Okay greetings brothers and sisters so I Started making a video I was completely Oblivious that the DNC was this week so I started making a video yesterday Monday today's Tuesday August 20th and I Realized you know I had a video that I Was supposed to put out today and I put It out last night because I needed to Get this one out because it's kind of Epic right there's an angry man and he Lost his Job at the DNC and his name is JoJo magu So I already made an hour video Yesterday today and then today I did the Last three hours to get this thing I Rushed it out I spent the whole day Working Assiduously to get this out today and Hopefully this will be up tonight and Then I'm going to wait three days and Cover the next two days and then I'll Wait another day or two to cover the Last day and so um you know I'll have More time now but I have a lot of Content here so there's going to be some Space um like I said three days from now Probably be my next video on like Thursday or Friday or something just so Like people can catch up with the Content and I'll I'll cover the next Couple days of the convention and so Here's the first part there's an hour The the like introduction stuff which is Kind of good and then the the stuff with
The DNC is like phenomenally bad like It's hilariously Bad okay greetings brothers and sisters I'm a day ahead of time here um two days Today is Monday August 19th I'm going to Release the video video that I just Posted yesterday on Tuesday so this Video probably won't be up till Thursday so um I'm like way ahead of Schedule I'm hopefully going to get a Video out on my other Channel with the Apocalypse Now I got one out um last Week and then you know whatever um it's Just um uh I'm putting out too much Content I have a few videos up on my Gratefulness meditation and um the uh Backup Channel all are linked in the Description Box about um you know the a Gathering I attended in 1993 I there's Some video clip of me there younger Version which I didn't I didn't know Existed um but anyways um so that's all Uh there of course um you know to do With the the algorithm stuff um you know I'm still getting comments from people Saying they're rediscovering my channel So YouTube is slowly notifying all my Subscribers you know occasionally still But and people are realizing I'm still Making content because of the Shadow Banning that YouTube has engaged in with Not just me but other channels so Comment like videos there's merch There's a membership program there's you
Know subscribing resubscribing if you've Been unsubscribed hit the notification Button and I think the biggest thing is To like videos and comment if you want YouTube to keep keep on uh seeing that You you're still interested in this Channel if you don't do anything they Won't and even just leaving an emoji Like it's I mean I just you know it's Not about the comments about you know Notifying YouTube that you're engaged With the content you know I had a kind Of some just um truth or realizations About you know living as a truther and Just all these things and what does it Mean and what is it good for you how is It helpful And um I want to start off with you know I had this kind of um realization about Our kids right because I was talking About this with the sjar meditation that There was these kids that grew up American kids and going to these Gatherings and I saw these kids grow up Like I would see them like every year When you know the master of the system Would come to America and there would You know they' put on plays it would be This Gathering or do you know some would Do performances right some would do like Indian dance or something like that at The end of the Gathering and these kids All look like neat spiritual kids you Know these Indigo kids or crystal
Children that they talk about in The New Age Community there're supposed to be This group of higher developed Souls That have incarnated down and you know Given the state of the this generation I'm like where are those freaking Indigo Kids like you know And you know my own kids and it was Always the thought that these kids would All do the system right do the Meditation and almost none of them have Some of them started but none of them Were into it and so this generation who Grew up with it and I never talked to Them like I don't know you know I my own Kids uh there was you know our family Was such a mess so there was things that Do with that right but um you know all The these other kids you know I never Really talked to them but I know why They didn't do it uh in part it's just The way American kids are right and so I Was talking about this with my wife in Terms of being truthers you know Remember when the big event happened in January and all these kids from these Cubies and these you know right-wing Trump trumpers were turning their Parents in remember they were seeing Their parents engaged in you know Activities on that big day in January And they were turning their parents in And years ago I realized this I read an Article and so when I grew up and you
Know I went to high school in 1982 and where I grew up you had to wear Levi's jeans like it was this thing and You would be made made fun of if you Didn't wear Levi's jeans you know I've Never had a business mind but I always Knew that Levi's jeans was doing really Great and then like 20 years later or so I read an article maybe you know like in The 2000s that Levi's jeans was going Bankrupt and I was like how can that be Right like how is that even Possible and you know I looked at the Article and it said that the kids who Were you know the kids who were growing Up looked at Levi's jeans being their Parents jeans you know they didn't want To wear the clothes their parents wore Right and you know it talked about the Article talked about you know this Phenomenon where there the kids often Reject things that their parents do Whatever it is and you know and I've Seen that since then I've seen you know Evidence of that everywhere that American kids often have the opposite Opinions of their parents right like They grow up believing the opposite Things or doing the opposite things that Their parents do like there's just this Rejection of whatever is going on Culturally and I saw it in the in the Sjar meditation you'd have Indian People coming and getting jobs in
America and they grew up you know they Retain their Indian culture like they Had Indian you know Decor in their homes And they you know they eat Indian food And wore Indian clothes and their kids Like hated India like I saw this over And over again they want nothing to do With the meditation but also like going To India or the Indian culture like they Were just wanted to be American and it's Such a you know the difference between The two cultures you I've talked about This is with kamla Harris right the Difference between the two cultures American and Indian culture are almost Oppositional in lots of different ways And so you see this with like immigrants Right like the kids can't wait to throw Off their culture and become American I Mean it's happened you know generation After generation after you know two Generations you're an American and you Like barely know anything about your Culture you know the culture of your uh Your immigrant parents or grandparents And you're values and your morality and Things like this and so it's been more And more prevalent because the system Has been breaking people away from their Parents even more since the internet Like parents have such little influence On their kids and you guys can speak to This you know you guys who have kids who Are especially if you have older kids
Can speak to how your kids think about Truth or stuff because for me you know My parents you my dad was a guidance Counselor and you know my mom was fairly Religious but they were really Incompetent like my one complaint would Be how incompetent they were and really Incompetent with me because I had a Brother who was 17 years older than me And three sisters and the one that was Closest to my age was 10 years older Than me and so there's this huge gap There's a couple of miscarriages you Know my parents were Catholics so they Had five kids and and two Miscarriages and by the time I was Growing up You know like my Boomer hippie um well My sister was a boomer hippie the oldest Sister and my brother was a Vietnam vet And you know there was enough push back From my siblings telling my parents how Bad they sucked right so they were older And as you get older you just don't have As much fire you know your younger kids Just don't get the same level of um Intensity as you go in you you the Firstborn kids you you're you're much More of a parent to them or you're much More engaged and as the you know as Gener as the kids uh as you get to the Younger kids you know you're all you're Pretty much tapping out right as a Parent like it's just there's less of
Whatever and so the the firstborns you Know the F the first kids get the you Know a big dose of parenting and then You know by the end especially when There was a gap like my parents had lost All confidence in their parents Parental skills because of the you know The conversations they were having with Like basically adult children and I was You know 10 or 11 years old or whatever And so I was just like no interaction With my parents like I don't remember Having a conversation with my parents About life or Anything um from the time I was like 11 Till I was in my 20s right when you know I was out of the house but you know There was a few things that stood out Like my dad had gotten all kinds of kids He worked in like the inner city in Harford Connecticut we lived in a suburb First West Harford them Simsbury and he Wrote a letter of recommendation for my Best friend and I had no idea how to Apply for a college like I was totally Clueless I never had one conversation With my parents about applying for Schools or anything like that like we Didn't have I mean my dad did this Professionally you know like I remember I you know I dated a girl who Whose dad was stepdad was a mechanic and They had they didn't ever have a car That worked right like they were
Constantly having broken down cars he Had like three or four broken down cars That he was you know going to work on Eventually but they just you know their Cars were always uh in bad shape and he Had you know one of their kids um was Like joy riding he wasn't drunk or Anything but he was joy riding with some Friends and the tires on the car were Kind of bald and he slid out and hit a Tree and killed one of his friends and The mother of the friends went you know Ballistic and after the kid she was Harassing the district attorney of this Like small town and the kid got charged With um uh Fel you know basically he was Put in he was like 15 years old and put In adult jail for like three years like Adult prison right and so you know my Parents and I had no conversations about Life like I just I didn't know anything About what I was supposed to do and you Know what I was supposed to do I Graduated high school or any kind of Preparation you know and there was Another thing where I I started smoking Pot when I was 14 I got a um like I fell Off a zipline and got a head injury so I Just you know which apparently when Things like that happen you're Susceptible for recreational drug use And I had a bean bag in my room and I Hit a bong in it and my mom found it Somehow they figured out I was smoking
Pot cuz I was hanging out with you know Potheads or whatever and my mom took the Bong And you know so I got another one and Like um a couple like a month later I Kicked the bean bag and the bong was Back in there right my mom put the bong Back in the bean bag and my mom was a Worrier like and I don't know what Probably went through her head you know During that period of time but they Decided to give the bong back without Ever talking to me about smoking pot Right and one time I was smoking pot I Was watching I wanted to watch this Movie called Altered States which you Know I thought would be interesting to Watch when I was Stoned and um I made a like a a bong out Of some like you know shampoo bottle and My dad came down and I there was a bean Bag down there and I think the bean bag Must have been moved I don't know what When you the time frame of this thing Was but it was later on and I pushed the Bean bag Over towards the um You know the to cover you know like I Had a fire going there was a fireplace And the bean bag was against the Fireplace you know covering up where the Bong was like I threw it over there to Hide it like real quick my dad found it And he said what's this for and I said
For spit balls and he said what and I Said you know do to make spit balls and He goes what's the water for I said Compression right but like there was Just smoke in the air like it was Obviously a smoking pot like I would Blow the smoke into the fire you know That helped but you know was like it's Like 2:00 in the morning and my dad just Sat there and watched the movie with me Like there was this split level like it Was basement type of place where I'd be Watching TV my parents would watch TV Upstairs right but there was never any Conversation about like we never talked About this thing I was just sitting There giving him the Finger Like uh you know cuz like just like Their incompetence like I I was stoned And I was really it's incompetence that He was like like there should have been Like a conversation my parents were like You know they we didn't have any we Didn't talk about anything right and you Know so when I was had kids I wanted to Be able to prepare them for life because I just wasn't like I had no preparation On any level you know part of it cuz I Was didn't respect my parents and Whatever and they were you know Incompetent so they really couldn't you Know prepare me and so I would talk to My kids about about things you know
Whatever it was right and certainly About the doing the great the Saar Meditation but also about truth or stuff Right you know my ex did as well and now My kids are rebelling against that stuff Right like they're complaints about me And the the family would be about those Things right and so they were all um Very you know were interested because They didn't get the the Boop they didn't Get the bo they didn't had any kind of Um you know vaccinations when they were Growing up and for the most part they Had no major health issues there was no They didn't get any of the Diseases that you know you would get Vaccinated for right they didn't get any Of them but when Co came around they They wanted to get them the two younger Kids who live with me were you know my And my my you know my wife now was Talking to them about it quite a bit and They were bummed out and just didn't Want to hear about it anymore right and So they you know but there was no reason For them to get it because they were Exposed to it because me and my wife got Covid in March of 2020 and we got a bad dose of it and Neither of my kids got it and they were In the house and you know when I had it And didn't know I had it I was cooking Food and you know they were exposed to It right I mean the whole thing they
Were you know they were there's no way They wouldn't have been exposed to it so They they got it and their immune Systems fought it off and yet based in Their research they wanted to um get the Get the you know get the vac and my wife And I got Co three times and it each Time it was not as bad as the first time And the last time we got it my son got a Little bit he got sick for one day but You know they still thought they should Get the you know what so um like they Didn't but they you know and you know I Realized that I mean my son now actually We've had some conversations and I he Asked me about things he asked me about Politics and you know things from you Know my perspective so there is a little Bit of a truth or stuff in there you Know for a while he was like a Trumper Like you know he was his friends and People were you know Pro the Trump stuff You know like a anti-liberal woke stuff And you know they I mean they have some Truth or stuff in them but it's limited And you know and there's almost because Most of it is probably just because of Rebellion and not being like your Parents which kind of sucks like you Grow up in America not wanting to be Like your parents but these group of Kids are very anti-conspiracy theorists Right I mean these you know younger kids They are you know rebellious against
This stuff and it's weird because they Don't watch mainstream news they don't Get their news from CNN but they you Know talk about fake news and you know They they're you know more into science Obviously you know Anti-religion but like in that way the Truth Community is a failure because if Your younger generation is rebelling Against the truth movement then like the Whole thing's a waste of time right like If you can't bring young people into it I mean the whole the whole thing any Kind of movement is based in you know a New generation taking the torch and if The new generation is like anti- Truther then you know what can you say Like they're you know they can't wait to Go to the agenda 31 housing they can't Wait to submit to the you know Governmental stuff and the you know the Social stuff and the all of it and they Can't wait to rat out their parents to The authorities I mean it's just a Lost Generation right I mean they have the Kids and so like all this stuff that We're doing they have the kids like it Doesn't matter because you know when the Kids grow up they'll be anti-truth or Maybe they switch you know maybe there's Some Awakening like you know maybe Events unfold who knows like here you Know they have at least some you know They have the knowledge there like they
Know they know they kind of understand Some of the truth or theories to some Extent but if they don't you know if This is goes the way it is going now the Truth movement is a waste because young People are you know running away from it Like not all of them but the majority of Them are buying into the official story And mostly because they're rebelling Against their truther parents and again I guess some sheep will parents the kids Will become truther so there's that Right so it's almost like you're Becoming a truther to save the sheeple Parents kids right like it's some kind Of Inver tendo thing where you know your Own kids will rebel against your truth Or beliefs but the sheeples the sheeple Kids who you know the sheeple parents Who you dislike so much their kids will You know maybe become uh truthers Because their parents are such sheeple There's two other things about being a Truther right I talk about this quite Often where you know that we disagree Agree with the official Story about what is a you know an Authority who's an authority because you Know when we're when we're uh criticized Or insulted by mainstream media and Politicians and you know news pundits Their main weapon if you talk to your Relatives right your main weapon their Main weapon is the official story that
The authority says we're conspiracy Theorists the cons The Authority says We're crazy The Authority says that We're completely wrong but the authority Has proven Liars right the authority has Proven over and over again they lie About everything right and 60% or more Of Americans believe at least partially That the authority is you know Untrustworthy they don't believe in the Official story in all cases or they Question the official story they don't They're never 100% you know agreement I Mean people don't trust the Congress They don't trust president they don't Trust the media and yet when you tell Them something that freaks them out they Immediately revert to the official story As their you know reason like your Sheeple friends and relatives right they Immediately go back to the official Story the news says this and the Politicians say that and scientists say This right and so you know there's that Element of it right where people uh when Their beliefs are questioned they often Run back to an authority when they feel Rattled they feel upset but the problem With the truth Community is when you Don't believe in the official story of The Authority then who is a legitimate Authority and you know when somebody Agrees with you about the problem you Immediately assume they have the
Solution when you're listen to a trump Or a Tucker Carlson or someone like that You know my wife sent me this you know It's a really well done interview with Tucker Carlson let me see if I can find It Here um it's uh I don't here it is It's called Uh cie and Casey means how Big Pharma keeps you sick and so my wife Wanted me to you know capture it she Thought it might be taken down I'm like Well it's official you know it's talk Tuger Carlson's whatever thing he's got To go in there and I heard little bits Of it right and you know it's things That I know like I don't think there There' be too much in there that I Wouldn't already kind of know right but Not know like these people who are are Experts in this situation right like I Knew Joe Biden had dementia in 2019 but I didn't know he had Parkinson's you know until I saw that Guy who was an expert in you know Parkinson's talk about and described Symptoms because he you know he and Other people who do that kind of work They can recognize the specific Diagnosis right and so you know there is Some um value in listening to experts Describe it as opposed to you know like I'm an expert in understanding the whole Illusionary system right but I'm not Going to be you know able to be spec a
Specific expert in all these different Things in fields you can't be I didn't Work you have to work in them you have To you know live them and breathe them Right and you know it was a well done You know the parts that I listen to were Well done and they describe things that Of course I had no I would have no Access to that knowledge but I don't Really need it like I don't you know to Make my own decision I don't really need It right and so to me it's I mean I I'll Listen to things and you know just for Entertainment purposes but it really Doesn't you know benefit me because I Have enough knowledge to make decisions About all these things right but the Issues were before the interview Tucker Carlson talks about embedding himself With Trump right and he talks about the Catchup gate you know and bandage gate That they have exclusive footage of that Day and you know he would have to be in On it then right like his team of Filmers you know would have to know that You know this was stage right and so Like he's he's talking truth about big Pharma like there's no question that the Interview has a lot of Truth in it you Know what I saw my wife said the whole Thing was excellent she listened to the Whole thing but you know he's not Willing to call [ __ ] on Trump right And it's because there's this idea if
One side is caught lying then the other Side must be the truther right if They're the Liars then then Trump must Be the truther if if KLA and Joe Biden And the Democrats are liars then the Republicans and Trump must be the Truthers and that's not true right like That's you're still caught up in that Binary system and so Tucker Carlson can Deliver you know truthful interview That's has value like it he has quality Guests on I mean Alex Jones used to have This as well you know they have quality You know narratives about some of the Things and yet they lie to you about Other things right you know they're and Whatever their you know their handlers Are they're controlled or whatever Extent but the fact that he wouldn't you He was there at the convention and he Wouldn't call [ __ ] on the you know On the Trum on the Trump uh ketchup gate Which is clearly faked and staged and And certainly we you know for facts Exaggerated because he had a cut that Had no that needed no stitches and Clearly wasn't bleeding when he was Walking off the stage and he put that Big giant maxi pad on it and he's been You know milking this thing ever since Right which was you know any truth to The thing it would only be a boo boo Like we know it's not that but we can we Know for a fact CU Trump's doctors and
Le seeing Trump's air now that he never Really needed a bandage like he never Needed any kind of a bandage cuz he Didn't have any kind of stitches the you Know the wound was you know maybe the First night so you know I mean it's hard To bandage an ear right like it's hard To put a any kind of like it's not like You can put a Band-Aid especially you Know the way the ear is shaped and so You know maybe so it wouldn't bleed at His pillow or something but it wasn't Like you know was a small wound if I Mean again their official story they're Saying it's a very small wound that Didn't need stitches so you know him you Know pumping his fist in the air in that Big moment was a was an exagger you all Of it didn't have any kind of Merit Right so we can't prove There Was You Know the part about the you know we can Look at the evidence and say yeah we Don't you know we don't believe it Happened at all you know that's some Deduction and some speculation and how You know WWE all the evidence I Presented about it being like a fake Event right but that's not you know Factual but factually we know that the Cut was next to nothing like whatever Happened to his ear if there was Anything it had no damage and he didn't Need to you know brag about it like he Does and he's been lying about blood on
His hands and blood all over the place Because there's only the only blood that Was on was on his ear and his face and That was it and so Tucker Carlson is Going along with that because Tucker Carlson is also a shill right and so Some of the things that Tucker Carlson Does have value some of the things that Joe Rogan does have value they have Actual truth in there right some of the Things that Kennedy said had value some Of the things that Kennedy said about The you know all the stuff that he Talked about right the environment and The you know the bloop and all that Stuff right he you know those things Were true and yet he's horrible on Israel like because they're all you know Owned to whatever extent and so just Because they're right about the problem Doesn't mean they have the solution or They're actually truthers it means that They're able to describe a problem that You agree with and therefore you trust Them and you shouldn't because somebody Describing the problem even any truther That you listen to doesn't mean that They're on the side of Truth or they're On the side of or they have a solution Like there's no solution to the economy But both Trump and uh KLA Harris have Unveiled economic plans plans that They're probably not going to implement Because you know there's already an
Existing economic plan that transcends Individual presidencies right just like There's already a foreign policy in Place and there's you know little ways a President can tweak it but there are Lots of things in place that they're not Going to let a president come in and me Mess up right I that was one of the Problems with Trump because he was Willing to go in there and mess up some Of these long-standing you know uh Foreign policy uh plans and things that Were going on like a presidency is only Four years and they have plans that have Been going on for you know 50 60 years Right Like long game plans and they you know They find a way to keep the things going With each President right that's where The handlers come in so the econ the Economy is part of that so you know the Economy is insolvent and can't be fixed And they're not going to have someone Come along and you know bring in a whole New radical plan to change the economy Because it you know that would just Expose its the the heavy debt-based Nature of the economy right so both of Them come up with Solutions but they Don't really have Solutions they're just Lying right it's just who gets blamed For the economy Trump got blamed for the Economy in 2020 and comma in 2024 the other part of the Tucker
Carlson uh interview is you know they're Basically talking about how they're Making people unhealthy and fat and weak And you know all the people in America In ways that they're not doing in other Countries that the the medical system is There to make you sick and it's for Profit and these doctors come out with Exorbitant student loans $500,000 in Debt and and they hook up with big Pharma and they they have a system where The more they prescribe the more Kickbacks they get from Big Pharma and So you know they have those you know big Farma brings these doctors to these Conferences and things like this and let And pay them exorbitant fees for Lecturing and so if they're pushing Their you know they side effect ridden Medications that also make you sick and You know some of the other things that Um you know the the system is actually Hurting people physically and mentally And all these things right which we know We all know that and so the one part They're missing is and pretty much every Truther is missing is there's no way to Solve this problem of our system and so They have to take down America and Americans they have to make Americans Weak they have to make their kids Pathetically addicted to the internet And you know unable to uh you know have 60% of these kids are depressed and you
Know all these things right they have to Make the next generation of you the Young people the future generation of 20y olds and 30 year olds completely uh Docile and dependent on the system and Weak and uncapable of having critical Thinking skills and having no like Morals and religious you know training And you know any idea of God and any of These things like being being just Completely passive pacified and willing To accept the deal that they're going to Get because the deal they're going to Get is not as good as the deal that we Got right as a adults and there was you Know promise for our future even though The debt was already out of hand then That there was going to be an e economic Boom the internet was going to be a big Thing and you know just all the rest of It but they can't give you your Lifestyle they can't give the promised Lifestyle to you you're not going to get The retirement your parents got you know We're not getting the retirement our Parents got the the elderly people are Being you know uh killed off as quickly As possible so that they can't be a Burden on the system you know Social Security is going to disappear you know All of it right so you know they they Were nigging on their promises we all Grew up with promises and that's what's Happening and so the Health Care system
Is a part of that right and there's no Way to fix it there's no way to there's No way they can they can provide for you You and especially these young people The lifestyle that we're accustomed to And so they're going to lose their Privileges like and they've been talking About taking your privileges right this Whole idea of white privilege that's so That they can take your privilege right It's not that they're going to give the Privilege to people of color it's that All privileges are going to be taken Away and you're going to be living a Much more reduced version a completely Different version of what you consider Material life which they've described as You'll you'll own nothing and you'll Like it right and so that's happening And more than likely the whole system's Going to come down anyway I mean that's What they're trying to do to like a stop Gap they're trying to do that to you Know the changes they trying to Implement is just to keep the thing Going and retain their level of power And their lifestyle which of course That's what they would do because the Leaders are like the most selfish you Know amongst you know a Humanity that's Really selfish and egotistical and Narcissistic and all of it like they're The worst and they're you know they're Taking care of themselves which you know
Is part of the course right it's for Everybody that's the kind of leaders we Deserve because that's the kind of People we are everyone's taking care of Themselves nobody's serving God nobody's Serving you know their brothers and Sisters everyone's in it for themselves Everyone's bankrupt and they're you know Just takers right a society of uh you Know of consumers that people just Consume you know material goods and Services without you know being able to Give anything back everyone making the World a worst place right and so the System's going to Collapse under that weight of immorality And selfishness and you know deprivation And econom IC debt and things like this It's inevitable and the problem with Tucker Carlson and you know then and Real truthers or people who want to be You know are at least sincere is that They're all pretending that there's a Solution they're all finding a way to to Uh imagine that there's a solution Whether the solution is Trump or whether The solution is you know whatever it Might be for them it's you know it's Lying to yourself right so you Understand the problem but then you put The problem on the Deep State or the Democ rats or the Liberals and not the Whole system you're not acknowledging That we're an evil empire and that you
Know it will be uh just deserts for us To suffer the same thing that people are Suffering because of our enjoyment like America's Indulgences are at the cost of people in Poverty around the world suffering for Our you know consumption right and so You know ultimately us becoming poor and Destitute is you know a part of that Right and there's just always an e and Flow like you should experience both Abundance and poverty in your lifetime Like you should experience these things Like everyone should because it's like What happens in nature it happens to Every animal it happens to you know I Mean every tree every you know all the You know plant life and things like this There are times where there's drought There's times where there's too much Rain there's times where there's you Know famine and the you know there's Reduction in population of squirrels you Know whatever it might be right there's You know there's years of bounty you Know the you know like windfall profits I forget what they there's a term for it But you know years ago I lived in New Mexico and people are on the highway Picking pinion nuts you know these pine Nuts and there were some years like There was whatever it is like with Locust or whatever there would be you Know an epic uh Harvest of pine nuts
Right like a banner a year and the same Thing like I remember when our cows used To eat acorns and there's this one year We had like I mean I couldn't believe The amount of acorns that were falling Right like some some years the trees Produce more maybe just because of the Climate or maybe because of the you know Water flow or you know combination of Those things are just you know it's Cyclical but that happens in nature and Then there's times there's depravity Right there's just years that you don't Get what you thought you were going to Get in the Harvest Right you know Something happens there's drought you Know animals you know Locust whatever it Is right you think you're going to Harvest all these crops and it doesn't Pan out that happens all the time right It happens on a large scale in our System you know with the you know way That we industrialize farming and they Have it now with the chemicals and all These things that they can you know have This non-nutritious food that they grow That's you know poisonous and has all These chemicals that keeps the bugs at Bay and whatever it is uh but it's you Know the top soil is depleted there's no Nutrition in it you know and they're Putting chemicals in the ground and you Know giving it false nutrition and you Know the food sucks right so there's you
Know they've sort of gotten rid of some Of the the ABS and flows of the Harvest And yet at the price of nutrition right So you know there's just that's part of Life right there's you know there's ups And downs right there's miseries and Pleasure and you know all these things All these things are counterbalanced and You need to experience both if you're Going to experience one you have to Experience both so so when you push away The pain which is you know sjar teaching When you there's a bank of pain and you Know pain is there for your benefit pain Is there for your growth like you grow More out of your problems and your you Accomplish more out of your obstacles Than you do out of your your your Happily ever after pleasure times right And so when you push away all those Things and people don't build any sort Of resilience and they don't learn to Overcome anything they don't build any Inner strength and they don't connect to God because are constantly indulging and When you're happy and and indulging you Don't think about God and so it's those Times when you need God that you know it Makes it forms a relationship and so When you push away that bank of pain That pain is still there for you like You're just you're delaying its uh Release into your life right and then People go to you know they're in their
Death process or they're in their their Elderly years and they're suffering Physically they're suffering emotionally They're having mental breakdowns and It's too much pain for that right right Cuz they they haven't learned to deal With it in in small doses right to where They they become you know accustomed to It and that's what's waiting for us all So that's you know that's what's going To happen like in America there's you Know all the all the you know the you Know the dealing with hot and cold for Example like we could keep our with a Flick of a you know a turn of a button You can keep the temperature exactly the Way you like it right and you always Have water you always have the things You need and when that's no longer the Case you know what do people do how do They react to that right do they embrace It do they feel you know alive do make Them feel alive do they do they fight to To survive or they do they fold like a Card house and you know we'll all find Out right you know that's all waiting For us but anyways let's get into the Other stuff here okay so I talked about This um in my last video this is KLA Harris going to a South Carolina barber Shop where her Blackness is being um you Know she's trying to gain Street credit Right let's watch a little bit of this Here so here we are
Barers this what we hang out here we Have all kind of conversations I know That only truth get We talk about Cala Harris in the B shop All the time all the questions come is She black Enough why she got to have a white Husband is she come out the cop these All the conversations and the barers Shop some of the things we talking about Right now and so it's it's a it's a Great thing that you address all those Those uh those things that we talk about As African-American men and like I said To you before my son and my daughters Should be afforded the same opportunity As everybody else why do we Question who we are as a people you know Why are we Questioning supporting this African-American woman who was raised in Uh in uh Oakland not Oakland right we've Already just she lived in Berkeley so it wasn't like she grew up In Oakland right and she's not Technically africanamerican I mean if She's if you call somebody who's Jamaican African and you know she I mean She grew up in America she's obviously American but she's Indian Jamaican and Irish right at least that's some some of Her makeup I don't know about you know Other you know I don't I didn't see her 23 and me right but we know that she was
Um the ancestor of Irish slave owners And a Jamaican uh intellectual Marxist Uh Economist professor and a Brahman Indian woman right went to a historical Black college who lived the life of no Different than what I live why is it so Different difficult for people to just Be on automatic oh no I'm supporting her Cuz she Liv the same life I'm supporting Why why is it a question she didn't live The same life as you she didn't live the Same life as most people you know she is Somebody who Is an anomaly right which isn't a bad Thing you know it's not I mean the fact That she's unlikable that's just you Know the way she is that's her Personality but she's she would be an Interesting person like I would think That that kind of a makeup of Indian and Jamaican and growing up in Berkeley and These places like that of course you Know the liberalism and stuff that You're going to get from that you know But she didn't have an ordinary life Right and she got into be a mainstream Politician by bangging a guy 60 you know 60y old guy when she was 29 right and so You know the knee pad's part of it so You know she has a unique story and She's willing to do things like other People wouldn't for Success right for You know political Fame and you know These things right she is a driven
Person who is willing to date a guy Twice her age a married man for 10 years To get to where she is now like that was Essential part of her you know her Stepping stone right so she wouldn't be Here today if she didn't do that and so She hasn't had an ordinary life I want To add to that I'm in the editing Process and I'm listening to this and I Just want to make it clear because you Know I have to like just not that I have To but you know people are Constantly uh and even when you make it Clear there it's still never going to be Clear enough but the way I look at this Thing all of the politicians all the the Politics all the you know celebrity Stuff is people are all posers and you You see that now on social media and People are pretending to be something They're not like that's just modern-day Life and I just have a distaste for it Right a disdain for it like it's just I Um you know it's like I've reached my Tolerance level on the thing and the the Fakery and just you know pretending to Be something you're not right and Pandering to people and you know just All of it you know lies and deception I Mean just be who you are right be Authentic but most people don't know who They are because they have been faking It for so long right I mean these Politicians are horrible people behind
Closed doors and you hear it over and Over again and yet they still you know Are able to act in a certain way put on A performance just like people do at Their jobs right I mean most people are Faking It when they work they're not Psyched about being there they probably Hate their boss right you know all these Types of things and so these politicians Are particularly fake and they're doing Fake things all the time and staging Things like Comm hiding away they're Hiding her away they won't let her do Interviews and she's you know why are They hiding her away like Joe Biden had Parkinson's but like why are they hiding Her away right and Trump you know he Isn't being hidden away but he says Things all the time that you know his Followers just deny like I think most of His followers kind of know the the thing Is fake like you can just tell it's the Energy's gone out of it the the uh the Ketchup gate is fake right and I think That they kind of on some level they Know but they just are in denial about They won't there's nothing the guy can Do you know that they'll they'll abandon Him right and just see him for who he is And that's like that's another level of Deception where people are just you know That's the other part of it we see it All the time where people are willfully Deceiving themselves right see the thing
About and being you know black enough or Being you having street cred or any of These things is that she looks like She's African-American like she looks Like a she's light-skinned African-American like she easily could Pass right they used to talk about how You know there's used to be black people Who could pass as white you know someone Like Holly hi Barry or somebody right You know some light-skinned uh you know Black people were you know back when There was so much racism and things they Used to be able to pretend they were White or at least You know they were the kind of black People white people would feel Comfortable around right and so this is Kind of the opposite and you have this In the truth Community you have this Everywhere like in the you know sa Mark Thing that I do you know people have Like Purity tests right or you're not a Real truth or you're a shill or you know Whatever it is right and people Themselves like you know everyone thinks They're better than everyone else like That's the problem and we all suck like You know like we're just you know even If you're better than everyone else you Still suck like even the best people in This era are selfish and narcissistic You just happen to be a little bit Better you know but if you're better
Than other people what part of being Better is you don't know that you're Better right if you're constantly Telling other people they suck and that You're better than them then you're not Better like you're just you know good People are just trying to be good They're not trying to be better than Other people like oh I you know that's Like but you do when you're a bad person Like oh yeah at least I'm better than That guy over there right like you can Justify you're you're level of being Sucky you can justify your suck by Saying that somebody else is more sucky Than you like that's that's what a sucky Person does right good people are always Trying to do better and are trying for Self-improvement and are looking at Their own character flaws and they see Things in other people and they're like Oh yeah I do that too and I now I see How that affects other people so I'm Going to get rid of that and I'm going To I'm going to work to be better you Know at least internally right like you Don't know what people is going on Inside people when somebody tries to do That and performs in front of everybody Look I'm changing and I'm trying to Become a better person you have these Sort of liberalist people that are in Therapy all the time and they're always Talking about trying to self-improve and
You know but it's they do it out in Front of everybody as a you know way to Boost their ego and you know Define Themselves like so self-improvement is Something very internal and private to Yourself right where you realize you Failed or you have flaws character flaws And you're working on those character Flaws right you know I do it you know I I dabble in it like I'm not you know Like you know I'm okay and it's just Because it's a part of the Sark system And things bother me you know if I do Something or I have thoughts and you Know whatever it is that I'm like you Know below my standard or something I Know is not correct then I you know I Work towards correcting it right because It just bothers me because I meditate And do these things but you know I'm not Like somebody who's you know I dabble You know but the issue with kamla in This particular case cuz Trump has his Own fakeness because Trump's faking who He is he's not really a Republican and He doesn't believe in the things that His followers believe I mean his whole Life he never believed in those things He's a rich guy who believes in rich guy Things we'll get back to Trump in a bit The issue with kamla is that she isn't Somebody who's lived a similar life to An African-American person you know She's had you know levels of privilege
And things and she has a different you Know upbringing and those issues aren't Her issues like there only her issues Because she wants political street cred And she wants support from that Community but with kamla you can see She's not a liberal or she's not a Conservative she's none of these things Right she's done some conservative Things as a DA she's also done some very Liberal things but these things are just Performative it's about her bur boosting Her career you know she's just a Chameleon who's you know adapting to Whatever group she's in front of and Whatever you know she thinks is the best Form she should take for that particular Group or what she's trying to achieve Politically like she's trying to impress One demographic or another but none of Those things are real she's not a True Believer you know she believes in comma And that's you know that's very evident Does that make her worse than Trump no Because Trump believes in Trump you know They're almost identical in that area Like they'll they'll chameleon Themselves into whatever they have to For their best you know political Advantage and their own narcissistic Pursuits why you think a question of of And and do you find it difficult because You know you know who you are you know You know the life you live and where you
Came from you know do you find that Difficult that you you have to prove the Black people that you're you're black Enough I mean it's it can be very Hurtful we talked about this earlier for People to to question that when um There's no need or reason to do that But you know I mean I I experienced this When I was campaigning right here you Know in in all over actually in seven From Barack the people have an Ability to see what can be even if They've ever seen it before and we in Particular do all of the fights that We've had for civil rights for voting Rights I mean all of that so much of Which were the leaders in the South right here in South Carolina in Georgia we would not none of us would be Here having a serious conversation with A bunch of Media about a black woman running for President of the United States if many Generations for many generations Including great grandmother Mariah hadn't had the ability to see What can be and what is possible even if We've not seen it before she doesn't Really answer the question right she Doesn't answer the question about her Ethnicity But the reason I'm covering it here Isn't about her and isn't about that I'm Covering it because I didn't even know
This happened like I covered the 2019 Primaries and I was familiar with comma Because I saw Chris Matthews say U like Back in 2019 like spring of 2019 so we Were you know over a year out before the Primary season was even going to get Underway and he said you know when they Were just starting to announce like the Summer of 2019 and it was probably like in May or June and he said it would be great if we Had a Biden Harris ticket like Chris Matthews was an Insider a democratic Insider and KLA Harris at the time was Pulling like about 2% and then all of a Sudden she popped like all of a sudden The mainstream media was talking about Her you know they weren't talking about Tulsi Gabbert or Andrew Lang or um that Guy with the funny name from Colorado Whatever that guy bunch of these people Um like there was a there was like about 20 20 candidates and they singled kamla Out of the unknowns right and so she was Getting a lot of run by the media They're pushing her and there was no Reason for it she had been a senator for One term and she'd been a prosecutor and They were pushing her and all of a Sudden she popped a little bit in the Poll she got 12% and then she went back down and Disappeared like she got hammered by Tulsi gra gabber who called her out for
Locking up black people for marijuana Things like this you guys might remember That and I was watching her I was Watching Joe Biden you know Bernie Sanders Pete Buddig sort of popped for a While right but I saw these candidates And I watched the debates because they Were hilarious right I mean the Democratic debates were hilarious and How goofy these guys were and they're All looking for a viral moment and a lot Of them were pulling under 1% and commo Was one of them after got her a little Bit of a run right as soon as they she's Popped and you know she was getting 12% Of the vote the other candidates set in On her and she couldn't stand the test Of of time and she quit right she quit The race she ran out of money and then Joe Biden said he was going to nominate A a woman and they said well why not a a Black woman so we said all right I'll I'll do KLA Harris and there's a reason They picked her right out of all the Black women candidates right all the Black women politicians out there right Like they didn't take somebody like Cynthia McKenna who had stood up to you Know Donald Rumsfeld and she stood up to Israel and the Israeli Lobby right she's Disappeared like somebody like that Right so they took kamla because kamla Was you know gave them an insurance Policy because she was unelectable for
Joe Biden and you know she was somebody Who had name recognition but I didn't Know this happened I had no idea that The black community I knew that the Black community was supporting her over Joe Biden which is outrageous because Joe Biden said some stupid ass stuff you Know the corn poop videos were popping And Jo Joe Biden was saying things about You know that just made him seem like I Don't want to say necessarily racist but Clearly just out of touch and old and he You know he thrived in South Carolina he Got so much of the black vote because of Klyburn and it saved his candidacy and Cory Booker and KLA couldn't understand Why black people were supporting Joe Biden over them right and now this makes More sense that they were questioning Her so much so that she had to go there And the reason that this is about Trump Is that this should be one of the key Demographics for kamla Harris like she Should have the black vote especially You know with them labeling Trump as a Racist but if she you know was like Needing to win the black community over And she's not doing a good job of it Because she's not addressing why she Married a white Jewish guy you know She's not addressing her Heritage and You know all the all the things that People said about her her locking up uh African-Americans for um not only
Marijuana but be for having you know Their kids be truin in school like she Has some things to answer for and she's Not doing that here she's not taking it Head on right she's diverting the Question but again the reason why this Is about Trump is if he can't beat a Person who doesn't have one of their Core demographics four years ago right Like she's limping in without any um Electoral support again they're kind of Backdooring her into the presidency but She has a legitimate chance to win it Didn't look like that after the Convention it didn't look like that when He was running against Biden but she's e You know she's um now you know running Like a dead heat with Trump and it could Be anybody's race right and Trump keeps On stepping on his own foot and you know Just being Trump right and like if he Loses he's like The Biggest Loser Like I Said in my last video he's like the Biggest loser in history because there's No way he should lose to her there's Zero way should he should lose to KLA Harris because she's you know she proved To be unelectable but she's doing a much Better job and they're handling her and They're keeping her in the basement and Trump is just you know shooting himself In the foot right like every other day He's doing something that's you know uh And just all of it you know they have
This narrative they he's panicking and These things right and so you know there Might be a a place where KLA is you know People realize who she is and then she Know her her uh growing momentum is is Curtailed but if he loses to somebody Who can't win her own demographic right Like she's not black enough for the Black community and this is you know I Mean this is proof it doesn't matter What Trump says or the Republicans say She had to come to this barber shop for That very reason right let's watch a Little bit more of this So I'm not hating anybody for the Conversation I don't I don't like It you know but I understand it the Thing that that has always been the Reason for our progress is that optimism Born out of Faith and our preparedness to fight and So that presents just a challenge for us As a campaign which is to do the hard Work of letting folks know and I think There's the other part is that folks Just you Know look November of 2016 was rough That was hard on people no human being Has to feel pay yeah so they're talking About um Hillary Clinton so the reason Trump beat Hillary Clinton was she Didn't get the African-American support That Barack Obama did and so that was You know some of these key States
Um she didn't get that demographic which Joe Biden did And so that was some of the reason why Joe Biden again if you believe in the You know results or whatever you know Whatever you believe or not but the Reason Joe Biden had more support than Hillary Clinton was he had more support In the African-American Community it was One of his key demographics if she Doesn't have that and she doesn't have The kind of old white guy you know vote In these in these um Midwestern states Which are the ones she has to win you Know wiscansin and Michigan and you know Minnesota that's why she got that guy From Minnesota and Pennsylvania cuz Joe Biden like they liked that about Joe Biden like they looked at him as kind of Like almost like a Republican or Somebody who you know they identified With the old white guy vote right so You're going after these blocks of Voters these these various demographics And so again the elections are rigged And whatever we're going to see what Happens but you know Trump any chance of Trump running away with this and so that They can't rig it or fix it you know and He's going to say it's rigged or fixed No matter what right but like they just Have to make it close enough and Joe Biden made it close enough and KL Harris Is right now doing that and so that's
Completely on Trump right like Trump Can't bury this this unelectable person After the debacle with Joe Biden and They're just letting Joe Biden off the Hook you know with the whole I mean the Guy seile and they're just allowing him To be president like they forgot about Him and he's they need to bring him up More you know not just Trump but the you Know the whole right-wing establishment And maybe they're doing it to their base But it's not making it into the other Media so you know if he loses this thing Like it's just an embarrassment like There's just no way for him to recover From that in terms of his legacy like It's you know and I I never thought she Was like going to be the first woman President but now I think like it's Possible because you know isn't it like Just poetic that a woman who you know Put on knee pad In service a 60-year-old dude um to get Her political career started in California and grew up in a you know With a Marxist uh father professor and You know in this um you know weird kind Of college town environment and like Just no real her first election that's Of note will be I mean she did win a Senate race but it was unopposed right Like she won a senate race when she was From Liberal California So getting the nomination maybe was a
Little tougher but they gave it to her You know they had she she won over all The king makers you know neads Harris And so like if she gets to be the first President and she doesn't deserve any of It right like it's to me it's a great It's almost like Trump winning the Presidency right like KLA Harris does Not deserve to be president neither did Trump really in terms of you know Putting in the uh you know the work to Do it but for them to come in and just Disrespect the presidency like that you Know it's kind of something that I mean Although she's so unlikable like that's The bad side of it it'll be kind of Interesting to see that because she'll Be the first woman first woman of color I was hoping it' be someone like um Caitlyn Jenner or something like that That would be even better the first Woman president being a biological male But you know that's you know that's off The table right now we'll see what Happens here okay so after recording the First part you just saw I turned on the News and they had this little bit about Trump here and kachar Like Administration that passed the pack De well speaking of Donald Trump we've Got a clip of him on the Medal of Honor Okay people that get the Congressional Medal of Honor which I've given to many Are often horribly wounded or dead
They're often dead they get it poisly And uh when you get the Congressional Medal of Honor I always consider that to Be the ultimate but it is a painful Thing to get it when you get the Presidential medal of freedom it's Usually for other things like you've Achieved great success in sports or You've achieved great you know success Someplace Else and that was him trying to explain Away what he had said when he initially Said that giving the medal of freedom to One of his biggest Donors was a better thing than those who Have taken who have receive the Medal of Honor the Congressional Medal of Honor Because they have done so such Service it's just it's an unbelievable Thing and on a week of unbelievable Things where he started talking about Bird cemeteries and claimed he did the Cap on insulin now this and she later on Went on to say like she's highly Offended and how outrageous you like all That stuff right because she sucks and They all suck but Trump sucks the most In this particular circumstance Because there's absolutely no benefit For him to say what he said now again I'm not a big military Pride patriotic Person but you know people who serve Their country and believe in service and Military you know this honor and their
Kids who I mean parents who send their Kids off to Military and they get this Honor is not the same as you know Obama Giving a a medal to Ellen or Trump Giving a a medal to one of his biggest Donors is the reporter said there right Um it's you know it's nowhere near the Same thing you know one is clearly Sacrifice for the country the other is You know somebody getting like a [ __ ] Award right just to you know For for publicity and whatever it's Celebrity stuff right celebrity stuff is The opposite of the military stuff you Know you don't see military personnel Give up their seats in first class for Celebrities right like celebrities are Expected to do that right they're Expected to give up their first class Seat when military personnel come in you Know and that's like a you know it's a Whole thing right and so Trump saying This it's like there's zero benefit like There's no reason for him to say what he Said and then to defend it like you know He should just say yeah like I was that Was just stupid right like you know you Got to hold yourself to some sort of a Standard and he should realize it's a Boneheaded thing and that's the more Disturbing part about Trump is like he Never realizes that he makes a mistake He never realizes that you know that That was really stupid to do and you
Know his political handlers and all the People are like what the [ __ ] right why Did you even say that you know but they Can't say it like that to him because He's Donald Trump like he's used to People saying yes Mr Trump you know back When he was a billionaire yes Mr President and so Trump can't have any Sort of criticism or questioning his you Know his intellect and his you know his Stupidity and his inability to do Something that's just as simple as you Know go up there and don't say something Really stupid like you do all the time Right of course the fake stuff with the Ketchup gate and all these other things But like I said zero Advantage like what Does that comment do for Trump and his Candidacy right and if he loses to KLA Harris it's because of this and I know The trumpers will say you know they're Always targeting Trump it's not fair It's they don't treat Trump the same way They treat they treat Biden you Biden Gets the media the media to cover for Him where Trump is always being Criticized and Trump's always talking About what a victim he is it's because He's a dick right like he's an [ __ ] Like he he does stupid stuff and he does Arrogant things and then he doesn't Apologize for it he's always on the Wrong side of these things right social Issues I used to love it his first term
I loved it not because it was good Because it was hilarious and he was at Least being genuine he was at least Being authentic you know tweeting in the Middle of the night but when you act Like that you piss people off and he Slowly went through all these various Groups starting with the intelligence Community which is backfired you know That that quote from uh Chuck Schumer I Show you so much but he's done this to Himself right and the other thing is Life isn't fair like how many times have You had in your life where you had a Boss who didn't like you or you were you Know you were the least favorite kid in Your family or you know whatever reason People were prejudiced against you like Everybody suffers that in their life Everybody suffers things that appear to Be unfair everyone has things that Happen to them that don't make sense Like you're you're working to be a good Person and something horrific happens to You or traumatic happens to you and You're like you know you question Whether there's a God or not right Everybody goes through things that are Unfair and like I've talked about some Scars and past lives and you know There's an explanation for this and that You know life isn't about being you know Materially Fair because it isn't fair You know people are treated differently
People have different roles to play you Know why are some people better looking Than other people why are some people Smarter why are people born into wealth And other people are born into poverty Right it's not fair right like don't Think life is fair there's not any Evidence that life is fair you know I've Never seen any evidence that life is Fair unless you take in the spiritual Ramifications and the fact that there's A divine plan and that everything is Accounted for and there's reasons for Everything that happened but then you Have to get into past lives and some Scars and things like that right but Other than that like just in the surface Life isn't fair and often times doesn't Make sense right but then it does make Sense if you can see it you can see There's an order to things and there's a Plan there's a Divine hand into Everything right and so Trump his whole Position in life he shouldn't be running For president he shouldn't have been President right you know he was a a Serial cheater he banged porn stars he Cheated and went bankrupt multiple times He screwed people over in business he's You know bad he's a walking Bad Karma You know he's a bad actor and he's Obnoxious he was given a million dollars By his dad to start a business like he Got he was born with so you know into
Wealth and he's been one of these people Right he had he had a TV show you know All the things he had right Trump has Became president which nobody thought That was possible and a lot of that Didn't seem fair at all right he Bypassed the whole political system you Know he didn't have to get on his knees Like KLA Harris right you know but these People have been successful not by my my Definition I don't think KLA Harris or Trump are successful but by the by the Standard definition what we think of Success yeah kamla knes kamla knads Harris she got on her knees and serviced That guy for 10 years so she could get Her political start but she's running For president now right you know you Know so for people who judge success That way she paid the price whatever Price Trump paid to be the you know Person he is and be president he did That as well right and so you know they All these guys have stories like this They don't want you to know about they All have stories where they have to kiss The ring and they have to you know bow Down and you know um get do something to Join the club right they just don't let You into the club right even if you're Born into wealth and privilege and so You know they got into the club and now They're you know they're they they're by Traditional standards successful people
Right but they've done a lot of scummy Things to get that success and so They're not good people they're not good Leaders they didn't get it because They're good leaders or they're good People they got it because they're you Know they're willing to dive into the Slime to get what they want right and in All that there's just political things You need to do and Trump again I don't Care if he loses or wins I mean none of Those things matter like I'll be happy If he loses because he'll disappear and I'm I'm wanting him to disappear like I've just got Trump fatigue but you know If he wins then KLA loses so like either Way you know I'll look at it as being Positive but it's going to suck more if If Trump wins because it's going to be Four more years of all this stuff and It's just going to be a mess or whatever It is right not that KLA Harris is going To be a good president she's going to be A disaster but you know they're they're Both disasters but Trump you know he's Saying that the world is I mean the World is going to come to an end if KLA Harris she's a she's a nation wrecker Right he called her a nation wrecker and Like it's going to be a disaster if she Wins and then he goes out and talks About you know the the the presidential Medal of freedom which is given to Celebrities and and rich people for
Basically doing nothing is equivalent to You know people who have died for their Country and getting an award for it Right and if you're a Trumper you should Say yeah that's [ __ ] like he's a [ __ ] like he's not only saying Something that is kind of offensive he's Basically doing you know putting another Nail in his coffin and he just keeps on Doing it he'll put another nail on this Coffin tomorrow or the next day like That's just Trump he's so Self-destructive and and arrogant and Obstinate about it so [ __ ] that guy Right I mean he just you know just Because he's he's not learning like he's Not developing right he's not taking any Kind of accountability and saying yeah That was dumb like and we all say dumb Things right like you have a microphone In in front of you and you know you're AB living and you're AB living and you Know you're just you're riffing and you Saying things and he's just he's got These people that worship him so much This is more the trumper's fault than Anything else like he can no do no wrong In their eyes so he just says [ __ ] all The time and he just expects them to Worship him right like he's got this you Know this cult leader type of attitude And that's why he's like thinks you know And those are the only people that he's Trying to please but guess what kamla is
Going to win like right now the Trajectory and the way things are going Kamla is completely handled and knee Pads is you know she's going to knee pad Her right away into the the Oval Office The oval orice right where Trump is you Know he's doing everything he can to Self Sabotage okay so it's August Monday August 19th um I didn't realize the Convention was today so I was watching a Little bit of it here and it is horrible Now you know the Republican convention With Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan and all of It right the you know Trump with his big Maxi Pat his year and then his whole Family and all the other crap that was There was horrible like the Republican Convention was horrible so it isn't like I'm saying the Democratic Convention is Worse but they're definitely Different and what they're trying to do Is make it sound like Joe Biden Selflessly volunteer to take himself out Of the race and hand it over to the next Generation like that's how they're Billing it he's going to be on tonight I'll show you that Hillary Clinton's Going to be on Jill Biden and you know Jill Biden is probably just as angry as Joe and we'll see how that all goes Right um but let's start off with this Woman Here and this guy there
[Music] [Applause] Hello I'm Michigan state senator Mallerie mcaro and This Boom this is Project 2025 you know why do the um all the Democratic women politician look like They're in the living room scene from uh Jerry Maguire right like if you were Talking this woman like within 30 Seconds she start bitching to you about One of her exes one of her many [Laughter] [Music] Exes look at that look at her yeah you [Applause] Know now over the next four nights you Are going to hear a lot about what is in This 900 page document oh Goody why Because this is the Republican blueprint For a second Trump Term that's right they went ahead and Wrote down all the extreme things that Donald Trump wants to do in the next Four years and then they just tweeted it Out okay why in the world would they do That right I mean this this horrible Content but right before this Jake Tapper said that um this isn't a this is CNN but this is their live version which Is the the Democratic feed and they Don't have their commentators right but
Why in the world would they do that Jake Tapper said that Trump denied that he Would has any part of this thing which Of course Trump did his lame ass you Know not really a denial denial but why In the world would they tweet this out I Talked about this before it's completely Staged they're giving this over to the Democrats so they have something to Campaign on right because everybody who Would vote for Trump because of 20125 is Already voting for Trump right so Everybody who's possibly could be won Over by releasing that document before The election is already voting for Trump There's zero gain in releasing this Document but once they releasing release The doc release the document and the guy Who runs the thing looks like he works For the FBI like looks like he's you Know some director in the FBI like a Complete shell they release this Document and the Democrats are this is Their sole um you know this is the Platform which they're running on like What's going to happen if you allow 2025 To happen it's just really stupid it's Ridiculously stupid like why in the World would they release this it makes Zero sense it's a disaster for Trump Like there's no gain in you know it Gives the Democrats something to talk About right powers and the rule of law Rule of
Law we believe in a system built up to Serve everyone you know they dislike This woman like there's no enthusiasm I Mean just Her the truth is there's only one way to Stop him how do how do we do it how do We do it bitter lady and to stop project 2025 how do we do it bitter Lady how do we do it how do we do it Bitter lady we elect kamla Harris this November there's no Enthusiasm are they not in there is it Is it empty is like What we'll be back tomorrow night to Tell you what project 2025 means for Your Pocketbook woo Please welcome California Senator lefa Butler lefa [Applause] Butler hello Democrats there's something I want to Show you here California delegates make Some hopefully this is right here so Here they are KLA Harris with a girl That's not her daughter um you know they Want to make her look motherly because She's had no kids of her own right she Has two adult they were like Teenage Step kids and she was Senator when she You know married into that situation so She didn't have time really to I mean You know maybe they spent a little bit Of time together weird kids right um you
Know kids who are white and Jewish right And so like the whole thing about her Not being a mom and so they're trying to You know I mean everything about this Thing is fake and just like really weird And off and you know all these things Right what really impressed Me was how well she got to know my Family oh so it's your family so was Your daughter like maybe she could like Stop sponging off of your family Right okay so that's beginning well We'll come back to this tomorrow when Hillary and Jill Biden and JoJo MCU talk But you know they're fabricating this Lie and they get into this more tomorrow You know that JoJo left willingly and They're just forgetting the fact that he Got kicked out because they's got Dementia you know Parkinson's cognitive Difficulties and that American people Had no faith in him and they kicked him Out and they had to force them they had You pressure him to get him out and he Gave that interview and he blamed Nancy Pelosi who gave an interview for C end Which was kind of Epic as well and so All those things are coming and you know They're trying to spin this thing but And I don't American people are so Stupid and oblivious so who knows but They're trying to spin this like you Know somehow this was a good thing right It's been a disappointment the whole you
Know it was really getting good when JoJo MCU had that horrible debate and You know but ever since then with Trump's debacle with his fake shooting And KLA Harris having kind of a you know A good start to her campaign like she's Doing a lot better than I thought she Would and JoJo m magu going you know Semi- willingly and then the media just Forgetting that we have a scile President I mean it's you know they Really they made it sock worse than it Had to like this could have been a lot Better okay um so there a few things I Want to show you this is the live feed So I'm watching CNN on my television Which is different than this and I can You know I've got taped so I can go back And get it if I have to But Wall's wife looks like a young Nancy Pelosi and I'll show you that in a bit But they're showing walls come in and He's stepping on these speakers right um This one like for a little bit then the Next one um but this one said something I showed this to my wife and um she said Something hilarious here personal police Force that is not how it works Works in America choose Democracy that's again they're they're Trying to say they're the Democratic They're the ones for democracy and they Have a candidate that receiv zero Votes how it works in
Dictatorships and that's exactly what Donald Trump and his Mega minions have In mind an expansion of presidential Powers like no president has ever had or Should ever have now by the way if You're asking if any of this is even Legal well remember thanks to Donald Trump's handpicked Supreme Court Handpicked Supreme Court he's now Completely immune from prosecution you Know like they have it's just not her a Lot of these women candidates here they Just have that energy like I said the Divorced the divorced Jerry MCU living Room bitter divorcees And they just have that nagging thing That they do right even if like how do They get elected he breaks the Law but that's not who we are because we Believe in a government of the People by The people and for the People like I mean she had to give Public speeches and people's voted For not the government of Donald Trump By Donald Trump and for Donald Trump That was the Moment here she is here let's bring it Out here this is Katie hcha who replaced Andrew nips Cuomo hello Democrats are you ready to elect KLA Harris the first pres president of The United States the first president no Like I think that was George Washington
I don't know I'm not a I'm not a history Buff but I don't think she's the first President yes you are yes you are like These annoying unlistenable people right Like there're just a bunch of Hillary Clintons up there bit or angry no like Charisma no ability to connect with the Audience I mean how they get elected Right how these people how these women Make it into Politics Friends like so many of us my Grandparents came from Ireland as Teenagers with nothing but hope in their Hearts nothing but hope in their Hearts and fire in their bellies and Fire in their Bellies they built their lives in the Promised land of Buffalo New York Buffalo New Yorks a union card me good work at the Steel Plant the steel plant that lifted my Parents from living in a Trailer to the middle Class Like it's like she's some sort of a Rodent right like other families in my Blue collar Community they Believed that with hard work They could build a better Future not just for Themselves but for those with less hope
And less opportunity you mean people Don't have hope in their hearts right And so um so wals comes out and the First gentleman comes out and they They're not showing this here but then KLA is going to come let me show you That so this is the ad preceding KLA Coming [Applause] [Music] Out ch Look at so much how much energy there is Here just a just this Multicultural FunFest do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for [Applause] It okay so they got this um they're Bringing a route in a second here Um they had a guy who was a country Singer who was singing about Freedom Like they're they're hijacking freedom For some reason like freedom is they're Trying to run on freedom Right go Woo woo woo four more years four more Years and when we fight we win woo [Music] Hor their big thing is when we fight Will win I'm going to I'm going to come Back to that she's going to say it again Here for the people Woo Freedom
[Music] Freedom Freedom see look she looks like um a Young Nancy Pelosi there'll be more of It I'll show you more of it Tomorrow she has some she looks She's Got those crazy eyes and she like just Some of the same features like she's a Young Nancy Pelosi look at the first [Applause] Gentleman when we fight we win Good evening Everyone he's doing the Cackle good evening just like she's prom Queen good Evening it is so good to be with all all That knee pad stuff paid off good for You everyone this evening in this Hall And everyone at Home this is going to be a great Week and I want to kick us off by Celebrating our incredible President Joe [Music] Biden who will be speaking later tonight Joe thank you look at her look at look Look at that Nancy Pelosi look right There that Crazy for your historic leadership those Crazy eyes like for your lifetime of Service to our nation and for all you Will continue to do we are forever Grateful to You thank you [Applause]
[Laughter] Joe and looking Out looking out at four more years four More years everyone tonight I see the Beauty of our great nation people from Every corner of our country and every Walk okay how how many corners do we Have of Life are here every Walk of Life United by our shared vision for the Future of our country and this November We will come together and declare with One voice as one people we are moving Forward moving forward with your Administration that's a continuation of The last Administration with optimism Hope and Faith so Guided by our love of country Knowing we all have so much more in Common than what separates us let us Fight for the ideals we hold dear and Let us always remember when we fight we Win God bless bless you God bless the United see look at her States of America Good night Everyone okay so this we fight we win Right does that mean when you guys lost Like with Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton didn't fight is that what it Means like when you guys lost the Presidency or you lose in Congress You're not fighting your quitters so you Guys are a bunch of quitters but when You do fight you win right like it's it Implies that every time you lost you
Didn't fight Right it's a horrible saying but you Know that these guys are too dumb for That like to to pick up on it but this Is their big theme is uh project 2025 Which is going to be the so focal point You know put it on Trump and then Freedom for some reason that they're They're the you know they're the the Most censorship going after Whistleblowers oppressive party and you Know that's the Republicans are the Other party and they're brutal on all That kind of stuff right but Republicans Always want to be the party of freedom But they're trying to hijack that and This we fight we win and that's just Silly because it implies they're Quitters right so [Applause] Um so the CNN host and I I'll get it off Of my TV if I can't find it on the Internet tomorrow but they commented About this afterward And what they were saying was well they Might have it right here one one Candidate the Republican who would come Out and offend them and the other Candidate their candidate the Democrat Joe Biden who would come out and they Would sit on the edge of their seat and Hope that he didn't say something Meandering or off so they're they're Getting into that message
Or adult and that fear look at this Ghoul here Dana Bash about their nom Speaking is gone now they have somebody Who uh so they were going to have a fear That every time he got up there he was Going to do something so he's saying That they're all panicked that Joe Biden Was going to get up there and [ __ ] Himself Right and that now they don't have to Worry about that then she's going to Echo those sentiments here but they're Completely ignoring that the guy's still Freaking President right that they were Freaking out to roll him out for a Speech I mean it it does project joy and They're they're not particularly subtle About how they want the message of this Convention to be Joy but she does Project Joy with a with a with her smile And her cackle tone and her manen and She's not somebody that uh in a Situation like this is going to cause Democrats that tension that we used to Feel uh in the media and uh all Americans when the president would come Out and speak yeah exactly that's sort Of why again I keep going back to the Notion of the feeling like uh like you Just kind of opened a bottle and Everything uh is kind of spilling out And the everything here is relief and Excitement and uh and you can you could Feel the fact that people in this
Hall are desperate to be excited and They so you know they just saying that The guy they all are acknowledging that The guy's Cena and the guy's not up to It he can't give a speech without you Know freaking everyone out with his Mistakes and these things and now that They have just taken him off the playing Field taking him off the board and put Somebody in who didn't receive one vote And they're running on Democracy right It's so [ __ ] Up and like they're not even going to be Called I mean they're not even calling Them on that right because if he's too Old and too scile to speak then he's too Old to be president which means that he Isn't really president because there's No way they would let somebody like that You know with that level I mean if can't Get to a speech that means he can't make Decisions right he can't you know he's Got dementia right he's got cognitive Issues and so earlier on work does the Would would the the Harris Waltz Campaign have read the Biden speech Before it's given I am given to believe That there that there has been uh a Reading of the speech and there's an Awareness of the speech and so they They've got the speech but here it is Here story over the course of the week Well that's the thing then Republicans Are painting this picture that she was
The Prime Force in the Biden White House Which is obviously not the role of the Vice president and yet at the same time She wants to claim credit for things That that she felt she had a big hand Look first of all I just can't wait to See him I can't bring him out Bring Out Joe Biden I can't wait to see him uh He's doing something honorable tonight Uh he's you know he had to be forced out And he's still bitter and angry about he Already blamed uh Nancy Pelosi and he's bitter and angry He's not happy he doesn't think he's Scile he thinks that they he had he was Equal with Trump in the polls even Though nobody thinks that that's Legitimate and freaking you're saying He's doing The Honorable thing no he had To be forced out he was like had to be Pride out of his cold dead hands right The guy didn't want to go he's a Walking Corpse that was clinging on to that Presidency and he's scile and he's still Scile right and he's you know he's got Some um Cognitive issues and America knows it And you guys know it right everybody Knows it something hard you can't get Inms to leave the White House Voluntarily leaving the White House Voluntarily is not something people do Joe Biden's willing to do that because He he wants to uh step back and let her
Step forward no that's not what happened They forced him the [ __ ] out right and They're trying to pretend that that Didn't like we all know it like why just I mean it's just so bad right and so This is the the beginning of the Convention It's going to be awesome okay so let's Pick it up here there's a lot to get Into with this uh this whole thing but Part of their pitch is Joy the joy that come that they're Trying to make these things joyful right Now one of the things that they haven't Had is Enthusiasm at their rallies at their you Know their they haven't been able to Match the Trump rallies right and so They're creating it artificially which You guys all kind of know they're trying To make it like there's all this energy Behind Kamla and you know it's fake right and It's not like she you know won an Election or something right she um she Serviced a guy for 10 years and she got Herself into the national Conversation coming out of San Francisco And then she ran for president and Failed out epically but Joe Biden boxed Himself into a demographic of people and He chose her as vice president and the Clock Was ticking on that mfer because We all know he is Parkinson's and so she
Had this winning ticket and they staged This thing and I'll explain this uh you Know more as we well I'll do an Introduction to this and talk about how Um you know I didn't know when the Convention was but they they made the Convention really late you know I'm Going to repeat something I'm going to Say early you know I'm going to make the A voice over put at the beginning of This video but what they did was they They knew Joe Biden was going to go and So they wanted to do it before the Convention so they had this time this Window because they didn't know how they Were going to be able to get rid of the Guy because the guy's clueless right and So um you know all of those things so They're trying to be positive they're Trying to be Progressive they're trying To come in like they're running um as a Like a you know they're not the Incumbent vice president right like They're running like they're the the Underdog and Trump was President like Like they're running against Trump like He's the incumbent and it isn't you know Them who they the Biden Administration That's responsible for the E economy and All these things but here Steve Kerr Talks about walls being a coach he does A little joke here and then he talks About Joy qualities they have devoted Their lives to serving other people
Whether vice president Harris was Defending her community in the courtroom Or Governor walls was inspiring the Next Generation in the classroom or on the Field for that matter see like really You didn't know either one of them right Like you're just making something up Because they happened to be the Candidates like no one who walls was Until he was nominated as vice president Like no one was You know looking into this guy and but They just love him now like because you Know by the way coach to coach that Guy's Awesome Woo woo he's an awesome coach woo Al I Have to say coach walls way too much Reliance on the blitz in 99 against Mano East you had a strong defensive line I Would have played more press coverage With your corners and then drop the Safeties into a Tampa Two that's just me sorry I wanted you to Know how I feel every day of the NBA Season all Right looks very staged and stupid Listen The Joy The Compassion the Commitment to our country that we saw at The Olympics that okay so that's you know he He's tiing to the Olympic Games to all This stuff right um the uh there's one Line closing line here but the
Compassion and joy that's what want us Have that they're compassionate and I'll Show you kism ad that they run which is Brutal I think that's coming up next Here and you know it's there's no Compassion kamla is not a compassionate Person kamla threw um you know single Moms in jail cuz their kids weren't Going to school you know like she is Very Uncompassionate that is what KLA Harris And Tim Walls have And it is what our country Needs Leadership real Leadership not the kind that seeks to Divide us but the kind that recognizes And celebrates our common purpose think About what our team achieved with 12 Americans in Paris putting aside Rivalries to represent our country again You know the Olympic basketball team That has kind of an unfair Advantage Right the American Basketball team is now losing its Edge Which I was talking about you know Because the the how much better Europe European players are and France with Wemi and a number of NBA Talent talented Players you know is the next you know Maybe Dream Team dominant team but it Has nothing to do with Harrison you know Uh wals right and like he's trying to You know make this about that like it's
Silly like you know whatever Now imagine what we could do with all 330 million of us playing on the same Team yeah you think that's going to Happ You've looked at the Internet maybe maybe if there's an alien Invasion that's it not as Democrats not as Republicans not as Libertarians but as Americans who know the great right so He's going to say he's going to do a Night night joke like the end of the Election you don't need to see it it's It's not funny okay so this is from last Night today's Tuesday August 20th the Steve k thing I started this morning and So last night on Monday when I started Watching this um was the last thing I Saw before you know the well I guess I Watched a little bit some of the other Stuff but I was too tired to do any work On it but anyways this is the United Autow Workers Union Chief and this is The uh dougy fresh and his two kids Which they feature during this Speech and the words of the Great American poet Nelly it's getting hot in Here okay so unions are not looked at Like they were when I was Younger and they aren't as popular and They've been corrupt one of the things They call people who cross the union Line is a scout right someone who's not Going to you know who um when the unions
Are striking goes to work Anyway and they're calling Trump a scab They're going Trump is a scab they're Yelling and this guy then pulls out his T-shirt and The Crowd Goes Wild It's hot in Here it's hot in here because you're Fired up and you're fed up and the American working class is fired up and Fed up yeah but they're not fed up from Four years ago Right again I'm not a Trumper but Jesus They're not fed up from Trump right They're not why are you saying that like If they're fed up it's because of the Biden economy like they're trying to run As the change agent the change agents And they're running as the youth like There's times where people want change And there are times that people want Things to stay the same right let's not Screw up it's thing we got a good thing Going and so this is a time where Everybody wants change and it's been Like that for a while because things Have sucked for a while but Biden's the Guy who's in charge of the current System so they're getting rid of him and Then trying to bring and kamla like She's you know fresh face and she's the Agent of Change but it's Trump who is The you know the Challenger and the you Know kind of the underdog but during This thing they they rolled out douge
Fresh's kids and somehow douge fresh has A son that looks like him but is a lot Shorter and then a daughter who's his Height and she's like fully tattooed she Has back tattoos which you can see she's Wearing a weird outfit she does weird Fashion stuff and she's yelling scab and Getting into it right and they're just Like you know it's like a freak Show Like this whole thing's like a freak Show okay so they go this Trump is a Scab guy you know Just please welcome new he's wearing a Red shirt York representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Okio Gotes thank you Chicago Thank you Chicago for your Energy thank you kamla Harris and Tim Walls for your [Music] Vision and I was like wow they like this [ __ ] like first of all why is she Saying thank you Chicago because this is People from all over the country right But they're chanting AOC they actually this these are of Course the you know hardcore Democrats Right but they like her they think she's Good like I just thought she was there For um you know right cover you know a Left right cover right to to give the Right wing something to you know to use Against the Democrats she's the you know Like margorie Taylor green is that for
The Republicans so for the Democrats Right and so you know the they like her Like it Thank you thank You thank you it's just Bizarre so remember she didn't want them To get rid of Biden she gave reason it Was one time she sounded kind of a Little bit smart and she gave the the Reasons that it was kind of too late to Go with kamla Harris and you know get Rid of Biden but now you know it Happened right and it they did a pretty Smooth transition it's much better than I thought it was like they no one Contested KLA Harris which makes you Think that they kind of know that either She's already set they Handpicked Andor that they're giving it To Trump like one of those those things Has to be true because she had no Challengers right the Democratic party Already had agreed upon this right this Is something they had probably known for At least six or seven months and they Weren't going to go through a primary Cuz it would have been messy a messy Primary would have handed the election To Trump right and so they waited to the Summer to finally admit that Joe Biden Was you know Scile and then they you know they Stabbed him in the part you know with The whatever they've done here and they
Installed kamla and they all knew that This was going to happen like the Democratic party was like this is what We're going to do to all the contenders All the people you know who would had a Chance to challenge Kamla and thank you Joe Biden for your Leadership so Biden's got a couple of You know he Biden melts down a little Bit you know six years ago I was taking Omelet orders as a waitress in New York City I thought you were a Bartender I didn't have health insurance My family was fighting off Foreclosure she actually comes from Money um but this is you know okay so I Was going to wrap it up there um but one Of my friends on Facebook one viewers Sent me some of these clips some of the Things that I you know I if if you watch This whole thing you know you die you Like you can't it's like 4 hours of like Horrible content right even when you're Knocking it is just there's just and I Don't have enough time to do that I'm Trying to get this video done today too So but anyways um this is a clip of AOC Just babbling it's kind of hilarious and I for one am tired about of hearing About how a two bit Union Buster thinks Of himself as more of a patriot she's Got some attitude look at that attitude Than the woman who fights every single Day to lift working people out from
Under the boots of greed trampling on Our way of life on our way of life this PARTA on our way of [Applause] Life I mean it's a freak Show okay so There's one more thing here I I'll show You the Chris Coons thing later I Actually caught that um but this is um Like bizarre too What are they doing Here in 2008 we met while working on the Obama Biden Campaign woo I think woo I'm not sure What this is but woo okay so let's segue This whole we fight we win thing um Let's segue into This completely Fabricated um you Know um like story this commercial they Put up of K Harris they're trying to Rewrite history now AOC said she comes From the middle class I didn't I'll show You that part she understands the middle Class because she comes from the middle Class right and they're trying to make Kamla Harris grow up poor And they've Rewritten history here so This guy comes Out woo where you going over here woo Wow so this guy I think is an actor Right and he plays a number of villains If I think of though he's the right Person he might be a politician I don't Know but I'm pretty sure he's an actor
They don't tell who this is here that AOC W she was wonderful woo LC woo so Kamla Harris's Story begins in a middle class Neighborhood in in the East Bay yeah in a modest apartment above a Nursery school in a close-knit community Where people looked out for one another That's where they want her story to Begin so I watched a little bit of this And let's go through it because I I'm Pretty sure they leave her dad Completely out of it right with a mother Who instilled in kamla Harris the core Principles that have defined her life in Public service these are the experiences That made her the leader she is Today okay they call her the Protector so this is how they're making Kama Harris she's the protector right And this is you know we already EST Estblished you know I talked about this In my last video I make I might get that Whole little clip and put it in here at Some point um because they just they're [ __ ] in the whole thing here right But I you know went through and did the Research which you guys all saw in my Video the previous video about kamla Harris doing these things right like That she grew up in Berkeley first she Was in Wisconsin and she lived by a lake where The lake Pro the lakefront property and
She apparently lived on the lake and Would walk out to the lake from her back Door was um you know right now it's $500,000 to millions of dollars and you Know million you know two or three Million doll homes and $500,000 homes Are like the cheapest homes right Because she was living in a college town On a lake you know expensive are Expensive area upper middle class and Then her mom and dad got divorced her Mom moved to Berkeley you know California Berkeley and she was in a Suburban you know a you know a rich Urban area right and they Tred to make It sound like she's from Oakland or Something the neighborhood we grew up in Again so this is California so this is like you know her Mom's getting divorced and they come out And they're they go to an apartment here Before getting nicer her place right so This is not a you know some she's not a Poor person she didn't grow up with any Kind of you know the kind of urban uh Street cred that they try to make her Have right okay so I'm editing and it Says down there in the bottom right hand Corner East Bay right and that's what The guy said she grew up in the East Bay Of California now they're hiding something Right there why would they say East Bay That this place doesn't exist here I
Looked it up Up okay so I'm editing and I thought I'd Show you this so I searched for East Bay California and they call it the San Francisco Bay area right like so it's The east side of the San Francisco Bay So there's a lot of money in San Francisco there's a in these college Towns right there's a lot of money in California you know the East Bay there's An area I went there with my family went To this asham they they bought a bowling Alley there has a lot of rich Indian People that do my meditations sjar Meditation and they could have bought a Whole like town with cows in it and [ __ ] Like some you know Inland uh like rural Town but they bought this bowling alley And you know my kids and I went and we Found this park and I was like holy [ __ ] That's the Golden Gate Bridge like we're At this epic park by the ocean and I Didn't even know how close we are to the Ocean right but there's a lot of you Know Indian people this Silicone Valley Area you know a lot of Indian people do My meditation right and so You know I'm a little bit familiar with This area you know I went there once but You know there's no East Bay like Oakland is supposed to be a tough town And there's supposed to be a city I've Never been there and when she was doing The interview with that guy who was
Trying to give her street cred he said You grew up in Oakland she didn't grow Up in Oakland right and the reason They're saying East Bay is they want to You know people are going to know when They say Berkeley like I said yesterday There's no you know Berkeley is in Comptent right you don't hear any Rappers coming out of Berkeley and it's Mostly you know and I'll show you my my Clip from yesterday coming up but she um You know I talk about where she lived And she lived in you know Montreal Canada she lived in on the Lakeside in Wisconsin and she lives in the Bay Area All wealthy areas right close to the Ocean in these rich towns so they want To make her sound poorer and more middle Class than she actually was when she Grew up in a very highly educated sort Of elite level family right you know People who are rich and educated from Jamaica and India right every country Has their Elite and she's a part of the Elite Class you know spoiler alert I'm Going to talk about her mom's a doctor Her dad's a doctor her dad's a PhD They're both professors they both taught Her mom was a researcher and her and her Sister are lawyers right we'll get into That more as we go on but this is the Family so they're trying to make her Poor and more like she's a poor guy She's a poor girl and and she comes from
Working class roots and Donald Trump is The you know elitist Bill million you Know millionaire son billionaire right Out of touch with you know average Working people but KLA is you know the Academic Elite and so this is a lie this Not the East Bay it's Berkeley Right the neighborhood we grew up in was A very Hardworking middle class tightnit Community this is her lawyer sister Right and was the name of the town like You said you know the the the the area Yeah we know the area general area What's the name of the town though was It Berkeley was it Berkeley did you grow Up in Berkeley because people know what Berkeley is people in California do Right families going to church on Sunday kids playing in the front yard Mommy got us these bright blue matching Bikes with banana seats and we were Surrounded by caring adults This neighborhood on bankof way we've Spent so much time here behind me is Where it all began her mom shyamala Rented the apartment that was so they're Going to try to make it of people of Color she lived in a white neighborhood Right she lived in a a town uh you know The racial Demographics okay so Um the uh the demographics of Berkeley California 55 5 55% white 20% Asian so
That's really high so there's a high Percentage amount of Asian of course KLA Is East Indian and two or more Races um are 99.8% and black or africanamerican is 7.7% so it's a low population right so In America the African-American is 12.1% in Berkeley California it's Um it's lower than that right by five Points and so it isn't a high population Of black people she didn't goow grew up In a a black neighborhood she grew up in A you know with white people and Asian People that was the majority over uh 75% 34 of the people were either white or Asian understanding this there's a lot Of East Indians in that area that's her Mom right that's KLA she grew up with a Heavy Indian influence above the Shelton's Nursery so in the beginning Mrs Shelton used to babysit the girls Okay so her mom wears a lot of Saris she wears a lot of Indian saris or Indian clothing in a lot of the pictures But they took a picture of her where she Looks more like a black person in the 70s right than an Indian person right Sham was a single mom life was not easy For them them but that's like an Indian Clothing that's what they wear this like Sort of scarf loved her daughters Fiercely comma herself says that her mom Told her that she may be the first to do
Many things but to make sure that she's Not the last she's always been that kind Of person a true leader and very Protective of her friends and her family When KLA was all of four years old her Best friend in kindergarten Stacy Johnson Got it okay so the birkwood Hedge School Where they say she went to elementary School the Burk Hedge School in Um in uh Berkeley California right she Um when she was four years old she was In Wisconsin kamla was 5 years old right When her parents got divorced and then That's when she moved to Berkeley California they had been there before They had been close to Stanford where The parents had met so these are rich College towns right see this is this School here right this in California School in Berkeley you can see it's Mostly white kids there you know Whatever the the ethnic breakdown is she Didn't go to some tough inner city School she went to a college town school Right and her parents her mom came from You know whatever kind of wealth that Got her to get educated in America she Came from the rich Brahman CL cast in Southern India and um you know her dad Was a professor her mom worked as a uh As a research like a scientific Researcher on the college campus and so
They had money and they had connections And they were you know upper middle Class right living in a educated rich Area in California into something with Another kid on the playground this one Particular day we had made some clay art And this one boy in our class had taken Mind for whatever reason and threw it on The ground and it shattered so kamla Being very protective just jumped in Front of me and stood up to him to me That shows the kind of person so they're Trying to bring it back to what she was Like when she was four you guys have Stories about yourself and your four KL Is my age you know you got four-year-old Story like people are like she was a Protector back when She when she was four years old she was A protector but the truth of the matter Is she was in Wisconsin at this time Right like you know she was just moving To this area and so when she was 5 years Old so like they they don't have their Timelines right you know like she They're saying that she was four years Old she was doing this but she lived in That Lakefront house um you know let me Show you let me put that clip in there Here I'll find my clip from my previous Video and then we'll we'll come back to This her mom worked in a resarch lab Right they weren't poor like no one Would say she was poor like and she you
Know to make it sound like she grew up In the streets of Oakland so KLA Harris's family had money right and so Here KLA Harris um this is when she Lived in Madison Wisconsin that's where She was when her parents were together And then she moved to Berkeley California where Berkeley University was Right and so this is her when KLA Harris Was a child of Madison when KLA Harris was a little Girl growing up on the far west side of Madison so she was you know Madison Wisconsin is where the Badgers are right So her her dad was working at uh the ma Uh Wisconsin University right when colas Harris was a little girl growing on the Growing up at the far west side of madis In the late 60s she loved running out The back of her family's small home and Carefully making her way down all the Steps that led to the shore of Lake Menona KLA Mota and so this is she had lakefront Property right she lived in a place Where she lived on the lake of wh you Know this you know prominent Lake in Wisconsin by a college town You know this is this Lake here right And so this isn't like she's not growing Up in some inner city Slum okay so just to get a sense of this This is realtor.com homes for sale in Madison Wisconsin this home house is a
$1.7 million 200 small cottage 235,000 Right that's some like probably some Rental Cottage 530,000 you know vacation Home these are both worth millions of Dollars look at the the real estate here Right $375,000 like this is she didn't grow up In the hood right she grew up on a Lakefront property in Wisconsin even if She had a poor house you know this is The neighborhood there is there's going To be low crime there it's a vacation Rental right um this is you know this is An apartment building which is the Apartments there are going for 600,000 Right so this is you know I mean none of These things are Cheap you know there's that's the stuff This is what you know obviously some of These are are nicer houses than she grew Up in their modern houses but this is Lakefront property in a college town It's Far Cry away from you she doesn't Have any Street cried for growing up in Wisconsin on the lake right KLA Harris Childhood in Berkeley shaped her um she Lived in Berkeley California which is this is Berkeley California right where Um the University of California is right At Berkeley and so this is a beautiful College town right close to the ocean And you know her mom was not they Weren't in poverty like she was she
Never grew up in poverty like that is a Claim that she wants to make but she Grew up in this nice college town this Kind of place right and so it says here Long before vice president KLA Harris Became a national figure she was a Resident of Berkeley flat and a student Of Thousand Oaks Elementary School Harris 54 lived in Berkeley until the Age of 12 when she moved with her family To Montreal she came back to USA After High School graduating from Howard University in h in UC Hastings College Of Law in San Francisco right so she was She lived here after she moved from Wisconsin and her parents got divorced When she was seven she then came to Lived in Berkeley California at the age Of 12 and went to this Thousand Oaks Elementary School and you notice that the kids There are mostly white right so this is Um you know this is this school look They got a freaking look at this place Right so this is not um some poor inner City school right KLA Harris visits Berkeley take a look around Berkeley Where KLA Harris has left her mark this Is the place right this is California us Ber UC Berkeley campus is where um her Mom Worked a childhood friend friend paints A picture of KLA Harris upbringing there Was a little girl in California who was
Part of the second class to integrate Her public school and she was busted to That school every day and that little Girl was me Carol Porter a friend a Childhood friend of her said she was the Other girl girl on the bus Porter spoke Of All Things Considered host AR arri Shapiro we lived in a very Multicultural Community that was very really beautiful Very working class a lower working class Har was Harris was confident and she was Nice the shamala that I remember as a Child she was the air of confidence About her she's talking about her mom She had an air of just integrity and Strength when you saw shamala you said Hello Miss Harris um and so you know This is is she's trying to make it sound Like she was Bust from the inner city Have you ever heard of a rapper claiming To be from Berkeley California right you Know you ever hear people compare Compton to Berkeley right and so she Didn't grow up in Oakland here's Berkeley and here's Oakland right and so This is um you know they have like San Francisco and they have Oakland and There's you know there's these the Bay Area and you across the bay and all this Stuff I've been out there there's an Asam over there in Silicone Valley which I was um but this is not here San Francisco over here Silicone Valley is You know somewhere over here um and
She's you know she grew up in this upper You know this um this uh you know Suburban college town right and you know They're trying to make it like she's From the streets of Oakland that she has always been to Stand up to the bully and to stand up For the underdog and to stand up for What is right so the four-year-old kid Who to wreck the thing was you know you Wouldn't call that kid necessarily a Bullying for and again you know they're Just making this up that she's a Protector Right kamla carries the lessons of our Mother the fighting Spirit of our mother The Compassion and I have seen it over and Over again in our growing up when we Were in high school my sister's friend Wanda okay West Mount High School is in Um uh Montreal Canada right she moved to Canada this is Westmont High School in Montreal Canada right and so what Happened was this is her mom her mom was A biomed scientist and the salary now Like the starting salary is $100,000 and what that is is somebody Who worked as a researcher for big Pharma right so her mom um she moved she Worked uh for it says here Miss Harrison Her sister moved to Montreal because her Mother took a job in the mid-70s Conducting Research into breast cancer
In the lady de Davis insute at a Jewish General Hospital Dr Michael Pollock Director of the stroll cancer prevention Center of ghg worked with KLA Harris's Slate mother at a laboratory scientist Dr Roger goal doc Dr Roger gopal and Harris Dr Roger gopal and Harris so her Mother was a doctor right she was a Research Doctor like this your mom's a Doctor her dad's a doctor a PhD and E an Economist who is a strange listen There's nothing about her d right like Her dad doesn't exist they're saying her Mom grew up in poverty mean her dad Didn't pay any kind of child support Right her dad is the black guy right her Dad is the Jamaican guy her mom's the Indian woman right and they're and she They're trying to put her out there as a Black person she grew up in a you know An area where there aren't very many Black people in California and then in Um and then her mom moved her to Montreal where there's barely any people Of color there right so this is the Racial breakout down of Montreal Canada Right as of 2006 and so um and you know it was going To be more white back when kamla grew up There and the majority of people here More than like it looks like over 80% Are white people and so um this is you Know it's not a very diverse place right And so it says here at the time he was a
Clinical oncologist starting research Lab to investigate the roles of hormones That influence cancer growth a topic Related to Dr gopal and Harris's work She helped me understand the basics of Laboratory work while I explained to her Some of the clinical aspects of bre can Breast cancer he recalls or a smart and Forceful researcher who made important Contribution to understanding breast Cancer people were happy to work with Her not because it was easy but because Of the atmosphere of collaboration Everyone called her Shyamala and so she worked as a um as a Doctor researcher that's probably Connected to Big Pharma right this is These are these research projects are Connected to um you know the Pharmaceutical industry and she was Looking to find ways to cure breast Cancer through the pharmaceutical Pursuit right So this is kamla in Montreal Canada was Being molested by a family member and Kamla just jumped in she wanted her to Come and stay with us and mommy said of Course that is kamla that's kamla that Was who kamla was right that's kamla's Big story although when she the why she Wanted to become a Prosecutor like that's her story which I Covered in an earlier video she tells This story when she's sitting down with
Tim Walls and they're talking about who They are as people and yet when you Became a Prosecutor sex offenders and you know This kind of behavior was not you know Prosecuting uh pedos was not on her list Right they're rearranging this they're They're rewriting this to make her into A protector right we can't help herself From standing up for people and standing Up for what she thinks is right so this Like just completely rearranging history Because where's her dad like where's her Dad like her dad's still alive her dad's Not a part of this she doesn't have a Relationship with her dad and her dad Disapproves of you know the knee pad Stuff that she does right she did to get To where she is and her economic Policies cuz he's a he's a Marxist right He's a you you know he's a a you know Communist right he's a you know he he Believes in the I mean he a he was a Radical 60s communist Marxist professor Of Economics he has been that way our Whole lives being a protector is what Led her to become a Prosecutor where she threw black people In jail for smoking pot and because Their kids didn't go to school right Looking Back Now I could say it was her Calling woo she's a protector woo so her Dad did not exist in that at all right Okay her sister is also a
Lawyer right so her sister and her both Lawyers her dad refuses to be Interviewed and talk to people about KLA Harris admit his children's rights to Promise Harris leads a discre life as of 2024 rejecting multiple interview Requests for media outlets in recent Years at some time prior to 2015 May 2015 Harris became a Naturalized US citizen and reportedly Has a residence in Washington DC so he Lives in Washington DC and he doesn't Have any kind of relationship with Kamala right like his daughter's a vice President he won't do interviews and He's like not liking what she's doing as A person you know in terms of what she Represents he was a you know Economist you know do he had a doctor Doctorate in economy he taught economics At various Universities and he was a Marxist You Know Carl Marx you know the founder of Communism and so like they left that guy Completely out but that's you know he's Jamaican he's the black guy in her you Know in her uh her racial demographics Right and they just completely left that Out like it's just you know pretending That he didn't exist they don't talk About him at all like what he Contributed to their life and any of These things like his mom and him got Divorced his mom moved to California you
Know taking the kids away from him why Was he abusive or what was going on There or was it like she was just Screwing him over and cutting him off From his his kids and that was you know Where she would have had some kind of a At least he was but he wasn't really you Know African-American so like just a Bizarre rewriting of History here not Bizarre it's completely what they were Going to Do so it's interesting on a lot of Levels right Um I have like personal connections to All these things so uh you know the Goalen I know a lot of Goins you know That's her mom's mated name right the Master the third Master of the S mark System was Raja gopala charari right and So uh Raja means king and so they have These various people who had the name Goalen there was a kind of famous guy There um in the you know the meditation That I do you know like I said I'm Familiar with the ramen cast and these Things but also my best friend from high School was biracial like he introduced Himself as molat his mom was German Blond-haired German lady and his dad was A black guy named Miles he lived with His Dad he lived with his mom when in Syracuse and then moved to Conneticut Where he went to high school and his dad Had these giant speakers like they were
Like four feet high and like three feet Wide like giant like Stadium speakers And he had a very expensive stereo and He listened to Jazz he had all these Jazz albums he was You Know Rich you he Made like 60 70,000 a year then and his Son's name was miles after Miles Davis And commus was talking about Miles Davis And Jazz that she grew up with so you Know we're the same age right and where Did she hear that in Berkeley California With her Brahman mom or in Montreal when She was in high school like my best Friend from high school he was named After Miles Davis he didn't like that [ __ ] you know he listened to Contemporary music and she talks about Listening to this music you know she's Talking to um uh wall and all these lies Are coming out about wal which I'll Cover when he does his when he has his Big speech but he's being caught left And right like he's making up stuff like Joe Biden does like I said he was Joe Biden and he just plagiarizes stuff and Makes it up apparently he's really good At making he doesn't make a white guy Tacos he actually won a contest and I'll Get into that you know but they're just Lying about everything right they're Lying about who they are as people and You know she was saying she listened to This music with walz you know and this Is the kind of music she was used to you
Know the Jazz and things like that she Didn't listen to that [ __ ] right like Because she didn't have people in her Life that listen to it she grew up in These rich areas that they don't want to Know where they don't want to let you Know where she grew up because you'd be Like oh that's a rich college town and That's where she gets her kind of Liberalism but the thing about kamla is She's an opportunist she's not a Defender she's not a protector she's not Any of these things it's not about her Racial makeup it's not about you know Her genetics it's not about even her who She is culturally kamla is an opportun Opportunist and is a look at me person She's an attention seeker just like Trump they're both identical in that Area they both love the spotlight she's Beaming when she's like having all these People applaud her like this is I mean This is gold for her just like Trump Trump loves these moments right you know The business of being a you know a Politician and and things like that That's like Pleasant work making Decisions making unpopular decisions you Know having to haggle with other Politicians to get laws past that all You know some people love that you know But that's not them they love being on Stage both kamla and Trump they love the Crowd they love the the Adoration that's
What they're in it for right like They're not into the policy stuff at all You can tell because they'll change They're not belief people there's some People who have an agenda you know They're trying to give her a backstory Where she was a prosecutor because she Cared about other people was a Prosecutor cuz she got an opportunity to Do that work and move her along in her Political you know in Upper Echelon type Situation the other thing is like these Indian um families you know there was This ly Memorial Mega School Aly was the First Master of the Saar meditation I do And master charie right charie you know Char was from Raja goala charari right His last name was I mean his nickname Was charie from his last name and he um You know he may built this school and You know it was a lot of people do the Meditation brought their kids from all Over the world and he tried to make it a World class school with a lot of the Spiritual energy in it right but the Pressure there for these kids was Unbelievable and I talk about this with The brighter mind scam a lot in my Journey series but my kids hung out with These kids right who were going to that School you know my kids were Homeschooled and they hung out with These kids and there was like a 10-year-old kid and he was so stressed
Out about taking a test he got on a Train to India and there's these trains That go all over the place to you know There's 1.3 billion people these crowded Cities and he went just somewhere and Got off the train and was like ran away From like his school and his home they Didn't find it for like three months and All these kids commit suicide because if They fail a test their life is over These kids who grow up in these Brahman Families these educated families and There's so much pressure to get into the Universities get into the higher level Schools and become these you know Elite Academic people so that they can um you Know go to America and make a lot of Money or get you know rise up in the in The system there's so much academic Pressure you know they have a a board Game master Char's grandson I you know He was talking about it one day when I My first trip to India called Head of The Class where the kids play a board Game and try to become the Head of the Class you know that's why they win all The spelling bees when they come here Right because the kids are into Academics in ways American kids aren't Right American kids don't give a [ __ ] About being the head of the class right Like you get picked on you're you're a Nerd or whatever it is you know maybe It's a little bit different now but not
That much right it's like with Jewish People who put so much pressure on their Kids to be successful in India women Become doctors and Men become engineers Like that's the kind of the cream of the Crop the pressure to become an engineer Like Engineers are are you know worship Like gurus and doctors right so it's It's not a surprise that her mom became A doctor and her daughters became Lawyers right this is a highly educated Professional family that comes from Elite status and there's some backstory About her dad and her relationship that They don't want you to know about cuz They're not even mentioned in the guy Right they don't like he didn't exist Like you know they don't talk about her Dad like she's a single mom like the dad Just ran off with some co-ed or Something like they had a divorce for Whatever reason when she was 5 years old And the mom moves the kids from Wisconsin where the dad was and took him Across country to uh Berkeley California And maybe she was given a job offer and She wanted to go there to work and he Didn't want her to or he didn't want to Move because he was already had the job Where he was and who knows what this the St what the reasoning was but we don't Know how much a role kamla's dad played In her life but according to this you Know this fluff piece he doesn't exist
Right he's like a sperm donor and he Disappeared you know so like you know And that and the guy himself doesn't Like to talk about her and and isn't Talking to her even though they both Live in Washington DC so the whole thing Is a a big lie yeah just a little bit of A thing my uh a little bit of an added Bonus here my best friend from high School who named Miles you know he Didn't listen to Miles Davis he listened To Ted Nen when we were when we met when we Were freshman in high school he was a Big Ted Duan fan who like I you know I Disliked but you know he listened to Like rock and things like that like the Majority of kids in our school did and He you know he his dad was I I don't Think he even understood the jazz music And you know his dad was into it but Like you know that didn't me like how Many how many people are into the music Their parents were into Right okay so then this Happened please welcome former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton okay So why is she getting this kind of Applause woo this is got USA [Applause] Head the two songs they often play with Hillary is this is my fight song and so In this thing they're playing so I want
To hear I want to see you be brave which Means you're not being brave right Um you know I don't know why they're Rolling her out I'm not going to cover This because you know she's just so hard To listen To you know by look at her Point into The thing that's her signature move There that's the that's her for her to Pretend she has friends right hey look At my friends are here yeah look at I Know that guy that guy I know that girl Over there you know so um but by Definition when we fight we win Hillary Clinton then did not fight right Because she lost she's the reason for Donald Trump's presidency and all the Rest of it right she failed Epically uh epically and you know and so Why is she here right she was a Secretary of state which you know Without much I mean there wasn't very Much that she was like credited for Right she was a senator from New York That they just installed in a where she Didn't really even have an election and So like um KLA Harris she really didn't Win anything you know if you are just Handpicked to be the nominee for for Senator in New York when you never lived There like she was never a New Yorker But they just said all right we're going To make you senator from New York and New York was so Democratic she ran
Basically unopposed she all had that Bill Clinton money behind her and so she Won senator of New York and then was Using that to run for president but she Lost to Barack Obama which no nobody Thought would happen like Barack Obama Was you know was supposed to be like a You know a young guy just trying to make A name for himself and he dusted her Made her secretary of state right and Then they ran her for president she lost To Trump so she's not somebody who's Been successful like everything she's Gotten was rigged Right this is like bitter loser night Right woo this is like bitter loser Night thank you all so Much W Hillary Hillary Hillary thank you okay so I'm just going To while I'll sit through this myself But if there's anything interesting I'll Put it in here if not we'll move on to The next thing so they're giving her Just to keep on going here woo thank you My fellow Democrats They gave her like there was another Like 10 seconds of Applause there They're really going for it like why are You celebrating like what was what you Don't like her you didn't like her the First time right you know she lost to Trump like she lost to trump it wasn't Rigged it wasn't fake news it wasn't any Of these things she lost to Trump like
You know I mean it's always rigged Whatever but you know they said that she Was going to win Trump seemed to have Given up in the third debate he just Like was like all right I'm going to Lose I don't care and they they somehow Won and she was the disgraced you know She lost to Trump Right my fellow Americans y Woo so here it gets weird 1984 I brought my daughter to see Geraldine Ferraro the first woman Nominated for vice President woo it's about women if we can Do this Jerry said we can do Anything and then there was 2016 when it Was the honor of my life to accept our Party's nomination for president yeah You lost Trump like there's nothing to Say about that you lost to Trump if you had fought you would have Won that's all I want to say Hillary Like look at all the signs out there if You had fought you would have won And and nearly 66 million Americans Voted for a future where there are no Ceilings on our Dreams yeah but it was Enough but you lost right remember you Lost this is she's rocking the ey Shadow Here they're very weird like it's just Like kind of a freak Show out there Yes USA afterwards we refused to give up On America Millions marched many ran for
Office we kept our eyes on the future Well my friends the future is Here kamla is the future are you saying Kamla and douge fresh and wals are walls Are the Future look at it yes yes look at NY [ __ ] just call your husband and see if You can sell some stock his stocks just Went Down my mother and kamla's mother could See us they would say keep going sure Wait I mean why are you part of this you Lost to Trump like if my mother and Kamla's mother could see us they would Say keep going Jerry would say keep Going Keep going keep going keep going when we Fight we win that Women women fighting for Reproductive Health Care are saying keep going keep Going okay she try to take credit for This let's move on to the next thing Here okay so that's all glass ceiling Stuff right and Hillary you know she Married a guy who was a good politician And who had Charisma in Bill Clinton Like if she didn't marry him she would Have never been who she was politically Right she was very unliked pretty much By all the you know Bill Clinton people And Arkansas and you know even the you Know I mean the Democrats there and they Had to train her to you know be an Arkansas person she was from Chicago
She's got that you know that abrasive Accent and abrasive personality she's Probably an alcoholic from all the Drinking that she did and you know Whatever else was going on with her in Terms of the she was fainting she was Having her own physical issues right and Somehow she's outlasted Joe Biden though Right you know if she had been president She wouldn't have cuz she was already Failing physically fainting she had Faint seven times she passed out she's Passing out quite regularly and so like Whatever's going on with her but you Know they gave her that um position in New York right in terms of the they just Handpicked her for that Congressional Position she ran unopposed only because She was Bill Clinton's wife and then They ran her for president like they are She had the backing of the Bill Clinton Money and the Bill Clinton you know they Have a team of people and they were you Having a team of people is a big deal Because KLA Harris has the Biden team Like they just transition to her but a New candidate one of these other you Know candidates would have had to create Their own team and their own money their Own you know all of it right there's Huge staffing issues right it costs a Lot of money to run for president and so You know she didn't do anything to break His glass ceiling she married a guy and
Became a famous politician because of That and she sucked at it and she Ultimately lost to Trump KLA Harris you Know she knee padded her way into you Know like I've talked about this over And over again and then she kind of Without winning any votes and winning You they weren't like rock stars is what I'm saying they weren't women who just You know pulled themselves up by their Bootstraps they had help all the way and They were chosen for these positions and KLA Harris hasn't done anything yet Right other than you know lock out and Be chosen for a vice president to a guy With Parkinson's that's not breaking the Glass ceiling you know that's that's Getting on your knees and you know Working working you know working the the Old profession in the world to gain Political favor and then to get luck out And you know whatever she did to and up Being vice president right to a guy who Wasn't going to make it to the end so That's just you know I mean yeah there Is some element of success there but it Isn't like based in Merit or work right Like being a good politician or being Somebody who you know has worked their Way up I mean that she worked her way up But not the way that like you know she Wants to be known for Please welcome actor and director Tony
Goldwin yeah that's this guy Tony Goldwin you know this guy's always a Villain right he's played a villain in a Number of um like usually like a tech Villain like he's like a Steve Jobs Villain right so later on he's going to Introduce KLA as that that you know that Piece of whatever it was and so um you Know why are they bringing a Hollywood Guy in here so then they bring out these Um let's just watch this here We were told with 100% certainty we Would lose our baby girl Willow and we Were sent Home for three days DNC spotlights Abortion rights with Heroin stories Right so then they come out with these Complete Downer where you know they're Talking about abortion rights where There's some kind of tragedy like it's Some sort of evil tragedy some horrible Thing that's being done to people Because it's harder now to kill a your Fetus right and there are horror stories And you know these are I guess horror Stories you know difficult circumstances Where an abortion makes sense right like This is the baby 100% you're going to Lose the baby and if you keep the baby You're threatening the mother's life so It makes sense to do an abortion then Right and I you know I don't know like This is stuff I don't know about but I Do know that life begins a conception by
Every me measurable standard it's a Human life and so it's a murder right And I don't know if there's you know Circumstances where that would be okay Like I can't say you know because of I Mean everything that we think about life And death there are circumstances that Are you know more uh you know in terms Of like suicide is always a bad thing But you know death is inevitable right Sometimes death is just something that You it's all it's your time right and so I can't speak for for every abortion and Every circumstance but I do know it's Murder right like life begins a Conception based in science and Spirituality and that's something that Nobody talks about like I'm not talking About the Supreme Court or roie weade or Legal make it legal or illegal or Someone with health problems like each Person has to determine that for Themselves but they have to be able to Say what it is right now if this baby's Going to die EV anyway and again that's You trusting the medical community well You know the medical community the AL Apathic medical model isn't great right Like so if they say you're 100% going to Lose the baby maybe that's true but Maybe they're just wrong right I'm not Saying they are but like that's you know Whatever it is but they have these Heroine stories here heroine stories
Days we waited until Amanda was sick Enough to receive standard abortion Care eventually Amanda temperature Spiked she was shaking disoriented and Crashing I don't this is Amanda she made It don't remember what I threw into Willow did notag that day only that Instead of welcoming Willow I was hoping Amanda's life could be Saved I'm here tonight because the fight For Reproductive Rights isn't just a Woman's fight this is about fighting Okay so but you're not talking about Making exceptions even Trump has Conceded exceptions so let's say doctors Say it's a life and death situation and They make that like an exception for Every state in the country and then you Know these other things incest things Like this because these are these Stories so if you take away these things Right then you're willing to you know These horrible things where somebody's In a like they wanted the baby and it Just wasn't meant to be right you know Miscarriages whatever it might be like Where you know there makes sense that Abortion would be like a like a moral Option like something that's probably The the right thing to do let's say that You allowed all these states to have Those exceptions would you like not do All the other abortions which are just Straight up murders
Like right you know like are you willing To concede the rest of those like if cuz These horror stories are specifically You know about things that you can make Legal like you could make exceptions for Every one of these things and I'm Editing and I want to say this what they Want to do is make it mandatory and Force it on the states now the states Have their people there and you know Some of these states are red States and These red states have a lot of Christians who feel strongly about this Right and you know people can vote like They can you know there's sometimes People don't vote in state elections and They're not very political young people Right then they can you know some of These states are they're borderline They're like swing States you know They're and some of these you know Policies that they're putting out there Abortion policies you know it's a State-by-state basis and so what they're Trying to do is force the democratics Party view which is the majority of Americans are pro abortion this is a Winning issue for them but there are Some states that the majority of people Are against it and you know this is just Making it a state-by-state case right And isn't some like you know slam dunk Like like they're preventing people from Getting treatment for cancer or
Something and again the whole medical Model is atrocious the AL apathic Medical model it's just you know Aggressive and you know it's Money-making and all the things we know About and so again they're they're Getting all upset like this is something That they're making Every Woman suffer This well you live go live in a state Where they allow it right I mean it's Not like you or you can go to that state And and get the the operation there I Mean there's some you know there's some Things even with that right and KLA Harris getting elected isn't going to Change this law and why isn't Joe Biden Doing something now right she would need The the house and the Senate and then it Would have to by go past the Supreme Court so like is she running on that She's going to water down the Supreme Court and reverse her decision so that's A whole another thing right and then This woman comes out But too many have they write to me Saying what happened to you happened to Me sometimes they're miscarrying scared To tell anyone even their Doctors our daughters deserve better America deserves better well not if They're Imported S I don't know what her thing Was let's go back here CU they Do boom they're from Texas
Suing Texas over abortion Restrictions 2 years ago my husband and I were expecting our second child our Daughter Lauren couldn't wait to be a Big sister I was getting ready for her Fourth birthday party when something Didn't feel right two emergency rooms Sent me away because of Louisiana's Abortion ban no one would confirm that I Was miscarrying I was in pain bleeding so much my Husband feared for my Life no woman should experience what I Endured but too many have Okay so this She was having a miscarriage which is Something completely different um and You know I don't know what you know her Specific story is right and again this Is goes back to the medical community Then this girl comes out American Girl Varsity soccer Captain cheerleading Captain home homecoming queen and Survivor she's from Kentucky so these Are all states that are you have Abortion bands Texas Kentucky and Louisiana I was raped by my stepfather After years of sexual Abuse at age 12 I took my first Pregnancy test And it was Positive that was the first time I was Ever told you have Options okay so again you can make these Things all exceptions like incest life
Or death certainly miscarriages you know The the woman's miscarriage thing that's The doctor sucking right and you know we Doctors suck right I mean they're Doctors just aren't trustworthy lots of Them they're not healers right they're p P pill pushers and you know uh all of it But you know these are all dark stories And negative stories right and so they Wrap this thing Up so there's like that moment right and They play this music this you know to Get them off the stage they just told These horrible Stories right you know and this guy Comes out they're playing It's A Beautiful Day by you too these women Just shared these heroine stories and They're playing a beautiful day this guy Comes out he's the governor of Kentucky Or something like this woman's still in Tears because of these stories right She's like oh my God those are horrible Stories and like I don't know I just Can't beside myself and so you know They're showing all the people here in The audience he's kissing the crowd and He's going to talk about abortion too And he's got a big smile on his face After hear these heroin stories right Like this guy and d and look at her look At Kamla they're all smiling and happy like Like we're we're we're done with those
Heroine stories and that emotion and now We're let's bring out Andy is one of the Bravest people I've ever met woo she's So Brave woo so I guess in some reason Kentucky elected an Andy elected a a Governor Here I'm Amazed at the courage it takes To share her pain to share her truth yet Donald Trump brags about tearing a Constitutional right away from Hadley And every other woman and girl in our Country it's just so sad and tragic and Harrowing it's pretty heroin right but You're forgetting the part about like You know the murder part right like You're murdering fetuses and embryos and Things and you know they're human beings And the with they're you know they're Human beings in the process of becoming Human beings and being human beings Right and so yeah it's murder right like You guys all like kind of know that Right like it's some level and so again I'm not a roie way person or any of These things I'm not about legal or Illegal I'm about you knowing what it is Like when before you do it I mean about You getting the truth about what it is That when a man's sperm and a woman's a Come together they form a third person a Separate person separate from the woman Separate from the man it's not a Cancerous growth that the woman's having
Taken out it's a baby right it starts Being a baby at conception at the Spiritual level the soul creates the you Know the the body right the energetic Soul animates the body like not every Time that there's a potential for Pregnancy does it happen right I mean There is a like they call it the miracle Of birth because there's all these Sperms and there's you know the egg and A lot of times they don't you know Connect right like so I mean it's There's a there's a process there and There has to be a soul present and so There's two things there that's when Life begins and so if you're going to do This and I don't care if it's legal or Not because people will do it without it Being legal right women will do it you Know be in horrible circumstances being Pressured I mean it's it all falls on The woman and they should know you know And like the pro lifers they want to Prevent abortion but they're don't want To support support the women single moms Or whatever you know I'm not like you Know all about those you know political Groups that suck and are you know Insincere and you know they're not they Don't solve the problem or help with the Problem which is you know a degraded Humanity and you know uh whatever the Circumstances where there's lots of Young women and you're five times more
Likely to get an abortion if you're a Person of color a woman you know a black Woman if you're you know I mean that's They're funneling them in in a way That's like genocide right And so there's all these factors that They don't talk about you know telling Women the truth about what this is right And what it's going to feel like because It's there's a soul present there's a Soul that's connected to you and you're Disconnecting that soul from you and There's depression and you know it just I mean women who have abortion can talk About these you know bring them up and Talk about what it's like and be honest About it right like be honest about what The the whole thing was you know I'm I Feel like I'm much more prac iCal about Things that majority of truthers and People in general because I look at all Sides of this the issue and often times Like I don't have a dog in the fight Right I don't have you know for me Personally my baby making days are over So there's going to be you know like I I Don't have anything that's going to I Mean I don't have any personal stake in The thing right but you know I'm aware Of women being in horrible situations And these kids growing up in horrible Situations and again you know you can't You you don't know what's going to Happen to that kid even if a kid's with
A single mom I mean they're saying KLA Harris had a single mom and she's Running for president right you know I Mean there's you know whatever like not That she's a good person but you know it Is what it is right there's success Stories people coming out of poverty People coming out of bad situations but The major majority of people in bad Situations the majority of aborted Babies probably weren't going to have Very good lives does that mean you get To kill them no like it's not you know Who can decide such things right who's Who's uh has the ability to decide such Things the other issue is on a societal Level our country couldn't afford all These unwanted babies we're talking About you know another 40 million people And these kids who are going to be Unproductive and be a drain on the System most of them because of the Circumstances like most of the kids who Are aborted are going to be in you know The lowest level of criminal type of you Know potential criminals and all this Other stuff and the you know we're Already um in in bad shape economically And that would just put a tax on the System unemployment more you know Whatever and so that system needs Abortions and I you know I acknowledge All those things so it's you know it's Not such a you know blaming the women
Who have abortion kind of situation you Can't do that because it's a it's a System that we're all participating in We're all you know our system needs Abortion And so you know I'm compassionate about All those things but the issue here is You know I said this with Amy Schumer Amy Schumer was a big abortion Advocate And she was pushing for abortion she had These horrible abortion jokes like Really you know bad abortion jokes right Like they were offensive but then she Had trouble getting pregnant you know And she was celebrating being pregnant And you know her and her husband were Having all these issues and then when She was pregnant she was throwing up all The time which you know maybe is a part Of her her low brow comedy and you know Making fun of something that shouldn't Be made fun of like these aborted Fetuses and all these horrible jokes she Did right but I said this back then that These celebrities and these women who Are very liberal when they want to have A baby they call it a baby I have a baby In my belly right well I you know I I Got the pregnancy test honey we're Pregnant you know like you know they're They get all excited there's a b there's A we're going to have a baby right but When it's a [ __ ] I'm pregnant you like What is it then right when you're
Excited oh I'm pregnant yeah it's a baby But when you're oh [ __ ] is pregnant what Is it that you know is it is it a baby Or is it something else right it's not a Cancerous growth what is it right like It's a baby when you want it but it's Not like they they call it a baby they Call it a human life they attribute Human life to it right and these Pro-choice women these pro-choice uh not Women but Organizations they were going against These you know when a when these states Want to make it a double murder if you Killed a pregnant woman I mean this is You know that's Misogynistic and they you know to say it Was only a single murder because they Didn't want to Tribute legal life to the Baby so they made it about abortion and Not the fact that if somebody murdered a Mother and a a pregnant mom that it Should be a double murder right which it Should be it's just logical and so this Is where you get into this real seedy [ __ ] and just because 60% of Americans Want it doesn't make it okay right like It's you know people have to understand What it is name call it what it is you Know say their name right say the name Of the baby these you that couple had a Baby named Willow like this is a human Being you're choosing to terminate right Regardless of the circumstance and even
If you were forced you know it wasn't Something you even chose to have you Still have this baby inside you and it's Going to have repercussions when that Soul that's you're now connected to Disappears and women suffer they suffer You know depression and all kinds of Things from and the same thing happens With miscarriages like I I went through Some miscarriages with my ex and you Know it's it's pretty traumatic it's Like the loss of a child right once you Hear that ultrasound you hear a Heartbeat you like and you start feeling The soul the soul can be experienced and You're having that you can feel it's not Obviously it's not as if if a child dies After it's been born you're going to Have more of a relation relationship With it but still there's some suffering And depression and you know I went Through it like I felt it right so you Know it's um it's there but let's get to Jill Biden Here so they rolled out this guy Warick And they brought out a lot of people and They brought out this guy kums Chris Kums and now it's getting into the 11s Right and they still got Jill Biden Their daughter and Joe Biden to go We love Joe we love Joe we love Joe Joe we love Thank you all we love Joe God bless you And thank you very much we love Joe this
Guy's from Delaware Um and so like you know it's like 11 o' Now So Joe Biden doesn't make it out till 11:30 I saw Fox and Friends they they Recommended a video from them and you Know they've hammered Joe Biden for Being scile and the Democratic party and They're saying they got to get rid of The guy and then all of a sudden they're Like oh my God I can't believe they're Treating him this way it's like every Was so insincere and sucky right and Let's not forget and with all the fake Stuff we see here that the last Convention for the Republicans Trump put On a giant maxi pad for an injury that Didn't exist for a shooting that didn't Happen and rolled it out with WWE stuff With Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock and um you Know Dana White and all that stuff Right hi I'm Vivian werewell and I'm a Fourth grade student at Christ mlli I've Been bouncing around all week excited For this moment and last night I could Barely sleep it's because of Jill Biden spoiler alert is because of Jill Biden I remember the day that we heard That President Biden had won and the Whole neighborhood started celebrating Oh my God what kind of neighborhood did You live in I heard you were coming I Really wanted to meet
You there she is the elder abuser you Because you Embrace change from my Generation and the ones to come I look Up to You okay so she's a horrible human being Because her husband has had Parkinson's And she's been rolling him out here Right like it's and it's she's horrible An American horrible American right they Should have never run him and this I Mean this whole thing has been a debacle And I could see he was having brain Functioning issues in 2019 and so they knew this ahead of time He'd proba probably been diagnosed with Parkinson's they knew or at least Alzheimer's they saw that he was having Issues you know like he just he had Brain functioning issues right Look at her go this is great Look at Her Go Dr Jill Biden Dr Jill Biden now it is my honor To introduce our first lady Dr Joe Biden Boom I guess that's just tears of joy Woo so Compassionate first lady in the United States Dr Jill B Dr Jill please welcome First lady of the United States Jill Biden Woo look at him look at him wave look at Look at um the young Nancy Pelosi here The Clone and you know like she sucks Right there's the Biden Clan there's all The the signs they all these guys all
Had Jill signs and when we fight we win Signs under their seats you know let's Just like look at it like it's come on Jill Jill Jill Jill just imagine being one of these People here right like what it's like to Be in the you know one of these Convention people like either Republican Or Democrat these these brain dead clone You know these brain dead sheeple just You know going in there and thinking That this is going to make a difference And that your vote count and matters and This isn't rigged and America can be Saved and just all these things Right you're sitting there holding up a Joe Biden sign thank you woo woo look at Woo she's so nor woo I love that Jill Woo four more years four more years four More Years thank you thank you so much love You Too you know you got a lot of answer for There chilly chill Joe and I have been Together for almost 50 years Woo yeah she when she first she went on A date with him and she said she never Wanted to see him again after the first Date um she was 18 years old his wife Died under mysterious circumstances he Had two kids and she was married at 18 To somebody else right that's Jilly Jill and still there are moments when I Fall in love with him all over again and
He does too because he forgets who you [Laughter] Are like when I handed him our baby Ashley for the first time and saw the Smile that lit up his face he's like Well when she turns 14 he'll be able to Take showers with her right so here it Is fact check post claims contents as Ashley Biden's D have been verified here Of the Facts um a diary authorized by US President Joe Biden's Daughter Ashley Biden described showers Taken with her father was probably as Was when she was a child as probably not Appropriate um and so that is True so like this is weird Right or on nights after an exhausting Day in working in the it when he would Read one more bedtime story just because The kids asked whoa what a Dad one more bedtime story he had a hard Day at the Senate you know taking Kickbacks and you plagiarizing and you Know taking showers with his kids and You Know and then he you know would read Them a bedtime story when they asked That's crazy what a Dad when he stops on a rope line because He sees someone grieving who needs to Know that everything is going to be all Right one day and so he goes he smells Their hair and he he snoozles them he
Gropes them and he he does all those Things that Joo does right and so she's An enabler or has been a Handler and Been a big reason for this debacle Because the guy should not be president Because we all know now that he has Brain brain processing issues which is By that doctor I showed you clearly Diagnosable as Parkinson's and he's had Parkinson's now For a number of years long before he ran For president and it's been he's been Falling apart and she's been pushing him Out there and like it took you know uh a Lot of pressure for them to get him to You know quit being president right so That was Jill they don't bring JoJo out Right away right they delay the process So there this is like supposed to be JoJo's convention right he was supposed To be his You know but they they screwed Him not that they screwed him because he Shouldn't have been president but please Welcome first daughter Ashley Biden so she's the one she remember she Showed up when he was being interviewed By cardi B and that was weird she's a Big cardi B fan and her dad and her took Showers and she was like 12 years old or Something weird right and she said Wasn't appropriate you know it's weird That he's having this night like this is Not normal for a convention right wal's
Wife is crying like she's a basket case Over there she cries like throughout the Night I have this memory it's the eve of My eth Birthday dad is still in DC tending to Urgent matters in the Senate that night as a surprise Mom to Told me Bo and Hunter to get in the car Don't forget your crack pipe Hunter I've been waiting all night I saw This last night I wait all night to make That Joke don't forget your crack my Butter like you know and I mean I could Make a like a kind of a dark joke about Bo Biden having some kind of you know There could be a brain cancer joke in There right but we won't we'll skip that But um you know like it's just such a [ __ ] up family like it [ __ ] up I Remember pulling up to the Wilmington Amtrak station riding up the escalator To the platform the train stops doors Open and Dad steps out dad dad was there Dad stepped out all right so let's go to The let's go to see Dad because it's Going to be a long ass speech and I have To get through it I'm not going to show You all of it but just the the good Parts okay so let's begin here um I just Found out my wife had was wondering if Our pumpkin seeds were sourced in China We get these um raw Go Organic Raw um
Raw sprouted pumpkin seeds that they Have at Costco and also you can get them on Amazon and I um we eat a lot of them Because pumpkin seeds have these poito Or whatever they are these certain kinds Of pumpkin seeds are high and um well They help with nitric oxide production And they're high in zinc and copper and Other they're just like loaded with Nutrients right right and it turns out They are they are sourced in China which Is a real bummer so now I'm have to go Through all my supplements as well and Figure out how many are sourced in China You know they I mean China sucks for all These things so I got that going for me But here's a 53 minute speech by JoJo Mago look he's look look at him look Around so let's go back here for a sec So this um She looks very Hollywood it looks like She got she [ __ ] up her lips with Something social worker in Philadelphia who what said Rose I support formerly incarcerated Women as they hear that's what she Does and now I would like to Introduce my father your 46 my shower [Laughter] Buddy as I like could call him dope on a Rope dope bring out dope on a rope okay So they're playing love live is love Will be lifting me higher right Your
Love lifts me higher whatever it is and That's not Joe Biden but look at they Don't show him walking out they don't Show him walking out because when he Walks you know that he is God Parkinson's right his gate his his Stiffness in his walk right he's is just His that's part of his you know Deterioration of his brain right and so They don't show you him walking because When he walks you know he's not okay He's not fit for president to be the President so there's all this stuff that Happen woo wo So you know this isn't really his fault Now he sucked before you know he's Sucked for years he's been a a Plagiarizing corrupt politician for 45 Years but then he started to have brain Malfunction and you know then it's not Really his fault I mean what's happened Since then because it's the people that Have propped him up including Jilly Jill In the Democratic party right he's had All this you know brain down and so now I have to watch this freaking thing to Find all the gaffs because I'm not going To show you the whole 53 minute speech But he starts off pretty good let's Watch a little bit of That okay so There's 6 minutes of Ovations Folks let me ask you
We we went ja let the moment we had to Meet it was as I told you then a winter Of peril and Possibility of peril and Possibility we're in the grip of a once In a century pandemic okay before that He talked about see the thing here four Have been overrun by a violent mob so Right here that gets into the Hole and I swore an Oath are you ready to vote for democracy And for America yeah four more years four more Years let me ask you four more years Ready to elect KLA Harris and Tim walz Four more years president vice pres United States four more years look at Her look at that Fellow Democrats my fellow Americans Nearly four years ago in Winter on the Step to the capital on a cold January Day I raised my right hand and I swore An oath to you and to God to you and to You and God you know you first to Preserve protect and defend the Constitution and to Faithfully execute The office of the president of the United States and you know I did it Wearing Diapers in front of Me in front of me was the city Surrounded by the National Guard behind Me a capital just two weeks before had
Been overrun by a violent mob it was in Tatters but I knew then like I know now That I wasn't going to remember any of It from the bottom of my heart that I Knew Now there is no place in America for Political violence none none at all none To zero you cannot say you love your Country only when you win exactly Trump you can't they can't not love your Country when you lose Trump and trumpers That moment I wasn't looking to the past I was looking to the Future I spoke of the work at Hand the moment we had to Meet it was as I told you then a winter Of peril and possibility Peril and Possibilities a Peril and possibilities Oh Peril and Possibilities we're in the grip of a Once in a century pandemic Pandemic historic Joblessness a call for racial Justice us Long Overdue Clear and Present threats to our very Democracy which was all about Donald Trump four more Years four more years four more years Four more [Applause] Years she loves him now that she she got Him to she you know got him the boot And yet yet I believe
Then and I believe now that progress was And is Possible Justice is Achievable and our best days are not Behind us they're before us they're Before us they're not behind us because We're going to make America great again Look at this Sad Sack coming after look At him look at this dupy dog what's Wrong with he's going to cry is he going To cry don't cry bro oh it's summer the Win is passed and with a grateful heart I stand before you now on this August Night to report that democracy has Prevailed Woo exactly we got a candidate that Received no votes running for President never won one Primary Democracy Democrat has Delivered you know if he had picked Pete G gig or Bernie Sanders or somebody who Was you know in the primary right and Was like all right well he he came in Second you know so there was some Support for him and he had received some Votes right at least four years ago he Had but he picks someone who hasn't Received any votes and was just Basically placed in the Senate placed as The attorney general you know she uh Knee paded her way all the way up the Ranks in in California then became a National figure and now they've just
Handpicked her again which is important Right like they're just you know they've Manufactured this and you know they've Done a great job and this transition From Biden to Harris like it's been Pretty much Seamless to what it could have been like I thought it was going to be much worse Given their incompetence in the past and Their bungling of it right but it's Completely [ __ ] it's completely [ __ ] Up like you can't do something like this Right they obviously were planning this For while and they could have done it Before the primary as I said earlier in This video but they didn't do that right And so you got to understand the you Know the the undemocratic aspect of Knowing you got to get rid of this guy But waiting till the last minute and Sliding in his vice president who is Unliked and kind of unelectable and then Just trying to you know use the the the Trump hate and Trump's self-sabotaging Behaviors to give her a chance to to you Know to make it close enough so they can Cheat or whatever their their plan is Here they've done a great job they've Executed this flawlessly but it's Completely anti and UND Democratic and now democracy must be Preserved it must be Preserved woo we want four more Years four more
Years you've heard me say it Before we're facing inflection Point one of those rare moments in History yeah we've heard that F I don't Know when I haven't heard that right It's not a rare moment in history this Is already done like our Our Fate is Sealed you know the decisions we make Now will determine the fate of our Nation it's just the cemetery you're Picking to bury America in right it's Just that you're picking the difference Of the different cemeteries and the Different people that are going to be Doing the burying right doing deluding Look at him go look at him go and the World for decades to come that's not Hyperbole I mean it literally he means It literally not you know it's not Hyperb we're in a battle for the very Soul America oh my God is that still Going on I thought we already did I Thought I thought you you did the soul Before I ran for president in 2020 because of what I saw on Charlottesville like that's been Completely debunked even by Snopes right And his recounting of the thing right in August of 2017 Extremist coming out of the woods Kinding torches tiki torches wearing Polo shirts like they look like recruits For the FBI like some kind of you know
They look like JC Penney models right Their veins bulging their veins were Bulging and their necks like their veins They saw it from their necks from their Necks it saw the veins carrying Nazi Swas And changing the same exact anti-semitic Bile that was heard in Germany in the Early 30s no way is that happen and he Said he's he can't stand for that Neo-nazis white Supremacists and the Kus Clan so emboldened by a president then In the White House that they saw as an Ally they didn't even bother to wear Their hoods they didn't they they mind You to see their bulging veins in their Necks they didn't even bother wearing Their this has all been debunked Right hate was on the march in America Hate was on the March all right so I saw Some of this you know he's doing a Pretty good job up to that point let me Go for it a little bit you know I don't Really want to sit through the whole Thing either you know let's um there are Some gaps as he it's like you know like Inevitably if you talk for 50 minutes They going to be some gffs from this guy There's a little bit of Gaff here and a Lot of [ __ ] Right back to stand against hate and Violence in all its forms to be a nation
Where we not only live with but thrive On Diversity there he had a misstep Demonizing no one demonizing no one well You've Demonized um magga voters right Maga Republicans and Trump quite a bit and Truthers you know youve demonized Antivaxers um people who didn't want to Take the vaccine and you turns out to be Wrong you didn't apologize for that and You force people to take it who may or You know have issues with it later on And apologize for that either so that's Not true at All leaving no one Behind and becoming a nation that we Profess to Be woo I also ran you also ran To rebuild the backbone of America okay He did all those things and he Accomplished them all so here he talks About having the strongest economy and The all these accomplishments and he Talks about kamla doing these Accomplishments as well but kamla Doesn't want to run on the Biden economy Because the Biden the Biden economy Sucks right so he's you know trying to Give her props here but it's actually Hurting her because she's going to have To run like she's a like she's running Right now like Trump's the incumbent It's so weird like but that's what they
Basically have to do and she's the Person of change right and then he has This little flub here I've Done remember we told we couldn't get it Comm I've Done he's trying to hear it Is and he never built a damn thing ain't Into it Joe he into it m Go but now because what Comm I've done Now because of a Comm and I had done Right that didn't sound right Bro but now because of what common life Done remember we told we couldn't get it Done remember when we came into office We couldn't get anything Past but right now we're giving America An infrastructure decade not Weak wait was that he just Said I've done Remember we told we couldn't get it done Remember when we came in office we Couldn't get anything Past but right now we're giving America An infrastructure decade not Week oh infrastructure decade not Infrastructure week because apparently That was Trump's thing um but he's Trying to you know give her props but Like it's not going to help her out Right okay there's this we're getting It's about halfway through through Here no I'm say I go back a little bit Here didn't think it worth thought it Work but it
Doesn't and when we did all That what we've done everybody can do Well everybody everybody Everybody Donald Trump calls America a Failing Nation not but think about this no I'm Serious you know I'm serious he actually Did do that I'm not I'm just I'm just Not it's not Hyperbole think about this he publicly Says to the whole world I'm going to say Something outrageous I know more foreign Leaders by their first names and know Them well than anybody live just because I'm so damn Old look at Nancy pososi oh my God he's So damn old that's so he's so funny You're so funny Joe but I'm not joking He's not joking I am so damn old I'm Like you know I just crapped my pants Like five minutes ago Ian you know like Why was giv this Speech think of the message he sends Around the world when he talks about America being a failing Nation he says We're losing he's the loser he's dead Wrong he's the loser and he's dead wrong Get off my lawn look at this angry old Man Angry old man he's dead wrong look At he's dead wrong big giant colossal Workers he did wrong Woo we love Joe many of you are very Successful people who travel the world Name me a country in the
World that doesn't think we're the Leading nation in the world without America not a yeah there's lots of Countries think that a lot of countries Think that China surpassed America lot Countries think America's you know Everyone knows America's going south Right not just because of Joe Biden just Because of you know I Mean like Everything but it's already it's a you Know it's a collapsed Nation and so he's talking about how Crime has come down this is the big Moment here in public safety ever now The murder rate is falling faster than Any time in history violent crime has Dropped to the lowest level in more than 50 years And crime will keep coming down when we Put a prosecutor in the Oval Office Instead of a convicted felon boom Kaboom Look at her look at that prosecutor She's a Protector look at that protector up There look at her look at them look look At them give each other evil eye yeah I Know I know what you did [ __ ] I know What you did to me [ __ ] I know you I Know you stabbed me in the Back distinguish senator from the C Senator from California and I passed the First ban on assault Weapons woo and guess what it
Worked if we care about Public Safety it Worked guess what guess what it worked So here this is great too never thought I'd stand before a crowd of Democrats And refer to a president as a liar so Many times no I'm not trying to be funny It's Sad I'm trying to be sad right now Trump continues to lie about the Border here's what he won't tell You Trump Killed the strongest bipartisan border Deal in the history of the United States that we negotiated with the Senate Republic took four month four Weeks four months four weeks one of the Two I don't know Which once it passed and they Acknowledge those expansive border Change in American history He Called Senators to say don't support the Bipartisan bill because he said it would Help me politically and hurt him Politically my God my God he said this Like a bunch of times my God keep's on Saying it no I'm serious think about it Not a joke not a joke It's just sad I Just I'm pretty sad about It ask even the Press who doesn't like Me they'll tell you that's true what do You mean the Press who doesn't like like You you the press that they spent like 90% of their time for the past 8 years
Talking about how Trump sucks you mean That press right Like then I had to take executive action Look no no I can't believe Trump so such As a liar the result of the executive Action I Took border encounters have dropped over 50% in fact there are fewer border Crossings today than When Donald Trump Left office so you're saying the border Is good Like you know like you can't say that Like people know the economy isn't good Because they're paying twice as much for Everything they can't afford stuff right People know the economy is [ __ ] so you Can't tell them it isn't and you can't Tell them that the border is doing great When it isn't like these are the things You don't want to talk about and this is Why they're trying to run kamla away From JoJo mago's presidency because if He was doing a good job and you know I Mean obviously the cility plays a part In this but people aren't happy and so Donald Trump was going to beat Joe you Know like he's going to beat muu and so They brought in KLA Harris they knew This was like you know something they Had to do and she can't endorse his crap Because like Americans already know it's Isn't working right they're blaming him And like they they blame Trump and it's Neither their fault you know America's
Collapsing like it's it's going to Collapse under anybody there's no Solution here there's no president There's no government that's going to Save America from the you know epic Amount of debt and the moral Decay and All the things that are bringing the Empire to a to an end right and unlike Trump we will not demonize Immigrants saying they're the poison of Blood of America poison the blood of our Country common our committed to Strengthening legal immigration Including protecting dreamers and more Strengthening what did you just Say our Country common committed to Strengthening legal immigration he's Just said they're they're committed to Strengthening illegal Immigration like this is a gaff of thing That's going around my wife told me About this and so like this is where He's starting to fall apart right like You know he's he's making verbal miscues Like they they drugged him up they Arrested him like they had You they did whatever they could to prop Him up here but they knew this was going To happen that's why they got rid of the Guy like they knew that you know he was Going to come out look old you they Didn't want him seeing walking around
With his you know shuffling around with His thorine Shuffle and all that [ __ ] That he does including protecting Dreamers and more and More Woo okay let's move forward here okay so First of all look at Mr frowny face Here his face is is always in a frown And your freedom to Choose Woo it's it's decision over turning roie Wade as you heard earlier tonight the United States Supreme Court majority Wrote The Following quote women are not without Electrical not not allowed not without Electrial Electoral or political power yeah okay I Just had a I just had a Parkinson moment Right this is why they didn't want me to Run no Kidding no kidding no one knows what the [ __ ] you just said no kidding like slam It home Joe spike it Joe mag Republicans found out the power Of women in 2022 exactly those Maga Republicans Let's not you know we can demonize them It's okay And Donald Trump is going to find out The power of women in 2024 yeah he is Boom you women watch you Watch it you go watch it thank you Joe Thank you Joe look there's some women
There there's some women's in there they Have power there's women folk in the Audience with Power as Mega Republican right Wingers Seek to erase history we Democrats Continue to write history and make more History I'm Proud I'm proud to have kept my Commitment to appoint the first black Woman in the United States Supreme Court Go boom he's proud he's proud look at Him look at how proud he is then he's Talking about diversity and this is just Classic JoJo magu of our nation the most Diverse cabinet in history including the First black woman in South Asian descent To serve as vice president so there's Another GFF black Woman of s South Asia Descent what are you talking about like You know that's that's not what exactly It is including the first black woman in South Asian descent to serve as vice President Woo and will soon serve as the 47th President of the United States woo 47 Woo Wo thank you thank you very much thank You we did it yeah thumbs up this guy Where thumbs of this Guy thank You Folks I've long said we have many Obligations as a nation so now he's just
Getting marble mouth where he just Doesn't articulating his words right cuz It just breaks down like he did a a good Job they propped him up for this but you Know it's showing you why they had to Get rid of him why he shouldn't be President right now because he's you Know he's he's broken down mentally but I got in trouble years ago for saying I'd make no apologies we have only one Truly sacred Obligation to prepare and equip those we Send to war and care for them and their Families when they come home and when They don't when they don't and we do That in the medal of a Freedom okay so then he talks some Stupid [ __ ] here right them home and When they Don't that's why I so proud they written And sign the pack Act one of the most significant laws Ever helping veterans and their families Exposed of toxic materials like burn Prits and asan Orange ours around in the Vietnam War it's hard nobody was able to prove That there's illness was a consequence Of Agent Orange yeah they totally [ __ ] proved that what are you talking About they knew it was you know and it's Still out there in glyat and and Roundup From mon Satan right which is now owned By what bear aspirin or whatever it is
Right or Johnson John whatever the [ __ ] It's owned by now Monsanto glycate which Is in agent which is in uh which was the Same stuff that was in agent orange was In the you know is in Roundup where People are spraying it on their lawns There's all kinds of [ __ ] like that you Know asine and all these things and you Guys have I mean allowed these toxic Chemicals to be around affecting the Youth right feminizing you know creating Phytoestrogens and and men and you know Young kids and boys and whatever and you Know all this stuff it does right Messing with their hormones and all Kinds of other things right putting uh The glyphy in corn right putting the Pesticide right in corn so the corn Itself has the pesticide in it you know So when the when the bugs eat it they Die and then also you you're getting you Know doses of that right destroying your Gut like it's totally been proven what The [ __ ] you talking about Bro and no one was able to prove Initially that because they lived in Burn pits like my son lived next to in Iraq for a year that is the c he lives Next to an IRA for a Rear but because of the pack Act a surviving spouse to two children Is now eligible for a stiping about $3,000 a month yeah okay okay you could Just stop poisoning the veterans and
Poisoning these people by putting these Chemicals and things and chemical Warfare things like white phosphorus and And uh depleted uranium which we know Are horrible things they're horrors of War and you contributed to that or you Could stop droning kids remember the Time you droned kids ate kids and you're Trying to create some [ __ ] Isis K Narrative right remember that and you Drone those kids when you're Embarrassingly failing at getting every The troops out of Afghanistan after Voting for all those illegal and immoral Wars you piece of [ __ ] right you know The Democrats are in a quandry like they Have you know Donald Trump sucks and He's hated you know and all these people Say he's being persecuted and he's being Victimized he brought all that [ __ ] on Him self right I mean some of it like Him being um him not playing the Political game and the first three years Of his presidency I focused on that Because it was hilarious like he wasn't Acting like a politician should and a Lot of that was just being fake and all Those things right even though he was a You know he was totally a scumbag and a Liar he wasn't faking it he was just Being who he was but then it just became About him and his ego just bought into This like you know this Messiah complex That he has right this cult leader thing
And so that's when Trump went South and It got really you know hard to watch Right so they have Trump and Trump is You know 52% of people are never Trumpers but they have a bad economy They have a scile president and they Have to answer for this guy you know That they kept him around when obviously He's been deteriorating mentally since He was vice president and so they have That issue right right and then they Have Kamala who is never really elected And not liked and you know she's not a Candidate of passion she they're just Accepting her because that's who they Have right that's who they're given like KLA was their only choice they kind of Chose Joe Biden even though they rigged The election for him he did have some Organic support and he did have some Electability factors but KLA doesn't Have any of that right and so you know They're actually doing a good job Managing this mess but the reality is That they can't run on Biden's record And they have to you know basically cope That you forget that they have a sceni Guy running the the you know the White House the country which makes the whole Presidency a joke right are always Saying that the elections are rigged and That's not the appropriate way to look At it the appropriate way to look at is Is the system is rigged right it's not
The elections are rigged the system is Rigg is a big difference right because The whole system you know the elections Are elections would would would be being Rigged would mean that one of the Candidates was legitimate one of the Candidates could be a good president or Congressman or congresswoman or whatever Right and that you know the elections Are are rigged meaning that they choose Who wins the election but what they do Is they choose all of it like the whole System's rigged so it appears that You're voting but it isn't right so here You Goes woo and those Children who lost a a parent are Eligible for tuition benefits to go to College and to get job training so it's Like it worked out good that they you Poisoned them right so you know his his Cadence is off too right watch this College and to get job Training it's already helping over 1 Million veterans in their families just So far now see that wasn't he said the Words right but the way he articulated The way he emphasized the cables right He didn't you know it didn't land right Because he he's reading but he's also Not understanding he's not processing What he's Reading so they were like are we Supposed to are we supposed to appla to
That or is that are we supposed to what What like they didn't get it they didn't Understand by the way articul it right Watch that Again college and to get job Training it's all see he's saying he's Just he's trying to bark this stuff out Angry man get off my lawn guy right but Like he doesn't he doesn't land this Already helping over 1 million veterans In their families just so Far it should have been just so far Right the helping 1 million veterans and Their family am was a part that you yell And just so far is the you know is the Afterthought right that's not what You're supposed to accentuate so they Don't understand what to say Here and he's clueless look at him well I love them and I'm I so proud of my son Service are you though like would you Rather have him not have been in service If he wasn't going to be next to a toxic Waste stump he only did that to become a Political leader like he said if his son Was alive he would they running his son For president not him right like Bo was The good one like he had the weird Shower buddy with his daughter and we All know about Hunter and his crack Addiction but hunter smoked crack and Did drugs for his whole life was in a Rehab like um like eight times when the Election was going on eight or nine
Times and it's probably been a few more Times since then and he's you know an Avid crack user and his brain is Fine you know his other son went to the Military and because of tox toxic waste Dump he got brain cancer and die so that Tells you all you need to do you're Better off being a crackhead you'll live Longer being a crackhead than being in The you know going to war we get It but guess who doesn't get it I don't Know does his name begin with D and end With p and doesn't respect our Veterans we know know from his own Chief Of Staff of fourstar General John Kelly that Trump went in Europe would Not go to the grave sites in one of the In France the brave service members who Gave their lives to this country he he's Not he's not reading correctly here he's He's like not articulating what he's Reading call them suckers and losers who In the hell does he think he is oh who The who the hell get off my lawn who Does he think he is he's really angry Like why are you so angry bro oh that's Right they you were going to run for President and they completely stabbed You in the back including your kamla Kneads [Applause] Harris there's no words for a person They are not the words of person not
Worthy of being commander-in Chief per Okay so like that again that was an epic Flub there O there's no words for a person they are Not the words of person not worthy of Being commanderin-chief period so like Period nobody know what the [ __ ] you Just said bro not then not now and not Ever not Ever I mean that so he's starting to Lose it he's like I mean that from the Bottom he's he's can't he's not he's Like a deer in the headlights here my Heart Woo okay like he's just I mean some of This speech was they they were supposed To go over his speech Right just as no commander-in Chief Should ever bow down to a dictator the Way Trump bows down to Putin I never have and I promise you k Harris will never do it we'll never Bow Down you know what that's her signatured Move B me down you know she got this Name Kad Kneads Harris that I've given Her that really is a good nickname Because it shows you how she got into Where she is you know knee padd in it Right like bowing down is how she that's That's her go-to Move that's she's like you know she's Got that Trademark C Harris has got BWI down Trademarked when Trump left
Office Europe and NATO was in tatters Not a joke not a joke it was I tell you For Reals working to bring hostages home and End the war in Gaza and bring peace and security to the Middle East okay so after the genocides Taking place they're only working on This which means that they're not going To get it done like like he should have Gotten this done something right but he Didn't and they're not going to because Israel doesn't want anything done right They want to not until they they have Occupied these I mean they Annex these Areas right Gaza and the West Bank That's going to happen and no President's going to stop it Trump is Just going to let him do it he's already Telling them he's they can do whatever They need to do right and K Harris isn't Going to stop him Either because you know the protests the Anti-israel the pro Palestinian protests Are gonna mean nothing after the Election Right as you Know I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza a few days ago I put forward a Proposal that brought us closer to Doing that than we've done since October 7th he's lost here we're working around The clock my secretary of state to Prevent a wider war and reunite hostages
Of their families and surge humanitarian Health and food assistance into Gaza Now okay so like he's gone see like he Just didn't make it they they shouldn't Let him have this long of a speech like It's just you know I mean his Handler Should have said there's no way he's Going to make it through he's Gone 10 the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people and finally finally Finally deliver a ceasefire and end this War yeah why didn't you do that already Right I mean there's 40 40,000 dead Palestinians and half of them are kids Like that's like just should never have Happened those PR those protesters out In the street they have a point a lot of Innocent people are being killed On both Sides Jess not on both sides like you're You're saying the same thing Trump said About Charlottesville the Palestinian people Do not have an army they're not able to Defend themselves right the people in The Gaza do not have an army Hamas is You know an asset of Israel so they Don't have anything they have rocks That's why they throw rocks like don't Pretend that this is like like going Both ways we worked around the clock to Bring home wrongfully detained Americans And others from Russia in one of the
Most complicated swaps in history he's Like he likes the swaps he likes doing Swaps so this is where he just gets all Marble mouth right where he just he Can't pronounce his words Americans and Others from Russia in one of the most Complicated swaps in history but they're Homeo Comm and I are going to keep Working make all Americans wrongfully Defamed around the world home wrongfully Defamed look at she's like somebody shut This guy up right why is he still up There I mean it I mean it we're going to Work together to get this Done I've got five months left in my Presidency well like that's not cool You're scile as [ __ ] like your brain Isn't working you know you're not Running for president cuz 80% almost 80% Of Americans think that you're too far Are gone to be president right and some Of those people are Republicans who you Know voted for you you know they they They answered the poll that he was okay Because they wanted him to run against Trump right and so they they've they' Thought for years that this guy's gone He's got five months left this guy right I've got a lot to Do I intend to get it Done Woo yes yes she said yes it's the it's Been the honor of my Lifetime to serve as your president I
Love the job but I love my country More because I you know that's that's I So I quit so I would run again because I Know I'd [ __ ] this place up I love the Job I know it's better that I don't do That job Right yeah wo what I love my country More he's so sacrificial Rud how Noble all this talk about how I'm angry at all those people said I Should step down that's not True you're seething at him bro don't Lie we can see you're Seething we want Joe show Dancy Pelosi when he Said I love my country more and we need To preserve our Democracy in 2024 We need you to Vote we need you to keep the Senate we need you to win back the House Of Representatives see there's only one Justification for them doing what they Did it isn't that the guy was unpopular It wasn't that he couldn't beat trump it Was that he was mentally incompetent and The American people knew it and after That debate performance showed that he Has broken down has cognitive Difficulties which he's been showing for Years and it's been you know hidden by The media but people have realized it Right and so you know th this was him Having to step down because his his
Brain doesn't function you know he Parkinson's he has cognitive Difficulties which is obvious that he Has right and so if he has those Difficulties when he does it's confirmed By them forcing him out and they've been Doing this for a while like they had Everybody on board like they said all Right we're going to do this 6 months Out We're going to manage this thing and Make a smooth transition of Kamala right Before the uh Democratic National Convention right and they're going to Try to do it to time it up to do it when Trump was having his convention and Steal the headlines and the Press from That that was part of their plan but Then Trump pulled that [ __ ] getting Shot thing that happened with the Catchup gate right and so like the whole Thing is just a mess of lying and Deception but this is totally Anti-democratic and they didn't need to Do this cuz they didn't America didn't Want this guy in the first place like he Was pulling at 20% but he lost in New Hampshire and he lost in in Iowa and he Was saved in South Carolina then they Rigged it for him they came together and Rigged it for him but like you know they Didn't want the guy and America didn't Love this guy right but they forced this Guy who was obviously having cognitive
Issues in 2019 and then they ended up doing this Thing with KLA um and they seem to want KLA all along for whatever reason But I you know right now it's you know I Mean if she wins it'd be like how the [ __ ] did that happen right well it's Because we know it has to happened Because Trump sucks Right and above all we need you to beat Donald Trump beat Donald Trump K and Tim look at this like why you frowning Bro you're pounding your hat his this is His face like this this is his relaxing Frown face that he has like you know This is he's smiling CU like they're Saying something good he's pounding his Heart President and Vice President of United States of America look at that [ __ ] look they'll continue to Lead America forward creating more jobs Standing up for workers growing the Economy lower the cost America okay so Let's just wrap this thing up here and The power is literally in your Hands history is in your Hands not hyperbole it's in your hands It's in your hands America's future is In your Hands let me close with This nowhere else in the World could a kid with a stutter and
Modest Beginnings in scant Pennsylvania Claymont Delaware grow up to sit behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office Yeah cuz that's in America like if you weren't if you you Were a kid and you couldn't be president Of like Bulgaria because actually you Grew up in Scranton and Claymont That that's because America Is and always has been a nation of Possibilities possibilities that's Possibilities Possibil no that's no Malarkey we must never lose that we just Don't lose those possibilities Never Never Say Never comml and Tim understand that this Nation must continue to be a place of Possibilities they know Trump doesn't Know but he doesn't get it not just for The few of us but for all of Us but join me in promising your whole Heart to this Effort and where my heart will Be I promise I'll be the best Volunteer Harrison Walt as cam never Ever SE boom I will be I do that as soon As they hide me away in the closet till After the Election that's how I'll volunteer by Like going into the basement and never Coming out until
November each of Us as a part In the American Story for me and my family there's a Song that means a lot to us the captures The best of who we are as a nation is it Shower buddies by creepy McJob magu the Song is called American Anthem there's one verse that stands out And I can't sing with the dam so I'm not Going to Try but you're funny I'll just quote it The work and prayers of centuries have Brought us to this Day what shall our leg our Legacy be What will our children Say let me know in my heart when my days Are Through America America I gave my best To You Boom he did it he gave his best to you We love you Joe Joe we love you thank You Joe four more years four more Years I Made I've made a lot of mistakes in my Career but I gave my best to you for 50 Years like many of You I've given my heart and soul to our Nation and I've been blessed a million Times return the support of the American People I've either been the too young to Be in the Senate because I wasn't 30 yet And too old to stay as president yeah
Exactly you're too old to stay as President and finally you admit it you Know you need to step down now because You have Parkinson's and your brain Doesn't work Correctly that's not a joke that's not a Joke he's like you know the reason You're kicking him out the reason he was Kicked out is he's too old to run for President but that means he's too old to Be president know how grateful I am to All of You I can honestly say and I mean this In the bottom give you my word as a Biden you give my word as a Biden like My B you know Biden are so trustworthy People like we're not crackheads and and Scammers and plagiarists and stuff we're Like Biden when you say B gives you a Word it's like it's good like 10% of the Time at least I can honestly say I'm More optimistic about the future than I Was when I was elected as a 29-year-old United States Senator I mean it he means That Folks we just have to remember who we Are who we are who are we we're the United States of America States of America and we can do anything if we do It Together and there's nothing we cannot Do when we do it together Exactly God bless you all and may God Protect our troops boom s the thing so
They cut it off here like but Jill B Comes up Here singing the songs right I guess he Had said his daughter gives his daughter A hug Tes his Heart Um and this is it like like this is it That's your swans songs your big Moment And star is going to come up here at Some point look at her wave look at her Wave look at look at him go they don't Show him walking they cut away they Won't let you see him walking right he Gives KLA hug say Sir whatever you're Going to do a good job thank you Joe Thank you Joe for having Alzheimer's in Nominate making me your vice president I Wouldn't be a a chance to be the first You know knee pads president and History and look at this is look at look At a douggy fresh giving him a hug like That's the guy look at him look at we Love you Joe it's great moment four of Them together coming out here looks Hunter Biden coming out bringing out Their little baby where's the crackhead Baby where's the crack baby Hunter bring Out the crack Baby family saging or whatever it is Right And so they're hugging and going around I think it's some point he cries here That's what I'm waiting for I want to
See I want to see him [ __ ] cry look At Hunter he's the smartest guy he knows Hunter's not going to jail is he he's he Like this guy he's upstanding there's Hunter's poor wife who's Struggling there's his granddaughter It's going to snooze a allot of them Sniff their hair and then move forward Here Jill's giving a little wave there There's douy fresh there's a little kid There there a little Hunter's little Baby there the one that's not the Crackhead baby and then there's his Daughter he's going to hug her and he's Going to start crying you know a shower Buddy look go going that way Hunter's Got something to say yeah Dad made some I'm I'm going to throw some more Paintings when we're done and get one Last little you know windfall profits And all that if come another hog sniff Her hair yeah you already did that you Already said Thank gra for you you did It yeah you're wonderful what's yeah you Know you got me you [ __ ] I knew you're Going to stab me in the Back and there's that kid kids like that Little nice hair do going in there right Kids like you know they're not cutting That kid's Hair he's going To he's got The everyone wave wa this is like this Wave to celebrate the thing like this is
Where the former president gets kicked Out like this is a unique convention Right he aged out of this thing he's Going to like they're just they have to Show him walking here you can see he Just can't do it like he just can't walk Like he's holding the kid's hand all These Things Um there he Goes walk with his Grandkid little kid with the nice hair To look at there like Luke Skywalker luk Skywalker's out There all these people there right They're all there there's the Biden Given his word is a Biden there's a People coming up behind him get out of Here old man right we you know you we Gave you your 15 minutes Here and so Um I guess it maybe it was before when He hugged his daughter when he came out I guess that's when he started to Cry let's see let me see if I can find That so here it is I guess it's Backstage so he's wiping his eyes and His daughter's shower buddy she's Petting him she's going we did it we did It Joe we did it Dad you did it you Crying Amer and so um he's up there you Know look at him all Angry so there it Is they kicked you out Joe you're pretty Much done they're going you know ev'
Escu you out of the political theater And now you're just a footnote in History so that was an epic first night Right and I have to I'm going to Probably cover the last the next two Nights separately and then the last Night separately and I'll talk about This at the beginning of the video so Like I'm putting out a lot of content This is four hours I'll probably take Three days to make the next video and Then you know people can catch up with My other videos like I said cuz I I had To rush those and put those out sooner Than I wanted to um all right so you Know that's that only spiritual value Will save this world it's Pano Definitely pour in from the apocalypse And the Ascension everyone have a Blessed day and be grateful