from Georgia boom look at him go and they're Just going crazy Turn Up For What Turn Up For What um Crazy Eyes just Dude remember she was pushing um Health Food we'll get into that cuz I want to Talk about that um like she was head in Organic garden which is a good thing she Had a organic garden in the white house That's a positive thing positive example I like that right I think that's good But there's problems with it because There always is with you know Politicians and Michelle Obama celebration with Iowa there's Nothing celebratory about Iowa Kansas they're playing some Kansas Music who have contributed to America's Greatness we are the birthplace of Harriet tman we are the Birthplace of th Good Marshall we are The birthplace of Frederick Douglas Boom We Are the place where soldiers Defended our freedoms in Baltimore and Also in antum and the home of thousands Of veterans who call Maryland home That's Maryland that's Maryland it's
Also a place where they have uh this guy So let the celebration Continue who's that freaking guy I gotta Go back that's I didn't see this guy Before Um for our future president miss CA Harris Boom boom so here's this guy Skippy now Tonight is a celebration of love a Celebration of life so let the Celebration Continue they got a DJ um Missouri Secretary of Missi how do you Cast your vote he was already reading His and he didn't even Know Mr secretary I'm Russ carahan Chairman of Missouri Democrats we're Home to Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs Woo woo they should have um Patrick Mahomes wife there going let's Go let's Go and ha it on us we going to lose this Day yes I Did want to tune in and say all those People that doubted us and hated on us And thought we were going to lose this Day yes I Did want to tune in why isn't she there Why is she not there you guys dropped The Ball to Common Sense leaders like President Truman okay so I want to get To West Virginia well here's that guy
Spike Lee Mr secretary my name is Henry gito Gito they got gito they got HOA that Katy HOA they got um that dude's giving A speech we got Chuck Schumer is brutal I'm from the great state of New York woo New York Su not only buil the Empire State they built a strong middle Class across this country yeah they did New York did all That are still here the seven Council Fires are still here let me tell you What a CALA Harris presidency will mean For me my friends and my community more Importantly more opportunities more good Paying jobs better access to healthare Andity yeah there's no evidence that That's going to happen bro there's zero Evidence the House of Representatives with the six hardworking Congress members and majorities in the General assembly we also are proud it's A you're not sticking with a party theme It's a party to be represented by 25,000 hardworking mostly union workers Who build Freedom they build Freedom they got Union union workers are in charge of Building Freedom we build Freedom by Building aircraft carriers and Submarines oh yeah that's not Freedom Those are weapons of war you [ __ ] right They build Freedom by building these These these these instruments of mass
Death Senator Warner Virginia where this Year we're going to return Tim Kane to The United States Senate woo remember That weird There our Commonwealth of Virginia is Proud to cast all 119 votes for the next president Kam ter Woo woo Washington Woo Washington there it Is where's washingt it's a Party it's a party okay let's Move how do you cast your vote how do You cast your vote Washington Woo woo Washington woo From the amber waves of grain and Burning origins of Eastern Washington Woo to the iconic Waters of Theor okay so let's get to West Virginia Here oh here there's some great stuff That happens Here so um this is the one that stood Out to me this I didn't see a lot of These that I showed you but this is one I was like oh yeah they're really going For it here to battle Because I will not I repeat I will not Let everything I've fought for be taken Away by Donald Trump Donald Trump Exactly West Virginia they're not Standing for that [ __ ] but this girl Here watch this girl some kind of hippie West Virginia I know she's got a for a Uh magenta hair there
My name is Catherine Prather yes exactly Katherine go for it I am 18 years old She's 18 years young and I am the Youngest delegate from West Virginia Exactly I got six Kids I'm suited up and ready for battle Because I will not let my freedoms and My future be taken away by Donald Trump Boom bring it like watch him do this in Unison that's why we're proud to cast West Virginia's 24 delegates for the Next president of the United States Har woo woo now it's a Party the old and the young the black And the white they got it all going on Here in West Virginia And then they go right to wiscansin Here ladies and gentlemen my name is DJ Cassidy DJ Cassidy bringing it are you Ready yeah we're Ready so they're doing jump around for Wisconsin and they go right to the Freaking cheese heads from West Virginia West Virginia to wiscansin look At them all jumping around look at him Look at Dancing like it's it's a party like they Really going for it like you know for a Candidate that earned no votes like the Democratic process didn't work for this You know they voted for Joe Biden and so In a way they voted for KLA Harris Because she was on the ticket but not
Really she and she didn't receive any Votes in the primary and so they got rid Of that cile L effer because the Overwhelming majority saw he was unfit For office and then they came in with This [ __ ] right wiconsin how do you cast Your vote how do you cast your votes Wisconsin thank you Badger Jason Ray for All your good work and why don't you Talk about KLA being from Wisconsin as a proud governor of the Great state of Wisconsin we're home of The Green Bay Packers well did Packers play for Wisconsin I didn't know that maybe the Cheese head should Have we're home of the we're home of the Wisconsin Badgers yeah we're home of the milwauke Throwers and the Milwaukee Bucks as well As US senator our best US senator Tammy Baldwin yeah Tammy Baldwin G Rocks and our great Congressional folks S Moore and Mark hokan I'm here because I'm Jazz as Hell to he's Jazz as hell that Wisconsin Cast one vote present and 94 votes for Were for who we wo ho for ho did you say Ho got me going Here former Wisconsinite Former state of oh my God You he's having a Joe Biden moment just
It's okay we're used to this with Joe Biden 94 votes For Joy I'll get there Jason I'll get There 94 votes for former Wisconsin I Vice President and our next president of the United States of America K hot Harris Jesus Christ she didn't even get her a Right she used to live in your freaking State and we deliver 81 VES for Harris And Tim wol whoa you did it okay so um Skippy Here um this is KLA Harris's official YouTube channel I I have both the CNN Feed and her feed up here and so but the Feed is the same so the networks get the Feed from the um from what they want to Show from the official DNC they don't Have their own cameras and so they have To you know they have their own cut in Where they cut in and sometimes they Don't cover a speech here or there where KLA Harris is going to cover all of it Here but the official feed that they put On CNN is the same feed as this one Which is you know the same images of the Crowd and I mean all this stuff is Managed by the people who are running The the DNC so after the roll call here He goes thank you to everyone who Participated in our celebratory roll Call delegates please know how critical You are to this process both now and
Earlier this month when we conducted our Virtual roll call so they did that for Comma but this is the first time they've Ever had a candidate that didn't receive Any votes You know it's a democracy and so they Were all Saying um all these pundits many of them Democrats people like AOC that it won't Be legitimate if you just install a Candidate especially when you're running To save democracy that Trump is the Threat to democracy and not you and they Both are you know Trump has said he Wants to be a dictator and he said those Words Trump has his you know he's Dictatorial in his I mean he's a CEO and He's used to hey Mr Trump yes Mr Trump What can you do for you Mr Trump how can We serve you Mr Trump right he's he's Had me yes men around him boostering his Mass massive ego and he's not you know He wasn't um good at the political Process right like he really isn't good At passing legislation like he doesn't Know how to do that right I mean there's Things that being somebody who's an Outsider you never learn to do and you Don't build those relationships so he Had no relationships in the Senate and The house and other than bullying those People with his rabid fan base bullying The Republicans he really couldn't do Any of that work right and so you know
He's a he was a threat to democracy in His own way but democracy doesn't work And it's a joke anyhow it's all fixed And rigged so it's all those things Right uh but KLA Harris didn't receive Any votes which is significant to the Official story like I don't give a [ __ ] About it but you know because like does It doesn't like make the the process any More uh sleazy to me you know any more Corrupt because I already know what Corrupt right but to the people who Believe in democracy and the Democratic Party it's a big red flag and a you know A something that they're just expecting The American people are going to accept Right especially since kamla didn't have A fan base like she didn't have like a Lot of kamla fans and so if she had run I don't think she would have even come In like third I mean I I don't even know Even with you know if they had done the Primary I mean Kennedy would have beaten Her right and I would assume Gavin new Would beat her and so you know I don't Even know about some of these other ones Right like when she you know she did so Poorly beforehand and they didn't have To pick her but now they have to vote For her they don't have a choice and Democracy is supposed to be choice right They're supposed to be the part of party Of freedom of choice right the party of Abortion choice
But then she does this I am thrilled to Reaffirm kamla Harris as the Democratic Nominee for president of the United States okay Skippy I mean the people that rolling Out here Right pursuant to the convention rules Of procedure vice president kamla Harris Has been invited to make an acceptance Speech which she will give she was Invited oh God they gave her an Invitation wow how lucky is she on Thursday August 22nd oh Thursday she'll She'll do It but now a special surprise it's my Pleasure to introduce our party's Official nominee for president of the United States live from my home state of Wisconsin by he's from Wisconsin President kamla Harris So there's Freedom up here Right boom some Beyonce here she comes Out boom look at her touch her heart Also Michelle Obama did the same Movement her heart you know her her Non-existent heart Here look at her like she is just she's Got the gurgle lines here here it's got That gurgle stuff working down there but The the joy look at her eyes light up Like she's having her prom queen moment Here call her Bulletproof okay so um they're you know They're trying to raise the roof here
And like the you know where's the Excitement coming from because you don't Know what her policies are I mean her Policies are Joe Biden's policies but You don't know what she beli leaves you Don't know who she is you don't really Know anything about her and she's not Very likable and Tim wal is weird and He's a he's kind of like a pathological Liar he's done some you know things that Are almost you know very similar not Almost they're similar to Joe Biden's U Like remember I said he's just she's got An old white guy that's kind of like a Joe Biden clone and you know he's going To be a Midwest guy you know somebody Who might appeal to those workingclass White people but but he's already lied Numerous times over silly stuff right is You know saying he carried weapons of War and when he didn't you know he's in The National Guard you never saw like a Day of active duty in the mid you know In a war zone and so there's all these Things you know that they don't know Either one of these people they're Talking about how they don't know Tim Wal but they don't know kley either Right so you know I've already covered That my you know voice over my long Voice over about this and so where's the Passion coming from because they're not Trump you know America's down on Biden For his economy and for the Border you
Know she's running on something where Biden would have lost because of his age Because of the border and because of the Economy you know they have the abortion That's their big thing you know that's Their big selling you know point but you Know the rest of it it's just it's not You Know look at Her let's turn this off so don't get Copyrighted there she is you know They're walking around she's enjoying Woo all right here she Goes good evening Milwaukee and so David alod was saying That the first night was kind of really Poorly done they didn't get the speeches Done timely enough so that Joe Biden Would would be there you know hours uh I Mean he was going to be after his Bedtime which is like 8 but he didn't Get on till like 11:30 and went to 12:30 And the people that would like him that Watch him are old people and maybe they They don't know how to you know to Something or you know tape it or Whatever or watch on the internet so you Know they missed out on his big moment And Joe Biden you know like having to go That late in the evening that late at Night I mean it's just they they were Just you know that was a huge mistake on Their part and they had a lot of Logistical errors and things like this
Technical issues apparently because I Didn't watch the whole thing but he said It was not a great night and this night Was supposed to be much better in his Opinion and part of it was that she's Here where Trump had his convention Where he put on the you know the bandage And all that stuff right um and so There's all those things going On you know she's like you know thumbing Her nose at Trump but like it's so Hostile Anyway by going to where he had His Convention and hello to everyone joining Us from exciting Chicago it's exciting Chicago the delegates at the Democratic National Convention well they just Completed their roll call and I got no Votes but they all elected me anyway so That's cool democracy 2024 and they have nominated coach walls And me to be the next vice president and President of the United States of America no Way no one saw that Coming it was a in a shocking Moment and I thank everyone there and Here for believing in what we can do Together exactly we're going to do it Together uh you know I don't really have A platform yet but just believe that It's going to be great when I have one We are so honored to be your nominees This is a people powerered
Campaign and to together we will chart a New way forward she has that Cadence That they use a lot in her commercials And it's just bumper stickers she just Says bumper sticker [ __ ] because she Doesn't have things she doesn't have a Passion like they have these madeup Stories and I'm going to show you they Did another one another one of those Infomercials for her they want do one For doggy fresh I'm going to show you Those are great a lot of great things Here on day Two a for Freedom opportunity of Optimism and Faith so to everyone in Chicago and across America thank you Thank You woo thank You and you're going to hear from our Wonderful second gentleman shortly I'll See you in two days remember that time The guy banged his Nanny we got to talk About Thato he's so happy right The Tackle Okay so I'm editing on Thursday August 22nd this stuff happened on Tuesday and Um I was going to segue into them Bringing in the dope in a novaro who's Really Dopey but instead we're going to Get to that but in but here we're going To insert this little you know KLA took The plunge here so I just happen to be Editing and listen and reading my Comments and one of my viewers this is
Where comments really helpful says kamla Did the um well she was in Milwaukee Right so this you know I'm editing this Thing where she's giving this you know This speech from Milwaukee um to the DNC and she's in Trump's uh where Trump Had his you know rally and because they Have all the freedom signs right these Freedom signs they're handing out you These are the words they want to Associate with her Freedom joy and then She's a protector and these things right These other words um but freedom and joy Some of these other things I've already Forgotten but here it is she did it she She took the the plunge here that and That and that is how we fulfilled the Promise of America the promise of America so this Is from Forbes YouTube channel and they Just have all these glitches all the Time I mean it makes no sense but they Have them I don't know Why and it is that promise of America Wait what we need a medical assistant Here oh man she just saw it she just Happened to see well it's amazing how These these politicians it's like they Have spidey sense these politicians in Their spidey Sense okay we need a Nurse we need a medic here please Someone get a
Medic let's just make a let's make a Path let's make a path if youall don't Mind look at her Tak control man she's Good at this path to right here let's Just create a Path to right here fors has been Covering this right with now Trump did It and then walls did it twice and now K's doing it while she's you know this Is a big this is a big event right this Is like while the DNC is going on and She's going to fly the DNC her husband's giv a speech tonight You know I'm editing it's Thursday she's Going to give the speech tonight you Know the I'm editing you know this um It's Thursday but this happened on Tuesday and then I'm going to cover the Stuff that happened Wednesday today this Video is going to hopefully go up Tonight but you know this is um like a Big you know big time for her and they Rolled out this fake [ __ ] Right let's create a path guys and Thanks for looking out each other look Out for each other but let's let's That's that's what that's what doug uh That's what uh W wall walls said right The neighbors look out for each other Right woo Okay Okay Okay okay we're going to be okay we're Going to be okay we are we're going to
Be okay see I'm I'm handling things I'm Compassionate see this is everything Gets thrown out the window because Trump Did the same stuff when you pull fake [ __ ] like this right you no longer have Any legitimacy when you do things like That when you have stage shills in the Audience to make you look good then You're not good right you're just Performative you're not a good person You're scripting something to make Yourself look like you're a good person A good leader and you guys see in my Video I'll add this to it at the end of It but like it you throw out any claims Of of being legitimate when you do [ __ ] Like this right a completely stage false You know rehearsed thing all right woo Look at her Okay Okay this is who We are right this is what we're about Looking out for each other the thing Yeah exactly it just worked out right There an event right at this rally that Shows you who we are how we labor Looking out for Neighbor we care about each other we Care about each other exactly that's see How caring I am look at how effing Caring I am I'm the most caring person In the world I'm the most compassionate Truly understanding what Love Thy Neighbor
Means oh she bringing in a Bible quote I've been talking about her About in the face of a perfect stranger Seeing a neighbor understanding what That love of each other means oh it's Just great that you know something that You're highlighting as as part of your Walls campaign thing and and all this Stuff that you're doing and you're just You just you just delivered boom Kaboom Kaboom bring it KLA I just I didn't Believe before now I'm a True Believer That you're fake is AF Right okay so let's get back to where Their seg waying into Anna Navar who's Hosting tonight but I am going to cover Later how the internet doesn't really Know what Kam's religion is and she has A weird religious history with her Family and doggy fresh is going to bring It up and I got a little clip I'm going To insert into that because I did Further research but I say there that I've never heard her talk about the Bible right and she really didn't do it There but she was just she brought up Love Thy Neighbor then all of a sudden She's never talked about it like she's Never talks about a religion they say That she's a Baptist but she grew up as A Hindu she married to a Jewish guy this Whole thing right so I'm going to come Back to that but here like she says Love Thy Neighbor all of a sudden she's kind
Of semi you know making reference to the Bible but she's clearly not a Believer Right all right let's get back to it Here they did a high five and so that Was their big thing right and then they Go back to please welcome TV personality Loud and proud Latina Anna Navaro And like she is really stupid I she's Like the stupidest person on The View Sher Shepard giving Sher Shepard a run For a m they're all stupid right making Mcain was no rocket scientist and and She was you know they're all bad Right but she's like over emotional and Goofy you see the little KL Harris down Here Right CH Okay so tell me are you excited I Excited wow she probably doesn't even Have an Accent what energy what a moment I have To tell you I will never stop being the Little Refugee girl who came to this Country at the age of eight thank Exactly she's she hasn't grown up and Changed and matured at all she's an 8-year-old thank you for inviting me to Be here you're welcome I you know I I Mean I don't I didn't really know I did Anything but you know you're Welcome welcome to the second night of The Democratic National Convention let me tell you about the
Kamla Harris I know CNN was talking They're pundants were talking why she Was talking and she's a pundit on her Show she's an expert that comes on CNN Occasionally when she's not on The View Being stupid and they didn't even allow They didn't even show her speech right Like I'm like oh wow that's pretty like A kaboom she is legitimately a joyful Optimistic leader she cares about policy Yes but she also cares about people and How that policy affects real people okay So where's your evidence like I haven't Seen any of that like what are you Saying here you know joyful yeah we see Her cackling a lot okay she's joyful she Does laugh a lot seems kind of happy uh You know but her happiness like I said Makes other people unhappy so there's That but yeah she's joyful I've SE seen No evidence about her caring for people Right just you care for the the kids That Joe Biden droned no just you speak Up against the the massacre in the in Palestine not really you know only way To appease the riers and the the liberal Young voters that she's trying to uh go Joel into voting for her she doesn't so There's been no evidence that she cares About people zero like she's just the Opposite right she you know she cares About herself yeah that's true just like Trump does and so like they just makeup Stuff like nobody even knows who she is
Right not just the members of maral Lago B you know what else kamla Harris she Likes dogs oh my God she likes Dogs boom exactly and my dog chaa likes Her chaa she look at chaa she probably Dropped chaa after the photo was over Dogs are good judges of character so are Cats we cannot elect a president who Does not like dogs or hangs around with People who shoot them boom Exactly now wo W just give it to him Let's be serious oh that was Jokes Donald Trump and his minions Called Kamala a Communist I know communism I fled Communism from Nicaragua when I was 8 Years old SC can you say Nicaragua three Times Nicaragua I don't take it lightly she don't take It lightly she takes it From and let me tell you what communist Dictators do and it's never just for one Day they attack the Free Press they call Them the enemy of the people like okay The free p is completely owned by Corporations and so they are the enemy Of the people right not that the Politicians are not Trump isn't the Savior but the Free Press is I mean you Know we knowa does in ncar they put Their unqualified relatives and cushy Government jobs exactly like you know if They if if they date a woman for like 10 Years and give her a job she doesn't
Deserve even though she's only because She's half the age of the guy you know Something like that unqualified people Like that who get positions they don't Deserve because they put on knee pads And they service a powerful man you know That thing people like that right like That you mean like that Navaro so they Can get rich of their positions like Like exactly Carmel Harris got R rich Off of her Positions castros do in Cuba and they Refuse to accept legitimate elections When they lose and call for violence to Stay in power like Maduro is doing right Now in Venezuela boom exactly she's Fired up now you tell me something Do any of those Things sound Familiar o like I don't know let's Scratch my head and think about this for A while where you going with this Brainiac like it's too complex for me to Figure out is there anybody running for President who reminds you of that um is It Trump and I know one thing it's not Kamala Harris okay is not the americ we Don't know [ __ ] about her even though Her dad was an actual Marxist and the America we love it's not The land of Freedom we treasure last Night we heard President Biden say that He loves his job but he loves his
Country more every American needs to Love our country more yeah I don't love Our country what are you talking about You mean our government what do you mean The land you know what the lifestyle What is it about our country the name Like what are you talking about like People say they love the country you Know it's a superficial love at best Because when you love something you know It like you know what you love right you See its Essence to really love something You have to you can't like you could say You you know you love somebody that you Just like love at first sight but you Don't if you don't know them you know There might be a soul connection sure Something like that but until you really Know something you really can't say you Love it right you can't say you know uh And people who say they love America Don't know what America is do you love It that we're um you know that we're Supporting a genocide in uh in Israel After supporting uh you know creating a War in the Ukraine with Russia which we Facilitated and all these people were Dying because of that or the genocide as We did in Libya and all these other you Know places that in the the um Arab Spring Iraq Afghanistan all these Countries where you know all the things We did you love it when we when Biden Droned those eight kids in Afghanistan
Just to cover his ass because he was in Charge of a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan do we do you love America Then like so what are you talking about You love the government you love the Politicians you love the you know Capital what you love is the [ __ ] Right the [ __ ] indoctrination that You believe that this is you you love The good parts about it right the you Know so-called freedoms you love the Lifestyle that you have now that you Didn't have in Nicaragua right like you Know things weren't as good Nicaragua so you so you came here as an Eight-year-old and you're like oh it's Better here I got malls and [ __ ] you Know but that's you know the lifestyle Comes at the expense of countries like Nicaragua and these other third world Countries right America is eating their Food and oppressing those people so you Know anybody who loves America Amica Doesn't know what America stands for Unless you're just into the evil part That's then then you're really not Capable of love and so that's just silly Right like you're just a silly person a Little bit more from her every American Has the duty to put our country first no We don't you put God first I mean that's What you should do like everyone should Do that I mean I'm not saying do that Like because you know you have to decide
That on your own but Divinity first Right but like why would you put America Before yourself why would you put your Country before yourself like this Country are you serious this corrupt Country being used by these you know Debauched people like it's silly like What a stupid thing to say right they All say it she's not the only one saying That but like you don't put your country Before yourself why would you why in the World would you what the taxes that go To to doing bad [ __ ] and the you know All the things that we do like all the Military-industrial complex of the Weapons of war that we give to other People or sell to other people or you Know all the pain that we cause and you Know all the stuff that's happened big Pharma and all these you know corporate Giants what are you talking about right 5G that's cooking our brains and our nut Sacks Right and so you know all of it like so What are you talking about what are you Talking about [ __ ] Right country first before party country First before political ambition country First before have it so Kama put the Country first when she dated a guy 30 Years her senior twice her age when she Was 29 and he gave her positions over People who deserve them because of the Positions she was willing to uh engage
In so like what are you talking about Like she is a self-serving person right And in this election putting country First means one thing and one thing only Voting voting Kamala kamla Harris no way I didn't see That coming at all boom I told you I Know let just I got it Nicaragua okay so that's her okay so it Ends this way here and that that is what This night is about that is what we're Going to talk about tonight so you know What chicken butt Let's Get It Started Let's Get It Started party people let's Get this Fiesta going let's get this Fiesta going in party People see you bye Bye vice president Harris has cast more Tiebreaking votes than other any other VP in History where are they the eyes are 50 The ns are 50 the Senate being equally Divided the vice president votes in the Affirmative and the nomination is Confirmed okay so this is because you Know this one accomplishment is because Joe Biden lost the senate or he you know Know he had the Senate and it was tied Right and so they had a tied Senate Between Democrats and Republicans and so It kept on coming up that KLA Harris Would have to vote right you so because She's the you know she's the tiebreaking Vote and so that has nothing to do with
Her right like they're making it sound Like she accomplished something she did Her job right this is like well I'm not Going to vote today like that would have Been the other alternative To provide covid relief which is why the Economy is [ __ ] with all those Bailouts Right and the concurrent resolution as Amended is double mask adopted Boom to rescue our economy again the Economy isn't rescued Right the vice president votes in the Affirmative boom she did it again three Times to proceed is agreed to Boom On this vote the Y's are 50 the Nays are 50 the Senate being equally divided the Vice president votes in the affirmative And the bill as amended is passed she to Read that thing think got the third time She'd be able to just memorize That Boom it is my honor to present the Golden gav she's got the golden gav look At this guy vice president Harris 32 Tiebreaking votes boom 32 tiebreaking The Most ever boom she a golden G Senate Majority Leader and New York Senator Chucky Schumer Chuck Schumer Chucky look At him come out look at him out dancing Right he's coming out dancing here look At Him look at his weird ass
Body still boom there we go rise look at Him look at him he's become a character Jur of himself right when he was younger And he went to the fair and somebody Drew a character of himself uh you know Caricature of him and now he's become That like he looks just like that right He looks like some kind of caricature of The kind of you know um person he Represents Right Chucky Schumer look at that guy Look at him go everybody party people It's me Chucky Schumer Chucky yes isn't That a great roll call yeah it is way to Go Chucky Chucky Chucky now just let me hear you If you're ready for president kamla Harris yeah we are chucky Chucky friends we're here to talk about One thing tomorrow tomorrow not today Tomorrow we're going to talk about about Tomorrow tomorrow and today today and Yesterday was last week and building a Better tomorrow for all Americans okay So let's go to Chucky Schumer memes he's Just impossible to listen to the big Thing was when he was dancing I wonder If he dance off stage too to come on to Victory in November boom you're such a So inspirational Chucky right there you Go dance off do your dance come on Chucky don't leave oh Chucky where's the Energy that we expected boom well kiss His Chucky interesting these are the
Blueprints to DARPA Morgan if the CIA Had a queue working for them he'd be Working right there and I've seen enough Intersect white rooms to know that they Have one when a guy's banging you Because if you can feel their body uh Come on 18 points for Joker only nugget In double figures 6959 Golden State Shooting six you take on the Intelligence Community they have six Ways from Sunday at getting back at you Back at you back at you back at you I am Not a role Model I'm not paid to be a role model Just a reminder I'm Jake not Chuck Together we will build what I call an Opportunity economy yeah so this is Where you get her commercials I will Take on the high costs that matter most To most Americans compare boom she will Do that my plan with what Donald Trump Intends to do he wants to impose what is In effect a national sales tax on Everyday products and basic necessities That we import from other countries it Will mean higher prices higher prices on Just about every Everything cuz there'll Be tax involved your daily needs Donald Trump's plan would cost a typical family $3,900 a year boom that's a lot of money He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act which 45 million Americans rely on For healthare okay so what's your plan We know what Donald trans trans isans to
Give billionaires massive tax cuts boo Boo year and he plans to cut corporate Taxes by over a trillion dollars that if You want to know who someone cares about Look who they fight for we capped the Price of insulin at $35 Bo that's what We did me and Joel Joey Joey B remember That guy Joey B and the total cost of Prescription drugs at $2,000 a year okay So they're running these ads between um These things so they bring out Bernie Sanders who doesn't Dance by the Way in 100 Years and the worst economic Downturn since the Great Depression so Bernie Sanders is gonna is Going to rail about the rich and then They bring out this guy right Afterwards welcome Illinois governor JB Priser priser way to go priser we're Hoping I was hoping they bringing out Priser you know people don't don't know About Priser JB JB Democrats welcome to Chicago Chicago this guy from Chicago It's his home town priser we're a great American City in a proud Blue State our Patriotism was formed in Frost and in Fire and in the steel we forged to Survive Both our love of country has been a Tapestry of Faith priser was inaugurated as Illinois's 43rd governor on January 14
2019 with an estimated net worth of $3.6 Billion I know that because the CNN People brought this up I just happen to See them talking about this that weaves From Abraham Lincoln reuniting A House Divided to Barack Obama declaring blue States and red states make he's the Chris Christie of one United States yeah Remember that that was great we're not I Don't blue States and and red states Were the United States remember that Great line presidential pedigree is Unmatched And given that vice president kamla Harris spent some of her okay so this Guy's a billionaire and uh Bernie sanor Just railed against billionaires right And I know This because they were talking about it On CNN and you know I didn't watch the Conventions last time or the time before And I you know I the conventions are Like the Oscars they're unwatchable but This one's kind of Epic because you know Donald Trump's these two because Trump Had that fake shooting ketchup gate and KLA Harris didn't win a vote right so You know the JoJo muua debacle and so These are interesting and they're Historic but not in a good Way and so this guy David axelrad who Was uh Obama's um campaign manager who Actually kind of says things a little Bit critical of the democratic party
Like he's not you know just totally Shilling for them I he shills but not as Bad as some of the others he talked About how in 2016 with Hillary the Convention was so divided remember and I Remember this the Bernie Sanders people Were pissed because they knew they got Robbed and that Hillary really didn't Have enough votes or whatever it was but It was very close and the Bernie Sanders People were like you know rioting right Remember that like she was they were not Happy they didn't want her at all they Didn't like her and you know she was Hillary and you know ber sanss it came Out later dot of Brazil said they out And out rged it of course the DNC they Had to fire um Debbie waserman Schultz So she you know she she Obama left the You know left it uh the DNC in in debt Of like $12 million and then she bought The nomination Hillary because she had All this money to give them and she Propped up the DNC but she said she Wanted the nomination if she was going To bail them out and then there was the They got hacked and the podesta got Hacked I mean she got fired and Don and Brazil came in and found out they rigged It for Hillary and she called Bernie Sanders and they had a conversation he Was like as least is she going to win And and Donna Brazil said well like She's winning the polls but she there's
Not a lot of enthusiasm at her rallies And things so four years later it was Still some issues with Joe Biden because They rigged it against Bernie Sanders But they made the Bernie Sanders people Stand down I mean they openly rigged it They had congressmen and Senators come On TV and say there's no way we're going To let a socialist win the nomination And so they you know Bernie Sanders was Going to win like he had already won New Hampshire and he was second in in uh Iowa reverse of that whatever it was and Pete buddigig who was who won in the the Other state he ran out of money after Two states he was broke and so bur Sanders had the most support but they You know they got Joe Biden to win in South Carolina which was the third Primary with Clyburn Clyburn said you Got to knock off all this no Malarkey [ __ ] and get like going you gotta you Know really have a a concise message That isn't you know 50 years old or Whatever right and so um they decided to Have Pete buddigig and Nancy kachar Withdraw and endorse uh Biden in front Of super Tuesday and Elizabeth Warren Stayed in and she was running on a Liberal platform that she stole from Bernie Sanders and so she took some of His support away from him and Biden won Those States but only because they Rigged it and they you know contrived a
Victory based in the you know they did It right out in the open they just went On TV and said yeah we're going to this Is what we're going to do there's no way Bernie Sanders is going to win and so They handed it to Jojo MCU and the Bernie Sanders people were still pissed People like Susan Sarandon but they were Basically shut up by the fact that People are saying because you guys Didn't support Hillary Clinton at the at The convention Donald Trump won and so They you know they um got rid of all These these people you know these Radical liberals by saying you know if You guys don't fall in line then Trump Will win and they're doing the same Thing now right so they waited till the Last minute to admit that JoJo magu had Mental issues which everybody knew for Years all the way back to 2019 if you Were paying attention but certainly it's Become more obvious the last couple Years and he had no chance of winning His economy was bad and his his record On um The Border was bad and people are Just over him and they're you know the Trump is is looking pretty good to them Now right and so the the possibility of Trump winning and not only that but a Depressed turnout at the it's not so Much about Trump winning like Trump is Going to get his support and Trump can Get 48% of the vote and he's got very
Passionate voters and you know all the Republicans will turn out for him They'll fall in line even the ones that Don't like him and you know I I can't Imagine Republicans vot V voting for com Harris right and so the Republicans will Probably all vote for Trump he'll get Some of the you know independent some of These people but it's getting out the Vote that's important to the Democrats They have more potential vote but the Democratic vote isn't guaranteed you Know and Trump is kind of a shoeing up Until this last month where Comm had a Good month right of August and now she Has the convention and so there's no Naysayers because they can't afford that [ __ ] they can't afford people Questioning the legitimacy of Comm you Know U candidacy any of these other Things because otherwise they're going To get a trump presidency and all of These Democrats know it so they have to Fall in line and so this convention is Kind of going off without any sort of Opposition kamla hasn't faced any Opposition but at some point she's going To have to between now and whatever it Is right and you know I mean the powers That be are going to pick whoever They're going to pick and they you know I think they're going to pick Trump but Who knows like it doesn't matter you Know because it does you know either way
They're we're [ __ ] like it's it's just It's just the the show it's for the show It's not for the you know America I mean There's going to be some political uh Policy changes and things that'll affect Us one way or another right and I can't Say one is worse for me or or the other Is you know some some of the things are You know long-term effects but mostly They're just completely puppeted uh People both of them are performers and They love the audience and the Adoration And the you know being in front of a Camera the attention more than they love The policy stuff right they'll do Whatever you know that suits them based In um who the people like for Trump it's The people that love Trump will take Care of those people the people that are Good to Trump trump will be good to them And K Harris will do whatever their Pelish teller Trump a little bit less so But that's you know basically it and Trump is you know going to do what's Good for Trump and his family but you Can see how fake this convention is Because there's no opposition she didn't Win any votes and there's fake in Enthusiasm for someone who hasn't earned It like if KLA Harris loses this um Election she won't be at the next Convention there might not even be one Right like but let's say there's a Convention 2028 if she loses you'll
Never see her again like not like Hillary Clinton they rolled out here KLA Harris is like you know I maybe they'd Give her a spot but I I doubt it SE Severely and her political career is Over like she's not going to run for President again she loses this she'll be Whatever she does right right and I Don't know what that is but she doesn't Have anything you know of Merit to offer People I mean she maybe she has some Level of connections and things but she Doesn't really have a big fan base she Doesn't have a lot of um influence Within the Democratic party until you Know they nominated her till JoJo MCU Was you know uh finally you know they Admitted he was scile right he had brain Processing issues and so you know Parkinson's and so you know when that All went down all of a sudden now she's The most powerful person in the Democratic party for 3 months and if she Loses she disappears and that's the good Thing about her losing because she Deserves to disappear but if Trump wins You know and Trump disappearing to me is Like almost more important because you Know KLA Harris is going to face a rough Ride once she's president like if she Wins then they're going to she probably Is going to have a republican Congress And Republican Senate and she doesn't Really know how to govern and and
There's going to be no confidence behind Her because they just basically forced Her on the Democratic party and the American people and so either way it's Going to be a [ __ ] show like and they Kind of entertaining hopefully until you Know it's not right you know like it'll Be it'll be entertaining till like Everything collapses and then it'll be Not so entertaining but anyways let's Get into the other stuff Here okay so listen to this dude right Here a little kick in our campaigns and Let me tell you you we are feeling in Fuego right Now look at my God like what is going on This is like a freak Show right we are Feeling in Fego right Now we are fired up to elect kamla Harris president of the United States she's from the great state of New Mexico And um they're feeling INF Fuego so what Else I want and that's the president America needs and with your help that's The next president of the United States boom you you rocked it in Fuego You're feeling in Fuego so then there's This let's show you this thing um so Anna noo was hosting this thing holding Two things a grudge and a golf Club
Boom about Trump look okay dropped the Mic bring it where is It I remember when KLA was first running For district attorney and people like oh I don't know if she's tough enough oh no She's plenty tough I know she used to Beat the crap out of me when I was a kid And I just had to laugh because I'm like You don't know my Sister now the fighter right the Protector and the fighter these are the Words they want you associate with KLA Harris this is their new Narrative KLA had been a hard and tough Prosecutor in Alam County Prosecuting Men who were pimping young girls and Rapists teing the tables on Pimps let's go back here turning the Tables on pimpson John's ye Harris back Tough sentencing for kid prostitution Who were pimping young girls and rapists KL wanted to make sure that murderers And child abusers face meaningful Accountability and meaningful Accountability consequences for those Actions one of the cases that she had Early in her career was where a man had Scalped his girlfriend and she ended up Getting a conviction getting Justice Okay so we now know KL Harris is firmly Against scalping that woman she came to San Francisco to protect victims and she Was elected to be district attorney she Wanted to protect victims because there
That one story with heard in high school That wasn't anything she talked about Till like very recently s Francisco KLA Knew that we needed to be smart on crime And if hell no one else was going to Going to do it that she was going to do It if no one else was going to do ITA Will get done you know like that's how She that's how neuds does when no when No one was willing to do what nead is Willing to do she'll do it I keep my Promise to you to keep you safe I better Talk with you about what I'm doing in Terms of crime prevention investing in People coming out of Prisons is the Smart thing to do for law enforcement Forget that it's just the right thing to Do that was a young kamla Harris she's Only gotten more Fierce I've never she Was you know she's got more Fierce with Age cuz that's what usually happens that People get more Fierce as they get older You know they don't burn out and give up And quit and just you know just wear Down and lose their their testosterone No she's she has even more testosterone Now than she did I mean because of this Right she's been she's been you Know she's been gulped by the Gallons never seen her back down from a Fight and when she fights she wins When kamla became attorney general she Wanted to protect people but also to Fundamentally pursue Justice being smart
On crime starts with being tough on Violent crime boom exactly from a Statewide perspective I think we were Concerned about the rise of gang Violence you know she's definitely Against gang violence like she's against It Stockholm syndrome she she's you know She's one of the few people who's Against gang violence most people are For it most Pro prosecutors are for gang Violence but not KLA County we saw this Tremendous change in our community and It hit us like a wave we saw like a wave It was like a wave of of of like Goodness increase in human trafficking Narcotics and guns let it be clear to Anyone who would Menace this state with Violence to those who prey on the weak And the vulnerable Justice will be Swift And certain in the state of California Yeah it will cuz K was the new sheriff In town she was always hunting the Kingpins but we didn't have Partnerships With doj or FBI or DEA or why would you Why would you have Partnerships with Federal law enforcement of those law Enforcement agencies now we all work Collaborative now you do like she just I Mean she said hey why don't we do this Together why don't we work together We're all we're all in this to fight Crime She like she like created the Avengers Of of uh you know law enforcement to
Help all the counties in California Because of her we destabilized organized Crime disrupt exactly there's no Organized crime in California anymore Like California has almost like zero Crime right now San Francisco is a a Beacon to the rest of the country They're wonderful places after K got Through with with California and San Francisco it's just basically a you know It's like a Fairy Land right shanga over there That's why everyone's everyone with Money is moving Out flows of guns human beings and Narcotics we are here this afternoon to Announce the shutting down of a one of The biggest and most organized threats To the safety of the Central Valley I Really think of her as Fearless as a Fight she's fearless she's a fighter Tam Just perseveres and Mommy would say it's Too hard is never an excuse making Excuses mommy said that that's what Mommy said all the time is a failure to Not only take responsibility but to take Action if she doesn't make excuses K you Have the will the desire the passion the Commitment there is no challenge that is Insurmountable and the knee pads you get The knee pads and you like you just There's nothing that she can Swallow boom Fearless Woo please welcome they're not even
Applauding for that [ __ ] nominee for Senate in Maryland Angela also Brooks Alsoo Brooks oh they brought out alsoo Brooks on day two I thought she was at Day three or at Least look at AEL Brooks good evening America and hello Maryland woo I want to be a senator Thereo like Me thank You people like Me stories like mine don't usually make It to the United States Senate but you Know I got knee pads K was handing out Fre knee Pads and so all right she goes on for a While before the dawn we know that we Can endure for a night because Joy joy Cometh in the morning joy cometh in the Morning and you know sometimes at night When you're wearing knee Pads depending on who Joy is all right Um let's move on to okay so the the Strangeness the freak Show continues Here you freedom in USA my struggle with Infertility was more painful than any Wound I earned on the battlefield she Tammy Duckworth I think her name is she Had wounds on her battlefield but she in Infertility was more painful so how dare A convicted felon like Donald Trump Treat women seeking Health Care like They're the ones breaking the law you
Mean abortion um you know he didn't like He installed Supreme Court Justices that Were Republican in nature which was kind Of his job as a Republican and they Repealed roie we as a as a Constitutional right and it was never in The Constitution and there should never Be in the Constitution that was a right To kill fetuses right and now it's a State-by-state policy how Dare JD Vance criticized childless women On cable news except how dare he then Then vote against legislation that would Have actually helped Americans to start Families yeah how dare he how double dog Dare you how dare You freedom Freedom look at that guy Freedom reproductive Freedom boom there She Goes I did It okay here he is doggy fresh get ready To meet Doug E fresh Douge douge my dad Doug Doug that's his Dad douge for look at douge wearing his Look at douge he was always a smart Dresser look at that turtleneck rocketed Douge oh there he is look at him look at That collar look at that [ __ ] collar We grew up the same time I think he's my Age right we grew up the same time I Don't think I ever got a collar like That I was like underprivileged raised In Jersey moved to LA when he was 16 These are his parents ARB and Mike ARB
And Mark and then there he is look at him They think he walks on water they think He walks on water cuz he does he dougy Fresh this is what he wore to his bar Mitzvah Doug E look at his bar mitzvah Attire look at that tie look at that [ __ ] bow tie douge Dougie and here's him at summer camp They voted him most athletic so he says We he's a liar we don't believe Doug his Own kids come on if he says it he he did It if he said he's the most athletic he Was voted he was I mean you know this Doesn't look like it's a a very athletic Camp but if he says it don't don't Question him he's douge fresh this is a Photo McDonald's used when he was Employee of the Month he was employee of The month at McDonald's just got I mean Douge just gets on getting better and Better I I didn't even know all this Stuff about doggy fresh hung on our wall For Years my dad is a lawyer where's the Picture of him banging The Nanny did you Got any like video of him bangging the Daddy a really good one he's a good Lawyer he looks like a lawyer doesn't he Look like a lawyer like he's like that Guy's a lawyer so I had a holy [ __ ] Moment so that's douge fresh on the left And it's Anthony weer on the Right like douge fresh and Anthony
Weiner are practical practically Freaking twins right I mean just you Know um let me just put a I got a Picture of uh Navaro in in here I'll do That over as well here um let's put her In here Kaboom what's That and so U douge fresh and that's a Older Anthony weer but the facial Resemblance I mean uncanny and so Anthony Weiner was a Rockar politician who was married to Hillary Clinton's lover Huma abedine and Then he got caught showing his Johnson To like a teenage girl or something and There's some other scandals like Multiple things with him you know mostly Involving his weer and Then and so you know he had this apropo Name of Anthony Weiner and you know um And dougy fresh is like a they could be Brothers right and so there're you know This will be my thumbnail for the video And this just happened I looked him like Hey that guy looks like Anthony Weer dougy fresh looks like Anthony weer My mom called him the crisis guy because He was everyone's first call My parents split when I was in Middle School and that wasn't easy that's not Easy for any kid especially when he took The nanny with him like he he was Banging The Nanny and impregnated her And you know they split on her I said You know we were kind of upset but you
Know it worked out but it helped that my Parents stayed friends and we all kept Hanging together they they still hang Together even though he banged a nanny And pray where's the do you guys ever See the baby of the Nanny like do you Guys have a relationship with her Where's the where's the The Nanny baby I Mean come on where's the nanny baby okay So they know the nanny's name but she Doesn't have any social media and There's no evidence that she had a where Her baby is right so we don't know where The nanny baby is maybe aborted right Maybe look lucky for douge lived in a You know the time before Trump got rid Of all those Freedoms we grew closer than ever boom Look at those kids look at those Kids and then he met kamla oh what a What a great thing kamla is blind date That would dramatically change all of Our Lives they met in a blind date ever It was my senior year of high school Ella and I would laugh watching them Fall in love acting like Teenagers oh look at that look at the in 2014 kamla became mamala mamala she's a Mamala she took over Sunday night Dinners and taught Doug how to actually Cook yes Doug didn't even know Doug mhof Great lawyer bad cook our blended family Wasn't used to politics or the spotlight But when kamla became Senator we were
All excited to step up especially my dad Doug stepped up he stepped up right away Then kamla became vice President it felt like Doug was a bit Out of place on Capitol Hill why' you Call him Doug do you call him Doug Before he begged The Nanny I thought what is my goofy dad Doing Here but he embraced It he's a second gentleman his practice After being a lawyer for 30 years that Was tough I was so proud to watch him do It to stand by her side an example of True partnership they're Partners They're in love I just got married Myself to a girl to a girl he's inspir Look at this look at this hair D look This is his is that his best man his Sister wearing a tu and the girl has a Is that her wedding party a dude like What's going on here so I didn't notice It at first but later on douge Fresh is Going to talk about how Kamla was in charge of the wedding she I Mean she she MCD the wedding she she Married them right and I guess is a Lawyer because she or district attorney I don't know where she gets the Authority to marry somebody but not as a Religious person so the kid the groom Grew up Jewish and I don't know about His wife and I'm not going to look into It but I don't know what religion she is
And she has a maid of honor who's a guy His sister is dressed in a tux and she's His best man and KLA Harris is the Person who's doing the Wedding so how like more [ __ ] up could This thing Beed me as a new hus Husband anyone who really gets close to Him knows he's kind loving and and Fiercly protective look at this guy okay Protest Rush stage grabs Mike from KLA Harris serly protective look I mean look At him look at him look at that face Don't mess with my wife hippie we know We do you know what we do to a Palestine You just look at this face woo this is My dad there he is first second Gentleman in the history of this nation He's found his voice around the issues That matter to him yeah he loves the Genocide in Palestine you have no choice But to speak up and speak out there is An epidemic of hate including a crisis Of anti-Semitism in our country and Around the world but yeah you know Hate's pretty bad you know what's kind Of worse though a genocide and murdering 20,000 kids like I mean what what what About that douggy fresh that's kind of a Bummer douge come on douge you you're Better we expect more from you douy Doggy they are doing on reproductive Freedom and freedom in general is just Outrageous exactly you know when that
Nanny got knocked up like he having that Freedom to to to murder that fetus and You know so I didn't have like a hunter Biden baby running around is a big deal And next he's going to make history Again as the first first gentleman boom Doggy wo I can't wait for everyone to Get to know why we all love him he's the Glue that keeps this family together Boom Doggy we might not look like other Families in the White House you don't Like I'm talking about this dude right Here but we are ready to represent all Family in America Boom douge Fresh Woo please welcome my dad the second Gentleman of the United States Doug mhof W do Doie Doie boom that's they're doing like he's Going to give son a hug boom there That's that song He's picked out this Song he's rocking it we went to give him High five look this kid just dusted I Must go back there comes out comes out Right on thing here comes doggy they're Playing the song They're waving the SES Douggy boom all right good hug good hug Good quality hug then he goes to give His son a high five now his son puts his Hand out and he goes well hey psych you Give him the fist get out of the way
Okay so I'm editing I have to add two Things I have some some more uh more Intel on the the Bride of douge Fresh's Son um but first douge fresh is feeling Himself right so let me show you these Two clips I'm going to add these things And then we go back to Doug's uh Speech But douge fresh is just like you know Living large and feeling Himself okay so this is another rally With douge fresh one of my viewers sent Me this and they play the same song the Same goofy song Here okay so let him watch him come out Here Look at him look at him dancing around Celebrating I mean he's just like all These people they get their 15 minutes Of fame you know I expect better of you Douge right douge e so let's add this I'll put this in I guess when he comes Out um so I had to look it up he married A woman named Greenley Little John cuz She's freaking apparently be plucked her Right out of the Robin Hood story Um and so it says here Kam haris stepson Cole mhof Marries uh she married a longtime Girlfriend Greenley Little John and There's no evidence that she's has any Sort of um religion here there's their Mer wedding picture here um and there They are together there uh she calls him Coco apparently he was named col train I
Assume after the museum I col train that Whatever that guy's name is and so um There they are together the happy couple And she's named Greenley Little John Religion unknown and so they decided Maybe they don't have really any Religious beliefs so they got married by The Devil Woman kamla Harris doggy Doggy dog eesh Come on doggy sing It doggy fresh look at these they know About doggy doggy doggy Doggy thank you thank You give it to me thank you do give it To him now Doggy I guess he didn't want me to give This speech he Just thank you thank you so much it's so It's so emotional watching that that Video Hello thank you Bo hello to my big beautiful blended Family up there boom look at them Point Them up to there they are right up there The boes you so much aren't you proud of Cole wow boom woo Cole there she is Right there the daughter a special shout Out to my mother I see you My mother is the there's her mother boom Look at him only person in the whole World who thinks KLA is the lucky one For marrying me wait I think that too Dogey what are you talking about Definitely you're the catch in that
Relationship douggy I've said it from The beginning you guys can go back in my Videos I've always said dougy fresh is The the the prize in that family look at This look at this prize right here look At her cool Outfit look at her she's crying Tola who well we just saw where she is She's out on the trail listening to and Talking with voters honey I can't wait For you to come back to Chicago cuz We're having a great time here Yeah I love you so Much I'm so proud of how you're stepping Up for all of us exactly she stepped up As soon as the the other guy you know Broke down mentally and got old and like We all knew he was but that's who she is That's who she is she's always stepping Up wherever she's needed where she's Always stepping it wherever she's needed To step in it Whatever She's needed Comma Rises to the occasion and she did It for me and our family and now that The country needs her she's showing you What we already know she's ready to Lead Woo woo she brings both Joy and Toughness to this task and she will be a Great President we will all be proud of Woo you're not you're nailing not it out Of the park doy you're just getting it Done now I'm the son of two Brooklynites Mike and
Barb they've been together look at Mike And Barb look at the daughter almost 70 Years boom yeah she look look she's got A heart she's doing the heart Thing boom there's the there's the the Nancy Pelosi looking lady business in Manhattan and he moved our family out to New Jersey where's New Jersey New Jersey In the house dogy fresh calling him out Dogy fresh like MC too and in a lot of Ways I had a typical Jersey Suburban Childhood yeah he did I biked around the Neighborhood I took the bus to Hebrew School there you did that's typical and I rode to Little League practice in the Way back of my coach's wood panel Station wagon he didn't get handsy did He douy cuz that would be Wrog and if we did well we got to have a Slurpee after Yes you you know when KLA dated that guy Who was like 60 and she was 29 she got to have a Slurpie doggy In my neighborhood everyone left their Garage door open wherever you ended up At dinner time that's the family that Fed you everyone took care of everyone Else we know about neighbor this is the Whole big thing and you know Donald Trump is against that kind of neighborly Like we're going to get back to the you Know it sounds like we we want to make America great again like it was back
Then and the guys I grew up with are Still my best Friends the group chat is is active Every day and it's probably blowing up Right now guys it's blowing Up when my dad had to get a new job we Moved across the country to La a money Was tight hey California hey California Woo douge fresh here Douge money was tight so I worked in McDonald's in high school for some extra Cash yeah we heard about that you were Like employee of the month or something Right not only was I employee of the Month but I still have the frame picture Which you just saw and and there was a Ring golden arches and all you you know McDonald's food is like [ __ ] poison Right doggy like you're you're not Winning me over here douggy like you Know I I had I had hope for high hopes For you bro but you know you're pitching Poison you're Pro genocide you're kind Of a doofus you got weird Kids and then I waited tables par cars I Was working full-time so I could afford To go to college Part-time and thanks to thanks to Partial scholarship student loans and a Little Help From My dad Little Help From My dad I got myself through law school Yeah there she is look at her look at Those two winners and I got my first job As a
Lawyer Wo which is also where I met the guys in My fantasy football league oh we knew You were in fanasy football worked at McDonald's you had left your garage your Garage doors open and a lot has changed In our lives since the early 90s uh but My team name is still Nirvana no way After the band Yes after the band oh Good I'm glad I asked that Question uh I worked hard and he worked Hard Doug worked hard at his his fantasy Football league and slurping and just Like k is like she's better at the Slurp In than he is love being a lawyer and by The way I still get to be part of the Profession by teaching St students at Georgetown law school stents you don't Uh you don't teach them the way you Taught the nanny do You I got married became a dad to colen Ella unfortunately went through a Divorce yeah cuz you banged The Nanny And impregnated her like that's like Don't leave that part out dog But I eventually started worrying about Douy fresh got busy how I would make it All work and that's when something Unexpected Happened you got syphilis in 2013 I Walked into a contentious client meeting We worked through the issue and by the End of the meeting the now happy client Offered to set me up on a blind date no
Way which is how I ended up with KLA Harris's phone Number no way boom like you didn't know She was like she was kind of famous in California and amongst lawyers like you Were a lawyer and she was like the District attorney right um you know so Like didn't you know you didn't know who She Was now for Generations people have debated when to Call the person you're being set up with And Ne but douge smooth like he douge Smooth know when to do that kind of Stuff never in history has anyone Suggested 8:30 A.m. Boom and Yet that's when I Dialed I got koo's voicemail and I just Started Rambling that doesn't sound like you at All Douge hey it's Doug I'm on my way to an early Meeting again it's Doug I remember I was trying to grab the Words out of the air and just put them Back in my mouth you know you can like Delete the voicemail you know I mean This is I don't know like 10 years ago Like you had the ability to not like Save the the voicemail and for what Seemed like far too many minutes I hung
Up by the way KLA saved that Voicemail and she makes me listen to it On every Anniversary Boom but that message after then she get Then she pulls out the Whip and The wasn't the only unusual thing about That day now KLA who normally would have Been working hard at her office just Happened to be waiting at her apartment For a contractor to do some work on her Kitchen I was eating at my desk which Was not a regular occurrence for a busy Lawyer like me who appreciated a good Business lunch yeah you know not paying Taxes on it but that's when she called Me back and we talked for an hour and we Laughed well you know that laugh I love That laugh yeah you're the only one in America like you have to be able to Tolerate that laugh right the rest of us Are like what what the [ __ ] is that Laugh right that cackle she has what's Your favorite curse word I can't say it It's starts with an m and it ends with Uh not e r what's your favorite curse Word boom em and effer she that's her Favorite one and there's that laugh Right that horrible laugh regular Occurrence for a busy lawyer like me who Appreciated a good business Lunch but that's when she called me back And we talked for an hour and we Laughed well you know that laugh I love
That Laugh Woo Woo yeah America's not going to love That laugh maybe that counted as our First date or maybe it was that Saturday Night when I picked her up and told her Buckle up I'm a really bad d Dri just you you sound like a real catch Druggy fantasy football League loving the laugh you can't hide Anything from KLA Harris so you might as Well own it exactly she's just she's a Sleuth and as I got to know her Better and just fell in love Fast I learned what drives Kamla and it's what you've seen over These past four years and especially These past four Weeks she finds joy in pursuing Justice Exactly joy in pursuing Justice joy joy In pursuing Justice well that's someone Like likes to torture people right like What are you talking about joy in Pursuing Justice like justice should be Something that like yeah you have to do It but like you're not psyched about it Right she stands up to bullies just like My parents taught me to He's a Bully Standing uper and she likes to see People do well but hates when they're Treated unfairly it's just she's just Like a saint like you know it's nothing Like the kamla we know she believes this
Work requires a basic curiosity and just How people are doing her empathy is her Strength it's her strength is her Empathy she's so empathetic when she was Locking up parents for having their kids Miss school right Breaking up families locking up black People for you know little uh Misdemeanor uh marijuana possession and Things like That over the past Decade you know you know how empathetic She is about Palestinian people and the You know 20,000 kids that have been Killed has connected me more deeply to My faith even though it's not the same As hers what is her faith she she comes To synagogue with me for high holiday Services okay where and where do you go To with her I go to church with her for Easter she goes wait she's Christian so Her mom was Brahman and she goes to Church how long's she been going to Church when did she become a Christian Easter like other than Easter How many times it come to go to Church enjoy her mom's chili Reno recipe Every Christmas and she makes a mean Brisket for Passover so her Indian mom Makes chili Rano for Christmas which Seems like an odd thing even if you're Mexican like that even a typical thing That Mexican people eat on on Christmas okay so the internet doesn't
Know what religion KLA Harris is you Know I looked it up and this is the Catholic National Catholic Reporter Commas K Harris multi-religious identity Is a map of the future she would be the First president candidate with a diverse Personal religious and spiritual history That is now far more representative America's multifaith Makeup and so um President Joe Biden Made history Sunday by withd drawing his Candacy for a second term the the Configured Democratic presidential Ticket he endorsed with vice president Kamla Harris Harris would be the first Black woman to be nominated by the Majority party for the president and the First South Asian she also has a diverse Personal religious and spiritual history That is now far more representative of America's M multifaith makeup raised Hindu by her mother shamala gopalan a Native of chenai India she was often Taken as a girl to the 23rd Avenue Church of God in Oakland California by Her neighbor Regina Shelton along with Harris's sister Maya as an adult Harris Joined a black Baptist Church Third Baptist Church of San Francisco led by Reverend Amos proud Meanwhile the man that Harris husband Was Los Angeles lawyer Doug mhf grew up In New Jersey attending to a reform Synagogue a reform
Synagogue and so um era's Faith Connections have frequently played Themselves out in her past four years in Office as the second couple inaugurated A tradition of lighting Hanukkah candles At the resident as well celebrating Dwali the Hindu festival lights dwali um In India I was there for like two or Three Dalies um as I often Said um you know there's people who like Fireworks off in July 2nd or 1st and I Say you know these people can't wait Till the fourth to blow their thumbs off Right well in Dali there were fireworks For about a week and Goofy fireworks Like it's supposed to be a festival of Light but it's not the cool fireworks You know there's loud fireworks there's Like m80s and things that explode right And then there's the you know Roman Candles you know the kind of thing if The the fireworks show you see from your City and some people get you know Smaller levels of those types of you Know fireworks right um you know the big Ones that explode with light in the sky So you know those are the the good ones And they all smell like you know Gunpowder I'm not a big fan right um but But in India like my kids and I were Walking home and this woman who probably Was 70 years old like she was old Whatever it was maybe older she had lit
A firework and then ran into her house Like 70y old woman and my kids and I Walked around the corner and there was a Lit firework like you know 15t away from Us and we could have walked right into It it was just you know we did walk into It but it didn't affect us it was loud It blew up right in front of us and it Had no you know she was just all these People were doing it and it went on like Till 4:00 in the morning and I'm like This isn't a holiday it's you know There's a real holiday there but it's Lost its meaning because everyone owns Fireworks there and everyone's blowing Them up and in India like there's cows Get their jaws blown off because if People are just lighting fireworks and Then a cow will walk up on it like People go run into the house and look Out the window to watch it go off and Cows that are just walking around the Streets there like things like that are Happening you know these dogs These Street dogs come over and sniff The thing cuz they see it whatever you Know or they walk in by it or you know People get H hurt all the time it's like A big problem but anyways you know like She's celebrating these things because Traditionally she grew up as a Hindu and You know I think she likes maybe the I Don't know maybe she likes the holiday Part of it I I don't know what her
Personality is you know all of these Things right but like she's claiming to Be a Baptist but it's you know basically Because she has to claim something but Like really it's not talked about this Is I had to go you know this is a an Article I I searched under like the news Related articles and this is like one of The only ones that talk about this Because it's a Catholic post right every Past US president has identified a Christian and that will not change if Harris is elected in November but if she Runs for president her religious Biography not will will not only H uh Will will will be not only history Making but will connect her to many Americans practice and cter Faith this Is the desert news in Utah which I Assume is from a um like a Mormon type Of perspective what kamla Harris has Said about her faith Harris grew up both With both Christian churches and Hindu Temples K Harris comes to 2024 campaign For president with much more exposure to World religion than typical American Politicians the vice president was Introduced both Hinduism and and Christianity as a child and has since Become part of a Jewish Family right Calling Harris a Baptist or a Christian Is accurate but it doesn't capture the Nuance of a religious background experts Say now her father was a Marxist
Communist Economist and an educated you Know uh doctorate you know guy with a uh PhD in economics and her mom was you Know also a Scientist and and you know around other Scientists who may or may not have Believed in religion right her mom Worked as a researcher a scientific Researcher right and so you know there's That element where they were around like I think her dad probably is an atheist Or you know wasn't religious and the Fact that she was a Baptist means that She's saying that her friend family Friend brought her to church and that She resonated with that she rejected her Mom's Hinduism and you know I don't find That to be true she probably went to Church a few times in her life right I Don't think she went every Sunday she Never talks about it so I don't think She was really religious at all as a kid I don't think she grew up thinking of Herself as a Christian only when she Became a politician she said well I'm a Baptist they were like you know she was Told she has to pick one of the Christian religions well I went to a Baptist Church when I was seven so let's Call I'll call myself a Baptist so this is a you know a some Some website called biography so again This is obscure media I've never heard Of before right how vice president KLA
Harris religion impacted her life Harris And husband Doug M off are an Interfaith Relationship haris sent an interview With Interfaith youth Corp that her Faith Journey started when she was young On Sundays my mother would dress my Sister Maya and me up on Sunday in our Sunday Best and send us off to the 23rd Avenue Church in of God in Oakland California where May and I sang in the Children's ch That's where I formed some of my Earliest memories of the Bible's Teaching is where I learned that faith Is a verb and that we must live it and Show it in action um so why would your Mom do that why would your mom who is a Hindu dress you up in your Sunday Best And send you to church like that makes No sense if your mom believed in Hinduism why would she send you off with A you know with a neighbor to go to Church in Oakland which was you know Probably I mean I don't know what the Traffic is like there but she lived in Berkeley and you know she wants to be an Oakland person like has a association With Oakland like Oakland is the the Tough City the you know the poor city The inner city Harris's mother was Hindu And her father was a Christian was she Was he though really she grew up Attending services at a black Baptist Church in a Hindu temple so she went to
Both things right but she's choosing Bapt she's choosing to be a Baptist like Her her mom is you know they talk about Her mom being great in these bios they Don't talk about her dad at all and yet She chose baptism being a a Baptist over Being a Hindu well yeah because Politically being a Hindu would kill her You can't be a Hindu and win the Election and she's neither right like She doesn't believe in any of these Things you know and Christianity Specifically says that it's the only way To to heaven and so does she believe That does she believe her mom didn't go To heaven does she believe her husband Isn't going to heaven right does she Believe that like she believe in John 3:16 you know so and these are obscure Places like this is you know whatever so Like the internet for the most part Doesn't know what her religion is right Like it's you know it's she's saying She's Baptist but I've never heard her Talk about God religion right and her You know douggy fresh did douggy fresh Talked about being Jewish And he's like I know more about his Religion than we know about klas like he Is you know and he talked about K Religion as well kala you know maybe They'll say something in one of these Bios but they didn't say it about her in Youth like when they did her youth bio
About her being a protector and they did Their you other bio they didn't talk About her going to church at all they Didn't talk about her faith at all she Didn't say faith was a big deal she said That her friend was molested by his Stepfather and that made her want to be A prosecutor and she talked about things Like that right she doesn't talk about You know the 10 years she was banging a Guy who was twice her age and he gave Her her political start in her career That you know without that interaction She wouldn't be where she is unless she Banged some other guy right so you know That's her you know her religion so let Me say this you know people probably Don't understand what I do even though Though I talk about all the time you Know I do the sjar Meditation and I am very familiar with The Hindu religion and have read the Maata and watched the Maata um famous Indian TV series from Years and years ago really low Tech kind Of hilarious but interesting right and I Grew up Catholic and went to prayer Meetings with my mom my mom and my Grandmother said Rosary you know the Rosary prayer for me and my siblings and I feel like that I I know that my mom's Religious uh being a religious woman Helps me later on life because you know I used drugs smoked a lot of pot did
Coke you know whatever when I was in my 20s drank you know drank alcohol Whatever it was wasn't thinking about God like I was really into God when I Was like in eth grade and I started Smoking pot when I was like 14 for Variety of reasons you know all that Whole thing but in the sjar tradition All spiritual movements are part of it There's a continuation these Souls these Disembodied Souls the disembodied soul Of Jesus inter communed with the second Master of the system Bob I had a kind of a prophetic or important Dream with Jesus in it right and so Jesus is a part of my belief system as Are all these religions you know all the Religions are all the the valid Spiritual movements you know you may I May may may or not have past lives and Some I know I have past lives in some of These I think I was around when Jesus Was around you know I was somebody you Know that I was somebody in the M barata You know some of these other things Right and so for me you know it's a part Of my all of it's a part of who I am Right and I think the Hindu religion is Superior to the the Christian religion In the aspect of they still are open for New spiritual people to be born they're Always looking for Saints to come in to Their religion right to be born which is You know there's a lot of fake gurus
Because of that but also you know they Embrac their Saints right where Christianity says no Jesus was the only One and they close it down which is bad It's a horrible thing to do like it's Probably the worst thing you could do as A religion is not acknowledge that There's going to be higher developed Souls that are going to come in and that You should connect with those people Regardless of whatever their religious Background is you know the whole John 3:16 really sucks and you know there's Things about the the Old Testament the Jewish part of the religion that's just Terrific in terms of their description Of God I've talked about this in many of My videos right so I am you know I like The Eclectic I think everybody should Know what people believe even if you're An atheist you should learn the Religions because you should know what Other people believe right it's Imperative and people's understanding of God and what they think God is is really Important and so I don't have a problem With commad growing up as a Christian And also as a Hindu you know Master Chargie the third Master of the system He went to a Christian School for a good Number of years and he read the Bible And he was you know St Paul in a Previous existence right he was you know In the past life he was St Paul and if
You see what he did when he became Master of the Sark system and what he Did as St Paul there's a continuation of His he played the exact same role in Both of the your spiritual movements Right so I'm like you know I'm not some Oh you got to be a Christian so this Isn't why I'm covering this but being a Christian is important to the majority Of people and if you're going to lie About or pretend you know Trump's a Pretender they're both Pretenders right So I don't have a problem with like you Know if somebody what the religious Beliefs is as politician because you Know like that's I mean I would hope That people believe in God but they're All going to lie about anyway right it's Not real like you know if they really Believed in God they wouldn't be in Politics because you're not going to fix The world through politic only Spirituality will save this world that's Why I save that because practicing Connecting to God can uplift to your Brothers and sisters becoming Saints and Higher developed Souls can uplift Humanity right politicians bring Humanity down they bring you down Becoming a politician youd go into the Sewer and you become a you know a rat You know like a you become something Slimy and so like you can't fix the World through politics you know maybe
It's something your ego has to do your Soul has to do but it's a lower thing These people are on a lower vibrational Level than anybody doing a spiritual you Know being a real spiritual person being A real spiritual person you're elevated To a higher level and so you know I this Is all like BS the whole religion thing Is just BS right but you know she's like So vague as a person like they're trying To Define her and you can see it Throughout this convention but each time They try to find her there's more Questions because they're leaving out Parts of her life and they're making Things up and it's not consistent with With what she said before they you know They're trying to to find her now in Front of everybody and that you know I Mean if if it wasn't going to if America Wasn't on the verge of collapsing anyway This would be really bad right but let's Get back to it here it it brings me Right back to my grandmother's apartment In Brooklyn you know the one with the Plastic covered Couches buta has you're such a typical Dude fought against anti-Semitism and All forms of hate her whole career inste For the Palestinian People she hasn't fought against the Hate that's and the death that's being Generated by the America supporting Israel in their genocide she's the one
Who encouraged me as second gentleman to Take up that fight which is so personal To Me and those of you who belong to Blended families know that they can be a Little Complicated but as soon as our kids Started calling her m I knew we'd be Okay Ella Ella calls us a three-headed Parenting Machine KLA and Kirsten thank you both Thank you Both for always whereing your family and The kids First now Cole and Ella's friends knew That when they'd come over for Sunday Dinner with mamala it was going to be Real talk it's going to be real talk and Between why you not showing Ella like Let's show Ella up there taking cooking Instructions they'd have to answer Questions about what problem they wanted To solve in the world they learned that You've always got to be prepared because KLA is going to prosecute the Case and in the same breath that Cole And Greenley told us that they were Engaged they asked kamla to officiate Their Wedding who and in the same way that she Always steps up when it matters comma Put so much time into those remarks and She bound them in a book that matched
Her dark red dress and then turned that Into a gift for the happy couple boom What what Incredible Gift from somebody With her means and resources a a book That she a homemade book that she wrote Wearing her red Dress woo a few days ago During this incredible time we're going Through there was a brief window when KLA was back at home and I saw her Sitting on her favorite chair and she Got a favorite chair which she it's we Call it the cackle chair in the middle Of a wild month I just hope that she was Having a a quiet moment to herself but Remember I said we need more douggy Fresh I have been proven right we need More I mean this is captivating content Here from douge and I realized she was On the phone and of course my me my mind Went to all the potential crises that The vice president could be dealing with Yeah like none right like the Border Crisis when she didn't go to the Border Doug E was it domestic was it foreign Was it campaign I could see she was Focused and all I knew was that it must Be something important and it turns out It was Ella had called Her that's comma there's Ella that's Kamla those kids are hard priorities and That scene was a perfect map of her Heart this is a map of her heart she's
Got this genuine heart she's always been There for our children and I know she'll Always be there for yours Too Bo look at El cry Ella she can't Hold back to your it's just p is a Joyful Warrior It's doing for her country what she has Always done for the people that she Loves her passion will benefit all of us When she's our president oh exactly and Her Empathy Woo and here's the thing about joyful Warriors they're still Warriors they're Still Warriors they just laugh when They're when they're doing the the Fatality at the end of Mortal Combat and Comma is as tough as it comes just ask The criminals the global gangsters and The witnesses before the Senate Judiciary Committee Global Gangsters she never runs from a fight She's a fighter and she knows the best Way to deal with a coward is to take him Head on because we all know cowards are Weak exactly KLA Harris can smell Weakness she doesn't tolerate any BS she Doesn't tolerate any BS that's why she She goes on all those interviews and Does all those interviews you've all Seen that look and you know that look I'm talking about that look is not just A meme it reflects her true belief in Honest and direct leadership and it's
Also why she will not be distracted by Nonsense KLA knows that in order to win We cannot lose focus can't lose focus She doesn't do interviews and everything Stage and all she does is talking you Know bumper stickers cuz she get can't Lose Focus America in this election you have To decide who to trust with your Family's future I trusted comma with our Family's future it was the best decision I ever made this Thursday will be our 10th wedding Anniversary Woo which I know I know it means I'm About to hear that embarrassing Voicemail again however that's not all I'll be hearing why not play that voice Spil for us that same night I'll be Hearing my wife KLA Harris accept your Nomination for president of the United States and with your help she will leave Look at this suit she's wearing right Like just the haircut and the suit right With joy and toughness with that laugh And that look with compassion and Conviction she'll lead from the belief That we're wherever we come from Whatever we look like we're strongest When we fight for what we believe in not Just against what we fear KLA Harris was Exactly the right person for me at an Important moment in my life and at this Moment in our nation's history she is
Exactly the right president thank you so Much boom look at dogey doggy douge Rocked it look at dou look at his outfit Okay they're doing the song here douggy Why they show they walk off dogey Take a Bow douge rocked it douggy look at look At Dougie turn around Dougie Douggie okay so she wore a weird suit Right um it's a weird suit you know Whatever this is right and she also one Of my viewers sent me this this is my Sister Ella mhof boom hello okay so we Know she has some back tattoos she got a Lot of weird tattoos here but what do You think about your dad these days you Know I think he's a very empowering Person and I think we're really going to See that with his spe okay so she's in Her I think 20s um you know whatever and They're trying to campaign like the Other guys are Weird now I'm not saying Trump and JD V Aren't weird but look at them like look At her uh be which I feel like I'm going To cry you did you did cry I just have a Little feeling is it as weird to you as It is to me turning the news on and Seeing his goofy face this goofy face Goofy goof on live television just your Disrespected douge I don't think that'll Ever be normal you know I think it's one Of those things that even like seeing Comma on TV I just it's like they're my Parents they're just Doug and comma boom
Oh Mr USA Mr USA coming Doug In the Flesh Doug In the Flesh go some Doug dad In the flesh Dad what are you all doing Dad how are You feeling about your speech today I Feeling great but I got to deliver you Got to deliver I mean you're kind of a Natural at it Yes I've worked really hard on this it's A lot of practice so the words are good I just need to to deliver them uh to do It justice for her for her so she's 5'9 They say he's I thought he was six feet I think she's really taller than that You're going to kill it I just want to Make sure that um it just it reflects How we all feel about her and what she's Doing for all of us yeah and that right Now she needs me to help her win this Election good boom you're going to do it Douie USA USA we all need her to do that I think you without a Vote but we're very proud of you douy Exactly dougy fresh he knows we love you Best dad in the whole world boom look at That happy Fam you love her dad dad this daddy old Daddy old dad dad boom what happens when She Loses okay so here is Michelle Obama okay they're playing the coming in Boom wait wait let's go back Here okay she comes out to Stevie Wonder Michelle Obama boom there Boom coming
Out look Boom look at the size of those freaking Ms there right Trump is jealous of those Hands Boom coming Out sh bomb is a big Woman rocking the long ponytail coming Out boom Here We Go There It Is Right wow so boom give Applause Stevie wond sing in the Background There She Goes look at They're all happy look Michelle Obama's Here thank you Guys Woo Woo so you know there was all this Rumors that Michelle Obama was going to Somehow be snuck in there people said Hillary Clinton and I said like that's Just right-wing freaking paranoia you Know you rightwing people the trumpers And you know you guys always bring out The same old players like they got plent Of people who suck right like the thing About Donald Trump that you could say is You can't create another one of him Right Donald Trump is unique and just Like the you know good politicians the Ones that are or the ones that have like Rockstar Appeal because there's very few of them That actually have that but there's Plenty of suck asses and you know people That suck and they have an endless
Supply of sucky people to choose from Okay we got a big night ahead thank Thank you all so much thank you so Much that video my wife told me about Tucker Carlson uh interviewing two People who are you know in the I mean They're one was like a a doctor the Other I don't know there were people in The medical community that were Whistleblowing on big Pharma they talked About how Michelle Obama is pushing a Fruit drink which she has a contract With right um you know let's see if There's probably a commercial for it Michelle Obama's pelsey nutrition Launches frizzy drink aimed at tween and Twinks and teens or just Twins and teens Here's the py Fizz right here and They're saying it has 70% less Sugar than the leading soft GRS 28 gram Per 8.4 ounces and so that's still a lot Of sugar right and sugar is not good for You but she's kind of the nutrition you Know she was the the one who had the Organic garden right we're dramatically Lowering sugar content I'm talking no Added sugar Zero say h no but there's 70% less sugar Look it's got that weird crazy eyes we Have anybody who's app parent knows That's hard to find we have cut 3/4 of The sugar that you'll find in 100% juice Second we we're not okay so that's not You know I mean that's that's still a
Lot of sugar right not just cutting all That sugar we're also lowering the Sweetness entirely so why is that Important well so you know it's still I Mean you could have like healthy fruit Juice right organic fruit juice or Whatever it might be and you know she's They have these fizzy drinks basically Soda they're reducing sugar but it's not Enough to make a difference right and She's making money off and people trust Her as like it's going to be health Healthy but it's not Right we love you Michelle okay let's see what else there Is Here okay um so Uh so this happened um some years ago to Obama comes from his right-hand man Vice President Joe Biden he took to Twitter With a photo of a custom friendship Bracelet featuring their first names and Wrote happy 55th Barack a There's a little piece of pie here or Something and you know smiley face emoji He made him a friendship bracelet Brother to me a best friend forever the Romance doesn't get much sweeter than That okay so apparently they never Really liked each other right so I'm Skipping the Michelle Obama part um look At them Right what's going on here bro like it's Just um and so he talks a little about
Joe Joe magu here other other than some Common Irish Blood Joe and I come from different Backgrounds but we became Brothers yeah Are brothers and then when you when you Uh caned him in the back right Abel and Kane and he you know you didn't support Him when he's running when he could have Run against Hillary Clinton and you Pushed him out of office well when he Was seen out which you know kind of Needed to happen But and as we worked together for Eight sometimes pretty tough Years what I came to admire most about Joe wasn't just his smarts his Experience his Decency it was his Empathy and his decency yeah he's they Always talking about his decency he Pretty decent that guy and his hard Earned resilience his shakable belief That everyone in this country deserves a Fair shot yeah that's what he believes Especially his son Hunter like Sunter Deserves a fair shot to be an artist and Make a million and a half dollars just On his first artwork that he ever tried Just you know he just I mean he deserves A Fier Shake right to smoke crack and Get paid for it right he deserves It and over the last four years those Are the Values America has needed most you know
Cuz Trump okay so then he went in and I Forgot about all these weird poses and You know expressions and Um he definitely has you know I think There so many imitators and people Trying to use his Cadence that it's Played out right his his stick is but he Here he goes after Trump in a really you Know lame way Are asking a very simple Question who will fight for Me who's thinking about my future about My children's future about our future Together one thing is for Certain Donald Trump is not losing sleep Over that Question you know it's silly because KLA Harris is a self-serving person like all These politicians your your wife is Selling uh you know fruit drinks with 70% you know 20 30% less sugar than Other fruit drinks and calling them Healthy right and so you know making a Profit on it which you guys all do you Guys are all big ego people and you're All about yourselves none of you guys Are like for the people like it's just Silly like playing the same old game you Know Donald Trump like he's saying he Fights for you and K Harrison she's Going to fight for you who are they Fighting against right the opposition Party the the banks the big Pharma the You know the corporations you know
They're all self-serving and selfish Right and who do you think they're going To choose corporations or people you Know the who are they going to choose Billion dollar corporations I mean why Didn't they go after fiser why they why Did Trump do operation warp speed and Why did KLA Harris push it right after It came out like why didn't they go After it why weren't they suspicious of It you know all the bad things big farma Does you know what do you got to offer Him your vote you're going to turn on Them as soon as they do something you Don't like right and so they're going to Go with the billionaires and the people Have power because they don't care about You they're selfish narcissistic people Self-interested they're big Egos and you You don't have any like Leverage or Anything that you could offer them Here's a 78-year-old Billionaire who has not point out his Age now that Biden is gone stopped Whining about his problems since he Wrode down his golden escalator n years Ago yeah I don't think it's golden Um you guys are obsessed with him right The Democratic party and the you know Mainstream Democratic leaning media are Obsessed with Trump like all you guys do Is why complained about Trump like You're going to go down that road right Yeah Trump is a victim constantly
Talking about how he's being victimized And poor me and you know this is the wor Why do they treat me so badly yeah he Does do that he does whine that's true That's what you just said is true you Guys whine about Trump way more because It's a collective bunch of people Whining about Trump or whining about What's going to happen in the future or Whining about the trumpers Right it has been a constant stream of Of gripes and Grievances that that's actually been Getting worse now that he's afraid of Losing to K this is Silly it's not getting worse like the Last couple of years was really bad like Now he's waiting for president again It's he still does it I've talked about It right it's bad for him and it's you Know it just needs to go no one wants to Listen to that [ __ ] but you guys what Are you guys going to do without him Right you have nothing without Trump There's the childish nickname The crazy conspiracy theories yeah you Know that's where you're like come on Okay I'm editting I'm breaking in here So this is Thursday last night Wednesday Night I think it's wall says the exact Same thing his talks about his Complaints and then also his conspiracy Theories somebody did anyway last night
Hopefully I'll find that if it's wals I Definitely will uh but let's let's wrap This thing up here you know like there's Conspiracies out there not that Trump's Conspiracies are you know they're just Trump's ones that serve him and he's not A truther but we we all know like you Were the hardest on whistleblowers the Wars the the and you know the the um Just the evil sh across the board The Way co was all of it Right this weird obsession with crowd Sizes okay so the hand gesture he did There the hand gesture he did did there Right Um I it just goes on and on and All all right so that's you know Bram Barack Obama is like way worse than he Used to be his you know whatever he did That was good at public speaking he just Played himself out and you know the Whole stuff the Biden debacle and the Stuff with Trump and you know everybody Copying him like Josh Shapiro and K Harris using his Cadence like his whole Thing is his stick is is played out Right okay so let's wrap this one up Here they have a very weird obsession With Trump's junk right with his with His Johnson like remember Jimmy Kimmel Had Stormy Daniels he he showed her a Tray full of orange mushrooms and had Her pick it out and they've talked about It quite often and they're using this
Reference like crowd siiz is you know His um because he has a small you know Because he has a small Anthony Weer like they you know they talk about This stuff like that but you know They're obsessed with them and you say Like he's weird like why are you Obsessed with his junk so much right Like why are you thinking about that Like he's an old man weird stuff and so Big stuff I mean I'm trying to get all This content out I haven't even started On the the video from last last night on Wednesday and then tonight's the big Night with kamla so I'm going to try to Crank all this stuff out this is um you Know Oprah was there last night Bill Clinton bunch of Epic stuff here I think Bill Clinton's the one who said Conspiracy theory and yeah I'm pretty Sure he is he he said the same thing Obama did and so these you know they Have these these um Non-organic talking points that they Stick in you know these words and stuff And when they do all that stuff it means That they don't have anything legitimate Like they can't honest and true and pure And you know you know the rest of it not That Trump is good because they did the Same [ __ ] with his you know fake Shooting and all the T Hogan I mean These people just suck politics is a Joke it's just for really remedial
People and we you keep on I'll say this In the next video only spirituality will Save this world it's parano definitely Poting for the Apocalypse in the Ascension andone have a blessed day and Be grateful