Britney j Spears pulls off the impossible Double Salute Dance Move

Britney j Spears pulls off the impossible Double Salute Dance Move

Slow and then boom put to your eyes spin Around wave your hands back and forth Back and forth back and up forth going Back around Big Bounce fingers up up Swing my arms swing my arms through my Arms swing my arms touch your face let Your face walk back slowly there you go Walk back Skip to My Lou yeah salute who Used to loot you do another salute there We go salute double salute bam that Smile laugh here taking a break yeah I'm Being silly spin around spin around spin Around spin around spin around spin Around it's been around it's been around It's been around grab my my top and we Are squeezing someone's bosoms So I just want to point out Brittany J Spears has pulled off the depth of Defying trick of the double salute she Did it no one thought she could do it But she did it she nailed it she's back She's not crazy like people say she's You know I mean she's just an artist

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