Okay greetings brothers and sisters so Today is Monday December 30th I'm Getting an early jump on this um this is Going to be my images but I'm going to Do something a little bit different it Might be annoying uh definitely going to Be annoying I've already recorded the Audio which we'll get to in a moment Announcing the year of what it's going To be in 2024 the year of 2016 I did make a Specific Video um which was um The uh the um the year of Truth and Facing up to things but all the rest of The years I have specific videos 2017 And 2018 I think I considered both the Year of the Beast because I wasn't doing A thing this wasn't a thing yet but what I'm going to do is play all these videos The audio all at Once um like I said it's probably going To be Annoying but I'm going to do it anyway Here brothers and sisters so this is my Video I make every year where I talk About some sort of a theme for the Year Um you know I've been doing this since I Think 2018 I'll read a list of the years And I'm going to do a little bit of a Twist this year uh change it up just a Little um I got a bunch of stuff to get I want to cover uh but before I do that
From Richmond there was one more little Thing Brother current year 20 this is Video so yesterday came to me that 2021 I want to Start split or Division marow Are you Okay that's Okay I'm Okay it's just that's actually happened Organically I just opened up all these Videos in the All-Star plane and it is a Hint to what this year is going to be so I decide to go with it annoying or not Um I got a few comments to get to after This as well but here's the Audio I made I don't know Midway through the month When I realized I mean I just wasn't Feeling it and I didn't know what to you Know I just wasn't dealing with the Whole I just was kind of over it and Didn't really want to come up with Anything and then it hit me so here's The audio and it'll be self-explanatory Here it's connection to the introduction To this video okay greetings brothers And sisters this is Friday December 13 2024 and you're probably listening to This I usually do this I Think around or be after Christmas and Between Christmas and New Year's or Whatever it is right where I announc the
Year of the the future year you know the The um the next year's theme like last Year the year the amateur so right now There's this guy named Luigi you Probably forgotten about this it's a Couple weeks from now it's see know 3 Weeks 17 days from new years's and so um This guy named Luigi G was accused of Shooting a CEO and it's dominating Everything that's going on of course Trump's uh picks for people who are Unqualified for jobs that you know are Um these demonic National agencies and Whatever they are right and so the year Of the amateur I haven't even been Saying they talking about very much but It's clearly the year of the amateur it Has been all year of course KLA Harris's Campaign and the debacle that turned out To be in all these things that happen And you know I stopped covering this Thing but it usually gets much worse Towards the end of the year and I've Kind of already forgot about the whole Theme but it's you know speaks for Itself and so I really was struggling to Come up with something and I thought I Had wrote something down I I had a list So I would remember all the years in Order and I have the the list up Here and let me just read the list so in 20 2016 it was a year of Truth and Facing up to things which that could be Um um you know any year and then 2017
Was the year of the Beast 2018 I didn't Do anything because it wasn't really a Thing yet and then 2019 was the year of The ghoul 2020 was the year of the Broken 2021 was the year of the Schism Of course there was the division that Happened post election 2022 is the year Of the dummy and that could be any year But it was particularly that year of Course there was all the stuff we had With covid and 2020 with the year of the Broken 2023 was the year of the [ __ ] it And 2024 was the year of the amateur and I Thought I had something written down Here I had a good idea for some year in The future but I forgot to write it down So I you know I purposely left this list For reasons like that and I wasn't Coming up with anything and I had one Idea of something that I think will be The following year I was pretty you know I was thinking that would be it um I'm Not going to say what it is because you Know I think I'll use it in 2016 because It makes 2026 if things go the way they Think they're going to go and so then I Was making a video today and I was Talking about agenda driven media and You know that's getting Exposed Of Course that's you know that's no longer I mean nobody's watching that [ __ ] Anyhow and I was like well maybe it'll Be the end of the agenda driven uh
Content media but that was very wordy Right and so um I was thinking about it I'm like well what's the opposite of That because I usually make it one word Right ghoul broken Schism dummy the year Of the [ __ ] it the year of the amateur The year of the dummy year of the Schism Year the broken year of the ghoul you Know so it's usually just one word type Of thing and so I looked at the words That were opposite of a And the word that I settled on there was A lot of disorganization there's all These things but the West word was chaos Right and so when you take away the Agenda there's chaos and so we're Entering into the year of chaos when you Have when you have a a year of the Amateur you have the year of the [ __ ] it You have the year of the dam dummy and So eventually there's going to be chaos And I think this is what we're looking At this year the chaos uh you know the Leading up to to you know all the things That are going to transpire that are Going to take down the system and so it Also with that a Subcategory the end of the agenda driven Media and content and so hopefully I'll Remember that particular part about it I'll relisten to this thing as we enter Into the year and people can remind me Of it because it' be important if they You know if I'm covering something I
Forget to mention which happens all the Time people say you know this is a good Example of that year and I'm like yeah You're right I forgot about that and so You know with a special focus on the Agenda driven content like all this Content with agendas whether you're a News Medi uh you know you're CNN and You're taking fiser money and they don't Cover things to do with that's harmful About harmful about pharmaceuticals or You're pushing an agenda like that Stuff's just got to go and it's going to Go you know it's at some point I mean People have just are fed up with it and You know going into that aspect of it Plus there's going to be the chaos of a Second Trump presidency and then World War III and all the things that are Unfolding you know now there's drones Outside of New Jersey so you know I Don't know what's going to happen with These two stories Luigi story and the Drone story which may or may not involve Iran and these other things right so you Know all these things have to be Considered um going into this year and Then focusing on all the rest of the the Aspects of chaos that will be ensuing And so 2025 is the year of chaos and um Yeah that's it for Now okay so it's Tuesday December 31st Very cloudy overcast day out there which I knew was coming for the next bunch of
Days for me we won't see the Sun for Probably about four or five Days um according to the weather people So I had three comments it's a great way To close out 2024 that were just epic like I've been Looking forward to doing them I was Going to start doing them last night but I was tired and I wanted to do them Justice because when I'm tired it's not A I'm not a sharp obviously like Everybody else and these are just epic Comments uh specifically about my Channel and things that it's just great Uh and then I'm going to read Whispers Of the brighter World messages for my Next video tomorrow so I'm looking Forward to this day going do a sitting And I just I'm pretty like amped up About New Year's like I almost never Care about it like you know when I was Younger and you you go out into bars and New Year's and Eve and you know I didn't Uh I mean I don't think I I don't have a Memory a good memory from any of those Experiences my New Year's Eve story I Don't have one like so it's just um like A non thing to me cuz it's just just Arbitrary right but I'm kind of amped up To go into 2025 I think that things are Going to get reals um and as you already Heard about year of the chaos which of Course you know I mean all the years Could be every year like they're all
This could be the year of the ghoul or The year of the dummy or the year of the You know all these different things I've Talked about um you know this was the Year of the amateur 2024 for and these Comments that I've be reading are Definitely Amateur hour so it's like you Know good way to settle it up but it's Really been the air of the amateur I Mean just you know the KL Harris thing That ended up being like that the Joe Biden thing I guess I guess they did a Good job with k Harris in terms of uh Looting people's money and then two days From now um the second I have a great uh Interaction with Don Lemons man on the Street type Situation and it goes with this clip I Got from uh MSNBC about um well you'll See this about the media and how this Person uh factchecking po fact wrote a Book and it's this great moment um so I Want to get into all that it's a great You know first kind of video stuff about The media and just all of it um so you Know that'll be on the second which will Be Thursday but let's get into the Comments here and wrap this video up Okay let me go pull up the first one um This is oh man I got to redo my whole Thing here so I have open folders and Every once in a while the whole thing Just goes away like there's you know Which kind of sucks but it's not that
Hard when I first started to learn how An Apple computer worked it was kind of Arduous but now it's just you know it's No big deal but I like to keep the Folders open and that's you know it Saves me a little time and now it was Gone but now I fixed it okay so this is There's I think these are all to spoiler Alert squid games to an Apple TV's Disclaimer woke agenda and I think I Must have started off by talking about What's going on with my channel I'm not Sure if all three comments are to this But there are two of them are I think uh To that whatever it is like in a recent Video I talked about the struggles with YouTube and the algorithms and you know All these things and so um This person I love to listen to your Videos since Decade I think this person is not you Know is English is their first Language Then then then there then then they were They were funny as my kitten and Shorter it was as funny as your kitten No way I maybe it was where F then then Then then it's then then then then Um it should be just then then They and it's there it should be they so This person's going to write a comment That takes um it took three screenshots To get this whole comment in right and So uh you know they and then they were
Funny as my kitten and shorter haven't Missed any now is mostly complaining This person's telling me I'm complaining Great this is going to go on for three Screenshots now is mostly complaining For two hours with one or two funny bits And I barely can make it to the end Because my cooking takes about an hour And a Half and so um somebody's cooking for Two hours for somebody's listen my Videos for cooking and um and you know I I have my videos go on for 2 hours but They only cook for an hour and a half And somehow this is my problem right and It's accusing me of Complaining um but it gets better and Because my cooking takes about an hour And a half if I may suggest if you've Been listening to my videos for 10 years There's obviously a language barrier and A Consciousness barrier here because you Wouldn't be wri this comment right like It just wouldn't if I may suggest to Cover more topics in shorter way it's Very specific things that this person Thinks that they're entitled to me to Make my videos to the person because I Think it's because the person says I Love to listen to your videos since a Decade um I think it's time for you to Move on But but here's the thing Um they want me to do my videos
Specifically for them like this happens Every you know not so often anymore and Frequently but it happens a lot where uh I mean it happens you know it's a thing In frequently but it's a thing that People think that they are entitled to This person has been listing my videos For 10 years I don't know what they've Done in ter terms of contributing to the Channel but I've provided something for Them hours and hours of content so the Past 10 years I mean that's 2014 and my video have evolved like I I Don't you know there's not so many People that are around unless they've Grown themselves or changed or evolved Because my videos have changed so much Right in the past 10 years like I've you Know the way I present the content the Way I conceptualize the content my Position on things my whole orientation To the stuff has changed you know where I'm before you know it was more specific And Illuminati driven and Hollywood Driven you know just to bring in people And I mean and I you know as I was on a Certain level of my relationship with The news has changed and evolved over Time right and just my relationship with The whole truth community and all of it Like my understanding or just the the Ideas in the truth community and things Has evolved over time right so you know People either evolve with you or see
That there's some you know they Appreciate the higher level content like My my it's more refined like I'm better At this than I was before right right Like my videos before you know some of Them I might repost you know they're They're privatized because of YouTube Right all that stuff you know the whole Thing but you know in terms of um you Know all of these things it's there's an Evolution and you're going to leave People behind like there's people who Like certain things they want me to talk About Britney dancing and mocking her You know and I occasionally might still Do that and you know people want me to Do that which is fine but they have to Like the other stuff like the higher Level stuff the spiritual stuff right But anyways this person's been watching Me for 10 years and listening to these Long videos and you know all this Content and I've provided something for Right I don't know if this person's Maybe has left a comment before I'm not Sure it kind of maybe recognized it says Here that they comment recently it's got This you know box right um but this Point here like after all this time they Think they're entitled to me to cater to Them Right that you know the videos are just For them right if I may suggest to cover More topics in a shorter way so we will
Not be listening to tired voice moan About Count uh about it's like this CW it's C With an o with apostrophe around it a u And n and a t maybe they didn't know What word it was and so it's pretty good That cuz it would have been the c-word If they hadn't put a a no with an Apostasies around it about count views So it Was it was going to Be seword Views and WEA in the weather because it Sounds like a 97y old Baba Television babia I don't even know b b c I a television truly I love your Stories and Conclusions but listening the show makes Me tired of after 30 minutes and I want To come back to listen to more but there Is new 2.4 hour show and I'm scared to Be listening to a tired voice for two Hours when fun bits are 30 minutes Hidden in the fog so I have to listen so I listen to half show once a month Because of repetitive info covered in The lava of moan seral SE your voice and Wisdom are great to listen To very relaxing and grounding but Seriously it's that's I mean that have S Twice seriously your voice and wisdom Are great to listen to very relaxing and
Grounded but Seriously there is so much I have to Switch to now another the other um Screenshot Uh let me make this bigger there's a Whole thing I got to do um Ser but seriously there is much new Great young people researchers since They kind of freed Algorithms um so but seriously as much New great young people's researchers Since they kind of freed algorithms so I Feel fomo listen to you for hours f o um And this is just poorly written comment Right which is you know again which are ACC accusing me of complaining so I feel Fomo listen to you for 2 hours don't Want to be stressed and tired when for 10 minutes listening about Shadow ban in Every video I pick we are all Censored um I haven't talked about that In a while like you know I'm one of the Least people who does this you know I I Was doing it every day because I needed To and it's a pain for me to do like It's just you know I don't be I don't Like if you go to most YouTubers they Tell you to subscribe and hit the like Buttons and all these other things but You know there's a real issue here right And so that's not complaining that's Just a stating you know what needs to Happen for my channel to keep on going And for you to get access to the content
It's something like I have to do it's Like a community service thing I don't Want to do it like you can tell I don't Want to do it it's just a hassle like You know it's just it's saying you know It's like a a five minute reciting of The same kind of thing um and got away From it like I was good about it I was Doing it every day for a while and I Just couldn't keep up but you know Either way it has to be done it's like Necess it's necessary for you this Person want has been listening to my Content for 10 years and values it right If I may suggest something eat less Sugar so we will be less depressed Tested It but here's the this is the best part Like you know the whole thing's great um And there's multiple spaces which is Always a pain in the ass you know just One space between s things but there's Multiple but this is the part love you Paul wow this is for someone who loves Me You what if you hated Me so I I assume that you're single Because I don't think anybody's going to Tolerate this stuff this how you treat People you love then you're probably Single or you're living with a miserable Person because you are like a nightmare Of a person right love you Paul and Miss Old sh sharp funny shorter viral videos
From you before YouTube Purge I would Rather watch A Few Good short shows than One long rant we got to go to the next Uh thing here Um one long here let me just I got to Make it bigger do all those things Um one long r with mixed timeline about Not much which I can physically go Through and you have great observations But the way it is presented is just too Long and repetitive just work less and It will be better because it's Unimaginable having the internet with no Paul romano and his Viewpoint your Videos are unshareable because of it get Of the Get get of those Black Mirror statistics And then there's some kind of a smiley Face thing at the end made with like a Curse made like with a a semicolon uh uh Like a dash and a you know a Parentheses um so just one thing to say About this person saying that they love Me right which of course you don't like This is whatever I don't know but this Person likes my content and so there's That but in my estimation my videos have Gotten better like I feel that way you Know about all of it because I've gotten Better at analyzing things and I can Look back at my older videos and I watch It I'm like oh I would do this totally Different now you know it be something Where it's like I know more than I knew
Before and I've evolved like I said you Know I've sort of cracked the code in my Life and these things right but you know For this specific person there's a lot Here that the person's saying that they Like like the content love the content And well let me read the other comments To talk about that because it it applies To all three of these comments but you Know I crack the code in terms of Relationships and you know I it seems Like I focus on the negative because Everything's negative right but I don't Do that like in my life and certainly With my Relationships I look at the positive And that's this way to be successful in In life in terms of relationship with Other people you know this person no Like because I don't you know value People like this like I hope you go Somewhere else just go like it's it's Time for you to go just you know Branch Out to these new younger people with Good researchers whatever it is um Because you don't really get the channel No matter how much you say you you're uh Watching it because and you don't get me Because like this isn't going to affect Me at all like in terms of my content Because there's lots of people say they Like the long videos and the people I Would rather uh you know uh please are The people who like whatever I do
Because that's what true love is like You you know if if somebody's doing Something wrong that needs to be Corrected in your life like there's Something you need to say to them or Like whatever there's things like that But that's not what's happening here Like I'm making content the way that you Know I feel like I need to make it and It's a lot of factors going into it and You have people who all think that they Have some insight into what I should do Oh do this go to rumble Rumble sucks It's like it's not working for me I Don't like the I don't like you know I'm Going to do the rest of the videos there The healthcare ones and that'll be it You know there's no reason for me to try To cultivate something there it's not Does that doesn't pay the same way I Won't get as many views which will lead To you know less money I won reach as Many people and I don't like the whole Format and you know the limited things That I can say there that I can't say Here on YouTube it's limited it's not That much stuff I mean it's mostly like The healthc care things like everything Else I can find a way to say it here in Just a different way like you know so Just going around YouTube's whatever They might be uh but like you know People all have their ideas of what I Should do and how I should do it but
Like a you know it's I'm not asking for That because I'm not you know Occasionally someone will give a good Idea but it's one out of you know uh uh You whatever it might be a thousand but Mostly it's the same ideas it's the same Things that other people have said Before and go to here do this why you do That do make your video shorter make Your videos longer you know all these Things but you know none of that stuff Works the long videos is making the long Content it's the only way that I can Make enough money based on the amount of Ads that YouTube's putting in there I Could divide my videos up into shorter Segments which you know it works against The algorithm I mean not just the Algorithms but YouTube will only Recommend if if they recommend a video Or not recommend they will not about Even recommending it's about um uh it's About Notifications they might notify you for One video so the first video I make that Day will get a lot more views just Because of the notifications unless they Don't notify for that one they notify For a later one which almost never Happens so all the videos after that the Shorter videos so if I made four or five Shorter videos they would get less views And people would not ever see them Because YouTube's not going to notify
You five times for one channel they Don't even want to notify you every day For one channel it's a whole thing the Notification thing with YouTube has been Sucky for a long time and so there's all Of that right but again just for this Specific person When you love somebody and you want to Have a good relationship then you should Focus on the positive I mean every day Think about all the good things the Person does for you and you know means To you and say those things to the Person right because you know everyone's Going to eat [ __ ] from the rest of the World and so you're in some kind of you Know positive relationship like for this Person she says that I'm assuming this Is a woman that I am providing good Content for this person for you know 10 Years or whatever and that's like a Service that's being provided for them But then you know oh my God like this And H yeah like this is what you should Do and this the thing and you know it Takes me only an hour and a half to cook A meal and you go two hours Like it's wonderful so you know this is Why you're single or you're like people That around you are miserable because You're focused on you know there's a Good thing you're getting you you Recognize value in my content and Instead of being encouraging you're
Whining and complaining in a way that's In terms of the grasp of the English Language right um it's hard to get Through so then there was this um Somehow I made this one Blue Um so this is to the exact same video so Like I think people decided that they Had something to offer me um I must have Talked about the difficulties I'm have With the channel because I have to do do That every once in a while and um this Is a person so this is was just a Classic content here as much as I enjoy Your content and in parentheses and I do And I do as much as I enjoy your content And I do like that means nothing when You say something like that because You're about to [ __ ] all over it right You're about to say something completely Negative and so like don't bother with Other thing like just you know just Leave like you every one of these Comments I've set pure very clear Boundaries about this I'm not you know This I don't have a complaint department I have to make the content the way I Make it for reasons you can't understand Because you're not doing it and there's There's a knowledge like in terms of me Doing this YouTube channel as a Full-time job since 2014 and having it Since 2007 and having you know this is Probably you know I've had probably 3
Million comments right and you know I Mean all these things just the whole Comment section is a you know was Interesting as a psych you know I'm I'm A person who you know is a spiritual and Psychological Psychological uh study of human behavior Right like in these things in social Behavior like it interests me and I'm You know good at reading people and These things and you know I've seen so Many of these types the comments and They're always about you and never about Me and so this is your problem and not Mine it's always your problem not mine Right and so if I say you know don't Tell you don't care I don't need to know Or if I say you know I don't have a Complaint CL department and I mean it But you're like [ __ ] you I'm going to Say it anyway and so it's already a [ __ ] You to me like these things are all [ __ ] You Paul I'm going past your boundaries You I've put like what I need or don't Need from you guys is a like as a an Audience people who are you know you're The and these are the people who benefit From my content now I know there's Pieces of [ __ ] out there who you know Just like to hate on people or they come In they're like oh my God I don't like You they just you know they watch one Video and they don't like me and the Thing and they have to say something
Because that's what they do and that's Anonymous and you know they negative uh Hateful pieces of [ __ ] who just want to Tell everyone else how bad they suck Right and you're you're a sucky person And those those people are going to Leave shitty comments cuz that's what They do they're not here they're not Benefiting they don't value what I do But the people who claim to Value what I Do you know people who are eating from The tree let's say this is an apple tree A fruit tree and you get like good fruit From it and every once in a while a Fruit comes out that you don't like like It's not shaped the right way or it's Not ripe enough or it's got a bruise on It you know some complaint you have About one year the fruit isn't as good You know whatever to you like it just Not as you know whatever whatever it is And what you should do is fertilize the Tree you should provide something right Fe give it feedback some way figure out What the tree needs and give it to it And enhance the tree support the tree Right but instead you're poting Roundup Root killer [ __ ] bleach or something Or gasoline or whatever at the roots and Then the tree doesn't bear fruit anymore And you're like what the [ __ ] tree you Know because you you're in Poison at it Right this is poison like you know if I'm providing something for you you know
And again I'm talking about the whole Group of people that are on the internet Who suck this is why you're single this Is why you have miserable relationships This is why your life sucks because of Your orientation that's why I say be Grateful so through your gratitude Because you're getting something from me Instead of finding little things to pick At in your mind like you're finding ways To complain about like you you know You're a person is who they are right You know that you can't just exclude Parts of them just like you can't Exclude parts of the video this is the Way I do things right if you know There's going to be things that annoy You maybe you know things you don't want To hear about yeah of course there is You know some things are going to Interest you more than others right These are just how it is like you just Have to be grateful for the whole thing Right just you come with an attitude of Gr of of being grateful I didn't want to Rhyme there an attitude of gratitud ude Right um you know just come that's how You're supposed to receive these videos Because there's something that I offer That no one else on the internet offers And it's my 30 years of doing the Sark System and the transmission the cleaning Goes with it and just my value of like You know in terms of my effort that I've
Put into my spiritual life and then the Training I've had and the stuff with the Homesteading and you know all the things That I've done in my life that are you Know things that most people don't do And it's a combination of those things Right It's a unique perspective but plus you Know I'm dyslexic and these things so my Videos and my content is is different And there's value in it that people Don't appreciate because I appreciate When I got it you know the information That I received from the sash Mark System and then you know the things that Have come to me through my life and Whatever it is you know that have um you Know changed my perspective I value all Those things because I know how great They are for me and I'm sharing them With you right in one way or another and So you know the position that I take Here is do something to support the Channel in some way find some way Support it financially share videos do Whatever tell people how great it is Whatever it might be you know find some Way to give back but this isn't giving Back this is you receiving you know Something positive from me and then Giving me toxic [ __ ] in return right Like this is what people do not just for Me but in fact it's less for me cuz I Ban people and you know it's I mean I
Probably get less of this kind of stuff Than than lots of people on the internet But you want to dump your toxic [ __ ] on Somebody that's the thing most people Want to do that a lot the majority of People on the internet want to dump Their toxic hateful [ __ ] on somebody Right like your complaints your little Whiny little [ __ ] [ __ ] right your your Negativity you receiving something Positive and you give back negativity Cuz you suck as a person like that's the Majority of you ity I've seen it over And over again you know through my Process of answering comments and like I Said it's worse in other places you see The comment section of every you know All these different people and so you Know that's just a horrible thing as Much as I enjoy your content and I do Sounds to me like you have your Answer if you are not getting views and You are not making the money well in Paul Romano's voice what's that tell you That's not what I would say use your Noggin PS I did all the stuff you asked Me to do to keep you afloat but God is Giving you the answer it's up to you to Listen thanks again for the content Always grateful well you're not Grateful because you had the audacity to Tell me what God wants me to do because You know of the fact that YouTube is Excluding
Channels like mine you know everybody With a truther Channel you know YouTube Has set up their algorithms for Desirable content right and someone like Don Leman who I'm going to cover and People like that who are mainstream People and who are going to say things That are corporate friendly and stay Within the the narrow views of the you Know whatever it is you know all these Celebrities someone like Will Smith YouTube is going to give them the Benefit their algorithms are catering to This content done by mainstream people And then there's a variety of different Algorithms and my other channel used Used to uh my backup Channel Apocalypse Now YouTube used to love whatever I put Out there if I put a video out There that um was yellowed like I tried It like a video that was yellowed on my Other channel would get green there like It would have a you would get monetized Where it wouldn't be monetized on this Channel right But recently when I you know talked to The the YouTube Bots and I told them About the shadow banding they it got Better here for a while it's been better Here and I I don't know why it is and Maybe they're loosening up a little bit You know they seem to be less based been On censorship and demonetization at Least this past year because all the ads
Maybe you know we'll see how it is going Forward right but in all that not just Truthers but lots of YouTube YouTubers Being squeezed out by YouTube and so That is a man-made thing right that we All have to deal with like YouTube is no Longer cult being you know is getting Worse and worse about content that they Don't approve of and YouTube is Shrinking I I don't know if their ads Are I don't know what's going on with YouTube why they're doing this because It's not just for truthers right but That's not a sign from God right like What are you talking about like it's Just silly it would mean that all Truther should stop making videos at Least on YouTube or whatever it is and You know not make this kind of content Like God isn't making YouTube do this Right it's corporations that are doing This and you know this exclusion of I Mean when YouTube was just the Wild Wild West the corporations came in and said We're not going to pay for things that Are you know detrimental to our world View that was the whole ad apocalypse That happened and that happened for People like PewDiePie and I don't even Know if they still around but he Probably is and you know that's somebody Who's being supported by this right and So there was a you know things done by YouTube and censorship set in and you
Know my channel was one of the channels That made it through if anything God Supported me in various ways right but For someone to have the audacity to tell Me that they know what God's trying to Tell me and I don't Right you know it's a struggle it's Going to be a struggle because of all The things I've just said right but the Way God would tell me that I that I Shouldn't make content anymore is that The flow of Information that you know comes streams Through me the stream would get you know Would no longer be there right like There' no longer be any energy there Would be no longer any sort of me being A conduit and that's the opposite is True like I I have more and more content I can make every day there's more and More information So if anything I feel like God is Completely behind me and is wanting me To do this you know work or the Divine Forces I don't even want to say God I Don't think God wants anything because Of God not having a mind but the Divine Beings that are working for the the Upliftment of uplift of upliftment of Humanity certainly want me to make this Content because it's flowing even more Right it's been more refined I'm Evolving and it's like it's benefiting Me if the well dried up that would be
Something different but the key to this Comment is here at the end where the Person says this um PS I did all the Stuff you asked me to do to keep you Afloat but God is giving you an answer Like that's quitter talk you I did Everything you told me to do did you What you you you liked the video like What did you do like just list the [ __ ] That you've done right you can't cuz I Banned you but you know you've done all The things things you've you've done Your part it must it must mean God Doesn't want you keep you you know God God doesn't want you to make content Anymore and to to leave it always Grateful well that's not gratitude Because again your job is to be Encouraging right but it's the audacity To think that you know like I talk about Having a personal relationship with God And once in a while people aren't you Know are in denial about what's Happening I'm not in denial about what's Happening like I saw what's happening With YouTube 2 and a half years Ago and I mean it's amazing that I've Been able to stay afloat this long and So you know There's at least 5,000 people that want To watch my videos on a regular basis I Mean to think that people would watch my Show you look at like TV shows and
Movies so you know there are TV shows You really like there are ser serieses Right and let's say you stream a series You haven't seen like we streamed say For example Better Call Saul and there Was five seasons or one of the shows we Really liked was um the 10 monkeys it Was based on the 10 monkeys movies and It was uh you know time travel show very You know really good well done show and We streamed like four seasons of it Right long Seasons like you know when They had 20 episodes things like this And you know we my wife and I really Enjoyed and watched it we couldn't watch It every day for 10 years I the fact That you know I make content every day But I don't expect people to watch it Every day unless you're enjoying it then Great you know but if you're watching me Every day that's like a like you know Taking up two hours of your time or Whatever it is even 10 minutes of your Time every day to listen to some of my Content right like that's a lot right That's you know that's a commitment That's you know that's something that I Mean people have these radio shows so I Guess it's you know that's there's some Reference point like people have 5 day a Week radio shows but I make content Every day and have to to keep the Channel going but in that there are you Know five there's are probably about 10
To 20,000 people watch my content Regularly you know not every day but Some watch something things some watch Others sometimes people disappear for a While and they come back but they value What I do here and it benefits them in Some way and you hear the comments and There's you know that's a lot of people 5,000 people is a lot of people like I Said if I walked outside my front door And all my viewers were standing there It would be overwhelming to see all Those people like that many people Listen to me like if it was a a crowd of People and I had to give a speech to Them or whatever I'm like holy [ __ ] There's a lot of people out here you Know for me I'm just talking to myself Right and so and these people are I mean You can always make content for dumb Asses I mean the the content I used to Make was you know it's it was it's more Sophisticated now and and more you know In terms of exclusive in ter you know That people who are have a higher level Of Consciousness you know that are here now Where I made lots of videos that dummies Could watch like I don't cater to Dummies anymore you know and I did in The beginning and you know I was at Wherever I was at personally but I got Tired of doing that [ __ ] and I again I Don't want to do the celebrity stuff as
Much and you know whatever it might be Because it's just you know like if I Have something funny to say It's something that's kind of Interesting to me but for the most part It's just like you know it's just Celebrity [ __ ] right just like who gives A [ __ ] like it's just you know if Anything that's that's jumped to shark It's the celebrity culture as we live in A system that's imploding around us Right and so if anything you know God Has supported me in ways to keep my Channel going also keeping me under the Radar which has been a real positive Thing for me but in the sjar tradition If things are difficult that doesn't Mean God wants you to stop right there's Times that you know yeah you should it's Like there's if it's something bad that You're doing like something that's not Benefiting you like if you're you know Smoking and you know changing your diet Because something that you've been using Is obviously causing your health Problems and you just don't want to stop Because you're addicted to it or you Just love it so much or whatever right Or it's a habit that you don't want to Break like things like that you know There are like element M of that but That's not what's happening here there's An evolution like I'm growing as a a Content creator and there is an audience
And you know it's just my lack of Business skills to monetize that Audience if I you know charge people for What I do here I would be able to make Enough money to if there was enough People willing to pay for it right and So like that's I mean I could go to a You know get rid of the YouTube ads Which is not a very you effective way of Making money they don't pay you enough Right I mean YouTube ads are not the Best way to do it but I you know I don't Want to exclude everyone else from you Know it's great that the people do the Membership stuff right but I want to Exclude everyone else but anyways There's all of that so the last comment I so I read these two comments like I Hadn't seen my comments for a couple of Days and my wife sent me an email saying You probably don't want to heart this Comment and so um here is that comment Here um no that's not that comment I had Extra comment bonus comment then I'll Get to that one so this one I forgot About this one so this was to the video Of KaBoom Jeff bezos's dude and then the Blake Lively stuff your hatred of both Flat earthers and their model shows your Weakness you mentioned them in at least One out of three Videos um again if you're watching that Much content holy [ __ ] like why are the Negative comments like you know like I I
Don't understand people watching things So they can feel anger and hatred Towards somebody like it's just Counterproductive when when something Irritates me I turn it off when it makes Me mad or makes me whatever which very Seldom happens but if it does I would Just turn it off I certain would Wouldn't listen to it to where I would Say um all this stuff about one out of Three videos I barely mention Flat Earth There like you think like that's it's Not one out of three videos it's maybe One out of 30 it might be like you know In a series of videos if it comes up but It's often comp it's often com comment Related it's flat earthers who still Comment and can't keep their mouth shut Because of this but there's no hatred Like I don't um hate anybody because That makes me feel bad hatred is a Negative thing to have in yourself I've Said this over and over again if I feel Hatred I deal with it so my problem with The Flat Earth model is that they don't Have one there's no one that works so That's there's no problem with it it's Just pointing out a reality that if You're a flat earther you have no model You might have proven which I don't Think you have or there's some there There might be some data out there that Debunks the round earth model and that Could mean it's a simulation or whatever
But you're round earth Denialists you're round earth debunkers You're not flat earthers you're not Proving a flat Earth you're disproving a Round earth and every flat earther with A who or anybody who's been around flat Earthers know this all of their content Is about how the Earth isn't round and Then they have no model to to verify the Flat Earth and so these are biblical People that buy into the Old Testament Which is a piece of [ __ ] book which I Said over and over again because it Blasphemes God and the religion Associated with it is a religion that Isn't based in God because God is Presented as a demon a narcissistic Petty demon so this is your Indoctrination as a Christian that You've been given in the Old Testament That Jesus himself was like no this Sucks I'm going to go to India and find Something else right like that's what Happened Jesus did Jesus did the same Thing I did he grew up in a religion and He went to India and he found Spirituality or he you know I didn't go To India at the beginning but similar Things cuz you know that's how he did it And he came back and he presented an Indian model of yoga to people because What Jesus uh presents to people as a Form of yoga it's one of the various Forms of yoga it's like kppa yoga or one
Of these things his teachings are very Specific and there's you know there's uh Historical evidence in India that Jesus Was there and trained that's where he Got his information and so like it's not Like he it wasn't something even he Discovered he was trained in some Spiritual techniques he brought him back To the people in his country in his you Know his demographic because he wanted To share this great thing with them Because he knews he knew the religion he Was he grew up and sucked right he Transcended his religion and so you know A good Christian would inevitably Transcend their religion and become Spiritual a person who was you know Evolving in their relationship with God And so you know people who leave Comments dumbass comments about Flat Earth stuff after I've made it clear my Position on it is annoying and it just Reminds me of that and I bring it up in Terms of flat earthers themselves like I Wouldn't hate a whole group of people Because there's flat earthers who people Who believe in the Flat Earth that are Well behaved and they come here and they Enjoy my content and they realize we Just disagree on that and so I wouldn't Lump them in with all the other people But the Flat Earth movement in itself Has made a joke of the truth community And the flat earthers graduated to be
The cubes and these are right-wing People who aren't confronting their own Indoctrination and their own hypocrisy In the Republican party and they're not Confronting their [ __ ] with Trump you Know their belief in Trump they're in Denial about everybody but the people They hate which is the Democrats and the Liberals and the Deep state right so This is that that group of people is Hurt all of us and then they're not Really welcome here because they're not Really truthers because they don't want To change right you know the majority of People don't um you know let me see I Have the the data here somewhere let me See if I can find it here it is I think Um that uh Studies have shown up to 70% Of people who make New Year's Resolutions abandon those good Intentions within months of course they Do and Um what is the you what is when do what Do most new New Year's resolutions fail It's the second Friday of the month so Um it's called quitters day 20% of Adults quit their New Year's goals by The end of the first week of January so 23% 1/4 of the you know That's the biggest day that's called Quitters day and so um they have like Whatever time period Um they said the second Friday of the Month they've already quited by so if
You do a New Year's resolution for Tomorrow which will be Wednesday and You'll carry it through till next Friday And so most people are given up on their New Year's resolution because it would Be stuff they wouldn't wait for New Year's to do right like people are like Oh you know there's things that they've Been wanting to change they want to lose Weight they want to have be on diet they Want to you know be more positive they Want to you know give something up Smoking whatever it might be right They know that there's something bad for Them you know it's usually a material Thing isn't spiritual and they know that They shouldn't be doing it and so They're like all right I'll do it I I'll Finally give this up on New Year's and So it's like a day of change like a Birthday or something it's a day where I'm going to start living more healthy I'm going to do what I know I should be Doing you know and for me it's always Been easy like it's always been easy Renouncing things you know I stopped Drinking while I was in college for some Period of time ate macrobiotic food cuz I wasn't feeling good physically and my Brother was doing a acrobatic food diet So I just did what he did cuz I was you Know too you know immature or whatever Not developed enough to research my own Diet right but my brother had converted
To macrobiotic food which is a very Strict diet and kind of sucky and hard To do it was hard for me to do because I Didn't have the cooking skills my Brother you know his wife was cooking so It's like a you know intensive I mean It's just not a good diet like whatever But I did it for 3 months and I felt Better you know when I was a kid when I Ate Candy I realized the candy was Making me sick and I stopped doing it Like I was like like I was moderate About my candy how much candy I would Eat it made me sick I made me feel bad I Could recognize that I was doing you Know feeling my body there's a time Because of my allergies my mom said we You should go off Dairy which I liked I Liked milk quite a bit you know all Dairy um and you should go off Dairy and I did did for like you know 3 months and I said you know can I eat dairy again Like M was like oh you're still doing That you know so like I've been able to Do that in my life like if something's Bad for me I'm able to get it out of my Life right which is you know I mean I Can tell it and it's like this is Listening God's signs like this other Person said you know this YouTube Channel isn't bad for me like it's Something you know when I when you have Something to say or you have a gift that You're given and not having something to
Say you have a gift that you're given That you're supposed to use and you Don't use it it's called spiritual Grossness it's it's called um It's Called Power grossness in the Sark System and the second master of the System said you know of all the crimes That people commit of all the bad things That people do not utilizing the gifts That God have G given you to to share With your brothers and sisters is the Worst one and so if you given Power by God if you're given a gift and you Decide not to utilize that gift not to Offer that gift to the world that's the Worst kind of grossness to clean it Solidifies it's the worst like thing That you can do spiritually and you know Which is interesting and so you know I Have something to offer and if I because Of YouTube sucking and just the Frustration or the lack of money or Whatever it might be you know if I Didn't you provide that for people it Would hurt me like it's I know that to Be a fact like you have to to let things Flow right but anyways getting back to The flat earthers you know it's the People that keep on you know it's a it's A lost movement it's Hur it just let it Go right like it's it's there's no flat Earth it's whatever you know the Simulation whatever explanation that There you're looking for whatever your
Your animosity or anger towards the Round earth model it's there's no flat Earth and the you know the videos and All that movement has did nothing but Embarrass the truth Community but it's The kind of people that have gone from Being flat earthers to then being QB's And then being trumpers you know it's This group of people that exists in the Truth community and they're so arrogant They think they're so right and most of Them don't have the you know they're Like they're don't they're double digit IQ people they don't have the ability For abstract thought and they just have Been duped by these groups of people These presenters many in many cases the The people who are telling you that they Believe in Flat Earth don't really Believe in Flat Earth they don't read The Old Testament and they're just using That as a way for for viws or they're Trolling you or whatever like or they're Disinformation agents and so the whole Movement sucks right there's no hatred It's just it's embarrassing movement Like it's an embarrassing thing and I Listen to it like I was open to it and It failed dramatically so then here's The other comment so my wife said um she Sent me an email and she highlighted This comment and said you probably Shouldn't have harded this comment and So
Somehow I didn't read this comment and Just harded it because it starts off so Sad Bro which should have been an indication To me that I don't want to read the Comment and I should probably ban this Person which I ended up doing but the The second line you are silly and Misguided and so so sad bro you are Silly and misguided I remember why I Stopped listening to you for a while Back you present as an intellectual But you little silly logic in a Condescending manner what a Sinister Joke just my two Cents um you know why would you show Back up right like why would you have a Need to try to make people feel bad About themselves I mean that's what this Comment is all these comments like it's Telling me like I suck right this is you Know which is a big part of the internet The need to tell people that they suck Now you might say well you do that a lot In your videos well I don't do it Directly to the people I'm not trying to Form a relationship with them I don't Leave comments on their content telling Them they suck I'm not looking to to Tell them I'm telling you you know we're Joking about people sucking I'm joking About people sucking like I would with My wife and I are watching TV shows and We're joking about something that's
Funny or like remedial or stupid of that People are doing but we're not there Trying to tell people because you can't Tell people it doesn't work right and You know these vague comments you're Silly and misguided like any of these Comments how is this going to play out Right going back to the first comment Where the woman's telling me she wants My videos to be an hour and a half long And so I should shorten certain segments Because it takes her an hour and a half To Cook you know and I'm supposed to cater To that right like the entitlement of Things here right there's no you know You're you're upset about something then Don't watch I mean that's what I say I Don't want people to watch if they're Not you know into it like I don't I'm Not looking for Mercy watches or you Know these things or views you know this Is like if there's no audience there's No audience and then I could move on to Do something else right because there'd Be no audience but there is an audience And people who enjoy the content and so You know why are you guys commenting Like just go on and go do something else Right Like you're more than welcome to leave That's not in fact I encourage it Because it's it's it's unhealthy for you To sit here and be upset or not like
What I'm saying and listen to an a like What are you doing with your free time Right like how do you have so much time That you can listen to content that Doesn't have any value to it just makes You irritated and you complain about it And then you got to show back up and say Something discouraging right why would You discourage people because you know I Say this this is my you know the bottom Line of all this kind of comments is That there's so much content out there Isn't like I have the only Channel on YouTube or I have the only content Available there's now so many streaming Services and so much information so many People like me out there and doing Podcasts and doing content like you have A plethora smage Board of possible Content right on so many different Platforms and there are people who like The content that's why channels survive That's why people are doing it they're Getting something back from Their Audience right there's people who don't Watch there's content that nobody Watches or you know they have five views Or 10 views or 100 views or whatever you Just randomly you random stuff and then There's people who put out regular Content and have a regular audience I Have a regular audience of people who Enjoy what I do here again you know Maybe as many as 20,000 regular people
At least probably 10,000 you know come And go don't watch every video but watch You know uh uh some content of mine on a Weekly basis a yearly basis monthly Basis right and they enjoy my content For whatever it is right they recognize You know there's flaws with everything There's things that know people don't You know like certain things of course It's going to be like that right you're Not going to get everything exactly the Way you like it we're not going to agree On everything but they like what I do Here right and so those people you know They why would you want my channel to be Gone like there are people who actively Work to destroy other people's channels People's channels and discourage people When you could just leave and go do Something else like what's [ __ ] wrong With you that you have to try to take Something away from other people who are Enjoying it like you're not my audience It's fine right move on to somebody else Or something else right but like you Know other people are enjoying it why Would you be so selfish you want to Discourage me and encourage me to stop Doing what I'm doing that other people You know need or you know want or Benefit from what I do here right and Anybody I'm just talking about in General like why you like that like What's wrong with you something's not
For you right and that you want to take It away from people who it is for them Right or potential people out there that Might benefit from what I do here Especially the spiritual stuff that There is people out there that have yet To you know find this channel that may Benefit from it and you want to Get rid of it you want me to get rid of It or whatever it is because you don't Like it you selfish [ __ ] myop pricks Right and so like you know this is a Good way to to end the year of the Amateur I it's his Amateur hour out There like you guys who you know think You know more or whatever who don't do This professionally and just you know Well I think you should do I this is my Opinion these are my two cents I've put A boundary up and said I don't want your Two cents your two cents are not welcome Here right I'm not asking for your opinion or you Know about me or my content this is not A way you know if I say my Channel's Struggling it's not an open invitation For you to solve my problem for me by Giving me advice or by critiquing what I Do because I just I've said it over and Over again there's no complaint Department I'm not looking for your Opinion and how I should manage my Channel because you know one person says One thing one person says the exact
Opposite thing so this channel is for People who appreciate and are grateful For the content that I provide in the Way I provide it and they looking in That a positive way and are looking to Give something back because they're Receiving something and everyone else Can go [ __ ] themselves right like that's You know uh that's should bring to to The end of 20124 as we the year of the Amateur and we move into 2025 the year of chaos and um yeah only Spiritual value will save this world It's farano def point for the Apocalypse In the Ascension everyone have a blessed Day and be grateful